#sentinel and guide AU
airu27-rkgk · 1 year
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Kaishin One Prompt Challenge 2023 by @dcmkkaishinevents 💙
Guide [Edogawa Conan] and Sentinel [Kaitou KID].
Kuroba Kaito, a self-proclaimed Neutral, moonlights as Kaitou KID to look for Pandora, a jewel that grants immortality. (His backstory follows canon, more or less.) Kaito is actually a Sentinel.
Kudou Shinichi is a Guide whose guidance is too complex for most Sentinels to follow through. He uses facts and logics to build mental sanctuaries — where Guide communicates with their Sentinel, calms them when they’re on the verge of Zoning, etc.
Their first meeting is during a heist. Shinichi’s first impression of KID is that the thief is a show off who wastes police resources for his own entertainment. A clever, tricky entertainment, filled with his favourites — riddles and mind games, puzzles, pranks, traps, oh how witty, he just escapes, which gives him a great rush of satisfaction for being able to decipher them — and are harmless enough, a refreshing break from murder cases he encounters daily, but still, show off.
Kaito’s first impression of Shinichi is that the detective is a nerd. Who even counts — himself not included — the number of cards that were used and draws conclusions based on that to pinpoint his disguise… The cards are from a dozen pack…??? Plus the guy uses a voice changer — in the form of a red bow tie — to redirect the officers Kaito had fooled with his own voice-changing abilities… This guy is not to be messed with. Definitely a nerd, though. He looks good with those glasses.
Anyway, on their nth showdown, Black Organization shows up and they were forced to work together. Their Sentinel-Guide soulmates connection forms an unbreakable bond, accidentally.
Thus, Shinichi recognizes Kaito when Ran and Aoko bring them for a meetup.
Gradually, Shinichi comes to know why KID steals. With Shinichi holding the Spades and Kaito the Clovers, the pair traverse the world to search for Pandora. Their connection of Hearts are tested, again and again, all for the sake of one Diamond, which shall end this game of cards once and for all.
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libraryraccoon · 17 days
Reading Sentinel and Guide AU and all I can think about is a criminal who is linked to a high-ranking federal agent
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sarcasticfoxy · 1 year
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Here is a little work I did for event in Discord. It is from a fic of mine, which you can find from this link:
I Found You
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thereadersmuse · 1 year
He'd only just shoved a mint in his gob when the elevator dinged. Fifth floor.
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*Also posted on ff.net.
* Part II of the “Tethered and Tight” series.
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christinesficrecs · 7 months
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I am a big, BIG fan of Sentinel AU's. But it seems like the post I had went poof! Anyway! Enjoy. ❤️
Unmapped by Jerakeen | 11.3K | Explicit
Stiles can never leave a good mystery alone.
I'll Tie You (In My Arms) by Kian | 19K
Derek doesn't want a Guide after his last attempt at a bond nearly got his whole family killed, and Stiles doesn't want to be one if it means losing the last of the family he's got. But Fate doesn't take requests.
I Want You Under My Skin by FunkyinFishnet | 6.6K | Mature
Stiles is a Guide who looks after catatonic or feral Sentinels. One day a grief-stricken fugue-state Derek is brought in and Stiles realizes that he's found his Sentinel. Now they've just got to get Derek out of his own head and able to bond.
Bonding for Beginners by Ember | 43.2K | Explicit
Sentinel AU where Stiles is a Guide looking for real connection, and Derek is a Sentinel forced to get a Guide.
Collide by Green | 36K | Mature
Guide Stiles Stilinski has been waiting his whole life to meet his one and only Sentinel, knowing everything will fall into place perfectly once he's bonded. Then along comes Derek Hale, his werewolf Sentinel, who already has a mate (alpha werewolf Peter Hale) and doesn't want anything to do with a new bond. Does Stiles even fit in the picture? Will he ever get his happily ever after, or was that just a childish dream?
On Anchors and Rudders by Unloyal_Olio | 15.1K | Mature
Stiles might be a sentinel, but Derek is a werewolf. Derek is not and never will be a guide.
There is no way in hell he’ll be a guide. No. Way. In. Hell.
The Normal One? by hellbells | 10.9K | Explicit
Stiles had always prided himself on being the normal one in the pack. He was until an Alpha fight shows him just how wrong they all are. It just might be that he needs Derek to anchor him as much as Derek needs him.
It Started Out as a Feeling by flitterflutterfly | 15.4K | Explicit
When the newly bonded Sentinel Scott joins Derek Hale’s pack, Derek had just been happy that his group was growing larger and stronger. But Scott brings with him his old-temporary-guide-turned-friend named Stiles and the rest of Derek’s pack begin to conspire to get them together. And while Derek is attracted to Stiles, Stiles doesn’t want a full bond and Derek would never force that.
Who Needs A Guide? by LadyDrace | 3.7K
Derek is a sentinel who doesn't need a guide. Good thing, too, because what he ends up getting is in fact not a guide.
Ochre Moon by SOABA | 13.3K
Stiles has unknowingly spent years on medication designed to fully suppress his Sentinel Gene. Then, one day, the medicine stops working and it’s definitely Derek’s fault.
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getoed5725 · 1 month
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"Have you seen them?" "Yeah, above. 3rd floor." "Very good. Now, are you willing to turn into a beast for me, Satoru?"
五夏 Sentinel/Guide au: Sentinel Gojo x Guide Geto. Strongest Sentinel & Strongest Guide formed pair.
Context for the art:
- on an undercover mission in a hotel
- they're fully bonded at this point
- the ages can stay like in the fic (below) or not. but i think Gojo will be excited to see his lieutenant/boss/lover/bonded guide looking young again with the hairstyle :>
inspiration: this Chinese Sentinel/Guide Goge fic and the official art for hotel collab:
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nicki0kaye · 1 year
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here we've got Pre-Empire, lower levels hive-rat Sasha Kallus and Good boy Junior Guard Captain Garazeb Orrelios for the @bahrynfestival prompt 'In Another Life'. Zeb characterization and general Lasan HCs courtesy of @sidhebeingbrand
Now, I could be normal and say this is just a 'oh what if these two met before the Empire' thing but I'm far from normal and that's not JUST the story behind this pic. Yeah, they're meeting before the Empire, but there's also a bunch of other nonsense going on. Lemme explain;
Sasha Kallus hasn't felt like a person since inheriting his 'magic'. It's been a quirk of his family for generations, but lucky him, it seems he's been gifted a particularly 'bad' case. Instead of being able to influence the 'magic' in others, like his baba and older brother, Sasha is burdened with generating an overabundance of 'magic' in himself. It sizzles in his veins like a live wire, heightening everything, dialing up his senses, his reflexes, his strength, keeping his mind buzzing all the time, hyper-aware and overly sensitive. Without his brother Tuz there to bridle that magic, Sasha runs the risk of becoming something dangerous, of becoming so overwhelmed, he loses himself and lashes out in a way he can't take back. 
And he hates it. 
He knows he's scaring his family, that there's a 'good reason' Tuz keeps him on such a short 'leash', but Sasha resents it all the same. He wishes he could get rid of his stupid magic. He wishes he could run away and never look back. 
The family trait he knows as 'magic' is unheard of on Coruscant, and it's not quite the same as channeling the Force. Its two distinct flavors, however, are common and even revered on the planet Lasan as a gift of the Ashla. On Lasan, there are Watchers, who see with the Ashla's light, and their Guards, who shield the Watchers and aid them in honing their gifts. 
Junior Guard Captain Garazeb Orrelios is visiting Coruscant as part of his Queen's entourage. Personally, he finds the planet a disturbing, lightless place. Excluding the Jedi in their temple, it feels like no one here has been touched by the Ashla. He was told to expect as much, that there are no Watchers or Guards among humans, but still. It's freaky.  It makes this durasteel hive of a planet feel all the more dead inside. 
Perhaps it's because he's particularly freaked out that, when the faint spark of a Watcher's soul  suddenly appears several levels below them, he's the first to notice. Perhaps it's his disposition–his talent for meshing so well with any unbonded Watcher that might be in need of his aid–that keeps his awareness locked on this stranger, this lost soul. 
No, not lost, there is a Guard's presence keeping the Watcher stable, but. It's too fraught a union to be a healthy bond. The Watcher is in distress. 
Garazeb's duty is to all Watchers, even alien ones hidden in the depths of off-putting city-planets. He asks permission to pursue this stranger, to ensure personally that all is well. 
That's how Garazeb meets Sasha. 
Now, there's one last thing. On Lasan, it's understood that the Ashla has made every Watcher a Guard to compliment and complete them, and every Guard a Watcher, in turn. Bit of a soulmate thing. It's not guaranteed one will find their match, but it's likely and extremely obvious when it happens. Even for a talented Guard like Garazeb who seems to naturally compliment every Watcher he meets, the work of shielding his intended would be frictionless. 
Garazeb has been searching for his Watcher ever since he was small and learned one might be out there waiting on him. He had not expected to find a human, let alone one who considers his Ashla given Sight a curse, has no concept of a 'bonded pair', and has only known a Guard's influence as 'leash' to keep him to heel. 
There's no denying it, though. They meet, and even his superiors can tell the bond is special. Garazeb never, ever expected to forsake his home for the hellscape that is Coruscant, but for his Watcher? He might. Assuming Sasha will let him.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: CC-2224 | Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Clone Trooper Waxer (Star Wars), Jocasta Nu Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Sentinel/Guide, Force Dyad (Star Wars), First Meetings, Bonding, Instincts are hard, Enhanced senses are harder, Sentinel CC-2224 | Cody, Guide Obi-Wan Kenobi Series: Part 1 of Here Comes the Sun, Part 9 of 212th Bingo 2023 Summary: As soon as Obi-Wan stepped off the shuttle, anticipation started to buzz under his skin. The very Force around him seemed to hum soonsoonsoon. Obi-Wan had no idea what it could possibly mean. Then he heard a voice.
For the "Sentinel AU" square of @clonefandomevents​ 212th Bingo!
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Featuring at commissioned from the lovely @amikoroyaiart​!
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marmarthehatterverse · 4 months
An excerpt from the first thousand words of my buddie fic, because maybe if I get enough positive reinforcement I'll actually finish it. This takes place during the covid era, btws
“You sure are big for a guide.”
Buck slows for a moment, but returns to his brisk pace so quick it would be nigh unperceivable if you didn’t know him very well. His mask mostly obscures his reflexive smile as he continues to carry the little girl out of the crumbling building. She’s looking up at him with big green eyes filled with wonder.
“Well, what makes you so sure I’m a guide?” His voice is light, teasing.
The little girl’s eyebrows furrow, this was clearly not a possibility she had considered. In her defense, very few ever clock him for what he is. “But you’re making me feel so calm and safe. You must be a guide…?” 
Her head is cocked now, scrutinizing him the way only small children could. Buck glances down at her, still moving at a quick pace, trying to get away from the crumbling halls and to safety so she could be given a proper look over. “Maybe you feel so calm and safe because you’re no longer in a room collapsing around you?” He gestures to behind him with his head.
“No,” she wrinkles her nose at this, giving a decisive shake of her head, “I felt safe from the moment you grabbed me from my room. It should have been scary with all the walls shaking like that, but as soon as you grabbed me I knew I was going to be okay.”
The thing is, most people forget that sentinels, before anything else, are guardians. They exist to keep people safe, and those being saved by them can instinctively tell that the sentinel will do everything in their power to get them out as unharmed as they possibly can. People forget that sentinels changed first, and that guides, with their empathy and soothing existence, developed in response to the sentinels’ needs. 
Buck slows to a stop in front of the ambulance, and gives the little girl his undivided attention, “I am big for a guide,” her face starts to break into a grin of triumph, “But I’m only a little over average for a sentinel.” He winks at her gobsmacked face as he hands her over to Hen.
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plotbunnybreeder · 13 days
The Path Less Traveled
Being a Sentinel is a blessing and a curse for Jaskier. He's only a Two-Sense Sentinel, touch and hearing, and he's used his heightened senses to please crowds and paramours alike along his travels. He has to be careful, however, as there's usually only three fates for a Sentinel: conscription, death, or if you're discovered as a child, gifted to the witchers (which most of the time ended in death anyway).
Guides are far more numerous than Sentinels, their gift ranging from a temporary help for a Sentinel to strong enough to anchor one constantly (those are usually taken to become mages). As long as Jaskier stays away from mages and never uses his senses long enough to Zone he can hide his status.
It's thus a surprise when Jaskier is singing in a tavern and a Guide Witcher walks into the establishment, the Guide's gift immediately reacting to Jaskier. The Witcher seems just as horrified as Jaskier about it.
Well, fuck.
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corvidscreams · 3 months
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“Focus on me.” A companion piece for @voidcat-senket's fic in which Kylo gets a shave and Rick gets a panic attack. Made for a total audience of like. Us.
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acountrygirlsfun · 4 months
✨ Inspiration Saturday ✨
@exhuastedpigeon tagged me today and for WIP Wednesday and Tease Tidbit Tuesday but today I finally have a snippet of my sentinel/guide au that I’m working on next 😁
We’re going back to season 2 (again) to how the boys meet but adding in a dash of enhanced senses and sentinel/guide shenanigans
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Chim is in the middle of the story of a dentist being stalked and eaten by a lion at the LA Zoo when Eddie feels a strange buzz on his mental shields. He’s been making an effort to keep them as impenetrable as he can around so many new people and all the strangers they encounter on their calls. But it strangely feels like they’re stretching outwards, like when the hair on his arm lifts towards a staticky balloon. He shifts in his seat when the feeling dulls again leaving him even more confused.
Hen is talking about the zookeeper whose arm was torn apart and all Eddie wants to do is rub his hands up and down his own arms to get rid of the goosebumps. The itchy feeling fades completely after a couple moments and Eddie can finally focus back on the fate of the lion. They all look up at the sound of people walking up the steps into the loft and then immediately relax again when they see it’s just Buckley and Sanchez.
Eddie’s pretty good at getting a read on people when he first meets them. It’s one of the perks of his senses. It’s not foolproof by any means, but it’s definitely helpful since he’s picked a profession that involves a lot of other coworkers all interacting and working on the same team. It’s only been a few hours but he’s been able to get a loose impression of how people feel about him being there.
There are a few exceptions and one of them is 6’2” and currently looking in the refrigerator for a snack.
Tagging @exhuastedpigeon and anyone else who wants to play!
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itookyoudown · 2 months
minute forty-six
In a hostage situation, the first 15 to 45 minutes are considered the most dangerous. Remember that the only goal is your survival. If you survive, you have won. Boyd Crowder and Tim Gutterson both grew up to be Guides. They have always lived as hostages.
Inspired by Febuwhump and written for the Justified Discord server’s collective whump bingo board. This fulfills our “hostage situation” square. Mind the tags!
Enjoy, sinners. Here's something dark and fucked up. I'm always saying Tim needs to get whumped more and Boyd needs to get worse, so, I did all that :)
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thereadersmuse · 1 year
They'd be bagged before they could bond.    
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*Also posted on ff.net.
*Part I of the “Tethered and Tight” series.
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martuzzio · 1 year
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Gaz and Evie on Team Photo Day!!!
This is Gaz from my friend Midnight's (@midnightmoonwarrior) fic Ataraxia on Ao3! The story is a Sentinel and Guide au where Evie the red squirrel is Gaz's Affinity, or an extension of himself. The au is really awesome but kind of hard to explain in a post like this, so please go check the fic out :)
Read Ataraxia here!
On a related note, we have a little discord server going on to discuss the fic and CoD-related things in general! If you're interested in joining the server, add Midnight at AceAcarrie21#6538 with a message that you want to join :D
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jackluvsdaniel · 1 year
** Now Complete **
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Read on ao3 | Buddie | Sentinel/Guide AU | 31k | Chapters 9/9
Summary: Evan Buckley was only a year old when he came online as a Guide. At 27, he's never met a Sentinel who calls to him, until suddenly he's being pulled onto the spirit plane while he sleeps, by two unknown spirit animals in extreme emotional distress.
Tagging some friends and people who've interacted with the snippets and posts now that the fic is completely posted :)
@monsterrae1 @loveyourownsmiilee @lostinabuddiehaze @thekristen999 @mansikkaomenabanaani @mr-and-mr-diaz @gayhoediaz @gaydisasterdiaz @hippolotamus @ajunerose @spotsandsocks @mikereads @dickley-buddie @eddiediazisascorpio @bekkachaos @ci5mates @rogerzsteven @blaidddrwg1982 @hmslusitania @swiftiediaz @daughterofbuddie @prettyboybuckley @elvensorceress @finduilasclln @jobairdxx @the-likesofus @nottoolateforthegame @onward--upward @peaceofficerdiaz
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