#series: Nerdanel
lidoshka · 6 months
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@feanorianweek #1 Maedhros - Diving
Diving lessons with dad,
@feanorianweek #1 Maedhros - Buceo
Lecciones de buceo con papá
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brighter-arda · 2 months
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Day 3 of @tolkienofcolourweek: Nerdanel
Also part 28 of toi's indigenous tolkien series
Image description in alt text
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elronds-library · 2 months
Marred but Remade
by SpaceWall
Part 1 of Maedhros Remade
Maedhros throws himself to his death, accepting that this will be his last action until the remaking of the world. Maedhros wakes up. The world is not remade, but it is far changed from the one he remembered. The Valar work in mysterious ways, but they are not so inattentive to ignore the rising threat of Sauron.
Teen, No Archive Warnings
Words: 131,320
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superloves4 · 4 months
I still taste the past - Chapter 14
Relationships: Curufin/Finrod, Celegorm/Aredhel (background) Summary: Finrod wanted to see Curufin, get his closure after all they had gone through, end things once and for all. What he gets is a journey through the memory of where they've been and the choice of where they will go. TW: none. A/N: Enjoy!
Masterlist - Also on AO3
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Curufin stared at the doors of Formenos for the first time in ages and took a deep breath. It had been fixed in the years and many of the things he'd been used to were now gone, familiar and yet different in every way. That he would search for the comfort of a home he'd left had him defeated but when Nerdanel opened the door, it was fairly easy to ignore and fall into her embrace.
"Oh, look, a little fly that never writes," Amras mocked as he made his way into the parlour, there was no bite to his words however, merely a brotherly jab.
Curufin blushed "I thought I was not welcome."
His younger brother laughed "Why so? Most would call me a worst monster than you, the least you could do is join the joke, Caranthir is rather aggravated by it, you see."
"I would certainly wish you stopped making jokes about our deaths"
From the couch Amrod threw a paper ball at his brother. Booing him.
"Feels like time never moved," Nerdanel joked in his ear, it was more for his sake than an actual statement, he knew his brothers, the toll the years took on them. But in the comfort of their mother's home, it was easy to joke and rest, like children playing under a different light.
His mother had always had a keen eyes for the small details, she would know how much they needed something like this, that she would still be willing to offer it was far more surprising.
Despite all the ways he'd warped all she'd ever taught him, still she guided him to the parlour where she'd made tea.
He thanked her for the cup and the two stayed in a companionable silence for a while, it gave him time to think his words, the tea was sweet but still the bitterness of Ëarwen's words would not leave him, he didn't know what prompted him to act as such but standing there in that dark house was the clearest he'd ever felt in years.
When he'd arrived after his re-embodiment he'd laid on the floor for hours, staring at the blank walls for hours, for the first two days he'd spent thinking where his plans had failed him, was it betraying Finrod? Had been Lùthien to change his luck? Every step replayed, every word and consideration. He'd spent the other days crying over the body he'd never had the chance to hold, Tyelpë, oh how he'd failed him.
His bold boy, the best of him and Finrod, intelligent, passionate but also courageous and amicable. His musings turned on how he could have saved him, that if only he'd been there then Sauron would have never touched Tyelpë.
If I'd done this. If I'd done that. Those words ran through his mind for many hours of many days.
Then Finrod decided to appear at his door step, bringing memories he wanted gone, that he even cared to talk to him said more about Finrod than it would ever about Curufin. He'd turned him away, of course, Curufin didn't want to see his new found happiness, didn't want to hear Finrod's plans for the future. Curufin had no need for Finrod's forgiveness nor his gentleness.
He bit his tongue.
Nerdanel observed him but she wouldn't talk before he did, it was his decision to turn to his mother and truth was the least of things he owed her "Ammë, I, I have to tell you about Celebrimbor's father, it's- "
He raised his head, looking into his mother amused eyes.
"How did?..." he asked, mouth open.
She smiled, placing her cup down "When he asked for the Crown Prince palace," she shrugged "No one would be stupid enough to want that place and Findaràto is more than capable of creating his own palace if he wanted to. Unless it wasn't the building but someone who lived there."
He blushed and looked away, trying to hide how such a simple information could affect him so much.
"So I had a lover and need to discover the beloved," she held his chin and led him to look at her again "Many little things I had no explanation before started to make sense, I'm rather peeved you managed to hide it so well, I always thought I had these things figured out," Nerdanel chuckled "and if he loved you then I could only imagine Tyelpë followed."
Curufin sighed and nodded.
"But that is not truly why you are here, no?"
He looked at his mother, letting all pretenses fall away, ready for the scorn of what had taken him so long to perceive.
"It was me," he said, eyes shining with unshed tears "Every single time and problem I've ever had, it was me," he sighed "how do I even begin from here? I've dragged myself across the road and failed at every turn, how do I even deserve to be here now?"
I'm vile.
That was what he'd finally understood from his aunt's visit.
All his plans, the reason Tyelpë had walked away from him, why Finrod had left him.
It had been him.
How do you move on when your whole state of being had been rotten from the start? How do you live with yourself when you are the cause of all your problems?
Nerdanel looked at her son and with a sigh, certainty filled her brown gaze, she got up from her seat, this time forcing Curufin to look at her.
"Yes, you have made a mess of things," she told him "But this is not about deserving, you are not here because you deserve it, do you know what it was to hear what you and your brothers have done? To know what the children I used to know so well had become?"
"Then how could you forgive us so easily?"
Nerdanel glared "Easy? You have no idea all the time I spent thinking what I'd do when you and your brothers returned, the thing I'd say and do, what you see now are the result of years, Atarinkë, and that is your problem. You are not broken, my son, you are not inherently evil as Findaràto is not inherently good, yes, you caused many problems, did terrible things and you were punished accordingly."
"You lose when you give up, when you think you are terrible and there's no way out, this is not about forgiveness, Atarinkë, you don't get to decide that, whatever happened it's not about the person you've been, it's about what you are willing to do to rectify those mistakes. You are not a rock blocking your path but you will have to move that rock to see the road again."
"There is no road for me," he tried to argue but perhaps what he'd most forgotten was how stubborn his mother was.
"Because you can't see it yet!" she held him closer "You know what you have to do, Atarinkë, has the past not been enough? Haven't you learned enough?"
Curufin clung to her as if he was a scared child all over again, he could still feel the pain of trying to reach that promising future of trust, the disappointment of seeing everything you built crumble away. He had tried that cold shield, could he truly reach the sun now?
"You are here to start again, my son, don't become a stone incapable of moving forward, there has already been enough hurt, let us begin to heal."
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ewa-jednak-chce-spac · 8 months
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echo-bleu · 9 months
Psst what if Caranthir’s “red face” is from a lupus butterfly rash?
HELL YES anon I see your vision
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Disabled Tolkien characters series
Assorted headcanons under the cut:
Elves, especially in the Years of the Trees where their conception of disability is... nearly non-existent (I have loads of headcanons about that and I'm writing a whole fic) don't really know about the immune system and autoimmune diseases.
Caranthir starts having symptoms very early in childhood, at first mostly anaemia and some joint pain, and skin issues. His butterfly rash is near-constant, though much worse during flares. Nobody flags this as a single issue, especially since he's also having other troubles (he's autistic, and he has pretty severe IBS-like symptoms).
Celegorm (starting to show symptoms of EDS, which they do know of because Míriel had it first) and Curufin (much more visibly/loudly autistic) are both a good deal more worrying to Fëanor and Nerdanel at that point, so Caranthir's issues tend to be, if not swept under the rug, at least not truly addressed. The parents are doing their best, but raising seven children is a lot, and Caranthir unfortunately gets all the Middle Child Syndrome.
(though in the Shibboleth, it's mentioned that Nerdanel named him Carnistir because he "had the ruddy complexion of his mother." Nerdanel with lupus, anyone?)
Once he's an adult, the symptom that bothers him the most is joint pain in his hands. His craft and his interests are in books, both writing them (he's a historian and economist) and bookbinding. He needs his hands.
Caranthir and Celegorm, because of their otherwise rocky relationship, swing wildly between curling up together for comfort and warmth during flares and shouting at each other because pain makes them both extremely bad-tempered.
The facial rash/lesions remains Caranthir's most visible symptom, and in a society where everyone is beautiful (especially his family), it's not an easy burden. Someone else made a wonderful post about this that I'll just link, rather than paraphrase.
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thelordofgifs · 10 months
End of Year Fic Recs
Thank you @sallysavestheday for the tag and the kind rec 💕
Recommend up to 5 series or multi-chapter fics from 2023 that everyone should read (multi-year WIPs count, if the last update was in 2023).
Recommend up to 5 single chapter fics/one-shots (long or short) from 2023 that everyone should read.
Recommend up to 5 fics NOT from 2023 that everyone should read (oldies but goodies).
Recommend up to 5 of your own fics (completed or WIP) from 2023 that everyone should read.
Five WIPS from 2023:
we will make this place our home by @leucisticpuffin. 200k, AU, kidnap fam. The loveliest softest 1970s AU! It feels like reading all my favourite cozy childhood books and the characterisation is impeccable (Maglor my DARLING). Cannot recommend enough.
seabird by @welcomingdisaster. 24k, AU, russingon. "Give me a quick russingon prompt for smut week," Lena said. I obliged. This happened. Anyway the dynamics are so so good and the characterisation is so so good (Maedhros you little IDIOT) and the suspense!! is so good!! Everyone go and read it immediately.
ashes, ashes, dust to dust — the devil's after both of us by @that-angry-noldo. 9k, AU, Finarfin and Maedhros and Maglor. Maedhros and Maglor come up with a plan to capture the High King of the Noldor in return for the Silmaril. SUCH good m&m (I am a single-issue voter ok!) and incredible Finarfin/Eonwe dynamics as well, I cannot wait to see where this fic goes next.
Atandil by @eilinelsghost. 105k, canon compliant, Finrod/Bëor. The best worldbuilding, THE most gorgeous flowing heartrending prose, absolutely incredible characterisation... I am so so obsessed with this series you can't imagine. Still weeping over part 14 a month later.
And Love Grew by @polutrope. 8k, canon compliant, kidnap fam. A newer WIP, but I'm already so hooked! So far the characterisations of all the Fëanorians have been delicious and there are SO many compelling OCs as well.
Five one-shots from 2023:
Sea-Bells and Sunlight by @actual-bill-potts. 4.5k, canon compliant, Finrod and Lúthien and Beren. Lúthien finds both Finrod and Beren in the Halls of Mandos. LOVE the shifting dreamlike nature of Mandos here, and my darling Lúthien is so so perfect. Also all the Finrod feels... aahhh.
Somewhere To Return To by @searchingforserendipity25. 4k, canon compliant, Maedhros and Maglor, russingon. Just the softest loveliest most heartbreaking post-Thangorodrim fic. LetMaedhrosNap2k23.
the world to come by @arrivisting. 4k, AU, Fëanor/Nerdanel. A chilling imagining of Arda Remade, featuring some incredible Fëanor characterisation and the most gorgeous beautiful prose.
Quicksilver by @clothonono. 26k, AU, Indis/Míriel. Beautiful beautiful writing and wonderful characterisation. One of the fics that made me adore Indis.
What Will the Kinslayer Lord Do Next? by @tanoraqui. 3k, canon compliant, Maedhros and Maglor. Ok this is a spin-off of The Minstrel and the Star which you should also read because it's excellent but. again. SINGLE-ISSUE VOTER. and this is a top-tier m&m fic, all that tenderness and grief and bitterness and some delicious musings on the Oath and Silmarils.
Five older fics:
and one man, in his time, plays many parts by @lintamande. Canon compliant, Maglor and his younger brothers. One of my favourite Mithrim-era fics.
seven years of holidays by @jouissants. 10k, AU, kidnap fam. Elrond and Elros find a strange elf in the woods. Excellent kidnap fam dynamics and absolutely beautiful prose.
A reason to live (a reason it is not permissible to die) by Chestnut_pod. 27k, canon compliant, Eärendil/Elwing. Absolutely incredible Sirion worldbuilding and a wonderful depiction of Elwing.
elves, once by @ceescedasticity. 43k, canon compliant. THE most horrifyingly plausible theory of how orcs came to be. Both heartbreaking and fascinating.
It's the New World, Darling by @avantegarda. 107k, AU. A truly delightful 19th-20th century AU of the silm. Nothing makes me laugh as much as Victorian!Fëanorians.
Five self-recs:
The hard bit!
Ilimbë. 15k, canon compliant, Fëanor/Nerdanel. I still think this is the best thing I've ever written! Check it out if you're interested in Greek mythology, or in baby Fëanor making an idiot of himself.
the fairest stars. 78k, AU, Maedhros & Maglor, russingon, Beren/Lúthien and more. Probably my favourite of my fics, if not objectively my best. I know I love to hate on tfs for being completely insane, but I'm also pretty proud of it. It's got some of my best m&m, a rather in-depth exploration of the nuances of the Oath of Fëanor, and SO SO MANY cliffhangers. A silly bullet point fic that is also somehow the one I've put the most thought and effort into over the year.
in the breaking. 2k, canon compliant, Maedhros & Maglor. Still very fond of this one.
Inflection. 9k, canon compliant, kidnap fam. A very difficult one to write, but I'm proud of the result.
The Stranger. 928 words, canon compliant, Maedhros and Maglor. A very tiny little ficlet, but I like how I captured the post-Thangorodrim dynamics here.
Going to tag everyone I mentioned here, if you'd like to share!
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sallysavestheday · 3 months
Thursday Thanks: Ekphrasis!
I loved the prompts for this year's @tolkienekphrasisweek -- it was such a great way to dig into some genfic with worldbuilding implications. I ended up writing a little series with one ficlet for each day.
Remolded; Remade (G: 500 words. Maedhros, glasswork and pottery)
In Firing, We Are Cured (G: 300 words. Finrod, baking)
Love, Preserved (G: 1,200 words. Glorfindel, in-universe devotional art)
Devolatilize (G: 300 words. Nerdanel, sculpture)
Shrouds (G: 500 words. Caranthir, needlework)
Exodos (G: 300 words. Maglor, dance)
Refinishing (G: 400 words. Curufin, woodworking)
Thank you to Chestnut_pod for organizing this event! What a great angle from which to approach this world. :)
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zackprincebooks · 3 months
Golden Hour Snippets
I did some snippets of Golden Hour, the first in my Messmer-Maedhros transmigration fic series for a challenge on Discord and I decided to share them here!
Tag list:
@wyked-ao3 @chaoticfallenangel @lizurich @the-golden-comet @crashedrocket12750
@burntblanc @katenewmanwrites @glasshouses-and-stones @lorifragolina
@nczaversnick @thatuselesshuman @phoenixofthegreenwood @mushroommanchanterelle
@ilovevewritingfanfic @t0ul0ser @jev-urisk @villain-lover7899 @rivenantiqnerd
Want to be added to or removed from the tag list? Click here!
“This, Nelyafinwë, is the forge."
Messmer walks into the forge, briefly closing his eyes as he's hit by a blast of heat. Taking the initiative, Fëanáro stands in front of him to protect him from the blast. "You'll get used to the heat in time. The fire is your friend, Nelyafinwë, and it will drive your creativity just as it drives mine."
Fire is your friend. How long did Messmer fight against the fire that threatened to consume him? How long did he use it to burn and destroy?
And now he was being told to create with it?
The path in Prince Ingwion's garden is made of white stones so highly polished, they gleam under the gentle light of the crystal lanterns hanging from the fence posts. Yellow flowers climb up the walls, made of the same polished stone, and fill the night air with their fragrance. A fountain in the middle sends its water into the air, and the tinkling sound as it splashes into the pool mixes harmoniously with the sounds of the evening.
Sitting in the middle of the garden is Prince Ingwion himself, adorned with the circlet of his station. Confusingly, though his circlet implies a business meeting, his attire suggests an intimate meeting between two close friends: a soft white robe with yellow lace trim and a deep green sash. The emeralds in his ears match the emerald comb holding his golden braid into place.
Messmer has misread his invitation entirely.
"I became aware of my existence around the time of my first begetting day, though I know not the reason why," Messmer explains. "The name of my first self was Messmer the Impaler." Even saying his old name makes Messmer shudder, but Nerdanel squeezes his hand. "I was born the son of Queen Marika the Eternal. I died undertaking a crusade under her command. When she no longer needed me, she abandoned me to my fate."
There is silence as Nerdanel absorbs the information that the fëa occupying her son is that of a stranger. But she does not let go of his hand.
"Ever you have been my son, even if I have not always been your mother," she speaks. Messmer dares to lift his head. "And if your mother has abandoned you, then let me be your mother forevermore."
"You're holding your breath again. Keep up your breathing rhythm. In and out."
Messmer forces himself to take in a shaky breath as Rog moves his new arm back and forth. He's laying at an angle on a padded bench with Rog behind him, bracing himself with one hand on Messmer's back. Messmer's new arm is stretched behind him, his fingers twined with Rog's free hand.
Part of the healing process, he said. They needed to make sure Messmer's new arm had the same elasticity as the old one, which was always tricky with metal limbs no matter how finely wrought they were. This involved Messmer coming into Rog's workshop multiple times a week to bend and stretch his arm in new positions. He was getting better each day and found himself using his new limb with greater ease. Soon he'll be able to wield a spear again.
But now all Messmer can focus on is Rog's hand, big and firm, pressed between his shoulder blades. He whimpers as Rog presses harder, and Rog's murmured, "you're doing so well" is not helping.
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tilion-writes · 4 months
Throwback Thursday
Thanks very much for tagging, @thescrapwitch!
A scene from Seven Is a Holy Number, part of a series of one-shots about Fëanor's life:
“One more, you said,” Nerdanel groans. “One more, just in case it is a girl! We did not agree on two!”
“It was hardly my decision!” Fëanáro protests with a laugh, cradling the elder of the newborn twins in his arms. “Anyway, this is good. Seven is an excellent number.”
She eyes him suspiciously, aware of his eccentric opinions about numbers: “Really, Fëanáro? It’s a prime number!”
“. . . Well, yes,” he admits, “but seven is an excellent number regardless. Sharp, but elegant. Besides, seven is a holy number; there are seven Vala-kings and seven Valiër.”
“But fourteen Valar in all.”
“If you would like seven daughters as well—”
“I am not doing this again,” Nerdanel says firmly.
“As you wish, my love!” says Fëanáro, grinning. "May I call the children in?”
“Yes, go ahead.”
Fëanáro nods at the midwife, who opens the door. In comes the stream of his children: tall, serious, young-adult Maitimo, whose face lights up softly at the sight of the twins; Makalaurë trudging after him, his notebook of musical compositions in hand; preteen Tyelkormo, bouncing up and down and holding Curvo’s hand; Carnistir, who edges through the door and sits down in the corner. Curvo is frowning, upset about something:
“I don’t think I’d like a younger brother,” he informs Tyelko.
“Good news!” says Fëanáro. “You don’t have a younger brother—you have two.”
Tagging uhmm @gardensofthemoon @melestasflight @maglor-my-beloved no pressure <3
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imakemywings · 11 months
I THOUGHT YOU WERE JOKING ABOUT THE 'ELROND CALLING ELWING A CUNT' thing. But here I am, a newbie just going through fics one after the other of Elwing being called so many names and being humiliated, while the kidnap fam is uplifted. WHAT IS GOING ON. I could smell misogynistic from a mile away holy moly. But I have read your fics (I FUCKING LOVE IT) and I want more. May I also ask for some ELWING FIC RECS.
Oh no, that was a very literal example. My heart goes out to you in this difficult time of unfortunate realizations, anon.
But I am delighted to share some quality Elwing fic! ╰(*°▽°*)╯ (And thank you, I'm glad you liked mine!)
And by their blazing signify that a great princess falls, but doth not die by TheLionInMyBed is an absolutely phenomenal look at Elwing's last moments in Sirion.
The One with All the Birds by clothono and yes I know this one comes up every time I'm asked for Elwing recs, but it really is so delightful, and all the other characters who appear in it are so well-characterized and engaging. The bizarre connection that Elwing and Nerdanel share, both waiting for their children to return, is so interesting!
Elwing's Strategy by lifeisyetfair is another examination of why Elwing chose as she did in Sirion. Both Elwing and Maedhros are characterized so well, it's delicious.
The Carriage Held but Just Ourselves by StarSpray is an exploration of the line of Melian and Thingol's relationship with death. The whole fic is fantastic, but chapter 3 specifically deals with Elwing.
Elvenkings by am_fae is such a beautiful and sad look at the Doriathrim after the fall of the kingdom. It focuses on several characters, but Elwing is one of them and it handles her so well!
A Fish Hook, an Open Eye by simaetha is a tasty, dark Elwing/f!Maglor where things don't go quite according to plan when Maglor comes to negotiate with Elwing in Sirion.
Après Moi, le Déluge by HerenorThereNearnorFar is such a heartbreaking and tender look at Elwing's relationship with her children.
The Longed For That Cometh Beyond Hope by am_fae does an excellent job capturing the energy of the moments just after Earendil and Elwing secure the Valar's aid against Morgoth.
Was Dancing There by StarSpray is a quick, sweet look at Elrond's childhood with Elwing in Sirion and what remains of the heritage of the Doriathrim.
A Fiend in Feline Shape by Aipilosse deals with the house of Dior and Nimloth generally; Elwing is not the focus, but she is in it, and it's a delightful fic.
Less Flesh than Stone by crackinthecup is the confrontation in Aman that Elwing deserves with Maedhros.
Ebb and Flow by swanmaiden. Elwing is feeling the strain of her pregnancy and Earendil is so gallant as to help her out how he can. I really love how this fic shows the support these two had from their community in Sirion.
Joy is a Bird, a Fragile Thing by estuarie is a deeply touching reunion between Elwing and Elrond in Valinor TT_TT
Friendship and Stern Demand by polutropos is a fantastic look at the correspondence between Elwing and Maedhros prior to the Third Kinslaying.
From the Ones Who Came Before by Kirta is a great look at Elwing and Earendil's life growing up in the Havens. I am always a fan of childhood friends-to-lovers Starwing.
How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful by swanmaids is a great series of scenes of Earendil and Elwing and their life in Sirion, and dealing with the trauma of their childhood.
A Light Burns in the Forest by tinnurin is about how Elwing escaped Menegroth during the Second Kinslaying with Oropher and Thranduil. Really captures how terrifying and chaotic the assault on Doriath would have been.
We Build Castles with Our Fears and Sleep in Them Like Kings and Queens by TheLionInMyBed is more about Idril, but it does also take a look at Idril's relationship with Elwing.
So Summer Comes by potatoesanddreams does a beautiful job of exploring how Elwing's trauma and grief sometimes make it hard for her to be present for her kids while remaining sympathetic.
A Loss of Something I Ever Felt by Arriviste is a fic about Finarfin, but section 4 has his meeting Elwing and Earendil, and it is overall such a beautiful and well-written fic.
At the Water's Edge by crackinthecup takes a look at Elwing's relationship with Idril and what they share in terms of traumatic experiences.
Coastin' by swanmaiden. Heather handles these characters with such love and it really shows! Earendil is always looking to please his wife ;D
Beacon by polutropos has that yummy Starwing reunion smut after Earendil returns to port. A really fun married couple dynamic here!
For Elwing positivity in general I have to @swanmaids because she is the #1 Elwing stan that I know of, so if you want a blog to follow which is 100% pro-Elwing, there she is!
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whiteladyofithilien · 8 months
Feanorian Fancast
Now let me just say I definitely don't want any media touching Tolkien for a hundred years after the train wreck that is Rings of Power but if somehow someone capable decided to do a series on the Feanorians this is my mental cast
Cillian Murphy as Feanor
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Eleanor Tomlinson as Nerdanel
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Tom Hiddleston as Maedhros
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Sebastian Stan as Maglor
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Sam Heughan as Celegorm
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Eoin Macken as Caranthir
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Richard Madden as Curufin
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And for Amrod and Amras we have actual brothers who I don't know if they can act but they have the aesthetic
Holden & Leland Fraser (sons of Brendan)
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Or actual twins who are also actors
Harry and Luke Treadaway as Amrod and Amras
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the-second-visitor · 2 months
9 people you want to know better
Tagged by @aroace-moron. Thank you for tagging me!
Three ships: Oh definitely Synovus/Minerva from the Synoverse stories by wingedcat13. I thinks about those two a lot. Then Maedhros/Fingon. I did not want to ship them. I ship them so much. And for the last one I'm gonna go with Nerdanel/Fëanor. These two can fit so many headcanons.  
First ship: Eeeehhhhhh. I don't know. That was so long ago. I guess those two guys from the Loserdex comic. You know the two? The roommates. The best friends. Where one was in love with the other but the other one was oblivious to it? It was so long ago I don't remember anything. Just that it was very relatable at the time.
Last song: Okay let's see. Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics covered by PelleK (the patron saint of metal covers).
Last movie: I don't remember T_T. Prolly a Saltburn rewatch.
Currently reading: The Sandman series. I payed for it (bought it last year) I might as well finish it. In the fanfiction department it's The Harrowing by Chthonion. Amazing thing.
Currently watching: An episode of MasterChef Canada. Good way to learn new words.
Currently eating: Some biscuity thingy with salty caramel. I think it might be expired.
Currently craving: Roasted chicken with rice. Also ceasar salad.
Your turn! (if you wanna): @depressed-cryptid, @glitch3d0ut, @embarressment-erradicated, @radiantidiot, @cheese-crusts, @deergirlslut, @remykai, @aotearoa20 and @ramblingmoon 
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elronds-library · 21 days
On hope and rebirth
by leodesic (@elvinye)
Part 10 of On Elrond Peredhel
The last thing he had known was endless heat as his skin blistered and flesh boiled in the fires of the earth, but now he shivered. It was dark, too, and the stars were bright overhead. The air smelled sweet and two figures stood a little way away from him, his brother Maglor and some other lord that Maedhros did not recognize. Both looked as though they had dressed hastily, throwing on cloaks over their sleeping-clothes Maedhros is returned from the Halls of Mandos to his waiting family. But despite what they were told, not all hurts are healed in Mandos, and there are many new things both good and strange he must adapt to.
Teen, No Archive Warnings
Words: 21,445
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averagenolofinwean · 9 months
*Maglor is standing in the kitchen, eating a sandwich and scrolling on his phone*
Maedhros: *walks in*
*Maglor looks up*
Maedhros: So...Finno kinda...kissed me.
Maglor:*stares at him with wide eyes and gapes* WHAT? When how why EXPLAIN.
Maedhros: Yeah...it's...much.
Maedhros: Please don't make a big thing about it, it's not that-
Celegorm and Caranthir, already busting in the room: Explain.
Celegorm: I want details.
Caranthir: I don't, actually.
Maedhros: *sighs tiredly* This is gonna turn into a girls-gossiping-movie-making your nails-Night But It's Boy Feanorians, is it.
Celegorm: Oh absolutely. 100%. You bet.
Maglor: Why did we agree to call it that? The name is so long and unpoetic. My name was so much better.
Caranthir: Nobody actually cares about your poetic name for it, because it's even worse than Nelyo's name for it.
Maglor: No it wasn't! It was poetic, it was a metaphor for brotherhood and friendship-
Maedhros: Okay, that's enough of that, both of you shut up. Tyelko, before you ask, no we'll not watch The Hunger Games or any Marvel movie. Káno, we will not listen to Taylor Swift or any Christmas song. Moryo, yes you can bring your embroidery.
*Maglor and Celegorm groan in frustration*
Celegorm: Oh come on, you're such a killjoy Nelyo! Not even the Loki Series?
Maedhros: *frowns* Especially not the Loki Series. Tyelko, if you think I'm gonna watch Loki while talking about Finno and the fact that he kissed me-
Celegorm: Okay, okay, chill down bro. Don't take it personally.
Maglor: Anyway, who will bring the popcorn and pi-
Nerdanel: *clears throat* You do know that I have been listening to you the moment Maitimo entered the kitchen?
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ewa-jednak-chce-spac · 7 months
Congratulations to Feanor x Nerdanel fans
Your ship won with Laurie x Amy in my second true ultimate shipping tournament and advanced to the fourth round!
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Laurie x Amy fans, don’t weep, because your ship remains awesome!
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