#seriously sansa is so extra in this
llonelygoddess · 1 year
Yandere House Stark Headcanons
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A/N: I ended up not doing Bran and Rickon only because I wanted to get this out sooner rather than later and they were a little difficult to write for. If you'd like to see headcanons for them I can definitely make another post for them, just let me know.
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Let's say you are a low born person looking for refuge in Winterfell after your village was sacked by Wildlings. You had hoped to find some tavern to hold up in or even a brothel, but unbeknownst to you the Stark family kept an eye on newcomers. When they received news of your arrival, they requested your presence. It was only to talk about the possibility of nearby Wildlings, but when YOU showed up beaten and scared for your life- how could they not offer their Stark hospitality?
This is where the yandere tendencies begin.
Ned Stark, as a yandere, is protective and definitely has a savior complex. He's an honorable and just man that can't help but bring home strays, so when he sees you it's like finding Jon all over again. A deep sense of responsibility comes over him and he knows in that moment that you are just as much his as any of his kids. From that day forward he assigns a room for you in the castle and a handmaiden to keep you company, not that you'll be needing it. The family of course is shocked at his sudden interest, but they all love to see him happy and nothing makes him more happy than seeing you taken care of.
Now Catelyn is initially worried that Ned has taken a romantic interest in you, but when she sees the way you both interact she understands the fatherly bond he is trying to create very similar to his own kids. It didn't take long for her to fall into her own yandere tendencies; checking in on you in the mornings, making prayer wheels even when you're not sick, helping in the kitchen to make sure your food was perfect ( and not poisoned). She takes her role as your surrogate mother very seriously,sometimes to the extent of watching you sleep or ordering guards to discreetly watch over you and report back. Her biggest worry is that you'll be taken away from them so she takes extra precautions to keep you safe.
Robb is head over heels for you instantly. Man is down bad. Much like his father, Robb has a savior complex and finds himself wanting to be YOUR savior always. He does this by training extra hard with Jon, keeping an eye on you at all times, and giving threatening looks to any man or woman who gets too close to you. He doesn’t mean to scare away any potential friends but he does mean to scare away potential lovers. He couldn’t bear to see you with anyone outside the family, and even then he has a sword up his butt about it. 
On the other hand, Jon takes a while to warm up to you. He loves his family and is vicious to outsiders who could harm them. Eventually, seeing how you interact with everyone makes him a tad jealous. Not of you, but of his family and how easily they can approach you. I definitely see Jon as an overprotective/stalker yandere with strong jealous tendencies that make him beg for your approval. He finds himself wherever you are, lurking in the background, waiting for the right moment to catch you alone. Jon feels like himself around you and the more time you spend together the more addicted to your presence he becomes. 
Theon is hands down THE worshiper of the group. It's a hot take for sure but as a yandere, I see Theon's insecurities and fears taking over, slightly similar to reek!Theon. He sees you as a deity, above the Lords and Ladies, even above the King/Queen themself. If it were up to him he'd be the one giving you your meals, running your baths, standing by your side as guard. He cherishes your very presence and hopes one day you'll see his never ending loyalty to you and only you. 
Sansa is very quiet about her obsession, you almost couldn't tell. She's the perfect friend, always sitting next to you at meals, gossiping about the Lords and Lady's of court, and helping you stock your wardrobe. Whatever hobby you choose to pick up, she's always there to praise you in your efforts and guide you in whatever way she can. She especially loves teaching you how to embroider as it's her specialty. It was all but normal until you came upon her private journal filled with both your names in beautiful cursive surrounded by hearts. You begin to notice the closeness she silently demands, eyeing everyone else to stay away. You see the way she longingly watches you from afar when you choose to spend time with anyone else. And your dresses, that you both so carefully picked out, seem to have a little embroidered "SS" on the nape of your neck.
Arya sees you as her golden older sibling, the one who can do no wrong. She is constantly dragging you around Winterfell - riding horses and trying to shoot arrows (and failing lol). She finds comfort within you, the only person who doesn't expect anything of her except to be herself. And for that she will never leave your side. Most nights you'll find her trying to sneak into your room to share a bed, but whether she can get past the guards Ned and Catelyn have posted outside your door is another story.
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atopvisenyashill · 8 months
An AU for you. Aemon, father of Rhaenys, doesn't die but disappears. Jaehaerys goes ahead and disinheirits Rhaenys. Aemon comes back and isn't a happy camper. Thoughts?
It's definitely interesting. In one of my discussions of Jaehaerys and Rhaenys, it was pointed out that it seems Jaehaerys takes everyone - likely including Baelon - completely by surprise, likely on purpose. It fits with the timeline established here; Aemon and Corlys are off in Tarth so Rhaenys is alone at home and pregnant with no one to support her claim besides herself, Jocelyn, and Alysanne and Jaehaerys doesn't have to listen to any of them. Then you have Baelon who may or may not have been suffering an intense amount of grief from the loss of Aemon (and honestly, probably Alyssa as well - it's been eight years but I can't imagine spending eight years grieving and raising your kids only for your brother to die in a freak accident and suddenly you're crown prince is easy to deal with, may even bring some old grief bubbling back up). It's even possible that Baelon wanted to say no but felt he had no choice because Jaehaerys did this whole ceremony in public right as Baelon was getting back from Tarth. And of course, we don't know how Aemon was talking about Rhaenys - she's named after a conqueror, Aemon and Jocelyn never have any other children (it's not even mentioned that they had miscarriages, they just straight up stop at Rhaenys while Alyssa is popping out sons left and right), Alysanne refers to Rhaenys as the future queen. It's possible Aemon argued with Jaehaerys over Rhaenys and didn't tell Rhaenys (wanting to protect her from the fact that her grandfather is an asshole, perhaps) or that it was well known that Aemon and Jaehaerys fought over succession but the gossip was purposefully suppressed and left out of F&B by gyldayn.
What's extra interesting about this is that there's no other example of what the hell you even do in this situation in ASOIAF. Aegon II is born after Rhaenyra is named but Viserys purposefully snubs Aegon because he doesn't like his younger kids. Meanwhile Viserys II is the younger sibling of Aegon II so that doesn't disrupt anything. The closest example we have is actually a future plot point in the books aka whatever the hell is going to happen with the succession in Winterfell, because Jon, Sansa, and maybe Arya and Rickon are getting there before Bran (and even then, you don't have that added issue of, idk, Jon maliciously usurps Bran because he believes a disabled person can't rule, and also usurped like four other disabled people earlier for the same reason so we know it's a pattern of his). So what do you do when the older, former crown prince shows up not just alive and well but incredibly pissed off that his daughter was passed over?
We don't have a lot of Aemon's personality in the books, just little hints here and there. He's known to be cautious but curious. He's incredibly close to Baelon and Alyssa, seems to have been rather in love with Jocelyn. He's known to have been obedient and worked as master of laws. He claimed Caraxes when he was 17, after he's married and named crown prince officially, and he and jocelyn have their first child when he's nineteen years old and jocelyn is a whopping 20 years old (very old considering Alysanne is like 15 when she first gets pregnant and more than one Targaryen girl is like 13). He is well loved by the smallfolk, as much as Baelon the Brave is. And what works in his favor is that Jaehaerys clearly loved and adored his two oldest sons and was devastated by their loss. So when Aemon shows up again, I think it's more likely Jaehaerys is forced to take him seriously. We have the Rogar/Alyssa situation as evidence for this - Jaehaerys clearly values the opinions, input, and intelligence of men over women, even the women of his own family, even the women that support him over those men.
What I think is likely here is that
Baelon backs whatever it is Aemon wants -> I certainly have my suspicions over the type of person Baelon is, but a younger brother cannot usurp his older brother simply because he doesn't like his vibes. Maegor never manages to usurp Aenys after all; it took Aenys' death and Aegon the Uncrowned being under siege at Crakehall for Maegor to get the opportunity to acclaim himself King (and I think it's crucial here that Maegor is Visenya's first born if not Aegon's). Especially given that Aemon isn't all that old; it just seems likely Baelon will agree out of guilt and grief to what Aemon wants out of the succession.
Aemon decides to build an actual case for Rhaenys to inherit and publicly goes against his father -> We know he's cautious, curious, loves his family, and worked as master of laws rather than Hand which makes me think he had a more bookish bent than Baelon. I think this means that Aemon shows up, finds out what's happened, and goes for the formal, logistical route of building a legal case as to why Rhaenys wil remain his successor and eventually become Queen of Westeros. I think it's even likely he'll see this legal route as more respectful of his father too.
Aemon has to shore up alliances for Rhaenys/Laena/Laenor -> In canon, we know Rhaenys gets the Velaryons, the Celtigars, the Manderlys, the Dustins, the Baratheons, and the Starks on her side. If he can get to Matthos Tyrell and Grover Tully, not only can he cancel out the Peakes being shitty in the Reach, he can completely claim the Riverlands, and all he needs to do is stall a few more years so Jeyne Arryn becomes Lady of the Vale and then he's got her on lock too. I think he's got way more of a chance of gaining support than Corlys and Rhaenys do on their own.
The Second Quarrel Gets Ten Times More Quarrelsome -> Listen, all Alysanne ever does is just fuck off to Dragonstone, she never actually attempts to fight Jaehaerys over anything. But if Aemon comes back and goes "mom was right what the fuck is your problem", well well well suddenly Alysanne has a son with actual political power (unlike Aly, whose ruling power was completely stolen from her by Jaehaerys prior to this). Maybe Aemon decides to publicly break from his father for real and sets up shop at Dragonstone or maybe he calls Alysanne back to KL so she can be a menace in front of Jaehaerys' face, but either way, Jaehaerys can't just send Maegelle to gaslight Alysanne into coming home this time because Alysanne has someone who matters (a man) on her side.
Daemon Starts Acting Like Daemon -> I think he starts going off the shits earlier because now it's his own father attempting to push him further down in the succession by handing over the crown to Aemon and Rhaenys. We know Viserys and Daemon idolized their parents but I think his entire character shows us that just because he loves someone doesn't mean he's above throwing a violent temper tantrum.
Viserys might not marry Aemma -> PERSONALLY, if I'm Aemon and I come back home and Jaehaerys has named Baelon crown prince, which makes Viserys second in line, and then Viserys is trying to marry a Targaryen-Great House daughter, I would stop that shit so fast it would give Caraxes motion sickness. And I'm not talking like some Viserra esque "last ditch effort" I'm talking I'm picking fights with every tom dick and stanley that refers to Aemma as Viserys' betrothed, I'm calling in every favor I have to stop this wedding, I'm threatening Rodrik Arryn's sons that if they hand Aemma over I'll use Caraxes to burn the Vale fleet to the fucking ground. If he doesn't straight up start a minor war over this match, he's an even bigger idiot than his mother AND ALL THREE VISERYS KINGS COMBINED.
I will admit given my general "fuck this dude i wish maegor had barbecued him" stance on jaehaerys, i would not call myself The Jaehaerys Understander so I'm kind of...unsure of how he would react? The thing about Jaehaerys is that the only people who push back on his flaws are women (Rhaena, Alyssa V., Saera, Alysanne) and not only does he not have to listen to them because he's king, he can also punish them by completely stealing away any power they have so that he never has to even hear them bitch at him again (and that's exactly what he does by refusing to give Rhaena a home of her own and usurping her, by refusing to apologize to his mother and then forcing her to reconcile with a man who is going to murder her with his dick, making a circus out of traumatizing and sexually humiliating Saera, and then continuously abusing and gaslighting Alysanne throughout the entirety of their marriage btwww!!!!). Jaehaerys can't just disinherit a living Aemon the way he can Saera or banish Aemon to be the castellan of some old haunted castle the way he does Rhaena; he simply has to engage with this issue.
And the thing is - if he figures it's more of a headache to fight publicly with Aemon than just reinstate Aemon as Crown Prince (or, idk make Aemon Baelon's heir so that the line of succession reverts back to Aemon?? idk how this shit works i don't care about the uber rich and their fake rules), what is this man supposed to do when he dies and Aemon goes "anyway Rhaenys is crown princess of dragonstone, i'm king now, suck my dick viserys you shitty ass nephew" whomst is gonna stop him, really, short of starting the dance a few decades earlier?
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wendynerdwrites · 7 years
A Notable Bi-Magical Union
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My contribution to @jonxsansafanfiction‘s Twelve Days of Shipping. 
Dec 30th Hogwarts or Magic Au ❖ Bed Sharing Trope 
Because I’m me, I went with a Discworld AU with Jon as an Unseen University Professor, Sansa as a Witch and Nac Mac Feegle Hag/Duchess, featuring Arya as a Fairy Godmother, witch, and wizard. To stay true to Sir Terry’s writing style, this includes footnotes which will be designated by asterisks. 
Beware: Utter farce, drunk pictsies, and the Stark sisters being ALL OF THE EXTRA below:
The Ankh-Morpork Times had run its first engagement announcement in the liner notes of the ‘Society’ Section in the year of the Mongoose, an act which kick-started a trend among the aspiring aristocrats of the city to declare the impending nuptials of their sons and daughters through the press, paying a modest fee to see their children’s names in small print. These announcements were restrained to small blurbs of no more than fifty words apiece, as there was only so much any writer was willing to do for ten pence and two delusional strangers. The founding editors of the Times, William de Worde and Miss Sacharissa Cripslock, had Views on the matter of publicizing one’s private life (these Views, coincidentally, were the same reason that Miss Cripslock refused to be addressed as Mrs. de Worde).
The Society pages of the Times were usually more concerned with public events and exhibitions than people and whatever nonsense they got up to with their Favors. Even the marriage of the Right Honorable Samuel Vimes II, son of Their Graces Ser Samuel Vimes and Lady Sybil Ramkin Vimes, the Duke and Duchess of Ankh, to Princess Tiffany With Two F’s Please Don’t Say This Part Aloud Oh Bugger of Lancre* got the same space as Miss Muffy Butcher and Mr. Jiminy Stronginthearm.
There was one wedding, however, which even the intractable de Worde-Cripslocks admitted was newsworthy enough to earn a proper article.
“Notable Bi-Magical Union! Acting Wizard Legally Marries Witch!”
This was deemed newsworthy for three reasons.
The first was that by law and custom, acting Wizards (with few exceptions) were celibate, as certain accidents of wizarding genetics had a tendency to… snowball. An eighth son of an eighth son (or, in one accidental case, an eighth child of an eighth son) was an automatic wizard. The eighth son of an eighth son of an eighth son was a global catastrophe colloquially known as a Sourcerer. Thus, if a wizard did take it upon himself to wed, he was required to surrender his staff and magic to the Unseen University and retire.
Professor Jon Snow, DThau., DMS., DCM., and Her Grace Lady Sansa Tully-Whent**, Duchess of Genua, Hag o’ the Waters***, received a special dispensation for the marriage from Archchancellor Lannister for a whole other newsworthy reason: that being that they, along with the Her Grace’s sister, had rescued the Main Continent from a hoard of dragons and Ice Demons led by the bastard son of the Wintersmith and the Disc’s first ever Sourceress.
The third reason this event was deemed relevant had to do with the events of the wedding itself. The Duchess, mindful of the historic significance of the occasion, had reportedly summoned over four dozen witches from all across the main continent and employed over a thousand Pictsies, gnomes, and golems in order to create the perfect magical wedding. The Archchancellor himself was to officiate the ceremony, which would consist of over an hour of ancient rituals from nearly every major nation of the Main Continent, for the purposes of cultural sensitivity. The bride was to fly down the aisle on her broomstick, which had been refurbished and gilded with white gold, sapphires, and opals by the dwarves of Uberwald, who had also crafted over fifty ornate centerpieces for the reception. The gown had a thirty-foot train of Klatchian silk.
Professor Snow, rarely seen wearing anything but his severe black robe and hat, agreed to all of this on the condition that he not be required to take the courtesy title of “Duke of Genua” upon their marriage.
Unfortunately for the bride, things did not quite go as planned. The Duchess’s sister, Dr. Arya Tully-Whent, DThau., DMn., DMS., BEIL., F.G, was a notable bi-magical union in her own right, being only the second woman in history to master Wizarding magic and attend the Unseen University, a reluctant witch, and, thanks to her guardian’s sense of irony****, a most reluctant fairy godmother.
The good Dr. Arya was the Maid of Honor  and tasked with following her sister on her own broom and carrying a portion of the bride’s train. Prior to the wedding, the Duchess made the mistake of enchanting her sister’s broom to sprout roses. The furious wizard proceeded to attempt to undo the spell as they flew down the aisle of U.U’s Great Hall, resulting in a mishap in which the bride’s skirts burst into violet and emerald flames. A panic erupted, more as a result of the “help” the bride received from her guests. Many of which, unfortunately, were witches and wizards. The Great Hall of the University erupted in blasts of stray magic.
The Duchess was thankfully unharmed, having the good sense to avoid spells altogether and simply tear off her skirts and fly towards the nearest mop-bucket, which she immediately had to empty onto her bridegroom, who had been struck by a poorly-cast Luthsome’s UN-cinerater. By the time most of the guests fled and the ash and thaumaturgy had settled, the Great Hall was in a shambles and the Duchess’s once-glorious Klatchian silk gown had been reduced to what amounted to some conveniently-placed bandages.
Dr. Arya chose this moment to start another fire, this one smaller and more contained, at the center of the Hall. She then grabbed her dazed sister and brother-in-law by the wrists and rushed them towards the flames, yelling, “Leap, Knave! Jump, Whore! Be married now forevermore!”
The Times was lucky enough that their Chief Iconographer, Otto Chriek, was there at precisely the right moment to capture the happy moment. The Duchess had envisioned a more elegant public wedding portrait. She was later crowned ‘Best Legs on The Disc’ by Ankh-Morpork Masculine on the basis of the image, an honor which became less dubious to her when she continued to receive fan-mail from gentleman admirers well into her golden years. She was spared some humiliation at the reception, when her loyal Pictsie Companions decided to steal everyone else’s clothes and present the garments to their beloved Hag. The entire affair would go down in history and legend as “The Nude Wedding.”*****
For her part, the Duchess got revenge on her sister by casting a new spell on Arya’s broom to sprout roses, daffodils, lilies, hyacinths, and azaleas. Arya took her vehicle to every broom-maker and magical authority on the Disc and never managed to reverse it. To her extreme annoyance, she eventually earned the nickname ‘The Flower Fairy.’
Even well after their literally-explosive wedding, the marriage of Professor Snow and Her Grace attracted plenty of interest and attention from the gossips of the Disc. Professor Snow had famously refused to cast the final anti-sourcery sequence during the Battle for the Dawn until Archchancellor Lannister granted him a dispensation to wed the Duchess******.
The passion the two had for each other was mystery on its own to those who took interest in such things, as they were deemed ‘ill suited’ for one another. The Duchess had inherited her position in Genua from her elderly Aunt, the Baroness Ella Saturday. Not content with being a mere ‘Baroness’, she had herself upgraded within the peerage to the rank of Duchess. She was known as a passionate supporter of artists and up-and-coming magical talent, eventually starting the Genua Home for Magical Ladies, a halfway house for displaced witches, and a high-profile advocate of Female Dwarf Awareness. Under her rule, Genua became the art and fashion capital of The Disc.
Professor Snow, on the other hand, was a student of the legendary Ponder Stibbons, the founder of the University’s High Energy Magical Department. He’d received his basic education in the Assassin’s Guild as one of the charity cases, but declined his Black Syllabus on the basis of it being “Too Posh” and transferred to the University instead. After acquiring his Doctorate in Thaumaturgy, he was granted a Professorship in the field of Magical Avoidance. While professors at the Unseen University were famous for acquiring the body mass index of an adolescent whale, Professor Snow was one of the few faculty who could keep up with the hunting schedule of the resident ghost of the late Archchancellor Ridcully, and was Captain of U.U.’s official Foot-the-Ball team. Under his leadership, the school’s team gained its first legal win.
The two had met through Arya, and no one knows exactly where it went from there. Only that on three separate occasions at three separate society functions, Professor Snow was caught hiding beneath the Duchess’s voluminous gowns.*******
Furthermore, despite the great pains the two went to in order to wed, they lived surprisingly separate lives, mostly visiting one another on the weekends, flying back and forth between Genua and Ankh-Morpork. Despite this, the two managed to produce six daughters and were known to openly adore each other. When asked about the secrets of their success on their sixtieth wedding anniversary, Professor Snow replied, “Distance, affection, and very big skirts.”
*Youngest Sister of Queen Esmeralda Margaret Note Spelling I of Lancre
**Daughter of Catelyn Tully-Whent, who was Daughter of Minisa Whent. Witches aren’t really interested in their male forebears.
***The Duchess was the official witch or ‘Hag’ of the Genuan Clan of the Nac Mac Feegle. Despite the seemingly incompatible personalities of Her Grace and the Pictsies, she is credited as mastering the dreaded arts of “the crossin’ o’ the arms”, “the tappin’ of the feets”, and ‘“the knowin’ of the speakin’”. She was affectionately referred to as ‘The Fancy Hag’ by the Disc’s population of Feegle in general before eventually ascending to senior witch status as a ‘Hag o’ Hags.’
****Said Guardian was the Tully-Whents’ elderly aunt, the Baroness Ella Saturday, who had helped raise the girls after their parents’ death. Both girls were witches and their similarities ended there. Sansa had always yearned to be a magical fairy godmother and noblewoman. Arya, on the other hand, wanted to be a wizard and the next “Hag” to Genua’s Clan of Nac Mac Feegle. The Baroness, who had no small amount of experience with witches and fairy godmothers, arranged in her will for the girls to get some of what they wanted, but mostly what they needed. Arya got to go to the Unseen University and study under her idol Eskarina Smith. However, instead of being designated as the next ‘Hag o’ The Waters’, she was left the recovered Fairy Godmother’s wand instead. Sansa, as the elder sister, did inherit rule of Genua, but that also came with the deed to the Nac Mac Feegle’s mound, making her the new Hag (Hag being the Feegle term for ‘witch’). Thus it happened that in the annals of history, the tomboyish, staff-wielding Arya eventually became known as The Flower Fairy, while ladylike, delicate, class-conscious Sansa ascended to the revered position of ‘Hag o’ Hags’
***** “I wish,” sighed many a reader of Ankh-Morpork Masculine.
****** In order to ensure that the dispensation was honored, the dispensation was drafted by Her Grace’s clan of Feegles, for whom the concepts of law and the written word are weapons. It is a good idea "neever te sign a feegle contract; six inch high people write verra small print".
*******The Duchess’s dresses, and their thick, heavy skirts would acquire a legend of their own. It has been speculated that Her Grace popularized the trend of “poofy” skirts for the express purpose of having a place to hide her husband, who had been caught beneath them twice during the War for the Dawn and at at least three different foot-the-ball games. So frequent were these incidents that it became a running joke among the UU student body to reply to any inquiry about the Professor’s whereabouts to “check the Duchess’s skirts.” Others claim she kept to the seemingly-impractical style in order to house her Feegle companions, who she’d unleash upon any guests she found distasteful. The most famous incident involving her use of the Feegles in this manner was during a ball in Genua, when Lord Rust was overheard making a bigoted comment about Her Grace inviting goblins to the event and referring to the dwarf guests as ‘Lawn Ornaments’. The Duchess demanded an apology and, when that was refused, lifted her hemline and cried out “Alrae, Lads, gets dis Scuggan Offski!” Lord Rust was allowed to remain in Genua only long enough to collect all of his teeth.
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throne-of-games · 7 years
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“My head is filled with ruins, most of them are built with you.”
Palace - Sam Smith
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tiny-little-bird · 7 years
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Looking forward to Sansa being this type of extra, when Jon arrives to Winterfell, with the “Southern Invader” by his side.
↳ “Welcome home, Jon Your Grace. I’ve missed you.”
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So I have read all your stories at least 3 times. I am so in love with your Jon/Sansa. Are you still taking prompts? I have loved revisisting your one shots. For some reason I am obsessed with time travel AU's (is there something terribly wrong with my psyche? Possibly) I would love a time travel au. Cannonish Jon, Sansa, or both time traveling. I don't even care what point they travel from or to. Extra points for awesome arya/sansa friendship (you are seriously so good at that). Thanks
Dearest anon.
First of all, what a sweet message, I'm so happy you like my stories!
Second: I'm pretty much always taking prompts? I may not fill them right away, but my ask box is always open for a reason. And I will say I do appreciate you sending this. I've been feeling very creatively blocked for a while and haven't written anything at all in about two weeks now, until today. This gave me a good reason to write again, even if I'm not sure how great it turned out. As a warning, I spent all day today around a bunch of children and my brain is fried, so please ignore any plot/spelling/grammar errors.
Third: well, you definitely chose a genre that I am not the biggest fan of lol. Time travel is NOT my thing, unfortunately. I tend to get bogged down in the logistics of how and why, and how it would disrupt history and mess up timelines and I get very overwhelmed. So I hope this works!
Since I am now posting my tumblr one shots to ao3, you can read this prompt on ao3, or below the cut.
ephemera - chapter 16: time travel
He knows how this will end.
Sweat trickles down his temple, gathers in the hollow of his throat, sticks his shirt to his back. He can feel the beginnings of fatigue setting in, and yet... and yet Aegon looks worse.
Jon knows how this should end. He knows how this will end, and those are two very different things.
Because there is a gleam in Aegon's eye and Jon knows he has let this go on too long already. Any longer, and he will win. Because he is better. He has always been better.
But bastards are not allowed to be better, and so he changes his stance, opens his guard, and lets Aegon's next thrust hit.
“First blood,” Aegon declares triumphantly, as those gathered to watch applaud him. “Don't look so gloomy, bastard, you held your own better than usual.” Aegon smiles, as though he does not realize Jon threw the match. Maybe he truly thinks he won. The Targaryens are not known for their humility.
And so Jon takes the loss and leaves the courtyard, ignoring the pain lancing from the wound on his arm, the blood seeping into his shirtsleeve and dripping down to his wrist. Rage sits inside of him, but he pushes it down, as he has learned to do. Bastards are not allowed to have anger. They are not allowed much.
He is lucky he has been allowed to live at all these four and twenty years.
He knows he is living on borrowed time. Once father is gone, there will be no more protection for him. Perhaps it will be Aegon. Perhaps Viserys or Daenerys. Perhaps Rhaenys will decide she and her Tyrell husband want the throne, instead. No matter who takes the throne after Rhaegar, Jon will die.
Sometimes he thinks of running away to Essos, or beyond the Wall, but he knows it is pointless. They will track him to the ends of the world. A bastard Targaryen is a dangerous thing.
When he realizes where he is, he blinks and lifts his clean sleeve to wipe the sweat from his brow and stares at the great oak in front of him. The heart tree. He had not even realized he was walking here.
He used to visit the godswood when he was a boy, hoping to feel his mother's gods, but that was in vain. True Northerners do not worship beneath oaks. Or perhaps her gods have forsaken him. Denied him, and the dragon's blood he carries in his veins.
“I did not think southerners looked for their gods in the trees,” a cool voice says from behind him, and Jon turns to see the red witch there. She'd come all the way from Asshai to his father's court.
Jon does not know what to say. The red witch sends unpleasant shivers up his spine. He does not like the way she looks at him.
“You are looking in the wrong place,” she says, hand reaching up to stroke her fingers over the red jewel at her throat. With a secretive smile, she walks past him, towards the oak tree. “I heard you the other day,” she says, glancing over her shoulder at him, still with her lips curled up into a smile. “Your brother had some interesting things to say about me.”
“Half brother,” Jon says, automatically.
“Well, your half brother had some interesting words. As did your father. In fact, all the so called dragons here do not seem to take me very seriously. Except you. You feel my power, do you not?”
Jon still does not know what to say, and so he stays silent, turning to watch her walk - wary, guarded, one hand on his sword hilt. The hairs on the back of his neck stand on end as... something seems to happen. He does not know what. He can see nothing, but he feels it. Like that time lightning had struck a tree near to them while he was out on a hunt. The air had felt different, smelled different. It feels that way now.
“You do not belong here, little dragon-wolf,” she says. “This is no home for you, and I should like to teach your kin a lesson.”
“A lesson?” he asks, hand tightening on his sword hilt.
“A lesson in power,” she says, turning to face him again, eyes blazing, her thin fingers still stroking the jewel at her throat, which begins to glow. “A lesson for them. And for you? Well, you have been wishing to go somewhere – somewhere they cannot follow.”
“How did you-” he starts, but it is too late. She steps forward and, with one hand pressed to the glowing jewel, she touches the fingers of her other hand to his forehead, and everything goes black.
“Rickon!” Sansa calls, hopefully not too loud.
“Calm down,” Arya drawls, following behind. “How much trouble can he get into around a bunch of trees?”
Sansa shoots a glare at her sister over her shoulder, but doesn't stop walking.
“Fair enough,” Arya snorts.
Why did she agree to let her siblings come visit her at work? This is her first job right out of college, and she's going to blow it because Rickon ran off. With her luck, he'll end up burning the ancient godswood down.
The ancient, carefully preserved godswood that is part of the Red Keep Historical Museum, which she just got hired at three weeks ago.
Mom, dad, Arya, and Rickon had all come to Kings Landing for Bran's national chess tournament, and Sansa had agreed to let Arya and Rickon visit her at work so that mom and dad could have some peace while Bran prepared.
Except Rickon is going to get her fired.
“Sansy!” she hears him shout, and she mutters a quick thank the gods to herself as she changes course and follows his voice, towards the largest tree in the godswood – the oak that stands in for the heart tree in lieu of a weirwood.
“Sansy, look!” her little brother says when she finally reaches the tree, his face full of wonder, but Sansa can only stare at what he's pointing to.
A man, sitting propped up at the base of the heart tree. He looks asleep, except for the awkward way his limbs lay.
“Oh gods,” she whispers, moving forward and kneeling down in front of him.
“I found him like this,” Rickon says, like he's trying to defend himself before she can accuse him of mischief. “Why is he dressed so funny?”
Sansa looks at the unconscious man's clothes and Rickon is right, they aren't normal. “He must be one of the actors here,” she says with a frown. Sometimes the museum has events where they hire actors for reenactments, but she hadn't heard of any recently, and besides, this man is dressed so... plainly. A simple tunic, clearly made of unbleached linen and hand-sewn, which impresses her. The breeches are the same. She is not used to such care being put into costumes these days. There is even a sword strapped to his hip that looks disturbingly real.
“Sir?” she asks, reaching a hand out to grip his shoulder and she shakes him slightly. “Are you alright?”
It's then that she notices the tear in the sleeve of his tunic, the way it's stained red, the slice through his upper arm. The sight of the wound makes her stomach roil, but she swallows against the nausea.
“Should we call someone?” Arya asks, and Sansa almost jumps in shock; she'd forgotten all about Arya.
“Maybe-” she starts, but then the man begins to stir. His brows furrow together and he lets out a small groan as his eyes open.
They're a piercing slate grey, and with the way the sun hits them, Sansa could swear she sees purple around the edges. She can feel herself start to blush as he stares at her, and it strikes her then that he's quite handsome. Dark brows and a dark beard, with dark hair pulled into a knot at the back of his head. Long lashes and full lips.
She shakes that thought out of her head.
“Oh good,” she says shakily, “you're awake. Are you alright?”
He blinks at her a few times before moving to stand up, and she backs away as he does, trying not to notice how his clothing strains across his well-muscled shoulders as he moves. He's hurt, and she's a terrible person for getting so distracted.
“I didn't mean to frighten you, my lady,” he says slowly, brows still furrowed as he looks around in confusion.
“My lady?” Arya snorts, and Rickon lets out a gleeful cackle at it. Sansa feels her face go hot.
“You're bleeding,” she says, and the man frowns at her and then looks to where she is pointing, as if he hadn't noticed.
“I did not get a chance to bandage it, before...” he says, still seeming confused. “Where did the red witch go?”
“The who?” Arya asks.
“A witch?” Rickon bounces excitedly and looks around for this mysterious witch.
“I think maybe you've hit your head,” Sansa says. “Do you know your name?”
“I am...” he hesitates, then finally seems to look at her. He takes her in, dragging his eyes from her face and down, down to her feet. If she didn't feel hot and flushed before, she certainly does now. Then he turns to look at Arya and Rickon, face growing ever more clouded with confusion as he does.
“Maybe we should call for an ambulance or something,” Sansa's more sure by the moment that this man has had some sort of terrible accident.
“I am Jaehaerys,” he finally says. “But you may call me Jon.”
“Oof,” Arya winces. “Did your parents pick your name out of a history book? That's child cruelty, I'm pretty sure.”
“History book?” the man – Jon – asks.
“Like the ancient kings and stuff,” Rickon cuts in. “Right Sansa?”
All three turn to her, and Sansa's face still feels hot as she says, “well, yes. There were a few Jaehaerys'. The fourth Targaryen king, Jaehaerys the Wise, as well as the sixteenth Targaryen king. There's also Jaehaerys the Vanished, his story is actually fascinating, though often overlooked. A few others...” she trails off, watching Jon's face harden, his jaw go tight.
“Ancient,” he says. “These kings are ancient to you?”
He looks around once more, at the trees that grow around them, at her and Arya and Rickon, before turning to face the heart tree. “We are in Kings Landing,” he says, though she thinks it's supposed to be a question.
“Yes. In the godswood of the Red Keep Historical Museum...”
There is silence as he stands with his back to her, before he finally turns and asks, “and what year would it be?”
“It's incredible!” Dr. Aemon shakes his head, feet shuffling around his office. “Absolutely incredible.”
Sansa stands back against the wall, watching in horror as the director of the RKHM examines the man she found in the godswood.
She'd sent Arya back to the hotel with Rickon, before going to Dr. Aemon, who had listened to the clearly insane man tell his ridiculous story.
He claims to actually be Jaehaerys the Vanished, the Targaryen bastard prince who disappeared into thin air one day. But those are just tales – tales of magic and red priestesses from Asshai and... and it's all nonsense. This man is clearly having a breakdown of some sort.
Except Dr. Aemon had listened to his story and then set about bandaging the man's wound and then he'd called a doctor friend of his – Samwell Tarly – to come in. Dr. Tarly is an actual doctor, and she watched him take the man's temperature, blood pressure, a vial of blood for testing.
The man himself, Jon, sits and watches it all in fascination. While Dr. Aemon and Dr. Tarly consult with each other in whispers, Sansa watches Jon pick up a stethoscope and frown at it, turning it about in his hands like he's trying to figure out what it is.
“You put it in your ears,” she says, and he looks up at her and her heart stutters inside her chest. “Like this,” she steps forward and gently takes it from his hands, then places the ear pieces into his ears. “It lets you hear things better.”
With that, she presses the stethoscope to his chest and watches his eyes go wide.
“That is my heart,” he says, listening intently, and she nods. Then she picks it up and places it over her own heart - which is a mistake, she decides, when his eyes meet hers and she swears her heart begins to pound furiously.
This close, she notices that he smells... odd. Not terrible, but like sweat and earth and... It takes her a few moments to realize that she can't smell any sort of perfumes on him. No hair product, no deodorant, not even a faint whiff of soap.
He's just homeless, she tells herself. Or he only uses scentless products. Or he injured himself and lost his memory and he's been wandering around for so long that any modern products have worn off. And somehow found an extremely authentic set of period-appropriate clothing and a very real, very sharp sword.
That was what had truly caught Dr. Aemon's attention. The sword. Not a replica, but matching the known swords from the Targaryen dynasty and clearly well-used, the grip molded to fit Jon's hand near-perfectly.
“You haven't asked about getting back,” she tells him, almost accusingly. “For a man who has just been taken from his home by a witch and sent a thousand years into the future.”
“I do not want to go back,” Jon says, meeting her eyes. She cannot look away from his level stare.
“Well,” Dr. Aemon says, and Sansa quickly drops the stethoscope from her frantic heart. “We should figure out what to do with you, I suppose.”
“You can't be serious,” she breathes, turning to look at her boss. No, not her boss. Her boss's boss's boss's boss.
Gods, she's going to be fired. What was she thinking, barging her way straight into the director's office?
“I'm very serious,” Dr. Aemon says, but he doesn't seem upset. “Tarly will run the bloodwork and I've got a contact in the police department who will run fingerprints and... well, I suppose we will see if this young man is telling the truth or not.”
He isn't! Sansa wants to shout. How are Dr. Aemon and Dr. Tarly taking this so seriously? This is madness - this man is not a lost Targaryen bastard prince. Magic doesn't exist. The story of Jaehaerys the Vanished is just that – a story.
“And I suppose a congratulations is in order,” Dr. Aemon says with a smile, turning to look at her. “Ms Stark, you are now head of the very new and very secret JT Project. A terrible name, but I have never been good at those. You can come up with your own if you'd like.”
“But-” she starts, the bottom dropping out of her stomach.
“Obviously no one can know about this project, except for the three of us in this room. And of course, the subject himself,” Dr. Aemon turns to look at Jon.
“This can't be happening,” she whispers to herself, feeling suddenly dizzy.
“I think, while we wait for the test results, a shower and a good meal is in order? Ms Stark, if you and Dr. Tarly could please take our subject to my home, and I must remind you to be discreet about it.” Dr. Aemon begins to write an address on a piece of paper, and Sansa takes it with shaking fingers.
Dr. Aemon makes a shooing motion at her, and Sansa can only nod.
“Follow her and Dr. Tarly, please, Jaehaerys.”
“Jon,” Jon says, mouth tipping down into a frown. He doesn't seem to like the other name very much.
Sansa leaves the room, heading towards the employee break room where she left her purse, and Jon follows, quickening his step to match hers, with Dr. Tarly trailing behind. She has no idea what to say. This cannot be happening.
“My lady,” Jon says, keeping stride next to her, and there's an easy, almost contented smile on his face “What is a shower?”
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madamebaggio · 3 years
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Notes: Previously...
I thought I wasn’t going to be able to finish this! And it got way longer than I thought it’d be, but I’m not exactly complaining...
Anyway. THE SMUT IS BACK!!! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, THIS IS NASTY. Ok, maybe not nasty, but don’t read it next to your mom.
Thank you @rushnaround​ for the support! You were awesome!
Also, I am now posting this on AO3, but it’s late in realtion to here. But you can find the first chapters here.
Good reading ;)
Just make out, no sex!
Masturbation (Make it mutual, or make it a show to each other.)
Oral sex (extra point if it’s 69!)
Chapter 8
Sansa was strangely nervous as she waited for Jon to arrive. She was trying to prevent herself from checking the place again, since she knew her house was clean. She’d done the job herself -twice.
Everything was organized, the floors were sparkling, the pillows were perfectly arranged… And she knew this wasn’t the problem.
She’d taken a shower, shaved, put on makeup, took it off, spent 45 minutes choosing lingerie… It was getting ridiculous. She didn’t want this. It was supposed to be something light, no strings attached.
And look at her! Panicking.
Sansa took a deep breath and decided it was done. She wouldn’t think about it.
Then she was startled by the doorbell.
“Breathe, Stark.” She ordered herself, before pressing the intercom. “Yes?”
“It’s me.” Jon’s voice replied.
“Right. Come up.” She pressed the button and waited until he knocked softly on her door.
“Hey.” He smiled when he saw her.
“Hey, you.” Sansa didn’t know what to do then, if she should hug him, or something else.
Jon didn’t seem to be worried about it, he just leaned forward and dropped a kiss to her cheek. “How are you?”
“Fine.” She cleared her throat. “And you?”
Jon was looking around her place with interest. “Good.” He found a chair he’d made for her a while back. “I didn’t notice it last time, because… Well…” He got red. “I didn’t know you still had it.”
“Of course, I do. You made it for me.” She said as if it was obvious. 
He gave her a soft grin. “I’m glad you liked it.”
“I like it a lot.” She cleared her throat. “I actually wanted to ask you for more chairs, for my office.”
Jon frowned. “Why didn’t you?”
“I didn’t feel like I could.” She confessed. “I hardly ever talked to you. It seemed rude that I’d talk to you just to ask for chairs.”
“Sansa.” He sighed. He came closer to her and cupped her face. “Tell me what you want and I’ll make it for you, ok? You can always ask me stuff.”
“I already am.” She pointed out, with a strained laughter.
“Yeah, but I offered that.” He reminded her.
“Shut up.” She grumbled. “Do you want to… I’m not sure if I should woo you a bit or…”
Jon laughed. “You can woo me in there.” He indicated her bedroom’s direction with his head.
“Oh… We’re using a bed this time.”
“I’m very invested in this item, so I’d like a bed for it.” He teased.
Sansa blushed. “Is this because of the text?” She asked.
“Something like that.” He grinned.
“Can we not…” She cleared her throat. “I’m not sure I want to try the…”
“69?” He completed it for her, because it was the suggestion of the third item on the list.
“Yeah.” She blushed.
“I was going to suggest skipping it too.”
“Why?” She asked, out of genuine curiosity.
“It’s not my favorite thing.” He admitted it easily.
Now she was even more intrigued. “Why?” She asked again.
And then Sansa saw something that she’d never expected to see in her life: Jon opened the filthiest smirk. Seriously, just seeing it made her ready to go. It was something so unlike what she normally expected from him, just so…
Hot. It was hot as fuck.
And this was before he leaned down a bit so he could say the next part by her ear, “Because when I eat you out, I want to focus on you, and I want you to do nothing but feel it.”
Well, fuck. There went her knickers.
Sansa swallowed heavily. “Jon?” Her voice came out a bit breathless, but she was sure it could be excused.
“Let’s go. Right now.”
Jon laughed huskily, then kissed her. The next minutes were spent in a -messy- fury of lips and teeth and hands. They kissed and pawned at each other while they moved to her bedroom.
It took them way too long, because they couldn’t stop kissing and groping each other. At some point, Jon pressed Sansa against the hallway’s wall, and pushed one of his legs in between hers.
Sansa helped him get rid of her shirt and his eyes immediately went to her chest. 
His fingers brushed against the cup of her bra. “I thought sexy lingerie was farther down the list.” He teased.
Sansa didn’t think this set was particularly sexy, it did have a bit of lace, but she could do better than this. “Next time I won’t bother with lingerie.”
Jon grinned. “Please, don’t.”
She scoffed, but they were kissing again, finally entering her bedroom…
Sansa pulled back and tugged Jon’s T-shirt up, then went straight to his belt.
Jon cleared his throat. “I thought you wanted to…”
“No.” She cut him, belt open, fingers on his zipper. “You first. I want to lay back and relax when it’s my turn.” She smirked at him, pushing his jeans and boxers down.
Jon’s laughter was strained. “I wasn’t really expecting you to…”
It figured that Jon would be willing to go down on her without expecting anything in return, but hell no. “Jon. Sh.” She put a finger to his lips, then gently pushed him, so he sat down on the bed.
Sansa leaned forward and kissed his lips softly and briefly. Then she kissed his neck and his collarbone, before lowering herself to her knees in front of him.
Jon was quite convinced he was going to hell for this.
“Any time you feel uncomfortable…” He started again.
“Jon. Remember?” Sansa smirked. “Sh.”
“I am shushing now.” He promised.
Sansa put her hand around his cock and stroked him firmly, and Jon couldn’t remember a time when he was more turned on.
Sansa threw her hair over her shoulder and leaned forward, dropping a kiss to his tip.
She laughed softly and he felt her warm breath on him, so he had to take a -really -deep breath in. Then she licked him from base to tip and Jon thought his soul was about to leave his body.
He threw his head back, his eyes closed on their own and he grabbed onto the sheets so he wouldn’t grab onto her. Her lips closed around the tip of his cock and she sucked, making his whole body shudder.
His hand went to her hair, but then he pulled back.
Sansa lifted her head to look at him. “You can hold me.” She told him. “Just don’t… You know, don’t push me.”
He cleared his throat. “Sure.”
She grinned at him, before getting back to what she was doing. This time, when she took him into her mouth, she was serious about it.
Jon put his hand on her nape, not to guide or push her, just to touch her. Sansa slid her mouth down his length slowly, her tongue caressing him the whole way down.
Her hand was wrapped around the base, but -honestly -the only thing Jon could feel were her lips around him. The heat, the suction of her mouth were almost enough to end him.
She couldn’t take all of him, but she sure was attentive to her task. Sansa was slow and deliberate about it. As she bobbed her head, her mouth moving along his cock, she didn’t seem to be in a hurry. She’d pull back, almost completely, lavish attention to his tip with her tongue, before taking him back in, and…
Fuck. He was close.
“Sansa!” Jon called urgently.
She raised her blue eyes to him and that image -her doe eyes and her mouth wrapped around his cock -was way too much.
“Pull back!” He bit out.
She did it immediately, but it was a bit too late.
Jon couldn’t hold it in anymore, and he came.
He hit her chin with it.
It was humiliating.
They both remained still for a second, like they were trying to understand what had just happened. Then Sansa started laughing, and that made Jon move.
“You’re welcome, I guess.” She snorted.
“I am so sorry!” Jon fell to his knees in front of her, but there wasn’t anything he could actually do. He didn’t have anything that could help her clean herself.
“It is okay. Get me a towel.” She asked, but she was still giggling, so Jon figured she wasn’t that angry.
He hurried to her bathroom -butt naked -and came back with a towel. Sansa had been sitting there, with cum on her chin, neck and chest.
“I am so sorry.” Jon said again as he passed her the towel. “I swear it wasn’t on purpose.”
“Jon, I believe you.” She winced as she realized the extent of the mess. “It’s just… Jizz, I guess.”
Jon groaned, clearly upset.
Sansa got up. “I’ll be right back, ok? I think it’s better to take care of this in the bathroom.”
Jon just nodded as Sansa left him alone -and naked -in her bedroom. He felt terrible just then. She’d just made him feel great, and he went and…
He couldn’t believe he’d done that. He had better control than this.
Sansa came back after a while, wearing a blue robe.
Jon got up immediately. “Are you upset?”
She seemed really surprised by the question. “Why? I know this kind of thing can happen.”
“You do?”
She rolled her eyes. “I told you I wasn’t a virgin. I had mediocre sex, but I did have sex.”
Jon sighed. “Okay. Did this completely ruin the mood for you?”
“Did it ruin it for you?” She asked, clearly concerned.
“Nothing could do that.” He assured her.
“Well, good. Otherwise I’d have gotten naked for nothing.” She informed him, before untying the belt of her robe and getting rid of it.
Yes, she was completely naked.
“Fuck. You’re gorgeous.” Jon told her, his eyes taking in all of her.
And even after pulling that hell of move, this was what made Sansa shy. “I… Really?”
Jon almost told her she had to know she was pretty. It was impossible that she didn’t know that.
But she did look timid and unsure, so he couldn’t say that.
“Really.” He told her. “Come here and let me show you just how gorgeous you are.”
Sansa grinned at him and came closer. Once again they were kissing, and then they were in bed…
“Ready?” Jon teased, his body over hers.
“Yes, please. You’ve made a lot of promises in this area.”
Jon chuckled. “Do you normally not like oral?”
“You mean to receive?” She frowned. “To be quite honest, Harry was the only boyfriend I had that did it, but he was always uninterested in it and he complained if I asked him to do it.”
Jon sighed. “Why am I not shocked?”
Sansa snorted. “Yeah, yeah, I have bad taste in men.”
“I didn’t say that.” Jon told her softly. “But you deserve to feel good too.”
Sansa touched his lower lip with her thumb. “Do I?”
Jon pressed his lips to her. “You do. And I’m going to make sure you do.” He kissed her again, this time slow and deep. He tangled his tongue with hers, let his body settle over hers.
It was pure temptation to feel so much of her against him. They were both naked, so Jon could feel every inch of her skin on his, and it made him want to stay there forever.
But he had plans.
He started moving down, kissing her chin, throat, the valley between her breasts, making his way down and down. When he got to her bellybutton, he gave it a teasing lick, making her giggle.
The sound charmed him.
He dropped a kiss to the left side of her hip, then to the left. As he was getting closer to her cunt, Sansa’s breathing became more ragged.
Jon skipped that part completely, pushing her legs open and dropping a kiss to the side of her knee. Then he brushed his beard against the same place and Sansa giggled again.
“Does that tickle?” He teased.
His lips slid a bit higher, and he kissed a spot on her thigh, before brushing his bearded chin against the same spot. “Does this tickle too?”
Sansa wasn’t giggling anymore. “Not exactly.”
Jon dragged his chin up her inner thigh, before stopping at a new spot and dropping an open-mouthed kiss to the spot. Sansa’s eyes were fixed on him by the time he reached his destination. She really liked the view of him with her legs over his shoulders. (Was this weird? She felt this was weird.)
Jon wrapped one of his arms around her thigh, and he used his free hand to spread her lips and give a tiny lick to her clit.
Jon grinned at her. “Good ‘oh’?” He checked.
Sansa just nodded.
“Here.” He grabbed her closest hand and brought it to his hair. “Hold on tight and I don’t mind if you pull it.”
Sansa let out a startled chuckle. “Good to know who is the masochist between us.”
Jon chuckled. “Yeah, sure. Now hold on.”
Yeah, she really had to.
Harry always made it sound like oral sex was a chore. If he was the one performing, of course. Sansa believed he used to make it boring for her on purpose so she wouldn’t ask for it.
So she didn’t have any real experience with enjoying it. She only wanted to do this now, because Jon had made making out so good, maybe he could really do this.
And fuck… He could.
He gave her cunt a long lick, before going to town on her.
Sansa hadn’t really considered where he might put his mouth on besides her clit, but Jon became intimately acquainted with her cunt. His lips, his tongue and even his teeth (!) explored all of her, like he was learning what she liked best.
After a while, he got his wish, because her fingers were tangled in his curls and her grip on his hair was… Tight. But she couldn’t help herself, there were just so many…
“Jon.” She gasped when he pushed a finger inside.
“I’m here, pretty girl. Just relax.” He murmured, before going back to his task.
Easy for him to say that.
Jon pumped one finger inside her, his mouth going back to focus on her clit. It was pure torture and he seemed to have mastered her in these short moments. He had her crying out his name and begging for everything.
He suckled gently on her clit and Sansa almost came completely off the bed. “Jon!”
“Too much?” He asked, smug as hell.
“Shut up, just keep going.”
He chuckled, but he did it again. His finger inside her was relentless, and the next time he suckled on her clit, it was too much.
She came calling his name.
Jon was starting to enjoy this way too much.
He wiped his mouth on her sheet, before crawling up in bed to lay next to her.
“Jon?” She called breathlessly.
“Hm?” He knew he was grinning smugly, but he couldn’t help it.
She turned her head to him, bit her lower lip. “Since we’re here… Should we go to number four?”
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semperlitluv · 3 years
sorry about your ankle! what about person a accidentally spills their drink all over person b for the prompt?
Thank you, darling! @winterrose527 also sent this prompt. Enjoy this extra fluffy Jonsa moment that kinda has no ending... Oops.
Pop! goes the champagne cork, but rather than her usual giggle, Sansa gasps.
Jon had planned this day carefully.
He knew Sansa wouldn’t be that surprised, that she’d likely pick up what was happening as the day went on. They’d discussed marriage more than once beforehand. At first in the careful way of gauging each other’s seriousness, then
Breakfast in bed? One of them would surprise the other occasionally with the tray -- gifted by his mother when they moved in together -- piled with treats, coffee, and maybe a kiss or three.
Lunch at her favorite restaurant? Just as easily assumed to be in celebration of her recent promotion as anything else. (The fact that they were sat at the coveted balcony table with a postcard-perfect view of the city’s eponymous White Harbor? Well, Jon could have explained that he’d planned for her promotion weeks ago when she’d first applied for it, if she’d asked.)
An afternoon in the park, throwing a tennis ball for Lady and Ghost and trading half-finished books because they “just had to read this part”? A standard, happy Sunday.
The sun begins to drop, and Sansa starts to head out of the park. Jon grabs her hand and gives a gentle tug.
“We’re going this way,” he says, with a half-smile at her look. Equal parts uncertainty and hope, and altogether lovely.
Jon faces ahead, knowing that if he looks at Sansa, he won’t be able to wait to ask his question.
They enter the covered botanic garden at the far end of the park. A woman wearing a polo with a White Harbor City logo takes Ghost and Lady’s leashes from Jon silently but smiling.
“Jon,” Sansa murmurs, as they stop in the center atrium. It’s humid inside. The champagne bottle on the iron table is covered in condensation. Jon reaches out a hand. Good, he thinks, it’s still cold. “What’s all this for?”
He pulls the box from his pocket, offers her a ring and asks to share her future with words she’ll remember clearly but decline to repeat, preferring to cherish his speech privately when they tell this story later on. Hugs, kisses, and Jon grabs the champagne to make a toast.
Pop! goes the champagne cork, but rather than her usual giggle, Sansa gasps.
She’s dripping with champagne. They stare at each other for a moment, shocked, and then she bursts into laughter.
“Oh gods, Sansa. I’m so sorry!” He reaches out but there are no napkins so he’s left with his hands hovering awkwardly over her damp shoulders.
“Jon,” she says, grabbing his hands and pulling him close with a smile, “I still want to marry you.”
“Thank the gods,” he sighs, as they share a kiss.
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janiedean · 3 years
How do you feel about the idea that Cersei's valonqar has to be Jaime? People say it can't be any little brother, it has to be one of her brothers or else the story doesn't make sense. I mean, obviously it would be dumb if she were killed off by a rando. Personally, my ideal ending is for Lady Melara Stoneheart to come back and eat her alive.
lady melara stoneheart would be great, but in all seriousness, jaime is not valonqaring anyone least of all c. because:
he's the audience red herring same as tyrion is c's red herring, like the text being OH HE WAS ACTUALLY TWO SECONDS YOUNGER is there to make you go like OH but it's grrm trolling just the fact that he's telling you like that means it's not going to happen, he never actually does that straight when it comes to prophecies (AA anyone?)
jaime is in the riverlands, he burned her letter, he's with brienne most likely watching her kill cat bc she can't kill him and they're going on the quiet isle and getting sandor and finding sansa, and I have to presume he has time to go back to KL? yeah no
there is no jaime equivalent in the og dance of dragons but there's the c. equivalent
jaime killing c. makes no sense bc it would just give him extra trauma tied to her and the entire sl he has is that he has to get away from her and his life isn't 100% tied to hers anymore so if he goes back and kills her and like..... re-traumatizes himself it means what in the great scale of things? sorry but I don't agree
also c. thinks they're going to die together in a murder-suicide which would still mean that half of what she thinks would be true and spoilers the entire point of c's chapters is that she's wrong just about everything so that's not happening period
also I already said it in that prev. post but: the prophecy literally says that the valonqar chokes her to death which like......... jaime has one good hand and a gold one so first thing he can't choke her with just one and if he used the golden one he'd basically cut her throat or crush it under the weight which is not choking but on top of that again
choking is an extremely personal way of killing someone bc like you have to watch them die slowly and keep your hands there while they do and you have to not falter and you have to be strong enough to not let them get away, and like........... with all their history for good or bad I have to think that if jaime killed c. - if he did - he wouldn't just like stab her and give her a clean death? when he's favored giving anyone he's killed a clean death anyway? jaime choking c. makes literally no sense both physically (because he doesn't have two hands) nor psychologically for how jaime's character is structured, so like.... I feel like it would be wildly ooc if he even managed to choke her in the first place
also again, I went through the prophecy fifteen times and it says THE valonqar, not YOUR valonqar, and why wouldn't she specify that and just say the? there isn't just one little brother in all of westeros which means that it can be anyone's and being someone who has reasons to kill her but is not related to her makes absolutely story-sense because she wouldn't expect it, we wouldn't expect it and again to quote the one dude who's certainly not the valonqar bc c. thinks he is,
Prophecy is like a half-trained mule. It looks as though it might be useful, but the moment you trust in it, it kicks you in the head.
you can't trust any of that shit to not be random and again... like guys how does jon's death fulfill the AA prophecy? the salt is the tears, the smoke is because jon's wounds smoke when bowen marsh cries on them, the bleeding star is a sigil on heraldry above them when he dies like... the og is when the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers he shall be born again amidst smoke and salt, would anyone presume that any of that is related to a smoking wound and a flag? no, and it's absolutely random, but that's what's basically sealing that jon is AA, so that the valonqar might someone not related to c. and that yamb is not actually a woman imvho are absolutely plausible within the story
also 'it makes no sense if it's not a relative killing her' imvho is not an argument that holds water because c. has hurt directly or indirectly about 70% of the main chars in these books, tyrion already has one kinslaying under his belt and honestly he did good and he should have had and good riddance to tywin but he's not going to get another and again making jaime kill her means just giving him trauma when half of his sl is about how he gets over her, so...
tldr I think there's extremely little chance of j. being the valonqar and personally I exclude it 100% because it makes no sense for his arc and it makes no sense for the actual plot anyway bc he can't physically get there in time and his sl is headed somewhere else geographically, I categorically exclude it's tyrion and I think it's going to be someone's younger brother who has good reason to kill her like not A RANDO but someone who has in-text reasons to
/two cents
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sovereignofgeeks · 4 years
Sansa : I promise I won’t be mad Arya. Just tell the truth dud you kill the blond cook?
Arya : Why do you assume I did it?
Sansa : I know she gave Gendry extra food
Arya : Why would I care
Sansa : Arya I know. You literally sleep down the hall from me. Now did you kill her?
Sansa : so of course the first thing Arya Stark does is kill her?
Arya : Sansa he’s mine. Also tell that worthless Dragon Cunt if she makes him lord of anything. I will kill her entire family
Sansa: Arya I’m pretty sure her family is dead.
Arya : So I’ll kill em again. Seriously we are very happy here and I’m not letting your game of thrones bullshit ruin it. So tell your friend
Sansa: I literally met her a week ago
Arya : To stay away from us. Now I need to go throw a knife at him. He likes it when I throw them near his head.
Sansa : You know what fuck it. I don’t care.
Arya : Good! Arya out bitches!
And she was gone.
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owlsinathens · 4 years
For the headcanon game: I'd think the characters are obvious, but let's put a framework - Jon and Theon reuniting in Winterfell in the eve of the battle of the dawn? 💙
Hi darling! Thank you very much for the ask and for making it extra interesting 😘
Headcanon A: what I think realistically
I don't know what I thought realistically. I certainly didn't think that they would not even have a single fucking scene together. Not even a Hi in passing. I honestly would've thought there would be at least some kind of interaction, with both of them back in Winterfell and defending it. But nooo, nothing. 😤
They didn't even kiss!
Headcanon B: what I think is fucking hilarious
Theon comes to Winterfell and not only is he now Sansa's BFF, he also bonds with Arya, and GHOST. He steals Ghost from Jon, and Jon is like, This is my family. More importantly, this is MY dog ಠ_ಠ
(And later they kiss.)
Headcanon C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
They finally have the Robb talk they should've had all along. In the crypt, where Sansa has commissioned a statue for Robb, and Jon finds Theon down there, and they talk about Robb and how much they both loved him and how guilty they both!!!!!! feel of not having been with him. And then they realize that Robb will always be in their hearts and they can remember him together.
And then they kiss.
Headcanon D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
THE NAME THING!!! I mean, I still can't wrap my head around it. This is the most missed opportunity in the history of missed opportunities. They didn't give Jon any reaction whatsoever to the most shocking news he could receive!??
Sam: Sooo turns out Rhaegar Targaryen was your dad. Ned was your uncle. You're the true king. You never were a bastard. You're totally half-Targ. Hey Jon? Half-Targ. King. No bastards.
Jon: ....
Jon: Guess I fucked my aunt.
Sam: uh... did you hear me? Rightful king? Never a bastard? Your whole existance a lie?
Jon: ....
Jon: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I mean c'mon, D&D. Among the list of your fuck-ups this is one that really hit me.
Jon would be at least a little upset, don't you think? His name isn't even Jon, nevermind Snow!! And here comes the headcanon: Who better – seriously, WHO could BETTER understand a loss of your name and identity if not Theon fucking Greyjoy?! He knows!! He fucking knows, if in a more horrifying and way more fucked-up way. The convo they had at Dragonstone? What an opportunity to reverse it, have Theon be the stronger one of them, have him tell Jon that his identity is not what others tell him but who he is inside? "Stark or Targaryen, whatever, you're Jon fucking Snow now stop bawling. To me you'll always be an annoying bastard." Cue Jon sniffling and laughing and feeling a bit better.
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fedonciadale · 4 years
If Bran becomes the King in the South, then he has to be the all knowing tree God and not Bran himself. Without his superpowers, Bran doesn't bring anything extra to the South . He can become KitN because there he has a claim. In the South, even with a grand election, why would they choose him when there might be men of other Southern Houses with leading experience. Heck if Trystane survives, he even has a stronger claim to the IT or a legitimised Edric Storm. Hand Tyrion again doesn't make sense. Even with political manuevering, the man is accused of kinslaying which is something that is taken very seriously in Westeros.The only time he survived the last one was because Varys' helped him escape and people wanted him dead. In addition to that, his reputation which is bad and will be worse after allying himself with Dany. The whole Dragonpit scene was stupid and no amount of writing can strike sense into that whole plot of choosing Bran. The Iron Islands and Dorne also have a history of bad faith with the centralized power just like the Northerners. If three of these kingdoms split up which they will, what wouldn't leave the other kingdoms to go their separate way too ? The only kingdoms that might stay loyal to Sothern King Bran will be Riverlands and Vale.King of six kingdoms doesnt work. It has to be either a united Westeros or a pre Targaryen Westeros with each regions with their own rulers. Now these leaves Sansa's ending in question. Now she does have queen foreshadowing but so did Jon who has ample King foreshadowing , infact more than Bran and from what we go from the show, he is being exiled to the Wall. So it is plausible that Sansa can be Lady of Winterfell and act as an advisor to King Bran. The only thing which is spelled out is that Bran is becoming king but not king of what .Even Frodo has a bittersweet ending when he leaves the Shire. Jon is basically being exiled to the place where he was murdered and had to go there in the first place to because he felt , he never belonged in Winterfell and if that is the ending GRRM is going for then his is no way near Tolkien's .
Hi there!
I agree, I could see each of the mains ending where they are but the whole picture makes no sense.
For Bran to become elected, he should have special powers, but a God King makes no sense in the context of a realistic ending and a non-magical Bran brings nothing to the Iron Throne.
And as you said, his claim is to the North...
Northern Independence without Dorne and Iron Islands Independence makes no sense either.
I can see individual trajectories and arcs that let the mains end up where they are at the end of GoT, but nothing that fits together. Especially Bran as king and Tyrion as Hand do not work well together.
But this is what we have at the moment. I doubt we‘ll ever get to see how GRRM will do it. He might be able to pull it off. I cannot see how he will address the logical fallacies, but then I‘m not him. I‘m just baffled that so much of the foreshadowing was for nothing.
As things are now his ending falls short of Tolkien, by miles... not sorry at all.
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thesimmingspacebard · 4 years
Game of Thrones Legacy Challenge
Because I love legacy challenges, and I love killing sims, I thought the perfect, fantastical hybrid would be of the Game of Thrones variety. I take inspiration from the books/series, but I change a lot to make for a more satisfying sims-ified generational story. After all, now these great houses are all a related family tree, not competing for power in the same land. So many things will be different, deal with it, don’t @ me. 
Okay, into the GoT Legacy challenge. 
Base rules:
Every heir must do the political career (AKA King) unless stated otherwise 
You have to go through with planned deaths
You must change castle color schemes for each main house 
Cheating is allowed to get the intended children 
Each child must max one toddler skill and one child aspiration
Asha Greyjoy
After her parents died, Asha did anything to keep her and her siblings afloat. She sold family heirlooms, downsized land, and became a criminal of the high seas. But, now that her siblings have grown, Asha grows tired of defaming her family name. Settling down in what remains of the Greyjoy Manor,  Asha sets out to create a dynasty of her own. However, they’re taking that whole family motto (“We Do Not Sow”) pretty seriously. While they do still work odd jobs as a petty criminal, she keeps insisting she’s doing it for the right reasons. Asha wants to make the world a better place than her ancestors did... But she wants to do it in a fast-track kind of way and decides to rise up in the world by marrying a wealthy spouse. 
So her new legacy begins. 
Asha’s Traits: Gloomy, Outgoing, Good (At heart) 
Asha must max out the fishing aspiration
Asha must mount at least 10 fish to her walls
Asha must have at least 3 sons
Asha must have a live-in maid to help with children 
Asha must build an opulent castle with her riches (or appropriate the Baratheon Castle I built on the gallery (The_SpaceBard) 
You must choose if Asha will quit her criminal career and devote herself to her rowdy children and repairing her lackluster marriage, or stay in the criminal career, take a lover, and have a illegitimate child that her spouse casts out
Robert Baratheon
Leading is hard for Robert Baratheon, particularly with his brother, Stannis, always on his heels. Stannis thinks he’s the better leader, but he respects Robert’s claim to heir. But, despite their uneasy peace, it's always created this unspoken rivalry between the two. 
Robert taking everything Stannis ever wants, though, doesn’t help. 
When Robert becomes of age, he takes over as head of house. But along with it, he takes Stannis’ high school sweetheart. Will the two find a way to reconcile or will Stannis’ jealousy rip the two (and perhaps the entire kingdom) apart? 
Robert’s Traits: Glutton, Slob, Good
Stannis’ Traits: Good, Ambitious, Jealous
Renley’s Traits: Outgoing, Romantic, Active 
Renley must die on his young adult birthday 
Stannis must have a teen pregnancy resulting in one child: Shireen
Robert must steal Stannis’ partner
Robert must have at least 4 children with said partner: Brandon, Lyanna, Eddard, Benjen
Robert must max out charisma 
Robert must die once all his children born 
Stannis must join the detective career 
You must choose of Stannis forgives his long-lost-beloved and raises his daughter and her children as family or if he sets his wife and daughter on fire and is executed for it
Ned Stark
After the internal bickering of his father and uncle that left the family in ruin, Robert’s children are all too aware of what power can do to their family. Disillusioned with ruling, Brandon leaves the house to his siblings, never to be seen again. 
While that leaves Lyanna heir, she’s uninterested in leadership and Eddard (AKA Ned) takes charge. Renaming his family the Starks, he sets out to focus on family first, not power. 
Tragedy still strikes, however, over and over until he finds himself the final Stark standing. Things only start looking up when he falls in love and creates a family of his own. 
He raises 6 strong children (including the baby of his sister, Lyanna). Though he does not seize more power in his lifetime, he couldn’t be prouder.  
Brandon’s Traits: Good, Self-Assured, Hot-Headed
Ned’s Traits: Family-Oriented, Good, Neat 
Lyanna Traits: Romantic, Loves the Outdoors, Music Lover
Benjen’s Traits: Loner, Good, Gloomy
Brandon must start the Leader of the Pack aspiration
Brandon must “go missing” when he becomes a young adult (Feel free to get creative, but I will be locking him in a dungeon below)
Benjen must freeze to death
Lyanna must have a teen pregnancy with a much older man
Lyanna must die after giving birth to a son: Jon (can cheat gender) 
Ned must marry a jealous redhead
After all his siblings are dead, Ned has five children in rapid succession: Robb, Sansa, Arya, Bran, Rickon
You must choose if Ned will raise Jon as a son or as a servant 
Sansa Stark
Unlike generations before, and much like Ned hoped, the second Starks did not grow up coveting each other’s talents or responsibilities. Jon dreamed of becoming a simple hunter, Sansa wanted to be a princess, Arya wanted to be an athlete, Bran wanted to be a scholar, and Rickon wanted to be a baker. Every Stark left the house to become their own person, save Robb, Sansa, and Jon. They figured they could maintain their kingdom on their own. 
That is, until Robb tragically, suddenly dies and it's up to Sansa to take up the mantle. As a child she just wanted to be a pretty princess and wife, but can she step up and become a queen? 
Jon’s Traits: Loner, Dog Lover, Loves The Outdoors 
Robb’s Traits: Insider, Outgoing, Self-Absorbed (Or Self-Assured, if you don’t have Get Famous) 
Sansa’s Traits: Genius, Materialistic, Ambitious 
Arya’s Traits: Active, Hot-Headed, Noncommittal 
Rickon’s Traits: Cheerful, Foodie, Squeamish 
Bran’s Traits: Gloomy, Bookworm, Unflirty 
Robb must start a “Winterfell” club 
All Stark children (except Robb, Sansa, and Jon) must leave the castle once they become young adults. That can be for school, romance, death, etc. 
Except Robb. Robb MUST die at his own wedding
When Robb dies, Jon gets a dog
Sansa must have 3 children: Rhaegar, Viserys, and Danaerys (Dani, if your fingers don’t want to deal with typing it out). Sansa must have Rhaegar early on and Viserys and Dani much later
You must choose if Sansa dies alongside her son, Rhaegar, in the same tragedy or deliberately gets him killed herself for his abandonment and neglect
Dani Targaryen
Watching the Stark house almost collapse because of all the children going off to do their own things, Rhaegar wanted to whip the house back into shape under a new name: House Targaryen. Ambitious and determined (and a little unhinged), the dragon-like siblings wanted to reclaim glory for their mother who held the castle together in its darkest hours. 
That is, until Rhaegar runs off with a pretty young thing and shirks all his duties. 
Dani quickly takes over, despite the fact her brother Viserys is always looking over her shoulder and trying to enforce his whims without doing any of the work. Dani will not let bad seeds get in the way of her family legacy, though, no matter the cost
Rhaegar’s Traits: Kleptomaniac, Music Lover, Noncommittal 
Viserys’ Traits: Mean, Ambitious, Hot-Headed
Dani’s Traits: Cat Lover, Hot-Headed or Erratic, Genius
Rhaegar must max out the violin skill  
Rhaegar must get married, divorce, and remarry a much younger woman
Viserys must turn into a vampire and burn to death
Dani must marry and become a widower within the week 
Dani must max out her Debate and Charisma skills
Dani must have 3 very territorial cats and one (possibly adopted) child: Lysa
Dani must extend her life as much as possible
You must choose if Dani will have an illicit affair with an extended family member (descendent of Asha’s illegitimate child/Renley, descendant of Shireen, descendant of the Stark children who left) to produce Lysa or have three more dead spouses, none of which give her a child
Lysa Tully
Lysa grew up with the breaker of chains, the mother of dragon-like cats, the most famous ruler in recent history. She made mountains move with a single word. 
It’s not Dani’s fault she didn’t have much time for Lysa. She was making the world better for everyone, including her daughter. And that didn’t affect Lysa much, not really, she just is a little clingy... and stressed out... and just desperately wants to start her own family.
But will a family of her own ever fill the empty space in her heart?  
Lysa’s Traits: Paranoid, Family-Oriented, Erratic
Lysa must have only one son: Robin 
Robin’s other parent must die
Lysa must have no skills over level 1 other than parenting 
Lysa must get fired from politics, leaving Dani to still rule until her great-granddaughter is of age
Lysa must max out the Super Parent aspiration
Lysa’s only close friend is her son
You must decide if Lysa becomes a single parent for life or she’ll find love again
Robin Arryn
Robin’s mother, Lysa, was clingy. It overwhelmed Robin his entire life, especially living in such a large castle with one lonely, overbearing woman following him constantly. He loved her dearly, particularly since he knows how... distant his grandmother can be. But Robin is desperate for breathing room and to make his own mark on their legacy
He was a delicate, uncoordinated child who needed and appreciated the extra hand from Lysa, but now as an adult, Robin just wants to bring color and joy back into the castle. And, in turn, to the people of their kingdom
Robin’s Traits: Squeamish, Creative, Clumsy 
Robin must become Lysa’s best friend (until he becomes an adult and marries) 
Robin must marry young to a local villager with similar features to his mother
Robin must have two children: Margaery and Loras 
Robin must max out the painter and piano skills 
Robin must litter the castle with masterpieces ONLY
Margaery Tyrell
Margaery grew up in a complicated home, with two elderly matriarchs running the kingdom. Grandma Lysa was never quite queen material, and Margaery was disgusted with her for it. She identified more with her great-grandmother, the infinite Queen Dani, a cunning dragoness of a ruler.  
Growing up idolizing her queen, adoring her father, and sharing everything with her brother, Margaery always felt she was being groomed to be a well-rounded, beloved queen in her own right. When Queen Dani finally passes on, Margaery is sure she will be the monarch Dani always meant her to be. But will she live up to her own expectations? 
Margaery’s Traits: Cheerful, Genius, Outgoing
Loras’s Traits: Active, Romantic, Freegan 
Young Margaery must be close to Dani until she dies, but hates Lysa  
Margaery must take the throne when Dani dies 
Margaery must have three children: Cersei, Jaime, and Tyrion 
Margaery’s partner must hate Tyrion 
Margaery’s partner must also be romantically involved with Loras 
You must decide if Margaery or Loras get to have a happily ever after once Tyrion is born. The other must die tragically
Cersei/Tyrion Lannister
The Lannister children grew up knowing that the family and their legacy comes first. But perhaps they took that a tad too literally. 
Cersei, the eldest daughter of Queen Margaery, was proud to be the next beautiful woman leading their dynasty. But unlike her foremothers, Cersei refused to take a spouse. She insisted to the kingdom that she does not need a marriage to be great. 
Though, her growing brood of golden blonde children is a little confusing for the villagers. Unbeknownst to the people, their second parent is not her noble suitor that she keeps around for appearances, but her twin brother. If their secret is ever discovered, her reign might be doomed and their nosy, judgmental, annoyingly intelligent younger brother may be forced to be the king he never wanted to be. 
Tyrion’s Traits: Genius, Good, Gloomy 
Cersei’s Traits: Mean, Creative, Ambitious 
Jaime’s Traits: Active, Good, Romantic
Cersei must have a “beard” aka a cover romance for her true soulmate situation 
Jaime and Cersei must have an illicit relationship since their teenage years and have children together
Cersei must have 4 children: Joffrey, Myrcella, Tommen, Tywin
Joffrey’s Traits: Evil, Mean; Myrcella’s Trait: Creative Tommen’s Trait: Cheerful
Joffrey must die as a teen
The other two Lannister “Purebloods” must get taken away by authorities before they reach their teen years (the fourth one must be taken as an infant) 
Once her children are gone, Cersei will die 
Once all his nephews/nieces are gone, Tyrion will adopt 2 boys: Doran and Oberyn
You must decide if Jaime comes to his senses and helps run the kingdom with Tyrion or dies with Cersei 
Doran and Oberyn Martell
Raised to be the best they can be, Doran and Oberyn were pitted against each other far too often. It created a rivalry between the two that grew insidious over the years. After decades of chaos, clashing ideologies, and lots and lots of death, both men wanted to bring the kingdom into an age of glory. They grew tired of all the broken relationships and want their house to come back together and stay strong. However, they both want to do it very differently. Doran wants to promote education, peace, and humanitarianism. Oberyn prefers expansion, freedom, and nationalism. 
The two tolerated each other out of brotherly love, but when their father dies and the crown falls to them, who will lead the kingdom to greatness? 
Doran’s Traits: Bookworm, Perfectionist, Self-Assured
Oberyn’s Traits: Romantic, Outgoing, Hot-Headed 
Both children must be close to their adoptive father, Tyrion 
Doran must max out Logic, Wellness, and Writing
Oberyn must max out Charisma, Singing, and Fitness
Doran and Oberyn must compete at least 10 times over their lifetime (Chess, Fighting, Lottery, Dance fight, Card game, Foosball, Horseshoe game). Have the siblings keep track (trophies, sad clowns, scoreboards, your pick) 
They must invite 3 long-lost family members to the castle
You must decide if the intellectual Doran or the charismatic Oberyn leads the castle into a new era; the other must die by public execution  
If you decide to play, please tell me! I’ll be doing a YouTube series following my own adventures in the challenge so I’d love to see what you guys do with it. 
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silverducks · 3 years
Game of Thrones - My Ending
Ok, so I wasn't too keen on the ending we had in Game of Thrones, so I made up my own.
This is not me theorising how the book series might end either, just me trying to come to terms with some of the badly written stuff at the end of GoT. A fix it fic, if you will.
It can pretty much go as we've already seen in the episodes, even if I'm not too keen on a lot of what happened in it (cough the Night King cough). But I can live with most of it and this is designed to fit into what we already have, with not too many changes. Just enough to fix what for me were the worst of the plot points.
Spoilers below for GoT obviously.
Anyway, Jaime of course doesn't just go back to save Cersei, because that's stupid and totally undermines his character arc. Instead he is going back to stop her – kill her if needed - as he fears she'll set off the Wildfire which he suddenly thought of from what Sansa says. So he pretends he's leaving Brienne as he doesn’t want her to go with him, as it might put her in danger.
The rest of the episode can play out as it does, with Tyrion really thinking Jaime is returning to Cersei because he doesn’t realise how much Jaime has changed as a person. Jaime plays along, not wanting his brother to either try to stop him, or help him. But when Jaime gets to Cersei (much sooner than in the show) he sees she is about to set off the Wildfire - her last attempt at victory, hoping it will kill the invading army.
It’s another silly plot point for me that Cersei doesn’t have more planned; she's too clever not too. So she does have a back-up plan in my version, one where she’ll set off the Wildfire to hopefully destroy the invading army and Dany and her dragons with it (having already isolated the Red Keep from the Wildfire supply, so she’ll be ok there). Anyway, Jaime sees Cersei about to set off the Wildfire so he pleads with her not too. When that doesn't work, he strangles her as per the Valonqar prophecy. He then sets off the bells, (because it makes more sense only the royal family can from the keep). This brings his story arc to a proper close – coming full circle in the sense he yet again kills a monarch to prevent the slaughter of innocents, something even harder for him to do this time as it’s his sister. But also fully completes his character arc in that he finally and fully breaks free from Cersei and redeems himself.
Before and between the above scenes, we see much more of a proper battle between Dany and Jon’s forces and Cersei’s – the battle isn’t won quite so easily. The Lannister army still surrenders, but only when they hear the bells rung by Jaime.
Dany, when she hears the bells, but sees the Red Keep, decides she's determined to take her enemies out. She doesn’t just slaughter everyone, because that is another stupid plot point, but instead goes straight for the keep. Her "madness" is still there, but only in enough for her to forget the innocents on her way. (Yes, I still like Dany’s descent into madness and think this is a key thing from GRRM, but the show handled it badly). Unfortunately though, she sets off the Wildfire accidentally, which Jaime tried so hard to stop. It tears through the city and hits all the innocent people anyway. It's enough for Tyrion & Jon to see she's unfit to rule, but without such a rash personality change.  And whilst the Wildfire rages through the city, we see all the soldiers on all sides helping the innocent people and each other to get to safety.
Meanwhile, Arya, who isn't so easily swayed from her task, gets to Cersei just as Jaime kills her. Jaime is about to give up after he rings the bells, because he's upset he’s had to kill his sister - even if he's not in love with her anymore, she's still his sister and he still cares a lot about her. But when he sees Arya and the Red Keep under attack from Dany and Drogon, he remembers his vow to save both Stark girls. It gets him fighting again and him and Arya both help each other escape the Red Keep. When they’re trying to escape is around the time the Wildfire is set off by Dany and we see Jaime badly injured with Arya (who knows he’s on the right side for killing Cersei), helping him up. The episode ends with us not being too sure if they made it out alive.
The next and final episode, we've still got going relatively similar with Tyrion wandering through the wreckage of Kings Landing. He finds a bunch of Lannister soldiers near the Red Keep and a badly injured Jaime is there. Arya's there too, but not as badly injured, but much more than the show which was too unrealistic in that regard.
Jaime tells Tyrion he was trying to stop Cersei, but the Wildfire went off anyway. Dany doesn't have much remorse about this - she sees it is a necessary casualty in winning the war. She still gives her speech, but it’s not quite as tyrannical. But both Tyrion & Jon are not happy about this, so the rest of the story with Dany’s death goes the same. Only we see Dany realising why Jon is killing her properly this time. Drogon doesn’t destroy the throne - because that symbolism, though looking cool, isn’t ever then taken through properly in the show (ie we still end up with a King).
However, because Jon is technically the rightful heir to the throne, not Dany, the Lord Council members demands he’s set free and made king. He was in his right to kill the “real” usurper. Grey Worm doesn't like this, but as most of his soldiers are now dead, because they've fought in lots of battles now - same with the Dothraki - he has little choice. (Seriously, in the show where did all these extra Dothraki and Unsullied come from?!) So Jon's released and Tyrion too (he still gets arrested for freeing Jaime, even though Jaime was on their side all along, because it’s another sign that Dany’s not herself now, her thirst for power has totally overtaken her idealism)
Jon though, doesn’t want to be King, so they still all elect Bran, only they focus on the real reason Bran would be a good king - because he can see everything and therefore use it to make wise kingly decisions.
The Small Council's much the same; Brienne can still be head of the Kings Guard, although Bran changes the rules so they can still marry people and have kids (he’s all knowing, it’s less relevant for him to have such a committed Kings Guard) and so her and Jaime can marry. Jaime becomes the commander of the army/Master of War again, because he’s proven himself worthy. He’s still also Lord of Casterly Rock, although he doesn’t live there, but his and Brienne’s children can inherit it and also Tarth. Bronn's made his second in command (not Master of Coin which makes no sense.) Tyrion's still the Hand, because he did do a good job of it back in the days before Dany (and the show runners made him stupid).
Jon chooses to go North to be with his Wilding friends, although he’s not exiled and there is no Night Watch now. (Seriously, that’s the only way to deal with the people who would otherwise join the Night Watch?)  Sansa’s just made warden of the North, because splitting the country up further seems counter to the theme of working together we had in the show. (I think Sansa would indeed make a great ruler, but she doesn’t need to actually become Queen. Just the best Warden of the North ever!) Arya still leaves to find what’s West of Westeros, but it's based on the idea she'll be back and of course totally left open ended whether she eventually reunites with Gendry (in my head canon she totally does). He’s there waving her off and she looks a little sad as she watches him whilst she sails away...
And Pod still becomes a Knight.
There. That’s my ending. Of course, there’s lots more I’d like to change in Season 8, and also Season 7 which had its own share of bad plot points, but this is meant as a few tweaks to the biggest issues I had, rather than a full on rework.
And I’m gonna have this as my headcanon, because I’m still bitter about how they did end things on the show, especially for Jaime. He had one of the best character arcs on the show and no one can convince me it wasn’t anything but completely wasted and destroyed in the end. For no other real reason but bad writing and a total lack of understanding/regard for his character. Such a shame.
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lostinmirkwood · 4 years
Gendrya Kinktober- Day 6
Rated T, can be found here on AO3
She’s not entirely sure how she got dragged into her sister’s Girl’s Night but here she is, most of a bottle of wine deep, toes painted a sparkly purple color, snacking on some canapes that Margaery brought while listening to Sansa extolling the virtues of different sex positions. Arya and Meera lean against each other on the couch as Sansa’s arm movements get more voluminous, The Real Housewives of Dorne playing quietly in the background. Margaery nods along and Brienne is looking like she’d like to be anywhere else but isn’t edging for the door just yet, likely because Talisa has her foot gripped tightly in her hands, weidling the nail polish brush like it’s one of her scalpels. 
Arya’s glad her relationship with her sister has improved so drastically since they were children, but she’s not sure if she wants to hear her sister go on about something called The Flat Iron, especially knowing that whatever it is involves Theon and that just makes it weird. Theon’s great, a little goofy and all over the place but he brings a lot of balance to Sansa. Arya just doesn’t want to imagine what the two of them do behind closed doors. It’s almost worse when Talisa starts nodding along because then it’s Robb in the mix too and she doesn’t need to know about her brother’s sex life. Thank god Ygritte couldn’t make it tonight because that would be too much. No amount of wine could clear that knowledge from her head. 
Arya’s brought back to the conversation at hand with an elbow from Meera. “Arrrrya,” Sansa exclaims, arms thrown out, “you’re not listening! I asked what your favorite position with Gendry is!” 
Arya sighs, there’s no getting out of this. She could side step the question but if Sansa can get that information out of Brienne, “on our sides, early in the morning”, then Sansa can get it out of her. She’d be a crack interrogator for the Westerosi Secret Service, “Is all of them a good answer? Because sex with Gendry is great no matter how it is.” 
Sansa’s arms somehow become more intense, “No! We want to know your favorite!”
‘We’ might be a bit of a stretch, but Margaery is looking at her intensely and even Meera has turned to face her. Talisa is putting the finishing touches on Brienne’s pedicure but even her head is cocked, listening. 
“Is it embarrassing, is that why you won’t say?” Margaery asks. “This is a firm No Judgement zone!”
Meera snickers, “Do you want us to guess?” She’s been spending too much time with Bran, the shit-stirrer has rubbed off. 
Sansa beats her to a response, “YES! Let’s guess!” There's no stopping her sister now, there’s nothing Arya can say to slow her sister's train of thought down. 
“Missionary,” from Queen Shit Stirrer, herself.
“Standing, in a bathroom like at my wedding” from Talisa, who has finally released Brienne’s foot. 
“How do you… Nevermind.” Arya shakes her head.
Brienne makes a break for it, scooping an empty bottle of wine from the coffee table and making for the kitchen, then shocking Arya by tossing, “Doggie style” over her shoulder as she goes.
“Anal,” Margaery adds, with what Arya thinks is meant to be a wise nod, but the amount of wine she’s had makes it more of a dramatic flop. Arya wrinkles her nose at this, they’ve discussed it (not that she’d ever tell the girls that), but it’s not something they’re both interested in at the moment. 
“No, no no! I know!” Sansa is flapping her arms like she’s the Three-Eyed Raven herself, “I know! SIXTYNINE!” Sansa begins to giggle and all of the girls join in, the dramatics adding an extra level of hilarity to the moment. 
Arya snickers herself. “No Sans,” she says. “It’s not that. Have you seen how much bigger than me Gendry is? We’ve tried, it’s just not physically comfortable for us. He’s a giant bull and I’ve been sprite sized since I was 12!” 
Sansa looks as though Arya has just dispensed some great wisdom, nodding seriously as Arya explains that as enjoyable as that position could be for the both of them proportionally it’s just not feasible. 
“Well, what is it then? You have to share!” Sansa’s dramatic arms have lessened but Arya knows she has to give them something or the next thing she knows her sister will be texting Gendry who will never let her live it down while not being able to look Sansa in the eye at the next family dinner. 
Arya grumbles before relenting, “Fine! You’re all wrong. My favorite position is me in his lap facing him when I’m able to just stare into his eyes. It adds something when I’m able to see how much he loves and cares for me when we’re doing something like that.” 
All the girls sigh. 
Arya’s phone buzzes next to her on the couch.
Gendry: I miss you tonight, hope you’re having fun love.
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jungxk · 6 years
just one (v)
Tumblr media
notes: the only guy on campus who’s track record trumped that of your best friend’s - park jimin - was jeon jungkook. not that that was a problem…until he set his sights on you.
warnings: smut (nothing too crazy yet just missionary and mentions of cum, protected sex, grinding), bad habits (mentions of drinking, smoking etc)
genre: humour, drama, romance, college!au
wordcount: 6.5k
part i // part ii // part iii // part iv // part v // part vi // part vii // part viii // part ix // part x 
you are not a morning person. never have been, probably never will be. you could probably count on three fingers the people you'd willingly wake up before seven for, and unfortunately jimin happened to be one of them. something was up, he didn't say anything but you could feel it like a spider-sense; jimin was off recently. his replies to your texts too slow, his tone too vague. didn't sigh your name over the phone when you called to talk to him about the dream you just had at stupid o clock. it was such a tiny change but to you it felt like a planetary shift because you know him. in a world of uncertainties, jimin was the only constant, the only thing you could depend on. so you were going to figure out what was wrong.
which is why you let yourself into his place, taking up your designated seat behind the kitchen counter while you wait for him to wake up. you'd barge into his room yourself but prior experience taught you that you should refrain from doing so in case he had any...guests over. so you wait as patiently as a frothy cup of coffee can allow, almost throwing yourself out of the stool in delight when you finally hear taehyung pad down the hallway.
"tae!" you shout the second the boy walks in, making him jump back against the door frame in shock.
"fuck!" he stutters, laying a palm over his chest to ease his pulse. his hair is sticking up cutely in all directions, and from the look of the dried drool on his chin and lack of pants, you can only guess tae came downstairs for a glass of water and a quick piss before heading back to bed. "are you trying to kill me or what?!"
"sorry," you wince, appeasing him by pouring a cup of coffee; extra strong with lots of milk, just how tae likes it. he takes the mug thankfully, downing a few good gulps while you wait with wriggling hips. "sometimes i forget i don't live here anymore."
"you're telling me," he mutters from behind the rim. his eyes are still half closed with sleep, tee all rumpled when he slides a hand under it to scratch his belly. "you know we still keep tampons in the bathroom? the number of times one of my lays has taken it to mean we're something serious, ugh."
"really? that's so sweet!" you pinch his cheeks, totally ignoring the disdain in his voice, but taehyung is too tired to pry your hands away from his face anyway. "but listen, the reason why i barged in at this time is because-"
"jimin's not here," taehyung cuts off between his smushed cheeks. "he left for the gym at like, the ass crack of dawn or something."
you visibly deflate. "since when does he ever go to the gym this early?"
"since now i guess," he shrugs, feeling a wave of sympathy for you when you sigh in disappointment, arms falling limply by your sides. jimin had clearly been avoiding you. the fact that you came all this way just to see him only to be let down again made taehyung want to wrap you up in his arms upon instinct, tucking away the residual anger he had towards his flatmate for later. "hey, don't make that face. last night he said he's staying late at the library today, hopefully you can catch him there?"
"hopefully," you grumble into his chest. you're so tired and tae's t-shirt is so soft, his body so warm you almost drift off while standing up if the whole jimin situation wasn't sounding like an alarm in the back of your head. "i haven't seen him in like, a week tae. that's the same as a century for us! i wonder what's got him so hung up...did one of his dates go badly or something?"
"don't think so," taehyung yawns. "sounded awful busy with some chick last night. if he's upset over a girl he's definitely started moving on already," he says, the look of defeat returning on your face again. "he's just busy," he assures, not even managing to sound like he believes it himself but at this point taehyung would do anything to get rid of those puppy eyes of yours. "you know what it's like at the end of the semester. i bet you'll catch him in the library tonight and everything will be fine."
"yeah, okay," you pout, smushing your head into taehyung's chest.
"was he there?" seulgi calls before you even have both feet through the front door. she gets her answer soon enough when you drag yourself to the sitting room, flopping into the empty space next to her on the couch in defeat. she runs her fingers through your tangled hair with an apologetic pout. "i'm sure he's just busy, babe."
"he went to the gym," you say, voice muffled into the cushions but she can still hear your annoyance. "i woke up at dawn for that prick. if i don't grab him in the library later i'm gonna camp out on his fucking couch, watch me. he can't run forever!"
"i mean this is jimin we're talking about," jisoo calls from the kitchen island, already half way done making hot drinks for the three of you. "boys like him would run to the ends of the earth before facing up to their bullshit."
seulgi shakes her head in disgust while she keeps petting you. "men."
"how have you two never had a fight before anyway?" jisoo asks when she comes over to join you, handing you your drink. you sit up to cup it gratefully, closing your eyes while you inhale the sweetness of the steam. god you were so fucking tired. "you've known each other for like, years. and you're telling me he's never hit you with one of his hissy fits before?"
you think about it for a second. "no, actually. if we ever do disagree we just say it up front like an old married couple with too many kids. remember that time i bought that cute faux-fur parka and jimin told me i looked like a game of thrones character?"
"i mean he wasn't wrong but you don't say that," seulgi says.
jisoo peers upwards thoughtfully. "which one though? if it's ned then fine but sansa's cute-"
"i'm saying jimin doesn't do this," you stress, drawing back the girls' attention. "we don't keep shit from each other. he's usually the one telling me why he's avoiding someone else!" you drum your fingers on the mug nervously. "which means that something is seriously wrong. like, not-only-is-he-avoiding-me-but-he's-avoiding-his-feelings wrong."
seulgi snorts. "when has jimin ever processed his feelings like a normal person? there's a reason why he's fucked his way through campus."
"exactly. whatever it is, i'm sure it has nothing to do with you," jisoo sips her drink. "maybe he got crabs again and he's embarrassed to tell you."
you shoot her a flat look. "are you kidding? did you forget who went to the sex clinic with him?"
jisoo can't help spluttering a laugh. "oh yeah!"
"speaking of crabs," seulgi paws your thigh excitedly. "are you going to jungkook's today?"
in an instant you feel your cheeks heat up but you just shrug casually. "i mean, i have a late class and some time to kill before jimin hunting, so...probably, yeah."
"of course she is," jisoo wiggles her eyebrows so you squirm beside her. "she's been to his place every night this week!"
seulgi claps her hands to her cheeks, her smile so wide it splits her face. "i still can't believe you're fucking jeon jungkook!"
you try to laugh it off but you can't stop the pounding of your heart in your chest. even the mention of jungkook's name has your hands a little clammy, your belly tightening in anticipation. you were waiting for yourself to get tired of seeing him every night, but the opposite was happening - it became the highlight of your day, the reason for the extra glow in your smile. jungkook held up to the rumours; you couldn't help but admit he left little to be desired in the bedroom if anything at all.
"look, you're blushing again!" jisoo squeals, pinching your cheeks.
"of course she is! i would be too if i was jungkook's latest squeeze!"
"latest," you remind them both, but you're unable to force the smile from your face. "definitely not his last."
"like that matters!" jisoo grins back at you. "just enjoy the ride, babe. literally."
"you're awful."
"___ was here this morning," taehyung says when jimin finally arrives home. "she was looking for you."
"oh?" he turns to taehyung, who's got his arms crossed. he doesn't look happy at all, and jimin all but rolls his eyes at him. tae could get so serious sometimes and it was usually for nothing. "i'll call her after class."
"she wants to see you," taehyung says, his tone gentle but firm. jimin doesn't answer. "come on, jimin-ah. it's not fair on ___. you can't avoid her forever."
jimin busies himself with emptying his gym bag, throwing dirty sweatshirts around the room. "i'm not avoiding her."
now taehyung is the one rolling his eyes. "seriously?"
"i've seen you trek to that girl's house when you had a raging fever and a report due the next day!" he closes the door behind him when he finally enters jimin's room so he can't ignore him, setting down on the end of his bed that's still covered in clothes. "the only reason i can think of that you wouldn't go to ___ for a problem is if the problem is her."
"stop pussy footing around tae," jimin sighs. "just tell me what you wanna say already, i don't have time for this."
taehyung braces himself a moment, turning his head to the side with his tongue in his cheek. when he finally meets jimin's eyes his gaze is steady. "if avoiding ___ is your way of punishing her for getting with jungkook, you really are an asshole."
jimin's face screws up in disgust. "the fuck? what are you-"
"you haven't seen her since the party," tae leans back, flattening his palms behind him. "aka, since she started seeing jungkook. you really want me to believe that's a coincidence? it's pretty obvious you've got your knickers in a twist over it even if you don't see it yourself. it's how you deal with stuff, jimin: you don't. fucking more girls than usual, working out early, studying late. not giving yourself time to think about what's actually bothering you."
"since when did this become a fucking intervention about my life? full offence, but you're the last one to be pointing fingers, taehyung," jimin retorts, but the boy's stare doesn't relent. jimin huffs in exasperation, going back to sorting his bag. "i'm busy. the semester's almost up, i have shit to do. why are you acting like i haven't seen ___ in a month when its literally been like, a couple days at most-"
"it's been a week! you don't even go this long without talking to your mum!"
"and what's it to you? what's the sudden interest for?" jimin finally bursts, dark eyes alight with frustration. his ashy hair falls into his eyes slightly before he flicks it away again, not liking the what the pressure taehyung was putting on him was doing to his composure. he hated appearing frazzled, taken off guard. jimin was always ready for anything even a conversation that didn't serve a purpose other than offending him a little.
"interest? jimin, you're my friend," he shakes his head. it was the reason why he and jimin usually got on so well but also why communication was an issue sometimes; they were so different from each other. even though taehyung was coming from a place of concern, jimin's gut reaction was to get defensive and that wasn't going to undo itself overnight. "i care about you. i don't like seeing you like this."
"like what?" he narrows his eyes. "what do you mean?"
"the reason why this whole thing bothers you so much. jungkook and ___," taehyung eyes jimin carefully, waits for him to catch on but he doesn't. "it's because he's you. he's just like you. and if she can fall for him and make it work in even the slightest way, it's a slap in the face to all the things you've always been too scared to pursue with her."
jimin scoffs, shaking his head in disbelief. out of all the things he was expecting to come out of taehyung's mouth, he wasn't expecting that. something so absurd, so juvenile. was it really so hard to believe that he could be close to a girl without wanting to fuck her? he doesn't know whether to feel offended or disappointed when he turns to look back at taehyung after a long minute of silence. "first of all, this is jungkook we're talking about. it's not gonna work. give it a couple weeks she's gonna be crying on that pillow behind you in no time," he pauses from turning back to his closet. "oh, and you're fucking delusional."
"am i?" taehyung presses, but jimin has already ended the conversation, his back turned to him while he kicks about more dirty laundry across the carpet. tae licks his lips, irritated. if he wanted to be difficult, two could play. "fine. we'll talk about something else."
jimin huffs. "great."
"you ever gonna tell her about hoseok?"
he freezes. it's like time has stopped for a short moment, taehyung's question bouncing around in his skull like one of those nineties windows screensavers. he doesn't know why the hairs on his arms and the back of his neck stand up, but jimin's face remains poised if only a little alarmed. "how do you even...?"
tae shrugs. "because i know you, jimin. you acted fishy every time ___ mentioned hobi, especially their breakup. i asked hyung, he told me."
upon examining taehyung's disapproving expression, fury bubbles up in his chest again. the fuck was he to go prying in places he shouldn't, trying to dictate what was right and wrong when he wasn't as close to you as jimin was? he can't keep the anger out of his voice or face this time, fists clenched while he grips a vest just give himself something to do. "you ever gonna mind your own business taehyung? like literally, ever?"
"you're being a dick and you know it." it's not sharp or with the intent of riling him up anymore. the statement is quiet. a fact.
it's the exact reason why jimin leaves without another word.
to put it bluntly, jungkook was waiting to get sick of you.
it should be any time now since his flings don't last long, but then he gets a taste of your pussy again, watches you undress for him, rocks his erection through your slickness and instead wonders how he ever lived these twenty-two years without you. jungkook fucks you today like he has been all week; firmly, passionately. you've gotten so used to the banging of his broken headboard drowning your moans out you don't think to quieten them anymore, hands clawing at jungkook's back and ass in an attempt to push him ever deeper.
he groans into your neck at how eagerly you receive him, the way you split your thighs wider and clench around his cock desperately. he never would have thought you the type to love a good pounding - it really was always the quiet ones. there's something about the way you writhe under him, your eyes rolling back into your head with a flutter, mouth hanging open in ecstasy. he could never get enough of you. and it scared him a little.
"jungkook," you beg when he starts to slow down on purpose, your fingers threading into the nape of his neck to tug at his hair painfully. but he doesn't relent. he knows you're about to cum and he just loves to draw it out, loves to make it last as long as possible. it was a little intimidating how well he knew your body already, because if he was fucking you this good within the first week then what the hell was waiting for you in the future? you squirm when jungkook angles himself to drag over your clit, rolling into it with enough force to get you whining but not enough to push you over the edge. "please, just! just let me...jungkook!"
you suddenly feel his teeth flat against your neck: he's laughing at you. it makes your face heat even further even though you didn't think it was possible once he hoisted one of your thighs over his elbow. he starts to thrust harder but keeps his measured pace, shoving you up the bed steadily. you were practically in tears under him when he gives one of your nipples a gentle suck, beautifully contrasting the burning stretch of his cock inside you. god, you wanted to cum so bad. "jungkook, i'm begging you..."
"what's the rush?" he whispers under your ear. you shiver. he lowers your leg down, hands slipping further to now angle your ass so he can drive into you with force but halt all friction against your clit in the process. the sudden off-on stimulation was making you sweat and grow delirious, your face burying into jungkook's neck as he fucks you with renewed vigour. he likes watching your tits shake whenever he speeds up, how your face scrunches more at the wet, slapping sounds of sex getting louder. even when he's balls deep, jungkook is always on the hunt for new ways to fluster you.
"baby," you whisper suddenly, feather light over his bottom lip. you say it so delicately he almost misses it. he watches with hooded eyes and a sweaty brow when you place a gentle, chaste kiss over the mole under his mouth. the action is so overwhelmingly intimate that jungkook's heart practically lurches out from his chest. you're so pretty with your bitten lips and sparkling eyes underneath him that his brain short circuits for a second, causing him to pause mid-thrust before something clicks: he wants you to cum. now.
it's funny how it's the simplest action that gets jungkook to ram you into orgasm. one little peck and suddenly he's wild with the need to bury his cock into the very back of your cunt, feel you pulse around him. for him. and you do; it only takes a couple minutes of rough thrusting for jungkook to have you moaning into his skin helplessly, your body jolting with the force of your release so that you rut up to meet his hips in a frenzy. he revels in it, licking up your neck while he finishes with a grunt and listens to you whine at the never ending aftershocks. you're both gasping and exhausted by the time he finally slows to a stop, head dipping into your shoulder before he collapses into you. the feel of your fingers running through his sweaty hair, cradling him against your body while you lie there together almost makes him forget to pull out, knot up and bin the condom.
it's difficult not to rush back into your arms again once he returns to the bed. he didn't think he'd like being held so much; jungkook has had a lot of sex with a lot of girls but it was never this...comforting. easy.
"so are you ever gonna tell me about this one?" you ask as you crawl into his damp chest. you like to trace over the sweat around his nipples after sex, watch him squirm and whine, but this time you venture upwards to the tattoo across his chest. it rests perfectly in the dip between his collar bones, a line of roman numerals you had been wandering about ever since you caught a peek through his v neck that day. jungkook doesn't reply, too busy catching his breath. you wrap the sheet around your breasts before cinching your brows in concentration. "i know it's a date. it has to be, with the way the numbers are separated. the day you lost your virginity?"
jungkook rolls his eyes. "do i look like a fifteen year old girl?"
you pinch one of his nipples, earning a short squeak from him. "don't insult fifteen year old girls. the day you got crabs for the first time?"
"what is it with you and associating me with venereal disease?" he huffs, reaching over to drink some water from a bottle beside the bed. still, it's cute the way your lips set into a determined line while you concentrated. you fit in perfectly with his messy little studio, wrapped in his sheets and covered in his lovebites. jungkook isn't usually one for pillow talk simply because he doesn't have a lot to say after he's got his fill, but there's something extremely satisfying about keeping you in his bed if only to indulge in the fact he's the only man who gets to see you like this, naked and soft after sex. it made him feel smug. special. not many men got to enjoy this so enjoy you he would.
you trace around his nipple again while you think, and he shivers at the contact. he can feel your smooth calf rub up his leg absent-mindedly, causing his still-sore dick to stir in the beginnings of new arousal. it didn't help that you held the sheet up under your breasts while you sat beside him, pushing them together as if purely for his viewing pleasure. not that you had any idea, flipping some hair over your shoulder before locking eyes with him again seriously. they're somehow alluring and mischievous and adorable all that the same time when you say, "is it the day you watched the episode of naruto where jiraiya died?"
his suddenly looks visibly upset. "we don't talk about that episode in this house."
you giggle when he turns his head away from you. "are you crying, jungkook?"
"he was his sensei!" he complains, still refusing to look at you even when you wind your arms around his neck with a light laugh. you kiss his jaw softly, placating him enough to show you his scowl before you're kissing that too. his face is still slightly bruised from the fight, so you're careful to pepper over the little nicks. jungkook can't help but relax into you, mouth falling slack and letting you apologise with little pecks. he traces your chin gently with his fingers when he wants more, about to part your mouth and rub his semi into your thigh when-
"is it the day you ate six ramen cups in one sitting?"
he pauses. "actually, you're right i should get that tattooed it was a really proud day for me. they were fire noodles too so you wouldn't believe the ring sting wh-" he cocks his head, a crinkle forming on his nose bridge when he squints in confusion. "wait, how do you even know that?"
"yoongi told me," you grin, pulling away to wiggle your hips playfully against his side, reminding jungkook of his growing erection. "he gave me his number so we can gossip about you."
jungkook takes the opportunity to grab your thigh, using his hips to suddenly roll you underneath him again. you gasp, feeling jungkook part your legs around his body to accommodate his weight on you. the skin of his lower abdomen lines up with your still sensitive wetness, making you yelp at the warm contact all of a sudden. pulling the sheet away from you with a wicked smile, jungkook relishes in your embarrassed gulp when your breasts press flush into his bare chest.
"so you and hyung talk now?" he murmurs, reaching to tease your nipple this time. you crush your teeth into your lower lip, jungkook's attentive stare and grabby hands making your heart beat a mile a minute all over again. his hair is pushed back to reveal his strong brows, the slant of his smirk as boyish as ever, dimples showing. god he was so pretty. "first hobi hyung, then me, now yoongi...you're really working your way through the group, aren't you noona?"
"don't tell me you're jealous, romeo," you huff, but your voice isn't as steady as you'd like. he hums a laugh into your collar bones, your eyes fluttering shut when you feel the wetness of his tongue trace your skin. it's so warm and hypnotic, turning you into a pliant doll underneath him while he sucks more hickeys over your skin. jungkook knew how to shut a girl up, that much was apparent by the whimpers that slipped from your mouth. and it almost worked. "the day you got your first xbox?"
he sighs, dropping his head into your chest before rolling off you in defeat. you clearly pushed all chances of a round three off the table so he just lies back and throws an arm over his eyes lazily. "no. you're never gonna guess it, trust me."
you scoot closer, taking up the challenge. "first camera?"
"first overwatch win?"
"the day you got that ugly truck?"
"take that back, she's not ugly!"
"first threesome? first pair of timberlands? first linkin park album?"
jungkook groans. jesus, was he that transparent? he peeks through one eye to quickly scan his messy room, looking for any sign of rock or heavy metal memorabilia because he sure as hell didn't tell anyone about his embarrassing emo phase. sure enough he spots the old posters rolled up and tossed into the bottom of his open wardrobe, the linkin park and evanescence ones sticking out enough for someone observant enough to spot it from across the room. another reminder why jungkook doesn't like bringing girls back to his place. and the downside to hooking up with smart chicks. "alright inspector gadget, that's enough-"
"i've got it!" you shout, clapping your hands excitedly. "i bet it's that time when you first touched a girls tit! weren't you like, fourteen? it was behind the changing rooms at your old dance school, remember?"
jungkook's covers his face in mortification. he was really going to kill yoongi with his bare hands the next time he saw him. "okay look, first of all she was a c cup which was a big deal back then! and second, if i tell you will you promise to stop talking to hyung about my embarrassing back stories?"
"yes!" you lie, eyes lighting up as you bounce cutely. "tell me, tell me!"
jungkook chews the inside of his cheek bloody, cheeks flushing bright pink all the way up to his ears. he looks so cute, so young and vulnerable while he fidgets about and twiddles his thumbs, adam's apple bobbing when he gulps. it didn't help that you were watching him expectantly like a hawk.
"well?" you press, tilting your head to meet his eyes from where he avoids looking at you.
jungkook's cheeks are now practically tomato red, doe eyes meeting yours hesitantly when he mumbles, "it's my mum's birthday."
the warmth that floods your chest is unexpected, and you feel it ripple throughout your body in waves. jungkook rubs the tip of his nose, feigning coolness even though his palms are definitely sweating. especially considering the residual history with your own mother - would it make you sad? angry? was he stupid for telling you the truth and not letting you believe it was one of your ridiculous guesses if only to spare you the short anguish? just when he thinks he could die of embarrassment, wishing that the earth would split and swallow him up whole so he wouldn't have to endure your gawking, you sit yourself on his lap. jungkook looks at you in surprise, hands fidgeting even more around your hips when he watches you smile at him like that. out of nowhere you lean into him, swerving down to press a sweet kiss over the numbers inked across his chest. he all but swoons.
"so," you say finally, voice velvet soft without even a hint of derision despite your next words. "you're a mama's boy."
"shut up," he grumbles, but jungkook can't help but take delight in the way you cup his cheeks and turn him back to kiss you, pulling you closer and letting you grind into his forgotten hard-on. you were already tugging the sheet away from his waist, humming contently at the warmth of his skin under your hands. he must have been a saint in his last life to pull a girl this eager. "hun, wait. lemme prep you, shh-"
"don't care," you gasp, tugging his lower lip between your teeth to make him groan. "want your dick in me."
jungkook can't help but grin arrogantly into the kiss. "so is that your play? the sensitive, small-town-boy thing is what does it for you?" you don't reply because yes is the answer and you both know it, instead opting to lick your way up jungkook's throat while you hastily position the head of his cock against you. "didn't know you were such a textbook romcom protagonist, noona."
"just shut up and fuck me before i-" you freeze instantly when you see the time on flash on your phone on the floor when seulgi's text appears. your eyes nearly pop out of your head, jumping off jungkook's dick faster than he can blink. "shit, i'm late!"
he pouts childishly, neglected cock sitting there while you tug on your underwear and race around the room in search of your clothes. "what happened to wanting my dick in you?"
"later," you pant, bending to look under the bed. "if i don't catch jimin now then that idiot is gonna build a fort in that fucking gym this weekend, i know it," you finally find your shirt thrown into a pile of jungkook's laundry, holding it up to put it on before you gasp at it in shock. "oh my god! jungkook!"
"what?" he yawns, already settling back into the pillows.
you flip the shirt to show him the front of it angrily, the large cum stain streaking its way from one corner to the other. "look what you did earlier! i can't wear this!"
he snorts when you hurl the t shirt at him, holding it up to get a good look at it and trying not to feel too proud of himself. "oh my god, it's all the way up to the collar, look! you ever wonder how fast cum travels, like damn how many miles an hour is this? i'm impressed with myself!"
even you can't help but laugh at his stupid comment. "god, why are boys so dumb..."
"hey!" he squawks when you tug one of his huge white tees, stuffing the ends into your jeans as you shimmy them on hurriedly. "that's mine!"
"and that top was mine before you got your jizz all over it!" you shove your shoes on throwing your phone into your jacket pocket. "we'll trade back after you wash it. that was my favourite black crew neck you know!"
"are you just using that as an excuse to see me again?" he wiggles his eyebrows, scooting to sit on the end of the bed so he can reach over and tug your hips to him while you quickly tie up your hair.
you eye him. "if you don't want me to come back, that's fine."
he pinches your ass. "tomorrow. after lunch."
you smirk. "thought so."
the cocktail of emotions that jimin experiences when he sees you waving at him from the other end of the library is too much for his brain. relief, because he missed you. panic, because why did he feel like he had something to be defensive about? and then distaste because, was that one of jungkook's ratty shirts?
"hey," he smiles when you finally reach him, as if you'd just come back from the bathroom.
"don't hey me!" you shrug your coat off hurriedly, sweating from having to jog all this way. jimin watches you brace your hands on your hips, eyes trained onto him like he's at a police line up or something. "go on. start."
"start what?"
"giving me your bullshit excuses," you sit on the table he's working at, kicking your feet up on a chair while you regard him. you rest your chin in your palm while you wait, waving your hand dismissively. "about how you've busy with finals and the gym and fending off the plethora of girls who are constantly after you. the sooner you finish we can talk about the real problem."
"and what's the real problem then?" jimin challenges, spreading his legs while he leans back in his chair to stare back at you. he cocks his jaw, not exactly in the best of moods after his argument with taehyung. the last thing he was ready for was someone else giving him shit in the same day.
jimin isn't prepared for the way your eyes soften, the way you inch closer to him and twirl your finger over the back of his hand in a peace offering. you weren't like him or taehyung; you didn't yell. didn't raise your voice or spit swears or guilt trip. maybe it was your messy past, your mild mannered personality or simply your ability to read him so easily. you knew exactly how to break down his wall of defence, knew exactly what to do and what to say and how to say it. which is why you let out a short sigh before starting. "i know this is about jungkook."
jimin's tongue pokes in his cheek. firstly because he realised how stupid he and taehyung were for assuming you didn't have shit figured out before they did, and secondly because why did the exact same topic of conversation evoke such a different response when it came from you instead of taehyung? because now all jimin can do is grind his teeth nervously, eyes flicking about the room while he jiggles his legs. there was no hiding from you. "what are you talking about? that's..."
"come on jiminie," you tug at his pinky finger. you always made fun of that one for being the chubbiest. jimin doesn't know why but his heart melts. "you haven't exactly been subtle. you warned me about jungkook and i didn't listen and i get how that must feel for you. for someone who's done as much for me as you have."
jimin shrugs nonchalantly but his chest is tight, throat dry. "it's your life, ___. i'm fine with it, seriously."
this time you're the one to keep quiet for a second. you wish you could transfer your emotions into him so he'd understand the feeling you get whenever you look at him, wish you were articulate enough to describe the way you felt about jimin but you doubted that was even possible. all you can do is gnaw your lip, your pretty face staring at him with the light of a thousand stars in your eyes. jimin could get lost like this, in you. "you know no one could ever replace you, right? hoseok, jungkook, even taehyung...no guy could ever be what you are to me."
you're being a dick and you know it, tae’s words echo in his head, which is what causes jimin’s resolve to finally crack. he could never stay mad at you. maybe if it was some other girl, some other friend of his - but not you. never you.
which is why he gives in and grabs you by the legs, tugging you onto his knees to make you squeak. jimin's crooked front tooth revels itself when he smiles at you, eyes curving into the sweet crescents that you know and love. you'd be lying if you weren't a little giddy at his open affection like this in public, the way he holds the back of your hips so you don't slip off his legs. "that's good to know, because my mum is still convinced we're gonna get married some day. like a harry met sally situation."
you relax against him, glad to have your jimin back. "but we never hated each other!"
"i dunno, i feel pretty strongly about this shirt you're wearing," jimin sneers, picking at it with the end of his fingers in disgust. "what happened? jungkook get ramen juice on your top and gave you this bed sheet instead?"
"i wish it was ramen juice," you hang your head. "you have no idea how much i wish it was ramen juice."
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