#she stood there and looked at the cabbages
reallyromealone · 2 months
Title: visiting grandpa
Fandom: Tokyo revengers
Characters: Haitani brothers
Fic type: story
Pairings: none
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, grandpa reader, fluff
"there's my little cabbages" an elderly man smiled as he sat on his engawa, the Haitani brothers always made a point to visit their grandpa at least once a month "we brought you that fancy coffee gramps!" Rindō said as they held gifts for the Old man, the Bonten executives always getting stuff on their trips and missions for their grandpa-- hell the house slippers the elderly man wore were 3000 dollars.
Though they didn't tell him that, the old man always fretting over them spending so much though this was the man who sacrificed everything to raise them so it was worth it.
Even moving from the country to Tokyo when their mom vanished to make sure they were cared for.
And now they cared for him.
"We got you some stuff too! I know those ladies at the market are all over your Haitani charm so we got you some cologne!" Ran said as the elderly man stood up and the three went inside, the house of every fond memory stored in one spot "I got you boys some treats, such a long trip" (name) said sweetly and on the table was the cupcakes the two would get as children after a week of school, same sprinkles and everything "you boys travelled so far, rest your bones" (name) said fondly and the two men smiled, feeling like they were children again and their grandpa was making dinner.
"So how is investing?" (Name) Asked curiously as they are his pride and joys, the elderly man even learning how to use a phone to talk to them more "ah, everything is great gramps!" They never told him their real jobs, they didn't want to break his heart so they lied.
"I'm so proud of you both, I put that wonderful photo on the wall you two sent me!" The old man pointed to a photo the two sent him while getting lunch "the sweet young woman next door helped me do that... She's single you know"
"What? You two are handsome young men and I want to see you two married!"
"In due time gramps... Rinny here has a boyfriend now and I'm looking around for a girlfriend" Rindō and Ran watched as their grandpa looked surprised and gestured to show a photo "you know, I was friends with a gay when I was younger!" The two smiled at their grandpa's gesture of showing his support "he is a handsome young man! You bring him next time"
"Of course gramps"
"Now finish your fish"
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heckyeahponyscans · 4 months
One of the benefits of vending at real-life toy shows is you get to chat with real-life people. I complimented a guy's shirt and found out there are marble racing leagues, I helped a guy track down some Shopkins because the ones belonging to his daughter (now a college grad) had accidentally been donated to Goodwill and she was nostalgic for them, and I learned that the vintage action figure of Allura is still one of the few toys she's had.
I also talked with a woman who asked if I had any Cabbage Patch Kids in my booth. (I did not.) She said, "I had one as a child and I always wonder . . ." She smiled, looking across the booths full of toys.
She got her Cabbage Patch doll in 1983, the year of "the craze". They were THE big toy. No modern toy that can compare to that phenomenon. Parents were getting into fistfights over these dolls, buying them from scalpers, or standing in long lines.
The woman at my booth said her aunt was the one who stood in a long line to get her a Cabbage Patch doll; she smiled as she described the doll, she obviously remembered it so well.
Then she said: "I used markers to give her makeup. I wanted to make her beautiful, but my father didn't see it that way. He saw it as me ruining the doll that it took so much effort to get. In anger, he threw it in the trash right in front of me."
She kept smiling wistfully as she was talking, without any apparent ire, even though after all these years she was at a toy show "wondering" about her doll.
As a collector, I love finding a mint condition toy. But when I was a child I cut holes in the vintage baby doll diapers (because I didn't like baby dolls but did like stuffed animals) and I gussied up Little Red Riding Hood's hair with streaks of eyeshadow that never washed out. I do not think it is possible for a child to "ruin" a toy. (Unless they make it physically unsafe to be around).
The purpose of a toy is to bring a child joy, fun, and help them grow. Sometimes that will mean dolls with cut hair, action figures dramatically buried in a grave after an imaginary battle, or, yes, Magic Marker makeup on dolls "to make them look beautiful." And if a child regrets what they did to a toy, that too helps them grow. Learning that a doll's hair, once cut, remains cut forever is such a mild and safe way to learn the importance of foresight.
For an adult looking back on childhood, it can seem idyllic. But one of the main experiences of childhood is a lack of control over your own life.
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But a child should at least have control over their toys.
Adults: if you want to guarantee that precious toy you spent so much money on stays pristine . . . buy it for yourself and put it on your own shelf. It is not a child's job to be a caretaker to an object for twenty years.
I hope that lady finds her Cabbage Patch doll.
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coralseacourt · 5 months
Broken Love 🪸by @coralseacourt
Summery: The youngest Acheron Sister gets rejected for Elain
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Azriel X O/C
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He broke me.
Left me in Pieces
He took my heart away.
Held it in his hands , before squeezing it slowly.
Until nothing of it was left to be repaired.
2 months prior.
I was fae. My skin flawless with only a hint of color to my cheeks. My long ash blonde hair had turned more gold and shiny than they ever had been.
I was sitting in front of the mirror staring at myself, bright green eyes looking back at me.
So much had happened since Hybern, my life had changed completely.
No more poverty , warm nights instead of the cold rifts that had swept through our House.
A clear view of a starlit city and not the so familiar colorless woods.
I couldn’t identify myself with the person staring back at me and i had no one to share it with.
Feyre was now High lady and a mother with a lot of responsibilities.
But this meant also that she had less time to be present in my life, which I didn’t fault her for.
It also wasn’t her fault that I somehow always seemed to be invisible to everyone. Nesta and Elain had never been interested enough in me to care.
They had each other.
After all of the Events in the last months i had started to feel lonely. I had thought that with the birth of nyx I could be more involved, maybe helping feyre out with the baby.
But I only had seen him once which was weeks ago. They had invited me to Dinner I had been so excited to get out and see my nephew but the evening had ended with everyone interacting with each other and me sitting alone in a corner of the room .
That was the moment I decided I would not go again.
And it seemed I had gotten what I wanted. I wasn’t invited to another Dinner.
I couldn’t understand what I did wrong.
At the beginning I had thought Azriel would be a friend. He had offered me his favorite books to read .
We had talked. Sometimes all night long.
But then it stopped and I had noticed the looks he had given Elain.
Of course he looked at her, not me. She was beautiful. Even more since she was Fae
As much as I didn’t want to admit it to myself I had loved his attention , had loved that he had cared.
Something I never had experienced from anyone else besides Feyre.
I pulled my knees to my chest and laid my chin on them. Maybe I was a ghost , haunting everyone around me with my company.
I shook slightly my head and stood slowly up to leave for Dinner in the big Hall. No one ever joined me .
Cassian had at the beginning, before him and nesta were mated.
Now I was a third wheel and I had changed my dinner time early enough so he still would be at training while I was eating.
I entered the big hall and sat on the long empty table .
My food arrived immediately after.
Potatos ,red cabbage and a meat loaf.
It looked delicious, but it tasted like paper in my mouth.
I leaned my head on my hand while poking around in my meat.
”Is Everything alright, violet?”
I looked up , surprised to see Rhys leaning against one of the pillars that connected the flooring with the Sealing.
His entire Form screamed suspicion and my alarm bells started to ring. “Yes of course, why wouldn’t it be ?”
I tried not to look away from his narrowed eyes so cold and calculating.
”It’s been a while since you joined us for Dinner and I had to wonder why that is.” I shrugged nervously my shoulders, not sure what to say . But decided to tell the truth.
“ I wasn’t invited,” He raised his eyebrow and I continued.
“And even if I would have been invited , I probably wouldn’t have come.”
Surprise lit his face.
Possibly because he didn’t expected me to answer honestly?
I m sure he had read something in my Head.
I hadn’t practiced to build up walls around my mind, hadn’t seen the need for it.
I had no powers.
I was practically invisible to everyone especially Rhysand , who would have only cared if I had any magic.
Which i hadn’t.
“Why wouldn’t you have come? Are you not happy for your sisters? Are we not providing you with everything you need?”
I gulped at his words, sometimes I had the feeling Rhys was waiting for something.
Like a hawk with his prey.
“ Yes , thank you I do appreciate it. And I m very happy for them. “ Whatever Rhys saw in my mind seemed to satisfy him. His arms relaxed and his facial expression calmed down but was replaced with confusion.
“I don’t understand .” It seemed to bother him.
“ It’s just .” I stopped myself not sure how to explain.
So I showed him. The loneliness, the feeling of invisibility.
It took less effort than having to explain.
“Do you want to be seen?”
Was all he said , his hands tugged away in his pants pockets before turning around and just leaving.
Did I?
All night I had to think about his words. Did I want to be seen?
Did I do this to myself?
This isolation?
I planned to change everything starting tomorrow morning.
The next morning I was up early.
I put some comfortable pants on and a shirt that I could properly move in.
When I walked into the dining hall for breakfast, I had 3 pairs of eyes on me. Azriel, Nesta and Cassian were sitting together at the table.
I took my seat next to Azriel and started shuffling my food down, still feeling their stares.
“What are you doing up so early?”
Looking over to the big Illyrian that my sister was mated to I answered.
“ I was thinking that maybe I could participate in training today, if that’s ok. “
My sister seemed to almost smoke from anger .
I couldn’t hide my surprise.
“No? Why? Everyone is allowed to.
The priestesses,you even Elain started recently.”
I was frustrated now .
I had to do something, I didn’t want to sit around and be miserable.
“That’s different, we earned it. You didn’t.”
Both males stared at nesta like she had grown a third eye.
“ Nesta I m sure we could start her on some easy warm ups.” A soft spoken voice next to me stated. Az.
“I m not helping her . If she is doing anything, she will have to do it with one of you.”
And with that she stood up and left.
“I go talk to her violet, she doesn’t mean it.” “She does, and you know it.”
He only gave me an apologetic look before leaving.
“If you like then i could train you.”
I looked at the Shadowsinger beside me and gave him a small smile .
“Alright. Thank you I really appreciate it.”
We started training immediately.
Spending daily time with each other .
It felt like it had at the beginning.
I knew he only did it because he felt bad for me but I couldn’t help falling for him .
His soft way of talking with me .
All the ways he tried to make me stronger with each training session.
It was what I had always wanted ,being useful.
Having someone that is willing to listen and understand me.
Everything was how it should be until the faithful day where everything changed.
“Arms up , like this.” Azriel pulled my arms higher making my position slightly straighter.
“Yes and don’t lose tension . Keep it exactly this way and don’t lower your eyes .”
I nodded.
Sweat running down my face, my breathing heavy and my muscles hurting.
“Violet , I said don’t look down.” He was standing in front of me his hair tousled and his eyes glowing with anger.
“ If you don’t listen to what I say, then this is useless. “ He pulled on my arm twisting it and throwing me on the floor with him on top of me his dagger pressed to my throat.
“ See. This is what happens if you lose tension in your arms, anyone could use your weakness against you.”
He was looking down on me.
Eyes so intense that I couldn’t look away. Could only feel his weight on me .
My stomach tightened. My heart raced. “Do better, learn faster, pay atten…”
His voice stopped mid sentence.
Nostrils flared, pupils blackened.
Oh god could he smell my arousal?
My cheeks flamed and Embarrassment grew inside of me.
“I …I “.
I didn’t know what to say he still had the knife pressed against my Throat.
Which he now threw to the side of the ring .
“Are you attracted to me?”
His voice was Shocked, completely stunned.
I bit my lip and tried not to crumble under his gaze.
What a fool I must be.
He was here. Spending his time helping me train and I wasn’t even able to keep my feelings to myself.
His eyes darted to my lip movements and he nervously wetted his own.
“Are you?”
“Yes .” It was senseless to deny it, he clearly could smell it.
My head turned to the side, looking at the training equipment.
Everything was better to look at then seeing his face in that moment .
“ You shouldn’t.”
His hand softly pressed against my cheek turning me back towards him.
But instead of taking it directly away again, he dragged his thumb slowly over my cheek towards my lips.
Touching them. Opening them slightly.
I gasped quietly.
His smell was intoxicating.
It filled my lungs with the heavenly scent of Cedar and Night Rain .
In one sudden move he turned us and i now was on top of him straddling his Hip.
I shivered, when I could feel something hard touching my core.
His hand dragged me down to him.
Our mouths so close I could feel his warm breath on my skin.
“You really shouldn’t .”
His eyes glowed darkly before he pressed his lips against mine .
I couldn’t believe it.
Was this really happening?
I kissed him back and completely surrendered myself to him.
His tongue licked slowly over my lips telling me to open . Which I happily did.
I could feel his hands roaming over me.
Touching, grabbing .
The heat between my thighs getting unbearable.
His mouth started to wander in a wild and impatient way, going down my Throat.
Biting, teasing.
I couldn’t hold the sounds back that emerged from me.
“Azriel “.
I groaned his Name when he started to move my Hips against his in a rhythmic way .
I had never felt something like this.
My heart was pounding and something was building up.
I bit my lip while still feeling his kisses on me .
But in one Moment I was in heaven and the next he threw me off.
I landed on my back a couple feet’s away from him.
Looking up the sealing and trying to catch my breath , I blinked confused.
“I need to go . Elain is waiting for me.” And with that he stood up and practically ran from the training room.
Part 2,
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lady-ashfade · 1 year
Can you do a kazzle dazzle were kaz is like in love with reader while reader doesn't think so and all the crows tease him and stuff because its somewhat obvious to everyone but reader. And kaz like leaves her anonymous gifts. And then maybe a love confection at the end?
Sorry if your not taking requests
What gave me away?
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Kaz brekker x Fem!Reader
I’ve seen so much like this and I just love it! I want kaz to gift me things.
Notes: Longest kaz fic of mine, like I haven’t wrote this much for one character in a while. You can be a crow in this, or just work at the club.
Warnings: Fluffy, cursing I think, teasing from the group, kaz being a little soft. Maybe some angst. Spelling mistakes.
His hooded eyes stared at her fingers as she washed to counter, moving them up he looks at her face. The face that he admired and couldn’t help but feel warm when he looked at her. She wear a dress, not too fancy or too boring. She worked the bar or help the kitchen at times, so she always got stains on her dress. She looked beautiful to him even now, messy dress and a little dirt on her cheek.
She had her lips pouted a bit and at whatever she was thinking about, he found it cute. He couldn’t help but do this often, he just feel in a trace. Kaz let his mind run to far that everyone there notice his absence mind. Smirking, Nina was the first to speak. “You got a bit of drool there, boss.” She leaned close and pointed to the corner of his lips but never touched him.
Kaz broke his trance and turned to her with a glare, “Excuse me?” She laughed and sat back into her boyfriend arms. “You’re partially ripping her clothes off in your mind. And not to mention your heart is acting weird, you wanna go talk to her?” She asked with a teasing small voice as if she was talking to a child.
He took a deep breath of annoyance and rolled his eyes. “She’s using the wrong rag, she should have switched it out a hour ago.” He stated to throw their thoughts off. Nina nodded but she didn’t believe it, no one at the table did. “I don’t know boss” Jesper tapped in, “You were giving her the eyes.” He moved his eyebrows.
“What eyes?” Kit had no clue what he was talking about. Jesper laughed and turned to wylan who already knew what to do. They stare at each other with big eyes and admiring their features, like a puppy. Nina giggled and hit the table, “He looks exactly like that!” Kaz groaned at their teasing, “Stop taking or you’re all out a job.” He grabbed his cane and stood up with it.
“No, boss don’t leave.” Jesper called out as they watch him leave, “Kazzel, we’re sorry.” Nina watched him leave. Once he disappeared they all looked at each other with big smirks. “He was totally drooling.” Jesper laughed. “Totally, now” she pulled out her coin purse. “Who wants to bet on them?” The table pitched in and were planning to get Inej in on it later.
His office was quiet and he could hear the sounds dying down as the club closed and the workers left, the only person left was you and the other crows. A knock at the door made his ears perk up, he knew who it was. “Come on.” His voice sounded light and low. You step through the door with a tray in your hand and carefully walked. “What have you brought this time?” He continued to write on the paper.
You smiled and walked over to him and set the tray on the table in the corner. “Well, get ready to eat a feast.” You giggle and picked up a big plate. He pushed his paper away, he learned that even if he wasn’t hungry you wouldn’t care. You placed the plate down in front of him and set down the  utensils he needed. “Cabbage rolls, with a small side of eggs. And my favorite, seasoned potatoes.”
He looked up at you, his eyes questioning you. “We didn’t serve these tonight.” You smiled and shrugged, “They just appeared out of no where.” You walked back over to the table to get the other things you brought him. “And you’d feed this to me not knowing if it was poison?” He grabbed the fork and poked the food, but he knew you had made it. “Maybe I want whatever you have stashed around here.”
He hummed and you came back over and set down a glass of water and a smaller plate, a sweet roll on top of it. He remembered when you found out he had a sweet tooth you always got him one, he hated someone knowing that. But if it was going to be anyone he was fine with it being you.
“You better drink the whole glass of water, and eat at least half of everything.” You dropped your eyelids and leaned on his decks. “If that’s all, leave me to it.” He looked back down. Your eyes glanced over a bit and your breath hitched. Nodding you picked up the tray and walked out of the room like he told you.
“You should stay, be with me for a while.” The words you always wished to hear spoke through your head in his voice. You knew kaz was closed off, he didn’t like to show anyone anything he didn’t have to. It was known that he cared about you and the crows…But you hoped he cared more, like you did him. Each night you glanced at him, when he would walk around the bar with a glare and looked like a angry dog. You hated yourself for falling for a man that couldn’t love you back.
The next day you walked through the alleyways as the fog still covered the streets, the sun coming up and the soft light shined. You did like the morning because the way you took, there was never many people. You got to hear the birds that nest around and you could hear yourself think. Entering the club you worked and smiled at the men that work the table set up, you went to the bar. As you got closer you noticed something on the table, a box wrapped in a ribbon that wasn’t there when you closed.
Curiosity got the better of you and you looked at the note attached to it and your eyes widen as you saw your name written. There was no other name or any hint as to who it could be. It could be some sort of bomb or a poisons animal, but sometimes you couldn’t let the wonders stay. So you took of the top of the box and saw a few cookie cutters and your heart stop as you pick one of them up. You remember them from the store you went by, you stayed about a hour just convincing yourself not to waste money.
You looked up to see if anyone was looking at you, if you could spot the person who gifted it but you saw no one. Smiling big you took the box and put it under the corner. Everyone noticed the whole day you were more happy and hopping around the place. Everyone was more alive to see you like that, and it made them feel happier. When Nina asked what you were so happy about, you told her about the gift. “Who got it for you.” She raised a cup to her mouth and then took a bite of her waffle. “No clue, it wasn’t signed.” She was stunned for a moment as you walked off. Then she remembered that your boss was aways interested in your smile, so she put the pieces together.
That was just the start of the weekly gifts that were on the counter when you entered the club. Sometimes it was a flower vase with your favorite flowers. Sometimes it was new baking equipment, others it was just small things you would look at in the market. Once your shoes broke at work and you had to finish the shift with no shoes. Then, a man came in with a new pair as the club closed and that was your final straw.
You needed to find the person. They always knew what you wanted or needed. At first you thought it would be Inej because she couldn’t be seen, but you asked her and she said no. You could tell when she was lying. You asked everyone and they all said no, but you never asked kaz. It wasn’t even on your mind but it you needed to cross every box off. So when you brought him his nightly meal you had the perfect opportunity to ask.
This time his sweet was a cookie in the shape of one of the cutters he had got you. He lightly smiled with his eyes because you had used it. “Kaz.” You set down the glass on his desk. He glanced at you and then back down for you to get the words out. You tried to control the sweat coming off your body and your heart from beating fast.
“I’ve been getting these gifts, and I have no idea who they are from.” He nodded his head and picked up some food with his fork. “And are they threatening?” You shook your head and bit your lips. “No, they are sweet actually. Who ever is sending them is actually paying attention to me.” You fumbled your hands.
“Is that all you wanted to say? Why tell me this?” He sound annoyed. “Because I wanted to know if..” you stoped and looked at him. He let a few seconds pass by and looked up at you as you went silent and frozen. “If?” He asked to get you to keep going.
You needed to just bite the bullet and ask him. Part of you wanted it to be him- No. All of you wanted it to be him. To know that he pays attention to you, noticing everything like you do him. “Are you sending them?” You let out a breath. He stopped for a minute and looked into your eyes, you noticed his lips slowly curl up into a smirk.
“What gave me away?”
That wasn’t what you thought you would hear. And you actually thought you imagined it for a minute. It made your mind fly with thoughts and it took you so much by surprise, you stop working for a moment. “So, it was you?” Your brows raised themselves but crunched, he loved that look. “Hmm, but I should have guessed you would have figured me out.”
It clinked into your brain, it made your stomach fill with butterflies and heart flatter. “So, why did you do it?” You smiled at him. “I like to see you smile. I needed to show you thatI think about you non stop but, i couldn’t say it to your face.” He was truthful. “I-” he took a deep breath and raised his hand slowly and put it above yours. You he had a problem with touch, and that he was working on it.
Before you could voice your opinion he place his hand on top of your softly, it fit over yours perfectly. It was warm and the leather felt nice. “I have these feelings for you, that I don’t know what to do with. But, I’d like to have you as mine.” You smiled wide and tried not to cry, so you giggled at the overwhelming feeling.
“I will be yours, Kaz Brekker.” He actually smiled for the first time, not a small one but a bigger one. You could tell he was trying for you and you couldn’t help but find it adorable, but you couldn’t voice it. “Now, eat up and I’ll be back in a few. I want you to tell me that again.” You pranced out his office like you owned the place and acted high and mighty.
He sighed and chuckled, shaking his head at how much you affected him. The only warmth he felt inside was thinking of you, or seeing you.
“I’ll be yours kaz brekker.” He would replay those words in his head until his last breath.
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firelordsfirelady · 29 days
XV. Wonders of Omashu
Author: @firelordsfirelady
Imagine: When Y/N—a princess of one of the Water Tribes—is told she’s leaving her tribe, she never expects that she’s to be betrothed to the Fire Lord’s son, nor was she prepared to be exiled the very day she arrived at the Fire Nation. With her life in the hands of her new fiancée, how will life change for the princess? 
Pairing: Zuko x F!Reader
Trigger warnings: arranged marriage, feelings of fear, banishment, mentions of burns/abuse, frustration, violence, betrayal, language
Word Count: 2171
Destined to be Yin and Yang 
I own no rights to Avatar the Last Airbender or any of the characters/story. 
Author’s Notes
The characters as all aged up so Zuko’s banishment happens when he’s 16 
Keep in mind I am bringing a unique world with inspiration from ATLA in their characters, some of the events that happen, bending, etc. Not many things may align or occur with what happened in the show. It’s intended that way, so I hope you enjoy it regardless.
See Y/N’s inspiration here. 
Destined to be Yin and Yang Soundtrack (YouTube)
A few weeks later I was on the deck of the ship watching with excitement as the landmass of the Earth Kingdom got closer. I was itching to leave the boat and put some space between Zuko and I as the Avatar mission brought us to the city of Omashu.
“You’re in good spirits today.” Zuko’s voice sounded from behind me, and I fought the urge to roll my eyes before I turned to look over my shoulder. Iroh and Zuko were standing nearby as they looked at the approaching coastline, but I said nothing and turned my attention back to the view in front of me. I heard Iroh slightly chuckle as I ignored Zuko, just as I had done for the last few weeks.
To say I was hurting would be an understatement. However, I was excited to learn that there were sightings reported of an Airbender helping in Omashu.
“Are you excited to be near the city?” Iroh’s jovial voice asked.
“Yes.” I said quickly. “I can’t wait to stretch my legs on the land.” Zuko scoffed at me.
“Don’t get too excited, you’re—“
“And I’m excited to try the delicacies of the Earth Kingdom.” I looked at Iroh with a huge smile on my face. “And I can’t wait to—“
“You’re staying on the ship.” Zuko growled, but I smiled at him. 
“Like hell I’m staying on this ship.” I snapped as I looked at Zuko. “If I remember correctly, I am a waterbender and you’re a firebender. In these parts of the world, people are more inclined to trust me than you.” I motioned between us as I spoke. “If the Avatar or his partners are in the city, they will hide if they notice you. If they notice me, I’ll look just like anyone else in the city.” I smirked. “Like it or not, Prince Zuko, you need me.” Flicking my hair over my shoulder, I walked away from the two firebenders—one of whom looked proud of me and the other who looked astonished as I walked away. 
A few hours later, the three of us--Iroh, Zuko, and I--stood in line waiting as the guards screened everyone at the gates. The three of us were dressed in Earth kingdom clothes, and we looked like we belonged in the city itself like the people around us. Zuko looked irate as we approached the guards at the gate.
“State your business.” The guard roughly said, but I gave him a big smile as I laced my arm through Zuko’s.
“My husband and I are returning home after spending time helping my brother with his cabbage farm nearby.” I patted Zuko’s arm for extra effect as I smiled up at him with closed eyes. The heart in my chest squeezed at the proximity of the Firebender, but I was still hurting from the way the Prince acted.
“Yes, the cabbages are doing so well this year that he needed a few extra set of hands.” Iroh said as he came and placed his arm around me. “It is always nice to help those in times of need.”
“Alright. Alright. Don’t hold up the line now.” The guard grumbled before the gates to the city slowly moved to let us in.
“Thank you!” I sweetly said as I slightly pulled Zuko by our interlaced arms through the gate. Once we were past the gate, I let go of Zuko’s arm as the bustling city around me captured my attention. People bustled about on their daily business while the aroma of the city smelled divine with herbs and spices filling the atmosphere. I felt like a kid all over again as I pointed at shop stand with a bunch of red sticks tied together.
“Oh! Look at that!” I quietly exclaimed with wild eyes. “What are those?” Iroh chuckled lightly at me as Zuko scowled.
“You act like you’ve never seen firecrackers before.” Zuko said with a roll of his eyes. “We aren’t here for--”
“I haven’t seen firecrackers before.” I said as I looked at another stand with a bunch of fresh fruits and vegetables. “I have never been to a fresh market like this before.” My eyes scanned over the various tea shops and clothing shops. “Restocking supplies stops don’t count. Those aren’t like this.” Turning to look at Iroh, I put on my best begging face. “Can I look around?”
“Of course. Here, take this and get you some things too.” Iroh smiled and lightly placed a small leather bag in my hand that made a clinking sound as it landed. “I’m glad someone can still see the world with fresh eyes.”
“Yes, we are.” I grabbed Zuko’s hand and pulled him behind me. “How else do you expect to find him? He’s not going to be hiding where he feels safe from you.” I whispered to him before I stopped at a tea cart to order some tea. I scanned the crowd while I waited for my order to be finished while Zuko stood next to me in a grouchy mood.
“Thank you very much.” I said as I grabbed the two cups from the vendor and walked back to Zuko. “Here.” I said as I offered the cup to him without looking at him, and then I whispered through clenched teeth, “Try to blend in.” Begrudgingly, Zuko took the cup from me.
I didn’t let the angry Fire Prince ruin my wanderlust of the city as I looked around. There were minecarts traveling at rapid speeds through tracks that crossed the city and went all the way to the palace.
As I stopped to marvel at a piece of fabric at one of the shops, my hand reached out to touch a gorgeous green silk when I found myself standing across from a small green cart that was closer to the quieter side of Omashu. The Airbender stood in front of me flanked by two members of another Water Tribe--one female and the other male. He looked at Zuko without fear as he took an offensive stance. Blinking, I found myself standing in the street holding a green fabric lightly in my hand.
“Are you done browsing?” Zuko’s angry voice whispered to me, but the anger in his words slowly faded as he turned to look at me. “Your nose is bleeding.” It was at this moment that Iroh caught up to us, but he looked concerned as I wiped the small stream of blood coming from my nose. I narrowed my eyes at Zuko before I let out a frustrated groan.
“I don’t like you right now--” I whispered to him through clenched teeth, and Zuko’s face twisted in anger and hurt. Zuko started to say as I rubbed my face slightly before I sighed. “--But I don’t break pinky promises.” I said quietly as I looked around me for signs of the area around the cart I had seen.
“You saw something?” Zuko’s whisper went unanswered when I started walking towards the quieter part of the city. “A little communication would be nice.” He grumbled as he followed me through the street to a less crowded part of the market area.
“Just because I don’t break promises doesn’t mean I’m not still mad at you.” I casually said over my shoulder.
“I’m the bad guy because--”
“You’re the ‘bad guy’ for two reasons.” Turning on my heel quickly to face Zuko, he almost bumped into me, but he stopped himself in time. Iroh walked a few paces behind him and stopped when I had turned around. “One,” I held up my pointer finger as I spoke. “You ordered me to do something and that didn’t sit well with me. And, two,” I held up my second finger as I continued to speak. “You hurt my feelings.” Pointing a finger at the Fire Lord’s son, I shook my head slightly. “It’s not just because you didn’t want me to accompany you on Kyoshi’s Island.”
Zuko said nothing else as I turned a small corner and stopped. Looking to my right, I found the cart I had seen in my vision as a young boy in Airbender clothes followed by two others--a man roughly my age and a teenage girl--dressed in Water Tribe colors rushed from around the backside of the cart. Zuko wasted no time letting off a blast of fire towards them to draw their attention to us. The three of them looked surprised by our presence as Zuko took a few steps towards them with Iroh and I following him.
“This fricking guy?” The man dressed in blue exclaimed as he looked at us. “Again?” The man turned his attention to me before he spoke again, but with a smile on his face this time. “At least he brought a pretty lady with him this time.” I felt my cheeks burn slightly at the compliment the Water Tribe man had blatantly thrown my way. 
“Go.” The Airbender said as he honed his vision on Zuko. The other two shared a look before they took off running. Zuko moved to step towards the Avatar, but Iroh placed his hand on Zuko’s shoulder before whispering something to him. Zuko pulled away from Iroh and towards the Avatar before roughly pulling off his outer robe and throwing it to the ground.
“I don’t need that to defeat this boy.” Zuko said as he aggressively approached the young Avatar, who stood in a defensive stance.
There was a brief moment where Iroh and I shared a look before Zuko rolled into the air and tried to kick the Airbender, but the Avatar dodged the kick. Zuko swiped his leg down as he swung a fist backward that the young boy ducked under, but the Airbend got surprised by a kick to the head. The head kick sent the brightly dressed monk to the floor before he scrambled backwards as the Firebender took small steps towards him. Using his element, the monk lifted himself from the ground then blocked Zuko’s kick before Zuko sent another successful kick his way.
The Avatar took the moment to take off running towards the busier marketplace, and the Fire Lord’s son ran after him. I gave Iroh a look as I followed behind, more casually than the other two, with Iroh. As we rounded around a corner, I saw an older woman repeatedly beating Zuko with a broom.
“How dare you hit that child?” She said as Zuko struggled to block her attacks before the Avatar disappeared into the clothing store I had been looking at earlier. Zuko wasted no time diving in behind the Airbender. I looked at Iroh with concern as we tried to follow the sound of the pair fighting.
When we finally caught up to the other two, they stood on opposite sides of a market cart exchanging words. Zuko looked surprised by something the Airbender said before he let out a large blast of fire at a nearby cabbage cart. 
My heart sank to my stomach as Iroh and I shared a worried look while the people around scattered and hollered about a Firebender. Zuko’s fire quickly caught other stalls on fire, but Iroh and I caught up to the Prince as people pushed to run away from the fire.
“We must leave,” Iroh said as he grabbed the Prince by the shoulders. “Now!” Looking towards the other side of the market, I saw an army of Earthbenders arrive to look for the Firebender. Ducking into the crowd, the three of us blended in as we lightly jogged towards the main street towards the gate. I looked ahead towards the gates as several Earthbenders blocked the path. My face paled slighlty realizing we might not make it as one of the guards ordered the gates be closed. 
“Go.” Iroh said. “You two must save yourselves.” I went to ask the same question as Zuko when Zuko and I were roughly shoved to the ground by the older Firebender.
“For the Fire Nation!” Iroh exclaimed as he blasted two large bursts of fire into the sky. My heart clenched in my chest as I realized what Iroh’s intentions were, and I pulled Zuko up from the ground as Iroh’s flames grew. Heat from the fire washed over the small surrounding area before Iroh shared a small nod with me as he ran the other way. Grabbing Zuko’s hand, I pulled him towards the gate as it rumbled to close.
“We need to go.” Zuko paused for a brief moment before he let me lead him towards the gates. Zuko kept looking forward without noticing that I slowed and stopped inside the city limits. Turning to face towards the direction Iroh ran towards, I walked the opposite direction out of the city as the stone walls around the city closed and separated Zuko and I. With determination in my eyes, I slipped away and blended into the panicked crowd as I made my way towards the palace.
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As If Destiny (part four) 🌹
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Part Three🌹🌹🌹
Summary: You've always been kind hearted yet admirably defiant. Or that is at least one of the ways Coriolanus Snow would describe you. Ever since grade school, you have always been on the same level as him in academics and one of his few competitors for the Plinth Prize. But as tragedy struck your family, Coriolanus thought you would fall away from his life, but instead, you got even more intertwined (not to mention the complicated past knots tying your families together).
Warnings: Terminal illness, parent death, death and brutality (it is the hunger games after all) characters may be ooc. I read the book a while ago but don't really remember much of Snows way of thinking (I mean I know its toxic and insane but yk the other things) so I will mostly be basing off the film and my own thoughts. Also I can't spell for the life of me so be prepared for bad spelling and grammar. Also, this is going to be a LONG series with a lot of parts, so strap in! Enjoy loves!
Coriolanus led the way, past the broken elevator, and up the ancient stairs. He let you go ahead of him in the stairwell, letting you know which ones to skip as they are quite shaky and might cave in. He felt embarrassed that even the stairs informing of his financial state but you didn't mind. In fact, while you both were going up the 12 flights of stairs, you were giggling and enjoying the jumps up the stairs.
The boy was so lost in the sight of your toothy smile and little looks back in his direction that he almost missed his floor. Opening the door leading into the hallway brought forward the smell of dust and mold, something his nose has gotten far too acustomed to. You looked around in fascination, touching the decaying blue and silver wall paper. It was beautiful, even after all the destruction it witnessed. If this was simply the hallway, you were sure his actual aprtment was stunning, no matter how sparse and empty it may be.
After a few steps, he reached a chipped white door and pulled out his keys. The heir to the house felt his hands shake as he pushed the key through the hole. With a deep breath, he opened up the door.
The first thing that was noticeable, much to Coriolanus's dismay, was the smell of cabbage. The fervent smell and the noise of movement alerted him that Tigris was still up. His assumption was confirmed a few seconds later with the appearance of his cousin. "Coryo! You've been gone for so long, I was getting so worried where have you-" the rest of her words died on her tounge as she noticed your head pop out behind her cousins shoulders.
You gave her a kind and slightly embarrassed smile, reaching out your hand in greeting. She returned the gesture, albeit hesitantly as she was still in shock and in the depths of confusion. "Hello, you must be Tigris! All my friends rave about your fashion ability and they certainly aren't wrong. Your nightgown is stunning did you make it?" Tigris couldn't help but laugh and blush at your genuine compliments and curiosity. She nodded and held it our for you to inspect. The champagne color was embroidered with what seemed like endless silver flowers and the cut and flow fit her perfectly.
Coriolanus stood back, leaning against a wall watching you both in deep conversation about style and it's meaning and topics he could never, as much as he tried, be as versed as his cousin and seemingly, you. A smile appeared on his face seeing you get along with his cousin so well. He wondered how his grandma'am would think of you; the thought making him blush. Then it hit him that she is going to meet you in the morning, making the blush on his pale skin turn a deep crimson.
Tigris stole a quick glance towards her younger cousin and even in the dim lighting, she could see his flush all too well. She then remembered that she never asked why in the world her teenage cousin brought a pretty girl in the late hours of the night. She didn't even get your name. "I'm sorry, it seemed we got too caught up in conversation that I didn't even get your name!" You had a blush yourself in embarrassment.
Here you are, certainly in the a.m hours, invading her home and you didn't even let her know who you were. "Y/N Vaun. I am so sorry for interrupting your peace. Coryo was kind enough to offer me a place to rest tonight due to uhm personal issues at home." You say the last part quickly and in a hushed tone. The older girl gives you a warm and bright smile and welcomes you into her home. "Well let me get you something more comfortable." she gestures to your uniform that you have been wearing for nearly 24 hours.
It may not have been the most comfortable clothing, but you didn't wish to cause even more commotion for the Snow household. You stand up to kindly refuse Tigris's action but Coryo quickly interjects and stands in front of you, blocking your path. "You are our guest y/n, please stop arguing" He pleads with you. "I didn't even open my mouth!" He gives you a look, you both fully knowing you were going to.
"Where am I going to sleep?" You ask looking around and spot the small worn sofa in the small living space. Your thoughts were all over your face and caused a groan, paired with a dramatic eye roll from Coriolanus. "You are a guest, I'm not making you sleep on the couch!" You knew what he meant but it was always fun to tease the boy. "You aren't making me, don't worry!" With a rough sigh, he put his head in his hands, seemingly exhausted.
"Are you like this when you go to the Plinths?" He asks teasingly. The question made you go stiff a little, something he noticed because, of course he did. "Well, I've actually never slept over there. It's bad enough they have to constantly feed me, I am not their responsibility." Coriolanus thought over your words before responding with a question he had been carrying the entirety of your walk here.
"Do you always see every gesture of kindness as a debt to be paid? If so, you must be owed dozens of debts." You blushed at his targeted question at your philosophy and the compliment tagged on at the end. You felt flattered before you realized the hypocrisy of his words.
"Oh you're one to talk Coryo! Remember when I shared with you my chocolate truffles ONCE at lunch and you seemed to be trying to paying me back with gestures and favors for weeks!" He stared at you like a deer in headlights. oh how he wished you had forgotten. He remembered that day crystal clear. Not because the truffles (which apparently 11 year old you was a master baker even then) were the best he has ever had, but because of you took over his thoughts for weeks after.
He remembered taking notes of all the little things you liked and habits, trying to find the perfect opportunities to get closer and somehow, even if not materially, pay you back for your kindness. "Ah, so it was you! I knew I heard your name somewhere before!" Tigris (of all the times she could have appeared) emerged from her room holding up a deep green night gown with black detailing.
You looked from her to Coriolanus in confusion and were met with him staring way too intensely at the dusty floor. Tigris observed both of your actions and emotions, noting your confusion and her cousins embarrassment. Oh she was going to have so much fun teasing him as soon as you were out of earshot. She gestured the sleepwear and beckoned for you to get changed in the small bathroom.
You took the fabric out of her hands and was simply amazed. You had many friends and close ones at that, but all the emotions and kindness you were treated with tonight crashed at once. You looked up at the taller woman with glossy eyes. "Thank you." You turned your head to say the same to the boy who brought you here, but he simply put a hand up, putting an end to yet another parade of thanks.
As soon as Tigris heard the sound of you locking the cold bathroom door, she turned to the boy she considered a brother with a smirk. But he wasn't in the main foyer anymore but rather, rushed to the kitchen and was opening up the window. Enough to get the smell of cabbage and dust out and the smell of blossoming flowers of the Capital in. She couldn't help but laugh. "So am I going to get an explanation or do I have to assume what a teenager is doing bringing a girl that beautiful at this hour?"
"Her mother is suffering with illness Tigris. Its been taking a toll on y/n too. She doesn't sleep at night and I thought she might have a better chance getting a good rest if she was away from all the chaos. So I brought her here if you and grandma'am don't mind." Tigris looked at her cousin, a proud smile on her face. She wiped her hands on a worn towel and moved in to give him a loving hug.
Coryo got the message of his cousin quite clearly and suddenly as he looked as if he were going to faint from embarrassment. He looked around as if you were in the walls listening in. "Shhh! Tigris! Ugh- what no- Tigris!" Oh he was so flustered. She went back to cleaning the few dishes in the sink, the activity she must have been doing before your entrance. Coriolanus knew she was waiting for an explanation but he didn't want to expose your situation and lose any trust, especially with the amount of trust he put in you.
"I'm so proud of you Coryo. I know your mother would be too. Her son being a pillar of good, no matter the situation." He smiled shyly and bittersweetly at the thought of his late mother. Would she think of him like that? What would she think of you?
Tigris snuck a glance at the boy and noticed his small grin and blush and nudged him with his shoulder. "No funny buisness, I want to sleep without being traumatized." The look of horror once again crossed his face and was ready to stammer out opposition to Tigris's thoughts when he heard the bathroom door creak open.
You stepped out, wrapped in the nightgown, the long and flowy cut making you look like true royalty. You also took your hair our of your updo and let it flow down. How is it possible something so beautiful could be standing in his rundown apartment. The thought seemed to have Coriolanus paralyzed until you seemed to shrink under his gaze.
Tigris giggled at just how easily you made her ever pristine and charming cousin flustered. She threw some water off her fingers into his face to snap him out of his daze, which worked much to his dismay and your entertainment. Tigris walked out of the kitchen and into the direction of her room. As she passed you, she whispered "you look beautiful y/n" with a sweet and supporting smile that you returned.
She bid you both good night as she walked out of sight behind the corner of the hallway, leaving you both behind looking anywhere but eachother. Coriolanus realized he should probably be the one to do something considering this was his home and such. He cleared his throat and motioned for you to follow him. You followed him with your uniform neatly folded as he reached his room.
Your breath was shaky as you exhaled realizing you were in his room. You were going to sleep in his room. To say you were red would be an understatement. You were too busy scanning around his room to notice him quickly trying to clean up the little messes littered over his room in his ever constant rush. You noticed his corner window and walked over, having to kneel on his bed to get the full view.
Even though it was pitch black nightime outside, the street lights were enough to lumminate the small white flowers blooming on the trees. Rows and rows of the trees seemed to be lined up straight outside his window. It must be absolutely radiant in the morning.
You turned back to him, watching him move around the small room. "Tigris is so beautiful and kind. You must be very proud of her." Your words made him feel somehow even happier. He nodded in agreement. He did everything for her and Grandma'am, but especially for Tigris. She sacrificed her entire life for him and raised him really on her own. If he ever for a second doubted his abilites or how much longer he can keep up his façade, he remebers his cousins sweet smile.
Coriolanus was still trying to clean up his room and you offered to help, but he quickly declined your offer, saying you should rest.
"You still never told me where you are going to sleep" He turns around and sees your eyes, deep in concern and wonder. how do your eyes look like in the morning? "I think the sofa will be fine, you can take the bed. Please" He tried to plead with you as he grabbed his night clothes, fine but worn set of silky pajamas. "You can't expect to say I am not allowed to sleep there while I am here taking over your room!"
He sighed, shaking his head. Why won't you just let him be chivalrous? He never knew how determined or persistent you were about such simple topics and wished to never be on this side of the battle ever again. "Please y/n, make yourself at home. I'm going to change, you better be asleep when I come back." He left his room too quickly to see your pout and eye roll in disagreement.
You let your hands feel the thin sheets as you try to find some way to still let Coryo get a comfortable sleep. Your eyes land on his desk in your exploration and you take note of the objects on it.
Somehow, in your scan of your room, you missed the pictures and knickknacks. One seemed to show his mother and a baby version of the ever charming teenager. It made you smile, he had such chubby cheeks and an adorable gummy smile. Another seemed to show toddler Coryo being babied by little Tigris, who seemed more than happy to care for him. It made you laugh, you don't remember him ever being like the boy in the pictures, even when you were that age in class with him.
You didn't wish to touch any of his things without his permission so you just scooted closer. You noticed a beautiful silver compact that shimmered under the desk lamp that was lit. It looked like an antique, the type before the war. It must have been his mother's you assumed. In your analyzation of the compact and other items littering his small desk, you didn't realize how close you had gotten and your foot accidentally harshly hit the container underneath the desk.
Small powder came out, causing you to begin coughing. You look downwards to the container and read the alarming words "RAT POISON". Your coughing began to escalate in panic. In your panic and attack of coughs, you didn't realize two strong arms pull you away from the area. You coughed a little bit more before your face was turned upwards to a pair of such beautiful blue eyes.
You turned your face as the last of your shaky coughs came out, leaving you shaken and face hot and crimson.
"I'm so sorry Coryo, I am such an idiot!" He quickly shushed you and assured you that you were nothing of the sort. "It's okay, you were just a bit distracted, I should have moved the container anyways, it's my fault." Wait how did he know that you were too distracted to notice the substance?
Clearly the deadly poison wasn't the only thing you didn't notice. Coriolanus dressed quickly and he noticed the light in his room still on and was ready to chastise you on not taking your ever needed moments of sleep. But then he noticed how memsmorized you were by the photos and objects on his desk. He relished in your subtle smile and little giggle, albeit be at younger him. The moment he saw the pale substance flow through the air however, his breathing became as shallow as if he himself inhaled it.
But as everything calmed down, he noticed how much your lack of sleep has hit you once more. He moved you over to his bed and you comfortably settled under the sheets.
He turned off the light, quietly grabbing an extra pillow and blanket and began walking out towards direction of the stiff sofa. "Wait Coryo!" You said, sleep slurring your syllables. He turned around in concern that something may be wrong. You offered him a shy smile, hesitant to ask. "Could you sleep here, I don't think I am to be trusted alone right now" you laugh the last part. You felt quite foolish. He has done so much and here you are asking him to sleep on his cold floor while you are resting in his bed.
But he seems to pay no mind. He responds with a giddy smile and throws the pillow down and lays softly next to his bed. Next to you. You mumble a thank you, to which he repaonds with a contempt "mhm". With the smell of roses, which seemed to be radiating from his pillow and sheets, you are quickly enveloped by sleep. Hearing your deep and peaceful breathing, Coriolanus doesn't take long to follow suit, with a smile of contemptment on his face. A smile quite rare in the small and shabby apartment. But tonight, it felt like a palace.
The sunlight lit up the room when Coriolanus woke up. He took a second to question why he was on the floor. He was about to panic when he remembered the events of last night, bringing a certain type of joy to the blonde. He then heard the sounding of pen on paper, furiously writing. He popped his head up from his pillow and sat up, looking towards your very awake and focused figure. You were leaning against the wired headboard of his bed, with that ever growing pile of paper next to you.
"Please tell me you are sleepwriting" His voice, especially his morning voice (something you never imagined for the proper Coriolanus Snow. But you weren't complaining. Oh no. Not in the slightest) broke you out of your daze. You didn't look up as wrote the final letters of your hard researched and written paper. "Well don't you know that you are never supposed to wake someone up when they do that?" You teased, a bright smile on your face as you looked up.
The color was back in your face and your missed bubbly energy was back. With those factors, the sunlight, and your natural radiance, Coriolanus could not belive his eyes. If this was some sick dream, he wished to never wake up.
You turn your eyes from the messy haired boy (something you didn't even know was possible, his ever proper hair messy and how you could stop looking at how good it looked like this) and out the window. When you first woke up, the sun was still rising and you wished to finish your assignment before Coryo woke up and you went to the academy. So you didn't get to bask in the beautiful sight before you untill now. The street lights did not do the delicate white flowers justice. The sun hit them so perfectly they didn't seem real, they were so perfect. The same thought was running through Coriolanus's mind but he was most certainly not thinking about the flowers.
He got up and dusted off himself and offered you a hand. You took it happily and as soon as you stood up, the sound of your stomach grumbling was quite loud in the peaceful silence. You giggled in unease about the sudden noise while Coriolanus felt a little ashamed knowing he didn't have much to settle your hunger. You looked up at him and noticed the look in his eyes. "Hey, don't worry! I was planning on getting us all some breakfast anyways but I just wanted you to wake up first so you don't think I just up and left".
He looked at you with great appreciation because he would have definitely thought you were too embarrassed to stay the night. But looking at your cheerful face, you seemed anything but. "You know you don't have to do that y/n. You don't us anything." You nodded along, grabbing your uniform and heading towards the bathroom. "I'm not doing this as a debt, I'm doing this as a thank you." You tell him as you close the door.
He sighs but was surprised when you opened the door just a second after closing it. "Plus, I still want to talk to Tirgis more!" That made him sincerely laugh. Sometimes he has done a lot these past number of hours with you. More than he has in a long while. The blonde rushes to quickly change into his own uniform to accompany you. He isn't sure if you remember the direction of his apartment and stores, so it would be best if he went along as a guide. Plus it wouldn't hurt to spend as much time with you before your peaceful moments would be shattered with your attendance to the rush of the academy.
He looked in the small and rusting mirror in his room, just now noticing his messy hair. He doesn't get to perfect his curls when he hears the unblocking of the bathroom door, informing him of your readiness. He meets you out by the main entrance as you are putting on your clean and pretty shoes. You look up with a sideways smile and don't question his presence. He was a gentleman after all (you also had no idea your way around these parts).
Once you both were ready, he opened up the door, offering you his arm and you were out to conquer your little adventure.
You both were basking in the sunlight as you reached a quaint little bakery. You can smell the delicious pastries from outside causing you and Coryo to share a look. You drag him inside and take a look around. "What ever you think Grandma'am and Tigris would like, please get it! And don't you dare try to hold back. If you don't get what you want, I will." Your little threat was made loud and clear to Snow as he put his hands up in mock surrender. He did feel guilty because you were paying (his pride hated every second that you were spending on him and not the other way around).
He knows his grandmothers love for chocolate so he picked out multiple pastries of the flavor and some fruit ones for Tigris. The red velvet flavor and white coating of a certain sweet drew Coriolanus in and was something he hasn't tasted in years, the thought of it making his mouth water already. He ordered and looked over to where he last saw you, in which you were observing the vintage photos on the wall.
But you weren't there. The shop wasn't very large and he couldn't see you anywhere. He began to panic to where you could have gone when the small bell above the door rang and you appeared with a small violet box in your hands. "Sorry, saw something across the street and had to get it!" You apologize to your friend and quickly pay for the delicacies he chose. You both walked out and into his apartment with several boxes each, nearly up to your chins. Coriolanus repeated how unnecessary all of it was but you kept on shushing him everytime he brought it up. You with your fill of sleep was so different. He missed it.
When you made it back, Tigris seemed to just have woken up as she was rubbing off her sleep. Although, when the smell of the pastries hit her nose, all thoughts turned into hunger. You bid her a very chipper "Morning!", a tone quite different from the shy girl she met last night. "I'm going to check up on Grandma'am, you guys can set everything up!"
The excitement was clear in her voice and movement, a pep filled walked to her dear grandmothers room. You smile at her emotion, causing a chain reaction that leads to Coriolanus own grin. You both set up the table while speaking cheerfully about small details of your life. Coriolanus was trying to remember the last time in his life he had such a cheery morning with a proper breakfast.
Then the last piece left of his family walks in. He walks over and place a delicate kiss on his grandma'ams cheeks and walks back to introduce you. You dust off your hands nervously and go to shake her hand when she looks as if she is going to break into tears.
"Cloria? Oh, Cloria! You look stunning as ever!" The elderly woman ignores your hand and moves in to hug you. You are shocked by the movement but even more by the name she called you by. You look to her grandson in worry. Should you inform her that you aren't Cloria, but in fact her daughter? How did she know your mother? But he looked as confused as you.
She pulled back from the embrace, yet held onto your arms. She moved then upward to your face, turning it this way and that. "Oh Cloria, how I've missed you!" You smiled in confusion, having absolutely no clue what to respond. Then she seems to notice Coriolanus's presence for the first time. "Crassus! Why didn't you tell me Cloria was back!". The look of baffelment on Coryos face was drained of all emotion as he was paralyzed by his Grandma'ams mistake. Her dementia has been worsening for a while now, but never once has she called him his father's name. You were both unsure what to do but you took action. Softly you stepped back, offering your hand once more. "Thank you for your kind words, but Cloria is actually my mother. I'm her daughter y/n".
Her timeworn eyes rake over you, taking you in for the first time. Questions seemed laced in her voice and face. "Daughter? Who is your father?" Her tone was icy and a bit void.
Uncertainty was present in your own response. "Tyre Vaun, mam" The little gasp and step back to his name made you feel as if you just slapped the elderly woman. You looked up, searching for help in the comforting blue eyes of her grandson. "Grandma'am?" He asked and her astonished stare switched from you to his towering frame. Then she seemed to notice him, for the first time as well. "Coriolanus? Since when have you been here?".
His frustration by her actions and lapse of memories was caught off by the entrance of Tirgis, now changed into a beautiful brown and white set. She took in the air of confusion but knew of her grandmothers odd behavior due to her unfortunate condition, so she decided to ignore it and change the topic to the vast array of breakfast options. "Look grandma'am, chocolate!"
She began filling her grandmothers plate while Coriolanus began filling his own as well. You let everyone dig in before you grabbed a few pieces for yourself. The air went back to happy and giddy feeling. You and Tirgis briefly went back into your discussion of last night as you begged of her to show you her creations some time. She was over the moon at your genuine interest and invited you to come over whenever available.
The time passed in light hearted conversations before Coriolanus realized the time and motioned for you both to clean up and get ready to get going. That's when you realized you had completely forgot the violet box. "Oh, one last thing!" You open up the box revealing chocolate truffles, ones that looked nearly identical to the ones you and Coryo shared when you were 11. His shocked expression caused a smirk to appear on your face. You knew he was going to give you a huge rant about how unnecessary it all was but you didn't mind. No, you didn't mind one bit.
A/N: Guys I know it seems like I have no life, I swear I do! I just got sick so it has been a blessing (i get to read and write all day) and a curse( I literally sound like ill dill). My eyes hurt from looking at my screen for so long. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Also shout-out to @darknight3904 and their fic "It Burns For You"! They inspired multiple parts of this chapter. Go read the fic, guys it's so good! Anyways hope you guys are excited for the next part, much love❤️
@fantasylovestoryme 🌹@nekee-lilac02 🌹 @notyourwildestdream 🌹@darktrashsoulbear🌹@a-avengerparker 🌹
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urfavstonr1 · 22 days
Unsweetened Lemonade
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Series- Delicious In Dungeon
Pairings- Chilchuck Tims/reader
Word count- 4698
Content Warnings- mentions of trauma
traveling alone was never easy, especially in the island dungeon. when (Y/N) finds herself a new party can she handle resisting inner-party relationships? maybe finally sharing her past will make her strong enough to overcome it, or will it only make it harder?
I have no clue how long this is gonna be yet lmao some things are being left out for a few reasons, mostly cause my memory is shit and I don't feel the need to rewrite scenes already in the anime.
Chapter 1
The dungeons were harsh to say the least, but that didn’t seem to matter to (Y/N). A mage without a party wondering the third floor, how she made it that far only she knew. Maybe it was luck or maybe it was fate, but here she was. Reaching over her shoulder she grabbed a map from her bag, finding where she was and where she needed to go. 
Lifting her head to commotion just ahead of her, was that talking? Slowly approaching what was now a source of light with her hand on the hilt of her dagger, monsters didn’t usually start bonfires, especially not on the third floor. Other adventurers? Most likely, but who knew if they were friendly. The closer she got the louder the voices were, the more clear the conversation got. She knew one of those voices…
“Marcille?” (Y/N) asked, looking through the doorway at the blonde elf. 
The conversation turned silent as all eyes turned to her, making a shiver crawl up her spine.
“(Y/N)?” Marcille slowly stood from her seat on the floor, before running and nearly launching herself at her, wrapping her arms around her in a tight hug, “(Y/N)! It’s been ages! And you haven’t grown a bit!” Marcille laid her head on top of (Y/N)’s as she held the short mage tightly. 
“Thanks..” (Y/N) tried to laugh off the remark on her height, returning the hug happily, “I didn’t think I’d see you down here.”
“Fate brought us together again!” Marcille loosened her hug and pulled back to look down at (Y/N). “Where’s the rest of your party? Did you make your way down here all by yourself!?” 
“Well I-“ before she could finish, a blond tall-man approached them. 
“Who’s this Marcille?” He asked, looking over the elf’s shoulder down at (Y/N). 
“My name is-“ she was cut off again. 
“This is (Y/N)! She went to school with Falen and me.” Marcille beamed, pulling back to show off her old friend to her party. (Y/N) gave a wave to the tall-man before looking to the rest of the party, a Dwarf and a Half-foot. The dwarf looked happy to see her and the half-foot looked less than pleased. 
“I-It’s nice to meet you all. I’m (Y/N) (L/N).” She gave a friendly smile as Marcille ushered her into the room. 
“You should join us! We were just about to start eating.” Marcille stopped herself, “actually, I don’t think you’d want to eat this..”
“What’s wrong?” (Y/N) looked up at her confused before whispering, “is their cooking that bad?” 
“I pride myself in my cooking.” The dwarf remarked. 
“It always tastes good but I don’t think you’d like the ingredients…” Marcille mumbles, trying not to stare directly at the dinner that awaited her. 
“You make it seem like the worst thing in the world.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes, “what are you eating monsters or something?” She mused, only to be greeted by silence and a guilty look from Marcille. She let out a laugh, “seriously? I’m sure it tastes great!”
“Not you too..” Marcille whines as (Y/N) walks into their camp. 
“Is it alright if I join you?” (Y/N) smiles warmly at the party.
“Of course! I’m always happy to feed the youth!” The dwarf, she assumed, smiled at her, “I’m Senshi, it’s nice to meet you young lady.”
(Y/N) let out an annoyed laugh but joined the group on the floor, sitting herself next to the half-foot, Senshi handing her a bowl of whole stewed cabbage, “Thank you Senshi. This looks great.”
Marcille sits of the other side of (Y/N) and gives her a smile as she digs into the food gratefully. 
The Tall-man places himself back on the floor, “I’m Laius, and that’s Chilchuck to your left. How long have you been in the dungeon by yourself?” 
(Y/N) thinks to herself for a moment for swallowing her food to answer, “uhm. I think a few weeks? My party wasn’t making enough money so they fucking dipped out on me and I’ve been down here alone since.” She shrugs and takes another bite of her food, thankful for the warm meal after having run out of food 2 days ago. 
Chilchuck still hadn't said a word, just stared at the (H/C) haired mage next to him. Looking at her pointed ears and (E/C) eyes. “You know you’re pretty short for an elf. If Marcille hadn’t said you went to school together I would’ve thought you were still a kid.” He snidely remarks, earning him a glare from (Y/N). 
“That’s big talk coming from a Half-foot, for a second I thought someone brought a child into the dungeon.” (Y/N) returns the attitude before thankfully handing her empty bowl back to Senshi, “it was delicious, thank you again.” She gives him a smile and turns to Marcille, ignoring Chilchuck’s angry mumbling. 
“For your information I’m 29, which might not be old compared to an elf, but maturity wise I’m far older than you.” Chilchuck huffs out, crossing his arms over his chest as he glares smugly at (Y/N). 
An agitated laugh leaves her lips, not even turning to look at Chilchuck or dignify him with a response for that matter. “Chilchuck, I think it would be best if you dropped it..” Marcille tries to cool the air, feeling (Y/N)’s malice emanating from her body.
She takes in a deep breath before blowing it out and smiling at Marcille, “as I was saying, I thought Falin was at your party?” Her question was met with saddened looks throughout the party. 
Marcille lets out a sigh and explains what happened to Falin, their fight with the red dragon, and their mission to save her. 
(Y/N) pulls Marcille into a tight hug, “I know how much she meant to you…” she pulls away, (E/C) eyes staring into green ones, “if you’ll let me, I want to join you on your journey.”
Before Marcille could answer another snide comment came from behind her “yeah, like we have the money to pay you.”
(Y/N) whips around, glaring down at the chestnut haired Half-foot, “this isn’t about money, this is about saving my friend. Not that you would know much about friendship with your attitude.” She nearly growls at him, her (E/C) eyes ablaze with anger and determination.
“Well, if you’re joining us, I think it’s time we all get some sleep. It’s been a long day.” Senshi speaks up, the group nods as Laius digs into his back, pulling out sticks to decide the order of watch.
“Please, let me take first watch, it's the least I could do after you guys fed me.” (Y/N) speaks, holding her hand out to pause him.
“Uhm, sure. Sounds good to me.” Laius returns her smile, holding the sticks to the rest of the part. Marcille taking second, Laius third, then Senshi, and lastly Chilchuck. Not that he’d be sleeping much tonight anyway, he never did. 
Everyone rolled out their beds, settling in for the night. (Y/N) dug through her bag, retrieving a ball of yarn and a crochet hook.
“I didn’t know you knew how to crochet.” Marcille comments, brushing out her hair before laying down to sleep.
“Yeah, it’s a hobby I took up during-” She cut herself off, “I picked it up not too long after school.” She feigns a smile, beginning her work on a new project, “It helps keep me occupied during breaks.” 
Marcille nods before laying down. “Good night (Y/N), wake me up in a few hours, kay?”
“Yep, I will. Goodnight Marcille.” (Y/N) smiles at her school friend as the party slips off to sleep. She quickly got to work on her new project, a dark blue scarf from yarn she had dyed herself on the surface. Little did she know brown eyes were watching her from just beyond the light of the fire. 
Hours had passed when she finished the scarf, sealing her work with a slip stitch to secure it. Setting the scarf back into her back she crawled to the sleeping elf, gently shaking her awake, “Wakey wakey Marcy~” she sang in a hushed tone.
Marcille stirred awake, looking up at (Y/N), “Is it time already?” she yawned, sitting up to stretch.
“I let you sleep long enough to finish a scarf, it's honestly about half way through your shift.” (Y/N) chuckles, sitting back to lean on her hands, “God I could use a drink.” She breathes out a sigh.
As Marcille crawled out of her sleep roll she stretched again, “Hey, I just wanted to apologize for Chilchuck earlier, he’s not exactly friendly towards new people.”
(Y/N) lets out a snort of a laugh, “It’s ok, I think it's a half-foot thing. We know my dad wasn’t the friendliest either.”
Marcille laughs while sitting next to (Y/N), “I remember my first time meeting him, I was so terrified.”
“Aw come on, he was a big softy once you got to know him.” her face turns from a smile to melancholic, “I still miss him everyday.”
“We should go visit him when we Falin, I know she’d want to go too.” Marcille gives (Y/N) an empathetic look, leaning against her for comfort.
“Sounds like a plan.” (Y/N) smiles, laying her head on Marcille’s shoulder as they watch the fire. After a few minutes passed (Y/N) finally pulled herself off the floor to ready herself for bed, kicking off her boots and setting them next to her bag. Pulling her jacket off before finally reaching her pants and stripping those off as well.
“W-what are you doing? Someone could see you!” Marcille whisper yelled at the short mage.
“What? No one else is awake, and you’ve seen me with far less clothes before.” (Y/N) shrugged it off, fully pulling off her pants and letting loose her undershirt. Thankfully it reached her mid thigh and covered everything she deemed private.
Marcille groans and rubs her temples, “You’ve never been the modest type have you?”
“Nope!” (Y/N) laughs as she gets into her bed roll, snuggling into her blanket with a satisfied sigh. “Oh how I’ve missed you~” she mumbles into her blanket. Closing her eyes she prayed for sleep to take her, and hopefully she wouldn’t be plagued with nightmares like usual.
After hours of thankfully dreamless sleep she was woken with a shake, sitting up urgently only to knock foreheads with whoever woke her up. Bracing her head with a pained groan she looks around, no one else was awake. Turning to her attacker she found Chilchuck, knocked back on the floor with his hands on his forehead.
“Shit I am so sorry!” She blurted out quickly before moving to check on him, reaching out a hand only to be swatted away.
“Do you always wake up that violently?” he groans, opening his eyes to glare at her only to be greeted with a concerned (Y/N) and her cleavage in full view. The top buttons of her shirt had come undone in her sleep and left nearly nothing to the imagination. She was on her hands and knees, her face still filled with concern as she looked at the mark she left on his forehead, she probably had her own matching mark. “And for god's sake cover yourself up!” Chilchuck said sternly, looking away from her as his ears and face turned red.
(Y/N) looked down at herself before scrambling to find her pants, “W-why isn’t anyone else up yet?” she pulled her pants on, trying not to look at Chilchuck as she got dressed.
“You were so exposed I wanted to make sure no one else saw..” He mumbled sparing a glance at her only to be faced with her ass as she pulled her pants on fully, only making his blush worse. She must have thrown her blanket off during the night. Ugh. 
“Thanks.” She managed to squeak out, clearing her throat as she turned back to him while buttoning her shirt, “About yesterday-”
“Forget about it.” He waved her off, still not looking at her. Trying to get the images of her out of his head, “You said it yourself, half-foots aren’t too friendly with new people.”
(Y/N) breathes a small laugh, “I didn’t think you were still awake.” he only shrugs in response as he stands.
After waking the party Senshi got to cooking breakfast, after the meal the party picks up and gets going. Finally making it down to the fourth floor. 
“That's a lot of water..” (Y/N) mumbles, looking out across the lake before them. Staring down into the depths of the water brought a shiver up her spine. Whatever conversation was being had was tuned out through her deep thoughts, staring endlessly down into the deep- she jumped as a hand touched her shoulder.
“Are you ok (Y/N)?” Marcille looked down at her concerned, “I was going to cast water walking so we could cross.”
“Y-yeah, just lost in thought.” She smiled up at Marcille who smiled back. Tapping her staff to (Y/N)’s head she was enchanted by the spell, finally pulling her back to reality. “Is that a fucking kelpie?” 
“Language!” Marcille nudges her with her staff, giving her a glare.
“I’m not a child, I can use whatever words I want..” (Y/N) mumbles, walking closer to Senshi and the Kelpie, “I’ve never seen one this up close before.” reaching out a hand to touch it before retracting, “Don’t these kill you if you touch them?” 
Senshi reaches out and pets its snout, “I’ve been bonding with her for a long time, she wouldn’t hurt me.” his words were filled with such confidence and yet (Y/N) still felt a ball in the pit of her stomach watching him touch it.
“You don't plan to ride that thing do you? Please tell me you’re joking.” (Y/N) shudders at the thought, staring skeptically at the kelpie.
“I really don’t think that's a good idea.” Laius speaks up, “They are known for luring their prey into a false sense of security.”
Senshi, ignoring their comments, climbed upon the Kelpie anyway, beginning to ride it across the water before plummeting into the depths below. 
“Shit! SENSHI!” (Y/N) began to run after the diving kelpie only to stop herself on the edge of the water, anxiety and adrenaline shaking through her body. 
“What are you doing!? We have to go after him!” Chilchuck yells at her as the party runs after Senshi. 
(Y/N) trembles as she stares into the water, “I-I can’t!” She breathes out desperately trying to will herself to run out onto the water. The deep, dark water…
“What do you mean you can’t!?” He stops, turning to yell at her. 
“She's scared of deep water.” Marcille yells over her shoulder, trying to think of the best way to save Senshi from his watery doom. 
“Then use your magic! You're a mage aren’t you!?” Chilchuck looked between the terrified (Y/N) and the rest of his party. 
“My magic doesn’t work well under the water!” She yelled back. ‘Shit shit shit. Fuck.’ Was all that ran through her head, before clenching her eyes shut and running out onto the water. Trying to keep her screams of fear trapped in her throat.
When the kelpie emerged from the water she finally let out a scream directed at the monster, the sound waves quaking through its body as it collapsed to the surface, allowing Laius to stab it with his sword and thankfully killing it. 
“What the fuck was that?!” Chilchuck looked astounded at the scene.
“Magic?” (Y/N) responds, a questioning tone to her own words. Carefully opening her eyes only to close them again, “Ohhhh fuck.” 
“What kind of magic was that?” Laius stares with wide eyes at (Y/N), “That was so cool! You screamed and it collapsed! Can you do that to any monster?” he kept asking more and more questions as he walked closer, rambling further about his theories.
“Someone get me off of this water and I’ll tell you!” She tried to breathe deeply, putting her hands out to balance herself in her blindness. She felt a hand grab her own, turn around, and lead her back to shore.
“I think we should set up camp for the night..” Senshi suggests, a melancholic tone laces his words as he looks back to the kelpie he believed he befriended.
“Sounds good to me, anything to get away from this water.” (Y/N) mumbles, trying not to look into the water.
“You’re supposed to tell us what that was.” Chilchuck grumbles, releasing her hand and looking away with a grunt, trying to hide his pink tinted cheeks.
“She will after we eat, she’s shaken up enough as it is.” Marcille defends, wrapping an arm around (Y/N)’s shoulders and leading her further away from the water.
“Something tells me Marcille knows about her magic.” Laius thinks aloud, bringing a hand to his chin as he thinks.
“No shit, they went to school together.” Chilchuck rolls his eyes, walking after Marcille and (Y/N).
After finding a spot to make camp Marcille left Chilchuck and (Y/N) to return to Senshi and Laius.
“So… water?” Chilchuck begins, only to be cut off.
“I really don’t want to talk about it.” (Y/N) objects, taking a seat on the floor and taking deep breaths to calm her nerves. 
Chilchuck nodded, seating himself on the floor nearby. (Y/N) lets out a breath and looks at a spot on the floor, tracing out a summoning circle on the ground before splaying her hand to the spot and speaking, “Fire.” with her words a fire lit in the circle and she moved away, trying not to burn herself for the thousandth time she’s cast the spell.
“That’s… a unique magic.” Chilchuck tries to joke, attempting to lift the mood.
“Heh.. yeah. You could say that.” She gives him a lazy smile before looking back at the fire.
It was a while before the rest of the party rejoined them, Senshi appreciating the fire for cooking, Laius still rambling about monsters and (Y/N)’s ‘new magic’. The party chatted amongst themselves until dinner was served. 
As everyone began eating (Y/N) took the opportunity to explain her magic. “At the school we went to, they had many different tracks to take. I took the bard class. No matter your specialty there are always base classes to learn about magic, one of them being how to channel your magic. Marcille uses her staff to channel her magic, in the bard classes you’re taught how to channel your magic into other things, some people use instruments and some choose to channel it into your voice. It’s not as strong on its own but when paired with an instrument you can cast very strong spells.” she explains, trying to recall as much as she could.
“How exactly does that work?” Laius couldn't keep himself from asking, desperately wanting to learn more.
“Instead of using incantation we learn to cast with intention. I channel my magic into my vocal cords and guitar, as long as I speak or sing with the intention of the spell I want to cast it does not require an incantation.” (Y/N) nods to her own words as she speaks.
“So you’re less a mage and more a bard.” Chilchuck says bluntly, taking a bite of his food.
“Yes, but being a bard isn't the only magic I know, it's just the one I choose to use the most. And bards don’t get a lot of respect compared to mages.. If certain people were to find out I was a bard I think it would make my personal life a lot harder.” She lets out a laugh, scratching the back of her neck.
“And her magic is very strong! You saw how just her scream made the kelpie collapse.” Marcille praises, gushing about her friend’s talents.
“And I didn’t even have a true intention behind that scream, I was just scared.” (Y/N) laughs again, finally digging into her food. Another delicious meal that she relished in, cherishing every bite.
Setting up their bed rolls (Y/N) volunteered for the first shift once again, the party agreed and set up to sleep. Once she was sure they were sleeping she pulled her guitar from her pack, gently strumming the strings, playing a soft melody she hoped wouldn’t wake anyone. Humming to the melody as she tried to come up with a new song, a song she deemed her strongest. A song to slay even the red dragon.
When her shift ended she carefully walked to Chilchuck to wake him for his shift. He lets out a groan as he wakes, having probably the best sleep he’s had in awhile after being lulled to sleep by (Y/N)’s playing.
“Please tell me you aren’t going to strip down like you did last night.” He grumbles, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“Too late.” (Y/N) snickers, already having her boots and pants removed.
“What if Laius or Senshi sees you!?” he begins to yell before quieting his voice, “Do you have even an inch of modesty in your body?”
“I literally saw the outline of Senshi’s dick today, I think that boundary has already been crossed. And it’s not like I’m completely exposed.” she brushes out her shirt, making sure it covers everything before Chilchuck can catch a glimpse.
He lets out an agitated groan while rubbing his temples, “You are unbelievable.”
“You try pushing out a kid in a room full of people and still find the will to care what people see.” (Y/N) scoffs before cursing herself at her words, turning her eyes to the floor in disappointment with herself, trying to stave off the memories.
Chilchuck stays silent as he climbs out of his bed roll, “Get some sleep, you need it.” choosing to push her words to the back of his mind.
“Yeah..” she speaks quietly, laying in her bed roll facing away from the fire. Away from chilchuck.
Sleep was not an easy task, her mind plagued with thoughts of her past. Her failures. Her massive fuck ups. How could she ever forgive herself?
What felt like hours passed before she finally drifted to sleep. Her dreams filled with images of a baby boy, with the most beautiful blue eyes and tufts of brown hair. An elf with those shared features by her side. Until he wasn’t.
(Y/N) awoke with a gasp, having been awoken by a familiar blonde elf.
“Good morning (Y/N)~” Marcille greeted with a smile. The rest of the party was slowly waking up themselves and preparing for the day.
(Y/N) felt a cold sweat drip down her face, using the back of her hand to wipe it away. 
“More nightmares?” Marcille looked at her with concern, reaching out to help her stand. 
“Not quite..” (Y/N) shrugged it off, reaching for her clothes to get dressed. Her mind never strayed from her dream. 
“Woah hey!?” Marcille uses herself to Shield (Y/N) as she stands, her shirt one again not leaving much to the imagination.
“Huh?” She looked at Marcille in confusion, pulling her pants on, still in a state of tired oblivion. 
“What if one of the boys sees you? You’re completely exposed!” Marcille whisper yells, glaring down at (Y/N) who only tilts her head to the side. 
“I feel like I just had this conversation…” (Y/N) blinks away the sleep as she speaks. 
“We had the same damn conversation last night.” Chilchuck grumbles, trying not to look at (Y/N), still being able to see her despite Marcille’s efforts. 
“I still don’t exactly see the problem, I mean. Who wouldn’t want to see me half dressed~?” (Y/N) lets out a laugh, pulling her boots on and pulling Marcille’s arms back down from shielding her. 
Chilchucks blush only brightens as he lets out a tsk. 
Marcille lets out a whine, “what happened to the sweet and innocent (Y/N) I went to school with?”
(Y/N)’s expression turns cold, “I genuinely don’t think you want to know.” She brushed past Marcille, walking to help Senshi prepare breakfast. 
Marcille stared after her, worry and sadness laced her features. What she didn’t know was a certain Half-foot shared in the worry. It’s been two days and yet (Y/N) already seemed like someone to worry about. 
Standing back at the edge of the water sent chills down her spine, “ha. Hahaha no. Nope.” She turned on her heel only to be caught by the shoulder and turned back around. 
“If Senshi can get over his thing with magic you can get over your fear of water.” Marcille smiled but spoke sternly. 
“Marcille, I-“
“No. No buts.” Marcille cast water walking on the party and began pulling (Y/N) towards the water. 
“Nooo no no please no.” (Y/N) whined, digging her heels into the ground to no avail. 
“You're such a crybaby.” Chilchuck grunts, walking ahead out onto the water.
(Y/N) let out another cry, clenching her eyes shut. “You're gonna be fine, stop whining.” Marcille says while tugging on her hand.
“How can an adventurer be so afraid of water?” Chilchuck asks over his shoulder, looking back at the terrified (Y/N) and Marcille pulling her along. 
“It’s a long story and I don’t think it’s any of your business.” (Y/N) shouts back, peeking between her fingers at her surroundings before closing her eyes again. 
Making it safely across the water (Y/N) collapses to the ground as she breathes through her anxiety. She felt herself get pulled up by the collar of her shirt and set back onto her feet.
“We gotta keep going.” Laius says as he lets go of her shirt, “The water is behind us now, you’re ok.” He pats her head with a smile only earning him a frustrated pout and his hands swatted away.
“I’m not a child!” (Y/N) nearly growls, marching forward as she rolls her eyes, “Thank you.” She says over her shoulder to Laius before catching up to Marcille.
“You’re being quite the grump today.” Marcille giggles, grabbing (Y/N)’s hand as they walk.
“I didn’t sleep for shit so that doesn’t help.” (Y/N) grumbles, trying to suppress a yawn.
“Maybe if you didn’t stay up past your shift you’d sleep better.” Marcille scolds, looking down to her short friend.
“You weren’t complaining when you got to sleep in.” (Y/N) nearly snaps back, trying to watch her tone.
“Sacrificing your sleep for others is only going to hurt you in the end.” Chilchuck interjects, side eyeing the two mages.
“I hate that you’re both right.” (Y/N) mumbles, glaring down at the floor. “Sometimes it’s easier to stay awake than it is dealing with my dreams.”
“Do you have nightmares in your pillow? We can help get rid of them.” Marcille asks, taking a peak at the pillow that was wrapped in her bed roll.
“No it's not that, I’ve already looked.” (Y/N) sighs.
“Dreams are often a way our brains use to try to cope with things that have happened to us.” Senshi begins, “it sounds to me you have unresolved issues. Talking about them sometimes helps.”
(Y/N) shakes her head, “I’m fine. I don’t have issues I need to talk out. I’m a big girl, I can handle them on my own.”
“But (Y/N)-” Marcille starts before being cut off.
“Just drop it ok? It’s not like now is a good time to hash up bad shit.” (Y/N) states, hopefully finishing the conversation. Marcille nods and looks to the side, hating that she pushed enough to make her this upset. What could possibly be bothering her this much?
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wifeofsnowbaird · 5 months
You Can't, You Can't Catch me Now I'm coming like storm into your town
Part 1/Part 2/Part 3/rest on Masterlist
[Mentor!Coriolanus Snow x time-travel, thg-era, tribute!reader x toxic!Finnick Odair (in the Peacekeeper era)]
Warning: gore, blood, gun and knife violence, serious injury, death, physical assult, possibly non-con...as I said, maybe...
Summary: You are a rebel, the last chance of the rebellion against President Snow. You're told to go on one last mission to kill the man who massacred Panem. It took you years to understand your mission when you became [name] Lily Baird, starting from the age of five till before the reaping day of the 10th Hunger Games.
The day you began your plan to destroy President Snow before he became the villain he was meant to become.
'Both sisters, Lucy Gray and [Name] Lily Baird are a part of the Covey, and though they have been chosen as tribute for both District 12 and 9 because of our own mistakes, we hope they will stay safe.'
You knew about [Name] Lily Baird, named after her because your mother was inspired by her fiery personality and strength, but now you realize that you were transported to a time before the Baird sisters died, one of sickness and one because of Coriolanus Snow himself.
'I will kill you, President Coriolanus Snow.'
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Coriolanus stood beside his cousin, lost in his train of thought. Tigris paused to question him about his tribute since he had mentored her during the day before noticing a scratch on his face.
‘Coryo! Why haven’t you put a bandaid onto that cut?’
Coriolanus glanced at Tigris before gazing at the scratch on his hand.
He was sure that the scar on his face was worse than his hand but he abandoned the thought of covering it because…Well, what if [Name] Lily Baird had attacked him because she liked him? He had seen her red face multiple times and she always ended up extending her claws like a cat.
‘They’re her marks on my skin.’ Coriolanus shrugged, glancing back at Tigris as she stood by the stove lost in shock. She grimaced as he gently smiled at the thought and walked to the dining table where Grandma’am sat.
The old woman glanced at him before settling down and calling a maid to hand her the scarf.
Grandma’am has always been stuck in a world before the Civil War between the Capital and the Districts so Coriolanus intervened through the elder woman's anger at a non-existent person and went to fetch it from another room.
Tigris sighed, gazing back at the boiling cabbage in a hot pan in front. Her mind kept on sliding back to her cousin’s answer about why his tribute kept on attacking him.
‘ Her marks on my skin? Well, isn’t he delusional…’ Tigris mumbled before going back to the hot pan on the stove.
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‘Sejanus,’ the boy beside Coriolanus looked up at the blonde near him. 
‘Yeah? You need something?’
‘Does [Name] Lily attack the other tributes like she does to me?’
Sejanus stopped chewing midway through the sandwich Ma had made.
‘No, she’s nice once you meet her the second time. I saw her with Dill, Wovey, and Reaper once and she was teaching them about how to tell the difference between certain seeds for some reason.’ He shrugged. ‘Apparently, Wovey and Dill were interested…Why though?’
Sejanus then glanced at the scars Coriolanus had received from his tribute and frowned, having heard about what happened yesterday. Tigris had told him about it when he had stopped by their penthouse.
‘So…I’m the only one? I’m special to her?’
Clemensia Dovecote, one of his acquaintances since they weren’t close, interrupted the conversation before Sejanus could respond.
‘Listen, Coryo, don’t get caught up in your delusions. She hates you, I’m sure about that.’
Coriolanus scoffed at the girl in front of him before grinning at you while you were being dragged by a Peacekeeper.
He stepped towards you, ignoring his friends' comments, and wrapped a hand around your waist but was pushed away.
‘Get off me!’ You sneered before stomping away in an angry fit.
Coriolanus glanced back at his friends but ignored them once they shook their heads, mentally telling him that, ‘they told him so.’  But unfortunately, he had lost himself to you.
At least to his future First Lady of Panem.
One sentence kept repeating in his head while he was following you,
‘I’m her only, she made me claim her as mine.’
And without sensing the slight possessiveness coming from your mentor, you glared at the arrogant boy who was meant to keep you safe.
‘Really wish I could destroy you now, Coriolanus Snow.’
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next chapter is gonna be Sej x Lucy Gray sooooo be warned ig?
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bejeweledblondie · 9 months
Just Like My Babcha
Sobiesław “Gromsko” Kościuszko x F! Reader
Summary: Y/N comes from a Polish-American family & learned from the best at making homemade pierogi catching the attention of a familiar Polish operator
A/N: I’m not from Poland I myself have polish ancestry & my own Babcha came from Poland but she never taught me unfortunately so if there’s any mistranslations I apologize in advance. For anyone who doesn’t know a pierogi is like a potato dumpling, but it can be filled with cabbage & other food
Warnings: potential mistranslations, traditional gender roles, thoughts of impregnating
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Y/N’s hips swayed side to side to the song that was coming out of the nearby speaker. She used the back of her hand to brush some of her hair out of her face, & got flour on her cheek in the process. It was Easter, & she was making pierogi to celebrate the holiday. She was feeling a little homesick being far away from her family, & called her mother asking for the recipe. The smell of the dough was bringing back nostalgic memories of going to the grand Orthodox Church & coming home for a early lunch. Her babcha would help her little delicate hands pinch the edges to hold the cabbage & potatoes.
She was so focused on cutting the dough properly & to proportion that she didn’t even notice the shadow she was starting to acquire. Sobesław was returning from a mass at the local Orthodox Church when he was pleasantly surprised by the smell of pierogi’s cooking. He walked into the conjoined kitchen & living room area of the apartment he lived in. He was surprised to see their Human Resources Secretary standing there. She was also so kind to him, & was actually able to pronounce his name correctly. He was in utter shock when she was able to pronounce it on the first try.
He leaned up against the doorway as he watched her hum to herself while she started to fill each pierogi. This was a sight he could get used to. Growing up in a very traditional Catholic Polish household had instilled very traditional values. A vision of her with a small baby bump glowing from pregnancy making pierogi’s & other food played in his head. She was absolutely beautiful. Being a civilian, let alone a woman on a military base had to have been intimidating for her. Every time he’d walk into the office she worked out of her head would always been down, failing to make eye contact. Her shyness always intrigued him. He couldn’t imagine someone so stunning want to hide their face all the time.
Her delicate hands started to fold & pinch the pierogis creating the half moon shape. It took one accidental bump into the side of a table for him to gain her attention. A small gasp escaped her lips at the sound & a slew of polish curses rang out of his. A scarlet blush appeared on his cheeks as he tried to cough it off. She looked and smiled at him.
“Oh Sobiesław you startled me,” She started. “I’m assuming you got a good waft of the pierogis I already have cooking.” A small smirk danced on her lips.
“Tak (yes).” He replied. “Just wanted to know if you needed any help. My babcha, she used to make them with me.”
“That’s where I learned too.” She replied enthusiastically. “Well come in! Just make sure you wash up.” He walked into the kitchen & washed his hands in the sink. Once he finished drying them off he stood right beside her. “Hands.” She instructed. He held out his hands and she placed some flour in the them. Rubbing his hands together he spread the flour & got to work.
As he started to put some of the cabbage into the dough, he couldn’t help but notice how petite she was. The pierogis looked significantly larger in her delicate hands than his. She smiled up at him & he nearly melted into the floor right there.
“I can see our Babcha’s had very similar techniques.” She said. “How long have you been cooking them?”
“Ever since I was able to walk.” He replied. “My Babcha wanted me to know so I could pass down the recipe.”
“Mine too.” She replied smiling & continued to fill & pinch the pierogis. “Seems like they’d be close.” He could’ve dropped to one knee right there. She always had a reputation of being so kind, but she truly was an angel. It wasn’t very often that his teammates asked much about his life or his family. It was refreshing & comforting to talk to her about his life back home.
“How does a woman like you wind up in a place like this?” He asked. “You’re an anioł (angel).” She smiled at his compliment. Her life wasn’t the best back home, & the civilian sector of defense contracting provided her with a way out. Good benefits & there would always be work.
“I needed to get out. Home wasn’t the best environment for me to be in.” She replied somewhat solemnly. “Since I have personal health issues I wasn’t qualified for military service but I found employment in the civilian sector.”
A feeling of sadness washed over him. He couldn’t imagine someone as kind & beautiful having to experience something so tragic. It only triggered the instinct to protect & take care of her more. Once the pierogis were cooking away, she started to set the table for the two of them. Beautiful hand painted Polish pottery littered the table. Intricate blue & red floral designs created a kaleidoscope of colors that stood out on the white table cloth.
Sobesław admired her attention to detail even if it was just the two of them. He too was feeling homesick for his country, but seeing all the traditional Polish decor around him made him feel right at home. A timer went off alerting them the last batch of pierogis were done. Sobesław went to take the pierogis off of the pan & Y/N’s hand came down smacking it.
“You go sit down,” She ordered. “I’ll take care of it.” In pure shock he slowly made his way to the table & plopped himself down into a chair. Not long after she started to bring out the tray of pierogis. Soon followed challah bread, kielbasa (sausage), & potatoes.
“Kochanie (my darling) how do you plan for us to eat all of this?” He asked. Her heart fluttered at the term of endearment. She really did cook a meal for a family of ten.
“We’ll manage,” She replied as she poured him a glass of wine. “I’m sure some others will see the leftovers in the fridge. But don’t eat too much there’s still dessert.” She walked back into the kitchen to grab the opłatek (communion wafer) for grace. As she was walking back out she caught Sobesław almost taking a huge bite out of a pierogi.
“Tsk tsk, we still have to say grace!” She stated. A small blush crept onto his face, he had forgotten. She walked up to him handing the opłatek to him for him to break off a piece. Then she place a small kiss to his forehead. She walked to her place setting & sat down. A small prayer was said & they both each ate their piece of the opłatek. “Now you can dig in.” She teased.
He immediately started to pick up the pierogi he cut earlier. A small moan escaped his lips as the pierogi touched his tongue. He started to hear wedding bells the more he ate.
“I’m assuming it’s good.” She laughed. He nodded still speechless from the food that was in his mouth.
“They’re just like my babcha’s.” He replied after he swallowed. She smiled at the complimented & started to cut into her own food. “What are you doing next Friday?” He asked.
“Nothing.” She replied.
“I want to returned the favor, let me take you out.” He stated very bluntly.
“Sure! It’s a date.” She replied & started to eat the food in front of her. His heart leaped, & he couldn’t wait to tell his babcha he found the girl he was going to marry.
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lazilybeinglassie · 2 months
Mark Of The Baked
One Shot by LazilyBeingLassie
Inspired by @/sunseed-fandump "The Devil's Encore"
Characters: Gingerbrave, Strawberry Cookie, Wizard Cookie, Shadow Milk Cookie
Summary: Shadow Milk creates a dream where he can talk to the three cookies. Offering a proposal and a piece of information.
Notes: I had a headcanon, that I know isn't real, but for the sake of character expansion I'm running with it!
The sun was bright and hot, giving everyone the brightest smiles and determination to work hard. Cookies running around, accomplishing tasks that were needed to be done. Baking, farming, building. And when cookies weren't working, they were mingling, playing, or just enjoying the fresh air.
Gingerbrave was making his rounds on the kingdom, seeing if he was needed anywhere. More and more cookies were finding their way to this place, which meant jobs were getting filled up more and more. Sure it meant he had less to do, but that didn't bother him all too much as it gave him time to travel and see his friends from across Earthbread.
Like . . . Pure Vanilla Cookie . . . Why was that the first name that came to his head? In fact, hadn't he just been talking with him not too-
His thoughts were interrupted at the sound of distress further into the center of town. No one seemed to be reacting to it, so the brave cookie decided to check it out himself. He could hear the sounds of cake hounds not too far from him as Gingerbrave stumbled upon a merchant cookie who was fighting them off with a broom. The cookie was blue and dressed in a sweater and jeans, defending a cart full of cabbages that were ripe and ready to sell. If they made it to the stand that was.
"Go away! These aren't for you!" The cookie wacked away, but they were not giving up so easily.
"Hey," shouted Gingerbrave, "scram! All of you!" With his candy cane, he smacked them back, giving some distance between the two.
The little pooches however seemed more and more angry as they crawled closer and closer to them. It was gonna be a big fight for sure. Nothing he couldn't handle of course. Then suddenly . . .
Lightening struck in front of the cakes, scaring them back to the forests where they came from. Both of the cookies were a bit shocked at first as they looked up to see there were no clouds in the sky. Not a storm in sight. That could only mean one thing.
"Gingerbrave," shouted Wizard Cookie, running over to the two with Strawberry Cookie following, "I didn't accidentally hit you, did I? I was estimating my shot, but-"
"No no! We're both fine! Thanks for spooking them, Wizard Cookie," Gingerbrave thanked.
The pink hoodie cookie smiled as she clutched her lollypop in hand. "We heard the noise and hurried while we could. I wonder how cake hounds got inside the kingdom?"
"Doesn't matter now," stated the ice cream cookie, "the danger is gone."
The merchant cookie smiled warmly as he approached them. "Thank you so much for protecting my goods! I thought I was a goner for sure."
"No problem," Gingerbrave said, "don't think we've met. What's your name?"
"Call me Blueberry Milk Cookie. I was just simply passing by as those monsters came after me."
"Huh. I would have thought someone would have noticed."
Looking back at the other cookies, they all seemed so caught up in what they were doing, it felt like they didn't even notice that a skirmish occurred. Not even when Wizard Cookie's spell was cast.
Strawberry walked up to her friend. "Should we be worried no one's talking to us?"
"I said hi to about three cookies on the way here. None of them answered back," Wizard added.
Gingerbrave hummed. "Guys? Is it weird that I feel like we're not suppose to be here?"
The three felt their dough shiver as they looked at each other. Something was very wrong. And they were piecing it together slowly.
A giggle echoed around them as Gingerbrave, Wizard and Strawberry turned to face Blueberry Milk Cookie. Or at least, who use to be. The cookie that stood in place turned to static as it reshaped itself into the trickster himself.
Shadow Milk Cookie.
"And here I thought we could keep this up for about eight more minutes," said the jester, "oh well!"
Quickly, the trio backed up as they wielded their weapons defensively. Gingerbrave and Wizard in front with Strawberry behind them. Someone as unpredictable as him was every reason why their senses sharpened and focused.
"What are you doing here in Crispia," yelled Gingerbrave, "White Lily sealed you back in the Silver Tree!"
"Now now, little cookies-" The jester smirked knowing that Wizard was looking extra irritated at that phrasing. "-you should know a professional always has a plan b in case of . . . interferences. Though I honestly want to see if you can guess where we really are? Go on!"
His comment got them thinking for a bit as they looked around again. Now the cookies around them were frozen still. Petrified in whatever position they were in at the moment. It felt so freaky. But as they pondered it for a moment, an answer came to them.
"Is this . . . not real," Strawberry asked aloud.
"An illusion? No, a dream perhaps," Wizard theorized.
Sounds of an applause came to their hearing. "Ring ding ding! Looks like we do have some smart cookies here! Yes, while I cannot do anything in reality, reaching your minds is nothing more than a simple feat. The only real cookies here are me and you three. A perfect moment for us to chat." There was a small growl that laced his sentences as the trickster walked on air, circling them delightfully.
Gingerbrave pointed his cane at the villain. "Whatever you wanna say, forget it! No way are we trusting a liar like you!"
"Aw, don't be so rude, Ginger~! I have no intention of harming a single crumb on either of you," sung Shadow Milk as he appeared next to the brave cookie to pinch his cheek.
"Lies," Wizard snapped, "we all remember what you did back at the Faerie Kingdom! What you did to Pure Vanilla Cookie! To White Lily Cookie! To Elder Faerie!"
The blue cookie leaned in close to the magic cookie, causing him to back up in fear. "That old fool crumbled on his own terms, mind you! Still, I guess I could take the credit if you're offering it. Ehehehe!"
"Just get out of our dreams! . . . Er, dream . . . since this counts as just one dream-"
Gingerbrave took a chance to hit him with his candy cane, only for it to pass through Shadow Milk like he was a ghost. The beast walked away from them slowly as he rambled on. "In due time, little cookies. For now, I do believe we have something to discuss about that very much will be in your interest!"
"If it means you leave us alone after that, then get it over with," GIngerbrave demanded.
As the jester sat down on the edge of the fountain, he reached for his neck ruff and snapped it open as it hung over his shoulders. It looked weird to see the actual neck of this cookie for a moment. Then he stretched his leotard collar to reveal something underneath.
Something that got the trio's attention for sure.
It was faint, worn overtime, but they could see it clearly. On his chest was a marking of some sort. A thinly lined circle with a three pronged fork in the center. Shadow Milk grinned at their reactions of utter silence and shock. "I'm certain you know what this is. Just like how I know you each have one like this as well."
They flinched. Gingerbrave and Wizard tensing up, and Strawberry reaching for her shoulder as she whimpered.
Shadow Milk snapped his ruff back together as he chuckled. "It's very rare for baked cookies to be wandering around Earthbread these days. But I never thought the first things I would see after waking up would be three very freshly baked cookies! Which only means those idiots are still kicking and making more!" He floats in the air as he hovers closer to them with wide eyes. "Tell me, where exactly is their hut, by chance?"
"W-Why would you ask us that," Wizard stuttered.
"Come now, surely you would remember the way back to your own creators!"
"We don't!" Gingerbrave stepped forward in defense. "We'd rather never go back there, ever!"
"OOOOOoooooh! Rebellious! Mrehehehehe! So I guess that means you're going against your master's wishes then! I must say, I approve!" Shadow Milk playfully leaned back midair as if he were sitting in a recliner.
"Wh . . . What do you mean by that," Strawberry asked while clutching her weapon close to her chest.
In that moment, the jester's smile dropped, exchanging for an expression of confusion. Sitting up he looked at the pink cookie in curiosity. She didn't like that he was. And neither did the others as they stood in front of her.
"Wait . . . do any of you know why you were made?" Silence. Shadow Milk for a moment seemed quite literally clueless for a moment. "Well that's new. Usually cookies aren't baked unless they had a task to accomplish or . . . oh . . . OH! EhehehehahahahaHAHAHAHA!" The beast howled in laughter as he pieced it together. "No way! You were made as snack cookies, weren't you!? And you ran out of there like your life depended on it! OH this is just too perfect! Well, more sad for you, but still."
Each of the young cookies shrunk a little. Memories of the witch's hut were never pleasant. Yet the one thing they never could pin down was why the witches would make them with a consciousness if all they were made to do was be eaten. Even if they tried to not think about it, there would always be times where those questions would come back to haunt them again.
In the end, what they were really was what Shadow Milk said they were. Snacks that were just lucky to be alive by a fluke. In a sense, it made them feel empty inside. Lost? Alone? Sometimes. But more like they had little value to themselves. Just cookies. Nothing more.
The jester could see their dismay as he smiled widely. Landing on his feet, he walked slowly towards them. "I assume you've not met another cookie who was baked like you were? Or at least, another one that escaped fate like you have? I also must assume none of you have told anyone, have you?" They suddenly looked at him in fear as he approached Gingerbrave, patting his head. "Now now, don't you worry. Your little secret origin is safe with me. I should understand after all, what it is like to be a creation of the witches." He wanders behind Strawberry, placing his hands on her shoulders. "In a sense, I suppose that would make us siblings of some sort. Much like me and my comrades are." Finally he moves to Wizard, shifting his hat to fit his head more properly. "Guess that makes me big brother Shadow Milk Cookie, huh? I like the sound of that!"
Wizard stepped back as he fixed his hat and glared at the beast. "As if! Being baked by witches doesn't make us family!"
"Ehe! Why not? It's the closest thing you might get to one."
Gingerbrave gripped his candy cane. "You're wrong! We have friends that already care for us back home! The first time we met, you corrupted an entire kingdom and killed its king! Who also was our friend!"
"A friend who served the witches? The very creatures you defied for survival," the jester clarified, "you do know how to pick them then. Hehehe!"
Getting angry, the brave cookie swung his cane. As he did, Shadow Milk turned into a cloud as he faded away, reappearing at a distance from them. Wizard tried to attempt using lightening magic on him, only for the beast to take it and stand there, unphased by it. They were mad, scared, and wanted out of this dream.
"The point I'm trying to get across here is that your goal to survive the witches is one the cookies of Earthbread will never understand. They consider them to be gods! Deities! Even the St. Pastry Order believes them to be holy beings that only ever have good intentions for them! And yet you trust these cookies with your lives. Though, not enough to let them in on your little secrets."
"And what reason do you have for us to trust you," demanded Wizard.
The grin didn't fail to widen as he spread his arms. "Because we are the only ones powerful enough to accomplish what Dark Enchantress could never accomplish! To kill the witches once and for all!"
The trio gasped in surprise. Could it be done? Should it be done? The witches, erased from the world?
"Tempting, isn't it? A world where there is no need to be afraid of being eaten. A world where we have no fear of anything! One where we can choose to shape it as we wish!"
" . . . You mean destroy," Strawberry uttered, the sounds of irritation bubbling in her tone.
"Ahahahaha! Well, destruction is an important part of making that new world! But in it's place will be one of, well I consider to be never ending fun! And each of you can have a place in that." He holds his hand out graciously. "You are owed at least that for what the witches have done."
In that moment, they all looked at each other. Thoughts crossed their minds, some good intentioned, others slightly selfish. But there truly was no other conclusion for such a decision.
"Maybe that's what you want," Gingerbrave started, "and maybe some of that is something we wanted as well. But to help you accomplish that so you can do whatever you want is something we don't want. Not when it can hurt cookies we care about."
Strawberry, feeling braver, stepped forward as she held out her lollypop. "Our kingdom in Crispia has become a home for us. Not just our friends. One that we vow to protect from the witches and those who would destroy it for their own selfish gains. There are cookies on Earthbread who are kind and gentle. Brave and strong. Ones we know that want the same thing as we do! To have a home and place here!"
"Right!" Wizard stomped his staff on the ground and spoke aloud. "We've found our place in this world! And we plan to fight for it just like everyone else is! So don't you dare think that we'll turn our backs on it for anything less than that!"
They awaited for the jester to speak. Shadow Milk's smile by now had faded to a frown. His glare at them was intimidating and hollow. Though once a moment had passed, he smiled again, smaller this time. "I see. So you've chosen your side then. Alright."
Wizard spat for a bit. "Wha-That's it!? Nothing?! I would have thought you had another speech in there to curveball this whole conversation!"
"No need! Yours was already convincing enough. Very well done. I highly doubt anything I have to offer would be as tantalizing as what I've already given you. Such a shame." Then his eyes widen as well as his grin. "Guess you'll just crumble like the rest of them."
The kingdom caught fire as flames surrounded the trio. Engulfing buildings and cookies within them as they panicked. The intensity of the heat frightened them, almost feeling like it was real. As they looked for an escape, silhouettes of the five beasts rise in the air, glaring them down with bright eyes. Shadow Milk swiftly zooming in close to their faces as he grew large in size and chuckled.
"Just remember. You chose this."
The last thing they heard was his wicked laughter as they were consumed by the fire.
Gingerbrave, Wizard and Strawberry screamed as they woke up that morning. What an awful nightmare that was. They each took a moment to breathe and calm down, grounding themselves in the facts. The Silver Tree was still standing, and the beasts were locked up. They couldn't hurt them . . . for now.
The scream did alert Pure Vanilla, White Lily, as well as some of the faerie cookies. Silverbell and Mercurial Knight had ran in to check on them once they heard the cries, only for the cookies to dismiss the panic as a bad dream. To which they were gentle and comforting about it.
Gingerbrave was wanting to speak up about it, tell them what happened, but was stopped by Wizard and Strawberry who wanted to keep it a secret for now. Too shaken by the incident to really openly talk about it to others. Especially since there was some personal stuff involved in it. He protested, but caved in favor of making them feel more comfortable.
As the day went on, the trio were keeping close to each other, with Strawberry clinging the most to whoever was closest to her. Their nerves were on edge, and feared that they would see Shadow Milk appear in the corner of their sight. Or worse, hear his cackle in the distance.
Pure Vanilla had attempted a few times to try and talk to them, but they kept a lid on things as best as they could. Which felt wrong, but at the same time, it was just how the beast assumed. They never really went into their past with the Ancients. Nor did they plan to.
By the end of the day, the trio were back in their room, dreading the night's sleep. Rightfully so though. Unless Shadow Milk had nothing else to discuss with them that was.
Gingerbrave looked to his hand. At the palm was a mark. Much like Shadow Milk, it had a circle, but the image inside instead was a smiling face. One that looked joyful.
Strawberry once more reached for her shoulder. Even under her hoodie, she could feel the engraving of it as clear as day. Within the circle was an image of a strawberry.
Wizard noticed a reflective surface as he turned to it. Lifting his hat slightly, he shifted his ice cream hair, revealing his own mark, which had a star at the center of it.
Baked by the witches. Meant to be consumed, and ceased to be. What more could there really be to them than that?
I had a lot of fun thinking about this one shot. I love these guys so much, I just wanted some angst. I hope you guys like it too!
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astarion-approves · 11 months
The Waiter
'There stood the most gorgeous man Tav had ever seen in their life. Tall with pale skin, ruby red eyes, and hair as white as snow. There was a certain air about him, it felt like being charmed into bed without so much as speaking a single word in return.'
The reader falls in love with their waiter in the Czech Republic.
Modern day 'reader' x Astarion. 1.7k words
Slightly NSFT (no actual sex or descriptive sex), excessive second hand embarrassment, reader is a moron, some Czech, third person.
Thank you to @chenziee for your help on this. I only speak English and she was an absolute saint to translate some dialogue for me.
Keep reading for the full story.
The Czech Republic was seemingly a little peaceful country compared to America, but the food was… interesting to say the least. Time after time, Tav found themselves in search of something familiar to have during their vacation. They ended up spending more time having fruit, cheese, and wine than anything else.
Finally, their friend, Eliška, put her foot down, dragging Tav to a traditional restaurant and insisting they try the food that her country has to offer.
“I warned you before you came to visit,” the friend said with a soft laugh as they were both seated at a small circular table. “I knew you wouldn’t like our food.”
Tav crossed their arms over their chest in defense. “It’s not my fault all your food looks so…” They gestured to a plate being carried out from the kitchen, something that looked like raw dough covered in a brown gravy with some form of meat and cabbage next to it. “Whatever the hell that is.”
“Vepřo knedlo zelo,” Eliška spoke quickly, the foreign language beautiful but words Tav didn’t understand. “It’s roast pork, dumplings, and sauerkraut.”
Tav shrugged. “That doesn’t sound bad. I guess I could get that.”
“Nope,” Eliška shook her head and opened the menu that was sitting on the table. “I’ll be picking for you.”
“Oh shit,” Tav grabbed their own menu, hoping to see what monstrosity their friend might order for them.
But of course it was all in Czech.
“Anything but blood sausage, please.”
Eliška snorted but continued flipping through the menu, a menu with no pictures of course.
While she browsed you stared at what you assumed was the wine menu, ‘Víno’ was one of the only words Tav managed to learn thus far and being drunk on vacation was their plan for most of the trip anyway.
“Dobrý den. Máte vybráno?”
Tav looked up from their menu, their eyes meeting with the waiter, and they felt as if they’d been kicked in the chest.
There stood the most gorgeous man Tav had ever seen in their life. Tall with pale skin, ruby red eyes, and hair as white as snow. There was a certain air about him, it felt like being charmed into bed without so much as speaking a single word in return.
Tav leaned forward in their chair, trying to figure out if those red eyes were just a pair of contact lenses. He tilted his head and raised a single brow at them.
Fuck—that was adorable.
Tav looked to their friend, who was still studying the menu. They mumbled something to the waiter, which Tav assumed was ‘just a second.’ The waiter nodded and turned to leave—
“Is he on the menu?” Tav blurted out before the waiter was outside of ear shot. “Because I want a bite of that."
“Jesus Christ, Tav.” Eliška swung the menu across the table, successfully hitting Tav on the side of their head. “Don’t just say shit like that!”
“It’s not like he speaks English anyway!” Tav defended. They’ve only been in the Czech Republic for a few days but besides their friend and other tourists they haven’t come across many non-native English speakers that could understand Tav’s version of English. Plus, only much younger people seemed to be learning English, while their waiter looked to be in his early 40s. “Anyone who speaks English here can’t understand me, we’re fine. I speak too quickly, remember?”
Eliška glared at Tav. “You only say that because I do all the talking. Please just.. try to hold your tongue. You could offend him.”
Tav held their hands up. “No promises.”
Soon the waiter returned, carrying two glasses, one in each hand. The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up, exposing his strong forearms riddled with thick veins. Tav sat back in their chair and just watched as the man put a glass down in front of them. How could forearms be that sexy?
“We need a new waiter, I’m going to melt just by looking at this man.”
“Tav,” Eliška hissed. “Shut the fuck up.”
He looked between the two of you in confusion before speaking, “Vybrali jste?”
“Dvakrát tlačenku s chlebem, džbán s vodou a sedmičku rulandy červené, prosím,” Eliška replied quickly, refusing to look at Tav while they spoke.
The waiter nodded, scribbling into a notepad with what Tav assumed was Eliška’s order.
“Did you get wine? If not put him in a tall glass for me—“
Eliška kicked Tav under the table, making them gasp in pain. Those heels were vicious.
“Ask him what his name is, I want to know what name I’m going to be dreaming of tonight.”
“Oh my god we should ask him to take a picture with us to celebrate my first traditional meal—“
“Tav, stop—“
“Oh yes, kind sir, in my country waiters do take their shirts off for photos, it’s perfectly normal—“
“Tav, so help me god—“
“What’s ‘please fuck me’ in Czech?”
“‘Fuck’ is pretty fucking universal word, you idiot.”
“Just ask him his name, please?” Tav put their hands together, begging their friend for this one favor. This one obnoxious, ridiculous favor.
Eliška sighed and turned to the waiter, who still stood there looking confused but seemingly entertained at their interaction. “Já se moc omlouvám, mojeho kamaráda by hrozně zajímalo... Jak se jmenujete?”
The waiter chuckled, putting his notepad away and turning to Tav. He crouched down, putting himself at eye level with Tav. “Astarion,” he spoke slowly, softly, his voice deep and calm. Those red eyes stared back at Tav with ease, glimmering with amusement.
“Oh,” Tav breathed out. “Fuck, even his name is gorgeous… Astarion.”
Astarion smiled and stood back up, then Eliška thanked him and finally let him leave the table, the waiter pausing to look back at their table once before going into the kitchen.
“Astarion,” Tav repeated the name, enjoying the way it felt on their tongue. “Astarion—“
“Mhm, and not a common name in Czech at all, Tav.”
“Sounds Czech to me.”
“It’s not—“
“Oh he’s coming back!” Tav was grinning at his return, excited to see him again so soon, and carrying a bottle of red wine.”
Astarion opened the bottle with ease, pouring some into a glass and handing it to Eliška to be tested. She lightly twirled the glass before taking a small sip. But Tav wasn’t even paying attention to what she thought of the wine. They were more interested in watching Astarion as they worked.
“He opened the bottle so easily, Eliška. It's official. I'm in love.”
Eliška hummed and took another sip of the wine. “It’s literally his job to open bottles all day, Tav.”
“Bet he’s skilled with those long fingers then.”
Eliška ignored Tav and put her glass down. She spoke to Astarion, who filled the glasses and placed the bottle down between them.
Soon Astarion was leaving again, only to return shortly and carrying two plates to their table. Tav smiled as the meal was placed in front of them—
But the smile dropped into a frown when they looked from Astarion’s handsome face to the plate he just set down.
“What in the fuck did you order us?”
Eliška snorted into her wine, breaking into a laugh as she watched Tav stare at their meal in shock. “It’s domácí tlačenka.”
“Eliška, this looks like if you took bologna and made it evil.” Tav poked at the meat with a fork, unsure of how to proceed.
“Try it,” Eliška replied. “You’ll like it.”
“Astarion,” Tav looked away from their plate and to the now grinning waiter, at least he was being entertained by the silly picky American. “My future husband, can you believe she’s trying to make me eat this?”
“See!” Tav pushed their plate away, refusing to try the dish. “Even this handsome god of a man doesn’t like it.”
“Uhhhh… Tav—“ Eliška tried to speak before being cut off by them.
“You can eat this weird ass dish, meanwhile I’m going to drag Astarion to the nearest hotel and let him be my meal instead,” Tav said and laughed at their own joke.
Eliška just stared at Tav in horror. “Tav… you need to stop speaking now.”
“Stop worrying,” Tav said and rolled their eyes. “He doesn’t understand me. Right, Astarion?”
“Just like I said, Eliška. He doesn’t speak a single word of English.”
“Not a single word,” Astarion said with a nod.
“Tav, please... take a second and think—“ Eliška grimaced as Tav cut her off once again. This time the woman keeping her mouth shut.
“I could go on for hours with everything playing through my mind right now with this man—“
“Oh my, please do tell.“
Tav laughed and turned their focus onto the waiter, who simply smiled back at them. “I’m here for two more weeks on vacation but I don’t want to see the sun again. I want you in my hotel room, fucking me until I can’t walk, fucking me until I forget my own name, fucking me until I lose sense of time and the Czech government comes to find me because I’ve been reported missing—“
“That is an awful lot of sex, not that I’m opposed to it—“
“I’m going to drag you back home with me, just so I can wake up every morning and see the most handsome creature in the world lying next to me every day of the rest for my life.”
“How romantic.”
“Then I’ll marry you and we’ll be together forever.”
“Fine. But only if we continue living here. American healthcare is a joke.”
Tav laughed and turned back to Eliška, smirking at them in a ‘I told you so’ kind of way.
“See? He doesn’t speak any English.”
“Tav… You are an absolute fucking moron.”
Astarion hummed, drawing Tav’s attention back to himself.. “I can’t miss work, but I do get off in two hours. Let’s try a date first, before we get married. Alright?”
Astarion turned and left, the waiter laughing to himself as he disappeared into the kitchen once more.
“Wait…” Tav looked from the kitchen and to Eliška. “Did he just speak English?”
Eliška just shook her head in disbelief.
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ziezii · 1 month
Zutara Month 2024 ; Scarf
first half of this is entirely inspired by the famous scarf scene from natla! are we surprised even 😂 happy reading everyone!
Zuko opened his eyes, fully expecting himself to be in his bedroom. Only that, he was not.
He looked around, trying to make sense of where he actually was. People chattering amongst themselves, sellers offering their baked and raw goods, large carts being pushed with an assortment of different fruits and vegetables. Zuko figured he's at some sort of marketplace.
He then realized that his scarred eye was covered, a long gray piece of cloth wrapped around his head. Not dwelling on that much further, his uncovered eye scanned around the busy marketplace, almost bumping into people who were walking right in front of him.
“Watch where you’re going kid!” one shouts, Zuko muttering a small ‘sorry.’ and continued walking. After what seemed to be a few minutes, he looked straight forward and found himself staring.
There was a girl, standing not that far from him. She seemed to look confused, well that’s how Zuko felt like she was feeling. The scarf wrapped around her neck and shoulders doesn’t hide away from the blue dress she was wearing. She looked, pretty.
Zuko immediately shook his head. Why was he thinking that? He didn’t even know what she looked like. His focus shifted to the point where he almost didn’t see that the girl in front of him was walking to where he stood.
Her shoulder bumped into his left arm, causing him to lose his footing for a small second. The tail-end of her scarf flew upwards as the wind blew, Zuko’s hand shot-up as his fingers grazed through the soft blue fabric as she walked away, his uncovered eye looking to where she was going.
Just as he was about to follow her, a large stand of cabbages was pushed towards his direction. The merchant didn’t seem to realize that there was someone in front of him because his eyes were focused on somewhere else, so imagine his surprise when he heard a grunt and his cabbages all falling on the floor.
The last thing he heard before closing his eyes was a cry from the said merchant, “My, my cabbages!”
Zuko shot-up from his bed, eyes opened. He looked down and saw that he was back wearing his pajamas, well more like his red unwashed shirt with his pair of black sweatpants. He then looked around, he’s back in his bedroom.
He sighed, brushing off what that dream was about and grabbed his phone. The 20+ notifications from Suki and his Uncle asking him where he was immediately made jump out of bed.
“Shit!” he was late, well almost since the tea shop opens in about 30 minutes. Still, he knew Suki would tease the heck about him being late since he’s notoriously famous for being the ‘never late.’ coworker.
Note to self, if your dream starts looking way too good, maybe that’s the time you should wake up.
Forgetting to lock his apartment door, his motorcycle almost getting dented, safe to say that Zuko’s day is going great. He ran to the back doors of his uncle’s tea shop, seeing Suki all dressed with her apron and name-tag eating a sandwich.
He stopped almost in front, panting as he asked, “Am I late?”
Suki looked at her phone, “Nope, almost though.” she said with a knowing smile. Zuko groaned, sitting next to her.
“Before I tease the hell out of you,” she continued, “why were you late?”
He contemplated on telling her, but might as well as he needed to let it off his chest, “Had a dream.”
Suki only looked at him weirdly, “Okay, what kind of dream? You’re not someone who gets distracted, even in your sleep.”
Zuko sighed, he tells her what happened in that dream. Suki listened intently, nodding to show him she was listening.
After telling her, Suki just said, “You never had any sort of dream of her prior?” and he shook his head.
“Well, what if it’s a sign?”
He rolled his eyes at her reply, “What sign? I just so happen to be curious about a girl who appeared in my dreams?”
“Your uncle would certainly say it’s a sign, you never get dreams.”
“Maybe because I don’t tell you guys?”
“If you tell us about this one, then maybe this is your first time dreaming.” she shot back at him, smirking a little. He once again rolled his eyes, he forgot how Suki is a whole hard believer in getting any signs in the form of dreams or visions.
“I don’t think so, I highly doubt it.” Suki just shrugged, by then the two stood up and walked back inside to finally start their shift.
“Chan, one jasmine and ginseng tea! Oh, and one cheesecake.” their shift went on as per usual. Zuko was mainly in charge at the dining room, serving and assisting their customers.
Suki too, grabbing their orders up and bringing them to the customers. As Zuko walked to the back of the cashier where his Uncle was sitting, Suki walked and sat next to him.
“Oh! Uncle, you wouldn't believe what Zuko told me.” Zuko immediately threw a death glare at her, but she persisted, “Zuko dreamed about a girl.”
He knew his Uncle was just as adamant as her when it came to his social (well, more-so his love) life so he wasn't surprised when Iroh clapped his hands in pure joy.
Zuko tsk-ed, “Uncle, don't-”
“Why don't my nephew? This is wonderful news!”
“I don't even know what she looks like.”
Iroh smirked, “Well, there must be something that stuck out to you in that dream of yours about her.”
Damn it, Zuko thought.
“So, what was it?” Suki was enjoying the show, also curious since he didn't tell her about this.
He looked back and forth from his Uncle's expectant face to Suki, who grinned his way.
There was no getting out of this, huh.
With a loud sigh, he then muttered, “She was-” but immediately stopped himself when he saw that they had new customers coming in. Not wanting to engage in this conversation any longer, he stood up and walked away from the two.
Iroh laughed, “He never changes.” which Suki nodded and laughed as well.
He grabbed his notepad from his apron's front pocket as their two new customers sat down. Zuko pulled up his small smile as he looked up and asked, “Welcome to the Jasmine Dragon, what can I-”
He stopped. No, it can't be. The scarf. Her scarf.
Noticing the confused looks on him, Zuko shook his head and continued his words, writing down their orders and walking away as he sighed in relief.
He didn't realize he was holding his breath, walking towards the register to type in their orders.
“So, is she the one?”
“Shut up.” Zuko immediately answered, a faint blush on his cheeks giving off his blatant lie.
Suki only laughed, looking over her shoulder to eye on the customer sitting right next to Zuko's dream girl.
“Well, you're not the only one eyeing on someone from that table.” Zuko looked at her with a mix of confusion and disgust as he realized what she meant.
“Go talk to her.”
Zuko froze, eyes wide as he looked at her.
“Are you insane?”
“Why not?” she shrugged, “You'll surprise yourself if-”
“Uh, excuse me?”
Two turned around and were greeted by her. The person they were talking about.
Zuko held his breath. After his failed attempts at glancing or keeping eye contact on her when he took their orders, he realizes that this is the first time he's fully seen her.
And damn, was she beautiful.
The scarf wrapped around her neck, her long brown hair let down. Two smaller sections of her front hair pulled back to her hair bun. Zuko knows jack-shit about hair.
Her skin just glows under the orange lighting of the tea shop. He gulped, his eyes darting elsewhere when he realized he'd been staring.
“-And this is Zuko.” he's brought back when he hears Suki. Seeing that Katara was now looking at him, he could only stammer his introduction.
“I, uh,” he gulped, the girl looking at him with this sort of fondness only made it worse, “Hi?”
He groaned, while the two girls just laughed at him.
“Suki, this one's for table 10!”
“Well, looks like this is my queue to leave,” Suki says, patting Zuko's tense shoulder, “If you need anything about your order, Zuko will handle it.”
He was about to protest, but to no avail as Suki already walked away from them. Zuko let out a sigh, before his eyes fell on her once again.
“I'm so sorry, do you, uh, want to add something to your order?” he says a little too fast, but that doesn't stop him from stuttering it all out.
“You're funny.” she chuckled, “Not really for me, but my brother over there wanted to get the cheesecake.”
“No problem, I'll go put that in,” he trails off his words, wanting to continue on what he was saying before she beat him into it.
“Katara.” her smile made him warm, she did know what he wanted to say.
"Alright, Katara." he answers, subconsciously smiling back.
She was about to walk away before Zuko held her arm and stopped her. She turned around, her eyes locked to him.
“I,” Zuko doesn't understand how he gets so nervous when he's talking to her, “your scarf is very, pretty.”
Katara's eyes widen slightly, before she smiles once again and replies, “Thank you, Zuko.”
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lemonsprite · 7 months
𝐌𝐚𝐡𝐚𝐥’𝐬 𝐆𝐢𝐟𝐭 || 𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐱 𝐆𝐢𝐦𝐥𝐢
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Summary: Mahal has blessed Gimli and Legolas with a gift
Word count:
Warnings: none! All fluff :)
A/N: side note I love the headcanon that hobbits are like cabbage patch kids and that dwarves are like those Nat Geo archeology kits
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“A rock?” Asked Legolas, raising an eyebrow at the uneven stone in his hands. The elf looked down at Gimli with confusion.
“Nay.” The dwarf shook his head, smiling, and took the stone (practically boulder) from Legolas’ hands.
“A rock from Mahal.”
Legolas was silent, staring at Gimli as if he was insane.
“And what does that mean?”
The dwarf’s face went as red as his hair, his eyes looking everywhere but Legolas. The rock was so big Gimli’s hands could hardly cradle it and Legolas couldn’t help but be intrigued by the strange stone. It was lumpy and sharp as if the rock had just been chipped from the mountainside and scraped the palms of Legolas’ smooth hands.
“You don’t know much about dwarven culture, yes?”
Legolas nodded his head suspiciously, eyeing the stone.
“Well, when Mahal made us in the forges he created a second one for each of us, an eternal partner, our one.”
The elven prince stood silently in agreement. After all, he was quite familiar with at the very least, this ideal. His father, Thranduil, had complained more than once about that dwarven prince and Tauriel.
“Well.” Gimli began once more, one of his gruff hands fiddling nervously with the braids of his beard. “Once you have met your one and Mahal has deemed you ready you are to be gifted a child.”
“A child…” Legolas thought aloud, his eyes narrowing in thought at the dwarf next to him. “You mean to tell me that stone…”
“Is an infant.” Gimli finished for the elf, holding the rock closer to his chest. “It is how we Khazâd are born.”
Legolas was silent, processing everything Gimli had just revealed.
“But…” He began, furrowing his brow in confusion. “That would mean you’d have found your one, would it not?”
If possible, Gimli’s face turned even redder, his eyes frantically searching the ground beneath Legolas’ face so as to not look him in the eyes.
Legolas froze, Gimli’s confirmation suddenly causing his stomach to sink, Legolas stuck now with the undeniable evidence that he’d have to be sharing Gimli with someone else.
He quickly dispelled these thoughts. Legolas placed his hand tenderly on the other's shoulder, throwing a gentle smile on his face before his friend beside him could even notice anything off.
“Why Gimli, that's… Great.” The dwarf practically flushed at Legolas’ words, caressing his thumb against the rough exterior of the stone.
“Who is she?”
Gimli froze, staring perplexed at Legolas.
“What do you mean she?” He asked, his gruff voice filled with surprise.
“Your one.” Explained the elf. ‘Why was Gimli so confused?’
Gimli stared at him as if he’d punched the dwarf right between his eyes. “My dear friend-” He sighed, exasperated, running a hand down his face. “You are my one.”
Legolas felt as if the Valar themselves had just descended from above, blood rushing to his face faster than he could string a bow. The elf was silent, wanting to say so many things at once yet nothing came.
Gimli frowned, holding the rock in his arms tighter. “I understand if you do not feel the same.” He sighed heavily. “after all, you are an elf-”
Before the dwarrow could finish his sentence Legolas was upon him like a stork to bird seed. He engulfed Gimli in a hug that would crush a mortal man.
“The Rock Legolas!” Gimli exclaimed, buried in the elven princes arms.
Legolas released him, holding Gimli an arms length away. He nodded his head vigorously, ignoring the nagging voice in the back of his head that sounded suspiciously like his father telling him off.
“Apologizes… I got away from myself… I just…” Legolas trailed off, a small giddy smile crossing his lips. He could not believe the news he was hearing. Gimli was his, he was Gimli’s. They were meant for each other… after all according to the dwarves they were fated, it was destined by the gods.
Gimli looked tenderly up at Legolas, cradling the rock in his arms.
“Aye… you… do feel the same yes?” He asked, searching the Elves face for confirmation.
“Very…! A child Gimli!” He exclaimed, and the dwarf had never seen Legolas so joyous. “Our child!”
Legolas grabbed Gimli’s hands so that both were now holding the stone and smiled brightly down at the dwarf. His hands completely swallowed Legolas’, Gimli’s palms scarred and calloused from years spent in the forage.
“Meleth nîn.” Said Legolas quietly. “Thalion nîn, Melethron nîn.”
Gimli smiled, his ears picking up on what little he knew of the Sindarin language.
“One of these days I must teach you Khuzdul.” He said, looking down at the small boulder cradled in their hands. “Your elvish language is to sweet.”
“My word say nothing but the truth.” Said Legolas tenderly. “I’ve waited long for a moment like this.”
He leaned his head down as best he could, touching his forehead to Gimli’s the rock laid dormant between them.
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Jojo try not to mischaracterize Legolas challenge (impossible)
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luvrsux · 10 months
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word count: 5.7k
summary: you’ve been stealing gold, treasure, and food for as long as you can remember until a certain kingdom is opening doors to even more riches to steal from. you bump into one of the son princes and it changes your life forever
contents: fluff, mentions of poverty
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“The Vinsmokes are having a ball tomorrow night, can you believe it?”
“Who cares. It’s only for the elites and the filthy rich. They couldn’t care less about us peasants”
There you were, eavesdropping in a back alley gnawing at baked bread you certainly didn’t pay for. The two conversing were of the same quality as you; rugged, poor, and wishing you could be drowning in riches. There they stood washing their clothes that were covered in filth. You grinned.
“Still, I’d love to be in that ballroom in a dress, dancing with one of the Vinsmoke princes” The ditsy one swooned. The more realistic one, who was giving their body a workout by washing the clothes, just rolled their eyes.
“Keep dreaming, sister. With the way our wealth is looking, that’s nothing but a fantasy” She hissed. The delusional girl just replied with a pout.
Hearing the conversation already had your adrenaline flowing. You were the thief of the town. Who cares if you didn’t have money, you had swift hands and brains to make up for it. If you liked it, you got it.
The royal Vinsmoke Family having a ball party was rare. The royals never so much batted an eye at your hometown, which was poor and pathetic compared to the luxury they slept in. Hearing an open opportunity to sneak your way into the party, which was a one-way ticket to finding riches of all kinds, made your lips carve into a smile. Oh, imagine all the jewels you’ll snatch.
One major setback was the attire. You thought of ways to get your sneaky hands on a ball gown that fit the dress code of the party. You could steal one, you thought, but it’d be hard to steal an entire gown without anyone noticing. Even then, not a single tailor shop sold such glorious dresses.
“I actually have a dress of my own! If only I could get that invite so I could dance the night away with Prince Ichiji!”
The words of the dreaming girl you were eavesdropping made your head perk up. It was like a god heard your worries and gave you an open opportunity. It didn’t matter that the dress would’ve looked significantly dull compared to the guests, as long as it was a dress.
You threw the last bit of baked bread into your mouth with a smile. You gathered enough information for your brain to gather before you trotted away to steal more food.
“Hey, get back here you witch!”
It was a very rare occurrence that you’d get caught, but thanks to some snitch who managed to catch you in the act, you were now running on your feet to escape the angry salesman. You had an adrenaline-filled grin on your face when you sped your fast legs through the crowd of people, who all looked dumbfounded and lost at your scene.
Once you made it back to your small home, you realized you lost the angry man who was ready to apprehend you. You couldn’t grab much, just some fruits and more bread. Typical peasant food.
You swung open the wooden door to see your sister preparing lunch, which was just cabbage soup. You smiled upon seeing her, knowing that you brought a little something more to the table for lunch. You exhaled.
You sang. Your sister wiped her hands on a cloth before smiling at you at the door. She saw the bag in hand that contained foods your swift hands snatched. Her once happy, delighted smile shifted to a frown.
“I’m guessing you didn’t pay a single berry for that” She placed her hands on her hips. All you could do was smile sheepishly and shrug.
“I guess I charmed them with my… Looks?” You tried making an excuse but to no avail. Your sibling snatched the bag out of your hands and peered into it.
“C’mon, you know it’s what I have to do in order to put food on the table. All we do is sell crops and that’s not doing justice” You rebutted but you heard your sister just sigh in annoyance. Although you loved the rush of stealing, your sister hated it. More than anything.
“No, you don’t. We do just enough to at least have a meal or two a day. I’ve said this a million times, (F/N)!” Said your sister with a lecturing finger in your face. You rolled your eyes.
“What would Mom think if she was here seeing you do this?” You’ve heard your sister say that countless times and each time it circled through your brain, it became less and less heart-wrenching.
Years ago, when you and your sister were just teens, your mother passed away from an illness that was too expensive to cure. Then, you started your thieving career by stealing medicines and herbs for your sickly mother. You tried everything you could but it wasn’t enough. Your mother passed in her bed a few months after she was diagnosed. Since then, you haven’t stopped stealing food and jewels from other towns and villages. Your sister hated it, afraid that you’d be locked up away for good if you got caught in the wrong situation.
“Well, mom isn’t here, okay? Look, I promise, soon we’ll have enough money to leave this shit hole and have huge meals every day. You just have to trust me” You lean on the wooden table. You carve a smile on your lips to reassure her skyrocketing nerves.
“I have a shaking feeling that you have something terrible planned, (F/N)…”
“I absolutely do”
She stared at you with worrisome eyes and just sighed in defeat. You had a proud smile plastered on your face as you watched her silently get back to fixing up lunch.
“Check on the crops for me, please?” Is all your sibling could say. You nodded and happily obeyed. At least she wasn’t giving you the silent treatment.
The crops that grew outdoors were mainly corn, potatoes, and carrots. Before your mother passed, everyone loved your vegetation and you’d make a sustainable amount of money off of them. Unfortunately, though, it seemed like her magic vanished once she passed. Now, you barely make enough to make ends meet. You couldn’t quit, though. Besides stealing, it was your only source of income that wasn’t illegal.
You grabbed a woven straw basket to pluck out the readied vegetables. You first checked on the carrots, only picking a few since the rest weren’t ripe yet. You made sure the vines and stems were healthy and not withering away from the blazing sun. While walking to the small cornfield area, you caught a glimpse of that same girl who was delusional about attending the royal ball tomorrow night. You called her over with a wave.
“(F/N)? What do you need?” She innocently tilted her head. You held the basket in between your arm and hip, dirt covering your hands and shorts.
“Y’know, all this work in here sure made me thirsty. Whaddya say and let me share a glass of tea at yours?” You smiled, not really intending to have tea with the oblivious girl. She hummed.
“I’d love to but… You have quite the reputation here, (F/N)”
‘Damnit’ You internally shouted. It was a small town, of course people knew you for your slick acts. You tried to hold your award-winning act.
“I know, I know, but c’mon! Here, I’ll give you these carrots for free as a thank you!” You gestured the basket toward her, knowing good and well that if your sister saw you give your mother's crops to someone for free she’d go on a rampage. The ditsy girl stared at the carrots for a moment.
“Carrot soup does sound nice…” She smiled. She grabbed her hands around the basket as a way of accepting.
“Sure, why not!”
Upon arriving at her small cottage, you realize that it was more cozy than you imagined. She had a flower garden in the front of her house and you began to slowly regret stealing from her. She seemed to be a sweet girl with no ill intentions. You hated that you were beginning to feel bad.
The main room had a window peek through the stove area, where she prepared a warm glass of tea for you two to share. You made yourself welcome by sitting on a wooden chair alone, fiddling with your fingers as the nerves began to creep.
“Which tea would you like?” She asked with a soft smile. You snapped at your sudden waves of regret to look at her sweet eyes, not a single negative thought behind them.
“Um… Any, I’m not picky” You folded your lips at her. As dry as it was, she happily nodded and began assembling a tray of herb tea.
“I heard that… You wanted to go the ball?” Your voice grew nervous. You really didn’t want to shatter this sweet angel's heart by stealing a dress.
“Oh, of course!” She sang, walking her way next to you on the table. She placed her cheek into her palm to daydream her little fantasy.
“I’d be the happiest girl ever to live if I ever got the chance to go!”
You watched with a happy smile. She was so kind and oblivious to the fact you weren’t here to have a nice moment. You were here to raid her closet.
“I have the perfect dress that would look great. Would you like to see it?” She beamed, it’s like she hasn’t had the chance to talk about her fantasy without someone ridiculing her. It’s painful for you to say no but then again, it’d also ruin your entire plan anyway.
“Sure, knock yourself out” You giggle. She practically sprung out of her seat to fly her way to her room where the infamous dress confided. You couldn’t help but giggle.
There you were left in your state of regret. You had this itching feeling that she reminded you of your mother, which seemed to be the main reason why you felt horrible about what you planned on doing. Before you could retreat, she came running in with the dress in hand.
She presented it and you gazed in awe. It was a white basic dress, far from a puffy ball gown, but it was still beautiful. The sleeves hung below the shoulders and they were sheer. The dress would end at your ankles, just barely grazing the floor. You smiled.
“It’s gorgeous, you have amazing taste” You gleam. She seemed delighted in your answer and began to fold it gently in her arms.
“Right? While I visited my brothers far from here, a tailor was selling it for sale!” She explained. Her eyes trailed along the dress.
“I never wore it to go out, though. It’s been collecting dust in my closet” She said in a lower tone, as if she was saddened she couldn’t use the attire to its fullest potential.
“I see…” Is all you could muster up.
She made eye contact with you and folded her lips to form a half smile. Her legs began to walk toward you and your eyes expanded once she began to jerk the dress toward you.
“Take it,” She said, which made you speechless. You just stared at the dress with dumbfounded eyes before you could finally take it off her hands.
“Why?” That’s all you could say.
“Because I know you were going to take something here. Everyone knows you’re a thief” She giggled. Your cheeks flared out of sheer embarrassment.
“I don’t need it. Besides, when was the last time some gifted you something?” Her words shot through your core. The last gift you remember receiving was something your mom gave you when she was still breathing.
“Are you pitying me?” You abruptly ask. Her expression dropped and she flailed her hands apologetically.
“No, no! I just think you deserve it more than I do” She began. Her smile which she effortlessly made with sweetness behind it made her words genuine. “Plus, you’d look beautiful in it, I say”
You couldn’t help but smile at her contagious one. She gave you a rub on your shoulder before the whistling sound of the kettle echoed throughout the house. The tea, which you didn’t even care for, was ready.
“Still want that tea?”
You tugged the dress onto your figure which seemed to fit rather perfectly. You internally thanked the sweet girl, now named Marie after a share of tea, for the pearly white dress. You stared at your reflection in the mirror and were caught in awe, never remembering the last time you wore such an elegant piece of work over your body. Not sure what to do with your hair, you left it hanging loose after combing it.
The anticipated night finally crept and the village began to see several carriages and rides zip through the roads upward to the grand castle. It was about time you made your entrance. Before then, you heard footsteps enter your room and stop at your doorway. Knowing who it was, you didn’t part your eyes away from the mirror.
“So you’re sneaking into that party, hm?” You heard your sibling say from behind. You gulp. You swiftly turn your head toward her with a careless smile.
“Duh! Imagine the treasure and jewels I can get my hands on!” You say excitedly, oblivious to the dangers of your bold act.
“Be careful, (F/N)…” Your sister sighed in defeat, not wanting to try to budge your stubbornness. You gave her a tender hug before your departure.
“I promise I’ll bring so much that we’ll have meals for months!” You cheered. You managed to carve a smile on her lips before you could make your way outdoors.
Your plan was to arrive at the party after everyone else did so fewer people would pay attention to the opened doors. Since they thought everyone invited had already come in, they wouldn’t bat an eye to stragglers, so sneaking in was a piece of cake.
The entrance of the castle was so big you thought it was acres long. The room was glistening with huge chandeliers that reflected the pearled floor. All you could hear was the elegant music of the miniature orchestra and chatter. You gulped, feeling completely overwhelmed by the sheer amount of people. You didn’t even know how to act elegant or fancy. Your eyes scanned the entire room and already found jewels that your hands ached to snatch.
You tried to fit in and pace your body around the rich bodies of the guests and already had your hands on several golden necklaces and watches in the span of an hour. You tucked them in a purse, which was also stolen, and so far no one caught onto you. You sat at a white clothes table sipping pure white wine happily, taking a break from your thieving.
Suddenly, you heard whispers, and the causal chatter began to die down. You thought that something happened and everyone equally began staring in the same direction. It made your back turn behind you to eye the balcony that displayed the five royal kins; Reiju, Ichiji, Niji, Yonji, and Sanji. The infamous Vinsmokes.
Four had prideful smiles plastered on their faces while the blonde had an expression that was quite the opposite. It immediately caught you by surprise. By the looks of everyone’s reactions, this was the first time the Vinsmokes made their appearance for the ball.
Each brightly-haired royals made their way to a shared table at the front of the room; a table to which they had the luxury of being on. You thought each of them was increasingly intimidating and made your spine shiver. Each one besides the timid blonde, that seemingly didn’t want to be there in the first place. You let it be for now…
Ever since the five royals made their way to their personal table, you itched to grab their top-of-the-list jewels for hefty cash. Occasionally, they’d get up to use the restroom or feast on the rather delicious food that was catered to them. Sanji, though, frequently left the table. He seemed to not want to be there with his siblings which caused him trouble.
He’d spit flirtatious remarks at the female guests every now and then but mainly kept his distance so he could get a breather. You didn’t care for any of that, though. You wanted that gold bracelet hugging his wrist.
“Oof-! Pardon me!” You giggle after “accidentally” bumping into the blonde. You took a quick chance to try to slip the bracelet off his wrist but he quickly grabbed it.
“I knew you were different” He cooed. You inhaled, feeling your heart drop now that someone finally caught onto you—and it just had to be a Vinsmoke.
His expression didn’t seem menacing or devilish, though. He seemed to be amused more than anything by your attempts. You should’ve known better than to steal from a prince.
In actuality, Sanji had been eyeing you all night. He noticed your rather outcasted attire and caught a glimpse of your thief acts. He admired how bold you were and you clearly weren’t a stuck-up, filthy rich citizen. He was pleased to know that someone with slight moralities stepped foot into his castle.
“What do you mean?” You giggle nervously, trying not to expose yourself just yet but those deep eyes staring into your soul made it increasingly hard. Suddenly, without a word, Sanji pulled you by your waist to his chest and interlocked his hand into yours. He was slow dancing with you.
You flickered your eyes around the newfound positioning, never slow dancing with someone ever in your years of living, and realized Sanji needed to fit into the mass group of waltzing couples to avoid suspicion. You struggled to keep up with Sanji’s pace.
“Your dress is beautiful, mon cheri, but it’s certainly not a ball gown” He chuckled down at you. Blood rushed to your ears out of embarrassment and the flirtatious nickname.
“I-… I decided to stay simple. I had a ball gown-“
“No need to lie”
Sanji seemed to see right through you. He continued to dance with you on the pearled floor and spun you in a circle before pulling you back into the same position.
“Who are you really. Why are you here?” He asked with a smile. There was no point in hiding it now. He had already exposed you bare.
“I just snuck in here” Is all you could say. You heard the blonde chuckle. You peeked at him shifting his head left and right to see if anyone heard.
“To rob this place dry?” He asked. Although, he wasn’t entirely off the mark putting it that way made her cringe.
“I guess you can say that” You gushed.
You realized you were rather close to a guy who was entirely foreign to you, let alone one of the Vinsmoke Princes. You traced your eyes on his pearly white button-up that was draped with a red cape. The cold chain connecting the cloth blinded you and your hands wanted to snatch it.
“Do you trust me?” He bluntly asked. Sanji spun you around once more before holding you tightly into his chest. You could feel the throbbing of his chest.
“I… guess?” Your answer sufficed and before you knew it, the Prince was dragging you away from the populated party.
His golden locks danced in the wind when he paced his footsteps towards an unknown door that looked to be locked and concealed. You struggled to keep your pace to match his own. He sure was eager.
His hands pushed the doors open with slight force and it revealed a dimly lit stairwell. The only thing illuminating the room was a cream, crescent moon that slightly peeked through the glass window. Your brain was entirely confused as to why a prince was escorting you further into the castle instead of booting you straight out.
He temporarily let go of your palm to trot up the cobbled stairs. You watched him walk up, his haste legs skipping through some of the stairs. When the blonde didn’t hear your footsteps follow behind, he halted. You made eye contact with his eyes.
“You coming, mademoiselle?” He asked with a small smile. Thankfully, he couldn’t see the blood rushing to your cheeks because of the darkness of the room.
“Where are you taking me?” You ask timidly, slowly placing your basic, cheap, heels on the stairs. Sanji watched with an admirable smile.
“Somewhere away from here” As soon as you made a sustainable distance between you and him, he grabbed your hand gently to escort you further. Right then and there you got a glimpse of his genuine eyes.
“I promise I won’t hurt you,” He said lowly, that same smile never vanishing from his face. You stared for what seemed like an eternity before he pulled you to finish walking on the steps.
You stayed quiet throughout the entire journey. The inside of the castle was more beautiful than you imagined, but it was absolutely ginormous. The ceiling was meters above your head and the hallways were wide enough to hold a crowd of people. Your eyes were greedy, wanting to grab the expensive decor and paintings off the walls.
Sanji led you to a room. The doors were towering before you. Much like the rest of the castle, it was dark. You heard Sanji jiggle the gold handle before opening the grand doors. He presented a room that was empty if we’re excluding the grand piano and a few chairs.
The floor was pearled and marbled much like the grand foyer where the riches danced the night away. The way the moon reflected onto the floor from the two glass doors in front that led to a huge balcony. The room was beautiful despite it being so empty.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Sanji had his hands tucked into his slacks while he watched you pace around the room you were fawning over. Your head whipped toward him with a smile.
“They don’t have rooms like this back at the village” You realized you finally revealed you were just a regular townsfolk, a poor one at that. Your smile dropped, already thinking of an excuse before Sanji could speak.
“So you’ve never been in a castle” Sanji didn’t seem to mind that you were a mere peasant. If anything, he seemed pleased to know that you were.
“Honestly, I wish I had it differently” Sanji sighed, standing in front of the crescent moon that shined on this fateful night through the glass doors. You made yourself welcome to stand beside him.
“How come? You’re a prince, you have it all. I wish I was in your shoes” You had a tad of animosity on your tongue, completely taking Sanji’s words the wrong way.
“Trust me, I know” He chuckled. “But my siblings are so stuck up and my father isn’t much of a pleasure either. Not to mention they treat townsfolk and food terribly….” Sanji explained. Your guard began to settle down once you heard that the Prince had baggage. You were always under the assumption that rich people don’t need to be upset because of the wealth that wedded them.
“All I hear is marrying a princess or other royal duties. But in reality…” Sanji formed a smile. His eyes began to shine in the light when he thought of his life king dream. “I want to be a cook. I want to own a restaurant to feed anyone who’s hungry” He beamed. You watched with awe, completely taken back that a prince had a heart.
“I never expected you to be so kind,” You say, peering your head to admire the moon similarly to him. “Being a peasant is the worst, though”
You cupped your hands and gripped them tightly when you traced back on your past. How the struggle of simply having a meal carried a burden on your shoulders and of course your angel of a mother parting with you at a young age.
“I barely have a meal a day and my poor sister works hard selling crops every day. Doesn’t help that we don’t have a mother either…” You say as if it was nothing. You had already come to terms with your baggage but Sanji's sympathetic eyes, considering he carried the same burden, would be the reason you could prick a few tears. He grabbed your hand.
“Mon cheri,” He begins. The pet name made your legs jelly. He tucks a hair behind your ear and stares into your eyes with empathy.
“I’m so sorry,” He says. You’ve heard those words so many times when you mentioned you were motherless, but they all seemed to be empty and hollow. This time, though, those saddened eyes and his voice made it seem like it was genuine. Why did he care?
“I brought you up here because I knew you were different, you had a heart” Sanji answered the major question that circulated your head ever since he grabbed your hand. “I knew you were stealing for a good reason, I don’t blame you…” There was a shared moment of silence while you collected your thoughts.
“Look, let me show you something even more beautiful” He smiled, trying to lighten the grim mood. With a hand once again connecting yours, Sanji pushed open the glass doors.
You felt a gust of crisp wind hit your face making your locks swarm in the breeze behind you. Sanji led you forward to the balcony which was even more beautiful than the previous room. The balcony towered over a garden the Vinsmokes owned. You’ve never seen so many flowers and decorative ponds in one place. You were completely taken by surprise.
“How could you possibly not enjoy this? It’s beautiful!” You gleam, leaning over the railing. You might as well have tumbled down if it weren’t for a hand to grab your waist as support.
“Careful, love” He chuckled at your amusement. You quickly retracted your position and dusted your dress off. You gushed in embarrassment.
“I haven’t gotten your name yet, Mr. Prince,” You say, standing next to the stone railing. Sanji perked his head up, realizing you spoke about your baggage before even saying your name.
“Sanji. Just Sanji” He greets with a charming smile. He might as well be named Prince Charming instead.
“Princess (F/N)” You did a courtesy playfully to mock his family's formalities. You birthed a blossom of laughter from the prince before you.
“Well, Princess (F/N), care to have this dance?” Sanji played along with your antics and bowed with a hand extending to welcome your hand.
You fanned your face and exhaled dramatically. Your other hand landed gently on Sanji’s open one with a smile. You batted your eyes.
“Oh, It’d be a pleasure to dance with you, Prince Sanji” You spoke in a high-pitched tone before being swept into the same position you two shared previously at the actual party.
There was no music. The music from the ball was muffled out entirely so to fulfill your playful acts, you two hummed a song to fill in the absent music completely out of sync. Besides the artificial music, you two danced together on the balcony happily. Sanji would twirl you which made you giggle. You don’t know what made this dance different than the previous, but you loved it.
Sanji picked you up by your waist to spin you in a circle a few times. You didn’t remember the last time you giggled so much before when your palms rested on his shoulders, staring down at him while he orbited. He had a euphoric smile plastered on his face for every second that passed while holding you.
Sanji placed you on your two feet while you both shared a fit of giggles like two gushing teenagers. As soon as you two collected your composure, you let out a pleased exhale.
“You dance amazingly, Prince Sanji” You acted once more. Sanji chuckled and sashayed his bangs dramatically.
“Well, I am a prince after all” He played along. He bowed down to you which caused you to snicker.
“Well, a prince deserves a stunning princess” You smiled dramatically. You then made eye contact with Sanji’s eyes below you before he toward upward to approach you further. Your faux smile dropped when he inched close to your face.
“This prince certainly deserves someone as stunning as you, mon cherie” Sanji’s words made it hard to believe if he was still playing along or genuinely swooning you over. Either way, you were blushing like crazy.
“I-.. Oh, please” You say, turning your head away from Sanji out of embarrassment once more. You then felt a hand pull your gaze from the floor beside you to the man himself. There laid that infamous, genuine smile once again.
“You are, (F/N). Honestly, I never had this much fun with someone before” Sanji left you entirely speechless, never expecting a royal prince wanting to swoop you off your feet when you weren’t remotely connected to royalty.
“Oh my, I’m sorry” Sanji’s cheeks grew pink and he stepped away from the close contact he held between you. “I shouldn’t have been so straightforward to a lady, pardon me-“
Sanji’s voice was cut off by your chaste kiss planted on the side of his cheek. You, being entirely flustered, looked away while your cheeks grew more and more pigmented by the second. Sanji had a hand on the area where your lips landed and couldn’t help but form a dope smile.
You let Sanji cup your face and pull you forward, into a romantic kiss underneath the moonlight right on your lips. You fluttered your eyes shut to accept the tender, passionate kiss that was shared between you and the blonde. It felt like eons before Sanji finally pulled away.
“From thief to my own princess” He smiles, holding your face in his own tender hands.
You beam, vowing to remember those words until you drop dead. Right then and there, you happily predicted further down the line of your future with the Vinsmoke before you. You felt happy and at ease, the magic the prince dwelled upon you was absolutely miraculous.
And now there you were, sitting at a clothed table that was illuminated by a waxed candle that was accompanied by floral decor. You had a tall glass of ice, which previously had water in it before you chugged it down. You sat comfortably at ease while you were surrounded by music and utensils making contact with the dishes of the restaurant.
“My love,” You heard a voice say behind you. You perk your head up to see the head chef of the restaurant you resided in, Baratie, smile down at you as if he fell in love all over again. He filled your empty cup with water once again by a pitcher.
“How are you feeling?” Sanji has asked the same question over the course of the night numerous times for one sole reason. You giggled.
“I’m feeling fine, amour,” You say with a smile. Ever since Sanji placed his lips on yours for the first time, you’ve picked up on his French dialect. Sanji placed a kiss on your cheek.
“Good, just making sure” He cooed, rubbing your stomach tenderly to give the bundle of love you two created some comfort.
“You’re too good for me”
“As always”
Sanji lingered at your table as his own little break time before he had to use his magnificent talents back in the kitchen. It’s been years since you’ve sealed the deal with the Prince, and he revoked his identity as a Vinsmoke. You two cast away from your village to open a restaurant that’d soon be booming in business because of Sanji’s enchanting cooking. Your sister wasn’t left out, though. Sanji took her under his own wing and she became the sous chef of the establishment. You never knew that infiltrating a castle would completely turn your life around for the better. You gave your sister just what you promised; a better life.
“Your sister is making your meal tonight” Sanji explained, beginning to light a cigarette at his lips. He made sure to keep a safe distance from your nose so the toxic fumes don’t contaminate your growth.
“Just like old times” You giggle, referring to the times your sister would cook poor meals for you in place of your mother.
“She said she’d love to feed you and her nephew” Sanji chuckled, glancing at your bump. You couldn’t help but giggle.
“Of course, she’s always had a soft spot for children,” You say. Sanji planted a kiss on your cheek once more before he heard his call back in the kitchen.
“Your food will be out in a moment, ma douce. Babys’ not gonna feed itself” He winked. “I love you, (F/N)” He says with delight.
“I love you more, Sanji”
You hoped to give your kin that was in your pregnant womb a better life than your own and your husbands. You were determined to lead him to a life that would make him, and only him, the happiest child ever. Truly a happily ever after.
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All licensing and ownership belong to Eiichiro Oda
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DAY FIFTEEN: Playing in the Snow w/ Rick Grimes
a/n: I've been trying my best to write for Rick more because that man is just too fine, but I never have any ideas for him.
masterlist | ficmas masterlist | AO3
TAGLIST: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood
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This would be Judith's first time being allowed out to play in the snow. With her still being baby and your constant moving, going outside with her was practically a death sentence, but now that you were safe behind Alexandria's walls, why couldn't you take her out?
You had made sure the infant was clothed to the t, like a little cabbage patch kid as you continued to giggle quietly to yourself. Ever since Deanna had given Rick a job, Carl had been the one that would take care of Judith, so you wanted to give the growing teenager a chance to hang out with the other big kids.
"You ready to see the snow?" You asked, truly it was rhetorical, but she babbled some sort of response. You and Rick.. your relationship was complicated. It was hard to ignore that you and him had something, even back when Lori was pregnant, there was always this stagnant energy between the two of you, and it only grew as the prison did, but once it fell, he pushed you away. You watched him become someone you didn't recognize as you all fought to survive, and the only people that could seem to keep him grounded was his kids.
You had practically kissed all hope goodbye until Aaron had found all of you, and you would thank him everyday if you could. You watched Rick come out of his shell bit by bit until you could feel the vibrations once again. You both didn't push though, because Alexandria was new, and you guys couldn't get too comfortable. You would settle for what you had now, the late night cuddling, the longing looks, and the protectiveness.
Walking outside, you heard Judith let out a miniscule gasp, giggling as a snowflake fell on her face. She was such a happy baby, something that was hard to come across now and days. You crouched down, balancing the child on her feet so they sunk into the two inch deep snow. She wiggled as you kept your hands tucked under her armpits to keep her steady.
"What're you two doin'?" You heard Rick ask from behind you. Lifting Judith up, you tucked her back into your side as you stood as well, turning around to see Rick standing there with his hands settled on his hips, a smile tugging at his lips as his eyes landed on his daughter. "I figured since this would be our first year somewhere safe, she deserved to play in some snow." You said sheepishly, a nervous grin on your face as he took her from you. "Is that so?" He asked, but you didn't know if he was talking to you or the girl in his arms.
"Thank you for babysitting her today, you know we have to do good by Deanna, just in case." You sighed a bit as the reality of your situation came crashing down on you. "Yeah, it was no problem really. She's always an angel for me." You were surprised when he wrapped an arm around your full waist, tugging you to his body as he placed a kiss on your temple.
"I mean it, thank you."
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picklesonjupiter · 4 months
A wip snippet of my snack fic where Sirius and Harry become Severus' new neighbors
Severus woke up early, like always, and drank his cuppa tea, like always. He grabbed the remote from between the couch cushions, turned on the telly, and went to the front door to pick up the newspaper, like always. Routine was safe. It was what kept his life from being turned upside down.  He flipped through the paper while a rerun of an 80s show played in the background. Suddenly, an annoyingly loud honking sound outside. Jumping out of his comfortable seat, he peeked out of his window blinds and saw a movers’ truck. Severus groaned. Mrs.Kilpatrick, his next door neighbor, had recently passed away from old age, and her children had decided to sell her home. Severus had not cared for the woman with her ten cats that roamed free and ate his garden’s plants. Yet she and her cats had been part of his routine. New neighbors meant having to adjust all over again.  Severus saw a boy no older than ten run out of the truck; the first thing he noticed was his unruly brown hair and crooked glasses. Then the boy shouted, “Padfoot, hurry up.” Out came a tall man, no jumper on to protect from the morning chill, showing off his tattooed arms. This "Padfoot" (what an outlandish name) person laughed heartily, showing off his pearly white teeth. Severus felt the vein in his forehead immediately begin to throb. His new neighbors seemed to be the sort to introduce themselves to the whole neighborhood and expect them to be neighborly by making small talk. Severus loathed small talk.  He shut the blinds and went about his business, ignoring his new neighbors’ moving ruckus as best as he could. After showering in lukewarm water, he dressed in his usual black attire and went into his childhood room, which was now remodeled as his study room. He graded his students’ assignments until the alarm he set went off.  Stretching his arms to get rid of his stiff neck and shoulders, he stood up and walked to his garden. His irises and camelias were beginning to bloom. He watered the tomatoes, onions, cabbage, and carrots that he planted a few weeks ago. He also watered his indoor plants and changed pots and dirt for the plants that were dry and dying.  Gardening always soothed him. It was a habit he began with his mother. When he was younger, they often could not afford to buy food, so his mother began planting seeds in their backyard until vegetables and fruit grew. (His father allowed his mother this one hobby because it fed them.) Severus was preparing lunch for himself when he heard knocking and then heard the sound of his doorbell. Wiping his hands, he opened his front door to find his new neighbors standing there.  “Hellu, I’m your new neighbor. I wanted to introduce myself to you. I’m Sirius Black and this is my son, Harry. I hope we can get to know each other and get along.”  Severus ignored the man’s outstretched hand, sneering at it. “Do you have any pets?” Sirius dropped his hand, his smile becoming a tad forced. “We do. A dog. His name is Lady. He’s a sweetheart; he loves to run around outside and play fetch.” “Keep him out of my garden.” He shut the door in his face. Severus heard Black say loudly, “What a rude man. I didn’t even get his name. Come on, Harry. Let’s hope our other neighbors are better.” “Anyone would be better than him. Did you see the way he looked at us? Like we were bugs.” The last thing Severus heard was that irritating belly laugh.  — From that point on, Severus received gifts from his annoyingly cheerful neighbor every few days. First it was freshly baked bread, then a pie, until the gifts became outrageously expensive. Severus walked to Black’s front door and knocked with extra force in his knocks. The boy opened the door, his hair looking like he had just rolled out of bed. “Is your father home?” The boy blinked up at him like an idiot before screaming for dad to come down.
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