#should prob add that too just in case
betarat · 2 years
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Happy Valentines! Who needs a partner when I can just ship my favourite block men together?
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livelaughlovesubs · 6 months
what do you think bsd men would be with a girl who is really hyperfeminine (ex loves sanrio, short skits and stuff) but still loves topping?
It literally does not matter what you like and how you look as long as you click. (Also tell me if you want any specific characters I didn’t mention)
I imagine them not minding it neither way, because you can wear a skirt or pants and still fuck them into oblivion. Though there are some that might get fooled by your appearance. It’s the first impression after all.
Dazai would probably tease you about it from time to time, “when I first saw you, I thought you were such a nice and innocent girl! Who knew you were into such freaky stuff?” He’d joke about it all the time, just to provoke you. Then he’d add, “but I love all woman, even if you are a beast in bed.” And wink at you. Now it’s your choice what you will do to him later, maybe you should punish that cheeky tongue of his.
Atsushi would probably be a bit embarrassed, that he needs a girl to take care of him, especially if you are shorter or look younger than him. You just have to assure him it’s alright to feel this way, and it’s alright to show emotions, cry, whatever. He gets embarrassed easily, or flustered, so it’s almost the same no matter what body Typ. You could be taller than him and hug him from behind, he’d blush already. Or as mentioned be shorter and nuzzle into his chest, and he’ll turn red. Also if you flirt with him, and he does catch on, then it really doesn’t matter if you look very feminine or not, he’d be nervous and fumbling with his thumbs the entire time.
Kunikida, I gotta say, he feels like the traditional reserved type of person, though secretly (unbeknownst to him) also a freak. Probably wrote in his book something about a nice and healthy relationship, a girly girl who is mature and gentle, and vanilla. Maybe someone who works part time so that they could take care of the household? He works full time after all. So consider him surprised when he found out about you, cuz your appearance made him believe you were very.. well, basic. (There is nothing wrong with basic) though to think you’d make him so such humiliating stuff.. you better not leave him now, not after seeing all those sides of him.
Sigma likes people who knows what they want and want to be, who can decide. Because he has a few problems with his identity. That’s why he really admires how you carry yourself, and know what you like. Fashion wise or others. You know what you like and you stand behind it, go for it girl. Also, I think sigma likes the high fashion, like a small hobby he has, so he’d love to go shopping with you and discuss outfit ideas. He probably enjoys a wide range of styles.
Fyodor also thought you would be a total sub, he just guessed. Turns out he guessed completely wrong, his mistake, can he make up by drinking a shot? Anyway, as long as you are useful, he doesn’t really care how you present yourself. The skills are what’s important. But to be honest, at first, he was trying to find a very traditional partner. It’s what he believes in. A good wife who cooks and takes care of the house, and obeys. That’s what he was looking for, if he wanted a relationship in the first place. It’s what’s written in the bible, he wanted to follow it. After spending a night with you, he had to think about it again. It felt too good to give up, and honestly, just because you top or dom doesn’t mean you won’t fulfil the requirements, no? Even if you didn’t, well, he was god’s chosen one he can make a special case just for you.
Nikolai would ask you to dress up as a clown with him. If you refuse, he’ll keep asking. So yea, he doesn’t really care what you like or look, he will make you into clowns and magic shows. It’s a part of getting closer to him, there is no roundabout. (Rip those who have a phobia against clowns, but if you do why would you like Nikolai in the first place) jokes aside, I’m sure he won’t really force you into liking all that. Probably…
Chuuya would find it pretty practical, cuz similar to sigma, you know what you like or who you are so you are easy to read. He doesn’t need to think that long to guess what kind of stuff you’d like, it’s practical. But he’ll still take ages to find the *perfect* present for you. Most of the time he’ll buy more than one, if you don’t like it throw it away. If you are even shorter than him, it’d boost his ego, cuz, yea, short people struggles. Though that ego would be gone after you show him who’s top, and he’d be pouting for a while. He thought he could finally stand over someone! He was taller but somehow he didn’t feel like he actually was! It’s not a negative feeling though, not at all. And you being girly didn’t matter, you look gorgeous anyway. Just say the word and he will silence anyone who thinks otherwise.
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reidbae · 1 year
DAY 12: In For It — glove kink w/ semi-dom!spencer reid
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KINKTOBER 2023: masterlist
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summary: When an unexpected coworker causes you to develop a kink for gloves, you find yourself needing to take care of your dying urge as soon as possible. What you don't know, is that the same coworker finding you in the act will prove to be more pleasurable than you realize.
pairing: semi-dom!spencer reid x sub!fem!reader
warnings/mentions: mentions of blood/crime scene, implied age gap, use of y/n and sweet girl, obv glove kink and mention of latex, no lube is used which is prob unrealistic but ignore it, fingering, choking, vaginal sex, breeding kink, unprotected piv sex (no, no, and no), fondling and ass grabbing, lmk if i missed anything!
wc: 3.2k
a/n: sooo this was supposed to be semi-dom spencer but the sub in me failed miserably :,) and yes this is day 12 on day 15 shush i'm inconsistent
tags: @nalycandy @prettyboydrspencerreid @mega-kittyglitter-1
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You were kneeling near the floor of the crime scene that you were at, with Spencer and Derek above you, discussing the scene around you.
You were on a case in a small town in Vermont regarding an unsub who was leaving very bloody scenes behind him. Needless to say, you and the team were getting your hands dirty.
Well, not literally.
Your gloved hand was pointing at what looked like scratch marks on the floor of the living room you were in, which you assumed to be signs of a struggle. You voiced this to the two men.
Derek, who was hovering over you, nodded his head in agreement with your idea. "Yeah, looks like it. This victim must've really given the unsub a hard time, then."
"Yeah, and he wasn't happy about that," you said pretty obviously, because it didn't really take a profiler to see that. "Hey, Spence, what do you...
You cut yourself off as you looked up at your other coworker, Spencer Reid, who was pulling the same gloves you had on onto his own veiny hands. It took all of a few seconds for him to turn to you, raising an eyebrow at you.
Spencer was older than you, and you had always found him attractive. Who couldn't, really? Tall, handsome, brunette FBI profiler, and a nice personality to add to it.
He was flawless.
But you had never crossed that humongous line between being friends and being more. While it was nice to think about, you didn't think he could see you in that way, and you preferred to remain friends anyway for the sake of your relationship.
Which is what made the blood that rushed to your cheeks, and the feeling that ran down to your cunt, all the more confusing.
"What were you saying, Y/N?" asked Spencer as he tilted his head, looking down at you.
It didn't help that from where you were looking, you were almost at eye level with his belt.
"Oh, um, I was just wondering what you...Think? A- About the case? I mean, like, do you think there was a struggle?" you could barely stutter out, shaking your head at yourself. Spencer kneeled down next to you, examining the same marks you'd been looking at with his hands.
You watched as his gloves hands traced circles over the hard wood floor, then moved to nearby blood splotches on the ground.
You had never wanted so badly to be an inanimate object.
Spencer gave you a brief synopsis of what he believed. From what you could gather, he agreed with you and Derek, but you were struggling to listen to him as your eyes remained where they were.
You weren't sure how or when this newfound thing for gloves had developed, but it was driving you crazy. You had to clear your throat to snap yourself back into reality, getting up from the ground.
"We should get back to the station. I want to see if they got anything out of the fingerprint we found," said Derek, to which Spencer nodded in agreement.
When you didn't answer, eyes too fixated on Spencer's hands as the gloves came off of them, the genius spoke up. "Hey, Y/N, are you okay?" he asked in a worried voice.
The sound of your name on his lips tugged you back down to earth, and you looked up. "Huh? Wha—Yeah, I'm good. Let's go," you said nervously.
Spencer, still concerned, put a hand on the small of your back as you all walked out of the house you were in. Spencer had always been very protective of you, and you weren't quite sure why, but you liked to assume that it was because he was older than you, and felt the need to do so.
What you did know, though, was that it was not helping at all.
You all but leaped out of the car when the three of you got back to the police station, muttering some nonsense about paperwork and overtime as an excuse to Spencer and Derek.
When you finally got to the bathroom that you'd been longing to go to since earlier, you closed the door quickly behind you and gave a long, slow sigh.
Because the town you were in was so small, the station wasn't really the most up to date. The bathroom was tiny, leaving little to no space to walk around. Plus, it was unisex, and there was only one of them. It was probably hell on earth for the police officers who worked here on a daily basis.
But that was the least of your worries.
You leaned your hands on the sink of the bathroom and tried to slow yourself down, trying so hard to ignore the growing wetness between your legs as you closed your eyes.
And all for what? Spencer Reid's gloves? The one you'd seen him touch blood with so many times? The one you’d seen him touch blood with today?
But, God, you just couldn't deny it.
A flushed, rosy face looked back at you in the mirror, with you looking as if you had just seen a ghost. Your chest was heaving up and down at a rapid pace, your hair messy over your forehead.
There was only so much of this you could take.
It was a dumb idea. A terrible, terrible idea. But you figured, if you worked this sudden want for your coworker out now, you wouldn't have to stare it in the face ever again.
You shook your head for what you were about to do, but took a seat on the low counter, your back pressing onto the mirror behind you. Slowly, you undid your own belt, then yanked your work slacks down and out of the way.
You had to take a few seconds to really think about this before you went through with it. Could you really do this in a police station, the one coworker you'd always seen as no more than a friend on your mind?
Yeah, you could.
You closed your eyes and followed through, moving your hand down to your clit and rubbing yourself in slow circles at first. You began to think about Spencer and the way his blue gloves had fit so nicely on his hands earlier. God, it felt ridiculous just thinking about it.
But it was true.
A knock sounded on the door when you were just about to stick a finger inside of yourself, but the sound was so muffled, you couldn't quite process that you were being called.
"Y/N? Y/N, are you okay?"
You couldn't hear a thing over the sound of your own whines, way too far gone now to think about much else.
"I'm coming in there."
Now, you heard it.
You were too late in jolting your hand away from your body before Spencer's tall figure stood in the doorway, a concerned look over his face, that soon turned to one of surprise.
The view he was met with was one of your hand quickly moving away from your cunt, your undone belt and open slacks enough for anyone, let alone a genius, to figure out what the hell you'd just been doing.
While he hadn't gotten you in the act, the scene that was laid out in front of him was very much enough.
The door was already closed for the most part when Spencer walked in, and he shut it all the way so no one could see the two of you. His cheeks were red as his eyes roamed over your body, the man at a clear loss for words.
"Spencer, I—" you said with a face as hot as his, your eyes wide with fear. "I'm sorry—I was just—It's not what it looks like," you said dumbly, shaking your head at yourself.
"A- Are you sure, Y/N? Because, from where I am, what you were just doing is quite obvious," Spencer told you, crossing his arms as he did, like he was reprimanding a little kid. You sighed.
"I just needed to—Work it out before we got started with the case again. I'm sorry. I- I know it's unprofessional, and—" you began.
But he cut you off.
"It's fine, Y/N. You have needs," Spencer shrugged, like this was something people saw on a daily basis. "I was just a little, um—Surprised."
You let out a breath you hadn't realized you'd been holding and nodded, the heat never leaving your face. Spencer took a step closer to you, looking at you curiously.
"I have to ask, though," Spencer chuckled, looking you up and down. You nearly missed it when he did, too bewildered by the fact that he could laugh at what was happening. "Why the sudden urge?"
You tilted your head, looking away from him and then back again, unsure of what to say. When you didn't answer, Spencer went on.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I'm just curious," Spencer said.
You took a very long pause before opening your mouth to speak again, cursing yourself for the words that were about to leave it. "Uh, well—I just—It's kind of dumb, and it's going to sound really weird, b- but, um," you were stuttering as you played with your hair, sighing. "Yourgloves."
Your words came out so jumbled that Spencer raised an eyebrow at you, giving you a confused look. You weren't sure if he hadn't heard you, or if he had, and he was just weirded out. "What did you say?" Spencer asked.
Turns out, it was the former.
"Y- Your gloves," you told him more clearly, looking away from him. "I don't know. I saw you with them earlier at the crime scene, and—Well, I know we're just friends and stuff but—God, I just don't know," you said in annoyance of yourself. Even you had no idea where this sudden need was really coming from.
"I don't know," you said again. "I just like the way they look on your hands, okay?"
Spencer took a second to think and consider your words. Then, instead of walking out of the room, or giving you a look, or calling you a mean name, Spencer just laughed again. He laughed. At you.
He seriously found this funny?
Spencer reached into the pocket of his work slacks, and pulled out the very thing that had caused you to be so worked up in the first place. The pair of blue gloves that he now had in his hand couldn't be the same pair he had used earlier, because these ones weren't covered in blood.
"These, Y/N? This is what's got you so worked up?" Spencer asked in a nearly teasing voice, smirking at you as he walked even closer to you. You furrowed your brow.
"Maybe," you said, a bratty tone behind your voice. You refused to look at him, turning your face away from him. But out of the corner of your eye, you could see Spencer putting the gloves onto his hands.
You knew you were in for it now.
Spencer tilted your chin up to meet his eyes, bottom lip in his teeth as his eyes moved down to your lips. "Most kinks are easy to develop, in case you didn't know. They usually develop when a specific stimulus is paired with sexual notions or behavior."
"Meaning, for one, that you don't need to be so shy about this. And, two, I don't have to understand it fully to please you. So," he said in a low voice, leaning in, so that your faces were mere inches away from each other. "Tell me where you want my hands, Y/N."
You were way too dumbfounded to process all of what he was saying to you. Your breath was heavy, and before you even knew it, you moved one of his gloved hands to your neck, and the other to the hem of your slacks.
Spencer nodded, and, without even a word more, pressed his lips to yours. Before touching you, he grabbed you by the ass and pulled him in closer to you, so that he was standing in the middle of your legs.
Your tongues were all over each other in your kiss as Spencer began squeezing your neck, clearly attempting to gauge how hard you wanted him to go. His gentle hold was cute: But you needed more.
You pulled away from him for just a second to whisper, "Harder. Please," in the neediest voice you had ever put on. Spencer chuckled at you again, obliging as soon as you had asked, and roughened his hold on your neck.
Now, you were happy.
If it weren't for the fact that you were already soaking wet, the latex of the glove may not have felt good, or even let Spencer's finger slip past your throbbing cunt at all. But you were happily surprised to find that his finger went inside of you with ease, causing you to moan out.
"Shhh, sweet girl, none of that," said Spencer in a teasing tone of voice, moving his hand from your neck to cover your mouth. "We wouldn't want anyone else to hear us, would we?" he asked.
You shook your head, cheeks flushed with heat, and that was enough for Spencer. His gloved hand closed around your neck again while he pumped his finger in and out of you at a quick pace.
While having a glove kink was more like a fantasy before all of this, you couldn't believe how good it really made you feel. The rough latex on your cunt provided you with a sort of friction that you had never been able to get when touching yourself in the past, and it was beyond what you were looking for.
"Is this what you wanted?" Spencer asked in a caring voice, bringing his hand to cup your cheek as he fingered you all at once. "Or is there something else I can do for you?"
"A- Ah, Spencer," you moaned out, feeling dizzy with bliss as you answered him. "Please, I just—I think I'm going to need a little more than your fingers," you whined.
Spencer didn't waste a second more and picked you up, holding you gently in his arms. You wrapped your legs around his torso for a beat, and quickly missed the feeling as soon as he put you down to your feet.
Spencer softly pushed your head down and bent you over the bathroom counter, so that you were looking directly at yourself in the mirror. You could hear the sound of Spencer's belt unbuckling from behind, and watched through the mirror as he allowed it to clatter to the ground.
"Spencer—" you said in surprise, mostly of how willing he seemed to do all of this for you.
Maybe you hadn't been the only one keeping your feelings pent up after all.
"What is it, Y/N?" Spencer asked. You were about to answer, when he then took his throbbing cock out from his boxers, giving you a front row view of how hard he was. You shook your head, mumbling to him to forget it.
Spencer pumped himself up and down a few times, and the view was goddamn mesmerizing as he groaned behind you, releasing drops of pre-cum onto your ass. You watched in anticipation, eyes looking at him with a hungry desire to feel him inside of you.
Spencer guided his tip to your aching cunt, then slowly pushed himself inside of you. Already knowing what your response to this would be, he covered your mouth, quickly stopping a moan from leaving your lips.
His other hand gripped your ass again as he moved into you at a pace that was somehow soft and rough at the same time. And then, when he was sure you would keep yourself quiet, he moved his hand back to your throat again.
"Does that feel good, sweet girl?" Spencer cooed, brushing your hair out of your face. You nodded in a little bit of embarrassment at the manner in which this scenario was unfolding.
"Y- Yes. You feel so good, Spencer. You're...So big," you admitted to him, shutting your eyes closed. Spencer's smirking reflection looked back at yours.
"I'm glad you think so," Spencer chuckled, hardening his grip on your bottom as he moved into you, now going at a slower pace. You whimpered at the sudden change of speed, causing Spencer to say, "What, Y/N? What is it?"
"I...Can you go faster? Please?" you croaked.
Spencer pressed a few kisses to the back of your neck and nodded, smirking. "As you wish," he obliged, quickening his pace once more.
"Look at you, sweet girl. All fucked out for me," Spencer whispered, moving you by your hair, so you could gaze at yourself in the mirror. "I'm going to have your legs shaking by the time I'm done with you," he rasped.
Like that wasn't already true.
Spencer pulled you towards him so that your back was flush against his front, and he took each of your tits into his gloved hands as he continued to fuck you. His thumbs ran circles over your hardened nipples as he fondled you, causing a series of broken, whiny moans to leave your lips.
At this point, neither of you gave much of a damn about who heard you.
Spencer could feel your cunt tensing around him, and he knew then and there that you were close. One of his hands roamed down your body, over your chest and stomach, before finding your aching clit and rubbing it the same way he had your nipples.
Once again, that feeling of the latex drove you wild. You felt your climax bubbling up inside of you, threatening to spill over at any given second. "Spencer, please, fuck, I'm so close, I'm so close," you muttered over and over again, biting down on your lip.
"I know, sweet girl, I know," Spencer cooed, pressing rough kisses to your neck. "Are you going to let me fill you up, Y/N?" Spencer asked, looking into your eyes now.
How could you do anything but nod?
"Y- Yes, Spencer. Please do. I want to feel all of you," you begged him.
"You will," he assured you, running his fingers through your hair. "I'm going to fill you up so good," he said. He then looked at you through the mirror, so he could watch you come undone. He finally moaned, "Come on, sweet girl. Come for me."
You didn't need much more than that.
You let yourself go, forced to look at Spencer through the mirror as he held your face in place. Your names left each other's mouths, each in a moan, causing Spencer to cover your mouth as you cried out in pleasure.
Spencer pressed butterfly kisses to your neck as you came down from your high, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as you came back down to earth. Holding you like you were the most fragile thing on the earth, he then kissed you on the mouth, soft and slowly so.
Spencer chuckled, and you turned your head to look at him, a small smile on your lips. "What's so funny?"
"Nothing," the genius laughed, nuzzling his nose with yours. "Just thinking..."
"...Maybe I should wear those gloves more often."
reblogs are very much appreciated <3
please let me know if you want to be added to my tag list!
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cupcakeslushie · 3 months
I see now, those posts about the sensitive topics weren’t in the masterpost so I thought maybe I was just being dense about it. Thanks for being so chill about it! 🩷🩷🩷
No prob! In the case of nearly all of my AUs, I get asks that I give drawn responses to, and there are just too many to add to the main master post. But if you go through the Ask link, they’re all there. I guess I should add that notation in all my master posts lol. There’s always something i need to clarify better!
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thehighladywrites · 6 months
this is not a request just. thinking. ik you’re writing the boys as plugs but have we considered. the women.
elain would %100 make her own edible pastries and give them to you in those colourful baggies with a bow. she’d invite you over to “make sure the new recipe I use is good for the next batch.” the watch movies and end up napping on the couch type
feyre would be the best if you’re a newbie and ever curious about anything. %100 is a bit of a push over for you and sometimes gives you a lil gram extra and offer to smoke with you. she would probably teach you (if you dont know) why you should put ice in your bong. i just know she smokes and paints. probably does art nights with you.
Nesta is pretty abrupt, definitely a one and done we dont small talk plug, but she is there for you if you need (like if you’re a newbie and greened out or paranoid or whatever) because she knows how scary it can be to feel out of control with your body. (replace her trouble with canon alcoholism with getting high every night. she knows how it can get to you.) tells you to drink water and sleep it off but is still hanging around when you wake up ‘just in case’.
mor is the plug thats more like a friend. would end up smoking half of the stuff she just sold you because you guys wanted to sesh and hang out. probably gossips about her other customers when you two get really close
idk anything for amren she probably only uses like cbd oils idk :/
anon i dont even know what else to add, this is so perfect😭😭😭 yess i’m agreeing with everything
also amren would probs smoke joints. i imagine her having one between her long manicured nails, she probs use magic on them to make them even more strong/she mixes in some crazy shit orrrr she has a cart, a fancy ass pen with diamonds and gem stones. when she offers u a hit, ur high for hourssss her shit goes crazy tbh, it’s probably borderline venomous
elain would have her own garden where she grows her supply, i imagine she’s a girl plug who have the cutest packages, they’re all pink with cute stickers that say “thanks for supporting my small business”
feyre is the curious one, down to try literally anything. so down to earth and would get high with you and paint you naked. she has one of those loose shirts with buttons and a pair of shorts, her hair is loosely braided as she mixes her colors, she’s so hot i literally need her rn
nesta is so real, like the helping out when u green out part is so accurate. ut her fav customer and she wants to make sure ur okay, she says it’s because she doesn’t wanna loose clients but in reality she likes u. she also throws in extra g’s but doesn’t say shit ab it
mor is forsure the friend turned plug, she put you on to her supply and ever since u buy everything from her. fav activity is eating infused food in public/meetings and trying to act normal. like at the high lords meeting, you eat a shit ton of edibles and then try to concentrate but it’s very obvious bc you both look stoned and you’re paying too much attention to peoples words, it’s not natural
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learnastrowallura · 28 days
The Sun in astrology
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I will resume here my findings mostly from Chris Brennan's video featuring Demetra George
The Sun: Deity, God, illumination, sight, flames, light, rays, life force, spark, life generator, justice, All seeing, divination, leadership, authority, kingship, nobility, reputation, status, publicity, identity, potential, purpose, centrality, public affairs, ideas, mind, visualization, creation, gold, fortune, wealth, privilege, spirit, honor, respect, virtous action, justice, Father figure(day) the heart, the right eye, eyesight, lifespan, vision, intentionality, creativity, masculine, hot and dry, the core, visible/inner planet
Sun in the natal chart:
The sign and house that our Sun is in can show us how and where (respectively) we tend to shine the most, where our potential lies; it represents our lifeforce, motivation as well as vitality.
Personal example: Sun in Sagittarius in 1st house (Placidus) or 2nd house (whole sign) and the idea of freedom is what helps me get out of bed every single day tbh and just doing my own thing and being comfortable so both houses resonate with me although I do resonate more with the second house since tbh I cannot fully relax and be free if I'm broke lmao but yeah you get the point
My sun trines my Saturn and I kind of see that as my love of learning and discovering new things (Sag) helping that kind of frustration going on with my Saturn being in that 9th house because I am actively fighting back and working hard I would say and I would credit that toward my passion and curiosity
My sun also squares my MC and my Uranus and I will probs only talk about my MC here so like I'm gonna be honest I have a mutable sun you know so at the end of the day I really am wishy washy not super disciplined so it does make sense that that is an area of challenge for me but yeah
I should also mention that my Sun is at 1° degree which is an Aries degree and that (along with my Aries moon as well) helps me be proactive, initiative and passionate so yeah
Dignity and debility:
Domicile: Leo (being special/standing out)
Detriment/Antithesis: Aquarius (egalitarian perspective, being within a group)
Exaltation: Aries (independance, instinct)
Fall/Depression: Libra (partnership, hesitation)
Planetary joy:
The sun has its joy in the 9th house. In other words it is most comfortable and productive/powerful being there because 9th house central/obvious themes are higher learning, spirituality and the Sun is all about clarity, self discovery and potential as well so I think it is an awesome placement to have and I will make a post about the planetary joys so I can speak of this in more detail but yeah
If the Sun is above the horizon, the individual's chart would be a day chart which mean that the native will have Jupiter as a benefic and Mars as a malefic
If it is below the horizon, we would be dealing with a night chart and Venus would be the benefic with Saturn being the malefic planet
The Sun is masculine so it would feel more comfortable being in masculine signs (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius/fire and air signs) in general expressing itself in its masculine energy (active, fast acting, welcoming change). In the case of the Sun I'd look at the Quadrant as well (I have made a post about the Gender of Planets as well)
Father figure:
Aspects between the Sun and other planets especially inner planets, as well as the house it is in (angular, succedent or cadent) can tell us a lot about one's relationship with the father/father figure(s), father's situation etc (aspects with outer planets are important too with the Sun but especially if they (Neptune, Uranus, Pluto) are in an angular house (their effect would be more notable in this case)
I will add more information as I go but I wanted to post it rn so there u go lol and make sure to check this post again in a day or two for its full version x
Thank you for reading <3
Paid readings available
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mammomlette · 2 months
I’m pretty sure it’s a common headcanon that demo is tastes like capri sun (no clue where it came from but I love it) and that it’s canon that demo is doesn’t affect humans bus I pose you this: a devildom version of capri sun that DOES affect humans as alcohol.
Imagine one day, MC is out in town with one or a few of the bros and gets thirsty so they stop by at a shop. They decide they just want some good ol’ juice, and maybe the capri sun-esque packaging seems a lil nostalgic to them and might sway them further to buy it (though that would probs just depend on the MC) and it tastes so nice they buy a few packets.
A couple packetsin MC realises that hey, this juice seems familiar. I don’t think capri sun is supposed to do this. Hopefully it’s not poisonous cause yk, devildom. So they check the ingredients and in the side it just reads “Can be intoxicating to humans” on the side.
Now, it can go a few ways imo (unless your MC just doesn’t like alcohol) either
A) MC reads it out loud, tells the brother they’re with or the brother they’re with (if with one) reads it too and tells them they should put it down and makes sure to tell his brothers about this to make sure to not buy them any unless for special occasions in order to not accidentally get the human drunk
B) it starts off the same way but because the brother is feeling extra happy or are themselves a lil bit tipsy, MC is encouraged to treat themself and just drink copious amounts of capri sin (which I am wittily naming it, haha I’m so funny)
C) the brothers DONT find out either because MC kept it secret or didn’t think to tell them, and MC just gradually gets more and more drunk from the capri sin until eventually the brother(s) realise that hey, this human isn’t sober. How. And eventually put the pieces together
D) the brothers again don’t find out and MC slowly puts away the capri sins for later consumption when they’re safe at the HOL instead of the streets of the devildom having a nice day/night out.
Relentlessly, this would just end up with MC having a cheap source of intoxication.
Also, would add this in tags but don’t want to run out of space just in case, this could go in other ways.
Imagine giving one of the brothers actual capri sun to show what your MC drank as a kid or something and they just get hammered on childrens juice. (Do you think demons/angels are affected by human world alcohol? I feel like this would have been mentioned at some point but idk)
Should I write a fic about this? (The first bit) idk man
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hiccupbutpurple · 1 year
I want to see an AU where the gang from rtte interacts with a gang in which rtte didn’t happen (probably set after/during THW).
I feel like this is kinda similar to the third movie (which I should mention I am not a reliable source because I forgot most of it and only rewatch parts that I like because light fury, Snotlout and some plot points makes me angry and the ending makes me sad.) This happened mainly because of third movie Snotlout but from what I remember and what I’ve seen in the fandom, third movie Snotlout is basically removing all the development from rtte which is sad.
It would just be interesting cause I consider rtte to be canon and the plot holes it causes for the movie you just explain away or ignore and they developed so much during rtte. Like that’s the series where they all come into their own and grow the most as a team. If rtte didn’t happen I think they would still obviously be close and bonded but not to the same extent. They also just wouldn’t have the same development that happened in rtte.
So like, I kinda just want to see the two Snotlouts interacting tbh but also the rest of the group too. Like imagine Hiccup from rtte talking about Viggo and Hiccup who has only dealt with Grimmel (or has at least been introduced to Grimmel) is like wait there’s a better one? I could honestly go on a whole rant about Rtte Hiccup vs some of THW Hiccup’s decisions.
A lot of things would stay the same because it would just happen in Berk like Hiccup and Astrid getting together and they would probs have a cute betrothal necklace scene and all that plus many other necessary bits for all of them and to an extent similar development but rtte brings in a bunch of opportunities that wouldn’t come otherwise even with Hiccup going out and adventuring. So I think the idea that it didn’t happen is so fun to explore. Also if we add/remove Rob/Dob that adds a whole other layer.
This is also partly fuelled by my guilty pleasure for characters meeting their older selfs but in this case the younger ones are cooler - or they could meet at the same age but the rtte gang would be a lot more knowledgeable and close as a team when they are older.
I’ll probably do more on this but it’s already so long.
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moonstruckme · 11 months
Hey bub, i have another (😭) idea for you. So sorry, i have no clue how many you have from me at this stage. Pls dont feel pressured to write any of them; i just get an idea/story line in my head and send it to you after a few days of it stewing before it gives me a headache 😫
But anyway, the idea is: James and Lily have just started dating but shes starting to feel a little weird about your (Ravenclaw!reader) relationship with him. From her perspective youre always around him; are openly affectionate with him (but nothing over the top); make him little presents; spend holidays with him etc. but its not enough for her to think hes cheating, just to make her a little uncomfortable.
She asks the girls if maybe shes the weird one here and overthinking it but someone passing by butts in and says how youre the same with Sirius and its why he wouldnt date her (we know thats not why) but it makes Lily a little more uncomfortable so she decides to confront James.
So she does and hes just silently in shock because "what?!" But the longer he stays quiet the more embarrassed/anxious/irritated lily gets. Then you start giggling, coming in at the tail of the conversation unnoticed, and explain to Lily that youre James cousin but youve lived with your aunt & uncle most of your life so hes more of a brother (+Sirius since hes moved in). Then to lessen the tension you loosen your tie and show her the hickeys down your neck "plus im dating Remmy, and he doesnt share well." Cue the fake gagging from James and Sirius, Lilys giggles and Remus' gentle scolding before "and if anythings, James should be concerned. I might just steal you from right under his nose 😉" Cue James indignation, Sirius' cackling, Remus' chuckles and more of Lily's giggles.
Again, pls dont feel pressured to write anything love but thanks for taking the time to read it 🧡.
Also i feel like i send enough of these that ill probs add a question at the bottom of each one and if you want to you can give me one in return if you write the idea??
First ones basic; whats your favourite colour? I like to say mine is red but i tend to gravitate towards for more earthy colours when i have to pick one for something xx
Hi my angel! This is another one I kept in my inbox for like over a month and just couldn't figure out how I'd write it (I totally know the headache feeling you mean too, there's some stuff I have to write before my brain explodes), but the public has to see!!! I lovelovelove how you portrayed Lily in this; I feel like there's too many jealous!Lily fics out there for my taste, because she seems like such a girl's girl! Like even though she's a bit insecure about reader and James' relationship, she's still going about it in the nicest and most careful way (like checking with other people before accusing James of anything and trying to be rational about it) and I just feel like that's SO her.
Q+A portion: I'm a purple gal! Very stereotpyical purple gal in that I don't think I actually have that many purple things but then some days I'll go outside and realize I've got on my purple sweater, purple socks, and purple little earbud case attatched to my tote. I totally get the earth tones thing though, I feel like they're so easy to pair together so most of my closet and decor is in earth tones too :)
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expatesque · 6 months
Oooo if you’re open to helping us shop please help me find my wedding dress (big ask)? I feel like I’ve tried on every dress in London and am about to give up! I’m not tied to it being white (blue? metallic?) I just want it to feel special enough that I don’t look like my own guest, but not a full meringue moment because there’s only going to be 15 people total. Vibe is casual Saturday afternoon picnic in the park and drinks at our local afterwards, my budget is £2k!
Sorry I should have added that I’m super short so midis tend to fit better, maxi not really my vibe and I’m worried it might feel too formal for the picnic!
Oh my god this is my dream task. First off - congratulations! Sounds like it's going to be a beautiful wedding. Okay so I've got a few thoughts first before we dive in: (1) You can get anything shortened - I'm also relatively short (well, actually I have long torso and short legs, but works out the same) so 90% of my bottoms are tailored. And what better time to invest in some good tailoring than your wedding! Assuming the dress isn't beaded / heavy on appliques, it's usually<£30 to have something shortened, and it's the same price to have something taken up half an inch vs taken up a foot, to make a maxi tea length. So I'm going to recommend a few things that are longer but know that I always mean you should have them shortened if you want. (2) Have you thought about a veil? I just think it's the easiest, most obvious way to say 'Wedding!' but still keep things cool. Personally I love a birdcage moment but I'm also partial to a short veil, particularly if you get something meaningful embroidered on it (this one is fully customizable and I love the look of the phrase running down the side).
Okay now that we've done that, some thoughts: Rixo makes cute, special but low key dresses. For a city wedding feel, I love the shorter ones (60s vibes! This CAPE) but there's loads of cute options (remember, you can have the longer ones taken up!). They're also v affordable which is always nice.
On the less classically bridal end of the spectrum, we have La Double J who go big on color and pattern. Again, I'd consider adding a veil (maybe in a fun color?!) to feel more bridal. I'm not sure your body shape but this top and skirt combo! With a pale blue veil?! Come on. They also do have more classic bridal pieces as well. There's also Zimmerman - flirty and flouncy, their dresses have pure romantic vibes. Something like this could definitely read bridal (+ a birdcage viel and a little shrug maybe?). If you're not put off by black (again, veil and accessories can help) then this is to die for and super re-wearable. Or embrace the chill vibes and go yellow! They have loads of great options.
I'm sure you already know this but just in case: Reformation does bridal. Like their normal dresses, the options skew towards people with model proportions but they've got some gorgeous ones - love this minimal take. I'd also recommend Wolf & Badger again. Do you want to be a hot and cool minimalist? A sea foam mermaid? (I'd personally have the slits closed a bit and the whole thing taken up but that's me). A ball of spring flowers? The Badge has you covered.
And then of course, a net a porter troll. Are you a disco queen? The most elegant woman alive? (Prob not best for the park, but def could work for a pub). A garden fairy? A jumpsuit (!) babe? A queen of less is more? (maybe with tulle gloves!) A column queen? (I'd style with blue shoes that match, I have this pair from Ferragamo that I love).
Again for lots of these I think accessories are key. You add a veil, a glove (consider short too!), a white shoe and all the sudden, bang it's clearly bridal. I hope some of that is helpful, and good luck!
(okay also you did not ask about this but just a thought: you can get really beautiful, affordable, old embroidered white table clothes fairly easily online and at antique shops. How gorgeous would your wedding picnic be on all white 'blankets'? Maybe with something waterproof underneath because, London).
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forgottenvalentina · 7 months
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so here's a mockup of what cassimir/sonya's family crest would look like when quartered with the malconaire arms! if/when eithne marries cassimir, cassimir'd also be entitled to make the second/lower quarter that currently bears the second crest of the house of vasilieva with the arms of the house of lorcan to spice it up with a bit more color ;DDDDD
ANYWAYY!! this is v much just a mockup and obv the portcullis is just a stand in bc that's not been approved yet, plus the site i use doesn't have the capacity to execute it the way it should be done etc etc but this'll give us a sense to go off of if you, like me, are visually focused hahaha
but ill show that off in a bit, for now i have alternate mockups as usual! so here's how valentina will be displaying their arms when its under her perview (aka everything gets a crown bc she's their mama and of the blood royal!):
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obv cassimir and sonya can also display it a la the above since they, too, are of the blood royal, valentina being their mama. however, if they choose to, they can also wear it sans crowns (so can valentina, she simply never would choose that short of roderick, himself, demanding it, which...could def happen asp hahaha):
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so here's how that looks -- i didn't remove the crowns from house vasilieva's bc that is in fact a royal crest so the crown is part of it, however they could wear it without that as well its all up to them hahah
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ok so here's what cassimir's + eithne's family crest might look like, were she to marry cassimir! now this one's a lil funky bc like...she's marrying someone w her own crest, right, since her husband's her adopted brother (supposedly) alksdjfkljdsfj so i went back and forth on how to structure this one alksdjfkljdsf bc where the sinister and dexter should be is kinda wonky and really it should be structured like:
FIRST DEXTER: malconaire/vasilieva splice
SECOND DEXTER: portcullis/vasilieva splice
FIRST SINISTER: malconaire OR malconaire/lorcan splice
SECOND SINISTER: lorcan OR malconaire/lorcan splice repeat
but they don't have that structure available on the site so i made due
also i didn't include any crowns on hers (except the mural crown around the swan neck which isn't [necessarily -- arthur has one too and possibly edmund too? tho this could go either way since he wasn't actively fighting, just commanding, as far as i know? but he ~did win the battle, so roderick probs would've awarded him its use, and whether or not he chose to use it would be up to him -- but in their cases they are also of course imperial] a royal crown but an earned crown of war won through bravery and strategy, etc, which i just figured the lorcans would have, given their history) bc im guessing she's not going CASSIMIR FOR EMPEROR or anything like her stepmama is hahaha but i can certainly add them back in!!!
eithne herself, as well as any children they might have, could also choose to wear this (and frankly might prefer to) w everything basically swapped to showcase that malconaire is HER house and he just married it, basically hahaha and that'd just be the above in effectively mirror image so more or less like so:
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but that would def be a big STATEMENT™ to make, ESP on any potential kids, and it'd def get ppl talking and be lowkey scandalous etc tbqh bc she'd be publically saying CASSIMIR AINT NO MALCONAIRE hahah so yeah that's an option too ;D that being said rosie would HAPPILY make that for her in banners, flags, pennants, dresses, anything she likes hahaha so she'd def have the ability to do that if she so chose ;DDDDD
also now im picturing:
rosie: ive decided to stop fighting this, eithne. you're marrying cassimir, fine. as a gesture to show i accept that this marriage is happening, i've made you a wedding dress.
and it's this alksdjflksjdkfjlds
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juni-ravenhall · 6 months
whats ur non mainstream film taste then? genuinly curious to hear. as someone whos ended up in some weird ass corners of the film world like Neil breen Zachary Oberzan 0 budget stuff i love hearing what kind of weird indie corners other people have gotten into :3
i will talk a lot below that prob wont be interesting anyway, but i have to say first that i mostly stopped watching movies and now i mostly watch things @yasminewestbank chooses (not all the time but mostly) bc shes a movie nerd, so she picks movies that are usually either genuinely good or at least watchable, and if it was just me alone id prob not be bothering to watch those anyway, bc even a great movie just doesnt give me that much. i suffer from pretty severe apathy :( so if u want someone who hypes up genuinely good movies rather than me who is like "this is genuinely good but im still apathetic and dont really care" then yasmin is better to talk to. (im also generally more of a nonfiction type when it comes to video content, i could hype up Tasting History on youtube most days of the week but i struggle to hype up any movie at all. oh, and animated shorts, there are always some interesting student films and stuff.) the rest ⬇
my taste is usually "its [symbolic or not] critical commentary on something i care about" (feminism and misogyny, classism, bigotry, racism, the queer experience, abuse, trauma, violence, human self development, etc etc) or "its portraying human experiences [internal and external] in an interesting or just realistic way", like. realistic but in a highly specific meaning of realistic. i dont care about realism as a concept itself in art (realistic visuals or realistic setting or realistic costume etc i rly do not care about), what i mean is just about capturing a real essence of human brains and experiences, not copypasting stereotypical ideas without meaning. i can also enjoy some more abstract like david lynch bc its expressing human feelings and experiences in an appealing way. im really big on symbolic stuff and will just keep talking about what different parts of the movie meant or represented after i watch something w yasmin.
(edit to add... i should prob note that many of the movies i mention have adult content and heavy topics depending on who you ask? but i assume ppl who read this would already know to check ratings and warnings)
on the criticising / teaching side of meaningful, it would be for example, Poor Things [2023].... on the realistic / documenting side, for example Burning [2018] or Naked [1993], and i liked ryuusuke hamaguchi's movies Wheel of Fortune and Fantasy, and Drive My Car (tho that one has a really badly written scene in it by the end that i hated) for the characters too. i dont know if those are the best examples its more just off the top of my head. theres also mainstream movies that fit my criteria, so for that criticising / teaching side, there's for example Pleasantville [1998], and Pretty Woman, which yasmin told me ppl tend to hate, but if thats the case i think ppl really didnt understand what it was about (it showed so much about misogyny and class issues, coated in such a way that you could get average boomers to watch it as a "romantic" movie without being aware of the actual meaning of what youre going into, the same way pleasantville can be watched as a goofy gimmick movie without being aware of the meaning youre going into, tho pleasantville is heavyhanded by the end, and i guess pretty woman manages to still fly over ppls heads? but not too surprising considering all those mainstream things now will literally just explain every joke and every meaning.... its like all of media is mickey mouse clubhouse, you know?)
i more or less prefer to watch an animated short or a weird animation on youtube/social media than watching a good live action movie. some animated shorts i really liked recently are Au Revoir Jerome, GLOIRE AMERE 40000, and BOLAVLK/WEREAWOLF, and vewn stuff. and i like those Molly Moon game tiktoks, as an example of like, low production stuff…. i dont care at all how much money or time went into something, but bc im usually not actively seeking fiction video content on my own, its more about what falls into my lap by chance, or yasmin/someone shows me.
i thought of listing more movies but its kinda hard for me to remember them after a while (re: apathy). i remember i liked another one from the Poor Things guy called The Favourite but i barely remember what happens in it. I liked one called This Must Be The Place, and one called Annette. those are movies yasmin showed me or that she picked for us to try together.
oh, one movie i saw on my own that i liked a lot is And Then We Danced. it has some less good parts, but overall it for some reason really lives rent free in my head. it felt like i went and lived in georgia with the characters for an hour, idk, it was done in an immersive way that impressed me and i found appealing. another one i remember from years ago is Lille Soldat (little soldier) which i really enjoyed the main character in. that stuck with me. ive tried to find this movie to show to yasmin, but its been hard to find.
i used to watch lots of random movies (from different countries, different times in history, i had a phase where i watched a bunch of really old horror movies) but most of its been forgotten and then i just stopped watching movies whatsoever bc the mainstream ones are generally unwatchably bad and i didnt have motivation to go out of my way to find good movies anymore. its still hard even with good ones. like, The Square, and Triangle of Sadness, i watched with yasmin and it was fine, but i had already tried watching The Square alone and had to stop after a minute bc it just made me cringe and feel bored. but watching it together with her was fine and i did enjoy the meaning. so thats why i say i might not even be watching good movies if it was up to me alone....
if u werent interested in that ramble i hope u stopped reading before now for ur own good :D i have an opportunity to express myself in rambles -> i will express myself in rambles
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sovonight · 1 year
hi sovo ;u; I hope it's okay if I ask you a shop question! So um, I'm lower on money than I've ever been and I'm too burnt out to do commissions for ppl due to personal stuff, but I feel like... if I made one charm or one sticker for a particularly huge fandom/movie that's out right now, and if I put it up as preorder and sold at least 20 keychains then I'd be able to pay my bills this month. but I've never sold physical merch before and I'm a little nervous to try it haha :'D
Would you recommend I try making an Etsy since it seems to have a large enough audience, or do you think I should try making my own website/shop? I'm definitely not ready to consistently sell things as a steady job yet, I thought I'd try literally just one single keychain or one sticker sheet (I already learned how to make those, thankfully) in order to pay my rent this month bc I've only got about a hundred dollars to my name sdflkfssdf;; and if it goes well then maybe I can try it again.
I'm also not quite sure how to price things? if I made a 3.5 inch acrylic charm with the little star shaped keychains like from Vograce, do people normally price those at $15 when they sell them? should I also account for shipping? I've also umm never shipped merch before and I'm so worried about somehow messing it up sldfjsf like I don't know what kind of envelopes I have to get or if I should even use my own address bc I'm so nervous about my personal info being out there, but I don't know if it's worth paying for a PO box if I'm so low on money already. if you have any tips on anything whatsoever, I would appreciate any feedback if you're not busy. But if you don't want to answer please don't worry about it ;u; anyway thank you so much for reading this I really appreciate you! ❤
no prob! here are my thoughts:
pros/cons of etsy:
apparently if you're new to selling on etsy, there's a probationary period where etsy withholds your profits for 3 months. i don't know anything about it personally since it started in 2020, but it seems that funds are only released when your shipped orders are scanned at the post office. i think i also remember hearing about other cases where payments aren't released at all for 3 months--and etsy customer service has a reputation of being difficult to get a hold of if you have a problem as a seller, so if etsy made a mistake with your shop, it may take even more months to resolve. since you have preorders in mind, i would hold off on etsy unless you can pay out of pocket.
etsy can drive traffic towards your listing for you (if you choose the right keywords--it's more difficult to be discovered just randomly if you don't).
they have high fees (for a $15 charm they'd take $1.88 in fees, which is 12.5%).
people may be cautious to buy from a shop that has no reviews yet, but many customers are protected by etsy's purchase protection and can be refunded at no cost to you if their order gets lost in the mail (provided that you ship with a tracking number and meet other criteria).
etsy will strongly recommend that you offer free shipping; ignore them. i don't think i've ever bought fanmerch with free shipping in my life, and their advice isn't geared towards sellers like us.
preorders don't work very well with etsy's system--iirc you're not supposed to do them (even though people still do, of course) but the main reason i remember is that the max processing time etsy lets you set per product (as in, the time between the customer purchasing the listing and you shipping it out) is 6 weeks. that means that the time you allow for customers to place their preorders, the time it takes for you to order and receive the merch, and the time it takes for you to ship out orders, all need to add up a max of 6 weeks, which was personally a difficult timeline for me to meet when making keychains. ofc, it's possible to extend the processing time, but going over the processing time may make it possible for customers to leave reviews/open cases early before you're even ready to ship out their orders, which could affect the reputation of your shop.
pros/cons of not etsy:
if you're not going with etsy, i've heard people recommend bigcartel, since it doesn't require a subscription like shopify or other places do. bigcartel's free plan is limited, but it should work for what you're looking for. another alternative might be ko-fi--i've heard that ko-fi shops aren't ideal for shipping out a large amount of orders, but since you're targeting just 20 i think it should be manageable.
ofc, you'll have to drive all your traffic yourself, so consider if you have enough of a following in your target fandom, or how you should go about getting your post noticed by your target fandom.
unlike etsy, shipping isn't auto-calculated, so i'd probably set a flat rate (in the US i'd expect $5). flat rates might make calculating your taxes just a little bit more complicated; in california at least, you have to pay taxes on the difference between the shipping you charge your customers and the shipping you actually pay to the post office, so iirc you either refund the extra shipping to the customer or hand it all over in taxes.
yes, the standard price for ~3" acrylic keychains is $15, though i've also seen people go up to $16 or $17, especially on etsy where the fees are high.
shipping should be a separate cost, either auto-calculated for you (if you're on etsy/shopify) or a flat rate that you set based on shipping rates for your country, so in the end a customer might pay $15 + $5 = $20 in total.
unless most of your prospective customers are international, i'd recommend against shipping internationally to avoid dealing with customs forms, especially since you already have a lot of info to take in.
you can ship everything in a regular bubble mailer, though if you're just shipping stickers not keychains, a flat envelope should work fine. when shipping packages, you'll need to know the weight of each package, but you can just go by an estimate. a 3" acrylic keychain weighs about 1 oz (it weighs less than that, but they don't accept decimals) so i just multiply based on how many keychains are in an order. for usps at least, shipping is the same rate up until 10 oz iirc, so you don't need to weigh it super accurately. you could also always just go into the post office and have them weigh and label everything for you.
po box:
if regular PO box rates in your area are too high, you can also consider using a virtual po box; they go for about $10 per month at their most basic plans. if you're not expecting to get any mail redirected back to you, you should be able to just buy a month's subscription when you're ready to ship things out.
words of caution:
you probably already know this, but large fandoms can often be oversaturated by merch, so just choosing a large fandom might not be enough to guarantee a sale--you might have to stand out by, say, choosing a character who's in demand but doesn't have much fanmerch, having a funny meme concept, or having such a unique/attractive style that people can't help but want your fanmerch in particular. if you haven't already, i'd recommend looking around the market and seeing what's out there and decide why a buyer should choose your merch over anyone else's. though honestly, depending on your fandom, it could also not be this serious and not warrant much research--it all depends!
even if the preorder process works out and you get the funds to place the order, the manufacturer could always mess up on your order, which could lead to delays in your fulfillment and at worst, more expenses if you need to pay to get them remade. if it's easier to get sticker sheets made (like if you make them yourself/locally instead of ordering from overseas) they might be a safer choice of merch to make. ofc, i don't generally see sticker sheets up for preorder so you'd probably have to order them out of pocket and hope they sell, and you'll probably have to sell more of them than you would of keychains to get the same amount of profit. i don't know the whole situation, so i can't say anything definite about the risks/rewards between choosing to sell keychains and choosing to sell stickers.
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mothwingwritings · 1 year
I hope I’m not the only one here on your blog just for the Tokyo revengers content because I never watched Baki should i thought??
I have been very Baki focused as of late, huh? ^^; You are def not the only TokRev fan though, I assure you!  My first really sizable chunk of followers came from my Taiju fic, and though I have been slacking a bit on posting anything TokRev related, I promise you much more is planned/being written currentl. A large chunk of bigger fics I am working on are actually mostly TokRev, I just wanted a lil break and so I focused on smaller stuff for a bit, and pretty much all of that happened to be Baki.
Now, as for if you should watch Baki…
Short answer: Yes!  :D
Thoughtful answer: I think Baki is a very interesting take on the fighting genre, and I do highly recommend it. The saga of the Hanma family is as engrossing as it is entertaining, and there is a colorful cast of characters that support the series that you can’t help but love, hate, or love to hate. I have been kind of waiting for a Baki renaissance for a while now-I feel like other than in Japan, it really isn’t a super popular series and that’s a bit of a shame because it truly is an entertaining watch/read. The Netflix adaptation I think has helped the series a lot (and we are all grateful for it, to see our lovely boys animated so beautifully :)) and put it on the map for newer audiences to enjoy, but I definitely recommend the manga too. It’s a pretty fast read because a large chunk of it is action, but it’s pretty cool to see how Itagaki’s art has changed over the years and also how he has grown and changed as a story teller. Earlier Baki is much different than newer Baki, and some of the characters feel a bit foreign when you go back and reread some of the earlier stuff after being immersed in the newer content.
 Baki also has some very bizarre and downright comical aspects as well that kind of put it on par with JJBA  while making it very charming. The mangaka def adds some quirky flairs to his story telling, which while sometimes I can get a little annoyed/bored/confused with them, I feel like overall they make the experience of watching/reading the series its own unique and fun experience.
And if you love delinquents, Kaoru Hanayama is like… one of the best and coolest delinquents. If you put that man in Toman he would be running the whole gang within days and 90% of the bullshit everyone had to go through in Tokrev probs would have been resolved fairly quickly, if it even happened at all. This man would grind Kisaki to paste in the blink of an eye and I would pay to see it happen. :)
THAT ALL BEING SAID: Not everyone likes Baki, and that’s fine too. I know personally a lot of people are turned off by the art/how the characters look and honestly… That’s valid lol. I remember I once showed my friend a picture of Biscuit and her direct response was “Why does he look like he’s made out of balloons, like a clown constructed him?” LOOOL and often times if my friends mention weird body proportions in comics/manga someone inevitable asks when I am gonna chime in with a Baki manga panel. ^^;  Most of the rest of my friends don’t really have any desire to partake in it though, and a few that have just really weren’t in to it. It’s very heavy on fighting and martial arts, and though the fighting is rather fantastical in a lot of cases, it (usually) doesn’t have supernatural elements or magic involved. So if that seems kind of bleh to you, you may want to avoid it.
Horny answer: Incredibly sexy men who are at least half naked a large majority of the time beating the shit out of each other is very fun, nice, and fulfilling to watch. :)
So I say give it a try if you are interested at all. At the very least, some of the fics on here may make a little more sense.
REGARDLESS THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE!!! Please stay tuned for more TokRev in the future, I have at least one more alphabet ask that is for a Tokrev chara so that may be the first thing I post, but bigger stuff is coming soon too~ <3
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princessofxianle · 9 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
well THANK YOU for asking, you are the first to!
tbh ive been meaning to do this on my main blog bc I take these wayyy too seriously lol but ANYWAY heres my top 10 faves (in no particular order) that I can think of (tbh theres prob more i forgot about, or i wanted to keep only 1 per fandom... except tgcf)
Huge Spoiler Warning: for ALL of tgcf, 2ha, aot, AND JJK MANGA!!!
1. Feng Xin (tgcf)
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do i even need to explain this one? loyal to a fault, just a cute lil puppy, one hell of a sculpted archers back, and he's head over heels in love with Xie Lian (but tbh same) i have a lot of thoughts about him on a daily basis on this blog (and also theres the #fx backstory au tag)
2. Noé Archiviste (the Case Study of Vanitas)
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the absolute bestest boy of EVER... with a LOAD of unprocessed trauma (yknow the typical stuff like seeing your childhood bff get decapitated in front of you) and a lot more to come once we find out how he kills his boyfriend best friend, Vanitas...
i ALSO think about him a lot but over on @noes-pillow
3. Sejanus Plinth (The Hunger Games: tbosas)
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hated reading as a child... HATED it... picked up the og trilogy when i was 12 and i was a goner. The funny thing is i still hated reading for YEARS up until i picked up the prequel novel then in 2020, and now ive read all of tgcf, 2ha, and more fanfic than i could ever imagine... all because this stupid boy (i love him) chose to trust the WORST person as his friend, rip sejanus my baby
the movie is v good btw, if you havent seen it you should
4. Xie Lian (tgcf)
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*Taizi Dianxia Fang Xin Guoshi General Hua Xie Lian*
how this man survived 800 years of being physically unable to die and never went insane is a mystery i will never be able to fully comprehend (aaand im in love with him... hmm i wonder why...)
5. Mihael "Mello" Keehl (Death Note)
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the chocolate-addicted blonde boi that was my first anime crush... by proxy I must also add Mail "Matt" Jeevas because they are a package deal
these two are also the reason i started writing fanfic so they will ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart
6. Xue Meng - (2ha)
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*sigh* he's just everyone's fav peacock (yes technically the image is XM 0.5 but he had a cool ass bird so im using this photo bc its COOL anyway...) mengmeng is another one of my trauma bois who has lost next to everything and yet is STILL kicking ass and taking names #thatsmyfuckingsectleader so proud of you my son
also this might get me into hot water here but imma go ahead and say it...
this is what i wanted Jiang Cheng to be... (i LOVE my angy grape but...) through thick and thin, despite EVERYTHING, and even mo ran fucking abandoning him he will still call mo ran his "ge"...
7. Howl Pendragon (Howl's Moving Castle)
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ok this one i just simply do not need to explain... if you think i do, go watch this whole movie and then there ya go thats your answer...
8. River Song (Doctor Who)
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aside from being the character that unlocked my unhealthy obsession with :) Main Character Death :) at the ripe ol' age of 8 YEARS (although Will Turner from POTC also helped on that front... Orlando Bloom my beloved) River's story was a stroke of absolute GENIUS from start to finish and i simply love how Alex Kingston played her...
"You don't expect a sunset to admire you back."
I just love the doomed ones, okay...
9. Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen)
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look... theres *gojo girlies* uwu and then theres GOJO GIRLIES... i couldn't give 2 shits about how he's fan-serviced (tho im not complaining) but have you SEEN the amount of grief pumped into that man? he could explode in a fit of fucking insanity at literally any moment and take the whole goddamn world down with him bc what happened with suguru WASNT FAIR to him and satoru has more than enough power to go apeshit... but he DOESN'T... even after losing so many of his co-sorcerers... he still puts on a brave face to the end in order to protect the childhood of his students even tho his own youth was stolen from him during hidden inventory...
SEE? The DOOMED ones!
10. Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan)
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i read the manga during my last year of uni and when i tell you i SOBBED at the end... yes ofc for obvious reasons, but mostly bc my little Levi loses EVERYTHING. He is the SOLE survivor of the veteran scouts. He's missing multiple fingers, an eye, and the ability to walk. He was the strongest (yowaimo) but wasn't even granted the mercy to die at the end of his narrative! Broke my fucking heart.
BONUS: Morph (Treasure Planet)
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he's a morph!!! nuff said <3
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bullet-prooflove · 2 months
Previous anon here sorry it came across as rude. I really enjoy your work but honestly even after being on the tag list I'm not notified of all the works idky.
Ofcourse I understand everyone has jobs which was why I wanted to know if you'd you know have a select system or something to make it easier to write.
And if I should be even be putting in requests if you already have so many and there are high chances that my request couldn't be done.
I know you do it of your own voilition and take out your time to give us this fics which I'm so grateful for it.
And now I'm thinking if that was the case you'd have your requests closed pretty clearly.
I'm sorry now I know should have fully thought out what exactly I was saying before I posted that.
I really, really adore your writing and assure you this won't happen again.
Best wishes!
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No worries, I’m glad we can cleat it up.
The thing with the taglist is, if you haven’t interacted for a certain amount of time you get taken off it so that could be what’s happened. The thinking behind that is, I have a LOT of people to tag and it can take ages with a post, so if you haven’t liked, commented or reblogged on my posts for while you may have been removed. You can add yourself back on. However if you are  repeat offender you stay off. Also if you clicked the just reading button, I don’t add those people because at the end of the day how hard is it to actually click a like button of you’ve enjoyed something, it’s not fair to the writer.
At the moment I've running a little behind on adding people to the tag list (probs 2 weeks) as I usually do this on weekends, and I was super ill last weekend so it could be that too
I don’t really have a select system, it’s more like I scroll through and see what sparks an idea.
Anyone can put a request in any time, I would just close them if they weren’t open.
I don’t mind you popping in for a chat if you’re not sure of anything it just came across as a little agitated but that’s the thing about the internet you can’t read body language such.
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