#shin megami tensei devil children
devichilinfo · 5 months
hey ! (pretty new to tumbler but really loves devil children/devichil) i found an link for italian devichil/devil children oficial dub they somehow dubbed everything from og series
i belived this dub was a myth
sadly i dont understand italian but i really want to watch it
decided to share with you !
Oh, wow! Thank you so much for sharing! :D
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cospigeon · 1 year
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Cosplay prop WIP.
Kaname Mirai's Devil Raiser gun.
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grailfigure · 7 months
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Petit Frost & Strawberry Frost // Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children
Garage Kits by DANDAN
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fatherless · 2 years
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gzsd · 2 months
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happy birthday Mirai Kaname!My baby girl!(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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sl33py-g4m3r · 4 months
Title is self explanatory ~~
Yet more interesting stuff spam and I’m running out of text to post alongside it~~
How obscure is demikids anyway actually?? Bought both of the English translated gba games and hadn’t played them.
Speaking of I found the first anime and downloaded it (shame on me for theft), but I can’t find the one that’s based off of the light and dark books, being the second set of games that were released. There’s an anime for that too and I can’t find it anywhere…or I thought there was at least…. Found the first ep on YouTube but can’t find the entire series for it…
And I thought I was good at digging around the internet to find stuff, lol.
Hope I got the names for those correct ~~
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Join if you want, but no trolls and fuckos, please be nice and contempt.
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kalpasoft · 7 months
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Taotie, but it's the Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children design.
Original Design:
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angrybatart · 1 year
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Idea struck me after I realized how the Stretching Lamplighter's hat looks kinda like Raidou's hat. SO, I am eargerly awaiting that spirit's return so I can try and put together the best Raidou cosplay I can manage on a budget. (I just need a black cape, the hat, a short hair style - unless the hat IS a hairstyle- and the mischief cat.)
Just a quick doodle. Thinking of maybe coloring this one in, but I got gift art to do.
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angel-oftheday · 7 months
The Angel of the Day is...
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From Megami Tensei series
Requested by Anonymous
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yw4 · 1 year
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devichilinfo · 9 months
White Book - Part 8
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“Shin Megami Tensei Devil Children: White Book”
Game Summary / English Translation (Gameboy Color, 2001)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 /  Part 8
This is a (mostly-complete) translation of the story portions of the game as well as a summary of story-related text in chronological order. Names and dialogue have been edited for easier reading. Scene locations are labeled using square brackets. I will be using default names for characters who can be renamed.
Part 8 - Prayer Tower
[ Harajuku Tower ]
Masaki will overhear Takaharu arguing with Rei:
Takaharu: “Why are the Angels bringing a war to Makai, Rei? There’s good, kind Demons there—why are they ignoring that fact!?”
Rei: “I have no answer for this. Have even I begun to question their plan?”
Takaharu: “The Angels claim they are ensuring eternal bliss, but I cannot agree with their methods, and I’ll have no part in it!”
Rei: “Takaharu… let’s not overthink this! Surely, the Angel’s great plan will end in a paradise for all!”
Masaki approaches.
Takaharu: “Oh, hey Masaki! What’s up?”
Masaki: “Hi Takaharu! I’m heading back to Heaven.”
Takaharu: “To Heaven… wait—! Are you sure you want to go? Your Devil power will be sealed away as soon as you set foot in there!”
Masaki: “Then I’ll have to go without. I need to meet the Angels and make them explain themselves.”
Takaharu: “That’s my Masaki all right—though I doubt the Angels will be accommodating. Truth be told, I want to hear their explanation and I have a few questions I’d like answered myself!”
Takaharu: “Hey—don’t be careless when you’re running around up there. The Angels are probably just waiting to strike you down while you’re stripped of your power, Masaki!”
Masaki continues to the Circle Gate.
[ Heaven – Transparent Maze ]
Masaki exits the Gate and proceeds forward, where he encounters Uriel again.
Uriel: “Halt! You imbecile… You dare tarnish Heaven with your tainted footsteps, Devil Child?”
Masaki: “I go wherever I want and do as I please, without a thought for anyone else—you know… just like how you Angels do.”
Uriel: “Devils are powerless in Heaven. You still dare to advance?”
Uriel rushes forward.
Uriel: “I said halt! Fall before the soldiers of Heaven!”
Combat versus Virtue. When Masaki wins:
 Uriel: “How can this be! Such recklessness… I was not prepared…”
Masaki can now proceed onward to the next Circle Gate.
[ Elysian Fields ]
As soon as Masaki arrives, Takaharu will call to transfer a DVDAS entry for Neo Pheonix.
Continuing through the fields, Masaki will encounter a fork in the path. To the north is Green Town, to the east is the way to Saint Classico, and continuing south through the forest will lead to the Tower of Prayer.
[ Green Town ]
Green town has a shop, hotel/bank, Mysterious Mansion, and Training Center. Masaki can talk with the Angels in town to learn the following:
This region of Heaven is called the Elysian Fields.
Above the Elysian Fields is the Crystal Ring, and above that is Cosmos City.
The Pontiff oversees the Elysian Fields.  
The Pontiff can be found in the Tower of Prayer to the south.
The residents of Green Town are secluded and live a peaceful life.
The Pontiff is not taking visitors at the Tower right now, so Masaki heads on to Saint Classico.
[ Saint Classico ]
Saint Classico is a larger settlement with a shop, hotel/bank, Mysterious Mansion, Training Center, VinE Center, and a casino. The door to the east of the VinE Center is an Art Gallery.
Masaki can learn the following from the Angels in the city:
This city is named Saint Classico.
The Angels hold rules and order in great reverence and will uphold their laws for eternity.
The Angels are shocked at the rumor of a child holding the power of Devils appearing in Heaven.
Nearby is a shrine that holds a sacred treasure.
If anyone should try to steal the sacred treasure, the Pontiff will intervene.
The Pontiff’s permission is required to cross the bridge east of Saint Classico.
Masaki enters the Art Gallery:
Greeter Angel: “Welcome to the Saint Classico Gallery! Please view the paintings at your leisure.”
Masaki can examine the framed paintings. Starting from the paining closest to the south entrance:
Lord Raguel, Governor of Heaven. Self-portrait painted in Cosmos City.
Portrait of a young Imp, Harmil. Artist: Great Angel Nathanael.
A painting depicting the battle between Hoshigami, the Star God, and Jashin, the Wicked God: “Before the beginning of all, these divine powers battled against one another. The Star God stood for creation and life, while the Wicked God stood for destruction and chaos. The Wicked God was relentless and vicious in his attack, nearly destroying the Star God. She felt herself fading… as the Wicked God moved to strike the fatal blow… the Star God summoned the last of her strength to shield herself. The Wicked God’s attack was reflected, and he was defeated by his own power. The Star God had won. But, she was merciful and instead of ending her foe’s life, she sealed away his power. The Wicked God was no longer a threat, and so the Star God commenced the creation of our world. She bestowed upon our world three divine powers; Angelic, Demonic, and Humanity.”
Portrait of Cupid Paku. Artist: Lord Raguel.
[Blank painting]
Painting depicting the Path of Wind in Ventus Makai.
Painting depicting the Crevasse in Glacies Makai.
The Angel near the blank painting is an artist.
Artist Angel: “Did you hear the legend about the shrine by the lake? There’s a special treasure hidden inside!”
Artist Angel: “Oh, I’m an aspiring artist. May I paint your portrait?”
Masaki can decline or accept. When Masaki accepts the offer:
Masaki: “Make me look good!”
Artist Angel: “Alright! Hold still for a minute. Mmm-hmm, good pose…… and my rough sketch is done. Come back to see my painting when it’s finished!”
Masaki heads through the North Gate of Saint Classico and enters the shrine.
[ Lakebottom Shrine ]
Proceed through the underwater maze and find the switch. Masaki presses the switch and hears a noise. Masaki encounters Lindwurm in the water.
Lindwurm: “Who goes there? Were you unaware that I—Lord Lindwurm—guard this water shrine? Hmm… this trespasser is only a child! Regardless, none are permitted to enter these waters, and the rule will be enforced!”
Masaki: “Okay, so, my bad on the trespassing—but this is the only way I can think of to get the Pontiff’s attention!”
Lindwurm: “I care not for your baffling excuses! I will see that you enter an eternal sleep, drowned in these dark waters!”
Masaki battles Lindwurm. When Masaki wins:
Lindwurm: “This power… what kind of power is this…?”
Masaki exits the water to talk to the Pontiff, who has suddenly appeared.
Pontiff: “Ah, it’s Masaki! …Lindwurm was said to protect these waters until the world ended. Have you gained some prophesized power from his defeat?”
Masaki: “I’ve been told by everyone that my power is the Devil’s power. But, I still don’t know who gave it to me.”
Pontiff: “The power of Devils is sealed away in Heaven—yours is something other than that. What… do you want from coming here?”
Masaki: “I want answers… what do the Angels want? Why are they invading Makai and attacking demons? And why are they manipulating humans on Earth?”
Pontiff: “An invasion of Makai…?? Can it be true? And this boy is… You—you were born the same day as Takaharu, correct?”
Masaki: “You know Takaharu? Yeah! We were born at the same hospital on the same day!”
Pontiff: “Yes, that’s right! Just as Takaharu said. So, you really are that child…”
Masaki: “Yeah. Where’s Takaharu, anyway? Is he here in Heaven?”
Pontiff: “Yes, Raguel has taken guidance of him.”
Masaki: “Raguel…? Where can I find them?”
Pontiff: “In the highest level of Heaven—Cosmos City. They are engaged in their duties of governing the divine realm.”
Masaki: “Fantastic. How do I get there?”
Pontiff: “You must ascend to Cosmos City from the Crystal Ring… However, one bearing the Devil’s power will be forbidden from entering. The Heavenly Army has already stationed its strongest warriors to bar your path.”
Masaki: “Don’t care. Already made up my mind. Gonna go find my bro.”
Pontiff: “………There’s no reasoning with this kid.”
Pontiff: “Very well! I grant you passage! To reach the Crystal Ring, proceed beyond the bridge to the east.”
Pontiff: “I hope that you discover the source of your mysterious power!”
Masaki: “Wadda’ya……?”
Clay: “Onwards, Master! We’ll give the Heavenly Army a demonstration of Devil Child’s power!”
Masaki opens the treasure chest left by the Lindwurm to obtain a Double Chamber for the King Raiser gun.
[ Saint Classico ]
Head to the south gate of the city. Paku and Harmil are nearby. If Masaki talks to them:
Harmil: “Heya, Misaki! I’m really bust right now, sorry!”
Paku: “Wha! I didn’t do anything!”
Walk toward the south exit to trigger a cutscene.
Harmil: “So, uh, Paku? …you were at the hospital that night, weren’t you?”
Paku: “Um? Uhhh? I have no idea what you’re talking about!”
Harmil: “Still denying and playing dumb? Come on, you’re breaking out in a cold sweat! I’m not fooled by your acting!”
Paku: “I did nothing! Nothing! ……”
Harmil: “Then why are you avoiding my questions?”
Masaki: “Hey guys! What’s going on?”
Paku: “Eeeep! I must be going!”
Harmil: “Hey!! You’re not escaping me!”
Paku and Harmil exit.
Clay: “…how strange? Paku behaves so frightened in your presence, Master.”
Clay: “What next, Master? I believe it would be wise to meet with the Pontiff once more, before proceeding to the Crystal Ring.”
Masaki heads to the Tower of Prayer.
[ Tower of Prayer ]
Masaki is now permitted entrance to the Tower. Ascend to the highest floor and speak to the Pontiff.
Pontiff: “You must ascend to Cosmos City from the Crystal Ring… However, one bearing the Devil’s power will be forbidden from entering. The Heavenly Army has already stationed its strongest warriors to bar your path.”
Pontiff: “There is a passage in the Book of Raziel which I never understood, until my meeting with you. I pass it on to you, now.”
Masaki obtains Book of Raziel #4.
Book of Raziel #4: “At the end of his odyssey, a new path will open to the world. In deepest shadows, it stirs awake and clashes with the trinity.
Masaki can talk with the Pontiff again:
Pontiff: “Continue on, Masaki! I return to my prayers.”
[ Elysian Fields ]
Masaki passes over the eastern bridge and accesses the Tenkai Gate.
End of Part 8
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
Shin Megami Tensei (1992) 真・女神転生
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Date: October 30, 1992 Platform: Game Boy Advance / Super Nintendo Entertainment System / PlayStation / Sega CD / TurboGrafx-CD / Wii Shop / iPhone / Android / Wii U / Nintendo Switch Developer: Atlus Publisher: Atlus Genre: Role-Playing Theme: Post-Apocalyptic Franchises: Megami Tensei / Shin Megami Tensei / Persona / 52 Games Aliases: SMT / Persona Type: Appropriation
A long running series of JRPGs published by Atlus, almost all featuring unrelated stories and characters, but sharing common themes, chief among them being interaction with demons through fighting, diplomacy, control, and cooperation. Shin Megami Tensei is a sub series of the Megami Tensei franchise in Japan. In Japan this does not include Digital Devil Saga, Devil Summoner, or Persona. But in North America, Shin Megami Tensei covers all MegaTen releases.
In translation, Shin Megami Tensei literally means "True Goddess Metempsychosis." Philosophical jargon, "metempsychosis" refers to the unending process of birth, death, and rebirth, which is prevalent in Buddhist thought and this belief is featured quite heavily in the story line of many SMT games. Although that is the literal meaning, the meaning understood by western fans of the franchise is "The Resurrection of the Goddess". The title is taken from the original game in the Megami Tensei franchise, Digital Devil Monogatari: Megami Tensei; a game in which one of the primary characters, Yumiko Shirasagi, is the reincarnation or rebirth of the goddess Izanami in human form. The original Shin Megami Tensei was the third in the Megami Tensei series, following the Famicom releases of the original Megami Tensei and Digital Devil Monogatari: Megami Tensei II. Shin Megami Tensei first appeared on the Super Famicom in 1992. The game was followed by two more Super Famicom releases; a sequel, Shin Megami Tensei II, and a spin-off, Shin Megami Tensei: if…. All three entries were later remade for other platforms.
In 2001, Atlus released the first two Shin Megami Tensei titles on the PlayStation with a number of enhancements. The remakes introduced a "Normal" mode that reduced the difficulty for both games, while the "Expert" mode retained the original difficulty. Special FMV cinemas were included as well. The GBA remakes released in 2003 produced identical graphics to those of the PlayStation remakes, but eliminated the new difficulty level, the FMVs, and the 3D wall scrolling effect. In turn, the GBA remakes received a new Options mode that let players customize the auto-battle AI, message speed and color display. Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne was released in 2003 in Japan. Nocturne surprised audiences by taking advantage of the PlayStation 2 and sticking to the classic elements of SMT's storytelling. It is also the first entry in the Shin Megami Tensei series that saw an official release in North America and Europe. Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, released on the Nintendo DS in North America in 2010, is, like if…, a spin-off of the series, and moves the action from the traditional setting of Tokyo to a demon-infested dimensional rift in Antarctica. On May 30th, 2012, Atlus announced Shin Megami Tensei IV for the 3DS; the latest primary entry in the series.
Source: https://www.giantbomb.com/shin-megami-tensei/3025-711/
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amNB_zssSsQ&ab_channel=BuffMaister
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smbhax · 1 year
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Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children 2 - Honoo no Sho and Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children 2 - Koori no Sho (GBA)
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Megaten Funny Little Guy Tournament: Round 1 Match 11
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blazescompendium · 2 years
Kobold from Devil Children has such a cool design!
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