#shirt cant stretch that much so is it in the pile or did she take it or did she get rid of it or is it going to show up burned with holes
grantihare · 2 years
mother in law stole my fave pj pants cant have shit in this house
#i have to joke abt it bc if i dont ill have a break and the last straw being pj pants would b pathetic of me lol#vent post#i have been looking for them for over a month and just assumed they were in our laundry#and the only place she couldve gotten them is from our pile downstairs#so now im just. stuck thinking abt how many other of my favorite things have gone missing in the wash and wondering how many are just gone#like the matching shirt is missing. does she have that? did she take both? shes stretching the pants and im hoping theyll recover but the#shirt cant stretch that much so is it in the pile or did she take it or did she get rid of it or is it going to show up burned with holes#like most of my other shirts do#i cant even have fucking clothes in this house i cant eat i cant shower i cant exist downstairs for the majority of the day i cant make#noise i get yelled at and walked in on for using the bathroom i cant fucking exist without my partner or their brother as a chaperone#i fucking hate it here i cant fucking take it i wish shed tell me to kill myself again so i could get it on recording and get a fucking#restraining order and never see her again i want her to leave me alone i want to feel safe again i want to stop being terrified to breathe#too loudly i want to be able to leave my partners fucking room i want to have somewhere to call home i want to not be hated for existing#im so fucking tired i cant keep doing this fuck me#were supposed to move out in april or may and if we cant find a place that soon idk what im gonna do bc i cant hold out much longer here
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Jeff goes to Burger King
by me
Ive found the original story! I'm on mobile so i cant post much about it but its truly a weird thingie. Hope you enjoy it
cw// fast food mascots, blood, teeth, darkness, paranoia, retail job
Click on read more for the full unedited story
The calm under the navy blue sky remained undisturbed as Tiffany slumberingly strolled towards the fridge at 3am. Her rest was interrupted by a Big Mac induced nightmare in which she gave birth to one of those terrifying european Happy Meal mascots, their perfectly spherical and unblinking eyes fixated on her as she was being held by the doctor. She was approached by her with the intentions of handing the newborn red cardboard creature to the lucky mother. Their smile widened as Tiffany stared back at the thing, not scared, but unprepared for anything “her baby” was planning to do as soon they were at grabbing or leaping distance. She had no reason to assume the mascot was feral, but her fears turned out to not be unfounded, as shortly after the doctor arrived at the side of her bed, the fast food monstrosity lunged at her face, mouth stretched into a giant toothy grin that revealed perfectly symmetrical pearly teeth, followed by the purest of blacks, a complete void that she had no time to figure out where it led, as as soon as the Happy Meal terror reached her face, she sprung up in her bed, sheets stained with sweat, fast breathing, her mouth and throat dry… She wasn't going to a McDonalds ever again.
The streetlights indirectly gave the small appartment’s kitchen a dim ambience, not bright enough for any figure or item left on the counter to be easily identifiable, but she did not need that, as she had been living on this flat for long enough to guide herself in the penumbra to the door of the fridge, she reached and pulled the handle, the silence and dim illumination gave way to the buzz of the bulb producing the blinding white spotlight, directly aimed at her face. She reached into the fridge to grab the water bottle she left there the day before. Despite her keeping her eyes closed, the translucency of her eyelids was enough to de-adapt her eyes to the darkness. She slowly walked back to her bedroom, in an attempt to resume her slumber and get at least one or two hours of sleep before having to head back to her dead end job at Burger King. Fast food was gonna be the end of her, or so it seemed tonight.
She arrived at her bedroom/dining room/living room combination and went on to close the door. Her cat would jump at her face like an european burger box-beast if she had the change to sneak on her white she slept, so she had to take extra care to keep that little furball at bay. However as soon as she felt the doorknob, her heartbeat skipped a beat and her legs tenses. She was expecting the knob to be smooth and chilly, as aluminum paraphernalia usually is, but instead she encountered a rough and leathery texture. She was unable to identify any figure in the hallway, so she looked for a logical explanation that could ease her nerves. “I must’ve left my pleather jacket hanging from it”. She gave herself a little reprimand for scaring herself like an idiot and slid herself back into her bed. She moved around between the sheets trying to regain that perfect position she had casually gotten herself into in hopes to immediately fall back into the arms of Morpheus, that weirdo that gave her a fast food sponsored nightmare.
During the effort, once again her breath cut and quickly turned to the direction in which she felt a nudge, her eyes fixating on the dark blob standing next to her, clutching her sheets as if the fabric server as some sort of magic impenetrable shield against supernatural foes and common thiefs alike. She stared a whole though the shadowy intruder until her eyes finally adapted to the faint lighting, revealing the identity of the perpetrator to be a chair piled with used clothes. what looked like a head was only a ball of crumpled shirts and what looked like a torso was just her pleather jac--
She finally heard it, the faint thumping of an unknown heart drowned every sound in the room,followed by the trained mouth breathing, quiet and so discrete it would be easily masked by her own respiration. It came from the door, it came from next to the door. Then the soft breathing gave way to the click of a door lock.
The calm under the navy blue sky was disturbed as the intruder sinisterly strolled towards Tiffany at 3am. Her rest was interrupted by the heavy realization that she was stuck in her room with a terrifying stranger, his perfectly circular and unblinking eyes fixated on her as she held onto her sheets. She was approached by him with an intention yet to be discovered, but was probably nothing good. His smile widened as Tiffany stared back at the thing, scared and unprepared for anything “her visitor” was planning to do as soon he was at grabbing or leaping distance. She had no reason to assume the intruder was feral, but her fears turned out to not be unfounded, as shortly after the individual arrived at the side of her bed, the leather skinned monstrosity lunged over her, mouth stretched into a giant toothy grin that revealed asymmetrical yellowed teeth, followed by the insanest of cackles, an ear piercing screech that she had no time to scream over, as as soon as the glasgow smiled terror reached her chest, he dug into it with his blade and did so repeatedly, the blood splating over him, her pulse dropped and her temperature faded… She wasn’t going to wake up ever again.
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koushou · 4 years
Could we get uuh,,, Todoroki x f!reader who is insecure abt their looks bc they look more "boyish" than most girls? 😳 As much as I love being an androgynous queen, I get insecure sometimes, esp when it comes to guys liking me
this is my first ask im 😳💕💕
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pairing : todoroki shoto x f!reader {fluff}
warnings : none really, like the teeniest suggestive ending, just todoroki being like the best bf ugh 😩
a/n : thank you so much for requesting anon!! i tried my best, im so sorry if it isn’t exactly what you wanted but shoutout to all the androgynous queens you’re amazing !! <3 (also can you tell im terrible at titles pls)
shopping mall dates with your friends were always something you looked forward to, shoto knew this well. so why had you come back to the dorms empty-handed?
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The familiar ringtone playing from your phone woke you up from your slumber, as bright sunlight shone through your windows where the curtains did poor job of providing you with any coverage. You opened your eyes and would’ve immediately shut them if not for the music still coming from your phone on your nightstand.
Swinging a hand blindly over, you felt the cool screen of your device and brought it close to your face, as an all too familiar contact name displayed on the top of the screen.
Grumbling slightly, you pressed the answer button and brought it up to your ear.
“Y/N!! Are you still sleeping??” You almost wanted to hang up right then and there from the cheery girl’s voice ringing into your ear. 
“Mina, it’s-” You glanced over at your alarm clock on the same nightstand, “-literally 9 in the morning, what do you want-”
“Come on! You remember we have another shopping day today, right??” 
You rubbed your eyes and rolled over in bed on your side, away from the blinding light illuminating through the glass windows.
Shopping dates with your girlfriends in Class 1-A took place almost every weekend, something you always looked forward to. Hero training was stressful, everyone was always striving to further improve and expand their quirks and skill, almost never having time for any sort of break. 
Truthfully, you had forgotten about your planned day with the girls today, since it had been a pretty tough week, with work piling up on top of one another, heck, you were barely keeping up your grades. 
“Oh...right.” You ran your fingers through your somewhat messy, medium-length hair, attempting to comb it slightly and getting rid of the small knots that had been formed in your sleep.
“Hey, don’t tell me you forgot - anyways, we’re meeting up downstairs at 10, so see you later!!” 
“Yeah, alright.” 
Quiet beeps signaling the end of your short call with Mina, you sighed and wondered how the alien girl managed to stay so hyper in the morning, not that you were surprised anymore. 
Sitting up in bed, you let out a yawn and stretched out your body, excited for the day to come. 
On some days, you just wanted to sleep in and have a day all to yourself in the comfort of your small dorm room, but these shopping sprees with the girls always took your mind off any troubles on your mind.
Throwing your blanket to the side lazily, you get up from your bed and groggily made your way to the bathroom, phone still in hand. Flicking on the light switch, you cringed at the sudden brightness.
A notification noise sounded from your phone, a smile spreading across your face as soon as you saw who the sender was - your one and only white and red haired boyfriend.
Unlocking your phone, you were met by a few text messages from your lover.
shouu <33 : good morning love, have you woken up yet?
shouu <33 : you’re going out today with the others right? i wish you could come and be with me, but i hope you have fun.💗
Your heart could not handle this level of cuteness in the morning.
Turning on the water to get ready for your morning shower, you typed out a reply to your boyfriend.
                                                             good morning shouto 🥺 i just woke upp
                      imy so much as well, i promise i’ll be with you when i get back!!💕
You stripped off your clothes and hopped into the shower, the water more on the warm side, exactly how you liked it.
After about 20 minutes, you stepped out with a towel wrapped around your torso, the cool air hitting your legs, making you shiver slightly. You made your way over to your closet in the corner of your room, picking out what clothes to wear.
It was scorching hot out, and you were feeling lazy, so a simple black t-shirt and a pair of jean shorts seemed like a good choice.
The time was about 9:40 when you had finished brushing your teeth and mindlessly slapping on some sunscreen, you didn’t want to become tan, after all.
Internally crying, you shoved your wallet with your credit card inside your small purse you usually brought when you went shopping, making a note to yourself to cut down a bit on your purchases. 
You knew that promise was going to go out the window as soon as you step foot in a store, but hey, you always felt better after coming back to the dorms with bags of clothing in your hands.
Deciding to head down to the common room earlier to grab a quick snack to eat, you received another message from your phone.
shouu <33 : i’ll be waiting for you, love.
shouu <33 : are you sure you don’t want to use my father’s credit card? i don’t think he would really care if it gets maxed out, you know.
You giggled at your boyfriend’s message even though you knew he was being 100% serious.
                                                                                   shou...bby, i cant do that-
shouu <33 : alright then, be safe and text me when you get there, okay?
                                                                                                            i will! ily <33
shouu <33 : i love you too :)
When you reached the common room, you were met by pink, black, green, and brown haired girls.
“Y/N!! Good morning!!”
“Good morning, Y/N.”
“Hey Y/N-chan, ribbit.”
“Oh hey Y/N!”
You smile at your energetic friends, Mina, Momo, Tsu and Uraraka, who were all lounging on the couches. 
“Good morning, guys.”
Mina lets out a whine, “Where is Jirou? That girl is almost always never on time-”
“What’s that, Mina?”
A voice from behind the girls spoke, causing everyone to jump and turn at the same time. 
“O-oh good morning Jirou-”
The purple haired girl stood behind the couches, and your eyes scanned over her outfit. A white, loose short sleeve hung around her shoulders, paired with some black shorts. A simple outfit, yet she made it look so much more appealing.
She charged towards Mina, who was now desperately hiding behind Uraraka. It was then that you finally took notice of the other girls’ outfits, and suddenly became all too aware of your own.
Mina, with a pink shirt tucked into her jeans, a black belt as a finishing touch. Her curves showing perfectly, all in the right places. You would expect her pink hair to be messy and puffy, but it was tamed, neatly brushed, and reminded you of soft cotton candy. 
A cropped maroon top, with black jeans, complementing Momo’s smooth, black hair which was put up in a lower pony tail than usual. Her gentle features sure to attract admirers wherever she went. The way her dark bangs framed her face, the way her smile was bright, genuine - an appearance of a true, proper lady. 
You glanced down at your own outfit, trying to smooth out wrinkles in your own shirt. No genius was required to see that you obviously stood out in your group of feminine friends, you being the only female with short hair and a different style.
It wasn’t that you hated the way you looked, but it made you think sometimes that you weren’t as attractive or liked as much, compared to your friends.
“Well then,” Uraraka clasped her hands together, interrupting your thoughts, and grinned. “Shall we get going?” 
You all cheered, getting up and ready to head to the shopping mall. 
Mina locked her arms in yours and dragged you out of the doors, grinning at you while the other girls trailed behind.
“Come on old ladies! We’re gonna max out our cards!!” She yelled at the sky once you were outside, the hot summer air hitting your skin immediately. 
“Hey, who’re you calling an old lady?!” You smacked Mina’s arm, making her stick her tongue out at you.
“Fine, whoever gets there last is an old lady!!” 
Your pink haired friend takes off toward the mall which was located about 20 minutes away from your school, with you laughing and running after her, followed by your other female friends.
The negative thoughts you had on your mind previously vanished as you all ran after one another, not giving a care in the world to the questioning looks passersby shot your ways. Spending time with your friends always somehow managed to brighten your mood, regardless of whether they knew how you were feeling or not. 
And your love for them could never be put into words.
6 girls arrived at the Misako Mall, panting, out of breath as they bought water from a vending machine.
“Oh-” You pant, fumbling with the buttons on the machine, inserting a few coins in and watching as the bottle falls to the bottom. 
“Ura-ha..ha...Uraraka, you’re an old...ha...lady!” Mina teased the gravity-quirked girl in between breaths.
“Yo-you’re so mean, ha, Mina,” Uraraka coughed, sputtering as she practically shoved the water bottle down her throat, drinking half of the bottle in a few seconds.
“Slow down - ribbit - Ochaco-chan,” Tsu patted the said girl’s back, making sure she didn’t choke.
“Well, guys, where do you want to go first?” Momo spoke up, after you guys rested a bit on the benches in the lobby. 
“I kind of wanted to check out the accessories in that shop we passed earlier,” Jirou scratched the back of her neck awkwardly, nodding towards a shop near the entrance of the mall.
You all turned to look at the store she was talking about, not surprised to see the exterior of the shop decorated in dark, emo-style accessories - exactly Jirou’s style.
“I want to go there too - ribbit,” Tsu nodded in agreement, this time shocking the group, since Tsu had always seemed to be into more cuter accessories. 
“I was actually interested in that one over there,” Momo tapped her chin thoughtfully, gesturing towards a high-class looking store on the second floor of the mall. 
“That looks nice! I really like that white dress they have in the front,” Uraraka stared dreamily at the level above you guys, and an idea popped into your head.
“Why don’t we split into pairs? That way, we can all check out the stores we want to and meet up back here when we’re all done!” Your suggestion earned approving nods from the rest, all of you agreeing to text in the groupchat you had when you were finished in your stores.  
Tsu and Jirou, Momo and Uraraka, and you and Mina walked off into different directions of the mall, chatting excitedly.
You and Mina decided to first go into a casual-styled store filled with jeans, tops, jackets, etc. 
Walking into the store, a friendly cashier at the counter greeted you guys, who you both smiled back at.
Thankful for the cool air conditioner providing a contrast to the burning weather outside, you scanned the racks for anything that caught your eye.
“Oh! Y/N look here!” You turned to where your pink friend had ran to, spotting her a few aisles down.
Making your way towards her, she holds up a light pink, off the shoulder top decorated with small flowers and a lace ribbon in her hands eagerly.
“Do you think this would look good on me? I really like the color!” She beams at you, holding the clothing item up to herself, admiring it in a tall mirror nearby. 
You study it for a second, before smiling back at her and nodding excitedly in agreement.
“It suits your skin color so well too! You should go try it on!”
“You think so??” She grins at you happily as you chuckle back in response. 
“You should pick out some clothes first, then we can go to the changing rooms together!”
“Okay, let me look around a bit more!” You walk off to the other side of the store, studying any clothes that may peak your interest. 
A striped red, orange, and white button-up shirt catches your eye, hanging on one of the racks. You take it and hold it up to your torso, satisfied with the way it looked. 
Keeping it around your arm to try on later, you decide to pick out a few more clothes to try on to avoid making multiple trips to the changing room. Just as you were about to turn around and continue your search for more clothes, you felt a figure approach behind you. 
“Hey, uh, sorry to bother you but I thought you were really pretty, and I was wondering if I could get your number?”
A voice made you turn around, and you were met by a man who looked a bit older than you. 
He was standing right in front of you now, his eyes staring at...the top of your head?
You cleared your throat awkwardly, not expecting the sudden question. 
“Oh! Thank you, but I have a boyfriend already, I’m sorry-”
The man’s eyes finally focus on your face, before laughing at you.
Wait, what?
You furrowed your eyebrows at the still laughing man, who looked down at you like you were a mere piece of dirt below him.
“I’m not talking to you, you’re not even pretty?” He scoffed when you gaped at him. 
“I’m talking to the hottie behind you,” He grinned and stared past you to whoever was standing there.
You slowly turned around, expecting to see some random stranger behind you, but you were met by a puff of familiar pink hair.
“O-oh, Mina...” You mumbled, not wanting to make eye contact with your friend, disheartened from the man’s words.
You were never one to get bothered by anyone’s words, especially not from a stranger, but this one hit you differently.
“What did you say to my friend?! You wanna repeat that, huh?!” Mina yelled at the man, steam almost emitting out of her pink ears. 
“Woah, calm down, pinkie, I just wanted to get your number - I didn’t know she was your friend.” He chuckled, and glanced at you again.
“Just saying, you could do so much better.” It was like bullets, the man’s words, aimed straight at your heart.
Storming up to the man, Mina slapped him directly on his face, leaving both of you in shock.
“Say that again, I dare you!!” You ushered Mina away from the furious man despite her protests of wanting to beat him up.
“Hmph, who does he think he is?!” You stopped walking when you guys were a good distance from the stranger.
You bit your lip, trying to suppress your emotions and not make a fool of yourself in a public space.
“It’s fine, I-I don’t really care,” Sighing, you gave Mina a small unconvincing smile, which she saw right through.
“Are you okay, Y/N? Don’t listen to him! He’s just blind,” She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. 
You chuckled softly, trying to change the subject, “I’m fine, come on, let’s go try on our clothes.” 
Mina sighed, eyeing the one top you had on your arm. “You only have one shirt? Don’t you want to try on more?” 
You scanned the racks around you guys, randomly picking a pair of black plaid pants, flashing your friend another smile. 
“It’s okay, there’s not much I like here,” You grabbed her arm and led her into the changing rooms, chuckling at her pile of clothes hanging over her arm. 
“You sure got a lot, Mina.”
“Their clothes are really nice!!” 
Mina and you went into rooms besides each other, and you could hear the girl squealing while trying on her clothing.
Instead of trying on your clothes immediately, you slumped against the white door, taking a deep breath, the man’s comments still on your mind.
You’re not even pretty.
You could do so much better.
Wrapping your arms around your torso, you looked in the mirror on the wall across you, taking in your appearance.
There were few things about you that would seem appealing to any man, and you should’ve gotten over the stares people give you wherever you go by now, but it was hard.
It really was.
Of course people would be attracted to Mina first, or anyone in your friend group, for that matter. She was outgoing, kind, bright, and feminine. 
Tears poking at the corners of your eyes, you quickly wiped them away with the back of your hand before they fell. 
Why couldn’t people just accept who you were?
Why couldn’t people accept the fact that you were happy in your own body, and that you loved yourself the way you were?
The common stereotype that all females had to be feminine, had to be proper, you were tired of it.
A loud knock from the other side of the door you were leaning against sounded, and you jumped a little, before hearing your friend’s cheery voice. 
“Y/N! Are you finished? I want to show you the top!”
“Oh- One second!”
Quickly tidying up your appearance to get rid of any hints of your silent breakdown, you unlocked the door and looked over Mina.
You were right.
The light pink color of the top really did complement her skin color well, her slender shoulders were exposed, and the lacey ribbon around the collarbone area of her shirt gave it a finishing touch.
Gasping, you admired how good it looked on her, while she giggled and jumped excitedly in place.
“It looks so beautiful on you Mina!!” You gave her a small hug, giggling along. “It’s like it was made for you!”
“Thanks!! What about your clothes?” She nodded towards your top and pants still sitting in the changing room, untouched.
You coughed, “Oh- uh give me a second, I still need to try on the top,” She nodded and pushed you back into the room eagerly.
“Show me when you’re done!”
You nodded and smiled back at her before walking back into the room and locking the door behind you.
You had already lost all interest in shopping today, but reluctantly changed into the striped button-up shirt, looking at yourself in the mirror. 
It was okay, nothing really special, and you certainly wouldn’t be spared any second glances from anyone. Not that you cared, you were already in a happy and healthy relationship with Shoto.
A thought suddenly popped into your mind. 
What did Shoto think about your appearance? Coming from a rich family, it was only natural that he would be into proper, feminine females. 
Why was he even dating you? Does he actually mean it every time he calls you beautiful?
Maybe you should change your hairstyle. Or the way you dressed. Maybe then, Shoto would love you.
Maybe then, he would think you’re beautiful.
Running your hand through your short strands of hair, you suddenly didn’t want to be here anymore.
You wished you were in the safety of your dorm, under the blankets where no one would have to look at you.
You were probably an eyesore, walking around everyday at school, getting judgmental looks from left to right.
Shaking your head, you tried to push those thoughts to the back of your mind, straightening yourself back up.
Unlocking the door again, wanting to get this day over with, you were met by a excited Mina as she looked over at you. You noticed that she had changed back to her own shirt.
“You look great Y/N!!” She hopped excitedly over to you as she admired your top.
You shrugged, glancing down at your top. “I mean, it’s okay, I guess.” 
She raised her eyebrows at your response, asking worriedly, “Do you not like it?” 
“Not really, it’s kind of plain.” Sighing, you picked at the sleeves and wrinkles of the shirt. 
“Oh,” Mina pursed her lips together, cocking her head to the side. “That’s alright, then. What about the pants?”
Truth was, you had forgotten to try on the pants while you were inside, and you didn’t want to risk purchasing something you weren’t sure would look good on you.
“Oh-uh, I didn’t like that one too much either,” You glanced back at the item still hanging in the changing room.
“Oh no,” Mina pouted. “Are you going to buy anything?”
Biting your lip, you shook your head. “Guess not.”
It wasn’t really that you didn’t want to buy anything, you just thought that at this point, it didn’t matter what you wore.
Because, you weren’t as feminine as other girls.
"Give me a second to change back, and we can go to another store.” She looked like she was about to say something, but decided to close her mouth and nodded instead.
The remaining time you spent with Mina was just her jumping around stores excitedly and you mindlessly staring at clothes you wouldn’t ever buy.
It was about 2 in the afternoon when you all decided to meet back up, ready to head back to school.
You realized that you hadn’t bought a single item in the past 4 hours spent in wandering around the mall. 
“Y/N! Did you not buy anything?” Momo asks worriedly as you and Mina approach the other two pairs in the lobby.
You shook your head at the tall girl, sighing, “Nothing really caught my eye today.”
“Oh, we can walk around a bit more together if you’d like!” Uraraka offers, holding a large bag in her own hands.
You smiled at her words, shaking your head again. “No, it’s alright! I’m sure we’re all tired, let’s head back.” 
“Gosh, this weird man came up to us earlier and had the audacity to call our little Y/N here unattractive??! And then proceeded to ask for my number??” Mina huffed, clenching her fists dramatically at the memory.
You chuckled awkwardly. “Mina, you didn’t have to slap the poor man.”
“Poor man? By the sounds of it, he hasn’t learned his lesson yet.” Jirou speaks up, cracking her knuckles, eyes darkening. “Where is he?”
You laughed. “Jirou-”
“Oh dear, that’s terrible.” Momo patted your shoulder. “You’re very beautiful, Y/N, you know that?” 
You smiled at the kind girl, letting out a deep breath. 
“I understand where he’s coming from, though...” You mumbled quietly.
“Did you say something, Y/N?” Uraraka asks from next to you.
Shaking your head quickly, you link your arms with the brown haired girl, grinning at everyone. “Let’s head back now!”
Pushing open the large glass doors, you were met once again by the humid air, the sun’s rays burning down on your exposed skin.
The girls chattered happily about their new purchases, peeking inside the others’ bags and taking a couple out to show.
Even though you walked in the middle of Uraraka and Momo, you couldn’t help but feel left out, not having any new clothing to wear.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you nudged Momo, making her turn around and look at you.
“Hey Yaomomo, what’d you get?”
She smiled and opened her bag for you to peek inside, and you almost had to close your eyes from the amount of bling inside,
Bling, meaning dresses decorated in gems, with a few jewelry pieces and other accessories. Of course, there were a couple casual wear on the bottom of the bag.
“Oh, I’m not even surprised anymore,” You pretended to huff at Momo, turning the other way.
“You’re so classy and fancy, Yaomomo, are you trying to flex your class on me?” 
She laughed, slapping your back lightly. “Oh sorry, I just can’t help that I’m so rich and proper.” 
You tensed up at her words. Of course, you knew she was being sarcastic, but her use of words hit the same spot in you again as earlier. 
“Hey guys...” Mina starts, wiggling her eyebrows.
“What?” An ominous feeling settles in all of your stomachs. 
“Last one to the dorms is an old lady!” 
All of you groan, watching as the pink alien girl takes off once again, having no choice but to follow behind.
6 girls arrived back at the dorm building, panting once again. 
“Mina- ha, I swear to - god,” You breathe out, pants coming from all six of you.
Mina just giggles at you as you all arrive back in the common room. Your classmates are sprawled out in different places throughout the room, and their heads all perk up simultaneously at the new arrivals. 
Bakugou were surrounded by Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero, as always, trying his best to swat them away. 
Tokoyami and Aoyama were chatting in the kitchen, while Iida, Midoriya and Shoto hung around the TV, watching whatever movie was put on.
Ojiro, Koda, Shoji, and Sato were nowhere to be seen, you guessed they were up in their own rooms. 
“Oh, hey guys! Welcome back!” A certain red-head’s voice chirped from the middle of the room, flashing you all his big smile.
“Hey Kirishima!” Mina smiled back at the boy before making her way up to her own room to organize her newly bought items. 
Momo, Tsu, Jirou, and Uraraka followed after her, while you made your way over to where your boyfriend was on one of the other couches. 
“Hey, love.” Shoto smiles at you softly as he opens his arms for you to give him a hug. 
“Hey Sho,” You happily accept your place in his arms, tired from the long day you had. “I missed you.” 
“I missed you as well,” He plants a small kiss on the top of your head. He was about to say something else before a realization dawns on him.
“Love, did you not buy anything?” You gulp, afraid that your boyfriend would see through your feelings and ask you what was wrong.
“Oh- uh, I just didn’t feel like anything caught my eye today!” You shrug, hoping that he would accept your answer and move on.
Of course, Shoto could be dense at times, but he is everything but stupid.
He always knew how you adored these little shopping sprees with your girls, and never once had you arrived back empty handed. On top of that, your vibe just seemed a bit...off.
“Can we go to your room and cuddle? I’m a little tired,” You look up at him, to which he responded by giving you a small kiss and chuckling.
“Of course, let’s go, love.” 
After saying goodbye to Iida and Midoriya, you both made your way to Shoto’s dorm, immediately flopping down on the bed after stepping inside.
Shoto laughed softly at your eagerness, wasting no time and following in after, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing you flush against his chest.
The warmth and vanilla scent of your boyfriend was enough to calm you down and get rid of any past bad thoughts you were having earlier that day.
You felt him bury his face inside your hair, inhaling softly your shampoo from this morning. Normally, you would’ve swooned at the action, but it somehow made you feel uneasy. Insecure.
Shriveling away a little from his body, you were met by a very confused Shoto staring back at you.
You bit your lip, not sure how to explain why you seemed uncomfortable.
“I-,uh, Shoto?” Your eyes made contact with his as he hummed in response. You decided it was now or never.
“Do you...think I’m pretty?” Biting your lip anxiously as you awaited his answer.
Confusion flashed through your boyfriend’s face. What kind of a question was that?
That was what he wanted to ask, until he noticed the tears forming in your eyes, and worriedly sat up, bringing you with him.
“Of course I think you’re pretty. You’re beautiful, darling.” 
Not convinced, you sniffle before asking again, “Really?”
He furrows his eyebrows together, lifting you up and onto his lap so you were straddling him now, both of you in a sitting position.
“Did something happen, love? Why are you asking me these questions?” He reaches up to wipe a stray tear that had slipped its way through your eyes with his thumb. 
“No reason-” You started, but your boyfriend’s piercing gaze told you he wouldn’t take that as an answer.
Taking a deep breath, you avoided his eyes as you began to speak.
“Today, when we were at the mall, a man came up to me, called me pretty, and asked for my number-”
Shoto raises his eyebrows, to which you wave away quickly.
“-I thought he was talking to me, but turns out he was speaking to Mina, who had been standing behind me. He then called me-” You cleared your throat, a bit anxious for your boyfriend’s reaction. 
“He said that I wasn’t pretty, and that Mina could do so much better than being friends with someone like me...” Your voice trails off as you felt Shoto’s grip on your waist tighten.
“He...what?” You could’ve sworn you saw flames flicker behind Shoto’s eyes, his left and right hands heating and cooling on your sides without thinking, to which you yelped a little, surprised by the temperature change.
His eyes softened, looking down at your waist and rubbing it softly. “Oh- I’m sorry, love, I did not mean to hurt you.”
You shake your head, smiling at him. “You didn’t hurt me at all, Shoto.”
He exhales deeply, looking into your eyes. “Baby, you’re the most beautiful, kind, amazing girl I’ve ever met in my life. Don’t ever listen to what anyone else says, you’re absolutely perfect the way you are.”
Shoto plants a deep kiss on your lips, tears threatening to spill over at his touching words.
When you pull away, there’s still a lingering thought in the back of your mind. 
“Don’t you ever wish - that you had a more...you know...” You rubbed your eyes, sniffling as the first few tears made their ways down your cheeks.
Shoto tilts his head to the side as he pulls you closer to his body, rubbing soothing circles on your lower back. 
“A what, love?”
“You know, a more...feminine...girlfriend?”
You nervously glance at him, waiting for his response. 
There’s silence for a moment, and your heart drops. 
“Who ever said that girls have to be feminine?” 
You directly look into his eyes for the first time that evening, confusion plastered on your face.
Shoto has a soft and loving, but firm expression as he speaks. 
“I don’t care if you dress, or appear differently than other girls. There is no “correct” way to look if you are a certain gender. You’re absolutely beautiful no matter what you do, or wear.” He leans forward to peck your lips once again.
“But...when I look at someone like Yaomomo, she’s just - so much more attractive and proper than someone like me...”
Shoto sighs, tilting your chin down to look at him.
“Proper? What’s not proper about you, Y/N? Your hair? Your clothing choices? Baby, you could wear a trash bag, have long hair - or even shave your head bald, I’d still fall in love with you all over again.” 
You giggle a little, making him chuckle, seeing that he successfully cheered you up a bit.
“I mean it, Y/N. I love you, and I’ll continue loving you, forever. Please don’t ever feel like you have to compare yourself to other girls, because you’ll always be the prettiest girl in my heart.”
Your heart felt like it was on the verge of bursting as you leant forward, kissing your boyfriend deeply. It was like all your emotions were expressed through that kiss. It was almost as if Shoto’s loving words washed away every single insecurity that has ever passed your mind in your whole life.
“Thank you so much, Shoto. I love you, so, so much.” You both grin as you placed your foreheads together, noses brushing against each other. 
“I want you to say it, love. Tell me you love yourself, and that you’re beautiful.” 
Your face heated up from the request, placing your hands on Shoto’s shoulders and trying to push him away, only to have your wrists caught by his strong hands as he leaned closer. 
“Come on, Y/N, I’m waiting,” he smirks at your flustered expression. 
You pouted a bit, before taking a deep breath, embarrassed from Shoto’s intense stare.
“I-uh- I love myself the way I am, and...I’m beautiful.” You squealed and cover your face with your hands after finishing your sentence, not used to those words coming out of your mouth.
A laugh escapes Shoto as he pries your hands away from your face, placing a kiss on your nose. 
“That’s right, love. What do you say we go shopping tomorrow, just me and you?” 
Your eyes brightened at the idea, and Shoto could feel butterflies flooding his stomach. 
“Yes!! I’d love that, Shoto,” You threw your arms around your boyfriend’s neck, burying your face into his hair.
He chuckles in response, leaning back and studying your face for a moment, making you confused.
Then, he takes your arms and pushes you back until your back is pressed against the bed, pinning them above you. His body hovers over yours, as his knee sneakily moves up to place itself between your thighs.
“But right now, let me show you just how beautiful you are, darling.”
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beyoncesdragon · 4 years
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title: a handsome distraction
→Pairing: Jimin x Female!Reader (Choi Yeonjun has a lil cameo but not really, just kinda)
→Summary: You hate math because you can’t do it and Jimin hates math because he can’t do you. 
→Warnings: just a few swear words, but other than that, you’re safe! It’s Fluff!! Except you have an allergic reaction whenever there is math involved, then I’d suggest you continue with precaution.
→Wordcount: 2.2k
a/n: Some Jimin fluff because I want a Park Jimin to annoy me during math class...but we cant always have what we wish for. Therefore we write it.  
Masterlist | BTS Masterlist 
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You were having a hard time.
Harder than usually, and considering that you were currently doing math, that was alarming. Even more because it wasn’t even because of the subject you were being taught through another zoom class. It also wasn’t because your internet was lagging more than usually and now the video wasn’t always perfectly in sync with the audio. It wasn’t the fact that you hated math with a passion, and already gave up on the subject four years ago either.
The thing that was giving you a hard time was a lot more handsome than the bland equation you were trying to solve with the teacher. Or rather, you were watching her solve it whilst you just copied everything that appeared on the screen, not quite knowing why she decided to multiply this x with the other one or how in the hell she discovered a binominal in between this whole mess.
The thing that was distracting you also went by the name of Park Jimin, your boyfriend, talented singer, dancer, hardworking man and performer, song writer and fashion icon and current cause of the headache that was starting to form behind your temples.
“Jimin! Can you finally stop this?!” you hissed through your teeth, wiggling his foot off your lap before pulling the couch table a bit closer.
You were currently seated on the floor, back resting against the couch and all of your school stuff spread out around you. Your laptop was propped up on another stack of books because you had been too lazy to clear the whole table and there was a little pile, scribbled full with notes and terms and unsuccessful attempts of solving various mathematical problems. So far you had however only created new problems and instead of leaning something new, you felt like someone pressed the reboot button half way through the lesson without backing up the hardware.
Long story short: it was a mess and Jimin wasn’t helping at all.
“Jimin please! I’m trying to work here. I’m trying to pay attention for once.” Jimin just snickered, flopping down on the couch behind you.
“You’ve been on it for hours now.” Well, that was the point of classes, wasn’t it. Not that Jimin could relate anymore, since he already graduated (a thing he wouldn’t dream of letting you forget). “You’re shamelessly exaggerating again. It has not even been one and a half hour and you spent the first forty minutes sleeping anyways.” Jimin just shrugged, propping his face up on his hands, curiously peeking from behind you onto the screen. He reminded you of a curious cat and you had to hold back a smile (a calico cat, perhaps?). However, since the two of you had been ordered to keep the relationship as low key as possible, you couldn’t just let him do that. As cute as he might looked with his ruffled hair and baggy clothes.
“Get out of the frame, they will see you.” he huffed, flicking your nose before tossing around again and sitting up. “I bet I was the most interesting thing they got to see in those six hours you’re ignoring me now.” You groaned, attempting to throw a pen at him.
“I’m done in twenty five minutes Jimin. Can you please…”
“Are there any questions so far?” the voice of your teacher cut you off and you snapped back to the screen. It seemed like all eyes were on you (though you obviously couldn’t tell) and you felt the tinge of embarrassment tickling your cheeks. You shook your head and went back to taking notes.
In the meantime, Jimin took it upon himself to be as noisy as possible whilst preparing a cup of tea. He slammed the cupboard door shut with way to much force, banged the cup against the counter dangerously hard and had a dirty grin on his lips when you flinched.
“Jagi, where did you put the tealeaves again?” he then suddenly yelled, though there was no need to yell, you literally had an open kitchen and were in direct sight. You flinched again, looking up at him with a frown. “Bottom left drawer, like always. What are you even talking about.” All that could be heard was a chuckle. It took him exactly half an equation later to interrupt you again.
“Can you hold my cup please, I don’t want it to tip over.” You stared at him blankly. “Seriously Jimin?” He shrugged. “That, or watch the love of your life burn his fingers off.” You shook your head. “Or the love of my life finally gets a grip on himself and gets a proper kettle like every normal human being would. He just grinned smugly before shrugging it off. You twirled your pen in your hand, reaching for the laptop to unmute yourself and ask a question, when…
“Where is the honey again?” you huffed frustrated, sitting back. “Left, top shelf. Jesus Christ…no left…Jimin, left.” You repeated, taking your eyes from the screen completely.
“Miss Y/L/N is there something you would like to ask?” you cringed at the call and quickly unmuted yourself to reassure your teacher that everything was fine, when Jimin took it upon himself to answer for you.
“AH thank you Jagi, you’re too kind…is your math thing finally over? That one equation is taking you guys ages.” your eyes widened before you quickly mumbled an apology and muted your audio again. Over the rim of your screen you sent a Jimin a glare that made him choke up on his tea.
It however failed to prevent him from walking over and sitting next to you, clearly holding back his laughter. He reached out for your hand and pressed a quick kiss on your knuckles.
“Sorry Jagi. I miss you.” you just shook your head, eyes trained on the screen. “I figured Jimin.” That was all you said before pressing your lips back together. You could only hope the professor hadn’t picked up on what Jimin had been implying and wasn’t hurt. Goddess, this was so embarrassing and this little shit knew it.
“You know…it’s just because I don’t have many free days like this, therefore it just sucks to have you occupied the whole time if there is one…” you sighed deeply, shaking your head. “I said twenty five minutes Jimin.”
He managed to sit still for maybe five. Then he started to play with your unoccupied hand again, before he suddenly dipped down and settled his head on your thigh. “Can I?” you looked down on him eyebrows slightly risen. “Lay on my thighs? Sure, but don’t pull any stunts or you sleep on the couch tonight.” Jimin laughed quietly, innocently peeking up at you. “I would never. And if I would, I’m sure you would enjoy it anyways. You always do.” You left that uncommented and only briefly pressed your index finger against his lips. “Shush  Jimin.”
After just a few minutes you had your hands in his hair already, absentmindedly playing with a few strands. He sighed happily before starting to draw little circles against your hip, humming quietly.
“You must be the most noisy rice cake there is.” Was all you pushed out before dramatically flying backwards against the couch Jimin gasped in fake outrage. The call finally ended and you felt like someone had fried your brain and your nerves in those two periods. Jimin sat up instantly, grabbing his now empty tea cup, before strolling towards the kitchen.
“Yah, no need to get personal. At least I don’t suck at math.” He retorted with a cocky expression, and this time you threw the pen for real.
“Wow, but you tell me not to get personal?” You stretched your body with a yawn before giving him a firm look. “You know what? I in this case I liked TXT’s performance better than yours.” It was completely off topic, but you needed something to bug him with. After those two painful lessons of math and Jimin you felt like you deserved that. And, it worked.
“Wait what? Which one?”
“MMA.” Jimin almost tripped over his own feet. “I beg you pardon? Better than our MMA Show? 2019? Are we on the same page?” You had troubles holding back your laughter at his obvious outrage. With a coy wink into his direction, you confirmed.
“Why so surprised? Yeonjun can rap…and also he has super pretty lips.” You shrugged, a lazy grin appearing on your lips. “You like his lips? He is too young for you!”
“You’re only four years older, dumbass.” with those words you got up and walked towards the kitchen as well. As you passed him, you placed a firm smack on the dancers butt before reaching for a cup to fetch yourself a cup of tea too.
Jimin had his arms crossed over his chest, a frown etched on his face as he watched you wordlessly, a mixture of disbelieve and outrage on his face.
“Are you sulking now?” you asked, turning around to him whilst the tea was steeping.
“Can you seriously blame me? You just admitted to like a guy that started as a rookie when I already debuted for a whole year…” you rolled your eyes. “Jimin!” but he wasn’t done just yet. “And you said I can’t rap!” you gave him a pointed look, turning to stir your tea for a second.
“I never said that, I know you can.” Jimin just shook his head.
“You said that he can rap, as in; other than you, he can rap.” He pouted like a little kid and you were having a hard time taking him serious. He just looked a tad too cute and too cuddly in that oversized shirt of his. “Oh my god Jimin…”
He turned on his heel with a dramatic flip of hair and strutted away towards the living room area. You heard him mumble to himself in annoyance as he approached your laptop, opening the device with a quick motion.
“What was your password again?” he asked, not even looking up. “It’s the date of your debut…”
“In letters or numbers?”
“Numbers.” He just nodded, a firm scowl on his face. “I’m almost surprised it isn’t TXT’s debut date.” He remarked sassily, unlocking your laptop with a pointed click of his index finger. You only shook your head, grabbed your mug and walked over to him. “Damn, you really are going there, hm?”
“What? You started it. Freaking Yeonjun out of all people…I will hit him when I see him again.” You chortled at his response, shaking your head. “Would you rather have me gushing over Yoongi?” he immediately shook his head.
“No that would be weird…wait do you mean Yoongi is cute?” a new wave of outrage shook that tiny body as he whipped around to look at you.
“Do you not think that?” he halted for a second, tilting his head. “Well obviously I do, but I am not my girlfriend.” You couldn’t only laugh at that. “Are you not? Wouldn’t have figured that out.”
“And on top of all of that, you said that they had a better MMA Performance than we had! Speaking of, ours wasn’t just a performance, we blessed you with an entire experience. How can you even compare that.” You giggled helplessly at your enraged boyfriend, opening your arms for a hug.
“Relax, baby. I was only joking.” He huffed in response, turning away dramatically. “No can do. I can’t believe I’ve been backstabbed like that. By my own girlfriend.”
He had clicked on their performance video with so much vigour it made you laugh even harder. Especially because their own performance was recommended to play right after TXT and he hesitated not even half a second before adding it to the queue.
“If you mention anything about Yeonjun’s lips, I will skip all of his parts and we go straight to our show, I’m not even kidding.” You giggled only, pressing your lips against his cheek. “Jealous Jiminie never fails to make me laugh. This group debuted in march of 2019 the same year. They weren’t even a year old and still performed like this, that’s all I’m gushing about, basically.”
And with that you pressed the play button and started the video. You actually expected Jimin to wrap his arms around you any second, but the man was still a moping mess and refused to even spare you a glance. With a sigh you decided to take matters into your own hands and leaned against him.
“Jimin.” No response.
“Baby. Look at me.” For a second it looked like he would ignore you once again. Just when you debated about calling him again or just cuddle him instead, he turned his head into your direction. You couldn’t help the small smile that immediately appeared on your face.
“You’re still the prettiest man on earth Jimin. Don’t worry, I could never look at anyone else than you. This includes your lips, by the way.” He hummed, acting as if all of this wouldn’t even affect him the slightest.
“I know.”
You burst out laughing. “You do now? So will you stop sulking?” He shrugged only, giving you a sly side-eye. “Only if you admit that you did drool when you watched our performance because up to this point, I have not heard a confession coming from your lips.” You huffed unfazed, shaking your head.
“Park Jimin, you are too cocky for your own good.”
“I’m just right sweetheart. Very unlike that equation you just solved…might want to look over that again.”
“Oh will you shut up!”
— ✩ thank u for reading ✩ —
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nakedmossy · 4 years
Alone, Together - Chapter 3 [JJ x Reader]
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Description: JJ is not the only pogue on the cut who deals with abuse at home. Reader is an only child who lives with her mom and her abusive stepdad, has a strong relationship with JJ because they share the same home life. Reader experiences physical abuse for the first time, which changes her relationship with JJ irrevocably.
Chapter summary: John B brings JJ back inside to talk to you, things get heated, and then things get *h e a t e d*
Disclaimers: Mentions of physical abuse, swearing, alcohol.
You trusted John B to bring JJ back before he did something reckless, but you saw the look in JJ’s eyes and knew that not even John B could help him when JJ put his mind to something. This had blown up into a bigger mess than you could have predicted...but, to be fair, you hadn’t known your ribs looked so bad and would have tried harder to hide the bruises if you did.
You and Sarah stood in front of the mirror again and she ran her hands gently over your bones to make sure there were not obvious cracks or bones out of place. You had told her it hurt but not that bad, but she hadn’t listened.
“We should get these looked at...properly. Just to be safe. Don’t want you popping a lung because there’s a piece of bone floating around.” She said as she rubbed some numbing ointment on the skin.
“It’s fine, Sarah. Seriously. I’m alright.”
Sarah looked at you in disbelief and chewed on her lips as she resumed her work. When she was done she helped lift John B’s shirt above your head and pull it down so you didn’t need to lift your arms as high. You followed her into the kitchen and sat down at the table again, grabbing one of the beers and holding it for a few moments as you stared out the window, listening for John B or JJ. 
“We need to find them” You said quietly, bringing the beer to your lips and taking a quick swig. It burned your throat but immediately started to soothe the pounding in your head.
“John B will bring him back” Sarah said, not touching her beer, just staring at you. You looked back at her and raised your eyebrows as best you could without hurting your eye. 
“What” you insisted, tired of her looking at you like you were going to crumble into an ash pile on the floor at any moment.
“I’m worried about you, Y/N. I know that this is...not as wild to you or JJ as it is to me...but this is pretty fucked up. This isn’t normal.”
“I’m aware of that.” You said, slightly bitterly. It was one thing for the pogues to say that to her, but for Sarah Cameron to say it felt different. Lucky her to be from a wealthy family that never put her in these situations. Must be nice.
“I mean...you passed out at the party, Y/N” She continued, leaning forward and putting her elbows on her knees. “I’m worried about you.”
“It was just...a panic attack. I think.” You looked out the window again, trying to squint and see if you could see either of the boys. Nothing.
“Since when do you get panic attacks?” She snapped her fingers, drawing your attention back to her. “How hard did he hit you?”
“What? He hit me...hard, Sarah....look at my face.”
“Yeah, my point. I don't think it was a panic attack. I think you might have a concussion.”
“Those aren’t symptoms of a concussion.”
“Well...still. I don't know. I’ll call my family doctor tomorrow, see what he says.”
“Fine” You said nonchalantly, standing up from the table to see out the window better. 
You could see the top of John B’s hat in the distance now, then his arms go up the air. He was ... flailing. Then you could hear JJ yelling, and his voice getting closer. Suddenly the screen door flew open and JJ burst through, John B tailing him close behind.
“JJ” You said quickly, watching his red face calm slightly when he saw you. He put his hands in the air and sat down at the table, grabbing one of the beers. “John B” You acknowledged him and he nodded once, then told Sarah to come with him outside for a minute. Sarah, confused, stood up and followed him out.
You were alone with JJ in the dimly lit kitchen, the sound of the screen door squeaking shut breaking the silence.
“You okay?” You said slowly, sitting down at the table across from him.
He stared at you for a few seconds blankly before putting his beer on the table and putting his hands behind his head.
“Are you?” He asked before closing his mouth and grinding his jaw.
“Why do I feel like I’m in trouble right now” you said sternly, leaning back in your chair and taking a drink of the beer that constituted a chug.
“Why didn’t you tell me about...” He motioned at your stomach/rib area and grimaced. “You told me he hit you once and you left.”
You took a deep breath and shrugged, looking back at his cold eyes again.
“I left a few of the details out, but it doesn’t make much of a difference.”
JJ leaned forward and put his elbows on the table, frustrated and pinching his fingers together in synchronized pointing motions.
“This was not just a fight, Y/N. He didn’t just lose his cool and smack you around. He beat the shit out of you. If I had known the extent of it when I saw him-“
“What?” You interrupted, leaning forward to match his posture. “You would have what, JJ? Done some stupid shit? Gone after him and got yourself hurt? Psh” You flicked your hand in the air and leaned back, shaking your head. “Exactly why I didn’t say anything.”
His nostrils flared and he grunted before running his hands over his face, exasperated. You could tell he was upset with the situation but right now it felt like he was upset with you, and it was making your stomach and your head hurt more.
“Look, JJ. I appreciate that you are trying to look out for me, but...I can’t be in this position right now. I can’t feel like I need to protect myself and YOU from him. I cant”
You stood up and started walking away from the table when you heard JJ’s chair scratch along the floor and his footsteps behind you. He put his arm in front of you, blocking you from going down the hallway. He was right behind you, so close that if you moved either direction you would bump into him. You turned your head to look up at him, challenging him with your facial expression. His head was hanging, hair falling into his eyes. He normally towered over you when he was slouching, let alone standing tall and trying to block you.
“Y/N, please. Talk to me.”
“What do you want me to say?” You said back, your eyes lingering on his jaw line and neck veins. 
“I don’t know...that you know you’re safe here. That you know you can talk to me.”
Your chest felt tight and you swallowed the lump in your throat. 
“Of course I know that” You said quietly, your voice cracking. You looked back up at him again and felt yourself starting to hold back tears. “That’s kind of the only thing I know right now.”
JJ’s face pinched and before you knew it he was holding you so gently but so firmly that you felt yourself fall into his chest and collapse against him. He pressed a hand to the back of your head and held it against his chest as you started to cry. Being near him, holding onto him, was the closest feeling to home you knew. You felt him kiss the top of your head before you pulled back to look up at him. He held your eyes and brought a hand to the clean side of your face, putting it under your chin and tilting your head so he could brush a light kiss above your bruised eye, around your bruised cheek, and on your jaw line. Lastly, he slowly placed a gentle kiss on the corner of your mouth near where your lip was split. You felt adrenaline pumping through your body, and your head felt light. It was happening so fast but so naturally that you didn’t need to think about anything, you just let your body move with JJ’s. You had dreamed about this moment for years, but never like this, never in this state. He ran his thumb across your bottom lip and waited until you met his eyes again before you both shared a breathless moment and he lowered his lips onto yours firmly. It hurt, minimally, but you didn’t care at all. You moved your lips in sync with his, hungrily latching yourself onto him and feeling his hand move from the back of your head to the nape of your neck, cradling your head. You pressed your body against him until there was no space left between you. Mindlessly he brought a hand to your rib cage below your breast and you let out a sharp breath. 
“Shit, I’m sorry” He breathed into your mouth between kisses. You shook your head and kept kissing him, managing to mutter an ‘it’s fine’ inaudibly. 
You pulled him by his shirt backwards down the hallway until you bumped into a wall, catching your foot and tripping you slightly. JJ hooked a hand under your thigh and lifted you up, cradling a hand behind your back as he lifted you into the air and you wrapped your legs around his hips. He walked both of you into the spare bedroom he always slept in, still feverishly kissing you as if he couldn’t get close enough, fast enough. He was a good kisser, it was fluid and smooth and easy.
You kicked the door shut as JJ walked you both through it, and he gently placed you down on the bed. You watched him as he peeled his shirt off and threw it in the corner, his tanned skin stretched tight over his muscles which glistened with sweat. He leaned down, returning to your mouth and you tangled your fingers into his hair, consumed by him. You felt his hands moving to lift your shirt off, you moved your hands to his belt to start undoing it.
You didn’t want him to take your shirt off, knowing it would expose the bruises again, but JJ’s hands worked tirelessly against you and you relented, lifting your arms slowly and carefully as high as you could without it hurting. He knelt down on the floor in front of where you sat on the edge of the bed and brought the shirt over your head carefully, throwing it in the corner where his laid crumpled in a ball.
With your stomach and ribs exposed, wearing nothing but your bikini, JJ leaned forward and ran his fingers slowly across the tender and bruised flesh, giving you goosebumps. He was eye level with your chest, and started planting kisses first on your collar bones, then in between your breasts, then slowly lower he placed kisses across your bruises, on either side. You kissed the top of his head, then put your hands under his chin and lifted his face to yours. He had tears in his eyes.
“JJ” Your voice broke when you saw his eyes, full of sadness and pain. “Don’t cry, its okay” you whispered, wiping his tears with your thumbs. 
“I love you” JJ whispered back, his voice cracking. “I always have. I know we’ve said it before. But I mean, I really love you, Y/N.”
He didn’t need to say it, you knew what he meant. You knew it was different this time than the handful of friendly “love you’s” you had shared growing up. 
“I love you too” You said back, breathlessly. 
He smiled and pressed his mouth to yours again, lowering you onto your back, climbing on top of you. You were tangled in each other now, legs and arms all over each other, JJ careful not to touch your ribs or bump your face. You felt the butterflies and the tingles and the adrenaline pumping now, you had never kissed anyone like this, it had never felt this good.
JJ’s hand caressed your shoulder, drifting over your chest near your throat, which sent a wave of panic through you, jolting you back and away from him. You covered your throat with your hand, breathing heavily and closing your eyes for a moment. When you closed your eyes you saw a vision of your stepdad holding you against the wall by your neck pass by.
“You okay? What happened? Did I hurt you?” JJ’s eyes were wide and he stayed frozen in place, watching you. You shook your head, shaking the vision away.
“Sorry, I’m sorry” You breathed, stretching your neck around and rubbing the skin.
JJ moved towards you, his hand on your leg, leaving a bit of space. 
“You’re safe with me.” He said calmly, waiting for you to open your eyes. You did, and met his with your own full of disappointment. “It’s okay. We can slow down.”
Frustrated, you buried your face in your hands, letting out a puff of air. You felt JJ’s hands pull yours away from your face, and hold them gently.
“I don't want to slow down” You said in a small voice, sounding as pathetic as you felt.
“What’s the rush” JJ smiled, shrugging lightly. “I want you to enjoy it. I don't want you to...feel that.” He motioned to your throat. You nodded and bit your lip, finding it hard to look at him.
He leaned forward slowly, keeping his eyes on yours, and blew hot breath on your neck before kissing the skin lightly. You swore you felt your eyes trying to roll into the back of your head, you had to close them. 
“Come here” He murmured, opening his arms and letting you crawl into them. He pulled you back onto the bed until he was leaning against the wall, and cradled you in his lap. “This is perfect” He whispered into your hair, kissing the top of your head again.
After the most traumatic, eventful, and tiring day of your life, you fell asleep to the motion of his chest moving up and down and his hands drawing pictures on your back.
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brelione · 4 years
Daddy Issues (Rafe Cameron X OC)
Chapter One:What Happens At Night?
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Meet Billie Maybank
Warnings:Stalking, blood, robbing, mentions of abuse.I had to rewrite this because the ogr one got deleted somehow.
Billie Maybank was a mess of a person.She was a bit of a mystery, held a kind of power over people that not even they could understand.A lot of people only knew her as a pretty face or a thief, only one person knowing what she was actually like.
That one person was her ‘baby’ brother JJ Maybank.She had enemies on both sides but it was mainly the kooks that wronged her, well, not her directly.It was usually the ones that wronged JJ that she considered her enemies.
Billie yawned, surprising herself when she sat up on her mattress that was pushed up against the wall of her small bedroom.She didnt sleep often because of all the yelling and glass constantly being smashed against the floor and walls of the living room and kitchen.She rubbed her eyes, scratching at her chin.
The sky was dark and sprinkled with stars, making her a bit angry.She wished she could go back to sleep and stay in her own little dream world until three in the afternoon, looking at the watch that she had stolen, groaning when she realized it was only three in the morning.
She knew that she had to get up and prepare herself for what was left of the night, switching on her battery powered lantern.Every night had been the same since she decided to drop out.
She had stopped going to school half way through junior year.
It was bullshit and took up way too much time that she could be using to do something that benefitted her.She had started her full time robbing and stalking six months ago, mid January when she found the source of her life problems.
Barry.He was the one who supplied Luke with coke which meant more beatings for her and more stress for JJ.He was the reason that she had to carry a lighter on her at all times, just in case her father decided to pull something.
It all began with Barry.She stood up,stretching her limbs quietly,grabbing a pair of shorts that she shared with JJ from off her floor and pulling a dirty shoe lace through the belt loops,tying it tight around her waist to keep the shorts from slipping down her legs.
Her and JJ shared all their clothes, they didnt want to but it was just something that they had to adapt to.She didnt want to waste any of the money that you did have on something that she didnt absolutely need.Any money that she did make went into an empty pickle jar under her bed.
It was for when she turned 18 so she could buy her own house for her and JJ.It was something they had been planning for years, when she turned 18 she’d get legal custody of him and they’d move somewhere safe and away from Luke.
Ideally they’d get Luke thrown in prison but seeing that it would require going to court it was completely unrealistic.The siblings had even discussed trying to find their mother again and possibly live with her but there was really no way of doing that without a name or a phone number or even a photograph.
JJ had gotten out of school last week, immediately going to John.B’s.He had stopped by the house first, walking slowly and quietly through the house and into her tiny room,asking her if she wanted to go with him.
She Said no, knowing that she would ruin his fun with his friends, having her own plans anyways.He had hugged her tight, telling her to stay safe before he left.She Waited two days to leave the house, not planning on coming back for two weeks.She just had to make sure that he wouldnt come back to grab something before she left.
Tonight was the two day mark.Putting a notebook,dollar store pens,a couple of oversized shirts,a small towel,matches and a tin full of blunts in her shiity old backpack she prepared herself for a long two weeks.
Her oily,salt smelling blonde hair was in a messy and knotted pathetic excuse for a bun that was already falling apart.She lifted her mattress up,grabbing the black pocket knife that she kept hidden under there,clipping it onto the pocket of her jeans that were starting to slip from the additional weight.
She slipped out her window and onto the lawn with a sigh, looking over to the deck to see her father passed out on the wood.She considered going over to spit on him, deciding it would waste her time.The air was warm and humid but it wasnt nearly as hot as inside of her bedroom which she was grateful for, slipping into the woods.
The path was clear from her constant stopping, now able to walk the route in pitch black darkness,coming out behind Barry’s trailer.The fire that had been lit hours ago had calmed after he left it unattended, going to sleep without a care in the world.
She opened the back door, slipping inside quietly.She had changed the locks ages ago without him knowing,tip toeing through the shitty living room and into his even shittier room, seeing his sleeping form on top of a mountain of blankets.
She let out a small breath, pulling the pocket knife from her pants,flicking it open as she approached the mattress.The sharp blade touched against his skin,her hand moving slowly and leaving a small scratch over part of his throat.She watched as his eyes flicked under his eyelids, a small smirk on her face.
He was too high and too tired to wake up, probably still feeling the cool blade in his sleep.She knew she’d never actually kill him but leaving the small cuts relieved some of the anger that had built up inside of her over the years.She giggled, using the very tip of the knife to scratch a “B” along his collarbone, little bits of blood seeping from the tiny cuts.
She stood for a while, watching him sleep.He’d move a bit every once in a while, sending little waves of adrenaline through her body.She went over to his closet, taking forty dollars from the wallet in his pants before moving to the bins of drugs.
She found little sacks of weed, deciding to take some for herself and stuff it deep in her bag, a smile on her face the whole time.She made her way to his tiny kitchen, looking through his fridge, a frown on her face when all she saw was beer and sticks of butter.
 “Fuckin’ trash, the mans got thousands of dollars and he cant buy good shit.”She huffed, shutting the fridge and moving onto the cabinets, settling on a bag of m and m’s and deciding to take it.She sat on his table, thinking about which beach she wanted to go to, grinning when an idea came to mind.
She cut open a beer can with her knife,rolling it down the hall and letting the alcoholic drink coat the wood before leaving out the front door with a sigh.Making her way onto the road she thought about JJ, trying to imagine what he was doing right now.
She hoped he was asleep if he wasnt drinking and if he was drinking that one of his friends had decided to babysit him.She kept walking until she was on Figure 8,walking right across the golf course, pulling her shirt over her nose and chin,tucking the fabric over her ears to keep it there.
It only took her a few tries to get the code for the lock right, the metal door giving up as she slid it open, sliding across the counter.As much as she despised kooks even she could admit they had pretty great snacks, taking off her bag and unzipping it.
She loaded her bag full of candy bars and snack sized chip bags, her eyes eventually falling on a snack sized bag of popcorn with chocolate drizzle.She zipped her bag back up, forcing the ends together so she could shut it before moving onto the large refrigerators.
There were dozens of pre made sandwiches, luckily all of them had labels so she knew what she was getting.It took a while of looking before she eventually settled on ham and cheese with lettuce, red onion and honey mustard.Her watch told her that it was nearly 5:30, groaning as she walked across the shop to pull the door shut again, sneaking out the back.
She unwrapped the sandwich and ate as she walked, the soles of her shoes eventually hit the soft sand of the beach, a smile growing on her face as she made her way across the land.
Some of the more hard core surfers began to show up in hopes of catching the early morning waves.They were choppy and short lived so she could never understand why they wouldnt just wait until afternoon for the larger, smoother ones.
She wouldve asked them if she had the energy, continuing to walk until she found the perfect place to people watch from for the day.The far side of the beach had all the large rocks that people never occupied, too stressed about climbing up the boulders to ever get up there in the first place.
By the time she had gotten herself settled on the hot rock more people were beginning to pile in, a small smirk on her face as her stormy blue eyes dragged themselves over the crowds in search for her next victim.
She pulled out her altoids tin full of blunt, placing one between her teeth, eyes squinting when she saw a familiar group.Sarah Cameron, her boyfriend and her brother.
Billie chuckled, white smoke escaping her lips, placing the blunt back into its tin and hiding her bag between the cracks of the boulders, hopping down from her throne and sending a slight pain up her leg.
She had gotten into a fight with her father a couple of days back.She had misplaced something, earning her a strike to the rib cage.Luckily that hit was on the weak side unlike the hard punch to her thigh, a yellow and black bruise blooming across the tanned skin.
She had gotten Luke to the ground, her shoe pressed against his throat, grabbing the can of compressed air off the counter along with her lighter, threatening to ‘pull a hockstetter’.It was nothing she hadnt experienced before, continuing her walk along the sand, deciding to circle around so she could find both large and little things that could fit in her pockets, not wanting to raise any suspicion among the kooks.
Rafe watched the blonde move across the sand, his eyes wide.He tried to figure out why he had never seen her before.She was obviously a pogue, it was clear from the crappy clothing that she was wearing.
He had seen the exact same outfit on someone else before, unable to remember who it had been.Something about the way she carried herself gained his full attention.It was like she knew that she was better than everyone else, superior to them.It got him wondering if thats what he looked like.
Topper nudged his arm, trying to get his attention again. “What?”Topper asked, not understanding what he was staring at.He followed Rafe’s gaze, unable to see because of the sunlight in his eyes.
Sarah could see through her sun glasses, laughing. “Not you staring at Billie Maybank!Oh my god, you have a thing for her!”She exclaimed.Rafe’s eyes widened, turning to look at his younger sister.
 “Shut up.”He growled, looking back over to Billie.Maybank, he thought.He didnt know that JJ had a sister. “Its okay to admit you have a crush, Rafe.”She insisted.Rafe shook his head. “She’s a pogue, Sarah.That’s fucking disgusting.”He replied, storming off to the snack stand. 
“We need better security!Somone broke in again!”One of the workers shouted, noticing the lack of chips.Again. “Well we aint getting better security any time soon,Jane.”Another worker replied with a dramatic sigh.
 “Suck my dick, Alice!”Jane shouted back, turning to see Rafe. “Oh,im sorry!What can I do for you?”She asked.Rafe shrugged, not originally planning on getting anything.He just wanted to get away from Sarah. “Sandwich.”He replied, squinting as he hunted the crowds for Billie. “What kind of sandwich?”The worker asked, only earning a shrug from Rafe. “Suprise me.”He replied.
Billie turned around, walking behind the small groups now.Sarah and her boyfriend Topper THornton had gone down into the water, laughing as they splashed eachother but it was a little too loud to be genuine.
She opened their cooler quickly, grabbing the first thing she saw before continuing her walk, only noticing what it was when she was coming across another abandoned bag.Strawberry Fanta. “Not bad, Cameron.”She muttered under her breath, seeing a magazing sticking half way out of a bag.It was too tempting for her to pass,swiping it from the bag and tucking it under her arm.
Rafe was given a ham and cheese with lettuce, red onion and honey mustard.He knew he probably wouldnt eat it but didnt care,walking down the hill back onto the sand, rolling his eyes at Topper and Sarah’s squealing as he dunked her into the cool waves.
He would be lying if he said he didnt want a relationship, knowing that it didnt really matter what kind.He just seeked love and validation, biting the inside of his cheek.He wasnt paying attention to where he was going, his elbow colliding with someones shoulder.
He looked down, heart dropping when he realized it had been the same girl he had been staring at since he had got here.Billie Maybank. “Watch-uhhh....watch where you’re going, pogue.”He refrained himself from using her actual name, not wanting to let her know that he knew her name, figuring he would sound like a stalker.Billie simply smiled, walking past him. 
“Shit.”He whispered, realizing that his voice had cracked, his neck, face and ears becoming red as the embarrassing moment played over and over again in his mind.
Billie had hated Rafe Cameron for years but him being an asshole to her directly was her breaking point, biting her lip when she realized she’d have some new plans tonight.Rafe Cameron would be in for a surprise later.
@sexytholland​ @28cnn​  @popcrone818​ @fttayla​ @cherryobx​ @n1ghtsh4d3-67​ @drewstarkeyobx​ @poguestyleskye​ @judayyyw​ @jjtheangel​ @jj-iz-bae​
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coming home
This is some plot free nonsense bc there’s not enough Geralt fluff nor can there ever be enough.
Heavily inspired by this: 
Y’all, I just needed comfortable Geralt in like a chill established relationship? Can I stop thinking about it? No. Will I write more? Trips to the market? Probably.
You heard Roach’s hooves on the dirt path before you saw her out your window. She was trotting along, reins looped around the pommel of her saddle, guiding herself back to your front gate.
You dropped the bowl you were washing when you realized Geralt was not sitting in her saddle, but laying across it.
“Geralt!” Your voice cracked as you ran out to him, snagging Roach’s reins and pulling her to a stop, “Oh you stupid man, what did you do to yourself?”
He grunted as he slid off the saddle, still leaning heavily on his horse, “Nothing. I’m just drained.”
You held his face between your hands, looking for any sign of poisoning or spells before moving on to check his torso and major vulnerable spots for serious injuries.
“I promise. It’s just the elixirs.” he sighed.
You stood to glare at him, “Your elixirs have never caused you to ride into my garden like a dead man.”
He shrugged, loosening Roach’s cinch, “I took three, probably too close together....”
You wanted to punch him, maybe shove him into the compost pile, for scaring you like that but you took a deep breath and started leading Roach to the pen behind your house, “And you’re sure you aren’t injured?”
“There’s some stew in the pot on the counter and some bread in the cupboard. Go eat. I’ll tend to your girl here.” You lightly pushed him to the front door and to your surprise he only pretended to put up a fight. You made a note to send him away with more food when he left this time.
When you’d put Roach up, picked out her hooves, and given her her own extra portion of oats you collected Geralt’s case of elixirs out of his saddlebags and the bloody clothes you knew would be there. You were slightly comforted by noticing there were fewer holes within the bloodstains than times before, at least it wasn’t all his.
Geralt was laying in front of the fire when you made it back inside, stretched out like your old family dog lounging in the heat. His armor and cloak were heaped in a pile on your kitchen table, as usual, leaving a trail through your house. 
You checked the pot to make sure he ate and were pleased with the amount that was missing. Assuming he was asleep, you set about soaking his bloodied clothes and taking inventory of the vials missing from his chest. 
After a few minutes, he rolled over, nearly making you jump out of your skin, “Did I make you angry?”
You laughed off the shock, “No dummy, I thought you were asleep.”
“Hmm… and you’re still all the way over there?” he asked with a sly grin.
“Like a damn fool.” You played along, sitting next to his shoulders and patting your thigh. He obeyed, shimmying to rest his head in your lap.
He hummed in content when you tugged his hair free of its tie and ran your fingers through it. The actions were almost ritual at this point. 
You gave him a moment or two to enjoy the relaxation before you started in on him, “What kind of beast made you think such a high dose was necessary?” 
Opening his eyes and sizing up your frustration with him he answered carefully, “The big kind.”
“Of course, how silly of me? The big kind.” you playfully squeezed his shoulder with the hand not tangled in his hair. Regardless of how much he scared you with his recklessness, he always seemed to be able to worm his way back into your good graces with a few carefully chosen words.
He let his eyes fall closed again, giving you a soft smile. You stayed like this for a long time, every now and then asking questions or catching him up on the village drama, but not pushing him. If it weren’t for the fire dying down you wouldn’t have moved at all. 
Geralt sat up and leaned against the couch, dramatically stretching out the side of his neck as you stoked the fire. 
“Subtle, dear.” you teased, pulling hemp cream from your medicine cupboard. 
He grinned up at you as you hiked up your skirt to comfortably sit behind him, "Who? Me? Never." 
You rolled your eyes and pulled his hair into a sloppy bun atop his head before opening the jar of cream. It wasn't the most pleasant smelling concoction you had for massages, but the hemp did wonders for relaxing your witcher. Besides, those fragrant oils overwhelmed him so soon after taking an elixir. 
"Which side?" You asked, warming a dollop of cream in your hands. He pulled his shirt over his head and pointed. It didn’t matter how familiar you were with him, the way he moved always got to you. Those strong shoulders that slayed monsters also picked you up out of bed and carried you through the house when he was feeling playful. His chest was your pillow during long cold nights, his arms your safe haven when no other place sufficed.  You kneaded out the muscles in his shoulders and neck and up into the base of his skull, marveling, even after all this time, that he still came back to you. That he still wanted to be yours and yours alone. 
His body melted under your touch, muscles relaxing and tendons releasing. Soon his head was resting against one of your knees as you once again ran your fingers through his hair. 
"I'm afraid I've gotten your hair a little oily." You murmured.
"I don't mind…" 
You grabbed a stray comb that laid on your end table and began de-tangling his hair in earnest, "Yes you do."
He hummed as he pulled your leg dangling beside him over his shoulder to place a kiss on the inside of your knee. You took in a sharp breath, earning a chuckle from him. Tugging his hair so his head fell back into your lap you placed a kiss on his forehead.
"I thought you were tired?" 
"Exhausted or not, you're still enticing." He cooed. 
You giggled, tilting his head back up and beginning the usual braid, "I see Jaskier is rubbing off on you."
He snorted, sarcasm dripping from his words, "Yes we have poetry lessons by the fire every night. He says I'm his most improved student." 
"Where is our trouble-making bard?"
"Where’re the women?" He quipped, caressing your leg absentmindedly. 
"Geralt…" your tone was almost one of warning, but you knew there was a fair deal of truth in his words.
He leaned his head on your knee when. You'd gotten past his temple with the braid, "Said something about a countess a town or two over. That he'd meet me back here in a week or so."
"A whole week." You mused, "I'm not going to get anything done." 
He hummed as you tied off the end of the braid, "Priorities…"
You untangled yourself from his grasp and stood over him, offering a hand up, "But first you need to sleep off that sludge you drank." 
He accepted your help up, not letting go of your hand, rather, wrapping himself around behind you, stooping to rest his chin on your shoulder.
He yawned as you two staggered quite inelegantly toward your bedroom, "You're coming with right?" 
"Of course." 
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dark-and-kawaii · 6 years
Dabi and reader get into a really bad fight with angsty ending please
A/N:*wiggles eyebrows until they fall off*
 *slurps all the angst down like a bowl of ramen*
One bowl of Dabi Angst coming right up my dear Anon!!! 
I hope you don’t mind!!! I added a sad soundtrack to add to the experience!!!
(i do not own the picture, all credit goes to the artist(whom i dont know))
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“Just get lost already, ____.” Dabi sat on his small bed as you cried before him... Again...
He never knew why he was like this... Looking down at his open hands, he began to curl them into fists... You were only trying to help him. Just like you would always help him with his burns all those years ago... But he always refused... He never wanted to rely on you... Never wanted to drag you into this... But here he is now with you... Why? Because he was selfish... He wanted to keep you... Wanted to have you by his side... But enough was enough... He couldn’t go on like this... Knowing that it could mean the end of your perfect normal life... You didn’t belong having a secret life... You deserved more...
“Dabi please! You can’t be serious! Joining them!? Really? Have you stooped so low to where you need to go to the league!? Just please...” More tears ran down your swollen red face... “Please just come back to me!!!” Falling to your knees in his rundown apartment, you covered your face with your hands...
“I already told you to beat it ___!” He didn’t want you to go. “How many times do i have to tell you i only keep you around to have fun!” That’s a lie. “You’re only a play toy for me! A cum dump!” You were so much more than those things... “You need to scram before i end up turning you into a pile of ashes, ___-”
“I love you so much Dabi!!! You’re doing all of this out of hatred because you want to get back at him!!! For doing all those terrible things to you and your mother!!! But guess what!!! You’re acting more and more like him everyday!!”
Dabi’s eyes went wide... 
Standing up with wobbly legs, you swayed back and forth for a second until you had balanced yourself... Wiping away your tears, you turned your back to Dabi... “You used to be like her you know... You used to be kind, caring, always thinking of your brothers and sister... Always...” Your breathing had stopped as it caught in your throat for a moment... “Always... Always trying to protect me!! But now you’ve-....” Your legs began to tremble and your arms... You could feel them going numb... Wrapping your arms around yourself, trying to find comfort... You reveal your deepest secret... 
“Did you know... That this cum dump is pregnant with your child....” Biting your lip hard enough to break skin... It was enough to make you move again, and soon you were bolting out his door...
Dabi’s eye’s were bugged... He didn’t know what to do... What to say... All he could do was look at his fists... Had he really become the very thing he loathed? Would his mother even recognize him anymore... Or would she see the reflection of a man she once feared and cower away from her own son as if it were her husband...
Your words struck his core... And the sudden ping in his chest made him grip his shirt tightly... Was he really going to allow you to run off like this... In the middle of a storm... With... With his child...
Clutching his bed, Dabi arose... And gave it everything he had to make his shocked body move... To run after you, to get say he was sorry and that he never meant any of it...
Racing through the streets, Dabi looked up and down every alleyway he came across. Bursting through shop doors to see if you were there to hide from the rain, but nothing... Had you really vanished like that... No. Your quirk wasn’t like that... You had to be close still...
Looking up at the dreary sky, rain plunked down on his tattered skin... His hair clinging to his face... 
“____.... Where the hell did you go.”
Dabi could hear the sound of an ambulance and people’s feet splashing around in puddles, as if in a hurry to witness something...
Dropping his head, he watches and listens to two young females...
“Hurry Aki!! I hear on of the pro heroes is helping! Maybe we can catch a glimpse!!”
He knew he needed to find you, but at the same time maybe that’s where you would be... You always loved seeing people get rescued... So maybe, that’s where you and his future child would be, right?
Following the two young females to the scene, Dabi kept his head low and snatched a hat from a bystander to keep his face as hidden as possible... 
When he arrived he pushed past people that surrounded the area until he was up front near the yellow tape... 
His eye’s widen in horror as he saw a body lying lifeless on the ground... He can’t move nor speak as he stares at the body.
As the nurses arrive they gently lay you on a stretcher as a pro hero... Endeavor.... Pulls out the man in the car that had struck you...
Dabi watches as they hook up a heart monitor to you... But all it does is go into a straight line... Not even realizing it, Dabi began to burn the yellow tape that stretched out in front of him, but as soon as Endeavor turns around... Dabi locks eyes with him... With gritted teeth, Dabi’s glassed over eye’s begin to burn with hatred... Yet all Endeavor does is maneuvers his eye’s to your corpse on the stretcher... Closing his eyes, he grieves for his sons lost... 
Pushing back through the crowd, Dabi tries to escape this madness. It’s as if he can’t breathe, like he’s drowning almost... 
Coming to an alleyway, his back hits the stone building and he slides down into a puddle... With his head resting on his knees, Dabi sulks and tries to take it all in... 
‘You’re only a play toy for me! A cum dump! Get lost!’
His own words echoed in his head... “No... ___...”
‘How many times do i have to tell you! I only keep you around for fun!’
“It wasn’t like that... ____...”
Clenching his legs.... Your final words to him... Pierce his heart...
‘Did you know that this cum dump in pregnant with your child?’ 
In a quick motion, Dabi lifted his head and wailed with shut eyes...
His last bit of happiness... Gone... And his only child... Never to be...
~ Love Kiwi xoxo
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meadowlarkkitties · 5 years
supermidnightqueen asked:
*comes in with Brassy (MY brassbitty), edge (my coral), Knight (my king), Soul (my Chain), Honey (my Honey bo), and le roi (my mamba).* Hi! I heard from vex that you just opened shop! i wanted to look around and see what caught my boys intrest before picking one, if thats okay.
meadowlarkkitties answered:
Meadow smiled brightly when you walked in with your own bitties, she didn’t see other types too much these days since she spent her time here at the shop making sure the kitties were well taken care of. Greeting you first before she praised each of the bitties in turn, making sure to compliment them all heavily. “Miss Vex is a lovely person, thank you for coming over to see us.” Meadow’s smile was bright and welcoming as she gestured you into the adoption center. “Oh of course, the kitties do like when visitors spend some time getting to know them.” She smiled as Clove hopped down from a high catwalk onto her shoulders. “I’m Meadowlark and this is my Papysynnian, Clove.” She reached up to rub the side of his skull earning her a purr. “Please come on in everyone, sit down. Would you like something to drink? Or a snack?” As the group of you all sat down some of the more outgoing felines batted at lamia tails gently or peeked over the arms of the couches at the snake bitties and their owner. A Boss Coon the first to jump up and sit close to you, folding his forepaws and swaying his fluffy tail. A Russian Blueberry peeking at your Mamba with wide eyes, admiring the shine on his scales and he reached out very tentatively, eyes looking up at the mamba for permission to touch. A Honey Fold hopped down from a cat walk above to sit on the arm of the couch, watching curiously from a distance while a Redimese flat refused to get close to any of the snakes yet, eyeing the group from beside Meadowlark. “So what kind of companion are you looking for?” “Clearly they are feline up for a furry companion.” A sansapura smirked as he appeared next to your King, grinning wickedly and expecting groans. He got them as a Papysynnian hopped up next to him and shoved the Sansapura to the floor with a scolding look.
I giggled as knight and soul began petting a few of the kittybitties. “well, i honestly enjoy all types of bitties. But i was hoping to find a bitty that my bois and brassy would feel conformable around, are comfortable around my boys, and at the same time willing to help out soul when it comes to my disorders.” I moved Le Roi to my shoulder as honey slithered behind me. “I know i’ll have a bit of a hard time choosing. i am glad that the adorable kittys have agreed to meet with me.”  brassy was looking out of a pocket in my shirt at the kittybitties in awe
“You may touch” Le Roi hisses at the Russian Blueberry from my shoulder. Knight started petting sansapura as Soul waved to the Honeyfold and Redimese in greeting.
@supermidnightqueen More of the less shy felines quickly piled around Knight and Soul, leaning into the pettings and purring at differing volumes. They were quite enjoying the attention and were not shy about letting that be known, even the Redimese giving in and surrendering to some pettings himself. “Oh I can understand that completely, when it comes to things like that I will make a suggestion that a Papysynnian, Boss Coon, or a Russian Blueberry make fine additions to large groups of bitties and are among our more helpful felines when it comes to such things.” Meadow offered gently, not pushing any one breed but those three were known for being far more intune to their owners and other around them. It was one of the reasons she had Clove, he helped tremendously with her own issues.
As the two spoke the Boss Coon puffed up that his type had been recommended, of course they would. The fluffy cats, while a bit of an ego trip, were very balance felines in their own high opinion. The blueberry’s eyes sparkled with joy when Le Roi allowed him to touch the gleaming scales, his fingers moving over the sheen of them with a gentle, admiring quality. “So pretty.” The praise was instant and genuine, the feline having never seen lamias before, especially lamias with such brilliant scales.
“Thissss one” Le Roi hisses as he preened from the praised that the russian blueberry gave him. I laughed quietly as knight and soul clearly liked a boss coon and papysynnian each.
“it seems that they are quite taken with those kittys. they are quite beautiful” I said as edge move to ‘accidently’ pet the redimese.
“if i cant decide, do you mind if i take all three? I have a feeling that knight and le roi might put up a little bit of sulking and puppy eyes to get the kitty they want.” I stated with a sigh but smiled.
The Blueberry’s eyes grew wide when the mamba declared that he wanted him and he wiggled happily, the bell on his scarf chiming softly as he did. He moved carefully closer to the Mamba, still looking at the gleaming scales with an admiring look. The Boss Coon fluttered his thickly furred tail as he was pet, his purr a low rumble and he relaxed into the arms that held him, quite content. As for the Papysynnian, he was much louder in his own purring, his long tail swinging happily as he leaned into every pet given to him. “Oh not at all, in my opinion the more cats the merrier but I may be a little biased.” Meadow grinned and pet Clove’s head softly. The Redimese glanced at Edge touched him, his ears perking just a bit and he made a harumph sound before shifting his body ever so subtly towards the petting, not that he liked it or anything. Ha, as if. Still, his tail did swing towards the coral, coming to rest along his own by TOTAL ACCIDENT.
I giggled behind my hands as i watched the redimese and edge. it was just too funny.
“ anyways” I said through my giggles as i ran my hand along the boss coon “I just need-” honey cut me off by draping himself over me. “Honey noooo! I need to decide”
“dont care, your warm and comfy” Honey hissed.
Meadowlark smiled over at the two fell type bitties as they “begrudgingly” tolerated the other’s company, the Boss lifting his back into the petting as his fluffy tail coiled around your wrist loosely. “Decisions are tough.” She laughed softly at the antics of all the bitties, eyes soft and loving as she reached into a basket filled with blankets and offered it to Honey as he draped over your form. The Redimese blushed slightly and looked away from you when you noticed how close he was to Edge, shoving his hands in his pockets and tucking his head into the fluff of his hood a bit.
honey took the offered blanket and draped it over himself, covering my face in the process. Le Roi snickered at my misfortune. edge pretended not to notice that he was still petting the redimese. knight and soul were cuddling the kitties.brassy giggled a bit.
“honey not the face!”  I laughed as i tried to move the blanket out of my face. honey winked at meadow. “sssssssshes the trouble maker ssssometimessss and needssss to ssssleep more than an hour” honey hissed in amusement. the other lamias nodded
“Hey! dont gang up on me!” I totally didnt pout under the blanket.
Meadowlark’s face scrunched up in amusement as Honey winked at her, Clove shaking his head a bit but you could see he also found it funny. The Blueberry leaned up on the very tips of his paws to try and uncover your face helpfully, however he wasn’t all that tall so was a bit of a chore for the guy. Giving up he sat in your lap and waved to Brassy before going back to admiring Le Roi’s scales. “Only an hour? Oh my oh my. I think a nap is in order than.” Meadow exaggerated her tones as she spoke and Clove pawed at his owner.
“Don’t be mean, Meddie.” He huffed and you stuck your tongue out at the cat. The redimese watched the goings on curiously, still sitting beside Edge. He lowered himself so he could stretch his legs out behind him, folding his forepaws and somehow ending up resting right up against the coral lamia. “are they always like this?” he questioned idly, crimson eye lights a bit confused by the antics but interested.
“I-i think so” brassy said as he watched. “honey only recently started teaseing Midnight like this” knight said as he petted the Papysynnian. I managed to get the blanket off my face with a pout. “i dont need a nap” I then started to sulk and pet the russian blue berry and the boss coon. Le Roi started to pose to show off his scales.
The redimese made a show of scoffing but he did find the camaraderie appealing in a way, absently he reached one hand out to run his fingertips along the coral’s scales. The Papysynnian leaned into Knight’s hands with each pet, The blueberry also leaned into your hands as you began to pet him. Meadowlark cooed praise and admiration at Le Roi, such a handsome lamia deserved it after all.  Clove flopping on his side to bat at a toy that happened to be laying on the couch. This was nice and relaxed, Meadow found herself rather enjoying the banter of the lamias and their owner. “Teasing is how my people show affection so I would take it as a compliment.” Meadow smiled and winked at Honey.
honey chuckled then noticed the look on my face and look at knight “you gotta say it knight” he said in amusement. Knight scowled and shook his head. Le Roi preened from the attention. Edge hummed softly that way he could deny it.
“Say it knight” I said with laughter sparkling in my eyes
Meadowlark blinked as they kept asking the king to say something specific, her fox like ears lifting from her hair for the first time and she tilted her head curiously. “Say it?” she questioned, her fingers reaching into her pockets, pulling out a shiny coin of Fae currency and offered it to Edge with a smile. She knew their affinity for shiny objects. Turning her eyes back to the Mamba she resumed offering compliments and praise as she waited to see what the others were talking about.
edge snatched the coin and hid it in his jacket. knight repetedly shook his head as i kept telling him to ‘say it’. honey was giggling and le roi slithered other to meadow and perched in her lap. chain was helping me pressure knight in to ‘saying it’.
She smiled at the coral when he hid the coin away, the redimese watching in amusement. Shiny things interested him but unlike the lamias they weren’t prone to collecting them, however foil balls would never be safe. Meadow’s fingers stroked along Le Roi’s scales gently, her touch almost massaging. Reaching back into her pocket she pulled out a microfiber cloth and began to gently polish the mamba’s scales. The Blueberry started to chant “say it” as well, not knowing what he was pushing for but wanting to join in with everyone else. The Boss Coon did not join in on the chant, but he was curious, though the Papysynnian looked up at Knight curiously.
“knight if you dont say it i will use the puppy eyes on you” i said with laughter in my tone. le roi began to hum happily. knight began to sulk.
“besssst sssay it and get it over with knight” chain said in amusement.
Meadow watched you and your bitties with interest, tilting her head curiously a she continued to polish Le Roi’s scales till the gleamed in even the dimmest light? How did she do that. Maaaaaaaagic.
“what do they want him to say?” the redimese blinked a few times, kinda feeling bad for the poor knight, the Papysynnian petting the king’s arm before rolling over on his back and swaying his paws at him to try and cheer him up. That’s a papysynnian for ya.
knight sighed before picking up the papysynnian like the monkey did with simba in lion king then said” This Child Is Too presious for thei crule crule world. I must hide him away for all of eturnity!” Me and honey started to giggle.
The Papysynnian’s legs swung easily as he was hoisted by the King, blinking at the others in a confused manner before he craned his head to look back at Knight. As the words were uttered the Redimese facepalmed, totally not to hide his chuckling, and Meadow snickered loudly.
“Oh my…” She managed between giggles, resuming her petting of Le Roi as the Blueberry snickered loudly. “Well you do seem well suited to protecting him from the evils of the world, Knight.”
Le Roi snickered as i somehow managed to slip out of honeys grip and fell to the floor with laughter.knight blushes lightly before shifting papysynnian to he was holding him comfortably.soul slither over and checked it i was injered from my fall. honey had caught blueberry before he fell with me.
Meadowlark smiled as the group laughed softly, the blueberry smiling at Honey as he caught him before he hit the floor. He would have landed on his feet but he appreciated the sentiment and grinned up at Honey with bright stars in his eyes. “Thanks!” The Papysynnian smiled up at the Knight, clearly enamoured. “I thought it was great.” He offered with a bright expression, hoping to ease the lamia’s embarrassment.
knight smiled and scratched the papysynnian back gently. “no problem” honey hissed with a chuckle. I was currently trying to warn off a mother hen. “soul im fine stop” I said while trying to pushing him away. he only kept checking for wounds. Le Roi laughed at my misfortune.
It was nice to see how much your lamias cared about you, clearly you were all very close knit and it made the puca smile. Offering her free hand to you to help you off the floor so that your chain would worry less, she kept stroking along Le Roi’s scales with a gentle firmness. The fae was honestly rather fond of snakes, and had often wished to have the ability to shift to them… if only to startle her friends. “Don’t worry Soul, the center has fae magic built into it, even if the fall had caused injury the essences within these walls would have began to heal it immediately.” she offered with a warm smile, the cats made a habit of jumping from the top cat walks often so she had to protect their tiny legs somehow. “One of the precautions I took due to the daredevil nature of cats.”
I grabbed your hand and got up “thanks meadow!” I said happily. chain smiled and nodded a bit in understanding.
“im guessing that it happened quite often?” knight asked. Le Roi hissed contently as edge seemed to have fallen asleep.
“You’re very welcome.” Her response was bright and she glanced over at Knight when he asked his question. “Unfortunately, the young kittens like to think they are invincible and after many many accidents involving broken legs I had to do something to make it safer. Taking down the catwalks would have put the whole community in here in an uproar.” She laughed softly, glancing over at Edge and the Redimese, who were curled up together and sleeping. “It was quite the problem.” Clove offered from his spot laying beside his owner. “The Blueberries and the Papysynnians are so energetic as kittens that we had to make sure they were safe as they play, and young Sansapura are fairly clumsy.” He offered, the Papysynnian in Knights’ arms nodding his head in agreement.
I took out my phone and took a picture of the redimese and edge. “i dont think edge will let me leave without the redimese” I stated in amusement. honey handed the Blueberry into my arms and soul picks up the boss coon.knight still help the papysynnian
She smiled at the coral and redimese curled up together, it was a cute scene and she had a soft spot for the fell types in general. Glancing over at you she laughed. “To be honest, I don’t think the redimese will let you leave without him either.” she observed as the feline lifted his head slightly in his sleep lean it on Edge’s shoulder, purring quietly. She folded her arms and shook her head in amusement. “Shall I get some paperwork for you than?” Meadow looked over at Clove who saluted and jumped over the back of the couch, towards her desk.
I sighed in amusement. “please” i laughed softly “i come in here for one kitty and i leave with four” soul chuckled along with knight. LE Roi slithered off meadows lap and back over to me. “who’s gonna wake the sleepy boys?” I didnt show it but i was exsausted.
Clove returned a few minutes later with a small pile of papers and a pen, Meadow taking it from him as he scurried of for one of the clipboards. As she waited for the feline to return she laughed. “As I said, the more kitties the better in my opinion, it happens more times then you would realize around here.” She took the clipboard when Clove returned and began to fill out the majority of the paperwork for you, handing it over when all that was needed was a signature. She tried to do most of the work for people who came in. Turning to Edge and the redimese she smiled and reached out to draw a finger along the Redimese’s back before doing the same to Edge. Leaning close she whispered. “Time to wake up and go home you two.” She kept her voice low so as not to startle them but kept away from the reach of claws. She wasn’t dumb. The redimese’s legs stretched out, claws flexing in the air as he yawned and opened one eye groggily. “home?” He was confused clearly. She nodded and glanced over at you, he followed your gaze curiously. “really?” His voice was shocked, hoping that it wasn’t some joke. Not that you ever pranked the kitties so meanly.
I smiled as i signed the paperwork before looking at the redimese “yes, im taking you, boss coon, russian blueberry and papysynnian home with me and my boys” i smiled happily but my grip tightened slightly on the pen to keep it from slipping out of my hand.
“After you ssssleep” hissed soul “I can feel that your exsausting yourself again midnight”
“I’ll be fine soul” I stated with a smile. the other lamias looked at each other.
Meadowlark smiled a bit, taking in your weariness with an appraising eye. She walked to a small fridge and pulled out a bottle of cold water, as she walked back she focused her essence into the water, small bursts of misty vapors escaping her mouth as she did. Offering the bottle of water to Soul she smiled. “This will help with her exhaustion till she gets home, promise it’s perfectly safe for humans to drink.” The redimese was still a bit surprised, sitting up slowly and glancing at Edge then at the other lamias. “Please be careful on your way home, Meddie’s essence is potent but it’s not a cure for lack of sleep.” Clove offered and smiled up at you with a cheerful expression. “And you all are welcome in at any time if you want to visit, perhaps I can get some of my herbalist friends to make you a tea to help?” Meadow offered gently, she could tell you were quite worn out and she took back the clipboard and pen once you were done so that you wouldn’t accidently drop it. Smiling gently she offered her hand again, ready to walk you out. “If you need anything, please do call or drop by.”
“thank you meadow” I said softly as soul handed me the bottle of water before drinking it. honey handed the blanket back to her as soul shifted his hold on the boss coon.” and thank you for letting adopt these four beautiful boys”
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supernatural-book · 6 years
Summary: Reader is upset and avoiding Castiel because she believes there is no way he could possibly love her and all her flaws. So a certain angel decides to show her something quite personal.
A/N: Had to edit this because something happened to the original where it said FAILED TO PARSE or smth. Anyway, its exactly the same story, just re-edited because of some f-up.
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It was funny, really.
Okay, maybe not. It was funny in the sad but predictable way, like in a movie when a girl falls in love and knows that there's no possible way that she and her crush can be together, so she just laughs it off. But underneath the laughter, her self esteem is dropping to extremes, and she's wondering if she's even good enough in the first place.
It was sad. And that's exactly what was happening to you.
It's been a few years now since you and the boys met Cas, a few years of happiness, sadness, death, and experiences. And you were hopelessly in love with the angel. It was terrible, and you knew. Angels can’t feel human emotions, so they cant have crushes. They can’t fall in love. So there is no way anything would ever happen between you. The boys knew about your petty crush as well, and Dean would tease you relentlessly about it whenever you were even remotely close to Cas. And when you were with him, you had to try your hardest to keep your mind from wandering to thoughts of him, in fear he would look into your head.  You and Cas were friends, sure, but he seemed to see it as if you were just another human- nothing special.
Nothing special at all.
Of course you were nothing compared to him. He was a divine being, an angel, made directly by God. He had no flaws- completely perfect in every way. You, on the other hand, were a mere human. Weak and stupid compared to him. You weren't even that great by human standards.
You sat in the bunker’s library, flipping through the worn pages of a lore book on angels. Not for any case with the boys, but just to read more about what Castiel was.
“Though some break these rules, angels are forbidden from coming in contact with humans, if not by God's command, let alone form a relationship with them.” You sighed. Castiel was already risking his safety by being in contact with you and the Winchesters. There was no way you could ask him to risk himself even more just to make you happy. “I wonder where Castiel is right now…”
“What are you reading?” you jumped at the deep voice, spinning around and grabbing for your gun on instinct. Your stance dropped when you met Castiel's curious blue gaze. You sighed.
“Oh my God, Cassie, you scared me!” you smiled when he glances aside shyly at the nickname. “Don't appear unannounced like that.”
"I apologize. I will try not to do it again.” he looked truly despondent, not able to meet your eyes. You laughed softly and sat back down.
“It's fine Cas, really.” His face lit up, and he sat down at the table across from you, squinting at the pile of books stacked in front of you.
“What are you reading?”
“Ah… um…” you discreetly pulled the book closer to you, trying to hide the cover from his eyes. “I'm researching for a case.” You cursed yourself in your mind. That must have sounded like the least believable thing you've ever said. And he seemed to notice too, cocking his head to the side and raising his eyebrows in a knowing look, as if asking ‘Really?’. You dropped your eyes, not able to hold his beautiful, ocean blue gaze.
“(Y/N). I know you're lying.” Your face flushed, glancing up at him as he pulled the pile of books towards him. “‘Angel Lore’? Celestial and Divine Beings’?” He looked up at you with a confused look, and you immediately looked away, feeling extremely embarrassed. “(Y/N). If you wanted to know more about angels, you could have just asked me.” when you hesitated, he continued. “You've been avoiding me. Did I do something?”
“No! I just… didn't want to bother you. There's a lot going on right now, I know.  We're all busy.”
“That's not why you've been avoiding me.” He leaned in closer. “What's wrong?”
“Nothing!” He gave you the look again. “It's not important. I just… didn't want to waste your time on something like this. You have much more important things to be doing than talking to some lousy, flawed human like me.”
“You're not lousy, and your flaws are unimportant.” You looked up, catching his stern gaze. You didn't expect him to answer so passionately. “If I thought you were just ‘some lousy human’ would I have shown up as soon as I heard you thinking about me? And would be constantly watching over you if I thought you were unimportant?”
“You watch over me?”
“Of course I do.” he held your eyes for a few seconds, and continued when he realized you weren't going to respond. “I find humans… incredibly complicated. You're quite interesting. But you get hurt very easily, so I've been watching over you in case you find yourself in danger.”
“How long?”
“Ever since we've met. I've spent every free moment I have watching you, or listening for you to say my name.” You blushed. It was really cute that he was watching over you, but if he was constantly listening to your thoughts, did he hear you thinking about him constantly?
“That kinda a huge invasion of my privacy.”
“I'm sorry.” once again, his expression looked like a kicked puppy.
“Its fine. It's actually really sweet.” Castiel smiled, a beautiful sight, and folded his hands on the table in front of him.
“Well, if you want to ask me any questions, go ahead.”  
“Well, um...“ You, still blushing at what Castiel had admitted, looked down at your book, eyes landing on a chart about different ranks. “What rank of angel are you?”
“When I was still solely aligned to Heaven alone, I was a Seraph.” You noticed his back straighten, and could only imagine that his wings were flexing as well, probably with pride. And proud he should be.
“Wow.” A Seraph is one of the highest ranks of angels, just under Archangels. You paused for a moment, eyes glancing around his vessel, wondering what human body could contain all that pure grace and holiness. “And now?”
“Now… It's very complicated. I don't have a rank, as I am no longer aligned solely with Heaven as are other angels. Though I still possess the same abilities as a Seraph would.”
“Huh… I can't think of anything to ask…”  Actually, you could. One thing that you were sure he was going to decline. But as you held the blue in his eyes, something comforted you, giving you false confidence.  “Cassie, can I see your wings?” Cas looked taken aback by the question, eyes widening and shifting in his seat slightly. Damn it, (Y/N), you've made him uncomfortable! “I'm sorry, I've completely over stepped, haven't I? Wings are a very personal thing for angels, aren't they?” he shifted and shrugged slightly.
“I suppose they are. But I trust you. I can show them to you, (Y/N).” You smiled, and he stood up, walking over to you. “Just… not here.”
“What do you mean?” Before you could get an answer, you felt him tap your forehead, and suddenly you weren't in the bunker. In the blink of an eye, you were in a field somewhere unknown. “Where are we?”  
“Not to far from the bunker. But this way, I can fully spread my wings out.” You smiled, feeling a little bit giddy at the fact that you were about to see his wings. Cas hesitated, shifting his weight. “I'm sorry. I've never shown my true wings to any human.”
“Take your time.” He took a deep breath.
“Close your eyes. My grace will be overwhelming, and I don't want to hurt your eyes.” You nodded and closed your eyes, and you heard a soft rustling. Suddenly, there was a blinding light, and even with  your eyes closed you could feel it. You brought your hands up and dug your the heels of your palms into your eyes, trying to block it out. After a few seconds, you heard a faint fluttering sound and heard a low “You can look now.” You opened your eyes and looked up slowly, taking in every moment.
Standing before you, Cas had removed his coat and shirt so that he could properly reveal his wings. At any other time, you would have admired his vessel’s body, but right now, you had better things on your mind. Sprouting from his shoulder blades were two huge wings- so dark that you felt as if you were staring off the edge of an abyss. Why were they so black? Surely angels of the Lord are supposed to have white wings- being pure, celestial beings. You took a step closer, examining each individual feather that made up his strong wings. They moved softly in the breeze, though he looked quite tense and shy. His face was turned towards the ground almost in embarrassment, red coating his cheeks. “You don't have to be embarrassed.” He seemed to relax a little bit, adjusting his wings out ever so slightly, and you watched in awe as his wings stretched out, moving smoothly- as if they were liquid.
“(Y/N), come closer.” Cas spoke up, lifting his head to look at you. You obeyed hesitantly, stepping closer to his wings. Castiel looked deep into your eyes, and moved his wings closer to you, as if wrapping them around you. “Do you see all the scars?” You looked closer, and in fact did see quite a bit of discoloration and lack of featheriness scattered around his wings. You grimaced, not liking the idea of Castiel in pain. You looked up to him with concern across your face.
“What happened?”
“Each of those scars, (Y/N)...” He held eye contact with you, trying to make a point. “Each one is the result of the mistakes I've made.” You lifted your hand as if you were about to touch them, but stopped yourself before you could make him more uncomfortable. In response, his wing curled into your hand, signalling that you were- in fact- aloud to touch them, Your fingers rand gently over the feathers, which were much softer than you’d imagined. Despite their size, it was hard to imagine that these delicate, feathery limbs were able to carry him through time, space and dimensions. ”Earlier you were feeling insecure about yourself and your flaws. Well, I want you to know that everyone has flaws.”
“Even angels…” You whispered in a trance like state, running your finger tips over his scars.
“Even angels, the highest, most divine of beings even have their insecurities. I’ve killed many- both angels and humans alike. I’ve betrayed Heaven more times than I can count.” He smiled at you, eyes glistening with a hint of melancholy, and lifted a hand to lay on your shoulder. “Your flaws are nothing to be ashamed of, (Y/N). They make you who you are. In fact, many things you believe to be flaws, other people absolutely love about you.”
“No way.”
“Of course. I can see what people think of you. And personally…” He raised his hand again to touch your cheek. “I have been captivated by your soul from the moment I met you.” You flushed, not knowing how to respond. Angels can’t have human emotions, can they? And even then… “I’ve been on Earth long enough to have… picked up on human emotions, and I’m quite certain that I’m in love with you.” Your mouth dropped open almost dramatically.
“But… you’re an angel and I’m a human.”
“And Heaven surely won’t take me back after this. But, it’s only right for you to know how I feel.” You smiled softly, still in shock that he had actually confessed. He pulled his wings in closer to you, enveloping you in a warm embrace with his arms as well, and lay a soft kiss against your forehead as your hands continued to caress his soft feathers. “I won’t allow you to bring yourself down anymore. I won’t allow anyone or anything to hurt you, including your own mind. Because your flaws are beautiful, (Y/N). You are a masterpiece. Truly the best of all of my father’s creations.”
“I love you too, Cassie.”
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@music-lockscreen, @bella-ca, @solis200213, @thecurlyhairedwinchester, @thespiritintheshadows, @lauuerodz
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cheshiresense · 6 years
UraIchi + car
The first time Kisuke makes the drive over to pick Ichigo up, Ichigo ends up gaping for a good ten seconds at the nondescript Toyota parked at the curb.
“You can drive?” is the first thing out of his mouth, because hell if this isn’t the strangest thing he’s ever seen, and he’s seen a lot of strange things in his life.
Kisuke peers at him from underneath his hat, amused and faintly exasperated in turn. “Did you think I only ever walked around?”
Ichigo never really gave much in-depth thought about that but- “I always figured if you wanted to get anywhere farther than Karakura, you’d just cook up a portal or invent instant teleportation to take you there.”
Kisuke visibly pauses and seems to consider this for a moment before conceding the point with a nod. “Fair. I probably would. But even I want to stretch my legs and do things the old-fashioned way sometimes, Ichigo. Besides, what did you think I meant when I asked if you wanted me to pick you up?”
“Shunpo,” Ichigo answers promptly.
Kisuke smiles a bit at that even as he pushes off the side of the open driver’s door he’s been leaning against. “There’s no rush today. It’s only a two-hour drive each way, the scenery isn't bad, and I’m not Yoruichi-san.” He turns to duck back into the car. “Now get in. Unless you would rather shunpo, of course.”
Ichigo huffs but quickly jogs around to the passenger’s side. He won’t say no to a free ride, and even he likes doing some things the human way instead of resorting to his Shinigami powers all the time.
Two minutes in (and wow, Kisuke is a great driver, not too fast, not too slow, and smooth as a skater gliding on ice; Ichigo would never have guessed, the guy definitely seems the type to speed and cheerfully cut people off at every possible intersection), Ichigo frowns and remembers to ask, “Wait, if there’s no rush, why are you picking me up? When you called, I thought there was some kind of trouble again.”
Kisuke slants an unreadable sideways look at him. “I can’t give you a ride home just because I want to?”
Ichigo blinks back, mystified. “Well… of course you can. But it’s an extra four hours’ worth of fuel for you, and it literally takes me like five seconds to open a Garganta from here to Karakura. It’s what I’ve been doing for months now. I’m a regular taxi service for Chad and the others because we’re all too cheap to shell out for an apartment in Tokyo when we don’t have to. Well, except Inoue. She and Tatsuki share a flat.”
“Old-fashioned way,” Kisuke reminds him airily, which explains exactly nothing but Ichigo is used to that from Kisuke by now. “And gas money is pocket change to me.” He honest-to-God pouts here. “Can’t I just do something out of the goodness of my heart?”
It’s Ichigo’s turn to side-eye him. Something in there rang a bit more honestly than he suspects Kisuke intended it to. He flicks his gaze from the perfectly relaxed grip the shopkeeper has on the steering wheel to the slight cant of his head that lets his hat throw just enough of a shadow to hide his eyes.
Ichigo sighs. He still doesn’t understand but- “It’s your fuel. If you go bankrupt, don’t blame me.”
Kisuke beams at him. “Tessai-san would never let me go bankrupt. He would kill me first.”
Ichigo snorts, far too used to Kisuke’s odd sense of humour to be particularly disturbed by it, but also, he’s probably right. Tessai’s the responsible one, on top of being friends with a pair of amoral (ex-?)assassins.
He puts it out of his mind and relaxes back in his seat instead. It’s been a long day and an even longer week. He spent three nights in a row helping the Gotei 13 put out literal fires after a flame-spewing something escaped from the Twelfth, which meant three nights of no sleep and then having to drag his ass to class the next day.
A two-hour drive sounds perfect for an afternoon nap.
It doesn’t take long for Ichigo to notice the pattern. Every time he has a particularly crappy few days, either because he was kept busy helping the Shinigami or just because classes have gotten stressful, or both, Kisuke calls to ask if he wants a ride, and he never fails to show up after Ichigo’s last class for the day gets out. Sometimes, he even buys snacks for Ichigo, ice-cream or a burger, crepes one time, donuts another, always something Ichigo enjoys, and of course Kisuke would already magically know.
Occasionally, if Ishida and Chad finish at around the same time, Kisuke doesn’t mind them piling into the back of the car and driving them all home. But the first time Ichigo has to scramble to answer a text from Ishida asking where he is because he forgot he was supposed to wait an hour after his class let out in order to take them all home that day, and he’s already halfway back to Karakura in Kisuke’s car, he was all set to tell Kisuke pull over so he can open a Garganta back to the university, only for Ishida to reply with a disgruntled but unsurprised :Tell us earlier next time, Kurosaki. Sado-kun and I will stay with Inoue-san and Arisawa-san for the night.:, and that was that.
He apologized again when he saw them next, because that really was kind of irresponsible of him. But Chad just shrugged, and Ishida didn’t seem particularly bothered either by the fact that Kisuke wasn’t actively offering them a ride home even though they help out with almost as many Shinigami crises as Ichigo, and school isn’t any easier on them either.
“Well it’s you,” Ishida just said, looking annoyed that they were having such a pointless conversation at all when he could be working on his essay.
Ichigo didn’t get it. Ishida called him a moron and ignored all of them for the rest of the afternoon as they spent it studying in the library.
Ichigo let it go. Ishida was taciturn on a good day, and if they really didn’t mind, then he wasn’t going to kick up a fuss. But from then on, he always made sure to tell them if they had class and Kisuke was giving him a ride home that day, so they knew to just head over to Inoue and Tatsuki’s place afterwards instead of waiting for Ichigo.
Kisuke continues picking him up from campus. He gets odd looks sometimes, probably for his outdated outfit. He doesn’t even change out of his wooden sandals when he makes the trip over. Ichigo wonders if he took his driving test that way, then he wonders why he would think Kisuke took a driving test at all. He’d bet his sword arm Kisuke taught himself and falsified the license and papers afterwards.
“Do you own modern-day clothes?” Ichigo asks once out of curiosity. He tries to picture Kisuke in a casual shirt and jeans, and fails.
“I don’t,” Kisuke admits easily before casting a searching look at Ichigo as they slow to a halt at a red light and a railroad crossing beyond it, with the rumble of a train approaching from the right. “Does it bother you?”
Ichigo shrugs quizzically. “No? You wear what you wear. But I wondered cuz apparently you drive cars now-” Kisuke looks a bit like he actually wants to roll his eyes. Ichigo grins. “-although honestly, I can’t even imagine it. You’d probably look pretty weird.”
“Highly likely,” Kisuke nods, glancing down at himself. Something rueful and wry curls at one corner of his mouth. “This used to be a lot more common, even among humans. I guess I’ve gotten old without noticing. Time passes quickly when you aren’t paying attention.”
Ichigo snorts. “Don’t go getting all senile and nostalgic on me yet. You still think circles around literally everybody I know, and you kick my ass on the regular when we spar. You don’t get to lament your old age until you can’t pull shit like that anymore.”
Kisuke smirks but it doesn’t do much to hide the way he’s preening behind it. “So never then?”
Ichigo rolls his eyes, and he’s a little disgusted with how fond it feels. “Don’t let it get to your head. I’ll beat you one day.”
He expects another flippant quip, maybe something about how Ichigo will need another century to even get close or how his Kidou is so (admittedly) horrendous that he’s never going to be able to win so long as Kisuke still has that trump card.
Kisuke doesn’t though. Instead, he just smiles, and it isn’t even one of his sly scheming ones that means something is about to blow up or someone is about to regret putting themselves in the shopkeeper’s sights very much, in the most humiliating way possible. This smile is faint and quiet, aimed at Ichigo in a way that’s a little proud and a lot warm, and Ichigo freezes in the face of it, feeling abruptly like he’s been handed something priceless and breakable.
“You will,” Kisuke agrees with the kind of simple absolute certainty that doesn’t allow an inch of space for doubt.
A strange tension fills the car, and for a long moment Ichigo just breathes and flounders for something to say. There’s no way Kisuke doesn’t notice it but all he does is step on the gas pedal when the gate finally lifts and the light turns green again.
Karakura’s looming ahead by the time Ichigo clears his throat to break the silence. He’s not even all that sure why two words stunned him so much. Everyone has faith in Ichigo’s ass-kicking abilities. It’s pretty much what he’s known for. If he can’t beat someone the first time, everybody knows by now that he’ll just keep getting stronger until he can. It’s his wheelhouse, and it’s not even that great a wheelhouse, hitting things until they stay down, but it’s what he’s good for, and he’s more or less accepted that.
Yet somehow-
“Thanks,” He mutters gruffly, far too late for it to not be awkward, but Kisuke just takes it in stride the way he does everything else. His eyes crinkle with amusement, but for once, he doesn’t tease.
Somehow, it means more when Kisuke says it. Maybe it’s because Kisuke trained him. Not well, at first, certainly not particularly thoroughly. The Hollowfication was fucked up, the secrets and schemes even more so. But Kisuke was there every step of the way, through every fuck-up and power-boost, before Aizen, after Aizen, through every misadventure and catastrophe, encouraging him in his own way every time Ichigo faltered or stumbled or thought this time is finally going to kill me, and he’s still here now.
If he thinks about it, Kisuke’s the only Shinigami Ichigo still interacts with regularly. Being thrown together for a crisis and getting drinks after doesn’t really count - that’s work and might-as-well-hang-out-since-we’re-all-still-alive obligatory celebration, and half the time Ichigo doesn’t go anyway. He still considers quite a few people in the Gotei 13 his friends, but… well. Nobody up there gives him rides home or visits him at university or spars with him whenever he wants or teaches him Kidou or invites him out for dinner, now do they? Outside of his human friends and skyping his sisters every few evenings now that Karin is training for the summer Olympics and Yuzu is at culinary school overseas, it’s Kisuke he sees the most of these days.
So if Kisuke says it, says Ichigo can grow to be as powerful as he is one day - as Urahara Kisuke whom Ichigo has never been able to defeat because the shopkeeper strategizes twenty steps ahead and is pretty much a master of every branch of Shinigami combat in existence, and he may not have as much raw power as Ichigo but he utilizes what he does have with a lethal efficiency that far outstrips anything Ichigo can bring to the table right now, and it would take a lot more than just blitzing him with Getuga Tenshous to put him down - so if it’s Kisuke, who knows Ichigo’s potential and limits and resolve and still says he can, then it’s not so surprising that his faith means far more to Ichigo than what other people expect from him when he steps onto the battlefield.
“Shop or flat?” Kisuke asks as they enter Karakura proper.
Ichigo doesn’t really even think about it. “Shop.”
It’s almost time for dinner anyway. He can cook tonight.
(He doesn’t notice the pleased smile Kisuke turns away to hide this time.)
After the first few times one of his newly made, non-spiritually aware friends sees Kisuke waiting for him, she asks with some interest, “Is he your dad?”
Ichigo blinks, more bewildered than anything. “Does he look like my dad?”
It’s hard to tell age with Shinigami, and not just because all of Ichigo’s Shinigami acquaintances are technically at least a century old. There’s something ageless about most of them, especially to human eyes. The stubble makes Kisuke look physically older but he could probably still pass for anywhere between his thirties to fifties. He looks nothing like Ichigo though so Ichigo’s not sure where Hotaru’s guess came from.
Hotaru looks slightly embarrassed. “I guess not. Sorry, I just see him picking you up every week so I thought he might be family or something.”
“He sort of is,” Ichigo allows. “Family friend. He gives me a ride back to my hometown when he has the time so I don’t have to- take the bus.”
“Oh.” Her smile turns impish. “Not boyfriend? That was my next guess.”
Ichigo stares. Hotaru shrugs, still grinning. “What? Older men are hot.” Ichigo flushes red, and she cackles even as she flicks an appreciative eye over Kisuke again. “And he definitely lucked out in the looks department.”
“Oh my god, shut up,” Ichigo hisses, and he can feel his ears go hot, which just makes her laugh harder. Why are all the friends he makes so terrible?
They part ways at the corner, Ichigo still grumbling, Hotaru waggling her eyebrows like an idiot as she waves goodbye. Ichigo rolls his eyes back before heading over to where the car is idling.
Kisuke’s eyebrows go up as Ichigo steps within hearing range. “Is everything alright? You seem… flustered.” His gaze slides past him, presumably to where Hotaru is walking in the opposite direction back to the dorms. “A friend of yours? I don’t know this one.”
“Yeah, Nakamura Hotaru, met her in my Latin course,” Ichigo sighs, tossing his bag in the back. He snorts, a reluctant smile tugging at his lips as he recalls, “First thing she ever said to me was that my face was scaring people away and that’s why nobody would sit with me.”
Then of course, she sat down and wouldn’t be budged, and they’ve been friends ever since. It was probably the easiest friendship Ichigo’s ever gained. He didn’t even have to fight anyone.
“Hmm,” Kisuke hums noncommittally, and Ichigo glances over as the blond slides in behind the wheel. The shopkeeper smirks back slyly. “You do have a propensity for making friends with rather unique individuals. This one seems like another.”
“...Yeah, maybe,” Ichigo answers slowly as Kisuke pulls away from the curb. That line of conversation dwindles to an end when he doesn’t say anything else and Kisuke doesn’t ask anything else.
Ichigo frowns.  The shopkeeper looks normal enough but…
He thinks… it might have been the words. The way Kisuke said them, light and airy and full of a humorous cheer that rang completely hollow.
Kisuke looks over at him now, arching an eyebrow in question, nothing out of the ordinary, and yet, when Kisuke’s gaze meets his, there’s a sharpness in the man’s eyes that reminds Ichigo of the bite of Benihime’s blade.
“Not boyfriend?” Hotaru’s words come back to him abruptly. “That was my next guess.”
Something clicks in his mind, like pieces of a puzzle he didn’t even know he was collecting suddenly falling into place and forming a picture he wasn’t even aware of.
“Ichigo?” Kisuke looks a little more concerned now, and the gleam of silver in his eyes has faded. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Ichigo says automatically. “Just tired. It’s been a long day.”
“Take a nap,” Kisuke suggests. “I’ll wake you when we get home.”
Ichigo nods and settles into his seat. He closes his eyes but he doesn’t sleep.
Ishida twitches violently like he wants to conjure his bow, and then he rounds on Ichigo and snaps, “What?”
Ichigo suspects the hostile response stems more from the way Ichigo startled him with his ambush than any real irritation at having Ichigo strike up a conversation with him.
“Sorry,” Ichigo says shortly before rushing on. “Listen, I didn’t know who else to ask, but then I remembered something you said-” He falters, not quite sure if he should just blurt it out.
Ishida taps a foot against the ground. “Said what?”
Ichigo grimaces. “Remember that day Kisuke gave me a lift and I forgot to tell you that first time? And the next day, we were talking about it, about him offering me a ride but not you, and you said “well it’s you”, and I just need to know what you meant by that cuz I think, maybe- he’s been- I mean yesterday-”
Ishida heaves the most long-suffering sigh Ichigo’s ever heard from him. “Yesterday, you finally realized Urahara-san’s been courting you in the slowest, most roundabout way known to mankind?”
Ichigo’s breath sort of stalls for a moment. “...So he is?”
Ishida rolls his eyes. “Yes. Congratulations on noticing. It only took you four months. Honestly, I thought it would take you a year minimum.”
“Shut up,” Ichigo retorts automatically. “...But why didn’t he just say? Why didn’t you tell me?”
Ishida shrugs. “It was none of my business. And how would I know anything about Urahara-san’s romancing techniques? Maybe he wanted to ease you into the idea. Maybe he was worried about pushing you too hard. He is technically a lot older. But then,” He scoffs. “He’s been making eyes at you since we were seventeen. I’m impressed he’s waited five years before doing something about it. I thought he would stake a claim the moment you turned legal.”
Ichigo stares, speechless. “...Seventeen?” He repeats weakly.
Ishida gives him a condescending look that’s mostly meant to be sympathetic. Ishida’s version of sympathetic anyway. “You never were very good at noticing people crushing on you.”
Ichigo is silent for a long moment. Ishida generously waits him out.
“You’re sure he really-” He makes a vague gesture with one hand.
Ishida sighs again. “Do you really think he’d drive two hours here and back just so he can spend time with you if he didn’t like you? Or buy you food? Or offer to let you call him by his first name? He didn’t offer to the rest of us, and you know he uses formalities like a shield. He gets all of us birthday presents but it’s usually just food or training equipment for us. He made you-” Ishida jabs a finger at the bag currently slung over Ichigo’s shoulder. “-a bag with an entire separate dimension’s worth of storage space inside just because you wanted to go travelling after high school. He made you a laptop with wifi that runs on reiatsu for your twentieth when you finally decided to go to university. Trust me, he is disgustingly head over heels for you.” Ishida gives him an impatient look. “Now go do something about it and stop bothering me with it. What am I, your relationship counsellor?”
“You could probably get a job as one if the fashion-designing thing falls through,” Ichigo deadpans, and then bolts before Ishida can try to shoot him. “Thanks, Ishida!”
Later that day, he takes his friends and himself back to Karakura via Garganta. Then he calls Kisuke’s favourite sushi place to reserve a table for two. Then, well.
He’s never really done this before. Never had a significant other, never even gone out on a date. Or, well, he supposes Kisuke’s been conning him out on pseudo-dates for years now, that tricky bastard. God forbid he just tells Ichigo what he wants.
What he wants is apparently Ichigo, and… it’s not actually that much of a shock once the initial surprise has worn off. On hindsight, Kisuke wasn’t actually trying very hard to hide it, there were tons of little hints that even Ichigo would’ve picked up on if he knew to look for them in the first place.
And Ichigo is… not entirely opposed to the idea. Or at all, as it turns out. The thing is, he likes spending time with Kisuke. He enjoys the conversation, whether it’s about Shinigami or Ichigo’s classes or one of Kisuke’s experiments or even just banter. He enjoys their spars, with or without their Zanpakutou, and the little tricks with shunpo footwork that Kisuke likes to teach him, usually only reserved for Second Division members.
Four out of seven nights, Ichigo stays at the shop in the room he was given years ago rather than make the trip back to his modest flat. His childhood home was sold a while back; Isshin packed his bags when the girls moved out and headed back to Seireitei. Ichigo hasn’t heard much from him since.
Honestly, he probably spends more time with Kisuke than literally anybody else, and clearly neither of them has a problem with that. He can’t say he’s in love with Kisuke, but he finds himself wanting to see where their relationship could go. They practically live together already, and the thought of moving into a romantic relationship with the man doesn’t make him as nervous as he probably should be.
There’s no harm in trying, he thinks. And whether intentionally or not, the fact that Kisuke’s placed the decision entirely in his hands does a lot to help Ichigo make up his mind.
Beyond the first time with Aizen, Kisuke’s never tried to manipulate him, not in any way that was seriously harmful. It’s no different now. And coming from a man who practically makes a living out of manipulating people, Ichigo can acknowledge just how highly Kisuke must regard him.
Ichigo swings by the shop, asks Kisuke out for dinner, and they head over to the sushi place. It’s nothing they haven’t done before. Ichigo worries for a moment that things might get awkward now that he knows, but it’s easy to fall into their usual pace of conversation, and soon it feels like any other evening spent together over a good meal.
Except this time, when they get up to leave, instead of each of them paying for their own food, Ichigo pointedly bats Kisuke’s hand aside and sets down enough money to cover both of them.
“I invited you out,” Ichigo says, boldly, bravely, determined to make his point. “First date, my treat. You can get the next one.”
Kisuke freezes, and Ichigo almost has to laugh. It’s rare to see the shopkeeper so stunned. It only lasts a few seconds, and by the time Ichigo finishes paying, Kisuke’s moving again, one hand placed almost absently on his hat as he follows Ichigo out of the restaurant.
“...That was terribly unromantic,” Kisuke eventually says, half a street down.
Ichigo shrugs a little tightly, but when he chances a look at the shopkeeper, Kisuke is already watching him, warm and fond and hopeful, and relief crashes into Ichigo, loosening his lungs again.
“Gimme a break,” He pretends to scowl, but it’s offset by the smile trying to spread across his face. “I’ve never done this before.”
“I suppose I’ll have to show you then,” Kisuke agrees. “As the wiser and more experienced lover.”
Ichigo sniggers, he can’t help it, it sounds ridiculous when Kisuke puts it that way. He catches a glimpse of the man’s expression transforming into an exaggerated pout, and he ends up laughing outright.
“Sure, I look forward to it,” He says, still grinning.
Kisuke slants a look at him, and his features soften at the grain of truth embedded in those words despite coming out as a joke.
They reach the shop. Kisuke unlocks the door and glances back. “Stay the night?”
It isn’t anything he hasn’t asked before.
“Sure,” Ichigo says easily, and it isn’t anything he hasn’t agreed to just as often.
It still feels like the beginning of a new chapter when the two of them disappear inside.
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That Be Some Good Buttercream
Summary- Steve and Bucky get your help in replicating a howling commando days battle using Christmas baking fun. But... Does anything ever quite work out the way it should? Set in the same characters I used in Night In, Looking Pretty Fly and Popping Pez and Mismatched Socks. Written for @official-and-unstable-satan​ 300 Follower Celebration Challenge. She still has many prompts, check it out. Prompts in italiacs. No warnings, all fluffy. 
Word Count- 1.6k
A/N- so proud of your accomplishments babes, you are an amazing writer and I love getting lost in your stories and listening to your ideas. I know your just gonna keep going up from here. Love you always babygirl 💚😈💚😈💚😈💚
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“Bucky, they came around from the south end” 
“No they did not. I remember Steve, I was there.”
“Yea, and so was I” 
You and Sam had been listening to the two super soldiers carry on at the oversized table in the compounds kitchen dining area for a good hour before you readjusted the volume on the tv once more. Sam, half laying over half the couch remained scrolling on his phone, remarking. 
“Aint gonna do you no good, they just get louder.”
You sigh and hit the off button, he was right. Might as well go see what these two were up to anyways. Pushing yourself off the couch, Sam promptly stretched his legs out onto where you were sitting, making himself comfterable. “See you on the other side Kid!” He joked, settling into watching youtube. 
Wandering in, you saw the two men bent over  large map, Steve with pencil in hand drawing arrows to discern where they started from, stretching it across what looked like a military base. Bucky shook his head. 
“No no no, Punk, I wasnt up there, I was down here” 
“Bucky, I had you up on the highest point, it just looks weird on paper.” 
“You know what, this is pointless.” You could see Bucky getting aggitated with there project, pushing himself away from the table. “We need like... a 3D model to get this right.” 
Steve to straightened up, his arms folding as he looked down at the heavily marked paper. “Well... Tony does have some...” You interrupt in this time, moving over to the table and taking a peek at what they were doing. 
“You know, I have an idea of how to make you two a 3D model.” Both the men quirked brows, curious as to what you had in mind. "Givingerbread reanatcment.” 
You expected a rebuttal, a laugh, anything, since you were joking. But the two of them actually looked thoughtful, glancing at each other. “It would be easier then trying to draw it out” Steve mentioned. “And easier then trying to get Tony to set up the AI model for us.” 
“Plus we get some fucking cookies... Im in.” Bucky grinned, obviously pleased in the options of snacks. What started as a joke from you became a very serious matter as the two Soldiers dragged you into the kitchen. The two of them looking at you expectedly. 
“I was just joking guys, Im not making you a hydra replica gingerbread base. You know how much shit that would take.” At this point you backtracking a bit, wishing the words hadnt fallen out of your mouth so damn easily cause you thought is was funny. 
“Nonsense, you wont be doing all of it. Were going to help.” Steves already moving to wash his hands as Bucky is digging through a drawer and slipping on a god damn “Kiss the Cook” apron, he found in a drawer, ties it swiftly around his back and rolls up his sleeves. 
“You know you always wanted to boss us around Doll.” Bucky smirks, wiggling brows in a teasing manner. “You finally get your chance.” 
You look between the two men, the two of them nodding in encouragement, Steve composed as ever, waiting for You to explain how to start, and Bucky well he was opening drawers, pulling out random stuff that he thought you might use. He held up a spatula with a smirk, slapping the utinsel against his palm. “How about we get this train moving kids.” 
Relenting, you turn to your phone for a recipe. “Okay fine, since you all insist. We need flour, sugar, eggs, ginger, cinnamon....” While your listing, both men are scrambling to find everything, and piling it on the counter, yourself you bring out some bowls, cookie cutters, lets face it. You needed the actual men to decorate like howling commandos. Turning on the oven to get it preheated, you search for decorations. “Steve, store run? We gotta make this accurate you know, and Buckys all dressed up for a day baking. Hate to send him." You just kinda motion lver Buckys getup, the kiss the cook stretched over his chest, the apron a size to small for him really.
Your already grabbing paper and jotting down a detailed list of food coloring, frosting, candies and such. Steve snatched the list when you held it out, he had a general idea of it all and nodded. "Dont hesitate to put Bucky to work. He just pretends to be all intimidating."
You roll your eyes and back in the kitchen theres a "Steve your a dick" retort from Bucky whos looking over the mess of ingredients piled on the counter. Steve, seemingly joyful as he grabbed keys and left, you suspect you might not see him at least another hour or two. No worries, you had the other super soldier on hand.
Heading back in you hand Bucky a bowl and eggs. "Start cracking, separating yolk from white, and no shells." You cant help but from watching him, looking a bit like a lost child, before he he starts to crack eggs and inspect for shells. You watch from the corner of your eye as you put together the dry ingredients, and start mesuring out the molasses, talking him through the rest of the buttercream frosting ingredients.
Dipping your finger in his finished product, you lick the tip of your finger, smirking at his widened eyes. Yea Steve, hes very intimidating. You maybe took a bit to much pleasure in teasing Bucky on occasion. "Mmmhh my very favorite part.... "
He cleared his throat and looked away, it might be a bit mean, but he would give it back later, this was a dance the two of you played. "Okay, what now?" He said a bit gruff and you grab your rolling pin, holding it to him.
Eyeing it a moment, his brow arched. "Ya want me to roll the dough?"
"Yea Buck, nice and thin, since you two want to make all these outer buildings as well." Pointing to Steve's sketching, And you reached in the dough and piled it on the counter on front of Bucky. "And Steve said to put you to work."
"I notice you gave Steve the easy job." He muttered as he started to flatten the dough.
"I knew you were more capable."
Bucky couldn't hide the grin at the compliment, and afterwards you both measured, cut and got the cookie sheets in the oven. Stealing part of the couch back from Sam and watching trash tv till the oven beeped. Bucky vaulted over the couch, head back into the kitchen and pulled them out of the oven.
"Are they firm?" You ask, peeking at them, a light brush of your fingers against them. The room smelled like bake gingerbread and smooth sugar. Tempting delectables to say the least.
"Yup, now what?"
"Cool and mantle your buildings." You say as You slide them off onto wire racks. "Go get the frosting, and I will show you." Already he was rummaging in the fridge to retrieve it. Peeling off the plastic cling, you pick up one of the cooler pieces and edged it with icing. Folding two pieces together. "Easy as that. You try."
Bucky took it so seriously, the tip of his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth as he piped that icing. His brows furrowed together in a dip right at the center. You bite back a grin and get a large dollop of icing on your finger and flick it at the man. Landing right in his face. He drops his cookie in surprise and blinks though the icing. "Fucken hell, Y/N! Whats that for?" Wiping it off, he flicks it back at you and you squeal getting hit.
That's war!
"Oh its on Barnes" smirking as you grab a cookie and crumble it, shooting it at him. Cookies fly, icing it flung, flour, and sugar is used to blind one another, you two ducked around the table, screaming and yelling insults playfully.
Bucky tried using the hose at the kitchen sink to spray you, in which you ducked and rolled right into him, the two of you collapsing in a heap on the floor among all your hard work, broken and scattered. Steve stood in the doorway, arms laden with two paper bags, his jaw hanging open at the mess. Bucky pokes you to get your attention and the two of you sit up, covered. Head to toe in frosting, flour and cookies.
"I was just gone an hour..."
"Its a long time to be left unsupervised." You shrug as you smear some frosting off your shirt and lick it off your finger, Bucky helped himself to your shirt frosting to since he had thrown half the bowl on you.
"Oh damn, thats good!" He grins.
"What about this is good?! You mean your gingerbread murder scene?!" Steve toed a dead gingerbread man with the tip of his shoe.
Bucky looked around and glared at his friend. "IT WAS HISTORICALLY ACCURATE" His voice raided to defend the mess and you promptly stuff a cookie in his mouth to shut him up.
"Come on Steve. Did the Hydra base not look like this after you two and the howling commandos were done?" You throw a cookie at him which bounced off his chest. "Eat a cookie, you feel better" next to you Bucky continued eating broken gingerbread men, grinning at his friend and nodding.
"Best damn cookies besides your mama's!" Bucky added between mouthfuls
"I just... Pick this up you two before tony throws a fit." Turning with the bags of candy he bought, passing Sam, he ditched them on the man still scrolling youtube
"You couldn't watch them for two seconds Sam?"
"And break up that little love fest? Puh-lease" Sam grinned at Steve and dug into the paper bags looking through the snacks, pulling out twizzlers.
@what-is-your-plan-today @p8tn0lish @kitkatd7 @stuckonjbbarnes @sebbbystaaan @kimisama1989 @simsadventures @that-damn-girl @imanuglywombat @jtargaryen18 @stardancerluv​ @princess-evans-addict​
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prismatic-aconite · 6 years
Pizza And a Movie 
Kicking the door open is Lupita, who is covered in goopy bits that suggest she'd been crawling about in a dumpster. Because of course she has been.  She stops just inside the door to scrape her feet on the door mat; oddly, hasn't been wearing her boots lately. But at least she wipes her feet before walking into the house, and  then the kitchen broadcasting Big Dick Attitude (as it were) and all kinds of confidence. She bellows, "Aeeeethra, I'm hooo-oooome! Where's my pizzas yo?"
Aethra siiiighs. "I was waiting to order them til I knew what you wanted... But I can guess. 'Meat meat and more meat' right? Also. You smell. You should go change clothes and wash up. Not... Like specific a bath just wipe the grime off and make yourself smell less." She's making that faaaace. The 'I am concerned for you' face.
Lupita rolls her eyes. "It's always bath bath bath." She says, shaking her head, before she nods. "All the meats ever. And like maybe one or two 'everything'." She says, pausing to stop in front of the fridge. She pulls it open, pulls out a two-liter of faygo, pops it open and just stands there chugging it. Seriously, like, until it's gone all in one go. She pauses, thumps her chest with a fist, and then lets out a belch.  Then she sets the bottle on the counter, and looks at herself, shrugging. "I guess I'll go change." She turns to head for her room, "Back in a sec, sis," She purrls, as she walks off, scratching at her horns.
"It's either bath or no cuddles cus you smell, yes!" Ae calls after her, and sighs. She busies herself with ordering the pizzas that Lu wants. And a couple with anchovies for herself. If Lu wanted to swipe some fish pizza she'd let that sooner than have her eat all the hakarl.
Well okay it takes roughly 20 minutes, but Lupita does soon walk out, in a pair of boxers probably stolen from Corbin, a baggy t-shirt, and trying to shake water from her hair with her hands, a slight swagger to her steps.  Either way, she wanders into the kitchen looking for Aethra, pausing to lean against the counter, and pick at some grapes left in a bowl.  "Aeeeeee, I need cuddles now pleeeease," she whines after a moment.
Ae blinks when Lu comes out shaking her hair out, and smiles. "Wow I'm impressed. Did you finally conquer your fear of water?" She asks, and steps over to wrap the wet Lu up in a hug. "I was actually gonna tell you about a cool setup I've been working on for one of the guest baths. If you wanna go see it. I got the bath area to make a shower that behaves like rain. And the stall itself isn't really closed in either and there's a bench. So you can stretch out and it's like washing in the rain. Of course there's a spray hose too for rinsing off the soap if you need... But I think you might like it better than sitting in water?"
Lupita perks, and grins. "Aw yiss that sounds lots better. And I did but only because you asked and I really really need the cuddles man." She leans into the hugging and lets out a sigh, contented and stuff, from the contact. She scratches again at her horns though. "Man, ever since the sopor fix my horn it's been itchy all the fuckin' time yo," she says, grumbling a little. "You think its just co's of the new keritan or something?" She asks, looking slightly aside to Ae.
"Probably. Want me to take a look at it anyhow?" Ae asks. "I mean. I just want you healthy and smelling nice when you cuddle me. I tried bath bombs and those don't seem to work, so I figure, just need a better way to get you clean that doesn't involve dunking in the stuff you're scared of. ...Hopefully this'll be a good option all around." She just... holds Lu a while. "You wanna go cuddle pile on the couch?"
"Yeah, can you look at it? And a cuddlepile on the couch would be totes awesome yo. And when the pizza gets here like we can still cuddle and eat, right? C'os like dude I just really up and need all the attentions ever yo." She says. But. She doesn't let go to move to the couch. Nope. Just clings.  She also purrs slightly. "And water isn't too bad if I just. Close my eyes, hold my breath, and just get it over with as soon as popcicle. but I think a rain shower is a great idea yo. Especially if I can just all up and sprawl n' shit."
"Yeah. There's sprawly room. I basically made the entire floor of that room a drain and waterproofed everything. Took a while but I think it'll be good. I'm thinking of installing some grow lights in the ceiling bulbs and getting some wall climbing plants maybe." She grins suddenly and scoops Lu up, to carry her to the couch.
"Ah geeeze do you gotta do that yo you're like a fuckin' giant man. Ain'ts my fault I'm all up and short." Lupita whines, but she mostly goes saggylimp when scooped, and then leans her head in and snuffles at Ae's shoulders. Sniffsniff. "Man you smell good. You been all up and working in the sewing room with the clean cloths ain't you."
Ae chuckles and nods. She soon settles Lu on the couch in the blankets and hmms. "I do because you are fun to scoop and cuddle. ...Is it just the one spot on your horn that's been itching or anywhere else? Lemme get a good look." She settles down on the side for optimal good viewing.
Lupita wruus softly. "Yeah, just the one horn," she says, scratching again idley before canting her head to let Aethra get a good look; the whole horn from a third up is shiny, new, unscarred and untanted;  just simply regrown. Smooth keritin, candy corn colors not yet tempered by sunlight or roughhousing just yet. "Shoulder was itchy for a couple of days, too, but, not anymore." She shrugs. Then grins. "Still say you shoulda seen the other guy. Best damn fight ever yo."
"Hm. Just looks regrown and pretty to me. Should be fine. Horns regrow if you treat em right and don't fuss with too much." She just wraps Lu up in her arms and kisses her hair. "Heh. Maybe youre due a pupation toooo. Who knows you might end up my siiiize," she teases.
Another happy noise, and Lupita can't help herself. She wriggles around so she can kiss Ae on the cheek and forehead and nose with a squinty eyed sort of grin on her features that's only made goofier by her oversized fangs. Then she siighs and just sinks in against Ae. "Pfft. I don't think imma pupate. I'm already too soon after my first molt man." Sure it's been several sweeps. She doesn't count good, though. She pauses though and looks up, suddenly staring intently. That's about when the doorbell is used. "Hey, hey someone's at the door, yo." She says, loudly.
"Been a couple sweeps dude. Yours wasn't all that long after mine. And I didnt grow much then." But then the doorbell interrupts. "Ohhh that's probably the pizza. Lemme get that." She hops up out of the blanket pile and beelines for the door, pays the man, takes the giiiant pile of pizzas, and walks it back to the couch pile. "Do me a favor Lu, and set up a couple of the tv trays? We can watch a movie while we nom."
"Okay but. There was someone at the door." Lupita repeats, as she attempts to look around toward the door again where the pizza guy was, doing this as she blindly grabs the TV trays to set up in front of the couch, and somehow winding her way back to the front door to peer out every window to the side of it that she can she can before bringing the trays to their spots and setting them up. She stands there then, shifting from foot to foot, staring at the door. "... I should go make sure he's not still there." She says, before she slinks back and peers out the door again. "Nope he's gone. Good."
"Look at you being a good home protector. Yeah usually they have bunches more people wanting pizza so they gotta leave real fast. Like the mailman." Ae sets her couple of pizzas, one with anchovies, and one with all veggies and mushrooms. "I got one for Corbin too. You wanna bring it to him? ...Without eating it all?" She grins and holds up an pizza... Stuffed crust loaded Philly with white sauce.
Lupita smirks, and says, "Are you trying to get rid of me or something?" Teasingly, as she picks up the pizza and considers, sniffing at it. "Maybe after I've had one or two of mine," She says, in thought, "Don't want to be tempted to eat his, and I'm /starving/," She says, as she pauses, considers, then moves over to turn the oven on low heat, and slides open the bottom compartment, slipping the Pizza into it. "I read that these drawers down here are meant for like, keeping things warm without cooking them directly, so like, earlier today I cleaned it out n' stuff to put things in." She says, proudly.
"Nah. Just wanted to do a nice thing for him. All good. I'd rather you stay and cuddle a while. Especially since I got you the giant pile of pizzas to watch movies.  ...Also that's really good thinking. ...You ever wanna learn some cool kitchen stuff I can teach you things. I got a dehydrater to make our own jerky. Youre welcome to use it on things you hunt if you don't drag bloody carcasses across my house. Tarps if needed and clean up after yourself."
"... But dragging bloody things around is half the fun!" Lupita playfully whines, before grabbing another 2-liter out of the fridge and walking back over to the couch, bouncing herself onto it with a grin as she pulls open the pizza box, grabs two slices, and turns them topping to topping to make a 'pizza sandwich', as she leans back and waits for Aethra. "You got any ideas for a good movie then? C'os like, I'm up for almost anythin' that ain't like, The Little Mermaid. I mean shit. I heard that guy with the hard to say italian name made an X-Rated version of that, maybe that wouldn't be too bad? But if I have to listen to 'Under Da Sea' one more time.."
"I was thinking that one with the witches and thr candle? The blond reminds me of you a little. At least the 'amok amok amok' part." Ae picks a piece of her pizza out of the box, but then takes a piece of anchovy off and dangles it in the air. "Wanna try a better smelly fish?"
A snort, and then a snicker. "Well she's got good taste, doesn't she? I mean, children are more tender and juicy, by theory, because they haven't had no chance to get all up and muscley." She perks though. And sits up straighter and nodnodnods, watching the dangled anchovy, stuffing her 'Za sandwich into her face all at once, chewing hastily, and then gulping it down, before opens her mouth to the offered fish. "It smells terrible, I love it!" She gasps eagerly.
Ae giggles and drops the fish into Lu's mouth, and then slides a piece of the pizza over into Lu's pizza box. "Figured you'd say that. They're fatty and salty and good." Ae nods and hmmms. "It's true. It's why lamb and veal and all are so popular. Not tough yet." She shrugs and gets up to set up the movie. Once it's started though she settles.back down and leans on Lu. "Everything's okay with you lately, right? Anything you need to talk out?"
Lupita chomps, fangs clicking as she does so, and then closes her eyes, moving the anchovy about in her mouth a bit as she chews, somewhat like savoring a candy you've just tried for the first time. She gulps down then, and snatches up the piece of pizza, and works on scarfing it. She looks up, mouth full, when Ae asks about being okay, and nods. Swallows. She is a messy eater, and it's likely Ae has given up on this by now, AB certainly gave up long ago. She wipes her mouth on the back of her arm. "Nothing really bad. Just, horny itchey, and being hungry like fuckin' hell, yo. Oh, but, I've also been getting a lot more exercise, been chasing the rabbits out your garden all week. Fun as shit to chase a rabbit man." She grins.
"...Horny itchey? I mean. Phrasing but maybe you can ask Corbin to help with that," Ae teases, and plays with Lu's hair idly. "I do see you running around a lot more. ...If you run around in the sprinkler please put on some swim clothes, or stick with the fenced in part of the back yard? Nudity is still... touchy with the neighbors. And no you can't just go bite em or mess up their lawn if they say anything. I don't mind so much but... you know?" Ae sighs. She haaaated dealing with society nonsense. But that was the problem with living in a city.
"Uuugh, wet clothes suck though!" Lupita says with a siiigh as she drapes herself overdramatically over Ae's lap while her hair is played with. She snorts, and shoves the remains of the Anchovy piece into her mouth, chewing, before she gulps. "And I don't mean like thaaaat although I guess I could see if it helps me get some of this energy out. Dunno, I just really like running all over the place." She grins.  Shrugs. Then grabs another pice of meat  pizza and begins to lazily drape it into her mouth like it was grapes, while watching the movie. She snorts. "Not enough wolves man." She teases, but sniggers, especially at the 'Yabbos' scene.
"We can watch one with wolves after. Ever see Balto?" Ae asks, and hmms. "I mean it might. This time of year is good for that. Lotta folks all... energetic or getting lazy in prep for sleepy winter season. Really depends." Ae streeeetches and wraps her arms around Lu and hmms. "Wet clothes suck but a swimsuit is made to be wet. You just peel out of it when you get back to your room and roll into a blanket Lu-rito, and be warm."
"Ehhh maybe I guess. Stupid neighbors and their whole hangups about bodies. It's like they don't come into the world naked as a blue singign flap-beast, and don't realize clothes ain't gonna go witchoo when you die." She shakes her head. And then gnaws off more pizza, before slurping at her fingers. Mmmgrease. She looks up at Ae and grins again. "Aww, can't we watch like, uh.. The human version of Troll Jack Nicholson's Packbeast? Or like... Oo, that really old one about the Packbeast in London. It's October for glubsakes, and humans do all their Dim Season stuff now."
"The Packbeast in London one is okay I guess. I mean. If you want." Ae shrugs and sit back, pulling the blankets around her. "Personally I just have a hard time staying warm this time of year and wanna stay in and make lots of food and drink hot tea and sleep."
"Dim season," Lupita agrees, before she  hms. "I dunno. I'm not that cold this time. I think I've acclimated or whatever the fuck the word is, you know?" She grins. "I just been running hot lately is all. Almost like a Mud- .. Er, brownblood." She says, chuckling a little. She pauses, grabs another slixe of pizza, and stuffs it all into her mouth. Chews thoughtfully, swallows. "Could also be the fact I usually run around with a pile of pelts on, and spend a lot of time sunning myself out there." She shrugs. And hms. "Hey, you know, I had a thought. Doesn't G have that like, Rainbow Drinker friend? Do you think she'd want any pelts or things to sun on that soak in the heat as well?"
"You know I have no idea? I'll ask her. She might. Heck G might like some. He likes fluffy things and all. I'll ask. Especially since they're all stuff you hunted up and cleaned yourself, so, that's good." Ae frowns softly and looks ceilingward. "Sounds unusual in general though Lu. Would you mind if we got you an appointment with a mediculler, just to make sure you're okay? I promise I'll sit with you for it and make sure everything is all right?"
"Ehhh, okay I suppose. A mediculler would be fine." Shrug. Lupita hmms! And nods. "I wouldn't mind hunting down some stuff for G. I like seeing him happy c'os it makes you happy. Plus when he's happy it's good, right?" She grins. "Pack solidarity!" She says happily, as she grabs another slice of pizza, pauses, sits up, and again pizza sandwiches. She begins to wolf down the slices, licking at her fingers again. "Mmmf. They need to add more meats to the meat lovers. There could be like chicken, and duck, and goat, and rabbit, and goose, and squirrel- Oo, squirrel, yessssss. Hey if I catch some squirrels can you fry them up?" she grins eagerly, looking at Aethra. "And like I could give the cat the tails to play with n' shit."
"I could make you a mixed meat stew if you wanted all those in it. But you'd have to catch most of those yourself cus not a lot of places sell em. ...And yes if you catch enough squirrels I will... Prooobably roast or stew em for you rather than fry. At least bake." Ae chuckles and leans into Lu and nuzzles against her neck. "You are warm. It's both nice and a little concerning. You're positively near midblood temp. ...You sure you're feeling okay?"
"Other than being hungry as fuck, I'm generally good." Lu grins, and wraps an arm about Ae as she leans in, turning to nuzzle, and then kiss at her fishster's forehead lightly. "I'm feeling like a million boonies! I feel like I could run laps around the house for hours and not get tired. But I'm also feelin' like I could eat a few more pizzas, watch another movie or two with you, and then just sleep with you till moonrise while the world outside goes to fuck." She smirks, and then hms. "But you're right, I probably should go take Corbin his pizza soon, huh.."
"I mean if you wanna. I am all up for sleepy cuddles. But if you got that much energy to get out I'm sure he won't mind getting pounced." Ae chuckles and nuzzles against Lu's neck. "But if you wanna curl up with me and sleep too, I'm good for that. Think I'm gonna put most of my pizza in the fridge."
"I'll try and leave it for you." Lupita says, before peering. She's finished the first pizza. She shrugs, exchanges the box for the next one, and grabs two more pieces. As she works on them like a sandwich she adds,mouth slightly full, "I like cuddlin' with you an' bein' all asleep and stuff, Ae. But I know you an' G are a lot more cuddly an' I don't wanna get in the way of that. Besides. I get this weird feelin' like he probably gonna need hugs n' shit from you." She shrugs, thoughtful. Then closes up the pizza box, and works on finishing her pizza sandwich at hand: "How about I go take Corbin his pizza, and then like, go out for a while, an' get some shit done, and then I'll join you in bed when I'm done?"
"Sounds like a plan to me. If I'm already paased out feel free to hop in anyhow, or curl up on the pile or whatever if you wanna. Cus I still wanna cuddle if you got the time and inclination." Ae stretches idly and hmms. "Probably nap here a while. I'm just getting that food nap feeling."
"Weirdo." Lupita teases, then leans in to kiss Ae on the forehead again. She mmms, and streeetches big and stuff, then licks the grease from her hands, and stands. She hms! Pauses, holds up a hand gesture of 'just a sec' and dashes off. She comes back from her room carrying a sheepskin blanket, which she then throws over Aethra carefully, as if tucking her in. "Better?" She asks, smiling, "Keep you warm while you nap n' stuff." She smiles, and crouches on the ground a little, to be at petting height.
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sweetcatmintea · 6 years
Atlas meets Ivan - Drabble
So, I haven’t got any new pictures for you guys, have a short drabble instead. It was a gift for @babydollneko but she said I could upload it here too :)
Moonlight filtered through the thin clouds overhead illuminating speckles drifting through the late-night air. Hard shingles stole the warmth through Atlas’ shirt, prompting shivers. He lazily took note of his leg dangling over the musty gutter pipe. A clean was long over due but the negligence was understandable, it was no simple task to clean the top of a three-story house. Hoisting himself into a sitting position, Atlas stretched his arms in front of him until there was a satisfying crack.
He wasn’t sure how long his nap had lasted but he felt refreshed enough. It was late afternoon when the summer heat left him lazing about, but that didn’t mean much to him. He had also been sprawled on Lady Clara’s ornate lounge, enjoying the firmness of the well-maintained upholstery and the gentle breeze tussling his bangs.  To find himself waking on the roof of an unknown building in an unknown street was not how he expected the day to go. Surprising as it was, there was little mystery. Many an adventure in his youth was prompted by accidentally teleporting somewhere in his sleep. It was kind of like sleep walking, but with more stress for Lady Clara. He glanced at his wrist only to remember he had taken off his stylish purple gloves and accompanying compass cuff earlier in the day. This was going to make things more difficult. Oh well, no use sitting around worrying. Scaling down the building with relative ease, he decided to just explore for a little while. It’d be a shame to waste the opportunity. Lady Clara was forever scolding him for roaming around like some tom cat. ‘Come home straight away!’ she’d say. ‘You’re never where you’re supposed to be! Disappearing to who knows where whenever the fancy takes you! Honestly, it’s a wonder I haven’t locked the doors by now!’ Translated roughly, she meant ‘I worry when you disappear, so I want you to come straight back.’ Atlas grinned into his knuckles. She was a funny lady, but certainly good quality. He was an adult now – more or less – and she had relaxed some. It helped that he wasn’t under her constant care and supervision anymore. Still, he’d just have a little look around, then head back. Or, at least, a little look, then try to work out where he would be coming back from. His current location was less important than where he wanted to be, but knowing it would probably help.  Music pulsed faintly in the distance, a faint throb indicative of a nightclub type place. Given the back-alley vibes he was getting and the apparent late hour, the club would probably be inhabited primarily by drunks. Atlas sighed. He didn’t want to go amongst drunk people. It was probably the best bet for finding someone to ask his location. Ambling away, he put his money on the opposite direction. Going for the easiest route? Where was the adventure in that?
He must have been a fair way away from Lady Clara’s house. The wind carried a bite more tenacious than that of a summer. Atlas lamented the absence of his favourite dark grey coat. The fur trim, purple of course, was luxuriously soft and oh so fluffy. He really couldn’t complain though, years of waking up in unusual places ensured he was always reasonably covered when he rested. As funny as it would have been, he would not have appreciated exploring in only his boxers.
It wasn’t until the music had faded entirely, replaced with a cricket orchestra more suited to the country than such a populated area, that Atlas finally saw another person. A man, not much older than himself, busied himself opening the large roller doors of a … warehouse, maybe? The mechanisms made such a racket he didn’t notice Atlas approaching him. It was at this point Atlas realised he probably should have tried reading one of the street signs, he had no idea what the common language was here. Hoping it was one he knew, he cleared his throat, immediately catching the other man’s attention. Fabric spun and metal flashed. The knife stopping a mere finger’s width from Atlas’ skin. The two men appraised one another momentarily. This man, decidedly less harmless then Atlas first assumed, was slightly taller than him. His dark hair spiked from his head in organised chaos, complimented by a dark hoody and calculated grin. His teeth were clearly sharp, more so than Atlas’ unusually animalistic ones. Offering a placating smile, Atlas raised his palms to the man. He meant no harm. The switchblade returned to it’s hiding place in one smooth movement but remained at hand. The man’s posture relaxed, replaced with an easy confidence. Most reasonable people would be put off, intimidated even, by a man exuding danger and standing in front of a gaping maw of black. Unfortunately, Atlas was not a terribly reasonable person at times. ‘Foolish’ was almost a nickname at this point. He wasn’t stupid, but, out in the open as they were, he had many escape routes should things go sour. He lowered his hands, resting one in the pocket of his tailored shorts, and waving a greeting with the other. “What are you doing out here?” Ah, English. He knew that one. Lucky~ “Hello,” More accent than he would like, but good enough, “I got a little lost. Would you mind helping me? My name is Atlas, Atlas Mao.” The man tilted his head, lips pursed. “You’ve got cat ears.” It was a question in the form of a statement. “Yep.” He wiggled his ears for emphasis. The man’s grin grew. “Tail too. It was a matching set situation.” Even though he had kept it politely low, he was pretty sure the man had already noticed. The man’s hazel (maybe? It was hard to tell in the dark) eye’s glittered with excitement. “You don’t have … cat people here?” A shake of a head said no. That was unusual, he’d never been to a place where there were no Tainted people. Maybe he was even further than he thought. “Can I touch them?” “P-pardon?” “Your ears. I want to touch them.” The man reached out eagerly. There was a child-like enthusiasm that dampened the automatic ‘no’. Sighing inwardly, Atlas relented and nodded. That’s how he ended up being pet softly in the middle of the night by a very strange man. The plan to wait until his novelty had run its course and then find out where he was, was a bust. The enjoyment the man got appeared to be endless. Being told he was adorable was something he had gotten used to, it becomes necessary when your face becomes a brand, however having someone coo at him in the middle of the night was a bit much. An embarrassed flush crept up his neck as he put some distance between himself and the man. Luckily, he didn’t seem too disappointed, instead pointing out another of Atlas’ peculiarities. “You’re floating.” “Yeah. I don’t want to walk. The floor is really dirty, and my shoes are at home.” He wasn’t that high. Maybe a few inches off the ground. The man narrowed his eyes, considering Atlas again. “You’re not from here, are you?” Finally. He didn’t mind this man, he didn’t know him well enough to decide that he liked him yet, but it felt like some kind of backwards Alice in Wonderland scenario. Given he was the floating cat and all. He really couldn’t stay much longer, he’d promised Lady Clara he’d be in her photoshoot tomorrow. “No. I’m lost. Do you have a map and a compass I could borrow, uh…” “Ivan. You can call me Ivan.” He leaned in closer “I mean it call me.” Atlas didn’t know how to respond to either the wink or the playful nudge. “I’ve got those back home, but I gotta do something first.” He entered the abys of the warehouse, calling over his shoulder. “My cat got out, so I’ve gotta find him before we go back.” Nothing else to do, Atlas followed him in, offering to help search.
The deceptively small light on Ivan’s phone lit up a large chunk of the building. How did the phone have a light in it to begin with? Atlas knew there were some technological leaps lately, but wow! Debris was scattered all over the place. Leaves piled wherever the broken roof permitted. A dry, dusty smell filled the air, clinging to the backs of their throats. With all of the shadows and hidey holes, the chances of finding a cat were slim. Even with his sensitive ears, Atlas couldn’t detect anything other than the scuttling of bugs avoiding Ivan’s light. He strained his eyes but there was neither hide nor hair of any mammal. He was about to tell Ivan that he might want to look else where, but the man cut him off, bellowing “KING CRUNCH!” Evidently, Atlas wasn’t the only one to jump out of their skin. The boxes in the far corner began to rustle in response. Ivan ran over, letting out a proclamation of triumph. “I found my cat!” He dragged an angry, hissing creature from it’s nest, returning to Atlas with a massive smile. Beady eyes glared venomous hatred at Atlas. Little round ears were slicked back and grabby hands scrambled in the air, desperate for a victim. The grey-brown fur bristled like needles. That wasn’t a cat. The raccoon seemed to accept its fate, slumping in Ivan’s arms and chattering murder under its breath. Ivan was positively beaming. “Alright, I got my cat, we can go back. Somehow, he always get’s out when the Bae’s there. It’s weird, I know he likes King Crunch. Who wouldn’t?” Atlas couldn’t help but find Ivan’s clear affection towards his ‘cat’ very sweet. “Why’s he in a jacket?” The fact that the studded leather suited the raccoon was as undeniable as the ridiculousness of addressing raccoon fashion. What an interesting night it was turning out to be. “Oh, that. I tried to put a collar on him, so no one steals him, y’know, but he just kept getting it off. Neal got the jacket made for him so I would” he air quoted “stop moaning about the stupid collar. Good thing King Crunch is so fat, he can’t get his jacket off. No one’s going to mistake him for a stray cat now. I’d have ta kill them if they did though.” He laughed jovially.  
If you’re curious -> Atlas Ivan 
Ivan was created by, and belongs to, @babydollneko
Atlas is my character
Feedback is appreciated!
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steel-and-aether · 7 years
Daggers for Blood [IC story]
Sometimes you ran into someone who, while the meeting was short, left an impression. Not a first impression, one made of wisps of memory and associations that your mind chased around later, trying to place the thoughts, but something that cycles later you could examine, hold, and recall perfectly, the feeling of it. It was firm, grasped in the hand, and remained a constant. There were few who left impressions that melted through the careful layers of obfuscation that Aran employed on her memory, the self-editing that kept what scraps of sanity she claimed as her own remain in place. The woman sometimes paused on her trips in the stretches of Thanalan and took a moment, fingers curling over the pommels of her daggers, to stand. She was sometimes waiting for something, other times she just breathed the sand and dust and dryness and recalled a different scent.
-- The bargain had been sealed in blood, in the old ways. That the miqo'te had not sworn what she was going to teach didn't matter so much as there was a feeling the Highlander had that she'd known the weight of what she was asking from Aran and because of that, the exchange would have the right weight. Maybe she would be wrong - it was possible, always, especially when you dealt with someone who brought back to mind the stories of bog witches, and hags. Just because she didn't have the weight of the promise's value in hand didn't mean she was going to ignore it. She watched the urchins, the refugees, the trod-upon waifs whose rank she wasn't far removed from. She had years, they had a lack of them, if their lives didn't improve - she narrowed her eyes though, waiting. Waiting for the one that was the impossible case, the hopeless one, the one who was going to die soon, by someone's hand or their own stupidity, because that was the one that'd meet the criteria. That took time. It was suns past when she saw it - the hopeless giver, who cared more for everyone else than themselves, who was finally wrung the last drop of life they could give someone else. The urchin was tossed out to the back like a heaped pile of junk, beyond use, beyond value, and Aran knew this was the one because although they huddled into a ball they didn't try to save themselves. Broken. Ruined. Wrecked. From the whispers down the alley, the sound of feet on the roughed stones, soon to be dead. The occupants of Pearl were unkind and cruel when they could get away with it and this was a chance. Before the three pairs of boots could get close enough to harm the brat Aran moved, uncurled from her tucked nook on the shadows, and hit the worn stones with the sound of the barest impact. "D' y' wan' t' live, kid," she called out, side-stepped so the small urchin - so small she couldn't pick gender from the rags and filth - could see the approaching cudgels and boots, the cloaks, the cold faces that promised nothing but a little more agony before an ending. There wasn't much sound but as the men came to a halt, as if waiting to see what Aran would do, there was a response. "No value if you sell me." The men and woman who started to ring closer to the Highlander chuckled but they waited - the Highlander was known to their sect of shadows, enough that they were looking to see what her game was, hands resting on the pommels of her daggers. "Nau' tha' poin', kid. Ah repeat, d' y' wan' t' live?" A single beat, a pause of silence. "Yes." The cudgels and blunt sticks aimed at the Highlander - they knew something was being brokered, and whatever it was meant the end of their fun. Aran's daggers came out and the woman picked her target spots carefully - the exposed neck of one, behind the ear of another. The final one to go down took a few more blows until she'd gotten the blade sunk into their shoulder and down the woman had gone, blood pooling and mingling with her former fellows as the kid sat, shaking, not screaming. But the kid didn't look on Aran as some Twelve-sent savior either, not with the woman not caring about the splash of heart's blood across her cheek or on her servicable shirt and vest. "Stan' up, then, en' lets git y' t' livin'." Her hands returned the daggers to their place, the pommels the easy spot to place her hands. "En' git y' t' learnin' tha' 'ow ah bi' mur," she added. Five nights later, while Aran handed the urchin a small wooden blade just heavy enough to get the feeling of a weapon in hand, they spoke. "Larnis." Aran nodded, pointing back a finger to herself. "Greeneyes." -- The partnership wasn't beautiful. Larnis sometimes hated Aran, who drove the boy as mercilessly as she'd been taught - but Larnis learned, when it counted, and knew that there was one thing they could count on Aran to never do; no matter if the woman was silent or as incomprehensible as a crow trying to speak, they never turned Larnis out, and they never tried to sell him. And just like Aran had predicted to the miqo'te she'd struck the bargain with, it wasn't accomplished in a matter of moons. Larnis grew - stealing or slowly taking on work that was cautiously handing to the boy when word got out that Aran had taken someone to train - and if it was a tough life, it was a life, which was more than he'd first had the hope for. The few things Aran gave him were done without fanfare - they were done as if she were giving him the things she felt were right, or marked a milestone. His training dagger was replaced after a lesson with a shoddy piece of actual steel. By then he'd seen what knives could do, and what they did to his mentor when she came back from work with a new set of stabs or gashes. He knew the steel was a mark that he'd done something very right. Later he was given a single good dagger. He learned to compensate, the good and the bad. There was a turn of cycles - more than one, in fact - and the bad steel was replaced with a second set of good, hardy steel. A proper two set of daggers, like Aran's, serviceable but with an edge that kept. -- Larnis looked up, watching Aran as she took up her usual perch. "You're quiet." Aran looked at Larnis, and the gil she flipped across her knuckles back and forth, the flicker and glimmer of the metal playing in the dim candles. She flipped the gil to the boy, his movements as sure as her own would've been, snatching it out of the air. "Yer ready," she said after watching. "E's good e's ah c'n impar'." Larnis tilted his head, a cant of it, mimicing the gestures Aran so often adopted when she was listening for a word from him. He could feel the weight in it, in the statement, and there was a swell of pride. "Tha' coin will pey fer this plece fer tha' res' 've tha' sennigh'. Af'r tha'," she was on her feet, a trick Larnis never quite got from her, how she moved so silently. The conservation of movements wasn't something she'd imparted with the dagger skills she'd given him, and Larnis stared, seeing the Highlander in the dim light almost for the first time. "Yer on yer own." There was finality in that statement. She left through the front door, a wave to him as she departed. Larnis sat on the chair, at the rickety table, staring at the gil in his hand that could last him days, gil he could keep getting now, because he knew how to live. He never thought her real name was Greeneyes but in all the tunrs, he'd never heard her address herself any other way. And if she introduced herself first then everyone they worked with simply picked the name up. -- "This came fer y', Aethersmith," a voice called out one night as she passed the dockets, pausing the Highlander as she had been in the middle of pulling a thin scrap of black paper from the board. Her palm out, the Highlander looked at the deposited small carved stone that was painted with whorls of metal flake, deeply in the stone so that the casual eye wouldn't pick it out. She flipped it in her hand and the mark of the Destroyer was on one side, and the other a simple carved green eye. "Yer boy Larnis is doing well," the keep added. Aran pocketed the stone, grabbed the small black note with the job on the back, and grinned. "He ein't me boy, he's his own."
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kneekeyta · 7 years
Hi guys! So, its been over a year and, well, yeah. but I hope some of you are still into this fic? I’ve gotten a couple asks about it that I’ve avoided answering cos I didn’t want to make any false promises, BUT here is a short part and I hope you enjoy! thanks for being patient and for the messages and for just being amazing really. <3
Forever tag list:  @nemo-miraclegrow-blog @areyousad8118@thisissomefreshbullshit @luckyemcee@mmfdiaryfan @murderyoursoul @kristicallahan  @irish-girl-84 @sey77 @bebelievelive @justagirlnamedkayla @i-love-mmfd@anitavalija @she-was-a-street-smart-girl @milymargot @busstop@pink-royaute @lolflash @youmehellofarollercoasterride@curvygirlonabudget @inneedofamoralcompass @paleasalabaster@mmfdfanfic @mallyallyandra@lethallylauren @finnleysraemundo@pissingonursoul @losingpudge @bitchy-broken@audisodd@audisodd @darlingdiver @fantasticab @celestev31@rinncincin @tinakegg @ducky17 @katywright340@bitcheslovebeck @raernundo @nutinanutshell @cant-getno-sleep@courtkismet @omgbananasnailus @i-dream-of-emus@guyoverboard @anglophileyoungblood @swooningfangirl@bitchesbecrazy89 @chrryblsms @girlwithafoxhat @annemarieted @sammylbc @sarahlouise88ni @how-ardently @idontliketalkingtoanybody  @mmfdblog @phoenixflower413@penguinsandbowties @fizzezlikecherrycola @fangirlwithoutshame@africancreativity @alyssaloca @llexis @thatfunnygirllauren@cheersmedear@14000romances @rred87 @nirvanalove27@takenbyatree @im-an-emu @shashaaussi@mirandasmadeofstone  @lililuvlight @flxwxry @slitherouter @saracasm25 @becauseyouarestrong @malvaloca93 @happyfrasers @vmellow @scumothaearff @wandering-soul-7@hewittgolightly @emmatationsforall @ninjarunningzico@arcticoasisboy @milllott @rafaellabnery @endemictoearth @blackfeministagenda @queenasfuccck @lilaviolet@dianasaurousrexxx @kathhumphreysx @eighty-sixcharlie@flirtmcgirt @nenita1978 @crystalgiddings1993 @girl-looking-out-window @facephase @blobwithagob @freyasfrench@freyasfrench@borntochaos @likeashootingstarfades@isthistherightwayround @toseeyou-again @emu4ever @carpe-libris @voodoomarie @keisernerosmom @you-are-world-class-i-mean-that @cosiquellocheora  @protectfinnnelson  @stinemarine@rhi3915 @lovinglifeandlivinglove @caitlinmaddyx  @lizzylizard84@redprairielily @look-how-they-shine-love @annaplantain@everythingilove-blog @lau-vm @absolutelynotnico@mmfdftw @kingbeeyonce @chelsealorine @jackiewalsh2013@karinskyme@spreadsomepositivity @justthegoodgirlsreject@tipsylou84-deactivated20170624 @towongfu2 @lily-pop-2 @fuck-sewing-machine @parisgirly93 @raeonashadowcaster@rockinthebeastmode @servethecitymke @eveerez  ( @arathewallflower did you wanna be tagged I can’t remember? lol)  @hey1tskat1e @lurkernolonger @luly310 @eloquenthale   as always please let me know if you would like to be added or removed. xD
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Unlocking Secrets Part 10
He jolted awake, his mouth dry, and his body tired and achy. After clearing his throat and swallowing several times, he willed himself to go back to sleep. He lay in the position he awoke in for several moments, not yet willing to give up the warm comfortable position he was in. But that’s just the kind of luck he had, being comfortable and at peace in bed for once but other parts of his body screaming for attention. He would have to abandon his comfort and seek out a glass of water.  
He stood in the kitchen stretching out his fingers and shaking out his hand, trying to wake it from its feeling of sleepiness and soreness. When he finally decided to get up he found that he was still clutching on to Rae’s diary and as a result his hand had suffered a bit of a consequence.
He spent part of the morning thinking over his plans for the day and nursing a small hangover headache. His father wasn’t home and it was probably too early to bother Chop, and he figured that Chop would get a hold of him if anything were to happen.
So, to keep himself a busy he started work on his music case once more. Measuring and cutting wood, but his hand soon grew tired from its slept on position, which caused him to take several breaks in between boards.
He wiped the sweat off his brow with the back of his hand and decided to just pull off his shirt. The air was humid, and the material of his shirt was sticking to him like a second skin. Dropping his shirt on a chair near him he made his way into the house to get some water. He had stocked the fridge with some bottles for such occasions and when he opened the door the cool air was welcomed against his warmed skin. His nipples even slightly perking up against the soft breeze.
Downing half of the bottle he sighed in contentment before placing it back in the fridge. He made his way back out to the garden and before he could get close to his project his name was called. Looking over he found, Chop, grinning madly, then appeared Archie, Chloe, Izzy and last but certainly not least Rae.
He’s not sure why but he immediately crossed his arms over his chest as a he felt a faint blush creep into his cheeks.
“You workin’ hard or hardly workin’?” Chop teased, with a gapped tooth grin.
“Erm…well,” Finn trailed off and looked behind him at the work he’d done so far.
“It’s coming along then?” Archie commented.
“Yeah,” Finn, looked to him, trying not to shift his focus to Rae. “It’s getting there.” He shrugged.
“Listen, we were gonna head out to the park, do you wanna go?” Chop asked, as he motioned to the gang around him.
He wanted to say, yes, to give him fifteen minutes to shower and get ready, but something stopped him. A lump formed in his throat preventing him from saying the words. It was accompanied by an odd sensation in his stomach, so, not quite sure to make of what his body was telling him his simply shook his head.
“Oh, come on, Finn.” Chloe pleaded, with a small pout.
“Nah, I should really get as much of this done as I can. Can’t ever trust the weather.”
“Alright, see you around then.” Chop said, ending the discussion.
They all started to file out with murmured goodbyes, Finn nodded at them, but then there was a faint, “Bye Finn,” from Rae, accompanied by a small wave, and he murmured goodbye back instantly.
Three hours later he was sitting in his room, freshly showered and bored. Not exactly bored but he was thinking. Thinking about moving here, about his issues with his mom. He hated when he’d catch himself thinking about her, and about the events that led him and his dad to move. Hated that he couldn’t just forget; he knew it would take time. He just wished time would speed up some.
But mostly, he was thinking about, Rae.
She had overcome so much it seems; he knows from what he read in her diary and from what little he heard being around her, that he hadn’t even scratched the surface into the world of, Rae. He desperately was torn between wanting to know and not wanting to know more.
It didn’t matter anyway, because it wasn’t like he planned on telling her he knew, at least not at this point in time. It made him feel horrible sometimes, like the biggest creep in the world, to know these intimate details about someone while they are none the wiser.
Maybe, maybe, he could share something small about himself with her so he wouldn’t feel this way. It’s not like he knew he was ever going to meet her, but maybe he should have never read her diary in the first place. Maybe, he shouldn’t have read a small portion after he met her. There were so many maybes, but the one that seemed most important, the one he discovered was most prominent was, ‘maybe, I don’t wanna be just her friend’.
After the gang had left to go to the park, Finn couldn’t exactly continue on working. His mind was preoccupied and his skin was still prickly with goosebumps from seeing Rae, and from her speaking to him.
He had tried to talk himself out of it, tried to tell himself, that there was no way he fancied her, he barely knows her. But his heart tugged in his chest, and his brain made a ‘pfft’ and he knew he might be a little screwed. The fact is, that even if he did fancy her, which he still wasn’t sure yet, it just couldn’t happen. She’d hate him if she found out about the diary. But more than anything he wants to be her friend.
Speaking to her at Chops over cd’s, and when she asked to borrow some records, was easy and felt so natural, that he momentarily forgot everything else. In those short moments it was just them and the music, the one thing he knew they shared an exuberant passion for. It seemed so much and at one-time, that he needed to push the thought down, needed to not be so obvious at times.
He’d be her friend.  
The sun was just in the stages of setting when he made his way back out to the garden. He had neatly stacked and piled the wood and covered it so it wouldn’t be damaged, but in his hurry to go and scrub away his feelings he left all the tools he was using out.
He picked up a bag of drill bits, and nearly dropped them, when a familiar voice asked, “Did you get a lot done today?”
He squeezed the bag in his hand to prevent from dropping them and made his way closer to the fence. His feet felt heavy, and his heart pounded harder with each step, and he prayed he wouldn’t say something dumb.
“Erm, yeah, more than I thought I would.” He shrugged, it was all he could think to say.
“I imagine it’s a tough work, cutting and drilling or whatever,” she replied, with a bit of an embarrassed smile, he thinks.  
“Um, yeah, just tedious I guess, but..”
“It’ll be worth it, no more crates, eh?” she said with a glint in her eye.
He couldn’t help the sharp short laugh that escaped him, “Definitely, no more crates. I take it you know the struggle?”
She huffed a small laugh, “I do.” She paused thinking, “Well, I did.” Her smile faltering some.
“So, how was the park?” he asked swiftly, and the small smile that appeared on her face makes him think it was a welcomed change in topic.
She rolled her eyes, and scoffed small with a hint of a smile, “Chop was on and on about sneezes and org—“ she stopped suddenly her eyes widening and her cheeks pinking up.
He couldn’t help but smile, she looked beautiful, with the sky a pinky orange behind her and her eyes shining, her cheeks colored a nice red now; he decided to save her a bit of embarrassment she might be feeling.
“Say no more. It’s not true by the way. He was saying the same thing last night, turns out it only causes bloody noses.” He grinned.
“Are you saying he…” she trailed off.
“He definitely did.” Finn nodded almost haughtily.
She chuckled and said, “I’m not even surprised if I’m honest. Was it bad then?”
“It wasn’t too bad but he was pretty cut up about not being right.”
“Do you think he’d try it again?” Rae asked.
A beat passed where they thought about and then suddenly both said, “Wouldn’t doubt.”
Causing them to erupt in a fit of laughter.
“Poor Chop,” Rae said trailing off her laughter, “I’m sure it was amazing to see, I’m sad to have missed it.”
“You..” were missed, is what he wanted to say, but instead, “You…would have gotten a good laugh out of it.” is what he settled on. It caused a small fluttering wrench in his stomach but he’d deal with that later.
“Yeah, well maybe he’ll try again one day,” she replied almost hopefully.
“I’m sure he will,”
“Rae! I didn’t know you were still here.”
Finn looked over Rae’s shoulder, as she turned slightly to see Chop, “Oh, yeah, I was chatting with, Finn,” she looked to him and softly smiled and he smiled back immediately.
“Oooooh I see,” Chop said, gleaming mischievously, almost.
“Um, well, I better get going then, see yous.” Rae said quickly.
Finn felt his heart drop a little, and he rushed out a quick, “Later, Rae!” but she continued on walking not acknowledging him.
He thought that was strange but would have to think on it later because Chop was still standing there smiling at him, “What?” Finn asked, almost sharply.  
Chop put his hands up in defense, “Nothin’ mate.” He started to slowly back away towards his house then added, “Was wondering why she chose to leave out the garden, but I guess I know now.”
Then before Finn could answer Chop was in his house leaving Finn wondering aloud, “What does that mean?”
A/n: I know some of this was vague but things will continue to unravel, Finn learns a few things from a few different people eventually, so yeah. Man, I’m so cryptic ahahaha.
Also, I know there might not seem like much is happening but there is its all just surface stuff now, but we get deeper. Cos feelings at their age are fickle y’know so *shrugs* and like you gotta figure out exact reason for liking someone and all that jazz....anyway hope you all are well! 
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