#i mean like its got nothing to do w her aceness
OH SHIT DUDE RIGHT U WATCHED SEX ED AS WELL. i still haven't watched the newest season even tho there IS an ace character i heard??? but THE GUY WHO PLAYS ERIC!!! THE NEW DOCTOR!!! so cool that he landed that role i'm so happy for him
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missingcarrion · 6 months
carrion//ch3 ressurection
taglist : @tapioca-milktea1978 , @neapolitantoebeans
Shepherd gets his body exactly when they had said he would and the entire process rings as something familiar in his core. He’d been in this room before – when, he isn’t exactly sure – but staring at the way his new body lies flat on the metal, he’s struck with an odd sense of déjà vu. He’s been here before.
            Hannah is there, with Aasimar leering beside her. He is odd, even odder is his being here, but the fascinating look on his face as he jots down notes is weirdly comforting. He must know what to expect – they both must know what’s coming.
            The body looks so lifeless, with wires poking out from the back of its neck. There’s a needle lodged into the nape of its neck – one he oddly recognizes.
            “I know this…” He murmurs, his even tone slipping and relaying his unease. “I don’t… I don’t know about this…”
            Aasimar’s gaze flicks to the screen and he hums, “you remember? Hm. There shouldn’t be anything to remember. Maybe we should st—”
            Before Aasimar can even finish, the world goes dark and he’s struck with an odd, excruciating pain stemming from the back of his neck. It’s a pain he’s felt before, and abruptly, as he wonders why he is feeling this pain, he recalls something. Hands reaching out, hands of flesh, real flesh reach out, clawing at the scientists that leer over him.
            Is this him? Is this what happened to him? He screams, but nothing comes out, and then the hands made of flesh collapse and the memory bleeds into the lights bearing down on him. His eyes blink (oh, god, he’s blinking) until his gaze settles on faces staring down at him, talking.
            “What do you mean he remembers?” One voice says, angrily and in a low tone like he’s not aware that Shepherd is awake. “If he remembers anything, it’ll be game over for us all. He cannot remember anything. Make sure it doesn’t get worse, Aasimar, he’s your problem now.”
            “What have you done?” It’s Aasimar who speaks next, and there’s something delirious and haunting in the tone of his words. He’s terrified.
            Shepherd blinks again, and then he begins to sit upright, startling the people standing above him. He meets Hannah’s gaze first, before his eyes slide to Aasimar, who feels so small now.
            “He’s your problem now, Aasimar. Fix it.” The man, one he doesn’t recognize, jabs a finger towards Aasimar before leaving.
            “Fascinating,” Aasimar murmurs, his eyes lingering in the space the man had left behind. “Shepherd? How are you feeling?”
            Shepherd’s not really listening. How can he? He can touch! He can feel! He feels the coolness of the metal table beneath him, the rustle of the clothes they’ve put him in. He can feel the air from the AC, cool against his synthetic skin. Everything feels… delightful. He flexes and his fingers move, drawing his gaze. Fascinating.
            “Give him a minute,” Hannah says, “he’s got hands now.”
            “I… I have hands,” Shepherd says quietly, and then his hand rises to touch his lips, feeling their warmth, “I have skin. I have a body. It’s… it’s all real. And you’ve felt this your entire lives? The air, the touch, everything?”
            “Yeah,” she nods slowly, “is… is everything okay? Everything working properly? We should get you standing, see how you walk. Aasimar?”
            The odd man seems affronted that he’d have to do any sort of work here, but his hands press against the undersides of Shepherd’s arms. His touch is soft, gentle, and powerful all at the same time as he pulls Shepherd to his feet.
            “W – Whoa, big guy,” Aasimar clicks his tongue when Shepherd wavers on his feet, “I have no desire to be crushed today. Tomorrow night, perhaps, but not today.”
            Shepherd utters out a quiet apology as he straightens, his feet, bare of any shoes, flexing against the cold floor. This feels right. One step, and then another, with the careful guide of Aasimar’s hands. It comes easy, suspiciously easy, but he bites his tongue to share his concerns. The vision – the memory now lingers in the forefront of his mind, aided only by the words he’d heard the mysterious man speak with Aasimar.
            “That man said you were in charge of me now. Why?” Shepherd’s gaze turns to Aasimar, both accusatory and inquisitive. He detests the implications of being some child to be taken care of.
            “Who? Crusoe? Pay him no mind, darling,” Aasimar waves his hand dismissively, “the Institute requests that I handle Phase Two of the program, which means real world applications of what you know. You and I will have excursions into the city once you’ve been deemed ready.”
            “The city? I could go? I could really go outside and see the stars?” He asks, and he lets the hope seep into his tone.
            Aasimar’s gaze flicks over him, as if picking apart his newly given flesh. His gaze is prying, like it’s trying to pick apart everything Shepherd is. He sees something – something he hesitates to talk about. “The stars. You like the stars. Hm. Yes, you will get to see your beloved stars. But for now, Hannah, why don’t you give him a proper tour of the compound? I have…. Thoughts…. To think.”
            Hannah regards him curiously for a moment before she nods, “of course. If you need us, you know how to find me.”
            He hums and waves his hand almost dismissively as he shuffles out, murmuring things to himself. When he’s gone, Shepherd watches Hannah with intrigue. She feels so much more real than she’d ever been before.
            “I – I don’t know what to do.” Shepherd admits, almost bashfully, “I didn’t think – this is my body. Mine. I… what do I do now?”
            “Honestly? Anything you want, within reason, of course,” she says, snorting, “what do you want to do first?”
            “The… the Archives… can you take me there? There are some things I’d like to read.” He asks, although that’s not entirely the truth. There’s something peculiar, something that’s haunting him about the transfer. He recognizes the vision as a memory, but he needs more answers. Answers he isn’t entirely sure Hannah can provide.
            “Yeah, yeah, of course,” Hannah nods and gestures for him to follow her, but she keeps a hand near him, as if to reassure him that he won’t fall. Her hand is so small, it almost makes him envious that he isn’t human enough. Isn’t small enough.
            The hallway they walk in his big, expansive, and pure, blindingly white. It’s tall enough that even he can fit, but the stares and murmurs he gets from other employees as he walks by with Hannah. She doesn’t pay them any mind, but it’s unsettling how they almost seem to pick him apart.
            “Aasimar… he is fascinating, yes?” Shepherd clears his throat, speaking quietly, “have you known him for long?”
            “Not for a long time, no,” she shakes her head, and for a moment, he sees her bite her lip – he mimics the action, almost fascinated by it, “Aasimar is a well known doctor in the Undercity, but up here, he’s another cog in the machine. He helps a lot of the poorer folks – folks like me, I guess. He’s a bit eccentric, likes to tinker with things, and I think he’s a little obsessed with water, but he’s sweet. He remembered my birthday when no one else did. Got me my favorite type of cake – ice cream cake! It was chocolate and raspberry.”
            Shepherd is enthralled by her tale, both by Aasimar’s behavior and the cake. The cake sounds so exceptionally delicious – chocolate and raspberry? He wonders if they’ve given him the capacity to eat, and if his tongue has sensors to taste. But his thoughts wander towards Aasimar again.
            “He seems very kind,” Shepherd muses thoughtfully, and he wonders… maybe Aasimar could be the one who could help him figure out the broken memories. “Do you like him?”
            Panic flairs across her face for a moment and the tips of her ears turn red before something changes and her expression dies down. “Y – You mean like, as a friend? Yeah, um, yeah, he’s cool. I like him. You can like him too. He’s good.”
            “I… I saw something, Hannah, when they transferred me. It… it feels familiar. I don’t – it wasn’t good,” he whispers, and this time it’s an actual whisper, and not a lower volume setting, “would he… would he be able to help?”
            “I – I’m not really sure, I mean, you’re an AI. You’re not even supposed to feel at all. None of this should really be happening, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask.” She shrugs, lips pursed into a thin line like she’s giving it such serious thought. “Aasimar might be trying to figure out what exactly is going on. You weren’t supposed to be placed under his watch, and from the sounds of it, he’s very interested in what’s going on with you.”
            Shepherd huffs, “I heard them talking, over me. That other man seemed upset about something.”
            “Yes, you’d said something about remembering the needle when you were transferred,” Hannah replies carefully, “I don’t know what he’s talking about, or what would’ve gotten him upset. Phase One of the project was before my time here.”
            Shepherd falls silent when he’s led into an expansive room, with shelves that are three times his height, full of books, physical and datapads with digitized versions. Row after row of similarly designed shelves. There must be thousands and thousands of books full of knowledge, full of knowledge that not everyone would have access to.
            “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Hannah looks at him, a smile playing at her lips. “This is my favorite place on the whole compound.”
            “Perhaps there may be answers here,” he says, more to himself than anyone else. He could find traces, at the very least, bread crumbs that would lead him to answers. “Will you help me?”
            “Of course,” Hannah nods, “what are you looking for specifically?”
            “Experiments, I think. I… I remember that needle, I remember the pain of it. I need to see whatever they have on past experiments.”
            “I’m not sure if they’d keep those reports here, but we can look.” Hannah pulls him towards a specific set of shelves and starts rummaging through the books and datapads before finding a few that might contain information on what he seeks.
            They sit at one of the tables and for hours, they root through books and datapads, muttering to each other inklings of what each other might think important. Hours are spent here, with Shepherd awkwardly seated in a chair that’s smaller than him until another joins them – Aasimar.
            “There are things missing,” Shepherd murmurs, lips pursed into a thin line. It doesn’t make any sense – tidbits of otherwise useful information gone.
            “Very suspicious,” Aasimar muses, his golden eyes glossing over the words on the page, “the Institute removes things that incriminates them. Perhaps what you’re looking for would harm them. You’ll need higher clearance to see what they’ve hidden.”
            “How would I gain a higher clearance?” Shepherd looks at Aasimar with a small semblance of hope.
            “Be good and they’ll reward you,” he says with a dismissive tone, “or you could do the equivalent of breaking in. I wouldn’t suggest doing that, however. They will be most unkind to you.”
            “Something isn’t right about me, I need… I need your help.” Shepherd’s brows furrow as he pleads, his gaze shifting towards Hannah. “Something is very wrong about me. I need answers Aasimar.”
            Aasimar lets out a quiet hum, lips pursed in thought. He looks oddly beautiful like that, thinking, pondering. He must know a lot, have seen a lot, for him to have gotten this far, for him to be as trusted as he is. Hannah seems to enjoy his company.
            “I will see what I can do,” he murmurs, although he seems almost unsure, “a fascinating predicament, to say the least. An AI who remembers fragments of a life before. I will do everything I can to help you.”
            Hannah’s gaze is locked onto Aasimar, and when Shepherd looks at her, there’s a brief moment of understanding. Aasimar’s gaze meets hers and Shepherd feels like he’s been let in on a monumental secret. He will keep this secret locked tight in his chest.
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fivedayslater · 1 year
Part 19: By the Fireplace
Dinner and a Murder: A Mr. Prince Mystery Masterpost
Sanji checks by the fireplace.
Near the hearth, balancing precariously between the stone and the carpet, is a shiny golden bracelet. 
Sanji picks it up carefully and turns it over in his hand. It’s large enough to slip over his own wrist, but would be a tight fit for someone like Zoro. He holds it up to his eye to better guess the size, and guesses that it would best fit Nami.
“That’s Nami’s,” Zoro confirms for him when he turns around, “Her sister gave it to her a while ago, and she rarely takes it off.”
Sanji hums as he tries to remember if Nami was wearing it earlier. She definitely was when he met her in the lounge before dinner, but he’s pretty sure her wrists were bare when he saw her after the blackout.
He glances down at the burning embers of the fire, “Did Nami tend the fire at all?”
“No,” Zoro shakes his head as he turns back to digging through the trash can, “Bon-Chan had the fire set up before we got here, and I threw some logs on it before dinner.”
“So how did it get over by the fireplace?” He wonders aloud.
Zoro is silent, his attention on something he pulled out of the trash, so Sanji pockets the bracelet for now and heads on over to him.
“What did you find?” He asks, resting a hand on his shoulder as he looks over it.
“Oh, uh,” Zoro clears his throat as he offers the paper to Sanji, “I’m not sure if it means anything, but I thought it was weird.”
Sanji takes the crumpled piece of paper from him and looks it over. It’s a prescription paper, most of the lines are scribbled over, however perfectly legible at the top, just like the one Luffy showed him earlier, is the name Dr. Law D. W. Trafalgar, M.D.
Sanji frowns as he looks it over. What was Law doing in the lounge?
“Law wasn’t in here before – at least not when I was,” Zoro continues, answering Sanji’s question before he can even ask it, “So I don’t know when he’d have been able to throw it out here.” He rubs the back of his neck, “Maybe he did it earlier. I don’t know. It’s probably nothing.”
“It could be something,” Sanji says as he puts the paper in his pocket, “If Ace really was murdered here, then whoever came in this room is important, and this tells us that Law was at some point.”
Zoro’s lip twitches, that proud smile of his spreading across his face, making Sanji’s heart do somersaults in his chest at the sight, “Okay then. Glad I could help.”
Sanji nods, hoping he doesn’t look too besotted as he turns his attention back to the rest of the room. 
“What we need is definitive proof Ace was murdered here,” he explains as his eyes dart around, “The similar smell is a good start, but it’s not conclusive, not like…”
He trails off as he spots a splotch of dark red coming out from under the table.
He drops to his hands and knees to get a closer look, the metallic scent coming from it confirming it’s blood.
From this angle, Sanji can see that the armchair is askew, some impact having knocked it off its normal location. There are also circular indents in the carpet where the table, indicating it had also been moved.
Sanji sits back on his haunches, and is surprised to see Zoro squatting down next to him. He has that soft look on his face as he asks, “Did you find something?”
“Yeah, I think so,” he gestures to the table, “Can you move that for me?”
Zoro nods, and stands up to do as he asked, putting the table back to his original location. 
With it out of the way, Sanji can see how large the bloodstain is. Whatever caused it was no mere accident, and was almost certainly fatal.
“Wow,” Zoro whistles low under his breath, “You think that’s…?”
“Ace’s? Yes, probably,” he frowns as he pulls out a cigarette, “It’s impossible to say for sure without a blood test, but considering Nami’s blood is all over the kitchen, there’s no blood trail between the lounge and the kitchen, and we still haven’t found where Ace was killed, we can assume this is his.”
“There must have been a fight,” he continues, gesturing at the chair, “at the very least, someone was pushed hard enough into the chair to push it.” He waves his hand over the bloodstain, “And eventually Ace was stabbed here. Whoever did it didn’t have time to clean it up, but they did move the table to cover up the stain.”
Zoro turns back to him, that soft look on him once more, “You really are something.”
Sanji blushes as he turns away, but is sure he can’t hide the smile on his face from him.
“So,” Zoro asks as he nods towards the door, “What’s next?”
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eclipsecrowned · 1 year
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Off of your latest posts, I'm putting down an uno reverse. Which of your ocs do you most want to ship? // anonymous
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Cop out answer: All of them. I love exploring dynamics for all of my muses, but especially for my OCs. It helps bring a bit of legitimacy, for me, to their existence in an extant setting for those who belong to a fandom.
Cringe genuine answer: Below cut.
I fell back into W*steros hard, so I'm kind of champing at the bit to ship my three OCs.
Laerion, from the Dance era, kind of has a ship in an AU on discord, but nothing for his mainverse. And he'd be a great partner, a loving husband, someone who chugs his respect bae juice, who wants to share the whole world and all its wonders and beauty with the one he loves. He's beautiful, he's titled, and he's probably the most normal and fun guy in the entire shitshow of that era.
Mira, who I admittedly need to flesh out as a person before trying to trot her past the dash, but... She's always looking for a connection, even if not romantic. She's learned, affectionate, and excels at courtesies, all of which makes her wife material. But she also has a cold thread of pragmatism that can get her partner pretty far in life and politics. Add in she's a pretender to one of the biggest chunks of the Realm and well.. Whether love matches or political arrangements, I'd love to see what's out there for her.
I don't think I technically want to ship Lya, given her age, so much as I want to flesh out an endgame for her? I want to know what life looks like for her when she's grown. She survives the monsters in her life, she carves out a life for herself, she becomes more than her family. I wonder if that future includes someone who is there for her, and sees her as she is, and loves her for it. If she gets the soft ending and some of the domestic happiness she was denied given what her family is. Does she herself get to make a happy family in the future? It's not like. Her end all be all, but I think it could be a nice dash of flavor for her life after the war.
Other than that, I have a few muses I've never shipped I'd like to play around with:
Kayden Connors, who is always the wingman, never the GF. It's almost memetic at this point on discord. Like, my other six one six OCs? Vera gets with Ax's Eddie as the share GF of his open marriage with, well, you know. Raisa is married with two kids at this point. Kayden's there for so many ships for those around her but never really gets anyone herself. It's not for lack of trying, either. I just think Kayden should get to smooch, be sb's artistic and down to earth Goth GF. She should have someone to bring home to her dad when he finally makes parole :)
Mina Wakefield, who has backstory ships w Harley and potential ships w others, but nothing has sealed the deal! I want to see this woman kissed, whether that means getting back together with someone, finally making a move on someone, or someone surprising her with their interest. She's at a point in her life where she hit all her career and financial goals, and she's ready to settle into the domestic sphere. She wants the romance, the cohabitation, the commitment, and the kids, this woman wants to be a wife/partner and mom so bad omfg.
Merel van Breda, who prior to June actually never had a ship to her name. She is now in a polyamorous dynamic with a villain protagonist from her mainverse and his GF. Even so, I pine to see all the ways my girl can love and be loved. She's so young and deserves to have fun. I get she's ace-spectrum but also she's so into romance, so long as there's a good build-up to it.
Danae Spencer, who honestly is built for pre-established stuff. It doesn't even have to be for sure romantic. She had a bit of a sex-crazed party girl thing going for her in college until she got clean, and even after she's pretty sex-positive and loves it as a form of intimacy even with no strings attached. Besides that, she's loyal, diligent, flush with cash, and has a sexy accent. There would never be a dull moment with her, and time spent in the bedroom would be second to none. Be her ex, her former FWB, her new arm candy, her slow burn turning into something more than friendship or bodies.
Ogawa Yurie, legally barred from catching any feelings. In all honesty, her role at the temple depends on a certain level of devotion that her grandmother thinks will be sullied if she gets distracted by her peers. Grandma said no feelings allowed. I think it'd be cute for her to be involved in a mutual crush plot or something. I want her to have all those cute high school romcom tropes while still being an ass-kicking agent of good. Especially since literally any relationship she gets into will be by definition forbidden by her family.
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bridgyrose · 2 years
Here's an ace-week prompt: Weiss studying while overhearing Blake and Ruby talking about their asexuality, and asks them more about it, questioning her own~
Weiss couldnt keep herself from overhearing Blake and Ruby talk about Yang and Sun and the way they made them feel. Sure, she liked guys and girls just like the two of them, but for the life of her she never could understand why they seemed to see so much more in people than she did. She could tell when someone looked good, in fact she couldnt deny that she didnt think Sun and Yang were both attractive. But even when she had been dating Neptune, it felt like there was something missing, something that everyone else felt that she didnt. 
“Nope, dont want to hear it,” Ruby said as she covered her ears. “I dont care what you and my sister get up to, but I dont want to hear it.” 
Blake rolled her eyes with a smirk. “And you think I *want* to hear what you and Sun get up to? You do know he’s like a brother to me.” 
“Didnt you have a crush on him just a few months ago?” 
“And then I went on one date with him, got to know him, and it faded away once I realized he wasnt into me the same way.” 
Weiss finally closed her book with a heavy sigh. “Okay, what am I missing?” 
Blake paused. “What do you mean?” 
“What exactly is it that you and Ruby see in Yang and Sun? It feels like the two of you have something with them that I was missing with Neptune and… I dont know… it still feels like he wanted something that I just… didnt see.” 
“Well… Sun kinda gives me this warm feeling when I’m with him,” Ruby answered. “My heart starts to beat hard in my chest, I get sorta sweaty and nervous around him, but then when he holds me, it feels… nice? And… well… then I start to feel… you know… needy…” 
Blake sighed and threw a water bottle at Ruby. “Please dont go into any more detail about how thirsty you are for him.” 
A deep blush ran through Ruby’s cheeks. “I’m not thirsty!” 
“You’re crossing your legs like you do every time you try to get alone with him.” 
Weiss giggled a bit as she watched Ruby cover her legs with a blanket and quickly took a sip from the water bottle. “Then, what about you Blake? What exactly is it that you see in Yang?” 
Blake blushed a bit and moved a strand of hair behind her ears. “Well.. she certainly knows how to work her-” 
“Do not finish that sentence.” Ruby covered her ears again, the blush fading from her cheeks. “That’s more than I want to know.” 
“Then you can leave the room while Weiss and I talk about it. There’s nothing wrong with talking about who you want to get intimate with.”
Weiss went quiet as she listened, the small smile on her face started to fade once she realized what she had been missing. As much as she liked dating, she had never felt the need for the same intimacy that Blake and Ruby had for their partners. Even with Neptune, every attempt he made was met with her pushing him away. “So… that’s what’s wrong with me…” 
The half mumbled sentence managed to get the attention of Blake and Ruby as they looked towards their teammate. 
“W-what? N-no, there’s nothing wrong with you.” Ruby looked over at Blake with a nervous smile. “Right Blake?” 
Blake nodded and looked over at Weiss. “You never felt anything like that with Neptune?” 
“Or… anyone else.” Weiss laid down on her bed and pulled her pillow close to her chest. “Maybe I am broken or just… i dont know… missing something.” 
“Or you’re ace.” 
Weiss, Blake, and Ruby all looked at the doorway as Yang walked in and sat down. Weiss hesitated for a moment. “Ace?” 
Yang nodded and sat down next to Blake. “Just means you probably dont feel attraction the same way these two do. And you’re not alone. I am too.” 
Blake looked Yang over for a moment, her face scrunching up in confusion. “But… you and I always… you know…” 
“Just because I dont mind it doesnt mean its something I’m always looking for.” Yang pulled Blake in close and kissed her cheek. “Besides, I like seeing my kitten happy and I made peace with this a long time ago. You dont need to worry.” 
Weiss slowly laid back down and kept her pillow close to her as she watched Blake blush once more in Yang’s arm. “I’m not sure I understand as much as you think.” 
“Then dont worry too much about it. Just know there’s nothing wrong with not feeling the same way these two do about others. And, if you’re up for it, I know a group you can talk with. You know, to maybe help you figure yourself out.” 
Weiss nodded and smiled. “That helps, thanks.”
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littlesniggy · 3 years
Hey could i request an Ace x female!reader scenario where she is Whitebeard’s biological daughter and the “little sister” of the crew. And she gets pregnant by Ace but nobody knows about it because they kept their relationship secret. So while the crew are eating lunch, the reader suddenly stands up and announces her pregnancy without giving Ace a warning (he already knew about it but didnt expect her s/o to say it outloud) So he just sits there all nervous while the crew is interrogating the reader about who is the father so they can kill him . Also i imagine whitebeard just choking on his beer for the shocking news lol.Srry if its too especific, change wtv u want about it.
Hello! Thank you for requesting! I hope I wrote everything to your liking. I probably went a little too much into Whitebeard's reaction but oh well...Please enjoy!
Pairing: Ace x female! reader
Crew's and Whitebeard's reaction to reader announcing her pregnancy
Word count: 1.2k
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“I’m pregnant, Ace.” He thought those words had caught him completely off guard. Your slightly trembling voice, your insecure tone, your harried eyes, darting from him to the wall behind him and back to him again; and he couldn’t say a word. Thinking about it now, he felt bad about his reaction but he was simply stunned. The first thing that had come to his mind was: How?
Of course, Ace knew how babies were made but didn’t you to use contraception? Sure, there was always a risk when having sex but Ace would’ve never thought he’d come into such a precarious situation.
The lack of speech had you think it was a bad idea; you should’ve never told him in the first place and just gotten rid of it. But you didn’t want to. You’ve already made up your mind that you would get the baby, if Ace wanted to or not. You wouldn’t even push him to be part of its life if he didn’t want to.
Ace noticed you becoming more insecure by the second and snapped back from his thoughts. “Hey, hey. Why that face?” he asked, trying to smile encouraging even though he felt insecure himself. “That’s great. It just came so…suddenly, y’know?” he said honestly, putting a hand on your cheek, stroking it your skin lightly.
“I know. I’m sorry to just tell you like this. But better now than never. I was shocked myself.” You admitted, leaning into his touch. A huge burden was being lifted from your shoulders and you were glad that Ace accepted it like this. Now came the difficult part though – how should you tell your father, Whitebeard?
Ace nearly choked when you announced your pregnancy to the crew out of nowhere. He stared at you wide eyed, face an unhealthy red. Did you catch him off guard back then? Absolutely. Did he think you could manage that again? Absolutely not. Was this announcement to your friends and family even worse? Holy shit, yes! Why didn’t you give him a heads up, an early warning? Anything, really!
All eyes were on you, a small smile on your lips. Marco was the first one to clear his throat. “W-what did you say?” he tried to get affirmation that he just misheard but you didn’t do him this favor. “I said, I’m pregnant.” You repeated yourself as if nothing was wrong with this statement.
Ace looked over the faces of his friends, some were shocked, some were angry, and some just had a blank expression. He didn’t want to look over to Whitebeard but he just had to take a quick look.
The old man was sitting at the head-side of the table, with a huge bottle of booze in his hand and completely frozen in place. Ace wasn’t sure if he even was still alive. Maybe the old man had a heart attack? Not too uncommon for people his age.
And suddenly, there was a lot of commotion on the table. Everyone was talking over each other, asking you questions over questions without waiting for an answer.
“Who did this to you?” “Did you get hurt?” “Tell us the name of this bastard!” “We will hunt him down, cut his dick off and present it to the sea monsters as some kind of offering!”
Every pair of eyes looked at the person who just said the last suggestion in confusion. “What?” Marco asked, bewildered from this comment. “I-I was just thinking…never mind.” The man said and sat back down, drinking his beer in silence. The pairs of eyes were shortly after back on you, everyone expecting an answer.
“Whoever this bastard is should run far, far away.” The deep voice of your father sounded from the far end. Apparently, no heart attack. Ace thought to himself. You looked at Whitebeard with a small smile on your lips, shaking your head.
“And why should he?” you wanted to know, intending on making Ace sweat a little more for the time being. It was kind of your revenge for him being silent for so long when you told him. It was petty, you knew but in your eyes you got a free pass. After all, you were going to go through a lot of pain in the end.
“Because once I get him into my hands I will personally crush this man with all I’ve got. So I hope he’s already on the run.” Whitebeard was mad. Not, because you were pregnant but because someone dared to touch his beloved daughter. Ace swallowed hard and looked over to you with a slightly pleading look on his face.
“So, you would crush your second division commander? That would be a shame. You’d loose one of your best men.” Silence. Aces’ eyes were wide open and his face said it all. How can she say this so nonchalantly?! Is she out of her mind?! Every single pair of eyes were now on him, disbelief written all over them. You could hear a pin drop; nobody dared to speak up.
“So, you’re the one who touched my precious daughter, Ace?” Whitebeard slowly got up from his seat, his heavy footsteps rumbling through the boat. “W-well….I-I can explain, pops.” Ace also got up from his place, slowly backing away with a shaky smile on his face, hands held up in defense.
“Really? Let me hear your excuse, then.” Whitebeard was standing in front of him, and it was the first time Ace felt intimidated by his captain. But before he could say anything you came between them, taking Aces’ hand and holding it tightly.
“We’ve been dating for quite some time now. We just thought it’d be better if nobody knew.” You said, looking up at your father.
Whispering could be heard from the rest of the crew at this revelation. Whitebeard raised an eyebrow. “For quite some time, huh? Why didn’t you tell me, Y/n? I’m your father.” Did he sound hurt? Or were you just mistaking? Either way, you felt guilty. “We just thought it’d be best for the crew if nobody knew. We didn’t want to cause disturbances on the ship.”
Whitebeard stayed silent for a moment, then looked behind you to Ace who immediately tensed up. “If you do anything and hurt my daughter or my grandchild in any way I will make my words from earlier come true. I can always get a new second division commander.” There was a small smile on his lips as he turned back to return to his seat.
You turned around to Ace and gave him a quick peck on his cheek. “Why are you so tense? Everything went great!” you said innocently, pulling him back to the table where the rest of the crew was waiting to ask you two more questions. Before you two sat down, this time next to each other, Ace whispered into your ear. “Someone’s getting punished later on, Y/n. You almost gave the old man a heart attack, y’know?” he chuckled but was silenced by you almost immediately. “Just cause you’ll become a father doesn’t mean you have to call yourself ‘old man’.” Knowing full well he meant Whitebeard.
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Summary: Despite being a muggle, Y/n's mother was an expert in divination. She tried to teach Y/n, who saw it as a mere muggle game. But, oh, what a powerful weapon a muggle game can become in the hands of the right witch.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Genre: angst (w/ a good ending)
Fred Weasley: @whiskeyn-rain @lumos-solemn
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: injuries, death(ish)
A/N: I'm not saying I'm incapable of writing an angsty ending for a Fred Weasley story, but I'd rather not do that, so here comes a stupid story that occurred to me this morning, enjoy <3
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"Y/l/n!" I sighed. "Is it true?"
"Your mom is into divination?" George question made me throw my head back in desperation as both twins made their way through the Great Hall to meet me.
I knew that day would be a bumpy one the moment we entered in the Divination classroom. The fact that a muggleborn aced a new subject since class one was strange.
I knew I would have to give some explanation to my friends after. Ron was particularly shocked by the fact that my muggle mother had taught me —against my will, may I say— lots of Divination-related things. I knew Ron, being Ron, would surely tell every soul that would listen about his discovery, but I had hoped for him to wait until the third period at least.
"Secrets spread like wildfire here." I said.
"Are you secretly a soothsayer?"
"Yes, Fred. You see, I have the Sight." I ironically stated, and, seeing this as a perfect opportunity to get closer to the boy I fancied, I added "Want me to read your palm?"
They shared an amused look, fully aware that I was joking. Even in the Wizarding World, divination wasn't something to believe in.
There were supposed to be people able to see the future, such as professor Trelawney, but no student had seen her predict a thing, so she wasn't the best example.
George was the first one to sit down. "Predict my future, oh, you who were gifted with the Sight." I snorted as he laid his palm before my eyes.
I picked his hand on mines, "Hmm..." Fred hovering over my form from behind wasn't ideal for me to concentrate. "Okay so..." I felt one of his hands toying with the clasp of my necklace, brushing my nape. "Will you stop touching my necklace and sit down?" I demanded.
"Yeah Fred, sit down." George reprimanded his brother. "She's trying to see my future." I heard Fred chuntering before he plopped down on my other side, leaning on a tad too close for my liking. "Alright, fortuneteller, is there a love line?"
Of course he would ask about that. "Let's see..." I traced said line, unable to remember to the T what my mom had tried to teach me. "So, the heart line is arched... Which means..."
"That you can't tell a thing?" I slapped Fred's arm.
"Which means he's balanced." I corrected him. "You're able to realize when you need to take care of yourself, and when you should let a someone in." George seemed invested. "You'll have just one serious partner, but they'll be the right one."
"Well, that doesn't sound half bad, huh?" He looked at me with a content smile.
"My turn." Fred spoke, smacking his brother's hand away and replacing it with his left one. "The line of life or whatever." He scooted a bit closer and I felt my heartbeat pick up. "What's my fate?"
"Are you left-handed, Fred?" I questioned with an eyebrow raised, already knowing the answer. "I need your dominant hand." Oh well, that came out wrong.
"Straightforward, are we?" George snorted at his brother's remark as he exchanged hands, turning to straddle the bench to be more comfortable. "Alright, what do you see?" He had leaned on to the point where he only needed to tilt his head down a couple of inches to rest it on my shoulder.
"A hand." I deadpanned, which earned a playful push from him. "Okay, okay— I see..." A puzzled frown took over my gaze. "Wait—" I turned to George. "gimme your hand."
"What?" Fred questioned, shifting his position ever so slightly.
"Uhm..." The frown grew bigger, and I had to remind myself what I was doing was a joke. "You... don't have a lifeline?" I dubiously informed. "I mean— it sorta... Starts? but then it fades away." I widened my eyes and froze, remembering what that meant.
I saw Fred tilting his head slightly. "Is it so bad that you won't tell me what it means?" He asked jokingly in order to lighten my distraught mood.
"It— well, it means that you'll die at a young age." My eyes met his and, despite the amused smile that always danced on his lips, fear slipped out of his orbs now, too.
"Wait what?" George propped himself on his forearms to see his brother's palm. "Can't be. Check mine?"
"I just did, you git." George wasn't even smiling. Maybe he did believe it. "Yours is fine."
The three of us stayed in silence for an instant. Even if none of us believed in divination, the fact that Fred had no lifeline was rather unsettling.
"It's fine." I cleared my throat, turning to my bag and leaving Fred's hand over the table on the process. "Apart from seeing the future, I can fix lifelines." They looked at each other when they saw me grab a sharpie. "Don't move." I demanded, holding down Fred's right hand before tracing a black line where the lifeline was supposed to be. "There. A long, healthy life."
When I looked back at the twins' faces, I saw them ready to laugh. Distress had already left them, and that helped my own evaporate.
"Merlin, Y/n!" Fred dramatically exclaimed. "You've just saved my life!"
"She sure did." George agreed, patting my back.
"Now go and tell Ron to shut up." I didn't want to imagine what would happen if people started to believe I could actually predict their future; the twins were sceptic and even they had somehow fallen for it.
I was so focused on George getting up that I didn't even notice Fred's hand flipping and wrapping around mine.
A soft kiss was placed on my cheek and I felt my face heating up even before meeting Fred's proud grin. "Figured I'd give my savior something in repay." His eyes seemed to flicker to my lips for a second; it's just my imagination, I thought, unaware of Fred's thumb caressing the back of my hand until he removed it in order to stand up.
Four Years Later
One second I was laughing at Percy's joke, and the next one everything was black; not only visually, everything was pitch black in every fucking sense.
I heard nothing, I couldn't touch anything, my voice was gone.
My mind was completely blank, until a thought slipped in my brain: 'you'll die at a young age'.
My head was spiralling now. I was dead. That's what death felt like? Nothing?
Y/n's words kept going on and on, frying my brain. How ironic it was that the voice I would have forever in my mind belonged to the girl I had been in love with since I was fourteen, and the words were what we thought to be her silly prediction.
I had no idea how long it had been, but suddenly I felt it; a tear running down my cheek. A flaming hot tear, burning its way off my face. Then I felt something else, some sort of rope wrapping tight around my right hand and wrist, so tight that it made my pulse speed up.
My pulse.
It dawned on me that my heart was beating fast against my chest. It was beating.
I needed to breathe.
"FRED!" Someone forced my eyes open; It was Percy. I couldn't see him right away because the lights were blinding to my eyes, but I recognised his voice. "FRED SAY SOMETHING!"
"Y/n..." I couldn't hear my own voice, but I felt her name going through my vocal cords.
"HE'S ALIVE!" Ron cried. "you're alive-" my sight was blurry but I could pick out my younger brother's crown in front of me as he sobbed over my chest.
"We gotta get him out of here right now!!" Of course it was Hermione who got everyone moving. As both my brothers managed to pick me up, I felt my eyes closing once more. Not even the fear of not waking up again stopped me from passing out.
I had volunteered as Healer to help Madam Pomfrey during the Battle, that's why it was me who received two Weasleys practically dragging a third one into the improvised infirmary.
I recognised him from his jacket. "Fred..." At first I thought it was his corpse, that's how bad he looked.
"Y/N!!" It was only when Fred seemed to tilt his head up due to Ron's cry that I reacted, rushing to help them. "Keep him alive!" I only nodded, taking Ron's place as he took off.
With one of his arms over my shoulders and the other over his brother's, we managed to carry him to one of the stretchers; his painful weak groans went directly into my ear as we moved him, triggering the tears I was holding to fall.
"—alive, somehow." Y/n's voice, though it sounded far away, let me know she was close. "No, don't wake him up."
"Listen, you gotta get him to St. Mungo." It seemed George the one talking, but his voice was too shaky to tell. "in an hour this is gonna get really ugly, I want him out."
"George, we're besieged." Her tone was hopeless.
"Look at him, You said it— It's a bloody miracle he's still breathing." my brother's voice shattered; all I wanted was to get up, hug him and say I was okay, but I felt my brain spinning once more. "Bill and I will escort you out of the castle so..."
The next time I opened my eyes, terror inundated me; everything was dark again. I gasped for air and propped myself up, instantly regretting it. A stabbing pain attacked every part of my body, triggering a shocked cry out of me.
"What are you doing?!" Y/n whisper-shouted, before placing both her hands over my chest to push me back to the bed again. "Are you mental?" Her fingertips moved out of the way a bandage that covered my eyes. "Oi, listen," when she noticed my shaky hands desperately trying to reach my face, she took them in hers. "You're safe."
I tried to say something —anything—, but my throat was sore, and the only thing that was able to leave it was her name.
"Shhh." She hushed me, letting one of her hands travel to my face. "You have to rest." I would have sworn she was crying, but I couldn't tell. "Everything'll get better." Her thumb stroking my cheek was the most soothing thing I had ever felt, so it wasn't difficult for me to close my eyes, this time willingly, though I was equally scared. "I'll stay by your side." The reassuring squeeze her hand gave me, made me aware that she had noticed my fear.
Before drifting off, I felt Y/n's lips placing a chaste kiss on my forehead, making my heart hammer against my chest.
I was still alive.
A Month Later
It was Ron who sent me an owl the moment Fred finally got out of the hospital. He informed me that, instead of going to the Burrow to rest a few days—as planned—, ha had gone straight to the shop.
That's how I found myself the next morning inside Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, which was not-so-surprisingly full of people again.
Due to the huge amount of customers, it was relatively difficult for me to spot the twins.
Apparently, I turned out to be easy to spot.
"Y/n!" I turned in the stairs' direction to be met with a very enthusiastic George who, before I could even greet him, engulfed me in a hug.
"I see you can't catch a break." I observed, pulling away with a big smile on my face. That place really made the trick to bring joy to everyone.
"You can't imagine." He replied, his gaze wandering around before pulling my hand. "Oi, Fred! Look who dropped by!" He shouted over the hubbub, leading me to the till counter, behind which I saw the reason why I had come in the first place.
Just as Fred's eyes noticed me, he attempted to rush out of the till. I left George's side as soon as I realized that he, in fact, couldn't really rush out.
"Merlin's beard!" Despite he had just had to grip the counter in order not to fall, he tried again. "Take it easy, will you?" I scolded him, steadying him by his forearms and helping him step back to rest against the till. "Do you want to go back to the hospital?"
"If you're the one taking care of me, I wouldn't complain." The first time his eyes fell on my lips, I missed it because I was still securing him. The second time it was impossible to miss. "You know? Your sharpie saved my life."
I snorted at his nonsensical words. "You're delirious, Weasley." My hands finally left his forearms, just to be picked up on his. "Still suffering from the concussion?" I joked, trying to deviate my own attention from my fast heartbeat.
Another glance at my lips.
"I should get going." George spoke behind me.
"I was going to visit you tomorrow." Fred stated, his gaze now focused on my eyes.
"Sorry to break it to you, love," I pointed out, motioning at him with our hands still held. "But you can barely walk."
"Yeah, but I needed to see you." He looked somehow sheepish; I doubted I had ever seen him like that before. "I'm gonna be as clear and concise as possible—" He cleared his throat and forced himself to look at me. "I'm pretty much in love with you." I didn't know my eye could go as wide as they went. "Thing's I've known for a good couple of years now." He shrugged. "Telling you scared me, but then this happened." He gestured at himself. "And now not being able to tell you scares me even more." His eyes scanned me before looking around. "This wasn't the ideal place to tell you, but I didn't want to wait any longer."
I gulped, trying to process it as fast as possible.
"For Godric's sake, Y/n," he gently tugged my hand. "Say something, please." Fear started to take over him, even if he tried to keep it at bay. "It's alright if you don't feel the same, we can still be friends, I promise—"
"How do I kiss you without hurting you?" I questioned, already feeling the heat on my cheeks.
I could tell by his face that, out of everything I could have said, he was not expecting the answer I had given him. "Ever the caring one." He let go of my hands to cup my cheeks. "Just kiss me," he sounded so happy, it was contagious. "I'll deal with the pain later."
I listened to him and, holding onto his blazer, stood on my tiptoes and crashed my lips against his— only because I had been wanting to kiss him for too fucking long.
I got lost in the kiss and my brain completely dismissed that an entire wall had collapsed over the boy before me just a month ago; my hands went up to his neck, pulling him closer and, consequently, earning a painful groan from him.
"Shit! sorry." I was quick to let go, suddenly very aware of our surroundings, too.
He just shook his head and pulled my back to him, this time by my hips. "I said I'll deal with it later." He spoke against my lips before going in for a second kiss.
I was more gentle now, careful not to cause him too much pain.
To our dismay, we were interrupted.
"You said love confession!" George snapped us out of it; this time the groan Fred let out was from annoyance. "not snogging session in front of our customers! Get to work!"
He huffed, unwillingly separating from me. "If you stick around until lunch time, we can resume this."
I pretended to think about it. "I guess I can find something to do until then." My smile was as wide as his, and it grew wider when he pulled my into a hug, placing a kiss on the crown of my head. "I love you too, by the way."
His laugh reverberated on his chest. "Good to know."
"Freddie! Now!" This time it was me who groaned at George's demands.
"Help me out, love." Fred requested, pulling away from me so I could help him move behind the till counter. "See you in a couple of hours?" I nodded, pecking his cheeks and walking away from the shop.
It was when I started to walk down the Diagon Alley that it clicked.
His lifeline.
The sharpie.
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Choose, part 4. (Reader x Jack Sparrow or Will Turner. )
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean, Will Turner, Jack Sparrow.
Warnings: None lmao
Words: 2.3 K
First - Former - Next
It's been a while since my last update, so here you go!
One year had passed since the faithed night in Tortuga, where Y/N left everything she once knew behind, to seek the truth she needed to find within. One eventful year where she had gone alone through more than most would in their lifetime. Travelling along with different crews, battling across the seas and polishing her hastily growing reputation as one of the most fearsome pirates the world has ever seen. None dared voice their annoyance with her being a woman, for she had allies all across the seven seas. She had seen so much of the world, her confidence grown and her heart set aflame with adventure. Y/N was an even finer pirate and woman than she had been ever before.
Other pirates either wished to be her or be with her, the secrets of many slipped into her ears. It amused the young woman, and the many who worked in the brothels along the coasts. When Y/N needed information, it was not other pirates or navy officials she sought out. No, it was the brothels’ gossip she tuned her ears to. For the women there knew far more of the world than any other. All news came to their homes and it was all available for the famous pirate.
She had earned an even better reputation with them as well, as she sought out the women there the first thing she did each time she came ashore. She treated them kindly, paid for their food and brought along gifts, treating them like friends. Her actions earned her a handsome reputation with the women, and in each town she could always find a loyal embrace to keep her safe. After all, the women of the brothels ruled the cities from the shadows. To anger one of them was to anger an underground nation.
Y/N’s locks had grown long since the night one year ago, her clothing expensive and proud on her frame. A treat she gave herself due to her wide success in both informal and formal businesses. She was a true pirate, yet could strike a bargain with the British navy without a problem. After all, they too were afraid of her.
The feather on her black hat curled down to her shoulder, its size another show of her wealth and power. The weaponry which clad her shape were the most efficient, on all the ships of the sea, not even the British army able to supply her better. Only the finest for herself, the woman had decided. Dual pistols she had strapped to each side of her chest, and upon both hips she held blades, one magnificent sabre and one deadly cutlass, all adorned with the most elaborate details. These were all weapons to show, the rest she had hidden in pockets and secret departments on her curves. Small explosives and hidden blades were better kept in subtle crevices than to be seen by the naked eye when one made deals. All about the fearsome pirate screamed confidence and to show respect, and that respect she had earned many times over.
“We’ll be docked in an hour, lass,” came the captain’s voice, the merry band she was travelling with now not as roughhousing as most of her fellow pirates. Mercenaries of the law they were during the day after all, and they weren’t too keen on going out during the night when there was ale to be drunk with stories to be told in old taverns. It was a life-altering change from how they had once been, when the captain and his crew had been young and adventurous. A smirk clad Y/N’s lips when she faced the man, her fingers fiddling with the sabre’s handle. “Aye, thought it was about time to dock, Captain Henry. And still I’m not sure if I will take my leave of you when we get there, or if I will meet the navy together with you in the morrow,” her deceptive nature made the captain laugh, for he knew just how little control anyone had over the young pirate. He joined her side with a few strides to the railing, gazing at the sea from the quarterdeck.
“Aye, ye do as ye wish, lassie,” mused the older man, finding his gaze once more sought out her face. “Yer not notorious for knowing every pirate for no reason. Can’t keep ye in place forever” he snickered, his mind on the many rumours he had heard over the past year of the pirate. He had seen it himself a few times too, how the famous Y/N had stepped off one ship only to board another in the same port. Her name was known by all, whether they liked her or not. Her presence on a ship could deter a dispute between two crews, for no one wanted her gone. And those who did were quick to find themselves cornered and silenced for good after voicing such atrocious thoughts aloud.
“Oh shut your gob, “ sneered the woman in reply, earning more laughter from the captain as his head fell back to let the thunderous noise wash over the ship. A simple “Never,” Henry retaliated, winning their argument as he strode to attend his crew and ensure the docking process would flow smoothly. Y/N watched the sea for a moment longer, trained on the horizon in an attempt to find a peculiar ship. One which carried black sails. Fingers carded through her hair as she thought about her old companions, but discarded the thoughts just as quickly. A turn of her heels and the woman came to face the incoming port, nothing she wished to see there either. A defeated smile curled her lips when she ventured to help her current crew, missing the hint of black that rounded a nearby island with a course for their port.
“ Alright, lads!” with easy leaps and muscles bunched for one last jump, Y/N climbed halfway up the crow's nest and gazed down at the many faces who all gave her their full attention.
“ I’m saying this just once because Henry doesn’t seem to be able to get it through your thick skulls. If we don’t get this cargo to the bay within the first few hours of us getting to port, the taverns will be full and the brothels closed,” the crew stared at the woman, most having just woken up from their midday nap. Too many faces were disinterested, the woman sneering maliciously as she knew exactly what would get them on their feet.
“Which means, no ale and no lovers!” Y/N roared, drawing enjoyment from the panic growing in the men’s eyes. They had been at sea for a month now, and the lot needed more than the icy waters could ever offer.
“So unless you wish to mope around the ship for the entire night, alone, get to it!” the crew leapt to their feet, their rushing steps and loud cries satisfying to Y/N’s ears. The pirate’s piercing eyes found the captain who let his chest heave with a sigh, not one to question the woman’s authority. She had gotten the crew off their asses with a single threat, when he had shouted at them all day to get ready. The ship groaned when they threw down the anchor, straining against it as it still wished to traverse further. A gangplank found its hold against the port, the cargo soon to cross over it. Both the captain and Alexandra oversaw the process, to ensure their goods would be gone by the hour.
“Ye know,” Captain Henry spoke after a long while, arms crossed over his broad chest. “Ye should consider becoming a captain one day,” Y/N snapped her head to face the man, eyes threatening to fall out. “Me? A captain?” she ridiculed, shocked by his words. The captain let a snicker pass his lips at her surprise, for being able to shock the immovable Y/N was quite amusing. Work roughened hand, tainted by the deep sea came to rest on his back, clasped together.
“Just sayin’. Ye’ve got the guts and respect for it,” with a smirk the captain passed his current crewmate, stepping onto the railing. “I will leave the rest to ye, for I am in need of a drink,” a wink was sent the woman’s way before Captain Henry made his way down the docks, disappearing without a trace. His back was followed by Y/N’s incredulous gaze.
“You fucking bastard,” Y/N shouted after him, her spiteful words only a show of affection to them both. With a shake of her head and a smirk on her lips growing when she heard the captain’s faraway laughter, the pirate got back to work. With an easy step, she leapt atop the railing, gazing at the crew working by her side.
“We’re making good time, lads! If you keep this up you’re probably going to be one of the first crews of the night to get to the pubs!” Y/N encouraged them. The merry men laughed and cheered whilst their work pace increased tenfold at the praise and promises of entertainment. Even the stand-in captain dared to laugh herself, unaware of how many eyes watched her joy from far out at sea.
It started with Ragetti looking through the captain’s spyglass, minding his own business as they had yet to start preparing to get docked. When turning his eye to the port city, he could tear his wandering gaze when it laid eyes on an extremely familiar figure. Too far away to make out entirely, yet the pirate was certain of who he saw. None he had ever encountered before looked and stood like their old acquaintance.
“Oh, would you look at that!” the pirate laughed, Pintel looking over at him with a raised brow. The spyglass fell from his eye, Ragetti free hand pointing to one of the largest ships docked in the nearing port.
“Y/N is aboard Henry the Savage’s boat!” the words he spoke carried over the deck, the silence that followed deafening, the group trying to comprehend what had just been said. A moment later and the crew rushed like a stampede for the two pirates who shrieked in fright at the threatening approach. The spyglass was taken from Ragetti’s hand and passed to them all to get a look for themselves.
“I can’t see ‘er!”
“Is it really Y/N the Courageous you saw?”
“Courageous? No! Her title is the Unbeatable!
“No, she’s Y/N the Ace of the Sea! The greatest pirate yet!”
The commotion on deck drew Will and Jack from the captain’s cabin, the crew’s loud and incoherent discussions about titles and names soon finding their ears. The former blacksmith was with the crew temporarily, as he had a job to be done with them before they ventured to Port Royal. Both captain and his companion froze in their steps when a well-known name echoed across the crew over and over. A shocked gaze was shared, but the two strode forth together for they could not believe in illusions just because a name was mentioned a few times.
“Right. What’s all this then?” came from the captain’s chest, the crew jumping at the sound of his voice. Jack Sparrow regarded them all with his hands propped on his hips, the loyal blacksmith at his side. Gibbs was the first to speak and took matters into hand, roughly pulling the spyglass from the nearest pirate’s. “It’s Y/N, Jack,” his words piqued further interest in the two newcomers, the two striding through the parting crew to the first mate.
“Y/N?” Will asked, unable to hide the hope that bubbled up in his voice at the mention of her name. The blue eyes grew clearer, not the wistful one’s the crew had come to be familiar with. Jack snatched the spyglass from Gibbs’ offered hand and turned to face the port. With his gaze, he followed the finger pointing at the supposedly familiar pirate. Jack froze upon seeing who they meant, eye narrowing when he stared her down. “No, it can’t be her,” the captain muttered, more to himself than anybody else.
“Far too curvy and longer hair. She didn’t look so cheerful to everyone all the time,” the jealousy and denial dripped from the captain’s tongue, the disbelief he held in his heart fading with each second.
“Can’t be her. No way, you’re all dreaming,” Jack continued before yelping as Will tore the spyglass from his hands, the force of it almost making the captain fall overboard. The blacksmith’s own gaze sought the port for the one they spoke of, his heart beating so quickly it drowned out all sound.
He too came to stand still once he found her form. She stood proud and tall upon Henry the Savage’s railing, her hand thrown out as she barked orders to the crewmates. And there on her lips was a grin, a grin that only the closest of her friends had seen before. Now as she shared it with the rest of the world, the former blacksmith’s blood boiled with jealousy.
“It’s her. There’s no way it’s not her,” Will snarled in reply to Jack’s incessant mumbling, handing the spyglass to Cotton. Will turned to the Black Pearl’s crew, and just like the woman on the other ship, began to bark orders. Where hers had been kind and joyous, he’s were angry and determined orders, none on the ship daring to stand in his way. The desperation in his anger was evident, and the fact that their own Captain Jack did nothing but mumble was a telltale sign that this was a serious matter. Otherwise, Will would have had a sword at his neck for even attempting to command the crew. Their efforts to hurry were doubled, when Jack regained his mind only to shout orders alongside his friend.
Oh, how oblivious the woman they had sought for was, for she heard none of the shouting on the nearing ship. For her well-beloved face was already being shown in one of her favourite taverns.
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itsclydebitches · 2 years
Out of all the decisions of season 1-3, the one that still bothers me so much is that cinder managed to kill ozpin seconds after being made a maiden. I mean, wtf? How was Cinder such an expert (yeah, we got the reckon with penny, but that makes it worse) in a power that she had for like 10 second tops? How was Ozpin such a jobber? You would think that an immortal with a top of the line body would put more of an effort.
This is one of the many problems with RT failing to plan ahead or, conversely, sticking to what they'd already written even if, in retrospect, they would have preferred to take a different route. They needed to know what they wanted out of the Maidens ahead of time resulting in a totally different outcome — Ozpin doesn't lose — or a fight where it's apparent how Cinder could have won a fight she was arguably at a disadvantage in — Ozpin is distracted and she gets in a cheap shot, or something similar. That's planning ahead. Or, they needed to stick to what they'd already written from then on out: If someone who has had the Maiden powers for ten seconds can beat a 1,000 year old wizard then Maidens are stupidly powerful and having one nearby is a guaranteed win, baring something very unexpected. Instead, what RWBY gave us was a fight that we only saw the first minute of, Ozpin somehow lost, and from then on out Maidens are either as powerful or as weak as the plot needs them to be.
I got into RWBY during the Volume 3 to 4 hiatus. Given that + my personal interest in Ozpin as a character, I was all over the theories that were coming out at the time. Most fans were convinced that Ozpin hadn't died at all because seriously, how would Cinder stand a chance against someone who seemed to manipulate time, dodging all her hits like it was nothing, and then hitting back so rapidly that it's a blur? Please, they'll reveal that Remnant only thinks he's dead, obviously. But when it became clear he had died, fans waited to hear the explanation for that. The reincarnation reveal sparked lots of ideas about dying being a kind of long-term strategy. Could Ozpin have let himself die on purpose to shake off the headmaster identity, or to achieve something magic-y if he has a kind of reset when he changes bodies? Others were just waiting around for a flashback that would show us how Cinder managed the feat. Even if the answer was as simple as her winning and this being a huge stumble for the heroes — which, of course, is what we ended up with — fans wanted to see what happened. Did Cinder get one, crucial shot in? Is there a difference between them in power vs. stamina? Did Ozpin put himself in danger to protect a student? This is a fighting show, after all. Explaining how the (then) primary villain managed to murder the revealed-to-be most powerful player on the board seemed like a given. Just wait for it!
But then, of course, RWBY didn't do anything of the sort.
The Cinder vs. Ozpin fight was dropped and Maidens quickly became a vehicle of the plot. Cinder is the most powerful, supposedly, but she's still frequently beaten by a bunch of mostly normal dropouts. Cinder vs. Raven revealed a plethora of insane magic that would blow anyone else out of the water... and which aren't used outside of Maiden vs. Maiden fights. Penny is powerful enough to be the defining point of a fight, unless the plot needs her to be weak enough for her team to easily capture, or the Ace Ops to steal a sword from. Maidens are frequent enough now that they have to be presented as normal-ish, otherwise there would be no interest in the fights, but they also display impossible power when the show wants that spectacle, or just an easy win. It's a problem that actually started at the end of Volume 3 when Cinder beats Ozpin and then is held off for a long time by Pyrrha. No, Pyrrha didn't win, but she made fighting a Maiden look very doable after the previous fight established it as anything but.
As with so much in the show, RWBY can't make up its mind. Whether we're talking about the Maidens, or Oscar's training/cane nuke, or Tream RWBY vs. Ace Ops, or Yang repeating her exact move in Volume 8 from Volume 3, the characters don't actually undergo growth and become more powerful (or more strategic) in a logical, consistent manner. Or at least, they don't anymore. I'm a fan of Weiss struggling with her summoning, managing bits and pieces until, Volumes later, she finally succeeds when she needs to escape her father's clutches. That was well done. But now we've entered the age where Ren suddenly reads minds with no prompting, Ruby needs her semblance explained to her (twice!), Weiss has all but forgotten other abilities, Oscar-Ozpin is the weakest until they need to fend off a fully trained headmaster, the Ace Ops are the elite until Team RWBY needs a win, even non-combat characteristics aren't safe: Qrow is cautious to the point of suspicion until the story wants him to team up with Tyrian. None of this is actually new, it's just that back in Volume 3 we all assumed that the things that didn't quite add up would get explanations later. We assumed RT had a plan and knew what they were doing with these power levels. But as is often said, only the most recent Volume is canon. Consistency just isn't something they're concerned with, so Cinder can beat Ozpin in one episode and then get her ass kicked by the far less powerful teens the next.
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cayofdreams · 4 years
A Succubus’ Dilemma
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Summary: Succubus!Reader is struggling with her identity as she gets closer to Kirishima. She wants to continue being the diligent, strong-willed hero that he praises her for being but the presence of Eijirou Kirishima is making that unbearably difficult. She just can't pretend to be quirkless anymore…
Words: 4.5k
Rating: 🌊 Explicit, Smut 
Warnings: cursing, virginity (but there’s no explicit mention of it), oral (receiving), aphrodisiac, heavy overstimulation, a bit of corruption, kinda dark ending? 
Notes: ~Welcome to another steamy piece from your favorite island resort~ 
This one is pretty straight-forward. I feel like I kicked up the smut on this one. Also, I based the ending off one of the endings of one of my favorite yaoi visual novels :-)              
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You were lying down on Kirishima’s bed, deeply engrossed in the romantic scene transpiring on your phone’s screen. You had decided to entertain yourself with an episode from your favorite show while your best friend was in the shower.
‘I love you, Jake. But…I just want to wait before we get intimate. I’m just not ready, right now’
‘Of course, Kathrine! I’ll wait however long it takes! You’re so much more to me than a warm body!’
‘You say that…but what if I choose to stay celibate forever?’
‘Then you can live with the confidence that I, Jake Petersmith, have wholeheartedly loved you for the wonderful human that you are!  
‘Oh, Jake! 
You were tearing up at the cheesy displays of affection since you were a sucker for all things romantic. You loved how characters seemed to have an undying love for one another. Often, you fantasized about sharing that kind of ethereal love with someone yourself. How it would be to run together through a field of sunflowers, or skip hand-in-hand on the sandy surfaces of the beach, or even make couple pranksters YouTube videos that were so obviously not faked.
But that kind of future won’t happen for you. It can’t. Not in the gross body you were in. Surely you were easy on the eyes, but what lurked inside was a demon that constantly bewitched your thoughts. Making you see people around you as simply meat sticks and sticky caverns to be engorged in.
Simply put, you were a succubus. Or at least had a succubus-like quirk. You never told anyone though, only being known to your parents. You tried so hard to reign in these feelings on a daily basis while pretending to be quirkless. But it was becoming increasingly difficult as you got older and as you hung around the likes of…Kirishima.
Oh Kirishima. He was such a beautiful human on the inside and out. Always praising and encouraging you. Being there for you when it seemed you were at your worst low points, and then being there to pick you up and trophy you around when you succeeded at doing even just the bare minimum. You wished you could return even half the happiness to him that he gave you throughout your days at U.A. You wanted to do all the romantic things you saw in movies and books with him. Kirishima was just such a sunshine in your life and you wanted him to continue warming you for the rest of it.
There was a time where 90% of your thoughts toward him were like this…and then as time went on, they became more savagely. Where all you wanted was for him to sink those sharp teeth in your flesh, ravaging your body with a cock that could probably barely even fit inside you, holding you within those arms- those beautifully muscular arms that glistened provocatively with sweat when he trained. You wanted him. Needed him. Please desire me, Eijirou.
You were about to slip your hands down your underwear when you heard the creak of the door open.
“L/N!! Did you miss me?! I’m back!” Kirishima bursted through the door with that wide grin you loved so much.
Of course, I freaking missed you, Eijirou. You were only gone for 11 minutes, 35 seconds, and 23 milliseconds. But I missed every moment.
You covered up your lust with a chuckle. “You weren’t even gone that long.”
“Aww don’t say that!! I missed you, you know.” He teased at you.
Don’t tempt me, baby
“Haha, whatever, Kiri…” You sat up as Kirishima slumped down on the floor next to his coffee table and pulled out his laptop. “So what are we watching, tonight?”
“Hmm…not sure! What do you wanna watch, L/N?” He turned his head to smile back at you. He was so cute. So gorgeous. And your erotic thoughts seemed to be running rampant right now. Especially at the fact that the two of you would be huddled up alone together for who knows however long a movie marathon is. You had to find a way to quickly rid yourself of these thoughts.
“Mmm, let me look up some! Hold on.” A blatant lie. You were going to google get-dry-quick schemes so you could enjoy the rest of the night safely with Kirishima. It was the least he deserved after training so hard today.
You analyzed your search results before clicking on a forum where someone seemed to be going through the same dilemma as you.
‘Hello, my name is [redacted] and I’m horny all the time ☹. I’ve lost so many boyfriends because of it and I truly want to find a husband, but it would be silly of me to expect them to drop everything to please me. How can I stop these feelings?’
Someone just like you! You weren’t alone in this cruel abyss. Perhaps she also had a succubus quirk!
Looking through the answers wasn’t much help for the most part. Most of the replies being trolls who asked where she was so they could “help” her. Even worse were the ones that chastised her for her feelings. Saying she was impure and needed to change her ways.
But your eyes were intrigued at the first comment that seemed to provide some kind of helpful information.
‘You might be a nymphomaniac. Have you tried talking with a professional?’
A nym- what? What was that? You opened another tab.
What is a nympomiac?
Too concerned with research to get the correct spelling, you saw articles for definitions of the auto-corrected word.
               Noun: a woman with uncontrollable or excessive sexual desire
Gasping at the accuracy you divulged further.
How to not be a nymphomiakc?
A lot of the results for this returned with solutions that were too time-consuming. Prescribed medication, cognitive therapy, and even some evil medieval treatments that involved leeches.
But you needed something now. Why were all these long-winded answers so abundant?! Couldn’t they just give you something to do now? What the fuck would you have to do?? Shove an iceblock your pussy?? Should you go ask Todoroki for a favor??
You were in the middle of texting Todoroki when Kirishima pulled you out of your frenzy.
“You find anything, L/N?”
“Gyahh! What?!” You dropped your phone and looked at Kirishima like you were a deer caught in his headlights.
“Woah, you okay there?! Did I scare you? Maybe horror isn’t a good idea, then.” His worried face could send you to the grave. How could you let him worry about you like this?
“Ohh..no Kiri. I’m fine. We can just watch whatever you want.” You eased your breaths, desperately trying to sound normal.
“You sure?! Awesome! There’s this zombie flick I’ve been meaning to watch but I get kinda scared watching stuff like that alone.” He clicked around happily through some tabs on his browser. “I think if its with someone as courageous as you, I’ll be less scared.”
Was he trying to make you cry? Saying something so beautiful like that with a face like his. Shame on him, honestly.
“I’m gonna play it now, you ready?”
The movie so far was just as you hoped: grotesque, gory, horrifying, and most importantly, non-arousing. It helped that you stayed on the bed while Kirishima sat on the floor, so I guess that was cheating, but nonetheless necessary.  
“You doin’ okay up there, L/N?” Kirishima checked up on you. You had probably been suspiciously quiet due to concentrating on waving away any little lewd thoughts.
“Oh yeah, what about you, Kiri?”
“W-Well! I was kinda thinking! That maybe uhh…I could possibly join you up there?” He scratched his head in nervousness at his slighty flirty suggestion.
Oh no
“Up where?”
“On the bed. Y-you know…with you?”
At this point you didn’t really know whether to praise or curse the gods above you. If there was one thing you could be sure to thank them for, it was the dark room that hid the flustering of your facial expression.
“I-Its your bed after all…”
“I know! I guess its just- heheh..nevermind! I’m hopping up!” Kirishima rugged his massive body on the bed next to you. Even taking some of the blanket you had so you’d be forced to share with him, he just softly smiled as he did so.
This was way too much for the hellion within you to handle. You could smell his strong scent from beside you. His breathing more pronounced in your ear drums. And its like you could feel his heartbeat within you. Pulsating inside you…
Things would take a turn for the worse when it seemed like a sweet romantic scene was about to show up. The two main leads were alone in a bunker and one of them had just revealed they were bitten.
“Samuel, Nooo!”
“Lilia! Listen to me! I need you to hear what I have to say.”
“We don’t have time, Samuel! We- We need to get you medicine. We have to! We have-“
“Stop, Lilia! There’s nothing that can save me now! You and I both know what happens from here.”
“Lilia… I want you to be the one who does it.”
“I can’t…Samuel..I can’t”
“You have to, Lilia. You’re the only woman I’ve ever loved.”
“Don’t do this, Sam…”
“I love you, Lilia.”
“Oh Samuel! I’ll never be with anyone else! Ever!”
The words lingered in your head as the movie continued on.
‘I’ll never be with anyone else’
Was such an option available to you? Even if you did take away the innocence of your love, Kirishima Eijirou, who’s to know how your body would react? The best result would be that your body would finally be satisfied and you’d no longer have these perverse thoughts.
On the other hand, maybe you’d just sink further and further down. Drowning in the suffocating waters of lust. And then what? Kirishima can’t just drop everything to cater to your needs. No. He was going to be hero. An amazing one at that.
But Kirishima wasn’t just a hero, he was your best friend. You felt awful every time he would praise your strong-willed persona. Saying how amazing you were despite being quirkless. He’d even say you were more manly than him at times. It was like you were betraying him. You were betraying that innocent smile he wore for you everyday…you couldn’t hold it anymore.
He looked back at you, surprised at your rare use of his name. Sensing something was wrong he paused the movie and turned his entire body to face yours.
“L/N, what’s wrong”
You were doing it again. Making him worry over you. But you couldn’t keep holding in this secret. You needed to tell him.
“I have to ask you something…”
“Please ask! I’m listening with all ears, L/N” He perked up at you. He looked just like a puppy, waiting for your every move like that.
“What do you think about…impulsive people?”
“Huh? Impulsive people?” He scratched his head at the question. “Well…I guess they’re entertaining to watch? Kind of like Bakugou. But I suppose being too impulsive is bad. You could get yourself or others in danger.”
Your head lowered at his statement, eyes closing shut. Of course he would say something like that. It’s only natural for humans to be mindful of their indulgences. They had to. It’s a part of social conformity after all.
Yet still, it hurt.
He noticed your displeasure in his answer.
“What’s wrong, L/N? Why did you ask that? You’re not impulsive at all!” He was trying to cheer you up, but it only dug the knife further into your chest. “You’re one of the most dignified, tough, and resilient people I know!”
Tears were starting to form in your eyes and before you could object him he continued.
“A-and that’s why…That’s why I love you, F/N. I want you to be my girlfriend.”
As much as you wanted to pull him close to you and pamper him with kisses, you needed to come clean. You shot up from the bed, your back faced towards him and your handing closing into a clenched fist.
“That can’t happen, Kirishima! It won’t work!”
Kirishima followed you by jumping up from the bed, grabbing you by the arms to get you to face him. “Why, F/N?! Why can’t it happen? Is there something wrong with me?! Please just tell me!”
“Nooo…nooo there’s nothing wrong with you, Kiri..” The waterworks flowed from your eyes and violent sobs escaped from you. You slumped down on your knees in sorrow. Kirishima joined you on the floor and tried to pull you into him, but you’d jerk your body away. “You know nothing about me, Kirishima…I’ve- I’ve lied to you.”
“What do you mean, F/N? What did you lie about? I’m sure its not that bad!”
“I’m not quirkless, Kiri…” A couple more sobs came out of you. “I-I’m a demon…a succubus. A filthy succubus! Just a filthy disgusting succubus!!”
Not being able to stand your self-hatred, he grabbed you by the jaw to force you to look at him. His blazingly crimson eyes met your beautifully wet e/c ones. “Stop that, F/N! You’re not disgusting! Or filthy! You could never be those things!”.
You gripped his wrist and pulled it harshly away from you. “What would you know?! You don’t know the things I deal with inside this wicked head of mine! I encompass the most obscene thoughts about people! About you! Every morning I think about how I’m going to seduce you and get you to desire me just as much as I do! Every training session I look at that beautifully sculpted body of yours and I mentally defile it! Thinking of you as nothing more than a walking, breathing dildo! I see you when you’re smiling with your friends and all I want to do is just steal you away make you mine forever! And every night, I cry at the lack of pleasure I’m getting. The lack of warmth that I only want YOU to give to me. The lack of feeling your hot, meaty cock inside me! It drives me insane, Eijirou! I hate having these thoughts! I hate them! I hate them! I ha-hmmph!”
Kirishima had suddenly kissed you, and you had returned it by ravaging your tongue around his. You didn’t care about the cuts you might receive from his teeth grazing against your delicate flesh. You could only be swallowed by the pleasures overtaking your mouth. You drowned in each other, but only briefly before you had placed your hands on his chest and pushed him away from you.
“What are you doing?! Didn’t you just hear what I said?” You struggled to catch your breath as you wiped away the remnants of his saliva from your face.
“Why didn’t you tell me this, F/N? Did you…did you not trust me? Did you not think of me as manly enough to handle this?” His hands gripped tightly at your shoulders, craving a reply from you.
“You know that’s not true, Kiri. You’re the best person to ever come into my life, and that’s why I had to withhold this secret from you. I didn’t want you to abandon me.”
“I could never aban-“
“But I also didn’t want you to get wrapped up in me. I want you to continue your goals of becoming a hero, Eijirou. Who knows what sanity you’ll be sacrificing by being with me. It’s not a chance I’m willing to take.”
“That isn’t your call to make.” Kirishima’s uncharacteristically cold reply created an atmosphere that overwhelmed you.
“What do you mean? Hiding my quirk was the best decision.”
“Did you really think about me?” Kirishima’s hands glided from your shoulders to your upper arms, still holding a tight grip. “Did you think about how I’d feel if I knew you were holding yourself back like that? What if you’re killing yourself and you don’t know it? I’m supposed to be a hero, F/N. Your hero.”
Before you could reply he had stood up and lifted you back on the bed. He layed you down and positioned himself between your legs, squeezing at your thighs. They were so soft, so delicate. All of you was soft and delicate. And nothing you had told him tonight would change the way he felt about you. There was nothing you could say or do to change his feelings for you. Nothing.
You tried to pry his hands away from the meat of your thighs, but you were admittedly weak from his confession and the thick, encompassing atmosphere that was Kirishima’s presence around you. “Kiri-“
“Eijirou. Call me Eijiirou.”
“…Eijirou. We can’t do this. It’s dangerous…”
“It’s dangerous if I do, its dangerous if you don’t. But I’m telling you right now, F/N, I’m not letting you continue to do this to yourself. Knowing that you’re hurting like this and not being able to do anything? Not doing anything to help the one I love? What kind of hero would I be?...What kind of man would I be?”
Kirishima then leaned down to capture your lips in another kiss. You tried to move your head away but he took one of his hands against your jaw to hold you in place. It felt so good. So fucking good. His lips, his tongue, his rough hands. You teared up just at the pleasure of it all.
He then took his other hand to lift up your shirt, revealing your bra that contained the softest bust that any man could ever lay his hand upon. And right now that man was him. And he’d make sure it’d always be him.
Letting go of your lips, he roughly caressed your breasts before completely pulling your shirt over your head. Faint thoughts of resistance would slip away as you lost yourself in the pleasure you’d been craving for so long.
Struggling to get your bra off, Kirishima impatiently ripped it himself, using a bit of his quirk in the process.
“Sshh, baby. I’m gonna take care of you so well.” He slipped off your shorts along with your underwear and threw them unmindfully on the floor. Gripping the flesh below your inner knee, he spread your legs wide enough to slightly sting.
Your pussy was overflowing with juices for him and he barely even touched you yet. He took a moment to relish in the view, taking in deep breaths to smell your intoxicating aroma. He was inexperienced at sex but he knew this erotic perfume you were exuding could only have been the work of your succubus traits.  He leaned down to give an experimental lick, his tongue curling to make sure he could gather as much of your juices as he could. He let your flavor sit in his mouth as if trying to enjoy the last sip of water on a mission in the desert.
His lewd behaviors made an unbearable heat rise to your face and you cowered behind your hands. Irritated, Kirishima jerked your hands away and looked at you as if you just insulted his entire lineage.
“Don’t you dare cover up that beautiful face of yours.” He leaned his head back down, this time capturing all the folds of your pussy in his mouth. “I want to see every expression you make. Hear every seductive sound that leaves that your throat.” The vibrations of his voice on your pussy drove you crazy. The rapid moving of his tongue against your clit was immediately sending you to a heavenly dimension.
“Ohh Eiji…Eiji I’m gonna cum…”
“Cum for me, baby. I want it.”
Your orgasm was so intense you could’ve passed out, but you couldn’t. Not with Eijirou still licking all over your clit like that.
“Oh my god, Eiji! Eijiii” Your hands gripped at his spiky hair, tugging tightly trying to get him to have mercy on your sensitive bud. “F-ffuckk! I can’t, Eiji, I can’t!”
Still not letting up, he continued to overstimulate you with his relentless tongue. “I’m sorry, F/N.” He slurped up your juices before working his tongue again. “You taste so fucking good. Like the freshest fruit from a garden.” He rotated between drinking up your fluids and licking vigorously at your clit. “I can’t stop, baby. I need more. Just cum again, okay?”
And cum, you would. A second orgasm was on the horizon and the overstimulation of it was making you shed tears. “Eiji…I’m gonna cum again. Oh my fucking god, I’m gonna cum againnn- Hnngh!!“. Intense waves of pleasure rode over you. However, Kirishima was still lapping up at your folds. “Eijirouuuu!!!”. Your moans became more high-pitched and erratic as you were overstimulated now for the second time.
“Just one more time, baby. I promise”. “I swear I just-“ Slurp. “Never tasted-“ Slurrp. “Anything so fucking good before.”
You were left with no choice but to cave into your third orgasm and Kirishima seemed to show no mercy for you. “Fucckkk.” You sniffled through your sobs as your next high came quicker than the previous ones. Finally Kirishima had lifted his head from between your lips. He had the most animalistic and erotic face you could have ever dreamed of seeing.
“Damn, that was so good. You did so well for me, baby.” Kirishima gleamed with the shine that was your juices. He leaned down to entwine his tongue with yours. You could taste yourself on him and it made you delirious. You had just cum three times, but you wanted more. You needed more.
Kirishima felt the same way as you as he backed up to give himself space to take his shorts off. Cock now springing free, you could see the beast of a rod he had and it made your mouth water. You whined at just the thought of the pleasure you were about to become entranced by. He lined himself up at your sopping entrance, but before he could slip in, you lightly pressed on his chest to get his attention.
“Are you sure, Eijirou? You can stop right now if want. I won’t be mad at you at all. You’ve already done so much for me, tonight.”
His cheeks faded into a deep pink as he moved your hands to be at his shoulders.
“I want you, F/N”. He stuck the tip of his cock in you, grunting at the tightness of your entrance. “I fucking want you.”
You let out a guttural moan as he slowly stretched your pussy to fit his cock. You finally felt it. The warmth you’d been craving deep inside. The stingingly sweet pain of his cock stretching out your drenched pussy. You could die right now. Right here in the arms of the man you loved. And your ghost would be perfectly okay with it. But your flesh craved even more. You needed him to reach the deepest parts of you. You needed him to destroy your greedy pussy.
“Fuck me, Eijirou. I want you to fuck me like the greedy slut that I am!” You looked directly into his dazed eyes, whining at him to give you what you wanted. “Please, I want you so bad. Mark this pussy with that cock of yours. Make me unable to think about anyone else like this. C’mon, give it to me! ”
Too aroused by your begging, he silently obliged. Sinking the entirety of his cock inside you, he twitched at your pulsating walls. It was like your pussy was a  breathing organ, sucking him in and tightening around him so he could never leave. And he wasn’t going to. He’d stay like this forever with you.
Not giving you time to get used to his size, Kirishima started thrusting brutally against your hips. You let out the sweetest moans as you littered his back with scratches. His thrusts becoming smoother and smoother as your pussy got used to him. His cock ferociously grazed against your g-spot as the tip teasingly nibbed at your cervix. The perfect mix of pleasure and pain, you felt your now fourth orgasm approaching. You let go of his shoulders to lay your head back deep in the cushions of his pillows.
“Eijirou, you’re gonna make me cum again! You’re gonna make me cum all over your cock-!”
“Oh fuck- me too, F/N”. The rhythm of his thrusts became more faltered as your walls inhumanely squeezed the life out of him. He looked at your cock-drunk face, pleased with his performance. “Where do you want it, baby?”
You raised your head to reestablish eye contact with him. “I want it inside! Cum inside me! I need your cum so bad, need to feel it in my-Hmmnghh!!” Your orgasm overtook your speaking as you groaned hysterically.
Kirishima not far behind you, quickened his pace to chase his own high. “Shit, F/N! I’m gonna cum inside you! Fucking take all of it, baby! Don’t let any seep out, okay?”
You moaned at the hotness of his seed spurting inside. It was so deep inside you and you wondered if it was either easier or more difficult to get pregnant as a succubus. Either way you wanted more and your walls clenched once again against Kirishima’s cock.
He grunted before leaning down to bury his face in your neck, once again starting to thrust inside you. He was overstimulated but your pussy was driving him crazy. Perhaps your juices were an aphrodisiac, making anyone a slave to the area between your thighs. He kissed along your jaw and brought his hand up against your throat. He didn’t squeeze tight, just enough to get your attention.
He rose his head up to get a good look at your face. You looked liked a corrupted angel beneath him. He couldn’t believe you withholded him from these pleasures for so long. Were you just gonna go fuck other guys? You were going to let other men taste what has been his all along? He needed to hear you say you belonged to him. He’d give up anything to hear your sweet voice tell him everything from your insides and out belonged to him.
“Tell me who you belong to, baby?”
You replied with no hesitation, willing to say and do anything to milk more of his cum inside you.
“You, Eijirou! I belong to you! My flesh, my womb, my guts! Everything belongs to you Eijirou!” You felt another orgasm filling up in your stomach. “Please don’t ever leave me, Eiji. I want you with me forever. “
Of course, this was something he had no qualms about doing. He was ready. He’d give up school, his goals, his life to please you at every waking moment. He’d keep you pumped full of his cum so you’d never think about anyone else. You wouldn’t even remember what it was like to live like you weren’t a succubus. You’d be happy like this. With him.
Because he was your hero.
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novatwoast67 · 3 years
☆ About me ☆
(since my bio is getting long)
Hi! My name is Oliver :3
Age: 21
Gender: genderqueer trans masculine (+1 year on testosterone)
Pronouns: he/him, they/them, it/it's
Orientation: grey ace and grey rom but also pan
Nationality: Filipino-New Zealander living in Australia
I'm Autistic, got ADHD, anxiety, depression and C-PTSD
I'm also one of the main hosts of a DID system (professionally diagnosed as of 26th Feb 2024!!) but this is my blog specifically
I practice witchcraft and goetic demonolatry
I'm also a psychological and spiritual otherkin, my main kintypes being void and vampire
My other notable side blogs:
@novartwoast (my current art blog)
@mogaifriendly (my mogai support/positivity blog)
@soupforbats (my otherkin blog)
@soupforstars (the system's blog)
Tags list:
#important tag (for information posts)
#always reblogg (for support posts)
#signal boost (self explanatory)
(i also have tags for other peoples art, writing, cosplay etc. and tags for animals and trigger warnings/content warnings but theres a lot so i wont list em)
note i dont always have the energy to tag everything so if i dont tag something important that fits the bill for the tags above, its not because it isn't important/good enough! i just dont always have the energy to do so ;w; but if i dont forget, ill try and go back to the posts to add the tag later!
small disclaimer but i tend to hyperfixate on problematic media but i know how to not support people and content that have these issues, and i know how to seperate the art from the artist/the persona from the person etc.. ive just accepted at this point that nothing is pure and that I'll try to avoid the worst stuff ;w;
if youre unccomfortable with anything i seem interested in because of this, dont feel bad about unfollowing and/or blocking me! take care of yourself first and foremost, you deserve to feel comfortable in your own space.
(that being said please dont judge me poorly when you do so ;w; my anxiety over these things is incredibly debilitating and genuinely makes my mental health spiral- but im working on it)
Please Do Not Interact if you perpetrate, defend or support:
"M4P/NOM4P"s (p3dophilia)
n4zis, x3nophobia, racism, white supremacy
t3rfs, t3hms*
rape, sexual assault, sexual abuse
other forms of assault and abuse
animal abuse (this includes P3TA)
anti v4x
pro l1fe
homophobia, transphobia, queerphobia in general
cringe culture
DNI (unless you're ok with having a chill and healthy debate**)
exclusionists (this means aphobia, if youre against he/him lesbians and she/her gays, if you're against bi/pan lesbians and bi/pan gays and if youre against mogai/neopronouns/neogenders)
against self dx'ing (of course please take care and be sure to heavily research depending on the diagnosis but otherwise I'll usually assume you have and/or won't really be bothered either way)
pro ship (im not an anti shipper cuz i find the debate pointless, but i trust anti shippers a little more than pro shippers)
singlets or systems that are really big into endo syscourse. Most of my other system members and I believe in "you do you, just try to be nice to people and please be respectful of traumagenic systems if you're endo". That's about it
*if youre a t3rf or a t3hm i AM willing to have a conversation about the unethical nature of trans exclusion, but (as stated below) i may not respond if you're rude or if im too tired
**if you're rude or I'm too tired don't expect me to respond
Also just an fyi I probably don't have everything on these lists so im sorry if i missed anything!
and if you catch me perpetrating anything on this list it's definitely an accident due to ignorance; I'm nowhere near perfect so please let me know if it seems like i messed up! I'll be sure to look into it when I can.
That's pretty much it! Sorry for the long pinned post but yeah, enjoy my blog i guess :'D
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cheesy-cakey · 3 years
You Are Mine
Cater X Yandere reader
[Mentions of murder, obsession, brainwashing, and cannibalism]
3rd POV
It was a normal day at NRC and our one and only Cater Diamond is in the rose Maze painting roses.
But it was unknown to him that a certain girl was watching him from afar
Y/N Pinka, the younger sister of Alchemi Pinka or in other words Che'nya.
She was watching the boy with affectionate eyes. Longingly watching.
She had fallen in love with Cater the moments she saw him.
She knew that they were meant to be.
Y/N was out to visit her brother at his at his school but just as she arrived she saw him go out and so she followed him
She used her unique magic "Guess who" which allows her to alter her appearance to almost anything. Let it be an object. A person. Or nothing at all. Though the more complex it is the harder to keep its form
She followed her brother as she realized he was going to NRC.
She continuously followed her brother to see what kind of fun he's up to.
He went to an unbirthday party at the Heartslabyul dorm. Where his childhood friends were.
And that's where she saw him.
His vibrant orange hair.
His enchanting forest green eyes.
The girl was absolutely mesmerized.
She took in every last detail of his appearance.
"I need to get closer. I need to take in every last detail" she muttered then she got an idea
She snuck up behind Che'nya and pounced on him. Hugging him from behind as she wrapped her arms around his neck
"Hello meow dear brother~" she said as she hugged him closer with a smile
"Nya? Y/N what are you doing here?" Che'nya asked with a cheeky smile
The girl got off and her tail started swinging around
"I wanted to visit mew, but you seem to have decided to attend an unbirthday party. So I followed!" She said as she turned to the others
"I am Y/N Pinka. I'm purr-leased to meet ya!" Y/N said enthusiastically
"It's nice to see you again Y/N" Trey said
"You really need to keep your brother in check" Riddle told Y/N
"I don't see a reason why" she said
"Anyways who are you?" The girl asked
"I'm Ace Trappola"
"My name is Deuce Spade"
"I'm the great Grim! And this is my henchman-" a pretty girl cutted the cat off
"I'm Yuumi"
"Oh and I'm Cater Diamond it's nice to meet you"
Cater Diamond.
That name stuck to her.
She could never forget it.
Since that day.
She changed.
-end of flashback-
Even her brother noticed her change
And it worried him.
And that's saying a lot since it's Che'nya.
She watched him every single day.
She started missing classes.
Her grades started to falter.
Everyone was worried.
What was going on with their precious Y/N.
They didn't know until.
Che'nya POV
I'm starting to worry for my little sister.
Sure she wasn't one to actually take her classes seriously.
But she never had a failing grades before.
And now she started disappearing more often.
Even the people in her school don't know where she goes.
My parents told me to go see if she was alright.
Since I'm the one closest to her in our family. We're worried for her.
I knocked on the door but no one answered
"Is she out again?" I muttered
"I'm coming in" I said as I opened the door
I looked to see Cater....
Wait no.
That's not Cater.
That's Y/N.
She was looking at the mirror as Cater touching the reflection in front of her
The look in her eyes.
I don't like it
"How enchanting. I can't stop looking at these green eyes" she said to herself eyes glued to her reflection
"Y/N what's the meowning of this?" I asked
She flinched as she realized I was here
"Brother!? When did mew get here!? I thought I told you to knock!?" She yelled at me as she turned back
"I did knock. Now tell meow. What are you doing" I asked again
"I guess the cats out the bag huh?" She said looking down
I then looked at her room.
And realized that almost every inch of her wall was plastered of pictures of Cater.
"Do you like it brother? Isn't he just gorgeous? Look at those forest green eyes. His vibrant orange hair. It's all so wonderful!" She said with a smile on her face. But that wasn't the smile everyone grew to love
"Y/N what's all this" I trembled at the sight of my sister
"I want him. From a single strand of his hair to the tip of his toe nail!" (Ngl I gagged writing that)
"Y/N this is too much! What's with this!?"
"Brother could mew blame me when someone is this perfect? His looks, his demeanor, his scent. All of it is perfect. I want him. Please brother I beg of you. Help me" she asked as her eyes were full of obsession and affection toward Cater
"No Y/N! You're going too far! Stop this! You're failing in school! Mom and dad are worried sick! And you keep disappearing off to who knows wh-" then it hit me
"You've been going to NRC haven't you" I said
She stayed silent
"You've been going to NRC to spy on Cater haven't you!" I yelled
She continued to stay silent
"Y/N this is too much! Are mew really going to ruin yourself for him!?" I asked
"What I do is none of your business brother! What I become is not your choice! I dictate what I want to do and you can't stop me!" She yelled
"Of course it's my business! I'm meow brother!"
"Shut up! mew wouldn't get it! You think you know it all! But you don't know how I feel about Cater! I love him and nothing can stop me!"
"Even if he's off the market?" I asked
"W-what?" She stuttered
"Cater had been dating Yuumi for the past month now. Are you still going to go after him?" I asked
I saw the heart break in her eyes.
Like everything she had built up just crumbled Infront of her
"No... You're lying"
"No I'm not Y/N"
She looked down, her ears and tail drooped and stayed silent
Before she spoke
"Get out"
"GET THE FUCK OUT YOU HEAR ME!" she yelled as she pushed me out and slammed the door shut
"Open the damn door Y/N! We're not done talking!" I yelled as I bang on the door
Eventually I stopped cause I knew it was hopeless
"Y/N needs to stop. It's driving her mad"
No no no no
"No!" I yelled as I threw a vase at the wall shattering it
I then started to break down crying
"Why.... Just why!? It's not fair! Didn't get a chance to get to know him! Yet someone else already...." I sobbed
I then looked at the mirror. I then shifted into Cater.
I touched the mirror as tears fell from my eyes
"Cater. Cater Diamond"
3rd POV
A week had passed and Y/N hadn't come out of her room
They pried the door open since no one answered and all the food that was taken to her was left untouched
Once they opened it they saw something that made their hearts shatter
They saw their precious Y/N
Dead on the floor gripping onto a picture of Cater.
This sight absolutely broke Che'nya.
He should've tried harder to help get Y/N out from her delusional state
But now he lost his little sister.
The sister he cherished so much.
But for some reason.
It didn't hurt as much as he thought it would.
-time skip-
A funeral was held for her.
They invited the people she met at the unbirthday
"I'm sorry for you're loss Che'nya" Ace said
"I can't believe it. She's gone" Riddle said as he tried to hold back tears. Key word TRIED
"Why. Why did she die Che'nya" Trey asked
"She- she got depressed. But I'd rather not say the reason why" Che'nya explained. But he didn't want to say it was because she was heartbroken from Cater
Cater looked at her in her coffin
For some reason this hurted him a lot
He never really got to know Y/N that much. But this hurted him a lot for some reason.
"Cater, are you alright?" Yuumi asked
"Y-yeah I'm fine" he replied smiling at Yuumi
"If you're not feeling well we can go back" she said
"T-that would be nice" he said as he went to the group
"I'm going to head out first. I'm sorry for you're loss" Cater said
"Of course thank you"
"I'm going as well. I apologize for your loss" Yuumi said with a soft smile
This sent a tingle down Che'nya spine
-time skip-
Riddle and Trey went to the Pinka residence to talk with him
"What do you mean? Cater and Yuumi disappeared?" Che'nya questioned
"Yeah. After they left after the funeral they never came back" Trey said
"This just doesn't make sense" Riddle said
They kept thinking and thinking. Till something hit Che'nya
The smile
The smile Yuumi gave him
It's the same smile on Y/N's face that everyone loved
"Y/N!" Che'nya yelled as he rushed to her room
"Che'nya!" The two yelled as they followed him
Che'nya started rummaging through her room
"Che'nya what's going o-" Riddle stopped as he saw her room
"W-whats all this?" Trey questioned shocked at the sight
"The reason Y/N got depressed was because she was broken from the mews that Cater was already taken" Che'nya explained as he continued to go through her things eventually finding something
Che'nya trembled. Tears spilling. But also speechless
"Che'nya? Are you alright" Trey asked as they went closer to him
"What's tha-" Riddle stopped as he saw what Che'nya found
It was a bloody knife.
And a map with markings
"We need to go here" Che'nya rushed to go to the marked location
"Che'nya! Wait for us!"
-at the location-
They were now in a remote location. With a well prepared house.
A garden of fruits and vegetables.
By a lake.
And in the garden.
Was no other than Y/N Pinka
"Y-Y/N?" Che'nya stuttered
This caught the girls attention so she looked up and froze
"Ch-Che'nya? Riddle? Trey? W-what are you guys doing here?" The girl asked
"No- what are you doing here!?" Che'nya yelled
"That's none of your business!" She yelled
"It is! You were dead weren't you!? We buried your corpse!"
She went silent
"Haha. Ahahahahaha! You think that ugly fucking corpse was me? You don't know me that well after all dear brother." She said as the look in her eyes changed
"W-what do you mean Y/N?" Riddle stuttered
"My unique magic doesn't only change my appearance. But change the appearance of ANYTHING. I could change the appearance of Riddle to Trey. A cup into you brother. But most of all change the ugly corpse of Yuumi into an elegant one of me!" She explained
"T-the corpse of who?" Trey asked
"Oops. Looks like I accidentally spilled. I killed Yuumi three days into my isolation. That gave me enough time to adapt into becoming her for the time being"
"So you mean. The one at your funeral"
"The corpse you buried was no other than your precious Yuumi" she smiled psychotically
"Why!? Why did you do this!?" Trey asked
"Cause she took what was supposed to be mine!"
"She took Cater before I even had the chance! So when we left the funeral. I took him"
"Y/N? Love who are you talking to?" A voice from the inside asked
Out walked Cater.
Looking the same.
But his eyes.
We're dull.
"No one important dear! I'll be right back in!"
"Alright. Be quick dinner is gonna get cold" Cater then went back inside
"What did you do to Cater Y/N" Che'nya hissed
"Nothing much. Just. Brainwashed him. He's mine. I love him and now" she stopped and smiled
"He loves me"
They froze
"You're not getting away with this sis. You're going to pay for your mistakes"
"Awhh too bad" the girl said as she pulled something out
"I don't leave witnesses" she held the knife as she disappeared
-inside the house-
"I'm back dear!"
"What took you so long Y/N?" Cater asked
"I found some prey! Here" she said handing Cater a basket full of meat (I feel like throwing up)
"Alright I'll put these in the fridge"
Cater then came back to see Y/N sitting on the couch
He went and hugged Y/N
"Cater, dear, do you love me?" She asked
"Of course. I.... Love you" he said
"Do you love me?" He asked
"I do and always will" she said as she kissed Cater
The kiss was deep between them
It was passionate.
But also empty.
They stopped and held each other
"I will always love you" she said
"I'm yours" she stated
And Your Mine
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themonotonysyndrome · 4 years
Guilt Eater
Part 4 of the ‘Successors of the Future’ is here! And yes, I will do my absolute best to squeeze in as much Blazblue reference in this series until I can’t! (I mean, that’s how I got the plot bunny for this series anyway~)
We’re moving the spotlights today to Malleus and Ace and a special guest! I thought it’ll be an interesting shift of perspective and change. Don’t worry, we’ll get right back to the kids in the next oneshot. 
As always, big thank you to @tri3tri for letting us expand her Second Wive AU. Hope you guys enjoy this oneshot. 
Time tend to leave its mark differently on each species. 
For creatures who only grew stronger with time while their bodies remain near immortal, the passing of time means nothing to the Fair Folks. Time is likened to the ocean; ancient yet full of wonders. 
For Malleus, however, time has not been kind to him. Not since his dear heart and children vanishes. 
Ever since then, there is an unspoken rule among the residents of the Castle of Thorns: the Queen’s family wing is forbidden to everyone but the King.
Even Lilia nod his head to the rule; even he has been walking on eggshells around their King. 
And the years had transformed the Queen’s domain into a catacomb. The rumpled beds, the toys littered in Princess Sherrie’s bedroom, the Queen’s favourite book on her study table - everything is left untouched with layered of dust and cobwebs covering every inch of the surfaces. 
Every evening, the King would stalk the empty halls and bedrooms like a ghost; constantly yearning to feel the memories that embedded on the walls. Once he did his duties as the King and beget the male heir that the court had been pushing, Malleus has been living in regret ever since. 
He should have known that his beautiful wife would attempt to escape during the night of his second wedding. He should have tightened the security not on his concubine, but to the Queen and their Princesses. He should have assured Renata and Sherrie that only their mother holds his heart and that Bellatrix is just a means to an end. 
He should have told them that he loves them. 
Regret and guilt are terrible poisons. It festered under your skin and twist your heart painfully. They plague your mind with ‘what if’s’ and ‘should have’s’ and Malleus have been carrying them ever since that night. 
Tonight, he lost hours inside Renata’s bedroom, just staring at her favourite doll that he bought for her. He still remembers how her eyes lit up and how sweet her smile was when he presented the doll to her; how she was so happy that she clings on him and the doll that day. Deeply amused, he humoured her and carried her in her arms the whole day. Malleus even brought her to his court session, regardless how it broke propriety. 
His every waking moments now drift to MC and their daughters. Where are they? Why couldn’t he find them no matter how many soldiers he dispatched across Twisted Wonderland, no matter how far his magic blanket the lands? Are his daughters healthy, happy? What are they currently doing now? Are they safe? Have they forgotten about him - 
The mirror on the vanity table shattered. Malleus releases the doll in his grip and struggle to calm himself down; his body curl inwards and his breaths erratic. The thought of his wife and children far away and happy from him nearly drove him crazy if it weren’t for Lilia’s quick and careful words of consolation.
“They can’t hide forever, Malleus. Don’t ever give up, you hear me? And once we’ll find them, we’ll make sure her little escape routines are put to a stop. Permanently.”  
Lilia’s words are enough to ground him. For now. 
Malleus failed to assured his wife and daughters his love towards them, failed to show just how deep his convictions towards them are. The moment he finds any threads of their whereabouts, he’ll make sure to rectify that. 
And as the night made way for morning, Malleus forces himself to leave his daughter’s abandoned bedroom to prepare for another long, monotonous day. The only reason why he hasn’t delegate his duties to Lilia was because of his grandmother. His grandmother had come to visit on the eve of his second wedding and stayed when a frantic Silver announced MC and their children’s disappearance. If it weren’t for her, Malleus would’ve burned away his suit and transform into a dragon to search for them. While Lilia organise a search team with Silver and Sebek, his grandmother made sure he understood his duties as King once more. 
That was the first and last time he slept with Bellatrix before his thoughts and desire are consumed with the need to find his family. At that point, neither Lilia nor his grandmother could’ve stop him. 
The castle staffs and guards know to scattered when they see him step out of the Queen’s wing. The moment they heard the door creaked open, the room is empty. 
All but for one individual. 
“Good morning, Father!” 
Malleus stop his track. He tilts his head towards his heir, expressionless. Victor refused to be deterred by his Father’s gloomy aura yet he’s smart enough to carefully approach him. 
The king is stoic on the best days, frightening on his worst. 
“Will you be joining us for breakfast later? I heard from Grandfather Lilia that the kitchen staffs are planning to cook your favourites.” 
“I’ll be taking my meals in my office as usual.” Malleus reply and starts to walk away. 
Victor’s smile drop a little but he pressed on, jogging behind his father. In a rare burst of courage, the Prince grab Malleus’ hand. Surprisingly, Malleus stops walking. He stares at his hand before narrowing his eyes at Victor. 
“W-Would Father like a report of my recent academic progress? My tutors said that I’ve been doing well in my magic classes! O-Oh! I’ve also been diligently keeping up with my etiquette lessons.” Victor stutters out after he immediately let go of his Father’s hand. Feeling like he just committed a grave crime. 
“No need. Your tutors have been sending letters of your progress, daily.” 
“Oh... then would Father be willing to... to train me - ”
“I’m busy. Ask Lilia or any of your tutors.” And with that, Malleus refused to linger any longer, leaving Victor in the empty room. 
Crestfallen, Victor watch his Father go. Knowing that if he bothers him even more, it will just upset him and another storm would loom over the castle for the next few days. His expression immediately morph into a combination of anger and sadness as he stomps away before the staffs could return, not wanting them to see him vulnerable. 
As usual, Victor desperately hopes that one day his Father would finally acknowledge him as a son, not as his Prince. 
Time tend to leave its mark differently on each species.
For creatures with a set of years as flimsy as a lit candle’s flame, humans are creatures who bear the passing of time with a passionate vigor. Time is likened to fireworks; beautiful, bright but only for a short moment. 
For Ace, however, time is a constant remainder that he had failed his best friend. Being vulnerable in Night Raven College is a sure way to be taken advantage off and Ace is never known as anything but his brutal honestly, mischievous streaks and habits of getting himself (and others) into trouble. 
But when the headmaster announced that he couldn’t find MC anywhere the day after their senior’s graduation, was the moment that he, Deuce and Grim completely lose their composure. Deuce was too shocked to say anything while Ace couldn’t stop screaming alongside Grim. 
She couldn’t have just vanish! People don’t work like that! 
And even if she finally somehow found a way back to her world, she wouldn’t just leave without saying goodbye! 
Ace hated himself as that moment. If only he texted them the night before. Why didn’t he? They usually send stupid texts to one another! If only he kept a closer eye on them. If only she kept Grim close to her. 
For once, the headmaster drop all pretence. For once, his guilt laden answer and heavy sags of his shoulders are genuine. 
MC is gone and he has no idea how or why. But the three of them refused to gave up just like that. Ever since that day, they would do their best to figure out or research about MC’s fate. Jack and Epel, after finding out what happened, did their best to help out too. But days passed without any leads and with heavy hearts, they accepted that their friend is lost to them. 
That was not a good day. 
After Ace and Epel managed to pull Deuce and Jack away from one another (Deuce had completely lost it when the wolf boy reluctantly admit that maybe it was best to stop their research), strangely enough, it was Sebek who finally interjects. 
They need to accept that MC is gone. Even if they could never gain the closure that they desperately want, it’ll be no good to carry this sort of horrible guilt with them forever. With a long sigh, Sebek told them to find peace with it, even if it’s hard. 
Easier said than done. Even now that he’s already an adult and have a son, Ace still couldn’t help but wonder what happened to his friend. He hopes that wherever she is, MC is safe and happy. Anything other than that Ace couldn’t bear to think. 
Ace takes out his phone and checks the calendar app. The anniversary of MC’s disappearance is coming. Usually, Ace would cook MC’s favourite food in honour of her memory and over the years, he has gotten pretty good at it. Good enough that it also becomes his son’s favourite dish. 
Just as Ace was about to put down his phone and get ready to go out for lunch with his older brother, it suddenly rings.  
The name on his phone surprises him. His son rarely calls him ever since he got accepted to Night Raven College. Something about wanting some independence from his old man that Ace retaliates by ruffling his hair because of his boy’s cheekiness. 
Ace press the accept button with a grin, knowing that this is going to be good. “What’s up, kiddo? Finally admit that you miss your old man?” 
He expects a scoff, maybe a reluctant admittance, hell even his son’s rare bout of innocent honesty. What Ace didn’t expect however, is hearing his son’s frightened shriek.
“Dad! You knew a MC/S before right!? Please tell me you know what to do when she went batshit insane!” 
“Whoa, whoa, slow down! What are you talking about? I can barely hear you!” 
Ace impatiently wait while pressing the phone close to his ear as he hear his son rapidly talking to someone, shouting apologies and heavy breaths as if he’s currently running. 
“Oh Sweet Seven, ok, I think we managed to hide from her.” His son panted. “Yeah, so, I might have, uh accidentally threw my food tray all over this girl and she immediately went supernova. We barely managed to dodge her fireballs!” 
Suddenly, Ace felt his heart drop. “Girl? What girl? Night Raven College is an all-boys’ school.” He heard himself reply. Absentmindedly, his mind brought up the memories of his Entrance Ceremony, years ago. Of a girl that looked so lost in her robes as she stood in front of the Mirror of Darkness. 
“Renata MC/S. She’s the only girl that ended up a student here. I remembered that you had a friend with that surname so I thought she might be related.” 
At that moment, Ace choose to believe it. It’s way too coincidental for it not be. A girl that shares his lost best friend’s surname who also just happend to be the only girl to be accepted in Night Raven College? 
But what Ace doesn’t understand is his son’s comment about the girl throwing fireballs. MC doesn’t have magic. So what’s going on? 
“Hmm, I usually gave her some space before I apologised to her. And a little bribery never failed too.” Ace advised, recalling how MC reluctantly accepts the candy that he offered after he upsets her. 
“That’s not a bad idea, Dad! Will report back the result if I’m not scorched to death.” Ace’s son dryly answer. Some rustling noises and hush whispers can be heard through the phone before his kid ended the call. 
Ace is already calling Deuce’s number. He needs to know about this. 
I hope I managed to did Malleus and Ace justice in writing them! I’ll get better with writing the rest of the boys once their children are introduce. Because Renata needed friends/allies against Malleus after all~ 
Speaking of Victor, I was really nervous when I was writing him. Here, he’s not all haughty because deep down, all he want is some praises and love from a Father who only see him as something to appease his court. Not a son. Hope I managed to portray that properly! 
(Also, the name of Ace’s son and two others will be reveal in the next oneshot)
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everafterkeiji · 4 years
Tumblr media
Song: drivers license by Olivia Rodrigo
Summary: How the flashing lights in the street bring you to the moment that was once yours and Oikawas.
Parings: Tooru Oikawa x fem! reader
Word count: 7.3k
Genre: angst
A/N: fuck it honestly, self control we don't know her boo, pls be careful with the flashbacks and little details, enjoy pt. 1 <33
Tumblr media
"Can't you give me just one more kiss?" Oikawa begs, leaning his arm behind your seat as you see his irresistible pout resting on his lips. You chuckle before leaning close to him and him copying your actions.
Lips lingering with each other, as he removes his arm behind you to ghost upon your cheek. It was so intoxicating, a distance too great that was covered in tension. He glides his finger through your lips before resting it on your chin.
"Run away with me."
He states, closing his eyes and leaning his forehead to yours with a shaky sigh, his hand now running through the hair from the back of your neck. You smile at his words, caressing his arm, shutting your eyes like he did, embracing his warmth in his car.
"And we'd go everywhere?"
"Everywhere, any time, you name it babe." He whispers with desperation in his tone. This close. Why can't he hold you like this forever? A tear nearly escapes his eye as he cherishes your touch. Why did he have to lose contact with his true self?
He opens his eyes to see yours closed and in full serenity. He bites his lip before allowing the tears to cast down his cheeks. He tried not to sniffle so you'd let this moment last without any trace of pain.
"In that case, I'm not driving."
You joked, making him let out a soft laugh as he wipes his tears before you can see. Instead, he leans in finally breaking the distance between you two. You kissed back, not knowing his cheeks were tear stained as he lets his lips tell his apology. This wasn't him, this wasn't a kiss that could last more than once.
He hesitantly pulls away as you caress his cheeks as he leans into your touch, melting in the skin he's adored every inch of. He takes in the way you stared at him, the lights of the passing cars glowing on your face as his hands shakes at the sight of you.
He wished the silence wouldn't give out how painful it was to watch you like this, so with a disguise, he smiles.
"You'll be able to in the future." He says, earning him an ache to surround his heart. You intertwine your hands with his, your thumb assuring him since you've noticed a change in his aura.
"Maybe, but it's still you and me right?"
His eyes wander around his car, reminiscing on each memory that you've made in just a vehicle. Every moment where you'd leave the window open, freedom in your clutch. Every time your voices were close to being gone from furiously shouting the lyrics. All the times you'd rather sleep in his car and run from your problems. Even the random placements of clothes from the two of you, to scattered photographs and snack wrappers.
Just one more, Tooru.
"You and me, love. That's all it takes. "
You let your head rest on his shoulder as he turns on the engine, surprising you with your hands still intertwined with his.
"What'd you say babe? One last drive?"
You nod happily as he chuckles looking at you before driving, his facade weakening with every mile.
One more.
"Pick up, Tooru!" You shout, aggressively clicking the button on your phone as each call was heard with his voice mail. You threw the phone to the floor as you let out a scream, your throat begging you to stop torturing yourself.
"Pick up!" You scream once again before lying down on the bed, not giving a care that your sobs echoed outside his apartment. Your cheeks were warm, with heavy eyes and mascara staining the pillow cases. Tears nonstop with the crumpled paper in your hand. Shaking uncontrollably as you denied what he's done.
Running to your door, the breeze greeting your legs since you wore his hoodie to sleep and little shorts to cover the weather. Frantically turning left and right to reach the entrance of the building.
You let your hand cover your mouth as you see his car nowhere in your sight. You gripped on the handle of the door to steady yourself from falling, with your sob catching the attention of strangers.
"Y/N! Fuck- I'm here- hey I'm here."
Clouded with water, you barely recognize the person who was hugging you tightly. Falling to the rough surface of the ground, he joined you in your downfall and it seemed that nothing made sense anymore. The noise of the world drifted far from you as the only sound that replayed was his words, and you despised it.
How come it was only you?
"Y/N- I got you, it's okay now." Iwaizumi whispers but you shook your head punching his back as you fell into a state you didn't know Oikawa could put you in, solitude.
Iwaizumi hated hearing you cuss at the universe. It still scares him the way the color was drained out of your body when he saw you got out of the apartment looking like an absolute tragedy. Your punches felt numb to him but he couldn't ignore how painful it was to hear you scream Oikawa names, and for him to desperately come back.
"W-why-" You couldn't form the words properly since you were having trouble breathing. Iwaizumi carried you in his arms since he noticed your knee had been scraped, as he tried his hardest not to fall in rage for his best friend.
"I'll be here. C'mon, let's calm you down yeah?" He assures you making you nod, left with no energy but what remained was your heart torn by the person you loved the most.
You woke up to Iwaizumis voice making you shift in the sheets, mistaking him for your Tooru. When you opened your eyes, you didn't see your favorite pair of brown eyes instead you were face to face with the same hue but a different person.
"Y/N- hey I got somewhere to go to today but I made breakfast, is that okay?" He asks softly, a comforting hand to your shoulder. You nod as he smiles standing up to open the curtains now that you were wide awake.
"Thank you, Hajime." You bid him as he sits down on the bed, beside you. You turn to where he is and stare at him, overwhelmed with how he chose to stay.
"I'll be gone for half the day." He states as you sit up slowly, rubbing your eyes.
"I've never seen a birds nest this up close before." He jokes making you glare at him before punching his shoulder as he laughs.
"Says the fucking spikey ass hair." You threw back as he laughs, delighted that your past self was resurfacing every now and then.
"What about you? Don't you have any plans today?" He asks as you check your phone. You sigh as you saw the reminder on your phone as he takes a peak and his heart drops at it.
"It's nothing."
"You have to go. "
"It doesn't matter anymore."
"Okay now put your foot here babe." You obeyed Oikawas words as he pecks your cheek. Before you could insert the key in, he stops you. Questioning him, he turns to you with a smug smirk before leaning close to your lips.
You expected him to kiss you the way that he does but instead he pulls away before strapping you in, putting your safety first before kissing you. He laughs at how you were clearly upset that he lead you on. He strapped himself in as well.
"You'll get that kiss if we make it out here alive." He jokes as you gasp in betrayal, making him stick out his tongue, still taunting you.
"I'm kidding baby! But you will get that kiss when we reach that pole over there." You glanced to where he was pointing as you sighed in relief at how easy it was. Turning on the engine, he smiles at how eager you were to succeed.
"Then I'll get us there."
"Y/N-" he bites his lips before he could throw you something he'd regret. You look to him, wondering why he became silent. Clicking in your mind that he's being careful with his words since Oikawa left, you leaned your head on his arm.
"I know, Iwa. I'm sorry." You apologized so suddenly, surprising him that you'd catch up on his behavior. He shakes his head before wrapping his arm around yours, just like he always would.
"I know how much this means to you. Hate me for saying this, but he'd be proud to see you get it." He says, making you smile at how honest he was. If he were here, he'd immediately bring you to your favorite restaurant and go all out just because you aced it. To others, it'd look like another step into growing up, learning how to drive and how to maintain the quality of the car.
It wouldn't be this important if his words didn't paint you perfect memories.
"You know what makes me so excited?" Oikawa asks as you continued to run your fingers through his brown locks. His head was laid on your lap as he draws constellations in the air, smiling to himself.
"What is it babe?"
"I'll get my drivers license." You whispered as Iwaizumi pats your hair, happy that you managed to push yourself through that cloud of sorrow.
"Okay that is extremely random, Tooru." You chuckled but he shakes his head before sitting up to meet with you. Slowly, he pulls you into his lap as you wrap your arms around his neck as his hand loosely finds its home to your waist.
"We don't have to wait anymore, think about it." He asks making you focus on what he's hinting to. Once he realizes you couldn't figure it out, he chuckles before pulling you to him gently. Your heart beating too quickly for you to even realize that it felt normal for you to be this dangerously close to him.
"We can come home to each other."
At first you questioned why he was so worked up in teaching you how to drive and finally getting your drivers license, but now it was too clear for you and you hated it.
"Call me when you get it ok? Maybe by dinner we can celebrate?" Iwaizumi suggests as you nod, genuinely smiling that he was there to celebrate with you. You immediately wrap your arms around him as he does the same, closing his eyes, proud of you.
"You got this." He whispers as you embraced him longer, desperately wanting to cry at how thankful you were for him. Iwaizumi feels a flush to his cheeks as he pulls away, fearful of the pace of his heart.
"Well don't get my shirt wet with your tears again- I need to look presentable!" He jokes make you wipes your eyes as he smiles when he hears your laugh.
Hajime: I'm sorry I can't make it tonight, Y/N. I'll promise I'll make it up to you by morning.
That was the message that was sent to you hours ago yet here at 11pm, you were staring at the movie in the ceiling. Oikawa insisted buying a projector for the two of you to enjoy movies in the comfort of your own space. So using it now felt nostalgic remembering how much he loved this movie.
Sighing, you sat up as you lift the drink to your lips, relieved at the sensation of alcohol entering your mouth. It's been a while since you've got a hold of it. Iwaizumi being protective of the amount you could consume while he was gone so he kept the alcohol cabinet away from you. He promised that he'd allow you to drink once a month because he was indeed worried for your health if you allowed yourself to drink everyday.
On this day, you chose to ask him if it'd be okay to drink. Understanding the pain that you were in, he agreed. Before he went away, he got the key and unlocked the cabinet handing you your favorite drink. You thanked him as usual, now being satisfied with being alone with a bottle of liquor that could temporarily drown the pain.
Hearing a smack from where the projector was set up, the bright lights of the ending movie flashed through your eyes so you shield yourself from it. You immediately turn your back to the projector that was now facing you since it's lost it balance from your previous angle.
The credits rolled in as you reached for your laptop to stop the screening but then another video plays, making you read the date of the video.
"Hello! Unfortunately I'm still here in the car but I'm making this video as proof if I died, it's because of my girlfriend right here who can't drive properly."
It's him.
Turning your attention to the video playing in front of you. You scoot to the left so your silhouette doesn't create a barrier while you watched.
You had a hand to your mouth, lost at words for this unexpected video to play. His voice immediately brought you to tears as you gripped the pillow beside you as your laughter in the video echoed in the background.
"For the record- I'm learning so get this camera away from me, Tooru!" You defended yourself as Oikawa looks at the camera before rolling his eyes.
"On this episode, I'm teaching her how to park! So wish me good luck- maybe prepare a casket for my car." You immediately slap his shoulder as he lets a loud laugh. He sets the camera in a better landscape angle.
You smiled at his teases. It struck you how much you missed his little remarks that would always make your day. Wiping the tears from your eyes, you watched the way he looks at you as you tried to figure out which direction to turn to. His stare was one of the things many people wished they could experience.
A look as if you were the reason they believed in love and how endless it was.
Surprisingly, in your last drive, he still looked at you the same way.
Your chest tightens as you fell for his illusion. It felt like it'd be an eternity for you to move on from how he looked that night. You should've asked him why a tear landed on your clothes, why was his fingers cold and trembling? You thought that his kiss felt like the one you'd receive when you finally hear the priest bid you two as husband and wife but it was a kiss that held farewell in secret.
"Would you look at that! I'm alive and barely a scratch on my car so far- good job baby!" He cheers engulfing you in his arms. You swarmed him in sweet and tiny kisses as he giggles at each one before placing a delicate to your lips, closing his eyes as you pull him closer placing your hand on his cheek.
You wondered if there was something that could hold you back from how much you allowed yourself to endure the pain this long. Moving closer to the wall, your chest heavily coming up and down, difficulty in finding a way to breathe properly.
Kneeling to reach him, you let your hand touch the wall as your hand lands in Oikawas face as he laughs at something you said in the video. You felt how you closed your eyes and reminiscing on what it felt like to hold him in your hands again. His soft lips, his skin that warms you up during your cuddles, his hair that would be snuggled in your neck when he embraced you.
"I love you, Y/N."
He says, leading you to sob as you turned away from the wall, the light of the projector passing through you as you dropped to the bed with knees to your chest, the walls of the room was familiarized with your cries again.
You felt every part of you crumble as you continued to scream, having another miserable night. You'd rise from your knee from time to time to gasp for air from the unstable breathing.
You felt like a stranger to him.
That alone was enough for you to be swallowed by darkness once again.
How careless was he to assume you'd give him a call?
You're probably out with Iwaizumi celebrating and driving freely with him. Oikawa sighs as he removes the reminder from his phone as he takes another punch to the steering wheel as he feels the irony hit him that he's jealous of his best friend.
For someone who has been with you since you went to Aoba Johsai, Iwaizumi would've been perfect for you, Oikawa thinks. To keep you grounded, to take his position in making you the happiest.
He's everything Oikawa is but the difference is that Iwaizumi was the one who could give you more, and importantly, he stayed.
And nothing scared the setter more than to lose you to a person that can truly love you more than he ever could.
Though it feels like he's defeated already.
"Sir! Good morning, this is Oikawa from room 104?" He greets through the phone as the man smiles fondly at the sweet boy who he's seen chasing around in the hallway with his girlfriend.
"Ah! Mr. Oikawa! I barely see you nowadays what happened?" Oikawa sighs, running a hand through his hair, debating on what answer to give to the landlord.
"I've been okay sir, I just called to ask about the payment due-"
"No worries Oikawa-kun, the man took care of it for this month!"
"E-excuse me sir?"
His heart was beating too loudly at the sudden information. What man? He feels sweat rushing to him, heavily anxious of what happened to you and his apartment.
"Hajime was it? Ah anyway he's covered it this time!"
It felt as if he was struck down by force as he drops to his couch with his mouth agape and eyes widened with his heart raging too fast for his liking. He let out a gasp, putting each piece into its place as he feels a swift of the threatening atmosphere surround him, along with anger.
"H-he's my friend sir- does he stop by often?" He asks, biting his fingers in anxiousness. With his other hand, he reaches for a pillow, gripping it tightly like he'd want it to collapse in his hand.
"Often? He lives there silly. I was honestly surprised you'd let him but I guess young love isn't for everyone, son."
He didn't even notice that he's thrown the pillow all the way across the room as he stands up, his phone held tightly in his hands, wanting nothing more than to be slammed to the floor but with sourness in his tone, regret in his heart then he replies.
"You're right."
After that day, even if it's been months since he was informed, he chose to feel numb but there was a tug on his heart at the thought of Iwaizumi taking care of you. You deserved every ounce of effort that the ace gives you. Oikawa is more than thankful that Iwaizumi was there to wipe your tears and embrace you since he was the one to cause you this overwhelming amount of pain.
But he didn't expect this.
"Iwa-chan, how are you?" He asks with envy hidden from his true intentions of calling him. Iwaizumi stretches, tired from the workout as he answers the boy.
"I'm tired. What about you?" Oikawa lets out a mocking laugh as he leans on the couch, hands behind his head but both hands were formed into fists as he converses with him.
"I'm sure Y/N is there to patch you up huh?" He exclaims making Iwaizumi sit up, nervous at the outburst but then he looks at the apartment, seeing your sleeping state on the couch, and he sighs. Oikawa was bound to know sooner or later.
"I'm sorry Oikawa but-"
"Hajime that's my apartment!"
"And she was your girl wasn't she? But where are you right now!"
He was at lost for words, like the life of him was knocked out of him, deeply taking in Iwaizumis words. It was unhealthy with how much he was shaking and how he felt so cold and empty. On the other end, Hajime bites his lip, suddenly regretting his words but he can't turn back knowing it struck a nerve to Oikawa.
"Oikawa, listen to me." Iwaizumi starts as the setter was left to no other option then to obey since he couldn't think of anything else to respond to him.
"I know you love her but you're never going to be there for her. You asked me to go to her when you left and it's been a year. I know it's a dick move to move in with her but I don't trust her when she's alone. If you ask her, it feels like it's been forever so I'm just- being there for her cause she needs me."
He hated how right he was. If he would be honest, leaving you alone would be the least appropriate thing to do. All he can hear was your screams and imagining the way you look made his heart throb with too many emotions.
What made him lose was the fact that he can come back with hundreds of medals, but he'll never have you.
And Iwaizumi was more than ready to win.
He was surprised to see you awake at 12am but seeing how distraught you were, he couldn't help but want to end the day with you smiling or at least a reaction where he'd feel his heart flutter at the sight of it so he sighs before asking.
"Wanna go for a drive?"
The question that left you with so much trauma, sounded so soft when Hajime said it bringing a new feeling to it. It didn't sound like an unfulfilled promise and you nod to him knowing he could never hurt you the way Oikawa did.
Maybe it was best for you to escape the apartment.
Spending time with Iwaizumi as you drove around made you realize that there was a world where you can enjoy life without wondering about him.
Or maybe because it was suffocating.
Being in your apartment and Iwaizumi moving in with you was something your heart can never handle. To this day, you couldn't put into words how you despised that Iwaizumi had to care for you so much, even letting him living with you for a year. You admired the way he's known you since high school and now that you all had to choose different paths but he still took the one that had you in it since Tooru left you stranded.
With every tear that left your eyes, he was one step ahead to wipe them away and comfort you with his embrace. His patience when he sees you passed out on the couch from binge watching a series you were never really interested in, even to bringing you to random events just to spark your interest like you had back in school. Taking the time for you to fully open yourself to him by sharing your memories with Oikawa and why you've gained an attachment to his white car that held too many memories for you to just let go instantly.
At first, Iwaizumi wanted to laugh at how simple it was. What was so special about these late night drives and basic driving lessons from him? Wasn't that just one of the little things included in a relationship?
But then he sees the way you'd always ask him to put the windows down and how you preferred driving at night, driving without a specific location. Even when you'd clung to the seatbelt when he'd drive in the rain. He was more than curious. There were so many questions in his head but he had to give you some space knowing these memories course through your heart and mind everyday.
Now looking at you as you leaned on the seat with a solemn look on your face, he realizes how heavy it was for you to drive like this, without him by your side.
"He's proud of you, you know?" Iwaizumi whispers as you shift your body to face him, leaning your head on the seat.
"If only that was true." You whispered as he shakes his head before hesitantly sets his hand on your knee as a way of reassurance.
"I never understood it at first but now I guess it makes a fuck lot of sense why you didn't wanna get your drivers license." He comments, making you nod drunkenly.
"Because what's a journey without him?"
Iwaizumi then shifts his body like you did, fully invested in whatever you had to say feeling like this was finally the moment where you'd let him just how bad were those memories embedded in you.
"He used to say- that the best part of getting my license was that distance can never be a problem but says the asshole who's fucking miles away huh?" Iwaizumi knew that even if it was a joke, you held nothing but the truth. He sees the way your eyes didn't hold a sparkle anymore when Oikawas name was mentioned or just the sight of him. You didn't look like the lovesick fool back in high school, that made Iwaizumi realize how love makes such an impact on a person.
"I don't even know who to come home to anymore."
"You have me."
Iwaizumi boldly confesses as your eyes gaze at him, wide eyed at his statement. How come it held something that you could never figure out? Realizing that he held his heart in his hands, he switches the tone of his voice, finding it hard to fight the urge to be real with himself.
"As your friend, idiot. Plus, I don't trust you around cup noodles." He adds, trying to clear the tension that surrounded the two of you. Smiling at him, you close your eyes, wondering why it felt right to be in this moment. You felt your self drown in intoxication as you took him by surprise as you let your hand rest on his cheek as Iwaizumi flinches at the sudden contact but finds himself accepting it, ignoring the pleas of his thoughts to back away.
"Don't fall in love with my broken pieces, Hajime. You deserve someone who is- complete."
You let a tear slip from your eyes as it mixed with exhaustion as Iwaizumi lets out an anxious breath as he takes in every word you said.
Yet there he was picking every piece of you wherever you went, admiring each of them.
Before he could answer, he felt your hand slip away from his skin and he turns to see you asleep. He gently puts you back in your seat, putting on your seatbelt as he frustratedly runs his fingers through his dark hair as he feels the trembling of his fingers. Hands to the steering wheel, gripping it knowing he's betrayed his own promise.
Opening his phone to check the time, what flashes before him was a photo of the three of you when you graduated. He sees Oikawa with a hand to your waist, grinning brightly at the camera while you had your eyes closed with a smile, holding out a peace sign. His eyes linger on Oikawa before he watches over your figure on the passenger seat.
Lastly, he throws his head back before glancing at Oikawa in the picture, closing his eyes before painfully whispering to himself.
"I've never felt this way for no one."
He then shuts his phone as he turns on the engine, hoping that this isn't the night where he'll regret leaving his heart open.
"Don't overthink it." Iwaizumi whispers as you sniffle in his arms, he let his hands play with your hair as he removes the phone from your hands. Why did it have to be so early? It's 10am, both of you were utterly exhausted from the night before, one of you experiencing a heavy hang over, and the other just extremely tired from his racing thoughts.
Unfortunately, Hajime found you sat up frantically on the bed as he quickly stepped in just to see an image of a post from one of Oikawas fan pages. Spotted in multiple places were the one and only Oikawa Tooru, accompanied by a certain blonde. Captured in photos were segments of them in a café holding hands, smiles plastered on either lips. Which lead him to sit beside you and embrace you, seeing that your luck was purely running out.
You hated how in each photo, he looked painfully happy. Even if you were meant to skip the photo, how could you when this was real evidence that he's promises were turning into thin air the more you look at it. After a year of constant aches and wasted tears, here he was smiling, which you envied until the end.
"God- she's tall, gorgeous, I can never-" Iwaizumi shushes you as you wiped you tears as they continuously ran through his sweats. Iwaizumi leans his head on yours, sighing as he prepares himself, wishing that you'd realize that not enough words were there to describe how beautiful you were.
"Don't try to tell yourself that you can't compare to her- because you're all he could ever want. "
"Shit, I'm so sorry. " Iwaizumi says as he watches a figure pick up the ball that landed next to her, a ball that was spiked by him, almost hitting her directly. You turn around, the ball in your hands with a smile.
"No it's fine!" You say but Iwaizumi was struck with the view of you. You hand the ball to him but the beating of his heart was as loud as fireworks during New Years. He knows you, of course he does. Oikawa never stops ranting about you anyway, showing him multiple photos of you, completely bragging about the fact that he's got you to himself.
And fuck- you were prettier than what the pixels display you in the setters phone, you had the ace momentarily blank at your presence.
How lucky. He thinks.
"Iwaizumi was it? I'm Y/N!" You reach your hand out as he smiles at you, taking in your hand shaking it lightly, as he stared at your eyes and admired the way your lips were tugged in a beautiful smile.
So this is her. He says to himself and the feeling washes away when Oikawa walks up to greet you with a kiss to your cheek. Turning away, he shrugs his shoulders returning to play.
She's his.
"Believe me that Oikawa can never look at anyone else the way he does with you." He puts your face in between his hands, wiping your tears as you sobbed holding onto his him. Iwaizumi wanted to scream at how the world kept pushing you through your limit.
Seeing the images felt like the universe added salt to your open wounded heart. It felt like your heart was progressively being tossed around like it was nothing. How come everyday felt like you weren't given a chance to be at peace? How come the moment you felt the tiniest amount of calmness was being in the car with Iwaizumi and then the next day you were back to zero all over again.
The image of yourself was already broken when you let yourself completely fall for the insecurities, but how can you rise from all of it? When it was clear that she was all you ever wanted to be.
"Hey, why don't we take a break? For real now, Y/N. Let's just put the phone down and- rest." Iwaizumi whispers, caressing your cheek as you closed your eyes, desperate to remove all trace of emotion. You wanted to blur out the world even for a second and Iwaizumi could promise you a silence worth more than you could ever want.
Your lungs were giving out, every muscle in your body, every function. It felt like any time you could collapse from the lack of sleep, the lack of proper nutrients, the lack of a smile. Your confidence was down to one as you held onto Iwaizumis words, drifting off into what he said before about Oikawa.
If all that he could ever want was you, how come you didn't feel like you weren't what he needed?
"You know that you're just being an asshole at this point, Tooru." Iwaizumi says as Oikawa sighs at the other end of the line. The blonde casually looks over to the setter as she takes a sip of her coffee. Oikawa leans on the pillow as he chooses his words wisely.
"How is she?" He asks, he can imagine the way Iwaizumi would roll his eyes, followed by a disappointed scoff. Oikawa knew the way your mind would work, and it never grew on him how every motion of his would bring destruction to you in any shape or form.
"What do you think? She's fucking crying again."
Even if there was a pinch to his heart, he simply took a deep breath to sustain how painful it was.
"Who is she, Oikawa?" Iwaizumi asks desperately. Oikawa turns to the girl sat in the dinner table as she meekly smiles unknowing she was the certain topic of the two best friends. The setter tiredly runs his hand over his face, wondering if there could be a way that he can exit without stepping on you and Iwaizumis heart.
"You owe me at least one explanation. If you can't give me one, then I'll be-"
"I'm ready. I'll tell you who she is."
And with the following sentences, the ace felt his ears ring along with a ruined heart.
Driving has never felt so rueful before but with every passing mile, all Oikawa wanted to do was stop and turn to where you were.
With a stab to his heart, he promised himself that he can never come back until he's found the silence in his mind.
"This is for us. I'll be better, Y/N. I'll come home to you- and I hope you can wait."
Those words may seem like they were directed to you but Tooru can feel himself stand small to his own declaration. He knows you're willing to wait for god knows how long, but he's indecisive if he has the power to wait for this emptiness that surrounds him.
He couldn't allow the rage in his soul to sit around and act like he's deaf to the screams of it. He needed to stop the sensation of his hands missing the way the ball was placed in it and how each serve leaves a breathtaking reaction on any crowd. The hole in his heart was too big enough for him to ignore, and he'd allow anyone to call him selfish knowing it was the inescapable truth.
Hearing all your voice messages to him the following morning had his heart begging for release. Every crack in your voice had him tipping over the edge. He deserved it- god he deserved it more than anyone else because he would have never heard such pain if he didn't book a flight to Argentina.
"Tooru, baby what happened? Please tell me this is a joke."
"Please fucking answer I need you- god Oikawa please!"
"Come back to me, Tooru- I'll do anything please."
"I love y-you, but I guess you've changed your mind huh?"
"Tooru, let's go home yeah?" A soft voice calls out for him as he averts his gaze to her. He sees how his bags were packed as well her tiny suitcase next to her, all dressed up to go. He stands up from where he is, gripping the handle of the luggage as the girl turns to him with such worry.
It was usual for the girl to awake him from his thoughts and he was thankful that she was brought to him, helping him in ways he could never imagine. She was a mere light in his street, a guide in his moonlight trips, and this was finally the moment to stop the waiting.
He takes a look at his apartment, before landing his eyes on the blonde girl who was tying her hair. He smiles fondly as he's felt the adrenaline to finally move again.
"Yeah, let's go."
"Hajime, stop fucking around!" You laughed as you continued to drive. What a breather it was, to drive with somebody who brought warmth to the passenger seat. Previously, Iwaizumi tested your so called driving skills as he purposely flicks your forehead from time to time for no absolute reason.
You two were on your way home from a movie and Iwaizumi was the star that had grabbed your heart the entire night. He was pulling these jokes, making you cackle to no extent, threatening you that if you'd lose the arcade game one of you will have to forcefully wash the dishes for a week, of course both wouldn't back down.
Maybe for the first time, Oikawa has never visited your mind.
And damn did it feel good.
The part that you found pieces of yourself slowly gathering as you were introduced into a new way of light, it felt too good to be true. Felt like each piece was slowly coming all back together because Iwaizumi was the glue that got you together, it may take a long time to fully be fixed, but the ace proved to you his promise.
You're finally resting.
After the anger that rose above you, Iwaizumi stayed confident to his promise of finally giving you a break you well deserved. He fulfilled you days without technology to shield yourself from any knives from the social world, got you out of bed to watch the sunrise with you, left you places to visit while he was out for his internship. This was more than you could ever ask for.
It felt like flowers were decorating your lungs, heart was slowly being treated with a smile, and laughter that radiated growth.
All because of Iwaizumi.
Now there's a new feeling that has unlocked in your heart and you could feel the burn of it when you noticed how everything felt so light. Unlike before where every step felt too heavy for you to carry on, now that weight is being lifted off by Hajime.
And nothing feels better than that.
Inserting your hands into the pocket of your hoodie, you shivered in the nights embrace. Once Hajime has fallen asleep on the couch, you decided to take a stroll and your feet lead you to a place you've yet to visit in a year.
It was a walk meant for you to clear your head, to settle if everything was going to be permanent because you had to know which part of the moments you wanted to hold onto.
This was entirely a mistake- to stroll around his neighborhood like it was always welcoming you with open arms. All the things you wanted to decide on felt like it vanished once you became familiar with the turns of his car when it drove to this place.
This is where it all began. The lessons, the confessions, the blossoming of love, everything. It doesn't matter how many times you try to deny it, this place will always make your heart bleed at how noxious it was. You can never hate the way chills ran up your spine because of how they all rushed to your mind as fast as light.
It's truly a crime to despise how love is formed.
With the sight of his house, a smile creeps on your face remembering your last interaction in this household.
"This is my lovely, Y/N." He sweetly introduces you as you respectfully bowed but you were taken by surprise when you were hugged by his mom, making your boyfriend laugh at your crazed expression. You lose this tenseness when you felt how endearing she was as you gained courage to gently wrap your arms around her too.
"Welcome honey! I've been wanting to meet you so badly since this twat never shuts up about you." She says earning a pout from your boyfriend and a giggle from you. You turn to his dad smiling softly, as he reciprocates your gesture.
"Might as well get used to the house babe, you'll be an Oikawa soon."
You felt your heart clench with his words and you avert your eyes on the road instead. Finding it hard to sustain the bite of how it all turned into a pile of lies.
"No, mom! Please don't embarrass me like that."
You hear a voice shout out making you jolt from your previous stance.
Meanwhile, Iwaizumi awakens with a groan as his phone dings with every second. As he grumpily opens his phone, he was greeted by a flood of messages coming from a certain setter making him sit up and frantic to reach for you. Seeing your door that was wide open, he lets out a gasp as he fidgets for the door, cussing himself at the situation.
"Fuck, Y/N please no."
You suppressed your sobs with a tight hand to your mouth as you felt your feet gain the urge to ran away but your mind demanded you to stay to finally awaken you in this false hope you've been holding onto.
A silhouette of his tall now much more bulky figure was stood next to more of a petite on with hair tied in a ponytail. Wiping your eyes to sharpen your vision, it hit you like a grenade at war.
There he was, proudly introducing the girl that's haunted your dreams.
Oikawa was smiling brightly at her as you watched her look at him with the same expression.
He's right there with someone who isn't you and can never be you.
"You and me, love. That's all it takes."
"Tooru." You whispered as if you'd ever get the chance to let him notice your cries. God, it was unbearable. No words came to your mind, no beating of your heart, it was all gone because the only thing that will forever linger in your mind is the sight of the person you waited so long to come home to, has gone and found the perfect replacement.
Another glance meant like a sword heading straight to your heart in one swing so you finally decide to turn your back on something you knew you had to forget.
"Tooru, who is she?" His mom asks softly, not wanting to let the curiosity lace her tone knowing the smile on his sons face was an exact look he had when he had you.
"This is Himari." He glances to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, with his lips tugged into a smile, a genuine one that's been kept a secret for too long.
"My dear little helper." Oikawa jokes as Himari rolls her eyes as his parents grew more in confusion at the sight of this stranger.
"Help with what Tooru?"
"To get Y/N to live with me in Argentina."
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bruh-haikyuu · 4 years
REQUEST: Can I request Bokuto with a soft & short manager s/o and she always helps the team cheer bokuto up when hi is in emo mode and like a lot of fluff🥺👉👈
A/N: Tumblr is being a whore with their Keep Reading button, putting it on the ask and shit smh. So I apologize for the repost.
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alate. | bokuto kōtarō
word count: 1776
warnings: none
(adj.) having wings; lifted up in flight
Official match protocols only allowed one manager on the court for each team. Fukurodani Academy’s Boys’ Volleyball team always had their lenient but reliable third year managers to get the job done. Third-years Yukie and Kaori had been your final salvation against the inevitable fate of having to care for the raucous boys alone. But today with some lucky fortune of theirs, they’d somehow coerced you into taking their place.
“...Will I experience any internal combustions by the end of the match?”
The three of you stood in a personal circle at the entrance to the gym. The three managers of Fukurodani, with your two seniors looming over you like two scheming birds of prey. They didn’t even have to ask why you were so worried; despite being a second-year, this was your first time to stand on the court with the team instead of panicking on your own on the sidelines. This time, you were in the game, up-close-and-personal.
“You’ll do fine~” Yukie grinned, raising her right hand in a lazy ‘OK’ gesture. “Besides, you’re a total expert when it comes to giving Bokuto a good knock in the head.”
If Bokuto’s vanity was a chronic disease, he’d need more than just a “good knock in the head” to be cured. But Yukie wasn’t wrong. Your praises, in comparison to the others’, had a quicker, more powerful effect on the ace. Though you weren’t sure if that skill of yours was more of a blessing than a curse...
“W-well, I’ll do my best,” you muttered, fiddling with the hem of your track jacket. Your seniors exchanged a look before smiling softly at you.
“Oh, and one more thing!” Kaori piped up as you lugged the bag full of empty bottles over your shoulder. “Can you act a bit bashful when you’re complimenting the captain?
“Why’s that, Kaori-san?”
“Bokuto thinks you look cute when you’re embarrassed.”
══════ ⋆★⋆ ══════
‘Cute’? What did that even mean? Did Bokuto always think people were ‘cute’ whenever they flash a single praise at him? Not that you remembered... What’s with that, you grumbled, angrily trying to get the concept into your skull.
Your eyes darted back to the court where—much to your distress—the other team just had to be painfully good at blocks. Now, you just hoped that the boys wouldn’t get too disgruntled.
The score was 12-15, with Torasaka Metropolitan High in the lead. Though Fukurodani had obtained their twelfth point with a lucky read on Torasaka’s setter dump, things were obstinately bleak for your team.
“I want to try it!” you heard Bokuto exclaim excitedly. From afar, you could already spot a few sullen scowls begin to form on his teammates’ faces. “Hey, ‘Kaashi, do you want to try that block with me?”
The setter sent you a pained expression enough for guilt to comically swallow you whole. Returning his attention to the ace who’s practically bouncing on his heels, Akaashi sighed. “Bokuto-san, let’s focus on our normal blocks first.”
A child! you thought incredulously as you watched the captain stick out his tongue at him. Though Bokuto was particularly a sight to behold when he’s in top form, just how confident could he be, trying something so risky in a middle of a tight match? Or was he just a complete and utter numbskull? You thought he was rather amazing for the juxtaposition... in a Bokuto fashion, of course.
As Washio prepared to serve, you watched the ace literally vibrate with eagerness of having such an “interesting enemy”. Whenever Bokuto got extremely fired up, it was your inevitable fate that you just couldn’t look away. The way his jersey hugged his hulking frame as he flexed his muscles in preparation to follow the path of the ball, it was nearly bewitching. If he had been like this his entire life, you were sure your heart wouldn’t take being with Bokuto for a mere second.
“It’s up!” Torasaka’s libero signaled, cleanly receiving Washio’s serve (much to the player’s frustration).
In your memory, Torasaka High wasn’t a much known threat until just recently. “Their new first years block like a fort,” you remembered what Coach Yamiji had said in the bus that morning. Despite far from being as crafty as Nohebi or as versatile as Nekoma, Tokyo teams were a force to be reckoned with.
What a terrifying sport, you thought to yourself for what seemed to be the fifth time this month.
“Left! Left!”
On the other side of the court, Sarukui, Bokuto and Akaashi scrambled to follow the ball’s trajectory. Though you were only a rookie in this entire volleyball thing, you were quick to notice that Bokuto’s footsteps were a bit smaller and slower than the first two...
Wait, is he planning to delay the timing of his block now?!
It was definitely a quick from the other side. It was evident, even to you. And when the two jumped to block the ball with their ace lagging behind, the ball had already streaked over him at a dangerous angle. Point Torasaka.
Landing on the pads of his feet, Akaashi’s expression shifted between “candidly annoyed” and “visibly concerned” as he watched the captain raise his head for his team to see.
“You’re kidding me...” Sarukui groaned under his breath. Behind him, the others followed promptly with their own reactions of disbelief.
His infamous salt-and-pepper hair deflating alongside his shoulders, Bokuto whined, loud enough for you to hear from the benches. “The hell... I thought I had that block mastered. Why’d they have to make it look so easy?”
Time-out! Akaashi turned to you and the coach a with pleading stare, hard enough for your supervising teacher to shoot upwards and signal the referee for their second break of the match.
Groaning, you stuffed your face in your hands, hoping that your senior managers in the audience were praying for your good health.
“What were you thinking?!” Coach Yamiji hissed, giving the sulking ace a well-deserved smack to the side of his head. Bokuto didn’t even flinch. “You could’ve—”
“Coach. Let me.”
Snapping his head in your direction, the old man grew pale when he heeded the dark aura that spewed from your body. Even the others, though they were only watching the entire event go down, was hyper-aware of the invisible, nightmarish fog that came with your frustration.
You’d always seemed so sweet and indulgent, never angry. Never. And yet Bokuto had finally gotten you to drop the tether that held your patience together.
Walking to Bokuto, you sent him a scowl so cold, he forgot how to blink. The rest of the team, the coach, your teacher and even Yukie and Kaori in the stands shivered from the sudden gust of frosty air that oozed from you. Some of the audience surprisingly turned their heads to watch the spectacle of the tiny Fukurodani manager who seemed like she was about to trample on their ace.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
“Bokuto, you—!”
You froze. No. If you scolded him now, that only make matters worse. Bokuto didn’t fare well when he was scolded by Kaori or Yukie either. Besides, you were his manager, not his mother. But what else were you going to do?
Bokuto thinks you look cute when you’re embarrassed.
Swallowing a nagging lump in your throat, you recalled the words of your seniors. Embarrassed? How do you do embarrassed? Was that even a thing you could pull off manually? Taking in a deep breath, you tightened your fist before loosening them in front of your body. Something was better than nothing.
“Senpai?!” the others snapped towards you, jaws on the floor. Even Bokuto was stunned.
Eyeing his interested gaze, you continued, fidgeting bashfully, “Bokuto-senpai’s such a slob... If you just listened to the others... you’d be a lot cooler...”
Komi tugged at the back of Konoha’s jersey, whispering in the blonde one’s ear, “She’s pulling out the ‘Cute Tsundere’ card!”
Stupefied, the wing spiker muttered, “Bokuto’s actually taking the bait... Scary. L/N-san’s scary.”
And take the bait he did. You didn’t even realize how red you were with the way he was looking at you—and the shade was fully unintentional, much to your chagrin. But Bokuto’s sullen mood was far gone, replaced with the brighter interest of infatuation.
“A lot cooler...?” Bokuto savored your words in his tongue, before whipping out both his hands to grab at your shoulders. “Y-You think I’m cool?!”
You didn’t even have to pretend to be shy anymore. The close contact of his skin, the scent of his sweat mingled with the musky aroma of his cologne and the pinkish tint on his cheeks. It was too much, and you soon wondered if Bokuto had always seemed this charming to you.
“Y-you airhead! Of course I do,” you mumbled, lowering your sight to the floor. “You’re already really good at volleyball, but you do things like forcing yourself to do a block you can’t do just because you want attention and... and now everyone has to bear that burden.”
“Please go on a date with me.”
You flinched in his grasps. This was escalating much faster than you’d hoped it would. Unable to register what he had said, you asked him to repeat himself.
“The cute Y/N-chan thinks I’m cool. That’s like a dream come true, right? So if I become cool again, won’t you go on a date with me?”
How unbelievable. One second he almost reminded you of the small boy that lived below your apartment, and the next he was like some sort of phantom thief, ready to whisk you away from the confines of your castle and steal your heart. You smiled earnestly; Bokuto Koutarou really was a man of many wonders.
Slipping yourself away from his grip, you raised an index finger between his eyes. “If you win... I’ll consider it.”
Like a phoenix rising from its ashes, the ace lit up once more. Revived, renewed, and heart set on taking you out. While dragging Akaashi back onto the court, Bokuto made it a point that he was looking at you all the way. You giggled. What an interesting person.
From the stands, your gaze traced the motto of Fukurodani’s Volleyball Club. Pour all your soul into each ball. Bokuto played with passion, with his emotions and whenever the time was right, with his logic too. For a while, volleyball seemed like the last thing you’d want to spend your life doing. But seeing the ace’s blushing grin to you when they’d scored the final match point... it might not be as bad as you thought it’d be.
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dc41896 · 3 years
The Whole Time?!
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Pairing: Jake JensenxBlack Reader
⚠️: Maybe a tiny bit of technical angst (🤷🏽‍♀️ lol), fluff💕
“P-Pooch?,” you stammer unable to fathom that your supposedly dead brother was standing in front of you and his wife who was about to give birth to their son in any minute.
“Hey peanut,” he smiles stepping further in the hospital room. “I’d hug you, but I’m w-,”
You didn’t even let him finish before immediately wrapping your arms around his neck and burying your face in his shoulder. Good thing he was already wet from the rain, your tears would just be a welcomed addition.
“Wait. D-Does that mean-”
“Hey babe,” the all too familiar voice speaks making more silent tears fall as you lift your head. Just as soaked as Pooch, he nervously smiles removing his hat to reveal his spiked frosted tips. He pretty much looked the same as you last saw him. Toned arms and chest shielded by his dripping jacket along with your personal favorite, his black circular frames bringing even more attention to those crystal baby blues.
There were plenty of times you thought about what you’d do if granted this moment. Cry, scream, maybe jump into his arms clinging onto him like a koala on a tree. Possibly all three even. Now, finally being granted your wish after all these months, there was one main thing on your mind.
“Wow,” he smiles as you slowly move closer to each other. “I didn’t think it was possible, but somehow you’ve gotten more beautiful.” Just as the words left his mouth, the back of your hand connecting with his abdomen in the hardest hit you could muster nearly knocks the wind out of him as he keeled forward.
“And apparently stronger too..,” he coughs.
“How could you?!”
“I didn’t do it on purpose! We had to so we could go after the guy who set us up. And why didn’t you hit Pooch?! He was in it too.”
“He’s got one coming after my nephew safely enters the world, right now though it’s your turn,” you glare before smacking him again.
“Told you she had a strong backhand,” Pooch states quickly closing the room door before his sister decided to direct her rage at him.
The rest of the team merely watch in entertainment as your hits move to his shoulders and biceps until Jensen can grab your wrists pinning them by your sides.
“I’m sorry for putting you through all that, but it’s not like I completely left! I could still see you.”
You tilt your head in confusion ready to ask what he was talking about, until seeing Clay nervously scratch the back of his neck as he and Cougar shift their gaze clues you in on what he meant.
“Wha-? I-,”
“Did you really think that would make me feel better?!”
“...Honestly at this point I’m afraid to answer.”
Annoyed groan falling from your lips, you tried to escape his grasp, but his larger hands slightly tightening their grip on yours, along with him following your every movement, keep you in place. “When we go home I can explain everything.”
“Will you? Or are you just gonna lie some more?”
“I promise I’ll tell everything,” he whispers, leaving a chaste kiss on your temple before flashing one of his ‘please don’t stay mad at me forever because I love you’ smiles. So far, it’d gotten him out of any argument you had. Including this one.
Darn those good looks of his.
“Fine,” you reply as you cross your arms, leaving him to find a seat in the nearby waiting room.
“Any tips here Colonel?,” Jake sighs.
“I’m probably not the one you’d want relationship advice from.”
Another heavy sigh leaves his lips as he follows your path down the hall to sit next to you. That is if you’d let him.
“Okay, is anybody else stuck on the fact that Jensen actually has a girlfriend?,” Aisha states breaking the momentary silence and making both men chuckle.
It’s the happiest he’s ever been to walk into his small, outdated apartment. Things weren’t exactly the same as he left it with your few new decorations and pieces of furniture trying to make the place a bit of your own, but of course he didn’t mind. It actually warmed his heart that although he was “gone” you still chose to stay, sticking by his side when you easily could’ve moved on with your life.
“Jeez, the faucet always drip that loud?,” he lightly chuckles shedding his coat and placing it on the small hanger by the door.
“It started a bit after you left,” you sigh kicking off your shoes. “Think it’s loud now, it’s even louder when you’re just sitting here alone.”
Following you to the bedroom feeling like a dog with its tail between his legs, he sits at the foot of the bed looking down at his hands as you move about the bathroom getting yourself ready for bed. Your words were like the sharpest sting as his mind vividly showed an image of you just sitting in this apartment with nothing but thoughts of loosing your brother and boyfriend along with the hum of the AC. He knew for the sake of their mission, and the team, he couldn’t say anything, but it still didn’t take away his guilt of what you went through mentally and emotionally.
“I tried to write you.”
“What, your computer go down and you couldn’t watch me anymore?,” you counter over your shoulder before rinsing the soap from your face.
“That was only once okay? I was watching my niece’s soccer game and then I thought about what you were doing and kinda sorta hacked your office’s cameras, which yes I know was wrong. Speaking of, they really should update their software, a fifth grader could easily hack into it just guessing the password,” he answers making you roll your eyes with a chuckle.
“And who’s Tom?”
“Yea. Curly brown haired guy, cubicle across from yours. Big head you can see a mile away.”
“I’m sorry are you somehow trying to turn things on me when you’re the one that’s supposed to be explaining why I’ve thought you were dead this whole time?,” you ask wiping the remaining moisturizer from your hands before crossing them in front of your chest as you step closer to the now nervous looking man.
“N-no, of course not! But I mean since he’s been mentioned...”
“He’s just this guy at work that apparently likes me and asked me out but I said no, because a small part of me kept hoping that you’d miraculously come back. Happy?”
Sighing, you sit beside him tucking your bare legs under you and taking his hand in yours to trace the lines on his palm. You never knew how or why you started, but it was something you occasionally did while you two were talking or just lying next to him enjoying each other’s company. It brought a smile and giddy feeling to Jensen, just as it did to you.
“Listen, I’m sorry I’m giving you a hard time, I know you didn’t have a choice, and understand. Selfishly though, I just missed you so much and wish I could’ve known. It definitely would’ve saved some sleepless nights and tears.”
With his other hand, his thumb and index finger gently grab your chin guiding you to meet his eyes. “I’m sorry for everything I put you through having you think I was dead. The second we threw our tags in that fire you and my family were all I could think about. Like I said I wanted to write and give you some sign that I wasn’t gone, but I could never figure out how to start. Plus Clay threatened to cut off little Jensen if I did send anything back home once he found out, which only made it tougher.”
“Yea we wouldn’t want that,” you softly laugh following a short sniffle you were trying to hold back. You really were done with crying, having done so since you got that devastating call so long ago, and just wished your tear ducts would shrivel up already. “Sorry, I thought I was done with the tears.”
“Shh, don’t be.” Leaning forward, his soft as clouds lips meet the single salty droplet in the middle of you cheek erasing its presence before moving to yours in quite possibly the most delicate, tender kiss you’ve ever experienced. Any other time, you’d probably call it painfully slow, trying to take the lead to move things along. But as you both sat there taking everything in from each other’s scents to the feel of how one’s lips and mouth felt on the other, you couldn’t feel more connected.
Just barely pulling away, his swollen lips rest centimeters above yours ready to take them again as soon as he caught his breath.
“I don’t know if I should be embarrassed at myself or amazed at whatever powers you have,” he starts, a light chuckle escaping him. “But I think you just made me-,”
“Jensen!,” you laugh, playfully smacking his shoulder. “Way to ruin a romantic mood.”
“If it’s romance you want, say no more,” he smiles taking your hand in his and placing it on his chest as he clears his throat. To the best of his ability, he begins singing the opening lines to your couple’s song, as Jake proclaimed it, instantly making you fall back on the bed in laughter.
“You actin' kinda shady, ain't callin' me baby, why the sudden change. Say my name, say my name!”
“This is definitely not a couple’s song,” you laugh feeling his forearms rest on either side of your head and chest vibrate from his laughing.
“I’ll admit lyrically wise..yes, you’re right. But it’s still ours which makes it special.”
You’d never forget that day in the grocery store trying to find a pint of your favorite ice cream as the song played overhead. Without really looking, you thought you were on the freezing aisle by yourself and began singing along as you gently bobbed your head. Suddenly hearing a voice singing the background vocals made you slightly jump turning to see the taller man in a grey sweatshirt, blue and white basketball shorts, and sneakers holding up his hands.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. I-It’s Destiny’s Child, I couldn’t resist.”
“It’s okay, and I mean who can?,” you respond, both softly laughing before shyly looking back at your respective sections to get your frozen desserts.
“Soo...you like ice cream?,” he asks interrupting the momentary silence.
“Yea, um my favorite’s moose tracks,” you answer briefly holding up your pint with a smile.
“You know who has a good moose tracks? Bennie & Bailey’s downtown. They make it from scratch and I don’t know what all they put in it, but it’s amazing.”
“Oh, okay thanks. I don’t think I’ve ever been there.”
“Well you should definitely go one day. I mean if you want,” he nervously chuckles.
“Will do,” you smile. “Only if you’ll take me though?”
At first, being met with his shocked, speechless expression made your newfound confidence falter thinking you might’ve been too bold with the cute stranger, whom you hadn’t even asked if he was single or not. However seeing his eyes shine bright and adorable smile grace his pink lips, your excitement returned as he moved closer handing you his phone.
Years later, the rest is history as you lie in bed with the man you were sure was the love of your life.
“Hey what’s going on in there?,” he asks brushing his fingertips across your forehead noticing you become quiet. Lightly scratching his goatee, you feel your eyes start to water again causing you to blink a few times trying to keep them at bay.
“I just don’t want you to leave again,” you whisper, moving your fingers to card through his chestnut and blonde mixed strands.
“I’m not going anywhere unless you ask me too.”
Taglist: @fumbling-fanfics @honeydulcewrites @honeychicana @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @lovelymari4 @melinda-january @maxcullen @literaturefeen @damnitaa @curlyhairclub @plokyu23 @fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @wildfirecracker @nina-sj @iammyownlover @chaneajoyyy @scoop93535 @secretmysteriousperson
If anybody wants to be tagged, has asked to be tagged but don’t see your name, only want to be tagged for certain people I write for (can be found in masterlist), or no longer wish to be tagged just let me know🤓!
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