#seriously why make it romantic
goated33 · 8 months
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crawls out of my cave spitting blood. do you see the vision. do you understand
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rottmnt-residuum · 1 year
Any other LGBTQ+ Headcannons that are canon is the comic??;)
*patiently awaits Cupioromantic Donnie*
hmm... had to think about this for a while and talk about it with co-author, but here's what we got. we mostly base this stuff on how plausible it is in show/if there's evidence for it. with a dash of personal experience. This only applies to residuum, btw. I have different personal headcanons for these characters outside the comic.
april: lesbian. this is mostly based off of the fact that most aprils get with their caseys & the comment she said to dale. which could be taken as disinterest in dale specifically, but she seemed more concerned with impressing that popular girl earlier and that reads as more... saphic, i suppose. or at the very least homoromantic.
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raph: raph is just raph. we look at him and basically just *tv static*. go crazy. all we got is jokes or stuff that has too little evidence to support. so, yeah, he's whatever you want him to be i guess?
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leo: trans. already said my reason in the other post. also, gay. if gay were a power source he could power the entirety of the united states for five months straight without a single power outage. failing power grid notwithstanding (< thats the actual word. its supposed to be mushed together like that. wack.).
donnie: as much as i'd like him to be ace/aro spectrum rep, he just doesn't have the evidence in show for us to apply it to him in this comic. it's funny, for being hc as ace so often he sure is the most outwardly romantic/sexual turtle in the show lmao. one! cherry: "you're so cute, but you're so mean! why do i always go for your type?" two! astrogirl?? (whatever her name is) he is very very romantic with her. he has a type y'all. also just look at those two, he's a leg man lmao (bootyyshaker9000 anyone? ha!) anyway. and with the bromance/instant chemistry he had with that one guy in the purple dragons... Pan. or possibly Omni as he does seem to favor... cute brutal femme... Yeah. Omnisexual.
(you have no idea how fucking bad i want this boy to be ace spectrum. hes got the colors y'all!! The Colors!!!!! but alas... i am bound by my canon plausibility creed for this comic)
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mikey: ace. possibly ace/aro. he shows interest in literally no-one. we're aware that the common hc is pan but... we know a pan 13 year old, and let me tell you ahahahaha, kids going through puberty are very uncomfortable to be around sometimes, especially around their partners. or crushes. and mikey... well, that boy is ace behavior personified lmao. aces in the back you get what we mean right?? right??? anyway commiting to aroace
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#residual asks#rottmnt#i really get a kick out of he/him butch lesbian raph and ghostbear-sexual raph#but i'd never use those seriously. or at least in this comic#co-author says what they get if they really had to choose for raph is ace homoromantic#but otherwise...#he's just raph#like we can't apply any identity to him. and we really mean ANY identity. not even straight or umbrella terms like queer#its a very odd feeling#i also really like trans april but we don't have enough evidence for it#in fact there's actually counter evidence- but don't let that stop your dreams y'all. it just stops ours :P#sorry for stepping on your donnie dreams anon#but honestly i think that label applies more to 2012 donnie imo#i really do personally prefer ace/aro donnie. but i'd make everyone ace if i were able lmao#co-author would also do the same thing ahaah#i just don't like depicting romantic relationships. or attraction ahahaah#with mikey... we get why people hc him as pan... but like its a fandomism stereotype#that literally every fandom applies to optimistic friendly characters. and honestly i really don't like the fandomism stereotypes#i just find them... unenjoyable i guess#cuz like y'alll... your sexuality isn't inherently determined by your personality or vise versa#cuz like i know for sure that in fandom spaces- if i were a character- i'd be stereotyped as pan or a hypersexual cis het#to which i am neither. at all.#and co-author would be stereotyped as the demure femme book lesbian#which they are VERY much not#and i know this because i've been fandomified by people in my life more than once#it is a very uncomfortable experience y'all#whoops rant in the tags#residuum#rottmnt residuum#residuum wb
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
I think a very normal amount about Crocodile and Mihawk genuinely seeing Buggy's value. Genuinely appreciating his dream and his sense of adventure. Mihawk (bored-to-death swordsman who desperately needs something new) and Crocodile (the man who only cares about business because the last time he wanted something a kid with flip-flops sent him flying) seeing that the clown they're only using as bait and punching bag is actually the one with the biggest pirate heart. They realize he has charisma and followers for a reason and it's the fact that his "fake it til you make it" persona is actually built above his true dream. The words of fake confidence he speaks are actually words he genuinely wants to believe, but always fears will backfire because he doesn't have anything to rely on (unlike Shanks. Because even if Shanks doesn't need to rely on anything, he used to wear the trust and love of their captain in his head and everyone else supported him to be his legacy). So they end up seeing that they can do more with him. Together. Mihawk and Crocodile might have the money and the people but Buggy has the dream. They can go higher. They can be more than what they thought they were. Buggy shows them this side of himself between tears and sudden yelling and they have to admit that... They used to have dreams. Long forgotten ones. And okay, Buggy might not be the king of the pirates. They're so not saying that. But they can go higher.
They see this side of him and they never say it out loud (and even if they did, Buggy wouldn't even notice because he's busy begging them not to kill him. Which, y'know, fair) but something changes inside of them. Perhaps it's a faint, tiny sense of protectiveness. Maybe affection. Some type of appreciation they can't quite name because it would be too embarrassing for them to even say they care for this clown but- But it's there. Something.
So they keep Buggy around and he starts to feel less like a punching bag and more like somebody they care about. Kind of. And you know what? Maybe the damn clown can become the king of the pirates if he has already made the impossible happen once.
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contagious-watermelon · 2 months
so have we advocated for QPRs being a known relationship option bc its important that people not be boxed in by preconceived labels and notions, or are we just trying to extend the pressure to get into a committed relationship to aromantic people after they try to escape the bounds of amatonormativity
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aalghul · 2 months
Idk if youve answered this before sorry if you have lol but what is your stance on jason and romance/romantic partners hes paired with? personally im an aroace jason truther and im not fond of most romantic ships he gets roped into but outside of personal hcs its mostly how his romantic relationships are written that makes me so critical of them. rosejay writing imo can be something SO heinous it makes me upset for them as characters
i actually don’t like any of jason’s canon relationships except for rena to be honest (they were adorable). all of his other canon relationships fall...very flat. jason's fast to care about people, but that's true for all people, not just those he might be romantically interested in. so far, no canon relationship has done anything to earn my interest in him and the other character being lovers as opposed to friends. none of the writers have ever quite managed to justify to me why certain characters become love interests.
isabel, for example, could have been a fun character she quite literally only exists as a love interest. and jason's interest stemmed in her from...she's pretty? i suppose? i was biased against this pairing from the start because the idea that jason could start a relationship on that casual a premise makes me laugh, personally. i think he needs time to realize he loves people, sorry. he can be charming and like people instantly, but he's also not normal enough to attempt at casual relationships so that's meaningless when it comes to romance.
it's a different problem with artemis because her and jason do get to know each other before anything romantic happens...but the lead up could not have lacked in chemistry more severely than it did. it felt like they got together because boy and girl who are really close.
jayrose is one of my least hated canon jason ships and it has nothing to do with how they're written, i just appreciate them being on panel together sometimes (and other times i can't even appreciate that lol). but again, this goes back to: why a love interest and not a friend? what about this relationship justifies that dynamic? what about it is more compelling if it is a romantic relationship rather than a friendship? because they have done nothing to convince me. i don't care if they've been married or if they kiss on panel. what does a romantic relationship with each other do for either of these characters? because so far, it hasn't made them grow or challenged them in any way that's fair to their characters.
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djevelbl · 6 days
Hello everyone! Welcome back to the second edition of Djevel Stalks Someone's Blog, Sees a Comment and Goes On an Out-loud Tangent So. Hard. He Might As Well Make It a Tumblr Post
I'm your host Djevel, and today I'll talk about my own viewpoint on Colly/RuneStraw: completely unnecessary, definitely not asked for yet still delivered to your fyp like that copy of The Book of Bill delivered to that poor sod who bought a church study book on amazon or somethin', exactly how I want my stupid over-the-top opinions to be baybeyyyyyyy~
Now lemme preface this by saying a couple things:
#1: I don't mind RuneStraw half as much as this over-the-top post will make it look like, they're actually cute af together and have a great dynamic going on! I just like to bitch about stuff, I love yapping and the blog blurb already says that I'll "scream into the void about whatever media I'm consuming" - you read that, clicked on read more, don't come at me over this of all things. As a show of good will, I'm writing this as I listen to Love Again - Dua Lipa (really good also fits these two dweebs really well so there's that)
#2: This is just my opinion and if at any point you feel like I gotta remind you of this fact: put the hands away from the keyboard, open the window and smell outside air - it ain't that deep. You can always just not read it
#3: If you so happen to identify yourself as the blog I was stalking before I started typing this out - this isn't criticising your post or anything, I'm just a sleeper agent on the subject and happened to wake myself up with that post lmaooo (also no you're not. I don't wanna have a confrontation over this ❤)
With that out of the way - let the bloodbath begin (probably mine as well LMAO)
Let's start strong and lemme say it already: I don't think the fact that Cup is into Holly is a counter-argument to the "why can't they just stay friends" bc that's not really answering the question?? At least whenever I ask it it's less about the now and more about the whole relationship - beyond giving Cup a solid, tangible goal to reach through rehabilitation and tHERAPY IF HE EVER GETS IT and giving Holly stability in a world much more dangerous than she thought, both of which can be given to them through different means, what does having them kissing do for them as growing characters, and what does it do for the narrative? After all they're puzzle pieces within a larger story, and while I love preaching about considering your characters like people when you sit down to analyze them, you still have to understand them as the puzzle pieces they are: they all have an individual purpose within the story, and the connections you decide to make between them have to give something to them or at least to the narrative. Something nothing else can give them, so we care about those connections.
Something I'm not sure having these two goobers kissing quite accomplishes. But maybe I'm just a hater, idk
Now getting into more of my own perspective on RuneStraw - would you believe me when I tell you I groaned out loud when I read it? Y'know what I mean - any set-up for the ship between book 11 and 12 is valid if it came up to your head when I said it, I probably groaned at all of them lol and that's because to me it came out of nowhere; sure, Holly had mentioned she had a crush on Cup back when she was dating Finnley I think (remember him? yea,,, I miss him too), but she was:
1) Dating someone at the time.
2) Talking about it in a past tense, implying she didn't feel that way anymore.
3) Building off of 2 - with the way she mentioned it, it genuinely sounded like she's distanced herself from the sentiment; from what I remember she talked about in the same way one does about thoughts and feelings one had years ago. Almost like they're from a different person.
These three things led me to believe she wasn't interested in him nor was she gonna be - her crush was based on an image Cuphead willingly puts up as a shield and that by now she knows is fake; her feelings back then were born out of a dark, mysterious and brooding façade he constantly put up that dissipated the moment she had more than a few words exchanged with him. The mysticism was gone, the alure is as well - she was left with a genuine yet broken man, not the put-together mobster she thought he was. And while it isn't impossible she recovered those feelings but directed towards the actual Cuphead, it feels like an odd choice to backtrack her character like that.
There's also the fact that they were the only duo of different genders that wasn't gonna be a romantic pairing, Until they weren't.
And I'll come out and admit it: maybe this point is most of the reason why RuneStraw bothered me as much as it did when it got introduced more heavily. This is the thing: the question of "why can't they just stay friends?" is a valid one to throw into the conversation - as I said, they were the only friends of opposite genders who didn't wanna get into each other's pants, because AliBends is canon (if currently doomed by the narrative), Minnie and Mickey obviously like each other, Donald and Daisy are dating I'm pretty sure, Jake has active feelings for Alice to the point he distanced himself from her to manage his own emotions and keep them in check when it became obvious she isn't actually interested in him romantically, and even if this next one isn't quite the Inky Mystery Team's fault (after all they're working off whatever scraps Quest for the Ink Machine left in its wake) I'll throw it in the ring just to drive the point across: while Cala Maria is her own character and her own person, often times it feels like the deepening of her character and whatever conflicts she may be going through are there for the benefit of Mugman's own struggles and character arc; we don't see much of her reaction at Mugs' heroic but reckless deal with Marcus or her reaction to having been found, we don't hear much about her ink illness beyond that one chapter where she started showing symptoms. For as much personality as she has and for as lovable as she is, sometimes she feels like Mugman's romantic interest first, herself second - probably due to not being part of the main cast, which is fair to some extent.
Personally I don't see RuneStraw as a romantic connection that had to be done necessarily - what each provides to the other's character development (a tangible goal for Cuppy, a much-needed stability within a dangerous world for Holly) is already being provided by their friends, people they should be able to rely on. I guess I just feel a little sad that we don't have many bonding chapters between all the Questers, regardless of duos or dynamics that pair up the best: imagine (and bear here with me, this is getting into the headcanon territory lol) if angels can sense Demon Deals as these are an extension of a demon's magic (something angels can detect) and once Alice comes back from The Upper she notices - really notices, decides to pay attention - that there's something cold wrapped around Cup; they have a conversation where Cuphead tiptoes around his childhood and all the stardust he's gone through in one of the biggest displays of bravery and trust he's given us this far, and Alice knows he's not telling the whole truth but she listens, she listens and shares how it was growing up with expectations of being a great angel someday. He shows her trust, and she gives the same trust out of her own chest to him.
Imagine Bendy and Cala Maria bonding over a trip to the docks - we could get to know her better, how it was like living as a gorgon, sharing experiences between them on how terrible it is to be hated for something you cannot control, and laughing over the good bits their past can offer them. Finding a weird comfort in having been the monster for a little bit, as they could protect those they love with that infamy and the power it came with (Boris for Bendy and Ebi for Maria, of course) - hell, maybe we could hear of Cala's parents! How they were like, their little quirks and tricks, we could read about Bendy considering her lucky and Maria telling him he's found his family here, that those he's forgotten don't matter because they didn't stick around.
Imagine Alice relaying stories of how her younger siblings are rascals and comparing them to Boris, how much he'd get along with them, singing tunes and dancing for the hell of it - helping him get a better grip at dancing, if marginally, and managing to wring laughs out of him by the tons.
Imagine all of them around a table, sweets and treats laid out, as Felix and Alice do their damn hardest to one-up each other in their wild adventures from before they joined the Questers - the cat talking about his mad dash as he escaped that ferocious beast of a tiger, and he shows the scars like your dad shows you his most prized collections as he talks of the most dangerous bits. The angel taking a swig of her alcohol of choice before going into this maddened ramble about the greatest prank war she's ever been in against Jake, and how they both got banned from several places for a whole dang year. Even Sarah gets wrapped up in the shenanigans and fun once Bendy, Cuphead, Mugman, Holly, Boris and Cala Maria all join in to win the title of Wildest Adventure Story; she's just a child after all, even with incomprehensible magic woven into her soul. Maybe all of the house is there, listening as the Questers finally have a moment to breathe and be as young as they are - the oldest is Felix, and he's in his forties at most, he still has life to him.
This is supposed to be a recovery arc, and mantaining healthy friendships with other people can help a long way with those dark thoughts The Labyrinth left them all.
Romantic love isn't the be-all-end-all, it shouldn't be the ultimate objective of a character that makes them become stagnant and void of themselves, and I guess I just want boys and girls to share stories and rooms without their interactions being a making out or being politely pleasant, pick one situation. I guess I'm just socially blind and petty, maybe I'm taking a fanfiction too seriously - after all, it is made by fans and for the fans; it's no professional production, and sometimes it's just better like that.
TLDR: I go way too hard on fictional characters for wanting to boink, more at 10
Ok but now a real TLDR: I just want the Questers to interact more with each other and I'm not talking about the typical duos always formed like they're in school and they choose their bestie for the group project. I mean all the Questers. Also I went in wayy too hard against fictional characters that just wanna fuck in peace ig
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bangtanjjks · 6 months
there isn't a day in my life after I read acowar where I am not mad about the stupid death bargain between feysand (at least when the universe decided to remind me that it exists, like today. after I read about it again in a fic. it gave me flashbacks. bad ones)
BUT IT'S ALSO SO FUCKING STUPID IT HURTS ME TO THE CORE OF MY SOUL. like. like. Fey I could understand. she's 20. TWENTY. tf does she knows about leading a whole court of another species? she barely lives as a fae for one year. I won't be fooled into thinking she knows enough on how to basically run a country (hell, nesta probably knows more about running something since she's the first born daughter, mama Archeron probably taught her how to run the household, that's more than what fey would know.)
fey is 20 something, she just saw her mate dies in front of her, that's traumatizing. I get it. she wouldn't want to go through that again. emotions are thick so common sense would take a back seat in that situation. BUT RHYSAND???? 500+ YEARS OLD? who's probably been a high lord for more than half of it?? YOU'RE A LEADER BRO. YOU DON'T THINK TYING YOUR LIFE TO SOMEONE ELSE COULD BE CATASTROPHIC???? like.... did he not think of his court, of his people, the very same ones he wanted to protect so bad he'd become amarantha's whore, when making that bargain? what if one day both the high lord and high lady dies. THEN WHAT??? so baffling.
why is that bargain even written in the first place, what is its purpose for the plot progression? Sarah could've just write a hot and steamy feysand post-we-died-but-not-really-war sex and be done with it without the stupid bargain.
almost ruined the ship for me... and then SJM pulled the pregnancy bs. and that was that. that severed any love i had for canon feysand. I love Feyre. I love Rhys. but them together*? no thanks🙏🏼
and that is all. I just... I read a fic with this death bargain mentioned. and now I'm having flashbacks of being 19, stressed out of my mind for finals, and thinking I could find joy and relax when I finally had time to read acowar. only to find out about the bargain. and then acosf happened and..... I haven't touch any books SJM released ever since lmao. I was that betrayed😭
*in canon. I would still eat up any fanon feysand works like it's nobody's business. that's MY high lord and high lady!!!!
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mye-chi · 1 year
i understand critiquing garroth and laurance stalking aphmau for multiple years but also... yes, that's the point. you're supposed to not like them. narratively, it's taking them out of the running so you don't see them as a valid candidate as aphmau's love interest. aarmau was very, very forced in the earlier seasons and this is pretty evident by how the characters are written.
like, why does nana continue to irl ship despite it making everyone around her uncomfortable? because it's an excuse to pair aarmau together and cause shipping moments for them. why do all of the boys like aphmau yet inexplicably commit cruel acts? because it makes aaron look better. why does michi "i am not attracted to aaron lomenza because he's quiet" suddenly want to pursue him? because it also makes aaron look better.
like, there's an episode where garroth and laurance get trampled over by aarmau shippers it's not very subtle you're supposed to dislike them
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konodimada · 1 year
More thoughts on Bruabba no one is surprised but I’m obsessed with the fanfics that portray Bucciarati as reluctant to enter into a relationship with Abbachio because he’s technically kind of Abbachio’s boss. Not because it would be an issue if they broke up, not because of anything reasonable, just the optics of dating someone who is technically his subordinate. Like is Passione’s Head Mafioso of Human Resources gonna call them into his office? Have a talk about office romances and power dynamics? Gonna make them take one of those two hour HR courses? It’s up there with “Bruno does paperwork” for me as a fanfic trope.
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deci-doodles · 7 months
This was originally a request from a friend but I figured I might as well post here coz I think it’s too funny
Audio: Berlioz, Symphonie Fantastique Mvt. 4. March to the Scaffold
Would highly recommend listening to the whole track coz it’s a banger but also it’s literally the composer having an opium-induced fever dream about him getting his head lopped off at the guillotine so
#genshin impact#focalors#neuvillette#I’m not sorry#this whole thing spawned from me ranting about Fontaine’s OST for like the nth time#for context I’m a classical musician and while I don’t think Fontaine’s music is necessarily bad#and I get what Hoyomix was aiming for#the direction they chose just frustrates me so much that I could probably scream about it for a good ten minutes or so#again not saying Hoyomix is bad I love their stuff too it just#FRSUTRATES ME#that the nation primarily inspired by what I’m assuming is Belle epoque France#fails to capitalise off of using French romantic composers from the era#and yes I know they said they’ve used Saint-Saëns#Ravel and Faure but I can’t hear it outside of the original Travail motif which was repurposed to just Arlecchino’s#and no imitation compositional technique isn’t making it super obvious either#but somehow we get a lot of Russian and Soviet composers#and I LOVE their stuff#but I was expecting Shostakovich and Stravinsky for SNEZHNAYA NOT FONTAINE#and also Khachaturian while we’re at it#SERIOUSLY WHY IS THERE A SUPER STRAVINSKY SOUNDNING TRACK IN SOME FRENCH CAVES#for reference the track is Magick Without Tears#I mean if we got Chopin at least question mark#but the dude is still Polish and famously homesick despite living in France#but seriously how did we get fricking Le Mer referenced in INAZUMA BUT NOT FONTAINE#no track names alluding to Debussy’s famous works don’t count either we could’ve had La Cathedral Engloutie underwater or something likE#IMAGINE#*cathedrale oops#and don’t get me started on how one of the few references I can find to French Impressionism is just Satie’s gymnopedie#and they named it Gymnopedie too LIKE#or any reference in the OST to the operas in Furina’s constellations like those are som serious bangers
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musical-chick-13 · 6 months
Regarding the previous post, I think the way I approach trying to evaluate a piece of art is asking "Do I think the positive things I get out of it outweigh the parts of it that I don't like?" And when I call something a "guilty pleasure" song/show/book/piece of media/etc. it's really more in the sense of, "Given who I am as a person, the flaws I've found in this should be complete dealbreakers for me, but somehow they aren't, and it makes me feel like I'm having an identity crisis."
#like. I think something like...idk shiki or cxgf excels on multiple levels. I understand why I like them. given the things I look for in art#it makes sense that these shows would speak to me because they make the effort to showcase those things I look for. because the people#in charge of those works clearly valued the same kinds of things and cared about seriously exploring them.#but with something like. uh. ctrlz. that is NOT the case and I frequently found myself going 'why would anyone make this writing#decision?' but I still sat through all 3 seasons of it! I still really enjoyed it! those flaws SHOULD have made me give up according to#personal history but they never did. and I very very much genuinely question why. I have NO IDEA why I still care about this#silly convoluted teen drama show so much. but I do. I wrote SO MANY FUCKING POSTS ABOUT IT.#I really love wicked the musical. I've heard many people call it 'hokey' or 'cheesy' or 'objectively bad' but here's the thing! I DON'T#think it's bad!!! like literally at all!!!!!! and it does do some genuinely cool things in regard to the music and the way the characters#develop and what the show says about the nature of prejudice and human connection. is it like. idk Serious™ the way that something like#Parade is? no. but it doesn't have to be. it does what it sets out to do and it does it well and this is why the whole '''objective#evaluation''' thing doesn't actually mean anything. I value thoughtfully-constructed music and dynamic female characters#(which this musical has). I value stories that deal with the complex and messy feelings that come with being a human (which this musical#has). I value stories about 'other'ness and romantic subplots that aren't just built on 'This Girl Is Pretty' (which this musical has).#and I value professional displays of technical vocal ability because I know how fucking DIFFICULT that is (which this musical...if you cast#it well...has).#if you value something else in a musical then yeah you will probably think THIS one is '''objectively bad'''#if you don't see the point of musicals as an art form you will probably think wicked is '''objectively bad'''#do you see where the problem with categorizing analysis like this is??
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drabbles-of-writing · 2 years
For the actor AU, how does Hunter feel about him and Willow and their interactions on script? I keep getting this mental image that he is just an absolute DISASTER around Willow off-screen, the poor guy can handle acting on camera with no problems but becomes a flustered mess the moment Willow is on set
Cracks my knuckles. I came up with a few different ideas around Hunter and Willow. Predictably, I chose the one I thought was the funniest.
Hunter and Willow get along very well. They're buddies! Both of them haven't been acting very long so they gotta stick together! The friendship on screen was scripted but it went way smoother than anticipated due to genuine friendship off-set. The romance arc was one planned to happen later on and something to be wrapped up near the end of the show, it just had to get worked around bc y'know. cancellation.
Hunter was prepared for this! He was! He was totally cool and not at all flustered or embarrassed in the weeks coming up to when they would get those scripts and start acting those scenes. He's never acted this before. But he figures, okay, this is fine. His method of acting is often through associating with events and emotions he's familiar with, a sort of "here's how I think I would react if this was real, here's how I expect to see how this reaction would look on another person, and now I just...amplify it" and this is already slightly veering into iffy territory, and its Hunter so, y'know, he does it to a bit of an unhealthy degree before hes knocked out of it. but right then the game plan is: think about what its like to act with a crush. act with a crush.
He has no fucking idea how to act like he has a crush. Not a one. Gus finds him losing his mind over it in the breakroom. Never had a crush! So, he has zero idea what the hell he's doing. Every time he tries to follow the exact script it feels robotic to him, and when he tries the ol' "act like those other characters on tv" it never feels like it fits. like its a bad kind of awkward or clumsy or what have you. mans doesn't know how to act like he has a crush on his cool friend and even before he realized this he was a mess over it. Willow is very nice but she also bullies his ass into the ground about it. He expected nothing less.
So, he researches. Lottsss and lots of research. Digs around a bit. Goes on a full like week-long spree of trying to get this down. He can nail practically every other role, he can do this. It's weirding him out that he can't. Something just out of reach that isn't clicking and he Needs To Find It Right Now.
This is how Luz finds him, a week later, laying on his back in the dressing room, script strewn out around him, phone abandoned on the floor, staring blank-eyed at the ceiling. She sheepishly asks if he's okay. He slowly turns his head to her, the eyes of a man whos gone through the depths of hell to find something precious to him only to realize that precious thing was just hidden under a box in his bed and he went through the horrors for reasons he truly did not have to do. He stares at her and says, slowly; "I think I don't like....people"
And that is how Hunter realizes hes aroace, thank you and goodnight
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spacedlexi · 7 months
what are your opinions on louis x aasim?
i dont ship it personally but its fine i have nothing against it. i think its cute that (supposedly. dont ask me for a source but maybe someone else has it) apparently aasim was gonna have embarrassing shit about louis in his journal but it was cut lol. aasim youll always be bi to me in my heart i know its true
i have no reason to split him from ruby tho like theyre fine too so shrugs. the idea of aasim having a crush on louis before clem shows up i can appreciate at least. adds a little Flavor. aasim having an unresolved crush on him i think is a fun addition to their dynamic. definitely see aasim as the sort who would see louis do something goofy or obnoxious and being like "i cant believe i have a crush on you this is so embarrassing for me 😑"
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fleshcity · 7 months
why do some people expect that lesbians even want to have sex with men or that they're attracted to them??? like why is it so hard to accept that the lesbian sexuality does not and will never include men!!
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harmonicabisexuals · 9 months
it's so funny that cameron and wilson are like "I'm so normal" compared to house when actually they're both FREAKS they just hide it better
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confier-boyfriend · 10 months
Boy yearning is canceled I am go to go cry about the fact I’ll never have a boyfriend or a husband.
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