#she was JACKED man
jonahmagnus · 6 months
I cannot watch teen wolf video essays anymore. I keep having dreams about Stiles.
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mintaikk · 2 months
Mini comic I made based on a convo I had with my mom
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Also, for the people who don't believe me 👇
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(Stony isn't technically canon but it was in a fantastic 4 comic with a female Tony countperart. Idk, I haven't read it and only know about it when i was bored and checked the shipping wiki while zoning out of a movie. It's weird)
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(Random note for spideypool: Wade will flirt with anything that moves, but what showd he had an actual crush on Spidey beyind attraction was when his daughter pointed out how much he talked about him and he got embarrassed. Also, the fact that he changed his entire moral code for Spidey. And they're confirmed heartmates. I haven't gotten that far in the comic yet, but I think it's like soulmates but more romantic. Also, Deadpool had a free pass list of people he can sleep with while he was married (his wife signed it and everything), and Spiderman was number five
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anemonet · 6 months
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has anyone here concidered listening to whisper by jack staubers micropop on loop
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occudo · 7 months
In your Magus AU, is Agnes just another a wizard/witch, a noble, or is she some sort of royalty for the Desolation-based kingdom? Also, does she still have a *thing* with Gertrude?
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Agnes is the queen of the desolation-based kingdom-
she is an exception to the 'witches are only noble in name' rule but mostly her advisors make decisions.
She and Gertrude don't have the same *thing* as in GiSA but they have met 👁👁
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orangesnail · 3 months
Women don’t want flowers and cafe dates, they want men who have a distinct lack of ego, tell them they have a purposeful savagery, give them guns and gently sew up their wounds in his private little oasis in a harsh wasteland.
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olligane · 7 months
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Jack the Terrible and His Daughter, Angel.
hello borderlands fandom- i've been here for maybe 11 years now? idk the last time i was an active member of the fandom i was living in the hell that was amino. today i give you a post that i totally stole the idea for from tumblr user @thedudeandjackfamily.
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jeeaark · 6 months
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final showdown pt2.
This was one of those battles where I survived it without a single reload. So. This entire scene? Accurate. Embarrassingly Accurate. (except the healy dealy. that's Greygold flair)
Wanted to get to the crown as fast as possible, but had to fly by Emps. Literally stopped next to bud to personally yell/reassure the fool I was gonna save their ass and then risked the opportunity attack.
(which. I forgot to bring my dex 18 gloves and discovered illithidism had shit dex, so....IS FINE. GG IS ALL FOR STARTING A NEW COLLECTION OF FRIENDSHIP SCARS)
BUT SQUID BUDDY MISSED. so. I like to think Enthralled Emps had put some effort into jumping through some rather large logic hoops to miss. Unlike Greygold who put JACK effort into dodging.
I originally intended to leave Emps completely alone, risk the attacks. But. Brain tentacle surprise happened. Right next to the squid. Emps rolled high in initiative.... But not as high as Lae'zel. Game-wise, ✨I panicked✨. Story-wise? I don't think this could have been any more in-character. Albeit, I found myself quadruple checking to make sure knockout mode was ABSOLUTELY on
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im currently thinking about how sam is too scared to love jack, while jack is content to meet her where shes at as long as theyre side by side. how everyone from her dad to daniel and Teal'c to random aliens they met 3 hours ago all assume they either are already together or should just get their heads out of the sand and make out. how during the zatarc episode when jack was telling daniel about anise kissing him by simply saying "she made a pass on me" daniel immediately went "sam????". how in the nirrti episode with jonas sam felt like shit, was leaned perfectly comfortably against the bars, and completely shifted around to get jack cuddles. how in the memory stamp episode the stamp didnt stick with tealc at all, daniel held onto his morals and fascination of gate travel, sam held onto stuff like dhd, idc, gdo, and all jack held onto was his feelings for sam. how slowly over the seasons people (specifically her dad) noticed that sam wasnt happy, and that she WOULD be happy with jack. how jacobs dying wish was for sam to know she could have both her job AND her man. how, between the later seasons of sg1, atlantis, and sgu, the more proof for just how Married they were the further the distance between them grew (jack going to dc, sam going from commanding atlantis to commanding the hammond). how they were practically made for each other. how hammond probably knew when he met them in 1969 and had been waiting 28 years for them to meet. how jack "adored [her] already" their first gate trip together. how they literally, canonically, get together in every universe. how that fact constitutes them as soulmates.
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that1notetaker · 7 months
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@midoristeashop THIS bottom corner drawing you mean?
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jackdaw-and-hattrick · 7 months
Big fan of Tall and Lean Danny combined with even Taller Amazon Jazz. Just this 6’7” twunk being teased by his 6’11” buff sister about how tiny he is compared to her and their 7’3” dad.
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cairavende · 2 months
Worm Arc 21 thoughts:
Well that was sure a turn around from last arc's "I'm going to rally the students so I don't get captured."
I know my daughter has made some . . . mistakes, but I'm not a fan of her turning herself into the openly corrupted and also bad at their job parahuman cops.
(Parahuman cops as in "cops who police parahumans" not "cops who are parahumans")
Like look, I get it. A precog told her to cut ties. I can't say it's wrong to follow that advice. But she could do that in a lot of ways that don't involve the PRT.
The second not from Dinah just being "I'm sorry" is brutal.
But before she can turn herself in she has to absolutely fucking crush the PRT/Protectorate for outing her civilian identity.
I love how fucking simple taking out the entire PRT headquarters was for Skitter and her girlfriends!
Who needs anyone else? Bitch brings muscle, Tattletale brings information, Skitter brings battlefield control. Lesbian polycule power activate!
Was it an overboard response? Maybe. Was it badass how she just took out so many heroes and PRT troops with ease? Yes.
Poor Dovetail has one of the most embarrassing introductions ever. First time we see her and Skitter is wiping the floor with her and thinking about her "crummy power".
God I hate Tagg so much that he makes me miss Piggot. Like she was absolutely terrible, but he's worse! And making me miss Piggot makes me hate Tagg even more!
Kindly old cemetery groundskeeper who doesn't pay much attention to the news! Never a bad trope.
They gave Butcher 15 to Cherish???!? Like sure they give all the reasoning for it but like ... it just seems like a really high risk situation. If she ever gets out it's going to suck. A lot.
Rachel just over here finding everyone like her and giving them a place. Legit crying. Look at that fucking growth!
(Also shout-out to my wife for having basically done the same thing. It's how I met her. It's how I met one of my girlfriends. And so many other important people. So ya. I fucking love this.)
Also you ever like a girl so much you try to give her an entire planet? Cause Taylor sure has.
"Rachel I don't want you to be sad when I'm gone so you can basically have this whole other planet we found."
Imp let Regent take control of her . . . welp. Like, I'm not really surprised by this. And in a different situation I wouldn't even really find it that weird. I'd do it with the right person. But combination of age and the situation they are in and Regent being Regent annnnnd ya. Welp.
I did love how much of the interactions between Skitter and Regent/Imp really was just her struggling with parenting two teenage supervillains.
(She won't)
I fucking LOVE that she made the bible themed hero kneel. Absolutely fucking amazing.
Oh shiiit, Skitter just flat dropped that guy multiple stories. Is she going to far?
. . . wellll, these guys do literally worship the Endbringers so I guess a little aggression is ok.
Damn, Valefor sure has some fucked up powers, I wonder what they're gonna do abou-
. . .
. . .
. . . . . .
. . . wellll, these guys do literally worship the Endbringers so I guess a little aggression is ok.
. . .
. . .
. . . I think I preferred when she just used a knife.
So anyway
Not a fan of Taylor having more alone time with Brian (not because I have any issue with the idea, but because I think she needs to be focusing on her girlfriends), but I am a fan of her using bugs to clean her dress and fix her hair afterwords while Brian just kinda sits there and has to contemplate what he has gotten himself into. Queen shit.
Flechette was SO mad that Parian wasn't "cute" anymore, I couldn't stop laughing. Sure, she said "You had to take the playfulness away? The joy?" but we all know what she meant. Of course, it's won't take very long for the new costume to get Flechette's attention. (I have to mention that this is basically exactly what I said when reading the scene, and the interlude a few chapters later just proved me right.)
Flechette is just so hopelessly gay
Miss Militia is actually getting very mild respect from me right now. Like, she's still working for the cops but she is actually agreeing to silently push against some things. Now, she says she doesn't have more power then that but she is a very well known hero and if she would publicly speak out about certain things there is a decent chance she could do more. That would of course be putting her position at risk though. Which is why she only gets very mild respect right now.
Fucking multiple bulletin boards with threads connecting them. Everything color coded. Reference numbers to files with more details. Multiple TV screens, computer with constant information dump. God. It's like a literal representation of the inside of my mind while I read Worm. SO MANY THINGS TO FIGURE OUT!
I love a lot of characters, but Tattletale always stays near the top. She gets me.
And from the fucking joy of getting to see that setup I come crashing the fuck down.
Like, I have completely figured out at this point that Skitter is turning herself in. I know what is coming. She's had her moment with everyone else and Tattletale is the last one.
And then. Then just . .
No goodbyes.
I do find it hysterical that the PRT officers working the front lobby don't all recognize Skitter on sight. Fucking gas station employees will manage to keep track of people with pictures on the "bad check" board, you'd think the PRT could manage to have their officers keep track of the face of one of the most well know villains in the country, if not the world, who also controls their city. PRT is forever bad at their job.
That one guy did notice her eventually though, so I guess he gets to be employee of the month.
The Number Man interlude thoughts:
The inside of this mans mind is one of the sexiest things I have ever seen and the constant reminder of the horrible things he is helping Cauldron do to all their prisoners was very helpful because it was the only thing keeping me from deciding that The Number Man is a perfect soul that can do no wrong.
I have no illusions here. I am weak. This man is a monster and I should not have any trouble remembering that.
But fuck shit fuck oh god fuck I don't even need him to touch me. I just need him to TALK to me. I just need him to get high with me and let me pick apart how his mind works!
He understood numbers, and through them, he understood everything.
That line. Absolute killer. Fucking take me.
. . . anyway yes it's a very interesting interlude!
Loved seeing more of the inner workings of Cauldron
I very much want to see the final level of their basement that only the Doctor goes into because I said that I thought Cauldron had a dead (for values of dead that are non-definable) higher dimensional being in their basement back during arc 15 and now I know for sure that there is something down there. I wanna know if I was right!
Oh my god he was friends with Jack
Look I make everything gay ok? It's not my choice! Sure it means I get to enjoy every tiny bit of Wolfspider and Chatterbug cause I see all of it. But it also means I see the ships I don't want to think about!
I men what was I supposed to think when Jack said “We can live this. Together. Every waking second…”?
Parian interlude thoughts:
And speaking of gay!
Fucking Flechette just full blown "Fuck all of this I want you to tell me what to do for the rest of my life!"
Full U-Haul lesbian.
This is Parian's new costume having an effect.
Just so gay. I love it.
Also Bitch just so fucking ready to break Skitter out. So fucking gay.
And the incredible loyalty, which is gonna hurt if she ends up feeling betrayed by Skitter.
Still gay though.
Tattletale, basically without powers, just completely giving Accord the "fuck off, we're in charge" was amazing. All she had to do was promise to consider his binders and he was all in. This poor man just wants somebody to read his ideas! He's like a aspiring screenwriter just begging people to read his script.
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avoteforme · 6 months
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radaverse · 4 months
what if they met way before they did
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the baby
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jellyfishcandyy · 6 months
Abigal does not get enough credit for tolerating John's stupid ass and sticking around throughout all these chapters
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"So we're a million years late?" "Probably more." "That's very late."
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outletcrash · 2 months
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the joker and harley quinn!
in my universe they are best friend crazy crime clowns with a thing for tall, dark and mysterious individuals with a warped sense of justice.
also these two (and ed) are constantly doing costume changes hell yeah
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