#she’s still a lesbian let her have a crazy stalker moment
tokenducks · 5 months
Some of y’all are annoying godbless. It’s not queer baiting if a canon queer character doesn’t end up dating someone oh my god
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thedragonemperess · 4 years
What's your personal opinion on why Elite Force was so bad? Since I've ranted about that a lot and started the 'elite discourse' tag.
I don’t think it was really bad. Yes, it was terrible compared to Lab Rats and Mighty Med (of which both deserved more seasons since they both set up so much and than threw it all away), but it wasn’t too bad. Why it was bad, though? They undid all character development, overlooked some of the best characters, and so much more!
There’s a lot wrong with Chase. First of all, they undid all of his character development and reduced him to a self-centered smart guy. (I’m not gonna say a mini version of Donald because he’s really more like Douglas, but they really just threw away his character.) And for character archs. When AJ made his list, he put Chase at the bottom. A good thing to point out is that this list was based off of the number of powers each person has and the number of powers each person has alone. So lets count how many powers they all have:
Kaz: Pyrokinesis and Flight Oliver: Cryokinesis, Flight, and Super Strength Bree: Super Speed, Vocal Manipulation, Invisibility, and Super Agillity Chase: Molecular Kinesis, Force Fields, Super Intelligence, Super Senses, Laser Bo Generation, and the Commando App (technically Super Strength as well, but that’s only Spike) Skylar: Flight, Super Strength, Super Speed, Acid Spit, Regeneration, and 21 other abilities (10 after the whole thing with Bree, but that still leaves her with the most) CHASE SHOULD BE #2 ON THAT LIST!!
And even if this wasn’t based on only their powers, he’d still be at #2!!
Then we have the Arcturian. The Arcturian Space Rock will kill you if you make direct contact with it, key word being direct. So Bree, being NUMBER #3 on the list (did I mention they overlooked her abilities, too, with the exception of one throw away line?), decided to touch it. After a series of events, she gets superpowers from it.
Bree got superpowers.
Because she was insecure about her bionic powers.
And he wasn’t only insecure about his powers, he was insecure about his appearance, self-worth, and a ton of other things.
This arch was engineered for Chase, and they threw it away in favor of Bree.
Skylar and Oliver was the main romance of Mighty Med. Oliver had a crush on Skylar and Skylar was a lesbian didn’t reciprocate. This didn’t stop Oliver from trying to get with her, though. But the difference between Oliver persevering in Mighty Med and Olvier persevering in Elite Force is that in Mighty Med, he did it in a healthy, respectful way. In Elite Force, he became a stalker!
He watched her in her sleep, recorded her without permission, had a pretend version of her that he was dating, and more.
They turned a really nice thing from Mighty Med into something terrible just so that they could put less time into coming up with actual jokes. (The writers of these shows never really handled healthy relationships and comedy well, if Adam and Chase’s relationship says anything, but you would think [I’m only saying this because its Disney] they would put more effort into a romantic relationship.) The worst part about this is that they got together somewhat in the end of Elite Force.
Reese existed as a way to lead us to the finale of the show. She also existed as a love interest for Chase. She had the potential to be Elite Force’s Marcus or Experion, but they just didn’t do it right.
The Lab Rats’ relationship with Marcus was built over the course of two seasons, which let both the audience and the characters get to know him. Sure, we knew he was evil before everyone else, but how evil he truly was changed up until Douglas’ plan was finally revealed. He was also really close to a lot of the characters, so that makes it really painful.
Experion was one of Skylar’s close friends, almost like a brother, and we saw that play out on screen. He was only there for a short amount of time, just as Reese was, but he was already in a predetermined relationship with him. Reese had literally only met Chase that day, meaning that connection just wasn’t there.
(Also, was Reese just there to degay Chase? Because that’s what it seems like.)
Representation And Other Things Of The Sort
Lab Rats was a show that had a family in which half of it was married into. Shows have done this before, yes, but this showed the kids really just excepting it and not getting mad at their respective family. This was also a mixed family, which watching now that I’m older and really understand the importance of it, is really nice. Especially as a mixed person myself.
As for Mighty Med, and I’m starting with family again, it had a father figure who, more or less, actually cared about his kid(s) and was active in their life. It also showed him, a person of color, in a position of power. Skylar, who is a woman of color, was a badass who wasn’t boy crazy. She didn’t care about boys and the one time she did chase after someone, it was an introverted girl whom she wanted to be friends with which is pretty gay but whatever Disney. She was pretty freaking powerful, too, even without her powers.
Now for Oliver and Kaz, they were geeks. That’s a recurring fact in the show. It’s also something that is constantly saving all of their butts and was the main thing that got them their jobs. They weren’t picked on or made fun of for it, that was just who they were.
And unlike Lab Rats, Mighty Med showed a healthy relationship between brothers. Additionally, Gus was a really weird kid, but no one ever made fun of him, either. They treated him like they treated everyone else. He even ends up as one of the popular kids a few times.
Elite Force really just threw that all away in favor of (what became) a bunch of bratty kids in a pent house together.
Mighty Med ended off on a cliffhanger, with Mr. Terror escaping, Oliver and Kaz obtaining superpowers, Alan meeting his father for the first time, and Horace using his last revival. Not to mention, Mr. Terror is Oliver’s mother and was supposed to be Horace’s wife.
And then they completely forgot about all of that and destroyed Mighty Med, killing all of the people in it in the process while also forgetting about Mr. Terror completely?
As for Lab Rats’ ending, it was actually pretty fitting and satisfying, all things considered. Adam, Bree, Leo, and Chase split up after defeating Giselle, Adam and Leo going back to the island to help the students with the big change (an update that let them control their abilities, hence no need for them to be teachers anymore) while Bree and Chase joined the Elite Force.
But why Chase and Bree? Sure, I guess the fandom Chase, but we did care about Leo more than Bree if we’re looking at it from that stand point. Now if we’re looking at it from a logical, in-universe stand-point, it makes no sense. Bree and Chase were the smarter, more experienced of the four, so they should have gone back to the island, while letting Chase and Adam join the Elite force.
Also, Leo has just become a mentor, which was what he was striving for since the start of the season. He was always being overlooked, and now, when he finally gets his moment in the spot light, its taken away from. That just really bothers me.
What Was Good About Lab Rats: Elite Force?
Quite honestly, not a lot. But considering the target audience, it was pretty good. Having two well received shows come together into an, albeit poorly set up and attempted, spin-off where they can have their own battles and story lines together is pretty cool and different. There are some flaws, like how Mighty Med logic and Lab Rats logic really don’t intertwine, but you have to keep in mind that this is a kids show.
It also showed Douglas being a pretty good father, which is really nice. Sure, he’s their birth father and/or creator, but it also shows them mending their relationship.
There were some smaller things, too. AJ’s introduction, Skylar and Bree slowly become sisters, and Chase and Kaz becoming friends were all really fun to watch. (The characters growing relationships with each other, period, were fun to watch.) The villains had good motives, and the small cameos from other shows (Bob and Crossbow [she’s more of a piece of what Mighty Med used to be, but I’m counting it]) were really fun to see. The plot could definitely be better, but it was still pretty good. And, as much as I hate to admit it, the show was genuinely funny. The amount of times I’ve spit out my water while watching this show is surprising.
Was Lab Rats: Elite Force as great a show as the source material? No. Was it all we thought it would be at the time? That depends on how old you were when it came out. It was, and still is, a fun show to watch, though. Yes, it would have been better if it never happened and the shows continued separately, but I’m glad that we at least have an answer to what Mighty Med and Lab Rats alluded to in their finales. Am I upset about Elite Force’s finale? Yes, and I will probably die mad about it, but we didn’t have as much time to get to know the characters and connect to them, so is it really that much of a loss? That’s up to you. Is it a fun show to watch? Absolutely.
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yandere-daydreams · 5 years
Hi! Could you write for rumi with prompt 25 « you’re trying to make me jealous. Stop it » in which the darling is already in a relationship but rumi brushes it off as her capricious darling being a boy of a brat again
My lesbians shall grow strong, if I continue to feed them like this. Too strong. I expect to be overtaken by the gays soon, this is my warning. And in case it wasn’t clear, the Reader works for Rumi, as a secretary or assistant.
Tonight was supposed to be fun, just a few hours where you wouldn’t have to worry about stalkers, heroes, or Rumi. You could call your partner, put on something flashy, and just drink, and laugh, and dance without stressing over any bunny-ears you saw in the crowd. She was supposed to be patrolling all night, meaning you were free.
Or, you thought you’d be, anyway. Until you found your cheek pressed against the brick wall of the alley outside your favorite club, strong hands keeping your arms behind your back, only pushing you further into the stone whenever you shifted. Even now, you could feel Rumi’s rage, her anger at finding her precious little assistant out and about, rather than waiting for her nightly ‘check-in’. It was evident, in everything from her rigid posture to the bruises quickly forming on your wrists. 
And, of course, her frustration was more than clear in her voice.
“Baby, what’re you doing out?” She asked, Rumi’s tone quiet but harsh, all the same. It was more of a drawl, than anything, as drawn-out as it was rhetorical. You didn’t answer, just trying to focus on the street below rather than the Heroine currently slotting herself against your back. Your avoidance was met with a sharp shove, rough rock scraping against your cheek. It would be a miracle if you weren’t bleeding, by now. “I mean, I was nice enough to give you the day off, and you just turn around and find some freak to make-out with. Doesn’t that seem a little cold, (Y/n)?”
“Fuck no,” You mumbled, your words muffled by your own agitation. It was the missed opportunity that upset you more than Rumi, really, your discontent, when faced with the fact you hadn’t realized Rumi’s route would go through the run-down, popularized district you’d choose to take haven in, that night. But, you couldn’t punch the concept of your own stupidity, so Rumi would have to do. “You’re my boss, not my babysitter. I don’t have to play along with the insane narrative you’ve created, and if I want to go out with the person I’ve been seeing for two years, I should be able to.”
You’d lost hope in Rumi firing you weeks ago, but that didn’t change the adrenaline soon flooding into your system, only growing more potent as Rmi chuckled, leaning down to nuzzle into the back of your neck, her chest forcing you further into the alley’s wall. “You’re still talking about ‘em? Baby, baby, I thought we agreed you wouldn’t be seeing anyone anymore, not when you have me.” She paused, just long enough for her tense, stretched grin to fade, her scowl pressing against your back as she spoke. “We both know you’re trying to make me jealous. Stop it.”
“You have to hear how crazy that sounds.” With a sigh, you shook your head, forcing yourself to relax. Rumi was kind enough to follow-in-suit, her grip still firm, but no longer crushing. “Miruko, ma’am, I respect your work, but you need help. I don’t know what kind of relationship you think we have, but I’m not-”
“Shut up.” She was growling, now, cutting you off without hesitation. But, there was something in her voice besides her normal aggression. A playfulness, an edge, a feeling you couldn’t name, but weren’t sure you wanted to, either. “No more pretending you don’t know how I feel. I’ve been more than patient, but you just keep going back to someone who can’t even make you happy.” You opened your mouth, ready to tell her that you weren’t hers, that she was the only thing getting in the way of your happiness, but Rumi was quick to continue, laughing off your attempted intrusion. “It hurts, you know? Every time you look at someone else, I feel like my heart’s breaking. Sometimes, I think it’d be better if I just tied you up somewhere dark and cramped. You wouldn’t be able to cheat on me, that way.”
“That’s… that’s kidnapping, Miruko, it’s illegal.” You knew how you sounded, childish and less than convincing. The prospect of helping her fading into the back of your mind, you started to squirm, fighting against her, trying to pry your arms out of her grip. Rumi only pulled away, straightening her back and gritting her teeth. “You can’t do this, you’re a-”
“I’m a Pro-Hero. I know, I’m in the fucking costume,” Rumi muttered, talking more to herself than to you. And yet, she didn’t pull away, one hand leaving your arms. You held your breath as she searched for something on her belt, until cold, smooth metal encased your wrist a moment later. “But, if no one finds out, it’ll be fine, right? I’m still keeping people safe, you’re just… an exception.”
Again, you shook your head, more feverishly this time. You didn’t have to see the handcuffs to know what they were, nor the padding that was only present on quirk-canceling chains. The kind used on villains, not civilians. You were still fighting, still struggling as Rumi leaned forward, resting her chin on your shoulder as she wrapped her arms around your waist, holding you so tightly, you thought you’d suffocate before she let go. If Rumi noticed your panic, she didn’t prioritize it, kissing your neck softly.
“This’ll be good for you, I promise, it’ll be good for both of us! I’m just going to take you home for a few weeks, until you stop acting so bratty.” There was a short silence, before Rumi smiled. Genuinely, this time. Giddily. “I’ll let you back out when you know who you belong to.”
Briefly, you considered asking her if she meant ‘belong with’, rather than ‘belong to’.
Then, as her grip on your waist tightened into something possessive than a simple hug, you figured it would be safer not to ask.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Houroubing to Aruba, Chapter 3, (Branjie) - Blackhighheels
(Read at AO3)
Chapter 3: The ballgame
It is shortly before ten when Jose finally stirs. Brock has been replying to emails, checking up on social media and just surfing the net on his phone for the last hour and a half.
“What you doin’?” Jose mumbles, his eyes barely open.
“Just taking care of some things, reading emails.” Brock isn’t surprised when his boyfriend takes the phone out of his hand, throws it to the foot of the bed and places his head on his chest. His eyes close again. “You wanna go back to sleep or you up for some breakfast?” Brock runs his hands over Jose’s back, rubbing it lightly.
“You hungry?”
“Mmmh, slowly getting there.” Just then Brock’s stomach rumbles and Jose opens his eyes.
“Fine, let’s get up before you starve to death and everybody will think it’s my fault. All them cat owning lesbians will hunt me down.” Jose climbs over him to get out of bed and Brock uses the opportunity to pat his butt. “You better stop,” Jose warns him with a smile and a wink before he walks out of the room. “Lord, what did I drink last night? I have to pee so bad, I  might be dripping and dropping all over the floor already. My bladder feels like it’s the size of a fucking water-melon. Fuck…hope this toilet is built correct and you said all your prayers, ‘cause we might have the flood upon us.”
Brock titters as he gets out of bed, used to the stream-of-consciousness kind of talking Jose does on the regular, when it’s just the two of them. He loves that he has no filter and stopped censoring himself a while ago. Not only does it provide Brock with countless hours of entertainment, but it also gives him a very clear view into his man’s mind - even though peeing might not be the topic he would have chosen.
After getting ready, they make their way down to breakfast and fall into the usual routine they’ve developed while touring together: Jose gets fruits and vegetables, Brock is responsible for yoghurt, porridge, scrambled eggs and bread. Whoever is back at the table first gets coffee and juice.
They choose a table outside on the terrace which has a view of the beach. The table is in the shade, so they can eat without getting roasted by the sun. It’s really warm already and Brock sighs in relief when he sits down in his cool chair. Even the wide tank top and shorts he’s wearing feel like too much clothing.
He looks around and notices that there is just one other couple sitting a few tables to the right, since breakfast ends at eleven and most other guests are already by the pool or at the beach.
“They have a barista here to make our cappuccino right. None of the machine crap.” Jose lets him know and points to the cup. There’s a palm tree painted into the milk foam of Jose’s cup and a heart in his. It’s whimsical, typically Jose and it makes him smile.
“It’s really amazing here. Feels a bit like a dream.”
“Did you sleep alright?” Jose asks him then.
“Yeah, until like eight, maybe? Longer than I’ve slept in a while. You?”
“I think I was up around four and got up to close the blinds.”
“The moon taunting you again?” Brock smiles knowingly.
“I must be half werewolf, I’m telling ya. Full moon and I’m up for no reason in the middle of the night.” Jose rubs one hand over the stubble on his cheeks “Would explain all this, too.”
“Don’t you always say your hair grows so fast because you’re Puerto Rican?”
“Might be lyin'… sneaky cover up and all.”
They fall silent for a moment, just eating and watching their surroundings. “So, what’s the plan for today?” Brock finally asks.
“I thought you arranged it all with Henry?”
“Not really. He gave me a list of stuff we could do, if we want to, but I didn’t sign us up for nothing today. Thought maybe we just chill on the beach or by the pool? We can take a look at our options later and see what we wanna do the other days and then let Henry know?” Jose adjusts the black baseball hat he is wearing, the right way for once, and takes the sunglasses off.
“Sounds good,” Brock nods and gets distracted by his vibrating phone. It’s a text message from a booker in London and he quickly reads it.
“Hey, Brock?” Jose sounds a bit hesitant.
“Mmh?” he asks and quickly checks his calendar, so he can reply to the message.
“I think maybe we should talk about the phone and social media stuff now?”
“Just a second…” He quickly types out his answer, sends a copy of it to Steve and then puts his phone down. “What? Phone and social media stuff?” He’s lost and doesn’t really know what Jose means.
“You know, if and what we post and what rules we should have for the use of our phones while we’re here. We’ve never really decided on anything, just started talking about it and then dropped it 'cause we were too busy.”
“Oh, ok. I didn’t know we needed rules for our cellphone use, like we’re ten or something.” Brock wrinkles his nose, but the look on Jose’s face gives him pause. “Sorry,” he says quickly, realising this is not the time for flippant replies.
“No, it… I just… I don’t wanna fight. If you think it’s silly…”
“Jose, no, you’re right.” He needs to intervene and stop Jose from agreeing to everything and bending to his wishes during this trip, simply because he wants it to be perfect. It happened yesterday at the airport and again just now. “What do you think we should do?”
“I don’t really know. I’m not sure… so, don’t take this as a rule or nothin’, okay?”
“I’ll be your sounding board, just go ahead.”
“I know we can’t just vanish on the gram for like three weeks. You know, we have to feed the children or they’ll riot. But I don’t know, if I want pics from this trip to show up online: A. I don’t want no geo tags on nothing, so they don’t know where we at, 'cause some stalker ass is always close by and B. I wanna have this for us. If we take crappy pictures with fucked up lighting that we keep to remember this trip by, then that’s our business. I want no opinions or comments on how cute we look, or how we need to work out more, or if these fuckers like our outfits. When I went to Australia with Matt, no one knew shit and that was real cool. But I also don’t want you to think I’m hiding or holding back or some fucked up shit like that, like with the video.” Jose speaks calmly, but Brock can tell that it’s very important to him. “And while we at it, I think we shouldn’t work while we here. We both crazy and will get sucked in and I don’t want us to spend all the time checking mails and replying to texts on the phone, especially your micro-managing ass. We have assistants, they can take care of it for three weeks and when it’s real important they’ll call, right? Meanwhile, we can concentrate on each other.”
Brock takes a deep breath, because only the thought of being out of the loop for three weeks might send him straight into an anxiety attack. Jose takes his hand and moves his chair closer in silent support. Brock thinks about it, weighs his options and mulls over what Jose just said.
“I’ll let Steve know that he should filter the emails for me and put the really important stuff into a separate folder, so I can just ignore the rest. Give me like, an hour a day?” he offers.
“Twenty minutes?”
“Deal.” Jose gives his hand a squeeze.
“As for social media: I think we should tell Tammy and Courtney to, like,  post old pics and announcements for upcoming gigs, so we don’t vanish? Maybe they could also repost some stuff? Art we are tagged in or something? You’re right we shouldn’t worry about taking pictures for insta or about comments. We’re here for us. If we wanna share something we’ll decide spontaneously, ok?”
“Sounds good, toes.” Jose’s smile is wide and Brock knows they’ve made the right decision.
“But I think we should maybe call Andrew, Steve and your mom and let them know we’ve arrived safely and tell them what we’ve come up with so they don’t start worrying.”
“And then we go into flight mode and haul our asses to the beach to chillax and get a tan on?”
“Absolutely.” They seal the deal with a quick peck, chuckle when Jose’s hat nearly falls off as Brock bumps against it. “So, what do you say: Is it a swimming shorts or briefs kind of day?”
“With your white ass, it might be better to go with the trunks, otherwise you’ll burn the goods on the first day, which would be a shame. And you just bought new trunks. The Ralph Lauren ones look pretty fresh.”
“The Ralph Lauren ones it is,” Brock agrees and keeps Jose’s hand in his as they get up to go back to their room and get ready for the beach.
“You think Andrew’ll still be alive when we get back?” Jose asks as he spreads his towel out on the lounge bed of their beach cabana. He ist still chuckling because Brock just told him about the phone call he had with Andrew.
“I can’t believe both Henry and Apollo have already bit him.” Brock can’t help but laugh about it again.
“Told you, you spoil them kitty cats too much.They ain’t listening to shit you say. Why would they listen to Miss Nina, who thinks she’s Cinderella and they’ll dance and sing songs with her while she makes the bed?”
“But I’m their mommy,” Brock pouts, knowing full well that Jose is right.
“You definitely are, but one of those moms who always say: 'Wait until daddy gets home!’” Jose continues teasing him and sits down.
“I still don’t know how you stopped them from sleeping in our bed.”
“Girl, I kicked their furry butts out, that’s how. You can cuddle them all you want on the couch, but I never want to find no vomit fur balls in my bed, ever again.” He shudders at the memory and Brock laughs, when he remembers the incident. Jose’s screams of terror so loud, he thought he’d been attacked or something. “Can you do me?”
Brock snorts at the request. “Here? In public?” he fakes outrage.
“Stop playin’. You know I’m talking about the sun lotion,” Jose smirks and holds up the bottle he just dug out of his bag.
“Only if you 'do me’ next.” Brock takes the bottle from him and sits down behind him. He squirts the lotion on Jose’s shoulders then starts applying it and rubs it in all over his back.
“You better watch them fingers, perv,” Jose says when he swipes his hands underneath the hem of his trunks.
“As if you’d really say no,” Brock whispers in his ear and bites it gently, but takes his hands out of Jose’s pants.
“I don’t know which adult plus gay resort you used to spend your vacations at, but here at this gay friendly but very straight-people beach, shit like this will get us thrown out. So you better channel your very christian upbringing and manners, cause, bitch, I will not be kicked out of this resort, because you decide to finger me first opportunity on the beach,” Jose rants and Brock cackles when he hears his words. He really hopes no one is close by to overhear them.
“And you pretend to be a good catholic boy?”
“Don’t have to pretend. I am!” He gives him an exaggerated fake Vanjie smile, that shows all of his white teeth. “And now lay down on your stomach like a good little gay boy, so I can get the sun block on you, so you not you roasting and toasting.” Jose doesn’t simply rub the lotion in, he gives him a really good massage and by the end of it Brock is so relaxed he’s nearly asleep. “There you go,” Jose says when he’s done and presses a kiss to the back of his head, before he climbs over him once more and flops down beside him. He crosses his arms behind his head and looks around. “What do you think their stories are?"
"Huh?” Brock turns around so he can see what Jose sees.
“The other couples. What do you think their stories are? Like, why are they here?”
“I don’t know. Like, vacation or honeymoon maybe?”
“Honeymoon? These two over there haven’t spoken a single word to each other since we’ve gotten here and he stares at every ass walking by. If this is their honeymoon, she’ll better have the divorce papers ready.” Jose is talking about a couple that’s maybe in their early forties and lying a bit further down on the beach on the normal sun chairs. She keeps flipping through her phone while he ogles the other women at the beach.
“Maybe they’re not a couple?”
“They’re wearing matching wedding bands.” Of course Jose would zoom in on details like this.
“Then I’m out. But maybe we’ll find out while we’re here?”
“Maybe. If we ever get like this, boo, even Laurie might not be able to save us.”
“We won’t. I mean, you just limited my cellphone time and I’d be scared for my balls if you caught me ogling anyone like this. He’s not really subtle.”
“You’d better be, cause I’d go all Lorena on ya, but wouldn’t tell anyone where to find the parts!” Jose confirms. “But hey, maybe they have one of these open relationship things and he’s just looking for prey?”
“Honestly, as long as he keeps his paws off you, I don’t give a fuck.” Brock decides to end the speculations that Jose can get lost in.
“It’s cute when you all jealous and possessive.” Jose leans over and kisses him like it’s the biggest compliment ever. Brock has to admit, that since they got back together not only is he not missing his freedom at all, but also he has become what he’d earlier would have called “clingy”. He’s just lucky that Jose is totally into it. “You wanna go swimming?” Jose accepts the topic change.
“Not right now. Your massage nearly put me to sleep.” A wide yawn follows his words.
“Want me to put you to sleep?” Jose offers and wiggles his fingers. Sometimes when Brock has trouble sleeping, Jose makes him curl up to him and rubs his back until he relaxes and falls asleep. Usually it works.
“It’s too hot, papi. I’d be dripping sweat all over your shoulder.”
Jose guffaws. “That’s not the only thing you’re dripping all over me on the regular.”
Brock just rolls onto his side, so he is facing his boyfriend and moves a bit closer. “Just be quiet and let me nap,” he counters, but takes his hand and places a kiss on Jose’s palm and then licks it, before he closes his eyes.
“You wanna go swimming now?” Jose asks as soon as he realises that Brock is awake again. Brock stretches lazily, nods and sits up. Jose basically jumps off the bed.
“Help me up?” Brock requests and holds out his hands.
“Sure, grandpa.” Jose pulls him up and leads the way to the water. Brock watches him as he carefully dips his toes in, then walks in a bit further.
His boyfriend really is beautiful and not only because he’s in great shape, Brock muses, lost in thoughts. It’s the way he carries himself, wears his heart on his sleeve, his bronze skin, the hair that’s always falling into his face because it’s just a bit too long. His strong legs, tiny waist and delicious ass - even in swim trunks. And it’s also the way he fits right under Brock’s arm, how he loves to snuggle with him, how he makes him laugh and how he can communicate with just one look how much he loves Brock in return. “It not too bad,” is Jose’s verdict, before he jumps in and lands in the ocean with a loud splash that leaves Brock dripping wet.
“Oh wait, you little shit!” he threatens and jumps in after Jose, but his boyfriend is faster in the water than Brock thought. While he never really mastered how to do the crawl, Jose surely knows how and uses it to his advantage to get away from Brock.
“Haha! You can’t get me, grandpa!” he screams and splashes more water in his direction with both hands.
“No, but I can wait you out!” Brock yells back and keeps treading water and tries to find a moment to counter attack, but Jose is simply too fast. He decides to go back to where he can stand. As soon as his feet touch the ground, he turns around to keep an eye on Jose, but he can’t see him anymore. How far can he swim in just a couple of seconds? Suddenly something pops out from under the water behind him and a second later Jose has jumped on his back. Narrowly Brock avoids falling and Jose’s boisterous laughter is ringing in his ears.
Brock wraps his arms around Jo’s legs and holds him there, basically giving him a piggyback ride. "I think I got you, papi.” Jose’s arms tighten around his neck as he adjusts his position. A second later he leans forward and places a kiss on Brock’s cheek. When he turns his head, another kiss follows, on the lips this time.
“You taste like salt,” Jose states and smacks and licks his lips when he pulls back.
“So do you.” Brock walks them further into the sea again and dips down so only their heads are above the water. “I didn’t know you were that good a swimmer.”
“I told you. You should have believed me.”
“Ever took lessons or were in a club at school or something?”
“No, but my brother used to take me to the beach with him when we were younger. All of his friends were there and they always thought it was fun to throw the little brother around in the water like a football, or see how long I could hold my breath. I had to be faster than them to get away.” Jose tells the story like it’s a fond memory, and maybe in some ways it is, but Brock has enough knowledge to understand that Jose didn’t have too much fun back then and was scrambling for his older brother’s attention without getting it in a positive way.
“I’m surprised your mom let you go with them if that’s what was going on.”
“Mom never found out. I never told her, 'cause we would have had to stay home all day while she was working.” Brock lets go off Jose’s legs and pulls him to his front instead. Jo’s legs are now wrapped around his waist. He doesn’t know why, but every time Jose talks about his childhood, all he wants to do is shower him with love and affection to make it all better. His lips find Jose’s again and he kisses him gently, but with enough heat so Jose makes these little noises in the back of his throat that Brock loves so much. It’s a wave crashing into them that makes them break apart after a while and they both start laughing.
“Let’s get out and get dry. Then we can take a look at the list Henry gave you,” Brock suggests as they wade towards the beach. A group of people, mostly guys, is standing there, talking about something and they all turn towards them when get out of the water. Brock hopes they don’t recognise them.
“Hey,” one of the guys calls out as a greeting.
“Hey,” Brock replies and wants to keep walking towards their cabana, but Jose is already en route to them, always one for socialising even with large crowds of complete strangers.
“You’re new right?”
“Yeah, we got here yesterday. I’m Jose, this is Brock,” he introduces them.
“Nice to meet you. I’m Bill.” The guy who is talking shakes Jose’s hand and claps him on the back, while Brock remains standing slightly behind him. “We were wondering if you’d join us playing volleyball. We really need some more people.”
“Of course, I’m game,” Jose agrees before Brock can stop him, because, really, playing a ball game he sucks at with a bunch of strangers is the last thing he wants to do. Also, they have plans, right? They wanted to see what romantic things they could do over the next days, just the two of them. “Brock, you too, right?” Jose turns around to him.
“I think I’ll sit this one out,” he tells him and some of the guys grumble and try and encourage him to join in.
“Come one! You sure?”
“Yeah… uh, you’re sure you wanna play with you knee and all?” he tries to talk him out of it without being too obvious.
“My knee’s fine,” Jose shrugs. “See you in a few?"
"Yeah,” Brock nods and walks off to the cabana. He can see and hear them perfectly from where he is sitting, wrapped in his towel.
They quickly form two teams and start the game. Jose isn’t half bad, but every time he misses the ball he pretends he is the worst player ever. In no time he has all of them cheering him on and laughing about everything he does or says. He weirdly fits in with these straight men, jocks, and banker-types, who have all come together to play volleyball but instead have fallen under the spell of Vanjie without knowing it. Bock watches it with fascination and envies his boyfriend for a second. He wishes he was that charismatic and engaging in social situations. Jose lives and breathes entertaining crowds of strangers, while it gives Brock anxiety. He wishes he could be there and play as well, get some of Jose’s attention and jokes directed at him, but knows he would be all awkward and would quickly become the guy no one wants on the team.
They all love Jose and they all have Jose’s attention as he makes them laugh, makes them cheer him on, makes them feel like they’re his buddies.
His good mood fades more and more, the longer he watches the game. He doesn’t want to analyse what he’s feeling and finally lies back and closes his eyes. He can still hear them, can hear Jose’s happy laughter and hilarious comments, neither of which are directed at him.
“Hey, you asleep?” Jose pants a while later, standing beside him in the sand, completely dripping wet.
“You done?”
“Nah, half-time. We just went to cool off in the sea for a second.” Brock knows Jose is observing him closely, even though he can barely see it, because he is blinking against the sun. “What did you do?”
“Why you saying it like that?” Jose’s eyes narrow further behind his shades, Brock can tell just by his tone.
“I’m not saying it 'like that’. I’m just doing nothing.” He knows he is pouting, but he doesn’t want to talk about it. “Why don’t you go back to your game and let me get back to my doing nothing,” he suggest and closes his eyes again.
“Get up!” Jose suddenly sounds like his mother when she’s pissed, a latin accent even comes through.
“What?” he opens his eyes again.
“Now, white boy,” Jose orders and waits until Brock is standing beside the bed. Then he kicks Brock’s flips flops towards him and puts on his own, before he drags him off by his wrist.
“Hey, what are you doing? Let go of me! Where are we going?” Brock complains and tries to free his arm, but Jose just keeps dragging him through the resort until they reach their penthouse. Jose unlocks the door, drags him in and pulls out a chair from the table in the living room and places it in the middle of the room.
“Sit!” he orders and Brock is so dumbfounded he complies. “Talk!”
“What?” he crosses his arms in front of his chest and plays dumb while Jose glares down on him. His refusal makes Jose take a deep breath and he pulls out a chair for himself.
His voice is softer when he speaks again, just a bit. “Tell me what got your trunks in a twist. We done playin’, Brock! No drama on this fucking vacation! Just spit it out.”
“I thought we were making plans for all the romantic stuff and then you go off and play volleyball with all these guys.”
“You could have played with us.”
“I suck at all sports involving a ball and they would have just laughed about me.”
“You an idiot, Brock.” Jose sighs loudly. “A pouting, jealous idiot.” He gets off his chair and walks over to him. “Get up,” he says, but there is no more authority in his voice. He sounds a little bit amused, which rubs Brock the wrong way.
“You just told me to sit down!”
“Bitch, really?” Jose sniggers and raises one eyebrow. Brock knows he is acting ridiculous, he doesn’t need Jose to rub it in. As soon as Brock stands, Jose is on his knees in front of him, pulls down his swimming trunks and sucks his dick into his mouth.
“Jo, what the fuck?” Brock exclaims in surprise, but the hand that flies to Jose’s head and tangles in his wet hair is certainly not pulling him off.
“You need some attention, 'cause you’re being a jealous little whiny bitch, and I wanna suck your dick, because…do I really need a reason?” He shrugs. “Any problem with that?” He licks his cock like it’s a popsicle and Brock is sure his eyes roll into the back of his head. He moans.
“None, your honour,” Brock says when he finds his voice again.
“Then shut up and hold on tight.” With these words Jose goes down on him again. He starts slow, licks his shaft and his balls and focusses on the head for a while. Then he takes him deep, even gags one time, then continues, bops his head fast and sucks like he’s starving. It’s truly ridiculous how fast Jose has him going from being limp and jealous to coming down his throat with a loud groan.
“You really are fucking crazy,” Brock chuckles as he helps Jose stand up and pulls him against him.
“Do you feel better or not?” Jose’s hands find their way to his naked butt.
“I do. Thank you.” He kisses him deeply and gets a thrill out of the fact that he can taste himself on Jose’s lips. Take that you damn volleyball players!
“You ready to go back down and stop the drama or you wanna stay here and pout some more?” Jose is back to teasing him, which is a good sign.
“How about I return the favour first?” He cups his crotch through his wet swimming trunks and unsurprisingly finds him half hard.
“No! First you gotta earn it by playing some volleyball with me and the guys and then we gonna tackle the damn list, so the romance is back on.”
“Fine, but I might need a snack in between. I’m getting hungry.”
“I’m the snack!” Jose points out and pulls Brock’s shorts back up.
“You are, but you’re not letting me suck you off.”
“Come on, you attention whore, maybe Imma feel more giving later.” Brock smiles when he gets another kiss before they leave their penthouse. Jose stops him again just before they reach the others on the beach. “Oh and just so you know: There’s a ballgame, where it’s really good  when you suck!” His wiggling eyebrows make Brock chortle and forget about his anxiety about being faced with a group of strangers and having to play a game with them. They both learn that day that Brock likes volleyball and isn’t bad at it at all.
After cooling off once the game is done, they pack their things and make their way back to the terrace by the restaurant. While drinks were served on the beach, they needed something to eat, because dinner was still hours away.
“Hello gentlemen, what can I get you?” It’s Henry who shows up to take their order
“Henry, hi. You being a waiter today?” Jose asks him happily.
“I simply saw you coming up and decided to check in on you. I hope everything is satisfactory?”
“Everything is amazing, thank you,” Brock replies.
“We gonna make the romance plans now and then let you know, ok?”
“Very well. What can I do for you meanwhile?”
“Can you get us a large bottle of non-sparkling water and two salads with tuna and garlic bread?” Brock orders.
“Make that two bottles of water. I feel like I’m drying up from the inside out,” Jose supplies.
“Thank you and see you later.”
“Bye Henry,” Brock tells him and waits until he’s gone before he speaks again. “You think he’s spying on us? That was kind of creepy.”
“Maybe he ordered the Vanjie tracking device when he heard we were coming,” Jose jokes and leans in conspiratorially. Brock decides not to go on with this topic, because if Jose is already opening with this statement, only god knows what will come out of his mouth next.
He pecks his lips and changes the topic. “So where is the famous romance list?” Jose digs through their bag and hands it to Brock just as their drinks arrive. “You know if you wanna do something sporty or with a group?”
“I think we had enough group and sport action today. Send you right into a jealous fit. How about just the two of us? Something relaxing?” Jose changes his sunglasses for another pair, so he can read along. The lenses in the stylish other pair are great for everything except reading, because they are designed to fix Jose’s myopia.
“Tomorrow evening is the movie night under the stars. They’re showing 'Notting Hill’, but that’s with a group, I guess,” Brock thinks out loud.
“We could maybe do the picnic in the afternoon and go to the movie night after dinner. If we still feeling like being alone, I don’t think anyone will care,” Jose suggests.
“Sounds good. Should we plan the rest of the week already or you wanna be more spontaneous?”
“We could maybe do the segway tour the day after?"
Brock immediately shakes his head forcefully. "No! No way you are doing a segway tour. I saw you once on a scooter and on ski, uh-uh, ain’t happening.” His words only make Jose chuckle.
“Fine. How about this hike? Seeing the best places of Aruba and go snorkelling in between doesn’t sound too bad.”
“I like it,” Brock agrees, because he really wants to see a bit of the island and not only the resort.
“We really good at this shit now,” Jose points out.
“Planing trips together?” Brock asks just as Henry comes back with their salads.
“Talking, toes. But sure, planing, too.”
“Have you found something?” Henry asks them after placing their food in front of them.
“Yes, we’d love to go on a picnic tomorrow around noon and then join in on the movie night. And the day after, the hike with the snorkelling sounds really great,” Brock lets him know, while Jose is already devouring his salad.
“Of course. Do you have any special requests for picnic stops? By the beach, in town?”
“No, just surprise us, we trust you.” Brock shrugs and Henry leaves them alone again.
“Look at you being all spontaneous all of a sudden,” Jose points out.
“I can be spontaneous.”
“Good, but swallow before you talk or Imma tell your mama,” Jose laughs when salad nearly falls out of Brock’s mouth.
“And apparently I can be very sexy, too,” he laughs about his own mishap.
“Wanna spend the rest of the day being sexy by the pool before we have to get ready for dinner?” Jose asks him, still sniggering. Brock agrees, and once more they have a plan.
After dinner that night they go back out on the restaurant terrace and order themselves some gin tonic. Their table is on the edge of the terrace and so it takes a while when more and more couples come out, until someone comes up to them.
“We’re sorry, but may we join you? All the other seats are taken.” A tall woman, maybe in her sixties, with bright blue eyes and white hair, asks them. Her tan skin makes her eyes even more striking, even in the near darkness.
“Yes, of course, please do,” Brock nods and Jose even gets up and pulls the chair out for her.
“Oh thank you, darling. I’m Margaret and this is my husband Magnus,” she introduces them and they all shake hands as Brock and Jose introduce themselves.
“Jose? You’re Spanish?” she asks.
“Puerto Rican, but I live in LA now.”
“And you, Brock?” her husband asks. He is also tall, a bit on the heavy side and looks like Santa Claus, Brock thinks.
“I’m originally from Canada, but I live in L.A. now, too. And where are you from? I think I hear a bit of an accent.”
“And he should know about having an accent,” Jose teases him.
“We’re from Sweden.”
“Oh how nice!” Brock gushes. “I’m like a quarter Swedish or something and I’ve been to Stockholm a while ago. You live there?”
“No,” Magnus laughs about Brock’s enthusiasm. “We’re from a very small town up north. Just three hundred inhabitants.”
“Up north? Like at the north pole?” Jose asks and waves for the waiter.
“No, that’s even further north,” Margaret smiles.
“But it real cold there, right? He from Toronto that’s damn cold, too. Never seen so much snow in my life, Mary.”
“Yeah, we have a lot of snow.” She confirms.
“What do you want to drink?” Brock asks them when the waiter has arrived.
“What is it you’re having?”
“Gin tonic. Oh, you could bring us two more,” Brock decides, making use of the opportunity that the waiter is there.
“Make that four, we’ll have the same,” Magnus decides.
“You here to get away from the cold?” Jose asks curiously and places his hand on top of Brock’s leg underneath the table, his fingertips gliding over the naked skin of his knee with comfortable familiarity.
“Yeah, that too” Margaret confirms. “But mainly we’re here for our 25th wedding anniversary. We spent our honeymoon here and decided to come back. It’s even more beautiful now, with the resorts they built and all.”
“25 years, wow, that’s a long time, mama.” Jose nods his head as he speaks.
“It really is. Thirty years together, 25 married.” She nods along with him.
“That’s the goal, isn’t it? No matter if you married or not, just stick together through thick and thin,” Jose muses and Brock takes his hand that is still resting on his knee.
“It’s not always easy and we’ve had our moments, but we don’t regret it.” Magnus adds. “And what are you doing here? You’re here with your girlfriends or wives?” The question is asked good-naturedly, but still makes Brock a bit nervous. He doesn’t really know how to reply without making it uncomfortable for all of them. Jose has no such reservations, of course.
“Ha! If you want we can flip a coin and then tell you who the wifey is,” he guffaws. “We here together for our first vacation.”
“Oh you are a couple, how sweet!” Margaret seems genuinely excited. “You know you two are the first real gay couple I’ve ever met. Otherwise this way up north we only get gay people on the TV.”
“I think you’d be surprised,” Brock can’t help but snort. “My sister was married for years and had a couple of kids before she came out as a lesbian. Not everything is as it seems, no matter how small the village.”
“What’s the statistical statistics stuff?” Jose asks and turns towards Brock.
“Something like 5%, I think?”
“As in 5% of people are gay?” Magnus asks. They all wait for their drinks to be set on the table before they continue their talk. “That would be like 15 people in our village? I wonder who that could be!”
“Maybe old Sverre? He never got married and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him with a woman?”
“I could google the exact percentage for Sweden, but my man here has banned cellphones for the time being.” Brock says and wraps his free arm around Jose’s shoulders.
“And you’re right to do so, darling. It’s horrible when all this people are only staring into their phones and don’t talk to each other anymore.” Margaret pats Jose’s arm.
“You had your forty minutes of internet time today, toes. The rest of your time belongs to me,” Jose smiles up at him and slurps the rest of his gin tonic. “And I’m a darling, you heard that?” He looks so proud and smug that Brock just has to kiss him.
“I heard, papi.”
“There is this couple here at the resort, they have been here for four days… or is it five Magnus?"
"Which couple do you mean?”
“Gianna and TJ.  She’s always on the phone and he keeps ogling everything on two legs?”
“Mami, we know exactly who you’re talking about!” Jose exclaims excitedly, Brock pulls him closer and they are off to kiki about the real tea at the resort until the bar closes and they stumble back to their room, so drunk they barely find the way.
“I still haven’t got to suck your dick,” Brock remembers when they are lying in bed beside each other, clad only in their underwear.
“You drunk… I’m more drunk. Can wake me up with a blowjob if you want,” Jose slurs, barely awake.
“K… blowjob t'morrow mornin'… G'night.” Brock repeats and closes his eyes, hopes that the bed will stop spinning soon.
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brighidvanguard · 6 years
RWBY Volume 6 Chapter 12 Review and Discussion
H O L Y S H I T. I didn’t really know what to expect when going into this episode, BUT IT WAS NOT THAT. THAT WAS WAYYYY MORE EXCITING AND MORE EVENTFUL THAN I WAS EXPECTING. If you’re reading this and you haven’t seen this episode yet, THEN STOP RIGHT NOW. GO WATCH IT IMMEDIATELY IF YOU CAN OR WAIT UNTIL NEXT WEEKEND. I will not refrain from saying any spoilers so consider yourself thoroughly warned. Okay so I’m gonna try and give my best review while also freaking out about this shit that just went down.
Ok so first, we have the second half of the fight with Cordo, which starts off right after the cliffhanger from last episode. We have Maria and Oscar distracting Cordo so that everyone else can regroup, and then we have Oscar’s crazy ass plan, which is to fly directly at the mecha’s giant ass cannon and take it out while the missiles have popped out. And it get SO CLOSE to working, but Cordo is just smart enough to notice Ruby taking aim and switches from the missiles to a dust cartridge and then attempts to just straight up murder Oscar, Ruby, and Maria. But, they’re just able to dodge it at the cost of Maria’s eyesight and the ship being severely damaged. And then we see one thing that I never like to see which is Oscar being a panicked boy, but he still tries his best and crash lands the ship as safely as he can. Someone please protect this boy, he’s been through a lot this volume.
And then, just after crash landing, Ruby does what she does best and decides to give a rousing speech to Cordo to try and convince her to help them. But Qrow is obviously opposed to letting Ruby stare down and giant mecha that could most certainly kill her, but Ruby insists that he trust her, which really shows a lot of growth for both characters. This volume, Ruby definitely has begun fitting into her role as a leader and I just love these little moments of her being the best leader she can. And I thought that she would actually convince Cordo to help them, but Cordo really is just “that bitch™”. So just as she points the “big ass motherfucking cannon” at Ruby, Ruby does the unimaginable and jumps inside the cannon to destroy it. And, because the dust cartridges are loaded into the cannon, they all explode, creating a chain reaction that takes out the whole mecha.
Now, we cut back to the other boss fight that is happening between our resident lesbians and a fucking stalker goat incel. For the most part, Blake and Yang absolutely wreck Adam with their teamwork, even using the classic Bumbleby move where Yang swings Blake around with her ribbon to take Adam out. But, unfortunately, Adam’s incel levels peak and her levels up, kicking Blake off of the cliff and making her run out of aura. And then, he goes full incel and begins antagonizing Yang, asking what Blake even sees in her, because in his eyes she’s just a dumb “Chad” jock. But, Yang does what I’ve been yelling at her to do this entire fight and activates her semblance, knocking out Adam’s aura in ONE PUUUUUNNCH (cue the One Punch Man OP). And, while all that is happening, Blake is doing her best and climbing up the cliff so that she can help out Yang. And, as Adam tries to escape from the fucking crater that Yang put him in, she does what removes him from this fight entirely and kicks his sword off of the cliff.
And then, shit gets real. Blake, infused with the power of lesbian determination, climbs up the cliff and punches Adam right in his dumb incel face. And then, all three of the jump for the pieces of Blake’s Gambol Shroud so that they can finish this fight. And, with the power of lesbianism on their side, Blake grabs one half of the sword and then Yang grabs the other half. And then, they do something that I honestly did not expect from them, and they fucking kill Adam, stabbing him with both halves of Gambol Shroud. This is where my fucking jaw dropped to the goddamn floor. I honestly did not expect them to go as far as to kill him. But, seeing how broken and crazy he was, this was the only way for them to not die. Because if they would’ve tried to spare him, he either would’ve come back later to kill them, ir he would’ve tried to kill them then and there. But I was seriously shocked. But, they both finally got their revenge on Adam for the pain he caused them both. But, I can tell that this step they took will definitely stick with them for a while. But, it’s just gonna be something they’re gonna have to live with.
Anyways, after all of that, we get a nice Bumbleby moment with Yang comforting Blake because Blake just had to kill the man who caused him so much pain, but whom at one point in her life she was manipulated into loving(which is really gross because they probably met when Blake was like 12 and Adam was probably much older so he essentially groomed her and manipulated her because he’s a fucking creep). So, maybe somewhere in her heart, she might’ve had conflicts opinions about actually killing him. But when it came down to it, it was the only way that she could’ve gotten rid of him. And now with Adam gone (I hope because there’s no way he could’ve survived that), Blake can finally move forward with developing as a character without having to worry about Adam. And the faunus and the new White Fang led by Ghira can finally move forward with their goals without interference from Adam.
And then we get to this chapter’s cliffhanger. Because of all of the negative emotion that Cordo was spewing out and broadcasting through the mecha’s giant speakers, a horde of Manticore Grimm have now begun attacking Argus. And, not only that, but a giant Leviathan Grimm has appeared from the sea and is making its way towards the city. And, everyone is low on aura because of the fights that they just went through. And now the city has no strong defense against this Leviathan because they just took out the mecha that was made specifically to take out giant Grimm. So now, I have no idea what’s gonna happen. Ruby is probably gonna have to use her silver eyes to protect the city and maybe Oscar will unlock his magic powers that Oz will pass down to him. But I’m not entirely sure because the CRWBY is really good at subverting our expectations and doing crazy awesome shit. Anyways, that’s it for today’s review. I’m off to go rewatch that episode about 2000 more times. Bye!
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00412 · 6 years
What it means to be a lesbian
AGE 4- We played house in front of my actual house in the bushes.  It was me, girl J, boy J, and C.  boy j begged me to kiss him and I just didn’t want to.  I wasn’t opposed to kissing girl J though.
AGE 4- My cousin makes friends with a girl named Nivea.  I think she is beautiful and it makes me feel very good when she compliments me
AGE 5- Kindergarten!!! I make friends with a lot of girls in my grade! Including one named L!  I’m obsessed with a 6th grader named Erica.  She’s friends with one of my cousins.  I love when she lets me sit next to them.  She even invited me over to their teen sleepover!  I leave because I’m scared of her dog.
AGE 5- My first real boy crush! Edwin... then Blake.  They have nice eyes and lips.  I could never tell them
AGE 6-Martin... Phoenix.  I really like boys I swear, I could never let them find out, but eventually they did.  Alexandria told, and she never spoke to me again.  Neither did the boys
AGE 6-I made friends with the kids of my parents friends.  Often when I went to visit or they visited me we would kiss and it ended up in some kind of sexual activity.  There was T,then R... Then M... the list goes on... Really.
AGE 6- Me and L sleepover each others houses.  We love to take bubble baths together and touch each other.  Our favorite is cuddling while watching movies.  Sometimes we practiced touching each other.
AGE 7- Ray...no Reynold.  He likes you too!  You even write his name in clay all over your bedroom wall.  Your parents beat you and made you wash it off though.  You called him once.
AGE 8-  My first real boyfriend!! Jay and you are REALLY in love... like REALLY in love.  You play and kiss at school all the time.  You even had “sex” with him.  You think your pregnant! Your parents ban you from seeing him.
AGE 8- Happy Birthday! You basically had threesome with A,L, and girl J.  You wonder why you stopped thinking about your boyfriend so much when your with your friends
AGE 9- Akida.  You guys become best friends.  GTA, Shrek and Ramen noodles were our best friends.  We made out a lot after 4 o clock.  Why didn’t I call my boyfriend
AGE 9- Ruthie.  You guys are best best friends.  You never do anything sexual, but you love to hang out with each other.  Paint each others nails, do each others hair, take trips and pictures together... friendship
AGE 10-Ruthie isn’t home but her sister is.  You play with her until she gets back.  She has a warm smile and you talk in her room.  She pushes you in the closet and you start making out.  She pulls down your pants and, unknowingly you’re having sex.  It feels really good.  You never felt this before.  When she stops your confused.  She kisses you again.  You leave before Ruthie gets back.  
AGE 10-  She’s not home again.  Her sister is of course. We do it again.  It feels even better.  Her brother opens the closet.  He threatens to tell their mom.  I leave very confused.  
AGE 10- Her sister keeps trying to pull me away to do it.  I don’t want to get in trouble.  I don’t want her to get in trouble.  I liked every moment.  We’re too young.  She doesn’t speak to me.
AGE 11- Where is my boyfriend? We’ve been together for 3 years now and I only see him at school.  We kiss a lot and they separate our classes.  We don’t really call each other anymore.  I forget about him on the weekend.  Why do I always do that?  Most of my girl friends hate me.  We sneak to talk on the phone.  I made friends at dance class.
AGE 12- Middle school!!!! Your boyfriend doesn’t talk to you anymore.  You don’t know why.  You meet a lot of nice girls at dance class.  They smell nice even though they’re sweaty. You want to be like them.  You especially love to watch their bodies move while their dancing.  You make one friend in particular.  Her name is N.  She’s loud, crazy, and fun.  
AGE 12-  You have your first sleepover at N’s house.  You’re cuddling little do you realize.  Her mother comes in and says friends shouldn’t cuddle like that.
AGE 13- N’s your best friend.  You guys go to the same school!  You like to hold hands and cuddle a lot.  She starts to go through puberty.  You already did so you know what happens, but you can’t stop staring at her. You guys like to talk about boys and getting her a boyfriend.
AGE 13- Andrew.  He was your first middle school boyfriend.  Biked all the way to your new house to see you.  For some reason he never wanted to kiss you.  He moves away in two weeks.
AGE 13-Shaq.  He’s an older boy and knows what he wants.  Sometimes after he breaks up with you he throws you up against a wall and starts making out with you.  You think it’s mature, and he’s experienced.  It kind of scares you.  You don’t want it to go any further.  His breath smells.
AGE 13- V- A boy your age!!! He really likes you! and you like him too!  He’s really immature to you though but he likes to make out.  You don’t like his breath or his smell but you like to play in his hair.  You guys tell funny jokes.  He cheats on you with your best friend but you don’t care.
AGE 13- P- you guys become friends too!   You hang out with the older crowd, you have cool hobbies, you go to parties, and you didn’t even need drugs to have that much fun because you made the party.  You could almost like her, if only N wasn’t jealous of your friendship.  You find out she slept with V and pretend it hurts more than the crush.
AGE 14-You and N are at an all time high of affection.  People at school start to notice.  Are you gay?
AGE 14-N told me what gay was.  I never knew what it meant to be attracted to the same sex, but I knew how it felt.  I guess I like girls?
AGE 14- T.  We went to elementary school together and he always liked me.  P2 liked him too.  I went to his house and made out with him.  I caught the bus home and never spoke to him again.
AGE 14- Why do I watch girls bodies dancing all the time?  Why do I like to see girls naked?  Why do I anticipate cuddling or touching my friends?  Why do I always forget about the boys that I liked.  Mom always said I was boy crazy.  Why is it so easy to forget them when I’m with my friends?  Why do I stare at the beautiful girl on the bus every day?  Why do I know every picture this girl has posted.  Why do I stare at girls pictures so much?  I like their style.  I want to be like them.  Why do I think about kissing her?
AGE 14- “I think I like girls”. At least that’s what I told my mother.  Her response; “no you don’t”
AGE 14- P likes D.  She says as a friend so I develop a crush.  He’s very passive, no chalant, cool guy.  He never cares about any of my romantic advances, but he’s great to talk to online.  We kiss each other but he doesn’t want more to our friendship.  Reluctantly I accept.
AGE 14- N convinces me to try dating a girl.  Her name is Q.  She’s hilarious, intelligent, quickwitted, and very pretty.  We never see each other out of school really, but she called me every day.  We would talk for hours.  I felt very connected.   She wanted to kiss me on Valentines Day.  She told me I didn’t know how to kiss and broke up with me shortly after.  She still loved her ex and I missed D... or maybe I just wanted attention... or both.
AGE 14- D and i talk all the time online but barely see each other.  His family loves me.  He talks to other people about my business.  He says I’m a crazy stalker. He never told me to my face.
AGE 14- I make friends with his friends, especially one named K.  We talk about how much of a jerk D can be.  He understands, and cares... My first real guy friend.
AGE 15- D and I are upset with each other on and off.  We liked each other in privacy.  I never had sex before... at least with a boy at the time.  It’s summer time and I paid him a visit.  Without much lead up we try to have sex.  We kiss until our clothes are off and when he pulls it out I’m very dry.  I tried to put it in but, nothing.  We lay in bed together.
AGE 16-  You’re bi?  No pan. No, lesbian?  Idk, you still get crushes on guys but most you would never pursue.  The daydreams about girls are stronger.  You try dating more girls.  
AGE 16-  You date a girl named C.  She’s not out yet but you don’t know that.  She’s really nice and you guys bond a lot outside of school.  Mostly at her house when her parents aren’t home.  Your mom doesn’t really care for her too much, and isn’t exactly non vocal about it.  She never breaks up with you know when it’s over.
AGE 17- I think I’m gay.  Boys are just objectively attractive.  Maybe, if the right boy were to come by you might try it 
AGE 17- College.  You crush on a girl, she rejects you and tells you she isn’t interested in women at all.
AGE 17- Remember K?  The friend you confided in? You really like his company, but you also notice something different.  He likes you... a lot.  He puts his hand in the chair.  You’re uncomfortable to sit but he’s nice.  Is he the right boy?
AGE 17- It’s been almost 2 years since you’ve kissed someone. He likes you and you like him too, at least you think.  You guys kiss and while your body is reacting your mind is not following
AGE 17- You and K start dating!  Your friendship means a lot to each other, and that’s how relationships start right?  He wants to have sex a lot, but you’re just not comfortable. All the signs add up, he likes you, you don’t hate kissing him, but something just doesn’t feel right.  After week 3 you finally give in.  It’s not bad but it’s not good.  Is this what the first time is like?
AGE 17- The more you think about him, the more uncomfortable you get with your relationship.  Do you like when your lips touch? He’s your friend.   Do you like the way he feels?  This is the right thing to do. Does the sex make you feel something? Are you moving too fast?  Maybe you’re not ready for a relationship.  It’s only been a month.  You call it off.  Maybe you just need to focus on school, BUT YOU GUYS ARE STILL FRIENDS NO MATTER WHAT.
AGE 18- Happy Birthday! First tattoo! First night out at the club!  Remember that crush?  She kissed you goodnight.  You’re happy but confused.
AGE 18-  You guys start dating.  You finally gain the courage to tell K.  He is very upset.  He needs some space.  You understand.  He stops talking to you for a few months.  
AGE 18- Things are going great!  You guys really like each other, hanging out with each other, but something doesn’t feel right.  K calls from time to time, you usually don’t leave without feeling guilty.  Your mom doesn’t like your crush.  She wants you to move.  You try but your car breaks down.  All the money for the deposit now goes to the car.
AGE 18- She’s not over an ex.  She’s not out to her family. You’re no longer intimate. K keeps calling.  You miss his friendship.  He misses you.
AGE 18- It’s summer and hot. You vent to K.  He misses you.  You tell him you want friendship.  He lays his hand on your thigh.  You start to cry.  He wants to get back together.  You don’t know what you want
AGE 18-You last for 6 months.  
AGE 18-You tell K what happened.  He listens.  You’re lonely.  He listens. He’s there.  Maybe he is the one?  You cry while sucking his dick
AGE 18- ATTENTION; It’s been 6 months since your break up with your ex gf.  You guys have casual sex.  It’s been a while that you’ve felt wanted.  You are wanted.  Maybe you do like him?  You want to be in a relationship.  He needs time to trust you again.  In the meantime use your body.
AGE 19- You’re back together again!!! Things are going great! You’re happy! Someone likes you and you’re more than over your ex. Someone asks your sexual orientation, who are you again? Let’s try queer.
AGE 19- You can only think about girls when you masturbate.  He asks what you would do to a girl that you couldn’t do to him.  It’s not the same.
AGE 19- Sex.  You’re definitely having more of it but what are you not enjoying?  Is it his penis?  Too big too small? Does he not know how to pleasure you?  Fingers too big?  Is it the birth control?  This is starting to look a lot more like high school.
AGE 20-  Why do you cry every time you guys have sex but you can make yourself cum six times in one session.  Why do you feel disgusted every time he cums on the floor, in your mouth?  Why do hate the smell of his sweat? His cuddles?  Why do you avoid and agonize every time he wants to initiate sex?  Why do you keep thinking about N?  Why do you keep thinking about the cashier from two weeks ago?
AGE 20- It’s August. You don’t know what’s different than last August but you’re just not the same.  Awakening.  It’s been 3 months since the last time you had sex and before then, it was rare.  It’s time.
AGE 20- You tell him you don’t want to do it anymore.  He admits to cheating on you with another girl.  It didn’t matter though because you planned on calling it off anyway.  He still wants a fwb.  You just want to be done.  He wants to still have a sexual connection.  You say maybe so he stops, but never again is the real answer.
AGE 20-You’re gay. Not bi. Not pan. Not queer.  Just a lesbian.  It’s refreshing.  You haven’t felt this pure since you were 13.
AGE 20- Remember that girl, N?  Well you guys have sex and the answers begin to unfold. The truth has always been there but you begin to understand it.  You are now vulnerable.  You know what it means to love.  You know what it means to hate.  You know what it truly means to be gay, but even more a time and a place for things.  
AGE 21- You meet a girl again.  You’ve always known each other but you move from a distance.  You went to elementary school together, in fact you reminded her she dated your ex K.  None of that matters though because your eyes are on her, and hers on you.  She has 3 days left before she moves to Florida.  Why not?
AGE 22-It’s been almost a year since you’ve been together.  You have your own apartment.  A kitty.  Things make sense.  Things are clear.  Her lips sunkiss you and the burn lasts long after she leaves.  She brings the truth in you every day.  She teaches you what it means to love; honestly, openly, truthfully.  She makes you proud and confident in the person you are and the being your becoming.  More than anything she moves you in a way your four year old self only daydreamed about.
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Bookshelf Briefs 11/13/17
Anne Happy, Vol. 7 | By Cotoji | Yen Press – It’s sports festival time, and out heroines are doing their best to at least survive the events, though in Botan’s case that may be difficult. The volume consists of what you’d expect—everyone’s quirk is in full force, the Unlucky Class ends up very very far behind in the rankings, mostly as they’re up against a sports class that compete in national events. Sayama continues to attempt to get over her terminal shyness, and makes small strides. Small strides is in fact the point of this series, as the class in general is doing OK but not well enough to make it in the world. This may become more important later on. In the meantime, Anne Happy is unassuming and cute, with minimal ambition. If you enjoy cute girls falling over, you’ll like it. – Sean Gaffney
Black Clover, Vol. 9 | By Yuki Tabata | Viz Media – We wrap up the Battle with the Midnight Sun here, and our heroes spend some significant time recovering—though for Asta, that time may end up being far longer than he’d really like. We also end up seeing Yuno again. Remember Yuno? Asta’s rival who we saw at the very start of the series? He’s back, and of course is ridiculously strong. The rivalry between him and Asta has ridiculous amounts of BL tease, because this is a Jump manga, but I’m fine with that. There was also a nice non-reveal with a masked captain of Yuno’s unit, who turned out to be masked for different reasons than we’d thought. In any case, new arc should start soon, as we try to figure out how to heal permanent damage. – Sean Gaffney
Demon King Daimaou, Vol. 3 | By Shoutaro Mizuki and Souichi Itou | J-Novel Club – There is one reason that the jaded light-novel fan should give this book a try, and that’s the appearance of the villain, Mister X, who is over the top crazy and in his desire for villainy and despair that is “Art!” reminds me of nothing less than an evil Great Gonzo. Other than that, it’s situations normal at Daimaou, Inc. We get a bit more depth for Hiroshi, Akuto’s fanboy, but it doesn’t really work nearly as well for me, as the characterization feels off from the prior two books. And there are the heroines, with Korone getting a nice fakeout “I am going back to be executed” moment, Keena being Akuto’s conscience, and Junko being, well, Junko. Daimaou is a perfect buy for those who have to buy everything. – Sean Gaffney
Dreamin’ Sun, Vol. 4 | By Ichigo Takano | Seven Seas – This was a super shoujo-riffic volume of manga, even though there are some funny bits too (particularly the bonus comic). Shimana encourages Zen’s brother, Ken, not to give up on his boxing ambitions, and in gratitude he shows her Fujiwara’s high school yearbook, which only brings up more questions. In between, there are Christmas presents and bittersweet longing and earnest conversations about dreams. Also, there are at least three and probably more scenes that involve Shimana tearfully running away from a conversation and slamming a door. It’s repetitive, yes, but at least she doesn’t ever spend very long in a sulk. I enjoy Asahi stirring the pot and Zen being a good, sweet friend, but I’m not sure I want Shimana and Fujiwara to get together. He’s right—she is still a kid. Maybe Zen will win her over in the end with his panda wiles. – Michelle Smith
The Girl From the Other Side: Siúil, a Rún, Vol. 3 | By Nagabe | Seven Seas – The beginning of this volume is super tense! Shiva’s aunt has come for her, accompanied by several of the soldiers that only recently were trying to kill her, and Teacher does his best to rescue her, to no avail. One particularly impactful page-turn, revealing Teacher struck by many arrows, made me realize that because this series is so unique, there’s no variations-on-a-theme template to rely upon and, as a result, I really believed Teacher could actually die. He doesn’t, but what happens when Shiva gets back to the village is dramatic enough, along with a cliffhanger about her real origins. The art continues to be a delight, as well—I particularly love the panels that emphasize Shiva’s smallness and the nonverbal depiction of Teacher’s devastation after she’s gone. Now to manage the four-month wait for volume four! – Michelle Smith
Girls’ Last Tour, Vol. 3 | By Tsukumizu| Yen Press – The odd finally manages to win out over the cute for this volume of Girls’ Last Tour, though that’s not necessarily a bad thing. We see again and again how depressingly apocalyptic this world the girls are traveling through is, and on more than one occasional it almost leads to their horrible deaths. They also meet someone in the final section, though this is a robot rather than a human—but the essential story beats remain the same. And there’s even some fanservice for anyone interested. I’ve said before that this reminds me of Strawberry Marshmallow, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this was Miu’s bizarre self-insert fic with her and Chika—though I suspect it’d earn her a smack or two. Oddly compelling. – Sean Gaffney
Kuma Miko: Girl Meets Bear, Vol. 6 | By Masume Yoshimoto | One Peace Books – Well, I did ask for more of the bear, and I certainly get that here. Unfortunately, I also get another bear, who’s painted as the obsessed female stalker of our main bear. The humor that follows, showing a tsundere bear trying to be seductive (and failing), only works about one third of the time. It doesn’t help that the series already has a tsundere, Hibiki, and we get an amusing chapter devoted to imagining what might make her actually confess. Honestly, though, the highlight was the final chapter, where the bear tries to get Machi to take a train as part of his “make her a functioning adult” plan. It doesn’t work—she gets on the wrong train, and is now at the ocean. Will she die? Probably not. – Sean Gaffney
Murcielago, Vol. 4 | By Yoshimurakana | Yen Press – This series continues to play to a very limited audience, the sort who likes lesbians and likes sociopaths, and REALLY likes the combination of the two. If that pleases you, this volume will too, though be warned another sympathetic cutie is butchered horribly. As for Kuroko, she’s actually out of commission for part of this, having been brainwashed by the head villainess of the book. Fortunately, we needed some more characterization for Chiyo, Kuroko’s yakuza girlfriend who’s in a state of constant rage from, well, dealing with Kuroko’s tendency to bed anyone female. Spoiler: she’s badass. As for Rinko, the child killer from last time… well, I don’t want to spoil it. Suffice to say I laughed, but it was rueful. Murcielago is hilarious and you will feel bad. – Sean Gaffney
My Monster Secret, Vol. 8 | By Eiji Masuda | Seven Seas – I suspect it’s going to be harder and harder to drag out the “we’re not really dating” card after the ending of this volume. Which is fine, as I will freely admit that the relationship between Asahi and Youko is one of the two best reasons to read this book. The other is the humor, and there’s plenty of that on display as well, as we see angel feathers that make people act out the Seven Sins; Koumoto-sensei celebrating another birthday of being a single woman, as no one will let her forget; and Nagisa getting turned big (as opposed to being in her alien suit) in order to once again fire up the love triangle. There’s stuff that doesn’t work (anything with Shimada), but this series still has more hits than misses. – Sean Gaffney
Requiem of the Rose King, Vol. 7 | By Aya Kanno | VIZ Media – Wow. And also “holy crap.” I’m going to completely forego any spoilers this time, because the surprises in this volume need to be experienced as they come. Suffice it to say that Richard does not handle the revelation about Henry’s true identity well, and Henry doesn’t handle captivity and his lusty feelings for Richard well, either. All of these sad, broken people being crushed by… well… the game of thrones. Although a smidge of me still dares to hope Richard will find happiness by the end of the series, the ending of this volume suggests otherwise. I actually had to look up whether the series was concluding in the next volume, though that doesn’t appear to be the case. I should have known better than to choose something else for pick of the week, even if it was my beloved Chihayafuru! – Michelle Smith
Toriko, Vol. 40 | By Mitsutoshi Shimabukuro | Viz Media – Still counting down towards the end of this series. At least Toriko gets to add another item to his menu, meaning he only has two to go. But unfortunately, this one is more about the ridiculous fights than the ridiculous food, and whenever that happens it’s never good news. The author is better at food porn. He’s also better at ho yay, as the reunion of Toriko and Komatsu is loaded with an absolute ridiculous amount of subtext—I would not blame readers for forgetting Rin exists. As for the evil plot, it creeps incrementally forward, leading to a cliffhanger as Toriko and company finally challenge God. I’m finishing the series as I’ve already read 40 volumes, but it’s only for the hardcore now. – Sean Gaffney
By: Michelle Smith
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