#shes an elf and has lived a weird life ok- leave her alone!
seahagart · 8 months
What are Drifa's first opinions of the companions before she gets to know them?
Lae'zel: First companion she would meet, immediately understands she's very brave and 'knows what she's doing', respects. As time goes on, I think Drífa's indifference towards her comments/insults would wane, she would ignore it/not understand what she's saying, or would just think she's making a comment like 'you have an ugly large nose' and drifa is like 'you have no nose, see drífa have eyes', then would probably get tired of it, poking the bear, but remain stoic which i think would bother lae'zel more than getting a reaction lolol. Lae'zel hates Drífa... or does she.... :)
Shadowheart: Second companion, small elf girl, anytime shadowheart is like 'i don't wanna talk about it' drífa's like 'aight' and leaves, which is why shadowheart likes her now. Drífa is concerned, a small elf all alone. Feels shes quite small and fragile to be into the things shes talking about, but whatever. literally has no idea who shar is so is like 'cool goddess, i respect your faith' because drifa also follows a rather fierce goddess. Drifa prefers to listen over talking, so they get along well. shadowheart is desperately trying to smash rn
Gale: Pulled this weirdo out of a rock, a malnourished human, appears sickly. Drífa is confused by most of what he says, but he is rather poetic so she enjoys the 'nonsense' he talks about. Now she has 3 main landers to take care of. Gale talks way too much, but it is entertaining to her. She does not like that he believes he could compete with a goddess.... the gods are gods for a reason, to think you could understand their meaning, or be equal to one is conceited to her. She understands it's because of 'love', but she is weary. Gale is trying to smash now in my play through.
Astarion: weird little malnourished elf man. He also talks to much. Drífa has two talkative dramatic tiny boys and two ladies that hate each other so she's kinda remembering why she lived in isolation for 35 years. Astarion she probably views like a cat, like seeks attention when he wants it, eats what he wants, believes he's the best one here. She is not afraid of him being a vampire because she simply would never let an elf fell her, that would be a true dishonor. he's mildly offended. She doesn't tolerate his dislike of children, but typically doesn't really care what he does.
Wyll: Another little guy with sad eyes. Another human. Drifa likes him, he's polite, seems to know what he's doing, seems 'the most normal' plus has seen his share of battle (like lae'zel) so she's glad to have him along. Obviously when things go down she's like 'wow... yet another guy with baggage with a blue lady...' side eying gale. She likes his stories, listens intently to his deeds of good and protecting the sword coast, overall likes him but is still like 'here is another small human- oops small devil for my collection'
Karlach: Finally someone who looks like they're a warrior. Likes her, feels like she doesn't need to protect/take care of, which is good so she can focus her energies on the softies of the party. Drífa would like Karlach, she's a bit blunt and a bit more energetic than Drífa is used to, but probably likes that. Karlach's dancing, lust for life, and fire would be highly approved. I think Drífa wouldn't really get why she's sad about not being touched
Halsin: another gd ELF, but this ones big and can turn into a bear so thats ok. I think they'd have a lot in common but Drífa views him more as a tree hugger. She appreciates nature, so i think they could get along well.... though she finds him confusing... she doesn't feel like she needs to worry about him, and he's pretty forward and upfront so it works out well.
There are all first impressions. Drífa was raised to take care of herself and herself only, keep to her own, and that strength = power, because her lifestyle is very physically demanding. Being big and strong is important, being fat and strong is more important to survive frozen winters etc. She is a loner suddenly surrounded by people for the first time in her life, and is doing her best to keep them alive because obviously they need her help and this is a mission given to her by her goddess, why else would she have sent the ship to take her, to bring her to these people...
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gin-draws · 4 years
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our party’s cleric and fighter found my rogue’s diary (which they manifested into existence by insisting it’s what they found to our DM.)
we’ve yet to deal with the fallout, but that scene in bridesmaids fit pretty well- so...
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for the character ask meme: elrond, because we don't talk about him as much as he deserves
Ah Elrond! He’s so great and deserves all the love. 
I love these character asks I’m getting. <3
How I feel about this character
Elrond was my first favourite character of Lord of the Rings! I loved him from the start. 
It’s the tragic life story and his resilience that really gets to me - and something about him as a character that I admire. He has seen everyone in his life die or leave, he of all people has the right to say ‘I’m done with the dying of others’. His parents, uh, left? Died? Turned into a star, at the very least. Which is a cold comfort. But Elrond and Elros witnessed that whole massacre and mess. 
Then his brother chooses mortality, so Elrond watches Elros age. Watches him become an old man with all the pain of senility and the things that happen when your body fails. His proud brother. Then watches Elros die. And Elros never will meet Elrond’s children or grandchildren. Will never see the highs and lows of his life, be there for him. Elrond was there for Elros’ but Elros left him alone to weather his own life. 
Then Celebrian. The horrible things that happened to her which he couldn’t prevent or stop. So she leaves for the undying lands - which I 100% cannot blame her for because oh man so would I. But she’s now gone from him in all meaningful ways (until they meet again, yadda yadda). 
And, to a certain degree, Elrond lost his sons after Celebrian’s attack and leaving as they became so absorbed in revenge and Let’s Hunt Some Orc. I can’t help but feel they got stuck there, in the moment of their mother’s torture and her inability to live with them afterwards. So Elrond watches his sons relive that time over and over and he can’t reach them. 
Then Arwen, with her mirrored name for a cousin she never met born of an uncle she would never know, chooses a mortal life for a man descended from his brother. 
Anyway, poor fucking Elrond. 
I also, of course, love his intelligence and his grace and his ability to put up with shit from other elves for you know, being One of Those Dirty Half-Elven Sort. Never quite enough. And he bears it all with fortitude and strength. It’s admirable. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Gil-Galad because I’m Like That. 
Otherwise, I read Elrond as pretty ace? Did his duty to make les bebes but you know, he’s not a sexual person. 
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Hard to say. I know Elrond is surrounded by people - his home is the happy haven for the weary (and unweary alike). There is always music and laughter and food and healing but amidst all of that I can’t help but feel that Elrond is alone, in his own way. 
I suspect some one of his closer friends is Glorfindel, maybe Gandalf. 
But his bro? His bro is Bilbo. Countless lives of men, countless losses among losses, and Elrond’s very alone because he is so devoted to healing others he does not have time or ability to heal himself. 
And in walks Bilbo Motherfucking Baggins. Shows up, ‘Bitch you’re sad and alone, but not any more because I won’t let you be.’ Then they leave for the undying lands at the same time because Bilbo is like ‘You’re my friend, we’re doing this together.’ 
Legolas and Gimli roll up, everyone is aghast. Bilbo thinks this is the Best Thing To Ever Happen. Elrond is also pleased because fuck all that old Elf v Dwarf noise. Where has that gotten any of them? Only to a place of pain and misery. 
My unpopular opinion about this character
I don’t think I have one? I feel like my general read of him isn’t too controversial. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish he had one final time where he got to be with Elros for a day. For both their sakes’ but mostly Elrond’s. And that he got to see Arwen again, one last time. And Aragorn because he loves his weird feral son. 
Arwen, ‘I managed to get him to stop eating bark.’ 
Elrond, ‘Thank the sweet gods.’ 
Arwen, ‘And Boromir managed to convince him to sit through most council meetings.’ 
Elrond, ‘Glad someone was able to.’
Arwen, ‘Adda, remind me again why you thought he was the proper one to be king?’ 
Elrond, ‘Something something prophesy. Look, I know a good man and a leader when I see one. He just needed some uh ... prodding.’  
Aragorn, ‘Adda do you know how traumatizing council meetings are??’ 
Boromir, ‘You’re fine. Calm down.’ 
Elrond, ‘How did he get in here??’ 
Boromir, ‘Snuck in with Gimli and Legolas.’ 
Anyway, Elrond needs his family and deserves his family. 
Thank you so much! i adore Elrond and he deserved so much better than what he got. But so do most of the characters in this series. 
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saelwen · 5 years
Lost in Middle-Earth
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Thranduil x reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
Summary: Y/n finds herself falling asleep after watching all the Lord of the rings movie on Friday night, tired after a week of studying and working. What will happen when she finds herself in the middle of a forest with orcs running after her  
Warnings: None only Thranduil being a sassy bitch
A/n : First of all I want to say thank you to everyone who like it this story! I really appreciate the support. You guys are awesome.
(Thranduil P.O.V)
I was sitting on my throne, waiting for Mithrandir to came in. I put my hand on my face, letting a sigh fall from my lips. What on the Valar it’s going on?! First there's a Human yelling that she is from another world and know Mithrandir appears of know where, saying that someone has arrive to Middle-Earth. This is crazy, so much had happened to me this millennium, the death of my wife, my son leaving me for seek adventure after the battle of the five armies and now this. If this little human right, why is she here?  
The sound of doors opening interrupted my thoughts, I look up and see Mithrandir walk to the throne. I sit more straight, lifting my head high, “What is it this time, Mithrandir?” I said with a bored voice, “King Thranduil. I’ve come here to talk about a certain human that you found in your forest.” I sigh and shake my head “The human that was found in my forest it has lost her mind. Maybe the poison that the orc’s dagger had corrupted her, I wouldn’t be surprised since edain are so fragile and weak.” Mithrandir looks to me with a confused face “What do you mean she have lost her mind? What exactly it she saying?” I lift my right hand and start playing with the rings on my fingers “When she woke up, she looked confused and afraid but when I ask her which village that was she from, she said ‘I’m not from this world’. Tell me Mithrandir, do you believe her?” he looks down, seeming lost in thoughts. He begins murmuring something under his breath, “She might be right...The Valar had send me a message saying that Eru himself have send a special human from another realm to Middle-Earth. I think she was sent to help since the One Ring have been found.” with this information I stand up “How was this possible? How Sauron have managed find the One Ring?” I said with panic in voice “The hobbit that was charge of bring the ring to Rivendell was found by the Nazgul's but a ranger succeed to bring him there.” a hobbit? Who would let a hobbit take the One Ring to Rivendell? “King Thranduil if you don’t mind, could I have a word with this human?” I think for a while, how could this human had been sent by Eru? I nod in approval and I tell the guards to bring the human.
(Y/n P.O.V)
The sound of the cell door opening woke me up, I look up and see an elf barging in “W..What’s happening?” I said with a weak voice. The elf grabs me by the arm and force me to stand up “The King wish to see you.” oh shit where we go again, the guard took me out of the cell and lead me to the throne room. During the trip there, I notice how beautiful this place is. The huge pillars decorate with beautiful elven symbols, the bridges were so elegant like I never seen in my life. I was so captivated with the place that didn't notice that we have arrive.
The big doors open and the guard lead me over where the throne was it. There sitting was of course Thranduil, in all of his glory, with an arrogant smirk. The guard throw me and I fall on my knees in front of the throne, a little cry falls from my lips as my body it still hurts from all the stuff have happen to me. Suddenly I feel a comforting warm hand on my back, I look up and see an old man offering me his hand, I took it and whisper a small thank you. He gives me a warm smile, making his skin wrinkles in the corners of his mouth, as I stand up, I took a good look at him, he is wearing a grey robe with a pointy grey hat, he has long dirty grey hair and a long beard. Wait...This is Gandalf!! I try calm down my inner fangirl. Jesus I can’t believe that Gandalf it’s right in front of me, “Hello young one.”  he said with a calm voice “I hope you are feeling better.” I nod “Hello Gandalf The Grey. I could be better if the elvenking haven’t throw into a dungeon.” last words I said with venom as I look to Thranduil, who was now with a frown on his face, as for Gandalf, his face was priceless, his mouth was haging open and his eyes were wide open, I would laugh my ass out but that would make me look like a crazy woman. Gandalf gives a little cough, “I’m sorry My Lady but how do you know my name?” ohhhh right... fuck how I'm going to say that Middle-Earth is fiction story in my world? “Ahh well you see I'm from another world and in there Middle-Earth is just a story. Don’t ask me how I got here because I don’t know. All I know is that I woke up in the middle of a forest, attacked by an orc and then woke up again here. Please you have to believe me!” I plead to him, I hear Thranduil groan and almost feel him rolling his eyes, Christ I hate him, “Calm down child...i believe you.” at this I feel my body relax from happiness “You do?” he nods “Yes...If you know so much about our world, then you understand the dangers that live in it.” he said with a serious voice, I nod, feeling a bit afraid now that I think of all the creatures that live here. “Ok then. King Thranduil I need you take this lovely lady as your guest a while I go find more answers about this...strange event.” Thranduil makes a weird face “Why do I have to taker in? Take her to rivendell or something.” wow what a charming King, I roll my eyes and cross my arms “I don’t need to be protect by greedy king, I can go to the near village or something.” if look could kill, I would be dead right now, the look that Thranduil is giving me was cold and angry, “No...ahhh I'm sorry what's your name, My Lady?” Gandalf ask with a guilty voice, “My name is Y/n.” he nods “Okay Y/n, you can’t go wonder around Middle-Earth, it’s too dangerous for a human like you. Here it’s the safest place for you right now.” I huff and nod, I know that I'm being childish but I can’t stand that sassy king, I'm certain that he is going my live here difficult. Gandalf bow to him and then turns to me “Hope you have a lovely day Y/n.” then he closes the distance between us and whisper in my ear “And good luck with him, I think he needs someone like you.” with that he leaves with a small smile. I stand there with a shocked face. Very funny Gandalf. Thranduil lift up from his throne and walk towards me, “Listen well woman, I don’t want you walking around on my kingdom, you only leave your room with my guards and you will always accompany me on dinner. Am I clear?” I sigh, I've known that this would happen, he would never let me alone, walking around in his kingdom, “Yes, your highness.” I said sarcastically “Good. Tauriel will show you to your new room.” as he said that a beautiful woman enters the room, waiting for me by the door. I nod and walk towards her, thinking of what hell did I get myself into?!
(Thranduil P.O.V)
I had to control my anger when Mithrandir said the human had to stay here. Why in the hell she has to stay here? What if she is a danger to my kingdom? If something happens it will Mithrandir fault.
Watching Y/n leaving the room, I notice how small she is, her h/c makes a beautiful contrast with her soft s/c skin, with those big e/c eyes. She is definitely one of the most beautiful human I’ve seen in my life, she almost looks like an elf. I shake my head, what happen to me? I’ve never been attracted to another woman since my wife died. Ahhh I have to get those thoughts out of my head. I leave the throne room to my bedroom.
I enter in my bedroom and close the door with all my strength, making a loud sound. I take my robe and throw it to bed, I put my crown on the small table and go fill a cup of wine, drowning my stress and rage that this human has caused.
(Y/n P.O.V)
Tauriel show me my room and tell me that she will get me when the it’s dinner time and with that she leaves me alone in my new room.  
I look around me, seeing that the room was HUGE, almost the same size of my small apartment. The room was lovely decorated, the theme color was green forest and a light brown. There is a king size bed with soft green blankets, in the other corner of the room was a huge wardrobe, I walk there and open it, a gasp escapes from my lips as I see that it’s fills of beautiful dresses, am I supposed to wear this? Well I wouldn’t mind it. Closing the wardrobe, I walk to the small balcony, there I could see almost all Mirkwood land, if I've got my phone here, I would take some awesome photos. I sit on the chair and take a deep breath, why am I here? Did anyone back home miss me? I bet that b/f/n is freaking out. I close my eyes, letting all my body melt into the chair. Well I have some time until dinner, so I just might sleep a little. Letting sleep take over me, I could hear all the live in the forest, like I was the animals themselves. I fall asleep cuddling to a soft pillow on the chair, forgetting all the crazy stuff it had happen in those two days.
Hey everyone!!! Here is part 2. Hope you like it!! I’m sorry if the some grammatical error, english it’s not my first language and I have dyslexia so be kind 😊 This series will be slow burn for not jump all the action all the sudden, it will have smut so be warned. Thanks for all the support and good feedback. Feel free to tell me what you think!! XOXO
Taglist: @icarus-fell-in-spring @tigereyesf @yes-captainstark @llama2264 @bowtothewitch @aeryntheofficial 
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girlofmanyfandoms · 4 years
What do you think the council's would have felt after the fight between the council and the black swan where Fitz gets impaled when there back in the lost cities and it hits them that they nearly killed a teenager and he probably has a scar from that encounter?
Ooh, buckle up, buttercup, because I have a LOT to say.
Trigger warnings: Mentions of war, Mentions of kidnapping
Warnings: Spoilers for Keeper of the Lost Cities, Looong response
Clarette was the one at fault for Fitz getting impaled. She was the one who was more concerned with the wellbeing of the Arthropleura, than the wellbeing of the boy who “betrayed” them. I, for one, think the Council was completely irresponsible. They take the Black Swan as a rebel group, but why? I can only think of one real reason.
They genetically altered an elven child, and sent her to the Forbidden Cities, bringing her back when she was 12 - Ok, so this one, I can kind of understand. It’s not right to take genes from two random elves, put the egg in a human, which they were sworn to stay away from for the protection of the planet, and leave the elf there, among the humans, only being watched on by the leader of the organization, who was disguised as an old man next door. Super weird, super creepy, not ethically correct, and illegal. But rebellious?
Sure, the Forbidden Cities are off limits, hence the “Forbidden” part of the name. But can we take a second to understand why? With the information we got in Nightfall, we know that Atlantis was sunk because they needed to cut off all connections with humans. But what happened before that? In Nightfall, we’re told of a golden statue that depicts a human and an elf, standing together in unity. Underneath lies Vespera’s Nightfall, where she kidnapped humans, brought them into what is essentially a torture chamber, and tried to understand how they could do such horrible things with having their minds break when elven minds break completing the same action. She understood how to become close to invincible, and how, in some things, humans are superior to elves.
I’m gong to give you a moment to understand how truly demented this is. Vespera is an ancient elf, just like Bronte, and was among those who got to experience a time where humans and elves lived in unity. Humans walked on the same land as elves and traded market secrets and works of technology, among other things. They were already allies, and they were pretty close, considering there was a statue of them together.
Vespera, an already powerful Empath, wanted to gain the upper hand, gain more power, and consequently gain more status and trust. Vespera wanted to rise above everyone else. Her motive, we’re unsure of, but from what I’ve gathered, she’s power-hungry. So, in order to gain that power, she spent months building her torture chamber under the symbol of the unity of the two species. It was not only the last place someone would look if any information was spilled, it had a beautifully cruel meaning to it, almost mocking. Then, she started kidnapping some human allies, ones that she knew were capable of horrid things, and locked them in the rooms full of mirrors, so they could only see the same images again and again, never knowing where they were coming from. You can also assume that there were other types of torture rooms, all centered around finding out a human’s breaking point, and how they can distance themselves from such guilt.
The Council finds out that humans are going missing, and the humans allies are agitated and enraged. What have their elven allies been doing to their species? Was this all a trap? The Council denies having anything to do with human disappearances and pledges to do what they can to find them. But this isn’t enough to satisfy the humans. They start an uprising, they revoke all resources and trades in place, they plan a defense and attack strategy. Bronte is among the Councillors at that time, and tries to urge his colleagues to take action and clear up the issues, but they’re out of ideas, and their alliances with the other Intelligent Species weaken with each human threat. The goblins and ogres are urging the elves to go to war. The gnomes heed of danger to the economy and population. The trolls and dwarves threaten to leave the alliance with the threat of war hanging over everyone’s head. The humans have powerful weapons, and with their ability of committing murder and other such acts without their minds breaking, the Council knows they won’t hesitate to use them. Besides, what do the elves have? An obscurer and some measly melders? They have no choice. They must run the last bit of humans out of Atlantis and sink the city. They do, and let a few generations pass. The secret is forgotten, and they are safe.
Eventually, they decide to try again, with the Human Assistance Program (HAP). A select group of elves, presumably Emissaries, go undercover and help the humans advance their technology, as well as their view of elves, making elves seem like a mythical creature. There were certain positives with this: electricity, penicillin, Lord of the Rings, chocolate cake, Twinkies. But in the middle of World War II, elven knowledge led to the creation of nuclear bombs. Humans kept on advancing this design, and soon enough, had enough to destroy the world. Humans continued to exploit the knowledge of the elves, and it made them more and more destructive. The Council was forced to make another tough decision. They cancelled the program.
Years later, and Bronte still lives with the guilt of this. He uses his Inflicting abilities to dodge the emotions, sure, but he’s made it clear that it’s not good to rely on your ability alone. And then Sophie came along. The Vackers, one of the most well-known and reputable families, claims to have found this elven Telepathic elf in the Forbidden Cities. The Council is terrified. They went in contact with the humans?! They need to see this girl immediately, and remove all traces of her from her hometown. They need to hide her from the public, especially the Ancients, most of which still see humans as barbarians. what would they think of an elf raised among those who threatened to end them and their world as they knew it? They send her to Foxfire, hoping she can lead a normal life and blend in with everyone else. But of course, she can’t. She gets messages from the Black Swan. She and Dex get kidnapped only to be saved by Forkle and dropped off in the middle of nowhere. They arrive in Paris, a Forbidden City. She takes a flareodon to her hometown, another Forbidden City, and makes all of the Everblaze, which the Council unrightfully presumes is the Black Swan despite knowing that there’s another group out there, disappear mysteriously, leaving only the strange flowers in their wake, making the humans confused and suspicious. And that’s only in Book 1.
What about everything else? What about what she did in Exile with Alden? How she can suddenly telepathically talk to animals? How she keeps getting sent to the Healing Center and one day after going missing with Keefe, she’s all better? When she heals Alden? When she and Fitz try to get into Fintan’s mind, but instead they end up burning down most of Eternalia, killing Kenric, one of their own, in the process.
That’s it. The public knows all about Sophie Foster. Some are scared of her, some pity her, and some idolize her. None of this is positive for the Council, and with the Neverseen after them and all of the Intelligent Species, they cannot have her, or any of her friends among everyone else in the Lost Cities. They take initiative and banish them. But what does that do? They all join the Black Swan, cause chaos in Exillium, and recruit Tam and Linh. Keefe joins the Neverseen in an attempt to get Insider Info. The gnomes, whom the elves depend on for food and maintenance, are being threatened in numbers due to a plague. Eventually, it is actually revealed that the ogres, who are supposed to be in an alliance with the elves, have betrayed them for the Neverseen, and attacked Havenfield, a sanctuary that they depend on.
Isn’t that enough to prove them wrong? No. They don’t have the antidote. So the Black Swan, along with Alvar invade Ravagog, and, after some complications, flood it. Alvar is proven to be working for the Neverseen, and the Neverseen have been working with the ogres to defend the antidote. They don’t have the antidote, and Calla has to figure that out for herself. She makes an ultimatum with the Council: Let the children return to society, and she’ll sacrifice herself to become the Panakes Tree and cure all gnomes. The Council is desperate. They need the gnomes to survive, so they have to accept the offer.
Then what? The Black Swan doesn’t stop defending their people, and continue to pursue the Neverseen. They attack hideouts, get hurt, and find Amy, Sophie’s sister, remembering her clearly. Another problem that the Council can’t know about. So, they stash her in Atlantis with Livvy and Quinlin. Soporodine, a powerful and lethal sedative, is introduced, and affects Alvar, Sophie’s human parents, and Ro. Tam takes Ro away, and she eventually awakens. Atlantis is flooding as the force fields fail, and Linh, Keefe, and Sophie stop in from going under. They’re praised, and are offered a statue to honor them. But this is not the end.
Alvar is here now, and he doesn’t remember a thing. He resides in Everglen, much to Fitz’s disappointment. Silvery goes into labor, and with the help of Luzia, who has been hiding a troll hive in Everglen. Alvar regains his memory, and helps the Neverseen broadcast the release of baby trolls right inside of Everglen, publicly shaming them. This tarnishes the Vacker name, and makes the Council look foolish and weak for not noticing this secret over centuries. Umber is down, but the damage is done. Sophie and Fitz have echoes inside of them, killing them slowly. Even though they recover, the Neverseen have recruited Tam in exchange for the lives of the baby alicorns. Not only that, but Sophie is unmatchable.
The Council is still slightly respected, but anyone can see that the Black Swan are the real leaders here. They decide the only way to gain more control over their people is to form an alliance. But they can’t have the same people that tend to cause chaos around Sophie. No, instead they assemble a team of five, with Sophie as the leader. Team Valiant. They gain the title of Regents, and are there to create order. But Sophie does something else. She becomes more powerful in Inflicting and uncovers the secret of the dwarves’ false unity. Tam is forced to help Lady Gisela “fix” her son, but Keefe ends up in a coma. Tam is freed, and Glimmer is convinced to leave the Neverseen and help the Black Swan. Sophie learns how to truly teleport, and Oralie, her number one supporter (and mom) from the beginning decides to do what every Councillor has sworn not to: help Sophie open her cache.
So, to answer your question, I think some of the better Councillors, like Oralie, Bronte, Terik, and possibly Clarette, feel guilty about harming a child, and that they were worried sick over whether or not they had killed a child. But seeing as how corrupt the elven society really is, I don’t think the Council is on the right side. Soon, they’re going to have to choose.
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frutavel · 4 years
kjhhj ok im sorry for sending so many asks but i am so Intrigued about gheist 👀👀👀👀
Hskdhskd don't worry asks are direct fuel for my brainworm, you can send in as many as you want ^^
ALSO GOOD his vibe is suppoosed to be weird in some way or other. I think that covers intriguing too xD
So here's a roundup! The only thing that changed since I made him to where we are now is that he used to be Amani, now he is Mossflayer. This doesn't impact his story at all and in fact makes it a lot easier for me to write him.
The Gheest's weird vibe starts generations ago when one of his great grandparents married an elf. They had children, and their children had children, and they mostly grew up in a weird limbo between elf and troll cultures, some leaned closer to one, some to the other, but overall a pretty mixed culture and creation. The troll died of old age eventually, but the elf stuck aroud for a very long time, because elves live way longer than trolls do and those were her family, whom she loved and cared for, and she wanted to be near all of her children and grandchildren, until one day she disappeared.
Nobody knows where she went or why she left, she might still be out there somewhere, but her absence caused her family to draw away from the elves as a whole and turn to the other half of their root, the trolls. Which lead us to Gheist and his mother, who are the last living descendants of that original couple. Gheist's mother is Amani, his dad was a Mossflayer, and Gheist grew up where today is the Eastern Plaguelands.
The elf blood holds strong in their line after all those years, but since it's pretty diluted (?) by now the only thing thaf implies for the Gheest is his eyes glow in the dark and he might live a little longer than your average troll. The moss that grows on his fur also sprouts red flowers instead of white, which is the usual color for moss flowers, so maybe the elf blood has something to do with that as well.
Life for the Gheest was pretty normal until around his early teens, when he lost his father. From then on it was just him and his mom, and then, when the Scourge attacked, he was on his own.
The Plaguelands are a direct connection to the Ghostlands, and they're messed up Like That because of the Scourge, and the Eastern Plaguelands, where the Mossflayer live, got the worst of the two halves. Gheist's tribe lost a lot, like everyone else in the Plaguelands and as of now a bunch of them are dead or undead. The living trolls managed to hold out in Zul'mashar.
As for the Gheest, he was out hunting the Scourge when it first hit. He was alone in his mission though, because the others of his tribe were understandably more worried about keeping themselves alive, but he did pretty well on his own.
He moved up to the Ghostlands eventually and he got caught with a necromancer's whip around the neck.
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That left a scar as we know, and if he didn't die from the attack he would have died from infection, but lucky for him a certain someone was nearby.
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Mel hung up her performer cloak while the Scourge was invading because well. The Scourge was invading and she was (and still is!) Very Good at settingthings on fire. She found Gheist and could not in her right mind let him die, so she got one of the healears to help him, and then she took care of him while he recovered.
The thing is he didn't exactly survive that. Bwonsamdi literally had his soul in hand and they it got yanked out of his grasp, and that's a thing that happens sometimes but it left a lasting mark on the Gheest that had Consequences tm.
His mouth constantly tastes weird, sometimes his skin goes numb and he can't feel anything for a bit, sometimes he looks and sees things that he shouldn't be seeing and it's not very fun. Sometimes he gets the chills and sometines he gets the colds wherd no matter what he does or where he is or how hot it is, he can't warm up. Sometimes when he gets a cut that's a little deeper mushrooms and other fungi grow out of it and he absolutely hates it and he cuts them off as soon as he sees them, but they bleed and it hurts to cut them out and if he didn't hate them so much he probably wouldn't think they were worth the trouble.
He didn't have anything left for him in the Plaguelands and he had no idea what the hell was wrong with him so he stayed in Quel'thalas with Melina. She already had Corina, her daughter, at this point and Gheist found not one but two whole friends. Cori is like a sister to him and she will beat up anyone who messes with him.
While he was in Quel'thalas he found a connection to the Amani loa, and it was around then that he became a druid. It was amazing for him to find something he could find solace in, and that helped him deal with his 10% death problems. It didn't cure it, and he's probably not ever going to find a cure, but the loa's blessing sure makes dealing with his occasional hiccups a lot easier.
And then we enter Toothpaste Territory, when Gheist and Corina (and Urhau!) Joined up with the Farstriders and Vol'jin to get into Zul'Aman before the Amani and the Zandalari did anything bad. Gheist has no love for the Amani and he felt that taking them down was the right thing to do, so that's what he did. After that he decided to leave Quel'thalas and see more sights, see if there was anywhere else he could be useful, and that landed him in Orgrimmar, and eventually it landed him a fling with Vol'jin, which landed him where we currently are in Toothpaste, with the two of them getting a little more stable and Tyrathan entering the mix sometime in the future.
And then we have Nightmare Gheist, which is a subject for another post, because this one is long enough as it is and I still need to polish some details on NM Gheist before I go more in depth about him. What I will say though, is that the Nightmare corruption upped his kinda dead status to half dead, and while it back to less concerning levels of dead once he was cleanses of it, it made the side effects he was already dealing with a lot worse for a while, until all of the corruption left and he was somewhat back to normal.
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jq37 · 5 years
The Report Card – Fantasy High Sophomore Year Ep 8
Poor Little Rich Kids (in which Fabian Decidedly Does Not Get His Groove Back and Adaine Chooses a Nice Hill to Die On)
We are at the Row and the Ruction and the Bad Kids are in the fight of their lives, facing off not only against Captain James Wicklaw and his crew over the crown of the Pirate King, but also a contingent of elves from Falinel who have shown up to drag Adaine back with them and they’re commanding a huge air elemental. Not only that, Fabian is still suffering from two levels of exhaustion AND--due to his recent trauma--Fabian has lost the Champion sub-class and is not able to apply any class features. No second wind, no action surge, no extra attacks. Our boy has been nerfed to hell. And, to make matters worse, the Bad Kids didn’t roll stellar on initiative and they’ll continue to roll like trash all fight. And they haven’t rested since their last fight! Everyone is damaged and/or low on spell slots. 
Fabian rolled the best on initiative but, there’s not much he can do. At Cathilda’s urging, he falls back and fires his crossbow. The elves have the air elemental attack and then Banish Tracker which is not great for such a banged up party. Gorgug sends Gilear in the Van after Garthy and then wrecks some pirates. One of the elves casts Flesh to Stone on Adaine and she fails her save. She begins petrifying and has to roll death-like saves to keep from turning fully to stone. Cathilda gets a Nat 20 on one of her attacks and slices a tentacle off of Captain Wicklaw. Sandra-Lynn and Ragh also do well on their turns. 
Everyone but Riz (who is hiding in the rafters) has to make an Int save against Captain Wicklaw’s psionic hate blast and all of the PC’s fail and are stunned which means they can't move, can only barely speak (hindering even vocal only spells), and have attacks taken against them with advantage. They also auto fail Strength and Dex saves. Not a good condition to have at any time, but especially now.
After some attacks, the pirates are badly injured but not badly enough for the Bad Kids to have any comfort. Adaine makes her save to become unstunned but then rolls a Nat 1 on the petrification save. Riz shoots from the rafters to try and break the concentration of the elf who banished Tracker but she rolls exactly what she needs to save. Wicklaw takes a legendary action (because of course this dude has a legendary action, he’s a MINDFLAYER) and shoots Fabian before teleporting up to the Ruction. Fabian rolls a Nat 1 on his save for being stunned. Siobhan stages an impromptu Baptism for Lou’s dice irl. 
The elves’ elemental grabs Adaine and bring her up to the Ruction. Fig gives Adaine some Bardic. And then, plot twist! Adaine’s DAD (Anguin Abernant) drops Greater Invisibility and casts Dominate Person on Adaine. Adaine makes her Wisdom save (with a +6 mod and advantage plus her Bardic from Fig) and tells her dad to go to hell. 
Fig (who is at 9 HP at this point) gets attacked by a pirate and drops to zero, taking down a pirate with her with a Hellish Rebuke. Gorgug, the tank, is at 5 HP. Yeah, it’s that bad. With Cathilda’s help, Gorgug finally snaps out of his stunned condition. Sandra-Lynn brings Fig back up. Wicklaw shoots Fabian. Adaine fails a petrification save but makes her stun save. Then, she takes a Misty Step away from the elemental that has her. Riz tries to steal the crown from Wicklaw and fails but, luckily, Wicklaw fails on his retaliatory attack. Fabian and Kristen continue to fail their stun saves. 
The air elemental grabs Adaine again. Fig Dimension Doors herself and Gorgug to where Adaine is and gives her Bardic. Anguin tries to Dominate Person on Adaine again and also to guilt trip her. Adaine makes the save, easy, and sidesteps the parental guilt trip even easier. A bunch of pirates have made it into the Ruction, Sandra-Lynn is looking bad and Kristen is at 3 HP. Things are looking bad. Real bad.
Which is why one of the elves offers Adaine a choice. Teleportation only works on a willing creature. If Adaine allows herself to be teleported to Falinel, the elves will stop helping Wicklaw and give her friends a fighting chance. Even though she technically has two options, Adaine only sees one. She’s defiant as ever but she goes with the elves. They poof away but, as they do, Adaine makes a petrification save (again, with Fig’s Bardic) and the casts Sending to tell Ayda that her friends are being attacked and ask for help. She gets a reply: “Your friends are my friends.” Ayda’s on her way. 
Gorgug does a bunch of damage on Wicklaw and goes down, but pops back up to 1 HP with Relentless Endurance. Cathilda kills some pirates then stays close to the still stunned Fabian to guard him. Wicklaw stuns Gorgug again, puts him in a grapple, and gets ready to eat his brains. Riz blasts an already badly injured Wicklaw for 25 damage. Kristen and Fabian fail their stun saves AGAIN. Fig fails her attack on Wicklaw but heals Gorgug for a few points. 
Sandra-Lynn rushes Wicklaw and knocks him out of the Ruction and into the Row (freeing Gorgug from his grapple) but then Wicklaw stabs her and she goes down. Riz hides and then shoots with a Nat 20! 47 damage! Wicklaw goes down...but we find that he’s not completely out when Riz runs to grab the crown and gets shot at point blank range and then slashed with Wicklaw’s saber. He drops and falls into the Row next to Sandra-Lynn, taking two death save fails from getting trampled. Emily weighs her in game loyalty to her mom against her out of game loyalty to Murph and then heals Sandra-Lynn. Then she and Gorgug tag-team the final chunk of damage and kill his ass. FINALLY. Fig also steals his soul because, why not? With Wicklaw dead, the pirates not affiliated with him quickly beat the tar out of the rest of his men and the gang take his hate-sword (which Fig gets later).
Tracker pops out of Banishment and passes out heals. Ragh and Cathilda snap Kristen and Fabian out of being stunned. Cathilda tries to comfort Fabian but he’s still feeling awful about Cathilda being forced to babysit him and him not being able to help Riz. Riz tries to give him a pep talk (eliciting probably the *second* saddest Hoot-Growl to date) but it doesn’t seem to stick. Fig, confusingly paranoid, insight checks Cathilda (finding nothing suspicious that she’s not making up in her own head). Jemina Joy shows up and informs everyone that Gilear has crashed the Van because Of Course he has. 
Riz asks Fabian what they should do with the Pirate King crown but he’s still uncharacteristically indecisive, deferring to Cathilda who suggests they mount the crown on Wicklaw’s head in Gibbety Square where the old one was. They do so. Then, they debate whether they should take a rest before going after Adaine and decide going after her ASAP is the best move, especially considering she sacrificed herself for them. Ayda agrees to teleport everyone to Falinel but first, they head back to the Gold Gardens to regroup. 
Gorgug takes Fabian aside to tell him that it’s OK that he didn’t get to be the hero this fight because that’s the whole point of being on a team but also that he needs to get it together for Adaine’s sake. Kristen also pulls Fabian aside (either before or after she and Tracker have a poorly times tryst upstairs) and tells him that, as the Queen of Being a Hot Mess, it’s OK for him to be a Hot Mess for a bit while he’s figuring things out because the party will have his back. She also apologizes for comparing him to Gilear. Then Gilear pulls Fabian aside and--nah, he doesn’t have a pep talk lined up. He needs money to pay someone off. Fabian gives him the gold.      
Once everyone (sans Adaine, of course) gets back together, Jemina Joy tells them that they’re welcome back any time. Garthy asks where specifically they want to go since Falinel is a big country. Because of the way Adaine was taken, their best guess for where she is is wherever Aelwyn is being held. They consult the dossier which says she’s being held in Calethiel Tower. Teleporting there is a no-go because of the heavy security but there are a number of adjoining provinces, one of which (the land of the Lomenelda) is actually where Fabian’s mom is from. They decide to poof in there. As they go (Ayda included, she’s not just sending them), Tracker (and Gilear for that matter) notices a strange, loaded goodbye between Garthy and Sandra-Lynn. What’s that about, asks Tracker. Uh, let’s put a pin in that, Kristen replies. 
Back with Adaine (who is now fully clear of petrification), she has been teleported to a very nice courtyard with these elven wizards and her dad. Her dad and one of the elves (whose name sounds like Kier to me but who the hell knows between the weird spelling and the low, breathy, elven talking) stay with her. Kier tells Adaine she made a noble choice but Adaine isn’t having it. She tries to Misty Step out of the room and her dad dispels her magic. She casts Greater Invisibility of herself. Boom, dispelled by Kier. Adaine refuses them even an inch of cooperation or cordiality, even when they volunteer the information that her friends made it out of the fight. Kier leaves Adaine alone with her dad and Adaine, again, absolutely refuses to play ball (don’t worry, I’m skimming because I’m coming back to this). Anguin tells Adaine to stop being obstinate. Falinel will have an oracle. And if they don’t have one, they will make one. Fine, says Adaine, with no pause at all. Kill me. Adaine is determined to be a thorn in her fathers’ side for the rest of her life and death if it comes to that. Anguin finds her response more annoying than actually frustrating and leaves.
An elf comes to take Adaine to her room but she does the little kid thing of lying down and refusing to engage so he handcuffs her instead and drags her away and up the tower. On the way up, she sees a beautiful marble chamber with a 15 ft diameter glass orb that is slightly rotating. Inside is Aelwyn, on her hands and knees, crawling as it rotates. Aelwyn doesn’t notice her but Adaine can tell she’s been kept from trancing for almost a year and is extremely “trance-deprived”.
Kier and Anguin come back in as Adaine hides under the blankets. On a failed Wis save, Kier lands a detect thoughts on her. Kier asks Adaine about the last time she saw her mom. Adaine doesn’t answer but runs into the “Don’t think about a pink elephant,” problem. Her thoughts betray her, even as she remains tight-lipped. As she’s being interrogated, she sees the stars through a window and can tell, more or less, where in Falinel she is (which could be helpful once she can cast Sending again). 
One last question for Adaine: Is she going to start cooperating or is she going to keep being a pain in their ass?
Take a wild guess at which option she picks. 
She picks the hard way. Fine, says Kier. Put her in a trance-deprivation Torture-Orb. Because F the Fantasy Geneva Convention I guess. 
Anguin for Being an Absolute Sunuvabitch and the WORST Father in the Kingdom and Any Other
I’m not giving him the dignity of more than a single sentence devoted to him so there. 
Honor Roll
Adaine for So Much
My Girl!
Adaine was on fire this episode, starting with the long overdue confrontation with her father. When he dropped Invisibility to try to Dominate Person her, I felt my stomach drop. Losing control of your character sucks in general but, in the context of Adaine’s relationship with her dad, it would have been that much more painful a loss, but she resisted like a champ both times!
Then, as I suspected might happen, she was given the opportunity to surrender to give her friends a better chance, and she took it without question. She didn’t even consider it a choice. She willingly walked into basically her worst case scenario, and not even for a guarantee at their safety. For a chance. To maybe turn the tide. She gave herself up for any advantage she could give them.
And THEN, when she cast Sending to Ayda--a SUPER clutch move by the way--she didn’t even say, “Hey, help me please.” She didn’t say anything about herself at all. She said, “My friends are in danger. Please help them.” And, because Adaine put the effort into building that bridge and making that friend last episode, even though she didn’t have to--they already had what they needed at that point--Ayda says yes. “Your friends are my friends.”
And, here’s the thing. Adaine isn’t stupid. She’s very much the opposite of that. I mentioned last recap that Adaine was potentially putting herself in dangerous waters by not cooperating seeing as Falinel could kill her to trigger a new elven Oracle being selected. I was concerned she might not have thought about that. Oh, no. She’s thought about it. She just doesn’t give a single damn. She is being obstinate in the face of her potential demise. She went with them, fully aware that her death was on the table. And, then, she proceeded to be as difficult a prisoner as she was capable of being.  
And, I have to give major, major, major props to Siobhan. In my opinion, one of her biggest strengths an an RP-er (besides being one of the Keepers of the Party Brain Cells) is her ability to string words together on the fly in just the most perfect way. Like her speech to the American Dream in Unsleeping City? She gave a small pause and then the exact perfect combination of words fell out of her mouth, like magic. But it wasn’t, she’s just that good. And that’s how I felt in this episode too. The second she was alone with Anguin, I thought, “Alright Siobhan, showtime.” And she delivered, as always. She went ALL the way back. It wasn’t, “I can’t believe you kidnapped me just now.” It was, “You abandoned me.” OF COURSE, that’s where Adaine would start. OF COURSE, she’s still raw about that. OF COURSE she wants to talk about her shitty childhood. But it wasn’t the meek, broken, childish tone from Promocalypse. This was cold, and hardened, and defiant to the core. Anguin hinting at her possible death and her basically spitting it back in his face was such a power move. Absolutely outstanding. And then her final line: “That unfinished business will remain unfinished because there is no level of an annoyance to you that will be satisfying to the ghost of me.” That sentence is constructed in such a way that it would have been very easy to trip over but Siobhan delivered it flawlessly and stuck the landing for maximum impact. 
Bravo to Adaine for being put in a situation that would have had her rolling for panic attacks in S1 and, instead, helping her friends and standing her ground.
Random Thoughts
Apologies that my fight play-by-play isn’t exact. People were getting stunned and unstunned all over the place and it was hard to keep track. Trust me, the details are less important than the fact that everyone had a bad time.  
We got new character art for Fabian and Cathilda here. 
Brennan, channel Big Cubby Energy: All laws are actually just structured threats.
What are the kids supposed to do for the last 2-3 months of school? Also, I ask again, are all of the quests going on at Aguefort right now this personal and entwined with emotional baggage? Or is it just the Bad Kids being forced to fight their family members and dead families' enemies and the like?
“Friends don’t let friends’ brains get eaten by their fathers’ mortal enemies.”
More than anyone, Emily was LIVING for Lou’s choice to nerf Fabian. Game respects game.  
Also, the mild panic and then relief from Emily when Zac said that he called for Gilear...to get in the Van and go get Garthy was so funny. Mark my words, Emily is going to die for an NPC eventually. It might be in NADDPOD, it might be in D20, but it’s gonna happen.
That bit where Adaine is like, “We can hear your music through your headphones,” and Gorgug is like, Oh no! Relatable. 
This was yet another fight where, after it was over, I was like, “I can’t believe all this happened in like 45 seconds of game time.” I mean, we had people dying or almost dying multiple times, they lost two party members (one for real), they were getting hit with so many status conditions, it was a whirlwind of a fight. And also a good example of how bad initiative can totally screw you. 
Having both healers incapacitated all fight also really screwed them. If they hadn’t both been down and could have provided some buffs, thrown up Spirit Guardians, and healed, that could have been an enormous help. Of course, I get the sense the elves could have thrown down a lot harder than they did if they’d had to, but it still would have been better to have at least one functioning cleric. 
And then the lack of rest between this fight and the last. RIP them.
Even though they spent most of the fight getting womped, I didn’t feel the energy drop that I did during some of the other hard fights they had. Everyone was still obviously having a good time, which is great because it makes it more fun for us as the audience. 
Fig: I’m kind of a closed book.
Also Fig, Midfight to Adaine: Love you girl! 
Also Fig, Upon Being Given Permission to do an AoE Attack the Would hit Adaine: NOOOO!
Also Fig, Distraught: I used my everything to try and save you!
Also Fig, Who Knows the NK can and Has Controlled People, specifically Her and Ragh: The Nightmare King could be anyone except my six friends.
Man, Ally invoked their nat20 summoning powers a bunch this ep but it just wasn’t happening. The dice really were not on the party’s side at all this ep. 
Like Emily, I thought for a sec at the end of the fight that Brennan was saying Anguin was left behind, not referring to Gilear. I would have LOVED to see the crew gang up on him post-fight. Remember when Riz was interrogating Biz and started blasting off fingers? Good times. 
I also low key thought Fig was gonna do something to torture Wicklaw’s soul. I’ve been trying to figure out why she can do that. I think she said it’s a racial ability, but I haven’t figured out what it is yet.
The whole group telling Ayda that her formal friendship declaration is weird, but objectively less confusing than the typical way of doing it. 
Also, I told you making friends was gonna pay dividends! The secret (“secret”) goal of every D&D campaign is to make as many friends as possible, starting with your party members and the sky’s the limit after that. And it works out perfectly since Adaine is gone but they have another high level wizard with the same specialty filling in.  
Gilear shaking down Fabian for 250g instead of giving him a pep talk was low key hysterical. The comic timing on that from Brennan was so good.
I wonder what Riz was going to tell Fabian during his pull aside. I think this is like the second time Riz was going to pull him aside and then it ended up not happening. He’d already talked to him earlier so I wonder what else he wanted to say that would have required a pull-aside.   
Wild that Kristen took the Warding Bond to help Fabian and then both of them were basically out the entire fight. Lol, maybe that’s why Ally couldn’t dicemance this episode. Their luck was tied to Lou’s terrible streak. 
Looks like we’re finally gonna get some insight on Fabian’s mom’s side of the family. We really don’t know much about her. Wouldn’t it be wild if all of them were essentially country/farmer elves and Halariel is the only one who’s Like That because she moved away and “made it”.
“Minus 3 to Dex, also in real life.”
As much as I loved every choice Adaine made in this episode, (1) I feel like I would have at least counter-offered the elves something like, “Help us win then I’ll go,” and (2) I couldn’t help but worry about the position she was putting herself in by not playing along at least a little, although it would only have helped her so much because outright lying to someone who has detect thoughts on you is damn near impossible. She at least could have saved herself the torture of trance-deprivation. But, like, is she gonna be able to take her meds? Because this very much seems like an Anxiety Inducing Situation. 
I’m gonna fight Kristen and Tracker for stopping to have sex in the middle of this and I’m gonna fight Brennan for ending this episode on a sex joke. 
Also, looks like the whole Sandra-Lynn/Garthy/Jawbone situation is finally about to come to a head. So just add that to the list of things you’re bracing for. 
Sandra-Lynn re: Fig Stealing A Pirate’s Soul: Horrifying, You’re wonderful. 
“My friend’s a rock star!”
I love that Fig consistently says, “You wanna go for a ride?” before she uses Dimension Door with someone. 
“Is almost died the same as having died?”
“I think I have a lot of friends but then everyone is mean to me.” Rizzzzz. But also, all my closest friendships in high school could easily be mistaken for my enemies for all the time we spent clowning on each other. 
Lol at that one elf trying to turn Adaine’s words back on her as a zinger (“Must not be a great oracle.”) but failing twice because Adaine/Siobhan’s genuinely did not remember what she said before. 
As blunt as Ayda is, her, “Your friends are my friends,” was one of the sweetest moments of the episodes. There is something really touching about plainly stating emotional information. 
Man! I have been wanting to see what exactly is going on with Aelwyn for AGES and we finally caught a glimpse. I was wondering whether she was in a country club prison or more of a Gitmo situation and I forgot that elves are so into The Aesthetic that they will put you in a torture device in a country club. But yeah, they def aren’t pulling their punches. They’re been torturing her for almost a year. That’s brutal (and mechanically bad because even if they break her out, she’s gonna have zero spell slots and 5 levels of exhaustion probably which is one less than it takes to kill you). And I’m curious. Is it a means to an end or is the torture the end itself? Is there information she refused to give them or is this just how they punish people in Falinel? In any case, you don’t get tortured for a year without at least a little mind-breakage. Very interested to see where is on a scale from 0 to Avanash and how she reacts to Adaine when they inevitably meet again. And I’m curious to see if Adaine softens to her sister at all under the circumstances. That Aelwyn redemption arc is within our grasp.
Likewise, this gives us more information we can use to make guesses about what’s going on with Adaine’s mom. She pretty clearly isn’t working with Falinel seeing as the don’t know where she is and Aelwyn is being held under bad conditions. All signs seem to point to her going rogue and breaking from both her husband and Falinel to try and spring her daughter. I want Adaine to have at least one half-decent parent and I also want the Drama of it All so I really hope that’s what we end up seeing. 
F Adaine’s dad, man. Like, truly and from the bottom of my heart. To make a kid--your kid--feel so unloved is frankly a travesty. And to be able to do something this terrible to your kid without showing any emotion really in either direction is heartless and cruel in such a casual way. I hope he has enough capacity for emotion to feel properly brought low when the Bad Kids kick his ass. 
And I’m very ready to see all the rest of the Bad Kids [Edit: Just Realized I never finished this thought. All I was gonna say was I’m excited to see the rest of the Bad Kids torn up/angry/determined/whatever over this. A character getting kidnapped is great for any found family story because then you get to watch everyone else move heaven and earth to try and rescue them which is very my jam.]   
Everyone calling for Fabian (particularly Riz who was like Dying-dying) and Fabian just not being able to do anything was so rough. And even rougher because, out of game, Stunned is a status condition but, in game, there’s really nothing actually stopping you. It’s not like you’re being physically held back. It’s all in your head. So Fabian knowing he can run over and help but simply not being able to is just so painful.
“Usually I drive an automatic. This is...also an automatic but it’s slightly different.” (Gorgug, zero judgement: Oh, OK.)
“You’re rich, I’m not. Help me.”
Man, D&D y’all. Can you imagine how differently this story could be going if they’d just gone straight to Falinel and not stopped in Leviathan? At the very least, Fabian’s arc would be going very differently. 
And speaking of, Fabian is still having such a rough go at it. Having another fight in two days where he was basically reduced to firing a crossbow once and retreating while his allies got smacked down must have been rough. And now he’s got to go straight into another emergency situation with basically no downtime. This isn’t gonna be good for his psyche. Maybe there’s someone at his mom’s old stomping grounds that can help him get on the road to a better headspace. Or maybe he’ll end up in a situation where he has to step up or something will die and he’ll go with option A. Or maybe Lou will sell his soul for dice powers like Allie did. Only time will tell. 
Kristen and Fabian are bagging on Gilear. The camera shifts slightly to the left and he’s standing barely 5 feet away from them. 
Also, I love the detail of Garthy’s aura around the Gold Gardens softening Fig’s deafen curse on Gilear.
Adaine blowing all her spell slots to be as annoying as possible is so on brand. Adaine is so funny to me because, on a normal day, she’s the most polite and easiest to deal with Bad Kid but she is just as prone to childish taunting or dedicating her life to making yours a living hell if given half a reason.   
Loved Ally’s callback to the “this is also a forest” metaphor from a few eps back.
Again, just to make sure no one is blindsided, we have one more episode to go before the Holiday break. I estimate they the kids probably won’t get to Adaine in that time or will just barely get to her with little time to interact (though D&D is hard to predict due to the high probability of unexpected player moves). Anyway, my point is, I’m bracing for a maddening cliffhanger between the next ep and the one after that.
Riz and Cathilda both got Nat 20s this episode. Fabian, Gorgug, and Adaine all got Nat 1s (1 apiece) and Brennan as I think Wicklaw got 2 Nat 1s.
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Love Heals All (Hoseok x Elf!Reader)
Genre: Supernatural Au, Fluff, Angst
Warnings: Explicit language, mentions of hospitals and injuries, P.O.V. switching, I think that’s it
Word Count: 6K
Work. That’s what took up 99% of your time most days and 100% others. Not that you minded, you loved healing others. The thrill of helping someone was addicting and it made you feel good knowing you were making a difference, helping people get better. 
It was your calling, after all, your purpose. Even though you couldn’t understand the why, you certainly loved the how. Since you were little, you’d had a knack for fixing broken things. You’d play doctor with your barbies, then when you discovered your gift you’d moved on to the injured birds that would hit your windows sometimes. 
Your parents knew, of course, that this was something you had to keep to yourself. ‘They don’t understand,’ they’d say, ‘they’ll take advantage of you.’ 
As a little girl, you didn’t understand what they could possibly mean. You were doing something good, right? How could people not understand that?
As you got older, you realized what they had meant. What you could do, no one else could. Something like that made people jealous; made people scared. When all you wanted to do was heal, you knew you’d have to do it their way to avoid repercussions. 
And you played by their rules for a long time. Learned CPR and first aid as soon as you could, took training courses, even enrolled in a nursing program after high school (and graduated with honors). 
No matter how many people you helped, you couldn’t help the gnawing guilt that you could do more. So, so, so much more. 
Then a craze of ‘witch doctors,’ ‘magic medicine,’ and home remedies ran rampant through the city, and you saw an opportunity to put your gift to good use. 
Under the guise of ‘healing auras’ and ‘crystal healing,’ you were finally able to help your way, without fear of inciting panic. 
At least until people started getting suspicious, and suddenly your only choice was to leave home and start over somewhere new. Somewhere no one would know anything about you. 
Leaving that part of your life behind hurt and this wound was something not even you could heal. You’d given up your gift to go back to normal, well, as normal as you could possibly be. You took the night shift at a local hospital, started looking into medical school, and even attended some weekly dance classes to stay healthy. 
You never thought these classes would dig up old bones, but of course the past can never stay easily buried away like that. 
You’d mentioned earlier to Hoseok that you thought Euna should get her ankle checked out before returning to class. Of course, he let her decide, and of course she insisted she was fine. You never really talked to Euna before that day, but something inside you knew she wasn’t ok. 
And a quarter of the way through the routine, your suspicions are proved right when Euna falls to the ground with a yelp, hands flying to her ankle as everyone stops and gathers around her. 
Suddenly, Hoseok is in a panic, everyone is trying to see what’s going on, and you’re pushing your way calmly through the crowd, instructing them to leave and give her some space. 
Lowering yourself down to her level, you move her hands away from her ankle and assess the damage. You can tell it’s not a fracture, no broken bones, just a ligament tear. Painful but manageable. 
You turn your head towards Hoseok, who’s eyes keep flicking quickly from her ankle to you and back again. 
You sigh and help Euna move her leg out from under herself so it’s stretched towards you. Better access means an easier fix. 
“Should I call someone, is it bad?” Hoseok tries to hide his panic, even though he’s incredibly bad at it. He’s seen his dancers injured before, but it never fails to scare him every time. After all, their like his family. 
“She’ll be fine, just a mild ligament tear,” You say, hoping to ease some of his worries, and he just stares at you like a deer in headlights. 
“You can tell that just by looking?” He asks, and you mentally kick yourself. Shaking it off, you nod.
“I’m a nurse, it’s kind of my job to know injuries.” Quick, albeit shaky, save. All of your worry he might not buy it washes away when he rests his hand on your back. 
“Alright, so what do we do?” 
You send him for your bag and while he’s occupied, you rub your hand gently over the spot of the tear. Euna is laying down with her eyes shut so you don’t have to worry about her seeing anything.
You feel the slight warm sensation and tingle at your fingertips, her skin beneath casting a slight glow as your fingers move, and suddenly, you’re done. 
You made sure not to do too good of a job, couldn’t make it suspicious, but enough to where it wouldn’t get worse and her pain would subside. Now, it could heal the rest of the way properly with the right wrap and rest, and you could feel better knowing you helped. 
You turn to see Hoseok behind you, your bag in hand, and he seems to stare at you a second too long before he’s handing you your things and offering to get Euna an ice pack. 
Hoseok had always been a bit awkward, so nothing seemed out of the ordinary. You take the medical wrap from your bag and bandage up her foot, making sure to tell her all about the proper care for her ankle.
You also make sure to recommend going to get it properly checked and to not push herself too hard next time. 
After all that commotion, Hoseok figures it’s time to wrap class up. Looking at the clock, it was close enough to quitting time, he figured, and everyone looked thoroughly too exhausted to question it anyways. 
He wouldn’t share with the class, however, that something he saw tonight made him question his mental state, and figured he probably just needs a good night’s sleep to forget about it. 
Everyone packs their things up, and as you shove your stuff into your bag and hike it over your shoulder, you feel a hand touch your arm.
“Hey, walking home tonight?” Hobi asks, even though he knows the answer; it’s the same every week. You smile, giving him a quick nod as you follow him towards the front door. 
Turning quick to lock up, he spins back around to look at you, “Mind if I walk you home then?” 
You both start walking, casual conversation about classes and the hospital flowing freely between the two of you. It was just like every other Thursday night, he’d offer to walk you home because a. It was late, b. You shouldn’t walk alone, and c. He lived a block away from you anyways.  
You two quickly fell into sync with each other, the walks home going from awkward silence to loud laughs and teasing. Hoseok was easy to talk to and you liked having someone like that around. 
Hoseok liked how bright and easygoing you were. He felt you both had that in common, among other things he learned the longer you hung out. 
After moving, you had a hard time making friends, so finding Hoseok’s dance class add in a newspaper an elderly patient had you read to her one morning was a blessing in disguise. 
Despite being completely inept when it came to making friends, the atmosphere in Hobi’s class was so inviting, warm, and friendly, even you found it hard not to feel comfortable. Everyone was so welcoming and kind, you felt like you’d been there your whole life. 
Community and family was something you needed, and it’s what Hobi provided.
Before you knew it, you were standing at the steps of your apartment building, ascending a few before you hear Hoseok’s steps stop. Turning around to ask him what was wrong, his back is facing you, as if he had frozen where he stood.
You peek your head forward a bit, questioning look on your face, “Hobi, you okay?”
Hobi turns around slowly, the image of your hand and Euna’s leg and light burned into his retinas and he just can’t help himself. He has to ask, for his sanity’s sake.
Out of habit, his hand finds the back of his neck, and he’s not sure if he should make eye contact with you or stare off into space so his eyes just kind of find your feet and stay there awkwardly.
“Um, about earlier, when you were looking at Euna’s leg...” The more times he goes over what he is going to say, the crazier it sounds and at this point he wishes he’d never brought it up.
“Yeah, what about it?” You probe, not at all catching on to where he was going. In your mind, Hoseok was completely oblivious, considering he is with a lot of things. Turns out, he pays more attention than you thought.
“Well, there was this...light, I guess, when you touched her leg,” his arms are flailing a bit and he can no longer concentrate on the ground, his eyes darting around like he was looking for the explanation in the night air, “That wasn’t...real was it, I’m probably just hallucinating or something...” 
His sentence trails off and when he finally dares to look you in the eyes, he is hit with an instant wave of cold. In a mere matter of seconds, you’d barricaded yourself from him, putting up a harsh front to push him away. 
It was all happening again. You were dumb enough to think this time would be different. You were stupid enough to let your guard down and you just couldn’t help yourself. Everything slipped away from you once again, and it was all your fault. You’d jeopardized your future here over something as ridiculous as a fucking ligament. 
Now it made sense why Hoseok had been so weird before, it wasn’t his normal awkwardness, it was his ‘I think I saw something I shouldn’t have’ awkwardness. 
Taking the time to process everything in your mind, you could tell by the look in his eyes he wasn’t convinced by his words and he wouldn’t be with yours either. 
The only option left was to cut ties.
“You’re probably just tired Hoseok. You should get some rest.” You don’t even bother saying goodbye, worried that he’d hear the underlying finality in it and try to change your mind. You quickly head up the rest of the steps and barricade yourself in the building. 
Hoseok just stands there, watching you as you almost run from him, and he can’t help but feel like an asshole for some reason. It should’ve been a harmless question about his mental state, but it ended up being so much more. 
When he finally broke from his stare, he continued his walk home, wondering how he’d fix things next Thursday. 
I don’t think a week’s going to be enough time to find a way to fix this.
You were just going in for your shift when your phone buzzed. You knew to just ignore it, he’d get the hint after the first hour. 
You enter the locker room to put your bag away and head out to get the report from the day shift nurse. Your phone is still in your pocket, just in case, but you're focused on your rooms, which ones need linens stocked and what not. 
After 30 minutes of just coasting around, checking your patients and helping out a few coworkers, your phone buzzes in your pocket again. You sigh to yourself, making sure to put on a straight face when another nurse walks by, then quickly pull out your phone.
        -Are you not coming to class today?
Shutting your phone off and shoving back into your pocket, you go back to work. A few hours went by, and by 2 a.m. you’ve had three new patients brought in all with varying injuries, but none too serious. 
Once you finally find a break to sit down and chart, you make the mistake of turning your phone back on just to check your schedule, when you notice six new messages from Hoseok. 
        -I’ll take the silence as a no...
        -Are you okay?
        -Is it about what I said the other night?
        -I was just being stupid and paranoid, I’m sorry if I said the wrong thing, will              you please answer me?
       -Y/N, could you please just let me know you’re alright?
       -That’s it...
“The hell does that mean?” You voice your confusion of the last text out loud, warranting a few looks from other nearby nurses actually doing their work. Throwing your phone onto the counter, you stretch your arms and finish up your charts.
As if to clear up your confusion, a few seconds later, Hoseok waltz right into the E.R. slowing his pace only to survey the place until he locks eyes on your form behind the desk, to which he marches right up and stares down at you, almost like he was trying to intimidate you. 
When you look up from your work, Hoseok is the last person you expected to see standing a foot away from you. You can’t hide from him now. 
“The least you could’ve done was answer me and let me know you weren’t dead somewhere.” 
His tone wavers on angry, but he’s still too bubbly to let it sound heavy, but the intent is still there. He’s not really angry, per say, more so hurt that you wouldn’t just let him know you were working. He understands missing class for your job, but to ghost him was just plain rude. 
You look back down at your screen, saving what you’d done, and rise to talk to him. You didn’t like when he stared down on you like you were a child in trouble. 
“You can’t just show up here Hoseok, this is an emergency room not a convention.” Hoseok chooses to ignore your comment, instead waiting for his rightfully deserved apology. Was it bad that he cared about you? I mean, he cares about all of his dancers, and wants to make sure they are okay, since when is that a crime?
“Next time, just let me know you have to work. It’s not that big of a deal.” He’s exasperated at your attitude, especially since he doesn’t understand where it’s coming from. He made one dumb comment and you were taking it out on him, that just doesn’t seem fair. 
You walk around him to grab another chart, crossing the room to a supplies cart. Hoseok follows you, getting dirty looks from the others on the floor, but you just wave them off.
“There won’t be a next time. I’m quitting.”
You turn around to see a confused look on his face, “You’re quitting the night shift?”
Rolling your eyes, you can feel yourself getting more agitated by the second. Not only was he grilling you for no reason, he was breaking hospital protocol, and that could get you fired. 
You spin around, putting one hand up to his chest to push him back towards the exit.
“No, I’m quitting the classes. I’ve got too much to do here. Now get out.” He tries to turn and object, but once you get to the front door, the security officer gives him a strange look and decides it’d be better to just leave it alone.
If you wanted to quit classes and act like a child to him, fine, Hoseok no longer cared. 
That’s what he told himself at least. Why get hung up on one dancer, it’s not like you could be that special anyways. Sure, he’d miss your laugh during freestyle, or the concerned face you made when you tended to everyone’s injuries, even the minor ones. 
Hate to say it, but he’d actually grown quite attached to you, especially since you were the only one he’d share late night chats about anything with when he walked you home. 
Whatever happened that night, you’d changed, and he didn’t like the new you. You weren’t the Y/N he admired, you were somebody else. 
On his way home, he was more passed that he’d left the comfort of the dance studio and his work to check on you at 2 in the goddamn morning. He could’ve been home in bed by then if he hadn’t worked himself up so much during practice. 
He’d would never forgive you for the lost hours of sleep he’d never catch back up on. 
Sometimes you thought the universe did this on purpose. You’d had a few weeks of blissful, trouble free work, no Hoseok interruptions, when one night, surprise-surprise, he walks in with a familiar face limping beside him. 
You let another nurse take the lead on this, irritated at the loss of your Hoseok-free streak you were on. Although, seeing him again after not for so long, it caused a warm tickle in your chest that you couldn’t explain. 
Maybe you did miss the company class and Hoseok provided, but you couldn’t risk exposure. After almost exposing yourself and your family from the last incident, you swore to yourself you wouldn’t go through that again. After all, you could only go so far before everything catches up to you. 
Apparently you could only stay so far away from Hoseok before he catches up to you as well.
You spy from one of your patients’ room, filing out another chart while simultaneously stealing glances at Hoseok. He can tell you’re staring at him, but he’s got bigger things to worry about right now. 
Some of the dancers wanted to incorporate more stunts into their routines. Kai had tried to do a back handspring into a back tuck and landed on his ankle wrong, twisting it in a way it definitely wasn’t intended to. 
After dealing with a few of the others almost vomiting at the sight, Hoseok rushed Kai to the E.R. in his car, not even thinking about you being there. 
It wasn’t till he basically carried the poor guy in with him, spotting you from a distance did he remember you had just started your shift. 
‘Of course,’ he thinks to himself, ‘now she’ll think I’m here on purpose.’
Instead of immaturely ignoring you like he wants to, he briefly looks over and nods in your direction. It wasn’t polite nor rude, just a gesture to acknowledge your existence, hoping even that little thing wouldn’t piss you off for some reason. 
You weren’t sure if it’d be right to try and talk to him. You’d been so abrupt and cold to him the last time, you knew he wouldn’t want to hear anything you had to say. Did you have anything you could say to him that would make the situation any better? Not really.
You both end up avoiding each other until Kai is wrapped up and ready to go, so Hoseok escorts him to his car and leaves you with a simple wave. 
You stare off, watching his car pull out of the parking lot and disappear down the dark streets. 
Cutting ties was proving to be more difficult than you thought it would be. 
Clocking out, grabbing your bag from your locker and heading out of the E.R., you can barely keep your eyes open. Last night’s shift was particularly draining, and you couldn’t wait to get back to your apartment, peel your scrubs off and replace them with fuzzy pajamas and get some well deserved sleep. 
The universe, go figure, has other plans for you though, apparent when your phone starts going off, Hoseok’s name on the screen.
He never called you when you were friends, so why the hell would he call you now?
Picking it up, the confusion in your voice is present when you say, “Hello?” 
There is heavy breathing at the end, and then a tiny voice, definitely not Hoseok’s, answers you, “Hello? Is this Y/N?” 
The way the little voice pronounces your name instantly melts the tension that built up in your body. You crack a smile, stopping your walk to put a hand on your hip.
“It is, and who might this be?” You can’t help but let out a soft giggle as another voice says something to the child on the phone but the child just makes a noise at them.
“This is Soobi, Mr. Jung got hurt in class and he needs your help.” There is no panic in her voice, so you don’t immediately jump to the worst case scenario. You figure that it was probably him in the background telling her to hang up the phone. 
“Soobi, can you please give Mr. Jung his phone so I can talk to him?” You hear the loud patter of little feet and then a loud sigh.
“Y/N, it’s nothing, I told her not to take my phone and definitely not to call you.” He didn’t mean for it to sound harsh, but he just didn’t want to bother you and he was trying not to let the pain in his hand influence the tone of his voice. You weren’t talking to him and he wasn’t talking to you, so he shouldn’t come to you when something minor happens. 
“Are you at the studio?” There’s a pause.
“Yeah, I took over the youth classes this week.” 
“I’ll be there in 10.” You hang up before he can object. 
You pick up the pace and make it to the studio in 8 minutes on the dot, instantly spotting Hoseok on one of the benches in the hallway, towel wrapped around his hand, a few little bodies gathered around him. 
When he sees you, he tries not to get excited, but he’d been really missing your presence the past couple of days and knowing you were here to help him made his heart beat pick up a bit. 
You approached him carefully, the children all parting to make way for you, staring at your scrubs and first aid bag. 
Before he knows it, you’re knelt down in front of him, taking his hand in yours as you peel away the towel to assess the damage. 
Along his palm close to his thumb is three inch cut leading down to his wrist. It doesn’t look super deep, but deep enough to warrant stitches. You were glad you’d brought your first aid bag with you everywhere, you’d have enough supplies to sew it right up.
While you check him for any other injuries, he can’t help but marvel at how pretty you look when you’re focused like this. 
Wait, did he just call you pretty? 
1. He’s supposed to be mad at you for abandoning him.
2. He’s never been attracted to a member, well ex-member in your case, before
The dam was already breached, though, and now that’s all he could think about as you start getting your supplies out and asking him what happened.
He didn’t even realize he’d zoned out just staring at you until you snapped your fingers in front of his face to wake him up. 
“What?,” was all he could manage before the sound of little giggles causes a redness to creep up his neck. You just shake your head with a playful smirk.
“I said, ‘How the heck did you manage this while babysitting?’” 
One of the children scoff, marching up to you to inform you that they are not babies and they do not need to be sat on. All you can do is laugh and apologize, turning back to Hobi who,  again, is just staring at you like you suddenly sprouted two heads or something. 
“I, uh, was helping another room change a light bulb when I lost my balance and shattered it in my hand.” Saying it out loud made him feel even dumber than he did when it actually happened. 
You wanted to tease him for it, but you could see the embarrassment on his face, and figured he’d been through enough for one morning. 
“Well, you’re lucky I brought my kit with me, you’re gonna need a couple stitches, but it shouldn’t take long.” 
He hears the words stitches and retracts his hand back, cringing. Hoseok wasn’t really afraid of needles, but now that he’s coming face to face with one, he thinks he should recant that. 
You can feel him tense, knowing that the tenser he gets, the more painful it would be. Without even thinking or realizing, you glide your fingers over his hand, holding it gently, almost caressing it. Hoseok can feel the pain subsiding, even as you clean the wound and he can see the needle going through his skin. 
He doesn’t want to look away when he sees a familiar glow extend from your fingertips to his skin, but if he looks at the needle one more time he swears he’ll puke. 
Luckily, the children had all been whisked away by another instructor so you and Hoseok could have some room. 
It takes maybe a few seconds before you’re all done, tying the thread and placing gauze over the area. 
You gently wrap around his wrist and hand a few times, securing it, and putting all your used equipment in a bio-hazard bag to dispose of later. 
“There, all better.” You say, tapping his knee gently as he looks over his wrap. 
Smiling, he stands up, offering his other hand out to you to help you up. When you’re on your feet, your hand lingers in Hoseok’s for a moment, before you pull away. 
“Next time, be more careful, okay?” You dust your scrubs off, heft your bag over your shoulder, and turn to leave, when he stops you. 
He rests his hand on your shoulder, not really knowing what else to do. He wants to hug you, but it’s not the right time or place for that and he’s not really sure where you stand with him. 
Instead, he says, “Thank you,” and gives your shoulder a light squeeze. Hoseok turns back down the hallway, heading towards another room, while you watch him until he closes the door. 
Walking home, you still feel his fingers on your shoulder, the warmth of his hand in yours. 
Maybe you don’t have to cut off Hoseok completely. 
After Hoseok’s little accident, he’d come to the conclusion that the only way to get your attention was to appeal to your healer’s side. 
This surmounted to him calling you every day with questions about his injury. 
‘Can I get it wet?,’ ‘Is it supposed to itch?,’ ‘I think it looks infected, what does an infection look like?” 
Needless to say, after the second day, you were officially annoyed with him. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know if your stitches are infected, so why the hell was he you with every little paranoia of his?
Hoseok’s answer is simple: to force you to talk to him. 
Now, Hoseok didn’t like annoying you, well, not too much, and he didn’t like having you think he was a complete idiot, but he didn’t know any other way to get to you. 
You kicked him out of the E.R., you stopped coming to class, and you refused to let him into your building when he showed up. 
So, he resorted to incessant phone calls. Not his best plan, but the best one he’s got right now. 
You were cleaning up your apartment, taking advantage of having the whole day off, when your phone starts to ring again and you have half a mind to ignore it. 
The guilt eats away at you by the third ring, though, and you answer with a loud sigh to let Hobi know he was getting on your nerves. 
“That’s no way to answer the phone when a patient is calling.” You can picture the smug grin on his face, fist curling tight, the urge to reach right through the phone and ring his neck simmering in your veins. 
“Hoseok, I swear to God, if you call me one more time with some stupid question, I’m going to get a restraining order.” 
There a dramatic fake gasp on the other end of the line, your eyes rolling on instinct. 
“Well good thing I’m not calling with a question this time then.” 
“What do you want then?” There’s a long pause, one you’re assuming is on purpose for effect. 
“I’m calling to propose a deal.” You can’t say you’re not intrigued. What kind of deal could Hoseok possibly be proposing to you, and what the hell would you have to do.
“Alright, shoot.” 
“I will stop calling you with dumb questions if you agree to come back to class.” A laugh escapes your lips before you can cover your mouth, but Hobi just ignores it, waiting for your answer.
“Or, I could just block your number.” 
“Then I’d have to resort to coming to your apartment.” 
“I’d call the cops.”
“I could always show up to the hospital and threaten to sue when you deny me care?” 
You shake your head even though he can’t see. 
“Alright, alright, enough with crazy threats, why do you want me to come back to class so bad anyways?” 
He’s silent because he’s not sure if he should make a joke or tell the truth. You were finally listening to him, really listening, and he didn’t want to mess it up. 
“You’re the best pop and locker I know.” Ugh, that was so stupid, but you’re laughing so maybe it wasn’t a total loss.
“Alright, now what’s the real reason?” 
He’s nervous now, but he thinks of something that he knows you can’t pass up.
“The group misses you, you’re family after all.” 
He knew exactly what buttons to push, and the loneliness button was the hardest hitting one. You missed them too, so much. You’d never laughed, played, and goofed around that much in your life. That studio was the one place you felt at home. 
“I don’t know Hobi, I’m pretty busy with work...” you trail off, and Hoseok has to keep his cool even though you finally addressed him by his nickname after dropping the full name bomb on him every time you’ve talked to him since your falling out. 
“Please.” He sounded almost desperate, but that’s what he was feeling right now. Hoseok didn’t know why, but he needed you to come back. He wanted everything to go back to normal. He wanted you to come back to him. 
After mulling it over in your head, you decide that dance class would be better than annoying phone calls. This would also give you a chance to look after Hobi so he would stop hurting himself. 
“Fine, I’ll come back.” Hoseok drops the phone in his moment of excitement, scrambling to pick it up off the floor.
“Great, I'll see you tomorrow then.” 
“See you tomorrow, Hobi.” 
“Hobi, I literally saw you do that on purpose.” 
This was the third time this week he ‘accidentally’ tripped over his own two feet and got hurt. This man has been dancing for years, there was no way he’d trip over his feet that easily. 
He was usually so graceful and calculated, but lately he was reckless and all over the place.
Hobi wouldn’t admit it, but he liked when you babied him, so he may or may not have been acting less careful lately. It was never anything serious, just minor bumps and scrapes, but he just loved when you’d hold his hand and get him an ice pack, or clean a scrap and cover it with a cute little band-aid that were supposed to be for the kids. 
His favorite thing was the warm tingle he got when you touched him as you tended to him, the soft glow on your fingertips leaving him in awe every time, even though he had to pretend he never saw it. 
You were catching on, though, and finally caught him in the act. You knew he was doing it on purpose, and now you knew why. He was curious about your gift.
Class wrapped up, and you are about to grab your things and head out when you hear the click of a lock. 
You turn to see Hobi standing at the door, keys in his hands. 
“What are you doing?” You ask, slowly approaching him.
He just stares at you, unsure of how to bring up the fact that he knows there is something different about you, something not human.
You’re tired from class and not ready to deal with the third degree from Hobi on why your hands glow sometimes, so you roll your eyes and reach for his keys. He quickly pulls away, holding them high above both of your heads.
“Using your height against me, how rude.” You jump, trying to grab them from his hands, but even with your most powerful lunge, you can’t reach them. Hoseok’s trying not to enjoy this too much, but it’s impossible with how cute you look, hopping like a little bunny. 
It gets old quick, so you stand there, arms crossed, “What do you want?” 
“Are we not friends Y/N?” You look at him confused.
“Of course were friends Hobi, now let’s go.” 
“Then why don’t you trust me?”
You knew this would come up again, especially after the increase in his curiosity about it. You had patched things up with a Hobi, returning back to your normal dynamic rather quickly, but you still felt like you weren’t ready to share that part of you with him, let alone anyone. 
“I do trust you, Hobi.”
“Then why won’t you tell me about your hands?” There it was, all laid out in the open. Either you could confront it head on, or bury your head in the sand.
“Hobi, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m tired, can we just go home?” You reach for the door handle, but Hobi grabs your hand first. It’s not a tight grip, more like a comforting, soothing one. 
He doesn’t know how else to show you he cares about you.
“You can tell me, anything, I promise.” When you look in his eyes, you know that he’s telling the truth. You want to trust him, confide in him, assure him that you care about him too, but you can’t find the words. 
You turn your head away, facing the door, and dropping his hand, “Can we just go, please, Hoseok.”
And just like that he dropped it and unlocked the door. All it took was the slight fear that you were building that wall again and he backed off. He wasn’t going to push you away again. 
The walk home is silent, neither of you knowing where to go from there. You make your way up to the front door of your apartment building and turn back to Hoseok.
“I really do trust you Hobi.” 
He looks over his shoulder at you, managing a smile even though he feels a bit emptier inside, “Goodnight Y/N.”
You manage to return your own pathetic smile, “Goodnight Hobi.”
After waiting around in the studio with the rest of the crew for 30 minutes, you decide to try and ring him again. Holding the phone to your ear, you pray that he answers this time, but instead get the tone for his voicemail.
After an hour, everyone decides to go home, but you book it to Hobi’s place. After knocking on the door for 5 minutes straight, and elderly woman opens the door and lets you in.
“Do you know what apartment number Jung Hoseok lives in?” You ask, slightly out of breath from the run to his place. 
“Up the stairs, first door on the left.” She smiles, and you take the steps two at a time until you make it to the second floor. You locate his door and knock three times, waiting for an answer. 
You get nothing, and start to panic. 
‘What if he fell and knocked himself unconscious?,’ ‘What if he’s having an allergic reaction and slowly suffocating?’ 
The fear quickly takes over, causing you fist to bang repeatedly on the door, frantic. 
“Hobi? Hobi! Open up, are you okay?!?” The loud thump and the shuffling of feet cause you to pause your ministrations. 
Suddenly, the door slowly creaks open, revealing a pale and sickly look Hobi wrapped in a blanket, a tissue tucked into his hood.
You just stare at him, taking in everything. He looked like death.
“Hey, you shouldn’t be here-cough-I don’t want you to get sick.” 
You roll your eyes and let yourself in, helping him hobble his way back to his best on the couch. There are tissue and open medicine everywhere, and don’t even get you started on the smell. 
Maybe something actually did die in here.
“Hobi, I’m around sick people all the time, I’ll be fine.”
You hold his arms, lowering him back onto the couch, watching sympathetically as he cuddles back into the piles of blankets, a sneeze escaping as he does so.
You kneel down in front of him, a smile overtaking your lips, and in Hobi’s illness induced fever dream, he swears you look like an angel.
He tries to smile, but starts coughing, but you get the gist. 
“Why didn’t you just tell me you were sick? We were all worried about you.”
You place your hand on his forehead, cringing at how hot his skin is. He’s burning up and you didn’t know how long he’s had a fever.
“I didn’t want to worry anyone.” 
“Well, obviously that didn’t work, I ran here like a madman thinking you’d died or something.” 
He laughs weakly, “See? Not so fun being ghosted, is it?” You fight the urge to smack his shoulder, considering he’s so weak.
Instead, you take his hands in yours, rubbing his thumbs with yours. 
“I’m sorry, let’s just agree to talk to each other, honestly, from now on.”
“It’s a deal.” 
You smile, focusing all your energy into your hands. Hobi stares at you, unsure what to say next, when he notices the light coming from your entwined hands. He watches in disbelief as the light flows from your fingertips to his skin, leaving a trail of warmth that flows through his veins. 
He starts to feel less nauseous and dizzy, his chest less congested and his nose no longer runny.
He lifts his eyes back up to yours, catching you staring at him, as if to check on him. 
“You were right, about me not trusting you before, but I do now, fully trust you.” 
Hoseok feels like he could do anything right now, and what he wants to do most is kiss you, right here, right now. 
Then he remembers he’s still sick technically, and your surrounded by used tissues and sweat soaked blankets and decides he doesn’t want your first kiss to be in this mess.
You giggle, seeing him go through all of those emotions as he mulls it over in his head. He’s worse at hiding things when he’s sick.
You just lean forward, pressing your lips to his forehead.
He can’t help but close his eyes, the cool sensation of your lips on his warm forehead releasing all the rigidity in his body and dissipating it in the surrounding air. 
“How about when I’m better, I take you on an official date?” He’d insist the red on his cheeks was from the illness.
Yours, though, was definitely a blush.
“I’d like that.”
      Here it is, Hobi’s story in all its angsty and fluffy glory. Sorry this one is going up a bit late, this one took me a while to finish. Honestly wanted to go into more detail on some things but I didn’t want to make it too long. Hope you guys will enjoy it nonetheless. This story made my heart hurt a little bit, not gonna lie, I really like this one. Now we just have Jimin, Tae, and Kookie left💜 Stay Spooky!
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dothemacarena · 5 years
a new wild dnd session to scream about online
This session started with us dealing with a t-rex which we left off on as a cliff hanger. This was the least interesting part of the session. 
the characters in this story are: Jomu my kenku fighter, Jond @pippenpaddlopsicopolisthethird a tabaxi rogue, Lwdd @spontaneousmusicalnumber our elf bard, and Veritas @chimpoot a wizard rogue who turns into a dragon born on nights near a full moon like 7 nights a month. 
Many sessions ago and weeks ago in game the Jond admitted under zone of truth that he had a crush on someone before promptly running away as fast has he could, which is very fast.
The party decided not to press him on it and wait for him to be ready to talk about it, but did not necessarily give up trying to figure it out/set him up in some way. 
After fighting the T rex which ended up being a rather quick fight we travel montaged for two days and then sent Jond to sneak into a town for supplies while we waited. While waiting a Remorhaz attacked. This thing did dealt fire damage whenever it got hit with a melee weapon and tended to focus attacks on one creature. The fight starts Lwdd sends Jond a message and he manages to get back fast enough to get the first attack in. My character can usually tank their way through most fights with 21 ac and 98 hp going into this fight wasn’t too worried even with the damage taken every time I hit.
First round starts Jond attacks, Lwdd attacks, and Veritas uses his breath weapon which for him does a random wand of wonder thing. In this case that random thing is that his mind leaves his body and goes into someone else’s his body works on autopilot and can do physical attacks and his mind can cast spells. He rolls a d4 and the dice says it is Jond’s body. Que loud distressed “can he read my mind?” after a dice roll it was decided that the answer is no. Lwdd and Jomu don’t know this has happened his body is still moving around. The remorhaz fails to bite Jomu and Jomu attacks taking about 12 points of damage each turn.
Second round Jond attacks, Lwdd attacks, and Veritas uses mirror image to make there be 3 more Jonds. This thing gets manages to successfully bite me dealing fifty something damage. I am in its mouth restrained and grappled. I struggle and manage to stab it once forgetting that that does more damage to me so I second wind to heal a bit. 
Third round more attacks happen, Lwdd heals me a bit and it is not enough as this thing manages to do exactly enough damage to knock Jomu unconscious and swallows him so he can’t be healed. My turn one failed death save
another round goes by the remorhaz thankfully misses a bite attack on Lwdd which might have been able to down our healer in one attack and his stomach acid does damage to Jomu leading to an automatic failed death save, and I roll and fail my third death save and the race is on. It is now that I will mention my character dying is also not even close to the most interesting thing to happen this session.
Over the next round the party manages to kill the monster and then they manage to cut it open and revivify Jomu before I am gone for good Jomu talks to the one god he is friends with. We go to the town to rest but don’t go to sleep right away because we haven’t been awake that long but we aren’t going to keep adventuring with the tank on deaths door so we have some down time.
Veritas tries to read a book but because of plot reasons all of the words have been turned into the word become. So Lwdd pulls out her book that has the most pictures I can’t remember its title rn but it is along the lines of Dwarfs getting down and dirty, and is basically a dwarf Kama Sutra. Lwdd starts trying to make memes out of the pictures with the word become under them.
Jond goes outside to practice and Veritas follows after a while to try and fish for information on the crush or on any other secrets there might be, “so anything you want to talk about”. Because he knows he couldn’t read Jond’s mind but Jond doesn’t. Jond however shuts him down without him getting any info and he returns to the tent.
Then Lwdd goes to talk to Jond and asks how he knew he was in love. He explains how he knew and goes and after asking her to promise not to tell reveals to her that his crush is on Veritas. Lwdd listens to the reasoning rolling a high deception roll to keep a straight face and then after Jond had finished talking said “I need to go have a problem now” promptly dimension doors away.
While that conversation was happening Veritas was asking Jomu if now (while in the relative safety of the city) is a good time to give Jond some catnip and lock him in a room with Jomu (because the three of us had decided out of game of course Jond’s crush is on Jomu he always talks about how strong Jomu is and that one time a guy came to our table and said hey beautiful to Lwdd Jond responded with “yes Jomu is quite beautiful” and when they were trying out for some positions he encouraged Jomu to go for one of the highest ranks instead of a lower easier one because “of course you can do it Jomu your amazing”)
Jond comes back to where we’re staying to find out why Lwdd teleported away so quickly only to find she is not there like he assumed. We ask about the conversation and Jond says I don’t think I said anything mean to her or that would have gotten her angry. Jond tells us that she said I need to go have a problem before she teleported away. In the parties mind this means one of two things if Jond really said nothing to upset her either she is having some digestional issues and had to go poop or she is going to go get in a fight with someone. The only person we know in this town is the mayor so that must be who she is going to fisticuffs with so we start walking to his house which takes 20 min
Meanwhile Lwdd teleported south of town an cast silence on herself before screaming. when the silence ran out after 10 minutes she did it again,
We get to the mayors house ask the guards if they have seen or heard her (no) so we decide to head back and if she isn’t there and doesn’t show up after 15 min we will start looking for her, she can message us if she needs help.
We get back and there is a tiny hut dome colored black filling half of the tent we are staying in. It won’t let us through we knock and say “hey Lwdd is that you? It’s ok if you want some time alone but it could be any magical person in there and we need to make sure it’s you” she responds with it’s me an won’t say anything else prompting us to go outside to try and figure out what is wrong with her out of her hearing range.
After needling Jond a about what they discussed to try and find out what is wrong Jond tells us that he talked to her about who is crush is, but he still won’t tell us who it is. We come up with three possibilities of why she is upset.
1) She has a crush on Jond and is upset it isn’t her.
2) She has a crush on the same person as Jond.
3) While we were away she looked at more Dwarf’s Getting Down and Dirty and needed some private time.
We resolve to let her know we are here for her and she can talk to us about anything if she needs to but not push her on why she is upset in the morning. We also all leveled up during the night because we beat the remorhaz yay.
Come morning we get ready to head out. While Jond is off filling canteens Jomu asks once again if she is ok and with one bad deception roll gives her a big hug.
Two days of tense traveling pass before one night Lwdd asks Jomu to take watch with her. Jomu seeing this as her wanting to talk like was offered is glad to accept and after the others are definitely asleep she talks. At first it is very hard to give advice as she is talking very quickly and vaguely in a jumbled mess. Eventually Jomu calms her down a bit and explains that Jond already told us what you talked about and what is upsetting you has to be one of three things. Replacing private time because that wouldn’t cause all of this tension in the air with Jond confessed to you and you had to turn him down.
Lwdd tries to avoid saying who Jond’s crush was on because she promised she wouldn’t.  “hypothetically if you had a crush on the same person as a friend what would you do? Confess to the person, or tell the friend you have the same crush, or just do nothing and hope the feeling go away or tell the crush that we both have a crush on them and let them choose.” Jomu;s advice is that ultimately it is up to the person you have a crush on to decide who they like more or if everyone is open to an triad or an open relationship, but I definitely don’t think not doing anything is the right answer because you have been not doing anything for two days and it has been really tense.
After some dramatic high school drama along the lines of what if I am lonely and miserable for the next 1000 years, Jomu mentioned that “none of us are going to live as long as Lwdd. Unless you do some weird necromancy I’m sure if it doesn’t work out with this crush you will move on. You will have other friends and loved ones in your life and that is ok.” “is this a bad time to say that I learned some weird necromancy spells recently” “a little and please don’t necromance me for the full 1000 years of your life you can go for 100 years right after I die if you need comfort or help in a fight but please learn to move on”Jomu thinking she would necromance all of her friends and just wanting to be clear that she can necromancy my body for a little but not forever and she then slips by saying “I don’t have a crush on you!” proving that her and Jond both have a crush on Veritas.
Jomu thinks for a bit getting used to knowing both party members have a crush on Veritas who is a certified dumbass and eventually gives the advice to talk to Jond about it. Maybe you both eventually confess to Veritas or one of you decides to root for the other but confessing to Veritas with out letting Jond know in advance would be betraying Jond and letting Veritas know you both have a crush would be breaking your promise to Jond to not tell anyone, and we already know that bottling it up and not doing anything doesn’t work for you since the past two days have shown us that. So you need to talk to Jond. It probably won’t go as poorly as you are thinking you guys are too good of friends for having a crush on the same guy to ruin it. maybe it will make your bond stronger you can take watches at night together and talk about how cute his butt is or whatever it is you guys see in him that I don’t. Lwdd says she will and makes Jomu promise that he wont tell anyone about this conversation. Jomu promises and has no plans to break her trust. Lwdd then says “Jomu do you trust me” “of course we have been through so much together and just two days ago you brought me back to life”
Lwdd pats Jomu on the head and casts modify memory.
Jomu successfully wisdom saves.
A quick scramble of Jomu instinctively resisted not because I don’t trust Lwdd and do I know what spell that was no I have never seen it before but it doesn’t feel like zone of truth which would make sense if she just wanted to be sure I was truthful in my promise. Lwdd awkwardly says “good talk” to having the spell not work. Jomu says “Hey I do trust you and I promise I am not going to tell anyone”
end of session
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rael-rider · 5 years
Inspired from that Star Wars post you replied to but where would you put Rich and the Guardians in a Medieval fantasy setting?
Strictly Medieval Fantasy? Or something like D&D or Elder Scrolls? OK I just pulled this out of thin air and don’t plan on doing anything with this (and if I ever do it would just be something short because I suuuuck at writing fics as you will see in this post that I do) so just read it for your entertainment.But before you read have you checked out ammosart’s fanart of Sir Richard, Lord Quill, and Lady Gamora? I just had to show people that.
Peter is a Prince who abdicated his claim to the throne in favor of adventure and wanting to help people across the land (it’s similar to how in the original Star-Lord comic Peter abdicates his claim to the throne at the end of his original run and Jason appoints his adopted son, Kip Holm, as Emperor of Spartax so it's in character that he doesn’t want to be a ruler). Before dying, his mother the Queen gave him the title of Lord of the Stars, a title given to the nobles of the Quill family (what it means and why? I haven’t thought that far I’m just thinking this up as I go) along with a magical sword (this AU’s version of the element gun) that Peter’s father left her before returning to his own Kingdom (which is said to be in an enchanted realm and hard to access, though Peter eventually makes his way there and he doesn’t want to be that Kingdom’s King either). Peter is a great sword fighter and a jack of all trades. He has money and influence since he’s a noble and has some connections to less than ideal figures but it’s how he gets around and At one point Peter would meet up with Rouket (Rocket), a genius inventor and blacksmith as well as a magical Raccoon. Groot is an Ent Tree who follows Rocket around after Rocket saved his life.Peter would then meet Gamora a soldier of fortune and former guild Assassin who is wanted by the guild. She joins up with Peter’s band because she likes the idea of using her skills for good and wants to become a better person (she still occasionally wants to get payed for her services though, she doesn’t care if Peter is loaded, people have to eat and buy things for a living and she likes being financially independent). Gamora is friends with an unusual Warlock named Adam who mostly wants to be left alone and his pal Pip the troll, both whom offered her sanctuary while she quit and ran from the Assassin’s Guild. Gamora is also close to two other Soldiers of Fortune, one named Angela and another named Nebula.Then there’s Drax who is a restless Revenant type of human brought back by unusual magic and he’s shunned by common folks because of his appearance and dark origin. Drax feels anger for his wife and daughter’s (who is still alive but he doesn’t know that) deaths and he wants revenge on their killer who is the Assassin Guild’s leader. Peter and Gamora promised him justice so he’s with them for the time being.
Heather and Mantis are definitely mystic monks with Mantis having empath abilities. Heather is in love with Phyla, a lady from the house of Vell (their insignia is the Star of Hala) in the Kingdom of Hala. She took up the sword and is being trained by Sir Wendell Vaughn, a Paladin from the Order of the Quasar which not much is known of. Phyla struggles with her teachings and her darker side. She is also afraid of ending up as a fallen Paladin and Black Knight like her brother Genis.
Rich would be a young Knight Errant (or like ASOIAF’s Hedge Knight) and a former Nova Knight from the lost Kingdom of Xandar. He’s not a wizard but as a Nova Knight he has control of Xandar’s unique magic and knowledge of some of their spells. He sometimes communicates with an old Xandarian Guardian spirit known as the Weorold Gemynd (yes I know the name is awful, shut up) that teaches him about Xandarian magic and also freaks out the locals in whichever town he’s staying. He’s also Xandar’s only known survivor which is a source of anger and shame for him especially since he’s criticized for surviving when everyone else there died. This would eventually set him on a quest of vengeance against those who destroyed Xandar (can’t decide if it would be a demonic version of Annihilus and his wave or Zorr, and the Luphomoids, or even the Universal Church which would fit more with the setting than anything and they also ended up killing the Nova corps). He was a newly appointed Knight when the Kingdom fell and he was also a former peasant which makes Nobles question how a lowborn ever achieved such title (maybe Xandarians were equal opportunity like that. I definitely would like to think of them as being more enlightened or advanced than the other Kingdoms which probably contributed to their downfall). People think Rich is odd since he talks to peasants with the same respect as he does nobles and is forward to a noble of higher status than him as he is to someone of his same status. People have reported seeing him by the sea during dusk no matter where he is and sometimes in the company of an odd looking but beautiful blonde. They claim that he’s bewitched by a Siren but Rich says she isn’t one and it’s none of their business (In reality it’s Nita and she’s a Sea Elf, also I have trouble placing the other New Warriors in this setting, particularly Night Thrasher and Speedball).
Rich is just weird and some people don’t like him because of it and he gets kicked out of a lot of towns. At one point both Peter and Rich end up meeting while fighting on the same side in a war and Peter takes a liking to Rich and his forwardness. Peter eventually wants Rich to join up with his group. Rich occasionally does join up but he eventually leaves to do his own thing (Peter does try to get him to stay though). Nevertheless when they’re apart Rich keeps in contact with the Peter and his Guardians of the Realm (name pending, lol) through magical means and he does join up when they’re nearby. He’s close to them and likes them all (Peter and Gamora being his favorite people and Phyla being the closest thing he has to a sister) which is partially why he keeps his distance because he is still on that vengeance for Xandar quest and he doesn’t want them involved.Gah I can’t believe I spent an hour on this, but thanks Anon, I had fun.
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kaiju-z · 5 years
Seon Adventures Episode 23:  Blood and Cherry
Following the cliffhanger of Amelia and the rest of the party literally and figuratively bumping into her sister... we carry on into the conversation that happens.
Sabrina, Sab for short, as it is learned, is the younger sister of Amelia, who at one point in her life had lived under the name, or nickname “DeeDee”. Something Sab is understandably confused about Luctan refers to Amelia as such.
When last the two had met, it was 7 years ago, when Sabrina was 7 years of age, when they were seperated by tragic means. In the time since, she had grown into a strong, 18 year old spellcaster, as she performed some of her evocation magic for the party to witness.
It’s hard to tell what class she may be, as Luck notes in his mind, but at the very least he can tell it’s not Divine type.
Smoothing over some perceived sleights, as the two hadn’t reconnected since the incident that seperated them, Luctan explains that Amelia had confided in him her worries and goal of searching, of finding her little sister. Which would be Sabrina. Persuasive as he is, he convinces her of the Air Genasi Monk’s determination and the two ladies hug it out and we get introduced to Sab’s familiar, a very lovely little weasel.
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A promise is made to rendevouz later at the Tabernax tavern later, after they each finish their respective job for the day.
As they part ways, Amelia gets a pep talk from the party as the revelation comes that she has a severe case of Imposter Syndrome, having to have kept her own issues to herself. Believing that she had to decrease, as everyone else had to increase their own issues’ level.
That is not the case though, as Luck, Mournimar and Belli make it clear to her. It’s not the case as her own situation and the need to find a balance is just as important as the rest’s.
Promissing to discuss things later, the five and their pets carry on into the rounded out area of the South-Eastern part of town, on the outer wall’s side.
Three buildings in particular stand out to everyone. A Pottery Shop, named “Straight to the Paint ‘, an old house and an Orphanage right next to it.
Luctan’s lack of knowledge of herbalism aside.. A decision is made on how they should handle the establishments.
Luck takes the executive decision to split the party up in 3 teams:
Team 1: Luck and Ficus take to the Pottery shop.
Team 2: Amelia and Mournimar, to investigate the old house.
Team 3: Malak and Belli to have a chat with the heads of the Orphanage.
Learn information, apply that information, reunite and solve the case of the mysterious lightning strikes!
And so they go!
Luctan, making a promise to Belli to buy pot, goes and gets her a flower pot. And paints.(Poor low Int Roll, yaaay!) Charming the shop owner with his words, complimenting his youthful appearance and all that, Luctan learns a bit of info, before he decides to go Assassin’s Creeding up the roofs:
The gnome shopkeeper, having spoken to Mr. Greg, two doors down had come to learn that the old man kept finding left over snacks in his spare room. Quite odd. Crumbs? Maybe a rat infestation, the guard aren’t interested. He complained that someone talked from his chimney. But no one could be found.
On the opposite side of the street, the chimney of Mr. Tim was taken out in one of the lightning strikes. Frankly, the Gnome suspects that, based on whispers around town, The Storm God Dahktot was responsible in some way, maybe the involvement of a cult was in play?
Losing a fight to a fly, aside, Luctan doesn’t get any info or perception on what’s going on from the top of the buildings.
Amelia and Mournimar have far much better, well, Luck, in this situation than Luctan as they confront the owner of the house (you know, after Mournimar suggests breaking in). They meet the legend himself, Old Greg, a crotchety old man in his 80′s, who complains to them about rats in the guest room upstairs.
Guy has a shitty day. As usual. Fucking kids.  He hates them kids.  Little brats in the spare room get hella loud.  He’s such a crotchety bastard. But the suspicion does arise that kids from the Orphanage may be involved somehow.
Mourni figures the vibes in the house are spooky. Old house and magical energy coming form upstairs, one part in particular. Though...  The room doesn’t appear to have anything off about it. The dust is lighter, like there used to be a bed and it smells like rotting food.
The two most perceptible in the party notice that there’s a small circle with markings, scribbled out and redrawn repeatedly. Mournimar notices the angle and his eyes are drawn to the fireplace, the wall shared with the orphanage and there is a loose brick hanging off of it.
Mournimar investigates the loose brick.  He takes a peek and can notice, in the dark of it, a pressure point. While he fiddles with the bricks, Amelia gives a closer look to the runes carved into the floor. They sadly are unreadable, but one is always the same. Amelia has no idea.
As the two talk actions,  Amelia agrees that Mourni should press the button.
Clunking sounds. He holds down the button. Eventually there’s a shifting and the bricks at the back of the fireplace separate and open up... and  Mournimar essentially breaks into an orphanage. 
There’s a single bed in the room. Pretty plane room, there’s a propped up piece of wood. A bag under the bed and the bed is fairly small.
Casting Pass Without a Trace, Mournimar sneaks inside. He finds a thick heavy book within the sack, beneath the bed. It’s compex in design, intricate and it’s lead bound back. Black, with a fire pattern at the bottom.
There’s a detailed drawing of the ritual circle in the bedroom they started with. With a combined effort, the two make a copy of the ritual circle. And Mournimar draws a detailed map of the building and circle.
The runes are clearer and neater, the main one repeated is the symbol for Conjuration.  They figure they should warn the old man. Mourni makes sure the close the door behind himself. Walking back, they do see a picture of a younger Greg, in a canoe.
They try to explain the situation to him, but the old guy pulls a dagger on them, ‘cause he’s startled by the cult shit book. Amelia lies it’s a cake and he buys it.
Back with Belli and Malak, the two go do dad and totally normal daughter activities. Just two bros, hanging out, going to an orphanage.
There’s a chiming. An older Firbolg lady opens the door. The story is that they’re here to play music for the kids. Belli pays attention for weird shit. Malak gives her Guidance. “You’ve got this. They’re just kids.”
There are toys all over the place. Very much homemade.
After the ringing of a bell, 15 kids in a swarm enter the room. (Roll for initiative, j/k).
They kind of, a few of them walk right up to Belli and one of the youngest is in the Firbolg’s arms, as it’s too young. A few sit down as Malak introduces Belli.
“ Wow, are your teeth real?!” asks one child and Belli confirms, as she is an Olf/Erc (Half Orc/Half Elf). The question is raised as the baby in the Firbolg’s arms is asl oa Half-Orc. His little tusks being all nubby and the like as he nibbles on her blue dress’ shoulder.
The kids ask about Malak’s axe and he shows it off, safely, for the kids. A few try to climb Malak to get to the axe, ‘cause that shit’s sick.
The lady introduces herself as Doreen. The head of this Orphanage.
As Belli begins entertaining children with magic and song, Malak converses with Doreen. She has a brother, who left recently. She’s been taking care as best she can of the kids, rough life and the like. Heartend, Malak gives her 10 gold. This will feed them for a while. Grateful for the kind deed, she asks if she can repay him somehow.
Malak asks about the lightning strikes, Belli offers practical lessons. “"Who wants to learn some practical skills?! we can start with knitting and then get to fire!" Seriously, Belli’s gonna blow these kids’ minds.
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Doreen guides Malak upstairs and leads him to a room upstairs. There’s a desk in one part of the room, multifunctional, a calendar and stuff.  There’s a single painting of a lake. This is Doreen’s room and her office space. Work place, dinner table and the only place she can get some privacy.
She’s still carrying Dave.
Malak scans the room with Detect Magic. A ring of Protection is on the table, given to Doreen by her late husband. 
"So kids anyone wants to learn magic or how to play an instrument", goes Belli downstairs.
Questioned about anything off recently, Doreen admits she’s been worrying about Cedric, one of the boys. He was attached to her brother and he never wants to talk to Doreen like with her brother.
It’s probably more of a personality thing. Malak learns that they got on like a house on fire. He was blunt with the kids and Cedric responded well to that.
“"Anyone want to fly? you have to be lighter then ten pounds"”
She mentions that Lord Arwen had come to visit, at least, mentions him by description. She didn’t trust him, though. He was asking similar questions, about the lightning and the children. He focused more on her, thinking she was doing something wrong.
By this point,  Belli has taught the kids “Baby Shark”.
Not all the kids are enthusiastic, though. One of the older kids, 7-8 year old being the loner. Slouching, hands in pockets. Belli talks with the boy, who introduces himself as Cedric.
He doesn’t know music and Belli tells him that’s ok. The two end up bonding over the ridicilously chonky boy that is Orion, the Familiar (and we make Sprinkle jokes ooc).
Good times.
Cedric admits he has a “friend”.
Bad times.
Her name is Cherry and he claims she’s not doing well.
They could always go and visit her, suggests Belli. But, according to Cedric, Doreen said they have to leave her alone.
Malak eventually rejoins Belli as she tells tales of the party’s adventures.
Mentioning Cherry to Doreen, Doreen can all but stare in confusion, having no fucking clue who that is.
Belli, followed by Malak, goes to check Cedric’s room and knocks. “Just a minute!” calls Cedric from inside.
Malak opens the door. He’s kneeling down in front of his bed, poured open a sack of his belongings and tears are welling up in his eyes.
And there we have it.
Mournimar stole his tome.
They ask about the book. They ask about Cherry.
Cherry’s real, but he gave her that name, because her skin’s the color of cherries.
“She’s not a tiefling. She, um.  She’s real and his friend, not feeling great, but doesn’t live here. “ Belli offers her services. Cedric explains that he’s been trying to summon her. And has killed cats and mice. All these storms that keep happening? It’s due to his failure.
Last time he heard her was a few nights back. She keeps wanting him to try until he does. She hasn’t told him right now where she is.
“She’s from the Feymind Zits- Err... Flaming Pitts?!”
Taking a knee, Malak has an “ I’ma be real with you, chief.” moment with the lad.  And he and Belli talk sense into the sad boy. Making him promise not to try and summon her anymore.
“You deserve better than someone, who only talks to you to get you to do something.” - Words of Wisdom by one, Belli Narah.
Malak asks if anyone else knows about the book, where he got the book from (no and Cherry, she taught him how to make it and stuff).
Can you tell me, as best you can remember, what the book looks like?”Black with a fire pattern at the bottom. It looks old, but the pages are still strong.
With Cedric’s promise, Belli passes some things over to him. Her Lute, as well as a piece of Platinum. She encourages him and gives him a gameplan to become a Bard. Making him, essentially, her apprentice.
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They share a hug and the youngster gets a headpat.
“ Learn from Freddy Orcury’s works. “
Ignore Cherry, tell her to Fuck off. Cedric promisses to do this.
The party soon reunite in the center of the circle, after Belli and Malak take chase after the book. And bumping into Amelia and Mournimar, with Luctan and Ficus coming down from the roof after that.
The party  discuss what’s what and the options they have. Suggestions to outright burn the book are brought up, with Luctan pointing out that they should probably hand it over to Lord Arwen as proof of their work here.
This is essentially the tome of a Warlock. As in. Cedric had accidentally made a contract with a Fiend and become a Pact Of The Tome Warlock. Belli remembers a spell that transports people through planes, one of these spells has to do with it.
Thinking fast, right before the party make their leave, Belli transformed Orion into a fly and sent him to watch over young Cedric,in case something went down.
As the six head back to the spires to have their business transaction, Luctan is positively glowing over the party’s team work!
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The talk is had and the party trade the tome for the agreed upon sum and extra for the tome, wich each party member getting 10 platinum pieces.
As we head off to study in the library for our Cherry exam, Lord Arwen mentions that Mountainsteel may have work for us. As he’s on our schedule, that may still occur...?
We go to the Lady Stormweaver National Library. Has a nice plack, marble stone ‘n  shit. Grand old building. It’s about the same size as the Echosmith Hall, so it’s a damn big building.
Walking in, there’s a hole in the ceiling with further floors up there.
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After conversing with a gnomish man of age, named Podin, the party plans on what research materials to take.
Malak finds that there’s a demonic tome on the 3rd floor, which he learns from a tiefling woman that it once belonged to someone called “ Golgordonix”, an evil dragon, who , who attacked these lands a century ago. His tome, gifted to him by one of the 9 hells.
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While the rest go to do their own research, be it about the Flaming Pits, Pacts and the like, we come to an end to the session.
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ventrue-rosary · 5 years
A Flower of A Different Colour - Pt 2
Rewrite of part 2 of the tattoo artist/florist AU for Kevir and Autumn. Part 1 can be found here
Kevir belongs to @theravensprince
Autumn welcomes the sound of her alarm rousing her the next morning.  She rolls and stretches with a smile, jabbing the off button and rising for the day with a light heart.
As she roots through her closet, her phone vibrates on the nightstand. Peering at the screen, she sees it’s her mother.
‘Morning, Autumn darling! You having just woken up, have you?’
‘N-no, of course not. What’s up?’
‘Well, today is your day off, right? You’re not doing anything are you?’
‘Great! It’s been a while since we had a daughter-mother day. And there is someone I want you to meet. See you at the usual place, in an hour?’
The phone clicks as she hangs up without waiting for a response. Autumn sighs as she texts Kevir.
Sorry, something just came up. Rain check? xo
A second passes before his response chimes. Everything ok?
Everything’s fine. My mama just kidnapped me for coffee -__-;
Need a hero? ;)
Autumn chuckles to herself. She almost, very almost, types out yes.
No, its fine. We’ll meet another day if that’s ok? xx
Of course it is. Have fun! x
Autumn prepares herself physically and mentally for the day ahead with her mother. Gods know she loves her but sometimes she could be a bit…overbearing.
One hour later she arrives at The Golden Griffon, a palatial hotel complete with a Michelin star tea room too rich for her blood, but Autumn knows she isn’t going to be paying.
A handsome elven concierge greets her at the door.
‘Miss Darcelle? Follow me, your mother is waiting.’
He leads her into the gilded dining room–marble floors and walls, large stone pillars rising proudly to the high ceiling dripping crystal chandeliers. The gentle trilling of a slow, sensual piano song delicately swells  above the din of numerous conversations. In the very centre of the room, a large fountain boasts a golden griffon spouting water from its’ beak.
Autumn is led through all the grandeur, feeling a slight bit under dressed in a mint mini-skirt, white blouse and baby-blue cardigan. Behind a screen, on their own private table sits her mother, resplendent in all black, laughing at something the handsome drow sitting opposite her said.
‘Oh, Autumn!’
Both of them stand, Amaranthe pulling her in for a tight hug and kiss on the cheek. Her eyes travel to the drow standing on ceremony, watching the two women embrace with a gentle smile. He is peculiarly dressed in a brimmed hat and an eye-patch covering his left eye.
Her mother pulls away from the embrace, beaming with brightness that would make the sun envious.
‘Autumn, my little leaf, this is Marchion, a new designer I’ll be working with. Marchion, my daughter Autumn.’
‘Charmed.’ He presses a soft kiss to the back of her hand. Autumn shifts her weight from one foot to the other, feeling awkward. ‘Such beauty. Inherited from her mother, obviously.’
Amaranthe laughs. ‘Please, don’t embarrass my daughter, Marchion.’
‘I would dream of nothing of the sort.’ He gestures for Autumn to take a seat at the small intimate table between the two of them. Only after the two women are seated does Marchion. A gentleman, it would seem.
‘Your mother was telling me you own your own shop?’
Autumn blinks realising she is staring at him. ‘Hm? Oh, yes! It’s um,  just a flower shop, on the outskirts of town. Its no big deal.’ Autumn suddenly feels very self-conscious about her tiny little business only just scraping by.
‘Oh, contraire. To be your own boss at such a young age…you must be a talented, intelligent young woman. I shall have to visit one day.’
Autumn drops her gaze from his dark eyes to her lap.
‘Where are my manners, we still haven’t offered you any refreshments.’ Marchion waves down a waiter. ‘These ladies are thirsty and hungry.’
‘I’ll have a refill.’ Amaranthe drains the last if her dregs. ‘And bring us the Midsummer platter, if you would be so kind?’
‘Caramel mocha,’ Autumn murmurs shyly.
The waiter bows and takes his leave.
‘Marchion owns his own business as well, you know? He is a very talented fashion designer.’
‘Oh you flatter me, Amara. It’s the model’s that make my work so spectacular. Like you, for example. My Skin-Deep line looks breathtaking on you.’
‘Now who’s the flatterer?’
Both of them laugh. Autumn squints at the giggling pair. Are they…flirting? The ringing of a phone cuts through their shared laughter.
‘Please, excuse me ladies, I must take this.’ He quickly slips away from the table, answering the call as he does.
Amaranthe beams at Autumn once they are alone. ‘Isn’t he wonderful?’ she whispers in infernal
‘Umm, I suppose?’ Autumn responds in kind
‘Successful, kind, charming, not to mention sexy.’
‘What? I’m not wrong.’
‘But what about daddy?’
‘Of course I find your father sexier–’
‘Can we please talk about something else?’
‘Very well. What do you think about him?’
‘Mama…are you trying to set me up?’
‘And what if I am? He’d make a good match.’
‘I barely know him! And just how old is he?’
‘Well you can always get to know him.’
‘Mama. How old is he?’
She hesitates, fidgeting in her seat. ‘245.’
‘Age is….subjective between full-blooded elves and short-lived species.’
‘I’m 19, mama. It’s just…weird.’
‘He’s still considered young by elf standards.’
‘I don’t want to be set up with Marchion.’
‘Why not?’
‘Well, because...because--’
‘Sorry about that!’ Marchion returns. The two whispering women lean back into their chairs.
Amaranthe smiles. ‘All is well, I hope?’
‘Duty calls, to my greatest regret. I must return to work. But please.’ He places down money. A lot of it. Surely too much for afternoon tea. ‘It’s on me, an apology for cutting our meeting so short. We must meet again soon.’
‘Dinner at my apartment this weekend? Autumn will be there too of course, won’t you?’ The look her mama gives her means she has no say in the matter.
‘Wouldn’t miss it for the world,’ she says, fighting hard to hold back sarcasm. Not that her mother misses it, judging by the arching of her eyebrow.
‘Then neither shall I. See you in a few days.’
‘I look forward to it,’ Amaranthe beams. 
Then it is just the two of them. Autumn deflates in her chair. The platter of luxury mini sandwiches and cakes are placed on the table, but Autumn no longer has an appetite. She considers confessing to her mother about Kevir. Anxiety wrangles her tongues.
‘Dinner? Really? You would think we were already a couple,’ Autumn murmurs as Amaranthe picks up a white chocolate and raspberry eclair.
‘I do think you should give him the chance, little leaf. He’s an extraordinarily gentle and charming man.’
‘Relationships need more than charisma and gentleness.’
‘My, when did you get so wise?’
‘When I decided to be completely independent of you.’ She crosses her arms over her chest.
 Amaranthe sighs, placing down the half-eaten pastry down on her plate. ‘And I am infinitely proud of that, and what you accomplished.’
‘So why do you feel the need to butt into my life now?’
‘Autumn, honestly! What has gotten into you?’
Autumn lurches to her feet. ‘Whats gotten into you? Parading me in front of a man who is old enough to be my father, yes even taking into account elven years! Taking away all of my autonomy on this situation, forcing me to attend dinner even though I can’t afford to miss a days work right now! You may think you’re helping me mother, but really, you are not.’
A tense silence follows, interrupted only by the flowing music and conversations around the, though a few adjacent tables have stopped and stared at them. 
‘Really Autumn, if you needed money you only had to ask.’
She storms out without a further word, not stopping as her mother calls out to her. She doesn’t know if she chases her, but Autumn still runs for the bus pulling up. She could have maybe fixed the whole situation if she just came clean about Kevir, but she feels stupidly anxious confessing to her mother she has a...boyfriend? Are they official enough for her to use such terms? 
Autumn sighs, leaning back in her seat with a defeated sigh. Part of her regrets her volatile words in response to her mother even if they were words that needed to be said. She wouldn’t risk embarrassment by bringing it up in front of Marchion, but Autumn would hear about it before long. 
She checks her phone. Two days until the weekend. She supposes it is time to go shopping for an apology present...and maybe some more clothes. 
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amusewithaview · 7 years
Drunk-Dialing Wormholes (MCU/Tolkien crossover)
A/N: This is for @uru-viel who recently Did a Very Cool Thing.
As a general rule, Darcy was against drunk!science.
She was, in fact, usually the voice of reason that shouted down the drunk!science.  Darcy, as a general rule, tended to prefer drunk!dancing or drunk!marathons (preferably of B-level slasher films).  Darcy did not think that drunk and science should be in the same hemisphere, let alone the same lab.  The closest she had ever come to drunk!science was when she attempted to figure out the tip at Waffle House at 3:00AM on Thursday night.
Everyone made interesting decisions in college.
Today, she was making an exception to her general rule.  Today was a day for exceptions and skirting of rules and ignoring of guidelines.  Today was the day of Jane and Thor’s break-up.  Darcy would call it ‘the big break-up’ but, truth be told, the relationship ended with more of a whimper than a bang.  There was long distance and then there was long distance, she was honestly impressed that they’d managed to maintain the flame for the length of time that they did.
Just for the day, she was bending the rules.
“Wine and science,” Jane said, the lower half of her spine undulating side to side as if her core muscles had forgotten how to work.  “Wine and science,” she repeated, “is a marvelous combination.”
“I think there’s more wine than science.  And not enough whine.”
“I hate that I can hear the spelling change,” Jane muttered.
“You know me so well.”
“Too well.”
“Wounded,” Darcy said.  “I am hurt.”
“You are drunk,” Jane said, reaching over and gently pushing on her shoulder.
She obligingly swayed, tipping so far she almost unseated herself on the stool.  “I’m the drunk half of this drunk!science experiment,” she said sagely.  “Now go bring some more science into the party so I can bring more wine.”
“I...don’t think that’s how it works.”
“We gotta keep it equal!  Even!  Ish!”
Jane pondered that for a moment, then nodded and shrugged.  “I had... I had a thing I was going to do, with that - that-”
“The other thing?”
Darcy pulled a face.  “Now I’m sad, because I think I know which things you mean.  We spend... a lot of time together.  Maybe too much.”
Jane shot her a mournful look, “If we weren’t platonic besties-”
“We’d be the bestest girlfriends,” Darcy finished, holding out her fist for a bump.
Jane bumped back solemnly.  “In another life.”
“One without Thor.”
“Or Ian,” she added.
“Ugh,” Darcy said, grimacing.  “Don’t remind me.”
“Sorry, sorry... I’ll just,” she gestured vaguely towards the Bridge machine.  “I’ll just bring the science level up enough that we can open another bottle of wine.”
“I’ll need wine and whine if we’re talking about Ian.”
Jane poked at the machine, “I had an inkling the other day, but it was a weird one.  I think my inkling was on the right track.”
“Did you write it down?”
“I didn’t want to waste the ink if I was wrong.”
“Cute,” Darcy said.  “Maybe I should introduce you to Sam, he likes puns.”
“No men, not for at least... three months.  Mourning period.”
“Fair.  So...the inkling.  Need paper?”
“Nah, no paper.  Just a few adjustments, like-” Jane wrenched at the machine, turning it a quarter to the left and then hitting a few buttons out of Darcy’s line of sight.  “There, that might do it.”
She shrugged.  “The inkling was vague and now wine.  ‘Might’ is as good as it’s going to get tonight.”
“You want I should press the red button?”
Jane pursed her lips.  “Uh...maybe we should wait until tomorrow?”
Darcy gave her an exaggeratedly patient look.  “Jane.  Janey.  What is tonight?”
“Drunk!science night.”
“This night comes but once a relationship!”
“True, okay.  Push the button.”
Darcy swayed over, one hand clutching her wine glass, and slung her other arm over Jane’s shoulder.  She leaned in, pulling Jane along with her, until her hand could flatten over the big red button.  She locked eyes with the older woman and waggled her eyebrows until Jane started giggling, then and only then did she push the button.
It was difficult to say who was more surprised when it worked: Darcy or Jane.  But one moment they were cheerfully tipsy-slash-drunk in the lab and the next moment they were stumbling forward into a forest.
“This isn’t where I parked the bar,” Darcy said.
“Oh my god,” Jane breathed.  “It worked!”
“Your inkling worked.”
“It worked!”
“I can’t believe-”
“You didn’t write down the inkling.”
“Well, no.”
“So nobody knows where we are and, unless they’re like, as smart and specialized as you, odds are they won’t figure out how we got here.”
Darcy squeezed her eyes tightly shut for a moment.  “I’m too tipsy for this,” she muttered.  “Okay, so, here’s what we do.  We walk until we find people-”
“Sentient beings, preferably ones we can communicate with, and then we ask them for help.  Your machine can only move people through space, right?  Not time and dimensions?”
“Theoretically, yes.”
“Well, ok then.”
“But if I’m wrong?”
“Panic, pain, the whole nine yards.  But first!  Optimism!”
“Fueled by wine.”
“That’s the best kind of optimism!”
Wine-fuelled optimism only got them about fifty feet further into the trees.  The forest was dark, slightly dank, and quiet enough to impress upon the women the need for both speed and silence.  The light, shaded by the overhanging branches and leaves, was dim enough to be confused with dusk.  The weather was just warm enough that they were comfortable, but both wondered how that might change once true night fell.
“It’s too quiet,” Darcy muttered.
“Don’t say that, you’ll freak me out.”
“Join me in my freak-out.  The water’s fine.”
“Ha ha,” Jane muttered, carefully clambering over a massive downed tree.
There was no clear pathway, but the trees were too large to grow too close together and they provided enough shade that the space between them largely empty of sun-craving foliage.  There were mushrooms and shrubs, unrecognizable to either woman, but those were easy to navigate.  It was, after all, very simple to travel through a forest when you have no clear destination.
Being neither accustomed to camping nor even remotely acquainted with woodcraft, both of them were utterly surprised to find themselves suddenly surrounded by people with bows and arrows and skin that glowed faintly in the dim forest’s light.
“Definitely not in Kansas anymore,” Darcy muttered.
One of the people stepped forward, lowering his bow.  He said something in a smooth language that seemed entirely comprised of L’s and R’s.  At their obvious incomprehension, he switched to something with more glottal stops.  Seeing their continued confusion, he scowled, stepping even closer, and studied them intently.
Darcy watched as his eyes skimmed over her and then stuttered to an obvious halt on Jane.  She barely kept herself from rolling her eyes.  Jane, for some reason unfathomable but utterly amusing, seemed to attract a certain type.  That type was blonds, usually affluent blonds, but it was true regardless of placement on the gender spectrum.  Darcy did not understand it, but after several years of friendship, including many nights at varying bars and/or restaurants, she felt quite comfortable making the broad, sweeping generalization that her friend was blond-nip.
He said something soft and quietly awed, then slowly slid his bow into a sheath on his back.  He reached out a hand to Jane and-
Jane reached back.
Darcy watched with wide eyes as her friend accepted the hand and allowed herself to be drawn closer to the stranger.  “Uh...what’s going on?”
“I...have no idea,” Jane said, never taking her eyes off of their new friend.  “But I’m strangely okay with it.  Can’t tell if that’s the wine talking or leftover thrill of success from the science.”
“Maybe both.”
“Probably both,” she agreed.  “But he’s...”
“Holy shit, he’s an elf!” Darcy squeaked as the stranger tilted his head to listen to them, long blond hair sweeping to one side to reveal a very pointy ear.
“He’s perfect,” Jane breathed.  There were stars in her eyes as she looked at him, and considering the woman’s hobbies, degrees, and life-long obsession, that was saying something.
It was, honestly, kind of adorable.  The strange man and Jane were just... standing there.  Gazing into one another’s eyes.  After a minute or so, another one of the strangers (elves!) sheathed their bow and glided over to the trio.  This one was a redhead and looked female, assuming that the elves subscribed to anything approaching human gender ideas.  The ginger elf said something to the blond in that first liquid-silver language, it sounded soft and curious.
The blond responded, sounding just as breathless as Jane.
Ginger elf made a face like she was having too many emotions to convey.  She turned smartly towards Darcy and made a broad gesture, obviously beckoning her closer.
“Hi, I have no idea what you’re saying but I’m totally not a threat,” Darcy said as she obeyed the unspoken command.
Ginger elf tilted her head to one side, looking amused.  She turned to the rest of the elves and said something hard and quick, head tilting to the left of where Darcy and Jane had been walking.  The others melted back into the foliage, though Darcy assumed that they were still there, and the elf turned back to her with a raised eyebrow as if to say, ‘Well?  You coming?’
“Well,” Darcy muttered, gamely following the elves and Jane, “we found sentient beings, now we just gotta work on the communication bits.”
It felt like hours later that they reached something approaching civilization.  In this case, ‘civilization’ came in the form of a fortress whose walls were made of living trees.  Darcy gave them props for sustainability and their obvious support of the environment, but she was feeling tired, grumpy, and slightly queasy at that point.  Wine and exercise were not a good combination.
Much like wine and science.
Darcy, who at this point wanted nothing more than to curl into a ball and sleep off what was sure to be an awful hangover, was a being made of regret.
Then she glanced over at the blond, who had introduced himself as ‘Legolas’ in the most adorable ‘Me Tarzan, you Jane,’ moment to ever make Darcy wish she had a functional camera, and her regret subsided.  Legolas and Jane kept sneaking glances at each other, and every time they locked eyes it was as if the world melted away.  And then either Tauriel, the redheaded elf, or Darcy would have to poke and prod them to get them moving again.
Darcy and Tauriel were well on their way to becoming friends in spite of the language barrier.  There was an entire code of raised eyebrows and exasperated half-smiles shared between them as they helped shepherd their friends onwards.
The tree-fortress had a very large tree-door that Darcy decided not to think about too hard because the door appeared to be made of living wood and that was some next-level horticulture right there.  Beyond the gates was a city, but a tree city.  It was everything Darcy had imagined as a child when people described ‘tree houses’ to her, like Swiss Family Robinson meets fairytale, and she was instantly enchanted and enraptured.
The rest of the elves from the original encounter had melted back out of the woodwork and formed up at their backs as an escort.  Darcy had a moment to feel wary before they were ushered into a very large tree-house-thing and into something that was obviously a receiving room.  The tip-off was the very large and intimidating chair at one end of the room.
There was another elf-man sitting in the throne (because what else could it be?), long-limbed and graceful even stationary.  He also had blond hair, and Darcy had a moment of worry as to whether or not there would be a blond-off for the favor of fair Jane.  Clearly the wine had yet to leave her system.
The new, somehow even blonder elf was staring at Legolas and Jane with a faint frown, then his eyes swept over to her and - oh.
Well.  Shit.
His eyes were silvery, or maybe blue, it was difficult to tell with the distance between them but - oh.  He had risen and was rapidly closing that distance.  He stopped in front of her and reached out and, just like Jane, she reached back immediately.  His hand in hers felt like that swooping feeling when a roller coaster first starts its descent down a big hill, like fireworks and killer harmonies and she was soothed and exhilarated all at once.
“What the fuck, Jane,” Darcy breathed.
“With you, 100%,” she replied.
Legolas and her elf - shit, that was too possessive, that wasn’t, but it was?  Too confusing - started speaking in the flowing language.  After a moment, her elf nodded sharply, then lifted his free hand to press his palm to his chest.
“Thranduil,” he said.
“Darcy,” she replied, smiling helplessly.
She was feeling sightly better about the wine/science combo.
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josthecommision · 7 years
Super detailed questions about your OC: Jozre and Alinthiel
(I had to get rid of some questions because they were either not applicable to the universe the characters are in or don't really seem important or simply I couldn't answer very well)
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything? Its embarrassing and personal question haha. Jozre Alcazier is a corruption or Jose Hebrew meaning “God increases” and Alcazar in Moorish means “palace” or “fortress”. Alinthiel is really just a name that sounds good and elfish but also got inspired by the anime MAGI with the main character Aladin.
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
Jozre: “I don't really have a title, not yet I guess”
Alinthiel: “I am currently the Alchemy instructor of the Winterhold university mostly because they lacked one.....oh and one of the Thalmor’s most wanted. Long story.”
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory?
Jozre: “I like to think I had a good childhood overall. Growing up in an environment with different intermingled cultures has its perks and I enjoyed every bit of it. Still, I regret having been a terrible kid with my brothers and I had a few bullies in my life but I just shrugged most bulling off for the most part”
Alinthiel: I had a very nice childhood in the imperial city but the haunting truth that we were fugitives speaking against the Aldmeri Dominion always seemed to hover above us. Then the great war reached us in the city and...well you know how war can be with teenagers”
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
Jozre: I love my parents and mostly have good memories of us having good times but they would once in a wile have very heated arguments. Kind of made me feel helpless and scared we wouldn't be a family any more. Guess there is nothing good with out the bad”
Alinthiel: “despite the stress from obvious reasons, I had good memories with my parents like the time my mom would teach magic. The Imperial city was a nice place to live in before the war despite the whole Oblivion crisis thing. Life was sometimes quiet and boring though because we did not leave our house too much in fear of Thalmor spies spotting us.”
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
Jozre: “four actually: Dahvi, Rafa, Oscar. We are in really good terms now but I was a little brat to everyone when I was little. Its kind of a sore and shameful subject for me and try to make up for it all every time I get.
Alinthiel: “No not I don't but sure wished I had a little sister or brother”
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
Jozre: “I have always had mixed feelings about school. I enjoy what I learned in high school because its useful now but it all could have came with out the bullies. Wile I could shrug out most, there was one time when the line was crossed and they abused my romantic feelings. Once I found out a girl I liked had vanished after being attacked by the bully, I kind of killed him and that ended with me becoming a criminal to the imperials. I loved Alchemy and my teacher was the best man I have known but hated biology because of a terrible teacher I had”
Alinthiel: “ohhh I loved school although I was technically home schooled. Mom said she did not want me in the college of whispers and the synods because “they are selfish and self serving fungus sippers” and the Telvanii have a very rigid and ignorantly black and white belief about magic and themselves. My mom was once studied with the Psijjics so she knew what she was doing and also attended classes in the college of Winterhold. Being mostly secluded to our house, I was always happy about learning. My favorite subject was Mysticism but I hated home education: I cant clean and end up burning everything I cook!”
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood?
Jozre: “not many, no. The few friends I had were great though but we moved a lot so the friendships don't last long. I do like to think they think of me once in a wile and that one day we will get together again like old times.
Alinthiel: oh yes tons! I made friends in the Imperial city among the children and young adults when I lived there and even befriended a Moth priest. I would get to see them when I could leave our house but would sneak out at times to hang out more. Sure hope they made it ok after the war....”
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
Jozre: “I adopted an old and blind dog when I was young. I still remember how sad and damp the poor old dog was when I first found him, it was raining harsh outside and I just could not let him die alone. Poor Leo was the sweetest and kindest old blind pooch you would ever meet and it brings me to tears how one day, he just died of old age. I like to think I made his last days happy ones though I cant shake the feeling I failed him too. I never stop thinking about him.”
Alinthiel: “We had the whole thing of being nice but not taking in animals. we were never animal people but my mom thought me this animal empathy spell she learned from the wood elves and its amazing! not as potent as the wood elfs themselves though.”
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
Jozre: “Not any more then any other I guess”
Alinthiel: “guess magic don't count huh? well, no I guess not particularly. we got an understanding but that's about it”
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
Jozre: “I don't have any cubs of my own. I think I would leave the idea of having children to my love because personally, I am fine with or without. I would like to believe that I would be the father to help my cubs along with life and guide them so that they don't make the same mistakes I did. Be loving but fair and bestow as many good values as I can with out spoiling them”
Alinthiel: “err, id have to find the “right guy” or girl, I don't judge” but I can be picky and I am always busy with my work.”
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
Jozre: “whole milk will out right kill me....or at least it would feel like my insides are being turned open. I need to drink a special lactose free milk or rely on cheese for my calcium.”
Alinthiel: “I cant eat sugary or caffeinated foods as far as I know, you REALY don't want to see me on a high. That is why I confine my self to my study when ever I am in one”
12. What is their favourite food?
Jozre: “oh man do I love food that is spicy and sweet food! I love Rimmani chocolate masala. I am a lover of good food so my preferences are too long to count. I will say that I love fruit and nuts as well”
Alinthiel: “I don't really have a preference but do enjoy eating strange and exotic or alien foods. Those argonian spiced snake was amazing and the way they used the poison was a nice zing! don't eat when mouth sores tough....because you know.....the whole dyeing thing”
13. What is their least favourite food?
Jozre: “anything that is too greasy and bitter food. I hate bitter food and drink and that Dunmer/ dark elf shit is nasty, how do they swallow that slop they call drink?”
Alinthiel: “I don't really have a dislike for something but I do not like putting time into food like those boiled crabs you have to open and scrape out the meat. I am always busy and doing something so I need something that I can grab and eat with out any hassle. now if you serve it already out of the shell, I will not complain”
14. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
Jozre: “I love cooking because I know I can make something I like. I am no gourmet chef and your bound to be disappointed if you want some pretty piece of art but I like to think I make delicious food. I never go hungry”
Alinthiel: “burn food, remember?”
15. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
Jozre: “I like to collect spices and alchemical herbs when ever I can get my hands on them. I also like to collect swords and armor I find, can clean and carry with me for later use. no, I am not a hoarder”
Alinthiel: “books of ancient lore and magic~ I love books!”
16. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else?
Jozre: “love, adventure and...well, Instruction texts of Daibella.”
Alinthiel: “magical lore and elder scrolls if I ever get my hands on one...they do count right?”
17. What’s their least favourite genres?
Jozre and Alinthiel: “Dunmer propaganda, specially Dres and Telvanii.”
18. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
Jozre: “never been to a musical before but I like music with flair and passion. When ever I hear the guitar, drums and or trumpets, I swing my tail and ignore I dance like a dork!”
Alinthiel: “the classical with the harms and the hymns~ oh how beautiful they can be~.......you should try them! I also like weird and atmospheric are surprisingly good”
19. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
Jozre: “I once had a really bad and quick temper when I was younger and would get very violent when pushed too far. Ever since I met Mi’Jirra and she became part of my life, it takes so much more to get me angry and knowing she is there for me and I for her gives me the confidence and strength to be a stronger person. I will, how ever, not tolerate any harm coming to Mi’Jirra and her family”
Alinthiel: “racism and ignorance just make me boil! that is why I have no patience for the Thalmor, stormcloaks and most dark elves. other than that, I am probably too mellow and sleepy to care. Just don't mess with my research”
20. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
Jozre: “I usually have a good memory and can remember things most don't, specialy if its of interest to me but I am terrible with names most of the time. I am good with faces though and can recognize some one visually better then by name”
Alinthiel: “hah, my mind is like a steel trap and can remember every but of text and lore and memory I have ever gotten my neurons on. Probably explains the headaches and mild insomnia”
21. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
Jozre: “I sleep the whole 7-8 hours one needs and am usually very adaptable to my needs. I snore very lightly but may snore loud if I am not flat on my bed. I usually can sleep wherever and am not picky but I do prefer a slightly soft bed that conforms to me as best as possible. I am  ashamed to say that once in a wile, I sleep walk and may act out what I am dreaming or just walk around and mumble nonsense”
Alinthiel: “I actually love sleeping just as much as I like studding so I get a snooze when ever I allow myself. I have been told that I snore but I am sure that is not true” it totally is true.
22. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
Jozre: “I find witty and ironic things funny as well as life stories retold as a joke. I like to think I have a good and broad sense of humor. I on the other hand am a bit of a hit and miss when it comes to telling comedy though people have told me that I am funnier when I am not actively trying to be funny but do or say something amusing”
Alinthiel: “most people don't find it funny but I find most pun comedy to be hilarious like the one about telling jokes...periodically!” *begins to snort and wheeze*
23. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
Jozre: “I usually don't notice but people tell me I always have this warm smile to me and wag my tail when I am in a good mood. I also tend to whistle tunes and act a little giddy once in a wile. I also tend to sing songs I like even though I cant sing even to save my life”
Alinthiel: “When I am happy, I like to dance and waltz around as well as act like a total nerd about the topic of magic at the current situation”
24. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
Jozre: “betrayal and disloyalty really hurt me the most as well as failing those I love more than anything else in the world. I get this sense of worthlessness that really bums me out and makes me ask ‘why’. I have never cried openly, too proud for that. Unfortunately, sadness would soon lead to rage and a desperate need to enact justice. Fortunately, I have become much less susceptible to this once I met Mi’Jirra and my other friends because of the strength they give me. Now I just let things flow down the river”
Alinthiel: “remembering what the Thalmor did to me and my people’s reputation really gets me down though everything unfair in this world bothers me. How unfair and unjust the pro Thalmor altmer, the dark elves, some of the nords and their gods treat others really gets my blood boiling. That is why I am so determined to finish my research into finally shattering all barriers between races and world to eliminate beliefs of superiority and make everyone happy. The thought that I may never achieve this also bothers me greatly but I cant stop now”
25. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
Jozre: “Molag Bal and his penchant to corrupt and flay the souls of others absolutely horrifies me to the core. I also find spiders and zombies to be scary but the thing that scares me the most? Loosing Mi’Jirra and not being able to be with her forever in this world and the next. I know its probably selfish and pathetic but I cant go on as I am now with out her and that is why I dedicate my self to protecting her and supporting her in any way” Jozre acts serious but with a visible hint of desperation and fight or flight instinct ready to explode.
Alinthiel: “I am afraid of being trapped in this world after death, to linger on aimlessly bound to the earth bones as a spirit or being reincarnated into this world again wile nords go to sovenguard and so on. Its not fair. I want everyone to have the freedom of bliss after death.”
26. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective?
Jozre: “Depends. I become over protective of my loved ones and promise to guard their secrets with out telling a soul. With my enemies is another story entirely because one’s fear is a powerful weapon. I know its dark to use your enemies fears against them but I like to have the ability to control confrontations and with them before they heat up.
Alinthiel: “I believe in a fair fight so I don't use fears of others unless I really have to”
27. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
Jozre: “I practice my sword and shield once in a wile and do a lot of lifting work at the docs when ever they need muscle. Most of the time however, I....practice yoga and my Daibellan arts in private if you get my meaning” Jozre those a kind of belly dancing were he exercises the hip, core, thigh and pelvic muscles as well as building control of his motion among other work outs.
Alinthiel: “I mostly dance actually. I also do Yoga”
28. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
Jozre: “I used to drink a lot for a year but stopped outright after I met Mi’Jirra and her family so I could seem like a better person. It was also bad for my health so there is that though I do drink during special occasions but just enough to be social. When I did drink my fill, I was a giggle box and would laugh at almost any joke, I also had a bit of a tipsy gate but only fell down once. There was that one time...I kind of ran down the road naked and scared everyone saying I was a were bunny. I don't judge anyone for drinking as long as they keep it civil and friendly. I do tease my friends when their smashed though but make sure I am there to help”
Alinthiel: “oh man do I ever! I love drinking and know how to drink most under the table hahaha! I use magic to keep my self composed enough to not get into too much trouble but when I am drunk, I am a singer and kind of tend to ramble on about philosophical nonsense”
29. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
Jozre: “I like to dress comfortable and practical with simple v neck tunics and loose shorts that end at bellow the knees. I like to sleep on my loincloth actually which I only say, makes me feel free but grips well on the hips. Its when I expect any danger when I wear my armor at all times, even if its just a gambeson. I like to comb my hair back after cleaning it carefully though it always looks wolfish because of how silky it is”
Alinthiel: “I like to dress to look as intelligent as I am and for that, I prefer robes and tunics with cultural designs. I been rocking the winterhold instructor style and I love it actually though the nord wool is too itchy to wear on skin so I wear an altmeri silk dress beneath. I like to always be prepared so I like to carry my tools with me like potions, flasks, my note tome and enchanted jewelry of my own design with practical and empowering functions. I like to sleep on the softest and silkiest shirts and dresses for a good sleep so I made sure to bring my own. Nords are not known for their soft textiles. I love my hair mostly because it keeps me work in the wintery north and its a nice pillow so I make sure to comb it straight and side ways on my crown for some glamor. even a bookworms got to look good right?”
30. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
Jozre: I like to wear slightly loose fitting loincloths that make me feel free and are easy to remove. I hate it when cloth articles squeeze and grip my unmentionables”
Alinthiel: I like to wear a set of tights under another, I like them conforming to me, you know?
31. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body?
Jozre: “I am of a bulky broad shoulder and muscular complexion with a wide torso and hips and I am 6′7 give or take because of my natural Cathey-Rhat stature. I think I like my body, I feel happy with my self and know that so do my loved ones”
Alinthiel: “I am a little short for a high elf at around 6 feet tall and am a bit on the thin side with long limbs though I have no muscle at all. I don't really mind my body, never rally gave it a though to be honest. Not proud or ashamed, I just am.”
32. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?
Jozre: “My most guilty pleasure has to be sex. I am sorry but when I am with my one and only in bed after hours of passion and love, I rarely am happier of my life then at that moment. What's worse is that I am so invested in making my love as happy and as pleased as she would ever be that I practice how to move and read how to best pleasure a woman to the point of it being what I am best at. I am better in bed than in the battle field for crying out loud!”
“my unguilty pleasure? good food by far and it shows when ever at the table. When I eat something that is perfectly cooked and spiced like my favorite food, I take my time savoring every bite and tend to be the last to finish haha”
Alinthiel: “my guilty pleasure has to be sleeping, I cant help it! besides almost always being tired to a degree, I just find sleep in a nice warm bed to be too calming to resist”
“my unguilty pleasure has to be a nice pint or 5 of hard cider ale! oh man do I love getting drunk and tasting that sweet nectar go down so smoothly, its art to make good cider ale or Vodka. I think I know a furry friend of mine that also likes cider ale.”
33. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
Jozre: “besides, well, my skill in bed, I am actually really good at fighting and specially at tank support roles. I have built the dexterity and endurance to be able to take a lot of punishment and dish it back just as hard. wile I am good at fighting, I am even better at protecting others with pin point block and saves wile providing support. My favorite Hobby would have to be traveling and enjoying diverse cultures around the world. I love to learn of the other cultures and to taste their foods and drinks is one of the most fulfilling things in my life.
Alinthiel: “I am very good at magic and love to practice it when ever I am not asleep, busy on my responsibilities or drinking a nord under the table. Thanks to being a high elf, I had ample time to hone my self so I can actually sing very well or well enough”
34. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?
Jozre: “I like to read yea, not my favorite past time but don't hate it. I am a middle ground reader you know? not too fast but not slow. I like poetry and nice literature, there are a good few classics out there to learn from”
Alinthiel: “Do I like to read? hahaha you forgot I am a mage? come on man, course I do like to read, yea! I am a fast reader, I have to be so that I can learn all I can about the topic I study. Poetry and fiction are hind of meh for me but what I hate is that pompous self indulgent of the dark elves. You think the Thalmor are the only bad birds around? Go visit the Telvanii and Dres and you will learn how much of a bunch of munchkins they are”
35. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
Jozre: “I have always admired my family but most of all, I admire Mi’Jirra for her amazing skill in magic and willingness to live life at its fullest and protect herself from anyone. I guess I admire peoples determination and ability to live and love” “another thing that I admire Mi’Jirra is her amazing skill in magic which is recognized even by savants like Alinthiel as a person of immense potential. I on the other hand can barely use enough magic to cast the simplest spells naturally. Not being gifted is after a set back of being a Cathey-Rhat: we bigger cats just don't have the natural ability others have”
Alinthiel: “I admire heroism, honesty and fairness. Some one that will not do things selfishly or trick others for self serving motives. Sadly, I have never read of any hero in all of tamrielic history as pure of heart and soul as I would prefer.”
36. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
Jozre: “Not really, I don't like coffee. Now sweets like Moon sugar, pies and breads is another story!”
Alinthiel: “why would anyone like an energy potion? Their too bitter for normal consumption and it may give you a heart attack if too much is drunk. I prefer to suck on a coffee bean instead of drinking it”
37. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
Jozre: “I am straight. I kind of have a thing for shorter girls, I don't know why. Though I really cant find anyone but my current girlfriend as truly attractive. Mentally, I prefer a girl that is loyal and willing to deeply love me just as I would love her. I don't really care about personal quirks really because I am generally a very flexible guy and am willing to conform to a girl I love with in reason.”
Alinthiel: “I haven really given any thought on it. I mean I have never been with anyone. I guess my “knight in shining armor” would be someone that would appreciate me and the work I do to better the lives of others and protect the weak and downtrodden from oppressors. Probably some one that would support my cause. As for what sex I prefer, I guess I am what they call bisexual but never interested me to think of it. I guess who ever comes first and wins me over”
38. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
Jozre: “I have always wanted to be a hero bus more importantly, a hero to a beautiful maiden like in the stories. I guess you could say that my dreams have evolved ever sines I met Mi’Jirra in the streets of Whiterun. My life’s goals now are really to live my life to the fullest alongside Mi’Jirra and to protect her from all harm as best as I can. When it comes down to it, all I want is to live and love and would sacrifice anything to be with Mi’Jirra and see her happy as long as she was ok with it”
Alinthiel: “My life’s ambition is to defeat the Thalmor and end the savage cycle of violence and hate that plagues our land. I don't know how and I don't know if I would ever be able to fully achieve this even if I find the right emperor’s candidate to sit in the ruby throne and rule with fairness and wisdom. My greatest ambition, how ever, is to defy and defeat the gods and their arbitrary ways of afterlife. Even if I have to fight and some how bring Talos or even Lorkan low to heel so that the wishing souls not of nord background can enter Sovenguard, than so be it. If there is a way I can find the power to match a god and force them to no longer forbid the worthy from such paradises because of some absurd racial dogma with out seeking the help of the dark Daedra or other unimaginable evils, then so be it. The Elder Scrolls may be my only hope.”
39. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
Jozre: “I guess I am religious. My family has always praised the gods Mara, Kinarthy and the lunar twins as I do thought with the addition of Daibella. Having said that, religion can get very nasty when headed by the wrong people. For some examples you only need to look at the following: Stormcloaks, The Stendarr inquisition, just about every dark elf religion to name a few.”
Alinthiel: “I know religion and gods exist but for now, I owe my allegiance to no credo and god. I will only follow a god that will aid me in my quest”
40. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most?
Jozre: “I don't really have a favored season but winters in Skyrim are murder! I hate how cold it is and it makes travel in the northern parts and on mountain paths down right dangerously impossible to pass. I mean seriously, it can get so cold in the mountains that you need hours of prep just to give yourself a chance of not freezing to death or catching frost bite. The weather I enjoy the most is sunny days in Skyrim and summer/late spring cloudy days. Having said all that, I am as adaptable as one can get but prefer to not brave a harsh weather I don't have to brave.”
Alinthiel: “I don't really mind any weather so long as it is not an obstacle to my visits to ruins and excavation sites. Even then, I have lived in Winterhold for so long that I have learned how to stay worm enough to get from A to B as efficiently as possible”
41. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?
Jozre: “how people see me? The only ones I care how they view me are Mi’Jirra and my loved ones. Truthfully, I get all kinds of reactions from others: accept, hero, mercenary, pest, thief, plebe just to name a few. The why I only care about viewing my self as is the protector and provider of my loved ones.”
Alinthiel: “To my students, I am the teacher, the potions master, the creepy skinny scare crow, and the introvert. My enemies call me the rebel, the mud slinger, the heretic, the thalmor murderer among a few. Personally, I like to think of my self as the innovator, the scholar, and the seeker of a greater ruler hoping to give the good of heart a better future”
42. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?
Jozre: “I like to think I make a good first impression which actually depends on the occasion. If I am looking for work then I will show how willing and capable I am with professionalism. When its a less formal meeting, I just go with how I am: a friendly and welcoming person to friendly and reasonable people. I prefer to be as honest as I can if I don't have to lie and my first impression also has to do with the occasion ranging between professional and willing to work and laid back and welcoming”
Alinthiel: “I am just my self when ever really. That those not mean I am not polite and respectful, only that I may not look awake half the time”
43. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?
Jozre: “I can be proper and respectful when I have to, I just don't do it often. my family is of tradesman nobility so I have been in a couple formal occasions were we vassal for a lord or lady. I am respectful and as poise as I can be and learned to be political when I have to, not that I like all the fru fru nonsense. I chit chat and attend when I have to and like to just pull the formal wear off were ever and drink a cold one” 
Alinthiel: “oh I love formal occasions and parties of high class and poise and culture. Not been to many but I like the slight moment were I get to feel like a high elf in peace time. Occasionally, such events are great ways of spying and gathering new allies so there is the plus to it all”
44. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend?
Jozre: “Who wouldn't like a party? hanging out with family and friends with good food and great company? sign me up! as long as the party is fun for me and my people, I don't really care what kind of party it is though I may need a few ales to get into the spirit. Even if I don't want to go, I always manage to convince my self that its worth it because your friends there so I roll with the punches”
Alinthiel: “I don't generally like big parties but if there is booze there then I guess I am game though wandering hands should expect third degree burns. I like to organize parties when ever some one asks for one but are not of people’s likening half the time because they may be too formal or gimmicky for others. When invited or forced to a party I don't want to be in, I generally and eventually see my self out. I don't see why some one would stay in a party they don't like if there is nothing practical to gain from it”
45. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
Jozre: “when I get engaged or married, its absolutely my ring, its almost a lucky charm and reminder of great things I have obtained”
Alinthiel: “my most valued possession would have to be my mother’s Tome of notes. Wile it is the only thing I have left to remember my family by, It is also a crucial component in my research and ultimate goals.”
46. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
Jozre and Alinthiel are not silly enough to exclude the essentials: sleeping bag, out door tent, out door cooking set, flint, rope, water, dried meat and long lasting breads, nuts and honey. Several potions  and poisons for different uses from deterring unwanted animals to keeping themselves warm. The basic needs in traveling the wilderness of Nirn.
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