#she loves starting convos like that but i do kind of feel bad for dropping thwt on her esp when she like. had to leave soon for an appt
leolaroot · 1 month
made my mom cry but i got some serious bull shit off my chest oh well happy mothers day
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gingerjolover · 6 months
can we prioritize jb controversially young gf pleaseeeee i vote yes
to ease y'all into it, get ya warmed up, here's a little appetizer (courtesy of my friends @boywithpinkcarnation and @ever-siince-new-york aka the loves of my life)
julien w a controversially!young gf
okay i have an (unpopular) opinion that i don't think julien would date someone controversially young not because there's something wrong with it but because she will get so existential and I feel like she would feel bad if your brain wasn't fully developed lol
however!!!! this aside, lets continue
I don't think it would be a best friends little siblings scenario or like the kid of someone on her team or the bg team
young!gf is probably a writer or an artist of some kind and julien is either a fan or is at a charity event or something similar and she meets boygenius and they all instantly love her sm
and jules and young!gf really hit it off and so julien leaves with her number but doesn't find out shes young until like 3 days later
has an absolute crisis about it, especially because she doesn't want to hurt you or change you
thinking young!gf is 20 about to be 21, like just old enough that some people will be like um??? but also you're a whole-ass adult so you can do what ya want
but julien and young!gf have a very serious convo bc they are both feeling the vibe and julien just wants a healthy, mutually beneficial, safe, and loving relationship
but anyways
lets get right to it, phoebe and lucy and MUNA love you
like the love u sm but they also love teasing julien
julien could be getting up from a chair or like be laying on the floor and phoebe is yelling "life alert" to you, a glare pushing its way onto jules's face
phoebe is the biggest instigator, always snapping photos of you both candidly and adding them to her photo dumps
I had that phoebe buys young!gf a t-shirt that says I love milfs but @boywithpinkcarnation said a shirt with I <3 cougars and its iconic honestly
phoebe will 1000% caption a photo of you sitting on jb's lap and be like "sugar daddy vibes🤑" or one of jb sitting on your lap with the caption "jb is taking babysitting wayyy too seriously" (@boywithpinkcarnation)
they all call you baby and they mean it
katie is the second biggest instigator and right after that is lucy, then nomi, then jo
katie always teases about "respect your elders"
lucy will post a very wholesome photo of the two of you but caption it "spend time and cherish your elders, they aren't around forever❤️" (straight from social queen @boywithpinkcarnation)
eventually young!gf gets into it and starts making jokes like kelli tiktok vibes (@ever-siince-new-york)
she gets asked in a day in the life vid or a live a question about jules and shes like "I'm not sure really...i just with her for the money," and julien is in the back like that interview when lucy says they're breaking up like "baby! don't say that! it's not funny!" and she's groaning coming into frame, her hand on young!gf's head, "they're gonna start to believe you, ya know?" like all sassy how jb gets🤓☝🏼
PRIVATE BUT NOT SECRET VIBEZZZZ @ever-siince-new-york, carlena said and i quote, "like they're not lovesurging on tiktok but if the paps get jb giving hickies on film... oh well😁"
they are also STOKED for you to turn 21, since most of them are sober the idea of getting you drunk is so appealing
and jb is SO protective, like already jb has her hands on young!gf all. the. time. like in the dip of her back or on her hips or hand on the back of her neck, jb is always making some type of physical contact
BUT especially in the club or at a bar
they do get freaky on her 21st bday hehe
maybe the day after bc young!gf just lets joi keep giving her shots and julien is just standing there jaw dropped because who knew their sweet baby girl was a mf tank
but lit katie, molly, kelli, jo, nomi, lucy, and phoebe LOVE you sm, like yes you're young and everyone is pushing or already 30 but young!gf is so profound and mature but not in a way that's not acting her age, she just has a very old soul and enjoys rest and knows what she likes and what she wants
and julien loooooves this, like jules doesn't want to groom you and mold you into something you're not, she wants you to act your age and like she doesn't isolate you or make you act 28 because everyone is around that age. like she fully supports if you wanna go out and party or like do something kinda childish or if you wanted to stress about school or be homesick, julien lets you just vibe and doesn't pressure you to grow up faster, she truly just wants you to grow up without the age gap looming over you
back to the daddy!jb antics, without infantalizing you, jb handles ALL of the "adult stuff" like y'all def split bills if you live together but she manages all of the subscriptions and pays all of the utilities and makes sure your car has gas and is always maintained like takes it to get inspected and stuff
if young!gf is in school than that's your biggest priority in jb's eyes, like yes focus on school or your work and then when you graduate we'll start to divvy up the household stuff
jb just loves to care for you, like she always has an extra hair tie on her wrist and its your scrunchie like the one you love
before you live together, jb is stocking her house w your stuff to make you comfy
your fave snacks are in the kitchen, your fave drinks in the fridge
jb buys a full size of your fave perfume and body wash, she has you pick out pajamas for her dresser and puts a jewelry holder on her dresser just for you (@ever-siince-new-york 🥹)
if you're in school, jb def has a desk set up in her office or music room and its one she built and it has cute pens and stationary and a pretty keyboard and a comfy chair where you can cross your legs and then under it is built in storage for some of your books and crocheting/knitting/crafting stuff
when you move in, jb designs (w the help of lucy and Katie) your own office where you can write and paint and it has the best sunlight in the whole house
julien also gets really anxious leaving you at home, not because you're not capable but she grows so attached and is like "you'll be a different person when i come back:("
always sending flowers and dinner and gifts while on the road (@ever-siince-new-york)
not smut but smut adjacent
julien is sooooo nervous to have sex w young!gf
maybe she hasn't done it before or julien just feels a lot of pressure to take care of her
and she has to be like "do you not like me?" kinda insecurely because julien is treating her like shes glass
and jb is like "oh my god sweet girl, no no no, i- of course i- i love you!"
and she's like "you WHAT??"
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bronx-bomber87 · 6 months
Merry Christmas Eve to all who celebrate it :) We’ve reached S5. Which is unreal. It shouldn’t be since I’ve been writing these for 7 plus months now and yet ha. I remember BUZZING for this ep. Then being in shock It actually happened. This entire season felt like a gift from the writers.
The long awaited reward for the slow burn. Although I enjoyed every moment of that slow burn. Was very happy to get to this place I will say. You thought Tim’s brain was broken last ep? It’s about to be obliterated haha Once again some long gifs I’ll make to get it all in. Might be the theme for this season LOL I fit everything in that I could this ep was wall to wall moments. Let’s get going.
5x01 Double Down
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We start out on a glorious high. Lucy is dreaming about kissing Tim. Making out really. Not only that but she is grinning like crazy as she does. Sure she’s had dreams like this before about him. No doubt in my mind she’s had naughty dreams about this man. (and vice versa let’s be honest) But now she had something real to dream about. A tangible moment. Didn't take long for that to take root in her subconscious ha.
Also in this dream we get another lovely angle to that kiss. It's like we got two first kisses everyone. It's glorious. They sure started this season off with spoiling us right away. He looks like he’s about to eat her face in this dream version. This is why she’s smiling so much heh I love having both angles. Real and dream version.
I like how the dream version is little spicier. Like this is her dream version of that kiss. How he’s cupping her face in this one. She wanted him to devour her like that. She would’ve been happy to be his meal for the night. Also showing Lucy has it SOO bad for him. Forgetting she has a blah BF at the moment. Chris who? Unfortunately as it gets good a knock startles her awake.
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It’s Tamara waking her up. Lucy is legit jarred from her dream. We watch her struggle to come back down to earth. Her messy hair and reaction are too funny. This one of my all time fav Tamara/Lucy moments. She has to give Lucy a hard time about the kiss. Wouldn’t be her if she didn’t. It’s too cute. Lucy goes into mom mode about school. Telling her about Rosalind’s trial shutting the city down. Her normal route will be closed.
Tamara mirroring her going into protective daughter mode. Asking her if she wants her to skip class? I love her always wanting to put Lucy first. She tells her no. She will be ok and no where near Rosalind anyways. She is bound to the station with Tim anyways. Waiting for their OP to jump off. Tamara asking if it’s for the UC thing from the other night? Lucy confirms this.
Tamara’s giving her crap about the kiss. Lucy being defensive saying didn’t mean anything. Oh yes nothing. You weren’t just dreaming about it or anything…Mmhm…Then she says her legendary line. ‘Make out. Stop crime. That totally tracks.' LOL I love her so much. Lucy tells her to go to school. Tamara replies in kind telling her to have fun at work. With her boss. Who she kissed…
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We then switch to Tim talking to Angela about said kiss. Now let me say how giddy it makes me he came to Angela about it. Yes she’s his best friend but he didn’t used to be this open with her. She had to pull teeth in 2x11 even when he asked for her help. This is a far more open Tim Bradford than we’ve seen before. He starts this convo then goes into full denial. Babe, you started this and she has great Chenford radar. You weren’t going to fool her. Not in the slightest. I love how she doesn’t let up the entire convo. Smirking this entire time through out it as well.
Asking how much did they practice? LOL Tim telling her it was just a kiss. No big deal. Angela’s reply is epic. ‘Then why are we talking about it?’ Boom. Mic drop. She is iconic in this scene. Sounds like he’s trying to convince himself more than anything else. Tim deflecting saying 'What if it wasn’t just a kiss for her?' Really asking 'Do you think she has feelings for me too?' Angela follows up asking if Lucy might have feelings for him? He looks so deflated when he says ‘No..’ Thinking no way Lucy could have feelings for him. Ugh break my heart Tim. When Angela gives me more logic it makes him said.
Telling him she probably saw the kiss as just as a weird work thing then. The defeated way he says ‘Right....’ Angela picks up on it immediately. Hence her next question to him. The way he says ‘No!' to her feelings question. He’s SO defensive. Not telling at all…Do you even believe yourself Timothy? His voice gets all high pitched. Just like Lucy does when she gets nervous about her feelings. He does his spiel about them both being in relationships. Being her boss. etc. Angela crushes it with some more solid logic. ‘All true. Not what I asked.’ God I love her. Also let’s note how deliciously tight Tim’s shirt is in this scene. Didn’t think I would let that slide by did you? Mmm.
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We rejoin them in the interrogation room. Tim complaining how greasy his double is. How he hates it LOL Lucy comes in looking like a stunner. Notice Tim agreeing with Aaron’s assessment of how good she looks. She then mentions regretting the choice of thong idea LMAO I love her. Also you are going to be the death of him Lucy Chen haha What are you doing to this man? They received a call earlier and now waiting for a follow up to where to meet.
The phone goes off and Lucy gives the most ‘ in love’ look at him. She couldn’t adore that man standing in front of her more if she tried. Tim answers and Hajek tells them to meet his guys at an air strip. I love the silent communication between them. Always adore that about them. Lucy tries to get them more time saying they can’t just up and leave. How she looks requires lots of suitcases and precision.
Swing and miss sadly. Tells them to meet them there or end up in a coffin. Angela is scrambling because leaving the state is a whole other thing. Aaron saves them by letting them use his private jet for him and Angela to follow in. Lucy says they can follow the flight plan the pilot has to submit. Angela is relaxing a bit and decides to let them proceed. Aaron cracks me up asking about caviar selection such a goob. Says he'll just get an assortment. Ha I love him.
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So begins them “pretending” to be a couple. When really it’s just them having no restrictions or boundaries on them. Getting to look, touch, flirt, and be free with one another. Under the guise of UC. It’s glorious really. I felt my brain stopped working multiple times in this episode the first time. Just like Tim. Lucy starts off STRONG explaining why they're late. Pulling Tim to her saying 'Their quickie wasn’t so quick.' Hot damn. (I can see this being a reason for them now a days too hehe)
They’re like magnets instantly drawn to each other. Gah I love it so much. I remember it being so hard to focus. Because they had their arms all wrapped around each other from the word go. The way they are all over each other in this hanger scene. It’s their normal banter but heightened. I’ll never be over her hand resting on his hip. His arms wrapped around her. The easy rhythm they quickly fall into. Almost like being a couple is the most natural thing in the world for them. I mean look at them. They are not struggling to sell this one bit.
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The way they’re attached at the hip. Swaying together like they’re in their own world. Which what else is new with them? This is par for the course when they're together. They’re always in their own world when they banter. Only right now they’re allowed to touch and hold each other as much as they want to. And trust me they want to. It felt like I was dreaming as I watched this portion. Truly in a daze. I had to rewind and pay attention to the SL. More than once...
The smiles and the swaying gah they get me. They basically mirror the smiles and swaying from 5x12. Because they’re just as in love right now as they are 11 eps down the road. I love Lucy’s face when they get interrupted LOL It was the biggest scowl. Like excuse me you weren’t invited to this party.
I truly think they nailed this because it was their shot. They thought this was their only chance to be with each other without any restrictions. So they went for it as we can see. We all lapped it up like it was the last bit of water in the desert haha I’m giddy as he tells her to get on the damn plane. It's so cute. Lucy cannot keep her hands off him from the minute they start this. Tim is more than happy to oblige. Gah this is cloud 9 goodness.
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The goodies continue on the plane as they head towards Vegas. I don’t know about you but first time I watched this portion I couldn’t focus. I was obsessed with her sitting on his lap basically. Leaning into him. Not only that but the start to Tim’s obsession we all love with her thighs. How he has his hand rests there naturally. Like his hand has found it's new home happily. Lastly their hands. I remember focusing so much on just their hands I missed dialogue. Had to rewind it to hear what was going on LOL
If you weren’t just as distracted by their hands and PDA you’re a lying liar who lies haha Or you don’t ship them. In that case why you reading this review right now? Ha I think they were both nervous about this being out of state. The hands weren’t necessary in the least. I think they were unconsciously grounding each other.
Finding comfort in each other’s touch. Also I think them being this way was incredibly natural for them. Just like everything else has been their entire relationship. Why the slow burn was so necessary. So when we got here it was basically a flawless crossover to this. Touching each other as much as possible and I love it.
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Lucy cracks me up trying to get info on their job. Saying right now it's the world’s most boring bachelor party LOL Tim saying this is a job not a party. They finally tell them what their job is since they’re airborne. They ask them if they know who Roman Krupka is? They say nope. Apparently he imports Heroin to the Monarch cartel. Lucy mentions so the competition?
He continues on saying ‘Something like that.' That Roman is paranoid of computers. Doesn’t keep a written record anywhere. That the details of his operation exist in one place. One man called ‘The Brain .’ His name is Leonard Madris. Tim makes the comment isn’t is dangerous for one man to carry all that? They say yes and he’s usually kept under heavy guard. Never leaves the compound.
The reason they’re headed to Vegas is because of him. They’re received a solid tip he will be there this weekend. They find out their plan in this. They’re to take out the guards while he grabs Madris. Then they’re gonna torture the man for every detail. Then they’ll take over the business by doing so. Lucy is so cocky in her reply. I love it. Saying sounds like they should be getting paid more heh. Lyon tells them tough. So charming...
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We rejoin them finding out Rosalind has escaped through Lyon. This is one of my fav moments of the episode. The way he immediately grabs her hand. Trying to ground her in this moment. Keeping her close to him so he can show her he’s there. Reassure her that she isn’t alone in hearing this. It’s just instinctual him doing this. Knowing this would be a massive trigger that would throw her off kilter. Trying to keep Lucy there with him. To stop her from losing focus and spiraling out.
Also the way Tim looks up at her. Checking in trying to get her to silently communicate with him. He needs to know she’s ok. Protective Tim is one of my favs. That immediate need to shield and protect her. Rosalind is a huge trauma trigger for her. He wants so badly to help her with this news. Look at how her hand is clutching his shoulder at first. He starts rubbing his thumb on her hand. Trying to get her to unclench. (Wasn't able to fit that one in but he does it.)
Tim being her calm in the raging storm she has going on right now. Her constant in this moment. Which is exactly what she needs. This man is so soft for her I’ll never be over it everyone. Tim isn’t able to get a read on her. She won’t look down at him. So he asks how long till they land? Lyon says 15 minutes. Tim tells them perfect. His cover being the mile high club. It’s his way of getting them a private moment. He needs to check in on her and he can’t do that with them around.
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They head back and Lucy goes into full spiral mode. This is why he wanted to do this. She starts to be taken over by her fear and PTSD. Tim sees it taking over her. He tells her to stop in the softest way possible. Lucy takes a deep breath and little stomp but does. Telling her if she is not 100 percent in this it’s going to get her killed. Which ultimately will kill him in the process.
Lucy defends herself and says she’s got this. The news got to her at first but this is their one shot at Madris. That she is fine. I love him being protective and wanting to pull the plug just for her. The beautiful thing is he listens to her on this. Doesn’t bulldoze her and make a decision like he used to. He is trusting her in this moment. Letting her decide for herself ultimately. Which is such growth for him once again I can’t stand it.
He’s so ready to kill this OP if she’s not ok. I love that sfm. Letting her know that there is no shame if she does. He is there if she is ready to pull the ripcord. Tim is about to leave when she stops him. Tim looks so very confused once again. Lucy telling him it needs to look like they hooked up in here. Tim isn’t on the same page as her right now and it shows haha
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Here comes that infamous airplane kiss. Has some similar aspects to their first kiss. Except way spicier this time around. Once again Lucy just pounces on Tim. He has to absorb the weight of her throwing her body at him. We watch him once again stumble into their kiss. Taken aback by her forcefulness. Her passion nearly knocking him off his feet. Tim isn't complaining once her lips collide with his though.
It doesn’t take long for him to adjust to it and go with this mini make out session of their's. He is adjusting much faster this time around. It’s all hands at first. His body absorbing the shock of her body slamming into his. Tim wrapping his arms around her anchoring her body to his. Lucy’s hands firmly planted on his face as she leads this kiss at first. Tim’s hands moving up her back fully enveloping her in his arms. Getting so very lost in her once again. Instantly melting into her.
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I love how the kiss continues to get deeper. Sexier as well. Hot damn look at them above. Tim is the one chasing her lips as they continue this much spicier kiss. The way he’s leaning into her as they sway together. Two people in perfect tandem with each other. Not missing a beat. They were both so very thirsty in this moment. It’s all over this kiss. Tim running his hands up and down her back as he is savoring her. Lucy hands moving down his face not looking to part from him any time soon either. Tim isn't the only one getting easily lost in this.
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Lucy’s hands sliding down his chest once again. This kiss getting deepened much faster this second time around. Their desire for one another is very evident. Tim can't keep his hands off her. Like I said for their kiss in 4x22. If they kept going his hands would end up on her face. He can’t keep them still and as she runs her hands down his chest. He pulls her closer to him not wanting to lose any contact with her. Eliminate any unnecessary space between them.
Her lips are quickly becoming a drug he is getting addicted to. He sure loves her upper lip. Captures it between his as he looks to further this impromptu kiss. *fans self* Look at him in that gif above. Wants her as close to him as possible. I just adore how softly he cups her face wanting to keep this kiss going. Totally forgetting about the mission and the men outside the door. All that matters right now is Lucy and her lips on his.
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How Lucy has the self control to pull herself from him I don’t know. Gah it’s the grunt Tim does when she breaks off. *phew lord* That noise is doing things to me. Mmm. He was basically chasing her lips again when she broke off. Chasing that high of kissing her some more. He was very not ready for that to end. Also how glossy his lips look post kiss. She had her damn way with that man haha
He looks so dazed snd confused when she wipes his lips. Her hand shaking as she does this. I know we all joke about how “unnecessary” this kiss was. I think part of it was Lucy seeking comfort from Tim in this moment. The kiss quelling her Rosalind fueled anxiety. She needed to be connected with him for a moment before she could put it behind her or attempt to.
Tim was more than happy to oblige. Poor man has short circuited once again though. Eric once again the master of expressions comes through again. He doesn’t know how to restart. She’s like ok let’s do this and moves leaving Tim stand there in her wake. He is trying to figure out WTF just happened in the last 30 seconds.
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We then get this pretty shot of them in the SUV. There is so much being said in the short time span of this shot too. We can see Lucy is still struggling with her PTSD. From the minute she heard the news Lucy has been scaling the walls emotionally. Almost like she’s back in that barrel. All her emotions threatening to drown her. Her lowering the window to get some air on her face. Cool her emotions down.
Looking at the bright lights trying to ground herself. To help her stay in character. Desperate not burn their UC covers. Tim looking over at her so much worry carried in eyes. She can feel his eyes on her and looks back at him. Their silent communication doing all the talking for them. She’s still in a panic but at least she has Tim with her. To keep her grounded and from spiraling out completely.
Tim giving the most space he’s given since this started. Not wanting to physically comfort her right now. Not because either of them want that space. It’s because he isn’t wanting to draw attention to her emotional distress. That would draw questions they can’t have right now. So they share a look and he doesn’t take his eyes off her. I love it so much.
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Someone in the casino recognizes Jake. A girl. Which isn’t great. But does give us some protective Lucy which I always love. Finally getting to do that hair take down of her's. The one she threatened Stanton with back in 3x05. I love her taking charge of this moment. Getting this woman to back off. Don’t mess with Lucy Chen ya’ll lol They spot Angela and Aaron across the way after she lets this woman go. Figures this is the time to break off.
Lucy says she wants to gamble. See if they can get lucky three times in one day. Heh I love how he walks with her to them. Wish I could've fit the gif in. His hands on her shoulders from behind as they walk. Totally necessary to walk like this with her LOL I have a feeling this was possibly Eric being a goober steering her towards the table haha But either way I'm a happy girl with it. This was quite the married thing to do though regardless of why. I loved it. Also low key protecting her as they walk toward Angela and Aaron.
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They update Angela on everything. Lucy’s first question is about Rosalind. Angela says she got a psycho lawyer to help break her out. We watch Lucy comprehend this. Saying 'Another Caleb....I knew it.' Then says Tamara needs protection. (No mention of Chris BTW) Her other fav human is with her. So no one else to protect from Rosalind. As they talk about this Lucy trying to keep her panic at bay but not doing the best job about it.
Angela picks up on it right away. Asking if Lucy is up for this? That she can pull out if she needs to. I adore Tim answering for her. Backing her and saying she’s solid. The look she gives Tim. My damn heart. He wasn’t gonna pull her till she told him to do so. Until then he supported and trusted her decision. The growth is astronomical in him. You see that written all over Lucy's face. It’s so damn good. You can tell she wanted to touch him as a thank you but stopped herself.
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The minute they’re inside the room Lucy turns on the TV. Tim saves her from herself and turns it off. Saying they don’t know anything they don’t. Protective Tim is present through out this episode. Here for it. She is starting to spiral again and sits on the bed. She looks so tired and stressed out. Tim gives her a sweet compliment to cheer her up. He knows how down in the dumps she is about this. Wants to build her up in anyway he can. Saying how she's really good at UC. Just in awe of her once again.
The sweet smile he gives her when he says it too. Be more smitten Timothy I dare you. Lucy asks if he’s ok with her showering first? He says yeah. Then we see her break his brain once again. The door doesn’t close all the way and he gets a sneak peak of her naked back. He stumbles back to the bed trying not to look back at her. Replying 'Yeah... ok.. um fries.' LOL Lucy you have broken this man and I’m dying.
Eric once again crushes it with his facial expressions. Trying not to be turned on and needing a cold shower more than ever. What cracks me up is his sigh as he watches TV. Trying to drown out his dirty thoughts of her in the shower. She comes out saying the water pressure is epic. Wanting to steal the robes and asking if that's stealing? Tim says no it’ll just be charged to the room. She says ‘WE’ should take two then. There’s that married ‘We’ again.
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You can tell Tim is antsy af to talk about their kisses. First off let me say how proud of I am of this man. This is the same man who couldn’t have a serious conversation with his current GF to save his life. He is the one to broach this topic with her. Once again making that first move. NEEDING to know if she’s feeling what he is very much feeling. Lucy is the one to bring this courage out in him. To want to talk about this.
He went far outside his comfort zone to get this convo started. Telling her it doesn’t feel like pretend to him. The look on his face as he says this. The hope in his eyes desperately trying to see if she is feeling their connection. Lucy panics and stutters in her reply. To me it’s not because she doesn’t feel the same. He has stunned her into silence. What she is worried about here is losing what they have.
To admit what’s going on between them means she now has something to risk. Something to lose if she does. Her person. The most important person in her life. Tim is far too important to her lose over them trying and possible failing. She is very aware it doesn’t feel like pretend. But isn’t willing to risk that. Ironically in a city like Vegas where one takes such risks. So she crushes Tim with her reply. Saying it’s an intimate act. It’s basic biology. You know a BS answer.
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She is deflecting so she doesn’t have to risk losing him. Or confront this at all really. What she doesn’t know is the damage she just inflicted. Tim was already panicky from his convo with Angela about her not having feelings. He suddenly feels very alone in his desire for more. For feeling something. She’s basically rejected him in this moment. He is so sad with her reply.
He gives her one last chance with his ‘So you're saying it’s not a big deal? Doesn’t mean anything?’ She stumbles some more saying ‘Right?’ Wanting him to answer this question for her. She can’t possibly accept he wants her too. So she deflects once again. Tim put himself out there and she shut him down. Their convo is interrupted his cell phone. The looks she shoots his way break my heart. Knowing she’s hurt his feelings. When really she broke his heart a little.
It’s Angela with an update. He tells her he’s alone in the hotel with Lucy. Her ‘Uh oh’ always cracks me up. I love their friendship so very much. Her teasing is primo this season and it makes my heart happy. She is so shipping them and just wants her bestie to be happy. I love it. Telling him not to do anything she wouldn’t. He slams the phone shut and tosses it on bed. LOL
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Lucy goes to dry her hair and there is a knock at the door. It’s the girl from earlier saying she knows he’s in there. Tim opens the door and gets hit in the face. They know he’s not Jake. Saying she told them he had a gut last time she saw him. That it was only 3 weeks ago. I mean that sucks for Sava. Means Jake was cheating on her long before 5x18.
He sends Wisco after Lucy and says he says not to kill her yet. Lucy is a BAMF and takes out most of the crew. This part is hilarious about her robe. I’m dying. 'Showed him the whole world just now.' Oh Lucy never change. Tim shakes his head so much I’m cackling. This is the woman you’ve chosen to love Timothy. So exasperated with he right now. I love how she stares down at him lovingly. But you know it’s just basic biology right Lucy?
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I love love love him walking her up. That’s last bit of protectiveness being displayed. He doesn't want her to be alone. Tim saying he can’t wait to get out of these clothes. Lucy making a joke she isn’t going to miss that hairstyle. Then Tim is so cute and flirty says he kinda likes hers though. OMG he’s so damn cute. He is such a goner for her oh my word. Lucy’s smile not believing what she’s hearing. Gah this end portion was the death of me. Tim says I guess this is it as they approach her door. Saying they go back to being them tomorrow.
He almost seems sad about that fact. Lucy turning to him and sharing 'Right..everything that happened undercover they’ll leave behind'. No you won’t lol Then Tim does his dorky UC line and regrets it instantly. Scolds himself for that line. Basically saying why are you like this? LOL Cracks me up the way he shakes his head. Like why can't you be more smooth? Oh that's right because you're stupid in love with her and a nervous wreck about it. Funny pre-cursor to his 'Naked time.' line heh.
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It’s then Lucy deciding to make a move here. All this talk about going back to being them stoking something inside her. Saying in a sense they’re still UC since they haven’t been debriefed. Tim not catching what she’s throwing down. Just replies 'I guess you’re right.' Lucy is eyeing him like she is ready to have him right then and there. Her ‘Mmhm.’. Trying to give him a hint as she flicks her eyes to the door. It’s then Tim starts to catch her drift. The look on his face when it hits him. Like he can't believe she feels the same way he does.
That there is something there. There is a whole lot of want and excitement in that man's eyes. Lucy has created a loophole of sorts. One where they’re still Jake and Sava. And what do Jake and Sava like to do? Have sex. Lots of hot sex. The amount of bedroom eyes Lucy is throwing at him is insane. The sultry inviting way she says ‘Do you want to come in?’ Tim falling back on his professional boundaries like he has for years. Tells her he shouldn’t…Not that he doesn’t want to. He SHOULDN’T. The song in this scene is solid too BTW. Whoever picks music for this show needs a raise.
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Lucy nods and goes to open her front door. Tim looks longingly at her as she does. Lucy gives it one last go. Cranking it up on those sultry bedroom eyes of hers. Basically inviting Tim in to have his way with her. Gah Melissa killing it with the inviting stare. We watch Tim struggle outside her doorway. He has been fighting this instinct for YEARS. I’m sure whenever he had an impure thought he pushed it down. Shoved away any attraction to her. Pushed her away as well. Maintained the professional boundaries he set up years ago. (For the most part.)
Thing is he’s been slow receding those boundaries for years as well. Especially last season when that last bit of his wall collapsed. Slowly letting her into every aspect of his life. To the point that we are now here. Where Lucy is blatantly inviting him in for something very unprofessional. We see Tim have an internal battle with himself. Then basically says ‘F*ck it and comes in. His attraction and his draw to her winning out. He would be lying if he said he didn’t want this. Or hadn’t wanted it in the past before either.
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Lucy asks him if he wants a drink? Can she make him one? Tim declining not wanting to waste any time in this precious loophole of theirs. Also didn’t need alcohol to have the courage to do this. He already pushed past that to even enter this apt. Not wanting to dull any senses or touch with alcohol. Wanting to be fully present with her. Lucy looks like was ready to jump his bones right then and there. The sexual tension is palpable. Their UST is off the charts with this entire scene but reaches critical levels once they’re inside.
Lucy understanding why he didn’t want that drink. Love her sweet but nervous smile as she goes to put her stuff down. It's then we see Chris there which ends up ruining everything LOL Just bleeding out on her couch. I love how Tim throws his head back when she see’s Chris is there. I’ll never forget that amount of hilarious memes Eric posted. People putting the funniest shit about him being there. I wish I could find them. They were SO funny. I’ll be honest as frustrated as I was in the moment I was glad they didn’t hook up. The UST was fantastic. Don’t get me wrong good god.
But it’s much better they got together the way they do this season. Way less mess and not worth the angst it would’ve caused for them to cheat on their SO’s. It’s the fact that they almost did that was so damn telling IMO. Phew well hot damn this was a beast to write. But I loved it. This premiere is fantastic from beginning to end. The amount of moments are unreal. Hell of a way to start out a season of non stop gifts. I haven’t watched S5 the number of times I’ve watched 1-4 so this will be fun. Excited to finish out this rewatch with you all as we count down to the S6 premiere. It’s 58 days btw...
Side notes-Non Chenford
This isn’t something I enjoyed so much as it rubbed me the wrong way. Nolan getting a Golden Ticket. Lucy has accomplished more, done successful UC ops before and after she graduated FTO and is currently going on another UC but sure Nolan who was disgraced and held back gets one. Sure sure…it does for being Juarez in who I love so there is positives.
Tim telling Nolan he needs backup career when picking his assignment. LMFAO I LOVE THIS MAN.
Thank you thank you to this incredible fandom that has embraced these reviews. You all are amazing and I love every single like, comment and reblog I get. ❤️ shall see you all in 5x02 :)
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yourmomsgranddad · 1 year
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— PAIRING: Chad Meeks-Martin x fem!reader
— SUMMARY: You like Chad but you can't tell him. You feel like you might never get the chance when Ghostface strikes again.
— WORD COUNT: 3.3k (might be the longest one :/)
— WARNINGS: reader plays piano, reader sings a song (i'm sorry), canon violence, traumatic events?
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You never were an awkward person.
Not really.
You were always outgoing.
You loved going to parties and hanging out with people. You loved hearing people's stories. And you loved talking to them.
But when it came to crushes, you were as silent as mouse. You could figure a word, a thought, all that was there was sound. And it wasn't cohearent.
You didn't know where it came from.
You were usually normal around Chad. But one day, after he spent a few hours at the gym, something shifted.
Now every time you two were around each other, you couldn't think normal thoughts. He just flooded your entire brain. And it was unhealthy.
You couldn't tell anybody. You were kind of embarrassed, falling all over a boy like this. But someone did catch you.
Chad had just walked away and you might had slipped up by looking at him like this was a dream you were enjoying a little too much.
"Why are you looking at him like that?" She wondered with a half smirk on her face. "Hmm?" You looked like a deer in headlights, you had been caught. And she was loving seeing you this way.
"Don't 'hmm' me. I know you heard what I said. Why are you looking at Chad like you're in love with him? Oh my gosh, are you in love with him?!" She gasped, mocking you.
You put your hands on your face, you wanted to hide.
"It's fine. I won't tell. It'll be our little secret."
And so it was.
Anytime Chad was near you in any type of way, Tara would take the chance to tease you. Mention how good you looked to him. Talk about how pretty your eyes were so he would look at them closer.
It was torture.
"Why does she keep talking about you?" He asked one day after Tara had walked away. You wanted to say something cool. 'She just likes messing with me, that's all.' And that would have been the end of it.
But your tongue was stuck. He was sitting awfully close to you and staring directly at you, you didn't trust your mouth at this moment.
So you basically let his mind wander.
"Oh my gosh, wait! Do you think Tara likes you?" His eyes went wide with glee. Your heart dropped. Why was he so happy about it?
That definitely brought your words back.
"That is definitely false. If anyone were to like me, it would not be Tara. She disgusts me." You joked, causing him to laugh and you were back to not speaking.
"Why are you always so silent nowadays? I miss your voice. I miss you talking to me." You wanted to crawl inside your body.
It's not like you didn't like him talking to you, it was one of your favorite things. It's just the talking back that's hard. So you didn't. But you felt bad for not talking to him.
So you decided to not to put the option of talking into his hands.
You admired him from afar. When you hung out as a group, you made sure not to be close to start up a tiny convo.
That would have to do for now. Until you could get your words together.
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You never understood why you kept a piano in your room.
You hadn't played since you were ten.
You escaped to your room while everyone was in the living room, watching tv. You sat at your little keyboard. It was covered in all types of stickers of your interests in high school.
You just slammed your hands on the keys, it didn't sound like anything. You missed feeling the keys underneath your fingers. You wanted to play something.
You played the first song that came to your mind.
"Heart beats fast, colors and promises. How to be brave? How can I love when I'm afraid, to fall? But watching you stand alone. All of my doubt, suddenly goes away somehow." You began playing along with your faint singing.
You didn't want to bother anyone while they were trying to watch their movie. You just wanted to sing to yourself.
"One step closer."
You removed your hands from the keys. Just sitting in your silence. You forgot how fun it was to play your piano. A smile began to dance across your cheeks. You were so enraptured in your activity, you didn't notice someone in your doorway.
"Were you singing Twilight?"
You looked up and there was Chad, looking down at you where you were sitting with his arm crossed.
"Which answer would sound less weird?" You wondered, joking with him for the first time in weeks. You forgot how much you missed talking to him. And you could tell from the look on his face that he did as well.
"None of them. You were singing Twilight, that gives me an obligation to make fun of you." He teased, walking into your room and sitting on your bed behind you.
You swiveled around on your stool, looking at him hopefully.
"Bring it." You waved, egging him on.
He looked up for a second, as if he was thinking of an insult until finally, he sucked in a bunch of air, making a makeshift smile toward you.
"I can't."
"Why not? Scared of hurting my feelings?" You pouted. You stood up from your seat, going to sit next to him on the edge of your bed.
"It's okay. I can take it."
He smiled at you, for some reason he didn't believe you. "Come on!" You playfully pushed him, trying to get him to do something.
"No! I have nothing bad to say. I really liked your singing."
Your playful exterior dropped and all that was left was appreciation. "No one's ever complimented my singing before. Mostly because I think you might be the only person I've ever sung in front of."
"Well they should. People don't notice how good things are until they're gone. I know if you stopped singing, I would definitely miss it."
"Well I guess I just shouldn't stop then."
"Oh I advise against it."
You hadn't noticed but the entire time, you were staring into his eyes, not looking away once. They were trapping you and you felt as though if you looked away, this moment would cease to be.
It wouldn't be real.
But he touched your cheek, assuring you that this moment was very much real. And he was staring at you with the same exact look you had.
You just knew the moment wasn't real when he started leaning in.
You wanted nothing more than for his lips to touch yours but you broke apart when you heard the sounds of screams coming from the living room. You wanted to have wishful thinking and believe it was the tv but you just couldn't be that lucky.
You knew what happened back in Woodsboro before Tara, Mindy, Sam, and Chad got to New York. Your heart jumped.
You didn't waste any time before bolting out of your room and finding everyone in the living room on edge. Everything seemed off as Sam was shaking and everyone else was looking behind you.
You slowly turned around to see something from your worse nightmares, Ghostface, in the flesh.
You had only heard stories about the heinous beast but seeing him here just made your heart beat out of your chest. You didn't dare move. You felt as soon as you moved, it would feel like you were pressing play on whatever was going to happen.
And surely enough, standing still does not help when you standing in front of a literal murderer.
He lifted his hand up, the one with the knife. Sam screamed for you to move but you were paralyzed by fear. That fear didn't do you any favors as he stuck his knife right into your abdomen.
You didn't know what being stabbed felt like, I mean you did constantly accidentally slice your fingers while making food but you never actually got a knife stuck in you.
It didn't feel nice.
It felt like your body was going to fall apart like Play-Doh, or sand. Now you definitely couldn't move.
Luckily he didn't go down to finish the job but instead decided to follow after Sam, wherever she ran to. You couldn't see anything, everything was super blurry and shaking.
You had been drunk before but it was nothing compared to this feeling.
You did definitely still feel everything that was going on. All the rushed footsteps going around your fading in and out body. The screams echoing off the walls.
When someone picked you up like a baby and sprinted down the stairs with you in their arms.
"No. What about Chad?" You slurred out.
"I'm right here. I got you."
You might not be able to see anything since your loss of blood but you knew what Chad's voice sounded like. That sound put you to sleep most nights.
He sat you down on the stairs, leaning you against the wall. Your vision started to blur back into reality and you could see Chad, leant in front of you. And you definitely noticed the big splotch of blood in the center of his hoodie.
"I'm sorry about the blood."
He looked down and chuckled, you were bleeding out and felt bad about it. "It's okay. It's not your fault. Just stay awake, okay?"
You nodded. You could see but now all the adrenaline was gone and you were hyper aware of the bloody gash beginning on your side.
There was no amount of alcohol to take away this pain.
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The sun had come up and ambulances had been called.
Turns out, after Chad ran you down the stairs, Ghostface got to Anika, Mindy's girlfriend. You didn't know her well but you did know Mindy and you felt bad. You held onto her as you just sat in the back of the emergency vehicle.
You hadn't noticed but Chad walked up to the two of you, leaning next to you. "Are you okay?" He wondered, looking down at you.
You were covered in the blanket that the EMT had given you. They had stitched up your side and stopped the bleeding. And your vision was back to normal. You weren't okay but you were doing a little bit better.
"No. But I knew going to college with you guys would be like a movie. I didn't think the movie would be Saw, but I'll manage."
He let out a little chuckle.
"At least it's not Nightmare on Elm Street, you love to sleep." Mindy added, making you giggle. This is what you needed, a joke with a friend to get your mind off the fact that less than 24 hours ago, you had been stabbed.
You looked up at Chad to see if he was laughing too but his eyes were somewhere else, on someone else. You had noticed, going under the yellow tape, was Ethan, Chad's roommate.
You knew Ethan, you were in Chad's dorm a lot for studying and just hanging in general.
You didn't feel any way about his appearance but from the look on Chad's face, you knew something was wrong. He stomped up to the boy and slammed him into a parked vehicle.
You rarely seen Chad get violent but when you did, you never really liked it. I mean who would?
"Where were you, man?! My sister and Y/n got stabbed and you were just gone!" You didn't like the violence but you did like Chad worrying about you. You had completely forgotten about your crush.
It kind of leaked out of you with your blood.
"I was at ECON!"
You wanted to believe him but something in you just didn't feel right about the situation.
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You wanted to go back to normal after the incident but knowing who you're friends were, this was only just the beginning.
You found a Ghostface lair and any confidence you had before, it left as soon as that knife left your body. You felt your breath become haggard, you didn't know what to do and you felt like you wanted to burst into tears.
But you had to stay composed. Deep breaths. Nope, you couldn't. You had to get out of there. You put your hands in the air and stomped out. Knowing the situation, you probably should have said where you were going.
But you honestly didn't know, you just needed air.
You were lucky that New York was constantly windy so you didn't have to worry about not getting any.
Your life was exciting. I mean you lived in New York, what could be more exciting than rats and the stinky pee smell constantly? But that level of excitement? Have to constantly be running and worry about who you can trust?
No one wanted that.
You knew for damn sure Tara didn't want it. She always told you how she wished her life was different. "I love my sister but I don't like that Ghostface comes with her." She told you once.
You knew the dangers of being friends with them. But you didn't know it would be that bad.
There are a lot of scary things in life. But the number one thing was mankind.
You were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard someone exit the building you just walked out of. And it's like the universe wanted to punch the remaining air out of your lungs because who else would it be except for Chad.
"I saw you run out so I wanted to make sure you were okay."
You found a fire escape and sat down on it, looking up at the New York sky in this dark and sad alleyway. "I'm not Ghostface, if that's what you're thinking."
He noticed the way you couldn't look at him. Your eyes were trained on the sky. You being Ghostface was the last thing on his mind.
You kept thinking to yourself, why are you so distraught about a little knife? You got stabbed a little and you didn't die. But you kept thinking about how the knife twisted in your gut, about how the person who stabbed probably didn't think twice about doing that to you.
What if it happened again?
He sat down next to you on the very small step and you just sat in silence for a while. You kind of needed it.
"I can't believe this is your second time going through this and you're so chill about it." You tried to chuckle but for some reason, it came out quietly. It was barely even a chuckle, more of a sound.
"I have to be. If I break down, they get you. But you're allowed to be human. You got stabbed, it's not fun." He tried to make you feel better about being mad and sad at the same time but you just wanted to scream.
"Y'know when you pop a balloon and it flies around the room until it loses all its air? And you hear that gross sound of it deflating?"
He nodded shortly, he didn't want to cut you off. You needed to get this out.
"That's how my body felt. Like a big ball of air floating through the air and losing all of its insides."
You hadn't noticed but you subconsciously put your head on his shoulder. And he definitely was not pushing you away, instead vying to put his head on top of yours.
In any normal circumstance, you would've been doing backflips in your mind. But this wasn't a normal circumstance. And your stomach was already making noises for another reason, nothing good.
Breaking the tension, Chad let out a little giggle.
You jolted up, looking at him confused. You weren't expecting the sound but you happily welcomed it.
"What?" You chuckled along with as if you were already a part of the joke. "Are you hungry?" He wondered with a bright smile on his face. And there was the good feeling he gave you when he looked at you, just flooding right back in.
"Kinda. Why?"
Before anything else could be said, he grabbed your hand and begun leading you out of the alleyway.
You hadn't known it yet. But you two were about to go on a date.
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It wasn't much a date as much as it was just him making sure you got something in your stomach.
But it felt like it.
You laughed, you talked, and you ate. All date activities.
By the time, you made it back to the hideout, it was nighttime. And it seemed like Sam and Tara were just getting there too, like they weren't in there when you left.
"Where have you guys been?!" Sam shouted, looking like a peeved mother toward the two of you. "We went to get food."
She barely let you get a statement out before wrapping you in her arms in a warm embrace. You'd expect this type of interaction from Tara but never from Sam. This definitely was new.
"Damn, Sam. Flirting in front of your boyfriend? Shameful." You joked, hopefully setting a lighter tone on the situation. It helped a little, it caused everyone to let out a little chuckle.
"Tara, tell your sister to stop flirting with me."
You hopped out of Sam's arms, falling into Tara's who returned it almost immediately. She smiled at your antics, this was the first time in weeks you were being yourself.
"Sam, stop flirting with Y/n. She does not like you that way."
She rolled her eyes playfully as you continued to walk in their current direction, still entangled in Tara's arms.
The group let you two know that they had a plan to trap Ghostface and kill him inside the weird lair.
As soon as you got inside, you all went your separate ways, going off and doing your own things. You instinctively went to the little candy counter. You didn't really want the candy, you just liked how it looked.
It didn't take long for Chad to pop up in front of you.
Things were silent between the two of you and for once in the past few weeks, you enjoyed the silence.
"Was that a date?" You blurted out.
"Before, when we went out to eat, was it a date? I'm okay if it wasn't. Like I wasn't wishing it was a date. I just didn't want to take it wrong way and say in the future that it was a date. Especially if it wasn't. Oh my gosh that would so embarra-"
Without any type of warning, he jolted forward, slamming his lips onto yours. You were momentarily paused, you almost didn't know what was going on. But as soon as you understood, you couldn't stop yourself from smiling.
After just sitting there, idle, he pulled away and looked around, almost pretending that didn't happen. He didn't want to be the first person to mention how awkward that was.
He just knew you were going to say something.
"Really, C? You did all that to just give me a church kiss? That's crazy. If you're going to do it, you better do it like you mean it."
So he tried again. Leaning forward slower this time and placing his lips on you lightly. This kiss more gentle as he slipped his tongue in through the gap your teeth made from smiling.
"Now that's a kiss."
You both pulled away satisfied, you smiling a little too big. You were excited, you had been waiting for that for weeks.
"It was a date. For your information." He said, clearing the air as he leaned over the counter. "I really like you, you know that?" Again, unexpected. You thought you were going to have to confess. But he did it for you.
But before you could return the sentiment, you felt a familiar sharp pain in your side. It was exactly the same as you remembered.
Your body froze from the pain, you basically lost feeling in your feet. You fell forward, into Chad's arms. He wanted to check and see if you were okay. But you fell behind him, causing him to fall into Ghostface.
He ducked, leaning over to grab you.
"Come on! We have to run."
He clutched your hand as you started sprinting toward the door. You wanted so much to hunch over and give into your injury. But you knew the moment you slowed, it was over. So you pressed your free hand into the wound as hard as you could and bolted.
You went to burst through the door but it was instead opened by Tara and Sam who seemed to be untouched.
They quickly rushed out of the way, allowing you to run through. Sam slammed the door in his face and then it was back to running.
The pain was unbearable but so was death.
You made your way back around to the spot you were originally. You got in front of Chad who threw a popcorn machine down, trying to trip Ghostface.
He jumped over it, speeding right past you, Tara, and Sam, going right for Chad. You want to help him but you were hunched over, on the ground, holding onto your wound for dear life. You were lucky Tara and Sam sprung to action and pulled him off of Chad.
He kicked Ghostface to the ground and suddenly, it seemed like you won.
Tara pulled you to the door, just in case you need to make a quick escape. Chad went to grab a gumball machine and make sure he was dead. But out of nowhere, another Ghostface appeared, stabbing Chad in the same exact side you got stabbed in.
"Chad!" You and Tara yelled out.
The two Ghostfaces took turns, alternating stabbing Chad in every part of his body. "No!" You shouted, you wanted to use the rest of your strength to go and help him but you could barely stand.
"Go. Run." He managed to get out of his blood soaked mouth. He forced out a nod even though he couldn't even move, he had blood coming out of everywhere in his body.
Tara hooked her arm around your middle and began pulling you out of the room.
You couldn't go rather far since you were also bleeding.
"Drop me right here." You whispered, reached down to the floor, taking a nice seat behind a wall. You could barely be seen. "Are you going to be okay right here?" Sam wondered, grabbing on your free hand.
"No. But if I move one more inch, my body's going to fall apart. Come back for me when it's safe."
The girls nodded. They hesitated leaving you in this state. Blood was gushing out of you like a faucet and you could barely move. You were defensiveless.
Tara's eyes darted around the room, seemingly looking for something. She walked away for a second, only coming back with a rusty old knife. She shoved it into your free hand. "Anyone comes near you, give em' a matching wound." You only reacted with a nod.
"That's my girl."
She stomped away, fading from your view.
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You wanted so much to burst out of this injury and help Sam and Tara with whatever was causing them pain out there. You couldn't see since your back was to them.
You tried to get up but your legs immediately turned to jelly and back down you went.
But surely enough, they ended it, stabbing their roommate's dad in both of his arms. That part you saw since they were right in front of you.
As soon as he was confirmed down, Tara went right to you.
"Are you good?"
"Not in slightest."
She wrapped your free arm around her shoulder and helped you out of the building. She was bleeding from her side as well but she was walking as if it didn't bother her. She was trying to help you first.
She got you to the ambulance where they patched you up once again and you were once again, sitting in the back of an emergency vehicle.
"I'm growing tired of ambulances." Tara mentioned, standing in front of you, breaking the long built of silence. "You and me both, sister." Sam replied, rolling her shoulder in pain. She had gotten stabbed too.
Tara looked back at you and you were just sitting there, silently crying.
"What's the matter?" She worried, grabbing onto your hand in concern. You rarely cried in front of your friends so she was a little confused by the sudden feeling.
"It's just Chad."
You heard the rustling of wheels in the slight distance. You immediately recognized it. It was a gurney from the ambulance. But who else was in the building who needed saving?
You looked up and looking half dead, was Chad.
You got out of your seat almost instantly and ran to his side. "I thought you were dead." He couldn't talk, he had an oxygen mask on but he lifted his hand up to your cheek.
He didn't even have to say anything.
You understood.
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kanonavi · 4 months
hello tumblr user kanonavi who is 1/3rd of the reason i started rereading tgcf. i have come to collect my personal apology for the emotional damages inflicted upon me for the past 5 days. and i have also come with THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS (mostly feelings)
- icb i put off this reread so long hualian are so romance. theyre jsut Romance......... absolutely floored by every throwaway bit of dialogue they had....... in shambles forever....,
- sqx arc was not as painful as the first few times i read it bc i now stand with my cancelled wife (he xuan) I STILL LOVE SQX AND THEY DESERVE EVERYTHING GOOD. BUT HX WAS REAL FOR ALL OF THAT. i love revenge
- i wanna know your thoughts on ling wen bc u mentioned having mixed feelings on her but i loved her so bad all the way to the end so im curious ljdkdjf
- i am not immune to backstory arc pt2. read it last last (?) night at like 3am and cried myself to sleep its just so gutting every timeeeeeee.... the hc plot that builds in that arc is ofc one of my favorites in the entire novel though :')
- the chapter w the cave of statues took me like 2+ hours to get through because i was feeling so insane abt it
i feel bad dropping this block of text in ur askbox sorry. will leave it there for now LOL
Omg hiiiii tumblr user stardust-make-a-wish welcome back from the yaoi cocaine pit :3 I know you're here to collect emotional damages, but I must make it known that I'm not even remotely sorry <3
Also you should feel bad for yourself instead of for me because I can only respond to huge blocks of text with even bigger blocks of text, so (TGCF Spoilers Ahead) and also I am so sorry lmaooooo
UGH you're so right that hualian is the most romance forever they are just so *clenches fists and sobs*....... They're always there for each other and they're so in love and they've been through so much and I just want them to be able to rest because it's what they deserve.
I will never once say that Hu Xuan wasn't justified in everything he did cuz like. Shi Wudu had it coming what a piece of shit. But at the same time Qingxuan is my wife and I will not tolerate my wife being harmed. So like revenge slay yes but also I am still cancelling He Xuan and spraying him with the water bottle (even though he is already very very damp).
Yesyesyes Ling Wen. So my thought about Ling Wen is that she kinda girlbossed a little too close to the sun, but at the same time you look at her circumstances both past and present and have to understand why she did all of that. It already would have been hard enough for her to gain any kind of recognition as a woman, much less in the Heavenly Court, so her ruthlessness is completely understandable. But at the same time, I don't really think the Brocade Immortal deserved what she did to him nor was taking Bai Wuxiang's side in the final conflict a real cool thing of her to do. I can't fully be a hater though because her own thoughts about everything are clearly so nuanced (See: The final convo she had with Xie Lian about the Brocade Immortal, which I am still thinking so incredibly hard about to this day).
I think that Ling Wen is interesting in the same way that I find other characters like Mu Qing, He Xuan, and Yin Yu interesting. It's in the sense that even if I don't really agree with all of the actions that they took, it's very easy to look at them and come to an understanding of why they did what they did. And I have varying degrees of like for all of the characters I just listed, but that doesn't change the fact that they're all Compelling. So it's almost like a begrudging respect that I feel for Ling Wen, if I were to boil it down into simple terms.
aaaaaaaaaa The Horrors(tm) :sob: Even though I could talk about Xie Lian's arc through that part of his backstory for a million years, you're so right that Hua Cheng's arc through it is also so interesting to watch. It really goes to prove that Hua Cheng is different from everyone else in Xie Lian's life up until this point, because yes there's the very obvious throughline of Hua Cheng wanting to protect Xie Lian (rather than expecting his protection), but even more importantly that feeling never changes even when Xie Lian has his mini corruption arc.
Like, Hua Cheng fell in love with the pure and virtuous Crown Prince of Xianle but not for that quality. Instead of being ashamed and looking at Xie Lian with scorn when he was like "What if I kill everyone actually" Hua Cheng is like "Then let me be your sword". There's the element of not wanting Xie Lian to dirty himself that Hua Cheng carries for the entire story but the point is in that he is not a voice who would tell Xie Lian to stop having those thoughts if it's truly what he wants (Unlike what his parents or Feng Xin and Mu Qing would probably say).
I'm going to write an essay about their character dynamic one day istg I am chewing through the drywall
The cave statues chapter......... *passes away*. Like on one hand that chapter is so funny because yes Hua Cheng is just an absolute certified freak (POV my roommate telling me earlier on in my reading that HC is a porn addict and me being like "pssht noooo" but then getting to this chapter several months later and being like "O h.") but on the other hand THE CONFESSION??????? Like. All I can do is gesture wildly at the storyboard animatic that someone made of that scene on YouTube while absolutely fucking sobbing. There is a reason why the cover of volume 6 felt somehow more intimate than the cover of volume 4 where they're literally making out.
Anyway I'm patting Hua Cheng on the head like It's okay buddy Xie Lian loves you because you're a certified freak, he's seen too much of this world to be weirded out even a little bit. Which is why those two are perfect for each other <3
I'm glad you had so much fun on your reread, have fun with the brainworms :3
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THE TEXT CONVOS !! I hope it looks ok. I left spaces between the texts (ALSO THANK U FOR THE REQUEST 💗 ) 💺 anon
🍊) My little (brat) princess
🍒: Buy pads please!! 🍊: Already did, anything else that may satisfy her majesty? ❤️
🍊: Hi pretty. Can't find my tie, did you took it? It's the navy one 🍒: No, must've been your side chick :( 🍊: Please tell me you're joking 🍒: I'm not 🍊: Woman I practically worship the ground you walk on 🍒: Screenshotting this to Lem. Also your tie is with me :) 🍊: You two got jokes huh
🍒: Pretty women called "sleepless nights worried about my husband" is waiting for me in bed 🍊: Not tonight love. Coming home in 5
🍊: What kind of streets do ghosts hunt? 🍊: Dead ends
🍊: Really want to shoot him in the head 🍒: What are you talking about? 🍊: He's so fucking cocky huh? 🍒: Ladybug? He's not doing anything 🍊: That "we should all order some food" sounded pretty flirty to me 🍒: You deserve the electric chair
🍊: Are you from Mississippi? Cause you're the only miss who's piss I'll sippie [You blocked this contact]
🍊: That nob better stop touching your shoulder before I give him a lobotomy 🍊: Got the "little off the top" looking haircut 🍒: HE ASKED FOR MY NUMBER 🍊: He should see an optometrist since he clearly didn't notice the ring on your finger 🍒: I told him I have a husband 5 times already but he said "it doesn't matter", so I gave him your number 🍊: That's my girl
🍒: [1 image attached] 🍊: Oh my fucking god 🍊: God took his time with you
🍒: Would you be mad at me if I punched you in the face? 🍊: What's the context love? Are we making out and you just started beating me up? 🍒: Why would I EVER do that??? 🍊: You tell me, you were the one who asked. 🍊: Wait you might actually be onto someting here love 🍒: THATS IT, SEX BAN 🍊: WHAT
🍒: What is taking you so long? 🍊: Lady at the cashier won't leave me alone 🍒: Please hurry up I want you to eat me out :( [Tan reacted with ❤️] 🍒: Tell her "husband duties are calling"
🍋) Silly goofy guy
🍋: I'm really over here with Aristotle talking about plumbs and farmers and shit
🍒: Did you actually got into a fight with that Kimura guy just because he said he didn't like my tie? 🍋: Cherry defender first, human second
🍋: Bro is not listening to me 🤼‍♂️ 🍒: I'll hear you out on Henrys 🍋: [voice message: 42:33]
🍋: Got bored so I drew you 🍋: [1 image attached] 🍒: Thanks !! 🍒: Why do I have 3 fingers on each hand though? 🍋: I stole the other four
🍒: Are the cookies you left for me a prank? 🍋: Are they that bad? 🍒: What?? No!! Of course not!! 😊 I loved them!! 🫶 🍋: I got a feeling you're being sarcastic
🍋: Tan said nobody likes lemons 🍒: I'll kill him
🍒: The bartender asked for my phone number 🍋: BOOOOOO 📢📢 every time 🍒: I gave him Tan's number. Wanna catfish him? 🍋: LETS GO I LOVE THE WAY YOU THINK
🍊🍋🍒) The fruit bowl
🍊: The group name is stupid 🍋: IT'S GENIUS 🍒: It's literally what we are 🍊: I think I should've named the group so it wouldn't be something stupid 🍋: "Tangerines are sophisticated" This you❓ 🍒: Point and laugh 🫵🤣 🍊: Piss off
🍋: I burned the pasta 🍊: You can cook? 🍋: I tried 🍊: Never do it again 🍋: Piss off at least I wasn't the one who dropped the pod on the floor 🍒: This is why you two aren't allowed in my kitchen
🍊: I'm just saying, relationships should be 50/50 🍊: She looks pretty, while I growl at anyone who looks at her 🍋: It's getting harder and harder to defend you 🍒: People are gonna think you're insane 🍋: He is
🍋: [1 image attached, it's a selfie of us three] 🍋: BOY WE SEE THEM BABY BLUES 🍒: I swear people don't even say bless you anymore, they just stare at you like that 🍊: Do you two ever stop to think about what you're saying? 🍋: No 😼 🍒: Nope 🍊: It shows
yeah no kidding you aced the shit out of these!!! and they are so fun to read !! I definitely get what you mean now by them being fun😭
LOVE LOVE LOVED them all but these have gotta be my faves
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THIS ONE??? had my cracking up. was still thinking about it and laughing to myself ages after reading 😭😭
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little off the top and the ring comment 😭
and giving the guy tan number and him saying that’s my girl🫠
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god took his time with you??? melting
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WHY IS THAT SO ACCURATE!!! lemon definitely sends really long voice messages and spams with videos. like he’s giving you mini personal vlogs😭😭😭 he just starts talking about the most random shit walking around the house. “… yeah they said his car is fucked— no way. I just found this.” and holds it out to the camera and then he carries on with whatever he was saying before
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I feel like he struggled to draw all 10 fingers and got fed up so gave you simpson hands instead
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themagnusbane · 8 months
I swear, in all these Only Friends discourse that has been raging since the finale dropped on Saturday, I wonder if anyone actually took a second to be like: this story is being told through the eyes of 20-21 year old college students. They are the mouthpiece through which this story is being narrated. Is it possible therefore that their age, their lack of experience, their slightly sheltered lives, might play a role in how they navigate their friendships, the world at large and how they react?
Like @jojotichakorn has started several times, and I agree a 100%; this story isn’t a morality lesson. Nobody is saying casual sex bad. You are evil if you’re non-monogamous. Blah blah blah. As a graysexual polyam person who just uses the term queer cuz it’s easier than me having a 30 mins convo with a stranger about my orientation and how everything intersects for me, this show was everything. Cuz PEOPLE ARE MESSY! People are messy and judgemental and annoying. Just because they’re queer doesn’t mean they WON’T be messy. I was especially a fucking shithead at 21. Hell, I was a virgin until I turned 22 (not quite as sanctimonious as Mew, thank SPIRIT!!). Who I am now at 33 is vastly different from who I was over a decade ago. I moved out at 22. Been living on my own for that time. The person I am today is a product of all I have seen and experienced. I lost the black and white lens through which I viewed the world, in that period of time.
And you know what? I do feel that these kids (cuz they are kids to me. I haven’t sat in a university class in almost 13 years 🤷🏾‍♀️), will grow, and learn and evolve. Boston I think will do fantastically well in New York. He will continue to come into his own. Will figure out what kind of relationships work best for him (both in regards to his friendships and his sexual and romantic—if he wants any—relationships), and he will thrive.
Mew will eventually get that stick out of his arse and get off his high horse. He will realize that people are messy, imperfect, and make mistakes, and that he too is flawed. And that is okay. That he doesn’t need to be burdened to replicate the perfect home life he had with his mothers. That hell, just because he fancies himself better than others, doesn’t mean that he isn’t as capable of the depraved things the human mind can conjure up 🤷🏾‍♀️.
Ray will probably battle with his addiction all his life. Will realize that battling addiction is a life-long process. Will lean on the support he has. Will probably learn to forgive his mum, and come to terms with her frailty as a human being, and what that meant with regards her suicide. He will also probably let himself admit that as much as he loved her, and wanted her to hold him and love him, he is justifiably angry at her that she did neither of those things, and then left him. He will probably confront his dad about the role he played, and didn’t play in all of this. He might decide to break up with Sand later. And they will still be good friends. Or Sand might be that ex he hasn’t spoken to in years, yet he still thinks of and smiles when he hears I Wanna Be Yours.
Same goes for Sand, and Top and Nick as well.
And who knows, at some point Cheum might realize that she can be quite the shitty friend. That she’s been a shitty friend. She might reach out to her now former friends, and honestly sincerely apologize. Or not. That’s another thing. Some people take forever to grow. And some don’t learn a lick from their experiences. And when time has passed and they looked back at all their burned bridges and try to reconnect, they are left with hands fluttering in the wind, and everyone they love out of reach 🤷🏾‍♀️.
But yeah. I don’t know about y’all. Maybe you were well adjusted uni students who were always right and knew the right words to say, and didn’t fuck up every other Saturday, and whose lives were peachy. But I was a dumbass, making dumbass choices, being a sanctimonious dumbass, and being an absolute menace. And that was how I watched the show. Knowing that this is a story of these kids, told to us by THESE kids. P’Jojo was just the conduit for their story. But it is ultimately THEIRS. I just watched it for them. Not for any moral lessons (this isn’t a parable or a fable. And I say this as someone who has been fascinated by mythology since I was 7), but to be entertained by the lives of these messy kids, crash-figuring their way to adulthood, and thanking the universe that my early 20s are way behind me, cuz fucking hell. That era of my life was some shit-show!
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bunbeeplays · 2 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 75 - Tonight's Special
Xander's finally ready to show Ophelia his new bar for the first time. He hasn't even told her the name yet!
Ophelia: Xander, you made me walk like this for like a mile, let me see!
Xander: Okay, okay. Here she is!
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Xander: Say hello to The Lemon Drop!
Ophelia: Alexander Pappas, you did NOT name your bar after me.
Xander: I don't know what you're talking about, I named it after the drink.
Ophelia: Is there anything about you that isn't perfect?
Xander: Hilary has a list of my many flaws
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Xander: I felt aimless before I met you. I didn't know what my future held, I was just drifting. Your ambition is contagious. This bar wouldn't exist without you, the least I could do is give it a fitting name. Now come on, I've got another surprise.
Ophelia: More surprises?
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Ophelia gasps as she takes in the rose petals leading to a lovely table for two.
Ophelia: I should've known it didn't take you guys all day to set up two instruments and a mic!
Xander: I wanted us to have the first drinks here. And what's drinks without dinner?
Ophelia agrees!
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Xander pours the two some nectar from the popup bar. The official bar isn't coming until the next day, as well as the rest of the furniture.
Ophelia should have suspected something was up when Xander told her to dress nice "just for fun". Not the brightest, that gal.
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Xander: Dinner is served!
Ophelia: Are these my gran's stuffed peppers?
Xander: Sure are. I know they're your favorite. And a lemon cheesecake for dessert.
Ophelia: You're lucky I like lemon. What if I didn't?
Xander: I'd ask you to change your last name.
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Ophelia: I made these all the time when we first started woohooing. Remember when we went for round two after eating them and I farted during woohoo?
Xander: And then I farted too so you wouldn't be embarrassed?
Ophelia: Haha, yeah, that was so gross!
Xander: You started it!
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Ophelia: You know, our first woohoo was on the last day of summer, just like today. I can't believe it's been a year.
Xander: Me either. Even if we weren't official, I kind of consider this our anniversary. It's at least the anniversary to the start of something beautiful.
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Ophelia: I like it. I think it's a day worthy of celebration.
Xander: Perfect. Now go on, dig in!
Ophelia takes a sip of her nectar. Absolutely amazing. It'll pair great with the peppers. Let's just hope they live up to her gran's.
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They're excellent!
Ophelia: Xander, this is amazing!
Xander: The recipe was pretty simple. I wanted our dinner to be something you loved and something with good memories behind it. I'm just glad you didn't make us beef wellington post-woohoo.
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Ophelia: I feel bad, you did all this and I don't even have a gift.
Xander: We don't need gifts, I did this for us. I wanted to christen this place, and I figured a night with my favorite girl would be perfect.
Ophelia: Favorite girl? Don't tell Marshmallow!
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Ophelia: Did I mention this place looks amazing? I can't wait to break in that mic!
Xander: We're going to make a lot of great memories here, I know it.
Ophelia: And you're going to make a lot of great drinks!
Onto dessert!
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Xander: Damn, this is good!
Ophelia: You seem surprised.
Xander: I tried my best but baking isn't exactly my forte.
Ophelia: It's amazing, sweetie. It tastes even better knowing you made it all yourself.
It just being really good also helps.
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After a great meal with great convo, Ophelia goes to give her boyfriend a thank you kiss, but he beats her to it, pulling her close and kissing the back of her hand.
Xander: Why don't you go check out my first drink special on the chalkboard over there? I think you'll like it.
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Ophelia follows the rose petals over to the chalkboard in question. Once she gets close enough, her brows furrow in confusion.
She rereads it a few times, trying to figure out what the hell Xander's thought process was behind this drink name.
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Ophelia: Xander, I don't get it. What kind of a name for a drink is "Turn Around"?
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confusedelulu · 5 months
I just finished watching "The bear" and here why I loved it so much
(this is my opinion, I have no experience on cinematography or audio or storytelling nor am I a cinemaholic :) :-
It's so human.
Like I know it's a show but whilst watching I catch myself feeling like I'm being allowed to witness these people that are in the restaurant industry and how they're living. I feel like I'm peering to other genuine people's lives and being allowed to watch their journey in a way, their normal daily lives.
It's also very short.
My impatience with starting and watching most shows is that they're unnecessarily long as fuck. They will be like 1 hr episodes and then at least 8-10 eps in a season and it's will not even be that deep, most of it is just empty scenes that don't really add much to anything. You know when in some shows or movies they'll have "empty" scenes that dont add much to the show or anything but they're still meaningful cause they're pushing the show forward and maybe setting the tone or letting us breath or they're simply gorgeous to behold. So you still don't feel like they're a waste of time cause thought was put into them, the entirety of the bear feels like that.
Also I just love-love- how the relationships develop in the whole show. Not necessarily between the characters too but with how we perceive some characters. The one I can think of at the top of my head is Pete; cause when he was introduced and the first few times we see him he's kinda treated like "the loser" and no one kind of takes him seriously and you feel as though he's just a person whose pushed around and just taking it. But then that scene with Donna(Carm and Sugs mom) it really drove me to tears cause he isn't dense or stupidly ignorant, he knows what's up but he's trying to go about it in his own way- a subtle way. He doesn't insult nor curse and he's loving, he wants the best for his wife but he also understands where her mom is coming from. He isn't hateful and we see that play out in while cutting into the scenes of the mess in the kitchen. It felt so real. He felt like Waymond for me just a little.
And then there's richie's arc which we can all agree on obviously; the whole mushroom peeling scence is just absolutely wonderful and the build up to it. And when he was singing taylor swifts song, it just came together so beautifully.
The Sydney episode- like the whole thing was just beautiful. The joy the actual fucking joy I felt seeing her move around and see her kind of assemble this vision of hers to a point and then her trying it out. The whole scence with her father in the diner thing celebrating her moms birthday and him telling her this story of their date. I actually cried there cause I remember having almost the exact same kind of convos with my father multiple times; how you can feel that he loves her but also wants to make sure that she's sure about what she's doing, not cause he doubts her but cause she doubts herself. Their whole gentle relationship which I had not expected at all; and which I love.
And Marcus going to Copenhagen and how at the end of that episode I just felt relief that nothing bad happened. How gentle the entire thing was and how we got to know Marcus as a person away from the beef. How he is kind and loving and passionate. The whole conversation with Luca (the chef)- dont even get me started on that convo- I felt like I was actually sitting there and listening in on a convo between two people. The hug with that guy that marcus helped, how relieving it was. The whole episode was a gentle step back and from all the chaos and just existing day to day. It's quiet and tranquil.
AND THE FUCKING MULATU ASTATKE SONG DROP! That entirely surprised me cause I had to take a sec; the use of Ethiopian music is something I'd never thought I'd see especially used so perfectly for a scence in Hollywood. I could tell there was some habesha that participated- Sydney's family name is also Adamu like. I couldn't find out who though but I felt so proud and happy and I really appreciated it. And i knoooowww some habesha was involved (but I couldn't find out who) and I am so proud of them.
The whole Christmas episode and how -just beautifully it was executed. A lot of families are like that. My family is like that- well minus the fights and knocking down walls with your car part, but the tension is exactly like that when I was growing up. And I didnt feel stressed out of my mind watching but I understood, I understood where everyone was coming from, and how people get to those points that they get to. And it did a wonderful job conveying that. And the desire that you have to leave but the thought that they're your family. And the guilt that some of them probably feel because of Michel's death cause of the toxic environment that was created but is ultimately no one's fault in that sense (like carms mom and maybe carm himself).
The whole Ebari part where he's saying he doesn't wanna change but then we see him later watching a vid in his own place in the kitchen and agreeing and in the background the picture of the 3 of them is hanging.
Again very very human and just life, it felt relatable and understandable. Just came to accept and see these characters as real genuine people as the show went on, like the people in my life.
These characters just feel like people and people are soggy and not perfect and when interacting we don't fit eachother as well as we thought we would and there's friction. And some one needs to apologize and someone needs to be the bigger person but it's hard and it takes time. And it requires constant constant work. And they do a real good job at it. I just love love the show and seeing as how I normally have 0 patience to watch show if I'm not interested by the 4th ep, I will say I will be watching and rewatching this multiple times. Highly recommend.
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bubbah26 · 2 years
I am SHAAAAKING in anger right now...like wtf was that episode. It doesn't make sense, none of it. I know we still have 3 episodes left BUT, episode 13 felt like such a slap in the face.
The miscommunication between jun-ho and youngwoo. It was just...left.
The forced 'blossoming relationship' between su-yeon and minwoo (which I REBUKE,my queen deserves better)
Don't even get me started on my king attorney Jung, I hate that they're putting him through pain.
Get ready, cause this is me ranting and it's gonna be long!
Junho and Youngwoo
Clearly, Junho was still a little upset at Youngwoo because of the whole 'we never said we were dating so we're not dating' convo that happened in ep 12, and I was full on expecting them to hash it out and come to some kind of resolve,but that just didn't happen. Instead we were slapped with a 2 second mention of what happened and then Youngwoo got hit with an inlaw meet up, like wtf. I had to replay the scene again just in case I missed anything. I would say that he is still just in love with her as ever, but something about they're relationship feels strange now, and there is soooo much that doesn't make sense like, Junho is such a great guy, and through the first half of this show I kept thinking 'wow, so he comes from a family that accepts people for who they are and are non-judgemental, how brilliant' and then we meet his sister, who passes judgement and prejudice, she didn't even get to know Youngwoo properly, she just took one look at her and already had it in her mind that she couldn't make junho happy. And that thing she said about how their parents would faint if they found out about her,it had my heart squeezing with anxiety and sadness and I felt soooo bad for our Youngwoo. I am still trying to be optimistic about our whale couple, and I get that there will be challenges in this relationship like the writer said there will be, but with only 3 episodes left, I don't know how things are gonna turn out, especially when they had the chance (multiple chances) to clear the air this episode and blatantly chose not too.
2. Choi Suyeon and Kwon Minwoo romance plot
NO!! ok NOOOO!!! Look, that moment he had with his surprised Pikachu face in ep 9 is something I can look past because let's be real, we all reacted the same way, even Youngwoo turned half lesbian when she saw her but this...this is just not ok. I would've been good with it had Minwoo had his redemption arc in earlier episodes, but it just feels too rushed and sloppy now. What!? We're supposed to sympathize with him all of a sudden because his parents have health problems and he's got too be the breadwinner for his family? like, it sucks that his parents are unwell, but that still doesn't excuse the behaviour he has displayed towards Youngwoo and the things he is still ACTIVELY trying to do. And they wanna throw Su Yeon in the middle of it? Our girl has been through enough!! I won't say anymore about this other than I hope this is just a subplot where Suyeon finds out about what he plans to do and derails his plans. Extra points if Geurami somehow finds out also and they stomp him together, bit of a reach but, if the latest episode has taught us anything, it's to expect the unexpected.
3. Attorney Jung
It was touching albeit heartbreaking to see a glimpse of his married life, as soon as they got to that old noodle place and he started talking fondly about it, I knew there had to be something else, the smile he had on his face while explaining the noodles to everyone, it felt like warm familiarity. Even though his storyline is heavy with sadness and pain, I love how he fully embraced the trip to Jeju. Choosing to ride in the drop top with Geurami and hairy boss at the bafflement of his colleagues, telling everyone that he just wants to hang out with them and enjoy food and drinks, promptly slamming their laptops down and making a mess of Youngwoo's papers(that made me laugh out loud and fall in love with him even more😂) even though he knows this is still work, he's making the most and best of it, and I couldn't be happier for him. The end made me cry for obvious reasons, I'm sooo scared for him. Imma throw hands if anything tragic happens to him.
Anyways, those were my 3 major concerns. I know there's a lot more to unpack but my brain is still trying to recover atm😂
Sidenote: Geurami and hairy boss were the dopamine we all needed to make it through.
And thank you for coming to my Ted talk😊
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kosi-annec · 2 years
Season 2 of BNHA! This one is gonna be long cuz of the sports fest. arc and the stain arc, so most likely gonna cut this in half lol
My review of Season 2 part 1:
Ok but why tf did nezu let aizawa still teach when he is recovering?? like the guy is covered in bandages for fuck sake
I was a little surprised by shinsou's voice, i don't remember it being that.. deep? mature? idk what the word is, but it doesnt sound like a teenager (watching the dub btw) tho i start to get used to it again
I couldn't help but think the whole proclaiming rivalry against deku was funny, like idk why, but i thought it was ridiculous
The animation during the racing part was just amazing, specifically the part where shoto freezes the zero-pointer. Like, god damn they know how to animate ice. On the subject of the race, i would like to give props to deku's whole plan, cuz damn his plan was pretty smart
I'm kind of surprised that momo just let mineta hang onto her like that during the race, if i was her i would've dropped kicked him instantly, zero hesitation
The cavalry battle was fun to watch, and where class 1b gets introduced in the series! Monoma such a smart lil shit and i love him for it; bakugo need a chill pill dear god, tho it was funny with him hitting kirishima's head lol. Hatsume also gets spot light too and i love her chaotic energy, also the beginning of Uraraka's jealousy.
I am a bit confused as to how shinsou even won? like his quirk requires the target to respond back to him, so did tetsutetsu's team all just replied back and get mindcontroled? i mean ok ig
When todoroki pulled deku aside and basically trauma dumped on him, i did not expect bakugo to have overheard that convo, like i did not remember him eavesdropping before, but tbf it was a short clip of him so it was easy to forget
"Are you All Might's secret love child or something?" gets me every fucking time🤣
The fact ojiro withdrew when he felt like he didnt deserve to go into the finals was just, hhhhh hun no you deserve it, but honestly that was very (as kirishima said) manly of him to do. And kendo offering tetsutetsu's team to go into the finals was just, respect. This is why she's class rep.
Kendo grabbing monoma for the 'perverse person' in the scavenger hunt was just- LMAO😂
"-or tried to hype themselves up" then shows bakugo just face to face with a wall and shoto in a dark corner crouching, are you sure this is hyping themselves up? it looks more like brooding lol
Now the real fun of the sports festival begins
Deku vs shinsou. Ojiro literally told him not to respond to anything shinsou says, but yet he still fell for it, cmon dude. The past users of one for all were like "eyo no, you are not losing to this weak ass man." I do feel bad for shinsou, like dude deserves to be a hero, i hope he gets in class 1a, or at least 1b. The two boys could get a long a bunch, i mean, deku doesn't mind talking to him even after being mindcontroled. Tho it is funny that shinsou just kept mindcontrolling him everytime he responded, but at the same time pls stop doing that, he's just trying to have a conversation
Shoto vs sero. Okay, the speed sero was able to tape shoto and swing him almost out of the ring was impressive, but of course, its no match for shoto. Tho his attack was a bit overkill. The crowd screaming out 'nice try' for sero was nice of them tho
Denki vs shiozaki. Her speech in the beginning was mildly funny. Denki just thinking that she's cute and asking her on a date... not really the time for that, but he got his priorities straight, i guess. Tho really, shiozaki should be in class 1a with how powerful her quirk is, but then again it would be hell to draw her hair
Kendo karate chopping monoma to unconsciousness will always be funny
Iida vs hatsume. I don't actually remember what happened in this fight the 1st time i watched it, so this is gonna be fresh to me. Honestly, the whole round was hilarious, it was just a straight up ad for her support gear. Poor iida, he just wanted a fair fight
Now, speed round! Aoyama vs mina. Not much to say here, just mina showing off her dance moves and finishing the battle. Poor aoyama, humiliating way to go // Tokoyami vs momo. That was actually pretty fast dang, momo was recommended yet tokoyami still beat her. Shows how powerful dark shadow is // Kirishima vs tetsutetsu. Like looking into a mirror, of course it ends with a draw, the two are really hard bros
"..bakugo wouldn't use the full power of his explosions on a girl, right?" "yeah, he would" well, at least deku was honest about it😅
Bakugo vs uraraka. Oh boy, this fight. Gotta commend uraraka's determination, she planned out a good strategy; using her jacket as a decoy in the smoke, taking all those hits to create her finishing move. But bakugo is merciless, he was going to win no matter what. Even if she got him floating, bakugo could've just used his explosions to propel himself around. Uraraka put up a good fight, she was just paired up to someone who can put up a better one. Tho at least bakugo saw her as an equal, with him not going easy on her; cuz she isn't some weak little girl, she's a hero in training giving her all and should be taken seriously.
Now, for some light heartedness; Kirishima vs tetsutetsu, electric boogaloo. Such manliness, such raw chivalry. Two bros, having an arm wrestling match, 1 feet apart cuz they're just bros
The talk between the urarakas was sweet, she definitely needed to hear that from her dad. Speaking of dads, deku standing up to endeavor for shoto there was just amazing, someone had to tell that asshole
Now, the main event; Deku vs shoto. This whole fight is just deku being shoto's therapist, except with violence. Starting off with lovely ice animations, then bloody broken bones! Seriously tho, how tf does deku still push thru with dat much pain?? like boy is 15 and he's barely used his quirk. On the sidelines, bakugo thinking like a nerd as he watches. He may be an angy boi, but he is a smart angy boi. Now the ✨traumatic backstory✨ seriously tho, can't wait to see endeavor get his ass thoroughly kicked. Baby shoto is utterly adorable tho, must protect mah bby boy. Look wat you did endeavor, you fucked up a perfectly good child, look at him he has anxiety. "IT'S YOUR QUIRK NOT HIS" gets me every time. And then, FIRREEEE🔥🔥 and a SWOOSH and a BANG and- you get my point. That whole part was animated amazingly; deku rocketing across the ice, shoto using both sides at the same time to make such an epic explosion, the ice and fire. The pro heroes' reaction to the blast were kind of funny lol. And then it ends with shoto being half shirtless, they had to do it huh. Not complaining tho >.>
"..out there, for that one moment, I forgot all about you" DAMN BOI he really said to endeavor "this aint bout you bitch"
all might telling deku what he did was the right thing, even if he lost, just UGH, thank u dadmight
Shiozaki vs iida and Ashido vs tokoyami ended so quickly, cant really say much
okay when uraraka was worried bout deku with the surgery thing, i was kinda surprised mineta wasnt actively being a perv to her or tsuyu. He has SOME dignity at least, as little as that is
Kirishima vs Bakugo. Eyyy these two. "..he's still going strong, but how long can he keep his hardening up?" taking this out of context tho- curse my brain. It was kinda funny when tetsutetsu was cheering kiri on, such a bro. The small bit of deku and iida talking about tensei and how iida was excited to talk to him later, just, oof. Bakugo being all smort n just going ballistic on kiri, if kiri had gotten enough good hits on baku he probs could win, but this is bakugo, so doubt. He did good tho!
Now, on to the semi finals!
Iida vs shoto. I should be focused on the fight, but damn why is shoto so frickin pretty here?? Ahem, i digressed. That kick to the back tho, like with how fast iida was going wouldn't that have broken his spine? then again this is anime. Can't believe for someone smart like iida, he forgot that shoto could freeze shit in close range, like boi it was pretty obvious
Bakugo vs tokoyami. Was it really that hard to figure out that light would be a weakness to DARK SHADOW, he literally called that, wouldn't ur first thought be "oh then bright light would be its weakness" like cmon. Anyway, tokoyami wasnt winning that for sure, unless the match was in nighttime then maybe
Kendo really be makin fun of monoma for announcing war lmao
How strong is the vibration of iida's phone to shake is entire body?? also, wouldnt be distracting like if he was in class and his phone rang. He'd just be shaking up and down on his seat lol
oof shoto reliving traumatic memories q-q
Oooohhh shoto hit a nerve in bakugo, a lil snippet to maybe him realizing that he was a damn asshole to deku??
Bakugo vs shoto. Shoto going strong with a huge ass wall of ice, but ice isn't exactly strong against literal bombs, and dukes him out like he did with deku! Oh dammit endeavor shut up, now shoto's doubting himself again. Can't tell if bakugo is insulting him or trying to help him... probably both since he wants a fair fight; no holding back. DEKU CHEERING TODOROKI ON!! And then comes in the fire- Oh nope doubt be kicked in. Damn, bakugo's ego self-esteem issues kicking in here, wanting to prove he's the best n all. I swear all these kids need therapy
Lmao bakugo getting chained up cuz he can't keep his cool. But aw iida couldn't make it, dammit stain, why'd you gotta do that man, people are complicated
Ok I never noticed that midnight actually talked over all might's entrance lol. Awww him giving tokoyami and shoto some nice fatherly talk and hugs, and then there's bakugo wwww
Oh no, iida finding out... Oh god tensei nooo. And thus, the seek for vengeance begins
But hey, shoto's now trying to reconcile with himself and his mom q^q
And that's sports festival arc complete!
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staryuee · 3 years
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becoming their sugar mommy — genshin hcs ⸝⸝
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꩜ warning[s]: mentions of gambling / casinos , slightly nsfw ?? , reader is still gender neutral :)
𖥻 synopsis: they lose a gambling bet to you and now you can’t help but spoil them <3 (modern au!)
ᜊ characters: childe , zhongli , lisa , diluc
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childe / tartaglia
power couple except you’re the only one who holds power and he’s just there to look pretty
i feel like he’d want to be coddled when in a relationship so having someone who constantly spends money on him instead of vice versa makes him feel warm
definitely teases you !!! especially if you send him a gift with a note attached saying “reminded me of you <3” but in reality he loves it sm he doesn’t know what to say
felt very flustered the first time you sent him some expensive champagne — since yk after that tragic loss in the casino he was sure you’d ridicule him
not that he’d complain tbh, being humiliated by you is the best way to go down in his opinion-
one of the gifts had a note attached with your number and boy was he ecstatic ! he could finally talk to his not so secret sugar mommy (i want to use the term glucose parent so bad)
the convo started off slow but as each day progressed you both became more friendly with each other and longer conversations were common
managed to turn gift-giving into a competition :]
it got out of hand, there were literal stockpiles of different luxurious brands from all around the globe and as much as you both appreciated it you would rather have places to walk in your own house
when you sent him a bunny boy costume with some of his favourite flowers though, you didn’t hear from him for a while - dw he loved it
from that point forward the gifts got more,, risqué
most likely had a one night stand with you and caught feelings lol
he will be your malewife if you asked btw , say the word and he will be in the kitchen cooking up some pierogis , rosł and katsudon , to spice it up a bit , all the while you’re doing your own thing
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unfortunately lady luck wasn’t on zhongli’s side , but maybe she had a change of heart since he managed to meet you
losing to you must’ve been the biggest blessing on zhongli’s part as when he woke up the next morning with a massive headache, he found a gift basket at his door
a pastel yellow note that was attached to the flowers within said basket explained that after his massive loss at the casino you drove him home to help him clear his head a bit <33
that explains how you got his address - but doesn’t explain why you decided to show such kindness
very appreciative about each gift that you give him no matter what it is , in his eyes if it’s from you it holds more value than any precious gem
though his elegant and assertive demeanour can fool the public eye , he will most definitely use you to get things he wants while being bratty
you’re happy to satisfy his needs of course , just as long as he satisfies yours in return ;>
he’s your personal play toy with each expensive item that you so graciously provide him with
the luxuries he receives from you can’t compare to the nights of repayment which you can imagine as you wish
however he does truly worry for your well-being at times , last week you gave him a cute beige coloured dragon plushie, but then yesterday you bought him cow print lingerie ??
he still never questions you no matter the obscurity of your gift
occasionally , he will drop by and gift you something of his own , it’s very sweet he especially loves just making you different beverages whilst your working
your personal malewife !! <3
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her ? losing ? no ones ever heard of that like ever !!
her good looks are an easy way to appeal to the side of good fortune , yet it also allows her to use deception
by that i mean, you managed to call out the fact she was cheating from the get-go - unlike the previous people - but you let her have her fun for some entertainment
a pretty and sophisticated lady like her shouldn’t be hanging around in a place with lowlife drunkards is what you told her, by the second she drew in closer and closer almost to where your lips were touching
honestly the sexual tension between the two of you was making everyone else uncomfortable but in a good way [ if ykyk ]
the first gift you gave her was a golden necklace with a detailed rose at the end , in return she took you on a date to a high end restaurant
she asked you if you decided to take pity on her due to her losing or if it was just her looks that drew your attention — and if you’re being honest it’s more the fact she scammed so many men without getting caught
it was impressive and hilarious that people were so easy to manipulate with good looks , men are truly naïve creatures /hj
who doesn’t want to spoil an irresistible lady ??
she would definitely give you something in return for the luxuries you give her , whether it be a unique and ancient book , a kiss , hug etc etc.
falls in love with you 100% <3 it’s not just bc of the things you gift her tho ! she loves your company and the fact you don’t really want anything in return
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the news of this happening spread like literal wildfire , it was on every news station possible that a CEO of the biggest company in germany, mondstadt (let’s just say mondstadt is the city and not the actual nation) lost to a rival CEO
the smug aura that you radiated pissed diluc off , he stormed out yet still managed to look professional and calm
wasn’t very pleased to find an unlabelled gift sitting on his work desk with no prior knowledge and was even less happy to find out it was specially delivered by you
honestly the gifts started off as taunts to make fun of him , trying to get that precious reaction out of the ever so stoic diluc
the final straw was when you asked him on a dinner date to talk things through - he accepted just so he could scold you about your childish behavior
the date didn’t go according to his plan , you managed to fluster him with a few lingering glances and a batch of roses that matched the CEO’s fiery hair <3 he didn’t appreciate that .. only to some extent
hates to admit it but he genuinely enjoyed the date with you as he got to know more about you outside of a work setting
let the obvious romance between two CEO’s commence !!
both yours and diluc’s employees started to get irritated by the vast amount of presents that laid around carelessly around the departments
the number of letters from you respectively made his workplace look absolutely different from what it was months ago (why cant you just send an email like a normal person,,,)
the media caught on faster than u did tbh
oh yh, you 100% have fights over who pays for the dinner but you always manage to win since you’re you
you hold the power over diluc , you can decide what to do with that <3
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©IHEARTGANYU do not copy, steal or repost <33
notes: ahhh tysm for 180+ followers <33 mwah mwah ily lot !!
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s1ater · 3 years
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the older boy, part two. eli moskowitz x reader
summary 📣: in which reader’s friends warn her about the older boy with the red mohawk but she doesn’t listen
warning/s 🚫: swearing
slater’s note 🗯: omg slater finally uploaded 😮
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part one, part two
hawk: miss me princess?
you squinted your eyes from the bright glare surfacing from the screen of your phone. it had to be about close to midnight and it was almost something you expected, this text.
he always texted late, always catching you minutes before you decided to clock out for bed, and always drawing out your sleep schedule. so instead of going to bed at 11:30 like normal, you ended up wide awake well around two hours later.
y/n: you flatter yourself too much
hawk: is that so? thought you always looked forward to our nightly convos
y/n: other than them being nightly, sure
hawk: i’m a busy man
you rolled your eyes, “sure you are.”
y/n: that’s probably why i never see you outside of school then huh
you couldn’t careless on why you never saw hawk outside of school. it seemed to be rather a blessing from all the things you had been hearing about him lately. it was just fun to tease.
he liked being teased as weird as it sounded, it fired him up as he stared at the screen of his phone, smirking. hawk knew you knew why you never saw him and why he never saw you. you guys weren’t friends, barely acquaintances, only two oblivious lonely people who wanted someone to fill their hormonal needs. 
hawk: you never see me sweetheart because you never want to
y/n: that’s a lie
hawk: is it?
y/n: i’d love to see you
hawk: i’m sure you would, but face it princess, you’d chicken out halfway through before you’d even see my face
y/n: lies, you sure you’re not talking about yourself?
but was it really a lie? you wondered, thinking whether or not your wits and nervousness would overcome you before you actually saw the face of eli if you were to ever hang out with him.
you bit your lip thinking about earlier today when moon said to stay away from eli for rather obvious reasons. one being he was violent and angry a lot of the time and two... he was a teenage asshole who’d fuck you over the minute you showed vulnerability.
hawk: let me come over if you’re not a pussy
you bit your tongue at the sight of the message. great, you thought. now you had to come up with some excuse only to prove hawk right; that you were a pussy. the thing was, you didn’t actually think he’d want to see you.
it was like a silent agreement that your relationship was flirting only, nothing else. he was like a side hustle along with all the other boys who hit you up through your snapchat.
y/n: sorry babe, i only let boys who actually talk to me in real life come over
hawk: alright, fuck you lmfao
eli mindlessly smiled at his phone screen while shaking his head. he knew you’d be a challenge, and he knew you’d turn him down any minute or mention of hanging out.
he found taunting and teasing you amusing and sometimes the highlights of his days but sometimes it also got boring with how you didn’t put out as easily as the other girls.
y/n: sorry bud
hawk: alright, goodnight princess ;)
it was uneventfully windy as you stood outside waiting for moon’s red car to pull up and drop you home. you almost swore as you came into realization that she probably forgot about you, again.
you tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear as you checked your phone once again, absent of any notifications that would relate to moon.
you were beginning to feel sick, the kind of sick that resonated in your stomach from a sprout of loneliness. you shook your head, pushing yourself off the brick high school wall deciding you better start walking now if you wanted to get home before five.
your feet begun to burn five minutes into walking the shortest route you could think of as a way home, “fucking, moon.” you shook your head, taking out your phone again. she always had the strangest memory problems and seemed to always goes m.i.a. the moments you need her the most, such as.. when you were desperately in need a ride home. 
“need a ride?”
you almost jumped in surprised, not realizing a car had pulled up next to you as you were focused on your phone. you dipped your head down to the low window of the old red cadillac pulled up next to you, their windows rolled down, old rap music turned down low in order to speak to you. 
“nice car,” you quirked your brow with a slight impressed smile. he was one of the last people on earth you would expect to give you a ride despite your conversation the last night. 
“you want a ride or not, princess?” “oh, i wouldn’t want to ruin your special me time, hawk.”
“get in the fucking car, y/n,” he rolled his eyes, quickly done with your bullshit as he put the car in drive. you reluctantly got in the nice car, swinging your bag to the floor as you couldn’t help smile to yourself. 
“you know i’ve never been in a karate kid’s car before,” you mumbled lightly, examining the interior of the car better, your fingers running against the smooth dashboard, impressed by how well restored the old car was. 
“is that so?” he glanced at you, a slight smirk on his face. 
“who restored the car?” you mumbled, your eyes still looking around almost like a kid in a candy store, only more subtle, trying to hide the fact how impressed you were with the car. 
he glanced at you again, almost taken back by the question. it was never a question he had heard before, especially by a girl. he smirked, trying to hide his own surprisal, “you know larusso? guy helped me out with it.”
“nice,” you mumbled, leaning back into the seat, done with your examination. 
it was silent now, and you almost sat comfortably if it weren't for the voice in the back of your head yelling at you that the whole thing was a bad idea. you wanted to ignore it so badly, because you had never actually ever saw a red flag from eli other than the fact that it’s basic knowledge he’d a fuck boy. 
he seemed like a generally good guy. no not a good guy, a guy that was your type. eli wasn’t at all the good guy type but more or so the douche that was only nice to certain group of people, you being on of them. 
because he wanted to fuck you. 
“got something on your mind?” he glanced at you, almost nervously like you'd hop out the window with any wrong move he made. 
“no,” you said it fast making him smirk, almost as if he knew what you were thinking, almost as if he were familiar with the typical female anxiousness. familiar with the fast talking, redden cheeks, lip bites, fingers fiddling, all of it, it seemed as if he just knew. 
and eli was, it hadn't taken him long when going through girls to pick up on the similar body language they all seemed to have. because really, down to the bottle, they all did the same thing; always rubbed their lips together prompting for kisses, using a different fragrance than usual when finally alone, fingers tapping, lessening the clothing on their body than the usual outfit. all similar, and he could almost see it in you despite this being an unintentional meet up... and you weren't trying to pounce on. 
“actually.. yeah,” you lightly bit your bottom lip as you looked at your lap, trying to think of the best way to ask him the question that had been on your mind for awhile; “what do you expect from me, eli?” wow, what kind of question was that?
it was an honest and upfront one, something he wasn't used to, practically sending him into shock as he had to look at you fully to see if you were actually serious and not pulling his leg, seeming like something you'd do. 
but you really wondered. 
“uh- i, what?”
you awkwardly laughed, looking to him, “no, i mean i really don't give a shit, i’m just not about to lead you into something you think you’re going to get nudes in, because your really not.” 
wow, really? 
he almost swore aloud, biting his lip hard, now realizing you really weren't going to be easy, not as easy as the girls who put out the moment you called them pretty, or even the ones who you had to take on a date before they even sent. 
he laughed it off, shaking his head as if you were a fool for thinking that, “you really think that low of me?”
no worries, there’s always plan b; make you feel bad. 
you laughed in return, “yeah, i really do.”
but he forgot you weren’t that stupid to fall for feeling bad just for something you weren’t about. 
“you wouldn't be the first.”
“so, I've heard,” he gripped his neck, eyes now glued to the road before turning into a neighborhood off from the main road, his mind following the map basically glued in his mind from driving past your house to dmitri’s. 
he parked, now seeming to ignore you as his whole plan begun to fall apart right before him. 
“thanks, eli,” you nodded to him, jumping out of the car with your bookbag in hand before beginning to trek up your front yard. 
“anytime, princess.” 
join the taglist lil doggy
@bigbilliamdenbro @axastasiasstuff @spiderman-berries @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @teti-menchon0604 @lydiaamphlett @notyourfuckingbusinesss @estupidteen @torynicholsgf @nessa1107 @carpioassists @vhscherry @simplytpwk @sinicalh4wk @write-from-the-heart @hawkwhore @hawkandtory @lovelyyy-luna @itsnotsoni @w0nderr @deadbeatbarb @bebybailey @mrfeenyisswag @supernaturalcat7 @hawkshairdye @amongtheweepingwillows @mya-bleu @disgustedchild @ktz-bb @venussecrets
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venusiangguk · 2 years
did u miss my reviews :3
to start i CANT BELIEVE U DROPPED THIS OUT OF THE BLUE LIKE I CANT EXPLAIN HOW LOUD I GASPED, had my coworkers confused. alr i made a list of what to touch on so let’s starttt !!
NARI’S SPEECH DEVELOPMENT. i cried. i fucking missed that pudgy baby more than oc & jk ngl !! she is so so precious i love her i will forever protect her… her asking abt oc. what The fuck is wrong with you. my baby misses her friend 😔
jk not going to buy groceries is so real like i Have Done this. avoiding is my coping !!
friends being true friends. the way they all check up on him in different ways is so 🫶 heart fluttering feelings are so fragile rn ..
WHEN HE CLOSED HIS EYES TO HEAR HIS BABY GIRL GIGGLING…. people cried. we cried stellaur !!
before i get into taekook heart to heart… the image of dilf taekook sitting drinking wine is so sexy let me get spit roasted rn i beg ..
taehyung calling dasom a manipulator is so hot cause YES !! she does it for a living let’s not be reminded that dasom is such a bad bitch but also a Bitch yk? he knows her better than us i fear.. she’s just protecting her baby tis all :(
“was having a baby to save your marriage apart of your plan?” people GASPED. KIM TAEHYUNG ?? no but u made him intellectual and intricate in this convo i loved it. he really told it to jk straight and let him recognize his faults instead of having a pity party & it was so so needed.
OC’S INSTA. give me a minute. the spa day. kill me. burn me. what the. no i’m teary eyed ?!? that woman LOVED nari and vice versa i need them back.
ok let me finish on the taekook heart to heart. i loved and enjoyed v much. hearing jk’s intricate thoughts was so nice and although made me very sad a few times, i appreciated it more than anything. tae we love u. jk we love u. stella we love u.
i Ache when you say his cock is hot and Heavy cause it IS !! Yes. hot and very heavy and leaking precum fUck.
sub jk. sub jk. we are summoning you… we yearn for u more than u yearn for oc… too far? we are all just horny mfs yearning for sub jk :(
he came !! a lot. and i digested. let me stop too much.
well stella. blown away as always. i missed your writing MORE than you could ever comprehend. please know you are truly one of the most talented writers on here i’ve ever had the pleasure of witnessing. the way you explain things and the way you Write is so captivating and beautiful and and. i love this and i love YOU. never stop. thank you for this. ur amazing <33
love yaz !! 🫶
yazzzz <3 yes i have missed ur reviews they are always so in depth n ur always so kind to me, i am so thankful for u i love u dearly <33
yes miss nari is slowly but surely expanding her vocab!! she still does Not like talking tho >:( n her finally being able to say oc's name AFTER she's gone?? a specific kind of pain 😭 she does miss her v much </3 (they both miss each other :( )
bts best friends in all the multiverses and all the aus 😤
im glad you took tae talking about dasom like that in a Not bad way!! i was worried about dasom coming off as a villain, when she is not, and him coming off as a hater, when he's not and is just jk's bestie <3
tae absolutley obliterating jungkook with his words like SIR?? can he take a breath??? but yes it was very needed, and it the end it was very helpful. thank god tae is a twin boy dad n has acquired superhuman patience <3
the insta </3 i loved incorportaing that!! im glad it's been well received so far~~
we all love u dilf jk pls get ur shit together <33
aur was very nervous about debuting dilf jks subby interest bc he has been very Soft Dom n thats it the whole time... but u do have a point... we all love a sub jk moment 🥴
and once again yaz <3 i cannot tell you how much ur reviews like this mean to me, i read them over n over they make me feel v happy n loved <3 hope u know i luv u <33 thank u <33
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arrowflier · 3 years
Prompt: Mickey apologizes to one of their neighbours for something that clearly wasn't his fault just to make Ian(who's in his people pleaser mode) happy. Later, Ian realises how Mickey was right all along and feels bad about the whole thing and they talk. Basically them having a mature convo at the end
Ian heard the shouting as soon as he stepped out into the courtyard. Mickey had come down earlier to take a quick dip, and Ian was hoping to join him and relax together for a while.
But based on the way his husband and one of their neighbors were yelling right then, that clearly wasn't in the cards.
Ian sighed, and closed his eyes briefly. Was it really too much to ask that Mickey get along with the people in their building? He didn't even have to make friends, he just had to not be an asshole to everyone he met.
A particularly loud shout--something about children, and language, and have some common decency--forced Ian out of his reflections and toward the apparent catastrophe that was Mickey in public.
“Dammit, Mickey,” he muttered under his breath as he rounded the last corner and brought the pool into view.
Sure enough, Mickey was there.  He stood at the edge of the shallow end of the pool, like he had just hoisted himself out, water droplets still lingering on his sculpted arms and chest.  His arms were raised and held out to the side in challenge as he blustered on about public space, and freedom of speech, and I’ll do you one worse lady, just you watch just inches away from a middle-aged woman that looked like she had stepped out of a lululemon ad.
Ian was pretty sure it was the same woman who had stopped him at the elevators last week to ask him to “keep it down up there”.  They really didn’t need to cause more trouble with her; Mickey had them on thin ice already when his response to Ian relaying that request was to play loud, bass-thumping music while riding Ian into the floor for effect.
She hadn't met his eyes since.
"What's going on here?" Ian interrupted, coming up behind Mickey and settling a hand on the back of his husband's neck.
"This lady was tryin to--" Mickey cut off when Ian squeezed and released that hand in warning. Mickey glowered at him, but shut his mouth.
"Your husband," the woman said with a glare at Mickey, "was setting a bad example for my nephew."
Looking around for the aforementioned child, Ian sighed when he saw a little boy staring at them all from a pool lounger with wide eyes.
"We're sorry, Mrs...," he trailed off, but she didn't bother to fill in the blank for him, instead just raising her eyebrows and tapping her sandaled foot expectantly.
"Uh, anyway, it won't happen again," Ian finished awkwardly. "Right, Mick?"
"Are you kidding me, Gallagher?" Mickey asked, incredulous.
"I expect a direct apology from your husband," the woman demanded at the same time.
Ian raised his free hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, and gave Mickey a little shake when the other man didn't speak up.
"Come on, Mick, just do it," Ian muttered.
After a tense moment, Mickey did.
"Fucking fine," he hissed at Ian, ignoring their neighbor's sharp intake of breath at the curse. "I'm fucking sorry, alright?," he directed at her, before pulling out of Ian's hold to face him.
"You happy now?" he asked, before turning and stomping off to go inside.
The effect was dampened by the soft slapping sound of his bare feet hitting the pavement, leaving behind wet marks on the concrete. Ian and the woman watched him go with drastically different expressions: one with disgust, and one with concern.
"I do hope you'll keep your man in line better in the future," the woman groused at Ian, but he wasn't really listening.
"Yeah, sure," he answered absently. "Excuse me, I just gotta..."
And then he was scooping up the towel and shoes Mickey had left behind, and hurrying after his husband.
"Mickey?" Ian called out hesitantly as he entered their apartment. Other than a couple of damp patches on the floor, there was no sign of Mickey anywhere.
Then Ian heard the shower start, and set Mickey's things down next the door to follow the sound.
Mickey's wet trunks were pooled on the cold tile floor, the shower curtain pulled tight from wall to wall. The splash of water bouncing from flesh to the acrylic tub echoed through the room.
"Mickey?" Ian asked softly, taking a step past the open door. "Mick, you in here?"
He heard a snort over the sound of the water, the curtain moving as Mickey's arm jostled it from inside.
"No, it's your other husband, Sherlock," Mickey answered, an odd tone in his voice. "You know, the one you listen to before you take some random bitch's side."
Ian winced. Okay, Mickey was mad, then.
Moving further into the room, Ian closed the lid of the toilet and turned to sit on it, elbows on knees.
"Sorry," he offered briefly. "But she had a point Mick, there are kids here--"
The water stopped abruptly, and the curtain pulled back to reveal Mickey’s face.  His hair flopped wetly over his forehead, water still sluicing down the middle of his face, and he scowled as he brushed it away with the back of a dripping hand.
“Kid, huh?” he questioned  “So I need to go get my fucking tattoos removed because some random kid might see ‘em?”
Ian blinked.
“Wait,” he said slowly, mind trying to figure out what he was missing.  “What?” then scoffed when Ian just watched him.
Mickey just scoffed.  
“You don’t even know what she was yellin’ about, do you?” he asked rhetorically. “I didn’t say a damn word to her or that sniveling brat she brought with her,” he revealed.  “They took one fucking look at me, saw the words on my knuckles, and off she went on her little fucking tirade.”
“Shit, Mickey,” Ian started, but Mickey wasn’t done.
“Don’t you act like it matters,” he growled.  “You care more about playing nice than payin’ attention, and don’t pretend that after all these years you don’t still assume I’m always the fuckin’ problem.”
Fuck.  Ian had really screwed this one up.
“Mickey,” he repeated, more firmly, standing and stepping closer to the shower.  Ian took the shower curtain in one hand and tugged it further to the side.  Mickey shivered in the influx of cool air, looking more like a disgruntled cat mid-bath than an angry man.
“Mickey,” Ian said again, softer, and stepped over the lip of the tub so that nothing was between them.  He took Mickey into his arms, his husband putting up a token resistance before settling against him with a sigh.
“I’m sorry,” Ian whispered into his wet hair, ignoring the patches of water soaking through his clothes.  “You know I didn’t mean it like that.”
Mickey hummed into his chest, not looking up.  “You kind of did, though,” he mutters.  “Every time somebody’s got a problem with me, you act like it’s my fault.”
Silence, for just a moment.
“Yeah,” Ian finally agreed, stroking a hand down Mickey’s bare back.  “Yeah, I need to work on that.”
He pulled back, made Mickey meet his eyes.  Mickey was no longer glaring, and his eyes were dry, but there was still something off about the way he met Ian’s gaze.
“You know I don’t really think that, though, right?” Ian asked, disheartened when Mickey didn’t offer a response.
“I don’t, Mickey,” he said earnestly.  “I love you, and you’ve been trying so hard--”
“Shouldn’t fuckin’ have to try,” Mickey murmured, and oh.
“No, you shouldn’t,” Ian rephrased.  “And I’m sorry I’m always making you feel like you do, too.”
Mickey moved back farther, and Ian’s arms dropped loosely back to his sides.  His fingers itched to reach out again, but he got the feeling Mickey needed some space.
“Okay,” Mickey said.  “Get outa here so I can finish.”
Ina obeyed, stepping out of the tub and moving toward the door, but he turned back before he left the room.
“When you’re done, come into the bedroom, alright?” he asked quietly.  “I’ve got an idea to get back at that asshole woman.”
“Apology or not,” Mickey said wryly, “I don’t think I’m on the mood to fuck you right now, Ian.”
Ian just smirked. 
“Not what I had in mind,” he said.  “Now hurry it up, I think you’re gonna like my plan.”
About twenty minutes later, after the shower had started and stopped again and Mickey had had a moment to gather himself and get dressed, Mickey walked into the bedroom and stopped still.
Ian was sitting on their bed, fully dressed, but that wasn’t what had Mickey startled.  No, it was the fact that right in front of him was a huge stereo with old school speakers, the ones that used to be downstairs in the communal lounge area, with Ian’s phone sitting right on top.
“What’s all this?” Mickey asked, and Ian grinned.
“So she doesn’t like profanity, huh?” he said.  “Well I found a favorite new song.”
Mickey started to grin himself as he caught on to the plan.  Ian stood and pushed one of the speakers a little closer to the vents in their floor, angling it so the sound would bounce right down into the apartment below.  Then he tapped a few things on his phone, cranked the volume, and let harsh base and more expletives than Mickey had ever heard in a piece of music fill the room.
Mickey laughed.  Ian held out a hand, like he was asking for a dance, and turned the music up even louder.
Shaking his head at his husband’s antics, Mickey took the proffered hand, and let Ian spin him to the sound of their bitchy neighbor losing her mind below them.
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bunny-xoxo · 3 years
HQ boys with a sick s/o HC
warning(s): none :)
a/n: my poor ❣️ anon is sick and these were inspired by our last convo, I hope you’re feeling better Angel 😭 please enjoy some hq dummies and how theyd treat a sick s/o :) <3
characters: Tsukishima, Hinata, Sugawara, Daichi, Noya, Aran, Kita, Bokuto, Kenma, Ushijima, & Aone
He would act bothered at the fact you’re sick, cause of course you’re gonna ask your boyfriend for things - like any notes you might’ve missed that day. But judging how he just does your homework for you you’re pretty sure he’s not actually mad.
He’d also be bugging you about taking your medicine cause he needs you to get better fast so he isn’t “stuck bullying only Hinata”, he misses picking on you too and he says it’s funner in person
He’s kind of worried about getting sick himself so he wouldn’t see you in person much but you definitely notice how frequent he’s starting to call you, he even FaceTimed you while he was at the grocery store cause you weren’t there with him to pick out your snacks. (He knows your favs at this point, he just missed your company)
The moment you’re better and he has a chance to see you he’s a bit more physically affectionate than normal - not that either of you are complaining - he missed you very much :(
His hearts in the right place - like he’s brought some cough drops and water and such and has this whole plan for you to get better but the moment you sneeze a little too hard he’s so :((((( and just wants to hold you and coddle you.
So he does exactly that.
It can be a bit overbearing at first cause he’s VERY adamant on you not doing thing, like he’s debating on whether or not you should even be allowed to walk to the bathroom and if he should be carrying you there instead.
Rather than catch you up on anything you missed (he’ll bother suga about it later) he’d prefers snuggling in and napping the day away with you and just hopes you’ll magically get better.
The overly worried type who’s also somehow simultaneously oblivious.
He’s CONSTANTLY checking in like are you better yet? Can you stand? Have you been throwing up all day? Is your temp still too high?? Please call me if you need anything :((((
But then he comes over with his volleyball and is all raring to go on some walk with you cause he found this awesome little trail that has some cute clearing he thinks you’d love but he seems to have forgotten you’re kind of currently bedridden.
You tell him and almost feel bad cause you can see the disappointment on his face and the way his body kind of deflates, but then all of a sudden he’s cheering back up cause he realizes that means he gets to lay with you basically all day and love up on you (regardless of your protests telling him he’d get sick too - which he definitely does)
I hope you wanted some tough love :(
Don’t get me wrong, he’s all about taking care of his baby but don’t think you’re gonna be milking any extra pity out of him 😭
He’s bringing you all the right medicine and extra love and any snacks you need, but he’s also bringing any schoolwork you might be missing and he’s reminding you of those deadlines.
He makes up for it with the extra study guides he made you so you can understand the material easier, and the cute little drawings he puts in the margins to better explain the material
He feels awful for his sick baby but isn’t gonna let you fall behind <3
Really believes in the whole laughter is the best medicine type shit. He’d also be looking up all different kinds of ways to make you better if he felt like you weren’t having a speedy recovery AHSJSJAJS
“I don’t know babe I’m jus sayin, this here says that if you drink raw egg whites and vinegar it’s a good immune system boost and will cure your flu in, like, 15 minutes. It might be worth a shot!”
Baby boy just misses going on dates with you 😭
Also tends to go overboard sometimes with the movies - last time you were sick he brought a whole cardboard box full of random dvds he had lying around as well as a couple of home videos of him as a child ‘cause:
“I’m hilarious babe look at these!”
Literally one of the best boyfriends you could ask for in this situation are you joking? He never hovers too much but is always just a phone call away if you need some help or are just feeling too lonely :( KING of making soups are you joking (firm believer that warm foods are the best thing when you’re ill) he definitely texts you random things throughout the day like
“how’s my baby doing?”
“u feeling ok enough for me to stop by later ?❤️”
Expect LOTS of forehead kisses too
Also tends to hold the back of his hands to your face a lot so he can check your temp throughout the day, a true caregiver :,(
Ok him and Aran are tied cause this man 😪
The moment he finds out you’re sick he’s gotta know what kind of bug you caught cause he will be bringing you medicine the moment he can and he needs to be sure he’s getting the right kind. Also the type to buy you some silly little card that his grandmother INSISTED on signing (she’s very worried about you) and who is he to say no to that.
He also would hate to admit this to you but he thinks you’re so cute when you’re sick 😭 it doesn’t matter if you’re hacking up yesterday’s lunch he’s like 🥺🤲🏼 my poor little baby
He also just really likes taking care of you, definitely fits into his love language and it just feels very domestic for him to be by your side and aiding you in any way you can, and this mf is the biggest fan of the domestic things in your relationship <3
Honestly a little excited cause he gets to spend some uninterrupted alone time with you
Like don’t get me wrong he’s sad your sick but he can’t help but think to himself omg I get to spend the whole day with my baby! Just me and them!
Really helpful though, like you almost forget you’re sick. He’s making you food if you can’t do it yourself and he’s making sure you’re taking your medicine at the right times all while just chilling and talking with you in between! You guys watch some awful movies and laugh at them and it almost feels like a good ol date night in with your boyfriend if your body wasn’t so fatigued and sore from being sick. But don’t worry, cause Bokuto is there and ready to rub those sore muscles at any given moment.
He just kind of shows up? Unannounced?
He has a weeks worth of stuff packed as well as a game console and a sack full of games LMAO and he just sets them down and gives you a kiss on the forehead and just ,, starts,, unpacking. You have to ask him what he’s doing cause he’s just not saying anything.
“You’re sick, so I’m staying over to take care of you until you feel better, duh. Now which side of the bed do you prefer?”
This man is casually waiting on your every need like your thirsty? Lay tf down he’s getting it for you. Hungry? Funny, he already ordered in. You’re his mf princess and you’re sick so you will not be moving a muscle.
MASSAGES. Massages. And cuddles :(((
Big man Ushi comes over when he has the chance with some painkillers and his big warm arms. Most of the time he’s over you guys are just napping cause he wants to hold you! Cause you look so helpless and sick and of course you guys are laying down so you guys just kind of pass out.
Also a big check in texter to see if you’re feeling up for him to be over later that day.
If you are too worried about getting him sick he’ll stay home but he’ll be kind of grumpy about it. You’d get a random FaceTime from him just for him to move his phone away from his body enough to emphasize how empty his bed is 🙄
You cave and let him come over, and when he does he just huffs and crawls into bed with you like ☹️ c’mere
Omg the biggest worrier of all of them :((((
The one most likely to say he’s sick too so he can free any responsibilities of the day just so he can come take care of you in person. Something about the idea of you being home alone and sick with no one there to make sure you’re ok hurts his heart so bad.
He also would forget to let you know he’s coming over though, so when he comes into your apartment with his copy of the key and finds you under a heap of covers with a tissue box on your nightstand he’s quickly getting under the covers with you and pulling you into his chest.
You wake up an hour or two later to feel big warm arms embracing you and you know your sweet boyfriend came over just to check on you. And judging by his heavy breaths signaling he was asleep you knew he had to have been here for a while <3
ugh it’s been too long since I’ve written for hq! I hope you guys enjoyed and I always love to hear your thoughts :) <3
requests are open
taglist: @plutowrites @sweet-darling91 (if you’d like to be added to hq, aot, mha, or a combination of those lemme know!)
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