#she solved the problem and then walked away to go live her new life
golden-cherry · 1 year
deal - cl16 (12/?)
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Series Summary: Your whole life has gone to shit. Your boyfriend broke up with you, you just lost your job and the Monegasque, who suddenly stands in your doorway, claims that it’s his apartment.
Chapter Summary: Friendships are very important. It's good that you have new ones (who you can share things with).
Warnings: FLIRTING, PINING (you’ve been warned!), Charles is sweet, a bit of angst (talking of cheating, manipulation, ex-boxfriend)
Word Count: 3.3k
series masterlist
previous part
A/N: sorry for the delay! I love you! feedback is appreciated!
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Except for the warm light of the floor lamp in the corner behind you and the white light from the kitchen, the apartment is dark. On the TV in front of you, you see a still from The Vampire Diaries and the white blanket on the dark blue couch next to you is crumpled, as if it had been used only recently. Sounds come from the kitchen, glasses clink together, and the refrigerator door opens and closes before the kitchen light is turned off again. 
"I'm glad you're here," Kika says as she comes back into the living room with two glasses of water, "but since you called, I'm afraid the reason isn't very positive." She places the two glasses on the coffee table in front of you and sits down next to you. 
Calling Kika was the only logical option. Of course, you could have called Charles, but he's had such an incredibly lousy day and he should be at the club with his friends instead of helping you with your problems. Besides, you don't want to burden him with something he simply can't solve. Something neither of you can't solve. 
You pull your knees to your chest. "I didn't mean to bother you, I really didn't. Especially because you said you had to get up early tomorrow and I'm so sorry to just barge in, but I just didn't know where to go."
Kika puts her hand on your knee and squeezes it gently. "I told you that you could call me anytime. And I meant it." She reaches for the cozy blanket between you and spreads it over your legs. And even though you're already warm, you pull the blanket closer to you. 
"I know, but-"
"No buts," she interrupts you. Her gaze is gentle as she rubs your arm. "Do you want to tell me what's going on?"
You'd love to hog the cozy blanket and wrap yourself so tightly in it that you can barely breathe. Most of all, you'd like to just go to sleep and forget what happened. But you called Kika to give you shelter while your ex waits outside your apartment for you to come home. 
You owe her an answer.
"After Lando walked me to my car," you begin, and Kika raises her eyebrows with a grin. You roll your eyes. "Stop that. So. I drove home after that, and when I turned into the street, I saw my ex's car."
Kika narrows her eyes a little and tilts her head, as if she doesn't understand why your ex-boyfriend's appearance ruined your night. "Aaaaaand we don't like your ex?" she asks. 
You shake your head vehemently. "Definitely not."
Your new friend smooths the blanket over her legs. "What happened?"
"The better question would be: What didn't happen?" You reach for your water glass and take a big gulp. "Do you want the short version or the long version?"
The way Kika leans against the armrest of the couch and pulls the blanket up to her chin, looking at you with huge eyes, you don't need a verbatim answer.
You slide around a bit on the couch to get a little more comfortable, and cross your legs to sit cross-legged. "When I moved here to work a few months ago, I met Raphael at a photo shoot and we hit it off right away," you begin to tell her. Kika soaks up every word as if it was water and she was a sponge. "We went on a few dates and at one point he asked me to be his girlfriend and at first everything was really perfect. He was an absolute gentleman, his friends became my friends and we all got along so great."
"That sounds like there's a big fat "but" following that," Kika interjects and you tap your index finger against your nose. 
"We were together for some time and everything was okay until he, um..." You don't know how to finish the sentence without making your ex look like the biggest asshole in the world. Although he definitely deserves that. You wring your hands. 
"Spit it out, you'll feel better."
You rub your palms over your cheeks and run your fingers through your hair once before closing your eyes. "He pressured me into sleeping with him."
Kika slaps her hand in front of her mouth. "Please tell me you didn't sleep with him." She leans forward and puts her hands on your shoulders to shake you. "Tell me you didn't fuck that asshole!"
You shake your head and look down at your hands in your lap. "Of course I didn't. I'm not stupid." You purse your lips and look up at the ceiling. "I thought I loved him, and I was this close to caving in." You hold your thumb and index finger close together.
"And then?"
"Then he slept with someone else."
Kika leans back and presses her left fist into her right palm to make her knuckles crack. "I'm going to kill that motherfucker."
"It's okay," you counter, but Kika just raises an eyebrow. 
"It's definitely not okay, Y/N."
"Of course it's not okay," you confirm her, ruffling your hair, "But I can't help it, and I broke up with him right away, too. Pressuring me for sex is one thing," Kika throws a pillow at you, "a mega super duper shitty thing, but cheating on me and trying to manipulate me into sleeping with him as a result - that's where I draw the line."
Only that's where you draw the line?!" Kika puts her face in her hands and shakes her head. "Okay, okay." She takes a deep breath. "So you broke up with him. What happened next?"
"He wouldn't leave me alone. He keeps calling, trying to convince me to get back with him."
"I hope you told him that's never going to happen and he can kiss your ass."
You pucker your mouth a little. "Not really. He called yesterday and Charles took the call."
Kika grabs a pillow and wraps her arms around it like she's watching a gruesome horror movie and not listening to your ex-boyfriend problems. "He did not."
You purse your lips. "He did."
Kika bites the pillow. "And then?"
"Well, he answered the phone with „this is her roomate“."
"And now you're afraid that's exactly why Raphael was standing outside your apartment? Do you think he would want to hurt you or Charles?" she asks, taking a sip of her water. 
You shrug your shoulders. "He was never violent, not at all. But by now I don't even recognize him. It's like he's done a 180."
Inside, you're struggling with yourself. Confiding all this to Kika feels right and wrong at the same time. After all, you've only known each other for a few hours. And if you weren't hogging her couch and she was kind enough to let you have it, you certainly wouldn't have spilled your guts either. 
You're not particularly good at it either, which is why you usually handle problems yourself and work them out with yourself. But something about this matter tells you that's not possible this time. But that doesn't mean you won't try to handle it all on your own.
Kika slides closer to you and clasps your hands with hers. "Did you tell Charles about this?"
You shake your head. "Not all of it. I filled him in on the circumstances after I kicked his ass for answering my phone."
Kika has to grin. "Very good." She strokes the back of your hand with her thumb. Why are her hands so soft? "But don't you think you should tell him about it? Especially since Raphael is waiting for you, or rather you, outside your apartment now?"
She's not necessarily wrong. For sure, it would be smarter to tell your roommate about it. But Charles has a lot on his plate. Burdening him with your problems is the last thing you want. 
You clear your throat and look towards the TV, where Elena and Damon are dancing together. Kika notices your look and also that you don't want to talk about the subject anymore, and you're very grateful that she doesn't push you. 
"Are you Team Delena or Stelena?" she asks, reaching for the remote. 
"Team Klaroline."
Kika presses play and the characters move again. "The only right answer."
The two of you continue watching the show together and talking until the two of you actually fall asleep, snuggled into the covers, shoulder to shoulder. 
Your vibrating cell phone, which is next to you on the couch, wakes you up, and without looking to see who's calling you, you hit the green button.
"Hello?" you ask sleepily, carefully pushing Kika's head off your shoulder so you can sit up properly. As your spine cracks, you screw up your face.
"Y/N?" someone almost yells into the phone, and you have to hold the phone away from your ear to keep from going deaf. "Where the hell are you?"
A glance at the screen tells you it's your roommate yelling at you through the receiver, jolting you awake as abruptly as an ice-cold shower. You rub your eyes and look down at Kika, who's clutching the blanket tightly. "I - um - I'm at Kika's," you answer him, slowly getting up from the couch so as not to wake your friend. At least someone should be able to get some decent sleep. 
"What the heck are you doing at Kika's? And why aren't you home?" He speaks more softly now, but still sounds irritated. 
Confused, you look at the clock. 3:54 am. 
You sneak out of the living room on your socks and close the door behind you. "Are you home?" you ask him, and the thought that Raphael might be waiting there sends a shiver down your spine. 
"Of course I'm home. Joris picked me up because you didn't answer the phone."
And sure enough. Twelve missed calls in the last hour. Mentally, you slap your forehead. "I'm so sorry, Charles. We were watching a show and fell asleep. I'll be right home."
In the kitchen, you find a pen and paper and leave a note for Kika that you drove home. No one needs to know that you're sure to commit some driving violations in the form of speeding.
What do you do when you arrive and the green Nissan is still on the scene? Would you pretend it wasn't even there? And what if Raphael was sitting in it? Would you talk to him so he wouldn't knock on the door of your apartment? 
Thank God you don't have to worry about that, because when you turn onto your street, the Nissan is nowhere to be seen, so you breathe a sigh of relief. Which sends a brief stab through your spine. Kika's couch may look comfortable, but you definitely don't want to sleep on it again. 
Before you can put the apartment key in the lock, it's yanked open from the inside and an irritated - and slightly tipsy - Charles is standing in front of you, his hands on his hips and his green eyes twinkling. 
"Do you have any idea how much I worried about you?" He turns and walks further into the apartment, a silent sign for you to follow him. "First I can't reach you, and then I come home and you're not here! I was this close to calling the police, Y/N!"
"I'm sorry, Charles. Really." When you say his name, he winces. "I didn't want you to worry. I was with Kika and we fell asleep. It wasn't intentional, and I should have let you know." 
He eyes you up and down, and only when he's sure everything is okay with you, do his hard features soften. Charles takes a step toward you. "Are you sure you're okay?"
Except for the fact that your ex, who cheated on you and manipulated you, was suddenly waiting for you outside your apartment?
"Everything's fine, really. Just a little back pain. Kika's couch is not conducive to sleeping."
Charles nods slightly. "Then let's go to sleep. It's getting really late."
A few minutes later, when Charles goes to take his bedding out of the closet in the hallway, he stands puzzled in the bathroom doorway where you are brushing your teeth. "Where is my stuff?"
You nod toward the bedroom before spitting out the toothpaste and rinsing your mouth. "In the bedroom. I promised you could sleep in the bed tonight, didn't I?" Noticing his disheveled hair and tired eyes, you have to smile. "And I think you need to sleep on a soft mattress tonight more than I do."
Charles lifts one hand and rests it on the upper door frame. His shirt slides up a little, revealing a strip of his belly. "And you said you had a sore back. I think it's pretty clear who's sleeping in the bed."
You reach for the brush and comb your hair so you don't have to stare at his stomach. "It is. You."
"Can we maybe not do this?" He rubs his face with his free hand. Noticing your unyielding gaze, he drops his arms and puts his palms together. "I have a proposition." He rubs his palms together. "Since neither of us can win this argument, how about this: we share the bed."
The brush gets stuck halfway through your hair and your eyes go wide. "We - what?"
Charles shrugs, as if it's the most normal suggestion ever. "The bed is huge and the couch is so fucking uncomfortable it would be an imposition to let you sleep on it with back pain. And since you insist I sleep in the bed, why don't you just lie down on it, too?"
Your blood pounds so loudly in your ears that you can barely hear him. First you almost touch each other in the restaurant and now he wants you to share the bed? What's next?
When you don't answer, Charles gets nervous. "If you don't want to, that's perfectly okay. It was just a suggestion so that two friends could have a decent night's sleep." He nods in your direction. "And so neither your back nor mine gets ruined."
Hadn't you decided to draw a line to make this friendship work? And how is that going to work when you're lying next to each other in a cozy bed? Oh god, what if you snuggle up to him at night and he doesn't even want that? Would you even be able to sleep if he was that close to you?
Before you can answer, Charles raises his hands. "I get it. It was a stupid idea."
"No!" Rubbing your forehead, Charles looks at you in confusion. "Um, we can try this out if you want. For one night." You put the brush back in its place. "I mean, friends can share a bed, no? There's nothing to it."
Charles breathes a sigh of relief, and a smile that makes your heart beat faster spreads across his face. "Do you have a favorite side?" When you shake your head, he nods slightly. "I'll get everything ready and then we'll sleep together right away. Sorry. That came out wrong." He runs a hand through his hair and flush shoots into his cheeks. "We'll, um, see you in a bit," he stumbles over his words, then disappears toward the bedroom.
After closing the bathroom door, you hit your forehead with the palm of your hand. Why did you agree to his offer? Are you completely stupid? There are so many things that could happen! You could talk in your sleep, or snore, or, as already stated, snuggle up to him! Only a complete idiot would get into bed with him now!
Before you can slide down the spiral any further, you leave the bathroom in sleeping clothes and follow Charles into the bedroom. He's just pulling his shirt over his head and his back muscles are dancing under his skin, and you regret a little that you agreed to the proposition. 
The line between friendship and more is somehow getting thinner and thinner. And there's nothing you can do about it. 
"I prefer to sleep on the right side. I hope that's okay," Charles says as he pulls another shirt over his head. He walks around the bed, which has both his and your bedding on it. "I can sleep in tomorrow, so it would be cool if you were quiet when you have to go to work," he smiles as he pulls back the covers and then sits down. 
Seeing him in bed is so intimate, so private, you have to look away.
"Is everything all right?" he asks as he slides down on the bed and pulls the covers up to his waist. 
You don't dare follow him at all, but you can't stand around any further than that, so you slip under the covers on the other side of the bed. ""Everything's fine."" You plug your phone into the charger before turning over onto your back. 
Charles turns off the bedside lamp, leaving only a strip of moonlight in the room, and turns onto his back as well. In the darkness, he seems even closer than he actually is. You feel his warmth, even though there are a few inches and all the bedding between you, and the whole situation makes you so nervous that you can only breathe shallowly. God, his scentl is everywhere.
"I liked you coming with me today," Charles says into the darkness. "I enjoy spending time with you."
Blood rushes to your cheeks, and you're glad he can't see you very well. "I like spending time with you, too."
You feel Charles move, and thanks to the moonlight, you realize he's turned in your direction. You do the same.
"We're okay, aren't we?" he asks, bending his elbow and resting his head on it. 
You slide your hand under your cheek and have to swallow. "Of course," you answer him. "Why do you ask?"
He smirks. "Because we've only known each other for two days, and we've already fought so much, and now we're sharing a bed. It's all been quite a roller coaster ride." He pulls the covers a little higher toward his chest. 
You'd love to put your hand to his cheek and stroke it with your thumb, but that would surely cross a friendship line. "We're not just friends, Charles. We're roommates, too. And you're my first roommate. It's completely understandable that we need to get used to each other."
Charles exhales, and it's not until you can feel his breath on your heated skin that you realize how close he really is. "I just want us to make this work." He pauses for a moment, and even though it's dark, you can see him wrestling with himself to say the next words.
"You're just too important to me to screw this up." His voice is soft and gentle as he lifts his hand and places it between your faces, as if he's letting you decide if you want to take it. "I don't think you realize how important you are to me."
next part
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battymommastuff · 2 years
The Accident (Pt. 2)
Batmom x Batfamily Prompt: At least you did something...
Part 1
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"She isn't making any progress. We've tried everything from electroshock therapy to simply giving her a journal to write her feelings." 
You could hear your personal therapist talking to your husband...well ex husband by now. Your marriage died the day he put you in this damn place. What place? None other than Arkham Asylum. At first he could live with what you did, he understood what you did. Everyone understood why you did it, but what happened after...he couldn't live with it. 
Bruce watched as his wife shut down. You became a shell of what you once were. The warm, welcoming mother that everyone knew you to be died. Something cold, and sinister was left in her place. The Gotham criminals began to fear you more than Batman himself. Batman held back...he pulled his punches. You...you didn't. You couldn't. This life, the scum of Gotham took your son away from you. How could Bruce just sit there and be okay with it? 
Everything came to a boiling point when he walked into the manor with his newest sidekick, Tim Drake...
"Y/N, this is Tim Drake. He will be assisting us in our...work." Bruce said and rested a hand on the young man's shoulder. Instead of a warm greeting or a smile that one usually got when meeting Y/N Wayne, Tim got a stone cold glare. 
"Jason's grave isn't even covered in grass, and you're already replacing him?" You growled as you stood from your seat on the couch. Tim flinched at your tone, and moved back a bit. He heard such good things about you. This wasn't how he was expecting things to go. 
"Good job Bruce, get another kid...let's see how long he lasts before he's in the grave too." You spat before storming off. That night, you chose to go on patrol alone. While Bruce and Tim were doing their own thing, you were spending your night alone. As you sat perched on a ledge, watching the city that you've grown to hate, all you could think of was Tim. How could Bruce just move on so quickly? You weren't surprised. He spent most of that night scolding you and lecturing you for nearly killing the Joker. Now the bastard was in a coma, and you wished he was dead. 
The sound of a woman screaming knocked you from your thoughts, and you looked down seeing the said woman blocking her young child from an attacker. You don't know what happened at that moment, but something snapped. You weren't going to let another mother's heart be broken, or the child's. No more families were going to be broken because of scum like this. You blacked out again, and this time you came to be pinned to the brick wall by Batman. Robin was hovering over the man you'd just beaten. He pressed two fingers to his neck then looked at Batman. Robin shook his head, and then looked at you. Instead of horror, or remorse...you smirked, "At least I did something." You whispered to your husband. 
Now here you were, wasting away in the cells of Arkham. Eating food that was stale, and cold. It made you miss Alfred's cooking. Several inmates tried to gang up on you, and quickly learned why that was a bad idea. 
"The doctors are beginning to fear her. She's got a rage inside of her that can't be tamed. Whatever set her off...doesn't seem to want to fade away." Your therapist looked over at you, chained to the table that you were forced to sit at. Bruce clenched his jaw as he looked at you. You'd lost weight, and your face was sunken in. You looked half dead. 
"Then we'll find something new. I'm not giving up on her. If you can't help her, then I'll have to find someone who can." Bruce snapped. He knew that keeping you here would kill you in the end. You weren't made for a place like this. He wanted you home with him and Alfred. It was where you belonged. 
Little did he know that the solution to his problem was going to be solved...
It would be several weeks later, close to when visiting hours would end. You were sitting in your cell with your back facing the door when you heard it open. 
That voice made your entire body go cold. Yes the tone was deeper, and a little gravely, but you knew that voice. The Gotham accent...it couldn't be anyone else. Slowly your head turned, and you nearly fainted when your eyes met the ones staring back at you...
To be continued...
(I know most wanted a pt.2 with Jason's reaction, but I got a little carried away lol. I promise I will make a pt.3 with his reaction!)
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sir-adamus · 2 months
stipulations for Salem's immortality is that she will walk the face of the world until she 'learns the importance of life and death', as punishment for attempting to 'disrupt the balance' that the Brothers created
the Blacksmith establishes that the Brothers flat out don't understand what balance really is, which is why they clash constantly in contrast to how the Blacksmith shows that RWBY - finding equilibrium in their cooperation and patience with each other - represent true balance
in fact the contrast in approach between the Brothers and the Tree is very clear; the Brothers are at constant war with each other and deal out vengeful, punitive 'justice' instead of actually solving anything (bickering and breaking and repairing the Jabberwalker to spite each other and neither attempting to fix the problems with it. not even acknowledging or questioning why Salem wanted Ozma back and instead dismissing her, then throwing a tantrum when she proceeded to not do as she was told, resulting in global genocide and later hanging the threat over Oz's head that they'd do it again if the new humanity isn't up to their exacting standards).
meanwhile the Tree, through the Blacksmith, gives Ruby the space and reassurance she needs to stop running herself into the ground and start resolving her issues. it addresses the heart of the problem, for closure and resolution, with no judgment or pressure
so, message is clear - RWBY are gonna be key to stopping Salem for good by demonstrating something the Brothers could never hope to impart to her.
and obviously the Brothers will invariably get summoned down to Remnant, if not by Salem's hand then by Cinder's (she's vengeful enough that she'd be driven to try and end all of humanity just to one-up her enemies, let's be real); because the stipulation on Oz's immortality requires them to come back so he can finally die - and that's where they'll be challenged on the cosmic levels of bullshit they've left the universe in
i guess if you think about it, it all roots back to the Brothers not even understanding what they were made for and getting too big for their boots over it - the Tree doesn't judge, the Tree helps solve the heart of the issue to help people move on (though how successful that is, is up to them), to be better than they were, and judgment and punishment have no place in that. likewise, the Brothers weren't meant to judge, but they took their powers of Creation and Destruction to mean they were the arbiters over such things, and not part of the ecosystem - and therefore got it in their stupid featureless heads that they get to judge the worthiness of the living, and dole out disproportionate punishments in the face of even a modicum of defiance
and because of their failure to understand what real balance is, it's basically become a cycle that has been repeated throughout the course of Remnant's history - impatience and conflict, petty vengeance and spite. like almost every villain is acting to punish some perceived wrong inflicted on them instead of addressing their own issues (Salem vs the Brothers and Oz, Hazel vs Oz, Adam vs the world, Ironwood vs anyone who questions him, Cinder vs Ruby, Neo vs Ruby, the Cat vs Alyx and the Brothers)
Adam refused to walk away despite being given multiple chances to do so and kept going until the only option was to kill him (and his death didn't solve the problems he created). Ironwood refused to listen to any plan that wasn't his own to the point of actively sabotaging the plans of others and threatening to bomb defenseless civilians so that he'd get his way, until he was left to be literally crushed by the weight of his own city (and again, massive problems left in his wake). neither of their deaths are treated as a triumph within the narrative either
Neo's quest for vengeance destroyed her from the inside and she actually succeeded, reckoning with the hollowness she had left sent her completely catatonic - and that probably would've been the end for her, worn as a meatsuit by the Cat until they either disposed of her for no longer being useful or killed with the Cat by the team (because the Cat, like Adam, was past the point of reason and was refusing to give up). it's only Jaune getting the idea of using the leaves that frees Neo and it does that by jolting her into the self-reflection the Tree provides (and the Tree doesn't judge - it only tries to help), after which she chooses to let go of Roman and go to the Tree (there is her once again doling out punitive revenge by setting Jabberwalkers on the Cat but that's before she makes the decision to Ascend, which was after seeing RWBYJ reunite - and two scenes later it's hammered in that RWBY represent the new, better way), Neo got a second chance to stop and choose to get help because the Tree itself ended up involved, and that was followed by the show making that statement on the ideals of balance, which i guess fits with that one post Eddy made following volume 9 about the idea of eucatastrophe, the turning point in a story where it's clear that despite reaching its darkest point, things turn out for the better and that there's going to be a happy ending - so it remains to be seen if the Brothers will be convinced to self-reflect or if they'll stick to their shitty guns and escalate the conflict
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phoward89 · 7 months
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Banner by me, dividers by @saradika-graphics
Based on this ask
Warnings: Coriolanus Snow is a warning himself! Cussing, possessiveness, smoking, Dark! Coriolanus Snow, thoughts of murder to solve problems...
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Chapter 1:
Coriolanus was walking downstairs towards your floor, like he did every morning, to meet up with you before school. Ever since he could remember, he walked to school with you. You lived in the same building on the Corso and after becoming friends in kindergarten, well…you became a constant in his life.
Even after he lost his parents in the war and got thrown into a life of poverty, you were still there.
You would always be there or at least that's how he felt.
Why would you be anywhere, but by his side?
You were his best friend; it was expected that you'd be glued to his hip til kingdom come.
But, truth be told, Coriolanus hasn't viewed you as his best friend in a long time. In fact, he was positive that he was obsessively head over heels in love with you.
Yes, he was insanely in love with you.
His best friend.
You've been his ever since you arrived in the Capitol at the tender age of 5.
Your father was an officer serving under his father, General Crassus Snow, in District 12 and decided to send your family to the Capitol when the rebellion started. It was a good thing that he sent your brother, mother, and you away too since he was murdered by rebels along with Coriolanus’ father during the dark days.
So, you've been by Coriolanus’ side during the war and after.
Maybe that's why he felt such a strong pull of possessive love towards you.
Plus, you were in the same boat as him. Living off of your good name and scraping to get by. Attending the Academy with the hopes of acquiring one of the few and highly sought out end of year prizes to pay for university.
Eh, at least your brother sent home his wages from being a peacekeeper to ensure you and your mother didn't starve (too much).
Your brother reminded him so much of his sweet cousin.
His cousin Tigris was stuck slaving away for Fabricia Whatnot. She was supposed to be her apprentice, but she was more or less a glorified maid to the designer.
Also, the pay his cousin received was very low. Unfortunately, she sometimes has to sell her body to afford them an extra head of cabbage or to get him new (old) dress shoes or something that he needed.
Shaking the thought of his cousin selling herself out of his head, Coriolanus walked onto your floor. The 8th floor.
He went over to your door and knocked on it like he did every morning. Except that unlike every morning you didn't answer it with your large smile full of sunshine and roses that you reserved just for him.
This morning he was met with the sight of your mother opening the door in an outdated silk kimono. An opera length cigarette holder dangled between her fingers. The plum nail polish chipping as if she hasn't had her nails done in weeks.
Actually, when Coriolanus thinks about it, your mother hasn't had her nails done in weeks since your family's as poor as his.
Before he could even ask for you, your mother looked up at him with indifference in her eyes and revealed, “Y/N’s not here, but if you run downstairs and up the street I'm sure you'll be able to catch up with her and her new boyfriend.”
Coriolanus’ icy blue eyes blazed with a mixture of anger and shock. “Her new boyfriend?!” He bitterly spat out.
Your mother just rolled her eyes at the boy she thought was going to ruin your life if you continued to be up his ass all the time. There was just something about Coriolanus that unsettled her. That made her believe he was all wrong for you.
Maybe it was how possessive he was with you, as if he owned you, when you were nothing to him, but a neighbor and friend.
You weren't his girlfriend, but he paraded you around like you were. Got mad if you talked to anyone he didn't approve of. Wanted to be around you all the time.
Etc, etc, etc.
So, of course your mother encouraged you to accept Sejanus’ invitation to a dinner date. To accept his offer of picking you up for school.
When you talked to her the other day about how the Plinth boy (who was assigned to do an project with you for your Ancient History class) admitted he had a crush on you and would like to take you out; be your boyfriend, well, she all but pushed you into saying yes to the boy.
Anything to keep you away from Coriolanus Snow.
The son of General Crassus Snow.
Just the memory of her late husband's commanding officer sent chills up your mother's spine.
“Let's not beat around the bush, Coriolanus. You're not good for my daughter and have nothing to offer her, except a moldy 12th floor penthouse and some rotten food.” Your mother tipped her ashes on Coriolanus' too small shoes before continuing with, “But her new boyfriend has a lot to offer her. He's a good guy that has a heart of gold. Is heir to a fortune as well.” Your mother slammed the door shut in your best friend's face; leaving him to stand in the hallway stewing in his newfound anger and jealousy.
He was going to find out who your boyfriend was and then he was going to kill the asshole who even dared take what was his.
Everyone knew that you belonged to him. Who in their right mind would be stupid enough to ask you out?
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Coriolanus found out who was stupid enough to ask you out whenever lunchtime came around. Unfortunately for him, you didn't have any morning classes together. That sucked, but he was looking forward to lunch so that he could ask you about what your mother told him this morning.
Whenever he walked into the cafeteria he saw you sitting at your regular table with that pathetic district dog Sejanus by your side. Why were you sitting with him, he didn't know. You knew that you're supposed to wait for him to sit with you before playing nice with the District 2 transplant.
Walking up to the table, Coriolanus set his tray down and took a seat next to you. “I went to your apartment to get you this morning, but your mom said that your boyfriend picked you up.”
“Oh, I'm so sorry, Coryo. I should've told you as soon as he asked me out.”
“It's alright, my little dove.” No it wasn't alright. Coriolanus was going to find out who asked you out and then rip their heart out of their chest and feed it to his neighbor’s cat, Boa Bell.
Sejanus had a stupid grin on his face as he looked at you. Wait, why was he looking at you?
Coriolanus’ baby blues looked between you and the Plinths heir, only to feel his chest begin to tighten.
God no!
No, no, no!
Anybody, but Sejanus. Anynody but him.
Not him and you…
But Coriolanus' pleas to a higher power went on death ears as you looked between the curly haired blonde and the warm hearted brunette while announcing, “Sejanus is my boyfriend now. We've been working on a project for Ancient History together and, well, he's taking me to dinner tonight.”
“Oh. That's nice.” Coriolanus said in a tone that was dripping with fake kindness. In reality he wanted to bash Sejanus' head in with his tray for tricking you into going out with him.
How dare he seduce you while working on a class project. You were such an innocent little dove. You could easily be corrupted and needed protecting from men that has ill intentions towards you.
Coriolanus always thought that he was doing a good job protecting you, but it turns out that he failed. You were no longer his and his alone.
Now he was expected to share you with Sejanus Plinth, that boy from District 2 whose Pa’s blood money bought his way into the Capitol. Oh, like hell that was happening.
Coriolanus Snow did not share anything.
At all.
And he wasn't going to share you.
He didn't know how, but he was going to get you back.
Feeling the need to lash out, Coriolanus excused himself from the table. Of course, you told him you'd wait for him to get back. Sejanus didn't say a word to him, just asked you if you wanted his cookie because he didn't feel like it.
How sickening, he was using food to win you over.
Coriolanus didn't stay and watch you accept the cookie. Instead he went to the nearest restroom, locked himself in a stall, and nearly pulled his hair out while letting out frustrated screams. He angrily cried at the thought of losing you.
He couldn't lose you.
You were his and he needed you.
Damnit, he needed to find a way to break you and Sejanus up.
Maybe he should just make the district 2 scumbag disappear. That would solve all his problems. Then he'd be able to get his little dove back.
And once he has you back, he'll clip your wings so you'll never be able to fly away again.
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Tags: @kuroosbby001, @purriteen, @poppyflower-22, @meetmeatyourworst, @whipwhoops, @bxtchopolis, @readingthingsonhere,@savagenctzen, @ryswritingrecord, @erikasurfer, @tulips2715, @universal-s1ut, @thesmutconnoisseur, @squidscottjeans, @sudek4l, @wearemadeofstardust0, @mashiromochi, @gracieroxzy, @belcalis9503, @shari-berri, @aoi-targaryen, @whiteoakoak, @spear-bearing-bi-witch, @gisellesprettylies, @loverandqueenofdragons, @qoopeeya, @tatumrileyslover
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calaisreno · 4 months
1146 words / Prompt: Laugh
Have some cake. It's my birthday.
Sherlock picks up his fork and examines the slice of cake before him. It’s yellow, with thick white icing and colourful sprinkles. 
John and Molly have already tasted their pieces and are talking about something. John makes a teasing remark about hearing aids. Apparently Sherlock has missed the question.
John smiles at him. It’s a fond smile, but a sad one. Sherlock tries to remember the last time John looked happy. It’s been ages, he thinks. Even the smile on his face now isn’t truly happy. 
His wedding, maybe. He did smile a lot that day, but there was something ragged underneath. A kind of exhausted cheer. The days leading up the event were hectic, but it was worth it to give John and Mary a joyous day. Maybe it was relief Sherlock saw in those wedding smiles. Glad to have the big day go well, ready to wake up to a new life. 
The day Rosie was born, John’s smile was incredulous, full of wonder. But Sherlock could see he was terrified, too. It was the day it all became real, irrevocable. There was no going back for him and Mary. Nor for Sherlock. John was a father, and had responsibilities.
Unmingled joy. That’s what Sherlock is trying to remember. 
That was the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever done.
And you invaded Afghanistan.
It was the first time he heard John helpless with laughter. They’d stood inside the front door, leaning against the wall, giggling at the ridiculousness of what they’d just done, running through alleys and across rooftops. Welcome to London.
It was the moment when he first realised he wanted to kiss John. He wanted to hear that giggle of surrender again. To laugh every day with John and keep him forever.
It might have lasted, if Sherlock hadn’t created a problem that could only be solved by dying, leaving John alone for two years. 
He’d dreamed of coming home, hearing John laugh at his brilliant resurrection. He’d been so intent on that, he hadn’t realised. It may have been necessary to go away, but his return wasn’t as brilliant as he’d dreamed.
Well, then. Neither of them has been happy.
“You haven’t even tasted it,” John is saying. 
“Oh.” He lifts a bite to his mouth, smells vanilla, feels the icing melt on his tongue. “Delicious.” It is, and he takes another bite, even though he’s not hungry. 
John is smiling at him. 
He can’t stop thinking about John’s tears, just a half an hour ago in the flat. 
I’m not the man you thought I was. 
It’s not okay.
Well, it is what it is. John hasn’t been happy for a long time, he thinks. 
Though they never spoke of it, he knows John had mixed feelings about the marriage. A part of him loved Mary, but even though he forgave her, he never forgot:  what have I ever done… my whole life… to deserve you?
Mary wasn’t supposed to be like that. But she was. 
Sherlock wasn’t supposed to come back, but he did. 
John was supposed to be happy. He wasn’t.
Sometimes he thinks John might have been happy if Sherlock had stayed dead. He would have got over his best friend dying in front of him. He would have married and lived in the suburbs with his wife and child. His wife wouldn’t have shot Sherlock, and she wouldn’t have died, trying to protect him. He wouldn’t be raising his child alone. 
He eats his cake silently, pressing his fork into the last crumbs. 
“You’ve been quiet,” John says as they walk back to 221B. 
“About earlier… I’m sorry.” He huffs a small laugh. “Mood killer, for sure.”
He stops walking. “John.”
John is two paces ahead by the time Sherlock says his name. He turns and looks at Sherlock, puzzled. “What is it?”
“Are you happy?”
“Am I happy?” He gives a short, bitter laugh. “What does happiness have to do with anything? Are you happy?”
“Well, no one can be happy all the time. But I consider myself an optimistic person. I expect I will be happy again.”
“Are you…” John licks his lips. “Will you contact her?”
“No. She knows what I am, and doesn’t expect it.”
“Sherlock, I know I was pushing when I said you should… I mean, it’s okay if you don’t want that. I just wish you weren’t so alone.”
“Not so alone. I have you.” 
Sherlock resumes walking; John falls into step with him.
“Yeah, a great friend I’ve been.”
“You’re not perfect, John. Neither am I. You shouldn’t hold yourself to an impossibly high standard. Happiness is more important. Do you know,” he says, turning to look at John, “some of my happiest moments have been spent with you.”
John sighs. “We’ve had some good times. I’ll never forget the months we lived together. You saved me. I was so lost, so alone…” Glancing at Sherlock, he smiles wistfully. “Do you remember that night, when we were chasing the cab, and I forgot my cane at the restaurant?” He giggles. “Oh, God. Down alleys, across the rooftops. Welcome to London. That was the most ridiculous thing I’d ever done.”
Sherlock smiles. “Wanna see some more?”
“What are you saying?” John halts. 
Sherlock turns and faces him. “Come back. Move in with me, you and Rosie.”
John is gazing at him, his eyes soft. “Do you know what I wished for that night?”
“What did you wish, John?”
He looks down at his feet. “I wished… that I could spend the rest of my days running after you, trying to keep up. Giggling at crime scenes, running all over London, coming home and sitting in the evenings…” He sighs. “It can’t be like it was before. I have a child.”
“Another adventure I look forward to. We’ll hire a nanny, solve all the boring cases, and you’ll write them up for the blog. We’ll be together.” He puts his hands on John’s shoulders. “Come back to me.”
John shakes his head gravely. “You don’t know what you’re asking. Rosie’s a baby, and soon she’ll be toddling around, getting into everything.”
“That’s what babies do. They grow into children, and eventually leave home. And you’ll miss her then. I want to see her grow up, too. I want to be there when you send her off to uni. I want to help plan her wedding, hold your first grandchild. I want to retire to a cottage in Sussex with you and keep bees.”
“Yes, John. Do keep up. If you don’t like bees, you ought to have plenty of cases to write up by then.”
John brushes tears from his eyes. “What are you saying?”
In answer, he puts his arms around John. “You said love would complete me as a human being. I’m saying, it already has.”
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stormberry-12 · 1 year
Hellooo how are you this fine evening..
I wanted the ask if you could make one for jj where he does something that upsets the reader and she’s crying and sad and jj gets the silent treatment the whole week but he starts to cry hard and beg for her to talk to him and reader can’t help but comfort and hug him and give him all the love that she has and jj is all pouty and sad in the end
It’s fine if not <3 :)
didn't mean to ~ jj maybank x reader
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pairing: JJ Maybank x Kook!Fem!Reader
warnings: language, angst, arguing, silent treatment.
notes: thxs for the request! Sorry I haven't posted in forever guys, im doing final exams at school rn and stuff. Also, sorry this is so short. But anyway, I loved this concept and also hated the way they solved JJ and Kie's fight in Season 3 so I tried to recreate it here with a better ending. Sorry, this took so long lol, much love!
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"I mean, it would all blow up anyway. You know? Like... Look at you. You got your new threads on!" JJ exclaimed. "Look at me. What do I got? This? This piece of shit?" He threw something out of frustration, panting. You looked back at his run-down house, the eviction notice nailed to the front door with bright yellow police tape crossing over it.
"Getting kicked out of this place in three weeks anyway. shit, I don't even got parents right now. Why would you care? Why would you care? I'm just some loser that..."
"You don't care. No, you don't!"
"I do care!" you shouted, getting frustrated with his attitude.
"No, you got parents that live in Figure Eight, you know?"
"That's not my fault."
"That's your future." he countered walking towards the water, hand running through his hair in frustration.
"Look, if you need us, we're gonna help you. I'm... I'll help."
"No- It's that right there! Okay? Like... It's so easy for you to say that." he whirled around to face you, yelling, "You know why? Because you're a Kook. You're a Kook, Y/n!"
"Yeah... I'm a Kook. I was such a Kook when I was living in a cave with you for a month! Soaking in the Kook life!"
"That's not what I'm talking about. GOD!" he exclaimed, reaching for his bike, he swung his leg over the seat.
"Jayj, don't leave." you pleaded, the engine of his bike revved and he started to drive away,
"JJ, WHAT THE HELL?" You screamed after him, tears rolling down your face, "MAYBANK!"
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You were pissed the fuck off.
The first day after your fight you hadn't seen JJ, you cried for a couple hours, indulging in your favorite ice cream watching a sad rom-com, really getting in your feels.
Kie texted you to ask you what was up, the pogues had gone fishing that day but you never showed, to angry and sad to show your face to the world.
'Ask the blond kid,' was all you responded. you watched as her three typing bubbles flashed beneath your text.
'shit head's not here either,' she responded. 'wtf is going on,'
'fight. he called me a kook.'
'oh shit,' was all she said.
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A few days later you walked around the chateau and dug through John B's fridge, you were fully aware of JJ's presence on the couch but still continued to ignore him. It was closing in on a week since you had last uttered a word to him.
Grabbing a chilled beer you walked past JJ and to the front door.
"Y/n," he said, voice cracking.
It wasn't the first time JJ had tried to talk to you this week and once again you ignored him. You slipped your shoes on and walked out onto the porch, slamming the door behind you. You flinched at how harsh it was but brushed the feeling away as you took a sip of your drink.
You sat at the edge of JJ's hot tub, the disco lights twinkled in the water, and the beer started to make you feel nauseous. You set it down and let out a shaky breath, blinking away tears that made the colorful lights spur in all different directions.
'Oh stop it Y/n' you told yourself, you would not cry anymore over this boy, if he didn't want to date a 'kook' that was his problem.
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A long time must have passed, you had slid down fully into the hot tub finishing off your drink and basking in your own thoughts. The sun had set and the tides changed across the water.
"Go!" You heard someone on the deck grunt, you looked up to see John B pushing JJ out the door towards you locking him outside. JJ made his way down the stairs awkwardly and stood at the edge of the hot tub across from you, not getting in like he was looking for your permission.
"What do you want Maybank?" you asked quietly.
"I-uh," he sniffled and you focused closer in the dim light to see tears streaming down his face. "I made you a bracelet,"
He mumbled in the softest voice that made your heart clench and reached out to hand it to you. You looked at it closely, intricate little hearts knotted into the design, made with your favorite colors. And of course, the sea blue strings that you had told him reminded you of his eyes countless times. You didn't know what to say. Until you heard the soft sobbing coming from his lips, he thought you didn't like it.
"No, JJ..." you cooed, wrapping the bracelet around your wrist and tieing it in a crisp knot. You slid yourself through the water and stood in front of him taking in his state. He looked at you with pleading eyes and you wrapped your arms around him. He collapsed into you, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his face in your shoulder. You felt butterflies in your stomach at his touch and lifted a hand to stroke his hair. God you loved this boy so much.
"I-i'm sorry," he cried, "I called you a kook, I'm such a dick, It's all my fault..."
"No, Jayj-" you whispered.
"No, I am in the wrong too, shouldn't have ignored you like that," you whispered.
"But I called you a kook," he said again.
"And then I was acting like one, it was wrong,"
You stood there in silence hugging each other, you you feel his breathing slow and he recovered to look up at you.
"Please forgive me," he said.
"Always, as long as you forgive me," he nodded frantically at you causing you to giggle.
"Thank god that's over," you heard Pope say in the distance.
"Yeah, pass me one of those?" Kie said, taking a beer out of the cooler, the rest of the pogues walking toward the hot tub.
You all settle down in the warm water, JJ snuggling into your side, looking at your bracelet sweetly for the rest of the night. You kissed the top of his head, knowing what ever happed in the future you could always get through it with him.
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angelkhi · 2 years
love me, hate me - s.r
summary: steve rogers pisses you off, and you piss him off. but is it really ever that simple?
warnings: SMUT 18+ (MINORS DNI), p in v, switch steve & reader, face sitting, unprotected sex, talks of bodily fluids, enemies to lovers a little bit, slight hate fucking but also not?? feelings at the end sort of.
word count: 2.8.k
a little note: Happy New Year to you all! finished this at 4 am so not beta’d any mistakes are my own (seriously i just spelled mistakes as ‘mestayks’ so like sorry lol) half based on this request but also something i already had in the works that seemed to mesh xx
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"Let's not forget who's doing who a favour." You chide, already irritated by presence.
"Please sweetheart, I'm doing you more of a favour than you realise."
"And how's that Mr Rogers?" You fix his crooked tie. Always picking up after him.
"You walk in there with me? There's no way you're going home alone tonight." He smooths out the collar on his shirt, checking himself over in the mirror. "Your little problem gets solved."
"My little problem?"
"Don't get me wrong, Yels, it's great doing it yourself but it would be nice for someone give me an orgasm every now and then."
"You fuckin pig! You were listening to my conversation?" You're embarrassed. Beyond embarrassed. If there's one person that doesn't need to know about your dwindling sex life it's Steve Rogers.
"It's kinda hard not to overhear yours and Yelena's screeching on girls night." Once again those fingers fly up into quotation marks and you have to blink yourself free from the daze you're slipping into.
Maybe Steve does have a point, you're significantly louder after a bottle or two of rose, but it doesn't give him the right to use your own words against you.
"You're a dick, Rogers. It's none of your fucking business how many orgasms I have." He's smirking down at you now, something in his eyes you've never seen before. "Let's just get this over with. I don't want to have to see your face any longer than necessary."
The two of you enter the ballroom together as planned, and heads turn almost instantly. The quiet gasps and turning heads boost his scolded ego more than nicely. But that's all it is. A soothing bandage over a painful wound.
Stark's infamous shindigs that rivalled even the most grand of galas, yet you are the only thing that matters to him in a room filled with expensive champagne and extravagant sculptures. He watches you from across the room, Bucky's latest debrief on Sam's irritating behaviour blending into the mindless background chatter.
You're done up to the nines, pretty hair twisted in some intricate up-do, and that dress. That fucking dress. He wonders if things would be easier if you knew how he really felt about you, that the trading of insults between the two of you is the only way he can resist pinning you against every available surface and fucking the attitude out of you.
You work your charm with everyone that comes up to you, offering you drinks and boring conversation. You know you're in charge, so do they, and so does he.
He spots you talking to a pretty redhead he soon recognises as Wanda, she's changed since he last saw her. But he much more notices the lingering stares and flirtatious touches, the way you lean into each other and laugh a little too loud. Jealousy is no longer a green eyed monster, but a blonde haired, blue eyed super soldier.
You happen to glance over at him in that moment, taking in his tensed jaw and white-knuckle grip on his champagne flute, expecting it to shatter under any more force. He watches as you smirk in his direction, and the go back to the conversation like he wasn't even there. Sam and Bucky pull him away to a conversation that is meant to be important and he loses sight of you for the rest of the evening.
The party starts to get a little too lively towards 11pm, the rowdy crowd excited about the looming new year. You find yourself at the bar, sick of your uncomfortable shoes, ready to get more than drunk, kiss a bottle at midnight and fall into bed with your vibrator once again. Someone slides into the empty seat next to you, speaking to the bar tender. You catch the 'and whatever she's having' and roll your eyes just wanting to be left alone at this point.
Your double vodka and cranberry is slid in front of you and you take a single sip before turning to the man next to you. He's attractive, with his full beard and long brown hair. There's something in his eyes but you don't care enough to find out that much about him. He shakes your hand firmly, introducing himself as Quentin Beck. You smile and thank him when he compliments you, you hum and nod when he tells you about his latest technological venture that sounds weirdly similar to Tony's, you smile coyly when he rests a hand on your thigh and offers to take you somewhere a little less private.
You're silently disappointed that this is the best you could do on a night like tonight but you're not one to look a fort horse in the mouth. He guides you through the crowd with a hand around your waist until the function room doors come into view and your excitement dims even further. Steve stands in the doorway, arms crossed and biceps bulging as he stares at Quentin and then his hand on your waste.
"Hey honey." He wraps his fingers around your wrist lightly, stopping you in your tracks. He stares down at you for a second too long, then diverts his gaze to Beck.
"Fuck off." Two words. Two are all it takes for Quentin to crumble.
His hand moves from your waist faster than you can blink and he's already being swallowed up by the crowd when you turn away from glaring at Steve. His fingers linger around your wrist but you shrug him off, and leave the grand ballroom stomping down to the elevator.
He follows you of course, right up to your door, pushing inside when you try and slam it in his face.
"Honey that guy was a creep."
"Don't 'honey' me you just ruined my one good chance of getting laid tonight." You kick off your shoes.
"Well I wouldn't call it a good chance..."
"What was that?!" You're about to fiddle with the zip of your dress but instead steve has your attention and an insane amount of audacity.
"M'just saying he wouldn't have been worth it." He pauses, sitting on your bed uninvited. "Doesn't look like he can find his car keys let alone please a woman."
"I guess I'll never know now." You scoff.
"Use me instead."
What in the sweet baby jesus?!
"How much have you had to drink?" You chuckle, and go back to working your zip.
"You know I can't get drunk. How much have you had to drink?" He retorts, reaching up to undo the zipper for you.
"Not enough for this to be a hallucination. What's in it for you?"
"An orgasm." Fair enough.
"Why are you doing this? Are you trying to humiliate me?"
"What? No! I'm just trying to apologise for ruining your New Years hook up." He looks sincere, but then Steve never lies. You on the other hand, would be lying if you said you didn't want to jump his bones at least twenty three and a half of the twenty four hours in the day. And he's offering himself to you on a golden platter. Why turn. it down?
It's a simple word, but it holds so much power. Starting something that may just fucking ruin you. But you want it. He wants it. The easy route be damned. Steve is quick to discard his clothing, looking up at you expectantly waiting for your next request. You simply just let your dress drop, carefully stepping over the expensive fabric and slotting yourself between Steve's legs. His eyes widen when he realises you'd neglected to put on any underwear that evening. She reaches out to touch you, rest a hand on your hip but you slap it away.
"Lay back." You kneel over his hips, excitement fizzling on your skin as he rests on his elbows, taking up an insane amount of space with his broad shoulders and wide thighs. He doesn't move any further, a sly smirk on his lips and wonder in his eyes.
"I said I don't want to see your face, lie the fuck back." You have him under your thumb, and your pussy, when he lays back against the cotton sheets you crawl across his body and rest above his face. His hands grip onto the backs of your thighs, usually light eyes dark with lust. 
"No touching." You thread his arms above him, resting forward and pinning them against the pillows. His response is muffled when you lower yourself onto his face. His tongue works wonders when he's not using it to talk and you definitely prefer it when he's not talking.
You grind yourself down against his pliant tongue, clit bumping his stupidly perfect nose with each thrust. You're taking what you deserve from him, what he owes you and you fucking love it. You love the fact that he could easily slip you underneath him, pin you beneath him and pull you apart but instead he's letting you use him, letting you grind yourself to an orgasm on his face.
"You're not so useless after all Rogers, fucking hell." His lips purse around your exposed clit and your thighs shake a little. You press yourself further against him, chasing your well deserved orgasm until you're panting above him half spent.
Lifting yourself off of him, you take in his flushed cheeks and blown out eyes. God he's pretty. Your hand strokes through his hair and he leans into your touch. Putty in your hands.
You reach back, your hands almost dwarfed by the impressive size of his pretty cock. You struggle to wrap your hands around him fully, but when you start stroking him slow but firm it doesn't matter. His face twists into one of pure bliss and his hips fuck up into your fist desperately. Deciding enough is enough you manoeuvre down his body, hovering over his painfully hard weeping cock. You drag him through your folds, almost slipping him in before bumping his engorged head against your clit until you're right on the edge of desperation and finally sink down on him.
You take him slowly at first, unable to stay quiet as he stretches you open. There's a slight sting but my god does it sting so good. Once he's fully sheathed you take a moment to accommodate, grinding down on him, twin moans coming from the two of you. You raise yourself up again, right to the tip and back down, slowly building the rhythm until you're bouncing on his cock, hitting spots you didn't even know existed panting for breath. 
"You feel so fucking good." You whimper chasing your own pleasure, fuelled by Steve's. He fists the bedsheets, so obedient trying not to touch you, but you look so pretty and broken and you're touching yourself whilst you ride him, clenching down on his dick so fucking perfectly. He's more vocal than. you expected, grunting and moaning and whining.
"Fuck I'm gonna come. Steve." Your fingers roll your taught nipples between your fingers, pinching and pulling. Steve's hips stutter for a moment, but then he's right there with you, fucking up into your perfect cunt until you're shaking on his dick, grinding your clit against his pubic bone and falling over the edge.
He doesn't give you a second to breath, wrapping his strong arms around you and placing you flat on your back. You're breathless, your vision is still fuzzy but then he's pounding into you. Lifting your leg above his shoulder opening you up up to him even more. You're well and truly fucked. Not a single word or thought or even sound registering. You're just wide eyed and open mouthed and taking what he gives you.
"Not so cocky now are we, hmm sweetheart." His thumb flicks your clit once and you're coming all over again, a loud scream echoing off of the walls.
"There she is. So fucking perfect, taking what you need. Did I do well, did I satisfy your greedy pussy or do you still want more?"
"St-Steve. More." You sound so broken, so unalike yourself but you never want to go back to her when you can be this.
"Course you fuckin do. Play with your tits for me, that's a good girl." He thrusts slow but deep, your weak legs held in position by his huge hands. He relishes in your flushed face and smudged makeup. Your hair has foregone the confines of bobby pins and it's splayed out on the cushion behind you. You're fucking perfect.
"Who's cunt is this?" Your eyes lull into the back of your head when he delivers a quick sharp tap to your clit. "Tell me who's cunt it is and I'll let you cum."
"Y-Yours. Yours Steve."
"Good. And who's fuckin dick is this tearing you apart?" It's all too much, you're on the verge of crying from the overstimulation. "Who's is it?"
"Good fucking girl." He punctuates his words with his thrusts, picking up speed once more and rubbing small quick circles against your clit. Your tears do spill then, dark mascara running down your cheeks when you explode all over him.
He fucks you through the orgasm, pulling out of you when you begin to claw at his chest, leaving pretty marks all over him. He kneels over you, furiously stroking himself to completion until he cums in long white ropes all over your breasts, chest heaving and panting. He collapses next to you, silent as you try to catch your breaths and wrap your head around what just happened.
It shouldn't surprise you when Steve gets up to the bathroom and comes back with a washcloth, but it does. It leaves you stunned. You try not to show it though, nor do you give him a glimpse at how disappointed you are about leaving.
"Damn Rogers, you really know how to hate fuck." Steve's gaze is frantic, but mostly confused.
"Hate? I don't hate you." His eyebrows are pulled together so tightly you're scared they might just fuse into one another.
"Could've fooled me." You pull up your underwear and pull on his shirt foregoing the tight dress.
"Look. I don't. Hate. You. Do you get on my nerves? Sometimes. But I could never hate you."
"So what? You wanna call the way you've treated me since I got here a proclamation of your undying love." He's silent. "You can't be fucking serious Rogers."
"Don't be like that, you gave just as good as you got." You scoff, but it's the truth. "Every time I look at you I want to fuck you, every time I see someone even look at you I wanna fuckin... I don't know!"
"You terrify me. I have all these feelings for you, but you're so... you. You're so gorgeous, you're potty mouth and you're strong and you don't take shit from no one, not even me. I'm an idiot, I know that and I don't expect a sorry to fix anything, but I need you to know that that wasn't a one time thing, I want you."
"Well fuck. You have feelings for me?" He nods, simple, effective and oh so Steve Rogers. "I thought. I don't know what I though. I walked in here and you just stared at me and left, and I guess I though you took one look at me and decided I wasn't enough. So I decided I was gonna prove you wrong."
"I think you're everything. You've certainly proved me right." He looks angry, at himself at and the situation, but mostly at the fact that you'd ever thought those things about yourself.
"Right pair of idiots we are." You mutter, trying to lighten the you're-not-sure-what mood. He pulls you into his lap, rough hand resting around your waist.
"Aren't we just." He whispers against your lips.
"How many people did you tell to fuck off tonight? Just out of interest."
"Bout 15." He mumbles and then laughs, "don't regret a single one of them though."
You surge forward and press against him. His lips are softer than expected and his movements are so slow, so tentative. You arch into him, greed driving your need to make up for the last few wasted months.
A loud bang erupts from outside of the glass windows, popping into a concoction of golds and reds and pinks, until the New York skyline is littered with individual fireworks displays.
"Happy New Year Rogers." You whisper against his lips, though it turns into a breathless whimper when he pulls your panties to the side. "You get on my nerves too by the way. Like a whole lot."
"Yeah yeah. Happy New Year."
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the-witch-of-one-piece · 10 months
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Secrets Kept From Him 18+ Chapter 7: Threats Ran x F!reader x Draken WC:7k Resident: @enchantedforest-network Synopsis: Ran feeling the rage of knowing what you did with Draken. He was so consumed with his thoughts he began to think about the past. The confrontation between Draken and Ran, threats would be known but would Draken really stray away? The confrontation between Ran and you would lead his daughter to know who he is. It wouldn't be the only complication that would lead you to the club to confront Ran with serious news. Fearing for you and your daughter's life it would be in Ran's hands. Seeing the woman who was on the other line and feeling conflicted with Ran. Everything happening makes you feel overwhelmed with everything. Tw: Threats, strong language (swearing, guns, and death), anger, anxiety, hickeys, kissings, flashbacks, passing out, break-in, stalking, arguing, possessive behavior from Ran, paranoia (unedited)
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Draken had the towel around his waist as he went to his dresser pulling out a shirt for you to wear. As you slid the shirt it was overly too big for you yet he enjoyed the sight of you in his clothing. Draken went into the bathroom to grab something else. You reached for your phone that was in your purse. Seeing a voicemail along with a few messages.  Listening to the voicemail as you walk into the living room. ‘What the hell...’  he was at your home that late. The voicemail was left about 2 hours ago.  When you pulled up the test message from him. ‘You with him aren’t you. Is my daughter with you both?.’
Knowing if you called him right now it would be an issue and you didn’t want to drag Draken into this being so late at night already.When Draken came out of the bathroom he saw you walking back into the room. “Everything alright?” he asked. 
“Yeah, I was gonna check on d/n but I realized it was already late. They are already asleep.”  Both of you laid in bed flicking the light off. He pulled you close to his chest, the side of your face. You could hear the steadiness of his heartbeat. Draken may have had a hunch something else was bothering you but you wouldn’t tell him. He could sense it could have been  because of Ran, but he  didn’t want to ruin this moment with you. His fingers work through your damp hair massaging your scalp. “I hope you enjoyed tonight.” Closing your eyes enjoying his fingers rubbing your scalp “I did, it's been so long since I’ve been on a date.” “I hope you don’t mind  going on more with me.” 
“I like the sound of that… You don’t mind going out with a single mom at all?” asking him. Hearing the mixture of pros and cons dating a single mom from other people and what they experienced.  
“It doesn’t bother me you being a mom ________. Some people may be bothered but I'm not one of them… D/n is your first priority. You're a mom first.”  She was your first priority, making sure she was safe and happy. 
Rindou watched his brother's foot tap on the floor as he sat down on the sofa. Ran looked around the club trying to avoid his thoughts of you being with Draken right now. It was becoming more evident to him when he thought about the conversation you both had. The way your body language spoke more than your words. “I know they slept together. The way she was acting when we talked she never acted this way with me. I’m losing her…” “Not if you get rid of the problem.”  Rindou leaning back on the couch. 
“Getting rid of him would solve a lot of issues…He still works at the shop right?”  Ran asked. His brother nodded  “I think I will pay him a visit after the meeting tomorrow. Obviously I need to make the message more clear to him about staying away from ________ and d/n.”
Ran felt his phone ringing, wondering if you were finally calling him back. Maybe a part of him wanted it to be you and it was you asking him for help if you got stranded somewhere or were anywhere else other than with Draken. Seeing the caller ID he closed his eyes for a brief moment. His stress level was high thinking he may need to release it. “Hello Ms. Yamaguchi…I could be better, have you ever got the feeling you wanna bash someone’s head in to relieve some stress??…really now… you don't say… what else now? Give me 20 mins I will be there.” he hung up his phone. At this point he needed something else to distract him even if it meant fucking someone to get the tension off of him. Using her body was just something temporary. 
Ran was making his way to her place when his mind began to wander to the day you left. That day since you came back repeated in his mind  more often than he wanted it. Just like a fresh wound that dishenced he replayed in his mind. 
“I will be back later on...” He cradles your cheeks with his hands. One of his hands bandaged up from an incident last night. He noticed you had a weary smile with his words. “You alright doll?” He asked
“I’m fine, just a little tired…I might just lay down and get some sleep.” You assured him. 
“Call me if you need me to come home okay?”
“Ran I’m fine” you softly chuckled.
“I love you” he kissed your forehead. 
“I love you too. Ran… please be careful? For me?”  
“Of course, aren’t I always?” he gave a small smile “Ran, I'm serious. Just these injuries could have been a lot worse than this.” “___________, please don’t worry about me. I know you worry but I can handle what I take on.” Ran reassured you many times like he has before in the past. “I will always come back to you.” He gave you a kiss on your lips before he left.
 Later in the night when Ran got home, the place was completely dark. You would often wait for him. Thinking you may have been asleep. Walking into the bedroom his eyes adjusting to the darkness to see the bed was untouched. “Where did she go?” flicking the lights on in the entire home he couldn’t find you. When he called you on the phone hoping you would pick up he would hear your phone ringing. Seeing it on the counter…. Ran’s heart dropped  he didn’t know what to do he began to internally panic not knowing if something happened to you. There was no trace of you or where you could have gone. 
He had called family and friends no one had heard from you. Ran began to think of one person who would know where you went. The same person that couldn’t have you. 
Draken was at work when he saw the eldest Haitani brother pull up to the shop. Ran never came to the shop unless it was with you.The two never really engaged in conversation with one another. There was that bit of tension other people noticed but it flew over your head. He looked annoyed looking over at Draken, Emma was visiting the shop to bring Draken lunch when she saw Ran.  “Where is she?” 
Draken was screwing a bolt on a bike when he heard the question. He held the wrench in his hand as Ran approached. The guys in the shop heard the question wondering what Ran was talking about. “Where is who Haitani?” Draken asked as they both were a few feet apart. 
“She is gone.” Ran looked at him. “Don’t act dumb tell me where she is.” 
Emma looked over at Draken “Draken what is he talking about?” 
“I don’t know what he is talking about.” Draken paused for a moment realizing the question “wait what do you mean she is gone?” 
“______ took off  last night. No one has seen her or spoken to her since yesterday. You're the only person she tells things to or what she is planning.”  Ran's face was serious as he and Draken looked at one another. 
“She hasn’t told me anything.” Draken found it odd you left without an explanation. Something must have happened for you to go to the extent of leaving the way you did. “What the hell did you do to her to make her leave?” Draken asked.
Emma looked over at Draken who had a stern expression on his face. Just in this moment she could tell he wasn’t over you.  Even after telling her many times, she just knew. Draken pushed aside his feelings after he found out about you and Ran dating. He started seeing you less than usual. He didn’t want to ruin what was making you happy even if you were with someone else. 
“What are you assuming now?” Ran responded  “you really wanna go there?” 
“______ wouldn’t just leave the way she did unless you did something you prick.” His hand was holding tighter on the wrench. “If you touched her I sw-“
“You would have liked that huh? So can you save her?” He let out a sarcastic laugh. “I would never have harmed her, you should know that by now…Such a bold move in front of your woman.” Ran looked over at Emma “how do you feel about that? Seeing how irked he got about MY girlfriend now.”  His attention went back to Draken. “If I find out you're lying about knowing where she is… you won’t see the last of me.”
“I would like to see you try.”  Draken spoke in a threat of tone. 
They both started down one another before Ran took off in his car. Draken looked over at Emma who was looking down on the ground. She was feeling insecure about their relationship. She walked away ‘shit’  Draken followed her. “Emma, wait.”  
He reached for her hand. The moment she turned around her eyes were filled with tears. “Draken, I need to go” 
He couldn’t leave her like this. He took her to the break room which was empty. “Emma, you know I love you.” He did love Emma and felt guilty for making her feel like this. 
“Do you  honestly do?” She wiped her eyes. She felt like an option of what Draken settled for instead of who he wanted to be with. 
He closed his eyes for a brief moment before responding “l do.” He held her close to him. Emma's arms wrapped around him. His chin was resting on the top of her head. Draken couldn’t come to terms he wasn’t over you. As obvious it was right now he saw it was hurting Emma. He wanted to make this work with her, being in love with someone who wasn’t his from the beginning and he needed to move on in his life. He needed to be happy as well. 
In that same time frame Draken was thinking about that day. From that point on, time passed once his relationship with Emma felt strong and solid; he wanted that next step in making her his wife. He began thinking about the efforts he tried to put in his marriage. But it was never enough… resulting in divorce. Emma prolonged the divorce for months making it more difficult for the both of them. 
Just him being able to hold you in his arms right now he had hope this would take off from here. But the challenges would only start to rise. He wasn’t fully sure how much of you wanted to move on from Ran or how long this would last between you both. You and Ran share a daughter together and a lot of memories that you and Draken hadn’t experienced. He was willing to fight for a chance to be with you. 
“______ are you up?” He quietly spoke. When he didn’t hear you respond he assumed you were sleeping. “I love you.”
You heard the words coming from Draken. Your eye slightly opened but he was unable to see them due to the angle. You honestly didn’t know how to respond. The last person you told I love you was your daughter. The words I love you held so much meaning to you, you wouldn’t mean it unless you truly were in love with someone. Draken effortlessly saying it with no hesitation. 
Ran on the other side of the city the built up anger and stress he was feeling wouldn’t go away quick enough.  No matter how rough the sex was this time, he couldn’t get rid of the image of you sleeping with Draken. It only filled his anger more. Everything he used to do to you he was now thinking you were doing it with Draken. 
Even after the sex it wasn’t enough for him. Ran getting off the bed and went into his coat pocket pulling out a cigarette. Looking at the time it was 4:30 am, “I have to get going.” Ms. Yamaguchi held the cover over her naked frame “You might as well stay. It’s already late.” 
“I prefer just to leave…my day is going to be long.” Ran spoke. 
“You seem so serious.” she gathered her hair on one side of her shoulder 
“I have a lot to deal with right now.” Ran was quickly getting dressed. “It felt like it. You wanna talk about it?” Ms. Yamaguchi asked as she reached for her robe.  Walking towards him. “Ya know you just don’t have to come over and fuck my brains out only. I’m a great listener.” ‘Also the one that made this predicament I’m in more stressful’ he said to himself. “I don’t wanna worry your pretty little head with things in my life.” Ran smirked his hands brushing through his hair. “I’ll see ya later at the club.”
He will be attending the meeting with Nishimura in a few hours. He only managed to get a few hours of sleep. Meeting Rindou at their office in the club  “you look like shit.” Rindou looked at him.
“Let's just get this over with.” Ran took a seat next to his brother. 
The meeting went on, certain demands were requested before they restart their negotiations. Both Rin and Ran were aware of the missing truck and products that were taken; they wouldn’t tell them they were in their possession. “We can make sure that doesn’t happen this time. But our price will be higher than last time and we need the money upfront before we make the drops.” Rin spoke.
They both saw the group of men speaking before the head of the Nishimura family spoke “Very well we will make some arrangements for that but we expect to hold your end of the bargain on things.” “Of course we can handle it. Just let us know when you want us to deliver the shipments.” Ran spoke “I will have someone reach out to you both regarding our shipment. I think this wraps things up,  we discuss everything that needs to be discussed. Well gentlemen, pleasure doing business as always.” Exiting out of the meeting, Ran got up from the chair. Rin looked over at his brother, “Don’t do anything stupid now.” 
“We will see what happens. I can’t promise anything I know I can’t promise.” 
Draken brought you to the shop to pick up your car. Both of you got out of his car and he walked you over to your car. “Thank you for last night.” “You don’t need to thank me.” he responded “I’m glad you went out with me. Looking forward to the next one.” “Me too.” you smiled  
Draken looked over at the shop to see some of his co-workers looking his way but then turned around when he saw them. “I know you gotta get d/n. You should get going.” his hand reached for your cheek before pressing his lips onto yours. “Right, I will talk to you later?” you asked him.
He nodded “yeah.” Draken opened your car door for you and saw you leave down the road.
Walking to the shop “So still just friends?” Inui asked. “And I wasn’t going to come into the shop today.” Mikey responded. “I take it that things are going well.”  Was dropping by the shop to catch the moment between you and Draken. “The date went well, she had to pick up d/n.” “She stood over huh?”  Mikey leaned against the tool cart. 
“Of course she did. The mark on her neck would prove she did.” Inui looked over at Draken 
“That’s enough. Stop trying to dig for info.” Draken spoke. Even if it was his day off he stood for a while to see the work Inui was doing. 
Seeing a car pull up into the parking lot. Getting out of the car was the eldest Haitani brother. His eyes darted over at  Ken who was looking back at him. “What do you want Haitani?” 
“I came here as a warning to you.” Ran spoke in a serious tone. “You stay away from _______ and my daughter or else.” 
Draken didn’t back down from the threatening tone. “You don’t scare me Haitani. If me and _____ decide to see one another, you're not going to stop us.” 
Ran let out a sarcastic laugh “see each other? That is a good one. It will be over my dead body if you think you can walk in and try to step in.”
“I’m not backing down anytime Haitani. You fucked up not me. You had your chance with _______, I will make sure she never gets hurt again.” 
“We will see about that.”  Ran said as he saw Mikey and Inui also looking at him. “You're lucky I don’t put a bullet in between your eyes right now.”
Mikey spoke in a monotone voice  “I think you should leave Haitani. Making threats here is not the best thing to do either.” 
“Really now?” Ran looked over at Mikey ``Such a shame, the person your sister only loved didn’t love her back. Yet you choose to still hang out with the man who divorced her. Some family you are.” Ran turned around “Stay away from them or there is a bullet with your name on it.” he walked back to the car before peeling off out of the drive away. “Is she even worth all this?” Inui asked, looking over at Draken.
“She is and if it means dealing with him… I will. I won’t back down to him.”
You stood for a few hours at your aunts before heading home. Arriving home you saw Ran leaning against his car with his hands in his pocket. “Mommy look, it's Mr. Ran!” She pointed out the window.
“Yeah there he is.” You parked the car, Ran made his way towards your car. You felt your anxiety kicking in the closer he got to the car. You didn’t know if he was going to make an incident in the front of the house or what.
Ran opened the back door to the car. “ Hello there princess.” 
“Hello.” She smiled. 
You got out of the car and he picked up D/n walking with her inside the house. They talked for a moment before he spoke  “Hey princess, me and your mommy need to talk really fast. Is it okay if you go up to your room?” 
She nodded. He put her down and he watched her go up the stairs. You on the other hand knew where this was going. Ran noticed the mark on your neck right away walking closer  you could see him slightly shake his head, his hand grasping your chin turning your head to the side. “You let him fuck you didn’t you...” the violet orbs that were always so kind felt cold.
“And if I did Ran?” You said you avoided eye contact with him as you pushed his hand away from your chin., “It doesn’t concern you on what I do. We are not together, you need to understand that.” 
He was a bit agitated by your response. He snapped it wasn’t by choice you both weren’t together.  “the reason why we aren’t together  is because you decide to fucking leave in the mild of the fucking night pregnant with my daughter. You think I wanted to give that up? You fucking think for a minute how that affected me? You fucking show up back in town and wouldn’t even have told me still I had a daughter?  
“I gave you my reason for leaving. I was doing what was best for my daughter Ran. You were so caught up with all your underground bullshit and living that dangerous lifestyle. Did you think that would have been the best thing for her growing up?!” 
His hand slammed on the counter hard as it made you jump a little bit. “Our daughter would have been safe ________! Did it ever occur to you it would have all worked out? Of course you didn’t because you jump to the worse fucking scenario as always.  Did you fucking forget I wanted to start a family with you. I wanted to marry you. Everything we had gone through together you just let it disappear just like that. Like I never existed in your life.” He looked at you. “My daughter calls me Mr. Ran… she doesn’t really know how close her daddy is to her and her mother. The only woman I loved just looks at me like I’m no good. To feel like a stranger in your life.” 
You paused for a moment “Ran..” “You don’t know the pain I went through all those years when you were gone…Yeah I slept with women to try and forget about you but you were always there. Comparing them to you and everything you did.” 
 From up stairs d/n could hear bits and pieces of what was going on. As a  child's curiosity, she didn’t know what was going on. She heard the ending Ran phrase ‘My daughter calls me Mr. Ran she doesn’t really know how close her daddy is to her’ 
D/n understood certain things and with that phrase she wanted to know if Ran was her father. Even though they asked her to go to her room as they talked she was too impatient. She could hear the argument between you and possibly her father. You caught a glimpse of your daughter who was peaking on the other side of the wall. “Sweetheart me and Mr Ran are talking.”
She looked at Ran, the same violet eyes looking down at her. Walking towards Ran, something told him to kneel down as she came closer. As he was eye level with his little one she looked at him. Her little hands reached for his face and she began to study his face more closely.. “Your eyes are like mine.” 
His hands rested on hers. “I know, princess….” he started off, Ran couldn’t hold it in anymore he felt the moment needed to be addressed right here and right now. “D/n do you know you're a part of me?”  He asked her, and she responded with a nod. “Who am I?” 
“My daddy?” d/n she gave a soft smile. 
Ran needed this moment right now. His arms wrapped around his little one. She didn’t let go either she held on tightly to Ran. The corner of her eyes began to water up, Ran wiped her eyes “it’s okay.” He kissed her temple. “I don’t plan on leaving you d/n.” Even with the arguing moments ago he didn’t care at all. His baby knew who he was. Something that he had been wanting to do since the first day he met his daughter, hold her just like this and make her feel safe.
“Does this mean Mr. Rin is my uncle? 
“He is.” Ran smiled. 
D/n was happy about this news, she finally had a daddy. “Mommy, does this mean we can all live together? Just like in the stories we read?” “It’s not that simple d/n”  you looked at her . She was a bit confused “but why?” “D/n…Right now me and your daddy are still figuring out somethings.” 
“Then we can live together right?” she asked. “We will see about that princess. Right now me and mommy have to talk some more about it…” “Okay…” she was a little bummed in her response. 
Ran knew how his daughter felt he wanted that as well but he knew it was something  he couldn’t control, not this time. “D/n me and mommy need to finish talking okay?”
“Okay…” She got down from her fathers arms and began to return to her room.
 Both of you walked into the back yard, the brief moment of silence as a light breeze floated in the backyard. “You didn’t give me a fair chance _____.” he started off. “From that point on when you left. I thought we were happy and moving forward in our future… I guess it was one sided. Even now…I know you don’t believe me, how much I wanted you back or how much I loved you.” “I do believe you Ran..how you are talking right now I know it’s the truth…I just couldn’t jump in where we left off… it wasn’t right..and just… never mind “
He looked at you then out into the yard. “What, Draken made you that confused on how you feel about me now or what? If I were to tell you right now I love you.. Would you say it back?” 
“You can simply deny all you want ________, but I know your response when I tell you I love you. ”  he wasn’t going to give up so easily, “I know every part of you very well. Even after not seeing you for so long. I know what you like, what you don’t…how to make you quiver and make you cum so quickly. Are you afraid of looking weak in front of me now?” You rolled your eyes. “I don’t know since you know me so well, you tell me.” He let a low chuckle out “You're afraid of caving in. That night on the phone you were fighting that urge. You wanted me to come over, if I would have it would have solved a lot of problems right then and there. Were you so desperate for sex you caved into sleeping with him?” it happened so quickly you found yourself against the wall he had you trapped between the wall and him. “What is it because he told you he  loved you? You felt special?” He was inches from your face, the somber tone he used as he spoke. “You opened your legs right away…If I find him here I mean it ______ he is a dead man. No other man is going to be around my daughter in that way.” he leaned back. “I can promise that.”  He began walking into the house. “Ran, I need you to leave.” your voice was calm but you felt angry with him and how he was acting. His words felt like you belonged to him whether or not you were with him. “As you wish.” Ran casually walked upstairs to the bedroom where his daughter was playing. 
He told her he had to leave because he had to work. “Are you coming tomorrow?” she asked
“Of course, I gotta see my girl.”he smiled and kissed her temple. After saying their goodbyes. You didn’t even walk him to the door. He let himself out.
Draken would end up texting you a few hours later that Ran went to his job knowing that you both went out the night prior along with the threats. “I’m sorry..” you sighed in the phone 
“It’s not your fault he did that.” Draken responded. 
“Still think it’s okay to still go on dates?” Asking him. “I just don't wanna cause problems.” 
“He doesn’t scare me, it may work on others but not me. If he has a problem with me taking you out he knows where to find me. I still want to take you out.”
You had a small smile. You heard your daughter call out for your name “mommy!”
“D/n calling for you.” you heard Draken chuckled. “Yeah, I will call you later” you told him
“Sounds good to me.Talk to you later” 
When you hung up the phone. You walked up the stairs towards your daughter's room.  When getting to her room you saw her sitting on her bed holding her stuffed rabbit tightly. “Sweetie what is the matter?” Walking into her you kneel down looking at her. You noticed her eyes looking at the corner of her room and then back at you. In  the corner of her room you saw a large man. Wearing all black and wearing a mask. “______ is it?” the deep raspy voice spoke. “Who the hell are you?” you looked at him. 
“Unfortunately I can't tell you that. You see I actually came here for a purpose…” 
“Purpose?” you stood up. “I was given an order to kill you..”  You felt your stomach drop, your daughter began sobbing louder. She held onto you tightly, “But I’m a reasonable man now. You see you are linked to Ran Haitani.” “What about him?” you asked. “Whatever Ran it has nothing to do with us.” 
“As my boss sees it, it can play a big role in our favor… Ran has something in his possession for years now and we want it back. I mean for years we tried to get it back but with no success but after following him for sometime we finally found something to make him budge.”  
You remembered the black car that was following you the other day… “mommy.” Your daughter was still sobbing. 
“Shh there there d/n  it’s okay no need to cry.” The man said, “You see, we didn't expect one of the  Haitani brothers to have a private family but assuming he didn’t know until a few weeks ago. And let me tell you it would be a shame to see that taken away so quickly right _____? Your daughter's life is so precious and so young. She hasn’t experienced life to the fullest yet.” 
“Please just don’t hurt her.” Your arms wrapped around your daughter.  Your heart was pushing with anxiety you didn’t know what this masked man was gonna do. You were trying to figure a way to please the man. You're heard rambling with various ideas. “What if I told him whatever he has to give it back. Please I-I promise he will give it back.” You splattered out. 
“You wouldn’t be lying to me right now to save your lives.” On the side of his pants pocket you had the pistol. 
“Please, I will do anything to protect my daughter.” 
“What a good mother you are. If you're able to get the stolen items back to my possession I will spare you and your daughters life but don’t play me for a fool ....” He walked closer and his large intimidating structure stood in front of you. “I know where you are at all times from your family's home to where d/n goes to school. I won’t hesitate to end your lives quickly. I expect to see the items returned soon. The sooner the better.” 
“Y-yes.”you nodded quickly.
The man pulled his phone out. Bringing it to his ear. “Bring the car to the front…” before handing up. “Let’s see how selfless of a man he truly is…. I do need to make my exit.. you are not allowed to leave this room for ten minutes… when the ten mins is up you can leave. Maybe even find Ran and tell him to quickly return the items.” 
The man walked out of the room disappearing down the hallway. You didn’t know how you did it for so long but your legs were trembling, you fell to your knees, your arms hugging d/n tightly. “I'm sorry d/n.”  The tears fell onto your cheeks. “I’m so sorry.” You need to get this taken care of right away. You looked at your daughter wiping her tears away “I’m here d/n I promised I will always be with you.” She nodded slightly sniffling.
You began collecting your thoughts before you decided to grab a bag. You weren’t going to risk staying here the night. You packed a bag for you and d/n. Quickly getting  her into the car you headed out to your aunt's home. 
Knocking on the door to her home. You looked around to see if any cars were around as you had your daughter in your arms. Paranoid you were being followed. When she opened the door you quickly got in. “What’s going on??” She looked at you and saw you with a distressed look. 
“I need to do something important. I will explain everything later. Can you please watch d/n?” You asked your aunt. 
With the tone and expression she was concerned but she couldn’t ask. D/n heated you were going to leave here and she held onto you right. “Please don’t go mommy.” 
“Sweetheart I have to… I  promise I will be back okay?” You tried to use soothing words to her. 
“I don’t want the bad man coming back.” 
Aunt looked at you. She was growing more concerned. “He won’t, mommy needs to find daddy and we will get this fixed.”
Giving her a tight hug and kiss, you looked at your aunt. “Thank you…” 
“Please come back,” your aunt looked at you. 
Pulling up to the club, you were underdressed to be going in there.  At this point you didn’t care when you entered the building you moved through the crowd. People looked at you  walking pass them as they were in the weekend clothing. Looking for Ran, but you were spotted by Rindou who was at the bar. He could see you were pissed off, “god dammit.”Rindou reached for your arm when you realized it was him. 
“Where is Ran.” you managed to speak loud enough over the music “_____  this can’t wait?” Rindou spoke, he thought it was because of what his brother did earlier. “Making a scene here is not good fo-“
You didn’t let him finish his sentence “Rin where is he at or I will find him myself.” you looked at him. There was no point in him trying to change your mind. “Come on.” 
You followed him closely behind, you saw Ran next to him was a woman wearing a dress that seemed too small bending over her whole ass would be showing. She was pretty close to him,but the way he was looking at her was a bit off putting as if he was uninterested but she was trying to have his attention on her. When Ran saw Rindou approaching, Ran saw you. The incident from earlier he wasn’t expecting to hear from you, let alone see you.
 The woman next to him was Ms.Yamaguchi. She noticed Ran’s attention was at you. "She came here in that?’ She thought to herself as she looked at you up and down. 
 Ran walked towards you leaving her side  “what is it?” he asked.
“What did you do?” you looked at him. “Who did you piss off?”
He was confused about what you were asking him. He had you follow him down a hallway that led to his office. When he closed the door he asked “What are you talking about?” he asked. “Ran, who did you piss off?” you ask him as you crossed your arms looking at him you were trying to keep calm. From the incident with the person in your home.  “What is with this question?” he asked “Someone was in my house and they knew you! They know where my family is, where d/n goes to school! ” you finally snapped. “This is what I was afraid of! You keep fucking with  people they are going to poke back! Are you trying to put d/n life at risk?!” 
Ran saw the anxiety and anger you displayed in front of him. “Where is D/n?” 
“She is at my aunt's house. I don’t know what the fuck you took but what ever it is they are not playing around.” You began to panic more thinking the worst. Remembering the threats. 
“______ you need to calm down.”  His hands resting on your shoulders. Threats being made to you and d/n pissed him off. He had a hunch in who it was but needed proof it was them. He didn’t want to jump onto it right away.
 Warm tears fell down from your cheeks pushing his hands off of you. “When you have someone threatening to take your daughter's life you wouldn’t be calm Ran. So don’t fucking tell me to calm down.”  He noticed you began to hyperventilate. 
“You being upset and freaking out is not making it any better _____” He spoke in a more stern tone. “I will find out who did this okay? I need some information about what they look like?” 
“He was in all black and had a mask on. His voice was deep and raspy like he smoked a lot…” You close your eyes seeing the tall masked man as you were  trying to stay calm. You didn’t want to go home not knowing if they would be there. You leaned against the desk running your finger through your hair. Your head was hurting and anxiety wasn’t helping it. 
You heard a knock in the door. The door opened to find the woman he was standing by a few mins ago “Ran darling  everything okay?” Ms Yamaguchi asked as she entered the room. Both you and her looked at one another “oh sorry I didn’t realize you had a guest still..” 
When you heard her voice you recognized it right away.  It was the other woman you heard that night. She was beautiful and she made you feel insecure a bit. She looked like she was a better fit for him than you ever did. You averted your eyes back to Ran. “Sorry for keeping him…”
“Oh it’s fine. I was just getting a bit lonely without him. I can take him back when you're done. Are you a friend of his?” She asked. Ms. Yamaguchi played a bit dumb knowing exactly who you were. 
 “_____ this is Ms. Yamaguchi… Ms. Yamaguchi this is _____”  Ran introduced you both. “Ms. Yamaguchi, me and ______ were in the middle of a discussion right now.” Ran could see Ms. Yamaguchi was butting in and saying things that weren’t really how they sounded to be. She latched onto him when she arrived and he was trying to show in his expression and demeanor how uninterested he was in her. 
“No no it’s fine I need to get going…”  you began walking off. “Nice meeting you…” 
Ran saw you walking off and he proceeded to follow you, as he passed Ms. Yamaguchi. “Wait where are you going?!?” 
“I need to finish talking to ______.”  Ran didn’t look at her as he began following you. 
The music was blasting loud as you walked to the exit. Ran was trailing behind you calling your name out. When you got out of the club you walked faster to your car. “Can you stop walking, dammit. Stop ignoring me.” He reached for your upper arm getting ahold of it. 
“That was her…”  you shook your head. “Ran darling…” 
“Ms. Yamaguchi does business with me and Rin.” 
“And you get to fuck her right between the meetings? Ran I’m not stupid but then again it’s not my business who you decide to fuck…I just know you have.” Why was it bothering you so much just seeing her?  The memories of running into Ran’s past lovers years back and how they would act towards you. It was always so unsettling to you. Instead of him comforting you each time it happened in the past, you had to manage it yourself and you did a poor job doing it..You got yourself worked up. Seeing Ms. Yamaguchi and putting a face to the voice didn’t help.
“She is not important right now . What is important right now is you and d/n.”  Ran said.  He saw you were still hyperventilating a bit. He held onto the sides of your face and he was focused on current state of mind. 
“I- I need to leave…” your body began to sway slightly stumbling trying to push his hands away from your face but you felt weak 
“______. You need to calm down.” his request wouldn’t be completed once your vision went black. Ran managing to hold onto your body. Making sure you didn’t fall to the ground “_______! Fuck.”  he called the bodyguard outside letting them know to call Rin. Rindou made it outside “What the fuck happened?!” 
Ran held you bride style in his arms ``she passed out… Look I need you to go get D/n from her aunt's house. Bring her to my place. I’m gonna take _______ there.” Ran had his car pulled up by the valle. Rindou helped him place you in the car, before he took off. As he arrived at his home he carefully carried your body to his bedroom placing you on the bed.  He wasn’t going to let you go back home if they were easy to get into the home like that he wasn’t going to risk having you there. Ran looked down at you ‘if only this scenario were different than right now.’ he thought to himself. Walking out of his room he loosened his tie and removed his jacket.  Rindou arrived with D/n who was hugging her as she was asleep. Ran didn’t want to disturb her sleep so he kissed her forehead.  “Put her in the room with ______.” After a few mins Rindou came out of the bedroom. “What the hell happened.”
“Someone broke into their home and threatened ________ and d/n. I don’t know all the details but from what ______ told it's someone I know… they want items back…” Ran gave Rin a look already knowing who it could be. “But I need proof it's them…They have info on d/n school along with ________ info as well and  her family… They are going to need to stay here for a while till this shit gets cleared.” 
“Did she agree?  Asking him. “She will have to, I don't see any other option.” Ran sat on the couch and he felt his phone ring. Pulling out his phone he saw it was Ms.Yamaguchi he rolled his eyes and sent her to voicemail. “She didn’t help either. It was a wrong move signing a contract with her… I feel like she made it more complicated than needed. She just added fuel to the fire…very close to telling to fuck off.” “Speaking of the devil she noticed you following_______ out  and asked me about it, let's just say I told there was a lot of history she wouldn’t understand .” “Pain in the ass I swear if she didn’t open her mouth everything between me and _____ , it would be better. Now I’m facing the difficulties of  dealing with fucken Draken.. Both of them had fucked..”
“Think of it now since she is here you really think she will go see Draken let alone leave when she knows someone is watching her.” Rindou sat on the other side of the couch. “As I see it the is an opportunity to fix any issues you might have.”.
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Tagging: @pjmo-ri-ka-wawa /@rindougf/ @inupiluv/ @shycreatorsandwich / @awkwardaardvarkforever /@the-haitani-baton /@bontensbabygirl /@thebrownemo / @satanlovesusall666 /@intheafterall /@galactict3a / @ratlovecat/@niko-ash /@kira-rrh / @iluv-ace /@kosoyumei / @nightqueensk / @alexanderlightwoodii / @captainmycaptainn/@lovenats01@sintyu/ @strawberrychrome /@missgab @anxious-chick / @oyaoyaoyaoyaoyaoyaoyaoya /@s4dl1/ @elmakimaki / @spookiisopium/@staygoldsquatchling02, /@txna04, /@hana-patata /@livefromnc, /@mikorime,/ @mdibby / @chronic-claire-universe /@cxrrxxx / @drakensdarling / @stephisokay / @livuknown / @lunatical /@q-the-rockaholic / @istanstraykids / @opchara / @kinybgvcdxs / @twistedw0nd3rland3acc / @cloudsinthecosmos / @ratlovedrama / @galliardsmaniac / @villsophie / @mztoman Interested in joining the taglist please fill out the form below to get a notification of your favorite characters when they are being posted! Link here ->taglist
Full chapter Index right here -> link!
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seiya-starsniper · 4 months
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Six Degrees of Separation - Ch 3 (Sandman x Dead Boy Detectives)
Relationships: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling, Edwin Paine | Edwin Payne/Charles Rowland, Crystal Palace/Charles Rowland (DCU), Johanna Constantine/Jenny Green Rating: Teen & Up | Status: Incomplete | Chapters 3/5 | Words: 3.5K
Tags: POV Multiple, Hob Gadling gives live advice to a bunch of teenagers, while helping them solve cases, that's it that's the fic, also he maybe plays matchmaker for his hot mess bestie
The Dead Boy Detectives run into a familiar pub while out on a case, and Crystal has to contend with an unfortunate event from her past. Hob Gadling wasn't planning on adopting three teenagers and a full grown woman, but stranger things have happened in his long centuries of life.
Tumblr Posts: Chapter 1 || Chapter 2
Read Chapter 3 below, or at the above link on AO3
Crystal thinks she's being clever by hiding in a corner of the pub away from where most of the staff can see, but somehow, Hob finds her anyway and places a steaming hot mug of tea down on the table in front of her. 
“On the house,” he tells her, and Crystal frowns.
“I can pay,” Crystal tries to insist, reaching for her bag to pull out her wallet. Hob shakes his head and shoos away the attempt, and Crystal doesn’t have it in her to fight too hard. Not today anyways. 
“Next time then,” he tells her with an easy smile. “If I’m being honest, you look like you could use a pick-me-up right now anyways.”
She really could. Crystal imagines she looks like shit. Her eyes are bloodshot from crying, and her nose feels stuffy from all the times she’s blown it in the past hour. She hasn’t even bothered trying to hide the pile of used napkins on the table.
“You did say Tuesdays were slow,” Crystal manages to croak out, trying to keep her voice even as she takes the tea in front of her into shaking hands. 
“I did,” Hob agrees, and then he sits down in the chair opposite her and starts taking out what looks like a pile of homework from his canvas bag. “I actually have some papers to grade, if you want some company. I’m happy to listen if you want to talk about it. Or we can just sit here in silence, if you’d like.”
She does want to talk about it, but the problem is, Crystal doesn’t know where to start. Doesn’t know how to tell Hob, who is both a complete stranger and not a stranger at the same time, that her life is both the best and worst it’s ever been in a very long time. She doesn’t know how to tell him that it’s Niko’s birthday today, and that the giant shopping bag next to her on top of the table is full of dozens of manga volumes she’ll never read, but felt the need to buy because, well because .
But, true to his word, Hob doesn't press her for more conversation, instead focusing immediately on the pile of paperwork he'd stacked. Crystal watches him smile when a student gets the answer right, and frown when they get an answer wrong. Every once in a while, his face takes on a bewildered expression, and Crystal wonders just how terribly bad the answer he’s looking at is.
Crystal wonders if Niko would have been in school now if she hadn't died. She seemed happy to simply solve cases with Crystal and the boys once they’d gotten the parasite out of her, but how long would that have lasted? Did Niko want to go to university? Would she have come to London if Crystal asked her to?
“I walked by a bookshop the other day,” Crystal finally offers, unable to keep the raging storm of emotion to herself any longer. Hob looks up from his paper and puts his pen down. She has his full attention now.
“They had a new volume of a manga out on display,” Crystal continues, glancing over at the shopping bag from that exact same store. “I thought, ‘Oh I should tell Niko, she'll be so excited there’s a new volume out!’ But then I remembered Niko’s not here. Niko's not here because she died trying to save me.”
“Ah,” Hob sighs sympathetically. “You're feeling guilty you're alive and she's not.”
It shouldn’t hurt so much to hear it spoken out loud, but Crystal's tears begin anew. She drops her gaze down to the steaming mug of hot tea and blinks them away as best she can, knowing that the hitch in her breathing gives her away anyways. 
“Survivor's guilt is a bitch,” Crystal says, and just like that, the dam of emotions she’d been holding back finally breaks. “I didn't even get to say goodbye ,” she practically wails into her mug. “We get to say goodbye to all these other strangers, to watch them go into their afterlife and I didn't even get to say goodbye to Niko. I hate it.”
It feels good, to finally get it out there in the open. To put words to her heartache, to the giant, endless maw of raw emotion and guilt. Crystal had tried to vocalize how she’d felt to Charles and Edwin, but they were too used to death, to people moving on. It wasn’t that they didn’t care, but they didn’t know what felt like to be left behind, not really. Not when it was all but guaranteed that they’d always have each other. 
“Life's unfair like that, sometimes,” Hob tells her, and the tone of his voice tells Crystal that the immortal is full of unsaid goodbyes himself. “I’m sorry you didn’t get the chance, truly.”
“You would've liked her,” Crystal replies, wanting to move away from the subject before she has another breakdown. The staff at the bookshop had definitely thought she’d gone through a bad breakup when she was paying for everything. Crystal looks back up at Hob and gives him a wry smile. “Probably way more than you liked me. She wouldn't have tried to burn the place down.”
Hob snorts. “I like you just fine as you are now, kid,” he says, returning her smile with one of his own. “Just no more arson attempts and we're good, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Crystal agrees. “Can’t guarantee a different ghost won’t try though.”
“They’re welcome to try,” Hob says, then gestures around the room. “But you’ve seen my wards. Been building them up here for almost twenty years now, not much is getting in or out of here without my permission.”
“How did you end up owning this place anyways?” Crystal asks, curiosity now burning a hole in her. “Charles and Edwin said the other night that when they first met you and were a traveling merchant or something.”
“Ah,” Hob replies, and his expression turns soft and fond. “I have this…friend, and we used to meet once a century at the old White Horse tavern down the road. For drinks. When they shut the place down, I bought this place, so we could still have someone where to go.”
Crystal narrows her eyes at the way Hob says friend and drinks .
“Is that a euphemism?” Crystal asks, and Hob chokes on his tea. “You know it’s 2024 right?” she continues. “Being gay isn’t ille—oh god, ” she cuts herself off, realization dawning upon her. “Are you in a centuries-long situationship? ” 
Hob goes into a full-on coughing fit now, but still manages to vigorously shake his head at the accusation.
“No I—cough—we’re just—cough—friends!” he insists, but Crystal isn’t convinced. 
“What do you even talk about?” she presses. “And who the hell only meets once a century for just drinks? ” she adds, putting the words in air quotes. 
“It’s complicated,” Hob replies, seeming to finally get his breathing under control. “Mostly just this and that,” the man adds, waving his hands around to emphasize the vagueness of their meetings. “You know, current events.”
“Current. Events.” Crystal repeats incredulously. Right. Yeah. Definitely a situationship. “Sure. Whatever you say.”
“You know what, next time he comes in, I’ll introduce you,” Hob huffs indignantly. His face is bright red too, and Crystal just knows that isn’t all from the loss of air to his windpipe just moments ago. “And then you can see we are just friends .”
He looks so serious, so intent on proving Crystal wrong, while still so desperately pining , that she can’t help but burst into laughter. It feels like a cord unwinds in her chest when she does, loosening a pressure she’d forgotten was there. 
“Yeah okay, sure, I’d love to meet you ‘friend’,” she replies, putting the word friend in air quotes. “But for like, actual drinks, and not ‘drinks’”, she adds with an exaggerated wink. Hob grumbles something about ‘kids these days’ which makes her laugh even more. 
When Crystal leaves The New Inn hours later, her heart and belly both full, she curls up with her gigantic pile of manga and reads while waiting for Edwin and Charles to get back from their latest case. Since their investigation took them to a condemned building that was quite literally falling apart and structurally unsound, Crystal had been ordered to stay home, and wait for Charles and Edwin to bring the evidence back to her. 
When they do eventually make their way back, it’s with Jenny in tow, and she’s holding a giant cake box in her arms. Crystal smiles through the mist in her eyes, when she opens the box and sees ‘Happy Birthday Niko’ in bright red letters. 
“You remembered too, huh?” Crystal hiccups.
“Stop it, I don’t want to cry too,” Jenny replies, her voice also wavering. Her hands are shaking when she places the cake box down on the table. It’s way too much cake for two people to eat, since Edwin and Charles don’t partake, and Crystal thinks she’s going to be eating leftover cake for the next week at least. Jenny handles the cutting of the cake, and when the two of them each have a slice in hand, Edwin clears his throat, directing their attention to him.
“Right then. A celebration of Niko is not complete without Scooby-Doo,” he declares, and though his tone is light and teasing, Crystal can hear the emotional weight behind it too. 
“Right,” Crystal agrees, and when Charles wraps his arm around her, she gives up all pretense of not wanting to cry, and sobs openly into his shoulder. “I’ll get the TV set up. Just—give me a minute.”
Crystal falls asleep to the sound of cartoon feet running away from the latest villain of the week, and in the moments just before her mind is claimed by the Dreaming, she swears she catches the scent of poppies and dandelions.
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talkintrashcann · 2 years
Hello! Can I request a Wednesday x gn!reader? The reader is also working on a novel in the genre of their choice, and when Wednesday finds their notebook, she demands how they were able to complete it so quickly, in which they explain their method: read a chapter per day, write for 15 mins, etc.
They bond over their writing and the investigation? Thanks!
Partners in crime - Wednesday x gn!reader
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Summary: Wednesday finds your notebook and is intrigued by your writing style, curious on how you managed to write all this in such little time. You end up bonding over your stories and even go out on little murder investigations together, not yet knowing how your story together will go.
Warnings: some spoilers for the show maybe, doesn't have a big impact if you haven't finished the show yet but maybe go do that first if you want to, because of that there are mentions blood and murder
Word count: 1k
A/N: im really unsure if this is how you wanted the story to go so i hope you still like it, any feedback is always welcome and im happy to adjust some things if you like
Requests = open: i had so much fun writing this request and would love to write some more so please send me some, can be for any other characters too!
Ever since the new student Wednesday Addams arrived at Nevermore, life in Jericho hasn't been the same. Exploding statues, blood rain at the RaveN, and a student murdered. You knew Nevermore would be a crazy place to live, but you never expected any of this to happen. In contrary to miss Addams, you didn't intervene in the murder cases, you would rather stick with fictional murders. Or did you?
One thing you really enjoyed was sitting in the nightshade's library late at night, writing stories while listening to some music. Your roommate didn't really appreciate the lights being on in your room and the soft piano music playing in the middle of the night, so that's why you always came down here to write instead. No one to complain about anything, just you and your novel.
One night you were getting ready for bed when you noticed your notebook not being in the spot where you usually left it, realizing you must have forgotten it down in the library when you went there to write earlier. Not wanting anyone else to find it, let alone read it, you made your way to the library to quickly take it back to your dorm. But once you arrived, you saw a mysterious figure wandering through the library with a flashlight in their hands. You thought it would be one of the other nightshade members, but to your surprise it was no one other than Wednesday.
"What are you doing here?", you asked making the girl in all black turn around and shining the flashlight directly into your eyes.
"I could ask you the same thing."
"Yeah, well I happen to be part of the nightshades so I'm allowed to be here." You try to cover your eyes a bit due to the bright light in your face, noticing your notebook in Wednesday's hand. "Is that my notebook?", you say pointing to the book.
"So you're the one that wrote this, I was wondering which other student spends their time on writing murder mysteries. Looks like I'm not the only one being inspired by the unsolved problems this town has. If I wasn't too occupied with solving the murder cases all by myself, maybe I would enjoy reading into this more."
Wednesday says while moving the flashlight away from your face, walking over and handig you your notebook. As much as you hated her reading your notebook without permission, you couldn't help but smile at her compliment about your novel. The Wednesday Addams would like to read more of your stories, everyone at school knew she was an author herself so this was a huge accomplishment to you. But of course she wouldn't actually read it with her busy schedule of snooping around town and hunting monsters night and day.
"How did you do it though? I couldn't help but notice the dates of your chapters, seeing how fast you write all your chapters."
The monotone girl asked, she was intrigued by your method and writing style. Some could say she even sounded a bit impressed, but she would never admit that to anyone.
"I basically try to read a chapter every day and then write for 15 minutes, and then I just repeat that. Listing to music that match the vibe of what I'm writing also helps me. If you want I could show you how I do it some other time? Or maybe we could have a writing session together and help one another with writing their novel. I kind of have to get going now but I'm happy to show you another day though." You propose, unsure of how she would respond to the invitation. You didn't think she would ever say yes to that, but as usual, Wednesday is full of surprises.
So there you were, sitting in Wednesday's room while talking about your novels. This was now the seventh time you met up with her to write together, the previous writing sessions were a great success and Wednesday kind of enjoyed your company. After spending loads of time together, you became quite close and you even consider her to be one of your closest friends. Your shared interests being one of the reasons you've bonded really well over the past couple of weeks. But writing wasn't your only activity with her these days, she's invited you to accompany her on multiple murder investigations, you became her partner in crime. Quite literally since you've broken into houses together, tamper with police evidence and dug up graves from the cemetery in Jericho.
You weren't sure about joining her on her investigations at first, but you didn't protest at the thought of solving mysteries together. Although you never imagined you would end up in a police cell with her for one night, getting scolded by Ms. Weems or actually figuring out who the hyde and it's master were, you wouldn't want to trade your adventures with Wednesday for anything in the world. If you could do it all again, you wouldn't think twice to say yes.
"Do you think people will like this? I mean it's a little gruesome don't you think? And what if no one ends up buying it?", you basically bombarded her with questions. Being very uncertain of your novel.
"I couldn't care less about what people think of our novel, and a novel can never be too gruesome. I would even read this to little children if I wasn't highly allergic to them. You need to stop worrying about the novel and how many people will end up reading it. Besides, the amount of people reading this doesn't define the quality of the story. It's a great success in my eyes, that's all that matters.", Wednesday said in her usual emotionless tone.
She was definitely right about the great success part. Once your novel was published, thriller fans from all over the world showed their love for the story. After the great success of your novel, a sequel was quick to follow which didn't let the readers down at all. The only thing the readers weren't aware of, was that it was based on your personal investigations and adventures with Wednesday that happened during your time at Nevermore. Hence the title, partners in crime.
The end?
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narcosmx · 1 year
Hey, I'm so happy you're back I missed reading your works.I was wondering if you'll still do the requests that you mentioned there because they were all great ideas : https://www.tumblr.com/narcosmx/669340063334842368/request-list-here-is-a-list-of-the-request-that
being enedina's best friend and falling for benjamin arellano-felix would include:
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a/n: okay so this made mee think about the enedina's bff falling for benjamin thing and i got going, so yes i'll be going back to some of these hehe
okayokay hear me out rich boss babes together
so like amado is the kind of older brother where like... you call me and ofc i'll come solve your problems for you but can you like....maybe handle what you can on your own
kinda just gives her a wad of cash, la bendicion and be like go live your life kid at least one of us should enjoy the money i'm making lol
"vaya con dios mijita" also get the vibes that he def taught you how to fly too
so i imagine you being a little bit more rough and tumble than enedina
but like you bring out the boss bitch in her, reminds her she is capable of breaking away from this idea of "being a woman" was
being bffs with dina gives me like, you practically live at her place vibes you know
like you have a toothbrush, and clothes and your favorite soaps in the goddamn shower
you go home only to like swap out the roation of outfits you have or getting a new pair of shoes or something
otherwise you were essentially living at the arellano-felix house, shit even their mom jokes about her liking you more than your own kids
and the girls fucking love having you around, and lowkey probably ramon too because you're never one to shoot down his crazy ass ideas
pancha is like "don't you like, ever get tired of being here" and you're like "don't you ever get tired of being the ugliest member of this family?"
and benjamin oh benjamin at first he tries to pay you no mind, but you're not one he can easily ignore
so he resigns himself to nodding at you and huffing with laughter when he sees how comfortably you lounge around his fucking house because no matter what you do like he cannot get mad at you
you do something and he smiles and someone else does that same exact thing he'd rip them several new assholes.
okay listen i don't know why i get the vibes that like you're an expert at breaking into anything that isn't welded shut
you know, like you grew up around criminals you were bound to pick something up
not that you had to break into dina's place, you had a key but sometimes it's just fun to freak the other's out
i just imagine, like benjamin coming home a day after having like fortified security and he just looks into the backyard and you're chilling poolside
he walks out and it like "w-we changed the locks yesterday after a security issue... how the fuck did you? dina is out making your key right now??"
you nearly giggling as you take a sip of your drink "you make me laugh, benji"
him opening his mouth to say something and him being like yeah nope nevermind and turning on his heel and walking inside
hehe having to turn on his heels so fast because he can't help but smile at you and your antics
dina walking out and being like "hey bebe, i left your key in your bag" but side eyeing her brother because she knows she knows something is up
because no one makes her wet blanket of a brother smile like that
you and dina going to fancy dinners together can you imagine, going to the hottest spots in all of baja
you two getting all dolled up in her room together, they can hear you laughing from down the street lol
unabashedly singing at the top of your lungs lol
but i also have this one moment of scene stuck in my head
you and dina are in a rush getting ready to go somewhere and like dina is showering and you're like
well i'm def not showering in any of the other boys fucking rooms because NOPE
and i dunno but benjamin gives you vibes that his bathroom would be clean and so you...go for it
you couldnt have shame if they paid you so you're just out here causally breaking into fucking tijuana's biggest drug dealer's room
going in to take a shower, showering you know and then as you come out with like a robe wrapped around yourself and drying yout hair, benjamin is entering the room
and there's just this moment where benjamin is looking at you like with like a what the fuck but like amused face
and you're like "look, where else did you want me to go? i'm def not fucking showering in ramon's shower"
and benjamin is like "hm i don't know maybe???? the freaking guest bathroom"
and you laughing him off the face of the planet
and okay imagine he has like documents laying around his room because he wakes up in the middle of the night and worries about bus iness stuff because that's him
anyways you saw it and you idk just have this knack for business or math and you just walk up past him brushing against him and kiss his cheek and are like "thanks for sharing the bathroom with me, and if you raise the tax 1.5 percent over 6 months you'll cover that cost" you note motioning your head towards the document and walking away AHHH
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starkstruck27 · 3 months
Day 2 of @harringrove-flip-reverse-it , and I can't wait for you all to read my entry! Prompt: Trope Subversion - Arranged Marriage Title: I Don't Like Your Girlfriend Word Count: 4578 words TWs: Slight Homophobia
“Peter, you’re not going to solve whatever problem you’re trying to solve by pacing around all night, now sit down and eat your dinner before you starve!” Margie Harrington said to her husband. He’d been acting like this for days, ever since their son Steve had come for a visit and announced his big news. 
He and his partner had taken a vacation to California a couple of weeks ago, since that’s where his partner was from, and while they were there, they had gotten married. When they came back to Hawkins afterwards, they only told a select few people, and while his partner, Billy, didn’t want to tell his parents, Steve had decided to tell his. After all, it was big news, and he said he didn’t feel right keeping it from them. 
They had hidden it well, but his parents weren’t exactly thrilled about the match. Peter was a lawyer, and an important one at that, so he was obviously concerned about the family’s reputation, and to have his son marry someone from the wrong side of the tracks, especially when that someone was a man, it just didn’t look very good. Margie was just happy Steve was happy, but she also knew that eventually, Peter would try to get them to split, and she didn’t know how easily Billy would fold. She didn’t want Steve’s heart to be broken, and she didn’t want that to cause a rift between him and his father, either, but right now, there was nothing she could do.
“I’ll be there in a minute, Marjorie,” Peter called back, waving her off without even looking up. His wife sighed, but she walked away, knowing that it’d be easier to talk him out of whatever he was planning once they both knew what it was than to try and interrupt his thinking process and make him all frustrated. She went into the dining room and started eating by herself, rolling her eyes as she could hear her husband continuing to pace upstairs. 
Finally, after Margie had almost finished her meal, Peter came downstairs, a grin on his face like he had come up with a perfect plan, and started eating his cold dinner without so much as a grimace.
“Did you solve your problem, dear?” Margie asked as she cleared her plate, shaking her head a little as her husband hummed and wiped his mouth on a napkin.
“I believe I did, actually,” he said, taking a sip of wine before asking, “Stephen is twenty three now, correct?”
“Yes, why?” Margie asked, rejoining the table with her own glass of wine.
“Well, he’s just about that age to need to be on his own insurance, so here’s what we’ll do. I’ll call him and invite him to lunch so that he can sign himself off of our insurance, right? But in reality, I’ll write up divorce papers and that’ll be what he signs. I’ll figure out a way to get his friend to sign them too, and then when they inevitably split up, there’s no need for it to be a big thing, they’ll already be divorced and nobody will have to know about them being married in the first place,” Peter said, continuing to eat as he sat up, just as proud as a peacock.
“And what if they don’t end up splitting?” Margie asked.
“Then they don’t have to know. Stephen doesn’t know to look twice at whatever documents I tell him to sign, so it won’t matter! What do you think?”
“I think that you’re taking this a bit too far, Peter. There’s a lot of things you’re not considering.”
“Like what?”
“Well, for one, they’re in love, at least enough to have been together since they left high school and to then get married. And another thing, what if Billy is smart enough to look twice when you make him sign? I think you’re blowing this all out of proportion.”
“Marjorie,” Peter sighed, “I have to do something. I cannot just allow Stephen to do whatever he wants and ruin his life, our lives, and the life of his friend. And if I have to arrange their divorce for them myself, then that’s what I have to do.”
“Well, just don’t expect me to be involved,” Margie said, standing up and leaving the table as she added, “I might not agree with the way they went about things, but if Stephen is happy, then that’s all that matters to me. If this is really a mistake, he’ll figure that out eventually, but if not, I’m not going to play a part in ruining his happiness just for our own vanity, and that’s final.”
“Fine, you don’t have to be involved, but just don’t spill the beans on me, alright? I’ll do everything myself,” Peter scoffed, rolling his eyes. Whether his wife would help him or not, he was going to go through with this. His son just could not stay married to that hoodlum, and that’s all there was to it.
The next day, Peter was at his office and, in between meetings, found time to write up the divorce papers for his son. He made sure to dot every I and cross every T, and by closing time, he had everything in order. The only thing left was to call Steve and set up a lunch date. He dialed the number Steve had given them for the phone at his new place, but after a few rings, it went straight to the answering machine.
“Hey, this is Steve,” the machine said in his son’s voice, and then in another that he vaguely recognized, “And Billy.” It went back to Steve’s voice and continued, “We’re either not home right now or we’re avoiding your call. Either way, the beep’s coming, you know what to do.” The message was accentuated by the sounds of giggling and a few snickers, and Peter felt his eye twitch a little as he listened for the beep.
“Hello, Stephen, it’s your father,” he said when it came, “I was just calling to see if you would be willing to come over next weekend and have lunch with your mother and I. I, uh, have some papers I need you to sign. Nothing major, just a few forms to get you off of our insurance now that you’re a married man. Anyway, get back to me as soon as you can and we’ll hash out the details. Have a nice evening, son.”
Steve had been busy with the dishes when the call had come in, but he heard the message as his dad left it, and he couldn’t help but laugh. Billy had returned from switching the laundry just as the message ended, and he saw Steve nearly falling into the sink as he laughed, so he walked over to help dry and asked, “Henderson or Buckley?”
“What do you mean?” Steve asked, finally getting over the laughing fit.
“There’s only three people in the world that can make you laugh that hard, but I was in the other room, so that means either Henderson or Buckley called and left a message. C’mon, which one was it and what did they say that almost had you drowning in dishwater?”
“Actually, it wasn’t either of them,” Steve said, “It was my dad. He wants to have lunch with me next week. He needs me to sign something so I’m no longer on his and my mom’s insurance.”
“And that’s funny… why?” Billy asked.
“Because, I did all that months ago when I moved out of their house. I guess he never read the papers I had him sign, because apparently, he doesn’t know that, which means he’s planning something. He’s got some sort of scheme he thinks I’m gonna fall for, and I’ll bet my entire trust fund that it has something to do with splitting us up.”
“Really? Why the hell would your dad try and do something like that?”
“Because it’s not good for his image if I’m married to a man from the wrong side of the tracks. That’s gotta be his angle, because I don’t see any other reason he’d be this concerned about it. But anyway, the reason I was laughing is because he thinks it’s gonna work. He thinks I’d sign my soul away to the devil if he just asked me to, but I know better than to sign something without reading it first. But, I think I’ve got an idea.”
“For what?”
“Well, he thinks I’ll sign whatever he wants, so I’m going to, but not the way he wants.”
“Okay, I’m intrigued, what’s your plan?” Billy asked, knowing that sparkle in Steve’s eyes, and knowing that it meant mischief. 
“So, we’ll go to that lunch, and you’ll wear your best outfit, and we’ll bring Max along for moral support, and then, we’ll sign the papers,” Steve explained, his smile downright wicked.
“And how is that not doing exactly what your dad wants?”
“You’ll see,” Steve said, then added with a wink, “Oh, and I get to put your outfit together. We have to make sure you impress the folks after all.”
The next weekend came quickly, and everything was in place on both sides of the equation. Peter had the papers all ready on his desk, a pen already set on top of them, and Margie had made a fantastic lunch, one fit for kings. Steve had dressed Billy in his best outfit, a mesh crop top with simply sinful tight leather pants that showed off most of his tattoos and piercings, and they had picked Max up on their way to the house, making sure she was in her rattiest clothes, had at least four band-aids visible on her face and hands, and had her skateboard and walkman in hand. It took everything he had to keep a straight face as they walked up to the door, but he managed to keep it together and put on a neutral expression as they rang the doorbell, waiting for his mom to answer.
She had been clued in to their plan when Steve called her to tell her they’d be at the lunch, and she was all set to act accordingly with whatever they threw at her. She opened the door, smiling as she greeted them, and pretended to hide a grimace as she saw Steve walking in with Billy’s hand in his. Max didn’t say a word as she walked into the house after them, her headphones on as she walked past Margie without even a handshake, just as Peter walked in.
“And who is this young lady?” Margie asked, biting her nail as Max walked a bit too close to the living room carpet with her muddy shoes on.
“This is Maxine, we’re fostering her. Y’know, there are just so many poor kids who grow up in foster care, so we decided to do our part and try to give her a good home. The older ones tend to just age out since everybody wants the babies and toddlers, so we figured we’d give Maxine a try and see how things go,” Steve explained, smiling until Max ripped her headphones off and gave him the dirtiest look she could muster.
“It’s Max. If you can’t get it right, then don’t say it at all!” She snapped, dropping her board on the hardwood floor and starting to skate around the kitchen.
“Max, honey, we talked about this. No skating in the house,” Steve said, and Max just rolled her eyes.
“Then can I go outside?” She asked, and Steve sighed.
“Sure, but either Billy or I has to go with you,” he said, then leaned over and stage-whispered to his parents, “If we let her go by herself, she tries to run away.”
“Ugh, I hate you!” Max stomped her foot, crossing her arms as she put her headphones back on and stormed over to the couch.
“It’s a work in progress,” Steve said, following the girl’s lead and heading to the living room to sit while lunch was being finished. He relished in the barely hidden look of discomfort and disbelief on his dad’s face as he said it, having to pinch himself to keep from laughing.
“So, uh, Billy, how has married life been treating you?” Margie asked, slapping on a fake smile and pretending to be uncomfortable as she sat down across from him, Steve and Max.
“Oh, it’s great. Your son is one fantastic piece of tail, and I get to have him whenever I want!” Billy said, reaching over and pinching Steve’s ass to accentuate his point. Steve just giggled and swatted his hand away, and everyone else just laughed uncomfortably.
“And, um, what is it that you do for work?” Peter asked, and it looked like he was near a heart attack as Billy kicked his feet up on the coffee table.
“I’m currently unemployed, but I know a guy who’s been hooking me up with some decent work in sales. It’s a pretty loose gig, but it brings in a lotta dough, and I get a twenty percent employee discount, so,” he said, shrugging as he propped his arms up behind his head.
“And what exactly is it that you sell?” Peter asked, his head starting to pound.
“Oh, y’know, party supplies. Amps, sweet stuff, disco biscuits, special K, electric kool-aid, some bud, you get the gist,” Billy said, shrugging again. He tried not to lose it as Steve’s parents both looked confused at first, but then quickly realized what he was talking about and nodded as if they still didn’t get it. It was hilarious watching his dad try to keep his cool as he put his arm around Steve, and it only became funnier as he had to excuse himself for a moment to ‘check on lunch’ as Steve cuddled into Billy’s side.
“Can I go upstairs and see your old room?” Max asked, sitting up a little on the couch and speaking loud enough so Peter would hear it as he left for the kitchen.
“Sure, go ahead,” Steve said, “It’s just up the stairs and to the right.”
Max got up from the couch then and bounded up the stairs as quickly as she could, leaving Steve and Billy alone with Margie.
“So, you think dad suspects anything?” Steve asked his mother quietly.
“No, I think you’ve got him right where you want him. And it was a great idea bringing Max into this, she’s a wonderful actress. I think if the three of you keep it up, I’ll be able to convince him to leave you be once it’s all said and done,” Margie said with a wink.
“Good. Oh, also, we had another idea that we wanted to run past you first before we did it. Would you be okay if Max threw some food at you then?” Steve asked, the mischievous glint playing in his eyes.
“We’d have her wait until it cools down a little, of course, but after she does, you can say you need a moment and excuse yourself, and that’ll give your husband the perfect opportunity to have us sign those papers,” Billy added, smiling along with Steve.
“As long as she doesn’t throw a whole chicken breast at me, I’m fine with that,” Margie said, shaking her head as she laughed a little. “Oh, wait, I think I hear your father coming back, everybody quit smiling!”
As Peter walked back into the room, he found everyone in the same position he’d left them in, chatting about the weather. As he sat down, he asked, “What happened to the young lady?”
“She wanted to check out my old room, so she’s upstairs,” Steve said, and just then, Max came barrelling back down the stairs, holding something in her hands.
“Oh my God! This is so funny, check out what I found!” She said, waving around a porn magazine.
“Max! Where did you find that?!” Steve nearly shouted, pretending to be panicked as he tore the magazine out of her hands, trying to hide it.
“Under your bed. Gotta say, Steve, you’ve really got a type,” she laughed, holding up one of the pages that had fallen onto the floor. It showed a blonde woman dressed all in leather that had a brunette man tied up on the ground in front of her, and once everyone had gotten an eyeful of it, Steve grabbed that, too, crumpling all of it up and taking it to the kitchen to throw it away. Max continued to laugh, and Billy had to chuckle a little, too. They’d planned this gag along with everything else, but the way Steve’s face went red just like his parents’, it was just too funny.
“Um, I-I think lunch should be ready by now, why don’t we head in to the table?” Margie said, her face still flushed as she led the way to the table. It was set with the semi-fancy silverware and china, and Max’s eyes grew wide as she walked in. As soon as they were all seated, she waited until she thought Steve’s dad would be the only one looking, and she swiped the crystal salt and pepper shakers off the table, stuffing them in her pocket.
“Now, young lady, you are a guest in our home, and we are being very kind to you. You should not be repaying that kindness by taking our things and acting the way you are,” he said, giving her a hard stare.
“I didn’t do anything,” Max said, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.
“What’s going on?” Steve asked as he, Billy and Margie walked in, carrying the food dishes.
“I didn’t do anything!” Max was quick to defend, glaring at Peter.
“Yes, she did. She took the crystal salt shakers and stuffed them in her pockets,” Peter countered, and Steve looked at Max disappointedly, shaking his head. 
“Max, we talked about this. You don’t take things that don’t belong to you, now put them back,” he said, putting his hands on his hips as Max groaned, but put the shakers back on the table. Steve glanced at his dad after the whole exchange, and was pleased to see his eye starting to twitch again, an obvious sign that they were getting to him. 
After that, they all sat down and started serving themselves. Margie had made chicken with broccoli and potatoes, and for most of the meal nothing major happened. This was mostly due to the fact that nobody said a word as they ate, any and all conversation topics seeming loaded with too much opportunity for awkward tension, so nobody bothered to try. That is, until Steve saw that Max was eating everything but her broccoli.
“Max, honey, you have to eat your broccoli, or else we won’t get ice cream on the way home,” he said, nodding at her plate, but she only scoffed.
“I’m fifteen, Steve, not five, and I don’t like broccoli,” she said, rolling her eyes yet again.
“Just eat it, alright?” Billy backed Steve up, making his tone as sharp as possible until it was practically a growl.
“No,” she said, “I don’t like broccoli.”
“Just fucking eat it, Max. I’m not gonna say it again!” Billy raised his voice at her.
“I won’t say it again, either! I. Don’t. Like. Broccoli!” She raised her voice right back, picking up a couple of florets in each hand and throwing them, some hitting Billy and Steve, but the majority going off to the sides and hitting his parents. After her tantrum, Max stood up from the table quickly and stormed off to another room, her headphones back on her ears as she hid in the living room. Billy stood up as if he were going to go after her, but Steve grabbed his arm and pulled him back down, telling him to give her a few minutes to cool off before they both said something they’d regret.
Meanwhile, his parents just sat there, both in disbelief at the girl’s horrible behavior and the way Billy had tried to handle it. For a minute, it seemed like nobody was going to move, as if everything had been stopped by the tantrum and now somebody had to restart time. Finally, Margie was able to get into character and stood up, still pretending to be in shock as she muttered, “I-I need a moment,” and left the room in a rush.
“Stephen, why don’t you come into my office and sign those papers now, and then I think you all should leave, your mother seemed terribly upset,” Peter said, standing and looking at Steve in a way that told him he didn’t really have any choice in the matter. Steve just nodded and said okay, and he and Billy followed his father to his office.
“It’s an insurance thing, so will you need just my signature or both of ours?” Steve asked as they got into the office, glancing at the papers on the desk.
“Both of you will need to sign it,” Peter said, flipping to the right page and holding out a pen to Steve. He signed, then passed the pen to Billy, who signed as well.
“There, we should be all squared away, then,” Steve said, handing the papers back to his dad. “Sorry about all this, dad, this was supposed to be a nice afternoon. Tell mom I said sorry too, okay?”
“I will, son. Have a nice evening,” he replied, the first genuine smile he’d had all day coming to his face.
Steve led the way back to the living room so that they could collect Max before leaving, making sure his dad was well out of earshot before he started to laugh quietly. They got Max and quickly left, saying a quick goodbye to Margie when they saw her on her way to the office, asking her to give them a five minute head start before she went in there. She agreed and hugged them all before they left, waiting until she heard their car rumbling down the road before she went to find her husband.
“So what was it that he tried to get you guys to sign?” Max asked from the backseat, taking some of the band-aids off her face.
“Divorce papers,” Billy grinned wickedly, “But we didn’t actually sign them, don’t worry.”
“Nope. Poor dad’s in for a shock once he finally takes a closer look at those things,” Steve agreed, winking. “Now, let’s celebrate! Who wants ice cream?”
Back at the Harrington house, Margie had just entered the office, schooling her features to be neutral before she knocked on the door frame and walked in.
“So, I think we can agree that the next order of business is making sure they don’t adopt that horrible little girl, am I right?” Peter said as Margie sat down, kicking his feet up on his desk as he filed the documents away in a folder.
“I take it they signed, then?” Margie asked, biting her lip so as not to break the facade just yet.
“Sure did, see for yourself!” Peter said, flipping to the right page and holding the paper out to his wife. She couldn’t help it anymore, she let out a little giggle and said, “Um, dear, you might want to take a second look at those signatures.”
Peter looked at his wife like she lost her mind, and quickly whipped the paper around to see what she was talking about. His mouth went dry as he saw it, and his eye started twitching again, because instead of two names on the signature lines, he saw two parts of a sentence. In the neatest cursive he’d ever seen, the phrase “Suck a Lemon, Old Man!” was written on the lines.
As her husband started completely dumbfounded at the paper, Margie finally lost it, bursting into a fit of laughter that didn’t end until the papers Peter had been holding were halfway through the shredder.
“I don’t know what you’re laughing about, Marjorie! This is a disaster! This whole damn afternoon was a disaster!” He ranted, throwing his arms up in frustration. “Now I’ll have to write up a whole new set of papers and figure out some other plan!”
“Oh, come off it, Peter!” Margie finally calmed down enough to say, “This afternoon was a disaster by design! Stephen knows you, he knew that there was more to this, especially since he got his insurance in order months ago. They planned this whole thing to show you that you’re upset about nothing.”
“You call what happened out there nothing?!” Peter asked, completely exasperated.
“No, that was absolutely something. That was the worst case scenario. But that’s not how their relationship actually is. They wanted to show you that for as worried as you are about their relationship, it could be a hell of a lot worse. It was all acting. Max isn’t a foster kid, she’s Billy’s little sister, and they asked her to help them today by acting as badly as she could so you could see that at least they don’t have a juvenile delinquent they’re trying to raise. Steve dressed Billy up like that and had him say all those things about dealing drugs and such so that you can now think that at least our son didn’t marry an unemployed drug dealer with anger issues. It was all just like one big prank.”
“And you were in on it?!”
“Yes, I was.”
“Why would you do that to me?!”
“Because they asked me for help and I gave it to them,” Margie said, sighing, “Look, Peter, I realized a while ago that if I try and control everything about Steve’s life, not only would I never win, but I’d end up losing him in the end. He’d get fed up with me and if it hit a certain point, he’d cut me out completely. So instead of trying to control him, I’ve decided to support him instead. He’s made a lot of mistakes and he’s going to make more, but rather than try and prevent them from ever happening, I’m going to help him through those mistakes so he learns from them. And I don’t think he’s making a mistake with Billy. They’re in love, just like we’re in love, and they deserve to be in love without someone else controlling their every move. And if, heaven forbid, they ever do realize it’s a mistake, then I’d rather be here to offer Steve a shoulder to cry on than to laugh and say ‘I told you so’, wouldn’t you?”
Peter looked lost in thought as Margie’s words sank in, and finally, he sighed. “I suppose you’re right,” he said, rubbing his eyes. “I guess I should just be glad that nothing they said today was real, huh?”
“Now you’re getting it,” Margie smiled softly, taking her husband’s hand and kissing it gently.
“And I suppose I should call them tomorrow and apologize, shouldn’t I?”
“I think that would be best. Then maybe next weekend we can have a real lunch and we can all get to know each other the right way, hm?”
“Fine. But if that girl decides to tag along again, make sure that broccoli is not on the menu,” Peter said, making them both laugh.
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tinyinvadr · 4 months
Psychonauts brainrot is in full force! I finished the first game recently and I’m probably gonna start the second one tonight! So, here’s a new fic, (with an OC this time, ooh) let’s see if I finish it lol
Psychics. Seemingly ordinary people with extraordinary powers, hidden in plain sight. Masters of the mind. You’d think they’d be regarded with only the highest of respect.
But instead, they’re shunned. Cast away. Treated like freaks and monsters for their gifts. It’s the kind of treatment that fosters resentment. Rage. Hatred.
The only way to truly make it is to earn a place in the ranks among the Psychonauts. But even then, only a select few can achieve that. Those who fail are forced back into their everyday lives, where they will have to hide who they truly are, or risk facing an even worse fate.
Though, they’re still better off than me.
At least they have a world to go back to, even if it’s cold and unwelcoming. They still have options open to them, they can still attempt to find happiness in a mundane, ordinary life. Because at the end of the day, psychics are human.
Except for me.
My name is Flint, and as far as I know, I’m the only borrower with psychic powers. To be honest, I have no idea how rare that actually is, since borrowers typically don’t see each other on a regular basis. I can only assume it’s not common, considering how my parents reacted when they found out.
I was only five years old, and they were… horrified.
I had no idea I was different. I just assumed everyone could levitate. But when they walked in on me floating in my room… I’ll never forget the look in their eyes.
The fear and shame directed towards me by my own parents was enough to break my concentration, and I fell flat on my face.
For some time, I stopped using my powers. After all, it was a “bad, dangerous thing”, as Dad described it. But there were some things I just couldn’t help.
I could read minds. And not just my parents, our human hosts too. They had a kid around my age who was also psychic, although they were a lot more supportive of her. They actively helped her learn to control her powers, and didn’t even get mad when she accidentally broke stuff.
Every day, I would watch and listen as she progressed, wishing it was me. But as time went on, I became a rebellious little nine year-old. I started copying her from my place within the walls, always making sure to stay hidden. And I’ve gotta say, I got pretty good all things considered.
Then, one day, the time came for my training to pay off.
Mom and I were out in the garden, collecting fresh vegetables. She had her back turned, but I saw the rabbit just in time.
The beady-eyed demon charged at us. We were in its territory, and it did not intend to share. Thinking fast, I knocked it back with a psychic blast. Stunned and startled, the beast ran away.
In those few short seconds, I felt like a hero. But then, I turned to Mom, and saw that same look in her eyes that almost turned me off from my powers for good.
“Flint… what have you done?”
I got grounded that night, and I was enraged. I saved her, why was she mad at me?
It wasn’t until the next morning that I learned the reason.
Apparently, I hit the rabbit harder than I thought, and it took severe psychic damage. Not enough to kill it, but enough to leave it in an unconscious state. So when the humans went into the garden and found the rabbit, they immediately knew it was knocked out by a psychic blast. And since their daughter was at school the day before, they knew that there had to be another psychic in the area.
I alerted them of my existence. Of our existence. If they found us, it would’ve been my fault.
Mom and Dad started packing up to move right away. We couldn’t stick around long after that incident. But the entire time, I couldn’t help but think that this wouldn’t solve the problem. Even if we moved to a new house, that wouldn’t stop me from being psychic. My only options were to suppress my true nature, or to continue to put my family at risk.
As the last of our belongings were packed, and the school year came to an end, I overheard more from the humans. They were sending their daughter to a psychic summer camp. It was a place for kids to train, to connect with others, and eventually, have the potential to become Psychonauts.
So much of what I’d heard from their thoughts about the Psychonauts intrigued me. They were psychics who went on daring and dangerous missions to save the world from all sorts of threats. They could astral project themselves into the psyches of anyone, and fight their inner demons head-on. And in the mental world, the possibilities are endless. If I could just access it, I wouldn’t have to be a weak, scared little borrower kid anymore. I could be whoever I wanted to be.
And that… was my only chance at redemption.
I felt bad leaving my parents so abruptly, but I knew they would try to stop me if I told them where I was going. It would hurt, but I’d come back as a Psychonaut, proving that my powers truly are good for something, and that borrowers have a place in this world.
With that goal in mind, I stowed away in the girl’s luggage, and I was off to Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp.
It took a few tries to get my astral projection right, but soon enough, I was able to present myself in the mental world at human size. The counselors and the other campers had no clue I was any different.
Of course, the staff did question me. I appeared out of nowhere, seemed to have no family they could get in contact with, and refused to show myself in the physical world.
I told them I’m a master of invisibility, and I take that title very seriously. Coach Oleander and Agent Nein just shrugged it off as me being a weird kid, though Agent Vodello was still very concerned about my lack of parents.
By the end of the first summer, they all gave up on trying to figure me out and just accepted that I was living at the camp with the intention of training there full-time.
Despite all the risks and doubts that I had, going to camp really was my best possible option. I was no longer a danger to my family, and I was on my way to becoming a Psychonaut. It was sure to be a long road ahead. I was so young, and still had a lot to learn.
After a few years, it really felt like I was getting close. I had a reputation around camp as the top student. Serious. Driven. Someone you should aspire to be. I could sense that my chance was right within my reach. I was almost 13, surely they’d have to let me join the Psychonauts soon.
But that summer had other plans. I found myself involved with an insane scheme, and as much as I hate to admit it, I probably wouldn’t have gotten out of it without help from a human kid with goggles.
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dark-frosted-heart · 1 year
Team Misc. Princes - Serious(?) thoughts on living true to himself
3rd King of the Beast team story
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Emma walks down the hall leading toward the library with several books in her arms. There's so many rare books in the castle that it's hard to decide what to read. Maybe next time she'll try a genre she normally doesn't read. With the thought of some new discoveries, she heads toward the library with a spring in her step.
In the library, Keith asks Emma if anything's troubling her. Though he's nothing but a useless weed, if he can lift her spirits up even a little bit, he'd be happy to lend an ear. Yves on the other hand tells her to hurry up and let it out. If she does, he'll maker her all the sweets she wants. Leon says she can just confide in him if it's too much. He won't tell the others and will absolutely solve whatever problem it is.
Emma has no idea what's going on. She was engrossed in the book she had chosen when suddenly Leon, Yves, and Keith appeared, all worrying about her. Leon apologizes for fretting without an explanation. He points at the book she's reading and she finally understands. On the cover is "Why Not Live and Enjoy Life? A Guide to Those Who Have Lost Their Way. Editing supervised by a Tanzanite fortune teller - we've received positive comments from our readers!" Definitely a cover that'd cause concern. Especially with how it says "for those who have lost their way". Emma assures the princes that she's fine. She just wanted to read a book that she normally wouldn't. The three let out a sigh of relief.
Leon thought she was in the library reading a rare book. Yves can't believe her. She's the only one that'd worry that can make him worry like this. Keith's glad that she's not having any troubles. Still, Yves thinks it's strange to see such a book in the library. He wonders if it's new. Emma tells him that it is so her hand naturally reached toward it. Keith's curious about the writing on the cover.
Keith: The title's a bit sus, no, unique...like it's talking to you...doesn't it? Leon: Calm down. Your thoughts are so incomplete that I can't tell what you're agreeing with. Yves: The title sounds like it's trying to draw readers in by sympathizing with them. Leon: You said that so bluntly like Licht. Keith: I also thought Yves was possessed by Licht. Yves: That just shows how much time I spend with him Leon: Why are you so smug about that?
Moving on, Leon asks Emma if she discovered anything new. Emma's still in the middle of reading, but the positivity makes her feel very motivated. Keith's considering reading it too then. And quietly adds that maybe then the gloominess will go away. Keith brushes it off when Yves asks if he said something. It's just like Tanzanite to put out a book like this though. Emma mentions that there were anecdotes from people who had found their way in life after learning from fortune tellers. It made her think of what it meant to live life on your own terms since she doesn't understand.
Leon says that's a difficult question because there's no true answer to it. Yves' never thought about it. In that moment, they hear someone enter the library. The four look and see Chevalier who must've come to read.
Leon: Oh. Here comes the guy who definitely lives by his own way.
To Keith, Leon also seems like someone who lives life his own way. Yves assure Keith that he feels that every day. Emma too.
Emma can't help but think that Chevalier's looking right at her. Wait, why is he getting closer? For some reason, he sits near her and to everyone's surprise, starts to read the book Emma was reading. Leon asks if Chevalier's feeling troubled. Chevalier responds that Leon's the one that needs the book if that's what he sees. He asks Emma if he picked up the book because it's new. There's nothing else to it, is there. Emma lets him continue reading.
Leon: So Yves, have you thought of how to live your life? Yves: We're still taking about that?! Leon: Of course.
Yves needs to gather his thoughts so he redirects the question back to Leon. Leon has an idea. It's a cheap answer, but he thinks of it like being honest with yourself. Live your life by not overthinking every situation and follow your heart. He simplifies the explanation with a metaphor. It's like eating eating the loin first when grilling meat. Emma, Keith, and Yves are confused.
Leon: Why. The way you eat grilled meat is first you start with the tongue. Next you eat the loin, shorts ribs, and skirt steak. And then you finish off with the tongue again. So it's like wanting to eat the tender, fatty loin on your first plate.
Yves knows how people eat but reminds him that they're talking about how people live. He didn't expect a meat eating analogy here.
Leon: Really? Yves: Really! Emma, Keith, you're surprised too, aren't you? Keith: Ah, well, it was interesting getting to see this unexpected side from Prince Leon...Um, grilled meat's good, isn't it?
Keith sounds confused. Emma didn't expect Leon to be so obsessed with meat. But it's just as important as living life his own way. Right?
Leon asks Yves if he's finally thought of something. Somehow, no thanks to Leon. Yves' way of living life is by understanding himself. Only when you understand yourself do you know how you want to live your life, right? Since Yves has some bad luck, he prepares himself accordingly.
Leon: But you'd still fall into Clavis' trap, wouldn't you? Keith: That means Clavis knows Yves well and can read him. Yves: You're right...
In a panic, Keith apologizes for bringing Yves down. He really is an inconsiderate weed. Yves says it's his fault for not seeing through Clavis' schemes. He won't fall into a hole next time. Absolutely won't... Leon laughs and tells Yves not to get too ahead of himself. It's happened before.
After Yves, it's Keith's turn. Keith can't think of anything as brilliant as Leon's but...his way would be finding and cherishing what he loves. The things that matter enrich the heart and give support so that people don't lose sight of themselves. He then apologizes. He's not good at explaining. Leon likes the way he thinks though. Emma thinks it's wonderful. Hearing that makes Keith feel a bit more confident.
Keith: I couldn't come up with a metaphor as funny as Prince Leon's though Leon: Funny? Keith: Nothing, you must've misheard me
Everyone stares at Chevalier who doesn't look up from the book. Seeing him turn to the last page, Emma takes this chance to ask. But he has Emma give her thoughts first. She thinks her way would be taking care of others since she feels the happiest when everyone around her is smiling. She'll do whatever it takes to make it happen. Chevalier tells her that she doesn't need the book then if she's already got that much figured out. The contents of the book's pure drivel. With that, he leaves the library.
Yves tells Emma that what she said just then is how she goes about her life normally. Like Chevalier said, she doesn't need the book. She's already living her life true to herself. Keith agrees. She's so kind and gentle with everyone. Leon adds that that's why everyone cares about her. And ruffles her hair. Emma whines and Leon laughs at how cute she looks. Yves grumbles about Leon but assures Emma that he'll fix her hair. Keith will also help, even though he's clumsy.
Emma's heart is warmed by all the support and her perspective's been broadened by the others. She wants to keep her positive attitude and focus on what she cherishes.
Leon suddenly realizes that Chevalier got away without answering the question.
Though they never got an answer out of him, Emma thinks she's learned about how Chevalier lives his life.
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So what, the leftover princes after sorting the others into teams?
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chimcess · 3 months
Waterlog (5) (Teaser)
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader Other tags: Olympic Swimmer!Jimin, Ex Olympic Swimmer! Reader, Swim Coach!Reader Genre: Strangers to Friends to Lovers!AU, Coach!AU, Swimming!AU, HEAVY Angst, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, fluff, eventual smut, I'm so soft for these two it's crazy. Word Count: 11.8k+ Synopsis: After a car accident ends her athletic career, Y/N has slowly started rebuilding her life again as a high school swim coach. That’s until she gets a request from an old friend and finds herself back in the spotlight as the new coach of Olympic swimmer, Park Jimin. Warnings: Panic attack, small argument, mental health discussions, past mental health issues, past anger issues, past violence talked about, nothing super graphic, pda, they are THAT couple, super supportive friends and family, Jimin is an angel, and he likes to call reader that ;), little to no knowledge about how swimming works but i'm trying my best; more to come in official posting... Release Date: est July 5th at 6pm est
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“What do you think of the place?” He asked.
Blinking, I tried to disguise the fact that I had not been paying attention to a single thing since we walked inside. Letting my eyes wonder, I almost laughed at how accurate Jimin’s description of his house was. 
Standing in his living room, I marveled at how dark everything was. Black leather sofas, a dark gray fluffy rug, a flat screen, and a black iron fireplace were the stand out pieces. There were a few family photos on the mantle and a fake potted plant beside it, but other than that it was completely barren. It was just as sad and depressing as he said it would be, but instead of feeling disappointed it only made me smile. Everything in here was his and now I was included in that. 
“I love it.”
He laughed, squeezing me impossibly closer, “You don’t have to lie. I know it’s the quintessential bachelor pad.”
“I’m not lying,” I argued. “It’s perfect. Very you.”
“Even the dusty, ugly, fake Der Rose Jungkook got me as a housewarming gift?”
“Especially that,” I joked.
“Okay clown,” He laughed, pulling away from my side. “Go sit on the couch and I’ll make us some hot chocolate. Need to warm you up.”
Giving me the remote for the very large television hanging above the fireplace, Jimin promised to be back soon and left me in charge of finding something good to watch. After flicking through a few channels, I ended up settling on 21 Jump Street and ogled at Johnny Depp and Holly Robinson Peete. My dad and I used to watch the show together when I was young, and it brought me back to the few happy times that we had. I really needed to call him.
“Damn that’s a handsome man.”
I jumped, “Jesus you scared me.”
Jimin laughed, setting down two mugs on his coffee table. They were steaming hot and I decided to leave mine to cool off for a few seconds. Taking his seat next to me, Jimin was quick to throw his arm around my shoulders and pull his legs up onto the sofa. 
“Get comfortable,” He said, crossing his legs. “It’s just me.”
“Yeah,” I snorted, curling my legs up next to me and placing my head on his shoulder. “That’s the problem.”
“You’re being extra flirty tonight,” He teased. “I like it.”
I chose to stay quiet and watch the show. This was one of my favorite episodes. Hanson, Hoff, and Loki go undercover to try and solve a string of drive-by shootings between a couple of gangs, and Booker is trying to investigate a dirty cop on the force. I always loved the scenes between Johnny Depp and Holly the most. They were so cute together and the chemistry was crazy even though their characters never ended up together.
Jimin started playing with my hair, his fingers gently caressing my neck before scratching my scalp. It felt amazing and I relaxed even further into his side. After that episode was over, he leaned down and put his head on top of mine. Another episode came on, this was the second part to the previous, and I let my eyes close. This was really nice. And to think I almost let it all go to shit because I could not keep myself from spiraling.
“I’m sorry about earlier,” I mumbled.
“Don’t be,” He whispered back, placing a small kiss on the top of my head. “Never apologize for being upset.”
Taking a deep breath, I thought about what Hoseok had said. There was no reason to tell him anything right now, or at least, the “L” word did not need to come into conversation. Still, it felt wrong to keep him in the dark. Jimin was always willing to listen and I felt awful for lying to him earlier.
“I really like you and sometimes it scares me,” I admitted quietly. “I called Hoseok to see if he had any advice. Sorry I lied about that.”
He shook his head, “I’m not upset with you, angel. Sometimes they scare me, too.”
“Really?” I had never really thought about that before.
“Of course,” He chuckled, moving away to look down at me. I lifted my head in a rare act of bravery. “I don’t think you understand just how amazing you are.”
I smiled lazily, unable to look away from him. He looked so beautiful in this lighting. The tv on one side of his face, the darkness in the rest of the house casting a dark shadow on the rest of it. I noticed his head inching closer, eyes heavily lidded as he watched me, waiting for a reaction. Heart pounding, I did the only thing I could think of. I closed my eyes and tilted my head higher.
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Taglist: @ownthesunshine @screamertannie @lovelytaes-blog @pernesianparapio @tae-with-some-suga @sumzysworld @chimmisbae
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hopelessdelusional · 1 year
I wish you would come back
Wish I never hung up the phone like I did
And I wish you knew that
I’ll never forget you as long as I live
And I wish you were right here right now
It’s all good
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Living in downtown LA has had many pros, especially for you and your friends careers. There were plenty of jobs, communities, and just life opportunities as well. You have enjoyed living in LA a hell of a lot more than your home state, just full of fun and exciting possibilities.
But the heat? The heat made you regret even stepping foot in this city.
You wanted to at least look approachable, wearing your most comfortable shoes, brown cargo shorts, a black tank top and one of Shoto’s old flannels. You put on some makeup, wanting to fit in with the people who will soon be filling up the area.
When you first arrived to the area, you were immediately greeted with an older man smiling from ear to ear thanking you for all of your hard work. You let out a sigh of relief and humbly told him it was a breeze. His assistant, who couldn’t have been more than 20 years old, handed you a clipboard with a packet of papers. Flipping through the papers, you realized you had zoned out the high pitch droning that was the assistance’s voice, making you cringe when she paused to stare at you.
“I’m sure you’re used to this though,” she awkwardly laughed, looking away embarrassed. The worst part about what she had said was that it was true. You had been given so many gigs and jobs in LA, this honestly was nothing. Try helping plan pride, now that was the most difficult thing you had done in a while.
“No one ever gets used to this job, but I think that’s why I love it so much. Always a new task coming at ya.” A part of you wasn’t lying when you said that, you honestly did enjoy a new task. A new problem that you could get your hands on and really think about and solve. The relaxed smile that you received from the younger woman did make you feel better, and she was soon waving goodbye walking to another person around her age. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You had put so much effort into working out a good schedule for all the gigs. Talking to so many managers and workers, and you had done so much research on all the performers tonight. You were ready, all of your friends were coming and you were safe. All you had to do was ignore the pain in your stomach and head, and keep moving.
And keep moving you did, because that’s all you found yourself doing. A good amount of people came up to you and made small talk, especially the workers. You had to go backstage and double check with the performers and managers about the photos you were going to take, many wanting to take professional pictures before the performance. A lot of them had very specific details for when you would take the photos, pushing your patience level but you would just smile and agree.
Time flew by quickly. Gig after gig, shot after shot the sun started to go down and the crowds started to get up. The more popular bands play later at night, so that’s when the more people started to flood in. You quite literally had to push your way through the crowd, flashing your badge at the people pissed at you to get your way to the stage. A lot of the performers wanted a shot from the crowd, which you really tried to come up with excuses for that but you were always quickly shut down. Being stuck in a crowd of sweaty LA people was not your definition of a fun afternoon, but the check was big enough for you to let it go.
As you taking a break at a (air conditioned) bar and mentally planning your next shopping trips with the girls, you were caught off guard with a violent poke in your ribcage.
Your head swung in the direction of the attack and was surprised to see Tenya and Ochako beaming at you. Ochako had her iconic pink skirt and a white tank top with a simple strawberry on it. Her hair was pulled into a messy ponytail and her face was covered in glitter. Tenya was just wearing regular white cargo pants, but what made you smile was that he was wearing a pink polo shirt. He smiled at you knowingly, squeezing Ochako’s waist before letting her go to let her hug you. In her typical fashion, she tackled you in a hug and blabbered in your ear, just making you giggle uncontrollably. Unfortunately for you when she squeezed you it made your stomach pain worse, making you groan a little louder than you wanted to.
Ochako immediately broke away, a worried expression replacing her bright smile. Tenya also raced to your side as you felt the pain go back down, not all gone but manageable.
“What was that? Did I hurt you n/n?”
“Are you okay y/n? You’re not drinking right now are you? The doctor strictly said no drinking-“
“Guys,” you forced a laugh through your throbbing headache and swatted them away, frantically coming up with an excuse. “It’s just a period cramp.”

Immediately the couple’s shoulders relaxed as Ochako put her hand on her chest and took a breather. Tenya very seriously asked you if you needed anything, to which you quickly shut him down on and tried to change the topic.
Changing the topic was actually pretty easy with Ochako. She is very ADHD, her mind always all over the place. Not that you could say anything, as you found yourself being the same.
“Like literally a goth clown. I was like, ‘in this heat?’ But I swear to god top to bottom clown attire, just goth! Tell her Tenya!”
Tenya chuckled, nodding along and went more into detail. You smiled fondly at your friends, bathing in their energy. You needed this, seeing your friends was going to help you get through the day.
“Yeah people are pretty crazy here,” you turned your head to look out into the crowd. A part of you found yourself searching for those ash blond locks that you were all too familiar with. He said he’d be here for Jirou’s concert, having to finish up a shoot for the day so the texting has been down to a minimum. You couldn’t help but get nervous just thinking about seeing him. You felt so stupid, he was so magnetic, you couldn’t get away from this guy. Everything screamed at you to put distance between the two of you, but as cheesy as it sounds, your heart wanted nothing more than to feel his arms wrap around you once more.
“I’ve had a lot of people come up to me when I check over my work after taking a couple of shots of the performer. They typically ask me to take a picture of them. Most of them offer money but some of them don’t and I think that’s what gets me.”
The three of you chatted up some more, enjoying your break with the couple, but soon you had to get back to work. You said your goodbyes to them and jogged over to the stage once again.
The field had so many other booth set up, which was a huge difference from the last year. Now, there were plenty of local restaurant owners setting up booths, along with ice cream shops, and even certain activities you’d see at the fair. You appreciated all the hard work that was going into this, and felt prideful that you are apart of this.
“Y/n! Oh my god guys its Y/n!”
You slowed your jog down to the group that was in front of you. Mina, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, and another person that you had not met yet, but by the looks of it was Sero’s new partner Jordan. You had seen him in Kaminari and Sero’s videos, always noticing a different tension between the two whenever they interacted. When you brought it up to the rest of the group they immediately started talking about how they met in college and have been obsessed with each other since. According to Mina last night when she interrupted your call with Katsuki, Sero was up all night trying to figure out some big grand way to ask him out. Eventually it was 4AM and Sero just left the house, picked up some flowers, and went to Jordan’s house and confessed. Hearing the story melted your heart, and for a split second, you imaged Katsuki doing the same to you.
“Hey guys! Everyone enjoying themselves?”
The group all had giant smiles on their faces. They honestly looked very put together for the event that they were at, but that’s was just LA for you. Mina definitely had something to do with Kirishima’s outfit, because for once it wasn’t an entire outfit made out of athletic clothing. He had on gray, jogger-like shorts, but it matched nicely with the oversized Tupac muscle t-shirt. Mina had the same vibe, wearing a cotton nike crop top with jean shorts. She had her hair back with a headband and in a ponytail, which still showed off her beautiful pink curls. You noticed that the couple had matching bracelets, simple gold chains but with half of a heart hanging from them. Another sickly sweet couple think that made your mind flash with possibilities.
Kaminari was actually wearing a crop top from Jirou’s merch line, and black jean shorts which fit the black and purple tie-dyed shirt he had on. Meanwhile, Sero was wearing gray sweatpants and one of those compress shirts you’re like 99% sure he stole from Katsuki’s closet decked out in all sorts of jewelry. Black studs in his ears, silver simple layered necklaces, and a variety of different and colorful bracelets. Lastly, Jordan looked very cute in black cargo shorts and a vintage Dr Pepper shirt that you just had to ask where he got it from later.
“Hell yeah we are! The music is fire! Banger after banger, dude.”
Kirishima’s wide smile was contagious, making you grin in response. Mina looked lovingly at her partner, before looking in your direction.
“You’re good though right? I hate to be that person but Katsuki mentioned you being overwhelmed recently.”
The rest of the group now looked at you with worried expressions, which made you wave them off and smile politely.
“Trust me it wasn’t this gig stressing me out, just my other jobs I took.”
Kaminari’s jaw dropped, making Sero bust out laughing. Sero leaned into the crook of Jordan’s neck, laughing into his partner as they watched him with a soft expression on their face.
“Jobs? As in plural? I mean no wonder you’re fucking tired.”
The group all made pokes at Kaminari’s comment, and you chatted for a couple minutes before having to cut down the conversation short. You were actually able to get Jordan’s number so he could tell you how to get that type of shirt and more. Happily, you quickly hugged all of them before making your way back stage.
“There’s my favorite photographer! I was wondering where you were at.”
Kyouka embraced you in a hug as she greeted you, Momo quickly following to do the same. She grabbed your face and examined you, making you raise an eyebrow at her motherly actions. Kyouka just giggled shrugged at you when you shifted your gaze towards her.
She eventually let go, huffing as she did so.
“You look like you’re seconds away from collapsing y/n.”
Momo was very stern and serious, with her hands on her hips and eyebrows furrowed, but you just couldn’t get over on how cute she looked. Wearing a white baby tee with jorts, of all things, but she pulled it off like a model. Her long wavy hair was up in a ponytail, which was fed through her hat that she was wearing. She had her glasses on as well, making you just want to hug her and never let her go.
Kyouka on the other hand was a completely different look.
Her signature look was alternative, not exactly emo or goth. She was wearing small back shorts with fishnets and huge dock martins that you honestly had no idea how she performed in. With that, was a baggy purple tank top with another set of fish nets under, and of course her fingerless gloves. Her makeup was a consistent black and purple set of eyeshadow, eyeliner, and glitter, and her hair was back in a messy French braid. (Which was most likely the works of Momo, who was the boss at any sort of braid)
“Okay I think that’s a bit of a stretch Mo, besides the night is almost over and then I have three days off. I’ll be fine.”
You rubbed Momo’s shoulder to comfort her, which prompted her to hold your hand and smile gently at you. You returned the smile, then turned to Kyouka who was now talking to the guitarist.
She finished up the conversation quickly, and when they were out of earshot she let out a loud sigh.
“I swear to god why do people try to change the set list minutes before we perform?”
You laughed, completely understanding her frustrations with people.
“Yes, people are very complicated. That is why you’re my favorite customer, I know exactly what you like and you actually allow me to be creative with it.”
That seemed to lift Kyouka’s spirits, because she gave you one of her rare genuine smiles. The two of you hugged, and her and Momo shared a sweet kiss along with some banter before the singer went onto the stage. Instantly the crowd lit up, screaming at the top of their lungs, and you were able to catch the look of pure love in Momo’s eyes. You slowly backed up, and got a quick shot of her, which she surprisingly didn’t notice. Kyouka was going to love this picture, you just knew it.
The concert was a huge success. Your whole group was able to come together backstage after Kyouka performed. There, all of you enjoyed each other companies, as it has been a while since the eight of you had all hung out in a while. You got a couple of shots of your friends, just for your own personal scrapbook, before you felt your apple watch on your wrist start to blow up.
“Uh oh it’s the boyfriend.”
Hitoshi made his way towards you and tried to look at the many messages Katsuki had been sending you. You knew to move your wrist away and push him away, him just smirking at you the whole time.
“Not my boyfriend. But speaking of, where’s yours?”
Hitoshi’s eyes lit up in realization, and he groaned at you before saying his goodbyes to the group.
Izuku looked over at you laughing with furrowed eyebrows.
“What was all that about?”
Catching your breath, you answered with a huge smile.
“He promised to meet up with Kam after the concert.”
Quickly afterwards, you hugged your dearest friends and promised to make plans with them soon before going out into the half empty area.
The headache came back almost full force, slowing you down greatly but you ignored it as well as the stomach pain. You honestly had no idea as to why the pain wasn’t going away, it was almost like the pain meds were making it worse. However, you knew you had to pull it together so Katsuki didn’t freak out like your friends had been.
After a quick phone call, you found Katuki in a hat and hoodie. You grinned wildly, picking up your pace and embraced him in a tight hug.
“Woah you okay?”
Despite the comment he gladly hugged you back, making you have to pull away first.
“Yeah, long day. How are you?”
Like usual, conversation flowed naturally between the two of you. In fact, you were so relaxed that you when Katsuki bought you a drink you didn’t think twice. One more drink wasn’t going to kill you, maybe it would even help with the damn headache.
“Yeah, the festival was actually bearable this year, it was triple the size of last year so there wasn’t too many paparazzi or just randos taking my fucking picture.”
You snorted at his tone, being able to translate ‘bearable’ to ‘enjoyable.’
“They really outdid themself this year didn’t they? Actually, Kyou mentioned the same thing. She said it was a lot easier to get in.”
Katsuki nodded as he sipped on his bourbon, looking as beautiful as ever. For once, you let the “intrusive” thoughts win and brought your camera to your eye and snapped a picture. Immediately, Katsuki snapped his head in your direction with flames in his eyes. However, you were not intimidated, and bursted out in laughter. The only thing that got you to stop laughing so much was the stomach pain becoming increasingly worse. You slipped out a few “ouches” but Katsuki didn’t seem to notice.
When you straighten back up, trying your best not to grimace at the throb in your head, Katsuki gave you a look that translated perfectly to ‘what the fuck?’
You sighed, allowing yourself to relax and really look at Katsuki. That must had made him antsy, because you noticed he started to squirm in his seat uncomfortably in your serious gaze. Payback.
“You just look so good right now, wanted to take a picture.”
A rose red blush bloomed across his face, his eyebrows scrunching together like they always do when he’s frustrated. Before he could respond, however, the two of you jumped at an obnoxiously loud click sound. The two of you searched around you, and Katsuki was able to find the source first. He jumped up and immediately started cussing out the paparazzi. You watched, slowly sipping on your drink. The dude looked pretty young, and was scared shitless of Katsuki’s booming voice and intimidating build. It didn’t take much for him to run away from the blond, which made him make his way back to your seats.
“Sorry about that.” Katsuki mumbled, and you noticed he was genuinely embarrassed. You had honestly never seen him look so ashamed, so you reached out for his hand and when your hands made contact he looked back up at you with wide eyes.
Not knowing what to say, you hoped the smile you gave him was enough for him to understand. He grasped your hand in his, squeezing it, before letting go to grab his drink. The blush on his face was still noticeable, but not as cute as it was before.
“They’re probably gonna come up with some dumbass story about us dating or something.”
He was still mumbling, which really irritated you. Katsuki was never one to mumble, everything he said was loud and pronounced. He meant every word that came out of his mouth, so sure of himself. That’s honestly what drew you in, his command. Now he was fidgety and talking so quiet, you didn’t even know he could talk that quiet.
Instead of pointing it out, you just chuckled leaning back in your seat enjoying the sparkling stars above.
“Well that’s just a rumor, a very false rumor that will be long forgotten in less than a month.”
You felt Katsuki’s piercing gaze on you, so you shifted so you could make eye contact with him. There was uncertainty in his eyes, something you had never seen before. He was timid, but he also looked stern and serious.
“What are we y/n?”
There was a newfound ringing in your ears, and along with the pain, your stomach felt nauseous. You felt your mouth go dry, and your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest. The maintained eye contact was eating you alive, only making these symptoms worsen.
Friends? You thought, but you knew, deep down, that wasn’t true. Deep deep down, you knew you were completely infatuated with the blond, wanting nothing more than to reach over this table and kiss him until you couldn’t breath. However, you could never admit to that. Admitting that outloud could ruin a lot of things right now. Not only your friendship with Katsuki, but possibly with Kaminari, Kirishima, Mina, Sero, and even Jordan. It would wreck you. You’ve worked so hard to maintain a good mental health, but you knew all that hard work would be long forgotten if things between you two would spiral. Mentally, you would spiral, putting you out of work for God knows how long.
No. You couldn’t admit to it. You didn’t care about those feelings you have for Bakugou Katsuki, you were not going to admit something like that.
The tone in your voice was a warning, but of course that only challenged the blond even more.
“Because I know damn well we aren’t fucking friends.”
The words he chose were viscous, but you knew him. You knew he hid behind intense words and a deep voice.
“I don’t know what to tell you Katsuki-“
“Yes you do.”
His voice was louder, and that confidence and fight that you knew him so well of came back. The sudden outburst made your head throb, and you had to fight back a wince.
“You know that this? This is not some fucking friendship. But we sure as hell ain’t dating, so what are we y/n?”
A sigh fell out of your lips, mainly because of the increase in the negative feelings that you felt in your body. You couldn’t do this, not tonight, not when you felt like your whole body was going to burst.
“I’m sorry Kats, but we are just friends.”
Those words hurt when you said it, and you could tell Katsuki noticed it. The two of you kept this eye contact, but you felt your vision slip so you weren’t too focused on reading him.
“So your way of making friends is making out with them when your drunk and then after that maintaining a close relationship with them?”
“We were drunk-“
“That doesn’t mean shit, y/n.”
Katsuki was starting to get angry, you could tell. On any other day you would have shut him down. Yelled at him until your voice got hoarse, because he knew better than to snap at you like this, over something so unnecessary. But you couldn’t do that today, the exhaustion from the pain all day, along with mental and physical stress of the festival had defeated you entirely. You wanted nothing more than to just get up and walk away, but that wouldn’t be fair to Katsuki, so you stayed.
“Yes, it does. We got drunk, and because we’ve been single for way too long, we made out. After that we became close because of mutual interests and friends.”
At this point you felt like a parent talking to a child, but just like most children, Katsuki was having none of this.
“No, no y/n I’m not fucking stupid, and neither are you. That isn’t the whole story, there is something between us and I just can’t fucking figure out why you won’t do anything about that.”
He was standing now, making you look up at him. He was angry, sure, but you could tell there was more than that.
“Katsuki I don’t have to fucking explain myself-“
“Yes you do! Y/n you owe that to me. Why can’t we fucking date? Why can’t you be mine?”
There was a long pause between you two, the both of you holding your breath in dread and anticipation. You noticed the crack in his voice, only desperate to understand why you couldn’t just commit.
“I just, I can’t Kats. I’ve been through a lot recently and I don’t know what would happen.”
“What the fuck do you mean? Y/n, just stop beating around the bush! What aren’t you telling me?”
Growing annoyed, you rubbed a hand down your face, not caring about the delicate makeup you had put so much detail into this morning. You didn’t ever think he would snap at you like this, but you knew this conversation was coming. The more you called or hung out you felt him get more and more antsy, growing impatient of your currently platonic situation.
“I just have a lot on my plate and I have for a long time. I’m sorry but I just can’t risk a relationship.”
Katsuki just scoffed at your earnest tone, obviously hurt by your words. You saw his hands shaking, and the wave of nausea hit again.
“So-so what? So I’m just dead fucking weight to you? Do you even hear yourself right now?
You felt your heartbeat grow heavier, feeling that familiar feeling of anger making your blood practically boil. So you stood up too, ignoring the wave of fatigue that hit you and with as much energy as you could muster, you held your ground against the model.
“I did not fucking say that Kats and you know that. You know what I’m talking about, but your so wrapped up in your head you refuse to try and understand my position.”
“Position? Position?”
He’s walking away, a clear sign that his anger is starting to rise and he’s trying to control it. You just gave to be grateful that he’s still trying not to blow up at you, he cares about respects you enough not to do that. Katsuki quickly circles his way back to you, making eye contact again.
“I’m a human being, y/n. I understand pain and suffering, I understand hard times and being afraid. I also fucking care about you, and would be able to fucking take whatever bullshit you’re talking about. So the problem isn’t me not understanding your position, its you not wanting to deal with your emotions, because you’re a coward.”
There it is. There’s the harsh words you could see coming from a mile away. You knew he would say something like that, you knew it because it’s true, you are a coward. You didn’t want to face your problems a year ago and you don’t want to do it now. You drown yourself with work so you can avoid the real world, so you can forget about all of your mental and even physical health. You wanted to be angry with Katsuki, you wanted to fight back and argue until you won, but you couldn’t. There was no point.
You opened your mouth to say something anything, but you felt your breath go short. Slowly your surroundings started to spin, and you had to lean on a chair in order to keep your balance. All the pain and nausea started to hit you, and for a second you genuinely thought you were going to puke your guts out.
“Tch, that’s what I thought. Fucking hell.”
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Katsuki start to break. He leaned over and rubbed his face, not noticing the distress you were in. Because of the situation the two of you were in, you just wanted for him to home and sleep on it, and allow you to pass out on your bed.
“Look, y/n I’m sorry, I just-“
He sighed, struggling to find the words. You found focusing on his body language and tone helped distract you, so leaning on the chair you looked back up at him trying to look strong.
“I’m not trying to be a dickhead to you, I just need you to see this. I know I’m not crazy, but I’m crazy for you. What I said was harsh but I fucking meant it, I’m here for you godammit, so let me be.”
Finally he turned back to look at you, and you watched him as his face twisted in confusion
“What’s happening are you okay?”
You opened your mouth to speak, but at that exact moment your mouth went dry and you felt like you had just gotten hit in the head by a frying pan. It took you another moment to collect yourself. Katsuki tried to get closer to you but you refused to let him help you, so you moved away from him going to the other side of the chair.
“I just need to go home, I’m sorry Kats.” you slowly released your grasp from the chair and wobbled off, feeling your strength slip away with each step you took. You heard Katsuki call your name, and you would have felt fucking awful for leaving him alone, just standing there at the bar. You knew this hurt him, but you couldn’t think about anything because of the pounding in your head. Yes, this was stupid. You could have just asked for help, what was happening to you was not healthy, and you should have asked Katsuki to take you home. And yet, you couldn’t. You couldn’t let Katsuki see you like that. You wouldn’t ever let him pity you, ever let him think of you less. You tried to listen to what he had to say you really did, and most of it was true, but you didn’t want to give in. Not yet.
Somehow Hitoshi found you wondering and immediately knew something was wrong. Tears were streaming down your face and by the time his hands reached you, the ringing in your ears made you completely deaf. With your head spinning and the lack of energy you had in you, you felt your body double over. Slowly your hearing came back, but your eyes refused to stay in focus.
Before slipping into unconsciousness, you listened to a faint but familiar song playing from one of the nearby speakers.
You always knew how to push my buttons
You give me everything and nothing
This mad mad love makes you come running
To stand back where you stood
I wish you would, I wish you would
I wish you would, I wish you would
i wish you would
just a reminder the character Jordan is NOT mine but the lovely @kotoprincesa !! thank u so much for allowing me to use ur oc i love him sm🫶
LETS GOOOOOOOO PLOT PLOT PLOT this shit was a DOOZY bro how y’all feeling?? 🎤🎤 *grabs mic* well IM feeling fucking awesome like y’all this is so exciting omg are y’all excited??? bc IM excited!!!!!!
ANYWAYS (lol) as always if you have any questions or just wanna talk my inbox is open! have a great day y’all!
love ya!
fun facts! ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
- it’s gonna take a while for the fans to adjust but they’ll come to love the new couple🫶🫶🫶
- toshi and kam wanna wait to release it but sero literally could NOT wait to post his partner :((((
- y/n zones out a LOT when they don’t wanna listen and it’s very noticeable
- ko and tenya are 100% the type of couple to do matching stuff and you CANNOT change my mind
- idk where the idea of a goth clown came from, it was like 2AM when i wrote this. maybe that’s just like an inner demon of mine or smth
- mina had to fight kiri to wear actual clothes he was pouting like a baby and the rest of the squad was just watching giggling
- but of course once he put everything on he LOVED it and couldn’t stop kissing mina (that’s what made the gang walk away in “disgust”)
- Kaminari in crop top supremacy🛐
- sero LOVES him some jewelry and Jordan noticed and started making little bracelets for him (sobs)
- they for sure have matching spider-man pjs
- i CANNOT and WILL NOT get enough of momo and jirou like HELLO?
- but can we talk abt the SHIT yn had gone thru for this festival like😭😭 the poor thing is getting abused just for the good shot
- hitoshi is such an ass but he’s even MORE forgetful
- kam was pouting when he was late and had to make it up to him by cuddles and junk food (as one does)
- i fucking hate paps man
- so does kats
- i don��t rlly wanna do a fun fact on their fight so….
- hitoshi has like a spidey-sense when it comes to yn’s danger LMFAO
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