#she doesn't give a shit about talos
flamexbound · 6 months
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Magna doesn't necessarily believe in a god at least not the one that every Nord believes in. The catch is that her experiences have convinced her that the gods are apathetic, and she wants nothing to do with whatever "divine entity" that looms out there and is often very annoyed when dealing with those who believe in such. The only god she worships is herself.
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feniksido · 10 months
Ok tell me about your ocs right now
I was thinking really hard about who to talk about because I HAVE SO MANY but I decided on my two main Baldur's Gate characters so RAAAA
First is Zenith the Silver aka The Dark Urge
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Zenith is 42 years old and kind of pissed about it cus his knees are starting to hurt. When he was adopted into his family he was given the name Zenith and after the whole killing your family cus the urges manifested thing he stopped using the name. Eventually when he moved into the city proper and knew he would need a name that wouldn't set off any red flags for people he went back to it.
He's a dual wielder fighter/rogue. He's incredibly efficient and doesn't care about right or wrong, nice or mean, he'll put on the mask that he needs when the situation requires it. He will gaslight the hell out of you and you know what that's okay. Very calculating, very quiet most of the time but when he does speak it's LOUD. So he tends to be a man of few words. His favorite animals are hyenas, he likes to read since that's how he learns to adapt to different situations (basically absorbing scenarios and playing them out since he doesn't get a lot of actual living interactions), and he has a very strong sense of smell. Incredibly insightful always people watching, looking at the subtleties
And now Santino! A Cleric of Talos
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Santino is a 54 year old mortal son of a cambion. He was raised by his cambion father and was named Santino as a joke. An infernal son named "Saint" raised by a devil. He was born because his mother was cursed with never-ending pain, she made a deal to that once she gave birth to a son she would be free from said pain. She died immediately after his birth. He was raised in like a basement demi-plane and when he was 13 he got kicked out and was told to go help bring people to make deals with. He was basically an unofficial warlock but his dad fucking hates him so he barely got anything out of it.
Santino was sick of it so he ran away instead and went to school. He sucked at it. He did eventually meet a girl at that school who he eventually married. They wanted to move to Waterdeep so she could continue her studies as an alchemist but on the way over there it was storming like crazy and the visibility was shit so they got ambushed by bandits. The bandits ended up killing Santino's wife while he was pinned under the cart. He begged his father to come help but he didn't show up and so instead he turned to the Stormlord Talos to give him the strength to imbue him with his fury and let him avenge his wife. And so he did. So he turned from the infernal to the divine and became a tempest cleric.
He's also ridiculously insane and completely unpredictable. This guy was my first Tav and he's been with me since Early Access. He's like chaos incarnate and i do love him.
Yes they are both evil, yes i can talk about them WAY more. I just love them so much
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meeblo · 11 months
Ok so, funny aah theory I have for Endfield to explain whatever is going on; it's not an alternate universe, but more of a dimensional world. We know with Expeditioner's Joklumarkar (IS4) and Sami icefields lore that dimensional portals and beings do exist. While those seem corrupted, unlike anything we are familiar with, it's likely they are related to how the Ancients arrived to Terra in the first place. I doubt they came from space, considering the sky barrier, so they probably came from another dimension, which is some fucked up shit but interesting.
Endfield could be taking place in exploring another dimension of Terra, where Angelina has been sent - I mean, she has been dispatched here by Rhodes Island, and yet when we see Rhodes's landship in Endfield, it doesn't seem to live its best ship life. It could be interesting if they managed to enter in contact with some interdimensional company and accepted to explore their world because it could bring a lot about the origin of Originium and a possible Oripathy cure.
Interesting, I didn't realize that the demons were confirmed to be extradimensional rather than just from outside Terra. I considered in passing that Endfield might be another dimension as a way of explaining Kal'tsit that isn't Kal'tsit and Ch'en that isn't Ch'en, but I didn't give it any more thought than that until I saw a post speculating that a few shots in the trailer contained a portal, with the Endministrator and that bossfight we saw a glimpse of on one side and Angelina teased at the end of the trailer on the other side.
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I hadn't considered the ancients being extradimensional. I had always just assumed their arrival on Terra (or creation by whatever precursor civilization left behind things like the Chernobog sarcophagus and The Law, if you subscribe to that theory) predated the construction of the fake sky. But given the gate in Sami it's definitely possible they could have arrived that way, after that fake sky was already a thing.
And I really have no idea what is going on with the suspended Rhodes Island landship crashing into a tower of Babel, or that statue of Patriot. They both had the same white-grey stone texture and color to them, but otherwise I have no idea what to make of them. If Talos-II is in a separate dimension, maybe they're aspects of Terra leaking through into Talos-II? but for it to be those highly specific things at that scale without any other things showing this is a wider phenomena, that wouldn't make a ton of sense imo, so I don't really have a guess I'm confident in.
I'm somewhat split on the alternate dimension theory. I vastly prefer it to there just being no lore or story connection at all, and thankfully the Angelina announcement has ruled that out. But I think Endfield and Arknights being in the same universe has more interesting potential than separate dimensions, because it forces them to give more concrete and specific explanations for things rather than being able to handwave away things by going "oh that's just this dimension's Kal'tsit don't worry about it".
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ircn-dad · 2 years
Hi! First of all i want to say i love your blog! I get happy when you post.
I have been thinking about this for a while now but have you noticed the double standard related to mcu Tony? Like, fans hating on him for taking Peter to Germany to fight (it was not meant to be a fight) the Rogues but no one said anything about Talos/Fury asking Peter to fight the elementals and I think it was implied that Fury only gave Talos Peter's number before going to space. It's like they are looking for reasons to hate Tony.
There was another example I want to use but it's related to the 4th movie of MCU Spider Man i am not sure if you are comfortable being spoiled by the rumours related to the movie. 😅
Anyways, I love your blog! Have a nice day!
You're absolutely right anon.
People loves to shit on Tony's mistakes, but when other characters do the same exactly mistakes, NO ONE says a word.
For example, We can consider how the fandom treats May and Tony.
Antis are always like "Tony brought a kid to a war! he's unconscious! He put Peter's life in danger!", but when you point out that May did the same (she encouraged Peter to be Spiderman in FFH and told him he had a lot of responsibility as Spiderman in NWH) they don't say nothing. Kinda ironic huh?
They want Peter to be a hero who doesn't need help, but I didn't see any hate towards the rumours about daredevil helping him in the next movie (I think that's what you were taking about). They called Peter "Iron man Jr" for YEARS even if he literally proved everyone in homecoming that he didn't need the suit to be Spiderman, but as soon as Peter collaborates with Daredevil everyone is happy. Again, kinda ironic.
They judge Tony because he left Edith to a teenager, but they can't think for more than two seconds and realise that Tony didn't choose to give Edith to Peter.
Since Fury / Talos has been blipped, Tony must have given Edith to him during homecoming and Infinity War. Was he planning to let them to Peter? Yes. Did he planned to leaving the glasses to Peter when he was just seventeen? No. Tony plans everything, he probably wanted to give it to Peter when he was older. But even if he wanted to, what's the problem? Antis wants Peter to be independent, but they can't trust Peter with edit (unlike Tony. Tony trusts Peter, he believed nothing bad would happen because Peter is a good kid. How he could imagine that Mysterio would have taken the glasses?)
What do I think? People loves to say shit on him, but cannot see when a character does the same thing. Or when they hate him for building weapons, but do not say a word about Steve, Sam and Bucky using to be soldiers, Natasha and Clint being assassins or Wanda being literally a mass murderer. Everyone makes mistakes in the MCU, but if you hate Tony for something every other characters did... well I've got news for you.
You have the rights to do not like a character, but at least do not be an hypocrite.
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Stance On: Relationships
Okay, I'm just going to put this up here because I'm seeing a lot of weird, cringe takes on Pike and his relationships, and just the overall discourse is gross.
Everyone is entitled to having their favorite ships, that is across all fandoms, not just Trek. Just because you don't necessarily enjoy what is canon doesn't mean it's wrong and doesn't give you the right to send people nasty hate who may like the pairing. It's 2023 people, grow the fuck up. If you want to have an actual, intelligent conversation/debate about a character, that's fine. But if you come at it calling people shit like N*zis, you're not worth anyone's time.
I'll admit at first I was not a fan of the Batel/Pike relationship, nothing to do with the character or the actor but I thought it was very shoe-horned in the beginning, HOWEVER. As they've started to give more screen time, I'm developing to really enjoy it because it shows that not all relationships are kissy kissy. Real, adult relationships are hard, they're messy, especially with Pike and Batel both being incredibly career driven, they're trying to navigate what a relationship looks like for them. The whole she doesn't eat his food argument is just lazy when if you look at almost any scene with food in the series, it's rare to show someone actually stuffing their face. Yes, they may have a couple but not everyone is eating. Also the weird hate Batel gets over what happened with Una is weird, they're all a part of the same system, if you're calling her a N*zi then by default, what is the Federation? If I'm not wrong, doesn't Una even tell Chris she likes her in an episode after that one?
I'm also a fan of Pike and Una, but let's face it, both of them are FAR too professional to be in an active relationship whilst serving together on the Enterprise. I love RP-ing it, but I don't hold any illusion that they are endgame. Unfortunately, unless Pike finds a way out of it, he's not going to be around much longer and I cannot see him allowing himself to be connected to anyone for that long. That goes for either Batel or Una. I personally don't like the narrative that SNW poses that becoming disabled = death, but Pike being the proud person he is, is going to have a hard time in any relationship when he knows what's on the horizon, he just wouldn't want to force anyone into that, full stop.
And am I seeing people actually think Vina is Pike's soul mate? I know there may be people out there that haven't seen the original series episodes but Pike was captured to be part of a breeding program with Vina for the Talosians to gain pretty much slaves to rebuild their planet. The Talosians even went as far to kidnap Number One and another Ensign to pick a "female of his choosing" since he resisted Vina. He's also ultimately taken to Talos IV really against his will by Spock. (Again this is all very cringe to begin with but this is another rant). This isn't a soul mate story, these are people being held against their will, potentially being forced into a breeding program. I've actually had some incredibly lovely threads with Vina and have had ships with them in the past but not without a lot of conversation, and a lot of development that hasn't historically been shown in the show.
The bottom line is, I don't care if you don't like who I ship or don't ship with, I'm not going to come at you if you don't like Pike/Batel, but I ask that you have a little maturity and not have a meltdown and spew your hate towards others. If I see that shit on my page, consider yourself blocked. You're absolutely entitled to your opinions but be mature about it.
In regards to RP-ing with my Pike, I go off of chemistry. If there's something there we want to develop I'd be more than likely the first person to suggest a ship. I'm equally open to anyone who wants to explore a relationship with him, just know the man will be a hot mess. Let's just be a bit more adult about these things? Thanks.
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monathedefiant · 1 year
secret invasion wasted its potential. here are some stand out flops (mostly from the finale):
the skrodey reveal happened too soon and also just made no fucking sense. more on that here
fury doesn't develop as a character. like. At All!! he starts it the way he ends with no growth and no real acknowledgement of how his actions (or lack thereof) impacted others aside from varra. even then, as much as i love fury, what he gave her was half-assed at best and if i was her bff i'd have told her to leave him
i know the credits were ai-generated but was the storytelling also done by an ai? i'm genuinely curious
what was the point of maria's death? talos' death? again, fury doesn't grow as a person over the course of the series. so these went from being monumental moments of loss for him to just not mattering at all in the grand scheme of things
i'm cackling at the idea that secret invasion was supposed to be andor of the mcu. they fucking wish they had it like that. i'd say it's more like tbobf 2.0 but at least that show did give boba Some Development even if it was shoved into the first two episodes
the cgi fight at the end was a wholeass joke. g'iah and gravik getting all these powers and not struggling with them once was stupid. g'iah even uses mantis' powers but at no point has to deal with the blowback of being able to sense gravik's intense emotions of hatred, betrayal, and hurt. we were promised a show about intrigue and spy shit!!!! but this fight was just more of the same just with worse quality and apparently less impact on the overall storyline
domestic terrorists just going around shooting important figures in broad daylight with no problem. where was security?? they ran up on that one senator lady at the podium during a press conference and i'm supposed to believe her security detail didn't get active?? esp after the brutal murder of the news anchor by people in the exact same style of clothing????? what
i love varra as much as the next person. she's smart, persevering, competent, and gorgeous in both forms. she also wears her heart on her sleeve and is willing to practice emotional honesty. but at no point did the show ever convince me that she was a good diplomat. we don't see her doing diplomacy not once. she was unable to convince skrodey to back off of fury. her and g'iah don't talk about anything that seems to have a lasting impact on either of them. she doesn't even deal directly with gravik. speaking of which
varra introduced gravik and fury. now gravik is dead and she doesn't mention him not once when her and fury are getting ready to go negotiate with the kree. no sadness, no regret, not even a moment of silence for the young skrull she once knew.
and why is g'iah not involved in this process?? it's what her dad died hoping for: a home for the skrulls. why isn't she with them? like i get this is supposed to be a romantic thing for varra and nick but skrull lives are on the line more than ever and they're doing a pretty monumental thing without telling anyone?? *long sigh of continued frustration*
and what was the point of that one skrull that g'iah brought in, beto?? i thought he'd play a significant part in the series. when gravik killed him, i thought it'd be a turning point for the other skrulls to turn their backs on gravik. instead he slaughters a bunch of them and it's just a thing that happens. no one mentions this later on. there's no funeral. it doesn't even impact the story it happens in let alone the larger mcu narrative. like everything else in this series, it's just Something That Happens
i'm sure there are other points at which secret invasion dropped the ball. but these were the most prevalent on my mind.
this show had sooooo much potential and to watch all of it just go up in flames has been so disappointing. it's got me wondering how much time i really want to invest in future mcu shows on disney plus esp now that i'm no longer subscribed to mr mickey's little channel. like there's always
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but will it be worth it??? it's looking like a no for me
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roggvers · 3 years
I've been catching up on some movies i didn't care to watch in the last 5 years (I guess I am THAT bored) and looking at the length of the origin movies for other superheroes it makes me bitter all over again how CM was cut short, we were deprived of at least 26 minutes (that we know of) and since I know most of that was Kree and Yon and Yonvers related stuff I will never stop being angry about that.
Especially since apparently the reason they cut it they didn't want to make Yon overly sympathetic because of course we must dumb down everything and make it black and white instead of allowing shades of grey.
And also their stupidest reason about erasing any mentions of Yon's name as if they weren't already selling toys before the movie release 🤬
And of course the fact that they release a sp*derman movie every two years while we have to wait like 4 till CM sequel and she doesn't even get her own movie her movie is turned into a team up movie I'm just agahsjnd so angry about the disrespect for my one and only captain.
She was the first to crack a billion as a solo movie at the box office and yet they are treating her like an afterthought. Watching L*ki i didn't even spot any CM scenes in the credits and she's literally the origin of the av*ngers name. M*rvel don't deserve our girl and our alien because they are wasting all the potential :/
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aldmerii-blog · 6 years
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her jaw is strong but my love for her is stronger. 
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anonil88 · 4 years
Wandavision Ep. 9 (series finale) liveblog
Obviously there are spoilers below read at your own wishes im including a gif to give you more time to scroll away
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The picture is the family together in fight stance omg omg let me hit play
We back right where we left off.
Yea she wants to absorb your power sis, nah fuck that Agatha you can fuck right off.
I can see the cgi in the window and car.
Oh fuck this white mother fucker. Vision please come save your wife. Ayyy my guy!
I mean is he her ex? Or just her exes body.
Multi boss battle time!
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This has to be Peter from X-men just being manipulated.
Wanda really did create an entire man the only thing missing is the body.
Um we are missing a few scenes here. When did they capture Jimmy?
You handcuffed a magician? Stupid.
Cliff? Who's that?
So they are about to have a boss battle amongst civilians lmfao. They probably won't even notice what's happening.
On the nose entry of the Darkhold.
It's not her destiny to destroy the world at all. Even in the comics she fights and fights that destiny time and time again.
Oh no, angry puppets. Run Wanda run!
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Mrs? Ralph is that you?
Oh it is Ralph they casted Evan Peters to tease us all about x-men im guessing.
That is fucked up to tease us with that.... I'm just saying that is fucked up.
She doesn't even know how she has done this, she really thought she was doing the right thing.
Ugh this feels like when grief gets overwhelming.
No WANDA NOOO, oh shit she really doesn't know how to control it fully at all.
Get out everyone get out!
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Wtf is Agatha planning?
Oh no Vis! His soul, if only he gets closer to her.
No the boys....if only she could find a way to tether them to her and not the world she created.
She is going to try and suck wanda dry oh my lord.
Haha family stance too cute. A family that fights together, stays together? Maybe.
Ooo are together gonna fuse?
She is a hero and learning very very fast.
Ayyy boys
Monica lets goo! Take that Hayward.
Hayward is an entire bitch. Fuck him.
Oh they are gonna have a logic battle or a battle of the brains. Exactly you are both vision now kith.
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Who will this new vision be? Not quite how I expected it to happen with an awakening but yay, the rebirth of vision!
But, will he stay alive at the end of this? This new vision not Wanda's remade husband.
Let's go red wiggly woos and nightmares. Destroy you with your worst fears or your regrets.
A witchhunt really?
No wanda not like this. Agatha is a liar and has shown that why would you trust her?
We all thought vision would die but what if it's Wanda? Oh no.
Me to Agatha Harkness:
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Oh? Did she unknowingly cast another spell?
Ah ha that's why she was hitting the barrier so wanda is a visual learner.
I hope she gets that Darkhold book and reads it.
She is writing her own damn story. I know that's right.
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Ngl you can see they ran out if cgi budget this episode BUT I love this cute redone style of the comic book outfit. The new ones not the old ones.
Also she doesn't need you, she has a guy named Dr. Strange that she can call.
Awe this is so sweet but I know that this will end. I love that we see her vision and her boys happy all together because we do not get to see that in the comics really like all at the same time.
They are now friends in the comics that share kids, yaknow divorced parents that stay friends but can't make a relationship work.
At least for a couple moments we get a happy power family in house 2800, that get some last sweet beautiful moments.
They will live forever in her heart.....and cough eventually reincarnated cough. Their sound are very real.
I hope she saves that photo at least.
She healed and found out more about herself and who she loved, thats beautiful.
So he's not gonna tell her that he gave her vision the other back?
Awwww they are so in love and marvel doesn't even let them be happy in the comics.
I mean you literally will say hello again his body with his memories is flying outside right now.
Aww vision.
Emo wanda has returned in aesthetic. Starts playing BMTH or PTV
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She's like I'm sorry, oh and she said it.
Oooo with the hood and cape on yesss. She is pretty much a rejected member of society and "herodom" now who runs off to discover herself after a really fucked up situation and then a messy engagement similar to comics. Kind of like how Peter is set up to be in the mid credit scene at the end of far from home.
Wanda really said:
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Midcredit scene reaction!!
Is Jimmy gonna be director?
Yes a skrull! Talos heard? How? Yay Monica is going to space like she always wanted!!
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Thats the lake from the other movie right? Uh all these wait is Thor around? Oh wonderful I love this oh yes give me Wanda educating herself with this book. And she has learned sustained working projections without creating another hex, I love that for her. Two places at once. WE GOING TO THE MULTIVERSE, which i don't think she will be a villain for.
For a finale this was just okay like not great but good enough to pass because after all this is Marvel not Starz or HBO (GOT aside). I understand now why the executive or was it director said this would be a dissapointment. A lot of people had so many theories running but even with my own theories i haven't been conflating them as definites. The only one i did was Monica's scientist and now Pietro being just Ralph revealed. After seeing last weeks episode I just said imma just fully enjoy this last episode and didn't pay mind to many of the new theories.
Anyways I'm not super disappointed this was just an okay finale. So was Legends of Tomorrow's last season finale which I still found some enjoyment in. But, I'm not as excited for Falcon and the Winter Soldier because I can tell from this episode we are going back into movie marvel action with little depth.
I really enjoy the non-officially but official MCU shows like Jessica Jones or Agents of Shield because they often do both. The depth and the action which this show did with a much larger budget. I get there are probably plot holes in this episode for time or filming restriction reasons but still like dang it. Well this has been fun thanks for whoever reads these haha.
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machiavelien · 3 years
Spideychelle Conga Line pt. 29
Ok ok ok @coykoii we're almost done baybeeee!!! But I'll make Peter squirm just a leeetle bit first...
When they get to the Quinjet, Happy is already waiting outside, and beside him stood the imposing figure of one Nick Fury--or Talos the Skrull, rather.
But Peter is still buzzing from the high of the past twenty-four hours too much to care, especially not with MJ's hand in his as they stride toward the aircraft, all bloody, bruised, and beyond tired.
He wants to kiss her again, to make sure she's real--that this is all still real--and just because he really wants to. He doesn't even care that they're in front of people; Happy and Ned can deal with it, and Talos-Fury owes him for fucking up so badly with Mysterio in Europe. He considers for a second if he should wait until they're safely aboard the jet, but then decides he can't wait another second. The present is all they have--he has no idea what Fisk has planned for them or what he'll be walking into next.
So Peter turns and pulls MJ into him, kissing her full on the mouth, arms tight around her. Caught off guard, she tenses up at first, but then relaxes into him as she sinks into the kiss, her hand coming up to his face.
The taste of her mouth and her fingers curling in his hair make him forget everything around them. His hands drift lower onto her hips until he's holding her pressed against him, and they keep kissing even though his Spider-sense is going off in his head.
Fury-Talos throws his hands up in the air and shouts, "Parker! Are you kidding me right now?"
Peter gestures to give them a minute, which turns into two before they break apart for air--he's just setting boundaries and maintaining a work-life balance, that's all. Talos-Fury looks like he's about to murder him.
"Geez, you'd think imposter-Fury would give us a free pass after London," Peter jokes, his hands still around her waist.
"Actually, that's, um, my dad," says MJ, her lips pursed tightly together while she tries not to laugh. "He got my message and cut his off-world trip short."
Peter feels all the blood drain from his face. "Shit."
"Shut up and get onboard," commands Fury. "Mr. Hogan here is taking you three to the next secured location while I take care of this situation."
"Wait, you're not sending us after Fisk?" asks Peter, his face still hot with embarrassment.
Fury's eye bulges wide in disbelief, his eyebrows raised. "Are you asking me why I'm not sending three minors after a crime boss with supervillains at his disposal, instead of an armed SWAT team of grown-ass adults who are paid to do that sort of thing? Do I look insane to you, Mr. Parker?"
"No, sir," Peter replies, eyes wide, while MJ and Ned snicker.
"Good. Now get in the jet and eat some crackers or something," Fury commands, arms crossed.
Take us home @i-lovethatforme !!!!
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