#she is mostly indifferent toward me but that’s okay
gardenofnoah · 1 year
i have the most perfect cat in the world by the way. she is such a little Angel Girl
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chaiifluuf · 4 months
Heart to heart — d. osamu
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synopsis. seeing your boyfriend’s ex makes you question if you really are enough for him
content. fem!reader, ada!reader, hurt/comfort, has a made-up character
notes. a request written here ! @hyunorue, @walnutnut since you wanted to be tagged, i adjusted a few things but hope you enjoy nonetheless <3
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“‘samu, we just had a lunch break..” 
you mention softly as you let him lead you out of the agency office. of course dazai wants to ditch work with you once again despite all your efforts to make him do the opposite. often you don’t go along with his antics since you actually value the paperwork and don’t want to stress kunikida even further. unfortunately, today was one of those days where dazai wins.
“so? we were still working then and have every right to get a break now!” dazai tells you as if there is no problem with what he said. you raise an eyebrow and stare at him sceptically. “more like i was the one working, you just pouted and sat next to me because i wasn’t focusing on you.” you point out while both of you walk down the stairs.
“how cruel, bella! i did write on my report,” he says dramatically, holding his free hand to his chest when the other hand is still intertwined with yours. “i saw you add exactly five words.” you respond bluntly as you remember your gaze flickering to his laptop to see what he was doing from before. dazai gives you a fake offended look before opening the door for you to exit.
the cafe right below the agency was the go-to place to take a break or even have lunch. and today was no different. two of you sit down at one of the tables and order your usual. you still weren’t at ease though. “you know if kunikida happened to be at the office currently then we wouldn’t be sitting here right now.” 
dazai hummed indifferently, taking your hand in his again as he rubbed gentle circles on the back of it. a warm smile tugged at his lips. “kunikida this and kunikida that but how about you relax? don’t worry, i’ll just—”
he abruptly stopped speaking when he looked behind you towards the entrance of the cafe, the sound of the doorbell ringing filling the space. you feel confused and decide to call his name, but to no avail. before you can even turn around a woman’s voice can be heard throughout the room.
“oh my god! is that you, dazai?” she gasps and you saw the way his body stiffened. almost right away you can tell something is wrong. the woman walks up to the table you were sitting at, an amused grin on her face. you can’t help but wonder who she is. dazai has never mentioned knowing other women besides you and some others at the agency. what is going on?
“why long time no see! you do remember me right?” she says to him with an upbeat tone, her gaze shifting to you afterwards. the moment she did you realised something. she looked pretty. stunning even, her golden wavy hair fitting so well with her hazel eyes. while her expression seemed friendly, as soon as she looked at you, you felt somewhat uncomfortable. you felt as if she judged your whole being right now.
“i do, yuna. what are you doing here?” dazai’s voice was much colder in comparison to talking to you earlier. okay so dazai does know her. then she has to be someone from his past. someone he has never told you about. perhaps a friend, a relative or a… oh.  
yuna merely hums in response. “this cafe is a public place, no? just wanted to get a coffee but ran into you instead. how have you been?” she asks dazai, mostly ignoring you and it makes you feel like you’re not supposed to be here. your suspicions about who she is make this even worse. 
dazai sighs rather heavily. “now is not the time. seriously.” it’s obvious that he is trying to get her to leave but yuna doesn’t seem to get the hint. “woah you’re so tense, i mean no harm…” she says with a softer tone despite the playful smile growing on her lips, calmly bringing her hand to dazai’s shoulder as if i wasn’t even there. it’s becoming harder to not get annoyed because who does she think she is? 
your lips form into a thin line as you watch her get dangerously comfortable around him. you were about to give yuna a piece of your mind but dazai already got ahead of you. without hesitation, he pries her hand off his shoulder and she’s surprised by his action. 
“yuna, this is your last warning. i need you to stop acting like we’re anything more than strangers and respectfully, get the fuck out of here.” he spoke with a stern tone and looked into her eyes the entire time. you’re definitely not used to seeing him get genuinely mad at someone. 
small shock crosses her face and she seems taken aback by his sudden words. a moment of tense silence passes before yuna scoffs. “fine, be like that then. have fun with your new little girlfriend,” she says mockingly, her friendly tone long gone and you were not ready for the look she gave you. it was full of loathing and bitterness, like you were far beneath her.
and now you want to sink six feet underground. you hate how much she managed to affect you and you pray that she can’t tell from your expression. you shouldn’t even care what she thinks of you but assuming that she had some type of relationship with dazai before, you can’t help but feel out of place.
yuna finally leaves the place and dazai’s eyes soften when he looks back at you. “i’m so sorry that you had to witness this,” he says with a sigh, “are you okay?” you can see it in his gaze that he is really apologetic and you don’t how to feel anymore. all of this could’ve been avoided if you just stayed at the agency.
“yeah, i’m fine. was that your ex?” you ask, ignoring the stirring emotions in your chest. dazai seems to think a little before answering. “not exactly. i haven’t talked to her in years now. i thought she moved away… but it doesn’t matter. let’s just focus on us, yeah?” 
you still had so many questions but you simply nod and take a sip of your drink. a worried glint remains in his eyes but you decide to ignore it and act like you’re okay with everything that happened. 
because you’re anything but okay.
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yosano keeps giving you strange looks as you look through some files. you try to focus on work but the cafe incident won’t leave your mind no matter how hard you try. she can probably tell something is wrong. she’s a doctor after all. 
“y/n, did something happen?” yosano speaks up calmly while she sits on her office chair. you shift your gaze from the paper to her and blink in surprise. “ah, no. why are you asking?” you respond, trying to seem clueless.
“you’ve been staring at the same page for over five minutes now and i know for a fact you’re not that slow of a reader. your thoughts are elsewhere.” okay maybe it was more obvious than you anticipated. you know there’s no use to denying her at this point. with a defeated sigh, you sit down on a chair near her desk.
“it’s kind of stupid.” you’re still a little hesitant about this because while you and her got along well, you haven’t opened up about your problems to her before. her face softens slightly as she leans back on her chair. “surely it’s not if it has you acting this odd.”
a minute of silence passes before you start talking. “well me and osamu went on a break to the cafe and then this woman appeared out of nowhere, someone who he knew in the past and…” you pause, gathering your words, “after a tense conversation she finally leaves us alone. even if she did try to look friendly at first, i could tell she did not like me.”
“so it was jealousy or something?” yosano guessed, listening intently and you sigh again in return. “i don’t know. i asked osamu about her too and i didn’t really get any answers,” you say as you think about it. why did he barely tell you anything? is he hiding something? god you’re starting to overthink again.
yosano notices your troubled expression and decides to slowly move a little closer to you with her chair. “listen, let me ask you this—how did he react when she started talking to him?” she asks while looking into your eyes. 
“very irritated, in a way that I rarely see.” that’s true, there was a genuine glimpse of anger in his irises, it was surprising even to you. yosano nods and seems to think for a moment before speaking.
“do you trust him?”
you’re slightly caught off guard by the question. of course you trust him. through all the missions you have gone on with him, he always makes your safety the top priority and you know that you can trust him with your life. 
without thinking twice you nod in response and a small smile appears on her face. “then i’m sure you don’t need to get too concerned. plus from what i’ve seen, he loves and cares about you more than anything else.” she tells you with a warm tone.
her words manage to somewhat ease you because she must be right. you love him dearly and he feels the same. and that’s what is important. yeah, you can’t forget that. you give yosano a grateful look. “you’re right, thank you.”
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the confidence you had a few hours ago is long gone. you don’t know how long you have been sitting on your bedroom floor alone, stuck in your thoughts. you left the agency a while ago, telling dazai you were going to a case related place so he wouldn’t get suspicious. in reality you couldn’t understand yourself. why are you so upset? even yosano assured you that there’s no need to worry.
everything was fine before going to the cafe and having that encounter with her but it shouldn't matter because it’s plain to see that dazai doesn’t care about her nor like her anymore. it’s not like he’s cheating on you which you know he would never do. but you do wonder how they met, you wonder if they were actually together and on top of all, you wonder what happened between them. 
because despite her cold behaviour, she was gorgeous to say the least. and maybe if you got along with her then she would have a nicer personality as well. honestly yuna seemed like everything you’re not. it makes you doubt yourself. just what does dazai see in you? you have heard his flowery and flattering comments more than you can count but what if he doesn’t mean them?
it’s such a silly thought but you can’t stop pondering over it. you’re so much in your head that you didn’t even notice to hear the soft creak of the door opening.
your breath falters. you know that voice all too well. you can’t find it in yourself to answer, keeping your face buried in your arms as your knees are pressed to your chest. you hear him moving and you can tell he’s closer to you now.
“what’s wrong?” dazai asks gently and you can’t help but feel embarrassed since you are not sure how to answer. you wish you could act like you’re fine.
you stay quiet and after a moment he speaks up again. “yosano told me some stuff regarding you,” he says and now you really have no chance of hiding anything. it never crossed your mind that she might tell him. he knows why you are like this and you hate that.
“osamu, why are you with me?” your voice is more unstable than you would’ve liked. you raise your head and see that he’s sitting right beside you on the floor. his gaze goes softer and more concerned when you look at him. you then realise your cheeks are wet.
“why? because i love you of course,” he says so easily, a tender smile adorning his lips. you remain doubtful. “then will you tell me who she was? was yuna really not your ex?” you question him as you can feel your throat getting tighter, desperate for answers.
dazai’s smile fades and he lets out a quiet sigh. “me and her were friends with benefits at best. sometimes i could tell she wanted to be more than that but unbeknownst to her, i was aware of all the other boys she was hanging out with. we had an argument over it and i ended everything with her on the spot.”
you stare at him for a few seconds as you process his words. he is not lying, you can tell that much. you suck in a breath as your vision grows slightly blurry. “i just don’t get it. she was so pretty, osamu. out of all people you chose me when i’m barely anything in comparison to her. i—“ your voice cracks as you try to stop your tears. you have never seen yourself the way he does and at times it scares you because what if one day he will see you exactly like you see yourself?
you avoid his gaze and the fact he hasn’t said a single word makes you want to cry more. he brings his hand to your cheek and slowly guides you back to face him. what greeted you instead of pity was a warm smile and eyes full of fondness.
“my dear, are you hearing yourself right now? without any exaggeration, you’re the most breathtaking woman i have ever met inside and out. i would never love someone so much based off only their appearance. and do you know what makes you so precious?” 
you sniffle as your gaze is connected to his. you can’t help but lean into his touch while his hand cradles the side of your face. “what.?” you ask.
“you make me feel human. you make life worth living and i couldn’t be happier to spend the rest of my days with you.” his tone is filled with tenderness and sincerity. it almost makes you question whether you’re dreaming but his touch wouldn’t feel so real and soothing in any of them. 
and then you smile lightly. you really were overthinking it. as relief washes over you, your body moves on its own and your wrap around his waist, hugging him tightly. dazai returns the gesture and places a kiss on your head, softly rubbing your back. tears were still escaping your eyes but this time it wasn’t out of sadness. 
he suddenly seems to remember something and whispers into your ear. “oh and there are some flowers waiting on the table for you.”
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my writing is so weird in this i’m sorry (ㅠ﹏ㅠ)
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plussizefantasia · 3 months
Don't Cry over Spilled Lemonade pt.2
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Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x f!reader
Word Count: ~2k
Warnings: A little bit of dread on the reader's part but mostly it's fluff and yearning, just the way I like it.
A/N: hahaha I finally finished it!!!! Thanks for all the love on part one it really made me so happy to see so many people liking the little story that I wrote half asleep <3
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Anthony wrestled with his thoughts for the rest of the evening. He hated himself deeply for hurting you and even more for not remembering it. Knowing himself though, he knew that his actions were probably fueled by a desire to leave the gathering and visit Siena, she had been his refuge in the years before and during Daphne’s debut. 
He would never forgive himself if the reason you would not ever stand to be in the same room with him was his naive infatuation with the opera singer. Especially given the fact that as soon as he met you all thoughts of her flew from his eyes and he never thought of her in that way again. Deep down he knew that his heart now belonged to you although that thought was much too terrifying to dwell on for more than a minute.
You on the other hand were reeling with the new information. You had vowed to hate Anthony Bridgerton until your dying day but his pleas for forgiveness had shaken your will. You still held a deep anger towards him, one that you didn’t think would go away any time soon. But it was becoming harder and harder for you to find the detestation in yours that had once been bubbling at the surface.
You didn't know what to expect from the Viscount anymore, you had always had a pretty clear picture of the man in your mind, and in one fell swoop he had shattered it like glass. Seeing him playing with his younger siblings in the park the day after your conversation in the hallway certainly didn’t help settle your mind.
If there was one thing you knew about Anthony Bridgerton it was that he loved his family. Sometimes he goes about it in the wrong way but you could tell that he does everything he does for them, even getting grass stains on his trousers because Hyancithy and Gregory are insistent that he plays tag with them in the great park.
It is their laughter that draws your attention first followed shortly by a sharp shout and even more giggles. You are fortunate enough to catch sight of the Viscount tripping and landing on his backside, his hands falling to the side of him and right into what looks to be some freshly planted flower beds. His head hangs and he takes a heaving sigh before pushing himself back up. You can’t help but laugh at the sight.
Anthony would be able to recognize your laugh anywhere, he hears it flowing through the halls of his home enough that it’s become ingrained in his mind. His head turns to where you are and your eyes meet. He is taken aback by the warmth he finds in them. How long has it been since you’ve looked at home with anything but detached coldness?
It is Hyancinth who bridged the gap between the two of you, with a shout of your name she comes bounding across the green and practically leaps into your open arms. 
“Hello sweet girl, having fun are we?” Your hand runs down the back of her head and you smile down at her.
“We were playing a game of tag, would you like to join us.” Sometimes you forget how innocent the young girl is. Her smile is contagious as it spreads across your own face.
“On any other day my darling but I’ve only cut through the park on my way to visit with Lady Danbury and you know how she is about punctuality.”
“Oh.” Her face falls and your heart follows.
“How about this? Once I am done calling upon her ladyship I shall stop by and you can finally show me the new dresses you got for dolly Molly okay?”
Her smile returns full force and she squeezes you a little tighter before conjuring up a mask of faux indifference.
“I suppose I can accept that.” 
“You’re starting to sound like Viscount grumpypants over there.” You tickle at her side.
“I heard that,” Anthony calls from a ways away, Greg held under his arm.
“I was not trying to keep quiet my Lord.” Your eyes meet his once again and Anthony cannot help the little bubbling of hope that builds inside his chest when he sees the lightheartedness contained in your gaze.
“That’s Lord Grumpypants to you.” He shoots back and delights in the way your smile widens. 
“Very well Lord Grumpypants, I must be off but I’ll see you all later.” You say the last words down at the young lady still wrapped up in your arms. You give her one final squeeze before releasing her and bowing your head slightly at her older brother. You try not to dwell too much on how much you enjoy the viscount’s smile.
Anthony takes the day in the park as a sign, one that shows him all hope is not lost. All he needs to do is fix his mistake. He craved you, that much he knew. He craved your smile and your laugh, he yearned for your kind eyes and the way you seemed to float when you walked. He has never considered himself a particularly creative man but the images his mind conjures of the two of you make him second-guess himself.
He did not have time to imagine for very long, however, as Colin was due to return today for the start of the season and Eloise seemed to need constant supervision lest she run away the first chance she got. The Danbury ball could not come soon enough.
The Danbury ball was one of legend, the older woman’s opening ball was not one to be missed as it set the tone for the rest of the season. Young women not lucky enough to gain the Queen’s favor had a second chance at the Danbury ball, a chance to show themselves off to the ton once more in the hopes of catching the eye of an eligible young man. 
You were no different than those young ladies, primping and preening all day long with the hopes that you would be able to secure a match this season before you become too old to do so. Your mother was adamant that this season had to be spectacular, you had to look and act your best always. She was weary and weeping, moaning about how you’d be letting down the family if you were unable to secure a match.
It was interesting you thought, how quickly she changed her tune. During your debut season, she had spoken dreamingly about a love match and finding happiness and now you were sure that she would shove you off to whoever if it meant that you would be married. It seemed your Mama’s greatest fear was you becoming a spinster. 
You obliged her whims, after all, you did wish to find a match. You had always dreamed of a love match. With every year that passed by the candle of hope held within your heart flickered, it was small now, but you had to admit that it still burned. You still soothed your restless nights with dreams of a husband and children, a loving home full of laughter and joy. That is the future you want, that is the future you will fight for.
Tonight you aim to make an entrance, any attention at this point is better than being snubbed. You wore a gown of deep red, with golden lace around the bodice and black and gold beading around the waistline and down the back. Your maid pulled and twisted your hair, piling it upon your head and creating a bold and dramatic look. You were going to pull attention, you had to.
And pull attention you did, from the moment you entered the ballroom all eyes were on you. Ladies whispered and hid behind their fans. Men stood in circles with their peers but you caught the glance of more than one bachelor. And yet, nobody had approached you. You were beginning to feel the flash in your cheeks. Perhaps this was too much, such boldness was offputting and you should have stuck to the known. Dressed in soft pinks and whites, proclaiming purity and softness. 
Anthony was beside himself. You were the most ethereal creature he had ever had the privilege of laying his gaze on and he wished to spend the whole night by your side; catching up on all the lost time. He knew though, that you would never allow that, and he would rather die than hurt you again. 
So he watched and watched and watched. As time ticked on those cowards kept you waiting. Dances began and ended, people arrived and left and all the while you were stood, bathed in candlelight and alone. 
The sun had long since set and you were done. No longer would you endure this embarrassment. You had followed your gut and put yourself out there and it had failed. You were destined to be alone you suppose.
Just as you were getting ready to turn away and retreat back to the safety of your family home a hand entered your sight. Palm up and inviting, your eyes traced slowly up the arm and towards the face of the gentleman who had finally put you out of your misery.
Anthony Bridgerton stood before you, arm outstretched and a small smile on his face. “A lady as beautiful as yourself does not deserve to spend the whole night without a single dance.” 
“Are you offering?” You looked him in the eye and raised a brow. This was the first time since your conversation in the hallways that Anthony had approached you without one of his siblings present to be a buffer.
“I’m giving you an opportunity.”
“And what might that be?” You tilted your head to the side and watched as a smirk slowly spread across his face.
“You have a choice, right here and right now. Either grasp my hand and we dance the rest of the night away, opinions be damned. Or you snub me, snub me like I snubbed you that night, and get your revenge.”
You exhale a laugh and look at him. His face held a smile but also a certain seriousness that belayed his intention. This was him making it up to you. He would accept rejection if that is what you wanted. 
Here he was, the man who had hurt you and who you still held a flame for offering himself up to like a lamb to slaughter. 
You must’ve been taking a long time to answer because the Viscount began shifting on his feet. He looked around the room at the other couples who began to take to the dancefloor.
“I do not mean to rush you my lady, but the dance will be starting soon.”
“Anthony you must promise me.”
“Anything, name it and it’s yours.” 
“Promise me that you will never hurt me again, I don’t think my heart could take it.” You took his hand. And let your lips curve into a gentle smile.
He pulled your hand wrapped within his own close to his heart, and vowed, “I will do everything in my power to protect you for the rest of my days, even if the one I am protecting you from is myself.”
“I don’t need protection Anthony,” you looked deeply into his eyes, “I just need your love, honest and true.”
“Then you shall have it.” 
Anthony pulled you to the dancefloor and led you in far too many dances to be appropriate that night. And every night for the rest of the season. And neither of you cared about what the rest of the ton had to say. You had each other, finally, and neither of you was letting go anytime soon. 
taglist: @ilikestuffs-stuff @cat-lockwood @wolf-phoenix-lover
@tenshis-cake @bridkesby @divergentalwaysandforever-blog @lillysfrogsandbogs @unholyhuntress
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sarawritestories · 5 months
Love Story (All Too Well Chapter 1 Pt 2)
Cassian X OC, Eris X OC
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Summary: Under the Mountain, Estella, have flash backs to her 50 years in captivity, and losing hope she will ever see her lover. That is until a human girl shows up and give her and her brother Rhysand something they lost decades ago...Hope and in a matter of mere months she is reunited with the love of her life. The General of the Night Court Armies.
Content Warnings: MINORS DNI 18+ Torture, Dub con, Physical abuse, Under the mountain trials
A/N: Special Thanks to @milswrites and @eve175 for keeping me sane when I wrote this and honestly prevented me from scraping and starting over again!
Also Two post in one day from me! I am on a roll! And probably will be taking a small break 😅😅
All Too Well Master List ACOTAR Masterlist
The sound of Amarantha’s screams was like music to Eris Vanserra’s ears. He watched as Tamlin ripped her to shreds, glancing over to see Estella holding Feyre’s body close to her murmuring something to herself that his fae hearing couldn’t pick up on. The screams ceased and Tamlin walked back to where the young fae princess and the human cursebreaker.
Eris watched as Estella a tear-streaked face looked up at the High Lord of Spring her laced covered chest heaving, “I’m so sorry Tamlin.” She lowered her head in shame, as if this was her fault.
Tamlin lifted Estella’s face to meet his eyes, “This wasn’t your fault. Okay?”
Eris moved toward Amarantha’s mutilated body as he heard Estella let out a sob, “You asked me to protect her I failed.” Eris closed his eyes and rubbed at his chest hoping the ache would dissipate.
Eris looked over at Amarantha’s remains that were mostly ribbons of flesh and found what he was looking for as Tamlin hushed the Princess of Night. “You did no such thing, Stella, now please give her to me.”  Tamlin’s voice was tender as he knelt in front of the female holding his love’s corpse. “Come on, Flower.”  
Romeo Save Me Somewhere We Can Be Alone
Eris looked over at the dais to see Estella, half of her pinned to the back of her head, the rest of her hair had fallen past her breast in soft curls. Clad in a sheer orange gown, the fabric barely covering anything, especially how his high queen had her positioned on Tamlin’s lap. Her legs spread by his thighs, her back pressed against his chest. The Princess placed her hand over the Lord of Spring and Eris noticed his thumb moved over hers and began swiping periodically. As if he was trying to bring her comfort. The heir of Autumn knew those two were friends just never realized how close the pair was.
The red-haired male moved his gaze to the rest of the ballroom, fighting the urge to clench his fist, he caught his brother’s attention. His russet eyes met with a similar pair of Lucien, his metal eye zeroing in on him. The young Emissary of the spring court’s face was impassive though his eyes, held pure resentment. Lucien didn’t let his stare linger on his brother rather it moved to his two friends at the front of the room. Guilt threatened to take hold, but the eldest Vanserra brother forced it down in a box where he kept most of his emotions shutting the lid tight. Another person that he had let down.
“Estella, darling be a dear and entertain us.” Amarantha’s voice drew Eris his attention back to the princess of night. “Dance.”
Estella froze, “Your Majesty?”
Amarantha pinched her chin, “I said dance, has whoring you around my court made you dumb.” Eris gripped the side of his leg tightly as he glanced over to the High Lord of Night, his tanned face a mask of cool indifference, Eris gazed lowered to Rhysand’s hands to find his knuckles were white as a result of gripping the arms of his chair tightly.
“No, Your Majesty,” Estella responded. “Or perhaps you would prefer to give a dance to one person.”
Rhysand cleared his throat, “Your majesty, I would be-“
Amarantha whipped her head, “No.” She looked out to the assembly in the hall. “I will accept volunteers from anyone that is not related to her.”
Eris’s feet moved of his own accord and managed to reach the dais before Lucien could. As he bowed lowed, “Your majesty. Though I have no need for a dance, I would be honored.”
Amarantha’s voice had a jovial lilt to it, “Ah Eris Vanserra. Yes, you have my permission to use her, however, you please. Rise. Claim your whore.”
Eris rose to his full height and walked up to the young heiress. He held out a hand for her, “Come now, Viper.” Estella curled her mouth in a small snarl, though her eyes were vacant, hallow as if she mentally went somewhere else. Though she gripped his hand all the same. He yanked her off Tamlin’s lap and pressed her chest to his. His arm snaked around her waist, his fingertips grazing the bare skin of her hip. Electricity bolted up his arm at the contact though he easily ignored it.
“Estella, how do you thank Eris, for claiming you this evening.” Amarantha prodded; Eris didn’t miss her face contorted in a grimace. Before she looked up her ice blue eyes meeting his warm copper ones, life had returned to her, but Eris could feel her dread, it emulated around her like a shield. Though that didn’t stop her from lifting her hand sliding it up the red velvet embroidered vest he was wearing. Or when her soft, gentle fingers slid up his neck and through the silken strands of his long hair.
She rose on her tippy toes her plump lips inches away from his own, “Thank you, Prince Eris,” Estella closed the distance kissed him. Eris slid his hand up her back, lightly grazing her spine as his hand wrapped around her raven-colored locks and yanked her back hard enough to cause a gasp from the princess’ mouth, giving the Autumn Court Heir access to slide his tongue against her. She tasted as sweet as he hoped she would. His tongue clashing with hers he could have sworn a small moan escaped her throat.
The need for oxygen and knowing that the two had put on enough of a show for their audience, Eris pulled away, with a smirk as Estella opened her eyes her pupils blissed out from their moment. Before he could ask, Amarantha, was waving her hand, “Eris you and your pet are dismissed for the evening.”
Eris bowed, and Estella followed suit, aware that it would expose her backside to the fae standing behind them. Eris placed a hand on the small of her back and led her out into the hall. The two had walked down for a few moments the sound of Estella’s skirt swishing against her skin, her hands clasped in front of her, when she asked, “What do you plan on doing with me, Princeling?”
Exhaustion weighed heavily on the prince’s body, as he sighed, “Sleep, My Little Viper. We’re going to sleep.”
This Love Is Difficult, But It's Real
The whole court ogled around and watched as the High Lords of Prythian dropped a kernel of power on the human girl that saved them all. Eris Vanserra on the other hand watched as his brother held onto the Princess of Night as her sobs softened. He could see Lucien whispering in her ear though from where he stood even his fae hearing wouldn’t be able to decipher. Ignoring the spectacle Eris walked over to one his handmaidens.
She bowed when he approached, saying nothing, he gripped the plump woman’s sleeve and began wiping the blood of the Tiara he grabbed. Once he was satisfied, he turned and walked over to Lucien and Estella. The youngest Vanserra son tightened his hold on Estella when Eris approached. “Relax, brother, today is a joyous day. We can put aside our differences for now.” Lucien growled, “Feel free to hate me again tomorrow.”
Estella’s eyes pierced the Autumn Prince’s and Eris presents the tiara glancing down at the lace covered bodice of her dress that dipped down to her stomach, “I believe this belongs to you, Little Viper.”  He smirked as he met her eyes again. She glanced at his hands and reached out to grab the accessory from him, tearing herself from Lucien’s arms as she did so. Eris took a step back and dangled the tiara above her head, “Allow me.” He motions for his index finger to spin around. She obeyed and crossed her arms, the dark red silk of her dress swirling as she did. Her scent of Ocean mist and Jasmine invaded his nose he fought the notion to bask in her scent, as he placed the tiara on top of her head. Stepped closer and noticed the sharp breath she took as his nose brushed against her ear, “There now you look fit to rule a kingdom, Princess.”
He could hear her heartrate quicken as he took a step away and once more as cheers erupted through the cave. The three of them turned to find Feyre embraced in Tamlin’s arms, ears pointed heartbeat strong and steady. “By the Cauldron.” Lucien whispered and ran up to his friends. Leaving the two alone.
“I have to thank you, Princeling.” Estella’s voice broke the tension.
“Giving me brief little moments of reprieve from this nightmare.” Her piercing eyes met his, “I am in your debt.”
Eris was about to dispute it when in a flash arm wrapped around Estella pulling her into a tight embrace, had he not seen the matching raven-colored hair, the heir of Autumn would have prepared for an attack. Rhysand pulled away as if remembering where he had put his hands in his pockets assessed his sister. “Are you hurt?”
Estella turned to Eris only to find he was already gone. She sighed and looked back at her brother. “I’m fine, Rhys.”
He nodded and, in her mind said, The High Lords are meeting to figure out the next steps. I don’t know how long that will take. Then out loud he said, “As your High Lord, I’m demanding you head home immediately and make sure our court held up in our absence.” Estella noticed the hint of a smirk on his face, Tell Cassian hello for me, and that I’ll be home soon.
Estella’s face lit up, she kissed her brother on the cheek, “Thank you, High Lord.” She took a step, looked back toward Lucien and Tamlin. Both males embracing Feyre. Green eyes met hers and with a dip of his chin she bolted and winnowed home.
I’ll Be Waiting
The Summer night breeze kissed her skin as she arrived in front of the town home. Home. She was home. Picking up her skirts she bolted through the front door of the town home. She could hear laughter in the dining room pause when the door slammed shut. Before anyone could get up, she ran into the room. Gasp and fallen utensils were the only thing she heard before, Morrigan her hair in perfect waves and dressed in her signature red gown rose from her seat, her eyes turning glassy. “So, it’s true? It’s over?” She asked.
Estella wiped the stray tears that had begun to fall, “Yeah. Its over.” She croaked as Mor pulled her into a bone crushing hug. “Fuck, I have missed you guys.”
A pair of scarred calloused hands tugged at her bare shoulders, “Don’t hog her, Mor.” Azriel’s deep voice joked as he pulled her into an embrace of his own. He pulled away and she felt the cool kiss of his shadows up and around her body, checking for injuries. He pressed his forehead to hers, “Its good to have your home.” He pressed his lips to her forehead and guided her to a chair. He began to make her a plate of food, as he asked, “Where’s Rhys?”
Estella eyes grew wide with the spread Azriel placed before her. Taking a heaping bite before she answered, she couldn’t help but moan as the warm food met her mouth. The bountiful flavor bursting on her tongue. She looked at Mor, and Az as she swallowed her food and said, “He said there would be a meeting with the High Lord’s about what is going to happen next, no doubt trying to get Amarantha’s” She fought the cringe at the sound of the female’s name coming out of her mouth, “men collected and figuring out what to do with them.”
Amren’s cold calculating voice was a welcome reprieve, “Why didn’t you stay with him?”
Estella turned her head to the female and smiled, “He wanted me to come home, let you know he would be back soon.” Estella, smiled and looked at the table, acutely aware of the empty missing, “Where is he?”
Azriel gave her a warm smile and placed his hand on top of her own his hazel eyes ablaze with warmth and happiness, “He went to the Illyrian camps a few weeks ago. He has been spending a lot of time up there to personally train his soldiers.  He says its to make sure they have the best training we can offer.”
Estella felt guilt bubble in her stomach, “But?”
Azriel’s face fell slightly, his shadows curling around him as a form of comfort, “He had been struggling staying in Velaris for too long. It Reminded him of you and the future you two were planning. He missed you.”
“We all did, Girl.” Amren corrected. Estella’s blue eyes met her swirling silver ones, “Don’t look so surprised. Your quick wit against these overgrown bats was impressive. It was nice to not be the only one with a silver tongue.”
Estella blinked; she couldn’t remember a time when Amren had outwardly complimented her. Though she wasn’t about to question the tiny one’s motives, she went back to shoveling food in her mouth. She went for seconds and cleaned that plate too, Azriel grabbed her plate when she attempted to go for more, “Pace yourself, you’ll make yourself sick.”
“The food was awful down there.” If she got any that was. She didn’t miss the concerned glances from her friends when she arrived. She hadn’t looked in a mirror in 50 years and she was afraid to, terrified at what her reflection might reveal. How badly Amarantha’s abuse taken a toll on her physically as it had emotionally.  Estella met Azriel’s gaze and he gave her a smile, kissing the side of her head. Estella cleared her throat, “Um, I am going to go upstairs and wash up.”
Mor gave her a warm smile, one she never thought she would see again, “Your room has not been touched, your clothes have been routinely cleaned.”
Estella rubbed her chest and the base of her throat fighting the emotion threatening to come up. “Thank you.” 
Azriel cupped her cheek. Stroking his thumb against her cheek, “Welcome home, Princess.”
She wrapped her arms around Az and squeezed him tightly. “I missed you. I never thought I would see you again.”
“Likewise.” He pressed his hand on the back of her head holding her close. “Fuck.” She pulled away at the Shadow  Singer’s expletive and saw that his eyes lined with silver. “I’m just..” He took a deep breath, “I’m just happy to see you.”
“Me too, Az. I missed your face.” He laughed wiping his eyes, as she looked to all three of her friends, “Not a day went by that I didn’t think about you.” The two females rose from their seats and as if they were reading each other’s thoughts smothered the young female into a tight embrace, where she let her tears flow freely.
Home. She was finally, Home.
On The Balcony In Summer Air
The cool night air kissed Estella's skin for the first time in fifty years as she leaned against the balcony the silk of her red night gown doing nothing to prevent the chill, but the female couldn’t bring herself to care. Looking up at the night sky. She couldn't help but smile as tears pickled her pale blue eyes. This is what it felt like:
To be free
"Hello, Sweetheart." The low timbre of a familiar voice elicited a sob to escape her throat. Turning from the view of the city, she met glassy hazel eyes, bruises darkening his tanned skin under them. His wings were tucked back, but his siphons glowed.
She gave him a watery smile, "Hello, General." She covered her mouth to stifle the sobbed. Not being able to contain herself, she leaped into his awaiting arms and legs wrapping around his waist. Burying her face in the crook of his neck.
Cassian's arm held her up by her waist, his free hand pressing the back of her head holding her close, tears streaming down his own face. Estella pulled away and pressed her lips to his.
Cassian pulled away, pressing his forehead to hers, "Welcome home, Estella." And his lips reattached to hers as he took her to their shared bed. Plopping her down on the bed his hazel eyes met her blue ones he swiped a strand of hair from her face.
She cupped her hands against his face, and took a moment to look at him, his eyes had dark circles under them, as if he hadn’t had a good night’s rest in the last fifty years. He had grown out a beard the scruff rough against her skin. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”  She whispered.
Cassian cupped his hand against her cheek, tears spilling down his face. “I’m thinking that you are just as beautiful as the last time I saw you.” He kissed her forehead, “I’m thinking that I can’t believe that you are right here in my arms.” She closed her eyes as he pressed his lips to her cheek. “I’m thinking…” He took a deep breath, and she opened her eyes. “I’m thinking, how I never thought I would see you again. And yet here you are.”
Estella smiled, “Here I am.” She took his hand and placed it over her heart and he closed his eyes as he felt its steady beat. “Cassian, not a day went by where I didn’t wish to be with you. To be in your arms.” Tears threatened to fall but she forced it down. “I missed you so much.”
Cassian shushed her and placed his lips on to hers in a gentle kiss, “It’s okay, Sweetheart, I know. I missed you. More than you could ever know.” He kissed her again, “And just so we’re clear when your brother comes home. I am beating the shit out of him.”
“Hmm?” He smirked.
She gripped the collar of his leathers and pulled him closer to him, he growled in approval as she whispered on his lips, “Do not say my brother’s name while you’re in my bed.” And she clashed her lips onto his.
Estella ran her fingers through Cassian’s curls as the General was fast asleep on his stomach.  Sliding out of her bed, she opened the drawer of her nightstand, grabbed a piece of parchment, and walked back out onto her balcony. Looking back once more she made sure that Cassian remained asleep as she turned back to the parchment in her hands. Opening the parchment thinking about the author of the note.
Estella awoke back in her cell. The memory of Autumn leaves and cinnamon returning to her.  She adjusted to a sitting position her brows furrowing as she felt something in her palm. Opening the note, her breath quickened as bile threatened to rise as the question, she asked the night before came to the forefront of her mind:
“Then what do you want with me, Princeling?”
One sentence gave her his answer in perfectly neat handwriting.
I want you, My Little Viper.
Estella folded the paper and threw it on the opposite side of the cell. Pulling her knees up to her chest she had to question just how far the Prince of Autumn would go to get what he wants.
Estella sighed, staring down at the swirls of Eris’ handwriting, questions swirling in her mind.  As if she summoned him with her thoughts; a note appeared in front of her. Grabbing the parchment, she unfolded it.
Will you ever truly be free, Little Viper?
Estella glared at the parchment hoping it would erupt into flames. Folding both notes, she walked into her room, placed the notes in her nightstand, and went back to bed. The General of the Night Court’s armies arm pulling her against his chest. Though luscious red hair and russet eyes plagued her dreams.
You’ll Be The Prince and I’ll Be the Princess
After fifty long years Eris, stepped into the familiar room of orange, red and gold hues of his study. Twelve heads perked up as they saw Eris step in. The familiar dark eyes of his hounds perked up and all of them ran to their owner’s side. He bent down on a knee and allowed each of them a total of one lick per dog. Unable to fight the smile from his features of reuniting with his companions. “Hello dear Friends. I have missed you dearly.”   They all swished their tails at the sound of their master’s voice.
Home after Amarantha’s fall, the High Lords met for two days in a row and after sitting in a room with massive egos, it was nice to return home to the quiet of his study.  He walked over to his desk the mountain of paperwork there. He sighed and leaned against his chair closing his eyes, only for the ice blue eyes and raven-black hair plagued his brain. He pressed his hands to his eyes and groaned.
He sat up and removed his hands from his eyes, as an idea began to form. Opening his drawer to find his favorite quill and ink pots right where he left them. Pulling them out along with the stack of parchment. Eris began to write, as soft pink lips and the scent of Ocean Mist and Jasmine lingered in his mind as his quill began swirling across the parchment:
My Sweet Little Viper. My Beautiful Mate.
It’s A Love Story, Baby, Just Say Yes
To Be Continued...
Story tags: @milswrites @eve175 @melsunshine @believinghurts @awkardnerd @historygeekqueen @mischiefmanagers @mybestfriendmademe @cauldronboilmetakemetovelaris @glitterypirateduck @littlestw01f @mal-adaptive-dreams @lilah-asteria @hellodarling1357 @shadowdaddies @bxm-1012 @inkyvelvet @chasing-autumns-chill @ghostwritermia @esposadomd @anuttellaa @slytherintaco @marigold-morelli @saltedcoffeescotch
If I missed someone please let me know!
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larissareadings · 7 months
It’s okay, love.
➤ pairing: Draco Malfoy x gryff!fem!reader (house barely mentioned).
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Request: None
tw: eating disorder; mentions of bullying and anxiety attack.
Note: I’ve wrote this based on personal experiences and what I needed at the time. DO NOT read this if it’s not comfortable for you. If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, please reach out for help.
English is not my native language so I’m sorry if there is any mistakes. This is my first fic ever so it might not be so good. I hope you enjoy it though.
Summary: Y/N is a keeper at the Gryffindor (barely mentioned) team, who has been developing an eating disorder and Draco Malfoy seems to be only one who noticed it.
Y/N always had problems with her body image. At her early teens at Hogwarts she used to be mocked, mostly by Pansy Parkinson and her friends, because she was too thin. When Y/N turned 14, she started gaining weight since she was eating too much due to her increased anxiety, and then she was again being mocked, except now because she was getting fat, and everyone talked about it, even when they didn’t want to be mean, saying things like “you should get on a diet”. By 16, Y/N started focusing on her weight loss journey, she was finally gonna be health, delicate and beautiful as the other girls her age.
Some months later
It was right after the quidditch match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. They won, of course, since you’ve let too many quaffles go through the goal hoops. You’re a keeper at the Gryffindor team, and you’re good at it. When you’re not dizzy anyway.
“It happened again, didn’t it?”
you heard the familiar voice behind you. It sounded soft, which was not a usual thing. You closed your locker and turned around to face Malfoy. The others had already left the locker room, so now it was just you and him.
"It happened what again, Malfoy?" you asked him, trying to sound indifferent, when you were all, but that. He had some power over you, it was irritating actually, how nervous you would get when he was around.
Malfoy has been acting weird these past few months, he didn't tease you anymore. When his friends said anything about you, he would either just leave or just stare at you, but never laugh with them, never contribute to their bullying. He was the only one in the group who said nothing about your recent weight loss. The others did. Pansy would never loose the chance to say you finally learnt to shut your mouth.
You hated that he hadn't said anything, you worried you hadn't lost enough weight for him to notice, and you wanted him to see that you could be pretty too.
He looked in you up and down, checking you, before focusing on your eyes again and said "Dizziness."
You didn't understand why he was saying this, why he would notice you feeling dizzy. "Yeah.. just a little. I'm bit distract that's all". A few seconds went by where he said nothing, just stood there looking at you. Was that concern in his eyes? You couldn't tell. "Look, uhmm, I don't know where this is coming from, but I have to go. If you have any jokes to make about me being a bad keeper, or an ugly, fat bad keeper or whatever" you noticed him flinch at that, as if it had hurt him. "say it now or leave it for tomorrow 'cause I'm really tired and just wanna go to my bed"
He walked towards you, enough for him to talk low and look closely into your eyes, making you even more nervous, and said "You have to stop this, Y/N, it's making you sick."
"I don't know what you talking about"
Now he let out a breath in disbelief. "Oh, you don't know what I'm talking about? Let my clarify to you, then, It's a very simple concept, really, I thought you would know it by now." He was actually getting angry. "In order to live, people have to eat. It's the only way to get nutrients into your body. Really, Y/N, that's basics"
"I know about that. It's a good thing I eat, then, right?'' You said also angry now with his sudden aggressiveness.
"Do you though? 'Cause what I'm seeing-" he said gesturing to your body "is a girl fading away, a girl who plays with food at lunch instead of actually eating it, a girl who who used to be a great keeper, but now can't barely stand in a broom because is too weak to do so." He could feel his heart in his throat. He was so nervous, so scared you would fall off that broom. More than he could ever admit. He was keeping his worry to himself for months, hoping you would stop, hoping someone would intervene, but no one did. People just kept either praising your weight loss or humiliating you. But he couldn't stop himself anymore, if you had got hurt today, he would never forgive himself.
You felt your heart skip a beat at that. He was worried. Really worried. You didn't know how to react. You felt seen, someone saw what you were going through. But you also felt good, reassured. So you WERE thinner, and he noticed. “You know what? I don’t get it. Weren’t you and your friends the ones who said I was too heavy to play quidditch? that my weight would slow me down? that I would fall? that the broomstick couldn’t take it?” you now had tears in your cheeks. Your vision was blured by the tears and, God, you were so tired.
Malfoly’s heart might’ve actually broke in that moment. He was so angry at everyone who didn’t notice you hurting yourself, when he was actually the who drove you into it.
‘‘I am so tired.” you kept talking now, tears rolling down your face. “Why is it never enough? I’m tired. I’m thin, I’m ugly. I’m fat, I’m ugly too, and disggusting. I need a diet. I do a diet. and now fading away? OH well, just let me be happy for once.and I am happy now, ok? I’m finally beautiful.” You were talking so fast and you were feeling so weak. Malfoy saw that, so he immediately hold you in a hug, preventing you from falling. Your head were now in his chest, and you were trying to stop crying, trying to make your heart go back to it’s normal rhythm.
“It’s okay. It’s okay, love.” He said stroking your hair. “I’m sorry” he said almost inaudible.
After a few minutes you heart and breathing were finally stable again. You detached yourself from his harms, although his hands were still in both sides of your arms. You looked up to him with watery eyes. You hated crying in front of people. "I'm sorry" you said.
"It's okay." He said again, looking back at you. Taking his hesitant hand, like he was afraid to actually break you, to clean your cheeks from the tears. "I promise".
"Why are you doing this?" you were really confused. You had never seen Malfoy this gentle and.. scared?
He caressed you cheeks while looking from your eyes to your mouth. He then joined your foreheads and spoke really low, like a whisper. “I need you, Y/N.”
“what?” you said also in a whisper. you couldn't believe what you were hearing.
“I need you, and I need you to get better. This is making me crazy. I’m scared all the time. I’m scared you’re gonna fall off the stairs, or the broom. I’m scared of you getting hurt. Please.. just- just let me help, ok? Tell me what to do, and I’ll do it. Anything.”
“Can you.. uhmm. eat? with me, I mean” you asked detaching your heads to look in his eyes.
“Sure” He said immediately. “Is that all?”
“No.” you let out a breath in relief with his answer and smile a little. “But it may be a start. I think”
“Ok.” He returned your smile. “You should probably talk with someone else, though. Someone who could help more. A professor, maybe. I’ll go with you, if you want me to.”
“Yeah.. ok. Can we go to McGonagall, then? Not now, please. When I’m ready.”
“Of course. Anyone you want, love.” He said looking back at you before you hugging him again. Letting your head rest in his chest while he stroke your hair again. This felt like home to both of you. You were so scared, but he was hopeful. He would do anything for you to feel better.
This whole not eating thing made you so tired, but it was also so addictive. You didn’t know if you could ever get better, but maybe this was a start. Having someone to lean on, someone who cared.. it certainly helped.
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asirensrage · 2 months
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Title: Lovestruck Rating: Mature Fandom: Tokyo Revengers Pairing: Mitsuya Takashi x Undescribed!Reader Warnings: Non-descriptive smut? Nothing explicit. Confessions. Alluded semi-public sex. Mostly from his pov. Word count: ~1600 Summary: You're pretty sure Mitsuya treats you with polite indifference. He thinks that's how you treat him. Turns out you're both wrong.
Notes: Written for @enchantedforest-network's Sundress Season. I didn't quite go into as much detail as I initially planned but I like how it turned out. I hope you do too. Shoutout to @awkwardchick87 for the help in this!
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You’ve known Mitsuya for years. Sort of. 
The two of you have been dancing on the outskirts of your respective friend groups. You’re acquaintances more than anything, but that doesn’t stop the crush you have. Most of the girls who knew Mitsuya liked him in one way or another. He was sweet, determined and creative. It was a hard combination to resist.
You don’t sew, never had much skill with anything in the semblance of a needle, but your friend is a part of the club that Mitsuya leads and you’ve been used as a model for her designs more often than not. Standing in the room as she measures and adjusts has left you on pretty good terms with him. He’s polite, always trying to engage you in conversation to help keep you relaxed before one of the girls calls him for help. 
So you don’t expect his reaction when he sees you this time. 
He walks into the room and stops, stunned at the sight of you. In all the times he’s seen you, tried to talk to you to learn everything he could, he’s never seen you like this. You’re standing to the side, waiting patiently as your friend is doing…something. He doesn’t even know. He can’t take his eyes off of you. The shape of your legs, the exposed skin…his mouth goes dry. He’s wanted you for so long, since the day he met you and you smiled so sweetly at him, but you’ve never given him more than what felt like polite disinterest. And he’s tried. He’s tried to talk to you but the others in the club keep calling for his attention and he never gets the chance to run into you outside of these walls. Now you’re standing there, looking like something out of his dreams and all he wants is to take you home, to find out what you taste like and what sort of sounds you’ll make when he does. 
“Wha-” his voice cracks and he laughs, rubbing the back of his head as he tries not to flush in embarrassment. “What are you doing?”
You smile brightly at him. “Hi Mitsuya! Sorry for intruding. I just stopped by for the last measurement.” 
He blinks, breath catching in his throat at the way you smile. “Of course! Do…do you need help?” He swallows tightly, waiting in anticipation. The thought of being able to help, to touch your skin…he coughs, trying to get the image of his sliding his hand up under your skirt out of his head.
“I’m just about done,” your friend answers. They smile at you. “Thanks for your help.”
“Always,” you say, grinning back. You hop off the chair and Mitsuya has to force himself to drop his eyes as your skirt flies up with the motion. “Whoops,” you shove your skirt down and laugh it off, as if you’re not tempting him. He’s beginning to even wonder if you see him as a man. Maybe you just like torturing him. 
He watches as your friend finishes marking down the measurements and you hover as you get ready to leave with them. His words feel caught in his throat. “Wa-wait!”
You pause as you’re walking to the door. “Hmm?”
“Can I talk to you for a moment?”
You look to your friend. “I can wait outside,” you tell them.
“Not them, you. Please.” 
You blink in surprise but nod, smiling at your friend and telling them you’ll catch up with them later. Your friend leaves and you turn to him, waiting patiently. He steps forward. 
“If I’m keeping you, please…let me know. You can go.” 
“I don’t have plans. It’s okay.” You turn towards him, hands behind your back which really just makes your chest press out more. You have to be aware of this, of what you’re doing to him. He bites the inside of his cheek. 
“I didn’t mean to intrude,” he says carefully, “and if I’m overstepping, please tell me but I need to know…do I have a chance with you?”
You blink at him in surprise. “What?” 
He steps closer. “Do I have a chance with you?” he repeats. “Every time you’re in this room, it drives me crazy. I’ve tried, over and over, to get closer to you only for it to feel as if I keep getting torn away by my own faults and I can’t–” he swallows tightly. “I don’t know if you’re seeing anyone, but I can’t stay quiet anymore. Not when you’re haunting my dreams and my inspiration.”
He watches as your mouth falls open in surprise. “I…wait, you like me?” you ask, looking around as if you expect your friends to jump out playing an elaborate joke on you. 
Mitsuya can’t stop himself from moving closer, from reaching for your cheek only to pause. “Very much,” he agrees. “I can’t stop thinking about you.” He meets your eyes with his own. “Please. If you’re already involved with someone, put me out of my misery. Tell me. I will retreat…but I need to know if there’s a chance. If you find me at all attractive or interesting enough to let me take you out.” 
“I…” You look stunned.
“I have been dreaming of touching you…kissing you…” he admits, his face heating in embarrassment at how much he’s sharing. “I’m sorry.”
“Then kiss me,” you cut in. 
It’s his turn to look at you in surprise. “What?”
You look like you’re trying not to grin back at him, eyes not meeting his. “You can kiss me…if you want.”
He cups your cheek gently, inhaling sharply at the feeling of your soft skin against the calluses of his fingers and palm. He tilts your head up slightly to look at him. “Are you sure?”
“You’re not the only one who’s been daydreaming, Mitsu-”
He kisses you. His lips press against yours softly, swallowing the rest of your words. You don’t taste as divine as he dreamed but you taste human - real. It reminds him that this is actually happening. He breaks the kiss to let you both catch your breath, to give you a chance to stop him if you want, but you look up at him with those half-lidded eyes and all he can do is claim your mouth again. 
It’s a blur how they got to this moment. 
He confessed. Finally, he admitted to you everything he had been feeling and despite all of his fears, you confessed back. To him. And now he has you sitting on one of the desks, the skirt of your dress hiked up as he stands between your legs. You’re perfect. 
He kisses your neck, sucking marks into it as he murmurs praise. His hand slides up your thigh, his callused palm feeling like it’s burning against your soft skin.
"Fuck…," you breathe, "Mitsu-" 
"Let me hear you say my name," he murmurs against your skin. He needs to know what it sounds like. "Let me hear you say my name. Properly." He rolls his hips into yours, wanting more and trying desperately not to push you too far. "Come on, precious. Say it." 
He groans. He digs his fingers in a little more, tightening his grip. “Again.”
“Takas-” he kisses you hard. It’s the best thing he’s ever heard in his life and he thinks he might break if you say it too often. He wants you to repeat it, over and over, until it’s the only thing you remember how to say. He wants the memory of him burned into you, just like you’re burned into him. 
You lean your head back, giving him more access to mark your throat before you guide his hand higher. Mitsuya has never really believed in anything other than the results of hard work, but in this moment he thinks he’s been blessed. To touch you like this is a dream and hearing the sounds you make is nearly enough to break him. The fact that he can make you feel this good is enough. 
You hook a leg around his waist, pulling him closer and Mitsuya groans against your skin. He can’t stop the way he presses his hips into yours, sliding the skirt of your dress higher as moving his hand between your legs. 
He leans forward, kissing the spot between your neck and shoulder just so he’s closer, so he can memorize every sound you make as he touches you. He thinks he might be in love with every gasp, moan and whimper you make, with the way you keen for him as you arch with pleasure.
“Mi-Takashi–” you try to whisper, tapping his shoulder. 
He doesn’t want to pull away, to stop, but he does. He looks at you, at your swollen lips and half-lidded eyes, and thinks to himself that you’ve never been more beautiful. “Hmm?”
“We…we should stop,” you say softly, catching your breath. 
He moves his hand from between your legs, listening as you whimper at the loss. “Do you want to stop?” He asks, watching your face carefully. 
“I…no,” you admit softly. “But we’re in the club room. What if someone walks in?”
“Ah.” He brushes his nose across your cheek. “We did get a bit carried away…but do you want to stop?”
You shake your head and Mitsuya can’t resist kissing you again. Especially when you open up so nicely for him, cradling him between your thighs. 
He kneels before you, sliding his hands up your legs. “Then let them come,” he whispers before he ducks under the skirt of his new favourite dress of yours. 
🪡 🪡 🪡 🪡 🪡 🪡
everything tag: @raith-way @zeleniafic @veetlegeuse  @chickensarentcheap @residentdormouse
@themaradwrites @kingsmakers @thatmagickjuju @awkwardchick87
tr tag: @mitsuwuyaa @blackfire2013 @bleach-your-panties
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froggibus · 2 years
Hello how are you? Idk if this has been written before cause I can't find something like it but I request a simple valorant x reader where they used to have a crush on her in like highschool or whatever hehe
(maybe yoru, phoenix , jett.. if you can then gekko!!)
Reunion - Yoru, Phoenix, Jett & Gekko
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Genre: fluff! :)
CW: yoru being yoru, maybe a little ooc? mostly wholesome stuff
syd? doing a request? a miracle. technically reqs are closed rn but im still gonna work through a few of them
probably had a huge crush on you but would never admit it
the kind of guy that would tease you/be lowkey mean to you just cause he likes you 
tsundere ass mf
after you guys graduate, he doesn’t see much of you after that 
and even if he does have lots of one night stands, this man struggles with emotional intimacy 
whenever he gets lonely he probably entertains the idea of cute lil y/n and what could have been if he wasn’t so shy 
when you join the protocol, it’s like he’s seen a ghost 
goes right back to that tsundere teenager and probably ignores you 
all the other agents warm to you right away tho so you’re naturally annoyed why this guy can’t let go of *whatever* you did to him in high school
on a mission with just the two of you, you finally confront him about his indifference towards you
things boil over and one thing leads to another and 
he kisses you
you’re literally so shocked you don’t even close your eyes
he pulls away, cheeks BURNING and refuses to look at you
“why do you have to make everything so difficult for me y/n?”
FINALLY admits he likes you after all this time 
he was flirty with everyone in high school, so you never caught on when he flirted with you
but this man was DOWN BAD
he probably asked you out at least once but you thought it was a joke/more flattery and brushed him off 
rip phoenix 
he tries to connect with you after graduation but life gets in the way, and then he joins the protocol 
whenever his relationships don’t work out or he’s on his last leg on a mission, he finds your face flashing through his mind 
when he gets back from a bad mission and still sees your face, he thinks he’s losing it 
“phoenix? you okay?”
bro is not okay
spends the next three weeks doing stupid stunts to try and impress you 
only succeeds in setting multiple objects on fire, spraining his wrist and getting a lot of lectures from Brim
you end up bringing him hot chocolate & rum to lift his spirits after he’s essentially put in a time out
“so, are you gonna tell me why you had a sudden bout of pyromania?”
sighs and finally admits he has a crush on you and has for a long time
you kiss him to let him know you feel the same way
and then the two of you spend the rest of the night getting drunk and laughing about how stupid you guys were in high school
she liked you a lot in high school and didn’t know how to express it
probably tried asking you out more than once and failed miserably
just stumbled over her words all cutely and then says “never mind” and runs away
you thought it was cute and never really thought too much of it
after high school, you think about her a lot and start to realize she probably liked you
and poor jett is so swamped with missions she barely has time to settle down
and even if she does, she can’t find someone to keep up with her 
she’s ecstatic when she sees you joined the protocol 
a second chance!!
you get a little flustered around her now that you know about her high school crush and you somewhat hope she still feels the same way
she’s surprisingly matured and isn’t nearly as flustered around you as she used to be
tries her best to make you feel included too
 it’s not long before her old feelings come bubbling to the surface tho
she’s probably the most emotionally mature of the group so she just straight up confesses to you 
both of you are tired from a mission and share a half kiss/half hug where you’re just leaning against each other 
he was definitely popular in high school but it never went to his head, he just did his thing and hung out at the skatepark 
bit of a rebel 
he mostly just admired you from afar, and if you were ever together for group projects, flirted with you lowkey
never anything serious or enough to make you actually realize how he feels 
but enough to keep him infatuated 
when Brim announces that you guys have a new agent joining the protocol, you do not expect it to be Mateo 
both of you are shocked (it’s like the Spider-Man meme irl)
you do your best to make him feel welcome, taking him around and introducing him to everyone 
you decide one night to take him out for drinks with some of the other agents!! 
everyone starts to leave until it’s just you and Gekko
you’re both a little tipsy and start talking about high school
he admits he had a crush on you in high school and that he’s super happy you guys get to see each other again
kisses you & asks you if you want to go out again
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Thinking about your virgin post, who would be most caring for a virgin s/o?
Second to that, how would they feel about an
s/o that's phenomenal in bed?
This was a while ago, I'm so sorry! I assume you mean the Disney Villains tho? If its the horror villains you meant then let me know and I'm happy to do the same thing for them! ^^
Most Caring Disney Villains towards a Virgin Reader:
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These would be the most actively caring of the bunch, if reader decided they wanted this villain to have sex with them- I have not included those who are perfectly content with keeping things this way (Hook and the Queen of Hearts fit in that category).
Dr Facilier, Horned King (He cant be scaring off or breaking his chosen mate, okay? No. Unacceptable), SILVER!!, I know I wasn't including Pixar villains last time but- Lotso, Shan Yu, Stupid, Ursula and Wheezy.
Yeah... slim pickings, I know. But they're villains, remember! 😅 Keep in mind though, that this doesn't mean that all the rest would be mean per say- no. Some of them find it cute that you're a virgin and will be gentle, but are more teasing then caring (Slim, Mal, Shere Khan, etc). Then there are villains that will be annoyed with having to go slow at all but will be, simply because you're there S/O and they love you (Not because you're a virgin. Because you're you. These are like, the Evil Queen, Jafar and Hades, etc). And then there are some who are just like... regular level nice to you during you First Time, because if they weren't then they would be scum. The ones listed above are the ones who's hearts are just a liiiittle bigger then the rest when it comes to this particular topic. Look, what can I say? People are complex XD Fictional villains considerably less so, sure... but still complicated, yep 😅
As for the second one... I have categories XD Of course-
Disney Villains x Reader || Reactions
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Topic: An S/O who is phenomenal at sex.
Warnings: Sex.
Hell yes. We gotta start immediately- : Greasy Weasel ("Smartass I'm taking a personal day, for a week. You cant ask me why... but- " "I don't wanna know."), Hades, and 'Sideburns' Stabbington.
Hell yessss- teach me: McLeach (He doesn't know what he's doing, but he knows this is a good thing, for sure XDD) and Oogie Boogie.
Good, that means I don't have to teach you anything: Cruella De Vil (She's the one this category was made to accommodate XD), Evil Queen, Lady Tremaine, Rourke, Queen Narrissa, Sykes ("How about we run a little test now, huh?"), and Yzma.
Oh cool ^^ : Alameda Slim, Captain Hook (Pretty indifferent towards the pursuit of sex but if you can make him feel awesome then that's a bonus XD), Dr Facilier, Long John Silver, Maleficent (Like, that will be handy. If she decides to try this), Scar (Same), 'Patchy' Stabbington, Stupid Weasel (He's like 'Oh same!!'), and Wheezy Weasel.
Oh you think you're good?? Ha... well we'll see, wont we?: Mother Gothel, Professor Ratigan (I don't remember if I put him as a virgin or not but either way- he reads, and he has great confidence in his comprehension abilities XD), Shan Yu (Its more of a tease, for him XD Really he's in the 'Oh cool ^^' category and also- a little of the first one too. Shan Yu is multifaceted!), and Shere Khan (He's king of the jungle, after all- ).
Intimidated Type A (Pleasantly surprised, but nervous): Horned King (He's mostly pleasantly surprised, but like... sex hasn't changed since the last time i did it, right?? He's concerned. Its been a while XD), Prince John, Smartass Weasel (Nervous in the sense, that... he doesn't know what he's doing 😅 Give him instructions or let him ask Greasy about this, and he'll be fine), and Turbo/King Candy.
Intimidated Type B (Concerned they are gonna be out-done): Clayton, Gov. Ratcliffe, Prince Hans, Turbo/King Candy, and Ursula (She's just... a lil nervous XD She'll wanna do it with you as soon as possible, so she'll just know who's better already- after that, she's happy XD She just doesn't like the uncertainty).
Uhhh, okay... but its still not happening: Judge Doom (He's just like, insisting he's soo... busy... but really he just hasn't got the *human* equipment XDD He didn't think it would be necessary!! Have you seen this disguise?? yes i have, sir, and you have made a miscalculation. just admit it), Psycho Weasel (Like, thats great!... but still no thanks), and the Queen of Hearts.
Iffy about it but changes their minds immediately after the first time because ooooh that was good: Gaston (He was almost with Frollo but like- if you can suck a dick then let me tell you, he is not about to complain- ) and Jafar (Wants to be the experienced one, but after the first time with you he's like... alright =_= you win this time).
Suspicious. Have you... done this before? 🤨😠: Frollo.
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celestialulu · 1 year
Hear me out: Lucy although good with kids is indifferent towards them (or never thought of having them because the idea was so forced into her upbringing) but Natsu loves kids and is so playful towards them and loves seeing Lucy playing with their friends’ kids
i mean most people wouldn't want to have kids at the age of 17 and even early 20s mostly (although some people do thats that okay) so it makes sense but personally i feel as if lucy would love the idea of having kids someday but after shes had her fair share of adventures because yknow... but i do think that she would be hesitant maybeee towards having kids bc of the way her dad acted but i think she wouldn't have anything to worry about that in the future with natsu because he wouldnt pressure her and i think she would love to have a family with natsu and for them to have kids that represents them both
lucy is also a very loving person so i feel as if she loves hanging out and being nice and affectionate w/ kids :)
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lucy is defo weak for natsu being affectionate with kids too
(this is my personal take tho so (:
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mj-iza-writer · 1 year
Whumpee looked down at their new Caretaker. They easily towered over them, how was this little girl going to help them.
Caretaker smiled up at Whumpee, completely ready to care for them. That was their job, this was their new case.
Caretaker was quite young still, but honestly was born to be a caregiver. They had the passion, the drive, but not the height. Caretaker was only 5ft tall, and was often mocked.
Caretaker led Whumpee to their car, "you can sit up front for leg room if you like."
"Uh ok", Whumpee a 6.5ft adult man climbed into the car.
"So we are going to my apartment, it's just a 2 bedroom apartment, but plenty of room", Caretaker smiled, "I've already gotten your room set up, so we can get you settled in and comfortable", Caretaker glanced over at Whumpee, "we won't do much today, I want you too get comfy before we start work."
"Work?", Whumpee frowned, 'go figure she'll need my help reaching the shelves, that's probably why she's a caretaker, free labor from an abuse victim', Whumpee thought to themself.
"Yes, we will have daily sessions with each other, we can talk about anything you like", Caretaker continued, "I hope to leave the conversation up to you, you can vent, complain, talk. I am all ears for whatever you want to talk about."
"Are you going to have a therapist couch for me to lay on?", Whumpee asked some sarcasm in the question.
Caretaker laughed, "well their is a couch, but you can sit wherever you feel comfortable."
Caretaker pulled up to a gate, and pressed a few buttons. The gate opened quickly and they pulled in. The apartments were up ahead.
"Is this considered a gated community?", Whumpee looked around.
"Kind of. Another caregiver lives here as well and recommended it to me. For my own safety as a single woman, but mostly for the safety of my guest."
"Gotch ya", Whumpee watched them park.
Whumpee followed them into the facility, and down to their apartment.
"I have first floor now, I had a second floor to start, but had a guest who needed a wheelchair", Caretaker smiled, "my apartment is wheelchair accessible."
Whumpee followed them into the apartment, they looked around. Quite a nice space, bigger than they imagined.
"This way to your room", Caretaker lead the way, dragging a suitcase that belonged to Whumpee, "I hope it's to your liking."
Whumpee went into the room, they couldn't believe they had a room again, and a bed.
Whumpee awkwardly cleared their voice, "thankyou, uh, it's looks comfy, I haven't slept in a bed for a long time."
"I'm glad to hear you like it, the bed should fit your height. When I found out how tall you were. I had a friend come with me to pick this one out", Caretaker grinned, "they are almost as tall as you are."
'They went out and bought a new bed for me', Whumpee thought to themself. They looked down, feeling bad for how they had acted.
"Are you feeling alright?", Caretaker looked at them concerned.
"Yes miss, I'm sorry", Whumpee smiled weakly, "just appreciative of you."
"Aww I'm glad", Caretaker smiled.
Caretaker showed the rest of the house off, then took them down to meet the other caregiver that lived there.
"Just in case you need someone to talk to, or need help", Caretaker had said.
Whumpee sat on the bed, it was so soft. The room was so nice and clean as well, nothing like their accommodations with Whumper.
Whumpee laid down on the bed, they fit perfectly on it.
"Why would she go out of her way and buy a whole new bed for me?", Whumpee looked around the room again, "why would anyone do any of this for someone?", Whumpee sighed, "I don't deserve this."
A gentle knock came to the door.
Whumpee quickly wiped a stray tear away.
"Hey are you doing alright? Dinner is almost ready", Caretaker peaked in, and smiled, "oh good you fit."
"Caretaker I", Whumpee started.
"Yes are you okay?", Caretaker stepped in farther, concerned.
"I want to apologize, earlier I came off as cold and indifferent towards you, and I am so sorry for that", Whumpee looked at them, "I let my hurt and judgmental attitude dictate how I acted towards you and you didn't deserve that."
"I had a feeling something like that was going on", Caretaker took a step closer, "it's alright though, many times new cases start off that way with me. They have a thought on what a Caretaker is going to be, then they look down."
"Why do you put up with it, you knew that was going on, and was still so nice to me", Whumpee looked down, "you could have easily demanded respect from me, but you didn't."
"That would be the easy way, yes. Not my way though, I want my guest to come around in their own time", Caretaker smiled again, "it would be easy for me to force respect, you come from a situation that makes you an easy target, I could easily get demand anything. But, I would ruin my chance of gaining your trust and real respect. I don't need fear driven respect, I want to gain the real thing."
Whumpee quickly wiped a tear, "I'm sorry."
Caretaker smiled, "not to worry, its normally around this point cases come around, especially when they find out, I'm a pretty good cook."
Whumpee followed Caretaker to the kitchen, then to the dining table.
They wanted to cry when they saw a place set for them.
Whumpee looked down at Caretaker, "I had to sit at Whumper's feet and beg for scraps. I haven't sat at a table in a while."
Caretaker frowned, but gave a smile, "I'm sorry you went through that, but you have a place at my table. Please sit, dinner is served."
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marysixnumbers · 11 months
Let Me Fix That For You
A/N: Just saw the fantastic Bottoms (2023), and wanted to write something with it, have this drabble! (Contains some spoilers)
Fandom: Bottoms
Words: 1,392
It was colder out than Josie thought. She could feel her fingers numbing on the steering wheel as she waited outside PJ's house, leaving the engine on so as to not cool the car down too much. Her eyes wandered over PJ's front windows, partially trying to determine if her friend was close to being ready, but mostly to avoid looking at the woman in her passenger seat.
Isabel. Josie still couldn't really believe the two of them were an item after so many years pining after her from the back of math class. Part of her - well, most of her - wanted to turn around and just kiss her, maybe more if they had the time - but she didn't know when PJ would be here, and she still wasn't sure if Isabel was, like, okay with that, and didn't she hear somewhere that being all aloof and indifferent made you ten times hotter than being needy or whatever?
"Hey." Josie felt a tap on her shoulder and pulled back from the window. "You seemed a little spaced out there. Watcha thinking about?"
Isabel was looking at her with a slight smile on her face, and a note of - was that worry? Anxiety, even? Shit, maybe she was being too aloof. Josie quickly found Isabel's hand and gave it a squeeze. "Nah, I'm fine. Just a long day, you know?" She summoned up an awkward smile of her own.
Her girlfriend's expression didn't change, but she seemed satisfied with Josie's answer, squeezing her hand back. "Wait a minute" - she gestured towards Josie's head - "Your hairtie's coming undone, I can get that if you want?"
Josie nodded, feeling Isabel take a loose strand of hair between her fingers, hearing Isabel murmuring about conditioner brands - though she was suddenly finding it hard to focus on the details, as she felt Isabel's nails barely graze the side of her neck. She shifted in her seat, trying to discreetly get away from her girlfriend's hand, but those fingers wouldn't leave her alone. Isabel's touch wasn't firm enough to hurt, but there was just enough pressure for it to really, really-
Before Josie knew it, Isabel was stroking under her chin, and she'd grabbed her hand and pushed it away, other hand clamped over her mouth to suppress any loose giggles.
"Woah, are you okay? Did I scratch you or something?"
"I'm good, I'm good. I'd just prefer doing it myself, that's all."
"Josie, are you sure? Because you kinda- Oh my God."
"Oh my God, are you ticklish?
Josie blinked, momentarily at a loss for words.
"You're super ticklish, aren't you? Is that why you were moving around so much? Back there?"
She knew from past experience that outright denial was not the way to go, though admitting the truth didn't seem like a great plan either.
"Uhhh... yeah, I am. Ticklish, uh, I mean, I'm a little ticklish, yeah..."
"Oh m- How did I not know about this?"
Josie tried to answer, she really did, but when you have your crush of several years looming over you with a massive grin, after discovering your biggest weakness, without even being able to move from your chair, coherent thought becomes a little tricky.
"Um, well, you didn't know because I didn't tell you, and I didn't- I didn't tell you because I didn't think it would be information that you would be-"
She was literally at the edge of her seat, pressed up against the car door, but that somehow still wasn't far enough to escape Isabel's roving fingers.
"That you would be- ah! Interehested in! And I didn't think you'd be interested in it because - ohh, your hands are cold - because it doesn't benehehehefit either of us to know- okahehehey, okay that's a tickle spot, okay you founehehehed ihtahahaha! So we can just let this go, we don't need to do anything else related to- tickling, or me being tickled, or-ohmygod not there. That's really BAHAHAHAHAD!"
It wasn't simply being ticklish that embarrassed Josie. It was that she had no resistance whatsoever - one little tickle and the floodgates burst wide open. If she wasn't being tickled within an inch of her life, she might've realised that this is the loudest and hardest she's laughed in a long time, and certainly the most she's laughed in front of Isabel. Right now, though, all she could think of was how Isabel's fingers seemed to be all over her at once - her hip pokes, side squeezes, belly flutters, and rib tweaks felt like they happened seconds after each other. Curled up tightly on the car seat, her eyes tightly shut, she couldn't see Isabel reaching over her, theoretically giving her views she would've killed for in years past.
"This is so cute! I've never been with someone who is, like, this ticklish, you know?"
"Hmmmm, I disagree~" Isabel swooped down to nibble on Josie's neck, prompting a round of wild cackles, before darting over to scribble on her knees, making Josie kick under the steering wheel so hard she thought the airbag would go off.
"Oh, the knees? I guessed it. I can tell you're ticklish everywhere."
Josie squirmed like mad, slapping helplessly at the air, trying not to reveal how much her girlfriend's comments were getting to her. She was sure Isabel could talk to her like this and she'd be giggling without any physical contact.
"Aw, but you're tough, you're the leader of the fight club! Wait... maybe our next session should be all about tickle fights! Only if I get paired with you, though, this is way too fun to pass up."
Why exactly was this so much worse than the last time she was tickled? Was it Isabel's nails, which had just enough purchase to find devilishly ticklish areas hitherto neglected? Was it Isabel jumping from spot to spot, not content until she'd wrung every kind of laughter out of poor Josie? Or was it the rush of being like this under Isabel, becoming a puddle of hysterics thanks to someone you'd known, feared, lusted after, and then finally loved, for the entirety of high school? Of finding yourself so vulnerable in her presence, just you and her, and the dizzying mix of emotions that came with that?
She felt Isabel's hands leave her body, her head still spinning as she panted like mad and gripped the sides of the driver's seat. She vaguely heard the back doors open, and a couple of voices paired with a blast of winter air from outside.
"Yeah, the dog took Hazel's notebook, we had to turn the house upside down looking for it, then I had to redo my makeup... Jesus, Josie! You look like you've run a marathon, what the fuck's happened?"
"Hi, PJ! Oh, she told me she was ticklish, so I tried it out on her. She wasn't lying!"
"You told her?! Josie, I know you're fucking head-over-heels for her already, but why-"
"Wait, she's ticklish?" Hazel piped up from the back seat.
"Like, incredibly, and she made me swear to never tell anyone, under pain of death, but now she's just giving it away-"
Josie gripped the steering wheel as her friends settled in the car. She looked over to Isabel, whose smile had still not left her face, even growing when she wiggled her fingers towards Josie and saw the other woman flinch.
Isabel reached over to Josie, the loud chatter in the back masking their conversation? "Are you okay? I didn't... go too hard? Or anything?"
"You're fine, it's cool. Gimme some warning next time?"
"Next time?"
"Uh, wait, I mean-"
Before she had time to think of an excuse, PJ poked her head between the front seats. "So, Isabel, did you know that if you put your lips on Josie's belly and blow real hard, she yells loud enough to wake up a whole slumber party?" She gestured to the cheerleader, who brought her hand to her mouth and giggled.
"What the fuck, PJ?"
"You're the one with no secrets anymore, pal. And between her shoulder blades-"
PJ was pulled into the back seat as Josie pulled away from the sidewalk as fast as she could, and drove off into the night.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 months
Random list:
Okay here is a question: You once said that there is only one Lucifer in LBAF. Like in all the timelines. Is there only one Lucifer in every universe? Like the Lucien in FMF and LDV is also Lucifer from LBAF? Is Lucifer travelling in every universe and changing things or making sure "everything falls into place"? Is that why he always knows about David and Max and Lance? Why he is the reason behind Lance being blind in every universe or is that because of its a canon event? And why is Lance usefully to him in every universe? I get LBAF and FMF but in this one? Why?
When exactly did Lucifer know about Mavid? Because at first he was very indifferent towards Alec and Max. Was it when Max said that he is David's godfather? Was that when he knew? How was he so sure that David would be loved: But one day, David, someone will love you so much that it will hurt your heart to carry all that love. When that day comes, I want you to promise me that you will be brave.” like that?
I think Albert is not very smart. That's why I think it is possible to get rid of him. Albert, Asmodeus, Belial. They were not very bright. There were parts about the gang they missed. But Lucifer is smart. Very smart. But no one is perfect. There has to be something he'll miss. Something he hasn't taken into account. God I really hope there is.
I don't know how to feel about Coraline. I just have a question based on her conversation with David in LBAF where they first met. Was she afraid that David became Albert? Is that why she ran away from him here? And when what Albert did to David comes out to the world (if that happens but I'm guessing it will),will she reach out? Will she stop being afraid? Will David try to reach out with Max's help? And will Max find out that David's mother isn't dead? He seems to know everywhere else.
I want people to find out about what Albert has been doing to David. And take his so called God-given power away. Because I want Albert to be dethroned and overpowered by the people he looked down on. For him to understand that rulers of any kind exist because of the people. The people have the real power and wether they gave it to a leader or not, they can take it back. I want Max to stand in front of him and say, you thought no one cam touch you but they can. They give you everything and now they're taking it away. I just want Albert to eat dirt, be humiliated and then die a painful death. But mostly I want him to leave David's life. So he can close his wounds and start healing. No wound can close while you keep re opening it. And that's what Albert does to David's wounds here. And it's time he stops.
I see Lucifer as a ubiquitous being. So, no, FMF or LDV Lucien is not the same as LBAF Lucifer. But Lucifer in LBAF would know about FMF and LDV Lucien. He's someone who 'sees' everything. So, maybe that's him role-playing in these stories - after all, his character is never 'useless', and always doing something to trigger the plot in some way. Or maybe he's just existing in multiple dimensions like everyone else. As I always say, only Lucifer knows what Lucifer is doing. Also, it's not Lance who is useful to him in every universe, it's David (is this a spoiler????). And yes, David deserves a purpose for him in LDV too. I am surprised no one has figured that out yet 👀
I'm assuming Lucien knew about Mavid perhaps at the dinner at the White House when he saw them together. He would've clocked it immediately lol. We also see him being surprised when David gives political opinions and defends Max - which is very out-of-character for David. So, he must have at least known that David cares for Max a lot. As for how he knew David would be loved so much...He didn't. He doesn't. He was literally manipulating David there (you'll see what I mean).
Albert, Asmodeus, Mallory, and Belial are all not-smart villains. Sure, they have their 'strengths', but they are not smart. I hate those kinds of villains. Lucifer though...
Coraline, in every universe, keeps her distance from David not only because she fears that he could end up like David, but because he is a literal reminder of Albert/her abuser since they look much alike. It can be very difficult for survivors of domestic violence to confront their perpetrators in person so I completely understand her for running. We've read what Albert did to David. We have no idea what he did to Coraline - someone who was disposable (unlike David), someone black and someone he considered inferior. I am sure it was beyond horrific. So, no, I don't blame her at all. Always with the survivors ✊🏾 As for will she reach out if she finds out about what Albert did to David...I am not sure. If she does, she'd compromise her safety and privacy. But I'd like to think she would.
The last point is a lovely thought and I fully support it.
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kainicowrites · 9 months
Thursday Afternoon
A clanging. Crying. Muted voices. 
Just ignore it. Focus on folding the clothes. Nothing good ever comes from intervening before I absolutely have to.
“Sit! Down!”
My skin prickles at the harsh rumble and I drop the warm t-shirt, running toward the noise in the kitchen. 
Miloh crying, small body shaking. Though he is nine years old, he has the physique of a boy much younger, something that has only ever fueled Dad’s rage. 
Mom cowering in her chair. A few wisps of hair fleeing her bun, some grey, not due to old age, but the struggles this life has brought her. 
Sella spooning pasta into tupperware. She falls in the middle of the sibling line-up, which has led to her being fiercely independent, mostly out of necessity. 
Ivy repeatedly drying the same dish. She is Sella’s shadow, only one year her junior, usually forgotten in the chaos.
Dad towering over Miloh, calm fury in his features. I can’t remember a time where there was anything other than rage or indifference behind his eyes. “I don’t like repeating myself, Miloh.”
“Dad, I promise I didn’t mean to,” Miloh whimpers, his dark curls trembling with his body. 
It never gets any easier watching my baby brother endure Dad’s rage. Dad has very specific expectations of the boys and girls in this family, and Miloh has never come close to meeting them. He’s not large enough or strong enough or aggressive enough to be a “man”. He enjoys cooking and putting ornaments on the Christmas tree and, worst of all, comforting Mom when she’s hurt. The memories and guilt from every time I failed Miloh gnaw at my insides, but I stuff it down and jump into my role of diffuser, though it rarely works. I take careful steps closer to the two of them, “What’s going on here?” 
Dad turns to me, hazel eyes that match mine foggy with anger, “Nothing that concerns you, Dahlia.”
Everyone’s attention shifts to the backdoor as Silas walks through and I silently hope the interruption is enough to break the tension. Though he is sixteen and Dad’s favorite, I know he won’t intervene. Why would he risk getting on Dad’s bad side? 
The only sound for a moment is Miloh’s quiet sobs, then Dad snaps back into action, “Arabeth! If you are so bold as to defend your son then you come and do it!” 
She briefly hesitates and that damned anger I get from Dad flares. I hate myself for the question that I have struggled with since I was Miloh’s age: Why can’t she be stronger? Finally, she rises from her seat and takes Miloh’s place at the sink, Miloh running to my side and grasping my hand. We all hold our breath as Mom reaches down the disposal and pulls out a mangled fork. Dad calmly takes it from her, inspecting it as though it is an ancient artifact. 
“What did I tell you?” He pokes her with it in the chest. “Don’t defend a lying child.” Poke. “Unless you want to receive the consequences.” Poke.
I can’t keep watching this, all over a stupid fork. Besides, it’s not as though my brother and sisters will do anything. “Okay, Dad. Miloh didn’t mean it. Let’s just go back to our chores.”
I immediately know I said the wrong thing. His eyes glaze over, his body seeming to grow bigger, as though the evil thing living inside came unleashed. “I say when this is over! Everybody, into the living room. Now!” 
We all move in unison. This has happened before and it’s not wise to disobey him when he’s reached this level of fury. We make our way to the couches, but I freeze when Dad calmly says, “Not you, Dahlia. Over here.”
I usher Miloh to the couch and walk over to Dad. I’ve spent the vast majority of my life learning how to navigate his anger. I’ve gotten pretty good at it, but sometimes I make mistakes, like today. My stomach drops when Dad reaches to his side and unholsters his revolver. My first thought is that I am dead. That he’ll kill me. This isn’t the first time thinking this, nor will it be the last. But, I stand firm, willing to do so to protect Miloh and the others, even my mother, who wouldn’t do the same. 
He stomps over, an inhuman smirk on his face, but instead of pointing the barrel at me, he unloads the weapon except for a single bullet, spins it, and hands it over grip first. “I am fed up with the lack of respect in this family. I have tried to teach you the discipline I learned in the military, but you all have been huge disappointments. Dahlia, you seem to think you are in charge here, so let’s see if you have what it takes to make the hard choices.” My heart betrays me, racing to the point of near nausea. The revolver is heavy in my hand and I swallow the bile that threatens to spill out. He grips my arm so hard his knuckles go white and aims it at Miloh. “Pull the trigger. Let’s see what fate decides.”
Sick bastard! There is no way Dad has grown to be this cruel. I look at Miloh, face streaked with tears. Sometimes I feel like more of a mother to him than a sister, like he is a part of my soul living outside my body. He deserves to live a full and happy life, which will never happen while Dad looms over us. Through my hazy vision and the shaking of my hand, I slowly turn toward Dad. Just as my finger starts to pull on the trigger, Dad disarms me in a blur, hitting me on the left temple with the butt of the gun. I stumble back, vision going black and head pounding. 
Dad’s shouts come at me as though in an amphitheater, “You should have obeyed me, Dahlia!”
Staggering along the floor, trying to keep myself upright, sobs and terrified screams meet my echoing ears. When I get my vision back, it is swimming, the room a carnival funhouse. The pistol he keeps in a locked drawer in the living room, now in his hands.
“Please don’t do this, Kaid!” Mom’s meek voice.
“Dad, no!” Silas, teary-eyed for the first time since I can remember. 
Sella and Ivy unmoving, huddling close together. 
“Dahlia… Dahlia, please help.” Miloh wailing my name over and over. 
I need to get the pistol out of his hands. I try to run at him, tripping over my own feet before I can reach him, the room still spinning. 
Ears ringing. Screams echoing. 
I scramble to my feet. This cannot be happening. A brief glance at my family proves that this is not a nightmare. Mom and Silas slumped on the couch, motionless. Blood pooling.
“Dahlia!” Miloh’s feet are stuck to the ground where he stands. 
Ivy shrieks, “Sella! Sella, no!”
Dad’s arm shifts further down the line, face expressionless, “You all should have obeyed!” 
I run at him again, willing my feet to be quick. 
My chest crashes into his side, tackling him to the floor, crashing on the glass coffee table as we go down. I ignore the shards sticking out of my skin, turning red, my only thought being to protect Miloh. I grab the pistol Dad dropped in the scuffle and, not taking my eyes from his emotionless ones, point it at him, pulling the trigger. 
“You should have known better than to threaten Miloh. If you knew me at all, you’d know I will protect him at any cost.”
The rushing in my ears fades away, replaced by the sound of Miloh still whimpering my name. The gun falls from my fingers, mixing with the broken glass and blood. I rush over to Miloh, enveloping him in my arms. 
“Dahlia, this is all my fault.” 
I rock him back and forth, “No, Miloh. I should have stopped him. I should have been faster.” I look at the bodies over his shoulder, my family gone forever, lost in a storm of rage. Here one moment, gone the next. 
Sirens sound from outside, likely called in by a concerned neighbor. 
Miloh pulls back, our eyes meeting, “Let’s go, Dahlia. We can start fresh somewhere else. I don’t want to be here anymore.”
I squat down to his level, “Oh, Miloh. That sounds wonderful, but we have to face this. If we start running now, we’ll never stop. But, I promise I won’t let anyone hurt us again.”
Miloh studies my face for a moment before nodding. I lead him outside to await the flashing lights, away from the death inside. 
Us against the world. As it has always been. As it will always be.
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ramonag-if · 2 years
hi, mona! about MCs' eyes being different from other Ishari and being blessed by the ancient ones... Does Rana also possess these? and in chapter 6 can we also have an option where we are indifferent towards the new family of Salyra? And just treat them as a guest... I actually experience IRL the situation that MC is currently in 🥲 and I also form a bit of jealousy toward my half-siblings at that time because my mother stay with her "new family" and had a "loving family" while me and my dad she just throws us like we're some garbage because at that time our family is having financial issues I guess "my mother" only loves money which showed her true face to us she didn't even blink when she cheated on my dad and the rest is history 🤧 but now we're all okay and the jealousy at that time became a joke now because I realized that "why would I push myself into something or someone that doesn't even know love/love myself and just love herself which is a waste of time" now me and my dad we're having a great time without her. It's also a slap on her face because my dad is now handling his business well... and about my half-siblings, we treat each other like a guest just being polite.
Well, what I want to say is that can we have an option of just not interacting with Salyra and the rest of her fam after the confrontational and venting our feelings to her? Or just having an indifferent response and also being polite enough I already imagined my MC having a 'don't think about interacting with me if you are part of salyra's new fam or just don't ever mention the names of salyra and her new fam in front of my face or you're dead' face after confronting Salyra 😆 and regarding about Rana and her father I think my MC will also have a hard time accepting what really happened and this response won't antagonize anyone just treat them as a guest just being polite that's it... leave my MC alone and let my prince irus comfort my meow meow hehe 🥺💖
Overall, chapter 5 is a rollercoaster for me HAHAHA while thinking about the mysteries of our eyes and being blessed to meeting Salyra, and learning that she had a new fam really made me teary-eyed. Now I am super excited for chapter 6 I know you'll give our MC justice and really thank you for being open to suggestions I know it's hard because you'll change your game from time to time due to our suggestions and just a big thank you and a big hug from me for you are working hard just to satisfy the readers but also bettering your game! 🥰😘
Hello, Anon 🌼
I can't answer about the MC's eyes because it will come up and it's a bit of spoilers at the moment 😊
Currently, you can accept or reject Salyra or choose to be undecided. Her new family is a different choice and you can choose if you'll have a relationship with Rana and Danzor or just Rana or neither of them.
Suggestions that are seemingly being implemented are actually things I already had planned so I don't think I'm that much of a people-pleaser 😅 I consider all suggestions because sometimes they help, but mostly I don't implement everything because it's a lot if extra work that doesn't impact the plot in any way.
Still, feel free to send in suggestions 💖
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okay so tell me more ab your mississippi boys and their backstory
Will do :3
Leo 12 he/him: Leo feels he doesn’t belong as part of the team. His brothers all have something that’s special about them. But all anyone sees when looking at him is that he’s the youngest. He feels adrift amongst the people he cares about. And that feeling hasn’t changed since.
He distanced himself from everyone as he got older. Pushing himself deeper into their fathers training, Perfecting his techniques. He wanted to be stronger and faster than his brothers. His father was impressed with his fast progress, but extremely worried about his sons mental state. When splinter tried to talk to him, Leo pushed him away.
When Leo was younger, he and Mikey would follow Raph everywhere. They wanted to be like their big brother. Leo loved trouble and making mischief with Raph. There are many pictures of Leo up on Raphs walls. Now that his little brother has grown up. Raph has less pictures.
Mostly Leo is kind and caring. He’s hard working and pushes himself often to his limits. He’s distant from his family and wishes to prove himself to them. Self conscious about his small height and being the youngest. He loves plants and cares for a bonsai tree (a gift from April) once they form a team and meet the shredder. Leo feels like a liability, shredder has placed a target on his back. Sometimes he feels that his presence is not needed, but what he doesn’t know is that if he wasn’t there anymore, everything would fall apart.
Mikey 14 he/they: Mikey is the optimist. He is in tune to the emotions of everyone around him and tries his best to keep spirits up and smiles wide.
He has ADHD, which makes it hard for him to focus, which causes struggles during training. He always ranked last when it came to stealth, because of being unable to sit still and due to his large size he would knock objects over. He’s an extremely emotional person and when those emotions are very strong it makes it hard to control them. Anger especially is hard for him.
He’s strong. He can lift all his brothers up at the same time. But his strength has its down sides when it comes to his temper and anxiety.
Mostly Mikey is bright and cheerful, he’s emotional and sympathetic. He’s fiercely protective of the people he cares about. He’s sensitive to loud sounds (yelling, screaming etc) and hates confrontation. He wants to be everyone’s friend but if you make an enemy out of him. You will regret it. He’s strong and smart, and he can be serious when needed.
Raph 15 he/they/she : Raph is the fire. The fire that won’t stop burning. He’s constantly itching to cause trouble, or fight someone. He’s not one for the rules. And is indifferent to his older brother Donnie being leader of their team, preferring to ignore his orders. He’d much rather cause trouble with his little brothers. His little brothers who look up to him, who follow him and who learn from him. As Donnie loves burning into his brain that he is a role model for them.
Raph is more of a “you only live once” guy. He wants to take risks, have fun and enjoy life. He will make crazy contests for himself and rope his brothers into them. He wants to make memories with his brothers, because he wants them to have fun as well. There’s no point in doing something fun if other people aren’t with him doing it to.
If they were able to get a job, they would be a professional photographer. Once April bought an old used phone for them, all Raph would do was take pictures. They have these pictures plastered all over their room. Their brothers smiling faces and bright eyes. These pictures cheer them up when sad or angry. The pictures also provide another use, hiding the holes and dents they've made in the walls.
Raph has very low self esteem. He feels self conscious when people mention his height, his weight (he would be considered chubby when standing next to his brothers) he feels self hatred towards himself a lot. Especially on a bad day. A lot of the times, during bad days he’ll make an enemy out of his wall. Punching it till the wall is dented and his knuckles are bloody.
Mostly Raph is friendly. He’s fond of photography and will take pictures of pretty much everything. He’s fearless and fierce towards villains. Very protective of the people he cares about. caring and sweet when he wants to be. He has bad and good days. Bad days he just needs to be alone. He’d never want to be having a bad day and take it out on his family. The last thing he wants to do is hurt them.
Donnie 16 he/him: Donnie is the leader. He’s extremely intelligent and strategic. Always knowing what to do in every situation (at least that’s how it seems to his brothers) he’s smart, like really smart. He loves books on all sorts of subjects, and studying for hours on end on his small computer that April bought him.
Donnie is a hopeless romantic, and while he’s intelligent, when it comes to romance or social situations, he feels like a complete failure. He’s become infatuated with April’s nephew Casey Jones. The boy escaped an abusive home and found a friend in Donnie, only for Donnie to start feeling more towards him. But Donnie is scared that Casey will not return his affections and their friendship will be in jeopardy. So he’s keeping his crush to himself, unfortunately everyone is aware of it including Casey. Just another thing he failed at.
Donnie enjoys tinkering, taking apart tech and putting it back together in new ways. He sees potential in every object to be something different and exciting. Before he was leader, he invented things constantly. Things to help him and his family in their daily lives. No one really appreciated his inventions, so he stopped.
Sometimes he feels that he’s not living up to his full potential, that his family only sees him for his brains and nothing else. He knows he can be more, do more if he was just given a chance. He wants to do good for the world, experience normality. But he can’t, he knows that. Human beings won’t accept him, and even now him and his brothers putting their lives on the line, trying to save a world of people unbeknownst to their very existence. Never getting credit or love for being heroes. It hurts. He doesn’t know if his brothers feel the same way, but he knows that if they’re was a chance where he didn’t have to be a hero and could live normally. He would take it.
Back story:
Hamato Yoshi grew up in Japan with his father, and his brother oroku saki. Yoshi spent years teasing saki, for being thinner and weaker than him. What Yoshi didn’t know was that the Hamato clan may have raised saki, but no one cared for him, not even Yoshi’s father. They were physically and mentally abusive towards saki. The two grew up learning the martial arts. Yoshi always pulled ahead and enjoyed showing off to his younger brother. His father showered him with praise. Saki was left in the dust.
As they grew older saki improved more and more, eventually reaching yoshis level and beyond. During a sparring session a young girl watched the two of them. And after they both went over to meet her. Her name was tang shen. The boys both fell in love with her, and eventually saki started to date her. This infuriated Yoshi.
Saki and Yang when we’re together for a year, and over the course of that year. The other Hamato clans abuse grew harsher. To the point where they kil!ed the cat he owned, and tortured him by burning his face. Saki begged his master to do something, anything to stop this. And his master only responded “you must be stronger than them saki” and waved him away.
Devastated and angry. He took this anger out on shen. Shen scared of saki, sought out his brother. Yoshi finding out that saki had hurt her, was furious. He fought his brother, almost killing him and saki disappeared the very next day. Yoshi and Shen started dating. They live happily for 10 years, before conceiving their first child.
While shen was pregnant saki returned, he’d been training with a master high up in the mountains. He wore the emblem of the foot. Saki kil!ed his old master, burned his childhood home down and then tracked down shen.
Yoshi only heard a scream in the distance and saw a light burning brighter. He ran to his home. Finding it burning, his wife de@d, and a note from saki saying he’d kil!ed her.
Saki disappeared once again.
And in a fragile state joined forces with an alien race, them promising to revive the foot clan for him. They dumped a strange substance called mutagen in the water supply. Which mutated animals and humans into horrifying monsters.
Saki was now known as the shredder, leader of the foot clan. And Mr oroku famed scientist to the rest of the world. He perfected the mutagen, using it on himself. Combining traits and characteristics of animals to himself, creating an indestructible beast. His mind was lost, and only one goal remained. To wipe out the Hamato clan forever.
Yoshi emigrated to the USA. He was depressed. And stayed in the apartment he owned. He barely ate or drank for several months, until the cheerful young woman across the hall broke into his apartment, and helped him to move on with his life. Her name was April O’Neil, they became friends. Yoshi wanted to explore this new country. And so he did. He traveled all across it. During his travels he found the turtles.
Leo was discovered almost getting stepped on and Yoshi saved him. The young turtle then started to follow Yoshi around. Until Yoshi decided to keep him. They traveled more together eventually finding Raph.
Leo discovered Raph choking on a piece of plastic stuck around his neck. Yoshi gently removed it. The plastic left a cut around the turtles neck. Yoshi tended to him the next few days, and he became attached. The turtle didn’t want to leave either, no matter how much Yoshi tried putting him back in the water.
While Yoshi was walking across a street, he heard a noise. He looked down and saw something in the sewers. He pushed open the grate, and up on his arm climbed two more baby turtles, covered in grime and poo water.
The turtles were strange. They were quite big and made human like sounds. They copied his movements and acted almost like human babies. He arrived back at his apartment, and by that time the turtles had gotten bigger. It was strange. He was going to turn them into a pet shop, until one spoke. He fainted and that’s how April found him.
After coming to terms with the fact that these weren’t regular turtles. He and april raised them together.
A year later, Yoshi was walking home from getting groceries. He passed an alley, and saw someone was getting robbed. He ran in to save them only to be splashed with a glowing blue substance. He dropped the groceries, and screamed as it burned his eyes. He fell on the floor, rats scurrying over his hands, one ended up biting him. He threw it off and rushed out of the alley, the groceries forgotten. People on the street pointed and stared at him. He arrived home and slammed the door, his sight was murky and dark. He cried that night, april holding him in her arms as he transformed from man to rat.
It was 1 year before people started to get suspicious of the strange noises coming from their apartment. 2 years before him and the turtles fled to the sewers, worried for the turtles safety, knowing the world wouldn’t except them. 3 years before his sight was completely gone, and ironically, he saw the turtles as his sons. Now that they were sentient beings. Acting like human toddlers. 4 years before he started training them in ninjitsu, after hearing about a scientist by the name of Mr oroku rising to fame.
12 years before they first went up to the surface, and the story truly begins :)
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sketch-guardian · 2 years
Awkward noodle friend!
First of all I'd also like to publicly announce that your OCs are so cool and I'm loving all the little puzzle pieces of information we're currently getting on your blog 👌✨
And then I'd also have a question about them! How are their relationships with the cannon obey me characters? Are some of them good friends, or absolute rivals, maybe?
Oh, and also with Camy, of course! I wouldn't ever forget my precious shy bean, don't you worry 💕
(I really really hope this hasn't been asked before, if so I'd love to see the post about it ☺️)
Impacciata amica spaghetto!
I'm so sorry about seeing your ask just now,I apologize😥I hope I haven't kept you waiting for too long🙈also thank you for the compliments on my OCs😳you're too kind☺💜
Regarding your question,I think I've already been asked a similar question in an old post of mine🤔it should be this one if you're interested:
still,I don't mind specifying some more information about their relationships with the canon characters✨even with Camy this time, since I've never written anything about that (you're so sweet Koni😭💖thank you for thinking about my MC too🙈💜I wasn't expecting that-)
This will be long,so in this post I will write for the Seven Brothers and MC only,I hope that's okay😥if you want to know RAD classmates relationships with the Now Dateables and the New Characters too,you can sent another ask if you're interested🙈now let's get started!
Demya honestly doesn't like Lucifer very much and even if she tries to hide it behind a cheeky behavior,his presence makes her a little anxious. The punishments Lucifer's quite famous for bring back bad memories of her childhood spent in a freak show in the human world,so when she gets in trouble,she tends to avoid him as best as she can. He's too strict for Demya's tastes and she almost feels sorry for his brothers and for MC
Domnra seems pretty indifferent towards Lucifer,but he's actually slightly jealous of the authority he manages to impose without effort and the fact that he seems to be perfect at everything,which Domnra never was,not even when he was still an angel. Mobim on the other hand is intimidated by Lucifer,even if it doesn't often have a reason to be,since it is a kind and quiet creature. Mobim usually hides behind Domnra when Lucifer approaches,especially if he seems angry
Azul doesn't mind teasing Lucifer and it honestly makes everyone think he has a death wish,but the thing is that Azul doesn't care about the consequences. He knows that as long as he doesn't do anything extreme, the most he can get is a warning and still, he knows he's more than capable of escaping if that was the case. He also has no problem admitting that Lucifer is attractive,Azul just has no shame
Zuri respects Lucifer and his position,she considers him a decent leader and appreciates independent people like herself. In fact among the RAD classmates,excluding Azul who occasionally disturbs the demon,Zuri's probably the closest to Lucifer,the only one who can be considered "friend" of the eldest brother. Their conversations consist mostly of small talk about work or complaining about being often surrounded by idiots,all the while sharing a bottle of Demonus or a cup of tea,like two stressed parents
Odon likes Lucifer,even if according to them,he should try to smile a little more. They're sure that like all demons,angels and humans,he too would have a nice smile,everyone is special in their own way and he shouldn't fear to show himself more for what he is and not for the role he has to play. Odon would like to make friends with everyone,however they sensed that Lucifer doesn't trust an ancient and mysterious demon like themselves,so as much as it hurts them,they try to keep their distance. If Lucifer ever changed his mind,Odon wouldn't mind sharing a cup of tea with him
Demya thinks Mammon is cool and several times they found themselves scamming people together to get what they wanted, in fact they gave each other a hand occasionally. For example, if Demya attracted rich people with her beauty, making them shell out a lot of money and then leave them empty-handed, Mammon made sure to get as many meat dishes as possible for her. After all, Demya doesn't really care about money, it's just an added bonus, so she doesn't mind making this kind of trade. Also it isn't uncommon to see her teasing Mammon about his crush on MC, as she has noticed that the demon becomes much more shy and awkward in their presence, she thinks that's funny
Domnra isn't very close to Mammon,the most he has done with the demon is a few chats during gym class at RAD. However Domnra doesn't seem hostile towards him,despite how shoert-tempered he is,and for a good reason. Once Mobim had wandered off in search for flowers and Domnra went looking for it,it wouldn't have taken long with their bond after all,but what surprised him was seeing Mammon comforting a sad Mobim in a voice one would use with a kitten. Once in the open,both demons were embarrassed and promised never to talk about the accident again,but considering that other demons would have hurt Mobim instead without thinking twice,Domnra can't help feeling a touch of respect towards Mammon
Azul is a little bastard and loves to scare Mammon by randomly appearing through walls or mirrors,because he's the demon who give Azul the most fun with his reactions. However Azul isn't completely heartless and sometimes he makes it up to Mammon by offering help with stealing stuff or with homework involving curses and hexes. Once he even offered Mammon flirting lessons,to use with MC if he wanted,but the demon of greed didn't take it very well
Zuri meets Mammon occasionally when she receives proposals to be a stylist or a model with important brands and while at work he seems professional,Zuri doesn't appreciate how loud Mammon can be outside of it,she finds such behavior annoying. She thinks he's wasting his potential,because she's seen what he's capable of if he really puts in the effort. Zuri doesn't trust him very much though,because she knows he would have no problem stealing from her,but she has to admit that since Mammon rarely transforms,he was a good choice as MC's guardian
Odon finds Mammon funny and full of life and would very much like to become his friend,because they can feel that he too has good in him,unlike other demons they've encountered in their long life. Odon isn't stupid and they know that Mammon is terrified by their size and figure,so they try to appear as friendly and harmless as possible,to make him feel at ease. Once they even managed to play cards with Mammon,who lost every single time (due to the eye-like creatures spying on his cards). Luckily Odon was kind enough not to bet anything
Demya struggles to remember Levi,because she barely sees him in class,let alone outside,so she doesn't have a clear opinion about him. Demya knows she can easily convince him to do stuff for her by being nice and cute like an anime girl and she figures they might share the trait of being jealous demons,but otherwise they don't have much in common. One thing is for sure though:she thinks Lotan is cool as hell and one day she would like to ride them
Domnra deems Levi weak in terms of physical strength as he barely trains while Domnra is seen as a normie tsundere delinquent in Levi's eyes,so it's no surprise that the two of them have hardly ever spoken. However Domnra noticed that Levi occasionally look at Mobim as if it was some cute anime mascot,all the while muttering "kawaii" or other anime references unfamiliar to him. He finds such behavior quite weird
Azul is an online friend of Levi and they occasionally meet to draw together, simp about their favourite characters or show off their cosplays. It seems shocking considering how different the two demons are,but they share some hobbies and kind of complement each other,for example:Azul doesn't mind asking for autographs or whatever when Levi is too shy to,while Levi keeps Azul calm with his long and enthusiastic speeches about his favourite topics,those keep Azul too occupied to suddenly change mood
Zuri admires Levi's passion for his hobbies and the way he manages to convey it to others,she believes that the effort he puts into cosplay is remarkable,because in a certain sense it's still style,however Zuri doesn't often assist to his fanatic speeches,as Levi seems quite intimidated or in awe in her presence. She isn't sure which of the two options is the correct one
Odon knows Levi thanks to what their eye-like creatures have told them,but they have met him in person just few times and the few times it happened,cell phones and computers were involved. Odon,being very old,isn't a great expert in modern technology,so as an excuse,they sometimes ask Levi for help. Moreover, Levi often compare them to some anime characters and even if Odon doesn't know what he's talking about,they appreciate that Levi isn't afraid to express his opinion
Demya thinks Satan's a bit of a nerd and she doesn't like that talking to him makes her feel dumber that usual,but despite everything she still finds him kinda cute,especially when he's in feral mode,because Demya has somewhat strange tastes. She also finds amusing that their tails are similar and even if it doesn't matter much,she appreciates that he isn't a fan of Lucifer
Domnra and Satan both have anger issues,so they understand what if feels like and sometimes they go out together to either vent or blow off steam. It's strange seeing one of the smartest students of RAD and one of the delinquents in class together,but their "problem" has brought them closer and made them friends. Domnra focuses more on the physic while Satan on the mind,but one thing they've in common is the love for cute things. Once Satan put a kitty costume on Mobim,in spite of Domnra
Azul is friends with Domnra, so it's no wonder he has tried to be friends with Satan as well, he finds his reactions very funny, especially when he's angry. Other than that, Azul would probably be an interesting subject for Satan to study, especially because he has never seen demons with Azul's characteristic ability, i.e. changing color depending on feelings, but he probably wouldn't give Satan any explanation about it,just to tease him a bit
Zuri knows about Satan's story and is aware that mentioning the eldest brother's name gets him upset, so to avoid any headaches from his screams, she tends to avoid mentioning that name in his presence. Leaving aside this detail, she believes that Satan's very intelligent, but that at the same time he's also too insecure of his identity and that he should begin to understand that his brother is not a threat as he seems. The only criticism she can make against Satan is his way of dressing
Odon knows a great deal about Devildom, having been born before the seven brothers and having spent their long life there. They have witnessed events written in history books, both in Devildom and in the human world, so they're very well educated from that point of view. The relationship with Satan seems to be that of a student and a tutor, he can ask Odon anything historical and they would probably be able to provide Satan with an answer, having experienced it firsthand. He also seems interested in the eye-like creatures that they have and since Lucifer doesn't like Odon very much, it's another reason for Satan to talk to them
Demya likes to go shopping with Asmo and likes to gossip about other lesser demons with him, she thinks he's fun, so they're friends, but casual ones. They often meet at parties or on the streets of Devildom and while Asmo may appreciate Demya's sense of style, he wouldn't appreciate her rough and feral ways, such as gobbling up on food or having no problem getting her hands dirty. For example, Demya, unlike Asmo, doesn't mind messing up her hair or getting scars on her skin
Domnra only knows Asmo by fame, since the demon of lust has a lot of followers among demons and witches on Devilgram, but otherwise he has never really spoken to him,Domnra finds him "too much" for his tastes and being used to being surrounded by other party animals, he doesn't need another reason to have a headache. Mobim isn't sure what to feel towards Asmo, he seems to Mobim a very extravagant demon, but being a very empathetic creature, it perceives that Asmo hides some insecurities, so it doesn't know if how he shows himself in public is an act or less and if so,Mobim doesn't think it would be able to reassure him
Azul usually meets Asmo during the parties held in The Fall and occasionally finds him at Madame Scream's, when he's there to buy sweets. Being both quite popular, they know each other and are also quite friends, even if there's a casual flirting every now and then, but just for fun. Sometimes they make duets and other times they help each other with makeup, but Azul often doesn't miss the opportunity to scare Asmo and make him ruin everything
Zuri knows Asmo because of her connection to the fashion world, so from that point of view, they interact every now and then. She acknowledges that stylistically, Asmo is a professional, but otherwise she finds him quite childish and capricious when he doesn't get what he wants. She's worked hard to get to where she's now and would like Asmo to understand that beauty it's not enough and that everything shouldn't be granted to him just for his looks, but that his commitment should be the most important thing
Odon usually wanders around isolated places so as not to frighten other lesser demons, so it's very unlikely to see Asmo for them,but the few times Odon has shown up in more crowded places,they were able to talk to him. Odon thinks that Asmo has no idea exactly who they are,because on their first encounter he tried to flirt with them. The results weren't what Asmo hoped for, since Odon didn't understand his intentions, but they appreciated the casual chat in any case. The two demons know each other only by sight though, since they frequent different places
Demya and Beel are the duo that all Devildom's restaurants fear, considering the amount of food they swallow every day, so seeing them together in a restaurant is equivalent to the eventual failure of the latter. They're good friends and Demya appreciates that Beel doesn't judge her appetite,she knows what it's like to try to fill a void with food. Furthermore,the two occasionally train together, even if they do different exercises: Beel with weights and Demya with flexibility. Also Demya tries to protect Beel from people who try to take advantage of his kindness
Domnra is in some sports clubs with Beel and it happens a few times that the two demons chat. In his presence Domnra has no reason to be angry, he respects Beel's tranquility and strength, he's a very strong demon in Domnra's opinion,however his appetite reminds him too much of Demya,who he dislikes. Not gonna lie, but Domnra once feared Beel might eat Mobim and he's never been more terrified in his life
Azul hardly ever spoke to Beel, although he occasionally saw him eating in sweets shops, thus depriving Azul of the chance of buying something for himself. Maybe the reason they don't interact much is because Azul finds him quite boring, being apathetic most of the time, so it's hard to get interesting emotional reactions from Beel. Sometimes Azul can try to prank him by creating food illusions, but Beel doesn't seem to fall for it too often
Zuri knows about Beel based on what Lucifer told her about him, so she knows that the sixth brother is quite gluttonous, but also kind-hearted and devoted to his family, qualities Zuri appreciates, but that at the same time they remind her a bit of her angel days, which she would rather not think about. Zuri and Beel have talked to each other a few times, but not having much in common, their conversations go no further
Odon shares a bond with their eye-like creatures similar to the one Beel shares with Belphegor, so they feel a little closer to him in this aspect, however Beel asked Odon how they knew this information, but Odon just smiled and explained that it was a mere guess. Both demons are quite tall, so they appreciate not having to bend down to talk face-to-face. Also Odon has noticed that Beel doesn't seem to fear them, which relieves them. Odon likes it when Beel tells them about his family, because Odon has never had one and doesn't know what it feels like to have one
Demya knows Belphie through Beel and is in fact quite friends with him. To Belphie Demya is somewhat similar to Beel and those few times when Demya's tired,they take naps together. The two have also silently made an agreement, namely to protect Beel from demons or witches with bad intentions
Domnra met Belphie probably through Satan, during a meeting of the Anti-Lucifer League. The two demons get along quite well and Domnra likes Belphie's sarcasm and style, but maybe he's a little jealous of the fact that he always gets good grades despite almost always sleeping in class. Mobim doesn't mind being a pillow for Belphie, as long as the demon doesn't choke it in his sleep
Azul, again, has never interacted much with Belphie. He considers him boring, since interacting with him is practically impossible, with rhe demon being always asleep. The only thing that Azul noticed that he has in common with Belphie is the love for the stars and perhaps it could be a good conversation starter for the two of them
Zuri likes hardworking, resourceful people who show at least a modicum of passion in what they do and unfortunately Belphie does not fall into this category. She knows he's the demon of sloth and she doesn't blame him for this of course, but Zuri considers Belphie too lazy and doesn't think it's appropriate to walk around as if he were always wearing pajamas
Odon is the only one among the RAD classmates who knows about the little "accident" between Belphie and MC, although it's unknown exactly how the eye-like creatures learned about it. The two demons hardly interact, but occasionally Odon sees Belphie sleeping near the Devildom woods when they walk alone. If Belphie so wanted, Odon would be more than happy to explain what they know about constellations and dreams
-Camy (my MC)
Demya doesn't know exactly what to think of Camy,being a very different person from her: introvert, shy and who prefers not to leave the House of Lamentation. She considers her a reliable and patient human considering that she has to deal with seven demons everyday and every now and then she happens to meet Camy hanging out with Mammon. In those moments Demya likes to embarrass them both with their obvious feelings towards each other. She finds them a cute couple
Domnra was quite unaware of Camy's existence at first, as her presence was hardly noticeable in class, but he started paying more attention to her when she started learning magic from a certain sorcerer. He's surprised that a human from so low has landed in the position Camy is currently in,but he has to admit that he's found a newfound respect for her, even for the pacts she's managed to make. The only times they interact is when Mobim happily greets Camy, not considering the human a dangerous person
Azul would like to make friends with Camy,since she's Levi's best friend and since they have some hobbies in common,but the human seems to avoid him and Azul thinks it's due to his unstable nature. For this reason, to make her feel more at ease,Azul tries to interact with Camy only online and only when Levi's also present, so it should be easier to chat. Azul thinks she's charming in her own weird way and he would like to play tricks on her,but he doesn't want seven demons after him so he avoids acting like an idiot for once
Zuri admires Camy's commitment to her duties at RAD, and the fact that she's a human exchange student makes her efforts all the more worthy of credit. Zuri doesn't dare imagine what it's like to live with the seven deadly sins, so she has a hunch as to why the human has such pronounced eyebags. Zuri tried talking to her with Lucifer present, but the human seemed quiet and uncomfortable,perhaps because she wasn't used to the presence of other demons. The only criticism that Zuri feels like making is the way in which the human looks scruffy,Camy doesn't seem to care about her appearance
Odon considers Camy a curious human being,strong from a mental point of view and with a great willpower. In her place, several humans would have already gone crazy with what she had to go through, with what she experienced there in Devildom, so they don't understand how she can be so insecure of herself. Camy was uncomfortable when they met for the first time, but she wasn't scared and Odon isn't surprised,considering that the human risked death several times. If Camy's alone on the streets of Devildom,Odon offers to escort her. They'are close acquaintances and that's enough for Odon
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