#shart x reader
sorcerous-caress · 10 months
Taking you as their fake date to an event
[Fluff, suggustive, romance, humour, fake dating, nb!reader]
[Wyll, Gale, Shadowheart, Karlach, Rolan]
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In the aftermath of clearing the misunderstanding with his father, Wyll found himself back at the centre of attention in Baldur's Gate's circle of nobles. Everyone wanted to meet the famed blade of frontiers, for the last time they saw him was years ago before he fully matured into the man he is today.
Letter after letter were delivered to your camp. Carrier pigeons barely escaped Tara's claws as they dropped the mail on Wyll's tent and left with most of their feathers intact.
Being the son of the grand duke of Baldur's Gate turned all the heads of any sane noble with a marriage allegeable offspring. Invitation for tea parties, hunting competitions, and even balls for the sole purpose of meeting other people. Wyll's hand was slowly going numb from having to write back formal polite declining letters.
If only there was a way to stop them from the source. He'd sigh and vent to his closest of companions. But Karlach wasn't available at the moment, so he had to make do with the vampire.
"Why not just tell them you've already tied the knot with someone or whatever you humans call it?"
For once, Wyll actually considered listening to the fanged devil on his shoulder.
He approached that topic as delicately as he could when it came to convincing you, inviting you to dinner at a restaurant, waiting until after you're both filled and the lighthearted conversation slowed to bring it up.
"My friend, if I may, there is something I could use a helping hand with."
To his relief, you don't seem uncomfortable to his proposal. If anything, you nonchalantly agreed to be his fake date to the upcoming celebration.
He thanks you with a polite smile, yet for some, his heart beat faster when he pictures you holding onto his arm amongst the crowd. Your formal attire matching his suit. The fact he'd get to call you his fiancé for an evening sends an unexpected heat up to his face.
Tara wakes him up with delight in her eyes one morning, her sing song tone of his last name is more chipper than usual.
"Mr.Dekarios, yoohoo~" she licks his face to get his sleepy eyes to focus on her, "Ms.Dekarios sends her regards, along with a mandatory summon invitation for you this weekend." Tara brings her paw up to her face, cleaning the fur and making herself even more presentable.
Before Gale gets a word in, he is interrupted by a paw smacking against his lips.
"Now now, you wouldn't break the heart of your poor old mother by rejecting her invitation when you haven't seen her in years, would you?" The soft beans against Gale's mouth hold the threat of sharp claws underneath.
Defeated and outsmarted first thing in the morning, the wizard reluctantly nods with a sight.
Deep down, he know this day would eventually come. He couldn't hide the orb and the looming threat over his life from his own mother forever, no matter how he naively hoped to find a cure before having to face her. Coming back to announce you've foolishly consumed untamed magic of chaos isn't the most popular mother's day gift.
But maybe, just maybe he doesn't have to let her know yet. If he could find a distraction.
And lucky for him, the perfect distraction was currently standing outside his open tent, rubbing Tara's belly as she purrs and leans into their arms more.
He devised a plan, a great list of excuses and reasons to sell you the idea of why you should go along with his plan of deception, even prepared a bribe if push came to shove.
Well, two bribes, actually. The first one was the massive breakfast prepared and catered specifically for your taste.
Scurrying to sit in the chair next to you before Halsin could, Gale ignored the cofused look the druid gave him before sitting down at another chair.
Either he was too easy to read, or you've picked up on his pattern of gifts and act of service whenever he has a request. Because he only had to hint at the upcoming home visit before you Blatantly stated that you're willing to go as his date.
"Well...this was certainly much easier than I expected. In fact I've deviced a much more elaborate argument and explanation for when you'd initially refuse."
"Why would I ever refuse Gale?"
You gently caressed the side of his face, wiping a small crumb of bread away from his lips before taking your hand back.
"I...well, uhm. You." With a flustered look, Gale wasn't sure how to respond. Did he remember to comb his morning hair? Oh god, wait, is he still in his pyjamas? Does he even look half presentable right now?
A Selunite introduction party, as her parents explained. She never had the afterparty of her ceremony after the woods passage trial, and her mother really wanted her to see her adorned in the moon maiden silvery dress and white flowers.
How could she say no? Shadowheart only wished for both of their happiness, to make up for lost time as much as she could.
While her father never pressured her, knowing he still has plenty of time with her, her mother wasn't offered the same courtsy by life. So he encouraged Shadowheart to bring someone dear to her maybe, just to reassure her mother that she has a loved one, you know how humans tend to get about finding your soulmate and all of that.
But she felt lost. Was there really someone she could call a soulmate?
Your words echo in her mind, how you gently persuaded her into lowering her weapon. The night orchid you've given her is still kept safely in her journal, tucked away between the soft pages to preserve the petals forever.
What if you don't share her feelings? What if she is just another lost soul that has grown attached to you after you saved them. Afterall, you did end up risking blowing your cover when saving that drow women at moonrise tower.
Minthara's respect for you was nothing to scoff at. What's a cleric's faith when compared to a paladin's devotion?
Yet she still took a chance, a leap of faith for you.
One night before the two of you retreated to your own beds, she stopped you for a short conversation. Reluctance in her voice as she lowered her face and looked up at you, eyes glistening under the moonlight.
She explained her situation, her party for her coming of age ceremony that was long postponed, how she wished for you to accompany her as her date.
"Please, indulge me this once. And we can pretend it never happened afterwards...if that's what you wish." The words pained her to say, but the relief that followed at your acceptance made all the pain worth it.
She isn't sure where your heart lays, but for a day, it will be hers. Her faith will guide her, the faith that maybe one day, you too will return her feelings.
She was nervously walking back and forth outside your tent just after dinner, unsure of how to approach you or even mention the topic.
Her tail aggiated and is switching between curling around her leg and lashing at the ground below. Karlach didn't bury her emotions as the engine in her chest glowed more and more, matching the redness of the sunset in the horizon.
Really, what was she thinking? Agreeing to the double date her friends offered her. She was too excited at having finally met more people from her past, ones that didn't stab her in the back, and one thing led to another.
It's not that she ment to lie to her friends...it was just hard to tell them that even after all these years, she still doesn't have someone to call her own. It felt embarrassing to admit how alone she was, how touch starved and repressed she felt.
Not to mention how every single one of her friends had already found someone. Most of them were married and the other half on their way to get married.
She didn't think they'd make a big deal out of it when she off-handedly mentioned that she was seeing someone, a simple white lie with no harm done. She thought they'd just be happy for her and move on.
But no, instead, it was as if she grew a second head right then and there. Everyone was so excited to meet her so-called partner.
And so she found herself like this, strolling around your tent like a loser, attempting to muster up the dignity to ask you to pretend to be her partner for tomorrow.
Only when bumped into something and lost her balance did she realise who stood in front of her.
Karlach's body pinned you to the ground with ease, even unintentionally her muscles could easily cage you on. Her skin hot against yours, she lifted her head and your faces were mere inches apart.
You didn't miss the way her eyes glances at your lips, the way her cheeks darkned when you licked them. The heacy of swallow afterwards before her lips twitched into a polite smile.
With a quick apology, she helped you up.
"Say soldier, have you ever played pretend before? You know that game that kids play." Very smooth Karlach, she thought to herself. "Uh...do you think the two of us can maybe play it tomorrow? Haha...ha."
You asked what she meant.
"I kinda of...well, I told my friends that I was already seeing someone so. Could you be that person? I'll pay you back tenfolds, I promise."
"Of course Karlach, anything you want." Accepting the awkward fistbump she offered you, in return you gave her a hug that lingered for more time than it should.
"Cool cool, great. I'll pick you up tomorrow?" Her tail was swishing excitedly behind her, a confident smile on her face as bright as the sun.
He will show them, he thought, he will show his spoiled bratty siblings that he isn't as uptight and "scares away all suitors" as they claimed!
I mean, have you seen him? He is a very talented and capable wizard, how is it his fault that other people are far too dim and slow to realise how much of a catch he is, how his talent more than makes up for his sometimes bitter personality.
Lia was bragging again about the cute bard she managed to ask out, her third date this week. Rolan swears she is mentioning within earshot if him intentionally, hell even Cal gets the occasional longing stares at any tavren they go to.
Rolan isn't less than them and he will prove it. He just well...hasn't put himself out there yet, so what if he has zero experience with dating and romance? He is a fast learner, he is very confident in his ability to become an excellent lover in to time.
A day goes by, then two and three. Suddenly it's been a full week and he haven't had a speck of luck when it came to romancing someone. It's almost as if any person he approaches immediately loses interest the second he opens his mouth.
He is getting desperate, he can't let Lia know about this. She will never ever let him live it down.
So when you find him in the elfsong tavren, sitting alone on a table nursing on his drink with his tail curled around his leg. You stare at him long enough to catch his interest.
He recognises you immediately, you could see the cogs turning in his alcohol clouded mind.
"You, come here." He yells the order across the tavren, catching himself afterwards and clearing his thraot to lessen the embarrassment of the situation. Still his eyes begged you to approch him.
And you did, walking to his table and sitting down. After all your companions were still sleeping upstairs so what's the harm in indulging one drunk grumpy tiefling when you were supposed to be on a supply run.
Rolan orders you a drink too, his treats, he says without meeting your eyes.
And just as you take a sip, he lays it on you bluntly.
"From now on, I'm your boyfriend."
You choke on your drink, it takes him a moment to register the way he phrased his question.
Clearing his throat again, he refuses to meet your eyes as a blush colours his cheek. "No not like this, don't get the wrong idea."
Now you're sitting there, confused as the waiter brings you a towel to wipe down the drink you spilled on yourself. You thank them and take it, giving Rolan enough time to attempt to compose himself.
"I know i haven't made the best of impressions on you." He finally speaks up, "but I need you." His voice is more honest, a hint of vulnerability, "your help I mean. Lia and Cal, I want to prove them wrong."
His glossy eyes meet yours, the alcohol loosened his tongue.
"I'm not unlovable." He whipsers, "I'm not going to beg for a chance, I just need your cooperation for a day or two, just to shut them up."
Your hand goes above the table, wrapping around his own fist softly. "I understand, it's okay." You give it a light squeeze, "you don't have to explain yourself."
Somehow, your few words helped relieve his heart from its burden more than this whole night of drinking ever could.
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xxhexwolfxx · 6 months
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A/N: I just wanted to do some of the girlies from BG3! It’s a bit short but hopefully you guys enjoy! <3
DISCLAIMER: None of these are connected! I just write down what I think. :]
CHARACTERS: Shadowheart, Lae’zel, and Karlach
She loves to just sit down and drink a bottle of wine with you. It doesn’t even have to be expensive. As long as it’s with you she doesn’t mind.
She likes to go out on night walks with you. Sometimes pointing out different flowers.
Anytime you get hurt, she scolds you as she patches you up. No matter what happened, she’ll help you.
She likes to braid your hair! It’s not unusual to see you guys have matching hair.
She may not have a lot of memories but she doesn’t think about about it when she’s making memories with you.
She often prays for your safety to her goddess. Doesn’t matter if it’s Shar or Selûne, she’s praying.
She helps put up your hair (if it’s long enough) before you guys head out. Just in case you guys get into battle.
She likes to spar with you to help you learn more moves to fight. It usually ends up with you two cuddling.
She improves your weapons without being asked. Need your sword sharpened? Done. Need your bow fixed? Done. Need your clothes fixed? Done.
She likes doing warpaint with you. She’s gentle as her fingers glide along your skin with paint.
She loves cuddling with you. After a rough day or a day where she almost loses you, she seeks you out at night to cuddle.
She tells you different stories about her childhood. Sometimes they’re grim and sometimes they horrify you but you love hearing about them.
She is extremely touched starved. Once she’s able to touch you, she won’t let you go. She is constantly touching you.
If you have a nightmare, she’ll let you lay snug in her arms. She’ll talk softly to you as you slowly fall asleep.
She wraps her tail around you all the time. Anytime she’s jealous or if you’re too far for her comfort, she’ll pull you closer with her tail.
She always has to move around. If she’s right next to you then she’ll play with your hair or while holding your hand she’ll play with your fingers.
Sometimes takes your hits in the middle of battles. She’s strong and it only fuels her knowing you’re okay.
Makes up little nicknames for you when she’s feel playful. It could be the most ridiculous or the most sweetest nicknames ever.
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shrieksatmidnight · 10 months
Don’t you be judging me Shart
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Aaaand the disapproval intensifies on my iPad
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magewisdumb · 8 months
Penance | Shadowheart x Durge |SMUT|
TW: Whipping, Bondage, Dacryphilia (somewhat)
Spoilers for Durge Storyline and ACT 3
HONORABLE MENTIONS: @nyctophiliq @bubblecat1616 @shartstan97 pinging for my shadowheart enjoying mutuals!
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"Are you sure this is something you want? Will this really help with your urges?" Shadowheart's lips spill words of caution against your ear as she finishes with the bindings tying your wrists together. You can hear her steps as she maneuvers herself to be in your field of vision, her eyes locking on to yours for assurance if this is truly what you want. You meet her cautious gaze with your own desperate one, heat already pooling between your legs. The murderous urges inside you flare brightly at the grotesque promise of something akin to penance. Your eyes take notice of the cleric's hold on the whip, its length stretched between her fists, and by the looks of it her nails are digging deep crescents into the worn leather of the handle.
"Please Shadowheart, I need this, and something tells me you're not entirely opposed to the idea judging by how tightly you're gripping that whip." The half elf looks down to the whip in her hands and light surprise registers on her face when she takes note of the white-knuckled grasp she has on the whip and immediately relaxes her grip. A bright flush dust itself along Shadowheart's cheeks as she whips her head to the side in light shame. "Back at the goblin camp, I couldn't quite get over the fact that the Loviatar priest had the opportunity to reap his wounds across your skin the way I wanted to since our first night at camp. The sounds you made alone made it difficult to pray that night. The privilege to touch you and draw those sounds out of you should've been my right alone." her sharp green eyes flickering back sheepishly to meet your gaze once more.
You blink once, then twice before feeling the heat of arousal and flattery course through your veins. This drew the cleric's previously shy expression into one of smugness and her confidence started to gain traction at your reaction to her confession.
Needless to say, Shadowheart was ecstatic. She stands and circles you slowly, making you feel as if a hunter stumbled upon its prey ensnared in its trap.
"Like that do you? You like it when I stake claim on you?" and in an instant your throat seizes up and her footfalls stop abruptly behind you, the rough rope of the whip coils snugly around your throat before a firm tug forced you to look up, Shadowheart's emerald irises peer down through her snowy tresses and her shoulders tense as she tugs at the whip around your neck, your spine arches back to compensate "The moment you tell me to stop, this ends, tell me to stop if it gets to be too much". You nod as much as the rope will allow, and Shadowheart traces a finger down the length of your jaw before retracting it. The goosebumps along the line of your shoulders and the shiver down your spine are enough of an answer to her initial question, lips curling in a small smirk before she leans back, whip unfurling around your neck as she walks several paces away.
The silence of anticipation stretches into a couple painful seconds before Shadowheart cracks the whips against you, the blow landing cleanly against the spot between your shoulder blades. You flinch with a sharp inhale at the feeling. The skin had welted under the blow, and the skin raised, red and angry from the strike.
The cleric admired how the Moonlight from an open window made your skin glow an ethereal sheen akin carved marble. She then took a second to burn this image into her mind before readying the whip again. The whip cracked again, and this time your skin split from the impact, the cleric reflexively readied a minor cure wound spell, but the blood had started to run down your back like an excess dop of paint on a canvas and the spell fizzled away in her hand. Mesmerized by the sight, Shadowheart reached out with tentative finger and pressed it against the wound eliciting a pleasured hiss from you. She toyed with the blood between her fingertips before bringing them to her mouth, putting extra effort into making sure you could hear the sound as she groaned at the taste. She swore she could see your thighs tense. "Hells, I envy Astarion for how easily he can draw blood, I'd leap at the chance to sink my fangs into you for a taste like this if I could have it my way."
You shiver as Shadowheart's voice was low and gravely with lustful adoration. "This blood? This isn't Bhaal's blood, he doesn't have claim over you, only I have that right" another lash, harder than the last, opening up another slice on your skin and this time you can't resist belting out a shaky cry. Shadowheart audibly groans clearly pleased with the result of handiwork. The next blow came faster than the last, and another, all in quick succession. Choked gasps and soft cries turn to full-throated moans and screams ripping themselves clean from your lungs "Oh God's- fuck!" in seconds Shadowheart's mouth is by your ear "These noises I pull from you, they belong to me, they do not belong to Bhaal, they belong to no god! These screams and cries are for the pleasure I bring you." a hand wraps itself firmly around your throat from behind, a bite is pressed into the space between your neck and shoulder. Your body feels feverish, on fire, the stinging sensation on your back in tandem with Shadowheart's words and touches has the liquid heat between your leg blazing hotly.
"Here on your knees is your prayer, no god can here you scream, but me. Your fealty is to me as is this act of penance, your body, your heart, and your spirit are mine to protect; to care for. Bhaal does not have tonight, only I will have you and I will not give up. you are mine!" Shadowheart tosses the whip aside and kneels behind you, her free hand glides itself slowly, but firmly along the expanse on your abdomen and the hand at your throat squeezes as she hisses in your ear "Say it. Confirm it." With a quivering voice, you answer.
"I-I'm yours, I was always yours, Bhaal cannot have me while you love me like you do. I-" Tears began to well up in your eyes and your lunged burned with the struggle to breath. The cleric snaps the ties around your wrist in an instant and slides to your front and pulling you in a tight embrace against her, an arm around your waist and the other combing it's fingers through your hair "Good girl, such a good girl for me. You held up so well for me love, let it out." Your bare and bleeding body clings to Shadowheart like a lifeline as tears soaked into the cotton of her camp shirt. Her hand rubs soothing circles into the small of your back and she coos words of encouragement beside your ear "I'm so proud of you, and I meant every word. Bhaal will never have you as long as you're mine to have. Now lie back for me, let me worship you.".
You let yourself be guided gently onto your back, glancing up, you let your mouth draw open in awe. Shadowheart's hair almost seems to catch the shafts of moonlight peeking through, catching starlight along its strands. Shadowheart laughs softy before cradling your cheek in her hand "Am I so beautiful you've no words left?". She presses soft kisses along your neck, her laughter subsiding into soft hums as she leads those kisses towards your breasts. The hand along your jaw slides to graze along one side of your chest as her mouth peppers slow kisses along the other. You sign into the open air as Shadowheart draws a nipple into her mouth sucking gently as a hand gives the other breast similar treatment by running a thumb in confident swipes along the raised peak. The feeling of Shadowheart's mouth hot on your skin combined with the caress of her fingertips has you trembling under her ministrations, and she takes a moment to pull back and admire your form lying beneath her own. Her eyes take in your flushed visage, the light heaving of your chest, your hands palms and beside your head.
Shadowheart couldn't help the feeling of warmth bubble in her chest at your open vulnerability with her, the trust you place in her care. Your eyes meet Shadowheart's and she presses her lips to yours in a slow kiss, lips parting to allow her tongue to glide languidly against yours. After a couple seconds she pulls back and focused her attention to the rest of your body as she slides lower, trailing wet kisses towards the apex of your thighs.
Strong arms curl around your thighs as the cleric situates herself between your legs, mouth hot against the inside of your thighs, taking her time with your quivering body. Your hands find a crack in the stonework underneath your body. Shadowheart notices and catches one of your wrists and placing your hand in her hair, flashing you a soft smile before using that same hand to part your folds, dragging her tongue leisurely against the center of your heat. A shaky whine leaves you, and your hips instinctively jut away from her mouth, but her wrestle you back against her and hold you securely against her slow unrelenting tongue. She licks around your entrance, nose pressing against your clit. Shadowheart licks a stripe up and lavishes the bundle of nerves relentlessly with broad strokes of her clever tongue. Continuing the sigh and whine, your hand buries itself in the cleric's silver tresses, pressing her in deeper between your legs.
Shadowheart feels your thighs twitching fervently around her head and she steals a glance up at you, taking in the sight of your eyes half lidded staring back as another breathless moan spills from her mouth and the cleric can only hum, before guiding a hand to work alongside her mouth "With your taste alone, you could ascend me to godhood for the ambrosia you give me." and she seals her lips around your bundles of nerves as she presses two fingers in.
Everything feels hot to the touch, you can barely handle it, the feeling akin to static electricity coursing through your veins. Your lungs heave with broken wails and wavering calls of the cleric's name as the fingers into you fall into a brutal pace, taking the time to curl every time Shadowheart hilted them in you, thumb keeping you spread for her. You begin to writhe violently, the hand that wasn't occupied with holding on to Shadowheart's head was buried in your own, pulling at the roots to anchor yourself against the electric sensations brewing in the pit of your lower stomach. Almost every breath ends with a keening whine, and you call her name almost in tandem with the movements between your legs. You try maintaining control of the feeling, but Shadowheart knows that any restraint you had slipped away from the motions your hips made against her face. "That's it love. You're so beautiful like this, let go for me, don't hold it in. by the hells you're doing so good for me."
That line along with one last treacherous curl of those dexterous fingers has stars bursting behind your eyes as Shadowheart brings you to the precipice of an unseen heaven "Gods, I love you please, oh gods- Shadowheart!". Pleasure buzzes across your skin as your hips twitch wildly against her face, her arms locking them as still as she could manage as she helps you ride the aftershocks.
When you slow down, and your twitching begins to subside, Shadowheart slides up the side of your body, wrapping an arm securely around your middle, pulling you to lie your head against her chest, her other hand brushes itself through your hair soothingly. She presses her lips to your temple before murmuring against it "I love you too, thank you for trusting me, thanking for sharing your body with me, it means more to you than you can imagine. You did so well love." Shadowheart raises a hand allowing the cure wounds spell t manifest in the palm along your back. You reach back to grab that hand "You can heal the bleeding, but leave the wounds there, I need them as my reminder, that I'm yours Shadowheart, as you had said earlier of no gods having a claim on me, that I belong to you... so please leave them there. I don't care who sees whether it be our companions or the gods that seem to corner us at every turn. Let them know that I'm yours." Shadowheart pauses before humming thoughtfully, hand reducing the spell to a minor incantation before pressing it against the raw skin. "Hm, as you wish, but I at least won't have you here freezing." and Shadowheart leans up taking you with her, draping a towel over you before carrying you to her tent for some much-needed rest.
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xiaosorbet · 1 year
xiao & pet names (xiao x reader)
xiao doesn't fully understand pet names. love, honey, dear... they're all words that hold little meaning to him. however, he understands very well the significance of one's name. his name, the one given to him by rex lapis, is much more than just a name. with it came his freedom, and a new identity and sense of belonging, of duty.
he knows the profound meaning a name has, whereas terms of endearment among lovers were just a mortal thing he never concerned himself with. why would he need to? although he'd be lying if he said the thought of loving someone like that had never occurred to him, it was not a priority. simply a passing thought.
that is, until he met you.
now, he finds his life entangled with a mortal's, which means those pet names he didn't used to care about seeped into his daily life, since you seem very fond of calling him these things.
he finds it very endearing, really. it shows him how much you care, and he can appreciate that. he has nothing against it, but you simply uttering his name will always hold more weight in his heart. his name is a reminder of the chance he was given to a new life, a new path. when it leaves your lips, it is a reminder of what you have given him in this new life that he didn't think would be possible, which is your love.
whether it's laced with enthusiasm as you chat with him about your day, or whispered softly in the darkness of the night before you fall asleep, every time you say his name it lights up his heart and gives him strength and joy and hope for more days with you to come.
which is why he doesn't really see the need for you to go so far as to refer to him as your love or your beloved in every other conversation. he says it's unnecessary, although... he can't deny the blush that takes over his cheeks whenever you do.
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chickenparm · 2 years
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here's some scaramouche/wanderer beating off to the thought of the reader after being too much of a pussy to act on his feelings for the 10,000th time. it's meant to be gender neutral, but i've heard my GN stuff leans toward feminine still. either way, no pronouns, no descriptions.
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Next time, he promises himself. He won’t hesitate again. It doesn’t make him feel any better, considering it’s become a mantra at this point to self-soothe in such an inadequate way. 
Maybe it’ll be different. He won’t hesitate when it counts. That’s a lie, as well.
Scaramouche/Reader 1,193 Words - NSFW Male Masturbation, Pining, Finger-Sucking
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Centuries of life, uncountable missteps, mistakes incomprehensible. A lifetime of follies, yet he never felt as foolish as he does right now.
His greatest mistake hangs over his shoulders like a thick smoke, settling into his bare skin and staining it with the markings of one who failed. It would have been so easy to do, had he simply just turned his head a little to the side and done what his body had been yearning to do. 
As a result of his… inhumanity, he’s always run a little cold. It never bothered him before, the temperature was a non-issue. But as he palms himself callously, then switches to a softer touch as his fingers wrap around the base of his cock, he yearns for a touch that’s a little warmer, a little softer, a little more human. 
He yearns for you. 
It’s a novel feeling. Sure, he’s wanted things before in his life. In fact, he’s been pretty selfish for the vast majority of it. And even acknowledging that fact, he doesn’t even feel bad about it. If given any chance, he’ll continue to be that way because the only person he really can count on is himself. 
And you. That’s a bit of an afterthought, but no less important. In the time he’s been at your side, you’ve proven over and over again that in a small way, his thought process was slightly flawed. Deeply, he wants to deny the feeling of stability you provide, but there’s no shaking it when you’d taken the hand he offered without hesitation, letting him first lift you with his vision, then let you climb on his back with only a little complaint. 
Then your chin landed on his shoulder, the quiet sounds of your laughter curling around the shell of his ear until goosebumps raised along his skin. In the sliver of skin between his undershirt and kimono, your cheek pressed against it as you marveled at the sight he’d seen fit to show you. 
In this moment, he can’t even remember how it looked. All he can focus on is the way you’d smelled, the feel of your arms looping beneath his in an attempt to stabilize yourself as the two of you remained aloft. The phantom feel of your palms along his chest as you’d clung to him with giddiness stemming from your excitement. 
All he’d needed to do was turn his head. Just a short distance and he could have kissed you. Perhaps you would have reciprocated in all the ways he found himself desperate for, the languid pace of his strokes stuttering at the mere thought of feeling your affection. Even the imagined taste of it on his tongue was enough to make his skin warm, his palms grow clammy, his eyes snap shut in an effort to chase it greedily. 
He’s felt your hands before. When you unnecessarily wrap a wound that’s likely to heal within hours, when you grab his wrist and pull him along in an unexpected direction. It’s soft aside from the few calluses on your fingers from your swordsmanship, but he’s certain they’d feel like heaven if you were to replace his hands on himself with your own. One on his arousal, the other flat across his chest where his heart would be racing if he’d been seen fit to own one. 
A scary little thought crosses his mind that he does have a heart now. It exists out of his body, occupying his thoughts even in his most vulnerable moments. With small smiles and words of encouragement, a patience that extends beyond the boundaries that his abrasiveness tends to push at. Even when he knows he’s crossed a line, you only sigh and graciously look the other way until he can compose himself. 
Composure is lost now, left at the wayside in favor of his grip tightening and his hand traveling up his chest, his collarbones, his neck, to his mouth where his own fingers push down on his tongue. It’s easy enough to pretend that they’re yours when he tries hard enough, his thoughts muddled by the imagery of you exploring every inch of him with unbridled fascination. 
His tongue matches the pace of his strokes, pushing and pulling along the length of his fingers with too much fervor to be anywhere near healthy. At his tongue pushing at the webbing between his middle and index finger, the tips pushing dangerously close to the back of his throat, he groans a muffled mockery of your name. 
What he wouldn’t give to see the look in your eye as he did everything you wanted. There’s nothing you could name that he’d fall short of doing for you, so long as you gave him that little smile that made every atom of his body hum with satisfaction. And while he’d be doing it for you, he’d proudly proclaim he was doing it for himself - because your satisfaction is his own, he’s come to realize with startling clarity. 
The fingers in his mouth have lost their salty taste, leaving him with just the sensation of nearly gagging on himself, gagging on you. His fingers slide away, leaving a wet trail across his chin, his chest, his thigh as he grabs there briefly. The bedsheets are next to be gripped, nearly tearing between his fingers as he searches for a handhold to keep him stable in this moment rather than lost in thoughts of how you’d look, smell, taste, feel.
Pushing onto his knees, hunching in on himself as his wrist twists just right to make his eyes roll, his eyelids flutter at the thought of you lying beneath him. Sprawled and waiting, welcoming him with coos of his name - the one you gave - until he can do nothing but sink into you helplessly in every sense of the word. He’s certain it would be like drowning, descending deeper and deeper until the light can no longer reach him. 
But behind closed eyelids, there’s an insistent glow that’s so reminiscent of his thoughts of you that he’s convinced he somehow manifested his desires into reality. But as he opens them, his rocking hips stuttering against his hand with his release, it’s painfully obvious that the glow comes from himself. Blue markings pulse like the rising and falling of the tides, in tandem with each roll of his climax that sullies the sheets before him. 
His lip throbs beneath the pressure of his own teeth. It doesn’t hurt nearly as much as the disappointment, though the only person he really blames for that is himself. When it comes to you, there are a series of choices he’s made that leave him dissatisfied on every level. They reduce him to sitting alone in a darkened room, naked and disgusted with himself at the yearning that still lingers like a fog that won’t lift. 
Next time, he promises himself. He won’t hesitate again. It doesn’t make him feel any better, considering it’s become a mantra at this point to self-soothe in such an inadequate way. 
Maybe it’ll be different. He won’t hesitate when it counts. That’s a lie, as well.
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letters-from-dekarios · 5 months
from the desk of kore
Hello and welcome to my blog! This is an updated version of my original introduction. Lets begin!
My name is Kore, my pronouns are she/her, and I am an adult.
The masterlist is below the cut.
About the Blog:
letters-from-dekarios is a follow-for-follow blog & serves as an outlet for two main purposes.
1. fanfiction/headcanons about gale dekarios
2. letters from gale
At the time of posting this, there have already been two fanfics uploaded to this page. So what does the second outlet entail?
Letters from Gale Dekarios
Letters from Gale Dekarios are a type of ask response/fan interaction. These ‘letters’ are pov responses from Gale to any and all asks that come through our inbox!
This means you can ask things like “what’s your favorite color?” and a general response would be “dear [username] my favorite color is purple. from the desk of; gale dekarios”
Now of course the replies you receive will be much more detailed and poetic, but they serve as my interpretation of Gale’s interactions with you.
If you wish to have a response from me, and not as Gale, just note that in your ask :)
Guidelines and Rules
Any and all NSFW posts will be tagged. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. I also will not respond to NSFW asks from minors.
Requests/submissions/questions/letters can all be sent through the ‘send a letter 💌’ page. Use moral and general sense when sending anything through this page. 
That’s essentially it! Please feel free to interact however you’d like (within reason, of course). I look forward to interacting with all of you guys & hopefully you stick around to see this little blog grow :)
key: fanfiction, headcanons, letters
a blind date with a wizard
my love
dearest lia
my dearest love
dearest thalia
my sweet love
my darling love
fighting fate
dearest irisa, part two
my treasured dreuer, part two
sweet jasper
my loveliest lillium
sweet valentine
so high school
my love, bel
tolerate it
midnight tears (please read warnings!)
dearest lynneira, part two
lovely junabelle, part two
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t-toyeon · 2 months
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impulsive shart that i havent remotely finished
its not done yet but i dont see myself finishing it so ERM it can live here
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wall-guy · 6 months
my tav is transmasc and in love with shadowheart who is transfemme anf they are t4t and are both in love with each other and are both trans and they love each other.
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pinkjanu · 5 months
A short story that i made~! Hope you like it!
Read in dark mode for a better experience!
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙
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As the days pass by, my sweet and passionate loving feelings for you grows stronger, I want to experience your world that someday my people may take over. Every step i take towards you, my whole entire body feels weak and my knees start to quiver. I cry repeatedly saying "No!" as i watch you, ruthlessly getting stabbed by a sharp sword, over and over.
Your screams reach my ears, begging for me to help, wishing that i will save you, but i can't. I feel saddened and disappointed in my own self for loving and hurting you. I despise monsters which are your kind, and yet, I still fell inlove with you.
Monsters like you are filthy, unsympathetic and murdering goblins, killing millions of innocent human beings with no remorse. You're pictured as a cruel creature to us humans, but, you were the one who opened my eyes and showed me how to have fun in the real world.
As we met and got close back in the day, I decided then and there that i will fight my own kind, kill them if they dare to hurt you, and spoil you with loving actions. Yet, why can't I seem to move my feet? Why do i feel like I am being held back by imaginary chains? And why are your eyes looking at me like I am at fault that people arranged an execution of you? Your eyes are full of hatred, betrayal and pain as they look straight at me.
God knows how much i want to stop them from killing you but, I can't.. I'm not powerful enough.
But there was another reason lingering in my mind that i refuse to even believe that I thought of that.
"What is the point of saving you when I can clearly see in your eyes that you hate me now?"
I am so disappointed that i thought about that. I am so disappointed in myself for giving up so easily and just wasting our love.
I'm sorry that i couldn't save you, my love. I was just so scared that if I did, you would avoid me and assume that i was the one who told them to execute you infront of humans.
I will still love you even if I don't feel or see your existence anymore.
Wherever you are right now, I hope you found someone more lovable and someone better than me. I hope you love each other more than how we loved each other back then.
I will make sure to avenge your death.
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iri-2 · 3 months
Rating: Major Character Death
Category: F/F
Fandom: Baldur's Gate (Video Games)
Relationships: Shadowheart/Tav (Baldur's Gate); Shadowheart (Baldur's Gate)/You; Shadowheart (Baldur's Gate)/Reader
Characters: Shadowheart (Baldur's Gate)
Additional Tags:
Dark Justiciar Shadowheart (Baldur's Gate)
Selunite Tav (Baldur's Gate)
Religious Conflict
Blood and Injury
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After you and Shadowheart, who becomes the new superior of the cloister, eliminate the Netherbrain, you part ways with her. However, during a mission to hunt down Selûnites, you are captured by Shar's followers. Until that moment, you had never revealed that you were a follower of Selûne.
So she's a Shar follower, so what?
She's got you, a Selûne disciple, bound to a cold metal execution pillar, isn't that what should happen?
If her doctrine demands she torture you to death, shouldn't you resign yourself to it?
You feel the small dark holes on the pillar, each of them hiding sharp steel needles, you know the methods of Sharrans. And the trigger for those needles is right by her side, even if she were to end you like this, so what?
Your crescent moon earring is roughly ripped off, tearing your earlobe, your circlet and clothes burnt to ash, your silver hair messy, drenched in your own blood, rubbing against your wounds, from your shoulder down to your entire body. You have almost nothing left, but you're still a Selûnite.
And this Shar's dark justiciar is about to execute you. Even if you love her dearly, she knows, yet now you're just a Selûnite, and she's your enemy.
"Why didn't you tell me you were a Selûnite?" the dark justiciar asks.
"Because I found out your faith," you reply.
"You could have made things less complicated, disappeared without a trace, and I'd never know you served the Moonwitch." The dark justiciar raises her spear. "Yet you still let me kill Selûne's daughter."
"You told me your lifelong dream was to be a dark justiciar, and I've supported you all along, or else we wouldn't have made it this far." The rough hemp rope binding you wears away at your wounds with every moment.
"Have you never had any murderous intentions towards me? Knowing I'm a Sharran." The dark justiciar's face is obscured by the hood, you can't discern her expression.
"When Netherbrain controlled us, killing wasn't the solution, cooperation was."
The handle of the Spear of Evening crashes heavily onto the cold ground. "You haven't answered my question, Selûnite." She once held you in her arms and affectionately called out to you with your name, but now you are just the soon to be executed Selûnite.
"Our Lady of Silver will spare me for letting a Sharran live."
"Don't mention that witch, I'm asking you, why didn't you kill me?" The spear tip presses against your throat, the chill emanating entirely from the dark justiciar.
"To shatter the grand design, I've killed many. But I've never had any intent to kill you." The Elder Brian's influence has been eradicated, the tadpole is dead, you can't read her thoughts, but you're too familiar with her, you can sense her emotions from her breath. "Shadowheart."
The Moonmaiden will forgive you, she never stopped you from falling in love with this Sharran in front of you.
"Oh, poor little Selûnite, do you think that would spare you? Does your indifferent Moonmaiden really care about you? She never takes a stance on anything, even if I killed her daughter and profaned her idol. No one will save you." The spear points at your chest.
"Then why waste time? Why not let others witness the blood of a heretic spilled in tribute to your Lady? Doesn't Shar implant commands in your ears?" You try to straighten your chest, getting closer to her spear.
The next moment the spear tip leaves you, Shadowheart rushes over, gripping your torn collar, her hood slipping down, the dark red around the pupils in her emerald eyes deepening. "I don't need a Selûnite to teach me what to do."
"I've told you, the rite of Selûne followers is to find their way to their people in the wild by showing their skills of navigation and self-reliance, as well as their determination to return to the Moonmaiden's silvery glow. I know because I've participated, and you clearly know that you have participated in this rite before." You look into her eyes, then your gaze sliding to the scar on her right cheek.
"Shut your filthy mouth, that night it was Lady Shar who saved me from wandering in the wild, not some ridiculous rite of the Moonwitch, it was darkness that saved me." She grips the upper end of the spear, placing the tip once again beside your neck. The surface of your neck has been cut, blood seeps from the new wound, flowing over your old ones.
"You've been deceived by Shar, you were once a Selûne follower, Mother Superior." The spear tip is mere millimeters away from your major artery. You prepare for death.
"Whether you're a Sharran or a Selûnite, or something else, I still love you, Shadowheart."
Blood gushes out, the Selûne’s head hangs weakly on her shoulder, every inch of her skin soaked in blood. The spear falls heavily to the ground, and its owner, kneeling before her lover, tears fall into her cold blood. The wound on her right hand that should have healed, throbs painfully. Why isn't Shar satisfied with the death of the Selûnite?
This is my attempt at writing Shadowheart as a Sharran. In my six playthroughs of BG3, I never actually made Shadowheart a follower of Shar. In the upcoming patch 7, I plan to try this path.
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sorcerous-caress · 8 months
Early morning cuddling pt.2
[Fluff, wholesome, nb!reader]
[Halsin, Astarion, Shadowheart, Gale]
Part One
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You'd think that you married a fairytale princess by the amount of small animals you wake up each morning to, cuddling by your side and nuzzling against Halsin's warmth.
Not that he seems to mind. If anything, he seems the happiest sharing his bed with all those willing. His strong arm keeps a hold over you during the night, keeping you close and secure to his chest while he easily falls into a state of meditation. He prefers keeping the window open and listening to the wind outside, swaying of leaves and chipping of bird in the morning.
You did wonder what exactly does he think about during his meditation, and he confessed he replays his favourite memories. Reminding himself of what's worth fighting for in this life.
His palm cupping your face so gently, rough from centuries of tending to plants and magic practice. You can smell the earth embedded in his skin.
Who is worth fighting for.
If you're the type to sleep in during the morning, he happily indulges you as you cuddle closer to him. Resting your head on the rise and fall of his chest.
Letting the drumming of his heartbeat lull you into the land of dreams, just for a short while, maybe five minutes more.
feeling his hand draw circles on your back soothingly. You catch a glimpse of a whispered prayer to the father of nature, Halsin asking him to protect you, keep your soul and heart pure, keep you by his side for as long as this cycle of life allows.
You only realise the worth of love after having experienced solitude.
Astarion came to realise how much it meant to have someone just hold you in bed, nothing more, a simple body laying next to him in blissful sleep.
To have someone relish in your company so much, feel safe around him so much that you'd willingly want him to stay by your side while you were the most vulnerable.
It feels strange in his heart, a twing or guilt, even shame.
What did he do to deserve this?
How are you so peaceful next to a vampire? This isn't a camp on some ditch in the backside of Faerun anymore, this is your home that you've willingly and foolishly invited a vampire into.
But maybe he was the biggest fool, for he kept holding you close, fangs tucked away as the smell of blood was the least of his interests at this moment. The living really has a captivating way to steal one's attention.
what dreams do you have?
Each night is like a trance, and before he realises, it ends so suddenly when glowing lines of light just below the thick curtains peak on the floor.
It's morning already, but it felt like a second, he wants to hold you for a lifetime, hug you for a century, kiss you for a decade and whisper your name as if it was his last breath.
He wants so many things, he has so many conflicting emotions. Astarion doesn't want to get attached, you're fleeting, mortal, alive and so loveable.
And he is none of these things, at least not in his views.
But after so much misery, he deserves to steal one good thing from the living, you. It doesn't matter if he has earned it or not, you willingly chose him, loved him.
Embraced him as you woke up, eyes sleepy as nuzzled into him further with no regard to how cold his skin might be in contrast to your warm blanket.
"Darling, you know I'm supposed to be the nocturnal one in this relationship, right? Or did you grow fangs during the night." He voice was laced with an unusual softness, a stranger to his own ears.
You grumbled as he pulled away, chasing after him with adorable slow speed with your hand as you attempted to bring him back.
He's not a sadist.
Okay maybe he is.
But torturing a sleepy you, is becoming one of the highlights of his days. It makes waiting here all night worth it.
Her eyebrows scrunch into the most adorable glare when she first wakes up. The children of Shar and Selune have never been morning people, present or past.
The tips of her ears slightly twitch as the cold morning reaches her after you manage to steal the blanket in your sleep, wrapping the soft thing around you and leaving her to the mercy of the chilly weather.
Stirred from her sleep, she has a half mind to acknowledge how endearing you look besides her. Peacefully in your slumber and unaware of the crime you've commited, letting your beloved freeze to death in the early morning.
With a sigh, Shadowheart reaches over to untangle tha blanket edge from your iron fist as she squeezes herself inside the makeshift cocoon you've assembled. Instant warmth and comfort greeting her the more she pressed her body onto yours.
Despite how heavenly you feel, sleep has already evaded her grasps. Once she wakes up, she's the type not to fall asleep afterwards. Doesn't help how much of a light sleeper she can be at times.
So she closes her eyes and basks in the moment, fully enjoying the presence. The quietness of the morning where the people haven't woken up yet, the stillness of the air, the slow rhythmic breathing as your chest rises and falls.
She wants to trace your face with her fingers, she wants to admire your eyes, but she doesn't want to wake you up so instead her arms gently hug your body closer to hers.
Safety, comfort and love, things she was taught were a sin to desire, things assumed to make her weaker.
But being weak has never felt so good before, if what she's doing is wrong in the eyes of any god, then she might as well embrace her spot in the hells with your arms as her grave.
He's changing you slowly, and you're not sure if it's for the better or worse.
What started as you teasing him over his cotton pyjamas with cat paw prints, turned into you wearing a matching one after he bought you one and sweetly coerced you into it.
You look so silly. You can't even deny it as you watch your reflection in the mirror. Watching in real time as your dignity evaporates into thin air while your lover is searching for his reading glasses under the bed by using magic to lift it in the back of the mirror reflection.
Turning around, you feel your lips tugging into a smile as you notice the pair of reading glasses pushed up on his head while Gale is scratching his said head and mumbling about how he just had it close by.
Where could it have possibly went, you wonder.
Calling him over, you watch as he adorable walks over to you with a hopeful look that you've somehow found his glasses like you usually do. As if you were the wizard in this situation who'd make it appear out of thin air rather than the academically acclaimed professor Dekarios in front of you.
Your hand cups his face, and he leans into it without question. Planting a small kiss on his lips, you lower his glasses back onto his face as you pull away. Gale's delighted expression rewards you with a second kiss, calling you his hero.
The two of you fall asleep with a dim light illuminating the room, stray magical star enchantments making the bedroom just bright enough for Gale's midnight reading, or midnight paper grading.
You either learn to tough it out or use that equally silly eyemask that came with your cat pyjamas.
Gale's usually the last one to fall asleep, except on weekends when he's in bed by 9. But since tomorrow, he has to be guiding the future generations of wizards in Faerun, you get his wandering hand playing with your hair or massaging your neck as you drift off to sleep.
By the time morning comes, he's tucked in a blanket by your side. Glasses crooked on his face for he forgot to remove them, again.
Reaching over, you gently take them off of him and set them on the bedside table. Giving his forehead a soft kiss as you check the time and see that you still have a quarter of an hour before he has to get ready to leave for work.
You wrap your arms around him, and he leans into your touch. Even while asleep, his body has complete trust in you, recognising your warmth and letting you cuddle him.
It would've been a very romantic early morning cuddling for the two silly people in embarrassing cat pyjamas, wasn't it for the scratching of paws on the locked door of your bedroom.
The sing-song yelling of Gale's last name following shortly, courtesy to Tara announcing to the whole world how you're a minute late to delivering her morning meal and the carrier pigeons outside are starting to look more and more like grilled chicken wings by the second.
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samsa-hates-reading · 4 months
My Shadowheart x original female character fic.
What happens when the person you love becomes someone else due to a fate chosen for them by a Goddess? When your best, and only, friend doesn't even remember you? When you watch someone who once was kind, and loving turn into a monster?
A retelling of who became Shar's Chosen.
Two chapters have already been released, and more are on the way.
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creepygirlcemetery · 3 months
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˚ i'll burn your name into my throat ♡ i'll be the fire that catches you : ticci toby x reader
warnings  𓂅 fluff, confession, best friends to lovers, sorta cliff hanger kinda? ┊an : im gonna shart this is my 3rd time trying to upload this wtf ... reblogs are appreciated !
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"psst toby" you whispered, turning to the boy next to you, the lesson being too boring for you to bother paying attention to. your best friend, toby, turned his head, looking at you in confusion. "i got you something. you then pulled out two concert tickets you had been keeping in the back of your notebook.
"are those for me? he asked you, raising an eyebrow. you excitedly nodded your head. "i know how much you love this band. i managed to get tickets last minute." you explained, handing him one of the tickets.
his heart skipped a beat, this was one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for him. he took the ticket in his hand, a small vet excited smile forming on his face.
"i bought two so i can come with you.. but if you dont want me to thats okay i understa-!" "i want you to come" he said softly, cutting you off. you spent the rest of the class period talking about how you were going to go about the concert. you two agreed he'd pick you up, since he had a car, and he'd drive the both of you to and from the concert.
"i can adjust the seat for you if you want" he muttered. it was late, you had just gotten back to the car. your feet were killing you and it felt like you could fall asleep at any moment. you sat in the passenger seat. trying to get into a comfortable position.
"yes please" you replied. he reached over, whispering a little apology when he felt as though his arm was putting pressure on your stomach. he adjusted the seat so you could lay down and get some rest on the car ride home.
it was quiet, but in a comforting way. you were the only person who liked to hang out with toby. he never understood why you'd make an effort to talk to him, be kind to him, or stick up for him, but loved you and he never could have traded it for the world. so while you slept peacefully in his passenger seat, after bringing him to a concert he couldve only wished to go to, he accepted that things happen and sometimes you dont need to understand why.
he gently tapped you awake after parking in a random spot in your condo's parking lot. "we're here" he told you softly. you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. tiredly getting up and putting the seat back in its original position. "thanks for the ride toby" you mumbled, picking up your bag from the passenger floor. he replied with a "no problem" as you unbuckled the seat belt and reached for the car door.
"you okay?" he asked. you couldnt get yourself to open the door. you turned to him, a soft blush tinting your cheeks and nose bridge. maybe it was time for toby to understand. maybe it was time for him to understand why you were always the first to stick up for him, to be there for him with open arms, to treat him kindly, to love him. "tobias, i'm inlove with you"
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magewisdumb · 10 months
Protector | Shadowheart x Reader (Tav) Pt.1
A/N: Made shadowheart a paladin for this one as gift to the homie @shartstan97
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It was difficult to see in the heat of battle, Karlach’s rage makes the air around her blur into a mirage as her engine cuts into overdrive her great axe catching a Sharran spell caster’s pauldron and digging through their chainmail. Shadowheart bashes her shield against another heavily armored Dark Justiciar, staggering it and slamming the side of her Warhammer against its helm effectively crunching the Justiciar’s composure. Gale’s hands burn with raw heat as he directs a fireball towards the opposite end of the hall, eviscerating the Justiciars and novices gathered there. You, however, were engaged in a fierce duel with Viconia, her eyes reflecting a cold fury that could only be fitting of one of Shar’s most devoted clerics.
You know this is not a fight at your advantage, everyone else had some level of radiant weaponry or spell craft at their disposal, you were but a rogue good with the blade, you had to be on the defensive with Viconia. She barely gives you the time to react as she lunges at you; mace winding back for a strike. You make the mistake of anticipating her strike as it turns out to be a feint, she steps in closer after your dodge and jabs it at your chest catching your leather armor, a buckle breaking under the strike. It’s enough to knock the wind out of your lungs, but you attempt to stay limber and regain your balance relative speed. VIconia attempts to feint you again, but you sidestep and whirl, dagger slicing through the air with the momentum of your flourish. Viconia seems to always be another step ahead and raises her shield and pushes into the attack, your dagger's edge glancing off the polished metal of the shield efficiently staggering you. The drow takes a moment and yells an incantation, and her mace starts to crackle, dark magic coils around the mace's sharp edges. Snapping out of your daze, you raise your other dagger to defend yourself, but Viconia’s strength bests you, her mace connecting just under your breast plate, ribs crunching painfully as you’re sent flying a couple meters back. You attempt to ease your fall with your arm, but it twists under you and bends at an angle it wasn’t intended to. Shadowheart is heard shouting in terror, most likely for you as you’re downed almost immediately from the supreme justiciar’s strike.  A choked groan leaves your mouth as you attempt to get up, coughing up bloody globs of spittle as your arm caves in on itself, vision hazy as you see Viconia raise a hand with magic encircling her fingers, a necrotic spell ready to end your existence. Your eyes meet the drow’s with defiance, not willing to give her a look of surrender before death. Viconia only sneers in response “Shadowheart betrays Lady Shar to the likes of you? Very well, hopefully she sees the cost of her misguided actions.” She aims her hand at you as the wisps of shadow dancing along her psalm intensify. 
“The only one seeing the cost of my actions today will be you Viconia” Your vision of Viconia is obscured by Shadowheart, who skids to a defensive kneel in front of you, her shield catching the spell and fizzing it out. The paladin murmurs a brief chant, and you feel your body infuse with minor healing magic, stabilizing the immediate bleeding. Viconia readies herself and starts to cast another spell, but Shadowheart is quick to react, she leaps to her feet, armored boots cracking the stone floor beneath her and charges Viconia, her warhammer and shield glowing with holy radiance. Viconia stops her spellcasting in a meek attempt to raise her shield though it is no match for the paladin’s charge. Metal armor and shield crashing into Viconia and the momentum doesn’t stop as she is pinned and smashed into the nearest wall. Shadowheart tosses her shield down before reaching with a gauntleted hand gripping Viconia by the collar and slamming her against the wall, hoping that her mother superior was in as much pain as she looked. The paladin glances briefly in your direction and is relieved to find that you are being helped up by Karlach and Gale, Karlach clumsily tipping a healing potion in your mouth. The half elf once again turns her focus on Viconia who opens her mouth “Why, Shadowheart? We are your true family.” Shadowheart scowls and applies pressure against Viconia eliciting a pained breath from the drow. “I will be asking the questions, all hopes of reconciling went out the window when you attack my friends and the light of my life, there is one thing you have left to owe me. My parents location, If you any shred of decency in your conscience left, you will at least grant me this peace” Viconia’s lips quiver as she struggles to breathe out a reply and points weakly at the door “In there you will find them, now end me, send me to lady Shar’s embrace” Shadowheart's visage slips into something eerily calm as her eyes begin to glow with radiant magic and when she speaks her voice reverberates softly with a quiet strength  “May you burn before you find benevolence in darkness” sacred flames begin to lick up Shadowheart’s gauntlet before spreading across the drow’s body, the dark elf panics as she struggles against the unyielding grip of her old pupil. Viconia’s body is turned to ash in a matter of seconds with the holy flames burning eagerly to sear their enemy. Shadowheart shakes the soot of her armor and grabs her discarded shield, walking back in your direction, her hackles lowering as her emerald eyes meet yours. You are clutching on to Karlach as a makeshift crutch trying to smile reassuringly through the pain at your lover in shining armor. Shadowheart only grimaces when she takes in the state of you. Torn armor, leather caked in blood, and one of your arms hangs at an odd angle, she then looks to Gale who is already opening a portal to camp. “I’m out of magic I’m afraid otherwise I’d be able to ease your pain, but I found where my parents are being kept, this is something I need to do. You can be there with me if you like, but I won’t fault you for nursing your injuries at camp.” You and Karlach look to each other before looking back at Shadowheart you harden your expression back into something more appropriate for the atmosphere “After we fought hard to get you here, there’s no way we’re not going with you now” and you sent a pointed look at Gale who sighs before closing the portal. Shadowheart smiles and you’re quick to notice the tears welling in her eyes though she is quick to turn on heel as she marches towards the circular door at the epicenter of the wall “If you say so.”
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strawberriianime · 7 months
Hear me out… or use this as inspo anything I love ur writing xx
Stoner!Choso x femreader tw: weed, oral sex m receiving, cum slurping and dirty talking?
Reader and Choso are smoking and she’s getting hottttt watching him roll the blunt and lick the paper and his painted nailssss oooofffffff. Super sexual tension and flirty remarks until she ends up sucking choso’s HOT cock dry and occasionally he’s pulling her hair up to blow smoke in her mouth and calling her sweet names (bc at the end of the day Cho’ is sub LMFAO)
♡ ahhhhhh so crayz you mentioned stoner Choso bc I had that idea before but never wrote ittt. I love this like Choso's already so sexy and watching him roll a blunt is like a dream of mine.
♡ cw: 18+ content, use of weed and descriptions of weed, high oral sex, stoner choso and stoner reader, oral sex (m receiving), dirty talk, deepthroating, swallowing, oral sexxxxxx!
It wasn't unusual for Choso to come and chill at your place, you two would split a zip, buy a pizza, listen to music, and catch up on each other's life. However, this time something was....different. Maybe it was the neon pink LED lights illuminating the living room or the sweet strawberry candle you had lit earlier.
It was him. This time he had come over wearing a baggy pair of grey sweatpants with a hoodie which he discarded earlier leaving him in a black tee highlighting his toned abs. You always thought he was attractive, but something is making him hit differently now. Your eyes followed his as he broke down the weed his freshly manicured black nails reflecting under the pink light. Digging into his pocket, he pulled out a pack of raw papers, got two out of the pack, and lined it onto the rolling tray. Taking the broken-down weed, he sprinkled it into the papers, folding it slightly, and brought it up to his pale pink lips. His lips swiped along his bottom lip, licking a slow long stripe along the paper. "I wish you'd lick me like you lick those papers" you spoke pulling him out of his concentration. He chuckled, going back to rolling the blunt licking slowly at the paper once more. It was as if he was teasing you, any other time he rolled he'd be done in mere seconds so why is he going so slow this time? "Or I could lick you....? You wouldn't last one minute if I did" Teasing Choso was fun, he wouldn't say much but you know deep down he was burning up inside. You heard a lighter flick as you turned and watched him hit the blunt, a thin cloud of smoke leaving his area as he reached out to pass the blunt to you. Grabbing it, you brushed your hand swiftly over his own before bringing the blunt to your own lips and inhaling slowly. "Mmh, I bet you're really skilled with your hands." You passed the blunt back to him. "They're really soft, and I bet they feel really good." His ears were flush red, you knew you were getting to him if that wasn't a sign the twitching in his sweatpants definitely was. "Seem's like you have a little problem, mind If I help you with it hmm?" Your hands grazed over the bulge in his pants, feeling his dick twitch from the light touch.
Your black nails found their way to the top of his sweatpants, pulling at the material as Choso was quick to shimmy down his pants allowing his stiffened dick to make contact with the cool air of the living room. His tip was red, beaded with precum that began running down his shaft stopping just at the middle. Taking your right hand, you grabbed his shart, thumb rolling circles on the tip spreading the precum along feeling him twitch in your warm hands. You moved in closer, salivating your mouth to the fullest before dropping a glob of spit onto his tip using it as a lubricant to stroke his dick up and down. You started off with teasing slow kitten licks, tongue circling only the tip sucking on it slowly as you moved your right hand up and down. You felt a slight tug on your hair, lips creating a thin trail of saliva as your own were met with Choso's. He brought the blunt to his lips, inhaling slowly before bringing his lips to your own. You felt the smoke filling your mouth before he pulled back, leaning back onto the chair, pushing lowering your head back to his dick.
Without hesitation, you lowered your hand as your warm mouth sank down onto his dick, causing him to twitch once more. He let out a low groan as you began to move your head up and down his shaft, making sure whatever area your mouth couldn't reach, your hand made up for. Slightly tightening your jaws, you moaned softly as you bobbed up and down, tasting just about every inch. You began tracing every vein that throbbed, begging to be caressed by your warm tongue, your hand moving to cuff his balls using the saliva that trailed as lubricant once again. "A-aah fuck, you're so good at this pretty." you heard him groan, causing you to moan on his dick, feeling the throbbing between your own legs and panties getting soaked by the second. You felt a slight tug on your hair once more pulling off his dick once again, lips glistening under the pink lights. "You look beautiful like this." He took another hit of the blunt and brought your lips to his, smoke filling your mouth once more. His eyes were low, watching you with complete adoration and lust as he placed a small kiss on your temple.
Dropping down once more, you flexed your right hand, now adding your left hand to the mix, and you swallowed his dick, sucking on it as if it was a watermelon blow pop. Your head bobbed as your wrist worked in areas you could reach. "Baby, you're gonna suck me dry." Choso moaned, throwing his head back on the sofa, one fist tightly gripping at your hair, the other taking another hit of the blunt. You removed one of your hands as you shoved his dick deeper down your throat, the sending hand following shortly as well once you were comfortable. "Shit. I've never been this deep before. You're doing so good beautiful.... you feel amazing. You suck me up so well." You could tell he was close based on the babbling he always does when he's about to cum. "I-Im about to cum. Baby, can I cum down your throat." You bobbed your head faster, sucking slightly harder as you felt that familiar twitch once more before your mouth was flooded with bittersweet, sticky webs of cum. He let out a loud moan, balls emptying shooting his warm load into your mouth. You eagerly swallowed up what you could but, this has to be a record of how much cum he was able to produce. Your tongue was quick to lick up whatever was left over that you weren't able to suck down cleaning him up with your delicate tongue. You felt a set of strong hands bring you up to his toned chest as his chest heaved catching his breath from such a powerful orgasm. "I gotta pay you back."
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