#she doesn't want to lose her best friend if this makes things too weird
inklessletter · 1 year
Autumn of 86. Robin is working at the most boring record store of all Hawkins to save up for escaping that hellhole where she lives in, where the weirdest shit happens all the time (kids coming back to life, classmates killed by chemical leaks, another gas leak that makes the mall blow up, a murderer from Pennhurst breaking free and going in a teenager killing spree, rumours of satanic cults...). Thank god she is working there with his best friend Eddie "love at first sight is an illusion" Munson, who makes her days less painful, and who, right now, is flirting with this all beaten up guy she has never seen before.
She wants to interrupt them, but the way they are talking it is so unlike Eddie. Staring, mildly blushing, soft voices and the strangest interaction going on there when he is purchasing the first cassette he grabs and he is not even paying attention to what he is buying because this new guy can't take his eyes off of Eddie. It even takes him a while to reply to Eddie when he asks him if he wants anything else.
Robin could swear that guy wanted to say something different from his actual answer. "No. No, yeah, that's–that's all. Thanks."
And Eddie half smiles, looks down. "Yeah. Great, here is your change, man. Enjoy your Christmas Carol tape."
"What? Oh, yeah. I will. I guess," and the guy smiles, and it looks painful because his lip is split. He bites his bottom lip and looks away. "See you around."
"Yeah. See you around."
And they—they just stare.
It takes him a few seconds before he purses his lips, nods, and leaves the establishment. And what has Robin standing there, and not bashing at Eddie the second that guy closes the door after him is the fact that she could swear that this guy was... was about to cry.
And Robin is a lot of things, but above all she is curious.
And smart.
And she is stubborn enough to find her answers.
She indeed teases Eddie about him gaping at the guy like a mad man. And she expects pushback, she really does. Eddie always gives her some resistance of her teasing but when Eddie says "I don't know, Robs, I feel like I have seen him before," she believes him.
So Robin does what she does best and finds the guy.
She follows him for a while, and thinks she is doing a great job at the grocery store, following him from the end of the aisle, but she loses him for a second and runs to find him again. She runs into him him as soon as she turns the aisle, face to face.
"Sorry, hi," he says.
"Hi," Robin parrots.
And they stare at each other.
Robin is good reading people. She always has been. And she doesn't really know what she is seeing in this guy's eyes but whatever it is is warm. And familiar.
"Are you okay?" he asks. And she is a bit lost in her own thoughts to reply right away. It takes her ten seconds to realize that he was asking because they actually crashed against each other. They were so close. He was holding her by the elbows.
She immediately steps back.
"Yeah, sorry. I am so clumsy sometimes, my coordination is not what you may say, sharp," she explains rapidly and awkwardly.
And the guy smiles, and it is the kind of smile that reaches the eyes. And she smiles too.
"I bet you stand out for some other qualities," he chuckles. "You seem smart."
"I am. I think," she adds. She can't realize why she is so disoriented.
"My name is Steve. Steve Harrington."
"Robin Buckley."
And he does this thing with his face, almost like a flinch, a recognition. It is brief but it is there and Robin has seen it, and there is something so weird with him.
Steve drops his gaze, and the weirdness of this situation hits Robin. Why would someone introduce himself just by randomly crashing into someone in the grocery store? What was that familiarity feeling? Why couldn't she just let him go? She followed him there, for fuck's sake.
"Do I know you?" she asks.
Steve just looks at her again, and stares. There is this gleam in his pupils, eyes almost wet, and Robin could swear that it looked so much like hope. For what, she doesn't know.
"I don't think so," and his words sound like a lie.
"Oh. I am–I am sorry, um, this is weird. It's just that I—I have this—"
"Gnawing feeling?" Steve finished.
And yes, that was exactly what she wanted to say.
There is something that Robin feels like it's trapped in the air. Something strange and beautiful, and caged somewhere, fighting with all its forces to break free, but she can't identify it.
"It's okay," he says. "It'll go away. It always does."
Steve smiles at her and it is sad. Robin is starting to get mad, and weirdly emotional and she doesn't know where it comes from and it's infuriating not to know. Her voice kind of wobbles when she speaks again.
"You speak like a total dingus."
Steve laughs. Suddenly and bright and honest, and she laughs too.
"I do. Yeah, I do."
Something is off, but it feels so right. Robin just can't place it. And it must shows in her face because Steve says, "it's okay."
And it is how he says it, like he knows what she is going through, but how could he possibly know.
"See you around, Buckley," he says, so affectionate that aches to hear.
He leaves her there, standing in the middle of the aisle, organizing her own thoughts.
Facts: she knows him. Her body, her heart, her soul reacted at his presence, that much is true. Eddie knows him too. But they just can't remember him.
So many questions, so may things to discover.
Robin smiles.
Robin is a lot of things, but above all, she is curious.
And smart.
And stubborn enough to find her answers.
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steviewashere · 5 months
I am itching to write a frat boy Steve Harrington fic. Definitely modern day, no upside down, no supernatural elements. But not one where he desperately wants to leave it or he's being shunned by the other guys or where he feels like he doesn't fit in. Just one where he does stupid shit because it's funny to him.
He's got an estranged relationship with Tommy Hagan, another one of the frat boys. But they both ignite at the opportunity to get drunk, challenge each other to stupid bets (with no real reward), and party with people. Tommy's kind of a dick, but mostly a class clown kind of guy—doesn't do a whole lot of bullying, maybe some friendly teasing that sometimes goes a little too far (because he sucks at gauging his limit).
Steve's a reformed bully. He's learning to just sort of go with the flow, which is aided a lot by being loose and free and goofy and out-of-his-mind stupid at frat parties. He wants to meet as many different people as possible, maybe not become friends with all of them, but he wants to at least broaden his horizons.
He's buddies with a sorority girl named Nancy Wheeler (who also happens to be an ex-girlfriend, but that's water under the bridge), but she's not into partying—more into having a group of girls who want to see her succeed as a journalist (her sorority consists of her high school best friend, Barbara Holland, Tommy's girlfriend, Carol Perkins, a giddy cheerleader, Chrissy Cunningham, and a band geek who wants to be a conductor, Robin Buckley). I think he also becomes friends with Jonathan (although a bit reluctantly) through Nancy, and Argyle through Jonathan.
Steve becomes friends with Robin Buckley. Slowly, but surely. Adores her rambling conversations, which increase when she gets even the slightest bit tipsy with him (she never exceeds a few shots, and when he's with her, he doesn't drink more than that, either). She teases him without hurting his ego, unlike Tommy. He appreciates when she tells him that he's being a meathead, when he's out of his depth, when he's doing something even the slightest bit offensive. With her, he learns about his own sexuality (when she eventually comes out to him during a rather intense frat party—they had too much to drink this time, both loose-lipped and teetering). He learns to appreciate the more nerdy aspects of her, Nancy, and the rest of their sorority. Realizes he's more catty than he thought. Plays soccer with Robin on the weekends, though he sucks in comparison to when they play basketball together.
And through Robin, he meets somebody entirely new to him. Eddie Munson, a metalhead with a raspy voice and a cigarette addiction that Steve can get into, who charms in this weird flirtatious (though unintentional) teasing, who's beyond weird and dramatic, geeky with a touch of defensive. He's got a bite to him that Steve barks right back at, though never meanly. They get along like a house on fire, not a match, a house. Sure, sometimes they drink and party. But Eddie likes quieter things, despite his loud and boisterous personality. They smoke weed and sit on the roof and point out stars, or they talk for hours and hours until they both lose their voice, or they smoke and lay in the grass—absorbing one another's warmth without realizing.
It knocks Steve down, how much he learns to adore somebody like Eddie. Stirring something in him, something he's felt in his drunkest moments with Tommy. But with Eddie, he's completely sober. He's sober with intense emotion and want for a guy he's never expected to orbit around.
And, oddly enough, it's not Robin that tells him to go for it.
It's Tommy. He says something like, "Hey, we may not be best friends anymore, but I know what love looks like, man. And, y'know, considering all your past relationships, maybe it's time that you get something that makes you happy?" His voice is serious, unusually so. And Steve sort of clings to it, like a warm blanket on a camping trip. Tommy then adds something along the lines of, "Be stupid with me, Stevie-boy. Don't be stupid about your feelings. That gets you nowhere. And...I don't know this Eddie guy, not really, but there's something to him. Like a...one of those cloud things that Carol's always talking about—an aura? I could see him drawing you in before you had the chance to get his name."
Steve probably retorts with, "Shut up." And then blushes stupid about it. Because Tommy's never been wrong about these sort of things, no matter how much of an air cadet he can be. And he's also not wrong because when Robin first described to Steve who Eddie was, without giving a name initially, Steve was hooked like one of the fish he catches. (He goes on frat boy fishing trips and has a million photos in his phone of all the trout he's caught. Holds them up to the camera in that Straight Boy Way™️ (trademarked in case you can't see that on your dash), all proud as if the fish is his degree he's going out for.)
Also, I imagine that Steve goes to school to get a bachelor's degree in something like sports science? Or like physical education? Even something like family and human services?
So, line up of fields of study/options because now I want to come back to this:
-Nancy: Journalism -Robin: Music Education or Music Composition -Eddie: English or Music Production or Art -Steve: Sports Science or Physical Education or Family and Human Services -Tommy: Economics -Barb: English or Art History -Carol: Architecture -Chrissy: Special Education and American Sign Language (S.E. is typically a minor, but ASL is almost always a major) -Jonathan: Photography and Composition -Argyle: Neuroscience (I just feel it in my bones that he's like secretly crazy talented in sciences)
I can also think of some of the scenes being texting in group chats. And like with illustrations of Steve holding up his fish? God, my brain is on fire tonight.
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d3arapril · 11 months
wlf!abby headcanons <3
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pairing: abby anderson x reader summary: just some self-indulgent headcanons about life at the WLF base with abby because i love her. that's all warnings: none! just abby being abby and being in love. the best combo
abby will ALWAYS wait up for you without fail if you're out on patrol at night. she barely sleeps anyway but she especially can't sleep if she doesn't know if you're safe so she stays in your room and reads but she's not actually taking anything in, just scanning the pages because she can't even focus
if on the extremely rare and strange occasion you're sent out together she'll always be watching your back - she trusts you and knows that you know what you're doing but if she spots the smallest bit of danger near u she's there within the blink of an eye
she's holding your head in her hands, tearing up when you almost get ripped apart by a runner on what was probably ur worst patrol yet "are you okay? are you clean?? are you sure? holy shit..."
beats u at backgammon almost every single time.. doesn't beat u at rummy though
if you're both working out together she will drop what she's doing to spot you and gets excited for you when you hit a new PB
gets embarrassed when u watch her work out because she knows she pulls weird faces.. "stop looking at me. it's distracting..." she'd playfully roll her eyes but do nothing to stop you from staring. you may even think she likes feeling embarrassed
ur work out schedules align so that u get to do yoga together :) it's funny watching her try and do the tree pose when she loses her balance every 4 seconds
abby got a lil too drunk one night at one of the salt lake crew parties and leah and jordan had to (reluctantly) lure her to ur room and ask u to look after her bc she refused help from anybody else 😔 (luckily your roomie was in their partners room...) she's a big gal so thinks she can handle her drink until she's 9 shots deep and thinks she has 13 fingers
in the cafeteria if she spots you talking with some friends she'll watch from afar for a while just to admire u being urself <3 she'll then come over and make her presence known with a hand on your back but won't interrupt your conversation or want the attention on her because she likes hearing you talk and knowing u have other ppl around u <3
has a hand on ur lower back/thrown over your shoulders whenever you're walking around the base because she always wants to be touching you. or she'll link your pinkies together when the hallway seems quieter than normal. abs isn't too big on PDA so likes to keep things subtle but always wants u to know she's there w her gentle touches
you massage her back and shoulders almost every evening when she's had a long day, even on nights where you're not sharing a bed and manny is in the room, and she's always knocked out like 5 mins after whilst you're still sat on her lower back. girl loves a massage
she sent manny packing to his weird sex den one night so she could decorate their shared room with half-dead flowers she miraculously found on patrol that week and make a romantic evening for you both... "as romantic as you can make a room in a fucking stadium" she'd mutter under her breath once she stands back and admires her work
she batted her eyelashes and smiled harder than usual @ the kitchen workers to cook a special meal for her other than burritos and she dug out the dusty 'timeless love songs' CD manny's dad gave her a few months back. you both ate, laughed and danced to unforgettable by nat king cole specifically and she felt a lil silly at first but it all went away when she saw the smile on ur face <3
at night time when u both can't sleep you'll lay in bed together and plan ur lives 'after the apocalypse'... abby wants to adopt a dog and live in a big house with u :(
she taught u how to do her braid perfectly so if she's stayed the night u braid her hair for her before she goes... "wow, nailed it babe"
when u saw her room for the first time u asked her about the painting from her dads office next to her bed and she got sad :( but opened up to u about her past and from then u knew u were in it for life
she reads to u if you're sleepy and she isn't and tells you she loves you and kisses your forehead when she thinks you're asleep (you're not - you always hear her)
she'll protect u with her entire life and will kill anyone or anything that gets in ur way. she loves u.
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wannabelife · 5 months
Can you please write headcanons for seventeen? When they have a crush on reader but are still not sure about confessing they get jealous when they saw that she is really close with her guy best friend (but in a platonic/sibling way) So they get jealous because their crush and her friend are so close but they are not.
when they like you, get jealous over you but are still too shy and unsure to confess
-> gets sulk
-> stay annoyed for the rest of the day
-> blames himself because thinks that wouldn't be happening if he confesses to you already
-> just laugh it out
-> gets clingy to you when they are around to subtly claim you
-> pretends nothing happened and he's not jealous at all
-> awkward smile
-> "you're acting weird again, what happened, josh?" "what? nothing? what do you mean?"
-> thinks he doesn't care at all, but swallows dry when its the real thing
-> plays passive aggressive jokes to your guy bsf
-> its honest with it, say what he's feeling to you
-> knows deep down he shouldn't act it up to you but likes the attention you give him when he does (think it lightly, not toxic :/)
-> dont do anything at all because he's composed
-> overthinks it in bed before sleep and gets frustrated with himself
-> get to his head trying to mediate his feelings and what's rational
-> once you're alone, subtly makes you a bunch of questions about him, how you met, how many years do you know him, if you had anything before... "im just curious"; because in a sense if he knows he doesn't have anything to worry about (he doesnt in first place tho)
-> pouts and ask "who is him?" when he leaves
-> gets even more sure he needs to confess to you because he doesn't want to lose you
-> doesn't know what's happening "why am i uncomfortable?" (lmao)
-> get mixed feelings so his face gets all hot and cheeks red, can't hide at all
-> annoyed
-> see a bunch of issues in your friend's personality and convince you its just because he didn't click with him that much "dont worry"
-> self sabotage thinking you like your guy bsf for sure and try to overcome his crush on you
-> he's social but dont really socialize with him specifically
-> in his head, wants to drag you out of his presence
-> rationalize and admits he is jealous
-> first time that happened, he confess to you that exactly night so he doesn't have to deal with all the unsure feelings hiding causes
-> ironic jokes to put out his frustration (chiste)
-> deny to his grave he's feeling things
-> wants you to claim him, mention him, touch him, anything to make your bsf react instead beacuse he's convice he likes you (he doesnt)
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coupleoffanfics · 1 year
Part 2 of Batfam and batsis y/n headcons
It was a surprise to see y/n at the of the manor one night after her "outburst" that was a couple months ago. Alfred is happy to see her but notices her troubled expression. She greets him and asks if Bruce was here.
Entering the Batcave for the first time in years, it hasn't changed too much from what y/n remembers. The first to notice her walk in is Damian. "Sister, what are you doing here?" It's always so weird hearing him call her that now. He's never called he that until her "outburst".
This gets the attention of Tim and Babs, making them look away from the monitor. Tim is glad to see her again and hopefully, she is here to mend their broken, not completely burnt, bridges. Babs is also glad to see her as they haven't been communicating as much this past week, but concerned as to what brought her here. She has a feeling that y/n wouldn't come here without a reason.
"I need to talk to Bruce." Damian is almost upset that y/n didn't say she came to see him. He doesn't even have to open his mouth as Bruce is right behind her. Bruce makes his presence known which made y/n jolt up a bit.
Turns around to see him suited up just like the others. Not seeing his full face made her more comfortable oddly.
She takes a deep breath before talking, "I want to clarify that I'm talking to Batman and not Bruce Wayne. I have some information and I desperately need your help." Everyone's interest was already peaked before she said anything.
Bruce watches her pointer finger curl around her hair, her eyes shifted away from him, and her shoulders somehow become even more tense. "Jerome is looking for someone, not me, but I'm worried about them. Wait not looking for he's found them and I- ugh, I'm sure you've already done a background check on him. He has a twin brother and he supposedly wants him dead. I'm…"
All their eyes on her were worsening her anxiety. "I'm best friends with him, Jeremiah Valeska." Babs is already putting the pieces together that Xander Wilde was just an alias. She does remember thinking that they look similar, but she's only met y/n's boyfriend a handful of times and never looked that deep into Jerome's relatives. There wasn't any need to look at his family as long as they aren't committing illegal acts with him.
"Jerome, he did something to Jeremiah. There was this gas and it messed him up. He…" y/n was trying not to get too emotional from talking about a topic that was sensitive to her. "He's not right in the head anymore. It's almost like he's turning into Jerome. He's losing control, he knew a week ago that something is wrong but now he's saying…"
Their eyes and her various feelings on the matter were making her feel that this was a dead end. It's been nearly three months and things have been getting progressively worse. As she looks at Bruce and all she expects is to be rejected. To tell her that she was overreacting and that time was going to heal whatever this mess was.
y/n looked Bruce in the eyes and for the first desperately begged, "Please. Please help find a cure or something to end Jeremiah's madness. I…" She choked back the urge to say that she loved him. There wasn't a need for that and she'd rather keep them in the dark about her life. "…I don't want to lose my best friend. I know you're busy, but I had try asking. Just tell me now if you'd be able to help in any way possible and I'll leave you alone."
This came out of nowhere, but with y/n looking Bruce in the eye with glassy and a scared look in her eyes. How could he say no? "I'll do everything I can, but I'll need a blood sample."
Anything that he said after that went in and out of y/n's ears. She was just relieved that she had the greatest detective help her. "Yeah, um, I can do that." Her voice was softer than a few seconds ago. She wiped the tears of relief with her palm and quickly made her way out of the cave.
Tim wanted to go after her, but Damian was already following behind her and Babs gave him a discouraging look. Babs finally understood why y/n has been so quiet these past weeks. She also knew that y/n needed time to herself and she'd hope that Damian would understand that. She thinks Bruce knew that as well as he stared at the exit for a moment before swiftly going back to work.
Damian kept calling out to his sister before grabbing her wrist. y/n really wanted to shake off his hand and tell him to just leave her alone. Though feeling how firm his grip is she knew it would probably be best to go with whatever to not trigger another meltdown. That was the last thing she ever wanted to see or deal with.
Genuinely though she didn't know why he followed her. It didn't matter if he was trying to repave their relationship, she always expects the worst to come out of his mouth. As a shield, she says what he thinks he'll say. Putting herself down before he or anyone can do it.
"Yeah, I know I shouldn't be down there. It's no place for me and I get in the way. I'm not going to lie and say I'm fully sorry. I am, but I need to try everything to save him, and if that means you'll all have to bear witness to a living failure once more then so be it."
Damian is stuck by her words again and lets go of her as if her skin burns him. He was unsure of how to respond to that, but that wasn't the reason he was there. He tells her with full confidence, "Father will find a cure. Your friend will be okay."
She doesn't look at him. Surprised that he didn't degrade her and slightly smiling that he was comforting her. "Thank you, Damian, that was nice of you to say." Then walks out of the manor just like last time, but this night Damian can fall asleep without regretting eating him alive.
Bruce hires a team of toxicologists. Buys a whole new laboratory for the team. Making sure that there is progress being made while he's not working on it. Tim is the one who spends the most time searching for a cure.
The day after y/n would make her regular trip to the psychiatric hospital with Tim watching from a distance. Tim wasn't stalking y/n he'd claim fully knowing that's exactly what he's doing. He just felt that something was missing and he just wanted to know. He was sick of all her secretiveness. He's given y/n some space after her "outburst" unlike Damian and Dick. So he feels like he could do this because it's not like he forcing her to be around him like the other two.
But regardless the stalking. He was concerned about seeing y/n walk into a mental hospital. It wasn't Arkham, but personally knowing her track record of depressive episodes made him wonder why she was here. Was she admitting herself again?
y/n going through a mental low is difficult no matter how many times Tim sees and helps her through it. She'd stop having this bubbly aura around her. Not being able to get out of bed. There were few times she talked of how hopeless and empty she felt. When she had these episodes they'd never last a few days. They'd always be a week and the worse he's personally seen it last for 2 months. Then the mental image of her dealing with this on her own and coming to the point that she felt the need to admit herself was devastating to him in many ways.
Disguised as part of the staff, Tim followed y/n. Quickly realizing that she wasn't admitting herself, but visiting. He stood by the door of the patient's room that she dispersed in and closed the door. Interestingly Echo walked out of the room at one point and went back.
Seeing y/n standing by the door and about to leave, Tim quickly put some distance between himself and her. Watching y/n, Echo, and a man wearing a hat walk out. Following close behind as they left the hospital and entered the parking garage. He noticed how closely y/n and the man were walking together while Echo walked behind them.
Suddenly Echo came to a halt making the others stop and look at her. Then she ran full force toward Tim and pushed him against the concrete wall. A sharp knife pressed against his throat.
The handful of times Tim has seen Echo he's never seen her exhibit any emotion. There was a sort of underlying anger as she calmly ask who he was and why he following them. He's not able to get his mouth open because y/n runs up panicked while the man walks slowly.
y/n doesn't even need a second to see that it was Tim. Makes Echo let go of him before asking what he was even doing there. There is no good lie that he can come up with on the spot and he knew lying was just going to make y/n more upset than she already was.
"You never talk or are around anymore. You're so secretive now that it makes me worried." Tim would continue if he didn't notice y/n clench her jaw. He would have to be blind to not see y/n trying to keep her cool.
That's when the man placed his gloved hand on her shoulder. Just that simple action alone got rid of any tension in y/n. The man would introduce himself as Jeremiah.
Tim felt uncomfortable by Jeremiah. It could have been the fact that y/n did say his mental sanity has deteriorated, but Tim could just feel something was off with him. His bright green eyes remind Tim of someone. His face also looked to be caked with makeup and the way he talked was unnerving.
The three leave Tim behind. y/n stating that they'll talk about 'this' later. He goes back to the manor even more perplexed by everything.
Later that day y/n drops by the manor. Trying to be discreet as possible because she doesn't want to trigger Damian jumping out. Handing the blood sample to Bruce then turning her attention to Tim.
They have a long drawn-out conversation about what transpired earlier. Explaining why he felt the need to follow her and how he wants her to be open with him.
"— I want us to friends again." That made y/n's heart and mind stop for a moment. Just a moment because she immediately rebuttals. Not trying to mean when saying she doesn't want to be near any of them. That just things change, that they've changed, and they drifted apart. That he had nothing to worry about, but to also never do that again.
y/n spends most of her time with Jeremiah until she has classes and takes a minute to drop by the manor for any updates. Now that y/n is visiting the manor, Damian doesn't surprise her with visits anymore. Since she comes over quite often, daily almost.
He always tries to prolong her time there. He remembers the few things she's interested in. Art and fencing. He'll try almost bribe her to spend more time with him. Mentioning that he's going to an art museum or that he's done with his latest painting. It doesn't get her attention. Talks about how he's got tickets for a fencing match, but that doesn't interest y/n in the slightest.
It's like she's purposefully ignoring him. It's not the case, but that's beside the point. One day when y/n drops by and gets ready to leave, Damian walks up to her with one question. "Can you teach me how to fence?"
Taken aback the question y/n has to take a moment to register it. She sighs, "You're better off getting a professional trainer because I haven't held a saber or epee in a hot minute." She's not even trying to avoid Damian even though he just reminds her how much of a failure she is. She's just being honest.
The boy is becoming visibly frustrated. Panicking and remembering his last tantrum, y/n quickly says that she'll teach him the basics after her classes. Seeing that he was calming down y/n makes a quick escape.
After her last class, she sees Damian waiting right outside of her classroom. Once she's in his peripheral vision he tries to drag her back to the manor and into the newly established fencing room, but she needs to make a quick stop.
Will not let her go alone no matter what. So she kinda has no choice but to bring him along. It's nothing new. She makes a quick call informing someone that she'll have someone with her before jumping into her car. They take a long ride out of Gotham and into the woods. Making Damian wonder where the hell y/n is going.
The second one to meet Jeremiah is Damian. Jeremiah only politely greets him before leaving to talk with y/n in another room. The first impression Damian has of Jeremiah is not a good one. Highly suspicious of him and is not comfortable letting y/n be alone in a room with him. Low-key impressed by the labyrinth that Jeremiah calls his house and likes the interior of the living room. Every classy.
Would have put his ear against the door to hear what they were saying if it wasn't for Echo. She was staring him down. He's pretty sure she hasn't blinked since they got here. Going off what Tim said to the others about Echo possibly being y/n's lover, Damian wonders what y/n sees in Echo.
When they leave and get back into the car Damian brings up Echo. "Your girlfriend should learn how to blink." y/n almost stomped on the breaks. "Girlfriend...? Echo?" She's very confused. "Who else am I talking about." This is when she learns that the whole family thinks she's dating Echo. The idea is funny but also irked her because that was far from the truth. Calmly explains to Damian that isn't the case and that she was simply Jeremiah's bodyguard. Damian can't wait to tell Tim that he was wrong.
Once they get back to the manor y/n teaches Damian about fencing. First going over the rules and the 4 types of fencing before doing anything physical. Surprisingly time flew by. They probably would have been fencing all night if Alfred didn't interrupt them for dinner. y/n planned on leaving, but Damian convinced her to at least stay for dinner because Alfred made her favorite dish and dessert.
This is around the time y/n starts to think that Damian isn't too bad. Out of everyone in the family, Damian is probably the one she'd be the most lenient towards. She's lenient towards the whole family, but Damian is still relatively young. He was able to move on from his horrible childhood, even though that resulted in him lashing out, y/n can forgive that to an extent. Deep down she sees him as her little brother even after their rough patch.
The fact that he isn't breaking into her apartment and trying to connect with her, makes her think that it's safe to be around him. That she isn't going to be verbally reminded that she's one of the most worthless human beings to be alive.
She starts straying a little longer at the manor to mentor Damian a few times. He starts to worry when she easily has the wind knocked out of her and has a cough that doesn't go away. She tells him that it's nothing to worry about. Might lie to him if doesn't give up on the topic by saying she's developed asthma. The lie isn't implausible since anyone can develops asthma at any age and it is hereditary.
It calms Damian down a little. Now he constantly carries an inhaler just in case y/n needs it. She feels so bad lying to him, but she thinks it's for the best that everyone should stay in the dark about her medical condition.
Seeing y/n willingly hang out with Damian gets under Tim's skin. He's given her space unlike Damian, except for that one time but it was only one time. The little gremlin has been harassing her since that one "outburst". He'd want to pull out the 'I knew her longer' card, but he knows how petty it would be. Who she hangs out with isn't his problem and he should mind his own business.
He does mind his own business, but he may occasionally check the cameras to see what y/n and Damian are up to. That's all he swears. Oh, my god, they're going to orchestral concerts and museums together now!? This is so unfair Tim thinks to himself.
They use to be so close.
Honestly, Bruce is thankful for Damian. He's keeping y/n around the manor longer so she can be completely safe from the madness of Gotham. It's also good to know that she's willingly interacting with one of her brothers. It almost warms his heart to see her not be so anxious while in the manor. Just almost because she shouldn't have to feel anxious in the first place. This was the place she once called home, it should make her feel safe not anxious.
Remember the team of toxicologists?
If you don't that's fine. They were killed by the bomb placed in the laboratory, so it's not like they'd be brought up again.
Everyone thinks it's Jerome. The loss of innocent life and y/n suddenly going missing seems like a Jerome thing to do. When they hunt down Jerome, he just kinda shrugs his shoulders while doing a poor job at hiding his smile. Damian wants to scratch his face off or rip his face off depending on the state of it. Dick has to hold back the little monster while Bruce interrogates the ginger.
It goes nowhere until Jerome gets bored of interrogation and tells them, "I'm tired of him thinking that he's better than me. We're quite the same, but I'm the better one. I just had to give him a fresh air of courage to be his true self." Everyone understands what he's say and also groaning that they have to deal with another fucking Valeska.
Jerome, Jeremiah, Joker, and Harley being a sort of dysfunctional family is a fun idea. (Inspired by this) Joker and Harley enable the twins' unhealthy love for y/n Wayne.
Harley is more "innocent" in her enabling because she sees nothing wrong with it. The staking, the murder, it's nothing when it's the name of love. (When she leaves Joker for Ivy, she might feel guilty for egging them on. That she played a part in instating y/n into a toxic relationship. Out of anyone, she'd be the one to understand what's it like to be in one. This might motivate her to help keep y/n safe in the future.) Out of the two Harley is rooting for Jerome. He just seems like the lesser evil for y/n.
Joker finds the whole thing funny and pathetic at the same time. The twins are destroying half of the city for a girl, it almost makes him want to roll his eyes. Almost because of the lengths they'll go to. How they're always butting heads and seeing how distraught the girl gets is fun. He can't help but laugh at it. He'll be putting his money on Jeremiah because he sees potential. He's not reckless like Jerome or impatient, Jeremiah is in it for the long haul.
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jewish-vents · 8 days
I lost my best friend of 25 years over this conflict. She was being purposely cagey about it because she didn't want to lose me, and knew she would. On the 7th itself when I turned to my best friend to help me through my grief and terror she just said "I'm not the right person to discuss this with. I'm getting on a plane. Can't talk. Bye."
And she left me to burn
I probably should have known it then. She told me she didn't want to talk about it because I might think she's antisemitic, as that's the pressing thing when the world just declared it's intent to hunt and kill me in horrible ways.
"I can't relate but I support you, but please don't talk about it with me."
How is that support?
And how could I talk about anything else?
And then she changes the subject to someone saying something minor to her at work which set her into a crying fit, because she makes it a priority to tell me she bursts into tears 4 times a day every day so I can't ever have too strong of a negative emotion or it will set her off.
And then she told me she loves me but she can't say she likes Jews because "I haven't met all the other Jews." As though she'd ever say that to a Black friend about their entire people. She is the Most Progressive, you see, she is Very Aware Of Her White Privilege and stuff. She works with immigrants and would sooner jump off a bridge than give off a whiff of bigotry towards them.
But I'm a Jew.
She finally tells me she doesn't support Israeli striking back because there's children being hit. She hasn't seen any evidence to justify Israel's response. I ask to show her some. She refuses. You see she gets to have her uninformed opinion, gets the luxury of staying that way, she can just change the subject, I'm The Jew, that's my Jewish business.
My pain has always been her concern but not when it's Jew-related. I'm to hide that lest she burst into tears.
I gradually stop talking to her. She sends me anxious messages saying "I'm not sure if I can even ask how you are or if that's any of my business"
This from the woman who purposely made it not her business, DEMANDED it not be her business, and now she sniffing around like a hungry dog after telling me to just ignore it, that it's just online, that I should **uwu** watch my cortisol **uwu**
You need cortisol, I say, when you're being hunted. Sometimes cortisol is called for. She starts crying. How could I say that. She can't talk about this. It's too much for her. My cortisol is just too much for her. So now I have to shut up, because she's crying.
No one hunting her but she's crying
It felt like she was just hoping to wait around, have her private antisemitism, like she could hide her eyes from me, like I couldn't read her judging silence and her quiet insistence that though she admittedly knew nothing she certainly knew better than ME what was right. And if we get close, boom. Tears.
I felt so talked down to and invalidated. When I brought this up she said "I validate you" like that's a magic spell, you can just say the magic words AND that will cure neglect.
I finally blew up at her and of course there was big manipulative tears because how DARE I think she might have bigotry and how DARE I draw away from her after she made it clear she had no interest in my pain, after she tried so so so hard to hide it and used all the gentle parenting language she learned in her DEI courses to placate me, the Hysterical Jew.
I will always hate myself for apologizing to her for being angry, for my big violent emotions she would have preferred to ignore until I get over my weird Jewish thing, so I can get back to being the person she can subtly look down on and be holier than, and so she can cry to me, and cry, and cry, and cry, because someone gave her a minor correction at work and not because she's being hunted for being a Jew.
We should be able to disagree about politics, she says. We can't disagree about my existence and basic safety, I say. You don't deserve to be bathed in hate, get offline, she says.
They vandalized my synagogue. They attacked my friend's daughter on campus. That's awful, she says. I don't support that. Anyway, at work today -
We don't talk anymore. Haven't for months. Don't know if we ever will again. I've been angry at her every day. I feel like I let her get away with it. She gets to go out into the world feeling like she's right and Israel is evil and she used to have a Jewish friend who turned out to be craaaazy, it's terrible what Zionism does to those people. I'm sure she'll get clout at her super leftist workplace where she can never be progressive enough. Where she helps put DEI policies in schools and libraries that treat antisemitism as though it's a non-problem.
I'm just another oppressor-class Jew to her. Couldn't center her over my Jew Issues
I'm so angry at her and so angry at myself for not handling it better, for holding back, for indulging her crocodile tears and handling her with kid gloves, for not calling her out for manipulating me into muting my truth and thinking I'm so dumb that she could just refuse to address it, like I wouldn't know, for expecting me to just "get over" my people being slaughtered, for needing her and then sticking around long after she left me to die
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sarnai4 · 5 months
Bottom's Up
Here are headcanons I have for the HTTYD group being drunk. (Admittedly, some of these are just how they are sleepy, but I think there could be a similarity in how the characters are just out of it.)
Hiccup: Impulsive drunk. This is the one time where he'd probably start a fight with someone. They have to talk badly about dragons or his friends, but it might happen without him considering the consequences (and considering his right hook that Snotlout got so well-acquainted with, it might not end badly for him).
Astrid: Bubbly drunk. She is giddy about everything, probably singing, and definitely dancing with whoever she grabs first somebody.
Snotlout: Emotional drunk (after a few sips). He's extremely happy one second, then bawling his eyes out the next. Every emotion and a lot of noise is coming from his general direction. Hookfang might try to smother him to quiet him down.
Fishlegs: Paranoid drunk. Conspiracies everywhere. The world is out to get him. You'll never convince him otherwise because clearly you're in on it.
Ruffnut and Tuffnut: Goofy drunks. They actually hold their booze for a while, but they are completely out of it when it does get to them. They're discombobulated and also very competitive because they want to see who can drink the most before it renders them unconscious.
Heather: Clumsy drunk. She is falling over everything and walking into people and/or walls. Get her to sit down because she'll have a concussion by the end of the night otherwise.
Stoick: Angry drunk. Clear out because if you say one wrong thing, your brains might be finding looking for a new residency. This isn't directed towards people he cares about at least, but any one else better stay on their toes.
Gobber: Delirious drunk. He's very happy, but that might be partially due to the fantasy world he's living in right now. All logic has been thrown off a dragon's saddle. Best time to convince him of anything too if you ever want to call him gullible.
Atali: Unconscious drunk. She's been out cold for a while now. Just leave her be.
Minden: Sleepy drunk. She's not as bad as Atali only because of Snotlout. She's trying to stay awake for him, but it is a bit painful and she's mostly failing.
Throk: Expressive drunk. He's confessing his true feelings to everyone...maybe in a very public way. Ruffnut is hearing how madly in love he is with her again and again. Anyone else nearby is also hearing how he feels about them whether they want to or not.
Mala: Bold drunk. She's having a crowd cheering her on for some fear of strength she just showed. She is the queen after all, so some adoring subjects fans are necessary. She also is a lot less shy about a few things involving a certain husband of hers.
Dagur: Not drunk. Let's be honest, there's not much more that can happen to his mind. So, days when they all go out drinking together are also known as "When Dagur keeps his friends and family from getting alcohol poisoning or causing irreversible damage." Alcohol isn't going to make him lose inhibition. He already lacks that. It doesn't make him weird because he's Dagur. He remains the same...however, that's not to say he doesn't feel it in the morning.
Below is a one shot I decided to make based off these headcanons.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
the idea of a "not zombie plague" at the hotel.... what an effing comedy it could be...
thanks @sunsetcougar and @insert-funny-name-here69 for making me picture it XD
Vaggie comes back from Cannibal Town snuffling, no big deal, maybe it's all those feathered hats and fur stoles (sUSaN) or nice flowers or whatever. Vaggie goes to bed like normal, wakes up the next day GROANING, stiff and grumpy and shuffling around the hotel
Oh no!- Charlie the protective gf cries- what if there's some hellborn illness angels are weak towards??? It's time to physically carry Vaggie back to bed for rest (and keep doing that a few times until it sticks and she puts Razzle on guard at the door) (also print out and past their room's windows with pics of her own pleading pout so Vaggie won't try flying to freedom again) (and crashing again)
well this is kinda a weird and kinda funny for the rest of the hotel... until the Symptoms start to spread
sneezing is the first stage, the infection fun, a sign you've already got it, but everyone wants to blame Susan and Susan's specific perfectly matching (aka hostile harsh and annoying) choice of perfume lingering around the hotel, so they all (not vaggie) (vaggie thinks susan is The Coolest) just walk around sneezing and yelling "FUCK YOU SUSAN" afterwards instead of "bless you" or whatever
loss of appetite isn't that big a deal at first- between the guy with the drug addiction, his friend also with a drug addiction, an alcoholic, a tiny woman who can fill up on a single ritz cracker, a guy who eats rotting dear corpses, a pig who regularly gets his appetite spoiled with treats, an egg boi who doesn't know what he eats without his boss around to tell him, a goat demon stuffie hell bent on only consuming doughnuts, a demon princess too busy singing and scheming happiness plans to do things like SLEEp never mind EAT, her girlfriend who will care about stuff like hunger once everything else is taken care of and not a second before, an the KING of hell who hasn't even had an appetite for LIFE in ages.... no one notices the lack of eating going on at first, until it's Too Late
stiffness and aching of the joints has everyone complaining when it hits tho. Angel Dust is pissed it got in the way of his performance. Husk feels old again and gets grumpy when he gets called old man which makes him even MORE grumpy. Niffty enjoys it for 4 minutes until it throws off her rat kill rate. Alastor pretends to feel nothing but every time he moves there's a horrible CRACK from any and all bending joints and Cherri finds him stiffly stuck in a chair a least once. Cherri is the best off bc she mainly just feels like she got blown up and is used to it. Vaggie is having flash backs to the pain and weakness right after losing her first wings- Charlie wants to help but is hunched over so far she regularly rests her chin on Vaggie's head and doesn't have the energy to drag her back to bed. Lucifer is ACTUALLY hobbling around using his cane, snapping to false casualness whenever someone looks his way, secretly using a rubber duck as a stress ball. They grudgingly agree they can't blame this one on Susan (actually...) and migrate to the lobby as a group, trying to figure out what KIND of hell bug they've somehow caught.
Now is where the loss of appetite finally gets notices. Vaggie dragged out some food for the war council and NO ONE can stand even LOOKING at it. there are, however, at lot of OTHER looks going around....
Husk edges away from Angel, who's eying him even more hungrily than usual but without any of the sultriness. Niffty scuttling past gets his attention and makes his tail do the little pre-pound wiggle as he sinks his claws into the sofa to keep from FOR REAL pouncing. Cherri is staring at her bestie Angel Dust and gritting her many sharp teeth at the hallucination that he's limbs are actually full of drugs. Alastor's eye is twitching, the hotel gusts all having taken on the shape of deer carcasses from his point of view. Lucifer is fine until he looks over at Vaggie- he looks away instantly and shoves his ducky in his mouth to BITE, panics, yanks it free again, and when he looks down it's morphed into a stylized duck version of Vaggie with bite marks. Vaggie has gone dead quiet and is staring at her future father in law, clutching her spear, mentally roasting him over hellfire on a spit in her mind's eye.
Charlie sees all this happening like what is going ON guys, why are you all acting so... sooooo............Hm. Charlie wonders aloud if Razzle, Dazzle, and the Egg Boi have always had such a close resemblance to juicy little roast chickens?
Then Niffty bites Husk's tail and the hotel is overrun from the inside
it's not a ZOMBIE plague- it's CANNIBAL FLU- and now sinners are chasing sinners down the halls with knives and forks, Charlie is trying NOT to eat the little hellborn as they try and fail to nibble on her lanky limbs, and Vaggie and Lucifer-
there is a new hole in the hotel where Vaggie tackled her future dad in law through the roof and now anyone looking the hotel has great view of them both snarling, circling each other in the air, spitting out mouthfulls of feathers from successfully blocking each other's bites while failing to to grab any FLESH with their own
Thankfully Rosie had finally gotten wind of Vaggie leaving with a 'slight head cold' last time and waltzes over just in time to toss some of her best stock into the hotel, a fine selection of sinner, hellborn, and even some leftover angel steaks from the battle, smartly distracting the hotel crew from hunting and tearing into each other instead
One very upsetting but ENERGETIC meal later, the blankly traumatized (and blood spattered) hotel crew huddle in groups back in the over turned lobby, listening as Rosie assures them the worst is over and they should be good as gore by tomorrow morning!
Alastor politely informs Roise that the mention of gore at just that moment might not have been the BEST choice of words
right on cue, Husk starts making hairball noises, and everyone else looks suddenly sick
Vaggie sighs, patting her gf on the back as Charlie tearfully hugs Razzle after having had her jaw unhinged in preparation of swallowing him whole when Rosie made her timely arrival (Razzle forgives her, he was planning to try devouring her from the inside out or die trying) (meanwhile Charlie had put both Fatty Nuggets and the Egg Boi on a frying pan and was preparing to have a nice cozy ghibli-style family meal- of friendship. literally. of friends)
-alright, Vaggie gives in, fine. Just one time I'll say it too.... Who do we blame for all this?
SUSAN everyone growls
this reminds Rosie to pass out the "shove your groaning up your asses" cards Susan made for all of them, which are, of course, scented
Vaggie sneezes at the scent and there's a stampede as everyone not wildly in love with her tries to run and save themselves
cannibal flu. it puts the "i" in cannibal as in that's what it makes YOU
cannibals are immune to this party bc they would barely even notice if they had it, for them, it's just suddenly turning into picky eater for a few days until the craving is satisfied :3 sometimes with your next door neighbor but really, isn't that what neighbors are for~?
(charlie falls into bed that night, exhausted, only to look around at a strange chewing noise)
(it's vaggie. on the window seat, hunched over with wings huddled around herself, looking up frozen in the act of gnawing on lute's torn off and left behind arm)
Vaggie: ".... Susan sent it over for me, special."
Charlie: "Uh huh."
Vaggie: "I'm not sick anymore! I just, was kinda curious..."
Charlie: "Vaggie, I support you biting the arm of the woman who tore out your eye. And you look great smeared with angelic blood." (pouting) "....but can you be cannibal curious in the morning and snuggle with me now?"
Vaggie: (tossing lute's arm into the bathroom) "Always, sweetie."
Charlie: "Mmm gooood. Now kisses!"
Vaggie: "Shit wait, I should wash my mouth-"
Charlie: "Or not?"
Vaggie: "..not?"
Charlie: "I'm kinda curious too~"
and thus was Susan's cannibal propaganda successfully spread, by the power of gay love, and how hot the demon princess of hell thinks it is when her angel girlfriend is spattered with someone else's blood
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vioartemis · 11 months
Two's company, three's a crowd (Part 2)
(Tara Carpenter x fem! reader || Sam Carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: If you thought your feelings for Tara were gone, you were wrong... Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 Warnings: angst (?), Tara is kind of a bitch in that (sorry, I love her) a/n: expect a part 3 👀 (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
Sam and you had been dating for a few months now. Everything was going well; you both loved each other, you were happy together… Yet you couldn’t help but think about Tara.
Lately, you had started to spend time with her again, and you couldn’t deny you missed it. You missed her. You missed what you had. Which yourself you didn’t understand considering it wasn’t the best situation.
You didn’t know if you should talk about it with Sam. Morally, it would be more correct to do it, but you were sure it would hurt her. On the other hand, if you didn’t tell her and she found out by herself, it would be even worse.
She wasn’t stupid, you were sure she’d notice something was off. And she did notice.
“You know you can tell me if something’s wrong, right?” she told you one day while you were cuddling on her bed
“I-I know, but nothing’s wrong…”
She stopped stroking your hair and looked at you seriously.
“… okay maybe not everything is fine…” you sighed and sat up, trying to find out how to phrase it “I love you, I really do… But I think I still have feelings for Tara as well…”
You could see she was hurt, and you felt bad for being the one hurting her.
“I thought you said you were over her…?”
“I thought I was…”
Sam sat beside you, visibly thinking about what to say next.
“… What do we do then? Do we… do we stop here…?”
“I… I don’t want to stop seeing you… I love you, I-”
“But you also love Tara…”
You looked down, biting your lip, your heart sinking in your chest at the thought you might have ruined everything.
“… I think she likes you too”
You looked back at her, frowning.
“What makes you say that?”
“The way she looks at us, at you…” she paused “What are you going to do…?”
“I don’t know… I- I thought about a kind of poly relationship before we started dating, but like- make it work so it wouldn’t be weird…” you said quietly, almost to yourself “I’m a bit lost, but I know that I don’t want to lose you…”
You took her hand in yours. You meant it; you just didn’t know what you’d do if you lost her.
“… Would that make you happy? The ‘poly relationship’, would it make you happy?”
“I- yes, I think so. Why?”
“If it makes you happy… I’m ok to try”
You were stunned by her words, obviously not expecting to hear that. You weren’t even suggesting to do that.
“Y-you’d do that…?”
She nodded.
You looked at her and hugged her tightly.
“Thank you!” you pulled away slightly “If you ever want to stop it, I promise I will. Just tell me. I want you to be happy too”
She smiled and kissed you on the lips.
“I love you” she whispered
“I love you too, Sam”
You were happy that your girlfriend agreed to try the ‘poly relationship’. Now you just had to talk to Tara about it. You just didn’t know how to bring it up. You were currently hanging out in a park near the flat.
“So, how’s it going with Sam?”
Looks like you won’t have to think about how to bring it up.
“It’s… okay. I just…” you took a deep breath “I have feelings for you, Tara… I mean… I have feelings for both of you…”
Hearing that you had feelings for her, Tara felt an ounce of hope come back. Maybe there was a chance, even just a tiny little one, that you would consider dating her if she told you how she felt about you.
“Y/n I- I need to tell you… I’m sorry about everything, about the friends-with-benefits thing, about the way I treated you… I… I’m in love with you, have been for so long, but I was afraid to be hurt again… I… I know it’s a bit weird but… Do you think you could give me a chance? I’m sure we’d work if we tried…”
“Tara, I talked about that with Sam… and she agreed to try a poly relationship” you said, trying to find the right words
“Wha- really? She said that?” Tara asked, surprised
You nodded with a little smile.
“Does that mean…” she paused, uncertain, slightly leaning in “Does that mean I can do that?” she asked in a whisper, lips only inches away from yours
You hummed in response, making her smile. She put a hand on your cheek and kissed your lips softly.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
It had been a few weeks since that moment, and everything was going well. At least that’s what you thought.
Truth is nothing was going well. Both Carpenter sisters were jealous of each other; you tried to spend an equal amount of time with each one of them, but you couldn’t do the same things, and every time one felt like her sister was treated better than her.
They were also fighting a lot when you were not around, like that night.
You went out to buy more tampons, and the two were already fighting.
“It’s not fair!”
“What do you mean ‘it’s not fair’?”
“She should spend more time with me! You had her for the past months, you could share!”
Sam scoffed and rolled her eyes.
“I was there for her when she needed me because someone broke her heart! If you wanted her so bad you should’ve just told her how you felt! And you could make an effort, we’re doing that because it makes her happy”
Tara rolled her eyes as well.
“Yeah, and she’s happier with me”
“And why would that be?”
“Well first cause I’m better in bed, obviously. Don’t you hear all the pretty noises she makes when I fuck her?”
“See, that’s the difference between us. I don’t fuck her. I make love to her. I don’t-”
They both heard the door opening and went quiet, only glaring at each other, before Tara walked towards you.
“Hi babe” she kissed you “Wanna go to my room?”
You smiled.
You took off your jacket and shoes and went to Sam to give her a kiss as well.
“See you later tonight?” she asked
“Of course, I promised you we would watch that movie” you smiled brightly
She smiled a bit too, and kissed your forehead.
“I’ll make popcorn and we can cuddle, does that sound good?”
“It does!”
Tara rolled her eyes before tugging slightly on your arm, impatient to have you all to herself.
As soon as you both were in her room, Tara closed and locked the door before kissing you again more passionately. Her hands were on your hips, keeping you close, before her fingers slipped under your shirt and her lips dipped down to your neck.
She kept on kissing your neck, pushing you slightly so you were sat on her bed, before sitting on your lap, her lips still on your skin.
“W-wait” you pushed her away gently “I can’t do this right now…”
“Why?” she pouted “Cause you have the movie with Sam after?”
“… yeah… Sorry I-”
Tara groaned and caressed your cheeks.
“Y/n, I need to talk to you… This whole situation is… annoying. I don’t say that to hurt you, I just wish we could be exclusive… I don’t like having to share you with Sam… It’s killing me when you’re with her… Please babe… I know I can make you more happy than she can…”
You were a bit shocked by her words, not expecting that at all.
“I uh… Did you have that on your mind for a long time…?” you asked hesitantly
“It’s been some time, yes… So what do you say?”
“I- I need some time Tara… I… shit… I thought it was going well…”
She kissed you softly.
“It’s okay, I’ll help you talk to Sam if that’s the problem”
“N-no it’s not that… Just… I need to process… Sorry…”
Tara nodded and kissed you again, until a knock on the door was heard.
“Popcorn is ready, we can start the movie now if… if you’re free” Sam said to you, behind the door
You gave Tara an apologetic look.
“Can’t you stay a bit longer?” she asked
“I don’t want her to think I don’t want to spend time with her, sorry…”
You gave her a last kiss on the lips before leaving her room and going to Sam’s.
As soon as you walked in her room, a smiled appeared on her face. She patted the spot next to her, inviting you to sit with her. When you did, she wrapped an arm around your waist and kissed your forehead.
You started to watch the movie, your head resting on Sam’s shoulder.
She could tell you weren’t paying attention to the screen at all.
“Is everything okay?” she finally asked, pausing the movie
You bit your lip, hesitating.
“What do you think about our relationship?” you asked quietly
Sam took a moment to think before answering.
“As long as you’re happy-”
“That’s not what I asked, Sam… I want to know how you feel about it”
“I…” she sighed “I don’t like it. It’s hard to imagine you with her, honestly. I know it’s selfish, but I have trouble accepting the idea that you’re doing… what we’re doing, with her too… I love you, Y/n. I love you more than anything, but I don’t think I can keep this going… It’s just become too much… I’m not asking you to choose me over Tara; I would never. I just- I can’t do it anymore… But again, if you’re happy with her I understand-”
“Sam” you cut her off, taking her hand in yours “Why didn’t you tell me earlier…? I told you I would stop this if you didn’t like it…”
“It’s just… You just looked so happy… I didn’t want to be the one to ruin that happiness…”
“You wouldn’t have ruined anything!” you shook your head “I shouldn’t have suggested this poly relationship in the first place, it was selfish, I’m sorry… I love you, I just need you…”
You felt bad to do this to Tara, to have given her hope, then crash it down. But with what she told you earlier, and her way to live this relationship, you understood that you had a very different view of a relationship. She wanted you like you want a Gucci bag or Eras Tour tickets -like something to possess.
You didn’t doubt she might have feelings for you, but her way of showing it wasn’t what you would call healthy.
Both Carpenter sisters basically told you the same thing, about not wanting this relationship to continue, but at the same time it was very different.
Now you knew what you wanted -who you wanted.
You wanted Sam.
[Previous part] || [Next part]
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guplia · 5 days
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Hello anon! First of all, thanks for the ask! (asks? idk I received three anon asks at almost the same time, it would be weird if they didn't all come from the same person lol)
fix recommendations? read mine /hj Sure! Just note that while I've enjoyed a lot of wips, I'm only gonna recommend completed fics rn.
Okay! Here's all I can remember rn:
"Clouds" by youngmoInactive (fanfiction.net):
Original summary:
"Even though he's a hero, he's still a human. CONTAINS CHARACTER DEATH. A nice look into Kai's perspective as he watches a close friend slowly lose a fight for his life."
Okay all I've gotta say on this one is that IT MADE ME CRY. OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Obviously I can't speak for everyone who read this fic but I think this will hurt Lloyd lovers. I have re-read it so many times to the point where I have half the fic memorised word-by-word. This is a must-read.
(if you're on the phone it's better to add "m." To the start of the URL)
"a day in the life of a fatherless child" by holographicknife (Archive of Our Own):
Original summary:
"lloyd has a panic attack *confetti* title suggested by my friend lol loosely based on a crack rp between friend and i   Warning for: mentions of suicidal thoughts and medication, explicit descriptions of a panic attack, including tight chest, difficulty breathing, nausea, and headaches. Proceed with caution."
This is a Kai And Lloyd fic, and I love Kai And Lloyd fics! Specifically ones where they address Lloyd's trauma from Morro and where Kai comforts him. So if anyone's into this sort of stuff I'd recommend it!
"A Courageous Escape" by Lilac_Lily234 (Archive of Our Own):
Original summary:
"In the midst of possession Morro hatred flows freely as he seeks to make Lloyd suffer for taking what he believes as his rightful title, but his cruelty know no bounds; Lloyd however refuses to give up but knows that time is running out, and in his desperation will find either salvation, or death.  - I don't own Ninjago, this is an au"
Ahem... once again, Lloyd goes through pain. A season 5 canon-divergent AU, from which my favourite part was... you guessed it! Lloyd having a panic attack and being comforted! But it's still a cool story besides too, season 5 being one of the best seasons imo.
While this fic is finished, the AU is not but I think this one has a good ending on its own.
"Out for revenge" by lloyd_slander (Archive of Our Own):
Original summary:
"Harumi’s plan to resurrect Lord Garmadon failed, during her time in Kryptarium prison she heard about Morro, the master of wind, and guy who had managed to make Lloyd’s life a living hell. Wanting revenge, she doesn’t stop from anything, not even from getting Morro back from the dead. Or The duo we always wanted, but never got. Lloyd is in for a hard time. Head the tags, guys!"
Okay. This one is rated Mature for drug usage and blood (there was nothing sexual though)
So it's a Morro traumatising Lloyd fic again, but this time he's with Harumi! So it's double trouble for Lloyd! (things go VERY BAD for him >:3)
Honestly I can't say much except read the fic, the summary's right there lol.
"Revealed" by Nation_Ustria (Archive of Our Own):
Original summary:
"Lloyd Garmadon is used to being hated. That's just how his life works—if someone knows that he's the son of the warlord who attacks Ninjago City on a weekly basis, they hate his guts. That's why he's made sure that his team—the only people he's ever been happy with—don't know who he is behind the mask, with the small price attached that he doesn't know their identities, either. It's not like they know each other's, anyways, so it's not a big deal. But then they find out. The fact that Lloyd's elemental power makes him an empath doesn't help, either. Basically the premise of the movie pre-reveal with show elements and personalities, and Lloyd's Green Power is him being able to sense and be influenced by the emotions of those around him."
Okay so here's a fic without Morro! (that's cause it's in the movie-verse) Another type of fanfic I like reading is where Lloyd in tlnm keeps his identity secret from the other ninja and it ends up getting revealed (like this one.).
I've seen this fic being recommended more than once and it's one of the fics with the most kudos in the entire fandom on AO3! So 2000 others agree with me on how awesome this fic is!!!
"What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger" by @crystaleclipse10 (CrystalEclipse on Archive of Our Own)
Original summary:
"Lloyd batted Red's hand away. “’m fine.” His head pounded, but at least it was quiet and dark. His hair tickled his nose. “What happened?” “We…didn’t get out in time,” Red whispered. “The missile exploded. We got everyone else out, though.” Lloyd relaxed and slumped forward as pure relief washed over him. They’d done it. They’d beaten Garmadon’s game. They’d freed the civilians and survived. Didn’t feel great, though. ~OR~ Lloyd and Kai get trapped under a building when it collapses, both injured. Angst and bonding ensue."
So it's another tlnm au fic! And this one has Kai And Lloyd bonding specific so I like it!!!
As I was reading this when it was still being updated I was very excited every time a new chapter would come out and my heart hurt for Lloyd each time! It IS worth the read! Just note that while tis fic is completed, the au is not.
"Officer Smith, Do You Copy?" by @hijabiwriter (same username on Archive of Our Own):
Original summary:
"Everyone has their reasons for becoming a police officer. Maybe they were forced. Maybe the profession stood out to them. Maybe they had some experience that prompted the idea of becoming a police officer. But that's only a few reasons. There are others, too. Like for instance, one of these officers is out for revenge."
This fic is entered around Nya, who's a police officer alongside Jay, Cole and Lloyd (for some reason Zane is not in this au/fic). Anyways her dark secrets are explored in every other chapter alongside the progressing story, and of course, an explanation is given to everything in the end.
On a personal note this is the fic where I left my first comment on my Ao3 account lol (the historic moment is on chapter 13!!!)
"Too Late to Say Goodbye" by @greenamethyst16 (same username on Archive of Our Own)
Original summary:
"Kai gets stabbed and Lloyd helps him... :D"
I think length-wise this is the shortest fic on the list but that doesn't make it bad!!! Basically Lloyd downplays his injuries and there are consequences... :D
"All the ways I say "I love you"" by @ninja-knox-ur-sox-off (Leonardo_Charles_BlueWood_21 on Archive of Our Own)
Original summary:
"Cole loves his team. They're his family and he does everything in his power to keep them safe and steady. He does his best to let them know he cares about them in every way but one.  Or  Seven times Cole couldn't quite say "I love you," and the one time he could."
Note: This story can only be read if you're logged in on AO3.
I like this fic because it encouraged me to remind my own irl friends how much they mean to me. In this story Cole believes that he's "the rock" of the team, and hence he doesn't show his emotions much. He's never told even one of them that he loves them and thinks that they deserve better than him. So stuff happens after that :D
Okay, I've read a lot more than this but this is all I'm gonna write about now cause I'm tired and I think this post has became too long. But if you wanna read more just check out the profiles of the writers! I haven't read everything myself but most of them have other good Ninjago fics to read!
If I've tagged you or mentioned your fic and you want it removed just let me know! I have no problem with removing it! :D
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nekropsii · 10 months
im thinking about the relationship between kankri and porrim because its just so fucking WEIRD like theyre obviously important to eachother or care about eachother to some extent but we dont really know why?? like they dont seem to get along very well
she patronizes him constantly (which is VERY loaded considering they lived on fucking beforus) and ignores his boundaries (calling him patronizing nicknames he doesnt like, wiping his face while he tried to push her off) and he constantly makes insensitive bitchy bigoted comments that go against all of her values and make her angry
and theres not the same dynamic dolorosa and signless had where she raised him like theyre the same age so why do they even talk to eachother?? what is their relationship?? like were they childhood friends or something?? itd make sense if they were both a little different as kids and therefore got along better but then why do they still talk to eachother when they really dont now ITS SO WEIRD
It's... Complicated. They go way back, as far as I can tell.
The way I see it, they do not have a "Mother and Son" relationship- I find that most who assert this often place far too much maturity onto Porrim, who is literally 19 years old. It's more like an Adoptive/Found Sibling relationship between someone with a severe case of Eldest Daughter Syndrome and the social conditioning of a higher-end Midblood on Beforus, and someone with a chronic case of Only Child and the social conditioning of a Mutant Lime on Beforus. The relationship makes more sense to me when you view it this way. It's just... A fraught sibling relationship, formed under societal pressures we can't even fathom. Porrim Maryam, trained by society to cull those beneath her, trying hard not to, and for the most succeeding outside of someone very close to her, and Kankri Vantas, culled and isolated his whole life, becoming a total suck-up to the deeply misogynistic, ableist, hemoloyal culling system as both a method of self defense and as a wielding of the only weapon he really knows. It was used against him all the time, and it works, doesn't it? If sucking up to Able-Bodied Male Highbloods and ridiculing everyone beneath that golden standard is the best way to ensure safety, then he's gonna do it. He's essentially a lifelong voter for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party.
Ultimately, I think what keeps Porrim by his side is that... I think she believes in him. It's like watching yourself lose your sibling to the Alt-Right Pipeline. I think she thinks he doesn't actually believe most of what he's saying, and that this is all deeply reflexive. She's smart enough to recognize the real systemic issues at play here, and that he's essentially caught in chains between 5 different machines that all want him dead. And she's right. When you actually read the shit Kankri's saying, it becomes almost immediately apparent that he's spouting bullshit, and that he absolutely knows this. I think what keeps Kankri by her side is that he knows she cares about him. There isn't any denying it. She might infringe on boundaries, or be generally annoying to him, and keeps doing that frustrating little thing called seeing through his and everyone else's bullshit and calling them out on it- not just including but especially his- but she cares. I think he knows that at the end of all things what he'd have left is her. Is this to say that if you got Kankri to grow a spine and genuinely believe in things that aren't spoonfeedings of the latest Conservative Highblood Talking Point/Psy-Op, he'd be a good person? Hell no. No way. He has a raging savior complex and is way too eager to throw other people under the bus and insult/ridicule them to their faces. He's an asshole. Just completely slimy.
But, again, sibling relationships know no bounds. This kind of dynamic just feels so... Realistic to me. The way their relationship is so strained but still so strong and ongoing just feels so human. I don't know. This is pretty meandering, I just think about them a lot.
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bcolfanfic · 5 months
young vets au brain dump - croz being complicated version
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(disclaimer: i love croz. me making him a complicated little shit in this au should not be interpreted as character bashing. i find his journey over the course of mota fascinating and figuring out how to translate that to a different setting/different war has been a fun thought experiment for me. pls don’t jump me. messy characters make the world go round!)
him and jean met in high school. sweet babies.
then they *had* a baby a lot sooner than they were really expecting. both of em out of high school, but barley.
they love each other and do everything right but shit is hard and the military preys on people trying to make ends meet
so, well- 1+1=s 2 off to basic he goes.
ends up in afghanistan around the same time bucky and gale and all the other guys start rolling in there.
also ends up there with his bff from basic training, tech school and everything else. bubbles <3
the two of them end up bunking with demarco and douglas which is quite the right brain/left brain dynamic lol.
croz and bubbles' side of the room is snowglobes and kid pictures and demarco and douglas' side is women from magazines taped on the wall god love em.
gets along decently well with everyone but.
then bubbles dies and that's when everything really starts to go to shit.
i wrote a little about his initial fight with bucky about the IED that killed bubbles here.
they don't really make up from that.
for a long while.
croz is in a spiral about losing his best friend, bucky is starting to not do so well with the preindictment they're all in himself and they just. really set each other off.
kinda freaks everyone out bc they remember sweet baby face croz who puked a lot but now he's just different. damn war.
it gets to a point where him and bucky can't be in the same room without popping off at each other. and everyone else is having to micromanage them on top of having to do their actual jobs in war zone. (70% of the time its brady having to keep bucky away if not gale. croz's "insurance" buddies are rosie and douglas)
does end up getting involved with a girl in another unit
douglas and demarco clock it before anyone else bc he starts coming to bed at weird hours and they see him around this girl and just knowww.
pisses demarco off esp bc he had a whole Thing with finding out his girl back home cheated on him.
one night demarco decides to wait up for him to get back from wherever the fuck it is he goes with her at night and just about fucking jumps him and douglas has to pull him off (after he gets a good whack in)
it was a *loud* commotion of a fight lmfao bucky could hear it from their room and wanted to go see what was going on but gale was like noooppeee. no y' don't.
croz ends up telling jean everything. she forgives him. ("women! eliza could leave alex now for cheating on her. or not. as she wished." - vanessa nadal on eliza hamilton)
him and bucky make up during the pull out from afghanistan bc bucky just about saves his life in the chaos.
poor croz just breaks down crying/panicking about how he wants to go home. and bucky doesn't see that little shit that he's grown resentful towards, he sees that nervous pukey kid from when they first met
buttt...post war things get a little dicey again.
bc he stays in.
bagram sucked the war sucked but. he still has a family to provide for, he's not totally on the outs with the forces so he ultimately decides leaving would be more work than it's worth.
gets deployed to raf mildenhall base in england and gets to move with his wife and kiddos to england so. not a bad deal.
but there are. feelings. amongst the others about him staying in.
especially curt- who is the most "fuck all of that and the government too". getting his leg blown off fucked him up 7 ways to sunday and just completely shaped his view on it all.
the two of them get reallllly into it once when all the guys are together and it gets. ugly.
curt says a whole lot of shit about how he doesn't know how he can look at his kids knowing what they saw happen to kids overseas, what /they/ endorsed by being there. croz says its none of his business- he had his reasons for staying in, curt says name one that isn't selfish and it just. escalates. till they're both yelling and mean. croz eventually says something dumb on impulse about how he won't apologize for not letting the war radicalize him against his country and curt has to be yanked back from decking him lmfao. just another night!
if the others weren't all friends with both of em him and curt would not fuck with each other at allllll but. they love their friends more than they dislike each other so they smile and grind their teeth and *try*.
the whole thing with bucky's drinking issues brings them together because they're on the same page about that at least.
have a longgg talk when all that is going on. and it makes curt's chest hurt bc man he really has his issues with this kid but. he knows he's doing what he genuinely believes he has to, knows he only enlisted to begin with bc he felt like it was the only way he could provide for his family.
knows that all the issues he has with the guy the fuckin military is to blame for just as much if not more than croz is himself.
a more lighthearted side bar: bucky ribs him about staying in a little too- is just more lighthearted on it bc they have become more friendly since they left bagram (and get to being even better friends once they bucks have josie).
one night they're talkin when croz complains he can't do what he wants with his facial hair because of regs and bucky is like wellllll if you gotta the fuck outta there you could grow a handlebar mustache. don't let your dreams be dreams kid!
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Gwen's superhero identity, grief, and what her relationship with Miles means to her
How I keep doing this I don't get it.
Regardless, this post will talk about Gwen using her hero identity instead of working on her emotional situation; and how she holds onto that identity until it makes her lose everything.
So, what is her situation at the beginning of the movie?
Pretty depressing.
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Okay, I don't think it needs to be said how much losing Peter messed up Gwen. We don't really know the situation in full detail, however, we are aware that they had known each other for 12 years (As stated by George at the beginning of the movie during the interview,) and considering all the memories he has with the family, needless to say, Peter has been a part for most of Gwen's life.
No idea how was her situation before Peter's death, but I don't think is weird to believe she didn't have many friends besides Peter; maybe people she got along (like her bandmates,) were okay to hang out with, but Peter was the closest to her. Maybe this wouldn't be the case, if it wasn't for Spider-woman.
Here is the thing, did Gwen probably decide to put her distance after Peter's death? For sure, do I think Gwen probably leaned too much into the superhero lifestyle? Also yes.
I think the clue to that is in this part, where we see Gwen changing between her Spider-woman suit and her civilian self.
We could believe part of this is because of her grief, she learned more about her identity as a spider-woman, though I still think she may have focused a lot on it already.
I don't have a lot of proof, but I do have how her fear and her protectives of her hero cost her.
(And yes, I see Miles in the reflection, we will mention him later.)
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Again, one image with many frames, because we need to make this quick.
All of this shows that Peter tries, in a way, to breach the gap between them. The only proof I have of this is 1) How Peter was getting pictures of Gwen as Spider-Woman, 2) How he was trying to defend her, believing in her despite what the police, news, and Gwen's dad say.
(Hey, is it just me, or do you think how Miles would end up drawing Gwen because he misses her, and Peter being afar from Gwen, taking pictures of both sides of her, just like Miles draws her both as Spider-Woman and her normal self?)
Guys, you don't want to know the number of times I cried during this scene of Gwen and Peter.
And is tragic on multiple levels, but something that really breaks me in this particular scene, is when Peter is calling her name, revealing how all of this was for how much he admires and looks up to her, and in his last moments, he tries to take out the mask, to see her face.
...And Gwen, in panic, trying to protect herself and her identity, refuses to let him take the mask. Meaning the last thing Peter saw, was the superhero version of Gwen, a version I don't doubt he admired and loved, but was a mask her best friend put to protect herself, and refused to let him see her for who she truly was one last time before he passed away.
I am not sure, what type of bond Peter and Gwen had, if they were crushing, just best friends, etc. For me, Peter at least had a crush on Gwen, and for Gwen well, what they were.
Because let me tell you something, what Peter and Gwen were was more than friendship, but doesn't necessarily need to be romantic; I think Gwen could have fallen for Peter, but for now he was him.
Why this is important? Because of all their history; Peter has known her since she was around 4 years (if we assume Gwen is 16 when George said they had known each other for 12 years, thought depending on the timeline Gwen maybe be 15 and know Peter since 3.) They had been close to each other for most of their lives, they had shared a table for what seemed almost daily, I wouldn't be surprised if part of the reason they were close, was because Gwen lost her mom, and Peter lost his parents, and they became friends while living in the same building with George, Ben and May supporting each other with the kids.
(Yes, that last part is a headcanon, until we have proof of the contrary I will roll with that. Feel free to have your own.)
And then Gwen keeps the secret, she tries to act dumb in front of Peter, refusing to let him. She probably is used to defending Peter, and depending on the scenario this can be weighted on him in different ways (aka if Ben died or not, if Peter has seen how much Gwen risks her life and is worried about her, if wants to be strong to help other and stand at her side.)
So this hits even harder because of how much Peter matters to her, and she didn't realize that this was driving a gap between them, a gap Peter try to close by all the means necessary until he died.
This is not to say Gwen is to blame for Peter's death, FUCK NO. Peter risking something like this means some type of doubt or insecurity that is a lot heavier than just a girl, maybe we could talk about how the school system failed Peter by allowing the bullying to continue to happen (After all, Gwen shouldn't need to defend him, this shouldn't need to happen.) Even if this hurt Peter, Gwen cannot be responsible for his well-being, close or not, this shouldn't be her job.
However, do I think Gwen could feel guilty about it, for how this identity drove them to this point? OH YES.
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She said so in Into the Spiderverse "I couldn't save my best friend Peter, and I don't do friends anymore." She isolated herself for this.
Except that hey, remember how Miles was the exception? Time to talk about Miles!
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I find the wording here important, "before Miles, there was Peter." She is putting Miles at the same level as Peter.
Now, I don't think Gwen means she had a crush on Peter (to be honest, I am not sure if at this point Gwen admitted to herself what Miles meant for her, seriously half of what this girl does is related to hiding her feelings even from herself.) But the role they play in her life.
While Miles didn't know Gwen as much as Peter, I think we need to remember what Miles and those ideas in 1610 could have meant for her.
At this point, Gwen doesn't have any friends, is grieving, and her dad is looking to capture her, her life sucks basically.
Then she ends up traveling to another dimension, while not exactly fun for the most part (or painless.) She had the chance to lay low, reset from her current drama; heck she even got to meet Miles a bit before he was officially bitten, and met him just how he is, and at least find him funny.
And I think while short-lived, she being around Miles as spider-woman helped her, because Miles represents the bridge between those worlds.
She met him when he was starting, and while she has been doing this for 2 years, that means she has been painfully enduring this alone for 2 years.
Miles is someone her age, someone who enjoys being around even if it isn't about being spiders, and also understands the pains of being a hero and the pressure that is on your shoulders, as well as the excitement and the desire to do the right thing.
Peter was a big part of her life, but Miles represents all of her being seen, for someone who likes her for who she is, and who she can be honest with.
For the most part.
Because she still clings to the mantle.
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Look, feel free to call me crazy, but I believe this part, is sadly, related to this.
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I just established how Gwen had put her identity as spider-woman over other people, including those close to her and those who could have been close to her, allowing Miles as an exception basically because they are both spiders, and being a big reason why Miles is important to her.
One way or another, this cost her, and what she does do when she loses someone? Concentrating on being a Spider-woman, of course!
While I don't doubt Gwen is genuinely excited about being part of the organization, something that I can't stop thinking about is how no Jessica Drew, Peter B, Hobie, or anyone in the organization, could feel the gap Gwen felt. The gap that drove her to spend an afternoon with Miles despite what was at stake.
And Jess's being Gwen's mentor is something that is the reason this post keep coming, (because George's parent skills, Gwen clinging to being a hero, are all connected to that.)
Ultimately, it doesn't matter how much she clings to being a Spider-Woman, it can't replace a bond with someone.
Also, as @ficsinhistory said in a reply to one of my post, you are right! Gwen is definitely Captain Stacy's daughter.
Because while he clings to being a cop, not just as a job, but also as his way of life and moral compass (Which gets in the way of his connection with his daughter,) Gwen also clings to being a hero, instead of dealing with her grief and her fears. She probably did the same because well that's what she learned from him right?
Hey does this mean generational traum- I'll See Myself Out.
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This, is the face Gwen makes while Miguel tells Miles he needs to let Jeff die.
A lot of people wonder why so many spiders are doing this, and while that's another massive post I am working on (more investigation, why? Because why I would make things easy for myself.) Let's give the clip notes version here.
The surprise is not that Gwen is going along, is how absolutely heartwrenching is to see this when you put in context everything.
You see, for a while, Gwen cling to being spider-woman because it was a way to avoid her grief, now? She doesn't have anything.
While she puts emphasis on her hero work, let's remember what is probably going on in her universe: Gwen is supposed to be a student, to be in a band, to be a regular teen. Being Gwen Stacy is what she has known most of her life, and what should be her main focus, and now everything she ever knows? As far as she is aware, she lost it, she can't have her life back without risking having her own dad send her to jail.
I cannot call Gwen homeless because she has the organization, but that's not much better. Remember how she believes if she fucks this up, she could get sent back home, meaning going to prison and having her dad try to persecute her?
Forget she using this to not deal with her trauma, she was forced to pick up this life because it was this or still lose everything, but everyone may hate her.
The question is now why Gwen did it, is how anyone can see this situation, and can the question ethical when Gwen is having her risk her life, and not in the life and death kind of way, but the type that is the reason life is worth it.
And she clings to this until the bitter end, until-
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She got her own band.
We don't know, what will happen in the third movie; but I don't think would be crazy to believe they would try to keep in contact if that's possible.
Here is the thing, regardless of any previous friendship Gwen had with any of them, the fact is this: Gwen said it herself, she is mostly a solo act, and even with thousands of spiders, she can't bring herself to be vulnerable and open up from the most part. Not having people wasn't the problem anymore, was her being unsure to do the first step.
And she has this band, because she wants to save Miles, because regardless of any mistakes she may had done, he is worth the risk, he is worth fighting for, and if she needs to get help to do right by him, so be it.
So who knows, perhaps Gwen gets to stick with this band, all because she decided to think less about what is the right thing to do and to fight for the people who are worth fighting for.
Because Miles became that first friend after Peter, she had the chance to open up and make more, as well as recover those she thought she lost (like her dad.)
Wouldn't that be a beautiful way to end her arc?
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iiwaijime · 1 month
tooru oikawa
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without them, i am nothing. so i pick up the pieces they've left behind and try to put them back together just to feel like myself again.
tooru oikawa is... weird. in a time and place where staying in solitude is the worst possible thing you can do to yourself, he does just that. no companions, no allies. all he has is an ever-growing collection of things that don't belong to him, and the faces that come back to haunt him every night. and somehow, despite all that, he's probably the most outwardly amiable person you'll meet on this side of the earth.
exhibit a: dog tags. he and his best friend bought matching ones from a fair. they got their names engraved and everything. the ones that he wears around his neck now aren't even his.
exhibit b: photographs. he has a fairly large collection of them, and he treasures every single one. a life that he can't go back to plays out within.
exhibit c: comic books. a childish part of him is still seventeen, poring over old superhero comics in his best friend's bedroom. he probably knows every single line by heart now.
y/n l/n
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if the music is loud enough, and i close my eyes, just for one second, everything is okay again.
y/n l/n's life is gray — an endless cycle of sleep if you can, eat if you can, repeat. like tooru, she's alone. unlike him, she has no set base. music is her escape; yet she doesn't get to listen as often as she likes. but when she does, she goes places. sometimes she's doing maths in her friend's basement. sometimes she's fighting with her parents — she misses that, too. and sometimes, tooru oikawa, six years old, shoves a volleyball into her hands and makes her play.
exhibit a: digital camera. it's out of power, and does not function with what minimal energy is still available. but she takes it along with her anyways, in the hopes that it'll be able to turn on again one day, and unlock all the memories inside.
exhibit b: notebook, pressed flowers. she writes in the notebook every now and then, but she'd rather not waste the ink and lead she has. instead, she picks out the prettiest flowers she sees, and tucks them in between the pages. one day, she wants to show them to someone she loves.
exhibit c: walkman music player. the one she has is quite old, and thankfully works with her scavenged energy sources. she'd probably be lost without it. it's her most prized possession, an emergency exit from reality when she needs it the most.
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author's note
🎵 y/n, tooru and hajime were pretty close until middle school, when she moved away. they lost contact afterwards.
🎵 the earth is super desolate rn: no laws, no electricity, no actual civilization — but there are small groups of people here and there, and parts of old machinery are sometimes just okay enough to be modified to produce a little bit of something.
🎵 "one day, she will show them to someone she loves" isn't about a specific person. she just hopes that after all this, after losing everyone and everything, she will be able to achieve some semblance of a normal life where she does not have to be alone.
🎵 tooru has really bad nightmares almost every night. he's scared of forgetting, so he tries to keep as much physical evidence of everything that ever happened in his life as possible.
🎵 there are some things like zombies in this universe; known as the infected? they go around and act feral and bite people and shit. the first few were infected by a freak explosion and then it spread like wildfire. the two main dangers are the infected, and then "pirate" groups who go around attacking people.
🎵 tooru and hajime pooled together all the money that they had to get y/n that notebook. she uses it way too sparingly, because she feels like if she finishes it, she'll lose the last connection she has with them.
🎵 tooru usually has a stable amount of supplies because he can store the excess, but y/n is always running out.
🎵 i made a friend beta read the tooru pov of the first chapter and she said it's good :3 she wanted the next bit and it was so embarrassing to tell her it's fanfic. she don't judge tho <3
🎵 inspired the stand by stephen king icl. it made such an impression on me omfg
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buckybarnesss · 7 months
I'm thinking about how Eli is apparently living with Scott and an Argent. How Deaton moved to LA as well and Deaton never treated Derek that well.
It doesn't make sense that Scott would get custody over any of the living Hales or even Noah. How Derek supposedly never had any arrangements made up just in case. Especially since Derek lost his family when he was Eli's age.
there's no way in hell scott and allison have legal guardianship over eli. it's a laughable idea and it is the height of insult to even suggest that an argent should be involved with raising derek's son. derek and allison barely tolerated each other not to mention all the other history.
it begs the question why would he want to go with them anyway? if we're following what the movie was putting down than he doesn't know them. there is also no reason that eli should've been pushed to leave his home. his ancestral home at that. the place where so many hales had been born and died.
it also removes him from a stable environment with a support system after suffering a huge loss. the sheriff, malia and peter seem to have been around. noah stilinski was definitely heavily involved in eli's life plus he's the sheriff of the goddamned town. he'd be perfect for temporary guardianship at minimum.
malia and peter are directly related to him and are also shifters.
again, why the hell would eli go live with two people who aren't even remotely connected to him and he barely knows. he last met scott when he was three years old and allison has been dead his entire existence. these people are strangers.
it just gives you the idea that jeff wanted a "happy ending" for allison and scott while not addressing all the questions it brings up. like is scott even remotely prepared to take on a sixteen year old whose just gone through a very traumatic experience? what exactly is allison's mental status right now? she just came back from the dead. they want to handwave it away just like they did with malia's situation. homegirl was 17 when she died. wouldn't she want to like idk catch up on the world? spend time with her dad? her best friend lydia who really, deeply grieved her? figure things out before jumping into a relationship with her high school boyfriend who is now in his 30s? it's weird.
speaking of allison.
allison has been legally deceased for over a decade by the time of the movie.
even if they were to some how "lose" the investigation files surrounding her death and the autopsy report than they used isaac to do an off the books burial i'd imagine there's still a death certificate filed with the state. the social security administration would've been notified as well. there was also fbi presence in town on an active investigation at the time of her death and everyone in beacon hills knew she died.
this does bring up the matter of peter's legal status. is he considered legally dead too? i don't think so actually as everything was really shady about that situation and his nurse was in on the whole thing. i don't think he was declared missing let alone dead.
and also like the most obvious answer to all of this is cora hale. where the fuck is cora hale? she's derek's sister and eli's aunt. she would've stepped in. aggressively. the only answer is that jeff has her locked in the subplot basement.
you also can't convince me that derek hale wouldn't have his affairs in order.
not only did derek have the experience of going through the untimely death of his family at a young age but he also had to do it again with laura.
there's no way he didn't have a will and it'd likely have to go through the probate process so his estate could be executed. derek hale had assets.
the hales were loaded. they were rich. season 4 drove that point home. derek owned the building the loft was in. he also had a business at the time of his death too.
derek would've ensured eli's inheritance and stability in case something happened to him and none of it would've included scott mccall or an argent.
scott was never derek's alpha. derek was not part of the mccall pack.
this isn't to say scott couldn't mentor eli. that'd be fine. it'd bring things full circle in a way but it's dumb as hell for scott to take eli to LA and i do genuinely think it's out of character for scott. especially an adult scott but i've written about that somewhere on my blog i think.
jeff davis can meet me in hell is all i'm saying.
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dragonshoardofworks · 8 months
DP x DCMK (x DC)
Where Danny and Shinichi meet at the Hawaii where's a Ghost Convention (pre-portal and Conan, when they're both around 11–12 years old) since both sets of parents are invested in the topic. (The Fentons because they're the Fentons and Yusaku because he's researching for one of his books).
They become friends and keep contacts through messages, sharing school shenanigans, crushes, cases and family mishaps.
The One Thing that Danny doesn't share, though, is his halfa status.
First, because Shinichi doesn't believe in the supernatural (according to him, magic is just unexplained science) and second, because his change is far from any kind of "normalcy" and Shinichi had categorically stated that he doesn't want anything to do with superheroes, he's just a "normal" detective and they (the Justice League) save the world.
Though, it's not unusual that, if something weird happens in a case, Shinichi asks Danny's opinion and intel since the Fenton's library has "weird"/obscure material. (If the answer gets him too close to superhero-stuff, Shinichi passes the ball to the JL, more specifically to Red Robin, but that's something for a following reblog of this thread.)
So when Shinichi becomes Conan and settles in Ran's home, he contacts our favorite boi.
(A bit late to the @crossoverdanuary party... (^~^;)ゞ Anyway, long post in chat-style, plus an extra, so I decided to use the read more function because it was getting out of hand... (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) )
Shinichi: Hey Danny, do you know anything that should be killing you, but instead it shrinks you? Danny: Shrink as in size or age? S: Age D: Hold on, gotta check some books to be sure, but usually anything age-related is dark shit. What's for? Fun or case? S: ...It's for a case D: Well, that didn't sound ominous at all, then gotta go *faster* *few minutes later* D: Okay, the closest thing (still in the Mortal Realm) to what you asked is this jewel most commonly known as "Pandora" (if she knew, she would definitely lose her shit) D: it's a gem hidden inside another gem that glows red under the moonlight D: "if bathed in the light of the Volley Comet, it would shed tears capable of granting eternal life" S: This doesn't sound anything like what I asked you (⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠) D: Cut the sass beanpole and let me continue D: since the legend exist and it's documented, it should be reasonable to presume that someone managed to attain it, right? S: ...right *squinty eyes* D: So if some scientist tried to reproduce the same results in the *scientific way* instead of the magical one, they could have either the original "Tears" or the one who consumed them and run test and experiment on them D: whatever the case, there would be either some inferior or failed products that instead of making you immortal, *de-ages* you, which is the next best thing (i.e. you would live longer) D: but since they were "failures" compared to the immortality elixir, they could definitely become poisons. D: So! Since you were so ominous, was it really for a case or did our dear Professor Agasa dabble in alchemy? 👀 (read) D: Beanpole, I know you read my explanation and since this is really dark shit you *have* to at least give me context D: because among the warnings that the grimoire gave me, there's the thing that you become somewhat cursed S: ...Or you're cursed or you're not, there's no "somewhat" D: He speaks! 🙌 D: Give me *the deets* *long pause* D: *Shinichi Kudo* ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ S: Okay, fine! I can feel your disappointed stare all the way to Japan, stop! >Д&lt; D: Then explain S: Okay S: so you know how I can't leave things alone when they have suspicious all printed on them? D: Your worst defect, yes, but continue D: ...wait D: Shinichi no D: HOW OLD ARE YOU NOW?? S: Still 17, thank you very much D: I mean physically, you little shit, don't dodge the question! S: ... S: ...we think 7 D: What in the Infinite Realms everloving fuck, Shinichi D: Okay, you know what? D: I'm coming to Japan and you can't stop me, you *midget*, I know what you're already going to say D: it's dangerous, yada yada D: nothing I've already seen and fought S: What do you mean?! D: Since you're *such a good detective*, deduce it yourself D: give me your coordinates in the meantime and don't you dare move from that spot S: If you send me Superman or anyone of his creek, I swear to Kami, Danny D: Please, Superman could only desire to be anything like me, now *coordinates* ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ *coordinates sent* D: good boy D: now get ready in 3 S: 3 what? D: 2 D: 1
A full body shiver run over Shinichi as soon as the "1" appeared on the screen, so he looked up from his phone, searching for where the cold draft could have come from. However, the agency toilet window was closed and the closed door had a good insulation, last time he had checked.
So what...!
Shinichi shrieked with all the high pitch of an elementary schooler, as he whirled around to look at what, or better, who had whispered by his ear.
A white-haired green-eyed floating teenager with a black hazmat suit with white accents grinned almost maniacally at him, showing their fangs predatorily.
Anatomically they looked male and despite the unhinged expression, the body language didn't project "danger". If anything, it was loose and casual as if he (until otherwise stated) belonged here.
The unearthly glow suggested either some substance coating him that gave him that illusion, or there was magic afoot.
Irritation surged inside Shinichi: Danny knew his rules! No direct superhero meeting, only exchange of intel!
"Who are you and why did Fenton send you?" Shinichi gritted, crossing his arms to appear less like a 7 years old.
"You disappoint me, little detective, I thought you would have figured it out at first glance!" The supposed hero pouted, crossing legs and arms midair and staring back at Shinichi. "I guess that your fame had been an exaggeration, after all. Some East Highschool Detective you are!"
The teasing little smirk incensed Shinichi more than alarming him (the other knew his secret!), but the last thought made him pause.
Danny wouldn't betray him like this by informing whatever "superhero" of this situation just to help him without his consent. Their boundaries had been awesome like that and had been respected so far, despite the many trials both had faced.
So who was this person really?
Shinichi's mind focused back into deducing the teen before him, and the more looked, the more disbelief made way in his heart. (...He had said he would be coming to Japan, but not in that instant!)
"No way, Danny?"
"Fucking finally, midget! What took you so long?" Danny huffed, untangling then touching down on his feet and looking him over. "It even gave me time to take a look at your situation!"
"Hey! Your voice is different, so I could deduce it only because "if you exclude the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the Truth"! Since you would never spill my secrets to anyone, this must have been you!" Shinichi gestured to his friend, who flushed green when he registered the meaning of the words.
"Wow," he breathed, sounding pleased, as he scratched his nape, "you would believe that a ghost of me is still me instead of me betraying you, wow!"
"Wait, ghost? I thought you just become a superhero, not that you died!" Despite his insistence on not believing the supernatural, Shinichi had read the Fentons' papers on ghosts (the most recent ones, AKA the "no more biased version" as Danny had called them). And, while he hadn't told his friend this, the scientific breakdown of what makes a ghost what they are, had made Shinichi believe in the existence of ectoplasmic beings.
But to discover that one of his best friends had died, he hadn't known or could have done anything, plus Danny hadn't felt safe enough to tell him until it had become unavoidable, made Shinichi clutch his heart in agony and despair.
Probably sensing the shift and interpreting the action for what that was, Danny's face shifted into regret, as he knelt down before the shrunk detective and a ring of light lit up at his waist, washing over him and leaving a hoodie-and-jeans-clad raven-haired and blue-eyed teenager.
Slowly, as if not to spook a frozen Shinichi, Danny laid a hand on his shoulder, while the other took the free little hand to his NASA hoodies chest and splayed it there, allowing him to feel his heartbeat. As if he had known that only words wouldn't have been enough to convince the detective.
Slowly but surely, feeling Danny's sluggish but steady heartbeat, made Shinichi unclench, then lean against his friend's chest, head tucked under his chin.
Carefully, Danny wrapped his friend in a hug, knowing well that, while physical affection was welcome from him, Japanese social conventions and the Kudo's upbringing had left Shinichi a little adverse to prolonged contact.
As the apparent 7-years-old melted into the embrace and clutched Danny as well, followed by a suspicious wet sensation on his chest, the halfa realized that this was bad.
Shinichi had never sought comfort like that, according to professor Agasa (who Danny did keep in contact with, since he was more a parent than the Kudos), so to do this now...
"It's okay, Shinichi, I'll explain better what happened to me, but it's not your fault." Shinichi shuddered at these words and buried deeper in the embrace, making guilt shoot through Danny. He had caused this breakdown. The least he could do was to help him through it and some.
"And we're gonna find a way to solve what happened to you, I promise."
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