#she is unfortunately lowkey the antagonist
OH SHIT DUDE RIGHT U WATCHED SEX ED AS WELL. i still haven't watched the newest season even tho there IS an ace character i heard??? but THE GUY WHO PLAYS ERIC!!! THE NEW DOCTOR!!! so cool that he landed that role i'm so happy for him
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guy-in-a-dress · 2 years
Rating the main M*A*S*H crew on their hugging abilities
1. Hawkeye
The hugger of all time
Probably picks you up n hops around with you while yelling about whatever the fuck he's being insane about at the moment
The skinny arms lowkey dig into your everywhere but it's worth it
2. Trapper
Beefy teddy bear
IDC if he said he's out of shape in that one ep I can see that beef. Muscly ppl are some of the best huggers
WILL spin you. He probably sends the kids that hang around around the camp into orbit when he's in a good mood
3. BJ
Father figures give the best hugs
Also something about that mustache make him feel significantly huggier idk why
He'd probably jump around like Hawkeye or at the very least shake you like a rag doll
You know you've had a good hug if you feel mildly concussed afterwards
4. Henry
What did I say about father figures
His office is open for hugs as long as he's not on the phone with his wife
He'd be real confused going into it tho
"Arms over the shoulder- oh no around the waist okay"
Also whatever is in those vest pockets would poke you
5. Potter
Grandpa. Need I say more
Not to mention he's a horse girl(gender neutral), who are known for being excellent at hugs
Unfortunately he smells like an antique barn but that comes with the job of being your friendly neighborhood horse grandpa
6. Frank
Unpopular opinion time but I genuinely think he's capable of being a great hugger
Like he needs SOME type of positive trait to balance out his cartoonishly evil persona so I think this is a bone I'm willing to throw
He'd probably be that relative that you let hug you bc you feel kind of bad for him
Then he ruins the moment by saying the most horrifying shit imaginable
That and he always seems to be in a cold sweat no matter the weather
7. Margaret
A good hugger when it counts
Isn't one for hugging or physical touch beyond sex
She will not hesitate to hug a patient or child if she's asked or if she feels it's necessary
If she's in a good mood she'll hug a nurse who's having a hard time
8. Charles
The repressed of all time
Will not give hugs unless he's mega drunk
Probably wasn't hugged enough as a child
If someone else initiates he'll probably complain but eventually reciprocate like the antagonist-turned-bitchy-roommate he is
Definitely get "disgusting. Do it again" vibes from him esp in later seasons
9. Radar
Look I'm definitely a "southerners and midwesterners give the best hugs" truther but this boy is a limp noodle
You'd get an arm around the shoulder if you're lucky
He's probably bad at handshakes too
Won't initiate unless he's on the verge of tears or losing his mind with hype
10. Father Mulcahy
Since he's a priest I'm choosing to count him as a father figure and by this point you know what I think about dad hugs
He's 100% DTH(down to hug) and won't bring it up again afterwards (he counts hugs as silent confessions)
He'd probably do the 'rocking back n forth' thing too if he thinks it's necessary
11. Klinger
Fuck yeag
Is a lot like Mulcahy in that he will hug anyone he thinks needs it
Also probably has several handkerchiefs on his person just in case you need to cry
If he's upset he'll probably squeeze you like a stress ball without realizing but that shit's therapeutic
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numbuh424 · 4 months
Hello! I really love your Death Note art!! Especially your blog header. I saw it and thought it was so cool how you copied the manga style!! Your posts about it say they're you're Death Note OC? Do you have anymore info you can share about them or previous posts about them? Are they a Death Note user? I'm really curious cause the art is so cool and I love reading about people's OCs. That's all, thanks for all the cool art you make!
Hello!! Thank you so much for enjoying my art 🙏 And thank you for asking about my OC! I've never really talked about her publicly before just cause I've never really... Made an OC before? So this ask made me really happy 🥹 I'll try to keep this short but it definitely won't be lol because I don't know when I'll ever get to talk about her again.
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Years ago I had a plot stewing in my head for a story where Near shuts down the L successor program, steps down as L, and puts the title to rest. It takes place a year after the A-Kira story, which is around 10 years after Death Note's main story.
The idea was that someone began exposing Wammy's for their covered-up misdeeds and the fact that this is where successors of L were being raised. Because of that information being leaked, Wammy's House becomes unsafe for everyone in it.
OC talk under the cut 🙏
Apart from needing an antagonist who leaks all this information, I also needed a character who was there during the years Near wasn't to fill in the gaps for him and lead him to the culprit.
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All the major information about her is here on this OC character profile I made a while back. Lee honestly began as a general persona/self-insert that I use whenever I want to draw myself. I still often use her as my persona when I make silly doodles and whatnot. However, as a Death Note OC, I've really lost control of her and she has just gone on to take a life of her own lol
Lee comes from Wammy's House and entered when she was 12, a lot later than the rest. She first arrived only months before L died and Near and Mello left to hunt Kira. Though gifted with photographic memory, she could never really make it into the successor program through that alone. Despite this, she dedicated her years at Wammy's to pursuing the title against all odds, only to come up short every single time until she finally graduated. Knowing she wasted years pursuing the title, she grew bitter towards L and the program and left the orphanage to pursue an art career like she originally wanted.
She became an art teacher and kept her distance from anything related to the crime/police/investigators. Unfortunately, as fate would have it (fate being me, the person controlling everything about her life), she became a witness to a crime where she used her skills to draw the culprit. Her sketch is what gets the man arrested and what causes the police to recruit her. Though she always said she'd abstain from detective work after wasting her time on it at Wammy's, she wants to be useful so she agrees to work part-time lowkey.
She doesn't like having the spotlight on her, as years of fighting for it in her youth have worn out her motivation for being seen. She keeps her past under lock and key and lies about it constantly, but her memory allows her to keep track of her lies easily.
Her role in the story is that her past identity (her real name and lived experiences) is stolen and used to frame her as the person leaking information about the orphanage - an "insider tells all" who wants to destroy L, Quillish Wammy, and the orphanage. Because Lee is so detached from her past, at first she lets the culprit just use her old identity. It's not her anymore, anyway, so why bother her about it? It's only when the culprit starts murdering people and throws her current identity under the bus that she starts sweating. There's a criminal investigation underway and she's their only suspect.
Near and his team know she's not behind any of this; they're really the only ones who know for sure because of his ties to Wammy's (it's kind of a reverse L and Light situation where he's sure it's not her but everyone else is out to get her lol). However, she can definitely help point them in the direction of the person who's behind it all.
The problem is Lee's animosity towards the L program extend to Near, who is the only L she really knows considering the real L died a few months after she arrived at the orphanage. Near tries to bring her on board for the case since she's the best lead they could possibly ask for, but because of her distaste towards L and the orphanage, she refuses to join at first. The culprit going one step further and framing her for murder is what pushes her to finally go with Near and his team because her life has fallen apart and the police are coming to get her.
She really doesn't wanna help L and joins mostly for self preservation. She kinda gets a kick out of the fact that she has information the world's greatest detective can't get from anyone else. It's childish of her, but what's Death Note without a bit of childishness.
Also, to answer your other question, she's not a Death Note user. I certainly intended for her to be back then (hence the art I made for her where she has the notebook) but the story I came up with has undergone dramatic changes since. She still very much works with pen and paper, just not in that way anymore lol
That's most of the basic information about her and her role in the story I may or may not ever write. I honestly have the broad strokes mapped out already, including the ending.
Spoilers (for a story that only exists in my head lol), Near has Wammy's House demolished and has a new institution built for the kids. The successor program is dissolved and he has Lee head the art department since she was already an art teacher before everything happened.
Thanks so much for asking about her 🙏
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applepie-enthusiast · 1 month
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood ft. KNY characters
If you know FMAB growing up, I salute you. If you are going to watch it now, I also salute you. Anyway, let's proceed. In response to this poll
In their sincerest hopes to see their dearly beloved deceased mother again, Tanjirou and Nezuko aimed to do what was considered as "Taboo" in Alchemy, that is "Human Transmutation."
Being kids, they believed they could resurrect Kie, who had fallen ill and died because of an outbreak. (Imagine all their siblings too but chose to revive Kie first)
However, they experienced "rebound" and because of that, Nezuko's entire body was taken, while Tanjirou lost his left leg, and cried out in extreme pain and anguish. But, determined to get even Nezuko's soul back, he sacrificed his right arm so he could attach her soul to an armour.
I somehow want Kanao to be their childhood friend aka Winry.
Shinobu as Pinako is funny, but just imagine if Shinobu took the responsibility to take care of Kanao after their older sister Kanae, who was a doctor, was sent to battle and died there.
Tanjirou lowkey being so guilty about what happened to Nezuko that he was so afraid to ask her if she is mad at him. [THAT EPISODE BROKE ME. Just Kanao smashing Nezuko's armored head with a wrench and telling her to run after Tanjirou is peak drama and comedy]
I'm conflicted if I should continued as intended that Tanjurou is their dad in this au as well. Because I just can't see him having the same face as the main antagonist aka "Father". But it's also a big fucking no for "Father" to be Muzan. Yoriichi as Father is TERRIFYING tho.
Obanai as Roy Mustang please it's so funny. But he did give Tanjirou a drive and a motivation to get their bodies back.
Mitsuri as Riza Hawkeye. She hides all her trauma with her personality but Mitsuri being a sniper in the Battle of Ishbal would just be peak 👌 angst.
Rengoku Kyojurou as Maes Hughes. He often comically and enthusiastically tells Obanai to find a wife and marry already (aka marry Mitsuri) and Kyojurou is proud of his little brother Senjurou. He tells everyone about him, and dots on him. He's very kind and warm towards anyone and everyone he meets.
Everything was okay until he found out too quickly, about what was happening in the country. He was too smart for his own good. He was attacked first by Lust aka Daki, but escaped.
DOUMA as Envy would make so much sense. His playful personality when he impersonates a colleague of Rengoku, but Rengoku quickly realizes it isn't them. Rengoku was hastily trying to contact Obanai to tell him of what he found out, but unfortunately this creature finds him. Rengoku whispered that he has to go home and he can't die here, and was about to attack the creature, but Douma had transformed to mimic his mother, Ruka, who Douma had seen from the lone pic that fell from Rengoku's wallet in his haste to contact Obanai. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. THE THREE GUNSHOTS.
Obanai sighing when he received a phone call, but quickly felt something was off because Rengoku rarely pauses and stay silent that long. "Kyojuro?" He asks.
Rengoku's bloody hand reaching out to the phone because he heard his best friend, but Douma had already placed it back to cut the call.
"Humans are so stupid, falling for such a trick." He mocks and insults him, laughing as he left.
Rengoku, bleeding out, whispering, "Sorry, Senjurou, I can't go home tonight as promised.
JUST TINY SENJUROU (younger than canon), CLUTCHING ON THEIR DAD'S PANTS, innocently asking, "Why are they burying big brother...? How can he go to work if they bury him?" Everyone was devastated
Obanai silent throughout.
After the funeral, JUST OBANAI SAYING, "Ah, It's about to rain".
Mitsuri looking up at the sky. "Eh? It's not raining..." Then she quickly realizes what Obanai meant when he started crying.
"No, it's raining, alright." Obanai adds, and Mitsuri bows her head, and in a sad voice, seconds him.
"Ah.. yes, it's raining... Let's go inside, it'll be cold here soon..."
Daki as LUST as mentioned above. Gyutaro as GLUTTONY. It just goes along well with how those two are close with Douma aka ENVY.
AKAZA as WRATH. he's a king of a nation that already has everything decided for it. Except his bride, Koyuki, who he chose himself.
AKAZA AS KING BRADLEY (and how his hand shookt in anger during rengoku's funeral) he has this twisted view that the weak will inevitably die in the hands of the strong.
KOKUSHIBOU AS PRIDE. Him parading as a tiny child (of course he poses as a human, the son of the king. But he is INDEED DEADLIER, STRONGER than Wrath.) is just so funny. Except he won't be as energetic as Selim Bradley, probably just always curious and "idolizes" the Fullmetal Alchemist aka Tanjirou. THE FIRST SIN THAT FATHER LETS GO OF.
MUICHIROU AS LING YAO. He visits this foreign country looking for a philosopher's stone. He is the representative of their clan because his older brother can't fight like him (added this info). In order to save his clan, he wants to gain information about immortality. He came to the country with his two vassals, Zenitsu (LAN FAN but they're just buddies) and Jigoro (OLD MAN FU), who came from a family that had been serving his for centuries. They're very loyal to him. Muichirou often stresses them out though. HAHAHAHA
Just imagine Mui and co. mooching off food from Tanjirou and Nezuko HAHAHAHAHA
"i cAn'T uNdErsTanD tHiS CouNtRy'S lAnGuagE" whenever he placed the siblings or himself in trouble HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
Mui collapsing on the side of the road and forgetting his entry pass and being sent to jail is PEAK COMEDY
HIM HAVING CONVERSATIONS ABOUT WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A KING WITH AKAZA THOUGH. While holding an injured zenitsu over his shoulders. OH MY GOD.
Zenitsu sacrificing his hand for them to escape is just wow. If Jigoro is Old Man Fu, he would die. Ouch. (I initially thought of genya as lan fan and sanemi as old man fu but I had plans for sanemi)
So that means Muichirou will be GREED.
Giyuu will be Izumi, Tanjirou and Nezuko's sensei. As seen with his Kimetsu Academy counterpart, his training would be HELL. I'd like to say he is married to Sabito (HE'S ALIVE, SABITO WILL BE SIG). They were living well before Giyuu's sister inexplicably died, and he tried to revive her with alchemy. He had seen the Truth as well.
Sloth will just be GYOMEI TO GIVE A THRILL WITH THE FIGHT. But instead of the sloth in fmab, imagine if Gyomei isn't really evil, but was forced to do what he has to, or else the children he was caring for would die (or something)
When Mui and Tanjirou got sucked in Gluttony's stomach and lmao at tanjirou finding Nezuko's armor hand and going, "TIME FOR MY TELEPATHIC POWERS TO AWAKEN, KAMADO TELEPATHY OHHHHH NEZUKO HEAR ME!!!" and Muichirou deadpan going, "have fun with that"
They would eat BOOT SOUP
Fast forward to all the dramas
Obanai going lowkey insane with finding out who killed Rengoku. He finds Douma and Douma congratulates him on finally finding Rengoku's killer.
Obanai scoffing, "I doubt Kyojurou was killed by someone dumb like you."
Douma going all laughter, saying, "Stupid? What's stupid is people who would fall for this!!!" Then he transforms into Ruka or Senjurou.
Oh the way Obanai's look changed and Mitsuri instantly knew hell would start.
Mitsuri pointing a gun to Obanai's head on the onslaught of happenings and Obanai raising his hand, "What's this about, Lieutenant?"
Mitsuri smiling knowingly, "You tell me. The colonel calls me ~Mitsuri~ when we're alone."
Obanai widens his eyes and instantly reveals himself as Envy and says, "You had a thing going on?!"
Mitsuri smiling, shooting him, "I lied. Thanks for falling for it."
She tried to kill him but is soon overpowered.
Douma laughs, exclaiming, "I will rip you to shreds and show you to your precious colonel!"
But then Obanai arrives.
Obanai going, "what are you planning on doing with my irreplaceable subordinate?" to douma is peak 👌👌👌 when the latter started targeting mitsuri (their other counterpart where douma is a con artist but disappeared after meeting mitsuri and/or obanai is so funny)
Anyway just their heartfelt moment of "If you die, I'll follow"
Obanai going, "I'm surprised you can see in this darkness, fullmetal" because his one eye is already canonically almost blind BUT HIM GOING FORCEFULLY COMPLETELY BLIND HURTS ME.
I'm so obsessed with them. But that's all for now.
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tadpolesonalgae · 3 months
u continuously drop banger after banger what the hell tabbatha 😭
i need chapter 19, feyre's guilt for her sisters turning fae was PALPABLE at the end. for accidentally dragging an unstable reader into an environment that would eventually lead to her attempt. And then having her own chosen family react to her sister this way? Because Feyre has always been attuned to her survival instincts, so I'm waiting for the storm to finally break and for her specifically to lose it on them for making her relationship with reader harder than it needs to be right now after her attempt, (shes the only person the ic will listen to anyway 👀🥱)
Currently Mor is Reader's biggest antagonist (love u for this again xx), but the other members of the IC have or are likely to really freak her out as well. Feyre would realize this talking to nesta i think and likely have a "family meeting" where she tells them all to butt out unless her or one of the other sisters are present. I dont think this would be the best for reader but i imagine it being a very feyre thing to do in this situation, her caretaker instincts likely have been doubled (bc nyx is still toddlin around off page) so i imagine she lets some of the wolf show to get the point across that she's not gonna fuck around when it comes to her sisters (much to the IC's surprise given how nesta was treated) (i think part of it may also be because she doesnt trust them not to trigger reader into accidentally using her powers against them 👀)
I was thinking while rereading ab how the 3 sisters would finally talk about what reader did amongst themselves if they havent already. I know youd write it to the point ur readers collectively KOA cry again and i think thatd be fun 🤭 but i digress. i think they need to talk about it and how they think they should help reader, instincts vs logic vs intuition perhaps? Each of the sisters will have their own ways of trying to help her, but i think with emotions running so high (esp for feyre) that it would turn into a much needed Archeron cuddlepile.
and i just felt lucien needed to be involved 😭 it was time, i missed him. BUT TELL ME WHAT ERIS SAID 🫵
‘And then having her own chosen family react to her sister this way?’
I still need to elaborate on this in chapter 19 but my mind just isn’t doing anything 🫠 I know I have to write a scene to make some other stuff work properly (I know, I’m so vague and helpful) but I can’t figure at what point it should be placed and also what and how it’s going to happen? Ugh, it’s giving me miseryyyy 🎵
‘I dont think this would be the best for reader but i imagine it being a very feyre thing to do in this situation, her caretaker instincts likely have been doubled (bc nyx is still toddlin around off page)’
Yeah I can see Feyre just wanting to set things right but I can also see some people in the IC wanting reader to step up for herself and so won’t do much to defend her so she has the chance to do it for herself?
Though I think it would depend on how Feyre snapped at the IC? If it was more lowkey and reader wasn’t there to witness it I think it would be fine, but if it was over a dinner or something I think reader would want to spontaneously disappear from existence and memory 😭
‘I know youd write it to the point ur readers collectively KOA cry again and i think thatd be fun’
Thank you for thinking this but the magic in my fingertips has actually gone, and I don’t know what happening 😭 nothing’s working at the moment so that won’t be happening unfortunately, or fortunately :/
‘and i just felt lucien needed to be involved 😭 it was time, i missed him.
Still vaguely freaked out you predicted Lucien’s presence 👀🪄
Eris told Lucien that high-waisted riding trousers are going out of fashion and he can no longer wear his slutty thigh-high boots with heels on their base and pointy toes 😔
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saintsupertramp · 1 year
this is a prompt. give us the nancy tea (re that steddie/buckingham post)
soooo glad you asked I’ve been waiting for this one.
ALSO!! gonna preface this by saying nancy is a teenage girl and we all know how the world loves to shit on them for just being teen girls so I will say when it comes to stuff like her being slut shamed in S1 or the newspaper guys in S3 I would kill and maim for her just so we’re clear. n e ways…
I lowkey highkey think nancy sucks because I feel like she doesn’t treat the people in her life as well as she should, especially steve and jonathan. In S1 she ditches barb a lot to hang out with steve and obviously that goes to shit and she feels bad about it because that’s such a horrible thing to happen but I feel like if it didn’t happen that way she wouldn’t have learned? (I haven’t watched S1/2 in a while so bear with me) Then in S2 I think the way she treats steve is really shitty and yeah he is a dick at times but he’s doing his best and he’s had some redemption since S1 and is genuinely trying to be a good guy. like nance did not have to call him bullshit and let her resentment towards him build without saying anything to him and then immediately get with jonathan asap (not to mention jon was taking weird photos of her in S1???) not to mention that it’s all placed on STEVE to get over her and be ok with her doing whatever she wants because she’s already over him. am I projecting erm maybe moving on.
I don’t like how when she’s with jonathan it feels like she starts to not care about him either and we can see that especially in S4 (what is it with the wheeler siblings and kinda not treating their partners well) and we can tell jon is really fucked up about it when he’s always been pretty nice to nance (I do think he should’ve talked to her about it but yknow). the way she treats robin in S4 doesn’t sit right with me and now we’re getting to the meat of ronance because she doesn’t seem to like robin all that much like she doesn’t really pay attention to her and she seems to dislike robin not in a compelling clashing personalities way but (it feels like to me) in a not liking robin as a person way. i don’t feel a spark between them I sense no chemistry tbh. robin seems to like her but in a friendly way and even then she’s heard about how nancy treated steve and I don’t think she would get with his ex. (the S4 stancy revival is a whole other can of worms that I hate)
also in general I just don’t like nancys character hfkshdj she is not compelling to me personally so take all this with a grain of salt I’m not saying everyone should dislike her I’m just saying I think she gets too much hype and the Fruity Fourification of S4 is unfortunate. I don’t think people should make nancy a villain/antagonist especially in order to get steddie together because like??? what the hell is that all about?? but I will say that I don’t think nancy has learned anything about how she treats people and it feels crazy to say that the series has been too lenient on her considering everything she goes through but in terms of interpersonal relations I feel like she hasn’t grown that much and she needs to.
if anyone wants even more elaboration lmk I could talk about this for days
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koinotame · 9 months
— OK ABOUT HSR, idk which character I wanna talk about because honesty, all of them are pretty cool and well builded character TT
So I'll just take my favs and let u choose :D
We got: Mr. Immortal, one of the antagonist who hates living. He, who abandoned his body to become a blade. Have been killed and revived countless times, so much so he despises his body for it's terrifying self-healing ability. Just when will his treasured, peaceful death come for him? His patience is wearing thin. Lowkey got abandonment issue and oh, his bounty is 8.13 billion credits btw :3 [Blade]
Delulu: Part of ‘Knight of Beauty’, an absolutely dazzling young man who devotes his entire life searching for a dead “missing” eons of beauty, Idrila. He hallucinates about his god so much, she ended up on his lightcone, a thin layer made of light which is a solidified form of most cherished/tragic memory a certain individual could possess. Honestly just watch this video and you'll understand lmao [Argenti]
It's time for my most spoiled character on my account, the ‘Dozing General’ : Cunning and sly of a general, yet one is unable to miss hints of laziness and sleepiness in his eyes. Despite the wisdom he held, he still somehow got scammed when out buying a pet. He is also Blade's past friend, who unfortunately have to part ways because of cruel twist of fate. [Jing Yuan]
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I tried my best to not spoil the lore too much so if you ever want to go back, you'll get the full and fresh experience of the lore. Which I doubt, just like what you said, lol
Anyway my english still sucks balls so, sorry if theres any error(s) on my long ass essay. Have a great day <33
ooh i've heard of blade! i like his design. and ough it's always so neat when media plays around with immortality and it's portrayed differently from usual... and character who see themselves as weapons my beloved <3 i know my friend likes jing yuan and every time i see him he reminds me of those big silky haired lap dogs but that's also about it. he seems interesting too tho!!
THE RED HEAD....... i've seen him several times now and for a while i couldn't figure out what he reminded me of. i figured it out. it's touga.
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same hairstyle/colour, rose motif (?), both use swords and are 'princely', there's probably something to be said about how touga wants to experience something eternal and how argenti is chasing after someone he's never met.... utena parallels aside though that 😭 is some next level umm. devotion... eyes emoji... i mean what who said that
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prettytragcdies · 1 year
mun questions! 5, 7, 11, 12, 14.
5. is there a muse you really want to try? if yes: what’s stopping you?
I'm officially writing Lauren Colby from the original Dynasty now, despite the fact that only like me, myself, and I even know who she is, so let's see. I wish that I could write some of my other favorite characters from various shows like Judith Ryland from the reboot of DALLAS, Edie Britt from Desperate Housewives, Julie Cooper from The O.C., etc. I just don't think I could find their voice well enough to keep them in character and write them the way they deserve to be written. I've had to learn the hard way that just because I love a character a whole lot, it doesn't necessarily mean I would be any good at writing them. Then there's also the unfortunate fact that a lot of my favorite shows are ones people from today either don't know anything about or simply just don't write for, but ah well.
I also super duper lowkey want to write an OC Vampire Diaries muse who would be Tyler Lockwood's sister, but that's only because the actress who played Carol Lockwood is back on The Young and the Restless.
7. describe your favorite relationship dynamic. (can be any kind, platonic, romantic, familial, antagonistic, etc.)
That's easy. My favorite relationship dynamic of all time will forever be familial. Mothers and daughters are probably at the tip top of my list, followed closely by fathers and daughters, siblings, etc. Romantic relationships would probably come in second place after all of that, and it's even more fun when the romantic ones eventually turn into new little families. Yeah. I don't know why. I just very much enjoy writing any and all aspects of family.
11. describe your ideal outcome/endgame for the muse you are currently writing. if you are a multimuse blog: do this for your current favorite muse, or the muse of the last reply you posted.
Scarlett Eleanor Ewing is my favorite and the one whose life I have most planned out, so I guess I'll do this one for her. Being married isn't a part of her life she can picture, but the more years I write her, the more I want to see her trying to navigate an actual marriage. So yeah, I guess my ideal endgame would be for her to be either President or Vice President of Ewing Global and either married or divorced with at least one child. I want her to be happy and healthy, despite everything I've put her through to get to that point lol. She's still hella confident and entitled, but some things aren't ever going to change, no matter what.
12. what roleplay trends do you remember from the year you started tumblr rp? how did you feel about those trends?
You know you're officially getting old when you don't even remember but like one or two of the trends from that year. I feel like it was 2011 or sometime around then, and groups were where it was at back then. I joined a small handful, and they were okay. Just like everything else, they had their fair share of pros and cons. I also remember people used gifs more than they did icons back in those days, and I didn't mind that part at all. Sometimes it can be more fun to use gifs, as long as they aren't huge and stretch all the way across your reply, especially when you're scrolling through on a mobile dashboard.
14. which roleplay community has been your favorite to write in?
I know everyone is probably expecting me to say DALLAS, and while it certainly is one of my favorites, I also need to give a shoutout to the soap opera world. I made so many friends in that genre back in the day, some of which I'm still in close contact with today. We've just had so much fun together over the years, and tbh it's part of the reason why I've had so much muse for Lauren Colby and Serenity Scorpio lately. One of my old friends lured me back to RP.ME ( a.k.a. MySpace 2.0 ), and I've officially fallen back down the rabbit hole(s).
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I just loved your merman felix and pirate pepa fun it was soooo good you had me fangirl squealing.
Thank you??? But thank @pepa-brainrot, who helped inspire said idea. I actually had a BIT of a story in my head for this au? You didn't ask, but fuck it, i have you here, so let me tell you some ideas!
So little mermaid esque story. Félix falls in love with Pepa, magic magic magic, he gets to turn human, with Agustín unfortunately joining him for the ride, since they're bros.
Him and Agustín get found and end up being a member of Pepa's crew, and he falls more in love with her loud, demanding, passionate personality. Meanwhile Agustín is praying they can blend in long enough.
Long enough for what, you ask? For Félix's mission. He gets one week as a human to 'mend a broken part of Pepa's heart'.
They manage to make it to shore where they inevitably meet Pepa's family. Her sister Julieta, a nomadic healer (she gives Agustín his first pair of glasses, and after seeing clearly for the first time, AND a beautiful woman to boot, he's VERY much in love and is now VERY supportive of Félix to finish his mission so he too can stay human).
Her little brother Bruno (who in this au is Alma's favorite still, so she raises him to be an intelligent, 'dignified young man'), who is VERY much aware of what Félix and Agustín are, and is sort of an antagonist here (until he eventually realizes he wants to explore the world like his sisters).
Then there's Alma. A high ranking official in a seaport town, she's always wanted her kids to marry into wealth and into comfortable lives. Pepa was the only one that outright defied her, and after stealing a good chunk of her money, became a successful pirate.
Some stuff in between happens and Félix realizes the broken part of Pepa's relationship isn't in her love life, but with her mom, so he tries to fix their relationship.
This unfortunately doesn’t work, due to Alma's stubbornness, and Félix & Agustín turn back into mermaids. Thinking they're no longer able to have the hearts of the women they so adore, the two try to swim back home. Only, they get captured by other pirates, who plan to tear them apart and eat them.
Word of this somehow gets to Pepa, who's determined to go and get her fish husband. Bruno and Julieta sneak aboard to help, and lowkey Bruno is WAY too excited to be a sort of theatrical pirate.
Then Alma catches wind.
You think she'd go out and stop her kids. Nope. Im talking full on feral pirate Alma who is running on pure fury and the want to kill.
Stuff happens, they kick ass, mermaid Félix and Agustín get to be married to the sisters, and the two get to go onto land and sea (think like Luca, essentially), and have kids who also have fucked up powers.
Yeah so ive put kinda some thought into this?
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ilikekidsshows · 3 years
The Marinette and Kagami Sub Arc Breakdown
Okay, it's finally done, the big analysis, where I tackle a topic I've wanted to write for simply because it's a topic I personally find interesting and fun, AKA, The Best Sub Arc in the Entire Series So Far, AKA, How Marinette Proved Without a Shadow of a Doubt that She'd Never Be Like Chloé And We Stan.
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One of the most interesting parts of the Marinette and Kagami rivals to friends sub arc is that it's one of the aspects of the show that directly connects to Marinette's past as a victim of bullying and is, in a way, about her overcoming that past. Not many things in the show remind us of the revelation in 'Origins' that Chloé had been bullying Marinette for years before the show's timeline, especially since Chloé became pretty declawed as a school level threat as the series went on to the degree where I think many people watching forgot that she used to hold a lot more power, and Marinette used to be wary of her.
But, the reason why Marinette being a bully victim is important in her arc with Kagami is this: people who have been victimized don't necessarily recognize it when they're victimizing others, and I believe that Marinette shows signs of this mentality in the show, particularly in season three. I'll illustrate how Marinette's ex-bully victim mindset informed the early stages of her relationship with Kagami and how Marinette overcame her internal biases when it comes to Kagami and her behavior towards Kagami.
In 'Origins', when Alya quotes Majestia's by now immortal line, she also says something that is very much what someone who has been victimized would identify with: "That girl over there is evil, while we are the good people." While Alya was very accurate that she and Marinette are good people, she didn't really know much about Marinette at this point, so she was actually pretty much guessing. The reason why this line is important is because it relies on an assumption that a moral binary exists on the bully-victim scale, instead of these roles being dynamic and socially formed. If you’re a victim of a bully, the bully is evil and you are a Good Person.
Some people who've been systematically victimized think on some level that them being victims means that they can never be instigators, that they're automatically morally pure because the person who victimizes them is the evil one. This is a very typical argument in social justice circles, where a person who is victimized for one thing might say bigoted things about another group and claim that they can't be a bigot because they suffer from bigotry. The simplest example I can give is white women refusing to accept that something they've said about black women could be offensive to black women specifically, because "how could a victim of sexism be racist". Now, what happens between Marinette and Kagami in the show is nowhere near this level of victimization switcheroo, but it still has that false binary in that Marinette thinks that her actions have more moral justification than they actually do.
The interesting thing about how Kagami is introduced is that her future role as a love rival was downplayed in ‘Riposte’. Her Akumatization was because of family issues and the idea that she might be attracted to Adrien came from Marinette's jealous grumblings while she was rescuing him from Riposte (I'm mostly referring to the "She doesn't deserve you" line). Outside of that little bit, 'Riposte' comes across as a pretty standard Victim of the Week episode, instead of setting up a romance sub arc. As such, Marinette already viewing Kagami's Riposte form as a romantic rival serves more as foreshadowing rather than it actually forming their relationship.
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Then we get to 'Frozer'. Marinette doesn't really know much of anything about Kagami at the start of this episode, as we can see in her mental image of Kagami as a cackling mean girl. Because Marinette doesn't really know Kagami at this point, when Adrien tells her he's thinking of asking Kagami out, her mind gives a placeholder mental image of her, seemingly based off of Chloé, another rich girl with a (supposed) crush on Adrien. This is the episode that establishes Kagami as a romantic rival to both the audience and Marinette, and Marinette’s negative mental image of Kagami establishes the idea of this rivalry being antagonistic. However, because this setup happens in Marinette's headscape, it's actually a one-sided antagonism.
Kagami isn't actually antagonistic towards Marinette in 'Frozer', but there is a certain assertiveness and physical presence to her in the episode that Marinette, as a former bully victim, might find imposing. Kagami gets in her personal space, because she's telling Marinette something she's sure Marinette doesn't want the boys to hear, but to Marinette, the body language could have come across as threatening. The way Marinette stares at Kagami throughout the scene with a deer-in-headlights look can indicate more general startlement or a sense of foreboding. And the episode ends with Kagami kissing Adrien on the cheek, establishing her as a threat in Marinette's eyes. From Marinette's view, Kagami's behavior in 'Frozer' confirmed her fears about Kagami, that she was a rich bully.
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This interpretation of Kagami informs a lot of Marinette's actions in 'Animaestro'. Here we see just how much Marinette has started to view Kagami as the new Chloé in her mind. Even when the actual Chloé shows up, Marinette is more ready to side with her than Kagami. And why this happens is because Chloé actually accidentally enforces the idea that, because Marinette is a Good Person, any person who works against her happiness is a bully and a Bad Person. While we could argue that Marinette has no reason to listen to anything Chloé says, we have to remember that Marinette has been lowkey hoping Chloé would become a better person in episodes like 'Antibug' and 'Zombizou'. When they both agree that Kagami has to go, Marinette could have taken it as another sign that Chloé's not all bad, or Marinette could have simply come to the conclusion that Kagami is actually worse than Chloé, and so teaming up with Chloé to take her down is justified.
It's important to note that 'Animaestro' chronologically takes place right after 'Chameleon', another episode where Marinette thinks she's morally justified in practically bullying someone because they're acting in a way she disagrees with. Because Lila was revealed to be able to dish back the same, if not even worse, that Marinette could unleash, Marinette never learned that her behavior at the start of the episode was bullying and therefore bad. Lila "justified" Marinette's actions after the fact because she was actually a bad person all along, so Marinette doesn't need to feel bad about basically harassing her. If Lila had just been someone who fibs for fun, with no malicious intentions, Marinette's behavior would have been completely out of proportion.
This is why the approach Chloé and, by extension, Marinette take against Kagami is so vital. With Chloé hatching a scheme that was so much like one Marinette would put together, the lines between Marinette and Chloé were blurred in this episode. Simply because it was such a convoluted plan might have also been why Marinette didn't seem to realize the implications of what she was trying to accomplish. I mentioned during my liveblog of this episode that Marinette doesn't seem to consider that, since the plan was to publicly humiliate Kagami, the plan working would have meant hurting Kagami really badly. I also pointed out that, because the trap triggered for the wrong target, this fact didn't really register with Marinette completely, since she merely noted that of course Chloé would have a bad plan. The plan was bad because it failed, not because it was morally wrong.
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However, even though we didn't see it happen in the episode itself, what happened at the movie premiere did alter Marinette's perception of Kagami. Most likely it was contrasting Kagami to the actual Chloé and realizing that she had been mistakenly attributing Chloé's traits to Kagami. The change in Marinette's perception is clear in her panic spiral when she realizes Kagami is her partner for the game in 'Ikari Gozen': "She's brilliant, strong, cute!" Marinette would never spell out all of Chloé's better features in such a way, which means her stance on Kagami has moved away from seeing her as The New Chloé.
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Even though Marinette doesn't see Kagami as a bad person at this point anymore, she does still consider her strictly opposition. She refuses to work with her, preferring instead to sabotage her and her chances with Adrien, just this time without the attempted humiliation. This is mostly because Marinette sees Kagami and thinks she has it all: looks, confidence, influence, a connection with Adrien. Marinette is absolutely convinced that if they won the contest, all attention would be on Kagami and she'd be sidelined in favor of her. It's easy to think that a little bit of sabotage is okay when Kagami seems to have such an unfair advantage.
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Unfortunately for Marinette's peace of mind, the point of 'Ikari Gozen' is to dissuade her of the notion that Kagami is fortunate in every way possible. We can see that Marinette thought that sabotaging the game was fine because Kagami had so many advantages because, as soon as she discovers that Kagami is friendless and has no connection to Adrien outside of fencing, she feels very bad for what she was trying to do. Marinette didn't actually want to hurt or upset Kagami. In 'Animaestro', Marinette didn't think about Kagami's feelings at all in relation to how Chloé's scheme might make Kagami feel, but this time she is thinking about them, she simply misjudged them at the start. She thought her purposefully throwing the contest would be a minor setback to Kagami, not what it ended up being: a betrayal by someone she was hoping to befriend.
I noted during my liveblog of this episode that Marinette's relationship with Adrien also started with a misunderstanding where Marinette first saw Adrien in a more negative light before that impression was proven to be false and they became friends. The development in 'Ikari Gozen' mirrors what happens in 'Origins' in that Marinette first has a false impression of Kagami, but is ultimately proven wrong in her assumptions and becomes friends with her. Marinette nominating herself as Kagami's friend even in her phone call with Tomoe suggests that Marinette recognized a similar need for friends in Kagami that she's seen in Adrien.
Marinette has gotten over seeing Kagami as an opponent in 'Desperada', where we see how Marinette reacts to Kagami and Adrien enjoying an inside joke together: she is miserable. Marinette recognizes the similarity between Kagami and Adrien and, rather than making her mad with jealousy, it makes her feel defeated. While Marinette's perception that Kagami was put together and perfect was taken down in 'Ikari Gozen', 'Desperada' shows us that she still thinks she can't measure up against Kagami, although now it's for the reason that she can see the connection between Adrien and Kagami and doesn't think she has what it takes to compete with that.
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'Love Hunter' is the episode where this new sense of insecurity comes to a head. When Marinette's hair falls out of its usual style, it signifies her letting down her guard and enjoying both Kagami and Adrien's company, because Adrien and Kagami are both her friends at this point. However, when Marinette is reminded that there are things that Kagami and Adrien experience that she can't relate to ("It's not every day we can escape from everything they expect from us"), she hastily ties her hair back into the usual twintails, her insecurity forcing her to put her walls back up again.
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Marinette is in emotional turmoil throughout the episode, allowing Adrien and Kagami to have what could constitute as an ice cream date alone at first, only to interrupt Kagami's attempt to kiss Adrien a few minutes later by whisking Kagami away to help solve the Akuma situation. This is why Marinette wanted André to pick the ice cream blend, because she started to project her relationships with Adrien and Kagami onto the ice cream too much. Marinette values her friends' happiness very high, high enough to stand aside when Kagami refers to their similarity as the reason she and Adrien are made for each other. Marinette does respond to Kagami that choices can be hard, so her standing aside is also about Marinette simply not acting at all, either to allow Kagami to go for Adrien unchallenged or to pursue Adrien herself. The choice between Adrien and Kagami was too much for her. Marinette being indecisive is of course a major character flaw I've discussed on this blog repeatedly, so the idea that it might have played a role here too makes sense from my perspective.
So far the Marinette and Kagami arc has been about Marinette learning not to subject other people to the kind of treatment she gets from Chloé, overcoming the temptation to turn into a bully to protect herself, and also making friends along the way. But there is still more ground that can be covered with this immensely interesting relationship. This is actually why I feel we really need to see Kagami and Marinette interacting after Kagami and Adrien break up. Because Marinette still has unresolved feelings about Kagami and not just Adrien after the season three finale.
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mylordshesacactus · 3 years
7, 14, 32 and 37 for the dnd ask game :)
How do you go about making a character or NPC?
I wrote a post about this here actually! Basically, my default approach is to choose an archetype, shake it upside down, and then find a way to make the apparent contradictions work. Or, alternatively, choose to play it straight--but play it straight with intent, rather than just because I didn't consider any other options.
That's why my Captain of the Suncrest City Guard is a disabled centaur, why she serves the Goddess of Death rather than a more traditional martial or law-based deity, and why she's also every inch the archetypal paladin and Reasonable Authority Figure. I wasn't trying to make a contradiction, I just didn't want her to be EVERY overdone stereotype. Archetypes are effective! It's just not fun to be lazy.
Have you ever had a romance with an NPC or another PC?
I have not! Not because I'm opposed to it, actually, it's just never come up. Romancing another PC is something I'd only be interested in doing in a long-form campaign with people I know well and trust. A DM-controlled NPC would be a bit of a lower barrier of entry, as long as (obviously) we talked about it and everyone was comfortable.
That being said, I subscribe enthusiastically to the school of thought that it's better to play PCs with living families (by blood or choice) and close connections, and even PCs with--gasp--happy backstories. That way, they have ties in the world, reason to trust others, and they get traumatized DURING the campaign where you can react to it in real time! But also, it gives the DM opportunities for quest hooks, grounds your character firmly in the world and the narrative, and gives YOU options for bringing in help or interesting opportunities for split-obligations roleplaying.
(By which I mean--my paladin, Rinda Broadstone, is married and has five kids, NOT counting her wife's daughter OR the teenage daughter's girlfriend OR the young clerk she rescued from an abusive situation when he was fourteen and whom she openly thinks of as a son. You bet your ass that if she's ever in a long-form campaign, and the world is at risk, she's gonna be in AGONY having to go off to face the BBEG without knowing whether her family is safe. She'll do it, but it creates the possibility for really in-depth social interactions with other players.)
So obviously if I have a character who's canonically happily married, and the DM brings them into the plot--something which would require immense trust and good communication between us, honestly, because there ARE DMs who view PC family as cannon fodder for cheap angst--then that would require some romantic social roleplaying between me and an NPC. But I think there's a subtle but important distinction between "the DM is playing my character's pre-existing spouse" and "I am romancing an NPC".
Obviously, if you're interested in romancing either an NPC or another PC, discuss it out of character and away from the game table first with whoever is playing the other character!
Most memorable NPC you've encountered in a game you played in.
Oh lmao. My poor first GM. This was in our Classic Who-themed Gallifreyan politics CIA campaign a thousand years ago. She created this pair of characters--an elderly Time Lord and her shobogan "servant" (actually a phenomenally gifted engineer and lowkey secretly her girlfriend) --who were intended to be like, the sympathetic and tragic antagonists that we would defeat for the good of civilization but have compassion for. Unfortunately the party latched onto them instantly, sympathized entirely with their motivations, rolled really high on some persuasion checks, and then uh.
Started a Gallifreyan civil war? Over it?
We went a little bit completely 100% renegade because we liked them so much.
What is the most recent PC or NPC you've created?
Well, that would be telling, wouldn't it?
But without spoilers, at the moment their names are Shasta and Elaea.
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epicspheal · 3 years
Pokespe Chapter 26
This was a really good chapter as far as showing us what could've been the plot of SwSh in the games. Like the entire time reading this I was like "Man, why couldn't the game plot resemble this" I really loved how the chapter opened up with Raihan and Leon teaming up to take down the dynamaxed Pokemon. Seeing them work together and then take selfies together was really cool and cute to see. I've been wanting to see them team up but also just show off that they have a friendship outside of their rivalry, something we really haven't seen portrayed outside of promotional anipoke posters. Not to mention just seeing Raihan, Leon, Nessa, and Sonia all chasing after the Royal twins and trying to get to Rose But the real kicker for me in this chapter (and honestly most of this Pokespe arc) was professor Magnolia. I am probably like one of 5 people on this planet who actually cares about old Magnolia but I was honestly super interested in the possibility of having an older female professor being involved in the plot of Galar...and unfortunately, as we know that did not turn out to be the case at all. So seeing her go wild on trying to drive the group to Hammerlocke, and even hinting that she did something like that in the past was a real treat to see. The other real kicker was the (scripted) emergency broadcast. I've mentioned before that I've always seen the royal twins as being better main antagonists for the main SwSh plot. I feel like the way Pokespe has been presenting them (them and Rose working together) really helps drive home the potential of Sordward and Shieldbert having a greater role in the Galar story. Them using their "celebrity status" (however meager it is) to try to sway Galar into letting them handle the crisis they just so happened to have a hand in is really cool. Couple that with them teaming up with Rose, someone who does have more social capital than them lowkey speaks to how in real life, a handful of connected people can really screw things over for the rest of us. While I was hoping to see a huge gym leader showing in Hammerlocke, it did make sense to see the gym leaders go back to defend their respective cities and towns. It was nice to see Bea and Allister both be frightened at the prospect, showing that even though they're strong trainers they're still kids. And not every kid is going to be this plucky little person ready to dive head first into danger. So it was nice to see that represented in two of our young gym leaders. Also seeing the subtle tension between Gordie and Melony in this chapter with Gordie pointedly doing the opposite of what his mom is doing was fantastic. Sou and Bede were also standouts in this chapter with Sou being uncharacteristically bold and rash dashing through the ticket gate in an attempt to get to the royal twins. We know he has an interest in the rusted sword and shield and judging by how incensed he was upon seeing the TV broadcast with the Royal twins brandishing them it'll be cool to see that final confrontation. And Bede is the responsible one for paying the fare, calling Oleana and instructing ticketmaster on charging Magnolia. It's nice to see the growth he's undergone since training under Opal The little part where everyone met up with each other is was super cute with everyone talking over each other leading to information getting lost (and Hop and Leon being more focused on saying hey to each other than anything else) I'm excited to see chapter 27 as we finally get the big audience with Rose who is more than thrilled at seeing his plan a success!
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flowertot-s · 3 years
Currently writing a OL fix but it’s a shitty, low budget horror movie and I’m about to bang my head into the wall because figuring out character tropes for the characters is surprisingly harder than I thought it would be? (I might have to do a replay of the game at this point :p) So far I have Cove as a hybrid of the Skeptic/ The Love Interest but I’m not sure... Your thoughts? 🎤
anon you have come to the right person because i am literally writing a thesis essay on horror tropes. i am so excited. 
here’s the our life crew as horror tropes:
jamie: final girl, obviously. my favourite trope of all time, i’m not even kidding. gender doesn’t matter with this one, anyone can be a final girl. the final girl is just the stubborn, intelligent, feral main character who uses their wit and quick thinking to be the last one standing. their love interest is cove, but i feel like he’d be killed off in a semi brutal way for their character development so they have a newfound motivation to absolutely decimate the antagonist. 
cove: my boy. my lovely boy. he’s definitely a skeptic which means he’s the slightly nerdy one who lives for a pretty decent amount of the movie’s run time before he’s killed for his love interest’s character development. rip babes but it’s for a good cause. second last to die, but proves very useful in providing escape methods and motivating everyone else. 
derek: the dumb jock with a heart of gold who sacrifices himself for one of the other characters. you grow to love him despite his hard-headedness cause he’s just such a great guy and you definitely cry when he dies. he has a big heroic moment before he’s BRUTALLY murdered in a super dramatic and emotional scene. 
elizabeth: it took me a minute to figure out who liz would be, but i personally think that she’d be the stubborn, hard headed girl who’s killed off because she was too proud to ask for help. definitely the one with the quick wit and the sass, but unfortunately no amount of sarcasm will defend you from a horror antagonist babes. definitely the first to die just cause she can’t keep her mouth shut. 
lee: sexy camp counsellor bimbo who has a thing for the dumb jock with a heart of gold. she seems a little pathetic and dumb at first, but that’s just a surface level understanding of what this specific trope is. she’s compassionate and always willing to help, and it’s this need to jump in and help whenever she can that eventually ends up being her demise. you grow to appreciate who she is as a kind, caring person, so it’s all the more heartbreaking when she dies. 
baxter: mysterious emo who ends up being more useful than he initially appears to be. seems a little weak willed and pathetic, but genuinely does try his best to help out where he can despite not being close friends with any of the main cast. he’s the one who first discovers the antagonist and everyone thinks he’s just trying to scare them. he dies while distracting the antagonist to help the others escape a perilous situation. 
ok but like i lowkey wanna draw some of these now
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cocogukkie · 4 years
2020 in review: kdramas (the heart fluttering, the disappointing, the saviors of 2020)
it’s december 31st! the new year is quite literally upon us (some of y’all are already in 2021) and my procrastinating self has chosen to upload this today. i’ve always loved these rec lists and I wanted to do one for 2020! this year was a rollercoaster for kdramas with some excellent ones and some not so excellent ones. i watched all of these in 2020 but not all of them were released in 2020.
if you want to use my questions to make your own list please do!! or give your favs in the tags, i’d love to read them. (fair warning, some of these have multiple answers bc i just can’t choose one!!)
drama that made me laugh
When The Camellia Blooms (2019)
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i finally got around to watching when the camellia blooms this year and it. was. so. funny. oh my goodness, the comedic timing in so many scenes was pure excellency and im kinda mad at myself that i didn’t watch this last year. this isn’t just a comedy for those who are interested, its a thriller/romance but its also so fucking funny. definitely watch this if you want to laugh (and be touched bc the emotional scenes in this one are beautiful)
drama that made me cry
Sweet Home (2020)
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hahah….. um this one is gonna go to sweet home friends. i went into this one with zero expectations and the first couple episodes didn’t really wow me? but i kept watching and holy shit fam. this show really picks up story-wise around ep 4 and makes the viewer love a lot of these initially unlikable characters. all i can say is that the end was devastating for me and i cried quite a bit. (warning, there are a lot of mature themes in this one so make sure you look for trigger warnings or send me an ask and i’ll list them all out for you) 
best OST
Itaewon Class (2020) 
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i loved the ost for itaewon class!! the music is just so inspirational and pump up music, its so good. my favorites are ‘you make me back’ by woosung and ‘start’ by gaho.
drama with chemistry royalty (aka the best couple) 
i have three for this one because i just cannot choose one. 
It’s Okay To Not Be Okay (2020)
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we recognize this one as one of the best things to come out of 2020. go moon young and moon kang tae have some of the best chemistry i have ever seen in a drama couple. i waited on the edge of my seat every single week for the next couple of episode just so i could fawn over these two. they work so well together, lift each other up, and so fucking funny together and support one another. while they’re not the chillest couple (lmao) they’re most certainly one with the most personality. they’re so cute and bicker and they just get each other. who could ask for more.
Flower of Evil (2020)
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our badass mom and dad 😭😭. this was another peak drama that came out this year and our married partners-in-crime-but-not-really had amazing chemistry. baek hee sung and cha ji won were so cute as a married couple but they were even more precious later on in the drama after certain things unfolded (no spoilers). they both just get each other and protected one another as well as on the most precious kdrama children this year, their daughter eunha. they were so wholesome, flower of evil is so very worth a watch.
Into The Ring (2020)
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this was one of the more underappreciated kdramas of the year but hoo buddy was the main couples chemistry top notch. they were so friggin cute and i just couldn’t. goo se ra is highkey one of the best female characters i’ve ever seen, she’s absolute chaos, lawful chaos, but chaos nonetheless. her other half, seo gong myung is opposite from her as lawful neutral. he’s just along for the ride that is se ra and loves her. they’re both so very fond and protective of each other and back each other up!! very very cute and you’ll definitely replay more than a couple of their scenes together.
most disappointing
Record of Youth (2020)
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it’s sad but true… i went into this one with so much hope and excitement (i was riding off that ‘psycho but its okay’ high) and i was vastly disappointed. the plot mostly focused on the male lead, and there wasn’t much characterization for the female lead which i didn’t like. honestly, i only cared about maybe 3-4? characters in the whole drama. the rest were absolutely terrible or plain boring and i ended up skipping eps 14 and 15 and just watched the finale. i would not recommend tbh.
drama you can’t really get through
Crash Landing on You (2019)
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this one is absolutely on me, i want so badly to love this one. but i just… can’t seem to get past ep 2? i’ve tried!! i swear, but i just cannot get through it. maybe in 2021, i can try again and i’ll enjoy it more.
drama everyone else liked but was meh
Kairos (2020)
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i though kairos was a bit predictable tbh. i know those of us who did end up watching it really liked it but maybe its because i watch so many crime/mystery shows that this one didn’t really do it for me. the writing is quite solid and everything connects well, i would recommend that those who don’t really watch thrillers, to watch this one. (also the friendship between the female lead and her two friends is suuuper cute and worth it alone to watch kairos)
favorite romance
It’s Okay To Not Be Okay (2020)
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yeah… this one wins again lol. what can i say, i just loved it so much and the main theme of the show is romance (its also a comedy and a mental health/healing drama) all i can say is watch this if you haven’t yet, its definitely worth it!! 
favorite mystery
Memorist (2020)  & Watcher (2019)
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i really enjoyed these two mystery dramas. both were super fun to watch and very kinda unique in their own ways. i liked memorist because it was lowkey funny and i liked the relationships between the characters, but most importantly i couldn’t guess the main antagonist by the end! i really thought i knew who it was and then i was completely wrong lmao. watcher was also very good, the main trio had really good chemistry and i really cared about all the characters. (also i’ll never say no to watching seo kang joon) plus the plot twists threw me a bit at the end which is always a feeling i welcome, i love being surprised and wrong (as long as it makes sense)
favorite slice of life
Hospital Playlist (2020)
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oh my goodness, i was late to the hospital playlist party and i regret it because this show is so. so. good. its just a slice of life following 5 friends who are doctors and work at the same hospital together but its so much more than that. this is honestly one of the first shows i’ve seen that are optimistic? in the show, every time i thought a plot was going to play out a certain way (usually negatively, as tends to be life unfortunately) it surprised me by taking the more optimistic wholesome route. characters in subplots changed for the better, became more understanding, chose to do the right thing, etc. if you want a feel good drama where the main characters have wonderful platonic chemistry and just care about each other but is also super funny, watch hospital playlist!! (season 2 is coming out early 2021 and im so pumped)
favorite fantasy
The Untamed (2019)
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this one is a cdrama but i watched it in 2020, mostly because of how many people on the internet were adamant that the rest of us watch this and ngl they were v right. the untamed was very very good and im really glad i gave it a chance and watched it, its also my first cdrama ever. the chemistry between the male leads is honestly what makes this show and its worth the 50? i think? episodes. to be completely honest the fanfiction for the show are peak and if you do watch this, go straight to ao3 and you will not be disappointed.
dramas that saved 2020
The Uncanny Counter (2020) & Run On (2020)
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these two dramas are among those that started airing at the end of the year and will go into the beginning of 2021 and absolutely saved the end of 2020 for me. while neither of these are finished, both have been excellent so far and worth starting. uncanny counter has the best use of the found family trope i have ever seen. i fucking love the four counters and their relationship with each other, how protective they are of one another. they all have amazing chemistry and the actors have amazing chemistry in the making films.
run on has one of the cutest couples that will definitely make my best chemistry list for next year. i didn’t put them on this list bc they actually haven’t gotten together yet but once they do, they’re gonna be freaking adorable, i can already tell. there’s no specific grand events propelling the plot forward, but just following the lives of these unique, interesting and relatable people who have casual yet entertaining conversations with each other. the show is super soft and the main couple are so straightforward and honest (plus theres mutual pining!!)
best dramas of the year
here are my best dramas (and one movie) watched this year, no further explanation given lolol. just watch them and enjoy because these are fucking excellent in the feels department. trust me 💞
It’s Okay To Not Be Okay (2020)
Flower of Evil (2020)
Itaewon Class (2020)
Hospital Playlist (2020)
One Spring Night (2019)
Midnight Runners (2017)
Hot Stove League (2019) 
I hope this gives you some fun stuff to watch!! or convince you to start that drama in your watchlists! 
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jaydenbarclay · 2 years
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( matthew daddario ; cis man ; he/him ; shove it by deftones ) hey, look! isn’t that jayden barclay? the 28 year old werewolf is known to be resourceful and dogmatic. they’ve been in town for his entire life and always remind me of skin decorated by scars and tattoos, loud music blaring in the distance, adrenaline rush. let’s hope they survive what’s to come. kitty; 23; gmt+2; she/her; no triggers
the second oldest barclay and the kid who refused to play peacemaker for his parents. in fact, he would make sure family dinner was even more chaotic and awkward than usual. it started off from a good place - jayden wanted to challenge them. to sort out the problem, instead of brushing everything off when he could see the tension between his parents. get it together or get a divorce. he did, however, end up taking up a more antagonistic role in the family, at least in his parents’ eyes. eventually, jayden wouldn’t mind it anymore. *insert a dramatic make me your villain speech*
tons of mommy and daddy issues as a result. once you get to know him, you’ll see how bad it is. he doesn’t easily open up to people, though.
was quite popular in his high school days. smart, straight As with very little effort, good social life, threw and attended some of the best parties, dated around a lot. he got sick of it though. his teachers spoke of ivy league, scholarships, competitions.. he didn’t want it. he didn’t want all this pressure. he hated everybody’s high expectations of him.
but the breaking point really was the night his partner lost their life and jayden triggered the werewolf curse. tw death one of the parties got busted by the cops. jayden and his partner, both very very intoxicated thought it’d be a good idea to hop on jayden’s motorcycle and escape before they got in trouble. a car came out of nowhere, he made the wrong turn. jayden was in a bad condition, but he made it out. unfortunately, his partner didn’t. end of tw
he never really spoke to anyone about how it affected him. he didn’t cry at the funeral. he didn’t cry at home. it’s as if he avoided the grief process. jayden started getting bad grades on purpose. he’d never been on his best behaviour, but his teachers tolerated it because of his sharp mind and good grades; now though, they had less and less reasons to do so. he dropped his kickboxing and wrestling classes & he had the potential to make it international.
why, they’d ask him. because i can, jayden thought. it was his reasoning for a lot of the shit he did, which obviously put him in a bad spot. he got nearly expelled and held back a grade on multiple occassions.
he’d self sabotage a lot, try to ruin friendships and relationships on purpose. a month after the accident, their graduation happened and although college was still an option, jayden didn’t go.
his reckless behaviour worried the pack. finally having come to terms with being a werewolf and embracing his powers, jayden did befriend a lot of other creatures he wasn’t supposed to be all buddy buddy with. though mostly, he needed the connections and the benefits it would bring him.
he’s still quite distrustful and will keep a close eye on people he doesn’t know well, even people involved with his siblings. he’s very protective in a lowkey way, without being overbearing.
seems controlled most of the time, but that’s far from the truth. jayden internalizes everything until it becomes too much and he blows up. can be very impulsive and reckless.
stubborn af, it’s his way or the highway. very very rarely will admit he’s wrong, but miracles do happen.
still keeps up the facade he doesn’t give a shit about anything and is all about having fun, doing whatever he wants, living his life the way he wants to, but he cares. and he gives many shits. don’t make him admit that!!
huge metal and rock fan if u couldn’t tell by the leather jacket and the led zeppelin tattoo. he’s got lots of tattoos, though the most special one to him is his dead partner’s name.
fun to hang out with if you’re down to do something stupid or hit up every bar in the city, but can definitely be hard to get along with or like bc of his strong personality and foot in mouth syndrome. will say anything that comes to his mind, no matter how hurtful it can be sometimes.
he is definitely more responsible now and tries not to repeat old mistakes due to recklessness, but old habits die hard.
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I've been rewatching all the Loki content to get ready for the new show and I have thought of A Phineas and Ferb AU™ for your viewing pleasure (and if anyone wants to turn any part of this into an actual fanfic I would owe you my life)
this post was brought to you in partnership with @dumbausfromdanville
You know how the first Thor movie ends with Loki yeeting himself off the Bifrost and falling to earth? What if, instead of going after the Tesseract, he falls straight to the Tri-State area?
Jane, Darcy, and Selvig all seemed to be on vacation, right? So Thor presumably took place during the summer — say, perhaps, ending on June 3? So he falls right onto Phineas and Ferb's rollercoaster just before it goes down that ♫ three-mile drop straight down ♪. He has no idea wtf is happening so it's not like he gets the chance to sit down and put on a seatbelt, so he's stuck holding on for dear life for the entire rollercoaster ride which Phineas and Ferb find weird but they're not really concerned bc they're chill lil dudes and tbh this isn't too far off a normal day for them.
Phineas and Loki strike up a none-too-pleasant conversation (not that Phineas notices Loki's bad mood; he's too Him to realize not everyone is rainbows and sunshine all day, every day), and our favorite lil disoriented demigod has to figure out where the fuck he is now ("You there. What realm is this?" "Danville 🙂" "Wut da fuk?") and what the fuck he's supposed to do now that he's here.
Phineas ends up inviting him to hang out for the afternoon, and Loki is about to turn him down but then he smells the pie. He's never had doonkleberry pie before so obviously he has to try it. Then, when Loki's no longer hangry, they can hold an actual conversation. It's lowkey more Loki wallowing in his own self-pity than anything else, but Ferb recognizes Asgard when Loki mentions it so he and Phineas piece together that he's a god pretty quickly.
More importantly, though, they figure out that he's completely alone, and because Loki never mentions trying to, you know, murder his brother and lowkey overthrow the monarchy, they just kinda assume Loki's family sucks (Ferb is completely prepared to start the anti-Thor club but Phineas stops him because he doesn't want his brother to get struck by lightning) and adopt him (without his consent, but it's not like he has anywhere else to be -- and he did like that pie).
Loki has no desire to build anything with the boys He thinks the idea of a backyard beach they make the next morning is stupid — even more stupid than a regular beach, and that's saying something. But over time, he gets more involved -- not just with the boys, but with the entire family. He helps the boys build their inventions. He talks about human history with Lawrence and corrects much of his knowledge on mythology. He lets Linda teach him how to bake seriously, her pies are so good. He even suffers through Candace's mall trips as long as he gets to go to that fro-yo place on the second floor (though he draws the line at any conversation involving romance).
He's still a little skeptical of the platypus (and he feels like the platypus is a little skeptical of him, too) but Phineas insists that he's "just a platypus" and he "doesn't do much." Loki doesn't realize that Perry's keeping an eye on him for OWCA, nor does he know that Monogram has absolutely no idea what to make of the dude so he hasn't actually told any of his superiors about him. As far as the government is concerned, after the fiasco in New Mexico, Loki just disappeared.
This makes it fucking hilarious when the boys accidentally steal the superheroes' powers in Mission: Marvel and the superheroes show up at the Flynn-Fletchers' front door only to see fucking Loki. Loki just shuts the door in their faces without a word because what the fuck?, but eventually Phineas and Ferb go check the door and they agree to help the heroes (much to Loki's chagrin), which, of course, isn't complete with Candace fangirling over them (also much to Loki's chagrin; she never fangirled over him). At first the Avengers are fully convinced that Loki is responsible for stealing their powers, and Loki never actually denies it because he's a little shit but Phineas, Ferb, and their friends are very insistent that Loki didn't do anything (except a little bit of manual labor putting together the satellites because they're 10 and he's a whole-ass demigod).
At some point, Thor and Loki have a very heated discussion about the events of Thor, and it's pretty much all news to the Flynn-Fletchers and their friends. They're not really sure what to make of it so they basically glue their mouths shut and watch it all play out. I'd like to think it goes something like it does in The Avengers and that a) Thor is pissed because what the fuck have you been up to Loki you fucking dumbass, b) Thor has been in mourning since Loki yeeted himself into the abyss and he wants to make sure the guy knows it, and c) Loki does not take it seriously at all he's being antagonistic the entire time because he is so sick of Mr. High-And-Mighty's shit. In the end, Loki storms out of the SHEDquarters and Phineas doesn't even think to try to stop him until he's halfway out the door and it's too late.
He shows up again when Phineas, Ferb, and the Avengers try to fight the bad guys in the mall with the wrong powers and he basically singlehandedly saves their asses until superhero Perry shows up. As everyone's favorite shapeshifter, he has absolutely no problem figuring out that this beaver duck dude is the Flynn-Fletchers' platypus. He has no idea what to do with that information, but it sure is information that he now has apparently. (At this point, poor Loki has a very warped sense of what earth is supposed to be like lmao).
Phineas tries to get Loki to come back with them after superhero Perry grabs them and carries them home. Instead, Loki cuts himself loose and falls like 30 feet straight down (and tbh after falling from the Bifrost, that's nothing to him) and peaces the fuck out.
Loki ends up accidentally bonding with Candace and Isabella over feeling useless and unwanted (and he absolutely gets his own verse in Only Trying to Help because it's what he deserves), but unlike the two girls who are hell-bent on changing that, Loki is content wallowing in his own self-pity. He's tried this whole "being important" thing before and he ended up in self-exile for it. He's not putting himself through it again because he really doesn't expect it to end well. But then the powerless heroes decide to face the villains again, and with Candace and Isabella in space and Perry nowhere to be seen, he realizes it is once again up to him to keep the tri-state area safe (which he knows is a stupid priority but he's gotten kind of attached to these stupid little humans and he wants to keep them safe).
Then the heroes get their powers back and they join Loki (and Perry and the mysterious waffle gun in the sky) and beat the shit out of the villains. Thor and Loki work together in the heat of the battle which serves as a Great Bonding Moment™, and once the villains are gone, they have a nice lil heart-to-heart where they both apologize for their past. Thor remarks that Loki seems to have grown a lot over the last couple of months and tries to bring Loki home with him, but Loki refuses. He'll never be welcome back into Asgard, no matter what Thor may say.
But he is welcome with the Flynn-Fletchers, who are completely over the fact that he tried to ruin Thor's life and take his not-so-rightful place on the throne (except Candace who's very skeptical about having him back but it's not like Linda will believe her if she tries to tell her what Thor and Loki talked about so her opinion is unfortunately as irrelevant as it usually is on the show).
And early the next morning, before anyone else is awake, Perry gets an alert that he's needed in his headquarters (presumably to talk to or about Fury). He quietly sneaks off, only to find Loki waiting at the bottom of the stairs for him. They have a very nice "conversation" (not that Perry speaks) about the superhero Ducky Momo they saw the day before, and Loki assures him that his secret is safe, thus starting a much-needed bromance between Loki and Perry because it's what my babies, goddammit!
Anyways yeah if anyone wants to write a fanfic about Loki hanging out with Phineas and Ferb during his self-exile I would give you a socially distant high-five because I want to read it but I have too many other fanfics on my plate to start this one for at least a few months. It doesn't have to follow this prompt literally at all (I swear I wasn't trying to get this in-depth with it but this is what I do apparently) or it can follow this prompt exactly idc i just want a PnF/Loki fanfic 🥺
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