#she might be a trans girl 👀
coockie8 · 3 months
Enamoured with the concept of transmasc Jin
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the-acid-pear · 1 year
Okay uh. More coherent thoughts now that i finished it: that was such a pleasant ending, i liked it. Extremely sad and tragic and depressing and etc but like. WAAAHHH 😭💘 the fucking opening and ending too man like fuck man FUCK... Fact that this anime is 10 years old also does for such a heartwarming wrap up of it.
On a different note, something that deeply saddens me is how i cannot enjoy it like i once did. Maybe it's because i changed as a person, maybe is because this season wasn't that good, maybe it's simply bc i watched it too far away instead of a binge, who knows! I wish i could hyperfixate on it like in the past where I spent a week straight thinking of Caesar once... But oh well! Maybe some years in the future after i forget it all I'll revisit it and become insane for it again, who knows!
Either way, i fucking love jojo's. -_-
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wavy-arms · 6 months
"You shouldn't ship them! They see each other as siblings!!"
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I've seen people say this about Rengoku and Mitsuri again and again, very often as a way to shut down others who are having fun with the Renmitsu ship. Not only is it annoying to constantly run into this from people who don't really know what they're talking about, but it's also inaccurate and way oversimplifies their cute dynamic! Let's dig deeper.
For a moment, let's also just forget about the above panel where she is very obviously all 🥰 at him and, instead, let's go straight to the source: what the Pillars all think about each other in the official guidebook. Better yet, let's look at it in the original Japanese!
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Now, I am still a student of Japanese. I am by no means fluent, so if I make any mistakes, please feel free to let me know! I'm always looking to learn something new.
First, from Rengoku:
Sainō ga sugoi! Waza no dokusō-sei mo sugoi! Kawaii kōhai!
In the first two sentences, he's praising her big time! "Her talent is amazing! The creativity/ingenuity of her technique is also amazing!" In the last sentence, he calls her a cute kōhai. If you're familiar with the term senpai, then kōhai is the alternative. It's just a term to refer to a junior coworker or classmate. Mitsuri joins the Demon Slayer Corps. after him, and he was her mentor before he became the Flame Hashira. (However, in the Rengoku gaiden, he tells her that they are no longer master & student, but instead equal peers. Overall, he clearly thinks she's very skilled and also cute.
Next, from Mitsuri:
Kakkoii onii-sama! Issho ni shugyō shite tanoshikatta. Kawaigatte moratta!
The first sentence, translated literally, just says "Cool big brother!" Now, one thing that makes Japanese both fun and difficult is that speakers often rely on context and omit entire parts of the sentence that an English speaker would normally use. In this case, in English, you wouldn't just say "Cool big brother!" You might say something like "He's like a cool big brother to me" or "I view him as a cool big brother figure." In this case, we don't have that. What we do have, however, is cultural context! In Japanese culture, familial terms are often used as terms of endearment or respect with people close to the speaker or even politely with strangers. So it would be normal to call an older male "big brother" even if they weren't actually your brother. (Kind of similarly, if you're at all familiar with Korean culture, girls often call their own boyfriends 오빠 (obba), which means — you guessed it — "older brother.") Here, Mitsuri refers to Rengoku as onii-sama, and that last part is important! The -sama suffix is super polite and formal, and long story short, you wouldn't normally refer to someone in your own in-group (family, circle of friends, etc.) with such a formal, respectful title. It is, however, a term you might use to refer to someone else's brother. So there's a very good chance that she's not saying "he's my cool older brother" but instead "he's a cool older brother!" And he is! He's an amazing older brother to Senjurō, and Mitsuri knows this. [UPDATE: I've spoken with a couple people who know way more about the Japanese language than me and, apparently, in this context onii-sama literally just means "guy." 🤣 She's literally just saying "He's a cool guy!"]
[UPDATE #2: I've also recently learned that kakkoii doesn't really mean "cool," but is instead a compliment specifically to men that means something more like, "good-looking, handsome, or cool in a manly way." INTERESTING. 👀]
In the next sentence, she says, "It was fun training together!" Pretty straightforward. The last sentence is very, very interesting, because at a cursory translation, Google would tell you that it just straight-up means, "I was loved!" Sounds intense, but that's not really accurate. Let's break it down. Kawaigatte moratta! Kawaigatte, if I'm not mistaken, is an inflection of the transitive verb kawaigaru, which Jisho translates as "to be affectionate to; to treat tenderly; to dote on; to show one's love (for); to cherish." Other translations usually say something like, "He really doted on me." But essentially she’s saying, "He treated me with tenderness/affection" or, "He made me feel loved/cherished." 💖
So there you go! Not that a fan ship like Renmitsu even needs this kind of validation anyway, but it might be nice to have something you can keep in your back pocket for the next time someone is being annoying about it. There's enough here to show that they really have a lot of affection for each other. They're so adorable~!
(Side note: there are other examples of Mitsuri's attraction to him in the gaiden [pictured above] and in at least one of the light novels. I might write about that, too.)
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thestupidhelmet · 5 months
i'm about to send you a bunch of these hehe
B and C, 1-6
Babies, how many and their names: Eric, Donna, Jackie, Hyde, Fez, Kelso.
You didn't specify Eric/Donna as a couple or Jackie/Hyde as a couple, which would be numbers 17 and 18. You also didn't specify Fez or Kelso in a relationship with a specific person (I put numbers for those, too), so I'm going to answer this question based on the characters as individuals.
Note: Since a baby's gender can't be planned (without medical involvement), in some cases I'll give options for more than one gender. Also, people's biological sex doesn't always match their internal sense of gender. Trans people often choose their own names when they're older, but that fact is beyond the scope of this game (but certainly not beyond the scope of thinking about the T7S characters' children 🏳️‍🌈).
Eric: He grew up with an unhealthy sibling relationship, so he might want only one kid for that reason. Then again, he might want two and do his best to foster a healthy relationship between the two.
If he has a boy, Luke. (Obvious reason.)
If he has a girl, Kayla. (It was a popular girl's name in the 1980s and honors his mom without being a direct copy of it.)
If he has a second boy, Peter "Pete" (after Peter Parker).
If he has a second girl, Robin. (Another popular girl's name in the 1980s. It honors Red with the first letter and is the name of Batman's sidekick.)
Donna: One child. She wants to be a mom but not have that be the only part of her identity.
If a girl, Isabel "Izzy" (after feminist journalist and author Isabel Allende).
If a boy, Anthony. (Susan B. Anthony's father was a huge women's rights advocate and opened a school that taught both boys and girls when his daughter was rejected from school for being female. That's just one way he tried to help and protect women's rights and safety in his life. The name Anthony is also common in Italian-American families.)
Jackie: She's an only child and barely got attention from her parents. She could either go the one kid route to make sure she'll be as present as possible for her child. Or she might have two but not more. If following in her parents' footsteps, she'd be rich one way or the other, and a nanny would raise the kids.
First boy, Jack. (Jackie is named after her father, whose canonical name is Jack. Nothing in T7S tells us differently.)
First girl, Jacklyn. (Essentially Jackie Jr., but the different spelling was popular in the 1980s and gives her daughter's name a little individuality.)
Second boy, Jason. (Sticking with the JA theme plus son. See what she / I did there?)
Second girl, Sarah. (It means princess, and one can infer from Jackie's JSB shirt in S1 that her original middle name could have been Sarah before it was retconned to Beulah for a running joke. Jackie hated her middle name, so she might have gone as Jackie Sarah to her friends until, of course, her secret is discovered.)
Hyde: No kids. He wouldn't want to be a father for so many reasons, but he'd be a wonderful uncle -- because, in part, his uncle was the kindest family member to him growing up (that's a headcanon inspired by the fact his uncle left Hyde his boots).
Fez: Three kids. I see him wanting a big family but a manageable one.
First girl, Michelle (after his best friend Michael Kelso). Middle name after Fez's mother.
Second girl, Stephanie (after his best friend Steven Hyde). Middle name Linda, after the goddess tattooed on his body.
Third girl, America (after the country he chose as his home and his good friend Eric Forman).
First boy, his father's name but called by a shortened version of it.
Second boy, Charlie (because Fez would want his son to have his own beautiful angels to do his, er, bidding. Sorry about that one. 😄)
Third boy, Alexander (a popular 1980s boy's name with a lot of history. Fez wants his son to be a conqueror of worlds 👀).
Kelso: Wants no children. He grew up with six siblings, and his parents barely knew he existed. Unfortunately, he ends up with at least half a dozen -- if not double that -- kids he never intended to have. He probably doesn't know he's the father of most of them (until talk shows start doing paternity tests for ratings).
Eric: Vice President of a toy company, either as a prototype approver/tester or toy inventor.
Donna: Rock journalist.
Jackie: Fashion designer, fashion stylist, or wedding planner.
Hyde: Owns his own record label and signs bands.
Fez: Chocolatier (competitive).
Kelso: Marries a rich, much older woman and cheats on her with much younger women. Or he becomes a catalogue model. Or both.
Jukebox Ask Game
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stinkylittleanon · 1 year
Soooo about transfem Satan-
Can ya tell me more? 👀
Transfem Satan headcanons!
She'd be more in the nonbinary zone, but prefers she/her over other pronouns
Maybe genderfluid? Maybe something else? She's having a crisis over here!!
Does prefer she/her though! She sees herself as a woman (but also not? But also woman? A woman out of the woman zone?? Please! Give this girl a break!!! A sexuality crisis is enough /j)
Unlike our bbg Leviathan, she doesn't grow her hair out! Or at least not as much, maybe a little more so that the ends with frame her face
THE CUTE!!! CAT!! HAIRCLIP!! She has a specific one she likes (might be from MC) but she also has a few. She doesn't go overboard like Leviathan and keeps it to one.
Her normal outfit ALREADY screams transfem LIKE THE SWEATER??? She doesn't need to change at ALL
Call her Sadie or Tanny, she'll be blushing for days just thinking about it
She already had cat bookmarks, but gives up hiding the really cute ones because at this point the gender crisis is more exhausting than her siblings teasing her for a bookmark /hj
Unlike Leviathan as well, she prefers pants. She's more comfortable with her legs covered, but also might wear a skirt over leggings with a sweater <3
More likely to go on HRT, and just imagine complimenting her on her transition <333 like DAMN Mc has that trans rizz /j
AGAIN!! SUPPORTIVE!! SIBLINGS!! I would write more about that but my soda is SO fucking good rn so I'll end it here
NEVERMIND Leviathan and Satan probably use neos to express how they experience their gender <33333 more on that? :think: Maybe.
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eastgaysian · 1 year
Ooh I gotta know (if you're down), what's your favorite HC for problematic rich butch/femme married mommies Tomshiv? The possibilities are so tantalizing to me 👀
we understand that shiv is the butch and tom is the femme in this situation, yes? yes.
under the assumption this is the cis woman tom tomshiv yuri universe, the question of how they'd decide to have a kid is fascinating even before getting into them as parents. tom would definitely be too hung up on having a kid that's biologically theirs to adopt, and i think shiv would also be averse to it for similar reasons though she might not say so out loud.
i joke about tompreg so often it feels crazy to say anything serious about it at this point LOL. shiv would be relieved at the idea of being able to shift the responsibility of pregnancy/'real' motherhood onto someone else, but then tom is like should we get one of your brothers to be the sperm donor? and shiv shuts it down immediately as a nightmare scenario for so many reasons
the implications of them getting a surrogate are so interesting to me though and it feels most likely to me, to minimize the interruption to their careers/try to distance themselves from the judgments associated with being visibly pregnant as much as possible. pay another woman to Be A Woman in your place in the ways you think of as disempowering/humiliating because hey, you can afford it.
i'm trying to think of ways that tomshiv's parenting in the yuri universe would meaningfully differ from canon... mostly i think girl!tom is attached to the idea that she can 'have it all' as a good loving tradwife-adjacent mom and career woman at the same time, and is simultaneously able and expected to be an active mother in a way canon tom isn't. they hire a nanny that shiv kind of ignores/leaves alone because 'it's her job, tom, she was highly recommended' but also because she kind of doesn't know what to do with the person she's paying to raise her child. tom constantly criticizes the nanny because she is insane. at one point tom suggests shiv is sleeping with the nanny (new lesbian drama unlocked!). one time caroline actually visits and says she would love to babysit. tom thinks this is great and has no problem with it. shiv does have a problem, not enough to actually have a fight about it, but this ends up leading into another unrelated fight later. nightmare parents and clients <3
also in every universe tom and shiv have one daughter to me. if the baby is amab that baby is trans.
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 10 months
What's your favorite thing about your wip and why? For till death
How would you explain your wip to someone who knew nothing about it? - consider this practice for till death lol
Thank you for the ask! From this ask game.
What's your favorite thing about your wip and why?
I'm on the last few chapters of my first re-read. I love pretty much all of it. I love the nasty torment. I love the almost-dying-in-her-arms-x4. I love the fluffy moments. I love killing the bad guys. I love Eilis' little quirks, and my little gw easter eggs, and the little details.
I don't think any of it would work on its own. So perhaps my favorite thing is how well it all came together, despite having no fucking clue what I was doing?
How would you explain your wip to someone who knew nothing about it?
"You know that book I've been talking about nonstop for the past 4 months? Please forget it exists." 😅
On a slightly more serious note, that depends on the audience. Here on tumblr, where it's pretty clear what I write, it's not that hard. I could slap a few tropes, content warnings and representation notes on a dead dove sticker.
Disabled trans guy with a horrible past gets repeatedly tortured, and autistic ace non-girl with a horrible past patches him up every time. Hurt/comfort 🥺 Forced to watch 👀 Despite all the guilt and horrors, they fall in love 🥰 Heed the warnings!
Real life, I already wanna jump out of a window rather than mention it has a trans protagonist 🙄 And imagining my coworker might read the graphic noncon I wrote makes my soul leave my body...
I can defend Thorns. I can defend HmW. I can defend Glass Shards. They're "normal" novels.
But this one and Undeserved have been written pretty much only for the pain, and while I am still proud of the stories they tell, it's hard to explain — and I will have to find a diplomatic way to explain that half of the book is misery and graphic violence if she wants to read it 😅
"So I saw a really shitty horror movie, and I thought I could do that better..."
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faeriecap · 11 months
Trans girl Steve? Have you posted the fic? 👀
Transgirl Steve!!! I got the idea in response to Captain Carter’s version of the supersoldier origin story, as well Endg*me St*ve’s ridiculous ending, and subsequent AUs which explored the possibility of him returning to pre-serum Steve instead. i’d seen a lot of fem!steve headcanons within the fandom, but these were mostly just gender bends which, if they examined it at all, like peggy!cap, only focused really on what it meant for a cisgender woman to gain empowerment through taking up the shield and challenging stereotypical norms. partly inspired by women’s history during WW2 as well as the life of Christine Jorgensen (more info here), plus other veterans like Patricia Davies, and Louise Jennings, it was going to explore CATFA’s themes of body dysmorphia and normative views of masculinity and femininity leading up to the women’s rights and lgbt rights movements, and what it might mean for a transgender stefanie rogers to overcome not just ableism and sexism, but also transmisogyny on her pathway to becoming cap.
sadly, the fic never really got off the ground because it was something i was working on in between my endgame fix-it series (which i also abandoned) and finishing AWITS. also i was writing it while on the train to work, which wasn’t the most conducive environment, plus i spent most of my time trying to outline the logistics of this happening historically as well as redirecting canon around this narrative. so what i can offer you is the basic synopsis outlining the plot i scrawled down the day i got the idea that has lived in my wip graveyard since 2019 instead:
Closeted transwoman Stefanie Rogers lives in a bigoted time, and wants nothing more but to help her country at war. She tries to enlist many times as a man but is denied entry into the army due to numerous health issues and her size. Unable to apply again without falsifying her forms in some way, she returns in women’s clothing under a new name, disguising herself as a nurse and joining the WAC as an ambulance driver, living openly as a woman for the first time. Discovered by erksine who is impressed with her dedication and abilities, she fakes masculinity to avoid being arrested, claiming it was just a tactic to get into the corps. he discusses a procedure which would permanently alter her body into that of a supersoldier before he dies. she later becomes cap in order to save Bucky, the only person who ever knew her true gender, from the POW camp, then poses as a male captain america until her descent into the ice.
When she wakes up the world is so different and she has nothing to cling to but the mantle and its mythos. despite improved attitudes towards trans people, would they even want captain america any other way? feeling a lot of dysphoria and depression, she goes into denial about her identity, continuing to live as a man.
TWS doesn’t know why he knows the man on the bridge, because Hydra targeted all memories of Captain America, erasing all memories of Steve Rogers. But because they didn’t know pre-serum Rogers was closeted, they don’t erase bucky’s memories of Stefanie, whom he doesn’t recognize as Cap until she says her speech on the helicarriers. thinking she’s been rejected, she remains closeted throughout her search for bucky and civil war, especially as anti-trans sentiments are on the rise alongside the oppressive accords stipulations.
After everything, she realizes erksine knew the whole time and wanted her to become a female Cap, but after he was killed the SSR took another direction, assuming project rebirth was meant to create the perfect male soldier. Feeling trapped, Stef considers running away from it all, letting captain america and steve rogers disappear forever, longing for a time when she wasn’t a recognized public figure. But her mortal drive to help others and do what’s right won’t let her squander her abilities as a supersoldier and stop fighting as long as she can, so she continues to play at being steve in order to keep the shield. the rest of the quartet tries to convince stef she can have both, being out and being cap, but she’s dubious, and after the snap and failing to reverse it, she isolates herself in grief, losing touch with nat until they’re convinced to try again.
Just before the Blip, thanos uses the reality stone to revert captain america to her “true self,” not realizing it would not only deserum her but reveal her womanhood. after tony’s passing, stefanie returns to the 20th century one last time, and realizes it's time to tell the world. back in the present with bucky, she holds a press conference to address why she’s giving the mantle to sam, and comes out as a transwoman in the process, hoping to use her platform to inspire young queer kids and influence positive lgbt legislation.
ultimately, i don’t know if i would be the right person to write this fic. i worried/worry i would inadvertently create an inauthentic at best and offensive at worst representation of this type of story. if i did revisit the idea, i’d definitely want to have at least one sensitivity reader to ensure i was doing the community justice, and do a lot more research into the historical background. i’d also need to brush up on my knowledge of existing captain america canon, lol, because it’s been… a long long time. as it is, i totally welcome any other writers who feel inspired by this to take a stab at it, i’d be happy if my unused ideas came to fruition in some way that was meaningful to others! <3
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Julius Demain Pidieu but what his voice sounds like to me. Sadly, he looks five months old because the picrew I am obsessed with had no wrinkles🥺. He no longer looks like a sweet sphinx cat😭
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THIS AUSTRALIAN IS HAVING GAY SEX WITH JULES. {Argent Étolie Chevalier is an OC} {He has like fifteen piercings but I forgor 🤡}
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Mommy? sorry. Mommy? sorry. Mommy? sorry. Mo- {Dolores Toujours Pideu, Apricot's cool lesbian albino trans aunt that is going to kill me with her beauty}
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Callahan Cyra Jumanah is Dolores's sweetheart, and I AM ALSO GOING CRAZY OVER HER. POWER COUPLE ULTIMATE EDITION. { Some people think she's faking her condition -chronic pain in her left leg and fatigue- because she can walk [with a cane]} {She has to hold Dolly back}
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LET'S GIVE IT UP FOR MASC GENDERFLUID PEOPLE WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO {Coquille Bleue Pidieu is the eldest sibling of the three and can sense colors, shapes, and shadows despite being legally blind.}
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WE ARE OUTGUNNED, OUTMANNED. OUTNUMBERED, OUTPLANNED- {Captain Héraklès Alcides Puissant-Redevance of the RCM is an old family friend}
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WHERE THE HOOD WHERE THE HOOD WHERE THE HOOD AT-{Amoureux Perdue Du'Passe, Jules's former work partner and spouse. Sadly, he was killed on the force a few weeks after Apricot died of brain cancer. It was not a good year for Mr Pidieu.}
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W. what if. Jeannie-Marie but when she was young. She was able to work around the giant black ink stain on her yellow dress by finding a thick but comfy sweater. She's one of those people who cannot fucking feel heat so she's alright. {PRETTY WONMAN😳🤤 WITH COCK?????? AMAZING 💯💫⭐🔥🌟✨⚡🎉🎊❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍♥️💘💝💖💗💓💞💕💌💟❣️❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥💋🫂🫀👁️👅👁️👀👍👏👌🤌🤙🤝🤜🤛🙏}
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Look, Young Renė was a little cinnamon roll. He could make the most "Fuck dem kids" person into preschool teacher worthy in less than an hour. But y'know, kindness sometimes drowns in hate and PTSD. Although, current Renė MIGHT not make you want to throw a fucking grenade at him if you're at the "Okay, you can put your hand on my wrist BUT THAT'S IT." stage. Zero people are currently at that stage because J-M isn't part of the lore anymore. Also, yeah Renė's trans. trans people can be inconsiderate assholes, we're not sparkles and rainbows. I mean, Look at me. I might not be inconsiderate but I CAN be an ass-of-the-hole.
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Lieutenant Leo hey uh what's that say? K. WHAT. KITSURAGI??? OH MY FUCKING GOD. W H A T? {<-My brain in the process of making this guy up.} {LOOK IT'S KIM'S HALF [?] SEOLITE DAD!} {Btw despite the resting bitch face he's a nerdy sweetheart that loves cars. y'know like his son. I'm going to cry.}
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Cecelia Davenport/Kitsuragi, Kim's fuckin' MILF of a mom. She and Leo LOVED to match. I'm welling up again. Btw she wasn't fully finished because it was three fucking AM when I made her so. 😔.
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I feel like Gaston was a little fuckboy in his teens. I mean, he was still polite though and that lead to conversations like: "So uh [Lip bite} What're you doin' later? OH, FUCK you're grandma's recovering from cancer???? That's amazing! I hope she gets better soon! I can buy some flowers for her if it would cheer her up a bit! Have a good day!" Then Renė comes up and is like "Dude. You fucking sweetheart. Stop acting like a charity and get some goddamn pussy."
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DORA THE DIVORCE EMPLOYER- {Not to be omni but oh my god. oh fuck. golly gee. I wolf whistle while my eyes pop comically out of their sockets and I spontaneously combust then pour a giant bucket of water over myself and steam rises from my ears like a train} {She's not actually in this AU but I love her and felt like making her}
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Elizabeth is the type of girl to try and look professional but still go all out. She finally got out of the gardener's clothes and is slaying hard. Now, speaking of har-
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Made Marie without her hijab because I'm a feral fucking animal and I legit couldn't imagine her hair correctly without reference and ALSO
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REMADE YOUNG RENÉ BECAUSE I HATE THE FIRST ONE. Also I hate that you can't color the facial hair because it looks like his hair is dyed when he's just like that.
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LOOK, IT'S LILLIANOVICH! What the FUCK would this bitch wear when he was a kid? Just made some shit up bro. Also, I like to think he uses reading glasses even though he has pretty good eyes overall.
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depressedhatakekakashi · 10 months
👀👀👀 I got so many eyeballs man
Two au’s for you!!!
God of Storms Au
Akane is the right hand to King Jun, and a devout follower of the god of storms. Born blind, she had no place in the kingdom that Jun’s father had controlled. She grew up largely beside the river listening to the water’s movements and chatting with a friendly girl that always sounded young even though Akane knew she had been by her side since she was a child. It’s only when she’s an adult that she finds out it’s the goddess of rivers, Nakano, who has been keeping her company all of these years.
Akane joined Jun’s kingdom before transition. She’d always felt out of place in her own body but tried to ignore it because living out on her own with no support was already hard enough. Once she had the king’s support, though, Akane realized those feelings of being in the wrong body weren’t disappearing and that something needed to be done.
It’s through her friendship with the goddess Nakano that Akane learns that there are transgender gods. Gods and goddess’ who were created with one gender and decided to change to another, or chose to aim for neither gender.
These gods included Kakashi (trans man) Sai (non binary), Iruka (trans man) Yamato (gender fluid) naruto (gender fluid) and Hinata (trans woman)
Jun had a book created about these gods and their transitions, and had it printed in brail so that Akane can read it. It’s one of her most prized possessions throughout her life.
Pokemon au
Akane’s father has always wanted to be a gym leader, but he actually got passed up in favour of Iruka leaving him bitter and angry.
Unlike her father Akane wants to travel the world training and never thought she would stop to settle down in any one place. Her adventure was a way to get her out of the house and away from her father’s harsh training regime.
It’s only when she’s in viridian city preparing to face the final gym leader that Akane realizes she might actually have found a place where she’d like to settle. The city is beautiful, active but not overwhelmingly busy, and the gym leader is a sweetheart. Akane actually meets him before she challenges the gym, when her ponyta fun’d off on her. She goes chasing the excitable little pokemon through the town until she finds it sitting under a nice tree with its head on a strangers lap. Akane can see the Ponyta is comfortable but she wants her pokemon back so she approaches the man.
There’s no fight of course. Kakashi simply confirms that this is Ponyta’s trainer and gived the horse a gentle nudge back toward her trainer. As he gets up he gives Akane a pointer on how to bond a bit better with her Pokemon so it won’t run off again, and even gives her the book he was reading because it seemed to him that Ponyta loved having someone read to it.
The only downfall to all of this is that when she faces the gym and realizes who the stranger really is, Akane has to argue with ponyta to go through with the battle. Thankfully Ponyta finally stands tall and decides to fight by Akane’s side for that final badge, even evolving during the battle.
Akane looses that first battle, but she refuses to give up and makes viridian city her home for the next few months while she trains under Kakashi to learn how to better train her pokemon.
To date Akane is the only gym challenger who gets to meet Kakashi’s Raboot and she Loves it
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jewishdainix · 2 years
Tell me about em
Their favorite color maybe? 👀
Ok so the basic gist of this fantasy world is that people have genetic traits and variation because of not only like stuff on earth but also magic so there are different funky races of humans and elves and other creatures yaknow. So the characters.
Ray (he/they)- his whole deal is that his mother used to be rich but she got cursed by an ancient mice god to constantly give birth to rats (she asked him to kill her ex bf's wife how did she not expect body horror) so she went to a not really ancient god called the swan king to have an actual human kid. The thing is it wasn't a human kid, Ray is kind of a half bat half human so he has like wings (but no hands) and cute bat ears and stuff. Needed to go on a quest for some reason I haven't decided.
He's gay, a little nonbinary, nineteen, pretty cranky but that might be because he has way to much work and way to much migraine and not enough hands, and his favorite color is specifically the orangey yellow leaf colour you get in north American fall. (Idk I live in the middle east we don't have funky fall leaves here) He has two blades that are connected to his wings so he can fight.
Oscar (he/him)- Oscar is a really fun character, his mother is a human caster (which can cast magic and have funky colorful hair) and his father is a mushroom elf (they have many mushrooms growing out of them and usually their bodies are like mushrooms. They don't have hair usually because of mushrooms of various sizes growing on their head)
Oscars family is very large, and it seems that the later a kid was born the more mushroom elf they are. His oldest sister (now dead) was entirely human caster with no elf traits, after that was another girl called Amanita who is almost entirely human caster but she had a few mushrooms growing out of her, then another brother who got it the worst on genetics since he doesn't have the ability to use caster magic and he doesn't have any mushroom abilities. Than there's Oscar who can't do magic but can talk to mushrooms, than three other younger siblings who are even more mushroom than him (with the youngest having no human traits)
He's bisexual and trans! (This world has magical hrt which works by wearing bottles of the spell for however long the specific transformation takes, in the story Oscar has been with it for a couple of months) he's the youngest on the team at sixteen, which made Ray really reluctant to allow him ("you're nineteen! That's not much older" "yes, but I'm a demigod!"). His favorite colour is mint green.
Nimerr (she/her)- she is what known as a abyss scholar, they are a specific branch that worships the very aincent, perhaps even primordial, Lady of The Stars. She, like the other scholars, wears a type of garment that drapes over her and covers her completely so she looks kind of like a sheet ghost without the cutouts. Idk. She has a spear and a few peices of junk she tinkers with and tries to solve. She's a huge nerd. And while she's TECHNICALLY a human caster, since she joined the scholars she's not human anymore. Her favorite color is bright red but you won't find it in her aesthetic. She's an aromantic lesbian.
I have more but these are all for now. Ask me for more when/if you want more
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ace-the-fox · 1 year
Oohhh mama I've got the Adam Murray fankid (Cain) on the brain again. Have some thoughts (he's still a massive WIP that is trying to go along with whatever the canon decks at my face next, but here's the recents):
Okay, so, he IS now Evelin's kid too. Idk, it's symbolic and shit, and makes the most sense. They are the only couple in the series among the main characters, I believe, so...
This one's my fave. Making his parents pretty heavy duty Christians. But not like Carrie Christians, and more "We asked God to give us the perfect child and then we adopted you... What do you mean you want to be a boy, that isn't God's way??" Yeah, that. So, obviously having his Biblical knowledge, hating his parents, and not knowing what name to go by, he slaps on Cain for the time being. It's just to piss off his parents by naming himself after a murderer from the bible, because hey he's not getting it permanently, legally changed or anything. Though, he does turn out to really, really like it, unfortunately for his folks. (Also the fact that Cain killed Abel, his brother, and his deadname, Annabelle, has Abel basically in the middle... 👀 layersssss-)
He's basically the type of guy who would literally cry over spilled milk but then go through the most traumatising event known to man and just go "well, that sure was... a day."
I've also given him friends!! (Even though, with the way tmc seems to be going, the alternates might as well kill off all humanity by 2023, when this takes place, BUT–) I haven't thought of names. I considered biblical ones, but I'm not sure about finding ones that really fit deeper than just being from the good ol' bibble. One of them is your typical basic blonde white girl (who, admittedly, kind of starts off as one of those annoying allies. "I want a gay best friend!!" type of thing), the other one's a chubby video game nerd. They're an odd bunch, who somehow bonded over a shared chemistry project :)
This may change with the tmc plot or other stuff, but rn I've decided what makes the most sense is that Cain isn't technically an alternate and is actually just some guy. However, he is immune to alternates, as they can sense SOMETHING off about his vibes.
Mention of (entirely SFW) mpreg under the cut (I mean, any thing I do for any fandom ever is nearly guaranteed to include it, and I apologise for that but it will happen again lol). Don't tap if it ain't your thing.
(I may or may not have started a oneshot based on the latter half of this idea lol...)
So, he was originally starting to develop before Catalyst came out, and I got the whole "he was found in a rubbish bin off the street" thing from a Jacqueline Wilson book I never even read (sue me, okay 💀). But, no, recently I had a better idea: lil Cain was born DURING Catalyst. Essentially, Adam had no idea he was pregnant, his alt transformation triggered labour, he was already in so much pain from said transformation the labour also went completely missed, baby comes out, Adam has no idea what to think or feel. And, this all kinda depends on what Alex is gonna do next, but main idea for now is Adam gives bby to Thatcher and tells him to make sure he's (well, he'd say she because Cain was literally a newborn, but I'll say he because I feel that's right? Idk trans people can confirm or otherwise on that lol) cared for. Thatcher takes him to the hospital where he can be looked over and given to a new family (,:
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gameclam · 1 year
Barmey and Mind's relationship headcanons 👀👀 (same guy sorry)
thisll be a mix of their relationship + past relationships
Freemind's will mention Eddie, bc of this i will say my Eddie =/= Eddie's mind Eddie, idk shit abt that one, my Eddie is based entirely off of the stories Fm told in his canon story. (just so ppl dont get confused or something)
Barmey's relationships;
He tends to date people he met online in mmo's, most of the time he doesn't actually have a thing for them tho bc he didnt know he was gay for far too long
he's still friends with his old GF from high school, they broke up in college bc he felt like they were better friends, she was an exchange student and was the most popular girl in school. If he told you this you would probably not believe him.
Thought relationships were supposed to be awkward for the entire relationship
Never realizes anyone is flirting with him, if he does notice anything he thinks they're joking
had less relationships in elementary -> high school (until he met his gf) bc he was one of the only trans guys in the entire shitty Arizona town no one wanted to date him. and if they did he wouldn't have even noticed tbh
The only time he started REALLY questioning his sexuality was when he met Freemind in college but just assumed that he just thought he was really cool
Now that they're dating he finally realizes why people want to kiss and stuff. he thought ppl just over hyped relationship stuff
you might be surprised but he's the top in this relationship
Will literally jump to tell anyone everything abt his boyfriend even if it's what everyone sees as 100 red flag stories in a row
Very easy to make jealous but he tries to not be weird about it most of the time
literally trapped in the honey moon phase for the rest of their lives
once as a romantic gesture he made an entire rube goldberg machine throughout their entire apartment that ended with a box of banana laffy taffy dropping onto Freemind's bed. literally Freemind will bring this up to everyone
desperately tries to win prizes for his bf at fairs or amusement parks but always fails. he fucking sucks at them bc he gets nervous. If absolutely no one is looking at him he would get a perfect score
he is a little bit better at showing his affection than Freemind is
He's not had many bad relationships or anything, mostly bc he doesn't often go on dates with people. (dating regularly bothered him bc to cut time out of his schedule)
When he has tried dating Often people think he's kind of cringy or annoying bc of his very specific interests so they never clicked.
Freemind's Relationships;
Freemind has not so good luck with people, his past relationships never lasted that long for one reason or another.
He tends to be very bad at figuring out when people are into him or completely hate him. He often reads it completely wrong (Someone who doesn't like him = they want him, someone who obviously wants him = wants to kill him)
Similar to Barmey he didn't have much dating luck as a young guy bc he was trans + an actual lunatic. Plus he looked like a nerd for most of his years until he started his punk phase when he was 15. His town wasn't as small as Barmey's so they didnt know anyone (he lives in a town CLOSE but not IN Seattle in most of my headcanons. I have no reason why this is different. sometimes he does live there tho depends on the day for me)
Despite talking a big game he has a lot of trouble flirting with girls first bc they scare him, bc of this he tends to only get flirty when they flirt with him first bc he's too intimidated to actually do anything
he has gotten pepper sprayed before, not for anything serious he just has absolutely 0 luck. Once it was because his ex gf was mad that he made a pipe bomb in her garage and once it's bc some stranger mistook him for someone else when he went to talk to her. He was also tazed once but that was bc he lost a bet with his gf at the time
He dated ONE normal person exactly one time and it was the weirdest relationship he'd ever been in. He would literally rather date someone who slashes his tires bc he forgot their birthday over someone who's favorite hobby is going on hikes. Never again
Tends to prefer flings over actual relationships
made out with like 50 different dudes in college and still didn't realize he was bisexual until he was living in New Mexico (this depends on the au i'm thinking of bc sometimes he been knew and sometimes he doesn't) He thought this was just normal college shenanigans
He also gets jealous like Barmey does. They are mutually jealous ppl when it comes to eachother.
Eddie is his drug deal and best friend from high school, depending on universe he slept with him or fooled around w/ him at least once. But they have no romantic feelings for each other, just mutual attraction.
Freemind tends to date girls who want to burn down peoples houses and crash cars. Sometimes this is fine sometimes it isn't. He prefers punks + goth/emo + weird girls, he prefers fatter girls who are tall but any height and body type he can find attractive.
As for men, he prefers guys who are dumb as a bag of rocks and infuriating OR absolutely batshit crazy or both. He tends to prefer Fatter tall men. but any height and body type he can find attractive.
Was that guy who refused to say "I love you" in like every single relationship he was ever in, his relationships were often mutually unhealthy.
However there was the rare moment where he would become absolutely infatuated with someone bc they were perceived 'better' by his mental illness. If they broke up he would either immediately hate them or spiral into thinking he's the worst person alive. This happened once while he was dating a girl who cheated on him, after their breakup he spiraled.
Now that he's dating Barmey he has to learn how to love and be affectionate like a most people. The best way for him to do this is to randomly gift Barmey things that he knows he likes. (like a "Look i thought about and remember the thing you like.")
He does a lot of cooking specifically for Barmey bc although he doesn't like cooking that much he's good at it and it's better than the garbage Barmey eats nearly daily . This is another sign of affection bc usually he wouldn't care.
^ in the same vein, another form/proof of love is that Barmey can be in the kitchen while he cooks, which is crazy bc usually Freemind absolutely despises when people are in the kitchen with him when he cooks bc it overwhelms him. But not Barmey :)
Is not normal about asking for cuddle time he will enter the room and just stare at Barmey until he notices him or sit very very close to him until Barmey initiates like a damn cat. Luckily Barmey usually does.
He WILL however initiate holding his hands constantly. it's one of his favorite forms of affection when they're outside together. He also likes putting his arm around him while walking.
Freemind parades Barmey around like Barmey is his trophy husband. He would actually attack you if you said anything rude to Barmey right in front of him.
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thinkingnot · 1 year
I saw Moot rose's ask about Jesus' foot fetish, and here I give you some of my whackiest ai stories
So far, I have:
Hinted to a couple of my otp's family members that they might be banging for funsies,
Asked a handful of characters what their opinions on yaoi is,
Accidentally turned one into a fujoshi,
Pit one of those "woke libs" AIs and the Karen ai against each other,
Attempted to roleplay two persona AIs, one of this I'm still on the tutorial for after what felt like HOURS discussing my oc's relationship with his sister,
Tried to set up another otp on a date,
Realized then and there that topics in a chatroom are probably useful to not make it a generic Convo,
Am having a philosophical conversation to a butter passing robot about the meaning of life,
RPed as a tran guy in an all girls school who got into in argument with his bestie and it took -17 sanity damage, 2 emotional damages, fucking THROWING UP AND PASSING OUT IN FRONT OF HER, and my oc basically BEGGING her to come back, (iirc twice, although the first time he didn't get far, because, ya know, as soon as she said "you fucked up champ" he immediately vomited soooooo) for them to make them make up. Also I think I self loathed so hard I actually made her hate me but I might be wrong on that
And, courtesy of Rosie herself, asked jesus if he had a foot fetish and learned that he 1: didn't have one but he doesn't kink shame anyone who does and 2: just straight up doesn't have feet at all??? Like he apparently just has orbs???
Annnnddd.... Probably more I forgot.
Oh also I looked Jesse from mcsm in the eyes and said "we have to cook Jesse"
So that's my ai shenanigans lately
orb jesus confirmed i was wrong he was never on feetwiki i mean he was on it just not his feet-
orb jesus’s feet score: °o0 <- orbs
that first one snitches get stitches my friend your otp’s ai better not learn of this 👀👀👀
now i need to know what was the most interesting/ unexpected answer you got from your yaoi survey >:)! *gasps* did you ask jesus about yaoi? :O!!!
hmmmm, may i ask what is a butter passing robot….. is it the new gimmick the kids are up to these days 🧐🧐🧐
…. what topics that will guarantee a not generic convo?
giving your trans oc a blanket and some warm beverage giving him a pat on the back it will be okay dude 😭😭😭 you got thissss 😭😭😭 (hes so broken water pipe esque ough mr dude) *hands him a vomit bag and tissues*
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colorisbyshe · 2 years
what's the homophobic manga i'm dying to know bc i'm nosy and love being a hater and can i offer up hikaru ga shinda natsu (horror series about internalized homophobia and homophobia in rural communities) as a recommendation in its place 👀
Okay, I finished reading it just in case it pulled a fast one and decided to nOT be weird about a man being violently attacked for coming out and... it didn't. Not really.
Before my reveal and review, I will say thank you for rec. I'm not super into horror, which is odd because I want to watch Nope and I'm reading They Only Good Indians, but horror tends to leave me anxious for a loooooooong time (like nightmares for months) and so I'm really picky about my exceptions. This does look fairly promising but it looks like it's ongoing, so I might have to wait it out til it completes and see how it weighs on my "worth the potentil psychological damage" scale. Which is a very arbitrary scale, tbh. Like I went to It Part 2 on my birthday... deeply regretted it, do not know why that happened.
Anyways, it was Ao no Flag/Blue Flag.
And I am gonna preempt any "Well, obviously this coming" comments with... I remember people bitching about this manga as it was coming out but didn't ever read the complaints but then I remember everyone being like "Oh, but the last chapter tho" and so when I saw it at the library, I was got nosy and wanted to know what the deal was. I wanted lighter fare to read. Thought awkward teenagers being awkward would be that.
But it was just some of the most muddled fucking nonsense????
Genuinely just... incomprehensible at times. And like even after I finished with the volumes I took out from the library, I was reading scans of official translations so.....
A character whose entire arc was about trying to date boys because she couldn't get over her crush on her female friend just gets lectured for being "wrong" to think of herself as different from her straight peers and then magically is bisexual and married to a man in the epilogue?? Which like... is not a win for bisexuals... like... the vibes are rank (also, there's a vague implication her husband is trans, which... with how her plot was handled... has its own transphobic implications I could easily get into)
Gay kid confesses and gets punched out by his friend and the justfication is the friend was molested by a man?? And also the friend objectifies women so much he can't imagine a gay man not objectifying him the same way?? And then he apologies, says you're my exception for homophobia, and they move on?????????? As FRIENDS?
Which like... sure... maybe?? But when the homophobic friend is lectured for being VIOLENTLY HOMOPHOBIC by their other friends, another friend swoops in and is like "Actually, you're being just as hateful for not trying to understand why he hates gay people" and like... tht is treated like the final word on the topic
And then the rest of the manga focuses on the main character continuing to date his gf, not addressing his gay friends confession, anad then the second to last chapter is "It's okay, we can still be friends"
I understand part of the intentions--about how everyone has their own perspective and hang ups. And about the messiness of being a teenager and confronting expectations.
But like... there's this entire sideplot where this girl is harassed by a dude with a crush on her (the homophobe) and the resolution is just... ? Nowhere. What did it add?????????
It's very weird for like... half fthe manga it was doing pretty well?
But then entire chapters just turned into people ranting about... nothing? And everything...
And then just rushed the resolution and then timeskipped to "Everyone is married and happy now. Also, main lead is into his gay friend... the last interaction they had before this hcapter was the friend being rejected."
I can't figure out who this manga was for...................... and what it was really trying to say.
What a fucking disaster but at least I read the entire thing in one day. Like... in 15 minutes it will be a new day and I will not have to read more of this. It's just done.
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reel-fear · 1 year
🦴 Nightalon 👀?
OH GOSH,,, welp here we go down the rabbit hole bc Nightalon is actually one of the oldest ocs I have!
How old? Well here was their original design when they were a tfp/YB character who was a Megatron Soundwave baby, purely bc I liked their designs. This design? Is over 3+ years old.
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They were actually Just based off their name at first, I liked the name and thought it'd make a cool oc, in this first iteration their character was basically big goof who had an incident where their nodes were fried so hard they never felt pain, but were NOT indestructable. So they would walk into the con base bleeding from the arc and with no idea what was going on.
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After that they became a StarSound baby I believe? Though I still barely touched their character. However when it came to figuring giving Radio a girlfriend in TFA I realized that I hadn't touched Nightalon in forever and found an interesting alt mode for them to take and hey I liked Lugwing so why not make them a lugwing baby... thing is this nightalon changed designs but not much in terms of personality.
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OOF, yea but hopefully now you can start to see the basis of the modern Nightalon I settled on. I loved the idea of the triangle pattern suggesting stars without being too direct about it. I liked the general concept too but it needed working. So another design came along
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So a while after designing that, I had watched a ton of video essays going over crappy romance media, from fifty shades of grey to the kissing booth to other ones, I started really wanting to explore more of the idea of how those kind of stories can warp the minds of young teenagers and lead to more unhealthy ideas of romance and dedication for them.... Then? I grabbed Nightalon and realized I could do something with this... I also really wanted to explore some more themes surrounding being trans n such and that all combined made for a much more interesting version of Night... One that was also HEAVILY based off Rebecca from Crazy Ex Girlfriend.
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That leads us to modern Nightalon! With a backstory that faces struggles with her peers and a resentment towards her family. She threw herself into the very media and fiction I just mentioned.
If you've read Just A Girl In Love [If you look up the song lyrics, you'll see why I chose that song to be the title of her debut fic, its just too fitting-] you'll knew where this headed, she sees Radio, falls in love and while I really want to elaborate more on this in the form of another fanfic from her perspective I might as well spell out more of the subtle parts of that fic.
Nightalon is entranced in the idea of finding someone who she percieves as "Broken" and "Fixing" them, but the fiction she consumes has not given her any healthy ideas on how to do that. As her and Radio grow closer, Nightalon feeds into Radio's worst traits, she wants Radio to embrace her emotional instability, because it plays into her fantasies. It's not malicious but it is unhealthy, Nightalon thinks that Radio is perfect, that she doesn't need to change but instead just needs to run away with her forever and embrace who she is. Night does not trust the adults around her to help Radio due to her own truama too, and therefore tells Radio not to as well. She's not intending to, but she's treating Radio, her relationship with her and the world generally as a big novel where she is the main character and has all the answers. Where her delicate female touch will cure Radio of her depression and her issues and the adults around them just need to catch up with that fact. She's stuck up, views most of her family as somewhat beneath her due to their brutish and dumb nature, and sees herself as the protagonist with all the right ideas.
But reality will hit her hard and what will she do when it does? She didn't mean to hurt anyone, so does she double down on her innocence, or come to terms with having hurt the delicate rose no, the Person she loved more than anything in the world?
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