#she helps her girlfriend out alot where she can't :3!
achillean-knight · 11 months
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So I have been designing....
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I love love love your writing and i was wondering if you could write something about jj x reader and reader is very easily exciteable ( like scatterbrain adhd) and talks alot and slowly Kie gets more and more irritated with reader and then she finally snaps and screams how reader is so annoying? And the boys are gobsmacked and JJ especially. I promise i dont have anything personal against Kie i love her but i dont think she would like me very much lmao😭😭
Thank you sm🤭🫶
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Thank you so much my baby starfish, you're so sweet to me <3
This started really strong, then I got a lil lost in the sauce, so here you have 3.6k of JJ x Reader. I hope you like it 💖💖💖 r loves dinosaurs
CWs: Swearing, yelling, Kiara being mean, John B's dad is alive because I just can't hurt that poor boy but he's only mentioned once
JJ liked getting her alone. Every chance he could, getting them away from their respective friend groups, with their prying eyes and loud opinions. It was his favorite place to be, alone, with her. They’d been together for a solid while, getting together right before spring break. The pogues wondered where he’d been the whole week, after too many unanswered texts blowing up the group chat he gave in…and told them he was holed up at home, hotboxing his bedroom for the foreseeable future. Not that it was entirely a lie, it just wasn’t entirely true either. 
He introduced her to the rest of them at the beginning of the summer, a little reluctantly since they’d planned a date but forgot to actually plan anything. So with no other option, since JJ had no food in his house and y/n’s a/c broke, they went to the Wreck. 
Unfortunately for JJ, Kiara was working and Pope and John B had just gotten back from helping Mr. Hayward with something or another. JJ entirely forgot both of these things and only just remembered as he saw the Twinkie in the parking lot. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“What?” She pulled his helmet off of her head but didn’t get off the bike yet. 
“All my friends are here.”
“That’s a bad thing? I’ve met them all before.” She had; she helped John B pass his last Spanish test and was in a study group with Pope for their Civics class. Kiara knew her from Biology, she’d stay after every class to talk with their teacher about everything but what they just discussed in class.
“Yeah, but they’ve never met you as my…” he trailed off and she slid herself under his arm, putting herself in front of him, tossing her legs over his and leaning back on the handlebar between his arms.
“You can say girlfriend.” He fixed her helmet hair in a lame attempt to distract her from his shy smile. She scrunched her nose at the tickle of his calloused fingertips against her skin. “Oh right, you can’t say it without blushing.”
“Hell yeah I can.” He kept his hands on her cheeks and moved both of their heads in opposite directions to keep the sun out of her eyes.
“Say it then, Pretty,” she put her face real close to his with his hands stuck to her cheeks, nudging his nose once so he’d look up and she could kiss right under his jaw. She leaned back just slightly and held his forearms. “Girlfriend, girlfriend, girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend,” one kiss to her forehead, “girlfriend,” another to her nose, “firlgriend,” a final one to her lips. Not quite a kiss since she was smiling so hard at his mistake. 
“You made me mess up, that was not my fault.”
“How did I make you mess up?”
“By being so damn cute.” He started kissing all over her face, her neck, her collarbones. 
“That’s what got you?”
“You always get me.”
“You trying to put the moves on me, Maybank?” She pulled him back up from her neck by a tug to his hair.
“Depends, is it working, l/n?”
“Are you trying to distract me so we can go somewhere else knowing full well that there is nowhere else?”
He let his head fall back against her clavicle with a long, exaggerated groan. “So it’s not working?”
“No, sorry,” she tilted her head to the side with faux sympathy, he thought she looked like a puppy. “Please? I’m starving.” He braced his hands behind himself so he could lean back and give her room to swing her leg over. He followed it with his eyes with no shame, to which she could only scoff a laugh.
When he finally regained his composure, “Can’t have my firlgriend starving, now could I darlin’?”
“I’m sending you back. I don’t even remember where I got you but I’d like a refresher on the return policy.”
“Ha. Ha. Ha. You’re really hilarious. I swear, you should take it on the road or somethin.” He said in a single tone. They started walking into the restaurant and he still held out his hand to her. 
She laid her head on his shoulder just before they made it to the door. “But you love me?” 
“Fuck yeah I love you.” He turned to kiss her head but it was more his cheek to her head and a kiss to the air above it. She loved it just the same.
“Good, I love you too.” She kissed his shoulder and was glad the heat permitted such skin to show, no sleeves in the way of her boy’s skin. 
“Alright, come on.” He almost dragged her into the restaurant but it was more of a rush to get himself in there.
Kiara was at the hostess stand and smiled when she saw him, the corner of her lip twitched twice when he saw who he was with, once at the hand he was holding and again at the girl it was attached to. Yet she still recovered quickly and kept up the perfect customer service act. “Hey Kie, how’s today been? Yeah? You know what I’d love, is if you could uh, get us a table at the back, kinda quickly?”
“What’s the rush, Jay?” She gathered two menus and started guiding them back.
“Don’t worry about it. Just-please?”
“M-hmm.” She sat them at a dimly lit table in the back corner and JJ helped y/n up into the continuous booth with the circular table. She thanked him with a smile and he slid in next to her, resting a hand on her thigh, warm skin under his rough touch.
“Thank you,” y/n smiled brightly at Kiara and picked up her menu. Kiara gave JJ a look that she couldn’t see with the menu in front of his face What are you doing? He returned it with a grave look, Let me have my last 10 minutes with her to myself in peace.
“Martha will be right over with your waters.”
JJ nodded and Kiara got the hint finally. 
John B and Pope came out of the kitchen with their little trays of free food. “We heard JJ’s bike pull up. He here?” Pope tossed a thumb over his shoulder to the dining area. 
“Yeah, actually-” they started walking away to go find him but she pulled them back by their shirt collars. “But, I think he’s on a date.”
“A date?” John B asked.
“Yeah, that doesn’t sound like him. You sure we’re talking about the same guy?” Pope held up a hand to approximately JJ’s height. “Yea tall, perpetually sweaty, doesn’t own a single sleeve in his whole wardrobe, different day different girl, JJ?”
“That’s the one. He’s in the back…Waaaaiit, wait wait. Don’t go yet, let them at least get their waters first.”
“Who’s he with?”
“Do we know her?”
“I don’t know if you do. I had biology with her. Y/n? L/n?”
Both of their jaws went slack. John B nearly dropped his fries. “Her?”
“You’re kidding.”
“Like she’d ever go for him, she’s too…” John B shook his hand thinking the words would come to him.
“Nice, kind, morally upright?” Pope offered.
“No. When has she ever been annoying?”
“In bio, she’d always stay after and talk to Dr. Dyer about literally everything besides biology.”
“Kie, I hate to break it to you,” John B put a hand on her shoulder, “I really do. But I don’t see what any of that has to do with you.”
“Because she’s just so…ugh excited. All the time.”
“As if JJ isn’t exactly the same.”
“They’re in the back you said?”
“Yeah, in the corner. Wait- I didn’t tell you that!” But they already had all the information they needed and were half way over there already.
JJ saw them wave as they approached then put his head on the table with a groan. They saw her try to coax him up with a hand scratching over his back and some nice words they couldn’t hear. And then they saw everything they needed to when she raised her other hand to wave and JJ’s bracelet was on her wrist. Oh, John B’s face said to Pope’s, This is serious.
But that didn’t stop them. “Hey guys, funny running into you two here.” John B announced, extra loudly just for JJ’s sake since his head was still down. He and Pope slid into the round booth on the other side of y/n. She pushed JJ up by the shoulder but his chin was still to his chest.
“Wow, must have really worn him out.” Pope said, followed by a stolen one of John B’s fries.
“Looks like it. You gonna make it hotshot?” 
He looked up sharply to flick his hair out of his face. She pushed it back and while they were so focused on each other the other two boys gave each other looks Oh shit, this is real serious.
“I’ll make it.” He let out a long and exasperated groan. “Pope, John B, this is my firlgriend.” Completely an honest mistake but he was just happy it made her laugh. “Sorry, sorry, I didn’t-”
“No, I know you didn’t.” He squeezed her thigh and continued.
“This is my girlfriend.” Oh, real real serious. 
“Took you long enough,” referring to how many tries it took him to get it right, not hiding their relationship. She actually didn’t mind it, she liked having him all to herself. “Good boy,” she pushed herself up to kiss his cheek and he leaned into it. She stayed looking up at him with a smile and the boys were waiting for him to look disgusted, grossed out, something, anything he’d usually do with girls that got too affectionate; but it never came. He was looking at her the same way he looks at a great swell of a wave, like she was an adventure, something he wanted to take on and knew he could. They saw it in his eyes and then, this kid blushed. This girl made JJ Maybank blush, hard.
“So what have you guys been up to?” JJ pulled her closer with an arm around her waist and she leaned back into him so she could face the boys. 
They talked about so many things and she was so animated and genuinely interested in what they had to say. She liked hearing about Pope’s dreams and aspirations, asking him so many questions about his scholarship and what kind of career he wants. John B told her about the theories he and his dad have come up with about the shipwreck and the treasure. She was so easy to talk to and never bored. How could anyone be bored when the conversations moved so fast. Every time Kiara walked by it was something new. Mr. Hayward’s business, Pope’s scholarship, what he wants to do after high school, John B’s Spanish final, who says ‘bon voyage’ the French or the Spanish, how different languages happened, Pangea, Panthalassa, what a fun word trapezoid is, how much the geometry teacher sucked, their favorite classes, the clubs she and Pope are in with both of them getting all excited about the ones they shared. 
“You should come to the chateau sometime,” John B suggested and she looked up at JJ over her shoulder, a silent what do you think?
“Yeah, it’d be fun,” all three of them picked up on his hesitancy. 
“Yeah?” He nodded surely in response. “You just tell me when.”
JJ loved getting her alone. Every minute with just her was heaven to him.
Unfortunately for both of them, he was under house arrest in purgatory. 
Pope and John B loved having her around. Kiara didn’t get the hype. “Kie, listen, it’s like having a puppy that can talk.” John B had had a few beers that were way higher percentages than he thought. 
“Don’t call my girlfriend a puppy, man.”
“Sor-*hiccup* sorry, but am I wrong? Pope, am I wrong?”
“Not really, like if she was a puppy her tail would always be waggin and shit and if she saw a leaf move she’d be like,” He turned around really fast and JJ thought he heard his neck crack.
“I still don’t get why that means she has to be over here all the time?”
“Do you have some sort of problem with her, Kie?” JJ asked, failing at holding the defensive tone off.
“No, I just mean why is she always around?”
“Because she’s my girlfriend, I like having her around and so do they. So kindly do me a favor and get the stick out of your ass. Hmm?” 
“Fine,” she put her hands up in surrender then leaned back in her seat, letting them all get back on with their evening.
By the end of the summer y/n was thoroughly convinced Kiara hated her. She’d hardly look at her and she’d never add anything to their conversations besides some snarky remark about how close it seems she and JJ have gotten. But she was never out right mean, y/n thought she was just reading into it too hard. 
They were back at the chateau, having some drinks to celebrate….something. Y/n couldn’t quite remember what. She was in JJ’s lap and he was talking to John B about cars or hydroponics, something. She didn’t know entirely but she was nodding along all the same. She was staring at his face, tracing his jaw with her eyes. She didn’t even notice she was doing it until he turned because of her finger tracing the curve then down his neck. He smiled at her, all soft and gentle and pretty. “What’re you up to, kid?”
She smiled back at him just the same lazy adorable way that she does when he catches her spacing out. “I’m older than you.”
“Barely, and that doesn’t answer my question.”
“You have a mole.” She put her finger back on it. “Right there. Since when?”
“Forever, probably.” He took her hand so carefully and held it in their laps instead, both of them twisting their fingers around the other’s like a kelp forest, slipping and sliding back and forth through the spaces between them.
“Forever? Really? I never noticed.”
“Ha- You never notice a lot of things.” Kiara mumbled loud enough for Big John to hear her inside. 
JJ’s fingers stilled, y/n just squeezed them tighter. Her smile fell for a second but she picked it right back up, looser, no teeth, not reaching her eyes or making the lines in her cheeks it usually does. “What do you mean?” JJ was going to cry with how small and innocently she said it.
“You said I don’t notice anything, what do you mean?”
“Nothing, don’t worry about it.” Kiara scratched her neck then took a strand of hair  to twist around her finger and check for split ends,
“I notice a lot of things,” she slipped off of JJ’s lap and into the seat next to him but let him keep their thighs pressed together. 
“I’m sure you do. Just like the note John B left to keep the door closed! Just like how Pope tells you over and over what his favorite color is! And when JJ obviously looks uncomfortable to anyone with eyes! You notice all that?! Of course you don’t, you’re so wrapped up in yourself you don’t know anything about anyone around you. All you ever do is talk about yourself, it’s sickening.”
“Ok,” she sniffed shallowly but JJ could still hear the shakiness in it, feel her leg bouncing against his. She can do this herself, JJ thought hopefully. She took a deep breath, “Seems like  we know what we all think of me now.” She started picking up the empty cups and cans within her arms reach. “John B, ‘s it ok if I ask your dad to take me home?”
“Uh, yea-”
“Hey, I’ll take you home.” JJ put a hand on her arm when she stood. She would only look at his hand, not his face. 
“No, it’s ok.” He could hardly hear her, something that rarely happened since she’d gotten comfortable with all of them. Well, almost all of them. He stood up, close enough that her arm was flush to his chest. She still didn’t look at him, only facing John B, pulling his cold glare from Kiara to her taught pout and watery eyes that broke his heart. “If he’s busy I can walk.”
“You’re not walking,” JJ tried to get her to look at him. She almost did but then Kiara started again.
“Maybe she should. Learn to do something for herself for once instead of getting someone else to do it for her, like she does every time.”
JJ pulled her to his chest and John B stepped in front of them. “Kie, I think you should go, man.”
“Right, like you guys haven’t been ditching me since JJ started bringing his new bitch around!” She flinched at the word and JJ pulled her closer. “Just make Kiara leave, right?! Not like I’ve been your best friend for years before she came around.”
“You wanna go?” JJ whispered into her ear. She didn’t trust herself to speak, she didn’t want to speak, so a nod would have to suffice. “Go wait inside.”
“Jay, no,” she weakly argued.
“I’ll be right out, please baby, just let me,” he left the end of his sentence hanging and let Pope guide her inside with a nod of gratitude.
John B was still trying to calm Kiara down, but JJ wasn’t into pleasantries. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you? Ever since you’ve started bringing her here you’ve been so distant, you’re so wrapped up in each other, it’s like you’re in your own little bubble and you never pay any attention to us anymore.”
“Could you stop speaking for me and Pope, Kie? Really. It’s enough,” John B sat back down while JJ and Kiara were getting in each other’s faces. 
“So you don’t find her so fucking grating you can’t even hear yourself think?”
John B pulled JJ back, just a bit further from her, “No-”
“No one thinks that! You think that because you’re so possessive over us for no reason! Kie, I’m happy with her, I love her. I love you guys too but not if you’re gonna be a fuckin psycho about it.”
“All I mean is-”
“All you mean is that you’re jealous, and you need to get the fuck over it.”
She scoffed at that, “I am not jealous, I’m not jealous. Why would you even say that?”
“Why would you say any of the shit you’ve said to her? Hmm? You can’t fuckin share. And I’m not asking you to.”
A strange look of relief flashed over her features, but was greatly short lived. 
“I’m telling you.”
“JJ, I-”
“I’m telling you, if you can’t figure out how to act like a normal fucking person then I’m not comin around.”
“I’m the normal one, she’s- she’s-”
Both boys looked at her expectantly, waiting for her to come up with a real negative about the kindest girl they’ve probably ever met, albeit the most distracted one.
JJ hummed when she couldn’t come up with anything. “Jombee, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“10:30 still?”
“You know I’m not up by then.” They did their handshake and JJ went inside while John B made Kiara sit back down and talk to him. Pope and y/n were leaned back against the counter, he had an arm over her shoulders and was finally able to calm her breathing. “Hey,” JJ came closer, slowly, so he didn’t startle them. “Hey, you feelin ok? Still wanna go?”
“Yeah,” she sniffed hard, “Yeah. You ok?”
“I will be when we get home.”
“Where’s home?”
“Wherever you want it to be.”
They rode back to her house on his bike. He carried her through the house, just to make her laugh, since she’d been so quiet. 
He threw her onto the bed then went through the shelves of DVDs, looking for the ones he was sure she’d like. “Not the Little Mermaid,” he pushed that one back in line.
“What? Why not the Little Mermaid?”
“Because she doesn’t talk, I want you to talk.”
“I don’t wanna talk, you do enough of that for the both of us.” He laughed a little at her attempt of a joke, but it was short lived once he realized what she really meant. 
“But I like your voice, I like what you have to say.”
“Yeah, definitely.”
“About what?”
“About whatever you want.” She silently asked him for something more to go off of. “Here, tell me about this.” He handed her her weighted dinosaur and laid it on her chest.
“What about it?”
“Stop asking questions, start talking. Tell me why you like the squish feeling.”
“What do I get out of it?” He raised an eyebrow at another question but relented anyway.
“I’ll squish you.”
He nodded once, then thought if he looked at her smile any longer he’d melt, so he went to set the movie up.
“Your body is basically like, covered with touch receptors, and when they’re stimulated by, in this case squish, they release oxytocin, serotonin, dopamine, all those. And those are all the happy hormones, the love hormones, aaannnd you love me but you’d love me more if you came over and squished me.”
He hit play then brought a blanket so he could lay down and she could curl into his side. “You love me more than your dinosaur?”
“Is that even a question?”
“Uh, yes?”
“Of course I love you more than dinosaurs,” she nudged herself up to kiss his jaw that she could reach. “Dinosaurs can’t squish me, Silly, they’re extinct.”
(thank you so much for reading, please please please let me know if you want a part 2 and support your creators!!! ok??? (maybe not me, i kinda suck and only realized i never copied the last line over like 4 months later) But comments are like the most wonderful thing to me so if there’s any parts you particularly enjoyed just let me know <3<3<3)
“Of course I love you more than dinosaurs,” she nudged herself up to kiss his jaw that she could reach. “Dinosaurs can’t squish me, Silly, they’re extinct.”
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lizzieislife94x · 8 months
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Pool Party (e.o)
Requested <3
 LizziexG!P Reader
Might get another 2 Requests done today 
Y/ns POV: 
I can't help but laugh as scarlett walks past Colin and shoves him in the pool and walks away like nothing happened "no way that just happened" I yell to scar as she gives me an innocent smile damn coiln must have annoyed her, the only reason I got to meet these awesome people is because my girlfriend works with them but they quickly accepted me as one of their own I'm snapped out of my thoughts as lizzie comes walking out in a brownish orangeish bikini making my mouth drop open she walks over to me with a giggle wrapping her arms around my waist "mhh hey baby might wanna close your mouth before you catch flies" I look down at her as I'm slightly taller and bite my lip "fuck baby you look sexy I can't help but admire how perfect you are" she smirks and leans up kissing me as my hands rest comfortably on her ass squeezing gently pulling her closer to me "mhh baby don't get to excited" lizzie whispers in my ear as her hand discreetly squeezes my dick making me groan at her touch I hate when she's in a teasing mood especially when she knows I can't do anything about it I pull away and wink at lizzie before running to the pool yelling "CANANBALL" everyone cheers and laughs as lizzie shakes her head smiling at me I motion for her to come in which she does with alot more grace than me I go the corner where its empty as lizzie swims to me wrapping her legs around my waist and arms around my neck "hey baby" she whispers gently kissing my lips I smile kissing her back as I take her firm ass cheeks in my hands she bites my lip as I move my right hand round to her thigh sliding it higher as she looks at me with wide eyes "if you wanna be bold and tease me baby you'll have to pay the price" I husk into her ear as my thumb rubs her clit over her bikini bottoms causing her to dig her nails into my back "not here baby someone will see" she breaths out making me smirk "no-one will see princess only way they'll know is if you can't control yourself I mean I have absolutely no problem fucking you infornt of everyone making you scream till you beg me to stop" as soon as I finish my sentence I pull her panties to the side as I slide 2 fingers through her folds as I lean forward kissing her neck she moans closing her eyes as I sink 2 fingers deep inside her with no warning "shh shh shh baby or all your co workers as gonna hear how you sound getting fucked" I bite my lip as she groans into my ear "y/n lizzie you guys wanting hotdogs or burgers" I smirk and look over at scarlett "no we're good thanks might get one later I'm just enjoying a few minutes alone chatting with lizzie" I yell as I continue to thrust my fingers faster I can feel her walls tighten around me but I pull my fingers out before she cums as her eyes snap open and she glares at me "you want to tease well tease ill let you cum later don't worry my love but for now we have guests" I quickly let go of lizzie and swim to the edge as I climb out "you know what can I have a hotdog please scar" she smiles and nods as I go grab a beer I feel lizzies eyes burning into me but ignore it as I lay comfortably on the sun lounger, scarlett hands me a hotdog as I lay back and eat it after 20 minutes a pouty lizzie walks over to me "baby that was so mean" I lift my shades and smirk "sorry my love but if you hadn't noticed were throwing a party" she frowns and sits down in my lap cuddling up to me I gently rub my hand up and down her arm as she snuggles in getting comfortable "liz you wanting food" she looks up at scar "no thank you scar im good" she turns back cuddling into me as I lean down to whisper "I know what meat you want" I can't help but laugh as she slaps my chest "youre right but damn don't call me out" I pull her close and laugh "don't worry baby once they leave ill bring you back out here and fuck you in the pool" I feel her squeeze her thighs together and moan "you better" we spent the rest of the day hanging with friends laughing dancing and drinking. 
5 hours later
"I love our friends but God I'm glad they're gone" I say laughing as I walk over to lizzie wrapping my arms around her "I know right but I wanted them to leave 3 hours ago so you could fuck me but they didn't take the hint" I can't help but laugh and slap her ass as I pick her up and run to the pool jumping in with with a splash, we both come up laughing as I bite my lip and kick my shorts off before throwing them to her as soon as she realises what it is she swims to me fast making me laugh "someone's a little desperate" I pin her to the wall of the pool and easily get her bikini top off while my other hand goes down to remove her bottoms leaving her naked she loosens my bikini top biting her lip leaving us both naked "fuck I've wanted to do this since you walked out in that bikini " I say as I kiss and suck her neck gently I feel her wrap her legs around me trying to grind her core against my dick "if you don't calm down my love ill edge you all night and go to sleep without letting you cum" I hear her inhale sharply as my words hit her "I'm sorry baby ill be good, I just need you" I look up into her eyes as I slide my hand down to grab my dick lining myself up with her entrance as I slide inside her with one sharp thrust bottoming out as she screams and scratches my back "is that better my love is this what you wanted" I moan into her ear as I suck the lobe gently she tries to control herself before speaking "mmh mhhh fuck yes thank you baby" I kiss her roughly as I start to thrust my hips after a few minutes I stop and look into her eyes "yeah baby this is harder I can't get the right force with my thrusts how about I fuck you on the sun lounger" she nods as I walk out of the pool still inside her , her moans filling my ears at the movements I quickly lay her on the lounger climbing ontop of her as I insert myself into her tight cunt again both of us moaning "uh fuck much better my love" I smirk as I start to thrust at the pace I wanted to it doesn't take long for her to cum all down my cock as she spasms under me the sound of my dick slamming into her wet pussy turning me on more "uh fuck baby yes so fucking tight i love it when you cum all over my cock" I moan as I continue my brutal pounding not letting her recover from her orgasm I feel my own getting closer as I lean down biting her neck switching to kissing ny way to her jaw "fuck baby I'm gonna cum really fucking soon where do you want it where will I cum" I feel her nails digging in more as she wraps her legs around me trapping me inside her I couldn't get out if I wanted to the motion enough to send me over the edge as I start to cum with a loud moan as my body falls onto her I feel like there's no end to my cum it keeps shooting both of us moaning into eachothers mouths "fuck lizzie you've never let me cum inside you, you always make me pull out and finish on your stomach tits or ass" she pants as she makes me look at her "I wanted you inside me" I don't even question her I just rest my head on her chest as we both regain our composure after 10 minutes I get up sliding out of her both of us moaning I smirk as my dick slips out and a little of my cum dribbles out her cunt "I felt like i came forever I'm surprised it wasn't like a waterfall when I pulled out" I giggled as lizzie looks at me "baby it shot deep inside me plus while I'm laying like this not much will happen I'm sure when i get up more will dribble out but just so you know that's what's gonna happen everytime we fuck it felt to good to not let it happen again" I bite my lip and lean forward kissing her gently "ok baby let's get you showered and ready for bed" we quickly made our way inside and showered together before getting into bed and cuddling while watching a movie before we fell asleep in one an others arms  
AN: Enjoy babes 😘 all feedback welcomed requests are always open also if anyone just wants to chat feel free to message me im a nice person 😊haha anyway stay hydrated babes word count 1.6k 
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luckycloverforducks · 6 months
Tell me more about velvette and baggies relationship in the swap au
I wanna see all the different and toxicity in it, and how charlie would react to it and all that
*Not sure eif I sent a similar ask to this or not- if I did sorry)
And dw you did not my ask box is. Empty
Their relationship is vaguely similar to I think, Mammon and Fizz?? Somewhat, I mean I've never watched Helluva but I've seen people talk about it, Vaggie feels indebted to Velvette for getting her to where she is right now yk with being a popular star, and Velvette is. Interesting
Velvette often switches back and forth between treating Vaggie like a bestie and just another demon working under her, and previously before Charlie came into the picture, sometimes like a girlfriend, which leaves Vaggie constantly confused
Velvette often overworks Vaggie to hell and back, but honestly she kinda? means well? A teensy bit, she doesn't want Vaggie to fall from popularity if she leaves the public eye for too long, and Vaggie does like performing/singing and the praise she often gets from it (even if she gets overwhelmed sometimes) so in a way she's trying to help her maintain the fame and praise that Vaggie often seemed to preen over, so in a fucked up way, in her eyes, she's trying to keep her happy and to keep up everything they both have worked hard for (Vaggie's career). She's also like, really into Vaggie but she gave up on that pursuit a bit ago, doesn't stop her from being petty and toxic about it tho
Vaggie is tired and confused, to say the least. She doesn't really know what Velvette actually thinks of her, if she values her in any way, or even care at all about her. Velvette tends to demean and sometimes verbally abuse Vaggie but the next day she tends to sort of make up for it, like she feels bad. In the early days, they were much closer, and Vaggie genuinely liked Velvette, and maybe had a little crush on her.
When Vaggie does good, Velvette showers her with praise, affection, and affirmation but is she slips up, she gets cold and mean, even a little shouty at times, and "honestly are you trying to embarrass me at this point?!" And Vaggie just stands there confused, ashamed, and a little pissed. Does she even see her as anything other than another asset for her brand? She can't tell. Sometimes it feels like she does, sometimes it doesn't. Vaggie is just so confused.
Velvette pushes her so much because she knows she can do better, but she constantly fails to take account Vaggie's limits, boundaries, and feelings, especially since Vaggie tends to mask her true feelings alot, keeping them all inside until they burst under the smallest addition of pressure, which makes her lash out at Velvette when Velvette didn't really deserve it at the moment, which makes Velvette think she's being unfair.
Vaggie feels that Vel is capable of being a better person, she just doesn't see that she's not one already, or that she needs to (or maybe she's just not worth it in her eyes?)
But neither hate the other, not really. Vaggie would like to, but she can't quite get there, while Velvette wouldn't even dream of genuinely hating Vaggie.
It's complicated, they're both fond of each other but also have a certain animosity between each other, esp Vaggie (rightfully so)
They are honestly both flaming messes, Velvette being the worst one of the two and also a part of the reason why Vaggie is a flaming mess aswell-
In short :Vel is a bad boss and a conflicting 'friend', and Vaggie is struggling through it
And Abt what Charlie thinks? She sincerely hopes Velvette explodes, she would do it herself but Vaggie still has an attachment to her (which Charlie sincerely hopes she'd lose, Vel isn't good for her, or much of anyone) so for now she just lets her be, but they always argue w/ each other (Vaggie just sigh tiredly in the background)
Hope this satisfies you, I have alot of thoughts Abt them :3
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Heathers Pokemon Au Part 2 (1/?)
So this is a continuation of my earlier post about this AU, I'm most likely not gonna end up writing anything about this bc my writing skills are pretty bad but I have way too many ideas so I'm just gonna write them down here
So the Heathers plus Veronica are just traveling around the region on their journey going to places for their own paths
Chandler is looking for Gyms, Duke for Ranger Stations and Mac for Contest Halls
Veronica doesn't really know what she wants to do and she figures that somewhere along the way she'll figure it out
In reality she can't focus on her future bc of how badly things are going with Martha, she knows she screwed up big time and doesn't know how to fix it, in addition to the weird love triangle between her, the Heathers and JD and that she actually doesn't know what she wants to do
From here I'm gonna go over the 3 major plot lines, its kinda like Scarlet and Violet where they'res 3 lines that each follow one of the friends (or in Veronica's case future girlfriends)
Like usual there are 8 gyms and once you beat them you challenge the Elite 4 and if you manage to beat them you challenge the Champion
Each Gym has a puzzle or task before you can challenge the leader, each one is set by the League to ensure that the Trainers coming through have the skills to be able to make it
Each Leader or E4 member is another musical character bc why not
The 1st is in Tudor City, home of the Ghost-Type Leader Anne Boleyn
She's part of a group of trainers called 'The Six' who each pretend to be the ghost of a wife of an ancient Galarian King who have risen from the dead due to unfinished business
They have shows where they hold a tournament between themselves to see who gets to be the Gym Leader until the next show
Imagine WWE but with Pokemon battles instead of wrestling
So when the gang gets to the city Anne happens to be the one whose won the most recent tournament
For her task Chandler has to help out for the next show, like help set up props, maintenance etc. to show thats she's willing to put in the hard work to live this kind of life and not just take the easy path
She complains, like alot
She thinks its stupid and beneath her and bitches and moans but she does end up doing it
Anne's Team (This and every other team is at their peak, just de-evolve the pokemon and remove as necessary to get the gym teams): Polteageist, Cofagrigus, Ceruledge, Mega Gengar, Mismagius, Aegislash
Swords bc get it thats how she died and Gengar and Mismagius bc she's more on the playful side of Ghost-Types, not all broody like Catherine of Aragon
Chandler wins but just barely, she didn't realize that this was gonna be this hard and she knows its gonna take a whole lot more work than she's been giving it
Bc of her need to always be the best this is where she starts pushing her pokemon harder than she should
Next is Washington City (very original ik) with the Normal-Type Leader Alexander Hamilton
Hamilton used to be an Elite Four member but bc of a scandal involving his wife he was demoted to Gym Leader while his rival, Aaron Burr, was promoted
He's just the teeniest tiniest bit salty about that
The puzzle is a quiz, but bc Hamilton made it its really hard and unnecessarily complicated, the idea being that a Pokemon Trainer must have the knowledge for many situations, bc being a Trainer is unpredictable
Chandler fails, obviously, she's out of school why does she have to take more tests
The other Heathers force her to sit down and prepare, with no small amount of bitching and promises of Corn Nuts
She takes it again and passes, thank Arceus
Hamilton's Team: Smeargle, Oranguru, Exploud, Mega Lopunny, Porygon-Z, Braviary
Smeargle bc writing, Exploud bc Hamilton can't keep his damn mouth shut, Lopunny bc its mega ability is Scrappy, just like his country, and Braviary bc Merica fuck yeah and the rest just bc
Next is Middlebrough City with the Electric-Type Leader, Jeremy Heere
He used to be under the tutelage of one of the E4, a man who goes only by 'The SQUIP' but it turns out he was making Jeremy do shit he didn't really want to and other heinous acts he broke free
But bc the SQUIP has connections and money he didn't lose his job
His puzzle is a little personal, using technology and his Alolan Raichu he scans their traveling companions and makes holograms to try and convince them to do things they otherwise wouldn't want to do, because a good trainer should be able to recognize when a situation is bad and get themselves out of it
Its a little messed up but Jeremy knows the importance of using your brain and thinking
So the trainers are told that the puzzle is just talking to their friends bc they want to see how they get along
There are images of Duke, Mac and Veronica all trying to convince Chandler to take some pill that promises to make her popular, even more so than before, that it will make it effortless, but Chandler resists
(Im not super proud of that one, I just couldn't come up with any other ideas)
Jeremy's Team: Eleketross, Toxtricity-LK, Electrivire, Mega Manetric, Alolan Raichu and Magnezone
His team was really hard, theyre arent alot of techy Electric Types
Next is Westview City with the Grass-Type Leader, Evan Hansen
The Leader position used to be held by his friend, Connor, but he did what he did in canon, leaving the position to his only friend, the only person he felt like cared about him as a person
Evan took it really hard and it took some time but he eventually accepted both what had happened and the role
The puzzle is to write a reflection letter on how your journey had gone so far, because now was the halfway mark, and its important for trainers to look back on where they've been
Its something that Evan wishes Connor would've done, to see all the people who did honestly care about him
Chandler thinks this is stupid AF and tries to get Veronica to do it but she refuses
Her first draft is really bad, its along the lines of "ive learned this is stupid and that im the best, signed Queen HC"
On her second draft they all sit down with her and talk, and the other Heathers talk about how their lives have been changed because of her and what shes done for them
Duke talks about how uncaring she was, just kinda floating through life before they met and Chandler added spice to the mix, and gave her something and someone to care about
Mac reminds her of how they met in Kindergarten, about how no one wanted to be friends with the weird autistic girl who talked about My Little Ponyta all the time and how lonely she was but then she came up to her on her own volition and wanted to be her friend and how much that meant to her
Its around here Veronica's illusion of the Heathers being untouchable is shed completely, sure she knows the solid teflon isn't as solid as it may appear but she didn't realize how flimsy the facade actually was
She's also struck by the similarity between how Chandler and Mac met and how her and Martha met
The new letter actually makes Evan cry
Evan's Team: Tropius, Torterra, Trevenant, Mega Sceptile, Abomasnow, Exeggutor
They're all trees, need I say more
Next is 'Camp' Half-Blood Village, with the Water-Type Leader Percy Jackson
Yes I know its not really a musical but there is a PJO musical so it counts, screw the rules I have money
Percy and his rival Luke used to be friends and fellow gym leaders
Luke taught Percy pretty much everything he knows about being a Trainer, he was his mentor and someone he looked up to like a Brother, that is until he was given the opportunity to become a E4 member if he just took care of an issue
That issue being his friend Annabeth, who was getting a little too close to figuring out what was really going on at the Pokemon League
Percy defeated Luke in a battle and saved Annabeth, but was succesfully scared into silence, or at least being more sneaky with whats going on
His puzzle is to go on a Killer Quest, where they send Chandler out into the woods with nothing but her Pokemon and she needs to make it through the night, the point being that there won't always be a Pokemon Center and she might have to spend the night in the woods, which Chandler had avoided so far bc if anyone sees her without her beauty sleep and 10 pounds of makeup she will lose it
She is of course, pissed off, and she takes it out on her Pokemon, who have had enough of her shit, especially with the hellish training, and refuse to listen and help her with building a camp or getting food
Eventually they have a heart to heart about it and she understands how she was hurting her pokemon and vows to do better as their Trainer
Percy's Team: Palafin, Empoleon, Azumarill, Mega Swampert, Samurott, Kingdra
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lokisprettygirl · 3 years
Hit me Baby, One more Time (Wrestler Loki x Female Reader)
Read chapter 2 here
Chapter 3
Summary : Loki scares you with his overpowering personality, then why you can't stop doing everything he asks you to ?
Warning : 18 + Dom Sub Undertones, Some smut, Loki's thoughts are dirty,
Note : Wrestler loki is well build and is like 6'5 👀
Taglist : @colifower @karuna11 @vbecker10 @the-wounded-healer05 @hayden429 @offgoodluck @limiworld @12-pm-510 @daddylokisqueen @lokislovingvalkyrie
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You watched loki fighting on the tv screen in his dressing room but you looked away as soon as you saw him making his opponent bleed. You hate the sight of it, it makes you want to hurl. He did look hot though, you could see the crowd going absolutely wild everytime he threw around his opponent so easily.
You turned the tv off and walked around the room, you saw his locker and you twisted it, you weren't expecting it to be unlocked so you proceeded to close it quickly but your eyes fell upon the picture of a woman, he placed it behind the locker's door, the woman had light brown hair and she looked very pretty, you could tell that the picture was folded in half before he sticked it there, you wondered who this woman is, she didn't seem like a girlfriend, looked older than him, not much though.
You closed his locker and sprawled down on the couch, then your mind wandered towards loki, did he fuck other women right on this couch? He must right?
You didn't get to sleep much last night, so you laid down and closed your eyes just for a second. You didn't even realise when you fell asleep.
When loki came back after the fight, he was huffing and puffing, adrenaline coarsing through his veins and usually he would calm himself down with some random fuck sesh but you were waiting for him so he can't do that, when he saw you sleeping on the couch so peacefully, something stirred inside him, he was already horny and you were not helping him at all. He wanted to wake you up and fuck you slowly against the wall or on the couch itself, he wondered what kind of sounds he could emit from you, he was hard as fuck now. He left the room again, and a woman came running towards him
"Oh my god..loki such a great fight..I'm a huuugee fan.." loki interrupted her as he grabbed her hand and took her somewhere isolated "Tell me that you want me to fuck you" he trapped her against the wall and she bit on her lips "godd yess please, I have heard alot about you" that's all he needed to hear, as soon as he had her consent he didn't wait a second more, he pulled her panties down from underneath her skirt and she was already gushing. "Got a rubber?" He asked her and she pulled one out of her bra, he put it on quickly and plunged inside her, he was already sweaty from the fight but she didn't care, infact she leaned into him and licked the sweat off from the dip between his neck.
She put her head up to kiss at him but she couldn't reach him, he chuckled and picked her up effortlessly and thrusted into her again, reminded him of the fact that you're even shorter than her, the top of your head ends up on his chest, even if you'd tip toe you won't be able to kiss him, she kissed him desperately and he snapped out of his thought, he had to cum soon and get back to you, but he wanted to show this woman a good time too, he didn't even know her name yet but that wasn't important. She moaned loudly in his ears and he was thankful he brought her out here where they won't be heard .
She raised her hands up to run through his head and he grabbed it quickly "Don't mess with it, It had to stay" he warned her and she put her hands down, why did he react like that? It's not like it could stay like that forever. But you made it for him "Go on cum for me, you know you want to desperately, this is what you came for hmm? Paid one fifty dollars to get fucked against the wall" He whispered in her ears and she came so hard around him but he still didn't reach his peak yet. He pulled out of her and put her down once she was okay with standing up on her feet "Let me make you cum baby" she went down on her knees, and she removed the condom, throwing it in the corner before she took him in her mouth, he groaned as he felt her moving her head back n forth, she was good with her mouth, he placed his arms on the wall and closed his eyes as he felt the sensation building up
Then he imagined you on your knees in front of him, your plump lips sucking him in slowly, your eyes looking up at him innocently as he would make you be so filthy for him, things he would subject you to, his depravity had no limits and he would train you to do whatever he would want you to do and you'd do it right? You'd be his good girl, his perfect little pet. As he came inside her mouth, he put his head down on the wall, his own dirty thoughts about you made the orgasm more intense for him. After she cleaned him up with her mouth as best as she could, he pulled his pants up, he had to go see you now "Ummm I sent you a dm on Instagram please check, we can have more fun like this loki, I know you enjoyed that"
She winked at him and she ran her nails all over his chest so he smiled "I'm sure if you have heard of me, you know my rule darling, one time only" he winked at her and she looked at him, she felt greatly offended "Whatever, I have a boyfriend anyways" she stomped on her feet and left, he was used to reactions like that, he really didn't care, they always expected to sweep him off his feet with good sex but after sleeping with countless of women he really didn't care much of it. Most of them were into him because he was rich and famous, and he knew he was attractive as fuck.
When he reached his dressing room, you were still sleeping, so he took a quick shower and washed his hair, he liked it when you did his hair for him today, after he was done he came out, he towel dried it and combed his wet hair softly to get rid of the tangles. He kept his eyes fixed on your sleeping form, truth to be told he felt like a pervert but you seemed so vulnerable, he put on a black t-shirt and pants and then walked towards you, as he sat down on his knee in front of you, a small smile formed on his lips, he tucked a piece of your hair behind your ears and you opened your eyes slowly, you looked at him, his hair wet, that black t shirt was so tight on him, he looked angelic, then you realised where you were and you sat up quickly "I'm so sorry I fell asleep" you mumbled and he stood up, fuck he was taller than a damn tower.
"Don't have to apologise, you hungry?" He asked you as he went back to combing his hair "Yeah did you win?"
"What do you think?" He chuckled
Ofcourse. Why so dumb y/n? But how does he win all the time? Are other fighters just amateurs?
"Did the bun stay?"
"It didn't, might have to punish you for that sweet thing" he winked at you and you blushed furiously at that "I'm joking, it did stay throughout the fight, thank you and we'll done" he pulled half of his hair up in a ponytail and secured it with a tie while the rest of it flowed down on his back, damn how could he look so pretty but masculine as fuck at the same time?
"Get up, I'm taking you to dinner" he told you and you got up quickly. Wait dinner? Why does it sound like a date? It's not a date right? You just got out of a three year long relationship and even though you feel ashamed to admit it, you'd go back to him if he would come back and apologise, you miss him in your life, you miss how happy you used to be with him. You loved being a girlfriend "Ummm what do you mean by dinner?" He was packing his personal belongings in a small duffel bag so he looked up as he heard you "Oh y/n, have you never had dinner?" He chuckled and you rolled your eyes "Follow me birdy"
You followed him like a puppy as soon as he ordered you and you walked a few steps behind him until you got outside the main building, when his car approached, he held the door open for you like a gentleman and you got inside. Just like last time, he sat so close to you, his one hand situated on the head of your seat while he tilted himself towards you
"I noticed the accent, are you british?" You asked him, he sounded english "You could say that" why does he answer every question like that ? "Where are we going?" You asked him and he scooted even closer to you if it was possible "A place I dine at frequently, Milidiar, heard of it?" You nod your head in yes and you felt nervous as he kept his eyes on you "Take your girlfriends there?" You asked him and he chuckled "Oh birdy, you think this is a date?" He asked you and you just stared at him like a dumbass, he brought his hand down and rubbed your cheek with the back of his index finger slowly.
A little touch made you shiver, and you could feel yourself arousing, why did he make you feel that way? Jack could never, you didn't even feel this aroused even when he would kiss you or make out with you. Then his finger trailed over your lips and you closed your eyes as you gasped a little, your mouth opened slightly and he was so tempted to push his finger inside your warmth, have you suck on it, give himself a little taste of how you'd look sucking on his cock. But he didn't, instead he snaked his hand behind your neck and pulled you into him, few inches away from his face, you gasped more at the action. Fuck he loves the look on your face right now. You felt so uncomfortable between your legs and he could see you squirming on the seat.
"When I ask you a fucking question, never ever ignore me, understand? You're always going to answer me" His voice so husky and deep, it melted in your ears, he scared you a little but then why did you feel so hot? "Yesss..loki" you mumbled softly and he wanted to take you right there and make you submit to him willingly "Now say sorry to me like a good girl, you can't be distracted when I'm talking to you right ?" he rubbed his thumb against your cheek as he spoke, the more he talked down on you, the hotter you felt, felt so light, so floaty, you wanted more of whatever this was. You have never felt like this before.
"I'm sorry" you said meakly and he wanted to push you down on the back seat and take you right here in this moving car, the soundproofed partition would come in handy finally, you're a natural sub, he doesn't even have to train you much, you'd drop down on your knees without asking any questions if he just asked you sternly, all he had to do was rub your cheeks or caress your head and you'd follow his every command like a obedient little puppy.
He was glad you had never met any other men like him before or they'd use you or you'd be taken advantage of, he wanted to have you right now but a girl like you, you'd regret that, you'd regret all of this, you're not ready for a man like him "That's a good girl" he kissed your forehead, and then he moved away from you, leaving you all hot and bothered. You took a deep breath and looked out the window, what did just happen? What was this feeling you felt? Why did you want to kiss him in the moment? Why did you want him to do more to you? It's not you, you don't have sex with someone you're not emotionally attached to so why he made you feel so hot for him?
You didn't get much time to ponder over the situation as you reached the classy 5 star restaurant, the manager greeted him and asked him if he wanted his usual table but loki told him that he would want something more private since he had a lady with him. You were the lady. When you both sat down he didn't take his eyes off you. You seemed so confused with the menu, everything looked so expensive and dish had weird names, he was rich as fuck but you were not, this wasn't a date but he brought you here, were you splitting the bill ? You had no idea, he felt your nervousness and kind of enjoyed it.
"Like the place?" He asked you and you looked up from the menu "Too fancy shmancy but yeah I like the ambience" he chuckled as he heard you, you kept turning the pages of the menu card and he tilted his head "Can't even order for yourself hmm? Need me to do that for you sweetheart?" You seemed so lost, so he asked you softly and you nod in yes, fuck this is why he's so determined to make you his pet, sometimes you're so ditzy and it makes him want to ruin you in every sense of the word "Pass me the menu darling" he had one placed right in front of him but he asked for yours, Since you couldn't decide on what to eat he ordered for both of you.
You ate in silence once your food got on the table, he asked you if you wanted a drink but you refused, after dinner he ordered dessert for you while he sipped on his wine "What do you think is happening here birdy?" He asked you and you stared at him, you had to answer him, he told you to answer him and he called you a good girl when you...wait why did you care about that? "I ..uhh.. have no Idea, I just got out of a long term relationship and I'm still not over him" you told him honestly and he smiled at you. Still not over him? He wondered how well you were treated by him to be still not over him, even after he cheated on you and broke up with you over the phone, you still want that dumbass?
He paid the bill and then he walked you out of the restaurant, the car was waiting for you both "Did you eat?" you asked heimdall as you sat inside and they both looked at you in surprise, nobody ever asks him that except loki, especially his women "I did miss, thank you for asking" he pulled the partition up and started to drive towards your apartment, you were thankful Tonya was at her parent's house for the weekend or she would ask questions. She was nosy like that.
You felt loki's hand playing with your hair and you looked at him "So what is happening here?" You asked him the same question and he scooted closer to you "Just go with the flow darling, you think too much, I'm not bound to you, and you're not mine..yet. Am I providing you an ample distraction from your ...heart break situation?" He raised your chin up so you could look him right in the eyes as you answer "Yeahh.." you whispered faintly and he smiled at you "Good enough for me darling"
He rubbed his fingers on your cheeks again and you leaned into the touch, you wanted him to kiss you, you started to feel that tingling sensation all over again, and he wasn't even doing anything overtly sexual, just caressing your cheek, you squeezed your thighs and it didn't go unnoticed by him.
He let go of you as you reached your apartment, he asked you to stay in and he stepped out of the car then he opened the door for you, Heimdall waited for him as he walked you towards your building "I had fun today" you stepped on the stairs and he smiled at you, he was still taller somehow but you could get on your tip toes and kiss him if you wanted to. He watched you staring at his lips and he got closer to the stairs, he stepped on it and now he was even taller than before, even though he stood one step below you "Want to kiss me pretty girl?" He looked down at you and you looked up at him innocently, you did want to feel his lips on you. He cupped your cheeks and you nod in yes "Do it then" he whispered in your ear and you felt his fingers running through your scalp, you closed your eyes at the sensation.
"Don't make me wait" he whispered again, his eyes never leaving you "I ..don't wanna disappoint you" you said to him meakly, ever since jack told you you were not good in bed, it has been eating you up from inside, and he was shocked at your statement, Why would you say that? "Have kissed a man before right?" He asked you as he pulled you into him by holding your waist and you put your head down on his chest "I have..I'm not a virgin..just... nervous and " fuck you're so adorable like this, he was so confused between protecting you and fucking you, maybe he can do both, he lifted your chin up to look at him, you have never felt so horny, intimidated and nervous all at the same time.
"Let me be the judge of that" he looked at you right into your eyes as yours teared up from all the feelings "Kiss me y/n, don't make me say it again okay?" you got on your tippy toes but you still couldn't reach him, should have worn heels probably for this giant man "So tiny..look at you, struggling to even get to me" he wasn't mocking you nor did he intend to, he adored how tiny you looked next to him, so he picked you up with his arms around your waist as if you weighed nothing and then you kissed him. As soon as your lips met with his, you felt it, is this what they talk about in movies? The spark, the electricity, he tasted sweet, like wine, you sucked on his lower lips and he moaned into you mouth. He licked your lips with his tongue and you felt your whole body tingling at the touch. You let out a loud open mouth moan at that, and he pushed his tongue inside your mouth. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you kissed him desperately.
You sounded better than he could have imagined, your voice so sweet, you taste so good, you felt so small in his arms, you would melt into a puddle if he would go any further than this. But he wanted you to crave him, he wanted you to get addicted to him like he was getting addicted to you, he wanted you to forget all about that loser ex of yours, and to only think of him, to yearn for his mere touch. He wanted to drive you crazy for him in the best way possible, by the time he would be done with you, you'd be his physically, emotionally, mentally, he needed you to submit yourself to him completely, he was going to own your whole fucking existence and he would make sure you are on your knees begging him to do so, begging him to fuck you, to corrupt you slowly, to own you, to turn you into his perfect little pet, his plaything, yeah he was going to wreck you.
When you finally pulled away, you both were panting and breathing heavily, he put you down and grabbed your chin "Free tomorrow?" He asked you sternly and you looked at him, answer quickly y/n, and maybe he would call you his good girl again, fuck you felt embarassed of your own thoughts "Yess, have a day off" He asked you yesterday on call what you did for living and he was impressed to say the least, he wanted to watch you dance for him someday "Good, tomorrow be ready at 4 ..I'll pick you up" He told you and you nod your head in yes, didn't even ask him where he would take you. He could take you wherever he wanted, do whatever he desires and you won't even stop him it seems. So gullible. So trusting.
You turned around to go in but then he grabbed your wrist,
"You could never disappoint me y/n" he pulled you back into him as he spoke further "Even if somehow you would, I would teach you to do better okay? Just be a good girl and share your matter of concerns with me" You turned to look at him and smiled, you wanted to be a good girl, his good girl "Good night Loki" he smiled as he heard you.
"Yeah it is a good night"
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kelleah-meah · 2 years
Yay for the corrupting of youth! (j/k)
I'm not sure how to title this, so I'll just jump right in.
My 20-year-old cousin (we'll call her Dee) will turn 21 next Monday on June 6th. So I wanted to get her something to mark the milestone, but I didn't want it to be too big or expensive because her sisters and cousins might view it as favoritism.
So I'm going to Venmo her some money on her actual birthday, but I also ordered her a deck of tarot cards that I thought she would like. If I'm not mistaken, it would be her first deck, and from what I've seen from others, it really suits her personality.
I bought her the Modern Witch tarot deck by Lisa Sterle and had it delivered to her home directly. (I live in another state.)
Well, it arrived early and she messaged me on Instagram to tell me how much she liked it.
And let's just say I was so moved by what she said I felt compelled to share it here on my Tumblr.
Here's how the exchange began (along with my long reply, as usual):
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And here's her response to my long reply ...
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If you can't read the final message from her, it says:
"Yes that meant alot to me thank you for seeing me I wish we were closer in age you are awesome you always have been I love you and thank you again."
I replied with:
"I love you too! And thank you."
Seriously folks. That really made my day, week, fortnight, month, you name it.
I'm not close to most of my family. Just my mom really. And Dee had a hard adolescence, a father who only showed up when he wanted to, and a mother who struggled to raise 3 girls on her own. Dee is the youngest of the 3.
I don't have any siblings, but I always thought the kid was pretty silly in a way that reminded me of me at her age. Every now and then, I would take her with me to some place around our hometown where she normally wouldn't consider her "thing" like a coffeeshop in the Arts District or to a play during the Fringe theater festival. (I'm the artsy phartsy one in the family who enjoys stuff like that.)
She always acted like she had an OK time, but I think she was ultimately just humoring me as to not hurt my feelings. Which I kinda appreciated.
But this time feels different. I don't think she's humoring me.
I've always been socially awkward around my family, and as an only child, I never felt as if I fit in with them any more than I did in school. So to see her reply like that really was a gift that I didn't know I needed.
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I was just trying to give the kid a little gift on a big milestone birthday, especially considering how this year began. (My mom and I went back home because Dee's mother died suddenly from a stroke in mid-January. Her mother, aka my aunt, was only 45 years old. It really shook our entire family.)
Now Dee lives with her girlfriend, Dee's older sister, and the sister's 3 little kids. Life is going to be hard for her for a while until she figures out what direction she wants to go in. I hope her mistakes are small and few.
But even more so, I hope she knows that I and the rest of the family are here for her. Even if we live far away.
Anyway. I thought I'd share those screenshots because ... well, because life-affirming moments like that deserve to be shared.
And if anyone out there is thinking about "corrupting the youth" with the unholiness of tarot cards, maybe this will help you with your decision.
Thanks for reading!
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nalyria · 3 years
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God Michael! 🤣🤣 I finished playing Shadows of Saintsfour about two days ago during the Freeplay event and my LI was Michael.
I played SOS awhile ago but didn't get pass season 1 because I thought the series was super predictable which made it boring, but WOW DID IT PICK UP IN SEASON 2, esp 3!!! I can't believe it got better within those 2 seasons. I thought the story would be dragging on for no reason, but was pleasantly surprised that season 3 and season 2 were tied together with 1. And they existed in one cohesive story! I can't believe that I would have never, and I mean NEVER, would have touched this story again if it wasn't for the Freeplay event. I completely underestimated this story... I would have missed out this gem. Now I see why this is one of the more well-liked and popular book of the app now.
That being said, I love Michael. No not love, I ADORE him. Seriously.
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I never screencap game moments but I had to for Michael. I never felt so much adoration for a character that made me want to do this 🤣🤣. I love the romantic scenes between MC and Michael and the conflict that was presented in season 2. And his asshole-douchery flaw....
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In his next line, he says he's worried about you. He's just worried, but still Michael, no need to bring your girlfriend's friend down. ESPECIALLY WHEN THAT FRIEND HAS BEEN WITH HER THROUGH THE THICK AND THIN THAN YOU DID IN SEASON 2 and 1!!! (ofc Michael saved MC's life in season 1, but Derek has been sticking with MC when Michael hasn't, which is alot)
However, his sweetness towards MC is altogether too much. I wish he had more interaction with her friends tbh. But now I present the last line (I think) and perhaps the best from Michael...
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So sweet 💕. Gosh he is still fallen head over heels for us 😳😭 like the first time. The sex scene with him was also so sweet... the line said everytging about him is familiar, yet there is something new to discover. 🥺I love how protective he is of MC and how absolutely loyal he is to her. He runs away with her FFS!!!! He leaves a gang and family with an equally traumatized brother just to be with her. He leaves everything for MC and if that doesn't scream Bae material, I don't know what else. He is the epitome of a ride or die partner and I cannot, I don't think, can feel the same attachment to the other LI's in this book. Probably John though lol.
I was super anxious during the train station scene because I thought I didn't have enough points with Michael for him to run away with me and the writers made it seem so, so I tapped pretty fast, half reading the lines in trepidation. When I read that he actually came and then we held hands as the train departed... my heart... 😭💔💔💔💔 RC don't play with my heart like that 🤣🤣🤣
That aside, I wish Michael had a bigger role in season 1, 2, and 3. He did in season 1, but he stopped appearing frequently, esp in 2 and 3. I thought he would appear more often because he's MC's bf. And it would make more sense for both of them to search together. Even unromanced, it would still make sense for Michael to hang with MC's group because they're the only ones who are really actively looking for Bobby. This would have led to more dynamics and interest in MC's friend group..alas, this didn't happen. A missed opportunity IMO but I suppose his absence could be explained by this: he has his own life. Lol. Or a different way of doing things. Still doesn't really make sense to me, but oh well. I still very enjoy his route and his development nonetheless.
I also wish other LI's had more moments with MC. I heard Stephanie was sidelined, not sure though because it was as though the main love interests would only appear around the time our chosen love interest appears. Not sure how much that is true since in season 1 I didn't romance her. Strange how she barely appeared in my route though. I thought she would help us more or become part of the gang, but she didn't. Disappointed because I would have def liked another best friend besides Candy and again, more layer to the friend group. Her interaction with Michael would have def be interesting.
I also wish that non-romanced main love interests appeared more than the Black dragons. To me, I don't think their role fit with the story very well if you think about it. Luke and Stephanie def would. Stephanie's grandma is acquainted with Mrs. Hill and is a witch; Luke's family's hold over the cursed painting. I wish the black dragons' appearances were at least shared with the non-romanced ones. Like I wish I knew what Luke and Stephanie were up to in detail. It was seriously strange for Luke to not be around when Bobby was missing and that he never tried contacting us. In both seasons 2 and 3, I couldn't stop wondering what they were up to and missed them (although Luke drugged us lol).
So imo, the black dragons' role should def be less than Luke and Stephanie. Definitely weird, but it is what it is.
Speaking of the Black Dragon's, Aaron is a hot daddy. Like GOD DAMN. I couldn't help but flirt and kiss with him although I was scared that it might ruin my relationship with Michael 🤣🤣🤣. Cherry.. i would like cherry if he was drawn better. At first, I couldn't like him because of his sprite but his personality is ahh, so mischievous, I love it. I would have picked Aaron over cherry though LOL.
I would replay season 3 to romance them again, but the scenes are very few and I already played most of them. I'm just missing their final sex scenes really, so it's not really worth it to replay the entire season just to get their ending and final sex scene lol.
I can't bear to cheat on Michael with Aaron or cherry, I can't do him dirty like that. Like for FFS, Aaron married Luke's sister and we never, at least imo, build the same heart wrenching connection we do with Michael compared to them. And the fact that he freaking left everything in his life for 10 years to be with us!! Like nooo I can't!! 🤣🤣 there aren't enough scenes with the side characters to justify the cheating 🤣🤣 Michael is too gentle and sweet for the hurt.... but i did cheat on him with Derek HAHHAHA mostly because 1996 Michael wasn't available so I thought something happened so I was like ALRIGHT GUESS WE FUCKIN'. I was tempted to choose Derek over Michael because Derek has been with us more than Michael has. Not to mention, he really cares for MC. Wish there was a 3p ending with both of them 😭😭 they're both super loyal to MC and would lay their life down for her.
The same thing with John too. I can't bear to see Michael grieving over MC and MC picking John over him... can you imagine Michael dying and finally seeing his dearly desired dead gf in DreamWorld but only to see her gettin' it down with some guy who tried to kill everyone in the past? 🤣🤣🤣 nah man I can't do him dirty, especially when Michael saved us from the Faun. Speaking of that event, it was weird that there wasn't a conversation/consequence from Michael who saw John kiss us LOL. And he definitely heard us talking about the intimate moments we shared HAHAHAHA. Though, John's short route is terribly cute. I really enjoyed it tbh. Surprised that we didn't have any repercussions for cheating on Michael with him. Moving on, I watched his ending on YouTube and it was super bittersweet.😭
I honestly like his route a bit more than Aaron's. Or equally. Can't decide! Aaron's route is basically MC still in love with her old crush who used to intimidate her and was exciting since he's someone you wouldn't acquaint yourself with, especially as a young, inexperienced student. And then coming back as a mature woman, and still knowing that you're in love with him and he is still too, ah so cute. That moment you share with him in the snow on the swings 💕💕. Honestly I feel like that moment MC needed a proper adult figure to comfort her so that scene was a bit weird and made me think, hm, MC is probably crushing on him because he is older, hot, and is sort of providing a parental comfort to her lol. In my HC universe, MC crushes on him, but it quickly dies because she was vulnerable in the moment. I'm happy that that moment didn't escalate any further and that Aaron didn't chase MC unless MC did in the end. It would have been very weird because it would have been a moment where he, as an adult figure, take advantage of MC. Then again, it's fantasy/fiction. To each to their own eh? I still enjoyed it. I honestly could personally relate to the line where Mc says that the experience and age (something like this) provided comfort to her, so that moment felt awfully sweet to me.
In the end, there could only be so much you can push in in a story game app.
I still really enjoyed this story. Despite the flaws I pointed out, I love this story to every bits. I find this much more entertaining than SOTF, so I'm glad that it is written the way it is. Perhaps I should write a post about SOTF in the future since I'm close to finishing it, but I don't think I will since I don't like it much.
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wooyoungqueen · 3 years
Part 2
Ch. 25 (part 1)
Warnings: softness
Tagging@rosegaming117 @1kyoto @k-pop-with-honey-and-some-suga @spacepiratehongjoong @leaderienugie @immortal-imagination @shibermilkio @twancingyunhoe @reeateez
Summury: wooyoung got out of jail because he made a deal with Soojin. But he won't stop loving Julia. Also Julia remembers him.
Note: you guys got to read this chapter with the song take me home English version from Ateez fever pt.2
I got up and said goodbye to everyone  and then I hugged Seokjin. He helps me a lot and cares for me like a brother. I'm gonna miss him alot I was never grateful to meet him here and hope he gets out of here. Then the guards took me that I could change and when I put on my bracelet  I thought of her, of my Queen. 
"Leaving already, wooyoung?" "Yeah, but I made a deal with her. When I get out I can't  be near Julia or touch her. But Seokjin  I don't  give a fuck, I'm getting my princess." "That's  the wooyoung I know. I see ya in visiting kk little bro." "Wooyoung let's  go. Hurry up" I gave Seokjin one last hug and then I changed and waited for them to give me the ink for my fingerprints. And when they opened the gate, I stepped  out and smelled the fresh air and started to walk and catch the bus to go home first. When I walked to the neighborhood. I saw my dad getting off from his car and yelled. "APPA!!" "wooyoung, oh  son. Your mom will be happy that you're out." "What happened to mom? Is she okay?" He stood quiet and said. "When she heard that you went to jail for hurting your girlfriend, she went into depression. But come son." "Mom, I'm home now! Mommy." I saw her dropping the plate and she hugged me tightly and I hugged her back. "Wooyoung! My son, I'm glad that you're  out. Come dinner is ready." I nodded and went to wash up and I looked at the picture frame on my desk "Yulee, I'll  find you. I'm starving mom. Food in there is just bad." "Eat my son. Okay help yourself." I ate and told them everything that happened than my mom said. "When Hongjoong gave us the news. We couldn't  visit you son, and that our daughter lost her memories. We both were sitting ducks." "He thinks money could buy you everything but that's  not true guys, love, trust, happiness,  and faith  could buy you happiness.  Mom, dad I made a deal with the devil. And I have to forget about Julia." I saw my dad looking at me and said. "Wooyoung, I know that you won't  keep the deal going. And I know that you're  going to find her." I smiled and nodded then told them. "Of course I am, I'm gonna rest a bit, and later on hope I find her without Soojin being in the house. 
Later that afternoon I took a shower and told my parents that I am going for a walk, I went to the park, children playing, and couples than I noticed a girl wearing a yellow shirt with black pants hearing her music than it was my yulee, I went over and I just stand in front of her.
"It's nice to be out and enjoy the fresh air, for once I could be at peace again." Everyone smiled and I bought a little boy ice cream and thanked his parents. "Julia… Julia is that you?" "I'm sorry, do you need anything." I sat down and said. "I should introduce myself. My name is Jung, Wooyoung." "Nice to meet you, I'm Choi Julia. My boyfriend said he would show up but never answered back." I looked at her upset and said. "Can I ask what your boyfriend's name?" "Kim, hongjoong. He said he will be here at 3:30pm but is 4:00pm. I should get going." I saw her getting up then I told her. "Can, can you come with me. I want to show you something." She nodded at me and I grabbed her hand and took her to the alley  way then I climbed up and I reached up and reached out my hand. "Climb up." "I don't  know why, I'm listening to you but what is this.. about.." I pulled her up and then she turned around to see the city lights and then said my  name. "Jung wooyoung.. that name sounds  familiar.. wait a minute." She stood quietly and pulled out her pills but didn't  take them until she remembered. "Wooyoung, my woo. Where were you? I leaned into her touch when she was caressing my cheek then said. "Yulee, you remember  me. My beloved  Queen." 
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Oh hey.
Took this before I went to work. One of the cutest and most pointless sweaters ever owned, and I own it just so I can wear it and show off my new tattoo. So, i guess not pointless. But...for real, not warm.
I've been shying away from social media for the most part. A few mindless reblogs and the same sort of shit on facebook. I'm limiting my energies and where they are going right now. I feel like I have allowed myself to become too immersed in my phone some days. I need to take time and spend energy on the artistic endeavors and the cleaning of the house and the culling of the closet.
A friend of mine from Kansas City messaged me the other day. He has been doing REALLY good, working a concrete job making $25/hr. Problem with most construction jobs, especially ones that hire felons, there is ample opportunity for a relapse. He hopped on the greyhound and came to hang out get away from the environment. They say in recovery, you have to change your playmates and playgrounds so that you don't fall in the same patterns. That's definitely the case for MANY addicts, and it's really difficult watching people struggle so hard in their environment. I told him that I'd help him with a place to live and finding a job if he wanted to get out of the city. There isn't much out here, but, for him, that's what he wants. It might be one of those things where he hates it and goes right back to his life. Or, he finds a new, healthy and happy way to live his life.
He stopped mid sentence yesterday and just looked me in the eye and said thank you, for being there, for taking a chance, and for being patient with him. He said I'm always playing mamma bear to everyone. Whatever it is, I hope it makes him think a little harder about what he wants out of his life.
It was brought to my attention in conversation more than once that Karas had started working for the police before she was sentenced. In hope for a lighter sentence. Now, I would have never thought this, except for the fact that she's made me question who she really is and if she ever told the truth. Not just that, but I know how much she values herself. She had a girlfriend within the first couple of months in prison...she broke up with me 6 months after she went in. She made sure she was secure then she cut her ties. I digress. The point is... I'm questioning her loyalty entirely. All the way back to my arrest.
I'm curious... how much time off of her sentence was my arrest worth? I could be entirely wrong, but the feeling in my gut that I've been fighting for the last 3 days or more makes me believe there is more to this.
So, yeah. I've had alot on my mind, and withdrawing to kind of sort it out has been important. I'm still not sure how I'm feeling on an overall, and I missed my therapy appointment yesterday morning because I fell asleep before I even managed to get the kid up for school.
You can't imagine how much I would love a glass of wine. And I'm not saying that because I wanna get shit faced curled up around the tree in the back yard with one shoe on kinda drunk. No. Because I would love a glass of wine, for the flavor, the pinch in my jaw, and the way it goes with steak. I really want some steak.
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dukereviewsxtra · 4 years
Duke's Monsterween: Hocus Pocus
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome Back To Duke's Monsterween...
Where Today On Duke Reviews Xtra We Start Our Halloween Look At Disney...
By Talking About Disney's Halloween Classic, Hocus Pocus...
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This Film Is About A Teenager Named Max Dennison (Played By Omri Katz) Who Along With His Love Interest (They're Not Exactly Boyfriend/Girlfriend Yet) Allison (Played By Vinessa Shaw) And His Young Sister, Dani (Played By Thora Birch) Bring Back 3 17th Century Witches, Winifred (Bette Midler), Mary (Kathy Najimy), And Sarah (Carrie Bradshaw) Sanderson Back From The Dead...
So, With The Help Of A Boy Trapped In The Body Of A Black Cat Named Thackeray Binx (Played By Max Goof) They Must Stop The Witches Before Midnight On All Hallows Eve Or Else All The Salem Will Be Doomed...
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Will They Succeed?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Hocus Pocus...
The Film Starts In The 17th Century When A Human Thackeray Binx Awakes To Discover That His Sister Emily Is Being Lured Into The Woods By Witches...
He Tells His Brother Elijah To Get His Father And Summon The Town Elders While He Follows Emily To The Witches Hideout...
There We Meet 3 Old Witches Named The Sanderson Sisters Who Intend On Getting Emily To Drink Their Potion So They Can Steal Her Lifeforce To Become Young Again..
But Before They Can Get Emily To Drink It, Binx Reveals Himself To The Sisters And Dumps Their Potion In Their Cauldron On The Ground...
But Despite Doing That Binx Is Too Late, Emily Has Dranken The Potion From Winifred's Mixing Spoon. Blasting Binx With Force Lightning, Winifred And Her Sisters Steal Emily's Lifeforce And Become Young Again Or Younger As Winifred Puts It ...
As For Binx, They Transform Him Into A Black Cat Before Being Invaded By Binx's Father And The Town Elders Who Proclaim Them To Be Witches And Have Them Hanged Until Dead....
But Before They Are Hung Winifred Proclaims That On All Hallows Eve, A Virgin Will Bring Them Back, And Then, All The Lives Of The Children Of Salem Will Be Theirs...
Fast Forwarding A Few Decades Later, We Meet Max Dennison And His Love Interest Alison Who Are In A Class Run By The Nun Who Raised Jake And Elwood Blues...
Who I'm Surprised Didn't Hit Max On The Head With A Ruler Because Of His Talk Of Halloween Being Run By The Candy Companies..
But When Alison Proves Him Wrong By Talking About The Historical Facts About Halloween, He Gives Her His Phone Number Only For Alison To Give It Back To Him A Couple Minutes Later After Class...
Swing And A Miss...
After A Scene With 2 Stereotypical High School Bullies, Max Starts Missing His Home In Eerie, Indiana
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Oops, I'm Sorry, I Made A Mistake There, It's Actually California...
But When His Sister, Dani, Interrupts His Brooding And Says That He's Taking Her Trick Or Treating This Year Because Their Parents Are Going To A Party This Year...
Yeah, Don't Bet On It, Kid, Coronavius Cancelled Halloween This Year...
Refusing, Dani Tells Their Parents, Who Force Max To Go Anyway...
But When They Do They Have A Run In With The Bullies, Which Causes Max To Get Mad At Dani Only For Max To Open Up To Dani On Why He's Been Moody Lately Which Leads The 2 To Make Up...
After That, They Come Across A Huge House Which Is Actually Owned By Allison's Parents Who Are Throwing A Halloween Party That Night, Leaving Allison On Candy Duty...
With Dani Embarrassing Max On The Fact That He Likes Allison's Yabos...
Which Is Technically A Long List As Tom Cruise And David Duchovney Apparently Like Them Too..
Allison Reveals That Her Parents Used To Run A Museum On The Sanderson Sisters When She Likes Dani's Costume, But They Closed It Down, When Weird Incidents Started Happening...
(Start At 1:22, End At 1:41)
Max Asks To Go, In Effort To Make A Believer Out Of Believer Out Of Him, So, Alison Goes To Change...
But Despite Max Wanting To Go, Dani Doesn't As She's Scared Of That Place, But They Compromise With Max Promising That Next Year They'll Go As Peter Pan (With Tights) And Wendy...
Going Into The Place, They Turn On The Lights And Look Around The Place, Eventually, Max Discovers The Black Flame Candle Which Is What Will Bring The Sisters Back To Life...
With Max Saying Maybe They Should Light It And Meet The Witches Themselves, He's Attacked By Binx, But That Doesn't Scare Max Off, Despite Allison And Dani Wanting To Leave...
But Still, Max Lights The Candle...
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With The Floor Shaking, Lights Transforming Into Candles And A Fire Starting In The Fireplace, The Sisters Are Back...
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With Winifred Wondering Who Lit The Black Flame Candle, Mary Starts Smelling Children, Leading The Sisters To Dani, Who Tells Them That They've Been Dead For 300 Years Before They Grab Her...
Max Tries To Help But Winifred Ends Up Blasting Him And Tossing Him Against The Wall Before Lifting Him Up...
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Luckily Though Allison Saves Dani From Mary Who Then Whaps Winifred With Her Candy As Binx Attacks Winifred So Max Can Get Dani And Alison Out So He Can Enact His Burning Rain Of Death Plan By Using A Lighter To Activate The Sprinklers...
Confronted By Binx Who Reveals To Max That He Can Talk, He Tells Max To Get The Spellbook Before They Go, Which He Does Before The Sisters Realize That The Burning Rain Of Death Is Actually Water...
Now, There Are Alot Of Questions And Complaints That Some People Have With This Movie But I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry This One Just Ticks Me Off...
If Binx Could Talk, Why Didn't He Say Anything For All Those Years?..
And To Answer That, Let Me Ask You, The Viewer, A Question, What Would You Do If You Saw A Talking Cat?...
Would You Sit Down And Talk With Him Like An Average Ordinary Person?
Or Would You Run For Your Freaking Life Like He Was Casper, The Friendly Ghost?
If You Picked The First Answer, Congratulations, You're Officially A Moron!
Because If There's One Thing I've Learned From Movies And T.V. Shows Involving Mutants Or Beings With Amazing Powers, It's That People Fear Things That They Do Not Understand
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Taking Max And The Girls To A Graveyard Because The Sisters Can't Set Foot On Hallowed Ground, Binx Explains Everything To Them While Also Revealing That After He Was Turned Into A Cat, He Waited For His Life To End So He Could Be Reunited With His Family....
But Winifred's Spell Came With Immortality, So, He Decided To Use It To Prevent A Virgin From Lighting That Candle...
Shortly After That, The Sisters Arrive On Their Broomsticks And Attempt To Go After The Book, But Realizing They Can't Due To Them Being On Holy Ground, Winifred Casts A Spell Which Brings Back Her Former Lover, Billy Butcherson...
I Wonder If His Modern Day Ancestor Is Billy Butcher From The Boys?
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Who Winifred Caught Cheating On Her With Sarah, So She Poisoned Him And Sewed His Mouth Shut So He Wouldn't Reveal Her Secrets Even In Death..
Returning As A Zombie, Winifred Orders Him To Go After Max And The Girls Who Are Now In A Sewer With Binx...
As The Sisters Board A Bus With A Horny Bus Driver, Who Promises To Take Them To Where Children Are, Max And The Girls Get Out Of The Sewers After A Fake Death For Binx To Warn A Fake Police Cop Who Pretends To Be A Cop About The Sisters...
To Which There's A Complaint That I Agree With The Fanbase On...
Meanwhile, We Get A Brief Cameo By Both Garry And Penny Marshall Before The Sisters Realize That All The Small People In Costumes Are Children And That Halloween Has Become A Time Of Year When Children Run Amok...
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When The Cop Doesn't Listen, Max And The Girls Go To Warn Their Parents And Everyone At The Party At Town Hall ButThey Don't Listen Either...
Eventually, The Sisters Show Up, Leading To The Best Part Of The Entire Movie...
(Start At 0:45, End At 2:46)
Hiding From The Witches In An Alley Behind A Resturant, Alison Gets An Idea, Which Involves Them, Luring The Sisters Into A Furnace At School And Burning Them Alive.,.
Succeeding In Doing So, Max And The Girls Celebrate And Binx Is Interested In The Prospect Of Finally Having A Family To Replace The One He Lost Years Ago...
But Sadly, This Happy Ending Gets Ruined Because The Sisters Are Still Alive...
As Dani And Binx Catch Some Rest, Max And Allison Go Through Winifred's Spellbook To See If There's A Way To Return Binx Back To Normal Not Knowing The Book Is Creating A Light In The Sky That Will Lead The Sisters Right To Them...
Binx Stops Max And Allison, Saying That Nothing Good Can Come From The Book, And He's Dead Right As The Sisters Show Up And Kidnap Dani And Binx Before Taking Off...
This Leads To Another One Of My Favorite Scenes...
(End At 1:33)
And That Miracle Comes In The Form Of Another Trick...
Max Shows Up At The Sisters House Just As They're About To Feed Dani The LifeForce Potion And Uses Allison's Car To Mimic The Sun To Make The Sisters Fall To The Ground So, He Can Get Dani And Binx...
After A Chase Scene Between The Car And The Sisters On Their Brooms Which Would Look Better On Endor, They Go To The Graveyard Only For Max To Get Caught By Billy Who After Using Max's Knife To Cut The Stitches On His Mouth Reveals What Side He's Actually On...
As The Final Battle Goes On, Winifred Grabs Dani, So, She Can Get Dani To Drink The LifeForce Potion...
(Start At 0:51)
As Sister Thanks Brother For Saving Her Life, Brother Gets Girl Of His Dreams And Binx Is Reunited With His Sister, Emily In The Afterlife...
And That's Hocus Pocus And Aside From The Various Criticisms From Various YouTube Reviewers, It's A Pretty Good Film...
The Story Is Interesting, I Love The Characters And The Effects Are Pretty Good, So For That I Say, See It....
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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drjdorr · 2 years
Just got caught up on owl house and for spoiler reasons I'm going to talk about my thoughts under the cut
I just love how they show the power of the collector. Just casually splating the seemingly unbeatable Bellos, a guy we have only seen inconvenienced but never truly beaten, with the most casual tag. Or breaking the draining spell, not with some counter spell or disrupting the spell itself but instead by removing a requirement for it to work, by casually moving the entire moon with a simple slide of his finger. Most of the videos talking about him refer to him as being a god with the mentality of a child and... yeah.
Also I totally called King's sigil being a tool against the collector, though admittedly I thought it was more a warding thing as apposed to simply obscuring.
Also the golden guard grave pit. Ok. that's alot of bodies
Also it is honestly impressive that this show was even made given what we know of Disney's standards and what Hirsh had to fight for in gravity falls. "We don't want any thing even close to demonic" the owl house is set in the demon realm where some of the population is literally called demons the rest are witches. "Can't let there be to much gay" Amity and Luz having crushes on each other was established in season 1 and started dating in season 2. "Even implying kissing is forbidden" these two girlfriends give each other kisses all the time. Just, it is so good to see we've progressed so much, enough to make Disney realize deny it outright would be less profitable at least (sorry for drawing the optimistic sentence into cynicism at the end)
Also no offense to Gus, but he put King, a being with a clear powerful ability and acted like he couldn't help in the fight. Gus, how much impact did your illusions play in bring down Bellos? Meanwhile the show acted like King only could contribute by getting the Collector. He's been shown to be able to do some serious damage when he needs to when using his power. But I guess we needed to get the Collector in play somehow and you need Titan blood to do it(I totally thought his blood was going to play into getting a door open, I admit I was wrong on that). I just wish they stopped acting like King was totally helpless.
Maybe instead King helps in the initial fight but nothing they do even phases Bellos for long(like in the original). Then King gets swatted away during the fight and lands next to Kikimora and when Kikimora makes her claim, and King sees that they can't really even beat Bellos anyway, atleast not in time, it then plays out like it did in the original only instead of King helping the only way he was allowed, team Hexside is buying him time to go down and deal with the Collector.
Ok theory time. We got 3 longer episodes coming before the end(remember how I mentioned Disney realizing that stuff could be profitable? There's a few asterisks) so nothing too too ambitious.
Edda has been getting death flags the whole series (she was literally decapitated in the first episode). But she's also been avoiding actually succumbing to them this whole time. So she may or may not die, however if she dies it will probably be as an act of sacrifice during the finale protecting her family(for simplicity Raine is included in family) and if she lives she still will be dealing with the owl curse because it would be pretty cheap to cure their chronic illness allegory(they arguably get close with harpy Edda but I give harpy Edda a pass because rule of cool).
King survives. The owl house is constantly having characters trying to murder straight up children. But as loose as Disney has been with its previous standards, Actually killing children(as apposed to implied) is still off the table and king is a child. Plus I can already see the epilogue scene where king has hit a growth spurt and is taller than the other characters of the main caste(I picture an appearance/physique not to different from "dad trapper"). Also maybe my King being used for a new door theory might be true? He also will obviously be central to retraping the Collector
Lilith I can see trying to sacrifice herself for Edda (she cursed her sister, I don't know if she still carries some guilt about that around not to mention everything else up to the petrification ceremony) though whether she succeeds or has a "you aren't allowed to sacrifice yourself for me" moment *shrug*
Sorry to cut this short but it's late I got to get up early tomorrow (ugh) so I should get off now
0 notes
kellyxo1 · 7 years
I can't loose you - Bill Skarsgard Imagine
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Requested: No
Warnings: Mentioning of cheating
Word count: 1219
''So you are saying that I am cheating on you?!'' I screamed back at my boyfriend Bill of 3 years. He had come back from lunch with Landon, when he saw a magazine that I was with a guy when he was gone shooting. Which was my cousin but he wouldn't believe me. ''Yes! I saw it didn't I? Tell me who he is!'' He screamed back at me and stood in front of me. I stepped back. I know Bill will never hit me, but it's reflex. ''I already told you 300 times it's my cousin! Why won't you believe me? Don't you trust me?'' I asked. He fell silent, and looked at the ground. I felt my heart sink to the pit of my stomach. ''So you don't believe me and don't trust me? Do I ever accuse you of cheating when you are at premieres and press tours where I can't come with? Or when you have to shoot sex scenes? Do you hear me tell you that I don't trust you?'' I screamed and felt the tears constantly roll down my cheeks. I saw that Bill had tears in his eyes too, but at this moment I didn't care. I sighed and went upstairs. ''Babe!'' Bill yelled and ran after me. I slammed the door in his face, and immidiatly locked it and begin to pack my bags. If he couldn't trust me than I am not staying here. I finsihed the last thing in my bag, and opened the door, to see Bill there, with red swollen eyes. I went to walk past him, but he grabbed my arm. ''Let go of me'' I said and he shook his head. ''No I'm never doing that'' He said. ''That's what you should have thought about earlier'' I said and ran downstairs and drove off.
Bill sighed and sat on the couch, putting his head in his hands. He didn't mean any of it. He is just afraid and scared of that he will lose you because he is constantly away, and doesn't spend time with you like he did before. He will get you back.
''Okay (Y/N) it's been 2 days. He has texted you and you ignored him. We're gonna have a drink tonight and you are coming with me'' My best friend said and grabbed my hand, taking me upstairs. I didn't want to go. I miss Bill and I feel bad, but he should trust and believe me.   sighed and let her do my make up, hair and outfit.
We arrived at the club, and I rather go home and watch Netflix. With Bill. She grabbed my arm and let me inside. When we got in, there were mostly couples, which irritated me. ''I'm gonna sit over there'' She said. I nodded and handed her my jacket, and I told her I got drinks. When I got to the bar, I told the bartender I wanted a Red Bull Vodka and a Stoney on the rocks. ''Well hello there'' I heard someone say from behind me. I turned around, and saw a man I think in his begin 30s. He wasn't ugly, but he seemed like a pervert. ''Hello'' I said and prayed the bartender would be back with my drinks. ''What is a pretty girl like you doing here all alone?'' He asked and checked me out. ''I'm not alone. I have a boyfriend'' I said and turned around. I felt him touch my arm, so I removed it. The bartender came back, and I payed him and left, feeling the eyes of the man burn in my back. I sat next to (Y/B/F/N), and told her what happened. ''Come on, were gonna dance and forget about everything for a while'' I nodded and let her take me to the dancefloor. She grabbed my hands and we danced together and laughed like school times. We put our backs together, and swayed and danced along.
Little did you know Bill was here with Landon. And watching the love of his life forgetting about him.
(Y/B/F/N) was to the bathroom, so I was still on the dancefloor. I was dancing, until I felt hands on me. I immidiatly turned around, and saw the same man from an hour ago. ''Leave me alone. I told you I have a boyfriend'' I said. He smirked and I could smell the boose from his breath. ''Well I don't see him anywhere. Come on baby'' He said and pulled me in and begin to kiss me. I tried to fight him, but he was too strong. He pulled away, and grabbed my face. He slapped my cheek, and I grabbed my cheek in pain. ''You do as I say bitch!'' He spat. Before he could do anything, he was tackled to the ground. I gasped and saw it was Bill. He layed on top of the man, punching him to dead. ''Bill!'' I yelled but he ignored me. ''Don't. You. Ever. Touch. My. Girlfriend. Like. That. Again!'' Bill screamed and punched him once more. I felt arms around my shoulder, and I saw my friend. She stood behind Bill and pulled him up and she kicked the guy in the stomach. ''Pig!'' She yelled and put my jacket around my shoulders and let me outside, but I stopped her. ''Wait! I need to see Bill'' I begin to walk back, until she pulled me back. ''He's outside with Landon'' She said and helped me outside. Once we got outside, I saw Bill sitting on the sidewalk with a paper to his nose and Landon next to him. ''Bill'' I said and he looked up. He dropped the paper, and walked over to me. He stood infront of me, and carresed my cheek, of which the guy hit. I looked at him and saw he had hurt in his eyes and regret. I put my hand on his cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss. He relaxed into the kiss, and wrapped his arms around me. He pulled back and rested his forehead against mine. ''I'm so sorry babe about everything. I really do trust you and believe you. I was just scared of that you'll leave me and move on because I am gone most of the time. I can't give you what you want. I want to be with you and when I have to go that you come with me. I can't loose you'' He said and let his emotions take the best of him. I felt tears build up again too and I pulled him in and let him rest his head on my shoulder, as I wrapped my arms around his back and neck. After a while I pulled his head from my shoulder, making him look at me. ''Bill, you give me everything I ever wanted. You. I will always love you and I will never leave you. I knew what I got myself into when we started dating and I don't regret a single thing. I knew you have to go away alot and when I get the chance to come with I do. I love you too much'' I said. He smiled and carresed my face. ''I love you too. Come back home with me'' He said and I nodded. We smiled and kissed again.
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rainbow-glare · 3 years
part 7 light at the end of the tunnel
" Carol there there is no need to do this I can defend myself you know that this mission is going to be easier than the last one, just go in and ask for a peace treaty between the the creatures and Starfleet. And boom done " Jim said in annoyance.
Kirk and Carol had finally started dating after a long time of thinking. And now Carol was asking bones to put a chip inside him.
As Much as it was a good idea but still. And guess what bones had agreed. that was just icing on top.
And now they were on their way to bones medical office to get the treatment shit I don't even know why they are you doing this Jim thought to himself.
" This will help and you know it " Carol replied.
Jim was about to argue more.
But they had reached McCoy's medical office.
" Ahh I suppose you're ready " bones said in his grumpy voice.
" You know what let's just get this over with " Jim said giving up.
Carol got a huge smile on her face.
No matter how many times Jim had seen her smile it never got old.
" Jim you already know what's going to happen but I will give you a preview we are going to put a chip inside of you so so you can put that chip inside any kind of medical tricorder and communicate with Starfleet through code messages as this is not very high tech quality and could potentially damage your health "
" Yea yea I know just do it " Jim said.
" Alright here goes nothing " bones said before starting the procedure.
Jim's pov
It's been 3 days since we found out Alex is here. And I have been doing alot of thinking and I have come to a conclusion that I need the medical tricorder to communicate with Starfleet but they only give it is out when we have to heal someone. And they check us when we get back.
Then Emily wakes up from her nap.
" Hey u okey " I ask her.
" Umm yea I think " she replies.
I have to tell her. " Hey Em um can I call u Em " I ask her
" Sure go right ahead I like it " she replies.
" Well okey Em I found a way to get us the hell out of here " I said.
"What really how " she asked me.
" Well I met an old friend in one of these cells and as much as I don't know much about him or how the hell he got here we'll actually I know a little bit. I have a small chip in my leg that my girlfriend put in me for safety measurements and to be honest I couldn't be more happy. all the chip needs now is medical tricorder and we can't bring it here well because Amira take it away "
" They check us everytime we come back " Amira tells them.
Emily's pov
Huh they found a way just like he did.
Should I tell them or should I not.
" I... Well to be honest I don't know maybe you can sneak it in " I tell them
" I mean we can try but it's gonna be too difficult and second thing if they found out we are dead " Amira said.
" She's right if anyone has any ideas please do tell " Jim say's
" Ok " I say quietly.
Jim looked at me with one of his you are not telling me something and I will find out what that is stares
The doors open and they come to take Amira away. Amira look at jim and he shrugged and Amira got the hint. and she leaves.
" Okey there is something you are not telling me " Jim says in a serious tone.
Oh shit i thought to myself
" Ok I guess it's time to come clean to you so I had a roommate before you I don't think I have ever told you about this before but I am pretty sure that happened while ago about 2 years. he was... I don't know what he was  some evil monster to me now but at that time when I first met him he was one of the most purest people I have ever known well untill you. "
" Oh right is there more to this story cause I am pretty sure there is. " Jim says with surprise.
" While there is a lot more this story and to be honest I don't know where to  start but I guess we can always start from where it happens for the first time he came in just like me. He was tortured for a long time. At first It was like normal we were roommates and we use to get tortured everyday untill we started developing feelings for each other and well that's when It started we wanted to get the hell out of here and live a normal life. Well that didn't happen as soon as we formed the plan and somehow it worked we were out of the hell. The plan was about hitting the gaurds in the head and getting out. That worked untill he Stabbed me like literally stabbed me. I asked him why he did it but he completely ignored me and went on with his way until the creatures found me. Well it was easy for them because I couldn't walk anywhere because of the stab wound and then you know what happened. They found me and tortured me foe almost a year and to be honest I wanted to die but because they kept me me alive and now we are here and when you came inside you told me about who you are and everything  I don't know why I trusted you but I did " I told him everything I had been holding back.
" I... I am so sorry Emily " Jim told me.
" It hurt like a bitch for a long time but now ok " I told him.
" I don't believe that but may I ask a question " he told me
" Sure " I tell him.
" What was his name " he asks me
" ( Takes in a deep breath ) Jonathan " as soon as I said that it's like his face went dead still.
" Can u repeat that " he asks me
" Jonathan is everything okey " I ask him confused.
" It's not I just got a new crew member whose name was Jonathan Corves "
My whole body goes cold " that's his full name "
" It all makes sense now he was probably the one who fused the communication system in the shuttle and then when we got down the creatures could get me and then I could find a way out with you " Jim told me
" No it cant be why would you help me now " I say with anger.
" Maybe he wants to help you or is feeling guilty of doing that to you. " Jim tells me.
I shake my head " no no no no "
" I am sorry "
We sat in silence untill Amira came back.
Author's note
I am really sorry for the late update but hope u like this one.
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