#sequel to self indulgent vampire au
danganwlw · 2 years
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Someone ask me about my Fukagiri vampire au please I beg you
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only have eyes 42 | yeri, taeyong (m)
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pairings: vampire yeri x fem black reader, vampire taeyong x fem black reader summary: it’s surprisingly easy to be seduced by two benevolent strangers who fill in the empty spaces of your life—especially when you have no clue of their true nature. genre: romance, vampire!au, 1800s!au word count: 4.3k warnings: mentions of traditional gender roles/pressures to get married. blood consumption. kissing. biting. sexual tension. no full smut but suggestive content so MDNI. virgin!reader i guess? taeyong’s kind of a simp. voyeurism/eavesdropping. more creep behavior from taeyong. did i unintentionally write sugar mommy!yeri? well. undercurrents of manipulation/deceit. yeri and taeyong are fake cousins. gonna very tentatively put infidelity here just in case, although yeri and taeyong are both in on everything that’s happening between them and y/n, so… a/n: this is a sequel of sorts to “steal you,” set a few years after the initial events, with a different MC…as the previous one is dead. i unintentionally retconned some things in the original fic while writing this, but whatever!
note that precise historical accuracy wasn't the aim here, since these are only vignettes/scenarios and not a full story (yet?)
there’s a lot of background context that’s not (explicitly) mentioned here, so i'm thinking of writing a larger fic for this? we'll see...this is really just self-indulgent bisexual thoughts lmao 🙃
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Days spent running the dress shop with your mother and youngest sister are often hectic and occasionally slow, but rarely are they fun. At least not for you. The kind customers make up for the rude and impatient ones, but there is only so much smiling you can do when your mother’s friends and acquaintances keep stopping in to ask you Have you found a suitor yet? or I can still arrange a meeting for you with my son, if you’d like!
Both your sisters had already found husbands. Your middle sister married at 20, and you hardly see her anymore since she went to live with her husband’s family. The youngest married at 19, but her husband still allows her to keep working at the shop because of how much she enjoys it—and because all money she earns goes directly to him, of course.
With you being 24 and having already rejected more than one proposal from men you hardly knew, everyone has been breathlessly expecting you to follow suit. You try in vain to ignore their expectations. You aren’t sure you’ve ever felt any romantic love for another person before—not the way your sisters or others describe it—and though the mounting pressure vexes you, you are mostly okay with that reality. You can’t miss what you’ve never had.
Until, one day, a particular woman walks into the shop.
You haven’t seen her in the shop before, or anywhere else around the city, and you are certain she would’ve remained in your memory if you had.
Years from now, when you think back to how this inscrutable woman altered your life’s path, you’ll remember this first day so clearly—all because it was raining. It was not the type of bone-soaking downpour you’ve always hated, but a gentler shower.
A man accompanies the woman, carrying a delicate pink and white umbrella above her head as he opens the door for her. When she steps inside, some water droplets roll off the umbrella and onto her pinned-up black hair, making her shiver when they reach her neck and slide into her collar. That small motion makes you smile in amusement before you can stop yourself, and at the same time, you catch her eye. She takes your expression as a welcoming smile and returns the gesture.
With her smooth skin, perfectly curved Cupid’s bow, and captivating eyes, she is remarkably beautiful.
You do not know who the man is, just assuming him to be a servant by the way he is holding her things and attending to her, but you find your eyes also lingering on him, despite yourself. He has a nice side-profile reminiscent of one you’d see in a painting, with a sloping nose, a handsomely formed bone structure, and plump lips. The second thing you notice is that his clothes are of a higher-quality than many of the servants you see daily; maybe he isn’t one at all. You’d gotten so into the habit of making (usually correct) assumptions about the shop’s patrons.
“Good morning. Fine weather today, isn’t it?” you say with a laugh.
The man gives an answering chuckle. “If you like nearly being washed into the gutter, maybe.”
“You’re endlessly dramatic,” the woman comments, raising a gloved hand to check for any more water droplets in her hair. Even her small movements are graceful in a way that comes naturally.
“...So, how may I assist you?” you ask, giving them both your attention while trying to avoid seeming like you’re staring.
“My lovely cousin Yerim here—” The man pinches the woman’s chin, and she sweeps his hand away in shocked annoyance “—is incredibly indecisive and has made me take her to every dressmaker on this side of London, so I do hope you have something here that catches her eye.”
“It’s not been every dressmaker,” Yerim clarifies, rolling her eyes with a small grin. “But your dresses in the window seemed exceptionally pretty, so I was curious.”
“Oh, of course. There are more fabrics like those, if you’ll follow me.”
You and Yerim look over the rows of available fabrics, and you give some recommendations on patterns and colors you think would fit her. She listens diligently as you talk, as if she couldn’t be more interested in anything else. A bit flustered by the attention, you end up keeping your eyes on the fabrics more than on her face.
As you’re explaining a particular material, she grasps the edge of the fabric you’re holding, brushing her lacy-gloved thumb across it until the digit bumps into the side of your hand. She giggles discreetly and only moves her hand away—causing the lace to slide across your skin—after it’s already lingered for what’s considered a little longer than normal.
You struggle not to pause in your speech as your mind stalls on that moment, giving her an apologetic smile when you stammer anyway. You don’t yet understand why you’re reacting like this, but the meaning will become clear to you in due time.
“You’re certain Taeyong won’t mind being left behind?”
He’d been accompanying the two of you on your walk through the park, which is scarcely filled with people at this time of day. Everyone else is at work, which you normally would’ve been too. Except for Yerim—who had enough money that your impromptu free day could be easily pulled off, and who’d nearly begged you to come out with her by offering to pay for two days’ worth of your earnings. It was a difficult overture to reject, and your mother had surprisingly few complaints about it. Not when part of the money was also going into her own purse.
Now, it’s just you and Yerim walking along the path together, as Taeyong had become preoccupied with ogling at a family of geese sunbathing in a field. You think it’s a bit eccentric how he always gets lost in excitement over stray animals and pets and the like, but that’s just how he is. You aren’t actually concerned about him being left behind, but more so because he’ll complain to Yerim about her “stealing you away” for the rest of your outing if you let him.
Yerim’s deeply rose-pink lips draw up in a smirk, and she rolls her eyes. “He’ll be quite fine by himself. Believe me, he survived well long before me.”
“You two seem to get along quite well. Most cousins I know have a world of problems between them. Families are so aggravatingly complex.”
Yerim gazes ahead down the path, as if she’s suddenly lost in her thoughts. Sunlight peeks through the lace trimming of herhatand creates shadowy patterns on her face. She often wears one of her pretty hats or even uses an umbrella when she steps out during the day, claiming her skin burns easily. “We both want the same things, so it makes it easier to relate to each other.”
“Well, now that’s intriguing. What similar things do you both want?”
Yerim looks at you, turning her body toward you with the motion, and you feel like you’ve suddenly got the sun bearing down on you in all its fullness. She slips her hat off, as if doing so will help her see better, and grasps the brim of it in her gloved hands.
“Life,” she replies, and though she doesn’t explain further, it feels like the type of answer with a world of meaning behind it.
“Life,” you repeat, and you try not to sound incredulous or mocking. “I would think you’d already experienced any spoils of life you could dream of and then some.”
“There’s always more.” Yerim says it with the subtle intensity of someone who harbors a constant hunger just beneath the surface, a yearning that even you can pick up on. It makes your skin become hot, and you internally chastise yourself because you’re sure she doesn’t intend it how you’re assuming. “Don’t you want more, too?”
“I suppose so,” you answer.
“Do you?” Yerim asks again, like she wants you to expand upon your response.
“The dress shop is fine,” you say, though that doesn’t feel truthful, “but it…would be nice to travel the world.” You speak the first desire that comes to mind, which makes it seem more real now that you’ve acknowledged it aloud.
“Hmm, wouldn’t that be nice? You could do just that.” Yerim comes to a stop in the middle of the pathway, and you do too, looking back at her to see why she’s paused. Yet again, she doesn’t give any hint about how doing just that could be possible in your current circumstances.
She twirls the large, lacy hatin her hand and holds it up in front of both of you, so that if anyone were coming from the other direction—say, another park visitor, or Taeyong—they wouldn’t see your faces. “But, even more importantly, there’s something I want to show you. Close your eyes.”
Her voice is measured and secretive. Her eyes are mischievous. The air thickens between you in the few seconds that you stare at each other within the concealment her hat provides, and it surprises you how quickly you come to the conclusion of what this something must be.
“Here?” you murmur.
Yerim nods, her face betraying no apprehension, only sweet anticipation. “Close your eyes?” she asks again. And so you do, your lips twitching into a small smile before you try to assume a straight face.
While you’re looking at the backs of your eyelids, you hear her heeled boots shuffling in the dirt and feel her presence growing closer. There’s a pause, an exhalation like she’s laughing without sound, then the press of those rose-pink lips upon yours.
This lovely woman who’s always in your shop, with a face you can hardly look away from and an ever-present magnetic aura, has her mouth over your own, her free hand grasping your waist earnestly. Her mouth is gentle and warm, and that familiar rose petal scent envelopes you.
It’s the first time you’ve kissed each other, but it feels like you’ve already done this multiple times before. The nerves you expected to feel are not there—there is only the soft familiarity, the fragrance of her perfume, and the warmth of her hand on your waist.
It’s a short kiss, which you try not to feel disappointed about. Yerim understands your desire and finds it amusing. She offers you a knowing smile, but she won’t give you any more unless you ask for it, and right now, your pride is still too stubborn to allow that. You’re still unsure why this lavishly moneyed woman is wanting to spend so much time with you, or what the mysterious things she says mean, or if there could be something else to all of this. What something else is, though, you have not a clue.
It wasn’t your intention to spend the night at Yerim’s home. But after you finish an exhausting day of tending to customers and working on complex sewing projects, she brings you to her house for the first time to have dinner. And you get so caught up in eating and touring every nook and cranny of the place—which really wasn’t as large as you expected it to be—and even playing a game of cards with her and Taeyong, that she insists it’s too late at night for you to go back home. Surely, you could wait until morning for them to return you to your own residence before work?
Before you know it, you are lying next to Yerim in her bed during the dark and early hours of the morning, gazing at the rest of the room through the wispy fabric draped around her canopy bed. You could’ve slept in a guest room of your choosing, but somehow, you’d been talked right into her bed. And it did not take much convincing for you to acquiesce.
“Are you happy?” Yerim asks. She hasn’t bothered to climb under the covers, and neither have you. She lies down with her arms folded across her stomach, knees bent, and toes curling absentmindedly into the comforter. This position makes her nightgown pool around her waist, exposing the length of her legs under the opposing candlelight and moonglow. You try not to stare. You don’t know how she has this much energy at night, as her body has hardly stopped moving since you began getting ready for bed.
“Yes, actually…I had a lovely time this evening, despite the earlier exhaustion.”
Yerim smiles. “I mean in general. Do you fancy working at the dress shop? You told me it was ‘fine,’ but you always seem so…unlively when I come in—in that split second before you notice my presence…”
“What do you get out of being that observant?” you ask, somewhat jokingly.
“It means I know everything.” She says it with some air of seriousness, as if she were truly granted omniscient powers you weren’t aware of. You only blink in response. “Now, why do you look that way?”
“Maybe I am just…stressed.”
Yerim turns onto her stomach and props her head up on her arms, using her pillow as a support, and your own stomach involuntarily tumbles with her gaze fixed on you. “What distresses you?”
Glancing up at the patterned ceiling, you close your eyes for a long moment and let the ensuing darkness surround you. It’s somewhat comforting. “My mother is anticipating that I should find a proper husband soon. We make money from the shop and live fairly comfortably that way, but she insists I must have a man to take care of me, like my sisters.” You sigh deeply as you continue with, “And bear children, of course.”
Yerim laughs like you’ve told a joke she can’t believe, and you are startled, as nothing you’ve said is particularly amusing.
“Shall we find you a proper husband who will support you handsomely, then?” she suggests through a giggle.
Your brows draw together, and you turn your head to look at her and those errant eyes. “Who?” You begin to regret mentioning this at all, wondering if she’ll actually use her social standing to contribute to the effort of marrying you off to some wealthy stranger. Surely, this will not be the culmination of your friendship…
Yerim moves so that she’s on her hands and knees now, and she doesn’t stop shifting until she’s hovering over you. You watch with eyes growing wide as her arms cage you on either side of your body, her legs sliding between yours. “Me. I will be the proper husband who supports you handsomely.”
Finally, a hesitant yet amused grin disrupts the prior confusion on your face. “Really? And who will approve of that?”
“That hardly matters. We’ll need no one’s approval.”
Her hair falls over her shoulders and dangles in front of you, and you part it like a curtain to brush away the shadows obscuring her face. Her visage is half-shadow and half-candlelight, reminiscent of an oil painting. The glitter of her eyes and the glint of her teeth as she smiles are sharp, as if you could be physically cut by these flashes of light, and your chest stirs with something like unease for a moment. You don’t know why.
Your voice is quiet when you say, “You won’t find any opposition from me, then.”
“In that case, close your eyes again.”
“Why? Perhaps I don’t want to lose this view.”
Yerim draws her index finger across your lower lip. “I’ll give you a gift—one like that day in the park.”
Your heart stutters at the thought. “Do what you will,” you murmur, letting your eyelids slip down.
The same hand that was on your mouth takes your chin in a loose grip, and you make a small noise when she lowers her body flush against yours.
Her kiss is no longer soft or brief. Her lips press against yours as if she means to meld every part of your beings together, her tongue slotting itself into your mouth, and you accept the proposition.
You kiss until your lips hurt, though that’s more likely from the way she keeps biting your bottom lip until she draws blood—and then she kisses you even more feverishly as if she’s invigorated from the bloodshed, the primal quality of it. It makes your lip sting, but you realize you like the sensation.
Her body continually shifts against yours during your embrace, and by the time she separates from your mouth to give your neck a wild, messy lick, your underwear has grown damp and your legs knock clumsily into hers. Dizzy with lust you’ve never encountered before, you find you’re unable to do anything but lie prone and let her do what she wishes to you.
Meanwhile, Taeyong stands outside of the door as still as a statue, listening to the now-familiar sound of your blood rushing and your heart pulsing—the unique rhythm of every human’s blood that defines their very existence. No two bodies are ever quite the same. The sweet music of your blood is punctuated by your small murmurs and moans, and he doesn’t need to press his ear to the door to hear clearly, but the absurdly human desire to do so is still there, if only to get closer…
He knows that Yerim must realize he’s out there, listening in like a pervert, and he does not care.
You’re sitting at Yerim’s kitchen table sewing a rip in a scarf of yours when you prick your finger on the needle. You drop your materials from the shock of the sudden injury and hold your finger, watching blood bead up on the pad of it as it throbs with pain. Taeyong is away from the kitchen counter and by your side before you even register it, and you are slightly startled by him sliding into the seat next to you.
“What?” you ask.
“Can I see it?”
“Is there any gauze?” you ask, showing him your finger.
Taeyong carefully grasps your wrist with both hands. “For this little wound? It’ll stop bleeding in minutes.” There’s a certain urgency to his movements and his tone that makes you curious. “All it needs is this.”
Taeyong presses his lips to your finger as if to soothe it. You’ve licked your own cuts after the many times you’ve been pricked while sewing, but to have someone else do it, and in such a manner, was…strange. The action enflames your body; it seems oddly more satisfying than it should be to him, as if he gets some kind of bizarre gratification from it. He inhales deeply and doesn’t move his mouth; he just keeps it pressed against the cut until he finally moves your finger away, the sphere of your blood broken and smeared across his lips. He drags his tongue across his lower lip to rid it of the blood smear, and your body twitches; you want to look away. You feel like you’re witnessing something obscene and private you aren’t meant to see.
You don’t say anything as he takes a handkerchief out of his pocket and wipes the rest of the blood away from your finger before quickly tucking the cloth back into its place. You wonder if he’ll wash it; it’ll be ruined by your blood otherwise.
Unbeknownst to you, he will take this handkerchief out in the privacy of his room later that night and press his face into it, breathing in the faint scent of your blood and imagining the faded taste of it on his lips.
“Are you well?” he asks.
“...It still hurts. I didn’t think a silly kiss would help,” you answer, and chuckle quietly to try to defuse the nerve-wracking atmosphere of that earlier moment.
“Fine, hold on a minute.”
Taeyong finds gauze in another room and comes back to wrap a small piece of it around your finger, protecting your cut from the outside world. Afterwards, you’re about to slip your hand out of his when his grip tightens, and you pause.
“What’s troubling you?” you ask, already knowing something is amiss from the furrow in his eyebrows and the tension in his body that wasn’t there before.
Taeyong drops his head, pressing his forehead to your wrist, and you think he might sob or collapse for no apparent reason. Alarmed, you’re about to speak again when you realize this isn’t the case; he lifts his head so that you can see him lower his lips to your hand again. He kisses the back of your hand in a way that’s markedly different from his previous touch; this one is more sensual, intentional in its purpose to rouse a response from you. His mouth trails a path down to your uninjured ring finger, and you observe silently as he bites the tip of it softly.
“I’m jealous of you and Yerim…” The confession comes out in a sigh, like it’s a sound his body needs to release rather than a thought-out sentence.
“Jealous…” It’s not a question, as you already had an idea of this in the back of your mind, but you don’t know why he’s chosen now to mention it.
“I’d also like to know just how soft your lips feel, or what they taste like…” Taeyong keeps kissing the tips of your fingers and your knuckles slowly, almost like he’s pretending your hand is your mouth with how engrossed he is in this task. You find this shameless display simultaneously embarrassing and appealing in some deep part of yourself; it’s the way he prostrates himself before you, flays open his hidden desires to you. “I’d like you to touch my body the same way you touch hers…I’d like to make you moan desperately the same way she does, late at night when you believe me to be asleep.”
Your only answer is a rough exhalation. Your dress feels uncomfortably hot; you wonder how he knows of those things. Does he stand outside the door? Listen at the wall? You didn’t realize the walls were that thin around here, and you think maybe you should be more put-off by his unabashed eavesdropping.
“What do you say to that?” he asks, lifting his head to look at you.
“I say it’s rather pathetic,” you answer, meaning it wholeheartedly—and for some reason, the pitiable state of his desire makes it more alluring to you. There’s a thoughtful pause between the two of you. You make no move to reject him when he leans closer, staring at your lips. One of his hands releases yours and touches your throat instead, his fingertips splaying to rest above your pulse.
“Then allow me to make myself appear even more pathetic in your eyes for just a moment.” Taeyong’s so close that his lips almost brush yours when he speaks. Your mouths connect only for a second before the front door opens. That brief touch of his lips to yours is all you receive.
The separation between you widens to its original innocuous breadth as Taeyong sits back in his seat. He is placing your hand back into your lap when Yerim walks into the kitchen a few moments later, and she abruptly stops in the doorway. You think she must be upset because she has somehow figured out what transpired. In actuality, she is cross because of the lingering smell of your blood in the air, which your human senses can’t pick up.
“Yerim…” you say, your throat feeling choked. You two hadn’t spoken seriously about a relationship, especially not with the dilemma of your mother still hunting for a husband for you and the fact that you’d both be shunned, but you realize that kissing your lover’s cousin is probably not the way to go about things.
Yerim walks over to the two of you and greets you as she normally would. “Y/N,” she says calmly, stroking a finger against your cheek; there’s always some part of her body touching yours whenever you meet. The same hand lands tightly on Taeyong’s shoulder afterwards, and the smile she gives him is close-mouthed and unnatural. He looks up at her with a face that isn’t guilty, but more curious and slightly irritated. “You haven’t been hurt badly, have you?” she asks, glancing at the gauze on your finger.
“Oh…no. It was just a pinprick,” you say, tentatively picking your sewing materials up off the table. Yerim’s tension rescinds when she notices the sewing needle, though her gaze towards Taeyong stays suspicious. “I…think I’ll just go and put this away for now.”
The two wait until you leave the room to speak in barely audible tones.
“Remember our arrangement,” Yerim whispers, unable to keep the disgust out of her voice.
“You’re eager to lambast me for bloodshed I didn’t even cause, yet you drew her blood on her first night here. Who exactly has forgotten themselves?”
Yerim’s tone is perfectly matter-of-fact when she responds with, “I have more self-control than you—as all the unsuspecting human women of London you’ve ravaged are well-aware of your lack.” She levels Taeyong with a deadpan look. “She wasn’t in any danger with me that night.”
“You’re fond of drawing this dance out beyond reason, and then you have the audacity to be surprised when one’s patience wears thin.”
“Then maybe I’ll return to finding prey on my own if you’re so worn thin. Do recall that you’re the one who asked me to help you sweep up all your mess from the beginning, so I’d speak more carefully if I were in your place.”
“Just unbelievable,” Taeyong mutters as Yerim brushes past him without a second glance. His fingers twitch over the pocket where the blood-smeared handkerchief rests, but he dismisses the urge to pull it out now.
Self-control, he thinks. You have no monopoly on self-control.
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jackwolfes · 28 days
what projects are you working on?
ok so ive been working on a lot of little things lately, and they're like? kind of all not going anywhere? which is just how it is sometimes and i think it says more about like, my busy fucking summer & possible burn out than the state of my writing
anyway the obvious big one is sugar baby au which i've now started posting!!! so now i'm like, locked in and actually have to finish it instead of agonising about it being perfect
i've also been working more on sex shop au (currently on its third iteration because life's a nightmare) to try and like, iron out the creases and fix the bits that were making me stumble
ALSO, because it's coming up to nano im starting to think about my original projects, meaning i'm envisioning taking a lil pause on all my fic shit to go back to my 19th century lesbians for a month <3
if you'd like a fuller analysis of all my lil projects (& wanna ask about any of em), have at it:
things that i am actively working on with a view to post soon:
sugar baby au
amnesia au (ok im lying when i say 'actively working on' but i haven't forgotten about it!)
becko birthday present (birthday gift for beloved fiance!!! this shit's time bound so you Will be seeing it in september unless smth goes very wrong)
things i am actively working on but realistically won't be posting for a few months at least, assuming i finish them & don't get distracted:
sex shop au
5 times Wylan snuck out of someone’s bed (+ 1 time he stayed the night)
vampire sex but make it voyeurism (halloween here we come babeyy)
things that in theory i would like to be working on & posting soon but my brain's a nightmare:
ghezen's most special lil guy (ghezenite wylan)
jesper go nyoom (street racer au)
knights & princes (super gratuitous rich boy/bodyguard au because i am fuuuuucking self indulgent)
oh shit! this diner is haunted! (refuse to add further context bc i think it's funnier without)
heartrender hypnotherapist (grisha wylan AU & also sort of hypnokink bc an anon asked for it once)
pregnancy scare au, i guess (mostly finished actually, may or may not be anonymously posted bc it may or may not be a/b/o)
gomens au, sort of (this genuinely has some of my best writing and it's difficult to pick it back up until i am actually confident i will write well again, yknow?)
things that i really would like to finish at some point in my life but realistically won't be posting any time soon:
by the sea (really fun summery au that i am committed to keeping on my to do list but havent touched in like, a year)
enby wylan
wesper anniversary party (sequel to this)
ghost (wylan abuse study)
honeypot / club (uhhh tacky bullshit, but there's mirror sex?)
kylan fwb (is what it is)
lookout (super flowery porn)
intergalactic orgy times (space porn!)
whoops i'm predictable (they fuck in a carriage)
sexy lil TA (the one and only college AU i will ever write)
relapse fight (wesper fight and are angsty about it)
voice kink (audiobook narrator jesper anyone?)
wylan gets walked in on (is what it is)
zookeeper au (one day!! i will finish this!!!)
bonus, red white and royal blue fics that i sort of forget about until i'm compelled by the Urges and rapidly work on them in a burst of adrenaline and then forget about again:
hunger games au
cowboy au
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koskela-knights · 8 months
My fic collection
Straight up taken from my page, but now as a post.
I write a whole bunch lmao so here some of them are, all in 1 place. Might update this post too. Always read the tags on ao3 for possible CW & TWs!
No matter how stupid
Ilmo deals with the aftermath of his brother’s death.
Without Wake
Alice is depressed since the supposed passing of her husband. Barry comes over, trying to help in ways he can.
Knitting is good for the soul
Jaakko takes up knitting as a hobby.
Off trail
Self-indulgent Ilmo x Reader. You are taken on an adventure in the National Park.
Altered World Event
Maybe down the loop, it wasn’t Jaakko who paid the price for taunting Scratch.
Ilmo and the kids visit Jaakko’s grave. As simple and sad as that.
Alan wants to do something right to the remaining Koskela brother.
Bleeding Hearts
Wake tries to make sense of the world, what happened and how to rewrite it to fix it. Ilmo is there to help along the way.
The Body Swap Accident
Somehow, the writer switches body with an unusual suspect which could turn this case upside down.
Koskela Home-Knit Sweaters for the Holidays
I wrote an ad for the Koskela sweaters, created by yours truly :P
Hot showers and the things that follow after
Ilmo and Alan return back home. Messy, tired but still kind of high on the adrenaline of escaping a deadly situation, they need to unwind and also take a shower. It’s NSFW!
Daddy Issues
Jaakko learns he’s become a father.
A drabble where Jaakko wakes up one day, realizing he’s trapped in the spiral.
Curious Case(y)
NSFW fic revolving about Detective Casey being possessed by Scratch who is very curious about the Detective.
Will it ever be okay?
Reader insert who comforts Ilmo post Jaakko’s demise.
Bear Season
The Cult of the Tree encounters a new terrifying enemy.
She’s one of us
In this reality, Saga’s daughter drowned.
The Grandmaster Returns
Ilmari/Zane if you squint hard enough.
Again and Again
A drabble where it’s Ilmo who wakes up, now aware of the loop.
Stab me again, please
Based off a Tumblr post where you see during Deerfest Ilmo yells this specific line at Alan.
Just a normal day at the Valhalla Nursing Home
A silly fic where we follow a trio of elderly ladies at the VNH. The Koskela ads are their highlight of the day and they are also very interested in a certain brother.
Mirror Mirror
Slightly experimental fic with switching POVs about Ilmo resisting the Dark Presence.
Rose’s Secret Side Business
A fic about Rose’s side business of taking care of the Taken outside.
Blood Brothers
A vampire AU about the Huotari brothers, their early life in Watery and the undoing of their lives when Ilmari accidentally kills detective Kesä in self-defence.
A collection of drabbles about reunions between brothers.
Different Ritual
Explicit spin-off/sequel to the Blood Brothers fic. Ilmari/Seine PWP.
Ilmo finally gets a hug after his brother’s death.
Private Invitation
Explicit Jaakko x m! Reader
Flesh of a Fallen Angel
Explicit Ilmari x transmasc! Reader (dub-con)
Ahma Beer!
Jaakko gifts Ilmo something once the beer deal is sealed.
Friends with Benefits and Beer
Explicit Jaakko x transmasc! Reader x Ilmo
Wolfish hunger
A werewolf AU with werewolf Koskela brothers & Rose Marigold.
Angsty drabble about Ilmo trying to fix his broken heart after Jaakko's death.
Minds Collide
Explicit Zaneling (Zane x Darling) drabble about their collaboration.
Dance with me?
My first Ilmo/Rose fic about them dancing together.
Kalevala Knight
Explicit Ilmo/Alan drabble. Something about a knight and a writer.
Smalltown Boy
A coming of age, slice of life AU where Ilmo's a closeted gay kid.
Smalltown Boy at Prom
Sequel to Smalltown Boy where Ilmo has his first prom.
Rose finds a familiar Cultist after he gets unmasked. My first Rose/Jaakko, Rose & Jaakko focused fic.
Ghost Towns
AU where Alan is a sentient doll who goes on an unexpected journey.
Underneath the skin there's a Human
An angsty CultCase fic about different POVs on echo! Cultist Ilmo.
Cigarettes x Rain
A CultCase drabble about smoking with your enemy.
Trans! Ilmo x Rose and their firsts. No Dark Presence AU
CultCase angst about tattoos and remembering loved ones.
He created me in his image
A transmasc! Reader x Ilmari, arranged wedding AU.
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I don't understand why ao3 no longer allows guests to comment? I really wanted to write a comment about the new chapter!
By the way I am new and just recently started following you. In 1 month I have read all your stories on DL and I want to tell you that you have a gift to write such stories. Not everyone can describe the psychotic state of these guys that well, and you do it in a human AU where the vampire side doesn't affect them, but you still make them be those broken versions of themselves. Even better, not only do you play with their psychology so easily, but you break them even more without any problem! It's like a sequel to the game, but this time it's not vampires, but completely normal people. I just love you! Do you study psychology?
hello there! thank you for your ask. according to AO3 news, turning off guest comments is due to an influx of offensive spam and is only temporary. so hopefully it'll be back soon, but my ask box is always open!
but aaaaa thank you so much. i'm really glad you like them! i spent two whole ass years basically only writing diabolik lovers and i produced angst fics (with a lot of drugs lmao) on an industrial scale. i was always writing super fucking self-indulgent stuff, i love modern AUs especially, but i never expected it to get much attention 'cuz the DL fandom is small. so every time i see stuff like this, it makes my day! i feel kind of bad because i'm not really writing DL anymore, except for the ayato fic. the TGCF brainrot is too strong.
gonna talk about my actual education below the cut asksdjfdf.
as for am i a psychology student? i get questions like this a LOT. like, it's hilariously common for people to comment on my drug fics asking if i study psychology or medicine, probably because of the amount of technical detail i write in. the answer is no, i don't study psychology or medicine itself. but i HAVE completed a bachelors in pharmacology, which is just. the study of drugs. i'm also about to finish a masters too, so when i graduate this summer i'll have a masters in pharmacology.
most of what i've researched beyond my degree is psychopharmacology. for my entire bachelors, it was psychiatric stuff which i was really interested in. and i chose to do my masters dissertation project about motivation.
and, well, one bad experience to the next (almost entirely because of my research supervisor), and i don't really... like it much anymore. i'm still interested in drugs obviously, i've always been, but as for the academic side itself, both my passion and confidence have been obliterated in the space of about 4 months. it's a humbling experience when you realise you're not actually very good at the thing you always wanted to do, and i'm still trying to figure out where to go from here.
so, tl;dr- no, i'm not a psychology student, but i do have higher education in drugs.
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2023 fic year in review
Tagged by the lovely @greenapricot <3
Total number of fic: 5
Total word count: 12,862
Fandoms written in: Lewis
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected?
I didn't really have expectations in terms of a particular number of stories or wordcount, but I was definitely hoping to make more progress on some of my longer wips. Overall I ended up having less time and energy to write than I was hoping for.
What’s your own favorite story of the year?
Fortune comes in threes for sure. That Robbie/James/Laura dynamic was an absolute joy to write.
Did you take any writing risks this year?
Posting a proper pwp (Better Than a Dream) felt like a challenge, but a very fun one!
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year?
I would love to figure out what I'm doing with the Valentine's Day sequel to Follow Me in Merry Measure, and actually finish it. It shouldnt be that long but requires both rewatching some episodes and rereading FMIMM, so if anybody feels like a Lewis watch party hit me up!
I'm still tinkering away with the musician au as well, which keeps throwing up side quests in the form of wanting to make playlists and draw shit, so I'll settle for any progress on the actual writing that I can manage.
In terms of significantly les plot-driven fare, the glove fic is creeping up my to-do list, and this year I will really truly finish and post the vampire!Robbie porn that I wrote...uh a year and a half ago? (don't get bogged down in the vampire lore of your 2k words of porn folks)
(Please remind me I said all of this at any point to give me a jolt of motivation XD)
I also really want to make a dent in my absolutely massive to-read list 😭
Most popular story of the year?
Keeping Watch by kudos and comments, I have not written much hurt/comfort but it was fun to dip my toe in, and it definitely spawned some other fic ideas.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Honestly, I can't think of anything, the Lewis fandom is so lovely and supportive.
Most fun story to write:
Fortune comes in threes, with Better than a Dream in close second.
Most unintentionally telling story:
I'm not sure, I mean possibly a toss up between Fortune comes in threes and Better than a Dream? I haven't been too introspective about it, to be honest, but those were definitely my most self-indulgent fics of last year.
Biggest disappointment:
Struggling to find time, energy and/or motivation to write last year. Although considering what I've been working with I'm kind of impressed with myself for getting anything written at all!
Biggest surprise:
Not written this year, but I was pretty amazed to get comments from a few people who were reading Follow Me in Merry Measure in the middle of the year or re-reading it through December 2023. It's a massive fic, so that's especially impressive to me haha. I love you guys x
I'm definitely late getting around to this, but if you see it and want to do it, tag me so I can read it! <3
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robotslenderman · 1 year
Pls do Wendy, cock robin and calebros pls
favorite thing about them Will Jack Sparrow her way through shit. Has poor impulse control. Ballsy. No survival instinct whatsoever. Makes her a blast to write.
least favorite thing about them This doesn't really spotlight until the RS sequel fic (although it does show up in RS), but she puts her own needs above her principles. Even though she did eventually speak up about the Kennels in RS, it took her ten years to get there, and she never once tried to strike out on her own. She's afraid of being lonely, of being on her own, of dramatic change, and in her next fic that's going to show up and test her big time. And she is going to fail that test. She angsts a lot about being a good person but, deep down, she does not want to be. In the City that Never Sleeps she joins the bad guys who murdered someone she knew. Pre-RS she never left the Warren despite the Kennels deeply distressing her, until she had something else lined up. And in the upcoming fic she's close friends with a guy who's done some pretty bad shit and... does nothing, bc she misses him when he's not there.
favorite line I honestly can't be bothered to check. XD
brOTP I love her dynamic with Thomas Arturo. Whenever I start writing them in a scene together they just bounce off each other and have the best banter. I have to cut so much of it out bc it's mostly just blatant self indulgence lmao. Gerard Rafin is a VERY close second. She'd do well as platonic life partners with either of them tbh.
OTP Despite the chemistry she has with quite a few characters there's never been a romantic connection that's really jumped out at me. I mean, I ship her and Thomas romantically too, but only because their platonic chemistry is so great. The romantic aspect takes a backseat and doesn't hold a candle to it.
nOTP I love her and Gerard and I know people ship it like hell but for some reason whenever I consider the possibility of it when writing Wendy just gets super squicked out. I don't even know why.
random headcanon In a daemon AU, she has a ferret as a daemon: absolutely batshit insane, no attention span except when she's hyperfocusing on something that will probably kill her, constantly gets into shit she shouldn't.
unpopular opinion It's not unpopular YET but she's not nearly as ethical as RS paints her to be, and ohhh boy I'm hoping I don't get too much backlash for that in the sequel fic :X
song i associate with them Clubbed to Death -- The Matrix OST
favorite picture of them Alas, there is none.
I was getting deja vu then realised it was because you'd already send CR and Calebros in before and I never finished the draft for that, so here we go:
Cock Robin
favorite thing about them
Disabled Justicar. Badass. VTM isn't exactly known for its equity.
least favorite thing about them
Obsessed with Anarchs. We all need our hobbies I guess.
favorite line
Out of the ones I wrote for him?
"[Calebros] never learned to be a real Nosferatu because he’d never learned to be human."
I love him and his baby sister okay
@orodrethsgeek ships him with her OC Jay, the vampiric equivalent of that black bird that dances for its mate, and I love them
Can't think of any.
random headcanon
He's either very flappable or very *un*flappable. No in between.
unpopular opinion
I barely know of any opinions on the guy
song i associate with them
There's a scene I wrote with him and Wendy in the last chapter of the fic and when I was playing it I was listening to this on repeat:
The End -- Hans Zimmer, The Dark Knight Rises OST
favorite picture of them'
Absolutely ADORE this one:
Tumblr media
He just happens to be a normal dude whose face is Like That. I love it, I love the cigarette, I love how he looks so thoughtful with a face that can't even make facial expressions, it's so humanising.
favorite thing about them
Not a complete dick. It's a low bar but most Kindred have shovels.
least favorite thing about them
Gerard Rafin's right, this guy does think too much and do too little.
favorite line
One I wrote, where Gerard said something in French and Calebros went, "did he tell me to shut up?"
(Yes. He did.)
Don't have one.
Don't have one. Tho I'd be interested to plonk him in a scene with Aisling, I think they'd get along well.
Don't have one.
random headcanon
Canon acts as if he turned out fine but the Kennels screwed him up far more than he or anyone around him realises, and is a big part of the reason he's so passive.
unpopular opinion
I find him a bit dull, but I don't think that's a bad thing for him to be as a character. I wouldn't change that about him.
song i associate with them
None in particular.
favorite picture of them
I genuinely find this one funny:
Tumblr media
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uozlulu · 1 year
15-20 for the fic writing meme
Thanks for the questions, anon <3!
15. What’s your favorite AU that you’ve written?
I have two.
I wrote a Captain America (MCU) fic called If No One Else Will where Steve joins the Monuments Men in order to do something to help on the European front. Bucky tags along and the fic picks up when Hydra kidnaps Bucky and then Steve has to save the day as a tiny guy without any super serum. It's one of my favorites because I got to put the fact I grew up learning about World War II to good use and it was fun to come up with stuff like giving Steve his shield without him being a beefcake. I also learned a lot about the state of stuff like asthma in the 1940's when it was considered psycho-somatic.
I wrote a self-indulgent Black Clover/Boruto crossover when the Black Clover movie was first announced. I called it The Land Across the Sea. I started with the concept of Yami visiting his homeland as a potential movie plot, got the final scene pretty much in full immediately, and then chose to make it a Boruto crossover so Naruto and Yami could be somewhat friends from childhood. It was an easy write and I enjoy it. It's a little weak in places but it was fun to imagine how it might go and do some fun things like promoting Noelle and Asta to vice captain for different squads.
16. What’s an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)?
I want to write a BnHA/MHA AU in which Class A and Aizawa have to go back in time to Yagi's high school days to save him from a villain kind of a la Tenchi in Love. I've written quite a bit of it but when I got to Midoriya and Nana interacting in the past it got a bit difficult so I set it aside and haven't picked it back up yet. Also we now kind of know of Tohru's quirk works and this particular AU hinged on her having a different quirk, but that'll just make it even more AU if I ever write it.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
The most recent one in this vein I wrote was an Interview with the Vampire (AMC) Armand/Louis/Daniel fic The Mortal and the Vampires based loosely on a dark retelling of the fairytale Beauty and the Beast in which potentially canonical events lead to an eventual confrontation between the polycule and one of the penthouse servants who has come to realize they'll never be offered immortality. It was based on a conversation I'd had with another fic author about how Armand having to let Daniel go kind of reminded me of how the Beast has to let Beauty go in the story.
Right now I don't have any highly specific AUs like that rattling through my head. If they're that specific and clear to me, I always end up writing them. Another recent-ish in this vein was my Black Clover AU And There Was Still Hope that explored some manga spoilers about Yuno in a universe in which he didn't receive the Wind grimoire.
18. If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it involve?
I'm not sure if I have any fics right now that I've got any sequel ideas for. I haven't had any sequel requests either, so I'm not sure.
19. If you wrote a spin-off of [insert fic], what would it involve?
I'm not sure if I'd call it a "spin off," but I do kind of want to take my IwtV (AMC) fic Dream a Memory of Me and retool it and give it a better ending. I don't think I'll ever get around to it, but the more I learn and remember of Vampire Chronicles, the more that first fic of mine makes me cringe a bit. That said, it's not terrible, just could be better.
20. If you wrote a prequel to [insert fic], what would it involve?
I'm not really sure because I don't really have any fics I've got prequel ideas for or requests for.
Send me some numbers to my ask box and I'll answer questions about fics
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purity-in-blood · 2 years
Dylan’s masterlist and intro
Requests are closed! My motivation can disappear at any moment but if needed I’ll say if I’m taking a break.
Requests being written-
Yandere!James Gordon jr. x Barbara Gordon
JD x innocent!reader
Stalker!Tate Langdon x reader
Tate Langdon x female reader (their relationship is abusive)
Tate Langdon x reader (he sneaks into her room to have his way with her)
Active Shooter—(Any fics about Tate Langdon that revolves around the shooting)
On Your Knees For Salvation-
My Gun Met Her Lips (well, she can take it stop throwing a fit)—a sequel to the one above
The Sheriff’s Sunshine—(Rick Grimes/Beth Greene fics)
Shot Through The Heart
Hi everyone! My name is Dylan (she/her. 19) You can refer to me as any nickname you’d like! I’m currently in college and some weeks are busy for me.
I adore interacting with my followers and you can message me whenever. If you feel more comfortable sending a request through DM I wouldn’t mind writing something for you.
This is my writing blog for whatever fucked up stuff I’m into at the moment. I only write nsfw for 18+ so please keep this in mind when requesting. Also, I write really dark content at times so if that triggers you don’t interact with me. Of course I’ll always add warnings beforehand and you know your limits best.
I can try writing for a fandom not on my list but it might take a while. Or I might have to deny the request.
I don’t condone anything I write irl.
When requesting make sure to be as descriptive as possible! It seriously helps me a lot.
I’ll add onto this whenever something comes to mind!
My fandoms-
DC Comics
The Walking Dead
Vampire Academy (books only)
Vampire Knight (anime only)
American Horror Story (I haven’t watched it yet)
Halloween (2007-2009)
The Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit
I’ll write-
Missing scene fics (I can add something to a specific scene you wished would’ve happened or create something for you that expands canon, a relationship, etc)
I could try writing fics based on certain songs
I can try writing character x reader
Character x character
Who I’ll write for-
DC: The Joker, Barbara Gordon (Batgirl/Oracle), Jason Todd, James Gordon jr., etc (I’m a bit more knowledgeable of these characters)
TWD: Rick Grimes, Beth Greene, Shane Walsh (more to come)
Vampire Academy: Rose Hathaway, Adrian Ivashkov, Lissa Dragomir, Christian Ozera, Avery Lazar (more to come)
Vampire Knight: Yuki Cross/Kuran, Kaname Kuran, Shizuka Hio, Maria Kurenai
AHS: Tate Langdon (I feel like I’ve got a good idea of his character)
Halloween: Michael Myers, Laurie Strode/Angel Myers
Heathers: JD and Veronica Sawyer
The Lord of The Rings, The Hobbit and Shadow of Mordor/War: Aragorn, Arwen, Legolas, Tauriel, Thranduil, Celebrimbor, Galadriel, Sauron/Annatar, Boromir, Faramir, Éowyn, Éomer, Thèoden, etc. (I’ve never written for this fandom before though)
Hurt without comfort
Age gap (nothing 14 or younger/adult type of stuff)
Being forced into a relationship
Forced vampirism
Forced worship (as in someone having a superiority/God complex. They make another “worship” them)
Loss of virginity
School shooting (only for Tate Langdon if you want to go this route. Obviously this topic is VERY sensitive so please block this tag if you’d rather not see it. I don’t shy away from darker topics)
Kinks I’ll write-
Authoritative (the use of Sir, things like that)
Uniform (Sheriff/Officer, Military, Nurse)
Throat fucking
Gun and knife play
Boot worship (specifically combat boots) 
Piss or bladder control (haven’t written yet)
Dylan speaks (updates)
Dylan rambles (sharing my thoughts)
Dylan’s writing (self-indulgent fics)
Chatting with my beloved (when talking to anons or mutuals)
Finished letter (when a request is complete)
On the list (currently being written)
Unable to fulfill a desire (denied request)
Under the sheets (NSFW request)
Taken emojis for anons-
⚖️, 🥀, 💜
Thanks for taking the time to read all of this 💞
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hekateinhell · 2 years
Hi! I would love to know which of your VC fics you're the most proud of, and can you tell us a little bit about the thought process behind it!!!! Like the DIRECTORS CUT if you will.
KACYYY omg hiiiiiiii 🖤
Oh man, here’s where I get to be more self-indulgent and self-absorbed than usual. Brace yourselves. Alright, let’s roll! For the sake of this ask, I'm going to eliminate AUs simply because they take the vampire out of VC lol.
I want to preface all this with a quote from AR I remember as a young teen (had to dig it up). She was reading from TVA, and she said that book, more than any other, was a metaphor for the vampire as, “A creature who thought he was damned and lost and still had a vision of the world as a beautiful place.” It just speaks to me, both as the person behind the screen writing and as something I try to keep in mind re: my characterizations at this point in the fic process.
Anne also got a lot of credit for being the one to humanize the vampire in the 70s and 80s which, I want to point out, isn’t the same thing as taking the monster out of the vampire and making them human—especially in the moral sense. Just another note re: my personal characterizations.
And now to fics! We get mature under the cut. :)
I couldn't decide between these two, so you get both! Lol or you can stop reading after one! In no particular order:
Shake The Disease (previously Bijoux Box)︱Armand/Daniel ︱Rated: E (more out of caution atm, but she'll soon earn it!)
This isn't even a proper fic lol this is my prompt collection. And I absolutely love it because it's my tiny tribute to the pairing that hooked its claws into my brain fifteen years ago and never really let go. It took about six months of writing fic to get to where I thought that maybe ?? I could ?? do them justice ??
My first time writing human!Daniel and Armand, outside of little flashback scenes in other fics. Given how little material we have to work with (consider the Devil's Minion chapter compared to the rest of the Chronicles), it takes Great Depression era creativity and dedication to get the absolute mileage out of it that this fandom has. And it's tricky, because while I want to nail the cadence and dynamic of canon, I have to acknowledge that my take on D/A will be different in its own way. How we all individually process and analyze lit is such a unique thing, no two takes can (or should be!) identical. So finding a balance is my goal.
Additionally, it's been really nice to actually give something back to the fandom through prompt requests (I didn't even specify Armand/Daniel when I posted the prompt list, but my sweet, wonderful, perfect moots know me ❤️).
Closer ︱Armand/Lestat︱Rated: E ︱this one required the Consensual Sex tag, lord help me.
My third (I think?) fic ever, and imo it kind of shows, but it's special to me because here’s where I started feeling comfortable enough to venture into darker themes. I’ve always enjoyed exploring power dynamics and play.
There's a good dose of D&S (dominance and submission) themes, and something I enjoy with this pairing (just like with human!Daniel/Armand) is the vampiric mindreading ability that can be used to confirm consent. Now, obviously, this is a fictional adaption of already fictional characters, but a reminder for anyone reading since we're on topic—if it's not consensual, it is not BDSM and it is not sex.
Armand and Lestat are just fun to work with because they’re very similar in a lot of ways (abusive childhoods/adolescences, this obsessiveness/neediness in their relationships, a tendency to deflect/unholy tempers, underdeveloped prefrontal cortexes, Mutual Marius Issues, etc.) and there's a lot of good and bad history. Sequel coming very soon, bless my heart.
My fingers have run out of breath, but I did want to share this I posted a while back, half-jokingly, but hopefully marginally helpful for anyone wanting to dip their toes into fic-writing (and if anyone wants an cleaner, updated version lmao I will do it): Hekate’s Tips & Tricks for Not Wanting to Capri Sun a Rat & Sob All Over Your Keyboard
Thank you so much for this Kacy, it was really fun and interesting (for me!) to actually take a beat and think about my own creative process. Rip.
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skadren · 2 years
For the wips, because I adore your work ❤️ a summary of each WIP? BUT for the ones you've already given summaries for, maybe share one of your favorite details for those you haven't summarized, like what part you love writing the most about it!
wip ask game
aaa thank you <3 we'll just go down the list then, skipping the first two for zine reasons!
elegy rewrite: if there are still any of you who don't know what elegy actually is, it's an au where asgzc got together in cc-era but canon still went to shit. when asgz are brought back to life, cloud doesn't remember anything about their past relationship, so now they have to figure out why they were brought back to life while actually dealing with the emotional repercussions of their actions during crisis core
agoraphobia: really really having fun exploring the queerplatonic undertones of this iteration of cloud and vincent's relationship ngl. like they've always strayed towards that end of the spectrum for me personally but this is the most overt i've ever made it. self indulgence on max
take me to church: lots and lots of gothic vibes. yes this is in fact how i'm unpacking my catholic upbringing. shhhh
owo: that one pwp i promised ages and ages ago for aitr feat. bottom seph
noncommunicative bastards: there's fake dating at some point where everyone in avalanche knows strifentine are fake dating but then they actually get together and no one believes they're together. why, you ask? because i think it's funny
puppet au: because this was supposed to be for this year's sefikura week one of the prompts i planned to fill was pears. please imagine pears fitting into this depressing storyline somewhere and tell me how, i also think it'd be hilarious to see what any of you came up with
deity au: so fun fact i thought this was the sephiroth-is-homura au but i went and actually checked and. this is what i wrote for our brainstorming together ash it's not a wip after all. oops. and sephiroth-is-homura au is only a wip in my heart, it does not exist in google drive
foreigner's god: sequel to stormborne. cloud ends up traveling with seph and vincent and they end up gathering all of avalanche together once again in a quest to take down the reactors, which vincent is insistent on doing in god-cloud's honor. i am 100% tempted to bring genesis in as sent by shinra to stop them but ending up with a giant crush on both cloud and vincent, which drives sephiroth absolutely insane. who is going to stop me
ripples, blood and wine follow-up, and unchanging, everchanging sort of all go in a category together, i guess, as taking place in blood and wine 'verse. ripples and unchanging, everchanging are concurrent with blood and wine while the follow-up is, well, a follow-up. fun fact unchanging, everchanging and fierce and free are both named after ffxiv zone music from areas in the first
allhallowtide: cloud wakes up as a ghost in shinra manor, whose other ghostly residents help him settle in. but the resident vampire vincent doesn't seem as fond of him, and he seems to know something about cloud's death that no one else does [cue ominous music]. maybe one day i will finally finish it.... it'll have to be around halloween for the vibe though
medieval au: oh THIS is an old old old one with a ton of worldbuilding i don't have room to go over here. a sort of cinderella-esque sefikura au where cloud, tifa, and aerith sneak into a three-day ball to try to get information on soldier, an elite fighting force tasked with protecting the king. they'll have to get past them in order to help aerith reclaim her rightful throne. there's a scene where cloud's disguise fades at midnight and his eyes start to glow when he and sephiroth stare at each other from across the room it's all very dramatic
fuck.txt: pwp for elegy that may or may not need to be completely scrapped depending on how the rewrite goes :(
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Hello I’m Dori and I’m Very Bad At Writing. Now, I do not mean this as a criticism of the QUALITY of my writing but rather I am bad at the Act of putting words on paper. But I am always Thinking About It. So please, talk to me about my writing. I will love you forever.
Here is my AO3, and below the cut is a list of stuff that I’m currently working on. (Spoiler alert all my current stuff is Doctor Who.)
Firstly is the piece I have done the least with which is a sequel to An Alien Who Doesn’t Believe In Vampires, wherein Clara and Jenny team up to dismantle the Slayer system, with middling levels of success. I don’t have that much to say about it and I’m pretty sure it has an audience of exactly Two. (Celia is the second person. Hi Celia.)
I’ve also got my Movie Night AU sandbox that I play in. I’m currently working on one Actual Story TM where Jack challenges Clara to a drinking contest and loses pitifully, feat. 13, Yaz, the Ponds, and and Ashildr cameo. It is Just For Fun, many shenanigans ensue, Rory confiscates both Jack’s vortex manipulator AND the Doctor’s TARDIS keys (”Rory that’s not how it works, you can’t just take my keys, she’s not a car”) and to cap it off, this’ll have the distinction of being the first time Jack and the Ponds actually meet. If you think that seems like an absolutely batshit random cast of characters, well, I mean I guess you’re valid but it’s my sandbox so I make the rules lol
There’s lots of other stuff going on in the Movie Night sandbox but none of it that’s reached Actual Story status yet, mostly just cute, silly, or occasionally angsty Moments.
I’ve got something going on that’s sort of a sequel to both this and The Doctor Falls, wherein I Kill Missy For Real and Clara is left to deal with it. Realistically it’s going to be about the Lumiat when I really get it going but so far I’ve been too much of a coward to get to the Actually Killing Missy part and just keep adding a bunch of stuff to the beginning, including an exploration of Clara’s relationship with her ship when it’s really not the time. It’s going to be a very serious and probably pretty heavy piece, which is funny when it’s the sort-of sequel to That Self-Indulgent Puff Piece I Wrote While Drunk. I contain multitudes.
I’ve also building a bit of a series around whatever the Heck I started when I wrote On The Ruins Of A Good Death but that has mostly stalled out for the moment. Mostly what I’ve got right now is just a couple hundred words of Clara/13 being Toxic and the fam being Utterly Bewildered.
Finally, we’ve got Missy And 13 Are Given Space Flu (no working title, that’s really just a description). It’s actually NOT linked to anything I’ve already posted. I know, it’s very shocking. I don’t quite know what to say about it except that I am having A TON of fun writing it, the energy is INSANE, 13 is absolutely feral and has had quite ENOUGH of Missy’s shit but unfortunately, she’s stuck in the TARDIS sickbay with her. Yaz is also there. Yaz puts up with so much...... Poor Yaz......
(Oh yeah we don’t really talk about An Intemperate Interloper.)
OH ACTUALLY WHILE WE ARE HERE. I have not wrote anything about this in literal years but I DO also have a Buffy/Veronica Mars crossover that I would like to come back to Some Day where Lilly is a Potential Slayer (yknow.... instead of a corpse...)
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starwarned · 4 years
thirsty thursday
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thank you @nevergonnacallmedarling and @seducing-a-vampire​ for the tags and the sweet things you said about my fic <3
here’s a few fics I’ve read and loved recently! I haven’t been reading a lot because I just started my last semester of college (!!!) and I’m pretty stressed. but! here ya go :)
In Defence of Mistletoe by @gampyre (M)
Complete, 9518 words
Simon enlists Baz to be his fake date and stave off the affections of his unwanted admirer at work... but Baz may be plotting to turn the evening into something real.
Featuring a Simon and Baz who are best friends, a very drunk Gareth with a bejeweled belt buckle, and a conveniently placed sprig of mistletoe.
Lauren’s Thots: 
there are a million reasons I love this fic. one (albeit unusual) reason is that I’ve never really seen a snowbaz au like this! they’re best friends! they hang out all the time and like stay the night at each other’s flats just because they’re best friends! it’s so damn sweet! I’m actually obsessed with it. cannot recommend enough. I will never get enough of gamp’s writing.
Castle in the Sky by @ninemagicks​ (T)
Complete, 10722 words
Sequel scene taking place after You Who Swallowed a Falling Star. A year has passed since Simon Snow first stumbled upon a moving castle, and the adventure awaiting within. Since then he's learnt many things — least of all that if you run from your own story, it's only going to track you down all the more determinedly. (Stories are tricky like that.) Today he's standing at a cliff's edge, far to the north in a land he doesn't know, watching the waves and letting salt kiss his skin. There's a reason he's out here leaning into the sky, with the wind at his back and a wizard waiting for him to come down — Simon's got an important job to do. He's here to bring about an ending for another who deserves one. (And yes, he needs to stretch his wings.)
Lauren’s Thots: 
you have to read You Who Swallowed a Falling Star first (WHAT A TREAT! LITERALLY! WHAT A WONDERFUL FIC!), but this shit made me weep. it’s so beautiful and thinking about my dearest caity while reading also made me pretty damn emotional. such incredible work. these characters stick in my heart in this specific story so strongly. and the way I love shep is... unmatched. <3 
Two Polecats, A Fomorian, and a Banshee Walk Into a Diner by @foolofabookwyrm​ (G)
Complete, 1179 words 
“Are you going to tell us why you dragged us on another forsaken roadtrip across this accursed wasteland?” Baz asks Shepard. “And why you insisted we stop at this specific atrocity of a waffle house in the middle of the night?”
Shep pulls a folded piece of paper from his pocket, flattening it out before he slaps it on the table.
“THIS is why,” he proclaims, pushing it towards Baz.
Have you been unfairly stereotyped as a “Dark” creature?
Lauren’s Thots: 
I am a liz stan first and a human second. this fic is iconic and hilarious. kris also did some lovely art for it and I’m obsessed. i love shep more than I love life itself <3 do yourself a favor and read this!
Weathering the Storm by @caitybuglove23​ (T)
Complete, 2248 words
Shepard was nine when he first met a boy he'd learn was Simon Snow.
He was in a ditch crying, and Shepard wasn't sure what to make of him.
This boy lived in his mind until he saw him again years later.
And today, when there's a storm unlike any other in London, he knows who must be at the center of it.
Lauren’s Thots:
the way that this made me sob the first time I read this. wow. I just went back and read it again yesterday and it’s so wonderful that it makes me ache with love for caity. it’s iconic and I shall be accepting it as my new canon thank you very much 
Hot In Here by @otherworldsivelivedin​ (M)
Complete, 2599 words
Simon Snow can’t dance. At least, that’s what I thought. This fic is pure self-indulgence over the fact that 90s/00s R&B is The Best genre to go dancing to 👌 and my all time favourite HC that Simon can't ballroom dance, but that boy got moves and I will die on this hill.
Lauren’s Thots:
we all know that anything that dem writes is immediately the thing I hyperfixate on for a week straight so I think I’m still emotionally healing from how much joy this fic gave me. I love this. and if you love simon dancin just as much as I do, you’ll adore this <3 
The 1 by @seducing-a-vampire​ (T)
Complete, 1040 words
In my defense, I have none For digging up the grave another time But it would've been fun If you would've been the one
--The 1, Taylor Swift
Agatha reflects her relationship with ex-boyfriend Simon and on breaking free from the roles she's been expected to play.
Lauren’s Thots: 
I just reread this fic a few days ago and omg I love it so much. I’m biased because dana let me read it a bit early but I am obsessed with it. once again, i am drinking my dana love juice and that’s it. (I also drink my agatha love juice.) 
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machiavelien · 4 years
2020 Creator Wrap: Favorite Works
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (ish) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Tagged by the effervescent @friendofspidermannedleeds and sassafrastic @spiderman-homecomeme 💙💜
Horizontal Bodies - my take of comic/MCU MJ meeting Peter on a blind date, and the rest is history, along with a meetbang, identity porn shenanigans, and some supremely mortifying (hilarious) moments for the gremlins (and MJ is MJ, tyvm)
You Make Trying Easy - my first collab ever, w the legendary seek-rest no less, and it was SO much fun!! Utterly self indulgent smutty fic filled with FWB PeterMJ attempts at babymaking while sharing a single braincell.
What Spiders Do In the Shadows - vampire!MJ x delicious superblooded Peter prompt that was so fun I added another chapter of sublime gothy smut (and bloodplay bc duh). Anyway, Spider-Man walks into a bar...
Finding East of Eden - I can't believe this was from the beginning of 2020! Mr & Mrs Smith AU sequel follows PeterMJ on the run and hiding out in Nevada while the mob is hot on their trail. Sexy, dangerous, noir vibes but actually a big ol' metaphor for marriage.
NSFW PeterMJ - idk blame quarantine or whatever, but I drew so much PeterMJ smut in 2020 and I'm not sorry! MJ Gets What She Wants and Peter is a Thot ty
Tagging @mjonesing @justmattycakes @rockyblue @michellesbohh @fanfictioningfangirl @i-lovethatforme @thorkyriebabes and anyone that wants to!
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Welcome to the Freaky Fics Masterlist, home to my 33 days of Halloween fics. Thanks for participating in the event, the event is over now but we can still visit the fics here. They’re organized by release date and list the prompts in the description, when the exact prompt wasn’t requested I filled in as best I could. The full prompt descriptions can be referenced here.
❤️ Memento Mori and Happy Haunting ❤️
Who is in Control? Nell Crain x Reader 1036 Words
Prompts: Activity #8 holding a séance/using tarot cards, and Genre #6 Musical
Paper Faces (on Parade) Luke H. x Reader 1580 Words
Prompts: Horror Trope # 4 The Sin Factor, and Location # 8 a masquerade ball/costume party. RPF
Hell in  Your Eyes Billy Hargrove x Reader 753 Words 
Prompts: Monster # 1 Vampires, and Location #2 the oldest cemetery in town
Tainted Love Slasher Women x Reader Head Canons
Prompts: Horror Trope #1 Final Girl/Person
Crystal Visions Klaus Hargreeves x Reader 502 Words
Prompts: Activity #8 holding a séance/using tarot cards
Dangerous Things Poly!Mulder x Scully x Reader 551 Words
Prompts: Monster #8 the fair folks/fae/faeries, and Genre #4 Found Footage
Lacrimosa Geralt of Rivia x Reader 528 Words
Prompts: Genre #5 Musical
Famous Living Dead Michael x Reader 1641 Words
Prompts: Activity #8 holding a séance/using tarot cards. RPF
Mind Your Secrets Theo x Reader & Steven x Reader 3044 Words
Prompts: Horror Trope #3 The Void is Calling
Your Priceless Advice Bucky Barnes x Reader 884 Words
Prompts: Horror Trope #8 Black Pearl
A Good Thing Here Jim Hopper x Plus Size!Reader 803 Words
Prompts: Activities #4 trick-r-treating and #5 decorating for Halloween
Sycophants on Velvet Sofas Tiffany Valentine x Reader 620 Words
Prompts: Horror Trope #5 Killing Boys
Rooftops at Sundown Steve Harrington x Reader Head Canons
Prompts: Activities #2 carving/painting pumpkins #3 corn/hay mazes/apple picking, and #6 walking through a haunted house
The Death of Me Evelyn Carnahan x Reader 465 Words
Prompts: Activity #1 telling scary stories/watching scary movies
Breathe into Me Ashton  I. x Reader 682 Words
Prompts:  Monster #5 Frankenstein or his monster and Genre #2 the b-movie. RPF
Pick Me Off The Ground Slashers x Reader Drabbles
Prompts: Genre #5 Slashers
Take Up Your Spade Anakin Skywalker x Reader 793 Words
Prompts: Horror Trope #10 science fiction double feature
Spooky Scary Poly!Mulder x Scully x Reader Head Canons
Prompts: Genre #1 The holiday special
Sweet Little Lies Wanda Maximoff x Reader 332 Words
Prompts: Location # 8 a masquerade ball/costume party
No More Crying Nell Crain x Reader 596 Words
Prompts: Genre #1 The holiday special
Fatal Frames Dale Cooper x Reader 368 Words
Prompts: Monster #9 Cryptids (mothman/Bigfoot, etc.)
A Sticky End Harley Quinn x Reader 425 Words
Prompts: Halloween bar/club party
Screamin’ for Revolution Poly!Lashton x Reader 725 Words
RPF written for a collab event with a Slashers!AU
By My Side Luke H. x Reader 597 Words
Prompts: Activity #3 Corn/Hay Mazes/Apple picking and Genre #4 Found Footage. RPF
Tragic and Beautiful Luke Crain x Reader 425 Words
Prompts: Activity #2 Carving/painting pumpkins
Our Phantoms Diego Hargreeves x Reader 1201 Words
Prompts: Zombies and Location #3 A ghost town/an abandoned building late at night
A Promise to the Moon Robb Stark x Reader 3873 Words
Prompts: genre #3 Haunted House/Ghost Stories, trope #2,memento mori, and location #7 A castle/manor in the middle of nowhere with minimal occupants.
The Hardest Part of Living Geralt of Rivia x Reader 753 Words
Prompts: a sequel to Lacrimosa
Hush my Love Slasher Women x Reader Head Canons
Prompts: Slashers with a partner who is scared easily/afraid most of the time
Icons of Self Indulgence Vampire!Mark x Reader 1081 Words
Prompts: Monster !1 Vampires and Location #3 a ghost town/ an abandoned building late at night. RPF
We’re Lions Now  The Crain Siblings x Reader Head Canons
Prompts: fall activities/traditions
Break the Silence  Bo Sinclair x Reader 674 Words
Prompts: a love confession
Try to Cut Me Loose Candyman x Plus Size!Reader 522 Words
Prompts: Horror Trope #7 Already Dead
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rahabs · 4 years
for the writing meme number 1 PLEASE
i. give short descriptions of all your current WIPs.
I genuinely, genuinely have well over twenty WIP for joplittle alone right now, and a couple of them I have to keep Hush because they’re potential TBB ideas, but here are some of the ones I actually have words for that I can talk about ( + one bonus fitzier and that Irving ghost fic) with their current WIP titles, under a readmore because this is long:
what hands like ours can do
a multi-chapter joplittle soulmate AU featuring complete canon divergence and a fully researched alternate history timeline.  whenever I write soulmate AUs the ‘soulmate’ thing tends to be a background trope which is terrible of me.
hic sunt draconis
in which Edward is a dragon, Thomas is fae, and they are in a fantasy medieval setting.
a light already leaving
an anon asked for a continuation of my posted vampire joplittle AU, and so I’ve got 2k of a “they’re back in London, but also Thomas is still hungry” sequel.
earth and heaven conspire my fall
wherein Edward asks Thomas for his help, knowing Thomas has previous experience in the Ross Antarctic expedition.  this is also another joplittle soulmate AU, only this one is a one-shot and it features a different sort of soulmate lore.
conference of the birds
Irving (secretly) catches Lieutenant Little and Lieutennt Jopson in a compromising position at an admiralty event.  post-canon, Somebody Lives/Not Everybody Dies, outsider point of view.  this is joplittle, but one-sided Irving/Little is implied.
the sweet thing
another dragon Edward AU, but this one is modern.
“You must have a hoard, Colonel.  A man of your rank, I imagine it is quite impressive,” Franklin prompted kindly, smiling.  Edward just stared before turning his head and pulling Thomas closer using the arm still loosely draped around his waist, the meaning frightfully clear to all present--a pointed response to an out-of-line question. [...]
“My husband, Thomas Jopson,” Edward said simply.
to hold and to serve
self-indulgence.  “You’re always serving someone else.  Let me serve you instead.”
your need grows teeth
a lengthier joplittle vampire AU I started six months ago because “I want them to share a coffin.”  I reached 7k and then got distracted.
you could make this place beautiful
modern AU where Thomas works as a historical costumer/tailor on the set of a television series adapting Crozier’s bestselling historical novels, and is married to Edward Little, the lead actor, who is notoriously private about his personal life.  Also ft. director!Fitzjames arguing with Crozier over the integrity of the adaptation in question.
the wicked naked beauty
reverse joplittle, where Thomas is a lieutenant and Edward is the captain’s steward.
a lighthouse in clean waters
the sequel to Beggar’s Knowledge, aka wed-and-wife part 2: domestic seaside boogaloo.
where the dead went down
canon divergence.  they do not leave the sick behind after Thomas summons the last of his strength to lend his voice to Edward’s in order to rescue Crozier.
and mingle with the ashes
self-indulgence.  Edward Little loves his wife, Thomas Jopson.
some lamb might stand
a longer version of the short fic “Our Souls Return” that I posted on my AO3 and on here.  AU where the ghost of the real Cornelius Hickey tags along on the voyage to try and sabotage the man who murdered him.  Or, Irving & his accidental ghost friend.  It’s more serious than I’ve made it sound here and this fic is all planned out; I just need to write it.
guns don’t cry
no one asked for a long, multi-chaptered omegaverse fic with lots of worldbuilding, but I’m writing one anyway.  for fitzier.  because I can, and I will.  featuring lots of research into the origins of James Fitzjames, and me wondering why I’m writing a fitzier omegaverse fic before a joplittle one.
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