#seriously look up Project 2025
mongrel-mage · 4 months
I see so many posts that are like "Voting for Biden in the fall is literally supporting genocide, show your disapproval by not voting" No. Vote. Fucking VOTE. Do you honestly think that Trump is going to be more merciful than Biden? He's already planning to turn the US into a Christi-fascist dictatorship, do you honestly think he'll give a rat's ass about Palestine? Do you think that he's going to do anything but give MORE to Israel, give MORE to war, give MORE to death than Biden would even dream of?
So many lives depend on voting blue. I don't like Biden either! I hate what he's doing! But I know that Trump wants everyone who isn't a rich cishet white man fucking DEAD. Look up Project 2025.
So vote, dammit. If you care about yourself and your own safety, if you care about literally anybody, vote blue. Use your voice and keep that fucking monster out of office.
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aheartofdawn · 3 months
Hey, America, I know your choices this year feel like a choice between a still-warm corpse and an unhinged fascist who overturned abortion rights, and wants to strip the rights off anyone who isn't a straight, cis, able-bodied, evangelical white man, but I'm begging you, choose the corpse.
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qqueenofhades · 11 months
i registered to vote for the first time ( i feel old) now that im an adult but my state has closed primary elections which i was wondering if you have an opinion about. my initial thought was that its bad because i had to register democrat (rather than my states green party which represents my beliefs more) just so i could vote between democrat candidates, which feels like being pressured into supporting the weird pseudo two party system we have. but then i looked it up and apparently a reason for this is so that people from opposing parties wont purposefully mess up the votes just so that their preferred candidates have an easier time winning, and i think that makes sense too. but is that actually the reason theyve closed it or is it just to force us dem/republican?? cause it feels strange
Okay, look. I respect the fact that you're a young person, and I appreciate that you have not only registered to vote, but plan to vote in the primaries, so I don't want to lecture you too much. That said: I am taking you out for coffee, I am sitting you down, I am looking into your eyes, and I am urgently telling you the following:
The Green Party is a scam. It is a scam. It has existed for decades in American politics as an empty shell corporation weaponizing the good intentions of young people like yourself, because all it theoretically stands for "it's good to save the planet maybe." Which is not something that any non-insane person seriously disagrees with, but there is no world in which that cause is actually furthered by registering/voting Green (you mentioned that you did vote for Democrats, which -- good, but listen to me here, youngun, okay?) It ran Jill Stein in 2016 to siphon more votes from HRC, and this election it plans to run Cornel West, a pro-Russian tankie who positively equated Bernie and Trump, as another spoiler candidate. It does not stand for "protecting the planet" or America in any real way. It has never elected a single senator or congressman, let alone a president. It stands for empty performance/grievance political theater by those people who feel too morally superior to vote for/affiliate with Democrats, often because the internet has told them that it's not Cool or Hip or Progressive enough.
If your main priority is climate/the environment, you're doing the right thing by registering as a Democrat and voting for Democrats. (Also: the adjectival form is Democratic. It is the Democratic party and Democratic candidates, otherwise you sound like the Fox News host who wrote a book literally entitled "The Democrat Party Hates America.") They are the only major party who has in fact passed major climate legislation and have made environmental justice a central tenet of their platform. As opposed to the Republicans, whose Project 2025, along with the rest of its nightmare fascist prescriptions, openly pledges to completely wreck existing climate protections and forbid any new ones, just because we weren't all dying fast enough under their death-cult rule already. That's the main logical fallacy I don't get among both the Online Leftists and the American electorate in general: "the Democrats aren't doing quite enough as I'd like, so I'll enable the active wrecking ball insane lunatics to get in power and ruin even the progress we HAVE managed to make!" Like. How does that even make sense?
On a federal level, the Greens have contributed nothing whatsoever of tangible value to American or international climate policy/legislation, environmental justice, or anything else, because as noted, they don't have any elected candidates and mostly focus on drawing voters away from Democrats. There might be plenty of good candidates on the local or city level, which -- great! Vote away for Greens if they're available, or the only other option is a Republican! But on the federal/primary level, please understand: once again, they are a scam. There is no point in affiliating yourself with them. You're welcome to register Green and vote Democratic, if that makes you feel better or if you prefer having another label next to your name, but once again, I'm telling you in my position as a salty Tumblr elder that they have done nothing but harm to the causes they claim to care about, because "environment" is such a nebulous priority and has demonstrably been hijacked to stop the American government entity, i.e. the Democrats, that is actually working to improve on it.
As for your question: nobody is "forcing" or "pressuring" you to vote in primaries. By your own admission, you made a conscious choice to register as a Democrat in order to vote for Democratic candidates. If you were just a regular registered voter of whatever party affiliation, you would vote in the general election for whatever candidate the primary process produced. But if you are sufficiently vested and committed to that process that you would like to have a say in who is running under that party label, it is not unreasonable that you would register as a member of that party. Nobody has twisted your arm behind your back and made you do so; you are taking a considerable level of initiative on your own. Likewise, open primaries can be both a good and bad thing. This falls under the "the political system we have is flawed, but we can't magically pretend it doesn't exist and act according to our own fantasyland versions of reality" thing that I keep saying over and over. So yes, if you want a role in shaping the Democratic candidates who emerge from a Democratic primary process, you will usually register as a Democrat, and nobody has forced you to do that. It's that simple.
Likewise as a general programming note: I'm trying to cut back on politics a bit right now, because I don't have the spoons/bandwidth/mental health to deal with it. I apologize. So if you've sent me a politics-related ask recently and haven't received a response, I'm not deliberately or maliciously ignoring you; I just am not able to handle it as much as usual and will have to put it on pause. However, I feel as if this is important enough to be worth saying, so, yeah.
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kcinpa · 2 months
As mentioned in my other Project 2025 post, I've been looking for a shortish summary of the environmental impacts. This article covers the parts related to NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). NOAA encompasses the National Weather Service (NWS). The American public gets weather forecasts and severe weather warnings for free - I mean, we pay taxes to support NWS work and they give us the results for free. Your weather app, your local TV weather forecast is all based on NWS data.
Well, Project 2025 doesn't want it to be free anymore. No they want you to pay commercial companies for the privilege of knowing about approaching tornadoes.
The gist of the linked article is that Project 2025's goals around NOAA are:
Protect the profits of the fossil fuel industry by eliminating the ability of NOAA to research and report on the climate crisis and by restricting the permitting of wind farms.
Protect the profit of commercial weather services by eliminating features that Americans get now from the National Weather Service and making Americans reliant on for-profit forecasts.
Protect the profit of commercial fishermen by eliminating offices that oversee protected areas and weakening rules around causing harm to the environment and endangered animals.
Sounds fabulous. Add to that Trump's plans to repeal all of Joe Biden's massive climate programs (seriously, Biden passed the largest climate change law in history, through a 50-50 Senate btw) and Trump's promise to open up more federal lands (including ANWR) to oil and gas drilling, and even freaking coal mining.
Yeah if you care about the climate crisis, or like knowing the weather forecast, vote Democrat.
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sserajeans · 10 months
just for a moment
hanni pham x fem! reader
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synopsis: you and your co-star are tasked to make a song for your web drama's soundtrack. your co-star happens to be a childhood friend whom you've had history with.
genre + others: lsrfm! reader, idol au, childhood friends to lovers, friends to lovers, fluff, second chance ish?
notes: not requested, PLS READ THE LYRICS IT'LL MATTER!!!!, how i look delaying yail update 😂😂, also yes another hsmtmts inspired oneshot, pics from @/wiotas
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"what do we even fucking write about?"
how did you get here? glad you asked!
it's the year 2025, and a team of producers at hybe are on the works for a minor project: a web drama promoting support for the lgbtq+.
you've talked about how odd it was to your best friend, and groupmate, yunjin.
"probably good for publicity, girl. like 'make everyone know we're not homophobic!' kinda thing." was all she had to say about it, which was likely true anyways.
you were convinced the casting was done at random honestly, but it was obvious they wanted a mix of groups to garner more attention. and that landed you the lead role with, you guessed it, ms. hanni pham!
why you two when you each had members who fit the actress role better? well, that's where you thought the random part came to play.
filming wasn't much of an issue. you were comfortable with hanni, and you two worked well on and off screen, just as expected considering your history. the director even pointed out your "remarkable chemistry", but she didn't have to know why it was that way.
as a matter of fact, you guys were about to wrap up in a few days. it was a wild past couple of weeks, but it was nice to get to spend more time with hanni again.
i mean, don't get me wrong, it's not like you two cut each other off when you moved to korea, but the talking definitely decreased, and the filming made up for lost time!
now, on one of the last days of filming, your respective managers sat you two in a conference room together, and dropped the news that you'd have to compose a new song just for the web drama's soundtrack.
the task in itself didn't bother you at all, and you were sure it didn't bother hanni too. you two were experienced in songwriting and composing, your names on a couple of song credits to count, so this was actually much easier than acting.
the issue was that you had enough going on for certain... feelings to resurface.
you see, the plot of the web drama hit a little too close to home for you. i mean seriously, childhood friends with feelings for each other, but couldn't take things further due to complications, then having to work together acting in some play.
it sounded a lot like your story.
hell, they even had your character do swimming! the same sport you excelled in back in australia.
the only reason nothing has gotten too awkward on that note yet, was because of your other labelmates being there like boynextdoor's leehan, minji and danielle, even your fellow members kazuha and yunjin.
with them around, you got to reconnect with hanni, but with a couple safe boundaries! now that you two were tasked to work on something alone though? you were scared things were going to be different.
so that's what brought you two here, together, in the music room. hanni seated facing the table with a pen and paper, you on the floor with your guitar in hand.
you were strumming to any chord shape that could come to mind in hopes of finding a melody that you could build off of, and hanni was tapping the end of her pencil on her forehead for any word, lyric, or rhyme that could work.
nothing came.
so engrossed in your respective tasks, the two of you didn't notice a shadow behind the translucent door, so when a knock came, you levitated off the floor for a millisecond, and hanni let out a soft yelp.
"hey you two~"
huh yunjin.
"how are my besties doing!" she came in doing a little dance, first walking over to check on what hanni was writing before landing on the floor beside you.
"we're stuck." you muttered, head against the wall behind you.
"oh... i see." yunjin shrugged her eyebrows in confusion, because she had just came from peeking over at hanni's notebook and was 100% sure she had lines written down.
"well, let's see... you got the genre down that suits the two of you so there's that. romance obviously sells, so there's that too. maybe you guys should try... writing while in character?" yunjin did her best to help the two of you, as the mutual best friend and seasoned singer-songwriter. "or if there's an experience you guys have had before, that would definitely help. real raw emotion ya know?"
"anyways," the eldest huffed and got up from the floor, messing up your hair and hanni's before heading for the door to leave the room. "i gotta get going. you two don't come home too late okay?"
you and hanni nodded before resuming. after a couple minutes, you realized that maybe you two will have to be communicating more if it meant writing a song together.
"hey han, do you have anything written?" hanni froze for a second before turning around on her chair.
truth was she did. she wrote them down specifically as yunjin started telling you two to write based on experiences.
"i... uh... kind of? just a couple lines, i don't know how i feel about them though."
"can i take a look? might help a bit."
"oh yeah... sure..."
there was a hint of hesitance in her voice, but it'd look awfully suspicious if she scratched out lines right before you'd check.
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"ah..." the initial reaction was surprise for you, and a million thoughts came racing through your head.
"yeah! it's nothing much... but i figured it was better than nothing...."
"no yeah! for sure! i'm kinda getting the vibe, wait here." you turned around and picked up your guitar from the floor and took a seat beside hanni. "uhm... okay let's try... this?"
you freestyled a riff on your guitar, allowing your fingers to move on its own to play what felt right. it resulted in one of the most simple yet enchanting melodies that seemed perfect for your song's intro.
"hey that sounds perfect! i love it!" hanni cheered and gave you a thumbs up. "okay so... since you're doing your little guitar intro, perhaps we have the first line written in your character's point of view?"
"sure... okay... uhm..." it took you a couple seconds to think of something, or to get in character on the spot. but then you remembered yunjin's advice.
an experience you guys have had before.
"uh... how's this..." you fiddled with your hands as hanni nodded along, telling you to go on with your suggestion. after about half a minute, you had a two-liner with some sort of melody that matched your guitar intro. "i fell in love with the only girl who knows what i'm about."
hanni froze for a second, which didn't go unnoticed by you, but continued nodding along as she wrote down the lines. "i like your voice in this genre."
"oh..." you looked up from your guitar and faced her side profile as she was still facing her notebook. you felt your face warm a little, but not too much for it to gain color. "that's a lot coming from you. i have your lee mujin service episode on loop."
hanni smiled, a sight you'd never get tired of seeing. "a fan, huh? which part's your favorite?" she turned to look at you, a smirk on her face to mask the flustered and proud version of herself having received praise for her work from you of all people.
she continued writing a line underneath yours, a sudden burst of inspiration coming over her.
"probably lucky."
of course it's the song about being in love with your best friend.
she chuckled at your answer. hanni wasn't dense, and she knew you weren't either.
okay maybe you were, just slightly, but you pick up on context clues.
but point is, she knew what that implied, and what everything that came between the two of you the past few weeks could've felt like for you.
but just as she was getting somewhere, her train of thought was interrupted by your "burst of epiphany", as one would call it.
"oh hey, hear this out. i think it sounds like chorus material." you tapped her shoulder and positioned your hands across the frets of your guitar. you sounded a lot happier, more energy than you did earlier in the day as you finally got a feel of what to write and play.
when we're underneath the lights, my heart's no longer broken, for a moment, just for a moment
in that moment, hanni's mind rushed with too many emotions. objectively, the melody was beautiful. your voice made it better, the guitar felt like it had a voice of its own, and the lyrics. god, the lyrics.
she knew for sure you felt what she felt.
the two of you stayed in that music room a couple more hours, discovering a new type of comfort in a person the other has always known. like reading a book you've had forever, and feeling a newfound joy in a character that has always been there.
by the end of the day, you and hanni seemed to have switched roles, your guitar in her hands, and her notebook in yours.
you were finishing up a final copy of the first half of the song along with chords in case you'd forget the sound. there was also a copy of the both of you singing on your respective voice note apps. (which, unbeknownst to you, would be on repeat for hanni later that night.)
"here we go." you sighed, it took a lot of effort trying to make handwriting like yours legible. you've always hated it. teachers back in elementary all throughout high school would always mark your papers low despite almost flawless answers, just for your handwriting.
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"i've always liked your handwriting..." hanni muttered as she admired your written work, unknowingly smiling to herself.
"oh.. thanks. i've always hated it."
"i know." hanni looked up at you, observing the sheepish smile on your face. she knew all about why you hated it, and she understood, but to her, it was an art. a part of you. she thought, "that's why i like it."
there was partial truth into that. besides it being a funny add-on to hanni's compliment, it's always been her thing to love stuff about you that you hated, even if it was something as small as handwriting.
back when you two were together (or whatever that was you had back in australia before you left, neither of you stuck a label on it), she'd always talk long speeches about how your handwriting was an art. something so significantly you that you shouldn't change, and that even if you hated it, she'd love it twice as much in place of you.
as you two shared a couple more laughs, a notification popped up on both of your phones. yours first, then hanni's a second later.
a snort accidentally escaped your system as you read the texts. "sorry.. is it yunjin?"
hanni let out the loudest laugh before nodding and exchanging phones with you to read what the older sent to the other. it was the same message in different forms, panicking to get you home before chaewon freaked out and took it out on yunjin, then proceeding to fear minji and her "wrath".
despite laughing at your member's worry, the two of you stood up to pack up, which really didn't take much anyways. you slid your guitar in its case, hanni hid her notebook in her bag.
walking out of the room to the lobby together side by side was probably the most stomach-churning activity of the day. and you literally had to write a love song about each other with each other. but there was something in the way it felt when your hands touched.
as you reached the part of the building where you finally had to part ways, the two of you faced each other. both expecting something, but not quite sure with what they were expecting.
"i.. uh... it was nice to reconnect today." she started off, awfully awkward at it too.
"yeah... it was..." you smiled, hand reaching for the back of your neck to scratch. a nervous habit. "i'll let you know if i think of anything tonight."
"yeah, same here." hanni nodded back, though a pinch of disappointment evident on her face. maybe she was expecting more, or maybe it was too soon. "see you tomorrow?"
"yeah... see ya." you slowly turned around, head racing.
should you say something? should you save it for another time? would it make things awkward tomorrow?
screw it. live in the present, right?
"han... for the record, my heart does still stop when i see you."
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ceilidhtransing · 1 month
Having spent pretty much the entire year immersed in studying Nazi Germany, the Holocaust, and genocide more broadly, my heart is bursting with the need to stress how much you should take Project 2025 seriously. This is a long post but please stick with me.
Don't take this post as an attempt to concretely predict anything. We can't ever fully know the future and I think it's silly to say with total certainty “if Trump wins then America will become just like Nazi Germany” - not only because the future isn't written yet, but also because Germany under the Nazis was a very specific regime with its own quirks and peculiarities and I don't think that even a worst-case-scenario Trump regime would look exactly like Hitler's Germany. No two regimes ever look exactly alike: it would use the same colour palette as all far-right dictatorships but be constructed from a different medium, like what a watercolour is to an oil painting.
But just because Trump is a very different person from Hitler, and a worst-case-scenario Trump dictatorship would not literally be “Nazi Germany all over again”, that doesn't mean that what happened in Germany isn't instructive here. Forget the specifics of whether or not Trump as a dictator would organise a state identically to how the Nazis organised Germany or whatever; on a far broader and more relevant level, there is a distressing number of similarities. And too many people are falling into the same thought traps as they did then.
Please don't assume that Trump is “way too incompetent” to achieve what's in Project 2025 or Agenda 47. They said the same thing about Hitler. They said that there was no way this showman could govern effectively - holding big rallies and making speeches that get people riled up isn't the same as being good at running a functioning state and achieving what you want. The New York Times even wrote after he became Chancellor of Germany that this would only “let him expose to the German public his own futility”. And in many ways Hitler was pretty incompetent. But that didn't end up mattering. The greatest crime of the Nazi regime, the Holocaust, was masterminded mostly by a whole load of people besides Hitler, who were delegated the nitty-gritty task of actually orchestrating it. Hitler's personal incompetence didn't prevent war or genocide.
Please don't assume that Trump is “just a wacky nutcase” who “can't possibly be a real risk”. They said the same thing about Hitler. The mainstream media gave constant coverage to all the crazy extreme things Hitler said as if he was merely a bit of a joke and not a massive threat. The Nazis were quite happy with this. To quote Goebbels repeatedly in his diary, “The main thing is they're talking about us.”
Please don't assume that being in power will “moderate” Trump and that “of course he won't be able to do all the crazy stuff once he actually has to govern”. They said the same thing about Hitler. It was a common sentiment in the early 1930s that all the sensible politicians around him would force him to moderate his stances. Fritz von Papen, the last Chancellor of Weimar Germany, persuaded President Hindenburg to make Hitler the Chancellor by assuring him, “In a few months, we will have pushed [Hitler] so far into the corner that he will squeak.” It turns out that power doesn't “moderate” people who are openly talking about a dictatorship.
Please don't assume that there's any truth to the whole “Trump has nothing to do with Project 2025 and trying to link it to him is just liberal hysteria” line. They said the same thing about Hitler. People repeatedly asserted that Nazi street violence wasn't really representative of the party leadership; it wasn't representative of Hitler. He was even subpoenaed by a very brave lawyer in 1931 in a bid to prove that recent violence by Nazi stormtroopers was committed with the knowledge and encouragement of the party leadership, with part of the prosecution's argument hanging on a pamphlet by Goebbels that promised a violent overthrow of the state if the Nazis couldn't come to power legitimately. Surely no legal political party could be publishing that. In a successful attempt to escape criminal charges, Hitler repeatedly lied that the pamphlet was not official Nazi Party material and that he didn't know anything about it. No Trump didn't write it, no it isn't an official GOP manifesto, but the links between Project 2025 and Trump, the previous Trump administration, and Trump allies are extremely well documented. Just the other day, Project 2025 co-author Russell Vought was caught calling Trump's disavowals of the document “graduate-level politics” and saying, “what he's doing is just very, very conscious distancing himself from a brand ... he's in fact not even opposing himself to a particular policy.”
Please don't assume that “there's no way something like that could happen here; we're way too educated and advanced”. They said the same thing about Hitler. The Germany of the 1920s and 1930s was one of the most educated and most scientifically and industrially advanced nations in the world, and its cities were some of the most progressive in the world. People were stunned and horrified that it was in Germany of all places - Germany, land of music and art and science and literature! - that fascism took root. Germany's economic and social advancement didn't stop about 40% of its voters choosing the Nazis. It didn't stop them taking power.
Please don't assume that Project 2025 is “just a wishlist” and “not actually a serious plan”. They said the same thing about Hitler. As is hopefully very clear by now, plenty of people did not think that the Nazis were capable of, or would dare to try, putting into actual practice the horrific ideas about race that undergirded so much of their ideology. “I like Hitler; he talks sense economically and I think all this stuff about Jews is just bluff and bluster.” “Every party has a loony wing, right? You have to understand they're not serious when they talk about this stuff; they're just telling their base what they want to hear.” “God have you heard this crazy race science shit about head shapes and stuff? It's hilarious! I'm sure none of them at the top really believe that; there's no way they'd be that nuts.” When a group of people like this tells you what they believe and tells you what they want to do with power, believe them. No matter how ridiculous they seem, they're not joking.
In the words of Hans Litten, the lawyer who subpoenaed and cross-examined Hitler in that court case in 1931, “Don't listen to him; he's telling the truth.” Litten was arrested on the night of the Reichstag fire in 1933 and spent the rest of his life being tortured in concentration camps before dying in Dachau in 1938 at the age of 34.
A tyrannical dictatorship can often be seen coming a mile away. I don't want to imply for a second that what the Nazis did came as a surprise to everyone and couldn't possibly have been predicted. There were people who saw this coming in the 1920s and 1930s and tried to sound the alarm while they still had a chance. But they were too often in the minority, taking the threat seriously while others had convinced themselves that there was no need for concern because the Nazis wouldn't really do all the things they repeatedly talked about wanting to do. Everyone should have seen this coming, but too many people wanted to believe it couldn't be true.
Don't let this scare you. Let it energise you. Talk to the people in your life about Project 2025 and Agenda 47. Push back against people who assert that “they'd never actually do all that stuff” or “Trump didn't even write Project 2025” or “it's not a real plan, just a list of crazy shit to get the base riled up”. Have conversations with folks you know who are on the fence about voting or about who to vote for and who seem persuadable. Make sure you're registered to vote, and keep making sure, especially if you live in a red state where people keep mysteriously dropping off voter rolls.
Now, again, please don't read this as some confident prediction that Trump will be a Hitler figure. I want to stress that is a worst-case scenario. If a Trump presidency is what happens, I would much prefer the best-case scenario: that he spends four years fumbling around and not really accomplishing anything and then gives up power at the end without much of a fight. But it would also be a folly to be smugly overconfident that the worst-case scenario “won't” or “can't” happen. It could. It has happened before. There is no reason it couldn't happen again.
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wynnyfryd · 28 days
Up next is Mickala @steddieas-shegoes, who was one of my first ever friends in this fandom, and who gets an idea and instead of keeping it to herself she starts another new challenge or event and shares it with the community. How many fucking things do you run??? Incredible!!! Seriously add project management to your resume istfg She's literally one of the MOST encouraging people in this fandom, especially to new people which I think is such an important thing for people to do. Being a new writer is terrifying and she makes it less lonely.
I'm so looking forward to her upcoming Steddie hockey AU!!!
trust and believe that project management IS on her resume 😂 i swear any time i’m like “hey do you need any help with microfic stuff” she’s all “no worries i have spreadsheets ready to go through Q3 2025” gorgeous, gorgeous girls are so so organized
send a shout out
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octocon · 1 month
Welcome to Octocon's official Tumblr!
This blog will be used to further engage with the Octocon community, and to offer support to Octocon's users on Tumblr!
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What is Octocon?
Octocon is the modern, all-in-one platform for people with dissociative disorders (like DID and OSDD) to manage their disorder and express themselves!
We provide a mobile application (currently available for Android) that lets you manage your alters, track your front history, keep a daily journal, and keep your friends up-to-date on who's fronting.
We also provide a Discord bot that automatically syncs with the Octocon app to let you send messages as your alters.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to join our official Discord support server for help!
Click "Keep reading" below for a short FAQ about our platform!
How do I use Octocon?
You can get started by downloading our mobile app on the Google Play Store, or by inviting our Discord bot to your Discord server!
When will the app be available for iOS or other platforms?
The iOS app has a projected launch date of late 2024 to early 2025!
We also plan on developing a web app, but it's further down the backlog, so we don't have an exact time frame yet.
Is the platform safe/secure? Will you look at my data?
Octocon takes privacy and security extremely seriously. We will never peek into your data stored on our platform without explicit consent, regardless of how you identify.
We'll also never terminate an account for any reason other than abuse of our platform or suspicions of illegal activity.
Furthermore, we take great effort to secure our servers, and all of your data is private by default. If you'd like an alter to be shared with your friends or publicly, you'll have to explicitly set them as such!
For more information, please read our privacy policy.
Are you "anti-endo"?
Octocon takes the stance of being "traumacentric"; our platform is designed to be used by those with dissociative disorders caused by trauma, though we can not and will not ban or otherwise impede users from accessing our platform if they don't identify as such.
We do ask that our Discord communities remain traumagenic-only spaces for the comfort of our members, but we are actively against harassment of those who identify as non-traumagenic.
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linneakou · 2 months
In all seriousness, Biden dropping out changes everything.
We were looking at a surefire red wave in November; this isn't me hating on Biden, this is me looking at the polls in the swing states. Dems NEED to win the swing states in order to retake Congress and hold the White House, and those states were NOT swinging blue. Biden was dragging down the ticket, both because of his perceived mental deterioration (it doesn't matter what his actual diagnosis is, it matters how he LOOKS to the public and he did not look good) and because of his full-throated support for the war in Gaza. This was hurting his chances to beat Trump, who he should have been steamrolling (Trump has a billion criminal charges and over a dozen convictions! How could anyone lose to that??)
Trump getting shot at helped his optics, and there was only one way to retake the narrative. Dems were desperate, and it shows.
Kamala is not my ideal candidate but she does better in polls against Trump than Biden did. She has indicated she would be malleable when it came to Palestine. She's been at Biden's side for the past 4 years. Pair her with the right running mate and Dems have a chance. We can't fuck around with Project 2025.
Chins up, we are about to go to the DNC in Chicago. This is the endgame. Gird your loins.
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crimson-hope · 3 months
Look I hate making political posts of my own, I prefer to reblog them. So you can see how seriously I'm taking this. You NEED to vote in the upcoming election if you want your rights protected, ESPECIALLY if you're a minority.
POC, LGBTQA+, Disabled, Financially Disadvantaged, etc. please pay attention.
No "I hate both candidates". No "Biden is terrible". No "I'm voting 3rd party" (That's how we got Bush!) Yes I fucking hate Biden. He is complicit in genocide and so much more.
BUT you can NOT tell me another Trump term wouldn't be 100000 times worse. Look at what happened during and after his 1st term. (If we're lucky Biden will let someone else take his place)
I beg you to look up what the GOP, Right, Conservatives or whatever they want to call themselves, with Project 2025.
It's a fundamental of DECONSTRUCTION of the government. Not in a good way.
They want to get rid of all protections. No protections from discrimination, no workers protection, even worse immigration policies, more military power, and so much more terrible bs.
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thearchercore · 8 months
I’m currently going down a social media rabbit hole, trying to see the difference between both Carlos’ and Charles’ , because let’s be real, after a few posts, you could see the difference and the narratives they both are going for.
Carlos is going for the “I’m loyal to Ferrari” Narrative, with him sticking to the red and the Ferrari merch in training, in Dakkar when he was supporting his dad (who by the way, is a RED BULL Rally Driver to this day!!). He is going for Charles’ approach last year, where everything in his socials is Ferrari, is curated and is very much according to the Ferrari politics and how they post.
Then there’s Charles, who is going for the silly, relaxed and relatable approach in his socials, and as mentioned a lot by you, he’s kind of working on detaching himself from the Ferrari narrative and the whole “Charles Leclerc the Ferrari driver”.
In a way, they are each working on their agendas, Charles could be working towards that exit or towards pressuring Ferrari that “Right, I’m starting to detach myself from you, and if you don’t wake up, I’m out next year, and I have teams who would definitely take me in” and Carlos who is showing Ferrari “I’m your man, I’m loyal, I’m not complaining, I’m doing what you want, content with your sponsors? Check. Always repping Ferrari even when I’m rooting for Red Bull in Rally which you guys aren’t a part of? Check. Looking the way you want me to be in my socials, that pristine Ferrari F1 driver? Check”. As if he’s trying to convince them to give him the contract and to put their trust in him, make him their number 1.
And let’s be real, with everything going in with contracts and the politics of it, with Fred who wanted the contracts to be signed and announced BY CHRISTMAS OR THE NEW YEAR, and now we’re almost done with January, the narrative both drivers are putting out through their socials, with both of them knowing its power and how to use it properly, I would say that Ferrari is most likely in a dilemma that no team would want rn
yeah! tbh, carlos never really went the extra mile for any other side quests on social aside from racing (the netflix cup event the only recent one that comes to mind.)
the way charles and carlos approach social media is wildly different. but you're right, the way they present themselves definitely reflects the current state of their negotiations with ferrari.
carlos - presents himself only as a ferrari driver on social media. there were news that his contract negotiations faced new obstacles again this week, and his dad again complimented the upcoming audi f1 team:
| Carlos Sainz Sr. reveals he's discussed Audi's F1 entry with Sainz Jr. "I know how seriously they take every project."
at this point it's a pattern that has been repeated a few times. carlos is a very realistic option for audi (that launches in f1 in 2026) -- so his goal is to rn renew with ferrari for at least the 2025 season, and then has audi as an another option.
while carlos uses his family's prominance, charles has more personal sponsors and social engagement. he's using that to negotiate on his end a better contract for himself.
the ferrari contract is known to be quite restrictive, they have puma as their clothing brand so charles was banned to launch his own clothing brand CLACE (which he recently started wearing again). the ferrari contract in general is built around the fact that ferrari doesn't want to have a driver bigger than themselves, ferrari always comes first.
so it's interesting to see their different approach in it and i'm interested to see how the contracts negotiation turn out and when we get the announcements
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Trudy Ring at The Advocate:
If you’re looking for yet another reason that Donald Trump shouldn’t be elected president again, we have two words for you: Project 2025. You’ve probably been hearing these words, but you may be sketchy on what they mean. We’re here to fill you in on the details thanks to a report by Accountable.US.
What is Project 2025?
Basically, Project 2025 is a blueprint of what far-right activists want from the next conservative president — and Trump is the conservative who’s running. It includes plans to fire as many as 50,000 career federal employees and replace them with people who have unquestionable loyalty to the president; restrict access to contraception; possibly implement a national abortion ban; cut federal health care programs; and much more, designed to make the U.S. an authoritarian nation. And LGBTQ+ people are directly in its crosshairs. “Project 2025 couldn’t make its anti-LGBTQ+ agenda any more clear. With far-right extremists at the helm, the project is a power grab by conservatives attempting to turn back the clock on hard-fought progress and fundamental rights,” Accountable.US President Caroline Ciccone said in a statement to The Advocate. “Project 2025 doesn’t just pose an existential threat to our democracy but seriously threatens the rights and freedoms of LGBTQ+ communities across the country.”
How will it affect LGBTQ+ Americans?
Project 2025’s “Mandate for Leadership” is a document taking up 900 pages, but Accountable.US has put together a succinct summary of what Project 2025 would mean to LGBTQ+ Americans, and The Advocate has a first look. Here are the key points. The project urges the next conservative president to basically ignore the 2020 Supreme Court decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, in which the court found that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, in banning sex discrimination in the workplace, also bans discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. President Joe Biden, in contrast, had directed all federal agencies to implement the provisions of Bostock not just in the workplace but in health care, education, and other aspects of life. It calls for barring transgender people from the military and to stop what it considers the “toxic normalization of transgenderism” across the government and American society. It seeks to abolish the president’s Gender Policy Council, “which it views as promoting abortion and the ‘new woke gender ideology,’” Accountable.US notes.
The next Health and Human Services secretary, Project 2025 recommends, should reverse what it calls a focus on “‘LGBTQ+ equity,’ subsidizing single-motherhood, disincentivizing work, and penalizing marriage, replacing such policies with those encouraging marriage, work, motherhood, fatherhood, and nuclear families.” “The Project 2025 playbook laments the fact that family policies and programs under President Biden’s HHS are ‘fraught with agenda items focusing on “LGBTQ+ equity,”’ making it clear that they intend to roll those agenda items back,” Accountable.US explains. It further calls for the Department of Justice “to defend the First Amendment right of those who would discriminate against LGBTQ+ people. It also objects to the DOJ notifying states that their bans on abortion and medical services to transgender persons may violate federal law,” Accountable.US reports. On foreign policy, Project 2025 says a new conservative president should dismantle and U.S. Agency for International Development programs that promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, such as what it dubs “the bullying LGBTQ+ agenda.”
Project 2025’s harmful anti-LGBTQ+ agenda is just one piece of the radical right-wing Heritage Foundation document. Project 2025’s goals are to make life harder for LGBTQ+ Americans.
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booksinmythorax · 8 months
Hey so uhh. If you live in the US, your local library probably needs a lot of help. Some ways to show up for public and school libraries and librarians right now:
-Show up to library board meetings and school board meetings and say you're in favor of freedom to read. If you can't show up to the meetings, write letters and make phone calls. Bonus points if you're a parent and say you want to defend your right to decide what your child is allowed to read.
-Keep track of local and state news regarding libraries around you and inform the appropriate elected officials of your stance in favor of freedom to read. Here, phone calls are best, but emails and letters are also ok. The Literary Activism newsletter from BookRiot is my favorite roundup of censorship and library news around the US.
-Call your federal Congressional representative and tell them to support the Fight Book Bans Act.
-VOTE in local elections and look out for dog whistles like "parental choice" and "protecting children's innocence" in candidate platforms.
-VOTE Democrat in state and national level elections so we don't have to deal with these people (direct quotes from the article above):
"Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation’s 900-page ideological blueprint for a potential second Trump administration, declares in its opening pages that “pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children,” should be stripped of First Amendment protection and outlawed."
"In May, after two religious conservatives who had sought to remove books from the libraries won seats on the [Post Falls, Idaho] library board, its members began overhauling the library’s policies on collections. A draft, viewed by The New York Times, seeks to ban materials containing “any description, exhibition, presentation or representation, in whatever form, of nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement or sadomasochistic abuse,” including “buttocks with less than a fully opaque covering.”"
⬆️ The word "description" means this policy could remove nearly every book from the library in question.
What we're looking at here is fascism attacking public access to information. It needs to be taken seriously and dealt with as a real threat.
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the-rad1o-demon · 1 year
@neil-gaiman, @transformativeworks, @vancityreynolds :
I am asking you to reblog this to spread the word, to make sure people see all of this. You don't have to if you don't want to, but it would be extremely appreciated it you did! 💛
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It's important that we stop these bills and keep Project 2025 from ever winning. I do not want to live in a world where the Internet is censored by LGBTQ+phobic and racist politicians. I do not want to live in a country where Donald Trump is literally the dictator. I do not want to live in a country where people such as myself are oppressed and forced into hiding/out of the country because of extremists like the ones behind KOSA, behind all these other really bad Internet bills, and behind Project 2025.
I am asking you to reblog/share this post, and I am asking you also that if you're able to take action against these bills. And definitely try to make people more aware of Project 2025 especially, because it will seriously fuck things up for nearly everyone in the United States (except for the ones running that show, obviously).
To help stop KOSA in particular, I'm copying and pasting from a document I wrote for the folks on my campus:
Email to your friends, family, classmates, professors, etc.
Stage protests (and stay safe if doing so!)
Create and print out posters you can put up in areas people will see (if it's allowed there)! Doesn’t need to be fancy, it can be something like this in terms of text content:
This bill threatens to censor many marginalized communities and topics on the Internet, including but not limited to:
The LGBTQ+ community
The discussion of race
Mental health issues
And many more!
It also will take away even more of both children’s and adults’ privacy on the Internet!
Call your state’s senators to tell them not to sign. Slightly edited scripts you can use are copied and pasted below, the Google doc from whence they came is below:
DEMOCRATIC VERSION Hi, I am urging you to VOTE NO on KOSA, s.1409. Almost 100 human rights and LGBT organizations came out in an open letter opposing it in 2022 and 2023 because of how dangerous it is. The new language does NOT meet any concerns brought up, in fact many organizations were ignored. Major news have reported that this bill actively harms kids. When you look online through social media, you will find hundreds of posts by Gen Z who are opposed to this bill. We do not want this. This bill would allow any state attorney general to sue any website for “harmful” content. When you have Republicans calling anything LGBT “sexual exploitation” or anything about race “CRT” to successfully ban books and teachers, then they will use any justification to censor the internet. The Missouri attorney general used “mental health” successfully to ban gender-affirming care with backed up research. Suicide rates will skyrocket for marginalized youth with this bill restricting content. Multiple experts agree this bill pushes age verification, even with the new language. KOSA hands more private data of children to third party companies. Furthermore, updated language threatens encryption the same way the Earn It Act does. How is this protecting children’s privacy? KOSA actively harms kids by taking away educational resources they need right now. Do NOT support this bill. Thank you.
REPUBLICAN VERSION I am urging you to VOTE NO on KOSA, s.1409. This is a dangerous bill that will harm children. Many news organizations have reported that this bill actively harms kids by exposing their private data to strangers under the guise of protecting them. We need to hold Big Tech accountable, but KOSA is not the solution. This bill would allow any state attorney general to sue any website for “harmful” content. Do we really want blue state lawyers deciding what can and can’t be allowed online and continue to censor people? This is massive government overreach. We need a bill that actually protects people by creating better security measures instead of bringing about more censorship. Multiple experts agree this bill pushes age verification, even with the new language. KOSA hands more private data of children to third party companies, which would put them in further danger. How is this protecting children’s privacy? What parent would want their child’s private data in the hands of strangers like this? KOSA is actively putting kids in danger. Do NOT support this bill. Thank you. ……………… This version comes from this Google doc, which has additional learning resources! (It also has additional resources for fighting the KOSA bill, but some of it is outdated due to Congress having already done their thing):
Note that there is a separate script for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, use THIS ONE for him:
If you know anyone in Massachusetts specifically, tell them to call Senator Warren in order to ask her to rescind her support of KOSA. Script you can use written below (this one I wrote myself):
……………… Hello, Senator Warren. I am calling you today to ask that you rescind your support of the KOSA bill. It does not protect children. If anything, it will actively them by cutting them off from important discussions about the LGBTQ+ community, discussions about race, and mental health issues. There are even children in abusive situations who might not even know they’re being abused, and by censoring the Internet like this, or blocking children out of certain discussions, they may not find out until they’re adults. Senator Blackburn has made it perfectly clear that this bill aims to “protect” children from the trans community. Civil lawmakers, civil rights organizations, and many others have been saying over and over that this bill could be used to censor other marginalized groups as well. Please don’t support this bill. Thank you for your time and your consideration. ………………
Another important and final thing to do is to stay informed. Keep an eye on the news and on what’s happening with the KOSA bill.
That’s all I have for you!
Also!! Petition you can sign!
Thank you so much for your time, and please do whatever you can to help stop this train wreck.
Please look at the following post!
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So what's going on with Project 2025? There are a lot of people freaking out about it but I cannot find a comprehensive list of stuff the Republicans are saying they'll pass through the HoR and Senate.
The short answer is that Project 2025 is nothing. It's not happening and no one legit is taking it seriously. Classic lefty boogeyman and red meat for the base but ultimately nothing. Long answer...
It's something the Heritage Foundation cooked up as a transition plan and policy agenda they want the next Republican administration to use. It is not an official plan. If it were, they wouldn't have released it. It's extremely bad form to start talking about the transition before the votes are counted - it looks arrogant and voters don't like it. The Trump team is almost certainly talking amongst themselves about the transition at this point - it's way too big a job to wait until the official transition period so that's very standard - but no one's going to see that until November.
Project 2025 is a pipe dream, at best. Heritage put it out so they'd have something flashy to show off to their donors and they're hoping to get the base to bully Trump into adopting a few of their ideas. It is exactly the opposite of a secret plan - they want people talking about it as much as possible because that's the only chance they have of getting what they want from it.
Heritage wrote it so it's full of every wishlist item Heritage has ever conceived of and some of them are straight up batty. Again, this is from the Heritage Foundation, not the Trump team or the GOP. Heritage has its own agenda and though there is some overlap there with what the party wants, there's also plenty in it that no one outside of Heritage wants. Trump is not going to do those things. The Republican Party is not going do those things. No one is going to do those things. It's not a real plan so Heritage can put whatever they want in it and they did. If a couple of their ideas do start to get some traction, they'll pull those out specifically and create a small, simple, focused plan for those ideas on their own. That's how serious policy is presented. Until you see them do that, it's not worth getting worked up over this because it's just the political equivalent of a kid asking for a pony for Christmas.
If you enjoy suffering, you can read all 920 pages of the dopey thing here. If you only want to suffer a little, I will give them credit for putting together a fairly decent table of contents that you can use to skim through and jump to the bits you might actually care about.
Again, I cannot stress enough that none of this is official. It's there if Trump wants it but I think we all know Trump marches to the beat of his drum, for better or for worse.
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stardustpinkart · 2 months
So, someone tried to assasinate Trump.
Pity they missed.
I KNOW its wicked to wish people harm but... Some people I dont think you would be sad to see drop dead. Trump, Putin, people who hurt young woman and children. The isarealis! The ones murdering, slaughtering children, bombing homes, raping prisoners, all while LAUGHING and smiling about like its a big game.
At the very least strip them of power so they cant hurt anyone anmore, which I though they were doing, his name dirt, losing money, being cut of tv appearences, losing buisiness... AND yet they allowed him to seriously try for a second candecy?
Im only sorry for the victims who were in the area. Supporters of him or not. I wish they hadent got killed.
Some of the plans Trump has for America include:
Ending gay marriage.
Ban-remove trans troops from the military.
Ban trans healthcare for kids
Outlaw Pornography
Imprison people who create pornogaphy(DEMONIZING sex workers)
Oh and btw the asshole and his platfrom "project 2025" defines transgender ideology as porno, so, YEAH, gunning to get any "dirty trannies" into prioson
National abortion ban
Abortion medication ban, restrict ivf acess, limit acess to conctraception in an effort to end recreational sex( SO your sex life is now the govs buisiness, and if you dont want a baby, there taking away you right to engage in safe sex)
End no fault divorce
Public health clinics must EMPHASISE the important of STRAIGHT marriage
Repeal any programs that support single mothers or LBGT parents
As per the bible the only legally recognized families are those of a husbad wife and BIOLIGICAL children(so I guess adopted dont count)
Limit social media interaction for children via parental and govermental controlls. They claim its cuz its for there own good, but its so they can controll what they see. They dont want confused kids looking up infromation about feeling trans, maybe gay, non binary, whatever, or even Gaza and progessive issues via the net. ITS CENSORSHIP and there thinking "Our kids wont be dirty lil homos and freaks if they cant SEE these sites"
End free school lunches
Infuse public education with christanity
Band education on race gender and slavery
AND thats just some of it.
....TRUMP is a bigoted, STUPID, racist, intolerant, SACK of shit. Hes like one of those old time polictions in the old days where segagration still existed and a woman was still property of her husband. And seems to want America just to be that way again. HOW much misery did he cause the last time he was president?
I dont care who defends him, he is a terrible human being with terrible, EVIL policies. And I wont be convinced otherwise, EVER.
There are some people SO awful, the world truly doesent need them
Voters, please, do your best! I live in England, but I would, I would WEEP, if these policies came into effect in the USA. I thought MOST of the world would.
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