#she literally has a dragon on her shoulder oh my???!?
xinyuehui · 1 year
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hibischush · 1 month
Hii! Could you write March falling in love with the farmer and everyone around him noticing but the farmer? I think it would make him go completely crazy xD
sure thing! 🌺
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March didn't even realize it until Elsie literally spelt it out for him.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." He bristled, crossing his arms against his chest.
Elsie let out one of her elegant laughs and patted him on the shoulder. 
"Sure you don't, dear."
March blinked.
Elsie's eyes widened with surprise. "Oh my stars! You truly don't know, do you?" she guffawed, and everyone in the carpenters' shop turned to look at them.
It was odd to see Elsie here whilst Olric and himself visited Landen and Ryis, but not entirely unbelievable. What March didn't expect was for him to be mercilessly attacked by the older woman about his love life.
He blushed. He shouldn't have mentioned that stupid farmer. 
"Everyone knows that you have harbored feelings for the farmer, honey. There isn't any shame in admitting that."
It developed all too quickly a few months back. It was March's birthday. And it was raining.
He really didn't mind that it was so dreary-- he was going to work for most of the day and then celebrate with his brother and Ryis at the Inn.
He sat behind the counter, rolling a pen up and down the table. Not many people come in to purchase weapons or armor. Except for that infuriating farmer.
March has had to make several suits of armor for them, every time upgrading in quality and materials. And every time he would remember their exact measurements to ensure that the armor would fit on them perfectly, and that it would be the best pieces of metalwork he would ever produce. Not that he would ever admit that to them, though.
The shop's door swings open, and March's heartbeat ramps up as he recognizes who it was.
"Hey! Sorry for dragging in all this water." The farmer, drenched from head to toe, beams at him as the door shuts behind them.
His breath hitches. Their clothes, sopping wet, cling perfectly to their frame.
He coughs. "What do you want? You just got an armor upgrade. Do you actually have a life? Or is all you do is mine?"
They rolled their eyes, a smirk still gracing their lips (not that he was looking at their lips), "Oh March. You never change. Even after all that copper and tesserae."
They saunter over to the counter, and March inhales sharply through his nose, hoping the extra oxygen would help his head function around them.
"I came to give you a present! Happy birthday, March." They smile softly, handing him a small box that was wrapped with care. He took it cautiously, and nearly jumped when their fingers grazed against his own. He tried to push the electric feeling down. 
Attached to the bow that held the lid down was a slip of paper with his name written by the farmer on it. Eyeing them suspiciously, they only smiled and nodded their head encouragingly. Pulling the bow and the lid apart, he was pleasantly surprised with what he saw. Amazed, even.
It must have shown through his expression, because the farmer began to explain themself.
"I was on one of the lower levels of the mines, and there was this untouched chest stuck in the dirt. I dug it up, and lo’ and behold..."
Sitting on a velvet pillow laid a shiny golden band, which was formed into an unfinished circle. Instead of joining in the middle, the two ends were molded into a pair of dragon heads, with what looked like tiny sapphire eyes.
March's throat dried. He struggled to understand why someone so sweet would give him something like this despite the poor way he treats them. His face got hot, and he silently struggled to fight tears pricking in his eyes.
He panicked. "This better not be cursed."
The farmer laughed. "I promise,"
They stood there for a second more. It almost seemed as if they wanted to say something else, but instead they just gave a small wave goodbye and turned towards the door.
Just as they reached the doorknob, March yelled their name.
"Th-thank you. For the gift." He mumbled.
They smiled. "You're welcome, March."
When they left, he felt his heart drop as he sighed. They'll never realize what they do to him.
March turned to Ryis, begging via eye contact for his friend to save him from this overbearing granny matchmaker.
Ryis only shrugged. "Sorry, man, but it's true. I've seen the way that you act around them."
"What do I act like?!"
Ryis recalled the time that the farmer hugged him after he gave them the bracelet he made them. The carpenter said he didn’t know that he could even get that red, especially after the farmer told him that ‘it was the most thoughtful gift they’ve ever received,’ and that March was their ‘closest friend.’
Before he could retort, his brother stepped up. He explained that March almost poured molten iron on the floor instead of the ax-head mold while he was checking them out. "C’mon dude. Even I can pick that up." Orlic chuckled.
"March, I've lived a long life, and with the way you stutter around them...everyone knows that you're interested in them." Landen butted in.
Elsie sighed, “And what’s worse, the only person who hasn’t noticed is the farmer,” she turned to March, “I don’t know how much more obvious you could be, dearie.”
This farmer was going to be the end of him.
March's face feels so hot it's almost like he stuck his head directly into a crucible filled with molten copper. He covered his face with his hands.
"All of you suck." March mumbled.
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Did I get too carried away with this? Yes. As always, hope you enjoyed 💗
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bigtedbear · 2 months
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“ 𝐥’𝐚𝗺𝗼𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐞 𝗺𝐚 𝐯𝐢𝐞 “
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𝐩𝐫𝗼𝗺𝐩𝐭: 𝐧𝐞𝐮𝐯𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝗼 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝗼𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝, 𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝗼 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝗼𝐟𝐟
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content warning: quite literally no warnings, married life, two old men, complete tooth-rotting fluff, male reader, dragon male reader, this is a part two, large family, a lot of sisters, most of this is character building, can they kiss already
Part 1 here: " serein "
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" welcome back, caller @juiceedapplee! connecting your line as we speak! "
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"Cornelia, do you happen to know where the Iudex has snuck off to? He promised he would meet with me for lunch."
You felt slightly bad when one of the many assistants around his office nearly dropped the stack of papers she'd been carrying and fumbled to stand at full attention. One of the many things the assistants around the building had yet to get used to; your near silent footsteps when you loitered around your husband's office.
Just as quickly as she nearly dropped her papers, you were lunging forward to support the back of the stack with your palms. She stuttered over her tongue for a moment, seemingly knotting it up in the process. It took her a second before she finally managed to spit out a quiet, "I believe his grace was headed down to the gardens, I overhead him mentioning it to Sedene around the time when he usually takes his lunchbreak."
There was a pause before you huffed out of your nose indignantly. "Without me? He knows I love lunch in the gardens." You helped her set down her stack of papers on her desk before giving her a quiet nod, "Thank you, Cornelia, tell Eunomia that I'll be joining him. I'll need to cancel my prior arrangements at the Opera Epiclese."
She nodded quickly, though, it wasn't as though you saw her nod with how quickly you turned on your heel to immediately head towards the residential wing again.
Before the attendant at the door could so much as give you a greeting bow, the doors were flung open as you rushed out into the endless pockets of color. "Neuvillette!"
It seemed even your own husband was surprised you'd showed up based on the expression stretching across his formerly blank face. He blinked a few times as you stalked towards the table. "You scoundrel, don't tell me you were trying to get out of having lunch with me!"
He blinked a few more times before the cup of tea he was nursing was set back down on the table, "I apologize, my dear, it seems our arrangements slipped my mind."
You huffed again, setting your arms on the back of his chair. "This simply won't do, as the Iudex you must always remember your promises." You tapped your finger on the wooden frame, tail haphazardly swinging back and forth by your ankles. "You even promised you'd set aside an entire hour to spend with me today."
He hummed again, leaning his head back onto your lower stomach. With his eyes closed, he pondered absentmindedly to no one in particular, "Did I really?"
You nodded eagerly, punctuating it with a verbal hum of agreement. "I remember specifically that you promised me because I had something I needed to tell you."
His brow raised curiously, eyes finally peeling open when you moved your hands tenderly to cup his shoulders. "Oh? Did you mention that you had something you needed to tell me when I promised you?"
"No," You squeezed his collarbones before retreating from his chair. There was a small bit of glee swirling at the bottom of your stomach as you watched him chase after your hands subconsciously. As you sat yourself down in the chair across from him, you added, "I thought it'd be best if I simply told you over lunch."
The way his eyebrows twitched indicated his vested interest in the matter. Instead of picking up his cup of tea again, his hand reached for a fork. "Really? Is it something you couldn't have shared while the two of us readied ourselves for sleep?"
You shook your head, reaching across the table to set out your own porcelain. With the saucer and teacup now making themselves at home in their appropriate spots in front of you, your other hand grasped the handle of the teapot. "No, I was afraid you would be far too tired to grasp what I was saying."
He gave a reserved smile in response, watching your wrist tilt at the perfect angle to pour your own serving of tea. "Surely I'm not as incapable as you say when I return home, am I?"
Your own grin crept up towards your ears cheekily, a terribly concealed mirth in your voice when you responded, "Oh please, you might as well be deaf when you get home. After hours of listening to everyone but your dear husband, you barely remember to say goodnight half the time."
You took satisfaction in the deep rumble emanating from his chest in response, "You're exaggerating."
You snickered at him in response, "Am not!" You plucked one of the many food choices laid out on a platter between the two of you off the plate and brought it to your lips. Before finally allowing yourself to indulge in it's flavors, you tacked on a quick, "Just last week before your trial presiding over the one couple who couldn't seem to keep their sticky fingers off their neighbor's jewelry, you forgot to give me a kiss goodnight."
He pursed his lips, his hand coming to rest under his chin thoughtfully for a moment.
You shook your head, "That's completely besides the point." You wiped the crumbs from your lip with your pocket square handkerchief, "I wanted to tell you I'll be taking a trip out of the capital."
He titled his head to the side lightly, "I don't see why you would need to alert me that you're leaving the Court, it seems every other day you're making a trip to Poisson to aide in the Spina de Rosula's operations."
You nodded, "While that may be true, I'm not just going to be making a quick stop into Rosula headquarters.
...I've decided I'm going to be visiting my family in the Western Slopes of Mont Automnequi."
He choked on his tea, automatically bringing a fist to pound on his chest.
You automatically stood up, looming over the table as you went to thump on his back to get whatever was lodged in his throat to clear out.
However, in response, he held up his other hand as though to stop you. When he finally managed to stop coughing, he immediately began the questioning, "What exactly prompted this sudden need to visit your family again? I understand that you're close with your sisters, but I remember you swore you wouldn't see your parents faces unless absolutely necessary again."
You snapped your fingers pointedly, "Exactly why I must visit this weekend!" You ignored the scandalized noise from your husband's throat as you continued. "My parents will be away from home to partake in a local farmer's market in a nearby town. It'll be one of the only chances I have to see my sisters without the interference of either of them."
It was as though he deflated into his seat at the mention of you leaving for so long so soon. "Surely, they'll be gone for long enough you can push the trip back. If you're truly going to be leaving for so long, I must get in as much time with you as possible."
You shook your head, "Only this weekend. They are adamant that my younger sisters not be expected to tend to any of their crops. They'll only allow Helene and Elise to work the fields and the two of them can only be expected to handle themselves for so long when they've never been forced to work the fields before."
He pursed his lips, crossing his arms, "Well, have you considered bringing your sisters to the Court of Fontaine instead?"
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"What in the world are you-"
"Move, Helene, I wish to see the children."
In all of her shock, your twin sister didn't put up any fuss as you pushed her aside in favor of invading the walls of your family home. The small cramped hallway welcomed you, but a little bit too snugly. Your antlers had grown a couple inches since you'd last been inside, so had you funnily enough.
"Odette, Aurelie, Evangeline!"
You crouched to make yourself fit underneath the doorway to the main den, finally standing tall and proud in the main living room where the large family of eight you woke up to every morning often shared breakfast. It didn't take long before you heard a few pairs of footsteps begin to clamber down the staircase.
"Big brother's home!"
A head of pure platinum blonde hair bestowed by your mother's angelic genes was the first to bash itself into your stomach, a groan filling the room as your arms wrapped themselves snug around her little head to get the mini daggers stemmed from her temples off your stomach. Despite looking like a carbon copy of your mother, you sister inherited your father's short, stumpy, bull-like horns that curled forward towards her forehead.
You flicked her on the forehead playfully while your youngest sister all but danced at your heels and the third eldest, just barely brushing past the age of a young lady, stood and watched from the bottom of the stairs. "You're far too tall to be Odette, what did you do with my precious little sister?"
A gleeful giggle lit up the room as she squeezed her arms around your much bigger form. "Don't be silly, it's still me!"
Your own joyful laughter chimed like a bell in tandem with hers. She was still just barely young enough that you could lug her around like a baby. The fact brought a sad twinge to your heart, but instead of settling on it, you hooked your arms under her shoulders and twirled around a big circle in the air.
Evangeline, the baby of the family, tugged impatiently at the leg of your far too luxurious pants. "Me too! Me too!"
She looked similar to yourself and your father, the same hair and a similar build to all those that descended from his half of the family. The two big differences stemmed from her brilliant green eyes and the big antlers that were already growing from the crown of her head. As you set down Odette, you tapped your own antlers while you examined her. "Now look at those horns! Soon enough, they'll be even bigger than mine!"
Her own snickers highlighted the room when you gave into her requests for a turn spinning around in the air, setting her back on the solid ground after giving her a big bear hug.
Evangeline, when you left, had just been barely old enough to remember you as her older brother. She had been four, now, just barely hitting her ninth birthday. Odette had only been six, now eleven.
Then, there was Aurelie.
You turned to her standing at the bottom of the stairway. You might've expected her to have been joyful to see you again, but instead of a happy smile, there was a tight-lipped frown. She had the same color hair and eyes as yourself, your dad's horns, and a much more liberal tongue than your parents had ever cared for. Sheepishly, you opened up your arms in case she might've wanted a hug.
Instead of a hug, she offered an unforgiving punch to your bicep. You winced, only to then be taken off guard by her embrace. She'd been eleven when you'd left, now hitting the pivotal age of 16.
You cocked your head to the side, looking down at where she was burying her own bull-horns in your chest. "I missed you too?"
She clicked her tongue in response, muffled by the fluffy fabric of your cravat in her face, "You're an asshole for not visiting sooner, you know that, right?"
You whistled, "Dad would have your head for swearing. That isn't very ladylike, now is it?"
She pounded her fist on your chest again, smiling when you grunted in acknowledgement, "I should have your head for abandoning me for some rich snob in the capital, besides mom and dad aren't home."
"Hey, it wasn't even my decision," You pulled back from her hug to flick her on the forehead, "And I'll have you know Neuvillette is not a snob."
She rubbed the spot on her head, letting go of your plentiful coat to nurse the new red mark. You gave her one last squeeze before turning your attention back to your much younger, much more hyperactive, little siblings. Their first question was one that had you raising your eyebrows.
"Who's Neuvillette?"
You pursed your lips, turning to look at your twin sister who had finally trailed into the den after you. She shrugged sheepishly in response, "Mom and dad said it'd be best not to say anything to them."
You hummed, crossing your arms. When you finally settled on an answer, you held Odette's hand in yours, the other intertwining fingers with Evangeline, "Well, you know how in all your storybooks there's always a prince to save the princess from her tower or rescue her from the mighty, fearsome, and evil dragon?"
Both little girls nodded their head.
"Let's say I'm the princess," your smile grew when you heard their mischievous laughter, "and our parents are the evil stepmother that made me work all day in the fields so they could go and spend all their time doing other things."
Evangeline raised her hand, you nodded for her to ask her question, "Can we put you in a dress?"
Your twin sister cackled from the doorway. "HAH!"
Your cheeks flushed pink, "Maybe another time, Evangeline." You cleared your throat, "Anyways, so our parents are the evil step parents in the storybook, right?"
The two little girls nodded again.
"I get kidnapped by these evil people that want to hurt me cause I'm a dragon! " You pulled your hand from your sister's to place it dramatically on your forehead, "Even worse, our poor parents don't even know because they're busy doing other things"
There was an audible gasp between the two of them. This time, Odette interrupted without prompting, "If mom and dad didn't know you were gone, how did you manage to get away from them?"
You grinned, "That's where Neuvillette comes in!" You put your hand over your heart, playing up the dramatics, "There I was, being tortured over and over by these terrible people, and then, suddenly a beautiful prince shows up and he beats up all the bad guys!"
Evangeline immediately slapped her smaller hand on top of yours, shaking them back and forth excitedly, "And then you guys kissed and got married!"
You snapped your fingers, your own laugh filling the air, "Exactly!"
Odette frowned, "You got married without us?" She paused again, putting her free hand on her chin, "Wait, since you're the princess, did you wear the wedding dress or did Neuvillette?"
You shook your head, "Sadly, neither of us got to wear a big wedding gown that night. We both wore suits." You paused for a moment, seemingly thinking something over.
"Well, would either of you be interested in meeting him? I might be able to convince him to wear a wedding dress."
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“Are you Monsieur Prince Charming? How come you didn't buy our big brother a nice wedding dress?"
Before Evangeline could say anything else further incriminating, you shushed her, "As sure as I am that you have a lot of questions for Neuvillette, you can ask them later. We have a lot we planned to do today and you need to settle into your rooms before we head out."
Before you could convince the two girls to leave, Neuvillette asked aloud curiously, "A wedding dress?"
Odette nodded quickly, "Yeah, if you were going to marry him without us there, you should've at least made sure that he looked pretty!"
Your face lit up a stark claret. Instead of answering, you cleared your throat loudly and motioned towards the large doorway connecting to the residential area of the building, "Come, come, Odette, Evangeline, you'll be rooming together in a bedroom next to Helene." You placed your hand on the small of either girl's back, silently pleading with your twin sister to bail you out of this little situation. From across the room, she watched silently. She was more than amused, only breaking her silence to laugh behind her finest pair of gloves. The pure white fabric seemed to mock the fact that you were being teased over a wedding dress.
With a fake sincerity dripping in her every move, she went to pick up the pitifully small bags that had been packed for their week-long stay in the Palais Mermonia. However, she was quickly stopped by a pair of attendants scrambling to pick them up for her. More surprised than anything, she stopped in her tracks and simply let them handle the group's luggage for them. She called your name in astonishment, "I dare say you're living the easy life, you don't have to so much as lift a finger anymore, do you? I remember having to get you to sit down next to the tub so I could pick clumps of dirt out of your hair when we were still-"
"Helene!" you hissed between gritted teeth, unable to hide the whine forcing the end of your statement to trail up in pitch.
She held her hands up in surrender, her heeled boots clicking against the tiled floors in tandem with the near-silent snickering. "Yes, yes, I suppose I can hold my tongue for your sake. Now, which way are we headed? Only just walking into the place makes me feel like I'm royalty, I simply cannot wait to see the bed chambers!"
Neuvillette could only watch on in quiet bewilderment as you walked your two younger sisters towards their guest room. There was a quiet patience in the way you presented yourself as they hung off of you. Even when they asked to be picked up, without a complaint you slung Evangeline onto your shoulders and silently put up with her tugging on your antlers while she all but squealed in delight at the beautiful, intricate tile and marble works.
It took Aurelie clearing her own throat before Neuvillette seemed to snap out of his daze. "It's a pleasure to meet you Monsieur Neuvillette, I'm Aurelie, fourth eldest of the family. It is a pleasure to call myself an in-law to the well-respected Iudex of Fontaine."
It took a moment to recompose himself, eyes still locked on your long gone frame disappearing behind the large doors. "Ah, truly, the pleasure is all mine. I've long anticipated meeting the newest extension of my own family."
Elise bowed her read respectfully, "I apologize if we aren't as informed in etiquette as you expected. I'm afraid we are only able to pick up so many manners when we live so far away from the Court."
He shook his head, planting the same polite smile on his face as he motioned for her to lift her head again, "You have been more than polite, there is nothing to be afraid of. After all, we are family, treat as you would your brother." He give a small chuckle, "I'm simply surprised to see my husband so spirited."
Aurelie immediately raised a brow, "Really? We've always joked that he's more like the family dog than our brother."
Without missing a beat, Elise swatted her younger sister up the backside of the head. "Aurelia, manners."
Despite having gotten in trouble with her older sister already for not holding her tongue, she held the back of her head bitterly, sputtering out a quick, "What?! He told us to act like we're family!"
She shook her head, disapprovingly. "That doesn't mean to completely drop all pleasantries-"
Their small bickering was cut off when a low rumble resounded through the room. They both turned to look at the source, quiet as they watched Neuvillette try his best to suppress his laughter behind his hand. "Really? I'm curious, how did he manage to earn that title?"
There was a quiet mirth behind his eyes, both girls holding their tongues quietly.
The younger of the two spoke first, "Well, he's just really cuddly, I guess? He always acted more like a dad than our own dad." She took a step further away from Elise before adding on a pointed, "That and dad always yelled at him for leaving holes in the yard during harvest season."
Her elder sister didn't bother attempting to correct her this time, simply sighing. "Well, I suppose if it's alright, I might as well exchange my own experiences. I was the one that watched him grow up." Aurelie perked up immediately, going to open her mouth, but Elise cut her off once again with a sharp tone and a raised hand, "But, I'll only tell you this once and I'm never going to let another word slip if I hear this gets back to him. He'll have my head."
Aurelia nodded quickly, immediately at attention as a wicked smirk overtook her usually demure features. "You should be excited, these are what we would call insider secrets."
Neuvillette nodded silently, quietly resting a majority of his weight on his cane. He was excited, but he didn't know if it was his place to let that show.
Elise took in a deep breath, before using her hands to smooth out any potential wrinkles in her bodice, "Once, our mother and father forgot my birthday during a terrible harvest season. All of our crops were dying and they ended up going to Poisson to try and find a miracle farmer from Sumeru to fix our calamity." Her own smile grew on her cheeks, "The night they left was the night before my birthday, and since our brother knew our parents didn't have anything planned, he tried to make me a special birthday breakfast but he didn't have any clue how to because he was only seven."
She paused before putting a hand over the bottom half of her face, "He tried to make me a batch of my favorite food, Conch Madeleines, but they ended coming out looking more like little pieces of oddly misshapen beignets." There was a sweet chortle that slipped past her glove, "I obviously knew that he tried to make Conch Madeleines since I had no interest in beignets, but when he swore up and down that they were beignets I didn't have to heart to tell him I knew they weren't."
She sighed, "He truly does care a lot for the people he holds dear, but he's a very proud young man and it often gets in the way of him trying to be sincere. If he'd told me that morning he'd bartered away his favorite toy sword to afford the ingredients, I would've taught him how to make them properly myself and he was more than aware of that. But he refused my help altogether and I ended up having to throw away a lot of the that breakfast because it was undercooked."
Neuvillette hummed, placing a contemplative hand on his chin. "Ah, I see."
Aurelie frowned, "Man, I can't even make fun of him for being a softie because you won't tell me anymore stories like this if I do."
Elise nodded in agreement, "Precisely, now let's go find out where those poor girls are holding him captive." She bowed her head politely once again, curtsying before grabbing her younger sister's hand, "If you'll excuse us Monsieur."
He nodded, "Please, call me Neuvillette. I hope to be viewed as just another member of the family."
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"15,000 Mora?! This is insanity, this- this might as well be extortion!"
Your eldest sister sputtered as she stared at the price tag on the dress she was supposed to be trying on. Helene, on the other hand, twirled in her own gown. She looked into the mirror with a dreamy and far off stare. Her eyes were intensely focused on each layer in the train and the way they followed her every movement. "Oh, this dress makes me feel like a princess, are you sure this is truly alright to even be trying on?"
Neuvillette nodded, adjusting the cuffs on his own suit. "As much as I offered to chip in, your brother wouldn't so much as let me bring my wallet. He's insistent on being the one to fund all of this."
Elise bit her bottom lip, examining the price tag again. "Oh, but I couldn't think of asking my baby brother to pay for something so extravagant. I'm sure there are some less expensive options somewhere in this store."
Almost as if you had some kind of sixth sense tingling, you entered the room with your three younger sisters all in their own outfits. "Nonsense, I'm more than privileged enough to spoil you all for the day. Think of it as repayment for not visiting for five years."
Your twin sister had snagged a beautiful emerald green gown, each layer transitioning into a darker green until it gradually faded to black. There were silk shoulder length gloves in black that beautifully complimented her figure. Her bright green eyes stared into the mirror, absolutely in love with the way it hugged her curves and accentuated her waistline.
Your oldest sister chose a much more muted mauve color to try on, having always stated that she loved purple. It was a simple A-line gown with fewer layers and a cute sweetheart neckline that dipped into an ornately embroidered white bodice. "Oh but this money could be going to much better things. What about a new pair of pointe shoes for Odette? Or even new toys for Evangeline? Not to mention, Aurelia is thinking of attending school in the capital-"
You put your hand firmly on her shoulder, "Elise, as much as I love you, you have always been a worrywart. Try on the dress, I am not hurting for money. If you, Helene, Odette, Aurelie, or Eva need anything, you need only write me a letter."
She clutched the ballgown in her hands, still staring at it with a swirling sense of uncertainty.
You sighed, "If not for yourself, do it for me? Maybe I want to see my eldest sister feel beautiful in a new gown for once."
She huffed out of her nose, finally hugging the fabric to her chest with a sense of feminine glee she hadn't allowed herself to feel in a while. "Oh, alright. But consider this the first and last time I try on a gown this expensive."
You cheered along with the rest of your family, Aurelia grabbing her by the hand to lead her into one of the many dressing rooms in case she needed help lacing up her corset. Aurelia herself chose to avoid wearing a dress entirely. Instead, she wore a conservative pant suit with a flashy red coat and a high riding boots the same color.
Neuvillette took the opportunity to watch as you began to spin your younger sister around, Evangeline clapping in glee as she watched the two of you twirl around.
Odette had chosen a pure white gown, graced with white feathers on the front of the dress. She chose to skip gloves and even had a shorter dress to show the length of her slender, toned legs. When she'd been born, your mother had been so insistent she be named after the famed protagonist of Swan Lake she'd nearly divorced your father to ensure her love of dance would be carried on through the family.
Even now, as your family struggled to make ends meet with you gone, you always insisted on sending enough money to your parents to make sure your siblings were cared for. This included money that was specifically allotted to pay for each expensive pair of pointe shoes that your younger sister wore out when she would make the walk to the nearest city to study dance.
A new, pristine white pair of ballet slippers on her feet, Odette laughed with a shy glee as she rehearsed the steps to the Sugarplum Fairy's dance in the middle of the private room you'd rented in the high end boutique. Despite having two left feet yourself, your etiquette lessons finally served you right, allowing you the necessary grace to support her in her turns as you gingerly spun her around in her pirouettes.
Your husband let his posture soften when your youngest sister bowed to indicate the end of her little dance. He clapped politely, "You are a wonderful dancer, Odette."
You nodded, chest puffing out with pride as you rested your hands on her shoulders. "You truly are, mother is always more than proud when she writes of your accomplishments. You will make a wonderful performer when you sign on with a company."
She nodded shyly, suddenly bashful from the attention. It seemed Evangeline noticed the brewing tension in the air as she quickly changed the topic, jumping up and down with a cheerful, "Me next! Me next!"
Neuvillette also couldn't help the smile that rose to his face when you took your nine-year-old sister's hands in your own, twirling her around like a top while she giggled in her baby pink ballgown. The expensive sequins dragged against the beautiful tiled floors, and yet it seemed nobody in the room was able to hear the scraping over the noise of unbridled joy all throughout the room.
You, yourself, were in a new suit that was the same color you always wore. It was a little more extravagant than usual, something Neuvillette chalked up to you wanting to indulge a little bit while your sisters were in town. He had chosen a more conservative, but comfortable blue suit. He stated it would be something to wear around the Palais Mermonia when he didn't have any trials.
You couldn't deny he was still as handsome as ever... or that you were more than happy to gift him this suit.
He couldn't deny the way your sisters seemed to ignite a new spark in your eyes he hadn't had the pleasure of seeing before.
Aurelia and Elise emerged from their dressing chambers after caving and begging Helene for help with the corset. Elise seemed all too eager to hide behind your twin sister, but she couldn't seem to shield away from everyone's prying eyes. Speeding up the process, you yanked her out from her cover and spun her around in the beginning steps of the waltz. Evangeline squealed with glee; Elise all but shrunk in on herself.
Her heels clicked against the floor as she called your name, reprimanding you with a tremble in her tone, "You'll dirty the dress, We haven't bought anything yet-"
You nodded sternly, jokingly of course, "Well then, everyone gather up their things, we'll pay for them now so you can truly enjoy them."
Before she could voice any protest about the mind-boggling amount of money you were about to drop, she couldn't help but close her mouth again when she watched the two youngest girls all but skip towards their respective dressing chambers, all smiles. She only felt further cornered when the older girls did nearly the same, whispers and giggles the entire way.
With a sigh, she went to collect her own clothing in her new expensive dress.
You couldn't help the unadulterated happiness that was written all over your features as you approached your husband, still sitting in the corner observing everyone.
"I apologize if this isn't your scene, love." You gave him a chaste peck on the cheek, "I might be getting a little carried away."
He only smiled in return, hands coming to rest on the lapels of your coat. "On the contrary, I'm more than happy to see you get carried away." He gave a firm tug to straighten out any wrinkles, smoothing them out further with the back of his hand, "I haven't seen you this smitten with anything really ever."
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"For being as expensive as it is, you'd think there'd be more of it."
You hid your laugh (and inconsequential agreement) behind your napkin with a cough. Neuvillette himself couldn't help the small smirk that appeared and then disappeared off his face just as quickly as it showed up.
You wiped the smile off your face with your fabric napkin before laying it in your lap once again. "Well, at the fancier upscale places like this, they cook things in small portions but then give you like twenty courses so you can be full and try everything all at once."
Aurelia frowned from where she was sitting, staring down at the small plate with barely anything on it. "That's-" She could feel Elise's hot glare beating down her back, "...not very intuitive. Why have all these small meals that are-" she paused again, thinking hard on her word choice, "-unconventional, when you can order one big one that you know you'll enjoy?"
You simply shrugged back at her, instinctively picking up your salad fork to pick at the green leaves in front of you. It'd been long enough in noble society that it came as muscle memory. You leaned in to whisper in her ear, "If you ask me, that's a much better way of doing it."
Her brows further creased her forehead as she looked down at the copious amounts of silverware set in front of her. Coming from a family that lived in the countryside, especially when that family usually didn't even utilize a knife unless they were cutting thick chunks of meat, she was more than confused. It seemed, so was the rest of your family.
Elise did her best to follow your example and Neuvillette's, picking up the smallest fork to her left. She pointed to the same fork in front of both of the younger girls, "This one, this one should be for salads."
Odette huffed, grasping onto the normal "dinner fork" next to it. "I don't see why I can't use this one."
Helene did her best to mediate, "Well, just think about it like this, if you could chose, you wouldn't want to mix your salad with your meat, right? You'd want to be able to have a fork for each and every food you tried so that then you could taste only that food, right?"
Evangeline was the next one to interject, "Well, I wouldn't want to cause that's a lot more dishes to wash."
Helene bit her bottom lip to stifle her laughter, she couldn't help the shift in her tone when she went to continue in her corrections, "Well, here, you don't need to wash the dishes. We just get to eat without worrying about it."
Odette's frown only deepened, "Well if we don't wash it, someone else will have to wash it, right? Why not just use the same fork so they don't need to wash more dishes than necessary?"
Elise pursed her lips, "That's enough with the questions, from the both of you. This is the proper fork to use, please use it."
Immediately, as soft-hearted as you were, you stepped up to the defense of your younger sisters. "Oh, don't be so harsh on them Elise, they're only girls, let them use whatever fork they want. I didn't invite you to the city to force you to follow rules everywhere you went."
The muscles in her cheek tightened as she held her own fork in her hand, she hadn't even dug into the food yet. "Well, I worry for if one of them manages to find a husband or wife that lives in the court. What if they grow tired of their lack of manners? Oh, I wouldn't be able to live with myself."
You rested your hand on top of hers, "If their potential suitors have any problems with their lack of etiquette, they can take it up with their older brother. I will be more than happy to set the record straight."
"You can't really expect that you'll always be there, sometime the girls need to detach themselves-"
You put your hand up, setting down your own salad fork and picking up your dinner fork. You used it to scoop up a healthy amount of salad before shoveling it into your mouth. You chewed slowly, watching the horror spread over your sister's face. You then swallowed your food, "It isn't as big a problem as you're making it out to be." You turned to Neuvillette, "After all, you still love me all the same, don't you?"
He blinked owlishly a few times, his cheeks painting themselves in a soft pink that was barely recognizable under the dimmed candlelight atmosphere of the restaurant. "Oh- Yes, of course I do."
You smiled triumphantly, now opting to comfortably switch to using your dinner fork exclusively. "I rest my case, dear sister." Even if you would have to go back to being called a "cute countryman" for the night, it would be more than worth it if you could spare your sisters the embarrassment of feeling like fools.
Despite your more than clear demonstration, Elise protested once again. "Well, not all nobles are as understanding as Neuvillette. I don't want any chances to be ruined for Evangeline, Aurelia, Helene, or Odette just because they don't know which fork to use."
You hummed, taking another bite of food into your mouth. You wiped your lips with your napkin again, "I find it strange you didn't include yourself in that arrangement. I'm sure the girls can decide for themselves who they want to marry in the future since I've already been married off by mother and father, you only need to worry about the kind of man you wish to marry in the future."
She huffed, simply unable to drop the topic. You could tell there was true irritation dripping through her veins when you heard the audible smack of the end of her tail against the ground. "You know what I mean, I want them to have an easy life. If it means scolding them occasionally, then so be it."
You sighed, setting your fork back down in its appropriate spot. "Elise, as I said before, they're only girls. The moment they go home, the only fork they're going to be using is going to be a dinner fork. They're going to forget all about this little 'lesson'." You added on cautiously, "I wouldn't want any of my sisters to marry a man that would shame them for their less than well-off upbringing. As much as they may love him, if I see him so much as utter a sour word towards any of the three of them, I will have his head."
Neuvillette couldn't help but feel a sense of proud vindication course through his bones as he watched you defend your younger sisters so vehemently. Something in his gut compelled him to do something else to back you up, besides just sit there and nod his head. It would seem like he was too put on the spot to truly agree.
Hesitantly, he laid his salad fork down on the table.
While your sisters couldn't tell what he was doing, your eyebrows raised immediately.
He picked up his dinner fork pointedly, taking a bite of his own portion quietly. After properly chewing and swallowing, he couldn't help the bashful smile adorning his normally composed and refined features as he felt your gaze infinitely soften.
"I don't see any harm in it, let the little ones use whatever utensils make them comfortable. If they need to learn these skills later, I have full confidence they're bright young ladies who will have no problems grasping the concept then."
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"Eva, Odette, what are you two doing still awake?"
That was the first thing Neuvillette heard when he was stirred from his sleep. Groggily, his eyes blinked open when he felt two different smaller weights shift onto the mattress. Where you'd previously been laid down, you now sat up with your back pressed against the headboard. Silk pajamas loosely hanging off your shoulders, you held a worn brown storybook in your hands. Evangeline cozied herself up underneath your arm while Odette remained seated in front of you on the bed.
It seemed you weren't quite awake enough to really register that there was a book in your hands, seeing as you stared between the two girls in half-asleep confusion. Neuvillette chose not to interfere in the moment between family, instead he opted to observe as the two girls waited patiently.
"Eva had a nightmare," Odette whispered, resting her palms on top of the aged and well-loved pages, "I tried to read to her, but she said it wasn't the same as when you or Helene did it."
With each little muffled thump of the end of one of their tails on the bedspread, he could see more awareness soak your expression as you absorbed your surroundings. You took a deep breath, rubbing the remaining sleep out of your eyes. He shut his eyes as you scanned over what should've been his sleeping form.
Your voice was lowered to a raspy whisper as you shifted around in the bed, "As much as I would love to read you a bedtime story, Neuvillette is in bed with us. We can go back to your room and read it."
At this his eyes fluttered open again, a sleep-steeped noise resounding from the back of his throat as he pulled himself to sit as well. He curved his back, all but purring at the various cracks the resounded from his spine. "There's no need to leave now, they've already made the trip."
You sighed, voice remaining much quieter than it usually was, "It seems I can never seem to get anything past you, can I?"
He shook his head with a small smile, motioning for you to hand over the brown hard back in your lap. You blinked a few times, not really able to process his request. He reached towards the lamp on the beside table, clicking the soft light on so the letters on the page became legible. You turned open the first page of the book, interpreting it as him gesturing for you to start reading.
With a small huff, he reached forward and set his own palm down on the book, asking for permission to take it from you. This time, Odette chimed in, "Are you going to read for us, Monsieur Neuvillette?"
You blinked a couple times, finally processing what he was implying. You squeezed your little sister with one arm, "Would that help you sleep? If Neuvillette read you a story?" You smiled at her, a little bit too tired to really censor the soft affection all over your face as you attempted to reassure her, "He has a very soothing voice."
Evangeline nodded quickly, just about burying herself in the sleeve of your sleep-shirt. She hung on your bicep like it was a teddy bear. Odette herself laid her head on your thigh, curling up into a little ball on top of your blankets.
Doing your best not to disturb either girls positions, you pushed the book into Neuvillette's waiting palms. He yawned into the back of his hand, doing his best to blink the sleep out of his eyes as he scanned the rather large print on the page.
It was the average children's storybook, more pictures than it was words. Still, he mustered up his best storyteller voice. "Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess. Her name was Snow White."
Neuvillette paused, flipping to the next page. It seemed the sound of the flipping page further pacified the younger girls. "Snow White lived inside of a castle with her father, the King, and her mother, the Queen. But, things were about to change very soon." You remained silent as he flipped to the next page. "Snow White was very young when her mother died, but it was a long time before the King would remarry."
You delicately stroked your finger's across the older of the two's scalp, adding a flippant, "This was because the King loved the Queen so much he couldn't stand to so much as look at another woman.
He smiled as he once again turned the page, basking in the warmth of such a quiet scene. "Well, ultimately, for the good of the kingdom, the King ended up marrying a new woman, a new queen." He put both of his palms on the page of the book, deciding he too could add onto the story himself, "Now, the new queen was very beautiful, but she knew she would never be as beautiful as Snow White." Flipping to the next page of the book, his lavender pupils glazed over the text before adding, "Even though she knew this, she went up to her magic mirror and she asked it, 'Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?'"
It was a little bit before the two girls found themselves trailing off to the land of dreams. Your voice lowered to a whisper when you realized the two of them had fallen asleep on you, just like they always had at your home in the Western Slopes of Mont Automnequi. "Thank you."
Neuvillette's head tilted to the side curious as he set the book on the nightstand situated on his side of the room. "What for?"
You gestured with your free hand to the two sleeping children on your lap, "With story time, usually, they don't fall asleep this quickly." Your own voice slurred with a tired undercurrent. "I usually get to the end of the story and have to start making some stuff up."
He nodded silently, turning off the lamp at the side of the table off. "Do you need any help laying back down? I wouldn't want you to wake up with a sore back."
You shook your head, whispering back, "They're heavy sleepers once you can actually get them to bed." With this, you scooted around on the plush bed, slinking underneath the covers after carefully maneuvering around your sisters to ensure you wouldn't crush them. You reached your hand out of the little happy cuddle pile of draconic dreams, intertwining your fingers with his. You pressed the back of his cool knuckles to the side of your face, letting your eyelids fall over your pupils once again.
You pressed a sloppy, but almost ghostlike kiss over the band on his ring finger before letting out a sleepy grunt under your breath and pulling the covers ever tighter around yourself and your sisters.
He couldn't help but stare down at the three of you, a sense of domestic longing settling over his heart. This, he realized, was something he felt he couldn't do any longer without.
As of now, he was just about drowned in his work, but what he wouldn't do to have just a little more time to spend with you in moments like this. To have happy moments on the town, to see this entirely new side of you he had yet to explore.
His heart skipped a beat as he realized the two of you had an entire lifetime ahead of the both of you. A lifetime where you could share these moments forever. Every morning, he would wake up to your face. Every night, he had the blessing of being able to fall asleep listening to you breathing in rhythm with him. He could feel the warm of your face pressed against the back of his hand. Just little moments like these, you had decades, centuries of them just waiting to be realized.
Maybe the two you could share these tender moments with a family, a family you could start together.
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there's a note on the side of the phone booth, read it?
" yes guys this is the result of begging me for mpreg u get a throw away line at the end of a fic "
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I USED TO BE FOUND AT @steadybear
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melodic-haze · 2 months
i absolutely ate up that robin and dragon reader drabble you wrote it so good😥😥😥
thoughts on chiori and dragon reader :33
Haha.hahahaahahAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH oh my god I have Quite A Few 😊
Chiori's comparably shorter than Robin imo sooooo uughghththt just lifting her up and witnessing the clear size difference would be. Oh God CHEF'S KISS HELLO.......Bonus points if you lift her up with your tail
SHUT UP OH MU GOD OMG Wait. YOU KNOW WHAT. L. Lifting her up to have her sit on your shoulders and hold her so close as you eat her out and let your long, thick tongue penetrate her DEEP 😊😊 and reach spots that no human could ever reach. You could RUIN her, rendering her completely mindless as your tongue snakes in and hits certain spots inside her so precisely that it has her shakingly unsteady.......but it's alright bc YOU have a hold on her—wouldn't wanna drop your favourite meal, would you?
Tbh if she ever goes and starts talking and being a bit of a brat, which she probably would bc let's face it gang it's Chiori why WOULDN'T she, you could always use that same tongue to shut her up by yk.....shoving it inside her mouth, making her gag and remember full well who actually 🫶🫶🫶 holds the power between you in such a situation (SPOILERS IT'S NOT HER) (spoilers it technically IS her but she's prob the one who asked for such rough treatment beforehand to destress so)
Ohhhhman just imagine her in some classy, sexy lingerie that she personally designed for both comfort and fashion........and you just Damage it, rip it off her literally cuz you're way too impatent, everything. Usually she'd chew you out bc that's her fucking HARD WORK YOU FUCKED UP JUST NOW but there's Something in your gaze and your demeanour that just seems so primal that her mouth clenches shut as she shudders, the anticipation of being disciplined and ravaged by such a beast making her so wet and delectable
(Ofc if you EVER dare mention it in public, not only will you get denied but you will be thwacked by one of her dolls and ignored for the rest of the day 🤷‍♀️)
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barbieaemond · 8 months
The King of Qarth (sneak peek)
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Qartheen f!reader (use of she/her)
Warnings: angst, mentions of sexual abuse, child bride, smut, some bondage, knife kink, breeding kink (more to be added)
Author’s note: purely based on this vibe. To be posted next week.
Taglist: @zae5 @succnfucubus @arcielee @multyfangirl @credulouskhaleesi @bunbunbl0gs
“Wife, may I introduce you to our noble guest?”
A woman comes forward to greet him when Aemond enters a lavish hall with several windows adorned with colorful drapes of silk. He is sure he has never seen so much marble in his life, feeling even more inappropriate given the state of his clothes and his whole demeanor, shamefully far from the clean, soldierly appearance that left mouth agape.
“Prince Aemond of House Targaryen, from Westeros.” The Salt King declares as the woman stops just before him. The Prince stands tall and imposing, no matter the misery of his shabby clothes, the state of his dishevelled hair falling in silver tangles down his back. He’s still a Targaryen, his chin is high and proud.
“More like from Old Valyria.” She says raising an eyebrow, and sizing him up and down. “He seems to have just emerged from the Doom, miraculously unscathed.”
The Prince does nothing but seethe his teeth behind his dry lips, a distant shame in his eye that quickly turns into a focused and unblinking rage.
“Welcome to Qarth, my Prince. I’d trust your journey was uneventful but…I can see the Red Waste takes its toll, even on Valyrian beauty.”
Aemond takes a good, long look at her, inevitably lingering on her chest, dressed as the common Qartheen fashion dictates: one breast exposed. But a lot more of her is exposed. Her shoulders, her arms and legs, a glimpse of her hips, all crossed by swirling bundles of lilac silk.
If any married woman in Westeros dressed like that in the open, he’s sure any husband would lock her up. At least he would.
“You must excuse my wife, Prince Aemond, or rather, get used to her habit of speaking her mind.”
“Come now, Xavos. Surely Westerosi women can voice their thoughts?” she moves, walking past Aemond and her husband to reach a small table inlaid with gold to pour some greenish beverage into a cup. “I had a maid once, she was from…Rich Garden?”
“High Garden.” Aemond sternly corrects her.
“Ah, yes. A delightful creature, always smelled so good.” She says distractedly “Anyway, she fled from your lands because she liked girls and not boys and she didn’t want to devote her life to being a brood mare sucking a flaccid cock until her hair had gone white.”
Her maids snicker somewhere past Aemond shoulders, stiffening his posture at the liberties those commoners are granted. “I should hope you Westerners listen to your women more than you do your horses.”
Aemond watches as she takes a sip and laces his hands behind, slightly tilting his head for a moment. “Where I come from, women do not possess such a sharp tongue. Furthermore and fortunately, most of them have manners. They know how to address a Prince of the Realm.”
She turns to leave the cup on the same table and glances at Nyla. “Oh, he bites.”
“This is not Westeros, dragon prince.” She says turning to face him with a righteous smile “I don’t need to ask for your permission to speak. The Salt King is my husband, that is why you will hear my maids and everyone else address me as Your Highness. So, you may lower that chin and stop waiting for me to bow down to you because technically my rank is higher than yours. You might say the only one meant to bow in this room were you.”
The silence that follows is so stark that the air the Prince quickly exhales through his nose sounds like thunder, alerting the Salt King. "Come now, wife. Don't wake the beast.” he says lightly, stiffening a smile “And I mean it quite literally. You should see the size of Prince Aemond’s dragon.”
“I heard.” She acknowledges “Jorio said he’s higher than the city walls.”
“She. And twice, than your city walls.” The Prince corrects her again, just as sternly. “She’s the largest dragon alive in the known world.”  
His chin remains high and haughty, simply because he can. Because she knows he could raze the entire city to the ground just by snapping his fingers.
So, she looks down and says “Since you will be our guest, it is my duty as matron of this house to make you feel welcomed. If you would be so kind to follow me, your Grace.” She forces her tone to be as courteous as possible. But then she smiles. “Is my tongue acceptably sharp to your liking now?”
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h3wi · 1 year
"how to get your crush to like you back in 3 easy steps"
or: dan heng likes you. march knows.
dan heng x f!reader. pining fools and idiots in love. march is close to having a metaphorical heart attack. cliche shoujo stuff.
"you have a crush on her."
"i absolutely do not."
march fixes dan heng with an unimpressed gaze. "you are literally so obvious, don't even try and deny it again."
obvious? he's obvious? dan heng tries not to panic. in a poor attempt to salvage the unsalvageable, he says, lamely, "...i don't know what you're talking about."
graciously preserving the little dignity he has left, march ignores him. she claps him on the shoulder sympathetically. "don't worry, i'm a pro wingwoman. i accept payment in the form of desserts."
dan heng's right eye twitches.
1. show interest in their interests, pay attention to them.
that's easy, he thinks to himself. he always pays attention to you, it comes naturally to him. he knows how you prefer your coffee with a dash of milk and honey, not too sweet. he knows how you always start books but rarely ever finish them unless they were "really good and checked all my boxes!" and could go on thesis-worthy rants about your favourite ones. he knows how you like to keep succulents on your table and give them all ridiculous names like "king coin of doge land" and "a rad little guy".
so easy, in fact, that he feels the most confident he's ever been as he strides across the room over to you. you’re fiddling with something, looking vaguely nervous as you talk to march.
"good morning." he greets, eyeing the newest project you seem to be occupied with in your hands. a crotchet dragon, how nice. he knows exactly how to keep the conversation going now—
"what's cookin', good lookin'?"
his brain short circuits.
what is he supposed to say to that? were you flirting? does he flirt back? was it just a phrase? what's cooking-?
"but i'm not on cooking duty today."
dan heng watches your face freeze in confusion. his face feels like stone. to the side, march looks like she’s about to strangle him.
"...uh huh."
an awkward silence hangs in the air. dan heng wishes he was a statue.
— a failure, cut your losses and move on.
2. compliment something they’ve put effort into.
“please elaborate.”
“say something you like about her.” march takes a bite of her parfait (courtesy of dan heng), “but it has to be something she put conscious thought into. it shows that you notice the little things, and it makes her feel good about herself which makes her feel good about you. bam! two birds with one stone.”
dan heng only feels more confused. “but i like everything about her.”
even with the sweet treat in her mouth, march looks like she tasted something sour.
“so do i compliment her on everything i can think of?”
“no, no. you-“ march heaves a sigh, “pick one. just one.”
when he sees you in the archive room, he notices the now completed crotchet dragon in your hand. he decides that this is the perfect time to redeem himself.
“it’s well-made. i like the teal colour.” he says, and mentally congratulates himself for not messing up right off the bat (again).
“thank you, it’s, um, actually supposed to be the dragon you summon.”
“oh.” dan heng’s mind had been so occupied with march’s plans and you that he didn’t even make the connection. he feels just a little stupid.
“…and it’s for you.”
“oh.” a gift from you? and it was made exclusively to represent him, with hours of effort? he is in shock.
he must have taken too long to answer, because you notice the hesitation. flushing with embarrassment, you say “it’s a little much, huh? sorry.”
dan heng doesn’t manage to get a word in (because he would love to have the crotchet dragon, thank you very much!) before you scurry out the door. it clicks as it shuts, his outstretched hand reaching for nothing but air.
— i don’t want to call you a dumbass, but you’re kind of being a dumbass.
3. find time alone with them.
“i’ll help you with this one. but when you’re alone with her, you’re on your own.” march looks mildly concerned, “…will you be ok?”
“of course.” he says, and it’s merely bravado.
“right, well, i managed to convince mr. yang, miss himeko, and pom pom to visit this café with me—you’re paying, of course—it’s a rare opportunity so make full use of it, ‘kay?”
alone on the express. with you. no one else. no big deal, he tries to convince himself.
they keyword is ‘tries’, of course.
when the time comes, he gathers all the courage he has and, hopefully nonchalantly, asks you to watch a movie with him with a mini projector march had lent him beforehand. you agree, and it’s the first hurdle cleared. no mishaps so far.
“i’ll make you coffee, the way you like it.” he offers, and feels a flutter in his chest when you smile. if he could, he would bottle the feeling you gave him up and ration it throughout the rest of his life.
“i would love that.”
he gets to work, prepping the sugar and honey as he waits for the water to boil. the conversation between the two of you comes easily, as if the recent incidents didn’t happen at all, and dan heng feels the familiar serenity that comes from being in your presence. it was quiet save for your conversation, and the backdrop of stars outside the train seemed to be even more mesmerising than usual.
but of course, not everything goes according to plan.
the astral express, which had been sailing through the stars so smoothly, lurches from sudden turbulence. you bump against the kettle when you try to stabilise yourself and knock it over. boiling water spills all over the counter and onto the floor.
“watch out!”
not wanting you to be scalded, he grabs your arm and tries to push you away with his back towards the spillage. but his foot steps on the water and he slips, falling forward.
the two of you land on the floor in a heap, inches away from the spill. pure reflexes allow him to minimise the impact of your head meeting the floor by using his other hand as a cushion. he thinks he has bruised his knuckles. he has sprained his wrist.
the thought of the compromising position doesn’t even cross either of your minds. you crawl out from underneath him, and, perceptive as ever, notice when he rubs his wrist and winces.
“dan heng! are you ok?” you fuss over him, hands flitting over his wrist. dan heng feels like he would have enjoyed the attention more if he wasn’t so disappointed that his plans were disrupted. it had been going so well, he mourns. he watches as your back disappears around the corner with promises of finding the first aid kit.
it’s hard for the previous tranquil atmosphere to come back when you obviously felt bad about his wrist (even thought he assured you it was alright and not to worry), and his plans were derailed. the both of you work together to clean up the mess, which took some time, and try to enjoy the movie, but the momentum was lost.
— …
“what do you mean all my plans went bust? i worked so hard to convince pom pom to come with me!” march looks at you in horror.
“i don’t know! i thought you said you were a pro at this! i tried the pick-up line, i tried giving him a gift, and i even spent time alone with him, nothing worked! am I just inept at this love thing?” you shake her by the shoulders, tears of frustration on the edge of falling. march could only feel wronged.
“oh my god. you’re both idiots.”
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clockworkdragonffxiv · 11 months
Further thought about the dragons in Final Fantasy XIV because my power has grown beyond control because I was bored at work and it popped in my head:
It's mentioned a lot in Heavensward that dragons don't remember things the way humans do. Their memories are perfect to a degree that memories don't fade so for them every trauma is this gushing fresh agony in their mind, like how Nidhogg is so incredibly pissed off because he remembers in excruciating detail finding Ratatoskr's butchered corpse and the Ishgardians gorging on her flesh.
Well, not so much remembers as he's actively experiencing it. All the time. Forever. Dragons live in the now with an intensity humans can barely comprehend, and I really think they don't process time in the same we do. We experience time linearly. Past, present, future.
Dragons don't. For them existence is experienced all at once forever. I'm not sure they even entirely distinguish between present and past and future, because it all feels the same to them, and I think that it impacts them in strange ways.
Like I don't think dragons really plan the way humans do. Everything is experienced in the Now. So I think for the vast majority of them, human tinkering and building completely baffles them. Oh they see the utility but it's not something they'd come up with on their own.
This extends to things like buildings. They certainly have the raw strength to repair the structures there, but it's not something they'd ever think of. Because repairing the castles means scouting out the proper stone, quarrying it, planning the repairs, etc.
Nidhogg's war against Ishgard is the closest thing to planning we see from them, and that was literally "torture them forever."
Also why Nidhogg was batshit insane. Because for him, he's always and will forever be at that one moment in time: finding his sister's corpse as the Ishgardians she'd been fascinated by and befriended feasted on her flesh like a pack of jackals. He never left that moment. I mean, the narrative flat out tells us that, but really holy shit is that a horrifying thing to think about. Like existentially.
It's probably the reason he could bodyjack Estinien so easily: because until the end of Heavensward, whenever Estinien closed his eyes for a second he could smell the ashes and roasting flesh from Nidhogg burning Estinien's family and entire village alive.
Also, consider that Midgardsormr went through far, far worse. The fact that the guy mostly comes off as grumpy and old should tell you about just how ridiculously tough he is. And why he spends all his time sleeping. Because whenever Midgardsormr was awake he was watching his world burn.
That and probably why he loved Hydalen and his alliance with her and devotion to her. She was as tough as he was, and had been through so much and carried on despite unimaginable woulds and pain. And she still gave him shelter when he had nothing left. That kind of compassion and strength was something he respected.
As a side note, I would be interested to hear from Middy about his thoughts on Hydalen's passing. Then again, he might not mourn her. After all, she'll live forever in his memories, as whenever he closes his eyes he still sees the radiant woman with the weight of the world on her shoulders meeting an exhausted and desperate dragon with the last eggs of his kind and providing them shelter and safety. And he feels the intensity of the sudden hope he felt then with every breath. How could he not love her?
She'll always be with him.
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sproouts-jpeg · 2 months
one piece straw hat post-ts redesigns part 4: monkey d luffy
i like him a lot he’s really cutie patootie! i didn’t have any qualms about his original outfit, i just wanted to apply my own style to it! ignore the weird scribbly inconsistent and maybe mildly overdone shading, i literally did it like 5 minutes before i made this post just cause i was messing around. and then i happen to like it more! i really should shade my work even if its just a sketch it helps with color contrast and vividness so much omg
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what i wanted to do most, like my previous designs, is add influences from where he was during the time skip! tho luffy was out in the wild, and completely alone for a good portion of it, i’d like to imagine the kujas made him his new clothes! i took the flower pattern from boa’s skirt and on luffy’s repaired vest from the amazon lily arc and applied it as embroidery and ribbon on the shorts! and i’d like to imagine boa would give him jewelry maybe before he left for sabaody archipelago, cause she’s in love with him…, so i modeled his anklet after her earrings. i made the snake eating its own tail to make it an ouroboros (ignore how i spelt it wrong in the image…), representing eternity and reincarnation. but ive applied it to luffy in the concept of inherited will (he’s taken on the goals and aspirations of shanks, gol d roger, his crew, and given them new life). also kinda how joy/nika is eternal and luffy’s g5 awakening is kind of a reincarnation.
but so while the finer details are inspired mostly by the kuja, the shapes/structure of the outfit pieces are based off of luffy’s influences and mentors!
i noticed luffy probably wears a cardigan post-ts to mirror rayleigh’s clothes pre-ts, but since i didn’t like luffy’s cardigan all too much, the hoodie is supposed to mirror ray’s hooded cloak
luffy wears shorts above/middle of the knee, but i made them longer so they look kinda like ace’s! i was gonna add pockets too but i forgot… he also wears some of ace’s beads and one of the theatrical mask charms (i think sabo wears the frowning one, so there’s technically some sabo refs in there too)
i wanted to include references to sabo, but i wasn’t sure how due to their really different styles… i hope i can come up with something to update this design soon ;-;
the epaulettes (fringed shoulder pads) and folded collar on the black coat are supposed to look like gol d roger’s coat! while its color makes it look like luffy’s coat from the end of the wano arc, which specifically is supposed to look like shank’s coat too! and it’s made of animal fur, so like an altered version of luffy’s disguise cloak given to him by boa before the fish man island arc. technically the shape is also pretty simple to garp’s navy coat, but that’s probably just cause they’re a similar style
no references to dragon… cause he wasn’t there to have any real influence on his son, despite how him and luffy just so happen to take similar life paths. but i made luffy’s skin tone darker and warm toned similar to his father and grandfather’s.
oh also the patterned pants are supposed to be similar to rayleigh and shanks’s ugly little patterned pants too
other fun little tidbits:
luffy’s right ear is torn! my hc is that when he was little, he wanted earrings to look like a cool pirate like shanks and his crew! so maybe makino or one of his brothers did it for him, but he couldn’t sit still for long enough, making it pretty high up on his earlobe and unable to sit down for the other one lol. idk what kind of earring it used to be, maybe a tiny seashell!
ok sad part now! it got torn off when luffy was kidnapped and beat up by the bluejam pirates…
ok not sad part now! i think nami got chopper to pierce luffy’s ears afterwards. cause she caught zoro on the verge of stabbing an unsterile sewing needle into luffy’s earlobes… cause they’re both stupid and luffy would trust him like that. luckily chopper has very sterile medical equipment!
the woven bracelet was made by usopp! its color is purely coincidental… luffy just wanted a purple one
the sash is now tied at the back to look like a monkey’s tail! i wanted to add more sun wukong/monkey king references, maybe instead of the sash there’s tassets or han yao/han bei similar to @/soaked-doors’ luffy design… idk
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here’s some closeups with and without the cloak!
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uuuh i don’t wanna talk about g5… it’s not really what i wanted to do at all… i’ll try again later…
anyways i hope yall like this one!! i love him a lot! obv any critique/constructive criticism or suggestions is welcome!! don’t expect anything new so soon… drawing men scares me and i can’t get zoro to look right ;-;
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zweetpea · 6 months
Eternity or stasis Part 1 of 2
Spicy scene so watch out. Also some Archon/Arlecchino slander purely because I don't like the fact that the house of the hearth is basically just training child soldiers. No hate if you like her but she is definitely not a good or even morally grey person.I am so sorry about human dvalin guys. I tried not to stroke my own ego when describing him but all the concept art for human Dvalin makes him out to be a very very VERY pretty man. And I like the Hoyoverse dragons so there is a bit of that. Also sorry this took so long to come out.
"Dvalin please!" You whine
"Mine. You're mine." He growls.
"Ah!" you squeak as he squeezes your hips.
"Tight... so tight... Too Tight! Dvalin I can't breath!" 'Yeah that's me. You're probably wondering how I got here.'
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20 minutes ago.
"Dvalin it's been 2 weeks since Xiao brought me back. Andruis has come to visit twice, and both times you've refused to see him. You hardly let the abyss mages and slimes bring me food. "I'm begging you, please let me go. I won't run away again just please." You pleaded desperately trying to wriggle out from between his front claws. He was splayed out like a dog lying out in the sun arms crossed in front of him to trap you in.
"Not a chance. The last two times I let you out of my sight you got kidnapped. First by those knights, then you were taken away and the abyss order has told me you were in the land of Geo. That filthy mud-ridden dragon. What does he have that I don't? What can he give you that I can't?"
"Well, no offence but physical intimacy and companionship."
"Oh really?" He growled in a sarcastic tone (and also literally growled, he is a dragon after all). A bright light blue light shined out from Dvalin's chest as he shrunk.
"Dvalin? What...?"
Standing before you was a beautiful man with sharp features. He had a long pointed nose, and sharp eyes. His face wasn't too particularly round (he had a few freckles on his face) and his chin looked like it could cut diamonds. He had long baby blue hair that fell past his shoulder blades - his bangs curled around his head to the back of his head - and glowing aqua colored eyes that pierced your soul. His horns curved up, back and towards each other; the tips tinted in dark blue. His pointed ears peeked out meekly from the sides of his head. He was tall (maybe 7 feet), and his entire body - from hid shoulders down to his waist - was broad. His chest and abs were sculped and defined. His limbs held muscles toned to perfection, yet strangely enough faded from the pale of his torso and face to a lighter blue and finally to a deep blue at his finger tips and his long nails. Finally just behind him swayed a furry blue and white tail. 
"Why wouldn't I be? I don't wear clothes in my true form. I feel strange like this." He looked at his hand, perplexed by the addition of a fifth finger.
"You- you- two- um-" You backed up as he stalked over to you. "Wait!" Your face heated. 
"Come here darling. You said you wanted to be physical." He pulled you toward him and wrapped his tail around you.
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"HELP LITTLE SLIMES!! I fell into a trap! He's got me! And he won't let me go!" You scream as a dendro smile and hydro smile bounce toward you.
"Yes I know but, EH!" You try to struggle. 
"Dvalin! Please. This is embarrassing. And I can feel your 'friends' poking my ass."
"They just want to say hi, and they wouldn't be so eager if you didn't squirm so much on my lap." He purrs in your ear.
"We need to get you some clothes." You throw yourself from his grasp with all your might. "Maybe some apple bottom jeans."
"Jeans?" He looks confused. 
"And boots with the fur."
"With fur?"
"Really just anything to keep you 'packages' to yourself."
"Oh? So you don't want 'Physical Intimacy'?" He teases. 
"Um I..." 'Screw it. Baizhu and I are just friends with benefits.' You pull Dvalin closer and kiss him. His lips mold into yours and you poke your tongue into his mouth. He lay you down as his tongue overtook your mouth.
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"I... cannot feel my legs."
"Stay right there, I'm going to get some food." He kisses your head.
"Wait!" You grab one of his horns and gently rub your thumb over it.
He lets out a breathy moan and grabs you wrist. "Keep that up and this little snack I'm getting you will be an intermission instead of aftercare."
"Did you want this?"
"It was nice, especially the feeling of your nails scratching along my back. I'll be honest, I'm willing to do anything to keep you here."
"Okay, thanks for getting me some food."
"Of course darling." He kisses your lips, and slithers out of the tower. 
10 minutes later you're feeling a bit better, that was until a certain high pitched Bard showed up.
"Dvalin! Please answer me. I know that you're up here! I'm sorry about what happened about a month ago." Venti pleads voice cracking like he's holding back tears. 
"Hi Venti..." You say apathetic.
"What are you doing here? How did you get back here?"
"Wouldn't you like to know." You snark. 
"Don't get smart with me! You turned Dvalin against me."
"I thought you'd want him to be free, and happy."
"I do. But I also want him to be safe. You are nothing but trouble, and I don't want him around you. End of story" 
"Why don't you give me one more- ow! Fudge nuggets! Anyway Venti," You limp your way over to him. "That's not really for you to decide, now is it?" You taunt.
"What gives you the right to talk to me like that?"
"What gives you the right to demand the respect of your people. You're a drunkard, Zhongli is a deadbeat, and Ei is a dictator. Not only that but the Tsaritsa endorses the exploitation of children, allowing Arlecchino - one of her Harbingers - to groom them into the perfect soldiers. They're exploiting orphans - who only have them to trust in - for their army. What good do you Archons do for your citizens?"
"Shut up!" He pushes you to the ground. Your delusion starts to glow seafoam green.
"You don't protect them. So get off your high horse you fake wannabe dei-"
"SHUT UP!!" He screams as the structure around you shakes and the air in the environment grows warmer. 
"Heh, I knew you were full of hot air."
"SHUT! UP!" He screams in your face as his hands come to wring your neck.
"Dvalin?/!" Venti and you shout in unison. Him in horror and you in joy. Dvalin drops the food and charges at venti. 
"What have they done to you?" Venti whispers. 
"I chose to become this Venti."
"They've clipped your wings."
"You mean these?" Wings spring from his back.
"You know what I mean! Your powers are drained in this form! Why would you do this?"
"I need them that's why."
"No! I'm putting my foot down. I hate to do this but this obsession you have with them isn't healthy!" Dvalin charges at him and he dodges. Venti summons his bow (the skyward harp) and shot at you. You try to block but nothing happens. The arrow doesn't pierce you but it does knock you out and blow you far off.
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When you wake up you're somewhere you haven't been before. Inazuma.  
"Okay. This isn't good. Why couldn't I block the arrow? Was it because it was Venti's?" You look down to your delusion and see it was seafoam green instead of a gold color. "Does this mean I've resonated with Anemo? I shook hands with Zhongli and resonated with Geo, Venti pushed me so..." You hold your hand out and several small wind currents form around you. You bring your other hand up and they all form into a big gust of wind shaped in a pair of wings. "Interesting. Okay... where exactly am I? This looks a bit like Ritou. Maybe I could get across to the beach."
"Outlander! Freeze!"
"Shit!" You start to jump across to the beach on your wind currents. You run through the hills of Inazuma.
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"Okay I think I'm safe now. Where on earth did I go?" You run to the north end of Narukami Island.
"Hello?! Hello?" You call out as you look for anyone who could help you. 
"Hm? Hey cutie!" Itto shouts at you. 
"Aw, aren't you sweet."
"Heh. Nah, you're just adorable. Hey! You wanna beetle battle with me."
"I don't know how. Maybe a big, strong man could teach me." You flirt.
"Course I could." He wraps his arm around your shoulder. Maybe you should feel a bit bad about flirting and sleeping around but you were promised debauchery. You wrap your arm around him as he leads you to where his gang was, though you didn't get too far with Kujou Sara and her forces on you tail.
"There you are! Surrender your Vision and the blondie." She demands.
"Oh yeah, the sus girl made me twinsies with the twins."
"The Raiden Shogun has ordered any interlopers to be deported from Inazuma immediately, and if they have a vision we are to seize it form them. This... person?" She looks to you for confirmation, to which you nod. "Is under arrest for fleeing Ritou."
"So typical of a cop to be a rude bitch. Actually that's not really fair. Chevreuse, Wriothesley and Cyno are technically cops and they'll probably be considerate. Come to think of it The knights of Favonius are cops and Jean was extremely considerate. It's just the archon simps- well, no Xiao was pretty nice."
"Less talking more fighting!" Itto shouts in a frenzy. He and Shinobu have to fend of the Tenryou Commission. 
"Sorry!" You lift your hand and the gusts of wind lift the enemies off the ground.
"Now we're talking! Looks like the playing field just got a bit more even." Itto taunt.
"On my command!" Sara yell as she readies her bow. You quickly start to twist and turn your delusion to try and get in back to Geo.
"Don't do this to me. I need Geo right now." You whisper and it started to glow gold again. You quickly jump in front of Itto to block Sara's shot. You then start to pelt her with a slew of jagged spall toward the cops.
"Retreat!" Sara's companions cry.
"Cowards! get back here!" She furiously runs after them.
"Oh my gosh! That was awesome dude! Oh hey, what should I call you?" Itto cheers.
"Babygirl." you respond without missing a beat. "It's this affectionate nickname where I come from. If not that you can call me Gen with a G. Last name Z.
"It's nice to meet you Z." Shinobu greets from beside Itto. 
"Please, call me Gen. We're friend now... or something more." You mumble that last part.
"Yeah yeah yeah, formalities and such. How'd you do that? You went from Anemo to Geo in a split second!" Itto praises. "It was awesome. Does that me you have like, Anemo and Geo inside you."
"Well I don't know about Geo but Anemo and Dendro have definately both been inside me."
"Uh, not the point. We should get going before the cops show up again."
"Oh right. Well Gen in thanks for you saving us I'll treat you to the Biggest bowl of Ramen I can afford."
"I don't think I'll be able to finish all by myself, but we could split it." 'Please if there is any good left in this universe or the one I come from let Itto and I do the lady and the tramp thing! Please please please-'
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"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" Itto apologizes.
'I love you universe!'
"Looks like Heizou was right. Caught you right where he said you would be."
"I'll handle this Itto. You just get everyone out of here." You order.
"No way! I'm not leaving you behind Gen!" He argues.
"Loyal to a tee, I see why Ayato likes you." You smile. Tenryou soldiers flinging themselves at you.
"Itto we have to go." Shinobu pleads.
"Trust me! Go."
"I'm coming back for you!"
"Thank you." You smile. The Arataki Gang ran as the cops jump and overpower you. 
Sara bounds your wrists and ankles, and throws you over her shoulder. "Dang bound again. If I had a nickel for everytime I've been bound and it wasn't sexy, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot  but it's weird that it happened twice. Weirder still that the only two times I've been bound have both been very unsexy. 'This would be arousing if you hadn't been an asshole earlier.' You thought. 'Okay... I guess this is a little hot.'
"Hey do you want to hear something cool? According to the Babylonians, Asushunamir was this super rad person who wasn't man or woman and they were given the gift of prophecy and healing. Also the Norse had this other dude who's portrayed as really really hot and they were gender fluid  but mostly went by he. The gender non conforming have a pretty sweet gig being hot and getting people out of trouble."
"Please stop talking. Besides it doesn't matter who or what you are. Man, woman, or something in between, all obstacles in the Shoguns path to eternity must face her wrath. No amount of strange tales will spare you."
"Bring it on that tyrant is going down!"
"Brave or foolish I do not know. May I ask you something?"
"Go ahead."
"I've been hearing rumors about you. They say you are not so much man or woman so... how do you work in bed if you don't mind me asking." 
"Well~ you could find out for yourself~"
"I'll have to pass on your oh so generous offer." Sara retorts sarcastically. 
"I'm a power-bottom if you must know! Nah that's a lie I'm submissive and breedable, even if I never get pregnant."
"Well... here we are. The Shogun is just inside. She will decide your fate." Sara unbinds you. 
"Bye Sara. Raiden Shogun! You better get your Bitch ass out here!" You storm through the halls.
"Who dares to insult me?" The dumb little puppet shows it's face.
"I mean the real Shogun! Come on out Ei!" As you taunt her a purple rift rips through the air and Ei pulls you into the plain of euthymia. 
"Why is a long haired hooligan in my presence. What's your name?"
"Gen. Now let's talk about something more previlent. You suck! I don't care if you have big boobies! You're a bad mom and a bad leader!"
"Excuse me?"
"You abandoned your son and say that you want to give him freedom. How is that freedom? You cast him out without anything to defend himself with! And on top of all of that he was basically a naive baby with no survival skills. How dense can you be? You are the cause of at least 25% of Teyvats major problems. Do you have any idea what He's doing out there right now?"
"Wow... you really want to die don't you?"
"Can you stop being so egotistical? There's more to this world than you ya know! I get you're sad because Makoto died, and you feel like you have no purpose. You don't feel worthy to be the Electro Archon, right? Well Miko doesn't think so. She and sara are keeping this entire nation afloat while you bitch and moan about having to do work."
"How do you know all of this?"
"Because I'm not from Teyvat."
"Obviously. You are the adored one. The one Celestia fears. That doesn't explain-"
"No!" You cut her off. "I'm literally not from this world. I've seen this twice before. I got in after beta and I have to look up past events off Youtube, because Hoyoverse is a bitch to the Genshin community. I get they want people to pay for gacha but just have them be a normal world quest or a side story or even a playable movie! Kingdom hearts did that with their mobile game! It was a bit confusing but that's kingdom hearts for you."
"Nothing. Point is you need to get off your ass and work. Your people are dying. They're slaughtering each other in droves. Eternity doesn't mean everything has to stay the same. Makoto wouldn't have wanted that Ei. Eternity can exist through Inazuma's preservation. Their culture and heritage and customs all play a part in Inazuma's identity. If those things can keep Inazuma thriving then Inazuma will be eternal."
"...you've seen this play out before. Is there ever a way for me to reach perfect Eternity."
"not a perfect stasis no. But from where I'm from you and Makoto's Legacy is secure. Inazuma is eternal to my people." 
"How would I even go about trying to fix things?"
"...wait that worked?"
"I never thought I'd get this far. (A/n: SpongeBob reference!) I was just trying to sow the seed so that the twins wouldn't have to go through so much bullshit to defeat you and make you see the error of your ways. I was trying to buy time more than anything."
"Okay... so what do we do now?"
"I have no clue..."
"Um when you said twins... you wouldn't happen to mean two blonds in strange clothes similar to yours, did you?" 
"Is the puppet fighting them? Did your puppet take Thoma and they're trying to protect him?" You deadpan.
"yep, that's them. Let 'em in they might be able to help." 
She does as you instruct and the twins come barreling in. "What the Fu-"
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 8 months
The Battered Dragon
Buckle up, buttercups. This is a long one.
Jaune: Soooo... (continues looking around at the "forest" around him) where do you guys think we are?
Ruby: I don't know. I honestly didn't think I'd find anyone that quickly. Even if half of the group was tied up my a village of mice.
Weiss: (plucking a thorn out of her sleeve)They were... craftier than I would have thought.
Blake: (ears wilt) It makes me wonder where Yang is, or if she's okay.
Weiss: (places a hand on Blake's shoulder comfortingly) I'm sure we'll find Yang. You have to remember that this is Yang we're talking about. If anyone can manage surviving in an unknown world filled with random dangers, I'd place the charred remains of the Schnee fortune on it.
Blake: (ears perk up slightly) Yeah, you're right.
Weiss: (watches as Ruby and Jaune discuss what steps they should take next) You know. When we find her, it might be a good idea to have a bit of a heart-to-heart with Yang.
Blake: (ears spring skyward) I-I don't know what you're talking about.
Weiss: Blake, you almost jumped off the platform after Yang. I dragged you off the literal brink, and you immediately went feral on Neo afterwards.
Blake: I'm that obvious, huh?
Weiss: To everyone except Yang herself... (watches as Ruby trips over a random tree root and pulls Jaune down to the ground with her) And maybe those two.
Blake: (chuckles softly)
Jaune: Hey! Do you guys think we'll see the Lively Carpenter or the Battered Dragon???
Ruby: The Battered Dragon? I don't remember that character from the story.
Blake: The Battered Dragon was a strong warrior that fought back the night in a fiery blaze, but was always warm and kind towards the people in the book.
Weiss: We're not in a storybook. But! If we were, I wouldn't mind meeting the Lively Carpenter. They were so sweet in the story.
Jaune: I remember the Battered Dragon was like a barbarian of sorts. Super cool and strong who fought with her fists.
Ruby: I don't remember Yang ever reading that character. Actually, I don't remember her reading me that story at all.
Jaune: Huh... That's odd. I would have though- (draws sword) INCOMIIIIIING!!!
Jabberwalker: (bounds through the canopy into the clearing and slashes at Jaune)
Ruby: Jaune! (pulls Jaune out of the way)
Blake: Ruby! (throws Gambol Shroud, wraps the ribbon around Ruby, and yanks her back)
Weiss: (glyph attacks Jabberwalker and blasts it back)
Jabberwalker: Seeking - Searching - Contacting - DEVOURING!!! (leaps towards the group and slashes at the group wildly)
RWBJ: (get tossed to the ground)
Jabberwalker: (tail whips Blake to pin her down and leaps onto her)
Blake: (blocks claws with her sword and struggles to keep the claw from her face)
RWJ: Blake!
??? : I said I wasn't done with you yet!!!
-Burning fireball of stone barrels in and slams against the Jabberwalker's head, shattering into a million smoldering pieces as molten rock oozes over spiral horns-
??? : (rugged, dark brown leather adorned with intricate patterns and fur trims, well-worn trousers and boots, tanned leather tank top with tatters at the hem where the bottom has been torn off, revealing muscular abs and a few battle scars, and a blazing heart tattoo on a well-endowed chest. Scarred left arm is on display, muscles rippling as powerful hands grab the Jabberwalker's horns, while a paint chipped, slightly rusted metallic right arm glints dully in the sunshine. A purple bandana tied off where the metal meets flesh. Black and brown leather hand armor and pauldron adorn the left shoulder and hand with golden brown/grey whisps of fur protrude from under the plates. Burning golden hair burn out in a long trail behind a scorched, wooden dragon mask)
??? : Did you honestly think I'd let you hurt anyone here? (punches Jabberwalker a few times in the face) Then you're crazier than I thought! (throws Jabberwalker over to the next acre)
RWBJ: (stare in shock)
Jaune: (gasps like an excited child) Oh, my gosh! It's the Battered Dragon!!!
Blake: The Battered Dragon! In PERSON!
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Weiss: We're actually in a fairytale....
Battered Dragon: (panting before squaring her shoulders and turning to RWBJ) Dammit! (takes off her mask, revealing one lilac and one crimson eye and three scars on her jaw) You guys weren't supposed to be here.
Jaune: Is that...?
Weiss: Yang?
Ruby: (walks up to the Battered Dragon) Yang?
Battered Dragon: (shakes her head, dislodging the tears in her eyes before nodding firmly) Yeah, Rubes. It's me. And you guys weren't supposed to-
Ruby: (grabs Yang's hand tightly) If you didn't think we'd come looking for you, then you must have forgotten who raised me.
Battered Dragon Yang: (sniffs and holds Ruby's hand) Right. I'm just... glad to see you guys again after all this ti- PUAH!!!
Blake: (tackles BDY to the ground and hugs her tight) Yang~
Battered Dragon Yang: (shocked eyes glance at Blake briefly before tears slip from her eyes, her nose wrinkles in an attempt to keep from crying, and she breaks. Arms wrap around Blake like a lifeline) It's actually you....
Weiss: (after a few minutes) Yang, what happened to you?
Battered Dragon Yang: It's... a long story...
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overtail · 5 months
hey queen it’s me sawda with another toph ask </3 (im toph content deprived literally crying) but!! can i req a toph x fem!r where toph’s s/o is literally mulan but in the firebending army?? Thank you!!!
ALSO just wanna make yall aware my pronouns are they/them
I'm also so sorry for the delay. I've been on the worst writers block due to a lack of motivation. my whole family was sick, and we've been unable to pick up my anti-depressants 😭
Little Soldier - Toph x F!Reader
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Summary: When Toph's lover turns 13, she tells her that she has to fight alongside the fire nation to protect her family.
Trigger Warning: Sexism, Implied racism, Forbidden love
Info: Pre-Book 2, long hair reader
'We're not gonna lose anyone else close to us again
We swore that we would always be there for each other
No matter what happens though, I promise that I'll protect you
If you were a boy
I would have actually have fallen for you if you were careful
Oh, c'mon, well maybe I'm the one who should have a crush on you'
"Watcha doin?" Toph feet dug into the dirt of the valley's grass, trying to identify (Y/N)'s action. Her delt held a look of confusion as se did so.
"Im just.." (Y/N) began, glancing back at Toph as she thought. "Thinking."
She held a clump of hair in her fingers, combing her digits through the strands. Something was obviously on her mind, like she was stuck in a loop up in her little head.
"About what?" Toph shuffled over, crouching down so she was eye level (if you wanted to say that) with the other. She smiled softly while (Y/N) thought: only if she knew
"You know how theres news of the Avatar returning?" (Y/N) whispered, letting out a shaky breath. Toph hummed a quiet 'yes', letting her feet slip so she would fall on her bottom. "And you also know how they're drafting men from the fire nation?"
Toph wondered where this was going. She modded carefully, feeling the floor to hear (Y/N)'s heartbeat. It was fast paced, causing the earthbender to worry.
"Yeah. Are people in your village getting drafted?" Toph questioned, thinking about all the possibilities. She heard (Y/N) sigh.
"Worse. My dad was given a note specifically by the current general." Toph's eyebrows raised at her words, realization hitting. (Y/N)'s father used to fight a long time ago, starting when he was just a boy. This was before she was born, before he met his wife.
He was regarded as one of the most intense, bloodthirsty, and brutal generals in history - behind the Dragon of the West. Though, he was old now; not fit for war.
Toph didn't know what to say. She wasn't particularly fond of the fire nation, but she was fond of (Y/N).
The girl across from her sighed, continuing to comb her digits in her hair. How would she tell Toph?
(Y/N) looked up, her face flushing red at the sight of Toph's oblivious face. She looked so calm in the moment, the valley wind ruffling up her hair. During these secret meetings, Toph would let her hair down. The soft locks ran down her back, some falling over her shoulders.
(Y/N) thought she was beautiful.
"Well, I was thinking," (Y/N) let go of her hair, moving to pick at the nail of her index finger. A sickness caused from nervousness settled in her stomach. "of pretending to be a boy."
Toph laughed, not quite knowing what she meant. "Why would you want to do that?" She smirked, before the smile faltered.
"Wait, you're not saying-"
"I'm going to take my fathers place as his eldest son." (Y/N) interjected, her breath hitching at the words. Saying it out loud made the reality hit her light a train - realizing that it wasn't just an idea. This was happening.
Toph stayed unusually silent. She wasn't too expressive when it came to her face, but even now (Y/N) couldn't read her. Was she angry? Happy? Scared? What. was she feeling?
(Y/N) raised a brow, confused by the question. "What do you mean?"
Toph pursed her lips, her eye brows knitting together. "How are you going to pretend to look like a boy?"
Even though Toph couldn't see her, she knew that boys and girls looked different.
(Y/N) let out a shaky breath, gripping at her hair lightly. Her family always forced her into the ideal of a perfect, feminine woman - but in secret, she was strong, aggressive, and messy. Even though her personality was changed, her looks were still influenced by her family's wants. Her hair was long, and she wore fancy clothes and makeup.
"Oh, uhm.." (Y/N) was hesitant. She knew, but she sounded like she was protecting herself from her own words. "I'm gonna cut my hair.."
Toph raised an eyebrow, intrigued by (Y/N)'s response. "Cut your hair, huh? That's a bold move. How short are we talking?"
(Y/N) swallowed nervously, fidgeting with a loose thread on her sleeve. "I-I don't know... Short enough to pass as a boy, I guess."
Toph nodded thoughtfully. "Alright, let's do it."
Later that day, the two sat in her bedroom, Toph listening to the sound of (Y/N) snipping her hair. The locks fell onto the floor, sticking to clothes and to skin. After some time, (Y/N) found herself spaced on on Toph's bed, watching her every move.
As Toph unraveled her hair, the room was filled with the sound of gentle brushing, the rhythmic motion soothing in its familiarity. She worked through each tangle with practiced ease, her movements fluid and deliberate.
(Y/N) watched in silence, mesmerized by the way Toph's fingers danced through her hair, untangling knots with effortless grace. There was something intimate about the moment, a quiet exchange between friends bound by unspoken understanding.
"Your hair is beautiful," (Y/N) said softly, breaking the silence.
Toph glanced up, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Thanks. It's a pain to manage sometimes, but I wouldn't trade it for anything."
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "Do you ever wish you could cut it short, like mine?"
Toph paused, her expression thoughtful. "Sometimes, yeah. It would be easier, especially when I'm training. But... it's a part of who I am, you know? Cutting it would feel like losing a piece of myself."
(Y/N) nodded, understanding flickering in her eyes. "I get that."
Toph set down the brush, turning to face (Y/N) fully. "I get that you're worried. I can sense it. Your heart is racing." Toph walked over to her bed where (Y/N) sat, sinking into the mattress. "I'm gonna miss you, but I also believe in you, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) felt a weight lift off her shoulders, a sense of freedom washing over her. With Toph's unwavering support, she knew she could embrace her true self, messy hair and all. And as they sat together, basking in the warmth of their friendship, (Y/N) realized that sometimes, the most beautiful thing about a person isn't their appearance, but the authenticity of their spirit.
(Y/N) turned her head to look at toph, her face going red at the sight of her graceful face, She wanted to kiss her. Yeah, she did.
As (Y/N) gazed at Toph, her cheeks flushed with a warmth that had nothing to do with embarrassment. She was captivated by the gentle curve of Toph's lips, the sparkle in her eyes that hinted at hidden depths. And in that moment, a realization washed over her with startling clarity – she wanted to kiss her.
The thought sent a shiver down (Y/N)'s spibe, her heart pounding in her chest as she wrestled with her emotions. It was a risk, she knew, to confess her feelings, especially when their friendship hung in the balance. But the longing in her chest was too powerful to ignore, a flame that refused to be extinguished.
With trembling hands, (Y/N) reached out, cupping Toph's cheek gently as she leaned in, her heart pounding in her ears. And then, their lips met in a soft, tentative kiss, a silent affirmation of the emotions that had been brewing beneath the surface.
For a moment, time seemed to stand still as they savored the sweetness of the moment, their hearts beating in perfect synchrony. And when they finally pulled away, their breath mingling in the air, (Y/N) found herself smiling, a sense of peace settling over her like a warm blanket.
Toph blinked in surprise, her lips curved in a soft smile. (Y/N) chuckled nervously, her cheeks still tinged with pink. And as they sat together, their fingers intertwined, (Y/N) had already started to realize what she was committing to. She's leaving. She's leaving to fight in a war that seemed as if it was never going to end to save her family.
As the reality of (Y/N)'s impending departure settled in, a somber silence descended upon the room, casting a shadow over the warmth of their shared moment. Toph's smile faltered slightly, her eyes reflecting the gravity of the situation.
(Y/N) squeezed Toph's hand tightly, her own heart heavy with the weight of her decision. She had made up her mind to fight in the war, to confront the forces that threatened her her homeland. But with each passing moment, the prospect of leaving Toph behind grew more daunting.
"I... I have to go," (Y/N) murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.
Toph nodded slowly, her expression a mixture of understanding and sadness. "I know," she said softly. "And I'll be here waiting for you when you get back. No matter what."
Tears welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes as she leaned forward, resting her forehead against Toph's. "I don't know what I'd do without you," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.
Toph wrapped her arms around (Y/N) in a tight embrace, holding her close as if trying to shield her from the harsh realities of the world outside. "You won't have to find out," she promised, her voice steady despite the turmoil in her heart.
And as they held each other in the quiet of the room, (Y/N) found solace in Toph's arms, knowing that no matter how far apart they may be, their bond would endure.
Toph was her best friend, Toph was her girl. Toph was, well, Toph, and how could anyone forget someone like her?
should I make a part 2
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mikeysbabygirl · 2 years
Has anyone ever told you how good your writing is? Like - chef kisses - good? Anyway, awa hello! Draken is such a gentlemen, treat his girl right and is so careful, taking into account his built and strenght… but his girl… his girl want it rough. In fact, she likes it rough enough to border on "bitch, are you okay???"
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WARNING : ehhmmm she likes it rough 👀, just a short thing since it's a pwp, Smut, minors DNI, dirty talk, Mean!Dom Draken, aftercare, Reader is a tease, acting all innocent 🙈 Draken literally pounding her, using her as a cock sleeve, nicknames ( love, princess, pretty whore... ), Creampie, Inupi simping over reader... Did i forget anything ?
Note : thanks so much for the feedback, it makes my day 🖤
Draken couldn't believed you would even let him near to you.
After all, what was he but dry blood on knuckles ?
But you, oh you... It's like your aura was made of poetry and roses.
Like a dragon met a lamb, armed in scaled of impenetrable gold, while you were soft and comforting in newborn wool. And upon meeting you, his walls and guards felt threatened by your weak soldiers, a smile, a spark in the eye, and they resisted.
He resisted, until he felt them falling like a leaf from a tree, pink petals lips, so soft to the touch, he never knew falling would hurt so much.
So he spent months covering his sharp edges, scared for your soft fingers to get pricked. Emma's loss left only pieces of him, and you were so reckless picking them all up, assembling all his parts that he feared nothing more than to cut you in the process.
How could he want anything else than to be gentle with your soft heart ? That gentle heart, that refuses to do anything but beat louder and harder.
Through the darkest corners of his mind, you sneak like the softest sunshine, through windows he didn't even knew existed and brush gently over his face, and suddenly his heart isn't broken anymore, he doesn't feel the cold constant bleeding anymore.
Yes, sometimes his wolves still roar a little too loud. Call of nature catches up and rawness tends to bring back the fire in his guts, he remembered perfectly the first time it happened.
As you laid under him for the first time, so fragile, raw, and beautiful, your clothes long discarded on the floor like pages of past he turned, he remembered how clenched his fists were, trying to soften every kiss, to lighten every touch and cancel any pressure his body was dying to apply.
He remembered the first time he made one with you, jaw tight, sinking deeper in the ocean of your eyes trying to drown that fire in his guts, burning to just give you all of himself, raw and rough. It took all of him not to just pound in you as hard as he wanted to, sink wolf's teeth deeper in your so soft skin.
But Draken was a gentleman, he would never risk scaring you away of him. You were the shiniest thing to ever graze his sky and he had no problem polishing his windows and the truth, embellishing the wild and romanticizing the rough for you.
Oh but little did he knew...
You might be soft in all the right ways, skin like silk and honey lips. But make no mistake, beneath it all, you mind, will, resolve, were hard as steel.
You were weed not flower, and you knew what was in your power to bring back in him and wanted all of it. Draken was sweet, and gentle with you, but you craved him, his true self, the one you knew he was holding back.
How could you possibly utter the words ? You were his pretty girl, the who who never raised her voice at him, whose touches were never different from those of a feather, who still blushed everytime you were indecently exposed to him even after months.
How could you possibly tell him that you wanted him to fuck you dumb until you forgot what your own name was ?
But no need for words when you owned the probably shortest sundress he had ever seen in his life. Wrapping yourself in the off-shoulder pink fabric and good intentions, you gripped the bento box you brought for him tighter the minute his eyes landed on you, when you entered the shop.
-" Hello " you smiled politely, offering your hand for Inupi to shake. The guy was just as, if not more respectful than Draken, he fought all along the urge to let his eyes slide toward your breasts and bare thighs and shook your hand, almost stuttering when he pronounced your name.
-" Glad to see you " he greeted you, he had saw you few times before and though he did not talk a lot, he still grew into liking you seeing how good and careful you were to his friend.
You smiled and your eyes drifted toward your boyfriend, sitting next to a bike but his hands no longer held any tool, you bit back a sly smile seeing how his eyes never left you.
-" Hi hon' " you approached him, already seeing him frown because you usually never gave him nicknames in front of his friends. But his eyes widened even more, along with Seishu's ones when you bent over to press a kiss on his cheek.
With how that damn dress was short, Seishu must have caught a glimpse of your panties, if only you wore ones... and Draken saw it too, through the glass behind.
Before the rush of anger could reach his brain, he found himself on his feet, excusing himself to Seishu and dragging you by the hand toward the back store. Already by how tight his hand was gripping your wrist, you knew the mission has been a success.
But the minute you reached the back store and he slammed the door shut, pinning you against it, you wondered slightly.
Could it be that you have gone a little bit too far ?
His hand on your stomach was pressing you flat against the wall, and your surprised eyes on him injected the slightest guilt into his blood.
-" The fuck, is wrong with you ?"
Every word of him was a needle sinking deeper in your skin, stern face so close to yours you could feel his warm minty breath hitting your lips.
-" Excuse me ?" You wore the indignation tailor made, gaining a frown from him that told you, you had good acting skills." No, what is wrong with you? I... I just thought you could... Use some lunch ? "
What a devil in disguise, but what he didn't knew couldn't hurt him right ? What hurt him was the little frown between your brows and the tilt of your head.
That oblivious ignorance of yours, that provocation so pure for his carnivorous sense of destruction. That so desperate cute face you made blazing like a hurricane in his lower abdomen.
-" I... Honestly I don't know what's happenin' Ken, did I... Do something wrong ?"
The pressure he was previously putting on your stomach decreased until, as if he was burned, retracted his hand and ran it through his hair, sighing loudly.
What the fuck am I doing ? He thought.
-" Look, I'm... "
He was struggling, obviously. And you felt a little bit guilty for this, fear of having scared you haunting all of his what if's, he didn't even found it in him to touch you again.
-" I'm sorry, 'kay ?"
Leaning on his elbows against the wall, Draken let his forehead gently fall against yours, closing his eyes. Never has he ever apologized, ever. But regrets were nipping at his brain like their last meal, he could not lose you to his rough nature.
-" I just... Can't have you walking 'round like that, can't have everyone eye-fucking what's mine. "
You could not help the slight curves of your lips hearing those words, and he ran his thumb over the plump of your lips absentmindedly.
-" Y'just too pure, princess. Don't know what kind of things your body does to guys. " He gulped down at the parting of your lips. " Things you do t'me ".
He was slipping between your fingers, you could see him slowly putting back the mask and returning to that holy self, and all your efforts would be to no avail. Dropping down the shyness, his eyes widened when you clung on his shoulders, wrapping your leg around his waist and pulling him impossibly closer to you.
-" What kind of things, Kenny?"
Only whispers were left of your voice, your lashes caressing your cheeks as your gaze drifted toward his lips, he swallowed a thick breath and his hands on your waist tried putting some distance between you two, in vain.
-" Wait- shit, Wait-"
His voice fell into a strangled sound, while you started moving your hips slightly. The thick jean of his pants rubbing against your bare pussy was a whole new feeling, his bulge only got harder.
-" What things, Kenny ?" You repeated, voice turning into panting breathing sending shivers down his spine. " Show me what you're oh so desperate to do to me ".
-" Pretty, Fuck- stop this "
But his words were liars, since his grip around your waist got bruising, and he insidiously began rolling his hips against yours, matching your movements.
-" Show me what you wanna do to me, Kenny" you whined at the loss of friction against your clit.
-" Not now. " He tried stopping you, a dead serious look in his face. " If I go down on you now, I might just not be able to hold back ".
Lust was a heavier burden to carry, having your doe-like eyes staring at him with so much care when you should've ran away from his words, calling him a kinky weirdo or whatever.
-" then don't hold back, I want all of you, Ken. Give me your all "
As much as your words were pulling him down, he was holding into his last strings of sanity with a burning palm. Denying you whatever you were asking, scared to hurt you, he pressed his forehead against yours, again.
-" Please, princess. I'm begging you, don't make me do this to you... "
But you cupped his face, and the thread let go under your resolve, letting you seep deeper through his dungeons.
-" Fuck me like you want me, Kenny. " You whispered, brushing his lips with yours, making him lose his breath. " Fuck me like you've been craving. "
The last straw, and soon his lips were on yours already.
You've kissed a hundred times before, but this, this one had something more animalistic, primary. Like he was not kissing to taste, but to devour you and fill the hunger of months spent dreaming of stealing the breath out of your lungs.
His hands did a quick work stripping you off that dress which drove him crazy, and the rest melted into a blur until he had you bent over a desk there, his fat tip nudging your dripping entrance and his hand pulling your hair back, drawing whimpers from you.
-" Fuck, y'like it when I hurt you, dontcha ?" He threw his head back, sinking in you and wincing at the incredible feeling. " Should've told me sooner, princess. Woulda... Woulda never held back from fucking ya dumb o'mma cock "
No need to hide in the dark now that you were swallowing his dirtiest secrets with the lewdest squelches of your cunt,biting your lips to not draw anyone's attention with your moans.
-" Ken- oh god, 's too good"
-" So that's all what that slutty dress was about, huh ?"
Your eyes widened and you hid your blush with your arms on the desk around your face.
-" N-No !"
-" Yes it was. " A harsher thrust of him almost sent the desk flying at the end of the room, making your eyes roll back in your head. " Flashing this tight lil pussy to Inupi, you wanted me to split you open in front of him ?"
It was his turn to widen his eyes, feeling your walls clenching around him. Draken threw his head back, cursing, feeling the blood boiling in his guts, he pulled your hair back harsher and exposed your fucked up face to his eyes.
He swore you've never been prettier, and one more thrust, one more nudge of his balls against your clit sent you to overdrive. The cry you let out at that moment would be forever engraved in his mind's walls with the white rings of your high around his length, he could not help but lean over and take your parted swollen lips in his, wanting to just devour your so beautiful face.
-" Aww, you'd like it huh ? What a dirty little whore, clenchin' on me like a fuckin' virgin. " A strangled chuckle escaped his mouth, your pussy closing around him heavenly in a rhythmic pace.
It felt just so relieving, to think all these times he was covering his sharp edges when now they were kissing your cervix with each thrust. What an euphoric sensation it was, knowing that you could possibly love him, the true him, not the one he tried to be for you.
At that moment, he just thinks he might be in love.
-" Ken, oh goodness... " And as he froze, thinking you were too overstimulated to keep up, your blissful face flashed him an orgasmic smile. " Cum for me, please. Want... Want you to fill me up"
Indeed, he might be in love.
He felt his cock throbbing by the meer sight of your teary eyes and drooling mouth smiling for him, by your words fanning his flame. His other hand sneaked toward your chest, kneading your breast bruisingly and his teeth sunk in your shoulder.
- " Yeah ? 's that right ? My pretty baby wants me to cum inside ? " His mouth replaced the small red bruises with warm kisses along your skin, drawing a mountain of moans out of you whilst his thrust became sloppier. " Wants me to fuck a child inside this pretty pussy ? "
Too overstimulated to even speak, you fervently nodded and arched your back against him, taking him deeper until hitting that hidden spot inside you that had you both rolling your eyes and stilling.
He could already feel his orgasm grazing his fingertips, at a hairsbreadth of losing it all. But in fact he'd never been through such a lust, rollercoaster-like, losing himself in your warmth and wetness made him feel more loved than he ever has in his life.
Draken, Ken Ryuguji, all calloused fingers and bloody knuckles, all cold words and stern voice, held your wrist and started pounding his wild inside you, his pretty, soft little lamb.
His hot tongue licked a stripe along your neck, and already seeing the marks upon your skin could've send him to cloud nine. You were always so immaculate, and now were all stained, all marked. All over your silk, all he could read was
Ken, Ken, Ken...
-" That's right, m'pretty girl. Moan my fucking name, let him hear ya. Y'know I'll never let anyone see my gorgeous bitch, right ?"
Another time tightening around his length, and he was a goner.
All he could make out was his balls stiffening and soon, some of his cum starting to leak between your thighs, waves of bliss crashing and washing over him though he was drowning in a burning heat.
-" I... Fuck, such a good girl for daddy. Look how good you took it, best I've ever had."
Yes, Draken was a gentleman, he would never even think of hurting you.
But having your skin all red and purple marked under him, having his white ropes dripping from you, he must admit it was toxic but it was intoxicatingly addictive.
This image could have haunted his nightmares, months ago. His so strong stature, broad shoulders and big hands towering over your smaller, weaker body. But now, oh now it was the embodiment of his Nirvana.
-" one of... The best idea I've ever had, now we can go back to normal" you smiled absentmindedly, head falling on the desk and ass arching up against his balls. You yelped however as a harsh slap met your ass cheek, he laughed at your gasp.
-" Ain't ya cute thinking you're done with me ?" He chuckled, you shivered feeling his hot breath against the back of your neck. " Been dreamin' of a hundred ways to ruin this pussy, love. Now you gotta lemme try em all on ya. "
I gotta admit this was fun to write, we love a protective Draken 🖤 more Draken requests will come, I'm just at a loss of inspiration for now lol
@kendraken I believe you asked me to tag you in whatever thing I write for Draken ?
Also, I have a draft of something similar to this with Kakucho, I might just drop it someday
Have a good day, mommy Lina loves you
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madraleen · 2 months
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Delicious in Dungeon - Ryōko Kui Vol.10-11: "Oh, just Thistle, Mithrun and Kabru things" - A Commentary.
Vol.10 -for the record, second most well-designed character award goes to thistle, my beloved.
-low-key worried about laios' party now that we know the mithrun-goat backstory.
-no, truly, do we trust the winged lion? or did thistle seal it so that the mithrun thing wouldn't happen to him too?
-yeah, the lion "really doesn’t want to lose you here," laios, because he'll wanna devour you later! i don't trust that lion.
-ooooooh NICE, marcille wanting to make all races' lifespans equal, such a solid wish that could go horribly wrong, nice!!
-"kabru, make him stop"? really, canaries? really? everybody say "thank you kabru, for being a good influence for mithrun."
-YUH-HUH, "you're good at dealing with the captain" OBVIOUSLY!!! he eats when he should, he sleeps without help, everyone say "THANK YOU KABRU." ffs, canaries.
-thistle be watching everyone like "...wtf?"
-really, the teleportation expert is the most dangerous one, thistle? not the ones freeing the lion? interesting.
-right, that's what i'm saying. go seal the winged lion first. see, you only needed some food in you in order to think clearly, thistle
-argh, that's sweet, how falin's sleeping on her monster body, stop that's cute
-"laios! you okay!?" i don't know how he can ever be okay after suffocating falin, but hey ho. that was a hard sequence. that was hard. oof.
-oh wait, thistle's "wand" is his flute, that's cool
-no, not the "best by" date! lmao, laios, what a way to put it
-that's my deranged boy (thistle). standing on the table. for no reason. you show them. well. "deranged." it's more complicated than that. delgal literally pushed him to become a magician and put the weight of the entire kingdom on his shoulders, and then thistle had to use ancient magic, build a kingdom, create monsters, move everyone down there, protect everyone at all times, fend off invaders again and again, ALL OF THAT ON HIS OWN, had everyone praise him for it, and then had his nearest and dearest be like "actually, the thing we pushed you to do and praised you for, yeah, we don't want that anymore." thistle isn't randomly deranged.
-fumu fumu, that's a lot of dragons.
Vol.11 -lmfao that was kabru's dream that the nightmares ate, wasn't it
-gotta hand it to laios, that's good thinking, quick thinking, the whole dragons thing
-thistle's epiphany is to get everyone on feeding tubes...? like 24/7? for eternity?
-wait, so thistle doesn't remember why he sealed the lion? 'cause i was theorizing he sealed him to protect himself, and lion confirms it, but not thistle
-MY HEART, thistle holding marcille's hand. SOMEONE HELP THEM! WHERE THE FUCK IS KABRU?!
-did thistle resurrect marcille??? OOOHHH
-erm, hold up, thistle will be fine though, right?
-kabru warning laios, good boy kabru. but also, tell him about the dungeon's lord!
-not kabru dissociating in real time as he eats bavarois
-goodbye, izutsumi, who knows where you've been teleported to. mithrun probably doesn't.
-ASFDHJ, marcille leaping onto laios to escape mithrun, SO CUTE
-pattadol is sweet, i like her. keep her around mithrun.
-oooh nooo the lion is unsealed, i don't like thisss
-i expect the anime to do justice to just how fast mithrun is
-it's a pity it's come to this. marcille would understand, if mithrun had had time to explain, but now he's trying to kill her and she's terrified and she only has the lion to lean on -.-
-THE FIRST PERSON TO REALIZE MITHRUN WILL RUN OUT OF MANA IS KABRU, ffs, have the canaries spared a second to think of mithrun's- ARGH
-kabru out there doing the lord's work. everyone else is useless. USELESS, WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITHOUT KABRU
-YES KABRU, KEEP MITHRUN THERE! good boy. and yes, manga, feed me more mithrun and kabru moments, pls and thank you.
-of course it would be kabru that carried mithrun. don't worry, king, no one's taking him from you.
-kabru trying to talk to laios and laios trying to cut him off and leave is excruciating to read
-people really only listen to kabru when he's being honest and not putting up a facade, just sayin'. at least the people that matter to us do.
-i'm confused though. mithrun was the lord of a different dungeon, the one sealing goat demon. this one seals lion demon. why does lion demon know mithrun?
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1800-fight-me · 1 year
So i was just re-reading 'Broken Vows' and I was wondering do you think the reader and Aemond ever told Ned about who his true father was or he just found out on his own? (also I am so sorry if you have already answered this question)
2nd Epilogue- Broken Vows
Part One Part Two Part Three First Epilogue
Aemond Targaryen x Female!Reader
Rating: M (Mature) As always, minors please do not interact! 
Warnings: Angst
Word count: About 800 (it’s a lil one!) 
Synopsis: Your son learns the truth about his parentage.
Author’s note: Okay but for real this ask made me emotional. Broken Vows is my favorite thing I've ever written, literally a labor of love, and you're telling me that you liked it enough to read it more than once?? And it's on your mind enough that you have questions for me about it?? I am kissing you right on the forehead!! Please enjoy this drabble I wrote way back when I was writing the fic that I did not think anyone would be interested in!!
Important announcement!! I am no longer using a taglist! Instead if you would like to be notified when I post new fics follow my side blog @jo-writes-fanfic and turn your post notifications on! 
Aemond Masterlist
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“Tell me the truth, mother!” your son yelled as tears streamed down his face. 
“Oh, my little dragon heart,” you said gently as you reached for his hand. 
He snatched it away and glared at you. 
“I am no longer little. Tell me the truth of it!” 
You took a deep steadying breath. “Ned, whatever you have heard, you do not need to heed the words of gossipers-” 
“Tell me!” he yelled just as Aemond strode into your shared chambers. 
You sat down heavily and placed a hand on your pregnant belly. 
“Why are you raising your voice at my wife?” Aemond asked sharply as he came to your side. 
“She is my mother and-” 
“She was mine long before she was ever your mother, you best show her respect and watch your tongue, boy,” Aemond said angrily as he placed a hand on your shoulder. 
The twelve year old boy blinked in shock and disbelief, both at Aemond’s words and his harsh tone that he never used with his children. 
Though, Aemond has always been vicious in his protection of you. 
“Aemond,” you protested softly, but he did not turn to you. He instead continued to stare at his son. 
“T-that’s not true, is it? She- she was married to my father first. Mother, tell me it is not true, please,” he said with tears in his eyes as he fell to his knees before you. 
“Ned,” you said gently as you ran your fingers through his snow white hair. 
“Am I a bastard?” he asked as tears streamed down his young face. 
You looked up at Aemond and he nodded, letting you know that he agreed with you that it was time to tell him the truth. 
“You were born of love. That is all that matters,” you said gently. 
He shook his head and tears streamed down his cheeks, still chubby with youth. 
Aemond sat down next to you and placed a gentle hand on Ned’s shoulder. 
“So it is true? You are my true father?” he asked Aemond. 
Aemond nodded. 
Ned buried his face in your lap and wrapped his arms around your waist as he sobbed. 
“Is that why you have always called me your little dragon heart when we are alone?” he asked, his voice muffled by your skirts. 
“Yes, you were born of the love between Aemond and I. The timing does not matter-” 
“It matters!” he exclaimed as he sobbed again. 
You sighed. 
“It matters,” Aemond agreed. “Your last name is Stark instead of Targaryen as it should be. Your claim to Winterfell will always be questioned due to the color of your hair and your resemblance to me and your younger siblings. And unfortunately, you will not have a dragon as Targaryens should.” 
“Why would you do this to her? To me?” Ned accused him in a harsh tone. 
“It is more complicated than you understand or need to know right now,” you said gently. 
He sniffled. 
“Not many children can say they were born of love rather than duty,” you consoled as you ran your fingers through your son’s hair once again. 
“It will be alright, son. We will deal with any difficulties together as a family,” Aemond said and Ned nodded before he unwrapped himself from you and stood. 
He looked at Aemond, who smiled softly at him. 
“You have called me father since shortly after you learned to speak as I wed your mother when you were only three years of age. Nothing has changed,” Aemond reassured him as he stood. 
Ned sought refuge in his father’s chest as he hugged him and Aemond squeezed him lovingly. 
“Do not worry on this anymore, my little dragon heart,” you said and he nodded as he turned back to you. 
He looked back at Aemond. 
“I am sorry I raised my voice at you, mother,” he said shamefully. 
“I know you are,” you said as you raised your face in a gesture he knew meant you expected him to kiss you on the cheek. He complied with a sheepish smile. 
“Go on,” Aemond said as he ruffled his hair. 
Once Ned left, Aemond sat next to you and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. 
His hand rubbed your growing belly as he pressed another kiss to your forehead. 
You melted into his touch. 
“That was a difficult conversation,” you sighed. 
He nodded. 
“It was inevitable though,” he said. 
“I just thought he would be older before we would have to tell him,” you lamented. 
“I am surprised it took this long,” he said. 
You sighed again. 
“It will be alright, dear heart. We will deal with any hardships together,” he comforted you as he pulled you onto his lap. 
You nodded. 
“Kiss me again,” you asked. 
“Of course, lovely wife,” he said before he pressed his lips to yours. 
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nefertittythegreat · 9 months
Rating GoT and HotD dresses based on how well I think they'd fit into Ascendance of a Bookworm
Ok first
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Not my favorite Dany look, but I also don't hate it. It's pretty she looks stunning, but for AoaB, the shillouette is wrong. I love the high neck and the cutout! It's a fashion trend that I hope Rozemyne eventually introduces to Yogurtland. A great look that's a little too modern for the world of AoaB.
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When it comes to fashion in GoT, you can not outdo the doer, and She(yes, with a capital S) is Cersei Lannister. The color, the cut the metal waist belt with the lions on it with the matching necklace 😭 I'm gagged! She's amazing! One point off because while I feel like on it's own the dress would work well in AoaB, but something about it is just off. i dont think it would completely work. Maybe it's the down hair 🤔
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First, let me preface by saying I LOVE this dress. It's one of the best dresses in GoT period, but It would NEVER work in AoaB. To them, she's practically naked. Sheer cloth? No sleeves? Neckline to the navel? Oh no honey its straight to the white tower with you! The metal additions are nice, and I can see someone crafting those out of feystones. It's also long enough...so 2 points🤷🏾‍♀️
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Would fit in the world but not as a dress as a woman's riding outfit, which is what i believe it's supposed to be in GoT as well. In a different color, it's giving future Aub Alexandria ready to defend her duchy. She is a fierce leader, and looking at this outfit, you would never question that.
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I'm not gonna lie... This is my favorite Game of Thrones look. I think the moment we saw Natalie in this, we all fell in love Margaery. However, for AoaB, it could work with some VERY minor tweaks. The neckline is, of course, too low, and it's backless, but it's very tasteful. I think this is a style Rozemyne could introduce in the future, especially given how hot Alexandria is. She already introduced sleeveless dress and in GoT the reason for the margaery's "risqué" dress is because Highgarden(where she's from) is very hot especially in comparison to King's Landing which is said to have moderate to hot weather.
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Our first House of the Dragon look and it's 🥰 🥰 I can literally see Elvira wearing this. It's giving everything it should. The silhouette is perfect, the metal additions are stylish, and the headband is too die for! It's giving everything it needs to for an AoaB dress, and I love it!
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Is this list mostly Dany dresses? YES.
BUT I CAN SEE THE VISION!! Other than being backless, I think Rozemyne has already laid the foundation for this style of dress. I think a slight alter to the silhouette and some very off the shoulder sleeves and boom! we have an Aoab appropriate dress. But the belt, the metal work at the neckline, I think it would fit in very well eventually.
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Just close up the neckline, and you've got a perfect AoaB dress. This one was a favorite of HotD fans, and it's easy to see why. It's a beautiful dress. I could see a noble lady wearing this right now.
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This is another future Aub Alexandria dress. Again, I think for Yurgenschmidt it's too much skin, but again, I think Rozemyne will eventually introduce fashion like this. The cape incorporated into the outfit to make sleeves is 😍😍😍. This is how she's gonna show up to the archduke conference stunting on the hoes 👏 👏👏 I feel like high necklines are just in Rozemyne's future🤷🏾‍♀️
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The sleeves😍😍😍 The waistline😍😍😍 The paneling 😍😍😍 She's carrying Geduldh's burden and she is stunning! For once the hair is also very AoaB which is more common in HotD than in GoT as they try(and kinda fail) to create a unique fashion identity for HotD. I'm a big hair snood fan and I'm living for this one. The color of the dress is also fantastic. If you wore this is Yurgenschmidt and no one would even guess that you're from another world.
Omg I had so many more to talk about, but what are you guys AoaB fashion inspirations? Any movies or TV shows? Are we all still in love with that Susan Pevenasie dress from the end second Chronicles of Narnia movie? Please tell me! I love seeing everyone's thoughts in this fandom🥰
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🕷️ Miles Morales As a Caregiver (Into the spider verse)
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🎀 : A/N , He's my comfort fr 😭 he's my favorite spiderman, I'm not sorry (might make a pravitr agere hc post ? 👀 ✨)
🎀 : Edit , I saw the first movie for the first time in a few years, so I updated a few things to make it a little more accurate to Miles himself. So, enjoy!
⚠️ : TW/Mentions : spiders, petnames, physical touch, overprotection mention
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🕷️ : When you told him you were an age regressor he would reply rather calmly and chill. Something maybe along the lines of: "oh cool!:) I'm glad you told me”
🕷️ : he doesn't know what age regression meant.
🕷️ : "I know what age regression is.. buut can you explain it to me again?":}"
🕷️ : once you actually explained it to him he might have made a small "awh"
☕ : he won't admit it but he can be overprotective of you at times.
☕ : he doesn't let you cross the street on your own if you regress under 10. So he mostly holds your hand in public
🕷️ : “Cmon bubba, hold my hand for me, okay?”
🎒 : remember when I mention he can be overprotective? Yeah. Baby carrier 90% of the time. Though he tries to avoid it if you don't like it or don't use it alot
🎒 : though, he WILL use a baby carrier if he took you out on a 'mission'. He just cant really carry you while in the air, and he doesn't want you to fall.
☕ : if you don't like heights he'll literally just run on the ground. He doesn't like scaring you, so he'd just do his spiderman jobs on the ground if he can help it.
🍼 : he loves to play games with you. Wether that be virtual games like Minecraft, or physical games like hide and seek or tag. If it's a physical game, he would play "peek a boo" with you
🍼 : "where did Miles go..? There he is!” *He takes his hands off his eyes*
☀️ : Gwen literally adores you. She loves playing pretend with you, and will drag miles into her shenanigans. If you like dress up, she'd usually play knights and dragons.
🎧 : if you're noise sensitive, he'd make sure to keep his music down or personally buy noise canceling headphones (he designed it himself)
☁️ : If you stim, he stims too. He has a swaying stim, a dancing stim and a leg tap stim. change my mind
💤 : not a super strict caregiver, but you have a bedtime. He can usually be convinced for a longer bedtime schedule for that night with some puppy eyes
💤 : he lives for physical affection. He loves to have you sit in his lap or keep his arm around your shoulder. He was awkward at first when it came to physical affection, but came around rather quickly
🖍️ : if you like to draw he'll let you draw in his notebooks. He'd always end up putting them up on his walls. Ganke thinks it's a nice change of colour
🖍️ : the only person he trusts to babysit you is Ganke. Ganke is one of the most chilled babysitters out there. Semi-verbal caregiver but usually gives you things you might need and letting you do your thing
🖍️ : if grown close overtime, Ganke would Share his comic books with you
🎨 : Miles might've took you to spray paint a wall that one time—
🧃 : his usual petnames/nicknames are between "bubba/bud/little one/prince(ess)"
🕷️ : I headcanon he has a pet jumping spider named "Charlotte" (Charlotte's web reference heh)
🕷️ : if you don't like spiders, he usually doesn't let Charlotte out when you're at his apartment
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☁️ Small fic time:D! ☁️
Miles held your hand gently, with a hint of firmness and protection with it. You regressed during school about 2/3 through it and he found out about it. You felt embarrassed since this was the second time this week, but truthfully he didn't really mind. In fact it just made his 'big brother' side come out more. He smiled gently, nudging your shoulder slightly with his. trying to gain your attention as you spaced out. "You okay there, bubba? You seem to be more spaced out than usual.. are you okay?" He seemed to be concerned for you. But kept a gentle tone for you, so he wouldn't scare you accidentally. You shook your head, pouting your lip slightly. You raised your arms up, doing the small Grabby hands to catch his full attention. And unsurprisingly it worked pretty well. He stopped walking and turned to you. "Yeah? You want me to pick you up, little one?” he asked, tilting head slowly before his small neutral smile turned into a goofy grin. "Aw, well, alright then.. c'mon bud” he smiled, picking you up without a struggle. He rested you carefully on his shoulders before walking again.
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