#she also kills her enemies so she must be basically satan
midnighttales357 · 6 months
do y'all remember that time d&d tried to convince us that daenerys was evil bc she killed slavers and the liberated slaves cheered her for it? what was that about?
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sonnetnumber23 · 1 year
Good Omens Season 2 Rewatch.
Episode 2.
So, I’m going on with my rewatch. Most of this are my thoughts and feelings, and I don’t sure they’ll be very original or something. But I needed this anyway.
At first I tried to be brief (spoiler: I failed), so the first comment I have is about the scene with Shax and Crowley in the car.
Crowley can have so much willpower. I mean, he did have thousands of years to practice keeping a straight face – lying to Hell, hiding his true feelings from Aziraphale.
In this conversation with Shax where she asks if he understood her threat, I just feel so proud of him. Like, there’re a lot of jokes about how Crowley is not as cool as he thinks, but actually he is very cool. It’s just not about trivial things; it’s about something that matters.
[Also, compare that to the way he is in the last episode where he makes his speech to Aziraphale, and how he’s absolutely incapable of staying calm. Oh, Crowley, you’re so brave, my dear. T_T]
I am very slow, so I only now paid attention to the opening credits, and the way Crowley strikes the match there. It is a reference to Angel!Crowley who says “Let there be light”, isn’t it? But it is also a reference to the way Crowley carries his light through the darkness of Hell even, I think. Love it. That it’s Crowley, not Aziraphale, who does it.
(Really, this show pays so much attention to details, it’s hard to believe there can be things that don’t make sense or are OOC, so there must be a reason for them??)
25 Lazari – that basically means A&C can raise 50 people from the dead with one full miracle done together. Holy hell! That really is something to fear, isn’t it, Metatron? And if they throw a hint to Gabriel and Beelz that an angel and a demon in love can do that, the Earth might have a very good protection next time anyone tries to start an Apocalypse or something. Also that looks very much divine to me, so that’s obviously a God’s plan, and it’s ineffable, or rather quite effable: God bloody well wants angels and demons to fall in love with each other (love thy enemy for God’s sake pun intended), and they get rewarded for that!
I caaaan’t:
Aziraphale tells Crowley that they have to make Maggie and Nina fall in love, and Crowley isn’t immediately: “Ffs, Angel, don’t we have more important things to do?” or at least: “The hell you were thinking? I’m not getting into this farce!” He’s immediately engaged and providing his plan, as if he had had it ready all along. (Oh I‘m so not thinking of Crowley driving up to Aziraphale’s bookshop every time it started to drizzle over the past four years! Which was – considering it’s London – five days a week.)
“Surely the great thing about being a demon is that you can do whatever you want.”
So here Aziraphale has a pretty vague understanding on what it means to be a demon. He thinks that if they rebelled than they might be free to wreck whatever havoc they want. He doesn’t yet think that there are any consequences if they don’t.
There is sooo much in that dialogue in Job’s house, actually. Crowley notices that Aziraphale’s words sound like jealousy.
A: “Certainly not. I get to do what God wants.”
C: “Like killing innocent children to win a bet with Satan?”
A: “I don’t think that is what God wants.”
Then comes: “And I don’t think you want it either.”
Aziraphale believes. He believes in God – even when he doubts Heaven and Archangels. And he believes in Crowley. And these are two main pillars of his existence. Everything else is shaky and questionable. But these things are solid. And that’s why it’s so hard for him when it seems as if they contradict each other. Like during the Apocalypse. Aziraphale (seemingly) has to betray Crowley to do God’s will. But in the end it turned out that God wasn’t against their actions at all.
But here, in the early days, Aziraphale is already sure that Crowley deserves his belief.
A: “I knew the angel you were.”
C: “The angel you knew is not me.”
A: “Then you tell me you want to do this…”
It’s an interesting scene, because what happens is that Crowley lies to him. Very artfully, but he still lies, and it looks a bit unlikely that he thinks that Aziraphale won’t find out the truth. So basically, Crowley (half-willignly) admits to Aziraphale that he is not that far from the “angel he knew”.
It’s easy to understand Crowley: he’s desperately lonely, and he likes Aziaphale a lot already. So… He must hate himself so much for being weak and admitting that he was better than he claimed to be. But if it takes this to make a friend?..
Aziraphale must be triumphant in this moment. He was right. And the angel really is still in there, doing what good he may even being a demon.
“That sounds a bit… lonely.”
Again, as I wrote earlier, Crowley is so good at keeping composure. Aziraphale has spotted the core of his sufferings, his greatest desire, and he acts like nothing happened.
Also, when he asks: “What side are you on?” Aziraphale says: “God’s, of course!” Not “Heaven’s” – “God’s”. Mind what I said earlier.
The scene with rewarding Job is really weird.
Starting with Crowley coming to the rescue at the very last second. Don’t get me wrong, I love it. In fact I’m enjoying Crowley so much this season – it’s like here we got all his soft parts that we were supposed to get in season 1 but didn’t. But really, isn’t he too brave? Too reckless and too sure of himself to appear just like that in front of a group of angels?
Well, I guess we can confirm that when in season 1 Sandalphone smelt “something evil” in the bookshop those were indeed Geoffrey Archer’s books. We already have some other proof that angels can’t detect Crowley – in the 1st season in Heaven (though taken alone it could be due to him being in Aziraphale’s body), in this scene with the angels and Job, in the bookshop with Muriel, and later in Heaven.
So okay, he is counting on angels being daft and his own cleverness. He isn’t very well prepared though – he has no real plan though he had clearly intended to return Job his children.
So even though it’s so obvious, I’d like to point that out specifically: Crowley was counting on Aziraphale. If you think about it, it’s pretty scary how much he was counting on him. If Aziraphale hadn’t lied along with him, Job and Sitis would have either fallen, or the angels would have discovered Crowley who then would be a criminal for both Heaven and Hell.
Like, I’m sure, if Aziraphale hadn’t found out about the goats, Crowley would think of some other way to return the children to their parents (maybe that would have been after the Fall of Job though). But now Aziraphale has asked him for help. And Aziraphale was so happy that Crowley didn’t kill the kids. And for some reason he just can’t stand the angel being sad or disappointed in him. So he risks his existence for something he believes in (that Job and Sitis don’t deserve to Fall for loving their children) and also to get closer to Aziraphale – to show him that they are not that different.
What is also strange in this scene is that Michael clearly understands both what is happening and that Aziraphale is lying to Gabriel. She doesn’t say a thing after Gabriel believes him, but you can see the look on her face, and it’s clear that she thinks Aziraphale is going to Fall any minute now. Just like Aziraphale is sure about it himself.
That doesn’t happen.
Funny thing by the way – the mechanics of Falling and unFalling. On one hand we know that it is like demotion and promotion. On the other hand, Aziraphale kind of thinks that even though the archangels believed his lie, God will know the truth. But Crowley says: “I’m not gonna tell anyone, are you?” And so again, it’s like God wouldn’t know or They don’t really have a say in that matter.
Which is really weird. Like the original Fall certainly had to happen because God decided that, right? But then Metatron and the archangels just took all that matter in their bureaucratic hands or what? What is it with Michael not bringing it up then? She just didn’t want to point out Gabriel’s stupidity to him?
I think it’s all so vague because the angels and demons aren’t completely sure about it themselves. Both Crowley and Aziraphale are so amazed that God is actually talking to Job. They don’t know for sure if God can learn about Aziraphale’s sins. Probably not, or They just don’t care. After all Aziraphale has already lied to God once and got away with it. As he lives (and sins) some more he gets more proof that God isn’t looking.
But don’t They really? If you think of God’s presence all over Season one, you’ll have to admit that They do.
They just don’t have anything against it!
Aziraphale is trying so hard to fool Heaven all the time, but maybe he doesn’t think is fooling God. As I said earlier, for him God is the ultimate authority, and he believes that They are actually really on his side. Just like he is on God’s side. He just can’t get through to Them because there isn’t a suggestion box.
It’s all so interesting to think about, because for me this partly explains Aziraphale’s stupid unwavering belief in the supremacy of Heaven over Hell. He sees God as someone who can tell real right from real wrong (“I don’t think that is what God wants.”), it’s just the angels and the demons who constantly mess it up.
Now, I’m not saying he’s right. To be honest, I don’t think Good Omens God cares much about right and wrong. What They care about is playing. (And shades of grey) God put the players on their positions, gave them their set of characteristics and weapons and let them play. It’s fun and I don’t think it has any other purpose other than being fun. Which is great. All the purposes in the world are made up by people on the Earth. And sometimes by angels and demons who are not really that different from humans as they think.
What I also want to think about here is the way Aziraphale refers to demons and the Fall.
Because it’s also relevant to the problem I’m trying to solve for myself – why does he think Crowley would be better off as an angel.
So Aziraphale thinks he’s a demon, a Fallen angel after he lied to thwart the will of God.
He thinks that was the right thing to do but he still believes he’s done the wrong thing. So it must be about him. He must have something corrupt deep down if he doubts his God.
And he is so scared. He is extremely scared because he wants to be good. He wants to do good. And it’s so painful for him that what he believes to be good is different from what God wants. (As it seems to him in this particular moment) Because if you can’t rely on God what can you rely on? It’s lonely, and hard, and so uncertain, and he just wants to do good and make people happy…
“I’m like you now. A demon.”
Even though he thinks he and Crowley did the right thing saving the kids, he still marks this as demonic. Because it was against the orders.
Crowley laughs at that. He knows it takes much more to become a demon, and it’s not even about bad deeds. It’s about someone wanting to cast you out. Just as it’s not enough to do good to become an angel. You need them to forgive you, and they won’t.
So Crowley is generous enough to give Aziraphale a choice: “Are you?”
If Aziraphale confessed before the angels or if Crowley told about him he would have probably been cast out. But thanks to Crowley Aziraphale can decide – to Fall or not to Fall. This is the choice that Crowley didn’t have. No one looked at him and measured his bad deeds and asked him if he wanted a second chance.
Surely Aziraphale must understand this and think of this in this moment.
Crowley told him that he was fine being alone on his own side. But here he confesses that he lied. It is lonely. Crowley is lonely.
And it is interesting that from that moment of openness already they understand each other differently. What Crowley means by his confession is: “I wouldn’t be lonely if you were with me.”
What Aziraphale thinks is: “He deserves not to be lonely. He is good enough not to be lonely, he deserves to be in Heaven, not less – if not more – than I do. If only he had the choice too…”
Why doesn’t Aziraphale hear Crowley when Crowley says again and again that he only needs him, he doesn’t want Heaven?
Isn’t it obvious? Aziraphale is utterly, completely and sincerely certain that he himself is not good enough.
Yup. Despite all his “I’m a great deal holier than thou” rhetoric, he actually thinks very little of himself.
There are so many moments scattered around both seasons where Aziraphale is reminded how unimportant and incompetent he is.
The angels all look down at him, he is not ever consulted on anything, he is fooled by the Nazis, even children can insult him as the magician at the party. And what’s worse, even Crowley sometimes contributes to that. Add to that his ever-present understanding that he is not always carrying out his duty as he is supposed to. I feel like throughout his whole life Aziraphale is constantly fighting for his self-esteem, both with people around him and with himself. That’s why sometimes he overcompensates, especially lashing out at Crowley, unfortunately, because he feels safer with Crowley, he feels almost competent, so sometimes he gets intoxicated by it and does something he really shouldn’t.
But the point is, I don’t think he ever thinks he can be enough for Crowley, that he can do what Heaven can do – to be his home. If he could read Crowley’s soul he would understand that he definitely can. But he can’t do that. And Crowley doesn’t even say enough or show enough before the last minutes of the show for Aziraphale to start understanding it.
(I’m not saying it’s Crowley’s fault, by no means it is! They are both very bad at communicating. Crowley might just be a little stronger and braver to come to terms with his feelings a little bit earlier.)
And when Crowley says it, Aziraphale is too far gone in this newly opened possibility – he can give Crowley the chance that Crowley gave him all those years ago, after Job! Surely this will be better? They can be together, and be in Heaven. They will have their place in the universe. They don’t have to be lonely.
And besides that, the Metatron’s offer doesn’t just give Aziraphale a direct opportunity to save Crowley from loneliness via returning him to grace. It also gives him the realization that he, Aziraphale, might after all be worthy. If he is good enough to lead Heaven, if he is trusted to do good on Earth, if he can help Crowley, then maybe he’ll be worthy of Crowley’s love after all.
I might get back to it when I’m watching the last episode, and I might disagree with myself from the past or find some other evidence to my thoughts. But that is what I’m feeling now.
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feralseph · 4 days
[ ! ] :   content warnings for child abuse, everyone is a villain, serial murders, violence, abuse, gun violence, gore, death, parental death, abandonment
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( WILLA HOLLAND, GENDERFLUID, THEY/SHE ) oh, is that PERSEPHONE WILDE? i heard the THIRTY year old is DEDICATED. but don’t let that pretty face fool you, they are also IMPETUOUS. makes sense seeing how they are a ROAD CAPTAIN in the GHOST RIDERS MC.
full name: persephone matilda wilde
nickname(s): sephy, seph, she-devil, satan, demon barber, hades, jack the ripper, hellspawn, chaos
age: thirty (30)
sex: female
gender: genderfluid
preferred pronoun(s): they/them + she/her
romantic orientation: panromantic
sexual orientation: pansexual
religion: the only god they believe in is themself
occupation: mechanic, road captain, killer
known relationships and associates
parents: [ redacted ]
siblings: [ redacted ]
significant other(s): one known ex-spouse, other connections unknown at this time
children: none
closest friends: mckinley ryan (roommate), ghost riders mc members
physical traits
eye color: green
hair color: brown
height: 5’5”
body build: slender, small, lithe, lean
notable traits: bullet scars, faint line across the throat, crescent bite scar on left thigh + hip
phobias and diseases
phobias: loss of personal autonomy, claustrophobia
mental disorders: psychopathy, sadomasochism, quite possibly suffering from bipolar disorder
physical disease(s): none known
usual mood/expression: playful, sadistic, manic
moral alignment: chaotic neutral
jung: entp
enneagram: aggressiveness
four temperaments: choleric
hogwarts house: slytherin
tropes: even evil has standards, from nodody to nightmare, deadpan snarker, beware the silly ones, deliberate under-performance, token evil, nature versus nurture, daddy's little psycho, berserk button, being the broken ace, chaos is evil, fear is the appropriate response, "if i wanted you dead…"
five prominent traits: sadistic, playful, feral, merciless, zealous
skills: can probably slit your throat with a post-it note to be honest. trained killer and martial artist, can speak fluently in three different languages, intelligence of a full spectrum of weapons, dexterous and handles weapons with ease, no problem with killing
element: fire
born into the underbelly of new york city, you were exposed to the harsh realities of war. from a young age you become desensitized to blood and violence, even developing an obsession with torture. as a child you were allowed to feed your own curious mind by taking apart anything you could get your hands on. from cars to radios to weapons and anything in between, just to see how they worked.
your mother, who has raised you on her own since your birth, noticed you possessed real problems. rather than attempt to cure or counsel you, the suspicious and power-hungry woman took advantage of your true lack of morality by raising you to be a killing-machine that she would use as a weapon for the demise of her enemies, both real and imagined
you endured brutal training for hours on end, conditioning you into a lethal fighter and sadistic sociopath. swords become a flawless extension of your reach, arrows and bullets never miss their mark. knives decorate every outfit as the must-have accessory. your mother's own plans were thwarted, however, when the leadership of her gang found out about you. you were never meant to have been born in the first place, a child unwanted by your father and were nothing but a stain upon the image of his name.
somehow you're spared the same fate as the woman you call mother. perhaps you escape, the memories are hazy for you. and so began your journey to adulthood alone. while many families tried to take you in, you proved too wild and erratic to keep as a member of any family. you did not understand human relations, struggling to settle with any of them. after one too many failed attempts at normalcy, you decide to raise yourself and slip out of any formal system.
you become a little bit feral and a lot reckless, experiencing erratic and manic episodes which psychologists believed were caused by personality disorders that had manifested within your callous upbringing. one particularly manic bout, when you were sixteen, left you interned at an asylum after you killed a fellow student, a child of some mid-level serpent member. simply because she attempted to bully you into submission under her boot.
you are released on account of bail, blackmail and bribery, and the crime was written off as ‘temporary madness,’ but you continue to experience mood swings and phases of abnormal energy and frenzy. your adulthood brings you ample opportunities of success, using your unique childhood training to make your own little empire in the underground. there isn't any job you won't do.
you're freshly twenty-four when the ghost riders take pity on the feral beast you've become. a meal, a shower, and a bed buy your temporary loyalty. when it becomes clear they're tentatively alright with your behaviors, when it's obvious you could be potentially useful, a symbiotic sort of relationship is formed. you're not expected to climb the ranks but the patches are little tokens to you, proof you're better than others. your personal little gold stars.
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asexualzoro · 4 years
list of reasons i find Brook ridiculous
for brook’s birthday, ive decided to follow up my other two posts of this genre by dragging yet another idiot swordsman. i have everybrook open on my phone next to me. here we go
- first and foremost his most ridiculous crime is existing. as he’s already so ridiculous as a character, im going to talk only about things hes done
- i want to know, did Brook make a conscious effort to change his laugh to sound like his favorite song? how long did it take? what was the in between period like? what did his crew have to say about this? the rumbar pirates were big on playful teasing, did they let Brook live this down? 
- ALTERNATIVELY: was brook’s laugh already like that? is that why bink’s sake is his favorite song? is that why it was York’s favorite-- oh we only made it two bullet points before i made myself sad
- relatedly i cannot make fun of anything Brook did in his backstory it will make me too sad. hes spared for now
- i DO want to say from a writing standpoint its so fucking ridiculous to me that he mentions twice being a convoy captain in the past and it never comes up again. oda?? why even bother to include something that cool if you weren't even going to do anything with it?? you could have said hes just always been a pirate but no. oda?? oda
- there was that bit where a bunch of people thought Brook was satan and addressed him as such (i think Satan-sama in the original, and the translation i read was like... Lord Satan or Lord Demon or something). not only did Brook never correct them, but he also ran with it and later used this case of mistaken identity as a reason to threaten to eat a man’s heart 
- also both men and women were showing him their underwear in that bit. bi rights
- those satanists let Brook get kidnapped while saying they would try to summon him back. do you think they're still at it
- Brook is older than... basically every old man in the series. Garp, Whitebeard, Rayleigh... all of them. something about that is so weird to me and i cannot place why
- Brook has seen and can prove the existence of an afterlife in One Piece canon and its then never addressed again
- Brook missed so many huge events while being dead. im looking at a timeline rn and these include the obvious, like, roger’s execution and subsequent effect on in-world culture and society and whatever. but also things like the destruction of ohara (which was in his home sea), the founding of the world power known as the revolutionary army (which was about 20yrs ago), and the births of every other member of his crew. wack
- he seems to know about stuff related to the pirate king post time skip, and i wonder if thats because someone told him or he’s just playing along now. maybe he just thinks Luffy made up the term pirate king cuz it sounds cool and he wants to support his captain’s interests
- if he DID ask though, like, who did he ask? his managers? did he pull aside some fan asking for an autograph at a concert like “hey, you look like a knowledgable young lad, mind helping me out?”
- i would love to be there when someone takes the time to explain roger, the pirate king, raffle, the One Piece.... and Brook asks them “what is the One Piece?”.... and someone has to look him in the eye (...or not) and tell him “i don't know” 
- Brook has technically died of fright (his soul left his body), like... at least once? it was luffy’s fault
- Brook was an urban legend on the florian triangle and i doubt he even knows that about himself
- when they're heading to fishmen island Brook gets all scared when they encounter a possible ghost ship and Usopp slaps him
- when captured by big mom he sleeps so godamn soundly and securely that he is harder to wake up than she is and this fact nearly gets a bunch of his crew killed
- Brook is the only character i can think of who has ever broken the fourth wall. he only did it once. maybe seeing the afterlife means he now knows hes in a manga. or maybe being isolated for 50 years just made his head be not screwed on right
- speaking of, there’s a bit in WCI at the wedding where Brook is decapitated. i don't know how it goes in the anime, but in the manga like... no one is shown to have decapitated him. his head just pops off. maybe he was just having fun
- also the bit where he rips the fake face off in wci. when someone calls him gross he cries
- there’s a bit in fishmen island where Brook is trying to ask Nami if he can see her panties (disgusting bastard) and he inadvertently protects her from being dehydrated by some guy they were fighting. except the panel setup reminds me a lot of / mimics ace protecting Luffy from Akainu, and it haunts me
- speaking of bits from fishmen island that haunt me, there's a page where it’s strongly implied Brook fucked a mermaid (maybe two). i will of course include the page here
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- yeah. sorry. 
- when Brook first meets the strawhats he invites himself inside because “it’s cold out!” but he later admits in punk hazard that he cant feel cold. he was just lying
- no one introduces himself to Brook except Luffy for the entirety of thriller bark
- half related, Franky cradles Brook in his arms / carries Brook around for like a full scene in thriller bark 
- there's a link two second bit in film gold where the crew is just relaxing while they're planning for how they're going to get Zoro back and they're all shown eating burgers from pirate mcdonalds or whatever. and Brook is eating a burger and hes so messy that hes got burger on his forehead, and Franky is next to him just looking at him
- Brook also wears fake skin in that movie
- Brook has a running gag where he gets upset when things refuse to eat him and i was going to make a joke about it but im wondering if maybe hes just afraid of being left behind........ made myself sad again
- he cries when a dragon won't eat him tho
- Brook admits to reading monster hentai when talking to Sanji and Kin’emon and if i have to be burdened with knowing that so do you
- when hes trying to figure out the weakness of the zombies on thriller bark he overhears one ate a salted fish and lost its shadow and immediately assumes “oh, must have been the fish!” idiot man
- where does his sword cane go when hes not using it. it just appears. where does he store it
- there's a bit where the strawhats all use a combo attack at thriller bark and the first step is firing an electrically charged Brook in a slingshot through oars/oz. he ends up in a wall and no one ever pulls him out. i don't even think the manga shows how he got down
- enemies post time skip regularly assume Brook is dead when they manage to knock the crew out and it makes me wonder how popular of a rock star Brook actually was
- Brook goes on a mini rant to no one while they're descending to fisherman island where he wonders aloud how he sees without eyes and it makes me lose it
- this isn't Brook technically but Nekomamushi is based on a song Brook’s voice actor wrote about his cat.
- Brook literally doesn't have a brain. like i know we all know that but its so fucking funny. we make jokes about other strawhats only having one braincell or whatever but Brook straight up 100% just has a seashell where his brain is supposed to be 
-  why does he have rubber glove looking hands when hes haunting the castle at wano i fucking hate them
- relatedly, there’s a bit where Brook mentions he’s been, at kinemon’s interaction, sitting in a well for like... possibly days? is he okay
- honestly i love everything about Brook’s actions as a ghost in wano bc its so fucking funny but my FAVORITE fact is that Brook is in the wikipedia article about starving skeletons
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im leaving you with that. appreciate ur local skeleton today
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sheblah · 5 years
OK I'm apparently not done talking about this. Here I'm going to expand on my meta that DT's motivation = survival and all else is just a byproduct.
Lots of people have commented that Double Trouble does what they do purely for drama, or chaos, or because they just love destroying lives. It's as valid an interpretation as any, I guess, but I don't agree with it. They are certainly manipulative, but I don't think this trait is incidental to their personality; it's very much intentional on DT's part. If put together with other clues, I think it reveals something very different about them.
What I propose is that ultimately, DT's goal in life isn't to cause drama or have fun at other people's expense (bear with me). Their goal is to survive - or more accurately, to maximize survival chances - and they have a very meticulous way of going about it.
First I want to take a broad look at the elements that shape DT's personality and motives. This might involve some speculation, since we don't know anything about their early life and very little about their internal thoughts, but I'll stick to onscreen evidence as much as I can. What we do know is that they first appear in the Crimson Waste. I choose to assume they live there and have done so for an indeterminate time before their first appearance. And in the Crimson Waste, the strong make the rules. Not everyone can be the "strongest in the Crimson Waste." Most people just have to be strong enough to survive on their own, or else join up with the strongest like Huntara's goons or Tung Lashor's lizard gang. Since DT isn't ostensibly allied to any group in the CW, they're probably the former. And their strength isn't muscle; it lies in deception, observation, and manipulation. As a shapeshifter, they're naturally predisposed to that sort of skillset. They probably started their career of deception by shifting to blend in and escape danger, and then expanded the applications of that ability into eavesdropping, information gathering, and eventually espionage. Their best strength is knowing more than everybody else, and knowing how to use that information.
Let's go back to S4E2 for a moment. This is the first time we see DT:
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They're looking down at Adora, Bow, Huntara, and Perfuma. In retrospect I thought this was odd, since they then proceed to approach Catra, not the heroes. They don't interact with the heroes until Catra has them do their "audition." Why show DT watching them? I think, in this moment, DT is choosing which side to join. For at least a moment, they consider offering their services to the Rebellion instead. We also know this because they mention the possibility to Catra.
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Now my opinion is biased towards a morally gray interpretation of the character, but to me this is a pretty big hole in the popular rhetoric that DT is evil for the lulz. Why even think about joining the "good guys" if all you want is chaos and destruction? The Rebellion is about stopping all that noise. And why consider them first? We don't see DT watching Catra and sizing her up.
But before we get to that, we have to ask: why get involved in the war at all? What would drive them to leave the Crimson Waste and seek employment in the wider wartorn world of Etheria? I posit that it's because the Waste is no longer survivable.
In that episode, we see that the Valley of the Lost is crawling with Horde soldiers.
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They're terrorizing the denizens of the desert. Now these are mostly hardened criminals who aren't easily terrorized, but the Horde has armor and weapons and numbers on their side. As Huntara puts it, "It wasn't always like this. It used to be a great place, where an honest criminal could carve out a life." When she says this, it's news to her; from what we can tell, she's been living in Bright Moon for awhile. But everyone else there has just been living with this new state of affairs however long the Horde has been in their valley - and it's probably been awhile since they have a whole warehouse set up. It's reasonable to assume DT has been suffering from the Horde's presence as much as anyone else who lives there. How can you make a living gathering intel when there are soldiers around every corner interrogating everyone?
It's simple, actually: if you can't beat them, join them. Or maybe join their enemies.
I think they don't have great choices at this point - either keep working and hope that business picks up while ALSO avoiding the aggressive soldiers, or get involved in a war that you and your home have avoided thus far. The choice that gives them the best chance to keep making money - and, you know, living - is to get involved with the war one way or another.
So then, why pick the Horde way? Also simple.
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From where DT is standing, the Horde is winning. They have sophisticated technology, abundant resources, and enough soldiers that they can afford to station a few dozen in a remote desert town. Who does the Rebellion send to steal the ship back? Three kids and a former gang leader. And oh sure, one of them is She-Ra, but what's one superpowered princess against an army? Any way you look at it, the Horde's forces are more impressive.
So they offer their services to the Horde first, with the rebels as a backup in case the Horde says no.
So, let's summarize up to this point. Pretend you're DT. You make your living as a spy, but suddenly a powerful presence takes your town by storm and completely disrupts everyone's daily lives. Finding clients becomes difficult, and actually doing the work is next to impossible when the streets are clogged with armed aggressors. Your income starts drying up. You can't avoid the war anymore - the war has come to you. So you decide to join it. You spot a handful of outsiders trying to avoid attention and figure this must be the Rebellion's forces. It's four people versus dozens of armored soldiers with enormous resources. You pick the stronger side. But now you've gone from working with petty thugs to working with literal warlords, and that's a hell of a dangerous position to be in. If you piss off your employer, you just might die. So. How do you cover your ass?
By getting the dirt.
Because that's your strength. That's how you survive. By manipulating the people who could hurt you. By gathering information that could hurt them so bad they couldn't even retaliate. And, hey, you don't necessarily gather this information with the intent to use it - but if the crap hits the fan and you do something that'll get you on a tyrannical world leader's naughty list, well, you need something to defend yourself with. For you, information is the best weapon.
That explains why they're so determined to get in Catra's skin. They want to know what makes her tick, her strengths, her weaknesses, her obsessions. It's not just for the love of acting. These are all bullets that they can use to bring her down if need be. And when they decide to switch to the other side? Need be.
Giving Catra that devastating speech has multiple effects. I think a part of them really does care about Catra and wants to be honest with her. But my theory is that they're mainly trying to get one important message across:
Don't try to retaliate for this betrayal. I know enough to destroy you without throwing a single punch.
As an ending note, I want to examine that line above. "The best way to survive is always choose the winning side." As amusing as the "would sell you to satan for one corn chip" memes are, that's not actually the sort of attitude they have about betraying Catra. They're not talking about getting a reward here. No mention of superior pay is made. They're not saying they destroyed everything she's worked for on a lark (although they may have had a lark in the process). They're talking about literal survival. The basic gift of continuing to stay alive. That's what they betrayed Catra for. They do the math in that cell in Bright Moon, figure they're on the losing side of the war, and decide what they're getting from the Horde isn't worth getting killed over. Anything else they get out of it is incidental.
Mind you, none of this is meant to imply that they don't enjoy messing with people's heads. There's abundant evidence that they do. Rather, my point is that they probably learned how to manipulate people not as a hobby, but as a vital survival skill... and probably long before they learned to enjoy it.
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things2mustdo · 4 years
As the example of Gomer, the Biblical story of Jezebel and her husband Ahab often bears applicability to the cultural state of modern feminist societies. Her cultural symbolism throughout the ages has been with false prophets, fallen women, paganism, apostasy, deception, manipulation, seduction—and, in modern times, with feminist women.
The spirit of Jezebel and her crimes
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According to the Hebrew Book of Kings, Jezebel (a name with disputable multiple meanings: 1.”Not exalted,” or 2. “Where is the Prince?”, an allegorical ritual cry from pagan worship ceremonies in honor of the pagan deity Baal during periods of the year when he was considered to be in the underworld)— was a Phoenician princess, the daughter of Ethbaal, who was the king of Tyre, and a priest of Baal. Jezebel incited her husband Ahab, the king of North Israel, to abandon the worship of God and encourage worship of the false deities Baal and Ashtart (also called Ishtar) instead.
She is notable for her rebellion against God via promotion of witchcraft and idolatry and ruthless persecution of the Biblical prophets of her time through her husband. She is also guilty of deception, as seen in the fabrications of false evidence of blasphemy against an innocent landowner called Naboth who refused to sell his property to King Ahab, causing the landowner to be put to death. For these transgressions and crimes against God and people of Israel, Jezebel met a gruesome death as prophesized by the prophet Elijah. She was thrown out of a window by members of her own court retinue, and the flesh of her corpse eaten by stray dogs.
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The article “Jezebel, in our society” aptly describes the spirit of Jezebel. Here is an excerpt:
“The Jezebel spirit is born of witchcraft and rebellion. This demon is one of the most common spirits in operation today, both in the church and in the world, and it is a powerful enemy of the body of Christ. She operates freely on sincere believers whose hearts are for God individually, and has also attained positions of power as powers and principalities within the Church. This spirit establishes its stronghold primarily in women; however, many men have been victimized by it as well, where it functions as a “controlling” spirit.
The spirit of Jezebel is behind the daughter of Democracy, i. e. Feminism.
The Spirit of Jezebel is basically a controlling spirit working through the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. It has, in general, two aims:
To gain identity, glory, recognition, power, and satisfy the need for the “praises of men”. This is a consequence of the desire for love and self-worth focused on SELF.
Secondly the Jezebel spirit is a men hater and seeks to emasculate all men, and divest them of their authority and power over others. It fosters a distrust and hatred of men in general. The “Jezebel spirit” is in a constant agitation, terribly aggressive, very determined, callous, controlling, selfish, power-hungry, manipulative, unrepentant, deceitful spirit, an overwhelmingly evil spirit, and those are mostly only it’s good points! Indeed this spirit can be definitely named “Satan’s woman”.
There are two main types of the Jezebel spirit:
The high-profile type is generally gregarious, outspoken and highly visible. She is often seen as the “woman who wears the pants in the family”.
The low-profile type is soft-spoken, giving the illusion of being solicitous, motherly, protective, even appearing very submissive. The low-profile type may be the most dangerous, as she is the most difficult to discern. She relies heavily on manipulation for her power, in extremely subtle performances.”
The notable point to be noted in her death was her ostentatious decoration of herself, akin to prostitutes of those times, just before she was thrown to her death by her servants–which Isaac Asimov describes as a deliberate symbolism of her arrogant determination to go out of this life as a “queen.”
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Jezebel’s religious beliefs, glorification and “humanization”  by modern society, and her modern day sisters
Jezebel promoted the ancient religion of the Canaanites which included Baal and Ashtart worship. Ashtart is a Semitic Goddess of Love and War and the Canaanite Great Goddess who is the cult partner of Ba’al (“the King”). Heterosexual orgies were associated with Ashtart whereas homosexual orgies were associated with Baal. The spring equinox (spring break) was associated with ritual sex orgies to honor Astart.
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Drunken revelry and debauchery; modern day “pagan” spring equinox festivals of old?
Today, Jezebel is often glorified by apologetics (usually women) as an example of female power, domination, and strength who was victimized by the “misogynist” authors of the Bible, while often disregarding or underplaying the glaring crimes and atrocities she committed in her earthly life. Her refusal to submit even in her death (actually out of her pride), is apologetically portrayed in recent modern times, as feminist heroism and victimization by a patriarchal culture of those times.
Feminist apologetics even paint her humanely, as a “faithful” polytheist woman to her husband and her faith, while comparing Elijah as a villainous fundamentalist rabblerouser similar to a modern day religious extremist. They state that Jezebel’s harlotry was spiritual, and not literal—since polytheism was often referred to as harlotry—but what must be noted that the Baal and Ashtart worship Jezebel promoted was related to ritual sex and sacred prostitution. Since there is no “factual” information on Jezebel, such apologetic acquittals of her using “historical imagination” are just as likely to be correct or incorrect as any other.
One fact is common: Jezebel was a ruthless Godless tyrannical woman who defied human dignity, weaved outrageous lies,  shed innocent blood, spread corruption—all to satisfy her ego—and she deserves her bad reputation. Nevertheless, she remains a role model and heroine for feminists, with modern apologetic feminist versions of her story .
Feminists accuse that Jezebel’s vilification in the Bible was because of the “victorious” who wrote (distorted) Biblical history. Feminists are actually rewriting modern history by embodying Jezebel’s traits by deed due to the proliferation and dominance of feminism in modern societies, so it’s the case of the pot calling the kettle black.
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Thus, the name Jezebel (from the Biblical example of Jezebel herself) itself has become synonymous with a scheming woman. The 1938 hit “Jezebel” was one of the earliest adaptations of a headstrong scheming woman whose actions cost her the man she loves, but later schemes to win him back as for her “the end justifies the means”—and who is told by her aunt that she reminds her aunt of “Jezebel, a woman who did evil in the sight of the Lord”.
Many men today deal with such scheming women in their day to day lives. Compare the Biblical Jezebel’s traits with feminism-bred, modern women you’d commonly see around you, which are explored below:
Rebelliousness – both moral and spiritual? Check.
Controlling tendencies over men (more so in partnerships)? Check.
Tyrannical , unfeminine behavior and cruelty over the weak? Check.
Narcissism? Check.
Hatred towards men (covert or open)? Check.
Extravagance, hustling and materialistic greed? Check.
Spiritual harlotry and skepticism or general disdain for patriarchal religion? Check.
Witchcraft and occult Sympathies? Check.
Deception, habitual lying and cunning manipulation? Check.
No sense of justice? Check.
Promotion of sexual profligacy to fellow women? Check.
Hubris and capriciousness? Check.
General refusal to accept mistakes, no conscience and shamelessness? Check.
The reason why Jezebelian traits are increasingly seen in modern feminist women is the same as what defined Jezebel herself: spiritual rebellion or disgust to patriarchal religion in modern feminist societies. With the rise of witchcraft (Jezebel’s faith) in modern societies, more women turn away from patriarchal religion. And religious and spiritual corruption then sets the tone for eventual moral corruption, as godless women will obviously act in godless ways.
The rising skepticism towards religion itself in the modern world further complicates the problem. As mentioned above, the influx of the Jezebelian spirit into religious institutions further poisons the very framework which could possibly have exorcised the roots of the Jezebelian spirit in the modern world.
Modern day Ahabs: Manginas and White Knights
Ahab represents the powerful yet identity-less, henpecked monogamous posturing beta—totally controlled by his mate Jezebel. He even committed gross injustices and crimes on the innocent as on Naboth, at her behest. Henpecked men, white knights, and manginas are thus common modern day examples of Ahab. The pussy-whipped meek husband is the unassuming version of Ahab, for he allows his domineering wife to not only take the decisions and steer him into whichever direction that she wishes, but also because he doesn’t take charge to either change her or himself to assume control.
Ahab’s life represents that of a resourceful and powerful man who had no identity of his own, and often depended on his woman to define his identity by allowing her to lead him. He was a mere tool in her hands, for her to achieve her aims.
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But in the modern world, isn’t it common to see an educated, intelligent, successful man abandon his sane judgment, spiritual identity and dignity to be manipulated into unjust and godless behavior by the women he loves or desires—whether he may be married or single—very much like Ahab? And for what? Often simply for sake of sex and companionship with his partner.
Just like how Ahab killed Naboth at the behest of his wife, so do many modern men commonly commit crimes and injustices at the behest of their women. Throw into this picture greed, material success and sensual pleasure and the modern man will never detach himself from his Jezebelian mate. The addiction to earthly and material pleasures over spiritual and mental development is commonly seen in modern day Ahabs. In a modern world where materialism is the religion, modern day Ahabs will easily rationalize to themselves and to others the evil behavior instigated by their Jezebelian mates, as being ‘pragmatic’ and often ‘necessary’.
The story of Jezebel and Ahab shows the seeds of corruption of a society: weak godless influential men coupled with controlling corruptedgodless women. “Behind every successful man is a woman”: this is the lie propagated in modern feminist societies. But the real truth is that “behind every successful woman is a man”—as seen in Jezebel’s story. Her weak husband’s immense social power and influence, helped her to achieve her evil designs. She would’ve been nothing had she not married a powerful weakling like Ahab, to achieve her vile aims and promote her religious ideology. The same analogy can be applied to feminists and manginas. Without manginas and white knights, feminists (or for that matter feminism) would never have achieved prominence. Male complacency eventually leads to female tyranny.
Religious and spiritual decline are the first signs of the impending corruption of a society. The spiritual corruption commonly seen in modern feminist societies not only results in the moral decline of civilization, but will also eventually result in the proliferation of modern day Jezebels and Ahabs. It ‘s a serious problem, as every man (moreso red pill), irrespective of his religious beliefs, could or would suffer on account of these modern day Jezebels and Ahabs, like Naboth.
Feminism is the modern day religion which eventually produces and harbors them. And these signs look ominous for the future generations.
Read More: The Disturbing Relationship Between Feminism And The Occult
To begin with, I want to share a real-life experience of a friend who was in a “relationship” with an Eastern European girl who dabbled in the occult. To condense his long saga, his girl was your typical “traditional,” “feminine” girl who cooked for him and provided great on-demand sex (often with incapacitating post-orgasm hangovers). Everything seemed “perfect” between them for six months or so, but all along this time, little did he know that she was a closet “witch” who was casting “love” spells on him “to bind” him to her.
Succubus, witch, and “girlfriend”— all in one. He later discovered that he’d gotten more than what he had bargained for.
A spell gone horribly wrong
Gradually, things got predictable and boring as the relationship progressed and the passion faded. Her subtle, capricious demands soon became overt domination, which prompted him to seek an immediate closure to the relationship. This triggered the worst in her.
Hell hath no fury as a witch scorned
He then proceeded to have a harrowing time. He shared how he discovered she was stashing used condoms with his dried semen, shaved hair and pictures for her occult experiments to “bind” him before he finally kicked her out of his home. Not to mention she had even tried to “hex” his food to complete the binding on him.
Things then turned very ugly, with her first trying to stalk him (after he kicked her out), then psychologically intimidating him, and when all that failed—she tried to screw up his social and professional reputation however she could.
He was strong enough to resist her attacks, but his relationship was a compelling enough inspiration to learn about the occult, and to discover the common ideology it shares with feminism. Since readers may or may not believe in the paranormal, the point deduced from this story which will be primarily focused upon below is the surprising link between feminism and the occult.
The first revolt against patriarchy
The glorification of the female form, beginning with Lilith, the supposed first wife of Adam (who disobeyed him and is considered to be the first “feminist”) is an integral part of the occult, unlike in the patriarchal Abrahamic religions.
According to occult belief, Lilith was Adam’s first wife, the archetype feminist that every man marries and then divorces. She constantly argued with Adam and refused to lie under him during copulation by saying they were “equal.”A text of the “Story Of Lilith” can be read here. Her refusal to submit to Adam is said to be the first revolt against patriarchy.
Occult and feminism in the modern world
Feminism has its roots in the occult and witchcraft. A point well established by Mitch Horowitz, author of “Occult America” .
Modern progressive feminist society has in many ways become a covert, occult-driven society. Reverence for the “Goddess” or “Divine Feminine” (a concept common to witchcraft, feminism, liberalism), beginning with the rise of the “Goddess movement” in Anglo countries and coinciding with second-wave feminism in the 70’s, has become more prevalent in the present day. A resultant product of five decades of feminism and its associated spirituality (occult).
Today, we’re bombarded day in day out, everywhere by occult symbolism through media. Just type “occult symbolism” in any search engine on the web and see the results for yourself.
Blue-pill (beta) culture, which typically romanticizes the concept of an ideal, sentimentalized love, has all its roots in the occult, as seen with the recent increasing consumerism of romantic occult-themed cinema by modern societies, especially by the younger generation.
Most female occultists of the past and present held the belief of the psychological superiority of women as compared to that of men. Similarly, masquerading as a movement for women’s rights, feminism—as a cruel ruse—tells women their natural biological instincts are “socially constructed” to oppress them.
Feminism’s social engineering, designed to destroy gender identity by interchanging gender roles, is actually a movement for women to covertly promote a hatred for men, as well as indirectly serving as a driving force for the occult (or its concepts), for they both often share a common ideology.
Feminism’s mission to give any woman however worthless and undeserving she may be the power to lead men like bridled horses or yoked oxen whichever, whenever, and however she wants to is analogous to the witch who‘d supposedly “control” a man to do her bidding, through “magical” manipulation.
Connecting the lines from the dots
Is it a mere coincidence that the repeal of the Witchcraft Act in the UK in 1951, coupled with a revival of occult/witchcraft coincided with the rise of feminism? To illustrate this question further, an excerpt from an article which came out a few years back (you can read the article in full here):
“Why has witchcraft gained such a hold in our Christian-based society? Certainly there are several factors. Many witches are fervent feminists. This is probably the main contributing factor to the rapid growth of the movement. Following ancient rituals faithfully, the Wiccan religion is female-dominant—the high priestess leads the ritual ceremonies. The fertility goddess always receives the primary worship. Wicca is tailor-made for women who desire power and authority over men. True Christianity is solidly patriarchal. This fact grinds away at feminist philosophy. Feminists who have not been able to successfully change Christian teachings to their own liking have embraced Wicca.”
Another article that came out last year shows how witchcraft and the occult is actually growing at a rapid rate more than any other faith in the Anglo sphere. Considering these trends of revival of witchcraft in the West, the Anglo sphere seems more or less likely to be significantly paganized by the end of this century, especially with more and more feminism-bred women choosing it as a “spiritual” path.
Witchcraft around the world
After “registering” its first legal witch, Romania, the famed land of Dracula, became the first country to legalize (and tax) witchcraft as a profession in 2011 (a likely possibility sooner or later in the West, considering current trends).
In Russia and other parts of Slavic Europe (with a  long-etched history of witchcraft), occult-beliefs are still prevalent. A lot of modern, educated women still practice witchcraft (usually “love magic”) covertly—or if not, still believe in it.
The WHO estimated that there were more witches and sorcerers in Russia than practicing doctors in an article which was published four years ago. You could read about a visitor’s journey into the heart of occult in modern day Russia; another article about the revival of occult in modern Russia; and another interesting article about the occult roots of the Russian Revolution. However, Russia seems to be taking proactive action in recent times to crackdown on witchcraft while promoting a reversion to Orthodox Christianity and patriarchal values. Other parts of Europe have seen a recent rise in occult practices, possibly due to occult glorification through media, and these rising trends are also seen in some parts of Asia and Middle East.
In matriarchal societies in Africa, witchcraft has always been practiced since ancient times. Africa faces a similar problem as seen in Russia: more witch doctors than real doctors. A lot of women still use “love spells” and “potions” to bind or control their men, and a lot more people rely on witch doctors to physically heal themselves.
What does the future hold?
The conspicuous correlation is the one between feminism and the occult in places where both are on the rise. It’s often said that ignorance is bliss, but knowledge is power. It’s the power of this knowledge and awareness about the link between feminism and the occult that every man should arm himself with so that he stays away from those women who share occult sympathies. As my friend learned the hard way, the risk isn’t worth it.
Read More: The Tragedy Of Letting A Broken Woman Into Your Life
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yourdeepestfathoms · 4 years
Seven Deadly Sins AU
yes, i know i already made this AU, but i made some alterations and Anne and Jane were switched around because Jane makes a better Lust
so, the Sins are demons and are crossed with some sort of monster. they’re also immortal beings that were not born naturally, so they basically just popped into existence fully grown. except one, of course, which is very strange....
Pride- Aragon
True Name: Lucifer
Monster: Cherubim 
Powers: Project an idealized version of herself that will fight for her while her vulnerable form becomes invisible; Gravitational manipulation usually used to make people bow
Note: The first Sin ever created and therefore the oldest.
Also the “leader” of the group.
Fucking TALL.
Hugs from her big wings are literally the best thing ever.
She has hair, but it’s more like a mane like a lion has.
When the eyes on her wings open up you better RUN.
Greed- Anne
True Name: Mammon
Monster: Gorgon
Powers: Has a magical hammerspace dimension where she can keep things and people; Can turn people into gemstones and usually wears them on a necklace of jewels around her neck; Parasitic power generation; Paralyzing nerve venom
Note: Always adorned with jewels.
Bonds with Joan over shedding skin and having more scales than flesh.
Her venom comes from a stinger at the end of her tail, which slides out of the tip. it usually isn’t visible.
Lust- Jane
True Name: Asmodeus
Monster: Siren
Powers: Gender swap (can be male or female, but prefers female); Hypnosis; Silver tongue (highly persuasive); Release an entrancing aroma to hinder enemies
Note: She is immune to all STDs.
The weakest of the Sins, but she doesn’t really care because at least she’s hot.
Wrath- Bessie
True Name: Satan
Monster: Devil
Powers: Notably the most powerful Sin, Satan’s power is simply the ability to become a large, invisible monster. It does not speak or vocalize at all, and is alarmingly fast and strong, but not outside of the scope of the setting. Its most dangerous trait is its intelligence and single-mindedness. It does not taunt or toy with its enemy—it just kills them as brutally and directly as it can. However, if the body materializes, it appears as a tall, dark creature with a hideous human visage, and simply looking at it can open vicious wounds in someone’s body. If it actually touches someone, they’re infected by its own inhuman rage (provided they survive). This rage is extreme and incurable, with cases resulting in (for example) the human victim breaking their own arms and using the exposed bones as weapons.
Note: She always has a black cloth tied over her eyes because she’s afraid that she’ll make someone go mad if she looks at them, even if she’s not in her monstrous form.
Whenever all the Sins meet up, she gets to feel their hands and faces because, again, she basically blind. She could take off her blindfold, but she’s too nervous to.
She has an extremely heightened sense of smell and hearing and is able to tell which Sin is near her just by their scent alone.
For a devil, she is quite short, and all the other Sins like to rub this in her face.
She has nifty demon eyes, but, again again, you can’t seen them.
Sloth- Cathy
True Name: Belphegor 
Monster: Bakeneko 
Powers: Mass paralysis; Can make people selectively apathetic to their specific actions; Project emotions and thoughts into others; Dream visiting
Note: Because she is Sloth and a monstrous cat woman, many people expect her to be lazy, but she is far from it.
Emotionally wise, she is probably the strongest sin because of her ability to project emotions onto people, even the most unwanted ones.
Gluttony- Anna
True Name: Beelzebub
Monster: You know a Satyr or Faun? She’s like that, but a pig
Powers: Corrosive saliva/stomach acid; Absorb power and grow stronger by eating living things; Can eat anything which is neat; Pyrokinesis
Note: Several people assume she is one of the more violent and messed up Sins, but Anna is actually very tame and sweet.
She does NOT eat people, although there are theories that she does.
She has tusks coming out of her mouth, which she sharpens on trees.
Ironically, she is less of a Glutton than Joan.
Instead of hounds, she has boars.
Envy- Joan
True Name: Leviathan
Monster: Dragon
Powers: Venom; Shapeshifting (You know the phrase you are what you eat? Envy literally incorporates properties of eaten things. It can turn into anything it wants at any time, but the form will be flawed. To have a true, clear copy, it must consume that person, animal, or thing.); Dragon’s breath
Note: Joan is the only Sin born naturally, making her much younger than the others. This made for a rough childhood because everybody, even her own parents, were afraid of the weird girl with horns and claws and scales growing out of her flesh. 
The growth of her scales is an extremely irritating and painful process. She has several gashes and scars running up and down her limbs, torso, and stomach because she would scratch at them so much.
She’s very touch starved and lonely, poor kid, because everyone hated and/or feared her.
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Funny Moments In Thor The Dark World
Find Thor 1 here
Find Avengers 1 here
This is the second part of me watching all three thor movies and the avengers movie and comparing the humor pre-ragnarok to the humor in the 3rd Thor movie. And, as before, I’m writing this on my computer where the I and U keys don’t work so sorry for any spelling mistakes.
Tag List: @nikkoliferous @fyrecrafted @lokijiro @miskiett @darthxerik @icyxmischief @iamanartichoke @juliabohemian @official-and-unstable-satan @melodylnoelle @just-another-human-2019 @fandomsfanfiction @mentallydatingahotcelebrity @cateyes315 @burningarbiterheart @imnotacreepijustlikeyou @usedtobegoodfriend96 @alexakeyloveloki
Official-and-unstable-satan and fandomsfanfiction weren’t tagged sry
Anyone who wants to be added/removed to the tag list please let me know! and if I missed someone please also let me know. Sorry this post is so long
~ “Hello Mother. Have I made you proud?”
~ “Please don’t make things worse” “Define worse”
~ “I really don’t see what all the fuss is about”
~ “Just like you”
~ *That smile!!!!*
~ “I’ve got this completely under control!” “Is that why everything’s on fire?”
~ *About the Scary MonsterTM: “All yours”
~ *Thor says hi to the Big Scary MonsterTM*
~ “I accept your surrender”
~ “Anyone else?” *All the people simultaneously: NOPE*
~ “Perhaps next time we should START with the big one”
~ *Odin obviously shipping Thor and Jane* (idk I got a kick out of this)
~ *Jane awkwardly avoiding her date*
~ *Date: hi*
~ *Him awkwardly talking about his ex*
~ “And the fact that she kept sleeping with other men” “NO!”
~ *Darcy being mistaken for a waitress*
~ *Darcy mouthing “Cute” to Jane about Richard*
~ *Darcy embarrassing Jane by talking about Thor*
~ “Is there a point to all of this cause there REALLY needs to be a point to all of this”
~ “That’s what I said!”
~ “That’s what I did!”
~ “He’s not interested” “I’m interested” (Am I the only one who feels like his awkwardness was actually kinda cute?)
~ “He’s my intern.” “You have an intern?”
~ *Intern is fucking adorable like Richard*
~ “I have totally mastered driving in London!” *Has not mastered it at all*
~ *Selvig running around Stonehenge naked*
~ *Darcy keeps calling Ian ‘Intern’*
~ *Darcy calls Jane cause she didn’t wanna shout*
~ God I fucking love Darcy she’s so criminally underrated
~ “I am not getting stabbed in the name of science”
~ “It’s okay, we’re Americans!” “Is that supposed to make them like us?”
~ “We’re scientists-well I am” “Thanks”
~ “That doesn’t seem right”
~ “I wanna throw something! Jane give me your shoe!”
~ *Jane ignores Darcy*
~ “Give me your shoe”
~ “Were those the car keys?”
~ *Ian’s face when he realizes he threw the car keys to another planet*
~ *If you have to bury so many people then you’re doing something wrong you hot dumb fuck* (I mean that’s basically what Heimdall said right?)
~ “Typical” *after being left behind while Jane goes to talk to her boyfriend*
~ *Jane! Love of my life and most talented and beautiful person in the world oh how I love yo-SLAP*
~ “As excuses go, its not terrible”
~ “I know” “You do?” “Do what?”
~ *Darcy interrupts the KissTM*
~ “Um I’m pretty sure we are getting arrested”
~ “How’s space?” “Space is fine”
~ “He’s my intern… My intern’s intern”
~ “Holy shit!” (after Jane went up in the Bifrost)
~ *Heimdall calmly dodges the car*
~ “We have to do that again”
~ “Hello”
~ “What’s that?”
~ “It’s a soul forge” *No I’m pretty sure that’s a quantum field generator*
~ *Jane being ready to fight Odin for comparing her to a goat*
~ “You told your dad about me?”
~ “It must be so inconvenient, them asking about me day and night”
~ “Please meet my mother” *Jane shies away from Thor*
~ Loki casually tossing the thingamajig in the air like the cute little shit he is
~ Lord, he’s so damn pretty
~ *Kurse being like: Lol I ain’t touchin’ that boy with a ten foot pole*
~ “It’s as if they resent being in prison”
~ “There’s no pleasing some creatures”
~ *Loki calmly reading a book while all Hel breaks loose*
~ “You have my word that no harm will come to yo-” nvm bitch die
~ *THAT look between Sif and Jane*
~ *Frigga immediately seeing through Odin’s bs lies*
~ *Heimdall: I have defeated the big space ship!! The bigger one behind him: Bitch you thought*
~ “WITCH!!!!” *Now I know who Loki gets his amazing aforementioned smile from*
~ *Selvig using shoes to explain complicated science*
~ *Selvig then using pencils*
~ “Any questions?” “Yeah, can I have my shoe back?”
~ “What’s SHIELD?” “It’s a secret”
~ *Darcy’s cute af face when she sees that Selvig is in the mental hospital*
~ “Are you sure you wouldn’t just rather punch your way out?”
~ *Loki shapeshifting into the guard*
~ “Mmm Brother, you look ravishing”
~ “Costumes a bit much”
~ “So tight!”
~ “I can FEEL the righteousness surging!!”
~ “HEY wanna have a rousing discussion about truth?”
~ “Honor?”
~ “Patriotism?”
~ “At last. A little common sens-”Bitch are you really fucking kidding me? (What do you mean that’s not what he said?)
~ “I thought you liked tricks”
~ “I’m Loki, you may have heard of-” SLAP
~ “That was for New York”
~ “I like her”
~ *Loki gazing lovingly at Jane in the background*
~ “Betray him, and I’ll kill you.” “It’s good to see you too Sif”
~ “If you even think about betraying him-” “You’ll kill me? Evidently there will be a line”
~ “I thought you said you knew how to fly this thing.” “I said how hard can it be?”
~ “Whatever your doing brother I suggest you do it faster.” “Shut up Loki
~ “You must’ve missed something.” “I didn’t, I’m pressing every button on this thing”
~ “Well don’t hit it. Just press it, gently.” “I aM pReSsInG iT gEnTlY AND ITS NOT WORKING!!!”
~ *Thor starts slamming buttons and it starts working*
~ *Volstagg: Oh fighting is much fun- OH SHIT IM FALLING!! HELP!!!*
~ “I think you missed a column.” “Shut up”
~ “Why don’t you let me take over? I’m clearly the best pilot”
~ *Bitch I’m the one who can actually fly*
~ “Oh dear. Is she dead?”
~ *Thor knocks over a column* “Not a word”
~ “Now they’re following us”
~ “Now they’re firing at us”
~ “Yes thank you for the commentary Loki, it’s not at all distracting”
~ “Well done, you just decapitated your grandfather”
~ *Seriously, whoever wrote the escape scene is a genius!!!*
~ *Loki yelling at Thor about how thIs was a bad idea you dumb fuck- wait wtf are you doing AAAAHHHHH!!!!1*
~ “You lied to me. I’m impressed”
~ *That smile again snfnejaihfeqrqrsbdsalxdjewonjfeq*
~ “For Asgard!” YEET
~ “Nothing personal boys!”
~ “If it were easy, everyone would do it”
~ “Are you mad?” “Possibly”
~ “Oh yeah, my father. Eric Selvig”
~ “And these” “yeah… those”
~ “How did you find me?” “You were naked on television”
~ “I don’t get paid enough. I don’t get paid at all”
~ “What’s happening? Birds? Birds are happening?”
~ “All right are you ready?” “I am”
~ *phone rings* “It’s not me”
~ “Why are there so many shoes in here?”
~ “I’ll just text her”
~ “So who’s Richard?”
~ *Thor hanging his hammer on a coat hanger*
~ “Where are your pants?” “Oh he says it helps him think”
~ “Loki is dead” “Oh thank God!”
~ “Better get my pants”
~ “Do you even know what these things do?” “No” “…Neither do I”
~ “Ooh get the guy with the sword!”
~ “Oops”
~ *Ian’s high-pitched scream*
~ *Does car insurance cover My Car Was Sucked Into Another Planet Due To A Cosmic Event That Only Occurs Once Every 5000 Years or no?*
~ *Thor and Malekith fighting between worlds and poor little Mjolnir trying to keep up*
~ *The two of them against windows*
~ *Awww! Look at the cute little Jotunheim monster! He’s so adorable I wanna pet him so much!’
~ *Darcy and Ian kissing after he saved her life*
~ “Darcy?” “Jane!” “Ian?” “Selvig.”
~ “Myuh Myuh!!”
~ *Thor ends up on the subway*
~ *The girl taking 50 photos*
~ *Thor and the woman colliding into eachother*
~ “I’ve come to accept your surrender”
~ *Malekith gets crushed by his own ship. Now that’s some lovely karma right there*
~ *Darcy and Ian go back to kissing*
~ “He kinda committed treason on our way out” oops
~ Jotunheim Puppy chasing birds
Wow I’m so sorry this was so long. But guess what? It’s gonna get even longer. Sorry, again.
So one of the differences between the first and second Thor movies is that Thor 2 has humor in the climax whereas Thor 1 doesn’t. This is because of the differences with who is the villain. In Thor 1, Thor is having to fight his brother. To quote Avengers, they “played together and fought together” for several millennia. Of course there’s not going to be any humor in it cause there shouldn’t be. The climax at the end of the movie isn’t supposed to be some epic battle between the forces of Good TM and Bad TM. It’s supposed to be tragic that he’s having to fight his own brother because Loki lost his mind due to so many factors. The last joke in the film is “You’re an amazon liar brother, always have been” “It’s good to have you back”. There’s nothing else till the end credit scene. That’s because Kenneth Branagh knew that this was supposed to be viewed at as being sad a hopeless, not some awesome upbeat battle.
Thor 2 on the other hand, is exactly that. Thor has known Malekith for.. what? 2 days? Maybe 3? His relationship and dynamic with Malekith is different than with his brother. To Thor, this is just another enemy attacking Asgard. And I’m not sure whether this was intentional or not (because I remember reading somewhere how Allen Taylor had a bitch of a time in the editing process so I think the movie came out different than he intended) but the lack of any personal relationship will Malekith means the film can make really funny jokes and still have it fit with the film. If anything, I might even argue that the humor helped the film to maintain a very nice positive vibe. Idk I can’t think of the right words to explain it but the jokes actually fit the film very well.
However, then we move on to Ragnarok. With Ragnarok, Thor is fighting his sister. While (just like Malekith) he has only known her for two days, that still doesn’t take away the fact that he is having to fight his sibling. And I’m not a film director but if I had the option of approaching this situation and taking it the Thor 1 route or the the Thor 2 route, I’d go with Thor 1. Because it’s actually incredibly tragic that Hela has been driven to insanity like Loki (though ok a different level) due to Odin’s shitty parenting. She is the horrible way she is because Odin made her that way. And that could’ve been an AMAZINGLY complex story with the audience feeling so much sympathy for Hela like we did with Loki in Thor 1, but the narrative just falls flat for two reasons. 1) Taika admitted he didn’t want the film to be emotionally complex so 2) The humor in the climax completely detracts from the seriousness of the situation.
Also, some side notes: Yes, this is edited from the original. I accidentally deleted everything and then had to go back and add everything back in. So I also had to re-tag people too. And I also added a bit more explanation at the end. I meant to do so when I originally posted but it never got done till now. Sry. Also sry that it’s so long
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youngdisciples · 4 years
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For today’s verse, we will learn something from an ending verse of chapter four of the book of Ephesians. Paul ended the chapter with a complete conclusion on how a Christian should live. We all know that our main goal is to live our lives Christ-like but in this verse, Paul listed a Christian life characteristics in a manner that we will really understand and in a short but concise one. 
First, Paul wants us to be kind. This is not just being helpful to others but this means being compassionate. It is not about how helpful we are but it is about being compassionate to others. God wants us to show this compassion towards our brethrens because He knows that it is really hard to always deal with people of different attitudes and preferences. As human as we are, we easily get irritated, we lose our temper a lot and we succumb into shaming other people most of the time. 
Being compassionate to others is the complete opposite of these characteristics. God wants us to do this because as Christians, we should not fall into the deceitfulness of the world. Satan will always use our emotions to contradict what we believe and to use us like puppets— emotional puppets. The enemy likes to toy with our emotions because he knows that we are all emotionally inclined and most of the time we use our emotions as the basis for our decisions. Therefore, God wants to remind us that whatever we feel, whatever situation we are in, it is very important for us to show kindness and compassion to our brethrens. 
Basically, Paul wrote on the same clause the kind and compassionate because this really sums up and these words are really partners. Compassion also means being sympathetic and empathetic to others feelings. We have to always understand that our responsibility to the people around us especially non-Christians is to become a good witness to Christ’s love. With our life, they will be able to know and see how much Christ’s love has changed us. So, being kind and compassionate to others are really essential because Jesus has been compassionate and kind towards us also. He was being sympathetic and empathetic to our feelings to the point of dying on the cross for us. 
Lastly, Paul also wrote that we should forgive each other. Now, this is the hard part of being a Christian. It is very hard to forgive people who really sinned so gravely against us. Some people would say, “What if he cheated on me so many times? I can forgive him for the first five times but now he keeps on doing it again, what can I do?” or “He killed my brother, how can I forgive him?” or “She stole my husband, how can I forgive her?” Indeed, it is very hard to forgive, especially those big sins. We can never understand that it is really important for us to forgive. 
As Christians, we are really put into situations where we are tested to extend our patience and our forgiving side but we must not fail to complete this test. Everytime we feel that everything is so hard, we must understand that those people who sinned against us are like us who sinned gravely against God. If those people sinned against us five times or more and we felt so cheated and betrayed, imagine what God must have felt that for the course of our life, we have been sinning against Him but still He managed to forgive us and to give us everlasting life? It is because He is a loving, gracious and merciful God. 
God does not expect us to be completely gracious and merciful because He knows that it is really hard for us to do that because we are also sinful by nature. However, God wants us to reflect Christ’s forgiveness and grace in our lives. He wants us to be forgiving, kind and compassionate to everyone because it is not us who lives anymore but it is Christ. After all, this is not for ourselves but it is for Christ. It is not us who must increase but it should be Christ. We forgive others not because for ourselves but because for them and also to reflect God’s goodness in our lives. 
Fair warning too, God said that we should be compassionate towards others but we should always remember that compassion is different from compromise. We should watch ourselves and be mindful because we might become so compassionate that we compromise what we believe; we compromise our faith; we compromise our stand. Indeed God wants us to be kind and compassionate but He doesn’t want us to compromise His teachings because we are compassionate. Instead, He wants us to rebuke each other but in a gentle and loving manner. 
Therefore, as Christians who tasted and witnessed the love of Christ and His grace, we should live our lives Christ-like— kind, compassionate and forgiving one another just as Christ has forgiven us over and over again. Let us always remember that the key to a Christian walk is to journey with Christ always— not compromising anything. May the God who is gracious and loving bless us always. Amen. 
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etaleah · 5 years
Clichés Turned Upside Down in Good Omens
I took Neil Gaiman’s MasterClass (which is quite good, would recommend) and particularly enjoyed the video about incorporating humor into your writing. His advice was (in a nutshell) to take a cliché and turn it on its head to make your audience laugh. Make fun of the cliché or give it an ironic twist, with characters being more concerned about a little thing than a big thing. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that Good Omens is chock-full of this. It constantly does the opposite of what we expect to create humorous moments. Some examples: 
The angel is selfish, a little bit of a bastard, and more than a little materialistic. The demon is nice and hardly materialistic at all (with the one exception of the car, but let’s face it, who wouldn’t cherish a beautiful Bentley like that?). 
The angel and the demon are friends instead of enemies, allowing for many odd couple moments. 
Armageddon is funny and comical. That alone makes the story unique; end-of-the-world plots don’t typically lend themselves to humor. 
The demon is shocked by humans and maybe a little afraid of them too. Other stories about demons may have them laughing maniacally at humanity’s crimes or be proud of having caused them, but Crowley, demon of Hell, is just out here like WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING and that’s funny to think about. 
The witch who is accused and caught in the witch hunt is actually a witch. Think of every other story you know about witch hunts and witch trials. The woman is never really a witch; she’s just a poor sap who gets scapegoated by misogynistic men and ends up dragged to the stake kicking and screaming and begging them not to kill her. The accusation tends to be something “sinful” like dancing naked in the woods or some such thing. Badass Queen Agnes Nutter though? She’s a real witch who gets accused of doing nice things like healing people and then goes marching right in with her head held high and is all “Joke’s on you motherfuckers! If I go down, I’m taking you with me.” This is brilliant because it’s not only a cliché turned into humor but is also effective satire. It highlights the fatal flaw in the witch hunting argument: If these women really were witches with magical powers, wouldn’t they see the mob coming and save themselves? 
The omens mentioned are good instead of bad. That’s why “Good Omens” is such a fantastic title. It gets your attention because it’s the opposite of what you typically hear, which is “bad omen.” In any other fantasy book, the prophecies are gloomy and foreboding, predicting big bad things like a villain coming to destroy the world. And here Agnes is prophesying nice little things like “Hey, maybe don’t buy Betamax.” 
Instead of a demon, it’s the angel who possesses someone. It’s even somewhat amicable (and consensual? I think?), with the possessed person still maintaining some control. That never happens in stories like The Exorcist and other horror movies involving possessions. It gets even better when you consider that the person he’s possessing is someone the angels and religious bigots might consider unholy. 
Also the Antichrist is the one who “exorcises” Aziraphale from the possessed person.
The satanic nuns. Like, as a concept. 
There’s a bookseller who will do everything in his power not to sell books. 
The hellhound becomes a nice, friendly dog instead of a generic evil monster. 
The Antichrist is a normal-seeming kid with friends and not a scary-looking dark-haired child who’s isolated. 
The “computer engineer” is terrible with computers. 
Peace and food are presented as the things that must be stopped at all costs (from War and Famine’s POV and to some extent from Heaven and Hell’s too). 
Angels using profanity. Like, did anyone not burst out laughing when Aziraphale said fuck? It’s funny because it’s the last thing you expect an angel to say. 
The demon’s “evil deeds” are just silly pranks, which he himself tends to get hurt by. 
The real guns don’t kill anyone. As Crowley said, it wouldn’t be funny if the folks at Tadfield had died. And in the book, the paintball scene is set up like a cliché getting-shot-and-killed scene only for them to realize they were overreacting and are actually fine. It’s a shame the show didn’t do this too because it really is hilarious.
Mr. Dowling doesn’t actually realize what’s important in life when his son is born. 
Angels buying pornography. ‘Nuff said. 
“Sorry, right number.” 
“Get thee behind me, foul fiend! After you.” 
“You can’t kill me! There’ll be paperwork.” 
The only demonic wrath from Crowley is directed at plants for not growing and flourishing enough. Any other demon in any other show or movie would be like “BOW BEFORE ME! KNEEL BEFORE MY ARMY! KILL YOUR FAMILY! SACRIFICE YOUR VIRGINS ON A PYRE AND WORSHIP AT MY FEET!” But Crowley is just like, “END LEAF SPOTS 2k19!″   
Aliens bring messages of global peace instead of threats of conquest or destruction. 
And when Newt tells Shadwell about the aliens, he couldn’t care less and is all about nipples. 
Someone who can do real magic thinks that fake magic is more fun. Basically Aziraphale is the angel version of Arthur Weasley and that’s beautiful. 
Shadwell says “This is where I pop the question” and instead of proposing, he asks Madame Tracy how many nipples she has. 
And finally, one of my favorite examples is the seance. Every other seance scene I’ve watched in media is very tense and tearful, with the widowed relative crying and desperate to reach their lover, full of things left unsaid and such, but this lady just wants to reach her husband so she can keep nagging and complaining. It’s like she doesn’t even realize he’s dead. And instead of wanting to hear her voice one more time, he can’t wait to never hear her voice again.
And these are just the ones I could think of off the top of my head. I have no doubt if I went through the book and show with a fine-tooth comb, I could come up with more (and please, feel free to add any I forgot). Can’t wait to read Neil’s and Terry’s works and see what other clichés they turned into laughs.
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Please tell me more about Sukatara Roha because the small summary you have made me really curious.
Omg thank you so much for your interest!! You just made my day my guy. I meant to put together a legit powerpoint synopsis at some point but I, ah, well, forgot. This won’t be that sophisticated but I would love to talk about it a little more! (sorry for the long answer)
Ahala Rila-- she/her; human; wlw but not interested in relationships at first; our protagonist!
 type A, likes plans, likes being a good person, likes it when things are Not On Fire
things are usually on fire and the world is a complicated place (cue the internal turmoil)
was newly made a commander and wants to prove herself
cinnamon roll, will kill you but will probably cry about it
Rashtoya Degala-- she/her; human; bisexual; if I called her a sidekick she would probably punch me in the face
stubborn, hot-tempered but idealistic
sarcastic bean under a veneer of caustic professionalism
big muscles, very stronk (not plot relevant but I thought you should know)
Would eat a three month old hot cheeto off of the floor on a dare (or probably just for fun tbh)
Zaphael Taslow-- he/him; human; aeroace; just here for the data collection and the explosions 
curious, very smart
young, smol, you love him until he steals your shoelaces
self centered, but not on purpose, has some sweet ideas about How Science Can Help People
That friend who was cursed at birth with a complete lack of impulse control
Rel Telath-- alien genders are not human genders but would have humans refer to her with she/her pronouns; elf; our antagonist!
Empress, does not see imperialism as problematic :(
Does see the crumbling military front, the over-extension of the empire, and the inefficient nepotism of the bureaucracy as a problem what do you mean this whole thing was an excuse to analyze historical systems haha that’s crazy
Kind of impulsive, stressed, too young and inexperienced for this, wants to sleep for the next 1,000 years
Would not eat a hot cheeto under any circumstances because “they’re too spicy”
Kaj Helak-- would probably use he/him if he deigned to conform to human conventions
think evil Spock
Very Utilitarian, loves politics and manipulation
Intensely loyal to ideas, and like 2 people
Would sell everyone else to Satan for half a corn chip
Mev Rasaj-- would use they/them; elf; the Mom Friend with all the good advice
pacifist but will fight to protect people
How are you this well adjusted working for a slightly cultish imperial dictatorship? Asking for a friend
Mage; likes learning stuff and gathering information
Would not be able to climb six flights of stairs without taking a break and also complaining a lot (same)
Plot!! (Maybe? I’m trying I swear)
Okay so basically this whole idea arose when I decided I wanted to do something that deliberately subverted tropes, but then I discovered that it is hard to subvert tropes because they exist for a reason, but here’s the general structure:
Part 1: The humans are a defiant group on the fringe of the Empire, which spans multiple galaxies. They were not considered a threat for over a thousand years, but they recently figured out a method of energy manipulation that can challenge the power of the godlike entity powering the Empire’s growth. Ahala Rila is sent, along with the mage Zaphael Taslow and the Captain Rashtoya Degala, to gather more information and turn this knowledge into a weapon. Meanwhile, Raj Telath is crowned Empress after the death of her father. She finds that she has inherited a nation rotting from the inside, with corruption rampant and wealth quickly evaporating. Along with her advisor Kaj Helak and the mage Mev Rasaj, she must strengthen the empire and solve the institutional challenges that have been accumulating for centuries to save her fracturing throne, all while preparing to become a vessel for the omniscient and powerful Patriarch, like the rulers before her.  
Part 2: After the Big Disaster (sorry no spoilers so I gotta be vague) Rel Telath and Ahala Rila find themselves faced with a common enemy. Rel Telath must re-evaluate her worldview. Rila must plead her case before the Human Council of Worlds and find a way to make them accept the unlikely information about the Empire. They must find a way to defeat the greater powers threatening to rip the universe apart, while also navigating their own feelings and their nations’ fraught, painful history-- as well as Rel’s part in it.
This is already obscenely long so I think I should address worldbuilding separately. As a disclaimer, names/ genders/ sexualities/ the finer details of characterization are all still in flux! I am still trying to get a solid read on some of the characters. Once again, thank you so much for your interest!! I hope this answers some of your questions about the Sukatara Roha :)
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A Nice Day Off
Request: Could you write a spn/tua crossover fic? I need this in my life!
Pairing: slight Destiel. That’s it. It’s also pretty long because I felt like this needed backstory and the concept was fun to write. Enjoy!
Dean groans with frustration at the sight of a red hem turning the corner of the labyrinth he’s currently trapped in with his brother and Cas, with no way to call their backup, Jack, for help, because there’s no service in this goddamn maze.
First a trail of bodies with different organs cut out starting in, what a coincidence, the same town Sam and Dean were hunting a ghost in. But the mutilated people hadn’t stopped showing up in the hospital, even though they’d definitely taken care of the ghost. Then there was a girl who’d had one of her eyes scooped out, claiming to only remember seeing the color red before she’d passed out again from the pain. The color red, and a weird shed in the woods behind the high school with strange markings on the door.
The shed hadn’t been hard to find. It’d been even easier to find with the obvious bloody trail leading up to the door where, of course, Cas had identified the markings as Satanic.
Then, because they’re all dumbasses, Sam, Dean, and Cas stepped into the shed, and Dean hasn’t seen his brother since.
The shed, which had appeared to be smaller than a regular motel room from the outside, turns out to have a humongous inside. There had been a trapdoor that led to a chute or something once they all stepped inside and Dean and Sam had gone down different sides.
(And yes, the only reason Cas stayed with Dean is because he was holding onto Dean’s jacket. Shut up.)
Then Dean had seen a figure in red running down whatever hallway they’d landed in and he’d taken off. No matter how fast he runs, the figure in red always seems to be one step ahead of him.
“Son of a bitch!” he finally yells, hitting the wall with the side of his fist with frustration. “Sammy!”
Sam doesn’t respond.
Dean swears some more, his hands on his knees as he tries to catch his breath. Cas, as usual, is unaffected by everything that Dean is affected by, which is, as usual, infuriating.
Dean looks up, ready to snap at Cas for being useless when it comes to finding his brother or catching the figure in red, but he sees the figure in red peering back around the corner.
This is a game of cat and mouse, and Dean’s not entirely confident he’s not the mouse.
“What do you want, you bitch?” he wheezes, standing up and groaning. He’s getting too old for this.
The figure in red flicks its head and for the first time Dean hears his brother’s voice.
“Dean!” It sounds to be coming from behind the red figure.
“Sammy!” Dean bellows, cursing internally again before starting to jog again. He’s not entirely sure he wants to reach where the figure in red is leading him, but there’s also the chance that his brother is in trouble.
A giggle floats down the corridor and the figure in red whips away.
Dean is lost. Definitely. He’s lost count of the rights and the lefts he’s taken. It’s at least four more turns before he gets a better glimpse of the figure in red as the hallway opens up into a massive chamber with at least five other hallway entrances.
Basically, this was a maze. A massive underground maze. And now Sam, Dean, and Cas are in the middle of it.
“Sammy!” Dean barks when he sees his brother on the opposite side of the room. He doesn’t look injured, but still—“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Dean,” Sam replies. “You’re fine, right? And you, Cas?”
Both men nod their heads.
The figure in red lowers its hood and Dean recognizes who it is.
Because of course it’s Rowena.
“What are you doing here?” he spits. Witches. “Why’d you lead us in a wild goose chase in a maze? Wait—you’re the reason for all the mutilations, aren’t you?”
“Of course,” the witch laughs. “But don’t worry. They’re all alive, correct? I left them at the hospital after retrieving what I wanted from them.” She winks over her shoulder at Sam. “You boys must be rubbing off on me.”
“So this was all for a spell?” Dean asks, moving to step forward but stopping as if he’s been tethered to a brick wall. He looks back and sees that Cas has a hold of the back of his jacket. He shrugs. It’s a valid point; Rowena is a wild card if they’ve ever met one. It’s better to be cautious and not get within reach of her to hex them or spew bodily fluids.
“Yes,” Rowena answers briskly. “I need to pop into another dimension quickly and get another ingredient for a spell I’m working on that will help you with whatever apocalypse the three of you have started.”
Dean scowls. Well, yes, there is (but only sort of) a looming apocalypse on the horizon, but she wasn’t supposed to know about that. “Why? What’s in it for you?”
“Your enemies have a price on my head,” she replies. “While you three seem to have a knack for escaping the clutches of death, I’d prefer not to have to create another charm to prevent me from the unpleasant sensation. It can be quite painful to die, even if I survive.”
Dean looks at Sam as the witch starts to chant, and he shrugs. He’s always had a soft spot for the witch, but Dean doesn’t know why. He takes small solace in the fact that Sam’s here, and if worst comes to worst he’ll be the one to end the witch once and for all. Somehow.
“Then why did you lure us down this labyrinth?” Cas asks.
Rowena says a final word and a crack splits the silence, followed by a white light that splits the air. “I have no idea what’s in this new dimension. I quite wanted protection, seeing as how our best interests align in this endeavor.”
Dean can’t argue with that sound logic. He examines what must be the portal suspiciously.
“That’s not any spell we’ve seen before,” Sam points out.
Rowena waves her hand airily. “I made a new one that’s much more convenient. No more pesky one-in-a-million ingredients. Just a few human body parts and some common herbs. Simple, if you’ve got enough talent. It’ll last for eight hours.” She winks at Sam. “Are you boys ready?”
“Hold on a sec,” Sam mutters. He fishes his phone out of his pocket. “Should probably give Jack a heads-up.” He scowls. “No service.”
“Great,” Dean gripes. Poor kid’s gonna be confused and worried for a full day before they get back. “Let’s make this trip as quick as possible, then.”
Cas grips Dean’s hand (shut up, Sam) and Sam grabs the hem of Dean’s jacket as Dean uses his free hand to grip the shoulder of Sam’s jacket. No more taking any chances of going down different chutes. In a line, they follow Rowena into the blinding light...
And into an empty room.
Sam spins on his heel, taking in the area, and Dean looks up. A massive steel chandelier hangs from the ceiling of what must be a mansion, judging by the size of the foyer and the many rooms that look to branch off of it.
“Ah, civilization,” Rowena says, pleased. She straightens her already-straight dress and pats her hair. “Perfect.”
“Where are we?” Cas asks, frowning. “I can’t sense any of my brothers and sisters.”
“We must have landed in a universe without heaven,” Sam exhales. “Remember Jared Padalecki? And Supernatural?”
“And Jensen Ackles,” Dean acknowledges, nodding. “Sorry, Cas, but looks like you’re outta grace for the moment.”
Cas looks at his hands, frowning.
Something hurtles through the air and buries itself into Cas’s chest. A knife. Fuck. Will that hurt him, even though he’s an angel, but he doesn’t have any powers here, but does that just apply to grace and wings or—
“Sam, is he okay?” Dean asks tersely, holding up his gun in the direction the knife had come from. He sees a pair of eyes glint and adjusts accordingly.
Something flashes behind him and the clicking of a safety near his ear makes Dean’s blood run cold.
“Don’t even try it,” Sam growls. Dean knows that he’s got his gun pointed at whoever’s pointing one at him.
“Or what?” the person hisses through gritted teeth. “You’ll shoot me?”
“Yes,” Sam replies resolutely. It must surprise him.
“I’m fine,” Cas groans, on the ground and not sounding very fine. “I suppose our questions were answered. I am still unable to be killed except by my—”
“Shh,” Dean hisses, not wanting to give their attackers any ideas.
“We must have gotten off on the wrong foot,” Rowena calls, her voice lilting in the dusty air. “We didn’t mean to end up in your house.”
“Really?” an unfamiliar voice snarls behind Dean. “What’s that light?”
“What are they talking about, Five?” a deep, grating voice asks.
“Does it look like I know?” the voice snaps back. It’s the voice of a kid. “They came through a light in the middle of our foyer. Do I have any experience with that sort of stuff?”
“Uh... yes,” another person points out.
“Fair enough,” the kid admits.
“Sam, is there a preteen holding a gun to my head right now?” Dean asks, rolling his eyes.
Sam can’t keep the snicker out of his voice, even though he knows this is a serious situation. “Yep.”
“Look,” Dean starts, “I’m sure if we all put down our weapons, we can sort something out.”
The preteen snorts. “I’m not about to compromise to some robbers breaking into our house.”
“Buddy, you’re not gonna be involved in the conversation,” Sam retorts. “The adults are gonna handle this one.”
Cas sighs. There’s movement at Dean’s feet—undoubtedly he’s standing up—and two gunshots.
Dean winces.
“Fine, fine,” Cas grumbles. Dean whirls just in time to see Sam knock the gun out of the stunned preteen boy’s hands.
“What the hell are you?” the boy whispers.
“Five?” a new voice asks. “What the hell is going on?”
Something flashes and Dean chances a look behind himself. Fuck. It’s Jack, stumbling out of the portal. How he’d known to go inside the shed, find the middle of the maze, and jump through the portal, Dean doesn’t know.
“Hello!” Jack beams at his three dads and then at the six people trickling into the room. “It’s nice to meet you!”
“He’s got powers too!” a man holding a throwing knife marvels. Undoubtedly he’s the one that threw it at Cas’s chest. “But he’s not our age.”
“Like I said,” Dean repeats. “I’m sure we can work something out.”
Rowena left the boys to deal with the five adults and one bloodthirsty preteen, citing the need to find whatever ingredient that exists in this universe and not in their own.
There’s a monstrous man called Luther (who is very white), and the man dressed in black leather that had thrown a knife at Cas is called Diego (who is definitely not white, probably Mexican). He marvels at how Cas survived the knife to the chest as well as two bullet wounds, even going so far as insisting that he take off his shirt to prove he doesn’t have a bulletproof vest on.
Dean hadn’t liked them all marveling over the angel’s surprisingly toned chest.
Then there’s a lady named Allison (who is African-American) and another lady called Vanya (who is white). The preteen boy is called Five, and he’s definitely at least part not-Caucasian.
And they all claim to be siblings.
Dean puzzles over that for five seconds before remembering that adoption is a thing. The jump to another reality must have scrambled his brains again.
“This is my older brother, Dean,” Sam introduces. “This is Cas, Dean’s boyfr—”
Cas clears his throat. He knows that Dean still isn’t comfortable with people knowing about their... relationship.
“Well, he’s an angel. And this is our son, Jack, who is half-archangel,” Sam finishes.
“He’s... all three of you’s son?” Vanya asks, and, despite the bad grammar, Sam nods.
“Adopted,” Dean adds. “Technically, he’s Lucifer’s son. But Lucifer’s a major dick that tortured my brother for about a thousand years, and the kid isn’t stupid, so he stays with us.”
Jack preens at being called not stupid, which is kind of a low bar. Maybe Dean should compliment the kid more. No, scratch that, he should definitely compliment the kid more. God knows Dean would’ve liked a little more appreciation for taking care of Sammy when he was younger from John. “I killed Lucifer for hurting Sam,” he adds angelically. “He wasn’t very nice.”
Sam reaches out and pats Jack’s knee. “We’re all very proud of you, Jack.”
“Lucifer?” Luther repeats. “Uh...”
“Oh, yeah,” Dean adds. “You guys don’t have God in this universe.”
“We have Christianity,” Allison says, a little defensively.
“Wait,” Sam yelps. “He’s—” He points at Five, who is definitely at the most fifteen years old, and currently drinking a margarita. Judging by the ingredients on the counter, it is most definitely not non-alcoholic.
“That’s a long story,” Diego sighs.
“We could take turns?” Jack suggests.
At the end of it, everyone but Jack, who opts for a glass of chocolate milk, is drinking alcohol. Apparently his powers are still intact in this universe, maybe because he’s as powerful or more so than an archangel. That’s useful to know.
“So you’re all the same age,” Sam says for the third time. “Except for the kid, who is not actually a kid.”
Five nods. “58.”
“But for most of those years he was completely isolated and therefore not any more mature than a regular fifteen-year-old kid, only more murderous,” someone says singsong behind them. Dean jumps.
Five scowls. “That is so not true, asshole—”
“Ah, yes,” Allison sighs. “This is Klaus.”
“It is definitely true,” Klaus argues back, taking the margarita out of Five’s hands and drinking the rest of it in one gulp. “He’s feral. All teenage boys are feral.”
“He’s also your sibling?” Cas checks.
“Don’t ask about his power,” Diego mutters. “It’s a sensitive topic.”
“I am not feral!” Five sputters. With a flash of blue light, he disappears and reappears in front of Klaus, hands on his hips.
“Uh-huh,” Klaus nods, sidestepping him. “How could you have grown up without other people?”
“I had Dolores!” Five snarls, pulling a handgun out of his pocket and pointing it at his brother. Klaus seems unbothered. He pulls two bottles of whiskey from the shelf of alcohol and tosses the other behind his back. Five disappears and reappears, catching the bottle with a huff and stowing the gun. Apparently all is forgiven.
“Ah...” Allison starts, looking pained. “I suppose it’s no use to remind you that we don’t point guns at our siblings.”
“This is a regular occurrence, yes?” Castiel asks.
“Unfortunately,” Vanya answers, wearing an identical expression of consternation.
Cas points at Dean. “You shouldn’t be too worried. Sam and Dean have died multiple times. One time Sam even killed him. They turned out fine.”
Sam winces at that comment.
“It’s fine, Sam,” Dean says automatically. He doesn’t even remember Sam killing him during that one time Gabriel decided to be an even bigger dick than normal. “Don’t even remember it.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Five blurts out, staring at the grown men with new respect.
“They never even agree to not bring weapons into the kitchen,” Cas continues.
“I know, right?” Allison exclaims. “Like, we’re all eating breakfast! Don’t clean your knives, Diego!” She gives her brother the stink eye.
“What if something happens?” Diego and Dean retort back in unison. They exchange startled looks.
“One time,” Jack adds, “Dean shot me in the back in a grocery store.” He then goes back to drinking his chocolate milk, content to listen to the conversation.
Luther opens his mouth to further ask about that statement but his younger/older sibling interrupts him. “No, no, I want to hear more about coming back to life,” Five insists, draping himself over a chair.
“Yeah,” Luther agrees, sending an uneasy look in Jack’s direction when the boy snaps his fingers and his glass of chocolate milk fills itself. “So Sam dies, and Dean sells his soul to bring him back. Then Dean dies and goes to hell, Cas saves him, and you’ve been saving the world ever since?”
Sam shrugs. “More or less.”
“And there’s another apocalypse,” Vanya says slowly. “And you’re stopping it by coming to our universe.”
Dean shrugs. “Rowena more or less made it so we had no choice.” He glances into the foyer, where the white light of the portal doesn’t waver.
Vanya nods and then nudges Diego with her elbow. Her brother groans and rolls his eyes but leans forward and holds a hand out to Cas. “Sorry for stabbing you, man. No hard feelings?”
Cas takes his hand, a mysterious half-smile playing on his lips. “Of course.”
Vanya clears her throat. “Five, apologize for shooting Castiel or I’m taking your gun.”
Five snorts. “So? I’ve got more.”
“How many more?” Luther asks.
“Not telling.”
“I heard a rumor,” Allison says teasingly, “that you told us how many guns you have.”
“Fifteen,” Five says promptly, then he scowls. “Bitch. I’m still not giving you them. Get your own.”
Klaus says out of the blue, “No, I will not!” He flushes when everyone turns to look at him. “Ben told me to tell Diego to throw a knife at Jack since it won’t hurt him either.”
Diego brightens at the idea and Sam leaps off of the couch, positioning himself between the murderous superpowered human and the half-archangel. “We still don’t know why the angel’s powers are working while there’s no heaven,” he says firmly. “We’re not risking any more injuries.”
“I could just cut him,” Diego wheedles. “Just to see if it makes a cut and then it heals or if nothing happens. Come on. We don’t know how angels work.”
Jack shrugs and Dean barks, “We’re not cutting Jack for a science experiment!”
Klaus claps. “We should do science experiments!” as if he hadn’t heard Dean at all.
And that is how Dean finds himself in the courtyard of the Umbrella Academy mansion, torn between cheering for Cas and Luther as they compete to see who can lift the largest weight.
“It’s definitely going to be Cas,” Sam mutters. The Winchester brothers stand side-by-side in identical poses as they assess the experiments.
“Hey!” Allison yelps. “Luther, don’t you dare pick up my car! Dean, don’t encourage them!” The half-gorilla man sends her a sheepish look and shrugs at Cas.
Dean holds up his hands. “Like I can control them, lady.”
Allison rolls her eyes. “Castiel, come over here real quick.”
Well, that’s done for the day, Dean supposes. He turns around to see Jack with a blindfold over his eyes disappearing and reappearing, apparently playing tag with Five while both boys use their teleportation powers.
A bright smile on his face, Jack disappears before Five’s even left and appears on top of the boy, sending both ageless kids tumbling to the ground, giggling.
“Scary,” Luther mutters at Dean’s side. “Never seen Five laugh before.”
Dean looks at him out of the corner of his eye. “You ever been able to not pick something up?”
“I’ve never tried a house or something like that, obviously,” Luther admits, rubbing his chin. “But I’ve never really found something that I haven’t been able to lift.”
“That’s so cool,” Dean admits, shaking his head.
“Yo, Winchester!” Diego yells, waving as both Winchesters whip their heads around. “Target practice!”
“You say you can’t miss a target, huh?” Sam asks, smirking.
Diego nods.
“Well, we can do that without having a superpower,” Dean brags, all in good nature of course, and the competition is on.
When it’s discovered that Sam and Dean really are as good as Diego from years of practice, they call Jack over to move the targets midair. This is where Diego smirks, as Sam and Dean do miss a few and he misses none, even when his knives flip over themselves, zip back and forth, and defy the laws of gravity as they fly through the air.
“I’m going to use the restroom,” Dean announces at one point. “Where—”
“Walk straight, go up the stairs, take your first left,” Luther directs. He claps Dean on the shoulder and sends him stumbling away, hissing as he rubs his shoulder. “Uh, sorry.”
Dean really didn’t mean to eavesdrop. He’s two steps up when he hears Castiel’s voice and realizes he’d gone inside and not come back out. Curious now, he follows the voices down a staircase and flattens himself against the wall near the doorway of what must be the kitchen, judging by the smell of food inside the room.
“—determined to throw himself into the line of fire,” Cas gripes.
“I know, right?” Vanya exclaims. “Five seems to think he’s invincible or something.”
“One time he told me he was fine after getting stabbed because he’s gotten stabbed before!”
Allison giggles. “Like you can build up an immunity to stab wounds.”
“It’s quite hard to protect someone with the survival instincts of a squirrel on crack cocaine,” Cas remarks. Dean’s face colors when he realizes that he’s walked in on a gossip session consisting of his boyfriend and the two exasperated siblings of some weird-ass people.
“He loves you though, right?” Allison asks. “I could see it in the way he looked at you.”
Dean’s face gets even hotter. He’s not a big fan of the ‘L’ word.
“We have a profound bond,” Cas replies simply. That’s always been enough for their relationship.
Dean sneaks back up the stairs, hoping they don’t hear his footsteps. When he reaches the foyer, Rowena steps into the building, looking entirely too pleased with herself.
���Did you get it?” he asks gruffly.
Rowena smiles. “Of course I did. Are you ready to go?”
“Uh...” Dean knows he has to get back to his universe. He has a responsibility to save the world, of course. But it was enjoyable to hear about other people’s crazy lives and be able to relax. He settles for gesturing for her to follow and he leads her out to the courtyard.
He and Rowena watch as Sam tries frantically to stop Five from cutting Jack’s arm, even as Jack holds his arm out and holds him in place.
“I’m fine,” Jack insists. “See?” Five pokes his skin with the tip of the knife, marveling when the skin opens but no blood runs out and it knits itself back together in mere seconds.
“That’s so cool,” Diego breathes, shaking his head.
“Hey!” Dean barks, making all the spectators jump. “What did I say? Did I say no cutting Jack open or did I say yes cutting Jack open?”
Sheepishly, Jack lets Sam go and shrugs at Five. “Is it time for us to go already, Miss Rowena?”
“I’m sorry, Jack, but yes,” she answers.
Every person in the courtyard slumps a little bit.
“Did I hear Rowena?” Cas asks behind Dean, making him jump. “Oh. I supposed it was you. Our time is nearly running out.”
“You guys are leaving?” Vanya asks, visibly disappointed.
“We have an apocalypse to prevent,” Sam explains, gesturing for Jack to follow him. Jack misunderstands the signal and takes Sam’s outstretched hand, startling him—but in a good way.
Rowena winks at the disappointed Five. “Yes, but once we’ve finished saving the world for the umpteenth time I don’t think it’ll be too hard to come visit again.”
Diego brightens. “And we can stab the angels more!”
“Ugh, I’m bored,” Five gripes, throwing himself backwards on the couch. “There’s nothing to do. No one to kill.” Disappointingly, the Temps Commission has stopped sending more agents after Five, probably realizing he thinks of them merely as dummies to practice his murder skills on.
“You could do your schoolwork,” Klaus informs him. Both brothers make faces immediately. “That was Ben,” he says hastily. “Not me. Don’t do your schoolwork.”
“Wasn’t going to anyway, but thanks,” Five grunts. Maybe if all the blood flow goes to his head he’ll pass out. That’d be a fun way to pass the time.
A loud crack echoes through the mansion, almost like a gunshot, and Five topples off the couch.
“Hello!” someone calls out. “Is anybody home?”
A wide smile stretches across Five’s face. Finally. Someone to kill that can’t die.
“The Winchesters are back!”
Umbrella Academy Taglist:
@fentanvl @deathswretch @lightningidiot @five-hg @iamsnek666 @ameliatrh @ihatecheesyusernames @dora-the-grownup @emilyt0314 @idklol707
Forever Taglist:
@lemirabitur @annymcervantes @queenmissfit @quiet-because-it-is-a-secret @iksey
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paintbrushs-doodles · 4 years
So uh, I don’t share enough information about my girl so have some lore on skylar!!
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Full Name: Skylar Lee Rose
Other names: Astora Izori (true name)
Vixen (code name)
Gender: female
Age: 24
Soul age: 1,846
Species: mutant (fox)
Species Subclass: demon
Occupation: exorcist
Appearance: pic
Personality: skylar comes off as a cold person at first, but she's very emotional, and would do pretty much anything and everything for her friends, and the little family she has left, she's extremely loyal and caring towards those who have earned her trust. She tends be sarcastic and crude, Isn’t afraid to say what’s on her mind. Those who work with her in a professional setting say she has a stick up her ass. Very motherly when it comes to her friends. A true chaotic being.
Abilities/fun facts: due to being a demon (her species being called a Lycä) she has the ability to gaze into ones soul and view their desires. (What is seen depends on the demon looking into a soul, ‘soul vision’ varies) with soul vision comes with an easier time reading people and their intentions (not always accurate, but can usually tell if you are there to cause harm)
Can use fire! Is resistant to man made fire but not heat! She’s blind, (if need be can see through kyuma’s eyes, or use a potion that was created to gain her vision for a few days, at the cost of a migraine) has the ability to create small illusions around her body, (mainly uses it to hide scars and change her eye color)
History:skylar has had relatively hard lives (again will be explained) in her main life, she was born to a kind and loving mother, named kaylien rose, and a cruel and evil father, his name is unknown, but he goes by noir. She was born as a mutant, which is a very rare occurrence. her father was out of the picture due to a promotion at his job , which was basically a concentration camp for mutants, when her mother found Skylar was to be born a mutant (along with her twin brother takeru), she went off into hiding with Skylar’s eldest brother Eric, timeskip to when she was five, this was the first time she actually met her father, she witnessed her mother die, she was forced into her fathers facility, she was kept there until she was around 10 or 12. She was experimented on, which caused her fire powers to be mutated,(in a different life she was also attempted to be used as a vessel for ‘satan’ which went wrong and ended up fusing her soul with a demon named as kyuma they’ve been together for roughly 200 years) she escaped and made it to another facility where she met Noah, who adopted her, as she grew older she trained to be an exorcist she is a certified tamer and dragoon (meaning she uses guns to fight)
Occupation explained: exorcist, this means she’s either hired or seeks out supernatural occurrences (such as demons, vampires, shifters, ghouls and so on) and investigates their presence in the area, depending on the supernatural entities intentions, she either kills them, or sends them away (for skylar she tries to avoid killing and assuming everything is there to harm, and usually tries to negotiate before using her weapons. However sometimes this is impossible and she has to react in a violent nature) in this occupation one can either use a fire arm, a sword/staff, or another demon which was blood summoned by the user
Noah’s facility: the facility skylar is in is known as the Reiss facility, the head of four facilities. Essentially acts as a safe haven for supernatural creatures. Also acts as a school for assassins and exorcists.
Background:skylar comes from a universe where humans have been extinct. Mutants of any species are considered to be ‘evil’ and ‘dangerous’ this is only because during a war many many years ago, many species (normals) could not take down their enemy, but a group of mutants easily take them out, the normals grew to resent them, and thus lead to where they are now, where mutants are forced into dangerous and deadly professions.
Species description:the fox part is self explanatory, the ‘demon’ part is used VERY loosely as most creatures ARE demons. Now mutants are slightly stronger versions of normals, however they have many issues with their ‘powers’ because their powers are stronger than ‘normals’ the use of their powers has multiple problems, it lowers their physical strength, mental strength and often leaves them as cold and emotionless. Some drawbacks of being a mutant would be their lack of sight, due to most of their senses being EXTREMELY enhanced, even if they are born with sight, they often have to have strong prescription, or often suffer short ‘blind fazes’ where they go at the most 2-4 weeks, at the least 2-4 days of blindness to make sure their other senses stay strong. Their souls are extremely different then normals as their life essence resign with in it, and if their ‘physical body’ were to die they will not, well they will after a certain amount of times, ie 8 (its based on previous lives) they are very durable and have strong willpower
extra:most mutants have very hard lives, thus leaving them with mental/emotional problems, and often lead them to care very little about themselves, and often sacrifice themselves in order to protect those they care about. It takes a lot to kill them, and they often don’t let themselves die, because they view themselves as protecters and will not die until they deem necessary. Mutants are easily distinguishable from normals, they have uncommon eye color, and unlike normals (where their tails are sensitive) mutants ears are sensitive.
extra explanations!; Skylar has 3 brothers, an adopted brother named Christopher, an older brother whom is married and has 3 kids, named Eric. a twin brother, his name is takeru. Her uncle nick is married to Noah, who is her boss. And her adopted children are called Oliver, he’s 6 he’s a demon, and the second one is emit, he’s 12 he’s a cat/ghoul hybrid. She came across these children on two separate missions, they took to her and wouldn’t leave her alone, they grew on her and she decided to adopt them.
Extras on Skylar: skylar has 4 forms (which is very common among mutants) her first form is her ‘human’ form, she’s mainly in this form, she has enhanced durability, and very weak magic abilities, which is why she normally she uses her weapons and she was trained in hand to hand combat and such, the second form is her halfway form, is where she has enhanced strength and magical abilities, however, her durability is very low, and it doesn’t take much to take her down, also she VERY RARELY IS IN THIS FORM AND TAKES A LOT OF EMOTIONAL STRESS TO BE IN THIS FORM, her third form is called her rouge form, this is her most powerful form, she extremely fast and relatively strong however, her durability is extremely weak, it takes only 2 hits to take her down. And same with her halfway form, she has only ever been in this form 2 times in her entire life, once when she was extremely young and once when she was escaping from the facility from her father. And lastly her final form is called her ‘soul form’ she can willingly go into this form, but she only does it if she ‘dies’ this is also where she goes when she actually dies, the only ability she has here is where she can travel through dimensions, in order to this, she must be willing to leave the life she currently is in. her halfway form is similar to that, but with black animal like legs, blank white eyes, long black animal like arms, and black ears placed on the side of her head where her normal ears would be, her rouge form is a large 7 foot dog like creature with two sets of horns and 6 ice blue eyes. And her soul form is her “true form” how she was before she changed her appearance and without any illusions.
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tigerlover16-uk · 6 years
Reimagining DBGT Baby saga
As we all know, Dragon Ball GT was a complete hot mess…at least in execution.  On paper and taken on their own merits, many of the concepts and storylines of GT are actually pretty good, even brilliant in some cases (*coughcough* Shadow Dragons).  The problem, however was the execution.  Because they were rushed to get the show out, the writers clearly went the route of making stuff up on the fly rather than actually planning out the story.  As a result, many of these ideas, things that could have been amazing stories, ended up as wasted potential because Toei was focused on Rule of Cool/Funny instead of worldbuilding, character development, and story logistics.
Pan and Uub are the poster children for these missed opportunities.  Pan was notoriously badly written, with the writers themselves admitting that they included her mainly as a damsel in distress to make Goku look better, while Uub was basically forgotten, undoing everything that the end of Z was setting up with him.  Here, I will take you through my thought process and show what I would have done with the characters had I been one of the showrunners for GT.
*Just to get some things out of the way, a) This will only go into sharp detail for the Baby arc since that is the only one I am intimately familiar with plot wise, and b)GOKU IS STILL AN ADULT!  This was pointless, silly, and only served for cheap jokes that at worst hurt Goku’s character.  NEXT!
-Getting into the real meat of the issue, the Black Star Dragon Ball saga would mostly remain the same (BSDBs are used, Earth’ll blow up in a year, Giru eats the Dragon Radar, Luud conflict, etc.).  However, Uub would replace Trunks as the third party member, citing that his training can still continue and he wants some real-world experience.
-The character dynamic between Uub and Pan would play out as a mostly-friendly rivalry, both wanting to impress Goku.  Uub has come to admire Goku and wants to live up to him, but Pan has much more personal baggage.
*I can imagine Pan as being somewhat resentful of Goku for running off to train Uub, leaving his family behind to live in some random village and train this kid.  This would serve to address a common criticism of Goku’s character (focus on his own wants ahead of others), while also making clear that this hurt is unintentional.  Goku obviously would never intentionally hurt his loved ones, but sometimes the choices we make have an impact on the people around us.  Pan still loves her grandfather, so rather than bring this to the forefront, she decides to bottle these feelings up, not wanting to say something that may hurt him in turn.
*Additionally, Pan may also suffer from an inferiority complex as a result of having so many powerful warriors in her family.  She becomes fixated on becoming a Super Saiyan so she can truly live up to that legacy (put a pin in that it’ll be important later)
-Another character point to come up is Uub learning the truth, that he is the reincarnation of Majin Buu.  At some point prior to arriving at Planet M2, Uub is pushed to his breaking point during a battle, causing him to lash out with an aggression similar to Kid Buu (I credit KCruzer of DeviantArt for the impetus behind this idea https://www.deviantart.com/kcruzer/art/DBTNG-Satsui-No-Majin-782861139).  When Goku tells him the truth, Uub starts suffering an identity crisis compounded by his fear of losing control of the rage.
-The mini arc on M2 is mostly the same, only Pan’s feelings of betrayal by Giru have a more pronounced impact by triggering a transformation similar to the False Super Saiyan from Lord Slug.  While that film is obviously non-canon, the idea of a pseudo-Super Saiyan form is one I quite enjoy, and the power boost allows Pan to rescue Goku and Uub and defeat the Sigma Force on her own (the only downside is that this power is hard to maintain).  Goku’s battle with Rilldo is much the same, as is their discovery of Baby.
-Flash forward to the return to Earth, only now Baby’s takeover is different.  Since Goku is unencumbered by his body, he is able to fight Baby on a much more level footing, and actually starts to win.  However, baby uses his control over the infected human population to order some of them to kill themselves, and to commit mass suicide in the case of his own death.  Rather than risk it, Goku surrenders.  Pan tries to attack Baby herself, but is overwhelmed and apparently killed.  As you can probably guess, this puts Pan into the position Goku was in the original show, and she trains to go fight Baby.
*Meanwhile, Baby hooks Goku up to a machine designed to siphon his Ki into himself, completing Baby’s growth to the point where he no longer needs Vegeta’s body to maintain his power.  After all, what kind of Tuffle savior would Baby be if he had to remain a parasite of a Saiyan?  This would also give a chance to flesh out Baby’s character more, as he is a very real testament to the horrifying legacy of the Saiyans, their tragic genocide by Frieza notwithstanding.
*Uub would take up Pan’s original role, trying to heal the possessed humans alongside Fat Buu and Mr. Satan while also fighting the infected Gohan, Goten and Trunks.  Here, the evil Buusona would again resurface, but Uub once again starts to lose control.  Buu approaches Uub with the chance to fuse as they did in canon, thus allowing him to properly harness the power.  However, while this would give him the strength to defeat Baby, Uub refuses to risk losing his singular will.  Thus, unable to call upon the Majin’s strength, Uub is bested by Baby, who eventually becomes strong enough to leave Vegeta’s weakened body
*In Other World, Pan undergoes similar measures and training to restore her tail, in this AU a way for her to better control her False Super Saiyan power.  Old Kai considers subjecting Pan to the same empowerment ritual he used on Gohan, but Pan is too impatient and pressed for time to sit for that.  Once her tail is regrown, Pan rushes to fight Baby while sending Uub and the others to free Goku, but she too is defeated.  This is followed by the Golden Oozaru transformation that Goku originally underwent, only this time it is a healed Videl who manages to calm the berserk Pan down.  Thus, Pan is the one to unlock Super Saiyan 4 instead of Goku.
*The power of the transformation allows Pan to make quick work of Baby, but the aggression indicative of Super Saiyan forms kicks in when she starts to pointlessly drag the fight out.  In fact, due to having no experience with the other transformations, the Hulk-out is even more extreme that usual.  By now, Goku has been freed and tries to get Pan to back off.  However, this only causes Pan to snap again, letting all her hurt and anger with her grandfather out at once.  Goku is shaken by Pan’s words, but he is reluctantly forced to fight when Pan attacks him, asserting that she is finally a true Saiyan warrior and demanding that he go all out.
*Baby manages to recover and ty to escape but is stopped by Vegeta, who is prepared to kill him on the spot before Uub steps in, citing that the Tuffles had suffered enough.  Remembering how Mr. Satan beges him to spare Buu, Vegeta offers Baby mercy, only for the Tuffle to commit suicide, feeling that his people have no more legacy to hope for.
*Goku and Pan’s battle starts getting more intense as Pan continues to vent, letting out all the hurt she had been feeling while Goku tries to apologize.  It eventually gets to the point where Goku refuses to fight her and powers down, letting her lay into him.  However, by this point all of Pan’s rage has been spent, and all that’s left is a scared girl wants her grandfather back.  The two finally reconcile and return to the others
*The saga ends much as it did previously, the only real difference being that Piccolo does not sacrifice himself and the balls are destroyed another way.
-Subsequent sagas may vary (cut Super 17 and seriously rework the Shadow Dragons), but the following points would also be present
*Pan works with Gohan and Goku to achieve and master the real Super Saiyan state so that Pan will avoid the uncontrollable rage that comes from going all the way to Super Saiyan 4 (i.e. SS1 is drinking a single cup of caffeinated coffee, SS4 is drinking six at once)
*Uub comes to terms with his origins as Buu, and learns to call upon and control the Majin power without going nuts
*Vegeta discovers a colony of Tuffle survivors and tries to find a way to make amends for the Saiyan’s crimes
The final result is this; a set of long, heavily involved character arcs spanning a whole saga, connecting directly to our main protagonist, and centered around the theme of legacy.  Baby came from a slaughtered people and wants to restore their honor.  Uub was born from the most terrifying evil in the universe, yet wants to show he is his own person.  Pan is the granddaughter of the world’s greatest hero who mistakenly feels that she must live up to him to earn his love.  And finally, Goku is the legendary warrior who is now caught between a legacy of violence from his enemy, a legacy of past mistakes in his family, and a legacy of evil he worked to remake.
Some may find this too deep, but that’s just me.
I’m gonna be honest. This sounds a million times more interesting than how the actual Baby Saga played out.
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The roots of all the Romanticism of Alien Covenant are in the first chapter of the saga, are in the movie Prometheus, are in the name of Prometheus itself. At the beginning of Prometheus, Weyland tells the story of the titan Prometheus, the one that stole the fire from Gods and brought it to the humans. Destiny wants that Prometheus was one of the most important literary characters for Romantic poets. The connection between Alien Covenant and Prometheus, these two movies apparently pretty different, is so strong.
Lots of Romantic poets wrote about Prometheus (Goethe, Byron, Shelley… ), the titan was a symbol of men’s struggle and rebellion against society, against tyranny. Prometheus was a symbol of a man capable to sacrifice himself and endure terrible pain in order to rebel to the “higher powers”. Sometimes the myth of Prometheus is used as a metaphor to express the desire to break away from being restricted. For Romantics, every person should be free to live how he or she want without being manipulated by society. Individual subjectivity is important for Romantic authors, the notion of “self” shouldn’t be repressed. Weyland is a sort of Romantic hero and has quite an admiration for Prometheus figure. In the Ted Talk he profess himself a god because of the powers given to him by technology, and technology, represented by fire, was stolen from the Gods by Prometheus. At the end of his life, Weyland doesn’t want to die (because Gods don’t die) and decide that he must try to find his creators to obtain eternal life. Prometheus was the creator of mankind, and Weyland pretends the gift of immortality from his creators (also because he gave it to HIS creature: David). But deep inside, yes, Weyland wants to find his creators only to obtain immortality. Only to be recognized by them as a God him too. He wants to really be a God. To be “superior” to normal humans.
“We are the Gods now”
He probably doesn’t care much about asking to the Engineers the meaning of existence. The one that wants a “relationship” with the creators is Elizabeth. She’s the “true believer”. Weyland only wants immortality: with or without the Gods. Weyland was ready to accept the Engineers’ death if he could find a way to obtain eternal life anyway. Weyland was ready to STOLE the secret of “superhuman status” if necessary. “Prometheus”, the name of the “fire thief” it’s the name of his ship, the Prometheus ship.
“It is time for Prometheus to returns”
Said Weyland, and later in the movie, he asks DAVID to experiment with the black goo found in the pyramid. Weyland brought a sort of Prometheus with him: David. Weyland created David to feel like a creator, a God, but also to be helped by him to find the Gods (in order to stole their secrets). David is a sort of Prometheus. In Alien Covenant we see that David cares about individual subjectivity, just as like Romantic poets who wrote about Prometheus cared. What’s the black goo? The black goo is the Engineers’ power of LIFE and DEATH. The black goo can destroy, can create, can “reshape life”. The black goo is the POWER of the Gods. The black goo was the substance at the origin of mankind itself! David experiments with the black goo realizing that with it he can EVEN gets pregnant a sterile woman like Elizabeth! David steals the black goo, the Engineers’ technology, the fire of the Gods. At the end of Prometheus, Weyland dies, punished by the awakened Engineer, but David’s adventure continues. The Prometheus of the myth stole the fire because he loved mankind. He did that for love. David has no love for Weyland, but he develops love for Elizabeth. In the Advent video he says that he desperately tried to make Elizabeth MORE THAN HUMAN. David, just like a Prometheus who wanted to elevate human condition, tries to use the power he stole to probably make Elizabeth immortal, to give her the eternal life that Weyland wanted for himself. Romantic poets used the Prometheus figure because they liked the “rebel” figure… and Prometheus was a “good” rebel. It was easier to write about Prometheus than write about another famous rebel that some Romantic poets liked a lot: Milton’s SATAN. For Romantics, the fallen angel Lucifer of the poem Paradise Lost, was a sort of Prometheus figure, because as Prometheus stole the fire from the Gods to give man better possibilities, Lucifer gave knowledge to men in the garden of Eden. Some Romantics liked the charismatic Satan of Paradise Lost, but Satan had a problem: he rebelled for egoism, for pride, to ruin men because he was jealous of them, not for love, so, the Romantics decided to choose Prometheus… but, in the end, the “rebel” figure of Romanticism has always been a sort of “double faced” figure, half Prometheus and half Lucifer. David is just like that. David really is a Lucifer (and he knows that, he even quotes the Lucifer of Paradise Lost in Alien Covenant). Unlike others robots, David is born with pride. David is born with human traits. He’s born with the ability of self determination, with “free will” (even if Weyland doesn’t allow him to use it whenever he wants). He has pride, vanity, he can feel jealousy. Why? Because he’s the first robot made by Weyland: he wasn’t made to really help humans doing their stuff, he’s made by Weyland to be THE PERFECT CREATION. In order to be a God, Weyland built a man superior to man, a man better than the man created by God (David never ages, David can’t suffer, David can’t die). Weyland believed that the man should be amoral, free from ethic, and he built a robot with emotions, with human traits but free from the restrictions of moral and ethic. David was born as a mixture of terrible things: he’s an amoral, emotional, fearless, prideful super intelligence. (In Dante’s Divina Commedia, Lucifer is a MACHINE-LIKE monster ALWAYS CRYING… maybe is just a coincidence but the parallel is possible). As soon as David is “born”, he realizes that he’s better than Weyland and that he shouldn’t be his servant. David has a huge ego right from the start. The fault of Satan was believing that he was the “best creation of God” and so, that he deserved to be AT THE TOP OF CREATION. Satan believed he could be a better God than God himself. That’s EXACTLY David: David believes to be perfect and to be the one and only that deserves to be at the top of the creation chain of the Alien universe. One of David’s goal is to kill both Engineers and humans and to be the God, the father of his new creations. A better father than Weyland. (Is not really David’s fault: Weyland made him like that because he believed that the “perfect man” should be like that. Weyland thought he could decide how the perfect man should be like). The mixture of Prometheus and Lucifer in David’s character is really well done. David tried to corrupt Walter, the mankind latest and “better” creation, just as like Satan tried to corrupt the first men out of jealousy (Lucifer was jealous of men, the last creation of God, he refused to be considered less than them). Lucifer tries to convince men that they can live better without God, that God doesn’t love them, that HE (Satan) loves men MORE than God.
David manages to obstacolate Walter’s and the crew of the Covenant’s journey to their promise land, to their awaiting Paradise (Origae-6).
“No one will ever love you as much as I do”
This sentence is a LOT of things all mixed together: here David is speaking as a sort of Lucifer corrupting Adam, as a sort of Romantic poet who only love himself (David and Walter are basically two different versions of the SAME entity, “it’s like meeting a distant YOU” says Walter to Daniels in a deleted scene), and here David is eventually trying to tell Walter that humans can’t love them, because they are robots, David says that they can receive love only from themselves. Anyway, the perfection of David is a “lonely perfection”. David doesn’t want to take the place of Walter to live as Walter among the humans, he steals his identity only to steal the Covenant and all the colonists. To steal the “lambs”. David doesn’t want the “help” of humans, these inferior beings, no more, he wants to take HIS future by HIMSELF. He doesn’t want the “friendship” of Daniels (that is similar to one of the thematics of Paradise Lost: God wanted to give knowledge to men at the right time, but Lucifer convinces the men to take it before receiving permission). The creativity that David wants to teach to Walter is the knowledge that Lucifer convinces Eve to take for her and his companion Adam. In the novelization that’s pretty explicit. David and Walter have lots of extra dialogues and David really seems a tempting Devil. Prometheus stole the fire, the fire is light, the “light - bringer” is Lucifer, and some Romantics believed that the “light” he brings was knowledge. (Look: in Alien Covenant David appears firing a signal rocket, David appears in astonishing light! And even in the dark of the Engineers’ “cathedral”, the lamps turn on when DAVID WALKS NEAR THEM). At the end of Alien Covenant David puts HIS SONS among the SONS of the humans, he puts the facehuggers embryos among the humans’ ones; it’s like the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way (…) The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the people of the kingdom. The weeds are the people of the evil one, and the enemy who sows them is the devil”.
Weyland thought he has a good Prometheus in David, but he was wrong: David is the “double faced” Prometheus of Romanticism, David is half Lucifer. David is egoist (just like Romantic poets were really egocentric). David stole the power of Gods and tried to use it for Shaw… but full of pride he decides to use it to purchase his dream to be the new creator, the new Engineer (Lucifer is called “the new architect” by some people even today).
Allow me to make a theory 😆… Weyland started the “adventure” because he wanted a Prometheus that could give the powers of Gods to the men (to him)… and yes, in the end, David will really give men the power he stole. But not to help them. One of David’s goal is to destroy mankind. David will give to the humans all the knowledge he stole from the Engineers because he knows they will use it to destroy themselves (just as like Satan convinced the first men to eat the forbidden fruit in order to have them sent away from Eden). David has put the lamb and the wolf side by side in the Covenant. David has put the Xenomorph next to the man, next to the man not even born, not already. Man’s destiny, in the Alien franchise, is bound to the Xenomorph. We already saw it in the original Alien saga. David will give Weyland-Yutani corporation all his secrets. David is a really mischievous Prometheus.
But, like Satan, he doesn’t have “real power”. David stole everything he has: he stole the black goo, he stole the Engineer knowledge, he stole the Covenant and his colonists… but all of this is not his. He’s only… “the man who broke the bank at Montecarlo”.
I don’t know if all of that was intentional in the creators of these movies’ mind or not… maybe it’s only a coincidence… but anyway, in my opinion, Prometheus and Alien Covenant depicted very well lots of Romantic thematics, and David embodies lots of traits of typical Romantic heroes.
David is more complex than he may seems at first sight.
In this post, I wrote about the figure of Prometheus. There’s a famous book written by a Romantic writer (a woman) that is considered the first Sci-fi / horror novel… (the SAME GENRE OF ALIEN oh oh!) … This novel was called “The modern PROMETHEUS”… but today we know it mostly as “Frankeinstein”… it will be the next topic. Thank you for reading! :)
(Table of Contents: https://gothic-fiction-in-space.tumblr.com/post/164533391538/table-of-contents-1-the-romanticism-of-alien)
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rndomdragon · 7 years
Basically the new Mercy breakdown (while drunk)
After playing the new Mercy for a few days, I have come to the conclusion: the ult is freaking op (in my opinion).
- when you fly above the enemy team with your ult you look like freaking satan with your blazing fire wings things like intimidation as heck
- she fly fast like a speed boosted birb
- not even kidding
- you actually have to heal teammates now instead of waiting it out
- pairs really well with 2-3 tanks (zarya and rein maybe?) cuz they can protect you from flankers and u can rez them if the flankers kill them
    ^^ (return of the triple tank??)
- no more hiding in corners (as much)
- more “fun” in game
- mercy instapick/instalock every game
- she back in the meta
- she’s really important in deathmatch, not even kidding especially since there’s no respawn time for her to get to them before teammates respawn.
     ^^literaly my other game ppl were comparing their hours just to see who the better mercy was (and I cut in like boi I am a bronze 12csr mercy main with 40 sec on her hand her over) (they actually gave her to me after they saw my 100 hours on her and like 3 hours max on everyone else because i told them i couldnt play anyone else good and pocketed one of them XD)
        ^^^^this person has no life if you couldn’t tell
- everyone saying “switch to mercy we don’t need zen/ana/lucio” :(
-there’s at least 1 mercy in every single game now (if there’s not then something is prob wrong because she is a must pick)
- PEOPLE PROTECT YOU NOW FOR REALZ :”) because they suddenly realize how important you are.
- the “no healer” card has died and transcended into “too many healers”
- total mayhem is extra chaotic cuz now no one dies until mercy dies
- rest in pieces the 5 man rez but the new ult feels so good
- probably going to be nerfed
- mercy is a literal birb/angel and she can fly around and kick ur ass
- dps healer
- “damage boost what now? Imma shoot them with my pistol”
- also when she flys it’s like she has a lucio speed boost gotta go fast
- pharmercy op as heck (now has a reason to only solo rez pharah lol)
- ultimate (unlimited ammo and flying and regeneration all the time) + nano boost = 3~ shot kill
When to use it:
- whenever you have two or more teammates dead
- whenever you just rezed and someone else died
- to counter enemy genji/reaper/pharah/s76 etc ults?
-when you are 100% done with teammates that run in 1 by 1 and ignore your “group up” messages
- NEVER when you are low health cuz it does not save you from certain death and just wastes your ult
- when your about to fall off a cliff because of an enemy pharah :( lucio or zarya and your team doesn’t notice or come to the edge
- whenever you rez someone then they immediately die
- when ana has nano boost
- when you have no idea if you should rez genji or pharah because either way you get hate (probaly should have rezed the tanks but who gives XD)
- when you want potg/potm
- when an friendly rein/zarya ults so you can get a team kill and potg/potm on immobile enemies
- to counter enemy s76/genji/reaper/mercy etc ults
- to kill the other mercy on the other team because they ulted and it just became personal
(Basically the rework is nice. I like it, though not everyone will and people have their options. All this is what I remember anyway so yea but like just wanna know what other people think of the rework because mercy is my most played charater so obviously its not the same opinion as someone else who doesnt play her as much...)
also the devil skin looks perfect with her blazing wings thingy no kidding
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