#set in the summer after prisoner of Azkaban
violetthistle1 · 1 year
Here’s how my new Wolfstar fic starts!
May 25th, 1994
The dawn broke through the oppressive tree canopy in shards few and far between. Remus woke up shivering and naked on the ground. His body felt like it had been torn apart and then shoddily put back together again. This was far from the first time he had woken up after a full moon in the wilderness, but this didn’t feel right, and his mind was too foggy to quite piece together why. He wasn’t sure how long he stayed laying on the ground, curled up in a ball. He tried to push the intense pain he was feeling to the back of his mind for just a moment and when he finally succeeded, the memories of the night before came flooding back to him in a rush. Sirius was here, and he was innocent.
Read it now on Ao3: https://href.li/?https://archiveofourown.org/works/50555698/chapters/127712305
Remus and Sirius run away together to the continent and get reacquainted. Set in the summer after Prisoner of Azkaban.
35 chapters, fic is already complete. The first chapter went up 10/5/23. I will be posting every Thursday and Sunday until the complete fic is uploaded.
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alltheyoungmoons · 23 days
the ghosts of my memories won't let me sleep
Rated T, 2.1k words - Summer of 1995. Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place, has become the new base of the Order of the Phoenix, but Sirius finds it hard to fall asleep on his first night there.
The clock in the drawing room chimed thrice, the sound shattering the mortiferous silence of the ancient townhouse. Sirius heard it all the way from the kitchens, in the basement. He hadn’t set foot in that house, or in Islington for that matter, for twenty years, twelve of them spent in hell. He thought he quite deserved a drink to celebrate the unlikely return, and remembered very well where Orion stored his liquor collection. Kreacher had caught him tinkering around that cupboard several times, the young boy mesmerised by all manners of fancy bottles and delicious-looking liquids. He produced some ice with his wand inside of a fine crystal goblet he plucked from the mantle top and poured a healthy dose of aged Firewhisky that must’ve cost a fortune, stirring slowly. He brought the glass to his lips, inhaling the smokey, rich smell of the alcohol. He looked down and sighed, and placed the goblet back on the table. With a tap of his wand he transfigured the goblet to a mundane-looking Old Fashioned glass.
“Much better,” he muttered to himself, and went for the stairs. 
Sirius, for all his misfortunes, had never thought he’d be back in this house. He hadn’t thought twice about giving it to the Order, relishing in the fact that their parents would be rolling in their graves if they knew. It had been the easiest decision he’d ever made. He didn’t think he’d be forced to stay there, though. He’d take his cell at Azkaban or a frigid Scottish cave over his childhood bedroom any day. Thankfully, Remus was there with him.
He planned to nurse his drink on one of the library’s sittees, hopefully with a useful read in hand. He felt wide awake, adrenaline coursing through his veins just like after a duel, or a flight, or a quick shag. If he couldn’t sleep, the least he could do was keep his mind occupied. 
He was deep in thought when a rotting step whined under his foot, and he looked up, flinching instinctively. 
He was in front of his mother’s portrait, the curtains drawn wide open, but she wasn’t screaming, as she did that morning, when he, Remus, Moody and Kingsley breached the entrance of Grimmauld Place after a decade of abandonment. 
Instead, she looked at him gravely and with disdain, her mouth a tight line. 
In this silence, Sirius had the chance to properly see her. She wore her mourning dress, black cap and veil to cover her silver hair that matched the gray in her eyes, the same that were looking back at her now. She was so different from how Sirius last remembered her - a beautiful, regal woman now turned old and bitter, her hateful scowl forever impressed on her once smooth skin in deep wrinkles. 
He broke the silence first. “Hello, mother,” he said, tilting his glass towards her in a sort of cheering gesture.
She didn’t bother to look him in the eyes, her gaze wandering out of frame. “You’re no son of mine.”. Her tone was flat, indifferent. 
“Believe me, I’ve spent the better part of my life hoping just that. But alas,” he opened his arms as if to show off his surroundings, shrugging “The house opened for me. So.”
No response. Walburga kept staring off into the distance. Sirius wondered silently what she could see within the dimension of the frame.
“Guess you didn’t disown me after all,”
“Well, You won’t catch me complaining about it. It’s been pretty useful lately.”
“The inheritance, I mean”,
“Turns out being put in prison for twelve years is an excellent savings plan.”
Sirius saw her eyes dart to him for a moment. He wasn’t sure if it was the mention of Azkaban that did it, or the fact that he had the gall to bring up a subject so common as saving money. 
He took a sip, suppressing a smirk. 
There was a thrill in being able to talk to her without the fear of retaliation that was engrained in their every exchange since Sirius was ten. 
He still felt a little nauseous, though. 
“You were sent to Azkaban.” She said, then. It sounded like an affirmation, but Sirius knew better. His mother never did questions, only statements. 
Sirius nodded. He studied her reaction. 
Her eyes would’ve glinted if they weren’t oil paint set on canvas.
“Just like your cousin.” 
Sirius had been wondering when the comparisons to other members of the family would start, a fixture of Walburga’s chinwag. 
“Dear Bellatrix was there, alright,” Sirius nodded, circling the remnants of the ice around his glass. “The whole jolly company was there, eventually, the inner circle at least. Saw them coming in one by one. But I was there first.”
He looked up at her, and saw one of the corners of her thin mouth lift slightly. He was starting to enjoy this. He wanted to make her believe he’d recanted his belief in the end, and then pull the rug from under her feet. He wanted her to ask. 
“And I was the first out. First Wizard to ever do it.”
“I’ve been at large for the better part of two years now.”
“Thankfully no one can find me here.”
He winked.
Walburga sat up, straightening her already impossibly rigid posture. The shadow of pride swiftly passed on her features - Sirius recognised it immediately. He used to chase that impossible shadow as if it was his only reason to live. Before Hogwarts. Before he knew better. 
They studied each other for what felt like minutes, their stern features a mirror of each other. 
Sirius rose to his full height. Not so much a question as a demand. Still, she had caved.
“Well,” he started, with a chuckle. “I tried to avenge my best friends’ deaths and was falsely incriminated because of the curse of the name that I carry! This title taints everything it touches like poison, it fosters animosity and mistrust, it follows like a haunting! The system this family helped to build sent me straight into the Dementors’ mouth without even sparing the thought of a trial, just because I must’ve done it, I must’ve been rotten after all, because I am a Black! First and foremost, forever scarred to drag around your filthy, thoughtless, sheeple beliefs with me even if I made extensively clear that I never wanted to be associated with you or the obscenities you preached! You were always so concerned about decorum and standing and reputation that you never noticed that all of those things had slipped from your control decades ago! Outside of your stupid Sacred Twenty-Eight circle-jerk everyone thinks you’re utterly mental!”
Twelve years of pure agony, of building a steady hatred for them and all they came to signify, had come out in almost a single breath, his tone clear but never loud, precise and cutting - he had learned from the best, after all. 
Sirius had never hated his family during his school years, and even after, during the First War, he tried his best to act like they never existed at all. Indifference was the best way to hurt someone, he knew that well. But in Azkaban there were no distractions, and he found that rage was an excellent companion, keeping his flame alive. He had been caught because of Peter, sure, but he was imprisoned without a trial because of his name. It was never going to go any other way. 
Walburga’s face had turned into a mask of blistering fury, huffing angrily, chest heaving - she stayed silent for a moment, and Sirius had to remind himself that she was a painting. He would not flinch. 
So he took another sip, smacking his tongue at the end.
Walburga lunged towards him fruitlessly, shrieking, her rage bound to the two-dimensional space of the canvas, starting off her usual tirade:
“Filth! Traitor! Coming here in the house of my forefathers slandering the name of the Noble and Most Ancient House in Britain! How dare you come back here, you scum! I knew since the day you came back from your first semester at Hogwarts that you were going to be nothing but a criminal! A degenerate! Fraternising with blood traitors and half-bloods! Having impure thoughts about them! You’re nothing but utter filth and I cursed the day you were born until I drew my last breath! Traitor!”
Sirius just stayed there, leaning along the rail, finishing off his drink and letting her words slide off him, like water off a duck’s back. There was something cathartic about letting his feelings explode like this, with no filters, even if it meant they’d probably have to endure Walburga’s shrill shouting for a while. The treat had not been without its consequences; still, better be subject to her incoherent string of slurs rather than one of her well-placed hexes. 
There was a sudden noise from up the stairs, and after a moment, a sleepy Remus appeared, in his pyjama, wand drawn. He stopped a few steps from Sirius, looking confused and disheveled from being woken so abruptly. Sirius looked up at him tenderly and smiled, and Remus let his arms rest down to his sides, donning a grumpy expression. 
“Merlin’s balls, Sirius. I thought someone broke in.” Remus had to shout over Walburga’s yelling to make himself heard.
Sirius couldn’t help but grin at him. “Couldn’t sleep, bumped into Mother. Thought it’d be rude of me not to greet her properly.”
Remus squeezed his eyes at him suspiciously. His gaze registered the empty glass and Sirius’ fingers nervously tapping on them. 
“You had to go and tick her off uh? What year is this, 1973?” Remus had stepped down a few and was now eye-to-eye with Sirius. He was studying his face in that way of his, as if gathering information and quickly making a log of it in his head. 
They hadn’t talked about it, exactly. They had a steady correspondence streak going since the summer after Sirius - and Peter - escaped, but some things couldn’t be committed to parchment. It was clear that they were both inclined to naturally fall back into their old ways, but so much had changed, and even when forced to share a bed - seriously what was Dumbledore thinking, just sending him there, no notice, as if Remus lived in a mansion, as if Remus wanted anything to do with him after all those years… it had been extremely awkward to say the least. 
And for all the free, comfortable beds that Grimmauld Place had to offer, Sirius still couldn’t sleep.
But the love was still there. They both felt it. If it was never going to be like it had been before, Sirius was fine with that. Remus was his oldest friend. 
Still, it was fun, sometimes, to slip into the old ways. 
“You know, I have an idea that would really aggravate her”. Sirius glanced at Remus’ lips and wriggled his eyebrows. 
Remus arched one brow and crossed his arms. “How many of these have you had?” 
Sirius huffed as if he were offended, but smiled. 
“Come on, help me draw the old bat’s curtains.”
“Fine, but I want a drink too, afterwards,”
“Fine, but can I sleep in your bed,”
They looked at each other, spooked, and then warily glanced at the portrait that was still mumbling angrily, quieter now. It didn’t seem to have noticed them.
Sirius was just bantering along, but the truth had its way of slipping out. 
Remus’ lips were parted, and his cheeks were flushed. Sirius couldn’t stand the buried pain in his eyes. He looked down, and whispered.
“Can’t sleep.” He found his gaze “This fucking house, y’know?”
Remus exhaled sharply, and nodded. 
“Sure, yeah.” He whispered back.
“It’s not really her, you know.” Remus added, still looking at him, searching.
“Yeah… yeah I know. Still. Felt good to take some things off my chest, I guess.”
“Might want try to piss off Phineas Nigellus’ portrait next. That one’s more animated.”
Sirius tutted “Remus, don’t give me any ideas.”
Remus smirked “Bet he loves an argument just as much as you do,”
Sirius rolled his eyes, but he was elated. It was the first time they had been able to joke between them as if no time had passed at all.
They yanked the curtains shut, and tried a few silencing spells to boot. When they were done, Remus plucked Sirius’ tumbler off the railing and gave him a delicate shove.
“Come on then, Master Black. Show me where that cranky old elf keeps all the booze.”
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marvel-rhapsody · 1 year
Reunited | post Azkaban! Sirius Black x fem!reader
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PostAzkaban!Sirius Black x fem!professor!reader
Warnings: reader was a gryffindor in school, horrid writing but I tried, set during POA, unedited so mistakes are mine
Word Count: 1600+
A/N: I've read some one shots with similar concepts like this one and wanted to try to write one myself.
After graduating from Hogwarts some time ago, you never thought you would be back as a teacher. But when Albus Dumbledore comes to you personally and asks you to be the new Muggle Studies professor, you just can't say no.
Growing up as a half-blood, your father being a muggle and your mother being a witch, Muggle Studies was a breeze for you. Teaching it has also been a fairly easy task.
It's now your seventh year teaching at Hogwarts, and it feels like your whole world is crashing. News of Sirius Black's, your "technical" husband, escape from Azkaban is roaming throughout campus, and it feels like the walls are closing in on you. No one knows that you're married to him, though. You decided when you took the job to use your maiden name to stop any potential questions.
And, coincidentally, Remus Lupin is at school this year, too. The two of you have spent many days and nights reminiscing over your time at Hogwarts. He was truly your best friend all those years ago. After Lily and James died, with Sirius in prison and Peter dead, you and Remus fell out of touch. It was too hard for both of you to come to terms with what happened that night.
Now, a couple months into the school year, Sirius Black has broken into the school and into Gryffindor tower. No one exactly knows what he's looking for. But Dumbledore and McGonagall have their suspicions.
You and Remus are now sitting in Dumbledore's office, waiting for one of them to tell you what is happening.
"We believe that Mr. Black is after Harry Potter..." Minerva says.
"That ridiculous, Minnie!" You shout. "Why would he want Harry?"
"To finish what Voldemort couldn't," Albus replies.
You scoff. "He would never. James was a brother to him, and I don't know what really happened with Peter. But I know, for a fact, that Sirius would never hurt Harry."
"Do we really know that, (y/n)?" Remus asks.
"I do, Remus."
With that, you leave the office to head back to your sleeping chambers to be alone. Classes are over for the day, and you just want to relax and get away from the chaos of the school term.
You lie awake for most of the night. Sleep would not come easily.
You cannot stop thinking about Sirius and what he was looking for in Gryffindor tower. It was Halloween night, so he must've known that the students would not be in the common room or their dorms. If he was really going after Harry, why would he choose that night, where no student would be able to spot him?
It's close to the end of the school year, summer holiday just creeping around the corner. No signs of Sirius Black have been found in quite a while.
You and Remus are on good terms again after that meeting with Albus. The two of you are wandering around the castle together, as are a couple other professors, for a night watch.
You are walking around a corner when your hear Snape's dark voice coming from the hall.
"Read it," he says.
A new voice appears, belonging to Harry Potter. "Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs offer their compliments to Professor Snape and..."
His voice now sounds so distant to you. Hearing those names brings back so many memories. Before you know it, you're standing with Lupin in front of Snape and Harry.
"A Zonko product, it seems..." Lupin says, a knowing look on his face. "I'll take it, since it is my area of expertise, as you said."
He pulls you along with him, beckoning Harry to follow. The three of you end up in his office.
"I'm honestly astounded that you didn't turn this in. If this were to turn up in the hands of Sirius Black, he could have used this as a way into the castle!" Lupin sounds furious, but you know it's only because he fears for the safety of the students.
"I didn't think of that..." Harry says. "I should tell you, I don't think that map always works. Because I saw a name on there of someone I know to be dead... Peter Petigrew."
You shake your head. "That's impossible.."
Harry shrugs before saying, "Just saying what I saw. Have a good night, professors."
Once he leaves, you grab the map from Lupin. "If he's right... we can prove that Sirius is innocent, Rem."
"I can't  believe I thought that he could have done this... I'm a terrible friend."
"No, you're not. The evidence against him was critical. You couldn't have known."
"But you did."
"I'm his wife, I always have had faith in him."
A few nights pass when Remus comes running into your office.
"He's here, with Peter."
He doesn't have to say anything else to you, as you're now following him out to the willow, and entering the tunnel towards the Shrieking Shack.
Everything starts to happen so fast. Remus gets Harry's wand away from him, and your daughter and Hermione pull Harry off of Sirius.
"Harry, just hear us out..." you say. "You said that Peter was on the map... This map has never lied in all the years I knew about it. Sirius didn't sell your parents out. He tried to save them, but the damage was already done. Peter had told you-know-who already. There was nothing any of us could have done."
"We trusted you..." Harry said. "And you didn't even tell me that the two of you were my godparents! You're his wife, and no one knows. Why should I believe you now?"
Severus shows up now, his wand pointed directly at Sirius. "I should have known that you were helping him. Dumbledore swears that you had nothing to do with his escape and breaking into the castle... but I knew."
You raise your wand at him. "Don't make me do this, Severus."
You pause, giving him a moment to lower his wand. When he doesn't, you yell, "Expelliarmus!"
His wand comes flying towards you as his body flies backwards towards the dusty bed in the corner of the room.
With that, Sirius grabs "Scabbers" out of Ron's hand.
"If we're wrong about this, I'll go back to Azkaban... But if we're right..." Sirius says.
"The right person will be punished for the death of your parents.. our friends," Remus finishes for him.
Peter is here, actually here. And it takes everything in you to stop Sirius from killing him. But Harry seals Peter's fate with one sentence.
"I don't reckon my dad would want to see his best friends become murderers."
Everyone starts to make their way back to the castle, when the clouds part in the sky, the full moon now shining down on the group.
"Get to the castle, now!" you yell to the kids.
Remus's body starts to transform in the moonlight.
You help Harry and Hermione get Ron up to the hospital wing as quickly as you can.
Harry and Hermione try to tell Professor Dumbledore what happened, but he puts a stop to their rambling.
"You know the laws, Miss Granger, you must not be seen. Mister Black is in the topmost cell of the Dark Tower. Maybe more than one innocent life can be spared tonight."
"Of course, sir..." Hermione says, pulling Harry aside.
"I'll lock you in. Mind the time," Dumbledore says before leaving the wing.  
You follow the two students, "I'm coming with you... He's my husband, and I need to be there."
Hermione throws the chain of her necklace around the three of you and turns the charm three times.
It feels like a rush of wind, and then everything stops. You are still standing in the hospital wing, but the sun is still up and Ron is nowhere to be seen.
"Where were we at 7:30?" Hermione asks.
"I don't know... Going to Hagrid's?"
The three of you rush down to Hagrid's house, and Harry stops suddenly upon seeing himself, Ron and Hermione enter from afar.
"How are we here but also there? This is not normal!" Harry exclaims.
Hermione shows him her necklace. "This is how I've been getting to all my classes this year. It's a time-turner. McGonagall gave it to me and the beginning of term."
Before you know it, it's time to go rescue Sirius. You tell the kids to stay hidden as you and Buckbeak fly to the highest tower.
You find Sirius sitting against the wall in the dark cell, and you whip your wand out to break open the locks.
"Let's go, we don't have much time..." you say.
The escape is fast and painless, and you meet Harry and Hermione in the courtyard, away from any potential student gazes that could give your plan away.
"I owe you all... Thank you," Sirius says.
"I want to go with you," Harry tells him.
"One day... but for now, my life will be unpredictable.. Stay here with (y/n) and I'll try to contact you as soon as I can," Sirius pulls Harry into a tight embrace.
When he lets go, Sirius reaches his hand out for you.
Hermione pulls Harry away so the two of you could have some space before Sirius has to leave again.
Sirius rests his hands on either side of your face. "Thank you for believing in me, love. Maybe one day, we'll be together again."
You feel tears start to fall down your cheeks. Sirius is quick to wipe them away.
"Be safe, please."
"I'm going to let some muggles spot me far away from here... Hopefully that will keep the ministry away from the school. I didn't mean for it to be like this..."
You sigh, "I know... I wish I could help you get through all this, but I can't just leave. I am a professor, after all."
Sirius grins. "You'll have to tell me all about it when we reunite again."
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fic rec friday
“I don't want it to be like it was. We loved each other so much, but we were so bad at showing it.” Remus explained. “I don’t want it to be like that again. I don’t want to hide things from you. I want to be able to talk about stuff. Everything. It’s going to take time, but like I said, you and I, we can help each other. I can’t say that I’ve been through anything like what you have…Listen the truth is, I haven’t really healed as much as I should have done either, and I wouldn’t suggest any of the methods I’ve tried so far. Maybe just being here for each other will make a difference. I just know that when we are apart, bad things happen.”
~OR Remus and Sirius run away together to the continent and get reacquainted.
Set in the summer after Prisoner of Azkaban.
I personally love this fic, it's honestly right up my alley, so if you like the fic recs I usually post you are probably really going to enjoy this one!
Favourite tropes included are:
Working through some shit together
Fix-it (because they deserve happiness)
Feeling things while on the run
Werewolf communities
Finding a family and getting to keep it
Working through trauma
Wolfstar parenting Harry
Calling Dumbledore out on his bs
Real honest character growth
I found this fic while listening to BurningAuroras podfics so, ya know, there is a podfic available for this fic ;)
As always leave lots of love and kudos to the author (and @burningaurora) and have an amazing rest of the week <3
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saintsenara · 6 months
Thoughts on Lupin/Lily?
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
what even is the ship name for this one? luly? lilpin? something pretentious like moonflower?
[i have looked it up.]
regardless, i must be frank that i prefer lupin and lily's relationship, platonic or otherwise, as... a bit toxic, rather than a common fanon version [influenced by that "your mother was there for me when no-one else was" line in the prisoner of azkaban film] which has it as sweet and supportive.
i think this because - in my mind - the most interesting thing about lupin in the period c.1978-1981 is how irrelevant he is to the other marauders' lives. i don't just mean that mcgonagall and rosmerta have forgotten his existence when they're talking about the secret keeper swap in prisoner of azkaban, but that there is no suggestion anywhere in canon that he was considered by james and sirius as worth using in the plan, and we know he was never made aware of its existence.
and i am convinced - as i've set out in more detail in my meta on wolfstar - that this is because sirius thought lupin was the death eater spy in the order. but i also think that - by the summer of 1981, at least - james suspected this too, even if he was much less willing than sirius to commit to the opinion, and this is the reason for lupin's relegation to the margins of the sirius-and-james-don't-know-what-opsec-is show.
which leads me to like the idea of lily also thinking this - after all, lupin isn't mentioned in her letter to sirius, and i think we can imagine that the few flashes we get of her personality in canon [all of which show her to be a bit bolshy - a character trait i respect] wouldn't cause her to be immediately fond of lupin and his passive-aggression.
if they're going to be rammed together by a fic, then, i would definitely like to see it more in a "god, i fucking hate you, but you're the only person here" way. not not unlike stanford and anthony in the first sex and the city film.
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ashesandhackles · 10 months
@hprecfest Day 8 - a Canon divergent fic
1. In Bocca Al Lupo by morpholomeg
Stunning character study of Hermione through Hermione-as-a-werewolf story.
When Remus came back to himself, he was in the middle of the Forbidden Forest, naked, shivering with pain and with cold, and he could taste blood.
“I don’t have the full story,” said Madam Pomfrey. “You’ll have to speak to Minerva or Albus for that. But Black has escaped, and - Remus, I am so sorry. You bit Hermione Granger.”
or: a story of innocence, experience, and prejudice, spanning the summer holidays after Prisoner of Azkaban.
2. The Squib by nargles 15
Horrific and dystopian post war world - with sharp commentary on canon's attitude towards Muggles.
The muggles began to wonder why. Why their nation was so dark. Why their daughters died. Why their minister did nothing. Why fog stalked their land for years. Until they learned.
What happens when magic isn't might.
3. Settle our bones by anonymous
Sirius & Harry. Background wolfstar.
The cathartic Sirius returns from the dead fic we all need. I am unashamed to say I cried at the end of this.
For his eighteenth birthday, Harry gets a party, a cake, and his godfather back from the dead.
(Or: Sirius, Remus, and Harry try to create a family. It isn't easy.)
4. To Feed the Dying Hearth by @bluethepineapple
Pain and tenderness - Blue sets us up with a domestic scene and then proceeds to excavate Hermione's raw pain post war, and how Fleur deals with it.
The hearth is half dead, and the house goes cold and dreary no matter what heating charms they employ. Fleur works herself to the bone, and Hermione’s eyes go haunted and hollow. Their touches become heated as if trying to drive away the cold.
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burningaurora · 6 months
[Podfic - TTS] Dignity be Damned by @violetthistle1
Cover Art: @blackthornwine
Series | Length: 12:06:07 | Rating: M
“I don't want it to be like it was. We loved each other so much, but we were so bad at showing it.” Remus explained. “I don’t want it to be like that again. I don’t want to hide things from you. I want to be able to talk about stuff. Everything. It’s going to take time, but like I said, you and I, we can help each other. I can’t say that I’ve been through anything like what you have…Listen the truth is, I haven’t really healed as much as I should have done either, and I wouldn’t suggest any of the methods I’ve tried so far. Maybe just being here for each other will make a difference. I just know that when we are apart, bad things happen.” ~ OR Remus and Sirius run away together to the continent and get reacquainted. Set in the summer after Prisoner of Azkaban.
Listen on: AO3 | Streaming
Special thanks to @blackthornwine for allowing the use of your amazing art for the cover of this podifc AND @violetthistle1 who not only allowed me to podfic this beautiful series, but also listened to the entire podfic for errors before I posted!
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sweetpandorabox · 2 years
Doodles - Ron Weasley x Female Reader (One Shot)
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⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨sweetpandorabox୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎…⋙
Synopsis: You and your boyfriend Ron are studying for the upcoming O.W.L.S in the library together, as you try and focus on your studies your redhead boyfriend seems to feel boredom run through his mind and body during studying, as he tried hard to gain your attention yet failing to do so, he masters up an idea that managed to get you to fun with him.
Pairing: Ron Weasley x Female Reader
Story Setting: This fanfiction is set in your 5th year of Hogwarts during the Order of the Phoenix.
Warnings⚠️: None this one is pure fluff.
A/N: Hey sexy it's Angel here, this week I've decided to write a super short one-shot for all of you, I'll be sure to make one of these for at least all of the Harry Potter boys and girls because it's super easy, and don't require a lot of time, anwyas enjoy love you. xx
Word Count : 936
✯¸.•´¨*•✿ Doodles ✿•*¨`•.¸✯
The hot summer air, blazes the library as students swarm the wondrous place to study their day away for the upcoming O.W.L.S, the library was at its busiest in June pushing Madame Pince the librarian more towards the edge as she carefully inspects the library for any sort of book damage, students shenanigans or overly loud group of people that need to be escorted out, she was an irritable woman in nature but in this time of year, he patience grew forevermore thin, which students have taken an aware off as they try to avoid things that raise anger out of her. You and your boyfriend Ron have been together for a year, confessing your feelings for each other during the quidditch world cup last year in your 4th year before the shambles of the dark lord hits the place, but after that, your relationship with Ron was as stronger than ever.
"Which Minister renovated and reinforced the prison of Azkaban and what was his term of office?" you questioned the bored-looking red-headed boy, "Hmmm is it, Albert Boot? he was in office from 1745 until 1752," he answered slightly hesitant giving you a quizzical look, "Not quite, it's Hesphaestus Gore and he was in office from 1752 until 1770...Albert was known for his resignment after the mismanaged goblin rebellion" you inform as Ron huffs in frustration slumping on the library table, you ruffle his short yet fluffy locks giving him a sympathetic smile, "It's okay love, maybe you'll get the next one" you encouraged him, he takes the hand you've ruffled his hair with and bring it down towards his lips planting a kiss on your knuckle sighing, "Babe we've been studying for 2 hours, I think I just need a break at this point and who honestly cares about the history of magic, even Harry doesn't know what he's doing" he stated still holding your hand close to his face.
"Ronald history of magic is just as important as our other subjects here taught in Hogwarts, everyone needs to know what happened in the past to stay aware and it can come as useful information when you become an Auror one day" you explained to him with an alluring smile displayed on your face focusing on your 'A History of Magic' book reading paragraphs that's been written in page 38 to 39, Ron blushes at the sight of your beauty kissing the right side of your cheek, "You always know what to say, don't you? fine... I'll study harder but let's take a break now come one" he usher, leaning himself towards your chair trying to gain your attention, "Ronald we're meeting up with Harry and Hermione in 20 minutes we can take a break then, just push through for now" you quietly reply to him keeping your eyes glued on the book, he sighs and slumping back on his chair eyeing his quill standing still on the ink pot, his slump face breaks into a massive grin as the light bulb in his head turned on.
He takes your free hand pretending to kiss it while you smile, focusing on the materials you're meant to study for the exam in 4 days' time, he carefully dips the bird quill into the ink pot before doodling a love heart on the back of your hand, he watches your face only to be matched with you focusing even harder on your studies, which led him to a breathy chuckle, before continuing to draw more things in your hand and arm, he started to write 'Ron's Property" on to your right arm that's been left exposed due to your rolled sleeve and he made another doodle of flowers around your arm going in as if you were a piece of blank paper. You noticed Ron has been quiet for a while, which leads you to peer over your book finding him doodling on your arm, your eyes popped out of your head from all the ink on your skin, and set your book down on the table, "Ronald!! what are you doing?" you ask quietly yet fiercely taking your arm back, he giggles "What? I'm being quiet... and look at all the drawings I did", you shake your head with a smile before dipping your own quill into the ink pot aiming for his right cheek writing 'Y/N boyfriend', "Hey!" Ron grunts touching his marked cheek as you laugh softly "Oh you're on pretty girl" he stated before aiming for your face as well, by the end of your doodling war you and Ron had ink marks all over your faces and arms.
Madam Pince made her way over to your tables to check up on the whole of the library, "Oh what a mess! both of you out and clean yourselves for goodness sake, and don't you dare spill any of that ink on the table or the books, out out out!" She ushers the both of you before turning away, you and Ron shared a smile towards each other before leaning in for a quick kiss, "How about we met up with Harry and Hermione at dinner instead, let me help my girlfriend clean up a bit, how about a bath?" he asks with a cheeky wink your smile grew bigger and bigger with a hint of pink appearing on your face as you nodded at Ron's proposal, in no time the two of you quickly pack your things in the library and walk hand in hand towards the prefect's bathroom on the 5th floor for a privet bath.
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zaffreberries · 7 months
Maybe magic is real, just not in the way we think would be. Maybe it’s something more personal, something more intimate. Something inside that you can’t see, but only feel. Something that changes the whole world without ever touching anything but you.
It started whilst I was on holiday. It was a hot summer in a place that was warmer than I was used to so I took shelter from the heat in the holiday cabin we were staying in. I had nothing to do and only a single book to read. It was Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I started reading it before I realised it was the third book in the series and endeavoured to finally sit down and read it all and learn what all the fuss was about. My curiosity had been piqued though and I needed to scratch that itch. Thus a small spark of chance would ignite the hungry flames of my imagination forever more.
I had come late to the Harry Potter Fandom. I started reading the first book when I got back from holidays and I couldn’t stop. Thankfully my lateness allowed me to indulge in as much as I could manage and before long I had already caught up. I wasn’t much for the internet, and so I barely interacted with anyone else in regards to Harry Potter, there was just me and this shifting paradigm occurring inside. It wasn’t a complete shift, But it was enough. I never forgot the enjoyment I had from reading that series. The excitement, the feelings. It left me with a want for more, it made me feel actual emotions reading the books. Maybe there would be more magic hiding out there just waiting for me to read. Maybe books weren’t so boring after all.
I remember doing chores whilst The prisoner of Azkaban played in the background, the movie swiftly becoming a comfort video for me. I remember playing the old Harry Potter game so much I can never read “Flipendo” without immediately hearing it said like in the game. I remember getting sorted into Ravenclaw when i finally took the quiz on Pottermore. I remember seeing people dressed up in cosplay and getting excited because I wasn’t the only one who loved this magical world. When the Hogwarts House anniversary editions came out I had to get all the Ravenclaw ones. I have the whole set proudly displayed on my book case. I smile inside when I look at them. I had such wonder and happiness in my own little world all thanks to this one series.
It wasn’t long before I started branching out, searching for other books that might contain more magic. Some did, many didn’t. Some were enjoyable, others became slogs but few ever had that same effect on me as Harry Potter did. The girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Fourth Wing, the Raven Cycle, Song of Achilles and Circe. I found more magic contained in the ink on their pages and I read them as if I were drowning and they were air. Most books are enjoyable, but every now and then a book is so much more than what it seems. Even as I continue to read what I can I always somehow end up drifting back to where it started. It’s as if it were a cozy home and I have gone on a holiday to someplace new and exciting and had come back to rest and recuperate before heading off again.
times have changed. Between the scandal of the Author’s comments and the awkwardness of the later movies the Harry Potter fandom has fallen from its lofty heights. It is no longer the star it once was. For me though it’s still a comfort, like an old favourite jacket that immediately feels cozy when you put it on again, I’ll keep coming back to it, putting on that jacket, not just to be warm, but sometimes just for the familiarity of it. There are rumours of a new tv series being made. Maybe they’ll be able to recapture the magic of the movies. The game brushed close but audience’s are more fickle than before. The court of public opinion is far less forgiving than in ages past and it’s attention shifts fast. Hopefully it does well. Hopefully it allows others to experience the same magic I felt when I discovered this world. Maybe others will feel that little magic when they read it, maybe more little sparks will ignite inside people when they read the books or watch the movies. Maybe it is something else that will be the catalyst for their transformation. Maybe it’s another book that holds the spell that unlocks their imagination and sets them on a path of discovery and wonder, that’ll comfort them in on sad days, that’ll feed their soul the right thing at the right time to make it shine just a little brighter ever after.
This series, It’s given me so much, it opened my eyes to a whole new world of magic and was the start of my enduring love of reading. I’m happy that I took a chance one hot summer. I’m glad that one book was able to show me that magic is real. And I truly hope that others are able to find that same magic waiting in between the pages of a book, bound in ink just waiting to change your world.
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readingforsanity · 8 months
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban | JK Rowling | Published 1999 | *SPOILERS*
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Harry Potter, along with his best friends, Ron and Hermione, is about to start his third year at Hogwarts. Harry can't wait to get back to school after the summer holidays. But when Harry gets to Hogwarts, the atmosphere is tense. There's an escaped mass murderer on the loose, and the sinister prison guards of Azkaban have been called in to guard the school...
Harry Potter once against finds himself back with the Dursleys as it is the summer holidays away from his home at Hogwarts. Unfortunately, he is unable to visit with Ron at the Burrow this year, as Mr. Weasley won a bit of money through a contest at the Ministry of Magic, and the Weasley's have set off for Egypt, where they are visiting one of their older sons working for Gringotts Bank.
Harry's somewhat happy summer holidays comes to a halt when Vernon's sister, Marge, comes for a week long visit. He is told that he should go along with their cover story told to Marge, where Harry has been sent to live at St. Brutus's, a home for disturbed criminal boys. Deciding to do so in order to get through the remainder of the month before he returns to his true home, Harry endures all sorts of insults from his "aunt".
On what was to be her last night visiting with the Dursleys, Harry explodes in anger when Marge insults his parents. In doing so, he unexpectedly does magic without meaning too, causing Marge to inflate like a balloon. In the end, Harry decides to run away versus remaining with his aunt and uncle to endure the punishment they surely have waiting for him. While figuring out what to do, Harry sees what he believes is to be a very large black dog. Frightened, he throws out his wand arm, and mistakenly summons the Knight Bus.
This magical bus gives wizards and witches, and all magical folk, the ability to get anywhere. He tells the bellhop, Stan, that his name is Neville Longbottom and hides his telltale scar in order to stay as under wraps as he can, he is informed that Sirius Black, a known murderer, is on the run from Azkaban, the magical prison.
When he arrives at the Leaky Cauldron, the pub that houses the entrance to Diagon Alley in its backyard, Harry is met by the Ministry of Magic himself, Cornelius Fudge. Harry is sure he is about to be expelled from school for the incident involving Marge, but Mr. Fudge simply wants Harry to stay at the pub, and not go running off into Muggle London, but stay within the confines of Diagon Alley in order to ensure his safety.
The day before he is to leave for Hogwarts, he meets with Ron and Hermione, along with Ron's family. They are all set to stay at the pub as well overnight before going off to Hogwarts. After what is a long day, and on his way back up to bed after Ron forgets something downstairs, Harry overhears Mr. and Mrs. Weasley discussing that Sirius Black is currently after him. He isn't sure why.
The Weasley's escort their children to King's Cross Station, and Mr. Weasley informs Harry what he had overheard the night before. Harry promises not to go looking for Black, and to stay out of trouble.
The school year begins without incident on the train. They are sharing a compartment with who they assume to be their new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, whose bag states his name is RJ Lupin. The three friends begin discussing what Harry had overheard, but when they're fairly close to the grounds, the train comes to a sudden halt, and dementors board the train. Dementors are the prison guards for Azkaban, allowed out into the real world in order to search for their missing prisoner. Harry has an unwelcome reaction to them.
Lupin gives him a bit of chocolate, which helps bring Harry back from the freezing he had felt when they had appeared. When he arrives at school, he assures Professor McGonagoll that he is fine, that Lupin had given him chocolate on the train and that it won't be necessary for him to stay overnight in the hospital wing.
The year continues without incident up until his first Quidditch match, during which the dementors enter the stadium, and Harry once again reacts unfavorably to them. He falls off his broomstick, saved by a spell from Dumbledore that lets him float to the ground instead of falling, but after his spell, he learns that his prized possession has been injured when it ultimately landed in the Whopping Willow.
Devastated by the loss of his broom and his first Quidditch match ever, Harry continues with his studies. Both Ron and Harry wonder how Hermione is dealing with so many lessons this term, as many of her classes begin at the same time as each other, and they often find her with them on second, and gone the next. Ron is also hellbent on keeping Hermione's cat, Crookshanks, away from his rat, Scabbers.
After Ron finds blood on his sheets and Scabbers gone, he assumes that the vicious cat has gotten ahold of his beloved pet, and he stops speaking to Hermione, and after Harry acquires a new Firebolt broomstick at Christmas, they both stop speaking to her when she tells their head of house, Professor McGonagoll, about it. The professor confiscates the broom with the promise that he could have it back after it is checked that it hasn't been tampered with.
Luckily for Harry, the sender was simply being kind and he is allowed his broomstick back. This is all along with Sirius Black being seen within the walls of the school on multiple occasions, including harassing and ripping up the Fat Lady, the woman who stands guard outside of their common room, as well as entering the boy's dormitory where Ron scared him away.
Security is running rampant on the grounds, and the students aren't allowed to go anywhere without a teacher, and the hovering over Harry continues. During his first trip to Hogsmeade, the wizarding village that third year students are allowed to attend with parent or guardian permission (which Harry did not have, therefore he had to use a map called the Maurader's Map, in order to gain access thanks to Fred and George), he overhears the true story behind why Sirius is after him:
Sirius had been friends with his parents, even participating as Best Man at their wedding, and being named Harry's godfather. When the Dark Lord himself was after his parents, James and Lily were told to use a friend as their secret-keeper, and they had chosen Sirius. A few days later, Voldemort turned up at their home and killed them and attempted to murder Harry but was unsuccessful. In his haste that the deal hadn't been done, he confronted their friend, Peter Pettigrew in the street, killing him and murdering several other Muggle bystanders.
Harry is floored by this revelation. His parnets best friend had betrayed them, the ultimate betrayal in his eyes, and he doesn't know what to do.
On one of the last nights of term, they receive word from Hagrid that his beloved Hippogryph, Buckbeak, is set to be executed after he had accidentally injured Malfoy (Draco did not perform the respect ritual with the large bird prior to, and was hurt when he approached it). Determined to get down to Hagrid, the three friends don the Invisibility Cloak and get to him. Hagrid hurries them out the back door before the executives arrive to do their bidding, but prior to them being run out of Hagrid's house, they locate Scabbers, who had been hiding inside Hagrid's cupboards since he had gone missing.
Ron is elated, but on their way back to the castle, Crookshanks once again appears, but he isn't alone. He is followed by the large black dog that Harry was sure was a grim. The dog ends up wrestling with Ron over Scabbers, and Ron breaks his leg, and the dog drags him into a hole underneath the Whomping Willow. Hermione and Harry follow, and they're stunned to see that the large dog is Sirius himself, who can turn himself into an Animagus.
Lupin appears, and explains to Harry that Sirius wasn't responsible for Lily and James' death as originally believed. Instead, it was their other friend, Peter Pettigrew. During his time at Hogwarts, the Shrieking Shack and the tunnel that leads from the tree to the shack, was created for him and him alone, as he had been bitten by a werewolf when he was very young, and this was his only way to attend Hogwarts safely. Dumbledore took the extra measures in order to keep not only the students and the villagers safe, but also Lupin safe.
He explains that his three best friends became Animagi in order to be with him once a month during his transformations, and that Scabbers, Ron's longtime family pet, is in fact, Peter. Ron is disbelieving, until his rat transforms into the man himself.
It is then told that Peter had become the Potters's secret keeper at the behest of Sirius, who knew that the Dark Lord would come after him, but not the unsuspecting Peter. Unfortunately, Peter had already been working under Voldemort at the time, and ratted on his friends, leading to their death. Sirius, who confronted Peter, on the busy Muggle street, was sent away because Peter faked his death and has been living as a rat for the last 12 years, the same amount of time the Weasley's had had him in their home and lives. Ron understands now that it wasn't a miracle that his family pet lived so long; all of the three friends believe Sirius and Lupin.
They begin to head back to the school, but unfortunately for all, Lupin begins to transform into his werewolf counterpart as it is a full moon, and he did not take the potion that helps keep his transformations at bay during that time of the month. Sirius tells the kids to run, and transforms himself into the dog in order to keep the werewolf away, and in doing so, Peter is able to get away.
When they once again run into the dementors, Harry believes he sees his father performing the Patronus charm that repels them, and when he comes too, he is in the hospital wing of the school. Dumbledore comes to them, and explains to Hermione that they need more time; and together, she and Harry return a few hours prior.
She explains that she has been using a Time Turner in order to go to all her classes this year; she was given special permission from the Ministry of Magic in order to use it, and they have to be careful not to be seen while they attempt to save not only Sirius' life, but Buckbeaks as well.
They are successful in doing both, and Buckbeak as well as Sirius are able to escape before the dementors appear to perform their deadly kiss on him. The year ends with Harry hoping to go and live with his godfather, leaving the Dursley's behind forever.
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leossmoonn · 3 years
12 Years [Sirius Black]
pairing - post azkaban!sirius x muggleborn, fem!reader
type - fluff
note / request - requested by @ssoldier-whoore “Sirius and you reunite after he was in Azkaban. — Time: 5th movie/book around the beginning of the summer break where all the others (but harry) come to his house Even though you are together he is really flirty with you and you get flustered/nervous. Then one evening you lay in bed make fun, Sirius is still flirty. also Harry does come and see you two and is amazed by your relationship, he and Remus like talk about you? also a muggleborn!reader” i literally dont remember anything from hp movies or books. its been 8 years since ive even watched the movies and read the books so literally the whole timeline in this fic isnt correct but pls deal lol
summary - you and sirius reunite after 12 years of him being in prison 
warnings / includes - mild language, food and eating, lots of kissing, cuddling, flirting, changing in front of him, light touching (goes w the flirting), no real smut just a lil saucey, alluding to sex at the end. lmk if i missed anything 
*gif isn't mine*
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your heart was racing, knees buckling in fear and excitement. your sweaty hands gripped the flowers as you stood behind the front door. this was the moment you had been waiting for for the last 12 years. 
“oh, he’s here!” remus exclaimed. 
tears sprung in your eyes as you heard his footsteps. he opened the door, his gray eyes shining with relief and surprise. you blinked rapidly, tears streaming down your face. 
“welcome home, sirius,” you spoke softly. 
a wide smile lit up his face; the smile you’d never thought you would ever see again. he looked so different from when you last saw him. worry lines were prominent on his forehead. he had grown into his nose and height. he wasn’t the young man you had loved; he was now a sapient adult. his hair was longer, thicker, curlier, and lighter than you last remember. it used to be the colour of coal, but now it appeared to be a fine chestnut. 
one of the more stunning things about him was his facial hair. his beard was short and sexy. you’d never ever seen him with a beard all throughout your hogwarts years. he kept well-groomed while in prison. although he looked older, wiser, and more tired, he still had that mischievous, boyish twinkle in his eye that you knew would never go away no matter how much torment he might be put through.
“y/n!” tears poured out of his eyes. he engulfed you in a hug, lifting you up and spinning you around. you let out a choked sob, dropping the flowers and wrapping your arms around him. you hugged him tightly, suffocating him with your arms, but he didn’t mind. for he, too, had been waiting for this moment for 12 years. 
you took in a deep breath of his scent, as he did to you. he set you down on the ground, holding you for a few more moment before pulling away and peering at you. he grinned as his hands cupped your face, lifting it up. you stared deep in his eyes, your heart filling up your chest.
his lips came down to yours, capturing you in a tender kiss. the weight of his lips on yours was something you’ve been craving ever since his disappearence. they were warm and rough, kissing you needily. a million words, apologies and affirmations, came with each kiss. unspoken words you both knew he had to say, that he needed to say. you forgive him and accepted him, wrapping your arms around his neck and pushing your body against his.
he pulled away after a few moments. both of your chests heaved up and down, smiles painted on both of your faces, lighting up the dim foyer. sirius then turned his attention to his friends.
“welcome home, mate,” remus grinned. “oh, moony! it’s so great to see you!” sirius exclaimed, more tears springing into his eyes as he hugged his best friend.
“i’ve missed you, rem,” sirius whispered. “i’ve missed you more,” remus sniffled, trying to gather himself.
sirius pulled away slightly, giving remus a pat on the back, looking remus in the eyes. they both nodded as they understood each other. no words had to be spoken between the two, all the words they needed to say were in their eyes.
“sirius, i’d like you to meet the new members,” remus said.
“new members? of what?” sirius asked, completely clueless. “the order of the pheonix, love,” you smiled.
sirius’s eyes widened, jaw dropped. “i-i thought -”
“harry, james and lily’s boy, has reactivated it. him and his friends are planning to defeat voldemort,” remus explained.
“ah! well, that’s brilliant! where is the young lad?” sirius asked.
“not here, yet, but here are the new members,” remus explained.
“this is molly, arthur, bill, and percy weasley. their son ronald is also a part of the order. he’s friends with harry.”
“lovely to meet you all,” sirius smiled kindly, shaking all their hands.
“it’s a pleasure to meet you! say, do you mind telling stories of your time in -” arthur stared to ask, but molly interrupted him.
“arthur! let the man breathe! jesus,” molly muttered. “molly weasley, mr. black.” she shook his hand.
“please, sirius is quite fine. and yes, i will most definitely tell some stories, don’t you worry,” sirius winked.
“fantastic!” arthur gushed.
“this is fleur delacour. her and bill are engaged,” remus introduced.
“well, it is nice to meet you ms delacour. my, i must say, you are beautiful,” sirius grinned.
“thank you, sirius,” fleur smiled. “lucky man,” sirius winked at bill.
bill smiled proudly, pulling fleur to his side and looking down at her lovingly. “indeed i am.”
“and this is nymphadora tonks. she is my, erm, girlfriend.” remus blushed.
“tonks is what i preferred to be called,” tonks smiled, shaking sirius’s hand.
“noted. well, you are a stunning woman. how long have you two been together?” sirius asked.
“just a few months,” remus said, grinning and looking at her. “ah,” sirius smiled. “that whipped already, eh?”
remus rolled his eyes, tusking. “you still haven’t changed, have you.”
sirius shrugged, “what can i say? i’m a fighter.”
“that you are,” you hummed. you slipped your hand over his back, bringing your arm over his shoulder.
“well, you are the one who kept me a fighter,” sirius admitted, looking at you.
“oh, hush,” you shook your head. heat crawled up your face. you began to feel flustered under his gaze.
“really. your letters helped me tremendously. you’re the only reason why i am still standing,” he said.
“well, i knew one day you’d come back to me. finally that day has come,” you sighed happily.
sirius smiled, his eyes lighting up with warmth and love. “i’m happy to be back.”
“are you hungry, sirius?” molly asked. “oh, famished!” sirius nodded.
“good to hear. there’s a feast for you in the kitchen,” molly grinned.
“oh, thank godrick. now i really am happy to be back,” he joked.
you all laughed, enjoying the light-hearted aurora sirius brought home. you and sirius followed them back to the kitchen, sirius’s mouth watering like a dog. 
“this smells amazing, molly. did you do this?” sirius asked.
“indeed i did.” molly nodded, standing tall with pride.
“do you mind teaching y/n to cook? if i remember correctly, she has a talent for burning water,” sirius winked.
“excuse me!” you feigned offense. “mind you, i have learned a few things in the kitchen since you have been gone.”
“can’t wait for you to show me, then.” sirius pecked the crown of your head, then sitting down at the table. you sat down next to him, holding your wine glass up so molly could top you off. 
“dig in, sirius. this is all made for you,” molly smiled. 
“thank you.” sirius grabbed the chicken, green beans, pie, everything molly had prepared for this night. after sirius got first pick, everyone began to take what was left. it seemed as sirius most of the food. they obviously didn’t feed him well in prison. 
“still has the appetite of a titan,” remus smirked. “you thought i would’ve changed, hm?” sirius hummed. 
“just thought azkaban would’ve calmed your appetite,” remus shrugged. “well, you’re a hopeful man, moony,” sirius chuckled. 
“well, i wished my hoping for you to come back would’ve worked 12 years ago,” remus sighed.
“i’m back now, brother,” sirius beamed. “so, how did you and tonks meet?”
“when i joined. it took a while for us to finally get together, though,” tonks explained. 
“ah, was he afraid of the ol’ wolfy thing?” sirius asked. “yep. you know, my patronus actually changed into a wolf while he kept denying me,” tonks smiled. 
sirius’s eyes widened, amazement lighting up his face. “well, that’s amazing. i haven’t heard of patronuses being like or same since… well, since prongs and lils.”
“may they rest in peace,” you held up your wine glass. 
everyone at the table raised their glasses, clinking them all together, repeating your words. you all started a happier conversation, staying at the dinner table until the early hours of night. everyone left grimmauld place, leaving you and sirius alone. 
“so beautiful,” sirius mused. 
you peered behind your shoulder, flashing a big smile. you returned to changing into your pajamas, un-hooking your bra and dropping it into the hamper. as you opened the dresser, sirius admired you from the bed. 
his eyes outlined your hips, your shoulder blades, your spine. he had spent all of 12 years in prison thinking about you; your scent, smile, funny coloured-clothes, your body. how your eyes lit up whenever you talked about something you were passionate about, how determined you were to change and save the world. the way you walked, how effortlessly your feet moved across the ground; you looked like you were floating. he missed the way your hips swung with each movement, inviting him for some fun. before prison you laughed at his jokes like he was the funniest man in the world, even if no one else was laughing. you always knew how to make him feel good. talking was your love language, something he himself was never good at. he was thankful you could read his actions and understand the words he was trying to say. it was the most romantic part of your relationship. 
his eyes widened as you turned around, your shirt still not on. he had definitely missed seeing you half-naked. his eyes raked down your upper body, eyes following the swell of your breasts, his mouth salivating. your lips upturned into a cheshire cat-like grin as you sauntered over to him. 
“like what you see?” you cocked your right brow. “oh, i love it,” he basically moaned. 
your stomach turned inside out. you had missed the way he would stare at you. his eyes held so many ‘i love you’s’, so many ‘gorgeous’ and ‘pretty’s’. he looked at you like a prized possession, something that was his and his only. you missed being wanted and needed by your soulmate. you even missed the way he would sometimes stare at you like a piece of meat - fitting since he technically was a dog. 
you slipped on your shirt, earning a whine of disapproval from sirius. you chuckled, climbing into bed with him. you tucked yourself in under the covers and set your head on his chest. the familiar fire whiskey and wet dog scent filled your nose. you were home.
“i missed this,” you mumbled into his chest. “me, too, darling,” sirius said softly. 
“is this okay? can i do this?” sirius asked as he slipped his fingers under your shirt. he started to lightly scratch and caress your skin. 
“of course it is,” you nodded, looking up at him. “feel s’good.”
“good,” he smiled sweetly, leaning his head up and kissing the top of your head. “blimey, your skin is so soft. i missed you.”
“mmm,” you hummed, nodding in agreement. you looked into his eyes, watching him as he drank in your face, your arm wrapped around his body, your legs wrapped around his. 
his eyes then met yours, fear clouding them. his hand movements stopped suddenly and his arm slipped out from your shirt, and flopped onto the bed. your lips came into a pout, questioning him with your expression. 
“when i was away, did you ever… you know…?” tears then sprung into his eyes. he tried to hide his sudden crying by blinking and yawning, knowing that yawning made eyes water. but you were smarter than that. you knew what he was trying to say. although he was in his early-to-mid thirties, he still fell victim to his insecurities that had been carved inside his his head by his family, peers, and himself. he felt stupid. like a teenager again. you made sure his worries were valid and that there was nothing to be worried about.
“no,” you said, looking straight into his eyes. “i never did and never will.”
“didn’t you get lonely, though? i-i know i definitely did - not saying i did anything in azkaban. i didn’t. but… i know you like to have someone there, emotionally and sexually. and you deserve that, but i was gone for so long. you never thought of -?”
you exhaled heavily, sitting up on your elbow. “i’ll be honest, sirius, i did think about it. i wasn’t sure if you going to jail meant our relationship had ended. i wasn’t sure if i was supposed to move on, or just have meaningless sex until you came back. hell, i didn’t know if you were ever going to even come back. but, the longer i thought about our relationship, moving on, falling in love with someone else, i realised that the only person i would ever truly love is you. i-i couldn’t fathom leaving you and moving on. a lot of people say that, but i knew that if i tried to, i would regret it because i would be letting someone that is the best, the most honest, loving, hilarious, and sexy person go. i would be letting my person go.”
sirius grinned, “you always know what to say.”
“well, it’s true,” you hummed. “no one could ever compare to you, sirius.”
“i believe you,” he nodded. “same with me, y/n. i-i know it may be hard to believe because all you can probably remember of me is the stupid, horny boy i used to be, but -”
“no, no,” you shook your head. “you are so wrong, sirius. yes, you were stupid and incredibly horny,” you smiled. 
sirius smiled with you, nodding for you to continue. 
“but you were never unfaithful. i know you loved me and still do. that is what is so special about us, siri, we’re unbreakable. not even 12 years apart broke us, and i know for a fact that even if it was 20, 25, 30 years, we still wouldn’t break. but, thank the heavens you came back when you did. i couldn’t stand being alone anymore. it was so painful.”
“i’m sorry,” he frowned. he hated seeing how much he’d put you through, even though he wasn’t actually there.
“it’s not your fault. it’s that stupid rat’s fault,” you spat. 
sirius smiled, nodding in agreement. “well, he’s long gone now.”
“hmm,” a smile lit up your face at his smile. “good.”
sirius leaned up from the bed, planting a kiss onto your lips. your hand tangled itself into his shaggy hair, your fingers weaving through his curls. his hand went around to the small of your back, his fingers digging into your clothed skin lightly. you moaned softly at how good it felt to kiss him again in your bed. oh, how you dreamed of this moment. 
you pulled away as you needed air, eyes opening to look at his handsome face. you put your hand on his face, your thumb caressing his cheekbone. he smiled softly, leaning into your affectionate touch. 
while you two were having a small, nonchalant staring content, harry had come into the house. he was eager to meet his godfather, but remus stopped him, explaining how you two needed time alone before anything else. 
“they went 12 years without seeing each other, and without seeing anyone else?” harry asked, absolutely flabbergasted. 
“yep,” remus smiled. “amazing, innit?”
“yeah. wow. where are they now?” harry asked. “upstairs,” remus said. “you can say hi at least.”
harry nodded, following remus up the stairs and to your bedroom. 
“sirius, someone is here to see you,” remus said. 
sirius tore his eyes away from you, jaw dropping. he sat up in the bed, climbing out and walking over to harry. 
“holy hell. this is - my, you look just like james, but you’ve got lily’s eyes. you must be harry.”
“and you’re my godfather,” harry grinned. sirius engulfed him in a hug, harry returning the gesture gratefully. you smiled fondly at the two, eyes meeting with remus, giving him a smile. 
“you’ve got lily’s looks,” sirius smirked as he pulled away to look at harry once again. 
harry chuckled, “thank you.”
“ah, you’re so big! you probably don’t remember, well, you most definitely don’t, but i used to stay at your parent’s house for a week in the summer. i would babysit you while your parents went out for vacation. we got into some real trouble, you and me,” sirius reminisced. 
“i’d love for you to tell me about it,” harry nodded. “oh, for sure. say, why don’t you come back for dinner tomorrow? i bet molly wouldn’t mind cooking another feast,” sirius suggested. 
“i-i’d love that,” harry grinned. “could you, um, tell me more about my parents, too?”
you watched with tears in your eyes as sirius’s face lit up. harry was like a son to him, even though he hadn’t seen the boy for more than a decade. the fact that he trusted sirius with something as beautiful as telling him the story of his parents was momentous to him. 
“it would be an honour,” sirius nodded. 
“thank you, sirius,” harry said. “of course, harry,” sirius smiled. 
“we’ll leave you and y/n back to your activities,” remus smirked, taking harry’s shoulders. 
“it’s been great seeing you, harry. i can not wait to have dinner with you tomorrow,” sirius said. 
“me, too,” harry agreed. “it was nice seeing you, too, y/n.”
you smiled, “you, too, harry. we’ll see you tomorrow.” 
harry nodded and headed out with remus. sirius climbed back into bed with you, sighing with the biggest smile on his face.
“he looks just like james, blimey,” he muttered. “just like a mini-me,” you nodded in agreement. 
as you and sirius talked more about the boy, remus and harry talked about you. 
“they make a great couple,” harry stated. “indeed they do. it’s amazing how love works,” remus agreed. 
harry peered into your room, smiling as the two of you were laughing. 
“i hope i can have that with someone,” he said. 
remus titled his head with a smile. “do you have a girl in mind?”
“yeah,” harry said, turning his head back to remus slowly. “you’re a great man, harry. she’ll be lucky to have you,” remus clapped his shoulder. 
“do you think that sirius could give me relationship advice?” harry asked. 
remus burst out laughing. “you do not want to take relationship advice from sirius, son. but ask y/n, she’d be more than happy to help.”
harry laughed with remus. “sirius isn’t that dependable, hm?”
“something like that,” remus nodded. he glanced at the two of you, smiling fondly as the two of you were holding hands, appearing to be talking about something serious. “he’s crazy that one. he’s lucky to have her. as she is lucky to have him.”
remus then turned back to harry. “let’s give them some peace, yes?”
“yeah, absolutely,”  harry walked away. remus followed him down the stairs, leaving you two alone for the rest of the night. 
“bellatrix is a heathen. i swear, when i see her, i’m going to blast her,” sirius muttered. 
“easy there, darling. you just got out of jail, no need to find another reason to be put back.” you stroked the sides of his face. 
“well, i escaped this time, actually. i could do it again,” he winked. 
you chuckled. “well, i’m happy i escaped from your family. i’m finally allowed to be here without your family commenting on everything i do, and where i come from. we have this whole place to ourselves now.”
“oh, yes! maybe it is a good thing i stayed in prison that long. i never will have to see them again after that,” sirius grinned. 
“they would be furious seeing you making out with a muggleborn, you know?” you smirked. 
“i bet they’d be even more furious if they saw me having sex with one,” sirius grinned from ear-to-ear. 
“oh, you think so?” you raised a brow. 
“oh, i most definitely do.”
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startanewdream · 3 years
For your jily leaves
James and/or sirius discovering the marauders map in Harry's stuff.
Your wish is my command ;)
Set during the summer break after Prisoner of Azkaban, when Harry is grounded because he went after Pettigrew and went to Hogsmeade hidden (more here).
Hope you enjoy this happy silly moment between Sirius, James and Harry (or the real reason I write this series).
Good times
Sirius coughs when he enters the attic and a cloud of wind greets him.
'Get used', Harry's voice says, coming from a place in front of him, though he can't see him behind the piles of boxes. After a few seconds, Harry emerges, a scarf covering his nose and mouth.
Sirius chuckles. 'You look like a cowboy. From those old movies'.
'Bang bang', Harry jokes, pretending to aim with a gun. 'What are you doing here?'
'Came to see your father, he isn't here yet. So I thought of checking on my favourite godson'.
'The only one', Harry remembers, laughing and moving to another box. 'A good godfather would help me, you know'.
'Cleaning builds character', Sirius assures, looking at an old mirror and cleaning with the sleeve of his hand to see his reflex. 'And you need a lot of character'.
'Ouch', Harry complains. 'I have been grounded all summer'.
'This is what happens when you run after a convicted criminal'.
'Isn't what you do all the time?'
'Yeah, but I get paid for it', Sirius winks at him. 'Also, it helps that I am an adult. You might wait until you are out of age to run after bad guys'.
Harry points at his scar. 'I wish, but bad guys keep coming'.
'Well, you are unlucky in that way. Also, I may have heard running after Wormtail wasn't the only reason you were grounded'.
Harry flushes. 'Well, the other reason is even less fair. You guys sneaked out to Hogsmeade all the time'.
'Not when one's father had forbidden it'.
'You went with a werewolf!'
'Again, no one expressly forbid it. You don't want to get grounded, you don't get caught'.
'Next time I won't', Harry mumbles under his breath.
'Good. You have the Cloak and the Map too, just like we did'. Sirius stops, a thought crossing his mind. 'You do have the Map, right?'
'Yeah, Dad let me keep it. It's the least he could do, really. With the lot of things he did while in school…'
Harry keeps babbling, complaining about unfairness and clearly unhappy with all the chores he has been doing this summer, and Sirius smirks.
He lets his godson still cleaning the attic and goes downstairs; there is an old friend he wants to see.
He walks to Harry's room, finding it opened. His things are all messy in the room (clearly his chores were limited to the attic, not to his own room), but he finds the old parchment between his books.
It doesn't look like the parchment aged a day. Moony told him about his delight that he had found it again, and Sirius understands it. No matter what happened later, that Map still brings him joy as if he is seventeen again, just finishing his signature of his name on the Map.
He takes out his wand, pointing to the Map as he had done countless times.
'I solemnly swear I am up to no good'.
The lines appear there, tracing the outline he knows better than anywhere else. It's mostly empty, only a few little dots walking on the map, and he slides his finger to the Gryffindor Tower, then to the Great Hall and then to the Forbidden Forest. So many memories. He traces the passages outside school. James might have grounded Harry for sneaking out, but he would have been upset if Harry never did it…
He rolls his wand between his fingers before he lets the tip touch the Map.
'Sirius Black would like to talk to the masterful creators of this Map’.
The lines appear swiftly, an invisible hand writing them, and Sirius remembers spending days of one winter break trying to perfect this spell.
‘Mr. Prongs notes that a request with such formality cannot be ignored’.
‘Mr. Moony wishes to know when did Mr. Sirius Black became so distinct’.
‘Mr. Wormtail salutes Mr. Sirius Black and bids him a very pleasant day’.
‘Mr. Padfoot presents his esteemed regards to Mr. Sirius Black, to whom it is always a pleasure to talk to’.
Sirius grins, sitting at the edge of Harry’s bed.
‘Mr. Moony wonders what joke is Mr. Black planning today’.
‘Mr. Padfoot trusts that Mr. Black’s plans will be conducted perfectly’.
‘Mr. Prongs wants to know if the most distinct of Mr. Black’s friends will be joining him’.
Sirius laughs. ‘No, James is busy now’.
‘Mr. Prongs wonders if Mr. Black’s most interesting friend is busy with his offspring’.
‘Not now’. 
‘Mr. Prongs wants to know if aforementioned offspring will be joining Mr. Black’s plans for today’.
‘Mr. Padfoot agrees that this particular offsprings shows potential’.
‘Actually, the mentioned offspring is doing chores today. His father may have been upset that he broke a few school rules last year, with the courtesy of you, of course’.
‘Mr. Moony would like to register the unfairness of Mr. Black’s bespectacled friend punishing his offspring for doing something he did on a daily basis’.
‘Mr. Wormtail agrees with Mr. Moony and wonders when Mr. Black’s most passionate quidditch fan friend decided to become so restricted’.
‘Mr. Padfoot is astonished that Mr. Black has not found a way yet of breaking the mentioned offspring of its chores’.
‘Mr. Prongs is too upset with Mr. Black’s best friend’s choices to declare his opinion’.
Sirius’ laugh echoes in the room. A few seconds, he hears someone knocking on the door, and raises his eyes to find James there, all disheveled from coming from outside.
‘I thought I heard a dog here, but Harry knows he can’t bring stray dogs home’.
Sirius gives James a nice hand gesture before inviting him in.
‘You laugh now, dear Prongs, but you are so embarrassed with yourself’.
‘What —’, he stops noticing the parchment on Sirius’ hand. ‘Is that —’
‘The only one and original. Here’.
James picks the Map, his eyes running through the conversation, but he doesn’t grin like Sirius hoped. He knows what’s on his bespectacled quidditch most distinct friend’s mind at once.
‘James — don’t let him ruin the Marauders’.
James takes a deep breath before giving back the Map to Sirius, but his expression relaxes. He raises one eyebrow, a shadow of a smirk on his face.
‘They are disappointed with me, but you haven’t told them you were not planning any prank’.
‘I didn’t see the need for mentioning this’.
‘Only my bad side, huh?’ James picks his wand, touching the Map. ‘James Potter would like to register that Sirius Black has no plans of pranks because he is a serious laborer now’.
‘Mr. Prongs is astonished that Mr. Sirius Black could take anything other than his name as serious’.
‘Mr. Wormtail asks if Mr. Black is working as a service dog’.
‘Mr. Moony believes Mr. Black is fitter to work as a dog walker’.
‘Mr. Padfoot would just like to understand when Mr. Black’s choices of life has surpassed the fact that Mr. James Potter is punishing his offspring for breaking school rules’.
‘Mr. Prongs would like to point out that Mr. Black’s life choices are far more upset than needing to educate a child’.
‘Mr. Padfoot wants to discuss the hypocrisy…’
‘Oh, look what you've done’, Sirius complains. ‘They are discussing again. It will be hours until they stop’.
He lays on the bed, watching the ceiling. James lays next to him.
‘We should have charmed them to stop after a few minutes’.
‘Yeah, but we wanted them to really represent us —’
‘— and at sixteen we could discuss for hours’, James finishes, a little nostalgic.
‘Well, we had a lot of free time’.
‘No, actually we hadn’t’, remembers James, grinning. ‘But we made it through’.
Sirius chuckles again. ‘Good times’.
They stay in silence for a moment, broken when Harry enters the room, throwing himself in a chair.
‘I am exhausted’, he says, eyes closed and a painful expression on his face. ‘I won’t ever finish it until the World Cup’.
‘Hardwork will pay, son’, James says teasingly.
‘Would be a lot faster if… is that the Marauder’s Map?’.
‘Why are words appearing on the Map?’, Harry asks, and Sirius doesn’t need to check the map to see that lines are still appearing there. Prongs and Padfoot can keep a discussion for a long time.
‘Oh, that would be Prongs and Padfoot arguing who has disappointed more his young self’, Sirius replies, grinning.
‘Ah’, a smile creeps up on Harry’s face. ‘I’ve seen them — the “manufacturers” — talking. And not just me — Snape got a taste of it too’.
‘Snape?’, Sirius and James ask at the same, raising to stare at Harry. His green eyes are open, smirking with satisfaction.
‘Yeah, he found the Map too’.
‘Then what?’, James asks, greedy, when Harry stays quiet.
‘Oh, I could tell you, but the attic is so dusty’.
Sirius grins. ‘Oh, I see your game’.
‘Extorting your own father, Harry James?’
Harry’s smile becomes innocent now. ‘I will make it worthwhile. One of the lines told him “to wash his hair”’. 
‘Fine, no dust’, James agrees genially, raising and grabbing his wand. ‘But you better tell us in details’.
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mischief-marauders · 4 years
The Song of Sirius
Remus stepped through the threshold of Grimmauld Place. He stumbled and gasped as a painful burning sensation spread throughout his body.
The wards. Sirius had told him about the wards back when they were kids. The house’s magic didn’t allow half breeds in the home without the owner's permission. And with Sirius gone, the wards came at him in full.
Remus felt the roaring wave of pain hit him again as he stifled a sob. All he could see was Sirius’ mouth forming an “O” as he fell back into the veil. Remus wanted so desperately to run after him but he had to hold Harry back. No matter what happened, no matter who he lost, Harry had to be first. Sirius and him had promised that to James and Lily before they were killed.
Remus slowly righted himself, still wincing at the burning sensation in his body. He stopped and stared at himself in the goblin wrought iron mirror in the hall. His bloodshot eyes were red-rimmed from crying so much. He looked weary and too old to be in his early 30’s. In the reflection of the mirror, he saw a rustling and bristled at the sight.
Walburga Black stood in the portrait. Quiet and glaring. Even dead, even magically painted, she was terrifying. Remus could see where Sirius had gotten his force of nature personality. But that’s where the similarities ended. Sirius brought warmth and laughter to everyone around him. Walburga seemed to radiate hate and cold. She brought pain and suffering everywhere she stepped.
As Remus turned to look at her, she disappeared from view. 
Weeks passed by. People came and went yet Remus never left the house. Everything hurt too much. The wards never lessened in their torment. They never eased the burning. But he could not leave the house. This was the last place where Sirius had left his mark. No matter how much the burning pain from the House of Black wreaked on him, he couldn’t leave.
It had been four weeks since the death of the last heir of the House of Black when Walburga finally spoke after deafening silence for so long. Remus had stumbled into the foyer in the morning and stopped to catch his breath as Walburga's icy gaze froze him.
Remus hadn’t felt such burning hatred in himself in years. Rage and hate rose in him like a violent wave, bound to destroy whatever or whoever it fell on. He stood up straight and stormed up to the portrait, his anger and grief rising with the pain of losing Sirius again. He couldn't make her leave and he couldn't take the portrait down but he could hate her.
“In the letters you used to send to him at Hogwarts, you said that I ruined him. You said that James ruined him. That Lily ruined him. But you’re just a bitter old bigot and you know nothing. You loved Regulus more than him and look at where both of them are. The only person that ruined him was you”
Remus winced and slightly bent over as the burning from the wards increased and he felt himself stumble a little. He took in a deep breath and righted himself once more, glaring at the still silent Walburga Black.
“Are you proud? Are you proud of what your blood purity and ideals have done? Your son will be remembered as a murderer. As the prisoner of Azkaban. Your son will be remembered as the man who killed a group of muggles in grief. He will be remembered for things he didn’t do. All because of what your beliefs have brought into this world. All things horrible and ugly.”
Remus’s voice grew louder and broke into sobs as his rage boiled. “He won’t be remembered for the good things and the best parts of him. He doesn't deserve that”
“What is there?”
Remus felt himself go still at her response.
Walburga’s face gave nothing away but Remus swore he saw something in her gaze as she responded once more.
“What else is there?”
Remus swallowed thickly as the pain from the house still struck at him, never lessening. He had always been afraid of Walburga. But he was alive while she was just a portrait. She couldn’t hurt him any more than he was already hurt.
“Doing one of the most dangerous transfigurations spells for me. A spell that’s risky and takes months to complete. Just so that he could give me comfort during the full moon. He should be remembered for that.”
Remus felt tears rising in his eyes as his head pounded and Walburga just looked at him silently. She looked as if she were waiting.
“He should be remembered for always putting others first. He should be remembered for his unwavering loyalty. He should be remembered for his fierce defiance in the face of hatred. He deserves to be remembered for standing by his beliefs while his family told him he was wrong.”
Remus paused to catch his breath.
Walburga's mouth tightened. “Do you have any more memories?”
“I am made of memories.”
Walburga nodded tightly. “Then speak."
Remus wanted to refuse. He wanted to rage and scream and smash the house of Black, brick by brick. She didn’t deserve to hear. She abandoned him and ostracized him. She humiliated him and disowned him. She had no right to the memories of the lovely boy that was Sirius Black. But for a moment, he doesn’t want to think of Sirius being dead or being locked away in Azkaban. He only wants to remember the Sirius he knew.
So he speaks. He gives Walburga everything he has. Everything he remembers. An arrogant little boy on the train. The crying in his bed when he thought no one could hear him after the sorting ceremony. The way that the Gryffindor colors seemed to fit on him. The way the afternoon light turned his eyes from grey to a hundred shades of blues and greens mixed. The barking laughter he let out at 3 am in the dorms, waking up the entirety of Gryffindor tower. The way that his hair grew, little by little until it reached his jawline. The intensity in which he would gaze at Regulus during meals when the boy wouldn’t notice. How he hugged Remus when he confessed he was a werewolf. That first night that he joined him on a transformation and how Sirius’ eyes lit up fondly when Remus turned back to human in the morning. The way his laugh would echo in the halls of Hogwarts when he was running away from Filch. The way his hair twisted around his head when he flew on James’ broom. The way moonlight lit his face and made him look inhuman. Almost God-like. His terror and joy when he held Harry for the first time.
Before Remus knew it, it had been hours since he first began speaking. He finally registered the emotions in Walburga’s eyes and he realized. He realized that she remembered as well.
She remembered the joy that flooded her when she realized she was pregnant after trying for so long. The pain she felt as her body was ripped apart and her firstborn was brought into the world. The way his eyes twinkled and the giggles that would escape his mouth when Walburga leaned over his crib to smile at him. His chubby legs running around the house. The times she sat with him in bed and cast lumos for him because he was scared of the dark. The way he curled up on her, seeking comfort when he was sick. She remembered his joy when they brought Regulus home. She remembered how fiercely protective he was of his brother. The way he would take the blame for everything and shield Regulus. She also remembered when things started to go bad. The way Sirius’ eyes lost their light. The way his eyes were alight again when he came back home every summer but would fade by the time it came to go back to Hogwarts. She remembered the fights, the tears, the screaming, the anger. She remembered sobbing so hard the night he was disowned. So hard that the house shook. She remembered losing her son, her baby, her Sirius. The brightest star in her life. All because of her. Because her beliefs trumped her love for him.
Walburga turns away so Remus won’t see. But he does. The tears, the sobs shaking her shoulders as she remembers all she’s done. Her son, her beautiful son was dead. He would never smile again. He would never laugh again. The world would never see his light again. No one would know the beautiful boy he was. All anyone would remember was murderer and prisoner. They would never see a laughing boy corrupted by a dark world that made him grow up too fast.
They both stood there. A lone man and a lone woman in a portrait, crying over the same boy they had both lost. They both stand there and conjure up the boy they knew. Sirius, standing tall and proud. A large grin on his face. His grey eyes, alive and bright. Remus could almost feel his arms holding him tight. Almost.
They both feel each other memories. Walburga can feel the infinite love that Remus has for her son and the grief that consumes him. Remus can feel the infinite regret and pain Walburga suffers with. The memories come and come, surrounded by sobs and crying. They stand there, a Black, a Marauder, and the boy who was both.
The sun starts to set and Walburga has put her walls back up. Remus has given everything he has and more. He spared nothing of the boy he loved. They both stare at each other. Remus’s amber eyes, watery in pain and grief. Walburga’s grey eyes, sharp in hatred and grief. They stare at each other for what seems like hours.
“I’ve done it,” Walburga says. Remus looks around confused. He didn’t understand what she meant. Then he realizes. The pain. He no longer feels the pain wracking his body. For the first time in almost a month, his body doesn’t burn from the wards placed at Grimmauld Place. The relief from the pain makes him stand up straight and his breathing even out.
Walburga turns away and before she can leave to whatever place portraits hide in, Remus stops her.
She doesn’t turn around. He can hear her uneven breathing and the shakes in her shoulders from the sobs she’s trying to hide.
“For him.”
She walks away and Remus is left there, feeling empty and painless.
All of a sudden, he feels the sensation of magic in the house and he hears a quiet sound vibrating throughout. He follows the sounds through the house, corridor upon corridor until he comes to the room with the tapestry of the lineage of the members of the House of Black. Remus steps forward, slowly, to the last faces on the tapestry. A sob builds in his chest as he runs his fingers over the last face. The burn and explosion marks are gone from the tapestry. Sirius’ handsome face with his trademark Cheshire chat grin is woven into the fabric once more. It looks just like Sirius if he hadn’t spent years in Azkaban. His face tan and lovely, glowing with happiness. And next to him, connected by a dotted line representing love, was Remus’ face grinning. Two boys connected. Forever. Connected and unwavering by simple concepts like time, light, darkness, life, and death. These meant nothing to Remus. 
The golden light from the sunset painted the room in hues of beautiful gold and orange. He pressed his finger to Sirius' fabric cheek and let out a small, shuddering sigh. 
"I will always love you. The sun could go black and the stars could crash to earth and I will still always love you. Through light and darkness, I belong to you and you belong to me."
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wlntrsldler · 4 years
personal favorites are marked with **. 
fred weasley:
you are in love (requested!): The three times Fred knew he loved you and the one time he told you.
i think he knows (requested!)**: Y/N drunkenly confesses her feelings. 
cardigan x betty x august (requested!)**: Y/N and Fred see each other after 7 years and she finally lets him know that she knew that he cheated on her with Angelina all those years ago. 
you belong with me (requested!): Fred realizes that he loves Y/N after seeing her so close to George.
george weasley:
cruel summer (requested!): Y/N and George broke up. however, they can’t help but think about the summer they first confessed their love.
everything has changed (requested!): George’s life 5 years after the war and losing Fred.
love story (requested!): George has a crush on a shy Hufflepuff.
paper rings (requested!): Short imagine with George and Y/N pranking Ron and talking about their future together.
enchanted (requested!): George is in love with Y/N. She loves Fred.
lover (requested!): Y/N tells George she can’t marry him in six months. 
all too well: After Fred’s death, George and Y/N decide to part ways. 
draco malfoy:
you belong with me (requested!): Draco doesn’t know how to express his feelings.
oliver wood:
you belong with me (requested!): Y/N is in love with her friend with benefits, Oliver Wood.
paper rings (requested!)**: Oliver and Y/N never got to know each other when they were in Hogwarts— years later, they finally do. 
cedric diggory:
false god (requested!): Cedric and Y/N reunite years after his death.
james potter:
champagne problems: Y/N has to leave her boyfriend, James Potter, behind. 
treacherous: James Potter and Y/N can’t stand each other until they get to know each other. 
sirius black:
champagne problems: Y/N leaves to protect her family and Sirius waits for her. 
draco malfoy:
i will follow you to the dark (requested!): “can you write something about where the reader and draco are dating and she watches the malfoy’s flee during the battle so she runs up and says something like “are you just gonna leave this all behind like nothing happened??” and it gets to a point where she starts dueling lucius and it ends up with him dead or something- idk something along the lines of that but.. i hope that made sense 😳” (oneshot!)
james potter: 
tell me that you love me**: James and Y/N are friends with benefits. She fell in love with the Gryffindor, who’s too busy being in love with Lily Evans to realize. After a night of drinking, the truth comes out.
i want you to love me: part 2 of tell me that you love me
longing: set before prisoner of azkaban. remus longs for sirius and the life he used to have. 
unrequited (draco malfoy/ cedric diggory series): You and Cedric grew up together. After the tragedy of the Triwizard Tournament, you’re left feeling empty without your best friend. Draco Malfoy steps into the picture. Will the feelings be reciprocated? Or will it be unrequited? (DISCONTINUED)
where’s my love (fred weasley x malfoy!reader series): FAKE DATING AU; Y/N Malfoy is allowed back to live with her family in Malfoy Manor after spending 6 years studying at Ilvermorny. She’s the black sheep of her family and now that she’s attending Hogwarts, she’s doing everything in her power to drive her father mad. Nothing else drives her father crazy than a Weasley, so why not date one? (DISCONTINUED)
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lfcology · 3 years
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swatches | sirius black
summary: you had loved sirius black for longer than you could remember. through two wizarding wars and a harsh time in azkaban: you were head over heels. what happens when he misunderstood your relationship? everyone lives au lowkey as it should be! 
pairing: Fem!Reader x Sirius (post books so they’re slightly older)
word count: 1.6k
warnings: misunderstandings, mention of pregnancy/getting pregnant
Two wars. You had survived two wars against the most powerful dark wizard ever and had no inclination to tell your longtime friend you loved him. You'd been head over heels for Sirius Black for the better part of two decades yet opted to keep your feelings to yourself – stating something about the timing not being right. But if not during a war – nay, two wars – when would the time be right? You'd been with other people, trying to get over the raven-haired beauty yet no one ever made you feel anything close to what you did with him.
He'd served years in Azkaban, convicted of some of the most heinous crimes against muggles and the reason behind his best friends death, but you knew he was innocent. Sirius Black was a lot of things but a traitor was not one of them. Now, years later, he was finally free – an innocent man to the world. Once the dark lord was defeated again, and things started to calm down, 12 Grimmauld Place wasn't needed for the order anymore so you insisted on helping Sirius clean it up.
Though you couldn't wash away the painful memories of his childhood, it didn't mean you couldn't try. Harry was old enough to live on his own now but after years apart he and Sirius wanted to catch up on lost time. The first order of business you planned was putting that horrid painting of Mrs. Black in the basement. It took a lot of spells to detach her from the wall but the relief that came across Sirius' face once she was gone was worth it. The two of you worked together tirelessly to bring brightness into the home for the first time since it was built. The Black family tree tapestry was peeled off and replaced with a fresh coat of white paint and a photo wall.
Photos of James, Lily, Marlene and other friends lost over the years lined the wall and memories flooded your senses. There were moments in time captured that reminded you of easier days. Your times at Hogwarts. Your summers at the Potters. You, Sirius and Remus, admired your handy work on the wall. You three had lost so much but the thankfulness you felt to still have each other was beyond you. Sirius wrapped his arm around you and pressed a kiss to your temple. Remus excused himself to spend time with Teddy, leaving you and your love alone. "Should we start clearing out some of the rooms?" You suggested despite not wanting to leave Sirius' side just yet.
He hummed in confirmation before (rather reluctantly) letting you go. The house had been empty and cold for years so in an attempt to revive it Harry, Remus, Tonks and baby Teddy were due to move in. You two started with the guest room that would become a nursery for Teddy. Magic made cleaning much easier but being around Sirius meant more time joking around than actually being productive.
"This whole bloody house smells like dirty boxes." He said with a huff and a wave of his hand to open the window.
The two of you sat for longer than you'd like to admit trying to put a crib together the muggle way. Soon you gave up and used magic, much to Sirius' dismay who insisted "it'll just be 5 more minutes". With a wave of your wand, the walls were coloured a soft sage green compared to the drab mud brown it was before. Things were finally coming together.
"Do you wonder what it's like?" Sirius asked as he set a few toys out onto the shelves.
"What what's like?" You asked from your spot at the bookshelf.
"Being a parent." He clarified.
You shrugged and put down your copy of ABCs with Merlin. "I suppose... I kind of assume I won't have kids. I'm too old now."
"Nonsense!" He replied quickly.
You raised your brows and crossed your arms. "I know you're about to mention something about Moony but shall I remind you he didn't carry the child?" You countered.
"You make it sound like you're ancient." He scoffed. "Don't rule it out, darling."
You let out a laugh and returned to your task of sorting the shelves. "It takes two to have a baby and I don't exactly have a lineup of people wanting to impregnate me.”
"I sure hope not." He said incredulously. "Now, what colour should the walls in the master room be?"
You furrowed your brows. What on earth did he mean by I sure hope not? Instead of letting yourself dwell on it later, you decided to outright ask him. "What's that supposed to mean?"
He looked perplexed. "What? The colour of the master room?"
"No, no... that you sure hope there isn't people lined up for me?" You said crossing your arms a tad defensively.
Sirius, to put things simply, had a habit of being rude sometimes without realizing it. So, you were expecting a backhanded comment about your looks or a joke about how long you've been single. "Well, wouldn't exactly be the best for my odds." He said with a chuckle. "Now, the room colour." He repeated holding the swatches up.
"To hell with the swatches Sirius! What are you talking about!" You all but yelled at him. Was this a joke? Did he find out you were in love with him and decided to subtly tease you about it? How had he even figured it out? You felt yourself going into overdrive. You were going to kill Moony. He had to be the one to tell him after all!
"The swatch is for your room too so it does matter," Sirius said bewildered.
"What?" He repeated making you huff. He could be so frustrating sometimes.
"What do you mean my room?"
"Well, it's gonna be our room." He clarified.
You were surprised if that's what you could call it. Sirius thought you were moving in? And sharing a room with him? What on earth was happening? "Sirius, I'm not living here? I thought it was just you, Harry and Moonys family?"
"What? Why? It's meant to be a family home!" He protested with a pout that reminded you of the ones he wore as a student not getting his way with Professor McGonagall.
"We don't have room for me if Teddy has his own room. He'll need one as he grows up." You explained.
"That makes no sense! We would share a room."
"Why the hell would we share a room? We're adults we can't just be dormmates like we're kids." You said and he gave you a disgruntled look. “We've been sharing beds for 20 years why does it matter now?" He rebutted and crossed his arms.
"Don't you want privacy?" You asked.
"For what? We're dating so I don't see why you're being so weird about this."
Now that shocked you.
"DATING?" You shouted and he chuckled softly as he took a step towards you. "Since bloody when?"
"Well, we've had a weird relationship for 20 years I just assumed? Two wars change people." He said and you gaped at him.
"Bloody hell Sirius." You said rubbing your temples. This was not how you expected to find out your feelings were returned. Was this his loneliness speaking? His trauma?
"I'm sorry if I overstepped in thinking that..." He said rubbing the back of his neck and losing his confidence. He became sheepish under your scrutiny. Maybe it wasn't so outlandish of him to assume that. You two did kiss and cuddle a fair bit more than the average friends. But Sirius had always been fond of physical affection with his friends and you chalked it up to that. You honestly never expected him to feel the same way you did.
"I-" You began before swallowing down in an attempt to collect your thoughts. "-You weren't wrong. I just never really thought you'd feel that way about me."
He scoffed. "I've felt that way since we were in 5th year!"
"That makes no bloody sense! You hooked up with half the damn school but didn't look at me." You scoffed back.
"Because I was trying to hide my feelings like a dumb teenage boy! It killed me seeing you all over Peter so I deflected the only way I knew how." He countered. You rolled your eyes. You and Peter had gone out twice before realizing you were better off as friends.
"You don't get to do this Sirius. You can't just say you've liked me for more than 20 damn years and not made a move." You said pointing your finger at him accusingly.
"Need I remind you I was in prison for half of it. And I just asked what colour you want our room to be." He replied with a huff.
You were silent. He wasn't wrong after all but in your overflow of emotions, you chose to place all the blame on him. "I..." You looked down. "I'm sorry. I just always thought I wasn't your type."
He took a step closer and gently held your shoulders. "It's my fault for not letting you know how utterly in love with you I am."
Hearing those words come out of his mouth shot electricity through your body. It was a euphoric feeling you could definitely get used to feeling all the time. You looked up at him and cupped his cheek softly. For the first time, you realized the way you looked at him was the same way he looked at you: with utter love and devotion. You were so worried about not letting your feelings for him spill that you didn't realize you'd been dating the man of your dreams this whole time. The man you'd longed for but thought was unattainable.
"I love you too..." You said through happy tears. "I have for so long."
"Now darling, what colour for our bedroom?" He said with a perfect smirk and a kiss to your temple.
It took two wars but you and Sirius were creating the silly little family you always dreamed of.
taglist: @writing-wh0re​
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What if...
Peter Pettigrew had been caught at the end of Prisoner of Azkaban? I imagine that The Ministry would still not believe Sirius' innocence and they would make a proper trial. Dumbledore would've helped Sirius out of guilt, because he didn't do it before. They would win the trial of course because of a thing called Varitaserum. And Remus and Sirius would talk with Peter before he is taken to Azkaban and get the real reason why he betrayed them. They would've found out that the Peter that they used to know is no longer there.
Now, even thought Sirius is a free man, many wizards still don't trust him and many don't believe his innocence thinking he got out because of Dumbledore. But Sirius is free and tries to relive his life as before. This trial would happen while Harry is at the Quidditch Cup with the Weasleys. He would be worried but relieved when he finds out that Sirius was set free.
Remus and Sirius talk with Harry through letters about the posibility of him living with them. Harry of course is thrilled with the idea. But Remus and Sirius tell him that he has to wait and spend the rest of the summer at The Burrow, because they had no jobs, no house, no money to substain him.
During the events of Goblet of fire, Harry exchanges letters not only Sirius but also Remus, getting to know more about them, asking them for advice, and telling him about his worries throught The Triwizard Tournament. Harry becomes really attached to both Sirius and Remus. They are the only connection he has with his parents. I repeat WITH BOTH, not only Sirius. Sirius and Remus visit Harry secretly during this year to support him and try to find out who put the name in the goblet.
And Peter is not the one that helps Voldemort get his body back. That's Barty Crouch Jr. Because it doesn't make sense to me why Peter didn't just run away as far as he could and hide, instead he went to find Voldemort when he didn't even follow Voldy because he wanted, but because he was scared.
After the events of Goblet of Fire, Cedric's death and Voldemort returning, Harry needs his uncles more than ever. They start living together at Grimmauld Place since they don't have other place and since it would be useful for the Order (Dumbledore's orders). But at least Harry doesn't have to back to The Dursleys.
Remus, Sirius and Harry decide to go camping or to the beach for the summer to relax a bit and bond for real this time. Harry takes this opportunity to ask them all the questions he has about his parents and they answer of course. Harry gets to know about Sirius' family, and he gets an inside on how really is a life for a werewolf without the Wolfsbane Potion, and how much Sirius takes care of him. They assure Harry that this is what James did for Remus as well, and Harry feels proud of his dad.
But midsummer, Harry and his uncles have a discussion. Even though they were transparent about their past, they weren't telling him what was going on now. Members of the Order came now and then but Harry didn't understand why. And he was writing to Ron and Hermione and none of them answered.
So Harry gets angry out of the house and walks along, until he bumps into his cousin Dudley and his friends. They were drinking and Harry had never drunk before. But he felt like an adult not a child anymore and he wanted to proof that, he ends up getting drunk for the first time with his cousin Dudley. Dudley in his drunk state, confesses that he misses Harry and that he wasn't very good to him. And Harry and Dudley drunk bonded for a bit until they got attacked by Dememtors.
Harry gets a trial for using a Patronus Charm in the presence of a muggle, like in the original timeline. But this time not only Mr. Weasley goes with him, but Remus and Sirius go as well. Some wizards use the opportunity to say that living with a "criminal" and a "beast" was corrupting Harry, but Dumbledore intervienes again and he is freed.
Sirius and Remus apologize to Harry and the rest of The Order tells him a bit of what's going on, even if Molly insisted he was "just a boy" like in the original books.
When Harry gets to Hogwarts and Umbrigde teaches there, Harry hates her even more. Because he knows she approved the law agaisnt werewolves rights. Harry has become so close to Uncle Remus (now he calls him that) over the summer so he wants to protect Remus like his father did. And Harry gets into much worse trouble with Umbridge because he relates with a "criminal and a beast".
The events of The Order of Phoenix are practically the same, except that Snape's Worse Memory doesn't affect Harry too much, because Sirius and Remus explain what happened that day and how James was a good man. Also they explain how his parents fell in love. So Harry doesn't doubt about that.
In the Battle of The Deparment of Mysteries, Sirius doesn't die. He gets seriously injured and gets in a state of comma. Harry and Remus are there for him, mostly everyday terrified of losing Sirius. "I can't lose him again, Harry" Remus confess with tears in his eyes. And Harry loves them even more. Sirius and Remus are family.
Sirius wakes up after weeks and he is perfectly fine. Remus and Sirius confess they are still pretty much in love with each other because before they were trying to be be friends and go slow.
Sirius and Remus are there for Harry for the rest of the books and participate in The Battle of Hogwarts. Both of them surviving. Sirius and Remus get married.
My point is that I get perhaps why Harry had to grow up with the Dursleys. Love blood protection and shit... But I think that when Remus and Sirius came into his life, they should've been Harry's parenting figures during the rest of the series. The reason why JKR killed Sirius is because she didn't want Harry having a supporting system when he had the possibility. And I don't understand why Harry always treated Remus like a professor when he had the possibility of being more, I mean he was right there!
So I am changing the canon :) And this works either if you ship Wolfstar or not. I mean Sirius and Remus can still be Harry's parents and Remus can still marry Tonks or whatever.
So yeah, that was pretty much it thank you.
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