#she doesn't keep promises. i can't remember the last time she kept one.
noxtivagus · 2 years
#🌙.vents#i'll be alright in a bit i shld use my spam account for these things but i'm#nervous to head there i think i mostly used that account when i was in one of the worst points of my life last month so yeah#i feel used#which sucks i hate feeling this way bcs#one irl rn n. she's one of my longest friends she's like a little sister to me after all these years n i do care for her but#recently i think. i really can't deny that she'd been a rather draining friend#for quite a while now. for around a year now actually i think#she.. idk i really don't expect anything from others n ppl have their own ways of showing love#i know that very well but i think this esp is damaging me bcs i can't feel that it's reciprocated at all#comforting her when she was down. helping her w stuff. listening to her n#i do know why she isn't as good at giving to others. i know how she's like w her family ik the pain she went through w her other friends in#middle school. i know how dependent she can be on others. as always the youngest she's usually the one following others#i want the best for her. i know to be patient n all bcs we all grow at our own pace. but it hurts#when i know she's. very likely hiding a lot of pain. she usually smiles she's usually bubbly but#:^) n then she disappears here n then n ngl is a ghoster n i wonder if it's just bcs she found new friends or wtvr reason#i feel.. used. we've been friends for nearly 7 years. but recently she only comes to us if she's lonely it seems#she doesn't keep promises. i can't remember the last time she kept one.#bday gift my.. two longest n closest friends technically didn't give me n apollo anything at all n i really dont expect gifts genuinely lik#thats a Me thing but. it hurt i guess. the cake they hyped up never replied n ^ was supposed to deliver it they said but it never came n#she never followed up. but w. that guy she likes she uses money n. idm that at all i'm not clingy or possessive but it's the fact that#i'm trying rlly hard to see what she's done to show how she cares for like us yh but i can't. rlly find anything n that hurts bcs i feel#used n i hate it bcs ik she's still a good person at heart. but to be forgotten n replaced n.#another close friend asked her a favor. bcs she cant do it herself she asked ^ to buy w the money <- gave her#she.. she didnt follow through so my friend the one who asked the favor told me n apollo that the gift she meant to give is now sold out#she. i hate feeling this way but i can't deny that i did feel v invalidated on the day before my bday w their actions n words#i.. i cried a lot that day but i was the one that apologized.#i think she's busy. or maybe she's the same as before n still isn't exactly the best at managing a lot of things. maybe she's tired in gene#general. i wld ask her but i hate this part of me that tells myself that. says i'm better left gone or forgotton or wtvr n. aghh i can't#i can't reach out. i care for her still a lot but she rlly has been draining so i. i don't know what to do
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Steve grows up thinking that love can be earned. That it has to be earned. That if he is quiet and polite, invisible most of the time and puts on his too-tight white button-downs without making a fuss, his mother will call him good and while she won't say it directly, Steve takes her approval for love.
His father is harder to please, for a while it's winning sport trophies and talking about taking out pretty girls. But as time goes on, Steve learns that disappointment is far quicker and far more willing given than love. Love can also be taken away like a toy from a naughty child.
Despite trying his best to keep earning his parents' love it keeps slipping away from him more and more often, like smoke through delicate fingers. Steve doesn't know what he is doing wrong, just assumes that he isn't good, that he doesn't deserve their love. It never occurs to him that they simply might be incapable of it, hollow, cold, harsh caves that echo where their hearts should beat.
So Steve tries to get it elsewhere. Tommy and Carol's love is easier to earn. Drive them places, pay for their food, get them booze and let them throw parties at his pool. Be mean and arrogant, laugh at jokes that make him feel sick to his stomach and do it all with a smile. Keep them happy and they'll keep loving him. He never quite figures out how he earned Nancy's love and it makes him antsy. Not knowing how to ensure that she'll keep loving him. He only realizes once they break up that the reason he never knew how to make her keep loving him was that she never loved him in the first place.
The kids are easy: be a human shield for them, beat monsters with a baseball bat, get tortured by Russians for them. If danger isn't around the corner it's driving them to the arcade, paying for their food, letting them hang out in the cold, desolate house that once they are gone echos just as much as the caves in his parents' chests. It's not that different from how he kept Tommy and Carol loving him. Only that it feels different, better. Steve doesn't have to force smiles, still recognizes the person in the mirror when he hangs out with the kids. He has fun too, would still do all these things if it didn't earn him the kids' love.
It's nice. Almost. If it wasn't for the constant fear that one day he'll say the wrong thing, bring them the wrong snack and all of that love will go poof.
Robin just like Nancy, Steve can't figure out. And it's fucking terrifying because he doesn't think he's ever loved a friend hell not just a friend, anyone, the way he has loved her. There are days he wants to crawl into her skin and make a home hoping it'll be enough to make her stay. Though a home never made his parents stay either. He knows the day he is going to lose her love, he will completely fall apart.
Eddie, Steve is slowly figuring out. Or at least he thinks he is. It's hard to tell with Eddie sometimes. On one hand, it's easy, Steve knows how to please partners in a relationship, knows how to be a good boyfriend. And Eddie clearly seems to enjoy the way Steve keeps trying to earn his love. On the other hand being a good boyfriend had already once not been enough.
It all comes down to it when Eddie and Steve end up in a stupid fight. Steve can't even remember what it started or who started it, all he knows that when Eddie says, "I need a smoke," and moves towards the door, panic closes around Steve's throat like a hand and squeezes tightly. If Eddie goes out of the door, if he leaves, he might not come back. It's been over six months since Steve last saw his parents.
"I'm sorry," he yells, tears already spilling over the corners of his eyes, running down his cheeks and pooling at his chin. He reaches for Eddie's wrist and Eddie instantly stops.
"I'm sorry, don't leave please! I'll make up for it, I promise. I'll be good. Perfect. Let me earn it again! Please!"
Eddie looks startled by Steve's outburst. He tucks his cigarette back into his pocket and pulls Steve into his arms.
"What? I'm not leaving! Steve," he says and cups Steve's wet face. Steve can't stop trembling. "What do you mean 'earn it again'?"
"Your love," Steve sniffs and buries his face in the crook of Eddie's neck, hoping, praying that it wasn't the wrong move. He knows he can be too clingy and he knows he can't afford to lose more of Eddie's love.
"My love? Baby," Eddie tightens his arms around Steve, "I'm not gonna stop loving you just because we're fighting. I love you even when I'm mad at you."
It draws a whole new wave of tears out of Steve and he does feel a bit like drowning. "And you don't have to earn my love, it's not fucking conditional," Eddie continues and presses a couple of soft kisses to Steve's hair.
"All my love is freely given. Not because you cook me dinner or let me pick movies or offer to blow me all the time. But because I love you, just you Steve. You don't even have to do anything. Just be yourself."
Eddie is crying now too, horrified that Steve went through his life in constant fear of love being taken away from him. Having to constantly bend and twist himself until he was broken just to earn crumbs of affection. It's a first step, one I love you doesn't undo years of trauma and fixes everything in an instant.
But Eddie vows he'll do everything he can to convince Steve that he is loved, so, so, so loved without having to grovel and beg for it. Without having to always be good and perfect.
And Robin and the kids make the same vow, heartbroken when they find out how scared Steve has been of losing them, how he thought they only kept him around in case of danger and because he had money.
It takes a while, but eventually, Steve starts to believe them. And if he ever has doubts or forgets everyone in his life is quick to remind him just how loved he is. Free of charge and indefinitely.
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newobsessionweekly · 2 months
A night to remember
Part 2 of Secret signals
Main masterlist | The Rookie masterlist
Tim Bradford x fem!reader Fandom: The rookie
Summary: Your date with Tim took an unexpected turn before confessing your feelings. And you wouldn't change a thing.
Fluff | A bit of angst
A/N: Oh, how much I enjoy writing teasing and bantering fluff. If you enjoyed the first part of Secret signals, I think you'll like this one just as much. Also, I wanted to let you know it's the last chance to leave any requests. Starting maybe next week I'll have to focus on studying for med school cuz I have the admission exam in July. Thank you for all your support and requests so far! I really appreciate every single one of you! Lots of love, bubs and take care! ❤️
Warnings: description of panick attack, not proofread yet Requested: yes Words: 4.7k GIF not mine, credits to the owner!
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Lucy's eyes widened in surprise, a smile spreading across her face. "Tim Bradford, going on a date... I never thought I'd see the day," she teased, nudging him playfully.
Tim rolled his eyes, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," he grumbled, his embarrassment evident.
But Lucy's grin only widened as she leaned in closer, her curiosity getting the better of her. "So, where are you taking her? Any special plans?"
Tim hesitated, his mind racing as he considered his options. "I haven't really had a chance to think about it yet because someone doesn't keep their mouth shut for a second!" he bursted, his brow furrowing in thought. "But I want it to be special."
Lucy's eyes sparkled with excitement as she leaned in closer, eager to offer her input. "Well, if you're looking for somewhere nice, you can't go wrong with 71Above," she suggested, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "It's got amazing views of the city, and the food is top-notch. Trust me, Y/N will love it."
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Tim's car was parked outside your place at 9 pm sharp. You weren't ready on time, but Tim knew that. Yet, he still was there as promised, hands sweating and trembling as he moved them frantically from the steering wheel to his lap and back on the steering wheel, a milion times. He was acting silly, like a high schooler on the first date with his crush. But he couldn't help it, you weren't just a crush, you were his best friend. His rock that kept him from drifting apart so many times. And the only person he actually enjoyed.
As he glanced at his phone, he saw the time ticking away. He couldn't help but worry that listening to Angela and Lucy's advice and taking you on a date might ruin the friendship you both cherished. But at the same time, he couldn't shake the feeling that it was worth the risk.
A million thoughts race through his mind, each one more nerve-wracking than the last. What if this date ruins everything between you? What if he says or does something to make things awkward between you? What if he messes up the one chance he has to tell you how he truly feels?
With a heavy sigh, Tim pulls out his phone and sends a quick text to Lucy. "If it goes wrong, you'll beg for Tim Tests." he types out, pressing send before he can second-guess himself. Lucy pressed Tim into this after all. Without her nosy personality, Tim wouldn't have acted impulsively and arranged a date for you.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, you emerge from your apartment, a radiant smile gracing your lips as you approach Tim's car. You're momentarily struck by how effortlessly handsome he looks. Dressed in a casual yet sophisticated attire, Tim exudes a rugged charm that never fails to captivate you.
His breath catches in his throat at the sight of you, his heart skipping a beat as he takes in your beauty.
"Hey," you greet him, your voice soft and warm as you slide into the passenger seat beside him. "Sorry I'm late."
As Tim's eyes land on you, he can't help but feel a rush of awe. You look incredible, and he can't tear his gaze away. Your smile lights up your face, making his heart skip a beat and your eyes sparkle with warmth, drawing him in like a magnet.
Tim shakes his head, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips as he meets your gaze. "No need to apologize," he says, his voice surprisingly steady despite the turmoil raging inside him. "You look amazing."
A blush spreads across your cheeks at his compliment, your heart fluttering at the sincerity in his eyes. "Thanks, Tim," you reply, your voice barely more than a whisper as you fumble for words. "You're acting strange.
"No, I'm not."
Tim started the engine and pulled away from the curb, and you couldn't help but steal glances at him when he wasn't looking. There was something about the way he held himself, a quiet confidence that you found strangely alluring.
As the two of you drove through the streets of LA, the sound of the radio filling the silence between you, you found yourself lost in thought. You couldn't deny the flutter of butterflies in your stomach, the nervous anticipation of what the night might hold.
When Tim glanced over at you with a soft smile playing on his lips, you couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for the man sitting beside you.
"You know, Tim, Lucy seems pretty cool," you remarked, glancing over at him. "She's got this energy about her, like she's ready to take on the world."
Tim raised an eyebrow, a skeptical expression crossing his features. "Cool? More like a walking disaster waiting to happen and constantly sticking her nose where it doesn't belong." he retorted, his tone tinged with amusement.
You laughed, shaking your head at his blunt assessment. "Come on, Tim, give her a chance. She's just trying to find her footing," you insisted, nudging him gently.
Tim let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair. "I'm all for giving her a chance, but she's got a long way to go before she's ready for the streets," he argued, his tone firm.
You arched an eyebrow, a playful smirk dancing on your lips. "Well, lucky for her, she's got the best training officer in the department to show her the ropes," you teased, earning a chuckle from Tim.
"Yeah, lucky her," he muttered, a hint of sarcasm in his voice. But despite his grumbling, you could see a flicker of pride in his eyes at the mention of his role as Lucy's training officer.
As the familiar streets of LA passed by, you couldn't help but notice that Tim wasn't taking the usual route to your favorite bar. Your brow furrowed in confusion as you glanced out the window, trying to make sense of the unfamiliar surroundings.
"Uh, Tim? Are we going a different way tonight?" you asked, your voice laced with curiosity.
Tim shot you a sidelong glance, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Maybe I've got a surprise up my sleeve," he replied cryptically, a smirk playing on his lips.
Your curiosity piqued, you leaned forward in your seat, trying to catch a glimpse of your surroundings. "A surprise, huh? Well, color me intrigued," you teased, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
Tim chuckled softly, the sound warm and inviting. "You'll just have to wait and see," he said, his tone playful as he focused on the road ahead.
Finally, Tim pulled the car to a stop in front of a sleek, modern building that towered above the surrounding skyline. The sign above the entrance read "71Above" in bold letters, and you couldn't help but gasp in surprise.
"Tim, is this...?" you began, trailing off as you turned to look at him, your eyes wide with disbelief.
He flashed you a grin, a hint of nervousness flickering in his eyes. "Surprise," he said simply, his voice soft yet filled with meaning.
Your heart skipped a beat as you realized what Tim had done. He'd gone out of his way to take you to one of the most upscale restaurants in the city, a place you'd only ever dreamed of visiting.
As you stepped out of the car and followed Tim, a wave of excitement washed over you, your eyes sparkling with wonder. "Tim, I can't believe you brought us here!" you exclaimed, practically bouncing on your toes as you took in the elegant surroundings.
Tim glanced at you, a hint of surprise flickering across his features before a warm smile spread across his face. "Well, I'm glad you like it," he said, his voice tinged with satisfaction.
You nodded eagerly, unable to contain your enthusiasm as you rambled on about everything you'd heard about the place. "I've been wanting to come here for months! I've heard they have the most amazing views of the city from up there, and the food is supposed to be out of this world," you gushed, your words tumbling out in a rush.
Tim chuckled softly, a fondness shining in his eyes as he watched you talk. "Let's check it out, then."
As Tim led you towards the entrance, you couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within you. The restaurant was located on the upper floors of a towering skyscraper, its sleek glass exterior reflecting the glittering lights of the city below.
The elevator ride to the top floor was swift but exhilarating, each passing floor heightening your anticipation. When the doors opened, you were greeted by breathtaking panoramic views of the city spread out before you, the glittering lights of Los Angeles stretching as far as the eye could see.
As you followed Tim to your table by the window, you couldn't tear your gaze away from the mesmerizing sight. The city seemed to come alive beneath you, a vibrant tapestry of colors and lights that danced in the night. It was a moment of pure enchantment, and you felt a surge of excitement coursing through you as you settled in to enjoy the evening ahead.
Tim couldn't help but smile as he watched the excitement dance in your eyes, a warmth blooming in his chest at the sight of your joy. Your enthusiasm was infectious, and he found himself caught up in the moment, marveling at the beauty of the city alongside you.
"Pretty amazing, huh?" he remarked, as he followed your gaze out the window.
You turned to him with a grin, nodding enthusiastically. "It's incredible!"
As the night progressed, you and Tim found yourselves immersed in the magic of the evening. The ambience of the restaurant, the delicious food, and the lively atmosphere created the perfect backdrop for an unforgettable night.
You couldn't remember the last time you laughed that much, the sound of your laughter mingling with Tim's in a symphony of joy and happiness. Each moment spent together felt like a precious gift, a fleeting glimpse into the depths of your friendship and the possibility of something more.
Tim's infectious laughter echoed through the restaurant, his eyes sparkling with mirth as he regaled you with stories from his time on the force. His smile was like a beacon of light in the darkness, drawing you in and filling you with warmth.
You couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over you. In that moment, surrounded by good food and even better company, you felt truly alive.
But amidst the laughter and the lighthearted conversation, there was something else simmering beneath the surface, something unspoken and electric. It was a tension that crackled in the air between you, a silent acknowledgment of the growing attraction that pulsed beneath the surface of your friendship.
Yet, despite the palpable chemistry between you, Tim was content to simply bask in the warmth of your presence, to lose himself in the moment and forget about the weight of his own feelings.
And as the night wore on, you found yourself falling more and more in love with him, with every smile, every laugh, every stolen glance. It was a feeling that consumed you, filling you with a sense of euphoria that you never wanted to end.
The restaurant gradually emptied, leaving only a handful of lingering patrons scattered throughout the dimly lit dining room. Tim and you found yourselves among the last remaining guests, reluctant to let go of the magic of the evening.
With a satisfied sigh, Tim leaned back in his chair, his eyes sparkling with contentment as he glanced around the nearly deserted restaurant. "I can't remember the last time I had such a great night," he admitted, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
You nodded in agreement, a warm feeling spreading through you at the thought of the wonderful evening you'd shared together. "Me neither," you replied, your voice soft with emotion. "It's been amazing. I can't remember the last time you laughed that much!"
As the last of the patrons trickled out of the restaurant, Tim turned to you with a mischievous glint in his eye. "So, what do you say we keep the party going somewhere else?" he suggested, his voice filled with excitement.
You raised an eyebrow in surprise, intrigued by his suggestion. "Oh? And where did you have in mind?" you asked, a playful smile tugging at your lips.
Tim shrugged nonchalantly, a smirk playing on his lips. "I don't know, maybe we could head to a bar for a nightcap or something," he suggested, his eyes twinkling.
The idea sounded perfect to you, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the thought of spending more time with Tim. "I'm in," you declared, a grin spreading across your face.
As you and Tim stepped into the elevator, ready to continue your evening adventure, the doors slid shut with a soft whoosh, enclosing you in the small, dimly lit space.
The elevator hummed to life, beginning its descent down to the ground floor.
But just a few floors down, the elevator jerked to a sudden halt, the lights flickering ominously before plunging you both into darkness. A chill ran down your spine as you felt the floor beneath you come to a stop, the suddenness of the situation leaving you feeling disoriented and scared.
"Tim," you whispered, your voice barely audible above the hum of the elevator. "What's happening?"
Tim's expression mirrored your own concern as he reached out to steady you, his touch warm and reassuring against your skin. "I don't know," he admitted, his voice tight with apprehension. "But it looks like we're stuck."
Panic began to rise within you as you realized the gravity of the situation. Trapped in a malfunctioning elevator with no way out, your heart raced in your chest as fear gripped you tight.
Instinctively, you sought refuge in Tim's arms, seeking comfort and safety in his familiar embrace. For a moment, you felt a sense of calm wash over you as his strong arms wrapped around you, providing a brief respite from the chaos of the situation.
But as reality sank in, you knew that you couldn't stay there forever. With a reluctant sigh, you pulled away from Tim, the weight of the situation pressing down on you once more.
"We need to figure a way to get out of here," you said, your voice determined despite the fear gnawing at your insides.
With a heavy sigh, Tim reached for the emergency call button, pressing it in hopes of summoning help. But as the seconds ticked by with no response, the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on both of you.
"We need to wait for help."
As the minutes dragged on, your panic intensified, threatening to consume you whole. The confined space of the elevator felt like a suffocating prison, each passing second amplifying your fear of being trapped so far above the ground.
Your breaths came in short, ragged gasps as your heart hammered against your chest, the darkness pressing in on you from all sides. "We're going to die in here, Tim," you choked out, your voice trembling with fear.
Tim's heart clenched at the desperation in your voice, his instincts kicking into overdrive as he moved to your side, wrapping you in his arms once more. "Hey, look at me," he urged, his voice firm yet gentle as he tilted your chin up to meet his gaze.
"We're not going to die, I promise," he said, his words laced with a quiet confidence that helped to anchor you in the storm of your panic. "Just focus on breathing with me."
His steady voice was a lifeline in the darkness, guiding you back from the brink of despair as he led you through a series of slow, deep breaths.
But the panic was relentless, its grip tightening around your chest with each passing second. Your breath came in short, ragged gasps as your mind raced with worst-case scenarios, each one more terrifying than the last.
Tim's voice was a distant echo, his words barely registering as you struggled to regain control of your racing thoughts. But he refused to give up, his touch a steady anchor as he guided you through the storm of fear.
"Listen to my voice, focus on my words," he urged, his tone firm but gentle. "You're safe with me, Y/N. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise."
Tim's voice softened, his fingers gently brushing the stray strands of hair away from your face as he continued to soothe your frayed nerves. "You're doing great, Y/N. Just breathe with me, okay? In... and out."
His calming presence enveloped you like a warm embrace, his words a balm to your frazzled mind. With each inhale, you felt a sliver of tension melt away, replaced by a newfound sense of tranquility.
But even as Tim worked to calm your panic, his own worry lingered just beneath the surface. He couldn't shake the nagging fear that he wouldn't be able to keep you safe, that somehow he would fail you in your moment of need.
Yet he pushed those doubts aside, focusing all his energy on being there for you, reassuring you with every word and gesture. In that moment, nothing else mattered but your well-being, your safety.
As the minutes stretched into what felt like an eternity, the sound of your breathing gradually slowed, your panicked gasps giving way to steady, even breaths. And with each passing moment, the darkness seemed a little less suffocating, a little less daunting.
As Tim continued to hold you close, his arms a steady anchor in the darkness of the elevator, he shifted the conversation to lighter topics, hoping to distract you from the looming sense of fear.
"Remember that time we tried to build a treehouse in your backyard?" he asked, a nostalgic twinkle in his eyes.
You responded faintly, the memory flooding back vividly. "How could I forget? We ended up with a pile of sticks and a broken arm."
He grinned, shaking his head. "Yeah, and your mom nearly had a heart attack when she saw us dangling from that rope ladder."
"I still can't believe we thought we could build a treehouse with just a hammer and some nails," you admitted.
"Well, we were what, eight years old? Seemed like a good idea at the time," Tim reasoned, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"True," you agreed with a chuckle. "But I think we learned our lesson after that."
"Definitely," Tim nodded, a reminiscent smile playing on his lips. "Although, knowing us, we probably found some other scheme to get into trouble with."
"Oh, no doubt about it," you agreed, sharing a knowing look.
As the tension in the elevator began to ease, Tim shifted the conversation to another memory from your past, a smile playing on his lips as he recalled a particularly memorable event.
"Remember when we went to homecoming together?" Tim chuckled, his eyes glinting mischievously.
You cringed at the memory, feeling a blush creeping up your cheeks. "Oh, please, don't bring that up," you pleaded, shaking your head in embarrassment.
Tim grinned, clearly enjoying your discomfort. "Why not? It was hilarious!"
"Yeah, for you maybe," you muttered, crossing your arms defensively.
Tim's grin softened into a warm smile as he reached out to gently touch your arm. "Hey, you looked amazing that night," he reassured you, his voice sincere.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes, but a small smile tugged at the corners of your lips. "Yeah, right. I was a total mess."
Tim shook his head, his expression earnest. "No way. You were the most beautiful girl there, hands down."
As the memories of homecoming faded, replaced by more somber recollections, you found yourself opening up to Tim about a time that had left you feeling scared and vulnerable.
You took a deep breath, steeling yourself before continuing. "When you were back in Iraq, I was so scared, Tim. Every time I got a call from you, it felt like my heart was in my throat. And then those calls started getting shorter and more distant, and I didn't know what was happening. I didn't know if you were okay, if you were coming back..."
Your voice trailed off, the memories still vivid in your mind despite the passing years. Tim reached out, gently squeezing your hand in silent support as you struggled to find the words to convey the depth of your fear and uncertainty during that time.
"I'm sorry," he murmured, his voice heavy with regret. "I didn't mean to worry you like that."
You shook your head, a small smile playing on your lips despite the lingering sadness. "It's okay. You were doing your job, and I knew that. But it was hard not knowing if you were safe, if you were coming back."
Tim's gaze softened, his hand finding yours as he met your eyes with a mixture of gratitude and affection. "I'm here now," he said softly. "And I'm not going anywhere."
He paused, weighting his words,"I... I think I have feelings for you from back then," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "And the most tragic part about this is that I don’t think I can stop, even if I wanted to."
His admission hung heavy in the air between you, the weight of his words sinking in as you struggled to process the magnitude of what he was saying.
"Tim..." you breathed, your own emotions swirling as you searched for the right thing to say."I mean, I've thought about it too," you admitted, a hint of vulnerability creeping into your tone. "But I never thought you felt the same way."
A flicker of surprise crossed Tim's face, quickly replaced by a hopeful glimmer in his eyes. "You did?" he asked, his voice barely more than a whisper.
You nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of your lips. "Yeah, I did. And I guess... I guess I've been hoping you'd say something like this for a while now."
Tim's smile widened, a sense of relief washing over him as he leaned in closer, his forehead resting against yours.
"Well, I'm saying it now," he murmured, his breath warm against your skin. "And I meant every word of it."
Tim's touch was gentle yet electrifying, sending shivers down your spine as his fingers traced delicate patterns along your jawline. You found yourself leaning into his touch, craving the warmth and comfort he offered in that moment of uncertainty.
His hand moved to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing lightly against your skin as he gazed into your eyes with a mixture of tenderness and longing. In that moment, it felt like the world had faded away.
With a soft sigh, you closed the distance between you, your lips meeting his in a tender kiss that spoke volumes of unspoken emotion. It was a moment of surrender, of letting go of all inhibitions and fears, and allowing yourself to be consumed by the warmth of Tim's embrace.
As your lips moved together in perfect harmony, the world outside ceased to exist, replaced by the rhythmic beat of your hearts and the gentle whisper of your breath mingling in the air. It was a kiss that spoke of years of unspoken longing, of whispered confessions and silent promises, sealing a bond that had been years in the making.
The elevator finally jolted back to life, breaking the moment, but the warmth of Tim's embrace and the taste of his lips lingered on.
As the elevator doors slid open with a soft ding, you and Tim stepped out into the lobby, still caught in the afterglow of your kiss. With a playful smirk, Tim nudged you gently as you made your way back to his car.
"Well, that was unexpected," he teased, his eyes sparkling with amusement.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes, swatting his arm lightly in retaliation. "You're one to talk. Who knew getting stuck in an elevator could be so... romantic?"
Tim chuckled, the sound warm and comforting as he unlocked the car doors. "I guess stranger things have happened," he remarked, a hint of mischief in his tone.
As you settled into the car, the tension of the past few hours melting away, you found yourself laughing as you recounted the events of the evening. From the unexpected elevator malfunction to the heart-stopping kiss that followed, it had certainly been a night to remember.
"So, remind me never to take the elevator with you again," you joked, earning a mock offended gasp from Tim.
"Hey, I'll have you know I'm a great elevator companion," he retorted, a playful glint in his eye. "Just ask anyone who's ever been stuck with me."
You laughed, shaking your head in mock disbelief. "I'll take your word for it," you replied, a smile playing on your lips as you leaned back in your seat.
As Tim started the car and pulled out of the parking lot, the warmth of his presence beside you filled you with a sense of contentment you hadn't felt in a long time. It was moments like these, filled with laughter and lighthearted banter, that made you grateful for the bond you shared with him.
"So, about what you said in the elevator," you began, breaking the comfortable silence as Tim navigated through the streets.
Tim glanced over at you, a playful glint in his eyes. "Yeah, about that. I hope I didn't scare you off."
You chuckled, shaking your head. "Not a chance. If anything, it's nice to know I'm not the only one feeling a little... sentimental."
He grinned, his gaze returning to the road ahead. "Sentimental, huh? Is that what we're calling it now?"
You shrugged, a playful smirk tugging at your lips. "Hey, I'm just trying to keep it classy."
Tim chuckled, his fingers tapping against the steering wheel. "Well, in that case, I guess I should apologize for any lack of classiness on my part."
You laughed, reaching over to gently nudge his arm. "No apologies necessary. Besides, I think we both know we're not exactly the poster children for romance."
Tim smirked, shooting you a sidelong glance. "Speak for yourself. I've been known to be quite the charmer when I want to be."
You rolled your eyes, unable to suppress a grin. "Oh, please. The only charm you have is the one you use to get out of speeding tickets."
He chuckled, shaking his head. "Touché."
"You know," he continued, his voice soft, "despite all the craziness of tonight, I wouldn't change a thing."
You smiled, squeezing his hand lightly. "Me neither. Even getting stuck in that elevator couldn't ruin the night."
Tim chuckled, his thumb tracing circles on the back of your hand. "Yeah, well, I guess it's just one more adventure to add to the list."
You nodded, feeling a sense of gratitude for the shared experiences that had brought you to this moment. "I wouldn't want to go on these adventures with anyone else," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
Tim's grip on your hand tightened slightly, his gaze softening as he looked at you. "I feel the same way," he confessed, his words carrying a weight of sincerity that took your breath away.
In that moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you and the quiet hum of the car as it cruised through the night. And as you leaned in closer, the distance between you disappearing with each passing second, you knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, you were ready to face them together, hand in hand.
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theeoriginals · 11 days
a Klaus fic with this gem from Ozark “look, I know I kissed you last night but I thought I was gonna fucking die”. Change to fit however you want 😘
the last thing i'd do | klaus mikaelson
author's note; whoever sent this im so sorry it's been in my inbox for seven months
warnings; hybrid!reader, mentions of violence, violence against reader, themes of death, klaus gets crazy :), then there's fluff, a bit of angst still sprinkled in, but there's a happy ending
It's a blood bath, is the thing.
She can't tell what blood is hers anymore, and the ache in her body has done nothing but grow steadily over the past ten minutes. It feels like it's been hours since it all started.
She doesn't remember who threw the first punch, just knows that someone had come at her and she had no choice but to fight back, fight for her life.
There's blood under her nails, and she thinks maybe some in her eyes because they're burning, but it might be the tears shining in them.
It wasn't supposed to be like this. Klaus had, for once, been hoping for peace. He was always braced for a fight, but he'd truly been hoping for a painless, quick negotiation.
Of course, it's turned into the worst fight they've had in a while.
She's always been on Klaus's side of things; fights, family, life. She's always had her place here, carved out by none other than the Original Hybrid himself. She's never understood just what he saw in her that earned her this place, but she wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.
Some– most– call her loyalty a form of naivety. Perhaps the sire bond still lingering, despite the fact that she'd broken it years ago. His siblings call it blindness, or ignorance, in their harsher moments. Her friends, the few that happen to be immortal, too, think she's reckless and just asking for him to kill her. Klaus Mikaelson turns on everybody, eventually, they say. The paranoid, hybrid king trusts nothing and no one. He killed his parents, multiple times, and he's kept his siblings in and out of coffins for most of their immortal lives. Why would he ever enjoy the company of one of his sires?
She's never thought he was perfect. That's something people always get wrong. They think she sees no flaws in him, when really she sees them all for what they are, she sees him for who he really is. She still loves him.
Some days she thinks he knows how she feels for him. Sometimes she can't keep it out of her eyes, and he'll catch her looking at him and his eyes will narrow slightly, like he's warning her to contain it.
Other days, she thinks there's no way he knows, because if he knew the capacity of her adoration, he'd surely have to say something. Tell her to move on. Compel the feelings away, possibly. If he were that cruel to her.
She doesn't think he would be. Since that first day he found her in the woods with what was left of her pack, they'd all watched him in fear. Some confused. Angry. But she was mystified. Enraptured by him and the power that radiated off of him.
She spent a long time feeling weak when she was younger. Even after she triggered the curse. But when Klaus told her she could become immortal, be strong, be at his side, she was the first to accept. The only one in her pack to ask him to turn her.
He'd set his eyes on her, something unidentifiably dark gleaming in his blue eyes, and when she latched onto his wrist to drink his blood, he hadn't looked away from her.
When he cupped her cheeks, he'd brushed his thumbs along the curve of her cheekbones and told her he'd make it quick and painless for her, and when she opened her eyes, he'd be there.
He'd kept his word, then. And he'd kept it ever since.
This, though. He'd given her his word, knowing her hesitance to fight, knowing that unless it was life or death, she'd rather avoid conflict. He promised her there would be no bloodshed here today.
It's not his fault, this time. She needs to tell him that. She needs to be at his side to make sure they're still fighting together, like they have for so long, yet so little time.
She throws a vampire off of her, with nothing but his heart in her palm and she quickly drops it to the ground at her feet. Turning, she pushes through the chaos, trying to cross the room to where she last saw him.
Her voice echoes over the mess and she sees him turn in the direction of it, and the fire in his blue eyes has her stopping.
He has blood smeared around his mouth and chin and she knows he's torn out more throats than he can count. The numbers are dwindling on both sides, barely anyone left standing, and she goes to close the space between them when a blinding pain stops her in her tracks.
Her choked off grunt is nearly silent amidst the yelling, but to Klaus it's like a gunshot.
He watches the point of the stake stab through her chest and feels his breath stall in his chest, fingers going numb all the way to the tips.
Her hand comes up, trembling as she skims her fingers over the blood blooming on her shirt around the stake. When she looks back up at Klaus, she tries to say his name but it's suffocated by the blood bubbling up in her throat.
Her knees give out from under her and she hears his hoarse voice yell her name as she goes down.
She can't see it, but she feels the pain that refreshes when he rips the stake from her back and throws it into the heart of the vampire that had attacked her.
She can't see it through the blur of her tears, but the sounds of retreat echo in her ears around the waves crashing.
When Klaus speaks again, his voice is closer and she blinks blearily, finding him hovering above her with wide eyes, looking uncharacteristically scared.
Her brows furrow when she sees the look on his face and when his fingers brush hers, she's quick to intertwine them with hers.
He whispers her name, the sound broken with emotion, and she squeezes his hand unconsciously.
"You're alright," He tries, valiantly ignoring the graying color of her skin despite the fact that he got the stake out of her. "You're alright, love. The pain will go away in a minute,"
She frowns, shaking her head against where he has it cupped with the hand that she's not holding. "Doesn't hurt," She whispers, swallowing roughly around the copper in her mouth.
She repeats herself. "Doesn't hurt. Can't feel anything,"
Klaus makes a noise that she thinks might be grief. "No, no, it's alright. Here," He rips his hand from hers and his fangs tear into his skin, and he shoves his wrist against her mouth, letting as much blood drip into her mouth as he can before he heals.
She swallows it dutifully, but that numbness doesn't quite go away, and she wonders why he's so worried about it.
"Sit up," He commands her, though his voice is nowhere near as firm as it can get. "Sit up, and I'll help you the rest of the way. We'll go home, and you can rest."
"Klaus," She says his name, smiling around the syllables. "Come here."
He leans down at her request, eyes fluttering shut on a shaky breath when she lifts a blood-smeared hand up to his cheek. He whispers her name and her smile gives way to bloody teeth.
She uses what strength she can to lean up and kiss him, the pads of her fingers pressing into his pale cheek when he inhales sharply but presses back instantly, deepening the kiss.
She lingers as long as she can until she has to pull away, gasping for a full breath that she can't quite reach.
Still, a smile sits on her lips and when she meets Klaus's worried gaze, she doesn't falter. "Thank you,"
Confusion flutters on his face for a moment, but he jostles her when she starts to go limp in his arms, hand falling from his face. "No," He pulls her weight up, lifting her against his chest as her eyes flutter shut. "No. Wake up. Wake up!"
Silence follows his demands, his pleas, and through the blood on her cheek, a single tear falls from his eye, cleaning as it slides down her skin and falls into nothing.
Despite the silence surrounding him, he feels deafened.
When she opens her eyes again, she can feel her body again in a way she couldn't before. Luckily, she can't feel any pain.
Her eyes go down to her chest where she knows a gaping wound had been, but there's nothing left, not even a scar its wake and she takes a deep breath, relieved that it's not followed by a throttle of blood coming up her throat.
"You're awake,"
The voice startles her, but she isn't scared when she turns her head against the pillow to look at Klaus. A frown sprouts on her face when she sees him sitting in a chair at her side, looking like he hasn't slept in days. It's not always necessary, but they have to take breaks sometimes, and she hasn't seen Klaus look this tired in a long time.
"I am," She says, swallowing a mouthful of spit in an attempt to wet her throat. "I don't think I should be, though."
"I owe many people a great deal of things, so you'd better stay that way."
His voice is dark and she can hear the anger in it, but she's not used to it being focused on her. "You didn't–"
"Do not," He cuts her off, his words nearly a growl that has her eyes widening. "Do not tell me that I shouldn't have saved you."
He leans forward, grabbing her hand in his, and she shrinks with embarrassment when she remembers how she'd touched his cheek and kissed him.
"Klaus," She squeezes her eyes shut, huffing her humiliation out. "I am– so sorry that I–"
"Don't," He cuts her off again, hand pressing pointedly against hers. "Don't apologize if you don't mean it."
She falls silent for a moment, lost as she looks at him. "I just... I thought I was going to die. And I just– I had to have it at least once."
He visibly swallows and she watches that pretty shine light up his eyes again. "You thought you were dying, and the last thing you wanted to do was kiss me?"
She nods despite the toe-curling embarrassment coursing through her.
He cuts a sharp breath out of his nose, shaking his head.
Before she realizes it, he's hovering above her, cupping her cheeks gently. "Silly little thing," He quietly scolds her, not giving her time to argue before he kisses her, ever so softly, softer than she ever thought he could be. Like she'll break beneath his touch if he doesn't treat her like glass.
When he pulls away and she forces her eyes open, she finds herself fighting off a tingling sensation from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. "What'd you do that for?"
He smiles, small and fond. "The next time you kiss me, you don't have to be dying to do it."
"Don't ever do that to me again," His voice has a warning in it, but she's already smiling too hard to pay attention to it. "You know how I feel about people disobeying my orders."
Her grin is audible when she responds. "Yeah, I do."
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poohsources · 1 year
🐝  *  ―  𝑰𝑻'𝑺 𝑵𝑶𝑻 𝑨 𝑷𝑯𝑨𝑺𝑬, 𝑴𝑶𝑴. ( a random assortment of various lyrics from emo songs. feel free to change pronouns if needed. )
❛  i know you well enough to know you never loved me.  ❜ ❛  i am finished with you.  ❜ ❛  you were the last good thing about this part of town.  ❜ ❛  so don't go worrying about me, it's not like i think about you constantly.  ❜ ❛  do you feel like a man when you push her around? do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?  ❜ ❛  take back everything you ever said, you never meant a word for it.  ❜ ❛  i'm glad i didn't die before i met you.  ❜ ❛  say anything, but say what you mean.  ❜ ❛  what the hell is wrong with me? my friends say i should act my age.  ❜ ❛  it's no surprise to me, i am my own worst enemy.  ❜ ❛  i'm sick of the things i do when i'm nervous, like cleaning the oven or checking my tires or counting the number of tiles on the ceiling.  ❜ ❛  well, you treat me just like another stranger.  ❜ ❛  but i don't wanna feel a thing anymore.  ❜ ❛  doesn't it feel like your time is running out?  ❜ ❛  i don't blame you for being you but you can't blame me for hating it.  ❜ ❛  and up until now, i have sworn to myself that i'm content with loneliness.  ❜ ❛  i'll keep you my dirty little secret. don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret.  ❜ ❛  and all the times you promised me that everything would work out in the end, you were gravely mistaken.  ❜ ❛  thanks for the memories even though they weren't so great.  ❜ ❛  i never thought we'd make it out alive.  ❜ ❛  i know somewhere, somehow we'll be together.  ❜ ❛  honestly? honestly, i can't remember all my teenage feelings. and the meanings.  ❜ ❛  the more i try, the more i lose.  ❜ ❛  why can't i feel anything from anyone other than you?  ❜ ❛  second chances they don't ever matter, people never change.  ❜ ❛  and the hardest part is letting go of the nights we shared.  ❜ ❛  you contradict the fact that you still want me around.  ❜ ❛  don't ever look back. they'll tear us apart if you give them the chance.  ❜ ❛  you don't know what it's like to be like me.  ❜ ❛  i kept my word when i swore that i would let you down.  ❜ ❛  so let's just pretend everything and anything between you and me was never meant.  ❜ ❛  and i fell for the promise of a life with purpose. but i know that's impossible now.  ❜ ❛  glad the future didn't fail you like it failed me.  ❜ ❛  but i wish that i'd never met a lot of the people that i've met. not because i don't like them but because i only let them down.  ❜ ❛  don't waste your time on me, you're already the voice inside my head.  ❜ ❛  can we pretend to leave and then we'll meet again.  ❜ ❛  let's just forget everything we said and everything we did.  ❜ ❛  i don't want to waste my time, become another casualty of society.  ❜ ❛  so i told her i loved her, and she told me she loved me. and i mostly believed her and she mostly believed me.  ❜ ❛  the truth is you could slit my throat, and with my one last gasping breath i'd apologize for bleeding on your shirt.  ❜
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unamused-boss · 10 months
California Dreaming pt2
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disclaimer! Yo, so I moved recently. That is why I have been slow with somethings. So part 2 to California Dreaming. Hope you enjoy!
Billy Hargrove x reader
Summary: Max and Billy could only agree on one thing in common…. and that was you. You were their neighbor when the lived in California and Billy had the biggest crush on you. Plus it helped that you babysat, more like hangout with, Max. You were his California dream. Now all he can do I reminisce about you.
Billy was spending his day ay 3:50 like he always has ever since coming to Indiana. Driving 70 on a 45, with Max in shot-gun waiting to get home. It has been over a month an Billy still can't stand being here. He hasn't even changed his license plate yet cause he can't swallow the idea of having an Indiana plate instead of California.
He misses it all. He already knows he can't get you off his mind. He still remembers every detail of the hand full of dates you guys went on. Billy had a code, a never the same girl twice code unless he's just looking for some fun. You were more than fun, you were everything to him. He can't just let you go so easily. He gave you the address of his new house in hopes of writing to you, but he's been to chicken shit to write anything. Not only is his hand writing not the best, he wouldn't know what to say to you. Max had written to you for a bit, but he doesn't keep up with what she does.
"Do you think about Y/N at all?" Max suddenly quipped. Breaking Billy from his thoughts, he glanced to Max for a minute.
"Why are you asking." He sighed. Trying to focus on the road instead of the conversation.
"I just think you're missing them a lot, I am." Max said, looking down to her lap. She's trying not to upset Billy but she just misses you to much not to. She told the party about you but that conversation didn't last long.
"Yeah." It was now Billy's turn to break Max from her thoughts. "I miss Y/N more than anything." Billy didn't look to Max when he said it. Continuing look forward toward the road in hopes of something new.
"What do you miss?" Max asked.
"What?" Billy is now confused.
"What do you miss about them?!" Max said a bit louder. "You and I both know we'd go back to see Y/N if we could." Max had a point. She knows Billy has been to the travel agency to get flights to California but he doesn't have enough money yet. The only reason she knows is because that's were Dustin's mom works. He told her he saw Billy come in asking about flights to California. Specifically Santa Monica, were your house is and where their old house is. Billy was stunned, actually he did not know what to say.
"I miss when Y/N and I would go to the mall together..." Max remembers the days you would take her to the mall. Billy would usually be busy with something. While Neil would drag her mom off somewhere. Max's mom never really kept her promises to Max. So you stepped in for her. Max remembers when you took her to buy her walkman and first cassette tape.
You and Max walked out of the store giggling. You had just bought Max her first cassette. Kate Bush. Max was eleven and you were sixteen. Having been babysitting Max since she moved next door and taking her to skate parks, you thought it was time to take her to the mall. You used the money you had saved for this exact moment. With a bag in each hand you turn to Max.
"So MadMax, What do you think?" You ask her, grinning down to her.
"This is the coolest!" Max exclaimed looking at the cassette in her hands. She thought you were the coolest person ever.
"How about we get something from the food court? Billy said he would come to get us in half an hour." You said. That's when Max stopped in her tracks.
A with a disgusted look on her face she says, "What, really Billy?! I don't see what you see in him?"
"What?" You responded, with a light shade of blush on your cheeks and ears.
"You are Best Friends with Billy, I don't get it." Max said rather aggressively, "Why be friends with him, he's a buttface!"
"How about you get the table and I explain when I get us some food." You said, handing the bags over to Max to get a burger at the mall Burger King... Once you got your two burgers and fries you sat with Max.
"So what's got you so bent out of shape with me and Billy?"
"He's just so mean! Like all the time and you are his only friend." Max said taking a bite into her burger.
"I'm not his only friend, his got a lot of friends I've seen them at school."
"You're the only friend he likes." Max knew about Billy's crush on you. With the many downs of having connected air vents, the one plus was that she could hear Billy confess his feelings to imaginary you at least once a week.
"Listen Max, I know you don't care but Billy has been through some nasty stuff before you came into his life." You said.
"Then why does he have to be mean to me about it then."
"He's just... complicated.... feelings are complicated. And those feelings have nothing to do with you." You somewhat explained.
"Then what is it?"
"I really shouldn't open this can of worms with you, but what the hell.." You sighed. "Billy- Billy lost his mom when he was a little younger than you." You saying that got Max's attention, she didn't know anything about Billy's mom. Other than Nail yelling about her some nights. "Billy is the sweetest guy I know, when I was getting picked on in elementary school Billy scared off my bullies." Max was looking to you with such intent. Her and Billy have never really bonded, they had their moments but those moments are barley talked about.
"And Just to tell you, Billy was a small kid till middle school." You laughed, Max did too. "But ever since he did that we have been best friends since... and I know if he did that for me, I can do it for him." Hearing this Max understood the relationship a bit more now. It wasn't some weird convince for both of you. You both helped each other in many ways. "Plus don't tell Billy but his ears turn red when he gets embarrassed." Now Max shouted with laughter at that.
"Really!" Max exclaimed.
"For real." You said matter a factly. Flipping your wrist over to see the time, your watch read 1:30. You start gathering your stuff, "Come on kid, Billy will be here any minute to pick us up." An with that the moment was over. Max was now back in the blue Camaro in Hawkins, not the Santa Monica mall.
"I miss hearing Y/N laugh." Billy said, somewhat quietly. It was out of character for him. Max's head snaps to him.
"Really?" Max said.
"Yes shit-bird." Billy stated. "I miss everything about them. Y/N was the only thing I had... now they're across the country."
"So you're sad?" Max questioned.
"For fuck sake Max, YES!" Now Max see's it. The sensitive Billy you had talked about. The one that took you to the eight grade formal the middle school had, he even took you to freshmen homecoming. Only saying it was as friends though Billy was to scared to actually ask you. Billy remembers the last date you guys went on before he moved. He took you out to a remote field, one with an ocean view. Like in movies. Billy dressed in his best pants in his opinion, the ones that make his ass look good. You looked breath taking, dress how you wanted. Billy always looked to you with stars in his eyes, cause you were his universe. You guys were sitting on the head of his Camaro taking in the night sky.
"Billy." You breathed out, "Will you miss me?"
Billy's head snapped to you. "What makes you think I won't?" It seemed like at out of pocket question. He will miss you more than anything in California.
"I know, stupid question..." You said. "It's just- It hit me that I won't see you Monday at school. I won't see you at lunch. I won't see you till, I don't know when I'll see you again." Tears were starting to well up in your eyes. They started spilling out down your cheeks. You couldn't stop. Billy brought his hand up to the apple of your cheek an stroked your tears away.
"I will miss you." Billy said to you, tilting your head up to meet his eyes. "The feelings I have for you will not go away, even in Indiana."
"You know you can date other girls right?" You laughed. "I don't want to hold you back from having fun." Tears were still streaming down your face. Billy looked to you with sad eyes. He doesn't want another girl, especially some cow in Indiana.
"I don't want to." Billy said. "I want you."
"I know Billy, I want you to but... I'll try to come see you." You suggested. "Maybe for spring break or over the summer."
"I don't want to wait."
"Neither do I, but... us moving forward from this will help." You said.
"You shitting me!" Billy exclaimed. "I want no one but you, Y/N. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I will do whatever it is you want or what I have to do to be happy with you. I will do anything for you." You don't think you've ever seen Billy more serious in his life. And that's after thinking he could do a handstand on a tower of kegs. You want to be selfish, keep him and Max with you. But the universe has other ideas.
"Let's go home Billy." You said softly. With that Billy Hargrove drove the speed limit to your home not his. Billy's house wasn't a home your house was more of a home for him ever since his mom left. He parked his car in your driveway, knowing your parents park in the garage. You both go to your room upstairs, take your shoes off, and climb into your bed holding each other for the night. It was a way of comfort you guys had in private. No one knew that Billy was a cuddler. You both stayed like that till you fell asleep. An when you woke up the next morning Billy was already up an at his house moving boxes into a moving truck to go to Indiana. You saw all the commotion from your bedroom window. You go downstairs as fast as you can, grabbing a jacket to go over your date outfit from last night. You run out your front door, bare foot in your front lawn. You just stare at what was going on in front of you. It seemed that the last of the boxes were being moved into the truck to be taken away. Max was making her way out the front door for the last time to see you. She drops her skateboard on the ground and starts running to you.
"Maxine!" Niel yells. Billy is just staring from his car since he was driving separate from the rest.
Max tackled you into a hug. If she squeezed any tighter you would pop like a bubble. "I'm going to miss you Y/N." There were tears coming down from her eyes an staining your jacket.
"I'll miss you to Max." You kiss the top of her head. Giving her one quick squeeze till...
"Maxine, let go. We got to get to Indiana!" Neil shouted from his car. Honking the horn. Max left you, grabbed her board to get into the car. He turned to Billy and handed him an envelope.
"This is the address of the house when you get to Indiana, idiot." Neil stated, "Hopefully you'll get lost..." He whispered that last part but Billy still heard it. The wheels of Niels car screeched out of the driveway into the road driving away. With Max looking out at the back at you going further away. You turn back to Billy as he wakes up to you.
"This is our new address 4510, Cherry Lane SW, Hawkins Indiana." He seemed less that enthused to tell you the information. And in it appears Billy already had it written down for you to take.
"You should write Max, she'll miss you." Billy suggested. You look up to him. Having said nothing yet. "You're kinda creeping me out with the no talking thing babe?" Babe... something Billy started calling you when you guys went on your first date last week. No he won't call you babe ever again. You look up to Billy.
"I love you Billy Hargrove." With that all the weight Billy had felt leave his body as he leaned into kiss your lips. They were soft as expected. The kiss felt electric. Everything was there all at once. Every moment. Heartbreak. Laugh. Cry. All of it was there, you and billy were in the center of it all. In your pocket of dream.
"I love you too, Y/N." Billy says once the kiss breaks. No words were said after that. Billy held you close one more time then walked to his car. Getting in the front drivers seat. Starting the engine. Then Driving away, like Max, watching you through the revue mirror. As you slowly walk back up to your house. The car came to a complete stop on Hawkins, Cherry Lane. Billy is now back in Hawkins without you. Max got out of the car, slamming the door shut to make her way up to the house. Billy thought he should do the same then, hopefully not be bothered by anyone else in the house.
"Billy!" Neil shouted. Billy froze, he really didn't want another "talking to" from his dad this week. He slowly turns to Neil.
"Sir?" Billy said with caution. Neil came up to him slapping a envelope into his hand then walking away.
"You got mail." Billy sped to his room to open the letter as fast as he could: when Billy opened the letter he was met with your pretty and neat hand writing. He smiled bigger than ever in the past month in a half. His eyes fell onto the first sentence. It read.
Hello Billy I still love you...
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My IRL ex who lives abroad now is dating my online friend who also lives there and I am deceiving them, AITA?
All of us are Asian, 29. Fake names are used.
My ex (Fred) was my childhood best friend, we grew up together in the same conservative society, people expected to see us marry since we were kids, all that jazz. At 18, we both moved away and kept up LDR. Moving meant big changes of course, I was in a huge city and I had internet access for the first time. I became a BTS fan in 2013, I started creating and reading a lot. I joined tumblr, made friends from all over the world. I was being radicalized rapidly, and I figured out I was bi too. My world was suddenly a million times bigger.
He however, didn't change much. He was scientific minded unlike most people here and his friends were all STEM kids but they were still functionally right leaning. He was racist when it came to BTS or East Asians in general. He was ignorant and happy to ignore queer existence, he used to say things like queer people needed to be shown the right path. We were turning out to be quite the opposites. Eventually we broke up. He was heartbroken, he tried to drag me back in many times and I avoided him like plague. I managed to ditch him completely when we were about 23. He left for USA to study.
Around the same time I befriended one of my closest online friends, Daphne. We lived in the same state but she was always traveling so we never got to meet. We're both hellsite veterans and keep our identities under lock & key so we don't know our real names or exact place of work, but we know each other's deepest kinks and childhood traumas, and stories about our exes. We both had the same kind of interests, politics, and fandoms, we're both bisexual. I've also come out as a trans man a few years ago and I go by a masculine name online, can't transition IRL. Daphne's known me since my girl era. Daphne left for USA last year for her Masters.
Now the wild part, by some twist of fate, Daphne met Fred who's also working on his Masters in an adjacent field. It is by no means a niche subject and USA is the fourth largest country, they still found each other. He sang in our first language at some party, he's very hot, and... he's into BTS like her. Wild. So they're now dating.
They started following each other on twitter and he followed a bunch of her friends including Me! We have exchanged pleasantries and while on his account he has his real name and location, mine is a mixed bag account with my fake name and my (sfw) queer creations all over it.
I know who He is but he doesn't know who I am, he thinks I'm just one of Daphne's dudes, and Daphne doesn't know that she's dating my ex who she had promised to drop into the Challenger's Deep (joke). My reasoning for hiding the truth is-- It's still not safe for me to be out IRL and he can mess it up. I remember his bigotry, I hate him, I have every right to avoid him and here that means not revealing my identity. But it's been years so maybe he has changed, and Daphne is my friend. So, I feel like a massive ahole for not telling her at least. At the same time she really did hate my racist homophobic right leaning ex a lot, so knowing the truth will make things awkward and I don't want to lose my friend.
So, there you have it. AITA?
BTW, no I'm not into BTS ships or reader insert fantasies, that's not what I create. I know someone would ask about it so there. I'm also Not attracted to Daphne, if I was I'd have asked her out straight away, I don't play around about my crushes.
What are these acronyms?
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quigonswife8 · 1 year
A helping hand: Namor x reader
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Wakanda forever spoilers
gif creds: @wiha-jun
After Namor's left ankle wing is cut off, you bandage it up.
Warnings: Talk of Namor being hurt, and fixing up an injury. That's about it.
Haven't seen anyone write anything like this. It came to mind the other day and I just thought it would be perfect to write. So happy it was confirmed that his wing will heal back, cause I kept wondering if they would.
Editors note: I realise it was just one of his ankle wings, not both, and Im not sure if it was his right or left so I went with his left :)
It was a bad idea. Waging war on Wakanda. Now as you wait patiently for your partner to return, you worry for his safety.
"Please don't go, K’uk’ulkan.”
He's half-way out the door, but he doesn't leave. Not yet.
"I need to..."
"You could get hurt."
Namor, not even realising that you're near crying, turns to look at you.
"I need to do this, for our people..."
He's not going to listen to you, is he?
"...and what about us? I..." the tears fall but you ignore them, too focused on him. "I can't lose anyone else."
Now you can't stare at him, but K’uk’ulkan’s sudden touch brings your attention back to him. One hand placed on the side of your face and his eyes...they just held determination, and now they hold care.
"...I promise you, I'll come back to you..."
He presses his head to yours, bringing your eyes to flutter close a moment.
"...I give you my word."
The door to the room creaks open, and K’uk’ulkan stumbles in. He's sporting three long scratches on the left side of his face, but it's the fact that the wings on his left ankle has been sliced off.
You run over to him, pulling him into a soft hug. He immediately settles into it, happy to finally be back in your arms.
"...I'm here, my love..."
After the hug, he takes your hands in his.
"...what of Wakanda?"
"We came to an agreement."
So shuri did have a change of heart.
"...we will be working together from now on..."
Letting out a long breath that you had been holding you nod.
"That's all and well, but what about you?"
He follows your eyes: how they land on the scratches, then his sliced wing. Then realization hits and he remembers why he'd been limping in the first place.
"I'll be fine. I just need time to heal..."
It's a good thing that he can heal. If just wouldn’t be the same without one of his ankle wings permanently sliced off.
"...at least let me bandage your ankle up, please.”
He’d say no, but the way you care so much brings him to say ‘okay my love.’ As well as the fact he realises it would be better to have it bandaged up.
You start pulling him to the seat. He slowly sits down and you leave to grab a bandage, returning soon to take your place next to him.
"Lean your leg here.”
Once he does what you tell him to you begin to slowly wrap his left ankle, earning quiet hisses from K’uk’ulkan but he doesn't tell you to stop.
"...how did this happen..?"
Crossing the bandage over, unraveling more of it.
"The pr...the black panther. During the fight she cut it off..."
"...it was a pretty good strategy.."
Rip the wing off, ground him. It had kept him on the ground for the fight, giving shuri more of an advantage.
"Maybe, but that still doesn't make things any better."
Crossing the bandage over, again.
"...I'm not happy about it love. I don't like seeing you hurt."
The last time, you remember, he had passed out in your arms after sustaining a near fatal injury, and you'd nearly lost him.
You remember sobbing, praying to the ancestors to keep him alive. They had answered you, thankfully, but it still scared you.
"...I could have..." pushing away the thought because that's all it is, a thought. Instead you focus back on the task at hand.
"I'm alright, I promise you. I wouldn't leave you."
"I know that, I do, I just worry you know."
"And that's one of the many reasons I love you."
As he says that you finish wrapping his ankle. He moves his foot a little, feeling the tightness of the bandage, but also feeling how secure it is. This is perfect until his wing has fully healed back.
K’uk’ulkan, beyond thankful, leans forward and presses a soft kiss to your lips, wrapping an arm around your waist while you lean into the kiss. When you part for air, you bring a hand up to rest on the side of his face.
"Thank you."
You should be the one thanking him for coming back to you. He came back like he promised not in a perfect way but he still returned to you.
"...you're welcome my love."
Leaning forward, touching his head with yours a moment. Then you pull away again, letting him see that smile he loves so much. Seeing it again after a day of being apart is a welcome sight...it always is.
Taking your right in his, once more, you move closer to him. Closing the gap between you, and you lean your head against his shoulder.
"Did I tell you how much I've missed you...?"
'Not as much as I missed you' he thinks, but settles on.
"I'm not sure, but I would love to hear that.”
Unable to hold your laugh you just shake your head, nuzzling your head more into his shoulder.
"Okay my king."
You're not sure how long the conversation goes for after that, but neither of you care. You're in eachother's arms, that’s all you need.
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a-spes · 12 days
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| UNTIL ONE OF US DIE — Drabble (958 words).
| Summary — you promised to marry her but you didn't.
| Tags & warnings — Part of my "A drabble a day in june" challenge. — Yelena Belova x Reader, childhood friends (lovers?), death (R), angst without comfort, bittersweet, mentions of the redroom.
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Everyone has always lied to her but it was fine, she got used to it. She smiles, pretending she doesn't see right through their games, doing whatever they are expecting her to, even if she knows that the only reward she'll get for it is a bitter disappointment. She is born to serve, and that's what she does the best. They give her a mission, she completes it, and then they are happy enough to leave her alone for a few days — Weeks, when she is lucky.
That's how the world works for her, it always did, but some truth are more difficult to accept. That her family never existed, that she has been ripped of a few years of her life, that her sister died, but also that you didn't keep your promise.
You were just kids but it still counted, didn't it?
It was only a few words that you whispered to each other when you were no older than ten years, something that happened in the secrecy of the dormitory. You both knew it was a dangerous game because no one was allowed to dream but you didn't care. As far as she can remember, you've never cared about anything.
"We can do it," you said, trying the blonde to break the rules with you, but she was too stubborn for that. She admired your recklessness as much as she hated it, knowning you could get in trouble for that. "We just have to make sure that they don't catch us. What they don't know can't hurt, right?"
Except it does, because they always knew. Until recently, she hadn't be able to understand why they kept you around all these years. You were an average widow wrapped in a sick layer of trouble, closer to the girls who received a bullet in their head than to those who held the gun.
You were borned in a place where light doesn't exist, and yet you had the brightest smile. You had no memories of your family. They ripped you from them before you could learn the sound of their voices but that never stopped you from dreaming. You spent your time imagining a life you've never — and will never — know, and it contaminated the others. Even she has sometimes surprised herself dreaming about what her life would be outside these walls.
"One day, I will marry you," you've told her back then, and she didn't believe you until you swore on every you had. Even if it wasn't a lot, it meant everything for the blonde.
It was more than a childish promise, it was the hope of a brighter future, and she held on it. Every time, even now, she sooth herself asleep by thinking about what your life together could be like. You would've the biggest house that can exist, and it would be far from everything, just the two of you, and maybe a dog or a cat. You would both love that peaceful and quiet place. It would be your little secret, a space just for the two of you that no one would know about.
"I'll find you. They can't separate us forever," she told you the day you were moved to a different unit with a few other girls. It was a week before the graduation, and she was scared that you didn't passed. That day, they took away the light of the group, and things has never been the same anymore. Maybe that's why they kept you for so long, to instil hope in the hearts of the other girls, only to rip it from them later. To break them into obedience.
The blonde kept her promise. She's been looking for you since she left that place. You were the last piece needed for the new life she wanted to start, and the most important one. It's been years she hasn't see you, what if she can't reconignise your face? What if you don't even remember her? All these questions were swirling in her head as she was waiting in her car, parked in the other side of the street. It was never easy to track a widow, especially when they seem to have done everything to make you disappear form the files.
After a few months, she eventually got a lead. She found a file about a mission you've been working on a few years ago but, most importantly, she found the widow that was sent in with you, the one she was waiting for in front of her building.
"Where is she?" she asked, showing a picture of you to the woman. The latter frown but when she eventually recognize the young face she was being shown as yours. However, all she gives to the blonde is a sad smile. She didn't need more to understand what those desolate eyes meant.
Yet, she didn't believed until she was shown the place of your grave. She wasn't even sure if you were there, they probably left your body were it died or maybe they burned it. She doesn't know, and she is not sure she wants to. That day, she left the cimetery without the ring she has bought for you when she got out, tossing it in the bushes.
As she walked away, she could still hear your voice and the promise you made that day. The one you've never — and will never — kept. You lied, and you breaking her trust was the hardest thing she's ever had to accept in her life.
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| Tag list - @m0nsterqzzz
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Can you write the Genshin archons + Ganyu and Xiao with a teen reader who they basically watched grow up? Like they first met when reader was 6 and basically just went up to them with “idk who you are but we are now friends.”
you can remove Nahida if you’d like
also platonic obvs-
Yes, of course! I really hope I got that right and so I hope you'll enjoy <3
Venti, Zhongli, Raiden, Nahida, Ganyu, Xiao watching teen!reader grow
TW: small mention of drinking in Venti's part
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⊱ Venti remembers that day you approached him like it was yesterday
⊱ he still recalls how you said you'll stick with him forever to enjoy his music, of course he thought get that you're joking because you were a kid back then but actually kept your promise
⊱ watching you grow up was so moving to him, especially if you also learned to play on instrument because of him
⊱ what am I saying... of course you learned how to play at least on his lyre!
⊱ he definitely cut on drinking since he didn't wanted to give child a bad example
⊱ you might haven't even noticed it but he did write a song about you and sang it publicly for people on Mondstadt
⊱ he definitely likes to go back to good old times and remember pleasent memories for both of you
"I remember how one day you borrowed my lure and gave a real performance in Tavern! And in exchange for good job, Diluc even gave you free juice!"
⊱ despite those happy memories, he can't help but be scared that he'll loose you some day like he did his dear friend
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⊱ Zhongli has amazing memory so no wonder he remembers how you approached him with every little detail
⊱ he told it you and many others about how your relationship started from you asking him to tell you a story, then another one, and another one, and another one, and... yea you get the point
⊱ he literally remembers every single one of your memories and now he has even more stories to tell
⊱ he'll go back to your old memories all the time and tell you how you used to be when you were younger and how you slowly matured
⊱ you definitely become a smart teen thanks to spending time around him
"I'm very glad that you're satisfied with how we used to spend time together. And you really matured since back then."
⊱ but spending time around him didn't meant you have only historical experience, you also went on many trips around Liyue so you know your ways around this region
⊱ of course, the older you got, on more dangerous trips you two went but still not too dangerous
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⊱ okey but if you walked up to Ei like she's not terrorizing Inazuma, she genuinely becomes interested in you but you'll have to come to her on your own couple of times
⊱ but once she takes real like of you, she slows down in on terrorizing Inazuma or just slows down with it around you
⊱ you probably were spending time with Miko as well, so you know both of them very well
⊱ but when she watches you grow, she can't help but feel like mother to you
⊱ don't expect her to cook you anything, if you'll want some food then you'd have to go get something in the city
⊱ she literally fed you with sweets at first all the time so it wouldn't be a surprise if it turned out that you have problems with teeth
⊱ she doesn't go back and tell you all the memories you had together if you won't ask her and if you, she still tells you the minimum, she simply doesn't see reason for it
"What you were like when you were a child? You were a normal child. Just like every other mortal."
⊱ but now in all honesty, she definitely keeps you in her "infinity space" was it how it's called? in order to make your time together last a little longer especially after remembering how fast mortals grow up
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⊱ Nahida was extremely happy when you approached her and immediately proceed to take care and play with you
⊱ she remembers every little memory and also have album full of photos keeping those memories safe
⊱ so if you want her to remind you any memories from your childhood, you only have to tell her that and she'll take out the album full of photos
"In this photo, we were walking around Sumeru City streets and you a car seemed to take a like of you! In this one tho you..."
⊱ she definitely gets nostalgic often but she's also very proud of how mature you are now
⊱ she definitely was super soft and gentle towards you when you were a child and she still is when you're a teen
⊱ although you probably couldn't spend that much time with her, so she really appreciated every single second together with you
⊱ she knows very well how short mortals live so she wants you to have fun and appreciate your time together as much as she does
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⊱ if you randomly walked up to Ganyu and just went like "we're friends now", she definitely was a little shocked at first but it changes as you spend more time together
⊱ she's actually so gentle with you as if you're made of porcelain that can break any second
⊱ it's not a secret that she's busy so you two probably didn't had that much time together
⊱ but sometimes even when she had work, she took you to her work place if you wanted and make sure you have something to play with
⊱ although she's not a big fan of bringing child to her work since you always managed to distract her to she usually spent time with you after she's done with her work
⊱ she remembers all memories very well, even the ones she doesn't want to remember...
"Did someone ever mistaken me for your mother?! W-Why don't we focus on other kind of memories?"
⊱ she definitely gets a little sad sometimes while thinking about how much time you have left but of course she never shows or mentions it in front of you
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⊱ Xiao is always busy and avoids public eye so you must be really lucky to even catch him once
⊱ but since he watch you grow up, then you probably were really lucky and met him more then once
⊱ he knows mortal life isn't long but he only truly realizes it as he watches you grow up
⊱ he either watched you from afar or you were the reason he showed up more in public
⊱ he probably left you with Zhongli many times, especially at night since he usually has demons to defeat
⊱ but when you two spent some times together, he always was soft to you, although in public he probably was a little more harsh
"I was never soft for anyone. Including you! I just wasn't that rough towards you since you were a child."
⊱ of course he remembers every memory with you but won't tell you much unless you ask him to do so and even if, he still can't see why you want to know it so much
⊱ the truth is, he kind of doesn't want to remember the memories since that reminds him of how short mortal life is and that you won't be forever by his side
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nomoreusername · 2 months
His Hoodie
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Pairing:Aris x female reader
Summary:After losing Aris everything in your life falls apart
A blue and gray striped hoodie, with no zipper, a hood, a single front pocket, and that had been through absolute hell.
Some days, I hate his hoodie. Other days, it’s the only sort of comfort. One thing's the same though. I will never take it off. Not even at night to sleep, out of fear that something could happen to it, refusal to let go, and grief that he never made it.
It doesn't smell like him anymore, and I don't know how to get it back.
I hate the Scorch, and I still hate Jorge and Brenda. I refuse to even be around them, but apparently everyone’s just forgiven them. I mean Thomas is fucking dating her. He's actually dating the girl who killed my boyfriend.
They keep telling me that it was an accident. And it was. There was no way she could have known her bullet would go through the guy's body, hitting my love.
So now I don't talk to Thomas, Minho, or Frypan either. While Teresa was with us I wouldn't look at her. When Newt was here I only spoke to him when it was about rescuing Sonya. Everyone only talked about Minho though, and Harriet didn't stand up for her, leaving me responsible for doing so. Now I don't talk to her either. I sometimes speak to Sonya, but she still hangs out with Harriet so I can't do so often.
I hate them. I hate everyone. They just want me to move on. Even the new friends didn't take me seriously as they tried to set me up. Every time though, I said that I had a fiancee, because I do. I never had a ring, but I didn't need one. That promise to be his wife when we got to the Safe Haven was more than enough.
Nobody took it seriously though. So much so, that somebody took his hoodie while I was in the shower as a “joke,” and I was apparently overdramatic. Because he was younger. He was just a kid, and kids make mistakes. While I agree, he was a teenager. Not a child so he knew right from wrong. Yet somehow when I beat the hell out of him for taking the only thing I had left of Aris I was the bad guy.
What kills me the most? It's only been ten years, and I’m already starting to forget his face. It's getting so blurry. His voice, I don't quite remember his exact tone and how he spoke. There also weren't exactly any photos or videos to remind me.
I remember the way Brenda led us to Jorge though. I still recall being afraid while he hung us upside down but feeling stronger when I looked at Aris. Because he was my everything, and I could make it through hell as long as I had him. Then, when we figured out how I was the one who untied his chains from his ankles so that we could move. Just as we thought it would okay though, there was some guy that came out of nowhere, pointing his own gun at us. Since we're each other's everything I kept my hand in front of Aris to protect him, and he did the same. It wasn't the time for it, at all, but the way fingers brushed against my hips while he did was kind of nice. I mean we were all being threatened and one of my thoughts was how much he means and how much I love him.
When the gunshot went off we thought it was from him until he fell forward, revealing Brenda pointing one. Like it was nothing she yelled at us to hurry up and ran without looking back. I also know the sound obviously made everyone flinch because we all thought that we were the ones who had been hit.
As I tried to leave he whispered my name. I turned to see blood coming out of his chest before he fell to the ground. As he did I was right beside him while everyone else stood there. Not knowing what to do, I just pressed my hands to the wound as I told him it would be okay. As he reached his hand out though, just barely pressing it on my cheek, I looked him in the eyes as he just gave me his touch.
What kills me is that his last sentence was just, “it's okay.” Officially, his last word was just, “I,” before he died. He never even finished them so all there was was an absolute lie. It's not okay, and it never will be.
I screamed as loud as I could. I shook him as I demanded that he wake up. In my hysteria I kissed him, only for his lips to be cold, like they belong to a stranger and not the warm boy who lit up my world. I kept saying his name, sobbing over his dead body as I did everything to wake him up, as if there was a chance. I mean I shook him, kissed him, hugged him, cradled him, rocked him, and stroked his hair.
The worst part is that I did all of this in so little time before two or three people dared pull me away. I kicked and thrashed and screamed and reached for him, only for them to tighten their grip. Two people grabbed my legs while another grabbed my arms. They pulled me to Jorge and forced me on the zipline.
When Jorge came down I was still on my knees, sobbing and repeating his name. When he got close I got on top and punched him over and over and over. I was yelling at the world, rage filling my veins as I called him and the girl monsters and barely human and freaks and screamed that I would kill them. I grabbed my knife and tried to stab him only for someone to restrain me.
Eventually, when I kept trying to kill him when nobody was looking, Minho was assigned to be his body guard since he was in obvious need of protection. Where was Aris’s protection though? Where were they when I was on the floor, doing everything to save his life?
I had failed him too, but I tried. It wasn't enough and never would be, but fucking hell, I did everything I could. It may have been in vain, but I did everything in my power to keep him alive.
Unfortunately, I didn't have any power. So now he's dead, and I’m not.
Since I couldn’t kill Jorge I attempted to murder Brenda. I dragged her to the club and beat her senseless. She barely got any hits in that I couldn't even feel through the sharp pain in my heart.
As I was only halfway done Newt found me. He put his arms around me so that I couldn't move. While he did so I was still shouting at him, telling him that I wasn't finished, reminding him that she killed Aris, the love of my life. The second he got a word in he told me that Aris wouldn't want me to be like this.
This broke something in me as if I wasn't already nothing but little pieces, a shell of who I was. I demanded that he tell me how he would know what Aris would want, but he just reminded me that this violent girl, the one seeking revenge, the one so easily able to hurt people, was not who he had fallen in love with.
The worst part was that he was right. I was not who Aris knew. When I saw myself in a mirror I didn't even recognize myself, and I hated everything about that person staring back.
How can I remember all that but not his face? Not his voice? Not his body? Not his scent? How can I remember everything but what I’m supposed to?
Why couldn't it have been me? Why did it have to him? Why can't I trade places with him?
Standing at the edge of the Safe Haven, I let out a blood curdling scream that only the birds in the sky could hear. Dropping to my knees, I told him that I was sorry as I started pulling at my hair. I screamed about how much I hate everyone and how much I love him. I screamed until my throat was raw, and my voice was scratchy. Yelling into my hands, I broke down again as I tried to remember any positive detail about him. All I had was little moments that he didn't look right in.
Feeling myself break even more than before, I banged my fists on the hard dirt until they were bloody. Crying out for him, as it started to rain I held his hoodie close to my body as it soaked through it. Laying down, I let myself get colder and colder as my eyes started shutting.
For hours and hours I laid there, waiting. Waiting with a smile on my face as it kept pouring. If it rained enough I would freeze. I wouldn't have to wake up. Not without him.
So, with my eyes still shut, as I became unable to move, I repeated his name as I prepared to see him again. And this time I wouldn't have to let him go. Ever.
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blueepink07 · 5 months
Skipped a beat
Just my interpretation of what Mahiru was thinking during the latest timeline conversation! You can also read it here.
The dining room is quiet today, the only sound that can be heard being the occasional rattle of a wheelchair.
Mahiru is waiting quietly as per Yuno's request with a feeling of anticipation. Unfortunately, boredom easily succumbed, her thoughts of worry for Yuno and for the current events peeking in.
The voices have unexpectedly calmed down… Meaning that the days of guilt for always needing someone to escape from the prison of her mind are finally over. Recently, the voices are taking pity on her condition and seem to be encouraging… But Mahiru feels weird because of that. Sometimes, she hears words of love and admiration, complimenting her. But she doesn't like it, especially after discussing it with Yuno. It doesn't feel sincere like in those beautiful mangas she used to read. Not like in her past relation-.....
Better not think of that. After all, Yuno wanted to give her something. She doesn't know why… Is today a special event? It has been long since Mahiru has kept a hold of the days… It makes her upset to remember that she can't enjoy the activities she used to. Cooking, baking, cleaning, make-up…
She can only hope that Shidou's treatment will be fruitful. Her only hope to feel better again lies in his hands. But… It is scary. It's scary that she doesn't feel much better. Like her body is one with the pain. However, he promised her that, no matter what, she will be healed. Those words he said that day, made her heart flutter at that time. But doubt does really creep in… sometimes…
"Hei… Mahiru…"
Fuuta…? Was she so deep in thought that she couldn't hear him approaching…? She doesn't remember the last time they talked. She hasn't seen him having a conversation with other prisoners for a very long time. Small talks with Amane, but nothing more. He would go to his cell immediately after dinner or lunch. She has always wondered how he can subdue the voices, being in constant loneliness. Mahiru can't help but feel that the boredom has dispersed.
"Are you… doing alright? Isn’t there any way you can get better…?"
So gentle… is he really ok? She has noticed that Shidou stopped tending to his injuries as much as before, all his attention being on her, because he grew worried about not seeing visible changes. She feels guilty. Fuuta is also in pain, but because of her condition… She should really talk to Shidou about this. Wait…
What had Fuuta asked her..? If she can get better…?
Better… She wished she could smile happily at him and answer with a genuine cheerful voice that she does.
"What's wrong, Fuuta? Yeah, I'm not feeling great… But Shidou has been taking care of me all this time. I'm sure if I keep getting treatment like this, I'll get better…"
"Would she really get better? Poor Mahiru…"
The voices… It's unfortunate that they really ask a good question…
Mahiru slowly moved her head to take a better look at Fuuta. His face is so changed… his expression… Mahiru can't decipher. It has lost that fierceness, his gaze seemingly withered out, without energy. The guilt consumes her more.
"I see. Continue the treatment, huh… How can you truly be saved, I wonder?"
Her heart has skipped a bit. But… Why? Despite thinking of him as nothing more than a bully, somebody who could never understand how beautiful it is to care for somebody else, to give all yourself to them… He still came to her with all these injuries which cause him pain. To express his worries! And they seem sincere… So sweet… like a cake…
Simple words, but she feels better… A sudden wave of energy makes her forget about her hurting body.
"Saved…?? Are you worried about me?…That's nice of you, Fuuta. Just thinking that way… Mahiru feels saved already."
This time, she was honest. Her chest was warm as she carefully watched Fuuta's expression.
It's still the same. Lost and empty. Does Fuuta not believe her? He from a few months ago would have argued back and denied that he acts from kindness. She shamelessly admits that she misses these reactions from him…
"It's that so…? My words made you feel better? "
"Perhaps my question has been answered already… "
"What… Fuuta have you said something?"
"No… It's nothing…"
Fuuta looked at her like he wanted to say something more. Mahiru was eagerly waiting. It felt like it was something important.
"Take care of yourself. I wish for you to get better soon…"
With that, Fuuta slowly moved away from the wheelchair, still seemingly lost in thought.
… Mahiru is not very good at reading people, but she could tell that this was not what Fuuta wanted to say. She sighed disappointed watching Fuuta's figure fading away.
"Ah, Yuno!"
"Sorry to keep you waiting so much! But I wanted to add a few more things!!"
A strawberry shortcake was put on the table with visible care. There were many pink and red hearts drawn on the white frosting and a few ones cut from some strawberries. They were by far from perfect, but for Mahiru it didn't matter. Just the thought alone that Yuno spent time baking and decorating it, made her heart skip a beat for a second time.
"Happy birthday, Mahiru!!"
The day she had forgotten about…
"Ah… Mahiru, don't cry… Then your special day will not be happy anymore, won't it…?"
"These… These are tears of happiness! Thank you…! I don't know what else to say… I'm sorry, I'm not good with words…"
"You have nothing to apologize for… Please take a bite! Hope it's good!"
Mahiru has slowly calmed down, a sweet flavor invading her taste buds. Fuuta's words still lingered in her mind as she took another bite.
It was sweet…
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saltygilmores · 6 months
Parts 1-4 and all other episodes are linked in my pinned post.
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I mean, your affair with Dean Forrester should already have you on some kind of registry.
Luke is giddy with delight over Lorelai's humilation at the school and is giggling up a storm, a gigglestorm the likes of which I've never heard before from him. Let's alll point and laugh at Lorelai! It's fun.
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The KarenDebbies are descending upon us. I can't wait to hear Lorelai say the word "condoms"!
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I've never seen him this happy before?
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Sadly with no context I wouldn't be able to tell if this was 2023 or 2002. Karens: Why were you discussing your pregnancy, why didn't you change the subject? Lorelai: I tried but they kept coming at me like I was poland and they were Nazis. Urrrp.
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In my unrated Gilmore Girls rewrite titled The Hollow, I promise to rewrite this episode so that we see Lorelai throwing condoms at high school students.
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Well as long it's just a banana and you don't bring Dean for the subject of your demonstration. KarenDebbie: What kind of mother are you?! Lorelai: The kind that doesn't just gloss over uncomfortable topics!
My ass you don't. She spends a good 75% of season 3 moving heaven and earth to interfere in Jess and Rory's relationship and cockblocking them to make sure these two legal adults don't fuck each other instead of giving Rory any sort of useful information about sex and you should know better than anyone that that's a solid recipe for teen pregnancy, Miss GlossyPants. Speaking of. Guess who else is about to get a fumbling attempt at Awkward Parental Sex Talk? This li'l guy.
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We don't want Shane to get pregnant. It would make her already tragic impending death even more tragic.
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So, what's up with Luke's apartment? There's a guitar, bongos, and maracas (plus a sign he stole from a bus stop). Does he have a secret past in some kind of salsa band?
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Luke referring to a human being as something you can "stash in a closet" like an old box of Monopoly is fucking hilarious. The delivery is also very "Jess are you a gigolo?" and "What are you, a drug dealer now?" Like he knows it's a ridiculous question but he's also mildly concerned that the answer is going to be Yes. And now, for all time favorite exchange in the entire Gilly Girls World:
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Jess and Rory are cool and all. But Luke and Jess are it for me. These two are the reason I keep watching. Their dynamic is so perfect and things were never the same after Milo left, not only because of the breakup of Literati but because I desperately miss these two guys playing off each other.
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I don't know. I feel like Shane wouldn't give a flying cupcake about getting caught. She had no problem repeatedly barging into the diner to hump Jess' leg while Luke and Lorelai were watching and Luke had to part them like Moses parting the sea to wait tables, and she had no problem playing tonsil hockey with Jess against a tree for hours in view of hundreds of people. More evidence that this little dude is lying and that Closet Girl wasn't actually Shane.
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We know, Jesstopher. We know. You little freakazoid.
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Amen, brother.
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Bolt the doors Lucas he's gonna run! Luke should be pulling a Lorelai and throwing bags of condoms at Jess. Stars Hollow called an emergency town meeting after he drew on a sidewalk with chalk. I can't imagine the fate of both Jess and Luke if it were discovered that Jess planted his demon seed in anyone but especially precious Rory.
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I love it when Luke tells Jess to shut up. Fantastic stuff. Luke: If you care about this Shane girl you have to treat her better. Jess: I don't care about her. I don't know her last name. She mentioned it once, didn't stick. We're just "hangin out." Staaahp. Jess is so deliciously blunt and nonchalant about her. Anyone fellow Millenials here? Does anyone else remember that in high school in the late 90's and early 2000's "hooking up" (or in Jess' case, "hanging out") meant literally anything you wanted it to mean and so one of your friends could say "I hooked up with Jason last night" but that could mean they either made out for a few minutes or they were full on bumping uglies or something in between and you often had to ask uncomfortable questions. It was a very confusing time. It kept us all on our toes.
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Luke, you have a pair of eyes. You've seen what they do in your diner. There should not exist any doubt that they're not convening in your apartment to play checkers.
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I'm telling you, the dynamic of the entire Danes-Mariano family is so complex and interesting and I would twist my nipple for this show to delve into it as much as humanly possible at the expense of pushing Rory and Lorelai to the side (Lorelai off a cliff). I've hit the ceiling for screen shots here on Tumblr.com so here's the last three minutes of the episode: Luke: You need to find a girl you actually care about. Jess: Yah like it's that easy. Luke: Ya huh it's that easy if you try Jess: The girls I like don't give a damn about me. I'm not just gonna sit around hoping they change their minds and notice me, unlike SOME PEOPLE. Luke: Da fuq does that mean Jess: ya fixed any neighbor's porshes *porches lately? Luke: Shut up Jess: I've got a little self esteem Luke: Shut up Jess: Gotta go, Shane's horny again Well, that attempt at the Birds and Bees talk certainly went off the rails. Luke was able to impart to Jess that teenage boys have raging hormones and they tend to like girls and Jess don't be an idiot. It's okay Luke, at least you tried.
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otdiaftg · 8 months
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The Raven King - Chapter Nine
Day: Saturday, October 14th Time: 2:37 PM EST
Higgins rapped loudly on the door and waited. Neil didn't want to get any closer to Higgins than he already was, but he couldn't see Andrew's door well enough from here. He kept his eyes on Higgins as he edged down the hall. Higgins glanced back at the movement, but the door opening distracted him. Unsurprisingly, it was Andrew who investigated the authoritative knock. He only got the door halfway open before he realized who was standing in the hallway. Neil heard the doorknob creak in warning as Andrew twisted it further than it was meant to go. It was a startling giveaway considering Andrew's wide smile and the breezy tone of his voice. "Oh, I must be imagining things. Pig Higgins, you are a very, very long way from home." "Andrew," Higgins said. "We need to talk." "We talked, remember?" Andrew said. "I told you not to bother me." "You said not to call you," Higgins said. "Just give me a few minutes, won't you, for old times' sake? I came all the way out here to see you. Doesn't that get me any sort of consideration?" Andrew shook his head with a laugh. "You didn't come out here for me. You came on a witch hunt I already said I wouldn't help you with. Give meone good reason to not cut your throat, would you?" Dan hissed under her breath, but Higgins looked completely unfazed by the threat. "I was wrong. I know that now. The investigation on him turned up nothing." "I warned you," Andrew said, unsympathetic. Higgins held out a hand like he thought Andrew would shut the door in his face. "We were looking at the wrong person, weren't we? I think I've got it right this time, but I can't do anything without a complaining witness. The other kids won't speak up. They don't trust me that much. You're all I've got." That got Andrew's attention. "Kids? Kids, plural. You only mentioned one last time, Pig. How many are you talking about? How many has she had?" "You wouldn't care about the number unless there really was something there for me to find," Higgins said, quiet and accusing. "Just yes or no, Andrew. That's all I want. That's all I need right now. I'll give you a name, you give me an answer, and I promise I'll go away." "You promise." Andrew sounded highly entertained by the notion. "You'll break that promise inside a week, Pig. Don't pretend otherwise. Do I have to walk you out to make sure you leave or will you—" "Drake," Higgins said. Andrew shut up. Higgins stretched his hand out further, bracing for a violent reaction, and stared down at Andrew as he waited. Andrew was silent, but not for long. His drugs wouldn't let him keep still for more than a few seconds. "How many kids, Pig?" "Six, since you," Higgins said. Andrew pushed his door further open and stepped out, nearly shoving Higgins aside on his way to the stairs. Higgins strode after him, and the stairwell door slammed behind them.
Art used with permission by lnmei. Thank you @lnmei!
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edgarbright · 28 days
Ikemen Vampire Main Route // Charles chapter 23 thoughts
tl;dr Charles and his story are driving me insane and I love it so much
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I was ready to murder Vlad if it turned out to JUST be a dream lol (MC's reaction and response at the end were so on point so thank you, girl.) I hadn't completely forgotten that moment two chapters ago between MC and Vlad before she suddenly woke up in the mansion (I am an Ikerev Loki gal, after all, so this isn't my first fake reality rodeo) but the church scene was so good it kind of pushed that moment to the back of my mind.
Because at the same time, I remembered the preview trailer where they showed Charles's CG of him bleeding out in the church while the voice over had him apologizing for his crimes and for being born. I thought this was going to be the moment.
So the MC and I were both in denial that he was dead while she feels his body going cold in her arms :')
And all the while MC is talking about the things Charles wasn't able to experience, like seeing the sunrise over the ocean, and that she needed to keep her promise with him. She asks Le Comte to bring Charles back.
Cue me nodding my head and getting intrigued at the idea of Charles being freed from the Cult of Vlad (affectionate) and getting to live the idle, wealthy lifestyle of one of le Comte's collection.
Except le Comte says he can't, he can't, because he can't sense any desire to live coming from Charles. (And the way le Comte said it breaks my heart because you could tell he regretted being unable to help.)
At last, after trying so hard, Charles had truly and utterly given up on everything. And he did it in the most horribly perfect way: as the God of Death, as a man who had experience executing thousands of people with both axe and guillotine, he killed himself with one perfect strike.
(And while I greatly appreciate the fact Cybird acknowledged his expertise to let him die with such quick precision, insert a hundred more pictures of the crying hamster here because my heart is broken!!!)
Fun fact: between Ikevamp and Ikevil, this is the third route in a row that I've read that has dealt with a suicidal Love Interest (which, hello, Cybird, that is a wild stat??? why do you have so many LI like this??) At this point in the story, however, I feel like Charles has the route that has best handled the topic in a narrative-rich and nuanced way.
Charles is so incredibly tragic and real that he's looking for hope to the point of endangering himself. He's sweet and funny and wildly friendly. He's also drowning in his tragedy and so he clings to people who might save him, such as Vlad, someone he even calls a God, someone who promises him a better world, a world where he doesn't have to experience the things that hurt him, a world where he can be happy and loved and accepted. I was thoroughly entranced in the scene where MC gets kidnapped (at last lol) and she sees how easily Charles defaults his will away to Vlad. Even though Charles asks questions several times which show his hesitancy and doubts, it becomes clear he isn't seeking truth. What he really wants are reassurances that this is right, that this is OK, that he's not making a mistake.
(He is an executioner through and through: someone else makes the choice for him. It's not his place to judge or decide.)
But in this way, Charles is just so wildly victim-coded to me in that I can clearly see him accepting abuse if it were called by any other name. When he speaks of his house calls, when he offers to let MC do anything--anything!--she wants to him, when we witness the group of men he lets beat him up (because he could have kept his truth without letting them abuse him), I dread to think what violence has been done to him in the dark streets of Paris that he has accepted in the past under the guise of the word love.
So the fact chapter 22 and 23 showed Charles realizing the solution to all his moral and ethical and emotional turmoil is to stop struggling and die, and that the story actually lets him succeed--albeit in a "highly possible future" scenario that Vlad reinforces will surely come to pass again at some point--hurt me in the best kind of way and I'm looking forward to how this route ends.
But Charles's highly probable suicide also brings up the question of why did Vlad pick Charles, of all people, to bring back as a vampire? Was Charles simply an ideal follower? Because the the key promise Vlad makes with Charles seems to make Charles somewhat useless for his plans: Charles won't have to kill anyone. What use is a perfect executioner who refuses to raise the sword?
The dynamic of Vlad, Faust, and Charles is wonderful though and I hope Vlad gives us a straight answer for the reason of his original experiment of MC teaching Charles love.
(Maybe helping Charles was Vlad's true experiment all along.)
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actual-changeling · 1 year
I found the first part of this in my drafts, dating back all the way to February (written right after episode 5 aired I believe), and I simply had to finish it. It's just a little ficlet for once, no title, nothing big. Just the missing scene where Ellie gets the hug she needs and Joel reaches an important understanding.
It's the way Ellie looks at him, Joel realizes afterward, when the bodies are buried and they're walking along overgrown rusted cars and rubble. She is a child, fourteen years old and without anyone who ever took responsibility for her. No one to raise her, protect her, give her the comfort of a parent keeping their child safe. FEDRA takes in whatever healthy children they can find (usually not even bothering with the ones that aren't) and raises them to be soldiers, to follow orders, emotional care deemed unnecessary. They're not the only ones only focusing on how to survive in a world that doesn't know a Before, only an After.
Joel remembers how it should be, though. Remembers Sarah in his arms, small and helpless, screaming for him because it was the only thing she knew how to do. He always came, every single time she cried for him he answered. There is a look of complete and unconditional trust children have for their parents, their caregivers, an acceptance of an unspoken promise.
I will take care of you.
It was the last thing he saw in Sarah's eyes before she died.
He subconsciously recognizes it in Ellie, Sam's blood spattered across the floor, her face, her clothes, and his instincts drive him to act, leaning forward to get to her without any hesitation. The same deep-seated parental fear lives on, too, it always will, and it sparks up in him again and again and again with every threat to Ellie's life. Kill the soldier, shoot the infected, keep her away from harm, get her somewhere safe. Joel would have build a new world for Sarah, brick upon brick stacked with his bare hands, but he lost her before he could try. Ellie is his second chance.
Henry stops him from getting to her, growl building in his throat, and then Henry is gone just like his brother, and Ellie's whimper echoes louder than the gun shot. Pain flares in his knees when he finally drops down next to her, arms outstretched, grasping, and she falls into him stiff with panic, eyes wide open. She is warm, alive, and Joel can feel her frantic heartbeat pounding beside his own as he cradles her against his chest. The sudden silence rings in his ears, drowned out only by the tiny, hiccuping sobs ripping through her, and Joel responds without thinking, pulling her further into his lap and gently rocking them back and forth.
Twenty years ago, he did the same covered in blood with a dead daughter in his arms, and the memory fades in and out in time with her breaths, suffocating him as a part of him expects every exhale to be her last. One of his hands comes up to cup the back of her head, fingers buried in her hair, and Joel carefully pushes her face down until it fills the space between his neck and shoulder, eyes covered and kept away from the death lingering around them. He whispers mindlessly against her scalp, less coherent words and more soothing noises, not seeking to quiet her but to provide whatever comfort he can.
They're both shaking with adrenaline and fear, and Ellie clings to him so tightly their tremors are one and the same, her fingers clawing at his shirt, nails digging into his back. His skin is wet with her tears and Joel can't help but press his lips to her temple in a desperate attempt to help her calm down, previous resistance gone. All of his walls and defenses shattered the second she screamed his name so loudly her voice broke, begging him to safe her, and no matter how much he denies it, he will always be a father at heart. Joel needs a purpose, a reason to keep going, to let a child cry in his arms because he is the only thing standing between her and the world, committed to shielding her from whatever horrors he can as long as he is alive.
Ellie trusted him and he failed her today.
In-between sobs, she quietly whimpers his name like a chant, asking him to take away a pain he knows she shouldn't have to bear, aching with the awareness that she will never be the same after all she had to endure.
Joel soothes his hand along her spine, rubbing circles up and down her back, and he makes a promise to himself, to her, to Sarah's memory on his wrist.
He won't let another daughter die.
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