#selfish night dont think i'll
channelrat · 2 years
its 3am and i just wanna write which probably isnt smart but
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bunnihearted · 11 months
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catmemey · 1 year
newness? maybe.
#big tags ahead fyi#last chapter in the [redacted] saga probably for a little bit#i responded to his message from last night#i didnt want to go overboard with being affectionate in a romantic way or anything#so i went a softer route of thinking about how he's my closest friend and I still want to tell him what he means to me#so... it was still extremely genuine and i was vulnerable in saying all that#but... then his response was like. 'i think i get a bigger picture and maybe misunderstood what you had said'#and im internally like. wait. what do you mean. what did you misunderstand.#why does it sound like you think i only like you as a friend#because i dont but it felt selfish to dump all that on him#and he even apologized for dumping some of the things he said on me#but anyways. i panicked a little bit.#i guess i didnt want him to get the impression i wasnt interested at all#so i sent an obscure message being like 'well if its not selfish to say then i actually would have said more#but it felt selfish to say all that'#and then he was like 'well maybe i'll say one last thing. it isnt selfish to speak your mind.'#'and id rather be honest with each other if nothing else happens'#so i was like well ok here's my chance#and said that i want to and would date him if he was single and exclusive#and then he was basically like 'yeah me too but i care too much about [my gf] to end it'#which i knew#its just.......... a lot.#and i offered some advice about his relationship if he wanted#as long as he didnt care if it was hard hitting#and he was like 'sure let me see how you throw those punches'#so i lobbed some heavy questions at him#and he was like 'those werent bad. i cant say i know the answer to any of them'#so mission accomplished there i guess?#but... he said he wanted to have some time to himself to think everything over#which is very fair. there's so much
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kittycatcarla · 4 months
i caused myself to get hurt again, but what will i learn from this experience?
will i grow? will i understand myself better? or will i once again lock myself away from people?
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brain-deadx0 · 3 months
(Got a brain worm that I had to write. No plans to continue so feel free to take for yourself)
Batman was responding to reports of Harley Quinn running around Gotham. Joker had been put back in Arkham several months ago so there was a chance she was making a move to set him free again.
But apparently Harley was expecting him.
"Well finally! You sure know how to keep a gal waiting Batsy. Ive been running around all night waitin for ya."
When Harley turned to face him his eyes were immediately drawn to her stomach.
"You're pregnant..."
"Yeesh your manners are bad ya cant just say that!" Harley rolled her eyes before pausing with a sigh and a serious look that almost seemed out of place on her, "But yeah... I am."
"Joker?" Batman asked softly.
Harley nodded, "Thats why I was runnin around tonight. Wanted to get your attention." She looked down before continuing, "I was in denial about it at first. I was always careful with that birth control stuff ya know? And I didn't want it to be real. Before I knew it it was too late to... you know... but. But I dont think I coulda anyway. I know its selfish but I love em too much already. Thats why I need your help."
"I'll help in anyway I can." Batman told her, "I can set up a place for the two of you where Joker won't find you."
Harley shook her head, "No can do Batsy. Mista J wouldn't let me go that easy. Specially if he knows about my little puddin. And if I'm honest I love him too much to leave too.
"I need someplace to have 'im that won't tell. And... I want you to look out for him. Not like, take 'im in or nothing. If I see my baby runnin around as one of your birds in ten years I'll let you have it-" She sighed, "But find someplace away from Gotham and all this. I don't want this for my little puddin. I don't want him to turn out like me or Joker and his best chance is someplace else.
"Please Batman."
Bruce kept his promise to Harley. She gave birth in secret and Daniel was taken to the other side of the country to be left at a firestation with nothing but his name and a note from Harley saying she loved him.
When Daniel was adopted Bruce ran a background check on his new parents. Inventors who seemed to be researching some sort of renewable energy and already had a child. Seemed safe enough.
He checked the area when they moved to a small town in Illinois and it seemed safe enough even with the likely tourist trap of "most haunted town in America"
Daniel, or Danny as he seemed to prefer, got decent grades and had a few close friends. His grades dropped suddenly for a time but eventually they returned to their previous state so he didn't worry too much.
But when the boy applied to and was accepted into Gotham U, Bruce started to worry.
They had left Danny as far away from Gotham as possible. So what were the chances he should return?
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WIBTA for asking out my manager?
Hi there. Trust me this is a WIBTA and not just dating advice.
So I (35F) am basically working at my dream workplace. I cant say what exactly, because I know people follow this account there, but suffice to say its in a desirable industry with a lot of passionate folks, and while its a big (~150 people) place, there's an atmosphere of kindness and joy I've never seen anywhere else. I know a lot of you probably hate me for this, but I am truly aware how rare a workplace this is, and I am grateful. I dont take it for granted. Sometimes the work itself truly sucks, and the pay is outright atrocious, but when your coworkers have your back, it makes all the difference. They accept me even tho I'm trans, and when I've been sick or injured they make sure I'm taken care of. I feel like they are a family of sorts, and I've been working there for over a year now.
Anyways, this wonderful place is held up by a lot of wonderful people, but one in particular is my manager (30F). When I first got hired, I noticed she was cute, but more importantly she was welcoming and accepting. I set aside those feelings, of course, because its a workplace, but they havent gone away.
But lately, this all started to change. We now spend a lot of talking! We have lots of common interests, and there have been nights when both of us will stay for HOURS while the other works, just to chat about whatever! We even text a bit, even about not-work things. Sharing fandom stuff, whatever. The more and more we talked, the more I fell for her. I could hear her go on for days, even if its something I dont care about. Hell, she could read the dictionary and I'd be sitting there grinning because I get to hear her talk. I've got it bad! And then, a few weeks ago, she even brings up how she's given up on dating...but before I could ask more or say anything really, a coworker interrupted and the moment passed.
And here I am, weeks later, smitten like crazy. And I'd say "oh she obviously likes me, she sticks around for you, shares stuff with you" but she's like this with everyone. She's a bit airheaded honestly about it, I mostly find it endearing, but she could absolutely just be doing it because she talks like that to everyone. She's bisexual, and very pro-trans, so I dont think that would be an issue in any way.
But here's where the WIBTA part comes: I have told a couple other coworkers, and they brought up not only that its a dangerous move to date a manager, but also that it could hurt the workplace itself. I mean, this is a place where so many people get to have a joyful opportunity at life, and as I've said this is tremendously rare...what if I take up too much of this manager's time, and she cant be there for other workers? What if this manager gets fired for dating an underling, and gets replaced by someone awful? There's a whole lot of what-if's floating through my mind.
And then I start thinking, if I ask her out, wouldnt that be putting her in an awkward position? I mean if she doesnt like me, and has to turn me down, she still has to work with me, and I her. I can compartmentalize that, but...she might have more trouble. Is it selfish of me to even try, when I could just let well enough be? And on top of that, what did she mean by "giving up on dating"? It didnt sound like she was aromantic, just that she decided it wont happen, but maybe its just going to be a problem if I ask her out. It feels like the stakes of even asking her out are so high. So I keep chatting with her in hopes that I'll catch a lead, but...idk.
Anyways, I am primarily concerned with if it would be a dick move to anyone in my workplace, especially her, but genuinely I am just lost here. I've never dated anyone at a workplace, but like. The dating apps suck, and I dont think I've ever felt this way about anyone before. I've even thought about quitting or finding another workplace to make it an easier decision, but I feel like thats even worse; like it would put pressure on her to date me because I quit for her or something. So how about it? Should I keep my mouth shut, or is love truly worth all risks?
What are these acronyms?
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ghostlyvoidshark · 17 days
Could you do some rival Headcanons between epic and cross sans fighting over us? Like every second you cannot breath, each of them trying to one up each other to show who would treat you better. This idea has been floating in my head for a bit, so just wanted to finally request it. (Also, can we be gender neutral? And romantic, obviously) Thank you and have a good day/night! :)
Hello hun! Sorry this took me a little while - I've had to work more than normal recently. But THANK YOU FOR THE ASK!! I thi k this is my first from a non-moot so im so excited to be able to write this for you! I hope you have a lovely day / night as well :D sorry if this isnt that long, im trying to get some confidence in my writing lolol
Epic & Cross x Reader
Cross doesn't like fighting Epic since they are pretty close but this doesn't stop him from getting competitive.
Epic, on the other hand, loves play fighting and competing with Cross! He's not aggressive about it, he just does it for fun.
Cross is usually trying to prove himself worthy of your affection in some way while Epic just likes flirting and making you laugh.
Epic is surprisingly good at flirting but often settles for making you laugh because he loves it so much.
Sometimes Epic flirts with cross too just to fuck with him lmaoo - Cross is always baffled and a mess when it happens. Its pretty funny to watch tbh.
Most people assume youre a polycule. Epic doesnt help dispel that with his flirting. I mean a poly relationship could probably work.
You will never know alone time again if you don't set those boundaries. They're both Clingy!!
Given the chance, Cross will escort you everywhere - hes like your own personal bodygaurd. (You dont know how he knows your schedule so well or how he finds you so easily when going out.)
Epic also shows up a lot. Hes usually the one initiating lunch & dinner dates between y'all. Well, its not obvious theyre dates but they basically are, lmao.
They do try to one up each other but you'll next to never see them fight. You may catch them bickering about who did better, though. Epic likes instigating and Cross can be sassy.
They may have a fight about you once. Other than that they are chill because they're so close and Epic often gets Cross to communicate.
The fight would probably be mostly on Cross. He would get mad that he fell for someone his best friend likes. He would be upset that he "couldn't have someone himself" both because he feels guilty about Epic and for personal issues (he's lost a lot). Then he'd be mad that he thought that way and felt jealous. He wouldn't like how selfish he feels. Epic talks him through it, though. And talks some sense into him :]
Cross may be quiet most of the time but he is hanging around more often than not. He's just sort of ... supervising lol. Its comforting in an odd way. He likes the quality time too.
Sometimes Epic gets you alone, though. He gets you two to do relaxing things together like a picnic or video games.
He can be surprisingly tender and romantic but he will ruin it with a joke after surprising you or flustering you with the romance so cherish the moment while you can. Good luck, too. ;P
Cross is a mixed bag. One moment he's purposely suave and dashing then the next he cant get a sentence out . Its like he has moments of clarity then goes back to being a dork.
On a few occasions they will team up on you. I don't think they would really plan it unless it was your birthday or something special like that. When they do it it's usually just an accident and their moods synced to cause chaos.
When they team up they are menaces! Epic would be all gentle and romantic with flirty, witty remarks while Cross would be the type to guide you by the small of your back, leaning in to tell you things. And you know he'd be saying stuff like he's your personal knight! "I'll always be there for you." || "if you ever need anything just come to me, I'll take care of you." And shit like that.
Augh they would have you cornered but like in a good way. Cross always behind you, making sure you're safe while Epic leads you around by the hand. I hate them. I actually love them damn it.
Sometimes they get needy and steal you away for a while. The dorks.
Epic "kidnaps" you to cuddle up somewhere and read or watch a movie. He's very touchy (respectfully) so if you're okay with it he will be all over you. He especially loves it if you act as his weighted blanket and lay on him.
Cross gets grouchy and takes you somewhere on an "adventure". Most of the time it'll be somewhere without people. If the place has rough terrain he'll likely try to convince you to let him carry you lol. "You got it?" / "you tired?" / "want help?" Any reason to be close or touching you if you'll allow it.
If you're more of a low and mellow energy person he'll set up a special spot where he sets up stuff for one of your hobbies (if he can) somewhere hidden and will hang out with you.
Stars forbid you give only one of them a gift. They won't guilt you or be mean, but they will rub it in the others face subtly. If they're the one who didnt get something then Epic would jokingly act all clingy and pouty while Cross glares at him. Speaking of, Cross would stand closer than normal and Low-key pout if he didn't get something. Like a cat who wants something from you.
If you're the more affectionate, touchy type then you're going to likely always have one of them touching you if they're around. Epic practically hangs off of you while Cross just has a hand on you somehow. They have probably scent marked you, accidentally or not. They just clingy bois.
Also - not in a kinky way - but Cross has a high chance of biting you during prolonged physical contact lol. It's just a quirk of his. Its like cuteness aggression but in a loving way. You can think of it as kisses it a way.
He wouldn't mention it if you dont but it is a good way to fluster him >:3c
As for trying to be better than each other i think they would choose some things you like and try to be "the best" at it?? Like... lets say you collect shells. Suddenly they are finding great shells - in tact and pretty - and giving them to you. Same with trinkets. Or finding weird coffee mugs if you like those.
Epic also is that bitch who has a lot of money and just sugar daddies his friends LMAOO. You want that expensive thing? Dont worry bby hes got it kcjsbsbsb. If hes crushing on you it just gets worse and more ridiculous.
Cross is the one who has dedication to getting you things. So if something is about timing or searching hard for it he's the one to go to. He also just brings you random things like a bird..?? You dont even know where he gets half the stuff he shows up with. You may even just find stuff on a table in your house randomly.
Also, for no apparent reason, kareoke becomes a thing between y'all. You have no choice /j
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campy-vampy · 17 days
wassup yall, i thought i would share this snippet of writing i did for my party to find eventually, just to be a lil funny yknow
COS AND I STRAHD SPOILERS (also if you are my players dont read because i will know if you do 😠)
It has been long, too long in fact. I could not bear to write, lest I see his name on the pages before. I do not see a point in leaving the castle, no matter how much any soul attempts to convince me. My studies on the arcane have been the only thing keeping me sane, preventing me from slipping off the edge of sanity. Perhaps, I think, if i try hard enough i can escape from this hell i have created for myself. I know it is in vain, I am forever cursed and nothing will free me from the dark powers grip. 
Rahadin refuses to believe this, though. I have watched him make his way to the amber temple and attempt to bargain my soul away from their claws. I pity him. He has not yet accepted that this is my fate, and it is a fate I cannot escape. He will realize someday, but some part of me, a selfish part, hopes that he never does. 
My mind wanders back to the past, to Alek Gwilym. It seems I cannot escape him, even after he has passed. I still feel his blood on my hands, his warmth. I wish I could trap it and hold it forever, just to know that he is there. Even the mention of his name brings the pang of sorrow and guilt back into my still heart. Some day I fear I will forget everything about the man; his antics, his courage and fire, and even that godsforsaken mustache he refused to shave no matter how many times I pestered him. 
Many nights I lie awake, yearning for him back at my side. I will forever regret lifting that blade towards his beating heart that held nothing but love for me and me alone. I wish it could be different, that instead of giving into my selfish desires I spent the rest of my mortal life with him. Somedays i dream, though I rarely dream at all, that this was all just a horrific nightmare and that I will wake up to his face peering down on me with that insufferable grin. Though when I do wake, I am forced with the reality of my condition. Somedays i refuse to believe he is gone, I tear open my closet to see if he really is gone, but I am always reminded with the absence of his body. I don't know why I somehow believe that if I keep checking he’ll someday appear and I'll be able to hold him in my arms once again. I was a fool, a fool to not notice how he looked at me, a fool to chase after a woman I never really loved, a fool to have not even taken a moment to wonder if this was really worth it. 
Perhaps the dark powers will show pity on my soul and return Alek back to me, perhaps as a reincarnation like tatyana. For now, I shall wait in my castle, and yearn for the days where his lousy jeers filled the halls. 
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whumpitisthen · 1 year
Auden's Story
Main Masterlist
Hell has consumed Earth as we know it. The Fallen are highly sought after as they are defenceless, weak and precious. They aren't meant to survive, and Auden doesn't expect his life to go on for much longer either. Fortunately — or rather unfortunately, — it seems someone special will not let him go that easily...
Character refs: 1 2
Grim: 1
General cw: creepy/intimate whumper, sadistic whumper, carewhumper, angel whumpee, demon whumper, nonhuman whumpee, nonhuman whumper, gore, torture, abuse, blood, manipulation, death, power dynamics, cannibalism (?), religious undertones and fucky headspaces related to god and such, (fantasy) medwhump, tiny whump, collars, slavery, dehumanisation, I'll add more as we go i guess
0. The Prelude - Auden's fall
1. Mercy - Auden arrives in rather rough shape to the Dragon Queen's manor, where he finds himself being taken care of by a seemingly gentle enough demon healer :3
2. Thoughts of Resentment - direct continuation of Mercy, we meet Miss Thu'lin
2.5 Chess - written after Foreboding Intermezzo, but happens right before Grim shows up at Miss Thu'lin's. tiny whump, gore :)
3. Death Comes Knocking - cont. from Thoughts of Resentment, Grim introduces himself in a rather dramatic fashion, the Doctor dips
4. The Shepherd Wolf - cont. from Death Comes Knocking, Grim takes a basically catatonic Auden 'home' as the angel boy tries his damnedest not to have a meltdown, and fails!
5. Mori - cont. from The Shepherd Wolf, Auden meets a friend :)
6. A Lesson in Selfishness - cont. from Mori, Auden learns how to eat things! :)
7. Bloodhound - after A Lesson in Selfishness, Grim's pov, introducing His Majesty
8. Brazen Arrogance - direct cont of Bloodhound, we finally meet some humans, His Majesty is not happy
9. Foreboding Intermezzo - Mori and Auden get some time to themselves while Grim is away
Sickeningly Sweet Ichor - an angel boy with a demon owner, very eerie and more horror than whump but i think thats a plus actually [this is older, but moved to auden’s horribly hurty adventures, im sure theres no reason for that dont worry about it]
Pearls of Maroon - oneshot, his majesty punishes some poor servant in front of an audience
Consider supporting me here <3
Taglist: @whumpsday @whump-me-all-night-long @whumpifi @sordayciega @a-miscellaneous-number-of-rats
@letitbehurt @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees
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kolour-me-kourt · 2 months
Chapter Twenty Two: Consider it handled
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It was time for the play offs meaning Jayson was focused. 100% of his attention was on getting to and winning the championship. They were two weeks out so YN started to prepare herself already he would be traveling working day and night and he would be tired.
She began thinking of ways to maximize her time with Jayson and she came up with a clever idea because she honestly couldn't stand the thought of several weeks with him just being on the phone ... every other day. So when he called her that night she was extra happy and he could tell. She had him on FaceTime on her MacBook.
"What you want baby?" He smiled in the camera "why I gotta want something?" "You don't have to but I know you do" she rolled her eyes "well I been thinking ...." She bits her lips "mhm bout what?" "playoffs are coming up and I know all your attention is going there it's the first time we're going through this as a couple um so I was wondering how you felt about me getting a hotel up there until the championship is over.... So that if you do have just a little time between games and Deuce you could see me without flying out because you'll be doing enough traveling during the games..." he remains quiet which made her nervous
"so that's a no ... okay" she answers for him "ima have tunnel vision so I don't want you to feel so damn secluded in a hotel room just waiting on me whenever I'm free ... I like the fact that you would sacrifice and do that but I don't want you to actually do that" "— but it's probably the only way we'll see each other. Have you thought about it?" "No I haven't I was trying to ignore it" she pouts
"well that's not helping us Jay" "okay we'll get you a nice hotel up here until the championship... have you worked it out with your job?" "Yes all of that's handled I'll only have to fly out like twice for some meetings"  "let's just find you a nice loft... for when you're here" "I mean I was springing for the hotel bae idk about paying rent and my mortgage" "it's crazy you thought you were gonna pay for that hotel. You doing something for me why would you have to pay?" "That's a lot of money to ask of you Jayson" he shakes his head
"I'm glad you don't look at me and see dollar signs but baby I'm good what I look like having you in the red when I'm good? I'll have realtor in mind I'll give her your number and you can come look at stuff since you were coming Friday anyway" "you asking me?" "Nah not really you can keep the loft after the championship" "okay baby" "mhm thank you for thinking about me and my time"
"I was being selfish too ... I miss you when it's only been a week or two I can't imagine six weeks so thank you" " as focused as I be ... I'll be needing you so I'm glad you thought of this too" "you'll come look with me? Or you want me to just get something?" "It needs to be close to me or that defeats the purpose .... And after that I don't care" "so you're coming?" "Mhm I'm coming" she smiles
"well ... I'll see you tomorrow" "don't rush me off the phone ... what you doing?" "Nothing daddy don't get aggressive with me" she laughs "I got something new at my place ... that you might enjoy" "like what" "like something you're gonna use" he smiled "you'll use it to?" "on you " "you just wanna tease me" he laughed "what you trying to rush off the phone for?" "Nobody is rushing off the phone crazy" she smiles  "I'm not being crazy... I know you"
"how am I rushing you off the phone Jayson" she playfully rolled her eyes "it's a feeling I can't explain it" "welllll I'm letting you know I wanna talk to my boyfriend" "but?" "No buts Nigga why you dont trust me tonight?" He laughed "idk you acting funny ... you gotta surprise for me or something?" "Nope no surprise" "what's under your robe? Nothing?" "Lingerie" she said bluntly
"let me see" "Jayson" "baby please just let me see" she opens her robe and stands up so he can get the full affect. "Damn you look good.... Your thighs look amazing in that... who you wearing it for?" "It's just me Jayson" "I know ... and usually you'll have on a oversized T shirt with nothing else .... So I'll ask again" she smiled
" Damn Nosey I was gonna take some pictures tonight and let you see tomorrow but since you ruined it I'll just stay in bed" "so you  were
rushing me off the phone" "I wanted to do it before I got sleepy" "bring something sexy Friday and I'll take the pictures for you... well for me to keep"
"in between loft shopping?" She laughed "probably after" "I'll have to find something new to wear" "damn I can't wait" "bae it's tomorrow" "wait today is Thursday?" She laughed "yes" "damn the whole day I been thinking it was Wednesday" "well idk what you been up to this week but I'm coming tomorrow and you better be in place or else" "or else what?" His voice was deep but forceful... she loved that he didn't have to raise his voice to show dominance
"Ima—" she saw his face and even through her computer screen it made her lose her breath "hm? You'll what?" "No—nothing i just want you on time" "I'm always on time don't pretend like you tell me" she got herself together
"ima have a attitude if you're not there" "uh huh" "I'm serious" "anytime you have a attitude I fuck it out of you... so let's just be real for a second" "I am being real" "you wanna get fucked?" "after you take my pictures ... you'll be on the road soon you need something" "I'll like a video too" "mmmmm maybe" "why maybe?" "You think you deserve a video?" "Yes that's why I'm asking for one... I'm getting you a whole loft in Boston" she laughed "you do ... but do I feel like making one?" "We'll make one together ... don't trip" "risky business" "is it fun if it's no risk involved?"
"Yes and it's safe" "booo you being lame" YN laughed "no you didn't" "I should come to get you... I gotta do something in your city so you can ride back to the airport with me" "why is this the first I'm hearing of it?" "Cause it's a meeting" "all the way in my city?" "Yeah" "and they don't want you to do it virtually?" "I probably could ... but I rather be in person" "okay baby" "so like I'll be there at 11 and we can leave at 3" "how long do you think the meeting will be?" "Hella quick" "so you coming here for a hella quick meeting?" " yeah" "and I'm just hearing about it ... the day before I'm supposed to see you?"
He sighs "what's the confusion?" "Don't come here to do nothing stupid" "like what?" "Jayson I'm not playing" "I'm coming to handle business and to get you that's it" "I said what I said Jayson" "and I said what I said YN ... any other issue?" "I'll talk to you later when you tell me what the fuck is going on Fr and stop playing with me" "just ask me what you wanna know instead of beating around the bush"
"who's the meeting with?" "A man anything else" "I wasn't accusing you of cheating!" "I didn't say you were" "then why say a man when I clearly wanted a name" "hit me later" "no Jayson" "no?" "If you're coming all this way to say something to Melo you're crazy and it's gonna make you look insecure cause we're not even talking"
"I gotta handle it cause you couldn't ... and it's my fault for believing you could. you see too much good in people when they mean you no good ... ima speak my peace I don't care if y'all haven't talked" "that annoys me" "thank you for letting me know your feelings but I'm not bitting my tongue no more .... Through the whole relationship I've let you handle it and it turned into him talking about your pussy is his ... eight fuckin months into this relationship! that's dumb and that should've told yo ass that he only care about your pussy... what he do send flowers when you were sick? I made sure I dropped everything to see my baby because I love you more than I've ever loved a girl I was with but you wanna fight me on this shit" "I'm not trying to fight you on anything but I don't want you getting something off your chest being
"So....I have all this anger inside of me? You telling me I should have to live with everything I wanna say to him while he living his best life? Just cause what?" "You got me and he knows that so why rub it in more?" "Cause I got shit to say!.... It's not just about you it's about the principle I didn't say I was gonna fight him I said I wanted to talk to the Nigga he grown stop trying to protect him. Any other Nigga would've been beat his ass but I been trying to think of you" "okay" "okay?"
"It's no changing your mind so yeah okay just scoop me after I'll be ready to go" "that's what I like to hear" he smiles "whatever I'll hit you later" "so now you have a attitude with me? Over a nigga? Crazy hit me up when you making sense" she hangs up sighing part of her wanted to reach out to Melo just to warn him. But she decided not too simply because she had to put her relationship above Melo like she's been neglecting to do this whole time.
She noticed Jayson  made points he was right however she was still upset. It made her feel like he didn't trust her enough to not fuck Melo however that was far from the truth Jayson had all trust in her but he didn't like the constant disrespect regardless it was still happening he was gonna make sure it didn't happen again at all.
"I'm sorry for hanging up... and getting upset I love you and I'll call you later after I calm down" she texted him because she didn't want him to be the bigger person again she was wrong and she needed to admit that.
"Be ready to talk like an adult or don't call at all"
He said simply ... okay clearly she had pissed him off. No I love you no I forgive you ...She wonders if it'll ruin their weekend plans ... or their plans in general he was buying her a loft... if their relationship goes left would he kick her out? Why she immediately thinking break up just because he's upset she needs to stop doing that but it's hard too.
                     *time skip
She never called because she never calmed down before she knew it she had doozed off and it was the next morning 11 am to be exact. "Well shit" it's like she had taken two Benadryl, had a hot shower and was sleeping in sheets fresh from the dryer. Jayson was in her city ... probably cursing Melo out right now. She wonders how he even got him to agree to meeting up? Was it in public? Would it get heated? Or worse physical? She exhaled picking up her phone she had no texts or missed calls from Jayson ... was he even coming still? Was it over? Should she reach out?
She gets up unpacking her bag and finally heading to the bathroom using it, brushing her teeth and showering. When she was done she sat in her towel on the couch with the tv on Just playing she had nothing to give to anyone she had fumbled Jayson and it made her depressed that fast ... but she was too prideful to call but she doubts he'll be here today he had finally had enough.
A hour or two passes by and then she heard her doorbell. She glanced at the door but decided to ignore it because she figured it was someone trying to sell something after a few more rings she hears the key being placed inside and the door unlocks .... Only a few people had her key ... her mom, sister, best friend .... And Jayson.
Two were out of town and one would've called before using the key... Jayson would assume she was sleep.
It felt like it took forever for the person to appear but she heard the heavy foot steps taking off shoes and then his voice said her name loudly.
"YN!" Loudly aggressively almost demanding to see her. It made her body shiver.
"In here" she said softly and weakly  he walks in fully after locking her door. He looks her up and down skeptically "here to finish the job?" She asks silently cursing herself because her voice was already cracking
...man the fuck up bitch ... who raised you  her thoughts were loud but they still conflicted with her feelings
"Am I supposed to know what the fuck  you're talking about" "you didn't call" "you said you would" "but when I —-" "I should've assumed? Just called you? No if you say you're gonna do something do it ... why the back and forth" "you didn't even let me finish my sentence Jayson" "because I knew the answer ... was I wrong?" "Can I help you?" " are you packed? We were supposed to leave at 3" "I thought we were done" she says softly... hearing it out loud she knows it was dumb.
It was currently 2:24
"Done with what?" "This! The relationship... everything" "why? Did I say I was done?" "No but I didn't hear from you" "when I tell you we done then we done ... go pack your bag" "Jay—" "now! We can do all this other shit later we got appointments today.. I don't wanna be late we rushing already " she bits the inside of her cheek out of nervousness but then stands up listening to him she walks to her bed room looking at the pile of clothes she had taken out of her suitcase earlier when she assumed he wasn't coming.
She began folding the clothes and placing everything back in her bags after five minutes he met her in her closet. "I'll take them down when you done" "okay" "we're probably gonna have to go straight to the first condo since we behind time so make sure you wear something you want people to see you in" "okay... these bags are packed I'll put some clothes on and met you at the car" "ight" he grabs her bags gently walking down the stairs she sighs fighting back tears .... What did he say to Melo more importantly what did Melo say to him  and is that why he is still mad at her. Normally Jayson would calm down ... give her a kiss...slap her ass... Fuck her ... something.... anything but instead he gave nothing at All.
She takes deep breaths standing in her closet she needed to be comfortable but a little formal because that's exactly how Jayson was dressed. He clearly wanted her to give off a certain image or he would've never mentioned what she should put on.
He had on
So she put on
Cute but simple ... didn't look like she was trying too hard she paired it with a purse that matched her pants and then rushed to the car.
In this moment she was seeking his approval he needed to say she look nice.... No matter how upset he was he would say that. She locked her house and then strutted towards Jaysons rental. He was staring her up and down to him she was moving in slow motion and his eyes couldn't help but take pictures of her  He opened her door for her .. good sign. Once he got in the car he looked at her again.
"You look good ... glad you wore green" "thank you" wearing green was also strategic sliding through with his teams colors ... easiest way to get him to like an outfit. The ride to the airport was quiet and even when they got onto the private plane they didn't sit beside eachother.
They landed at 6 and the appointment was at 7. She guessed he had someone bring his car because it was  ready for them when they walked off the plane. Once again he took care of her getting her things off the plane and into the car and opening and closing her door... still without speaking a word.
She didn't have to question his love for her it clearly was still there he was just fed up but also in this moment she needed to hear him say it.
"We got a lil under a hour ... do you wanna drop our stuff off and then meet her? Or go straight there" "whatever you think is best ... if we truly have enough time we should drop our stuff off cause I know we're gonna be tired later" "that's what I was thinking too" "cool" he licks his lips taking off toward his house she sighs noticing a bruise on his right hand developing she wonders where it came from but in this environment he will never tell her.
"... if you still love me I need to hear you say it .... Please" she says softly. Taking that risk he decided he wouldn't be a asshole like he wanted to be because her voice told him she wasn't being extra she truly needed to hear him say I love you and mean it
  "I love you..." "thank you" "you should allow me to be upset tho... I'm not going no where" "I am... I'm trying and I'm mad too but I still needed to hear you..." "I get it" "did you see him today?" "Stop it right now" "what did he say to you to get you so mad at me?" "YN I already said stop I'm not repeating myself!" he hits the steering wheel making her shake. She places her hand on the back of his neck stroking his hair softly.
"If you wanna fix this ... and you want me here with you on this journey you should allow me to explain myself" "explain what?" He said calmly "whatever you need me to explain but I can't continue going like this ... I hate when you're mad at me and I hate being mad at you" "I'm not ready to talk yet though... so where does that leave us?" "Stuck... but I'll respect you enough to be okay with that for now" "I'm not going to sleep mad at you... so let's just pause this whole thing until we're in the house for good tonight" "pause meaning what"
"let's just be normal especially in front of Hannah I don't want any stories out about us... arguing" she glanced at him not uttering a word so he spoke up again "yes?no?maybe?" "Okay I guess" after ten minutes go by he finally pulls into his driveway "ima just take the stuff inside real quick and come back" "okay" YN takes her seatbelt off anyway getting out of the car
"what you doing? I don't need help" "... getting a bottle of water? That cool wit you?" He hands her the keys without saying anything else.
She walks away she could feel him staring her up and down it made her smirk. She unlocks the door leaving it wide open and she goes straight for the kitchen grabbing a water and some gummies she didn't realize she was hungry until this very moment. She opens the pack eating the whole thing then placing the tiny package in the trash can.
As she turns to walk out of the kitchen she felt her boyfriends familiar big hands on her waist picking her up sitting her on the counter and then he kissed her deeply causing her to moan. Her legs wrapped around his waist her hands were placed firmly behind her keeping her upright she feared if she laid down they wouldn't be seeing any of the places tonight.
"I love you ... you're beautiful... I want you here... I'm just frustrated and angry and all of that isn't because of you but we can finish this later we gotta go" he grabs the keys waking out of the kitchen she tried to get herself together ... cause what the fuck was that? don't get her wrong she loved the reassurance but he was being really hot and then freezing five seconds later she stands up walking out of the kitchen and then out of the house he stood at the door waiting to lock it.
She stared at the car he had bought her ... sitting pretty outside. She hops in his car waiting patiently for him to get in the drivers seat. He typed in the first address it had them arriving at 7:05 meaning it was fifteen minutes away from his house.
When he pulls off she stares at him "why'd you kiss me?" "I'm sorry? I thought we were dating" "we are but ... you're mad at me" "I kissed you because I hadn't kissed you and I wanted to" he licked his lips clearly thinking about doing it again. She smiles "well... I liked it... wish we didn't have to leave" "you wanted more? I know I did but—" he trails off "but what?" "Um...We haven't fucked since your surgery I didn't wanna be all rough with you" she didn't think that was really the truth but she'll go for it ... for now
"and you would've been?" "Yeah ... it would've been rushed and aggressive and I didn't want that" YN cracks her window clearly getting hot he started to laugh "I wasn't trying to turn you on ... I was being dead ass" "I know I just got a little hot" "mhm" "I like the idea of you making love to me ... your touch is everything to me and when I don't have it for so long ... the simplest kiss or touch from you goes a long way that's all I'm trying to say so all this build up.... for us to have a disagreement and now we're stuck" he sighs
"we always figure it out... don't we?" "Yeah but what if one day we just don't" "the way we've always communicate even if we're arguing ... we gon figure shit out it just might not be pretty and you should come to terms with that" "and if I don't want to?" He glanced at her "you'll be disappointed everytime YN" she laughs "it's crazy how accustomed  I've become to you calling me anything but my name... I get a little pain in my heart everytime you say it ... with that tone because I know normally I would be getting called baby" "you are my baby and I love you" she starts tearing up
"why are you mad at me then" he sighs pulling into the parking garage "YN please"  "sorry I just ..." she gets cut off by his messages being read by siri " from Hannah (realtor) "sorry Mr.Tatum I am running about ten minutes late. I am on my way! Stuck in traffic. Want to respond?" Yes ... okay we're here waiting "
"Never mind" YN says softly taking her seatbelt off "why do you get so frustrated with me?" "Im not frustrated." "What's the better word for it then?" She laughs "well yeah frustrated but not at you at myself" she adjusts herself in the seat staring at him.
"I did talk to him..." Jayson says staring at her searching for a reaction. She quickly gets up straddling his lap. Kissing him roughly. He grabs her ass "what you doing YN" "call me baby ... and we have ten minutes " she moans "YN stop! Damn!" She pulls away jumping out of the car slamming his door. She walks toward the exit so she could get to the building.
"Are you YN?" YN fixes her face looking up. "Yes? Are you Hannah?" "Yes will Jayson be joining us?" "Mhm he's in the car I gotta little excited and left my phone so if you could call him and tell him we're ready" "okay great" she calls him and he says he's coming.
"So how are you tonight Hannah?" "Great! How is your night going " " pretty good im just getting in now" "are you bi costal?" "No just a few hours away" "Nice well Jayson told me some of the things you wanted so I tried to make sure I got them all I'm really excited about this loft. "Great I'm excited too.... Here he comes" YN watches Jayson walk slowly towards them his face was slightly flushed she knows he was upset and confused.
"Sorry it took me so long ladies are you guys ready?" He reaches for YN hand ... really turning on the charm. She takes his hand. After all he was right they did need to keep up appearances.
"Yes! If you two could just follow me this way"
They made small talk as they went into the building going up to the top floor. When she walked into the loft her mouth dropped.
"I know you wanted lots of windows and a large kitchen and bedroom
So this what I wanted to lead with it's one bedroom and two full bathrooms you have access to the roof it's a pool and gym in the building as well" "washer and dryer connection?" "No but there's an on hand laundry room located on the fifth floor" "ooou yikes" YN says
"we'll still let's walk around" Jayson says feeling like she had counted it out before even looking "yes of course" Hannah walks them through each room in the house after looking at the kitchen "it's great so far" YN adds to make sure Hannah knows she did a good job they continue to walk around until they finish back in the living room space .
"What do you think?" YN asks Jayson "you'll spend the most time here it's about what you like" "I care about what you like tho" "it's alright I don't think you should take the first one we see though" YN rolls her eyes Hannah laughs a little "well I'll let you guys walk around again and I'll be right here so you can tell me what you think" "okay sounds great" YN smiles and begins walking Jayson stays close to her watching her reactions. He could tell she wanted to say something to him but she didn't know what to say. He glanced down bitting his lip
"Uh let's look in the bathroom again" "okay?" She follows behind him as they go through the bedroom and into the bathroom. He lets her walk in first turning on the light she looks i. the shower and he closes the door she looks up at him a little shocked. "Yes?" He picks her up placing her back on the door. "No Jayson ..." "huh?" "When I did this in the car I was told no... I'm telling you no" "tit for tat?" "Call it what you want but don't deny me and then five seconds later be kissing and touching on me you're hot one mintue then cold the next... put me down ... please " he listens
" some of that grace you claim you have with me... where is it now?" He almost pouts she places her head under his shirt making him laugh she kissed his chest and his stomach softly. "What you doing?" "Wishing I was tall enough to reach your face" she smiled "I can lean down a little bit for a kiss"
he leans down allowing her to kiss his lips and his cheeks "I love you I swear I do ... just well maybe we shouldn't have come out when we were beefing" "yeah ... but who knew we would be here" "you would've known if you told me earlier you were meeting Melo" he smirked "you right... let's go before she think we fuckin" "and? What she gon do about it?" He laughed "I'm sure she don't care I'm just saying" "how you know her anyway?" "Just through some people she has great turn arounds and I need you in here in like two weeks so..." "oh ... okay well yeah let's go" he opens the door "... after you" she smirked walking out and down the stairs to meet Hannah
"soooo after a lot of conversation we decided this can be put on the maybe list" "okay I totally understand tomorrow I have three more we can look at if you want" "yes that's sounds great" "okay I'll schedule the appointments what works better for you morning afternoon or night?" "Early afternoon should be fine"
They finally started leaving heading back to their cars walking and talking 
"okay great... what made you unsure about this one?" "Well I do a lot of laundry I like to have it in my home the thought of using a laundry mat and not being able to wash clothes randomly bothers me .... But everything else was great honestly" "okay great any final thoughts Jayson" "the price for this one was perfect if we can stay in that price range" "and what was the price  if I may ask?" Before Hannah could answer Jayson cut her off "no you may not it doesn't matter" "but you just said you wanna stay around there" YN says looking confused
"Thank you Hannah we look forward to seeing you tomorrow ... do you need us to walk you to your car?"  She smiled "nope I'm right here see you guys tomorrow" "bye Hannah" YN says as they walk I back to Jaysons car. 
"Don't ever disrespect me like that again" she says to him before he could even open her door "get in the car now" "or what Jayson?" He remains quiet "thought so" she gets in the car and he slams the door so hard the car shook.
He gets in the car and sighs
"I wasn't  trying to disrespect you I didn't wanna talk numbers in front of you because then you would be trying to go too low to save some money that's not for you to save... okay?" "I still like to know things" "but you always so extra when you know things ... that's why I don't tell you things" he begins backing up.
It was now a little after 8 he hadn't mentioned dinner but she was ready to go home and get in the bed push comes to shove she'll order something. He grabs her hand softly
"You deep in thought talk to me" "I'm just tired ... and when we get home I just wanna get in the bed. My whole day has been ... ugh I can we talk about the Melo thing now? the anxiety is really high and the conversation about this situation is honestly long over due"
"Long story short .... I just met up with him and told him he need to do us all a favor and stay away from you. He said he wasn't worried about you no more cause he was back with his ex and quote 'you can have her' I felt like he was on some disrespectful shit so I said some wild shit before you ask no I don't remember what it was specifically he said some wild shit back and then one of his people came and pulled him away"
"do you feel like you solved anything?" "I made my presence known I feel like as long as it's only you saying these things he wasn't respecting it but I'm a man you don't gotta like me but you gon respect me and mine" she smiled "I actually ... appreciate you caring about me that much" "I'm glad you said that bae cause it's not just because you're my woman it's because you are a woman you deserve to be treated with respect and dignity and he's never gonna do that to you so he needs to just leave you alone"
" am I stupid for thinking him and I could be friends?" "Like I said earlier you be expecting you out of people but you only get that with me" she started to tear up "don't leave me I know I'm slow and hard to deal with sometimes but ... I deserve you I promise I do" "I know bae... and we gon ride out none of that crying shit tonight ... let's switch the subject"
"you were going to fuck me in that bathroom?" She says trying to brighten up the situation. He laughed loudly pulling in front of the house and parking his car "I don't know what I was gonna do .... I was just trying to feel you be soft again. I hate when we're mad at each other. We shouldn't be arguing " "I love you..." "I love you  too.... Can we go be us again?" She smiles  "Yes please" he gets out of the car going to open her door. He kisses her lips softly and then moved so she could get out of the car. "Jay" "hmmm?" He unlocks the door she gasps  "Jayson .... Wow"
He smiles "yeah you was making up with me one way or another" he kisses the top of her head she laughed "wow baby this is beautiful" "if you would follow me we should have some food waiting on us" she walks to the table.
"I'm sorry but how tf did you do all this... like we've been together the whole afternoon ... I came in this house" he laughed "that's why I was rushing out... I told them what I wanted and had them set it up while I was gone" "you let strangers in your house ... Alone?" "Nick came and watched them and then left after everybody was gone.... Actually what took me so long to get out the car he had called and was showing me everything" "well I'll have to tell him thank you.... But most importantly thank you Bae I appreciate the effort ... now it's time I do that same"
"let's eat before our food get cold" she sits down pouring herself some wine and then Jayson some. And then she wrapped the sauce covered noodles around her fork anxious to know what the pasta tasted like.
"What did you mean by it's time you do the same?" He asks her staring in her eyes. "I feel like you do these big gestures right ... I miss you so you fly into town to be with me when you could be doing literally anything else, I wanna take up more of your time you help me do it comfortably by finding me a place to stay out here, i can keep going but I won't you do all that and what do I provide you?" "YN you change your work schedule every week depending on what days I'm free and can see you, I be lonely and don't have time to fly to you so you fly to me, last road trip you knew I would be hungry as fuck when I got home but you also knew it would be late and I would be too tired to get anything ... so you ordered my favorite food and had it delivered to the house ... like you had the timing of this shit so damn close, you better me spiritually, how many talks do we have when you're literally telling me how great I am and I'm just getting started you're my partner I don't look at everything I do and then compare it to what you do... but you do a lot and you look at it as things you should just be doing but you don't have to do those things"
"I know that but I do them because I love you... I'm in love with you" "everything I do is because I'm in love with you" "I wanna do more" "good luck with that bae" she laughed "the food is good btw" "yeah I think so too I wasn't sure if I should get this or the salmon ... I figured this would be better for you" "what's one thing I could do to help better our relationship?" He thought for a second "stop assuming the worse from me I don't know if it's because I fucked up or it's because you're not use to good Niggas maybe it's a mixture but you should always assume ima pull through for you and do what I'm supposed to do"
"cause you're my man" "damn right" she smiled "I love being your girl" "let me ask you something else baby" "yes?" "Why on earth did you think I would just leave you like that? Like we had a disagreement the night before and then we just done? That don't seem dramatic to you?" She takes a sip of her wine.
"I think it was not hearing from you too.... Like no contact had me going through it " "you said you would call me when you calmed down" "but I never really did..." "so? What should you have done? Let this be a growing experience..." "Call you anyway?" "So we can talk it out... you sat there and drove yourself crazy literally for no reason" "you're right... I just always expect you to call or show up when I haven't reached out" "look at it from my side tho... that shit was about to get ugly so why would I rush to talk to you and risk making it worse or catching you at a time where you not ready to talk and then who knows what would happen"
"yeah I don't be thinking like that" "I need you to baby... we'll get along a lot better if you just stop assuming" "I'll try... check me if I do it" "I enjoy checking you" he kissed her lips softly "babyyyy I was chewing" "you will be fine" she laughed  "how you know that?" "Cause I'm not going no where" " even if I want you too?" "well why would you?" "I wouldn't I was just trying to catch you off guard" he rolled his eyes laughing
"find something better to do" "than to mess with you? No it's too fun" she smiles standing up grabbing his plate "YN?" "Hm?" She asks from the kitchen "leave those dishes don't wash them" "can I rinse them? And Put them in the washer machine" "washer machine?" He laughed "shit! I'm so sleepy the dish washer!" He walks in turning her around he kisses her lips again talking while never moving his lips off hers
"yeah baby put them in the washer machine" "you'll never let me live that one down huh🫠" "nah probably not" "it's getting late" "it is ... you good?" "Mhm better now that we talked ... this morning I was going through it I had to force myself to take a shower I was becoming depressed and you didn't even break up with me.... But I felt like you were about to" "what did you think he was gonna say to me?" "I had no clue what he would say but it's not like you don't already know everything I guess I was just more so like that was gonna be your last straw like arguing with him about me was gonna open your eyes and you were gonna be done"
"nah cause for whatever reason I'm able to see how that shit spiraled out of control you never really told me how it started and idgaf but if you talking to somebody that much you're gonna develop some type of feelings I think you always looked at him as a friend even though you were having sex with him but that wasn't the case for him and then when you moved on he wasn't expecting that and he was use to being in control but he didn't have any anymore so .... He kept trying to fuck this up... but you know how I knew you were really over him today?"
"How?" "I mentioned him being back with his ex and you didn't even flinch like it didn't hurt you at all" YN smiled when she realized that "damn ... I guess I kinda knew that was coming too he can't be alone" "but baby can tonight be the very last night he comes up in any of our conversation since you done with him and he done with you let's leave him where he belongs ... in the past" "I agree with you let's leave that shit in the past"
But one thing YN didn't know was Jayson was lying about the altercation with Lamelo it actually went like this...
Jayson knew Melo would be in the weight room with a few of his teammates at this specific time. Melo had no clue Jayson was coming or that he even knew his schedule. Jayson wanted it that way he was very strategic and needed the upper hand.
Jayson roamed into the weight room looking for Melo. "Ayo nigga" his aggression made everyone stop what they were doing "I know that ain't who I think it is" Melo says laughing while  walking closer to Jayson "you know who I am lil nigga don't play. Keep my girl name out your mouth don't come to her house don't send her no crazy shit none of that it's over. You hear me? Say something else you'll be dealing with me" Melo laughed
"that girl blocked me on everything go check her not me" "she good don't worry about her" "I'm back wit my girl so why would I be worried bout that
h—" before Melo could finish saying hoe Jayson and punched him In his face. Melos teammates quickly grabbed Jayson pulling him away and getting him out of the weight room.
Terry Rozier ran after Jayson "yoooo I've never seen you do no shit like that ... these girls are not special you can get a new one if Melo already fucked her it's nothing to be punching a nigga for"
"respectfully Terry you don't know what you talking about she not no hoe she my girl and he been disrespecting her constantly. If they had did what they did in the past and he left her alone then I wouldn't care but he keep popping up to her house and everybody know that's not cool ... I ain't mean to punch that nigga tho but don't call my girl no hoe" "look let me go get him and y'all talk this out like men ... I don't want no shit escalating cause outside of all of this we got careers to be thinking about" "alright you right" "wait here" "ight"
Terry goes and gets Melo bringing him back out to Jayson.
"I shouldn't have put my hands on you but all I'm asking you to do is stop disrespecting YN at some point she had to mean something to you ... just respect her" "I do... that's why I'm keeping my distance she Fr blocked me on everything like I told her you won. I'm back with my ex I don't care I'm good you don't gotta worry bout me popping up no more" "ight bet"
Melo starts to walk off so jayson goes and gets in the car he realizes it's almost 2:30 and him and YN were supposed to leave at three. He sits in the car contemplating on just going home or going to see YN ... he was still pissed at the whole situation .... The thought of her being disrespected got him completely out of character. He needed to go see her maybe that'll make everything right.
But as we all know by the time he got to her all his thoughts were racing and the sight of her pissed him off why wouldn't she text or call him and why was she still trying to fight.... He needed answers but he also knew this wasn't the end of the relationship ... so he made sure she flew home with him.
He didn't have to talk to her he just needed to see her.
*end of flashback*
He contemplated telling her the full story .... But he didn't. They continued to kiss as she sits on the counter in the kitchen. "If you were gonna stand here and kiss me I had time to wash those dishes." She smiles "I didn't know if you wanted to do a little more than kisses ... so I thought I would get you worked up first" "you know me... I would love to but ... I'm so tired" he kisses her forehead
"that's fine ... like I said earlier I wanna take my time with you ... it's been so long" "while I'm here you know when I get my place.... We have to fuck in every room of that place" "kitchen?" "Mhm" "bedroom?" "Definitely" "damn okay I got you let me get my water in now ... you like to try and kill me" he picks her up taking her upstairs "you be wanting rounds too Jay so stop lying" "yeah I go rounds but you be playing whole matches" YN laughed as he Threw her on the bed.
"What you gotta do tomorrow?" She asks "gym plus team bounding at four" "team bounding?" "Yeah we might go out or something" "oh okay" he kisses her forehead "after working out we usually don't feel like doing that and we push it back" he smiles making her smile too "just let me know" "of course"
*time skip
It was three in the morning and she couldnt go back to sleep... she wanted Jayson so badly and he was so close. She never thought she would be of those bitches fucking at three in the morning after being sleep .... But here she was wanting him she stared at his back and arms ... he was so muscular.
She lightly brushes her nails up and down his back he quickly rolls over catching her off guard "you can't sleep either?" His voice was so damn deep. "No... I was sleep and then I woke up and I just..." she scoots closer to him while rubbing down his body her hand immediately begins rubbing his dick he groaned.
"That's what you want? That's why you can't sleep?" "Mhm... I need you bad baby please" he kisses her neck "turn around" she turns around and immediately he lifts leg up. She feels him hard as ever playing in between her folds. "Baby .... Please" "fuck... so wet what was you dreaming about?" He slides inside of her
"I didn't have to dream ... you're right here" his hand goes around her throat "damn that was sexy" "fuck... shit" he moved slowly but still very deep.
"You got all this ass I can't fuck you like I want" he laughs repositioning himself so he could be right in between her legs she spreads them wide as he slides in. "Nah ... not right now" before she could ask what he was talking about he closes her legs holding her close .... It's caused a whole new feeling.
"You like that?" "Yes baby I love it" "so .. damn tight" he moves his hips a little faster she stared deep in his holding his hands as his hands hold her hips. "I love you.... So much" she says smiling he noticed her hand was over her new scar and every time her hand naturally moved she puts it back.
He leans down kissing her lips "you beautiful you know that?" "Mhm" he kisses down her body kissing her scar over and over. "Baby don't" sliding back inside her. She loses all her air "shhh...Don't hide anything from me ... I love it All" "it's not that big... but it's new" "you feel insecure about it?" "It's the first time you're seeing it" "and it's doesn't take anything away from your beauty just something extra to love"
she arched her back "you're so amazing Jayson" "mhm I know baby" she smiles his thumb begins to rub her clit causing her legs to shake with anticipation "cockyyy" "shutup" his strokes became faster. "You—" "what I just say?" His hand goes over mouth. She pouts and licks his hand. He laughs "you just licked my hand?"  He laughs "Mhmmm" he sticks his thumb in her mouth "suck it" he watched as she listened and then he roughly pulled it out if her mouth placing it on her clit "ughhh" "you close right? Cum wit me" "mhmm" "wit me baby... now" he watched her body for when she was really about to blow and then he released too.
He pulls out slowly laying down she double taps her phone laughing a little "it's four in the morning" "yeah... we should go back to sleep he pulls her closer she grabs his hand kissing it.
"You told me everything right?" He kissed the top of her head "why you asking that?" "Just wondering what you bumped your hand into ... it's seriously bruised so I wanted to make sure it wasn't somebody face" she kissed it "yeah I hit it hard. Before I got you yesterday" "does it hurt?" "It's A little sore I'll be fine" "you can still play?" "You know I'm playing" YN laughs "okay ... so you good?" "I'm good ... you good?"
"Phenomenal" "goodnight bae..." "but wait ... while we asking questions that number that kept calling you a while back.... Came back up when we were at your place... you ready to tell me who tf that is?
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madisonbeersource · 7 months
hi hi, yesterday was opening night alxkozmdmdpappdpd
o.m.g. this tour is insane. like the setlist is everything. the whole selfish-at ur worst-ryder part? had me sobbing behind my screen. ALSO HOMESICK HELLO. i also loved baby and make you mine (cuntison at her finest). and some people are saying that tyler durden was actually the surprise song, so guess we'll see tonight!
however, i am kind of sad for nmby and dangerous (especially dangerous bc of the orchestra) and i dont really like the merch that much... like the cheetah print is definitely not my vibe, and also it's so expensive?! but asides from that, madison was so happy and the show is still fire.
what're ur thoughts (on everything)?
the set list is SO FREAKING GOOD!! we'll dive from baby to spinnin and end up w follow the white rabbit!!! OMG I CANNOT WAIT idk if the setlist's gonna change each time BUT ISTG i cannot wait and to see more of the wardrobe! HOMESICK IS IN THERE SHE HEARD ME :') i'm so happy like to see everything she does makes her so happy and her tour is gonna be so thought over you know and i'm so exited for the Q&A and meet some other fans of mads like we are UGH. OMG YES i thought about this too maybe she'll change i hope so i kinda hope each concert will be unique!
nmby could've been bomb especially when u have heartless in here like i love heartless but i wish it was any other songs tbh and i actually liked the merch like i don't see the cheetah print u talk about? her happiness is GLOWING
honestly it makes me so exited to see it w my own eyes honestly to see her as i've been a fan of hers for over a decade???? like this is crazy so she could literally sing baby shark i wouldn't care I think i'll buy some of her merch cause it's one time in my life better make the most of it, also I can't wait to sing my lungs out and i hope i'll meet super cool people (and even one person that knows about this blog how SICK this would be) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i'm exited for all of it!!
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bunny-heels · 9 months
oh i should give my thoughts on Final Draft since i finally finished it. spoilers below
so the ONLY thing i didn't like was that there wasnt a lot of new manuscripts or videos to find. i probably missed a couple pages because i didnt look around as much, but i am sad that the 3rd Darling video is gonna be for the Lake House and the 2nd Door video is gonna be for Night Springs. i dont mind waiting to see them but i wish the collectibles menu didnt list it as incomplete cause its not even in the game yet. but i'll gladly wait to see them.
okay on to actual thoughts.
finding the dark poems on the surface world was a big splash of whiplash, and i liked how they were placed throughout the game, especially with the order of how i switch realities, it felt perfect.
the beginning with Saga telling Casey that she used to be into geology and she helped Logan with a science fair project, but basically did it for her and Casey going "oh thats basically a CRIME, Anderson". that was adorable. i love their dynamic so much it hurts.
ALSO IM SO HAPPY THEY PUT IN THE LINES FOR THE SALT SHAKER MEMORY. i'll come clean and say i've heard the audio before from when my boyfriend went through the files, but it made me so happy to hear it in-game. Casey is so fucking cute. and the fact that Saga notes that Casey doesn't joke around with literally anyone else, showing that he trusts Saga so much. i love this man i love him i love him i need to nibble on him like a dog nibbles on a plush toy
Darling's videos were very fun to watch. i loved that he didn't really care that he was trapped in the Dark Place because to him it was just a new thing to research and make experiments with. i'm assuming after he realized Alan sounded like him that he tried not to think about too much at first, but that's definitely going to be something that fucks with his brain later
Darling and Zane fucked for sure im convinced of that. if i had to pair any other characters together besides Saga and Casey then it's Darling and Zane. fucking Zane saying Kippis as he takes a drink with him too. i'm killing this man. theres apparently a theory that they both created Alan and that's why he looks like Zane but sounds like Darling. if thats true, then Sam Lake is a fucking genius for making it that a brilliant artist and an advanced scientist made the stupidest writer son on the planet and it somehow worked. at least the one thing they have in common is all three of them deep down have selfish bastard tendencies.
but even if Alan's a bastard he loves Alice so so so fucking much and it was literally their love and memories of each other that brought them back together along with Saga putting some sense into him to actually think about others, not just him and Alice. i hope Alice is doing okay and that she got to be reunited with Alan as soon as possible.
Tor and Odin showing up in the Dark Place was adorable, and im so happy that apparently they're fine with Door now, after what happened in '88. i'm assuming what brought them to finally come to an agreement was that they wanted what was best for Saga and Alan. i hope Logan and David get to meet Tor and Odin at some point in-canon, even if its off screen. i'm still curious on what's gonna happen the next time Alan and Door meet, or when that's even gonna happen, but i guess that's either gonna be in the DLCs or even in Control 2. i also hope Tim gets out and gets to finally be face-to-face to Door, which is probably also gonna happen in either DLC or Control 2.
finally the ending. i thought it was perfect. i've seen people say it was too easy and that there shouldve been more ambiguity. i'll be honest, i think the ending is a perfect blend of closure and opened interpretation. Alan finally got out and Logan is alive now, which is wonderful, but now it's the question of what's happening outside the writer's room. what's going on at the Lake House? why did the FBC go dark? did Tim get out? are Saga and Casey now going to be dragged into the FBC full-time because Kiran deputized them?
we also still don't know what happened to Darling after meeting with Tom [at least i havent cause i refuse to watch the leaked third video]. is Darling gonna be able to figure out his way through the Dark Place? is he gonna get the chance to meet Door and Tim? is he gonna indirectly cause Jesse or Dylan or both of them to go into the Dark Place in Control 2? is Darling being the Dark Place a good thing at all? does he ever figure out how he ended up there after trying to stop the Hiss? is he aware that Trench is gone and Jesse is the new Director?
i think the most the ending does is just show that Alan's part in the RCU is MOSTLY done, at least for now. to me this looks like a chance for him to show up more often in other things and to maybe help with what's happening at the FBC. the most i hope for him at the moment is he meets up with Alice again, and ESPECIALLY meets up with Barry, though i hope the Blessed organization haven't done anything to him, which is another thing that i hope gets touched on.
anyways i'm very happy i finished it im so excited :]
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bwobgames · 2 years
Previous First
"I. Uh. Might have developed a small crush on my brother's girlfriend.
Now, I dont really believe in love at first sight. But it was close enough.
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She smiled at me once, twice, thrice, and then I realized I wanted to see that smile forever. It's just!! Everything felt better with her by my side, you know? Have you ever felt that?"
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An image comes to his mind, but he can't recognize it. It quickly disappears.
"We were best friends. We shared makeup and talked all night and raised kids together, bestie stuff.
I always thought of me and my brother as equals, i mean, we are both dumb rich kids who love pretty girls and sweet popcorn
But I never understood his ambition. He had everything! A beautiful wife, lovely kids, money, time, fame. Some of us dont have even one of those things!
So why did he not care about them?
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He just left Mari abandoned in their house everyday, he barely went to do his job as CEO, He just ran around doing whatever! Why couldn't he just see how good he has it? The people he was hurting? The responsibilities of a husband and father??
One day Mari came to me, barely speaking, saying he divorced her.
I uh, didn't take it very well.
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In my defense, if you saw someone having everything you've ever wanted and just threw it away, wouldn't you be a little mad?
And I know it's selfish and envy is bad or whatever. But he was hurting people. People I love very much. Even himself, i think.
We fought a lot, i told him he was a stupid spoiled child, and he told me i'd never achieve anything even with our parents' money. Then I, uh, said that I was glad he had little youth left because it meant he was gonna die soon.
Yeah... uh... maybe bringing childhood trauma into the divorce thing wasn't a good plan.
And I only realized it later, when he made some crazy internet thing and he was getting detained by the police.
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Mari was not coping well, me neither, honestly. We both realized the person we knew was actually just in our heads and that the real person is some cruel stranger. It was almost like grieving.
We fought over the smallest things. Nadia and Simon decided to move to their friend's house. I went back to mine as well, I couldn't take it.
Just like him, I left her all alone. It must run in the family."
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"So, yeah, she's probably super mad at me. And doesn't want to be with me ever again"
Beebo tries really hard not to tell her how wrong she is about that
"Well, let's go look for her then! I'll speak on your behalf, so you two dont have to face each other, but the message goes across. Where do you think she is?"
"Um, she said something about her kids, right? They usually are in the observation tower, so she might be looking for them there?"
"Alright, let's go there"
"I'm back I'm back!"
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"The Vivi has been secured"
"You literally just made me turn every single location tracking app i have"
"And now you are secured"
"Um, hello?"
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"Oh! This is my friend ..."
"Uh. Um. Oh fuck I still dont remember his name. And I literally asked him out! Seems like I still get all stupid in the presence of handsome men. I'll just wait until someone else says it"
" ... from college!, and his friend, Vivi right?"
"Hey Ollie, where is the lady with the blue hair I left you with?"
"We are going to her! She might be in an observation tower, we think"
"Wait, are we all going?"
"Yes. You need your emotional support me, I need my emotional support him and he needs his emotional support her"
"I can take it"
"Wait! I still dont know what to say to her! How do I say that Im sorry? That I love her?"
"I have suggestions"
"So do I"
"Mine would be funnier though"
"...Im so fucked"
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bloominghoneyscreams · 3 months
i wish i was ever ever enough for people to stay. i've felt sick every day since you left me, like bedridden
worst of all isn't knowing that i have nowhere to go, that i dont know what to tell anyone, but that i'll never get you back
things will never be the same again and i don't know what to do
and i feel selfish just thinking about it
because i know you're so much happier without me dragging you down
but then i think of the bracelets i got for us, and how the one you said you wanted will never make its way to you
i think about the special rings i got, that I kept secret because it was a suprise and i knew you would love them
i think about how they'll never be worn and it hurts so fucking bad it's like I'm being torn apart from the inside out
and every night i say im sorry knowing it's too late and you'll never hear it and it wouldn't matter if you did
i wish you just said you hated me. you should just hate me for everything
it hurts the worst knowing it's all my fault I'm like this. that I'll never change because i was made broken
it hurts the worst knowing you ever knew me
i wish i was good enough
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my-castles-crumbling · 5 months
hey! I've been having some worries about my (platonic) relationship recently and I'd love advice that isn't from my best friend (because of course he'd never tell me if anything was up). Also, I may have sent in this ask before, but my adhd brain can't remember
So, I've been with him for a year now, we dated for a couple months at the start and now we're friends, we're both different levels and flavors of aroace, and he's my soulmate and literally everything to me. I'm beyond in love with him. He says that he feels the same about me, but I'm just not sure. It feels like he's avoiding me and falling out of love with me, and he hasn't been really talking to me much for weeks. He says that he's busy, but he just doesn't seem to care as much and I don't know how to let go of him. I keep trying to get him to tell me that he wants to end what we have, but he just won't, even though he's pretty clearly uninterested in talking to me. Lately, the only way we communicate has been hour-long calls at night. I'm worried that I'm putting too much on him with dealing with my insecurities (I'll tell him that it's okay if he hates me and I understand why he doesn't want to be friends anymore and then he'll get a little upset and say that he does and I dont need to worry about that stuff), he was there for me while I was dealing with severe depression and everything that it brought and I'm just scared that it's been too much for him and he's tired of me constantly complaining, or I'm pushing him too much and he won't tell me (we're still figuring out what our relationship is, it's not romantic but it's so much more than just being friends (to me at least) and he just seems less in love with me than I am with him). I can't get him to admit any of it and I can't bring myself to just block him and let him go (we go to different schools and live pretty far from each other so he wouldn't be able to contact me any other ways given that I can ignore emails much better than texts).I know it would be what's best for him and it's was he really wants, but I just don't know how to do it and let go of him. He's the love of my life and I know I'm being too selfish but it's just so painful to think about letting him go, even when we already only talk once or twice a day. I don't know what to do
Hi hon!
I'm a bit confused, here. You keep saying you know he doesn't want to be with you, you know you're bugging him, you know he's better off, you know, you know, you know- but then you say he says everything is fine?
Has he done anything to make you think this?
Trust me, I have been in this spot so many times, where I feel like I am too much, where I feel like someone secretly doesn't want me, where I feel like I should just run. But if this person is saying or doing nothing to actually confirm this, then there are two possibilities:
Either you are feeling anxious about something that actually isn't true (valid. Like I said, I've been there) In this case, then...yay! It's not true!
OR he is feeling this way, but he isn't telling you about it. In this case, then...it's HIS job to tell you how he's feeling. You shouldn't have to pry that from him.
Either way, you don't have to do anything! It sounds horrible and terrifying, but try to take his reassurance at face value for a bit. See how things go. Try not to just leave. I don't think that'll work well.
Please write/vent to me anytime <3
I'm naming you good anon, for when you write back!
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sagemoderocklee · 6 months
violence asks: 12, 13, 16!
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
uh. honestly hard to say cause i dont honestly think the characters i like are rlly 'unpopular'. like some get a lot of hate directed at that (sasuke and sakura, for instance) but theyre still popular characters.
i think what i'll say is i wish more ppl liked sakura without disregarding her flaws. i think her flaws make her more interesting. i think her being kinda selfish makes her more interesting. i think her being callous and insensitive sometimes makes her more interesting. i think when her attempts at kindness hurts others, its more interesting. i think sakura is a good person, but a flawed person. i think she does and says bad things, not infrequently, but is still a likeable character and an interesting one
13. worst blorboficiation
it's been said before, but Gaara. @shukakumoodboard said just last night when they got this or similar one from this ask game, but i cannot stand the blushing sex-clueless Gaara--the man is the leader of an entire village, please stop--and i can't stand ppl baby-girl-ifying him--the man has a fuckin body count at least a mile long.
genuinely it grates so much. and on one end you get this weird homophobic infantilization and on the other hand you get this ableist misinterpretation of him as being a violent "psychopath". like ppl rlly dont understand this character--barring a few ppl i trust--and i think thats a travesty
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
will never get it, will never be into it, never wanna be into it. Kankuro and Kiba are so straight and Kiba gives strong 'homophobic dudebro vibes'. its gotten so popular too, to the point it like actively grates--i guess that's something i could have answered the last ask with re: what thing i hate because of the fandom.
generally speaking i also just will never see the merit in a 'everyone is gay and trans' "utopia" not just cause it's not realistic, but because i wanna live in a world where straight and cis ppl love lgbt ppl for who we are. i wanna live in a world where homophobia and transphobia dont exist because straight and cis ppl do the work to combat it both externally and internally
i get more out of Kankurou being a supportive older brother to his gay brother and bi sister than i get outta him also being gay or bi or trans. i get more outta neji being supportive of lee and gai than i get outta him also being lgbt.
i get nothing outta kiba cause that man would call you a slur in a heartbeat.
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