#shake is 22
void-dude · 5 months
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Oopsie baby!
Shake just woke up, beer in hand smh
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*throws violently* happy K anniversary to my favorite game that hasn't come out yet!
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I loved the ambiguous ending of the Magnus Archives, but I think if they were going to take that ambiguity, this was the BEST way to do it.
We aren’t simply getting Jon and Martin back — no.
This is a situation where we don’t just get them back, alive and well, rather we are forced to watch — because we can only ever watch — as characters we’ve come to understand so deeply, are stripped away of any semblance are form, in a state between death and life, and an agonising state at that. The buildup in this case to the pure existential dread of these semi-aware people, assuming the case was about the JMJ trio, has genuinely made it one of my favourite cases.
They’re still ambiguous, just not in the same way, and it’s so chilling.
And Jon has certainly not lost the tragedy of dying a mystery, because that’s what he is now: a mystery to be investigated by our new cast. If anything it’s worse that he’s being investigated now, because that’s the exact thing he wanted to avoid in episode 39 of TMA.
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neominthe · 10 months
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Oh well, look who's (briefly) back to post future! Luffy from my fic! Don't ask me what happened to his chinelo (and straw hat)
da fic is here
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chaosgenasi · 2 years
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He was threatening me! Thinks I'm Delilah! No, that's how Ashton makes friends. They're very friendly.
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royalarchivist · 4 months
Pac: It's very powerful, very powerful, it's a bad ending, clearly the bad ending. Oh damn, it hurts.
[Reading chat] "Romeo and Juliet" What do you mean? How does– how does this story have a reference to Romeo and Juliet? Of all the references... AH, I understand, it's true, Romeo and Juliet, they both died, right? I don't know if it's a spoiler. Well, I think everyone has heard of this story, right? Wait, but did Fit die?! Fit died??? [Reading chat] "Spoiler from 300 years ago–" I'm going to release a spoiler for a book from 436 years ago.
[Reading chat] "We don't know" Ok, I understand, I understand. Is this "We don't know" because you really don't know, or because you want to avoid saying something to me that you know, but you know that I can't know? [Laughs] There's always this doubt. I've spent a year with this QSMP metagaming, so I don't know.
Several times I asked you some questions and you said, "We don't know, we don't know," and I said, "Yes, they know. They just want to tell me because I can't know." Tomorrow… Will we find out tomorrow? Maybe I'll find out together with you. That's a lie, I'll never do that. So tomorrow… Tomorrow…
Will FitMC's story maybe come to an end? Hmm.... How crazy, huh? Will we find out about his boss? That cat? He was good, he was good, I can say that I knew him, he was good. Is it tomorrow or not? But no, you're saying it is tomorrow, I'm trusting you.
[Reading chat] "Fit will log in tomorrow and discover that Pac died and will die of sadness." He'll be joyful! I'm kidding—
(Art by @ Rhiaarrow on Twitter. Thank you again to sebbs12 for the Translation help!)
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sunviex · 5 months
onodera ritsu. THEEE ONODERA RITSU. CONFESSED????? i fear this may just bring me back & i can proudly say i’ve lived long enough to see ritsu confessed holy shit oh HOLY SHIT
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tiktaalic · 1 year
God . Remember how you were on your like 4th week straight of doomscrolling till 2 am and also you were so afraid of the virus that was killing people badly and you weren’t quite sure how many precautions were Enough precautions besides staying in your house being foolproof. So you just hadn’t left your house in motnhs . And In the midst of this ongoing chemical reaction in your head called the worst year of your life in years. Dean winchester I’m in love with you and want to fuck you in the ass
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starliight-whump · 1 month
Augustofwhump day 22: stitches / robbery / insects
James is forced to stitch the cuts on his own again, but the extent of the damage yo his hands is starting to become apparent.
contains: aftermath of torture, stitching of wounds, nerve damage.
“Come on, James. You really should do it. You're better at this than me, it’s part of your job, after all.” Harrison smirked and leaned back in his chair as he watched him.
This was very different from his job, much more difficult than his job but James didn't argue, instead he looked down at the needle. All the pain, especially the stinging pain from the fresh cuts made it incredibly hard to focus, James really wanted to just pass out so he didn't have to feel all of it. With a shaky breath James tried to pick up the needle but his hands trembled so badly that it was really difficult, and the partial numbness in his fingers didn't help. James let out a frustrated groan and tried again. Eventually he managed to get the needle up but that was just the first part, no matter how hard he tried to keep his hands steady they just wouldn't stop shaking. Even though he had noticed it before James hadn't realized just how serious it was and that caused a sinking feeling to settle heavily in his chest.
“I- I can't do it.” James stammered with tears in his eyes, afraid that it would make Harrison angry. His captor often didn't take kindly to not doing as he was told.
Harrison rolled his eyes. “Just calm down, take a few deep breaths and try to get your hands to stop shaking.
James shook his head. If only it was that easy… It wouldn't have been the first time his hands were shaking from fear, but that wasn't what this was; James knew that. The numbness and that prickling in his fingers that wouldn't go away proved as much. It wasn't something he wanted to tell Harrison, but lying would be worse. “It's not that, I-... Something’s wrong.”
Realization seemed to flicker in Harrison’s eyes and a smirk settled in his lips. “Oh, is it? Well, I guess I’ll have to do it, and then we’ll examine this further.” James hated how pleased Harrison sounded and all he could do was to look away and try not to scream at the pain as Harrison dug the needle into his skin and stitched the cut together.
taglist: @augustofwhump, @darkredrevolution, @uvanuva
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bugmistake · 4 months
sometimes its so crazy to realize that there's actually a lot of things i like. that i thought i didn't like because i was a depressed teenager. i love being outside! i love swimming! i love talking to people! even strangers sometimes! i love getting dressed in fun outfits and doing makeup! i love reading and going to art museums! i just thought i was doomed forever to a life of complete and total apathy and void! and now look at me! still a little shaky but i'm doing it!!!!!
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x-birdsong-x · 11 months
overly specific house dog au headcanons? spill some?
I can try and fit in one post everyone I've settled completely on so far, and also be obnoxious about dog breeds. fun
I've also bothered @greghatecrimes with a lot of these so very big thanks to them for helping me settle on breeds for everyone <3
It's when I've settled on a "base breed" with dogs that sometimes things just go crazy and go from there
Start with the most overly unnecessarily detailed one here you go:
Adams is the oddest most fantasy mixed breed of ALL fucking time her parents are one Belgian Tervuren and one Borzoi x Ibizan Hound and she appeared so much Tervuren that it’s just possible to miss that she’s got any sighthound(s) in her.
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Editing to go even more in-detail with this one because my girl deserves it: She ends up looking somewhere between these two:
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She’s very pointy and very leggy but she is very long-furred and that's where the mistakes come from. She moves mostly with the gaits of her sighthound sides which the others find is an easy way to make her bristle. She’s prancing across the room and Chase says you move like a sighthound and she says no I don’t (yes she does)
Park is a Silken Windsprite:
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Probably struggles in snow and sometimes has to jump and jump to get through it when it's really deep but Adams mumbles that it’s cute and that's Fight invitation. Park brings up that Adams gets snowballs stuck on her and that it takes hours to melt out of her fur. ("Fuck you!" - "Do it yourself!") It's probably fair to say she has some little dog syndrome.
Chase is an Australian Shepherd. House probably used to make comments about he and Cameron both being Merle:
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Cameron is this specific Border Collie (but with blue eyes, ofc):
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Probably does the Collie Crouch sometimes. Absolutely does the Collie Stare, and that would come into House's "you can't actually pierce me with your eyes" moments.
Foreman is a Central Asian Shepherd:
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For a slight visual similarity to how I imagine post-Lockdown Angst Cameron might feel meeting Masters, Masters is a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever:
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Probably has what I call in the groomers "Smart Breed Anxiety" along with her autism swag. Dogs who listen to and seem to understand every word you say and if you're telling someone or another pet off for anything, they assume they're the one you're talking to and give all their guilty looks. Also using my Bluebear as reference with that visual.
Thirteen is this Utonagan!!! No other visual!!! Have such a canine visual of The Dig it's insane.
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Wilson of course took Golden Retriever. Definitely one of the larger/silkier ones. Show-type. He'd definitely be a dark gold but this is the best pic I have for how I picture him -color:
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House is a Scottish Deerhound, mixed with what? He doesn't know. Wants to know. Very easy to miss that he's a cross:
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(Little Rachel rode on his back for a bit once.)
Speaking of, Rachel is a little pupper Sheltie (Natalie) x English Shepherd (Simon) but she barely shows any Shep traits when it comes to looks:
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Rachel's a mini-me of her mama, Cuddy took Rough Collie:
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Kutner is a Springer Spaniel x Large Münsterländer, leaning more looks-wise toward the latter and leaning energy-level toward the former:
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Taub is a Beagle, Chihuahuas are just too small for one of the main characters in my little visual I'm afraid (and I forgot Smooth Fox Terriers existed):
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Rachel is a long-haired Dachshund, and Ruby is a show-type English Cocker Spaniel, so Sophie and Sophia are those crosses respectively. Click on the Spaniel to see the full pic.
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Amber takes (Red) Siberian Husky:
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She's quite thick-coated but she doesn't fall under "Woolly Husky" coat type.
Red (Irish) Setter Stacy:
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Plott Hound Mark:
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Dominika... So This dog is obviously a Belgian Malinois maybe crossed with something fluffier (unless the listing change from Mali to Terv is accurate, then she's just Small) but she looks exactly like this:
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Saluki Lydia:
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Belgian Malinois Alvie:
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Lucas is just straight-up a Coyote. It just fits him too well. He gets a Coyote-themed name in the WC AU, and gets to be a Coyote when I think about canines:
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Beauceron Nolan. Can't see him as something as round and soft as Newfies but also can't see him as a bully-type:
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thirteenemeraldcats · 4 months
because he had no say in it (no say in it at all), and #18!
from this wip ask game!
okie dokie, 'because he had no say in it (no say in it at all)' is the basically-finished-just-needs-an-edit-swipe wip that i said i would publish next (AND I WILL, though it's taken me longer than i intended [WHOOPS]) that's basically about roy realising he's loved and that he loves jamie in turn. it's sweet, jamie's sweet, mini-marshmallows are sweet! i've posted snips before here but please take another!
Sometimes Roy thinks about the first time he met Jamie. Properly met him. He’d encountered him before sure, as just another fresh-faced-little-fuck on an opposing line up, appearing out of the depths of the sport’s youth academies, come to make Roy feel like a decrepit fucking dinosaur. But the first time he’d met Jamie had been at Richmond.  The lad had introduced himself to Roy, made some crack about both of them being stuck together in the ass end of football-nowhere. With his hair gelled up in some ridiculous peacock style, smirk firmly in place and stupidly-tattooed arm propped on his hip, Roy had written him off as an arrogant man-child without hesitation.
OH HEY SPEAKING OF SWEET! #18 is very much vibes with notes; it's about roy-as-manager dragging the team to phoebe's school for *somethingsomethingsomething*. scenario notes include moe testing the kids' cognitive development stages through a series of psychological based experiments tests, richard discovering he has no ambitions to have children, colin panicking, sam and dani being sam and dani, isaac having an earnest discussion with a kid reading with colour overlays and in turn realising he's almost definitely got undiagnosed dyslexia, jamie encountering a kid with a secondhand faded uniform and bruises on his face and leaping to (incorrect) conclusions, and phoebe being weirdly profound and breaking roy's brain.
i just have a lot of emotions about the team :)
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its-my-whump · 4 months
Medwhump May- Day 22 Alt 12
Tw: absolutely no medical accuracy, sorry, unconsiousness, shivering
Part 22 (all others here)
With her last effort, her fingers curled around the call botton and her thumb pressed it down hardly enough, before she slipped into unconsciousness.
A nurse came strolling into the room. When she saw the mess on the bed and machines going haywire, she hit her fist against the emergency button on the wall behind the bed.
While rounding the ladys bed, she yelled for more assistance. Her left hand went for the box on the wall, while she felt for a pulse against the unconsious woman's neck. It was there and it was steady. She put on the blue latex gloves and gently lifted thed lady's head out of the puddle of liquidy vomit. Her face was covered in it too, there was something against or even in her nasal cannula. The blond nurse just pulled the tube from under her nose, while positioning her dangling head on the cushion.
The half opened door was push further, so it bumped into the wall. 2 more nurses, one male, one female and a lady doctor on sight all of a sudden.
The doctor pulled the stethoscope from her neck and got the teinted hospital gown out of the way. The lady stired that exact moment, she was coming around. Her eyes fluttered, but instead of opening them, her body began to shiver. Slight moans left her bloodless, wet lips. Her body began to shake uncontrollably, hands and feet were trembing violently. All hands were on her body instandly. The female doctor was trying to talk to her patient, but the lady was way too out of it, to even recognise, what was going on at all.
"Get me a sedative." The doctor pierced her male colleague with her eyes. It was nothing personal, just her concerns for this particular patient, that kept spiraling down more and more.
His gloved hands left the shaking body and he made 2 brisk steps towards the cupboards by the wall. A drawer flew open and a few seconds later, he filled a syringe from a glass viol, he was holding upside down. He was back another moment later and pushed the plunger of said syringe, emptying the contense into the little thrembling lady's IV line.
The shaking slowed down almost on the spot. Her eyes opened for a brief moment in a visible state of shock and confusion. Then they suddenly rolled back, that only the white was seen and the fragile body fell deadly still under all their hands.
He threw the empty syringe on the floor and took a gentle, but firm hold of her shivering shoulders again.
The lady doctor, the stethoscope was still in her ears, hanging down in front of her chest, lifted the chestpiece and took a listen to her heart and lungs.
The first nurse disconnected the cannula from the wall and exchanges it with a new one, which she hung at a hook on the wall for now. The old flexible hose went into the trash bin.
The male nurse got a wet cloth and was already wiping the lady's vomit covered face.
The female doctor instructed the second female nurse to administer more medication. The woman's vitals were stable, her breathing swallow, but her o2 stats didn't drop to a critical level.
The doctor and the first nurse rolled the unconscious naked body to the side, while the other two exchange the bedsheets, pillow case and cover of the blanket.
The lady was rolled back onto clean sheets and put into a new hospitalgown.
The new nasal cannula set in place under her nose and sneaked around her ears. She was even paler than before, but she was stable and sedated for the time being
My masterlist
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charrfie · 4 months
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sleepy-stitches · 8 months
omg please post about your sdv co-op i love hearing about them
(i am currently going through my first solo playthrough and i like to pretend my mutuals farmfarm is a distant neighbour i occasionally hear about, would love to incorporate your shenanigans into my delusions)
fuck everything that was here before i wrong like a long post but we have been on the grind to try and get the entire community centre done in year one and we have been cutting it CLOSE desperately trying to find red cabbage seeds before they appear at pierres in year two. we just found them at the traveling cart on the day that we got married happy pride <3
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