#she gave me basically every idea and the strength to go on
lordgrimwing · 5 months
Friends and Family #07
I was going to post the story directly to tumblr, but then I spent so long getting the formatting right on AO3. Here' have a link to the next installment of Old Gods.
Summary: 8 times Celebrimbor called the wrong person Papa, plus 1 time he got it right.
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werecreature-addicted · 5 months
i cannot handle a poly relationship for the life of me in reality but fictionally…
poly monster relationship with a human, just a single person with like a minimum of four (4) monster partners who people think are in charge due to being big and scary, but are so devoted to their human and basically worship them
even in bed when they take turn destroying their holes, having two inside of them while one destroys their mouth (or having more then one at once inside), wearing them down to a boneless pile of sweaty meat and fluids and they lose the ability to walk or talk and they get pumped full over and over and over, knowing their partners won’t stop until they are satisfied
then going back to pampering the human with aftercare and cuddles once they finished
I feel the same way. in real life? not for me. but the idea of having 4-6 monster lovers that all share you. I really like the idea of them all being different monsters too.
A mermaid/ siren whom you have a sort of long-distance relationship with, only being able to see you when you have enough vacation time to make it out to the beach, otherwise you mostly only get to talk to her with a magic shell she gave you that acts like a phone.
Two or three werewolves that run in a pack close to your home and all fight each other to impress you, whether with feet of strength or with enjoyable dates. You hardly get individual time with any one werewolf. The other werewolf/wolves are too jealous to leave you alone for long, and their pack mates are like family. it's not third-wheeling if everyone's having fun.
A vampire who takes up your nights, he likes Urban exploring, he takes you to older run-down buildings, long since abandoned. If he knows, he'll tell you what these places used to be, and any memories he might have there. He's a bit of a romantic and spends the daytime writing you poems and sending old-fashioned love letters. He scents the paper and everything.
Last but certainly not least, a nature spirit who lives in your backyard keeping up a lovely garden. Even if you never asked them to. Fruits and vegetables never seem to go bad when they're nearby, and they enjoy cooking with you. Telling you which spices would go best with your meal off the top of their head. they also have tentacle-like vines that they can bend to their will.
All of these monsters would like to be your one and only, but they're satisfied with whatever time they get. And of course, fucking you braindead every chance they get. Mermaid girlfriend who can go down on you for hours, hell she doesn't need to come up for air. Werewolf gang bang! WEREWOLF GANG BANG! Vampire fucking you in an abandoned hospital making you scream until the locals are spreading ghost stories. and a Nature fairy using vines and plants to make you cum until you pass out in a soft bed of grass. all of these options are right at your fingertips, all you have to do is ask.
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deathbxnny · 2 months
I saw ur hsr requests for Penacony were open so I had to sprint in first!! This ones pretty basic tho but it gave me brainrot for a few days. Could I request headcanons for Sunday with a daughter with a chronic illness? The only reason this had me in brainrot was because imagine Sunday trying to get everything like festivals and further expansions of the dreamscape perfect for his daughter! Or even his daughter being like a little ray of sunshine for him amidst the work and diplomacy facade. Or even using her illness as a way to have her close by under the guise of 'Learning how to lead when she has to take-over'. Or even auntie Robin, it's giving cheek pinches...
I really love this idea, Anon!! It's definitely very interesting! So thank you for the request and I hope you'll like this!!<3
Content: Daughter is a young teen girl, dad Sunday, talks of vaguely described chronical illness, brainwashing?, manipulation/gaslighting?, slight themes of obsession, potentially ooc Sunday??, sfw
Daughter is referred to with she/her pronouns here!!
(Not fully proofread, may be edited if mistakes are found.)
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Sunday's daughter was known by many guests to be Penacony's so-called princess, the next in line to inherit the man's place as the head of the family one day. Another thing she was known for was her chronical illness, which has always made her life rather difficult since birth. Sunday took the challenges with pride and ease, not once treating her like a burden. In fact, he saw her as perfection, a gift from THEM to him for his neverending loyalty and devotion.
He had the best doctors' money could possibly buy lined up for her every need and woe, never a single penny spared on spoiling her either. She could do no wrong, and neither could he in her eyes, which he, ofcourse, ensured of. He took care of her day and night, abandoning his own duties at a simple call for him. It may be a bad habit of his, but alas, his dear child came first at all times.
His daughter is made to believe that no one can take care of her as good as her father can. He is everything to her, and in a way, she also idolises him in turn. It's how he ensures that she stays by his side, where it's safe, and he can protect her from everything... and everyone, ofcourse. That, however, means she'll grow up very sheltered, but it's worth the sacrifice for her health in Sunday's eyes.
With that said, he will stop at nothing to make her a perfect leader for the future of Penacony and her own. He teaches her the ins and outs of the dreamscape's, how to lead with pride and strength under THEIR eyes. He instills the fear and devotion to THEM in her too naturally.
He trusts his daughter with no one. Robin is the only exception, ofcourse. She may not be around often due to her career as an idol, but she LOVES spoiling her niece with tons of gifts whenever she returns from a long tour. She dotes on her and definitely pulls on her cheeks, unable to contain her love and affections. Her heart often aches when she sees the illness in the girl get worse, but she'll try cheering her up with songs and stories of her travels to make her forget the pain even momentarily.
Festivals in Penacony are meanwhile also seemingly solely made for Sunday's daughter, just like basically most expansions in the dreamscape ever since her birth. All the fun things she likes are included in everything one way or another. And whilst children aren't usually allowed in the dreamscape, she is an exception on these special days and occasions. He practically burns himself out to make everything as perfect as possible, just to see his dear daughter smile.
All of his hard and grueling work is worth it through her existence in his life. She is the sun that makes him keep going and retain the warmth in him he was slowly losing due to his responsibilities as a leader and diplomat. Seeing her happy makes him feel deserving to breathe, and so he will do anything to keep it that way.
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Okay, so I hope this is alright, Anon, because I'm honestly writing this a little sleep deprived (and painfully sick, lmao), but thank you again for the request!!<33
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kedreeva · 5 months
on the topic of peafowl play, would/do peafowl enjoy those pet puzzle toys? would they have the patience or interest to complete 1 outside of food motivation? i don't know why but i always imagine peafowl as the brilliant but lazy types and i wonder if that headcanon of mine has any plausibility lol
I gave my peafowl one of those chicken treat puzzles (this one) which they are supposed to peck/scratch at and roll around, which drops scratch grain slowly on the ground and gives them something to do until it is empty. It's basically two yellow bowls bungee-corded together by a single cord on the inside, anchored at that little black nub. You fill one half, and then "seal" it as a ball- but it's not clipped together or anything, just bungee tension holds it together.
I set it down for Aris for the first time, and rolled it so she could see it had scratch in it that would fall out. She pecked it once, examined it for roughly 10 seconds, and then grabbed it by the little black nub, and shook the hell out of it, bursting it open and flinging scratch all over the pen. She dropped it and everyone went about their business eating the scratch.
I taught Eris how to press buttons to "speak" to me; she had a few treat buttons, a food button, a water button, and some Word word buttons like "want" and "Eris" and "yes" and "no." She used them to argue with me and make fun of me for forgetting to put water in her wet food one day.
I gave Bug toilet paper rolls with holes cut in them, stuffed with paper towels and superworms. She learned to pull the paper towel out almost immediately. She gets a bowl of fresh foods when she goes into her pen in the mornings, and it started with me walking in and coaxing or carrying her in. Now she goes and waits on the perch where I put the bowl. I give anything leftover she didn't eat to the barn crew, so when I go to collect her in the evening, Polaris and Opal are usually waiting on the table where I put the bowl.
I bring Artemis indoors to do paintings with her, and she knows the order is indoors->bath->dry off->painting+treats, so if I bring her in, and she gets a bath, and I wait too long in the drying off, she will start scolding me until we start painting.
If I let the birds out of their pens, they get free range time while I'm outside. When I call "hup hup!" loudly and repeatedly, they all start walking back to the coops. Many of them know up commands. Artemis and Bug have both learned to put their trains up if I ask (and that's a no-treat trick, they just do it). Beep knew "ask nicely" when she wanted something (which is what led to me training Eris with the buttons), so she would scrape her beak on me if she wanted something. Beep also played with a lot of different toys.
I guess the point is that they are pretty smart birds, given a chance and good circumstances. They can be incredibly stupid, too, but the majority of them are pretty smart most of the time. But they don't have a lot of patience for things that are not either immediately rewarding or that they choose to focus on. Beep once spent an hour trying to get the button off my jeans, but if you offer Bug a mouse and move it away before she can get it, she'll usually just stop caring. If you give a treat to one bird, they might snub it, but they'll kill a man for it if someone else gets it and acts like it's good.
So COULD they become interested in a pet puzzle and possibly solve one? Maybe? It really just depends on what's in it for them, and/or how interested someone else is, and/or if they think it's their idea. They don't really have a lot of grabbing strength in their beaks, so that factors in, too. They do NOT like to peck hard things.
They DO like to destroy stuff though. If you could make an edible tissue box, they would absolutely lose their shit about it. Every peafowl I've ever owned LOVES tearing tissues out of a tissue box and ripping tissues to shreds to try to eat. Don't know what that's about. Leftover raptor instincts to disembowel things, I guess.
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arcaneafterhours · 28 days
i drew the sbg characters if they were in my comics magic system heres a long post talking about their abilities
ok so the magic system of my comic is basically this: your eye color aligns with a “concept”, and each concept turns into a very unique super power for each individual. it can be anything, as long as it fits the concept. literal or metaphorical. i designed this power system to be very vague so you can be super creative
ill explain each concept as i go down, but i basically switched the sbg cast with my cast, so all of them are called “duo ranked” and have heterochronmia, and their concepts have mixed together to create a new, entirely unique power that fits both concepts in its own creative way.
i also kept one color for every character except for aiden. i kept his red eye, because if i didnt i would be doing FOUR BROWN RANKS and i want to show off this system so ill only do 3 lmao
heres how it went:
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starting off with ashlyn, her ability came pretty easy. i kept her green eye(the concept of growth) and gave her a white eye(the concept of enhancement(typically of ones own values or senses)), and they mixed together to give her control over sound, more specifically its volume and frequencies
its very useful for her, she avoids being overwhelmed way easier now and can switch off whatever is bugging her if it gets too loud. coincidentally, eavesdropping is INCREDIBLY easy, since she can just turn up a specific conversation she wants to listen in on. and she can manipulate frequencies so she makes tyler voicecrack all the time because its really funny. very simple power and its perfect for ash. her drawing turned out okay, i kinda rushed them all just to have them done dont expect high quality
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I had a VERY fun time coming up with aidens power. he has his red eye(the concept of creation(self explanatory)) and i gave him a purple eye (the concept of perception, like illusions and such) and the two mixed together to allow him to turn duplicate illusions into reality (if he has enough strength to do so). he can create illusions that are specifically duplicates of objects, and they are only temporary for the time being until he actually ‘creates’ it, then of course it just permanently exists. he is limited to only a single duplicate, and one at a time. actually creating something is very draining
the only human duplicate he can make that will function correctly is himself, and he cannot make it more than a temporary illusion. he can make decoy human illusions, but he cannot make them real.
i had a lot of fun trying to draw his stupid hair it was good practice, im very happy with his drawing
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next is tyler!! i put “pursuance” in the drawing because i never know how to describe it but tracking or pursual(is that a word??) is a better word i guess?? its in the works
I kept his brown eye(the concept of pursuit(being able to track things basically)) and gave him an orange eye (the concept of healing) and i gave him a pretty literal power of being able to track how far along the healing process an individual is. in turn, this also gives him the ability to sense when someone around him is hurt.
also, since he can track the healing journey, physically touching him will speed it up ever so slightly. if you have a stomach ache just go hug tyler and eventually you’ll feel better
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now for possibly my favorite ability, TAYLOR :D! (featuring me forgetting the word pursuit exists and just putting ‘persual’ which may not be a WORD google LIED TO ME HELP DONT LOOK AT IT
ANYWAY just like tyler i kept her brown eye, and then i gave her a pink eye (the concept of connection), which gave me the idea of her being like tylers opposite. i wanted their powers to reflect each other, so where tyler can track physical injuries and how they heal, taylor can ‘connect’ with others and sense their mood and how it has recently been. almost like a graph!! sometimes she accidentally does it and gets overwhelmed trying to keep track of other peoples moods when she isnt prepared to handle it.
and just like tyler, physical touch from taylor will make you happy and calm (hugging taylor does that anyway) so she is like that scene in big hero six where they all lay on baymax because hes very warm and i love her
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for the last time i kept bens brown eye because why does everyone have brown eyes, and then i also gave him white because i got a really really funny idea ok.
ben can track movement of people around him specifically, and he can enhance his own power. if he enhances it enough for one person, he can predict what their course of movement is about to be. its very immediate, so when hes trying to process it the action could very much already be happening. its very useful actually!!!
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I kept logans blue eye (the concept of movement) and i gave him yellow (the concept of light) because yk yk hes a dlorist photosynthesis WHATEVER
he can basically control the movement of anything in bright light. the control on it he has depends on how bright the light is, so he finds it useful to keep a flashlight on him
THATS ALL, I HAD A LOT OF FUN FOJNG THIS I STARTED AT 10 AM AND FINISHED AT ABOUT 1:30 PM LMAO MY WRJSTS HURT A LITTLE :] If you like the magic system, i post all about the actual protagonists in #comicsafterhours if you want to see more idkffkjmdnfm,,,,,, anyway
if you actually read all that tysm?? love you lots?? ill probably draw my ocs in the sbg situation soon
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gvftea · 4 months
I have so many questions! Why’s everyone losing followers? Did anyone say/do anything? What’s happening to my babies 😭🫶
I think part of it is the album cycle and tour coming to an end, people being up in arms about them not speaking on Palestine, but mostly cause (let’s be honest) they are not good at social media. Social media is its own science, and though people act like growing and maintaining a following is easy, it is not. That is why good social media managers make so much money. GVF’s socials might put out occasional videos and pics, but individually the guys suck at keeping fans engaged online. Except maybe Danny who seems to have some (minimal) idea of how to play the game. Shout out to Hannah as well. Aside from taking the bait and fighting with Sam’s dumb-ass stans, she is damn good at engaging with fans and promoting herself online. I think the only suggestion I would make is for her to start liking Twitter replies more often. Go through the replies to her tweets each day and like every single positive or neutral comment that was left for her. Engagement is key. In this day and age people want to feel that they know their favorite artist on a personal level. They love to feel like they are being seen, that they are special. How many times have we seen a fan gushing over the fact that Danny gave their comment a like on Instagram? The way to foster that feeling of closeness is by being active online and giving the illusion of familiarity. It’s a tool to leave fans feeling that they are close to their favorite artist, no matter how unreachable they are in reality. Why do you think Taylor Swift has so many rabid fans frothing at the mouth thinking she’s somehow their bestie? It’s because she’s the queen of the parasocial relationship. I would LOVE to sit the guys down and give them a full course in social media literacy and hand each of them a personal blueprint on how to maximize their individual social media impact. Literally there are multiple ways of engaging with fans that I could think of for each of the guys. There is so much that they could do that they just are not, and it sucks to see them slipping on something that is so easy. I could be wrong though, and they could know what to do, but don’t want to encourage or grow the current fan base that they have. They seemed to be a lot more open and happier when their fanbase was more mature and not comprised of 18 to 22-year-old girls. I strongly get the impression that Sam and Jake would prefer to have less of a teeny bopper following than they currently do. If that is their prerogative, then they are doing a great job. I guess as long as they can still sell tickets then number of followers doesn’t really matter too much. Bottom line, though, maybe back in the day musicians could put out their music and go on tour and then disappear until the new cycle started, but that’s not how the game is played today. Out of sight is out of mind and out of mind is career suicide. Unless you are Beyoncé and have some sort of huge mythos built around you, you cannot afford to go social media silent for even a few weeks. I really wish they would step up and play the game a little bit more cause it’s frustrating seeing them fumble so hard on something so basic.
***TBH, part of me really wants to come back on here and spell out the fundamentals of effective social media outreach and post my ideas for what each guy should do to play to their strengths and boost their engagement. If they do have people lurking on here or lurk themselves maybe it might give them the idea of how to step up their game.***
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zee-the-zebra · 7 months
Black Out
A/N: Hi, so have approximately 500 words mild Chaeya angst based on my completely wrong guess of Childe's fate in 4.2 when all we had was leaks.
Basically I thought that humanoid looking boss was Childe fully taken over and corrupted by the Foul Legacy. And I ran with it. Have fun.
Childe had heard of what the Traveler can do. But even her purifying magic probably couldn’t reach him. If nothing else, if there was no coming from back this, at least she could help him go out with a bang.
He felt the beast’s anger. Clearly the traveler had hurt it enough that it decided it would do away with her. The whale opened its mouth and inhaled.
But she wasn’t the only one there.
The Legacy gave him one thing. It allowed him to see the world outside while still being trapped. Ajax felt his heart stop when he saw Kaeya standing next to the traveler.
He tried to scream for Kaeya to run away, to get as far from it, from him as possible. He didn’t want to even entertain the idea of this thing hurting him, let alone hurting Kaeya himself.
But there was nothing he could do as both Kaeya and Traveler were pulled into the void. And soon enough both of them were standing before him. Staring at him with seemingly no recognition. At least at first. Kaeya’s head tilted to the side, before his uncovered eye widened in horror. His sword nearly fell from his grip.
He cautiously took a step closer, raising his hand to caress Ajax’s face. Ajax begged, pleaded, for the Legacy not to attack him. And for one reason or another, it didn’t move. Kaeya’s hand made contact with the armor, Omni magic subtly flowing through his touch, in an effort to bring Ajax back.
“Is this…what’s supposed to be the fate of anyone who wields the Legacy…?”
Kaeya’s question was not a genuine one, Ajax knew that. It was a slowly mounting, horrible realization. He knew that this was supposed to be Ajax’s ending. And Ajax could tell, Kaeya wanted to reject it with every fiber of his vein.
Yet for as much as he wanted Kaeya to just leave him to waste away, somewhere deep inside himself, he wanted to call out for help. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could take the Legacy eating away at him. Already he thought it would be better to let the Traveler just kill him. But more than that, he wanted to see Kaeya with his own eyes again. He wanted to be with his family again. In a sense, he wanted Kaeya to be the knight to save him from himself.
How pathetic.
But in the end he chose to be childish. He chose to be selfish. Gathering whatever strength he had left, Ajax reached out.
On the outside, the abyssal warrior that stood before Kaeya and Lumine shivered. It raised an arm towards Kaeya, shaking. A voice spoke, yet not the one of the Abyss. One of someone he knew, someone he loved, in a similar sort of pain he only heard from him once before, and had never hoped to hear again.
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myohmyimanxious · 2 years
- Alador wasn't present for any of his children's births. Not bc he didn't want to be, but bc odalia wouldn't allow him time of work to do so
- He was so happy to see amity grow up looking more like him with the brown hair and similar traits
- He wishes he put up more of a fight against odalia for how she treated their kids, and feels guilty about not being more present and standing up for them
- Eda and Raine were the worst people to put together, bc they caused C H A O S during their hexside days
- Sometimes Lilith, Darius, Alador and Perry would also join in, but it was mostly Eda and Rainey
- They have a Look™️ which means LETS CAUSE TROUBLE ON PURPOSE
- It's part of the reason Darius sought out Raine for the rebellion and knowledge
- Darius and Raine and Eberwolf always played pranks of Adrian Graye but never got caught. Adrian found it infuriating
- Darius takes Hunter in after everything goes down
- Eberwolf lives next door and likes to cause chaos and wrangles hunter into doing it too much to Darius's dismay
- Mud baths are a staple. But hunter and eber have to be hosed down before being allowed back into the house
- Hunter begged for Darius to tell him about his predecessor after the dust settled. It took Darius a while to do so but he did eventually
- Lilith will not hesitate to punch anyone who disrespects hooty
- They're ride or die pals forever and always
- Hooty still kinda freaks Raine out even after all this time
- Hunter and Amity have a secret pact that is basically if one of them needs the other for any kind of fight they come no questions asked
- They also go to each other when talking about childhood trauma
- Luz and Gus bond over losing a parent
- They first do so in the human realm when Gus asks about her dad
- Gus's mum died when he was like 5 or 6 so he doesn't remember her very well other than that she was ill for most of his childhood
- Gus has no idea how strong he is
- He was arm wrestling amity and accidentally hurt her arm bc he was so into it
- The hexsquad don't get it when Luz calls him Lennie after that, and she won't elaborate
- Willow gives people specific plants to certain people as gifts
- For example, Gus gets one that symbolisies friendship, amity gets one symbolising strength, Luz gets one symbolising honour, and hunter gets one symbolising love
- The way the others had to hold back tears when she gave them out made her cry as well
- Hunter is terrible at sharing unless it's with Gus or Willow
- Eda will bite you if you try and take food from her plate
- Raine tried once, they never tried afterwords tho
- Lilith and hooty go off on little adventures every now and then
- King and Luz always refer to each other as brother and sister, even in the human realm
- King is also very clingy over Luz and Eda now (more so than before)
- I like to think that if the collector is tamed and looked after they get to be a real kid, who doesn't cause chaos for the sake of it
- I also like to think that the collector and hunter would be close almost like a sibling relationship but not quite?
- Like the collector is like MY GRIMWALKER HE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS ME and hunter is like this is my star child who I can't get rid of
- Initially, bc of this, the collector is clingy with hunter and somewhat jealous of his other friends but soon grows used to it
- Hunter is basically their parent but also sibling? Like I say it's an odd dynamic
- King and the collector often hang but it's a little awkward at first
- Lilith and Raine actually get along really well once they properly get to know each other, tho they don't hang out much
- When the do they just embarrass Eda
- Luz is still very much an outcast at school when she returns to the human realm but it doesn't bother her in the same way as it did before
- She's a lot harder now so stands up for herself and others more as a result of her time in the Boiling Isles
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h3k3t · 1 year
I love seeing all these attumaxreaderxnamora anons! I've been hyperfixating thinking about those two for a while now 🤪😵
Just wanted to share a lil idea I've had lately about how the whole thing could start
For some context, I've always seen Attuma and Namora as frenemies, thus some sort of 50/50 between agreeing/tolerating each other and competing/bickering
1. So I feel like the first time they both saw reader they were both star-strucked by her; they both were left speechless by her beauty and strength
2. Being as blunt and possessive as he is, Attuma probably went after reader first; something clicking in his mind and making him go all mine, not caring about anything nor anyone else in the world; probably didn't even notice Namora also staring at her, he was just blinded by that pull
3. I have a feeling Namora is way more reserved and diplomatic? composed? than Attuma and as soon as she saw him charging towards reader, she could only roll her eyes at how much of a brute he could be (guess Namora is more sensual and gentle so she could be a "gentleman" like that lol)
4. Since Namora is not as blunt as Attuma, I imagine she kept her distance and observed, trying to gather as much information about reader as possible; however, that also made her lose leverage as she basically gave Attuma enough room to woo/court reader
5. Sensing defeat, I imagine Namora taking a rather harsh stance against reader every time she would be around with Attuma but only because she doesn't know how to approach her and also doesn't want Attuma to notice her having a big ol' crush on her; her being so distant and rather dry towards reader also comes from how jealous Namora actually feels, she's also possessive and she also saw reader first and she very well knows she could do a better damn job than Attuma
6. Sparring with reader would probably be the few times Namora has a chance to be near her, like physically near her; she would be so distracted by the way reader moves, her scent, the way her skin feels against hers whenever they clash against one another, and most importantly, by the way reader sounds; oh Namora would pay close attention to every huff or whimper or groan that would escape reader's mouth and would wonder if that's how she sounds whenever she's with Attuma...or if she could make reader sound even sweeter if she had her way with her
7. Eventually Attuma connects the dots and realizes Namora's harshness and distance/coldness towards reader is not because she doesn't like her but because she feels the same pull as him; being the cocky asshole that he is, I'm pretty sure he would tease Namora endlessly about it until she snaps at him and bickers about why would reader choose him over her
Anyways, these lil snippets have been driving me insane lately so I thought I might as well share them here hehe
And yes, I like drama and angsty stuff like that sue me
Also, I apologize if this ended up being too long or if it sounds stupid I promise it looks better in my head
~🦈 anon
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HOW DARE YOU LEAVE ME WITH SO FEW CRUMBS, BESTIE?! Do you have any more ideas? Because I would really like to hear/read them.
Don't apologize if the confession is too long, literally every confession I read is, and indeed I read them with pleasure and curiosity❤️
How Namora and Attuma would approach the reader is absolutely accurate! ASDFGHJKLKJHGFDS I mean, in my opinion Attuma is kind of the guy who would start looking for the reader almost like a predator goes after its prey (I think he would also use his size to put more emphasis on it, I mean we looked at it all the mask scene with shuri yeah?)
Namora would literally watch him from afar already understanding what plan he has in mind, and click her tongue at her palate in annoyance. In my opinion Namora thinks Attuma 'plays a little too much' with things, if I'm not mistaken she herself in the film tells him "Stop playing Attuma" after he kept challenging Okoye.
In my opinion, yeah, Namora would feel a little put off by Attuma's way of doing things, believing that there is no room for her in your heart. However, I don't think she's the type to drop the bone so easily. I think she would wait patiently (even without jumping for joy) for the right moment where you and Attuma have an argument or something goes a bit wrong between you two, to be able to jump in and support you in that difficult moment. Namora would support you at any cost, even if you are wrong to Attuma in the argument and I think she would say things like: "I would never have done that to you…" or "I would never have told you…"
Obviously your relationship grows stronger knowing that I would always have support from her and it is at that moment that in my opinion the challenge really begins between Namora and Attuma: who will be able to win your heart.
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silverwings22 · 2 months
Song of the Sea: Chapter 8: Bought and Sold
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Chapter warning: Rizz 'em with the 'tism, sexual thoughts (not explicit... yet), selling family members, canon typical violence, grand theft speeder, child endangerment Series warning: explicit smut, alien anatomy (it's a monsterfucker fic, guys), major character injury, grief, canon typical violence, autistic meltdowns, and my terrible attempts at Mando'a
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Pantora was crowded, but it seemed like a good place to try to sell what they could while Tech repaired and scrambled the signature on the ship. Hunter and Echo were taking Omega to the markets to try to get supplies, while Shiani was staying with Tech and Wrecker at the ship to gut and upgrade everything that needed to be done. While Tech and Wrecker worked on bribing the hangar attendant, she watched the other two giving Omega a quick run through of the rules. 
“Hunter?” Shiani asked after a minute, walking over as she took her chains off. “Here.” 
"What's this?" He frowned.
"You can sell metal for credits, right? And we need credits to eat…" She pressed them into his hands a little harder. "It’s the only thing I have to give, but it might help."
Hunter vaguely recalled Tech mentioning how important these were to her, and nodded. "Are you sure?"
She nodded. “They were a family heirloom… but I want this to be my new family. Please take them.”
Hunter nodded once more and waved Omega to follow him. "Thank you, then."
She waited for the three of them to be gone before adjusting her shirt. The lack of weight across her arms was unfamiliar, but it was a sacrifice she'd make for them. She wanted to belong here, with the Batch. That meant setting the past, who she'd been, aside to make room for who she might become. 
Once Wrecker pulled the engine out, she climbed into the chassis with Tech to start building that future.
The bespectacled clone worked and gave instructions, still thinking haphazardly about the cycle she'd spent on the cockpit floor with him. "Pass me that spanner. May I ask you something about our conversation yesterday?"
The purple girl handed the tool over obediently, halfway through his requested rewire of the navi-computer. "Yes?"
"When you said that you wished to remain with me, what did you mean?" He frowned, turning his attention to the signal array.
"I meant what I said. I want to be with you. Travel with you, follow where you go. See you every day." She stripped more coating off a wire and started twisting two of them together, focusing on the work to make sure she did it correctly.   
"Yes, but in what context?" He didn't look at her, multitasking to the extreme. 
"You’re my favorite person in the galaxy, Tech. What other context is there?" She blinked, turning her head to examine his profile.
Tech groaned behind his teeth. "I am not asking this correctly." Basic didn't seem so basic right now. Nuanced communication was neither of their strengths; he was blunt often to the point of appearing callous. She was too honest to read between the lines. "I mean… if you were to choose how you remained by my side. What would that choice be?"
"Whatever you need me to be. A helper, like this. Or someone to listen for hours, like back home." She fiddled with a soldering iron thoughtfully. "I just don’t want to… overstep. Or make you uncomfortable." She finally mumbled. "Can’t mess anything up between us. You’re too important to me."
Too important. Tech didn't think he'd ever been called too important to risk before. He was a black ops commando, sent to danger and death every mission since he'd graduated as a cadet. The idea that the soft, unarmored cephalopod woman thought anything about him was too important to risk was a confusing novelty. 
And it was indicative of something he had not previously considered: Shiani had a far stronger emotional attachment to him than he'd realized. One he had no idea how to determine the true depth of, or reciprocate. If this was a romantic attraction…
He had no data for once in his life. He knew so little about her species, from what she might find appealing to how their biology worked. Shiani's mind and personality he enjoyed, that was the core of their long-term friendship. But if it progressed beyond that… he didn't even know if her people had compatible bodies to his own if they… oh fuck. He was actually considering having sex with her. More than considering, he could imagine it. How a kiss might taste, what her arms would feel like around him, even the sounds she might make. The legends about sirens said their singing was hypnotic, but his imaginings produced a sweeter sound: a whimper of his name. 
"Tech?" Shiani leaned over, scooping the spanner from his fingers to keep working but giving him a curious look. "You’re sweating. Hot?"
"I am… I-" A comm chime had never been a more relieving sound. "Yes Hunter?"
"I've lost Omega. She was picked up by some woman, a bounty hunter of some kind. Kid gave her the slip but I'm tracking them both."
Tech nodded. "I will get into the traffic cameras around the city and locate her. Shiani, can you finish putting the ship back together? The signature has been scrambled."
"I can do it. But it's gonna take a while." She gestured around to half the ship laying on the ground outside of the chassis.
"Echo, get back and help Shiani. Wrecker, I need you out here." Hunter ordered.
"On the way, sarge." Wrecker nodded. 
"Enroute. I'm bringing help." Echo sounded amused. "I'm still mad you sold me for only 2000 credits."
That made Shiani squeak. "You sold Echo?!"
"I'll explain later." Hunter grumbled. "I'm about to steal a speeder. Get me coordinates, Tech."
"Copy." Tech clambered out of the ship's guts and looked back at Shiani. "I know you are capable of doing this to the same standard I would myself. I trust you."
Shiani could have flown, but instead she nodded and grinned. "I won’t let you down!" 
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"Echo, use your scomp here. Thank you, fussy droid-lady." Shiani patted the protocol droid helping her. "Astromech, please weld this?"
"You're good at bossing droids around." Echo smiled as he worked. 
"Much more fun when droids talk. Dead droid heads are so boring." Shiani grinned back, using all four tentacles like a pulley system and dragging the hyperdrive back into position inside the ship. "I used to find them all over."
"Hunter is coming back with Omega. He says he has made noise in the market." Tech stuck his head out of the ramp. "Are we functional?"
"Almost, Tech!" She called back. "Where’s Wrecker?"
"He is on his way back." Tech ran out to help her get the housing back over their engines. "Very good work."
Shiani smiled, delighted at the praise. "Anything for you." 
Echo gave him a plaintive look over the top of Shiani's head. Tech adjusted his goggles and coughed to cover a blush. "Hurry into the ship, then. They are almost here."
Shiani nodded as Wrecker stumbled into the hangar they'd been working out of, holding his head. "Are you hurt?!" She frowned, tucking herself under his arm to support him.
"Just a headache." He mumbled, leaning on her so much she had to use her tentacles to keep them both upright. But she dutifully dragged him into the ship and set him in a chair. "Thanks."
"You sit. We’ll leave very soon." Shiani frowned, doubling back as Hunter and Omega came skidding into the hangar on a speeder and the sergeant scooped her onto his hip. 
"Let's go, Tech. I've got police behind me!" The sergeant yelled.
Shiani was following him inside when the hangar attendant came running out, waving his arms for them to stop. "Wait, wait! You can't leave yet, she hasn't paid me!"
The siren bared her double fangs with a hiss, mouth splitting open like it had been cut from ear to ear. "She?" 
The attendant froze. "I… oh, um…"
A bunched tentacle decked him in the mouth with enough force to send him sprawling back into the control booth. Then Shiani was closing the hatch and the Havoc Marauder lifted off in a hurry. 
"What did you punch him for?" Echo blinked. 
"He said some lady paid him for us." She stomped over to Omega and crouched, looking at the little girl. "You hurt, Baby Mega?"
"No. I'm okay, Hunter rescued me."
"Good. Good brother." Shiani gently nuzzled her cheek against the girl's fluffy hair, smiling. "You’re safe now. Everyone’s safe. I was worried."
Omega smiled. "Me too. Who was that woman, Hunter?
He shook his head. "I don't know. Some kind of bounty hunter, but that's all I know."
Shiani hissed softly. "She can't have Baby Mega."
"No, she can't. But we need to find somewhere to lay low." Hunter sighed. "Any bright ideas?"
"I might know of something." Echo rubbed his face. "Old Jedi contact on Ord Mantell. I never met them, but Skywalker mentioned them. They could help us find out who sent the bounty hunter."
Hunter nodded. "Ord Mantell it is."
"I’ll tell Tech." Their personal utility squid smiled and headed for the cockpit. "You okay?" She asked when she walked in.
Her favorite clone looked up when she walked in. "I am fine. Have they determined where we are going? Fuel is limited, it is unwise to wander."
"Ord Mantell. Echo Chainbreaker says there’s a Jedi contact." She explained, starting to slide to the floor. Tech caught her wrist lightly. 
"The co-pilot seat is more comfortable, my dear. You do not need to sit on the floor."
"That’s Echo’s spot." She blinked. 
"Echo is not in here at the moment." He lightly guided her one handed into the seat. "I am sure he will understand."
"Okay… I don’t want to be in the way." She couldn’t help but smile at him, the glow of hyperspace and the ship's lights painting constellations across her round face. 
"I assure you that you are not. Your assistance was invaluable today." He knew he should probably let go of her arm, the armrest of his seat digging into his side where he leaned over to keep holding. But she had never looked displeased at his touch, and for once he wasn’t edging away from physical contact. He'd never been a particularly touchy person, but perhaps it was that his brothers were the only ones to display that kind of affection. And they were rough, especially Wrecker. Shiani liked to touch softly, to explore things with her fingertips, and she was always careful of those sharp claws.
Now that he'd let himself consider the possibility of an amorous encounter with her, he wondered if that tactile exploration would translate into the moment. "Shiani?"
"Yes?" She looked over with a smile.
"When we spoke earlier, you mentioned you did not want to… be too much. What did you mean by that?"
Shiani looked at his gloved hand still wrapped loosely around her wrist. "You always consider every part of everything." She finally said. "You don’t act without plans and backup plans. If you wanted something… me to be something, you would tell me." She tried to explain, hoping her tentative grasp of the words was enough. She couldn't figure out how to say that she'd been enamored of his eyes for year, or that all he had to do was give her the word and she’d be his in the time it took her to cross the room. Giving up her chains, her broken links to her people, had been easy if she imagined forging new ones that connected her to the genius sitting beside her. She'd spill every drop of blue blood in her veins if he'd just feel the same way about her, but if he didn't then she'd be happy to take whatever she could have. 
"What is it that you do want?" Tech asked after a moment. "I may not have… considered every option."
She squirmed, limbs writhing around her with embarrassment. "I don’t want to make it weird…"
"Our entire situation is atypical, Shiani. I would like to hear your perspective."
She smiled weakly. “I want everything, Tech."
He frowned. "Why?"
“When I lost everything, you gave me something to believe in. Every time you came back to see me, when I was just a weird little siren who couldn’t even talk to you… it meant so much to me. So I tried to learn everything you had to teach, so I could stay near you." She stopped short of saying she loved him, but he deserved to know why he mattered so much to her.
"I do not know what to do with this knowledge." Tech admitted. 
"You don’t have to do anything. I don’t expect anything." She smiled sheepishly. "I’m just here for you."
"I appreciate the consideration. I will… figure it out." He murmured, finally making himself let go of her arm. 
She nodded. "I’ll let you think, then."
When she'd glided out of the cockpit, Tech sank back into his seat a little. He needed a sounding board for his thoughts, there were too many to keep straight. Hunter would probably laugh at him, Wrecker was not going to be helpful… Omega was a literal child and he might have had a hard time reading a room more often than not, but he doubted it was a good idea to ask a kid about if he should initiate a relationship with a woman of another species. He hit the PA. "Echo, could you come to the cockpit for a moment?"
Three minutes and sixteen seconds later, the cyborg brother walked in. "What did you break?"
"Why would you assume something is broken? Or that I would only call you if it was?" Tech huffed.
"I'm your usual fix-it buddy and Shiani just left the room. So either she doesn't know how to fix it, or you're embarrassed to tell her you don't." Echo shrugged, dropping into his seat. "So what's broken?"
"Nothing is damaged. I require your input." Tech groaned. "I have encountered a dilemma that I believe you would have valuable input on."
"Uh huh." Echo smirked and got comfortable, stretching his metal legs out. "And would this 'dilemma' have four extra arms and currently be letting Omega draw on her in glitter pen?"
Tech scrunched into the seat. "... yes."
"Alright, shoot. What's the problem?" Echo enjoyed being a little shit whenever possible, he'd been in the 501st and around Fives too long not too. But Tech did look upset, and he was a good brother at heart. So he leaned over to give the genius his full attention. 
"Shiani has confessed that she has an… emotional attachment to me. She did not specify it was romantic in nature, but it was heavily implied." Tech frowned. 
"No shit. I could have told you that the first time I saw her through the window. She looks at you like you hung the stars, vod."
"That is what I do not understand. Of the group of us, why me?" Tech's brow wrinkled, shifting his goggles out of place. "I seem to be the least logical choice for her to place her affection."
"What makes you say that?" Echo quirked an eyebrow. "You've known her longest. Makes sense to me."
"Crosshair had the best luck with women." Tech blinked. 
"And tried to shoot us."
"Hunter is the more conventionally attractive. Wrecker is most empathetic. And you were the one she compared to the heroes of her culture." Tech's know-it- all index finger pointed up, but lacked the strength of his usual conviction. He just looked confused and a little upset. 
Prime, if you're up there I'm gonna need you to come back from the dead and save me from my own family. Echo thought, lifting his eyes to give him strength. "Tech… you di'kut. None of us were there for her like you were. That's why she picked you."
"Proximity does not make me the best choice-" Tech started. 
"It makes connection, Tech. Feelings aren't logical. She's not a droid scanning us for the best fit. She's a nice girl with a crush on a clueless brainiac." Echo smiled. "The real question is what are you going to do about it?"
"I… am not sure."
"Do you like her?"
"Of course. We have been friends for several years."
"I meant romantically. You wanna kiss her?"
Tech flushed. "It has crossed my mind."
"Then that's a start. Tell her, and I'm pretty sure she'll let you. Like I said, she looks at you like you hung the stars. She'd probably be up for anything."
"That is what I am concerned about. There is no data on her species. I have no information about how to go about engaging in anything with her. In addition, our dynamic has been relatively constant since we first met. Any change could be detrimental, and irreversible."
"Then you're in for the experiment of a lifetime. Just relax, tell her you're interested, and let it happen as it happens. She's already got it bad for you, she left home just cause you were leaving too. Doesn't get much clearer than that." Echo patted his arm. "I'm going to grab a ration bar. You want one?"
"Not right now, but thank you. And thank you for your input." Tech nodded, adjusting his goggles for the millionth time. 
"No problem." Echo got up, pausing at the cockpit door. "And Tech?"
"Quit thinking." Echo walked out. Tech groaned and leaned against the headrest. Easier said than done.
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kcuf-ad · 1 year
who are your top ten favorite black clover characters and ships (platonic or romantic) - talk about them
Oh boy this is going to be a long one, so Here we go.
The Characters
This is in no order, but these are my favourite. I have only watched up to episode 86.
Finral, this guy is a ride to watch. He is basically the little Brother friend of the Black Bulls and is clearly the only reason why they haven't died yet. His growth as character was a Great one to watch, both in combat as he managed to stall Langris for a bit, creating a New Spell, and even playing the key part of defeating Vetto with Vanessa and Asta. Everyone bullies him and his Rizz is pathetic and I love him.
Charmy is a character that honestly surprised me at how much I liked. I mean she is a gluton, but isn't afraid to share her food. She is easily the kindest of the Black Bulls, but is disrespful and I love her. I Like how her fights are the quickest in the show, with one or three punches and I love her Magic. I love how she wanted to eat Bell all for Yuno. I also think her crush on Yuno is adorable to me.
Luck is so fun to watch. Easily the most fun. His story is quite tragic and the way he was abused and looked down on everyone was sad to watch along. I like his character trait of his constant smile, and when he isn't smiling, you know she is about to get real. Also, his relationship with Magna as besties is so Damn Nice to watch.
Noelle is basically what you want to write with a female character, no joke. Strong? Yes. Important to the story? Yes. Growth both as a character and in power? Yes. Personality? Yes. She is a top tier female character.
Sekke mainly because how much he gets bullied by Jack, Yami and the rest of the cast.
Klaus mainly because he went from "Listen Here Yuno, just because you have a 4 leaf clover and was chosen my Vangence, doesn't mean I Will treat you the same way and you will Listen to me, no matter what." To "Yuno, did you brush your teeth today? Your hair doesn't look as clean as before. Have you eaten anything lately?". Mom friend.
Magna has been a fun character for sure, and the Fact Here has so much growth and trust in his friends. His friendship with Luck is Great, and I think he gets bullied as much as Finral.
Asta is the best New gen Protag and it isn't even close. This man embodies the idea of never giving up. No matter where he is, no matter how much he is down, he Will never give up as his Magic is never giving up. His weakness is his Greatest strength. He isn't special, but that's what makes him special. His fights are so interesting at how he uses his main Weapon and I love his rivalry with Yuno.
Yami is a retired Shonen protag. I mean think about it. He is from a different country, treated as an outsider, he has a rival with a goal in mind, has the Will to get stronger, his mentor becames a leader of a country and he has an unique skill of ki. Not to mention he is disrespect incarnate, disrespecting everyone left and right while he is on the floor.
Yuno is my favourite rival in all of anime. Sasuke is my favourite rival character, but as a rival Yuno is the best at it. He mirrors Asta in every way. He never discourages in Asta, hr has complete trust in his best friend. He looks Like an arrogant prick, but is just some shy, introverted boy who loves competition.
The Ships
For this, I have more platonic than romantic.
Asta x Yuno (platonic) - The best friendship and rivalry in all anime. Grew up as brothers and never gave up on each other and they truly care about each other.
Yami x Julius (platonic) - I Like it because od Yami's loyality to his mentor and friend, the trust between each other and that Julius was the first person to accept him.
Magna x Luck (platonic) - Basically, one who loves prankijg the other and the one that gets prankes, but they truly and deeply care about each other. Also the Fact that Magna was Luck's first friend is cute to me.
Mars x Fana (romantic) - Come on, how can I not? Mars was going to Fana's hot flames, burning up outside and inside, hugging her which was strong enough to break her out of it as they stated at each other for a long time with massive smiles on their faces.
Klaus x Asta/Yuno (platonic) - all because I love the idea of him Being the biggest mom friend to them
Vanessa x Finral (platonic/romantic) - can't really choose. I Like how both of them are so close to each other, and I Like that their main Arcs also feature the other.
Asta x Noelle (romantic) - A good hetero ship that doesn't make the female character the Protag's future baby mama, but instead encourages her to be stronger than ever and go beyond her past and limit? Sign me up!
Yami x Charlotte (romantic) - basically a girlboss feminist that could wreck anyone's shit in love with the closest looking homeless man on the planet. You love to see it.
Yuno x Charmy (romantic) - I just find it extremely cute at how flustered Charmy is around Yuno, how she would fight Bell for Yuno, gives him treats, and that Yuno doesn't think anything badly about Charmy, and how they net was adorable.
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endermahn · 1 year
Part 1 | Part 2 | part 3 | part 4 (not made)
Plot: Wenclair fic but Wednesday and Enid don’t make up ep 8 and Wednesday goes insane after that scene.
IDEA FROM AN EDIT BY “emmamyerswife1” ON TT
TRIGGER WARNINGS: mention of Blood, Knives, detailed-ish Description of death, Major character death, OOC Wednesday, slightly out of character Enid(??), LOTS OF SWEARING! Co-dependancy basically, Wednesday is a psychopath Wednesday with psychopathic tendencies.
DISCLAIMER: I do NOT encourage this behaviour, it’s just a fic, if you do feel like this, I urge you to seek help, it ISNT a healthy coping mechanism and can hurt you and who you feel this way for!
An: Xavier doesn’t exist in this fic because of the actor’s actions. His studio is just left untouched and empty, so is his dorm 👍 ALSO, PLEASE DONT BRING UP REPEATED JOKES IF THERE ARE ANY, I WROTE THIS ACROSS A COUPLE OF DAYS AND TELL HORRIBLE DAD JOKES 💀 BEAR WITH ME, OKAY
IFHY - Tyler the creator.
8 days after the fight, 11:30pm
She was hyper aware of every move she made, every thing she left and every mark she made. And thats why she had prepared for this, cleaning products, anything to hide what was about to happen.
She was also hyper aware he could hear her, that whatever she said would be taken with the heaviest of weights.
“I wonder if it would be easier to just break you in stone form” she mused. “Or are you not fully stone?” She let a smirk grace her face, just this once.
Wednesday stands up and travels to her backpack, searching it for a very specific item again.
She had a total of 4 hours until he would turn back. That gave her plenty of time to decide which one of her malicious plans would be the true winner.
Of course she had prepared a base plan, first, incase she couldn’t decide fast enough to put either plan into motion. But she wouldn’t be needing it.
“Hm.. These will do.” She stood up. Double latex gloves that she had altered to have much better grip. Even though the suit had glove-like fabric, she didn’t want to chance anything tonight.
00:00am. 3 hours, 30 minutes until he turns back.
After quite the while of cleaning, adjusting, editing, Wednesday had done it, cleaned her tracks, her marks, her boot stains. Even though they were new and they were going to be thrown away, its still better than having them discovered and checked.
“Time to get up.” She walks over to the mound of stone and grabs him by his underarms.
Then, with a little strain, she picks him up and places him on the cold, tile floor. Puts her bag on.
Despite her height the raven haired girl’s strength was unmatched. she then picks him up horizontally.
“No mountain will get between me and Enid. No matter how annoying.”
The woods, abandoned studio. 2 hours, 43 left until unstone-ment. (2:43am.)
“We have arrived. Arent you just delighted?” She revelled in the silence that came after. The voice changer just made this all the better, she sounded so skin crawling, anyway. The voice changer amplified the fear factor.
Maybe they’ll make a movie about her.
The door was kicked open, the lock that stayed firmly on one side of the door, not locking it just yet, clanked noisily. But did it really matter? Who was going to hear?
Certainly not the birds, Wednesday had made friends, and birds do have a wonderful memory. They would pass on the message to vouch for her, to interfere with anyone who did her wrong in the view of one of them.
The birds reminded Wednesday of herself, how if anyone even looked at Enid the wrong way how she would disadvantage them in a small way or another. You muttered something about the wolf? Suddenly your homework had disappeared that was due next period, even though you checked your pocket two seconds ago.
“He.” was seated uncomfortably in a wooden, electric chair like, chair.
“I have waited for this for so long, you would never begin to understand how much this will satisfy me, how your death is a sacrifice to a better cause, something much bigger than you. How much joy this will bring everyone. How much joy your death will bring to us. And the fact you were so adamant to be killed, its like you wanted to be killed just as much as i wanted to kill you.” While voicing what used to be inner thoughts, she rested her head on the wall and took a breath in to steady herself for whats next to come.
She reached back for her bag, assorting and organising each tool, each one varying in size and effectiveness. All was to say, he was going to die tonight. No matter how much he struggled, no matter how much he fought against her.
You could say her decision was set in stone.
Wednesday laughs to herself, as she keeps laying out everything. “You know why this is happening, correct? There is no way you do not. She.. the world is hers, the stars yearn for her attention, the sun can only dream of shining brighter than her.”
The ravenette’s voice becomes awfully dreamy, almost sickeningly sweet. It sounded off, like it didn’t and never would fit her face.
Everything sent silent, only the clanking of tools being audible. She could sense the vibe become more sinister, almost as if “his” demeanour had altered the whole room.
“Well,” she supposed to herself. “It kind of did. Its not like hes dead, yet. His vibe can still be felt.”
And it was true. He wasn’t dead yet.
She then bellowed an unnatural laugh again. The voice changer making it sound as if she were laughing in a commercial.
“You have to know who i am, Mr Petropolus. I know you aren’t the sharpest chisel in the shed, but its been oh, so painfully obvious.” She didnt bat an eye, much less turn around as she said this.
“Actually, I wont ruin the main event just yet. We still have quite the way to go.” At this point she was just letting words roll off her tongue as she set up.
“I cant even say your name. It disgusts me. You disgust me. How dare you take her. You don’t deserve her. You don’t deserve anything you get. Even what im going to do to you is a gracious death.” She scoffed.
She got rope a clock, a bin bag, and a smaller of the chisels. Silently she tied him up best she could with his position.
“I wont lie to you, so I will not say that I am sorry.”
She then sat down, cross legged. placed the clock and bin-bag near one of the chair legs, the bin bag going just in-front of him.
With the chisel, she took it to any defining features, first his foot, chipping away at the bottom.
She felt the atmosphere become desperate and dire. She felt him become in more and more distress, more and more pain. And that was her aim, really. He had to pay, and if she could get as much out of the way now, that meant less clean up later.
She then stood up and chiselled away his fingers, one by one. She let herself openly smile behind the mask while she felt the mood changing constantly, the terror filling her with a sense of euphoria, with a sense of relief. In fact, this felt like some sort of outlet to her, some sort of outlet for her feelings.
Maybe she should get into sculpting, it seemed to be helping.
She continued doing this, carefully chipping away at everything and anything that could identify him as who he was.
And it wasn’t like she even had to chisel away his snakes, either. If anything it would help her get away with it if worse came to worse and he was found.
The Jericho police, despite desperately claiming it wasn’t true, delayed any outcast cases. Hell, there isnt and never was any outcast’s on the police team to even change this.
They hate outcasts, which is why she knows that his death will be chalked up to the scary outcast monster in the woods, turning on “their own kind” and killing him.
How does she know this? Well, its the easiest thing to do to shut the case the fastest, all she had to do was claim one o his body parts and leave the rest in the woods somewhere.
The faster the case for an outcast is shut, the better. And who wouldn’t believe that the Hyde killed him? Stole one body part for something or other and scampered away with it?
They believed the monster was a bear for much longer than they should have, so this was child’s play.
After she was done, she looked at her work.
He reminded her of deteriorated angels, how their eyes would be pits of black, how horrifyingly beautiful theyd be, praying to someone who would never restore them, never save them, who could never wash their sins in the eyes of others.
Every piece of everything was gone. He was no longer him, he was a shell of a human. And she wasn’t even finished.
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muthaz-rapapa · 1 year
Hirogaru Sky Impressions (1/5)
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We're in for 48 episodes so I'll do these after every 10 episodes until the end.
And I'll try to keep it short since I'm sure most of the major topics have already been discussed in great length anyway so I don't want to add to the redundancy.
Simply put, this anniversary season has been a blast of heartwarming fun so far. Not to mention, quite innovative in regards to the franchise as a whole. The breaking of old trends is excitingly refreshing while the show is still keeping it very Precure in spirit.
If anything, SkyPre (HiroSky? HiroPre? which way are we calling it?) feels the most Precure to me since probably StarPre and I think that's due to how the writing is handled this year.
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Story format changes
I'm very happy that they went for spreading out the introductions and pacing the debut schedules instead of bunching the first four episodes with one new transformation after another.
True, this technically started with DeliPaPre but last season was rather weak in the characterization and group chemistry departments that the effort seemed almost wasted.
Of course, I'm not saying the DeliPa girls were a poor team or anything. They were alright.
But when you watch SkyPre, the development just feels so much more satisfying, don't you think?
Starting the season off with paired Cures (as a tribute to FutariWa, kyaa! 😆) was a great idea because it gave a lot of time for Sora and Mashiro, the first members, to bond and find their groove as partners while establishing their characters through their individual personalities, goals and inner conflicts.
Then incorporating more Cures as we go along (Tsubasa/Wing and later, Ageha/Butterfly), we have something to look forward to every week instead of letting the hype die down right after everyone debuted already...until it rises up again with the reveal of the next stock footage only to go down again and repeat.
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Precure's strongest trait as a magical girl series has always been its theme of friendship and teamwork. However, you can't achieve a solid execution of that theme well if you don't actually devote time and focus to the build up of genuine camaraderie.
And the basic foundations for that lies in everyone acknowledging each other's different strengths and demonstrating how vital and valuable those are to the group.
Ep 10 really reinforced those principles (even letting Sora and Mashiro dismiss the villain cuz their friendship moment with Tsubasa came FIRST 😤) which is great cuz with Ageha's debut coming up around the corner, we can rest assured that this aspect will remain steady for at least another 10 episodes.
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2. Characterization
To have a good diversified team, naturally you would need distinctly carved out characters (in other words, more than just archetypes).
SkyPre does display some old patterns but that's not a bad thing since the show largely avoids over reliance on them by giving each Cure a significant amount of depth to work with and specific goal(s) to aim for.
For Sora, Tsubasa and Ageha, their personal character arcs are quite clear and they all fit into a type of hero to go along with the season's motif. Cure Sky being a traditional ally of justice, Cure Wing as the knight to Elle-chan's princess. And Ageha wishes to become a nursery teacher, which is a very admirable ambition as teachers can serve as role models to children.
That leaves Mashiro, who's been troubled on several occasions for not having a dream of her own.
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But I don't believe this means an absence of a character arc for her. At the very least, there's certainly no lack of conflict since she realized the "problem" herself and has been given screentime to address it and overcome her own doubts.
Perhaps this is also indicating that "finding her dream" is her goal and learning to accept her own "light that illuminates others" is part of that discovery process.
Mashiro's personality and drive is very supportive in nature, after all. We saw that in how she was very welcoming and accommodating of Sora and Tsubasa, residents from another world. We saw that in how she was the one to comfort Ageha, who is older than her, in the past when they were both small children.
And that is a type of hero, too.
You don't have to be super confident or bold and forthright. You don't have to be a leader or force stereotypical notions of heroism onto yourself to be a hero.
You just need a good heart and to be able to act on it.
Chances are, if you were kind to someone in need or helped someone less fortunate because you knew it was the right thing to do, then you already qualify as a true hero.
I believe that is the message of Mashiro's story.
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That said, we already got so much good content and we still have so much to look forward to. Yay! 😆
Ageha/Cure Butterfly joining the team foremost (sometime after ep 15 apparently since the next announced titles don't list her name yet)
More villain generals appearing soon and therefore, more insight into what they're really after (though it's probably gonna be generic evil as always but eh, whatever cuz everything else is awesome).
More on the person who saved Sora and inspired her to become a hero, Tsubasa accomplishing his dream of being able to fly w/o the assistance of magic.
Ellee-chan's mysterious powers, oooh~
First group attack, group power-up + power-up attack, ultimate power-up (??)
Midseason Cure already spoiled but we all know who it's going to be anyway and the question if her debut will fall around the early 20s or later with the shift in narrative arrangement (see above).
Hehe, yep it's gonna be great 😁
(on another note, they now have 38 more episodes to fix Prism's transformation sequence cuz god, did they do her dirty. Especially her going MIA on the "JUMP" platform did she jump so hard she went to Skyland?! and the static split screen. I can let go of everything else but PLEASE. FIX. THOSE. DAMMIT!! 🫵💢)
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acourtofthought · 1 year
I wish people stopped defending Nesta and making others look like the bad guys, just because Elain, Feyre, and the others realized they couldn’t do the work for Nesta, she had to do it herself.
And it’s disrespectful too, because, I’m sorry, but, even if the IC and Elain didn’t walk to talk to Nesta anymore, they’d have every right.
No one’s saying Nesta is evil or doesn’t deserve happiness, but what she did is messed up, no matter her reasons. She can find happiness with new friends, even old ones and family if they want to forgive her, but they shouldn’t be forced to.
I have experience with this, and reading Nesta’s lines reminds me of my own trauma at the hands of someone who treated me like she did Feyre, the IC, later Elain, and justified it with their problems.
You guys have no idea how it fucks you up.
So, please, be mindful. I respect having the strength to support Nesta and wanting to be by her side, but be respectful to the damages the behaviour of people like her causes.
So much yes to what you said.
I'm thrilled Nesta has begun to find her people and her happiness but.....
If someone feels that Nesta did not owe any of the characters anything because of her trauma, despite what they may have done for her (especially Feyre), then why should Elain have owed Nesta anything despite what Nesta may have done for her? Why did Rhys owe Nesta respect? Why did Cassian owe Nesta his patience and kindness?
If the narrative is that no one owes anyone anything because of their trauma then why are we only extending that to Nesta but no one else as they all had trauma?
Feyre kept Nesta alive for years yet Nesta was allowed to verbally lash out at her and take her money without even bothering to want to see her. That's Feyre doing things for Nesta and Nesta not treating her well and people saying that was alright because Nesta was struggling.
So why should Elain have to do anything for Nesta just because Nesta did something for her (and really what did Nesta do for her? Sit quietly by her side while Elain personally pushed her way through the worst of her own trauma with no real help from anyone)? Not to mention that was her trauma from being Made and losing Graysen. What about the trauma Elain had from being kidnapped a second time? Having to stab a man? Her fathers death? Regardless of what anyone thinks, Elain is still struggling with her trauma too, she's not 100% fine.
I'm not even saying Elain did nothing because it is canon that she did reach out to Nesta and Nesta shut her down. Nesta told her that she did not want to be around her and I'm sorry but that doesn't really feel good to hear so why would Elain continue reaching out to Nesta only to be told "go away, my life doesn't include you?" Did Elain seem like she was in a place to deal with more rejection? But still, just because someone does something for you doesn't mean you're obligated to do something for them.
And of course the IC didn't ship Elain off somewhere, what reason would there have been for that? She wasn't wasting their money, she wasn't partaking in anything dangerous, she wasn't being disrespectful to them. She was basically an extra piece of furniture in their house. They worried about her but she wasn't causing problems for them or their Court.
And why are we placing the blame on the other characters for not knowing what Nesta needed? They tried to be nice and include her. That didn't work. They tried to give her space and money she wasn't even earning at that point so she could hopefully work it out herself. That didn't work. They finally put their foot down and gave her one of two options (or Nesta could have chosen to go off on her own and make her own money if she wanted) and we have the characters still getting blamed for that even though it was the thing that set Nesta on the path of her healing. If Nesta spoke up and said, "this is what I need, can you help me?" and truly meant it (and not just a "I refuse to do that because I want to keep living in my slummy apartment and using your money to drink and gamble!") but they ignored her and said, "No!" then people would have a valid reason to be angry at the IC. But after a year, after Nesta shot down their attempts at including her, after Nesta showed no signs of getting better on her own, and them moving on to the next thing to try which got all the hate it did, I think people expect too much from the IC and not enough from Nesta herself. And yes, of course Elain hoped that Nesta had gotten better. That's usually what happens when you send somewhat of an addict to rehab and one of the doctors says "I think this has been helping!" as Cassian told her he thought it was. 😂 Would it have made more sense for Elain to arrive at the HOW and say, "This doesn't surprise me, I expected no progress from you."
How dare Elain be optimistic that she might have improved, WHAT A BITCH. 🤦
I also have a Nesta in my life and honestly, I'm thankful to see a story where everyone is finding their happiness because that's not the way my version has gone. And it is one of the constant stressors in my life because of the constant judgement, gaslighting, and jealousy coming at me.
But I am glad for any real life Nesta who made it to the other side and was able to repair their broken relationships as well as love themselves. But it does anger me when there's no responsibility placed on character Nesta while blaming the IC or the sisters for everything wrong in her life.
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prismportrait · 11 months
Water-Type Masters High Score Event Challenge in Pokemas
Yeah the r/pokemonmasters subreddit might provide way better resources but I’m still boycotting reddit and I feel like sharing these details to those it may help.
Quick Notes:
You will not get every parameter. Much like Champion Stadium, it’s impossible to clear with everything.
You must have 1 water type on all 5 teams. Bonus if it’s a Main Character, which is pretty common between Spotlight general pool and Trainers Lodge free units.
Rewards max at 180,000 so don’t worry if your last fight is tough if you’ve already cleared. I’m only doing this cause I’m an idiot.
You do get gems for clearing the fights so if this module is not your interest, just clear it with the bare minimum and get those gems at least.
You can take the fights in any order, I will be talking about them in order, left to right.
I find the ‘right’ level of Strength Increase difficulty for me is 250 with full Water teams. Anything above makes the fights significantly harder.
If you don’t have full Water teams, you may need to increase Strength difficulty to earn points. I think the Strength difficulty is to provide a resource for those with few Water units/people who only ever pulled Anni Red/Ash and thought they could clear everything for the rest of their lives lol. You basically need to clear with immediate sync nuking at expert level and above, so good luck.
You need to pay attention to parameters when setting up your teams.
More details below cut. I will not be going over much for f2p but the notes I do have on f2p units you can take and apply as needed. I can post sync grids as requested.
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VS Misty
Lodge Silver, Eusine, SS Kris
The hardest fight before Archie is the first. You cannot use SS Lysandre here. You NEED a rain or sun setter.
I used SS Kris for my rain but technically May could work here too, or use Winona. I have no idea if NC Calem counts, typically type-changers do not count as a Water Type but it would count towards your Main Character at least.
Getting frozen is pretty unlucky, you’ll want to reset.
The new Eusine unit is pretty great here, the only downside is he can’t trap with Whirlpool so he misses that extra passive buff a little. Lodge Silver Was just a water unit I could throw in but I gave him Stoic 2 lucky skill from the silver-level pink cookies so he can keep buffing. More stats= more points.
VS Marlon
Lana, NC Serena, Swimsuit Misty
RIP anyone who didn’t get the free Swimsuit Misty tbh. This parameter requires NO strike sync pairs, so you need to optimize a good tech unit but possibly save those like Nessa for the monster that is Archie.
The reason for this parameter is simple: the sides are brutal. Marlon’s teammates hit so hard, they’ll easily OHKO your main attacker. This is why you need a good free Lana here with Wide Guard to shield from Rock Slide. You won’t even need to shield Surf because of her passive Team Water Guard.
Swimsuit Misty has a lot of bulk, healing, and provides stat increases. NC Serena is good even at 1/5 to handle the rest. Alternatives... any good tech. Probably Dojo Gloria? Idk.
VS Lana
SS Misty, May, SS Blue
This is the first time I really used SS Misty and it worked pretty well. She’s extremely good for Haze, removing their buffs, and Mist for preventing more stat decreases. Even more importantly, her sync grid allows for the chance of sync propulsion with the use of Mist and Haze. It only worked once, but it works when I most needed it to pop May’s sync before Lana could sync.
SS Blue is one of the best tanks in the game but even he will struggle if you don’t remove their stats. He was dying in 2-3 hits, the game here is to kill quickly and get a little lucky with accuracy drops on May.
Probably my most f2p friendly team here. May is always a queen.
VS Nessa
SS Lysandre, Archie, Elio
My easiest fight hands down but look at this ridiculous team, of course it was. This fight requires burn, so good luck to anyone without SS Lysandre, I guess.
This was super simple, burn, then kill.
VS Archie
Marlon, Nessa, Hilbert
I technically haven’t won yet but I’ve gotten so so so close on this team or with SS Grimsley it’s painful I can’t clear yet. The good news is I’ve already cleared 250 on the previous 4 fights so it doesn’t matter, but I wanna clear similarly for principle now.
Hilbert has X Speed evasion option in his grid which is surprisingly helpful. Waterfall only works so many times to flinch. Marlon raises defenses and can take some of the aggro, if you get very very lucky in his grid, you can even get Unyielding 2 immortality. Most importantly, Marlon decreases speed.
Nessa or SS Grimsley both hit very hard and physically, which is the parameter of this fight. There’s no special options. So uh, lol. I’m having slightly better luck with Nessa since she can raise her own crit rate without taking 90% HP loss, and her Ripple Effect does help with Carvanha.
Truly, the Carvanha are the menace here. Rip me.
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e17omm · 7 months
do you ever wanna write something new and different (tm) or are you content with the stories you have?
Most of the time I get a few short ideas of things that could be fun but I dont write anything so they just kinda fade away.
Most of the time though, I write what has my brainrot going. My brain thinks a lot - and its not always a good thing. I started writing Himeko adopts a stray Herrscher because I could not stop thinking about it. It gave me a headache.
So the reason why I write so much of Snippets is because Ive kinda broken out of the "I cant keep track of a long-ass story because if I write down notes (like what happened to HaasH) then my brain just hits the brakes and stops there." shell.
Because I can write Snippets of Sirin Schariac's life in whatever order I write it in. So absolutely; Snippets AU is kinda an amalgination of ideas that Ive had of the HI3 story that I mash together and make work.
Sirin is alive. Bella is alive. They have a better life with Cecilia and Kiana is their little sister. Mobius is alive (though that one is more "I read the Soul Eater manga recently and I cant believe the anime ends 40% through the story. Also Medusa is fucking great and I basically copy how she is written while undercover as the school nurse and write Mobius like that"). Mei accepts being a Herrscher early on. Kurikara isnt Bella's reincarnated corpse but Mei's version of Benares. Kevin actually does shit. Kiana got to use the Judgement of Shamash. Himeko becomes a Herrscher. The Herrscher of Dominance isnt stupid and will abuse the hell out of the massive advantage that they threw away in canon. The ending wont take a wierd turn into a stigmata dream thing that wasn't foreshadowed at all.
What if Sirin survived? What if Mei accepted being a Herrscher early on? What if the Will of the Herrscher (chapters 7-9) never happened? What if Project Stigma was what it was foreshadowed to be? What if the Will of Honkai was the Will of Honkai and not Prometheus wierdly hacking into it?
You can (or will) see those independent ideas that I had in Snippets of Sirin Schariac's life. That's why Im writing so much of it, its like 8 different fanfiction/canon divergences that I've thought about turned into one long fanfic AU.
That's not as to say I dont have other ideas. That Fallen Moon AU is like a side-gig I'll definitely return too when I want/need a little break from Snippets.
I have minor fic ideas like "what if every battlesuit was a person in a FGO-style of way?" and other stuff like "what if Reaper in the Black Reaper RWBY fanfic was sent back in time and met her earlier self?" I like fics like that.
For Black Reaper, since its a fanfic of a show I barely mention; it is a fanfic of one of the main characters (Ruby) falling from grace, takes on her dead sisters Semblance (special power), but since its anger-based, and Ruby wasnt meant to have it, she completely loses control of her emotions. Shes much angrier and violent because Yang's semblance turned anger/pain into strength. And Ruby just spirals down until she accidentally (yes, accidentally) murders someone in cold blood. She runs away, teams up with everyones favorite criminal duo, Roman and Neo, and does crime.
What Black Reaper does that sets it apart from other "fallen from grace" fanfics I've read is that - it stick to what it did.
But it also almost didnt.
So, the original ship is Ruby x Velvet. Perfectly fine, cute ship.
The much more interesting ship is Ruby/Reaper x Neo.
Because Reaper does turn back to the good side. So you'd expect the boring "angsty return coz Ruby did horrible stuff and is trying to be good again with Velvet." turn.
But NO! The author, vengfulfate, posted in their notes that the original plan was to have that boring return to 'Ruby'. What they decided seeing the comments though. Was to have 'Reaper' return to the good side. Not Ruby. (Fall from grace fics turning around and making the whole thing mostly pointless, and BR not doing that, is likely one of the main reason why I love consequences from events in stories. Bronya's legs being fucked and needing to be robotic. Mei's horns staying there. Sirin's arm being chopped off. I have nothing against them, but those are consequences from events and just, undoing them is so boring!)
So Ruby falls from grace, turns to crime, renames herself Reaper, returns to the good side as Reaper. She fully embraces her new life with Neo. The most important thing is that Reaper learns to tame Yang's semblance, so ultimately, Reaper does get something out of having turned to crime. And it just makes it all feel like it had a point to it.
I would've hated Black Reaper if Reaper turned back to Ruby. Because it just undoes so much and makes it pointless.
And the reason I went on this Black Reaper rant, is because Ive always had a small want to write a fic where Reaper is sent back to a time pre-Yang death. Because Reaper is VERY different from Ruby.
It'll also be so unheard of. Most "sent back in time" has a character develop, get experience, then sent back to their younger, more inexperience self.
But this would be a character getting traumatised, losing control of themselves due to things out of their control, turn to a life in crime, radically change their moral compass (Reaper casually steals snacks she thinks is too expensive and will break into a clothing shop in the middle of the night just to get a new fit. While still being a quote unquote Good Guy™. I love her. Reaper Rose is a great character), and have THAT person, transported back in time to a point where their moral compass would NEVER allow them to even think about doing those things? (Would also be great angst because Reaper get to see her sister again. And Neo wouldnt know her. So it would just be oh, so angsty with Reaper trying not to turn into a murderer again because oh, murdering Adam and Cinder would be all that she had left in her life with Neo gone from it. The only reason Reaper eventually stays as a Good Guy™ is because after turning Neo into a Good Guy™, Neo really liked that life and didnt want to go back to crime. But Reaper would also have to protect her younger self from becoming Reaper. So she would still have to be a Good Guy™ but only for the reason of murdering two specific people she absolutely hates. This is to say nothing of Ruby reacting to "oh god this is me in the future!")
Oh, I feel like I could just talk of some of my own ideas, Black Reaper, or Fragments of Chaldea for hours (not literally, but feel free to ask).
Anyways, yeah, I do have some more fanfic ideas. Some Honkai related and some not.
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