#she tries to avoid the ppl she doesn't like
If you do Angst, can you do atsv characters breaking up reader? I want ppls tears 😈😈
anon i have one weak ass heart, i can't handle too much angst but I'll try my best.
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๑ miles:
he's so sweet, he's probably planning a whole spiel on how to break it to you in the nicest way possible. and he doesn't want to do it, he hates thinking about the look on your face once he breaks it to you, but he understands it needs to be done.
๑ gwen:
the thought of leaving you terrifies her actually. you're one of the few people she let in, and allowed to get close to her. and the thought of now having to loose that is scary. she probably avoids you for a while, giving her some time to clear her head and get her story straight. after a while she reaches out to you, maybe not even face-to-face, and keeps it quite brief. it hurts her more then she lets on though.
๑ pavitr:
he's probably trying everything he can to fix it because he doesn't want to break up with you, he wants to fix it. he probably blames himself for it, and he tries so hard to fix things, because he's not used to messing up, to things not going right. it would take you a while to convince him that's it's not his fault, and that it's okay for things to sometimes not work out. i feel like he'd want to still be friends.
๑ hobie:
he doesn't sugarcoat it, or lead you on, because he understands that's the last thing you'd want. when he knows, he's telling you. although i firmly believes he's not completely heartless about it. he'd wait for the right time to calmly talk to you, because he still wants things to remain civil between you two.
๑ miguel:
he's an extremely organized and put together guy, some might even say cynical. but he's still human, still has emotions, he just has them well-sheltered. he keeps it brief, almost unemotional. he says what he needs to say, and when he sees your face, the stoicism almost falters. he gives you an inkling of comfort though, reassuring you that it's not your fault, that he still loves you, but that it needed to be done. wouldn't keep in contact much after the break-up, but would probably use his resources to check up on you every now and then.
๑ peter b:
poor guy hates it, doesn't want to break up at all, even if he sees things aren't working out. it's more likely that you'll be the one to call things off, and even then he'd be begging you to try and fix things, to work it out. eventually he'll realize it's just doing more damage to stay together, and he'd reluctantly let you go. maybe he'd even try getting back together after the break-up, to no avail unfortunately.
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↪ reader breaking up w them
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top-faye · 18 days
I don't think I've ever encountered a lesbian couple as deranged as Wanpleng in fiction before like they really take the trophy for how toxic and messed up they are and they're only 17 right now! I just know it's gonna get so much worse 😭
but already we have absolutely insane levels of jealousy and codependency issues as well as fucking astronomical levels of romantic friendship intimacy and blatant gay denial. like they just took a casual bath together and Pleng gave her platonic bestie a massage while they were naked in a bath tub together like it was no big deal! Yes, Pleng has a "holy shit I'm gay" realization shortly after that but the fact that the bath even occured in the first place ... like how gay and oblivious do you have to be.
And like I know standards of skinship are different in a lot of Asian countries and these two characters in particular grew up together in the same household because one is the daughter of the maid and the other daughter of the rich ppl, but still!!! that shit ain't normal or typical!!!
and then there's the fact that they're so codependent attached that they're both fucking terrified of the idea of being "left behind" by the other but they both seem to think of it as inevitable. So, Wan semi-seriously semi-jokingky, I think, suggests that she should get a boyfriend before Pleng does. In Wan's mind, this is how she can combat the fear of losing Pleng. She quickly realizes this wouldn't work, of course, but not before Pleng realizes she's in love with Wan and that realization utterly terrifies her.
And she acts as any lesbian with extreme internalized homophobia would ... she runs away from her feelings. She avoids Wan, puts the distance up, and she decides to get Wan a boyfriend so that in her mind Wan isn't leaving her ... she's leaving Wan! 😭😭😭
These two lesbians are so fucking crazy.
And Wan, of course, sees Pleng acting insane about the whole boyfriend situation and rightly calls her out for it! She's ecstatic when Pleng is jealous, but utterly horrified and upset and heartbroken when Pleng tries to force her and Ek together.
That was probably the first time Wan had ever told Pleng that she hated her. Granted, I'm sure they probably had some toddlerhood spats but this was probably the first serious time in their young "adulthood" where that was said.
And Pleng reacts as any young lesbian who is desperately in love with her best friend who she is too intimately attached to would ... she tries to kill herself.
Like holy shit.
Wan says "I hate you" one time—after Pleng very smugly declared that Wan was basically incapable of being annoyed with Pleng after Pleng's extremely controlling behavior, like seriously look at this smug ass face no wonder everyone hates her
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this is the face of a girl who gets whatever she wants especially when it concerns her friend! the face of a girl used to always being in control!
but anyway! that's kind of the point isn't it? everyone hates her. her personality is kind of toxic and everyone, including her own parents, points it out to her. everyone hates her. except Wan (and her family ofc but they're not important rn). Wan doesn't hate her. and that relationship is so special to Pleng.
she wants to distance herself from Wan in an attempt to avoid her own feelings (and in effect avoid rejection from her feelings) but she also doesn't actually want distance or separation. not really. what she wants is to feel in control of herself and her feelings.
and Wan telling Pleng that she hates her—rejecting her when Wan is the ONLY person that sincerely loves and cares for Pleng—is fuckinh devastating and takes all that control away from her...
and she attempts to kill herself to escape that feeling and heartbreak.
like jfc these two girls are so messed up!
talk about your feelings goddammit!!! y'all can touch each other constantly and press your foreheads together and be naked in a tub together but you can't talk about your feelings???? fucking emotionally constipated lesbians
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yuikomorii · 22 days
🍓🎀Hi! I think in one of the post somebody ask you who is smarter, Ayato or Yui? And i think you reply saying that both are dumb and stupid lol but one is dumb and the other is stupid?? Lmaoo I can’t remember how exactly was, but what’s that supposed to mean? Like is Ayato smarter than Yui or reverse? Because I remember Ayato having his cool smart moments lol I just want to know who is the most smartest between these two dumb ppl lol 😂 🎀🍓
// Oh, you mean this post?
The reasons why I said Ayato is dumber than Yui and Yui is more stupid than Ayato are the following:
Basically a dumb person is someone unwise, impulsive and unknowledgeable/uneducated. They act that way not necessarily because of a lack of mental capacity or learning ability, but due to the fact that they don’t know any better or they DON’T want to know any better.
For instance, in CL, before regaining his memories, Ayato impulsively tried to fight Shu and Reiji on his own but was easily overpowered, leaving him injured. Once he realized the consequences of his actions, he became much more cautious, especially after his memories returned, to avoid putting himself or Yui in danger again. Another scene shows Yui offering to tutor Ayato, however, she was surprised by the fact that he learnt how to solve the problems very fast and that he got all his test answers right.
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Credit to: dialovers-translations on tumblr
A stupid person is someone with a lack of intelligence or learning ability. They might not be always dense, but they are supposed to know better, yet they choose to do the wrong thing deliberately.
For example, there’s the pool scene in Ruki’s MB and the lake scene in one of Subaru’s short stories, where Yui jumps into the water despite admitting she can't swim, putting herself in danger. Another moment occurs in Carla’s LE route when Carla warns Yui not to trust Kino because he might be evil, yet in the very next chapter, Yui casually reveals Carla’s Endzeit to Kino, leading Kino to attempt to kill Carla. There are many more moments like these, but I think these examples are enough to prove the point.
It’s quite common to see Japanese players complain about Yui’s poor learning ability. I feel like DL fans already got used to that, but I get that it can indeed become frustrating. xD
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Aside from that, Ayato tends to be more objective than Yui. While he feels bad and shows compassion when it's warranted, he mostly sees things for what they are. Even though he sympathized with Cordelia in DF, he doesn't feel the need to sugarcoat her actions. Yui, on the other hand, is the type to quickly change her opinion about someone or something as soon as she hears a sob story. I get it when it comes to the Diaboys, but she actually tried to justify Cordelia’s and Karl’s actions, which honestly left me speechless.
Taking everything into account, it’s quite hard choosing which one is smarter, but I do believe that Ayato has a better learning ability and more potential, it’s just that he doesn’t want or know how to use it. I think the only reason why Rejet keeps writing him dumb is because Japanese fans find that type of idiot cute, as seen here.
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p1xiemeat · 4 days
since the ppl i was trying to avoid have already found my new blog, there's no point in trying to hide it anymore.
my new blog is @faerymeat 🧚🏻‍♀️🎀🥩
i decided i am going to leave this blog up for all the ppl who like my edits🖤 maybe i will come back to it in the future but for now im really enjoying having a fresh blog🥰
im so sorry if u messaged me asking for my new username and i didnt reply to it.
soo many ppl asked for it which made me so happy because i had no idea how many ppl actually love my content🥺 it makes me feel a lot better knowing i have a lot more kind ppl watching my page than i had thought and i really genuinely appreciate all of you🖤
i also decided to reactivate my twitter too.
i know that no matter what i do or say someone is always gonna criticize me for it.
it doesn't matter how many new pages i make in attempt to hide from the ppl who wont leave me alone, because they always manage to track me down in a matter of days. even when i block them right after creating it -_-
so yeah, there's literally no point in trying to hide from them anymore. and i shouldnt even have to. i've already been lied about, insulted, harassed, and blocked by hundreds of ppl so what difference does it make to just keep posting what makes me happy? im just gonna be myself and let ppl believe what they want.
after the experiences i've had with internet thugs, i am forever going to have some sort of anxiety when i go online. i will always feel unsafe because of them. i have such bad paranoia when choosing whether or not to reply to a message from someone because these ppl have befriended me just to post our private conversations online or to make fun of me behind my back.
but my love and desire to create and express myself outweighs all that. some days i just can't handle being online mentally. and sometimes i wanna hurt myself knowing whats been said about me by people who will never even know me. i've tried to change myself in order to avoid harassment only to be made fun of for different things. i'm damned if i do & damned if i don't.
even though she's just a video game character, this quote by alice inspired me and made me decide to just do whatever makes me happy without letting other ppl stop me. 🖤
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its always been 1 of my favorite quotes from the game, but seeing it pop up on my feed earlier helped me make this decision to just say fuck it and be myself, unapologetically 🥰
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bonefall · 7 months
What roles are Willow Tail, Quick Water, and Fern Leaf going to be like in your rewrite? I hate most of DOTC but I do enjoy a lot of the side characters, especially them
Willow Tail I know what I'm doing with, Quick Water and Fern Leaf I'm less sure of.
BB!Willow Tail -> Willow Flayed Bare
Willow is a young molly from the Wind Coalition who fought at the First Battle. Her first name was Tabby, and she earned her title for presenting a large, weaved willowbark basket to the Wind Runner. She's an artisan with a useful talent.
Since I completely overhauled Moth Flight's Vision into Moth Flight's Vow, which has a NEW origin for how the Cleric's Vow occured, I'm still reworking the Bunny Bones plot that I'm fond of.
I'm unsure if it's going to be a novella or a catalyst for the conflict of another book. It might be a good way to create an opportunity for Quick Water to run her rebellion
Willow has a petty dispute with one of Clear Sky's kittens; Tiger Sky. It's a TINY bananas squabble. She doesn't like seeing her rude ass sunbathing on the moor, so she starts leaving bunny bones on the border and accusing her of stealing to get her banned from the area.
Skystar, being the man that he is, takes the accusation that one of HIS warriors, his oldest (remaining) DAUGHTER no less, VERY personally. What started as a mean girl moment quickly exploded into total war.
I LIKE the way that the original plot was so unjustified and avoidable it's painful. I just wish it was framed as the miserable, violent moment it should have been. I'm planning on keeping Willow's blinding, but it's the final straw for Tiger who can't stomach this any longer.
Willow is likely going to end up in the River Kingdom, exiled for starting the conflict. She might still get retooled; in a later draft she may become a ShadowClan Mountain Cat.
Quick Water
Aside from a brief moment in Sun Trail where they give her the trait of being 'vain' and being woman 34 that Clear Sky smacks around to relieve stress in Forest Divided, she's suuuuper neglected in the main arc imo.
I haven't read past the part where they unceremoniously kill Sun Shadow in Shadowstar's Life, so I hope to revisit it before retooling Quick Water more. I hate how DOTC takes every opportunity to shit on Tall Shadow when she doesn't fucking do anything.
(Side note: it's kinda why i cant see Shadowstar as the girlboss ppl want her to be. Wind Runner is the girlboss. Canon!Tall Shadow is absolute girlfail. In BB, Tall Shadow is less girlfail but she still has the pervasive energy of... this isnt going to make sense to anyone but me BUT BB!Tall Shadow is SO girl obama to me. Well-spoken high road liberal who gets steamrolled by dirty fighters.)
So BB!Quick Water,
For one she's going to be part of a full family. It's either going to become the Water Family OR her name will change and she'll become Quick Tail.
I think she's going to become good friends with Shatter Frost, as Shadow's Clan early "conservative" types who think Clear Sky has a point.
They might end up with kittens, because DOTC is supposed to be about. Like. Ancestors. It's bizarre that they gave the Quiet Rainkin like 20 surviving descendants while everyone else dies off. Not cool actually.
In any case, I want to boost Quick's role significantly. Let her be one of Tall's key cats, either a hunter or a fighter. Something that isn't surprising when she eventually tries to toss Shadowstar out of power
Shadowstar actually survives this coup. She's one of the longer-lived founders in BB!DOTC, unlike canon where she was the first to go. Quick, meanwhile, is one of the VERY FIRST Dark Forest demons, which I can hopefully have a lot of fun with.
Fern Leaf
(CW: Canon!Slash and the racist trope he's written as that includes physical and sexual violence)
She is VERY up in the air currently, because I'm rejecting Slash as a villain completely. It was SUPER fucked up of them to make TWO stinky, born-evil native villains and then write one of them the way they did. Not only is it thematically RANCID, but it's also LAZY writing.
They have to make Slash a lustful creep so that Clear Sky looks better, because they DIDN'T WRITE A REAL REDEMPTION WHERE HE FACES ACTUAL CONSEQUENCES.
Like... I'm sorry, we understand that the way they wrote Slash is a really old trope, right?? "The natives will kidnap our women and hurt our children if we don't unite, and that's why the colonization of this land was totally cool" Warrior Cats is no stranger to xenophobia, but this time it went so far it invoked an outright racist trope.
(And then they just... totally gloss over that Star Flower is "young" compared to Clear Sky, who was less than 3 at the time, meaning she must be around the same age as the son he is actively abusing and EURGH Forest Divided makes me want to throw up)
Now that I have screamed about how ROTTEN this part is to stress WHY I need to gouge it out with a rusty spoon;
First of all, Slash has an updated name to help separate him from canon a bit. The Mountain cats call him Dashes for his leg markings, the Park cats call him The Silver Pelt for the color of his fur, his real name is Star-shine. Just "Star" in a casual context, his birth name. "Shine" is a leader suffix.
In-canon, Fern Leaf's purpose is to be abused by Slash enough that she reveals information to Gray Wing, and to contrast Beautiful Boy Clear Sky who beats the shit out of women and kids for good reasons so his abused underlings still wuv him.
So... no. Not keeping that. Lol, lmao even.
While I'm not totally against allowing Star to remain some type of harsh or even abusive towards his cats, IF that remains, I need to stress how much it is influenced by the constant stress and violence the Forest Cats are surrounded by. Harsh times don't cause abuse, but they do contribute, and even important, protective people can still abuse a victim.
Doesn't make it okay. Doesn't even make it easier to heal from. It robs you of the simplicity of it all-- being hurt by someone you desperately want to remember fondly.
Still, it's a very fine line to walk when I already have a big problem to fix here. I'm dealing with an egregiously racist trope, even if I HAVE already removed the MOST awful parts related to Canon!Slash's behavior (it's not appropriate for the tone I'm setting or something im comfortable writing).
But the physical abuse is a huge part of Fern Leaf. So, do you see my conundrum? I am confident handling the nuances of abuse, but this part of the story could use bleach.
I have a few ideas, one I'm leaning towards, but I'm still open to suggestions
Idea 1: Fern Leaf is one of Misty's kits
This was an earlier thought I'm moving away from, but it's worth mentioning. I already have Birch and Alder I'm doing this with, with Alder Claw eventually defecting from SkyClan, so adding Fern Leaf to the litter might be redundant.
In any case, Milkweed was mates with Misty. If this idea stays, Fern could be the one kitten she managed to escape with, forced to leave the other two behind. But then I wouldn't keep Fern's abuse, y'know?
(Plus Milkweed has so many kittens to pick from that I already need to shave some down. She's got like 6 in canon; I've gone over it before but a massive reason why WC's family trees are so tangled is because of "superqueens" like this. They tend to give one parent a lot of kits instead of giving a lot of parents a few kits.)
Idea 2: Fern Leaf is Star's daughter
Either with or without abuse, this is the one I'm leaning towards. It would mean she can show up a lot through the story as his ""lackey"" until Thunder and Bright learn that her and her dad are just like them.
If I nix the abuse (which seems wisest at the moment, honestly) then Fern can still be covered in her iconic scars, just from tangling with Park and Mountain cats constantly. Naturally she's at the forefront of battle patrols, she's fighting alongside her dad.
Plus, there's lots of opportunities for overhauling the dynamics from canon. Her mom didn't "abandon" them, she was probably attacked by the settlers. Star can be a good parent or just one with more complexity, instead of whatever canon was trying to do with Slash and this unrelated kid he hits.
(Re: very strange they refused to acknowledge that sometimes biodads are not worth forgiving or coddling. Interesting that Tom the Wifebeater and One Eye are sympathized with by the narrative for having kids. Curious they decided Canon!Slash of all characters would NOT be a father.)
Idea 3: Shuffle Fern into a Mountain or Park group.
AKA: prioritize the portrayal of intense physical abuse and her recovery, while avoiding tying it to the Forest cats entirely.
I feel like this one is the least interesting, but I'm keeping it on hand just in case. Like it says on the tin, she'd get any association with Slash/Star removed. I'd try to keep her developing a bond with Bright Storm though, since one of Gray Wing's... okayish moments was his interactions with Fern in trying to encourage her to leave.
(Even then, i really cant stand how the narrative concludes through Gray Wing that Slash is super evil because he doesnt feel love. And that he just decides to not tell Tall Shadow there's an evil group of cats spying on her and planning to invade because... Wisdom idk.)
If I do this, I will probably put her into WindCo. Their "homestead" system where individual families own mini-territories is a ripe situation for abuse to occur in, and the very structure of WindCo means that there's no one around to stop it or seek out for help.
Plus, maybe I could find some way for her to help out Thunder's crew as a WindCo insider. It's not a total wash, I just find Idea 2 more interesting.
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wachtelspinat · 9 months
Hey ! I’ve been seeing your art going around since your midnight crew stuff and I just recently stubble across your tumblr, thank to your beautiful overwatch art for our beloveds junkers ! I’ve been scrolling through your account and read about your experience of being a former graphic designer who is a doctor now. And damn. I can’t emphasize how much I admire you, especially as someone who is struggling really hard to choose between 2 careers paths ( with one of them being art related ). This is why I was wondering if you would be open to talk about how and why you switched from art to medecine ? Especially because most of the time I feel it happens more the other way around ? ( If it’s too personal just ignore this ask + sorry if you already talked about it before )
hey ! no worries, i don't expect ppl to scroll through my tumblr to find an answer for a question they might have. first of all thanks for your nice words, means a lot <3
i switched from art to medicine because my early 20-something-self was even more anxiety-ridden than my present-self, and being in art school and having to "perform" regularly was a nightmare. i'm talking about a time in which i was so scared of being perceived that i often skipped grocery shopping, just so i could avoid being around people. so like, pitching art related projects to peers and profs was eeh... especially because art is so personal oh my god. i still hate it when someone tries to sneak a peek while i'm drawing, makes me wanna throw my sketchbook and myself off the bridge. anyways so i always felt a 110% inadequate (plus i got a gf during that time who was so good to me and tried to get me out of my funk on multiple occasions (she was and still is an artist and has now a career as a freelancer and i'm rly proud of her) but i couldn't see that because i just compared the two of us all the time and sabotaged any attempt she made for having fun with drawing with her) that i sat down at some point and asked myself if i could do this any longer, and i came to the conclusion that no, it really kills me rn.
what made me go into the health sector? i don't even know anymore, i think it was a mixture of "i loved biology, esp. the human body in school" and "my mum is an icu nurse and talks a lot about hospitals, maybe i should check it out"... it was not a well thought through decision, which is so funny because studying medicine was a hell of a meatgrinder ride (also my anxiety and self hatred? still there, but now i wasn't judged anymore because of my art but instead being called a dumb idiot collectively with all the other students because nobody likes med students) and for some reason i was able to get through that despite it not being my passion at all, but i couldn't stand up for myself in art school. i don't even know if i could work through it nowadays, but the good thing is i don't have to ask myself this question anymore, because being a doctor pays the bills, and ever since i left art school i was able to just draw without consequence. which is nice to a degree, my artistic output is not tied to the means of generating money. on the other hand... idk, in another life with more confidence and less worries, i'd love to be some sort of character designer T_T
so yeah that's basically it. at some times i cherished my career decisions, at other times i regretted them deeply, worst thing is i know it has a lot to do with personality, but the fact that we can't change who we are with a blink of an eye gives me the framework to think that the path i took was ok. as in. things happened for a reason and maybe i'm just not cut out for that kind of work. you have to be aware of the conditions of a job to decide if you are up for it. because being an artist doesn't end with "just draw". i myself had an unrealistic view of the job back then too. and the fact that i could not seperate between personal aspects and "doing a job here" was crucial.
yeah, idk if this is helpful at all. i think the one thing that is super important here is to have a realistic view on the conditions of work you are about to head into, and i know this is mostly very difficult to aquire. because unless you really work in a sector there is often no way to fully grasp the situations you can find yourself in (this applied for me also in the health sector, which made me fall into a depression a year ago, but what do you do after you spent 6 years of studying :') ). doing internships and just trying to get to know a lot of things really helps. and - idk how old you are, but if you're really young: it's ok to switch careers at some point. it's even ok to do so when you are older (trying to end on a positive note here because it feels like i just said a lot of depressing things... like don't get me wrong i like my job, the conditions are just fucked up, and again my personality prevents me from switching again but it's also not that easy in germany, BUT it's a valid thing to do, being versatile is good! just... make sure you don't end up with a job that you absolutely hate because that kills it all)
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mjstral · 3 months
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Meet Michiko!
Name: Michiko Ishihara
Age: 20 in the canon universe, 24 in my fanfiction
Affiliation: Black Oak, Amazzoni
Occupation: • flowerist (before)
• whatever the Amazzoni are lol (after)
Ability: the setting sun; it allows her to absorb the life energy of other living beings. If she absorbs too much energy all at once, she runs the risk of losing control. In this case her body can suffer serious consequences that often manifests as maniacal phases. To avoid this risk she always wears an obsidian stone around her neck which absorbs excess energy. If she absorb energy little by little she can heal herself and extend her life as much as she wants (to do so she must first remove the stone).
Love interest: Dazai ihih
Hobby: doesn't really have one and always complains about being bored
Likes: coffee, dogs, the sea
Dislikes: boredom, lemons, wasps
Personality: lively, confident, curious, sensitive, shrewd, spontaneous, witty, compassionate, honest, rebellious, naïve
Personal motto: life is painful and hilarious
More undercut
• inspired by the real Michiko Ishihara, Dazai Osamu's second wife
• I decided to give her the biological surname of her real counterpart and not the surname "Tsushima" to make her character more independent from Dazai;
• irl Michiko was a teacher but BSD Michiko doesn't want to become one, plus she's not very good with children because she doesn't have any patience;
• her ability is inspired by one of the book of Dazai Osamu, The setting sun in which her best friend Kazuko is the main character
• awful sense of humour. Just awful.
• Clumsy, not in the adorable sense, in the sense that she falls, taking down with her the name of every saint she knows and whoever is walking with her to hold on to her
• Happy that life has no meaning because she believes that in this way the human being can be the architect of their own destiny, but at the same time she's suffocated by the absurdity of life
• Too sincere
• "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return"
• Mary Oliver poetry incarnated
• Sexy dumb bitch
• "the very reason to live is whatever you do that prevent you to kill yourself" (A. Camus)
• Crave a deep emotional connection with ppl
• Has a specific taste in men but can't recognise/explain it so if you aks her she'd be like:
"What's your type?"
"I like pathetic men."
• Parents issues
• Good and big heart but doesn't really know how to show affection (bc her father never did)
• Always down for throwing punches, but always tries to talk first
• Verbally attacks if she feels verbally attacked
• not to mention when she feels physically attacked
• Wants to understand people and why they do what they do, in fact it's hard for her to blame someone for their actions (unless they kill someone of course)
• Sees the good in everything, but it's far from being a soft character
• Sometimes she think she's God, sometimes she's a drama queen: "God's sense of humour is me", "but weren't you god?", "in fact I'm very self deprecating"
• Fear of abandonment but the one that makes you cry when you're alone bc you think about when shit will end so you self sabotage yourself and leave before you get left
• Michiko: I'm so wise.
Kazuko: You're a problem child.
Michiko: A wise one. I don't make the rules.
• naïve but doesn't seem to bother her
Dazai: why did you call me?
Michiko: I had nothing to do
Dazai: and I'm the one who came to your mind first?~
Michiko: yes, why? Oh, wait....... Eh, nevermind I guess you're right.
• she likes to give nicknames to people that think can represent their personality or traits.
Dazai: Bakazai
Atsushi: lil tiger
Murakami: mr. handsome asiatic (in Italian it's funnier)
Kunikida: kunikidazilla
•owns a motorbike. She bought it to piss her father off.
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lunchtimebedamned1997 · 2 months
Hazbin Hotel Mini-comic :3
ft. Jasper (my Hazbin OC) | Non-sepia version, Original sketches, and the speedpaint under the cut :3
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This comic takes place when Jazz still works at Val's club and before Val and Angel's relationship 'got bad' AKA this one is in the weird space right before shit hits the fan and Angel is made aware of what kind of man Val really is. That Angel isn't even an 'exception' :(
(Which is why Angel can still talk to Val like Vox could. They're still 'normally dating' besides the contract and the boss/employee thing - "but hey! it's hell!" (<-Angie's inner thoughts lmao I genuinely wanna CRY over that little spider boy))
Tumblr made me resize this twice before it was a small enough png file to post oops XD
ANYWAYS I love my OC. I originally made them just bc I had a lot of cool ideas and I'd seen some other really fab Hazbin OCs, and oops now I'm obsessed with them and they have an entire milanote folder with their backstory in it lmao
Jasper (they/she for this OC btw :3) doesn't really let ppl in hell see what they're feeling bc it doesn't feel safe, and over the years has always gotten around using/drinking despite working for Val (exceptions for Val's pheromones which you really just can't avoid) and this is the part of their story when they finally get publicly drunk and just fucking cry bro. For hours. SOBBING.
Pookie is DEPRESSED y'all they do not wanna be in hell anymore XD
On that chipper fuckin' note (XD) here's the de-saturated version of the final comic, the original sketches, and the speedpaint :D
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I think I've had these sketches since May? Early June? A fucking while and I even tried making this comic a while back but it looked CURSED and idk why so that's staying in the cobwebbed corners of my CSP files lmao
Okie! That's all for rn, I've got a shit ton of art WIPs atm as well as fanfics and personal writing stuff I've been chipping away at so it's been taking a bit to actually finish anything haha
Hope you're all well! <3
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ca-suffit · 3 months
what are your thoughts on lestat/gabrielle bc parent-child incest is always abuse yet sometimes it feels like fans treat that r/s and akashastat as jokes, maybe bc they can’t recognise female abusers or bc they don’t understand abusers (i.e. lestat) can be and often are victims of abuse themselves.
I already know this is gonna be a rly long reply bcuz there's a lot to talk about to answer this.
gonna put it under a cut for what the topics are. don't click if u don't want to read about incest and abuse obviously.
first, as I've said in other asks here and there, fandom does have a lot of problems with criticizing at least white women in fiction bcuz it's too much of a mirror held up to what fandom spaces are usually made up of to begin with. this is also why darker topics become jokes. it's all a way to create distance for engagement, whether the distance is not to look at urself or maybe ur own trauma (it's usually both here). I've seen a lot of this in the book side of the fandom over the years. it's also why lots of stuff is focused on surface level words ("it's gothic fiction," "they're all monsters") instead of any in depth exploration.
secondly, not to sound like a shitty book person, but incest *is* a major part of gothic fiction. the intention *is* to be repulsive, horrifying, and taboo. ppl should obviously take care to avoid topics that u find overwhelming and might harm ur mental health, but otherwise this *is* part of the genre.
lestat and gabrielle also....don't rly get that much into it tbh. the fandom makes it sound like more than it is. idk if the show is gonna make it more but I doubt it. although there was a dig about it in the trial script that I never saw anyone mention btw
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"if u want to kill ur lover, or fuck ur mother, it'll have to wait."
I personally find the shifting power dynamics between human life and vampire life to be rly interesting. I don't think it's something the books explored enough tbh. bcuz lestat and gabrielle are the only vampires who came from being a human parent and child to the child then becoming the vampire parent to his own fledgling vampire mother.
it's clear in their human life that their parent / child boundaries are fucked and tbh that's the worst part for me. especially bcuz the fandom doesn't want to explore that bcuz ppl don't like to criticize gabrielle, as mentioned above. her life is awful so ppl give her a pass a lot. but she starts off as the human parent and she's a p bad parent in a lot of ways tbh (cuz she never wanted to be one).
anyway. I always saw the vampiric era incest as a metaphor for their broken relationship otherwise. like I said before, the fandom makes it sound worse than what even happens too. they never fuck each other. at most they kiss and think or say things that are inappropriate about each other's bodies and their feelings towards it, but modern day stories have had a lot more brutal depictions of incestual relationships between mothers and sons tbh. not saying that to downplay it or say "get over it" or w/e but just to touch on that, cuz it does get weirdly annoying here about it sometimes. ppl act tough about their love of "gothic fiction" all day for other topics in the books that are rly more graphic than this, then act like this is the one thing that goes too far? It's fucking weird, although I have theories about why that happens too.
back to the point tho. they're kind of a "failure" mother and son in life, so that's how I tend to read why this happens in the first place. lestat wants a mother and gabrielle wants to be a man (she directly tells him at a point "u are the man in me").
this is from TVL, before he leaves for paris (when they're both still human)
"I tried to take her in my arms. She stiffened at first but then I felt her weaken and she melted against me, and she gave herself over so completely to me in that moment that I think I understood why she had always been so restrained. She cried, which I'd never heard her do. And I loved this moment for all its pain. I was ashamed of loving it, but I wouldn't let her go. I held her tightly, and maybe kissed her for all the times she'd never let me do it. We seemed for the moment like two parts of the same thing."
after he makes her a vampire, they're kissing each other a lot in that first night. lestat saved his mother from dying and created his first vampire, which he wasn't sure he could do, and she isn't sick anymore and has more freedom than she knows what to do with. she's no longer his human "mother" either. he mentions a lot in these moments that there's no hesitance when they kiss each other like there was before. bcuz they're both happier in their individual issues and this is how they can express that as vampires now. he feeds her blood from his mouth later on in their first night and it comes across like more of a nurturing action than something weird and sexual.
so there's obviously incestual themes present but, to me anyway, this always felt a lot more sad than anything. like they don't know how else to meet each other's needs so they do this as vampires to act out a type of intimacy that otherwise they don't rly have still?
but ya. lestat did not become who he is from nothing. both his parents were abusive in different ways and akasha abuses him too. he constantly has vampirism forced on him against his will and tries his best to ignore how it makes him feel, especially about his own body. he has a lot of trauma attached to how he looks too and it's a whole thing. gabrielle and magnus tap into that in ways too.
fandoms don't rly like to look at cycles of abuse bcuz it's easier to say someone is just "bad" than to feel like maybe ur a bad person too if u sympathize with them. that's why ppl here are working hard to usually make any of these characters either the abused or abuser, depending on which side they relate to the most. it's almost always a combination of both in everyone tho.
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yuukei-yikes · 11 months
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care for my kagepro au inspired by phineas and ferb across the 2nd dimension where they hang out in a dark undisclosed location and they all have knives
this is extremely over the top and supposed to be funny btw. ayano's plot hole plan that makes no sense doesn't work but from another angle. she gets spit back from the daze in the same way it doesn't make sense for her to stay in there and she's still in THE AIR FROM JUMPING so erm she shatters a leg and maybe her spine too. fun times. she walks with a limp now
ayano in the daze's like. but i wanted this -> i deserved this -> im guilty i got what i wanted though -> i deserve punishment -> this IS punishment -> but i wanted this (restart) SO in this scenario where she survived she's still struggling with guilt because she DARED try to take the easy way out when she knew her siblings needed her. so now she's edgelord I must protect my siblings i dont deserve my cape (edgily puts scarf away) also the eyepatch is for extra edgelord vibes but i think it'd be cool if she can't control favoring because she's so all over the place so it's always active, and since she feels so much regret she can only project that one memory of her jumping to ppl. sad. so she covers it for the sake of everyone.
because of ayano's survival it's evident kenjirou is posessed so ayano+mekatrio move out immediately and are in actual hiding from him. that's why they're at undisclosed location. seto brings mary with them. so ayano's like ok, saeru wants all the snakes together, they're all gonna gather anyway it's better to have them all in one place and have eyes on them. so she starts the gathering process herself. in this saeru is extremely just Out There cartoonishly taking over the city style i told you this is based on phineas and ferb. i told you. btw the joke is that it's insanely over the top. i just find it episodic and joyful.
also ayano's cold to shintaro because she can't afford to have her feelings for him distract her, she has no right to normal teenage girl feelings like a CRUSH. but shintaro still believes kano as ayano saying IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT was the real ayano which matches with her new behaviour towards him so he's extremely pathetic about it. he's with her through her entire recovery and becomes her right hand man which the trio HAAATE bc ayano doesn't let them do anything but shintaro can always come<3 their missions go from buying groceries to saving haruka and takane from the evil lab to kidnapping hibiya and hiyori. shit like that.
they get hibiya and hiyori and it's their BIGGEST PRIORITY to protect them because they're saeru's next target and if they can avoid having all snakes out it's by making sure these 2 stay alive. erm they don't wanna be there though. it's dark in here and you're all weird as hell. momo is tasked with babysitting them. she's not happy about it.
momo never gets her money controlled, dropped out from school since day 1 and the fame got to her head so she's kinda awful. she's the only one allowed out of wherever the fuck they are because of work she's literally the one paying 4 everything. toxic yuri situation with kido who has one side of their head shaved. you know how it goes. also kido acts rly tough like they're out there killing thugs and goons but mostly they just make food
takane is the medic in the same way barbers used to be surgeons in the middle age which means everyone tries really hard not to get hurt so they don't have to go to her. also saeru's whole Experiments on haruka and takane thing is a lot more evil and ermmm she has one less leg and she's permanently connected to a reactor thing of sorts so she's also the team's tech! woohoo!! it's unknown whether she got opening eyes or not because she has no idea how to activate it which makes ayano rly frustrated. same goes for haruka who has not woken up since aug 15. which is the main reason takane started watching youtube tutorials on medicine. get you a girl who will take care of you if you're in a coma and there is no access to a hospital.
seto and mary wield weapons for one reason or another. kano is extremely guilty about shintaro's guilt but also hates him more than ever bc ayano won't trust him anymore and now shintaro's the one knowing everything. probably some doomed yaoi in there somewhere. this is my evil kagepro au
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dreamchasernina · 5 months
Your opinion on "Love is a battlefield" comic ? I rly see some ppl on tumblr call a nice guy or incel cause of this.
I’ve been wanting to talk about that comic for a while so thank you for asking me this. So I got the lost adventure comics a month ago and I enjoyed them very much. When I got to this specific comic I suddenly remembered that everyone found it problematic so I was glad to finally read it myself to see what the problem was.
So if some of you haven't read this comic it's about Aang and Katara, where Katara pressures Aang into a training session to see him firebend. Aang thinks Katara wants to talk about their kiss right before the invasion, but is disappointed to see it’s not. Katara actively tries to avoid talking about that, so she starts attacking Aang so he would fight back. Aang locks himself in a rock like he does in the finale and tells Katara he doesn’t want to train, until he gives in, firebends the rock like a volcano almost hurting Katara. After which he just storms off.
I’ve read a lot of ATLA comics and some of them do have moments where the characters are not themselves. But, never have I seen a comic that mischaracterizes the characters as bad as this one. Genuinely, does Aang seem like someone who would get angry and lash out with his bending? Forget the avatar state, that’s when he is so consumed by rage he loses himself. I’m talking about Aang getting casually angry and actually bending in anger? Looking at the show Aang gets angry multiple times, in the great divide, in the finale, the chase, just to name a few…and never ever does he use bending in anger, EVER, except in The Desert because he is so consumed by his rage about losing Appa. The whole The Desert episode highlights how Aang is not himself, that’s why it’s so impactful, because Aang is a complete opposite of who he usually is. Outside of that episode, Aang never uses his bending in anger, ESPECIALLY at people he cares about.
And even more importantly, is this writer trying to tell me that after the storyline where Aang learns to fire bend and hurts Katara in his recklessness, he is so traumatized by that he swears off firebending completely, doesn't want to use it ever again until he discovers fire is not meant for destruction and he just needs to learn to control it...after all that YOU WANT TO TELL ME AANG RISKS HURTING KATARA AGAIN WITH FIREBEDNING BECAUSE HE GETS MAD???? WHAT IS THIS WRITER SMOKING. Talk about character assassination because what the hell is this? How was this ever approved? Two episodes before this comic is supposed to take place Aang tells Zuko “now I know you understand how easy it is to hurt the people you love”…he accepts Zuko because he admits he needs to control his bending so he doesn’t hurt anyone unintentionally…and you want me to believe 2 episode after this Aang almost hurts Katara unintentionally with the element he was afraid to use again for 2 seasons?? Truly, I do not understand how this got published.
Now, as obvious as it is that Aang is out of character in this comic a lot of people don’t notice that Katara is very much not herself either. BECAUSE THAT IS NOT KATARA PEOPLE! Katara, the most gentle and caring member of the Gaang, who has spent the entirety of the Bitter Work episode telling Toph not to put too much pressure on Aang and try positive reinforcement and a gentle nudge in the right direction to teach him…STARTS THROWING ICICLES AT AANG WHEN HE SAYS HE DOESNT WANT TO TRAIN AND IS VISIBLY UPSET???? She sneaks up on him, splashes water on him, laughs at him and then proceeds to attack him to force him to train. Oh yeah, that’s definitely Katara right there…this writer definitely knows the characters…
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I don’t know who wrote this comic, I heard it’s a ZK shipper? If this was written by ZK shipper it suddenly makes sense because they wrote Aang exactly like Zuko would've behaved. Zuko is the one who’s known to lash out in anger and firebend at people he’s angry at, NOT AANG. Now, I can’t confirm nor deny this claim, again I don't know who this writer is, but I need them to sit their ass down and watch the damn show and never touch these characters again.
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camouflagedlove · 7 months
i think casual players (like my friends) hate Emma and she doesn't deserve it. she didn't owe feelings or a relationship to Jacob. should she have continued to flirt with him after? no but I do believe that's part of her facade and insecurities, she wants people to like her and that's how jacob liked her. I want ppl to understand she wasn't a bad person. the dare she was given was either kiss her ex (which we know he would've tried to use as evidence they should get back together) or kiss her friends crush: either way I feel she'd have gotten heat. I feel her choice was hard but made sense. she made the kiss a Little Much to get Jacob to get it but in reality it was just a game and she didn't do it to hurt Abi.
I also think of her in a deep and autistic way
i feel like she is afraid of people not liking her, and puts on a performance (canon) so if ppl do dislike her it doesn't feel as personal. her 'flirting' with jacob during the game was, to me, a defense. she's uncomfortable with the energy so she needs him to like her therefore act how he likes (which is flirty). Jacob put her in a situation where she was somehow rude for not returning his feelings the same or having the same wishes so she performed for him. is that the best thing to do? no, but can you blame her? trapped at camp with her fresh ex who keeps hounding her and moping. I can see her being like "well I just have to be nice✨️ to him so he let's the night be comfortable"
disclaimer: I don't dislike Jacob nor think He's a Bad character but I do think it's important to recognize yeah he has the right to be upset, to have feelings but it's also unfair of him to keep going after her after she made her position clear. he's ignoring her no. like he can be sad but he needs to recognize how he comes off trying to 'convince' her. and the fact that he was willing to literally trap her at camp just to 'convince' her is weird and to me makes me understand Emma's stance more.
anyways I'm an emma defender idc that she kinda caused drama with the truth or dare kiss, she was put in an unfair position and she didn't Make the dare. should she have made the comment about Nick being a good kisser? maybe not but I feel like she meant it like "ooh abi he's good /teasing" and not "nah nah a boo boo I just kissed your crush" abi had every right to get upset but I do feel intentions are important and Emma's intentions weren't to hurt Abi they were to avoid kissing Jacob (which feels obvious to me bc when he started gloating she seemed to make her decision)
that all being said a lot of this is interpretation based if you disagree with anything that's fine but be nice about it cause I don't mind discussion but I dont like arguing
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zhvakinnn · 5 months
HIIII how are you?? I hope you are doing well and getting enough sleep and food to eat!!
I was wondering if you can do a Logan x black fem! reader? I just love my blonde nerdy boy, he needs some lovin' frfr
You could do anything you want with it, I don't personally mind at all, yk cuz ue the writer and all lmao, plus I don't like pressuring ppl either.
Yess logan needs more attention!
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Warning's: racist (yuck)
✨as always i don't know much English so if something is wrong correct me✨
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You were alone because your getting teased about being black
His alone because his getting teased about being nerdy
So when you two were group its kind of awkward you were both scared to talk to each other but then he find out your in the astrology club too you two suddenly became close
Just two outcast being together, when you visited his house you met his grandparents and thought they hate you but they were kind and caring
While walking with him after school Barron always pick up on you and logan yet he was the one who always gets hurt in the end
You want to confront them but Logan just shrugged it off and told you that there's nothing to worry about
Everytime you drop him in his house his grandparents always ask you why did he have a bruise again and you always find a way to lie about it and they somehow believe you?
But even all this things you two were never not attached to the hip even the teachers wants you two to be grouped because no one ever dared to talk to you or him so you were always a pair
Then all the sudden poof you both have now a new five friends
After everything that happened logan starting to change a bit you was a bit more serious he doesn't talk to much like before
"hey (name) fun fact if you sneez so hard you might break a rib cage?"
*new trauma unlock*
On more and more blah blah stuff that you like about him starting to fade away
You miss everything about him even though you dont though you don't understand most of them you still love him blabbering every small detail about those things
That's where you feel those feelings like you swallowed a whole pack of butterflys in you're stomach yet you kept overthinking what if this was all a bet and he didn't like talking to you
What if he won't like you back because you're black (I'm no racist don't attack me)
This things keep swerling in your mind
You also noticed in the realm his more tired i mean we're all tired but his different he was starting to avoid you like if you said hi he will smile at you then walk away
Even in the real world you wanted to walk with him but he denied you're offer and said he can walk himself
You wanted to confront him but you don't wanna sound clingy so you just let it go
But he really wasn't ignoring you he was only embarrassed of his feelings too but doesn't know how to say it
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It was so awkward between you two that made your friends question what happened to the both of you
You two were attached to the hip then suddenly you and him suddenly became distance
They wanna fix what has been done because you two are cute together they even think that you and logan are a better couple but doesn't say it because you said so
But whenever they let you two sit in a room its getting more awkward and awkward causing it to just let you two out
Then they tie you up together causing you having tantrum because of how tight the rope is
They tried everything they can but ben said or wrote "its better if the two of them fix this than us fixing it" Ashlyn nodded
"aw where's you're little boyfriend now"
The woman speak she was one of those bastard that goes with Barron now what do they want..
"he's not my boyfriend you asshole"
You wanna punch her so bad but couldn't escape one slice of your throat and your dead
"what did you say to me?"
Then the door open revealing Barron and his minions, ngl they do look like a minion
"what do you want now" you frown at him and glaring
"remember that one time you literally beat the shit out of me in the arcade huh?!" The woman let go of you, and you stumbled to barron
"listen here N(word, I will not say it) my friend left me because of that boyfriend of yours"
"okay one since when did a friend do and follow you're orders because friend always helps each other not follow one because this world doesn't need a follow the leader for you and second i just told her Logan isn't mine" whenever you denied he's not your boyfriend you feel a heavy chest you wanna take back what you said
"you stupid bitch, you're gonna regret this" he smirked at you
You tried to fight but you were outnumbered you took down most of them but still couldn't
Now you were laying down near the dumpster crying that Logan was there to hug you but you just curled up taking the pain where they beat you up you cried silently
Then a hand touches you
"w..what the hell do you want now-" your words cut when you met a worried teary eyes there is the one you're looking for that face that you love, that you wouldn't get bored to stare at it
"who- what? Uh why are you just sitting here..and you're hair..." Yes you're hair was cut after you smack that womans face atleast she was a broken nose now
You stayed silent then cried Logan tried to calm you down by hugging to and you're head at his shoulder this is what you wanted. Even at this serious situation Logan couldn't help it his chest was beating so fast
"did you find?!...her" Taylor screamed then stop when thay saw you and logan
" i know you two need a moment but can i ask what happened to (name) hair?" Aiden said not breaking a smile
You still stayed silent "are you okay? Do you wanna tell us or maybe later or not" he cupped your cheeks making you dizzy you were so inlove with this nerd
"Barron.." once they heard his name they changed reaction mostly Logan "what did he do?" You can see aiden trying to calm down and angry bird i mean an angry Ben
You shake your head not wanting to say nothing more
Then logan came looking for him you tried to stop him but he got out of your grip you told your friends to stop him but they just stayed silent and took you to you're house. Tyler was piggy backing you because you felt numb and weak at the moment once you got there you asked them if Logan texted them
They shook their heads and waited Ashlyn texted Logan that you are in you're house
Not a minute later the door came busting open he was dirty but not that dirty
He looked angry and kind scary aura around him
When you walk up to Logan everybody knew it was time to leave you two alone
"don't worry that woman regret cutting your hair" he said while he hugged you and you can't help but smile even that little things he did can make your heart beat
Then now you were the one who was cupping his cheeks " thank you Logan" your face was so close to him causing you two to back away Logan scratch his nape and your scratching your arm
You two said it at the same time
"you go first" you told him
"look i know we've been friends for not that long but long enough so I'm okay if you leave this friendship once i told you this"
You're eyes were widen your feelings starting to sink you don't wanna end this friendship nor do not wanna lose this feelings for him
You were caught when your lips and him were connected suddenly then pulled away only you taking the collar of his shirt kissing him again you pulled away when the door was open" hey you two okay there?... Sorry" aidne peek then close the door you look at logan and you both giggle
"are you sure you want me? I mean I'm not that you know those skin-"
"I don't care about your skin or anything else I just know that i love you and that won't change anything" you started to tear up again and hugged him
"Once the sun asked moon for a hug they call it an eclipse "
You giggled at Logan poetry again and told him it was cheezy
"it was not?! Here is one i remember and i promise it's not cheezy"
You giggled and told him to go one he cleared his throat
"so, i love you because the entire galaxy conspired to help me find you" -paulo coelho
"alright alright that's enough" you two were giggling little do you know they were listening to the both of you smiling
"told you, you can't fix between a two bird if you invade them" ben wrote
Okay maybe he is a good at poetry too
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Masterlist | about me | rules
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musicalmoritz · 1 month
hi hi mutual :D
I’m not a huge aoinene shopper (although I do ship it) but! I wanted to ask for your Aoinene hc’s since I have labeled you as the Aoinene expert in my head and I saw you reblog that post we reblogged about the ship hc’s and such!!
convince me into the aoinene lore…. /hj -Bunny
Hiiiiiii mutual!! First of all I’ve said this before but I love being known as the Aoinene Expert™️, so happy that’s my reputation lol
Headcanons are my specialty so I’m glad you asked this!! I will gladly convince you into the Aoinene lore/hj. They’ve been rotting away my brain all day so I’m gonna take this opportunity to ramble abt them and explain how I see the ship
• So as far as canon goes I wouldn’t change either of the canon pairings for them, shipping for me sort of exists in a multiversal vacuum where I can imagine alternatives for who the characters end up with and how they end up with those ppl via fan content
• I do, however, love the idea of them having mutual crushes on each other in canon. I think Nene plays hers off as just admiring Aoi but deep down she feels the same way abt her that she does Teru and Fuji (or maybe a little bit more serious since they’re best friends). And while I think Akane is Aoi’s ultimate soulmate in canon I can see her having feelings for Nene as well, though I think they’d start to fade once Nene began to pull away from her
• As for fanon tho…
• In my head there’s an alternate universe where these two end up together after everything. This usually involves lesbian Aoi bcuz I do adore that headcanon in anything that’s not the actual manga. I like to think they both developed mutual crushes on each other in middle school and Aoi was very internally angsty and aware of her’s whereas Nene was very repressed abt her feelings for girls in general
• They totally have sleepovers every week, on Fridays specifically. They do typical things like watching movies and painting each other’s nails but they’re teenage girls so they’d also probably try to summon demons. And since this is tbhk they’d probably succeed a few times (now I need an au where Nene summons Bloody Mary instead of Hanako)
• Since it’s Aoinene ofc there’s gotta be a moment when Aoi finally opens up to Nene about everything, but I don’t think that would come without difficulty. Lots of avoiding each other and being super distant bcuz neither of them want to be the first to bring it up, then maybe a dramatic fight or two before they come back together on calmer terms and have a long conversation at one of their sleepovers about everything. Whether platonic or romantic that's usually how I envision their resolution
• I think it would also have to come after Aoi's taken some time to work through her mental health problems, she's made progress but she still has a long way to go and that stuff isn't easy to talk about, especially when she knows Nene's view of her will change
• I don't think Nene ever intends to hurt Aoi though, she's more-so negligent and a bit self-centered. And she seems to know something is off with Aoi never talking abt herself but she can't take that further step into understanding WHY she acts the way that she does
• To be honest I see Nene as stressing a lot when she realizes something's going on because she doesn't want to lose their friendship, and I do think she would embrace the real Aoi with open arms if she ever were to meet her
• Then I think they'd have some struggles of adjusting to their new dynamic and figuring out how they work with Aoi being herself + Aoi would instinctively try to pull away a bit, but I think they'd find a way to make it work
• They would constantly be going on dates, wanting to try new places together. They've probably tried every cafe in their town, I could also see them being the type of couple to have each other's orders memorized
• A lot of fics tend to pull them away from their canon love interests in one way or another but not me, Hanako and Akane automatically become wingmen. Those girls are a mess and they need all the advice they can get, even if their makeshift relationship counsellors are far from qualified
• They match their outfits whenever they go out, and they're also 100% the type to do matching Halloween costumes
• Nene has a houseplant in her room that's a gift from Aoi
• Nene calls Aoi every time she has to run errands but doesn't want to do it alone. They end up at the pet store a lot
• Their moms are both convinced they're secretly dating and place bets on when they'll announce it
• They both get easily flustered around each other when they first start dating but in different ways; Nene is a very loud and dramatic type of flustered, very shoujo protagonist core. And Aoi is more the quiet, tsundere genre of flustered
• In the future I picture Nene as a successful writer and Aoi as a flower shop owner and they have a house by the beach. And a hamster, of course
• I also choose to believe they were girlfriends in the Ghost Hotel au before Aoi passed, then they got reunited when Nene arrived at the hotel
• Nene cries very easily and Aoi is a good fake-crier
• Aoi is a little spoon, pass it on
That's all I can think of rn, tysm for your ask! I am going to continue brainrotting over Aoinene for the foreseeable future lmao
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naumin · 25 days
PAIN!!!!!!!! & hypermobility. an update
so over the last 5 years i've developed a bunch of chronic pain conditions. are they getting better? kind of no not really but i have some answers now i didn't at the start and i'm writing a post about them in case it helps somebody in a similar situation 🫶
so at the beginning i started getting pain in my shoulder - it's honestly hard to say if it's muscular or joint-related but what i've gathered is it doesn't really matter in my case. the pain is constant even at rest and sleeping. i had massages, applied topical pain relief and saw a few physios over the years who advised me to stretch and gave me some exercises aimed at strengthening the trapezius and rotator cuff muscles, which i tried to keep up with somewhat but fell off because they were awkward and not engaging (sue me). i also couldn't afford to see each physio more than once lol so i didn't have any follow-up appointments to keep me on track, plus i was working jobs that made my pain worse every day so i just wanted to lie in da bed tbh.
my pain would get worse, i would lose strength and the ability to do different activities and for as long as i used to, but i believed it was all bcus i was inconsistent with my exercises/stretching and i just needed to give it a proper go before i pay to see a professional about it yet again. this went on for YEARS dawg.
eventually i left my job and was doing yoga consistently every morning. and it wasn't helping... i wasn't getting better. oops. on top of this i started getting super awesome debilitating ⚡NERVE PAIN⚡ so i went and saw a physio for it and she said something interesting to me.
she said i might be hypermobile -- meaning i was really flexible and had a really good range of motion, but a lot of instability and pain in my joints. we honestly didn't focus on that much bcus i was more concerned about shooting pains and numbness in my hand and fingers (carpal tunnel) but it was something ppl had said to me over the years. i could rotate my shoulder 360° even though it felt really stiff and locked up. lots of "wow you're really flexible! i can't find the source of the pain"
so over the summer i started looking into hypermobility more. i think this video sums things up in a way that's easy to understand. it was a really hard time for me. a lot of crying while doing the gentlest pilates routine on youtube. turns out all the stretching and yoga and 'push yourself to the limit' attitude around exercise was rly hurting me. i started focusing on building my strength by lifting weights, and i mean really light weights like 500g, 1kg, 2kg on a good day, just in my house following routines online. and that has really helped with my pain. of course it's been years of it getting worse and affecting all the joints in my arm now (elbow, wrist is a hot mess, finger joints) so it's slow going and i do get pain while lifting -- even though the stupid doctor doesn't believe i score high enough to count as hypermobile, i've been referred to a physio now who says i definitely am, in my upper body at least (u can be hypermobile in different areas, did u know that?) -- anyway he says some pain is to be expected but as long as i don't overdo it to the point where i'm in agony even at rest then keep going. i'm lucky my condition allows me to do this much.
and that's the thing, the more you avoid doing because of your pain, the less you're capable of doing. i avoided a lot of activity because i thought it would do permanent damage to my body. but it's kind of the opposite, funnily enough... so the healing is freaking hard work, and it's painful. i am still in a lot of pain ✌️ but i'm really thankful to have an idea of what da fuck is going on now, and i cried a lot to my friends and family who support me... and it's the weedy spindly artists online who talked about how lifting weights has helped them who inspired me to start. so i hope this longass post can help somebody too... love u. PEACE
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lordsukunas · 7 months
mario kart hcs for jjk... sorry every idea for one of these posts start w choso n idk why... ion even like him like that. anywaysssss, i hope yall enjoy these silly hcs n if u disagree idc!
gojo – enjoys the older mks (double dash & mkds). he played a lot of double dash w geto but after he defected he rlly didn't touch the game that often n kinda strayed away from the series as a whole. occasionally he'll play w/ the kids as king boo
geto – same w/ gojo. he bought the twins a wii at one point and played mkwii w/ them, but never ever played on his own. his go-to choice was yoshi or petey piranha
shoko – has played like twice... she just doesn't find the game fun n gojo screeching at geto in her ear was enough to deter her from playing at all. liked baby luigi or wario
nanami – casual player. he only got a ds cus haibara wanted to play mkds, and he only ends up getting a switch cus yuuji wants to play mk8. sometimes when he actually has free time he'll sit down w a glass of wine n play for a lil bit, just depends on his mood. plays as either lakitu or tanuki mario
yuuji – plays lemmy (or diddy kong) n absolutely loves the koopalings idc!! he's rlly good at the game but he secretly loathes meta players. it kinda frustrates him when hes in a match full of waluigis n donkey kongs but he still tries. never rage quits either
megumi – barely knows how to play 💀… only knows how thx to yuuji, n even then, hes rlly bad. eventually he gets semi-decent but he doesn't play enough to be super good. his go-to is either mario (default) or koopa
nobara – ruthless asf when it comes to both bots n online. strictly plays the princesses (including wendy. STOP FORGETTING MY GIRL!!!) and has good stats while looking cute <3
maki – only plays when somebody else wants to play (inumaki & panda for ex.). when she does play tho shes constantly cursing them or the bots out. she typically defaults to waluigi (hes meta or sumn idk) but is willing to match princesses w/ nobara
yuuta – he considers himself ok at the game. doesn't play often enough (only w the jjt students) but when he does hes whooping ass. strategically placing bananas, learning shortcuts, baiting ppl into getting hit by blue shells. never gets overly competitive tho n always says "good game :)" after obliterating everyone. i feel like hed play as luigi, wiggler, or boy villager
choso – has no remorse when it comes to online players. hes throwing red&blue shells left n right, but whenever he plays w yuuji, he avoids throwing them. like if yuuji is in first place n choso gets a blue shell hes holding it until yuuji falls back or until the race is over lol also, i feel like he'd either play dry bones or mario
toji – never played. did consider betting during one of those e-sports competitions, tho
sukuna – keep him away from the game at all costs. the second someone throws a red shell at him (god forbid a blue shell) he's threatening to dox. but frfr, he only watched yuuji n them play. he laughs whenever yuuji experiences any misfortune. hed choose dry bowser or peach
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