#she was sooo mad
themuseoftheviolets · 10 months
everytime we talk about sun marks on skin my family never fails to talk about the one time in kindergarten when i drew my grandma with a bunch of dots all over her body
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Shovel Talk(s) Part 2
Part One 🦇Part Two🦇Part Three🦇Part Four
Nobody in the history of the world has ever referred to Eddie as jubilant but that was certainly the best word for him currently. Eddie has survived the apocalypse (even if barely), been proven innocent for the murders (the Upside Down exploding into Hawkins helped), and he has a boyfriend. It makes Eddie feel like he's floating.
Steve drops him off, walks him up to the porch, and gives him the sweetest kiss goodbye. Eddie doesn't go inside right away because he wants to watch Steve as he leaves and maybe blow him an exaggerated kiss as he drives away.
"Glad that boy finally did something about how pathetic you were being," Wayne says in lieu of a greeting when Eddie finally slips in the front door and into the living room, plopping himself on the other end of the sofa, dragging one of the throw pillows that came with the couch into his lap to clutch onto. Ground him, because he's still floating.
"I was not being pathetic!" Eddie is scandalized.
Wayne lets out a wistful sigh and says, in a poor imitation of Eddie's voice, "when will Steve end my suffering and notice me."
Eddie lunges across the couch with the pillow in hand, whacking Wayne with every word he speaks, while also trying to dodge Wayne trying to grab the pillow from him, "I do not sound like that!"
Wayne tricks him into thinking the pillow is his only goal and before he realizes what's happening, Wayne has him in a headlock, dragging both of them off the couch as he stands, giving Eddie the gentlest noogie of his life. "I think I know how you sound, hearin' you bellyache for the last 13 years. I've had to hear your relentless sighing and bemoaning about Steve for at least six of 'em."
Eddie beats him with the pillow more until Wayne releases the headlock and then they wrestle until his uncle fakes hurt, so Eddie backs down quickly, and Wayne steals the pillow and beats him back onto the couch until Eddie yields.
"That was dirty fighting, old man," Eddie says when he finally stops laughing enough to catch his breath.
"What was it you used to tell me, when I said you were fightin' dirty?" Wayne asks, "Scrappy."
"Oh, is that what you think you are?" Eddie swings at Wayne's knee half-heartedly. Wayne flings himself across the room and into the recliner there like Eddie shoved him. "Oh, you big baby."
"You're awfully callus about bullying your old man," Wayne chuckles and settles into the recliner, popping the leg rest out. "Now, tell me about your boy. He was a gentleman to you?"
Eddie pouts, "Unfortunately, yes. One chaste kiss and then he was off."
"Smart boy."
Eddie narrows his eyes. "What's the supposed to mean?"
"Means I scare him."
"That a question or a statement, son?" Wayne looks awfully smug over in his chair.
"What do you mean you scare him?"
"Just gave him the good ole father shovel talk. Y'know? Hurt my boy and I'll make you disappear," Wayne says.
"You terrible old man!" Eddie throws his pillow at him but Wayne bats it out of the air. "I'm going to die a virgin and it'll be your fault!"
Wayne just shrugs. "Fine by me."
"You are the worst."
Eddie can't make his leg stop jiggling. He feels sorry for Nancy, who is sharing the bench seat with him because he's sure that it's shaking the whole bench. He's filled with energy and doesn't know what to do with it.
Robin sits across from them, finishing up the last of her milkshake as they wait for the to go order they're going to drop off for Steve, who is stuck at Family Video for another five hours. He was supposed to be here, too, but Keith called him asking him to cover and he'd said yes. Eddie wishes he hadn't. This was Lunch Date Day.
"Are you still upset Steve took an extra shift?" Nancy asks. "Even though you know he's just going to spend the extra money on you?"
Eddie's pouting, voice whiny as he says, "I'd rather he be heeeerrrrrrrre."
"It's disgusting how in love you are," Robin says, shoving the now completely empty milkshake glass away.
Eddie's leg stops shaking because he full on freezes. "Uh."
"Are you afraid of saying the L-word? You are not subtle in showing it," Nancy says, ever the traitor, "but luckily Steve's just as smitten."
"You don't know that," Eddie says, arguing for the sake of arguing. He doesn't believe he likes Steve more than Steve likes him. He's pretty sure they're on an even playing field.
"Yeah, I do. I threatened to shoot him if he hurt you and he didn't even flinch. He'd have taken the bullet for you."
"You did what!?" Robin yelps. She's looking at Nancy like she's grown a second head.
"I didn't even bring a gun with me! Besides, Steve knows I didn't mean it," Nancy says with a wave of her hand, "it was just an obligation thing. You have to threaten your best friend's significant other. The whole conversation was like, 30 seconds tops."
"I'm your best friend!?" Eddie gasps, faking surprise. They have become good friends. She'd taken it upon herself to make sure he did get to graduate with Robin and herself, and they did form a sort of friendship from that. Also, from being the collective third wheel to Steve&Robin, which is enough to make people come together. Neither of them truly thinks of the other as their best friend, but it's fun to joke about their own Capitol with a P Platonic Friendship around Steve and Robin, as they become rather bitchy and defensive about their own friendship.
It's hilarious every time.
"Well, it's you or Argyle, and I don't think Jonathan wants to share his best friend, so...."
"Cold, Wheeler. Cold."
Nancy rolls her eyes and looks over to Robin. "Are you telling me you haven't given Eddie the shovel talk?"
Robin frowns as she thinks before her eyes widen in shock and she gasps, "I think I accidentally gave Steve a shovel talk instead."
Eddie bursts out laughing, "Robin, how the fuck did you end up accidentally giving a shovel talk to your own best friend?"
"I just told him to, like, be careful with you."
"Careful with me?" Eddie asks, a little incredulously. "What the fuck does that mean?"
Robin is going on the defensive, now. Eddie can see that in the way she squares her shoulders before saying, "it was said after your first date! Steve's had a lot of those, and you hadn't. I just- I dunno, wanted him to see the importance of that."
"So, what, you told him you'd shoot him if he hurt me, like Wheeler here?"
"No! I never said I'd hurt him for hurting you. I just said that he should be careful with you because, as your first boyfriend, if, and I did mean if, you don't work out, it's like... he's setting the precedent for how boyfriends should treat you. What you'll put with with, y'know?"
"That's sweet-" Nancy starts but Eddie's speaking over her just a quickly.
"Robin, that's stupid. I'm a fucking adult. If I'm not being treated how I want to be treated, I'll tell Steve," Eddie huffs. "You can trust that I say what I mean."
"Can I?" Robin shoots back. "Just like when you promised to get the fuck outta dodge and instead went on a suicide mission that ended very, very badly for you?"
"That was different, Buckley," Eddie hisses at her, sitting up straight to lean more across the table, trying to get in her face, "there was a lot of shit happening, and no way out that I saw. It's called trauma!"
It seems that a defensive Robin goes straight for the jugular because she hisses back, "No, actually, I think it's called survivors guilt and suicidal ideation. You know what, I should be giving you a shovel talk! 'Cause I don't fully trust you to not hurt Steve, either by lying or running once things get rough. You don't-"
"OKAY!" Nancy shouts, startling both of them into silence with one word. "We are in an, admittedly very empty, diner but still a very public diner, so let's not. Robin, you're not Steve's mom, it's not on you to look out for who is going to hurt him or-"
"You do not get to speak to me about hurting him," Robin points an accusing finger at Nancy. For all the anger she seemed to have for Eddie just now, he can see that it's almost doubled for Nancy. "I wasn't Steve's friend when you hurt him, but don't think I don't know every detail."
He knows this story, too. Had gotten it out of Steve one night, weeks ago now, when they'd been passing a joint back and forth on Eddie's bed. Before Eddie can pipe up, not that he knows what he'd say anyway, the waitress returns with the to go box and the check.
"It's my turn to pay," Nancy says, snatching the check before it touches the table, following hot on the waitress's heels to the register.
"Ugh," Robin flings herself against the back of the bench, both hands coming up to hide her face. From beneath her hiding place, she says, "I'm sorry, Eddie. What I said was unfair, and uncalled for."
"We're cool, Robin," Eddie says, "I forget how much of a buffer for our anxieties Steve is until we all hang out without him. He's able to defuse an argument before it happens."
"Oh, don't word it like that," Robin drops her hands and slides out of the booth, scooping up the to go box in the process," it makes Steve sound like the emotionally mature one."
They all climb into Nancy's car and apologies are said but Eddie feels like the next time Steve can't make it, they'll all bail on the weekly lunch. They're just a bunch of traumatized young adults and Steve is the heart of them, the person that bonds them outside the shit they went through. And maybe they should figure out a better way to deal with this than just pretending it didn't happen but- well, the world just kept moving on and they had to either move with it or get left behind.
It's two weeks after Eddie and Steve accidentally told the Hellfire crew they were a couple, which is why Eddie is not expecting it when Erica and Lucas corner him. He was expecting to be cornered by someone last week.
They'd been taking longer to pack up than usual, and that should have tipped Eddie off that something was up.
"Munson," Erica says in her no-nonsense voice, hands on her hips, face unamused. For sharing no biology with Steve, Eddie finds the resemblance uncanny. "I need you to understand that you might be my Dungeon Master, but Scoops Troop will always trump that, so if you fuck this up with Steve, you will have to answer to me."
Eddie gives a soft grin in response, amused, "no worries, Lady Applejack. I have no plans to fuck this up."
Erica's eyes flick to Lucas, then back to Eddie. "I mean it, Munson. I have it on good authority that sometimes you hurt people and then you don't try to right it. You just move on-"
"Erica, stop it," Lucas says, voice a little panicked.
But Erica continues, because nothing ever seems to phase her, "and Steve and Lucas are alike in that way. So just know that if you hurt Steve like you hurt Lucas-"
"I will end you. I will ruin your life, Munson-"
"Erica, STOP!" Lucas finally steps forward, yanking on Erica's arm to get her to stop talking. It makes her stumble a bit before rounding on Lucas. "Stop it."
"No!" Erica glares at her brother as she removes his hand from her arm. "Go outside if you don't want to hear it."
They stare each other down and Eddie's not sure what he should be doing. Should he step in? He grew up an only child, is this normal sibling behavior? But he doesn't have to step in because Lucas huffs and storms out of the house, front door clicking softly behind him even though Eddie expected him to slam the door.
"Now, you," Erica whirls around to Eddie, "do you understand what I'm saying?"
Eddie does not. He's fairly certain he's getting a shovel talk from a twelve-year-old and while amusing, he senses there's more to it than just his relationship with Steve. "You're threatening me on Steve's behalf?"
Erica scoffs and rolls her eyes like she thinks Eddie's an idiot. He's starting to think he might be. "Yes, I am but also more. Your relationship has been the hot topic these days, and my brother brought up a good point but he's too nice to say it, so I will. When school starts, if Steve wants to take you to a basketball game, even though they fall on Hellfire night, you postpone the damn game and you go. No matter how much you hate basketball or jocks or- or... other things." She loses steam at the end, eyes flicking to the door.
"What?" Eddie is even more confused, "I don't hate basketball. And if Steve asks, I'm not going to say no, okay? I care about Steve. A lot."
Erica frowns, which contradicts the words that leave her mouth. "Good. That's good. I'd hate to ruin you, Munson."
"Is there... more to it?"
It takes Erica maybe three seconds to decide what she's going to say. Just long enough for her to look at the door, then back to Eddie. "You owe my brother an apology."
"Uh, sure, I'll apologize but for what?"
"Remember the basketball championship and the last session of the Vecna campaign that you wouldn't postpone so Lucas could play? You never apologized," Erica crosses her arms, another move reminiscent of Steve, before continuing, "You didn't apologize, and Lucas thought that it was because he's a jock, and you hate jocks. But now you're dating Steve and he's a jock. So, if you don't hate jocks, Lucas thinks you just hate him."
"What, no, I don't hate Lucas!"
"Then tell him that!" Erica glares at him, "and let this be a little lesson for you. Going forward if you hurt either of my brothers, intentionally or not, you can kiss the tires on your van goodbye."
Eddie tucks his metaphorical tail between his legs and goes outside to apologize, because Lucas deserves to hear it.
Then, once the Sinclairs are gone and Eddie's back in his room, he runs through every conversation he can remember having with Steve. Has he dismissed things Steve liked too easily, too often? Has he said anything offhandedly that could be taken the wrong way without explanation?
Eddie's was an only child and didn't have to grow up worrying about anyone but himself. He made himself an outcast and shunned the 'norm' by choice. Doing so didn't exactly let him learn the social graces of patience and understanding.
It's eye opening, to learn that a decision he made months ago without a second thought has been hurting Lucas this whole time.
Has he ever done that to Steve, and not known it?
Steve's been distant these past few days and no matter how many times Eddie asks, Steve's answer doesn't change. I'm fine he says. I'm fine. Just fine. It's fine.
Except nothing feels fine. And Eddie doesn't understand the sharp change. They've got a date planned for tonight. Neither of them has specifically said it out loud, because it's sappy and stupid, but it marks three full months as official boyfriends. So, they've got a date planned, but Eddie's worried how it might end.
Eddie's been floating these last three months, but he suddenly feels grounded. He can't fix whatever happened if Steve won't tell him what it was! And in the absence of actual answers, Eddie's mind has invented his own.
Steve's realized that Eddie's not good enough for him. Steve's realized that he's actually straight, but thanks for the experimentation. Steve's found someone else and is working on how to break up with Eddie without blowing up their friend group in the process.
And Eddie hates himself for thinking these things. For projecting his own insecurities onto a version of Steve that doesn't exist. Eddie's gotten to know Steve.
Or he thought he had.
But now he's pulling away. And the only person he knows he can talk to about dating Steve is Nancy and he can't do that! He can't just go to Nancy's house and ask 'so when you were dating Steve and it was all going down the drain, was he distant or is that just a me thing?'
Fuck. Fuck!
He runs his hands through his hair and regrets it as his curls tangle around the rings on his hands. He should brush his hair, be getting ready, but he's procrastinating that because he can't decide if he's going all out, making himself look his best to see if it'll bring some life back into Steve's eyes when he looks at him, or if he shouldn't try at all and see if Steve even notices he's wearing the same thing he wore yesterday.
And it's bullshit that he's even thinking about testing Steve. Not two months ago he and Robin had argued in that diner about whether he's talk to Steve about these kind of things or not and now he was kind of proving her right. Except not, because he did try to talk! Steve just didn't answer when he questioned, and you can't really build a conversation from nothing.
Fuck! He should have known this would happen. That he would fall in love and Steve wouldn't love him back because that's always been his lot in life.
Oh no.
He's been avoiding thinking it because once it's been thought, once it's solidified in his mind, it's true. And now he's thought it!
He's in love with Steve Harrington.
And isn't it just fuckin' peachy that this realization doesn't accompany happy feelings. He's in love and can't even be happy about it because he's so fucking sure his relationship is ending tonight.
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enbyfrogz · 2 months
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“I’m now becoming my own self-fulfilling prophecy…”
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al-luviec · 3 months
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I've decided to render everything on one layer (I am freed)
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spriteofmushrooms · 1 year
The interesting thing about Jiang Cheng is that he refuses to be his mother's golden child to Wei Wuxian's scapegoat; he actively chooses Wei Wuxian again and again. He defends Wei Wuxian from her until she dies. It's unusual.
This doesn't mean that Wei Wuxian's experience was any less fraught--being hated by a caretaker is awful even if everyone else loves you. But it was an interesting choice by MXTX.
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lucreziagiovane · 1 year
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THE BORGIA BROTHERS + putting the family's interest above their sister's concerns
"Everything I do is for the family."
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secret-smut-sideblog · 3 months
House of the Rising Sun
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Halsin x Tav (named)
18+ love triangle dynamics, light drug use (weed), talks of death, grief release, hurt/comfort, rebound sex, dirty talk, power play, size kink, roughness, fingering (f!), breast worship (m!), p-in-v, unprotected sex
After Gale received the Annuls of Karsus, and the subsequent break of Aurum's heart, she cannot shake the lingering betrayal. Driving her to the strong shoulder and warm arms of another...
Aurum stood on the edge of camp, staring into the dark. Pain of many forms sitting in her chest.
She had survived the heat death, just barely, but the source of its catalyst still ate a hole in her.
Her and Gale had made up, in that vague way that sudden emergency forces, but her trust in him had eroded. Still in aching disbelief at his choice, circling the back of her thoughts when she found herself alone. Those moments were far in between, as he had remained her shadow since Isobel forced her to reveal her incoming demise, but still.
She had left him that night, and they had not rekindled since, but there was still hurt and love in terrible equal in her heart.
She grimaced at the shrouded forest, standing at the crest of its teeth. Maw open and tempting. The urge to run never left her, not when she was a child, and not now.
"Go." She whispered to herself. "Just go."
But her body stood still, waiting in command of her will not her words. Stubborn to her reason.
Tears spiked the corners of her eyes.
"Vaendaan-naes." She hissed to herself, a bite of cold jest in her throat.
"Ah, 'born of life's bright struggles'... if that doesn't describe you..."
Halsin's warm voice came up behind her, responding in kind in their tongue. Elvish a lyric rumble in his throat.
She turned, wiping her eyes with quick angry fingers. Trying to sniffle away her shame. His hand came up to gently pause her effort, fingers enveloping the back of her wrist.
She continued in Elvish, reassured in the veil of their language to speak more freely.
"I know, I shouldn't be wandering at night." She fought the pull to fall into that instinctual mask of grace. Voice still sliding to serene.
"You're allowed to wander as freely as you desire." His voice was easy in its reassuring. Hand that had soothed her shameful fingers now pointing to the pipe in her palm.
"I was actually searching for that." A warm chuckle in his voice.
"Sorry." She sighed, the sweet smoke curling inside the bowl. "I shouldn't ha-"
"What is mine is yours. Though, that smells like more than just pipeweed..."
"I shouldn't be imbibing this soon." She pressed a palm to the ache throbbing in her chest.
"If it helps the pain, I encourage it." He eyed her with a knowing gaze. "Pain of the flesh and perhaps pain of the spirit..."
And, just like that, those agitated tears were back.
Aurum pulled her lower lip into her teeth to keep it from trembling. Desperate to not break in front of him. In front of anyone.
"I just can't believe..." She started, her arm looped around her waist digging fingers into her hip. "After everything I've told him..."
Halsin's hand settled on her back, rubbing warm into her spine.
She bowed into his touch, her body always so traitorously hungry for affection. A deep breath releasing slow.
"Betrayal stings deep in the soul." He agreed, pulling closer as her body turned into his touch. "A barb hard removed once it's entered."
"Gods, he hurt me. I never thought... and maybe that's just it. I didn't think. Foolish of me, to think that he would consider what divinty means for me, that he was listening."
Her sadness pushed into bitter, exhausted anger.
"I am so tired of powerful men. Whether a muse or a weapon, I'm just a tool to them. And why wouldn't I be? I was designed for it."
She tried to pause her revealing tirade, but the tide rose high into a curl. Poised to crash into the stones.
"How much more do I even have? Maybe a year? Less? I have to finish what we started, but I'm quick burning, and he's kindling the flame. And I'm still... still piling my trust at his feet, trying to halt his stride."
"What am I even doing? I can't change his nature. He will do what he pleases, even if it kills me. My death will be a small burden to a god, anyway."
"Aurum... I'm so sorry. I didn't know..."
She let out a grief edged laugh.
"Yeah, I know, I've been keeping secrets from you all. I want to say I'm sorry for it, but I'm not."
Her eyes rose in sharp jest.
"The irony. I doomed myself again for him that day, and now he's going to live forever. This is all my fault in the end. I am a forest fire, and he will only be risen by my heat beneath his wings. He will ascend phoenix from my ashes."
Halsin went still next to her, and she could feel him putting context together.
"Aurum... no... in the Shadowlands...?"
She nodded, tears flowing free now.
"The shard was dormant... the tadpole, it snuffed it somehow..."
She shuddered, the weight of what she lost twisting her stomach.
"When I woke on that beach, I was free. It was dark. It was still."
Turning to him with desperate grief in her eyes.
"Gods, it was still!"
She let out a wail that had been held in her lungs for months.
Halsin rushed forward, smothering her cry into his wide chest. Leaning down into the crown of her head.
"I had a second chance!" She cried, ragged in her grief. Burying into him, his warmth engulfing her.
She cried into his chest, sobs hitching raw in her throat. The weight breaking over her in waves, allowing her precious gulps of air before ripping her under again. Halsin's strong body a rock that she clung to.
As she slowed, his own tears dampened her hair. Murmuring out in a pained voice.
"Does Gale know...?"
She pulled back, panic shaking her voice.
"No. And he can't. He can never know what I gave up that day."
"Aurum... he must-"
"No." Her voice firm under the shake of tears. "Swear to me. That you won't tell him."
Halsin paused, then cupped her cheek. Staring down at her.
"I swear."
She let out a shaky breath.
"Thank you. I... I don't even know where he and I stand. I left him that night and now... all he looks at me with is guilt. I want time away from him. I want to breathe and feel and forget that I'm dying. If just for a moment."
Halsin tilted his head down to her, pressing his forehead to hers. Hearing precisely what she wasn't saying.
"You were right. I do want you." She urged in a desperate whisper. Balling his shirt in her fist. "Please, Halsin."
He scooped under her thighs and, in one motion, laid her in the grass under him. Breathing hard through nose, kiss searing into her mouth.
She whimpered, eyes wet and fire burning in her belly. Tangling her hands in his long hair. His soft growls sending jolts through her.
He was ravenous and so was she, both driven to animal hunger in lust. Rough pulls of pleading mouths, wrath slicked. Fire licked fingers ripping at clothes, garments scattering in their wake.
His mouth descended to her neck, biting with shockingly sharp teeth. Fingers hooking into the sides of her underclothes to yank them down to be banished at her ankle. Moaning in strangled desire into her throat, his teeth drawing blood. Lapping it up with huffing breath, hand rising to brace next to her head as the taste hit him.
His fingers plunged into her and he shuddered above her. Pumping quick thrusts.
"By Silvanus, you're so tight." He groaned. "I don't know if you can take me, golden lily."
"I can." She gasped out, just his two fingers filling deep. "I promise I can."
He hooked up into her navel, and she trembled. Body writhing in heat, his long fingers reaching far back into her. Reaching that pleasure that was too deep for her to find alone.
He braced down on his forearm above her head, leaning down on his shoulder to catch her throat again. Sucking at the pool of blood caught in her clavicle.
"Of course you taste like that." He groaned, body tightening with restraint. Fingers rocking into her in increasingly powerful drives. Her eyes rolling delirious in sockets.
His voice dropping into a growl again.
"I may not be able to stop myself. I want... I need to devour you."
She pulled his hips hard into her, his cock pressing down into her mound with a sharp wince of his breath.
"Eat me. Break me. Bruise me. Be as rough as you can." She urged. Digging her nails into his hips in crescent bites.
His eyes lit gold, shuddering against a force deep inside him, hands arching in curls next to her head. Beginning to draw back from her.
She locked her legs behind his hips, angling her pelvis up and pulling. Seating the head of his cock into her cunt.
He drove forward beyond his control, smothering a cry in his throat. Eyes stuttering in light.
Her back curled up, gasping out. He was stretching her to her limit, her body twisting to escape on instinct. But she was stronger than her body. And she wanted more.
"Come on." She urged in a deep whisper. "Come on, make it hurt."
He fell on his forearm again, hips pulling back and thrusting forward in a lunge. Tremoring with constrained effort.
Her breath kicked from her lungs. His cock striking spear through her, cunt clenching in vicious demand.
He buckled at her clenching, eyes fluttering in lids. If he was so large for her, she could only imagine how tight she was for him.
Getting that mean glint in her eyes, she pulled back and thrust up into him. Seating herself to his belly.
He huffed out a curse, body curling.
"Mercy." He gasped. "Have mercy on me."
"Oh, am I too tight?" She clenched her cunt again, forcing another huff of breath from him. "Too small and wet around your massive cock?"
She drove her hips back and forward again, bottoming him out by force. A delicious whimper leaving his throat.
"That's a shame." She clicked her tongue in mock disappointment. "Considering..."
She flipped him onto his back with a powerful wrench of her thighs.
"I'm going to fuck you into the earth. Whether you're ready or not."
His gold eyes went wide, his cock throbbing hard inside her.
She planted a hand on his lower belly and rose onto knees, driving down into him in rolling strokes. His size forcing her to a slow start, shuddering in pleasure around him.
He gripped lifeline on her hips, face crumbling. The tight pull of her cunt lifting his hips with each rise of her ride. Gasping shallow huffs, pleading out for mercy again as she picked up speed.
This was her absolute favorite way, smiling down at him, fucking hard and mean.
Ignoring his cries, she slammed herself into him unbridled, chasing her pleasure. Using his body as a seat to fuck. Taking all of her anger and hunger and driving it down into him.
"I know you can take it." She laughed, dragging her nails hard down his chest. "I know you're as ravenous as I am."
He grimaced into a snarl, sharp teeth gritting.
"That's right, bare your teeth." She urged, rolling both of his nipples in her fingers. Leaning down to suck one into her mouth. Her hips naturally rising up his length.
He moaned, cupping her head, then huffed out a "No!" At the loss of her sheathing him. Driving his hips up in a jolt.
She smiled into his chest, holding her hips still for him to use. Fucking into her with the same inconsiderate abandon that she held him down with. Sucking and lapping his hard peak, his moans hitching back into growls.
He snapped when she nibbled down, back arching then twisting. Rising shadow behind her and holding her by hair onto her hands, slamming into her. The force nearly knocked her off her knees.
"Yes, yes!" She cried, his cock so deep in her it struck pain up her back. The pain dancing with a dangerously high pleasure. Her vision going wavy.
He snapped his hand down on her ass, striking the ample flesh hard. Pulling a whimper from her, chest collapsing down into the dirt. Going limp, her cunt free use for his wrath.
He growled, winding his hand into her long hair. Pulling her body back up.
"Where do you think you're going?"
He pulled her up to his chest, spitting down her front and gathering it against her nipple and her clit. Rocking hard into her, fingers rubbing and pinching into the sensitive bundles.
She shuddered and cried out, orgasm nearly at her throat. Gripping onto his thigh behind her.
"Thats right, cum on my cock, little light. I need to feel it." He bit into the side of her neck, sending her over.
"Fuck!" She cried out. Orgasm ripping up her pelvis in blinding pulses. Body giving out against his, strong arms holding her in place as he kept playing her body. Pulling her pleasure higher and higher by force.
He pushed her onto belly again, taking her hips into hands. Driving into her merciless. Knuckles white.
"Please cum, Halsin." She begged, body so deliciously bruised and battered. But about to give out regardless. "Fill me."
He braced on her lower back and drove two more strikes before buckling into her. Gasping and pleading choked moans. Flooding her cunt to its brim and then beyond. Pushing down her thighs in rivers. His thrusts forcing the spill.
He finally stilled, falling back into an open kneel. Gasping with a thrown head into the night sky.
She fell back into him, head hanging in the curve of his shoulder. Her breath equally lost. Mind empty, body broken.
"Perfect." She sighed. Closing her eyes, blissful.
"Perfect." He echoed. Hands smoothing tender over her small body. "That... might have been one of the best."
"Top three?" She teased.
"Easily." He laughed. Gently pulling her hair to a more tame lay against her hips. "Ugh, I love long hair."
"Same." She smiled, reaching up to play with the ends near his clavicle.
He went quiet in thought.
"You must return to your lover." He sighed after a moment of internal battle. "I want you, but he needs you."
She bit her lip. Knowing he was right.
"I will keep this between us, if you desire. But mend with him. He sees every star in your eyes. He names them after you every night. A love that great should not be discarded."
"He can't accept that I'm dying." She hushed. "I will break him."
"And he will be more fulfilled breaking with you once than breaking twice alone."
"Go to him. I will heal you tonight." He nuzzled into her shoulder. "And, when you are gone, treasure what you have given me for an eternity."
She swiped fast forming tears, shuddering out a breath.
"Thank you."
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stuckinapril · 4 months
How tf am I gonna be a neurosurgeon one day if it destroys me every time I see a senior patient with a neurodegenerative disease sad
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echosong971 · 11 months
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some miscellaneous P and Eugénie sketches feat. pringles can
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kabutoden · 6 months
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i look at you and my eyes are so so so wet like with tears tears of pure emotion and extend out my closed fist and then I open up my hand and you see her. my troll oc. the greatest oc. from 2013. I brought her back and redesigned her and im insane about her again. i begin sobbing on the ground. she’s so small. itty bitty……….
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qualityrain · 7 months
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love how shinpei can say the most insane off putting weird intense yandere bullshit and all it takes is for satoko to give this specific look for him to backpedal like crazy
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dogthatlookshigh · 8 months
Any ways Frankenstein is 100% gonna use this as an excuse to stay instead of admitting to herself that she actually likes the lodgers and nearly completely isolating herself isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be 🙄
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swordmaid · 8 months
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had to sketch this super quick but shri’iia in the 1998 mugler bodysuit ……!!!!!!!!
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chettyspagetti · 4 months
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More of their friendship
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welcometogrouchland · 6 months
Don't want my next art post to completely flop (want to show off my Steph redesign) so do you guys have any suggestions for bat boys + cass drawings?
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astronomergrump · 7 months
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Poodles Greenycactus, a quiet paranoid scientist who believes the world is about to end 24/7. She's prone to bite grumps when she's mad tho so be careful. I may draw a comic involving her and Snorpy, idk tho
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