#shop for sale near station
gharjunction2020 · 7 months
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creepyjirachi · 1 year
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my aether pair just hatched two doubles! slate/hunter/hunter and tangerine/avocado/avocado. they’re pure gen 2, and their parents have some fun lore if you’re into that. they’re on the AH for 20g each but i can take treasure instead if anyone is interested :>
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flats-for-sale-kalyan · 7 months
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Adorable ice cream shop/eatery for sale with a residence upstairs. It can all be rented out, or you can live & work in the same building. The residence is currently on Airbnb. Built in 1900, it's been renovated, and has 1bd, 1.5ba. $875K.
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There's little table for a party of 4 to sit by the front window, otherwise, patrons can go up to the dining room.
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You can make this blank canvas look so cute.
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Public restroom.
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Professional kitchen.
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Industrial kitchenware washing area and a walk-in freezer.
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Oooh, is that a slushie maker?
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Here's the ice cream station.
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Large supply room. Most of the equipment is included except for a few pieces.
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This cute 2nd level is the apt.
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Roomy open-concept apt. has a very nice kitchen.
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Sit at the kitchen counter or set up a table & chairs.
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The single bedroom is so cozy.
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The full bath for the apt. is neat.
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It's advertised as 1 bd., but look at this- 2 more beds tucked in sleeping nooks.
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There's also an outdoor eating area, either on the deck or at the picnic tables in the yard.
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The property is right near the marina in Northport Bay.
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Very nice community.
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arrloww · 4 months
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Café Oasis
In where you apply for a job at a café. Café Oasis, although everyone calls it Café 141, due the number of military things in the café, and the army cadets that wonder into the café on their downtown.
SERIES CONTENT WARNING: xreader, Swearing, Sexual innuendos, fucked up sense of humor, Baking inaccuracies, military inaccuracies, Smut?
If there is anything I missed, please let me know :)
Word Count: 1.9K
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The small whir of your laptops fan sends you a small reminder that you need to get a new laptop. Having this one since you were in Uni. Clicking the link, it takes you to an application form. Typing in your information, some of your keys getting stuck and causing you to retype words much to your annoyance.
The tap of your keys is drowned out by the music you have playing, swaying your head to the music and shoulders moving to the beat. You finish the application and close the tab, you get up from the lounge you were sitting on, walking to the kitchen a few steps away. The cold floor sends shivers up your legs and arms, but when you near the baking sweets it doesn’t matter, the warmth that surrounds your small kitchen when you open the door to the oven.
Placing the sweets on top of the stove and pulling a cooling rack from a cupboard underneath the bench to your left, you set them to cool, and netting thing over it to keep flies off it.
Things like this were normal when you weren’t working at your corner store shop before, but now that you quit, you had more time to bake but not enough money to fund it.
Sighing, you finished up what you had to do, then you head to bed.
The day was a bright day, but with a cold wind. Dressing in something warm, but you could always take something off, in case you got too warm. You lock the door behind you, placing your keys in your pocket, and roaming down the stairs of your apartment block.
From your pocket, you unlocked your car, shivering and turning on the car. You blast the heat before pulling out of your parking space, heading towards the markets. Sundays were market days, you enjoyed wondering and buying cute stuff, or if there was anything you needed, sometimes it was cheaper than buying them at a store.
The smells of a beautiful Lavender soap bar filled your sense as you stepped into the market. The closest stall to your left was a cute little cottage core style with the main table painted a light baby blue, small bubbles painted on it.
You roam over to the stall, taking your time to look through and smell the soaps. You occasionally took a smell of a coffee jar to make sure all the smells didn’t muddle together.
The next stall was a small station of crocheted items of clothing, alongside wool. The wools and fabrics were soft and in a large range of colour and gradient, softness, and texture. Feeling the different wools and fabrics you tense up at a certain texture, saying a bye before walking away rubbing the tips of your fingers to the palm of your hand. You did NOT like that texture.
An hour later you had two bags filled with things, diamond dots to do while you watch criminal minds, couple books that were on sale, cooking ingredients, etc.
It wasn’t until you got to your car, placing the bags on the passenger side floor. It was cold in your car, but hot while you were walking outside, you decided to take off your outerwear, turning the heat up, your fingers and nose copping the worse of the cold. Your phone rang, a number you didn’t recognize, but you picked it up anyways. Could be one of the twelve jobs you applied for.
Picking up the call, and making sure it wasn’t connected to the speakers, you hear a lady’s voice on the other end. “Hello?” She asked for your name.
“I saw your application this morning and I wanted to see if you could come in today? If you can’t today, that’s alright too.” Her voice was nice and calm, sweet sounding too. You told the lady you could, and what time she wanted you around.
“Anytime today, lunchtime maybe?” Her voice sounded distant for a second like she was turned away rom the phone. “And just ask for Laswell. Hope to see you soon.”
You say a quick thank you and goodbye. Taking a sip from a milkshake you got, you buckled up and set GPS to café 141, driving out of the car park. The café was popular, but on a Wednesday lunchtime, it shouldn’t be too busy, you hoped. The traffic was a bit annoying, people coming out of work for lunch breaks, or some going home from a late-night shift or early morning one. Turning left, you started playing some music, driving home to pick up your folder of work interview things. Changing clothes, into something warm but interview worthy.
When you went into the bathroom to fix up, you walked out of your house at 11:30am, the interview around 12:00pm. You had to be early. If you’re on time, you’re late. That’s what you told yourself when you moved out on your own.
The doors lock clicked, and you continued to your car, then to the café.
Walking into the café, there was people here and there. Some college kids in a group, on laptops and making occasional conversations. On the other side there was older guys, almost scary looking, if they did have massive smiles on their faces and loud laughing.
Stomach grumbling, you wonder into the line. Ordering a Raspberry Crumble, you ask to see Laswell as you paid. The worker at the cash register, a young girl who still seems to be in school nods, her ponytail bobbing as she does. She turns and makes her way into the kitchen and makes a turn out of sight. A couple seconds later, a blonde woman walks out, dark dress pants and a dark grey button down.
She motions you around to her side of the register, to follow her.
Following the woman, Kate Laswell, into her office she sits you down, allowing you to eat your piece of crumble ass she explains what the job position will ask of you in more detail, and ask you more questions.
“Are you sure if I can eat? I don’t want to seem unprofessional…” You trail off, a tad bit anxious.
‘Maybe it’s a ploy? To get you to eat, just so you seem unprofessional, them they will tell everyone around that hiring to not hire you and that you won’t be able to get a job and youll be kicked from your apartmentand thenyoullhavetomovebackkinwithyourparents’ Shifting and continuing to not eat the crumble slice that is still in a brown paper bag.
Kate laughs, not a loud laugh like the men on the table to your left as you walk in, but a little closed mouth chuckle. Her blue eyes crinkling around the edges. Almost mother-like, in some of mannerisms, Kate gestures to the paper bag, and stands to reach and get a snack of her own.
“I am quite hungry myself, ready to start? And do you have everything?” She bites into a blueberry muffin, small crumbs falling to the plate she had sitting underneath it.
Nodding and bringing out the folder, you hold a quarter of the raspberry crumble in the paper bag taking a bite. Swallowing, you open the folder to give her another copy of your resume.
She looks through it, nodding with an unreadable expression on her face. “Do you have any licenses and certificates from school?” As she traces a finger on the schooling area of your resume, “And maybe a cover letter, if you have one written?”
Placing the crumble down and sifting through the folder for certification for the cooking classes you did in university, and your wallet as well to get your driver’s license. Not forgetting the cover letter, you wrote.
There more gruelling silence, the only sound is very soft rustling from the paper bag, and voice from behind the door to the kitchen. You tap your fingers against your thigh, looking at your nails, the wall, the window, admiring her office as Kate reads through everything.
She scares the living shit out of you as she suddenly speaks up. “Looks good so far! Now, the position, it’s not guaranteed but we will give you more information anyways. So, your role will be baking, so you’ll be spending a lot of time on your feet and in early hours. Do you have any disabilities that will stop you from being on your feet for long periods?” Pulling a notebook from a drawer in her desk. Shaking your head, you say no.
“Okay, uhm what next?” Tapping her pen against the notebook. “Are you able to work in loud environment? Are you able to work with others?” You answer.
“I have no problem with a loud environment, I’m quite used to it from working in the corner store. And I was a manager at the corner store, Hop’s.” She writes your answer in her notebook.
“What do you think of music while you work?” She looks up at you, raising an eyebrow. You give a small sheepish smile.
“I quite prefer working with music, but I can without too. “
“One of the last questions before we move on, Are you comfortable working around men? We have a few men working here, they are good men. But I would like to hear your opinion.”
Your quiet for a moment thinking it over, weighing pros and cons. “I don’t mind, it should matter who works with me as long as we get along and do our jobs.” Kate smile at that, the corner of her eyes crinkling again.
“Last question, promise” She chuckles softly, “What are your available hours?”
You sit straighter in the seemingly soft chair, “Everyday ma’am. I was going to ask if a full-time position was available?” You didn’t want to come off to strong, but you had to ask, rent was going up, and things needed to be replaced, you needed money to live off. Tapping your thumbs together you await her response. 
“If you get the job, I could arrange that, but I do have another three interviews today.” She stands, you follow suit thanking her for interviewing you and that you hope to hear from her soon.
As you walk out, you spot a small group of men behind the counter. They’re laughing together and hanging around the barista area. Some people have left, and the line is now gone.
Throat parched, going up to the counter and waiting for the men to finish talking, not wanting to be rude.
The one to spot you is a tall fluffy blonde-haired man, with a simple black surgical mask covering his face. “Sorry abou’ that, didn’t see you ther’, what can I get ya’?” He has a thick accent, not surprised you weren’t from England. Waving of the apology shyly, not one to bother people, you quickly order a vanilla latte, iced, one shot. The tall guy made it quickly, shooting quips back and forth between his co-workers. Paying and taking the drink, you say thank you and make your way out of the café.
You’re grateful for the cold car, unlike last time. You take off your outwear, feeling yourself start to sweat. Hands getting clammy, and unable to sit still, you hear the click of your seatbelt, autopilot getting you ready to drive. Plugging the keys in and stopping to play music, you check your blinds spots and tug the gearstick into first.
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ha-rinrin · 11 hours
Summer of second chances
1st chapter
total word count for the whole series: 40 something k words
total word count for this chapter:3,7k
summary:You return to your small hometown after two years away at college, hoping for a quiet summer to recharge. But the town hasn’t forgotten you, sparking the curiosity of a blue-haired girl who’s eager to unravel the mystery behind the girl who left town.
Back in town
The bus rolls into the station with a loud hiss of air, the brakes squealing in protest as it comes to a halt. You glance out the window, watching the familiar streets of your hometown come into view. The same small shops line the streets, their faded signs untouched by time. It’s like stepping back into a memory—everything looks exactly the way you left it.
You step off the bus, adjusting the bag on your shoulder as the warm, sticky summer air hits you. The smell of saltwater from the nearby ocean mingles with the scents of food from the old diner on the corner, and for a second, you’re reminded of the countless summers you spent here. But it feels different now. After two years away at college, you’ve grown used to the fast pace of the city, the noise, the constant movement. Coming back here feels like pressing pause on all of that.
Your mom had practically begged you to come home for the summer. “You need a break,” she’d said during one of your weekly phone calls. “You’ve been working nonstop for two years—just take some time to relax.” At first, you resisted. How could you relax when you’ve spent the last two years building a near-perfect academic record, lining up internships, and doing everything you could to ensure your future? But as finals week wrapped up and the exhaustion finally hit you, the feeling of just wanting to clear your head became too persistent, and a quiet summer at home started sounding like a pretty good idea.
You’ve only been back in town for a few minutes, but already the slow rhythm of this place is starting to seep in. It’s quieter here, the pace slower, the days longer. You allow yourself to breathe it in, the scent of salt in the air, the sound of the ocean waves in the distance. This place is simple, comfortable. Maybe you can find some peace here after all.
You start walking toward home, the streets looking almost too familiar. There’s the old bookstore where you used to spend hours as a kid, now closed with a faded “For Sale” sign in the window. The ice cream shop is still in business, though the paint on the sign is peeling. You catch a glimpse of the park where you used to meet up with friends after school, though it looks smaller now.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket, snapping you out of your thoughts. You pull it out and see Vi’s name flash across the screen. A small smile tugs at your lips. Vi’s been your best friend since high school—tough, no-nonsense, and always there when you need her. You haven’t seen her in a while, but you’ve kept in touch, texting every now and then.
You answer the call. “Vi! I just got into town.”
“Y/N!” Vi’s voice comes through the phone, full of energy. “It’s about time. How was the trip?”
You shift the bag on your shoulder as you walk, taking a right turn onto the street that leads to your house. “Long. But not too bad. Just happy to finally be back.”
“I bet,” she says. “Feels weird, huh? Being back here after all that time away?”
You glance around at the quiet streets, the houses that look just like they did when you left. “Yeah, everything’s exactly the same. It’s like nothing’s changed.”
“That’s the beauty of this place,” Vi replies with a chuckle. “Stuck in its own little time capsule. How’s your mom? She must be thrilled to have you back.”
You smile at the thought. “She’s probably going to smother me with attention. She’s been counting down the days until I got here.”
Vi laughs. “Classic. So, you got any big plans while you’re here, or are you just going to lounge around and let her spoil you?”
You think about the question for a moment, your eyes drifting to the row of houses along the street. Part of you wants to say you’ll take it easy, spend the summer relaxing. But you know yourself too well. You’re not the type to sit around doing nothing, even if your mom insists it’s what you need.
“Honestly? I don’t know,” you admit. “I told myself I’d try to take it easy, but I’m already thinking about what I can get done this summer.”
“Of course you are,” Vi teases. “You can’t sit still for more than a minute, can you?”
You grin. “What can I say? Old habits die hard.”
“Yeah, I figured. Well, we definitely need to hang out while you’re here. I’m on a weird work schedule, but I’ll make time. Maybe we can grab food at that new taco place everyone’s been talking about.”
You stop at the corner, waiting for a car to pass before crossing the street. “Sounds good to me. It’ll be nice to catch up in person. I feel like it’s been forever.”
“It has,” Vi says, her voice softening. “Too long. You and I need to make up for lost time.”
The idea of getting away from the same old streets for a bit sounds appealing. “Yeah, maybe we should. I could use a break from all this… familiarity.”
Vi laughs on the other end. “Perfect, because I was already thinking of something to shake things up a bit. How about a little party? Nothing crazy, just a few friends, good music, and a chance for you to meet the new crowd I’ve been hanging with.”
You raise an eyebrow, even though she can’t see it. “A party? You know that’s not really my scene, Vi.”
“I know, I know,” she says quickly. “But it won’t be wild. More like a chill get-together. I’ve got some great people I’ve been hanging out with, and I think you’d really hit it off with them. Plus, it’s your first summer back in two years—don’t you think you deserve a little fun?”
You hesitate. A party sounds… a bit much. You’ve barely been back in town for a few hours, and the thought of jumping straight into something social makes you a little nervous. But this is Vi. If anyone knows how to make things relaxed and fun, it’s her.
“All right, a small party could be nice,” you finally concede, though there’s still a flicker of hesitation in your voice. “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to meet some new people while I’m here.”
Vi laughs softly, clearly pleased by your answer. “That’s the spirit! Trust me, Y/N, it’s going to be low-key. Nothing crazy. We’ll grab some food, hang out, maybe throw on some music. Besides, you’ve been locked away in books and internships for way too long. It’s time you let loose, even just a little.”
You smile, even though the idea of “letting loose” still feels foreign. “Okay, okay. When is this happening?”
“How about tomorrow night? Gives you some time to settle in, and I can pull a few people together. Say around 8 p.m. at my place?”
“Yeah, that works. I’ll be there.”
“Great! You’re gonna love this crowd. They’re good people. And don’t worry, it’ll be nothing like those wild parties you always avoided in high school,” Vi adds with a chuckle.
You laugh too, feeling more at ease now. “Yeah, I’m counting on that.”
There’s a brief pause before Vi’s voice comes through again, this time softer. “I’m really glad you’re back, Y/N. It’s been too long.”.
You feel a warmth in your chest at her words. "Same here, Vi. I’ve missed you."
"Alright, I’ll let you go. I’m working late tonight, but I’ll text you the details for tomorrow. Can’t wait to catch up properly."
“Sounds good. Talk soon.” You hang up the phone, slipping it back into your pocket as you reach your house.
Standing at the front door, you take a deep breath, feeling the familiar sensation of being home. The old wooden porch creaks beneath your feet as you step inside, the smell of fresh flowers and your mom’s cooking immediately wrapping around you like a blanket.
The house feels the same—warm, welcoming, like time hasn’t moved here either. You set your duffel bag down by the door, smiling to yourself. This summer might turn out to be more interesting than you’d expected.
continue in ao3
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honey-andmilktea · 4 months
✎ Welcome to Night Vale: Glow Cloud
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🤎𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Scientist!Bang Chan x GN!RadioShowHost!Reader | 🌙𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Fluff, Crack Fic, 1st Person | 🖊️𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2,789 Words | ✏️𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬: Most of the dialogue is from the Night Vale podcast and transcriptions! I recommend checking out the podcast it’s so cool and funny! There's not a lot of Chan in this one but other groups and other group members are mentioned! [Lee Felix, Lee Minho, Choi San, Lee Minhyuk (Monsta X)] | ❌𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Mentions of dead animals, more oddities, slightly offensive humor (?)
🍁𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: A mysterious cloud looms over Night Vale plus the change of the Boy Scouts hierarchy, community events, and a PTA bake sale!
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“June, July, August. Every day, we hear their laughter. I think of the painting by Van Gogh, the man in the chair. Everything wrong, and nowhere to go. His hands over his eyes.” - Mary Oliver, ‘August’
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The desert seems vast, even endless, and yet scientists tell us that somewhere, even now, there is snow. Welcome to Night Vale.
ೃ⁀➷ 🦇🕰️☀️[Monday, 8 am]
I get everything ready for the morning’s broadcast. I sit with my regular cup of coffee in hand as I move my mic close to me and start the morning’s announcements. “The Night Vale Tourism Boards ‘Visitable Night Vale’ campaign has kicked off with posters encouraging folks to take their family on a scenery filled jaunt through the trails of Radon Canyon. Their slogan: ‘The view is literally breathtaking.' Posters will be placed at police stations and frozen yogurt shops in nearby towns, along with promotional giveaways of plastic sheeting and rebreathers.”
I clear my throat as I continue on to the news of the morning. “And now, the news. Have any of our listeners seen the glowing cloud that has been moving in from the west? Well, Lee Felix, you know, the farmer? He saw it over the Western Ridge this morning, said he would have thought it was the setting sun if it wasn’t for the time of day. Apparently, the cloud glows in a variety of colors, perhaps changing from observer to observer, although all report a low whistling when it draws near. One death has already been attributed to the glow cloud.” I raise my brows at that last part feeling it was a little extreme but also made some sense in a crazy predetermined way. 
“But listen, it’s probably nothing.” I turn away from the mic and snort. It most possibly is something, but the listeners don’t need to start freaking out now. “If we had to shut down the town for every mysterious event that at least one death could be attributed to, we’d never have time to do anything, right? That’s what the Sheriff’s Secret Police are saying, and I agree, although I would not go as far as to endorse their suggestion to ‘run directly at the cloud, shrieking and waving your arms, just to see what it does.’” I shake my head but smile with a tiny sigh. I was right though, our community was full of oddities, if we shut down every time something happened, we would basically not exist. I roll my eyes as I read what comes after in my notes.
“The Apache Tracker, and I remind you that this is that white guy who wears the huge and cartoonishly inaccurate Indian headdress,  has announced that he has found some disturbing evidence concerning the recent incident at the Night Vale Post Office, which has been sealed by the City Council since the great screaming that was heard from it a few weeks ago. He said that using ancient Indian magics, he slipped through Council security into the Post Office and observed that all the letters and packages had been thrown about as in a whirlwind, that there was the heavy stench of scorched flesh, and that words written in blood on the wall said, ‘More to come…and soon.’” I scoff lightly as I shake my head and continue to talk. “Can you believe this guy said he used ‘Indian Magicks’? What an asshole.”
ೃ⁀➷ 🦇🕰️🌑 [Monday, 2 pm]
I purse my lips as I go to sit, having noticed something on my little trip down the hall. “Here’s something odd: There is a cat hovering in the bathroom at the radio station here. Seems perfectly happy and healthy,  but it’s floating about four feet off the ground next to the sink. Doesn’t seem to be able to move from its current hover spot.” My smile turns into a little pout at that fact. It must be so lonely being all stuck there. “If you pet her, she purrs, and she’ll rub on your body like a normal cat if you get close enough. Fortunately, because she’s right by the sink, it was pretty easy to leave some water and food where he could get it, and it’s nice to have a station pet.” I smile and coo to myself at the fact that we now have a little pet to call our own in the station. “Wish it weren’t trapped in a hovering prison in the bathroom, but listen, no pet is perfect. It becomes perfect when you learn to accept it for what it is.” I clear my throat and continue with our next segment for the afternoon. “And now, a message from our sponsors: I took a walk on the cool sand dunes, brittle grass overgrown, and above me, in the night sky, above me, I saw. The bitter taste of unripe peaches and a smell I could not place, nor could I escape. I remembered other times that I could not escape. I remembered other smells. The moon slunk like a wounded animal. The world spun like it had lost control. Concentrate only on breathing and let go of ideas you had about nutrition and alarm clocks. I took a walk on the cool sand dunes, brittle grass overgrown, and above me, in the night sky, above me, I saw.” I hum and nod as I read the paper, flipping it over to continue.
“This message was brought to you by Coca-Cola.”
ೃ⁀➷ 🦇🕰️🌑 [Monday, 4:30 pm]
“The City Council, in cooperation with government agents from a vague, yet menacing, agency, is asking all citizens to stop by the Night Vale Elementary School gymnasium tonight at 7 for a brief questionnaire about mysterious sights that definitely no one saw and strange thoughts that in no way occurred to anyone, because all of us are normal, and to be otherwise would make us outcasts from our own community.  Remember: If you see something, say nothing, and drink to forget.” I move my finger from the button, reading over the rest of my notes a small pensive look on my face before I continue. 
“The Boy Scouts of Night Vale have announced some slight changes to their hierarchy, which will now be the following: Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Blood Pact Scout, Weird Scout, Dreadnought Scout, Dark Scout, Fear Scout, and, finally, Eternal Scout.” I used my fingers to count off everything, a small smile spreading on my lips as I continued. “As always, sign-up is automatic and random, so please keep an eye out for the scarlet envelope that will let you know your son has been chosen for the process.”
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ೃ⁀➷ 🦇🕰️☀️[Tuesday, 7 am]
I started my day with some interesting news. Well more like everyday news, normal in Night Vale but news is always interesting, isn’t it? I sat myself down with a bagel in my mouth. I took a bite and started the broadcast. “This is probably nothing, listeners, but Lee Felix, you know, the farmer? He reports that the Glow Cloud is directly over old town Night Vale, and appears to be raining small creatures upon the earth.” I nod along to what I read, typical for our lovely little town. Taking another bite of my bagel I continue. “Armadillos, lizards, a few crows. That kind of thing. Fortunately, the animals appear to be dead already, so the Night Vale Animal Control department has said that it should be a snap to clean those up.” I bring my mic with me as I move to make myself a coffee. I’m quite happy that I decided to set up a coffee maker in my little office. “They just have to be tossed on to the Eternal Animal Pyre in Mission Grove Park, so if that’s the worst the Glow Cloud has for us, I’d say go ahead and do your daily errands, just bring along a good, strong umbrella, capable of handling falling animals of up to, let’s say, 10 pounds.” I smiled as my coffee finished walking back to sit down passing by an umbrella I had perched against one of the walls of the office. I sit and take a sip of my coffee with a satisfied hum. “More on the Glow Cloud as it continues to crawl across our sky. And hey, here’s a tip: Take your kid out and use the cloud’s constantly mutating hue to teach them the names of colors! It’s fun, and teaches them the real life applications of learning.”
ೃ⁀➷ 🦇🕰️🌑[Tuesday, 1 pm]
I quickly run to my mic half throwing off my jacket as I get back from picking up lunch. There was a breaking news alert and I had to report on it right away. “Alert! The Sheriff’s Secret Police are searching for a fugitive named Lee Minho, who escaped custody last night following a 9 pm arrest. Mr. Lee is described as a black cat hybrid, about 5’8” in height, with yellow cat eyes, and about 145 pounds. He is suspected of insurance fraud.” I settled in my chair, catching my breath before continuing the rest of the alert. “Mr. Lee was pulled over for speeding last night, and the Secret Police became suspicious when he allegedly gave the officers a fake driver license for a 5’10” man named Lee Minhyuk. After discerning that Lee Minhyuk was actually a black cat hybrid from somewhere other than our little world, the Secret Police searched Mr. Lee’s vehicle.” As I talk I open up the container my lunch was in taking a bite of it since I couldn’t handle being hungry any longer. 
“Representatives from local Civil Rights organizations have protested that officers had no legal grounds to search the vehicle, but they ceded the point when reminded by Secret Police officials that our backwards court system will uphold any old authoritarian rule made up on the fly by unsupervised gun-carrying thugs of a shadow government.” Rolling my eyes a little at that but nodding as that is true continuing to enjoy my lunch as I wrap up the alert for the day. “The Secret Police say Mr. Lee escaped custody by scratching at one of the Secret Police officials. He was last seen jumping and hissing along the Red Mesa. Secret Police are asking for tips leading to the arrest of Lee Mimho. They remind you that, if seen, he should not be approached, as he is an uncontrolled cat hybrid. Contact the Sheriff’s Secret Police if you have any information. Ask for Officer Changbin. Helpful tipsters will earn one stamp on their Alert Citizen Card. Collect 5 stamps and you get Stop Sign Immunity for one year!” 
I sit back and decide to finish my lunch before continuing the broadcasting of the rest of the events of the day.
ೃ⁀➷ 🦇🕰️🌑[Tuesday, 1:30 pm]
I clean up my station humming happily to myself satisfied with the meal I just had. I sat in front of my mic before pulling out the rest of my papers. “And now, a look at the community calendar.” I clear my throat and start to read the next couple events for the week and next week. “Saturday, the public library will be unknowable. Citizens will forget the existence of the library from 6 am Saturday morning until 11pm that night. The library will be under a sort of…renovation. It is not important what kind of renovation.” I make a mental note of that which in honesty I might end up forgetting either way-. I shake my head and continue to read.
“Sunday is Dot Day. Remember: Red Dots on what you love. Blue Dots on what you don’t. Mixing those up can cause permanent consequences.” I shiver at the thought, knowing those consequences are real and to always remember the difference between Red and Blue dots on Dot Day.
“Monday, Choi San is offering bluegrass lessons in the back of Louie’s Music Shoppe. Of course, the Shoppe burned down years ago, and San skipped town immediately after with his insurance money, but he sent word that you should bring your instrument to the crumbled, ashy shell of where his shop once was, and pretend that he is there in the darkness, teaching you. The price is $50 per lesson, payable in advance.” I scrunch my eyebrows at this, shaking my head in disbelief but shrugging. Just another person of good old Night Vale.
“Tuesday afternoon, join the Night Vale PTA for a bake sale to support Citizens of a Blood Space War. Proceeds will go to support neutron bomb development and deployment to our outer solar system allies. Wednesday has been canceled due to a scheduling error. And on Thursday, there is a free concert.” I blink as I look over the paper and tilt my head. “That’s all it says here.” 
ೃ⁀➷ 🦇🕰️🌑[Tuesday, 2:00 pm]
“New call in from Lee Felix, you know, the farmer?” I’m leaning back on my chair absentmindedly throwing a ball up in the air. There is so much that can keep me entertained. “Seems the Glow Cloud has doubled in size, enveloping all of Night Vale in its weird light and humming song. Little League administration has announced that they will be going ahead with the game, although there will be an awning built over the field due to the increase in size of the animal corpses being dropped.” I pulled out a paper squinting at it before perking up. “I’ve had multiple reports that a lion, like the kind you would see on the sun-baked plains of Africa, or a pee stained enclosure at a local zoo, fell on top of the White Sand Ice Cream Shoppe. The Shoppe is offering a free dipped cone to anyone who can figure out how to get the thing off.” I hum as I try to figure out a way to fit in a visit to the Shoppe. Who knows I could win myself a free dipped cone.~
“The Sheriff’s Secret Police have apparently taken to shouting questions at the Glow Cloud, trying to ascertain what exactly it wants. So far the Glow Cloud has not answered. The Glow Cloud does not need to converse with us. It does not feel as we tiny humans feel.” It felt like I was in a trance as I kept speaking. My mouth is just moving and no thoughts in mind. “It has no need for thoughts or feelings or love. The Glow Cloud simply is. All hail the mighty Glow Cloud. All hail. And now, slaves of the Cloud, the weather.” 
ೃ⁀➷ 🦇🕰️🌑[Tuesday, 7 pm]
“Sorry, listeners. Not sure what happened in that earlier section of the broadcast. As in, I actually don’t remember what happened.” I blink a little rubbing my forehead as I try to remember. “Tried to play back the tapes but they all are blank and smell faintly of vanilla.” I take some of the tapes and give them another sniff before my eyebrows scrunch up again. They really do smell like vanilla. Kind of pleasant actually. “The Glow Cloud, meanwhile, has moved on. It is now just a glowing spot in the distance, humming easy to destinations unknown. We may never fully understand, or understand at all, what it was and why it dumped a lot of dead animals on our community. But, and I’m going to get a little personal here, that’s the essence of life, isn’t it?” I hum in thought to myself as I think over my words going off script now.
“Sometimes you go through things that seem huge at the time, like a mysterious Glowing Cloud devouring your entire community. While they are happening, they feel like the only thing that matters, and you can hardly imagine that there’s a world out there that might have anything else going on. And then the Glow Cloud moves on, and you move on, and the event is behind you. And you may find, as time passes, that you remember it less and less. Or absolutely not at all, in my case. And you are left with nothing but a powerful wonder at the fleeting nature of even the most important moment in life, and the faint but pretty smell of vanilla.” I smile to myself as I pull out a sticky note ready to end the broadcast for the night.
“Finally dear listeners, here is a list of things:
Emotions you don’t understand upon viewing a sunset.
Lost pets, found.
Lost pets, unfound.
A secret lost pet city on the moon. 
Trees that see.
Restaurants that hear.
A void that thinks.
A face, half-seen, just before falling asleep.
Trembling hands reaching for desperately needed items.
Silence when there should be noise.
Noise when there should be silence.
Nothing, when you want something.
Something, when you thought there was nothing.
Clear plastic binder sheets.
Scented dryer sheets.
Rain coming down in sheets.
Goodnight, listeners. Goodnight.” I end the broadcast with a smile. I move to the couch in the room and decide to do a little gazing out into the night sky. See what else our little strange town can offer me.
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✎ @honey-andmilktea - 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭, 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐞, 𝐞𝐭𝐜. [2024-2025]
✎ Thank you for reading! Since you've made it this far please consider reblogging, commenting or getting a coffee at the Coffee Corner! [Ko-fi]
✎ Taglist: @armysantiny, @faywithlove, @moonprismo, @iridescentxstars, @monsterhigh-cb, @mo0nbeams
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clovercoin · 9 days
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[ Original Patreon Post ] Phew, almost forgot the life updates after doing all those art packs in the other post. So let's catch up with what's happening with CloverCoin! Life has been very very busy since I got back from my mom's funeral. Our dog Junior (rottie) had a previous elbow injury that wasn't healing over and when I got back home we decided to take him to the vet for a second look since the pain meds they gave us ran out. Turns out Junior had big swollen ball of cancer in his elbow and he was never going to regain function in that arm again. He was in so much pain we were really apprehensive on what the right course of action was. But the vets all worked with us since they knew Junior so well from all his previous visits, with their help we managed to get an extra fast amputation surgery scheduled for the infected arm. It was extremely expensive but it gave our dog immediate pain relief while we figured what treatment plan we were going to do next. Originally we all thought it was bone cancer and that he would likely need to be put down to avoid further pain in the very near future even with his amputation. With further testing and investigation of his cancer arm, we found out it was actually a type of blood cancer of his white blood cells. We all assumed if it's blood and fluid that must mean it's everywhere, right? We were wrong AGAIN! Wither further scans we found no further signs of cancer growth in his body, lymph nodes, or organs. With this new information we made the decision as a family to pursue oncologist for Junior and get him chemo / cancer treatments. It drained the rest of our savings account that we've been working so hard for to buy a house next summer... But Junior himself has completely bounced back to the happy dog he's always been. He's eating again, learning how to run and play on his one foreleg, and just excited to still be here. So while it did cost all of my savings, I have to say it's been worth it. With his reviewed case, he went from less than 6 months to live to possibly living 2-3+ more years now. So we're all so happy and grateful to still have our service boy still with us. Now that we're on a routine with Junior and his chemo treatments, I'm also getting back to work on my end! CloverCoin Patreon is back online for September 2024! We're so excited to see so many patrons stuck around and how excited you all are for more art! Thank you!!! I'm currently working on setting up a Bigcartel shop page with all of our stickers and postcard goods. I'll be sure to announce the shop's grand opening here soon as it's all ready. Thank you so much for all of my patrons testing out merch every month with me so we can make this possible! Last big to-do on my list now is that my current desktop Cintiq is not working for me. We had an original Cintiq 22 HD from 2014. But that poor thing died last year. We ordered a new tablet on super sale from amazon but.... We're very unhappy with the product and it doesn't work with my desk or work station. So we'll be taking it down and trying to resell it to get our money back. However this means I still do not have a desktop tablet to work with for online streams and recordings. REALLY BUMS ME OUT! I'm very fortunate that I still have my ipad and it's been working great. So I'm not totally without a tablet for work. But Prov and I will now be making an effort to replace my Cintiq tablet with a new one maybe before the year is over. Ouch my poor savings account, it's already taken such a beating from all the vet bills and now I have to replace very expensive hardware? yuck! So... Lots of money being spent. But overall we're very lucky and we're so happy. I'm just so grateful to have my happy dog recovering really well. I'm glad my ipad works great even after being beat up for past 7-8 years?? Woah! Good job lil buddy. Just... A lot has gone wrong this year. A lot of bad shit has happened. And Prov and I are so damn lucky to be here and have everything we do. So I'm going to keep working VERY HARD to get all this updated, shop posted, commissions completed, and make back every single dime of my savings!!! OR SO HELP ME! >:0 Thanks everyone for sticking it out while we're figuring out every bump in the road. We really appreciate all your patience and kindness. You're all the best and I can't wait to share even more art with you all! AJD . ART
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wcnka · 8 months
*  ੈ✩‧ — @lannamused
This daily routine of sneaking out while Tiddles worked the Wild and Wonderful Wishy-washy Wonka Walker was working out quite well. It was all thanks to his friends stationed around the area to keep an eye out for the Chief of Police and his subordinates. With the crew from Scrubbit's frequently warning him ahead of time of the imminent threat, it gave Willy enough opportunity to truly focus on the WONKA products he was handing out. His tactic was a simple one: give out a sample first and then allow the potential customer to decide whether they wished to buy a full box. And they weren't expensive, either. He wholeheartedly believed that chocolates should be set at an affordable price so that all could enjoy.
Today continued his streak of happy customers with a lot of them returning from previous days to purchase even more! Building and maintaining a loyal consumer base was just as important as inviting new people to try. If he could get his name out there while also saving up enough to open a shop, then surely those who bought his products out here on the street would stop by when he finally had his grand opening!
Box after box was given out until he was down to just a handful. Okay, who to give his last ones to? That is, of course, id they wanted to buy a whole box — he wouldn't force a sale on them. Feeling confident he'd sell the rest of his batch today, Willy went in search of someone who looked like they needed a nice little treat. Fortunately, it didn't take him long to come across a mailman who might just be nearing the end of his rounds considering the time of day. Perfect!
"Good afternoon, sir! Been working hard all day? Thank you for your service in the mail business! I hear it can be quite tiring what with all the dogs chasing you for your pants. So!" He knew just what to offer this hardworking postie. With sample box at the ready, he popped it open to reveal square milk chocolate pieces. Inside were fluffy marshmallows infused with chamomile to bring calmness and relief while the marshmallows worked to help the consumer feel lighter on their feet. There would be no lifting off the ground, though! That was what what the Hoverchocs were for.
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"They're so light and fluffy that it'll feel like you're eating a cloud." And just maybe that last part had an inkling of truth to it...
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stardewremixed · 2 years
Thanksgiving headcanon
Alex - the perfect day to toss the gridball around with all his cousins. Wrestling in the leaves. Grass stains. Turkey legs. Crisp fall air. Grandma's famous pumpkin pie.
Abigail - gets up at the crack of dawn to watch the Thanksgiving Day parade. Still is giddy over the floats. Loves the musical renditions. Wishes she could be there in person.
Elliott - a little unusual for Thanksgiving but cranberry sauce and stuffed lobster is his go-to dish. A walk on the beach contemplating what he is thankful for. Bringing apple cobbler to Leah. Don't worry. Willy made it.
Emily - knits socks for everyone she knows with little fall leaves. Makes everyone wear "I am Grateful" tee shirts. Rolls her own dough for apple pie.
Harvey- a hot meal, a day off, a good book, a cup of coffee, plaid house Slippers.
Haley - planning her route for Black Friday shopping. Renting a car so she doesn't have to take the bus. Eww. Leaving Thanksgiving night and staying at a hotel near her mall destination in Zuzu. Checking her list twice to make sure she doesn't forget gifts for anyone.
Claire - a day off from Joja. Sleeps till 1pm. Microwaves some turkey and stuffing. Plops down to watch the dog show.
Olivia - all about presentation. Cornocopia centerpiece. Fall mums on the porch. Perfect magazine masterpiece dinner made by private chef. Candles everywhere.
Magnus - what day is it? A little dazed from staying up late the night before reading ancient tomes. Thankful he isn't invited to Thanksgiving dinner at Marnie's.
Shane - turkey is okay. Chicken? Never! Spends the morning tossing chicken feed, playing tag with Jas, snuggling Charlie.
Leah - a healthy tofurky dinner, fresh cranberry salad, gluten-free rolls, cauliflower rice. Painting on the porch on the crisp autumn afternoon.
Maru - making leaf piles in the yard with sebastian, jumping in them and making a mess, reading a manual about how to operate the oven, taking a plate of hot foods over to Linus.
Lance - traveling again. Enjoys a turkey pot pie at the train station. Thankful for a healthy mind and body. Does a little weight training when he arrives home.
Sam - joins Maru in jumping in leaf piles, games online with Seb until bored, avoids all chores his mom asks him to do, challenging Vincent to a chubby bunny contest with marshmallows and annoys his mom, eats a second dinner at Abigail's because mushroom stuffing isn't his fave.
Penny - strolling JojaMart wondering if she has enough gold to buy ingredients. Wondering why Morris keeps trying to push the green bean special. Manages to make do with what she has on hand at the trailer. Hot turkey sandwiches, instant mashed potatoes, and canned cranberries. Pumpkin cookies were also on sale.
Sebastian - a day of online gaming with friends (getting annoyed at his sister's and Sam's leaf pile mess, laughing and joining the fun), and inevitably writing his Christmas wish list because his mom will be begging for it.
Victor - visiting his bio dad overseas. They don't celebrate Thanksgiving. Running through McD's for a pumpkin shake. Something to remind him of home. He's grateful for the time spent with his father.
Sophia - picking the perfect holiday wine. Making butternut squash soup and cranberry brioche. Spending too much time looking at catalogues, wishing she had more money for presents this year. Doing some house cleaning since she has the time.
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ammg-old2 · 1 year
A new sound wafts through the open windows at night in this town near the front line: children hollering at each other down the block, even long after dark.
The markets are full. Sales are surging at the local bike shop. Red tulips, planted by hand, are bursting open everywhere.
It is remarkable — “Unrecognizable,” one city official said — how different this small town in eastern Ukraine feels from a year ago. Last summer, Pokrovsk was a spooky landscape of boarded up houses and bushy yards. No one was around. Now it’s hard to take a few steps without passing someone on the sidewalk.
Nothing has changed outside Pokrovsk. The front line is still 30 miles away. Ukrainians are still dying in droves. One of the biggest armies in the world, that of the Russian Federation, is still bombing cities while they sleep and trying to take as much territory as it can, at a terrifying cost.
But what has changed — and it reflects something broader happening in small towns across this vast country — are people’s calculations. How much danger are they willing to accept? What is the best for them and their families? How should they accommodate the war on a daily basis? The answers to these questions seem different this year, and without consulting each other, many people have reached the same decision.
It is resilience, yes, but perhaps also something a little less shiny: resignation.
“The war is here. There is no safe place in Ukraine. So you might as well get on with it,” said Dr. Natalia Medvedieva, a family doctor who tried living in a safer place in western Ukraine with her son but came back here a few months later.
And home is home.
“It’s hard to describe what is so special about home,” said Pavel Rudiev, an engineer at Pokrovsk’s small train station. “It’s where everything is familiar, where you know people, where you have friends.”
When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, this principle didn’t hold. More than 13 million Ukrainians — a third of the country — fled from their homes. But as time went on, it became harder to stay away.
“I was running out of money,” said Iryna Ilina, a fitness instructor and beautician, sharing a common struggle of the displaced. She recently returned to Kramatorsk, another city not far from the front line where she owns an apartment. She was having trouble covering her rent in Pavlohrad, the safer city where she had been staying.
Many people said that when they were displaced, it was hard finding work. “And I need to work,” Dr. Medvedieva said. “I have my life.”
Since last summer, at a pretty steady rate, Ukrainians have been returning. More than 5.5 million have gone home, according to the International Organization for Migration, and not just to large cities like Kyiv, the capital, or Dnipro, but to small places as well, even those right behind the front line. While the exodus at the beginning of the war was dramatic and widely covered, the homecomings have been more gradual and haven’t generated nearly the same attention.
Of course there’s concern. Dr. Medvedieva keeps a bag packed with her documents, money and some clothes. Viktoriia Perederii, a veterinarian, who returned to Pokrovsk last year after trying to live in central Ukraine, said that many families bring her their pets to get clean health certificates for international travel in case they need to leave in a hurry.
“It’s difficult to evaluate the risks,” she said. “There is no safe place in Ukraine. Look at Uman,” she added, referring to the recent missile strike that killed 25 people in a city that, until that moment, many Ukrainians had considered perfectly safe.
At this time of year, Pokrovsk is basking in spring. White cherry blossom petals delicately flutter through the air and pile up along the curb in handsome drifts. The long side streets, lined by modest one-story homes with peaked roofs, smell of freshly turned earth. In the gardens out front, women in aprons and headscarves plant flowers — not something you do if you’re about to pack up and flee.
“Business is good,” said Larysa Titorenko, a seed vendor at Pokrovsk’s busy central market. Her racks of happily decorated packets were moving fast — marigolds, melons, radishes, carrots and about eight varieties of cucumber.
Then tears flashed in her eyes. Her daughter’s house had recently been destroyed in a frontline town not far away. “I’m OK, really,” she insisted, wiping her eyes with her sleeve.
This duality is everywhere. People in war do something that most in the world don’t have to — they keep two big thoughts running in their heads at all times: live life as fully and richly as possible and, at the same time, plan for it to be turned upside down.
Since last summer, the Russians have sliced away at Bakhmut, pushed closer to Avdiivka and leveled Marinka — all towns about an hour’s drive away. The front line is inching closer. You constantly hear dull thuds, almost like doors closing.
But people carry on as if it’s a faraway thunderstorm. At a pond-side park near the town center, teenage girls make halos out of dandelions, as they have for eons, and TikTok dance videos.
Nearby, men pump iron at an immaculate outdoor gym with rows of high-quality weight machines, exercise bars and even padded arm-wrestling tables. With wide stances, they strut around, cheeks red, chests puffed out. If you Photoshopped out the occasional tank getting towed past on a car carrier, it might look like California.
Before the war, the population was about 50,000. It dipped to around 30,000 last spring, when so many people across the country fled west. Now it’s back up — to 57,000, actually, said Serhiy Dobriak, the head of Pokrovsk’s military administration. Beyond the residents who have returned, others from surrounding hot spots, Avdiivka or even Mariupol, have flocked in.
Before the war, Pokrovsk had big plans. A billboard rising from a muddy intersection shows a schematic drawing of new office towers and lots of lights. “But we got to be realistic,” Mr. Dobriak said. “We will most likely be a militarized zone.”
No one here expects the war to end soon. “Years” is the reigning prediction. Some worry that the acceptance of it, this notion that life should go on regardless of it, means there will be less pressure to end it.
A military convoy chugged past an intersection, leaving behind a wake of diesel haze. Not far behind, a boy pedaled furiously on his bike, determined to catch up to his friends.
It was evening, warm, and the air was crisp, feeling wonderful on exposed skin. It is such a magnificent time of year that no one wanted to go inside, even with curfew approaching.
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footballffbarbiex · 7 months
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player: Kasper Schmeichel words: 502 request: Kasper - No pref - 250 – 500 - Kasper said once that his guilty pleasure is sweets so Christmas must be a nightmare for him 😂 so can I request the reader just absolutely torturing him to wind him up by buying loads of sweets and taunting him with them to try and wind him up. ( then maybe them sat together eating some and cuddling after he lost a match or made a mistake or something 🥺)
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December comes around faster each year and there are times when Christmas festive stock is lining the shop shelves before Halloween items are put up for sale. Big tins of chocolates, spiced biscuits and cake. Coffee shops brought out a festive variety of coffees and this would prove to be hard to resist for him. 
She didn’t want to overindulge this festive season, but she did like dipping into a few snacks while watching movies while curled up under whatever blanket Kasper has thrown over them. Kasper would bring in a small carrying tray with drinks and some … boyfriend acceptable snacks. 
Today after going grocery shopping, she couldn’t help but pop a few large tubs of chocolate into her shopping cart. She argued that Easter chocolate always tasted better than regular and she held the same belief with Christmas chocolate too. She purchased some hot cocoa powder and some flavoured syrups to add to it. Various toppings also found themselves in her cart and she located snacks like potato chips, popcorn, gingerbread and anything else that took her fancy. 
When Kasper returns home, there’s a slow cooker filled with hot cocoa and a small topping station set up beside it. He can smell the sickly sweet chocolate scent the moment he steps inside the house. It hangs in the air in such a way that just breathing it in allows him to taste it. 
He joins her in the lounge, a hot mug of sweet liquid within his hands but just as he begins to sit down, he notices the tubs on her lap as she stretches out on the couch. 
“The one thing I didn’t need today and you chose this day of all days to bring these home?” Kasper groans as he plonks himself down near her feet after placing his mug on the coffee table. 
“What made you say that?” She asks, leaning forward and plucking a chocolate from the tub. Kasper keeps his eyes on the screen, watching as the scene unfolds while she does the same to the chocolate wrapped. 
“Someone in catering brought in cake and snacks. Was the gaffer’s birthday so…”
“Oh boy.”
“I brought home a slice for you. It’s in my bag. I forgot to bring it in,” he jerks his thumb in the direction of where the front door is. 
“Thank you,” it was genuine gratitude expressed, there was something about knowing that Kasper thought of her and had intention of bringing a bit of happiness to her day. 
“Babe, this is the one time you can enjoy your things.”
“There’s enjoying it and there’s me.”
The look he gives her as she smirks over the rim of her mug is enough to push the tub of goodies his way. “I won’t tell anyone if you don’t.”
“The most wonderful time of the year, huh?” He mutters to himself before selecting one and tells himself that he won’t have too many. 
And already, Kasper knows he won’t resist the next one.
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handweavers · 7 months
if you dont mind me asking, where did you get the linen? Baby sewist in KL and I have no idea where to go to get nice fabric
your best bet would be to go right downtown to the city centre near bandaraya station, there are several big fabric shops: gio fabrics kl, nagoya textiles, and kamdar, and between the 3 you'll find everything you could ever need. maya silk is nearby too
if you're looking for good cottons and indian fabrics you can also check brickfields, just walk down the main street and there's literally so many fabric shops it's overwhelming. great prices
a personal favourite for good quality linen is spotlight (there's one at mytown but i'm more familiar with the one at ipc in pj), their linen is excellent quality but can be pricey bc spotlight is an aussie company & the conversion to ringgit is ugly. if you get membership (FREE) you get automatic 40% discount on everything and if you combine that with sales they have on all the time and coupons you get by email you can get linen for as low as rm25 a metre which is REALLY good even with conversion rates. the remnants section will also usually have offcuts of the same linen for under rm20 that you can use for smaller projects or patchwork to make a larger garment
also if you're ever in seremban/negeri sembilan, nagoya textiles has another location there and it's great too, seremban doesn't have too many other options aside from a few little shoplots along the main road in the old part of town
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y2klostandfound · 1 year
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Game Secrets Institute - Jet Set Radio on Game Players magazine Vol.133 (Video game magazine)(Hong Kong)(12/08/2000)
Translation in English:
DC (Dreamcast)
Manufacturer: SEGA Price: 5800 Yen Capacity: GD-ROM X 1 Memory: 4 BLOCKS Release date: on sale 1P/ETC/MODEM, VMS, vibration PACK, VGA BOX correspondence
DO YOU REMEMBER THAT I SAID IN THE GAME INTRODUCTION OF ISSUE 131 THAT THIS JET SET RADIO HAS SOMETHING CALLED THE "JET SET LOGO"? These signs allow players to change the patterns of the current character when the game, and the entire game has 90 Jet Set logos. I believe that many players have not stored all patterns. Therefore, I will send you the location of all 90 "JET SET Logo" in this issue, plus some special information.
The first level (Shibuya GG)(Shibuya-cho)(Stage 1)- Number of JET SET logos (5)
Logo No. - Place:
No.11 - Platform above convenience store No.15 - Lamp Post Top No.41 - Next to the billboard No.45 - Under the Flyover No.71 - Under the Flyover
First encounter with the red gang (Love trap)(Shibuya-cho)(Stage 2) - Number of JET SET logos (7)
Logo No. - Place:
No.13 - Residential roof No.16 - Over the road No.43 - Above the park to the broken bridge No.46 - Broken bridge and high altitude No.72 - Roof next to the broken bridge No.73 - Under the broken bridge No.75 - On the traffic sign next to the park
Strange Group (The monster of Kogane)(Kogane-cho)(Stage 3) - Number of JET SET logos (8)
Logo No. - Place:
No.18 - Near the boat behind the starting point No.20 - The steel bars movement on the way No.22 - Residential roof No.48 - Residential house No.51 - In the alley No.77 - Over the railing No.79 - Next to the oil depot No.80 - Near the starting point
Fighting the Strange Group (No.540)(Kogane-cho)(Stage 4)- Number of JET SET logos (4)
Logo No. - Place:
No.17 - Over the fence next to the starting point No.21 - The end of the upper tunnel in the workshop No.50 - Wires above the workshop No.78 - Factory roof
Dueling the Strange Group (Kogane Circus)(Kogane-cho)(Stage 5) - Number of JET SET logos (3)
Logo No. - Place:
No.19 - Inside the hidden tunnel No.47 - Sewer tunnel in the air No.76 - Sewerage tunnel
First encounter with the Mechanical Corps (Benten Boogie)(Benten-cho)(Stage 6) - Number of JET SET logos (3)
Logo No. - Place:
No.24 - Residential roof No.52 - Above the starting point No.82 - Inside the underground tunnel
Fighting the Mechanical Corps (Graffiti high)(Benten-cho)(Stage 7) - Number of JET SET logos (7)
Logo No. - Place:
No.25 - Top of the Dome Square store No.53 - Near the movie bulletin board No.54 - Over the shopping street tunnel No.55 - Over the flyover above the starting point No.83 - Dome Square on the wire No.84 - Top of a store in Shopping Street No.85 - On the container next to the starting point
The end of the Mechanical Corps (Noise Reduction)(Benten-cho)(Stage 8) - Number of JET SET logos (8)
Logo No. - Place:
No.23 - Over the road No.56 - Among the trees No.57 - The two bridges are connected in the air No.86 - Over the footbridge No.87 - Over the footbridge
The final battle with the red gang (Love attack)(Shibuya-cho)(Stage 9) - Number of JET SET logos (5)
Logo No. - Place:
No.12 - On the road No.14 - Billboard No.42 - Road No.44 - On the stairs No.74 - On the store platform
Battle of the Flying Forces(Fight or Flight)(Kogane-cho)(Stage 11)- Number of JET SET logos (2)
Logo No. - Place:
No.49 - Rooftop position No.81 - Rooftop position
The last level of the map for joint supply(Benten Burning)(Benten-cho)(Stage 12)- Number of JET SET logos (2)
Logo No. - Place:
No.26 - Inside the subway passage No.27 - Attached to the patio of the subway station
These are the locations of all 90 JET SET logos, 51 in total, and the remaining 39 are obtained after joining the character and obtaining a hidden character.
Three Hidden Characters
The game has ten basic characters for use, in fact, there are three hidden characters, and the method of obtaining these three hidden characters is very difficult, the method is that the player has to obtain all the version of the score "ジェット(Jet)" after the completion of the game will be released to play the role of the selection of the screen on a wall will be thumbs to the three logos, as long as you select these three logos can be selected to use these three hidden characters.
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Shepard AMA Round 5!
I had the day off and couldn't play anything so writing it is! I'm also likely going to go through the past ones again in the near...ish.... future, since development has been kicking for a good year or so and I've gotten some things ironed out. In the meantime, though!
(As always, almost anything discussing Adrian as a character carries major CWs for discussions of suicidal thoughts/self destructive/harmful tendencies)
And as always, question list from the fantastic @spookyvalentine ! Have fun lol
1. What is Shepard’s favorite store on the citadel?
    Less a single store, and more of a shopping area - there's a little plaza in Bachjret Ward that functions as an open market, with vendors constantly changing out. It's a great place to get specialty items - particularly ingredients and flowers, there's a long tradition of hobbyist gardeners who've specialized in growing niche plants on space stations, but you'll find a lot of... for lack of better phrasing, garage-sale type setups too. Adrian's father usually took her there to pick out a treat or otherwise just enjoy the crowds, when the Shepards wound up at the Citadel when she was a kid; and even during the events of the series she would stop by there to find something special for the crew.
2. What is the public’s opinion/awareness of Shepard?
   Varied - actually kind of a low opinion through most of ME1 - there was a lot of speculation that the hunt against Saren was a coverup for something else, and the human getting promoted to Spectre just seemed. Weird and not everyone trusted it lol. Adrian actually damn near tanked her reputation after Virmire; if Sovreign hadn't shown up when it did, she'd probably be cemented as 'that weirdo who tried to proposition Counciler Tevos in front of everyone'. ME2 era sees a solid split in human opinions, due to her 'humanity isn't more important to me than any other species' stance; but she's become quite popular among quarian and krogan crowds; generally she's regarded as a solid hero; which carries strongly into & beyond 3.
3. Armax arsenal arena: do they participate? How do they like it?
  She'd probably give it a few goes, and actually pick it up a lot more post-war, once she's out of the Alliance. Those instincts aren't going anywhere, after all, and it actually becomes kind of a way to face down some of the like. Trauma lol.
4. Shepard wakes up in an alternate universe. What tips them off?
Define the alternate universe xD ... actually, since I am writing that 'Shep & Thane get to live' AU - waking up at all, and that everyone else is seeing Thane would do it. (Or, sticking her in my other favorite video game... that she is on a world where there's giant terrifying beasts but they just want to be friends is. Weird. But she can gel with becoming a pokemon trainer.)
5. What kind of relationship does Shepard have with Javik?
Weird - but it becomes fairly friendly, and she's actually kind of grateful to have him around, because she's been spending the last couple years with a degree of thought patterns and instincts that are alien beyond anyone's comprehension, and it's so... just. Isolating. He's a little abbrasive for her taste otherwise, but she's dealt with worse and would still choose to hang out with Javik over a few others lol.
6. The first thing a person notices about Shepard’s appearance:
  In ME1 - the scars. She works to downplay them, but she could never bring herself to seek reconstructive surgery/otherwise actually like... cover them. Post-Lazarus though... it's her eyes, probably. Very expressive, and they're that sort of deep, still brown that's a little striking at first. (Or a lot striking, if you're asking a certain drell-)
7. How approachable are they?
Adrian radiates some weird invisible 'Please Tell Me I'm Useful' aura that drags people in, no matter how much she tries to put up a prickly stance, and unfortunately it takes until like 2189 until she feels comfortable saying 'no'. (And to her friends... she's not really 'approachable', because most of the time /she's/ coming to /them/ first xD)
8. What is the difference between me1 and me3 Shepard? Do they notice, or does someone have to point it out?
   ME1 Adian is nervous but collected, and very good at keeping her internal issues on the inside, where they belong, because of course she can't be a burden; she's a good soldier who will follow orders and do whatever she can for others; and it's not until her death that her crewmates realize... huh, she's happy to listen to our problems, however deep they run, but her answers, when they asked about her? Kind of... shallow.
ME3 Adrian is. Uh. CW for suicidal tendencies in the canon section.
Good end: Openly frightened but there's a lightness to her that's never been there before, and she no longer speaks about the future like she's not going to be there; she's prioritizing her goals and what she feels needs to be done, regardless of damage to her, the Alliance, or the Council's reputations.
Canon: A determined, selfless hero who will see things through to the end, and if she somehow survives... it won't be for long because she is goddamn /done/ with existing.
9. Did/does Shepard have any alien biases?
She's got a soft spot for the krogan, quarians and geth; and has a lot of thoughts about the way first contact with the drell was handled, and this was /before/ meeting Thane.
10. How do they handle a teammate being badly injured during a mission?
     Extremely well, all things considered - her intial training and official designation /did/ partially center around being a field medic, after all, so she kind of slips into that detached headspace of assessment and appropriate follow-up that keeps any anxiety at bay for a while; and usually by the time it hits, they afflicted teammate is at least stable enough that she can work through it well. (Garrus' being hit on Omega was probably the closest she got to totally cracking on the job, as it were.)
11. Who is in their inner circle?
    Ashley, Wrex, EDI, Joker, Miranda and, of course, Thane, wind up the closest to her in the end. (She was also quite close to Kaiden and Mordin, before their deaths; and she's not necessarily on bad terms with any of the other crewmates - but with the likes of like, Tali, Jack, Grunt and Garrus? They're all more like... she had to be strong for them, there's more of a mentor-ish vibe there where she maintained a certain... veneer of having it together, and the others fall into good friend, great to hang out with, but not quite the same level of 'I am willing to let you see me hurt and crying' closeness).
12. What does Udina think of them?
  He'd Rather Not, Thank You. (I.e: He had very high hopes but oh dear god, Shepard is. Such a mockery of his hopes for the first human Spectre, and his only solace is that she manages to piss off the Council about as much as she crosses him.)
13. What does Shepard think of Saren?
     She's... honestly not sure. Annoyed with him at first, but after realizing he was indoctrinated for quite some time, and doing some research... in the end? She just feels sorry for him, and wishes there was something else that could have been done.
14. Is Shepard’s first death publicized? (Since in game seems both people know about it and the alliance covered it up)
  To a degree - there were theories that she was in some deep-cover operation, but the Alliance did officially declare her MIA/PKIA about a year after the Collector attack, and there was a memorial service.
15. Did they have any relationships pre-me1? Still around?
  Not really - Adrian's always been a little weird on the relationship front; there's a lot of sorting out of 'am I actually on the aromantic range or am I just terrified of being in love as a soldier because I've spent my entire life seeing how much hurt that tends to result in' (the answer is six of one, half a dozen of the other) that never gets done, so she mostly wound up with a few things that never got past a third date during her time in college; and it declined even further after Akuze. (And considering her partners were all Alliance, up til Thane... most of them aren't around any more, but there is another XO out there who is absolutely flabbergasted to see that tech nerd she slept with that one time suddenly all over the news...)
16. What additions did Cerberus give Shepard?
      I play it as pretty mild, all things considered. Most of her organs are, to some extent, synthetic/artificially enhanced, a lot of reinforcements to her muscle and bones that have left her pretty durable. The biggest differences are that she got her left ear back, and to steal from some other HCs - the cybernetics mean her eyes kind of glow in the dark now - results in enhanced night vision, and delightful terror to unsuspecting crewmates!
17. Have they done any interviews? How did the first one go? And the most recent?
       The first interview she ever did was actually when she was a kid, and attending a biotics camp that had just accepted its first wave of human students, which consisted of Adrian and exactly one other kid - most human biotics were headed to BAaT, but Adrian's parents leaned towards 'you know we'll go with the people who've had like. Centuries. To figure this out' mindset. It went pretty well, and definitely set a tone for her future lol, since she was spending a lot of time around aliens and had a pretty positive opinion of the whole thing.
      Her most recent interview would probably be just after the Reaper War, and consists of 'I Am Retired Please Leave Me The Fuck Alone.'
18. What do they think of the alliance?
   It's been her entire life. Every home, most of her friends, her schooling, her career... all of it was steeped in the Alliance. It wasn't perfect - and there was a lot she wanted to change, but if she was a good enough soldier? Maybe she could make some changes, one day? By the time she realized no, no one soldier (however good) could make a real change to the entire system... well, Sunk Cost Fallacy is a bitch, she genuinely wasn't sure how she could function outside of Alliance structure. Post-Akuze left her extremely disillusioned - that no, they really did value image over integrity. She should have faced some punishment for her actions... and instead, she gets lauded as a hero and a survivor, an example of what humanity can endure, and she would basically lose her entire life if she ever spoke up otherwise... and like a good Alliance soldier, she was too scared of that unknown, so she played along and kept up the good looks.
19. What are they like, when in a bad mood? How obvious is it?
     She gets a little more terse and withdrawn, and her usual way of dealing with it is... pretty much dissociation, honestly. She can't snap because it'll be Bad For Image, or because the situation doesn't actually /warrant/ anger, or getting angry won't do anything to help... so. Yeah. Adrian gets angry and swallows it down and just kind of goes blank until her nerves are calmer. Completely healthy coping mechanisms.
20. Does Shepard’s armor hold any significance to them? What about a weapon?
  Eh... armor, not really; she often swapped it out. Weapons were also generally regarded as tools, kept well-maintained but without much attachment... until she got the Widow xD She fucking /loved/ that thing - it's big, it's sturdy, it can punch through damn near anything, it's beautiful.
21. What was Shepard like before the alliance?
  There was no pre-Alliance Shepard, really... but before active service, she was sligtly less anxiety-riddled and a little more hopeful? Not by /much/ though, tbh, she's just always been kind of tinged with sadness and fear.
22. What was the post-lazarus reunion between shepard and joker like?
There were a lot of tears - mostly on Adrian's part, because she had died only half-sure she actually got Joker out, so seeing he was alive... that was. A lot to process. Joker, meanwhile - like he knew this was coming, but hearing 'hey yeah we've got Shepard's frozen scorched corpse and we're gonna bring her back' and seeing her there were worlds apart.
23. Ever had a broken heart?
  Losing Kaiden counts in some respect - even if she wasn't sure if she did want to pursue something, there was /something/ blossoming there... and then, there wasn't. (She also very much suffers one in canon!ME3, losing Thane definitely breaks her in a way that never mends. And in my tweaked canon/They Live version... she gets a very intense familial heartbreak (: )
24. Are they funny?
   Moderately, and it works best when she's not trying to be funny.
25. Have they made pursuits into further education? Any degrees?
    Went to military college and got a degree in computer science (main focus was decryption and disruption), also took a few medical courses to supplement her combat medic goals. Post-wartime, she pursues education in literature and marine biology.
26. Does Shepard have a Twitter account
   Adrian has a few social media accounts, and nearly all of them are just there to grab it before someone can try to fake them, there's very little activity beyond Official Needs. (She is (anonymously) active on... for lack of better phrasing, space Tumblr, though. No text posts though, she is strictly there to post & share photography).
27. The last time they were rude to someone:
  Honestly, Adrian stays pretty polite? The only people she's really told to fuck off, in as many words, were The Illusive Man and Udina lol.
28. Does Shepard have any family?
   A fair bit! Both her mother and father are alive up through & beyond the events of ME3 - Hannah remains in the Alliance throughout, while her father leaves the Alliance in the years between Adrian's first death and resurrection, instead operating at low income clinics on the Citadel (and a volunteer medic during the Battle of London). Hannah's side also sees an aunt, two uncles, and grandparents; while Adrian Sr. was a foster kid who bounced between homes most of his life, and wasn't formally adopted - but he keeps in contact with the women who cared for him in those last couple years before he signed on with the Alliance, and Adrian did meet them a couple times. That said, most of Adrian's life was spent beyond the Charon relay, and she never actually visited Earth in person until she was a teenager; her relationship with her extended family was pretty distant and limited.
29. Does the alliance use their image for propaganda/recruitment? Did they agree to/want it?
   For a while, after her death - Adrian expressly denied permission while she was alive, but Hannah okayed digital reconstructions after Adrian's death - and oh god yeah the Alliance regretted the /shit/ out of it. 1: They were creepy as hell. 2: The public backlash was /intense/ - not just from civilians either; Ashley and Joker both sent in some very strong letters.
30. A moment that almost made Shepard quit:
   As bad as a lot of them were? None of them actually made her want to quit, really. After all, what else would she have, without the Alliance?
31. Ask Dr. Chakwas: what kind of patient is Shepard?
   A... consistent patient. Frequently in, because she's always doing something she shouldn't, but she's very tractable. Sits still, doesn't flinch or jump, gets a gold star and lollipop every time sort.
32. Is Shepard the type to give speeches?
   A little - she doesn't exactly /mean/ to, but also she has consumed far too much poetry so it leaks into her pep talks xD
33. What does the council think of their first human spectre?
   They'd Rather Not, Thank You. (Okay, actually, they're pretty impressed by the end of things, and they did at least appreciate that she took the charge of protecting the galaxy to heart - even among prior spectres, there was often a bias towards their own species, but Adrian really did exemplify that notion of protecting /everyone/ equally.)
34. What was Jack’s first impression of shepard? And now?
   "Oh dear god this fucking prissy bitch is going to be the death of me I am not falling into any uniform or behaviour requirements' lol. Definitely softens, especially since Adrian does really listen to her and doesn't like... try to /fix/ shit, she just listens and /will/ help but doesn't force it. (She also does kinda appreciate the fact that, Adrian is a nerd... but she's a nerd who knows and appreciates poetry so maybe that's something she can share with someone else?) In the end? Considers Adrian a very annoying but beloved older sibling.
35. How was that mako joyride from ilos to the citadel?
   White-knuckled terror for Adrian and Garrus. Best goddamn day of Tali's life cause she was at the wheel for it.
36. What was going through Shepard’s head, when they met Sovereign on Virmire?
   A Lot. A weird relief, because shit started falling into place. Existential terror of Lovecraftian proportions. And an undeniable flicker of curiosity and awe, because holy shit /sapient robot cuttlefish-/
37. What is their favorite way to eat potatoes
   Mashed with a lot of butter, garlic, salt and pepper; though she won't say no to a good jacket potato.
38. Lucky, or unlucky?
   It's all in how you look at things - many would say Adrian's lucky to have survived so much, after all. Adrian would... Respectfully Disagree and leave it at that. (She does count herself lucky for her friends, though.)
39. What would Shepard say their flaws are?
  That she is, at heart, a coward. She abandoned her squad on Akuze, and then was too afraid to speak out when the Alliance fudged things to save face; too afraid to leave the Alliance even once she started to hate it. She's bad at enforcing boundaries, and fears rejection enough that she'd rather make herself horribly uncomfortable than just say 'no' and have to deal with someone's disapproval.
40. What’s their pain tolerance like?
  Horrifyingly high, and this was pre-Lazarus. See 'will endure physical discomfort over rejection' above; Adrian just... kind of accidentally internalized a 'suck it up and deal' approach; to the point she tends to miss some mild injuries, and managed to stay conscious and moving despite thresher maw acid getting into her hardsuit and eating at her. Only increases post-Lazarus, she winds up... /mostly/ accidentally hurting herself a few times during the worst of it.
41. Shepard’s been turned into an animal! What are they?
    If she had a choice in the matter - Greenland shark or giant isopod. Going by general vibes though... Ross Seal. Look at em.
Shep go -laser sounds-
42. Does Shepard imagine what retirement will be like?
   In true canon? No. Adrian never does quite reconcile a life outside the Alliance, and fully expects - and after a while, /hopes/ - she'll just die relatively young in battle and not have to face the horrible gaping void that is the future.
   Tweaked canon? Not until most of the way through ME2 - the above still stands, but in the tweaked canon... she started spending time with Thane simply because he was also Doomed By The Narrative, and in this situation, had just... not pursued treatment for his condition, so there was a very grim but kind of pleasant mutual understanding of Things. But he's also on a ship with like some of the best medics in the galaxy and a lady who knows how to fix up organs, and saving Kolyat spurs him to see if anything can be done, or if it is too late. And /that/ leads to... not quite a fight, but a Strong Discussion that finally truly cracks through Adrian's whole... wall of Hell that everyone else has already started to wear down, that she finally allows herself to think, well, what if there /is/ a future for her?
  It's pants-shittingly terrifying and she hates it, because now everything is /so much scarrier and more fragile/, not to mention she still has no idea what it could actually /involve/, and even up through ME3's events, all she can really think of for if she survives (and gods help her, for the first time in her life, she's hoping she will)?
She'd like a home of some sort, with Thane. She'd like to learn how to cook. Anything else is still... too much. Too scary. But a home on solid ground and a new, useful skill. She can imagine those.   
43. What would they rather: wake up four years into the past, or four years into the future? Why?
   Tough call - assuming like, end of ME3? Adrian's... really not sure. She's done the timeskip into the future thing, and things did ultimately work out... and she's a little afraid, if she woke up in the past as she is 'now'? She might not be able to pull everything off a second time. So, future it is.
44. Does collateral damage matter to Shepard?
    To an extent - she doesn't like causing more damage than is necessary, but also if it's inanimate object vs someone getting hurt, welp, sucks to be an object.
45. Do they vote?
    Oh absolutely.
46. Favorite bar/club in the galaxy and why:
      Afterlife. The irony of having to go there immediately after coming back from being dead was kind of great, and the music is exactly her sort of jam - seriously, when she's scanning planets or building a ship she just has it on a loop. Idk she just vibes with it.
47. Do they let others take care of them?
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Yeah she takes 'physician, heal thyself' a little too seriously and for... pretty much her entire life past 18, the only thing resembling care she'd really accept from others without (much) protest or immediately trying to do something in return was food, and that's because she could never get the hang of cooking even instant noodles.
48. How does Shepard feel about paperwork?
    Necessary, often annoying, but also it gets her out of her brain so that's why she's buried in it through ME2.
49. What do they wear to sleep?
Varies a little by temperature, but I imagine biotics tend to run hot so she's usually just in boxers. Maybe a tank top if it's chilly.
50. What was the last thing (non-email) shepard read? Book, play, poem, essay etc
    She's usually jumping between a couple books at one time! Through ME1 she's working through a collection of poetry from multiple species, the Cthulu mythos, and some middle-grade Spectre adventure books Joker sent her as a congratulations present (she actually rather enjoys them). ME2 is a lot of news, Revelation & Ascenion, and she dives /deep/ into hanar and drell poetry for. Reasons. Lockdown sees her pick up a subscription to a sci-fi/fantasy anthology and a couple knitting how-tos; and ME3 time leaves... very little time for reading. Most of what she goes through is the same prayer book Thane has.
   (She also has a couple books on gardening and cooking. Just in case.)
(+1 would you bang your shepard? Lol jk we all know the answer to that. Share your favorite fact about them!)
     In the Good End AU, Adrian and Thane wind up settling on, of all places, Akuze. It's a pleasant climate for him, and despite the memories... Adrian does find it lovely. And more importantly... it's like Omega but. Less. No one wants to lay serious claim to it because, Death Worms, so it's become prime real estate for dangerous sorts who are extremely tired and want to be left the fuck alone to exist in relative peace, they're too damn old and creaky for power plays any more.
The existing community is headed by an ancient krogan whose clan used to revere and work with thresher maws, she took her granddaughter there to pass on the old ways, and she's the one who has ultimate approval over who's in and who can try setting up somewhere else. Roz is a grouchy old bitch who doesn't keep up with the news, and even if she did, one human-drell couple looks the same as another as far as she's concerned, so what's it matter that she's just helped one settle up nearby? Get the fuck outta her town and leave her people alone or she'll get the shotgun.
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putschki1969 · 2 years
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December 25: Wakana Activities & 「Wakana Classics 2022 ~Christmas Special~」
Note: Okay, I know this is long overdue but I have simply not found the time and motivation to write up a detailed report ever since coming back from Japan. The trip itself was quite exhausting due to a busy schedule and being sick for almost the entire duration of my stay T_T. Then I made the huge mistake of going straight back to work on the 27th so I have just felt utterly drained for the past few weeks. It’s a huge shame because I really didn’t want to wait this long to write down my impressions. I mean, it’s hardly a “first impression” anymore if my thoughts have been marinating in my brain for nearly a month. But hey, better late than never, right? If anyone is interested, here’s a link to my December 17 report. I am definitely planning to write reports of some of my other activities but who knows how long that’s gonna take. Please don’t hold your breath. Without further ado, let’s get to it 〈(•ˇ‿ˇ•)-→
Before the Live
In the morning I went to visit Koishikawa Korakuen with a fellow Kalafina fan (Akuma from Taiwan in case some of you know her). I had already spent all of Saturday doing various Wakana activities with her so it only seemed fitting that we would dedicate the morning of the 25th to a lovely Wakana activity as well. Wakana visited this gorgeous landscape garden back in April 2022 (Source:Wakana Instagram). Koishikawa Korakuen (小石川後楽園) is actually one of Tokyo's oldest and best Japanese gardens so I was excited to check it out. While the late winter scenery is probably the least spectacular, I can still recommend going there if you are ever in Tokyo and want an escape from the hectic city life. It was a gorgeous, sunny day so I got to take some lovely pictures and thankfully, some of the autumn colours still remained. After spending a couple of hours there and basking in the winter sun, I got a little antsy so we decided to head to the venue. In the past, most fans would try to arrive as early as possible to line up for the merch sale. However, lots of things have changed since the pandemic so venues actually discourage people from lining up early in advance. Despite knowing that we wouldn’t be allowed to line up yet, I still wanted to know the venue’s exact location and check whether anyone had arrived yet. When we finally got there, no one was there except us and the door staff told us to come back in two hours XD It was super hard to find a café or restaurant near Kioi Hall so we had to walk all the way back to Yotsuya Station. I felt really sorry for Akuma because I dragged her back and forth, she must have been so exhausted. Guess I can’t help but be one of those annoying people who are low-key control freaks and who won’t leave anything to chance. I’d rather be 2 hours early than even 1 second too late. Anyways, at a tiny shopping mall, we found a small café and had some cake and coffee. We went back to the venue once we saw the first few tweets of other fans starting to line up. Most people got there around the same time so it quickly became quite crowded in front of the venue about 45 minutes before the live. I am glad we ended up being pretty far ahead in the line because I don’t think the people in the back had enough time left to buy anything. It took quite a while for staff members to check our tickets and temperature. Everyone was also taking their sweet time deciding on what merch to get so there were literally only a few minutes left till the live once I had bought everything (I got the shirt/pamphlet set with the postcard, the pink gloves, the little drawstring bag and the keyholder). All items are still available in Wakana’s Official Online Shop so be sure to get them.  
General Impressions
Venue: This was my first time at Kioi Hall. It’s located in a nice area near Yotsuya Station. Venue, You have to walk around 10 minutes on Sophia Dori which is a lovely thoroughfare. I hear it’s super pretty during cherry blossom season. After Opera City, this was only my second time in a classical hall in Japan. Not as big as Opera City Hall but equally impressive in terms of acoustics and grandeur. But oh boy, they really could have lowered the temperatures, it was boiling hot inside. I don’t know how people managed to sit there with their winter coats fom beginning to end. I was literally melting and I didn’t even wear a warm winter jacket. Kioi Hall is a rather intimate venue with a capacity of about 800 seats. None of the balcony seats were occupied iirc but we managed to fill out pretty much the entire central ground floor. So yeah, definitely not a sold-out concert but very well attended nonetheless (which obviously made me happy because I still recall her Voice tour where they had picked venues that were way too big for Wakana’s fanbase). Outfit: Her dress didn’t impress me all that much to be honest. The bold red looked lovely on her but the basic A-line was a little too plain for my taste. No lace, no embroidery, no frills, no layers, no sparkles... I am also not a big fan of straps when it comes to evening dresses. Wakana has the most beautiful shoulders, it’s a crime to not show them off. In my opinion, she should always wear something that is off-shoulder, preferably a majestic ball gown. The highlight of the dress was definitely the back (as seen on the image above). Whenever she turned around to have a little sip of her water we were blessed with the most gorgeous sight.*drools* Wakana truly has a beautiful back and it’s rare that we get to see so much of it XD. Ticket System: As you may know, I’ve had a few issues with SKIYAKI but at the end of the day I have to admit that it is an extremely convenient service. All steps were foreigner friendly and I didn’t run into any issues with the app. Still, I can’t recommend it with a clear conscience because of what happened with my credit card T_T As you know, I got a Christmas Special Fan Club ticket and I was pretty lucky with my assigned seat. Row 4, smack in the middle with a perfect view at Wakana. Thankfully no tall people in front of me.Fun fact, right in front of me there was a woman who wore one of Wakana’s dresses, the EXACT same one I had brought to Japan with the intention of wearing it at the concert. However, a few days earlier I had found Wakana’s red checkered pants and ended up buying them so of course I couldn’t help but wear them to the live. Still, I found it funny that someone had the same idea. She also wore Kalafina’s pinky ring so she was clearly a super obsessed fan.I am still wondering what her username is on Twitter. I guess she must be following me if she knows about all this fashion stuff. Arghhh, I wish I had approached her after the live but as always, I was way too socially inept... Cameras: I am pretty sure I mentioned it already but there were a lot of cameras all across the hall. Not just the tiny ones which are used for news reports and such. They had a whole-ass camera crew on-site. No idea what they are planning to do. Either we will be getting a broadcast sponsored by BS Fuji or they will use the footage for a home video release. They might also add the footage (or at least parts of it) as bonus content for Wakana’s 3rd album. Let’s keep our fingers crossed. There’s no way they hired all those cameramen and equipment for nothing. Vocals: For the most part, Wakana was in great shape. It’s such a pleasure to hear her in a classical hall accompanied by strings and piano. And honestly, a couple of these acoustic arrangements were out of this world. So freaking good! I feel like her microphone was maybe a bit too loud at times or the instruments were simply too quiet but it didn’t really take away from my enjoyment. Plus, they can always fix that with a bit of studio magic if they really end up releasing the concert. Nevertheless, I’d really like to have more strings in future concerts, just to add a little more oomph. Maybe I am the only one but I feel like I need at least a string quartet XD Setlist: Overall, I was quite happy with the setlist since it contained all three of her new songs and some of my faves but I probably would have made some changes if the choice had been up to me. Can’t lie but I was hoping and praying for “breathing” as intro. Instead we got “Yakusoku no Yoake” which is always nice, don’t get me wrong, but meh, we already have a performance of it on DVD/BD and let’s be real here, “breathing” is the superior song, at least in my opinion. Am I the only one who is kinda growing tired of “Ai ni Dekiru Koto wa mada aru kai“? I feel like the song doesn’t have a standard ballad structure so it’s quite hard for me to get into it, especially considering its crazy length. Personally, I would have much preferred her to sing “Inochi no Namae” or “Kimi wo Nosete” from her Cover Album. Also had my issues with “Nagareboshi”. I don’t outright dislike this song but it has always been a bit of a snoozer so naturally. I wasn’t overly excited when she announced she would be singing it as her final song. I mean, it kinda works as a wrap-up for the evening but I would have honestly killed to hear an acoustic version of “Ai no Hana”, it’s literally the perfect winter song!! Such a missed opportunity, I feel robbed.T_T Last but not least. let’s talk about her Kalafina song choice. Wakana often manages to pick my least favourite Kala-songs but I realise that I am pretty much alone with that opinion, especially regarding “Kimi no Gin no Niwa” which is obviously a fan-favourite. To her credit, she pulled it off well but ughhh, I cannot stand that song. I am still salivating when I think about her 2018 Symphony Orchestra Concert where she performed “Kimi ga Hikari ni Kaete Iku”. Who do I have to bribe to get something like this on DVD/BD??!! 
Song-specific thoughts
M01 約束の夜明け(Yakusoku no Yoake): As mentioned earlier, I was low-key hoping for “breathing” but I really like “Yakusoku no Yoake“ so it’s not like I was disappointed or anything. It might even be one of my favourite tracks from her 1st album. The beginning always blows me away, it’s by far the best part of the song and Wakana knocks it out of the park every single time. However, I think that some sections of the song aren’t particularly flattering to Wakana’s vocals. I know for a fact that she can handle much higher parts but I guess it’s the singing style she keeps using for this song hat makes it sound like she is out of her comfort zone. Oh well, she still does a decent job of powering through those sections. Overall, I quite enjoyed the performance and thought it was a fitting intro.
M02 442: Absolutely blown away by the acoustic arrangement and Wakana’s powerful performance. They better release the video footage soon because I am dying to hear this again. I am telling you, she SLAYED!  “442″ is undoubtedly one of her best songs that highlights all of her strengths as a singer so it’s always a joy to listen to it.
M03 オレンジ (Orange): Yet another lovely arrangement. Much better than the studio version if you ask me. I can’t remember any details but I definitely liked it.
M04  夕焼け (Yuuyake): Initially I did not care much for this song but every time I hear it live, I fall more and more in love with it. It’s just so precious.
M05 myself: Oh yes!! Jackpot! This was utterly beautiful. It’s the type of ballad Wakana excels in, when all that tragedy is laid on thick and you are being hit right in the feels. Hearing it in a classical setting makes it even more heart-wrenching.
M06 時には昔の話を(Toki ni ha Mukashi no Hanashi wo): This will never get old. There’s a reason they chose this song to promote Wakana’s cover album and it’s because it’s such a perfect fit for her.
M07 愛にできることはまだあるかい(Ai ni Dekiru Koto wa mada aru kai): I guess I already shared my thoughts about this. I think Wakana really likes the song so I feel kinda bad for not being into it. Maybe it’s because I never watched the film? The lyrics are lovely but the song just doesn’t resonate with me. Or rather, I have to be in the right mood for it to resonate with me. Isolated, I believe it can be quite powerful. Despite its understated nature there is a bit of a build-up after all. But it falls a little flat for me if you place the song right after a bunch of other ballads.
M08 君の銀の庭(Kimi no Gin no Niwa): Well, it was unfortunately the wrong Kalafina-“Kimi~” song for me but hey, what can you do about it? Whatever my thoughts might be about this particular song, I truly appreciate the fact that Wakana still makes a conscious effort to include Kalafina pieces in her setlists because on the one hand, she wants to honour that legacy and on the other hand, she knows that it will make her audience happy. During the MC leading up to the performance she actually explained how picking a Kalafina song is always the most difficult part of putting her setlists together. Overall, it was a solid performance. She did quite well covering the other parts.
M09 Winter Wonderland: I definitely did not think that Wakana would sing this. Maybe it’s because I didn’t grow up with them but I have a bit of an aversion to most Anglo-American Christmas songs (including this one) so when she announced the title of the upcoming song, I felt more than a little disappointed.  Especially since I had no idea how it would fit her singing style. However, I am happy to report that I was proven wrong. This far exceeded my expectations and it actually turned out to be a very enjoyable performance. I would say this was only the second song of the night (after “442″) where we got to hear a more fierce and daring approach by Wakana. Still not a fan of the song but damn, Wakana’s version sounds good!
M10 Silent Night: Now we are talking. A Christmas song I actually like. And as expected, Wakana nailed it. I mean, she was literally born to sing songs like this. With everyone always comparing Wakana’s singing to an angel’s voice falling down from the heavens it’s only natural to think that she would do an amazing job with Christmas carols and hymns. A little nitpicking though, I wasn’t fully invested in the arrangement which may or may not have been a bit too pop-ish, I don’t know.
M11 標 (Shirushi): I was really hoping that we would get to hear this brand-new song and I am so glad that my wish came true. Knowing the entire backstory to this and having Wakana share a few bits and pieces again during the concert really made it very hard for me not to cry like a little baby. For those who don’t know yet, this is basically a daughter’s declaration of love to her father (Wakana’s father passed away not too long ago). This song was more or less custom-made for this occasion so it hits a little closer to home than others. While I cannot relate at all to a strong father-daughter relationship, this still hit me right in the feels. I did expect something woeful with heavy strings but it was actually quite understated. Filled with a lot of gratitude and pride. I wish I could say more about it but it’s so hard for me to recall details of a song that I have only listened to once. If I had to compare it, I would probably say it comes closest to “Ato Hitotsu” as far as the overall sound is concerned. It is longer though.
M12 明日を夢見て歌う (Asu wo Yume Mite Utau): I was of course super excited to also finally listen to Wakana’s other new song. This however was a bit of a letdown if I am being honest. It was written by Satoshi Takebe whose collabs with Wakana are always a bit of a hit-and-miss for me. It’s like “Kimi dake no Stage” 2.0. If you enjoy that song you will also like “Asu wo Yume Mite Utau“ I think. The emotion is all there in the lyrics and I can feel what kind of message Wakana is trying to convey to us but meh, the song doesn’t quite hit the mark for me.  Fun fact: For the longest time I thought it was “Ashita” in the title but it’s actually “Asu”.
M13 Flag: Another absolutely gorgeous acoustic arrangement that really blew me away. Right up there with “442″ and “Winter Wonderland” in terms of fierceness.
M14 Happy Hello Day: Can’t believe this was the first time hearing the song live at a venue. Experiencing it right there while breathing the same air is so much different than just watching it on a live stream. As much as I appreciate the influx of online broadcasts, nothing beats the euphoria of actually being there at the venue and enjoying a song that makes you feel so incredibly connected with your favourite artist. I truly had a blast during this performance.
EC01 記憶の人 (Kioku no Hito): What a pleasant surprise. I am very much in love with this song and it’s definitely among my favourite Wakana solo songs so I can never get enough of it. Beautiful performance.
EC02 magic moment: A bit on the fence about it. We all know that I am not the biggest fan of the song’s structure, it starts really melodious with its symphonic grandeur but then it somehow become quite messy to my ears. I can’t explain it very well but there is just a lack of flow. However, that doesn’t mean that I cannot appreciate Wakana’s vocal prowess in it. Just thinking back to her performance during the “magic moment” live tour gives me goosebumps (although I obviously only ever experienced it on blu-ray). I would say that performance still remains her best one yet. This one wasn’t quite as epic but maybe that’s just because of the added studio magic in the blu-ray.
Fan Club Exclusive Part
Very happy to see that almost everyone had bought a special Christmas ticket. At the end of the main part of the concert, audience members were asked to leave the hall if they didn’t have a fan club ticket and only a handful of people actually left. Still surprised that they just trusted us to be honest about this. Typical Japanese mindset I guess. I mean, people could have just remained at their seats, no one would have checked their tickets again. However, I think they had most people with regular tickets seated in the back area so it was easier for staff members to figure out who was required to leave. At this point none of us knew what to expect but I had a feeling we would get a special encore. When Wakana and her musicians returned to the stage in their cute Christmas getup I was pleasantly surprised to realise that we would be getting a little talk corner. Mind you, it wasn’t anything super special, just some random small talk among them, they all basically just shared some Christmas anecdotes but hey, it was fun. I vaguely remember Wakana talking about trying to find the perfect colour for a new winter coat but she ended up with a boring grey one XD I had almost given up hope that they would perform another song when their talk just kept going on and on. It was already way past the scheduled time for the live to end so I thought we would run out of time. But then Wakana surprised us all by announcing that they still had a short performance in store for us. Until the very last moment I had hoped that I would get to hear “Ai no Hana” but alas, it wasn’t meant to be. As mentioned earlier, I wasn’t too thrilled about “Nagareboshi”  but it was a fitting send-off. I believe everyone thought that this would be it but when we left the hall, we were all given a paper bag containing even more awesome goodies. Our Christmas present from Wakana was made up of a postcard with a handwritten message and signature as well as a pretty glass fitting perfectly into her series of previously released glasses. *weeee* All of this was definitely worth the extra money. If you ever wonder if it’s worth going for pricier tickets, here’s your answer: It absolutely is! You typically get a lot of bang for your buck so always go for the expensive option if you have the means. And I am actually so glad that the Christmas present didn’t turn out to be a fugly t-shirt, I am just not a t-shirt person.
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After the Live
One of my Twitter followers had arranged a dinner/after-party with a bunch of fellow Kala-fans. While I am most definitely not very fond of large gatherings like this, it wasn’t too bad. We had some tables reserved at a Chinese restaurant nearby. In celebration of Wakana’s live, we wanted to eat a ton of gyoza and xiao long bao. It was delicious! Sadly I didn’t get to eat all that much because I left quite early (I mean, it felt late to me but who knows how long the others stayed). I was flying back to Vienna the following day so I wanted to get at least a few decent hours of sleep.
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