#shit that's been bothering me the whole time
nekohime19 · 5 hours
AITA for sleeping with the guy my girlfriend is cheating on me with?
Idk what happened but I just had the funniest idea ever and I just had to write it. So basically it's a reddit post style short story with Wukong's pov. It's an interactive story so the comments will be used as the answers. There will probably be a part two (maybe even a part three) but I don't think I'll write more than that.
Shadowpeach is the end goal and we don't forgive cheaters in this household.
Also sorry Spider Queen, love ya.
AITA for sleeping with the guy my girlfriend is cheating on me with?
Okay, so I'm not used to this internet madness but my successor once said it could help sometimes so here I am sharing drama.
So I (5000, He/him monkey immortal) have been dating this other person we'll call Venom (??, She/her, spider demon) for quite some time. And I've been quite happy with her. I know I'm not the most… upfront with things and I have issues (like a lot) but she liked me and we worked well together.
But then we got into more arguments when I began to train my successor (21, he/him, human???), we'll call him… Bud, just because.
The thing is, Venom got this whole world domination plan, which is kinda normal for demons. A lot of demons do that. And it never really bothered me because I was retired (for context I'm a retired hero who used to battle demons a lot). Besides, I had some kind of the same phase in my youth so I just thought it would pass when she'd realize it's kind of a stupid plan, and anyway she never did anything to achieve it.
But then I found a successor, Bud, and I began to train him to protect the city and fight demons, all that heroing stuff. Venom, of course, wasn't happy with that and we began to get into arguments. She accused me of betraying her and I just told her I was a hero from the start so she shouldn't have expected me to agree with her view and all.
Things got really bad when Venom decided to pull a end-of-the-world shit show on New Year when we agreed beforehand to go on a date that day. It felt like she was spiting me. Plus, she destroyed more than half of the city and gave Bud a really awful time so I was, understably I think, very angry with her.
We got on our biggest argument and took some time apart to cool off. But then Venom got back all sweet and said to leave that behind us, so I was very happy and just decided to forget our arguments entirely. I thought she just decided to stop her world domination thing. It wasn't weird for us to do that. Not the first time we got into an argument about heroing and usually we just get back together after a little bit and decide to move on.
But then I started to notice some weird stuff about Venom. Like, she was on her phone a lot more (when she always thought those mortal things were lame before) and she was kinda dismissive and distant. She forgot some of our dates and had some lame excuses, like taking weeks of vacation or something??? When she never did that before.
In hindsight maybe I shouldn't have done that but I'm a monkey you know, so I'm naturally curious. So I took her phone and snooped around a bit.
Turns out Venom was cheating on me with another guy (??, he/him, monkey demon) we'll call him Six. She was seeing him behind my back and all, planning date and calling him “darling”, 🤢. I saw red. Like cheating ???? I know we have our ups and downs but to the point of cheating on me? I was really hurt by this.
So, I don't know, to try to calm down I started to investigate on Six. Like what kind of guy he is? Is he better than me? I was kinda surprised to discover he's another celestial monkey, like I always thought I was the only one?? But also it kinda hurt because Venom was cheating with a cheap dark version of me.
So I got petty.
I wanted revenge. And info. I decided I was gonna confront this Six guy first and pull a Monkey Cop, sussing him out to see if he was aware of my existence and to clarify this situation. Maybe I should have just talked to Venom but, idk, I guess some part of me was dreading the confrontation with her.
So I got to Six workplace with a disguise and all (sunglasses and hoodie). He works in the local theater and, okay, he was kind of good on stage. I'm not gonna lie, he's also kinda cute. Just a little bit. So I approached him at the end of the show, praising him for the performance.
One thing led to another and we kinda took dinner together??? I learned he moved in recently and that he got in a relationship with Venom three months ago (which hurt). But he seemed to genuinely like her and had no idea he was the side piece here. Sooo, maybe I took pity on him, like the guy didn't deserve that? I offered him a bottle and we got waisted. In hindsight, a really bad idea, especially since I have a loose mouth when I'm drunk.
We had a fun night, doing stuff together. He admitted my disguise was shit (which, rude 🙄) and was excited to meet another celestial monkey. We talked about our experiences and we really bonded. Annnd, I got to ruin it and spill the beans, saying the truth about how Venom is in fact my girlfriend.
At first he didn't believe me, but then I pulled pictures and, yeah, he was understandably upset. He kinda looks hot when mad. We got even more waisted and cried and cursed Venom and ate ice cream then we got on my mountain, drank some more of my personal celestial wine collection, and watched Monkey Cop… Then I say “You're kinda cute.” and he says “You too”.... One thing led to another and, yeah, we slept together.
And so now I'm in my bed typing this with the worst headache on earth and with very obvious marks of what happened last night on me. Six is sleeping next to me and I'm questioning my life (and my sexuality???)
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Brainrotting About A Crimson Rivers Fan Film aaaaa
And because @almostafunctionaladult (hopefully that @'s you cos idk if it worked) and a grand total of four other people liked the post I made about it, I'm gonna barf all my current ideas here
Cos why not??
FULL disclaimer I laid away late into the night conjuring all of this up and when I tried to bother my sibling with all this madness it was only semi coherent so hopefully this will make sense lol Strap in.
TO START OFF! There is SO much content even just in the first arena between all the hell James and Regulus are going through, plus wolfstar's domestic romance thing they have, and all the politics and Sirius' pov in the Hallow during the games. And THEN, you have the whole entire hellscape that is the second half of the fic and the second arena and revolution and shit, so it would be EXTREMELY hard to make a single movie. The original source material couldn't even be made into one book, let alone one movie XD
Which is why I have been stewing and pondering and have decided! Do it miniseries style >:D With the VERY large and generous budget of my dreams, it would be two seasons each with 30-45 minute episodes. Season 1 is 6-12 episodes and covers the first arena as well as the aftermath and ends once James and Regulus are on their way home. Season 2 is definitely more like 12-15 episodes and covers everything that goes down in the last 30 chapters or so.
UNFORTUNATELY, I do not have that splendid or magnificent of a budget as I am just a uni student with delusions of grandeur lol
So I would pick a few fan favourite scenes from the book and make short films about those! Starting off strong with the scene when Regulus and James meet up in the arena the first time cos I ADORE that scene and I need to see it in film XD That one is ALSO very easy to do on a budget which is nice cos it's two actors (which I still need so if you're in the US of A and can make it to Idaho, hit me up whaaaattt who said that??) and a patch of trees I could reasonably pass off as a forest on camera.
Another essential would be the Bear Trap scene and I have SO many fun ideas for camerawork on that one to add to the stress and chaos >:D never lingering on one person for two long to keep up the frantic, panicked feeling in the scene. I'd ALSO love to have a shot of them all just walking and then somehow quickly foreshadow that the trap is coming just for a split second before it cuts to a wide shot of the forest treeline for James' scream as he Gets Got. Then cut right back to all of them and commence the scene. Regulus calling James 'baby' is, of course, a must have in the book-to-film adaptation partly cos it's a recurring theme and hurts a lot when Reg says it later on, and also I just like it :) I would LOVE to do the scene with the death eaters when they catch Regulus and James cos I think that one can be really fun with the expressions. And being able to put Regulus going apeshit on Mulciber for hurting James could be a super cool but to film
I want to do EVERYTHING with Evan cos I love him so much but this is getting long so I'll have to save that for another rant
OH! And how could I forget the BEATBOXING SCENE??? I feel like I'm legally required to film the bit where James is beatboxing in the arena cos it's PEAK comedy but also the right background music could really do wonders in emphasising the level of humanity James still has in him at that point and could make it just a little bit angsty :)
RAGHHH AND MY IDEAS FOR THE FINAL SCENE WHEN REGULUS COMES OUT OF THE RIVER AND THEY REACH FOR EACOTHER! Camera blur will be my BEST friend in that one, giving the illusion that the audience is kind of seeing it from James and Regulus' pov as they're losing lucidity. Maybe some brief hints of flachbacks to all the top Jegulus highlights of the arena in, like, a 'happiest memories' sort of way? But not set on that it might be too much I dunno yet. And then I want to have the very last shot be from Regulus' pov. Imagine with me: we can see his hand in the foreground as he's reaching for James but the camera is swaying and his vision is blurry. Distantly, Slughorn's voice announces the winners of the 84th annual hunger games are none other than James Potter and Regulus Black. James, who had just been staring for the longest time, looks to Regulus, and there could possibly be the slightest twitch in his hand as he reaches back for Regulus, but the moment Slughorn's voice fades, Regulus collapses completely and it cuts to black as he passes out. And that's the end of the film. Roll credits :D
That's all I got for now, and those are only my ideas for the FIRST arena but this was getting long so I gotta cut it here lol XD Anyway yeah hopefully this was semi-coherent and as cool on metaphorical paper as it is in my head lol Let me know what yall think!! And if you have any other ideas I'd LOVE to hear them!!
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ghostoffuturespast · 8 months
All this fucking time, and I finally figured out how to get rid of the fucking paragraph breaks in between lines on a03... I'm an idiot. shift+enter
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vvitchering · 11 months
I’m replaying act 1 (for the fifth time) and when Gale is explaining his condition to you he mentions he’s “never told another living soul” about it, except for Tara. You’re telling me this man shut himself up in his tower for an entire year and didn’t tell anyone why and no one ever bothered to find out? He has so few people who care about him in his life that he fell into a depression and disappeared for a year and NO ONE thought to go and check on him and find out what was wrong? He’s had no one but Tara providing help and support until he meets Tav???????
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aromanticannibal · 3 months
it's honestly so hard to explain that you care for someone you like without using the words love
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i have to wonder what super hardcore militant vegans think should be done about obligate carnivore animals, because in all my painfully-rapidly-approaching-30-years i've literally never actually seen anyone give a clear consistent much less halfway feasible answer on that
#mostly i've just seen like “how dare you ask questions you just want an excuse to murder you're sealioning ect”#or worse some vague and wildly improbable nonsense about like. fake robot animals covered in beyond meat or something equally convoluted#which is a thing i did see someone suggest as a serious answer#i mean i already know they think i'm a genetically inferior hateful vampire that should starve to death for the greater good#because my exact combination of health conditions make meat basically the only semi-safe way i can get close to enough nutrients#i know this because they have repeatedly told me that i'm either evil or should be sacrificed or both#and yelled at me for asking questions by bringing up the whole disabled thing and then they're like#“a lot of vegans i know are advocates for disability!” as if that ever means jack shit in the society that results from anything#no matter what you do a vast majority of people in any given society will *not* be advocates for the disabled. i'm sorry they just won't.#and what do you think public perception of people who physically can't survive like that is going to skew towards#in a society founded on the belief that non-vegan diets are evil?#at absolute best we're looking at being a heavily marginalized class generally seen as something like vampires and our existences taboo.#(as if these type's own insistence that they should be allowed to harass and shame people doesn't disprove their assertion that we won't be#thinking it could possibly go any better than that is a fucking fairy tale. human nature doesn't work that way.#you simply cannot eliminate the human desire to designate and abuse a class of have-nots. the absolute best you can do is mitigate damage.#take it from someone who's been multiple kinds of disabled and chronically ill all my life. people will not “just”. ever.#i get this even from people who are otherwise very aware of and VERY GOOD at avoiding this sort of thinking#“i'm a disability advocate!” no you are not. you are a poster. my experience has taught me that what people advocate for in their free time#means precisely jack shit for how they will actually act when faced with the situations they make otherwise rational posts about#and the fact of the matter is even if you somehow really are the perfect disability advocate a majority of people WILL NOT BE YOU.#a majority of people in society will be margrat from accounting who clutches her pearls when she sees the gays and thinks autism isnt real#and who has never had a nuanced thought in her life and actively does not want to#a vast majority of people in your Vegan Utopia will not be you and your friends who march with wheelchair users and volunteer at the shelte#a vast majority of people in your Vegan Utopia will be jenny who starved 8 cats to death on broccoli because she can't be bothered#and who thinks that “carnivores” are actual nazis and don't deserve healthcare because she saw someone say that online.#ALWAYS assume your society will be made up mostly of the worst kind of person it can because it WILL ALWAYS BE TRUE and you can't change it#most people seek the low-effort option. and evil is most often banal and low-effort.#i'm just so fucking tired of every single even vaguely lefty-adjacent political movement simultaneously acting like i don't fucking exist#and at the same time that i need to be sacrificed to achieve Utopia. god. at least conservative whackjobs are upfront and honest about#how they think that i'm a burden on society that needs to be Eugenics'd . rather than trying to morally gaslight me about it.
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ofcowardiceandkings · 22 days
the sinus headaches are already not great but Extra Shit has been added to the pile and im just sat on that right now trying to figure out what the fuck to do
#ive uh not processed it yet and it also wont really shake out for a little while now i guess but .. yeah#long story short my friends who ive been A Trio with since we were 11 might be done with each other#theres a LOT of additional factors but theyre splitting a house share so one can go live with a boyfriend#and in the process it sounds like theyve made a lot of selfish choices for some unknown reason#ngl theyve pissed me off a little bit for being so weird and reclusive since theyve had the boyfriend as well but only with us#its ... yeah i dont know what alls happened because i dont live with them#but i just cant fathom how they got to this point quibbling over the contents of their shared house of 5 years#over a boyfriend whos been around for 2 or 3 years ..... to ruin a friendship of 18 years ????#again i dont know the whole story but i trust what the friend whos still good at talking to us to not lie about them being screwed around#i just dont get it at all how to reconcile what ive been told with who ive known over half my life#theyve felt off .. or wrong for a while now tbh ... i miss them#i havent seen the other one since before may ...#the thought that mightve been the last time we all hang out is kind of killling me inside lol#and it was also pretty weird and stilted again because it was very boyfriend-centric#this always happens to me lol ive lost count of all my school friend groups who end up basically fighting over me after they fall out#its a MAJOR trauma point for me and i thought we kind of grew past that but i guess i was wrong#ive been catching myself with a weepy eye or a single sob all day#i dont know what to do i wanna know what the fuck happened and what was worth doing this for#i wanna confront everyone and ask for a fucking explanation as to why my single life solid bedrock is falling apart#i mostly wanna dig a hole and die in it ... im fine im safe but im bothered by like ...#what a total fool ill look like if i just melt down at work ... i might find the mental health first aiders list and write an email lol#im like not okay cksbdkssj fucking hell#i have some hope but its ... its hard out here#i need to go to bed fuck#id dont neeeeed thiiiiisss im gonna choke on life agaaaiiinnn#the battle to keep my shit together enough to at least not self-sabotage ??? its testing my patience#rory's ramblings
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the-everqueen · 6 months
aous was...fine, imho, it was fine, but it was fundamentally white, middle-class british and i could accept that but i couldn't forgive it
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willoftrees · 2 months
that bullshit with the minecraft server honestly just made me so much more anxious about gaming with people. like, it's honestly part of why i just DON'T.
every co op or multiplay game i join, everyone goes off and does their own thing. in MC, it's fine, that's chill, go make ur own base and eke out ur own niche in the world, it's awesome we can make stuff super far and then invite ppl to come see what we built and it's like having neighbors and stuffs, i find joy in that- most other games i join tho, even ones where i need helpppp, everyone just fucks off and leave me and i'm like "ok why did y'all want me to play again? cuz ur not playing WITH me now, we just happen to be playing the same thing......." but the way my friend's friend treated me in their server was completely unfair and just unfriendly. because of their inability to voice to my friend that they just wanted it to be the two of them, they decided to be a bully to me???? like, i didn't fucking invite myself. my friend asked if i wanted to join and then asked his friend to invite me. also his friend up and deleted the first world they were working on because they didn't like the spawn point and couldn't be bothered to explore far enough to get out of their current biome. the second world they started had no mobs and no hunger so they could get ahead quickly and then when they turned mobs on they had gathered so much they could easily reach the end. their friend acted like they thought they were some badass for having frost walker boots even tho they had to play fucking baby mode to get them. idk why but they also seemed pissed that i wandered off to explore and gather resources on my own accord, then they for some reason decided they should run all the way to me instead of me just going to them, to have me follow them all the way back to the base i already knew the location of - i think because they wanted to show off their boots to me, since there's no water near their base and there was plenty of water on the way to where i was - and then once there, as i was handing over some loot to them and my friend, that i had collected from the mine i was disassembling in the badlands i had found, they (the host, not my friend) sudden fucking lit me on fire -_- i then helped my friend clear a room, got bored and wanted to explore a lil more so i left their base, then my friend tells me the host wants me to go to the end with them. mind you.... i have like, no armor, and i been fucking sick and barely able to play lately. so i let them know i'm good, and that i would be hopping off since i was getting a headache and still was sick. i sign off and the next day when i sign in, i see i am removed from their server. :'D i message my friend and say i think his friend removed me from the server and am ttly confused about why, and he's like "sssssssss *inhale* yeahhhh they weren't really happy with you hopping on without telling anyone" and my wtf ensues, and he tried to tell me that it's common courtesy to let someone know when they are going to be on a server?
like, not only would i simply not have known because this is unfamiliar territory for me (i usually play solo, realms is ttly new to me), but that.... didn't sound right but also hypocritical, because he himself rarely lets me know when he would be on my household's server either. :| then he tells me they only wanted it to be him and them in their server
then he tells me they didn't really like me - and THAT
that's the one that really really got me. i never SPOKE to his friend aside from literally "HAIIIIIII" in text chat when i met them, and then an "ayyyyyy" the time i signed on and apparently pissed them off cuz i didn't inform anyone i would be getting on. when i met them they didn't even reply to me, and the second time they replied "no" and that was it. they said "no" to my "ayyyyyyyy" - to which i didn't reply because wtf even. plus i was in discord call with my friend so i moved along and thought nothing of it. i am pissed because i did just SOME work in their server, i would be fucking furious if i actually spent the time to build some neat stuff only to have it all taken from me like that. can't tell you how many times, how many different ways, that has happened to me in my life. from different games, to things i have made, to my literal life and living situations - had everything i did and worked for taken and reduced to starting all over all again. i think in the end, and ima just speculate here based on how they seem to wanted it to be just them and my friend, how they treated me, and how they would interact with said friend - that mayhaps they have a crush on him and they felt i was getting in the way. that's cute and all and i'm happy they like my friend so much - but i think their behavior is a slew of red flags tbh. a lil possessive, much? idk y'all, i gotta rationalize this somehow because the way they treated me was rly unfair and it needs to make sense somehow. :|
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musingmycelium · 3 months
. noncoherent but also thoughts
#i have such mixed feelings on the solas varric save everyone meme#bc on one hand ya that is whats going on in that dialoge but also!! its not!!#solas *is* trying to save everyone from his pov on several levels (the spirits the ancieny elves the modern people too to an extent*)#*the extent being how far he views them as people/everyone being semi dependant on his relationship with the inquisitor i believe#and he is trying this is his third fucking attempt we know of to save everyone#(which of course he will keep trying and keep trying as alone as possible he isnt named pride for no reason he doesnt have a place -#-in the dalish pantheon for no reason)#and then varric..#my god where do i even begin with varric's pov#da2 varric is EXTREMELY you cant save everyone (so why bother to try) and so very much out for himself (and those he cares about -#-bc those are *his* friends and his friends are part of his life)#but for those outside his circle? varric does not give two shits about anyone outside in da2#dai varric has learned over the past 10 years little. imo. he's learned his friends are affected by things he cannot control (hello.) but#he clings to the idea he can control things he can write their (his) story bc if he cant (and he knows he cant its why he tries so hard) -#then its been meaningless the whole time and he's back at square one#varric has learned the you have to try thing the fucking hard way and tbh he doesnt really believe it (at least not in dai)#i REALLY wanna see dav varric and what development he's had (sorry i havent read the comics and probably wont theyre hard for me to see/read#god i wish i could see what my tags are bc i dont remember where i cut several of these off fuck mobile tagging but anyways#i want tosee what direction varric has moved in - his dialogue inthe trailer is deeply interesting to me. specifically. since it does seem#to imply a real shift in his pov but im Suspicious bc while varric has always cared deeply and has been tryung very hard to keep his friends#read his#life comfortable he's really never picked any sort of side in his life varric is deeply centrist bc he benefits from not rocking the boat#(usually.)#(dai trapped him imo and hes not there to save the world by a long shot)#but dav seems to position him into an instigator role a real shake it up and point role#very interesting to me i wanna see where it goes#anyway.#im gonna take more headache meds and open indeed and blow myself up
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orbmanson7 · 9 months
Very bad grade in therapy today
#thought i could make progress this year and yet here i am having done jack shit by now#what has even been the point#i just wanted to do something today that didnt feel awful like try to encourage people to watch a show or play a game#and now im just right back to Why do i bother staying alive? im never going to make any progress#and even if i do I'm going to just be worthless the whole time and waste precious resources others could be using#oh yes just try saying a nice thing to yourself for once! yeah sure that will help when i cant do anything worth a damn#i want to help people but i have no skillsets and no money to further my education and teaching myself gets me right where i already am!#continuing like this is like spitting in the face of anyone who is actually out there pursuing their dreams and thats not fair to them#they put in all that hard work and im over here being a whiny ass bitch bc i want so badly to do better and learn more#but the only thing holding me back is that im a dumbass who cant do anything right and no one will ever think differently#why am i trying to make myself something i can never be? what is goddamn point if its just a waste of everyones time and effort#i just... it feels like the least i can do is just stop taking up space#free up some oxygen for someone who really needs it and shelter for someone who truly deserves it#i shouldnt even have these things and yet i complain about how much gas i have to pay to commute to my jobs#like such an asshole#and i said i so much in these tags bc im such a selfish jerk who coearly doesnt care enough nor has a worthwhile vocabulary to say otherwise#theres just no fucking point to any of this#...#its cold today#might be a good day to do my favorite plan#actually yeah fuck it im gonna go#hope you all stay kind to yourselves and enjoy your 2024#you absolutely deserve it and everything you can get out of it#keep being amazing yall#see you on the flip side or whatever#orbs thought bubbles
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anotheruntitledsong · 6 months
i did like the hidden palace but (SPOILER if anyone hasn't read it?) i'm genuinely so annoyed at how Arbeely is handled like... I wish i could be sad but i'm just fucking irritated. I was overly invested in him and that's def why but i just feel like they did him dirty
#the golem and the jinni#i was scrolling goodreads and the take i kept seeing was 'oh I wish Arbeely could've had his family too bad the jinni FUCKED IT UP'#but idk that's just not how i read him. like thats not where i feel the problem is#his whole shtick is being content as the jinni's foil and like! things can change! but the way it's done leaves him totally unresolved#which in turn means the jinni's shit is also never getting resolved because there is like no way to#when Arbeely describes his future family in the first book it's all 'someday... vaguely...' and AGAIN! what you want can change!#and honestly it's really interesting and sad that he makes this sacrifice for the jinni#but it's a layer of complexity that like clashes with how little he is there for and how little the author's invested in him#and like the way the no marriage literally did not ruin his life at all... sure it sucked but the man is still like idk rich#what has continuously fucked with him throughout both books is that he wants (or at least spends half his page time thinking about)#emotional connection to the jinni in a human way#which is something the jinni cant\wont give him even though he's basically Arbeely's only close friend#(besides ig maryam who was rlly funny hinting at her dislike for the jinni like someone trying to get their friend to dump their toxic bf)#anyway the vibe in the first book is that he only thinks about wanting a wife when the jinni is being a dickhead#BECAUSE the jinni eases arbeelys loneliness by just being there because at the end of the day that's what humans need#but then it's made really weird in the second book by Arbeely getting 'trapped' by the jinni (and yet they just grow further apart)#which means that the only thing arbeely actually spent half his life discontent with and then literally died without is not a wife#it's emotional intimacy with the jinni. which is insane to me#arbeely is obviously already tragic but this seems TOO tragic entirely because the book doesn't give af about addressing it#if it was like a plot thing then all of the above would be fine and gutwrenching because it ties back into the jinnis self isolation#BUT IT'S NOT. like i get arbeely isn't that important to the plot but he was important to the jinni and the jinni was important to him#alsoo necessarily disclaimer i'm not trying to say he's in love with the jinni or anything like that#although a queer arbeely (divorced from the above idea) would also been interesting cuz I dont think the jinni has a grasp on homophobia#so idk theyd be keeping each others secrets (arbeely x the biscuit man? JOKE)#BUTTTT! I don't believe he needs romantic energy! him and the jinni having awful vibes up until arbeely's literal death is what bothers me#The jinni is a bad communicator ik but come on... not once? not even before the diagnosis? The jinni also thinks about how distant they are#could they not talk a little? for me? there are ways to do it within the bounds of their characters FOR SURE#im sure this is the point but i do dislike it either way. anyway sorry arbeely u remind me of my uncle#the hidden palace
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moesartblog · 1 year
#I just saw a post that pissed me off#it is so frustrating seeing posts complaining about lesbians being ‘forced’ to have sex with men#like I’m so sorry but uh lesbians lesbians and men have been sucking and fucking men particularly queer men since time in memoriam#and that doesn’t make them not lesbians and doesn’t mean they were necessarily forced to do it eaither#and this is not talking about the cases where that does happen#queer people of all sorts fuck and date and it will not fit into a neat box that makes you feel good every time#I hate the rising of Porto terf/radfem/transphobia rhetoric and the gender essentialism shit#sorry I’m rambling this is frustrating#also how fuckibg insensitive to bring of conversion therapy in relation to lesbians and gay men fucking each other consentually holy fuck#obviously if someone is being a fucking pushy ass and saying all lesbians should fuck men that’s awful and that person should be shunned#but I see these reactions to people just gleefully talking about the messy queer relationships they have or want to have or see#and people who do the whole nmlnm bullshit getting their emotions in a bungle#if you don’t like these opinions of mine please feel free to leave and block me#this may have not been coherent at points and is definitely vague posting about a specific post but it bothered me so much#forgot to mention the biphobia in it too#also I wanted to make it clear the cases where lesbians are pressured into sex with people they don’t wanna have sex with is Bad like it is#never EVER acceptable and the people who promote that need to be strung up#but this is not about those situations
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avo-kat · 1 year
honestly, the MOST infuriating thing about the trans thing is, that:
people have been cross-dressing, as another gender, for as long as the distinction existed.
even in our recent history we can find many, many, many examples of this.
of course, often it was played as a joke, a bit, a character in a movie or play or skit or what not.
but many people lived as the opposite gender, openly. many people cross-dressed. always.
verka fucking serduchka is a cross-dresser. and verka is celebrated in fucking russia. everybody loves verka.
i can remember hundreds of times watching tv as a kid and seeing people cross-dress, constantly. my own family members always cross-dressed at birthdays and weddings. putting up dance performances, doing skits, the whole thing. as school, too.
the whole fucking TIME.
i never once was confused at the existence of trans people because i saw my own father wear a dress on multiple occasions, dancing to songs of female dancers, pretending to seduce other men in attendance, or women cross-dressing as men. isnt that EXACTLY what drag is?
im just so incredibly exhausted & utterly furious how this somehow has been forgotten by all the right-wing jerks and the media? wtf are yall doing? wtf is up with you? all of this was literally completely normal a few years ago?
i was never confused by butch lesbians, because a lot of older women just look like butch lesbians.
and, sure, the cross-dressing was mainly a joke, and def not always good-naturedly, but it was a THING. that was DONE. REGULARLY. it was very much NORMAL.
and now some fascists and the media are spinning this weird reality of trans ppl being the source of all evil and some kind of new & strange entity??? women get harassed for going to the bathroom for looking like women have been looking since the dawn of humanity? excuse me? is this some kind of big joke i missed? what the FUCK is going on, honestly????
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buggyandthebartoclub · 8 months
Idk how to say this but it’s hypocritical to say it’s all fiction, no thought policing, etc etc when it’s about stuff you’re horny for but not for the things you’re not horny for.. In both writing and art..
*shrugs* idk some of y’all kinda give rules for thee not for me w it. Idk. Just reflecting on things
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dutybcrne · 10 months
It’s always so fun to explore genderbends for how the story gets affected
#//Yes; this is abt me mulling over Fem!Kaveh again jdnfnf#☆ ┆ ( .ooc. );#//Like#//Make hkvh both gals and ofc; it’s basically the same. but Yuri#//Which for me personally? I find it Good Shit. Always love a good wlw; ESP with their dynamic#//Plus it’d make the whole of the archon quest so much funnier/better for me for various reason djbfb#//Then the mixed ones is so good too!#//Fem!Haitham & Kaveh? Girlboss and sad wet cat man#//Fem!Kaveh and Haitham? Girlfailure and Unbothered King#//In both of those cases; Kaveh having an Extra incentive to keep their cohabitation a secret#//In the first; bc he won’t want anyone talking bad abt Haitham bc he’s living with her#//Won’t allow it; Refuses to increase the chance for any rumors to bother her. Would FIGHT if anybody talks smack#//Even if she prolly doesn’t Care abt any rumors anyways. he’s Deffo head over heels partly bc of that side of her#//And bc she’s just so Cool. Strong stoic lady; badass in all she does. always has been; always will be. how can he NOT admire her?#//Deffo buys her unprompted gifts in gratitude & they bicker over his mora use lol. he deffo complains less over the housework#//Instead; takes over more of it so she can focus on her duties and have more free time for herself; out of personal feelings#//with Fem!Kav? Kav is worried abt her AND his rep. She’s already in debt and in a mess as Is#//But roping Haitham into the mess of the rumors and what could result from them? She worries how he’d react#//Either favorably or not. Bc that is a Lot to deal with either way#//Doesn’t know if it’s be worse for him to kick her out over them. bc she’d DIE if he tried ‘taking responsibility’ otherwise hfbfb#//Esp since he takes care of a Lot for her as IS. It’s embarrassing depending on him so much; feels it’d only make him resent her in the en#//It embarrasing in every version; tbh; but Fem!Kav would find it more frustrating in particular#//Esp depending on her needs and how the clients treat her. Op; that’s going into a Serious topic#//Ahhh; but that’s PART of the charm of the gender ends and stuff!#//Prolly not for a little post like this tho nfnf. Better save THAT for a verse write up#//Which there WILL be; mark my words; bc Fem!Kaveh has a GRIP on me#//Her and other lil bends my brain has been toying with hdbdbdb
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