#sheik means a lot to me okay
mousesize · 11 months
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Preview for a comic I did for @sheikzine! We have preorders open now! Please check out the cool Sheik art we made :^)
>>> https://harpinshadows.bigcartel.com/ <<<
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tarotcard0 · 1 year
Okay, so here's my long-as-fcuk post complaining about Zelda's damselification in TotK
Spoilers ahead.
Part 1: Why is Zelda not allowed to have agency in her own fucking game?? (Spoilers for TotK, OoT, WW)
People have wanted an official playable Zelda in a Zelda game for years at this point, so the fact that Nintendo went out of their way to basically do the same thing again, is... lame.
"Oh, but this time she turned herself into a dragon and she restored the broken Master Sword." Yeah... about that: That's bad, actually.
I really don't think there's a good way to spin the whole Light Dragon thing. For starters, that plan was fucking stupid. It only worked because Zelda got ludicrously lucky, but it goes beyond that.
On one hand, it means that the largest impact Zelda had on the plot was the help she offered when she wasn't even herself. They brought her back at the end, but that doesn't undo the writers making the active choice of having her make the active choice to stop being a character/person in order to do anything. On the other hand, it could be said that Sacrificing herself for the good of her people was very Noble of her. But then they bring her back, undoing the Sacrifice part of her Noble Sacrifice and there are no consequences. So it's kinda fucked no matter how you look at it.
Zelda is, for some inexplicable reason, not allowed to help, so in order for "her" to help, she has to become somebody else. Sheik and Tetra can be used as examples of this, but at the very least, she was still her own person in those examples (and still got to do things as Zelda), it never got as bad then, as it did now with the Light Dragon. Unlike Sheik or Tetra, who are essentially ostensibly Zelda in a different outfit, the Light Dragon is a Non-sapient animal! Which makes it fighting alongside us to beat the Dark Dragon kind of confusing, like, why are they fighting? It's just another Dragon.
Some to think of it, why was the Dark Dragon fighting anything? How do you know you're evil, Dark Dragon? you were just born.
Part 2: So... about that haircut...
Remember in part 1 when I said people wanted a playable Zelda in a Zelda game?
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See, I did say that :3
And that's really important, because when that first teaser dropped, we were all hype as fuck!
Not only were we getting a new Zelda, but a Direct sequel. This has only happened 3 other times (1 -> 2, OoT -> MA, Oracles -> Awakening)
This is a very rare and exciting thing for the series. But there was something else people were excited for. Something I didn't notice at first, but many others did.
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Zelda got a haircut :3
I was confused why people were so excited about that at first. "It's a haircut, what's the big deal? I didn't even notice until you brought it up." then it was brought to my attention that Zelda's shorter hair matches up well with Link's. Then I was like "Oh!" Then I remembered Skyward Sword was canon and I was like "oh..."
I didn't want to get my hopes up. I really didn't. There's no way Nintendo would do something that cool. And you can bet your bottom Rupee that I blamed Skyward Sword for that conclusion. Yet I remained silent. Apparently it was impossible for me to not get my hopes up. To want this one theory to be correct. To want Nintendo, for once in their god damn life, to prove me wrong.
Then that second teaser came out...
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And pitched Zelda in a hole in the ground.
A lot of people weren't happy with this.
Simultaneously, a lot of people still (somehow???) held out hope. I'm looking at you Arlo.
(Both of these released right after that second teaser btw)
But I'm pretty sure most reasonable people understood it was over.
And we were right. Zelda falls down a ditch. The princess needs to be rescued by the noble (male) knight with basically no shakeups to the trope whatsoever, and Zelda got a haircut because... That's the end of that sentience. They redesigned her for no reason. Not one that'd be satisfying to hear at least.
Part 3: Why is no one talking about this?
Even me. Seriously, the only reason I'm making this post now is because someone else made a post saying how weird it was no one is talking about this.
What's even weirder to me, is that it's not just that no one's talking about this; it's that nobody's talking about this all of the sudden.
When that first teaser came out, I saw dozens of people talking about the short hair and how that'd make it easier to adapt Zelda's Animations to being a playable character.
And when the second teaser came out, I saw dozens of people expressing disappointment at Zelda's Fall-in-a-ditch-ification.
Myself and likely the others in my camp at least have an excuse. It was 2 whole years after that teaser before the game came out. I'd already gone through the stages of grief and just accepted that Zelda would play the same part she always fucking has.
But that still doesn't explain why the previously hopeful have said nothing. Why a second wave of disappointed voices didn't appear. Surely the hopefuls would have been hit with the same disappointment the realists were previously hit by once the game came out and it turned out they were wrong?
They should have been even angrier than I was. Yet... Silence. I watch Arlo's content regularly. Surely if he was going to say something about it, he would have done so by now, right?
Part 4: Let's take a look at that second teaser again for a hot minute.
Why'd they release a second teaser when they didn't even have a name for the game yet?
And why'd they show Zelda falling in a ditch specifically?
The best theory I have, if you'll allow me my tin-foil hat, is that Nintendo saw the hype around a potential playable Zelda, but, having already decided the story wasn't going to allow that, decided to show that scene to squash that hope. And it basically worked.
But that begs the question... Uh... Why'd they do that?
Dragon Quest 4 gave us a girl option for the hero on the god damn NES, and the fact that Nintendo still refuses to put such an option in the Zelda series is... concerning. Which, now that I've written it, is a line I really wish I put in that video of mine.
Fans have wanted a Girl option in Zelda for years, if not decades. Nintendo themselves has gone on record as saying if they were to add such an option, they'd just have [us] play as Zelda, instead of making a new character or a Girl Link.
Okay. Cool. Fine. FUCKING DO IT THEN
Part 5: Uhg.
I've done my best to write down all my thoughts here in an ostensibly organized manner, but on top of just having way too much to say on the topic, I accidentally hit "undo" once which "undid" literally the entire document, which I then could not Redo, inexplicably. As a result, some of what I originally had to say may have been lost.
This post is ranty, and rambly, and has no real ending. Because the ending to this conversation is the Zelda Team giving us a playable Zelda (in a non-spin-off title) or, in my opinion, any playable lady protagonist.
So, because I have no real ending to this post, I'm going to just stop it here. Feel free to add to it in reblogs, tags, comments, etc. I'm sorry this post is so fucking long.
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kagoutiss · 1 year
Hii Sawyer I just wanted to say I love your art so much and your Sheik and Ganondorf make me so happy :'). your designs are so good, i look a lot at your Ganons because you give him such a good head shape(?) does that make sense. mines always end up so narrow and then i see your art and it heals and teachers me. one day i will draw fanart of your art if thats okay :')
AAA i’m sorry this was in my inbox for so long!!! thank you!!! i’m glad my sheik & ganon resonate with you so much 😭💕 ganondorf is like…oddly comforting for me to draw lol, i’m rly flattered to hear when other people like my depiction of him. i know what you mean by his head shape and/or face being tough to draw sometimes, especially with stylistic differences in the games, it took me a while to figure out one i was happy with but now i’m really fond of the face i’ve given him :’-D and i’m always okay with fanart of course!! feel free to tag me if you do draw any i would love to see it ;0;
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blushyeleven · 2 years
It was Thursday AND I FINALLY TOLD SOMEBODY I LIKE TKLS! (AND IT WAS MY GIRLCRUSHH!) so I’m gonna tell you all about it because I’m super happy!!
GIRL CRUSH NAME: Chanelle <3
The only reason I told her was because Omg.. she is genuinely a ler.. and we’re like rlly close so I trust her!
(Bro.. in my English class, in my row it would be a boy, me, another boy called George and then next to George was her! Randomly one day I look over and see chanelle tickling George’s side and saying “tickle tickle tickle!” And George keeps jumping causing me and chanelle to laugh super hard and she keeps on doing it! I eventually ask her “what are you doing” as if I don’t know.. and she looks at me and says “I’m tickling him!” And she keeps doing it!)
Because she is literally the sweetest human alive she was asking me “are you okay today?” (She always checks up on me🥹, plus we had a little vent session the night before!) and I say “yea!” And she’s like “are you sure?” And I’m like “yea, I just use distractions, yk?” And Shes like “yea yea” and we get onto like another convo ab it (I don’t really remember this part 😭) and I’m like “it begins with t!” And she’s like “tell me tell me tell me!” She keeps saying sheik im just giggling nervously and she’s like “there’s like 300 something words in the dictionary that begin with t!” But then the period ends so we’re packing away but as we’re packing away she keeps saying “tell me tell me tell me!” and I’m just not saying anything and then the period ends.
We get into English and I eventually ask her “did you ever figure out what I was trying to tell you yesterday?” And she’s like “no I kinda forgot I’m ngl” and I just laugh and thinking and she can see that I’m thinking so she then asks me “whatt?” And smiles so I just say “thinking of the pros and cons” she looks so confused and says “for what?” And I say “telling you..” and she starts repeating “tell me tell me tell me!” again and I’m just like “noooo your gonna hatteee me” and she’s like “no I won’t! I promise! I mean.. I hate a lot of people but I love you!” (I was melting when she said that🥹🫠) and I just reply with “I love you to!” And she says “atleast give me a clue” so I just laugh and roll my eyes and say “it’s a type of feeling” she looks so confused and I add “not mental, physical” and she still looks so confused so I write on the table “t_ _ _ _ _” and I say “let’s play hangman!” And she says “okay!” Looks at it for a while and blurts out “touch!” And I widen my eyes a little and say “noo.. but close!” And she looks so confused.
she then starts guessing random letters and gets to “e” I just nod and she says “where do I put it!” So I then smile and then write it on the table so it now looks like this “t _ _ _ _e” she looks at it like this 🤨 and I just say “Omg I’m like really panicking” and she says “it’s gonna be okay!” (I love her so much I can’t!!) but because the pen on the table is very faint she writes it on her hand and she starts guessing letters again
She then gets to “c” and I laugh nervously and she smiles at goes “it is!” And I just laugh again and she says “where!” So I shrug and continue to giggle and she keeps complaining saying “tell meee!” And she starts guessing where it should go. I say no to every spot but when she gets to the right spot I can’t help but laugh and she just smiles at me while also trying to deny it and she just goes “yes it is!” And I stop her before she can write it down
I say “well before you know.. your gonna need to know some context.. it’s just like a feeling! That I.. like” I stutter our watching her smile at me and she just says “where do I put it!!” And I just shrug again.
Eventually our english teachercomes over and tells us to start writing so we do and as she starts writing I write on the table “t_c_ _e” when the English teacher walks away she says “where do I puttt itttt!” In a shouting whisper and she says “don’t think I’ve forgotten!” she adds and I just laugh as I point to the table. And she fills it in on her hand and starts looking at it, still extremely confused and she starts guessing random letters again
She says then gets to “i” and I immediately start giggling nervously and I try and shrug and she’s not buying it so she’s like “it is it is! Where do I put it!” She puts out her hand and I’m just trying to keep my composure because I’m panicking so bad. I’m just like “ahhhh no because your gonna be so weirded out!!” And she’s like “i wont, i pinky promise!” And we make a pinky promise and then she can see that I’m panicking so she says “just tell me one more letter” i look at her confused and say “i just did?” And we both burst out laughing. I pull myself together, although still blushing a lot and I write it on the table (it’s way to flustering to so aloud!) she then fills it in on her hand so on her palm it now says “tic_ _e”
She looks at it trying to figure it out and says “is it a h because of the c” i shake my head and she looks at it again, looks back at me and goes “k” i go extremely wide eyed and the nervous giggles come back so she’s like “is it?!” I decide it’s a good idea to shrug and then she says “L?”at this point i knew that I was screwed and that she had figured it out and I was blushing sooo baddd but I decide to shrug again while smiling.
She looks at me smiling and says “tickles!” Like a little to loudly!! And I just cover my face whike laughing and she starts laughing and says “is it?” And I just reply with “you said that soo loud!!” And we both keep laughing but then she says “tickles?” quieter, and I look “confused” (so she says it again (I’m a GENUIS🤭😉)) and she says it again and I start blushing again and I just shrug. “your no help!” She blurts our and I just smile saying “that’s the point!” And then she says
“Is it tickles?” And I put my head on her shoulder say “don’t keep saying ittt!!” And I put my head up and she looks at me with like the biggest smile and says “it is! isn’t it?” And I then just nod my head with a ridiculous smile on my face and a blush spread across my cheeks and she says “aawhhhh that’s so cutteeee!” (LEKRNWNW I WAS DYINGGG!)
We move on but I have to joke say “if you tell anybody I will cry”and she says”nonono I wont! I promise”
That’s it! I hope you enjoyed my rant!! (Btw this has 0 proof reads because it’s a rant!)
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lordsooga · 2 years
Tagged by @arkon-z !!! Thank you!!
3 ships: Kohga and Sooga, OBVIOUSLY. They got me with the carefree and goofy but powerful leader and his fiercely stoic, loyal, and competent second in command. Come on, Master “except for me of course!” Kohga refusing to leave Sooga even after they just watched Astor pull the life out of all his other soldiers. Sooga’s “Then in that case, I’ll protect you even if it costs me my life.” COME ON!!!!!!
Revalink. Look, they work so well together. They complement each other. They have so much in common. They don’t know that about each other. They would change each other for the better. There is no way Revali just hates Link or is just jealous of him, he would NOT be out there trying So hard to get Link to acknowledge him.
We’ll do one non-zelda ship. As a treat. 
Fuck it. It’s Bowuigi. They GOT ME okay, I like big monsters with tiny soft men!!!!!
First ship: Fuck. Good question. I remember kinda liking OoT link and zelda/link and sheik when I played as a kid??? It was mostly as friends, though. I wasn’t super into shipping when I was a kid. I think i shipped two of those creatures in drawn to life, though lmao
Last song: idk why but i havent listened to any music in daysss. all i can think of is Spillways
Last movie: Oh my god.........it was morbius
Currently reading: It has been a hot minute since ive read a real book 💀 the current fics im reading, though, are @/zariyari’s ghiralink fic Now Get Us Out of Here which i am enjoying a lot ehehe. I’m also in the middle of a Majima/Kiryu one. I’m eagerly awaiting more to @/ginneke’s revalink fic A Seed of Song, and, god damn it, soon I’m gonna start @/heleentje’s Moonlight fic.
Also special mentions to @/ghirahimbo’s fics Blind, But Now and Pinesong which i’ve been meaning to read forever now
Currently watching: I’m waiting for all my current favorite shows to make new episodes T__T so right now im trying to finally finish the new JoJo season
Currently consuming: A delicious udon dish
Tagging (if you feel like it, no pressure!!): I’ve not done one of these on this account before :0 so im not sure who likes participating in these types of things. But @jaybirdsdelight @insanespiders @theobergmynt @ginneke @heleentje @zariyari @chaozrael if any of yall would like to!
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
Idealism in RWBY
One of my favourite scenes in the whole show that made me sob like a baby when it aired and still makes me cry even thinking about it is the scene where Jinn bends the rules for Ruby and gives her a moment to close her eyes and breathe. It is absolutely beautiful and from a pacing perspective one of my favourite scenes - the shot of wings slowly beating and then stopping - Ruby closing her eyes and feeling the thing between all things - and then the reveal of Summer whose eyes become hers. It is conceptually excellent. That what she construed of as being laserbeams from her eyeballs actually necessitates looking inside herself and asking what that power really means is my favourite, favourite stuff.
In case it's not obvious from my finale criticism of V9, I actually deeply value the emotional sincerity and idealism of RWBY. It's a rare thing to earnestly get a scene specifically like that without it being undercut with a stupid joke (I hate this) or even such a scene at all. The proliferation of powerlevelling and 'hard magic systems' have basically broken peoples' ability to intuit actual narrative and the point of fucking storytelling. I love when characters make very forward emotional statements which are earnest and heartfelt (one that comes to mind is Blake -> Nora -> Penny, 'it's only part of you' - when Nora is almost passed out in pain she manages to convey a deep lesson for Penny which manages to give her strength and effectively foreshadows her Aura transformation), what I particularly do not like is when it is platitudinous and/or doesn't feel earnest and earnt.
The fact that there were absolutely parts of this volume that felt like that to emphasise Ruby's disillusionment and then subsequently they doubled down on it with Jaune (and validated it) made me really confused, because even the scene of Ruby's return the dialogue does not feel earnt and I really don't know what I'm supposed to make of that relationship - fix? - with her team and Jaune. It wasn't developed properly because really what they were developing was her disillusionment with her mother as opposed to strictly her team, but to be totally fair there is still a door open there in the next volume. I don't think they'll go in that direction any further, unfortunately.
But it's not like they actually struggle with emotional sincerity. This is why I felt it to be such a prominent weakness. I also didn't like the joke undercutting Jaune's transformation that he makes just because - first of all it's very quick - but second of all, it has major implications for other characters afflicted with Curses, but like, come on! You are the emotionally earnest show! You don't need to feel embarrassed about a handsome prince transformation! This is fucking Sheik revealing Zelda, this is Midna's true form, this is the Beast healed type shit (I can think of so many Zelda examples probably because Zelda is the archetypal princess, in my mind). You can be totally forthcoming and earnest about it, it's okay. But this is why the sequence felt weird because presumably whoever is his love interest should have something meaningful to say about it. Jaune was deeply disillusioned and wounded this volume, they found him and called him crazy (I did like this realistic rendering of the Maidens finding the Old Man - 'dude's a weirdo' is funny) and now everything is normal? It's not right because I don't think they generally fumble this stuff. I want more earnesty, I want more sincerity, I want more fundamental idealism.
I value the pain in the story because you can't have joy without pain. You don't get the effect of redemption and characters being saved in the story without Penny or Pyrrha or I/ronwood. This is why I/ronwood's fall is so carefully paralleled with Cinder's (burgeoning, and foreshadowed) rise. What a lot of twee 'everything is okay' stories do is they ignore the actual definition of happiness in life sometimes to the point of just being thoughtless but equally on my entire blog I take umbrage with narrative cynicism, and cynicism, and easy, lazy pain - easy cynicism because it's protective. What is more hopeful to me is idealism which is validated in the face of tragedy. That with RWBY I have the hope of that tragedy being transformed into comedy is actually rare. A lot of my favourite heart-touching stories off the top of my head are basically 'hopeful tragedy', because the promise of comedy is actually really rare.
I guess what I'm also curious about (that there is some assumption I don't value the idealism of RWBY, lol, or its emotional forthcomingness) is that to believe in something like Cinder's redemption, not just on a textual basis, actually by virtue means you have to believe redemption is always possible. It's never too late. You can be forgiven. You might be lost and disillusioned for the whole story but you're forgiven. You can commit a deed in the story which everybody holds against you forever and you're forgiven. You can be mean and terrible and ruin everything and be forgiven. It can take a while to get home but you'll get there.
Salem's redemption and the redemption of Ozlem is realised through her character; it is a major thematic statement and precipitates the resolution of the story. That Cinder's redemption might involve a romance which is similarly Ozlem in reverse is hopeful. Even after everything you can work back. The tragedy is the promise of comedy, the breakage is the promise of wholeness.
I celebrate darkness and disillusionment in the story because that is the path to true knowledge. Yet cynicism is its own protective insulation and refusal to confront joy. Breaking through those falsehoods is a thematic interest of RWBY, and if I sense something emotionally, tonally discordant, I'm going to point it out.
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thegeminisage · 2 years
my latest idle musing zelda question for you: i was thinking about the song of storms paradox and wondering if you have a theory to explain it. my half baked theory is that after child link gets sealed away, sheik does child link disguise to set that up for adult link to learn, prob in concert w whatever training and protection impa is providing. but then again that's a lot for sheik/impa to like... predict, you know? but then AGAIN again, i wouldn't put it past the sheikah to have seen what happened after the master sword was pulled, and start thinking a few steps ahead to make the hero's work doable once he emerges. :D
okay here is the thing. hi. sorry it took me so long to answer i've been in december hell. HERE is the thing. there are 2 answers to this question. answer #1 of course is that it didn't come from anywhere as per the nature of the paradox. the goddesses or whoever the fuck deigned it existed and allowed link to discover it. thats kind of a boring and frustrating answer though SO. i will give you Mine Own Theory
this answer is also kind of boring/simple, but for me it's the only thing that makes sense. it also requires a bit of story and gameplay segregation and also a bit of story and gameplay integration. let me start rom the top. here is what we know about the song of storms in oot:
makes storms. duh.
no one has played it before in the timeline. it first appears chronologically in ocarina of time. so link didn't get it from a past life or anything
it plays in the windmill in the past AND the future
windmill guy is PLAYING IT HIMSELF ON HIS INSTRUMENT. this is so important! he has an instrument that he is actively using and we hear the music ONLY inside the windmill. this isn't as bulletproof as malon's singing - it doesn't get louder when you get closer to him - but this can be explained away by memory limitations or oversight by the devs. he's clearly playing SOMETHING and this is the only music we hear.
for some reason when HE plays it nothing happens. but when WE play it: storms. this is also crucial
here is my theory: the windmill guy made it up. i mean, we literally hear him playing it before we ever learn the song in the future?? given enough time and a musical ear you could pluck that out (so to speak) on an ocarina. future link heard the story and went back and played it out but past link without this knowledge could EASILY have picked up on it himself, and maybe did the first time, to start the "cycle" of the paradox.
the reason the song doesn't work for windmill guy and does work for link is because windmill guy's phonogram thing is just a thing, but both of link's ocarinas are magical. actually, i feel like only the ocarina of time is magical because only the ocarina of time can open the door of time. in fact, the only song you learn on the fairy ocarina that does anything magic is the sun's song, which is technically optional. in a playthrough where you don't learn that song until after you get the ocarina of time, link's fairy ocarina is just an ordinary ocarina. it can't call epona. it doesn't do any warping. you can't learn the song of storms on it. zelda's lullaby only summons fairies because they recognize it. navi herself facilitates communication with saria. i guess TECHNICALLY the fairy ocarina can fix signs and stuff, but compare that to the ocarina of TIME - a POWERFUL magical artifact that was ancient even during the era of skyward sword.
almost all of the magic songs link learns are on this ocarina. PERHAPS NOT A COINCIDENCE. sure, you can sequence break this like with the sun's song and the fixing signs, but i think the song of storms existed long before link played it and it only MADE THE STORMS because the ocarina's magic reacts to the force of will behind the music. it's not necessarily the melody that has the power, but the instrument, and the player of this instrument wields it with varying degrees of skill and power, not unlike a knight wields a sword. windmill guy wanted a song that went around. what makes a windmill go around? wind. what's stronger than regular wind? storms. link plays the music, either knowing or hoping that it will cause the windmill to go bonkers, and the world around him obeys, because that's what magic does: commands reality.
bonus crackpot theory: if anything, the shifting nature of the timestones the ocarina was carved out of would allow IT to pick up on a tune lost in a sea of time, and perhaps link, by then the ocarina's very proficient user, would be sensitive enough to pick up on it and manifest it himself. if the spirit of the sword can speak to people, why not the spirit of the ocarina?
but yeah. i think the guy himself made it up, and was the source of his own misery all along. link just facilitated the entire thing because he's the one with the magical instrument. maybe a little too simple but to me it's the ONLY thing - aside from pure paradox - that makes sense
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dastiel4ever2111 · 7 days
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Okay so next up is the Pillman-Luger-Lynn boys. Again this one has a LOT of background information. Just an FYI this post will include triggering subjects such as child abuse, child neglect, and parents favoring one child over the rest. Lex Luger and Brian Pillman together in the top left corner, Dalton Castle, Briley Ryan Pierce, Zicky Dice, Pillman Jr., Kenny Omega, Brian and Steve on the bottom left, Joey Janela, and finally Nicholas Dolph Ziggler.
Nicholas Dolph Theodore 'Ziggler' Pillman-Luger is the oldest sibling. He is the golden child in the eyes of Luger. No other child could ever come close to comparing to Dolph. Luger couldn't really say no when Pillman said he wanted to have more kids, he really did love his tag team partner. Dolph was given pretty much everything as a kid, beyond spoiled, Luger couldn't say no to him. Pillman for as long as he was alive was a much more well rounded parent. Dolph certainly has a complicated relationship with his Dad. You'll find out why soon enough.
Kenneth Tyson Omega Callis-Luger-Pillman was born 3 years after Dolph. Brian was smart enough to know that Luger wasn't ready for another child, at least not yet. So, he did was he thought was best and gave him up for adoption, moreso left Kenny at a church. Don Callis and Golden Sheik then adopted him. Kenny found his bio family around the time of the first All In pay-per-view. I have a chapter posted about the moment :D I'll link it here in case you want to read it.
Nick ‘Zicky’ Dice Luger-Solomita, his half brother is Julien Solomita (I mean don't tell me there isn't at least some resemblance?) he was raised by his mother with Julien. He isn't close to the other brothers mainly just keeps to himself. Once he found out who his Dad was he decided he didn't want anything to do with him or the rest of the family.
Ryan Briley Pierce Luger-Pillman, he mainly goes by Briley in my stories. Briley was unfortunately ignored and neglected by Luger the first 3 years of his life. That is until Luger found a gifted school in California to take Briley in. It just so happens that the gifted school was ran by the Young Buck's family. So, Briley is extremely close to them. Briley didn't return to the Luger residence until Dolph practically begged his father to allow him to visit and be a part of the family again.
Dalton Castle Luger-Pillman-Laurinaitis was conceived during a very hard time for both Pillman and Luger. Luger was fully in his addiction. He randomly brought Dalton backstage at WCW and started to ask the locker room to buy him. He was so high he really didn't know what he was doing or even where he was. That's when Cornette got involved and decided to bring Dalton home to Shane Douglas and Johnny Ace. Cornette did not end up adopting Dalton, he let Shane and Johnny do that. Cornette was adamant that Dalton not know who his biological family was. He found out around the same time as Kenny who his bio family was.
Joey Janela Lynn-Luger is not related to Pillman. His other father is Jerry Lynn. Jerry didn't know he existed for the first 6 years of Joey's life. Luger decided to give it another go and kept Joey and raised him himself. It did not go well. At about 2 Luger started to abuse Joey, it started off mild but soon became full on abuse. Whenever anything was not going Luger's way he would take it out on Joey. Dolph tried his best to protect Joey because he knew he could. Luger would never get violent with Dolph but with the age difference between them and the fact that Dolph had gotten a full ride to go to school he left. Briley also did his best to help Joey getting him out of the house as much as he could. Jerry found out about the abuse when Joey was 14 and after that Joey was only allowed to see Luger for the summer. Joey has struggled with the abuse and the environment of the household he was raised in. The last two years he was with Luger were different because the abuse stopped after a pretty bad incident. Luger changed completely and became an actual Dad to Joey. I have a chapter of Growing Up based around Janela telling Jerry Lynn about the abuse. I'll link it below.
Brian Pillman Jr. is Steve Austin's and Brian Pillman's son. Steve kept Jr away from Luger as much as possible. Jr wanted to know his half brothers more though, so he decided to meet up with them as much as he could. Dolph having the most time with Pillman told Jr as much as he could about their Dad.
Even though the Luger-Pillman boys didn't grow up together, they are extremely close to each other. They lean on each other and make sure everyone is okay and healthy. I wouldn't say there is a favorite but Briley and Joey are especially protected by their siblings. Dolph has a very different view of Luger than the rest because he saw the best of him. He'll always love his Dad even after everything he's done. Joey also has a complex relationship with Luger, he still calls him Dad even after all of the abuse he's endured. Dolph is obviously the oldest of the siblings but Kenny tries to help as much as he can. Kenny knows that it must have been hard for Dolph growing up.
i would say that this family is one of my favorite things to write because I adore so many of them. I mean, Janela, Ziggler, Briley, and Dalton are some of my favorite wrestlers of all time!
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oinkgoesthecat · 3 months
I'm having a lot of feelings. I have to go without Sheik for a week because he's going on a trip. So I'll see how that goes. I'll miss him. And that means being alone at night. I rely on him to a point. Which maybe isn't fair to him. But I do like to have him here.
I ask him for a hug after he spanked me today. I needed aftercare. I know I'm prone to subdrop. I don't think he's connected the fact I don't ask for physical affection. I don't deny it typically, but aside from when we sit outside and I lean against him, i don't typically touch him. I don't touch people unless I know it's okay. I tried to be playful and joke about it, but I needed a hug. I wanted him to want to hug me. I think my feelings are hurt. I didn't expect that. I was trying to communicate my needs and I got denied. From anyone else I would call the red flag. I should call it one. But I'm lying to myself a little about this whole dynamic. It's a bad idea. And I know that. I dont want to blow up his relationship. But we are bad at boundaries. And I take responsibility for some of it. I don't exactly stop him. But also I have remember he is an adult and could stop himself.
I might be dropping a bit. But I actually am kinda upset about that hug. If really didn't want to I wouldn't have pushed. I probably shouldn't have pushed because now my mind thinks he hates me. But he's still teasing me so it's fine right?
Idk. Well see in a week I guess
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parksrway · 3 years
"Link teaching Sheik how to use a bow"
Turning fluff into angst pt 1/however many of these I get to
(sheik knows how to use a bow but we'll just say this is taking place in a universe where he doesn't and his aim is shit)
"Just like that!"
The bow trembles in Sheik's hands as he draws back another arrow. He tries his best to regulate his breathing and steady his hands, despite the circumstances.
Link is standing before him, encouraging him to do his best, that it's okay and he doesn't have to be perfect.
Sheik feels like he's going to throw up. His breaths are starting to end with high pitched squeaks as his hands continue to shake, making it impossible to aim. He has to be perfect, especially right now.
"Come on, little Sheikah. I'd like to see how good your aim really is." The Blademaster keeping Link in a chokehold taunts him as he continues to fail at calming himself down. The Yiga brings his head down to be on the same level as Link's, pressing the sides of their faces together.
"You're doing just fine, Sheik."
The arrow sticking out of Link's shoulder from Sheik's previous attempt says otherwise.
He can't do this.
He tastes bile at the back of his throat.
He'll never forgive himself if he fucks up any more than he already has. He's never going to forgive himself for this regardless of what happens.
He feels like his lungs are being restricted by ever-tightening barbed wire. His heart feels like it's being squeezed in someone's fist and he swears he's being strangled from how tight his throat is. The arrow rattles against the bow as his hands continue to shake. Tears blur his vision, making Link and the Yiga melt into blue and red blobs, and he blinks furiously to try and clear them.
He can't do this.
"It's okay Sheik, I'll forgive you."
Sheik doesn't believe him.
Taking one final deep breath, he holds it as he strains every muscle in his body to try and keep his hands still.
He releases the arrow.
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bluesclves · 3 years
I'm working my way through all the Legend of Zelda games I can get my hands on. Oddly enough, it's Skyward Sword that got me invested in the rest of the series, haha. I played BotW and loved it, tried to play Link's Awakening and got frustrated so I quit, then I played Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity and had fun just demolishing the enemies that used to kick my ass in botw, but still I wasn't like, invested in the series. Pretty much I just liked the botw stuff.
Then Skyward Sword HD came out and I went "sure why not?" Because I remember the game grumps hating it but I liked Sonic and the Black Knight for wii, and the switch has way better motion controls, so I figured I'd give it a go. (Plus I really wanted the themed joy-cons bc they're so pretty and it felt silly to get the joy-cons without having the actual game they're attached to.)
Anyways, I loved it. I don't see why people complain so much about the motion controls even on switch? I thought they were fine and I actually loved how engaging it made the combat, plus there's just an indescribable sort of joy involved in using the motion controls to draw the master sword and hold it over your head, okay? It's just fun.
Anyways, that's the first I guess 'standard' LoZ game I've played to completion. I got frustrated a few times with the puzzles, but I was invested enough to keep going until I figured it out. The final fight against Demise-Ganon had me cursing at my screen but when I finally beat him it was so satisfying, totally worth it imo.
And now that I have the story of the last Link (so far) and the first Link in the timeline, I'm curious enough about the space in between to take another shot at the other LoZ games I've given up on before. I just finished Ocarina of Time 3D, which was a lot easier than I remember now that I'm actually familiar with how a Zelda game is structured (basically find temple, solve puzzles, get new item, boss fight featuring new item, find the next temple-- ad nauseum).
I'm going into Hyrule Warriors: Definitive edition now (Warriors Link is so pretty haha, I see why people call him 'pretty boy' in LU fics/fanart lol). This is another game I tried before but I just wasn't invested enough in the characters to get into it? It also seemed too easy at the time, so I'm playing it on the higher difficulty, but I also know that if it's anything like Age of Calamity, it gives us a lot more story and interesting missions.
I have A Link Between Worlds to play next, assuming I can't get ahold of Majora's Mask for 3DS. Then I'll take another shot at Link's Awakening, I guess.
Any other suggestions for what I can play? I have a Switch and a 3DS, and my brother has a Wii but we don't have a Wii U.
Also, what I'm realizing about Legend of Zelda games, is that most of them are kinda like Fanfiction. They don't really do a good job of introducing their central Characters because they expect us to already recognize them. That's what's different about BotW and Skyward Sword; they do a really good job of setup, because for both of them, the hero is just as knowledgeless as the player. SS!Link knows nothing about great evil demons or the triforce, he's just a sleepyhead skyboy. They don't even have a kingdom yet, they just have a floating island with a school and some big-ass birds.
BotW does a GREAT job of introducing the world of Hyrule and everything in it because Link literally has no memories at the start of it. We learn everything that's going on as he does. And if you're interested in learning more, you can seek out his forgotten memories as an optional side quest. You don't have to, but you can if you're curious.
Comparatively, Age of Calamity relies heavily on you having played BotW, and the dramatic irony they can create from the player knowing one future as they help divert it from that path.
And Ocarina of Time doesn't really explain much about their characters. The Great Deku Tree's death is heartbreaking to me now, knowing that SS!Link planted him, and knowing the tree from BotW. But in OoT, it just kinda... happens? And didn't mean much of anything to me the first time I played the game. You know the Deku tree is supposed to be important, but not why. You see Zelda a grand total of one time before she runs away from the castle with Impa, and it's clearly supposed to be a dramatic scene, but we don't know her at all. Then Sheik shows up when you're an adult, shows up to teach you songs and then just leaves, and it's kinda clunky and doesn't really help us form an attachment to the character at all. Really, the only character besides link that is recurring enough and actually has speaking lines with personality is like... Navi, and maybe Malon, if you seek her out for Epona. Everyone else shows up like two or three times at most, and either has an instant crush on Link, or is just grateful for his help.
I enjoyed the game, playing it now, but I definitely had to care about the characters first-- I wouldn't have been able to get into this game if I wasn't already invested in Link's journey and kicking Ganon's ass.
So like, it suffers from fanfiction-syndrome, I think.
Anyways, this post is all over the place. Hope that made sense?
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liquid-geodes · 3 years
If you're doing writing requests how about BOTW Shiek and Link meeting? Or do you have anything planned out for your really cool Steven Universe au (the one about the diamonds being terrifying sea creatures). Like, do yellow and ue get along, or do they fight? And do they stay away from white?
*vibrates at high velocity*
Why do OR when I can do BOTH
So I have no idea how long this post will be, but if after this text block there's a read more in means I went off REALLY hard in writing and the post got long so I came back here to add the read more okay? Okay.
Botw Sheik Au: So regarding this specific scene I have mentioned before that I have a few ideas I'm tossing around to see which one I like most for the story, so here's one that's been on my mind:
It had been a few days since Link had last encountered that strange Hylian at the Woodland Stable. Whoever they were, they seemed to know a lot about the calamity and the chosen hero... But how? Everything else they had said so far had been spot on, would the master sword truly be hidden within the trees of the Great Hyrule Forest? Link couldn't know for sure, but Hestu was more than happy to hear Link planned on setting out towards the woods he and his korok friends called home.
Finding his way through the forest was challenging enough with the thick fog that shrouded the area, but the mischievous koroks just HAD to have a little fun at his expense. Well, them and just about every woodland creature that snuck up on him through the fog. But he had to admit, Hyrule Forest was a LOT easier to traverse than the entirety of the Faron region.
He hadn't been lost for long when he finally found himself in a clearing, a fallen and hollow log acting as an entryway to what he assumed was Korok Forest. This area was very different compared to the rest of the woods surrounding it. Bright sunlight filtered through the leaves and branches of the trees, the fog dense fog had lifted almost completely, and at the very center of it all, just before a giant tree, sat a sword resting in it's pedestal, the base overgrown with Silent Princess flowers seeping through the cracks in the tiled floor. It was truly a beautiful sight, accompanied by the light strumming of a harp and the excited whispers of little koroks all around him.
As Link takes his first step towards the pedestal the forest suddenly goes quiet, the hushed whispers stopped entirely as a new voice took their place.
"So it wasn't a myth after all. The master sword truly slept within a sea of trees.."
Link looked all around himself before spotting the source of the voice perched above himself on a treebranch.
"You-" Link managed to stutter out.
"Surprised? Our meeting at the stable was no coincidence, Hero of Hyrule."
It was the traveler from the stable, except they didn't sound quite the same. Their words were spoken with a proper and distinctly Sheikah dialect, which was different than that of a traveler from the little village of Lurelin.
"Allow me to properly introduce myself,"
They then jumped down from the branch they had been seated on and landed before the Hylian in a puff of smoke. "I am a Sheikah warrior, entrusted by goddess to guide her chosen hero. You may call me Sheik."
The traveler, now identified as Sheik, didn't quite look like a member of the Sheikah tribe. His skin was a light shade of brown, like that of the Gerudo Champion from his memories except lighter. He had hair that was blonde, much like a Hylian's, which fell over half of his face. Combined with the mask he wore on his face the only facial feature Link could see was a deep crimson eye, which was in fact common in members of the Sheikah race.
"You've no doubt come here to reclaim the Master Sword, am I correct?"
Link nodded firmly, carefully signing out his quest with his hands.
"You need not tell me that, I've been watching over you for some time now... That voice you continue to hear is no doubt that of Princess Zelda. She continues to hold back Calamity Ganon's power from within the innermost sanctum of Hyrule Castle, but her power is waning fast."
Sheik had paused at the end of that sentence, his eye widening in surprise.
That voice... Link hadn't heard Zelda's plea just now, only him. It seemed as if time was running out, but it was hard to be certain with the Calamity's unpredictable nature.
"I fear you may not have the time to reclaim each Divine Beast. This sword is the only thing that can cut through Calamity Ganon's malice, you must reclaim it and head for the castle at once."
Link's eyes widened as he heard the dire tone in Sheik's voice. He was running out of time to run to Zelda's aid, running out of time to put an end to this century long nightmare...
Link's gaze fell firmly on the master sword as he approached it. Sheik had moved away, keeping a distance from the hero as the sword started to react to his presence. Pain flooded the Hylian's body as he tried to pull the sword from it's pedestal, but it wouldn't budge.
Despite the pain Link persisted, the sword still unmoving despite his attempts. Was it supposed to be this hard? Was this what Impa had meant when she said he would have to prove himself worthy of the sword?
He didn't know... But Sheik did.
"Link you must release the sword at once!"
A blinding light radiated from the sword as Link's hands fell from it's handle.
The sword was still in the pedestal.
"This can not be... The sword... It has rejected you..."
Deep Sea Diamond Au:
Regarding this one, Yellow and Blue have a strained relationship. The diamonds are all vicious in their own rights, but Blue and Yellow pale in comparison to White's wrath. They of course are both devastated by Pink's death, but with White lurking deep within the trenches gemkind called home, tension was always high. It was like walking on eggshells constantly, and the stress caused arguments between the two, but in the end, they had to stick together. White couldn't harm them if they stayed together and kept the empire going.
Fear is always at it's peak when a glimpse of bright light can be seen moving among the trenches... She is near, nearer than she has been in a long time. Though her sight was taken from her long ago, no gem can escape her light...
She stalks the more shallow of the trenches, her condescending voice calling out into the darkness: "Staaarliiiight~ Where are you~?"
There's a slight rasp to her voice, the echoes bouncing off the trench walls enough to immobilize you with fear. You must not get caught in her light...
Don't let her light reach you...
You musnt flee too fast or else she will hear you.
"You can't hide forever Starlight~"
Don't. Let. Her. Light. Reach. You.
"I can hear you out there in the darkness... Why do you hide from my light?"
What on Earth has Pink done..?
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nagdabbit · 3 years
Okay who are your favorite female wrestlers? Because you sure get a lot of asks about dudes
first and foremost, we gotta give props to the true GOAT. the straight up best women's wrestler, and possibly just best wrestler, of all time, manami toyota.
she's also batshit fuckin insane. that woman knows absolutely no fear of man, god, or devil. no one has any business going as hard as she went.
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here she is attempting to murder aja kong, also in the running for GOAT. you should look up her matches against bull nakano, another absolute legend.
speaking of bull nakano, easily one of my desert island top five.
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the power. the vibes. impeccable.
if you havent dipped into the japanese wrestling scene, especially the 80s-90s, joshis basically invented all your favorite moves. pah, basically.
they did.
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chyna. she was fucking incredible. she was powerful and gorgeous, and just a goddamn beautiful person inside and out. she didn't get a smidge of the respect she deserved from this industry.
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lufisto. here she is murdering both orange cassidy and chuck taylor. she's a hardcore legend and a big proponent of intergender wrestling. fuckin badass.
obviously, i gotta shout out jade cargill. if you've been following me long enough, you know my feelings on jade cargill. sure would be nice to see her in the ring more often, tk. just sayin.
(actually, smart mark sterling has teased an aew client coming to beyond wrestling, and he said not jade, but could you imagine jade vs megan bayne or trish adora or willow nightengale or masha slamovich at a wwr+ show?! (all of which are also on the list) ugh. (highly suggest checking them out on iwtv, great shows.))
speaking of willow nightengale, the babe with the power. you've seen her lose on dark, do please check out indie shows where she's allowed to go off. willow vs wheeler yuta or trish adora for example. go. fuckin. watch. TRUST ME.
shes also part of a tag team with solo darling. she tiny, she beefy, she got kicks for days. she also has a dog named officer magnum. the only cop i trust.
trish adora is a goddamn delight.
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powerhouse, baddass, her finisher is LARIAT TUBMAN. a legend. go check out her hour iron man match against former roh world television champ tony deppen.
honorable mention, tony's incredibly funny wife. very funny, puts up with a lot, everyone's second-favorite deppen after baby deppen.
masha slamovish. tiny, angry, extremely hitty. the ultimate heel, except for that time she beat up mark sterling. 10/10 would trust her with my life ONLY if she was standing between me and someone she hated more than me.
recent favorite, lil mean kathleen. the energy of this woman. shes like five feet tall at most, so fucking loud, so fast, so crazy good for how short a time she's been in the ring. absolute delight, she's a fuckin energizer bunny. cannot wait to see what she does as she grows.
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dark sheik (in white and blood). a hardcore l e g e n d. the baddest of baddasses. shes gonna fight nick gage soon, and i gotta tell you, this might be the only time im worried for gage's safety. ain't even a joke. absolutely love to see trans wrestlers thriving now.
edith surreal, i gotta tell you possibly my favorite wrestler of all time. in the gif above this, she was still wrestling as still life with apricots and pears, and she was still one of my favs even then. getting to watch her transition by way of wrestling has been a JOY, friends. and the fact that she decided to share this journey with us? ugh. my heart.
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the poise, the style. impeccable.
there's just so much great talent out there. big swole, red velvet, gigi dolan, jody threat, jordynne grace, kris statlander, kimber lee, ashley vox, britt baker. i miss wow women of wrestling so much. these women need a place that will aCTUALLY BOOK WOMEN'S MATCHES.
and i would fuckin' be remiss if i didnt acknowledge the need for queer friendly spaces, specifically in regards to nonbinary wrestlers. there's not really a space in mainstream wrestling because there's such a puritan hangup about intergender wrestling. so performers like sonny kiss and max the impaler are relegated to only the men's and women's divisions, respectively. it's extremely bullshit. need to fix that STAT.
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ryttu3k · 3 years
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Oh boy, let's see! Three bingos, mostly negative ones left. Try and pick ones to fit those, if you want! Here are my thoughts below the cut.
PerfectWorldShipping (Sycamore/Lysandre, Pokemon): I'm conflicted about it. Yeah, seriously. See I goddamn love them but there are so many conditions on there (gameverse only and not anime, only in verses where Lysandre is redeemed/redeemable, et cetera) that I can't just go blindly sadhfkj over them. Seriously.
IsshuShipping (Hilbert/N, Pokemon): I like it platonically. I know XD;; I actually did use to ship the hell out of this, but I've since got to the point where their relationship is probably a lot healthier if it's platonic?
FerrisWheelShipping (Hilda/N, Pokemon): Fandom ruined them. Why are there so many doe-eyed helpless Hildas. W h y. Otherwise it'd be the same as Isshu.
Best Enemies (Doctor/Master, Doctor Who): I'm sending them to superhell. Like I goddamn love them absolutely my OTP but oh goodness they kind of deserve superhell XD
Beckett/Sascha/Ilias, VtM: They make me unwell (aka I'm gone for them). I made this OT3 and now I'm gonna cry over them.
Jan/Sascha, VtM: I'm open to it. I feel they could bond well over shitty sires and wanting to make an actual change?
Theo Bell/Beckett, VtM: It's okay/I'm neutral. Haven't really considered it but yeah, there's potential there!
Beckett/Anatole/Lucita, VtM: I really need this to be canon. I mean it IS canon but I need them to just say "yeah they love each other and it's canon and there's nothing you can do about it". They love each other!!
LaCroix/Bach, VtM: Dig the vibes, but not the ship itself. Like I can get the concept, but it's not my thing.
Lucita/Fatima, VtM: I want to kiss them. More correctly I want them to kiss each other. Good shit.
Nodsquadshipping - already answered!
Pragueshipping (Theo/Jan, VtM): Would read fic about it. Definite potential there, seriously.
Spock/Kirk, Star Trek: Relationship goals. They are married. They are the ship.
Link/Sheik/Zelda, Legend of Zelda: *slaps roof* This ship can fit so much projection in it. ...So yeah I definitely worked out some Gender Feelings via Sheik and Zelda XD;;
Ilias/Sascha, VtM: OTP. I reserved this slot for them because they're so in love and I cry and look at them and this got me a first bingo!
Ilias/Sascha/Beckett/Anatole/Lucita/Fatime polycule extraordinare, VtM: I love them! They all love each other dangit.
Gideon/Harrow, Locked Tomb Trilogy: The impact/their story is more interesting than the ship itself. Okay I'm struggling to find spots I haven't used yet lmao. Basically they love each other and their relationship is absolutely important but the relationship can take many forms and also I'd rather see them both start to heal properly before starting anything.
Link/Sidon, Legend of Zelda: I'd die for them. The wholesomeness ;_; Second bingo!
Julian Sim/Lettow Kaminsky, VtM: I like it in theory. Mostly because in practice they'd murder each other. And third bingo!
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valiblythe · 3 years
~ Cadence Hyrule ~
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First Name: Cadence
Pronunciation: ˈkādns
Meaning: modulation of the voice.
Middle Name: Sheik
Pronunciation: SHēk
Last Name: Hyrule
Pronunciation: Hai-Rool
Nickname: Cad; Cade; Cadenza
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Hylian
Sexual Orientations: Bisexual
D.O.B: 08.01. 2002
Zodiac: Leo
Photo Gallery: here! and here!
Appearance ~
Face Type: Diamond
Hairstyle: Hair down; Messy bun
Hair colour: periwinkle
Hair Accessories: N/A
Eye shape: almond
Eye colour: blue
Glasses?: N/A
Contacts?: N/A
Facial Hair: N/A
Skin Tone: pale
Complexion: fair
Body Type: mesomorphic
Height: 5'1
Weight: 115 lbs
Birthmarks: N/A
Scars: Has a tiny cut on her cheek
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Clothing Style: See pic above
Health ~
General health: Good
Posture: Straight
Any physical illnesses?: None
Any mental illnesses?: Depression
Addictions: None
Memory: Great
Allergies: Has an allergy to white safflina
Handicap: N/A
Medications?: N/A
Phobias: Athazagoraphobia, Thanatophobia
Father: King Rhoam Bosphoramus Hyrule
Mother: Queen of Hyrule
Brother: N/A
Sister: Princess Zelda Hyrule
Best friend: Link, Sheik (Aka Zelda- XD)
Close friend: Impa; Revali (though they do clash a lot); Prince Sidon
Friend: the chuchus, and the bokos- you know how it is; Lady Urbosa and Daruk
Pets: has a tiny water chuchu; Has a horse named Aries
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Crush: Master Sooga (cuz who doesnt anyway-)
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Link; dated Revali for a month and got tired of him
Spouse/Fiancee: Link
Strengths: Her independence; Wide range of knowledge; flexibility; is very precise; calculated; has her mindset on one goal; her unbelievable power
Weakness: Her emotions/her heart
-----> Cadence was first filled with revenge and sorrow. It drove her to her 'purpose'--- and that was to destroy the Hylians. But as soon as she meets them, she learns many things from them. It sparkled that light inside of her that was dead all her life. She's independent, precise, and serious, but has a great sense of humour without even trying. She's kind, and compassionate to people, especially animals. She's gentle in nature if she has to be, but great in combat. She won't think twice about killing something. She's fierce and tough and doesn't want people to see her weaknesses. But those weaknesses come to life when it comes to her loved ones. She'll do anything to save them, and that, they consider a weakness. It was using her heart.
LoZ Stuff~
Role: antagonist at first, but the protagonist in the end
Where is seen first?: Legend of Zelda: BOTW
Where can be found: At the Yiga Clan camp
Do they own a divine beast?: Yes
If so what's the animal the divine beast?: A wolf
How is it troubling the town?: N/A
What's the divine beast's name?: The Moon/ The Labyrinth
(Note: this Divine Beast is the 5th one, supposedly Link's, but he tells her to take care of it while he does what he does in the Kingdom)
Quest: The Ex-Champion's Ballad
What blight is Ganon?: Monk Maz Kosha
Game Interactions~
Dialogue When first meeting: "You're finally awake.. Great. Oh your clothes, Sir. *clears throat* a-anyway please follow me... Be careful of the bokos-"
Dialog when seeing each other in a different region: "Ah.. such... a horrible coincidence- I-I meant a good coincidence.. We meet again.."
Dialog when player is in Gerudo clothing: "This- Is.. not what I signed up for.. But it works. I guess..."
Dialog when player isn't wearing any clothing: "What do you think you're doing?? Everyone's seeing me like this!! Damn you, give me my clothes back!!"
Quest Stuff~
Quest Name: Link's Guardian
Quest Type: Main Quest
Quest Description: You met Link at the Shrine of Resurrection. He didn't remember anything. Now, you have to follow him through his adventures and guide him. You will serve as his protector. When you reach the end, it is time for you to go. Don't worry, you will still be there with him. Your power is his strength.
Dialogue when giving quest: "*explains quest* Okay. We have to work together to... help Master Link.. I won't let anything happen to him.*
Dialogue when the player is finishing the quest: "Ah... you made it... thank you, thank you for helping me succeed. It is a great honour to work with you. Now, I trust that he is in good hands. Take care of him for me, please? Many things lie ahead {name}... May the goddess smile upon you.."
Game Universe: BOTW
Upper Body Strength: 8/10
Lower Body Strength: 9/10
Overall Strength: 8/10
Hand to Hand Combat: 7/10
Weaponry Combat: 10/10
Emotions: 8/10
Calmness: 6/10
Recklessness: 10/10
Speed: 8/10
Reflexes: 8/10
Agility: 9/10
Intelligence: 7/10
Obedience: 5/10
BACKSTORY (Can change depending on the RP or story plot)
Rebels. That's all you know of us. The Yiga Clan, thieves. You only know so much, that you call us evil. I was fooled too, but in a different way as you. What good could there be any way in such evil people?
No one is really truly evil. The people around them, the things they do, are the ones that make them evil. Revenge drives them to become the way they are now. But they only see the bad in you, not themselves.
Ever since I was a child, I knew I was an outcast. A simple loner who didn't deserve love. I was thrown away by my father, the king of Hyrule. I was a cursed child ever since then, and I will always be. I can see why he threw me away, I was simply not needed and is of no use to him at all.
But life isn't as cruel as it seems to be. When all hope is lost, someone will be there to pick you up. But in change, you owe them your life. You had to pay a debt. Master Kohga tells me a story, tells me that he found me out in the Hyrule Garrison, surrounded by creatures who threatened to kill me.
Until that they on, I served him, and treated him like a father. I owe him my life, and I'd do anything to set things right. Though I knew I wasn't his child, I treated him like he was my father anyway. Whoever threw me out don't deserve to be called my parents, because how could a parent ever throw their children away, as if they're nothing to them?
But some things you blindly just follow solely because it was a debt you had to pay when you don't realise how evil you're becoming.
All my life, I simply wanted to avenge myself. After my father had told me how he found me, and who my parents were.. all I could feel was grief. Sadness. Pain. Little did I know was that I was going to meet a certain someone who was going to change that negative perspective of mine. Perhaps someone to clear the clouds after a stormy day.
It all started when I set off for a mission. My mission was to get inside information on the Hylians and the Hyrule Kingdom. Then, once I fulfil that mission of mine, well... we destruct their foundation. Only then will they know how much it hurts to be broken and thrown away.
Credit to the owner on the picture and template!
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radramblog · 3 years
Super Smash Brothers Ultimate has finally unveiled its final DLC character, with reactions ranging fully across the spectrum. Hot takes abound.
I mean, statistically, just about every possible opinion is going to be represented. There were at least 500,000 people watching the reveal stream, and that’s not including those viewing through restreams. That’s insane for a trailer of any kind, let alone for a console-exclusive video game DLC.
Now that it’s been like… a day and a bit, I think most of the spciest takes have probably been made, which is the perfect time for me to chip in with my own milder opinion. More of a butter chicken, really.
(no images in this one i’m lazy tonight)
I figure I’m this late already, might as well drop some notes on the other ones first.
Piranha Plant was kind of the definition of an unexpected pick. Not only was it from an already well-represented franchise, being fucking Mario, it’s also just…not a character. As such it makes an odd choice for a DLC fighter…except for the part where it was free. If you owned the game in its first month. And frankly, I don’t think people would have been happy if it wasn’t. As it is, though, it’s a perfectly fine character- surprisingly cute, actually.
I’m unsurprised about Joker’s inclusion. With how huge Persona 5 became in both Japan and the west, capitalizing on it to make a shitload of money makes perfect sense. The character plays well enough, though the meter gimmick was kind of a daunting sign of things to come. All that in mind, though, the most surprising thing about Joker being in the game is that they still haven’t put P5 on the Switch. Atlus please.
Hero and Banjo/Kazooie were announced on the same night, and I distinctly recall someone saying that this was one for the Japanese audience and one for the Americans. I mean, I’ve never played Dragon Quest, so I guess I fell into the latter? Both series have a long, well-regarded pedigree (Banjo’s lack of recent offerings notwithstanding), so both arguably deserve their respective positions. Hero is the much more notable character gameplaywise, though, with the incredibly complex mana and spellcasting mechanics. Complaints about RNG in Smash aren’t completely unfounded- though it has existed in the past in the form of, say, Luigi’s misfiring side-B- but I know a lot of people think Hero took it too far. If I’m honest, though, the weirdest thing is just having Akira Toriyama-ass 3D models in the game. Banjo’s gameplay is…awkward. The kit is kind of a mess, but at least the gimmicks weren’t going too hard, you know?
Next was Terry, perhaps the most obscure character on the entire list in 2021. I actually really like Terry in this game- while he’s still trying to emulate a similar feel to Ryu/Ken, the difference feels more natural, if that makes sense. Maybe it’s because I’ve never really devoted significant time to them, but Terry’s kit feels easier to work within than the Shotos when going between characters.
Finally for the first Pass, we had Byleth. I think it’s for the best that they announced the second Fighter’s Pass before this released, because if both 4 and Ultimate had ended their run on Fire Emblem DLCs then people would have been pissed. I mean, people were already pissed, but like…moreso. As someone who has played Three Houses, I do think the game is worth celebrating, but having yet another Fire Emblem Protagonist (read: basically a blank slate) in the game over all the substantially more interesting characters 3H has to offer is just really frustrating. Also the final smash looks like dogshit, like FE3H has overall worse animations than Smash for obvious reasons but I’m pretty sure this attack looked better the first time around.
FP2 opened with Min Min, which brings ARMS to the table. ARMS. The only first-party fighting game Nintendo has outside of Smash, so it looks a bit less weird next to everything else but…come on, man. I think this was the most confusing pick of all of them- the game came out in 2017, and having Min Min in Smash would serve as promotion for a sequel…which hasn’t been announced. There was a graphic novel in the works, but it was cancelled earlier this year. Oops? At least the stage was fun.
As much as playing them is awkward and complex, the Minecraft addition was fitting. Only the best-selling game around. I think people weren’t sure if Microsoft would go for it, but they let us have Banjo, so sure. I’m mostly just annoyed that they couldn’t get any of the songs from the actual game in there- like, you got one in from the fucking mobile game, but you couldn’t just get C418 on the phone?
Sephiroth is definitely one of the hype-ier releases from this pass. The character is iconic, as is his theme and his home game. I’ve never played any Final Fantasy game, but I can still respect the name. Once I remember how to spell it. The whole bossfight aspect to his release was also quite cool, while it lasted.
On the other hand, I have no love for Pyra nor Mythra. There’s so much wrong with these ones, frankly. They’re another swordy character, immediately following Sephiroth too, and they go back on Smash’s very deliberate decision to split characters like Zelda/Sheik and Samus/ZSS up (Yes I know Pokemon Trainer does the same thing but I have a lot more leniency for them). Add in their being from a JRPG much less well-known or remembered than the previous couple characters and the designs being…questionable, I have a big issue with the whole thing. This was also around when I kinda stopped playing the game in general, and they definitely didn’t help pull me back in.
Kazuya might have, though. With the exception of him and Sephiroth, all the characters from the Fighter’s Passes were pretty much protagonist-types, but this motherfucker pulses with the essence of bad guy. What I’m saying is that he’s fucking cool, and while he’s ludicrously complex, that makes perfect sense since…I mean just look at the combo lists from Tekken 7. His inclusion also kinda rounds out the list of biggest fighting game franchises out there being rep’d in the game, though I imagine now I’m going to have stans from Mortal Kombat or whatever on my back. They’re not going to put a fatality-capable character in Smash, guys!
Finally, this rounds us around to the original point of this article. Let’s talk about Sora. And by that I mean…I don’t really have a huge amount to say about him. Kingdom Hearts is a franchise that completely passed me by growing up, and I don’t think I have the time or energy to devote to it now. I’m sure it’s good, people seemed really excited for him to be in the game so they have to have gotten that love from somewhere, but I don’t share that feeling.
That’s not to say that I don’t think he deserves a slot. The idea of ��deserving a slot” in Smash Bros is kind of an odd concept, even though it’s come up a lot so far this post. But a slot in this roster isn’t just a place in a popular fighting game, because at this point, Smash is kind of a museum of (mostly Nintendo) games- and so having representation is a forever acknowledgment that the franchise is, or has been, an icon to so many. Kingdom Hearts, to my knowledge, has 100% earned that position, and so Sora getting to be playable here makes perfect sense. He wasn’t my pick (Touhou representation never I guess), but I’m happy for those who wanted him.
As far as the actual gameplay looks, he reads like a character that kept in mind what people didn’t like about Hero when he released. It’s another sword-based character, which I think at this point speaks more about the demographic of video game characters than it does about Smash. But I appreciate that the Magic Bullshit is toned down, and that it’s also his only real gimmick (The 3-hit combo feature is A Thing, but other characters e.g. Bayonetta have already done that, so whatever). His recovery potential looks patently absurd- like he just gets Pikachu/Pichu’s Up-B as a Side-B that can also be chained with his actual Up-B? This guy better be light as hell or he’s going to be super hard to take out. I dunno, I think he looks solidly fun enough- more dynamic and aerial than the other swordfighters, at least- and that’s good enough for me.
And I guess that marks the end of Smash Ultimate. Not with a bang, but with a key…dude. It’s been a very solid run, the game managing to keep itself fresh across several years of development, even as other games have risen and fallen. Smash is kind of forever at this point, I think, though the finality of Ultimate’s ultimate character implies that this particular iteration may be coming to its end. And seeing as it is always one Smash per console, I wouldn’t be shocked if the Switch itself was nearing its endgame as well.
Okay but also it’s pretty funny how they heavily censored everything Disney out of Sora’s DLC except for that little Mickey charm on the trailer, like how much must that one shot have cost them, was it even remotely worth it, I don’t know but I kinda want to
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