#sex happens if it feels relevant & interesting but otherwise why would it
textualviolence · 1 year
okokokok you know what. the lesbian label fits me best specifically because i hate romance & falling in love i think all that shit's stupid. The only thing thats worth it in life is having a tension filled two-little-girls-on-the-playground-pretending-to-be-horses level intensity friendship where basically no words or outside concepts exist beside the deep fascination and kinship you have with another human being & its a friendship to the outside world but on the inside its an unspeakable understanding of self & other with no limits or boundaries as to the aspects that are concealed and revealed and the kind of intimacy that is possible & the only rule is having fun and keeping up the synchronicity thats vibrating between your two spirits. Sorry if that makes me sound like a cringe hippe but genuinely people who are like i wanna fall in looooove im like your desires are lame & small and i pity you. Romance-love is inferior to playground bff friendship-love in every way but we live in a society that does everything to hide this fact from people....why.....
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cuubism · 1 year
I keep thinking abt the Threshold vs the Dreaming, since we don’t see much of the Threshold besides the gallery (did u notice Desire’s sigil in their gallery is a mirror?) but there’s no way the entire Threshold is glossy latex hallways, right? There’s gotta be … furniture? Rooms? At least a bed somewhere? A sitting room? What’s it like in there!!!!! Why doesn’t Desire have their own castle like Dream does???
I have some answers to this actually! Since I just read the relevant comics issue.
In Doll's House the Threshold is described thus:
There is only one thing to see in the twilight realm of Desire. It is called The Threshold. The fortress of Desire. Desire has always lived on the edge. The Threshold is larger than you can easily imagine. It is a statue of Desire, him- her- or it-self. (Desire has never been satisfied with just one sex. Or just one of anything--excepting only perhaps the Threshold itself.) The Threshold is a portrait of Desire, complete in all details, built from the fancy of Desire out of blood, and flesh, and bone, and skin. And, like every true citadel since time began, the Threshold is inhabited.
There is only one occupant, at this time. Desire of the Endless. The Threshold is far too large for just one person. It contains two eardrums larger than a dozen marble ballrooms. And empty, echoing veins, like tunnels. You will walk them until you grow old and die without once retracing your steps. Given Desire's temperament, however, there was only one place in the cathedral of its body to make its home. Desire lives in the heart.
So basically, the idea is that Desire lives within the body, and the rooms we see in the show are the inner chambers of a heart. While dreams are made of fantasy and hopes and stories, Desire is physical to the point of literally being represented by a body -- meanwhile we often interpret Dream as not even really having a body in the first place. And there's a self-consumed, self-referential sense to the Threshold, such that Desire literally lives within itself, and is consumed with and preoccupied by itself, solitary, hidden, shielded. The end of the edition contains the following lines -- Desire walks the chambers of its heart. It walks the Threshold, its citadel and its protection--
The solitude and hard edges of the structure are a shield so Desire does not have to admit outside influence, does not have to admit lack of control -- "Human beings are the creatures of Desire. They twist and bend as I require it -- if I thought otherwise, I would crack, like Delirium; or I would abandon my realm, like our lost brother" -- "Desire walks the endless pathways of its body, certain that it is in sole and only control of its destiny" -- the thought of being subject to outside forces or not being in control is frightening to Desire. Which is ironic, considering how out of our control the feeling of desire is, how it happens regardless of choice, and how hard it is to wrangle back. But the Threshold is also representative of desire as a concept, how one will wander through wanting for one's whole life, always finding new things to look for as each one is satisfied; how frightening it can be to reveal a deeply-held want or relinquish it to another person's control (by revealing feelings for example); how closely we hold our desires to ourselves and how they guide our actions; how desire is usually a very personal and solitary and internal experience.
(I don't know if the Threshold even has furniture, actually. I think it's possible Desire spends a lot of time wandering the many isolated empty halls. Interesting too, how the veins are described as empty and echoing, the heart, presumably, not actually beating at all.)
This comics edition also has that line love is in the realm of Desire and desire is always cruel -- which I'm not sure I agree with conceptually, I think that may be more of Dream's perspective, and that really love might be shared between Dream and Desire's domains, and that the Endless's domains overlap more than they might think -- but that's just my feeling. In the end, I think Dream and Desire's respective realms just reflect their sense of their own domain. They're both holding themselves apart from humanity in different ways - Desire thinks humanity should be subject to them, theirs to play with and manipulate. Dream just thinks that he himself isn't really a person, so he's overseeing and shepherding things, but locked away in his tower, not really connecting or admitting himself any humanity. The fact that their interaction with humanity is so different - Desire localized in the body, in the real, Dream in the mind and the abstract, isn't helping with their strained relationship either.
At least, that's how I like to read it :)
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meanbossart · 8 months
I love Izzy so much, I feel for him tremendously.
Can you tell us something about his future relationship, whatever it might be, with Grodderick? Or is it under wraps for spoilers? 👀
Sure! The details of their relationship are never relevant to the plot, it's more of a background thing that changes some very minor character interactions in ways I doubt one can predict by simply learning about it - I'll still leave it under a cut for anyone who wants to avoid it. I'll also skip certain story beats which allow their relationship to happen in the first place that are most definitely spoilers, and only talk about the actual dynamic between them and post-ANE events, so if details feel amiss, that's because they are.
So it's probably obvious that they're meant to develop a romantic relationship lol this happens after Grodderick gets somewhat "stuck" with Izzy around through certain circumstances. Izzantar, in his predicament, happens to be far more comfortable around him than anyone else because of his predisposition to feel safe around "slave" races. Now, that's obviously not a great start to any relationship, romantic or otherwise lol but it is what it is.
They grow a little closer through Grodderick's endless patience and sincere curiosity about a culture he isn't familiar with. Izzantar, despite his experiences, considers the underdark his home, he can only properly conceptualize of surface customs by comparing them to his own culture, and Grodderick is the only one willing to hear it without judgement - with the eventual wisecrack or pushback. But the way he does it is one Izzantar comfortable with.
Likewise Izzantar would probably defy Grod's own generalized negativity around the orc-ish side of his culture (and frankly be positively shocked it has any merit at all). It's a funny little game of "no, YOU have internalized hate" they keep playing between themselves by accident.
Another major point here is that Grodderick is a) the only person who sees Izzantar as an adult and b) someone who immediately recognizes him as someone with an anxiety disorder. With time he would help Izzy to calm the fuck down and not always assume the worse out of people. His company also allows Izzantar to feel more at ease in public settings in the surface as a drow, and Izzy's brazen company and completely unfiltered perspective is a breath of fresh air to Grodderick. He thinks he's funny, he recognizes and participates in his dry humor, he doesn't offend easy, and he's the furthest thing from a drow. This makes him an apt friend choice and later a romantic interest. Being hot and having cool tats helps LOL
Also they both like to partake in a little devil🌿 which is likely how their first meaningful interaction ever happens (Izzantar sees him smoking and is like "oh boy I could really fucking use some of that right now")
They probably starting fucking kind of casually. It's entirely on Izzantar to pursue him since Grodderick isn't interested in feeding a drow's ego, which is a funny interaction of its own where Izzantar just blows up frustrated that he won't make the first move, since he's used to being a very passive partner. Something along the lines of "WHY DON'T YOU WANT TO FUCK ME" probably comes out his mouth verbatim LOL they get over this non-misunderstanding quickly and Izzantar is just happy to have sex in a way that's completely the opposite of what's expected of him in the Underdark as a popular breeder. Obviously he also finds Grodderick profoundly attractive both for his confidence, smarts, appearance, and frankly his imposing presence because he's not immune to a little bad-boy charm.
I think they catch feelings around the same time as one another, and proceed to get on a long-term relationship.
Izzantar (this is post ANE and never mentioned) eventually sets shop somewhere as a jeweler. He gets a lot of business based on the fact that he's a drow and knowingly plays up the part of someone who's mystically more knowledgeable and skilled about precious stones and minerals than most because of his race (on top of his genuine talent). His bad attitude is also hysterically seen as charming drow bedside-manner and indicative of the quality of his work to wealthy clients.
He lets his hair grow out and for semi-plot-related-reasons starts passing as a female drow (also, he just likes it) Grodderick doesn't care either way. At that point they're living together and get a cat that Izzantar names Angkacha. To his despair, Grodderick nickanames it Chacha and it sticks. Izzy wants the cat to be a vicious killing machine but whenever he casts animal speak on it the cat's just like OOOO MAMA ME LOVE MAMA and he hates it (but not really, he would kill for this cat)
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aaaand here's some old doodles of him from that point of his life! The last two have been uh cropped for uh reasons
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yukidragon · 2 years
Have you theorised why Ian cheated? It was long distance when he did so and he called them right away so it looks like he still loved Y/N so do you think it was a drunk thing or more like he for 2 seconds he got the idea in his head that he did want to "satisfy his manhood" since he's only been with one person and immediately regretted it.
I have actually. I’ve mentioned it a couple times in past headcanon posts as my thoughts about it evolved, but I don’t mind going over it again. Heck, your ask is a good excuse to make a post that’s exclusively about the topic of Ian and his relationship with the MC.
For the most part I’m going to speak in general terms for why Ian might have cheated that can apply to all kinds of MCs, and not just my specific version, Alice. Ultimately, I don’t think it mattered what type of person the MC was - Ian cheated for reasons that were entirely his own... and ultimately selfish. I will touch on a few extra headcanons that strictly apply to Ian/Alice’s relationship and how it affects Sunshine in Hell at the end though.
I’ll be posting some artwork that used to be on Jambeebot/Sauce’s public twitter before it went down for some extra tidbits of information, and linking to the official twitter when relevant. As a reminder, please do not repost any private artwork posted on the SnaccPop Studio Patreon. Doing so is harmful to the team and their livelihood. Instead, please consider joining as a patron, contributing to the Something’s Wrong with Sunny Day Jack kickstarter, or just spreading the word about the game to other interested adults.
As a reminder, this series is for Adults Only. Sex is going to be discussed in this post, and there might be a mature image or two for reference.
Also as a heads up, this post will discuss abusive/toxic relationships, past instances of child abuse, SA, and religious trauma. If you are not in the headspace to handle any of these topics, please feel free to give this post a skip.
Obligatory tag for @channydraws and @earthgirlaesthetic before we get started. If you would like to be tagged in the next SDJ headcanon post, please let me know!
First, I want to address the theory that Ian was drunk, blackmailed, or otherwise did not consent to have sex with someone besides MC. Not only do I strongly believe that this is false, as there is evidence to suggest as such, I find this headcanon to be very... uncomfortable, to say the least.
If Ian did not willingly choose to have sex with someone, then he is the victim of SA.
The reason why Ian and MC broke up was because Ian had sex with someone else. If the only reason Ian had sex with someone else was because it was SA, that would mean that MC dumped the victim of SA instead of supporting him after a traumatic incident. MC would have blamed the victim of SA for suffering from SA. Even if we entertain the idea that Ian was too ashamed or didn’t understand it was SA at the time of the breakup, and as such MC had no idea that’s what happened, the victim of SA would have not only gone through the absolute violation that is SA, but lost his greatest source of love and emotional support as a result.
I am not comfortable with that narrative. At all.
Fortunately, it’s very unlikely to be the case, as Ian is taking all responsibility for his actions, as he himself stated in the demo. He did not blame his affair partner for what happened.
I’m going to try anyway. I’ve known you for how long now? I've known that…This is worse than anything we’ve been through. And it’s 100% my fault. But please…Don’t throw me out yet. Even if I deserve it…
There is also an older piece of art by Sauce that isn’t in the game or on the official twitter where Ian confessed to what he had done in a phone call immediately in the aftermath of his affair.
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If Ian did not consent to have sex, then this picture changes into something very, very disturbing... well beyond the official warnings given on the subject.
[Romantic, Sexual, Emotional] Themes of manipulation, mind games, sexual consensual coercion, supernatural influence, soft dubious consent, and persuasive seduction.
Fortunately this picture shows Ian as lucid. He is upset and crying over what he did, but there’s no sign that he is in a compromised mental state where he can’t consent to sex.
I understand the reasoning behind making this sort of headcanon. I’ve seen it many times before, where a fan likes a character a lot, but feels uncomfortable towards one or more action that the character has taken. It can create a dissonance in the fan that needs to be resolved, and most often that takes the form of absolving the character of the blame of that questionable action, usually by making it the fault of someone else instead. That way, the character no longer has the trait that makes the fan uncomfortable, and it helps the fan no longer feel guilty for liking the character.
Liking flawed characters is not a sign that there’s anything wrong with you as a person. You can like aspects of a character but still disagree with certain things they’ve done or believed in. You are not tacitly approving of their flawed beliefs or wrongful actions by liking the character.
Everyone is flawed. Everyone has made mistakes. We are all imperfect, because we are all human. This mindset that a character can only be liked if they are absolved of all flaws is not only limiting when it comes to storytelling, it can be damaging, as it makes our own failings feel that much more unforgivable.
Redemption arcs can be pretty underrated, and I think that’s a shame. We shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes. We should own up to them and learn healthy ways of making amends, or at least how to move on, heal, and grow into a better person.
I believe that Ian’s route in the game is going to be a redemption arc for him. For MC to reach a happy ending with him, Ian will have to truly make amends for betraying their trust. It won’t be easy, but redemption can be a beautiful thing. I eagerly look forward to seeing how Ian will do it and prove that he is truly remorseful and will never make such a mistake again.
Now that we’ve got that sorted, let’s consider the possible reasons why Ian chose to cheat.
First off, let’s start off with the facts that we do know about: Ian and MC are childhood friends who wound up in a relationship. MC was a stable figure in Ian’s life since they were children. The demo touches on a number of memories between them that mean a lot to both Ian and MC, including the afterlife mode.
The two have known each other a long time and know each other fairly well. However, as we’ve seen in the afterlife bonus story, Ian did keep secrets from MC. MC, by contrast, didn’t seem interested in hiding anything. These secrets, particularly whatever it was he hid so desperately under his bed, will probably come out during the game. The only thing we do know is that whatever he’s hiding, it’s not porn, as Sauce tweeted before their twitter was removed.
It’s unlikely that Ian is keeping secrets from MC for malicious reasons. Even when he cheated, he confessed right away rather than tried to hide it. He has a tendency to apologize, which even MC has commented on when describing him.
He was a nerd, and he was silly, and he was VERY apologetically himself, but…What we had was special.
This tendency to apologize and hide parts of himself appear to be the result of an abusive childhood at the hands of his mother. She is someone who not only forces her religious beliefs on her child, but stalks him and tries to control him and his actions.
“...My mom called me.” “Someone gave her our address…Or she might have had one of her friends watching. I don’t know…” “S-She…Uh…She says that…To live with someone out of…Wedlock…I-It’s a sin? And I’m going to hell?” “She said I’m only doing it to…To satisfy…My manhood…” “I-I’m not taking advantage of you by doing this…Am I?”
What’s unfortunate is that even as an adult, even though Ian is aware that what she is “just being mean” to him by planting these doubts in his head and saying such awful things to him, he still listens to her. He didn’t give his mother his new address when he moved, but he still hadn’t blocked her number despite knowing this until MC helped him do so in the episode.
Sadly, I suspect that Ian might have blocked his mother’s number in the past, only to unblock her later. This is purely headcanon on my part, but it’s not uncommon for victims of abuse to block their abuser, only to unblock them in a moment of weakness, especially if the abuser uses their flying monkeys to make the victim feel guilty about blocking them. It would seem that Ian’s mother has plenty of people on her side to do just that if they’re tracking Ian’s movements and reporting back to her about what he’s doing and where he’s going.
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This drawing from Sauce’s deleted twitter is presumed by some fans (including myself) to be Ian’s mother. While any art not posted on the official twitter is questionable when it regards to canon, if this is Ian’s mother, and if she’s presumably talking to Ian, then she was verbally abusive and likely insulted Ian’s looks.
Ian was not just abused by his mother over his looks and other reason, but he was bullied by his peers as well.
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The only one who seemed to want a friend was the kid who never seemed to have any. That was Ian. Ian wasn’t particularly loud and he didn’t have cool clothes or toys. He just kind of faded into the background. A lot of kids made fun of him.
Years worth of bullying, abuse, and lack of friends would have an effect on Ian. He feels the need to be apologetic and is painfully insecure. He struggles even to accept that MC would want someone like him as a romantic partner, as suggested by pictures like this one.
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Scars like these run deep, and it takes a long time to heal. MC is used to comforting and reassuring Ian, as suggested by the afterlife episode. Ian is, in turn, used to relying on MC’s support. MC was the one who would ask Ian’s mother if they could have sleepovers when he was too afraid to do it himself, for example.
Ian has had MC’s support for a long time - since they attended first grade together, which is typically 6-7 years of age in the USA. While we don’t know the exact age of MC and the love interests in the present, it is implied they are all college graduates, which likely puts them in around their early to mid-20s. That’s quite a long time they’ve known each other, no doubt spending a lot of time in each other’s company on a regular basis up until Ian left to study abroad.
When Ian left, he suddenly had to go without his greatest source of love and support in order to pursue his dream of becoming an actor. He had to move across the country where no one knew him and handle everything entirely on his own.
With someone as insecure as Ian, no doubt that possibility was terrifying to him.
However, Ian had gone through a “glow up.” He was no longer that “gross” kid who faded into the background; he was successful and handsome. No doubt he attracted quite a bit of positive attention from his peers, which he probably wasn’t used to.
Back in his hometown, Ian had MC by his side a lot of the time. Anyone who wanted to romantically or sexually peruse him could easily be dismissed with his partner right beside him.
But what about when they’re not around to comfort him? Sure, Ian can call MC when he feels insecure, but they’re not there to hold him when he needs it... or help him blow off steam when he gets horny. Long distance relationships are hard, and they can leave a person feeling very lonely...
What I think happened was that Ian started making friends with people at the school. He was inexperienced with socializing with others due to being bullied, and likely didn’t realize when he was being flirted with unless they were overtly obvious about it. Given his low self-esteem, it would be easy for him to assume they’re just being friendly.
It feels good too. It’s hard for someone with so much insecurity to not want to soak up such positive attention. Chances are Ian wasn’t used to it from so many people who aren’t MC. Suddenly, MC is not unique in liking him or finding him attractive.
MC was always there for Ian, reliable and supportive. Ian knows them very well. Unfortunately, this can also breed complacency, which leads to taking their relationship for granted. By contrast, these new people in his life are different, unfamiliar, and exciting.
Staying in his hometown with the same people all his life, depending on someone else, abused by his mother, Ian likely had his growth stifled in many ways, but now he was taking charge of his life for himself. He was chasing his dream, growing more social, expressing himself more in a place far outside his mother’s reach.
It would be easy to make friends at his new school where so many people his age are interested in pursuing an acting career like he is. From there he could even find those who share some of his other interests, like fashion, video games, and manga. Despite his fears, Ian flourishes in his new environment. He opens up to more people and gets closer to them in a way that he never could with people in his hometown who knew him when he was an awkward child.
What harm would it do to just enjoy having more friends for once? In fact, MC would likely encourage Ian to make friends and spend time with them. He shouldn’t have to be lonely; he should be having fun too. Unfortunately, MC is not there and thus would be unable to see when any of Ian’s new “friends” start crossing lines... or how Ian unintentionally starts crossing them himself.
Ian doesn’t want anyone to know he and MC are sexually active in the afterlife episode. He claims it’s not a secret, but at the same time he worries about MC saying anything. Does he talk about being in a relationship at all? Does he tell people MC is his partner or just his childhood friend?
In my personal headcanon, I want to give Ian the benefit of the doubt on this point and say that he did make it clear to his new school chums that he was in a relationship. Unfortunately, for some people, a committed relationship is just seen as a challenge to overcome, something that adds a bit of spice to the chase, or they simply think cheating is fine as long as the person they’re cheating on never finds out.
What I think happened to Ian was like fable about the frog not realizing the water in the pot is getting hotter until its boiled alive.
It started innocently enough with attention and time spent with people who liked him. There was the occasional flirtatious remark that went over his head, but any overt propositions were turned down. It slowly escalates as Ian makes friends. He gets used to making himself vulnerable with other people besides MC, gets used to touching them, opens up more around them... and likely starts realizing they’re attractive too.
This is when his mother’s abuse would kick in. Those thoughts would hit Ian with guilt like a sack of bricks. Was his “manhood” leading him to sinful thoughts? No, no, it couldn’t be. He is only attracted to MC! He only loves MC! He only wants MC!
But that’s because MC was his only option before, isn’t it?
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(Apologies for cropping this picture, but tumblr will nuke my blog from orbit if I showed what Ian and MC are doing on the left side of the image.)
Publicly posted pictures from Sauce’s now deleted tumblr might be questionable when it comes to canon, but I find they can be useful to give insight into general character motivations and for building headcanons. I find it very telling that Ian almost makes it sound like simply being with MC was his second choice when compared to his dreams of stardom...
Ian keeps these new thrilling feelings a secret like the thing hidden underneath his bed. He buries these thoughts, denies he even has them. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean those thoughts go away... especially not when he winds up spending time with the person or persons who spark these feelings in the first place.
Ian might try to avoid them to deny these feelings, but, oh, his avoiding them hurts their feelings, and he doesn’t want to do that! He apologizes, makes it up to them... and gets closer to them in spite of himself.
Things escalate from there. There’s more touching, more closeness, more deep intimate conversations deep into the night... some friendly cuddle time perhaps... Lines are crossed that he either denies were anything but innocent or perhaps he allows himself to believe them that they don’t mean anything even if they seem to mean more... Friends kiss sometimes too, right? The French greet each other with kisses in fact!
The French really know their kisses.
Eventually, one night when Ian is spending time with one of these friends, he finds himself really enjoying their company. He doesn’t feel lonely or miss MC as much. He barely thinks of MC, so distracted by his new exciting friend before him who makes him feel so good...
One thing leads to another. It’s a night of passion, of just feeling good and wanted.
After all, it’s not the first time Ian got swept up in his own pleasure when he was feeling horny. In his sex scene in the afterlife episode, he doesn’t let MC stop giving him a blowjob. First it’s by holding their head and giving puppy dog eyes, then he gets more forceful.
I wanted to look him in the eyes, but when I threatened to stop he only doubled down and gave a solid, deeper thrust. It was almost as if he was trying to remind me what I was to be doing.
Ian knows that he shouldn’t keep going if MC wants to stop, but, as he says...
“I-I’m so sorry I just…this is the first time you’ve gotten this far…and it really does feel good..”
It’s okay if he just apologizes, right? MC always forgives him when he wants things too much. It feels good and he doesn’t want to stop... MC will understand, they always do. They understand each other the most after all...
MC doesn’t even mind being used for sexual gratification after all.
It was like being used. And somewhere in the back of my mind, I didn’t care if he WAS using me.
Because Ian and MC love each other, it’s okay if Ian does what feels good, right? MC would want that for him. They won’t mind if they feel used. They won’t mind blacking out from lack of oxygen as long as he feels good. They won’t mind if he doesn’t reciprocate and gives them pleasure as long as he says how much he loves them and cuddles them afterwards.
They won’t mind if Ian thinks of himself first.
Then the post-nut clarity hits.
Ian might have convinced himself everything up until this point meant nothing when high off of hormones and attention, but after the excitement fades, the person in bed with him isn’t his partner. Maybe they’ll cuddle him, but they won’t say, “I love you.” He doesn’t mean that much to them. They’re not MC.
There’s nothing to justify what Ian did or distract him from the consequences - he cheated. He betrayed his partner for a cheap thrill.
There is no way to soften what Ian did. Even if he might not be religious like his mother, cheating is a sin far, far worse than simply having sex before marriage. It’s one of the big top ten sins!
It’s just like his mother told him - Ian was a sinful man who just wanted to satisfy his manhood with sex.
Ian can’t handle it, any of it. He immediately calls up MC to confess. It’s the only way to fix this. They’ll forgive him, they’ll understand. They forgive his mistakes. They know him. They’ll understand he didn’t mean it. They have to. It’s the only way he can live with himself.
Not even confessing his sins can stop his betrayal from scarring MC and destroying their self-esteem along with their relationship.
In the present, Ian is trying everything he can to get MC to forgive him. Due to MC’s money issues, he likely pays for half (or more) of the rent as a means of making amends for what he did, even if they’re broken up now. MC is a cheapskate who has to rely on cheap thrift store goods and borrowed or stolen clothes from their ex who hurt them.
Maybe that’s why Ian believes that getting a new job, one that likely offers fame and money, will somehow fix what he did. He has money and can buy a lot of video games, systems, and anime merch. His wallet is thick enough for MC to mistake his 8-inch erection for it, which suggests it’s full of money. He seems like he has enough money to spend on apologies too.
What’s worse is that Ian’s betrayal, and maybe even their relationship altogether, did severe damage to MC’s self-esteem.
When Jack shows up, MC resists the idea that they feel love towards him. While they are concerned about what Jack is and whether or not he’s real, they seem more deterred by the feeling that they don’t deserve the attention of someone who loves them.
I don’t feel like I really deserve that kind of attention…You know? It doesn’t feel natural to have somebody just…Ask you to consider that.
MC also doesn’t want to use Jack as an emotional crutch. Perhaps because they felt like they were once used that way by someone...
I feel for him...But something about this is too good. I won’t use him as a bandage, to cover up the feelings I don’t want to feel.
The only romantic relationship MC ever had was with Ian. They are still suffering from heartache by the time Jack shows up. They’ll turn Nick down regardless of whether or not they’ll agree to get in a relationship with Jack.
MC trusted Ian. They loved Ian. They wanted to be with him forever. Then Ian betrayed that promise of forever for a night of cheap lust. Maybe that was enough to destroy MC’s self-esteem to this degree, but I suspect their relationship wasn’t really all that sunny.
But Ian won’t give up. He won’t let MC go so easily. He won’t let them forget him or throw him away. He’ll keep calling them, reminding them of the good times and apologizing for the bad. He won’t let them move on. He’ll do whatever it takes to prove they’re meant to be together...
Ian did a lot of damage to MC. He has a hell of a lot to make up for, and it will take a lot more than just money and fame to fix things.
That’s about it for general theorizing that can apply to all MCs from the clues we’ve been given. I know this post has gotten kind of long, but since we’re on the subject, I’m going to touch on a few headcanons I have that specifically apply to Alice and Ian’s relationship. Just so you know, these headcanons may or may not be tweaked in the future before references appear in Sunshine in Hell.
The relationship between Alice and Ian wasn’t healthy. There were plenty of good times with smiles and love, but there were also problems that only grew more and more toxic as time went on.
Alice has done a lot to please Ian and support him. She felt very bad for the abuse he suffered under his mother and how stifled he was, so she bent over backwards for him, often giving more of herself than was reasonable.
Alice has never done well in front of crowds, but because Ian wanted to be an actor and she wanted to support him, she would participate in plays alongside him. She would help him practice his parts and got good at acting in her own right. Still, her dream was to join the animation industry, but when she struggled under some crappy overly critical art teachers, Ian convinced her to just try for an acting career with him instead.
If it didn’t work out, well, they could just be together.
When Alice dropped out of acting classes after her acting teacher advised her that the only parts she could play were fat, unpleasant characters who were the butt of jokes, it shook up Ian’s confidence as well. He worried he wouldn’t be good enough, or even just good looking enough, even if the teacher praised him in a way that they didn’t with her.
Although Alice felt insecure and ugly, Ian assured her he loved her and that was what counted, not what anyone else thought. Ian didn’t want to give up acting, but he considered it after what happened to her. She didn’t want him to give up on his dream, since she didn’t really want to be an actor to begin with and being on stage with so many people watching her made her feel uncomfortable, but she couldn’t tell him that or he would feel even worse.
Alice did a lot of things that made her uncomfortable for the sake of love.
What didn’t help Alice’s feelings of self worth were all of the husbandos and waifus Ian had. She always acted like they were no big deal, as they were just fictional crushes and she had some of her own while growing up. Unfortunately, she struggled to overlook certain common traits in his choices: large chests, thin waists, and overall conventional good looks.
Alice is chubby, with a pear shaped body that makes her hips and rear much bigger than her chest. No one would ever mistake her for an anime waifu, and she knew it.
It took Alice a while before she could handle getting sexual in their relationship. She suffered from SA as a teenager and had moments where she panicked, especially in certain positions or when being restrained without warning or means of escape.
Ian would feel miserable for triggering her trauma and would apologize profusely for it, blaming himself and thinking the absolute worst of himself. Alice, in turn, would feel guilty for turning something that was supposed to be an expression of love into something awful for the both of them. Moments that should have been just about expressing love physically just made Ian feel like an awful person instead, and she would need to reassure him that he wasn’t. It made her more determined to suppress her trauma and be more proactive when it came to physically intimacy for the sake of their love.
Alice loved Ian, and she was willing to do just about anything for him.
Ian was rough in bed once they got going, and Alice did her best to tolerate it. She focused instead on how flattering and exciting it was that the person she loved desired her to the point that he lost control over himself. She believed that noone else would ever feel this way about her but Ian. What they had was special, irreplaceable. She got better at not freaking out when he took away her control in the heat of passion. She tolerated choking until nearly passing out and the pain that would always come initially when being penetrated.
Neither of them had any point of reference for having sex besides sex education classes, experimenting with each other, and ecchi. In ecchi/hentai, the person on the bottom would almost always be in pain at the start of penetrative sex, particularly during their first time, but would feel good in the end. That was just how sex worked, right? Pain was just an unavoidable price to pay to feel pleasure and express their love physically, right?
Just a quick aside, no, sex is not supposed to be painful unless you want it to be. In that case, it’s BDSM, and it requires a lot of communication as well as safe words to do it in a healthy manner.
Ian never meant for Alice to feel bad. He just loved her so much that he got carried away in the moment, and he was so good at aftercare, which made up for any pain and panic. She adored how sweet he could be afterwards, so loving, kind, and cuddly, so she always reassure him that she was okay... even if she wasn’t really.
Alice learned to complain less and less over the years as she grew up with Ian because he was suffering from so much, and it felt like she had nowhere near as much to complain about. He would feel so miserable if she had a problem and he felt helpless that he could do anything about it. He was dealing with so much, she couldn’t bear to burden him with things that troubled her when he couldn’t handle it, not when he needed her support so badly. She had a big family who loved her and could support her, unlike Ian. Without her, Ian would have no one. He never meant to hurt her, and he always apologized when he did.
That was why, even after being cheated on, Alice tried to forgive Ian.
The woman Ian cheated with was gorgeous, thin, and had big breasts. She was someone who was far more forward and confident when it came to sex, so much more appealing than Alice was, at least in her opinion. She felt pangs of paranoia and jealousy towards this woman’s behavior towards Ian in pictures on their socials and how much he talked about her as well as others even before the affair, but she always managed to talk herself down from suspecting anything seriously. She trusted Ian. What they had was different, real. They knew each other for so long, far more intimately than anyone else. Their love was deeper than anyone could understand, and she believed him when he swore up and down that he only could ever want her romantically or sexually.
It was a mistake. Ian messed up. It’s just how it’s always been - he makes a mistake, apologizes sincerely, reassures Alice he loves her, and she would forgive him. He always has good intentions, he just is clumsy at times, makes mistakes. This was just another mistake.
Besides, it wasn’t like Alice was perfect either. She had a crush on that camp councilor when they were tweens, and it made Ian feel bad because he had been crushing on her while she was gushing about her crush to him, oblivious to his feelings. This was kind of how he felt back then, right? She was just experiencing it from the other side now. Something like this was just a passing fancy. They could recover from this, right? Right?
But they couldn’t. Trust had been broken. All the problems in their relationship that Alice overlooked because she trusted Ian and loved him came in sharp relief, made even worse now by his betrayal.
Alice really did try to make it work, but in the end, she realized, with the help of friends and family, that what she and Ian had wasn’t healthy. They were caught in a toxic cycle of hurt feelings and apologies, clinging to each other for the sake of “love” until their relationship had grown twisted and was slowly destroying both of them.
The hardest thing Alice ever had to do was end the relationship, and even then she cracked under the pressure of Ian’s crying and begging for her not to leave him. She softened it by saying that they were broken up “for now.” Right now things were too painful, too raw. They needed space to focus on themselves as individuals instead of as a couple. If there was any chance of them being together, they needed time apart to heal.
Unfortunately, Alice can’t imagine them getting back together, not when just the thought of Ian hurts like hell.
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ap0wersstories · 6 months
Lexie Farm Girl
*Important Note*
The following story is 100% fiction with zero real world relevance, non-consensual sex/sexual assault or underage sex of any kind is wrong and should never be accepted. If you are considering or have committed such an offence I suggest you get serious psychiatric help.
Lexie loves horses, being a farm girl she’d been around them all her life and at 20yo she was well versed in knowing how they ticked. She even loved to bareback ride the horses that she worked with at a range part time. She loved the work there but there were a couple of stable hands that just seemed a little too interested in her at times. She would be grooming the horses and catch them staring, she knew she had a figure that most men loved but these guys were in their late 30s and early 40s. It creeped her out. 
One hot summers friday she walked in at the end of her shift, she’s changed into a summer dress to meet with some friends, something her boss was well aware of. “Dan, Steve? I’m off, see you next week!”
Steve was cleaning up one of the stables, “hold on there’s still a tone of work to be done, why are you leaving?”
Lexie had no patience for this, she knew he was goading her, “look if you have an issue take it up with the boss, otherwise fuck off!”
She didn’t realise Dan had come up right behind her, “hey don’t talk to Steve like that, that’s rude! I think you’ve gotta pay for that kinda back chat!”
In a flash he wrapped a strap he was holding around her neck and shoved her to the ground. Steve grabbed another strap and immediately bound her wrists. Lexie couldn’t believe what was happening, all her fears of these men were completely founded as they each started undoing their belt buckles and unzipping their pants. Lexie was petrified by what they planned for her but knew it wasn’t good. Steve got down to eye level, “it’s time that razor sharp mouth got put to its true use, sucking cock. But don’t you dare bite down on it or we’ll get the whips and belts out on to you!” Steve then shove his cock in her face, Lexie refusing to take it in, but then yanked the belt around her neck up and as she gasped for air Steve took his chance and shoved it in. Her face fucked her for a good 30sec before pulling out allowing Dan his opportunity, back and forward they went using her for a few minutes before Steve yanked her up. 
He dragged her over to a fence and undid her wrist bindings only to then bind her to the fence, he then lifted up her dress and yanked down her panties so they dropped to the ground uselessly. He rubbed his cock up against her pussy several times with Lexie sobbing and begging in protest, “please guys stop! Please, I won’t tell anyone! Please don’t fuck me!”
Steve yanked her hair back and said in her ear, “keep fucking begging! It’ll only make us harder and fuck you with more vigour!!! Ready to get mounted bareback!?” 
And with that awful question her shoved his cock into her pussy, Steve was in heaven, he’d never experienced raping such a gorgeous girl like this and doing it in a barn was like an ultimate fantasy. He grabbed her hips hard and was slapping up against her body while Lexie moaned and sobbed at the abuse. 
Steve could feel his orgasm coming and didn’t want to waste it, he lifted one of her legs so she was getting fucked with one leg in the air like a porn star. Grunting like an animal and with the horses around them even responding to the sounds he let out a cry of delight as he shot his load in her pussy. “Fuck yes! Fucking take my cum you farm whore!!!! You are so hot Lexie I’ve wanted this since the moment I laid eyes on you!!”
Lexie was in shock and couldn’t believe what he was doing, “nooooooo don’t cum inside me!!!!!! Take it out, please!!!!!” But those cries just made Steve slam his cock into her more squirting more semen into her 20yo body. Finally with a shake of his body his cock went soft and he pulled out. Lexie twitched as her body tried to recover from the abuse she’d just endured. 
She wasn’t given a chance to recover, Dan undid her bindings attaching her to the fence and dragged her still with her wrists bound to a dirty table and picked her up dumping her on it. He pulled open her dress revealing her sloppy raped pussy, Dans cock was rock hard and ready. He rubbed the head of his cock on the outside of Lexie’s pussy, with Steve’s cum coating his cock. He then thrusted hard into her and immediately started pumping hard and grunting like an animal. “Fuck yes Lexie, I’ve wanted to do this since we first met! I’ve been jerking to your instragram and now I’ll finally get to bust a load inside you!!”
Lexie had given up protesting, perhaps she knew it only made them enjoy it more but she still sobbed uncontrollably as Dan continued fucking her like the whore he’d always pictured her as. But all good things must come to an end and he felt his balls swelling in anticipation of his orgasm. 
“Fuck yes, here it comes you fucking whore!!!” And with that Dan sent the second load of cum into Lexie in only a matter of minutes. Every thrust and every grunt was another squirt of cum inside Lexie’s pussy. 
Lexie sobbed as Dan pulled his now soft cock out of her, as an additional humiliation Dan stuck a deep tongue kiss on Lexie and lick her tears as they poured down her cheeks. 
As Steve and Dan walked away from her, Steve yelled, “Enjoy your girls night out with a sloppy pussy!”
Lexie pulled up her panties, she’d finally stopped crying. As she stumbled out of the stable she could feel the cum dribble out of the her sloppy abused pussy. 
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gh0stbunnywriter · 2 years
Hi! I have a smutty Ronance fic request that I hope you'd consider – Nancy gets caught in some bizarre/occult energy burst that splits her into two bodies, both believing they're the real Nancy. Their girlfriend Robin tries to convince the two to get along, and slowly coaxes the two into joining for a threeway.
Thank you for this, anon. You've truly blessed us here today. I did put this on my ao3, but here you are ;)
explict, 4.2k words, simultaneous orgasms, multiple orgasms, poor robin buckley just doing her best out here.
"So, you mean to tell me we have to somehow figure out which Nance is the real one? Like one of these is a fake?" Steve questioned, bewildered as he glanced over Robin's shoulder. She was flipping through one of her, apparently very real, spellbooks, one of the ones she'd found in the bottom of a Goodwill bargain bin. She thought it looked cool and figured it’d be a nice piece of decor for their otherwise very boring living room- She had no idea it was a real book of spells.
"I don't- look, Steve. I don't know what I did. We… We were decorating, and I thought this thing would look cool on the mantle." Robin lifted the offending book in her hand and wiggled it around, watching dust fall from its yellowed pages. The cover was colored a deep plum, with silver inlay markings that shimmered brilliantly even in the dull light of their living room. "I've never even opened the book… It looked interesting, so I just… read what was on the page. It's not English, whatever it is." Robin muttered, squinting at some weathered words off of the page she'd read that caused this whole mess. 
"So, what? You read the page and she just… went full amoeba?" Steve questioned, staring at the words on the page as if he could understand them- which he very much could not. He wasn’t even sure how Robin sounded them out- Though, she did know three languages.
"Yeah- Well… there was-" Robin started, her face growing pink, but Nancy's voices cut her off.
"There wasn't anything else-"
"That was all-" 
Steve just stared at the two Nancy's sat in front of him, identical in the way their clothes were haphazardly thrown on, lipstick smeared across their lips. Robin had called Steve right away as soon as Nancy split into two whole Nancy’s. She had been in full panic mode before he got there, and so was Nancy, and Nancy, though they’d attempted to seem calm. They just stared back at him, then dropped their eyes at the exact same time. She looked guilty.
"Why do I feel like that wasn't all?" Steve asked with a knowing tone, eyes sliding over to Robin, who looked like she was about to burst into flames. And the Nancy's eyed her, stern in the way their expressions seemed to say 'don't do it'. But Robin was a weak woman, slamming the book closed and smacking her forehead to his leather cover.
"And then we made out and had sex on the couch!" Robin cried, and both Nancy's smacked their foreheads, eyes squeezing shut. 
"All three of you?! Jesus, Robin." Steve huffed, but Robin lifted her head and shook it wildly, eyes squeezed shut in embarrassment. "... did one of 'em watch?" Steve questioned curiously. 
"We did not!" 
"It happened after that." Robin elaborated, elbows on the table, face in her hands.
"How many times have I told you not to fuck on my couch, Buck?" Steve scolded, gaining himself an eye roll from the Nancy's.
"You and Eddie do it all the time-" Robin tried, but Steve was snatching her book away to take a look for himself.
"Yeah, and I paid for the damn couch, so I can do that." Steve waved her off and plopped down on said couch, crossing his leg over his knee as he sifted through the book. He wasn't sure what he was looking at, but he figured it was worth a try. 
"This isn't even relevant." 
"Can we please figure out how to put me back together?"
"How do I know I didn't just make you an evil twin?" Robin sighed, watching the pout on both of her girlfriends lips grow more prominent. "Which one of you is like, the real one?" Robin asked more quietly, as if Nancy would just tell her if she was evil. She stared at the two of them. letting the anxiety settle in over her adrenaline rush. 
"I think we're both…"
"... the real Nancy." 
“Well, that might be true… Nancy, tell her something only the two- three of you, would know." Steve pointed at them, and all three girls looked at eachother, before both Nancy's leaned forward to cup their hands around either of Robin's ears- She full body shivered at the whispers in her ears. When they leaned back, Robin was bright pink and she nodded, looking at the both of them before looking over to Steve. 
"Yeah, they- yeah. And they both said different things and- they're right. I think they're both… Nancy." Robin fumbled on her words, reaching to take the book back from Steve. 
"Does it have to do with orgasming?" 
"I noticed it happened right after I came."
The Nancy's seemed unbothered talking about this in front of Steve, and Robin supposed she should feel the same… But it was so, so awkward. She scanned the pages and came up with nothing, slumping in her seat. 
"She's right." Eddie spoke up, coming around the corner with his hands clapped together.
"The hell are you saying, Munson?" Steve questioned, sliding his arm around Eddie's waist as he sat down beside him. He held his hand out in waiting and Robin rolled her eyes, handing the book over to him. He scanned through some pages, nodding as if he understood any of it- And maybe he did. 
"Yeah, says right here." Eddie pointed to a page, tapping his finger over a series of words no one up until now had understood. "Split, untethered by cosmic pleasure-" Eddie spoke, and all of them stared wide eyed as he made sense of the jumble on the page. "-by which only that same pleasure may simultaneously be put back together." Eddie nodded, snapping the book closed before handing it back over. 
“... And how do you know that?” 
“Can you read that?” 
“Indeed I can, Wheeler. You think I DM don’t speak Elvish?” Eddie smiled, gaining annoyed looks from the rest of the room.
“Isn’t that just a fantasy game?”
“And a fake language?” 
“Well- In Eddie’s defense, we’ve seen stranger things. Vecna was like, a real dude.” Steve noted, glancing over at his boyfriend, who was grinning, quite proud he seems to have solved this puzzle. “Eddie’s a fucking vampire now. Is it that far off to think Robin is probably some kind of witch?” He asked, and Robin stared down at the book in her hands, then up at Eddie. 
“Mmm… I do sense something radiating here.” Eddie wiggled his fingers and Steve smacked his hand, hauling himself up to his feet, pulling Eddie with him. 
“Wait, you think I’m magic?” Robin questioned, popping up to her feet with her book in her hand. 
“Can we fix me already?” 
“This is super uncomfortable, you know.” 
“Make her cum or whatever you need to do-” Steve waved his hand at her, grabbing his car keys from the hook beside the door. “-And do not do it on my couch!” He pointed at the two of them as Eddie pulled the door open, getting the hint that they needed to leave the two of them to do their business. 
“Oh my god.” Robin hid her face behind her book, sighing before she turned to place it on the mantle, where she’d originally planned to put it. And they had been decorating for halloween… They just got distracted. 
“Well, we should probably go upstairs.” 
“It won’t be so hard, you’re good at what you do.” 
“Thanks, I guess.” Robin mumbled, picking at her sleeve. Nancy had Robin flustered already, both of them rolling up to their feet to make their way up to their bedroom. It really was a little too surreal, Robin following behind two Nancy’s, staring up at them as they led her up the stairs. Once they all made it into their shared bedroom, one Nancy was closing the door while the other was kneeling down beside the bed, tugging out a shoebox, and Robin felt like jelly. 
“You’re- Are you guys gonna use that?” Robin stuttered, watching Nancy dump their hitachi wand on the bed. She shrugged, unwrapping the chord, and Robin stiffened when she felt arms wrap around her from behind. 
“It’s just in case.” 
“We shouldn’t need it if it’s you.”
“Oh. Okay.” Robin nodded, head lolling to the side when Nancy kissed up the back of her neck, her fingers gripping the belt on Robin’s jeans. “Okay, okay. Um.” Other Nancy was making her way toward Robin, smiling as she pushed her smeared lipstick kisses onto Robin’s lips. Robin slipped her hands around her waist, the Nancy behind her pushing her hand down into her jeans, sliding her fingers over the warmth of her underwear.
“Where do you want us?”
“Where do you want us?”
“Bed, get on the bed, my god.” Robin sputtered, guiding the Nancy that was in front of her down onto the blankets, the one behind her slipping away with a quiet chuckle. 
“Do we make you nervous?” 
“Don’t be nervous, honey.”
“I’m not- I am not nervous.” Robin shook her head, but she knew that was a damn lie, and the Nancy’s probably thought so too. Once both of them were laid down beside each other, Robin really let it sink in that there were two of her girlfriend. Two Nancy’s, two sets of wild hair splayed beneath their head, two pairs of wide brown eyes staring at her, waiting for her to do something. “Come here.” Robin muttered, leaning down over one of them, sliding her hand over the waist of the other. She did the one thing she could think clearly enough to do, which was push her lips to Nancy’s, tugging a tiny whine from her. She got lost in the closeness for just a moment, before the other Nancy was pouting beside her, tugging on her sleeve. 
“What about me?” She questioned, and Robin pulled back, digging her thumb gently into her waist. 
“Unfortunately, there’s only one of me- But you can share.” Robin nodded, giving her a kiss as well, only proving to make the other Nancy jealous. She was pulling Robin’s face away to steal it, and then she found herself being pulled away again, and then again, and finally she sat up, pushing both of them down to the sheets. “Enough- Okay, new rule, no kissing. Kissing revoked, because you two can't share!” She scolded, watching both of them glance at each other, then back up at Robin, doe eyed. “You know, the puppy eyes only work when there’s one of you.” Robin huffed, smiling at them as she reached up to wipe away a bit of their smeared lipstick from earlier. They both took the chance to snatch her hands, holding her wrists to slip her middle fingers over their tongues. “Oh, god.” Robin breathed, chewing her cheek as their tongues moved over her fingers, teeth clicking on rings, spit pooling under their tongues. Robin pumped her fingers just slightly, shuddering at the moans they let out in response, surrounding her in that perfect, angelic noise that had her stomach twisting with need. She pulled her fingers back with a sigh, and watched their eyelids lower, both of them curling into each other as their minds fell down from coherency into something a bit more fuzzy. “Here- I have a plan, okay?” Robin murmured, crawling into bed to lay her head on the pillows. “But you have to take turns.” She glanced at them as they made their way up to be on either side of her. 
“Because, I- Just, here.” Robin sputtered, pulling on their skirts. “Undress, first of all.” Robin muttered and they did so, both of them sitting back on their knees to pull their shirts over their heads, bare chests already on display since neither of them had been wearing a bra. “Wow.” Robin breathed, sitting up a bit to reach out and slide her fingers over their chests, then down to their waists, hooking in the waistband of their skirts. “You’re very pretty, you know.” Robin whispered, gaining soft, blushy smiles from both of them. 
“Which one of us is prettiest?” 
“Do you have a favorite?”
“Of course I don’t have a favorite- You’re both prettiest- You’re identical!” Robin floundered, before she realized they were laughing at her, giggling at each other, lifting up to unzip their skirts and push them down. “You two are gonna be the death of me.” Robin huffed, both of them tossing the rest of their clothes away, fully undressed, now. Robin leaned back and reached to pull on Nancy’s waist, guiding her up to sit on her chest, smiling at her from between her thighs. Nancy looked so pleased, smiling down at her as she threaded her fingers through her hair. 
“How come she gets to go first?” The other Nancy whined, sliding forward when Robin pulled on her waist, kneeling beside her. 
“Because she likes me better.” Nancy teased, gaining herself a light smack on the thigh that made her flinch. 
“That’s not nice.” Robin scolded, eyebrows raised. “You know what- Just for that-” Robin sat up and maneuvered her off, replacing her with the other Nancy. “If you behave, you get to cum first.” Robin eyed her, then looked up at the other one, who was just pleased as punch to have gotten what she wanted. But, the sad look on the other’s face had Robin feeling a little guilty, sighing as she pushed her hand between her thighs, fingers sliding over her clit, through her labia, then plunging deep inside her. 
“Come on then, get up here.” Robin nodded, watching Nancy raise her hips and scoot forward, thighs spreading around Robin’s head. As she thrust her fingers, she pushed her tongue forward, mouth opening to allow Nancy to grind down against her. Her hips rolled fluidly, and Robin found herself matching the pace of her fingers with the grind of her hips, thumb sliding up to push over her clit. That pulled another moan from her and had her gripping Robin’s wrist in her hands, grinding down onto her with pleased little noises. Her tongue was thrusting as her fingers were, a groan falling from her mouth and against Nancy’s heat, nose bumping her clit as she rocked forward against her face. 
“Oh, god, that’s good-” 
Robin felt maybe like she was going to combust. The sound of slick and Nancy’s perfect moans were everywhere, it was almost overwhelming. She found herself echoing them, fingers hooking to thrust against her sweet spot while her tongue flicked over her clit. The Nancy that was currently riding her face suddenly wound her fingers in her hair, tugging her face tight to her cunt as she rolled her hips down, jaw dropped. 
“M’ gonna cum, Robbie- Right there-” Nancy whined, brows furrowed before she threw her head back. She felt fingers tighten around her wrist, and Nancy’s pace picked up, but it was frantic, and she realized she’d stopped moving her fingers momentarily- But the Nancy over her was choking on a moan and using her face to chase her bliss, Robin bringing her other hand up to run her thumb over her clit while her tongue thrusted inside her, tasting her gush against her mouth. 
“Mm-” The other Nancy was whining, brows furrowed as she tried her best to get herself there, but apparently it wasn’t enough, choking on whiny noises as the other Nancy slid off of her and fell back on the bed. 
“Shit, come here-” Robin breathed, licking her slick lips as she sat up, reaching to try and help her. 
“Robbie please- Help me, please-” Nancy whimpered, and Robin nodded, grabbing her waist as she fucked her with her fingers, more focused this time. Her other hand slid off her hip to thumb over her clit, feeling her throb around her fingers as she finally let go. Her head lolled to the side as she came, staring Robin down with a blissed out expression. 
“Good, there you go-” Robin breathed, her own lips parted as she took her all in, the way her body shook, her hips rolling and stuttering as she got herself off. “So good, baby.” Robin whispered, leaning up to kiss her cheek, then down the side of her neck, before she pulled her fingers away and sighed, letting Nancy push her arms around her neck. 
“Wait- Why aren’t we together?” The other Nancy spoke up from her spot behind Robin, who tensed up and turned, staring at her and the shine between her thighs. 
“Did… did I do something wrong?” Robin questioned, brows furrowing. The Nancy in her arms just whined, plopping down to sit, Robin moving with her. 
“I tried…  I couldn’t keep up, though.” She muttered, hips twitching a bit. “It said simultaneously, right?” She asked, looking up at Robin, then over at her other self. 
“Well, shit.” Robin huffed, slumping a little. She squirmed a little, knowing just how damp her underwear was- But this wasn’t about her, it was about putting Nancy back together. “Okay, new plan.” Robin sighed, motioning to the head of their bed. “Sit next to each other for me?” Robin asked softly, gaining a nod from each of them as they made their way to the pillows, sitting back with their knees pulled to their chests. “God, I hope this works.” Robin muttered, and both Nancy’s nodded at her, eyes seeming desperate almost as they watched her move between them. “For this to work, you have to tell me when you get close, okay?” Robin questioned, absolutely at her wits end, but she had to keep it together for the two of them. They both nodded, and Robin kissed one and then the other, kneeling between them. She pushed their thighs apart, noting the way they both gripped the sheets at the rush of cold air on the heat between their legs. She slid her palms over them, then slipped her fingers over their clits, circling them to watch them twitch and whine identically. “Holy shit.” Robin breathed, unable to really tear her eyes away. 
She pushed her fingers down further, sliding through the slickness that was building there to thrust inside, hooking and fucking into their sensitive cunts. They both whined and grabbed her wrists, making Robin grin at how sensitive they were. It was almost easy to keep up the pace, but she wasn’t some ambidextrous magician, so she could only hope it felt as good for one as it did the other. 
“M’close.” One of them spoke up, and Robin slowed her hand, leaning to kiss her forehead. 
“Wait, okay?” Robin asked, watching her shudder and whine, but Nancy also knew that it was either wait, or be stuck split in two forever. So, she just nodded, back arching against the headboard, fingers tightening on Robin’s wrist. “Good girl.” She’d be lying if she said her hands weren’t cramping- But she found that, when it came to pleasing Nancy, her body would push through any weird uncomfortability to keep up the pace. The payoff of the way Nancy looked when pleasure overtook her was reward enough for Robin. 
“M’gonna cum-” The other finally spoke up, and Robin leaned back, glancing down at her hands, at the identical writhing on her fingers, at the way she felt them throb and gush around her fingers. She pushed her thumbs over their clits at the same pace, fucked them at the same pace, and watched them both moan and grab onto eachother, hips riding their bliss out until they couldn’t take it anymore. But, Robin felt a pit in her stomach when she pulled her hands away, both Nancy’s wrapped up in each other as they came down from their high. And they seemed to have realized it at the same time as Robin, that that hadn’t worked, again. 
“God damn it.” Robin huffed, falling backwards with a sigh, stretching her arms out over her head, massaging her hands. The other two sat up, frowning down at their shaking thighs, then over at Robin, still clothed and clearly exhausted from everything already. 
“Well… what about you?” 
“You might have to do it at the same time, too…?” 
“No, that’s… That’s insane, how do they expect-” Robin scoffed, wondering just how insane the writers of this spell had to be to expect someone to be able to curate three simultaneous orgasms?
“We can help.” 
“We wanna help.” 
“Do you really think that’s it?” Robin questioned, both of them crawling over her on either side, laying on her shoulders. 
“It’s worth a shot.” 
“You can’t hold out much longer anyway, can you?” 
“I- that’s not even relevant-” Robin scoffed, but her hips jerked when both of their hands slipped down, pushing under her jeans and underwear. “Nance-” Their fingers slid over her clit, one of them pushing their fingers into her aching cunt, the other rubbing steadily over her clit. “Shit- Oh, shit.” Robin gasped, digging her blunt nails into their shoulders, head falling back as they smiled up at her. 
“We can just do one for fun, right?” 
“I think that’s fair.” 
“Woah- Woah now hold on, we have to fix you-” Robin worried, but one Nancy was kissing her neck, the other taking over her mouth. Their hands paused to get Robin out of her jeans, and she decided to be helpful, kicking them away and off of the bed. Then they got back to it, fucking up into her throbbing pussy, rubbing just right over her clit. “Nancy wait-” Robin moaned, her hips rocking down on their own, her thighs shuddering as her heels dug into the bed and almost pushed her off- But her head just hung off the bed, the Nancy’s leaning up on their elbows to watch their hands, to be careful of what they were doing. She’d been fingered by Nancy before, sure- But this experience was totally different, both hands trained on exactly what they were doing, mouths leaning down to bite at her thighs and hips, trailing kisses over her tummy. 
“Are you gonna cum for us?” 
“You deserve it after all that.” 
“Mm, fuck- Don’t-” Robin was sputtering at the praise, Nancy’s voices driving her up a wall. 
“You could touch us at the same time-” 
“Yeah, that could work.” 
Robin’s head was about to explode as their hands slowed and they pulled away, leaving her throbbing around nothing. But, she pulled herself together enough to scoot back onto the bed fully and let them angle their hips over her hands, her fingers circling over their slick-soaked clits. Their moans filtered into her ears as they laid their heads on her shoulders, legs kicked up over her thighs, tangled together in a mess of limbs and trembling pleasure. Their hands got back to work as well, switching off on who was doing the fucking and who was giving love to her clit, and Robin felt her stomach tense, eyes rolling in her head. 
“Nancy- Nancy, babe, please-” Robin gasped, trying to focus on working her hands, but it was almost to no avail, their hands ripping a moan from her as pleasure worked its way through her body and numbed her brain. They were panting moans against her neck, breath heating her ears and making her back arch up off the bed.
“You feel so good, Robbie-” 
“So good for us, honey.” 
The Nancy’s grinned and kissed her cheeks, their hips rocking against her stuttering hands. She’d never thought of describing an orgasm as cosmic, but that’s really what it was. Moaning in her ears and perfect pressure inside her and on her clit, it was probably the most intense rush of pleasure Robin had ever, and would ever experience. She felt throbbing around her fingers and heat gush over her palms, their hips jerking as Robin brought them to another orgasm just as her own peaked.
“So good.” 
Nancy was crawling over her and kissing her, tearing her soaked fingers away to hastily wipe them on the bed. Robin was gripping her waist, panting against her kisses as she let herself come down. And when she looked to her side, there was no other Nancy, no one but the one on top of her, smiling and peppering kisses over her face and neck. 
“Shit, that worked?” Robin breathed, and Nancy looked to her side, smiling. 
“I think so.” Nancy nodded, sliding down to kiss her throat, then resting her cheek on her chest. 
“Thank god, I was running out of ideas there.” Robin sighed, letting her eyes flutter closed. “I think we should do that again, though.” Robin grinned, and Nancy smacked her arm, rolling off of her with a grin of her own. 
“Absolutely not.” Nancy scolded, letting her eyes close as she came back into her body. 
“But babe, we didn’t even use the hitachi.” Robin huffed, rolling to lay on Nancy’s chest, smiling when she was wrapped up in her arms. 
“We can do that just the two of us, dummy.” Nancy sighed, kissing the top of a mess of sandy blonde hair. 
“Like, right now?” Robin asked, and gained another playful smack in the arm. “What?! I’m just asking.” Robin giggled, sliding up to kiss her cheek, and Nancy turned her head, meeting her for a kiss. They stayed like that for a little while, sighing happily and letting their lips meet for hasty kisses. Then, they heard the front door open, their eyes meeting. 
“Should we split me into two just to fuck with them?” Robin asked, and Nancy wrinkled her nose in a smile. 
“Oh, I’m sure they’d love that.”
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jgroffdaily · 2 years
That story is from the new documentary Spring Awakening: Those You’ve Known, which chronicles the rehearsal process for an unlikely reunion of the Broadway musical’s original cast for a 15th anniversary concert and finds them revisiting what it was like to mount the surprise Tony-winning phenomenon.
It premieres Tuesday on HBO. I’ve seen it, and cried and cried and cried. Yes, I was even moved by the vagina anecdote.
The undeniably memorable moment was teased in an early report about what happens in the documentary. Michele, who starred as repressed teenager Wendla, and co-star Jonathan Groff, who played the lead and her romantic interest Melchior, were discussing the swift intimacy with which they formed a friendship. At the time, Groff was in the closet, even to his closest friends and confidants. Michele was madly in love with him. Obviously. It is Jonathan Groff. Get in line, Lea.
The thing is, in the documentary it’s an organic, relevant story, part of a beautiful sequence in which the two stars are candid about their relationship and what it was like for a confused boy from Lancaster, PA, to come to terms with his sexuality while cannon-blasting to Broadway stardom, and then how she saw her role as his support system.
She’s incredibly charming and funny while she tells it, but also so compassionate and empathetic to what Groff was going through. Believe it or not, the Lea Michele’s “whole vagina” story is a poignant moment.
Spring Awakening: Those You’ve Known is somewhat revelatory in the way it uses the emotional reunion of these stars to reconsider and recontextualize.
With Michele, it’s a reminder of how magnetic and effortlessly humorous she is. There’s a lot of self-awareness there about her personality, a surprise given that the controversy surrounding her past behavior would suggest otherwise. It also makes a case for redemption. Any time she is singing or performing in the concert, you’re spellbound. Variations on marveled whispers of “she’s just so damned talented…” bubbled from just about every conversation I overheard from the crowd who was at the early screening I attended. Groff erupts in tears the second she begins singing the opening song “Mama Who Bore Me” at the first rehearsal.
But there wouldn’t be any inclination to crave that comeback if the documentary itself weren’t so successful in its nimble cross-stitch of heartbreak and inspiration when it comes to nostalgia. This is a musical that tackles teenage sex and hormones, mental health, abuse, homosexuality, suicide, and abortion, but it’s also about being seen and validated for who you are and how you feel at a volatile time coming of age.
To watch Groff and the cast grapple with what it meant to them to play those themes 15 years ago—and then to do so again now with the passage of time and the ensuing wisdom of life experience—is fascinating, and heartrending. I remember being in college and seeing the show multiple times when it first opened, being blown away by it—like Groff, closeted and in New York trying to figure things out, maybe not even sure why it meant so much.
But it wasn’t until watching the cast perform in the documentary and talk about these things that I realized just how formative the original production, its score, and these characters may actually have been.
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eulangelo · 3 years
callout for @genderfluidlucifer
google docs
tw for transmisogyny + TERFs + emotional manipulation
Lucifer is a huge transmisogynist who will complain 24/7 about how TERFs hurt the ace community, but the moment @randomclustermissile , a trans girl (who is not an exclusionist at all) tries to point out transmisogyny in inclusionist circles (in the most vague and general way possible, without pointing fingers nor calling anyone names) Lucifer will immediatly jump to block her and so they did with me (another inclusionist) and i have to suppose to everyone else who agreed with that post, even arriving to vagueing about us in private group chats to suggest that we were “sympathizing with exclusionists”. all because we dared point out transmisogyny in inclusionist circles. lucifer is TME but apparently they think they’re the authority on TERFs and their talking points but actual trans women are not, according to them, since this is the stuff that they would go and spew to other people. (screenshots from @enbyoctoling​)
here’s more examples of Lucifer (again, a transmasc person) going deep in detail about how according to them, TERFs/SWERFs hate aro/ace people and are an active threat to us
1. link
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[Image ID: Three screenshots of a post by Genderfluidlucifer. The first screenshot is of a paragraph that reads, "Hey. So I can actually answer this. Anon your commentary about how you thought terfs would approve of sex repulsed aces is sort of it. Except...not. Basically terfs hate ace people for not wanting sex in the approved by terfs way. Terfs are actually extremely interested in [forcing] amatonormativity onto everyone. Because for as sex negative as terfs are...they don't want to actually acknowledge or change the fact that amatonormativity is at the root cause of rape culture and misogyny."
The second screenshot is a zoomed in section of the post that reads, "So yeah no I have NO idea where exclus allies are getting this idea from that terfs would even remotely care about the sexual rights of ace people. Terfs generally hate any sexualities in the LGBTQ+ acronym that aren't LGB because they can't force a gender binary onto those sexualities. At least, not as easily. That's why it's actually a massive sign of someone who doesn't call themselves a terf being a crypto terf if they use the term LGB in a positive manner. Along with the term SGA, as it is deliberately exclusive of nonbinary and not inherently SGA centric queer-aligned sexualities. /END ID]
link to the full post, these are just excerpts but the whole thing is just a very long rant about how TERFs hate ace people and so on (i think it’s worth noticing that although the actual post is kinda long, trans women are never once brought op in a conversation about TERFs issues and the only time transmisogyny is mentioned is not relevant to the conversation)
2. link
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a reblog by genderfluidlucifer. The original poster is nothorses. It reads, "Because apparently I have to say it: Testosterone is not a 'violent' hormone. It doesn't make you 'more aggressive' or a worse person, it doesn't make you 'dangerous,' or 'toxic.' Transmascs do not need to be 'warned of the dangers of T.' We do not need to spend our transitions terrified that we're going to become a danger to those around us - that HRT is going to turn us into a monster.
Everyone experiences mood swings during hormonal shifts (pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, estrogen HRT, etc.) and while you might have grumpy moments or feel anger/frustration that you need to learn to handle differently, that doesn't make you a bad person.
Testosterone can change the way you access/process emotions somewhat, but if you're already thoughtful about how you handle your feelings and treat others, you're going to be fine. It's normal to lash out on occasion, by accident, then apologize and work to do better. It doesn't make you a bad person. Everyone on HRT is prone to this, and everyone experiencing hormonal changes is prone to this.
Getting HRT should be positive and affirming; you should not have to spend your entire transition terrified of becoming a monster."
The post then has a reblog by captainlordauditor that reads, "The big danger of T is that needle ouchy." /END ID]
here’s them reblogging from known transmisogynist user @nothorses (once again, the irony that a post about how testosterone is seen as the "aggressive hormone" does not mention transfem at all which are literally the main victims of this rethoric in the first place)
3. link (1), link (2)
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[Image ID: Two screenshots of posts by genderfluidlucifer. The first screenshot reads, "Queer exclus: We're not repackaging terf rhetoric! Saying that is transmisogynistic! Also queer exclus: Remove the plus from LGBT!" and has tags that say, "I will pay these people to grow some god damn self awareness. Imagine being this dense. Queer discourse." The post has 15 notes.
The second screenshot reads, "Honestly it is so stupid and frustrating to see ace exclus continue to deny that the ace discourse was started by terfs. Proof was given countless times. And a big name terf like galesofnovember even admitted to starting it. Those of you who demand proof but ignore all of this never wanted proof to begin with." and is tagged with, "ace discourse. The post has 38 notes. /END ID]
heres another two post of theirs conflating TERFs with ace exclusionism
4. link
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a reblogged post by furbearingbrick. The original poster is boxlizard, Lucifer's old account. The original post reads, "By the way for people still in denial about it, here's galesofnovember, a terf, admitting that she intended to start the ace exclus movement. She's taking credit for it. Normally if the victims of this behavior weren't ace/aro or other queer identities y'all be ready to rightfully lynch her. But since it's us, y'all just still wanna stamp your feet and go, 'Nuh uh!' instead of acknowledging facts." The part that says, "admitting that she intended to start the ace exclus movement" is a link to a galesofnovember post.
There is then a reblogged addition from furbearing brick that reads, "archived versions of the receipts" and has two links to the webarchive. The tags read, "Bringing this back since it's apparently still relevant. Terfism mention. Aphobia mention. Queerphobia mention. Blocklist." and has 1,455 notes. /END ID]
this is their post that ive already talked about but basically they found a 52 notes post made by a TERF in 2012 and this one person said "i dont know why i dont get to be the princess of the anti-ace-brigade" and apparently they are convinced that this means TERFs started the ace exclusionism movement and that this is one of their goals. which is insane when TERFs in real life only care about making life miserable for transfem people first and foremost.
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a reblog by genderfluidlucifer. The original poster is yu-gay-fudo. It reads, “Just in case you happen to be unaware, some of the “radfem lite” they post to warm you up to their rhetoric, just off the top of my head:
- Ace/aro exclusionism
- Bi exclusionism or claims that bi people are “less queer” bc of “straight passive privilege”
- Saying you have to be dysphoric to identify as transInvalidating nonbinary people
- Calling queer a slur regardless of context, saying people can’t identify as queer, and saying that it can’t be reclaimed
- “Mogai hell”, “kweer”, or otherwise mocking less common labels and claiming they are “just cishets who want to feel special”
- Excluding sex workers from feminist discussions or claiming that sex work is inherently evil
- Basically anyone who thinks they can determine what other people identify as”. The tags read, "queerphobia tw. twerfs tw. no id." and has 70,727 notes. It was reblogged on March 22nd, 2021 /END ID]
another example of conflating radfems to things that, while wrong, have little to nothing to do with them because being a radfem, again, is something very specific that has all to do with transfem oppression.
Emotional manipulation
Lucifer has done nothing but block, break boundaries, spread lies and vague about people, some of which were even mutuals with them knowing they would see the posts. when confronted about it Lucifer's only answer was "just say you hate me and block me" but they actually ended up blocking everyone first, making it impossible for anyone to set some boundaries with them or even just to calmly confront them about anything.
[proof: Io(popncourse) and Lucifer had a disagreement in a shared discord server, which prompted Lucifer to vague Io in a vent post. Io confronted them, as being vagued is one of buns triggers, to which Lucifer initially agreed to delete the vent post, but then proceeded to victimize themself and immediatly blocked Io. later on, Jude(malewifedeckard) was confronted by Lucifer, then after Jude told them “I’m worried that you’ll vague me just like you did with Io” they proceeded to block Jude and vagued about him too. when Io made a post (which was not a callout, it was just bun setting buns boundaries) explaining what Lucifer did, Lucifer immediatly jumped to victimize themself, acting like they were being called out and straight-up lying, even going so far as to say that no one tried to hear them out, which is a blatant lie if you consider the aforementioned Io and Jude’s attempts at doing so, with Lucifer immediatly blocking and cutting ties with the both of them. ] 
(screenshots taken by @popncourse and @malewifedeckard)
as seen in the proof above Lucifer’s behaviour is not ok because they don’t accept any kind of confrontation and immediatly jump to blocking, and after blocking, they'd immediatly go and vague about the people who confronted them pacificly, spreading more lies and painting themself as the victim and even arriving to say “no one hears me out at all” which is simply not something you can say when you block people who are trying to hear you out in the first place.
this is by no means an invitation to go and harass them, send them hate or anything like that. i absolutely don’t want anything even remotely hateful or negative to be sent their way after this post. 
this post was only made because:
1. as an ace person who fully supports the inclusion of aspec identities in the lgbt+ community i don’t want to support an enviroment that costantly downplays transmisogynistic oppression in order to be taken seriously. there are hundreds of ways to make aspec activism without acting like we(as in TME aspecs)are the victims of a system that seeks for the annihilation of transfemenine people in real life everyday. i especially don’t want to support TME individuals who act transfem-friendly but then block any transfem who tries to speak on transmisogyny without a second thought.
2. Lucifer’s behaviour has hurt two friends of mine and i don’t want to associate with someone who actively breaks people’s boundaries without taking accountability when messing up.
3. i cannot associate with someone who spreads lies about me accusing me of sympathizing with exclusionists all while having me blocked so that i can’t see it nor defend me. they complain about people not hearing them out but they’re the very first person who does not try to hear people out, and instead jumps to spread baseless rumors. this is not someone i can nor want to associate with. 
(image descriptions provided by @malewifedeckard)
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dreamersscape · 3 years
@panharmonium - this post is partly serious ponderings and partly just me having some lighthearted fun, so apologies once again in advance if the tone is all over the place, but you mentioned in our conversation that you feel "less settled" about how Yamato feels about/views romance and how it relates to him personally, and - big surprise! - once more I'm in the same boat as you. You might not be as interested in discussing this or might not have much to say about it since we're not given as much "evidence" in comparison to Kakashi, and if so that's totally okay, but I got to thinking about it idly and then I got sucked in and went back and referenced some relevant episodes and now my brain is Intrigued, haha!
Of course, what I said before about my 'default' being essentially "just about all characters are a-spec until distinctly substantiated not to be" holds true in Yamato's case as well, but at least with Kakashi we've seen on a few occasions how he behaves when someone shows romantic interest in him; we get a pretty good sense where his head is at in those circumstances. There hasn't really been a similar situation with Yamato, he's much more of a 'blank slate' in that regard. He went from being an experiment in a giant test tube, to being a member of a covert organization where he had no name of his own, no past or future, no life beyond his assigned missions, and then spends the rest of his life up until very recently in the slightly-less-secluded-but-still-covert sister branch of the previous organization where he now has a bit more personal experience with things like friendship, but his life is still mostly spent doing things like assassinating people, gathering secret intel, spywork, etc. I can't really imagine Danzo sitting down all the orphaned or otherwise 'stray' kids that grew up in the Foundation to discuss "the birds and the bees" with them. 😂 So my assumption is most of them had to make do with picking up what they could from any of their older peers on the topics of sex education and dating advice? Since Danzo was apparently still considering recruiting Kakashi when he was around 19-20 (and after he ordered him to be killed a few years before that, the nerve!), it appears that not all Foundation ANBU grew up there/had some scraps of personal lives outside Foundation headquarters? But obviously I would guess very little romance/dating if any was tolerated under Danzo's watch.
So then, cue me picturing 14-year-old!Tenzo asking Kakashi stuff like, "Hey, senpai? How do you know if you have a crush on someone?" and Kakashi just replies, "Beats me, kid." and pats him on the shoulder.
What if--and this is a very silly idea, forgive me--what if Kakashi first picked up an icha icha novel as a way to, like, find examples to more easily explain romantic matters to Tenzo, who can then figure out for himself how he feels about it all? And then Kakashi, who we saw was already a bookworm as a kid, gets drawn into the plots because they're light and frivolous and the opposite of the dark, unpleasant, life-or-death lifestyle of the ANBU.
What REALLY got my mind going down a rabbit hole was when I remembered how Yamato reacted to Sakura trying to convince Naruto she loved him now instead of Sasuke. Going back and watching that scene again, Yamato has one of the stronger shocked reactions/expressions when Sakura makes her declaration, and once the surprise wears off a little, he's still very taken aback and there's even some consternation when he questions, "What is going on?!?" and Kakashi has to physically hold him back from intervening. Yamato is continuously caught off guard by all the revelations made by Sakura and then Sai, with a marked difference in how he accepts the news that Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro deliver to them immediately afterwards. And then, he doesn't even get to be there to witness the confrontation with Sasuke and everything that happens and is said there! He only hears the abridged version. So it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if right before Yamato leaves with Naruto on their "secret S-rank mission", he quietly takes Kakashi aside and asks, "Are... are the kids gonna be alright? Sakura just tried to kill the person she loves. And I'm still a bit ticked off he ditched me again, but Naruto did just had a panic attack so bad that he fell unconscious from it! I tried to get him to eat some porridge, but he didn't have any appetite and he said he was having nightmares about Sasuke. And now he apparently seems okay with fighting Sasuke again, even if it means they both die? What do I do if we run out of ideas for ways for Naruto to train or other things to do stuck on a boat for weeks and Naruto gets so bored he starts thinking about stuff and he ends up upset again because the girl he likes lied to him and agrees with everyone else that Sasuke needs to be treated like an enemy? I'm not trained for this, senpai!" And Kakashi is reminded again of how much he regrets trying to reassure Sakura everything would be okay after Naruto's and Sasuke's first fight on top of the hospital, and all he can say is, "Well, if it's any consolation, you can't do any worse than me at comforting crying, heartbroken subordinates." And that's the last thing they talk about the last time they saw each other? They're both doing all they can to help and protect these kids but they both feel so inadequate on a number of levels and it makes me so sad! So then I try to put a humorous spin on it... 🙃
Anyway, I'm not trying to portray Yamato as this poor innocent baby when it comes to how romance works, but it struck me that he probably hasn't had much opportunity to experience much in the romantic realm, and then he's thrust head-first into substituting for his personal hero and not only is that first mission a disaster, but he's now surrounded by a bunch of pining, angsty teenagers! Maybe it's a good thing he might've not heard that the reason why Naruto completely lost control of the Nine Tails during Pain's attack and he wasn't there to stop him from transforming, was because Hinata confessed her love to Naruto and then was very nearly killed in front of him?
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riverdale-retread · 3 years
Riverdale S5 Ep 11. (The Voicemail Episode) -  5 things I loved/ 3 Things to Consider (potentially, spoilers)
Things I Loved:
1. I loved that Riverdale, this (formerly) teen show, was blatantly making a radical commentary about both religion and male violence, but in this sneaky way with a ‘silly’ looking trippy drugged-out music video.   The statement is this: Religion = Drugs = Righteous Violence of Young Men.   Marx said that religion is the opiate of the masses, and Riverdale answered, Nah, it's more like shrooms. 
And in fact, according to the show, being two sweet girls hanging out dancing and having fun is better than religion and righteous violence.  Further, violence is Archie’s drug.  I mean this is a set of pretty bold statements, people.  I will also add the crazy young man vigilantes of Riverdale making the Batman rope-slide entrance was fabulous, but I also liked that the music made fun of them, like, Y’all think you’re being heroic but this is so dumb.   
2. If you read my retread of Seasons 1 through 4  (the true ending, which was “Graduation”) you’ll know that I love scenes of Jughead Jones waking up from sleep.  He’s so good at it, and I don't know if my abiding interest in this specific thing elevates this to some sort of kink but  I’m ok with that, if it is. (Please tell me in the comments if Watching a Cute Boy Wake Up From Sleep is an actual kink.)  In this episode, Jughead is startled awake by a loud noise from a fevered sleep, and then becomes gradually more alarmed at the noises outside and I loved it. 
3. This is not an anti-man blog here, so I will try to tread carefully, but I mean, I absolutely loved that the women are so much better than the men at everything in this episode. 
Exhibit A:
Penelope’s cult is so much better than Edgar Evernever’s!  And she is being so honest - Penelope always emotionally worshiped her son, like a lot of misogynist mothers of sons do, and now she’s literally worshiping him.  Also a religion that is founded on a deceased person is much sturdier, I feel, than a religion that is like Worship Me (which is Edgar’s religion).  Plus Penelope is echoing what Jughead used to say about Jason - that his death laid bare the sins of Riverdale!   There’s robes in Penelope’s religion, colorful ones, singing and communion and imbibing from a magic goblet. (Can you tell I was raised Catholic? I still love statuary, robes and altars SO much).
Exhibit B:
 Tabitha and Betty are so much better than Jughead at everything, including getting high!  (Jughead is currently just so bad at life he can’t even get high correctly, poor lamb.)  They are better at taking care of their domestic lives and are appalled at how Jughead lives. Tabitha modeling openness and transparency for Betty was terrific:  She asks Betty for help and makes sure to  tell her, though it’s difficult, about that ‘don’t be such a Betty’ comment and the fact that Jughead made a pass at Tabitha, so that she can make her decision to participate with the full set of relevant facts.   Betty’s reaction of wtf?? followed by snorting and then moving right on - I like grown up Betty SO much. She knows it’s not true - they always had fun together, did Bughead, so she’s like, That’s a weird thing to say and then SHRUG.  
Exhibit C:
Even when burly men are in a violent confrontation in this episode, the mastermind for both teams is a woman - Veronica on one side, Darla on the other.  
4. I loved the two voicemails from Jughead.  Yes yes, of course I would because #Jughead Stan but also - hear me out! - because they rang so emotionally true for me, and showed the difference between still-adolescent Jughead and the now-more-adult Jughead. 
First, the one to Tabitha:  These mushrooms make people say & do what they really think, apparently, so Jughead hit on Tabitha because he’s really attracted to her, and his non-defensive, roll-with-punches adult-self apologizing in this abashed but not self-hating way, and the way he is still hopeful that he stands a chance, was lovely.  
The weepy, upset voicemail to Betty was expert fan service for the Jughead Stans, but it was thrilling for everyone else too if  the HUGE amount of chatter about it is anything to go by. (Not all thrills are pleasant).   I think it’s because there was a lot of truth packed into both his voicemail and her reaction (while high, but again, the mushrooms make you tell your truth).  
Truth 1:  It’s important to express yourself when you’re upset.  Otherwise it comes bursting out at the wrong time, like pus from a festering wound, in a way that helps no one and may hurt you the most.  Truth 2:  Having an ex hung up on you is no fun.   Truth 3: Being confronted with an utterance like, I regret THE ENTIRE time I’ve known you, can make you lose perspective, as in, Betty playing that voicemail isn’t a serve on anyone other than herself and Jughead, together, and that’s why the kind Tabitha won’t bring it up again. 
There is SO MUCH discourse about that word “bitch” and a lot of it is very well argued, but I feel no urge to pick a side. What *I* have to say about that is, Jughead using that word in that way with that tone definitively marked an end of Bughead 1.0.  If there’s going to be a Bughead 2.0, it’s going to have to be really different.  
5.   I love the character set ups for Reggie and Fangs. Fangs first - is this guy like the world’s most perfect ex boyfriend or what? Fangs is infinitely kind to Kevin.  And Reggie - he’s abused by his dad but he is also loyal to his dad, working for “a Lodge” which he doesn’t actually seem to like in the little that he says about it, to ‘pay off’ his Dad’s debt.   I like the adult that Reggie has become.  “This isn’t high school.”   His calm “Nah, the bad guys pay better” felt like a breath of fresh bracing cynical air but then the actor also managed to push my But I Can Fix Him buttons so kudos, to you, good sir.  
3 Things to Think About
a)Veronica is told it's the DIVORCE that is making Archie not want sex but please recall that the Riverdale High School is decimated and Archie is in the process of putting his genitals  - oops sorry - THE BUILDING back together.  He doesn't have a libido without the Riverdale High School building. I've been telling you.
b)Tabitha voluntarily enters into an agreement to lie (by omission) to Jughead about the manuscript handover to Jessica and the playing of the voicemail message. She doesn't know this yet but so far a rule of Riverdale is that you must not lie to Jughead or bad things happen. Interested to see if the rule still holds for Adult Jughead.
c) The show is very much doubling down on the fact that they think using other people’s lives as fiction is absolutely unforgivable.  Riverdale absolutely hates drug dealers (which is why the Serpents are alcohol runners, and kicked out drug dealers) and yet even though Jessica is totally a drug dealer that Betty Cooper fake-FBI knows is a drug dealer, AND  SHE NON CONSENSUALLY DRUGGED TWO WOMEN WHO SAID NO ALREADY, but the fact that she didn’t want her life used in a fictional outlet trumps literally everything.
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besides the actual primary hope for any season of billions, which is taylor mason material that can be enjoyed b/c what the hell is the point otherwise, it’s like hey can rian like i don’t know. become comprehensible as a role and you know obviously the main way to define that is like, way to have made The Primary Thing about this character now her being involved in this already semi existent, mostly potential sex scandal, for the love of christ can you instead make the main thing about her character Other Shit She’s Doing, and also can there be an established context of “why is she doing that shit” like, just go ahead and let us know why she is motivated to still be here when her being noncommital & aspiring to up & walk out eventually was a whole thing. is she still just waiting on those camping trip numbers? is her relationship with taylor now like “wow i’m a part of something so i’ll stick around” motivation? could we know what tf that relationship is exactly lmao. why is it suddenly a factor that taylor makes a pass out of the blue and rian’s like sorry, i’m afraid of how much i would love you. is that weird like standing [love interest] status hanging over things indefinitely? is the potential for more of that sex scandal material going to hang over them & us indefinitely or was the point “wow, this is some shit, right? anyways” which we can’t know ig until prince gets run over by a bus and it’s like well i guess that was never brought up again, thank god
b/c really it’s like, highdarknesses (opposite of highlights) quotes from brian koppelman podcastingly interviewing eva victor there are him saying “there’s nothing anyone can do about that” re: winston liking rian, flippant at the time but wretchedly all the more so in retrospect clearly when for some reason it was an extended joke on winston. but even more so going What The Hell about his remark that in introducing rian she was always meant to be A Major Player when like. sure there was some prominence in “here’s rian being this mentee / foil for taylor” certainly, relevant to us, fun source of interesting taylor material, but really only relevant To taylor. the majorest thing she did otherwise was help them set axe up for the end of s5 there. and then she hasn’t really affected much of anything besides [character material for taylor] (this is the most important thing you can do, but like, in terms of broader plot relevance here) until again suddenly everything about her character that happened prior was like “uhh i guess taylor’s like ‘we could be romantically involved’ now” and then even less relevantly, all the shit from jumping prince’s bones b/c even though the last thing she does prior is tell taylor how prudently she’s Already considered their potential romantic involvement & deemed it unwise but also she’s already now Worrying about the potential consequences of taylor’s feelings in the wake of this rejection. and then we’re supposed to believe that she does not then, nor has she similarly prior, thought about Any Consequences At All for fucking the public figure billionaire who’s everyone’s boss and even plausibly shittier than apparently she assumes atm??? when the only thing i think he’s Supposed to have going for him here (besides the convenience of this being his terrible looking apartment and apparently rian being like well the one consequence i’ve thought of is if i’d be in love through work, which i wouldn’t be here, which is funny, but these things hardly seem like Reason Enough) is what, it’s supposed to be like ooh he’s so [you’re not hot you’re in the mcu] bland rando attractive? if she’s noticed this ahead of time like again call me [kind of a dilf reblog] mclovin, based on what you’ve Just told us about the character, would she not have thought about the complications of actually doing so, same as she’s just instantly ready with a lil let em down easy speech for taylor should they suddenly proposition her one of these days. like clearly we just have to accept [nobody understands why rian As A Character would do this, or more so, not Not do this] because this lets this plot point happen that they want to have happen
it really smacks of like. so did you write in this new A Young Woman character b/c it’s like hey on the one hand, taylor can have a mentee for the first time when that’s a fun development for a character who started off as axe’s foil mentee intern, and on the other hand, since we’ve also introduced prince this season and already know the major general shit about the character, we can next season reveal the extend of his asshattery and i guess Kind Of touch on “things can get fucked up with young women and men in power especially significantly older ones huh” like yeah, and then to explore that we need A Young Woman, and that’s how rian ends up being more of a plot device than a character in the most relevant material she’s ever gotten? Feminism Win we’re introducing one of now three (smash cut to mid s6) one of now four (smash cut to the next episode) one of now three women at this fund and our biggest plan for her is to be the A Young Woman in a sex scandal that’s About this new central character so we can be surprised at how shit he is (= 
And when that comes into play it’s also like okay uh is she now just this standing love interest for another character. like that’s fine in theory, the dynamic is baffling in practice, but it’s also sure like. yep this is sure a character who’s a woman huh and is now This more relevant than being taylor’s mentee? are their interactions now Mostly in the context of being each other’s Theoretical love interest, or like, are they friends or. dunno. anyways it’s still like billions there’s all of two other women at prince cap rn. i know others have names and even occasional dialogue but there’s three women here. so
and like one can examine this generously like well hey. in ways this kind of creates this Immersive Experience lmfao like wow i fucking hate this & having this hanging over us forever now & what a goddamn disaster like well that’s rian’s situation now too, except yknow. even from that angle, (a) this is what’s applied to a third of the named, significantly bedialogued women in this place and (b) loathed that this was happening entirely Before the finale when it supposedly shifted into obviously being a problem, and Not because of anything like wow thought prince was such an okay guy, i can’t believe he’d use people around him on a whim for his own entertainment and gratification and despite knowing his own power / insulation and that what he takes advantage of can be huge problems for the people he’s using, he just needs there to be enough active participation to then turn the blame on you like well *i* knew this was a bad idea and a worse idea of yours but that’s on you, try getting some more power about it and if you can’t that’s Also on you....and is the meta “wow yeah we hate this curse too” element worth it here. like This is primarily what the character is for now. great. and Again like “ooh maybe this Consumes the future of the character just as it would for her as a person” like great except again, is it worth it like everything else abt this character is now subsumed & consumed by this? And what would really make most sense is rian just peacing out at this point, but since she’s here still it’s like. Why. what’s her motivation for doing things at this point. apparently she does have a future but because her most prominent material here involved her being more Plot Device / A Woman Who Can Be Given As Much Dialogue As You Want than [everything more specific / any details about the character] it’s like see, i don’t even know what else you would’ve done with the character anyways now. or like “wow just like irl, a sex scandal here would reduce someone to Some Woman rather than a person” wherein this is Not just like irl b/c a character is only representative of a theoretical Person, rather than actual people being actually people, and also we Do already know rian as a character with all these other details even if i couldn’t really tell you w/much confidence what exactly she’s like or what her motivations are, and since she’s still here we will in fact continue to see more specifics about her as this theoretical person, and the whole point of this post is that “and i hope to god that the material doesn’t Just make it all about ‘boy i hope i’m not caught up in prince’s Image Problems sex scandal’” like idk do something with her lol, and i don’t know What, b/c what else is going on with her? being friends with taylor? still being mentored? really not sure. maybe she’d have more to do in tmc if taylor’s busier with coheading but like, alright, she was already the sole employee for all intents and purposes. make something up i guess
and tragic that an actual friendship b/w rian & winston doesn’t seem possible, nail in the coffin moment when rian will start up an exchange with winston like “haha taylor’s antics, right” and winston’s like “haha yeah” and rian will interrupt like “fuck you, too obnoxious much?” and winston will go “for fuck’s sake :\” like at this point just pretend she’s not there if she’s trying to talk to you, rian’s approach has to change if there’s going to be any genuine positive relationship here at all and there’s zero indication she’s going to change it, so. alas that being established as similar to taylor has this difference of like, taylor shows up and goes “oh this is my funny little guy” and their friendship with him is one of the most important things in their life still, rian shows up and goes “oh this is my funny little guy” and is a devoted bully to this one specific person in a way nobody else around here has ever been. which frankly is Interesting, one of the most interesting things going on with her still like, why’s rian have this bullying tendency that she lets out so immediately and easily and often, and for this long, and with zero indication she’s ever reflecting on the issue? But for this to be actually explored, it’d need to be, you know, actually explored, and b/c of that indication rian’s going to do any reflection or change, seems like another character would need to Note the situation and say anything to her about it that might yield some further analysis, but so far so [nobody has ever done that], would make most sense for taylor to do so as someone who knows winston and knows rian and also these are both their employees and rian’s their mentee or what have you. but anyways it’s like, despite the fact they’re Not friends like mafee and taylor are, sure is Already still inherently more interesting that like, rian’s character just becomes livelier / more elevated when interacting with winston on average, even if half the time that means giving him shit; it still applies. like, again, if rian talking with wags for some reason is Classic / Standard Rian it’s like. oh ok. it’s not that interesting lmfao like she’s....slightly more spontaneous than other characters. has a slight element of individual flair even though that’s been diminished from the degree of 5x05 through 5x07 / pre hiatus rian’s flair tbh. might be allowed to be ambiguous sexuality’d if The Person she was in a relationship with where like bounds & individual privacy beget suspicion is never gendered. (except evidently get ready for the sexuality that is “would fuck prince,” rights.) it’s like well great i guess that she’ll have A Real Conversation with wags that the audience is shown, and all the exchanges she has with winston that seem normal enough are mostly or entirely offscreen, wherein even then it seems to be less of an actual reciprocal exchange vs like. For The Moment rian wants something else from winston than to be her punching bag / entertainment, so instead will converse with him about something without dunking him into hell, until naturally her material with taylor regains prominence and whatever half of a thread she was having with winston is shrugged off. but it’s like, yeah it’s like depressing the longer this goes on lmfao that winston clearly wants Some positive connection with rian, potentially not just including that he did have a crush for a while there though that seems entirely in the past by now, while rian Still doesn’t seem interested in seeing him as a person rather than a source of entertainment in that she apparently enjoys making him feel bad but also just like, if she wants to talk about / get backup about xyz in the first place yeah she May talk about it with winston, but once she’s gotten whatever she wanted there, that interaction doesn’t count for anything beyond that. but again it’s like, rian’s dynamic w/anyone else is not so elevated as it is with winston, even in terms of treating him shittily, which again is like. well that’s fine lmao it’s Something about rian to be sure, this apparent Tendency she has despite talking about not hating, she presumably doesn’t have the like, simmering loathing for winston style of hating but she doesn’t treat him like a person.....like this is perfectly Relevant for billions for a character to be like that, and even potentially for it to never be explored b/c everyone’s like “yes, this is either Correct and/or Normal for someone to treat winston badly, b/c he brings it upon himself” like yeah very billions, even for winston to just never give up on interacting with rian / accept this treatment too as at least normal. idk if the [rian gives winston shit at any time] thread continues it’s like sigh well what else is new. it at least gives the both of them more varied material and generally has Something fun about it, like i suppose they can keep it. but it would also be Something if again it was reflected on in any way, including if you know, there was any consequence that mattered to the person as a way of addressing the matter, as often happens around here, like it Would make sense if at this point winston wants to avoid interactions with rian / is neutral at best towards her if not in the realm of dislike, since you know, she doesn’t care about how he feels save in the contexts of “sometimes i want him to support / help / agree with me on something” or “sometimes i want to make him feel bad b/c that amuses me,” that’s cause for dislike, and we’ve never seen or heard of her genuinely offering him anything more positive in this relationship/dynamic, so. but re: this post it’s also like, this is like the one other person besides taylor that rian even Has some dynamic with, unless you count wags going dad mode the once, when they arbitrarily have a thread for one episode so she can learn to more confidently do research and present it to taylor. which makes it all the more like, well it’s too bad that this rare Dynamic is so unilateral and static then since it’s winston vs the brick wall of rian i guess going “wow i hate his autistic swag and how he’s not mcu cast hot so i’d never think of anything re: him like even casual hookups, or basic respect as a person” and like, another classic inadvertent [billions canon does shit we discuss / What If about, just v slightly to the left] territory when it’s like hey, winston’s sure Juxtaposed with like, ways you’re “supposed” to act to be taken seriously as a cool winner and pedal to the metal Career Ambition shit, huh? seems like this person who’s immediately interested in / relating to rian at her idiosyncratically weirdest & inherently least adapted to this place might be someone to talk to / get input from in contrast with taylor mentoring her. and then apparently her main interest is like, this immediate emotional bloodlust lol to keep him around as a desk toy to kick around, but then suddenly here’s winston and tuk being more of genuinely friends than he’s gotten from any other coworkers it seems, and winston’s approach is just immediate Support and, truly, offering that support just inherently for tuk as he is as a person, Not telling him how to act righter / be more of a cool winner / ramp up the business ambition or anything. and we can only guess if this will result in anything in particular or if it’s just a side joke that won’t really be relevant to anything that happens, since that seems to be the realm to which winston’s consigned, getting the butt of a joke or being a plot device in someone else’s plot arc, and other than that basically being a background extra for all intents & purposes. which as always stated is like well that restricts his character but also other characters who interact with him and Could have a genuine dynamic w/him that affects their own characters, except for that they can’t b/c everyone has to see him as an unserious joke, who knows if the writing overall is only ever interested in that too vs like. yknow like jeez even give him one c plot arc in one episode in one season ever and it’s Not even about him being bullied or something, but i don’t know. but rian’s interest in immediately deciding someone who's so unhot and annoying can be indefinitely pwned by her may never like, be anything that affects her character otherwise, i.e. nobody will ever challenge her on it / she’ll never end up changing her perspective on it (or even just him, either, given that “his physical characteristics” and “his being an autistic character / his entire personality” can’t change too much, unless the latter gets some subplot like hooray winston’s absorbing and perfectly adhering to the organic / diy aba others are inflicting on him, which, No Thanks) then it’s like, this isn’t a very dynamic dynamic, but. it is Something and there’s not much else going on. re: winston my high hopes here are getting to point at the screen like hey, there’s winston. and i guess the devil we know in rian giving him shit is like sigh. well it’s just another possible form of material for them both, huh.
anyways really the tl;dr here is just an even wearier sigh about the odds that the plans for rian as a character even upon introduction were primarily “we need A Young Woman with enough focus to Be focused on for a few eps, for a subplot that really just serves [establishing more shit about prince]” and then “and hey she can be like a mentee for taylor, who will otherwise have no employees by the end of the season, since winston doesn’t count.” and even if it was the other way around, i.e. a mentee for taylor was the primary idea and Then like, and hey, here’s why it’d be great if the character is some early twenties woman (=, again the fact that everything prior about rian is superseded by this accursed sex scandal subplot / element and also all other info about her makes little to no sense trying to reconcile it with her as a character rather than becoming a plot device in ways overly convenient / contradictory to her being a specific character. like, ffs give her something else to do. is [being taylor’s mentee] still a thing? feels like one should more confidently be able to say either way, but i sure don’t know what personal or professional somethingship is between them either way at this point or how it motivates them. i can’t feel that invested b/c the character’s confusing / unclear and now all the less enjoyable for being saddled with this curse being The Most Relevant Thing and where it’s like, give her something else to do so that a) there’s Something Else and b) so that you didn’t just introduce one of few women characters to be “a major player” where that primarily applies to This. please ugh lol even if i’m not particularly interested one way or another b/c the handling of the character so far just killed plenty of interest, just like, on principle. what the hell else do you have set up for her anyways, that’s already part of the problem, why is it that going into this next season there’s so little idea what rian has going on, like what she thinks of taylor and her relationship with them, a hug does not just clarify everything that’s happened nor tell us what terms they’ll be on going forward here, or why she hasn’t been like eh yeah i’ll get the rest of my camping trip money elsewhere at this point. like the moral is a) can this character who is still all of one of three women at prince cap have more going on than “this is the one who had sex w/prince for some reason and that getting out would be unpleasant for her. makes you think” where even if i feel neutral and uninterested in any & all further material for her it’s still inherently positive on principle and don’t really have high hopes for fun at this juncture like how b) it’s like season four all over again re: winston material like well he’ll show up and it’ll be like pointing hey there’s winston and c) the point of billions is fun taylor material and for s7 specifically boy what’s going on with them and philip, a dynamic already more vivacious and comprehensible in a few eps than the dynamic they’ve had with rian for like a season and a half, f
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otp-armada · 4 years
If Jason wanted to convince me that Lxa was the love of Clarke's life, he wouldn't have killed her off, effectively cutting their love story permanently, with 4.5 seasons left of the show. Their arc, starting with their introduction in 2x07 and concluding with L's death in 3x07, is 17 episodes long, accounting for 17% of the entire narrative. If I generously add 3x16 to the count, an episode in which L is already dead in the corporeal world Clarke is trying to return to, it's a whopping, grand total of 18%. An 18% congruous with Clarke's intense connection to Bellamy and vice versa, which even A.lycia confirmed as romantic. Feelings romantic enough to spur the formation of a love triangle. An 18% ignoring Clarke's ultimate choice to go back to her people when L wanted her to stay.
CL is a chapter in the story begun and wrapped up in the first half of the narrative. And that's omitting further illumination on the finer details making CL so problematic for Clarke. Do you expect me to believe it was coincidental for CL to occur at a time when Clarke was spiraling down a dark path, commencing with Finn's death? Who played a hand in forcing Clarke's own hand, with Finn, and TonDC, and Mount Weather? Whose example inspired her to ensnare herself in armor and warpaint to be strong enough to save her people? Whose behavior did she emulate in the pushing away of support from her people? Who gave her a place to continue hiding from Bellamy, her mom, and her friends? A place to be someone other than Clarke Griffin? In lieu of facing her fears like the heroine she is? The purpose of CL wasn't to provide Clarke with a magnificent, fairy tale romance gone tragically wrong. I believe Jason's intent with the relationship aimed to further damage Clarke's psyche after L's death, to solidify the belief that her love is not only deadly to its recipients but renders her too weak to do what must be done for survival.
After 3x16, CL is an often superfluous namedrop or two per season for Clarke to briefly react to before carrying on with the plot. Season 5 aside, most of these references are needless enough to be able to interpret them as attempts at reparations for the L/CL fandom's benefit -and their views- without altering the course of the story. Crazy me for thinking it's not enough to constitute an ongoing love story. Crazy me for not thinking this was on par with interactions between living characters. Crazy me for thinking it doesn't befit a love story for the protagonist.
This sliver of the story is what Jason and the CLs would have us unquestionably believe is the pervasive love story of The 100's seven seasons?
Despite his lie and the constant gaslighting from the pineapple CLs, some of us know how to decipher what a temporary love interest is. Lxa? I think you know where I'm heading with this.
I'll acknowledge my admittedly negative appraisal of CL as someone who recognizes its value to the LGBT+ community and treats it as valid while not caring for L/CL on a narrative level. I felt, when swayed by L's influence, Clarke became the antithesis of what I found admirable about her. I resented Clarke's acquiescence of her power to the commander. I wanted nothing more than to remove the wedge L had driven between Clarke and Bellamy.
Let me try to give L/CL the benefit of the doubt for a minute. I don't hold L as responsible for Clarke's choices, but I recognize the prominent role she played in their upbringing. The push and pull was an intriguing aspect of their dynamic, as was the chance to meet a manifestation of who Clarke might have been if she was all head, no heart. Her fall from grace was arguably necessary for her to be a fully-rounded character, not a Mary Sue. It wouldn't be realistic for the protagonist of a tragic story about a brutal world to be a pure cinnamon roll. When forgiveness is an innate theme with Clarke, it would be my bias at work if I was content with her applying it to everyone but Lxa. Clarke saw enough commonalities between her and L to identify with the latter. When she extended forgiveness to L, I believe it was her way of taking the first step on the path to making peace with herself by proxy. None of this means I wanted them paired up. At best, I made my peace with seeing the relationship through to its eventual end. In time for L's death, ironically. My passivity about them notwithstanding, my conclusions are, however, supported by canon.
If I may submit a Doylist reason for romantic CL? Jason knew he had a massive subfandom itching to see them coupled, thereby boosting ratings and generating media buzz. A Watsonian reason? Without relevance, I think L would have been another Anya to Clarke. Grapple shortly with the unfair taking of a life right as they choose to steer towards unity, melancholy giving way to the inconvenience of the loss of a potential, powerful political ally. Romance ensured her arc with L would have the designated impact on Clarke's character moving forward in the next act.
For a show not about relationships, Jason has routinely used romantic love as a shorthand for character and dynamic development. It's happened with so many hastily strung together pairings. And when it does, everyone and their mother bends over backward to defend the relationship. It's romantic because it just is. Didn't you see the kissing? Romantic.
No, The 100 at its core is not about relationships, romantic and otherwise. But stack the number of fans invested exclusively by the action against those of us appreciating a strong plot but are emotionally attached to the characters and dynamics. Who do we think wins? Jason can cry all he wants over an audience refusing to be dazzled solely by his flashy sci-fi.
Funnily enough, "not about relationships'' is only ever applied to Bellarke. Bellarke, a relationship so consistently significant, it's the central dynamic of the show. The backbone on which the story is predicated. Only with Bellarke does it become super imperative to represent male-female platonic relationships. As if Bellarke is the end all, be all of platonic friendship representation on this show. In every single television show in the history of television shows.
Where was this advocacy when B/echo was foisted upon on us after one scene between them where he didn't outright hate Echo? When one interaction before that, he nearly choked the life out of her. If male-female friendship on TV is so sparse, why didn't B/ravens celebrate the familial relationship between Bellamy and Raven? Isn't the fact that they interpret Clarke as abusive to Bellamy all the more reason to praise his oh-so-healthy friendship with Raven as friendship? They might be the one group of shippers at the least liberty to use this argument against Bellarke, lest they want to hear the cacophony of our fandom's laughter at the sheer hypocrisy of the joke. Instead, they've held on with an iron grip to the one sex scene from practically three lifetimes ago when the characters were distracting themselves from their feelings on OTHER people? They've recalled this as "proof" of romance while silent on (or misconstruing) the 99% of narrative wherein they were platonic and the 100% of the time they were canonically non-romantic.
Bellarke is only non-romantic if you believe love stories are told in the space of time it takes for Characters A & B to make out and screw each other onscreen, a timespan amounting to less than the intermission of a quick bathroom break. If it sounds ridiculous, it's because it is. And yet, some can't wrap their heads around the idea that maybe, just maybe, a well-written love story in its entirety is denoted by more than two insubstantial markers and unreliable qualifiers. B/raven had sex, and the deed didn't fashion them into a romance. Jasper and Maya kissed but didn't have sex. Were they half a romantic relationship? Bellarke is paralleled to romantic couples all the time, but it counts for nothing in the eyes of their rival-ship fandom adversaries. Take ship wars out of it by considering Mackson. Like B/echo, the show informed us that Mackson became a couple post-Praimfaya, offscreen, via a kiss. Does anyone fancy them an epic love story with their whisper of a buildup? Since a kiss is all it takes, as dictated by fandom parameters, we should.
If Characters A & B are ensconced in a romantic storyline, then by definition, their relationship is neither non-romantic nor fanon. "Platonic" rings hollow as a descriptor for feelings canonically not so.
If the rest of the fandom doesn't want to take our word for granted, Bob confirmed Bellarke as romantic. Is he as delusional as we are? Bob is not a shipper, but he knows what he was told to perform and how. Why do the pineapples twist themselves in knots to discredit his word? If they are so assured by Jason's word-of-god affirmation, then what credibility does it bear to have Bellarke validated by someone other than the one in charge? They're so quick to aggressively repudiate any statement less than "CL is everything. Nothing else exists. CL is the only fictional love story in The 100, nay, the WORLD. CL is the single greatest man-made invention since the advent of the wheel."
We've all seen a show with a romantic relationship between the leads at the core of the story. We all know the definition of slowburn. We can pinpoint the tropes used to convey romantic feelings. We know conflict is how stories are told. We know when interferences are meant to separate them. We know when obstacles are overcome, they're stronger for it. We know that's why the hurdles exist. We know those impediments often take the shape of interim, third-party love interests. We know what love triangles are. We know pining and longing.
Jason wasn't revolutionary in his structure of Bellarke. He wasn't sly. Jason modeled them no differently than most other shows do with their main romances. Subtler and slower, sure. Sometimes not subtle at all. There's no subtlety in having Clarke viscerally react to multiple shots of Bellamy with his girlfriend. No subtlety in him prioritizing her life over the others in Sanctum's clutches. In her prioritizing his life above all the other lives she was sure would perish if he opened the bunker door. There is no subtlety in Bellamy poisoning his sister to stave off Clarke's impending execution. In her relinquishing 50 Arkadian lives for him after it killed her to choose only 100 to preserve. In her sending the daughter Clarke was hellbent to protect, into the trenches to save him. In him marching across enemy lines to rescue her. In her surrender to her kidnapper to march to potential death, to prevent Bellamy's immediate one. No subtlety in Josie's callouts. No subtlety in Lxa's successful use of his name to convince Clarke to let a bomb drop on an unsuspecting village. Bet every dollar you have that the list goes on and on.
There are a lot of layers to what this show was. It was a tragedy, with hope for light at the end of the tunnel. It was, first and foremost, a post-apocalyptic sci-fi survival drama. Within this overarch is the story of how the union of Clarke Griffin and Bellamy Blake saves humanity, ushering in an age of peace. In this regard, their relationship transcended romance. But with the two of them growing exponentially more intimate each season, pulled apart by obstacles only to draw closer once again, theirs was a love story. A romantic opus, the crescendo timed in such a way that the resolution of this storyline -the moment they get together- would align with the resolution of the main plot. Tying Bellarke to the completion of this tale made them more meaningful than any other relationship on this show, not less.
Whereas the trend with every other pair was to chronicle whether they survived this hostile world intact or succumbed to it, Bellarke was a slowburn. A unique appellation for the couples on this show, but not disqualifying them from romantic acknowledgment.
Framing Bellarke in this manner was 100% Jason's choice. If he wanted the audience to treat them as platonic, he should have made it clear within the narrative itself, not through vague, word-of-god dispatches. A mishandled 180-degree swerve at the clutch as a consequence of extra-textual factors doesn't negate the 84% of the story prior. It's just bad writing to not follow through. And Jason's poor, nearsighted decisions ruined a hell of a lot more than a Bellarke endgame.
The problem is, when Bellarke is legitimized, the pineapples are yanked out of their fantasies where they get to pretend the quoted exaggerations above are real. Here I'm embellishing, but some of them have deeply ingrained their identities in CL to the degree where hyperbole is rechristened to incontestable facts. An endorsement for Bellarke is an obtrusive reminder of the not all-encompassing reception of their ship. A lack of positive sentiment is an attack on their OTP, elevated to an attack on their identity. Before long, it ascends to an alleged offense to their right to exist. The perpetrators of this evil against humanity are the enemy, and they must attack in kind, in defense of themselves.
Truthfully, I think it's sad, the connotation of human happiness wholly dependent on the outcome of a fictional liaison already terminated years ago. I'm not unaware of the marginalization of minorities, of the LGBT+ community, in media. I haven't buried my head in the sand to pretend there aren't horrible crimes committed against them. I don't pretend prejudice isn't rampant. When defense and education devolve into hatred and libel for asinine reasons, though, the line has been crossed. You don't get a free pass to hurt someone with your words over a damn ship war. No matter how hard you try to dress it up as righteous social justice, I assure you, you're woefully transparent.
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axxxii · 4 years
Hi, so I'm usually not active on tumblr and follow everything silently. Don't even know how to make a post, do I just tag caryl?!
So, I watched the new episode and wanted to share my thoughts and some speculations. First of all, I think I ship Caryl but I don't necessarily need them to end up together romantically. I do think they make each other happy and love each other and are soulmates and end-game but I'm not yet sure if all of this has to result in a romantic relationship. So I wouldn't be sad if they won't end up together in this way because I don't think sex is the most important and fulfilling thing in life for one of these characters, but I definitely want them to be each others life partners for the rest of their lifes because they are happiest with each other. (I don't know, was that understandable?)
How do I make a cut?? CUT, spoilers from here on:
First of all, I join most of the analysis I read in the tag. We were supposed to compare the caryl relationship to the daryl/leah relationship AND I still think this episode was more about caryl than any other topic. I still think it's really weird for daryl to have a romantic relationship with someone. Not because I don't want hm to enjoy himself but I just never got the feeling that this is something that daryl wants and is searching for (this is probably one reason I don't see caryl necessarily going romantic, I'm just scared it will be ooc). And I have to say I kind of liked leah and if tptb wanted to, they could definitely have sold this relationship much better to the audience. I mean people want to see daryl in a relationship since forever!! They could have milked this storyline so hard if they wanted to. I can't imagine many people shipping him with leah, it just feels so unimportant you know?
Okay, but what I found really weird was the way daryl's story searching for rick and finding leah was told. I think it is suppose to show daryl's perspective of this time which I think could be significantly different from what actually happend. Reasons why I think this:
- daryl is telling carol the story from his perspective and I think we are only shown the parts that he is telling her and as daryl is known to be honest and carol is his best friend, I think what we see is what daryl is thinking and knows about this time; which might leave certain things out that might not be relevant for daryl
- their was this weird filter during the flashbacks, like they were showing a dream sequence and it also felt like this. Like the scene with leah naked for example, it felt really un-twd-like and it makes me feel like daryl romanticised his time with leah, and maybe imagined something in his head that wasn't there
- also as some others have mentioned I found it very suspicious how emphasized it was in the flashbacks that carol has to be there for ezekiel and henry, it felt like it was the only information daryl got when he was with carol during this time which was probably not the case; also the emphasis on daryl and carol being friends felt weird
- and daryl I think was probably delirious from being alone for so long and maybe due to nutrient deficiency because of an unbalanced diet and sleeplessness
- daryl doesn't even look for leah who we are suppose to believe is the only person he had romantic interest in since we know him, the same person who makes an effort to look for rick for years and to tame carol in s10
I just think that the episode felt really ooc for daryl and I think that that was intended. I think not everything was the way we saw it because the flashbacks were significantly biased by daryl's perspective. What do I think this could mean for the future:
I think we will find out what really happened from an unbiased POV when leah comes back in S11. I think a lot of what we know now is wishful thinking from daryls POV. Norman sad that people we thought were good turn out not to be and I could definitly see that applying to leah. I could imagine them having an abusive relationship (with leah being the abuser) and daryl not realising it because he is used to abuse. I believe we will find out a lot more when leah is back. I think this theorie would be a great storyline that makes a lot of sense because otherwise right now I don't really think it makes much sense. I also think carol could play a major role in this storyline as she also knows abuse and might realise it before daryl does. Don't know what that could mean for caryl. What do you guys think? I'm interested to hear your thoughts!
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sandrasmotion · 3 years
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Aquarius in Sex, Love, and Romance
This is most relevant to Aquarius Venus and Mars, though Aquarius Suns may identify with some traits.
How to seduce an Aquarius
Walk around with a blasé air, as if the world is just happening around you without your permission. Maybe get a weird haircut.
Send them a link to a Gregorian chant. Tell them that this song reminds you of them.
Stay up until 6:00 AM talking about “the system” and your shared hatred of it, without ever getting specific about what you actually mean.
Are Aquarius hard to date?
Aquarians are lofty philosophers, perusing the dating pool from their perch on a mountain top. Everything they know about love they’ve learned from the many books they’ve read. Love to them is just a practical theory. A philosophical musing. A meshing of minds. No head rush. No warm blood needed. It’s a science. It’s chemistry. It’s a psychological phenomenon.
How does an Aquarius fall in love?
Aquarians are attracted to intelligence. Inspiration is a romantic spark for them. Sharing the same sense of humor is the same thing as a connection. They aren’t necessarily attracted to people who share their interests, because there is a part of them that hates their interests, but they are drawn to people with niche pursuits that they don’t fully understand.
Aquarians are addicted to figuring people out. They want to know about you. Not your feelings or your childhood. Not your psychological and emotional makeup, but the facts you know, the interesting experiences you’ve had, the opinions you’ve developed. They use this information to depict you as an idealized caricature that they can hang in the heart-shaped museum of all their past and present relationships.
Aquarians want to be accepted for their eccentricities, but find it difficult to accept that their partners don’t match their idealized portraits. What Aquarians fear most is being confronted by a real body with normal faults and failures. They know that when people get close, they form expectations. Expectations that threaten their independence make them feel resentful. They grow cold and distant, then wonder why their partners start acting clingy. Aquarians don’t see their unwillingness to compromise as selfishness. When they turn inward, they don’t see a self at all, they only see “the truth.”
Who is Aquarius' soulmate?
If you asked an Aquarius to describe their perfect partner in one adjective, they would probably say “ineffable.” They need partners who can understand their need for space without taking it personally. Partners who don’t try to wrangle them with unspoken expectations or guilt trips. Partners who are independently motivated. Who have their own passions, and take pleasure in sharing them with others. Partners who are interested in experimenting with non-traditional relationship models. But most importantly, partners who will show them the visceral side of love, the part that can’t be described in a biology textbook. The part that is more than just an idea. A living, breathing thing that is the basis for all real human connection.
How does an Aquarius flirt?
Aquarians are clever. They don’t present themselves as very flirtatious—in that sense, they can be a little alienating. They don’t like small talk. It may seem like they are on the verge of a kiss, and then they’ll just start talking about some new economic policy they read about. In their nervousness, they sometimes get so excited talking about themselves that they forget to ask you questions or otherwise show you that they’re interested. Aquarians often use humor as a crutch. They’ll start playing some nonsensical game to make you laugh. If you’re interested in an Aquarius, you may need to do most of the work in driving things forward. Don’t take them too seriously, but make them feel understood and comfortable enough to slow down and be present.
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((Alright, so this is probably way overdo.
Why the heck Jade gets so weird about sex sometimes:
Alright, so this is going to be a little ridiculously long, but if you want to know? I’m putting it under the cut. Also, TW: there is a brief mention of abuse. Not of her, but its relevant. I’ll also put another warning when that part is about to come up. 
Okay so, I’m going to start of with some context. So for anyone who might not know, this Jade is pretty old. I started rping her as her back in… I think late December of 2015 or early January of 2016? Either way, it was a few months before Homestuck actually ended. At this point obviously we had no idea how it was going to end, or what was going to happen to the characters at that point. Heck, if I remember correctly GIGAPAUSE, or whatever it was called, was still going on.
Anyway, didn’t know they were going basically jump start civilization and jump into the future, that’s for sure. So, not knowing how things were going to turn out for Jadey girl here, I basically made some educated guesses based on what we knew at the time, and mixed in my own ideas and head-canons to create the timeline this Jade now exists in. This included the loss of the meteor lab, building a new civilization from the ground up (and actually sticking around to help build it), and having everyone live in a fairly small, tight knit community. Mind you, some minor things have changed to reflect the retcon John did, but mostly I’ve kept things fairly the same.
So what does this mean for Jade or have anything to do with her sexuality? We’ll get to that, but I’m going to prelude things by saying it isn’t just sex she gets worked up about. It’s relationships and intimacy in general, and there isn’t really one set reason why. There is a gosh darn list.
1) She doesn’t have the best social skills. Growing up on an island with the only human contact being through the internet isn’t exactly the best way to nurture healthy emotional development. To top it all off, she spent those 3 years on the ship basically alone thinking she killed John and Davesprite. She isn’t a complete social ignoramus obviously, but she has her awkward moments and she KNOWS it. Which, can give her some major social anxiety in general. And as far as relationships, even friendships go, she is constantly worried she is going to screw things up. She also just wasn’t used to people in general for a good while. 
Mind you, it’s almost been 10 years since the end of the game now from her perspective so she has improved drastically, but there are still some hangups that she has. For example, she doesn’t handle crowds well considering she was so used to being alone. Can Town is full mostly people she is familiar with and the population is only 1,000ish, so she is mostly in her comfort zone still even during busier occasions. However, notice Jake and her chose to move outside of town when they got the chance? There you go. 
2) She isn’t used to physical touch. Which… is really sad considering how much she actually loves it. Again, this is something that has improved over the years, but she still doesn’t like being messed with by people she doesn’t know.
3) She honestly thinks that in the end she will end up alone. Jade, hasn’t exactly had the best luck with romance. Remember, her timeline is fairly small, and pretty much everyone she might be compatible with already paired up with someone else. To top it off, she had (and still kind of has) a massive crush on her timeline’s Dave, and built up a lot of false hope that something might eventually happen between the two of them thanks to John telling her about Davesprite and Davepeta kissing her that one time. Yeah, that didn’t happen. He ended up getting with Karkat finally when they were around 22, and while she is happy for them and supports them in any way she can, it kind of broke her heart. 
She also hasn’t had the best luck with people she’s been interested in online/from other timelines either. Usually, by the time she realizes she might be interested in someone they end vanishing, dating someone else, or they actually… end up being kinda awful people she shouldn’t have liked in the first place. (*cough*Venom*cough*) Also, she has a habit of dwelling on the whole “space players are destined to be alone” thing from time to time. Over the years she has genuinely started to think that she just isn't cut out for being anyones partner romantic/sexual/otherwise, and that people aren’t ever going to be interested in her for whatever reason. She’s built up this shell around herself, this illusion that she has come to terms with things, so that when that eventuality happens, she’ll maybe not be hurt so badly. So when someone shatters that illusion? She panics and gets flustered, and remember… she is related to these guys:
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(Mind you Jake had plenty of reason to act like that, but it was the only one I could find with a quick google search.)
But yeah, I think big reactions kind of runs in her family.
4) She’s inexperienced. Three times as of this point. Yep. Thats it. That’s all she has done. Ever. Don’t get her wrong, she has really enjoyed it and really gets into things once she was able to get over the jitters. Plus, she was the one that asked for it each time. But she doesn’t like not knowing what she is doing, and it wigs her out because she doesn’t want to mess things up. Also fun fact, she’s never been on a non pale date before. Just throwing that in there.
5) The whole being part dog thing. As much as she loves being part canine, she actually can be real self conscious about it at times. Also, she *hates* how people will sometimes look at her as a fetish, and gets worried that if someone is interested in her its because she is a dog girl, and not because of who she is. She does enjoy indulging in her dog side (girl likes being pet), but she wants to make sure someone to see her as herself first and foremost. Being part dog should just be a bonus.
6) She’s a bit of a hopeless romantic. She wants to actually have a connection with people, and honestly is that so wrong? One night stands, flings, or casual whatevers aren’t completely out of the question, but at least give her a chance to be friends with you first geez. 7) She’s scared of being hurt. This is kind of caused by a combination of things up top, but she genuinely is afraid of the idea of being fucked and dumped. She’s got enough emotional issues as is, and does not need that on her conscious as well. Getting intimate with her in any way can take a lot of trust depending on the person. Additionally… 
*Okay, so here is the part I warned about up top.* She has had far too many friends who have been taken advantage of and abused. There have been several people that she has been close to over the years that have been seriously messed up by their partners. Jade’s smart and she knows it, but she also knows she can be really naive about certain things as well. It’s kind of the cherry on top of all her paranoia.
Okay bad part over
So yeah! This is ridiculously long, but there you go. I feel like it is important to note that Jade does really enjoy being with someone intimately and/or sexually given the chance. It just can take some work getting her out of her shell. It’s something she knows she needs to work on, and would like to. However, she hasn’t really ever had many opportunities to.
Also, her behaviors really only apply to herself for the most part. She might get a little embarrassed by other people talking about their own stuff from time to time, but she actually can get a real kick out of it sometimes as well. Has been known to have lengthy conversations with people about their own preferences, sexual interests, habits, ect. She will even tease other people about it! It’s when it gets flipped back on her somehow that she starts getting worked up. Heck, she is normally fine with people getting her flustered because she *knows* a lot of her own behavior is ridiculous, and that when people pick at her it is usually harmless friend banter.  She also usually knows when people are being truly malicious towards her and WILL defend herself. Don’t think she is a pushover just because she looks like she is an easy target. This girl has some bite alongside that bark.
Anyway, there is probably some more I could add to this but again it is stupid long at this point. I hope this isn’t too confusing and explains a few things.
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arofili · 4 years
Ok I haven't read LACE and I have to ask - what does it say about half-cousin relationships?
[re: something I mentioned at the end of this post in the context of -- what else? -- Russingon]
I first came across this technicality in this essay about elf sex. That author draws this conclusion:
Notes in Morgoth’s Ring imply that, if you were first cousins but your uncle was your father’s half-brother, this abrogated the incest taboo enough that marriage was an option.
For awhile I took that as canon, but recently I went digging into Morgoth’s Ring to see what it had to say for itself, and if that implication was actually true. So here’s what LaCE really has to say about cousin marriages:
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The relevant part, transcribed, reads as follows [emphasis mine]:
For the marriages of the Eldar do not take place between ‘close kin’. This again is a matter in which they needed no law or instruction, but acted by nature, though they gave reasons for it later, declaring that it was due to the nature of bodies and the processes of generation; but also to the nature of fëar. ‘For,’ they said, ‘fëar are also akin, and the motions of love between them, as say between a brother and sister, are not of the same kind as those that make the beginning of marriage.’ By ‘close kin’ for this purpose was meant members of one ‘house’, especially sisters and brothers. None of the Eldar married those in direct line of descent, nor children of the same parents, nor the sister or brother of either of their parents; nor did they wed ‘half-sisters’ or ‘half-brother’. Since as has been shown only in the rarest events did the Eldar have second spouses, half-sister or half-brother had for them a special meaning: they used these terms when both of the parents of one child were related to both of the parents of another, as when two brothers married two sisters of another family, or a sister and a brother of one house married a brother and sister of another: things which often occurred. Otherwise ‘first cousins’, as we should say, might marry, but seldom did so, or desired to do so, unless one of the parents each were far-sundered in kin.
SO this is from Draft A of LACE, and is an in-canon note on the in-canon text (i.e., not a note made by JRRT or Chrissy T, but by some loremaster who was most likely not even an elf). It’s at the very beginning of where Draft A diverges from Draft B, which means Tolkien revised everything that came before BUT did not revise this bit. So: take it with a grain of salt, and of course feel free to disregard it entirely!
It’s really interesting to me here is that since Finwë is pretty much the only elf of note to marry twice, their concept of half-siblings is very different from ours, and that kind of cousin incest is definitely a no-go. But this quote isn’t really about siblings with different mothers; it’s about cousins.
BUT first cousins “might marry” if they’re not considered half-siblings! This doesn’t usually happen, but it’s possible - it might be the kind of thing done primarily for political reasons (like uniting the lines of Indis and Míriel, perhaps?)
The qualification of “unless one of the parents each were far-sundered in kin” is curious also. Would this count for Nerdanel and Anairë’s children if they were both Noldor? (We don’t know anything about Anairë’s origins; I’ve seen fics where she’s a Vanya, though personally I see her as a Noldo.) What if Anairë was a Noldorin noble, but Nerdanel was a common smith? -- they would both be of the same “people” but from different ranks and probably not related to each other. Would Fingon and Maedhros therefore be “far-sundered in kin”? Does the fact that they’re part of that weird exception where even their fathers aren’t wholly related play into it?
With this technicality, I think a case could be made for the Nolofinwëans and Arafinwëans being able to marry, should they wish: even though they are first cousins (and their fathers are full brothers), Eärwen is a Teler and Anairë probably isn’t. That would be “far-sundered,” right?
And if that’s true... then Maeglin and Idril being first cousins wouldn’t really matter, either. Maeglin is half Noldo & Vanya from Aredhel’s side of the family and half either Sinda or Avar from Eöl’s side of the family, depending on your headcanons. The Sindar are definitely “far-sundered” from the Noldor and the Vanyar (they’re sundered from the Falmari, too, just not as far), and if you see Eöl as Avarin, that’s even further.
But in the published Silm, there’s this quote [emphasis mine]:
The Eldar wedded not with kin so near, nor ever before had any desired to do so. And however that might be, Idril loved Maeglin not at all; and knowing his thought of her she loved him the less.
Here this “far-sundered in kin” rule doesn’t apply. By any definition, even if Turgon and Aredhel are siblings, their respective spouses (Elenwë of the Vanyar and Eöl the Dark Elf, whatever you take that to mean) are about as far-sundered as you can get, and still the connection between Turgon and Aredhel is too much.
Maybe this is something Tolkien changed his mind on between writing LaCE and writing this section of what became the published Silm. Or maybe this is an in-universe distinction: the in-universe writer of LaCE is unclear but implied to be a human, not an elf, possible Aelfwine; the writer of the Silm as we see it is Christopher Tolkien’s edits of JRRT’s translation of Bilbo’s translation of Noldorin loremasters, the chief of whom was Pengolodh. It’s complicated.
So it seems that this note may suffer from being part of Draft A of LaCE, i.e. an unrevised section of an esoteric in-universe text that Tolkien probably never really thought would see the light of day. (Plus, he probably didn’t think a bunch of shippers in the year of our lord 2020 would be pouring over his notes this intensely to justify our gay cousin ship.)
Really this asks more questions than it answers. Without any examples for us to fall back on, what does “far-sundered in kin” really mean? Why would Maeglin and Idril not fit into that category? Would Fingon and Maedhros fit into it on account of their mothers, even if both their mothers were Noldor? How does their fathers being half-siblings impact it? Does the fact that Míriel was a Noldo and Indis a Vanya make a difference? And I honestly have no idea what Tolkien thought of same-gender relationships; that’s a whole different topic.
So what does LaCE say about half-cousin relationships? Nothing, really. And what it does say is contradicted elsewhere, and unclear on who in-universe wrote it, and when it comes down to it these are laws and customs not universal truths about elvish biology -- something which I think we as a fandom tend to forget. Mannish prejudices inevitably bleed into our tales of the elves, and really there is no one right way to see this.
This meta is already way longer than I anticipated (and it comes as a fitting sequel to the LaCE meta I wrote last year around this time) so I’m going to end here - but the TL;DR version of it is “LaCE implies that cousins can get married if the non-sibling parents aren’t closely related” and complicating that with the half-cousins situation means that Russingon was probably fine re: the incest taboo - if you take LaCE as canon.
For myself: this does make me feel better about shipping Maedhros and Fingon (and also about shipping Finrod and Turgon!), but even if this technicality didn’t exist I would still encourage everyone to ship what you wanna ship and be nice to each other!
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