#send messages as my muse's child
causalitylinked · 1 year
"You don’t wanna just flip to the end of the book, do you? that’s no fun. " She quips, offering a lopsided grin before she turns back to the shelves. She never meant to turn this into a conversation about, well, life. But here they were in some random aisle of the bookstore, her digits lazily running along the spines of dated anthologies. "What about you? Are you taking it day-by-day or do you know where you see yourself in a couple years, Hibiki?" (for kensuke from a meme i hope you're still accepting! c:)
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                  nine perfect strangers. » still accepting!
    At the sudden sound of her voice, it doesn't take long for Kensuke to immediately pause with the fingers that had clasped a page soon halting. Incidentally, the book he scoured through happened to be be Kenji Miyazawa's 'Strong in the Rain: Selected Poetry', as he was hoping that by looking at other peoples works, it might somehow bring him out of his writers' block, but it seemed he had an audience, causing him to wince. ...And of all the people it could have been, Ryu just had to be the one to notice, which certainly made things slightly awkward.
    Why, when it came down to it, Kensuke could not think of anything less cooler that being caught, seeking inspiration from a book like some lost scholar; regardless, he'll subsequently turn. "Ah... hello, Ryu-senpai. And yes, come to think of it, I suppose I should skim through this a little more before flipping to the end," came his eventual acknowledgement, and within seconds, he'll finally bring himself to glance up.
    The moment she next speaks, however, his brows were quick to droop, for even thinking about his future proved stressful. Honestly, to this day, he wonders if maybe his parents made the wrong decision by agreeing to fund his education fees for music college, since his imposter syndrome seemed to only worsen day by day as exams seasons neared.
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    "W-Well..." Sure enough, Kensuke then proceeds to nervously adjust his glasses further up along the nape of his nose. "I can't exactly afford to be that carefree; after all, my father has made it clear he expects me to take things much more seriously if I am to continue my studies. Of course, the plan is to graduate eventually, yet other than that... I confess I can't really picture what my life would be like that far ahead; in fact, I'm starting to doubt whether or not I even have talent."
    By that point, he'll soon let out a sigh. "But enough about me, Ryu-senpai. Can you envision where you'll be a couple years later?"
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chernabogs · 15 days
For da prompt... ‘  i’m  tired  of  being  a  prince.  i  think  i  would  actually  enjoy  being  a  frog.  ’ with Malleus...🐸
can u imagine froglleus...
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Hop To It
Inc: Malleus Draconia, Reader/Yuu, 1 goat, 1 cow, 1 frog Warnings: None bc this is actually a really sweet fic I promise. I diverted from angst and more into feel good for once LMAO. WC: 4k Summary: Your nocturnal friend invites you to an event at a local zoo. If he could've adopted that goat from Fleur City, he probably would've.
It’s not often you find yourself able to catch a break. Usually, your weekends are filled with needing to deal with the mountain of homework that’s grown over the week from neglect—not at your fault, of course. When you have a housemate with the mentality of a two-year old toddler, two friends that are magnets for chaos, and an overblot a month, things tend to pile up without you noticing.
But on this fine, dare you even say perfect, weekend you finally find yourself capable of catching your breath for a moment. You glance at your alarm clock to see that it’s well past the time that you usually wake up, and so with a languid air about you, you reach out to grab your phone and check the notifications.
You have a few text messages from the various group chats that you’re in—study ones save for the first year's chat—and then a few private messages. Your eyebrow raises at one in particular as your thumb drifts down to click it open. 
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Ominous and to the point, isn’t he? You suppress a low chuckle of amusement as you pull up the keyboard. Despite both you and the Shroud brothers working overtime to teach Malleus the ropes of modern technology, including texting etiquette, he still seems to not grasp it in its entirety.
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You think it a perfectly reasonable thing to ask. You know that your friend is of nocturnal affinity, but you’d think he’d realize you’re not apt to reply at 3 am by now. Within seconds of sending your message your phone buzzes again with a reply. 
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Cut and dry, much like the man himself. He reminds you vaguely of an older parent trying to get their child's attention as you click the call button and heave a sigh. It rings once, then again, before the sound of someone picking up has a slow smile pulling on your lips. 
“I’m in your 3 am thoughts, am I?” You muse as you roll to the side to keep the charger cable from pulling too much. 
“Incorrect. Small mammals, in fact, are my 3 am thoughts.” Malleus’ smooth voice cuts down your hopes in 10 words as your brow furrows in confusion. 
“Elaborate.” In your time of knowing him, you’ve also come to realize that, to those he feels comfortable with, Malleus has a habit of streamlining his thoughts with little to no interruption from his brain to his mouth. Around politicians and strangers, he was perfectly composed in all ways. Around you, he was a certified yapper. 
“I have been made aware of the Sage Island Zoo hosting an event I’m most keen on attending, and considering what I know of you, I’d say you’d share the sentiment.” You hear a clattering sound from the other side of the line, followed by a mumbled curse before Malleus continues. “I want to pet a goat.” 
“I…” You click the speaker button on your phone before pulling up your browser to type in the zoo. “Hold on, I need to figure out what’s in your brain right now.” 
“Let me know when you succeed in doing so.” Malleus shot back as you scrolled through the zoo’s feed. You soon come across a post that seems to tell you what the man is going on about. There’s a petting zoo and expo happening at the zoo this weekend. Present will be the usual armada: lambs, goats, pigs, and alpacas. But they also highlight a special reptile and amphibian petting area as well. 
You give a small ‘ah’ of understanding as you share the post via text message with him. You doubt he’ll look at it—the complex multitasking of looking at a text message and talking on the line is still something that surpasses your young apprentices’ abilities. “You mean the petting event at the zoo, yeah? They got goats and such there.” 
“Correct! Well done, Prefect. I knew your fantastic abilities of deduction would get you there eventually.” 
You wish you could reach through the phone to pinch his smarmy face for that comment as you roll onto your back again. “And you thought of me when you saw that? Aw, Malleus. I am your 3 am thoughts!” 
“Did you want to go or not? I can easily invite Lilia, or Sebek, or Silver… although I fear Silver may end up falling asleep in the petting area. Or drawing far too many of the animals to him again…that might be quite the mess…” Malleus trails off into a thoughtful silence, which is another thing you’ve come to realize your friend does a lot. 
“Fortunately for you, my super busy calendar actually has an opening today that I can squeeze some ‘you’ time into.” You sit up with a groan of protest before looking over to Grim’s bed, where your companion is still snoring away, his belly and paws to the sky. “I don’t think Grim will be coming with us, though.” 
“That is fine. I fear he may not be compatible with the animals anyway.”
Your eyes narrow at how quickly Malleus is to agree that it would just be you and him going as you shoved the blankets off your legs. “Okay, then. Can you give me 30—” you pause and tug at your shirt sleeve for a moment before grimacing, “—actually, give me an hour. Then we can head out. The event starts at 10?” 
“According to their poster, yes. I saved it so that I may check to be sure.” Malleus sounds pleased of the fact that he’s managed to save an image from social media without a crisis happening. 
“I’m proud of you for that. If that’s the case, then let’s grab a drink beforehand.” You yawn as you finally rouse yourself, unplugging your phone and sliding your feet into your slippers. The floors of Ramshackle still manage to be brutally cold in the mornings, even with the new renovations done. You’d need to question Crowley on the furnace in the future. “I need some kind of breakfast.” 
“Perhaps if you woke at a reasonable hour, breakfast would not be a concern.” You hear the teasing lilt in Malleus’ voice. He’s in a playful mood today—more so then usual. 
He’s probably just pumped to get out and about again. 
Your nose wrinkles as your finger hovers over the ‘end call’ button. “Not everyone is nocturnal. I’ll see you soon.” 
An hour later finds you yawning in the lineup of a local coffee shop. The weather outside is continuing to be promising, with its blue skies and temperate air. You’re basking in the ambience of it all while Malleus, bless his heart, is pushing a pair of sunglasses onto his face. 
“It isn’t even that bright out,” you smirk at him as the two of you move closer in the line. A few patrons are staring at Malleus as he remains close to your side. You can’t quite blame them. Some might be gawking at the fact that the crown prince is standing in a coffee shop line like everyone else. Others might be doing so at the fact that he’s out again post-overblot. 
It’s been a bit of an uphill battle to get him on his feet—which is partially why you’re keen to keep him in this rare, uplifted mood. 
“To you,” he shoots back as he crosses his arms. A beige bag is slung over his shoulder, and he’s surprisingly dressed down for the occasion, wearing simple black dress pants and a dark long-sleeve shirt. You think the fact that he’s managed to wrangle up a pair of hiking boots from somewhere is quaint, too. He almost looks like he’d fit into a petting zoo environment. “To me, it is borderline blinding.” 
“My condolences for the weakness of your eyes.” You focus your attention back to the menu ahead as you feel his elbow hit into your side, making you hiss before chuckling. This coffee shop in question has become somewhat of a routine visit for you both whenever you’re out in town together, which is often done a) late at night and b) in the company of the rest of the quartet. Your attendance has been frequent enough though that you now know both yours and Malleus’ usual order. 
He likes his coffee black. You like yours with enough sugar that it might appeal to Sebek’s tastes. 
“I feel like you’re being ingenuine with that.” Despite the hurt in his tone, you know it’s all bullshit by the smirk that touches on the edge of his lips as you finally shuffle to the front of the line. After stating your orders to the slightly nervous looking barista behind the counter (who must be new, considering that the others are all used to Malleus by now), you spot Malleus reaching for his wallet in your peripheral. A sharp swat of your hand on his arm stops him in his tracks as you tap the debit card Crowley so kindly loaned you on the machine. 
“You didn’t need to do that.” He sighs as the two of you step aside to wait for the orders as you shrug and lean on the counter. You don’t mind buying something for your friends—especially if it’s Crowley’s money you’re spending. “I have more than enough funds to afford a cup of coffee.” 
“It isn’t about the money, it’s about the satisfaction it brings me to buy you something as a token of appreciation for inviting me out.” You pat his arm as the barista sets your cups on the counter before you hand it to him. You selectively ignore the way his fingers touch your hand for longer than necessary before withdrawing with his beverage. 
“Anyway, let’s go wrestle a kid, hm?” 
Malleus manages to get his revenge swiftly and without mercy when the two of you arrive at the zoo. Before you can even shift your cup into your other hand to grab your wallet, he’s stepping in front of you and setting down more than enough madol to purchase two passes. A part of you wants to tease him over this matter, but the man looks so damn proud when he turns and hands you the ticket that you just shake your head with a smirk and let him have it. 
Another thing about your friend—you can’t expect to do something for him and not have it returned in kind. You know he’s felt indebted to a lot of people ever since his overblot, and small gestures like this make him feel better in a way. You really have missed seeing his smile. 
You come to a stop when you get into the zoo itself to pull out the map of the area. “Right, so we need to figure out where—”
“Goats.” Malleus is looping your arm with his before you can even finish your sentence and hauling you to the side, leaving you to yelp at the suddenness of the motion. His bicep feels like solid stone against yours, which leaves you to accept the fact that you’re not getting out of this any time soon—and that you should really take Jack up on those workout suggestions. 
You continue to feel the stares as Malleus leads the charge towards whatever destination he has set in mind. A few people scatter off the walkway, and one particularly curious child points up at Malleus’ horns while boldly asking his mother ‘why does that man have horns?,’ but Malleus has blinders on as the two of you finally spot a sign for the petting exhibition ahead. 
The sign is large—as is the crowd. 
“Shit,” you mumble as you step closer to your companion. Usually you’re good with lots of people, but considering that it’s both hot out and now you’re entering a crowded space, you feel a knot of anxiety forming. Malleus’ other hand comes to rest on yours as he easily manoeuvres around with a few murmured apologies. His gaze is sharp and he seems far more alert now.
You figure it must be innate at this point. As a crown prince, being aware in crowds is a given, especially considering the high risk of kidnappings and assassination attempts that seem to plague the upper class of NRC. It’s only when a loud bleating sound cuts through the air that a smile graces his lips again as he pulls you aside. 
“Oh, marvellous,” he chuckles as he releases your arm (your poor, poor arm) and leans against the fence. A small grey goat is standing by the post, a few bits of hay hanging out of its mouth as it languidly chews. It looks like every other goat you’ve seen before—and yet Malleus is beaming like the thing is a divine gift. “Remember when that goat followed me around at Noble Bell, Prefect?” 
“Hard to forget. Sebek wanted to punt it across the square.” You lean against the fence next to him as he reaches down to pet the goat's head between its horns. The goat bleats again and tips its head back to bite at Malleus’ sleeve instead. “Probably because it kept doing that to you.” 
“Oh, you are bold, aren’t you? Unfortunately, I am not the snack that you seek.” Malleus sighs in mock despondence as he pushes the feeder closer to the goat. You jump onto his comment pretty quickly. 
“Did you just call yourself a snack?” You lean forward more to look up at Malleus, who diligently ignores you in face of cooing over the goat. You know this technique—it’s another one that your friend loves to do. 
The ‘I can’t hear you’ method. 
Well, you’re happy his confidence is back at least. You stealthily take a few pictures of him fawning over the animal to send to Lilia later before pocketing your phone and moving down the line. A few piglets are romping around their pen, as well as some ponies in the next, and a baby calf who looks up at you with doe-like brown eyes. It’s enough to make you stop and give the little guy some love as Malleus finally returns to your side. 
“See? Even you cannot resist indulging.” Malleus reaches out to scratch behind the calf’s ear with a smile as the small creature shuffles closer to the fence. “Innocence has a way of pulling us in. This calf knows nothing but what it has seen in the few areas it’s been carried to. It knows its mother, what it eats, its handlers, the stars, and not too much else.” 
“That’s a pretty sentimental way of looking at it,” you concede as you withdraw your hand and straighten up. The calf looks to you with those big brown eyes again before lowering its head to eat some of the hay off the floor. 
It seems utterly at ease with both you and Malleus—which is more than what could be said with the crowd. The stares towards your companion have amplified, and you can see it’s beginning to make him irate by the way he keeps casting a few dark looks over his shoulder. His one hand grips the fence hard enough that you’re worried he might snap the wood in a moment. In a bid to retain some of the peace of the day, you loop your arm with his, which causes his attention to snap back to you in surprise as you slot yourself easily against his side. 
“Wanna see what’s in the reptiles and amphibian section?”
You must admit, a part of you wants to see if any of the animals would react to Malleus. The man is a dragon-fae, after all. You know that bats flock around Lilia, and you’ve seen more than a few black-feathered birds cluttering around Crowley’s office window, but you’ve never seen any lizards or frogs responding to Malleus. So, when you enter the darkened room with the many tanks illuminated by heating lamps, you’re hopeful to see something amusing. 
Instead, you find that half of the cold-blooded fellows are still in their morning siesta. 
“It appears we’ve come at an inopportune moment for them.” Malleus seems more at ease now with both you at his side and the smaller crowd milling in the reptile section. Because of the darkness of the room, less people take note of the prince as you two make your rounds from tank to tank. A few ball pythons stir and look at you, and a gecko is plastered against the tank at another section, but most of the creatures lose interest and settle back to themselves within a few moments. 
Until you reach the frog tank. 
A sign posted at the side which reads ‘lift the lid at your own risk’ prompts a glimmer of interest in Malleus’ bright green eyes as he nudges the lid open to peer inside. Most of the frogs seem to still be dozing in their makeshift burrows, but one stirs awake when the lid pops open. The frog yawns and reaches a hand to rub its belly, blinking lazily as it does. 
You hear Malleus give a small ‘oh’ as he leans closer in interest. “My, he seems quite at ease, isn’t he?” 
“Probably thinks you’re his cousin or something,” you snicker as you look down at the other frogs in the tank. Malleus shoots you a narrow-eyed look before leaning back again. 
“... it’d be quite nice to be a frog, hm?” He gives a sigh before his gaze drifts to the other amphibians. “No stress, no conversation. Just hopping and eating.”
He does another pause of contemplative silence before continuing. “I’m quite tired of being a prince, you know. I think I would enjoy being a frog.” 
You lean back and look at him with a cross of both concern and amusement on your face. “Don’t the frogs usually try to become princes in the stories?” 
“I like to shake things up.” He flashes you a sharp-toothed grin as he looks back in the tank. Despite the amusement in his words and the smile he gave, you can still see the edges of exhaustion and frustration at the recesses of his expression. The crowd rubbed him wrong. He’s been on edge ever since his overblot, and it’s small things like that which send him back into makeshift pits of both despair and doubt. 
You don’t want to see him go back there, and you certainly don’t want Lilia questioning (again) why Malleus is in a sour mood (again). After the whole fiasco with him, the poor man is stressed enough as is without the addition of Malleus’ mental health. 
“You know what?” Your words come out as stern, causing his attention to snap to you in concern. “I know few people may say this, and many may not feel this way, but I like to consider myself somewhat of a different stock. So, I just want you to know, upon my heart and all the tuna I can offer Grim—”
You pause for a moment to draw it out, relishing in the way Malleus seems increasingly concerned before you finish. “—I’d still like you if you were a frog.” 
Malleus blinks slowly as your words tumble through his mind for a second before his expression falls flat. “I… really, Prefect.” 
You can’t keep the facade of sternness any longer as a grin appears and you nudge your companion in his ribs. A reluctant look of amusement crosses his features at this. “Let’s step outside for a second. This crowd is going to drive me insane.” 
The air feels fresher once you’re free of the crowds as you settle beneath the shade of a tree to finish your drinks. A breeze brushes over your skin and manages to cool some of the anxiety that blossomed from being amongst so many people after so long of being confined in your dorm on weekends. Malleus seems to grow more at ease as well when it becomes just the two of you again. 
“So.” You begin as you pop the lid off your coffee to slot it into the now empty cup. “You looked a little tense back by the cow pen.” 
Malleus is quiet for a moment as he sips his drink before clearing his throat. “Did I?” 
“Mhm. Are you doing okay?” A glance up at his face reveals his gaze fixated on the crowd beyond. He doesn’t answer you immediately as he takes another drink. When he does speak, his tone is less-guarded then before. 
Another thing about Malleus: somehow, throughout the trials and tribulations, he’s become a lot more open about how he’s feeling with everyone. 
“Not particularly.” He finally comments as he crushes his empty cup and tosses it into a nearby trash. “I don’t like to admit it—for it feels rather ridiculous to get upset over—but it still bothers me to a degree when some people… well. You saw.” 
You toss your cup into the trash alongside his. “Why is that ridiculous? You’re entitled to how you feel about something, you know.”
“It’s below my station.” A frown dances on his lips at this. You send him a sharp look in return. 
“Emotions aren’t below your station, Malleus. You’re allowed to feel upset if something is upsetting to you. Just because you’re a prince doesn’t mean you need to bottle things up all the time. I would hope you’d realize that by now after everything that happened. You and the others all needed a lesson in emotional intelligence.” 
Malleus doesn’t reply, which leads you to keep talking to fill the silence. For a certified talker, he was certainly being mute about this. “I understand that it sucks, like really sucks, when people don’t want to talk to you, or treat you like an outlier because of your looks or your status. I know that you want people to engage with you, and you’re putting in the work to do that! You’re going to the coffee shop and talking to the barista’s; you’re coming out to places like this where people will be. The more they see you and get to know you, the more relaxed they’ll feel.” 
“It takes a long time.” His response is curt as he stares at the crowd. You give a sigh and shuffle to stand in front of him. He doesn’t seem aware of what you’re about to do before you’re moving forward to drag that man into the best hug you can give a guy whose arms are crossed in a huff. He tenses under your hold for a moment, and you begin to think that maybe he really is carved from stone, until he finally relaxes and lets you do what you need to do.
The guys probably only received a hug a good six or seven times in his life. You feel like you both need this. 
“It may take a while, but it does happen. The barista’s talk to you with no issue now, and the new one will get that way too. Again—you’re putting in the work, and I can see that, so please don’t try to bottle up all your feelings again. Or Lilia will kill us both.” 
You feel him huff a chuckle as his hand comes to rest on your back. His touch is warm in a way that doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed, and you sink into that contact with a content sigh. The two of you remain in this embrace for a few seconds longer before you withdraw and awkwardly pat the prince’s arms. 
“Thank you,” he murmurs as he looks at you, gratitude easing its way into his features. You clear your throat and offer him a lopsided smile.
“Wanna try petting the goats one more time?” You ask softly. “Maybe they won’t try to eat your clothing the second trip through.” 
Malleus exhales, his shoulders relaxing as he takes your arm into his once more. “Yes, although I don’t hold much hope about that being true.”
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lovely-peace · 12 days
Somebody that i used to know
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Summary: You were cursed. By a goddess of the loveliest thing of all. And cruelty. You just couldn't stop loving him. Even now. When he is just somebody you used to know.
Pairing: Luke castellan x Apollo child! Reader
Warnings: Angst no comfort, guilt, mentioned poison, mentioned death, contains spoilers for the series, English is not my first language(tell me if there is more)
I worked on this for like a month and I am still not very proud. But if you like this tell me, I am working on the second part (this is unfinished) but it already has 7,1k words.
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'Sing muse', he says, 'sing for me'. His sadness is unfounded. He has never felt sorry for anyone, how could he? He only thinks of himself. Just like all the gods.
'Why this time? The muse kalliope asks him.
His eyes darken.
'It's none of your business,' he says. Of course it's not. He just wants her to sing. 'What about?' She asks him again.
He lowers his eyes. 'About a father, he says, who lost his daughter. To the greatest evil of all.
About the father, of course, not about the daughter. The muse suppresses a sigh. 'Lost to what?
'To somebody damned.' His gaze sweeps the hyacinths. 'To love.'
My final arrow remains untouched in my grasp, a stark contrast to the crimson stains that mar the others. The weight of it feels heavy, a burden I am not sure I can bear any longer.
The mocking tone of the divine voice pierces through me, emanating from the woman before me. Her beauty is a facade, masking the darkness that resides within her very being.
I yearn to use the arrow, to pierce through the emptiness where her heart should reside. Or just use him on myself. To let my own heart bleed out until there is nothing left.
"It's all over now," she declares with a smile that sends shivers down my spine. I never shared the hatred of you. But I understood it. And now I think I could even share it.
"What will you do next?" My voice is hoarse, a mere whisper of its former self, tainted by her presence.
"Do not fret," she chuckles, her eyes filled with a haughty arrogance only a deity could possess.
"I will leave you alone with your suffering. Don't blame me. Curse your father cause he ever had you. Blame him for all your sorrow, that he never tried to take from you. I act only to protect my own honor."
I clench the arrow tightly, prepared to end it all. To descend into the darkness with you.  Yet, I cannot. I still have siblings to care for, a family that still needs me.
If I give up now, all of this will be lost. I cannot let her win, cannot let her render your sacrifice meaningless.
"Who is he to you now, after all the pain he has caused?" Her smirk is a cruel reminder of the countless others she has broken.
And she waits. Waits for me to say the words she had heard thousands of times before.
Now and then I think of when we were together
I remember how I got to know you. I was sitting with Chiron when the message arrived. A very special girl is out there fighting. A girl from the big three. A girl who wasn't allowed to exist.
"Chiron, chiron!!!" screamed a satyr rushing into the main house and gasping. His hair disheveled and out of breath, he stood there. "The border, the girl is fighting - Zeus!"
Chiron stood up and put our cards away. Unlucky. For the first time I was winning. "Calm down. What's going on?"
"Monsters are at the border! A whole wave of them! A girl is fighting down there. Probably one of the older three." Chiron turned pale.
"Go back to your cabin right now. Now!" he ordered me and galloped off. I should have obeyed, but I was curious and wanted to help. So I ran after him.
Don't take it personally, but when we first met, I only had eyes for the girl down the hill.
The monster wave that she was somehow holding up alone.
Her wild eyes and the way she looked back. Chiron wanted to help her but it was already too late. The monster took a swing and the life in her eyes wanted to escape.
The whole sky lit up and lightning flashed downwards. My first thought was that Zeus would save her.
Her father will safe her surely?
How naive. The great godfather is probably thinking how noble he was.
I, on the other hand, remember exactly how her eyes and legs froze. How her arms twitched and went up. How slowly her shoes became roots. How her legs turned into wood. How this transformation slowly moved upwards. How she screamed. But she didn't look back at us. No, she looked up and screamed.
That screams were terrifying. Death screams.
That's when it became clear to me. How our parents played with us.
That they called something like that mercy.
It must have been much worse for you. The way Annabeth cried and thrashed around while you had to watch her suffer. I often wondered if Thalia was still conscious. Whether she was still suffering.
Well, until she woke up again. Because of you.
I stared at this girl while her screams tore the air.
"Chiron, what's happening? Why isn't he helping her?" I burst into tears and held on to the centaur's front legs. "Why is he hurting her?"
"THALIA!!!" screamed the boy holding the little blonde girl. She was also screaming and trying to free herself from his grip. He covered her ears, but she only cried worse.
"You're supposed to protect us! Help her already!" The boy shouted at Chiron while he shook his head regretfully. Thalia looked up into the sky and cried out one last time. The silence that followed was almost worse.
"It's too late, my boy. This is the best way her father could have helped her." Slowly, Chiron walked towards the two of them.
"Are you kidding me?" the boy's eyes flashed as the girl in his arms tried to wriggle out of his grip, weaker and weaker. "That should have helped her? He could have just smashed the monsters with lightning if he's so all-powerful!"
Chiron's eyes were so full of compassion that it sent a cold shiver down my spine. I wonder how many times he had heard those words.
"I'm sorry." Chiron went to his knees with his front hooves and looked at the two of them with a gentle gaze. "The best thing we can do is-"
"Thalia! Thalia!" the blonde girl screamed and her tears ran. "Thalia!"
"Annabeth..." the boy let go of the little girl, whose name was apparently Annabeth. Without any strength, she sank to the ground in front of the centaur. "Turn her back! Please..." she whimpered.
Chiron's eyes became incredibly soft. "I'm afraid I can't do that," he finally said. "And even if I could, she would only die. Like this  she's still with us. We should honor her, not mourn her."
Annabeth cried harder and ran back to the boy. And even though I didn't know the girl, I was angry at Zeus for turning his daughter into a tree. He could have helped her. Why didn't he do it?
If he had, this girl, who was far too young, would no longer be crying.
I still remember exactly how I was supposed to show you both around. How ridiculous that seemed to me after what you had just been through. Your eyes were full of despair as you looked around. When I led you to Cabin 11.
This worn-out cabin where we were all supposed to rot until our parents took pity on us. I had been in there for a whole year before you came. Did you ever know that?
Chiron turned to me. He helped me to calm down and looked at me sternly. "Didn't I tell you to go to your cabin? Stubborn girl." he said, smiling gently. "Would you show these two around, please? Cabin 11 as usual."
"Chiron, I can't do that now." I couldn't look him in the eyes. The tears had stopped but my head throbbed.
"You have to be strong for them now," he interrupted me in a whisper. "Right now we have to welcome them with open arms. Show them that they are safe here now."
With that, he galloped off and left us alone. The boy eyed me suspiciously while the girl was still sitting on the ground.
"Hey..." I began as I walked over to them. "I should show you around, is that okay?"
The boy didn't answer and just looked at the little girl. Annabeth turned to me. Without saying anything, she stood up and nodded. Strong girl.
"Then follow me." I looked at the boy expectantly, but he made no move. Finally, the girl spoke up. "Come on Luke," her voice trembled slightly. "Grover said we were safe here and Thalia fought for us to be here. So come on."
At these words, the boy walked over to us. We walked around slowly. Past the main building and then finally to the cabins.
"These are the twelve cabins. Each cabin represents which god is your parent. Since we don't know that for you yet, you'll go to the 11th cabin first. That's Hermes cabin."
"But we know who Luke's is...," Annabeth began, but the boy named Luke interrupted her. "Why do we have to sleep in this cabin? Why is it so crowded?"
This question put me on the spot. I hated to admit what our parents were really like. I'd been here for a year and a half and still... "Well, the gods must claim their children so that we can divide them up into their cabins."
Luke's gaze turned cold. "And all these children weren't claimed? That's why they have to squeeze in here when there are so many free cabins?" I nodded.
"Who's your parent?" Annabeth asked me. I looked away again, embarrassed. "I haven't been claimed yet either."
Luke shook his head slowly. He stared at the symbol of hermes. "Gods only want to feel great about themselves."
I led the two of them into the cabin and showed them where they could sleep. Annabeth took a seat near Luke and remained silent. I just couldn't believe that she had to watch all this. It was too awful.
"What's your name?" Luke's voice surprised me. For the first time, he looked at me. I told him my name. We were silent for a while. But I told them about the days here and about the campfire.
Luke just nodded and layed down on his sleeping bag. Annabeth looked at him almost desperately. But she stayed with him.
"Hey, do you want me to show you the training grounds?" I asked her to take her mind off things.
She looked over at luke in silence. He turned to the other side. "Go on, Annabeth. I'm exhausted, but you don't have to stay with me."
She looked at him for a long time but then stood up. "Okay, show me." she finally said and I had to smile.
"Just follow me." We walked out of the cabin, but at the cabin door I checked on luke again. He was staring at the staff of hermes on the top of the wall.
Finally, I turned around and showed Annabeth the training places. "Here, for example," I began. "Can we find you a special weapon against the monsters."
She shook her head. "Not necessary." She took out a dagger. "I already have this one."
At first glance, the dagger looked normal, but on closer inspection I saw that it was made of heavenly bronze.
"Where did you get it?" I looked at her in surprise. She was very young, why did she already have such a weapon? She looked away, embarrassed. "Luke gave it to me."
I preferred not to think about the fact that Luke had given a little girl a knife to defend herself with. I'd rather just show her the other places.
It was getting late and we went back to the cabin to join the others for dinner. When we arrived, luke was still lying just as rigid as before. Cabin 11 lined up, but Luke stayed put.
"Luke, we're having dinner." I sat down next to him. He was still looking up. Stubbornly. "I'm not hungry."
"You have to eat something." "I'll eat later." "But we always eat together." "Then we'll just make an exception." "It's not that easy. You'll get into trouble." "But I'm not hungry."
I had to sigh. Did I say stubborn? It was much worse. It was like I was talking to a wall.
He was still looking up. His posture was stiff and he didn't look like he had slept.  I looked outside and watched the others who had already gone ahead. Outside, the trees were rustling and the sun was shining. As if the lord of heaven wasn't mourning his daughter. As if she had never existed.
"Luke," I began, my voice surprisingly bitter. "I understand that this is hard for you. I can't say I know exactly how you feel, of course, but we're all half-bloods. All sent here by the gods and abandoned by them. That's why we stick together. We are a family. We help each other. Annabeth seems to like it here. At least come for her today. You don't have to eat much, just a little, please."
Silence. I looked at him and realized that he had sat up, turned and was already looking at me. Suddenly he was very close.
"You like to talk, don't you?" he said and shame flooded through me. I quickly looked away and kicked myself in my head.
What was I thinking preaching to this boy after he had lost his friend? I was Terrible.
"Sorry..." I mumbled and felt myself blushing out of embarrassment, I got up and went to the door to escape this horrible moment.
"Hey, wait!" he shouted as I was about to leave. "Don't run away. I didn't mean it that way. You still have to show me the way to your dining room or whatever."
When I dared to look at him again, he smiled. And it was so beautiful. "Oh."
He laughed at this very imaginative answer and I had to smile. Eventually we went to dinner together.
The others were already eating when we joined them. Of course, our table was the most crowded. Annabeth looked very lost as she sat there uncomfortably. Of course, Luke sat across from her and smiled at her. Her shoulders relaxed immediately. I sat down next to her and she nodded at me.
"Just say what you want to drink, the cup will fill itself. And oh, leave some over so you can throw it in the fire." Luke looked at me questioningly. I shrugged my shoulders. "Offerings for the gods. They like the smell."
Most people would have laughed now. The smell? But Luke didn't laugh. No, his eyes narrowed and his hands clenched around his cup. "Of course." he said, his voice bitter again. "They want offerings."
The awkward silence between us after that was oppressive. Annabeth looked up cautiously at Luke and then quickly back down at her food. At some point, I tried to get us out of the situation. I stood up.
"Let's throw the food into the fire. Then we can finally get to the campfire!" I went ahead and Annabeth followed me. Eventually even Luke.
"What are we even doing at the campfire?" asked annabeth after she had put her leftovers in the campfire.
I winked at her. "Let it surprise you."
We were among the last to join the campfire, as we started eating later. We sat and listened to the Apollo children sing and watched the stars.
But when we arrived, the others took a deep breath. Chiron fell to his knees and began to speak.
"Welcome child of Athena, divine warrior, goddess of wisdom and strategy." Annabeth's eyes shone.
Chiron took a deep breath and turned to luke. "Welcome child of hermes, protector of travelers, merchants, lord of thieves and the great messenger of the gods."
Everyone clapped, including me. I hadn't noticed the signs at first because I was sitting next to them and hadn't looked up. Somehow it made me sad that Annabeth had to move now, but I was pleased that their parents had shown their appreciation.
But Luke didn't seem at all surprised. Not happy either. He scowled into the fire and just nodded. I was a little envious of him too. Not even a day here and they were already claimed. Me, on the other hand...
Like when you said you felt so happy you could die
We quickly became closer. Something drew me to this boy. It was nothing surprising, he looked beautiful. He wasn't just any boy. He was a golden masterpiece. But it went deeper than just his looks.
We thought very similarly.
I saw in his eyes this urge that we all shared. He wanted to show them. Rub under their noses what they were doing wrong. We shared that anger.
I crept quietly into the sword-fighting hall. I couldn't actually handle a sword, but that wasn't what I was here for. I was looking for someone. And sure enough, I found him here. He was training. Like every day.
He was great. Hit every training figure at the right point and swung his sword frighteningly well. I kept quiet and watched him. I didn't want to disturb him yet, he seemed so obsessed.
I watched him for a while until he seemed to be finished. Then he suddenly turned and looked at me. "If you're going to watch me, do it more discreetly."
Once again, I felt terrible and wanted to sink into the floor. "I didn't want to," I began but couldn't find the words. Eventually I just buried my face in my hands.
But he just laughed in response. "It's all right. Don't always worry so much." He came up to me and sat down next to me. We were silent for a while.
"Why?" I interrupted the silence. He looked at me questioningly. "Why are you training so hard?"
He looked at the floor and I suddenly felt bad. "I mean, we all train hard!" I tried to save myself. "But you train so much you seem... Angry." Obsessed.
He laughed again. But this laugh sounded rather bitter.
"My father wants to get me a quest. That's what he said, anyway." he said, continuing to look at the ground. His smile was still bitter.
I looked at him confused. "But that's a good thing, isn't it?"
"Maybe. Maybe not."
That was the end of the conversation. I didn't dare ask him any more about it, he seemed so far away. His eyes were fixed on his training sword as he twirled it in his hands.
When the sun shone on him, I realized for the first time how beautiful he actually was. He seemed to glow. I quietly watched his movements. I could have sat there all day. At some point he looked at me with a smile. And the tension in my shoulders, which I hadn't even noticed before, melted away.
"Do I have something on my face?" he laughed as I quickly turned away to hide my glowing face. "Come on, what's wrong?" he finally asked.
"Nothing." I replied. "Sometimes you just look so... Absent."
He fell silent again, but it wasn't an awkward silence. After a while, he sighed loudly and looked at me. His eyes seemed to express his vulnerability for the first time.
"I... Am just so...Angry sometimes! The gods, they rule our lives and at the same time they do nothing in it. Don't get me wrong, I like it here, the people are all great and I get along well with them. But I'm still so desperate! I can't do anything here. Just sit here all my life and trust that they have something planned for me up there."
I fell silent in response. He picked up a stone and threw it into the forest. "Don't you think we're going to perish because of them?"
"Maybe. Maybe not." I smiled at him. "Only the fates could know."
I picked up a smaller stone and threw it into the forest too. "You know..." I looked up into the sun, which perhaps also warmed me from the inside. "I have to admit that I've always been pretty indifferent to the gods. I was just happy to be able to live here." I threw a larger stone.
"But I've seen so much in a short time. Heard so much suffering. And the gods let it all happen. Often it's even because of them. And this is supposed to be our family?" I shook my head. "They don't care about us."
Wordlessly, he looked at the stones I had thrown. His back was tense and his eyes narrowed. I smiled cautiously at him.
"What I want to say, Luke, is don't worry too much about them. They don't waste a thought on us. Don't give them the satisfaction of wasting too many on them."
His tense back relaxed a little and he closed his eyes. Then he smiled again.
"You really like to talk."
Eventually you got the quest. Who was surprised? You seemed born to be a hero. It all happened far too quickly and suddenly you were supposed to go on this quest. Seventeen. What a horrible age that was. I was so deep down in the curse she send down on me. And then you were supposed to leave. I made so many mistakes the night before.
"I wish I could go with him." Annabeth sat with me in the forest and we watched the doves above us flying around together. "Annabeth..." I began, but she was already shaking her head. "I know I can't." she just mumbled and looked away.
She was far too young to be thinking about such quests. But when you grow up here and your only chance of being noticed by your parents are dangerous tasks, many have already become careless.
I watched as the white flower danced in the wind in front of me. It was a lily. The wind seemed to play with it and carried it around. And she just let it do that to her.
I picked up a stone and clasped it in my hand. Instead of throwing it, I held on to it, hoping never to let it go.
"Do you think he... You know... Can do it?" I asked her, squeezing tighter. Annabeth smiled at me.
"Of course he will! Luke can do anything, he's a great hero! Don't worry about it."
The flower was pushed slightly to the right by the wind and then looked at the ground.
My hand started to hurt, but I kept squeezing.
"You're right."
Annabeth smiled at me. I returned it a little awkwardly. We heard the dinner bell ring and Annabeth jumped up. She looked at me waiting.
"Go on ahead."
She hesitated at first but then finally ran off. When she was out of sight, I sighed loudly. I leaned against the tree behind me.
She could say that so easily. But I had seen so many campers go on quests. How they came back broken. Or how they were never seen again. Never see Luke again? The thought seemed unbearable.
A white dove landed next to the lily and tilted its head. Her gaze pierced me and my heart began to pound wildly.
I threw the stone at the white flower. The pigeon flew away in fright and I felt much better. The stone had hit the blossom of the flower but it remained slightly bent. Something red rubbed off on it.
"There's our little criminal." Luke grinned at me as I came to the campfire. I tried to avoid his gaze, but somehow it still warmed me. "I thought we always ate together at dinner?"
I shrugged and sat down with him and the others from the cabin as usual. But today I put some distance between Luke and me.
"Wasn't hungry." I looked into the fire and tried to look very interested in the flames.
I was a bad liar.
"And since when is that an excuse?" he leaned forward slightly, closing the distance I had so diligently built up. His playful smile haunted my eyes. "You broke the rules!"
I laughed softly. "They're not as strict as I told you back then. I was just worried and wanted you to eat something."
He grabbed his chest dramatically. "You lied to me? How could you?"
He inconspicuously moved a little closer, as if I couldn't feel his every move. As if my heart didn't almost explode with each one. "Wait, you were worried?"
"Of course." I stroked my closed hand and continued to look into the fire. "You seemed so... Distant. You had made a big loss. I didn't want you to let yourself down."
"Oh is that so..." his voice was incredibly close. I nodded and continued to stare intently into the fire.
At some point he took my closed hand and now it was him who stroked it.
I noticed how others were watching us. I noticed how the fire seemed to dance. I noticed that annabeth was not here. I even noticed the little sparrows watching us in the trees above. Everything seemed so real and so far away at the same time. I wanted to die. I wanted to live.
I was embarrassed.
"Luke." I hated that my voice was shaking slightly. "Are you prepared?"
Luke laughed softly. "I've got my sword if that's what you mean. It's not as if my father gave me an original task. I already know what to expect, Heracles already had to do it."
He picked up a stick and threw it into the fire. "Before you know it, I'll be back."
I remained silent. The flames danced around him.
Actually, I wanted to say something else entirely. So much had to be said today, otherwise I might never be able to.
"What did you do with your hand? It's bleeding." He looked away as he said it. But his hand continued to rub over my closed hand. It burned but no longer hurt.
I shrugged my shoulders. "I fell stupidly. It's nothing big."
I was stupid.
He looked at me and I dared to look back. His eyes were so beautiful, but also a little sad.
"I can ask you to look after Annabeth while I'm away, can't I?" his voice sounded like a whisper.
I smiled back timidly. "I thought you'd be back before I even realized you were gone?"
He laughed in response. So freely and without constraint, I couldn't help but giggle a little too.
The trees were rustling and the sun was setting. With every second that it moved a little further towards the horizon, I felt more uncomfortable. His quest was getting closer and closer and maybe our last minute was too.
I was afraid.
"I will watch over her," I whispered at some point. "Even though I don't think she needs my protection."
He smiled uncertainly into the fire. "Maybe."
There was a long silence after that. I want to ask him so many things. Questions that never seemed appropriate to me. I don't know how much time we have left. But in this moment, I realize that it will never be enough. The gods have already taken her from us.
"Luke," my voice sounds unbelievably soft, I could cry. "You mentioned that Hermes told you he would give you a quest. You have already met him, haven't you? Not just in dreams."
His gaze remains on the fire. His eyes became slightly darker and I was about to take back my words and hide.
"Yes, we met once. It wasn't a pleasant day."
I saw him swallow and his hand closed around mine, which was bleeding. But it seemed more like he was bleeding.
"I... I went back to my old home because Annabeth, Thalia, and I needed some things. It was a mistake to go back there."
He never talked about his former home. Never about the time before Thalia, before Annabeth.
I want to ask him, to hold him in my arms, but I don't know where his boundaries lie.
"Was it bad?" His eyes meet mine and already give me the answer. They say 'yes.' 'It was unbearable.'
But he says nothing. Not a word.
The others are all gone now. The fire is getting smaller and the darkness is becoming more present.
"You know," he starts. "I don't know him." He takes a deep breath in and out. "Hermes. He's just a character in legends, supposedly my father. But I don't know him. I saw him once. And then I realized how little he really loves me. He left her alone."
I don't need to ask to know that he's talking about his mother. I know this feeling all too well.
"He was never there." His voice gets louder. "Never did anything. He knew! He knew about her episodes and never did anything! He just let me rot with her. And then he says that I made a mistake..." He trails off.
The silence that follows his wounded voice brings tears to my eyes.
He looks at me in panic. "No! I... It wasn't like that... Please don't cry!"
I can't help but cry even harder. I know what that's like. Alone with a woman who doesn't know what to do with herself. Without any support.
"Please..." his voice whispers as he wipes away my tears. "I'm fine."
You liar.
Told myself that you were right for me
"Are you ready to go back to the cabin?" his voice was so close to my ear as he held me in his arms.
I didn't look at him. I just couldn't look at him when it could be the last time.
"You go on."
I could feel him stiffen. His voice sounded a little strange when he spoke. "Why?"
I broke away from him. "You need to rest because of tomorrow."
I could feel him trying to catch my gaze. "So do you."
"I want to stay out for a while."
"You're breaking the rules."
"As if you care about them."
His voice became a little sharper. "What's wrong with you?"
I stood up. "I hate just thinking about you..."
"It's all good. The main thing is that you get some rest." I walked towards the forest. "Just let me clear my head. Please."
He wanted to say something. I sensed it. But he didn't say anything. Just stood up and walked to our cabin.
I trudged through the darkness to where I was talking to Annabeth.
The lillie was still standing. She was bent over and barely standing, but she was standing.
And then there was this eerie presence.
"I find it very rude when people throw stones at me."
But felt so lonely in your company
Despite my great faith in you, I sometimes couldn't follow you. Your thoughts were too much for me.
And you were you. I was me. Everyone in the camp loved you and always wanted to be with you. I was just one of so many.
Although I was with you so often, I understood so little about you.
I was alone in my faith.
After your quest, you changed. I didn't want to admit it but I realized it reluctantly. You also pushed me away from you more and more. And when I was claimed by Apollo at 17, you distanced yourself even more.
I was claimed far too late. I often asked myself why at that particular time. So soon after he had failed in his quest.
But when I think about it, maybe it makes sense. My father was the god of foresight. Maybe he wanted to save me from it when he realized what was going to happen.
Even if it's a nice thought, it's probably not true. Apollo can't see into the future. He can only tell a prophecy that he can't even interpret himself.
If I had received a prophecy, would anything have changed? Would I have behaved differently? Probably not.
Because although I realized that you had closed yourself off from me, I continued to approach you. I always went to you at the campfire. I always took your side at capture the flag.
One evening I didn't sat next to you at the fire. Next to you sat a beautiful girl from the Aphrodite cabin. I heard her talking to you.
"Why are you even talking to her?"
It was at the campfire. I was sitting far away, protected by the shadows of the trees. Nevertheless, I heard it loud and clear.
You didn't answer at first. The girl shifted uncomfortably. "Don't get me wrong," she said, "we all have these people we've known for so long that we're just always with them. But she always seems so out of place somehow."
I slipped further into the shadows of the trees. The moon hung just as it had that special night.
And yet it seemed so different.
"She's just always near you. Even now that she lives in cabin 7." Her voice sounded amused and I felt small.
"Yes, she's very desperate. "
Was it also a mistake to cry for you that night?
But that was love, and it's an ache I still remember
Unfortunately, my love for you didn't diminish. On the contrary, it grew stronger and stronger. Or maybe I only realized how strong it was when I knew that I was being too pushy with it.
I disappeared into the forest that evening and cried for hours. I don't know how you found me. Obviously you didn't know what I had overheard and asked me what was going on. You even made a worried face.
I couldn't answer you. Instead, you took me in your arms again and wiped away the tears on my cheeks. You whispered words of encouragement to me. And I let you be. Because I fell in love with you again. Isn't that pathetic?
I tried to stay away from you. Tried not to be so pushy. But you kept coming back to me. On days when I was only in the cabin, you came to me. Talked to me. Suddenly you were attentive. You thought I was feeling bad and tried to cheer me up.
And then you kissed me.
And when I was near you again, you never mentioned it. Again.
Suddenly you were distant again. I didn't know what to do. I felt so alone. I often wondered what you even saw in me. I was too caught up in my suffering that I couldn't see how you were. I was too confused by your behavior that I couldn't see the reasons behind it.
How were you? I don't know.
You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness
I was trapped in my feelings for you. It was always the same process. You distanced yourself, I distanced myself, you approached me, we spent wonderful moments, I was with you again and you distanced yourself again.
And despite all the nights I cried, I always gave in. I kept letting you in on my feelings. You were simply the only one I could love. Why? I don't know. Maybe Aphrodite herself hated me. Or the fates.
I certainly hated myself.
Like resignation to the end, always the end So when we found that we could not make sense Well, you said that we would still be friends
Somewhere I had already given up. I loved you, but I had given up on us. I often saw you with other girls. They were all so much more beautiful than me, how could I think otherwise?
How could I try to understand your actions?
I was alone with my own self-doubt. With my own fears. What were you alone with?
I was too self-centered to see all these signs. Even when Percy came to camp and you were even less with me. My little siblings feel sorry for me. They see me as a girl hopelessly in love. Do you see it? What you've made of me?
Do you remember the evening before Percy came to the camp? The evening you visited me after I had kissed another boy. I was so terrible lonely to the time. And when this boy kissed me in front of the campfire I didn't fight it. He didn't even mean it. But you were still so angry when you came into my cabin. You kissed me like you wanted to make my lips yours again. Like they were ever someone else's.
When you kissed me that evening, I was filled with such a strong longing that I couldn't think. I allowed myself to return your kiss with such passion that I felt dizzy. Your arms pulled me closer to you. Fire seemed to burn all over my body.
As we lay on my bed and continued kissing, I started to cry. You stopped and moved away from me.
"What's wrong? Have I done something wrong?" Your voice sounded panicked. I cried even harder.
Tell me, do you think you've done something wrong?
As always, you wanted to take me in your arms but this time I pushed you away. I didn't want to cry in your arms when it was the same thing that made me cry in the first place. It was all so much. I remember the way you looked at me. For the first time I may have hurt you.
"I love you."
Oh how I wish I had said it. But I kept crying quietly.
"I'm sorry."
Did you want to say it at that moment?
But you didn't. And that's what mattered. You left.
I saw you with Percy when he was new. Admired you as always because you showed him everything like I used to show you. Because you didn't show him your pain because of the gods too much.
When Percy looked to see if he was a child of Apollo, he was with me. You too, because of course you wanted to help him. We talked normally again as we always did after that  night when you had visited me.
Percy asked us if we were a couple. I still remember your face clearly. You looked at me hesitantly. As if I should answer. I smiled back at him.
"We're just friends."
What would have happened if I had said something else? Again, something I don't know. But I know one thing for sure. You had an iron look on your face afterwards.
You always looked at Percy funny afterwards too.
You didn't visit me the next nights.
But I'll admit that I was glad it was over
When Percy went on his big quest, you were like a different person. You completely ignored me. Your face looked like there was so much worry behind your eyes. And even though I saw all that, I didn't go to you.
I was so afraid that you would ignore me too if I approached you. Fear. Such a simple excuse and yet the only reason. You really broke me.
At first I thought it was because you had your own quest to think about. Of your own suffering and that percy, grover and especially annabeth could fail in the same way. I thought that was the only reason you were so introverted.
Then why didn't your behavior change even after they succeeded?
It even got worse. You were just training for days with no end. You only practiced sword fighting. As if you desperately wanted to improve. I thought maybe you were very bitter because they had completed the quest and you hadn't completed yours. That's why you wanted to improve so badly.
Or that you wanted to prepare for something.
But you didn't have to cut me off
~ The camp was... Eerily quiet. No one was out. As if no one dared to speak on such a morning. Will, a very young brother of mine, ran towards me.
"Percy's hurt!" he shouted, "We need your help!"
I rushed with him to the main building, where Percy was lying in a bed, with Annabeth and Chiron sitting by his side.
"What happened?" I asked as I looked at his wounds.
"He was stung by a scorpion or something..." said annabeth. Then she looked down. "Anyway, that's what he said... In his sleep."
I had to stop myself from frowning and got to work. Will left the room.
After a short while, he woke up. And then he said it.
"It was Luke."
Everything went quiet.
"What are you talking about?" I asked with a forced smile.
Percy sat up carefully. "It was Luke. He's the lightning thief."
Annabeth stiffened and Chiron sat there without saying anything.
"What are you saying?" I stopped cooling his forehead.
Annabeth sighed and looked away. Chiron seemed to understand what was going on.
"Luke poisoned me. Luke helped kron- the titan king." Percy's voice echoed through the room. Or was it just my head?
"You still seem to be affected by the poison." I tried to sound as normal as possible.
"No, he's right." annabeth shook her head. "That would explain a lot."
"What are you saying, Annabeth? You of all people should-" I began, my voice getting louder and louder.
"Percy would never lie." chiron interrupted me.
I looked at him. And ran out of the building.
And as I saw that he wasn't in the camp, my whole wirld collapsed. It wasn't just that he abandoned us. He didn't even talk to me.
He didn't even consider talking to me.
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isitrecording · 1 month
Tumblr media
Send in sexy pictures to my submit box, and see how my muse reacts.
Jake blushed gently as he looked at the image Bailey had sent him, his eyes wide. He began to send a message back, his thumb saving the image.
[Text; Bailey] wad that intentional?
[New profile picture set: Bailey]
69 notes · View notes
sambhavami · 8 months
Krishna: a character adored for over two thousand years, revered as one of the most significant political masterminds of the ancient world with his words forming the philosophical core of the country today. Concurrently, he is the god shrouded in inimitable domesticity- as a friend, a lover, and a child. No other deity in the Hindu pantheon has probably achieved as dear a position in the hearts of people as this flute-wielding cowherd of Gokula.
For generations, he has shined as the muse of countless poetfolk, of unfinished business, of unspoken desires and of repressed lovers' qualms. In Meera's longing for her marble beloved, and in Kothai's dulcet dreams of a celestial wedding, Krishna blossoms not as a warrior, but rather as a confidante of young women- the keeper of all secrets.
Curse, o ye, this wedding of devotion, 
For I was better off unmarried,
Writes the lovestruck Nawab Sadiq Hilm,
I was well enough at my mother's; 
Oh, why did I pine for him?!
Who am I, or what: go ask Rizwan, the gatekeeper
For heaven has been rejected by my forebearers!
He says, in a nostalgic ode to the cowmaids from old tales. To the ones that massage the dust off their feet on Krishna's fevered forehead to soothe his illness, even as the apparent disrespect dooms their afterlives.
Jayadeva notes a more rugged form of Krishna, one that is almost hungry for love. His Radha smiles down upon Radharaman Dutta's kalankini. Of course, she would accept even infamy if it was in relation to her Krishna. However, in time, this epithet has been reclaimed as a celebration of the meteoric, tempestuous love that this unseemly duo had carved out for themselves of the pages of a mostly unwilling history.
Tagore's Krishna is mysterious, eagerly anticipated but rarely seen. Rather, here Radha's pining is crushing and all-encompassing, inherited from Chandidas' virahini. Radha's guttural desire to transform Krishna into herself, subjecting him to the same suffering that she undergoes as a woman in love with a furious ideology more than a man, reverberates eerily against the lighthearted cross-dressing tale of Surdas'.
As often as bards favour the songs extolling the love of the cowherd and the wedded maiden, Krishna's wives are seldom accorded any thought outside of Vasudeva's family tree. Their silence speaks to the stringent rules of a typical patriarchal household. Some of them do speak, and hence Satyabhama becomes conceited and Kalindi wayward. However, the mere few lines that they are mercifully allotted in the text are enough to speak to their resilience. The lines inadvertently hold up a window to the million unspoken words and unexchanged glances. It speaks to the long years, happy and sad. It speaks to the nights of waiting for the beloved to return. It speaks to the quiet lunches in curtained rooms and taste tests in the kitchen.
Each of Krishna's eight wives has their own life, and their own equation with Krishna. Each of their distinct personalities, coupled with their unique introductions to the prince has the potential to bring a distinct flavour to the story of Krishna, the statesman. The understanding that Krishna's heart belonged first to Vrindavana and then to his ambition, must have weighed somewhat on their hearts and yet, the choice to patch up the battle-hardened cowherd, after every blow, sans complaint, and send him out into the world as the architect of history, must have demanded restraint.
The distinct turn of events that brings each of the chief eight queens to Krishna's is quite interesting. Rukmini, the first, demonstrates heart, even if it is born out of desperation. Seizing control of her life, she sends a message, relying solely on rumours of his compassion. Her gamble yields returns manifold as Krishna not only rescues her from an unwanted marriage, but instates her as his chief consort, elevating her, alongside himself, to a divine status. Far from the impulsiveness of her youth, Pandhari's Rakhumai, astute beside her beloved, proudly bears a conch-shell, calling for harmony and community. In life as well, Rukmini brings to Krishna much needed stability, and oversees the blossoming of the city of Dwarika as well as Krishna's growing household.
Jambavati and Satyabhama are given in marriage to the prince by their respective fathers and do not seem to have much of a voice at the time. Jambavati fulfills an ancient destiny, a forgotten promise, then going on to mother the child that ultimately brings about the demise of the Yadava clan. Satyabhama, though often maligned with unfair accusations, is self-reliant. Making no attempt to hide herself from the eye of society, takes her rightful place beside Krishna, not on a throne, but by his side in battlefields. Kalindi however, is an extremely interesting character in Krishna's story. Enmeshed between mortal and divine, she exists as neither. Chancing upon the prince, she unabashedly declares her intentions to be married, and yet she is uncharacteristically silent after her marriage. Lakshmana and Mitravinda, are both won in conquest. They might have been able to sympathize with Rukmini, given their kin had turned against them, on account of their choice of a life partner. Bhadra, on the other hand, has no fancy contests to boast of, or an adventurous rescue. She marries Krishna at the behest of her brother, the only highlight being the arduous journey she undertakes from Kekaya to Dwarika.
After their marriages, these women practically disappear from the narrative until their last moments. We can assume that they were all presumably content with a life outside the spotlight. One can only hope to be privy to their lives after marriage, to know their dreams, nightmares and daily chores. They enter Krishna's life at crucial junctions, and I choose to believe they each had a unique effect on Krishna's worldview, bringing with them a fresh outlook into the mostly stagnant golden city.
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likeadevils · 2 months
what songs from TTPD and TA are now yours? Which ones have spoken to you the most?
songs that are genuinely MINE
chloe or sam or sophia or marcus: i cried myself to sleep listening to this song on repeat on release night and for the life of me i cant tell you why. i think it’s a great example of her being older really deepening her writing— just that old scarred over longing of a possible life, a possible love, too far away to reach but close enough to brush past. also, the double edged sword of “if you want to break my cold, cold heart, just say’ i loved you the way that you were’”— you loved me before i’d twisted myself into the shape i am now in order to keep my current partner, but also, you loved me the way i was, not the way i am now
i look in peoples windows: i wrote a poem with the line “im afflicted by the not knowing” in it!! inspired by the outside!! and by spending so much of my childhood reading by moonlight and spying on my neighbors through their windows!!! it was called where midnight lives!!! what the fuck!!!
robin: another song i sobbed hysterically to. i was a strange little violent child obsessed with dinosaurs it feels like a lullaby someone made specifically about 3 year old me.
songs that i’m obsessed with:
but daddy i love him: the bridge is just so fun to scream along to. everytime ive been in a car since the album came out ive played this at least two times just cause
fresh out the slammer: it’s just. the first verse??? the way the song stutters apart for the last verse??? this song takes the blurry muse conceit of the album and uses it to its fullest. also just the diminishing returns from “but its gonna be alright, i did my time”
i can do it with a broken heart: my first listen favorite
the smallest man who ever lived: the bridge????? the bridge???? the bridge???? a few of the negative reviews specifically mentioned this song as boring and for a millisecond i was so angry i could’ve exploded
the black dog: this is like, the platonic ideal of a taylor swift song to me. just that old quiet tragedy she can build out of little moments of hoping your ex will remember you when they hear your favorite song or not having known your last kiss was your last kiss or your ex still sharing their location with you. like, it’s just her at her best, but with the maturity to sing “and you jump up, but she’s too young to know this song”
i hate it here: people have talked about seeing reputation in the anthology but i think you can also see so much debut and it makes me feel so tender. also i genuinely don’t understand why people don’t like “if chose the 1830s but without all the racists” like?? it’s supposed to be a bit clunky?? the songs about the limits of escapism?? the line enhances both of those themes?? also “i’m there most of the year” is such a funny devastating relatable lyric to say about a daydream
thank you aimee: it’s not every day a song inspires you to send this message about something a child did to you (fuck you madeline!!! fuck you jessie!!!)
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the bolter: avoidant attachment representation!!! i love that it takes the stuff she hated about herself in the archer and just accepts and loves them and appreciates what they’ve given her. i especially love it because bolt can mean like, crossbow bolts, so it’s a flip on the archer. also “bolt” is one of my favorite words i love all the different meanings
“the only thing that’s left is the manuscript, one less souvenir from my trip to your shores, now and then i re-read the manuscript, but the story isnt mine anymore” also just had me sobbing. there’s just. wtf!!!!!!
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inviridicorvo · 4 months
: *✧・゚:* ━─ׁ──ִ──ׁ─*🪶*─ׅ──ׁ──ׅ─━ *:・゚✧*:
«There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West. Some courage and some wisdom, blended in measure. If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.»
: *✧・゚:* ━─ׁ──ִ──ׁ─*🪶*─ׅ──ׁ──ׅ─━ *:・゚✧*:
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introductions & welcomes
// inviridicorvo \\
this blog is primarily a fandom space. that means musings about my favourite characters & verses (uni, multi & anything in between), multimedia fan works (fiction, art, gif sets, edits, and anything beyond). currently, i am fixating on the hobbit and bagginshield in particular. as of writing this, there is not much else to mention, however as i discover & create & evolve, i will add to this post. (more info about me, my fandoms & links to other things below the cut)
i‘d love to make some friends, so don‘t be shy and send me a message! ♡
— i used to have an active tumblr back in the mid-2010s, however it‘s lain dormant for too long; i am no longer the same person i was back then, so i granted myself a fresh start. —
// person behind the letters \\
names: lilly/anna/vi/viktor/corvo
- use whichever you feel most comfortable with -
pronouns: they/them
gender: non-binary
age: 28
languages: german/english
: *✧・゚:* ━─ׁ──ִ──ׁ─*🪶*─ׅ──ׁ──ׅ─━ *:・゚✧*:
portals & alter egos
// this section is currently a work in progress. i will be adding links to my related socials & profiles (like ao3, tiktok, youtube, discord, etc), as well as other blogs & projects (bookish content, professional writing, gaming, etc).
: *✧・゚:* ━─ׁ──ִ──ׁ─*🪶*─ׅ──ׁ──ׅ─━ *:・゚✧*:
fandoms & fixations
// current fixations \\
- the hobbit (bagginshield)
// fandoms & verses \\
- tolkien universe (the hobbit, lord of the rings)
: *✧・゚:* ━─ׁ──ִ──ׁ─*🪶*─ׅ──ׁ──ׅ─━ *:・゚✧*:
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my-white-canvas · 2 years
(for the self aware player; oh and just to reiterate, the instructions informed us to, "Just ask" so that's what I'm doing...!)
“Not entirely sure how this works, but if it’s like any of the other Vessels in the SAGAU’verse then it should function after being given an order."
Sending message
Message received
New timeline created
Discarding previous timeline
... ... ... ...
Timeline discarded, Commencing new timeline
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"Survive" Game Edition
Was the message that popped up in their face on a holographic screen, it was vague but enough for them to understand the gist of what they might need to do, but even so, they didn't want anything like that to happen to them again, they wouldn't even wish it on their worst "this world" enemy.
But then the ground shattered like glass into a starry void that leads them to the starting point.
Luckily they still had their collected items collected throughout the game, and even the character option with all your characters collected "maybe if I take away all their artifacts and weapons, they can't hurt me that bad"
As the fear consumed them, they took away everything their characters had "now nobody can hurt me" they whispered with an unhinged grin pasted on their face.
Teyvat was shaken by the sudden loss of treasures from the Divine one gave to the "lucky ones".
The Acting grandmaster, The Tianquan, the Generals of the shogun's and Watatsumi Island's Army, the Researcher of Avidiya forest, and much more vision users were stripped of their treasures given by the Divine one. The unlucky ones who were not chosen grinned as their jealousy for so long overtook them "serves them right" some say.
Even in the far north of Snezhnaya, a certain harbinger started kicking and punching the air when he lost all his treasures "it's not fair! It's not fair! I was chosen by them!!" he whined in front of his family, his sister tried to comfort him but it was no use since he ran out the door with tears. He then frowned on his way to work, the other harbingers appear to take notice of it since he usually annoys them with a sparring match.
"what's wrong Tartaglia? You're usually bored with these meetings" Columbina asked the young lord, All the other harbingers raised a brow with the uproar around the nations with the "lucky ones" suddenly losing their treasures "could it be that you also lost your treasures Tartaglia? Like the rumors of the other vision users" Pantalone questioned while spinning a piece of mora between his fingers.
" I WAS HUGGING IT IN MY SLEEP!! HOW COULD I LOSE THEM?!!" he yelled with tears in his eyes and frowns sinking into his chair. "So the rumors are true, for someone as clingy to his treasure as Tartaglia could lose them then it means the Divine one must have discarded you and all the other vision users" the Doctor mused while he shakes his vile.
The Jester emerges from his seat "That's enough child's play, we have more important things to accomplish, dismissed" he commands and walks away and all who attended.
As the Young lord leaves through the hallway he felt an unexpected chill down his spine, he looks around but finds no one so he proceeded to stride his way to the exit.
As the days roam by they occasionally hear some gossip about the chaos stirred by their little stunt "a temporary relief until I find my way home" they whisper to the winds.
"Divine one?"
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versadies · 2 years
farewell, love.
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welcome to penpal service’s first ever collab event wherein writers are welcome to participate! 
since october has recently started, i’d like to celebrate my favorite month by throwing a collab event that contains nothing but angst — oh the horror !
if you’re interested (which you should be) already, please make sure to read the rules and guidelines before participating <33
deadline for requests to join: november 10, 2022
deadline for fics: november 20, 2022
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guidelines –
participants should only be genshin sfw and yandere writers 
your goal? make an angsty fic! happy endings are not welcome here, make your readers cry 😈😈😈😈
the deadline for your fic is on november 20, 2022 so feel free to finish it before or on the date in your timezone. 
minimum words should be 500, but there’s no maximum of words so feel free to go crazy. 
there are no limits on how many characters and prompts you want to write. however, you’re not allowed to write child characters if it’s romantic. 
it’s optional for you to use 1-5 prompts in one fic!
any kind of formats (headcanons, drabbles, longfics, etc.) are allowed, feel free to do whatever you prefer.
send a message to either in my inbox or in tumblr chat if you’d like to join and i’ll add you to the participants list! (will reblog whenever i update it) 
if you want to suddenly change your prompt, character, or etc. during the event after being accepted — feel free to do so as long as you let me know about it !
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rules –
fics should be genshin character x reader !
read my dni first in my carrd before participating. 
please make sure to specify if you’re doing a yandere fic or a sfw fic when you request to join so i could label it in the upcoming masterlist ! 
nsfw is not allowed.
if you happen to see your name in the participants list, please reblog this post with the tag #farewell-love as acknowledgment. 
make sure to tag me as well as use the hashtag #farewell-love in your work/s so i can add it to the masterlist right away !
no backing out once you’ve sent a request (i’ll only allow it if you have a valid reason to leave) 
make sure to specify what contains in your fic (trigger warnings, spoilers to quests, etc.) so readers can know what to expect. 
feel free to ask me questions or clarifications and i’ll happily answer.
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instructions –
read the rules, guidelines, and my dni list before deciding to participate. 
send an ask to me in the following format:
“hi, i’d like to join in the farewell love event!
yandere or sfw:”
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prompts –
“why did you lie to me?” 
“i hate you! i hate you so much!”
“stop it, you’re hurting me!”
“i think… i just got poisoned..” 
“i should’ve known not to trust you.”
“you’re… bleeding.”
“was it all worth it?” 
“you’re a monster.”
“i wish i never met you.”
“don’t die on me.. please.” 
“i don’t love you anymore.” 
“you don’t look at me the way you look at them.”
“where are you?” 
“you don’t love me, do you?”
“go away.” 
“everything i’ve done, it was all for you.” 
“why did you do that?” 
“kill them/him/her.”
“i can’t do this anymore.”
“help me.”
“it’s either me or them.” 
“i will never be enough for you.”
“what’s wrong with me?” 
“just leave me alone.”
“i thought i could trust you.”
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participants —
@scaralvr @yandere-romanticaa @vamphrs @genshinarchives @psuedo90sdreaming @teabutmakeitazure @flokali @k4iiwrites @witch-hazels-musings @teyvattales @kunikame @frozenangelheart @cherrisma @77th-hutao @minty-stays-tired @baeshijima @lov3rmir @versadies (yes im joining too hehe) @silverwritesthings @aqualesha @user-charisma @somberrock @the-travelling-witch @stormii-writes
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© VERSADIES. please do not plagiarize, repost, or translate anywhere. banner in this post is made by me but i did not make up all prompts.
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stygianheart · 7 months
Usually I don't send these but asks are better than messaging for me..
BUT HELLO??? This chapter was AWESOME!!
From tears to my own rage to fucking joy, it was so good!! Koby and Luffy finally getting a real lovely moment
And the end of the chapter?? Hello??
I'm so scared for Ryan, you're gonna make me curl into a ball and sob/pos
And fuck Luffy, how you described the scene is so awesome and sad?? I could FEEL his emotions, just like always through your writing, but this was just pure art!? I'm so excited, because I'm hoping I get more Joyboy action, along with everyone else completely ruin this shit show, especially now that Ryans dead/dying
And fuuuuck the idea alone paints a image in my head that if I had the confidence I'd do it right, I'd draw it out?? Because it has me in a grip
And Koby oh Koby, love to have his pov of things, this chapter was just chefs kiss
You did really good, I'm so excited for the last three chapters!! You write long ones, so I really don't know what to expect, but it's gonna be great!! You did just. God..I'm gonna be on this for awhile I mean just it's. It's so amazing..I don't even know how to describe it, I hardly got all my thoughts and emotions out
Just, good job!! Great work and you have my heart on a platter I'm so invested in Ryan and the rest of this story, came here for Kobylu, currently crying in a sea of tears and joy for this lovely and heartbreakingly, funny story <33 Please know I haven't been this infested in a story in ages, I think of fanfics I've read a lot but this one definitely has me in such an iron grip I can't not think about it
- Mr.Fabulous
Luffy and Koby finally getting their alone time was the thing pushing me through this depressing chapter. That and the funny “which way is left? That way? Okay! *bolts in the other direction*” as well as the “gotta love iron” scene.
The ending is my favorite part! A perfect climb to the climax, which will drag on for another two chapters before the resolution of chapter 14.
AND YES MORE JOYBOY!!! I love Joy Boy a normal amount, I totally don’t have a giant poster of him in my room, no sir I do not. But how could I not add as much Joy Boy scenes as humanly possible??? It’s so fun to write.
(Also don’t be afraid about not doing it right, just draw it, I bet it would be a 10000/10 drawing anyway—)
And we gotta love Koby the Poet with his Muse Luffy. That boy is down so bad and he finally had the nerve to say it. Like sheesh. Took you long enough. One of my favorite details in the whole story is how Koby is constantly thinking “why me?” and “do I deserve this?” but in that one moment with Luffy, Koby doesn’t care about the why or if he deserves it. He just takes it with open arms and loves it.
I’m so happy you like TSaTS so much! I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite child out of my fics, but…well I do certainly love it a whole lot, and I’m gonna be sad when it comes to a close near Christmas/New Years. But in the mean time, I’M HAPPY YOU LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!
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badlydrawn-brostrider · 7 months
/ / / / /
Though it might be a good idea to make a better pinned post lol.
Hello!! I'm Sylv, the one and only mod of this here blog. I go by any pronouns so go wild! My main is @error707-thatdude if ya wanna chat! @bdbro-mod is my mod blog if you have ooc questions!
Asks are currently: OPEN
M!A: N/A
For quick context! This is a silly sort of post canon au where Bro, Dirk, and BGD (and any other Dirk splinter who wishes to join) all live together in one apartment. Bro doesn't have Lil Cal anymore and is still trying to get over the whole "being possessed/influenced" thing, Dirk is keeping an eye on him, and BGD is our newest arrival! Both Alpha and Beta kids/guardians are here and alive and will be mentioned, other guardian blogs are still free to interact though!
Bro- Me
Dirk- @badlydrawn-dirkstrider (Dave)
Brain Ghost Dirk- @badlydrawn-brainghostdirk (Elliot)
• No striderc*st, that's not something I want on my blog. Asks of the sort will be deleted and blocked.
• This may be an au of sorts BUT it's pretty loose! I'd love for other bdhs blogs to interact with me and send asks!
• M!A's are allowed! Named anons are welcome as long as y'all don't take it too far.
• Mod and muse are both 18+ so I tentatively allow nsfw-ish asks on the blog. If its in the source material then it's fair game! Rule will be tweaked of things become too raunchy.
• Ships are a-okay and old man yaoi is welcome but I don't want it to become the blogs main point.
• If anybody wishes to make some kind of arc message me first (either on tumblr or shoot me a message on my discord, lonedistortion). Don't just try starting stuff in my inbox.
• I'm a third year college student in Adapted Physical Education meaning: I'm a busy person. I try responding quickly but sometimes I won't be able to, so please be patient.
• There is likely gonna be heavy topics such as: Child abuse, possession/psychological horror, canon typical Strider repression, canon typical Dirk self loathing + decapitation jokes, lots and lots of puppets and puppet rump. Basically just- canon typical Dirk/Bro stuff CW. Okay look it sounds like a lot but I promise this is a silly, lighthearted blog, just throwing this out here as a quick general warning.
-- And that should be everything! Rules will be added or tweaked depending on how things go. Enjoy your time in Casa de Dirk!
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eyes-blazing · 2 months
Updated Rules!
1: Any Loki who wants to be treated as Emrys father can, but it will be treated as an AU. Just shoot me a message and we’ll figure something out. 
2: Any Hale children/family who want to rp with Raul can. Any relationships with someone other than Talia will be treated as an AU since he is still loyal to his wife. Any cousins/uncles/siblings ect. will be case by case in terms of AU or Main.
3: NO GOD MODDING. You get one chance, you godmod I don’t talk to you anymore. I don’t take it.
4: NO ANON HATE. Any hate will be deleted and you will be blocked don’t even try it. 
5: I ship chemistry. I am more than willing to see if our muses click and if they do awesome, but I do ask that we plot a little first for ships.
6: I will not be accepting any magic anon’s that involve children. This also involves anyone my muses are in a relationship with. If you do get an magic anon that involves your character having an child with one of my characters I will not go along with it.
7: I do not roleplay MPREG at all. I’ve tried it in the past and my muses always runs away from it.
8: I will only post WELCOME posts for mutuals. This does not mean that I do not want to roleplay with you or your muse. That being said, I do have ADHD and will often forget to make welcome for mutuals too. I’ll try.
9: I will not always follow back. This does not mean that I wont roleplay with you it just means that during my initial look at your blog I didn’t think our muses would click. That being said I’ve been proven wrong before. If you want to roleplay with me just shoot me a message.
10: I reserve the right to say no to anyone. Just because I say that I will rp with anyone does not mean I will force my muses to interact with someone they hate. It’s really up to my muse who I rp with. 
11: If you do not specify which muse you want to rp with when sending an ask/meme/starter I will choose one myself.
12: While I am not that selective in my roleplay, I do have a few muses that are selective. Please be understanding if they don’t want to roleplay with your muse.
13: Do not pressure me to reply. If it has been a while then shoot me a reminder but if I say I have your reply and am going to get to it then I will. If you push at me it’ll make it less likely for me to reply.
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noel3png · 4 months
Hello there! The names Xay, I go by any pronouns and I'm 19 years old. I've been roleplaying for 8 years and consider myself to be advanced literate. I tend to flesh out my roleplay responses which end up making descriptions detailed haha. I love long responses, but will be alright with literate roleplayers! I match what I'm given, as long as it's not a few sentences.
I roleplay in 3rd person and expect you to do the same. I don't use * either. If you need an roleplay sample, then let me know! I also don't rp with oc's since i find the rp itself to get boring! So only canon parings please :)
Here are a list of fandoms I’m currently willing to write for!
Poppy Playtime
Genshin Impact
South Park
Harry Potter
Muses and Ships are lengthy - but hopefully you see something that interests you! Feel free to ask if you don’t see a ship you want to do! Bold is who I can muse, (parenthesis) is who I’m looking for!
Poppy Playtime:
DogDay x (CatNap)
CatNap x (DogDay)
KickinChicken x (…I really don’t care, I just wanna try him 😭)
Genshin Impact:
Lyney x (Wriothesley/Aether)
Neuvillette x (Wriothesley/Furina)
Furina x (Neuvillette/Arlecchino)
Tighnari x (Cyno)
Al Haitham x (Kaveh/Cyno)
Scaramouche x (Kazuha/Childe)
Kaedehara Kazuha x (Scaramouche/Gorou)
Arataki Itto x (Gorou/Kuki/Sara)
Gorou x (Kokomi/Itto/Kazuha)
Kuki Shinobu x (Heizou/Itto)
Kujou Sara x (Kokomi/Itto)
Chongyun x (Xingqiu/Ga Ming)
Xingqiu x (Chongyun)
Ga Ming x (Chongyun/YunJin)
Xiao x (Lumine/Aether)
Childe x (Zhongli/Scaramouche/Lumine)
Yanfei x (Hu Tao)
Hu Tao x (Yanfei)
Razor x (Bennett/Fischl)
Bennett x (Razor/Fischl)
Fischl x (Bennett/Razor)
Diluc Ragnvindr x (Childe/Thoma)
Albedo Kreideprinz x (Kaeya)
South Park:
Kyle Broflovski x (Stan)
Craig Tucker x (Kenny/Tweek)
Butters Stotch x (Kenny)
Marjorine x (Kenny)
Tolkien Black x (Clyde)
Wendy Testaburger x (Stan/Heidi)
Harry Potter:
Sirius Black x (Remus)
Remus Lupin x (Sirius)
Draco Malfoy x (Harry)
Luna Lovegood x (Harry/Ginny)
Sai x (Ino)
Naruto x (Sasuke/Hinata)
Deidara x (Sasori)
Other fandoms I have lower interest in, but wouldn’t mind roleplaying would be Overwatch, Danganronpa, and Voltron! Just ask, and I can tell you my muses and ships!
Discord is preferred, since l'd like to make an organized server for the two of us! I don't have any triggers, but please tell me yours if you have any. NSFW is 100% fine with me, and plotlines with angst is preferred, but I can do a mix of fluff and angst! I have au's I can send to you if need be, just let me know!
Thank you for the read, either like or message, and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can!
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equallyshaw · 1 year
all i want for christmas - nico hischier
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Warnings: nothing but a bit of angst. my MO.
Word Count: 1.98k
← day two. day four. →
if there was one thing that people knew, is that they wanted you two back together. for good. though, nico had good intentions two months ago; it wasn't panning out to what he had intended. he wanted to really focus on the team, the season ahead. he didn't really have much time to put enough energy and time into the relationship that you had shared for two years already. but you agreed, you didn't want your heart to be broken over nico not being there enough. not showing up when it most mattered, you understood. you always had. so you headed back to denmark your native country. you had been staying with your parents for two months since the breakup, and you were doing relatively well all things considered. it was nearing december 12th and that's when your mom started to ask questions and ultimtely be a pest. "mom!" you started as you looked up from your computer, she met your glare and was taken back. "stop, please just stop asking about nico. were done. its over. im here now. im not going back." you said flustered and simply over it. she nodded going back to lunch and sipped her espresso. her questions over the past few days had begun to stir things within you. for the first time in two months, you looked at his instagram. his friends instagrams and hell, even googled to see how he was doing. you sighed wiping your face before returning to the email at hand. you wondered if nico was also thinking about you, it was a mere two weeks until your third - would of been - third anniversy. you stood up and took your computer up to your childhood room and ponded the idea of texting him or not.
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you
you turned over in your sleep as it was nearing 6 am, and groaned. it was now december 21st and you had not stopped thinking about nico. you were annoyed at yourself that you wanted him. despite having a mutual break up that went well you felt guilty and pissed off that you still wanted him. thanks mom, you mused silently. you fidgeted your fingers over nico's contact that hadn't been looked at since you had to talk to him about sending over some things from the states. you growled, before pressing the message icon. before exiting the app altogether.
it was true, you wanted him more than anything this christmas. as cheesy as it may sound, that was the reality and dilemma you were dealing with right now. straight out of a hallmark movie. but nico wouldn't want to speak to you right? especially since they were nearing some very important games you had read. your mind raced back and fourth over the idea and found yourself looking at nico's contact again for the third time that day. "just text him, sweetie." your mom said from across the room. you looked up at her and she smiled, urging you to do it. "you won't know until you know. what's the issue?" she questioned setting down her coffee. you looked down at the contact and sighed, "what if he still doesn't want me? like i know that he said that he wanted to focus on the game but what if it was more than that? my worst fear and worry that i have never admitted to anybody was that i wasn't good enough. wasn't pretty or skinny enough." you paused sniffling, "what if he wanted somebody different and broke up with me because of that?" you pondered out loud and your mom felt her heart break for her only child. your mom shook her head, "if that's the case - fuck him. he isn't good enough for you. and to hell with what anybody thinks of your weight, your looks, your hair color or occupation. fuck them, fuck him, if they don't accept and adore you." she said trying to comfort you. you nodded and wiped your tears and typed out the message.
nico, i hope this message finds you well. i honeslty dont even know why im texting you but i am. thanks to my mom for the past week asking me questions about you, i can't get you out of my mind. ive tried, ive replayed the conversation over and over. and alas here i am. i just want to talk thats all, catch up. though, i understand if you found somebody else since we broke up. i understand and understand if i wasnt good enough for you or your world and lifestyle. ill stay away. though i wish the best nevertheless, always. xx (y/initial)
that was garbage, you thought. pure word vomit.
you pressed send and closed your phone hoping that it would be a bit before he responded. it was only 8 am over on the east coast so he would probably being having a team skate or practice for all you knew. you got off the couch and walked over to your mom and hugged her. she kissed your head and you ended the hug. "im gonna go for that walk." you stated before walking out of the house. it was now getting colder in denmark and you zipped up your nike puffer and headed down your street and towards the local forest trail that no doubt would be busy. per usual.
all the lights are shining so brightly everywhere
Won't you please bring my baby to me?
it was the next day and your mom and dad took you into downtown aarhus which was a three hour drive from coppenhagen. a seaport town, that held fond memories for you and your small family. your three dined for dinner at one of your favorite swiss restaurants. you had taken nico the second time he came to visit and the two of you dined for about 3 hours before you two took in some frozen yogurt and overlooked for the harbor just talking. as you thought about that that evening looking into the harbor as you drank some hot coco, your eyes pooled with tears. you sniffled, but smiled at the memory. you wanted that here and now, you wanted that again come his offseason. you begged the universe to make a christmas miracle to happen. you would do anything, you thought. a few minutes later, you and your parents started up towards the heart of downtown when it began to snow, just your luck. a white christmas was upon your favorite place. you guys stopped outside a pub and you snapped a photo. because of how bad the snow was it looked white outside. you snapped a photo for your instagram story and smiled. you placed a red heart on the bottom, before you made your way inside the bar for the evening, that most likely would turn into staying over night in the upstairs hotel.
a few hours later, you were getting ready for bed and you heard your phone ding from yor bedroom. your eyebrows crinkled before turning off the bathroom light and grabbing your phone off your bed. it was nico.
I just want you for my own
More than you could ever know
y/n, ive been waiting for you to text honestly ever since we broke up. ive been waiting to hear that you wanted to catch up to maybe tell you that i miss you and i would finally hear your voice again. ive thought about texting or calling your myself but i didn't really have the right to since i am the one that intiated the breakup. and no, i never found anybody else. i certaintly wasn't looking nor did i want to. i just wanted you. especially, here with me for christmas and our anniversary. i want you here and ill pay whatever to get you here asap.i love you y/n, i never stopped. "
your eyes went wide before bringing a hand to your mouth. this was exactly what you wanted. okay, yes, it was like a hallmark movie you grinned. you made your way down the old hallway and knocked on your parents door and the door opened a few seconds later. your mom looked down at your and saw the smile on your face. you nodded with happy tearms brimming your eyes. "he want's me still, he want's to fly me out as soon as i can." you said excitedly. she smiled and wrapped her arms around you. "finn! we are leaving early tomorrow so she can get on that plane." your mom annouced and your dad came out of the bathroom. he smiled and you pulled out your phone to let nico know that you were available the next day. he responded ten mintutes later with a screenshot of the flight ticket and you smiled.
I just wanna see my baby standing right outside my door
you stepped outside of the airport in newark and spotted your driver instantly. jack stood outside his range rover and you playfully rolled your eyes. "jacky!" you beamed throwing your arms around him and he lifted you up. the two of you had always been close, seeing one another as sibilings. "you dont understand how much he has missed you missy." jack said throwing your bags in the back as he shut your door. you smiled knowlingly, you had also been missing him like crazy. "where is he?" you asked, buckling. jack put the car in drive and you two began the 30 minute drive to his townhouse. "he's at the house, he had an appointment that ended later than he would have liked it to." jack said truthfully and you nodded, and then the two of you caught up on the way there.
jack waved as he took off towards his apartment in manhattan and you knocked on door. nico sprinted towards the door, alerting your once shared cat "missy". you wanted to bring missy home, but knew nico needed her more than you did. hockey got to be a lot after awhile mentally and being captain only added to it. nico swung the door wide open and instantly wrapped his arms around you and twirled the two of you. you giggled into his ear, which sounded like music to him. the two of you had happy tears coming out, as he set you down. you looked at one another in the eye, and smiled. he brought his face down towards yours and for the first time in almost 3 months, the world stopped for a brief moment. that's how it was with you two, a kiss could freeze the world. especially, when it held as much as it did like this one. "you came." he hummed as you two pulled apart. you nodded, "yes. no place i'd rather be." you said as he wiped your tears from your cheeks. "i love you so much y/n and i was a fool for letting you go. please, please dont leave again." he whispered as snow flurries began to flutter down. you looked up and laughed. nico's anxiety rose, as the answer to his words was still unanswered. you looked back at nico and smiled, "no place i'd rather be." you smiled before kissing him once more. he spun you around once more, before walking inside.
missy greeted you and you pulled her into your arms and listened to her purring. she had missed her favorite person, though nico came in a very close close second. nico wrapped his arms around your waist and pressed his chin on your shoulder watching missy's eyes slowly close. "and just like that, our favorite person has indeed returned." nico whispered before placing a kiss on your temple. you indeed had returned to your favorite people.
i hope you guys enjoyed day three! so sorry for the day late posting. but alas, here we are ahaha.
RANDOM tags: @jayda12 @bitchinbarzal @lhugh @starshine-hockey-girl @matbaerzal @pucksalotguys
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therapardalis · 6 months
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Multi-fandom OC. (Fandom based, but with original lore.)
1. Mun is severely over 21. Victoria, Australia (Australian EST). Not mutuals only, but semi-selective. 18+ only, please.
2. Rules are under the Readmore below. Last rules update 27th December 2023.
3. Muse Information on Carrd. For her main verse, please read at least the summary at the top. Several of her AU verses have different versions of the muse. Marvel, Dune and Tolkien verses are movie/TV based.
4. Policies on this blog. Not 'rules' but how I do things here.
5. Mains and Exclusives.
6. Please don’t reblog memes from me if you’re not going to send one. Reblog from the source instead. Memes - Ship Memes - NSFW Memes / NSFW HCs - Munday Memes - Open Starters
7. Muse Stats Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue-Grey Age: In AU verses, usually 30+ Place of Birth: In her main verse, Cornwall, England Gender: Female Sexuality: Heterosexual
8. Rules under the cut.
Basics Original character and writing are mine and not for reproduction. (2012-2024). Likewise original graphics on the blog (icons, promos, background images) are made by me and are not for general use.
I do not consent for any of my writing or graphics made by me to be used with, for or as part of any form of AI generation.
Things I don't do:
RP with anyone under the age of 18 years. Selective with under 21. No age mentioned, no follow.
RP with anyone who does not have a rules page somewhere.
RP with personal (non-RP) blogs. I'll check to see if you have RP sideblogs.
Instant smut (see below).
Infidelity/cheating plots.
Non-con, dub-con (including A/B/O) or sexual assault.
Animal abuse.
Thread with abusive/manipulative characters. I’ve had abusive relationships OOC, and I do not want to be dealing with them in my RP as well. Villains are on a case by case basis, but muses who are by their canon nature or intended to be played as abusive are not.
Very, very selective with;
Pregnancy threads. Thera is not going to be pregnant, and I'm selective on threads where the other muse is.
‘Unrequited crush’ threads need to be talked about first, and boundaries set.
‘Fight’ threads where it’s Thera against someone else’s muse. Her vs random NPCs is fine.
Child muses (under 13). NPCs are OK, but not children who are the main muse. Any threads with older teens will be strictly platonic.
Shipping / Smutting. No instant smut. I will write smut, but only in the context of an established ship. And on that note …
Shipping needs to be talked about first. Thera is multiship, male-attracted, and we enjoy shipping. It's entirely possible it's crossed my mind already when we start writing. But it’s still not going to be an automatic-everybody thing. There’s got to be some sort of IC build up and OOC talk as well, to see how the muses get along and that we're on the same page. If we haven't talked about it OOC, it's not happening.
No means no. On both sides. If I say no to something I expect you to listen. Conversely, if you say no I’m going to take that as final, so if you change your mind later you need to tell me.
Also please do not say yes when you mean no. Just rip off the bandaid, OK?
Interaction Please communicate, please reciprocate. As it says at the top this is a hobby, but it’s a hobby we should both enjoy and it’s not enjoyable when something’s all one-sided. Busy happens, favourites happen, but if I’m doing all the sending and messaging and you don’t do any, especially if you’re active with others, then no hard feelings but I’m going to move along.
Discord I'm hesitant to engage 1x1 on Discord with people I haven't spoken with either here or in a group server there. I have no problem RPing on Discord, but I prefer to talk with someone first beforehand. I know most are genuinely just trying to find partners to write with, but I've seen and met too many who are looking to 'get someone alone' for unpleasant reasons.
Reblogging Memes Please don’t reblog memes or starter lists from me without sending me one. You don't have to send me something, but if you don’t please reblog them from the source instead.
Post length I’m good with any, as long as we’re on the same page. But if I’m doing paras and getting one line back, it makes me wonder if you really want to be doing it at all. If you’re stuck, I’m totally open to waiting, plotting or re-writing.
Starter Calls (mine) Starters take me time, effort and ideas, but a lot of them go unanswered. So, I have a 3-strike rule. If I write you starters you request three times and you don’t reply or let me know there’s a problem, I won’t write any more for you.
Triggers and Tags NSFW or strong violence will be tagged (smut is tagged ‘BadThings’ and 'NaughtyList'), potential triggers as '[thing] tw'. If you need anything specific tagged, let me know (if you have a tag already blacklisted, tell me and I’ll use it).
Likewise, if there’s something you’re not comfortable RPing (or thought you were but then realise you’re not) please say so - I only ask that you do the same for me if needed.
God-Modding and Meta-gaming
God-Modding. I write my muse, you write yours, and if in doubt, ask. Please don’t decide for me what she does, thinks or feels (or did before the events of the thread), that your muse has done something major to her, or put her in a certain situation, without running it past me first. Also, ignoring what I’ve just written and continuing as if Thera never said or did something counts as god-modding, too.
Verses are separate unless it's been discussed OOC beforehand. Please don't shoehorn Thera into your own existing group verse without talking about it with me first.
Meta-gaming is giving your muse OOC knowledge IC. There are muses out there powerful enough that they could know things, but please talk to me about it first. Your muse suddenly knowing all about Thera for no IC reason and without asking me is not going to work out.
On those last two points, I also reserve the right to say no.
Vague/Guilt-Posting Trying to pressure or guilt me into RPing with you is going to have the opposite effect to what you want. Asking if I saw a post or reminding me once or twice is fine, talking to me directly about a problem, likewise. Messages specifically intended to make me feel bad for not replying/RPing with you are not.
Thanks for reading through!
Last rules update 27th December 2023.
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dcwnthercbbithcle · 3 months
Quick and Easy Plotting Guide || OPEN AND ACCEPTING : especially to new mutuals!
My muse(s): HIIIIII TIFFANY HIIII HIIIIII, please I love love love my girl so so much. I want to throw ALL my little guys at her because no matter what, their chaos will be so so entertaining! Anywho anywho! Muses!
Doe: You know the jist at this point, she's my main girl and obsession at the moment and she has the horror, comedy and default verses to accommodate for all levels and forms of verses and scenerios! Given the Chucky series dives into magic though, THE POTENTIAL FOR A BUDDY-COP style 'stuck together' verse after Tiff conjures Doe's spirit while trying to achieve something else entirely is so so good! ASDASD Doe is so so down for the bloody adventure of it and being her little shithead on board!
Evan & Sally: Okay, yadda yadda, they're DBD killers and its an obvious pair up for the standard fog lunacy! I've always been of the opinion that Chucky and Evan have a kind of solidarity and understanding all things considered, like as close to drinking buddies as you can get in the fog, so we could definitely build off of that with Evan and with Sally!!! God, I think you should harang her because she finds what Tiff and Chuck have going on, both in terms of the dynamic and the murder stuff so so baffling.
Do I know your muse(s):  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse (never watched the Child's Play movies or the TV Show, outside of like,,, dead meat kill counts, I've been meaning to but I never have! Something something childhood fear of dolls! I do know a lil bit about Tiff though! She is my queen)
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other 
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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