#she's just a funky lil guy
fayesephone · 2 years
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🔆 Dizzy the Cat 🔆
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clouvu · 10 months
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Offering lil doodles of them bc my eyes have been opened
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canonically47 · 4 months
breaking my silence. transmasc genderfluid he/she gay angel dust
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OC Pokémon teams! I realized I mentioned but never shared them!
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contradictivs · 5 months
if i give ryder a 911 verse, do u think hen would clock ryder's stupid bisexual ass right away or nah?
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indecisive-dizzy · 6 months
sooo how dead is cringe exactly? lol
how dead is the mlp fandom? Or should I say undead pff-
I kinda wanna post my mlp oc, she's just,,, a lil creature. people like lil creatures yeah?
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valkyrie-song · 1 year
*Aggressively burrows under the covers and passes the fuck out*
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homicidal-slvt · 1 year
Literally nobody asked but I'm going to share how I got into COD anyway.
My friend is literally OBSESSED with it and I was rambling to her about one of my OCS and she was like "OH MY GOD SHE'S JUST LIKE GHOST!" and then she started rambling about COD and gave me a list of reasons why my oc was like Ghost and it peaked my interest and
Here I am LMAO
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evilminji · 6 months
Okay, you know how bird don't ACTUALLY look the way we think they do?
They are far more colorful? But only to the eyes of other birds?
And it has to do with how light reflects off them and how their eyes are shaped etc etc.?
Well..... humans can see the most shades of green, right? But! We sure as shit can't see UltaViolet and InfraRed? Or shades BEYOND those. Ectoplasmic colors. Magical ones. Third eye, need to see with your SOUL type ones.
Danny? Could very well still have lil baby "kitten's eyes who haven't open yet" syndrome.
He thinks the Zone is Green and his hair is white.
But it's not.
His hair is Starlight colored. Frost. His suit is specifically "the void between stars" colored. Which looks... different? Then black? No, no, guys. How can you guys not see it? It looks REALLY different! How did he not NOTICE before?! They're not ever CLOSE to the same shade! It's like calling salmon and hot pink the same. You know... if you were to compare an actual fish and some irradiated, violently glowing version of "hot pink".
His gloves are.... guys, these ares stars. Pressed so close together there's no gap. His body is the night sky, all rearranged. He's wearing SPACE, guys.
*continues to stare at his gloves for the next five hours*
Now... why is this relevant? Because! Danny slowly, as all humans do, adjusts! It's like finally having glasses after years of blurry vision. He... forgets, what it was like, not NOT See Zone Colors. Not completely, mind you, but enough he has to be reminded.
And the Zone? A Realm of the Dead. Specifically, the great catch-all and highway of the Dead. They get EVERYBODY. Misfits and vagabonds. Those who don't quite fit. Funky lil dudes. And of course, assholes, but everybody has those! See, Zone colors?
They're all of um!
It's like looking at the technicolor, stobe light, multi galaxies in one, Sun. Tingly(tm)!!! You get used to it. What helps? Is that as garish as the Zone is? The painting and grand tapestry of it all? Keeps changing. Like weather. If it's too much for you, you can stay inside your Lair until the current Color changes. Until the designs shift. Vibe changes.
There are even glasses for that! "Temperate" areas for people to set up, that get headaches or are just... kinda killjoys. Too each their own. Though the stormy areas? Those guys are freaks. Watch out for those guys. They're the kind who stare directly are stars until their eyes burn out.
Where was I? Oh yeah! Danny!
No longer a wee baby, smol baby, twig-o!
Sad. We miss it.
But he did get used to Seeing The Colors. Got a handle on his powers. And! Finally worked with his parents on how to safely turn the portal OFF. There was much booing. Cries of "kill joy" and "booo! You suck!". But? Like? Dude DID have the right to protect his home. Go to college. What can you do?
Problem with THAT is? Baby grew into his "built like a brick shit house of constantly running off to literally tackle the Supernatural excellence" Fenton genetics. He Tall. Muscles! And he PUMPING out "somethings fucked up with me" Vibes!
Add in his DEEPLY Sus off hand comments. Weird ability to tell when someone has or is about to die. Basic immunity to the cold. Fuckin EYE GLOW?
Ha ha... *Horror movie screams from his college dorm mates*
Clearly a demon!
He gets kicked out. Well... not kicked out. He's a model student and broken no rules. They'd never survive the lawsuit. But... he's? STRONGLY INCOURAGED to finish his education elsewhere. Repeatedly. By like... 15 colleges.
Sam is not just livid, she's actively foaming at the mouth.
Breathe, Sam! Remember what your doctor said! Your mortal body can't handle that kinda Vengance spiral! Think of your blood pressure! Breathe!!! (Were not for the laws of this land... and the weak, fleshy constraints of her mortal form!)
Thankfully? Tucker's been interning, remotely of course, with Wayne Industries. He asked his manager where he could find some of those scholarship forms. (Since Gotham University is just a touch out of Danny's price range.) Manager wanted to know why. And oh! Oh holy shit. Apparently? Danny is the hot new office gossip.
People in the main office are OUTRAGED. Danny's "too spooky"?! Too FUCKIN SPOOKY!? Are you KIDDING THEM? Even juicier, a Meta kid from some wacky ghost hunters turned scientists. From a line of Supernatural hunters. Wants to be a aeronautics engineer.
Ooooooh how SPOOKY! Better watch out! He'll design an ENGINE at yooooou!
Fuckin casuals. Non-Gothamites are WEAK. "Too scary" their collective asses. Yeah, maybe the kid SHOULD come too Gotham. He can be the weird kid. Mildly unsettling or something. His powers won't be SHIT in Gotham. Just remind him to buy a gas mask.
So! Danny gets his Scholarship! Merrily packs his bags for darker, Gothic hellscape hills. Unaware... that Constantine has been following reports of a "demon" that he's? 80% sure is a Banshee but MIGHT be a winter spirt with a shtick? For the past 13 colleges. He's getting closer. And this sucker is a strong one.
Not "this is going to cause me serious, life imperilling danger" strong. But more? "Man, that cat is HUUUUUGE". Could he still get mauled a lil? Yeah. Scratched to all hell and back? Probably! But DIE? Unlikely.
He just needs to know why the FUCK this spirit his hanging around colleges.
Which is made harder... by the fact that what HE sees? And what OTHER people see? When they look at this guy? Separate things. Yeah, he'd LOVE to give you guys a description! IF HE HAD ONE.
@the-witchhunter @hdgnj @hdgnj @spidori @babbling-babull @nerdpoe @lolottes
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avanillaskyline · 8 months
I've been going through tma recently at the request of my girlfriend. She has, on multiple occasions, showed me the Jurgen Leitner rant. I know I'm not very far into it yet (MAG 53), but I'm under the impression he's getting a bad rep.
Like, we're dealing with a setting where people literally get eaten by the sky and evil worms that burrow into people and kill them in minutes. We're dealing with a setting where Fuckhands McMike can banish literally anyone to the Backrooms (and stab Jon??? Because he feels like it?????) and yet we hate Jurgen because he liked literature. ok. I am SURE there's more awful people out there than a silly lil fucked up book collector
Dude just wants a cool library and I support this, even if he's a little messed up. If he got his hands on the Necronomicon I firstly, wouldn't be surprised and secondly, would support him.
But I'm not buying it. Someone in the setting's gotta be worse
Like... Tim? No, Tim's an absolute himbo fuckboy, we can't hate him. Who else? Sasha's been kinda funky and off-putting since Mag 40 but hasn't been evil, Martin's our bestest cinnamon roll boy, and Jon's just a dedicated lil guy who gets beat up because the world hates him for no reason. We just met that new girl, Basira? She's got good vibes and I'd probably kill for Gertrude
Who else is left?? OH, ELIAS. He owns the archives and told off Jon to "not stalk his coworkers" (ok fun police), which is offensive to both me and Jon, so he automatically goes in the "bitch-ass mf" category and I do not like him
Jon's suspicious of him and SO AM I
(I'll reblog this when I get further in with more details, no spoilers please)
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powdermelonkeg · 6 months
Holy moly I just beat all the shrines. PLEASE tell me you have theories cooking because I am losing my mind here 😭
Ancient Hero's Aspect theory time.
Look at this funky lil guy.
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See this man?
Not a Zonai
Biologically, cannot be a Zonai, or Zonai-Hylian hybrid. There's a major feature of the Ancient Hero that gives it away, but let's start with the basics.
This is Rauru:
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He has large ears covered in fur from the top of his head, golden horns, a third eye, and white hair with colored edges. His eyelashes are white, green, and gold, and the sclera of his eyes are white.
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Proportionally, he's built more like a Zora than a human. His hips are low, with his torso the same size as his legs.
Let's look at Mineru and compare, to account for variation in Zonai physiology (the sample size is bad, but there's not much we can do about that):
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Large, fur-covered ears, a third eye, white hair with colored edges. Her eyelashes are white, pink, and gold, so we can assume that some of these colors are from makeup, but her sclera are still white.
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(Model ripped by WhiteMageSunny on DeviantArt)
Like Rauru, she has those weirdly proportioned hips and torso. No horns, though, so that could be a male Zonai thing, or just a him thing.
Bonus evidence, in lack of sample size, the dragons:
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The three elemental dragons all have the same kind of hair as Rauru and Mineru, fluffy with spiked ends that have colored edges. And we know, from experience, that dragons keep the hair of their previous forms as their mane:
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Now for our little scamp.
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First off, his skin is gray-green. Not an indicator of itself, could just be a different fur color.
However, he also has:
Red, silky hair with no secondary color
Black sclera
No lashes
No horns
No third eye
Pointed ears on the sides of his head
We've established that the horns aren't a requirement, so that's also not a direct indicator. Maybe he's missing the third eye because that's a royalty-is-different trope. Maybe the red hair means he's half-Gerudo, and the ears are a byproduct of that. The black sclera is weird, but not entirely unforgivable. Zelda's done weirder (see Yeta and Yeto, or King Zora and Ruto).
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(Model ripped by WhiteMageSunny on DeviantArt)
And now we get to the proportions. There's no strangely cinched waist like Mineru and Rauru have. The legs are proportional to the torso in a way that's almost human.
Still could be half-Hylian or Gerudo, right?
Wrong. Look closer.
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That is a TAIL.
Neither Mineru nor Rauru have tails. But there's something even more damning here.
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Mineru. Five toes. Plantigrade (on the floor) feet. Big toe to little toe, like a human.
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Rauru. Five toes. Plantigrade feet. Big toe to little toe.
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Hero's Aspect! Four toes! Two large middle toes! Cat toes!
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Digitigrade (catlike, heel raised) feet! That spoke on the end of the sandal never touches the ground!
Where did the tail come from? The black sclera? The change in skeletal structure? The literal paws for feet?
This is not a Zonai. I'm calling it a Lomei, and I rest my case.
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bunnypeew · 5 months
my sweetheart- Cooper x Fem!reader
okay so i’ve wanted to write a one shot of The Ghoul cuz he’s so funky I love him!!!! so this is an attempt to writing something that isn’t hazbin hotel heheheh :3c
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the surface was something else, and for a vaultie like her it was terrible but she’ve been out and about for at least a decade now so she knew her way around. She had her fair share of partners sure, but finally after years she found the one, the perfect person for her. Coop was a ghoul, a pre war one too and for those 200 years he hadn’t found anyone after Barb, no one at all, but something about her changed his heart forever.
they met during a bounty hunt, long before the Wilzig one,, and they just so happened to bump into each other in Filly, it was definitely not normal to see a ghoul there so she got curious, she said sorry for bumping into him, tucking her hair behind her ear out of slight embarrassment
''Don't worry, I'm not gonna crumble after a slight push,,
he says smirking, lit cigarette in between his lips, takes a puff and looks back at her
''say do you by any chance know where I can find this fella here?,,
he says showing a drawing, of what seems to be a wanted poster, she looks at it carefully only to not recognise the guy and biting the top of her finger looking at the ghoul
“sadly no, but i can help you find him! i’ve had a few bounty hunts in my time,,
she says, kinda proud of herself since she hadn’t been doing that for long, and she thought she was pretty good at it
the ghoul looked her up and down, not in a rude way but it was the fact she was still wearing her vault suit, after years of not being in a vault she was still to attached to it and couldn’t take it off, of course she tweaked it a little bit with patches where holes where and some armour on top so it wasn’t in its original state
“sorry sweetheart but i don’t think a vaultie like you would ever take on of my bounties,,
she seemed a bit taken aback by his sentence but tried not to show it, she strikes a bit of a pose, hand on her hip and the other one takes the poster from his hand, gently of course
“well, try me!,,
the ghoul smirks again, taking a last puff from his cigarette then making it fall on the ground and stomping it with his boots
“sure thing,,
that was the day they met,, and since then they’ve been inseparable.
now in the present they would take bounties together all the time, but now was one of those days where they stayed home, they got a little cottage in the middle of nowhere, near enough vegetation to grow their crops
they were relaxing on their bed, she was playing on her pipboy while he was reading a book, suddenly he plops down his book and looks at her being concentrated on her game, he starts kissing the back of her head with soft little pecks making her shiver a bit but still playing the game
“hun get off your pip boy and come cuddle with me for a lil, huh?,,
he says now kissing her neck, so she decided to turn off the pipboy and give her man attention.
she turns around and gets under his arm cuddling in, then looks him in the eyes
“how lucky i am to have you Coop,,
he chuckled and looked at her kissing her nose
“I think it’s the other way around my sweetheart,,
this is a short one!! but i like it!! WE LOVE THE GHOUL RAAAAAH
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gnomewithalaptop · 9 months
Transcendence AU Dash Simulator GO!!!
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🌟 lesbianstellaconifer Follow
okay but actually block me if you ship mizcor -- 'hurr durr but we age stella up' -- SHUT UPPP she's literally a minor and alcor's canonically over a million years old so how about you stop being a freak
🎩 woodsmans-left-nipple Follow
Babe I hate to break this to you but Mizcor's literally one of the most famous relationships in all of post-transcendental literature
🌟 lesbianstellaconifer Follow
I could not have more obviously been talking about Mizar the Magnificent but you know what? Yeah classic Mizcor supporters can fuck off too actually.
Everybody likes to whip out Twin Souls like some kind of gotcha but have you even actually read it??? Like it's literally supporting demon worship and pedophilia -- both of which are EXTREMELY ILLEGAL btw. So yeah if I see any of my followers reblogging that shit I'm reporting you to the Occult Defense Agency idc if we're mutuals
🐟 demonologyturnedmegay Follow
*looks at my Alcorian Literature PhD* guess we better stock up on prison shivs buddy
🍃 haveyouseenmylibrary Follow
okay I'm sorry but
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and Mizar the Magnificent isn't????
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📷 nature-pics-daily
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Los Angeles 🏝️
#sunken city of los angeles #new california #travel #ocean #photography #lmao i almost got eaten by a kelpie trying to take this pic pls reblog it
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🧁 definitely-mizar Follow
Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that The Scepter of Vanquished Souls, the newest book in the Wanderlust Trilogy, is now available for pre order on Glamazon!
Purchasers of the hard-cover edition will also receive never-before-seen content, including a deleted scene between Princess Samia and the Shadow King!
🤷‍♂️ not-not-ian-beale Follow
Boosting because I honestly cannot recommend this book enough. Truly one of Mira's best (and I'm not just saying that because she married me!)
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⚠️ alv Follow
You are the 6 billionth user to log into Jumblr today!! This means you are eligible to win a FREE WACBOOK PRO!!!! Click here to claim your prize and win BIG BIG REWARDS!!
#twin souls #mizar #alcor #mizcor #twin souls: reawakened #twin souls: breaking circles #twin souls: newest moon #twinner #twincon3015 #not a scam
Based on your likes!
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🌞 azarath-metrion-zinthirst Follow
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So. I had a day.
📖 stanley-pines-memorial-library Follow
Okay, but consider
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🌞 azarath-metrion-zinthirst Follow
I don't remember my older brother's wedding
📖 stanley-pines-memorial-library Follow
A small price to pay for no middle school trauma
🐧 selkiebael Follow
Okay so I just read the url and--
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Asfdksfjk go off you funky lil intern
📖 stanley-pines-memorial-library Follow
I'm actually the senior librarian. But thanks!
🐈 alcorphabetical Follow
Posts that have 10k notes. To me
15k notes
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🔮 demonoftheday Follow
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Today's demon of the day is Nxlar the Antithetical! Responsible for the Florida Springs Massacre of 3007, the body count for this purveyor of madness is estimated to be over 400 (source).
🐸 that-one-half-elf-bitch
I could fix her
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🍑 lookingformygnomequeen Follow
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literally screaming crying throwing up rn I've turned off 'Based on your likes' like eight times @staff can't you just get rid of him already
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🎤 rosaslittleredboots Follow
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#i accidentally set my alchemy textbook on fire today and i don't even care AAAAAA this is going to be amazing #northwest mansion mystery #pacifica northwest #rosa darling #im about to be so insufferable about this just you wait
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👹 sexiestdemon3015bracket Follow
🐸 that-one-half-elf-bitch
#if you love me at all you'll vote for my lady love #LISTEN i could bring her to the light i nkow i could
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👻 sweetthingsaremadeofdeeznuts
Lmao so Nxlar the Antithetical totally turned my apartment complex into a pile of sentient sludge yesterday. I'm fine -- I was at work when it all went down, but uh... yeah, my situation obviously just became super not-great. I hate to ask, but I don't get paid til the 15th, so if some of y'all could float me some cash just so I can get a motel room for a couple nights, I'll fr owe you a life debt
Goal: 0/250
#fuck demons fr #like seriously what'd i ever do to them 😭😭😭 #mutual aid #pls boost #don't tag as donation
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🏳️‍⚧️ gliesssse Follow
Important PSA
So idk if y'all have been reading the news lately, but the alcor virus has been making the rounds on the interwebs again. I feel like I shouldn't have to say this but PLEASE don't click any random links rn, ESPECIALLY if they're tagged with twin souls.
I know we twinners love to joke about it, but the alcor virus is legitimately dangerous and has been known to seriously ruin people's lives. Idk. Just like be smart and practice basic caution I guess? Jumblr's pretty much dead these days, so he might skip over us, but it's always better to be safe than sorry
⚠️ alv Follow
This is a good point! It is always better to be safe than sorry! That's why if you're smart, you'll click here for a list of ways to virus-proof your computer. Stay safe out there everybody!
Based on your likes!
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🌲 discogirl99 Follow
Anyone else just randomly crave connective tissue sometimes
🧁 sparkle-glitter-sideblog
no actually i think that might just be a you thing
#also i heard screaming on the other line when i called you earlier there better not be a mess when i get home #beloved demon brother tag
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👑 sameeya
Okay guys I might be crazy but what if the Shadow King was actually telling the truth when he said Princess Samia's brother is still alive??? Like, if you think about it, there's a tonnnn of foreshadowing in Crown of Ghosts and the author tweeted that there was gonna be a surprise twist in the new book sooo 👀👀
#i've connected the dots -- YOU DIDN'T CONNECT SHIT -- i've connected them #wanderlust trilogy #mira ramachandran #crown of ghosts #scepter of vanquished souls #princess samia #samia of cleves #shadow king #ahmed of cleves #bookblr
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🪨 professionalnatural-deactivated30141227
Reminder that you are beautiful exactly as you are and there are thousands who would sell their souls to imitate what you do naturally <3
👠 mizarsfrillypetticoat Follow
I actually really needed this today 💗
🦇 plsbytemevladdyzaddy Follow
Yo quit reblogging this op is a blatant human supremacist
🪨 professionalnatural-deactivated30141227
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And? No one cares lmao
⚠️ alv Follow
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Enjoy deactivation. Lmao.
🪓 wenda-was-a-lesbian-confirmed Follow
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🕵🏻‍♂️ alcor-in-the-tardis Follow
#I sent screenshots of that one centaur post to her boss too #give you two guesses what species his wife is (tags by @alv)
Holy shit. Am I actually rooting for the alcor virus rn?
🍄 warioxreader Follow
maybe the real virus was the friends we made along the way <3
⚠️ alv Follow
No, the real virus is me. Don't take credit for my accomplishments.
🐲 retiredbus Follow
Heritage post
62k notes
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🐔 old-friends-senior-griffin-sanctuary Follow
I just want to get dicked down again =/
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Silly idea me and my friend had with sagau, sahsrau and possibly sawuwaau(??)
But like, what if, due to your consciousness essentially merging/being connected to the MC more, sometimes stuff gets a lil funky and you start seeing things you shouldn't
Like yk, ghosts 😇🙏
I recommend strapping in because these are gonna be three flash fictions into one + having lots of talking lol
(more utc‼️)
For example, in a fic style:
"Hey, are you gonna eat your food, Traveler?" Paimon asked, looking worriedly at the distracted visage of her friend. "Something on your mind? You can always tell Paimon what's on your mind!"
They shook their head, eyes looking at the person who stared at them and their companion. Eyes unblinking, appearance overall disheveled and aged.
"That guy's been staring at us the whole time we've been eating," they replied, eyes switching over to Paimon in a barely contained distressed fashion. "It's almost worrying me."
"What guy?"
Paimon silently asked again, "What?" when her friend looked at her so incredulously.
"You don't see him?" they asked again, now worried beyond belief. The last time Paimon saw them like this was when they fought Arlecchino.
"Traveler, I think that's a ghost we're both seeing," the voice inside his mind pointed out, trying to calm their mental state. Right, they forgot the Creator was a part of their mind now.
And as the voice just predicted, one blink and that figure was gone, the Traveler seeing its shadow scurry into a corner of the restaurant.
The door chime rang out and in a cyan and a blue haired boy entered the restaurant, another blue haired girl following right after. Right, Chongyun, Xingqiu and Xiangling.
The ghost must've scurried off when it sensed Chongyun nearby. Well, at least that put an end to their distress.
it'd be so chaotic, especially hsr's mcs bc good god they're already so adhd coded
You could think of them going through it like:
"Woah woah, what's got you all terrified, Trailblazer?" March 7th asked, a worried Dan Heng embracing them when they accidentally bumped into him trying to run away from something.
The Astral Express were quickly informed by them personally that they've been seeing ghosts and all sorts of spiritual apparitions that don't normally appear physically like heliobi, but seemingly living people that were doing normal things or otherwise.
It all started around the time they also figured out that the Creation's consciousness had somehow taken an interest in the Trailblazer, latching onto their body and making the Stellaron inside them a bit restless, unstable.
"It's... I saw Cocolia at the Administrative District," they said, panting from exhaustion. The story sounded so unreal, with how impossible it sounded, but with how broad the Creation works nothing was truly impossible.
"She was looking at Bronya shopping and talking to the people, always un-staring." March patted their back in assurance, joining Dan Heng in sitting them down onto the red couches in the Parlour Car.
"When I came closer to see if she was real, she whipped her head around so fast with the scariest look on her face!—"
"It's okay, Caelus Stelle Trailblazer, she can't reach you here," the choir of voices erupted in their mind, the chirping of birds and clinking machinery in their tone momentarily calming them down by a substantial amount.
"Well, it's a good thing ghosts can't get into the Express because that means she can't hurt you here!" March exclaimed, Dan Heng having to resist rolling his eyes at the obvious but letting her reassure them nonetheless. Dumb, dumber and dumbest— the trio wouldn't be complete with one of them missing.
Then, the cabin's speakers erupted in an all too familiar voice. "Attention, all Astral Express crew members! Dinner is ready, so please hurry over to the kitchen cabin and join me and Welt to eat here!" The Astral Express's Conductor excitedly exclaimed over the mic, never failing to make the three smile from their infectious enthusiasm.
"Well, we were supposed to find you and Himeko for dinner but it looks like Pom Pom beat us to it again," March said, jumping up from her seat with her hands on her hips.
"Last one to reach the kitchen cabin is a rotten egg!"
"Hey, no fair, you got a head start!"
Dan Heng sighed at the two's shenanigans yet again, slowly getting up from his own seat as the two raced over to the cabin. That Aeon truly knew how to control and manipulate the emotions of a being to THEIR liking, and he even felt it wash over him earlier.
He'll need to observe it more before adding another entry into THEIR dedicated part of the Archives.
This one was a little confusing to make into a scenario but it's what my eepy mind came up with on the spot :p
Now for our dearest Rover, it's a bit difficult to make it make sense, yk? Mostly because Tacet Discords shapeshifting into people is canon (if people actually paid attention to the lore), much less actually fitting the lore of this seemingly interplanetary eldritch being into the world of Wuthering Waves in the first place lmao
Maybe we could be the galaxy eye we see in the first cutscene, as well as the one when Abby (the lil echo that appeared after the Dreamless fight) and Rover being together
But this is all me yapping about a whole other subject— related, but not the one we're diving into right now
Getting back into the subject though, this is how i think it'd go:
It was another bright, sunny day at Panhua's Restaurant, the scent of delicious food wafting through the air as always. Rover, Yangyang, Chixia and Jiyan all sat around a table, with Abby floating around all plump and full.
"Say, Rover, didn't you say you had something to say for us today?" Chixia inquired, stacking and overall making the empty dishes look cleaner and neater.
"Yeah, just a strange sighting I saw near Desorock Highlands," they replied, putting a deft hand on their chin as if to think back on the memory.
"Me, Jiyan and The Black Sun were conversing like usual when we came across groups of people near the Tacet Field where the Thundering Memphis usually dwelled," Rover recounted, unconsciously pulling the leash that was attached to Abby's collar closer. "Some were laughing with eachother, acting as if most groups weren't crying out in agony."
"Aren't those just Tacet Discords that have absorbed lots of human frequencies?"
"No, there was something more... alive to them, besides the fact that the General himself couldn't see them," they replied to Yangyang, letting the leash go as Abby went back in their Tacet Mark with one last burp.
"Even when I went closer to them, they didn't attack me, more or less ignoring me entirely."
"Wait, who's this 'The Black Sun' you're talking about Rover? Is there another echo inside of you?" Chixia jumped up to ask, startling both Jiyan and Rover.
"The Black Sun is what you may have seen when you first found Rover and ventured back to Jinzhou, just as I did so as well," the General explained, waving over to Rover's direction in an attempt to explain this name to both ladies. Yangyang nodded and Chixia let out an "Oh," in understanding.
"I will admit, seeing them not react to us at all looked a lil' unnerving," the voice inside their mind stated in a breathy voice, unclear like a cloud of smoke.
Though the voice had no body and claimed that they weren't an echo like Abby, only really being able to be heard clearly when they're dreaming, it often provided support whenever it could— unlike a certain someone.
"I've already sent the proper human resources over to investigate the matter, the only thing left to do is to wait for results," Jiyan said, already standing up when he saw the bill arriving.
The three simply nodded in thanks to the General, knowing full well he'd insist on it till his last breath. And when he came back to the table the subject had already changed into another, more or less silly one.
Well, at least everyone was enjoying themselves.
I didn't have much for the last part like i said, and it's more filled with dialogue, but it's better than nothing
Please do tell me if I missed anything or said something totally wrong!!
Now, is this an excuse to push my sahsrau fic more? ... mmmmaayyybbeee 😇
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herslvtspeaks · 9 months
Liar | Hailey Van Lith
I wrote this 3 months ago 😟 Angst is you wanna call it that i don't really know what this would be
Hailey and reader are in a situationship!
I DID NOT proofread 😭 my bad
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I woke up alone once again. Hailey loved to hit and dip literally. We'd have an amazing night and when I wake up she's always gone. I pick up my phone to see a message from her.
My Hailey Baby 🤍
sorry i wanted to get some extra shots in
ima make it up to you later
I didn't want to deal with Hailey and her excuses today. She did this all the time it didn't matter the reason. She treated me like a stranger out in public, but in private she treated me like a princess. I don't know how much longer i could deal with her inconsistency.
I get out of bed going to get ready for my first class of the day. I only had 3 classes today and just my luck one of them was with Hailey. We both studied business & marketing management and she ended up in my class.
I get dressed in a gray tracksuit grabbing a pair of slides and my purse before walking out the door. I could walk to my building but i wanted Mcdonald's so i'm driving. I called my bestfriend Aneesah to see if she wanted anything but of course she did, she always wants something. "If you're at Mcdonald's you already know what i want" she said the second the phone connected. She clearly had to have been looking at my location. "Do you want a sprite or do you want coffee" i ask. "mmm, get me orange juice actually" she says. I order our food before she starts speaking again.
"Do you know what's up with Hailey?" Neesah asks making me look at her confused. "No, i seen her last night she seemed fine" i said taking a sip from my drink. "you didn't see her this morning?" she asked making me almost choke. "i never see her in the mornings" i say making Aneesah's face scrunch up. "but yall go home together every night like what" she says making me roll my eyes. "she's always gone when i wake up" i shrug. I pull out of Mcdonald's parking lot heading to campus. "I don't see how you do it y/n i would've had to do sumn' to her" she says making me laugh. I damn for sure have been thinking about it.
For Hailey to want me she sure doesn't act like it. Hell, our teammates barely even knew we have something going on. If anything all they knew was me and Hailey would spend a lot of time together, they didn't know we were fucking eachother. Of course Neesah knew and i'm pretty sure Flaujae and Angel knew but just didn't say anything. "you probably wanna clock her on that though because you guys would be cute together" she says making me laugh again. "Why're you laughing i'm being so for real" she says. "Neesah, you already know how Hailey is. She is not gonna take me seriously" i say making her roll her eyes. "you should hear how she talks about you when you're not here, i would've thought y'all were already official" she says surprising me.
"I don't know what we are honestly nees, i just hope she can get her shit together" i say parking my car. "Anyway i'm about to bring you your food" i say. "i'm on the third floor boo" she says blowing a kiss at the phone. "Bye Neesah" i smile hanging up. I grab my purse and our food getting out the car. I had about an hour before my class started so i was just gonna take Aneesah her food and then head straight to class.
Aneesah's Pov
"Nees who was that" Hailey asks as Y/n hangs up. "Your lil boo" i smile making her roll her eyes at me. I don't know why? She knows it's true. "Anyway what's up with you and this lil funky attitude" I ask. Hailey's been on 10 since i've seen her today and it was getting annoying. Not just that, i wanted to know what was up with her and my best friend. They clearly had feelings for eachother so i don't know why they won't get it together. "What attitude" she says as if she doesn't know what i'm talking about. "The way you stormed into the gym this morning, the way you keep rolling your eyes at me" I say just naming a few of the things she's been doing. "I'm fine" she states clearly not wanting to talk. "Whatever you say Hailey" I sigh.
The room goes quiet until Y/n bursts through the door clearly out of breath. "I hate freshman so much" she says leaning against the door she just slammed closed. "They thought it was absolutely hilarious to chase me down the hallway with water as if it's not 30 degrees outside" she says. Me and Hailey both start to laugh at her. "It's not funny" she pouts sitting in the chair across from me. We continue to laugh as folds her arms across her chest. "I hope you both know i don't like you. I hope they get you next Neesah" she says making me stop laughing.
"That wasn't funny" i say shaking my head. I grab the Mcdonald's bag from her getting my food out. As I was digging through the bag i came up with the most genius idea.
Your Pov
Aneesah knew what she was doing not only telling me to come up here while Hailey is here but then proceeding to make up a bullshit excuse on why she had to go all the way to another building to get a plastic fork when i had one for her. "I want a white plastic fork" i say mocking her on her way out.
The tension between me and Hailey was thick. I refused to speak to her and she looked like she just didn't know how to start a conversation. Maybe she should look up 'What to say to a girl after making up excuses on why you can't be there when she wakes up in the morning for months' but i don't even think that would be able to help her.
"Y/n/n I'm really sorry-" she starts before i cut her off. "Hailey i don't want to hear it. I'm honestly sick of the way you treat me and i can't do this anymore" I say. A thick layer of silence falls again. Hailey doesn't even look me in my eyes. "Can i atleast get an explanation on why" I ask. This time she looks at me. "I'm scared okay" she pauses. "I'm scared that i'm gonna fall in too deep and you're gonna leave me" she continues, i reach for her hand just wanting to hold it. "Baby i would never leave you. If i was going to leave you I would've done that a long time ago instead of fighting with you to treat me right Hailey" She looks at me.
I stand up from my seat walking over to her. "Hailey you have nothing to worry about." I reassure her. She really didn't ever have to worry about me leaving. I was head over heels for this girl. I wouldn't have put up with her shit for this long if i was just going to leave her in the end. She leans in kissing my lips. "I fucking love you" she mumbled going in for another kiss. "I love you more Hailey" I smile.
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werewolfsister · 2 months
Apama, Cyanea & Prashadi
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Throwin' around some ideas...
The Trio aren't really diplomats, they're more like roving naturalists investigating the other races of Hyrule. Sort of a Lewis & Clark expeditionary team, or Charles Darwin wannabes. They're extremely curious and very intelligent, but that doesn't always mean they're perfect! They frequently slip up and misunderstand foreign social cues and manners, but it's all part of the job.
Cyanea is leader, caretaker, judge, jury, and scientists all rolled up into one package. She takes care of the younguns and tries to teach them through contact with the wider world; her dream would be to leave each one in a new Domain to act as legitimate diplomats, but she doesn't think they're responsible enough to not cause trouble or wander off.
Apama is honestly just here-- they seem standoffish, but in reality they're just content in silently soaking everything up. They suspect Cyanea is trying to marry them and their cousin off to anyone who will take them off her hands, but they're misreading her intentions. Cuttlefish don't have immediately visual differences in sexual anatomy-- they mainly display sex via skin color and pattern. Apama sometimes displays both patterns at the same time.
Prashadi is older than Apama but he definitely acts like a little kid when his laser focus obsesses over the newest cool thing. He's extremely passive and closed off unless he's decided he likes something or someone. Then, he will not stop talking about the thing, or pestering the person... Cyanea has high hopes for him--she's just got to find someone who can withstand his intensity enough that they can help him grow.
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Cuttlefish & octopus are very short-lived, with some only living for a year! So these guys have comparable lifespans to Hylians. Their max age is probably 100 years old.
They also produce ink! octopus ink is black, cuttlefish ink is brown-- though other colors can be extracted.
Both can change their skin color and texture! Different textures and colors mean different things, from fear to arousal to contentment.
Fairy shrimp... are not found anywhere octopus or cuttlefish are! They're funky 'lil high-salinity creatures. @kenneduck & I were talking about them as I was sketching this out, so enjoy the bonus sea monkey zora.
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