#she needs to take up some hobby that keeps her physically out of the public eye for long periods of time like deep-sea diving or ice fishin
projectcatzo · 11 months
we need to euthanize t*yl*r sw*ft. for the greater good.
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chadhunkler · 4 months
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(did this once for Holly, time to do it again! Tagged by @mist-touched !)
Name - Kasha Reol Nickname(s) - Rabbit (from a certain Tengu), (Miss) Onmyoji Age - 60-70s Nameday - 17th Sun of 4th Umbral Moon Race - Rava Viera Gender - Female Orientation - Pansexual, Poly Profession - Onmyoji, Yokai Hunter/Researcher
Hair - Silky smooth, well-maintained, dark brown. Usually is kept in a messy bun, but can be changed on a whim, depending on how she feels. Eyes - Usually a bluish-green, with a faint glow. Also may change whenever she wishes, usually to add some flair to her exorcisms, to persuade customers. Skin - Similar to her hair, skin is brown, smooth, free of any dirt, provided she's not out hunting. She maintains a good regimen to keep herself clean. Tattoos/Scars - Only visible when wearing more casual robes. Intricate tattoos spiral all over her body, even around her eyes. Mostly black with the occasional splash of red. Inscribed with purpose. One could swear they'd move in the dark…
Parents - Father only mentioned/seen a few times, primarily stayed in her village with her mother, who taught her the ways of trapping. Siblings - A few direct siblings, some picked to become Wood Warders, some staying back home. Grandparents - A few elders in her village. In-laws/Other - Some in the village, but she's forgotten most. She's not been back in a while... Pets - A few, hopefully more. She feels a need to take care of forgotten yokai - currently houses a Kudagitsune and a Yukinko.
Abilities: Archery - Growing up, Kasha was always intrigued by the hunters of her village. She would often try to join hunting parties, practicing with a bow whenever she could. Those days are long ago now, but she's still got it when the opportunity calls. Trapping - Her skills with a bow were good, but her aptitude for laying traps was incredible. Within just a bell or two, every one of her traps would have captured a creature. Now, her mind for them plays perfectly with her Onmyodo techniques. Keen Senses - As with many Viera, Kasha has sensitive hearing, sharp eyesight, and a powerful nose. Very few things get past her. Onmyodo - Taught by her mentor, Kasha is incredibly skilled in the way of the Onmyoji. Most of her time at home is spent in preparation, infusing paper and ink into mystical ofuda. Hobbies - Calligraphy, Painting, Music. Learning of the world around her. Strolling through Kugane. Exploring.
Positive - Caring, wants to make sure her guests are comfortable, and her friends even more so. Negative - Takes a while to get to her caring, fun side, usually stone-faced and stoic in public, as her mentor taught her.
Colors - The pure whites of her dress, the mystical purple-blue-greens of her magic, the bright reds of her accents, the greens of the forest. Many colors are important to her. Smells - Cherry blossom incense, lavender, citrus, fresh forest, all sorts of tea. Textures - Expensive silks, smooth paper, the feeling of stray ink on her fingertips. Drinks - Teas, sake, fruit juices - freshest or most expensive, depending on how she feels.
Smokes - Rarely, mostly magical smoke to look imposing. Drinks - Yes, a drink or two every so often. More in good company, but always seems to hold herself together, no matter how much she drinks. Drugs - Besides herbal remedies, none. Mount - No real mount is issued to her, she either walks, summons Ne Zha Wheels if she needs to get somewhere fast, or opens a portal if she needs to get there REAL fast. Arrested - She's been hounded by the Koshu Onmyoji (never agreed with their morals), but never caught.
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your-phantomfield · 6 months
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i .. ii .. iii circa 2198 for @nkn0va
Dating Tsubaki Yayoi...
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Tsubaki grew up sheltered and incredibly lonely; an only child in a house that should have been full with her siblings, a cloistered princess in the garden of a radically conservative family. Even as she grew, her status and conviction pushed many away, leaving her with precious few friends.
All of this is to say, Tsubaki has so, so much love to give, and desperately wants to connect with someone. As a lover, her heart is tremendous.
From the moment you start dating, Tsubaki approaches your relationship as a lifelong partnership. Even if you two were to ever break up, you’d have to do something truly terrible to ever lose her as a friend. Once she loves you, she’ll love you all her life.
She’s actually very shy.  She might initiate a little teasing, and she’s constantly admiring you, so compliments are given freely and often- but touch is complicated for her.  Hand holding, hugging, kissing, cuddling, that’s just not the way she was raised.  The Yayois don’t really hug.
This isn’t to say that she doesn’t enjoy physical affection- honestly, it’s one of the fastest ways to break her composure. She gets flustered quickly.
It’s just that unless you’re into a real slowburn, you’ll have to be the one to initiate most of what we’d consider ‘normal’ relationship activities.  Do go for it, though.  She is so touch starved.  Pet her head and watch her stutter.  Hug her, especially from behind, and catch the exact moment her heart stops completely.
Maybe go a little easy on her, though.  Everything she knows about romance comes from the historical dramas she loves to watch, or poets like Natsume Soseki, infamous for arguing that saying “I love you” directly was much too forward for Japanese sensibilities.  Her media consumption (and the daydreaming it’s inspired) has left her with a kind of 'storybook' idea of how these things work.
Tsubaki does instigate affection- just, in her own way. She approaches those she loves gently. Where another lover might go for a hug or kiss, Tsubaki expresses the same sentiments by brushing dust off your shoulder, adjusting your clothes- or your hair, if she’s feeling incredibly intimate.
Her desire to be near you is expressed by taking care of you. She loves how you look, and she wants everyone to see you as she does, so she encourages you to look your best. If she could wash your hair or your back, that would be the most romantic thing in the world to her.
Her default as a caretaker can lean a little into her starting to nag you, though. Even if you’re in public, if you end up with some food on your face, she’s going to try to wipe it off. She’ll be horribly embarrassed once she realizes what she’s done, and she will apologize- but is she really that sorry? She can't help herself. She thinks you’re cute and she loves to be needed.
Tsubaki sees a relationship as a partnership. She sees so much good in you, and so much potential for even more amazing things. As far as she’s concerned, you could move mountains if you wanted to. So she wants to do everything in her power to make sure you’re living as your best self- and she really appreciates it if you can offer her the same push.
As mentioned above, this can manifest in some arguably annoying ways; she’s always reminding you to sit up straight, to speak clearly, to apologize less, not to procrastinate, etc.
On the more positive side of things, you will never meet someone more genuinely invested in your life. Tsubaki remembers every interest you share with her, and asks about them often. She wants to know what you did during the day, what you plan to do during the week. Even for hobbies she doesn’t understand, she’ll do her best to learn the lingo and keep an eye out for any events you might be interested in. Any project you’re working on, no matter how trivial you may consider it, she’ll be genuinely excited to see how it goes.
There's a bit of a cute double standard here, actually. Even though she thinks its obvious that she'd be interested in your hobbies, she finds it hard to believe that you would be interested in hers. Even the confident Tsubaki can get a little anxious sometimes. If you offer her some of that same investment and encouragement, she thinks you're some kind of saint.
Speaking of her hobbies. Did you know she loves to paint? She may want to keep this to herself for some time, assuming you wouldn’t be interested in her silly little hobby, but she will eventually set out to paint something specifically for you. Something heartfelt, something connected to good memories. Maybe a landscape of a place you’ve gone on a date, or just somewhere special to you.
More than anything else, she’d love to paint you. She spends a lot of time admiring you and thinking about how she’d do it; where she’d start, what colors to use or mix, what background would suit you the best.
Of course, this can be a difficult ask. I don’t know if you’ve ever been on display like that, but the mutual awareness of the fact that she’s staring at you, taking in every detail, for so long, can be a vulnerable thing for both parties involved. And even then, she’d feel so bad for asking you to stay still, probably bored out of your mind, for the hours it would take to give your portrait the consideration it deserves.
When she does finally paint you, it’s the most romantic date she could ever dream of- and though she probably won't ever tell you, she has been dreaming of it.
She’ll chat with you quietly, teasing a bit if you seem embarrassed. Despite all her worrying before the event, she’s in her element here. You look amazing, and she knows that, so it’s adorable (and quite funny) to see you unsure of such an obvious truth.
Tsubaki has always imagined a certain path for her future. She would fall in love. Get married. Have children. Raise another generation to do good in the world, and never be lonely again.
Meeting you only strengthened that image. Now there was a face to imagine at the altar. Someone's taste to consider as she fine tuned the wedding in her head. Whether or not you and Tsubaki could have children together in our time, by the BlazBlue era there are numerous magical aids for family planning, and she often wonders about what kind of parent you'll be.
This is something she's always wanted.  This is something she's looked forward to.  Something she's proud she can promise you.  A bright future.
Of course, her status as a member of the Yayoi family presents some difficulties.  Dating any member of the Duodecim means entering into a life of court politics and all the manipulation and animosity that entails, even if you’re already coming from a high status family.  This is the top of the top.  And if you aren’t coming from a high status family, there are questions about your suitability at every turn.
And then there’s the main issue for a Yayoi. Tsubaki’s father still firmly believes in their family’s tradition, the Yayoi family’s pride; the Yayoi family are excellent with Ars Magus. They marry specifically to ensure that the next generation is just as exceptional as the last.
Raised in this mentality from her birth, Tsubaki does believe in her family traditions wholeheartedly. Her interpretation of things are shockingly innocent, though. She sees you in the best possible light all the time. Anything you enjoy, anything you’re skilled in, she sees as an exceptional talent. Who could be more worthy of the family name than you? Any hobbies you have related to physical activity prove your health and strength, any mental or artistic hobbies prove your genius.
Regardless of your skill in Ars Magus, in the absolute worst case scenario where her father is… hesitant, to accept you, she is willing to argue him on this one thing. The NOL themselves have asked that the Yayois loosen up on their marriage criteria over the past few generations, and it’s obvious to her that you are an incredible match who would honor the Yayoi legacy. She just needs to explain it to her father. She’s positive he will understand.
Most of these are set in the year 2198, before Calamity Trigger.  But let's take a moment to jump ahead one year.  To 2199.  The year she received the hardest mission of her life.  The year she picked up the Izayoi.
The moment the weight of the Izayoi settles into her hands for the first time, that bright future she longs to share with you becomes clouded.
She goes to see you before she heads for home to retrieve the Izayoi. Before she starts her mission.
One last careless, happy day together before she'll have blood on her hands. Before the nightmares of a confidential mission she'll never be allowed to tell you about. One last look at your perfect, smiling face before she may never be able to see it again.
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gorbalsvampire · 5 months
Character Build: Thin-Blood Party Planner
I've made no secret of having redesigned Sorcha a couple of times.
This is the character who leapt out at me when I first read the V5 corebook, before there were rules for Hecata or Oblivion, before Blood Sigils, before I really understood Alchemy and, crucially, before the Method. It is, thus, time to go back to square one, to look at those rules again and build the underground party planner, the Instagram vampire, the thinblood extraordinaire.
Step zero: are you taking Alchemy at the start? It's not an immediate "hell yeah" although it is the kewl power selling point for Thinbloods. I get the impression that alchemy can take over the thinblood experience to an extent, and maybe you want to focus more on the combinations of strengths and weaknesses the Merits and Flaws create, or the political position of the Thinblood who doesn't have the scary new power to offer but has some other kind of leverage. Actually, that's a good one... I'm gonna remember that...
For this concept, we're rolling with Alchemy.
First up, Attributes. Statistical priorities for thinbloods are tricky because the different Alchemical approaches key off different stats depending on the athanor, the crucible the Thinblood uses. It could be Stamina (for the tum-tum), Manipulation (for other people's tum-tums) or Intelligence (for lab equipment). They also, rules as written, don't have a Predator Type, because V5 is intently selling them as something post-millennial, too recent to have learned the ropes to that extent.
So. Concept has to do a lot more heavy lifting here, and for my money any of these could work. Downing your components and dancing the night away to shake 'em up? Taking pretty people home and keeping them there until the brew's done? Making your own batches at home in the same lab you use for your own molly and acid? Tell you what, let's whap 3 dots in each of the core abilities for Alchemists and you, the player, can pick the method that suits your principles and play the best. I'll put the 4 in Dexterity as a good all-rounder physical stat, and write off Resolve as this is quite a flighty character, not committed to much of anything besides having a good time and not dying.
I see this character as a Socialite, an it-girl slumming it, an influencer. Technology and Finance at 3, both niche picks but with their corner case uses to a coterie, and very modern. Etiquette and Insight at 2, a character who knows the right things to say to everyone. Life events wise, I want Streetwise and Science for the small-time drug-dealer concept, and that gives me "bad breakup" and "college education" in the backstory. For hobbies, I'm going for Medicine (she knows first aid), Performance (dance) and Larceny (she likes to live dangerously sometimes).
For my free picks? Persuasion and Subterfuge, leaning into what's quite a social focus, at 2 dots each. The 1 dots into Academics, Athletics, Awareness, and Stealth, mainly commonplace pools where I don't want to be completely flopping.
Now we need Thin-Blood Merits and Flaws. Alchemy is our first Merit, and we need something to counterbalance it: I'm going for Sloppy Drinker from the Player's Guide, since we have a decent Dexterity + Medicine pool. This character's going to live in the public eye, so Day Drinker and Lifelike are going to be handy. To balance them out I'm taking Sun-Faded (so she can be active in daylight, but can't use Disciplines, giving her a reason to be active at night at all) and Unending Hunger (when she does let herself be a vampire, it's a Problem, especially given her low Willpower).
She starts with one Alchemy formula, and there are so many to choose from, but I'm going to stick with the drug dealer concept and pick Elevate (Blood Sigils) as the bedrock.
Finally, let's get into Merits and Flaws.
Some of these pick themselves. I've gone for Haven 3, in this case indicating a small house that's big enough for a home laboratory where the drugs get made; instead of single dots in a range of Backgrounds I've gone for Side Hustle from the Player's Guide for a "ghost Merit" with broad applications; and the last two points have gone into Fame and Herd, one dot each, representing devotion from the 18-25 scene.
For Flaws, I've picked Stalkers - a cycle of exes or, perhaps, former athanoi who remember all the ill shit she made them swallow - and Knowledge Hungry, representing a drive to learn more about alchemy and sell her own grandma to get there.
And there we have it. We've built a baby Alchemist!
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3kiripima3 · 6 months
Hello!! I saw ur requests were open for a matchup and I’d love to do one! I will ask for no Valentino because he makes me very uncomfortable.
I’m an AFAB genderfluid aspec bisexual (he/she/they) and an ESFJ 2W1 Leo. I’d consider myself very loud and obnoxious at times but that’s just how I am tbh. Despite me being overwhelming at times I dedicate most of my time to my friends by buying them things and giving all the emotional support I can even if it isn’t reciprocated because some people just need an extra bit of support. I’m a bit of a pushover at times and need a lot of reassurance in my actions because I’m typically pretty overdramatic and sensitive at time.
I have a ton of hobbies, most are art related! I spend most of my time binge watching the same horror movies and analyzing the characters in them and their motives. I often like to make props and do sfx makeup but I paint, draw, do digital art, knit and make jewelry in my free time as well! As long as it keeps my hands and mind busy I’m occupied for hours. I’m a big fan of horror and creepy things like vulture culture (collecting bones) and more specifically my fav movies are Texas chainsaw masacre part 2 and house of 1000 corpses.
I typically wear pretty relaxed clothing like flannels and t shirts and shorts, I don’t really ever get dressed up but when I do it leans more on the gothic side outfit wise, but I’m a sucker for sparkly blue eyeshadow and a light pink lip! I love fashion and makeup and designing outfits and makeup looks despite never really wearing anything of the sort out. I love experimenting with fun colors and seeing what works best.
My main love languages is physical touch and acts of service, no matter how close I am with someone I will get them gifts but it takes me a while to be physically affectionate with someone but once I am comfortable enough I will never want to let go and will want to hold the person at all times!
Hiya! Thanks for the request! After some consideration, I think I'd pair you with…
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I think you and Velvette would work very well together!
As Velvette can be very loud and obnoxious herself, she'd be fine with you being similar. However, if she's really not in the mood she'd likely tell you to be quieter.
I feel like Velvette would really appreciate you giving her emotional support. She's always stressed out by the other Vees, so she'd genuinely thank you for that.
Velvette is typically overdramatic herself, so I doubt she'd notice if you were as well. Yet, if you needed reassurance, she'd give you some. Maybe it's not the typical type of reassurance, but in a way, Velvette's feels more genuine.
Due to Velvette being in the fashion industry, she'd really appreciate any form of art related skills. You'd often have her call you to do sfx makeup for her models for different photoshoots as well. She'd likely try and convince you to draw out her ideas to help her visualise outfits for her career, but she'd occasionally draw things for you!
I see Velvette as someone very intrigued by horror and the like, albeit having a tendency to over-critique movies. So, if you were to ever watch a horror movie with her, she'd 100% be judging the special effects.
If you were going out in public with Velvette, she'd make you get dressed up. Otherwise, I don't think she'd mind you wearing relaxed clothing, as long as the colours don't clash. She definitely appreciates that you enjoy fashion and makeup. Velvette would like having another perspective on her designs.
Thanks for requesting! I hope this is good enough for you :)
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fishedeyelenz · 1 year
Agnes ! 🎁, 🗣️, 👪, 🖌️, 🧑‍🍼, and 🎲
🎁-birthday: she doesn't really like to celebrate her birthday, or really tell anyone when her birthday is. It reminds her too much of her old life with her parents and Billy, and birthdays were times they were forced to be together to maintain the image that everything is all good in the Lenz household. Otherwise she doesn't care about ageing or celebrating it, and is also a pretty bad gift giver and is awkward when receiveing gifts. Doesn't like parties either.
🗣️-how do they feel about public speaking: depends on what constitutes as public speaking. She finished college to be a therapist and was alright when she had to speak to one person, or a small group of people in group therapy. Though at the same time she didn't stay as a therapist for too long aksbzbsbjsbs Though in college she always floundered and even stuttered a bit when she had to give a presentation in front of the class (were presentations even a thing in the seventies tho idk). Anyway, she can get through them but she is not the best and she rather wouldn't
👪-relatsionship with parents: oh boy. Oh boy what a can of worms. While they were alive she wasn't abused to the extent Billy, was at least physically (though it did happen that she would get a slap here and there if she stepped out of line she was too loud when one of her parents was hungover or some shit) she was majorly neglected emotionally and needed to learn how to take care of herself at a young age. She didn't like them but she knew it could be worse. Though she was afraid of Billy growing up, she never told on him, partly for fear of reprecussion from him, partly because she thought the punishments her parents gave him were frequently far too cruel and unfair. Though, things changed when Billy snapped and killed their parents and locked her in the basement, her view on them kind of distorted. She saw them in a better light then before and thought for a long while after that they were right for mistreating Billy. She was also majorly a mommas girl growing up as her mother favoured her over Billy, and while Billy was a victim when she was drunk, Constance treated Aggie the best then. There was a period of time when Agnes idolized her mother, though starting college she slowly unlearned that behavior. Though it would take a long time for her to fully unpack everything they did to her.
🖌️-hobbies: Agnes is a hunter, first by hobby, later on by proffesion. Aside from that she also likes reading and poetry. She has wrote poems, though only for herself and a lot of the times she burns them. Also keeps journals. Likes fishing.
🧑‍🍼-opinion on kids: has no strong opinions on children. She doesn't want to have children and she thinks she's relatively ok when dealing with kids. All in all neutral about them
🎲-random->🐾-fav animal: bears, any kind but grizzly bears in particular <3
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tacitusauxilium · 1 year
Please repost do not reblog
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FULL NAME.: Fuuka Yamagishi
NICKNAME: The Ghost Girl, Fuu-Fuu.
ALIASES: Oracle (Phantom Thieves Codename), Lucia (her username to communicate with Futaba in P3D).
HEIGHT:  5′0″ (up to Arena / Ultimax), 5′1″ (Ultimax and onward)
ZODIAC: Capricorn
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Japanese and English (speaks very well in both), Spanish (on the side since she sees it’s very easy)
HAIR: Short, bob like in middle to high school--grows out to shoulder length, or longer, and keeps up in a braid.
EYES: Warm and gentle teal eyes 
SKIN TONE: Pale with a hint of muscle tone in her arms and legs 
BODY TYPE: Short and lean -- her chest is around a B cup but gets a cup size bigger when she is a mother. Still a little uncomfortable in her own skin so wears clothes a little bigger than normal (larges instead of her normal medium).
VOICE: Welcoming and soft at first -- becomes a hint louder and full and determined when it comes down to business with shadows or helping someone out of a tight spot.
POSTURE: She sits upright, as if she is being constantly looked at it and her posture needs to be perfect. Hands on her lap and her head slightly tilted. If she can, she’ll put a leg behind the other or sit on it for comfort.
SCARS: Mental scars thanks to her lovely parents. A couple scars physically -- one of the side of her right hand when she was cooking for the first time (a small burn that didn’t heal properly), and one on her back (about half a foot long from her right shoulder blade to the center of her back) when she was being rescued by Minato from his shadow. 
MOST NOTABLE FEATURES: Teal, aquamarine hair (depending on how the sun shines on it) that pops out of a crowd. Her face is blemish free, her clothes are simple and flowy, as well as her hair almost always being down in a braid. She does garnish some attention because of her hair and attracts some eyes once or twice.
PLACE OF BIRTH: Kyoto, Japan
HOMETOWN: Near Kyoto, Japan, in a small town somewhere near Otsu.
SIBLINGS: Verse dependent ( By default, none. The AU where Minako is the leader, her brother is alive and mentioned @doctor-yamagishi​ )
PARENTS:  Hikaru Yamagishi (Father) || Yui Yamagishi (Mother)
OCCUPATION: College student, Auxiliary member of Shadow Operatives, side hustle of fixing up electronics for friends and family and strangers cause she doesn’t want to be rusty
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Lives near Shibuya
CLOSE FRIENDS: Minato Arisato, Minako Arisato, Shinjiro Aragaki, Mitsuru Kirijo 
FINANCIAL STATUS: She’s living paycheck to paycheck (a la fixing stuff up and what not), but Mitsuru Kirijo pays her handsomely for helping her out with many things with the Kirijo group
DRIVER'S LICENSE: Yes, but rather take public transport
VICES: Jumps to conclusions a bit too fast as well as maybe being a bit needy--never wanting to be alone for too long (weeks, tbh). Very helpful to anyone--good or bad, even if she does realize it. Gets hyperfocused sometimes and is almost unable to get into contact with if that does happen.
LOVE LANGUAGE: Words Of Affirmation, Gift Giving and Acts of Service.
RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES:  Let’s see: when she was younger, she had a hard time of anyone liking her, much less loving her. Though, when she loves someone and they love her back, Fuuka is protective, clingy, and falls hard for them--she will never stop loving them. She is more of a private person when she wants to show off her love/lover, but Fuuka will never stop talking about them to anyone if given the chance. Though, it takes a lot to build up a romantic relationship with her, but she’s a keeper.
CHARACTER'S THEME TUNE: Recovering People Pleaser (by CARYS), Off-Seer (Xenoblade Chronicles 3)
HOBBIES TO PASS THE TIME: Watering and taking care of her flowers, reading a romantic novel, fixing up her own laptop, napping, and baking.
LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED: I see her being more of a left brain type of person, maybe a little bit on the right brain, but 90 percent left brain.
SELF-CONFIDENCE LEVEL: When she was a high school, it was very low--it took members of SEES to really boost that confidence for her. When it comes to her as an adult, she is full of it and makes sure her friends know it--but, she still is bashful around other people she’s unfamiliar with. She does doubt herself sometimes, but Fuuka will try to see more stuff in a positive light. 
Tagged by: @dxfiedfxte (GODDAMMIT CHASE THANK YOU FOR THIS!)
Tagging: @catsdisco (for any P3 muse you have~), @foolisharcanum, @tvstarkuma, @oraclememehacker, @path-of-blue-eyes, @kinjiros-quiet-corner​ / @doctor-yamagishi​, and whomever would like to do this~ :D
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mikasa-imadebiscults · 11 months
i accidentally submitted the first one in the middle of writing it😟😟but can i please get a jjk and demon slayer matchup if thats too much just jjk, btw i go by she/her<333333
I have reddish brown wavy thick hair and brown eyes i usually leave my hair down but i sometimes put it in braids or pigtails , im 5'1, and have a pear body type im a female and bisexual (male preference)
My hobbies are likeee, working out, playing electric guitar, kickboxing, buying dumb shit that i dont need, baking(especially for loved ones)and i have a few other hobbies
For my personality im an istp and an aquarius if those count for anything, its hard for me to describe my own personality but some people dont get my sense of humor often and i come off as mean. Another thing that makes me come off as rude or mean is my social anxiety in public so i dont say much and i have a resting bitch face not even on purpose. I dont consider myself mean, like i genuinely love making people happy and helping them with things but my social anxiety holds me back on trying to help people and complimenting them .I only have a small group of friends that i talk to but i love them so much. I can be antisocial sometimes because being social all the time drains me, . Though when im with my friends and im really energetic, impulsive, dramatic, opinionated, sarcastic and a little annoying and talk a lot n i always wanna do things+a risk taker i get myself in trouble a lot. I hate it when i go over to peoples houses and they js sit on their phone like wtf did i even come here for ??
Some things i love are animals,doing new things, flowers, nature, horror, the color pink, anything pretty really, motorcycles, pinterest, music(especially metal or rock), incense, smoothie bowls, my friends, plushies, dressing up, halloween,long walks and a lot of other thingsssssss
Some stuff i hate are cheaters, home wreckers, talking to new people, feeling nauseous from panic attacks, fatigue, and wasps.
People tend to see me as less emotional which is true sometimes but when i love i really love hard and i dont get with just anyone and it takes me a while to fall for someone and people don't expect it from me, im so different and emotional when i love somebody and i usually just end up being manipulated, and i dont give up on people easily i try my hardest to empathize with them and work it out.
Another toxic thing is i can be overprotective and possessive in relationships a bit😭
i love love gift giving and physical touch both giving and receiving and i like making my partner handmade gifts that take a lot of effort to show i care though i also like spending money on them
I find it cute when the person im with gets overly jealous but i would never purposely wanna make them feel that way, i know how it feels and they don't deserve that. I hate it when people make me jealous on purpose because they "like it". i love being pampered but ill never ask for it
the littlest thing a person i love would do for me makes me so happyyyyyyyy
(im sorry how fucking long this is whenever i start typing things i cant stop)
I match you with..
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Gojo Satoru
- When he first meets you he’s the one that made the first move.
- Because Gojo is Gojo, he’ll tease you about your fear of wasps. You’ll be walking with him outside and he’ll suddenly be like “OH THERE’S A WASP-”
- He likes your homemade gifts and keeps every last one of them. He always has the biggest smile on his face whenever you give him anything.
- Speaking of gifts, he loves to gift you small things like flowers, your favorite snacks, etc.
- He pampered you before, but when he found out that you love being pampered he’ll spoil you more often.
- If you get sarcastic with him he’ll do the same, sticking his tongue out whenever you give him a jokingly mad glare.
- When he walks by you he likes to flick you on the forehead then smile at you.
- When the two of you are walking he almost always has an arm around you.
- On Halloween (or more like the month of October) he loves to try and scare you out of nowhere.
- He likes to listen to you play the instruments you love, always cheers you on.
- Believes that your protective side is adorable and will most definitely tease you.
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Kyojuro Rengoku
- When you’re first talking to him, he figures out quickly that you don’t really like talking to new people so he always makes sure you’re comfortable.
- He admires that you don’t give up on others easily and that you love to make others happy. He tries to help you with your social anxiety the best he can. If you’re feeling anxious he’ll grab your hand and will squeeze it firmly.
- Whenever you’re feeling nauseous from panic attacks he’ll be there to comfort you. He would get you a cold drink and do whatever you want him to do.
- He thinks that your sense of humor is unique and encourages you to continue making people laugh.
- He absolutely loves your homemade gifts, he thinks it’s very very thoughtful of you to take the time to make something handmade.
- Whenever you two are out in a restaurant he always pulls out your chair for you with a smile on his face.
- He helps you stay motivated to work out and gives you some tips to help some of the soreness.
- He loves to pull you into his chest while you’re cuddling with him.
- When it’s a day off for the both of you, you two will bake together. He always insists on helping you clean afterwards.
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onmyownside1 · 1 year
How Angel’s World has Affected Her Life
So I told you about Angels world. Very strict, very bland, very uniform. Now, (enter Angel)
Angel was diagnosed with ADHD when she was 11, and has been on medication for it since. Since her world is so strict on neurodivergent people, she rarely had med breaks, and if she does take them it’s usually over long weekends (ie winter break, summer, etc) so that no one notices she’s taking them. Her parents are pretty strict about this, but it’s mainly out of love. If they see she’s having trouble paying attention or she starts fidgeting they urge her to stop because someone might suspect that she’s not taking her meds as regularly as she should, which could land her in quite a bit of trouble. She was mainly fine with it until she took her first break at 12 out of curiosity. The freedom to just be was just so short lived, and she began to wonder how many other people went through the same thing - forever suppressing the way they are to fit the mold of her world. After that she hated taking them. This experience led to many other shenanigans later on.
Growing Up/Home Life
Angel had always been a bit of an handful. She couldn’t pay attention and would forget everything and bounced off the walls (ADHD poster child y’know?). Her parents didn’t even take her out very often because they were scared people would look at her strange. The last thing they needed was trouble from the government about getting their kid in check. Because of this she didn’t have many friends growing up. Every time a complaint was sent home about her behavior her parents would chalk it up to her just being a kid. But after a while that excuse just didn’t work. In time, they took her to the doctor, and the rest is history. Her parents are relatively laid back, but she always manages to break the few rules that are put in place somehow. She’ll stay out late all the time, and she always pays the price (but she always does it anyway).
School Life
Angel hates school with a burning passion. The only reason she gets decent grades is because she know she’ll get in trouble otherwise. She has to put everything into listening to her teachers and not listening to her noisy classmates, or the guy mowing the grass outside, or the girls whispering behind her about her outfit for the nth time this week. In true Peter Parker fashion, she has bullies. (This is where the colors come in, pay attention). Angel dresses very kidcore. You’ll see her walking around school with 500 rubber band bracelets and her hair in pigtails, sporting those light up sketchers or some wheelies (which are technically banned, but who has to know?). Why? Because it’s fun! Angel is all about the bright colors and clicky beads. This is the main reason for her getting bullied though. A group of girls have made a page based on making fun of what she’s wearing that day, and pick on any mannerism that they can. They always make sure to do it in public too (ie the cafeteria, in the hallway, at dismissal). Eventually, she learned to make a game out of the outfit page by posing for the photos, so they stopped doing that after a while. Of course sometimes it gets to be too much, and she takes refuge at home or with Jordan. (After she joined the society she would come to Hobie and Diane -the two most brightly colored people she knew. More on that later). ). Her Uncle was actually the one who taught her how to fight, and it ended up coming in handy at school. If any of the bullies ever got physical (usually the boys) she could retaliate. Of course, she has to keep these things under the radar, and the bullies usually try to (because they always end up getting their asses beat)
Angel had always been a tinkerer. Anything from taking apart pens to see how they work to dismantling calculators and putting them back correctly will do. Because of this she’s in an advanced technology class (remember tech is a core class in her world) and she’s constantly making new gizmos. Her parents and Jordan like to give her things to work with. If she mentions that she’s making something Jordan will probably end up being the supplier. She also does gymnastics. Her parents put her on a team when she was 12 after noticing that she seemed really fond of flipping and cartwheeling and the likes. So what used to give them a heart attack became a form of energy expenditure in a controlled environment and all was well. (Her skills came in handy when she became Arachne too, so it’s a win-win really.)
Ummmmmm that’s all I have right now so yeah
I haven’t done my research yet, so the ADHD bits are based on my limited knowledge. If any corrections need to be made (or if I said something wrong) please let me know!!!!!
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pentacass · 2 years
For the ask oc thing; lana and vestra? Whichever you feel more comfortable doing : )
well hey there nonny. did u see my warning >:3c thanks for this ask!!!
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❣️ - What are their love languages?
Lana: acts of service, words of affirmation, quality time Ves: acts of service, gift giving, physical touch
They have ‘acts of service’ in common and it causes a lot of friction between them. They have their own ideas of what’s the best thing to do for the other, and are adamant about it despite protests from their partner.
🎁 - How do they feel about their birthday/birthdays in general?
Lana: “It’s my birthday. Let’s have a meal together? :)”
Lana tends to forget her birthday sometimes, but treats it as an opportunity to spend time with those close to her.
Ves: “What the fuck are you talking about I was never born shut up”
Ves tried to avoid her birthday. Tried. Her crew figured out the date Ves gave them was a phony (it’s the day she was thrown into the Sith academy). Lana revealed her actual birthday and the crew finally celebrated it on the correct damn day.
Andronikos nearly got his face smacked when he mentioned Ves had tears in her eyes.
🧑‍🦰 - Have they ever dyed their hair? Ever cut it themself?
Neither have! But I like to think Ves gets either red or purple streaks in her hair after leaving the Empire for good.
🗣️ - How do they handle public speaking?
They’re both eloquent, but Ves is better suited to giving inspiring speeches.
💓 - What are some signs they’ve fallen for someone? How do they show their affection?
Lana: Lana feels like a very straightforward person - if she likes someone, she’ll say it. She’ll flirt, pay more attention, sneak in touches (if appropriate), typical stuff. She makes them a priority, watches out for them. Work takes up most of her time, but she’ll find a way to be there for them.
Ves: She goes into vehement self-denial and plays hot-and-cold with the other. She’ll try to distance herself, then come close when she can’t keep it in, then distance herself again out of regret, on and on. And yeah, she did this with Lana. This is why I call her a clown. She is a fuckin clown!11!!1!!
👪 - What’s their relationship with their parents like?
Lana: As close as any other. Her parents were well-off and gave her everything she wanted - with certain limits to instill discipline. They were proud of her when she entered the Sith academy, and she was reluctant to leave them behind. She regretted not keeping in closer contact before they passed in an accident, but life goes on, and so has she.
Ves: Very close. As a child, her world consisted of her parents and the starship they lived in. They traveled the length of the galaxy, and her parents were the only constants in her life. Even when they were enslaved, her parents protected her the best they could. Being forced to kill them left scars on her psyche that she may never fully heal from.
🐒 - What’s their favorite animal?
Lana: She had a tooka cat back home, but never saw it again after she left for the academy. No strong feelings towards any animal.
Ves: Lana in bed Same as Lana, no strong feelings. But if she had the time and patience, she likes the idea of having a tuk’ata as a guard dog.
☂️ - How do they feel about rain?
Lana: Wet. Inconvenient. Seen too much of it on Dromund Kaas, too little on Korriban. But whatever, ya know? It’s just the weather.
Ves: Likes it. When she was younger, she had a thing where she’d hide out somewhere in the rain so no one would come looking for her.
🖌️ - Do they have any hobbies?
Lana: Other than writing poetry and studying philosophy regarding the Force, she likes to work out. It helps to work off stress and keeps her in shape.
Ves: Cooking. Eating. Bothering her darling wife. She likes cutting and shaping crystals too - it’s an artisan craft that helps her keep sane.
💤 - What do they absolutely need to have to fall asleep?
Lana: Somewhere safe to lie down. She isn’t picky, and is rugged enough to be able to sleep anywhere.
Ves: She doesn’t sleep willingly. She can sleep anywhere too, but it’s necessity trained as a slave. Having creature comforts taken away was a constant.
🎢 - Do they like amusement parks? What’s their favorite ride?
Lana: A nice enough diversion, but she can think of better places to be. Favourite is roller coaster.
Ves: Fun! Anything extreme enough to make her feel like she’ll shit her soul out.
🗺️ - What languages do they speak?
Lana: Basic, Sith, Huttese. Pretty typical choice of languages for Imperials. She’s comfortable relying on translators for others.
Ves: Basic, Sith, Huttese, Rakatan, Togruti, Kaleesh. She likes studying languages, and does mental translations constantly in her head as a layer of mental defense.
🍳 - How well can they cook? 🍪 - How well can they bake?
Lana: Her cooking is average. Or ‘functional’, Ves likes to call it - she keeps things basic or follows recipes to the letter, doesn’t get creative with them. She doesn’t bake, but starts to learn some basic stuff from Ves.
Ves: She does both very well. It’s a point of pride for her, and she enjoys feeding her loved ones.
💘 - What do they find attractive about their partner(s)?
Lana: Ves’ confidence. And when Ves really exerts her power in the Force, the air around her warps and bends, becomes charged - Lana finds it intoxciating. But what gets her most is how soft Ves can be when she’s comfortable with Lana, and lets her guard down.
Ves: Washboard abs and arms that lift her from the ground easily 👀 Lana’s calm, logical manner anchors her, but the fierceness of Lana’s love is what makes her heart leap every single time. Lana is a source of emotional stability and unconditional love she has needed for the longest time.
👗 - How comfortable would they be wearing a skirt or dress?
They both prefer dresses, though Ves wears it more often than Lana.
💝 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side?
Lana: Acknowledgement of her advice and effort. Be there to catch her when she slips or needs time to rest. Be sincere instead of trying to lie or manipulate her.
Ves: Just be a decent person. Really. Just...show her that you’re more than what she was forced to be, as Sith. Be loyal, be honest, and stay even when she’s being difficult.
☕ - Coffee or tea?
Tea for Lana. Caf for Ves.
💀 - How do they feel about horror movies?
Lana: Fun, even though they make her more aware of shadows for the rest of the night.
Ves: They’re afraid?? Of ghosts? Haha. Hahahahaha. AAAHAHAHAHAHAHA
🧸 - Do they have any stuffed animals? If so, are they decorative or do they sleep with them?
No stuffed animals for either. But Lana once gave Ves a figurine of a tooka cat because it made her think of Ves. It’s on Ves’ nightstand on the ship.
💖 - How and how often do they try to impress their partner(s)? How and how often do their partner(s) impress them?
They try to impress less often now, safe in a stable and committed relationship. In the beginning, though...
Lana: She doesn’t believe in putting on appearances, but makes an effort to be capable in every way, making sure Ves is covered. Darth Avriss is being cornered politically or stuck in a bad position on the battlefield? Key intel appears in her databanks, reinforcements are coming. On a date? She has studied the area and knows every establishment with good food and entertainment. In bed? Lie down sweetheart and let my mouth do the work.
Ves: She doesn’t exercise her power as Darth to impress. She flaunts her wealth, beauty, and boobs sexuality for superficial impressions, but becomes a lot more sincere with Lana. Starts cooking for her, watching out for her needs, showering her with gifts. Ves has near-infinite resources, so come here, and let her take care of you.
🍽️ - What’s their favorite food?
Lana: Steak, the occasional cheesecake, fresh bread with butter.
Ves: Soups (sour and spicy, or creamy), cake, chocolate wafers. (Fun fact!! Those wafers I keep mentioning in fic? Imagine Loacker’s Quadratini wafers.)
🧑‍🍼 - How do they feel about kids?
Neither had strong feelings or even plans to have kids, until Ves brings it up (after tons nagging from Khem, of all people). They’re unsure at first, but grow more comfortable with the idea over time. Start planning and finally have two kids they love more than anything.
🐾 - Do they have any pets?
Nope. They don’t have the time to keep any pets. They may get one after lots of pleading from their kids though. Who knows? :))
🏳️‍🌈 - What do they identify as? What are their pronouns?
Both are cis women, she/her. Lana’s bi, Ves is lesbian.
🥰 - What pet names do their partner(s) use for them? How flustered do they get by them?
Lana: Sweetheart, my love, honey, baby. Though Ves only uses the last one in private. How flustered she gets depends on how Ves purrs into her ear.
Ves: Darling, my love/dear, brat. Similarly, last one in private, due to obvious reasons lmao. Initially, it stops her brain. Later it just warms her heart in a really good way.
(man i gotta think of more unique pet names lmao)
🌳 - What’s their extended family like?
Their extended family is the SI crew, the core Alliance squad (Aelirra who’s the Commander, Theron, Koth, Senya, Arcann), Vette, Kira.
SI crew is pretty self-explanatory, and Vette joins them eventually (will write this in fic). Alliance squad due to Lana. Kira due to her relationship with Aelirra. All of them are involved with Ves and Lana’s family one way or another, helping to care for their kids, etc. Their son, Aiden, will end up being trained as a Jedi under Aelirra and Kira.
holy shit u made it to the end i’m sorry thanks for reading
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linawritestwst · 2 years
May I ask for the matchup please (≧▽≦)
Pronouns: she/her
Mtbi: Infp
Zodiac: Gemini
What I'm looking for a partner: I enjoy a partner who is very supportive of me and being there for me when I'm facing a hard time. Just them to listen with my rant before sitting in silence with them. I don't mind them being affection, I'm not used with physical affection but I'm willing to learn as long it not too much pda in public. I'd like a panther whom I can do activities with whatever is cooking together, playing video games, etc. In addition, it will be fun to learn thier hobbies, because I'm interested on what they like and learn from them.
What I don't look for a partner: I don't like somebody who constantly lies as I'm putting my full trust on them and I don't want to keep thinking if they're lying to me.
My appearance: I'm 5'1 (╥_╥). I have medium curly hair. I always has some sort of hair bow or flower clip onto my hair it my signature style. I wear glass because I don't like wearing contract. I have light brown skin and I'm at average built. My clothing style can varies from cottage core, romantic Academia core and soft girl style. I can't do make-up to save my life, but I least know my skin care.
Love language: quality time, act of service and gift giving.
Personality: I can be shy and quiet with people and take some time to open up. But once I do I can be the most talkative and bit goofy to be around. I can be a mom towards my friend as I always have someone in my backpack in case they need a bandaid or a band-aid. I also enjoy cooking for my friends and family. If I noticed my friends didn't eat then that where I start preparing a meal for them, while lightly lecturing them that they shouldn't miss out a meal. I had my serious moment usual when I'm focused with my homework or doing chores is where I'm bit blunt as I want to finish my task. However, if I noticed if I was rude when i was doing my task I usual apologize for it. In addition, I have a bad habit of apologizing for smallest things like I could bump into a plant and apologize to it. Furthermore, I tend to bottle up my feelings as I don't want to brother people with my issues. I enjoy my alone time to recharge my social engery that usually in a form of playing video games, taking care of my plants or crocheting. I viewed my plants as my children, I gave them names and I would talk/sing to them. Same applies to animals. I'm learning crocheting and I gave my friends the project I work hard on. Usual making blankets and scarf is my specialty at the moment. I also a suckered in having plushie in my bed as cuddling to them is comfy.
Hobbies: playing video games, taking care of plants and animals, cooking, crochet, spending time with friends and family, and watching YouTube.
Thank you so much for the matchup and I hope you have a great day (´• ω •`) ♡
hello and thank you so much, i hope you like your matchup and have a great day/night too!!
the character that i think would be a good partner for you is..
trey clover!
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i'll explain why i chose him:
if you want a supportive partner, trey is perfect for you! he's always got your back and he's always there to give you advice or listen to you talk about the things you have to deal with. sitting in silence is also okay, you don't have to talk all the time :) also i can see him being the type of person who actually likes physical affection, even though he doesn't talk about it much, but he prefers to do it in private and not around other people, so if you're not comfortable with pda, he's 100% okay with that!
YOUR HEIGHT DIFFERENCE WOULD BE SO CUTE.. he would find your hair accessories very cute too and you may get more of them from him in the future as a gift. also you both wear glasses, how cool is that?.. well, having vision problems is not cool, but hey!! you have something in common!! also i can see baking being one of your favorite activities to do together, you two always end up having so much fun! AND. *shakes you, but gently, so that i won't scare you* YOU TWO WEARING MATCHING COTTAGECORE OUTFITS.
your love languages would work so well together! trey is totally the type of person to give lots of acts of service. he may not be the best at giving quality time because he doesn't really know what is considered "fun" by most people so he's afraid you might find him a bit boring.. but hey, he can definitely take care of plants and animals together with you! also!! you two bonding over being the mom friend!!
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Misc. Ask Meme for Mickey :p
❣️ - What are their love languages?
Physical touch and quality time (but she won't say no to gifts)
🌙 - What’s their sleep schedule like?
🎁 - How do they feel about their birthday/birthdays in general?
Mickey LOVES birthdays!!! Her parents always went all out for her birthday, awesome cake, perfect presents, even taking her and Violet on crazy trips sometimes. Now she goes hard for her friends birthdays!
🧑‍🦰 - Have they ever dyed their hair? Ever cut it themself?
She tragically tried to cut her own bangs once when she was 12 (it was horrific)
🍷- How do they feel about alcohol?
Mickey doesn't drink but doesn't care if others do around her as long as they're safe about it
🗣️ - How do they handle public speaking?
She's a pro!
🎮 - What’s their favorite game?
💓 - What are some signs they’ve fallen for someone? How do they show their affection?
Mickey gets nervous when she has a crush. She starts babbling and can't stop. So if she starts infodumping about squirrels or something it means she really likes you.
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
Tripped into Vi´s (@madebyleftovermuses ) one summer after being chased by swans
🌱 - Do they have a green thumb or are they a plant killer?
Definitely a plant killer!
📱 - What social media do they use the most?
Insta queen!
👪 - What’s their relationship with their parents like?
Mickey ADORES her parents!!! Her mom is like her best friend's and her dad is her hero.
🐒 - What’s their favorite animal?
🧳 - What countries have they been to?
That's a long list and most of it is classified information
🤔 - What’s something they’ll never understand?
🎨 - What’s their favorite color?
Resolution Blue
☂️ - How do they feel about rain?
She likes it if she can sit inside somewhere and watch it fall
🎶 - What’s a song they really like?
Once and for all from newsies
🖌️ - Do they have any hobbies?
Taking pictures of her friends, reading, doodling
💤 - What do they absolutely need to have to fall asleep?
As little light as possible without being in comp plate darkness
🎢 - Do they like amusement parks? What’s their favorite ride?
Mickey is a roller coaster JUNKIE!!! She loves the Cyclone at Coney island
🗺️ - What languages do they speak?
That is also classified information
🍳 - How well can they cook?
🍪 - How well can they bake?
She can't
💘 - What do they find attractive about their partner(s)?
Besides his face? Grayson is kind and smart and he likes the same comics and movies she does
👗 - How comfortable would they be wearing a skirt or dress?
She doesn't like wearing dresses but she´s perfectly comfortable with wearing them if she has to
💝 - What gestures do they really appreciate? How do you get on their good side?
Bring her food or bring her something she mentioned offhand that she wanted or needed and she'll be eternally grateful
☕ - Coffee or tea?
💀 - How do they feel about horror movies?
She´ll watch them but they're not her favorite
🧸 - Do they have any stuffed animals? If so, are they decorative or do they sleep with them?
She has a stuffed panda bear that suits on a shelf by her bed. If she's feeling officially sad or lonely she'll pull it down and sleep with it
💖 - How and how often do they try to impress their partner(s)? How and how often do their partner(s) impress them?
With Grayson, he's not impressed by the things most people find impressive, like Mickey's ability to take down an assailant 20 yards away with only a coke bottle. He's impressed my the small, mundane things
Mickey's impressed that he can keep up with her.
🍽️ - What’s their favorite food?
Gummy bears
🧑‍🍼 - How do they feel about kids?
She likes other people's but isn't sure yet if she wants any
🐾 - Do they have any pets?
Unfortunately no
💬 - What are some filler/buffer words they use? (Like, um, etc.)
Um, well, hmm, so...
🏳️‍🌈 - What do they identify as? What are their pronouns?
Straight she/her
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 - Do they have any siblings?
Nope she's an only child but she's got Vii
🥰 - What pet names do their partner(s) use for them? How flustered do they get by them?
🌳 - What’s their extended family like?
Both sides of her family have long histories of... clandestine activities
🎲 - Pick a random question to answer from this list.
Misc. Ask Meme
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feel free to elaborate as much as possible !
Who is the most affectionate?
Physically, Rose is the most affectionate. She has no qualms about displaying her affections publicly either. Troy is very affectionate as well, but he is prone to quiet affection. He brings flowers, he offers to stay the night if she’s sick, he walks her out to her car and calls to make sure she got home safely.
Who initiates the handholding?
Rose initiates it nearly every time, not having any issues with public displays of affection. Troy initiates it though, if he thinks Rose needs some support or if he’s trying to move her in a specific direction or another.
Who worries more for the other?
They both worry about each other, but Troy is more likely to admit he is worried about Rose. Later on in the relationship, Rose will admit she is worried about Troy but initially she is more likely to grumble about how he annoys her and she has to go find him to make sure he’s not doing anything stupid (her secret way of saying she wants to go check on him)
Who is more likely to ask for help?
These stubborn dolts? They’ll both plough along stubbornly until they are in so deep that they have to ask for help. Once they reach that point, usually it is Troy who caves first and seeks out assistance.
Who is the one always losing the keys?
Rose. It’s a product of growing up well off, with maids to handle those kinds of details. She got used to having someone keep track of things like that for her so, when she is on her own, she sometimes forgets. Troy tends to be very aware of where his things are, especially his keys. That is a holdover from working with Barnaby—he never wanted to be late or leave Barnaby waiting simply because he lost his keys.
Who lives little love notes for the other?
Rose likes to slip them into Troy’s jacket pockets. More then once, one has popped out when he goes to pull his warrant card out. This always causes a few amused comments and Troy hurried shoving it back into his pocket with some kind of mumbled excuse.
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
Rose, especially if it is storming or really cold. She gets nightmares that something has happened to him out there. Troy sleeps better when she is around, but, as long as everything is normal, he sleeps just fine on his own.
Who is more likely to propose to the other?
Troy. He’s a bit old fashioned and would get very uncomfortable if Rose broke social protocol and proposed first… even if throwing social norms out the window is Rose’s favorite hobby.
Who introduced the other to their family first?
In main verses, neither of them are speaking to what family they have left. They both keep dancing around the issue and making up excuses until they finally confess to each other that no one in their family is worth meeting—and most of the people have passed. Then the conversation rests.
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
Troy tends to play with Rose’s curls while they are watching movies or just sitting next to each other—it’s an idle habit and one he does not think about much. Rose likes to ruffle up his hair when she thinks he is being too serious.
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
Troy is better at it, even if his cooking would never be anyone’s idea of a health pinnacle. Rose, again, is subconsciously still used to having staff who handle issues like that so she does not always think about it.
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
When Rose is with people of her own class, she will always stand up for Troy, but Troy is better at physically standing up to people for Rose. He has the height, he has the glare, and he has no qualms telling people to shove off when they irritate him. Under his words, there is always a vague implication that he will find some way to make their lives very miserable if they do not listen… the smart ones take his suggestion and leave.
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
Rose. A more artistic, free-spirited temperament means she often does things on a whim, and this whim sometimes includes surprises. Troy tries to arrange surprises sometimes, but he tends to over think it, or gives himself away somehow.
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
Rose, and usually it’s a promise not to do anything too dangerous at work, or to get home at a reasonable hour. If Rose was not there to prompt him, Troy could very easily work into the small hours of the morning, even when he does not have a pressing case on.
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
Troy. Rose often dozes off watching television or reading new scripts. When Troy finds her, he gets her covered with a blanket. If it’s late, he just scoops her up and puts her in bed so she can sleep properly.
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hotxcheeto · 3 years
Pls do Victoria chase sfw alphabet and Rachel sfw alphabet
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𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Victoria Chase x G/N!Reader 𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) -Like two or three cuss words?, talk of stress, quick mention of mental health? (Very tiny)
𝘼𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙉𝙤𝙩𝙚 - You can find Rachel's here <3
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
- Gift giving! She was probably raised in a very materialistic type of household so she loves giving things and buying things for you. Say you love art and painting she'll make sure you have the most expensive high class paints and art tools to do your work with. Any hobby or anything you even remotely and slightly mention you want or like she'll buy it for you. She gets slightly insecure that she needs to give to be loved.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
- Bossy. You see how she is with her 'minions'. But she cares a lot about them as seen when you talk to them. She'd probably give you unsolicited fashion advice and half-baked comments but deep down she's just nervous to get attached and then be betrayed. You guys were definitely made to be partners on a project when you first met.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
- Cuddly teddy bear. Loves holding your hand and laying her head on your shoulder. Holding your hand in public is a MUST she loves claiming you. Little spoon, but a bossy little spoon. Likes your faces to be close together when you sleep. Cuddling is her safe space, she isn't worrying about her classes or her photography or Nathan. It's just you and her and some crappy TV show.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
- Yes very. Her dream is a little apartment in a big city living a quiet life with you. She's a terrible cook though. Having people do most domestic things her whole life she definitely needs some guidance when it comes to taking care of a home. But she isn't stupid, she's aware these things are needed. She likes doing laundry though, she loves choosing different scents and making you guess them.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
- She's tough and rude on the outside as a person so when it comes to these things she'll try to put on this hard front. But she knows you'll see right through it and that is the hardest part for her. She only does it if she knows nothing good will come out of staying and you two are better off apart but that doesn't mean she wants to. She will do everything in her power to keep this from happening.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
- Commitment is a must with her. She really wants that married, perfect little life with you. The marriage her parents didn't have and the one she wished they had. But she'd want you both moved out of Arcadia and her photography in a good spot along with your career. Victoria would want you both to be in a successful spot before marriage. But that doesn't mean she doesn't dream about it every chance she gets.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
- Her mind is fragile along with her emotions, she doesn't let people into her mind and her heart very often so those emotions are gentle. She's bossy and likes to be in charge of basically everything with the two of you but she likes to be taken care of too. Some days she just leans on you and you never mind, you love her.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
- Loves hugs. Especially victory hugs, like if she completes or wins something and same with you, your reward is always a hug. She loves hugging you in hallways too, she gets excited to see you especially on bad days. She'll run up to you and hug you, or she'll hug you after a long day. Or just to hug you. She's a hugger when it comes to you.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
- Not fast. But not slow. She likes to watch you, you'd probably have to say it first. She's worried she'd say it too fast, or that you wouldn't be ready or want that yet. She overthinks a lot. But she loves you, sometimes though it comes out differently then she wants it too.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
- Victoria gets very jealous. She gets insecure sometimes, worried you'll go for someone else. She gets jealous over people trying to take your attention away from her, especially if you two are talking and someone comes up to you guys. She likes having you all to herself. She's a selfish lover. Hates sharing your attention with other people.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
- Victoria loves kisses as much as she loves hugs. Her lips are always soft, Victoria is always putting on lip gloss or Chapstick. She loves giving you cheek kisses. In the morning, after class, before bed. She loves giving you little pecks on the cheek. She loves when you return them, those or forehead kisses are her favorite. Victoria LOVES when you give her forehead kisses goodbye. But don't let her fool you, she loves kisses on the lips, sweet make-out sessions are another one of her favorites. Nothing sexual, just you two together.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
- Doesn't really like them? I mean she doesn't hate kids but she's the type to only like them if they're hers. Victoria definitely isn't thinking about kids now and she probably won't for a very long time. She's more career focused if anything.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
- Likes getting up early. Victoria is a very scheduled person and likes looking good. She gets up early and will shower, do her hair and her make-up. If you sleep in she'll let you and will pick your outfit out for you and then wake you up so you two aren't late. Always plans ahead and runs her day over in her head and out loud to you while your half asleep staring at the ceiling. Then gives you a good morning kiss and yells at you to get up.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
- Has an entire night routine just like her mornings. If you aren't someone like that, you can just lay in bed while she does what she needs to do while talking to you about the next day and her plans. If you do have a routine, you'll both talk to each other while doing what you need to do, you'll go back and forth handing each other things. After you'll both lay down and watch some corny TV show or Movie. She always makes sure to say she loves you before you fall asleep.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
- It depends on if you guys are already friends or not. If you are then you probably already know some things about her. If you aren't it'll take her some time. Some of the things she does kind of give away how she was raised. She's easy to read for you. But Victoria, when she trusts you enough, will tell you things. Never a sit down conversation, they sort of come out as she feels they should. It's comforting for her to know that you're always ready to listen.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
- She's a bossy lady, what can I say? Victoria doesn't get angry per say, more frustrated or irked maybe a little peed off. Little things irk her or make her get frustrated but she rarely gets 'angry' and when she does. Pray for whoever is in her way.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
- Will remember everything. She's very talkative but when it comes to she could listen all day. If you mention you want something, she'll get it. She listens when it comes to things you really love, she likes not being in her own world all the time. Often Victoria will bring up things you've talked about just to get you on a tangent because she likes listening to you talk about what you like. Her thing is gift giving of course she's gonna remember everything about you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
- You had just woken up, it was one of the rare times you woke up before her. You'd picked out her outfit that day, and when she woke up she seen you staring at clothes in front of you concentrated on what looked better. You just wanted to return the favor and it literally made her melt inside and she gave you so much love after.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
- Very protective, but in a very bossy type of way. She'll be a total bitch to anyone that tries messing with the both of you. She would get snappy with anyone who tries it. But sometimes she just can't, and you will definitely step up to protect her, making sure to put anyone who remotely hurts her feelings in their place. Of course with reason, she tends to badmouth people. But you'll always have her back when needed and she'll always have yours.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
- A crap ton. She cares so much every date and gift that she plans has to be perfect and go perfect. If it doesn't she'll panic and you'll have to assure her that all is okay and that no matter what she does you love her and her ideas. If you plan the date Victoria will always make sure to let you know how much she appreciates everything and shower you with love. But she usually likes do the planning. And Lord if an anniversary ever went wrong with her planning may everyone involved be protected because her wrath goes a long way.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
- She can come off very rude at times. She has a heart but she tends to show it to few people. Victoria doesn't trust easily and tends to think a lot of people are beneath her. You love her and will always be honest with her and some times it takes her time to take criticism but she comes around.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
- Very, she always has to look good. In front of everyone else though, around you she feels like she can really let go and be herself with out the upfront. But Victoria always makes sure her hair is perfect and her outfit looks great before leaving the house. It tends to come off on you as well, her unsolicited fashion advice cannot be ignored for long.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
- You keep Victoria sane. Make sure her stress doesn't consume her, make sure she lets go once in a while. You're her other half, the not so serious side of her. She would feel very empty without you, the light you brought to her life was something she couldn't find anywhere else. You bring out the side of her she didn't realize she had.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
- Victoria is good at many things, but cooking is not one of them. The one time she's tried cooking she nearly burned the entire place down, smoke and fire alarms going off, the whole sha-bang. Since then you have never let her try to cook again, her near meltdown and the burning smell was enough to ban her from every kitchen to ever be built or that exists.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
- Personal hygiene is very important to her. Just keeping up with yourself. Of course if you are together or friends and your mental health begins to affect that she will always make sure you take care of yourself. But if you just don't care she will not go near you.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
- Goes to bed early and wakes up early. No matter the day. She does not like sleeping in. She doesn't really mind if you do, but she likes being up and doing things before it gets too late. Preferably before noon and she will drag you out of bed. She does it because she 'doesn't want you to sleep the day away'.
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A/n: This took me sm longer than I thought it would
Rachel's is linked above!!
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chokemeoutiguess · 3 years
Bend the Knee
You are royalty. Duties and responsibilities were all your life consisted of, and who better to help you than your dearest aide? They serve you so dutifully, isn't it time for a reward?
Tags say it all, I have terrible taste but if we’re talking game of thrones, the bar was on the floor to begin with.
Game of Thrones series: Part 1/?
CW: manipulation, physical abuse, canonical character death. Implied smut.
Petyr Baelish - Debts and Regret. Part 2: Link.
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You found it so hard to believe that Littlefinger of all people would be loyal. He was in the business of pleasure after all, and even the most honourable men fall to their baser instincts, loyalty be damned. 
Your poor father was no exception, being the king on the iron throne he was actually well known for his... hobbies. 
So oftentimes you ended up visiting Littlefinger in his brothels, in search of your father or sometimes your uncle, if needed. There was no place for a princess in those places, but you had a habit of humbling the nobility you saw there. You’d even seen the maester there a few too many times. 
You were no more than snarky acquaintances, like passing ships on the open sea, in sight, but never close enough to collide. 
“My lady, I have yet to see a flower as beautiful as you stalk my hallways, even rarer my bedrooms.”
“Likewise, you should really look into finding some more beautiful women, my father is coming here less and less, is the room service so lacking as well?”
“Well, I can guarantee that our service is always to his needs, unless you’d like to sample our services as well? We cater to all wants, my lady.”
“If your girls could fix my father’s bad habits, I’ll be thankful.”
“My lady, no whore is that good.” 
The light banter was almost enough to keep you coming back, no one ever had the gall to be so cheeky with a princess. 
You didn’t really get to know him until he stepped into his role as the master of coin. He was downright cunning, and you were almost envious of the power he wielded.
It was nothing compared to true power, the power that comes with a throne, but it was impressive. You often wondered how terrifying it would be if he had it. 
But, when you were handed a proposal to wed the red viper himself, you knew exactly who to turn to. 
“Baelish, if I may request your services.”
“Mine? Well I am flattered your highness and I’m sure we can make arrangements-”
“Don’t be daft, take me to your offices. Or shall I ask my dearest knight to escort the both of us?”
“Is he not a few doors down, enjoying a young brunette if I remember?”
“Is he? I was certain he was with a red head.”
“No... I recommended her myself after all.”
Past all of the pleasantries he was more than willing to support you in escaping your marriage. He said it wouldn’t do the country well if it’s only viable heir was off popping out children, or something of the like. 
It’s sweet he considered you an heir, knowing full well your mother would rather birth another child then watch you take the throne.
“You are far too brash, just like your father. A lady does not go to whorehouses.” She had scolded, her beautiful blonde brows so tightly wound after hearing you had gone to hunt your father down once more. 
“Neither do kings, and yet that is where ours resides, mother.” 
You couldn’t leave the castle for a month after that. And your cheek was a less than healthy shade of red as well. But you can’t help that, it seemed nothing you did pleased her, so you did what you wanted, consequences be damned. 
His plan was simple, yet... odd. You didn’t argue of course, there were very few in the palace you could trust, yet you found yourself trusting him. Foolish, but perhaps a necessary risk.
The plan was to sway public opinion of you, to the point it would reach the ears of the Dornish, and they would rescind their proposal. Your reputation would take a hit but your hand would remain free. 
First you would change yourself, your style of dress, your manner of speech. 
“Become more like... one of my girls”, he had suggested. 
“I’d rather get married, thank you”. 
You almost walked out, but agreed. It was only temporary, you’d told yourself.
Second, socialise like you were to die tomorrow.
“Your connections are poor your highness, worse than mine.” He’d said with a smile.
“Unsurprising, you’re the most well-connected man here”. He said nothing, smiling a bit more genuinely this time. 
Third, create a scandal.
“Fuck a few nobles, steal them if they're married, or better yet, have a child.”
“In that order? Or can I make amendments?”
“Your Highness, I’m starting to think you’d do well in my business.”
And so it was agreed, you were to become the epitome of a reckless noble who knew nothing but luxury and indulgence. You were going to be the spitting image of your father, if you weren’t already. It wasn’t difficult given your already similar looks and your reputation for causing a stir in the whorehouses. 
Step one went by with no problems, you mother was more than happy to help you ‘become a lady befitting her title’, and was even more delighted when you started fulfilling your duties at events.
She wasn’t happy when you started taking things too far, your dresses became more immodest and she stopped calling on you when you started returning to Littlefinger’s brothels.
You’d still attend social events when possible, and if anything your poor reputation made them all the more fun when nobles would make snide comments.
However, you had gained the respect of some of the visiting northerners. Young Sansa and Arya also hated the political pleasantries of the south and were more than happy to see nobility squirm. 
They didn’t like it when you flirted with married or engaged nobles, but you can’t win them all. (You’re the child of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister, of course you’d have a terrible personality).
If your father did any of this on purpose, you could see the fun. 
Step two was well underway, when you then hit a block.
What noble were you supposed to steal? Your own options were limited, unless you wanted to men who could be as old as your own father.
You settled on Loras Tyrell, he was young, good looking enough and you'd heard of his bedfellows, or lack thereof of female company. It'd be perfect, create a scandal without actually having to bear some man's child and he could finally shake off some of his own rumours. It was a matter of getting him to agree.
When you'd informed Littlefinger of your choice and plan, he smiled so sweetly that you would never had guessed something was wrong. He was of no help this time though, you assumed perhaps this was as far as your relationship went. You thanked him for his support thus far and agreed to pay him back bountifully if his plan worked. 
When you'd approached Loras, he was shining in the sun at the latest tournament. He'd done so well in the tournament so far, he was talented. You can see why women and men were so taken with him. You could also see your accomplice, Littlefinger himself sat in the stalls becoming cosy with the Stark girl. Ah, that’s where he was. 
"Your highness, to what do I owe this pleasure?"
"The pleasure is all mine, would you be able to take me to my tent, good ser? I seem to have lost my way."
It was a load of crap, but he agreed nonetheless. He looked curious, if not bored. 
When you'd propositioned a deal, he rejected at first. He was a Tyrell, what could he possibly benefit from you?
"Oh? That's a shame, and here I thought we'd get along so well. You seem to with my uncle..."
The moment Renly was mentioned, he started stuttering like a fool and you know you had him.
He didn't leave your tent that night. Nothing of excitement happened, sadly, he was ‘loyal’ to your uncle it would seem. 
It caused a larger stir than you’d hoped for. Too large, unfortunately, as it placed you between your grandfather and father.
“I hoped you’d do better my gradndaughter, this endangers your marriage to Dorne. Loras Tyrell will not wed you.” He was so disappointed to have lost such a useful piece, such a shame. 
“I apologise, grandfather. I wasn’t aware we were family again”
Your father snickered, and you knew you were safe. 
“You’re a Baratheon, no one dares stand against the king or his children, as long as my daughter is happy, she can fuck who she wants.”
Your heart swelled. He was your father, no amount of drinking would take that title from him. 
The wedding was called off, the Dornish couldn’t have a princess who they couldn’t ruin. So they betrothed Myrcella instead. For good measure, she’d been sent to Dorne as a ward until her wedding day. They’d already lost one candidate after all. 
Your mother’s beautiful face looked like that of a snake, ready to wring your neck, you could see that much. Thankfully she couldn’t touch you with your fathers protection. 
But, that only lasted as long as he did. 
He died. 
No warnings, he came home injured from a hunt, and then lay on his bed for the last time.  
He spoke his last words to Joffrey.
No matter how much he claimed to care about you, you were a fool to think he’d let you ascend him. Or even Tommen. That tyrant was going to make your life hell soon, and you were ready to lose it.
That’s when you realised, you had never actually used a brothel’s services despite being a frequent visitor. But there was a first for everything. 
“Princess, you’re in mourning”, Littlefinger spoke with such softness that you were convinced that he was the best liar in King’s Landing. 
“Are you always this astute, or are you feeling particularly clever today?”
He smiled, you had never wanted to claw it off of his face as much as you did today. 
“Sharp tongue as always princess, shame you haven’t made much use of it until now.”
“Oh I’ll be sure to use it soon, Baelish, I’m in a whorehouse, not the castle.”
“I don’t doubt you’ll be using it soon, but I was hoping to offer my condolences.”
“What more could you offer me Baelish? I’m already in your debt.”
A Lannister pays her debts, as much as you hated it, you were already in his.
He took your hand, tugging it towards him. He unclenched your fingers which you hadn’t realised had dug into your skin, and placed a soft kiss atop your hand. 
“If it’s all the same to you, I’d like to comfort you in my own way. And... put that tongue to use myself.” His eyes gleamed and you wondered how long he had been preparing for this moment. 
You should’ve said no, berated him, screamed at him. But you didn’t. You were too tired, too sad. You’d gained an inch, to have lost the mile. Your life is in the hands of your mother now. This would be your last act of rebellion. 
You let him pull you to the a room across his office, your guards were given rooms of their own, services complimentary of the owner. 
His mouth tasted like a fine aged wine, and the grip on your waist felt so comforting yet set your skin on fire. 
He held your hand tightly as he laid you on his bed, tighter so when he had fucked you too. You had to give him credit, for a few moments you had completely forgotten your grief and he most definitely put your tongue to good use. 
When you awoke, you were surprised to him still with you, though you were always a late riser, you hadn’t expected him to sleep in either. 
“Is this a debt paid or a debt taken?” You ask, your voice hoarse and dry. You could feel your muscles ache and areas sore, but the best soreness you’d felt in months. 
He stirred before he lazily opened his eyes. You never paid attention to their unique grey-green colouring. 
“I’m still collecting.” He smirked again, but this one didn’t anger you as it should’ve. 
“Still? Can your old bones manage?” You joked, his age didn’t show, but all men were sensitive about their age. 
He didn’t miss a beat, “Of course, unless it’s too much for the princess.”
You took the initiative this time, and wasted no time to crawl under the blankets to show him the tricks you’d learned the night before. 
When you returned to the castle late into the evening, marks on your neck, with a certain glow to your skin, everyone knew exactly where you were and what you were up to.
Your mother didn’t hesitate to slap you so hard that her nails scratched your cheek, drawing blood. Joffrey laughed as he played with his crossbow, while Tommen flinched, yet stayed silent. 
“You better pray that you are with child or so help me, I will burn his whorehouses myself.”
You wondered when she became religious, as you’d missed your moonblood twice. Your mother had yet to notice as you simply left drops of blood among your sheets, a sore but necessary cut on your thigh was enough to stave off her suspicions. 
But when you told Littlefinger himself, he was still. His mouth twitched, to you he appeared very very pleased with himself. 
“I know it’s not the news you wanted to hear but-”
“No, no. This is a pleasant surprise.”
“I was hoping you were coming back to pay a debt, but I see you’ve paid in full.”
“Really? Because I feel I’ve deeper debt with your bastard.” 
He reassured you, he was in your debt. During your brothers wedding he whisks you away with him on a ship, joined by Sansa. You know exactly what this looks like. 
You come to wonder how you could’ve possibly fallen from the princess of a proud king, to the mistress of a man to be married, now being ferried to his wedding with another pretty bird who, no doubt, also has his interest. 
Rubbing your belly, you look down. At least, if this little one has half the smarts of their father, they may escape to a fate greater than yours. 
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misschifuyu · 3 years
General relationship + n/sfw headcanons with Akkun
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characters: present! atsushi sendo + fem! reader
genre: fluff + n/sfw
warnings: explicit content
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the leader of takemichi's once little, middle school group. it's no surprise that akkun has a strong sense of reliability, being there for those in need without a second thought to his actions. he's someone who won't be easily budged and will keep his composure under any circumstance
well, most. he himself wasn't too sure what had happened when takuya had, one day, come along with a friend of his, and he was left nothing less than astounded. it wasn't like him to keep quiet when meeting new people
however, when you had introduced yourself to the group, a bright smile on your face, he had to muster up all of his courage to just get a simple "nice to meet you" out before the silence he had been holding turned awkward
this was the beginning of something he had never really expected to occur during his adult years
of course, he had had his fair share of crushes throughout his years of studying, but none had been as bad as this one. even worse, he was well into his twenties, far from the age to be getting nervous around someone so easily
but, alas, the two of you managed to form a strong relationship despite his initial nervousness around you. and it didn't take long before you both - almost simultaneously, unbeknownst to your knowledge - realised that you held feelings that surpassed those of a simple friendship
this came at the hands of sharing a considerable list of interests and hobbies, which had promptly thrown akkun into an inevitable state of weakness for you
after some coaching from his closest friends, he had managed to get together with you an afternoon, alone, and confess. granted, his hands had been shaking as though he were giving a speech, once you had replied to him saying that you felt the exact same way, he physically felt a weight lift from his being
and it was all just downhill from there, in the sense he no longer had to carry the weight of not knowing if his feelings were reciprocated
now, a relationship with akkun is anything but uneventful or even boring. this guy will constantly be looking for new places to take you out on a date to, things to do with you and even look into presents weeks before any of your anniversaries. if a word was needed to describe his stance with a partner, it would be dedicated
when it comes to physical affection, he is the first to approach you when in need of a hug or two. he's the kind of person who won't shy away from kisses and loving touches
though a blushing akkun may be the aftermath if you happen to surprise him with any of these acts. but he's never going to complain about them, that much is sure
whenever you plant kisses on his temple whilst around others, he may just forget what he was talking about for a split second
he loves to know that you aren't embarrassed or even ashamed to show him love in public, and will feel a rush of proudness, knowing that he has the most wonderful partner he could ever ask for
double dates with takemichi and hina are quite frequent, as the blond will always be suggesting them as a perfect way to see how the two of you are doing
these always end up in laughs and a few drinks here and there, and hina sneaking in questions here and there concerning your boyfriend - she has to keep a lookout for her friend, after all !
atsushi strikes me as someone who has two sides to him. just as described in the general headcanons, he's someone who can easily fall into a soft state just by a little affection
if you show him that you need him in such a way, through kisses and subtle touches to his skin, he will take up a slow, romantic pace, making love to you rather than outright fucking
when he's in such a mood, expect to be showered with kisses all over your body, skin covered in little marks as he worships your body as though you are the most beautiful thing he has ever witnessed. in all honesty, he swears that you are, to which you can ever only blush at his words
he will hold you close, hands on your hips as he rests his forehead on yours whilst maintaining the steady, yet sensual, pace
it's blissful, to say the least, and he will always whisper praises in your ear - he loves the sounds he can pull out of you when he calls you his princess
now, as said earlier, akkun has another side to him when getting you into bed. if he happens to be the one to start things off, you're more likely to get the needier, rougher side of him
he will never outright hurt you - unless you're into that, which will lead to him investigating into every one of your interests - but he will let himself off the hooks, and won't always make it to the bed
against a wall, on the couch, on the dinner table...when he's particularly horny, he's anything but patient. but don't let this make you believe that he won't bury himself between your thighs; he's always got time for that
holding your legs up as he stares at you through his eyelashes, he will make sure that you cum at least two times before he gets inside you
it's a way for him to make sure that you're more than ready for him; plus, he could never deny that he adores tasting you, especially when he gets to see you throw your head back in utter pleasure
grabbing his hair, whether it be when he's giving oral or whilst his hips thrust into your own, will be a one-way ticket to losing all sense in your legs
he will constantly be checking to see if you're uncomfortable, of course, but his pace will increase if you happen to tug on his purple locks. and his grunts will only be heard more throughout the room, his voice low as he tells you how good you're doing for him
all while keeping his hand rubbing at your clit, no shame whatsoever as he edges you towards your orgasm. he absolutely adores the sight of you shivering, twitching as the pleasure washes over you, grip tightening on his back
if you happen to have longer nails, the marks you would leave only make him want to do you all over again. it's like a little boost to his ego, though he will never admit to it
aftercare with akkun will be a complete switch from his more rough side - if you happen to get that one. soft touches and massages on your skin as he lays beside you, speaking in a low voice as he asks you if you're alright. a shower will usually come after; if not, he will usher you to go to the bathroom as he gets some damp towels to clean you up.
he may be absolutely drained after taking care of you for a good hour or so, but that won't stop him from making sure you're comfortable and ready to doze off with him without another care in the world
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