#seriously what was today
golbrocklovely · 1 year
today was the most unluckiest day of my life. good god above lol
let me list all the shit that happened bc it was really that crazy
didn't get much sleep so i woke up really tired
got bit by mosquitos while taking the dogs out (but that's what usually happened regardless)
had to go thru a hundred outfit changes bc i couldn't figure out what i wanted to wear bc it's so hot outside and also my store doesn't run the ac high :))
was extra late to work / traffic was hella annoying
passed by train station in my town, someone was dropping off someone. they stopped and immediately let the person out, causing the person behind us to run into us. it was extremely minor and only a scratch on my mom's plastic bumper so nothing major but like…. fucking REALLY?? and they drove off !!! (not the person that hit us, the person that caused the accident)
got to work, pulled out my uboat full of boxes i didn't stack myself. my one manager stacks the uboats and they are always too tall for my liking. i pull a box from the top, a smaller box was on top of it and i didn't know. it comes down and hits me directly in the eye. highkey have a feeling i'm gonna have a black eye tomorrow. and if i do… i'm suing :)
there was only three of us in the store and a man from loss prevention decided to come in. he couldn't have picked a worse day to come in. the person at the front is new and doesn't know everything so she was ringing the bell for someone and i was that someone that would have to go help out (when usually i never do that bc there's enough ppl that are in the store to help).
i'm telling you… every customer that came into this god forsaken store talked to me. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. these are not the only ones that talked to me, just the highlights lol
first customer: older lady looking for size five sandal. tell her we don't sell five, the smallest we sell being six. she tells me the sandals she was currently wearing were from here. don't have the heart to tell her that i've worked here for four years, we haven't sold that type of sandals in literally, at the bare minimum, two years. she asks if we have kids shoes, the only ones we have are watershoes. not what she wants. i was putting shoes out at the time, she starts GOING THRU my boxes trying to see what shoes i got……… ma'am, do you wanna clock in too?
i show her that all we have is a six, that doesn't fit her. she's looking at the other sandals we have out right next to me, they are also in a six. we got black and white. she tells me she likes the white but they get too dirty too fast. i agree. i say we have the black, she shakes her head and says "girl colors are nicer"………….. ma'am, colors don't have genders. THEY ARE JUST SPECTRUMS OF LIGHT OR IN THIS CASE PIGMENTS. she also tells me why she needs the sandals, i don't need to know this info.
next customer: lady comes up to me asks me if i can tell her what the amount on her gift card is. i tell her the person at the front can do that, she says the person at the front told her to find someone else….. i go find my manager and ask her to do it. reminder to all of you, while i did used to work at the registers, i haven't done so since 2020. so i remember nothing. i literally don't have numbers that work at the register either.
next customer: older man, very nice. asks where the apple watch bands are. i say i think we have them over here. he tells me the website says we have them… sir, that site means nothing to me. it also says we have christmas product when we don't. but at least this interaction was nice.
flash forward a bit. i had been in the back for a while. i sweated my ass off breaking down a couple boxes and separating some stuff. come out with a whole new uboat full of product from my section. this was the last hour of my shift, and all i wanted to do was this single aisle. that's it. and this is when all hell breaks loose for me. it's like there was beacon on me telling every customer where i was.
next customer: old man, not as nice. also was barely talking above a grumble for some reason. he needs a screen protector and a case for his iphone. i ask him what one he has, he has no clue. i'm able to find out it's an iphone 11. go over to our tech section, the only cases we have are all "girly" for the most part. there's also no screen protectors. i have to tell this man MULTIPLE TIMES the same information over and over again. i point him to the phones cases, telling him this is all we have for his phone. he looks at different ones and asks about them. tell him they wouldn't fit, it's only these ones. he asks about "plastic" for his phone (which i assumed was screen protector) told him we don't have any bc it would be with the phone cases. he asks about some other phone cases on the other side. AGAIN i tell him the only ones for his phone would be right here directly in front of us. he's upset that none of them are the type he wants. he points at a light blue/periwinkle one and says "would this be for men" or something like that. DEAR GOD I DON'T GET PAID ENOUGH FOR THIS. i say it works bc it's a blue, which is truly all these ppl want to hear sometimes. i tell him this is all we have, and that he can always go down the street to best buy who would have a bigger selection. he says they're more expensive. idk what you want from me sir.
next customer: i'm trying to place boxes down in my aisle and this old lady walks up it while i'm doing so. mind you, this aisle is only small enough for one person to go down it. nothing really happened with her, it just annoyed me bc it always happens lol
the loss prevention guy comes over to me and tries to ask me about our policies that are all anagrammed and named bob and lisa and shit like that. i don't remember them bc i don't care. he tells me what they are and leaves me alone.
next customer: this one is a doozy. i think i was helping someone else out in the tech section, and this lady finds me and needs my help. she needs a magnet charger for her phone. but she wants the one that's multiple and has enough room to charge all of her shit. i point her to what we have. she's not looking for those, even tho it's a) the only one we have and b) the one that would work for her. she also doesn't like the color. when she realizes i was telling the truth, she's looking at them again and goes to pick one. mind you, they are all white. she looks at the one all the way at the bottom and says "this is a silver one, right?" sure ma'am. it's totally not the shadow being cascaded down onto it that makes it look darker. i then have to help her put all of her shit in the bag she's carrying that she's buying from us (not a huge deal). mind you, the whole time, she's talking to me. and every time i start to walk away she goes "oh yeah i need this thing" i'm pointing her in like six different directions bc i will not walk someone physically over to a section that has a neon sign above it. sorry. i won't do it lol (unless they ask me to or are older)
she's point out all of this random shit in our tech section and saying "aw isn't this cute" and i'm just like… i work here. it lost it's cuteness a long time ago. she needs a phone case, we only have two obnoxious ones for her phone. she says "are you serious" but not in a funny way, like she thinks i'm lying to her. do you really think i'm fucking with you, lady? i just tell her that our tech section hasn't been getting that much product in. again i try to leave she asks me for something else. her mom now comes over and needs help getting something too. i get on a ladder to help her get a dress on the wall (bc the tech section and my section are right next to each other), she tells me she could have done that…… literally no you cannot. why do customers think they're allowed on the ladders, i will never understand.
the girl then asks me for an eyelash curler, but she calls it something weird so i have no idea what she's asking for. once i know, i tell her it would be on the wall with the other make up. i show her a different option first, she doesn't want that one. she wants the multi colored ones we sell. we haven't gotten those in in months. i go over and look at the wall, we don't have any. i tell her this, she asks if i'm joking. she tells me they are usually over here, and i tell her "yeah they usually are. but we're out." she says "you guys have them over here, right?" i tell her again they would be, but we don't have them in. she says she'll look over here and if not over in this other section. and i say "yeah IF WE HAVE THEM they would be here" and i just leave after that and pray she doesn't need me for anything else.
last customer: comes over to me, says good morning. sir, it's almost one o'clock, but okay. asks if we sell padlocks, didn't understand what he said i ask him again, he YELLS padlocks at me. i then YELL back no we don't have them.
i finish up finally in this fucking isle, get all of my trash and cardboard together, go put it away, as i'm about to leave i look at the schedule for next week………. i only work one day. i was supposed to only work on day this week as well, but i informed my manager that i have insurance with the company and if i go below 17 hours in a two week period, i lose the insurance. so at the BARE MINIMUM i have to work at least two days each week, bc they only allow us to work for five hours at a time. of course, all of the managers get to have full hours, and we apparently have enough to hire new ppl, but not enough to give ME hours. and they complain that the reason we don't have hours is bc we're not making sales. you know who helps out with sales? THE MERCH TEAM, WHICH IS ME!
i get out of work, tell my mom all of this, we go to wawa. as some of you know, i had to get a new debt card. i activated it, but i do not remember the pin whatsoever. and it's a tap card so i don't technically need to know it but yes i do. and of course i trashed the paper that said what it was on it. so i go in and guess what i think it is. it's not that. so i now have to call my bank bc i have no idea what it could be and all i can do is pray that they don't say "oh well we have to send you a new card then" (and you might think that would be weird of them to do bc your bank doesn't do that, but the bank i'm with is old as shit, not a major one, and literally the time i brought in a hundred dollars in quarters someone had to PHYSICALLY COUNT THEM ALL OUT instead of having a machine to do it).
i go to buy a slurpee bc i haven't had one in so long... it tastes like cleaning solution so i dump it.
i finally come home…. our ac is broken. it's actually been like this for a while, but today bc it's so fucking hot, i'm cooking inside my room, beef jerky style. thank christ above the one good thing that happened today is that someone is coming out tomorrow to fix it.
i get upstairs, get butt ass naked, about to lay down…. and then i see that the lemon juice container i brought up earlier when i had my dogs out and got bit by mosquitos (bc i found out a long time ago that lemon juice can help with the itchiness of mosquito bites so i use it occasionally) leaked all over my bed while i was at work :))))))))))
i'm telling you, it feels like someone placed a curse on me or something lol like what THE ACTUAL FUCK
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cerealboxlore · 6 months
The Batfam meeting Terry (through reality/time travel shenanigans):
Red Hood: So, you're the new Batman? Is there any special reason as to why you of all people can take up the mantle of the bat?
Terry: That's easy to answer. I wanted to be a comedian, but my mom said no, so becoming Batman was the next best thing.
Nightwing: You can't be serious..
Terry: I'm not. Truth is, I broke into Wayne Manor and stole the batsuit.
Tim: I'm sorry. What?
Terry: What? Is breaking into Wayne Manor supposed to be hard?
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cuubism · 26 days
idk if i'm just a joyless feminist buzzkill or something but i find the instareels/tiktok trend of joking about "when the workday starts feeling like women fighting for equal work was a mistake" "women in the past fought for equal opportunities and now i have to go in the office when i could be staying home to cook 🙄" so DEEPLY unfunny. leaving aside that housewives work equally hard it's just unpaid, also leaving aside how the idea that women never worked and just tended the home is ahistorical--Women's financial independence is a joke to you? Women being able to choose their own life path instead of being forced to rely on men for survival is funny? Go talk to a woman who couldn't leave her abusive husband because she had no work history and no way of financially supporting herself and I think you'll find it significantly less amusing.
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xxplastic-cubexx · 21 days
Chat have we discussed drunk chess with cherik cause i just think. That would be the darnedest silliest thing they could do
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as a fellow deluyuyu looking out for another deluyuyu.. do NOT look at Yunho's Saitama Day 2 pictures 💀🧎🏻‍♀️🕳 we don't have the hotteok health insurance!!
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pharawee · 11 months
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skitskatdacat63 · 11 months
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2023 Brazilian Grand Prix - Sprint - Fernando Alonso
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gomzdrawfr · 5 months
pov: you just told him what you wanted to do
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toasted-buguette · 7 months
ngl you guys, I was so flabbergasted by the office shenanigans in today's episode I completely forgot there was a statement. Like sure sure, the bone apple teeth anatomy students are working at goodwill now that's great, CELIA KNOWS! COLIN'S ON TO US!! SAM GOT AN EMAIL FROM JON!!!
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drawthething · 7 months
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They would soooooo bitch about each other's handwritings
Happy Valentine's y'all ❤
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king-crawler · 10 months
The scene where Ralph meets King Candy for the first time is one of the most interesting ones on a rewatch because you already know who King Candy is pretending Not to be. The way Ralph behaves is interesting too. (I’m studying these little 1kb game characters under a microscope)
Below the cut is a LONG scene/character analysis (~6min read?)
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First off. King Candy’s mere Entrance in this scene already characterizes him a ton and he hasn’t even said anything yet. He speeds obnoxiously around Ralph in his little go-kart BLARING HIS HORN. This immediately gives off the impression of: Very in your face. Very full of himself. And Very Annoying About It. (sir.. your Turbo is showing)
(Ralph Face Reveal While Screaming)
“Milk my duds! it’s Wreck-it Ralph??”
“Yeah...? And who are you, the guy who makes the donuts?”
“Hoohoo, please- No! I’m King Candy!”
I love this interaction because King Candy INSTANTLY knows who Ralph is. And from Ralph’s perspective that’s… weird.
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Ralph is probably a little confused. Given how he answers “yeah?” He doesn’t just straight up ask “How do you know who I am” because he’s currently being interrogated (Probably Not a Good Time) Also that recognition is something he rarely receives in the first place, so why from this guy…? So instead he asks: Well who are you supposed to be?
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WELL FIRST OF ALL. HE KNOWS WHO RALPH IS BECAUSE TURBO’S GAME CABINET SAT NEXT TO HIS FOR YEARS. Which is why King Candy is so surprised - he’s probably seeing him for the first time in decades.
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“Hoohoo, please- No! I’m King Candy!”
I also love how he nervously laughs at first before responding with “No!” In that particular way- simply laughing it off before being Rather Quick to reject Ralph’s proposal that he could possibly be someone else. Interesting .
But it’s the way he says “I’m King Candy!” That carries so much implication. His pose and smile, the perfect inflection in his voice- it’s theatrical, it’s like he’s rehearsed it. It’s almost like he’s trying to convince Ralph that he’s really who he says he is with the best performance possible. He’s been doing that for years and by this point he’s totally mastered it. Nobody suspects a thing. (For now……)
—————————— Skipping forward a little, Ralph explains that he got a medal from Hero's Duty.
"Your medal? (giggles) Bad guys don't win medals!"
"Well, this one did. I earned it over in... Hero's Duty"
"You game-jumped?? Ralph... You're not going Turbo, are you?"
"What? No no no no no..."
"Because i-if you think you can come in here- (laughs nervously) to MY kingdom, and take over MY GAME, YOU'VE GOT ANOTHER THING COMING!"
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First off we'll focus on Ralph. The way he admits it... He knows it sounds bad. He breaks eye contact and hesitates before saying "Hero's Duty." Probably because he knows what King Candy is gonna retort with. But he still says "I earned it" not only because he doesn't want to incriminate himself, but because he believes it. He did earn it... right? And then Ralph tries to brush off the suggestion that he's going Turbo before being interrupted by King candy's rampant tantrum. (WHICH I WILL GET TO.)
At this point, Ralph is becoming less confident that he earned his medal because he's in denial about “going Turbo.” His confidence wavers here especially because he's in the presence of this apparent authority figure whose trying to guilt and incriminate him. (And this is a situation he's already all too familiar with- think of how Surge Protector always halts him when going into games just because he's a bad guy.)
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But there's still one major thing keeping this denial intact: He wants to hold onto the fact he deserves his medal so bad. Others have hurt him for so long, he thinks getting that medal alone means he'll finally be respected, praised, and loved.
"Is it Turbo to want a friend? Or a medal? Or a piece of pie every once in a while? Is it Turbo to want more out of life?"
(I know that’s literally the Conflict of the Movie. BUT ITS WORTH MENTIONING OKAY I LOVE RALPH’S CHARACTER LEAVE ME ALONE)
I think the fact you can gather all this info just from the way he's portrayed during this SINGLE INTERACTION- its amazing. Amazing character writing is when when nearly every action a character does reinforces their motivations or personality and you're able to SEE IT!!
Now to focus on King Candy again… this FUCKER‼️
First off, him mentioning Turbo Isn’t even that suspicious at this point in the film… well… at first glance at least.
At first it seems like everyone knows who Turbo is. Ralph is questioned at Bad-Anon, Q*bert tells Felix and the nicelanders freak out- everyone who’s been around for a while knows who this guy is. But if you think about it… isn’t Sugar Rush a newer game? Not as new as Hero’s Duty, but it’s still a little odd that King Candy would know who Turbo is ON TOP of knowing Ralph. Just a little.
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"You game-jumped?? Ralph... You're not going Turbo, are you?"
Ok but Seriously. That Part. The pure irony of King candy saying THAT a threat against Ralph in an attempt to incriminate him. The way he says it too... He breaks eye contact and glances to the floor like it’s something forbidden to even mention. His accompanied hand movements too (and King Candy speaks with his hands A Lot) they move like he’s describing a ghost story. He’s obviously trying to scare Ralph… trying to scare him into admitting something.
This is... a lot. Maybe even some level of self projecting...? Cuz MAN. that is too deep for me to even start getting into
But the fact that his OWN NAME (a SECRET IDENTITY MIND YOU) has become so infamous that now HE’S WEAPONIZING IT?!? IS INSANE??? Can you Imagine his thought process. Like how far gone into the deep end is he.
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THIS. this is so good. And the way King Candy eludes to “Turbo” as some kind of monster. Could that be offering him like. A Brief moment of catharsis. Or fuel some twisted sense of pride. What the FUCK is going on in this SICKO’S HEAD !!!!! I NEED TO KNOW!!!!
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"Because i-if you think you can come in here- (laughs nervously) to MY kingdom, and take over MY GAME, YOU'VE GOT ANOTHER THING COMING!"
SECOND!!!!!! King Candy gets SO defensive SO FAST. That man jumps to conclusions IMMEDIATELY!!! He essentially throws a tantrum while stepping closer to Ralph, stumbling over his words and giggling nervously. The mere thought of there being ANY threat of someone else taking over "his game" riles him up SO BAD.
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This is the same EXACT SAME TEMPER that made him storm into Roadblasters as Turbo years ago, because he saw Roadblasters as a direct threat to his own game's popularity - HIS popularity!!!! Because getting exposure- infamous or otherwise- is the ONLY thing that drives him. (Pun intended. Sorry.)
And the way he repeats “MY” kingdom “MY” game… mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine. Are you done with your tantrum old man.
Wow. Anyways I think that’s enough for now. And that was in response to only a minute of content. (Oh dear.)
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fanastraea · 1 month
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Korn casually killing Great in his mind.
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grantaire-lover-69 · 4 months
RIP Enjolras, you would have hated how things are today🙏
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agentoffangirling · 23 days
Season 1 of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is not bad. It really isn't. To both a longtime fan and a complete newcomer to the MCU, it would not be seen as a bad show if they just did more than surface research on it
If you look at the ratings on Rotten Tomatoes for the show overall, it has a 95%. 89% for s1. On IMDB, 7.5/10, with their lowest episode being only 7.1/10. Critics like it, audiences like it
So why is it that it is viewed so negatively by a large majority of Marvel fans? And to that I say: they never stuck around till the end of the season
See, when AoS was coming out, there was massive hype around it. Marketing would have you think that it was some type of Avengers crossover, with people like Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff showing up every other episode (but hey, this is Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Not Agents of T.H.O.R.)
This is what led to the massive turnout of 11 million viewers for that first episode, but when it turned out to be a show about S.H.I.E.L.D. featuring new people, like it always was supposed to be, people very quickly tuned out
(Even tho, hey, it's a SPY show and you only watched 1 EPISODE. Give it some time)
But most didn't give it time. They wanted to see Hawkeye and Fury and Maria go on adventures that would stand the test of time, fighting Loki and essentially just being mini Avengers, and when that didn't happen, they left. They wrote early reviews claiming that the show didn't meet expectations and wasn't worth the time. You get a very sharp dip from episode 1 bc marketing claimed this was an Avengers show, and people felt that it fell short
Those reviews are what Marvel fanboys use now, without ever watching the show themselves or pointing out that they're literally 11 years old. They bring the idea that the show is boring and lazy, putting aside the fact that basically everything else from it is called innovating and jaw-dropping. They praise the use of THEIR ideas in other Marvel shows, but call it plain in their home territory. They don't bother
So hey, if you're planning on watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., please ignore literally everything those fanboys say. They haven't watched the show, those early reviews couldn't stand watching past episode 2, just ignore them. Trust the fandom when we say that not only is season 1 perfectly fine, it's truly amazing fun, and so many of the plotlines they executed in that season are incredible
Because if we all stopped at season 1, there wouldn't be any shows
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spooksier · 5 months
i think an essential part of the tumblr ecosystem are posts written with the seriousness of a court trial and twice as long that when you get to the end of it youre just like oh ok this is a problem nobody has ever had including the person who wrote it ok
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silveredsticks · 5 months
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Quinn Hughes arrives in Nashville for game 3 round 1 Stanley Cup Playoffs. 26 April 24
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