#she used 2 be a tom when i first made her n she was named creekstorm and then i later changed her name
braxlrose · 11 months
Heyy i LOVE your writing your my of my favs writers
was wondering if u could do like hc of tom with a reader like childhood bffs to dating only if you can ❤
a/n: i love this trope so much so im so glad someone requested! imo it's one of the best and cutest tropes to ever exist. it's actually the one I'm using for my DR 💀 this is also kind of like a pt 2 for this post except with Tom instead of bill and there's not much mentioned of georg and gustav
childhood friends to lovers w/ tom
tom x fem!reader
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• you met tom and bill when your mom moved you to Loitsche when you were 5 years old, right next to tom and bills house. their mother met yours when their mother went over to introduce herself to you guys. that's when she mentioned that she had a daughter the same age as her sons.
• that night, your mom brought you over there for dinner and you played with Tom and Bill. you guys had tons of fun and ended up becoming great friends that night.
• after that, you guys hung out every day and hung out at school. you were their new bestfriend and as I mentioned in this post, you helped them switch back and forth and confuse the teachers.
• the teachers were already used to their antics but with you, it just got worse and more complex. your mom scolded you a ton and ever had a fight with Tom and Bills mom because you kept getting into trouble but there was nothing they could do to stop you guys from hanging out.
• it was really hard to tell them apart when they were younger so you got relieved as they got older and started to have their own style
• you guys went bike riding all the time together and would ride for hours doing random shit
• you, bill, and tom would always go to the pet store to see all the cute little animals
• you would pick flowers for bill and make him a flower crown and even know tom refuses to admit it, he wishes you made him one too.
• both bill and tom were very over protective of you, but tom mostly. if he ever found out that anybody hurt you in anyway, he'd be pissed.
• you went trick or treating with bill and tom every year. (even though it wasn't too popular yet in the 90s in Germany)
• sharing and switching candy with them was a must
• you and tom were a bit closer than you and bill but you were still friends with both of them. it's not like you had a choice anyways.
• you always slept in toms bed whenever slept over (which was pretty much almost every night) and you two were always cuddling.
• bill and tom had bunk beds, so whenever you slept over you guys would put blankets around the edge of the top bunk and then tell scary stories
• you guys would sneak onto the ice cream truck and steal as much as you could. you'd always end up puking after because of how much you ate.
• you and tom would sit next to eachother every time in class and whine whenever you two had to move or got told to move because you guys were talking
• tom has a massive sweet tooth and you guys would steal stuff from the corner store
• you, bill and tom would hang out at the pool tons.
• you and tom would practice playing guitar allllll the time
• you were apart of the original "band" and played for weddings and other gigs with them
• you helped their mom bake a cake for their birthday every year and you always had so much fun with her. she even taught you how to write their names on a cake
• you went cd shopping with Tom for new cds and other old cds he didn't have.
• when tom had his first kiss (WITH A 16 YR OLD GIRL AT 9 YEARS OLD 😨😨😨) you didn't really know what to feel. you weren't even sure what you were feeling but you didn't like that he was kissing another girl
• you never said anything though, what could you even say?
• you and tom started out as just friends, no feelings at all not until you guys were pre-teens.
• as you guys grew older, tom and bill started getting girlfriends. you never dated anybody though; mostly because of your insanely massive crush on Tom.
• you basically just pined for him while he dated other girls. but you did feel nice sometimes. you got to see the side of him other girls didn't. you got to see how sweet and fun and nice he was with you. he was always different with you and if any girl had a problem with that, he'd drop them immediately.
• you got to sleep in his bed and cuddle with him and stay up late and hang out with him 24/7. they didn't get to do that, you did. and that gave you a sense of security.
• when the band started to actually become a band and you guys started getting more gigs, you and tom would always play next to eachother and even created your own style of playing with eachother
• you helped tom pick out his red guitar
• you and tom also have matching stickers on your guitars
• whenever girls flirted with Tom, you'd always get jealous and sometimes even try and steer tom away from them. like if they started flirting, you'd come up to tom and say "we need to get to band practice" or "Bill needs you for something" etc. etc.
• after a while, you'd come to the conclusion you just weren't his type and he'd never have feelings for you like you did for him.
• when tom first told you guys he lost his virginity, your heart dropped. tom, your tom, lost his virginity. you wanted to cry but you couldn't, they wouldn't get it, they wouldn't understand. so you just laughed along with the guys and make jokes.
• when durch den monsun came out, more and more girls were all over tom. but at this point, you'd gotten used to it. when you realized how many girls he was sleeping with, you just shoved all your feelings down and locked them away. feelings would ruin your friendship, right?
• your hotel room was right next to toms so you could hear basically everything they were doing. it was absolute torture. why couldn't tom see your feelings, why didn't he feel the same way?
• tom treated you like a little sister. it was awful. you wanted to cry everytime he called you dude or bro. he would never call you baby, or babe, or sexy. like he does other girls. he'd never see you like that.
• when you guys are at clubs, you try your best not to watch him flirt with other girls. it's easier that way. but along with that, you just end up getting drunk.
• tom would come running into your room at like 11 pm at night asking you for a condom. this became routine, and over time your heart shattered a little bit less only because you'd gotten used to this. used to him liking other girls.
• one night, while you guys were out at a club. you got sloppy. when you were drinking you ended up stumbling over to tom and dragging him to another room. and that's where you confessed to him down you were feeling.
• you ended up bawling your eyes out and saying how stupid it was because you know he'd never feel the same and that he doesn't want a serious relationship but you couldn't "help how you feel".
• tom took you back home that night and cuddled you and rubbed your back until you fell asleep. little did you know he felt the exact same way about you...
edit: I'm super tired and wanna go to bed, but let me know if you want dating headcanons for this bc I will do it, I'm just so tired.
taglist: @hearts4kaulitz @burntb4bydoll @spelaelamela @bored0writer @fishinaband @billsleftnutt @tokiiohot @bluepoptartwithsprinkles @saumspam @5hyslv7 @killed-kiss @memog1rl @80s-tingz @billybabeskaulitz @victryzvv9 @banshailey
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choke-me-joey · 2 years
hi babe! could you write something about Joe spending christmas with you and your family? Some fluff so you don’t have to write the word cock for a second 😂
...that's what she said
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This turned out to be longer than I imagined, and I hope it meets your expectations. I actually have a smut prompt request for visiting family at Christmas which I think will follow this perfectly 🥰 but for now....WE FLUFF!
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You wished you'd driven. It would have given you something to focus your mind on, other than your all consuming panic about what was to come. Your leg wouldn't stop bloody bouncing.
Joe was nervous too, although he didn't let on. You could tell because he'd changed his outfit 4 times before you'd left.
It was just over an hour and a half's drive to your parent's house. You and Joe had been invited there to spend Christmas eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day with your mum, dad and 3 older brothers. Joe had actually paid for his own parents to go abroad this Christmas, so you didn't have to worry about splitting the time between both families. Besides, you'd already met his family.
This was Joe's first time meeting yours.
"So when you bringing Eddie home, then, Y/N?" Your older brother Jack had teased over the family Zoom call a few months ago.
"Shut up, his name is Joe." You'd said through gritted teeth. You loved your brothers, really you did, but God they loved to pick on you as the baby and only girl of the family.
"Still don't believe that you're actually dating him," your second oldest brother Tom laughed and you rolled your eyes. "What? We haven't actually spoken to him yet, he's conveniently always busy when we have our calls every week."
"Hey, leave her alone, not her fault her big time actor boyfriend is never home." The sarcasm in your eldest brother Charlie's voice made you scowl.
"Well, I've spoken to him, and he seems perfectly lovely. Leave your sister alone, boys." Your mum sighs, shooting you a small soft smile.
"Why don't you invite him for Christmas, Y/N? We'd love to meet him." Your dad offers and your stomach sinks as your brother's faces all break out into grins.
"Yeah, go on, Y/N, we've gotta meet this famous boyfriend of yours." laughs Tom. "Give him the old big brother talk."
"If I bring him home, you are absolutely not doing that, or I'm telling your girlfriend about the time you came home drunk, pissed in the pond and killed our koi."
That shut him up.
You had asked Joe if he wanted to come, and he didn't hesitate in saying yes. In fact he seemed quite excited about it, but as the time grew closer he was definitely getting nervous as you briefed him on your family, so when he offered to drive, you thought maybe it was best to let him concentrate on that and let you do the worrying.
"So...Jack is 2 years older than you, right?" Joe asked you, as the sat nav informed him he had 5 miles left on the motorway.
"Jack is 2 years older than me, yeah, then Tom is 4 years older, and Charlie is 5 years older. Even though he's the oldest, he's the most chill out of the 3 lads. It's actually Jack who's the gobby one. Him and Tom used to fight all the time growing up."
"Right, good to know, don't piss off Jack. Or Tom. Or Charlie. Or anyone in your family." You could see his grip tighten on the steering wheel ever so slightly. You place a hand on his knee.
"We can turn around and go home if you don't wanna do this, Joe."
"Y/N, I'll be fine. Besides, I'm in this for the long haul, so I have to at least convince your dad to like me." Joe grins, taking your hand in his and kissing it, making you melt in your seat.
When you arrive at your parents, you catch a glimpse of your brothers at the window. You glare at them and your mum comes up behind them, yanking them all away. She shoots you another little smile and you wave at her.
"Come on, let's get this bit over with and we'll get the bags later." You say raking Joe's hand in yours and walking up the front path and opening the door. Your mum descends on you with an excited little squeal, hugging you tightly. She then turns to Joe.
"And you must be Joseph! It's nice to put such a handsome face to a name and voice!" As if she wasn't a massive Stranger Things fan. Flirt. She gives him a little hug. "We're so happy to have you here."
"Thank you so much, Mrs Y/L/N. You have a really lovely home. And it's just Joe, please." He smiles, ever the charmer. Your dad and brothers then make an appearance, all looking at bit menacing. Your dad comes over and hugs you tightly, offering his hand out to Joe, who shakes it.
"Nice to meet you, Joe, we've heard lots about you."
"Thank you sir, likewise."
"Ah, none of the sir stuff, lad," your dad then tells him to call his by his name. "And I suppose I better let these 3 reprobates introduce themselves."
Your brothers, shockingly, make very polite introductions and say how happy they are to meet him.
"Want a drink, Joe?" Charlie asks holding up a bottle of beer for your boyfriend, who gladly accepts.
"Come on mate, we'll show you around." Jack says, gesturing through to the kitchen.
"Dad, go with them!" You hiss, well aware of your brothers' intentions on getting Joe alone. Your dad chuckles and follows them, leaving your mum and you in hallway. You sigh. "Oh my god."
"Oh, darling, he's so lovely!" Your mum grins at you, giving you a squeeze. "So much more handsome than he looks on TV! And so well spoken!"
"Mum, your fangirl is showing." You laugh, following her into the kitchen and watching as the 5 men walk around your parent's large garden. Jack gestures to the pond, and says something, making all 5 of them laugh. "He's telling the koi story isn't he."
A few hours later, you and Joe had settled in and you were sat in the living room with your family, chatting after a lovely dinner you helped your mum to prepare.
"So, Joe, tell us about yourself. And nothing obvious, mate, we already know who you are." Charlie says, although he's not mean about it. "Although, if you could tell me if Eddie is really dead or not that would earn you serious brownie points."
"Charlie!" You hiss, kicking him.
Joe laughs, rubbing the back of his neck.
"As much as I want to, mate, I have no idea." Your family makes a noise of disappointment. "I'm sorry, I wish I could tell you!"
"Ignore them, Joe, please! I do." Your mum calls from the kitchen and you laugh. Joe smiles at you, slipping his hand into yours and squeezing gently.
He was so much more relaxed than he was earlier, and it warmed your heart to see him getting on with your family so well.
The next afternoon, after a beautiful quiet Christmas morning, you were surrounded by family members, including grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. You had warned Joe that Christmas was always a big thing at your home, but you don't think he really understood just how big.
Joe was currently chatting to your dad, your grandad and some of your older cousins as you sat on the sofa with your 3 month old baby cousin Sophia in your arms, her mum, your mum and your aunty all sat around with you watching some of the older children playing with their new toys.
"That's a beautiful necklace, Y/N, was that a Christmas present?" Your cousin, the baby's mum, asks, taking a sip of Prosecco.
You glance down at the silver chain hanging around your neck, so delicate you'd forgotten it was there.
"Oh, yeah, it's from Joe," you smile running a finger over it. "He got it for me whilst he was in Italy."
Your mum, cousin and aunty all exchange looks. "What?"
"Nothing, Y/N, love," your aunty smiles over the lip of her glass. "He's a keeper, I think."
"Oh I don't plan on getting rid of him any time soon." You smile at him across the room and he comes over, kissing you on top of your head. "Want a cuddle?" You gesture to the sleeping baby in your arms.
"Is that alright?" Joe looks at your cousin.
"Yeah, of course! Gives me a break, she's a right little leech at the moment, Y/N has a magic touch so it seems."
You stand up so Joe can take your seat.
"Sit back, use the arm of the sofa to support your arm and her head...that's it," you say softly as you pass Sophia over to him, helping him to adjust so he could hold her correctly. You're pretty sure your knees almost give way as you stand back up and take in the sight of your beautiful boyfriend holding a beautiful baby. You sit on the sofa arm next to him, both of you looking down at Sophia. You see a flash out of the corner of your eye and look up; your cousin had taken a photo, a massive grin on her face.
"She's so tiny," Joe said softly, looking up at you. "What should I do with her?"
"Just hold her, she's pretty milk drunk right now so she'll be out for a bit." You giggle, pushing some of his curls away from his face and kissing his forehead.
"Do you want kids, Joe?" Asks your aunt and you shoot her a look. You know what she's doing.
"Up until about 5 minutes ago, I wasn't too sure, but uh, yeah I do." He says, unable to take his eyes off of Sophia.
"I'll get you another drink," you say, kissing the top of his head again and heading into the kitchen to top your own glass up and get him another beer.
As you were pouring your drink, a pair of arms wrap around your waist. You smile as Joe kisses your shoulder. "Are you having a good time?" You ask him, moving him with you as you get some ice from the freezer.
"The best, your family are brilliant." Joe says into your shoulder. "You?"
"Mmhm." You turn and hand him his beer. He pecks your lips in thanks. "Speaking of my family, you never told me what my brothers said to you yesterday. I sent my dad out for backup. I know what they're like, they've scared off boyfriends in the past."
"You mean there were others before me?!" Joe feigns shock, clutching his chest. You laugh, shoving him gently. "Well, yeah they gave me the old 'what are your intentions with our baby sister' talk before your dad made it outside."
"Oh? And you're still here...impressive." You grin and he plays it coy, shrugging. "So what are your intentions with me, Joseph Quinn?"
He moves behind you, one arm around your waist, steering you so you can see into the living room, where your cousin had her baby back in her arms and her husband was stood with her, both of them cooing over Sophia who had just woken up.
You tilt your head to look at him. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." His lips then meet yours, sealing the unspoken promise.
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saraakpotter · 3 months
y\n babysitting Loki and Thor for 4 mins
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y\c\n=your character name. your the actress and fans made this. (this is a start for a series and its not always the same story)
y\n was tiered. she just came home from filming y\m\m\n (your marvel movie name) she played y\c\n. she was Loki and Thor s sister and also the goddess of life. she quickly changed to her comfy clothes and opened her phone while eating the food she had cooked before leaving. Tom (Hiddelston) had send her a video ''y\c\n babysitting Thor and Loki for 4 full mins''.
y\n laughed at the title before clicking on the video. the intro came in that included some pictures of marvel movies and the name of the video then it started. the first was for Thor Ragnarok, it was the scene were doctor strange was talking about were Odin was.
"so earth has wizards now?" Thor said
y\n rolled her eyes: "just tell us were our father is!"
then it was time for him to bring back Loki.
strange opened a portal to were Odin was standing and Thor was about to go in "wait!" y\n said before he can go in   "something wrong?" asked Thor
"what do you think?" she turned her look to strange "Loki?"
"oh yes!" he opened a portal in which Loki fell from.
"I HAVE BEEN FALLING, FOR 30 MINS!" Loki shouts angry then pulls out his daggers. he wants to go forward when y\n uses her magic to make the daggers disappear Loki look at her confused."nope! not now." she says before Loki looks at strange with a threatening look.
"ummm.....bye!" strange says before pushing them into the portal.
The next video starts. its for (y\m\m\n:1). y\n remembers Thor s line! it was something humiliating for Loki. exactly then Loki made an innocent look at y\c\n but then she said "no Loki, no you cant stab Thor. again!"
"oh come on! he deserves it!" he says annoyed
he rolls his eyes.
the next videos were also from y\m\m\n. in this scene y\c\n was going to shield to check some files while leaving Thor and Loki alone.
"ok so i will be leaving for 2 hours! in that paper is everything you should not do" you said putting your cote on
"this just says 'no' you sure its correct?" Thor asks confused
"yeah i just wanted to stop you from making any possible mess."
in the next one y\c\n was reading a shield file when Thor and Loki come to her
"y\c\n i was thinking......" Thor starts
"no" she says not looking up
" you did not even listened!" Loki says
"i have seen your planes before, i dont need to hear this one!"
"but...." Thor tries to continue
"y\c\n....." Loki retries
the next one was also in Ragnarok. it was when Y\C\N and Thor were ,meeting Valkery.
" you know i wanted to be a valkery when i was younger!" Thor starts " but then i got older and found out they were only women s and.....i mean no...not that i have problem with women i love them! sometimes to much i just....."
"Thor.....shut up!" y\c\n says rolling her eyes.
the next one was in the first parts of the movie. Thor was yelling at Loki " how could you? i thought you were dead! we mourned for you!" then he turns to y\c\n "can you believe him?"
"yes of course! he never dies!" you rolled your eyes at Thor s confused face
the next one was for 'Loki s1':
"wait so there are other versions of my brothers?" y\c\n asked mobius
"yes there is!" he answered
" oh no.....to of them are bad enough!"
the last  two ones were for for y\m\m\n: 2
in this one Loki hurt himself trying to protect some important object and y\c\n was healing his wounds. when it finished, she looked up and he smiled at her but she slapped him and then hugged him.
the last video was Thor snapping at Loki for something he did and ended lit by looking at y\c\n.
" i agree with Thor, we trusted you! how could you?" she shouted at Loki but before he could answer she turned to Thor and slapped him twice in the face "and....im the only one who can shout or hurt any of you! got it?'' they both nodded confused.
" now we will continue this later. we are in the middle of the road!"
the video ended with a 'thanks for watching'
y\n could not stop laughing and it got worse when she saw Toms text: i still think i didnt deserved the slap.
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tomholland1996simp · 1 year
could you make a blurb of Tom holland x reader when they have a daughter and she hears someone call him ‘Tom’ so she copies
Never done a blurb before so hope you all enjoy this!
‘Tom’ || Tom Holland
Toms friends were over today, he invited them to come and chill by the pool on the hot day. Music played in the background as you all sat around and in the pool, talking and having laughs. Yours and Toms daughter, Darcy, was swimming with the help of her uncles, Harry and Sam.
She had her arm bands on, helping her to stay afloat. The young Holland was only 2 years old, she could just about talk. You decided to dip your feet into the pool, the cool water hitting your legs. You watch your beautiful daughter splash and laugh as the boys messed around in the pool.
Harrison then ran and jumped into the pool, making a big splash of water go all over you and Darcy. “Harrison!” You squeal as all the water flew into your drink. He came up from being under the water and just smirked laughing at the splashes of water on your body.
“uwcle Hawrrison, you splash” Darcy wines rubbing her eyes as the water had splashed all over her. “Sorry little one” He chuckled at the cute girl pulling her close to him, so she’s resting on his hip. He moved her hair from her face, placing a kiss on her forehead.
“Yo Tom! Jump in!” Harrison called his best friend, who sat down next to you placing a small kiss on your lips.
Tom wrapped his arm around your shoulder, “In a little while” Tom took a sip from his beer using his free hand.
“Come on Tom, you haven’t even gotten in for ages” Harrison said splashing him to try get him to come inside the pool. Darcy copying his actions and splashing you both, giggling when Tom kicked the water up at the pair.
Darcy was then next to speak, “Tom come play” She made grabby hands wanting her father to come in the pool with her. Everyone was silent for a minute realising that she had called him ‘Tom’ and not ‘daddy’ like she usually did or ‘dada’.
Harrison chuckled a little as he saw Toms face. “What did you call me?” He chuckled a little as the girl wiggled out of Harrison’s hold to swim to her mum and dad.
“Tom” She smiled.
“No, no. Baby, it’s daddy. Not Tom” He said as everyone started to laugh even you.
“Come, pwease Tom” she held onto his legs trying to pull him in. Then she turned to you, “Mummy I want him in” she said. Everyone knew Darcy was a daddy’s little girl.
“So you can call her mummy not y/n and you call me Tom?” Tom placed his beer down with a pout.
“Go on Tom, play with her” You smirk teasing him a little. “Yeah Tom” Harry smirked as well.
Tom slowly pulled himself into the pool, bring his daughter close to him. “Yay! Can we plwy now” She asked him, Tom still not liking her saying his name.
“First you have to say my name, my name you usually call me” He held onto her close.
“Tom” She smiled making him pout even more and a whine left his mouth.
“Noo. Darcy, love. It’s daddy, not Tom. Just daddy or dada, anything else but Tom” He pleaded waiting for her to say his usual name. That’s when Harrison whispered something into her ear, making her giggle.
“Thomas?” She questioned with a giggle.
Everyone started to laugh at the little girl and her father. Tom however pouted. “Harrison!” He whined.
The little girl tried to swim to her uncle Haz, Tom held onto her tickling her sides making the girl giggle. He loved her laugh. “Stop. T-thomas” She screamed as he continued.
“Stop calling me that and i’ll stop. Call me ‘daddy’ or ‘dad’ anything” He kept ticking her sides and stoped a little waiting for her to say a name.
“Daddy, stop” She smiled and he smiled back liking this name better, his actual name. He let go of the girl as she tried to swim over to Harrison. He held onto her arm pulling her closer.
“Tom” She began to giggle again, Tom swimming over to them. Harrison held onto the girl swimming away from Tom, laughs fell out of all there mouths.
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we all burn, burn, burn and die. chapter 2 - i miss you in the morning's when i see the sun
masterlist chapter 1 chapter 3
AU where Mattheo's dad isn't voldemort, (voldemorts last name isn't Riddle), him nor the slytherin boys are deatheaters, they all live in a neighbourhood/village type thing together with a few other people. Readers parents is loyal to voldemort but not her. She is a Gryffindor, and I will be using she/her pronouns throughout the story.
Story Summary: Y/N King is dating Mattheo Riddle, but Y/N is forced to make a decision by her father and voldemort himself that ruins everything. Will Y/N and Mattheo find their way back to each other in the end? Will Mattheo understand? How does Y/N cope with all the gut wrenching shit I put her through?
The date is still September 1st 2022, so it's a modern Au e.g. they have phones etc.
Warnings: hints of physical abuse, swearing
Primrose and I reached the last carriage of the train and headed to the compartment that my friends have sat in since first year. By our fourth year we had all carved our initials underneath the table right next to four other initials of kids who sat in the compartment before us, the initials belonged to Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin and someone called P.P. As Prim and I went to the compartment, Lorenzo came out of the compartment door and looked at me before shouting:
"Mattheo! Your wifey's here," Primrose giggled as Enzo pulled me into a hug.
Thanks for telling the whole of Europe I'm here, Enz," I said in a voice that was muffled by his shoulder.
"Your welcome, Y/N/N" 
"Oi, Berkshire! Stop hogging her, " said a familiar voice, Mattheo. He walked over to us and pushed Enzo out the way, which made Prim laugh harder, Mattheo wrapped his arms around and pulled me tightly against him. 
"Hi," he said
"Hi, I missed you," I said
"I missed you too, pretty girl" He untangled his arms from around me and cupped my face with his hands and pressed our lips together, kissing me as if this would be the last time he saw me.
"Ewww, quick cover your eyes, ducky," said Thomas, poking his head around the corner of the compartment. I gave Thomas the middle finger behind Mattheo's back while still kissing him. Eventually, we pulled apart,  and he pulled me into his side and draped his arm over my shoulders as we walked into the compartment. There was already Enzo, Blaise, Draco, Max, Isaiah, Theodore, Thomas, and Prim sitting down. I sat down next to Prim with Mattheo sitting next to me. 
"Where are the others at?" I ask.
"Oh, hello Isaiah, how are you, Isaiah? Looking sexy as fuck like always Isaiah". Teased Isaiah.
"Hello, Isaiah," I said mockingly.
"What about me? I'm here too," stated Blaise. 
"And me!" Said Draco and Theodore at the same time.
"Hi boys," I said, dragging out the sentence.
"She was too invested in sucking Mattheos' face off. She forgot about us," exclaimed Max."
Did you guys hear that noise?" I questioned faux pondering.
"What noise?" Said Mattheo playing along.
"No, no, you guys are not doing this again, I can't do this for another three weeks," Begged Max. We all laughed at his begging and the reminder of pretending we didn't hear him for three weeks.
"We're just kidding, Maxy." 
"Thank fucken Merlin" yelled Max. Prim giggled as Isaiah scolded him for swearing in front of her.
"By the way, to answer your question, love. Dylan is sitting with Tom in another carriage with their 7th year friends because apparently they care about those 7th years more than us seemingly as they don't want to sit with us" says Mattheo sarcastically while scoffing.
"Teddy, Max's and Isaiah's little brother, and Xander, Dylan's little brother, ran off somewhere. Harry is sitting with his Gryffindor friends, and Juniper is already for some reason changing into her robes, she should be back soon". Just on time Juniper walked through the compartment door.
"Thank fuck you are here Y/N/N I've been stuck with these fuckheads by myself the whole entire break" sighs Juniper with a hint of relief  in her voice. I stand up and wrap my arms around her having missed my best friend, she does the same. 
"I have missed you too Juni" I say. We pull apart and she pushes Mattheo along the seat so she can sit next to me. Mattheo is sulking in the corner since Juniper pushed him away.
"Oh! This must be Primrose" Juniper exclaims gesturing towards her. Prim nods shyly and smiles. Just as I begin to start talking to Juni, two rowdy little boys come barging into the compartment, spraying silly string everywhere while laughing.
"TEDS!" yells Isaiah. The boys stop spraying the silly string but keep laughing. Lorenzo casts a spell to clean the silly string up.
"Where did you even get that from Teddy?" Says Max unamused. The boys smile gleefully, looking at each other before saying:
"The Weasley twins gave them to us during the break" says the boy with sandy hair and colourful eyes, whom I can only assume to be Teddy.
" We are going to go get Dylan and Tom next. Do you want to come?" He says looking at Prim, the boy who asked Prim must be Xander as he could pass as 1st year Dylan's twin. Prim looks at me and I nod at her saying that it's okay to go with them if she likes.
"Come on it will be okay, your brother will be there too" Says Xander, grabbing Prim's hand and taking her with him. She looks back at me blushing as Xander gently takes her away, still holding her hand.
"Awww, looks like Primrose has a crush" Juniper whispered with a light tone in her voice.
"What? No she doesn't" Thomas said protectively "She's too young for a crush" Thomas went on.
"Bullshit Thomas, she's 11, remember when you had a crush on Pansy in first year, I have no clue why she was bitch then and she still is now" I replied disgustingly."
Y/N, don't remind me." We all laughed and kept talking. Eventually Mattheo realised that there was a free seat next to me now that Prim was gone, he stood up quickly and practically leapt for the empty space beside me, everyone, startled by Mattheo's sudden movement, went silent but Mattheo paid the no mind to them as he put his arm over my shoulders and pulled me closer to him, kissing my forehead before resting his head on mine, Mattheo slowly started to drift off to sleep.
"Are you alright, mate?" said Draco, amused. Mattheo just hummed, not bothering to open his eyes. The talking picked back up and after a while I fell asleep too, happy to be in Mattheo's arms again.
We all got off the train and headed to the carriages led by the thestrals. Thestral are only visible to those who have seen death, by being a death eater's daughter I have seen death more times than one should ever have to encounter. We split into two carriages and the thestrals led us to hogwarts.
I've sat down next to Isaiah at the Gryffindor table listening to Dumbledore droning his speech on but before I knew it it was time for the sorting of the first year's. Minnie walked up to the stool with the sorting hat on it and started to read off a paper with all the first years named on it.
"Haymitch Daniels". Called Mcgonagall. The young boy walked up to the stool and sat on it waiting for Minnie to put the sorting hat on him. The hat pondered for a bit talking to the boy before yelling "SLYTHERIN!". The slytherins all cheered as the boy walked over to the Slytherin table. More and more names were called that Isaiah and I weren't paying attention to as we talked about what we did over the break. Both Xander and Teddy were called and they both got into Hufflepuff.
"Primrose King" Called Minnie. I turned my attention back up to the stage as Prim walked up to the stool and sat down and what seemed like hours but wasn't even a few seconds.
The sorting hat yelled out "HUFFLEPUFF!" before the hat even touched her head. Primrose shot me a scared glance while walking to the Hufflepuff table, I gave her a reassuring look that everything was going to be okay even though I wasn't 100% sure whether it would be or not. The rest of the names were called out before food appeared on all four of the tables and everyone began to dig in. I looked back at Prim to find her looking at me already. I mouthed to her to eat something and that I will talk to her afterwards. 
After dinner, the prefects of each house started to take the first year's to their designated common room. I walked over to the Hufflepuff prefects and told them that I would show Primrose where the common room was after I talked to her. I walked away before the prefect could even answer. I grabbed Prim's hand and pulled her off to the side of the corridor. She lunged into my arms and started to tear up.
"It's going to be alright little duck, when Dad asks you what house you got sorted into tell him Slytherin. I will tell the boys so they know the plan as well, okay?" I told her. "And when we go back to the house you could borrow one of Leo's Slytherin robes and we can charm it to fit you, okay ducky? It's going to be fine." 
"Okay, Y/N/N." She sniffled. I wiped her tears away before I led her to the Hufflepuff common room. When we got there, the female prefect for Hufflepuff was waiting outside the door.
"Ah, there you are, I've been waiting to show you your dorm. You've got some girls who are excited to meet you. My name's Amanda, what's yours?" She asked Prim inquisitively "Primrose"
"What a beautiful name, Primrose."
"Thank you," Prim giggled.
"Alright Prim, I have to go, but I'll see you in the morning, yeah?" I said reluctantly, not wanting to leave her.
"OK, bye Y/N/N," she said, hugging me. She let go and walked over to Amanda. I turned around and walked to the owlery and texted Arlen, Finn and Thomas about Prim and our plan. When I reached the owlery to owl Leo, our shared owl, named Dog, was alrrady there Finn named him when he was seven and decided to name him dog because he really wanted a dog. I got out some parchment and wrote to Leo about the plan. I rolled up the parchment and tied it to Dog's leg and he flew away.
I started to think about what would happen if Dad found out that Prim was in Hufflepuff, I tried to shake the thought out of my head of what happened to me when he found out I was in Gryffindor. I didn't want that for Prim or Leo, I don't want them to have to grow up around death eaters but they already are, I don't want voldemort or my father to give them the dark mark like they had me at the ripe, young age of 14, I pushed those thoughts to the back of my head and thought about a text Mattheo sent me over the break that said (Italics is texts) 'i know you said you'd be busy love and that u would text me when u have time but i had to show you the sunrise from my view' along with the text he sent me a picture of the sunrise that had soft strokes of yellows and oranges, and after the picture he wrote 'i miss you in the morning's when I see the sun' quoting a song that had come up on the speakers at the party we were at one time and since then that song had become our song. I got pulled out of my train of thoughts as I felt my phone vibrate, I pulled out my phone to see there was a text from Mattheo.
Matty: come to my dorm. ive missed you
Chapter title is from the song Something in the orange by Zach Bryan
And I'm damned if I do and I'm damned if I don't 'Cause if I say I miss you I know that you won't "But I miss you in the mornings when I see the sun" Something in the orange tells me we're not done...
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lostloveletters · 10 months
Bruised Fruit Chapter 2 (Michael Corleone x OC)
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Summary: Gloria isn't sure she'll ever understand Michael, experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions and mixed signals from him the night he introduces her to his children for the first time.
Note: Chapter 3 will be posted in the next few days. I appreciate the support on here and AO3 on this series so far!
Warning: This chapter depicts a PTSD-induced night terror at the end. It’s actually not advised to wake someone from that, but this is the 1950s/60s and mental illnesses aren’t well understood, so there’s no way for Gloria to know best practices when dealing with this.
Do not interact if you are under 18 or post thinspo/ED content. I will block you.
Chapter 1 | AO3 Link | Masterlist
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“I don’t understand, the reservation should be there,” Gloria said, trying to abate her frustration with the man at the front desk. “It was confirmed last night.”
Having spent five years working at a resort, she knew how hectic it could get, things fell through the cracks all the time. She just wished it hadn’t been right after she cleaned out her apartment, worked her last shift at the casino, and then drove eight hours from Vegas to Lake Tahoe. 
Tom had assured her the reservation had been made and she’d be staying at the hotel for a few weeks. He’d been dealing with Michael’s divorce filings and thought that despite Kay’s transgression, it wouldn’t look great for Michael to have Gloria move in so soon. Michael wanted her to join him at the Corleone compound the night after he proposed, but she insisted it’d be too hard on Mary and Anthony to have someone brand new in the house so soon after Kay’s exile. Gloria could just see it, the fear and anger in the childrens’ eyes as their wicked stepmother moved in to take their beloved mother’s place.
“What name did you say the room would be under, ma’am?”
“Marino, Gloria Marino.”
“I don’t see Marino, but I do see a reservation for a Gloria Corleone.”
She sighed. “That would be it. Sorry.”
“Not a problem, Mrs. Corleone. Let me get you your key, and I’ll have someone bring your things to your room.”
Not Mrs. Not quite yet, but she didn’t have the energy to explain the convoluted situation. It wasn’t his business. Instead, she merely exchanged her car keys for the room key. Normally she’d balk at using valet service, but that, among most other things in her life, wouldn’t be coming out of her own pocket anymore.
She never understood Michael’s hang-ups about her cars. One of the reasons she lived in her old apartment in the first place was because it had a private garage rather than a parking lot for tenants. Another thing that she knew would undoubtedly change. The Corleones had drivers.
She didn’t have much time to ponder Michael and his odd hang-ups. In about an hour, a car would arrive to pick her up and bring her to a restaurant to formally meet Anthony and Mary. Her stomach was already somersaulting, leaving her unsure if she’d even be able to eat. 
In her anxious mind, the only way Michael could possibly introduce her would be, ‘Hey kids, this is the woman I’ve been cheating on your mom with for the past four years who somehow has nothing to do with the reason we’re getting divorced.’ What an icebreaker. 
Gloria headed up to her room, a top floor suite with a living room and balcony. In the reflective metal of the elevator doors, she reapplied her lipstick. Her bags had already been brought in, sitting next to the couch. 
A cigarette hung from her freshly red-coated lips as she fiddled with the radio in the room until she landed on a station that played familiar rock n’ roll tracks. Opening her suitcase, she grabbed the navy wrap dress that sat neatly folded at the top, and rushed to change, knowing sprucing up her hair and makeup would take at least thirty minutes. Most of that would be spent on her hair.
As she looked at herself in the bathroom mirror, she felt herself become emotional. Gone was the young woman who’d taken any odd back-of-house job upon first arriving at the casino in Vegas, eventually becoming a hostess. There was nothing left for her there, save for a handful of friends. Any other guys she had been seeing, however casually, she made a clean break from. None of those paramours had been nearly as serious as Michael, though. She didn’t think anyone could be as serious as him.
Torn from her wistful reminiscing by the phone ringing, she took a deep breath, picking up to hear that the car had arrived for her. 
Al Neri was waiting in the lobby for her, and she felt better seeing his familiar face.
“Hi Al, how are you?” she asked as they exchanged a greeting kiss on the cheek.
“Can’t complain,” he said. “Michael’s already at the restaurant with his kids. It’s a short drive, though.”
Al wasn’t exaggerating. The drive was disappointingly short, and she barely got to catch up with her fiancé’s right hand man. For as often as she’d seen Al, she didn’t know very much about him. Maybe he preferred to keep it that way.
The upscale steakhouse loomed in front of Gloria as she approached, though the smell coming from the building made her realize how hungry she was. Gloria self-admittedly had an unsophisticated palette, preferring cheeseburgers and steaks over more elaborate dishes that Michael first tried to woo her with at the start of their affair. It helped that apparently Michael’s children were going through their picky eater phases, leaving him outnumbered when it came to restaurant choices.
She didn’t realize how tightly she’d been gripping her purse until her nails began digging into her palm. Stopping in her tracks for a short moment, she took a deep breath, which did little to help her nerves as she continued inside. The host led her over to the table where Michael was already sitting with Mary and Anthony.
Seeing that a glass of rum and Coke was already set at her place for her, she mouthed a silent “Thank you” to Michael as she approached him. He smiled, wrapping his arm around her waist.
“Anthony, Mary, this is my good friend, Gloria,” Michael said.
Gloria smiled. “It’s great to meet you both.”
“Are you best friends?” Mary asked.
“Uncle Tom is dad’s best friend,” Anthony said.
“My best friend is Anthony!”
“You’re not my best friend.”
“Dad, tell Anthony he has to be my best friend.”
Gloria snickered to herself at Mary’s antics, not unlike she and Jackie growing up. The gregarious young girl led most of the conversation, even when dinner was served. She was the only one who could seem to get Anthony involved in any kind of discussion, too.
The service was unusually quick, but of course it would be. Gloria knew the type of warning the staff were given before Michael’s arrival, having heard it plenty of times herself for the various movers and shakers that would come through the casino. The only ones she’d given much of a damn about were Louis Prima and Keely Smith, and even then, she only caught a glimpse of them yakking it up with Johnny Fontaine at the bar.
“I’m gonna be president!” Mary exclaimed, nearly flinging the french fry in her hand across the table. “I’m gonna make bedtimes illegal and you always have to eat dessert before dinner.”
“You have my vote,” Gloria said. 
“No, Gloria needs a bedtime. She turns into a pumpkin after midnight like Cinderella,” Michael joked.
Mary giggled. “The carriage turns into a pumpkin after midnight. Not Cinderella.”
“Boys just don’t know anything about princesses, huh?” Gloria said. “Maybe you’ll have to bring your dad to Disneyland to teach him a thing or two.”
Mary nodded excitedly, rambling about a trip to Disneyland. Michael shot Gloria a playful glare. She took a sip of her drink, relieved Mary seemed to like her enough. She already noticed that Anthony hardly spoke since she arrived, his eyes downcast as he picked at his food. From what Michael had told her, he’d taken the split worse than Mary, who was a bit too young to fully understand. 
Despite Michael’s unspoken goal of his kids regarding Gloria as a mother figure and forgetting about Kay, it wasn’t something Gloria was comfortable with. She knew he was coming from a place of hurt and anger, but his relationship with his kids would suffer long-term by turning them against their mother. Besides, one day they’d learn the truth about Michael and Gloria’s relationship, and their opinions of her wouldn’t be very high after that.
She couldn’t let that stop her from trying to have some kind of relationship with the kids, at least for Michael’s sake. 
“How about you, Anthony?” Gloria asked. “What do you wanna be when you grow up?”
He shrugged. “I don’t know. I like baseball.”
“Who’s your favorite player?”
“Mickey Mantle.”
“What about Joe D?” Michael asked.
“He doesn’t play anymore.”
“My dad has a baseball signed by him,” Gloria tried. “He won it in a raffle, though. I don’t think they’ve ever met.”
Anthony didn’t respond, disinterested in continuing the conversation. She wouldn’t push it, instead letting Mary change the topic to the latest episode of ‘The Mickey Mouse Club’, deciding that if being president didn’t work out, she’d want to be a Mouseketeer instead. 
Dinner pushed on through dessert, each of the kids ordering brownies a la mode. Gloria and Michael stuck with coffee, hers with cream and no sugar, while he drank his black. She never understood how he could stomach it, even with his blood sugar.
Al walked over to Michael, leaning down to whisper something to him.
“Alright kids, time to go,” Michael said, standing to help them put their coats on. “Say good night to Gloria.”
“Night Gloria,” Mary said, waving at her with a smile.
Anthony was quiet until Michael nudged him. “Bye.”
“Good night,” Gloria said, watching fondly as Michael gave each of his children a hug and a kiss on the cheek before they left with Al.
Gloria took a cigarette from her purse, placing it between her lips. Before she could grab the book of matches off the table, Michael held out his lighter mere centimeters from her cigarette, the flame deceivingly large in front of her face. She moved back, and he flicked the lighter shut.
“Where are Mary and Anthony off to?”
“Connie’s watching them for me tonight.”
“Oh, you’re slick. Do the doting dad thing, and then I’ll fall into your bed.”
“You already do that,” he said with a slight smile, lighting his own cigarette. His brown eyes glowed amber in the faint flame, and she found herself caught in his gaze as she leaned closer to him. “Didn’t take much for that to happen in the first place, did it?”
Heat rushed to her face, cheeks ripening from the pink blush she’d applied before dinner to a candy bright red. Their short-lived friendship blossomed into an affair rather quickly. A week before his family joined him in Nevada, he arrived at the casino in Vegas with his service medals in tow. Gloria had lamented upon their third conversation that she’d never seen any of her brother’s awards but had read about Michael’s in the Life article.
As innocently as she could be alone with him in his private hotel room, her fingers brushed each one as he described how he earned them, until reaching his Purple Heart. Almost without thinking, she’d taken the medal from its case and pinned it to the lapel of his black, pin-stripe suit. He’d caught her wrist in his hand, and for a split second she thought the fire in his eyes was anger until he captured her lips in a searing kiss.
“No, it didn’t,” she said, finally breaking from his hold to take a deep inhale before snuffing out her cigarette in the ashtray. 
He reached over, taking her hand in his. “You look beautiful, by the way. Blue always suits you.”
She grinned, her tongue darting out between her lips. “I look even better out of it.” 
“Now who’s slick?”
Smugness radiated off of her, watching Michael wave the waiter over for the check. She missed when her and Michael’s relationship wasn’t so important, at least in the familial sense. Being flirty with him was always fun, but as his future wife, sex carried a sense of duty. Always available and having to compromise to his whims. 
When they stood up from the table, he placed a hand on the small of her back, guiding her outside. As they waited for the car to pull up, Michael kissed her, pulling her close so that her chest was flush against his. She deepened the kiss, her hand on the back of his neck as she slipped her tongue in his mouth.
The rumble of the car engine behind them cut through their embrace. Michael groaned as he pulled away, though Gloria managed to press a kiss to his cheek before they got in the car.
One of Michael’s buttonmen was driving, while Al was in the passenger seat. Michael opened the door for Gloria, sliding into the back seat after her.
“You got something—“ She motioned to her lips.
He rolled his eyes as he pulled the handkerchief out of his suit pocket and wiped at his mouth. “It’s a wonder you’ve never gotten lipstick on my collar.”
“I can try.”
“You have a smart mouth, you know that?”
“I’ve been told,” she laughed, eyes sparkling in the dim lights coming from the dashboard.
Putting his arm around her, he kept her close to his side. She laid her head on his shoulder on the ride back to her hotel, her eyes drifting up to admire his profile. Sharp yet delicate, like the pair of sewing scissors her grandmother had brought over from Sicily, requiring a careful touch but reliable enough to outlast the American-made ones she’d bought. 
Michael’s black hair almost matched Gloria’s, though her tone was cooler, appearing bluish in certain lighting. His eyes were physically lighter than hers, but somehow he was able to expertly channel his emotions through them, at times appearing black as coal, the peek of a fire being fed inside of him.
“We’re here, sir,” the driver announced.
“Where’s your car?” Michael asked as they pulled up to the hotel.
She shrugged. “Wherever the valet parks them.”
An off-hand response to a casual question, Gloria didn’t expect anything more from the conversation. 
“Using a valet while you’re living on your own? Are you out of your mind, Gloria?” His voice boomed in the small space, enclosing her in his rage. 
“I’m sorry. I can pay for it myself if you–”
“That’s not what I mean,” he snapped. “Al, I want her car looked at, only people you trust.”
Al silently nodded, slipping out of the car when it parked in front of the hotel. 
“Michael, what’s gotten into you?”
His jaw clenched, nostrils flaring. “Go up to the room. I’ll be there in a minute.”
“Fine, but if you’re going to bring whatever this attitude is upstairs, don’t bother.”
Before he had a chance to respond, she got out of the car, annoyed and embarrassed by his outburst. She knew he wouldn’t give her an explanation, expecting her to accept his hang-ups without protest because of the nature of his work.
Her fists were clenched the whole elevator ride up to her room. Anyone who had access to the check-in log could see his last name, not hers, under the reservation. Easy enough for a bad actor to catch a glimpse of her room number and target her from there. Instead, he was raging over her car.
She kicked off her heels, ridding herself of her jewelry save for the engagement ring, and finally pulling off her dress and tights until she was only in her slip. Shuffling over to the bed, she laid on top of the covers, her back to the door. 
Michael had always been overbearing, more protective than an extramarital affair warranted, but since he proposed and they became a formal couple, the intensity only became hyper-focused on her. He’d known about the other men she had seen, not pleased, but he had no authority to stop her back then. As far as she was aware, she had been his only mistress, his affection split between her and Kay. Having it all on her was overwhelming.
In her brooding, she hadn’t heard Michael enter until he spoke.
“I’m trying to protect you, Gloria. Things are gonna be a lot different for you from now on.”
She knew it was petulant and childish, but she didn’t respond, merely shifting in her spot on the bed. He sighed. She could hear rustling behind her for a few moments.
“You can’t be so careless, darling. Especially now that we’re engaged,” Michael said, his voice soft as he climbed into bed with her, wrapping his arms around her torso. “There are a lot of people who’ll try to use you to get to me. I don’t want you getting hurt.”
“Alright,” she mumbled. “I’m sorry, tiger.”
Tiger. Her cat-like lover, noble and ruthless, seeking out comfort on his own terms. 
“That’s a nickname I haven’t heard in a while.”
“You just reminded me of one earlier is all.”
He was silent, his hands gently pawing at her stomach. His hot breath fanned over her skin as he buried his face in the crook of her neck. Reaching back, she ran her fingers through his hair, manicured nails scratching at his scalp. He basked in her touch, nuzzling his nose against her.
Though his breathing became steady with a light snore in her ear, she couldn’t sleep. They often traded bouts of insomnia. 
After at least an hour of lying awake, she slipped out of his hold and tip-toed out to the living room so as not to wake him. Sitting on the floor in front of the radio, she tuned in to one of the late-night stations, keeping the volume low. She hummed along to ‘All I Have To Do Is Dream’ a favorite of hers since it first came out two years earlier. Michael didn’t care for the Everly Brothers, nor much of rock n’ roll in general. Considered it raucous and juvenile. 
She closed her eyes and let herself get lost in the music, unsure of how much time had passed when she suddenly heard Michael’s raised voice from in the bedroom. Going in to check on him, her lip trembled at the sight of him. He tossed and turned, distressed babbling continuing on. The covers fell from the bed as he kicked violently at them.
“Fucking bastards—grab the rifle and—”
“Michael,” she called out. “Michael, wake up.”
“They’re moving in—shit!”
She knew better than to grab at him, try to shake him awake. The only time she’d done so, a few months into their relationship, he nearly broke her arm despite being fully asleep. The following morning, he hadn’t remebered a thing but became withdrawn when she explained why her arm was bruised. Fredo had given her two weeks off work afterward, but she knew Michael had asked him to do that.
Shuffling over to the phone in the room, she dialed the front desk, glancing at Michael, still in his troubled state.
“Hello, can you call back here in about two minutes, please?” she asked.
“Is there something you need, ma’am?”
“No, just call back.”
“Of course, ma’am.”
The two minutes waiting for the front desk to call back dragged on endlessly. Gloria felt herself tear up at Michael’s distress, feeling hopeless as ever to help him. She retreated into the bathroom. Her hand shook as she filled a glass of water for him, slipping back into the bedroom. 
The phone rang a few seconds later. She watched her lover hawkishly. He woke up at the noise, chest heaving as he sat up to look frantically around the room.
“What’s going on? Where—“
Gloria standing in the corner, eyeing him cautiously while holding a glass of water, gave him his answer. He groaned, running his hand down his face. 
“It’s okay, nothing happened,” she assured him softly, handing him the glass.
She watched as he drank, rushing to refill the glass after he drained it. When she returned, she sat next to him on the bed, rubbing soothing circles on his back.
“Do you wanna talk?”
He shook his head, setting the glass aside. “You shouldn’t have to see me like this. Having nightmares like a child over things that happened fifteen years ago. Couldn't even find the place on a map anymore if you asked me to.”
“I don’t care.” She pushed back some of his black hair from his forehead, feeling the perspiration that built up on his skin. “I love you.” She kissed the crown of his head, wrapping her arms around him as to cradle him against her chest. 
“You’re going to be a wonderful mother.”
That was what it all came down to, her fiancé’s affection for her so tied to his hope that she could right that wrong, and as she’d later learn, many others.
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sug4rsweet · 6 months
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— SWEET 18 is the SECOND full album by KAORI TAKAHASHI, released by AVEX TRAX on april 19th, 2013. even more of a success than her debut album, it sold over 700,000 copies within its first week, and was declared the SECOND HIGHEST SELLING album of 2013 in japan, beating out established artists such as EXILE, B’Z, NMB48, and NAMIE AMURO, and placing her four places higher on the ORICON charts in comparison to 2012. the album’s success made KAORI one of the most talked about singers of the year, and further established her as a serious recording artist and true pop icon.
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NANA / ~ナナ~
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dark and edgy and cool all over !
and ofc kaori had a hand in it !
the y2k inspiration was still there bc what would kaori be without it, but it was clearly a lot darker to fit the theme of the album
there was a lot of leather, latex, and lace used this era ! a lot of corset tops and matching sets too,, like kaori was truly going for her that early 2000s pop / rock girl feel with this one
there were some early 2010s futurism thrown in the styling, as well ! lots of angular shoulder pads jshdjdk
the use of designer labels was definitely kicked up a notch, too ! kaori was in alexander mcqueen, versace, givenchy, miss sixty, archive tom ford,, like they truly went all out !
not too many bright colors during this era, either,, mainly red, black, purple, white, and occasionally shades of blue were used
her highlights were surprisingly not that bright this era ! she had blonde ones at the start, and we got the return of her purple highlights from the vmas,, her hair also had blue tips at the end of the year, which was cool !
and, yes, it caused another trend sjwijsjs like girl it was ALL over japanese social media,, gyarus were eating it UP
like it started a challenge too ! we love an influencer !
although the styling was darker, there were still a lot of elements present that we saw during the self title era ! rhinestones, fake tattoos, star motifs, body glitter, piercings, dyed eyebrows, rhinestones on her eyebrows, fingerless gloves,,
kaori even got a lip piercing, which caused (another) lil trend !
the piercing was fake though, so 😭
her makeup was very kesha inspired during this era, as well ! lots of glitter and rhinestones on her eyes, as well as sort of “smudged” eyeshadow, huge brightly colored and glittery stars / lightning bolts drawn around her eyes, and dark, smoky, almost messy eyeliner
her nails were so cute, too ! they had rhinestones and animal print and all these metallic elements,, and they were also very sharp swjsiwije
also ! kaori’s style finally got a name ! the media started dubbing it “kao-kei,” and the term eventually made its way to gyaru forums where gals who recreated kaori’s fashion were dubbed “kaogyaru” or “kao-gals !”
and a lot of gyarus LOVED the style bc a. it reminded them of namie, b. it was a lil nostalgic since it resembled ganguro and old school kogyaru, c. it was a combo of a bunch of different styles, and d. it kind of brought back tanning a bit, which was going out of style by the 2010s !
btw, kaori also developed a bit of an obsession with mainframe sunglasses during this era ! like she was wearing them in at least 3 of her mvs MSNKDJ
all in all, the styling for this era was phenomenal and everyone loved it MSNKSJ
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oh god SO much happened this era
like when i tell you kaori was everywhere I MEAN IT !
this album truly made her pop star level like,, her debut showed that she had potential but this really reinforced it !
she was quite literally the most searched singer in japan ALONE, and she placed pretty damn high in the states,, like she was truly a big deal !
the lead single was HUGE ! it sold over 100,000 (!!!) units within its first week and debuted at no. 69 on the billboard hot 100, becoming kaori’s second consecutive entry on the chart ! here’s the thing, though, “black night” actually became her first ever no. 1 hit !
it debuted at no. 1 on the oricon charts, and girl kaori was floored once she found out msnkwkdk
it stayed there for a full month, too !
the promo during this era was crazy !
kaori had TWO full tv specials on both music station and gma, and everyone loved them ! she was greeting fans, and the specials were quite literally a taste of what the tour would be SMKJD like the energy, choreography, and stage presence were off the charts
and you could tell that kaori had been working on her vocals ! like that voice was CLEAR !
she even performed at the warped tour sjsmkejdj and her set was super fun bc there were a lot of her fans there (her aussie fans were so blessed like kaori already went there during her tour smjejdj) ! and the crowd favorite was def “black night” at both her gma special and her warped tour set,, like that song took OVER radio stations
and oh my god kaori finally got a vogue cover ! the concept was SO COOL like it was inspired by female rock icons such as joan jett and debbie harry, as well as by ayumi hamasaki and koda kumi !
she had a bunch of collabs this era, too !
i won’t spoil them here bc they truly deserve their own post, but all of them were so so good, believe me SMKSKDJ
another interesting thing was kaori’s endorsements this era jsiwks she became the face of shiseido due to them sponsoring her tour, but she also became the face of pepsi of all companies ! her campaigns were so britney inspired, and she had a commercial in japan that was quite literally EVERYWHERE
and they put her face on the cans ! (only in japan though </3)
she also became the face of luminous change, and she was all over shibuya billboards, on posters outside of 109, and on the packaging BSNSKM
kaori also had promo for something else, but that will be revealed in due time !
and and and ! she ALSO had a capsule collection with the gyaru brand jsg ! like the pieces were inspired off of kaori’s personal style, and damn did it sell skhdjdjdk like gals were truly all over it
her promos were mainly focused on the states, but she still had time to promote in korea ! like she was actually a guest mc for m countdown this time (for like. 3 days 😭), and she appeared on weekly idol with 15& ! and ofc kaori KILLED it like we all know she’s hilarious
her tour began in august, and my god the amount of celebs that came SKIWSJS
allume came ! like kaori’s bestest industry friends wbk ! minzy and cl came, as well as western celebs such as taylor swift and kesha !
the tour was so fun and so theatrical,, like it was probably kaori’s most acclaimed tour to date (and her longest girl whew MSNSJKD),, there was also added dates in china and some areas in japan bc demand was HIGH !
and oh my god “black night” was used as the first opening for tokyo ghoul ??? and “talkin’ 2 myself” was literally used as one of the endings of death note,, of all animes !
like girl kaori was ECSTATIC ! she was literally that huge !
but y’all know what the coolest thing was ??? when “talkin’ 2 myself” was released as a special single, the music video was animated !
like literally in the style of death note too,, they made kaori into a death note character SMSJS
she had a lil interview in mexico, and she had a set at lollapalooza chile,, she was also on the covers of quite a lot of magazines ! vivi, woofin’ girl, nylon, l’officiel, marie claire,, like you could literally not escape her during this era sjiwjdndn
all in all, very eventful era ! like sweet 18 truly made her a superstar (at only 18, by the way), and she literally became thee teen idol back then ! she was dominating charts, everyone loved her,, it was just great ♡
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allume ofc belongs to @alllume / @venusvity ! ♡
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foundtherightwords · 1 year
Winter Light - Chapter 4
Pairing:Tom Grant (Make Up) x OFC
Summary: Vanessa, a young cancer patient, arrives at a remote holiday park in Cornwall to wait out the rest of her days, but after a chance meeting with a park employee named Tom who's nursing a broken heart, Vanessa realizes life may not be done with her yet.
Warnings: very light smut, angst, some fluff, swearing, serious illness (cancer), discussion of death/grief
A/N: My first attempt at writing smut, and man, it was like pulling teeth. And it's not even that smutty - more like implied smut, which is the only kind I can write. Guess I'd rather leave things to the imagination. So if you're looking for something more graphic/explicit, sorry!
Also, prawns aren't really cannibals, despite what Mike Wozniak may tell you.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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Stay with You
Thus began their new routine.
Tom all but moved into Vanessa's caravan. He would leave for work in the morning and come back for tea or even lunch if there was not much to do that day, and they would spend the evening watching TV or reading, before he carried her to bed and made his bed on the sofa. Sometimes they fell asleep together on the sofa, and Vanessa would wake with her head on Tom's chest. She savored those moments as she lied there, listening to his breathing, feeling his heartbeat. But soon, too soon, he would always wake up and carry her to her bed, before returning to the sofa.
Tom found a wheelchair in one of the store rooms, and on the rare sunny days, they would pack a picnic and head to the beach, Tom pushing her in the chair, stopping just as the path merged with the sand. Then he would pick her up and carry her to their favorite spot under the foot of a dune, where the wind wasn't as strong. She savored those moments too, with his strong, capable arms around her, and the hollow between his neck and shoulder forming the perfect cradle for her head.
"It's supposed to snow soon," Tom said one day, as they sat looking at the churning gray sea. "Might even get a white Christmas."
"Really? Gosh, it's been ages since it snowed on Christmas." Vanessa looked around the desolate beach with its frozen sand and sad clumps of dead, brown grass. Yes, a cover of snow would make it a lot prettier. "Aren't you going home for Christmas though?" Tom shook his head. "But your mum and sister..."
"They'll understand. Besides..." Tom turned away, suddenly looking awkward. "I heard that Ruth's back home. Don't want to risk running into her."
He still thought about her then. Vanessa tried not to show how much that hurt her. But what he said next quickly wiped away that hurt: "And I want to stay with you."
Vanessa stamped down the excitement in her heart. She said with careful nonchalance, "I might not last till then."
"Don't," Tom said quietly.
His voice trembled a little, and that frightened Vanessa. Tom had always been very pragmatic and matter-of-fact when speaking about her death, but now here he was, not looking at her, his lips pressed together to stop them from quivering. No, she would not have that.
"Don't what?" she asked, ready for a fight.
"Don't say things like that."
"Like what? I'm going to die, aren't I? There's no use mincing words."
Tom flinched, but he kept his eyes on her. "Yes, but don't make fun of people when they say they're going to be sad."
"You sound just like them."
"Like who?"
"My family. Fuss, fuss, fuss. I'm sick of it."
"People grieve when someone they love die, you can't deny them that." Tom was getting riled up now. She had watched him long enough to see the tell-tale sign of his forehead scar turning red, his eyes sparking. "And you'll be dead by then, so why does it fucking matter what other people feel?"
Vanessa flinched at the anger in his voice. Tom noticed it.
"What? You can talk about dying but I can't?" he said. "You're afraid, aren't you?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," she managed to say.
"You talk big, but face it, Vanessa, you're afraid. Afraid to die, and afraid to live too."
"That's rich, coming from you."
"Fucking right, I'm a pathetic coward who's hiding from his ex. At least I can admit that."
Suddenly Vanessa was angry. Angry at this boy for being right, for saying all the things she'd been thinking but had not the courage to admit to herself. Angry at herself for falling in love with him, for letting him getting under her skin. And angry at her illness, for taking everything away from her before she got to experience them.
"I don't have to listen to this." Leaning on her cane, she stood up and walked away, but she had only gotten a few steps when her treacherous legs buckled under her in a jolt of pain and she crumpled to the ground. Tom was beside her in a flash, his arms out to pick her up. "Leave me alone, I can do it myself," she snapped at him. She pushed her cane into the sand, trying to get to her feet, but the frozen sand slipped, and another spear of pain stabbed through her. She cried out. Somehow his arms were around her, and she clung to him, sobbing against his chest.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said those things," he murmured. "You're the bravest person I know." She felt the soothing of his voice rather than hearing the words, and her breathing calmed. She lifted her head to say something to him, she didn't know what, just as he bent his head down to her, and their lips met.
Tom bolted away as if he just had an electric shock, but Vanessa impulsively pulled him back to her. Time seemed to stop while they held on to each other, their faces so close Vanessa could see her shaky breaths ruffling his eyelashes. Those fluttering lashes were her undoing. She leaned forward and kissed him, just a quick peck, really, just to see how it felt, to get it out of her system. He froze for a second, stunned. Then he kissed her back. Slowly, softly at first, then she felt his tongue brush against her lips, so she parted them to let him in, and the kiss got hungrier as he cupped her face in his hands, pulling her close, and she realized he had been waiting for this moment too.
Vanessa didn't remember how they got back to the caravan. Tom must have carried her, because her legs no longer worked. But it wasn't because of the pain. There was no more pain. There was nothing else, except for the feel of his mouth on hers, his taste of the tea they had been drinking, and his smell of warm, clean clothes and a faint trace of the sea.
They stumbled through the door, pressed together in a tangle of coats and jumpers and arms and legs, struggling to get their clothes off but not wanting to stray too far from each other or for too long. "Hold on," Tom mumbled as he bent down to unlace his boots. He lost his balance and sent both of them crashing to the floor, giggling like two naughty kids. "Sorry," he laughed softly into her neck, then that laugh turned into a nuzzle, and that nuzzle turned into a kiss that ran all the way from her throat to her collarbone, sending shivers down her spine.
As Tom reached out to lift her shirt up, Vanessa seemed to wake up from the haze. She stopped his hand. "Can we get under the covers first?" she asked.
"You cold?"
That would be a good excuse. Vanessa almost said yes, but she wanted to be honest with Tom. "No. I just... I don't want you to..." She didn't want him to see her body, how the cancer had left her all skin and jutting bones.
"You want to stop?"
"No, it's not that. It's... I'm..." How could she explain? How would she bear it if he took her clothes off and reacted with disappointment, or even disgust? Her nervousness seemed to be contagious. Tom let go of her, took a step back.
"We don't have to do this," he said. "I'd understand. It's been over a year... and before that, I don't know..."
But realizing that he was nervous as well had helped her relax. "I don't mind that," she said, drawing closer until her head rested on his chest. The thought of being away from him at that moment was unbearable. "I'm not that experienced myself, you know. I do want to be with you. It's just..."
Tom saw the way she was holding on to the hem of her shirt, twisting it, and guessed her discomfort. "Here," he said, lifting her chin so she was looking at him. "Trust me." He pulled off his own shirt and trousers. "See, not exactly Mr. GQ myself," he said.
Vanessa stared at his body, taking everything in. He was fit, but not as sculpted as she'd expected. He just looked... soft. Yes, that was the right word. Soft and comforting and safe. She touched the tan lines that hadn't quite faded from around his biceps, and ran her hand slowly from the chain around his neck to his chest, to his soft belly, and finally to the faint line of hair disappearing into his boxers.
Tom drew a sharp breath, and that gave her the courage to push on. She slid his boxers down, resting her hand there for a moment before raising her arms so he could do the same for her, peeling off the layers one by one, until they stood facing each other with nothing but the electrified air between their skins.
Just as she had done with him, Tom reached out to stroke her neck, her shoulder, her breasts, her hips, his eyes following his lingering fingers as if he was marveling at her. His languorous touch stripped her of her inhibitions, her fears, her pains, and released the butterflies in her stomach into a cloud of tingling warmth that flooded her entire body. He pulled her in for another kiss. "There's nothing to be ashamed of," he whispered into her hair. "You're beautiful."
And then they were in bed, mapping each other's body with fingers and mouths, finding all the places where they fitted together like pieces of a puzzle. She tried to stay focused, to memorize everything, his face swimming above her, his eyes dark and liquid in the yellow glow of the floodlights shining in through the window, his chain tickling her. She wrapped herself around him, her legs on his waist, her arms across his back, feeling his muscles ripple and arch like the sea, her fingers wound into his hair, her face buried into his neck as she kissed his pulsing veins, holding on to him, taking him in with every fiber of her being, while the wet heat that bloomed between them built and crested until it engulfed them both.
She didn't let go of him even when the heat had subsided, inside and out. "Talk to me, please," she murmured, cradling his head. "I don't want to go to sleep yet."
"What d'you wanna talk about?" Tom mumbled, his breath warm on her chest.
"I don't know. Anything."
"OK, do you know that prawns are cannibals?"
Vanessa laughed. "That's not true!"
"It is. They eat their babies. Surprised you didn't know that, bug girl."
"Prawns aren't bugs."
"They're sea bugs. Same thing."
Vanessa ran her fingers through his hair, still slightly damp with sweat, and tugged at the rogue curl that always dangled over his forehead whenever he got excited. "Say something else."
Tom propped himself up on his elbows so he could look at her. "Are you happy now?" he asked.
She gazed at him. She was happy. She was happy in a way she hadn't dreamed possible just a few hours ago, let alone when she first arrived at this desolate bit of Cornwall. She was so happy it frightened her. But she only said, "Yes. Are you?"
"Yes." He leaned down to kiss her, and their conversation continued without words.
Later, Tom fell asleep curved on her, his arm around her waist. Vanessa turned to look at him, committing to her memory and her heart every little detail, the way his lips parted slightly in sleep, the way he always had one arm tucked under the pillow, the dusting of freckles across the bridge of his nose. Remembering, because it would be all that she had.  
When she was sure he was sound asleep, she got out of bed, as quietly as she could. She packed her suitcase with a few essentials - she wouldn't need much. She put Seamus Heaney's "Death of a Naturalist" on the kitchen table, with a note folded into "Lovers on Aran". It was a short note. There was so much she wanted to say, but she was afraid if she took the time to write it all down, Tom might wake up.
Chapter 5 (last chapter)
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nifolution · 4 days
I Quit 2
Warnings: The Thrombeys being themselves, recreational drug use
A/N: This is a revised copy of my oc fic. It is written in 3rd person. The Thrombeys’ opinions are NOT my own. Thoughts are in italics. 18+ only due to smut and dubcon situations. No stealing, no reposts, no translations, no feeding to AIs. Comments, reblogs and likes are always welcome and appreciated. 
Chapter 1 Series Masterlist  Main Masterlist
Chapter 2
The first two weeks of Y/N's employment went smoothly. Harlan did indeed have a taste for sweets. The rest of his palate she worked at learning, but he seemed happy with her efforts. When he didn't care for a dish, he would let her know and she gladly made him something else. Funny enough, the man would ask for tomato and mayo sandwiches, with just a touch of salt and pepper. Such simple requests from such an interesting man.
It was finally the day she was dreading, her first Sunday family dinner with the Thrombey clan. Fran had gossiped about the family with her while she began preparations. She explained who everyone was, their quirks, and entitlements. She had an asshole rating system that Y/N found amusing.
Fran found most of the family intolerable, except Harlan of course. “The top asshole, a number 10, has to be Harlan's grandson, Ransom. But don't call him that, ever. He makes the help call him by his first name, Hugh. He's handsome, for sure, but don't let his face fool you. He is a massive jerk and will charm you, use you up and spit you out like that.” She snapped her fingers and huffed.
“Luckily, he doesn't come to many of these dinners. Not that the rest of them are any easier to deal with. Seriously, they should have their own reality show so the world can see them snarl at each other like a pack of rabid hyenas. I suggest you steer clear of them when you can. These nights can get ROUGH.”
“Duly noted.”
Fran smiled before leaving to set the table. “Good luck tonight. And if you need a little mood stabilizer at the end of the insanity, just let me know. I got you girl.”
Y/N's anxiety increased with every new voice that echoed through the large home. She couldn't hear much of the conversations, but was confident Fran would fill her in if she missed anything juicy. So she continued cooking in peace.
Speak of the devil, the brunette rushed into the kitchen, “Top asshole and Harlan’s mother are m.i.a., but the rest are seated. Tell me the app is ready?” Fran already looked so done with the night.
”Right over there. Description card included.”
“Thank youuuu.” She took the appetizers to deliver to the table.
The family was just as she left them. Sitting proper with fake smiles plastered on their faces, while practically seething at one another.  Fran served the table with an equally forced grin.
Richard scoffed at the bowl. “What the hell is this?”
“Richard!” Linda chastised her husband.
Fran swiftly read from the card, “A roasted butternut and apple soup with ginger and coconut milk.”
Linda took a tentative sip and her eyebrows rose. “I see Rosalee has improved.”
Donna followed her lead, also approving of the soup and the improved quality.
Harlan spoke up, “I'm afraid Rosalee has retired. I've hired someone new.” He sent Fran to ask his new chef to come out, greet his family and serve dinner.
Y/N pushed the cart out to the dining area. Feeling like she was walking into shark infested waters wearing a wounded seal suit. All eyes were on her as she entered. Harlan introduced her and asked what she had prepared for them.
“I have for you a herb crusted crown roast of pork with a side of carrots and parsnips in citrus butter.”
“Um, excuse me, hi.” Joni raised her hand, pointing to the offending entrée. “We can't eat that. My Meg and I are vegan. Do you expect me and my daughter to just munch on carrots all night?”
Y/N nodded, “I have been informed of your dietary restrictions and made you both something separate.“ She placed the extra meal in front of them. ”Quinoa cakes with a tomato-zucchini and chickpea relish, drizzled with a balsamic glaze. But if you would like the citrus carrots on the side I can get that for you as well.”
“Dietary restrictions, my ass. It's not a restriction, it's a mental illness.” Walt began to rant, “You know how you can spot a vegan? Don't worry, they'll tell you. They'll never shut up about it. Those douchebags think they're better than everyone else. They look down on us meat eaters, keep trying to convert us. Well let me tell you, eating meat is my God given right. My right! Don't you realize you can't live without meat. Your brain will die. That's why you are all so miserable, you're slowly dying.”
Donna rubbed her husband's shoulder in approval. While Richard raised his glass in salute to Walt's bullshit. Linda pursed her lips, ignoring them and trying to have a chat with her father.
Joni was on the defense, “We are the healthiest we've ever been. It's good for the planet, the environment, which benefits everyone, need I remind you.” She ignored her brother-in-law's snickering. “Let's be real, veganism is the answer to this world's problems. It is. It's the only moral choice. It clears up your skin and makes you feel good inside and out. And we don't have to feel guilty about contributing to the exploitation and slaughter of innocent lives. Animals are just like us.”
“Just like us?” Walt interjected. “Oh really, should we have dad's dogs sitting at the table with us? I tell ya, if Meg was a boy, I'd be calling DCF because you'd be depriving him of nutrients he needs to grow strong and polluting his male DNA with soy.”
“You're the one with blood on your hands, Walt. All those poor cute animals you've killed….”
Richard scoffed, “You've only been,” he raised his fingers in air quotes, “vegan for a damn month.”
“Ya well, I saw the truth and I'm changing. You'll see it too or die with all those animal products clogging your arteries... Plus it's been two months. Thank you very much.”
“I will happily eat my steak and drink my milkshakes all the way to my grave.”
Joni rolled her eyes, “Uck, you are completely hopeless.”
Walt raised his hand to silence any reply from Richard. “Don't bother. It's not worth fueling her delusions.”
That seemed to put an end to that argument. The rest of the meal went well. Although out of the whole family, only Harland and Meg said 'thank you.' Not even the young boy spoke up. For being so rich and fancy, they certainly lacked manners.
Dessert was served without incident. Tiramisu and a mini vegan version for Joni and Meg. Harlan seemed to be in heaven, commenting on how rich and decadent it was.
After dinner was over, Y/N and Fran began clearing the table. Linda poked her head in, “Y/N, may I have a word with you?”
“Was there something wrong with your meal?”
“Oh no, no, dinner was lovely. However, I wanted to make sure you weren't making desserts like that for my dad all the time. He's getting up there in years and has to watch his cholesterol, his sugar intake, blood pressure, things of that nature. He can't be consuming food like you made tonight. He needs to eat healthier. I'd like to keep him around for a long time. I'm sure you can understand.”
“I fully understand, ma'am, but there is no need for concern. The food was chosen because this was a special occasion. It doesn't reflect his daily meals.” Y/N noticed Harlan a few feet behind his daughter. He winked at her before alerting her of his presence.
Linda clapped her hands, “Delightful. I'm so glad we have an understanding. I will make you a list of approved meals.” She smiled at her father before walking away.
Once Linda was out of earshot, Harlan leaned close to Y/N, “I'm not eating that pigeon food. You put her little list up on the message board in the kitchen and ignore it.”
Y/N thought she was safe. The family was dispersing out into the night. She turned on some music and began washing the dishes. Her hips swaying to the beat.
Joni snuck up behind her. “Oh I love this song.” She attempted to dance alongside Y/N, bumping their hips together. “Don't be shy. I could tell you recognize me. I get it allll the time now. You're correct, it's me. Owner, CEO, COO and CFO of FLAM.” She continued boasting about being a top influencer and her skin care products while Y/N stood there like a deer in the headlights.
An unwelcomed hand reached out to stroke her cheek, “Your skin looks so parched. You could really use a hydrating serum. My company offers the perfect product to help. It's an all organic algae blend that feels like the ocean on your face. So refreshing. And there's a vitamin C serum that will bring some life back to your overworked face.”
“Well let me tell you, FLAM is trending right now, it's going to be huge. You go ahead and follow me on twitter or instagram. I'm offering my first 100 followers a 15% off coupon. That will be available once I find the right graphic designer for my website. Those I interviewed so far just couldn't grasp my vision. This is a lifestyle I'm promoting. I have to trust they get my brand, ya know. But hold onto that coupon, it will be honored. So lovely to meet you, Evelyn.”
“Y/N,” she corrected.
“Sure.” Joni made her exit, blowing a kiss.
Fran entered and passed over the joint in her fingers. “It's like the fucking twilight zone isn't it.”
“You weren't kidding.”
The Thrombeys were the most insincere backstabbing piece of crap family she had the displeasure of meeting thus far. She wondered if any of them loved or were loyal to anything but money. Doubtful. Thank goodness she didn’t have to encounter them often. 
These people are something else. I'm going to need therapy if I stay here too long. 
Chapter 3
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adeadlyobsession · 1 year
As Good Neighbours Do Part 2
This is the second part of the wheelchair user reader requested by Anon, I hope you will like it! According to my planning, there should be between a total of 3 or 4 parts remaining to this story, the last part being some kind of spicy 👀, so stay tuned for that! Let me know what you think!
Part 1 - Requests are Open!
Tom Riddle was quite eager to find his bed after another long day of work. The actual workload at Borgins and Burkes wasn’t too heavy, but the amount of customer service he had to do, keeping the front of the store and going to pureblood witches and wizards houses to assess their goods were taking a toll on him. Cracks began to appear into the mask he had learnt to wear like a second skin during his school years, and while the owners of the shop didn’t seem to find any problems with his quick wits and his sarcastic demeanor, that was not the case with most customers, who were of a higher breed and wouldn’t take kindly to being spoken thus by someone still considered a mudblood in the eyes of most. He vowed to change their outlook sooner rather than later. 
As he climbed the stairs to his apartment, he looked down at the crass windows (if they could be called that) of the basement, wondering about the girl he had seen a week ago. A woman now, he should probably say. Y/N Y/L/N had grown in beauty and elegance, her clothes well tailored, enhancing the way she sat with poise and distinction in her wheelchair. The device itself made her impossible to forget, the only student requiring the mastery of levitation to be able to navigate her way through the multiple stairs of the school. Tom had thought at first it must have been cruel to her to let her do all that adaptation on her own rather than to transfigure parts of the school for her use, but he had seen the girl refuse help time and time again and learnt that she seemed quite content being able to do things on her own. He himself had never offered his help, especially not when he was still trying to make his own name within Slytherin, and as he was witness to more than a few times, he was rather glad he never did. Y/L/N had a rather mean cursing habit for a Hufflepuff, especially against those Gryffindors and other Hufflepuffs who refused to see her as anyone truly capable, insisting to help her sometimes to the point of harassment just so they could fulfill their saviour complex. When he thought about the reasons for her living in Knockturn Alley now, it really made sense that she would enjoy the kind of *laisser vivre* that was the unwritten rule of the whole street. 
He stopped climbing the stairs and began the trek back to ground level. Perhaps it was time for him to pay a little visit to another Hogwarts alumni, as good neighbours do.
A house elf opened the door to let him in, despite Y/L/N not being present. How strange, he thought, especially in such a neighbourhood. 
“Miss Y/N will be back shortly, she has been held back at the Department of Mysteries, but she said Mister Tom Riddle was to be welcomed in shall he desired so.”
Ah. Well, that would explain, Tom thought, while softly cursing Hufflepuff’s open trust of others. He stepped inside the apartment and abruptly stopped, shocked.
“Would Mister Tom Riddle like some tea?”
Tom didn’t even register what the house elf had said, too busy taking in the sheer vastness of the flat, the tall stained glass windows depicting scenes of old myths and legends, the library spanning the entire opposite wall and… was it a balcony leading to the beach? A pull at his pant leg brought him back to the moment.
“Is Mister Tom Riddle alright? Shall I fetch a potion?”
Tom shook his head, pasting a smile onto his lips to hide his awe. 
“That will not be necessary… What is your name?”
“This one was given the name Remy, Mister Tom Riddle.”
Tom nodded and moved deeper into the space, seating himself onto a comfortable reading chair. 
“Remy. You said your mistress is at the Department of Mysteries. What is she doing there?”
The elf nodded and brought him a cup of tea Tom eagerly took, swallowing a long sip, but before Remy had a chance to respond, a familiar voice answered.
“I work there.”
Despite how tired you felt after your long day at work, the latest results of your research proved particularly encouraging. You had finally managed to create a spell that would enlarge the smallest coin pouch into something akin to infinity, and the Minister for Magic himself had deemed it right to show up and test your invention for himself. He immediately gave you the task to create enough of these for the entire Auror taskforce, and the negotiation for the scheduling of those took about an hour more of talk, the Minister not understanding that your invention still needed to be tested properly before release, especially to a team that dealt with such delicate items such as evidence and other potentially dangerous stock.
At last, you got home, ready to enjoy Remy’s menu as well as a warm bath, but a certain neighbour had decided to change your plans. As you rolled through the door, you caught sight of his wide eyes, looking around your apartment as if he had never seen such magic before. Perhaps he hadn’t, at least not in any real measure outside of Hogwarts, you thought with a sad smile. When he questioned your house elf about your whereabout, his previous awe now hidden behind an affable expression, you decided to make your presence known.
“I work there.”
You watched as Riddle quickly got up, as though he shouldn’t have been resting in your absence, but you reassured him with a lazy wave of your hand.
“Please, stay seated, I’ll just refresh myself in my room and I will be back.”
He sat back down, hesitating, but nodded. 
“I apologize, I shouldn’t have come unannounced.”
You pulled a switch on the side of the stairs, all the planks reassembling themselves into a ramp. 
“Don’t be absurd, I am happy to see you here. It’ll only take a moment.”
And it did. You had managed to make rolling up and down the stairs a breeze after many trials and errors, some of them sending you to the Hospital Wing when you would get the velocity wrong back when you were still at Hogwarts. It was by simple commodity that you got the spell into an on-and-off switch in your home after you noticed it regularly exhausted your magic to do it too often. The entire motion needed, after all, the constant control of not just one but three different spells. As for changing into your evening garment, that didn’t necessitate any energy at all by now. You were back in Riddle’s company after barely a minute. 
“How did you manage to make an entire second floor when you live in a basement?”
You took the cup of tea Remy gave you and sipped at it to hide an amused smile. 
“Magic,” you said.
Riddle sent you a most impassive look, clearly annoyed by your lack of a true response. You snorted, unable to keep your delight at his reaction, which had the merit of putting a small smile back onto his face. 
“If you must know, I am on my way to obtaining a Mastery in Transfiguration. I was chosen to learn my trade at the Department of Mystery after they learnt I managed to transfigure Hogwarts for my needs in my seventh year.”
That managed to catch Riddle’s full attention, and he bent his upper body towards you, the same glint in his eyes you had sometimes seen when he would get taken by an interesting book at the library. 
“You transfigured Hogwarts? I thought it was impossible to do, with all the wards woven into the walls.”
“I transfigured parts of Hogwarts,” you corrected. “Only the stairs.”
“Again, I thought it was impossible. How did you do it?”
“I got inspired by the way the stairs would turn into slides when boys tried to climb their way up to the girl’s dorms. I simply tapped into the magical wards there and tried to replicate the magic onto other stairs.”
You stopped talking, sipping at your tea again as you gathered your thoughts to say something you always meant to but never had the chance before now. 
“I should thank you for that, by the way. I wouldn’t have figured out how to do this if it wasn’t for you.”
He looked taken aback by your comment, looking at the liquid in his cup in confusion.
“Thank me? How so? I don’t think we ever interacted at Hogwarts.”
You smiled, putting your cup on the table next to you before waving a book from your library towards you. 
“Do you remember this book, Mr. Riddle?” You asked, offering him the heavy tome. 
“Tom,” he said absentmindedly, his whole attention onto the book he took from your hand. 
Most Advanced Uses of Runic Transfiguration, the title read. He was frowning at the cover, turning the book into his hand to look at the back and the spine, as if they would hold more information.
“I think I do,” he finally said. “Not that I had any use of it apparently, since I have been pretty good at memorizing the books that have proven beneficial to me.”
He looked up at you, still frowning.
“How does this have to do with me?” He asked. 
You took the book back from his hand, caressing the spine before lowering it on your lap. 
“When I was in fourth year, somewhere before Christmas, I saw you leave a book at your usual table at the library. I was curious about your readings, since I have heard of your skills in class, as most of us did. It was a book on Charms, I cannot remember the title of it now, but I remember a lot of the spells in there helped me win my very first duel in class. Ever since, every book I saw you read and left behind, I read as well.”
You lifted the book from your lap.
“And this book is one of them.”
As you looked at him, the way his eyes bore into yours made it seem as if he was seeing you for the first time. You chuckled, suddenly unsure it had been a good idea to tell him at all. For all you knew, now he believed you to be another one of those girls who sometimes followed him just for a glimpse of his beauty. You could feel your cheeks heat in embarrassment at the thought. 
“I apologize, I don’t want you to think I have been stalking you.”
“Haven’t you?”
You relaxed at the sight of the smirk that grew onto his face as he sat deeper into his chair, swinging one leg over the other. You rolled your eyes at him, your own smile never leaving your face. 
“Of course not, my interest has always been purely academic,” you retorted teasingly, sitting straighter in your chair in the way your mother had taught you.
“Oh I am sure,” he said, and your cheeks reddened some more as you realized he was now flirting with you, winking in your direction. 
“Would Mister Tom Riddle like to stay for dinner?” Your traitorous house elf asked, popping in from the kitchen where you could smell the mouth watering waft of steak pie.
“It would be my pleasure,” Tom responded, sending you a look that begged to be challenged.
You refused to take the bait and nodded most agreeably. 
“Prepare the table for our guest, Remy, we shall use the dining room.”
Remy nodded and disappeared with a small pop.
Thank you so much for reading! Next part we are going back to Tom's pov (love writing those, please let me know if you want fics exclusively from his pov!) and the romance begins 🌹🌹🌹!
Readers tag: @shibble, @darkmoviesquotespizza
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I posted 260 times in 2022
That's 260 more posts than 2021!
26 posts created (10%)
234 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
@ tmbgareok
I tagged 128 of my posts in 2022
#the q - 7 posts
#homestar runner - 5 posts
#website - 5 posts
#halloween - 4 posts
#calorific rays - 3 posts
#daily facts - 3 posts
#alt rock - 3 posts
#picrew - 3 posts
#look at him go - 2 posts
#internet - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 46 characters
#even if you cant fix him you can draw him well
My Top Posts in 2022:
Happy Labor Daybor!
22 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
38 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
Yahoo come check out my first Picrew! you decorate pumpkins! 
41 notes - Posted September 19, 2022
This Halloween I’m gonna help my friend Joey on a personal lost media search! Check out what info we got so far and stay tuned for more details!
46 notes - Posted October 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I’m proud of how this one came out so I’m making sure to share it
50 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pedropenguin28 · 1 month
Samuary frankie f reader spent the night togther but things are going to get completed for him fast he can't control his emotions
Warning smut frankie gets emotional and angry takes over him drugs abuse frankie losing it pet names
An I got so many plans how this going to turn out at first it's a slow burner
18+no mintors
Chapter 6 just and me and the ocean beach
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Frankie pov
" I turned around nuzzled into n/y kneck her smell of her sweet perfume is sweet. I kissed her on her bare naked shoulder, and she hummed sweetly, moring honey moring frankie she turn around her sparkling blue eyes and her bed hair her cutie dimples popping the sun dancing on her naked body "I moved my hand up and down her body she smirk some eger this moring hum I kiss along her jaw line "shh let me take good care so you I slid my handher thighs she panted I "then I sneakily with my fingers she moaned that it pretty girl fuck I kneeled by her your okay I got you she throws her head back frankie I am here baby "you feel so good baby I pull my fingers out "and she sat up and ,kissed me " we better get back hum "I quickly got changed " we can spend the whole day together of you want sure "okay have you got everything yeah okay
"I opened the door, and the beach was empty. I closed the beach shed and began to walk " do you want me to walk you back the villa no I will see you later okay kissing her u had fun last night okay " once I left her I walked back home "getting there you are "I looked it was James "how did you get in you gave me your spare key oh yeah
"Hum, last night clothers yeah he pointed what his that he pointed is that hickey morals maybe "some get lucky last night yeah he winked yeah could say that who the lucky girl "I don't kiss and tell frankie I am your best mare okay is n/y you mean tammy and Lauren and Grace mate yes "it happed oh yeah "I am spending the whole day today with here you mean another date no I just like her okay . What about Tina she knows it fun okay " Well, see you at work tonight, okay
"I quickly freshed up having a shower and getting changed in cargo shorts tanned colour with white t " which probaly come off when I get the beach "I grabbed my car keys " I drive a beetle I stopped "and walked back to the kitchen " maybe I should make food "I bent down looking for a basket or something I rember James was trying to impress a girl so I used the basket making sandwiches which I didn't have a clue about " placing them In the basket and grabbing 2 root beers "and a towel off my sofa I walked out "putting all the things In the car "boot " I got in the car driving to n/y villa I was excited "I stood out of car resting arm on the door "she walked out
My eyes lit up she was beautiful frankie the way she says my name. I melt, wrapping my arms around her. You look cutie, I laugh, thanks. "Lady's first, I open the door. I was thinking going to the other part of the town or private, okay I kept my hands on the wheel placing my other hand on her thigh she kept looking at me " do you want music on sure okay turning my playlist up omg she laugh what looking at her she throw her feet on my dashboard I love this song maybe I sure "she turned up know I am free falling " we both carried on singing you like Tom petty yeah he has good songs " well you have good taste in music she smiled " we Carried on listen to my playlist " her hair blowing and her fingers drumming on the window " "belting the song out " finally arriving this is better smirking at here it's lovely frankie "I opened her door "and walked to my boot "she looked and you even made food nothing 5 star star a couple of peanut better and jelly sandwich yeah "well I looked "Carring the basket why am I nervous my hand was sweated " she smiled and intween are finger we walked "laughing and Joking me Goff balling around " so have you enjoy this yeah " well Iike you she blushed I smirk hum yeah I didn't know how was i feeling "
We carried on walking by the harbour "she smirk you have to be pretty rich to get on these hum i knee down undoing a boat just a speed boat looking at her "frankie want are you going you are crazy am I "what are you going having fun "I held my hand out and she "stepped on the boat what happend if we get caught we want I promise .
" I pulled the cored and drove the boat she sat back until we was far as the can and just bobbing in the sea "I stood up peeling my tee shirt off "and sitting next to her "she stood up and stripped down to her swim wear we both ate are pinci on the boat "until jumping in the ocean we splash each other moving her wet hair I kissed her
"This is perfect. Yeah, she smirk kissing me again "we spent most of the time in the ocean and chilling "so what is your favourite movie " mine I pointed hum probably god farther really she lay back on her arms "yours probaly rom com "how did you know she learned forward because she kiss me ' all day it was nice spending time with her " until the sun was setting over the beach we better head back yeah .
"I drove the boat back retieing it no one will no yeah "walking back to the back I put the things back In the boot closing it I put the engine on " opening the door n/y was dancing the brust of engery in her ho.ding her hand we both danced on the hood of the car " music blasting August was playing " I placed my hand on her waist looking into her eyes she was singing and I moved closer kissing her. We better get back. Yeah, we got back In the car n/y rest her head on my shoulder she smirk, you smell nice yeah "are you coming the br tonight? Yeah okay I will make you a special cocktail pinching her chin playfully, okay we arrived back in the town dropping her off kissing her goodbye I kissed her lips driving back to home "Throwing My keys in the bowel I went to get changed for work " Throwing a shirt on and getting my bar keys and things "walking got oi James smirk " did you have a good day n/y yeah here he hand a joint I inhaled it "blowing smoke is she going to the car tonight yeah "so are you going to ask her to be your girlfriend I don't know maybe we'll. Hung up man
" we contain to walk to the bar James was winding me up finally we was at the bar it was full again taking people order and things next "I looked over she was with her group of freinds "frankie James clicked that is 3 vodkia frankie hum drinks sorry 'man I kept looking, over she was chatting to Todd the snake he got his hand placed on her waist she smiling " here are the two vodkia i turnway frankie Tina leaned over yeah can I get another drin, sure pouring her another drink " cingrent James waved sure j was High throw most of the shift" the bar got busy Todd was sitting with them he moves closure kissing her "what are you doing after this shift Tina smirk nothing do you want to hook up sure " grabbing a drink of vokia downing it frankie slow down what " this is a party turning the music up the bar was in full swing "it was getting late the and James lock up you staying for a drink no I have plans okay " I left the bar what if n/y is having sex with him right know "I got in fuck shouting I punched the wall smoking another joint " fuck pushing my hair back the door went Tina was standing there kiss her hungry I picked her up carrying her to the sofa we had sex feeling her I groaned grabbing protection you feel good my head was hazed keep going she scared my name one was thrusted rolling over she kissed me same time this week again hum "I looked at my blooded frist and pass out my bed I can't stop thing of n/y is she with him I want her this is a mess
0 notes
echantedtoon · 7 months
Camilla x Addison
A young male made his way down the road, humming to himself. His destination was just up ahead. A small restaurant by the name of Bill's Buffet and Drive Through. A couple other people were sitting around picnic tables and talking casually. But, he was looking for someone in particular. "Addison! Over here!," a female called out, waving at him. He smiled before walking over to the female deer shape shifter." Hi, Camilla. Sorry I'm late." He sat across from her. "I-It's alright. How's your friend? Sara, right?" She smiled nervously. "Sahara, and ya. She's doing good. The doctor said she'll be able to go home in a few days." "R-Right. To be honest, I wasn't sure if you were coming or not." "Why wouldn't I?" "I don't know. One too many people stood me up I guess." She was surprised when he reached over to gently grab her arm. "Hey. Don't feel bad. You're not the only one with dating problems. Besides...when I make a promise, I intend to keep it." She felt her cheeks flush a pink color, and a smile graced her face. "Uh....do you want me to get food?" "Ya. That'd be nice." He smiled before standing up and walking away." Be right back." -10 minutes later- He came back carrying a small tray with 2 cheeseburgers, a salad, and drinks. "I.....uh.....just thought since you were a deer....you wouldn't eat meat." He rubbed the back of his neck. "Oh, it's fine. But.....why did you get two burgers then?'' She pointed at the tray. "Oh. Heh. I promised Sahara I'd sneak her in a cheeseburger tomorrow. Hospital food sucks." "Oh, yeah." They talked awhile about their lives and past failed romances. "........So, you and Autumn are cousins? AND you dated Tom, too?" "Uh, yeah. We're still friends though." "When did this happen?," He asked curiously. "About a month before you two dated for a week." She smiled at him. "Heh. Ya. I think he's over me. Lately, he's been hanging around Mackenzie." "I've noticed, too............Um...hey. Can I ask you a personal question?" "Um......sure, I guess." "..........What did happen between you and Gustav?" "Oh, him?.......Well, it turns out we're more friends than lovers," he said with a sigh. "Oh......sorry." "Nah. Don't be. We're still good friends.'' He suddenly looked up." Whoa. It's getting late. My mom's probably wondering where I am." "Here. I'll pay for the food," she offered, reaching into her purse and pulling out a pink wallet. "N-No. Don't do that. I'll pay." "But.......I'm kinda used to doing it." Addison scowled. The nerve of some people. Making her pay for the food and taking advantage of her like that. "Tell ya what......I'll pay for the food, and you leave the tip. Ok?" She hesitated before nodding."......Thanks." She gave a soft smile. "No problem." Ounce everything was paid for, they both stood up. Addison holding the extra cheeseburger for Sahara. "Do you want me to walk you home?," Addison offered. "Nah. A friend's picking me up." A honking noise to the left signaled the friend's arrival. "There she is. Do you want a ride home?" "No thanks. I don't live far from here. But, thanks for offering." "No problem." She reached down to hug him, but stopped when he flinched back."........Sorry." "No. It's fine........I'm just not used to others touching me..........but I can make an acception this time." He leaned forward and slowly gave her a hug, which she happily returned. He blushed at the scent of rose perfume. A couple honks though interrupted them. Camilla was the first to pull away. "I guess I'd better go." "Y-Yeah. I better get going, too." He blushed and pulled his scarf up to cover his red cheeks." B-Bye, Camilla. See ya later." "Bye, Addi. I hope your friend gets better soon,"she said slowly walking away. "Thanks. I hope so, too." He watched silently as she climbed into the car. She waved from the window as it drove by, and he happily waved back. He watched the car until it disappeared from sight before beginning his way home.
0 notes
night--heart · 3 years
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she's trans now! good for her
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tinyhrry · 2 years
Timothee Chalamet Imagines
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apprends - moi  | timmy trying to get y/n to study for her french test 
10 things i like about you | timothee wrote you a letter for your aniversary 
grocery shopping | y/n were livestreaming while you guys went grocery shopping
met gala | timmy wants to express his feelings by kissing you
met gala | scene 2
where were you? | you went out and timmy tried contacting you but u never answered
dad!timmy | scenario 1
 dad!timmy | scenario 2
dad!timmy  | scenario 3
dad!timmy | scenario 4
dad!timmy | scenario 5
dad!timmy | scenario 6
dad!timmy | scenario 7
dad!timmy | scenario 8
dad!timmy | scenario 9
dad!timmy | scenario 10  
dad!timmy | scenario 11 interview with vogue
dad!timmy | scenario 12
dad!timmy | scenario 13
raspberry almond shampoo
world’s most asked question | timmy answering the world’s most asked question about him (wired)
timmy dating a model
paparazzi | scenario 1
good girl | timmy and y/n were friends with benefits but he brought his ex to your and his family’s dinner 
tiktok | y/n and timmy were on live stream and his fans told you to watch tiktoks about him  
stop the flirting | y/n were live and timmy decided to join and left a few comment
celebrity crush | y/n and timmy were on live stream and someone asked about your celebrity crush
dont freak out | y/n were on live stream (fans dont know about your relationship) and timmy came into the house not knowing y/n were live
italy days | y/n and timmy were on vacation in italy
best friend | zendaya and y/n were really good friends and she introduced you to timmy
he’s three! | visiting his family for timmy’s cousin’s birthday
elope | y/n and timmy were on a vacation to a cottage and decided to elope
oscars | getting ready for the oscars
drunk baby | timmy was very drunk and y/n had to take care of him
BOO | aftermath of watching a scary movie
i like you jealous | you and timmy were on a party and someone hit on you and he became jealous
adoresobs’s work 
thestarsaregivenonceonly’s work
accidental confessions | you got ur wisdom tooth out  
nerves | red carpets always makes you nervous but timmy will always makes you feel calm
till death do us apart | you are in a hospital and timmy doesnt know what to do without you
our year | you are mad that timmy broke the promise he made about not accepting any role that year
friends? | you are timmy are friends but he came knocking to ur door with flowers
my hero | a pap harassed you but timmy was there to save you
new year, new step | you found out you were pregnant on new years eve
over protective brother | he met your family and your protective brother (tom) 
dating timothee in college  
jealousy | he became jealous of someone who tried hitting you
dune | going to the dune premier as zendaya’s plus one
my sun 
red carpet | walking through the red carpet for the first time
overheated | you got overheated when filming dune
 silent treatment  you had an argument with timmy and you gave him the silent treatment and he is miserable 
jealous | he got jealous when you had to kiss your co-worker
bed | you havent left the bed in weeks and timmy noticed
caught | you were drunk and the paps caught you making out
soren-mai’s work 
attacked | you were attacked by the paps 
bad day 
crowd | the crowd was chanting lily’s name when you were spotted with timmy
dating timothee chalamet 
my boy | you were live on instagram and fans wants to see timmy
making out | timmy and reader take a little break from their game
needy | y/n is being needy and need cuddles and kisses from timmy
pink suit
ouchie included | you got hurt when you shaved 
instagram au 
cake | you were baking a cake on live and timmy came and dint realized you were on live
matching | walking on your first red carpet matching with timmy
Tiktok prank | you were scrolling through tiktok and found a funny prank to do on timmy
teenage parents | you and timmy are teenage parents 
timmy being excited with reader on set
best friends with timothee 
arguments with timothee
and suddenly all the love songs were about you 
surprise part for timmy
speaking french 
in your arms again
dont touch it
choosing outfit
i would die for you in secret
oscars papparazi 
dating timothee
our daughter
inside you
sick timmy
double date
my baby
holding back from you
your biggest fan
sneaking a kiss
paper rings
jealousy and possesive
sky full of stars
timothees nightmare
painful break up
skincare night
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lizzy-williams · 3 years
❝𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚠𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 & 𝚌𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚜❞
ღWarnings: SMUT (18+ please!), language, rough sex, unprotected sex (wrap before you tap), sexual situations.
ღRequest: Can you do the most dirty hard good sexy lovely spanking doggy position french kiss smut EVER please PLEASE with tom 🙂🪓
ღSummary: You’re been in a mood almost all week, Tom having to leave right on Valentine’s Day for filming. The day before he has to leave, you’re the meanest you’ve been, and Tom’s had about enough. 
ღA/n: ANON YOU DIRTY BEAN I LOVE YOU. This will be the first thing I’m posting since I came back, So I hope you guys enjoy, feel free to send in more requests. 
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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐍 in a mood the entire week. More specifically at your boyfriend, who chose a job that somehow, someway got him taken away right on Valentine’s Day. 
Even worse, this would be your 5th Valentine’s Day together, which you saw as a mile stone. You knew you were being irrational and a bit selfish, but you were too blinded by your anger to realize it. 
For the time being, you were giving Tom hell, inside and outside your small flat. On Monday, you and Tom went out for coffee, but of course, being the little minx you are, you teased him right then and there, in public, and you managed to turn Tom into a needy, whiny child with only a few touches.  
But when the two of you got home, you did a full 180, becoming completely distanced and untouchable, evading every advance Tom tried to make on you. You just kept all your attention on Tessa for a majority of that day. 
At first, Tom was clueless, the sudden distancing confusing the hell out of him, but it only escalated from there. 
On Tuesday, you had some things to do for work, and there you sat on the couch, typing away on your computer before Tom, still flustered and needy from yesterday, came waltzing into the living area and plopped down right next to you, resting his head on your shoulder. 
Yet you sat there, still typing away, acting as if Tom wasn’t there at all. Tom adjusted himself a few times, seeing if his movements gained any attention or reaction from you. Still. Nothing. 
Now he resulted to sighing loudly, and due to where his head was, it was right in your ear. It was erotic or teasing, it was just straight up annoying and childish. 
You finally pried your eyes away from the screen and turned to look at him, “Do you want something?” was all the response he was going to get, and even then it was a grumble. 
“I wanna cuddle.” 
He sounded so much like a kid, and in any other circumstance, you would tend to his request. But no. You were mad at him. 
“I’m working, Tom.”
That’s when Tom knew something was definitely wrong. No usual ‘bubba’ or ‘bub’. Not even honey. Just his first name. Not even his full first name. Just Tom. 
You felt him recoil and slip away into the other room. 
Tom: 0, You: 2
Wednesday rolled around, and Tom was talking to Harrison on the phone. Once again, you had been giving him the bare minimum all day, but when you kissed him, it was long, passionate and lingering. And Tom was, to say the least, baffled. 
“I dunno, man, she’s been like this all week.” 
You happened to be in earshot, and slipped behind a doorframe, listening in on what Tom had to say. 
“No, I don’t think I’ve done anything wrong. I’ve even been making an effort to put the toilet seat down, and somehow she keeps being so distant. I even tried hugging her from behind this morning and she just brushed me off.”
That one was true. You were making yourself lunch when Tom, who woke up late as usual, came into the kitchen and wrapped his arms lovingly around your waist, but staying true to your previous attitude, you brushed him off, using the stove as an excuse. But instead of reassuring him, like you normally would have, you turned and gave him a purple and red hickey on his sweet spot before turning back around and acting as if nothing had happened at all. 
“No, it’s not that time of the month, she already had it. I kinda know these things.”
That was also true. Because you and Tom had such a frequent and vibrant sex life, he made it a personal mission to know when your period came so he could work around it and comfort you. All things aside, he truly was a good boyfriend. 
“Ohhhhh,” he made a sound of realization and it made you perk up a little, wondering if he truly understood why you were so evasive. 
Wait, did he?
The sound of his footsteps clamoring down the hall made you frantically look around for something to look busy with. 
“Darling?” he called out. 
“In here!” you called out, trying to sound unbothered. 
“Ah, Darling,” he seemed giddy, as if he had just solved the worlds biggest mystery, “I know why your angry at me.”
“Oh?” you questioned, as you kept fiddling with whatever you were doing, acting as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. 
“You were upset about the paparazzi pictures. The ones with Ciara.” 
“What?!” you seethed, now not caring about acting like you didn’t care. 
“Th-The other day, when I went out to lunch, you knew about it...?” he was terrified by the look in your eyes. 
He was being honest. He did say he was going out with the female co-star, and you were okay with it. You trusted him. But what you didn’t think about were the tabloids. The gossip sights that would no doubt leak into Twitter, causing an un-needed uprising in Hollanders and shippers. 
Immediately you pushed passed him and went straight for your phone, looking up news sight after news sight. 
Ciara Bravo and Tom Holland: New Hollywood Couple???
Tom & Ciara, A Valentine’s Day Miracle
Did Y/N and Tom SPLIT? Ciara and Tom Spotted!
At this point you couldn’t stand to be in the same room as Tom. Despite him and you understanding there was nothing going on, the outside world put pressure on the both of you, and you needed to breathe. 
Tom didn’t say a word when you got your coat and left with a ‘I’m going out. Don’t wait up.’
By time you got home, Tom slept on the couch, and you slept in the bed. 
Tuesday was quiet, nothing happened. The two of you didn’t speak to each other, a day going by silently, but when you were going to bed, that’s when things got interesting. 
“It isn’t my fault.”
He stood in the bathroom as he spoke, and you were on the bed reading a book with Tessa at your side, sound asleep. 
You gave a small, unbothered sigh, “I know.”
Tom perked up, “What do you mean, ‘you know’?” he asked irritably. 
“I mean I know it isn’t your fault about the media. I don’t care, it’s fine.”
“Then why are you so mad at me?!” he was annoyed now, making you raise a brow. 
“You really don’t know?” you hissed, closing your book, not caring if you lost your page or not. 
“No, of course I don’t know!”
“You’re leaving me! On Valentines Day!” you snapped, standing up, Tessa’s ears going back. 
“Are you serious??? That’s it?” he questioned with wide eyes. 
You glared at him, giving him an expression that only meant one thing, slipping out of the room without a word. 
Needless to say, you slept on the couch that night .
Friday. The day before Tom leaves. The day before Valentine’s day. 
And as always, you woke up before Tom, hearing Tessa scratch at the bedroom door from the inside. You walked down the hall, turning the bedroom door handle slowly and letting Tessa out the door, but not before catching a glimpse of your sleeping boyfriend in nothing but boxers, holding onto your pillow as he slept. 
Thats when the idea popped into your head. You were going to make a lovely Valentine’s day themed breakfast. For yourself.
If there was any way to get Tom back, it was with food, your food more specifically. 
You immediately got to work, prepping the veggies for the omelette, mixing the batter for waffles, and washing the strawberries, planning on using them for a garnish.
You worked for a good hour, almost everything done, the last thing being cutting the strawberries when you suddenly heard the bedroom door open. 
Tom walked out, his curly hair all a mess on top of his head, purposefully not wearing anything except for his Calvin’s, and you shamelessly checked him out, in hopes that would get him going. 
Before he got too close, you whipped back around and began slicing in the berries in front of you. Just like he did the many mornings ago, he let his arms wrap around you right before you felt him leave a small peck below your earlobe, and you had to bite back a smile. 
“Good morning, darling.”
Fuck. His morning voice. It was rough, deep, and gravely, making your stomach do summersaults and slick glisten between your legs. 
The sexual tension was palpable, so thick you could cut it with the knife in your hand. But you needed to stay strong. You were mad. You were still mad....
“Are those for me?” he questioned, motioning to the breakfast platter you had spread on the kitchen island, complete with a glass of OJ. 
You did a silent self-pat on the back. 
“Nope,” you smirked, before popping a strawberry in your mouth. 
His demeanor switched, “That’s it-”
You squeaked as he took the knife from your hands, throwing it into the sink before sweeping his hands across the counter, knocking the cutting board aside, roughly grabbing your hips and putting you on the counter. 
“I’ve just about had it with your attitude,” he growled, pulling his semi-hard-on out of his boxers before grabbing the back of your neck, pulling you into a messy, lustful kiss, his tongue diving in the instant that his lips touched yours, making you whimper out, trying you best to regain control of the situation but failing quickly. 
A sudden smack to your ass made you quit your pursuit of control, a whine finding it’s way out of your throat as you felt him smirk into the kiss. His tongue prodded around your mouth as you held onto him desperately. You wrapped your legs around his hips, pulling him closer, his member pressing right up against your clothed clit, daring him to do whatever he was going to do next. 
Suddenly, he picked you up off the counter, breaking the kiss and pushing you down to your knees, harshly, shoving his member against your cheek. 
“Suck. I’m not gonna ask nice again,” he grunted, and you knew that he would keep his word with this one. 
You hesitantly took him in your hands before stocking him slightly, sticking your tongue out and licking a strip from his base to his tip, before taking it in your mouth, using your tongue to tease the angry veins and ridges on the underside of his cock. 
“Oh - FUCK - you’re so fucking precious.” he hissed, his hand weaving in your hair before pulling you down on his cock, going so deep it touched the back of your throat, praying that your gag reflex was on your side. 
Suddenly he pulled you back, before pulling you all the way back onto him, tears welling up in your eyes as he repeated his movements, using your face and whispering obscenities into the air around you, harshly fucking your mouth. 
“My bratty girl, shit, you sound so much better choking on my cock,” he grunted, his pace suddenly faltering, cock twitching, signaling he was about to release. 
He looked down and his eyes widened as he caught sight of your hips moving slowly and gently. You were so cute like that, humping the air like a little bunny, Tom taking immense pride in the fact that he made you like this. 
Without another warning, you felt his cum fill the back of your throat, making you whine as you had no choice to swallow it all, knowing he wouldn’t take his cock out of your mouth until you did so. 
Tom watched tentatively for the bobbing of your throat. The one indication that you swallowed. You shivered slightly as you felt the salty substance make it’s way down your throat, and he finally, finally, pulled himself out, and you gasped for air. 
Tom admired your fucked out state, tears wetting your cheeks and your lips swollen, hair ruined from his grip. He could have you looking like that...
He used one hand to stroke and caress your cheek, the other smoothing out your hair the best he could before standing you back up, your eyes dazed as you looked at him with pleading eyes, your past angers forgotten as you were desperate for his touch. 
“Go to the bedroom, strip, lay down, ass up darling. Wait. You touch yourself and I’ll leave you there for the rest of the night, understand?” he hissed before you nodded, scampering off down the hall.
 You waited on the bed as you were told, your back arched as you put your ass in the air, your head resting in your arms as you scowled slightly impatiently. It had been 5 minutes since Tom promised he’d be back, and yet there you were. 
You began to play with the sheets between you fingers as you sighed quietly to yourself. But your head propped up slightly when you heard the sound of the door swinging open, a now completely nude Tom stepping through, a small box in his hands. 
“I was going to wait until tomorrow, but now seems like a much more... fitting time,” his smile was devious as he opened the small box, pulling out a thick, bullet shaped piece of equipment. 
Right as he twisted the bottom, you heard it buzz softly, and the realization hit you like a ton a bricks: the realization that this was going to be a long night. He stalked around you like a predator trying to catch pray, and you felt the bed dip behind you, and you heard him let out a sigh of content as he looked at your completely wet pussy, courtesy of the events earlier in the kitchen. 
“Fuck, you look so pretty all wet like this for me... this is for me, right darling?” he kneaded your ass in his hands before you could answer, “Who am I kidding, of course it’s for me.”
You knew what was coming next, knowing how much Tom loved your ass, and jus as expected, you felt his tongue lick a long, rough lick from your clit to your rim, making you jolt forwards slightly. 
Soon enough you felt two of his fingers plunge inside of your pussy, making you moan sweetly into the open air of the bedroom. His movements made the coil inside you tighten and spark, your need for release becoming more and more apparent. 
But the sudden buzzing on your clit made you lose your mind, release coming sooner than expected, your cunt squeezing around Tom’s fingers like a vice as you moaned out, breathless as his pace never faltered, his speed, (if anything), increasing as your body shook. 
Even after your high was ridden out, he continued, making you gasp. 
“T-Tom, I can’t, I can’t I- AHHH!” your babbling was cut of by another sudden shock through your cunt, making you scream out in such quick pleasure. 
“Holy fuck, so wet-” Tom was in awe of your actions, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out what just happened. 
You just squirted. 
Tom wasted no time getting down there and sucking your clit harshly, his movements driving you crazy as you tried to collect your thoughts and make a complete sentence. 
He was so high on you, so drunk on your taste as he continued to taste and tease every part of your most sensitive place. 
“P-Please Tom,” you begged, shifting. 
Please what? Please keep going? Please stop?
“Please fuck me,” 
It was a soft whimper, oh so soft, but he heard it, and it drove him crazy. He sat up and positioned his newly hardened, throbbing member up to your entrance. Without a second thought, he pushed in the tip with ease. 
You silently thanked god for the slick of your cunt as he drove in farther, and to your surprise, he waited. Waited until you were ready. He knew that no matter how many times he fucked you, you would always be tighter than hell. So he waited. He always did. 
But as soon as you nodded, his demeanor flipped again like a light switch, drawing himself out and slamming himself back in. Soon enough he set a rough and punishing pace, throwing you back onto him like a rag-doll as your body went limp, letting him use you. 
You jerked when you felt him land a slap on your ass, knowing he enjoyed the way it move after he did so, before kneading the flesh, planning on repeating his actions. 
You were whimpering and keening at his movements and pants, the feeling of him pounding into you taking you over, and the only thing you could think about was him. 
Him, him, him.
Not the fact that he had to leave the following morning, or the fact that the tabloids were a nuisance. Just that fact that you were completely fucked out and it wasn’t even noon yet. 
“Shit, darling, so. Fucking. Good,” he grunted, punctuating his final words with harsh, long, hard thrusts, accompanied with slaps to your already sensative ass. 
His pace was faltering, dick twitching, his pants getting more frequent and louder. You knew he was getting close, the sight of you so out of it only spurring it on. 
“C-Cum for me, Tommy,” you whimpered, making his thrusts almost come to a full halt, “Cum inside me, please,”
Tom knew you were on the pill, and it was always for other reasons, and he usually pulled out, more as a personal preference to you. But now that you wanted him to claim you, so intimately and so passionately, his movements went from 0 to 100, before he felt himself snap. 
This of course made you plummet backwards off the cliff of ecstasy, the both of you coming together as a symphony of moans and whines and growls filled the air around you, your body feeling as if it were floating as your ears rang. 
You both fucked like rabbits till noon, the both of you feeling drunk off each other’s touch, just not getting enough. You were both starved all week after all. And it took it’s toll. 
By time you two were done, your body was weak, your muscles completely spent and you heartbeat doing it’s best to settle down. You felt Tom’s arms help pull you up, laying you on your back and disappearing into the bathroom. 
When he came back, it was with a warm, wet washcloth, and be began slowly wiping up his mess, whispering praise and words of admiration while doing so. You found your eyes closing as you basked in the attention and after-glow of orgasm. He was completely in love with you, he couldn’t stop if he tried. 
Tossing the rag off the the side, you felt the area beside you dip before you were greeted with Tom’s arms, once again, finding home around your body, and you immediately leaned into his touch, laying your head softly on his chest as he played with your hair. 
The both of you enjoyed the silence. His other hand drifted up and down your arm, making goosebumps erupt in its wake, the space to think being larger than life. 
Finally, you spoke. 
“I’m sorry.” you muttered, holding him just a little bit closer. But Tom being Tom, you knew he would milk it as much as he could. 
You sighed, embarrassed that you had to admit it out loud, “For being a bitch all week. I was just angry. It wasn’t fair to you. Ergo, I’m sorry.”
“Apology accepted. But you’re buying me coffee on the way to the airport tomorrow morning,” he insisted. 
That’s when your senses finally took in the fact that it was still light outside. The clock on your bedside table read a shocking 12:23 pm, and you let a small smirk creep across your face at the Valentine’s Day sex you were truly going to be missing out on. 
Sure, it still made you sad that he was leaving. But knowing Tom, you knew he would do something special for you, no matter how far away you were. Besides, there was hours of Facetime sex to be had, and you couldn’t wait for that. 
“Do you want lunch?” you questioned quietly, your hand gently gliding up and down Tom’s abs, which always felt like you were touching marble stone. 
“Yeah. You’re buying though,” he contested, and you smirked. 
“Nope. I’m making. I was thinking tomato soup and grilled cheese,” 
You knew it was one of Tom’s favorites, one of the few things on this planet that Tom would die for, (besides you, of course).
“That would be lovely, darling.”
“I’m gonna miss the fuck outta you,” you whined, standing at the gates, your doe eyes peering up at him as you held his hands. 
“I’ll be back before you know it, love, and you can text me and call me at the end of every day. I can even fly you out to visit if you want.”
Tom was doing his best to soften the blow of him leaving; it was hard on both of you, and it was supposed to be for 2 months. 8 weeks. 56 days. You hated it. 
“Love you,” you grumbled like a child, before hugging him with all your might, trying to remember this feeling to keep you company. 
“I love you most,” he challenged, making you pull back to rest your chin on his chest before leaning up and giving him a kiss, but it turned heated quickly. 
Before it could get any more hot and heavy (because the paparazzi are VULTURES), you pulled away. 
“I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you more,” you replied. 
Suddenly the lady on the overhead speakers began to talk, “All first class passengers on flight 32-B to Atlanta, Georgia, is now boarding.”
“That’s me,” he sighed. 
Tears pricked your eyes unexpectantly, and before Tom could see them, you gave him one last, rib crushing hug. 
He pulled back with a smile, waving a wordless goodbye, walking away, but not without giving you one last look, mouthing the words:
‘Happy Valentine’s Day’
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