#shes a cool aunt like that
ultipoter · 11 months
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Very r/thathappened, but I was drawing pokemon stuff with my 7 years old niece and she wanted me to draw a human. Me: So, do you have a character in mind? Maybe from some cartoon? Her: Draw Arceus! Me: That's a Pokemon, do you have any human character you'd like to see? Her: Hmm... What if it was like a human who looked like Arceus Me: a-
So obviously I latch onto any excuse to draw Volo
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ccircusclwn · 4 months
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(takes place in the alenoah gay dads au bcs yeah,,,)
mks fave memory w her aunt kit is when she and owen tagged along to a trip to an amusement park!! ^_^
she had so much fun w her -- and still does! yippee!
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cerulean-crow · 4 months
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Ever since the mlp movie came out and gave us Capper and other anthro cat characters- I’ve enjoyed injecting that into my own headcanon/reimagining and making pet characters like Opal into them as well!
So enjoy a little doodle of my Opalescence <3
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sunntownn · 5 months
I feel like tfp or any version of megatron deserves a moody and violent teenage human daughter that simultaneously annoys and terrifies him in a silly way. "what do you mean you stabbed starscreams toe?? why?? what is a toe?? why does he have toe??" "you have autobot pets to manipulate and spy on at the human government's puny excuse for an education facility, get out of berth this instant or your grounded!"
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c4ts4ndstuff · 8 months
if you haven't read the Septimus Heap books by Angie Sage, i definitely recommend you go read them. there's no way she hasn't had the desire to go live in the woods
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veveisveryuncool · 8 months
If you're still taking art requests:
What about Chuchu and Susie hanging out? They're both cute pink girls and I think they deserve to be friends.
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im not actually doing official requests right now but i got the exact same anon months ago so. this one goes out to all the Pink Girl Enjoyers out there 👉👉
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dedenneblogs · 3 months
(heartbreak high) that one babysitting format meme
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but my fun lil spin on it
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brooklynisher · 6 months
This is what my SPG Pinterest board looks like rn if you even care
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As of late, this makes me feel very happy
I can’t explain
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slashthrashandcrash · 3 months
Have you ever seen dads on the loose? There’s only the first episode/pilot out but it’s a series that’s gonna be on YouTube and it’s basically if the legion was adopted by different slashers (Frank gets adopted by ghost face/Danny, Julie gets adopted by myers, Joey adopted by Freddy Krueger, and Susie was adopted by bubba and Jason) it is so good even tho they only got the first part out and I really recommend it, they are seriously underrated
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That was so fucking phenomenal I cannot explain how obsessed I am immediately. Yes we all know Ghostface is my number one babygirl but genuinely I am in love with this portrayal of him and his relationship with Frank!!!!!!!
And Joey, sweet Joey, I love he..........Julie seeing Michael is literally me tho like girl we are sharing clown to clown communication. That art style is so fun and stylized, too!! And again, I love that Danny has to continually be the voice of reason with the other adults (well, okay, the only other person with a "voice" is Freddy so it's not that much of a competition--) while simultaneously threatening to kill Frank for getting on his nerves every 8 minutes.
More! Legion! Getting! Adopted!!!!!!
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inflashback · 2 years
listen to me. listen. gault loved jed walker and wanted him to feel safe in an abusive home. she played his trusty backup so he could be a hero, and she gave him the powers of her long-missing boss, and she appeared as his dead mother who he hadn’t seen in seven years in order to make him feel protected, and when her boss showed up in this boy’s dreams she went and handled the fight because she just wanted jed to feel safe shut UP i’m INSANE
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15-lizards · 6 months
Need a film adaptation of Little Women where Jo clearly does not want to marry Bhaer and is pressured into it. A reflection of the publishers pressuring Louisa May Alcott to have Jo be married at the end, if you will. I think it would fix me in a really weird way
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In my au Stanley (narrow gauge) has a special interest in insects (I hc him as being into animals, they don’t judge you for your “jinx” and he’s got a soft spot for critters that are seen as “bad luck”) and tends to blurt out the most detailed information, he often info-dumps with and to Nia who encourages it cause it makes him happy once he’s freed from his “jinx” and she know every single insect name alphabetically along with their scientific names and nicknames Here we have Duke immediately regretting asking them if they can name every single species and ends up sleeping when they’re engrossed in their conversation before leaving when they were in the mid section of the e category (Nia gave him “the disappointment older sister look” awhile back so the poor guy can trapped there and wondered how did he got ever himself into this situation)
Basically it’s just Stanley to Duke in alphabetical order: Alderflies Angel Insects Anoplura (Sucking lice) Ants Antlions Aphids Archeognatha (Bristletails) Barklice Bees Beetles Bird lice Biting lice Blattodea (Cockroaches) Booklice Bristletails Bugs Butterflies Caddisflies Chewing lice Cicadas Cockroaches Coleoptera (Beetles) Collembola (Springtails) Crickets Damselflies Diplura Diptera (Flies) Dobsonflies Dragonflies-
Nia joining in cause she was mad at Duke: ah yes the alderfly which are megalopteran insects of the family Sialidae. They are closely related to the dobsonflies and fishflies as well as to the prehistoric Euchauliodidae. All living alderflies – about 66 species all together are part of the subfamily Sialinae, which contains nine extant genera. Sialinae have a body length of less than 25 mm (1 inch), long filamentous antennae, and four large dark wings of which the anterior pair is slightly longer than the posterior. They lack ocelli and their fourth tarsal segment is dilated and deeply bilobed. Dead alderfly larvae are used as bait in fishing-
duke:shooketh (Nia’s is basically the train version of a encyclopedia also her design is based off of MrTerrier673 on Twitter)
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cedarbranch · 6 months
i think abigail would favor a rifle as her weapon of choice (points i'll elaborate on later) and i also think she and will would both spend a fair amount of time outside the house they share, just wandering around in the woods, mostly solitary but sometimes together... anyway wouldn't it be hilarious if hannibal and will both came with her one time and she showed off how good she's gotten at target practice but she's like... kind of disconcertingly good..... and hannibal just gives her an Assessing Look and is like "you're starting to remind me quite a bit of someone else" and abigail goes :) you mean chiyoh? and will is like [buffering screen] and abigail's just like haha yeah she's been teaching me to shoot straighter lol. and chiyoh has just been out there with her the entire time.
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spacedace · 11 months
“I’m hanging up the mask.” He finally said.
It wasn’t quite like the first time he’d said it out loud, in the privacy of his apartment, curled in bed with Jazz. Only brave enough to whisper the words in the dark. There wasn’t that rush of anxiety and relief that had hit him at finally saying what had twisted over and over in his head for weeks. Now there was just that settled feeling, the certainty of it all, the surety of being on the path he wanted to be on.
He closed his hand into a loose fist, fingers rubbing over his palm, imagining he could still feel the warmth of Jazz’s skin beneath his hand. The tiny thump-thump-thump that always made his stomach flip and his heart squeeze when he felt it. It made it all the easier to say, “I wanted to ask if you’d look after my territory for me when I do.”
(Jason asks a fellow Alley Kid for help as he begins the next chapter of his life.)
Chapter 2 of Gotham Ghosts is up! Jumping ahead to Year 3, featuring Jason & Steph bonding, some Anger Management, and Jason taking a step back from the vigilante/crime lord business! :D
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inhumansandwiches · 1 year
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oh, Kate...
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real-reulbbr-band · 2 months
If they have kids with platoria?
I assume you mean this one prompt thing? If so absolutely! (Don't mind me making this pretty it's cause I'll most likely be pinning it) ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა𓎩♨
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(。•ㅅ•。)〝₎₎ Basics! ✦₊ ˊ˗
. .╭∪─∪────────── ✦ ⁺.
. .┊ ◟﹫ Name: Chiffon * ੈ ♡🍮 ⸝⸝🪐 ༘ ⋆
. .┊﹒𐐪 Gender: Female
. .┊ꜝꜝ﹒General Appearance : Chiffon is an American Curl kitten, her coat is a soft blend of palish-blondes and whites; ginger and rosy markings speckle her fur, creating a warm colored coat reminiscent of a sunrise. She has longer waves of fur around her arms and legs that appear to dance with every movement. Her ears are rounded giving her a perpetually and curious look. She wears a blue (occasionally pink) pastel Chiffon fabric bow ribbon instead of a collar, and a smaller ribbon of a complementary color around her fluffy tail. 
For in-show reference however, her design is inspired by pre-US Tour 6 and early Hamburg chorus Jennyanydots. I made a little moodboard If that helps :3
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. .┊ ⨳゛Personality: Chiffon is an imaginative kitten who enjoys the simpler things in life. If you don’t find her socializing with any of the other kittens or eagerly helping her parents with their daily tasks, she’s most likely off trying to come up with a new ribbon dance routine. But her creativity isn’t limited to dance; she loves playing make-believe and finding articles around the junkyard that she can make fashionable. She is observant and tends to pick up on cues from her environment quickly; like her mother, she values empathy, leading her to be more mindful of the emotions of those around her. Even though she gives off the impression of being confident, she is highly sensitive to criticism and conflicts, which she frequently responds to poorly, making her feel like she's being backed into a corner. Her sensitivity, however, finds a good balance with her playful and inherently easygoing nature towards life.
. .┊ ◟ヾ Special Talents: Her Talent is ribbon dancing, which Plato and especially Victoria were happy to see her take interest in; her routines were normally quite whimsical and fun. Despite lacking technique while she was still young, she made up for in her boundless energy when performing for her parents. However, she does eventually grow to have exceptional precision and expertise in ribbon dancing.
. .┊﹒𐐪 Who they like better : It really depends on the moment. Chiffon throws around the word "favorite" depending on the day, not fully understanding its significance, normally while she's snuggling up to one of her parents. Plato and Victoria don't take it too seriously, but they do like to play-fight about who's the favorite whenever Chiffon throws around that word since it does make Chiffon happy. Regardless, they both know they're Chiffon's favorite adults in the yard, and that's plenty enough.
. .┊ ◟﹫ Who they take more after : Visually, I'd like to say a good blend of both, but since Victoria is pure white, she generally appears more like Plato, with her ginger mane and heavier markings around her coat, but her white and rose-colored markings and the careful way she carries herself make it clear she's Victoria's.
But in terms of personality, she inherits a good amount from both of them. Plato's easygoing nature and protective instincts did influence Chiffon's more empathetic demeanor, particularly when she interacts with others. From Victoria, she did inherit her innocence (which isn't as noticeable when she's young but becomes more apparent when she's older) along with her innate attraction to dance that differs from the typical jellicle, and of course the way she moves when simply walking or interacting with others is similar to Victoria's own gracefulness. 
. .┊ ◟ৎ Personal Head canon: Well, any head canon I have about her just becomes canon regardless, but she really didn't adjust well to collars, much like her father; whenever she had one on, she kept tugging at it and needed long breaks of not wearing it. This didn't go on for too long, as Plato and Victoria realized she wasn't adjusting to collars comfortably, so Victoria chose an alternative, ribbons. there were plenty of spares around the junkyard, so each morning Victoria would groom her and ask her to select the ribbon she wanted for the day and tied it around her neck securely. Chiffon did enjoy this, and the spare ribbons did end up sparking her interest in ribbon dancing.
. .┊ ⋆𐙚₊˚ Face claim: Lisbeth Brittain!
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I was going to reblog that prompt but then I realized I only had one "finished" kitten fankid so this is perfect! Thank you SM!!
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