#seriously major spoilers
Owl House Finale
this show gave me everything I could’ve dreamed of in the finale. I swear Dana was like fuck it, they can’t cancel it twice. Like, THEY ALL LIVED AND HEALED OVER TIME REALISTICALLY AND DIDN’T FORGIVE THE GENOCIDAL MANAIC EVEN THOUGH IT’S A KIDS SHOW!! I’m loosing my mind. I can’t believe this show is over. It’s so amazing. The collector is given a second chance and they are growing and they realize that some space to reflect and learn away from the people they ultimately hurt is good for everyone!! Omg I love them so much. They broke my heart in the last episode as they slowly realize Luz isn’t coming back. They are a child that made mistakes but is LEARNING AND GROWING AND ALSO KINDNESS AND FORGIVENESS DOESN’T ALWAYS WORK (THE END OF BELOS IS SO GOOD AND ALSO HILARIOUS TO ME 😂)
This show is so fricken good I could talk about it for years. We got everything we could’ve wished for. She literally went all out. Full Lumity kiss? Yes. Darius adopts Hunter? Yes. Odalia gets cut out of Amity’s life? (And the final scene) Yes. Eda and King meet Camila and they all hug? Yes. Hunter and Willow? Yes. Eda and Raine get married? I mean look at the jewelry YES. I’m screaming and crying right now this was amazing. AND THE DARIUS ALADOR AT THE END!?! They skipped nothing. GENDERQUEER GOD!? FUCK YEA!!
I can’t believe it’s over. I can’t. It was so good. FOUND FAMILY MAGIC SCHOOL HUMAN AND DEMON REALM CONTACT WE GOT IT ALL. (Except a full season 😭)
Amazing. Unforgettable. Dana, thank you so much. It was a masterpiece.
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Time to go home, Flapjack
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musecaravan · 2 years
Way Down We Go | Red Dead Redemption 2
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I LOVE HIM ALREADY NCUTI MY BELOVED NCUTI MY ABSOLUTE BELOVED. Tenteen is a thing now I guess??? But like the 60th sneak peak is nuts!!
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bixels · 14 days
I just saw one of your fave games is What remains of Edith Finch and I’m so happy! I feel like its a lesser known game but i loved playing through it. I’m so happy to know more than just my small friend group know about this game!
Sorry this isn’t a question. Also want to say that you’re art is amazing and the development of the designs is so interesting to see. Also the way you draw intimate scenes have so much emotion to them. I love the Aj and rarity kissing comic so much, you can just feel their love for each other ;w;
Thank you so much!
I highly, highly, highly recommend What Remains of Edith Finch to anyone interested in narrative game experiences/"walking simulators." It's one of those games that was handcrafted with nothing but love. Every room you explore is just... real. The way the light flows in and makes the colors of the living room, the kitchen, the bedrooms glow. Playing the game is like walking through your childhood home as an adult and seeing how the dust clings to everything you once touched. Also genius-level gameplay mechanics, ones that can make you completely empathetic with the character you're embodying or feel completely complacent in their tragedy. It's really not fair to call it a walking simulator because it's so much more and so much smarter than that.Everyone talks about the fish one.
The theme of death and memory and storytelling and the burden of invisible trauma and self-fulfilling prophecies is so affecting too. The ending made me cry.
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ningadudexx · 1 year
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fear grimace
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jack-fruit · 1 year
Sorry but personally disagree with everyone mad that Hunter wasn't there when Belos died. Like you are absolutely allowed to have wanted to see that confrontation but idk personally I don't think Belos deserved that. Hunter already had his final confrontation with Belos in Thanks to Them and personally I wouldn't want to shoehorn him into the final confrontation just so I could have every detail of Belos's life spelled out when we already have enough details to piece together the story on our own.
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princessgiggles333 · 8 months
head full of thoughts abt Vanessa Afton.
Vanessa being forced into becoming a cop because William wanted a way to cover up the night guard murders at Freddy’s. Vanessa hating herself for following orders (but knowing she would do anything her dad asked her to; knowing that’s all she’s ever done), but thinking to herself, “Maybe this way, I could keep them safe.” She doesn’t know if she means the night guards or the animatronics.
Vanessa during police training, learning all the self defense and all the tactics and all the ways to keep herself safe and thinking, “Maybe, if I just knew this, I could’ve done something—maybe I can do something now.” But each time she meets her father face to face, she’s a little girl cleaning the blood off William’s Spring-trap suit again, scrubbing until her fingers are raw, because she’s so fucking scared of messing up, but he wouldn’t hurt her. He won’t hurt her, right? He wouldn’t do the same to his own daughter, right?
Vanessa, as she’s being stabbed, staring at the aged face of her father who she wanted to earn love from so badly, searching for an ounce of regret in those eyes that haven’t looked at her with affection in a long time, but she doesn’t know if she sees any. Vanessa looking down to see the suit’s yellow hands, her own blood now staining it, thinking of how much of a chore it’ll be to clean it.
Vanessa knowing this might be the day she dies, by the hands of her own father at that. Vanessa knowing the next words she say might be her last. Vanessa choosing to say them anyway—not like a question, but a plead.
A plead that hides behind her words, a plead for something she’s wanted for so long, a plead for something she’ll never get.
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bookofavarice · 5 months
Some of my favourite moments from oathbringer!!!!! Been in drafts so long but forgot to post it >< BUT I FUCKING WAS JUMPING UP AND DOWN AND HAPPY HANDS SO MUCH WHEN I READ THESE!! I literally had to put the book down after this sanderlanche because I was too excited!!!
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It was Anthy all along; it was always her.
So I was picking raspberries and listening to another Utena rewatch/analysis podcast this morning (as one does), and had a revelation that blew my mind, something I hadn't put the pieces together before...
(spoilers below the cut because there's no way to talk about it without talking about all of it)
So they were reading the opening fairy tale on the podcast, the prince giving the ring to Utena, and this is what came to me:
We've always known that the prince is an illusion. Whatever Dios was, or represents, by the time they could meet Utena in childhood (in whatever sense time exists), there is no person there. To the extent that real things exist outside of Ohtori, I'd always read this as a projection of Akio, a facade of princeliness he puts on while trying to find another person who might be able to win his dueling game for him. After all, he's the one who claims to be a prince, to have been a prince, wanting to reclaim the power of Dios. He is the prince that Touga and Saionji knew, when they biked together to the church and saw Utena hiding in a coffin.
But we also know that who Utena saw in the church was Anthy, a little girl, hurting, that she couldn't help but reach out to.
And why should Akio be there? He has his world in Ohtori that he can't imagine leaving. He sends Anthy to do his work for him, borrowing the power of the Rose Bride since he no longer has the power of the Prince. We know Anthy goes into the world (as Miki and Kozue's new stepmother). We know Anthy is an illusion (you know *hand gestures at everything*, but also specifically Mamiya). Why shouldn't Utena have seen a shining eternal thing, a miracle, the power to revolutionize the world, and remember it as a prince? Why shouldn't she have accepted a ring from the Rose Bride, a promise that if she remains noble and true that they will meet again, and decide that she will be the prince for this bride herself?
And was it a good idea? To follow an illusion that doesn't exist? To be manipulated into a game she can't win? (To reach out a hand to someone caught in a trap?)
Dios has always been Anthy, for Utena.
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lunarrosette · 1 year
Will campos I am coming to your house if you forget about any of your resurrection spells next ep
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oohimsospooky · 21 days
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Rainbow Gotchard has one of my favorite final form debuts in the entire kamen rider series I think,,,, houtaro ichinose you will always be famous to me
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 3 months
The weirdest thing about watching Invincible is seeing Ollie still be a cute lil baby while knowing exactly what's gonna happen.
Like of course it's like that for everyone. Rex, Rudy (aka Rex as well itc). It's especially painful watching them drag out Amber and Mark's breakup and sitting there like that one Frank Castle meme.
But it's different for Ollie. Watching this cute baby coo while they try to think of a name for him just, idk it hits differently. It's like I receive flashes in my mind.
"Awww what a cute baby. Isn't he just adora-"
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"Oh. Oh yeah. Oh jeez."
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Satoru Gojo x Reader
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⚠️ Manga spoilers for those that haven't read chapter 236. You've been warned.
Gojo: Your favorite Sanrio mascot is cinnamoroll, you get turned on by blindfolds and you have the emotional maturity of a five year old.
First Date:
You somehow pass the entrance exam and are now enrolled in the Tokyo branch of Jujitsu High. You transport your luggage to your new room but it's really just 50 pounds of unopened sweets that you smuggled in. You wait until the dead of night and then slowly let your addiction consume you.
Currently you are boiling sugar in a spoon with a bic lighter underneath as you had some twizzlers tied together against your arm as a makeshift phlebotomy tourniquet. Before you could inject the sweet nectar into your viens, you noticed a strange sound. You heard loud sniffing sounds outside your door and became petrified. You wondered if it was some kind of curse and you now understood why there was a rule about no food after midnight. The door started to open and you were now trembling.
You heard a growling sensation but to your relief it was just your idiot teachers stomach. "GOJO, WHAT THE HELL!" you screamed and then suddenly his hand clamped down on your mouth. "Yo. If you make too much noise then we'll get caught." He then gave you a cocky grin and removed himself. You were about to question him when the man started to moan. "Ahhh. I knew I smelled sweets!" At least you now knew the horrible sounds earlier where from your teacher and not a curse.
Gojo then pulled something out of his pocket but before you could question it, there was now a pixie stick in your hand, mirroring his. "Let's get this party started!" You then understood what the man intended on doing. Gojo then stacked together some of your school books and then slowly unwrapped the treat seductively. He then poured the sugar into a neat row and then snorted the line. He now had a stream of blood flowing out his nose. "He's high..." you muttered.
You then pulled out a box of pocky and then waived it in the air as if it were a dog treat. Gojo then got on all fours and started panting. You then placed the chocolate in between your lips and waited to see if he would play your little game. He crawled closer and then put his lips around the other end of the biscuit. The two of you both started chowing down and your lips were so close that you started blushing. Now there was only an inch left and you waited to see if he would make the first move. Just before that could happen you started hearing a harpie screech. God damn it. It was your bitch of a mom.
Once again this poor woman had to enter this crypt of a room and witness the assault of another poor, helpless body pillow. This time it was now the character your daughter would never shut up about. Gojo something? Anyway it was time to drag your goblin spawn out and inform her that it was now time for her monthly bath. "Sweetie you better get in the backyard so I can hose you off! The neighbours are complaining about the stench again!" Unfortunately for you she didn't intend to cooperate.
"I HATE YOU! YOU INTERRUPTED ME AND SENSEI. I WAS ABOUT TO HAVE MY FIRST KISS!" You couldn't help but laugh at how surreal the situation had become. "That's nice honey but Mojo Gojo can wait a little while..." Your patience was running thin. Your daughter then began to scream something about you being a baka or whatever that was and how she was now going on tiktok to look at 2D thirst traps? This was getting tiresome.
You then grabbed the hopefully just sweat stained pillow from your little crotch goblin. She stared back into your eyes, maybe as an attempt to say she wouldn't back down and lose? You then decided to throw her own words back at her. You knew this phrase by heart due to how many times a day you had to hear it. "I think this is what the kids say... nah I'd win." You then tore your daughters beloved pillow in half, hastily throwing the upper half on to the floor.
The creature known as your daughter was now screaming at you, her lungs filled with rage  "I HATE YOU FRAUDKUNA! GET OUT OF MY ROOM AND OUT OF MY LIFE!" You gladly left and then slammed the door. You had no idea what a fraudkuna was but you know knew that he must be a God if he could take control of the situation where you had failed as a parent.
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Okay but did anyone else notice the MUSIC???
I’ve just rewatched all of GO season 2 (so I can rant all the fan theories at my other half)
And the music, particularly in the minisodes/flashbacks AND at the end of episode 6 feels….needlessly dramatic at times??
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Crowley is always needlessly dramatic but MAH POINT IS dolphins
If we’re going along with this theory of Metatron fucking with storylines, then look at the love confession scene - Aziraphale’s “proposal” has score and accompaniment cos it’s part of The StoryTM - it’s something Metatron wants to happen - he wants Crowley & Aziraphale both where he can keep an eye on them AND both as angels again so they don’t have that pesky combined super-angel-demon power that can raise over two dozen dead, right?
Crowley’s proposal on the other hand, is not something Metatron wants (or foresees?? or has control over??) and the music just stops. Just stops. And it feels heartbreakingly painfully awkwardly real. (I swear Crowley and Nina are the only characters who consistently act and speak like real people in the real world, not characters on a screen, leading me to wonder why they’re outside Metatron’s control?)
The music only starts back up again when Crowley decides to leave, as if Metatron is rewriting as he goes like okay fine well this works too, they’re still separated mwahaha. Crowley even draws attention to both the music and the lack of it with his interrupting the romcom music to say “Listen. Do you hear that? That’s the point.” The big musical swell on the kiss is overwhelming (purposefully to throw Aziraphale ever more off kilter?) and leaning into the rom-com-written-by-a-hack vibe we’ve been feeling this whole season (I love Maggie but every one of her lines makes me want to tear my hair out “I’m not afraid of hard work” “I had brothers, you don’t scare me!” “I've spent my life being scared of things. And I'm done with being scared.”)
Like I can’t be the only one who’s noticed the nutty music this season?? Nothing is accidental with Neil Gaiman and I refuse to believe the music is any different.
PS. If you haven’t read that Metatron theory do yourself a favour and grab a cuppa and read it, it makes a mindblowing amount of sense.
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hidinginmyhands · 10 months
Yeah. So.
I was legitimately excited for Gotham War but everything I’ve seen about it is complete bullshit.
Hey, DC? It’s canon that at least a few of the Batkids can fight Bruce to a standstill and Cass can DEFINITELY beat him, so what the fuck is with him owning them all at once in an everyone-versus-him fight?
(Also stop minimizing the batkids’ abilities, for fuck’s sake, go read some comics.)
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