#shit still makes me sob violently
skhardwarevers1 · 5 months
that feeling when you want to post a rant/vent but it just feels like another attempt to get attention <<<<<<<<<(x one million)
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shaisuki · 10 months
they're old but not that old. what is it when they're only a few years older than you but they still feel the years creeping up on them. they don't worry about that though when there's a soft, plump, young girl taking their cock like a champ.
"what's this?" he mused to himself while he watches you desperately matches the thrust of his hips. "can't get enough of this old man's cock? you're a young, pretty little thing but look at you..." chuckling to himself when you're pleading for him to bring you release. your sweet cunt clenching to him. "atta girl, impatient girls like you don't get to cum."
they like the tears gathering in your lashes when they deny you of release. it only spurs them more as you take their thick cock into your wet pussy.
"please...—make me cum" there's a hiccup followed by a sob as the tears starts to roll into your cheeks. rolling your hips to feel the veins in his cock to your spasming wall. desperate and confused why they won't let you cum. how could you understand what they're saying when your attention is how their cock stretched inside you and their bulbous tip is hitting your sensitive spot making you gush over their length.
“daddy, please” whining and begging to grant you of pleasure. “i'm a good girl, aren't i daddy? please make me cum. give me your babies”
that made their cock throb even more. twitches at how you beg to stuff you full of their cum. shit. they won't last long while you're so adorable in pleading.
“of course, baby. you're a good girl.” they praises you. holding your round cheeks in their huge palm while speeding up their thrusts. your body involuntarily jiggling and leaves you drooling in the corners of your mouth. too dumb and cock drunk to think anything than their cocks filling you up.
with a bruising kiss in your lips and a violent jerk of their hips. hot and creamy spurts of their cum fills you to the brim. painting your insides white and you're seeing white from the euphoria that you were given off. thick thighs trembling while their cum drips and runs to your inner thighs.
“geez, such a needy whore. i guess you need more of this cock, huh?”
“yes, daddy.”
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softspiderling · 4 months
☆ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂
bubs: hey, can I come over?
me: 'course. need me to come pick you up?
bubs: no, be there soon.
rafe knew as soon your text came in that something was wrong. you never asked to come over. you just did it. said it was your "right as a girlfriend" whatever that meant, rafe never argued with you. He was still playing with the phone in his hand he didn’t hear the front door open, you slipping inside.
“Hey,” you said, overly cheerily but he could tell your voice was tight when you spoke. His suspicions were confirmed when you flounced on the couch, immediately pressing yourself against his side, hiding your face in the crook in his neck.
“Hey, you good?”
Rafe wrapped an arm around you, rubbing your back soothingly as you hummed your response into his neck.
For a while he just sat there with you in silence, giving you comfort, until he felt wetness on his neck and he noticed how you were sobbing silently, your shoulders shaking.
“Baby, are you okay?” He asked, panicking as he grabbed you by the shoulder, pulling you away to see if you somehow hurt yourself.
“Are you hurt? What’s going on?”
“I’m fine,” you sniffed, wiping your cheeks but Rafe only gave you a look. “I’m fine physically at least… Can we not talk about it?”
Rafe tensed. “I mean, we don’t have to if it makes you unhappy… But I don’t really feel good not knowing what has you so upset.”
“Can you just hold me?”
“Yeah, of course baby,” Rafe sighed, pulling you close to him again. You snuggled up against him, laying your head on his chest. Luckily, you didn’t start crying again, the small sobs subsiding and Rafe just held you for a while, trying his best not to get up to find out who hurt you like this, because god knew he’d rip them limb from limb-
“I had a fight with my parents.”
Rafe paused his violent thoughts glancing down at you, brows furrowed.
“What? Why wouldn’t you want to tell me about that?”
You hesitated, gripping his shirt before letting the fabric go, smoothing it down again.
“I felt stupid coming to you about this fight when you had to go through so much worse with your dad.”
Rafe inhaled deeply, his chest tight just like it always was when someone brought up Ward.
“Hey, I want you to listen to me,” Rafe said, tilting your chin up so you’d look at him while he spoke. “I did go through shit with Ward, he was a pretty.., Terrible father. But that doesn’t mean that what you’re going through is any less shitty. I never want you to hold me because you think your stuff isn’t as bad as whatever I went through, you hear me?”
Your lower lip wobbled and Rafe was scared you’d cry again but instead you threw yourself at him, kissing him deeply. Grunting in surprise, Rafe caught you in his arms, returning the kiss, albeit briefly.
“Did you hear a word from what I said?”
“Of course I did, silly,” you huffed, your arms around his neck. “Thank you. I just get… I don’t know. I don’t want to bring up any bad memories for you.”
“You’re not.”
You gave him a small smile, sighing softly.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, baby.”
⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
author’s note: purely self indulgent bc i had a terrible fight with my parents
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lovingache · 10 days
—unrequited love oikawa x unpopular!childhood friend!reader
this is angst, be forewarned. based on gold rush by taylor swift. gn! reader, angst, i'm probably gonna write a part 2 with a happy ending because this made me sad. not proofread.
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oikawa who's so popular and so sweet to all of the girls that talk to him. who entertains their squeals and giggles, their requests for photos, for autographs, for hugs. who's known as the beloved, golden boy, favourite of Seijoh. who loves this and soaks it up every single time a group gathers around him, whose eyes shine brighter when someone praises him, especially when it's you
who frowns when you tell him that you're uncomfortable around the people he's around sometimes. how you can feel how they look at you differently. how they see you as a nuisance, a roadblock, to get to him. whose heart shatters when you tell him that you're going to try to find your own group of friends like he has, who wants to keep you here, right here with him like it always has been, but who agrees and cheerily tells you that you can do it
who feels so guilty when he's not there to tell off the people who make fun of you or make you feel invisible; who wants to, for the only other time in his life, become violent against the people that ever dared to make you feel like shit. who sobs with you as he reassures you that he's your friend, your best friend, and that he loves you so much. who repeats your name as he rocks you back and forth and swears that no one will ever be able to make you feel that way— not when he's around.
oikawa who looks at you with the deepest scarlet painting his face when you ask him once so casually, as easy as breathing, "what must it be like to grow up as beautiful as you, toru?" who looks at you, confused, and wants to shake you and ask you the same thing. who wants to kiss that stupid doubtful look off your face. who scoffs and waves it off when you tell him everybody wants him, that everyone wonders what it'd be like to love him. who wants to scream at you when you insinuate that, maybe, he'll replace you soon— the way your eyes brim with unshed tears and your lips pout makes him want to tear his own heart out and hand it to you, still beating, because his heart has only ever beaten for you.
oikawa who doesn't know how you've been in love with him since you could conceptualize the idea of love. who doesn't realize that you pull away from him too quickly from soft, sweet hugs, that you glare at his whispered compliments, that you avoid ever being alone with him for too long because you don't know how long you can stand being there with him without kissing him and baring your soul to him
who doesn't realize that you only ever spent valentine's day with him. patiently waiting until after he was done talking to all of the girls that came bearing gifts for him to give him yours. who doesn't understand that his sweet smile and grateful words wormed their way into your heart, your dreams. how you dreamed of him as often as breathing, as easy as smiling when he makes a stupid joke. who never knew or realized, or maybe he did but never wanted to make things awkward by turning you down, just how clearly in love with him you are.
oikawa who's so afraid of losing you, of freaking you out, or making you feel as if he were pressuring you into anything that he just doesn't end up making a move on you for the entirety of high school. who stares at you from across any room you two happen to be in, who loves it when you argue with him, loves it when you glare at him or smile or, fuck, anything. he'd take you giving that annoyed look when he gives you a compliment over anything else in his life and god damn it why is it so damn hard to convince himself to make a move on you
who would give up the world for you. would scorn his beloved sport, his near celebrity status at school and in town, if it meant you became his. if it meant you'd understand the gravity of what he feels for you. who'd forego the praise from everyone else if only you'd praise him more often, or tell him off, or anything to indicate that you don't just look at him as the snot-faced little boy he was when you first became friends all those years ago
who looks at you with so much sadness in his eyes when he tells you in your first year of university that he's going off to Argentina. who cries hard with you (you both aren't even really sure why you two are crying so hard) as he holds onto you as if you were going to disappear the minute he steps onto the plane. who make you promise that it's still going to be you and him, best friends, as always. that he'll be back as soon as humanly possible. as soon as he's a champion, a winner. who promises himself that when he wins that big, coveted tournament on the international stage, then he'll be good enough to ask you out. to tell you how much he loves you. how it's always ever been you.
oikawa whose heart shatters into a trillion pieces when he checks his phone one practice
who has to excuse himself in fragmented spanish from the court
who can barely choke out the words as he stumbles into the bathroom
whose eyes sting and who curses himself in the mirror when he reads and re-reads and re-reads the words he never wanted to read in his life, not from you, never from you:
"i met someone and i think i'm falling for them"
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agirlcandream84 · 4 months
How Frank Would Comfort You After Scaring The Shit Out of You
Summary: Frank was away for days and you hadn't heard from him for the last 72 hrs. You assume the worst.
To me, this is smut.
Word Count: 1,005 (4 min read)
Warnings: Angsty Frank, guns, insomnia
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At this point you were surprised you were still even functioning with your mind so preoccupied with Frank. Yes, you often knew little about his trips and the only bits you could piece together were often the scattering of wounds across his body when he came home but he had always come home. This time was different. You had lost contact with him at least 3 days ago, the last text from his burner phone just a brief "love you." Frank never went silent for 3 days, no matter the trip.
Anxiety ravaged it's way through you, destroying your appetite and rendering you a forgetful, jumpy mess. Sleeping was a laughable pipe dream, tossing all night and jolting awake with a gust of wind. You, of course, began assuming the worst about him, anguish enough, but you'd also convinced yourself that whoever Frank was after was out to get you next. You were Castle's girl afterall, that had to amount to something or some sort of collateral.
By day 5 you were barely functioning at work and on so little sleep you were seeing hallucinations. Nothing grand or absurd, just little movements out of the corner of your eye, like a bug shimmering and fading. Jumpy at every movement. Heart pounding when a man looked your way a little too long. Despite your deep desperate desire for sleep, your mind couldn't shake the feeling of a threat looming.
That evening you had managed to finally fall fitfully asleep at 3am, only after 15mgs of melatonin, some Nyquill, a weighted blanket laying heavily across your shoulders and one of Frank's guns tucked on the bedside table. He had once taught you how to use it, urging "I mean it sweetheart, you gotta learn this," and you had just followed along, chuckling at the absurd idea that there would ever be a time that Frank wasn't there to protect you.
The single quiet click from the front door opening was enough to jolt you upright in bed, your body moving before your mind barely caught up. Your heart is hammering in your chest so hard that your ears can hear nothing but woosh woosh woosh as your hands scramble for the loaded gun. Your eyes find the clock, 3:47am, but your mind can't make sense of the number. Your mind can't make much sense of anything, clouded with sleep aids and adrenaline, except pure panic.
You manage to find your feet on the floor, the shaking in your hands progressing to your whole body and you make it two steps before crashing into the dresser and sinking to the floor. You hear steps approaching, heavy leaden thunks, and hold the gun out in front of you, shaking so badly you couldn't even hit a cruiseliner if you tried. Your eyes are still struggling to adjust to the darkness, handicapped by the Nyquill and debilitating tiredness, one of those damn imaginary bugs skittering in the corner of your eye.
The knob turns slowly, at least it felt slowly, everything seemed to have the sensation of moving in molasses but also at the speed of light, and the door starts to swing open. You hear the sound of a terrified sob before realizing it was your own, as the hulking shape steps into the door frame.
"Pppplease. Please don't, ppplease. God, please don't" you're mumbling, a prayer or a chant.
"Sweetheart?," says the voice into the room. Your eyes squint to make out the features, gun still pointed into the space between you, shaking violently.
"Sweetheart, it's me," it says again, taking another slow step into the room, crouching to your position on the floor.
"ppppllease, please stop," you mumble, begging your brain to catch up.
Frank lifts his hands, palms towards you for a moment to show he's unarmed and says "Sweetheart, I'm gonna take that gun now ok?" He asks it real slow, soft like he'd ask a kid.
You nod your head in agreement but your hands don't move, the gun still aloft and rattling. He reaches forward slow, his eyes locked on yours, as you feel his calloused hands slip around yours, the gun being pulled slowly from your grip and tucked into his pants.
Your eyes take him, finding the shape familiar.
Your brain catches up and apologies begin tumbling out of your mouth. "S'sorry Frankie. Didn't know it was you. S'sorry. I was so scared," you mumble, your eyes still blown wide in panic and your body still tremoring in fear despite the threat disappearing. The sorrys devolve into heaving sobs almost instantly, wracking their way through you. Choking for air.
"Ssshhh ssshhh sshhh, no honey. Shit sweetheart, I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry," he murmurs as he scoops your form flush to his body, his hand cradling your head as he presses your tear-stained face into his chest. He shushes you as he rocks gently, the sounds muffled by the kisses he's planting on the top of your head.
"Thought you were dead," you choke out, your sobs renewing as you wind your hands into his shirt in fists.
"Things got bad for a minute sweetheart but I'm here. Not gonna leave you," he replies, the quiver in his own voice undeniable. "Hang on to me," he murmurs as he wraps your legs around his waist and stands, his arms pressing you so firmly into his body you nearly lose your breath.
Your body felt like lead in his arms. The moment Frank saw you he knew he'd put you through hell the last five days. The deep purple shadows hugging your eyes. Your form more gaunt than when he left you. The tremors he still felt as he held you to his body.
He sits on the bed and reclines against the headboard, shifting your body to lay across him with your head rested at his shoulder. You don't loosen your grip on his shirt, the adrenaline leaving your whole body tense but your mind so fucking tired.
"Want you to sleep now sweetheart. Can you do that for me?" he rumbles into the top of your head. You shake your head yes, sleep felt like a tidal wave consuming you and everything around you, and murmur, "please stay."
"I'm here. I'm right here," he replies as a lullaby of I'm Sorrys in Frank's arms puts you to sleep.
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lizzieisright · 3 months
omega abs ? 😣
oh my fucking god yes
female alpha!reader x omega!abby
Palestine: what can you do
Summary: Abby is sure she will never meet her dream alpha after what happened with Owen. And then she meets you.
Tags: dead dove: do not eat. a/b/o universe (female alphas have dicks), modern AU, descriptions of smut (heats/ruts), Owen is a piece of shit, reader is a sweetheart. Also I'll always make Ellie and Abby friends because their dynamic cracks me up every time.
Notes: this one is genuinely weird in terms of my writing style. It's 6k long for no reason except that I wanted to see how everything will play out and build some kind of omega!abby lore. Also it was meant as a bullet point thingy like hcs, but then it got too long, so the sentences might sound weird.
If you guys want something specific with omega!abby, reqs are open.
Me: *slaps the title of the fic* this bad boy can fit a whole multichapter in it.
There's one thing Abby knows for certain when she turns 19: she is not a typical omega.
Abby's scent is not too sweet: she smells more like fresh roses than vanilla. All other omegas have more prominent scents, and Abby sees how alphas favour them. She is insecure about her scent, and she is not too prideful to admit she wants alphas to like her. Like any other omega Abby feels pressured by society to look a certain way - and she is already tall, so she starts going to the gym to get fit, to look more attractive, to grow that bubble butt everyone's talking about. She just started university and she wants to be cool.
(Ellie tells her it's all bullshit. Ellie is her biggest supporter and she is the one who growls at other alphas when it's needed. It's hilarious, because Ellie is fucking tiny. "I'm still an alpha, Anderson!" Ellie whines usually and Abby flicks her forehead.)
The gym works: she gets more attractive. Her butt is round, her arms are toned and her shoulders balance her hips, making her waist look thinner. Abby meets Owen and she thinks he is the one. He is the first alpha she spends her heat with. And well, maybe it's not how she imagined it would be, but Abby doesn't complain. After all, perfect alphas only exist in books and movies, not in reality.
(she dreamt about feeling safe and protected with her alpha, feeling loved and taken care of. Owen is all growls and bruises.)
Ellie hates Owen's guts. There's always some sick smell when they're in the same room, and Abby is doing all she can to manage it and make two of the most important alphas in her life like each other. Owen tries to convince Abby that alphas and omegas can't be friends - and it works. Abby stops spending too much time with Ellie, tricked into thinking that Ellie actually has feelings for her. Ellie lets it happen.
(Owen is so much more violent during ruts. Abby knew this too: alphas are ruthless in ruts, but she didn't expect being borderline assaulted. Again, she doesn't complain. She is in love, and Owen knows better.)
Abby keeps going to the gym, and in time her muscles grow and show more. Abby is happy - she put so much work into her body and it shows now! She is so much stronger now, and she doesn't mind that her waist is not so tiny anymore. Abby feels powerful.
Owen, however, gets grumpier with every pound of muscle on Abby's body: he doesn't like it. He doesn't support her when she shows how much progress she made.
Then he starts joking about it. He tells her it makes her look less like omega. That she is almost as big as he is. That people won't be able to tell who is the alpha in their relationship. Abby swallows everything and starts doing more cardio. She wants Owen to be happy. She wants to be his mate one day.
And then one day Abby catches Owen with another omega.
She is small and smells like coconut, she is everything Abby isn't.
Abby wants to die.
Abby calls Ellie for the first time in months, sobbing violently. Ellie picks her up and spends the night soothing Abby, and the next day beating the shit out of Owen. Yes, she is tiny, but alpha strength is alpha strength, and Ellie is furious.
Abby doesn't really recover from this. She thought Owen would be her first and her last, but now her dreams and her self-esteem are in ruins.
Abby blames herself for Owen's cheating. She blames herself for building her body, for not being omegy enough, for having a weak scent, for not being what he wanted. 
So Abby grows distant, believing she has no worth as an omega. She avoids alphas, she doesn't recognize when someone's interested. She doesn't let herself smell other people. The only alpha she still talks to is Ellie, because Ellie is Ellie. Her best goblin friend who doesn't even react to her heats, because she is so used to Abby.
(it actually breaks Abby's heart a little: is her scent so weak it doesn't affect alphas at all?)
Her younger brother, Lev, moves to the city for university when Abby is in her graduation year, and Abby puts her energy into taking care of him. She comes to his place from time to time, bringing food or snacks for him. They have movie nights as well. It makes Abby feel less alone. Less useless.
One day Lev asks her to come to the party with him: it's his first time going to a party and he has no idea what to do, especially since there'd be really cool people who are his seniors and he doesn't want to have an egg on his face. 
"Can you ask Ellie to come as well? Please? I need more cool people on my side."
Abby laughs and makes sure Ellie is going to come. Ellie adores Lev, so she agrees immediately.
This party is on another level, Abby thinks. It's not frat bros and awful alphas like it was when Abby went to parties with Owen. This party looks like all smart and successful people in the uni decided to get piss drunk, and it is as cool as it is hilarious. Abby knows some of them - she waves at Nora and hugs Manny when he sees her: they're only people Abby kept in contact with after breaking up with Owen. They stopped being friends with him the moment they found out what happened.
Lev is very nervous. He clings to Abby's arm and she laughs kindly.
"Hey, relax. You're supposed to have fun."
"Yeah, I know." Lev says, a little irritated, but it makes Abby and Ellie laugh again.
Ellie takes everything in her hands and comes back with three beers, opening them for Lev and Abby. Abby chuckles at her typical alpha behaviour, but doesn't tease her. They share a drink, and Lev is still nervous, so Ellie takes him to the dance floor and he finally relaxes next to his second favourite person and his first favourite alpha.
Or so Abby thinks.
She watches another person come to them, and by the way Ellie tenses Abby guesses it's an alpha. Abby tenses too: the protectiveness kicks in.
But the alpha smiles and hugs Lev like Abby does: like if this alpha was Lev's older sister. They talk for a bit and then Lev points in Abby's direction. The alpha nods and waves at Abby. She waves back, confused.
And then this alpha makes her way to Abby.
Abby is caught off guard: the alpha is hot. She is also friendly judging by the smile and the way she treated Lev, and Abby can’t decide how to behave around her. She is not bitter after what happened with Owen, but she is definitely out of practice of talking with hot alphas.
You watch Lev's sister's face go through a variety of emotions, and it makes you chuckle - you too would be confused. But you want to meet her and make sure she knows Lev is taken care of: he is under your wing. He is a sweet kid, shy one, and you know how nervous he is about everything, so you want him to have this safety net.
"Hi!" You say cheerfully and give your hand for a handshake. You try not to think of how beautiful Lev's sister is, how much her blue eyes hypnotise you. She is fucking adorable, that what she is. 
"Hi?" And her voice is soft too. You blink to clear your mind and tell her your name. You can’t smell her, but you’re pulled to her like a magnet.
"I'm Lev's student guide." Abby nods, not sure if she is okay with an alpha around her baby brother.
"I'm Abby, Lev's sister." You beam at Abby and she feels her stomach flutter. Abby quickly tries to kill the butterflies, but you seem so genuine. She can't smell you when there's so many people around, and maybe it's a good thing.
“Lev gave me your number as an emergency contact, and I just wanted you to know if an unknown number texts you that Lev is puking after doing beer pong, it will be me.” Abby can't help her chuckle: you do sound genuine. Abby feels like you really care about her brother and it makes her feel better. 
Lev and Ellie come back and Abby looks at how Lev's face lights up when you smile at him. Oh no. He has a crush on you. It breaks Abby’s heart: she sees how you treat him like a baby brother, and Abby knows Lev has no chance. She also thinks if she looked like this when she met Owen, all star-struck and hopeful. At least you look like a better person.
Abby also feels how tense Ellie is around you. Another alpha thing, but this one is annoying - Ellie’s protectiveness is borderline territorial, so Abby glares at her. Ellie glares back, but some of the tension goes away.
You ruffle Lev’s hair and ask him to enjoy the party and find you if they need anything. Ellie only fully relaxes when you’re lost in the crowd.
“She is the coolest.” Lev tells them and Ellie huffs. “She always helps me around. Saved my ass a few times as well.”
“Well, kid, I don’t want you to get hurt by her, okay?” Ellie says and Lev blushes. 
“Don’t worry, Ellie. I know nothing will happen.” Lev smiles. “She likes people on her level. Someone like you, Abby.”
Abby’s heart skips a beat in pain. There's no way an alpha like you would like an omega like her. 
Or if there is, then there's something wrong with you and you shouldn't be around her brother. 
“She doesn't seem too bad.” Ellie says almost through her teeth; she is as annoyed at her nature as Abby is, but she tries to have a clear head. “But if she hurts you, I'll kill her.” 
Abby would laugh, but the image of Owen's bloody face and a broken wrist don't let her. It's a good thing he didn't press charges, too humiliated to admit he got his ass kicked for cheating. 
Abby forgets about you until she is getting ready to sleep tonight. She puts her palm under her cheek, blissfully unaware, and takes a breath that is full of your scent. It shakes her, having an alpha scent on her, and Abby can't control herself.
Abby's cheeks burn, her heart picks up speed. Her cunt throbs. 
You smell amazing. It has an edge, like any other alpha’s scent, but it's not suffocating. Well no. It is, but it doesn't feel bad, it makes Abby bury her nose in her palm and take a deep sniff. It makes her feel safe. 
And Abby is terrified. She can't like your scent. It's dangerous, she can't risk herself like this, it's stupid. Lev has a crush on you, for god's sake! And even if she could, you'd never look her way. You're a good alpha and good alphas like pretty, small, sweet smelling omegas. Not Abby. 
She doesn’t know that she also left some of her scent on your palm. She doesn’t know you’ve been smelling it the whole night, addicted to the smell of fresh roses and memory of pretty blue eyes. She doesn't know that you struggle to control your eyes from changing to alpha red the whole time. 
You're ready to claw walls after meeting the prettiest omega of your life that you know is sweet and kind and smart: Lev really can't shut up about his sister. It's fucking eating you alive. 
And you have no idea when you'll meet her again, but then you remember that both of you are in the same university. So you start trying to figure out her schedule. You know she is a med student, so you take a chance at going to the library. 
And you're not wrong: Abby is there, looking miserable as she takes her notes. Your instincts kick in and you try to think of a way to make her feel better, but you get your shit together: it would be creepy. 
So you just walk over and ask to sit next to her. Abby is surprised, but she lets you anyway. 
It's awkward. You both are trying to not inhale too much, but the scents are respectively addictive: you smell her fresh roses and she smells your spice and safety. You want to bury yourself in her neck and mark her, scent her, make her yours, but you push these thoughts away.
“How's Lev doing?” Abby asks, not being able to concentrate anymore. It's even more embarrassing that you both smell of attraction, but it doesn't really mean anything: it was proven to be an instinct thing, therefore not reliable in human society. It just makes everything awkward for everyone.
“He is excellent, honestly. He got interested in charity work and I think he will soon be cleared to volunteer at animal shelters.” 
“Good. Thanks for looking after him. I don't want him to get hurt, you know?” Abby didn't mean to say this, but you catch the meaning of her words anyway. She can smell a faint hurt coming from you, but it's not big enough. 
“I'll do whatever I can to make sure he is safe.” You promise Abby and her attraction grows. You blink, but get back into conversation, trying to find more about Abby. 
Abby is.. reluctant. She is polite, but her answers are short, and you're not an idiot, you can take a hint, so you apologise for taking her time and go. 
Abby watches you go and gets filled with sorrow. You seem so sweet, and it scares her. She can't understand what is your angle and why are you bothered with her. She is sad because she wants you to be bothered with her. She wants you to like her; but Abby's brain doesn't even entertain the idea of it. Plus, Lev is crushing on you, it would be absolutely unfair of her to like you. 
The sour smell of sadness makes Ellie restless when she gets to the library half an hour later for their study session. She looks Abby over and tries to piece together what's wrong. 
“Did something happen?” 
Abby is also reluctant to tell Ellie, but she does it anyway. Ellie frowns the whole time, not pleased with another alpha upsetting her baby. Abby is quick to defend you and say that it's she who is the problem. Ellie kicks her under the table. 
“You are not a problem. It's Owen in your head again! Let go of this asshole. There are better alphas than him, fuck, any decent alpha is better than him. Don't assume shit.” Ellie tells her and Abby nods. 
Abby decides to try. Maybe at least she can make a friend. So the next time you see her in the library, she actually smiles at you. 
You swallow. Hard. Abby is gorgeous. 
So you sit next to her and surprisingly, the conversation flows so much better than the last time. You think she was just super busy back then.
Abby is so fucking oblivious it's not funny. She talks to you like she'd talk to Ellie: she doesn't believe your scent, convinced it's just nature and alphas are like this sometimes, so she is relaxed. You can be friends, she thinks. You're great and smell amazing, so you can be friends. 
You're almost salivating the whole time. Abby is cute as fuck, and she is hot as fuck: she takes her hoodie off and stays in a tight crop top, and you ogle at her arms and shoulders. She is incredible. 
“I know we've just met, but I can't leave without asking. Would you go on a date with me?” 
Abby's scent spikes in surprise, and then anxiety. An awful, sick smell that makes you back off. 
“Oh. Oh, I'm sorry.” You tell her, eager to get rid of this stench, to keep Abby calm and safe. 
“Are you sure?” Abby asks, not really believing her ears. 
“I mean, I really want to get to know you better.” You admit. 
“Lev has a crush on you.” Abby blurts and you laugh kindly. 
“I know. We talked about it with him. I don't let this stuff slide when it happens.” It makes Abby feel a little easier. “But if you're uncomfortable, I totally get it. I'd love to be your friend as well.” 
“...I need to talk to Lev first.” Abby admits, her cheeks feel hot. 
“Of course. Let me know then.” You smile sweetly, your scent is so full of attraction it's hard to find an excuse for it, so Abby just ignores it. 
She smells excited now and you beam. “You’re so pretty.” You blurt before you can stop yourself, but Abby starts to smell so sweetly and her cheeks are rosy now, you feel on cloud nine. 
“Thanks, I guess.” She says, shy, and you nod. You say your goodbyes and leave Abby to study. 
Abby thinks she's gone insane. Or you've gone insane. There's no way you actually asked her on a date. 
But Abby wants to go so much. She didn't admit it, but she was getting lonely, and then suddenly you came along and made her heart beat faster. 
So she gains courage and talks to Lev. He gets sad, but not the sour kind, the faint lavender of regret. 
“I told you she would like you.” Lev smiles and Abby hugs him, trying to comfort him. “She is good, I promise.” 
“I'm sorry, Lev.” 
“Don't be.” Lev chuckles and they spend the evening watching the movie. 
Next day you text Abby to find out if everything worked out and she gives you a positive. You grin like an idiot the whole day and plan the date.
You don't get all romantic on your first date, since you feel like Abby might get anxious, so you two just go to a bar and have a game of pool. 
It's perfect: you both are competitive, you get to see Abby bend down and you get to flirt a lot after a drink. Abby is wearing high waisted jeans and her bubble butt looks amazing in them. You don't know this, but Abby was desperate to make herself look more like an omega, and even if she couldn't hide her shoulders and biceps, she wanted to compensate for it, showing off her butt. 
Abby is oblivious to your hungry eyes when she takes a hit, but you're struggling. Abby is sweet and she smells so fucking good. You're itching to touch her, but you keep yourself in check. So instead you compliment her. A lot. 
Abby is flustered: no one ever talked to her like this. No alpha made it clear to her that they found her this attractive. But you keep your mouth running. “Your shirt looks so good on you.” “Sorry, I can't stop staring at your shoulders. They're very nice.”
Abby laughs at this one and feels more comfortable in her own skin. So she opens up. “My ex didn't like that I work out so much.” She chuckles, and you look at her in mock offence. It makes her laugh. 
“What a fucking idiot. Only cowards don't appreciate muscle mommies.” You scrunch your nose and Abby laughs harder. 
“God, what is this nickname?”
You get flustered and Abby feels all giddy. She didn't expect any alpha to get flustered, especially not because of her. “You know. When girls, especially omegas, build up a lot of muscles? People really dig it.” 
“Do you?” Abby asks, coy, and she sees the red flash in your eyes. It makes her press her thighs together. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I do.” You say and there's a hint of an alpha voice. Abby's chest is going to explode. 
You don't kiss Abby properly tonight, instead opting to kiss her hand: you like her, and you don't want to rush it. Abby gets flustered and you can't help the spike in your scent that makes Abby's cheeks red. 
(No, you don't get off on her scent when you come home.) 
(No, Abby doesn't fuck herself on her fingers when she comes home, burying her nose into her palm where she can catch your scent.) 
You both take it slow. You kiss her for the first time on your third date and Abby folds in your hands while you purr and knead her sides. 
Abby starts spending more time at your place, where you just cuddle and watch something. You start catching her scent all around your apartment, and it's driving you crazy. You want Abby to be yours so desperately, but you make yourself think with your head and not with your dick, so you don't rush.
You're in your class when you get a call from Lev. You don't pick up the first one, but when he calls for the second time, you walk out of the class and take the call. 
Lev is crying. 
Turns out his heat came during his class and now he is scared of going home on his own. Your instincts kick in and you grab your shit at a lighting speed before storming to Lev. You text Abby while you're running, and then your mind shifts into protective mode. 
It's hard being around an omega in heat: it's hard for the both of you. Lev clings to you while you wrap your arm around his shoulders and walk him from campus to his place. You know your eyes are red and you're low-key growling, but you keep comforting Lev. 
“It's okay. I'll get you home, and Abby is going to be here, okay? I'll keep you safe, don't worry. You're doing great, just a little more, can you walk a little more for me?”
Your voice soothes Lev and you make it to his place where Abby is already pacing in worry. 
She takes a look at you and her breath hitches. Your eyes are red and so hungry, Abby feels horny and sorry for you: she doesn't know how much willpower you need to keep your head straight when there's an omega in distress and in heat. 
You both get Lev inside his apartment and you retreat to the kitchen while Abby takes care of Lev. She fusses around, gives him pills and sends him to take a shower. You sit straight, your firsts tight as you watch your girlfriend being all motherly. This mixed with the smell of heat makes you feral. It gets harder to control, especially when Abby stands in front of you, her gorgeous scent in your nose. 
“How are you?” She asks, compassionately. And you grit your teeth. 
“Can you-” You start with a growl and you smell Abby's arousal. “Fuck. Can you come here?” You pat your lap.
The moment Abby sits down you grab her and bury your nose in her neck, your arms are tight around her back. Abby yelps when you press her closer and her scent spikes with arousal, making you growl. 
“I'm not- I'm not going to do anything. I just need a moment.” You growl and Abby swallows. Her arousal tickles your nose and you growl louder, pressing your nose closer to her scent glands.
Abby is so wet in her pants she is afraid she will leak on you, but she can't help it: you're usually so sweet, hiding your nature, and now you're acting so alpha-like, and it does things to her.
“Shit. We can't-” Abby's arousal gets mixed with anxiety and you want to sneeze to get it out of your nose. 
“We're not doing anything. Not like this. I just need a redirection.”  You take a deep inhale full of Abby's scent and you finally settle down. Your voice returns and you feel like you can control your eyes again. You ease your hold on Abby and the anxiety goes away. “Did I scare you?” 
Abby is baffled. It's such a big contrast to how Owen treated her before, she is lost for words. You're worried if you sniffing her scared her while Owen didn't care if he left bruises.
The air gets filled with the smell of fresh bakery - the scent of love and affection - and you almost tremble under Abby in excitement.
“A little. I was worried if you'd stop.”
“I have excellent self-control, baby.” You wink at Abby and she slaps your bicep.
She moves a certain way that makes her pelvis move against yours and you grunt: the scent of Abby's arousal got you half-hard already, and you're kinda sensitive now. 
Abby also feels it. She grows red and you giggle, kissing her cheek. 
“Lev is going to be out of the shower soon, I should go.”
“Okay.” Abby gets up from her seat on your lap and you pout. “Do you want-” Abby shakes her head. It's a stupid idea. 
“Do I want what?”
“Something with my scent?” 
You swallow and nod. Abby stands for a second, thinking, and then just takes her shirt off, letting you see her in a bra. You see her small tits covered by her lacy bra and adjust your pants. She is so fucking hot and this is so not the time, but your cock twitches and gets harder with every second while you stare at the most beautiful omega in your life. 
“You're a fucking menace.” You growl again and kiss Abby with hunger, the rumbling in your chest resonating in hers. Abby goes pliant and kisses you back. 
It takes you two tries to get away from her, but Abby is so delicious it's insane. 
You spend the evening in your apartment, getting off on Abby's shirt, fantasising about her going into heat and how you would take care of her and how good you would make her feel. 
You're together for a few months now when Abby's heat comes. You can smell it on her the day before, when she is all whiny and tired, sleeping for the bigger part of the movie on top of you. Her usual rose scent is getting stronger. 
“Are you close to your heat?” Abby hums in agreement and you swallow, staring at the ceiling. “Okay. I can smell it.” 
“Oh.” Abby is surprised. She doesn't have a very prominent scent so she didn't expect you to notice. “Oh I didn't think you'd smell it.”
“Your scent is my fucking heaven, of course I would.”
Abby blushes. Deeply. And you feel her press her thighs together. It makes your dick twitch. 
“I think it'll start tomorrow.” 
“Do you want me to be with you?” You ask innocently and Abby chuckles. “I mean, we haven't done anything yet and I understand if you want to wait and have normal sex first. Well, if you even want to have se-”
Abby cuts you off with a kiss and you relax. “We can try normal sex now.”
And you do. It's slow and sweet and you both laugh when you bump heads and knees and when you have to fumble around for lube since you're messy, but it's perfect. 
You're not aggressive, but you still growl and claw at Abby's soft thighs, and it's a perfect balance of care and pure animalistic want, and Abby feels wanted. She kinda wants to see your control break. 
And then you dip down between her thighs and Abby yelps and pushes your head away, shy. “You don't have to-”
“I really fucking want to. But if you don't want me to, it's okay. I won't.”
“I've never done it before.” Abby admits, embarrassed. She asked Owen to do it once but he looked weirded out by her ask, so Abby felt ashamed to ask again. You stare at her in shock - a good-natured one - and Abby hides her face. 
You slow down and get on her level again, gently moving her hand away. “Hey, it's cool. I didn't mean to belittle you, I just- you're so pretty and so gorgeous, who wouldn't want to go down on you?” Abby looks at you, so deeply touched by your care she feels her eyes water. She smells of love again and you giggle, burying your nose in her neck. “We don't have to do it.”
“I kinda wanna try.” Abby murmurs, smiling, and you beam at her. 
“I'll go slow, okay? Tell me what feels good and what's not, yeah?”
That's how Abby ends up being eaten out for the first time. She loves the feeling of your mouth on her and how your fingers curl inside her. She loves how your eyes gradually become alpha red the closer she is to cumming. 
She comes down from her high and looks at you, half naked and red-eyed, like a predator you're meant to be, and her cunt throbs. 
Abby rides you until you're a grunting mess under her as she massages your tits and clenches around you. You growl, but you don't grab her or hurt her, just let her have fun, and Abby is so fucking happy. 
“I can't wait to spend my heat with you.” Abby moans and you cum immediately, filling her up. 
This time Abby gets to feel safe and taken care of during her heat as you attend her every whim, every request, from “cum inside me” to “I really want some chocolate ice-cream”. You do everything, and Abby can't be happier. She texts Ellie as much when you're out to get her ice-cream and Ellie just sends vomiting emojis. 
Of course then she tells Abby she is happy for her and that she is going to be a best woman at your wedding. 
Abby doesn't want to admit, it scares her, but she wants to be your mate one day. 
You come back not only with chocolate ice-cream, but with some junk food as well. Abby can't help but to drop to her knees right in the hallway. 
You also help Abby recover after the heat, bringing her snacks and letting her nap every chance you can, and Abby knows she is in love with you. She doesn't even need to tell you: she constantly smells of love and lust around you now, but she decides to do it anyway.
You're balls deep in her while she pinches your nipples and nibbles at your scent glands, making you whimper in her ear. “Fuck, you feel so good around me.”
“I love you.” Abby says sweetly and you shudder on top of her, and Abby feels how your cock twitches when you cum. Abby feels your fangs scraping her scent glands and she cums too, milking you. 
“Fuck, baby, shit! I love you too, I love you so fucking much, shit-” You pant and Abby grins. 
Abby likes making a mess out of you. 
For some insane reason, Abby's excited for your rut. She didn't like spending ruts with Owen, but you're so gentle and patient, Abby is sure she'll be okay. 
Your rut comes after a month after Abby's heat. Abby likes how possessive you get in pre-rut, even though you start growling at Ellie, which doesn't end well with Ellie's explosive temper. You get along well any other time, but the constant stare down irritates Ellie to the point when she tells Abby, “go fuck the crazy out of your alpha, she is so fucking annoying. Yeah, you.” Ellie stares at you while you tug Abby closer on your lap, scenting her. “Oh my god, get a fucking room. I know Abby is like, your Jesus or whatever, but it's too much.”
Abby just giggles and enjoys how your growling changes to purring. Abby turns to you and cradles your face. “My alpha.” She murmurs and Ellie groans.
“I fucking hate you guys.”
“Not our fault you fell in love with another alpha, Ellie.” You chuckle. 
“Fuck off.” She growls and two if you laugh. 
Abby stays at your place and you get to fall asleep with her in your arms.
On the next day you wake up with a heavy head. You're already hard and Abby is right there, soft and sleeping. You think about how her wet hot pussy feels around your cock and your pheromones spike up so high Abby wakes up. 
She can tell right away that you're in rut. Your scent is suffocating. It's not soft, safe suffocating scent that Abby likes, it's the one that gets stuck in her nose and makes her cunt clench around nothing. She wants nothing more than to get on her fours and present herself for you - this is how much power you have over her. 
“My rut-”
“Yes, I-”
“If you don't want to be here, I think I can hold off for 10 minutes and let you leave.” You growl and it only turns Abby on. 
So she does what she wants - she gets on her knees, her cunt right in front of your face, and arches her back. 
“Knot me, baby.” 
All your restraints break. You're rough and you make Abby take everything: if she is not cumming on your cock, she is cumming on your fingers as you fuck your cum back into her, or she is sitting on your face. Abby struggles to keep up with you, since she is not in heat, but she can't wait to take your knot, and she tells you as much. You growl and fuck her harder, feeling your release building up. Abby is so pretty under you, covered in marks, her tits red from your mouth. She spreads her legs and you pin her thighs by her sides, watching your cock disappear in her pretty little pussy. You finally push your knot into Abby and she whimpers, tries to adjust to your size, but you rub her clit and she clamps on you.
“Mine. My omega. My girl.” You growl loudly while Abby clenches around your knot, thrashing on the bed. It's too much pleasure and she knows you're far from done.
And Abby is right. You make her cum on your knot four other times, and only after she makes you cum again - which means she cums st least three times more - you give her a break. You're still sweet, but now it's possessive sweetness. You don't let her do anything, bathing and feeding her, but she is so exhausted she doesn't even notice. 
“I wanna nap.” Abby tells you when she is snuggled against your chest. It's a small break before you would get horny again. 
“You should. You did so well.” Abby giggles and nuzzles your neck. 
“Don't wait if you get horny again. It would be a nice way to wake up.”
“I fucking love you.”
“You better. You're my alpha. It's a requirement.”
“You call me your alpha again and you're not napping, babe. Go the fuck to sleep.” You kiss her forehead and Abby laughs.
Abby doesn't know if it's luck or destiny, but this time she is sure: you are the one for her.
(and she is right.)
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weebsinstash · 7 months
When I say with my entire being in my heart of hearts that I know with certainty that this-this-this THING right here would do the absolute most unbelievable petty gross obsessive dahmer level shit to you
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He's petty he's evil he's got a childlike fascination for seeing what breaks people down and I hate him I hate him I hate him but ALSO what that dick do tho? 🤔
Mahito is the yandere over here doing shit like imprisoning you for his own selfishness and perhaps genuine affection but making you live in absolute deplorable conditions because He's Not Fucking Human And He Doesn't Even Know How To Feed You. He locks you away and disappears for an entire day and comes back with like a single can of wet dog food that he watches you eat from a squatting position like 5 inches away looking at you like Harley Quinn and the egg sandwich. Motherfucker would take all your clothes because he wants to see more of "the natural shape of you" and then doesn't understand why you start shivering. Or he deliberately keeps you like that because he wants to see how long it takes you to crack and beg him for help. He wants to see the depths of your pride as you refuse to grovel, curious of the lengths you'll go, the limits of your body against the chill
This depraved fuck will do dehumanizing little emotional experiments on you where he does shit just because he wants to see how you think and feel and what you'll do and I mean like he'll do SOME REAL SHIT. I'm talking maybe he's stalking you and you can't fight or use cursed techniques and you think he's just like, a human shaped spirit or something who's just a trickster, he's not being violent or getting you alone or anything yet, and then you come home to your apartment one day and he's literally disemboweled your cat on your coffee table and he's playing with pieces of it and says you were giving it more attention than him and sits there pouting as you scream and even tries to like touch you or hold your hand or hug you with. The fucking blood covered hands. like he would be so fucked up on purpose, "awww do you need me to hold you? You're so sensitive but i dont mind :3"
This man out here like "wdym you want me to stay away from you, all I did was kill your cat kill your mom kill your neighbor kill your best friend kill your boss' cousins' landlords' newborn baby BUT WAS THAT REALLY SO BAD 🥺" and does something infinitely worse to scare/coerce you into tolerating his presence
I'm not really uh into body horror or gore but as a side detail I feel like. Uh. There's like a legitimate risk of him actually unintentionally REALLY hurting you and has to use his powers to heal you. Like the one good thing he does is if he were to have you on death's door or like horribly injured he could just. Fix it. He twists a limb in a way he doesn't know it's not supposed to go and breaks it and then puts you back together like a broken toy while ooo'ing and aaa'ing at the way your skin stretches over the grotesque misalignment. Dare I say the horror of "him putting things that are way too big or weirdly shaped in you" also yeah he's one of the things he's putting in you and he's got a really gross like fascination with learning all about that stuff
He's really living just to see how many different ways he can make you cry and how many different emotions he can get you to display, just absolutely dedicated to terrorizing you while also chasing his own internal weird repressed desire for his own sort of belonging. You could be sitting there sobbing and he's either borderline getting off on it or he's standing there MAKING FUN OF YOUR CRIES like deadass even fake crying back to you
And the worst part is he'll do all this fucking shit to you and then the night comes and he'll still be over here like "and you'll let me cuddle you while you sleep right? 👉👈" and he'll be doing that Every. Single. Night. And what are you gonna do, try and kill yourself? Have fun risking accidentally making yourself a Curse and being stuck with him basically FOREVER
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dancingbirdie · 9 months
hi! can I request Astarion x Tav where Tav is crying (same innocent type Tav from your last fic) and Astarion has to comfort them? (like after his confession scene in act 2 but before his final quest please?) tysm for your time!
Ask and you shall receive, my dear anon! Although a word of warning: this fic has a lot of fluff and a whole lot of angst. Also damn I really explored some of my own shit in this fic and am feeling very vulnerable but also very good. PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE WARNINGS/TAGS BEFORE READING <3
If I could nominate a song that inspired this writing, it would be "When The Lights Go Out" by Gabrielle Aplin.
The Dark Sun
Word Count: 1.6K
Rating: Teen
Warnings/Tags: Mentions of death, grief/trauma response to death of loved ones, mentions of blood, emotional pain, hurt & comfort, FLUFF, ANGST, non-sexual comfort, Astarion x GN!Tav, Minor Act 2 spoilers.
None of the others had ever seen Tav like this. They weren’t about to let anyone see them in this state now. After all, Tav was the sunshine of their party. Sunshine had one job; it was in its very name. 
It isn’t true. It isn’t! Get away from me. Go!
Sitting in their tent, as far away from the other party members as safely possible, Tav was powerless to stop the replaying of Arabella’s words over, and over, and over, in their mind. They saw in their mind’s eye the maelstrom of emotions that had played across the young tiefling’s face when Tav gently broke the news that her mother and father had been killed. Shock. Anguish. Disbelief. Rage. Despair. Resentment.
Tav knew those feelings well. They had felt them before. They still felt the echoes of them, even now, so many years after the death of their own parents. Tav had been so like Arabella in their youth. They had recognized a kinship with the tiefling as soon as they met her in the Emerald Grove. To be the one who ushered in those emotions for someone so young and so full of unbridled joy - it was a cruel irony. To be that bearer of such unspeakable news, to a mere child. 
Though Tav knew that time would eventually take the immediate sting from this news, they also knew from their own experience that Arabella would forever be scarred. Even before she was aware, the world had been violently reforming beneath her feet. Life would never be as it once was. And the knowledge that they would forever be intertwined with Arabella’s memory of losing her parents, even if those deaths had not come at their hands, felt like opening the fissure in their heart all over again and injecting acid throughout its crevices. 
The reality of it all had Tav doubled over, sobbing into their hands in a feeble attempt at hiding their pain from the rest of the camp. None of the others had ever seen Tav like this. They weren’t about to let anyone see them in this state now. After all, Tav was the sunshine of their party. Sunshine had one job; it was in its very name. 
Most of the time, Tav didn’t mind being that cheery glue that held people together. It was a role that was helpful to others, and they had performed it very well throughout their life. It also had the added benefit of distracting Tav from hosts of problems that were better left in the far corners of their mind. Seeing them like this, in this state of despair? It would topple the whole façade. And given where they were, in a bleak forest of darkness, fumbling through perpetual night, Tav knew the party needed sunshine more than ever before if they had any prayer of making it through this area alive.
So, no, Tav resolved to work through this pain in solitude. They had done so before. They could do it again. 
The Shadow-Cursed Lands were not exactly an Eden for animals that could quell Astarion’s thirst. Most of the beasts were either blighted or dead. Given this, Astarion had purchased an ox and some boar from the Harpers at the Last Light Inn for the express purpose of draining their blood and storing it in vials he could consume along the way. Gale had come up with a handy little spell to keep the containers cool and prevent the blood from spoiling. He estimated that those reserves, coupled with Tav’s generosity of allowing him to feed off them, would be enough to keep him stable for several more days. 
He heard the sound as he was exiting his tent to retrieve a vial of ox blood from the camp supplies. 
Muffled choking sounds. Someone was…crying? He piqued his ears, concentrating to locate the direction from which they came. 
Tav’s tent. He was sure of it. 
Pitched as far away from the others as possible, Astarion had thought it odd earlier in the evening that Tav had positioned themselves so far away from everyone, including himself. Normally, they rested at the dead center of the camp, where they could easily chatter and joke with the rest of the party. But, given his own proclivity for solitude, he hadn’t pondered it further, assuming Tav had just needed some quality time to themselves. 
Hearing their quiet sobs now, in the middle of the night, Astarion could have kicked himself for not realizing sooner that something was wrong. 
Though he had confessed his feelings several days ago and found them wholeheartedly reciprocated, his new… status… with Tav felt like learning a new language. A language with an alphabet wholly different than anything he had ever known. He certainly wasn’t fluent yet. He wasn’t even sure if his ability to… speak it, per se… was passable. But, if for nothing else, he was grateful to Tav for their patience and understanding as he navigated this entirely foreign situation. They never asked for anything more than he was willing to give, and that empathy continued to compel him to try. For himself. For Tav. For their future prospects. 
Of course, knowing all of this made Astarion feel all the more worse for failing to intuit Tav’s emotional state. They were not exactly a closed book. Had he not have fallen back on old ways of thinking and processing people’s behavior, he likely could have recognized the signs of Tav’s distress. But 200 years of habits and mindset was hard to break. He could hear Tav’s voice in his head, gently reminding him to be patient with himself, to afford himself grace. 
They were always giving him the space to be vulnerable. This time, he wanted to try providing them with the same assurance. 
Astarion quietly padded over to Tav’s tent and cleared his throat in a somewhat awkward attempt at announcing his presence. 
Immediately, the sobbing ceased. “Um, just a moment!” came Tav’s watery reply. 
Astarion listened carefully to Tav’s quiet sniffles and movements about the tent. He assumed they were quickly trying to right themselves, slip that cheery mask they wore so well back on. The thought broke his heart. 
“Tav, darling, can I come in?” he asked softly so that their fellow party members would not be able to hear. 
“Oh sure, are you thirsty? I was just lying down… resting,” Tav added lamely before finally poking their head out from between the tent flaps. They gave him a tiny smile, a weak attempt at normalcy, before pulling back and making room for him to enter.
Astarion seated himself across from Tav, who began rearranging their pillows and preparing for what they assumed to be another feeding session. He took in their ruddy cheeks, their tearstained eyes, swollen from crying so much. Tentatively, the movement still so foreign but becoming more familiar, he reached out a hand to cup their cheek. 
Tav stilled at his touch, sucking in a breath. He watched as tears began welling in their eyes.
“Darling, you don’t need to hide your pain from me,” he gently intoned. 
Tav gave a breathless laugh, traitorous tears leaking down their face. 
“I didn’t want any of you to see me like this. Especially you,” they warbled, sniffling. 
“And why ever not?”
“I’m ‘Tav The Sunshine,’ remember?” they said with a self-deprecating grin. “The sun only ever shines on us. That’s its job.”
“But the sun isn’t always shining,” Astarion reminded them softly. “Times of darkness are allowed.”
Tav released a quiet sob. “I don’t… w-want you to see that darkness. It’s too much… I… I can’t-”
Seeing Tav fall apart before his eyes, so broken and disconsolate, the urge to take them in his arms felt like second nature. Not a foreign language at all, not a struggle to initiate a touch. Astarion couldn’t explain it; his subconscious had known how to respond and barreled through all those years of self-loathing, manipulation, and disgust to reach out for Tav. Quick as a flash but so very gently, he pulled them into an embrace, maneuvering them so they sat cradled in his lap, their arms wrapped around shoulders. 
“My sweet, sweet Tav,” Astarion crooned as they cried into his shoulder, tears quickly dampening his nightshirt. He raised one hand to push back the locks obscuring their face and softly caressed their cheek. 
“I want to tell you something,” he continued. “And I want you to truly listen... I’ve walked in darkness for over 200 years. Mostly alone. Committing depraved acts against others in the service of a master who sees me as nothing more than a means to an end… There is nothing - nothing - in your darkness that could scare me away. I swear it.”
Tav raised their head to look at him. Slowly - as one would approach a wild animal - they raised their hand and kept it hovering right beside Astarion’s face. 
That Tav would still be thinking of his comfort, even in their abject sadness, unleashed a powerful wave of… some strong emotion in him. 
Is that love? Is that what it feels like? He thought. 
He couldn’t be sure. It was unlike anything he had ever felt before. 
Acknowledging their silent request for consent, Astarion pushed his cheek into their hand. He turned his face for a moment to kiss their palm. He felt Tav shudder in his arms. 
“You’ve already borne so much sorrow in your long life, Astarion,” they whispered. “You deserve lightness and levity from your partner.”
“And you have given me that every day since we met, darling,” he returned, carding his fingers through Tav’s hair. “But we also agreed to share something real between us. That isn’t possible if you hide a part of yourself away. You deserve space for light and darkness inside yourself, Tav.”
They sat in silence for some time, Astarion allowing Tav to empty their tears onto his chest, until they were finally calmed. 
“You’re right. I’m sorry,” Tav finally sniffled.
“Shh, shh. There’s no space for apologies here, love. But, there is space to share your pain. And I’ll carry it with you, as you do for me,” Astarion promised. 
And in that quiet night, in the heart of the Shadow-Cursed Lands, Tav opened their darkness to Astarion. 
And he was not afraid.
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mrsdarkandyandere7 · 1 year
Daddy's Girl
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Pairing: Dark Tangerine x (female) Reader
▶ This is a yandere/dark work and it may contain triggering content so please READ THE WARNINGS before. Do not read if minor.
More at Masterlist
SUMMARY: Tangerine can’t stand his little girl’s tears, especially when you’re the reason behind them.
WARNING: Forced/Abusive Marriage; Implied Kidnapping context; NONCON. 
AN: Please, reblog and give me feedback.
Make sure to imagine that lovely British accent of his, hehe. Also I wanted to wait a bit before posting this, but I wanna share this so bad :) enjoy!
The loud noise from the television travels to the kitchen, muffling down the sounds of the knife violently cutting down a carrot. Tangerine has a tight grip on the knife, a pissed off scowl on his face as he spits an unhealthy amount of curses. 
He’s so caught up that he misses the small quiet steps that run towards the kitchen and it’s only when there is a hesitant tug on his sleeve that he looks down, finding a small female miniature of himself, standing in her tippy toes in front of him as she raises her arms, her brown curls bouncing. 
He smiles at her, immediately picking her up, pushing the knife far away. Delighted giggles fill the kitchen as he tickles her. 
“What you doin’ here, princess? Are you hungry, sweetheart, cause lunch ain’t ready yet.” he kisses her cheek, his eyes glinting with pure amazement as he looks at Claire. 
His little angel. 
Claire’s laughter slowly dies down and she plays with the rings on his fingers. Her lip wobbles and when she finally looks at him, her eyes shinny with tears. 
It breaks Tangerine’s heart to see her like that and he wants nothing but to slap the shit out of you for making your babygirl cry. 
“I… I miss mommy.” her voice breaks as she starts crying. Tangerine sighs, hole burning in his chest as he gently pushes her head to his shoulder, rocking her in an attempt to calm her down. His hand rubs her back, her small body shaking as she sobs.
“Daddy, I want m-mommy.” she begs. 
“I know, sweetheart, I know. But mommy still needs some time.” he tries to console her but to no avail. 
Claire cries for what seems like forever and when she finally calms down, Tangerine's shirt is soaking wet, the lunch long forgotten. 
It takes several deep breaths for him to calm down and although he wants to go see you so badly, he puts Claire to sleep first.
He tucks her into her pink bed, placing her favorite teddy bear next to her. A peaceful expression rests on her face, exhausted from all the crying and Tangerine kisses her forehead before leaving the room.
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“She fuckin’ cried herself to sleep.” Tangerine shouts to your face, your scalp stinging as his grip on your hair tightens.
“Do y’fuckin understand that? She fuckin’ cried because of you. Cause you’re a fuckin’ shitty mother, that’s what you are.”
Thick tears fall down from your red eyes and you stumble back when he releases your hair, falling back as you trip on the heavy chain attached to your ankle. 
You fall butt-down, pain alastrating on your back but it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t even compare to the deep ache in your heart.
You also miss her. So much. It hurts that you haven’t seen your daughter in a week, kept in the basement as Tangerine lies about you being sick.  
“All she kept saying was how much she missed you. That she wanted you to feel better so she could finally see you. Fuck!”
“I…I’m so sorry.” you cry out. Tangerine only glares at you, nostrils flaring up. 
“This is all your fuckin’ fault. You just had to act smart, didn’t ya? Fucking’ hell.” his hand meets the wall with a loud bang and you wince, burying your face in your hands, frightened.
You’ve never seen him this angry before. Not even at the few times you tried to run away years ago. For once you’re actually glad that the basement is sound-proofed so that Claire doesn’t have to witness any of this. 
You messed up. Baldly. You should have known better than to plan an escape from Tangerine. 
But you were exhausted. Deeply tired of playing house with Tangerine. As much as you love your daughter but you want a better life. For yourself. For your sweet daughter. As much as you smile and laugh, pretending to be happy and in love with Tangerine for the sake of your daughter, you had reached your breaking point. 
“You're a selfish little’ bitch, only thinking ‘bout saving your own ass.” he snarls. 
You shake your head, desperate. 
“No! That’s not- She’s my daughter too.” 
Tangerine stares at you for what it seems forever and you hold your breath, watching him with a runny nose that you struggle to wipe with the back of your hand.
His hands on his hips as he considers you, neck veins bulging. He runs a hand through his hair, visibly frustrated as he exhales heavily.
“If you really love her, you gonna fuckin’ behave from now on. And I fuckin’ mean it. No more fuck up’s.” he warns you. 
Blinking away the tears, you nervously nod as he slowly walks towards you before stopping in front of you.
“Ya mean it, right? Then fuckin’ prove it cause you’re not leavin’ this basement without provin’ me that you can do better.” 
Confusion fills you until you see the look on Tangerine’s eyes. With shaky hands, you reach for his belt but he moves your hand towards his shirt and your heart drops. 
Not this. 
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It’s uncomfortable, to say the least. You’re barely wet enough yet uncomfortably stretched by your husband’s cock as he slowly thrusts into you.
Given how angry he was, you were expecting him to fully rail you so you were surprised as he went at a slow, calm pace. Good for you.
His head is buried in your neck, low groans coming from him. It’s feel like an eternity as he fucks you gentle and deep till you lose track of time.
You suddenly hiss when his cock rams deep inside you, the thin old mattress softly squeaking under your combined weights. 
He pulls himself on his forearms, facing you as he starts to speed up, quickly slamming his hips forwards with a renewed force and you cry out, hands bawling the sheets. 
“S’ fucking’ tight, darling.” he husked, his sweaty curls falling to your face as he presses your foreheads together. “Gonn’ cum soon, fuck.”
His breathing halts as he fucks you vigorously, urgency in his thrusts. He doesn’t last longer, your velvety walls tightly squeezing his cock just the right way for him to approach his orgasm.
“Fuck, oh, fuck.” with a final harsh thrust, his body tenses up before finally relaxing. Tangerine releases a loud grunt, reaching his high while being balls deep inside you, his hands coming to grab your face as he connects your lips into a needy kiss, the bitter taste of cigarettes on him. 
When he lets you go, you release a shaky breath, feeling gross and violated with his cum beginning to leak. 
His nose touches yours, skin shiny with sweat and his blue eyes half-closed as he exhales, the warm breath hitting your face. He doesn’t seem that angry anymore, men really think with their dicks. 
“That was fuckin’ nice.” he smiles, his knuckles sweetly fawning over your cheek. “Maybe we should consider giving Claire a sibling. I think she’d love a baby brother.”
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"you act like you just saw a Ghost."
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"all your games, all your lies"
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synopsis// satoru gojo is horrible at pranks.
pairing// satoru gojo x gn! reader
word count// 1.3k
contents// the prank in question is playing dead, maybe borderline hurt/comfort?, angst maybe but regardless there's a happy ending?
notes// this is how im coping. gege is just punking us that's all. i also just thought this was such a stupid oneshot idea i love it i think im such a fucking comedian for this. but this is kinda (very) half-assed... anywho it was inspired by the song ghost by fefe dobson (dont play with me rn.)
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"Satoru, I'm home!” 
When you get no response, you find yourself gazing about your eerily empty home. You hum to yourself. Odd. Satoru usually greets you right at the door.
“Satoru?” You call out again, trying to ignore how your anxiety rises as you slowly enter your bedroom.
Red immediately floods your vision; it’s everywhere. It’s on the walls, it’s on the bedsheets, it’s on the floor—there’s practically no place left untouched by the liquid. You swallow harshly and make a point to not step into the liquid that seems a little too similar to blood for comfort, albeit the task is to no avail because it's everywhere.
Your voice dies in your throat the minute you see him on the ground. Satoru is laying there lifeless, covered in blood. There's no rise or fall of his chest, only an empty, vacant stare in his glossed-over eyes. You freeze. For far longer than you should have.
This isn't real.
This can't be.
There's no way Satoru is laying here dead, in a puddle of his own blood. You inhale harshly, not even aware you were holding your breath in the first place, as you drop down to your knees and crawl the rest of your way toward him, oblivious to the fact that you're now coated in just as much blood as he is. The moment you're by his side, It all hits you at once. Holy shit, Satoru is laying here in a puddle of his fucking blood. You hesitantly shake him.
You wait a second to see if he’ll say anything or do anything—even a twitch of his fingers would suffice, but nothing.
"Satoru, please,” you say, desperation flooding your voice as you shake him harder.
When nothing happens again, you shake him once more, but this time you don't stop. You simply keep shaking him, hoping that if you shake him hard enough, he’ll do something to prove he’s still alive.
"Satoru, this isn't funny." Your breathing is labored as panic fully seeps into your veins. "Satoru, wake the fuck up!” You slap his face, only for his head to merely loll to the side.
And that was the last straw. Suddenly you're thrown into a sob so violent it racks your whole body, shaking as you can do nothing but rest your head on his chest and sob for him to wake up, to stop messing around because this isn't funny, to just please wake up, yet he doesn't. You don't notice how his chest is starting to contract; you're sobbing so hard that you think it's just you who’s making him move, when suddenly a loud choke of laughter rings in your ears. You sit up immediately, still ugly-crying as you look down at Satoru, who is currently finding something absolutely hilarious.
Oh, you’ve lost it.
You’ve actually lost it; here you are hallucinating that your dead boyfriend is laughing.
Satoru wipes imaginary tears from his eyes. “Oh my god,” he says between laughs, “you should’ve seen your face!”
You blink at him, tears still freely flowing, as you lean back down and place your head against his chest.
“Whatcha doing?” 
“Shut the fuck up.” 
Satoru goes stiff but does as he’s told, and when you can hear his heart beating rhythmically, thumping perfectly fine as all hearts should, you grow cold, like maybe you’re the one who was actually dead a few seconds ago. You sit back up.
“Gonna tell me what you were doing now or-“
His sentence is interrupted by you abruptly standing up and screeching in a fit of anger, or maybe more so, betrayal, “You fucking asshole!”
Satoru, clearly taken aback, scrambles to stand up along with you, holding his hands out in front of him placatingly. "Woah, woah, babe, calm down-"
“Calm down?” You snap, staring at him with an animosity he’s never seen from you before. "Don't tell me to calm down when I thought you were just fucking dead!”
He sheepishly glances down at the fake blood-covered floor. “It was just a prank..."
“Fuck you!” And you snap, thrown head first into another sobbing fit, wrapping your arms around yourself in a pitiful attempt to comfort yourself while you babble incoherently: "I don't—I can't."
Satoru’s heart breaks right inside his chest, and he doesn’t think he’s ever regretted anything more than his stupid idotic antics right now. He can't bear to see you like this; this might actually kill him. He can't take it. He can't take knowing that he’s the entire reason you're in this state in the first place. He takes a step closer, opening his arms up to hug you, and you flinch away from him the moment you notice.
"Don't touch me, Satoru.”
Satoru frowns, ignoring the tears stinging his eyes and the burning sensation of rejection that encompasses him whole. He thinks—no, he knows—that whatever he could say right now wouldn't help, but maybe giving you some space will, so he steps back and clears his throat. "I'm gonna go shower.”
You sniffle and turn away from him, brusquely waving him off. “Do whatever you want."
Satoru walks out of the bathroom with one towel in hand, drying his hair, and finds you sitting on the edge of the bed. He can’t help but notice the new sheets laid out and how the room is squeaky clean, quickly realizing you were left with the unfortunate task of cleaning up the last remaining remnants of his prank as he showered. You finally notice him in the doorway, but you hardly even spare him a glance.
“Are you still mad at me?” he asks as he makes his way toward you, tossing the towel on the floor before taking a seat next to you.
“You’re an asshole.”
"I know, I'm sorry,” he mumbles as he subtly scoots in closer toward you, and when you don’t bother moving away, he draws you into his arms, your back to his chest as he places his head on your shoulder. "I just wanted to play a prank on you.”
You stay stiff, refusing the innate need to melt into him. “You’re horrible at pranks.”
He buries his face in the crook of your neck and mumbles, "I know that now.”
You hum curtly, ignoring the shivers down your spine—though your resolve is very quickly turning nonexistent, you’ve never been anything but putty in his hands.
Satoru places chaste kisses against your neck, murmuring, “How long are you gonna torture me for?”
“Till you've thought about your actions.”
He pulls away from you and twists your body around so that you’re face-to-face. “I have! I thought about them the whole time in the shower.” He leans in and nudges his nose with yours, whispering, "I'm sorry.”
You stare at him blankly for a moment before sighing, your entire body sagging in relief as you finally give in to your desires and close the distance between you two. Satoru, overjoyed with the fact you’re kissing him, can’t help but return the favor with vigor. Each kiss is followed by him mumbling, "I'm sorry," and it goes on for god knows how long—though you don’t really care, you just care that he is alive, that he is kissing you, that he is here, and it was just a very poor, poor prank that hopefully he’ll never do again—no, a prank you’ll make sure he never does again. You take back the initiative and kiss him deeply, taking his bottom lip between your teeth that has a whine escaping Satoru’s mouth before it transforms into a full-on wince of pain from you biting him.
He pulls away abruptly, his fingers darting up to cradle his bottom lip. “Ow! What the hell was that for?”
You stare up at him innocently, even going as far as tilting your head to the side like you’ve done nothing wrong at all—though your facade is quickly shattered when you lean back in and Satoru instinctively leans back, but you grab him by the back of his neck, forcing his head in place harshly, whispering through a menacing smile, “If you ever pull something like that again, Satoru Gojo, I will personally make sure that you die by my hands.”
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igotanidea · 11 months
Walk down memory lane : AK!Jason Todd x fem!reader
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Warnings: mention of self harm and suicidal thoughts.
You can find other AK!stories on point 4 here: Jason Todd masterlist
She was just so tired.
Tired of fighting, of keeping up that fucking hope, of carrying the excessive weight on her shoulders.
She just couldn’t anymore .
Maybe it was time to finally accept that Jason didn’t care about her. That he would never care again. Not in the same way he used to before all this shit hit them. Before Joker, Harley, Arkham…
But she still needed, wanted, craved his love.
But how long can a girl be strong and live in a delusion?
And for the first time in a year she started crying.
What Harley could not achieve, happened because of a boy. No amount of torture and mind games and tricks she was subject to in Arkham, not once broke her. But the indifference and cold treatment from her former boyfriend, the one who she still loved got her on her knees, sobbing and shaking on the bed in her little, cold Asylum cell.
He was right. She was completely alone, no one was coming to help her, safe her from that void that finally found a way straight to her heart. Nothing more than a playtoy, unlovable, weak, pathetic, developing a heavy case of Stockholm syndrome.
Poor girl hugged herself in a foul attempt to calm down, but it was for nothing. Tears were falling freely down her cheeks, turning her into a puddle of emotions she couldn’t hold back. It was like the old wound and the feeling of being used opened and uncovered all the layers she cut off before.
Some people call it trauma, but she couldn’t care less about the terminology.
Maybe it would be better to just end her own life right now just so she wouldn’t have to suffer through another day of such lousy existence. It was Arkham, she was pretty sure she would find something to help her execute her plan.
On shaking legs she stood up from the bed, moving towards the bathroom. The mirror that Jason broke violently after their last encounter was still not fixed and the sharp pieces of glass poked on every side.
Gathering all the strength she had left, she reached towards the splinter and pointed it towards her wrist, assessing the “best” place to cut……
She woke up feeling sore and in tremendous amount of pain like never before. Both of her wrists were patched up with the clean bandages and she wasn’t even in her own sweatbox. Honestly, she couldn’t for the love of God recognise the place where she was, until the familiar, slightly muffled voice threw her off her confused state and brought back to reality.
“WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING?!” Jason hissed with unconcealed anger and she shivered. “WHAT WERE YOU TRYING TO DO!?” in a blink of an eye he was right next to her, grabbing her chin and forcing her eyes up.  
She was just completely silent, the tight grip of his fingers on her puffy, hurting cheeks causing a few more tears to flow down her eyes.
“I’m sorry…..” she whispered, slightly panicking. He was never supposed to find her, let alone to save her. And why did he? Was it only because he needed her for release in the future? “I’m sorry…..” her whole body shook violently.
“Y/N…….” her name in his mouth sounded almost sweet and the touch got far more gentle, sudden change in behaviour making her freeze. What was going on?
“I……” her mouth fell agape and it was impossible to say a word.
“Did you forget what I told you last time? You’re mine. You can’t just go and decide to hurt yourself this way. I cannot allow it.”
“Why?” she sobbed “it’s not like you care. I am just a reminder of the past, of all those lies you were fed by Batman and your family. Of someone you once were and could never be again.”
“Stop it!”
“Please, please, just let me go. Just let me finish it, please.” Her desperation and panic attack coming out in waves in the form of the aggressive tugging on the dressing, trying to reopen the stitched wounds and cuts. “I’ll do it myself. You won’t even have to lift a finger.”
“Stop it!’
“You can even watch it, I know you’ll enjoy the show. You wanted a show, didn’t you?”
“FOR FUCK’S SAKE STOP IT!” finally he managed to get a hold of her hands, pinning them down to her sides, precluding her from moving, even though she still struggled against his hold.  “Is that what you think of me? That I will enjoy that?”  she nodded shakily “fuck!”
“I’m sorry…..” she whimpered again. She was still here and he was now mad which could only equal to another punishment. And this time it was not going to be intimate. He could really hurt her at any time.
“Baby…..” he whispered, almost without thinking, closing his eyes “princess.”
“Wha….. what did you say?” her eyes grew wide. Did he really use those words or was it just an imagination?
Jason was completely inside his head now, memories flooding his brain like a fucking Niagara. He remembered the past. The moment, when while still being Robin, someone came after her, attacking her and almost eliminating her from the equation. He recalled the hours spend in the medical bay, watching her pale face and the heart rate monitor, praying to whatever entity was up there to bring her back to him. All those little heart attacks caused each time she took a sharp exhale. Falling asleep next to her bed, holding and caressing her cold hand, whispering pleas and promises to keep her safe in the future if she just woke up. Brushing up on how he felt when she finally opened her e/c eyes, looking at him with so much love and concern, asking if he was all right.
He remembered how she cared about him…..  And how he cared about her.
“Ja…. Jace?” she swallowed the lump in her throat, taking the risk to use his nickname, ready for another anger fit, but instead she met his honest gaze, so different from the one she was used to in his Arkham Knight version.
“Don’t ever do this again.” He gasped, brushing her cheek, putting a strand of hair behind her ear “you hear me?  Ever.”
“Jason?” he bottom lip trembled because of that sudden display of emotion from his part.
“Ever.” He emphasised.  “I don’t want to see you in pain.”
“Anyone who hurt you deserve a punishment and that applies to you hurting yourself. Is that clear?”
“Anyone, but you?” she blurt without thinking and immediately covered her mouth in fear of the words that came out her mouth.
Jason tensed a bit, his muscles flexing but he didn’t move.
“Get some rest. Need you recovered soon. Big plans for you.” He just said and with one final look into her eyes left the room, leaving her completely speechless.
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tinydefector · 2 months
Other characters' reactions to Megatron in a romantic relationship with human liaison reader.
Question's and Quiries
Megatron x human reader
Warnings: non
Word count: 1.6K
Request and ask open read pinned post.
Megatron masterlist
Many aboard the Lost Light would be shocked and concerned to discover Megatron in a secret relationship with the human ambassador for the ship. As Ex leader of the Decepticons, whose sole purpose has been conquest and destruction, becoming emotionally attached to an organic seemed unfathomable to many of the bots.
Word of the unlikely pairing would spread quickly through the vessel's corridors and hab suites. Many Autobots who suffered under Megatron's tyranny for vorns would recoil in disbelief and distrust, and even other bots more worried about the human, were they in a decent state of mind, were they being threatened?. Even neutral crew members found it difficult to accept. Had their captain truly changed after all this time? Or had he simply developed a new, disturbing method of manipulation? Either way, keeping the ambassador closely aligned posed serious risks. 
Rodimus was the first to hear rumours among the crew of the Lost Light that Megatron had taken a human ambassador aboard as something more than a diplomatic liaison. He had heard it from Swerve who had apparently heard Megatron drunkenly confess he adored them, loved them even. 
"Megatron? In a relationship with an organic?" Rodimus laughed incredulously. "That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Maybe if it was Optimus, but Megatron? He hates all other lifeforms." Rodimus had stated which made Swerve hit him with a cloth. 
"I'm telling you he was mopping around the bar drinking Energex like it was nothing, trying to work on poetry, he's fraggin smitten with the Ambassador!" Swerve states while cleaning more glasses. 
"The mech may scare the shit out of me but he becomes a sobbing mess when drunk, I can see why he never drunk during the war, could have ended it so much earlier with a drunken poetry night" Swerve jokes, trying to calm his own racing spark after the earlier interaction with the ex warlord.
Swerve, ever the gossip made news spread like wildfire.
Rodimus, Tailgate, Cyclonus and Skids and heard it from him. Rodimus told it to Drift who told it to Ratchet, tailgate told it to Whirl who shouted about it publicly. Skids had told it to Rung, who in turn relayed it to Ultra Magnus. 
"Can you believe it?" Swerve asked other members at his bar, optics wide. "The big, bad tyrant of the Decepticons has gone soft! I never thought I'd see the orn." Though said lightly, there may be an undercurrent of hope in his voice.
Tailgate, on the other hand, would be fearful yet curious. A secret admirer of the human ambassador, they were friends in his eyes, he nonetheless knows of Megatron's violent past. The idea of a human so close to the warlord would fill him with terror...yet also he himself was with a Decepticon,  ex decepticon.
As for Cyclonus, his reaction is the hardest to read. Stoic and stalwart, the former Decepticon says little. But observation of his microexpressions hints at deep surprise. 
When Rodimus approaches Drift with a similar story, having heard it from several sources, Drift doubts begin to fade, he had watched them for a while but now it seemed as if he theory had been confirmed. "This can't be true... Can it? Why would Megatron bother with a human?, he isn't very... open to contact”
From there Drift finds himself in the medibay, Ratchet let out an exasperated sigh when Drift told him about the rumours. "Megatron, caring for an organic? I'll believe it when I see it with my own optics. That mech is still as twisted and dangerous as ever, no matter who he chooses to consort with.”
When news finally reached Magnus, an emergency session was called. Shouting matches erupted as Rodimus and Ultra Magnus demanded explanations, one in shock and excitement the other wanting to make sure This wasn't a ploy. How did this happen under their watch, and what were Megatron's real intentions? The safety of the crew and their mission was of utmost priority, something the ambassador's unusual relationship with the former warlord could jeopardise. 
As chaos reigned aboard the ship, few knew what to make of Megatron and his human companion. But most agreed their unforeseen bond, if genuine, heralded great uncertainty for the future...Cybertronians had never tried courting outside of their own species, and so many questions came from it. 
Rodimus couldn't believe it when the rumours started spreading. Megatron, in a relationship with an organic? It seemed too bizarre to be true. Rodimus decided to confront Megatron directly to find out if it really was true. He had found Megatron deep in discussion with the human, hands gesturing animatedly as they spoke. The familiarity between them was unmistakable. 
"So the rumours are true," Rodimus said abruptly. "You and the... ambassador?" 
Megatron turned, his optics glowing dangerously. "What I do is no concern of yours, Rodimus." He tries to defend before eventually sighing and confirming. Megatron said impassively. "They enjoy listening to my writings, and I enjoy watching them when they work on their projects. Now leave us in peace." But when he confronted Megatron about it directly, the warlord didn't deny it. A smile crosses his face as he talks about them.
 Rodimus shook his head in disbelief as he hassled Megatron for more information,  how did a relationship like that even work, the size difference itself, one being Cybernetic and the other Organic. 
Ultra Magnus was deeply uneasy about the whole affair. An organic aboard one of their ships was risky enough, but for them to be fraternising with Megatron of all bots it worries him. He had fought against Megatron countless times and seen the depths of his cruelty.
"Are you certain of this?" Ultra Magnus asked gravely.  "Megatron and a human?" Ratchet could only nod grimly in response, he continues working as Drift sits off to the side. “Shocked me when the Ambassador came in for a health check, learned too much on megatron's interface life, for a lifetime” Ratchet confirms. 
"What does this mean for our relations with humans?" Rung wondered aloud. "Will they still see us as allies?” he asked, slightly worried. 
 It seemed impossible that the Decepticon could truly care for another. He feared this relationship was merely a ploy by Megatron to manipulate the ambassador and advance his own goals.
 But watching them had changed his feelings on the matter. Watching Megatron lift them up to watch the stars throughout the observation deck. Listened to Megatron laugh, a true laugh when in their presence. How Megatron went out of his way to make sure they were content. 
"I do not understand," Rodimus said slowly, turning to his companions. "Has Megatron gone soft? Or is this some new trickery, like dont get me wrong I'm glad that they are happy but does it feel unreal to anyone else?"
Brainstorm, ever the scientist, was endlessly fascinated. "Just think of the advances we could make by studying their physiology up close!" he said excitedly. "Too bad Megsy's being so selfish, keeping them all to himself." Nautica smiled and reminded him that they was a person, not a lab experiment. But privately, even she wished to learn more about these "humans.”
Drift frowned thoughtfully. "The ways of the spark are mysterious. Perhaps even one as Megatron is capable of love." His optics linger on the Larger mech who was discussing paperwork with the human sitting on the table in front of him. Red optics look down at the human softly as they chat softly amongst themselves. 
Ratchet scoffed. "Love is it? I'd believe Unicron had a change of sparks before Megatron. Mark my words, this will end in nothing but trouble and spilled energon. That human has no idea what kind of Mech they're dealing with." 
Tailgate let out a squeak of surprise. "Aww, they look so cute! He looks like a love sick sparkling!" tailgate was wrapped in Cyclonus' arms as they watched the two. 
Drift shoots Ratchet a look, in turn the medic sighs at his harsh words, he knew all too well what it was like falling in love with a Decepticon, he was being. A hypocrite and he knew it. 
And yet, as they watched, Megatron's actions remained gentle, protective even, as he spoke softly with the ambassador. Rodimus found himself hoping against logic that Drift was right - that even the coldest spark held the potential for warmth. 
Rodimus ran a hand over his faceplate. "Primus help us, the Senate is NOT going to like this." He states while downing his drink. "We'll need to address them, try to do some damage control before this blows up in our faces. Once we get back to Cybertron”
As for the senate, they were outraged that Megatron would fraternise with an organic, Megatron has a long and deadly history of oppression, war crimes, and casual disregard for other species. 
 Many councillors would express grave concern over any influence or leverage Megatron might gain through the relationship. 
Some would even demand the ambassador be removed from the ship for their own protection. Cooler heads would argue for letting the relationship play out, while closely monitoring for signs of abuse or manipulation. 
Ultimately, the senate would likely ban Megatron from direct contact with the ambassador until a full psychological evaluation could be conducted. 
 But after Optimus steps in stating it was inhumane and cruel they allow the two back together.
That night, Megatron spends it under the stars with his lover, both of them trading stories of poetry, philosophy, and astrology. In his spark, this was where he wanted to be, with them, and he would fight to keep that spot by their side. 
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ev3rgreenxtrees · 4 months
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Violent Love
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Synopsis: Matt and you have been friends since kindergarten, but when his youtube career flew off, so did he. He moved to LA with his brothers, and when he came back to Boston for a visit, it doesn’t end in the most pleasant way.
Warnings: Foul language, Stalking, Murder, Phsyco!Matt
This story is NOT for the faint of heart. Its also really fucking long. like REALLY long.
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“Teddy bear, you were my teddy bear
You were comforting and quiet
How did love become so violent?
Oh, teddy bear, you were my teddy bear
Everything was so sweet until you tried to kill me”
As you laid down alone in bed, you heard a faint knock on your door. You automatically assumed it was Matt, your childhood best friend.
Best friend. He was like a very overprotective big brother to you. When you had issues with people, Matt had no issue starting a physical fight. Unlike how most people would just say, ‘talk it out’ or even have a talk with them, Matt would immediately start a fight. He’d beat the shit out of them, until they were sobbing and rapidly apologizing.
You hated that Matt did this, but it also gave you a sense of security. Protection.
He always held you close to him as you two cuddled in his bed, watching whatever movie you wanted, while scarfing down popcorn. Matt was everything you needed.
He was there for you, and he always had been. Until he wasn’t.
He had a youtube career, with his brothers, Chris and Nick. You loved them, too, but not nearly as much as Matt. You were more than overjoyed when the boys’ youtube career took off, but the three decided it would be best to move to L.A. Simply because there were ‘more influencers’ there, making ‘easier content’.
Matt tried to get you to come with, even offering you a room in their house, but you declined. You were of course sad to see him leave, but you always felt you were holding him back. You would miss him, but you felt it was best. Besides, he said he’d take trips back to Boston often to visit you.
The longer you two stayed apart, the more you slightly drifted apart. You still talked, but you didn’t feel as close as you used to. So, when Matt told you he’d be coming back to Boston, you immediately invited him over.
And now he was here.
You threw yourself out of bed, quickly making your way to the door of your empty home, opening it quickly to see Matt standing there alone, a bouquet of roses in hand.
“Matt! I missed you so much! I haven’t seen you in forever!” You gasped, throwing yourself into his arms as you wrapped your legs around his waist, forcing him to catch you and hold you.
“I missed you too, Y/N,” He shook his head and chuckled, before slowly setting you down. “Here.. I got you these,” He says slowly, handing you the roses that were held tightly in his hand.
“Awe, Matt, you didn’t have to,” You gushed.
“I know, I just missed you so much.” He shook his head, and you backed up, allowing him a clear entrance to your house. You nodded, and he let himself inside.
“Nice house,” He smiled, as you followed him inside.
“Yeah.. It’s okay. Kinda out in the middle of nowhere though.” You shrugged, and he nodded. “Come to my room! We can watch a movie and talk. Like old times!” You suggested, and he nodded.
He followed you closely as you zoomed down the halls, eventually making it to your room.
“Sorry its messy,” You apologized, and Matt scoffed.
“Y/N, we literally made messes in each others rooms when we were younger what are you on?” He gently shoved you out of the way, throwing himself on your bed.
“C’mere,” He waved you over, holding his arms open for you, and you quickly threw yourself into him.
Just like old times.
You wrapped tightly around him, as his arms snaked around your waist.
“If you squeeze any tighter my eyes might pop out of my head,” Matt laughed, and you loosened your grip.
“Sorry, I just missed you soooo much!” You giggled, and Matt placed a kiss on your forehead, causing you to shoot up.
“I totally forgot to tell you, but I got a boyfriend!” You smiled brightly.
You got a boyfriend about two months after Matt left. Your boyfriend cared for you, of course, but not as much as Matt did.
Matt’s eyebrows furrowed, and he slowly sat up, and you tilted your head.
“I.. Um… I gotta go- I told my mom i’d be home for dinner,” He abruptly stood up, and you felt slightly hurt. Why was he being so… rude?
Yeah, sure, Matt was usually like this, but not to you or your family. Ever. He loves all of his family very dearly, and wouldn’t do anything they don’t want. Or deserve. Or need.
“Oh.. Okay. Text me later tonight, so we can make plans. Okay?” You asked, and Matt just nodded, before slipping into the hallway.
Later comes, and yet no text from Matt. You decided it was best to call him, and he quickly answered, but before you could speak, he did.
“What’s your boyfriends name?” He asked through the phone speaker.
“Um.. Kyle..? Kyle Spencer, why?” You reply, and you hear him sigh.
“I know him, Y/N. He was on my highschool hockey team. He’s bad news,” Matt was disappointed. You could tell.
“Matt.. You don’t know him like I do.. Trust me on this one. Please?” You pleaded, but Matt just hung up.
He never hangs up on you? Nevertheless when you were in the midst of a conversation. You stared at the phone with his contact showing, confused as you read the big bold letters saying ‘Call Ended.’
You debated on calling him again, and decided too. He was acting weird. You laid silently, awaiting to hear his sweet voice, but to no avail, you hear a loud beep, and his voicemail.
You let out a frustrated groan, before sitting up and calling one of his brothers. Due to alphabetical order, Chris’ contact was the first one you saw. The phone rang, but unlike his brother, Chris answered.
“Hey, Y/N! What’s up?” Chris chimes through the phone, his voice loud and cheerful.
“Hey, Chris! Is Matt around you?” You asked curiously, but the boy hummed.
“Umm, no.. He just left, actually. Sorry. Did you have plans with him?” Chris replied, and you let out an annoyed sigh. Who was Matt so adamant about meeting up with?
“No, not really. I’m just bored, I was gonna ask him to come over but he wont answer his damn phone.” You growl, causing Chris to chuckle.
“Me and Nick can come over if ya want, we don’t have any plans,” Chris offered, and you smiled at the thought of seeing them again.
“Yeah! I’d love that. I’ll send you my address.” You beamed with joy, and Chris hummed again.
“Cya soon!” He spoke before hanging up.
At least you wouldn’t have to be alone tonight.
Around twenty minutes later, you hear a knock on your door, and since it must be Nick and Chris, you practically throw yourself out of bed.
You rush down the hall, and throw the front door of the house open, and saw two of the same faced people standing aimlessly at your door.
“Y/N!” They both exclaimed, as you quickly pulled both of them into a hug. The three of you greeted each other, before you pulled them into your house, leading them to your living room.
They both plopped down on your couch, and you tossed the remote in-between them.
“Put on something to watch, I’m gonna go make some popcorn,” You told them and they both nodded. You heard them quietly speaking to each other as you rummaged through your cabinets, searching for some popcorn.
You finally found a bag, and tossed it in the microwave. As you waited for the popcorn to be done, you pulled your phone out of your pocket, and saw many messages and missed calls from Matt.
Odd. He just hung up on you a while ago, and left your house on a excuse, but now he wants to talk? You decided to open the messages anyways, if he wanted to be a dick you could just simply leave him on read, and thats exactly what you were going to do.
The messages read, ‘sorry i was really busy with something my dad needed help after dinner, can i come over?’ five minutes after that one, he sent another one. ‘hey? y/n im sorry i didnt mean to leave like that.’ Another five minutes passed. ‘Y/n. i know youre getting my messages please at least reply with a no or smt.’ You sighed, and slid your phone back into your pocket, not bothering to reply.
You carefully grabbed the hot bag of popcorn out of the microwave, and headed back to Nick and Chris. The two had turned on Edward Scissorhands, your favorite movie to watch together. You gasped, as you rushed over to the boys sitting comfortably on your couch.
You threw yourself against Chris, as you had done to Matt earlier, and Chris had quickly pulled you into him and adjusted himself, just as Matt had done hours before.
You couldn’t deny, you terribly missed Matt and did want him to come back, but you didn’t want any trouble. He was already acting off today, maybe he just needed rest. If you ignored him, maybe he’d give up and sleep.
You cuddled into Chris, as all three of you shoved popcorn down your throats and payed close attention to the movie. You missed doing this when you were younger.
You missed Matt.
You pulled your phone out of your pocket again, and saw more messages from Matt.
‘Y/n. Is he over? is that why youre ignoring me? i told you hes an asshole. he doesnt deserve you. hes just a whore that wants in your pants. youre better than that.’ You scoffed as you read the message. Who does Matt think he is? Sure, he may be your best friend, but he’s in no place to call your boyfriend a whore? ‘im sorry i took it too far. can i come over please. ill make it up to you, ill cuddle with you and rub your back, we can go sit on the roof and watch the stars like we used to. please.’
That one hit hard. You missed stargazing with Matt so bad. Neither of you knew anything about stars, but thats what made it ten times better. Using your imagination as you laid your head on his warm chest. One of his arms draped around your waist, his other arm holding your hand. You missed it so much.
‘Im busy’ you typed out, and quickly sent, pushing your phone back into your pocket, not wanting to be tempted by his reply.
You felt bad for being so petty to your best friend, but you didn’t want to ‘interrupt’ him. You felt your phone buzz a few times in your pocket, and you felt Chris’ eyes on you.
“Y/N, just answer your phone.” He chuckled, and you sighed. If only it was that easy.
“Has Matt been acting odd, recently?” You questioned, as you slipped your phone out of your pocket.
“Hm.. No. Why?” Chris replied, and you sighed.
“After I told him I.. have a boyfriend, today, he just got up and left. I called him later, he asked for his name and then he just hung up. He didn’t answer any of my other calls, but now he’s spamming me and apologizing.” You grumbled, as you read the messages.
‘Y/N, ill come over regardless i have ur address’ Now this was just getting weird. He was always sweet and caring, not forceful. ‘Y/N, cmon. im sorry. please let me come over. ill make it up to you.’ You contemplated on how to reply, before you just held your phone up to Chris.
“See? How am I supposed to reply to this?” You ask annoyed, and Chris just snatched the phone from your hands.
You didn’t reach to take it back, you trusted him. He lifted the phone at an odd angle, before snapping a picture.
His fingers tapped gently on the screen, before he handed the phone back to you, giving his full attention to the movie.
As you examine the screen, you saw the picture he took, with you wrapped around Chris, had a caption, ‘She said shes busy.’ Chris could be petty too, sometimes. Not that you minded, of course.
Matt quickly began typing, before his message popped up on the screen, below ‘yours’. ‘What the fuck, chris?? fuck this, fuck you guys.’ You read. You didn’t mind. You felt bad, but he just needed time to debrief, you thought. This will all blow over tomorrow, and you guys can hangout and stargaze, like Matt had offered earlier.
You slid your phone back in your pocket, pulling your attention to the movie, that was now almost over. Nick and Chris now started brainstorming the second movie to watch tonight, and you giggled at the two’s bickering.
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket, before you pulled it out. You saw your boyfriends contact flash across the screen, and your eyebrows furrowed. You didn’t mind that he was calling you, but he said he wouldn’t bother you much, knowing you’ll have people over. He usually sticks to this.
You slowly stood up, and held up your index finger at the two boys as you accepted the call, indicating you’d be back in a moment. You walked off down the hall, as you pulled your phone up to your ear.
“Hey, baby!” You spoke loudly; making sure he could hear.
No reply. Nothing at all. No background noise, no voices, no reply. Maybe something had gone wrong with one of their phones?
“Baby?” You called again, and this time you heard something. Something unusual. As you turned your volume up, and held the phone speaker closer to your ear, you heard a ragged breathing.
Nothing you’d say was.. bad, more like someone just took a mile run and was trying to catch their breath. But no words.
“Um.. Hello?” You paused, but the breathing didn’t stop. “Kyle? Are you there?” No reply. You now began to worry. Kyle hadn’t done anything like this before. He was a very respectful guy. He knew something like this would scare you and push your boundaries.
You crept back into the living room, with Nick and Chris. You put the phone on speaker, and grabbed your remote, muting the T.V. Both boys understood, as they intently listened to the phone. The breathing only continued for about fifteen more seconds, before you heard the loud sound of the dial tone, making you slightly jump.
“Did you guys hear that?” You ask, and they both nod.
“Yeah, the weird ass fuckin’ breathing? Yeah I heard it. Whoever the fuck breathing that loud might need an inhaler,” Nick joked, but your facial expression stayed the same. Worried. Scared, even.
“Nick, this isn’t funny..” You sigh worriedly, before tossing your phone onto the couch.
“Sorry, sorry.. What even was that about?” Nick asked, and you shook your head.
“I.. I don’t even know. It was Kyle, my boyfriend. He told me he wouldn’t call, since he knew I had friends over, unless it was urgent. He called, I answered, but he didn’t say anything.. All I could hear was that breathing..” You groan as you sit back down on the couch, next to Chris. “He’s probably fine.. I’m just overreacting. Did you guys pick a movie?” You asked, trying to advert your mind from the topic.
“Yeah, if Spongebob is okay,” Chris giggled, and you nodded. As Nick looked for the movie, you so badly wanted to pull out your phone, make sure your boyfriend was okay, and tell Matt to come over, but you knew you should refrain.
You didn’t want to be too pushy. You had already been told by people that you worry too much, and you figured they were right. Plus, it’s not like Matt would do anything.
The further you got into the movie, you felt more and more unease, which is the complete opposite of what you wanted to happen. The compete opposite of what was supposed to happen.
You began to feel paranoid, feeling like someone was watching you. You kept pushing it off as Chris or Nick, but maybe you shouldn’t have. Maybe you should’ve paid more attention to who was watching you.
You finally finished the movie, your mind still racing with nerve-racking thoughts. What if your boyfriend was hurt? What if Matt was hurt? What if Matt wasn’t going to forgive you? What if.. No. Enough with the what if’s.
“I think i’m gonna go to sleep, now. You guys should stay. I don’t want you going home this late.. You recently got your license and its pitch black outside. You’d probably hit a deer.” You joked, but both boys agreed. Nick called the couch, and Chris called the spare bedroom, knowing Nick would end up sleeping in the spare room anyways.
You headed to your room, and started feeling slightly better. Slightly less like someone was watching your every move. Maybe it was just Nick or Chris, and since they weren’t around now, the feeling wasn’t either.
You quickly changed into your pajamas, just a black cropped top, and red and black plaid pj pants. You threw your hair into a messy bun, before flopping down on your comfortable bed.
You picked up your phone, and saw there were no missed calls or texts. Maybe everything was fine. Maybe you were just overreacting. Or possibly, you weren’t.
You pulled up your texts with Matt, and typed out a smaller message to send him.
‘hey. im sorry if i was being petty earlier, you were just kinda making me upset, yk? id love to hangout sometime tmrw if your not busy? i do miss you matt.’ You meant it all, so you sent it. You’d hope he’d forgive you and move on, even if there wasn’t much to forgive.
You laid in your bed, complete silence filling the air around you, allowing you to fall deep into thought. Perhaps too deep.
You awoke to a loud ringing from your phone, which was laying next to your head. You yawned, before reaching over to grab it and read it, only to find out it was Kyle, who was once again calling you.
It was three in the morning. Kyle had a very strict sleep schedule, he was asleep by now. You quickly answered, no doubt in your mind now that something was wrong.
The same thing that happened the first time happened. Just the same heavy breathing, but no speaking. No speaking at all.
You hung up this time, and you remembered you have Kyle’s location on your phone. You didn’t have it because you ‘didn’t trust him’, it was just a fun Life 360 group of him, you, and some of your other friends.
When the screen finally loaded, you squinted at the sight. Why was he here? At your house? At three in the fucking morning.
Your heart began to beat faster, and you wanted to cry. What was going on? Matt acting weird, Kyle.. heavy breathing, harsh paranoia, and now your boyfriend in your house, and three fucking A.M, with no explanation?
You wanted to go look for him, or at least warn Chris and Nick. Well, not warn. Warn was a stretch, there was nothing to be afraid of. So, why were you so scared? As much as you wanted to get up, your body wouldn’t let yourself.
You felt trapped to your bed, as if it was a pit of quicksand. You realized that you have your phone on you. You could call 911, but whats the use? They’re going to show up, check the house, find nothing, and everyone thinks you’re crazy.
You could at least text Chris and Nick, though, and just prey they have their phones on silent. Why were you so scared of your own boyfriend? He’s never done anything to frighten you or harm you, so you weren’t sure why you were this on edge.
You reached for your phone, before you heard a small shuffle by your door, and your heart dropped. Someone was inside. Someone was inside your home.
You froze, you couldn’t move. You began to shake slightly, your throat going dry immediately. Another decision hit you.
Do you stay quiet, or do you call out? Regardless; whoever it was had Kyle’s phone, and they were in your house. This was targeted, and they knew you were there. This was all planned out.
“Kyle?” You called out, your voice just slightly above a mere whisper. Your doorknob turned; and your heartbeat went from extremely slow, to one-hundred miles per hour. You felt your throat tighten, and your eyes begin to fill with water. Fuck, you can’t break down now. Not now, out of all times.
“My love, there’s no need to be scared. I’m here. I’ll protect you.” Matt.
You could tell from his fucking voice. It was Matthew.
“Matt, oh my fucking god. That wasn’t funny. I almost fucking cried..” You began to trail off at the end of your sentence, as Matt came into view. His blood stained shirt and bloody hands, the rips in his shirt and pants.
Your thoughts immediately went to Kyle. Where the fuck was Kyle, and what the fuck happened with Matt.
“M-Matt, this isn’t funny. This isn’t fucking funny.. Jokes over. Matt, stop. You’re scaring me,” You stutter, as the boy began to inch closer to you, now leaning over you.
“Mh.. Well, I love you. You know that. But you loved him.. There was no other way I could win you, was there? No.. I don’t think so, either. I did the only option. Get rid of all of my opponents. And now look at me. Look at us. Alone, together. No more Kyle, just us. Yeah?” He asked sultry; pulling a bloody knife out of his waistband, dragging it softly against your neck.
Your breath was lodged in your throat, and you couldn’t breathe. What do you do in a moment like this? You can’t run, hide, call the cops, you can’t do anything. You’re helpless, and Matt knows this.
“M-Matt- please, please don’t- don’t hurt me,” You plea, tears begin streaming down your face, as you fight back your sobs.
“Well, You’d like that, wouldn’t you? I would’ve liked the same fucking respect I gave you, goddamnit. I gave you all my fucking love. All my time, care, everything. I gave you fucking everything. And all I get in return? Nothing. Fucking nothing. You had so much to offer.. Such a shame it has to go to waste like this, isn’t it?” He pressed harder, the knife threatening to cut through skin.
Just the smallest movement, and you’d be gone.
“Tell me how the stars are up there.” Matt speaks, a single tear rolls down his cheek, as he quickly rips his arm sideways, slicing the knife.
And just like that, love can turn to violence.
“I threw you out, I didn't outgrow you
I just didn't know you
But now you're back
And it's so terrifying how you paralyze me
Now you're showing up inside my home
Breathing deep into the phone
I'm so unprepared, I'm fucking scared.”
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@bernardenjoyer @lovely-calypso
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onlylovingstrangers · 2 years
This was not how you'd pictured your vacation.
You stormed ruefully down the marble steps. Your footsteps echoed, and so did the sob that tore out of you as you whirled around, facing the man who so urgently shadowed you.
"I can explain," his eyes were wild, coiffed hair desperately messy, hands gesturing wildly. "Please. Please, I beg. Just— let me explain, okay baby? I'll get on my knees. Just hear me out, okay baby?"
Atsumu sure knows how to put on an act, you realized.
All this time, you'd known he was theatrical. You just hadn't expected his performance to be so good.
"You, you beg me?" The fresh wave of tears surging stung your skin, sensitive from the millions of tears you had already shed. "That might just be the most ridiculous thing you've said tonight."
You'd thought you were playing the role of a lover. You see now you've been given the role of a fool.
Three months ago, when Atsumu showed you the reservation he'd made — a five star resort, the most luxurious spa package available, private pool access, a whole suite for the two of you — you thought he was bringing you here to propose to you.
It had all checked out. You've been living together for a couple of years, he loved your family and they loved him, and — perhaps the most soul-baring of them all — you had just told him your deepest, darkest secret. I used to be cyber bullied, you told him, blushing because you didn't want him to think that something was wrong with you, like that anonymous bastard did.
I was bullied really badly.
So badly that you had stopped going to school for the rest of the year. So badly that for the rest of high school, you took online classes for a graduation certificate instead. So badly that you'd suffered so many violent panic attacks, anxiety attacks, and nightmares that you contemplated ending things.
The next day, Atsumu had surprised you with a large envelope in his hands.
So yeah, you thought he was about to propose. Not in a million years did you think Atsumu was bringing you here to confess all these years later that he had been the bully. The one who sent all things demeaning and hateful to your inbox, the one who humiliated you for the whole school to like and comment and retweet and reblog.
"No," you spit. "You don't get to talk to me."
Your mother had cried on your behalf. Your father had gotten on his knees at the police station so they would pursue the case seriously.
"I just one thing to say," Atsumu says breathlessly. "I know I'm an absolute piece of shit. The worst. I can't even begin ta explain or make amends, ever. I know,..."
You'd prayed for revenge. And here, finally, the opportunity presented itself.
Fate took weird twists and turns, but in the end, you came out on top.
Because you knew his vulnerable spot. You knew Atsumu had a violent fear of being abandoned.
His mother had left when he was in junior high, leaving him and his brother to fend for themselves. His father was emotionally distant for most of his life. His brother had deserted their dream of pro-volleyball to become a chef, and though Atsumu spoke heartily of Miya Onigiri, you knew that deep down, the betrayal still stung.
You used to think that Atsumu's suffering was precocious, that his terror of being left behind was a sign of his humility. Now you thought it was simply a by product of being so wholly self-obsessed, of being dangerously self-entrenched.
"...just wanta let ya know. I love you. I can't undo the past—"
"That's right," you said coldly. "You can't undo the past, but I can fill in the future. I don't want to see you ever again."
Suddenly the air tore, sounding like a paper ripping in half.
Where the hell was this sound coming from? Atsumu felt like he couldn't breathe. He sunk to his knees, clutching his throat.
He looked up at you with wide eyes, clutching his throat. How could you be so composed when he was dying?
You stood still, wiping the last of your tears coolly. "Oh, you're fine," you told him. "You're only having a little panic attack. And you know what? You deserve it." You turned on your heel to leave.
"Wait!" Atsumu managed to rasp. "Wait!" He was crying, he realized. Salty tears dropped from the tip of his nose, leapt from the edge of his jawline. "Ya can be mad at me, ya can hate me, ya can want to kill me, but ya can't leave me! Ya can't not need me anymore! Ya can't go," his voice cracked.
You became a silhouette, then a speck, and then part of the horizon.
"She'll come back," he whispered to himself as a mantra. "She'll come back. She'll come back. She'll come back. She'll —" something was digging sharply into his backside. The pain managed to somewhat snap him out of his trance.
Atsumu pulled out a velvet box from his back pocket.
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daisies-daydreams · 5 months
Relief (Hobie Brown x Good Girl!Reader)
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Pairing: Hobie Brown x Good Girl!Reader Category: Fluff/Smut Warnings: Depictions of Stress/Burnout, Hickeys, Making Out, “First Time”, Fingering, Nipple Play, Swearing Word Count: TBA Song Rec: Absolute Territory (Ken Ashcorp) A/N: AHHHH I shit you not I had the most absolutely stressful week - like I was having tremors I was so stressed so this came at the perfect time 😭 Anyway, Hobie would be so soft and supportive fr🙏 Thank you for your sweet request and I hope you enjoy!
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Tears lined the corners of your eyes as you violently opened the door to your dorm suite. You threw your bag onto the couch before flopping down yourself. Your muffled cried reverberated inside your small living room as you stuffed your face into a pillow. You curled your fists as your jaw tightened, the room growing hotter by the second as you squeezed your eyes shut. 
“Lovie?” you heard Hobie hum. You gasped and perked your head up, only to shove it back down in shame. “(Y/N), what’s wrong?” your boyfriend asked as he stepped closer. You sniffled while Hobie sank onto the cushion next to you, the furniture creaking as he laid a hand on your upper back. You slowly tilted your head up, your chest aching before you sprung into his arms. 
“Shhh, I’m here, lovie,” your love reassured you as he wrapped his arms around your trembling form. You nearly choked on a violent sob as you sat in his lap, your legs draped over his own while you ducked your head into his shoulder. Hobie hummed softly while he rubbed up and down your back. Your breathing began even as he began to press quick, little pecks to the top of your head. You sighed, your warm breath falling over his collarbone as he let his lips linger on the crown of your head. 
“You wanna talk about it?” Hobie murmured as he smoothed one of his hands over your hip. Your bottom lip trembled as you wiped at your puffy eyes. 
“I-I don’t know what’s come over me,” you hiccuped. Hobie continued to stroke over your ruffled clothes as you sighed heavily. “I failed my test today, and because of that, I got so flustered during my public speaking course that I stuttered over and over…in front of two-hundred students,” you groaned as bitter tears rolled down your cheeks. “I can’t do anything right,” you muttered while hanging your head in defeat. 
“Oi, look at me,” your boyfriend gently coaxed you. You slowly lifted your gaze before squeaking as he stole a kiss. 
“H-Hobie,” you blushed as you rested your fingertips over your lips, the warmth of his touch still lingering on your soft skin. He gave you a small smirk before peppering your face with several kisses. “Babe!” you laughed as he bombarded you with quick, passionate smooches. You felt him smile against your cheek before he pulled back again. 
“Still havin’ those nasty thoughts about yourself?” he asked. You bit your lip and shook your head, your heart racing a little faster as you brought your hands up to his shoulders. “Good,” Hobie gave a lopsided grin before he kissed your cheek again. You smiled at his attempts to distract you, but the crushing weight of feeling inferior began to push back. You released a long, shaky breath before you felt him nip at your earlobe. 
“I see your gears turnin’,” he rumbled before letting his hands slide up and down your sides, his fingers leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. You stifled a small moan as he kissed behind your ear, his hands squeezing your hips as he suckled on your delicate skin. “You want me to help you…relax a bit more?” Hobie murmured as he slid a hand over the top of your thigh. You swallowed and parted your lips. 
Sure, the two of you have made out a few times, but it’s never really gotten past that point. 
“We don’t have to if-“ 
“I want to,” you cut him off. He blinked as you glanced away and heat filled your cheeks. “I-I mean, I’d like for you to-“ you felt your throat tighten as you wiggled your hips a little in his lap. You felt a surge of arousal sweep through your body as he slid his hand beneath your chin and gently caressed your face. 
“What do you want me to do, (Y/N)?” he asked, a mixture of affection and arousal dripping from his words. Your heart raced as he began to tease your neck with small kisses up and down your pulse. You swallowed again as you squeezed your eyes shut, your tongue refusing to utter such a lewd request. “C’mon, sweet girl…use your words,” Hobie encouraged as his hand rested on top of your thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze. Your eyes snapped open as you took a deep breath. 
“I-I want you to…finger me,” you finally manage to say, each word growing quieter than the last. Hobie’s eyes glowed with excitement as he hummed. 
“Finger you, hm?” your boyfriend asked. You nodded vigorously, your body already growing hotter the longer he kept his hands on your thighs. 
“Please, Hobie. I want…need to feel you,” you whined and gently rocked your hips forward. Hobie’s eyes widened at your bold confession. A smirk crossed his face before he kissed your forehead. 
“Turn around f’me then,” he cooed. Your hands were practically shaking as you slid off of his lap, your sex yearning for his tender touch as you squeezed your thighs together. Your breath hitched when you felt him unlatch the back of your long skirt, the fabric crumpling around your feet as you shivered. You flinched when he hooked his fingers around the band of your soft panties. 
“W-Wait!” you blushed. Hobie paused, his fingers just barely pulling your clothing down your hips as you gulped. “C-Could we keep these on for now?” you blushed while peeking over your shoulder. Hobie grinned softly as he pulled them back up. 
“Sure thing, lovie,” he murmured before patting his lap. Your head spun as you stepped back. Your heart felt like it was about to burst as you sank down, your legs draped over his wet pussy rubbing against the thin fabric of your panties. Your jaw nearly dropped when you felt something hard rub between your asscheeks. “Mmm, there’s my pretty girl,” Hobie groaned into your ear as his hands dipped beneath your shirt. 
You keened as he pecked the corner of your jaw, his kisses airy and light as he slid his fingertips beneath your bra. You arched your back as he dipped his head even lower, his plump lips puckering over your aching pulse. You squirmed in his lap as you felt him brush his fingers across your hard nipples, his warm breath falling over your skin while he played with your sensitive buds. 
“You’ve got such pretty tits, y’know that?” he murmured, his lips dancing over the shell of your ear. You blushed and turned your head away, the pleasure already overwhelming your senses. Hobie chuckled before he gently squeezed your nipples between his long, heavy fingers. “I’d like to see them, if that’s alright with you,” he whispered. You nodded, your mind fuzzy with arousal as you arched into his touch. Hobie sighed as his hands soon made quick work of your bra. You shuddered as he slipped the fabric off before rolling your shirt above your head. 
You wriggled in his lap as you sat almost completely exposed, your nipples growing even harder as the cool air of your living room kissed them. Hobie was being unusually quiet behind you, his large palms smoothing over your hips as his breath fell over your ear. You felt your cheeks warm even more as tears welled in your eyes. Why wasn’t he doing anything? Did he actually change his mind? Are you-  
“Fuck, you’re so gorgeous,” he breathed. You opened your eyes, blinking rapidly before turning your head. Your boyfriend wore the softest smile you’ve ever seen - your heart melting into a puddle as you gazed into his warm eyes. You began to relax against him as he captured your lips in a slow, tender kiss. You sighed at the soft contact as your lips connected in a passionate caress, the sound of soft smacking echoing through the room as you moved and tilted your heads. You squeaked when you felt him squeeze one of your breasts while he parted from the kiss. 
“Let me know if I’m goin’ too far, okay?” he whispered, eyes soft and breath ragged. You nodded. 
“I-I will,” you panted. Hobie smiled before he kissed the corner of your mouth while tenderly massaging your soft tit. 
“Good girl,” he praised. His words sent a spark of pleasure through your cunt as he locked lips with you again, his movements growing more heated and passionate by the second as he pressed his warm palm against your areola. You moaned quietly as you felt him gently pinch your bud between his fingers while he slipped the tip of his tongue inside your juicy mouth. 
You parted your lips even more, gasping when you felt his whole tongue sink inside your wet cavern. Hobie groaned as your tongues glided in a passionate dance, the sounds of wet smacking making your thighs tremble and pussy pulse with heat. You felt no shame as you bucked your hips forward, your spine curving as you ached for his fingers stretching you wide open. Hobie hummed before he pulled back, his lips glossy with your combined spit as he watched you helplessly grind on his lap. 
“You ready f’me?” he murmured, his hold on your nipple growing looser as you shivered. You nodded and tilted your head back, your lungs burning for air as your heart pounded. 
“P-Please Hobie. I want you,” you gulped. Hobie cracked a small grin as he gently squeezed your breast. You tensed as his other hand traveled from your hip to your stomach. 
“You sure about this, doll?” he asked. You bit your lip and swallowed thickly. 
“Yes,” you could barely make that single word, your throat strained as desire clouded your mind. Hobie smiled against your cheek as he dipped his hand even lower, his fingertips gliding over your juicy slit. You mewled as he gently parted your puffy lower lips, your bundle of nerves pulsing as the sides of his fingers rubbed against it. 
“You ever do this to yourself?” Hobie rumbled as he slowly rubbed your clit, his thumb working in tight, small circles. You jolted as a shockwave of pleasure rolled through your body, your walls clamping down on nothing as you squealed. 
“O-Only a few times,” you confessed as your cheeks burned. A sharp cry fell from your lips as he began to massage your engorged clit even faster. You moaned as his lips found your neck again, lingering for much longer as he sucked a hickey over your pulse. You thrashed against him, your body trembling as your breathing grew ragged. 
No, you couldn’t cum yet. Not before he could even put one finger inside you. 
Your eyes snapped open when Hobie licked over the hickey on your neck, his warm tongue feeling like silk caressing over your skin as you whined. 
“God you’re so fuckin’ sexy - so wet already,” he murmured as he slid one of his fingers down your slit. You arched your back as he pushed your panties to the side, the air kissing your exposed folds as he slid his fingertip over the seam of your weeping hole. Your eyes rolled back as your boyfriend continued his relentless touch on your clit, your chest heaving at every soft stroke and swipe of his thumb. 
“H-Hobie,” you keened and squirmed as he continued to tease your slick entrance, slowly rubbing his finger up and down, back and forth. Hobie purred as he suckled on your neck, your body shivering as you threw your head against his bony shoulder. You gasped as you heard the slick “pop” of his lips leaving your skin, a fresh, tender hickey blooming across your neck. Your throat grew even tighter as he curled his finger against your entrance. 
“Gonna take it slow,” he rasped as he squeezed your breast again. You mewled and nodded, your head dizzy as your heart pounded inside your ears. Hobie smiled and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips before he sank his digit inside you. Your lips drew into a straight line as you felt your walls open up around him, the slight burn making you stifle a yelp. 
“Shhh, just relax, baby,” Hobie cooed while kissing your cheek. You swallowed and tried to take a deep breath, his long finger sinking even deeper inside you. You tried to stay still in his lap as he smeared some of your slick over your plush button before drawing slow, sloppy shapes around it. You parted your lips and moaned as you felt every ridge and curve of his digit caress your slick, gummy walls, the slight sting of the stretch melting into pleasure with each inch he sank inside of you. 
You gasped when Hobie’s digit bottomed out inside you, his finger knuckle-deep as he let you adjust to being stretched out. You released a shaky breath as he slowly began to pump his digit, his other hand gripping and teasing your tit as he kissed behind your ear. 
“You feel so good ‘n tight - bet you’d feel heavenly wrapped around my cock,” Hobie rumbled as your cunt squelched lewdly with each thrust of his finger. The thought made you cry out in pleasure as he trailed his lips over your pulse once more. You bucked your hips forward as his finger continued to rub against your plush walls, each stroke leaving you more breathless than the last. 
“Mmmm Hobie,” you keened as he flicked his thumb against your clit, a spark of pleasure shooting through your core and turning your legs to jelly. Your jaw went slack when you felt another finger slowly slip inside you, stretching you in a painfully delicious way. 
“Am I hurtin’ you?” your boyfriend whispered as he continued his slow pace inside your cunt. You bit the inside of your cheek and nodded. Hobie cooed before he slowed to a stop, letting you adjust to two of his digits inside you. “You’re doin’ such a good job, baby girl,” he praised before peppering your cheek with soft kisses. “Takin’ my fingers so fuckin’ well,” Hobie grunted, his thumb still working circles around your puffy bundle of nerves. 
“H-Hobieee,” you mewled and pushed your chest out. Your love sighed as he smirked against your ear. 
“You feel me there, love?” Hobie purred as he pushed his fingertips against your g-spot. You gasped as your eyes rolled back, your thighs trembling as you felt a wave of pleasure rush through your body. “Feel my fingers stuffed deep inside your tight, perfect cunt, hm?” he murmured before swiping his tongue behind your ear. 
“Y-Yes,” you nearly choked. Hobie grinned before he slowly began to thrust both of his digits in and out of you. Your legs shook as your walls fluttered around his long fingers, the burn once again melting into a mind-numbing pleasure as he pumped his digits inside your tight cunt. You bit your lip as a loud moan threatened to slip past your lips. You whined when he let his thumb up from your clit. 
“I don’t want you to hold back - make as much noise as you want. Let the whole bloody building know who’s makin’ you feel this good,” Hobie growled, his eyes lit with a burning lust as he moved his fingers even faster. You gasped before suddenly moaning, your sweet sounds bouncing off of the thin walls of your dorm as you felt him stroke deeper inside your dripping sex. 
“Yes!” you cried out while hooking your hands behind his neck. Your juices soaked his long digits, dripping down his knuckles and palm as you moved your hips with his thrusts. Hobie groaned as he pressed his thumb on your bud, his other hand now falling to your hip as he swiped his tongue across the shell of your ear. 
“That’s it…that’s my good girl,” your love rumbled. You gasped when you felt your cunt suddenly clamp down on his digits, your orgasm hitting you like a freight train. 
“H-Hobie!” you screamed as your pussy flooded his hand with your warm, slick cream. Hobie released a sound you’ve never heard him make: a mix of a feral growl and a sultry moan as he continued to rub his fingers along your pulsing walls. 
“God, you look so pretty when you cum,” he murmured while gently pressing down on your spongey g-spot. You moaned as another wave of pleasure crashed over you, your body trembling uncontrollably as your soft mewls filled the room. 
“F-Fuck,” you gasped as your high began to fade. You panted wildly as your vision began to clear, your heart still racing as you began to relax in his hold. You blushed when you felt how wet his hand was against your burning sex as he kept his fingers stuffed between your raw, sensitive walls. 
“You did so well, baby girl,” your boyfriend whispered. Hobie cooed as he slowly pulled his digits out of your soaked pussy, your hole puckering as soon as his fingertips slipped out of you. He gently kissed your temple as hot tears of post-coital bliss trickled down your cheeks. “You feelin’ alright?” Hobie asked. You sniffed and nodded, your mind swimming in a sea of pleasure as you gasped for air. 
��Y-Yes, just need to catch my breath,” you panted. Hobie hummed as he patted your hips. The two of you sat in silence for a while, simply soaking in each other’s presence as the sun dipped behind the line of trees beside your dorm. You soon found your eyelids growing heavy as you relaxed on his lap. Hobie sighed before kissing the corner of your mouth. 
“Feel any better?” he chuckled with a smirk. You grinned and returned his kiss, letting your lips linger on his before resting your forehead against his neck. 
“Much better,” you giggled softly.  ————
Thank you for reading! 💖
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rubra-wav · 3 months
[ Entry #10 ] What it would be like actually dating Vox hcs
A/N I love Vox, but the reality of it is that he'd be terrible for a lot of reasons and I'm not gonna sugarcoat it in here like at all.
Me when theoretically very complex but ultimately still extremely problematic character: *foaming at mouth*
I love him.. but God I also hate him... but I also love hi-
This is a long one jfc.
Cw: Nsfw - no smut but strong themes, discussion of toxic relationships, manipulation, discussion of emotionally abusive/controlling behaviour, insecure aa toxic cis man behaviour, suggestive at one point
Someone asked me what I thought he'd be like with a yes-man reader so here it is
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The worst out of the way first
The thing about Vox is that he's got a fuckton of baggage and bad traits that need desperate management, and they would sure as hell not be being managed by him on his own choice.
As his partner, you would NOT be able to be a pushover or shy away from any kind of confrontation about actions that have upset you because if Vox had a partner like this? He'd become the absolute worst version of himself in your relationship because you would not be calling him out or enforcing boundaries with him.
- He's insecure, and it's in the worst way possible.
And not in the 'aw he just needs to be loved and then he'll be healed' way. I'm talking in the 'toxic, refuses to remedy his own behaviours, becomes very emotionally abusive abt it if you don't pull up your boots and confront him abt it and make sure he actually does shit about it' way.
The fanfic community likes to portray him as a victim in the relationship with Val, and while it's true Val is certainly worse for obvious/overt reasons - He's still not just a victim in that situation. He's also terrible.
Just for reasons that are less overt and are thus overshadowed a lot. Acknowledging that doesn't make the shit Val (at least seemingly thus far. Vox side-stepped the drink being thrown pretty fast and seems accustomed to violent tantrums) does to him any less terrible, it's just the truth he's not a poor defenceless victim in that. (Vox literally goes to try use his mind control power on Val the second he seems like he's gonna damage their image then throws his lowest earners under the bus.)
- In the beginning if you aren't giving him attention at all times, do something that reminds him of Valentino even slightly, or if you do something that he just mildly doesn't like; then he will be passive aggressive or straight up aggressive as absolute fucking hell.
The second he feels slighted even a little bit, he's going to be so pissy.
- And he can't communicate for absolute shit. He thinks you are doing shit on purpose to piss him off or hurt him. This is due to his relationship with Val, but it's not him being a sad sob story kind of thing (not all around at least), he will be awful to you if you allow him to ever be just a victim who can do no wrong.
- He will project all his bs heavily onto you in the beginning with complete self awareness and no thought given to managing his own shit.
If you ask what's wrong when he's acting up he probably would be the type of bitch to go 'nothing's wrong' and will then proceed to ruminate upon it until he ends up exploding about it later on. Or, maybe he'll even do the 'you know what you've done' type of shit.
- He would probably expect you to be a mind reader and when you inevitably aren't aware of wtf is happening because he hates being emotionally vulnerable at all and can't describe what's going on properly for himself, he will be an absolute bitch about it. (Carried here from my other hc that he has a bunch of self-imposed toxic masculinity he needs to deconstruct)
- If you call him out, he will likely try to convince you he's not doing it.
- He'll become increasingly more self-aware of his behaviour you are aware of and will just be even worse because he hates that you could see something about him he doesn't want you to see.
Basically, he feels embarrassed as fuck about it, and cannot apologise because that's humiliating as all hell to him, so instead of turning inwards and dealing with his crap he then proceeds to consciously project shit onto you even when he knows he's in the wrong.
He'd rather argue the wrong point and behaviour than admit he's capable of making mistakes.
He will probably also try to hypnotise you into forgetting anything he thinks is undesirable you know about him too.
- You will need to actually teach him real consequences for his actions, but also need to be assuring him that you aren't going to do shit like Val would have or leave him for someone else and shit like that simultaneously.
He needs to essentially be taught consequences, boundaries, healthy relationship behaviour, etc. From absolute scratch. I would literally pay for this cunts therapy atp istg.
- And this is gonna be an absolute fucking nightmare because again, he doesn't want to admit that he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing and that he's in the wrong. All that interferes with his image he wants to put out at all times in your relationship with him.
He's got masks on masks. Even one for your relationship. The second that cracks in any regard, he's gonna be rushing to compensate for that, and if that doesn't work, he's gonna be pissed and most likely end up pushing that onto you.
- Speaking of image. I mentioned this in a fic, but he'd most likely be extremely controlling over your freedom to disclose your relationship, too. If he thought you would look poor as a partner for his reputation (ie. Low status, bad reputation), he'd most likely never want to publicly reveal your relationship no matter how much he loves you - he'd likely hide this completely behind you having privacy but if you say you want people to know anyway he's going to slowly become more and more overtly pissy about it.
And, if you are openly known to be in a relationship, he will be wanting to control your own image as well.
If you step one foot out of line of what he deems perfect, good lord he will be an absolute nightmare.
- Also mentioned in another post, but he would absolutely also watch you through cameras you don't know are there. Same as what he's seen doing with Val.
- He's got practically zero qualms in the beginning of your relationship with violating your privacy or boundaries if he thinks he'll get away with it/that you won't find out about it. This also likely goes for things like checking your texts, calls, and search history without permission.
- The possibility that he'd try to interfere with your personal relationships if he thought they would try drag you away from him or if they take up a lot of your attention is also pretty present.
He's an incredibly jealous person (as seen by him seeming jealous of Angel with Val of all people), so the second he sees you giving someone else positive attention? He's gonna be fucking furious.
- Again, you could not be a pushover in your relationship with him because he'd be absolutely awful. You'd have to basically be reality checking him every three seconds - it's NOT for the faint of heart and even if you're incredibly patient you will probably be going insane from it at points.
Implying you can actually get him to change tho he would become a lot better - he's gonna be fighting you on practically everything because the second he feels out of control of a situation or himself he's gonna be freaking out.
He will probably be straight up terrified if it seems like you are making him 'change', even if it's for the better and will ultimately ALSO benefit him too.
The SECOND he feels out of control of a situation in any way, he will be terrible.
- Also, if you manage to push him on the path to behaviour management this cunt will be looking smug and proud of himself as all hell the second he even slightly does what you ask and will be a bitch if you don't rain down praise on him for it. 💀
- He's so positive attention motivated it's actually pathetic lmao
With that out of the way - the slightly better/good other stuff
- Vox works fucking nightmare hours with his position in hell, and he hates not being able to be around you much so he's almost always trying to make it up to you.
- He'll be on calls with you or texting you most hours of the day (even when he probably should not be) because he's honestly clingy as hell.
If you don't like having a million notifications from someone blowing up your phone with random shit then you are not going to like being apart from him because he is chronically on his phone.
- Another thing is the gifts.
If you want a sugar daddy aa boyfriend? This is the man for you because my God will he shower you with the most expensive gifts you have ever received. New phones, cars, jewellery, clothes, so on so on.
It's bad if you don't like consumerism and want to keep devices even if newer ones come out because the second something new comes out he's getting it for you - even before it becomes publicly available to the rest of hell, it's in your hands. He wants the best stuff and only the best stuff for you. How would that make him look if his partner didn't have all the best stuff? To you and also others
- Also, the second you mention you actually want or need something? It's there right in front of you. Bro has personal delivery drones, and it will be there in under 15 minutes delivered to you or someone's getting shot.
- I've seen a few people imply gift giving is his primary love language, and it's certainly up there, but I personally think that it's more likely acts of service.
This man never does anything for anyone unless it's to keep things from being annoying to him, self gain, or damaging his image. So for him to do things for you that he knows you want from him even if he doesnt particularly want to? He is well and truly in love with you, and that would be how he'd let you know that even if he isn't self-aware of it, lmao.
He doesn't like being told to do things, but he's really good at picking up on what people want usually (unless he's being delulu) so if he notices something or you mention stuff off-hand? He'll try to do it/get it/whatever it is for you.
Material things are just material things. He's rich, it doesn't mean that much to drop thousands for him. Him actually doing things for you, though? Even if it doesn't benefit him at all? That's something else entirely.
Will be annoying asf if you don't thank him enough for it, though. Ie. "Well, you're welcome then." While pouting at you.
- As for spending time with him:
I believe he constantly wants to be alone with you and only with you when he actually has time to do so, so he only wants dates to be one-on-ond most of the time.
There aren't exactly limits upon that, though, like at all.
He's absolutely rich and has ridiculous privileges so you could be on comfy home dates where you two just stay in and cuddle after eating dinner, or seeing concerts/watching movies/etc exclusively where they are not available to just anyone, or something fucking ridiculous like eating a fancy dinner at a custom designed restaurant just for dates under a goddamn aquarium (very likely ngl)
The second he gets to show off his power, he's gonna do it with a smug grin.
- He's also extremely big on physical touch but would never admit it. I already go over this in another entry, but he's gonna have a hand on you at all times (hand on your waist, hip or shoulder, purposely brushing against you more then he logically has to be, etc)
Brief mentions of sexual stuff here
I feel like he'd love someone big on physical touch - both in a sexual way but also especially in a non-sexual way.
He's not used to getting someone cuddling him or holding his hands or literally just touching him at all without some underlying ulterior motive, so he'd probably just melt into your touch.
Also I'll link the post bc there's further takes on this in it but they are ✨️sus✨️
- He would be extremely protective of you- this can absolutely become one of the blue sections really easily- but if you're in a relationship he's gonna be constantly concerned about your safety and whether you are at risk.
I mean, you're in hell. Just about anyone could turn out to be some maniac (ironic he would think that 🤨)
Anyways, point is, you'd be safe from any other maniacs. He would give you the best security and protection probably in hell.
Another thing is that he's gonna be super paranoid at all times about whether you're safe or not. Which would probably get honestly annoying rather than endearing at a point. 💀
- Even though he's really against revealing his more vulnerable parts and what he doesn't think are desirable of himself, he's absolutely craving emotional security with someone.
So when you get him passed that? He's gonna be so goddamn clingy - even more then before lmao.
Ending note
He's an absolute nightmare who's high maintenance asf and could become extremely abusive emotionally, but he really also needs to be romanced properly for that to actually get better by a partner who won't take his bs and knows how to take him down a peg and put him in his place when he's being awful.
And definitely therapy.
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The fact that I think all this and know how much an awful person he is and still love him this much as a character has gotta indicate some sort of insanity/j
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