#show me i'll show you indeed 💜
cosmicdreamgrl · 4 months
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you gave me the best of me, so you'll give you the best of you 🩵 [ cr: namuspromised ]
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slaaverin · 19 days
Hey Slavv
you’re video edit was wonderful, thank you for sharing it with us
I just wondered what you thought about the episode as a whole? Did the baby conversation make you take pause? I hope they are able to stay together despite not being able to be parents in the future.
Ohh thank you so much 💜
This question is quite hard for me to answer properly.
First of all, I really loved it. I had a very peculiar and quite strong reaction to it. I'll try to put it in words the best I can.
I'll start with a simple thing: in my 7 years of being a jikooker, that is all I ever wanted to see from them.
Being relaxed, happy, joyous, authentic, confortable.
So this felt like some kind of apoteose. Everything came full circle. For them & for me.
When you think about it, nothing really happened in this episode, they were doing the most mundane things, but there was this vibe of the most comfort, the most warmth, the most quiet and simple love, that my heart was deeply touched by it and after it hit me I really had no words to describe the feeling I had. It's deep stuff lol
Somehow they always exceed my expectations. I'm not those people who say "I expect nothing so I won't get disappointed". No, I expect things. But not because I want them to do certain stuff, more because I feel I know them sufficiently, and some of their patterns, and I see them within the love umbrella, so it gets easier and easier to predict what they might do or not. How crazy this is that they check absolutely all the boxes everytime and confirm every theory? I'm trying to stay sane of mind over here but no they want me to be the most delulu lol
Of course the ambiance really helped the episode to feel dream-like. And we know how much Japan means to them. JK must have said 384737 times how much he loved it and how happy he was.
Nothing was hanging on their shoulders anymore, no burdens, and I think that's why they were able to enjoy it this much.
It's quite insane when you think about it how fluid this all was. Like nothing felt out of place, conversation flowed easily, they are on the same wavelength about everything, they spoke openly, they had fun and let their inner child play, everything felt SO EASY. Their dynamic is just perfect, no hiccups, it just fits, jives, it clicks.
Now I am wondering how the hell they are not already a human representation of the Cosmic couple because if there is supposed to be a next level to this relationship I can't even imagine what that would look like. How much better can it get? It's so full of love already. Anyway I digress
About the child talk, firstly I was expecting this talk in Sapporo indeed. It was obvious they would at least mention it. So when I saw the scene I was already prepared mentally.
It doesn't make me worry about jikook because I think that if at some point they will want a child, they'll get to have one. Jimin or Jungkook can firstly adopt as a single parent (a bill has been passed about this in Korea recently) and then raise the child together unofficially. Or they can use a surrogate mother from overseas or something. You know they are filthy rich so I think if they REALLY want to, they would find a way.
But JK isn't ready about it yet lmao leave this man alone for now 😂
When and if it is the right time for the both of them there will be solutions so I'm not worried. This moment was really cute 🥰
Who knows what the future holds for them. Many years before we would have never expected to see them even shirtless, we would have not believed we would see their dynamic up this close in a show like this.
Things can evolve quickly. Who knows how things will develop with BTS as well, for how long will they remain a group?
It's true they are getting old, in "idol age".
Who knows how the country will evolve too?
I trust Jimin&Jungkook to make decisions about their future that will benefit them and their relationship. Maybe it will involve a child, maybe not. But I personally don't think they would break up because of this. You can see how precious their relationship is for them.
But only time will tell if I'm right.
Anyway, I could go over all the scenes of this episode and talk about it for hours.
I know this was an ephemeral dream for them this trip, like a time capsule, a bubble of normalcy, where everything is and means suddenly more. There was nothing and everything they needed at the same time. Ahh, so beautiful 🥺
I wish their lives were all the time like this, but it is what it is, they had to come down from the cloud, and face their duty, then it will be their schedule, and things will go back to regular program.
But for now I don't mind losing myself in the dream with them, and float, and pretend everything is the way they want it to be.
"All for your happiness" Jimin said
If they are happy, I am happy.
Let's enjoy those next 2 eps, I think we're in for other surprises.
Thank you for your ask 💜
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lunamoonbby · 5 months
The Ghost And The Demon
Warning: COD inaccuracies, au, oc ghost, reader referred to as demon, bubbly reader who watches hello kitty, mention of death, general shepherd siding with a made up enemy
So I'm basing this little blurb off of me and a nickname I was given which was demon given by one of my professors cause I'm devious and aggressive for a 4'11 person yet I'm bubbly and I wear skull glasses...
So imagine y/n is a new member on task force 141 she doesn't show the lower part of her face so from nose down but she wears skull glasses and she's called demon cause well she can be aggressive and uses alot of scare tactics on her enemies and she knows everything about everyone without look at the files.
The guys are partial to having a female in their group and ghost is like "how'd you get the name demon if you're so bubbly?" and reader is all serious now and goes up to his face and is like, "you'll find out soon enough" and backs off and goes back to what she was doing and Gaz and Soap are like "how tf did she not die????" And Price comes in stating that they have a mission and reader goes "oh I know we're to go to this place to find this person but that's not true we can actually find them at that place...they also have connections with general shepherd." And Kate who's also in the room searched all that up and she's like "boys...she's right" and price is like "ok we go there instead"
So on their way to the new place they realize that they need to send someone in the building to clear it out and demon is like "you wanted to know why my name is demon, well today is the day you learn." They arrive at the area and demon goes in and clears the room completely with a knife alone and she holding a higher up soldier to give her the info she need and the boys come in and are like damn she's good and once she gets the info she's like "thank you now run along" the soldier starts running but didn't realize that she took his own throwing knife and she throws the knife at the soldier and the soldier dies and ghost is like "killed by your own weapon...now I see why your called demon" and she's like "it's pretty impressive how I cleared this entire room with a knife alone right?" And all the boys are like "your a demon alright" and ghost is in love
And when they storm into the enemies room she wastes no time and is like "talk and I know you will cause if you don't I'll have no choise but to blow up your precious sports cars with this button" and the bad guy is like "bullshit you had no time to do set bombs up in each of my cars" and she's like "ok here's a demo...*presses button and shows a live feed of one of the cars being blown up*...so you gonna talk or what?" The guy starts talking and the guys are like 'how did she do that?' And she kills him and takes all his files and is like "let's go and report back to laswell and we'll go from there" and she blows up the rest of the cars and ghost is like 'count me down as scared and horny' and they go back to base and reader gives price the files and see that general shepherd was indeed working with the guy and gave the files to laswell and laswell then deals with the rest and general shepherd gets dishonorable discharge and jail time.
Reader is in the rec room watching hello kitty and friends super cute adventures and the guys are like how can she switch so fast and reader is like "who want to be the Batdz Maru to my kuromi" and she then goes "I know ghost wouldn't mind since he has a crush on me" and he's like "what" like how did she know and she's like "its ok I'll be the kuromi to your batdz maru" and ghost is blushing like crazy and Soap and Gaz are like "the ghost and demon a deadly duo"...and then they both say "ghost the one you won't know is there and if you see him it's too late and demon the one you won't know is there until you're already dead...a match made in heaven if you ask me" and reader and ghost are like "nah, we're a match made in hell🖤💜"
The End
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These are the glasses that I actually wear irl and what demon would wear too.
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bellysoupset · 1 month
I love love LOVE this new Wen + Max (+ Vin) trilogy 😍
The hospital not being able to afford Wendy going above her hours and then threatening to request a phsych eval. God, girl, you need some rest, go and get it!!
The text messages between her, Jonah, and Bella were hilarious. Wendy needed them so bad to realise she could just go and be with Vince lol.
70% lingerie? Go, girl!!
Vince in detention duty? Now I want to see that. But poor Wen though, she was so frustrated with the headache already and all she wanted was Vince 🥺
Being on the road with a migraine must suck so bad.
Thank God for Max's need to suuubtly follow her. Being A Nice Person indeed. He knew Wen was nauseous immediately because he is so familiar with the signs himself. Poor thing. The both of them.
"Hurl and then I'll drive you"😳 jkgkfkfkg
Max continuously calling Wen gorgeous!! Hell yes.
Oh Max is going to get a heart attack if these two keep fainting on him. He was SO panicked for a sec there.
"Polar bear of a boyfriend" couldn't be more accurate.
Poor girl was on the verge of crying in pain and Max just kept talking because he was worried and frustrated by her request to stop it then unintentionally made it worse. Oh my heart.
Then he took her to Vin's place and wanted to stop her tears and pain so badly, but didn't know how. I feel like Max wanted Vince to arrive more than Wendy herself did lol.
Vin was sooo confused and guilty when he finally got home, but he immediately jumped into caretaking. The contrast of him being that familiar with Wen's migraines and Max just feeling totally out of place, not knowing what more to do to help. Then the way Max was so eager to grab the meds when Vin asked him to that he almost tripped over himself. Baby.
Vince was so grateful for Max' help, and Max got red in the cheeks and butterflies in his stomach from Vin's smile just to turn the situation into a comedy with the puked on shirt.
Btw what do you mean you feel like you don't make it clear enough that Vince loves Wendy more than his life? No way. Soup, I only need to read a single sentence from Vin to Wendy and it's clear as day even if they are not as "dramatic" as you put it. Better yet, Vin can stay silent even and I would know he is head over heels in love with Wendy just by his actions and mimic. Like, just look at the beginning of the third part. Vin showed up with food and tulips because he didn't want Wen to have lunch alone 🥺😍 How would this not be clear?  You describe their connection so well, Soup. There is no need to worry.
I should truly shorten these asks I'm sending, but I don't want to send 10 separate ones and I simply can't shut up, I'm sorry.
Back to part 3. Vince is understandably worried about Wen and her constant need to be busy and not be alone. Working that much is not healthy.
I loved his reaction to Wendy wanting to have lunch with Max then him just asking the guy so casually like 'my girlfriend wants to take you out for lunch'. Max' face must have been something else 😂
It's so obviously Wendy to just invite Max for lunch as thanks. Will she get him a nice shirt to replace the one she puked on like she did to Vince back then? 👀
Max let Wen pick the place because it didn't matter, he was going to end up sick anyways. Poor thing I feel so bad for him for having such a sensitive tummy. (But I really enjoy reading about his suffering, damn 🙈)
I love that we got to know more about Max and Wen's background and that he felt a bit more understood with Wendy's family not being perfect either.
"Should've told you my gut is a temperamental bitch" "Like its owner?" God, I love her
Max felt so embarrassed to be seen sick and Wendy was like 'nope, I'm a doctor and you saw me being sick too, now let me help'.
I'm going to shut up now because this ask is beyond huge already. Hope you have fun reading all this.
- 💜
Vin in detention duty would be PITIFUL! He's such a pushover and teenagers are not at all his demographic as a teacher, he'd just be "😐 guys I know none of us want to be here, so let's just try and be nice and yeah, sure you can watch tiktok I guess- Sure, let's watch some youtube videos..." then the principal never again puts him on detention duty
Max is SO overwhelmed by these people, between Vin and Wendy he had such a month, most emotional month he's had in a very long time. I'm so happy you enjoyed his POV!!
Btw I love the idea of Wen giving him a shirt like she did with Vin, crazy parallel I hadn't even noticed. Stealing that!
Wendy really does need to calm. down. Her, Jon and Luke are ridiculous overworking people who need someone in their life telling them to just go sit in a corner for a while, thanks. These really tend to be the dynamics I gravitate to!
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sketch-guardian · 1 month
I need to see everyone’s reaction to an Mc who always applies lipstick JUST to kiss the students and leave marks all over their face to the point they always carry around lipstick. I always see people write about it and it never stops being cute to me 😋😋
It sounds like a cute scenario indeed☺so I'll do my best to write some good headcanons💜(also I'm trying to write for a few asks, so please be patient with my slow brain😭):
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Demya doesn't wear makeup, in reality she's quite plain and simple and perhaps sometimes it's her fresh and apparently innocent face that attracts attention, a useful trait that she needs to lower her enemies' guard. MC leaving lipstick marks on her wouldn't be a problem, actually Demya would wear them with her head held high with pride, because those marks would be the overwhelming proof of her mate's affection towards her, signs towards which she would be aware that many would feel jealous. Demya would also return MC's gesture in her own way, hoping they would show off the marks in turn, to show the entire Devildom that they belong to each other. Demya's method would be slightly rougher, meaning she would leave bite marks, hickeys and scratches on MC's body, in places that are difficult to hide. In a nutshell, Demya and MC would be more or less like that meme where someone comes with wounds on their neck saying "you should see the other guy" while a vampire with lipstick marks on their face would be seen next
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Domnra has quite dark skin, so depending on what type of lipstick MC would wear, the marks on his face might not be noticeable, it would depend on MC's options. Domnra in the intimacy of the moment, therefore between kisses or make-out sessions, might not immediately notice the lipstick marks left on him, especially because he would also be at a disadvantage, having only one functioning eye, so it would take him a while before he notices something's off, even if Domnra would find some people's confused gaze towards him strange and annoying, not understanding the reason. In the end, it would be Mobim who would point the lipstick marks out to Domnra, who would be quite mortified and would immediately go and wash his face. Domnra would explain, quite flustered, to MC that he would prefer if they left certain gestures private, thus implying that in reality he doesn't mind receiving their kisses, in fact in his excitement, Domnra could bruise MC's lips due to his sharp teeth. Even Mobim would fall victim to MC's habit and full of kiss marks from head to toe, in a nutshell the little curse would look like that post of the cat kissed by a drunk girl, sprinkled with lipstick marks
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Azul is very pale, so his freckles and tattoos are very noticeable, especially when they change color due to his mood swings, so MC's lipstick marks would be very obvious, not that he would mind of course. Azul's colors would change from light blue to pink every time MC would place a kiss on his face, a clear indication of his appreciation of the gesture, in short, Azul would adore their cute habit and it would be clear not only for his colors, but also for his smitten gaze. If someone were to ask Azul about the lipstick marks on his face, the demon would playfully joke that it was a new trend or something, he would have no shame. Azul would be tempted to try to return the gesture on MC, however it would be more likely that he would scribble stars or other small drawings on their clothes or skin
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Zuri wears eyeshadow, blush and lipstick, so she is quite familiar with makeup and makes sure to always be presentable, it would be rare to see her without it and the opportunity would only present itself early in the morning or late at night. Zuri has quite a reputation to maintain, so she would prefer if MC avoided leaving lipstick marks on her face in public, after all she would choose a lipstick that doesn't leave stains so she can kiss MC without worries, so she would expect the same consideration from MC outside. In intimacy however, Zuri would also like to return the favor, using a lipstick that leaves stains and brushing MC's lipstick with her thumb on their lower lip, tsking in a sultry tone about their naughty impatience
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Odon appears very scruffy due to their messy hair and their casual clothes give them a very domestic look, so they wouldn't seem like the kind of demon who would dress up or make themselves look good. Odon, due to their several eye-like creatures, would immediately notice the lipstick stains left by MC on their face, although they may result a bit difficult to see due to their skin tone, depending on the color of the lipstick, Odon would think at first it was unintentional, however when they were about to clean their face so as not to make MC feel guilty, they would confirm that they did it on purpose because they like seeing Odon covered in their lipstick marks, so Odon would simply nod, smile as usual and move on with their day, no one would have the courage to point out the lipstick marks left on the visible part of their face anyway. Odon would also appreciate MC's attempt to not get too close to their bangs
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Remiel has several eyes, some visible like those on her wings and others hidden, like those behind her bangs, so she would immediately notice the lipstick marks left by MC. Furthermore, Remiel's skin is a pale blue and on the rest of her body, there are veins similar to marble ones, her body temperature results quite cadaverous as well. Unfortunately due to her celestial duty, Remiel would have to wipe away the lipstick marks, as she doubts souls would take her seriously if she presented herself in such way, however when outside of duty hours, Remiel wouldn't mind much and would leave the lipstick marks on her smooth face, possibly prompting questions from her mother Azrael and father Death. Remiel would also innocently ask MC what exactly they feel when they commit such gesture and if it has anything to do with the affection they feel for each other. To try to return the gesture, Remiel, a little unaware of how to proceed, would tear one of her feathers and give it to MC, to always carry with them
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Nathaniel wears makeup on the sides of his eyes, but even if he accidentally ruined it, it wouldn't be a dilemma and he would simply go on with his day, only fixing it if someone important pointed it out to him or insisted he do so. Nathaniel would be aware enough to notice that MC would leave lipstick marks on his face on purpose, however he would shrug his shoulders and carry on with his duty as if nothing had happened, curious and amused to find out which angel would be the first to have the courage to point the marks out to his face. Nathaniel would also help MC put on their lipstick every now and then, doing it slowly and carefully, almost like a tease, before smiling softly and stealing a quick kiss from them
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Uriel has white tattoos under her eyes and on her mouth and chin, a kind of permanent makeup that she would be proud of, because she got them the day she was promoted to warrior angel. The first few times, Uriel may not notice the lipstick marks left by MC and consequently have a hard time giving explanations to her angel colleagues, such as whether they are actually bruises or dirt due to battles (not very convincing, but she's trying to save face). Uriel would then scold MC, explaining that it's an unprofessional and embarrassing habit for an angel of her rank, however in the end Uriel would give in to a compromise, that is, allowing MC to leave lipstick stains on her forehead, given that her hair and wing-ears would cover the marks
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capricorndevil15 · 6 months
Our Wonderland Themesongs Masterpost or Whatever
Out of excitement for the Our Wonderland finale (which is coming out next month!), I've written an incredibly long post sharing one song I associate with each of the main 4 characters (and also Cecil is there), as well as songs for my favorite ships. Come imagine AMVs with me, under the cut!~
To start off, a song that I associate broadly with the plot of OW is Leopard by Jack Stauber. For most of the other songs, I'll pick out certain lyrics to highlight/site my sources lol, but with this one I'd prefer not to because all of the lyrics are The Lyrics. Every time we change, it's a game, okay? Cool.
🥩Iggy: Devil Town- Bright Eyes (x)
All my friends were vampires Didn't know they were vampires Turns out I was a vampire myself
🚬Genzou: Getchoo- Weezer (x)
I can't believe What you've done to me What I did to them You've done to me
🍷Orlam: I made an entire Orlam playlist, but don't worry. I always have more. Today I'm assigning him,
Shake The Disease- Depeche Mode (x)
You know how hard it is for me to shake the disease That takes hold of my tongue in situations like these Understand me
✂️Gidget: Touch Up- Mother Mother (x)
I forget that I can remember when I was young climbing up fences Scraping my knees, dirt on my cheeks Not one makeover queen bone in me
🔪Cecil: Genie In A Bottle- Billy Cobb (x)
I have no tangible explanation for this one. You'll either get it or you won't and that's okay. 👍🏻
No songs for Bucks or Hunar yet because I need to know more about them first. I've heard the finale is pretty Bucks-centric, so I can't wait 2 play!
My fave ships
💙💚 Iggy/Genzou: Run-Around- Blues Traveler (x)
But I want more than a touch, I want you to reach me And show me all the things no one else can see So what you feel becomes mine as well And soon if we're lucky we'd be unable to tell What's yours and mine, the fishing's fine And it doesn't have to rhyme, so don't you feed me a line!
💙🧡 Iggy/Orlam: Funky- Royal Treatment Plant (x)
I should be over this No time for playing games with little wicked boys
💙💔💜 Iggy/Gidget: COWARD 2 COWARD- Ada Rook (x)
I will become whatever you think of me I will be nothingness or disgusting dreams Idol or target, anything in between Falling forever, witnessed by nobody
🧡🖤 Orlam/Cecil: Somethin' Stupid- Lola Marsh (x)
I know I stand in line until you think you have the time To spend an evening with me And if we go some place to dance, I know that there's a chance You won't be leaving with me Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place And have a drink or two And then I go and spoil it all By saying somethin' stupid like, "I love you"
🧡💜 Orlam/Gidget: Pure Morning- Placebo (x)
A friend in need's a friend indeed A friend who'll tease is better Our thoughts compressed, which makes us blessed And makes for stormy weather
💜🖤 Gidget/Cecil: Guy.exe- Superfruit (x)
In lieu of cherry-picking specific lyrics I just want 2 say that the AMV in my mind is exquisite. In pursuit of the Guy (with help from Cecil), Gidget becomes the Guy. Do u understand.
💜🖤🧡 Gidget/Cecil/Orlam: Sideways- Carly Rae Jepsen (x)
Everything's goin' my way And I like to get my way Even when things go sideways Rainin' on my parade I get all my confidence from you
Lovecats- The Cure (x)
We should have each other to tea, We should have each other with cream Then curl up in the fire and sleep for a while It's the grooviest thing, it's the perfect dream
(They get two songs because...I said so. ❤️)
💔⚰️ Orlam/Genzou: Suedehead- Morrissey (x)
You had to sneak into my room Just to read my diary It was just to see, just to see All the things you knew I'd written about you
And that's the end! If u want to share your favorite ships or songs you associate with anybody, I'd love to hear them too!
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A/N Sorry for the late chapter update with my birthday and fathers Day I was a bit busy. Also, I'm pregnant I have 9 more weeks until my little one is here so I was also busy with the nursery. Hopefully, now that I'm not as busy I'll continue pushing out chapters. Enjoy 💜
Chapter 5
The bright and early sunrise starts to seep through the blinds of my room. Groaning, I try to seek shelter under my blankets, but not even they could shield me from the powerful sunbeams. I looked at my phone to check the time, and it was 7 a.m., rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and thanking the gods that it was the weekend. I have a couple of hours before the "tryouts" for the swim team, deciding to get out of bed and take a quick shower to freshen up. Once I'm finished I put on my bra and panties, with black shorts and a purple tank top. Opening up my blinds I look outside, noticing the busy street full of taxis, buses, and rows of cars, placing my hand under my chin and resting it on the windowsill. My phone rings, I jump and scramble to grab it, seeing it's a text from Donnie,  several texts from Cass and my dads asking where I was.  Quickly shooting Cass and my dads a text letting them know I'm at the safe house and that I'll be trying out for the swim team. Cass messages me back telling me I'll def get in and that she'll be busy with training most of the day and won't be able to message me til later tonight. Papa Brutus messages back saying he's glad that I'm ok and wishes me good luck. I then go to Donnie's message while smiling brightly and text him back.
Donnie: Good morrow Y/N I hope you had a restful night's sleep.
Me: Indeed I did, what are you doing up this early?
Donnie: I can ask you the same thing
Me: Well I asked first, so answer the question
Donnie: Fine, Alas with me working in my lab I'm known for staying up late and only going to sleep if it's necessary. But a good cup of black coffee helps me stay awake.
Me: Ah I see. Your coffee order is easy to remember. Now I think sleep is very important gotta keep the mind fresh.
Donnie: Yea, you sound like my brothers always telling me to take a break, but with a mind like mine it never sleeps.
Me: Well maybe I can change that
Me: What I mean is show you the perks of sleeping...maybe make it an experiment of sorts.
Donnie: You had me at an experiment
Me: Now as to why I'm awake Well the sun is my worst nemesis and I have a Swim tryout today.
Donnie: Well once you're done maybe you can come over
Before I can text back I get another couple of texts from him in quick secession.
Donnie: April will be there.....
Donnie: You don't have to come
Donnie: But everyone has been asking about you, especially Leon
3rd Person POV
Donnie cringes when he types his twin's name, it would seem Leon has a special interest in Y/N and Donnie has no idea how to feel about it. He's been asking questions nonstop about Y/N, so he's been holed up in his lab avoiding him, trying to work on something anything to shove down these feelings/emotions. Researching was no help at all. He pulls himself from the depths of his overthinking brain and sees that Y/N has messaged back.
Y/N: Sure, once I'm done with tryouts I'll pop over.
After I send the text I grab my black gym bag that's covered in stickers and iron on logos. Stuffing a bathing suit in, with water shoes, a wallet, a book I've been trying to finish, a Swim cap, goggles, and shoving my phone in my surprisingly deep butt pocket in my shorts. (LOL shorts pockets are never deep enough for a phone) Putting the strap over my shoulder and slipping into my rollerblade sneakers. I give Cass a quick call letting her know what I'm up to I walk out the front door lock it, and clinking my heels together I rollerskate to the school, letting the security guard know I'm here for the tryouts he lets me through and gives me directions to the pool. I make my way to the pool, it seems to be a good turnout of students some I've seen in passing in the hallway and some I haven't seen at all. I write my name on the rooster book, and a male and female coach gets our attention letting us know that we should change into our suits and that the boys will be on one side of the pool while the girls will occupy the other. Quickly changing into my f/c one-piece suit and putting on my goggles, I expertly stuff all my hair into my XL swim cap, jumping into the pool I swim over to the girls and await instructions. Each girl takes turns swimming 2 laps of each stroke style; backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, and freestyle. When it's my turn I easily complete each stroke with precision and grace, without the use of my elemental powers. Being in the water is so relaxing and calming for me and swimming is just a plus, if I could live in the water I would.
After everyone is finished with the "warm up" as the coach called it we were given a partner to swim against. I was partnered with a shorter sweet looking girl who shyly waved at me and I returned the wave. Quickly introduced ourselves and jumped into the pool to do a quick freestyle 50-meter swim. (50 meters is going from one end of the pool, touching it, and swimming back to the end you started at). We step onto the small diving boards and the coach yells out
"Get into position!"
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"Take your mark" We pull our bodies forward but not far enough to fall off the diving board while using our strongest foot to ground us. The horn is blown and we push ourselves straight into the water. I hear the splash I make and the gurgling of the water as it envelopes me in its cool embrace. With my arms out in front of me and moving my feet and legs in a mermaid-like fashion under the water, holding my breath until I have to come up for air, I start to do the freestyle stroke. Turning my head to the side to breathe I can see the girl is far behind me, but I continue to swim, once I get to the end of the pool I flip over under the water, facing the way I came, pushing off the wall of the pool with my feet and blowing air bubbles out from my nose so they wouldn't fill with water I continue my swim until I make it back to where I started. I take off my goggles and stay in the pool to catch my breath, waiting for my swim partner to finish and to catch my breath. When she reaches the side I'm on we high-five each other and climb out. Grabbing my towel I dry myself off and soon everyone is finished, the coaches congratulate us on being on the team and how excited they are to see how much we will improve as the season goes on. Even though the tryouts were just to see everyone's swimming skills and potential everyone made the team.
Changing back into my street clothes, I text Cass, Donnie, and my papas that I'm on the team. I get congratulations from each of them except Cass but I know she'd flip if she was able to read it. Donnie messages me that he will meet me at the school with April and walk me to his family's place. As soon as I exit the school grounds I see a familiar purple hoodied figure and a green letterman jacket wearer right next to him. I quickly make my way over and shout out to them.
"Hey, guys!" I say cheerfully
"What up gurl! Heard you made the team!" April said
"Yea it was no biggie" I reply as we start making our way down the street. When we are out of earshot of anyone Donnie pipes up and says.
"I guess we will have to see who is the better swimmer, seeing as I'm a turtle and all," he said smugly
"Is everything a competition with you Donnie?" April retorts
Donnie just shrugs and puts his arms behind his head as he continues to walk. I roll my eyes and follow the duo to a pizza shop. April and Donnie grab the huge stack of pizza boxes and we make our way down an alley. I'm not as concerned as I should be given I'm going down an alley that's filled with dumpsters and trash. Definitely something out of a horror film, we stop by a manhole that is easily lifted by Donnie with one hand while balancing the pizza boxes. April climbs down the ladder without hesitation and I peek down at her while she waves up at me.
"After you M'lady" Donnie says while smirking at me
I jump down, but slip on some sludge landing on my butt with an "oomph". Donnie tries his best to hold back his laughter but a chuckle slips through his snout as he jumps down to join us. When I stand up and dust myself off I give him a playful nudge that was hard enough to make him stumble a bit and for a split second lose his balance on holding the boxes. Leaving him behind I follow April til we get to a steel door which is opened by her with quick taps on the keypad. We walk in and I couldn't help but be in complete shock as to what I see a whole underground garage where a turtle shell-shaped tank was located, I continue to follow April we reach another steel door and April types another code in and slowly creaks open. I'm welcomed by two brothers Mikey and Leo skateboarding on their half pipe, walking over I lean over a railing and watch them. Leo is the first one to see me and he expertly jumps off his skateboard and his board lands in his hand while looking at me smugly.
"Well, looks who's finally decided to show up!" Leo says
*Gasp* "Oh Me Gosh Y/N and April are here," Mikey says excitedly
Donnie clears his throat from behind the pizza boxes.
"Oh and Donnie is back," Leo says sarcastically.
Donnie scoffs and makes his way through another set of tunnels, we follow and enter a living room filled with bean bags and a couch. Their Dad Splinter has parked his butt right in front of the projector screen, he looked quite comfy in his lazy boy recliner and is watching an interesting-looking show while laughing loudly. Donnie goes to the kitchen to put the pizzas down on the counter. Mikey comes up to me and smiles happily. The turtles congratulate me on making the swim team and give high 3's.
"While dad watches his show care to play a game of Mario Cart"? He asked
"I've never played before...." I say shyly
"WHAT," All turtles and April said in unison
I turn to see the huge turtle standing in the entranceway to the TV room looking shocked at my statement.
"Well, we better change that," April said while grabbing my hand and pulling me towards their arcade room where several gaming consoles are hooked up. April grabs the controllers for the Nintendo Switch but one was grabbed from her hand by the blue turtle.
"Me thinks we should rock, paper, scissors and see who gets to beat the new girl first" Leo stated while bouncing it lightly in his hand.
Donnie returned from putting the pizzas down but brought one box with him.
"Well how about a little wager to make this interesting, whoever wins gets the first and last slice of pizza," he says while twirling the pizza on one finger but almost drops it and instantly catches it
"Sounds fair, I'm game," I say
Mikey and Leo play rock, paper scissors, and Leo wins, Mikey pouts a little. Then Leo and Raph play and Leo wins that round, April, and Leo have a go but it's a tie, then Leo wins best out of three. Lastly is Leo and Donnie, I couldn't help but feel the tension in the room rise. Both brothers glare at each other and I could swear I heard some cowboy showdown music....which April was playing from her phone. I couldn't help but laugh. It was an intense battle each time it was a tie and soon we didn't see an end to this, so I interjected saying.
"Since you guys want to get your butts beat so bad. I'll just play against the two of you"
That seemed to calm down the tension and I sit on a bean bag in front of the TV with a controller, Leo cuts Donnie off and gets the second controller, smugly looks at Donnie, and starts the game. Donnie rolls his eyes and folds his arms across his plastron. Mikey sits next to me with his legs crossed and gives me pointers and somehow I win. I flail my arms about in glee, giggling happily and accidentally letting out a snort. I blush profusely and everyone around me laughs as well, except Donnie who slightly blushes from hearing my cute little snort but hides his blush by covering his face with his palm. After he recovered Donnie takes Leo's place in the beanbag, and he changes his face to his emotionally unavailable bad boy image face (iykyk 🤪).
"You ready to lose?" He said confidently
I look over at him with a quirked eyebrow and it seemed like my purple eyes glowed with a mischievous gleam.
"Oh I think you'll be the one losing" I counter
"Scoff, the probability of that happening is like 1%," he said while rolling his eyes
"Well that means I still have a chance"
We start the game and it's an intense round we are neck and neck but I luckily pick up a blue spiny shell and toss it towards Donnie's character which knocks him back, crossing the finish line in victory.
I look over at the stunned purple turtle and smile.
"You were saying?"
Unable to utter a single word, Leo in his stead hands me the pizza box while chuckling at his brothers reaction and I take the first slice of pizza, the cheese pull was a sight to behold. April takes a quick pic of this moment and laughs at Donnie's face. Donnie snaps out of his shock and a small smile appears on his face. The rest of the day goes off without a hitch at least until I let slip that I never saw a Jupiter Jim or a Lou Jitsu movie which started a whole Splinter pulling out all the Lou Jitsu movies, Raph grabbing the Jupiter Jim movies and a lecture with Donnie using the projector to get his point across as to how these movies are some sort of right of passage. We start watching the Jupiter Jim movies which I'll admit were pretty alright, I watch intently while snacking on popcorn and pizza. Soon April is asleep snuggled up next to me on the bean bag, Leo and Mikey are snoring on the couch, Raph is sleeping soundly on the floor and Donnie is typing away on his tech gauntlet, in a bean bag next to me, the blue hue from the screen illuminating his face. I blush slightly at how handsome the lightning makes his features look. I grab the last slice of pizza and as I'm taking a bite, Donnie says quietly
"Don't get used to it, my calculations next time will be correct."
"I look forward to it" finishing the slice and slowly start dozing off. My head gently lands on Donnie's shoulder, he jumps from the sudden contact, looking up from vis gauntlet he sees my peaceful sleeping face. Grumbling quietly to himself he tries his best not to move and graciously allows my head to rest there. Later on when everyone wakes up they see our sleeping figures, with my head still on his shoulder and his head on mine, April takes a pic while quietly laughing and Leo asks her to send it to him. He will definitely use this as blackmail later. (Donnie voice "Evil Laugh!!")
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yautja-lover · 1 year
Bayverse Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles One-shot 🐢 💙❤️💜🧡
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Camping Trip 🏕 Part 1 I can't... SWIM!! 😱
Summary:The turtles are going on a camping trip and invited you to come with them, during the camping trip the turtles find out that you can't swim.
Inspired: by the Bayverse turtles finding out that you don't know how to swim so they offer to teach you imagine.
"Oh, dudette!!.." the orange-masked terrapin sang out cheerfully while rushing over to you, as you walked in and couldn't help but smile at the younger turtle even after a long day from work "Hey Mikey, what's up?"
Michelangelo practically bounced on his feet in excitement "Did Leo tell you we're going camping!!" he exclaimed while you gave the older brother a questionable look. "No, he didn't tell me." you said, earning a confused look from the blue-masked terrapin. "I sent you a text.." he stated, causing you to look at your phone. Frowning as you did so when your device shows that you did indeed receive a text from the Fearless leader. "Oh.. sorry must've got so caught up with work I didn't even hear it ding," you said.
"You're coming with us, right, dudette?" you heard Mikey ask while making yourself comfortable on the couch. "Hmm... oh, yeah, sure, " you answered with a tired yawn, earning a concerned look from Leo. "When and where?" you asked while your eyes grew droopy for some rest "Next week..." the blue leader started as you nuzzled your face into one of the pillows on the couch while the purple-masked terrapin walks in answering your question. "We're going to the Canopous Lake..." but paused, noticing your exhausted state. Leo and Don both shared a look, noticing how tired you had been the past couple of days recently as Mikey grabbed a blanket for you. Lightly snoring away on the couch when Mikey came back with a fuzzy blanket to cover you to keep you from getting cold.
It was that sweet aroma of food that stirred you from your slumber, earning a grumble from your stomach, right? You haven't eaten anything all day... too busy getting things done. Folding the fuzzy blanket and setting it aside by the looks of the color, you assumed it was Mikey's blanket. "Well, look, who's up." said a rough Brooklyn accent, causing you to spin around to face the red-masked terrapin, who was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed while chewing on that damn toothpick.
"Hey Raph. " you greeted the larger turtle as he pushed himself off the wall and uncrossed his arms with a nodded grunt. "How ya feelin' short-stack?" he asked. "A little hungry but fine now, that I got some rest," you answered as Donnie walked in. "Oh.. hey, you're awake," he stated, then added, "I'll go get Leo." before rushing off to find him. Biting your lip "Am I in trouble or something?" you asked worriedly while looking at Raphael, who shook his head at your question. "Just worried 'bout ya' health can't have our favorite girl passin' out on us." you could feel your face heating up when he said 'our favorite girl' but nodded your head in understanding as you looked away. So they've noticed... of course, they've noticed their ninjas.. well ninja turtles that is by the time Donatello comes back with Leonardo, Michelangelo has dinner ready.
Next week... at the Canopous Lake
Leo and Raph were currently swimming in the lake while Donnie and Mikey help you on your hunt for searching seashells and rocks 'It's for your collection' is what you told the two younger terrapins. You didn't want to tell them that you're planning on making a bracelet for each of them cause that would ruin the surprise for their birthday coming up. "Hey, dudette look at this gnarly shell I found!" Mikey exclaimed excitedly while rushing over to show you...
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...gasping at how pretty and unique the shell looked "Oh my gosh it's so pretty and shiny!" you exclaimed back with the same enthusiastic tone as him while holding out your container for him to drop it inside. You figured that you'll give it to them on the day they were mutated instead of the day they were originally born so one of them wouldn't feel left out since they have separate birthdays. Mikey was born in March, Donnie in October, Raph in April, and Leo in August. Wait a minute... you froze while grinning as it dawned on you that Leonardo's nickname is Leo and his zodiac sign is a leo, who are natural-born leaders... how ironic?.. Ironic but fitting.
You couldn't help but giggle at the realization you had just now, which caught both of the purple and orange-clad terrapin's attention. "What's so funny?" Donnie asked, causing you to shake your head that it was nothing earning puppy dog eyes from Mikey as he asked, what you were giggling about. Not being able to resist the look on Mikey's face, so you gave in and told them about your little realization. Now the three of you are in a fit of laughter catching the two older terrapin's attention, who are now swimming towards the shore.
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You nearly choked at the sight of the two getting out of the lake looking wet and sexy. Mentally slapping yourself for thinking such a thing "Watcha' three laughin' at?" Raph questioned and the three of you just blurted out insnyc "Nothing.." before busting out into another fit of laughter.
"How deep are we talking Donnie?" you questioned the tech turtle causing the poor boy to choke on air and nearly stutter over his words "W-wha-what?!" You felt a pair of eyes staring at you as you repeated your question making sure to rephrase it "The water, how deep is it?" hoping that your voice wasn't laced with fear. "It's approximately 19 feet at its deepest point with an average depth of 7 feet. Why do you ask?" Donnie stated with a question of his own while looking at you. The purple-masked terrapin stares at you a little longer and you can practically hear the gears turning in his head. You somehow feel kinda pointless to wear clothes right about now with how intense the two turtles are staring at you 'Please don't figure it out' you repeated to yourself like a mantra. A frown starts to grow on his face and gives you a concerned look "You aren't afraid of boats by any chance, are you?" letting out a breath of air at Donnie's question. Then laughed nervously before you spoke "Pst... me afraid, don't be silly. I ain't afraid of no boat." you rambled on while trying to act calm and collected but failed terribly.
"Then why have you been avoiding all of the water activities?" you heard Leo ask, suddenly giving you quite the scare. "LEO?!" you shouted while spinning around, placing a hand over your racing heart "How long have you been standing there?" you asked casually, facing the blue-masked terrapin. Crossing his arms with a serious look on his face while staring at you with those ocean-blue eyes. Man, you are so busted!.. right now, he's gonna figure it out.. so here you are, praying that the ground would swallow you whole at this very moment. You truly didn't have a fear of boats but did have a fear of being underwater ever since you were five, let alone not a very good swimmer in deep water. Leo raised his non-existent eyebrow at you waiting for your reply "I just wasn't ready to go in the water yet.." you said with a simple shrug of your shoulders ".. besides I was the referee during the game." you smirked at him. Earning a smirk from the Fearless leader "To stare you mean." he corrected causing your smirk to fall and blush furiously, the four brothers were playing a game and you were supposed to keep score.. but got caught staring at them numerous times. What were you supposed to do, when four overgrown sexy mutant turtles are playing ball soaking wet? It reminded you of the volleyball scene from the movie Top Gun... HECK!.. it was better than that scene.
The next thing you know you're pouting with your arms crossed while Leonardo is carrying you aboard, as soon as Raph and Mikey appear with a boat. Man, this turtle is determined to get you on the water no matter what it takes. After he set you down and turned his back to do something, you tip-toed off the boat while thinking to yourself 'I'm as swift as a fox.. quiet as a mouse.. stealthy as a ninja..' how you managed to get past Leo undetected is beyond you 'perhaps he's too relaxed to notice' you thought. Or maybe.. you're starting to pick up on the turtles' sneaky stealth moves, yeah, that's it! You had to pat yourself on the back for that one while making your way towards the dock, where Raph is untying the rope... SHIT! How are you gonna get past Red without him noticing?! 'C'mon, girl think, what would -' questioning yourself while checking your surroundings on what you could use to get off the boat.. until you spot your ticket to get off the 'Floating Object of Doom!'
Raphael is singing 'Brick House' while untying the rope, as you climb on top of a crate and grab a rope to swing across "Cause she's a brick house She's mighty-mighty, just lettin' it all hang out She's a brick house Ow, that lady stacked and that's a fact Ain't holding nothing back." Raph paused for a moment when he felt a breeze brush past him and looked around before shrugging it off to continue "Ow, she's a brick house Yeah, she's the one, the only one, built like an Amazon." Then he felt the breeze again as you swing backward because your dumb-ass self forgot to jump while letting go of the rope, silently panicking since you swung right in front of Donnie and Leo. Luckily for you both of the terrapins have their shellbacks facing you "I thought she was with you?" the purple-masked terrapin asked.
So you braced yourself to try again while Raph continues to sing the song "The clothes she wears, her sexy ways Make an old man wish for younger days, yeah, yeah She knows she's built and knows how to please Sure enough to knock a strong man to his knees." You swung by the hothead so fast with a 'swish' sound and somehow managed to get stuck in a tree as Raph shouted "Mikey if ya' don't quit it, imma pound ya!"
As the boat took off Mikey was walking around looking for you until he spot you sitting at the docks waving goodbye with a smile on your face as you shout "Bon voyage!.. adiós!.. arrivederci! Sayonara, shinobi tortugas!" Causing the orange-masked terrapin to wave back while shouting "Sayonara, dudette!" as the red-masked terrapin walks over "Hey Mikey, have ya seen short-stack anywh- who are ya' wavin' at?" he questioned but froze discovering the answer to both of his questions "What the shell?!"
"COWWW-AAAA-BUN-GA!!" Mikey exclaimed as the five of you jumped off the cliff. "Uhh... guys?!" you drawed out while looking down "There's one thing I forgot to mention.." then added with a panicked voice "I can't.. SWIM!!..." as the five of you fall into a small but very shallow water with a loud SPLASH! "Don't panic Short-stack, I got ya'!!" Raph shouted with a panicked tone while swimming towards you, "Thanks, Raph." you said calmly while standing since the water isn't that deep. Then added, "But, how about we just wa- UH, HEY!" Raphael lifts you and starts carrying you bridal-style causing your face to turn red, as Donatello spoke. "This water is shallow and the current is at bay. She's not gonna drown, Raph. " earning a grunt from Raphael before he spoke "Ain't takin' any risks."
🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢 20 minutes later🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢
"You can put her down now, Raph." Leonardo said as the five of you are away from the water and back on land while you were snoring away in Raph's strong arms. It's safe to say, you'll be getting swimming lessons first thing tomorrow morning.
Ninjutsu Terminology - Japanese to English:
Sayonara - Goodbye
Shinobi - Ninja
French Language - Translation to English:
Bon voyage - good voyage
Italian Language - Translation to English:
Arrivederci - goodbye
Spanish Language - Translation to English:
adiós - goodbye or farewell
Tortugas - turtles
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sothischickshe · 2 years
Please tell us how you would fix the wire tap strip search scene thank you!
Thank you for asking! 🥺🥰💜
...i feel like this might get long😅
1. Make the scene make sense
I find the scene difficult to take seriously, bc I don't understand why rio thinks Beth would be wired up. He didn't turn up when they were supposed to meet, and I don't think there's any particular suggestion he told Beth he was coming round so ???
Now the idea that rio has no idea how surveillance equipment works/believes it to have been permanently soldered to Beth's skin is very funny to me thus I'm willing to accept it as a headcanon pretty easily, but an alternative interpretation which I think kinda makes sense given his love of setting up his terrible dramatic punchlines is him doing all this purely TO drop the tracker as an almost gotcha 🤷🏼‍♀️ if the latter IS what's (supposed to be) happening, I think it comes off kinda both too creepy AND not horny enough. And if that's NOT what's happening in the scene then I think it just feels like a lazy handwave as to why exactly he might think she's wearing a wire, and they couldve put a little effort into eg making it clear he forewarned her but not with adequate time for the secret service to mic her up/equipment was malfunctioning again, or he stormed round (drunk) immediately upon verifying the tracker so wasn't really thinking it through.
Particularly in a scene which is to some extent intentionally jarring (espec in how the undressing begins, but also in its mostly-silence), I don't think it's a good idea to leave your audience this confused??
2. Use an appropriate body double (in appropriately sized bra)
This just feels lazy!!! Idk if shooting restrictions couldve played a part but if you can't do those shots well it would be better not to include them!
3. Make it hornier
I can def understand why some ppl find the scene offputting, espec bc of point 1. If it doesn't make sense for him to think she's wearing a wire then him starting to undress her with no preamble is really jarring. I know some ppl think it's an intentionally sexless and/or clinical stripping, but I don't think it succeeds in being that (if indeed that is its intention), especially with the demand for her underwear to come off but not her socks 🤯
I think this scene & the weird pool table groping one are in conversation with each other, espec bc theyre each in conversation with intimate s2 brio scenes, and i don't think it's possible to not view this as somewhat intimate and charged? Both scenes felt like they were trying too hard, but i do think they were attempting to ~remind the audience of their sexual history, and hint that it would be rekindled.
I think the show should have leaned into that MORE and made it more fucked up tbh. They're messy!!! Like hi she's married he's her boss he's threatened to kill her a bunch she's tried to kill him multiple times they've betrayed each other they've protected each other lather rinse and repeat. They love being inappropriate and weird!! The first time they have sex she's on a date with her husband then he beats a car up over it; his plan to kill her turns into a weird money making date where he stares at her ass for hours; her idea of gaining back his trust is dressing up and saying I'll do anything...within reason wink wink wink.
Maybe particularly bc I think the visual of rio going to unbutton Beth's shirt out of nowhere is probably supposed to parallel Beth going for fitz's belt in the exact same room in their unsexy standoff (and thus also Beth going for rio's belt subsequently in his grandma's bedroom) I do kinda query the choice to have her be all 'what are you doing' (though it's clearly a reasonable q lol), espec bc they were recently weirdly grinding on a pool table? I think even a momentary leaning in to it would give the scene a different (less creepy) flavour? (plus I do think that could have been played for humour lol.)
Basically if it seems like a silly sexy wire stripping scene that's fine I don't mind it, & I can handwave away rio having no real reason to think Beth's wearing a wire if she's being (canon typically) horny here. Without that it does come across as having an almost predatory vibe which seems strange to me given the show was pretty thoughtful about how it portrayed both the belt-reaching-for scenes it's sandwiched btwn :/
4. Not try so hard with the parallels
I get what they were trying to do with the 209 parallels, but they threaten the sense of the scene imo.
Demanding underwear come off but not socks (???🤯) In a context which can easily come off as creepy (espec bc see point 1) doesn't work for me 🤷🏼‍♀️ easily solved I think by still having the socks shot, followed by Beth angrily throwing her socks at him lmao (then watch, then earrings...)
The sunlight is nice and all, and I'm pretty into exhibitionist Beth so w/e it can stay, but the door is im sure unlocked lol and she's right by a window so idk a bit of Beth @ least glancing to see if anyone could see in maybe would've been cool?? Plus we've got too much of a gap from the night before to this scene I think? I understand why the meet up was at night & why they wanted this scene to be a daytime one, but along with everything else that gap makes it seem MORE like a premeditated plan to be like yea well w/e I found this tracker so ha! (ofc I can explain that away if i feel like it eg someone needed to check what it was properly & that took some time, but the show certainly isn't giving me any suggestion of that.)
Maintaining silence kinda makes sense in the context but idk, I think particularly cos Beth doesn't stop talking after being shushed (good for her!), it's a lil random that she does stop saying things? I reckon there should have been some confused mouthing or whispering or the classic scribbling on a notepad (the last, with his penmanship, couldve been an avenue for comedy haha), and/or if she's stuck in a situation where he's refusing to reply I feel like she should have called him a moron a couple of times for good luck lolol
I'm all for callbacks, but not to the point of sacrificing the rest of the scene, and I think these overall weaken it. Plus parallels can work very well in terms of inversions and contrasts, not only similarities!
5. Have some greater payoff
Beth is basically like yep fine sure I'll randomly strip no further questions (just not the socks, I shan't bare my toes, some lines can't be crossed). That's actually kinda funny in the circumstance, bc who would do that other than someone who knows (why) you suspect them of wearing a wire sfggdssg so her going along with it in a situation which makes so little sense almost feels like (it could be played as) a tacit admission of guilt.
I guess a scene of rio being like wait hold on she was being uncharacteristically agreeable now I think abt it 20 mins later or w/e wouldve been too much to hope for ha but among all the things which make it pretty blatant Beth's working with the secret service (such as her announcing this to rio at one point🤯) I think we deserved him bringing some of it up in conversation later in the season yknow?? Otherwise I don't know why I'm supposed to believe rio isn't imaginary in all his scenes and/or too drunk to retain any information 🤷🏼‍♀️
6. A better closing line
After demanding someone strip full frontal (without making them show off their toes bc some things are sacred) telling that person to watch their back merely highlights you haven't bothered to check whether they've got a mic taped over their spine 🙄
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spinning-feeling · 4 months
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The day when it finally happaned was, almost, a day like any other. Perhaps that only added to how unexpected it was to him, when it happaned.
Maxim went to the living room, finding Spinel waiting for him patiently on the couch, seeming the slightest bit timid.
She called out to her beloved, her tone warm and loving.
"Someone's excited to see me~"
Maxim jested, as he went over to sit next to her.
"'Course i am! I have plans today, and they involve you, silly!"
"Oh? And what kind of plans are they?"
"Ah, ah~ You'll see in due time, hun."
She smirked, her confidence shining and making him blush, before her slightest timidness returns.
"Right now, howeva', we's gonna enjoy ourselves some movies! Afta' that, we'll need to get packin'."
"I assume i'll see where we'll go in due time?"
"Eeyup! Now make yaself comfortable while i go fetch our snacks - oh! and ya go pick whatever movie ya wanna watch, while you's at it!"
"On it, Boss!"
He chuckled, giving her a salute, as he looked at the screen before him... There were many movies to chose from, some that he has already seen, some that he hasn't, and some that he was meaning to get to.
"...Eh. Can't go wrong with the ol' Classic."
He grabbed the remote, and pressed 'play'.
~ ~ ~💜~ ~ ~💗~ ~ ~
"Maaaxieee, did ya pack the sun cream?"
The pink gem called from the other room, as they both packed their bags proper for their outing,
"It's already packed! As well as my swimming goggles, should i choose to go further than i usually go."
Spinel finally brought her bag into the room, as Maxim finished up his own preparations.
"...Say, love, Why do you look so nervous, i wonder...~?"
He teased, as Spinel blushed, her little bunny tail swiftly moving from side to side, as she puts her hands on her hips,
"N-nervous? I ain't noivous, i'm just excited for our beach trip! Been a hot minute since we managed to have fun with the sand and watta'!"
Maxim couldn't help himself but chuckle. He always found it so adorable when he old timey accent shone through in her speech. He gave her a quick kiss on her forehead, before turning back to his backpack to zip it up.
"Sure, love. It'll be fun time... though that's a given, since i'll be with you, and you always make everything fun."
"Oh, Shush."
She snickered, playfully shoving him back, before kissing his cheek, as she took her bag and moved towards the door out of their home.
"You commin' Maxie?"
"Yeah, im commin'. Y'know, love, i do wonder what kind of swimwear you decided to pack up~"
He teased with a purr, to which she nudged him, flustered, her nervousness becoming more apparent,
"Oh, you'll see, ya goober."
~ ~ ~💜~ ~ ~💗~ ~ ~
Dusk was soon to come as the sky slowly darkened and the sun began to set. Such a beautiful sight, indeed. Though not as beautiful as the Gem beside him.
Both the Gem on her chest, facets shimmering in the dimming light, as well as her, in her entirety.
"...Maxie? Wanna get up, for a moment? i... i wanna show you something."
Her tone sounded calm, but careful. Nervous. Said nervousness made him slightly nervous, but he trusted her. Whatever she was going to show him, he'd grace with his gaze and devine attention, just like he always graces her as such. He hummed softly, smiling, as he gets up to his feet, seeing her rise with him, before glancing around them for the merest of moments...
His eyes manage to catch her going down on one knee, as she reaches for something from her gem... His brows furrow for but a moment, before his eyes widen in steady, slow realisation.
She spoke firmly, with a certain careful confidence in her voice.
"We've been through... So, so much. And we have such a long, long way to go..."
His hand moved to his mouth in slight shock at the sight of what was going on, but he was paying full attention.
"You taught me that to live, is to be Selfish... And all i want is You."
That's... That's his Teaching. One of his chants.
"Won't you live with me forever, tonight? Won't you take me as yours, and let me take you as mine?"
A moment of silence, as Maxim takes her words in. His eyes lightly teared up as her let her words sink in, before slowly begining to grinning.
How else would he answer her, other than
"...Yes, Spinel. Just... Yes."
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Happy 1st Anniversary of Spinel's Proposal!
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marylongarms2 · 6 months
🍳🏠☔️🛏 for the ask game? If that's too many then you don't gotta do all ofthem! ^w^
Thank you so much for asking!^^ ✨
(I'll answer a half of them, okay? Please don't be mad 🥺)
🍳: Can they cook? Do they like cooking?
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He said he can, and he loves cooking (I'ts one of his hobbies)
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He likes to bring joy to his patrials, who live and work in the purple castle, and indeed the citizens of Purple Country with tasty bakery 💜✨
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And what about me..I just love to help him with that) I love being his degustater #1 😋💖✨
☔️: Do they dress for the weather? Or do they wear the same thing regaurdless? Do they even CHECK the weater?
Well, yes. He has to, especially when it's rainy outside. Because he can get rust cause of rain..
Some time before, he can't even go outside, and he has to stay inside a castle, until rain ended..
But now we together solved this problem, coming up with an outfit for him for a rainy weather ^^✨
(Maybe I'll show it to you few posts later ^^)
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kookiecrush · 1 year
First of all I want to send you all the love in the world to protect you from all the haters 💜 then I just wanted to say this, apart from whoever we are shipping (me included) the main point of my disappointment (if I can call this so and again I feel bad feeling like this but) was that I truly believe Tae was more than a very loud ally for the LGBT community. BTS have been supporting it a lot but individually Tae was so loud and unspoken in so many ways and I was like YES tell me Tae, give a finger to SK medieval way to see gay people. Sure he can't do anything very esplicit but everything he ever showed us was more than enough. If he indeed is and this is just a way to cover it up I feel disgusted but not surprised. I always take SJ Heechul and Twice Momo very odd relationship as a result of 'proving X is straight" when usually this type of love story casually ends within a year or so
Aww, thank you! 💜
This is what I'll say. It's easy for us as onlookers to Tae's life to feel disappointed about the Taennie situation, but that's quite a selfish way to look at it. We're not living his life. We're not in his position. We're not the ones who would face the repercussions if he was outed.
As we know, south Korea is not very accepting, and he's someone in the public eye who has a lot to lose, and a long way to fall. I imagine it could be very dangerous to have gay rumours whilst in the military.
At the end of the day, Tae doesn't need to make decisions to please us. He just needs to do what's right for himself. I would never begrudge Tae for doing what he feels is necessary to protect himself and Jungkook. I just hope everything works out well for them.
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bourbon-ontherocks · 1 year
okay now for the meat of the matter (the seitan of the matter?) 🪥🪥🪥 oh, what an ep. what an ep. it was pretty much PER-FECT. excitedly talking about their date in hushed tones. morgane’s gift. le numéro de charme de mr. worldwide (you loved that bit, didn’t you 👀). adam opening up! and, yeah, the kiss--wherever he is, I know sofiane is smiling upon them, glad to have played a (weird) part in his brother getting some action, lmfao. (btw, little brother confirmed!! yay!!) 
morgane’s betrayal, aouch aouch aouch 😍 she hated every second of it and it still came back to bite them in the ass. wonderfully angsty 💙💜 the way adam’s face falls when he figures it out, AURGH!! the fact she sabotaged their perfect date to protect serge the only way that wouldn’t make her, in adam’s eyes, Un Nid À Problèmes who needs constant assistance--and in the end her worst fear comes true--yet adam takes it upon himself to protect serge (and morgane by extension) because he may hate her guts but he can’t to that to her--she asks him not to as a last-ditch effort to show she doesn’t want to use him and aaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!! I died many times over the course of this show but that time was for real, absolultely perfect, elle n’a jamais voulu le blesser mais c’est terminé, morgane !!!!!!!!  
thank fuck I died there and then actually because, hum. you know. let’s bask in the warm glow of brosse adam one last time and remember the rollercoaster of emotions they’ve taken us on 🥲
Lol, took me a while to understand why you were turning the meat into seitan but then I couldn't stop laughing, this is incredibly appropriate 😅
So. Yeah.
I'm not sure I have anything else to add to everything you said, because Brosse Adam's arc in this episode was. perfect. ❤️❤️❤️
(which makes it even more infuriating that they ruined the absolute, beautiful perfection of what would have been otherwise my favourite episode in the entire show in its last two minutes but I'll get to that in my next post)
I loved how cute and excited they were about the date, I loved Morgane's gift and the way Adam is already projecting onto seeing her kids more often ("ça va être pratique pour votre famille, ça" -> oui tu penses à quoi Adam, dis-nous tout ? 😏), I loved the almost kiss although I rolled my eyes a little about Mehdi Nebbou's blatant linguistic brag (what makes you think I'd love that bit? 😂 Although I can tell that @earanie understandably lost her shit about it, I remained much quieter than during the actual kiss lol. Oh by the way, Adam's line in Italian means "But Morgane, if you keep asking me such questions I'm gonna kiss you" if you didn't have it yet, and also I want to add that IL L'A VOUVOYÉE EN ITALIEN AUSSI 😱 while as far as I know, the formal you is less used in Italian than in French, especially in this context, ce mec me tue 🤦), I loved the nachos nonsense (was it supposed to be a dish or just appetizers?), I loved that he opened up indeed (also "on va jouer à un jeu [...]" "Je déteste ça." "Ok super" 😂😂😂), c'est le retour du nouvel Adam 🥲
What did you think about Sofiane's backstory? I know you weren't very into the idea of Adam being too tied with it re cheap guilt etc, personally I find that it's a bit much, but also you can tell that Adam is feeling unreasonably guilty about it.
Speaking of which. Sofiane broke his back while Adam was "kissing [his] first girlfriend" which must have cast a very dark shadow over EVERY relationship he's had ever since 😱 I can imagine that this is where his fear of intimacy comes from, and also he must have had a sense of shame and guilt dooming his whole love life, not to mention that he used to LIVE with Sofiane, can you imagine bringing a girl home and having to literally face what happened the very first time you did that? This man for sure has a taste for emotional torture 😏
Also, vous aussi vous mettez votre plus grand trauma comme mot de passe de votre PC pro ou c'est juste lui ? Asking for a friend... 😆
(and I never doubted the younger brother thing, Sofiane does look more juvenile than Adam)
Now the Kiss™... If I start talking about it we're still there by midnight, but phewwwwww, it was EVERYTHING ❤️😍😱🥵🔥🙊 Morgane can bear triplets in season 4 for what I care, as far as I'm concerned, the show ended after they kissed and she betrayed him. Period.
So, the betrayal. Screeching along with everything you said because DAMN YES, it hurts so bad but it's so perfectly angsty, and the fact that he still protects her in the end because HE STILL CARES, her asking him NOT TO, the way you can tell the break-up hurts them BOTH so bad, the IRONY of Morgane trying not to ruin things by actually ruining them, I'm sorry I'm just parroting you at this point but 🥹🥹🥹🥹 And also the line that shattered my heart, "J'avais tellement envie que ça marche entre nous" -> SHE'S OPENLY ADMITTING THAT SHE WANTS A RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM OH MY GOD IT WAS NICE KNOWING Y'ALL BUT NOW I'M GONNA DIE BYE ⚰️⚰️⚰️
As far as I'm concerned, the season ends with Morgane being dragged away by a fireman. Hospital who?
🤡🤡 What an amazing, heart-wrenching season finale we had guys, I can't wait to see how they'll try to mend their relationship in season 4!! Also, the stakes must raise so maybe they'll finally hookup too! 🤡🤡
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residentraccoon · 2 years
Winners ranking oof
Below the cut. I don't hate any of them, as a side note
Personal favorites
1. Fairytale (Norway 2009) - When I found out about this, around the time I became an eurofan in 2018, I was in awe. It's so catchy and fun and omg I love the violin. Perfect
2. Nocturne (Norway 1995) - Want my anxiety to drop down to 0? play this song at any given moment
3. Waterloo (Sweden 1974) - Schalger pop songs from the 70s are my weakness. And how can you not love ABBA?
4. Dansevise (Denmark 1963) - There's something so charming about this whole performance. The singers' stage presence, the flow of the song, the guitar, like idk man it's so beautiful...
5. Heroes (Sweden 2015) - 12 y/o me had her eyes glued to the screen when this was on stage and whenever I re-listen to this I feel the same feeling as I did back then. The first ever eurovision song that I was obsessed with!
6. Arcade (Netherlands 2019) - Nothing more to say. Loving you is a losing game is a huge icon at this point
7. Poupée de cire, poupée de son (Luxembourg 1965) - I love the beat and how bouncy and cheerful it sounds. Her entire career story is so heartbreaking though I couldn't not feel bad for her...
8. Zitti e Buoni (Italy 2021) - Never forget the edgy italian rockers 😔😔
9. Tu te reconnaîtras (Luxembourg 1973) - I get such a nostalgic feeling from this, it's as if I've heard this several times in my childhood before but I can't exactly remember. The piano bits are so lovely
10. Fångad av en stormvind (Sweden 1991) - Why is everyone so harsh on this song, I'll never understand...I love how energetic it is!! It's probably my favorite Carola song tbh (okay I also really like Främling but shhhh)
11. Een beetje (Netherlands 1959) - Cute sassy song that could fit so well in an old disney movie? Yes please
12. Insieme: 1992 (Italy 1990) - Ah yes, the superior "peace and unity" song that actually feels genuine. I swear I've heard this before in the past actually, like before I listened to the esc winners
13. Hallelujah (Israel 1979) - Yes guys bring me the harmonies
14. La det swinge (Norway 1985) - Groovy nordic pop from the 80s my beloved, I love their outfits a lot! 💜
15. A-ba-ni-bi (Israel 1978) - It's so catchy like whenever I listen to this I have it on loop for 5 days straight
16. Vivo Cantando (Spain 1969) - I love this one too! Out of the 4 winners this or Netherlands were the best imo
17. Save your kisses for me (United Kingdom 1976) - Being this wholesome should be illegal /j
18. Un banc, un arbre, une rue (Monaco 1971) - Same story as Tu te reconnaitras, I kind of have the same feelings for both, I get this strange, nostalgic yet comforting deja-vu when I listen to them
19. The Voice (Ireland 1996) - It's so magical and mysterious, teleports me to another world everytime I listen
20. Puppet on a string (United Kingdom 1967) - This feels so wholesome and sweet, I always like these kind of carnival themed songs for some reason
21. De Troubadour (Netherlands 1969) - Love how melancholic yet upbeat it sounds, and the guitar is just amazing
22. Apres toi (Luxembourg 1972) - Makes me feel emotions that I didn't even experience, how great this is...
23. Molitva (Serbia 2007) - It's so anthemic, I feel connected to this song on a personal level
24. Euphoria (Sweden 2012) - It's universally known as the best esc winner, and I do like it but feel that it's a bit too overhyped and all? haven't willingly listened to this for a while, even though I still admire the choreography and whole stage show, which was indeed amazing!
25. L'oiseau et l'enfant (France 1977) - Favorite french winner, hands down
Really like this ones
26. My number one (Greece 2005) - Grown a bit off me lately because I've been way too fixated on the retro winners but still a classic nonetheless. The stage show is just so perfect
27. Rise like a phoneix (Austria 2014) - Outstanding. I'm so impressed by the melody and especially the lyrics
28. Rock me baby (Yugoslavia 1989) - Underrated as heck, it's so funky and the message is interesting!
29. Diggi-loo Diggi-ley (Sweden 1984) - Diggiloo diggiley himlen öppnade sig yeah don't ask me I know the lyrics to this by heart
30. Net als toen (Netherlands 1957) - She looks like she's telling a whole life story, I love this
31. Nous les amoureux (Luxembourg 1961) - Yet another one that I didn't care about before, but when I gave it a try I really liked it. Didn't know he was actually singing about a same gender relationship?? In the early 60s??
32. Love Shine a Light (United Kingdom 1997) - Gives me a warm, comforting feeling, absolutely amazing
33. Boom bang-a-bang (United Kingdom 1969) - Yesss this is so cute as well, I love her expressions lol
34. Hold me now (Ireland 1987) - The superior Johnny Logan song
35. Ne partez pas sans moi (Switzerland 1988) - A literal queen, this was a no brainer win for that year
36. Refrain (Switzerland 1956) - Teleports me into the 50s. Oh to be a singer in the 50s...how would that be?
37. Ding-a-dong (Netherlands 1975) - The lyrics are incredibly silly, though the melody is super catchy
38. Only teardrops (Denmark 2013) - So beautiful, especially the flute.
These are good
39. 1944 (Ukraine 2016) - The glowy tree part always gives me the chills. I recently started to appreciate this more and the story behind the song is very tragic
40. Hard Rock Hallelujah (Finland 2006) - The costumes are 3 edgy 5 me but the song, oh yeah, the song's really great
41. J'aime la vie (Belgium 1986) - What a bop. kind of 80s generic music but I don't care
42. Non ho l'eta (Italy 1964) - The instrumental is pretty, however, since I discovered the lyrics I just...don't like it as much anymore. It's probably my least favorite italian winner if I'm being honest.
43. All kinds of everything (Ireland 1970) - Might have gotten diabetes over how sweet this song is
44. Merci, cherie (Austria 1966) - That bridge is beautiful as heck. underrated
45. What's Another Year (Ireland 1980) - Yeaaah, I like this a bit, feels kind of long at times tbh
46. Take me to your heaven (Sweden 1999) - Tend to overlook this one, I feel like it's not as fun as the other swedish schalgers from the past (Bra vibrationer, Fångad, Waterloo) but gave it a try recently and I sort of...liked it? Sure, not as much as the ones I mentioned earlier but it's solid tbh!
47. Wild Dances (Ukraine 2004) - The live version is very messy tbh, I listen to the studio more
48. Un jour, en enfant (France 1969) - I love how soft her voice is, but ultimately the song transforms into powerful vocals with an epic climax. The thing is that I don't really actively try to listen to this...
49. Stefania (Ukraine 2022) - Epic flute guy is back! Kind of grew off me, maybe if I'll relisten it might go some places up I guess
50. Ein bißchen frieden (Germany 1982) - Please it's so cozy campfire cottagecore aesthetic
Neutral, don't listen that much to them
51. Making your mind up (United Kingdom 1981) - So energetic and silly, 80s trash lolol
52. In your eyes (Ireland 1993) - My favorite out of the 3 back-to-back irish winners
53. Rock n roll kids (Ireland 1994) - One of the legendary irish wins, it's good I guess but not up my alley
54. Amar pelos dois (Portugal 2017) - Reminiscent of those classy 60s chansons which I appreciate, still kind of don't get out of my way to actively listen to this, though
55. I wanna (Latvia 2002) - The first winner that had something more on stage than just dancing. Love the outfit reveal lol
56. Everyway that I can (Turkey 2003) - Trash early 2000s ethnic pop at its finest
57. Satellite (Germany 2010) - ...I kind of used to listen to this at first since I found it quirky and fun, but now, along with some others I kind of forgot about it?
58. Fly on the wings of love (Denmark 2000) - Not exactly my favorite, but it's nice
59. Si la vie est cadeau (Luxembourg 1983) - Feels a bit bland I guess? But it's a good effort
60. Believe (Russia 2008) - Maybe I was influenced about the war, but this really fell down a loooot in my ranking. Epic ice skater guy is great, but I tend to dismiss this one as being a winner for some reason
61. La la la (Spain 1968) - It's repetitive as hell, but at least I like the verses more, right?
62. Tom Pillibi (France 1960) - Her singing can get a bit too high for my ears lmao but it's nice nonetheless
Don't care about them that much, sorry
63. Running scared (Azerbaijan 2011) - It's not bad per se, but I still ask myself how did this win. It lacks substance, any sort of charisma or dynamic between the two
64. Toy (Israel 2018) - I used to haaate this one back in 2018, then it kind of became a meme in my friend group. So I don't really know what to say about this one
65. Everybody (Estonia 2001) - Very funky, but sometimes I forget that this is one of the winners 😂
66. Diva (Israel 1998) - Listen Dana is amazing, but I feel that her song lacks something? She wasn't singing that great either. Don't really find myself listening to it that much so...
67. Dors mon amour (France 1958) - it's very calming, but feels like it drags on for too long I guess?
68. Un premier amour (France 1962) - why is it so repetitive help
69. Why me (Ireland 1992) - it's...too whiny and dramatic for me, sorry, it's the winner that I listened the least so far 😔
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neofox · 2 years
Hi! If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you a few questions.
1- Did you watch the rottmnt? If yes, what did you think? I personally loved it! Did you identify with any rottmnt characters?
2- How's it going? Emotionally and physically.
3- what is your favorite tmnt shipp? mine is donnie x mikey! 🐢🐢💜🧡
4- In your au fire/wind, among the ships that have appeared so far, among the couples, who is on top and who is on the bottom? I think I already know the answer but I'm curious about Mikey and Leo, maybe after Mikey learns he ends up on top, And I think it's possibly going to be Mikey x Donnie If you're going to have this ship, who would be on top?
I hope you are or will be fine! I know you must be struggling in the comics so try to rest and take care of yourself!
Aw, this is a very sweet ask <3 Thank you for your kind words, I appreciate it muchly. I don't at all mind answering questions. c:
1. I did indeed watch Rise, along with the movie. I do have many opinions on the series. I feel like I could make an entire post about my thoughts on Rise, so I'll try to be brief. (and fail miserably XD) First off: Rise is definitely a series you have to turn your brain off to watch and enjoy. I was shocked how crazy good the animation is. Like, whoa, this cartoony show has no right being animated so damn good. The movie esp is amazingly animated. Secondly: Not a fan of big beefy Raph. He's also got Leo's personality, where he's protective and worried about his brothers. Where as Leo is a bucket of sass and self importance, which seems much more like Raph. It feels like their personalities are switched. So they just don't feel like Raph and Leo to me. It kinda sucks since Raph has always been my fav tort. The only two I like are Donnie and Mikey. They're very amusing and cute together. I don't really identify with anyone from Rise. Raph is the tort I usually identify with. He's a turtle onion with emotional layers and I know that feel. And since Raph isn't Raph, and everyone else is so very cartoony, nah, no real connection.
2. Tired. Winter often kicks my ass mentally/emotionally. But my newly resurrected interest in torts has definitely helped.
3. Hmm! If I had to pick my very favest of favs, it'd have to be RaphLeo 💓💙 Their push and pull relationship gives me all the feels. Otherwise I really love all the pairs. Any of them really. OT4 is great, cuz they can mix and match and everyone gets love and no one is left out. 💓💙💜🧡
4. I have no real preference with tops or bottoms. I'm good with either or tbh. Though Fire Raph does have major top vibes. Raph rarely lets go of his vice grip on control in most any situations. That includes romantic moments with his brothers as well. So, Raph would probably top more often than not. The others, I could see switching depending on their moods.
Phew! I believe that's it! After that I need a coffee ☕ Hope you, and everyone else reading, rest and take care as well! 💓🐢💙🐢💜🐢🧡🐢
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forlix · 6 months
HELLO SUNSHINE ! hope you are doing okay, and yes I'll send you the abstract again, I indeed had forgotten, I'm sorry! here it is:
"This study seeks to understand how multiculturalism and the question of identity influenced both the unification and the dissolution of Yugoslavia. This monograph deals with the period of pre-unification, unification itself, and after dissolution. Describing the historical issue first,with a focus on ethnic and multicultural relations in the region as determining factors for understanding events. Thus, a specific period will be dealt with during the administration of Josip Broz Tito, which lasted for forty years and succeeded in managing relatively well the conflictual situation that was the relationship between the various ethnic groups and its model of self-management, which was revolutionary for the time. Finally, it will be analyzed how the international system received such experience, the answers to the situations presented, as well as the reasons that led to the non-consolidation and permanence of the self-management process, culminating in its dissolution as of 1990. It is also necessary to show that the region was recomposed based on the criterion of the national identities present, an aspect that interfered in the correlation of regional forces, giving a new physiognomy in its political-administrative map. This leads to an understanding of the paths taken during the twentieth century."
also, sorry for he delay on the response a lot of things happened but now it's kinda okay, so I get to write and read for this week! once I'm done and posted the jeongin story I'll send your way so you can read it if you want, I'll never pressure you 💜
thank you for always be this kind and loving! you deserve more than the words I could ever write. I hope you have a good day/night, and that only the best reach your way! everyone deserves good thing happening their way, good people deserve it even more! thank you for making your page a safe place to anyone that may come by. please take care of yourself okay? 💜
helloooo my panda anon, my sunshine, my min to my lix :') did you see the tiktok they made together recently? i thought of you hehe we are so cute
this abstract is SO INTERESTING, are you kidding me? i wish i had more to say about it but i know little to nothing about yugoslavia; thank you for piquing my interest in learning more about this topic. but i definitely have much to say about the topics of multiculturalism and the question of identity, which are becoming more important the more globalized the world becomes. i'm american, and so much of our population comprises immigrants or the descendants of immigrants that it's a quintessential part of living here to embrace and engage with different cultures and identities, yet diversity and inclusivity continue to be treated like privileges rather than rights. i'm sure it's a totally different environment from the one that you studied, but i'm wondering if other multicultural populations like that of the u.s. would be able to learn from the aspects of yugoslavia's self-management model that succeeded or avoid the aspects that failed. ANYWAYS not me going into thesis statement mode on instinct,,,, tl;dr this sounds amazing and you are amazing, thank you for sharing 🤍
and don't ever ever apologize for a delay in responding, my love, have you met me? i'm so grateful that you continue to check in periodically at all. please do send me the fic if you still wish for me to read it and/or have posted it already! i assure you it would be my utmost joy and pleasure
you are actually the sweetest human being in the world and i hope the universe brings you nothing but wonderful things. i'm so glad that you think of my page as a safe space; it is people like you, truly, who make it so. take care of yourself as well, angel! sending you the biggest hug through the screen
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