#she's like half the lesbian flag colors
bottlehawk · 1 year
happy pride month! why each hs kid got kicked out of their local gsa group:
john: accidentally introduced kink at pride discourse on steven universe night. also used the wrong lesbian flag emote on discord
rose: introduced kink at pride discourse on steven universe night on purpose. called out the ruling poly sextuplet for only including one person of color in a 53% minority congressional district. tweeted that she sided with harry styles in the war against harry styles.
dave: made fun of the rgb autism pride flag without realizing it was a real flag. asked a he/him lesbian why he used he/him pronouns and then said it was okay for him to ask because his sister is also a lesbian. leaked facebook post from 2007 saying slurs when he was in middleschool and then apologized by saying he doesn't listen to eminem anymore.
jade: ran for vice president of the gsa while also being president of mathletes team and treasurer for art club. publicly apologized for the conflict of interest once she read in the official pledge that you can't be an elected official in more than two different clubs and then banned herself publicly at her inauguration. no one brought this up btw she just did this herself
jane: caught eating at chick-fil-a in someone's private story at 2 in the morning which also got her kicked out of theatre club for breaking the vegan pledge signed amongst the ensemble cast. is currently in shambles.
jake: called himself a "transexual" and then doubled down on it when corrected. recommended "some like it hot" for gsa movie night.
roxy: defended jake calling himself a "transexual" and walked out while taking half of the poly sextuplet with her. has now formed her own poly queer platonic quadruplet which has been getting the gsa discord mods nervous with the new competition in town.
dirk: also defended jake calling himself a "transexual" but did it too late to not look like a poser. genuinely tried to engage with rose's kink at pride discourse on steven universe night
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cordycepsfem · 24 days
Today in: “Pride isn’t for gay people anymore”: I went to the website for the Pride event in the big city near me. You’ll never guess what I found.
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We acknowledge and honor that the Stonewall Riots, the historical origin of Pride, were in response to police harassment of LGBTQ+ people, especially those who were trans, nonbinary, and people of color.
That sounds super incorrect. For one thing:
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… so no, there were not a bunch of heckin’ cool smol bean enbies at the Stonewall Riots. There weren’t really any trans people as we understand trans today - they were transsexuals, so they were also usually gay.
For another thing: it was not solely in commemoration of the Riots. Pride was also a demonstration for equal rights.
But let’s see who Boston thinks Pride is for now:
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“Memorialize the queer, trans, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color…, activists at the forefront of the 20th century lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, plus… movement.”
So we can’t, by this standard, memorialize Brenda Howard. She’s called the Mother of Pride, but she was white and Jewish and didn’t call herself queer. She was very outspoken about being bisexual.
Or any of the other founders of Pride, who were also white, and half lesbian, half gay men. Some are still alive, so I get not being able to “memorialize” them, but really, you can’t spare a breath for them?
How about Barbara Gittings, described as “the mother of the LGBT civil rights movement”? She’s dead, but again, she’s white, and she was a lesbian, not “queer.”
Or Edie Windsor and Thea Spyer?
How about Gilbert Baker, who sewed the first rainbow pride flag and said it covered everyone? It didn’t need to be subsumed by every niche demographic, it was for all of us.
Who are these mysterious QTBIPOC who seem to have done all the heavy lifting, to the point where they’re being fetishized and commemorated at a massive Pride event like Boston’s? Why don’t we know their names? Who are the few intersex individuals who don’t mind being callously lumped in with a group who uses them as a “gotcha”?
The names that come to mind when I think of today’s activism include Eli Erlick (confirmed rapist), Chase Strangio (fights in court so boys can change with girls and play in their sports and children can receive net negative life-altering drugs and surgical procedures), Elliot Page (poster boy for sadness), Dylan Mulvaney (he thinks he knows what a woman is), Erin Reed (scare-mongering nutjob who can’t read a legal bill to save his life)… and then I’m out. Who else falls into this stunning and brave category?
Also, anyone find it a little unpleasant that these “queer” people have now superseded the “LGB” people mentioned as an afterthought in the second part of the paragraph?
Whoever this Pride’s for, it’s not for LGB people anymore.
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anonymousewrites · 19 days
Of Two Worlds Pride Special 2024
Fushiguro Megumi x Half-Curse! Reader
Pride Special 2024
            “Come on everyone, move!” said Gojo.
            He wore an outfit of obnoxious rainbows made of sparkles and heart-shaped sunglasses. He grinned as he glowed like a disco ball. Hurriedly, he herded the group he had brought to the pride parade down the streets to get to the dance party that had begun.
            Gojo had dragged along Nanami, unwillingly dressed in a pansexual-flag printed tie, and his out students (though many had attempted to escape and ran off once they arrived). Nobara wore a crop top with the bisexual flag with a stylish skirt, and beside her, Maki had on lesbian-flag-colored eyeshadow paired with a button down and slacks. Megumi had on his usual pride shirt—white with the pan flag. (Y/N) had on a black shirt and shorts with an asexuality pin.
            “This is very unnecessary,” said Nanami. “I can enjoy myself off the clock on my own.”
            “Oh, come on, live a little, Nanamiiiiiii,” said Gojo. “It’s Pride!”
            “You’re ostentatious year-round, so it doesn’t seem necessary,” said Nanami, rolling his eyes.
            “Will you stay for a bit?” asked (Y/N), blinking. She’d prefer it if Nanami didn’t leave. She liked having it around.
            “…For a song or two,” amended Nanami.
            He would stay to support (Y/N). She was still told to hold back her identity by people in jujutsu society. Being a half-curse was difficult enough for her, and since she also fell outside of society’s norms for relationships and sexuality, it added more pressure to “conform.” Nanmie would stay to make sure (Y/N) knew it was alright to be herself. There was nothing wrong with being on the ace spectrum.
            “That’s good,” said (Y/N), nodding.
            “We’ll miss all the good songs if we’re late!” said Gojo, pushing them forward.
            “The stage is literally right there,” said Maki, rolling her eyes.
            “I don’t think he pays attention to those things,” said Megumi.
            “Hey, Maki, after the first song, do you want to go and get face paint or buy some stickers?” said Nobara.
            Maki smiled. “Sure. Let’s grab a bite to eat afterwards.”
            Nobara brightened and turned a little red. “Right!”
            (Y/N) blinked as the two girls drifted off together. “What are they doing?”
            “Getting a nice moment alone,” said Megumi. “And escaping Gojo-sensei.”
            “Everyone, sssh! The performance is starting!” said Gojo, eagerly watching as the band began to play a cover of “Everybody Talks” by Neon Trees.
            He grabbed Nanami’s hands and pulled him into a dance. Nanami rolled his eyes but smiled slightly. Even Gojo deserved a little bit of joy—especially during Pride since Geto was gone—so Nanami would stick around.
            “How do you dance, Megumi?” asked (Y/N).
            “Oh, uh, do you want to dance?” Megumi wasn’t sure how to respond to (Y/N), and if she did want to dance, Megumi would be more than willing to do it with her, but his crush on her meant he was flustered by the idea of doing something like that with her.
            (Y/N) nodded. “Nanami-san and Gojo-sensei look like they’re having a good time. I want to have a good time.”
            “Alright,” said Megumi. He’d do anything to make her happy. “Can I hold your hands?”
            (Y/N) held her hands out, and Megumi’s heart skipped a beat as he took her hands.
            “What now?” she asked.
            “We just kind of…swing around,” said Megumi.
            He began to sway back and forth, and as the song hit the chorus, he swung (Y/N)’s arms playfully. Was it terrific dancing? No. But it was fun. And that was what he wanted (Y/N) to experience at Pride of all places. He wanted her to feel free to just have fun and be herself.
            (Y/N) copied his movements, bouncing between her feet with the beat. And then the chorus grew louder and more energetic, (Y/N) followed her intuition—because all people know how to dance. Maybe not ballet or organized dance, but people know how to jump around and laugh and smile with music. She let go of one hand and spun.
            Megumi’s face split into a wide grin as (Y/N) enjoyed herself, and as she finished spinning, he took her other hand and pulled her in.
            “I think you know how to dance,” said Megumi with a smile.
            “Really?” (Y/N) smiled slightly.
            “As long as you’re enjoying yourself, that’s what matters,” assured Megumi. “You don’t have to care about what other people think right now.” He knew she did all the time. She had to.
            “I like dancing,” said (Y/N) decidedly. Like I like you.
            “I’m glad you do,” said Megumi. And I like you. He spun around with her, doing a sort of uncomplicated pretzel.
            (Y/N) let out a laugh as the music played and everyone danced. Megumi gazed at her fondly as she danced with him. He never wanted this moment to end. Not when she was happy and he was happy and the entire world was peaceful for one single moment.
            (Y/N) felt the same way. After all, the world wanted her to be something she wasn’t. Jujutsu society wanted her to be fully human when that was simply something she couldn’t be. She would always be half-curse, but she could never acknowledge it. That would put her in the wrong despite it being a simple part of her identity.
            And then (Y/N)’s sexuality was out of the norm for society. She didn’t feel for others in the ways she was “supposed to.” She was on the ace spectrum, finding connection needed more of an emotional basis and took longer. Not many people outside of her friends understood that.
            But for now, she was dancing with the people who supported her—all of her. She was proud of who she was, every aspect. (Y/N) knew that was how everyone should feel: free and in love with who they were.
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My stardew valley headcanons because no one can stop me!!!!!!!
Part one
In alphabetical order
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💎Hates children
💎In a Polycule with Sam and Sebastian
💎Shares a braincell with Sam
💎smoked weed once with Sebastian and threw up afterwards
💎has random beef with Haley that Haley isn't aware of
💎gets piercings just to spite her dad
💎was only good in English class in highschool
💎regrets being on 2020 alt tiktok
💎 secretly vandalizes their father's yoba shrine (he thinks it's Sebastian doing it)
💎their gay awakening was Keira Knightley in Pirates of the Caribbean (she just like me fr)
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🏈the definition of comphet
🏈gay man/lesbian alliance with Haley
🏈his first crush was the team captain of an Opponent's school gridball team
🏈 doesn't drink alcohol because he's scared to be like his father
🏈he had a pathetic crush on Elliot when Elliot first moved to the valley
🏈has a bottle of the perfume his mother used to wear and sprays it on his pillow when he's sad
🏈used to go to a gym in Zu City but stopped after a boy there asked him out
🏈dated Haley in highschool for half a year until both of them came out to the other in hopes to let the other down gently
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🍃not a single thought behind those eyes
🍃fell out of love with Pierre ten years ago
🍃grows marijuana plants in her tea house (have you seen her two heart event?)
🍃dyed her hair green once when she was 15 and never tried a different color again
🍃has a few secret tattoos
🍃the necklace she wears is a gift by Rasmodios
🍃best friends with Jodi and Robin
🍃loves to gossip, she knows everyone's business
🍃almost became an almond mom but stopped before it could affect Abigail in the long run
🍃she has no enemies, everyone loves her but hates her husband
Clint (it's red cus he's a red flag)
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🔨4chan user
🔨used to tell his mom to make him a sandwich
🔨called his parents by their first names
🔨knows the Irish dance (I don't know what it's called lmao)
🔨can't have friendships with women because he always thinks they fall in love with him
🔨hasn't exercised since he finished highschool
🔨stalks Emily (that's canon) (stay away from her)
🔨can you tell I hate him yet?
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🧪is the reason his first marriage failed
🧪controlling and possessive (Maru's two heart event)
🧪so boring
🧪thinks missionary is the only way to have sex
🧪I know people headcanon him as autistic but I think he's just petty
🧪 arrogant, thinks he's smarter than everyone else because he knows science
🧪was actually an okay step father to Sebastian until Maru was born
🧪him and Robin are not compatible but neither of them want to go through a second divorce
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🦀 gay and proud
🦀in his mid thirties
🦀 can't swim
🦀 used to write star trek fanfiction as a teenager on fanfiction.net
🦀so fucking tall
🦀went through three separate gender identity crisis before realizing that he just isn't comfortable expressing himself as a stereotypical manly man
🦀demi romantic
🦀gay man/lesbian alliance with Leah
🦀sees Leah as the little sister he never had
🦀 isn't really broke, he's a trustfund baby who wanted to experience what it's like to be a starving artist (thinks it makes his art more valid)
🦀Leah beat him up when she found out
🦀 obsessed with his hair (I'm so jealous of his luscious curls 😭😭😭)
🦀so dramatic (used to be a theater kid for sure)
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🔮the character I headcanon as autistic
🔮 pansexual and asexual
🔮they/she, trans
🔮dating Sandy
🔮knows everyone's zodiac signs
🔮names her plants
🔮gets the zoomies after work (at night)
🔮Haley hates it
🔮Haley's biggest supporter
🔮thinks of Clint as a genuine friend (save yourself girly pop)
🔮calls Sandy the weirdest nick names "hello my cuddle bear" "it's been too long since we last saw each other my strawberry jam"
🔮suckles on Pennies (she just like me fr)
🔮reads books about crystals for hours on end, Haley has to take the book away from her and drag her to bed sometimes
🔮has befriended the junimos
🔮Sandy sells the clothes she makes
🔮hates the taste of strawberry in candy and stuff
🔮would vape if vapes existed in stardew valley but not in a I'm a thirteen year old boy way but in a I like the taste and I enjoy making smoke rings kinda way
🔮you can't tell me that she's not a pothead
🔮knows Haley is a lesbian years before her sister figures it out
🔮besties with Shane (refuses to sell him alcohol at the Stardrop saloon)
🔮gets extremely flustered around people she deems as attractive
🔮is really bad at doing her own makeup (Sandy or Haley do it for her)
🔮has a huge tattoo that covers almost her entire back
🔮her energy is contagious
🔮high School was very hard for her but college was the best time of her life
🔮wants to buzz her hair so bad but has enough restrain to keep herself from doing so
🔮loves to make cocktails (she makes Gus try them and he always loves them and puts them on his menu)
🔮makes Shane, Sandy and Haley cosplay with her (none of them want to but they can't say no when Emily looks at them with that wide eyed grin of hers)
🔮unleashed a group of rats in JoJa mart because Shane complained once (1 time) about his working conditions, the store closed for two months
🔮can you tell how much I love Emily?
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scriv3lloirl · 11 days
My personal Little Shop LGBT Headcanons (+ random shit lol) cus it's pride n I can do whatever t'hell I want.
There are tons of microlabels listed here cus I love givin representation t' the lesser known labels out there, includin my own!!
Also I don't wanna hear shit bout how they wouldn't know what half these labels even are. I'm well aware of that, I'm jus havin fun.
tw: f-slur
enjoy n feel free t' ask questions bout my headcanons if ya want ‼️
Seymour Krelborn | he/they
- transgender (ftm)
- biromantic (fluctuatin male-n-female preference)
- nebularomantic
- asexual
- in modern day, he'd probably use nature related xenogenders
- unlabeled Seymour also works tbh. He seems like the kinda guy who'd be overwhelmed by all these labels
Audrey Fulquard | she/her
- transgender (mtf)
- either hetero or panromantic
- demiromantic
- reciprosexual caedsexual
- she wouldn't say all of this if anyone asked, though. She'd probably say she's gay as a general term, y'know?
- Whenever pride comes round, she makes these beautiful bouquets t' sell that are discreet pride flags. It looks like a bunch'a pretty colors, but nope. Secret lesbian flag.
Orin Scrivello | he/him (maybe it/its too)
- transgender (ftm)
- biromantic (hella internalized homophobia)
- hypersexual.
- aegosexual n/or fraysexual
- he keeps his sexuality n all that locked t'fuck DOWN. He got lucky cus his top scars healed beautifully n ya can't tell he even had any surgeries done.
- If anyone even mentions being gay round him, he suddenly gets very defensive. "Who t'hell are ya callin a faggot?!"
- He has no issues with gay people, he'll tell ya that straight up. But he is not one of them, y' hear? (He is.)
Gravis Mushnik | he/him
- cisgender man
- hetroflexible (biromantic)
- heterosexual
- All gay customers get a discount on flowers. (He jus says that n has Seymour put up a sign in the window for it ...There's no discount btw.)
Twoey / Audrey II | she/it
- agender
- acearo REPULSED
- please do not fuck the plant
- triple a threat.
Crystal | she/her
- cisgender female
- sapphic
- asexual
- Random headcanon, but all the Urchins are aliens (cousin Twoey.) They jus spawned into Skid Row one day n nobody questioned it.
Ronnette | she/he/them (any)
- gender non conformin (gnc)
- neptunic
- aceflux
- fem presentin.
- Chat I've seen like three productions where they have Ronnie played by a dude n it altered my brain chemistry.
Chiffon | she/her
- cisgender female
- lesbian
- acespec
- she is a man hatin lesbian.
Frank Guest | he/him
- cisgender male
- mlm
- nebulasexual + graysexual
- def. has the hots for Seymour.
Arthur Denton | he/it (that/thats)
- cisgender male
- panromantic
- homosexual
- ambiamorous
- I saw someone headcanon that he has a wife n kids n that he's jus a big ol jokester who moans in the dental chair!! I think bout that all the time.
- Nobody wants his freaky ahh.
Mrs. Mack | she/her
- cisgender female
- lesbian
- dating Mrs. Luce cus fuck you guys
Mrs. Luce | she/her
- transgender (mtf)
- lesbian
- dysphorsexual
- in a lavender marriage with Mr. Luce (aka. the editor of Life Magazine (who's a gay man)) she's actually datin Mrs. Mack
Mr. Bernstein | he/him
- cisgender male
- polymantic
- homosexual
- "Seymour, sweetheart, dollface, bubalah..." Yea. Y'ur gay.
Skip Snip | he/him
- cisgender male
- aromantic
- homosexual
- "It's nice to meet me, the pleasure is yours!" Yeah. Welcome t' Homoville buddy.
Patrick Martin | he/him
- cisgender male
- heterosexual
- homophobic.
- I don't like Patrick Martin. so he's a cishet.
Wink Wilkinson | he/him
- cisgender male
- panromantic
- asexual
- He'd be the kinda guy who'd wear "Free Hugs!" shirt at pride n give out really cringy pride stickers like "I'm a Pan-da!!" N shit t' the people he interviews on the radio. He's great.
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billygaysanguine · 1 year
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[ID: A digital illustration of (from left to right) Vaurien Scapegrace, Thrasher, and Clarabelle standing together in front of the queerplatonic flag. Scapegrace is the tallest, a graying, muscular zombie with rusty-brown hair and the left half of their face muscle exposed. They have small black wings, a hooked nose, dark 5 o'clock shadow and multiple black facial piercings. They have one hand on their hip and are looking at the viewer with a disinterested expression. They are wearing a greying tank top, black ripped jeans and dark gray combat boots. They have the bigender flag over their right shoulder, held in place with an aromantic heart clasp. They have the bisexual flag clipped to their belt loops with a leather pride heart clasp. They have two pronoun pins, one reading "They" and the other reading "Nhw." Thrasher is the shortest, a pale chubby zombie with graying brunette hair. He has patchy stubble, body hair and acne and is missing patches of skin on his forehead. He's wearing high-waisted, beige cargo pants with the Gilbert Baker gay flag on the sides over a stained blue-gray button-down shirt, and bright blue sneakers. He is also holding the trans flag around his shoulders like a cape, and grinning at the viewer. Clarabelle is mid-height, thin and has tan skin and curly blue hair. She is posed with one leg up and her head tilted and looks as though she is mid-jump. She is grinning and her eyes are closed. She has stubble, yellow braces, and a navel piercing shaped like a heart. She's wearing a crop top colored as the intersex flag and a "She" pronoun pin. She has trans flag-colored heart-shaped earrings and a matching heart-shaped belt buckle. Her skirt and shoes are black. She's wearing lesbian flag-colored gloves and the new gay man flag-colored knee-high socks. /End ID]
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ashleyfableblack · 1 year
A little more Happy Hearts N Hooves Day love for my favourite interspecies royal couple in Equestria. Big Love to all y'all out there.
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Twilight removed her hooves from Chrysalis's tightly-shut eyes. With a bounce of her wings the alicorn hopped down from her perch on her Changeling wife's shell. Twilight had been so excited. Her joy was infectious and Chrysalis had been helpless but to indulge her precious little queen. She had blindly carried the giggling little lavender object of her affection through their castle on a playful lark. The couple had awkwardly trekked under Twilight's blind navigation for the last hour or so. Though she recognized the familiar scent of the Hive-tunnels beneath the castle something else tinged the air, another less familiar scent. It was faint and heavily masked under the overpowering taste of her wife's excitement. "Can I look now, Lilac?" "No peeking!" Twilight clambered over the side of the gilded box and positioned herself with a playful wiggle of her plot and a coy smile. She fluffed her mane and giggled gleefully. One last minute adjustment to the golden band around her neck, a little puffing-up of her chest floof and... perfect. "Okay, now." Chrysalis opened her emerald snake's eyes to behold the 'surprise' she'd been listening to her alicorn wife titter about for the last hour or so. There she sat, perched with a million-watt ear-to-ear grin and reeking of enough joyful anticipation to choke a colossal-scaled molerat in what the Changeling Queen could only describe as a vulgar pink monstrosity. She blinked, taking it all in. A new minecart. Twilight did love her minecarts. Clearly not designed for functionality, the bright pink thing was trimmed in soft lavender and cerise gemstones with gold lining and solid amethyst accents. The wheels even had a smokey bronze finish to them, trimmed in platinum. Somepony had put a fair amount of bits into the gaudy catastrophe. She liked the "LUVWAGON" license plate. The cheeky little lesbian-flag love-heart bumpersticker suited her sensibilities as well. The color scheme almost seemed tailored to Twilight's own coat but still, something seemed off. With a flick of her forked tongue to taste the air she confirmed her suspicions. It smelled like Cadence. Twilight's smile beamed expectantly to her from the nightmarish thing. "Isn't it GREAT?" "Great...?" Chrysalis struggled for the words, trying her best to focus on her pony partner's joy and contain her revulsion. Twilight ran a proud hoof along the gold trim. "It's a gift from Cadence. I think it's her way of saying she's sorry for upsetting you at tea the other day." "Oh. How nice..." Though she bared her fangs in a congratulatory smile, the venom dripped from every word. "She insults me- our children- and buys you a new minecart." She gave a half-sneer. "Hurrah." Twilight leaned forward to rest on her elbows. She gave an empathetic smile for her wife. "She's trying, honeybug. She just doesn't understand you... or Changelings... or our relationship in general for that matter."
Chrysalis grumbled and rubbed at her temple. "Beloved, I know she's your friend and your brother's wife and mother to our royal niece- booger-picking little goblin that she is." Twilight chuckled as Chrysalis rolled her eyes, her tone relaxed slightly. "I try to tolerate her for your sake -and then some- but you know how I feel about her antics and why."
"I know, Chryssi." Twilight's eyes softened. She knew her wife was trying to be accommodating. "She doesn't understand, though, baby. She just wants to be your friend." Chrysalis muttered under her breath and looked away. Twilight clapped a hoof on the side of the cart like she was an excited Applejack showing off a new wagon. "Besides, I thought you might want to help me take it for a spin and break it in." Chrysalis looked to her wife askance as she picked at a bit of moss on the passageway wall. "Thank you, for the offer, beloved but you know how that went the last time we went on one of your cart joyrides together. The things hardly seem to be designed with my body in mind." She clicked a fang at her chitinous lip, recalling the unpleasant event. "I know you had a ball but I spent most of the trip banging about on my shell. I was picking dust and pebbles out of my tarsomeres for days." She gave her hoof a disgruntled waggle, displaying the broken-heart shape of their underside. "Weeeeell..." Twilight's voice took on a sing-song mischievous, honeyed tone as she tapped her hooves against the rim and took a silent measurement of her bughorse wife's proportions. " I was thinking there's more than one way to break in a minecart, you know..." Chrysalis looked up. Her serpentine eyes now wide as serving trays at rapt attention. Twilight lay back and spread her wings over the sides of the cart. Her mane began to flow and coil as the unfathomable power within her rose. The navy mass with it's single band of cerise and mallow grew into an inky cloud as tendrils came alive and lapped about at the air. They beckoned to Chrysalis as charming serpents. The starlight sparkles glittering from her wife's deep indigo tresses danced and teased for all the world like nighttime stars reflected across waves of the ocean. At the center of it all, Twilight's violet eyes narrowed, suddenly heavy-lidded in sweet seduction, calling to her wife. Summoning her closer. Commanding. "Honeybug...?" she purred.
Chrysalis's smile returned in a long, slow, hungry smirk as all thoughts of past events and in-laws vanished. Her tongue flickered at the air with the rumbling growl building in her barrel.
"My queen."
Everything else drifted into the ether. She considered the thought- Maybe she might like minecarts after all.
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witchesoz · 1 year
A queer Oz
Oz is queer. There is no denying it. The land of Oz, the world of Oz has been embraced by gay and lesbians and was included as part of the LGBT community long before this acronym even appeared. Oz-related medias have shaped the homosexual communities, and there is no better way to prove it than to point out a common term most people know by now… FOD. “Friend of Dorothy”, an expression to designate a gay man and was used very often in the second half of the 20th century in Northern America to speak of homosexuality while avoiding any of the nasty side-effects these kinds of talks could have in this time. It isn’t used much anymore, thanks to LGBT communities becoming much more open, known and accepted in more times, but it still was a very important part of gay culture and history, and a clear mark tying it all to the world of Oz, and the character of Dorothy Gale.
And when talking of the queer people and Oz, it is the 1939 movie that has to be talked about. It is THE catalyst, the landmark, the focus point of the gay connection with Oz, and one of the classic “queer movies” of the 20th century. The movie’s plot and style resonated deeply with gay people: it was about escaping a rigid, small town and an unpleasant black-and-white world, to enter into a fabulous and magical universe filled with extravagant characters and vibrant colors ; it was about a group of outcasts banding together as a group against threats and dangers ; it was about a young girl trying to escape into a world without any kind of troubles and who embraced openly the seemingly-flawed male characters she met along the way ; it was about learning that sometimes you do not need to change yourself to be who you want to be… Lines of the movie have been famously reinterpreted, such as the Cowardly Lion’s self description as a “dandy lion” or Glinda’s “Come out, come out, wherever you are!” ; and while the idea of a “rainbow flag” for the LGBT community would only arrive much later, the movie’s heavy emphasis on rainbows (and its most famous song, “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”) is thought to have played a key role in the queer communities decision to pick the rainbow as their symbol. Of course the fact that Judy Garland was the main actress of the movie also helped fuel this whole thing, since Judy Garland was one of the “gay icons” of the first half of the 20th century, adored by generations of gay men that made up a good part of her regular audiences (and let’s not even get in for example the number of gay men in her personal life, or how some people theorize that her funerals being held so close to the Stonewall Riots might have had some emotional influence over the incident).
The interesting thing is that, beyond the 1939 movie, the original Oz material, the book series written by L. Frank Baum, is also extremely queer-friendly (to the modern eye at least) and has been reused as an LGBT symbol. I can’t talk of Baum’s personal stance on gay people because I don’t think he ever brought up the subject – and anyway, we are talking about 1900s-1910s America, what do you expect? But the liberal use of words like “queer” and “gay” in their original, older sense in the stories, especially when talking about the inhabitants of Oz (and particularly about Dorothy’s recurring friends) has not escaped the modern eyes. The relationship between Dorothy, recurring heroine of the Oz books, and Ozma, the girl-queen of Oz, has also been re-interpreted in the light of modern sensibilities: the two girls are stated repeatedly to be good and great friends, but their relationship as “best friends” is also depicted with a lot of proclamations of “love”, used in a broad and more innocent sense than today, and with a lot of physical contact between the two, ranging from simply hands holding to actual kisses… The fact social and friendship norms back in early 20th century America were different back then has a lot to do about how what was just seen as two girls being best friends become easily reinterpreted as a lesbian relationship in modern days. A very similar case happens with the “queer friendship” of the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman.
But there is one thing we cannot forget, it is the existence in the very second Oz book, The Marvelous Land of Oz, of one of the earliest “trans” characters of modern literature, Tip “Tippetarius” that is revealed to be Ozma, princess of Oz…
Overall now you will find “Oz” included in the name of numerous gay bars, dance clubs or gay-oriented business (ranging from small gift gay gift shops to charity organizations for the AIDs crisis) ; Ozian characters and imagery often appear during Pride parades ; and the fact the Oz stories have been massively used in the world of musical theater (a very predominantly queer and gay form of media in America) keeps reinforcing this connection – the “Wicked” musical being a good example of this. And by focusing on Dorothy herself, and her actress Judy Garland, the gay community actually poured in a very strange and dual feeling – as Dorothy embodied some sort of joyful, queer-embracing, free and colorful innocence the gay men strived towards, while Garland with her infamously sad and tragic life reflected eerily the sufferings and despair felt by the very same community, with as a result the song “Over the Rainbow” becoming as much of a sweet gay ballad as an anthem of queer pain.
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Two additional facts about “Friends of Dorothy”.
One is a cultural one: “Friends of Dorothy” might not just be a reference to Dorothy Gale, but also a nod to a real-life Dorothy, Dorothy Parker, a critic and humorist socialite who was very close to the world of gay men in the 20s and 30s (who were frequent among her personal audience as well as among the guest of her renowned lavish parties).
The second is a fun trivia: Between late 70s and early 80s, the NIS (Naval Investigation Service, future NCIS) started an investigation in Chicago about homosexuality in the military services, and upon learning of the expression “Friends of Dorothy”… took it as a literal code name. As in, they seriously believed that there was a woman named Dorothy who was some sort of central figure or secret leader of the entire network of homosexual military agents in Chicago, and started hunting down for her, in hope of catching her and forcing her to give up the name of all the gay members of the military services. And the fact this “Dorothy” figure was a mysterious and elusive one they had a hard time tracking just reinforced them in their belief that she was truly the beating heart of some sort of secret homosexual ring or gay conspiracy…
Well, actually three facts – but the third is a bit less fun. The same way the “FOD” term was used less and less as the queer communities changed, and even came to be considered as more of a “slang” than a safe euphemism, newer and younger generations of gay men actually started… half-rejecting half-breaking away from the entire Oz tie to gayness. Half breaking away because the Oz and Judy Garland obsession is perceived by some as a truly “generational” phenomenon and as being more relevant to the gay communities of the 20th than the 21st century, and the 1939 movie and books themselves are getting much less prominent place in popular culture as time passes by. But I also include “half-reject” because some people actually take offense to the whole “Friends of Dorothy” business and some younger gay activists view this whole Oz connection as an embarrassing stereotype or shameful part of the gay community past that contributes to a feeling of overall silly campy caricature of the gay man. While not going into an open debate, an “anti-Dorothy” feeling seems to appear in the 21st century gay generations… Though in parallel, the 21st century generations actually completely rediscovered and brought to light Ozma of Oz as a trans character (while she had been hidden in the shadows for most of the 20th century), and while gay men might reject the Dorothy etiquette, the lesbian elements of Oz are going strong and popular today, so maybe the “Friends of Dorothy” phenomenon is simply shifting away from men and male homosexuality to rather solidify itself again around trans and lesbians.
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bmblboop · 8 months
RWBY X Justice League... TWO!
Gonna do another liveblog while killing some time. Here goes!
-cut for length-
UHD is 480p? This movie has been out for two weeks and it's not 1080? I thought the first one was only that way bc I got it day-of!
Ugh, I wont get mad over it. The YT edition gave me trouble the last time too - let's just see how it goes.
Recap! Took me a minute to realize this is the Weiss vs Bruce music from the first movie - which is definitely the closest we've gotten to classic RWBY music.
"'Grimm' as in, "The Brothers"?" For half a second I thought she was referring to the Gods of Light and Dark but no as in the authors 'Brothers Grimm' because the DC universe is supposed to be Earth and fairytales are just fairytales here. Are they gonna lean more into the allusion aspect of RWBY et. al now that we have a world where Red Riding Hood and the others are just stories?
Jurassic Park moment with the Pterrorsaur. Except this time they can literally smell fear.
Epic Ruby moment vs the Taijitu (first time in Maya), love how creative the fights are.
Grimm on Earth turn to gunk? Hopefully it's just goo and not regeneration-goo (like the Wyvern 'Blood' in v3).
Ooh, when the Kilg%re/Goliath gets punched the cracks are yellow. Color scheme: red, white, black, yellow.
When I saw the flash of purple tailing Batman I thought TYRIAN!? Nope, it's just a Scorpion with a modified tail... suspiciously like Tyrian's. Guess Watts is involved after all.
Saw this preview clip, but ow. Weiss is still hurting from losing Atlas, and I honestly don't blame her. That was her home, and it's straight up gone. Glad to see this carry through from v9, as well as Ruby's post-renewal mindset.
Voice changer to keep the mystery voice a mystery.
Mmm Flash angst. Reminds me of v9 Jaune. Blond boys get no sleep.
Had to pause on Weiss' contacts screen and I love that shes got all her teammates, all her family, and Maria just, lurking. Lol
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Clearly Maria has her own scroll but I do have to wonder how good she is at tech things given she has such a close-cropped image. Or maybe she doesn't give a shit XD.
Love love love that conversation with Klein, I love that this is the direction of Weiss' character arc and I love that daddy issues whammy of 'He abandoned Atlas long before it fell.' 'Do you mean Atlas, or your family?'
Time dilation double pun. The 'when you are needed most' line at the end of v9 and Weiss being the one saying 'we have experience with that' considering one of her glyphs is Time Dilation.
Blake breaking down the door feat. Yang's flirty wink.
XD Ruby entering the portal in style
We finally got a 'not in Kansas anymore' referenceeeee.
Oh, split up along Weiss/Blake and Yang/Ruby this time, glad to see it! Time for sisterly conflict.
Heh. Joker and Harley watching the city burn.
Oh now I see why Blake went to Gotham. Cat. Bat. "This is where he's from. I get it now."
The way Ruby just knew that she'd still be able to move like she did on Remnant. My girl. (Was worried for a sec she was gonna try to Silver Eyes it and that would fail)
"You learn not to question Flash's villain roster." That got a laugh out of me and I don't even know about Flash's lore.
Something about Weiss mentioning "Mr Freeze" while dressed as an Ice Princess is funny to me.
The particles on Blake and Jessica's fist bump :D
Aw man, it IS regeneration goop!
I guess 'consciousness is stored' is how we can get Watts in a post-v9 crossover. Technomagic stuff.
Weiss proving she's the queen.
Hope Cyborg isn't corrupted.
Love this Cobra/Dragonfly grimm. Clip it's wings!
'We need more firepower.' Enter Yang with an epic save.
Hold on, are Yang's flame punches the color of the lesbian flag?
Are we gonna a get a 'speedsters need to slow down' moral here? With Flash also rushing into danger and nearly getting killed?
Anyway, planning session time.
The truth revealed.
Honestly, 'no body no death' kinda applies here like we KNOW that Watts died either burning to death via Cinder's wish or when Atlas fell but he was surrounded by computers at the time as well. It could have literally been the last thing he ever did. (Or he did it during v7 since he already wormed his way into the Atlas network via Jacques).
Via Jacques. Man. Watts really is Weiss's personal villain.
The whole 'transferring consciousness' thing also reeks of the Aura Transfer machines used on the Maidens, but I always assumed that was Pietro's invention so he could give life to Penny. Maybe Watts stole or twisted the concept for his own use.
Yang seeing the Ruby in Flash mmmmm. The way he looks at her arm and asks 'what happened?' and Yang explains how she felt ooooooooo. Flash explaining that Kilgore is no longer in his brain but he hears and sees him all the time.
Blonde PTSD buddies WOOOO-
Meanwhile Ruby and Clark orphan bonding. Not entirely sure how Ruby will take the 'I make my parents proud for fighting for the things they died for'
Also given that some of Summer's first "lines" in the show was Red Like Roses Part 2 "baby please don't do what I did/I don't want you to waste your life in vain"
And on that somber note -break time!
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the lwa au that lives in my head
lotte has elf ears
amanda has tattoos
akko has her hair in half-up half-down pigtails
dianas hair is reallyyyyy curly
amanda has a wolf cut
andrew has that eyebrow cut thing i forgot what it was called
he also had snakebite percings because they look cool asf
diana has a lace top under her school vest and a petticoat under her skirt (kinda like how jane does from rtc)
sucy is nonbinary, they still present femme but they painted their nails the color of the nb flag
akko has a lesbian pride kandi bracelet that she wears
lotte is a really talented fan artist
the red teams dorm has a lot of greenery and fairy lights (from lottes request)
akko has a lot of drawings and posters up on the wall next to her bunk
diana writes in her diary about how she finds akko kind of cute
amanda and lotte start dating
in ep 10 the bee isnt magical or anything and its revealed that andrew actively practices rune magic, since he ended up using one on it because he is terrified of bees (valid)
the luna nova uniform is revamped and looks cooler (idk how to describe it)
ep 17s plot stays mostly the same but they end up following andrew through out most of his classes and he ends up coming out as gay and we get to see some sick rune action
amanda and andrew actually interact and end up becoming good friends, to the bewilderment of everyone else
ursula has a tattoo on her wrist of a shooting star
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pulpitude · 2 months
meet my mc ✦ ilw edition 2/4
yes i know i mentioned 5 mcs in ame's introduction post but i got rid of the fifth one lmao. rip milena wilder you and your slutty antics will be missed. also got rid of aoya and replaced him with mia since there's just something about ao that didn't leave me satisfied enough with their character to keep her as a mc 😭
also a little fun fact about mc's sister: since all my mcs are so different and have different ethnicities i headcanon their sister's full name to be something else every time i play. in mia's case her full name is annalise labelle, in ame's case it's joanna grimes, for my korean mc it's shin an-hee and for my egyptian mc it's anipe el-sayed
(cw/tw for mention of sa and lesbophobia under the cut)
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full name: euphemia "mia" labelle
age: 22
birthday: march 20th, 2000
gender: questioning if cis female or non-binary
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: greysexual lesbian (apologies for forgetting to put the grey flag above 😭)
personality type: genuine 99% of the time, aggressive once in a blue moon
love interest: amalia de león
occupation: unemployed, thinking of becoming a writer/poet
fate: merged with her human half, successfully defeated matty and cured the horrors
fates of friends: everyone survived and stayed
♡ she has two mothers, esmé and miranda labelle, who only legally married when mia turned 12. she calls esmé "mom" and miranda "mama" or even "mamita". her name came to be because esmé wanted something that shortened to mia but didn't want to use just mia itself (she felt it's too basic), to which miranda suggested euphemia.
♡ however, what she doesn't know (and what neither of them wanted to reveal to her, for obvious reasons) is that her biological father is matthias. he used to cheat on silvia with esmé, who tried to leave him after finding out that he's married and that she's into women, but he manipulated her into repressing her attraction to women so she'd stay with him and coerced her into having sex with him.
♡ she's fairly loud about her shipping of abel and lincoln (but obviously not in front of them) and has gotten up to many shenanigans together with amalia trying to set them up, starting from the very first moment they saw the two interacting without arguing.
♡ she is 100% a girl written in pink, glittery gel pen. she frequently listens to female pop artists like britney spears, madonna, sabrina carpenter, (as of recently) chappell roan, girls generation and tomoko kawase. she's also a sanrio girlie and likes dressing in kawaii fashion with a bit of coquette inspiration. (yes all of my mcs are fashion icons don't blame me)
♡ mia does not sleep in that grey hoodie, most of the time she sleeps in bloomers or night gowns/baby dolls but those last ones are usually saved for when she wants to impress amalia. she does wear hoodies (rarely, but she does) but they're in her usual pastel color palette.
ps: if any matty stans follow my blog i'm sorry for making him into an even worse piece of crap than he is in canon
♡ she's very into writing and has been since she was a kid. she writes a bit of everything from poetry to fanfic to original stories and wants to have her works published in the future. ever since amalia got into fanfic as well, mia has beta read for her as well as given her writing tips.
♡ despite neither of them seeing matty as a father, mia still has a healthy sibling relationship with lincoln and considers him to be one of her best friends (and her one closest platonic friend ever since her relationship with amalia turned romantic). the fact they're related has yet to fully sink in for her, but the more time they spend together, the more things in common they realize they have. mlm wlw solidarity fr
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katzkinder · 2 years
Idk why but I headcanon lily as aro ace
Ooh, neat! You're about... The third person I know of who also has that headcanon!
Personally, I headcanon that he identifies as pan, but like... He chooses that as his label because he likes the flag colors better lmao. That's it.
I always meant to type up my headcanons for this but never got around to it, so I think now is as good a time as any?
Misono: sex positive ace. Both because I think it suits him and because I like the contrast with my headcanon of Lily, where Lily has sex related trauma that makes him have difficult feelings about being attracted to others. Misono is almost clinical? When talking about that kind of thing. It can be off putting but he genuinely just thinks the scope of human sexuality is a fascinating thing to research
Mahiru: Bisexual, like his uncle, but not particularly aware of it in that he doesn't identify as anything. He's very "yeah that person is hot" and moves on with his day. The type who goes "huh! I guess I am" if you point out he's queer
Speaking of Queer, Mikuni: uses this exclusively. He thinks it's delightful. Like yes, this is perfect, he IS a very strange and odd little man! And that's all you're getting out of him (genuinely, this is all he gives me aside from maybe some flavor of aro. Jackass)
Lawless: Disaster bi with a distinct preference for intimidating women and older men. Licht is actually out of left field for him. Not typically the type he goes for!
Speaking of Licht: Angel. No I do not know what this means anymore than you do. Figure it out.
Kuro: double demi. His attraction hinges on having close emotional bonds with somebody first and it drives him crazy 😭Like he'll just be chilling and everything will be fine and the next thing he knows he's having an epiphany that ohhh god. oh fuck. oh god oh fuck he cannot DEAL. Terrible at flirting unless he's passing it off as a joke btw
Sakuya: *smash bros announcer voice* GAY
Freya: bi lesbian but calls herself lesbian, because that's what she's always called herself and she's not changing. Completely blindsided by the whole lesbian separatist discourse. Frankly disgusted with it. The big bad butch aligned fem in the corner who stands there and intimidates anyone hassling baby queers. She's got that peasantry farmer's wife bod, which means biceps that can crack your skull if you annoy her.
Iduna: doesn't label. She likes what she likes, so there! (does anyone remember this show lol)
Jeje: He's dressed like a priest, so I think it's safe to assume he's a self hating queer. This is only half a joke.
Ildio: You know that chart that's like functional bi, distinguished bi, disaster bi? He's a secret fourth thing: Himbo bi.
Nicco: Wombo Combo of Functional and Distinguished bi.
I'd add pride pair but my read on them is Lacking due to them not really having much in terms of development...
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anonymousewrites · 1 year
Of Two Worlds Pride Special 2023
Fushiguro Megumi x Fem! Half-Curse! Reader
            “Alright! Everyone up!” shouted Gojo.
            His poor doors jerked up and groaned at how loud he was as they stumbled out of their rooms.
            “Come on, Pride doesn’t wait for anyone, and I’m not missing out!” said Gojo.
            “It’s not like you’re gonna pull anyone,” grumbled Maki. “Anyone smart will know to avoid your annoying ass.”
            “Unimportant and untrue!” said Gojo cheerfully. “Now get ready and let’s go! Go, go, go!”
            “There he goes,” said Maki, putting her hands on her hips. She had a shirt that ���girls girls girls” in the colors of the lesbian. “Already running off and leaving his students unsupervised.”
            Nobara scoffed and rolled her eyes, her bi eyeliner and eyeshadow sparkling slightly in the sunlight. “It’s not like he is responsible anyways. We were the ones watching him.”
            “Tuna tuna,” agreed Inumaki, nodding and giving a thumbs up.
            “At least he’s having fun,” said Itadori with a weak defense of Gojo.
            “What exactly are we doing here?” asked (Y/N).
            “We’re at Pride. It’s to celebrate LGBTQ people,” said Megumi, patient as ever.
            “Oh. Right,” said (Y/N). “But aren’t we always proud?”
            Megumi suppressed a smile. “Yeah, but it’s good to celebrate since people have to work to get the rights to be who they are.”
            “Like you being pan?” asked (Y/N), glancing at the pan flag heart on Megumi’s shirt over his heart.
            “And you being on the asexuality spectrum,” said Megumi in agreement.
            “So we just walk in this parade and say we’re proud?” said (Y/N).
            She’s trying her best, and she’s adorable, thought Megumi. He glanced at the rest of his friends. “Well, they’re probably going to go dancing, but I don’t think that’s really your thing. How about we just walk around and maybe buy some merchandise? You’re the only one not wearing anything.”
            (Y/N) considered. “You’ll stay with me?”
            Megumi nodded. “Yes.”
            “Okay.” (Y/N) turned and walked into the crowd without another word.
            Megumi, used to her just deciding to leave and not announcing it, followed. “What do you think you want?”
            (Y/N) shrugged. “I don’t usually buy things for myself. I just take what I’m given.”
            Megumi frowned. (Y/N) cared so little for herself, and her upbringing had made her think that being given little individuality was normal. People were afraid of her half-curse nature and tried to control her for it. Megumi couldn’t understand how they could look at her and think she was a monster.
            “You have a choice today,” said Megumi. He gestured to his pan shirt. “I chose a simple shirt because it’s straight to the point, and that’s my style. What do you think you would like?”
            (Y/N) considered. “Something small. I don’t want it to be big and loud.”
            Megumi looked around at the booths. “How about a pin?”
            (Y/N) nodded. “I like that.”
            The pair walked over to a booth with a pin bin and began looking through. Megumi carefully watched (Y/N)’s face as she looked. Knowing her, she wouldn’t admit when she liked something, so Megumi used his familiarity with her to read her very slight body language.
            “You like that one,” said Megumi as he saw (Y/N) look at a simple pin.
            She glanced up, a short blink indicating her surprise that he had figured it out so easily. She held the pin up. It was in the shape of a crescent moon with an ombre of the asexual flag.
            “I do,” she admitted.
            Megumi smiled. “Let’s get it, then.” He handed over the yen and returned to (Y/N)’s side. “You can put it on your shirt.”
            (Y/N) shifted slightly and looked at him. Megumi frowned. She looked nervous.
            “What’s the matter?” he asked.
            “Is it strange?” questioned (Y/N).
            “Is what strange?”
            “That I don’t feel things like other people do. Doesn’t it make me less human?” asked (Y/N). Her insecurity at being seen as more curse-like came through.
            Megumi cursed all the people who had made her feel like she wasn’t deserving of respect just because her father wasn’t human. “No. It doesn’t. You still feel love for people. You still care. You just don’t show it like a lot of people, and it just takes you a little longer to connect to people. That doesn’t make you less human.”
            “Really?” asked (Y/N).
            “(Y/N), you’re as human as you need to be. And you act more humanely than most,” said Megumi. “It doesn’t that matter that I am pansexual and you’re on the ace spectrum.” He reached up and took her pin, carefully pinning it to her shirt. “We’re both people. There is nothing wrong with you.”
            “Thank you,” said (Y/N) softly.
            “Be proud of who you are. Every aspect,” said Megumi. His hand reached for hers. “Alright?”
            (Y/N) tentatively squeezed his hand. “Right.”
            Sukuna sat back in his throne. Ordinarily, he hated human traditions and their silly ways. He had long since let them go. However, this “Pride” celebration was the first thing he’d seen since awakening a thousand years after his sealing that he didn’t find distasteful in some way. Yes, mortals were running around like roaches, but they were celebrating something that Sukuna could actually relate to.
            Sukuna’s…relations when he was alive had been contrived and short-lived until he had found Ren and Uraume. One a woman, and the other neither that or a man. To see people celebrating loving how they wished to without judgement was strange to Sukuna. He was aware that in the past people, those few who had learned of his relationship, had clearly questioned his marriage and spouses, but Sukuna had never cared. No one could question him.
            That didn’t keep a slightly forlorn feeling from entering his heart, though. Sukuna saw three people walk by, all holding hands and smiling, and imagined himself, Ren, and Uraume. But Ren and Uraume weren’t there. Sukuna was alone in a new time. But he would continue their work to honor them. He would not forget.
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aprillikesthings · 4 months
I lead part of EfM thing today (see earlier posts) and it went well ahhhhh thank God
and I've made my lunches for the next week!
and I'm munching on a salad
and all day I was looking forward to this, the moment I can (re)watch MORE SHE-RA
I've barely worked on my longer fic this weekend (other than copy/pasting a bunch of things Nate said after the show ended into the notes section of the doc) and tbh rewatching the ACTUAL SHOW is hella distracting bc with twenty eps left we're going to start getting into more of the really high-stakes stuff
Also, true story: I originally watched, like, the second half of season 4 and all of season 5 in two days of marathoning with Daci. So quite frankly? The last, like, third of the show is just kind of a blur to me now.
s4 ep7 Mer-Mysteries
A mission in Dryl went badly, they've figured out someone's telling the Horde what they're doing, they're not tracking Adora because she wasn't even there--
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plz enjoy Sea Hawk's faces
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Bow's sudden nervousness reminds me of when I was in line at the TSA in Dulles airport and was weirdly nervous. I had no reason to be nervous. AND YET. I'm usually totally fine at TSA? But the people at Dulles were scary!!!
(I was way less nervous coming back from Iceland, despite knowing I had Kinder Surprise Eggs in my suitcase. Which are actually illegal to bring into the USA. You can buy "Kinder Joy Eggs" in the USA, which do not have the toy, but the ones with the toys are against the law! Anyway I bought them for Daci. I was only nervous for a split second at customs in the USA bc they asked me what I'd brought home from Iceland and I was like...wool yarn. books. sweets (I'd also bought licorice and chocolate). But he just waved me through. WHEW.)
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she's still big mad about this lolol
BUT she's right a spy IS the only thing that makes sense (but also the audience knows shit they don't)
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Pearl?? A Pearl who knows too much?????
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c'mon I had to
lolol they lampshaded the way lightning keeps striking when Mermista says something
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to be fair she IS the most recent addition and the one they know the least
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oh hey I also write everything in purple (or lavender) ink
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oh, shut up
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well not this episode, specifically
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honestly this is a lot like the DnD episode
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so on the one hand, I know Flutterina is doing this to make them fight, but on the other hand Glimmer is right; on the other OTHER hand, I also would prefer a warning before being forced to see my abusive parent having free range of the castle I live in
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BAHAHAHA I read Nate saying these two were interrupted on a date night, but also plz notice the colors of the flowers, it's literally most of the lesbian pride flag, they were SO unsubtle
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The Ken from Plumeria is talking to the pastry chef from Dryl with the super cute outfit, and she looks bashful for a second after this screenshot; I am now shipping this and no one can stop me
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speaking of ships (yes I know this isn't meant to be shippy lol)
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a youtube video titled "it's raining on your window and you live in Bright Moon Castle ASMR for sleep 4 hours"
(....I'd listen to that)
(On a related note, mynoise dot net has a bunch of rain sounds on the website, and it also has an app--it's seriously the BEST website/app for ambient sounds because they're so adjustable and never repeat, and I just want everyone to know about them. The rain and ocean sounds are great on earbuds to cover up snoring so you can sleep!!! Worked better than my fancy earplugs while I was on the Camino and sleeping in all those hostels)
And back to the cartoon, where there's obviously suspicious shit happening because people seem to be in two places at once and their communications thing got shattered
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oh so her name IS just The General
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Flutterina (aka Double Trouble) has got to be like "oh my god wtf is up with this dude I cannot handle this bullshit"
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Once again Glimmer proves that her and Catra are actually very, very alike
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OOHHHHH they set up a trap I forgot, this is amazing
Adora: "we created a diversion :)" Glimmer: "You were a really good actress. For once."
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Anyway Double Trouble is confessing the whole plan
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poor Mermista :(
there's a creepy-ass moment of seeing part of Horde Prime's face as he smiles, roll credits
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binarywaltz · 1 year
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i realize i have not posted here much, so here's one to try and compensate for that! these characters are all from ANOMIE, a personal project of mine i've been working on for the past half year or so.
third image is heavily based off a photograph by gie knaeps (for getty images) of brian molko
image description(s) under cut
image 1: digital illustration of a group photo of anomie, a fictional band, consiting of marco, rice, eulalie, and Q. they are all wearing colors of their respective pride flags. marco, a half human half frog man, has eyeshadow in the colors of the aromantic and bi flag, with a boa with the colors of the trans flag. he wears interlocked male symbol necklace and double crescent earring. rice, a werewolf, has streaks of trans flag colors in hir hair and a non-binary bracelet, with generally subtle allusions to their identity. eulalie, a mantis, is in full rivethead fashion, with an aegosexual flag stiched into her top, parts of her beanie, and a lesbian flag coat tied around her waist. she also has an asexual symbol on a choker and a belt with interlocked female symbols. Q is a rusted one eyed robot with a curled antennae on their head with a light bulb at the end, like that of a female angler fish. it wears a shirt with the aroace flag colors on one side, ties around the cords on their arm in the colors of the gay flag, and a skirt with colors of the non-binary flag. they all strike poses and smile. [end id]
image 2: digital illustration of Q from anomie. they stand on a pier at the beach, wearing a sun hat with flowers, a bathing suit with a pattern of lemons, and a multicolored shoulder bag. on one hand, they wear a falcon glove, with a barn owl perched upon their gloved hand. [end id]
image 3: digital illustration of marco from anomie. he is younger than he appears in the first image, with a differently shaved beard and hair partially dyed blue and in braids that gradiate to red. a microphone obscures a small part of his face as he smiles, looking out at presumably a crowd. he hugs his guitar, a fender player stratocaster. [end id]
image 4: digital illustration of marco and rice from anomie. they both look significantly younger than the first image: marco has long, teal hair that fades downwards into red, and no beard or tail. rice has shorter , silver ombre hair, and fur around their muzzle that looks like a beard. their backs are turned to the viewer, faces visible as they face eachother, standing in front of a huge, theatrical curtain. marco looks at rice with a surprised and curious expression, raising his eyebrows far above his glasses. rice glares angrily at him, putting their ears back and frowning. marco grips his pants with his frog hands, seemingly about to take them off, with his boxers low enough to see his lower back. a slightly smeared lipstick kiss is partially visible above his boxers. [end id]
image 5: digital illustration of marco and eulalie from ANOMIE. marco is talking, raising a frog hand and tilting his head to look at eulalie. he wears a jacket and pink t-shirt, and eulalie wears a black bandana and her usual rivethead fashion. behind them is a very blurry city. [end id]
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[id: several sketches of the splatoon band "c-side" made by klug, me, new-squid-beak-gaytoon, me.
the first sketch on the left is of charlie, the band's lead siger. she's fully colored, and her tentacles colors heavily resemble the lesbian flag. a textbox beside her says "love sonic. she's just like me fr". there's a tiny, half-finished sketch of her face below the text. charlie is outlined with blue bubbles
the next is two sketches of vanessa.
in the first sketch, he looks fairly neutral. beside the first sketch is a textbox that says "So, mr. Vanessa, are you an octarian or an inkling?". in this, vanessa is outlined with pink bubbles.
in the second, he looks angry. he's holding up a hand to his chest, his eyes are stylized as completely white, and a textbox coming from him says "DO I LOOK LIKE?". he's outlined with red bubbles.
the last sketches are of larry. the first sketch is of him looking to his side, he's surrounded by a big pink heart. the second sketch is very crude, and text next to him says "i can't draw him but he's my favorite". he's surrounded by blue bubbles.
end id.]
i unironically like all of the splatband member's names .
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