rejected3 Β· 2 months
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"Shadow work" page 31 Patreon / linktree :3 πŸ’™
No Caffeine - Marika Hackman
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high-priestess-house Β· 2 months
𝕬 π•²π–šπ–Žπ–‰π–Š 𝖙𝖔 π•Ύπ–π–†π–‰π–”π–œ 𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖐
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Shadow Work is a psychological and spiritual practice that involves exploring the unconscious or hidden parts of oneself, often referred to as the β€œshadow.” This concept, popularized by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, refers to the aspects of our personality that we reject, deny, or are unaware of. These can include repressed emotions, desires, and impulses that we consider unacceptable or undesirable.
The Purpose of Shadow Work
The goal of shadow work is to bring these hidden aspects into the light of consciousness. By acknowledging and integrating these parts, individuals can achieve greater self-awareness, healing, and personal growth. This process can lead to improved relationships, reduced emotional reactivity, and a more balanced, authentic self.
Steps to Begin Shadow Work
Self-Reflection: Start by setting aside time for introspection. Journaling is a powerful tool for this. Write about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, especially those that trigger strong emotional reactions.
Identify Triggers: Pay attention to situations and people that provoke intense emotions or reactions. These triggers often point to unresolved issues or aspects of your shadow self.
Meditation and Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness and meditation to observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment. This can help you become more aware of your inner landscape and the patterns that arise.
Inner Dialogue: Engage in a dialogue with your shadow self. This can be done through journaling or visualization techniques. Ask questions and listen to what your shadow has to say. This helps in understanding its origins and messages.
Seek Guidance: Working with a therapist, counselor, or spiritual guide can provide support and insight. They can help you navigate the deeper aspects of shadow work and offer techniques tailored to your needs.
Creative Expression: Use art, music, or other creative outlets to express and explore your shadow. Creativity can be a safe way to bring unconscious material to the surface.
Incorporating Shadow Work into Spirituality and Witchcraft
1. Rituals and Ceremonies:
Moon Phases: The waning moon is an excellent time for shadow work, as it symbolizes release and letting go. Create a ritual where you write down aspects of your shadow you wish to address and burn the paper as an act of transformation.
Samhain: This Sabbat festival, marks a time when the veil between worlds is thin. It’s an ideal period for introspection and shadow work. Set up an altar with symbols representing your shadow aspects and meditate on them.
2. Divination:
Tarot and Oracle Cards: Use these tools to gain insights into your shadow self. Draw cards with the intention of uncovering hidden aspects or issues that need attention.
Scrying: Practice scrying with a mirror or a bowl of water to tap into your subconscious mind. This can reveal images or messages related to your shadow.
3. Spellwork:
Protection and Grounding: Perform spells for protection and grounding before engaging in deep shadow work. This ensures you are energetically protected and stable.
Shadow Integration Spells: Create spells designed to help you integrate your shadow aspects. This can involve using herbs, crystals, and symbols associated with healing and balance.
4. Journaling and Grimoire:
Keep a dedicated shadow work journal or section in your grimoire. Document your experiences, insights, and progress. This not only tracks your journey but also provides a reference for future work.
5. Working with Deities and Spirits:
Dark Goddesses: Invoke goddesses such as Hecate, Lilith, or the Morrigan, who are associated with the shadow and transformation. Ask for their guidance and support in your shadow work.
Spirit Guides and Ancestors: Call upon your spirit guides or ancestors for assistance. They can offer wisdom and protection as you navigate your shadow.
Benefits of Shadow Work in Spiritual Practice
Enhanced Self-Awareness: Understanding your shadow leads to a deeper awareness of your true self, fostering spiritual growth.
Emotional Healing: By addressing repressed emotions and traumas, shadow work promotes healing and emotional well-being.
Greater Empathy and Compassion: Integrating your shadow helps you become more empathetic and compassionate towards others, as you recognize similar struggles in them.
Empowerment and Authenticity: Embracing all parts of yourself, including the shadow, empowers you to live more authentically and confidently.
Shadow work is a profound journey of self-discovery and healing. By courageously facing and integrating the hidden aspects of yourself, you can achieve greater harmony and balance in your life. Incorporating shadow work into your spiritual and witchcraft practices can deepen your connection to yourself and the spiritual realm, fostering a richer, more authentic experience.
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moooncats Β· 8 months
✿ Pick A Card ✿
✿ What Does Your Inner Child Think Of You? ✿
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✿ Pile 1 : Imagination , Chakra Clearing. ✿
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Wow! This Pile so far is one of my favorites right off the back. Like seriously I RARELY ever pull out this elusive card and right off the bat.... blam! Haha what incredible energy we have here. So I'm hearing that your inner child is so stinking happy of the person that you've become. They love how you revel in the wondrous, mysterious, most beauteous power of your imagination, and let it whisk you away on a right-brained roomp through all things nonsensical, Suess plays Wonka style. To them, you're an off road adventurer, playing in the upside- down, glow-in-the-dark woods of posibility. There is no "no" here. Only "whoa!". And "flow". And "Holy moly, here we go!". (Hmmm maybe there was something in your brownies? c; ). Your inner child feels heard from you and is attentively hanging out with you feeling affirmed by every journey you set out to. I'm hearing "Your the best friend I could ever ask for." Omg pile 1 this is so effing sweet like seriously, they think you're such a cool, magical person. They wouldn't have it any other way! (:
✿ Advice From Your Inner Child ✿
Chakra Cleansing: Archangel Metatron: "Call upon me to clear and open your chakra's, using sacred geometric shapes. Your inner child want's to make sure that you are taking care of yourself and not over extending your energy β™‘. Please make sure to cleanse your aura every once in a while. You can take a bath with essential oils, sage/paulo santo's your body and area, or do a salt water cleanse in a lake or beach. The water can be very cleansing and healing. As a native from Hawaii the beach would be my go to cleanse preference. (βœΏβ— β€Ώβ— ) 🌊
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✿ Pile 2 : Open Heartedness , Prioritize ✿
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Wow pile 2 lemme give you a hug okay? πŸ«‚ Seriously, you have been through some stuff. I'm picking up on heavy energy here. Your inner child is amazed at how unjaded you are. They have seen you go through some people who were absolute bummers. Did that experience make you salty in any way? Heck no. They see you as a strong warriror who always chooses to not let unhappy chapters make you into a monster. They appreciate that so much. If you let negative experiences turn you sour, then the jerks and bully's win. So you move on with an open and hopeful heart, if only because you hate losing to jerks. Pile 2 you are winners. πŸ†πŸ’— You kill people with kindness and don't let their bad energies mix in with your pure and thoughtful heart. Your inner child is so sweet, they tell me that they give you hugs and love that you are the person they have become. I'm hearing "We are misunderstood and not everyone will get us, but our hearts are always pure".
✿ Advice From Your Inner Child ✿
Prioritize: Archangel Metatron : "Focus on your highest priorities. I will help you get orginized and motivated". Pile 2, your inner child is amazed at how many ideas that you get from time to time. However, they want you to manifest your thoughts from the 4D and materialize them into the 3D. Proper planning and prioritzing will help you with that. Take out a sheet of paper, and start writing your goals, plans, anything that has to do with your future. They want to make sure that you at least have them written, so you can start "scripting" your dream life. If you don't know what scripting is, it's a form of manifestation that helps you with your ideal dream life. Try it out, it's free and does wonders. Your inner child wants to help you realize your power. I'm hearing your quite popular in the dream realm, you may have astral traveled before or have been looking into it. This is your sign to continue on that path. Congratulations pile 2! This is so far the longest pile that I've done so far. So many messages! Κ•οΏ«α΄₯οΏ©Κ” β™‘
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✿ Pile 3 : Honouring Ideas , Clear Intentions ✿
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Interesting indeed. This pile I'm hearing unlike pile 2, you are the type to go for your goals. Your Inner child is quite impressed with you! They love how many silly, serious, & whack a doodle ideas you come up with! Lmao, I'm hearing a specific scenario for every event in your life. What an amazing brain you have. This is my pile who always has their head stuck in a book, ears listening to a podcast, and an head full of wonder and ideas. When an idea comes to you, you honor it by doing your best to bringing it into being. You are a master manifestor. Ideas to you, are like children, and you proudly nuture them, knowing they'll grow and develop, and eventually make their way out into the world without ever really acknowledging how much time/money/love you shelled out for them. This is my piles who may be entrepreneurs. Seriously keep that ish up, you are definitely trend setters! Your inner child loves how smart and buisness minded you are. They are definitely proud of the person that you are and have become. (. ❛ α΄— ❛.) β™‘
✿ Advice From Your Inner Child ✿
Crystal Clear Intentions: Archangel Michael : "Be clear about what you desire, and focus on in with unwavering faith". Pile 3, I'm hearing that any idea you have will be brought into fruition. How lucky! The gods are definitely in your favor when in comes to Manifesting. Please do not stop dreaming, all your dreams will surely come true with the right intentions. 🌌☁️✨️
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artofmaquenda Β· 1 year
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Back home from my mom again. It was so good, and she always accepts and loves me in whatever state of being I am and I'm grateful for that. We share a lot of similarities and with her longer life experiences she can tell me it is going to be OK.
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moonhedgegarden Β· 10 months
Shadow Work Questions for BIPOC
✨How have societal expectations and stereotypes influenced your self-perception?
✨ In what ways have you internalized historical or systemic injustices, and how does it manifest in your daily life?
✨ Are there aspects of your identity or experiences that you may be avoiding or suppressing?
✨ How has the concept of β€œrespectability politics” shaped your behavior and choices?
✨ Reflect on instances where you may have internalized prejudices or biases. How do they impact your relationships and worldview?
✨ How do you navigate code-switching, and what impact does it have on your authenticity?
✨ Consider experiences of intergenerational trauma within your family. What are its influences on your beliefs and behaviors?
✨ Reflect on any internalized messages about success, worth, and beauty. How do they shape your goals and self-esteem.
✨ Are there parts of your heritage or cultural identity that you may have neglected or rejected? Why?
✨ How do you handle and express anger, particularly in response to systemic issues or personal challenges?
β€œI am powerful. I am valuable. I am a force for positive change.”
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socialdragonflytarot27 Β· 16 days
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yayy first legitimate artwork in 2 years B) sudden motivation spike
hab einen neuen coloring style ausprobiert….. idk. but here is stinky boy
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casualwitchbitch Β· 1 year
Shadow work ALWAYS comes before ritual work. Like, it’s all very well to do a spell for anxiety, but where is that anxiety coming from? Is it straight up fear? Unresolved trauma? Is your nervous system fucked? Is it a mental disorder? Is it generalised or specific? Are your hormones all over the place? Is someone in your life just being a dick? Without doing the work to find the root cause, you can’t know where to point your ritual compass, ya know? Do the shadow work, THEN do the ritual.
Important side note: not everyone is in the right place/time to do shadow work. It can be a lot. Make sure you have the right support (professional if needed!) if you’re gonna do it. πŸ–€
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nyx-rgbb Β· 6 months
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isleep-ingraves Β· 2 years
Hey, uh, shadow work community, could I get some advice?
I've been doing more shadow work as a part of my journaling for therapy. My goal for starting therapy again was to work on healing the trauma I have never properly addressed.
It's been really good and really healing.
My question though, is how do you remain kind and gentle to yourself during this process?
I feel like I'm sort of in the, "it's me, hi, I'm the problem," phase. And I had a very large and intense reflective realization today.
With this has ushered in a bit of self hatred.
I want this to be useful and productive, and I know it won't be if I don't find a way to be kinder to myself through this.
Do y'all have any thoughts/ideas/etc?
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ritamaryley Β· 4 months
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rejected3 Β· 4 months
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"Shadow work" page 29 Patreon / linktree ;>
🎡 Big black - Texas
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thescorpionmonarch Β· 1 year
Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces today.
Time to review what you have learned so far.
The lessons shouldn't feel so heavy now. Mind of a relief. Just dotting your i's and crossing your t's. Filling in info gaps you missed in the past few months.
The better you fulfill the lessons, the better you deal with saturn when it comes out of retrograde.
This is a great time to review old lessons on psychology, mental health, spirituality, old karma, intuition, any dreams you have had and keep going back to, sleep patterns, hidden/private info about yourself, shadow work, psychoanalysis of the subconcious, enlightenment, and transformation.
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thatkholofelo Β· 1 year
Begin again.
And again, and again.
Starting again means learning again; healing again. It’s a chance to get it rightβ€”again.
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moonhedgegarden Β· 10 months
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socialdragonflytarot27 Β· 14 days
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