#seems like its corrupted so i cant use that shit
snorfbin · 9 months
#im having audio problems and i dont understand why it has to be a problem on every single fundamental layer#my old headphones broke. the jack is no longer attached to the wire. broken as fuck#got myself some new ones for like 40 bucks. same brand just slightly better quality#but its got more bass than my broken headphones which i really really dont like#these headphones are expensive by my standards and especially around christmas tho#so i try messing around with my laptop first. mostly with the audio drivers to see if can update/roll back#cant do anything with my current driver so i try installing one that i know has a control panel with it#i know this bc it wouldnt stop popping up a couple years ago before i switched back to a default driver#so i go through the process of downloading and installing it but its not installing correctly#seems like its corrupted so i cant use that shit#im not a tech wizard so im out of ideas at that point and decide to spend more money on newer headphones#so i do that and buy the same headphones as the broken ones in hopes that theyd be of the same quality#so thats another 30 fucking bucks out of my pocket to buy them#im testing them out more with bg3 rn today and they still dont fucking sound the same as my broken ones#theyre still too bassy!#so i start looking into how to adjust the bass and get an audio control panel#but literally none of the sliders or functions are really labelled so im basically flying in the dark here#i dont know that much about fine tuning audio asides from the general level of quality that i like#im fucking with all these sliders and buttons and default configurations and nothing is sounding close to right#not even after 2 hours!#at this point im fucking sobbing bc all of this is absolute bullshit to me#also ive got flying insects in my room. idk what exact type they are but theyre smaller than flies and twice as annoying#theyre attracted to my desk light but get blown back by my fan#so i can see them fly in front of my face to reach my light then blow back in front of my face from the wind#killing them doesnt seem to fucking do anything bc theres always more#i dont keep food or eat in my room so i have no fucking clue whats attracting them here#ive been back to fucking around with my audio drivers while ranting here#and it seems like ive finally got shit back to normal now#which just feels like even more bullshit to me considering everything beforehand
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poisonousquinzel · 6 months
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"a dude in Texas legally changed his name to "Literally Anyone Else" and he's attempting to run for President against Biden & Trump" [source]
okay, but putting aside the comedic aspect of this, it is concerning the amount of people who are prompted to vote for candidates just because it's funny. I'm not the biggest fan of how his policy about the boarder sounds [Site], but I do implore anyone who is able to vote in the 2024 US election to please research other candidates.
The media is only going to continue pushing the idea it's inevitably going to be Trump vs Biden 2.0 and we have no other options, that we have to vote for Biden again because of Project 2025. Is that whole thing terrifying?
Yeah, fucking absolutely.
But voting for Biden will not solidify our safety from that. Biden is exactly like the rest of them. He always has been. You can't make the lesser of two evils argument when they're both just plain evil.
You cannot say that Biden is even mildly a better choice than Trump when he is currently directly involved in a genocide. That is not some little fucking thing. That in and of itself disqualifies him as a lesser evil. Biden is just as bad as him and he will not save us because he doesn't fucking care.
Cornel West [Site] is an Independent candidate running for President in the 2024 Election. [Policies]
Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia [Site] are running for President and Vice-President as the candidates of the Party for Socialism and Liberation in the 2024 Election. [Policies]
There are options.
There are people trying to change the corrupt foundation our system is built on, but we have to help amplify them because the mainstream media will not.
#have you looked at what's happening in New York & the subways#There's so many reported shootings and deaths and it just seems to be getting worse.#I just looked up subway shooting ny because I wanted to check before saying something#There's reports from like 3 hours ago about someone getting pushed in front of one of the moving subways & there's so many others#or how about the like thousands of police officers that they've got stationed at subways in ny literally doing fuck all#or how everyone's going through a housing crisis and cant afford rent and cant get medical care because it can cost#$4000 to get a fucking ambulance and that's cheap. That's a ride to the hospital less than 20 minutes away probably.#or the rise in hate crimes and bigotry and all the shit they're now trying to censor with the kosa bill#or how terrifying places like Florida have became for anyone thats not seen as an equel by people who dont view most others as equels.#or how they're pouring billions into wars while we're in the midsts of a homeless crisis#suicide rates are at record levels in the us and it's only going to get worse. theyre pulling telehealth which will take away#life saving medical care for people who dont have the ability to go in person. people's ability to get therapy and meds being taken away#Is going to kill people. or how the Biden administration has fucked up their Covid response so goddamn badly#people are referring to the pandemic in past tense and have lost understanding for others who they'd have understood before#they've lied and they've concealed and its killing millions of people and disabling even more. but they will not take accountability.#long covid is ruining people's lives and they've successfully led the narrative that its not real or not that serious.#they will sit there and they will lie. they will say they've protected women's rights and that its a top priority.#they'll say that healthcare is a top priority but have suggested that they'd veto a healthcare for all bill because of its price tag#but will spend billions and billions and billions on a genocide that the majority is against. the system isn't going to begin collapsing#it already is.#its crumbled and we must demolish the corrupt remains and rebuild a better government that gives a shit about people#ALL people.#they use basic human rights as bargaining chips.#the Democrats and Republicans on a Venn diagram is a circle. wake up.
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i dont know how to explain it but to me udad and hnoc are like opposites of each other. (Under read more, cause it is loooooonnnnng)
With udad the situation everyone is in is bonkers shit. The world they live in is absolutely shithole of a place that exploits everyone but the richest of the rich and the people there cant escape even after their death. Every single one of them is bitter and depressed and wronged and just wants to survive and they'll do anything to survive even if it meant killing the other one. All the natural part of that world is long dead and only thing exists is this cold dark metallic hellscape of a city that swallowed its own planet like a cancer. Almost all the songs are just how everyone was exploited, used, wronged, and discarded they were. Ulysses is a drunk fallen 'hero' completely guilt ridden by their role in Illium's fall. They had lost everyone and everything even before the album began. They spent so much of their throughout album getting their shit beat in. They, Heracles, and Orpheus go to Hades (Ashes) in hopes to be freed whether as a request, through theft, or through a deal. And Ashes all but set them all up to die for their own amusement (which btw very sexy of them <3 but that is besides the point). There seemed to be no hope for them.
And yet, despite everything the ending is so hopeful. We know that Ulysses would die, if it wasnt obvious from the title of the album itself it certainly becomes obvious when we learn how their world works. And yet they died a happier ending, they escaped the curse of their city and died reunited with their love. Ulysses died under an oak tree in a grassy fields, among nature which was thought to be dead since The City's takeover. Ulysses died being warmed by sunlight, a right denied to so many others like them. Ulysses died at dawn.
And then there is hnoc. Hnoc starts heroic. Arthur, Lancelot, and Guinevere take over Camelot from the corrupt Stone clan through their skills and teamwork. They turn it into a place of safety with all three of them incharge. Their lives are hard and filled with violence and hatred and fear and the world they live is harsh and unforgiving. But they still have each other, and they still care for the people around them. There is nature like scorpions and vultures despite it being a space station. The album has songs about love and being in love, about hope of peace, about power of faith. Everyone wants to survive and they are willing to work together to do it. Arthur is embittered by his "daughter's" death but still has his partners to keep him grounded and is ruler/sheriff of a powerful town with lots of knights working for him. What is more, the tragedy that hardened both Arthur and Gawain can be healed because the person they mourn isnt dead, he is Mordred and he is here to make amends. Arthur, Gawain, and Galahad go to Merlin (Brian) to seek aid, and he gives them advice that truly could have saved them, because Merlin really did wanted to save them and the entire station. There seemed to be hope for them.
And yet in the end it meant nothing. It was all for nothing. Alfred and Gawain did not listen to Brian's advice and ended up sealing theirs and everyone else's fate. Galahad did take Brian's advice and it destroyed him in a self sacrifice that ended up being for nothing. Mordred tried so hard for peace but at the end seeing the hatred and cruelty of his world hardened him to the core. Gawain's hatred turned peace talks into war and turned him into sawage barbaric monster he thought Saxons to be. Arthur's hardened core did not let him hope that his child could ever return to him and ended up not giving Mordred even a chance. What could have saved everyone Fort Gallfridian ended up turning into what destroyed Fort Gallfridian whether it be the GRAIL or Mordred. Almost all of them died a pointless avoidable death. And Arthur? Arthur lost everything. He lost his partners, he lost his chance to embrace his son, he lost his home, he lost his people. He may have survived but at the end he lost everything. High noon over Camelot. We didnt understand what it truly meant (all of them dying in the sun) until it was too late.
Ulysses shoots once, and it led to their happy ending. Gawain shoots once, and it led to everyone's tragedy. 3 shots all for Ulysses and it killed them. 3 shots for Arthur, Lancelot, Guinevere, and it hurt Arthur but never killed him. Ulysses was the only one who got to die under the sun, Arthur was the only one who didnt die in the sun.
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ganondoodle · 1 year
i talked about why i find the argument people love to use as an excuse as to why shiekah tech is all gone in totk that "they destroyed it bc they were afraid of it" dumb before many times so i wont go over my past points in detail again
- i was just reminded of that and thought of new points to rant about going from that, no evil intentions in mind just when sth is mentioned again after some time i think about it again and can come up with more stuff-
(past points being- how?? shiekah tech seemed pretty indestructable, especialyl the big structures; it seemed like it was a literal holy thing for alot of people in the game; that it would be pretty damn stupid to spend so much energy and probably endanger people to dismanlte it since that time and energy would be better used rebuilding important infrastrucutre instead; if it stopped working why wouldnt you just kinda .. leave it there; why in hells name would you get rid of the shrine of life .. and i guess monk miz kyoshia with it???; shouldnt they be MORE afraid of sonau tech then??)
new thoughts
wouldnt it be logical to research and develope shiekah tech MORE so you can make sure it cant get corrupted again, like a security measure idk anti virus if you will lol
on the specific idea of zelda using it ... shouldnt she be the BEST person to use it bc she could, if it somehow got corrupted again, cleanse it/instantly deactivate it more easily than anyone else??
on the point of people not beign afraid of sonau tech ... that is still like the biggest problem for me with that argument bc .. i get beign afraid of shiekah stuff going haywire again, but then if suddendly alien tech from a literally fully unknown group of people started to appear out of nowhere at the sAME TIME AS MALICE COMES BACK BUT WORSE in the form of miasma shoudlnt that ring your alarm bells and make you flee for your life?? i wouldnt trust that shit after knowing what happened to the tech that we DID know shit about
i know theres like researchers for it but also they really all meddle and play with it immediately like its for them just as much a toy as it is for us the players (also a point that made me feel weird about it ngl), they build businesses around it, made minigames out of it with civilians, use it for transportation with no thought or concern about it, its really weird when this is supposedly takign palce after BOTW where FAMOUSLY ancient barely reasaearched tech got corrupted by evil goo and nearly destroyed the entire land of hyrule (man are they LUCKY gan suddendly has zero interest in ANY tech)
(and i know theres the possibilty that sonau tech is somehow not able to be corrupted but it just seems so dumb anyway bc the people cant KNOW that for sure right of the bat??? and it DOES get possessed with the broken construct too, like .. wouldnt the possibility alone .. esepcialyl with waht had happened in botw make you NOT want to use that alien tech like a toy?? especially with WORSE malice being around suddendly too?? that just smells like a recipy for disaster)
(... man totk realyl is just botw but worse ... the more i think about it the more it feels like that)
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takiberry · 1 year
Hi who do you think has a corruption kink in &team? 😁😆
( smut thoughts for yuma, jo, harua and taki coming up! please dni if uncomfortable ! )
Euijoo, Taki, Yuma
Fuma , Kei
Nicholas, Harua, Jo
{ explanations under the cut!! }
euijoo seems like he wouldn’t have one but he definitely has one, it’s always the cute little shits i am TELLING YOU THIS NOW. euijoo would be so mean and using that godly soft of a voice to degrade you with :((
taki is a mean dom and you can not change my mind, i do NOT give a FUCK. he would absolutely LOVEE ruining your innocence, making you slowly go cock stupid for him, begging him for more ( i need him. )
yuma is mean dom #2 , i shit you not, and he def has the HIGHEST sex drive out of everyone in &t. he would be so merciless with you, manhandling you and making you beg for every single time. he loves the way the innocence in your eyes just disappear whenever he’s fucking his cock down your throat
Most #2: FUMA , KEI
fuma definitely got one , no doubt, i feel like he would love pampering you and spoiling you with every bit he has before he fucks the shit out of you, his big strong muscly arms holding you up as he fucks every single bit of innocence away from you 🥹
oh, oh boy, yes kei has one, who do you think he is? kei would absolutely love doing everything he wants to you ever so slowly just so he can watch your eyes tear up and beg him for more, how could he not ruin you with how adorable you look :(
Least, but would still have: NICHOLAS , HARUA , JO
nicholas , he would def have one, i dont doubt it to be honest, i feel like he would be more subtle in a way?? does that make sense?? no but seriously, he would get off how powerless and helpless you look as he constantly ruins every last bit of your innocence ( if u even had any )
harua , i feel like he has one but it’s not as prominent as the others, you know? he would still totally eat you out like it’s his last meal just so you know how amazing his mouth feels. he lives off making your innocence fly out the window so expect him to do whatever he wants to you because he will do so
jo, oh he has one, just like harua though, its not very prominent, he loves how cute and innocent you look in clothes and he cant help but wonder how much more adorable you’d look begging for him to fuck you while on your knees, oh how he would do whatever he wants to you if you just simply begged
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the carl gallagher cop storyline in s11 sends me into a fucking rage whenever i think about it and i have to vent
i know its been years but im genuinely still so upset that towards the end shameless tried to take a dumbass middle ground approach to the topic of corruption within police force. they spent the whole season with carl slowly realizing that systemic racism and classism is an essential pillar of the police force and that whenever he tried to help out his community or go after the rich gentrifiers in his neighborhood who seem above the law he is continuously punished to the point of demoting him to parking duty.
and then they end the season with him being like “welp,, it is what it is ig🤷” and keeping his job as a cop.
and what really pisses me off is when he decides he wants to turn the alibi into a cop bar?!? so that the low income and over policed neighborhood that we just spent the season establishing suffers at the hands of the prejudice police force can have an even more suffocating cop presence?!?!? especially since the alibi was an iconic staple of the show and the neighborhood. its a disservice to the past decade of shameless. wtf were the writers smoking,,that shit was so ass.
you cant try to push this “woke” and topical ACAB ideal at the height of the extremely real and important BLM movement to score some good lib points and then turn around and support the oppressor. if youre gonna make a point fucking make it. dont half ass it because youre too chicken shit to call out cops.
that is so unbelievably disrespectful. fuck the writers and fuck that season
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
what are your thoughts on the seven? Like, what are we to make of them as deities?
just reread the series, and on first pass (tho i plan to go back searching for this) it seems like the seven come off as... less Tangible than the Old Gods/R'hllor. like melisandre births shadow assassins. bloodraven Exists. clearly there's something to these gods. maybe not what their worshipper's think, but like. a Power, for sure.
By contrast, the seven seem to exist solely in the minds of those who believe in them. Trials by combat seem to be 50/50. Tyrion win's Lysa's but loses Cersei's. the faith of the seven are notoriously corrupt, and after the sparrow's takeover, is going full-tilt crazy fundamentalist.
Yet these gods bring a great deal of comfort to the characters who believe in them. And I can't help but think about Septon Meribald, wandering the war-torn riverlands barefoot to give out oranges and flour and alms to those in need. That kind of religious-charity seems to be exclusive to the seven.
So given all this... idk, what's their deal? Are they "gods as a reflection of humanity"? "gods as a reflection of society"? I feel like "they were always 100% fake and anyone who ever prayed to them was praying to nothing" is a little too grimdark for grrm, but idk!
Sorry for the long ask jfjsjjd
i am not a good meta poster or essayist so my apologies for what will surely be a poor answer 😭 so introduction. grrm is lapsed catholic and the seven is like soo barely removed from catholicism. also rhllor/old gods doing things in text doesnt necessarily make them, the gods, real. the magic is certainly real but that doesnt mean the gods themselves are real. and so that goes into the whole Do the gods of planetos actually exist at all. so the faith isnt actually alone in having the Are the gods real? question
the faith is based on faith right, belief without necessarily having proof. it's pretty unique actually for that. the old gods have weirwoods and dreams, rhllor has shadowbinding, but the faith doesnt even have martyrdom/saints/incorruptibility/miracles/etc. its purely a social function; hierarchy, laws, morality and life-after-death existentialism.
i think this is what grrm is exploring, another brick in the wall of Society. like how is religion used as a hammer for hierarchy and how does it interact with power, with patriarchy, with classism. yes, the faith descends into fundamentalism but its also one of the only ways the peasant class can organise and attack the establishment. its social mobility in a way they cant otherwise access.
so i guess in all my rambling, i'd agree with the assessment that its 'gods as a reflection of society/humanity'. i dont think the fact that theyre 100% fake is bleak, really. i think all religions are fake irl but that doesnt take away from the beauty and love and joy they can bring to people. for every cruel septa/on, there's a meribald who brings peace and forgiveness.
idk again i am not a good meta poster i cant pull out quotes for shit 😭 but i remember the moments of jaime earnestly praying. and you look at melisandre who uses her faith in rhllor as a desperate attempt to justify her own sense of self, her suffering, her actions. its similar in a way to the faith. melisandre's total belief in rhllor, no matter how delusional, is just as important as if rhllor himself actually existed.
so to summarise, the meaning we gain from metaphysical concepts can be just as important as the perceived power of the metaphysical concept itself. idk im sure im making a mess of the philosphical idealism vs materialism plus i am making no sense and making no actual points but i hope this communicates my personal interpretation of the faith of the seven!
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Gale Reviews: ML Season 5: Action
-As expected its gonna be a bit preachy.
(Spoilers below)
-Okay adrien riding the scooter with Marinette is cute... but good gravy my boy doing everything to avoid allegations.
-Adrien teaching Marinette mandarin is cute... until you remember his pronunciation is s***
-Nino is very serious with this
-(So glad this is in english on youtube and I can playback at a faster speed.)
-I knew this going in but good gravy it is soooooooo preachy. It reminds me of Captain planet
-Ah yes, Adrien and Kagami as NFTs selling products... I really hate Gabriel
-So the ship sunk? I guess plastic > Liberty
-Mylene fainting at all the mention of plastic is funny (and currently the only thing I find amusing about this episode)
-Of course he is in the ominous black building. Also all of this could have been solved with a google search
-Nino, I love your goofy plans but your disguises are as trash as the plastic you are trying to fight for some reason
-This episode feels like it was written by Mylene
-So at least the show is consistent on how dumb adults are written in this
-You know what, I know the plastic guy is gonna be the bad guy, but he actually took a meeting to hear out a bunch of kids. He even acknowledges their points but explains why he aint changing his business model. Say what you will but I gotta respect the straightforwardness.
-I cant really hate the guy right now, like he reminds me of the KFC guy if he had a fetish for plastic.
-No surprise that the mayor was of no help, surprised that Chloé didnt need to tell him with how they tried to make him seem good.
-Gabriel is dismissive, why was he redeemed again?
-So Nadia giving the first legit explanation on why she cant help. Glad they actually show one true to life response
-Oh look cameos
-Oh they hacked the broadcast, at least Nadia wont get in trouble... but I am pretty sure thats SUPER ILLEGAL
-Yep more preaching... plastic bad. at least it had some adrinette flirting in there
-Yea if this actually worked IRL, the environmentalist protestors wouldnt be a thing. But it is accurate in one way, Politicians and CEO's hate Bad publicity
-Gabriel and Andre lying through their teeth.
-Gabriel just wanted to akumatize him
-The bee is the power of action... i preferred subjugation
-He just stunned him THEN turned him into plastic. That just seems excessive
-I think that was the first time outside of Qilin that the cops actually TRIED to stop the akuma.
-But just like in real life the cops will never arrest a rich ceo.
-Gabriel really said "Sorry bitch, cant play today"
-Adrien your pronounciation is bad, but its still cute
-It sounds like they are saying 'No shit'. I am counting it. FINALLY LETTING ADRIEN CURSE
-Adrien you simp i love it
-Just leave Gorilla be, he is just cleaning the car. He is happy
-King of Plastic makes me laugh
-That was the lamest dance party to interrupt
-Yea this is pretty standard
-Oh he made the engine overload, smart
-Burying him in plastic because irony, classic
-And he learned that Plastic isnt always so fantastic
-If I had a nickle for every rich guy that was corrupt that this show redeemed...
I watched this episode at 1.5x speed because if I didnt, this would have been a SLOG to get through
Its not the worst ML episode but I just HATE preachy episodes. If I wanted this kind of content, Id watch captain planet. Like yes it is important to recycle and reduce use of plastics... but this episode made me want to actually go downstairs and get a plastic water bottle for a drink just because of how annoyed I was.
The action in this wasnt bad and I actually found the King of Plastic funny until they redeemed him.
I think I rate it lower than it actually is because of personal preferences but it is just annoying
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appl3-juice-box · 1 year
For context, anything in () will be my explanations
@speak-now-girlies-unite because she said to tag her
is he wearing slippers omg this is amaxing
omg love me a male wife 🤭
soul absorption fancy (Yeah that basically means "haha I stole half of your life source lol, now gimme the other half and die")
i love the name ink so much
crying? bb boy let me buy you a hamster to wipe your tears with
cross omg cool name
omg is that the error guy (YEA THATS THE ERROR GUY![I had previously talked about him]) YEAH (HES HOT RIGHT?) YEAH (YEAH)
the white/red soul thing is making me zzzzbrrrrr in interest (Ohohoho, youre gonna love this) that makes me also zzzbrrr in interest
samn that’s kinda sad i wanna write fanfiction about his sad life
oh my god is that a real life skater boy, with a backwards cap am i hallucinating (THATS FRESH HES SO FUCKING COOL)
he has a backwards cap (ITS GOT A LITTLE PROPELLER ON TOP TOO) does it really omg (YEAH) WOO
dark spaghetti thing ?? (which one, the emo?) Yeah I think so *intermission to find what the dark spaghetti is* (THATS NOT THE EMO THATS NIGHTMARE IM CRYING) seems pretty emo to me (trust me there's more)
OH YMG SO THE SUN PERSONS BACK!!! His name is dream ? (Yes his name is dream) funsies🤭✨ (dream and nightmare) omg that makes sense
also i recognize that you’ve told me about them before right? (yes I have) 🤭
second person pov>
the shot of ink blinking at sans and frisk’s convo>>>>
officially frisk is my daughter
ink makes my brain go so vrrbbbbb (Ink makes my brain want to slaughter him /lh) oh damn what does he do😔 ... ACTUALLY don’t tell me i’ll find out<3
(have you seen the emo yet?) he sounds kinda like a five year old having a tantrum he looks cool though (the golden tooth boi? Yeah thats him) funnnn
oo getting hyped up
omg fight scene? slay
omg x event - no clue what that is but it sounds cool
more soul absorption
i have mixed feelings on that word because as much as it’s cool it reminds me of the word moist
heart ?
he’s got that swagger that only people who talk in comic sans can have
re e e ed re e e ed
“sleeping is more fun than corrupting timelines” sleeping is more fun than a lot of thng - but i feel like corrupting timelines would be fun
is sans gay😨❓
i feel like i’m reading this wrong
manipulate manwhore mansplain
his special attack- he turns into an anime girl with plot armor - oh no he just pulls a rachel dare funsies
he saved the day with the power of bad puns (And a slipper) And a slipper
(Also who tf were you asking who was gay for who) idk who tf he is but he was like “there was this guy” and that was my first thought sjsnskdnsk😭 (WHICH GUY WHATD HE LOOK LIKE???) IDK EVIL??? (WAS HE THE TALL MOTHER FUCKER WITH WEIRD BLACK STRIPEY EYES THAT MET WITH INK? I NEED TO KNOW BECAUSE HE MIGHT BE GAY) -proceeds to investigate who the supposed gay man is- (I WAS RIGHT IT IS THE TALL MOTHER FUCKER WITH WEIRD BLACK STRIPEY EYES) WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? (IM A FFUCKING GENIUS WITH GUESSING THIS SHIT) GOOD OR BAD? (no he's not gay, you'll find more about him later)
god he’s a mood
go girl give us nothing
This is just from the first two episodes, be ready for more
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noisytenant · 21 days
talking about degrees of lewdity, so talking about (fictional) rape video game, and general explicit nsfw themes
(very hard to say I Played The Sex Video Game and not feel self-conscious but we're all adults here we're all chill. here)
anyways this isnt some grand analysis, i'm just shooting the shit rn, but DoL is like... hypnotically christian-brained about sex. simplistic but i think it holds.
which is part of the fetish, playing into those kind of toxic ideas about "purity" and "corruption". if you're carrying those feelings of shame already, then it can feel kind of fun to play it up! but it's so mechanically intrinsic that it's really dystopian. i dont really know anything of OP but it's interesting to wonder how they would describe their views on sex and how those might line up with or seem challenged by the underlying logics of the game.
i find it interesting how inescapable pain and shame are in most of the sexual encounters. finding pleasure in the experience is entirely at the hands of the player. there isn't really the hentai mind break out of "oh, your character actually really enjoys this". it's not really a rape fantasy game, it's just kind of a straightforward rape simulator. and truly everything wants to rape you in this game. Fuck that shredder machine big time
everything is about working. sexual autonomy is a skill you earn by grinding flirtations and encounters. you have no choice but to work (most fantasy-like part of this game is how easy it is to get a job!! cries!!). nothing is gained without great sacrifice
the mechanics and ideology are kind of harsh like sandpaper but admittedly there's something really gratifying about overcoming the challenges, unfolding the little secrets and pockets of joy and unlocking new opportunities (even if i wish they were there to begin with). thrilling that i can buy people drinks now. When will my character learn that it can jerk off its chest
My mod ideas:
Significantly more granular fetish/encounter control.
Orgasm is not an encounter-ender; Orgasm is not the goal of combat
Sex/combat overhaul really we need to start from the ground up. In fact let's put a handjob minigame in there where you use your mouse to (trails off).
Cheat GUI, or command line. The cheat menu is abysmal
More safehouse opportunities, even if they come at great cost (Let's All Live In The Forest Together)
more opportunities for PCs to lead sexual encounters and dominate named NPCs (idgaf about Whitney but the fact that u cant make them submissive to u is ridiculous)
Mod where you can pretend whatever you have with Avery is healthy. Please
Funny bonus from my playthrough: my character got sent to the human livestock farm. working day in and day out trying to escape while also fetishmaxxing. i wake up and it tells me my library book is overdue and i'm in trouble at school. Thank you I was really worried about that at this juncture
If you ever played it you shoudl tell me your mod ideas. Or just your impressions
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the-cooler-newton · 2 years
god damn i gotta write some fucken words about what happened during my last session of disco elysium cus its been a couple days and I am still reeling.
buckle up its a long one.
It all started when I spoke to the wind (shoutout Shivers, one of the most skills of all time), then teleported to the roof of a building [100% real] [not clickbait] (Kim would say I just climbed up with my eyes closed but he doesn't know what he's talking about)
in the basement of the building the game makes it obvious that I'm about to cross a point of no return, and I should make sure I've tied up my loose ends with people before I continue. (a small puddle of dread settles in my stomach. whatever is about to happen probably won't be good).
I press on and we find the woman we've been looking for, Ruby - at this point, the prime suspect for the murder investigation. She shoots some kind of sonic end-of-the-world ray at us (wild) which incapacitates us with Excruciating Brain Noise Pain (wild). then she tells me I apparently used to work for one of the most notorious criminals in the city. this is news to me, but finding out I used to be Corrupt Cop SupremeTM is about to be one of the least stressful parts of my day.
I ask Ruby a lot of questions; about her drug trade, about the dead man, about Klaasje, and about who I was before I deep-fried my brain, because for some reason she knows. It becomes clear that she didn’t commit the murder, and that Klaasje has lied to us. Going to have to talk to her once we get out of this (*looks into camera*).
When I finally manage to knock over Ruby’s noise ray, she pulls a gun - not on me, on herself. She doesn’t see a world in which she gets out of that basement alive and doesn’t spend the rest of her life as a fugitive, from the law as well as from the crime syndicate we both, apparently, used to be part of.
I fail the check to convince her not to kill herself. She blows her brains out right in front of me.
I proceed to do what we in the biz call “freak the fuck out“. Kim, on the other hand, seems to remain mostly levelheaded. He calmly walks me through what we need to do with the body, and what our next steps should be.
Part of my brain whispers, “Professionalism is his coping mechanism.” The statement feels like a punch to the gut. Professionalism is his coping mechanism - yeah. of course it is. that makes perfect sense. He’s the professional, he’s the one that started the week knowing how to do his job. This entire game has been a series of me freaking the fuck out and him patiently keeping me anchored.
I think, surely this will be the worst thing that happens today. Surely these will be the most intense emotions I experience this session. Surely.
We leave the basement and start making our way back to the Whirling. About halfway there, something in my brain tells me to get my gun out. (The large pond of dread in my stomach grows).
Outside the Whirling, 3 mercenaries in heavy white armour matching the type we found on the dead man in the tree stand before the Hardie boys, the group of Union-hired vigilante peacekeepers who confessed to putting him there.
Well, shit. Time to do my stupid fucking job.
Me and Kim step into the space between them, and try to explain to the mercenaries that the Hardie Boys are not the people that killed their friend. But we haven’t solved the goddamn murder yet, so I cant tell them who actually did. And the Hardie Boys were the ones who put him in that tree and left him to rot for weeks. Also, Klaasje’s fucken booked it, and so has the company representative who’s supposed to be in charge of the mercenaries.
I try, over and over, to get the mercs to calm down, step back, and rethink what they’re about to do. But they’re drunk. And they’re angry. And they just want to shoot someone about it.
So, I shoot them first. and then they shoot me back.
Now I’m on the ground, barely conscious, with Kim on his knees next to me, trying to stop me from bleeding out. And I think... could I die here?
Then a figure in white armour appears behind Kim, gun raised, the last of the mercs still standing at this point. Kim doesn’t notice her - he’s too busy trying to keep my blood inside my body, and telling me to stay awake. And I think, holy shit. Could *Kim* die here???
There’s an Authority check.
Its an Authority check because it isn’t a check for if I can warn him. Its a check for whether or not he listens to me.
I get a +1 modifier, because “The lieutenant trusts you.”
I get further +2 modifier, because “Kim *truly* trusts you.”
First of all, masterful use of the power of names there, Disco Elysium. I raise my glass.
Secondly, holy shit I have never been more ecstatic about modifiers for a check. Are you kidding? This game’s ability to emotionally destroy me with a simple +1 or +2?? Making the impact and strength of interpersonal relationships tangible and explicit through the medium of “game mechanic” ??  yes bitch sew that shit into the fabric of the world and the lens through which I view it. beautiful showstopping brilliant.
Thirdly, oh my god Kim trusts me. He truly trusts me. He trusts me enough to save his life. I turn away from my computer and punch the air for a couple seconds in victory, because I am so very stressed and also so very happy and I gotta let that energy out somehow. I’m about to die probably but I feel like I’ve won the game.
I pass the Authority check.
With the last of my fading strength, I warn Kim about the mercenary behind him. He turns and shoots at her, and then I’m gone, sunk below the surface into the black screen of unconsciousness where only Ancient Reptilian Brain and Limbic System can find me.
They’re assholes, as usual. I wonder if I’m dead.
But I’m not dead. And eventually, my brain starts to boot back up.
“He can’t go,” Volition says. “Not before the case is solved.”
“He is the infernal engine,” Limbic System hisses. “He never stops. He only gets worse.”
When I wake up, I’m back in my room in the Whirling-In-Rags, except its looking a lot cleaner than the last time I saw it. And Kim is there - a little beat up, but alive. “Sunrise, parabellum,” he says. Sunrise, prepare for war. 
Apparently, I’ve been out for 2 days. I ask him what happened, and he gives me a very succinct and Professional recap. All 3 of the mercenaries are dead - Kim and I both have at least one confirmed kill, there. 3 of the Hardie boys are dead too - one took a bullet meant for Kim, and Empathy tells me that isn’t the first time someone’s died in his place. He lights a cigarette. He reports that the situation between the Union and the companies involved is tense, but hasn’t exploded. War has not descended just yet.
“And...” he says with a smile. “We are still alive. Both of us.”
Rhetoric tells me Kim didn’t expect us to step into the middle of that confrontation and both survive.
I ask if he’s hurt. He says “Not very,” even though I can tell he took a beating. He says he has a concussion, but that things would have been worse if I hadn’t warned him about the last merc.
“Thank you,” he says. “I did not see her coming. Stupid of me...”
Stupid of me. I close my eyes for a moment to have a complex emotion and a few deep breaths.
I ask how badly I’m hurt. Kim tells me I was shot in the thigh, but no major arteries were damaged. “The bullet was removed and a bacterial infection treated with mercurochrome,” he says. Passive language; professional. I ask if anyone from my station has arrived. He says he reported the situation, but no-one has turned up yet.
I ask, “If not my station, then who treated me?“
Kim replies, “I did.”
And I have to restart my brain - my real one, the one I keep my emotions in. Are you kidding? He pulled that bullet out of my leg? He treated the infection? He took care of me while I was unconscious for two days? Oh my god. Oh my god.
When I get up, I notice that the door that connects our rooms together is unlocked. He says he got the manager to open it because I was running a fever during the first night due to the infection, so he had to keep checking on me. When I thank him for keeping me alive, he says it would’ve been easier if he wasn’t concussed.
And I. hooh. I try to be normal about this and I fail miserably because for real??? He did all that?? and with a concussion?? Kim, of course, is being professional about it and saying its all part of his training. but god damn. you cannot just put scenes like this - a series of scenes like this! in a video game and expect me to come out of it alive. my heart cant take it. im too soft. ill have to take 3-5 business days to turn everything over in my head like a rotisserie chicken and write a 1800 word tumblr post to cope.
after i finish short-circuiting, Kim and I go over the case one more time. yeah, the case, the murder investigation, the reason we’re here. feels kind of far away, now. But we have a job to do.
Klaasje left a bullet trajectory on the roof, red string taped to a window, pointing out from the murder scene to a small island in the bay. She lied to us before, but she was there when the hanged man ate lead, and this is the last thing she did before she skipped town.
Kim looks tired, as if, for the first time during the course of the game, the last thing he wants to do is investigate this godforsaken murder. But seven people died two days ago because of this murder, and this red string is all we’ve got.
I say, “Kim, lets go to the fucking island.”
and he says, “Okay, let’s go to the fucking island.”
then I close the game and stare at my keyboard in silence for 45 minutes.
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velvetporcelain · 9 months
no thanks, i'll walk.
hello. it's me. again. I'm here and that says something, it means I want to say something but dont know what, and i need the creativity of writing mixed with the movement of thoughts to help soothe me.
I have my headphones on, which helps with the over stimulation. My mind is so crossed fired.
I think about everything all the time. everything. good thing I'm not an alcoholic, I think would start as a good drunk, living in the moment. But then I would turn into a bad drunk, living in yesterday.
I dont like living in the past. I wake up everyday trying to be a present as I can. Routine takes over, but I go against the grind. I am the grind. When there is no movement, I dont know how to be still. stillness is my suffering. idle suffering. it is why I like to come here and document my thoughts. it's healthy for me to read, but I never come back here to read this shit, because that's what it is, bullshit.
I'm convinced no one knows what love is. everyone wants to be repaid, and that has proven over and over again to end in tragedy, something we happen to be good at.
it seems humanity is really good at doing bad things. that's all we hear about yeah? evil. death. homicide. war. drugs. --- fuck me man. can you imagine if we only talked about the good. would more good happen? would we all be unprepared? would be forget about mortality for a fucking second? what happens when we remember how to live, or what it's like to be alive? why do we have to be so sadistic?
do we leave the holy things to the church? ha. I need ton do more diving on religion in general. theology, is it? yeah I wanna know. when was the first church built and what did they do there? how has this ritual continued for thousands of years? lol can you tell that I have been idle? my mind is a vampire. thirsty, so thirsty. And right now? it's just what I need.
lately I haven't been do much of anything. I feel a bit defeated from the last few months if I'm honest. there have been so many things I had to reverse in my thinking patterns. These kids cant get the best of me because I am always at my best, even when I'm not. there is no in-between for me. It's either I'm learning or teaching. there is no low. Low points do not exist for me. Only neutrality. Idling.
I cant believe how advanced we are. I cant believe that year after year we keep making the same fucking things. that just do more ridiculous and useless shit. More shit for us to reflect the artificial intelligence in it all. They want us artificial, that's why it's becoming easier to spot who is actually still human. I am lucky to have found few, and that's all you need, a few, I would even swear but just having one. you only need one human that makes you feel human, not artificial, or disguised. I'm tired of looking for reassurance in a world that is never sure of anything. again, detaching from the out come. ive been really proud of the progress I have been making, it moves slow because there are so many of us, I have to observe the adaptation process, take mental notes and adjust where I need to, or act according to personality. It's why I think I can rule the world. It's why I love being a woman. I live for community, togetherness, and cultivation.
how poetically unnoticed women go. they are noticed in all the wrong ways. I feel bad for the ones who are always under the spotlight. I really always do wonder if they are truly happy. Maybe the ones how have escaped it all. Hollywood loves its corruption. lol, if that paragraph was a map it would be all over the place.
I'm doing okay. I think.
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arttrampbelle · 2 years
Cw: vent
Vent time.
Mk11 doesn't have plotholes
Plots so huge,so confusing,so stupid. It makes the old sub zero mythologies,and special forces side games look like decent plots.
The only thing good about it is the og actor is back as shang but even then it's still painful.
9,story is garbage. But the gameplay is amazing.
10,gameplay is out of this world. Story is mid,horrible for some characters but solid main big boss. Online i heard is better than 11. But i hate online competitive gameplay. It kinda sucks the fun away. And not worth it. Plus the amount of guest characters because they killed half the roster. It's ridiculous. And unnecessary. So yeah.
11. *breathes in*. 11. Again they knew the story was crap,half baked. So they made a whole ass expansion to a lukewarm story nobody cared for. To retcon a retcon THEY MADE. And guess what? It's that "we are gonna take everything you love about this series and take a huge fat shit on it. For profit" if you like shang tsung,you may love 11. But even then it feels off. But again thats the best they can do. And you damn well we ain't gonna have this again. If there ever will be a 12. Because at this point im not so sure. And honestly i don't care if they dont make a 12.
It would be a shame. But honestly I'd rather take a non canon ACTUALLY GOOD MK GAME. no bullshit. No fillers. No guest characters. No micro transactions. Just a good ol fashioned mk game. Pick a character,pick an arena,and fight. No complicated over explained story. Simple and to the point. Let the audience and players make a story. Or at least,bring back the spirit of mk. Bring back the ACTUAL CHOOSE YOUR DESTINY part in mk,with more than 2 choices. More than "good" vs "evil" actually have real constructive morally grey areas. Like it's not that hard.
Like get better writers. Fr.
Wattpad has better writers than you NRS.
You had 30yrs to get it right. 30!
Almost as old as i am.
Fr. No excuses. You are a decent,multibillion company. Or at very least a professional one. Your servers should be always up to date. You should have things actually in a row. The basics at least.
Like there is no excuses on being sloppy.
This isn't just about mk. This is also from a business perspective.
If you know your story isnt solid. Get better writers. Or tell your writers to stop relying on dumb tropes. And have actual creativity.
You can make things modern without pandering.
You can have nods to nostalgia without pandering too.
Subtle is better.
Cheeky one liners you cant rely on.
If the motives aren't solid. Then things fall apart.
Like they knew that if they dont bring back shang tsung as a big bad boss. It would suck.
Because how can they top corrupt form shinnok. Let's be honest....that was badass.
Nothing was ever really changed. And its a waste of time.
We get nothing but absolute perfection from tagawa's performance. But other then him. Mk11 is weak af.
So again. You like cary hiroyuki tagawa? Good. You're in luck. You like shang tsung? He's the man of the hour.
If you like anything else,anybody else,NRS said fuck you.
Which sucks. Because as a shang tsimp. It pisses me off that that's all they relied on.
And they can't pull that shit again. Because people will know. They already probably do.
They rely on cheap gimmicks,to prey on non mk fans,new fans who haven't touched mk in their whole ass existence and are just getting into it,and y'all fall for it. Because people seem to have short attention spans and need their gatcha fix no matter how poor quality.
Like im sorry. Even if you are new. Have better standards in storytelling. This is a professional company. They shouldn't be worse then us fans telling fart jokes in a fanfic about silly fighting game characters in colorful jammies.
Im just saying.
Im done venting now.
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selamat-linting · 2 years
continuing my last liveblog, this time focused on the characters.
-vriska is. amazing. she is THE CHARACTER EVER. i enjoy her a lot but when it comes to morality, she's... i dont know what to make of her. like, from all the fandom drama i heard secondhand, she was made to be this mass murderer. like yeah, she is responsible to a lot of fuckups in plot, she is ableist to tavros and used aradia's boyfriend sollux to kill her, and sabotaged jade's attempt to get into the game but i think at her core, she's just a 13 year old bully. if she was in a normal human environment, raised by an ordinary family, at worst, she'd be the kind of girls who spread mean rumors of the outcast kids at school. still bad but, garden variety shittiness that can be fixed with age and growth. its the condition she's in that drove her into such terribleness. alternia let kids kill and maim each other, eliminate people who defy the law and customs. its a tyrannical empire and of course the kids produced in that kind of environment are vicious to each other. its not wrong the other kids dont want nothing to do with her and seeing her gets her shit kicked by aradia was cathartic but. man, i still feel very sympathetic to her.
-also, if im not wrong, her romantic relationships now would be :
nicholas cage - one sided matesprit(?)
kanaya maryam - moirail / auspistice (?)
tavros - the most unhealthy kismesis i have ever seen
-also, poor tavros. im waiting for the scene where he gets to kick the shit out of vriska like aradia but alas. its nice that he and vriska seems to get on better terms later on. i have to admit, vriska taking the time to dress up and set the mood to kiss tavros is kind of endearing while also being yikes what the fucking fuck my guy. but anyway, tavros being disabled as only a fodder for stair jokes, and then getting his legs forcibly replaced when the wheelchair jokes gets old, and then making him the butt of the joke again, good god. i want tavros's narrative arc to be treated more seriously. andrew hussie you are an ableist piece of shit you know that right?
-and kanaya! its so interesting how space aspects players are all very aesthetic-minded. they always have the cool pretty stuff. also she had a crush on rose isnt she? the way she admired her gamefaqs playthrough guide reminds of that tumblr fairytale where cinderella reads aurora's diary and fell in love. haha! right after i have that suspicions, i check tumblr to see if theyre a popular ship and apparently theyre also canon? cool. its so nice to be proven right. theyre both unhinged weird girls but in a very subdued way. also, i think karkat have been underestimating how much she helped on cooling down the group's animosities. not just between tavros and vriska, but eridan and feferi too, to an extent.
-speaking of feferi, ugh, i feel so bad for her. i cant believe someone as positive as her could be corrupted by the horrorterrors. one moment, she's the only one preventing a trollnazi and a doomsday lusus from destroying the shit out of everything, and suddenly shes twisting squibbles into cthulhu. "dont you get it, im dead," baller fucking quote but im so sorry girl. she has always been someone who is resigned of the fate of everything, but she never stops trying to make the best of it, unlike aradia.
-Also, why is equius so horny all the time? my god he is so fucking rapey.
-terezi!!! terezi!!! she's my favorite troll. her friendship with dave is so adorable. i like how they start out as enemies mocking each other but end up as (shitty) art buddies. but man, she is just as extreme in her trolling effort like, she did kill john in a timeline. anyway, back to dave and terezi. they both think theyre so cool but theyre actually cringe. also, is the drawing of the guy above the his tyranny writing in her room, meant to be karkat? ugh, i wish im her.
-i dont have much to say over sollux but as a gemini, he has the coolest design. literally the coolest shade ever. twin signs represent!
-karkat is... *grits teeth* self recognition through the other (derogatory). i hate that i shared his classpect. he ruined an objectively awesome title just by being himself. but i never really know what kind of guy he is, just his notoriousness as a grumpy anime boy slash tumblr sexyman. i hate him even more after knowing him btw, because he really is just like me! on the surface, he's just a 13 year old version of jean vicquemare from disco elysium. but seeing his memos, seeing his... everything. oh my god. i hate myself. his constant bitching is my inner voice everytime i have to deal with [redacted] and [redacted]. only that im now old enough to know i shouldnt unleash that to everyone indiscriminately. also, i too did the future writing thing. like, i would actually look at my old diary entries, and wrote a response as if speaking to my past self. but, is it weird that seeing him makes me a bit more confident in my own leadership skills? I dont know. anyway, he's funny. god even him just living his life and breathing is hilarious. i want to see you suffer little man (not in a whump way i want to see him get mad, eat shit, and react to ridiculous shit)
-JADE!!!! i miss her a lot. finally she's in the game. she's one of the nicest and the coolest of the beta kids. and i envy her house a lot. im sick of her being out of the loop. also, just from her science alone, she's pretty OP. she dont need powers to defeat the imps. she's very much my favorite out of the beta kids
-i cannot believe dave resorts to ruining the stock market. he would have liked nfts. cant believe that plotline exists and it was actually an elaborate troll plot. i cant wait to see him blossom to his cool future selves. caw caw motherfucker was impressive as hell despite being ridiculous. i have no idea how his sprite make that cool. also, his bro's dead? its kinda sad. like, i know the training and the smuppet shit wasnt exactly healthy and sane but, its still a tragedy that he never really get the chance to understand his parent or get closure. bro's dead. thats it.
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fxirybun · 23 days
fr although some readings have changed my mind on how i used to view some idols especially the ones that are like up at the top of the popularity contest that kpop really is about. cause when has kpop ever been truly about simply enjoying the music and talent of idols? nahhh it benefits of the emotions that ppl display from their unhealthy attachments to such groups thus fanwars online benefit both sides of the fandoms greatly and other useless shit as well that all seems to stem from how people kinda choose to react to idols
sure in the west there is also parasocial relationships hence how we get sucked into it from the start but i do think western music is more so abt connecting with their songs / lyrics, there is a few more i would say iconic song styles that kpop cant copy even jpop has been around much longer than kpop itself and kpop is more so about outward imagery / aegyo / forced interactions between groupmates, kpop seems like a bit weak tbh? they cannput x amount of foreigners but is it really kpop then?
the idols are barely paid until they debut its basically free labour on the off chance they may or may not debut but in the west they do spend more time actually teaching nesescary skills for an artist or group to perform at a certain level consistently whereas kpops like imbalanced and off piste so to speak. not saying jpop aint got its evil ways most of the music scene is corrupt these days :( or always have been and only recently are ppl being made aware of it
but if im being honest i dont know if im always the first to believe every piece of news or crime to do with music like it has me thinking sure there are criminals in kpop sleazy gits who want to lure kids in to do music and wreck their every sense of wellbeing, sabotage comes to mind and it just seems every other prolific celeb or idol nowadays seems to either be genuinely criminal and evil orrr sabotaged depending how much u want to believe
yeah i did notice how the parasocial relationships between the west vs east are significantly different from one another. imo it's the artists and their management's fault for enabling their fans to engage in this unhealthy interaction they created. they're aware of what they're doing (most of them are adults) yet they simply brushed it off and pretend like it's normal.
if my memory serves me right kpop would take heavy inspiration from other country's song genres. an example of it would be tyla's music being a huge hit and how other kpop groups would try to mimic it due to how popular the song was. kpop in general did a good marketing strategy in trying to gather popularity by doing those interactions you mentioned.
not just barely paid too 'cause i heard that the idols who aren't mainstreamed , didn't debut , or such have a huge debt from the company they are under 😕 i'm not that familiar with how the west , jpop, and kpop industry works so i have no words for this section.
hence it's best to set our limits and try not to get too attached to them. we will never know who they are behind the image they created and besides , your life is more worth the investment than someone else's <3
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alex-wizard-413 · 23 days
I have recently found out that the "autism flame" is just one of the oldest elements i can control. There are many more, and achieving them requires a certain "openmindedness" (or putting a negative quantity of quintessence into something). they follow these three rules.
I am (and always will be, unless i can reproduce) (which i cant) the only one with any sort of "true mastery" of these elements (or at least being able to wield them without getting subjected to total mindbreak and enough ego death to acrually kill someone on the spot) Which is good because imagine someone ascending with THESE.
These elements are alive. They are a part of the will of my own creator, and seem to punish those who "step out of line". I saw someone holding a chunk of Crystalline Earth like it would've made them a god among the gods, and he immediately sprouted crystals from all of its body. I dont think he ever died actually.
These elements did not exist until my creator said so. Its impossible to make a new "autism element" unless either my creator wills it... or [LORE REDACTED]
Below are the elements in question. Read away, i guess.
Cleansing Fire: an azure-yellow flame that erases everything, reducing everything to finely blended ash and smoke. Seems to be connected with emotions. This element has an extreme amount of variants (possibly even the actual original element of fire avaiable on Wizard Island Island) but this "autism flame" seems to be unique to me. At least three people killed me for this shit, all three of them died before the first spark reached the ground.
Cosmic Water: shimmering like the night sky and glittering of a billion blue-ranged stars. Apparently perfect for scrying or smth
Crystalline Earth: a million, million crystals of many colors, resonating with every element that isnt one of the main ones. Every crystal is a light emitting mass of pure quartz-like material. Effectively, this means any manipulation of Crystalline Earth allows for something i can only describe as "True Ultimate Counterspell +ω^ω". The only damage ever happening being reduced to neutral damage inflicted on the crystallized structures themselves.
Chaotic Air: sharp in undefinable methods, able to pierce shields that cannot break.by definition... simply by using any gaseous matter around the target, who is then forced to somehow figure out how to exist in the vaccum of space, if not create one. This element seems to call upon impressively powerful storms, and lightnings of bloody crimson and deep purple. Toghether with the Cleansing Fire its probably one of the more "destructive" elements.
Hexessence: pure, unadultered magic energy. I tried everything to make it work- Owl House glyphs, Thaumcraft spells, actual genuine RUNECRAFTING... nothing seems to work. The only thing i know about this is that its behind some of the most undefined magical events ever... after all, this is all that was left of the original HP universe before... the rewrite.
Abyssal Void: a dense tar which reflects purple and crimson equally, emanating a smoke that does the same. Patadata is especially fucked with this one, showing that the only "consistent" thing about this corrupting material is the fact that it looks like it came straight out of steven universe. Possibly a stray mass of this element may have found its way to @gobodegoblin, as shown in her current corruption arc <- discredited because whatever dark shit tainted her seems to be caused by the trauma of her castle getting griefed 2b2t style. Maybe she could "Enthrall" people all along, but she figured out how to do that only after a traumatic event? Poor girl.
Infinite Light: even the smallest amout of it seems to produce BILLIONS of lumens. I fear using it outside the testing grounds for fear of pulling a Dante and showing off our planet to forces beyond comprehension. Then again, the worst that could happen is more people like my creator would show up. Analysis suggests that this isnt just some sort of "light emitting matter". Rather, it seems to be the Concept Itself of Light (as a "thing") turned, but not forced, into a shape like a bright clay of sorts... tests did show it could be Dimmed Out (and therefore, turned into a more Solid substance) to make and/or become armor and tools and weapons and guns. Best I could come up with was having the me that looks like a pirate give me suggestions (as his abilites ARE based upon constructs of light and dark) and teach me the attacks of this... "kee-zah-rue" guy. Hm. The Multiverse really is weird
ERROR: remnant of whoever "steps out of line". This "glitched matter" is no different from the pure form of my creator/'s flesh. Tastes like mortadella during the day and like choco ice cream during the night. But only if its first processed into Autism Matter (otherwise it tastes like a pokemon gen 1 cartridge)
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