#shy and i cant help but giggle and try to hide my face and look away.
chansbabygirlsstuff · 4 months
Just a Bet Chapter 15
You get home after a silent car ride, Trying to figure out where his stressed attitude came from 
"Thanks for taking me," you say trying to break the silence 
"Sure," he says as you take the things out of the bag and he helps you organize the food in the pantry and kitchen
"Just to put it out there, you cant bring boys over here" he looks serious 
"Of course, you think I'm a whore to do that in your house?" you say chuckling trying to put the ambiance a bit chiller and fun 
but he stays silent "Oh? You do?" you say offended "No that's not it, I'm just being serious about this topic" he still cold towards this topic 
"I understand" I nod and continue helping to sort the food out
after finishing everything he starts by saying "Thank you for the groceries today"
"Of course, thank you actually" You smile putting your hands together and nibbling your fingers as you get nervous about someone flattering you even though is a small thing
"do you have something to do?" he asks you 
"not really just relax before work, why?" you ask anxious to hear what he is going to say 
"Maybe we can eat ice cream and watch a movie?" he asks you as you nod in excitement getting the strawberry ice cream you rush getting 2 spoons and 2 cups to serve what is left of the ice cream 
While you were getting everything ready Chans got to the sofa and turned the TV on putting on one of his favorite animes  
you sit next to him handing him his ice cream, you get comfortable as you try to pay attention to what is playing on the TV.
"so what about you?" he asks you as you look confused at him 
"What about me?" you ask, "I just want to know you more," he says as you freak out inside 
"Like?" you shift  your body in his direction to keep the conversation going
"Like hobbies, food, music, or whatever you think is interesting about you" he rests his head on the couch's support 
The way he man spreads, his eyes roaming towards you, casually looking at your body from time to time and his head leaned back just licking the spoon that he used for his ice cream
As you take your eyes off his mouth to his eyes, when you look at him he smirks 
Danm... you were caught 
"umm... I like to paint in my free time... I usually read every chance I get and-"
"oh yeah those little books you didn't finish to tell me about"he cuts you off with a smirk on his face getting ready 
"is not what you think" You roll your eyes and shift yourself over to the TV getting annoyed at his teasing 
"mhm, I'm not really sure" his smirks get wider as he shifts more toward you as you pretend not to know he is looking at you avoiding the topic 
"you know this is a safe zone" he chuckles "I don't judge" he shrugs trying to hide his smile of how cringe he sounded 
"Pfffftt" You blurt as he joins in your laughter, you notice his little squeaks in his giggles 
"and what about it?" You exaggerate your hand movements while he keeps laughing at the situation "And what about it? " he copies you as you both continue laughing 
"no, but for real I just don't get the hype" he comments 
"well it means you've never been a bad bitch before" You pull a sassy  face towards him, and he grabs his stomach laughing 
"ok, now I understand why Seugmin is so sassy" he rolls his eyes looking back at you 
"take notes babe" You flip your hair and chuckle at your funny attitude
"not shy anymore are we?" he remarks on your sudden outburst from shy to your normal fun space, you smile feeling embarrassed 
"how about we ask each other questions?" you propose as  you are not sure what to talk about yourself
"ok then, I go first," he says "Do you play any instrument?"  you take a bite out of your ice cream and nod 
He looks surprised "Really? Which one?"
"I play the piano do you?" 
"yeah I play the drums and guitar"
"that's so cool" You nod your head acknowledging  his talent 
"Is it true that you and Hyunjin dated before?" he asks you 
"Woah, wasn't my turn to ask?"  
"no, you asked me if I play an instrument as well so it's my turn" You roll your eyes
"no, we never dated we are only friends, who tf said that?" you get intrigued by his sudden questions
"Nah, we just saw you guys talk sometimes and get comfy,  so that's what we thought but we can never trust hyunjin"
"mhm, now I don't know what to ask" you kept thinking to yourself what fun questions you could ask 
"I heard you talk shit about me with the girls the other day," he says out of the blue
"me?" you put your hand to your chest as you feel offended 
"yeah, you were eating the gossip about me and my ex-girlfriend in stats class" 
"Hey! I was listening not talking, those are different things you know" You try to defend yourself but the guilt on your face gives it away, you try to be sarcastic as you get caught 
"They didn't even tell you the right info, Danm if you finna gossip look for the right info"
"Now I'm curious, is it true you guys try to get back?" 
"Ha!, now look at you all over my business" he laughs as you get embarrassed at your teacup problem just waiting for it to be filled with tea 
"No, it didn't happen like that, I mean she tried to but it was just toxic" he leans his head back down 
"or maybe you're the toxic one" you mumble 
"what the fuck does that mean?" 
"I mean... I heard what people say about you yk"  he looks at you waiting for the details 
"Well they say you're a player so maybe she was just yk... protective" 
"yeah but I'm not like that in an official relationship, she was even checking my phone and shit like there was no trust from either of us"
"damn," you say trying to stop the conversation as you didn't want to talk about his ex-girlfriend  
"what about you?" he looks at you 
"what about me?" you take another bite of your ice cream getting nervous about this topic 
"had you had a boyfriend? or any sorta problem about that?" 
"no... I never really dated anyone before" You pretend to be busy with your ice cream to coat over your shyness, acting like it's a natural topic
"why though? you seem cute" he smiles as he looks at you but you get nervous and go back to your ice cream "Thank you" you mumble getting shy 
"but seriously, aren't you interested in something like that?"
"I don't know, I've been busy and no one seems to be interested in me anyway" Danm that was embarrassing 
"well maybe you never found the right person," he says and you only nod 
"Well if you ever need help with stuff like that you can ask for my help"
"Why do you think I'm bad at dating?" you tease him faking being mad but then giggle
"No I mean, from what I see you're very shy and friendly, you need to flirt with a dude to start something yk"
"well maybe I'm not a whore like you" you smirk at your evil remark
"ouch" he puts his hand on his chest pretending to be hurt
"but also be aware some men are shit" he sits up and moves closer to you 
"no shit," you say sarcastically
"for example, I do this"
he grabs your chin and pecks your lips, your eyes widen as he stares at you 
"What are you doing? you're supposed to slap me, you can't just let any dude kiss you like that" Your mouth opens a little as you are shocked "Did you hear me?" you close your mouth still trying to comprehend what happened
He giggles "Look at you all red" he continues laughing but he suddenly stops "Wait, don't tell me the other day was your first kiss?" but you stay silent being shy about the kiss that just happened
"Oh wow it was" he pretends to be shocked like he knows already but tries to find a way to fluster you more 
"No, it wasn't, I kissed someone before" You deny his accusation 
"Then why are you so red, and shy?" you blush more and put your hand up your cheek 
"Don't tell me you liked it?" he smirks a little as your eyes go in shock but the only thing that comes from your mouth is a little confused 'uh'
"Oh you did" he smirks "You can kiss me again if you want, I won't stop you" You can see his ego speak to you, but you don't move 
"it's ok baby, I can do it for you " He grabs your chin and kisses you deeply as you follow his movements, you lean deeper to him as he grips your waist and his other hand goes behind your back 
You put one hand on his neck and the other on his cheek, but he leans you on the couch for you to lie down while he still kisses your soft lips, your hands go around his neck and one onto his hair pulling lightly his hair as he sighs in pleasure, he gets between you thighs, grabbing you hip and rubbing from your thigh to your hip slowly, he separates his lips from yours and looks you in the eyes, your cheeks were hot you look at him waiting for his next move
Chans POV
As I'm kissing her I rub her hip and thigh trying to get her to relax, she is tense and her movements seem to be forced so I separate our lips and look at her, her actions tell me she wants more but her eyes seem nervous and unsure, so I'm not forcing her to do anything she doesn't want to, but she caresses my neck... a little makeup sesh won't hurt, right? 
My lips kiss her neck as her breaths get louder, I feel her pulse beating fast, I should stop myself soon before I can't control myself, she hooks her leg on my hip but then retracts it, that's where I understood she wasn't ready, so I stop kissing her and smile to her 
"not  bad you see?" 
her cheeks still red and she hides her face in her palms "Oh baby don't get shy, not after what you just did" I tease her not to make her feel bad as I know she is nervous. as I crawl back on top of her to take her hands off her face and caress her cheek. But we hear a ringing sound that starts vibrating on the couch 
she reaches behind the back to grab her phone which was the one making the noise
"Hello?" she looks at me but looks away... cute 
"Yes sir I will be there right away" She grabs her phone with both hands and hangs up. she puts her lips together and looks at me awkwardly 
"My boss needs me there 2 hours earlier" She gets up wiping her sweaty hands on her clothes 
"ok" I nod still having a small smile on my face "Go get ready I'll drop you off
she nods and fastly walks to her room to get dressed 
I rub my eyes feeling stressed about not being able to have her tonight but I guess patience is the key to success, I chuckle as my classic move of 'don't let boys do this to you' worked
I sigh and get up as I see her make her way up to me 
" you ready?" she nods
and we make our way towards the car
15 mins later 
The car ride was silent and she kept picking at her lips, she was still shy about our kiss but I tried to put her at ease 
"I hope you are not uncomfortable with me" I comment as she looks my way
"no, of course not, I just got nervous" She starts fidgeting with her shirt so I leave the topic alone so as not to make her embarrassed
"we're here," I say as I park 
"call me if you need anything," I tell her and she thanks me for the ride
she gets out of the car and I drive, still feeling turned on, It's gonna be a hell of a time with my hand tonight
but that's not enough, so I made the decision 
and drive to Marty's
Tag list: @oddracha @Darthmaddie25 @Stayceebs97 @strayywayy @hyunnjiin
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nctsplug02 · 2 years
Can I request jock jaehyun X nerd reader where reader has an exam coming up and is learning about sperms then jaehyun barges in to come and see how reader is doing but then get all flustered when he see's what reader is studying about
genre: fluff and suggestive
warnings: mentions of sperm, tipsy shy jock!jaehyun, mentions of pregnancy and horny jock!jaehyun.
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“..sperm can last up to.. five days, wow.” you blow a raspberry as you take notes in your notebook and in your presentation slide.
you look up when hearing the bedroom door crack open. “oh, hi. welcome home. i’m sorry, i haven’t cooked dinner. i’m just.. finishing up my presentation for extra credits.” jaehyun grins a little and rips his jean jacket off.
“how was bowling with the boys?” he giggles. “it was fun. i slipped on the.. thingy?” you laugh a little. “the alley?” he nods. “i love you. you’re so smart.” he coos.
“oh, shit.” he laughs when it gets stuck. “baby,” he pouts a bit and trots towards you like a child. “help me, please.” you put your highlighter down and you help the man with his jean jacket. “thank you.” he leans down and presses his lips onto yours. “and, you’re welcome.” you go back to presentation.
he takes off his jeans and his shirt, tossing them into the dirty bin. you notice him about to join you but you stop him.
“ah, ah. go brush your teeth, right now.” you demand and he pouts. “i don’t wanna.” he sulks like a child. “you reek of alcohol and i don’t want anymore kisses from you when you stink like strong liquor.” he huffs and pushes his lips out.
“fine. i’ll be back. in like.. three minutes.” he holds up three fingers and you nod. “add two more fingers.” he gasps. “then i’ll have twelve fingers?!” you roll your eyes. “you’re stupid. go brush your teeth.” he stomps out of the room and the bathroom light turns on.
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he comes back looking more sober— but a bit still tipsy. “so,” he climbs into bed and lays on his side, just facing you and staring at you in admiration. “whatcha doin’?” you blush a bit.
“um.. i’m doing a presentation on.. sperms.” you turn your laptop to him and his eyes bulge out of their sockets. “sperms?!” you nod and he suddenly giggles.
“i.. uhm,” he stammers and half giggles. “wow.. sperms, uh.. yeah?” he nods and it makes you giggle. “you gettin’ shy?” he instantly shakes his head. “am not.” he shyly hide his face into your side.
he moves closer and stares up at you. “do you need some help?” he asks and you shake your head. “i’ve got everything i need, baby. but thank you for the offer.” he frowns a bit. “okay, then.” he shrugs and falls onto the cushion.
a few minutes roll by and he’s bored out of his mind. “are you sure you don’t need help? i could be a big helper?” you sigh and stare down at him. “okay, you can help me then.” he giggles in success and scoots closer.
“how many slides do you have to do?” he asks, squinting as he attempts to look at how many slides you have. “i have to do three and i have three, already.” he frowns a bit. “so.. i didn’t have to help?” you shake your head and he sighs. “well, i guess.” he palms his lips together.
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it takes you a few more minutes to finish it up before closing and setting your laptop and notes off the bed.
“so,” you sigh and throw your legs onto jaehyuns. “hm, so?” he tosses his phone to the side and smirks. his hands finding their place on your hips.
“ready to head to bed?” you ask and he groans. “you’ve got me worked up just to ask am i ready for bed?” you roll your eyes, getting ready to roll off but he stops you. “i’m kiddinggg, im not just a horny prick who’s in love with his amazingly hot girlfriend.” you grin a little, trying your best to hide back your shyness.
he grinds your hips a bit and you whine. “what? whining like a whore who cant wait to get knocked up by my fat juicy cock. is that what you are?” you frown, shaking your head.
you yelp when being flipped in a quick motion. “well,” he pins your arms above your head. “it sounds like you are.” he tilts his head as he stares down at you.
he tilts his head to the other side. “what? you wanna be knocked up with my baby?” your voice taunts you. “wanna be filled with my cum?” you don’t answer so he grabs your jaw.
“tell me; do you wanna be knocked up with my baby?” his eyes glisten as you nod with pouty lips. “that’s right, baby.” he leans down and kisses you.
“let’s put the sperm to use!” he shouts making you break out laughing.
it confuses him as you laugh hysterically.
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milexa2000 · 3 years
4⭐️Town when they are jealous
A/n: This is a request soooo.. It might suck😅😅 And also thank you @shigekoaoi7 for the request🖤
WARNINGS: maybe harrasment idk..AND FLUFFF
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He knows you live him from the bottom of your heart, buttt he doesnt like when seeing other guys talking to you
He would watch both of you if anything bad is happening
When the guy trys to hold your hand. Robaire had ENOUGH
he would walk up to both of you and holding you back
I feel like he would cuss the guy out in French and the guy is just there like "🤨😰"
"What do you think your doing?!" or "shes already taken man, sorry." and would walk away with his arms around you
You would thank him cause the guy made u uncomfy
"No problem Mon amour, im always here for you."
he can trust you cause he knows when you feel uncomfortable with other guys you dont know
So he will always have your back🥰
Tae Young🕊
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sometimes he doesnt mind of you talk with other guys if only they are your friend
But when he sees that guy try touching you, oh mannn hes pissed
He would walk up to them and yell in their face
You look at him and Awe, hes like a superhero saving your day
When the guy rolls his eyes and walks off, tae turns to look at you. THEN GRABS YOUR CHEEKS AND CHECK IF HE KISSED U OR SUM
"Dove, are you okay?, "did he kiss you?"," what did he tell you? ". He just keeps asking you questions
You giggle and hold his face, telling him that your fine and thanking him for saving you.
He starts blushing when you said you saved his life "ohhh stop it y/n." he says making SUCH A CUTE POUTY FACE
you cant help but kiss all over his face which makes him chuckle
Aaron T🧢
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Hes a spy, hes really good at hiding
he watches the both of you just talking about god knows what
He walks up to you both, very chill yk
You dont get suprised when you feel arms around your waist cause you know its him
He kisses you on the cheek which males the guy so mad💀
"Sorry man, she's already mine" he says with a smirk on his face
While the guy was finally gone, you immediatly give him a tight hug which he returns
You cant stop thinking him because of how scared and uncomfy ehen the guy was talking to you
He looks at you and says "dont worry baby, its my job." with this face "😌"
Aaron Z🏀
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Z dan be very shy sometimes, but when he sees you with another guy that he doesnt know, oh boy hes about to get madddd
He thought yoy we're cheating on him but he realized the look on your face
U look... Nervous and uncomfortable when the guy is trying to talk to you
You see him walking up to you both which excites you cause ur bby boy is coming to the rescueeee
You go behind him and hold him tight when helds you behind him protectively
He trys to be calm but he can't
He tells the guy?, "don't touch my girl or else we gonna have a problem." and the guy immedietly nods his head and runs off
He starts to feel bad, then he feels someone tap his shoulder which he turns to look at you.
you kept telling him how proud you Were of him for saving you
He makes a suprises face and blushes. He loves when you cheer him
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Like Aaron T, he would be a spy watching you and the random guy
He makes this face "😧" when he sees the guy touching you, thats when hes ready to confront the guy
When you see him coming your day, you run up to him and hug him tightly
He looks at the guy, pissed off. "Don't you DARE put your Hands on her, shes mine! and they guy freaks out and runs off which you cant help but goggle
While the dude is gone, Jesse looks at you with a worried face.
"Are you okay baby?" , "thank goodness your okay." he holds you so tight like a big bear
You tell hin that your fine and kiss him which makes him smile☺️
You thank him for saving you and tell him that there is nothing to worry about
Which makes him smile even more and you both tried to forget what just happened💀
A/n: I HOPE U GUYS LIKE ITT. Plz send me some request of 4Town. Thanks🥰
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4dtk · 2 years
ok so my mind is all over the place right now, but i really do need to read a good jaemin sm*t fic aka corruption king. he makes you wear this/this outfit (IM SORRY i cant choose between the two but pls pick what u think is best 🥺) because you'd always wear baggy clothes/hoodies and he just wants to make his baby feel good? an aggressively playful jaem with his shy gf and a quote, "don't hide your pretty face from me"
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IM ALIVE. IM ALIVE???????? oh my gosh anon i am SO SORRY for ghosting you. if anyone sees this i was given an emergency commission by my brother and so i went mia and went crazy trying to finish it and i got so busy... i also had no motivation so there’s that. i am SO sorry bro oh my gosh. anyway, i picked out the second outfit anon <3. (read up on the update of my event at the bottom of this post!!!!!)
pairing: jaemin x reader
warnings: soft dom!jaemin, sub!reader, jaemin calls her ‘princess’ and ‘good girl’, corruption kink, virginity loss (if you consider it to be p in v sex, they both have done oral before), clothed sex (lingerie), fingering, vaginal penetration, clit stimulation, fondling, cowgirl, unprotected sex, implication of more than one round, n*sfw under the cut
jaemin’s eyes are glued to the screen more than you liked, looking left to right like he’s reading something before scrolling to something else. it carries on for a while, and as much as you hated his gaming nights, that was more fun (with the chaos from the other dreamies) than just sitting in silence.
but whenever you tried to look over to the screen, your boyfriend would flash his signature pout and mention how you weren’t supposed to see what he was doing. and with one final click, jaemin hums happily while your frown only deepens, fading fast when the laptop is forgotten and he tackles you into a hug.
“alright, alright, i’m here now, baby,” jaemin mumbles into your neck, missing how your expression drifts to the computer screen every few seconds. it doesn’t provide any explanation since the tab’s closed and the screen black but, you trust jaemin enough to commit himself fully to you. his hands distract you from your thoughts, however, feeling the coldness of his skin upon yours under your oversized tee.
“you’re never out of my t-shirts, huh?” jaemin giggles from above you, gentle fingers brushing away the strands of hair falling from your face. “i’ll get you in some lingerie next, alright?” all doubt is gone from your head for good when he starts kissing you down from your neck to your chest, fingers leaving a blazing trail behind them with each inch down your body. the boys already know that they won’t have to come home, after a quick rushed text in the midst of kissing (where the warnings were given so often that they could decode any gibberish jaemin sends).
“(y/n)?” mark calls out into the house the next day just as they were leaving, the forgetful boy having had to come back in and take his in-ear monitors while the others had already left in haste. no one saw the package outside their door but mark, who bids you goodbye after you sleepily receive the package. too tired and groggy to actually do anything, you just leave it on the empty sheets beside you.
until jaemin’s text wakes you up later asking if he’s received anything.
[2:01pm, read] Hi my love, anything come in the mail this morning?
you hum at the notification, memory resetting at how mark gave you the parcel before leaving.
[2:03pm, delivered] uh huh, what about it?
[2:03pm, read] :)
[2:04pm, read] Oh nothing, just a little present I picked out for my pretty princess. I want to come home to you wearing it, nothing else. It’s time I spoiled you. Love you
you’re quick to think of all the times jaemin did spoil you, which was admittedly too much for you too, but one more present didn’t help especially if it’s something he specifically chose. could it be the website he was yesterday…?
you’re undoubtedly still a little cautious, opening the plastic with carefulness in case that it was for someone else, but when it uncovers itself, a gasp makes its way onto your face. behind the noisy synthetic was a set that was so intricately detailed that it looked almost fragile. with the straps running thin, you’d think they would snap, and the thong attracted to the leotard-like apparel looked uncomfortable to wear.
sighing, you were unsure of whether to go through with it since you know jaemin would never force you into something you didn’t like and yet — there was thrill in the unknown, of something you hadn’t experienced one bit and the one thing you always wanted to try out, lingerie. it wasn’t like a sin or anything, but oversized clothes were always your go-to: convenient, comfortable, some smelled like your sweet, sweet boyfriend, who could go wrong with those?
but while you enjoyed your laze arounds in oversized fabric, a part of you hoped the see your physique in some tight-fitting clothes every once in a while. maybe some part of you could drink yourself incoherent and impulse purchase a bodycon dress, maybe your friends would convince you to get some raunchy sets for your own empowerment. and while you didn’t have any issues with your body, it just felt… off.
well, jaemin was determined to change that.
the argument in your friend group turned out very one-sided, getting an overflow of messages that encouraged you to wear the piece, “im sure youll look dashing!!!!!”, “remember to take a pic for us babe”, “Oh! Is this the set he chose? That’s so cute, wish my boyfriend would’ve gotten me these.”
[5:56pm, delivered] how did you know which website he got them from???
and your friends answered like it was the simplest question in the world: “he asked us, dummy.”
every part of the bodtsuit sliding onto your body felt weird, and despite the unfamiliar sight in front of you, you can’t help but smile as you finish it off with the translucent lacey skirt. and while sometimes unfamiliar felt bad, you’ve never admired your body this much in stark white lace against your skin (and the cute little bunny tail at the back), the contrast complementing the whole look even more. you get so caught up in the view in the mirror that—
“oh, wow,” jaemin bursts into the room, not expecting you to be already changed, “you actually— holy fuck.”
“jaemin, can you— the door’s open, oh my god.” covering your face didn’t do the trick, feeling the heat of your cheeks via your palms.
instead of closing it, he just laughs, mostly in disbelief of how fucking delicious you look, but also at your confidence that shines, as well as how much he’s going to ruin you. it’s all it takes for jaemin to stalk over to you and within a few steps, he has your lips captured in a passionate kiss. he’s eager, needy, both hands already exploring your body while he tries to devour more and more but it’s never enough. not when you look like the most beautiful thing from head to toe.
his words, not yours. “baby, princess, oh my god,” jaemin has his forehead to yours, staring intently into your eyes that only the slam of the door by renjun and his shout of ‘close the damn door!’ brings him out of the spell he was under.
“god, you’re stunning.” everything is blurred after that. jaemin tackles you to the bed, a hand already moving to the thin piece of fabric. just like he assumes, you’re soaking wet from merely kissing, whining into him and squirming about on the sheets at the unfamiliar sensation. but you remember — unfamiliar isn’t always bad, and jaemin proves it when he slips a finger into you. his mouth doesn’t rest.
it’s thicker than yours and it’s so different from just the tongue that you cry out from the feeling. “that alright, darling?” the consent alone has you moving your hips onto his finger for more friction, testing the waters more even after telling your boyfriend how scary penetration was. well, you didn’t seem to think so so much now, asking quietly for a second finger.
“j—jaemin, please. feels s’good…” you’re whimpering out once he shoves in two more fingers, the stretch stinging just a little. pleasure takes over soon enough, your arousal acting as lube for jaemin’s fingers, while his other hand plays with your breasts over the lingerie. his tongue darting out to flick at your nipples through the fabric and the stimulation makes you squeal.
“yeah? such a good girl for me.” he praises, eyes glued on how he picks you apart piece by piece, inch by inch until you’ll be nothing but a babbling mess for him and while he does that, he still would prioritise your comfort above anything else. “d’you think it’s enough for my cock, baby? or would you rather stick to—” jaemin is anything but impatient, and yet he can only manage a shaky breath everytime his eyes land on the very outfit he picked out.
jaemin pumps his fingers a few more times and that has only got you moaning louder and louder, eyes observing yours attentively, “—oral?” before the other could delve into your cunt, your grasping at his arms, words not coming out despite your mouth moving.
“jae— i… you— uhm,” you’re having trouble forming sentences, something that jaemin isn’t a stranger to especially in the bedroom. he always has you at his mercy when his tongue flicks over your clit, juices staining his chin until you’d tell him you couldn’t cum any more. this time was no different: begging for something, anything, and he would get his answer when you claw at his pants. “i-i want your cock, jaemin. i want it in me, fuck— anything, please!”
your boyfriend admires the way your face scrunches up when you first sink down onto his cock, hands carefully placed on his still clothed body as you shiver at the sensation of him filling you up. “breathe, princess, breathe.” the stretch is worst than when he had his fingers in you, but you follow his instructions exceptionally well, gasping when he bottoms out completely.
“oh my god… f-fuck…“ it comes out in between choked moans, your words and mewls, tensing up just as jaemin slowly thrusts up his hips into yours. it’s terribly lewd, everything from how your hips subconsciously move or the slutty way you moaned out that you cover your face. “oh— wow…” you can’t help but mimic your boyfriend’s words from earlier as you start moving up and down, juices running down your thighs and onto his balls. your skin burns and so does your thighs even though you just started, but you try anyway. Your hands hardly shield you from jaemin’s lusty gaze.
“am i doing okay, jaem?”
he offers a gentle smile in the midst of pleasure, in the midst of feeling your pussy clench around him and suck him in so nicely that he doesn’t just have to fuck his fist any more, and it’s shaky at best but it’s the most he can manage as he feels your gummy walls around his length. “you’re doing great, pretty girl, just don’t— mhhm… don’t hide your pretty face from me.” and it’s all you need to remove your hands and keep at your own pace, especially with something so big in your cunt for the first time. 
jaemin helps, too, with his hips, bucking up into your pussy while his hands guide your waist, until he finds that it’s too addicting at your dripping cunt meeting his pelvis each time. he thrusts up once, twice, grinning in relief when you submit to him almost immediately and he takes advantage right away. “poor baby was tired, huh?” the way he bucks up into you is criminal, each thrust meeting your ass with wet slaps as your moans mixed with the other’s.
“you feel so good, baby. you’re making me feel so good, such a good girl.” all the praise gets to your head, only making you whine into thin air before you’re yanked into his chest. “that’s it, hang onto me while i pound you.” there, all you’re doing is crying out into his neck, with a mixture of his name and incoherent sentences.
“i— wanna- i wanna cum, jaem! fuck…“ you mewl into his neck, a desperate hand slipping in between your bodies to rub at your clit. it’s rushed, and jaemin doesn’t even have time to ask you before you’re releasing all over his cock, juices coating his length while he continues to thrust, albeit slowly.
“oh my— oh my god! s-shit, baby, you’re cumming so much.” you giggle at that, high from the orgasm that you can only manage sounds as he slowly pulls out. he mutters praises as he does, “oh, you’re such a pretty little thing, aren’t you?” putting on that piece of clothing was the best decision of the boring day, eyelids falling heavily from the climax until you realise how jaemin sacrified something.
“jaemin! you— you didn’t release yet, right?” even with your first time, you’re still so caring, giving you the same smile he did earlier. he hums softly.
“it’s okay, i’ll manage. you get some rest and i’ll wake you up when it’s time for—”
“o-oh, uhm, we’re done?” jaemin’s smile has never been wider, a hint of slyness behind it.
“you want more, baby?” you’re ashamed at how quickly you nod and jaemin’s impressed at how you’ve already succumbed to the pleasure. you move your hips subtly, pussy lips brushing against his cock ever so slightly. jaemin sighs. “well, should we test how long you’ll last? don’t worry, i’ll guide you, princess.”
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event rules here, request here
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dourpeep · 3 years
you asked for albedo stuff yesterday and i forgot to give you some 🥲 here
-Albedo bites the ends of his pencil/pen while in deep thought
-He covers his mouth while laughing
-His hair is a huge problem to becoming messy so he usually keeps it in one style bc he sucks at styling hair
-I believe he would hyperfocus on a meal until he starts to hate it and goes onto another
-Probably sleeps on his back or stomach
-Quietly sings to himself when he's alone doing experiments
-his hands are probably soft as hell
-he probably bounces his leg when stressed
-I cant decide whether or not he's always cold or always hot (wearing his jacket everywhere but seems fine at dragonspine??)
-would break klee out of jail
-he always tries to have at least one meal with klee
definitely a pleasant surprise nodnod always a treat to have more Albedo, thank you for the food, Chi OTL
I'll write a little about each one b/c I have no self control and I'm feeling inspired by ur headcanons so lets goooooo ehehehe
They'll be a mix between imagines and drabbles!
Enjoy the food :3c
Contains: Albedo x gn!Reader, some standalone Albedo, Klee, fluff
- Breaking Habits -
"Albedo? You're doing it again-"
He blinks, shifting to remove the tip of his pencil from his lips, frowning when little indents come into view.
"Hm...it appears to be so."
Really, the Chief Alchemist has tried to wean himself off the habit, taking to coating the butt ends of his writing utensils with a horrid concoction of qingxin and jueyun chili, but the moment he slips into his usual daily tasks, it arises once more. The bitter spiciness is a taste that he still has not forgotten.
When his brows crease and his gaze seems to burn into the pencil, you offer a smile. With a kiss pressed to his temple, you take it from his loose grasp, setting it down on the table's surface.
A few weeks later, it dawns on him that the touch of wood to his lips evokes the memory of your gentle reminder. Without fail, he sets his pencil down in search of a sweet to busy himself with instead.
- His Laugh -
I can just imagine him with his hand lifted to cover his mouth, a smile tugging at his lips and his eyes slightly squinted. It's something that'd happen almost instantaneously--he doesn't intend to hide his smile but for some reason he can't help but do it.
An endearing habit that you've come to look for.
If you lower his hand and pepper him with a few little kisses, you'll get another giggle out of him before a kiss.
- Hairstyles -
Albedo only knows two ways to do hair: Klee's twin pigtails and his own half-up braid.
Over the past three years of his residency in Mond, it's become a sort of trademark. The assumption that it's just how he likes to style his hair has long since been accepted as truth--and really, he does prefer the style.
"Mr Albedo? Perhaps you should try to tie it all up instead...?"
The stray wisps of bangs that escape from the securely tied braid fall into his face and distract him from the task at hand. There's also the ever-present tickle right where the blond locks fall around his jaw. Surely, this shouldn't prove to be a problem considering he always has this style...right?
Needless to say, the smell of singed hair makes him choke and the Alchemist finds himself pulling away to tie his hair properly.
It's simple.
Or at least that's what he has been stuck repeating like a mantra as he stares at his reflection, unhappy with the way there's a strange bit of hair that refuses to stay tied. Sighing, he undoes his pony tail and tries again.
No, now it's lopsided...certainly can't have that.
- Mealtime -
First, two little ears peek up above the surface of the counter besides him. Then, two little eyes belonging to a stuff rabbit toy followed by a red hat--
The little girl stares at the fish steaks sizzling away on the pan, displeasure on her features despite the incredibly enticing smell. With unmatched resolve, she huffs.
"Big brother, Klee doesn't want fish again-"
Ah, right.
He's been in another of those moods, the particular taste and texture of the fish mingling with the salted butter, simple sauce, and lightly seasoned veggies sounding so much more appealing compared to nearly any other dish he's tried to enjoy in the past two weeks. It's without a doubt Albedo's all-time favorite dish. Perfect for someone with a small appetite and a need for something quick, filling, and nutritious.
"What would you like then?"
Ultimately (and truly, Albedo wasn't surprise), the little knight requested a serving of 'Fishy Toast'. Cutting up one of the fillets he'd fried, he laughs and shakes his head.
- Sleep Time -
When you come home, it's already dark, the streetlamps lining the cobbled road illuminating the front door as you fish out your key.
"Albedo? I'm back-"
Soft snoring punctuates the silence.
With a fond smile, you remove your shoes and make your way to the make-shift 'sleep station' set up on the couch. Sure enough, with his face shoved at an awkward angle against a pillow, Albedo lays on his stomach holding a second pillow to his chest.
As much as you'd rather not wake him (after all, he's barely gotten sleep over the past few days with how busy it's been), you kneel besides the couch to gently shake him awake.
"Bedo? Bedo, lets go to bed-"
He shoves his face further into his pillow, muttering something about waiting for results. But the silence that follows only lasts so long until he sighs and opens his bleary eyes.
"Welcome home," he mumbles, carefully shuffling best he can closer to meet your lips.
With a stretch and sigh, he sits up. Blond hair sticks up from the top of his head and to his cheek, some parts tangled despite his attempts to prevent it--your hair shouldn't tangle if you sleep on your stomach, right?
Holding back your laugh, you help him up so that the two of you can get ready to sleep.
- Singing -
Most often if not nearly each day, if you pass by the Favonius HQ's workshop, you might catch the soft sound of singing. A light sound that drifts from the partly-cracked door echoes into the empty hallway. Regardless of the traffic outside, it shows no sign of stopping, so you easily can sit right outside and listen.
It's not shy, though, even as the man's dulcet tone comes out gently, and there are days that the lyrics that slip from his tongue are of other regions.
Perhaps if you ever approach the Chief Alchemist, you might be able to convince him to sing just a short little tune. He'll oblige, though a soft dusting of pink will cover his cheeks as he does.
- Hands -
"My hands?"
Albedo watches as you tug off his gloves, head cocked to the side curiously. The moment his hands are free from their confines, you press a kiss to his palm and intertwine your fingers.
"Do you use lotion or something?"
He laughs.
"...Not that I am aware of...?"
When you squeeze his hand once, he squeezes yours back three times before bringing your joined hand to his cheek. Resting against them, his eyes close.
"Why do you ask?"
He feels you take his other hand as well, turning it over palm-side up, your fingertips tracing over the lines that adorn it's surface.
The tenderness of your touch is enough to make his heart stutter in his chest.
"Mmm...no reason."
- Leg Bouncing -
Whenever Albedo bounces his leg sitting at the Dragonspine workshop, a curse or two will slip out the moment his knee bangs against the wood.
Even being considered short, the table has decided to lay just low enough for him to cause minor injury to himself.
Shaking his head, he rubs at his knee to rid himself of the dull ache before continuing his observations at hand.
- His Jacket -
Wait okay but like...what if he actually has different versions of the same jacket? They look virtually the same but there's some of lighter material for warmer days, 'standard' ones for day-to-day use, and heavier ones lined with warm, soft fabric to insulate heat when he's on Dragonspine.
Same with his tights. I do know for a fact that there are tights lined with fleece that are incredibly warm and comfortable!!
- Escapees -
"You need to be very quiet, alright?"
Once more in the dark of the night, Albedo finds himself awake within the walls of the Favonius Headquarters.
Now...Klee technically wasn't grounded, so technically escorting her out of the so called 'solitary confinement' wasn't against any rule. To be fair, the room itself also wasn't really that either, judging by the child-themed decor, soft bed, books littering the floor, and the little table that sits just off to the opposite side of the room.
So! Albedo was certain that there wasn't any harm in what he was doing.
Not that he wasn't still sneaking around on his little improvised rescue mission.
He looks back to Klee, the little girl now wide awake and hanging on to his hand tightly.
When the morning comes, he sighs, crouched sitting on one of the child-sized chairs in the solitary confinement room, Klee peacefully snoozing in bed.
If only Jean wasn't pulling an all-nighter last night as well.
- Very Early Breakfasts -
Klee wakes up to the smell of sweet berry jam and chocolate in the air.
Clumsily, she slips out from under the covers with Dodoco cradled in her arms, padding along the wooden floors on her way to the kitchen.
"Big brother...?" She rubs the sleep from her eyes waiting for him to turn around.
"Oh, good morning Klee-"
"What time is it?"
That, Albedo decided, was a very good question. Especially considering that he hadn't yet gone to sleep and instead shuffled through the kitchen in the early hours of the day to make pancakes. If he had to guess--and he took a quick peek out the window despite the darkness of the early morning lending no clue--he'd say it was nearing 4am.
"Early. Go ahead and sit down, breakfast is almost ready."
The plate is presented to her with a brilliant smile, the Chief Alchemist satisfied to be able to keep his promise with her to always share a meal. But...the fluffy pancakes and freshly made whipped cream were also a source of his brightened mood.
Even though he knew he'd have no time to sleep and pack for his next Dragonspine expedition, the lack of sleep was worth seeing the sudden widening of eyes and delighted giggle from his younger sibling.
He could always take a quick nap at the base camp, anyway.
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i-cant-sing · 4 years
Hello! :D Your Yandere EraserMics are so good! Can I request them with a shy, short and easily flustered darling? Would they tease her and make her blush? What about her height, I feel like they might enjoy it just a tad xD Thank you so much! :3
Yandere Erasermic w/ an easily flustered darling
*gasps* huh???? Did I just post something that's not Todoroki Clan related????
Lol anyways enjoy!
Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
Yandere Erasermic:
You're just so cute.
They can't help it, honestly.
Your height was one of the first things that attracted them towards you. You were just so small, and you looked so scared when that villian tried to attack you. And you were just so adorable when you rambled out thanks and apologies when the duo saved you.
You were so shy when they offered to take you to a nearby cafe, to calm you down. When Hizashi took your hand to pull you towards the cafe, he almost awed at how small and soft your hands were. And when Aizawa paid for your coffee, he couldn't explain the warm feeling that spread through his heart when you blushed and thanked him.
You are so naive. Too innocent and so pure for the harsh world. They knew they had to keep a close eye on you when they saw you near tears when a customer yelled at you. Aizawa would often have to hold Hizashi back from snatching you in his arms. There will be a time for that later, Shouta would remind him.
And it was just so easy for them to convince you to be a part of their lives. Well, they just took you home one day and confessed their love. There wasn't much you could do about it except cry and thrash, but come on, its pro heroes we're talking about.
Of course, it was hard at first. You were too shy to admit your feelings for them. So they were understanding when you would reject them and cried yourself to sleep. You would exhaust yourself like that, poor thing.
But with patience and unspoken threats, you were finally coming around. And they couldn't have been happier. They spoil you, treat you like royalty, drown you in affection. Its what you deserve.
Of the two, Hizashi was the more vocal and physical one. He'd compliment you every single day, and kiss you so passionately that it always left you breathless.
Although Aizawa wasn't that eager to show his love for you in public, the moment he gets in the privacy of his home, he turns into a completely different person. He'll say such things and touch you in such ways that it was comical how quick you turned beet red.
Hizashi just loves to wake you up each morning by kissing your eyes and nuzzling his nose with yours. He chuckled at how you would blush and try to hide yourself under the blankets.
Aizawa derived great pleasure from  slapping your perfect little butt each morning when you're making breakfast, making you yelp and pout in faux anger, eyebrows furrowed as you try to stop your cheeks from turning pink.
They enjoyed flustering you up. Sometimes Hizashi would say something so cheesy, or maybe Aizawa would whisper something so vulgar in your ears, your eyes would grow wide and your face flushes and you slap their chest, and try to run away from them.
They loved how short you were compared to them. Perfectly small for them to trap engulf you.
You hated how quite Aizawa was. He liked to sneak up on you, just so to make you squeak when you noticed him. And when you would get mad at him, Aizawa liked to pull your soft, little pliant body to him and tickle you until you forgive him. They both cherished your smiles and giggles.
Hizashi loved cooking, but he loved cooking with you even more. And by cooking, he means heaving you up on the kitchen counter as he makes you taste whatever he's making. He claims you're his little sous chef, his little helper, but when he asks you to get something from the top shelf you can't reach, its Hizashi who liked to pull your body against his chest as he reached out for the bottle, giving you bum a hard squeeze, kissing you as a thanks.
They wont admit it, but sometimes, they would purposefully make you mad at them. You’re just so hot when you’re angry. your nostrils flared, lips in an angry pout, your eyes holding fury, an emotion completely opposite to your cute, little red face. Its infuriating when they would make fun of you in that state, Aizawa more often than not, would pull your bottom lip from your teeth, while Hizashi would treat you like some tantrum throwing child.
Sometimes you'd be having bad days. You don't really say anything but they know what you're thinking about. They know that you miss your old life, and they're not mad because they know that you can't help it. On days like that, you want to be left alone. But thats not an option, not with them. No, Hizashi will gather you in his arms and sit on the couch with you in his lap. Aizawa will scoot next to you both, placing an arm around Hizashi's shoulder as he caresses your cheek with the back of his hand. If you manage to break out of their grasps, Aizawa will use his scarf and pull you back to them. And then when you start crying, not being able to hold your tears in anymore, they'll whisper reassurances and pepper your face with kisses.
They loved to cuddle in the bed with you, their legs entangled with yours, effectively trapping you in the center, your face towards Aizawa's. And when you look into his eyes, all you find is that they're full of love and devotion and obsession. He likes to tell you how much he loves you, how lucky they are to have you in their life. And when you are at a loss for words, and your face grows warm, and tears prick the corner of your eyes because you just don't understand how can anyone be so in love? Hizashi will nuzzle into your neck as he coos in your ear about what an adorable, little angel you are, how you’re better than all the luxuries in the world. And then they'll laugh when you hide your face in Aizawa's chest, their chests flooding with warmth at your cuteness.
So precious.
They love it when they're in the bathtub and they sit you in between them. Your back to Aizawa's chest and Hizashi looking at the both of you in pure adoration from the other side of the tub. Aizawa's kissing your neck, leaving love bites here and there, while Hizashi massages the sole of your foot or presses soft kisses to your palms. They love how you avoid eye contact with them, but then peak at them from your lashes and your cheeks turn pink.
You're just so endearing.
It didn't help that all of your reactions were brutally honest. It didn't help that you unconsciously expressed all of your emotions. You can try all you want, but you cant stop the way your heart skips beat, or the way blood rushed to your cheeks when they give you simple compliments, or touch you in a not so innocent way.
It all but motivates them to squeeze some more sinful noises out of you.
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doom-of-war-writing · 4 years
Yo it’s me again. How about Kaeya, Diluc and Zhongli Shlongli (separately) asking their crush or lover to dance w them? Maybe at a festival Liyue or just as a drunkenly spur of the moment decision at the Dawn Winery owned Angel’s Share? Perhaps in front of the cathedral when a bard played a nice tune or something of the sort. Idk. Feel free to only do one or two of the characters if you want or add a different one if you had a fitting idea for them. Thanks again!
Diluc, kaeya and big dong zhong wanting to dance with their crush/lover
Thank you for the request bro
Feel free to request more as well : )
I assume you wanted scenarios? So ill try my best
Characters: kaeya, diluc, zhongli
Warnings: drunkness sorta, not really detailed tho (kaeya)
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—— if Crush
• A bit more hesitant
• Def hes more shy around his crush
• Probably a little drunk when he asks you
• Stumbles a bit over his words
• Even if drunk, hes still a pretty good dancer
• Probably just wraps his arms around you to ‘dance’ though
• On the chance that he does dance somewhat properly, its still a bit slow
You had been watching the bards performance from the bar, unaware of the adoring gazes from a certain calvary captain. You had been so enraptured with the bards performance, you hadn’t even noticed the calvarys captains approach, until he sat down shuffling the chair abit.
“Hm? Oh, hi kaeya!” You greeted happily, the male looked at you and smiled
“Ah, h-hello, (y/n). I didnt notice you there” kaeya had a faint slur on his voice and his cheeks were flushed lightly. He fiddled with his fingers and glanced nervously at your hands.
“Kaeya are you alright? You seem nervo-“
“(Y/n), please dance with me!” Kaeya cut you off, he got a bit louder, but luckily no one payed too much attention
“Thats what you’re all fumbling over yourself for kaeya? Should’ve said that sooner, i would love to dance! Come on!” You grabbed kaeyas hand and pulled him off his seat, he assumed his position in front of you and wrapped his arms around you. both of you settled into a nice rhythm of steps, although you were pretty sure this wasn’t a real dance.
“(Y/n), i love you” kaeya murmured quietly into your hair unnoticed by you.
——if Lover
• Way more confident
• Would probably just grab you and pull you to his chest
• Probably does this anytime their is music
• He just cant get enough of being near you, and dancing just gives him an excuse
• Can dance
• And he does, prefers slow stuff, cause it doesn’t matter if hes hugging you while dancing
Kaeya had been telling you story when the bard started playing, after which he stopped talking and started to watch the bard and his performance. You had turned your attention to the bard as well, kaeya watched you with a fond expression a small smile playing on his own lips
Kaeya stood and brushed himself off, gaining a confused look from you
“Are you alright kaeya?” You tilted you head standing as well, when kaeya grabbed your hands and tugged you out into the opening, a swift tug bringing you into kaeya’s chest
“Now im more than alright” kaeya hummed leading you out a bit more and hugging you swaying with you, after a bit you both did start to somewhat actually dance with footwork and stuff as well.
“I love you” kaeya hummed rubbing your back
“I love you too, kaeya” you mumbled into his chest, smiling brightly.
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—— if crush
• Probably would have to be at angels share
• Mainly watches you
• Would take a few of your visits to his bar on his shift to get confident enough to ask you
• Might have done it out of jealousy, probably kaeya
• Also prefers to sway, but like, nothing else, kaeya implements some elements of dance and diluc just will sway with you
Diluc was aggressivly cleaning a glass, red glare boring a hole into the back of calvary captains blue head, kaeya had approached you at the bar and initiated a conversation that had felt like it lasted hours for diluc, but in reality it had only been 30 minutes. He frowned as you luaghed at something kaeya had said.
He watched as the bard was setting up to do another song, and quickly observed kaeya watching the bard, diluc glanced at you and then back at kaeya, another small frown making its way to his face. He set down the glass and was about to grab another when he heard the bard start to play, he stopped and turned around, staring at you and then he watched kaeya turn. In a spur of panic diluc moved forward and tapped your shoulder
“Ah (y/n), would you like to dance with me?” Diluc offered a tiny smile at you, face flushing a deeper and deeper red as he realized what he said, and the fact that you were giving him such a dazzling smile
“Of course! I’d love to!” You smiled brighter, diluc felt like he could die, his heart was pounding against his chest. He nodded and went around the bar, frowning at kaeya when the blue haired male winked at him.
“Alright then, come on” diluc mumbled offering his arm to you
“So impatient” you giggled, taking his arm and letting yourself be tugged into dilucs chest.
“Hmph” diluc grunted trying to hide his ever reddening face in your hair, wrapping his arms around you and doing his best to stumble dance with you.
—— if lover
• Would dance at angels share if it wasnt too busy
• Again, doesnt really dance, just wants to kinda hug you and sway and thinks thats good enough
• Would dance at angels share fr if you ask enough
• Like actual footwork, would act annoyed but he enjoys it
Diluc sat at his desk going over all the papers and orders. adjusting his reading glasses he sighed and moved his glasses to rub his tired eyes.
Diluc stretched in his chair and stood up, looking out the window at the dark sky. He quickly turned when he heard a soft knock on the door
“Hm, come in” diluc managed to stifle a yawn as he slid off his reading glasses. his eyes widened when he saw you coming in, rubbing your tired eyes.
“What are you doing up? Its late “ you yawned coming over and hugging diluc
“I was working, but come on, you should go to bed. I still have ome more work but i-“
“No, im not going to bed until you do” you hugged his tighter, making diluc sigh. Diluc smiled and wrapped his arms around you, beginning to sway back and forth with you in his arms, while softly humming into your hair.
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—— if lover/crush
• He probably treats you the same wether your together or not
• Maybe a bit more romantic in relationship idk
• Actually dances, litterally he actually will do proper form and footwork
• If you dont know how
• He’ll teach you
• Enjoys humming while you dance
You were at a festival in liyue clinging to zhonglis arm as you both navigated your way through the crowd, zhongli had said something about a surprise and you were quite confused, he was usually very open about what you two did.
“Zhongli, where are we going?”
“You’ll see, we’re almost there, love” zhongli hummed a small smile setting itself on his face, you tilted ypur head but decided it couldnt be that far, so you decided to take zhonglis word for it
Eventually you both enterd an opening in the crowd, their were a few other couples dancing together and chuckled
“Is this your surprise, zhongli? Dancing?” You chuckled walking to stand beside zhongli
“Of course, come on, we’re not here to watch after all” zhongli chuckled and pulled you out into the clearing, pulling you closer and gently leading you around a fond smile on his face as he looked down at you, ignoring every time you would step on his toes or luaghing a bit when you tripped or stumbled before helping you steady yourself again before continuing with the dance
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juminly · 4 years
Can i just say your last hc😱😱😱😳! Im still squealing over how sweet and cute it was❤❤🥰🌈 So naturally i cant resist but request a continuation HC for ma best bois, Theo, Vincent and Isaac! If u dont mind❤❤😳🌻 also just wanted to send u a reminder incase you forgot...You are a wonderful human! And im super happy to have met such a wonderful ray o sunshine on tumblr ☀️🌞 hope you are keeping safe and warm❤🦋🌻 Thabk you so much dear! Sending u tons of hugs🙌🙌🙌🌻❤🌞
My lovely Zeta, you’re making me blush. Love you, darling and you always brighten up my day with your sweetness. Here are some best bois for you. Tagging @delicateikemenmemes cause Theo... XD 
First kisses with Theodorus, Vincent and Isaac
Theodorus Van Gogh
The first time Theodorus kisses you, you feel alive and truly loved, desired and… needed.
He kisses you out of utter frustration from all the pent-up emotions he's been trying to hide, behind that handsome smug face of his.
Blame and thank his tsundere ass for this kiss.
Threading his fingers softly through your hair, his gentle touch was a contrast to the kiss he surprised attacked you with and the way he’s almost crushing you in his embrace.
Theodorus is fierce, holding you securely against him, not giving you the chance to pull away, even if you wanted to.
His kiss is full of hunger, claiming yours with an incredible sense of urgency and laced with so much passion and intensity as he licks and nips at you, coaxing you to open up for him, entwining his tongue with yours.
This man was making you dizzy, in the most blissful way anyone could do so and if you didn't happen to whine against his mouth and push your hands on his chest, he wouldn't have broken the kiss.
He literally took your breath away and he was almost completely content in not breathing at all, if it meant being connected to you.
His need for you threatened to consume him and his body was slightly shaking as he resisted the need to pull you in for another kiss.
Theo rests his forehead on yours and pants, just simply holding you in the most heartwarming embrace while tangling his fingers through your hair delicately. (Boy is trying to calm himself, okay?)
He'll curse under his breath for losing control then grin a bit abashed by his lack of composure and he’s also kinda blushing, only to find you resting your chin on his chest, looking up at him and smiling softly.
“What are you smiling about, Knabbeltje?”
“Hmm...” you pause to think, his eyes locked on yours then searching your face, captivated by the soft blush on the top of your cheeks. “Just the man I love.”
“H-Hondje… Y/N… You…” he attempts to use a warning tone but he can’t help but croon your name roughly.
“Your Hondje… Your Y/N.”
You poked his heart real hard.
And to put the cherry on top, you go on the tip of your toes, meeting his lips in a kiss that’s so sweet, the man actually melts and moans/sighs against your lips.
You’ve got him wrapped around your finger, darling.
PS: Theodorus Van Gogh is officially flatlining and you are now the sweetest thing he’s ever tasted and his favourite too.
Vincent Van Gogh
When inspiration strikes, this angel surrenders himself to his muse and is in a creative state of trance.
You often find him with paint streaks over his beautiful face and his hair ruffled in a complete mess, as if he thoughtlessly ran his lithe fingers through them over and over again.
In order to get him to stop and take a break (to have some Rouge or Blanc), you’d step in front of his stool, blocking his view from his canvas and give him something to drink and wipe the paint of his face.
He did look adorable but he began asking you to wipe the paint of his face. 
Honestly, he didn’t mind the paint. He just liked it when you were near.
Standing between his legs, you’d dip a piece of cloth in some water and wipe the paint off his cheek and even found paint stains on his face.
Leaning down, you started giggling as you found trouble removing bits of the paint, staining his skin/hair even more than before.
Looking up at you, Vincent was absolutely taken by you, the sound of your soft laughter and your peaceful expression.
Acting on impulse, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you down while he raised himself slightly from the stool, meeting you in the middle in a sweet chaste kiss with a happy smile.
You can feel him smile against your lips and it’s the sweetest thing on earth.
He pulls away only momentarily to assess your expression, seeing the most beautiful shade of pink dusting your cheek and a smile that matched his.
That’s all he needed to see. All that he ever wanted.
He would guide your hand over his shoulder and sit back down on his stool, pushing his knees apart while pulling you closer to him with a gentle hand on your waist.
His expression is relaxed and lips parted as your love for one another brings your lips together once more.
He whispers your name ardently against your lips. He didn’t need to say anything more… you simply knew.
As your lips brush against one another, Vincent sucks and licks your lips, humming with so much zeal, the sound so beguiling that you impulsively allow him to ravage you so sweetly with every push of his tongue against yours.
He draws you closer to sit on his lap, his hands now resting on your sides, caressing your form and squeezing you as you both surrender to your emotions. 
Isaac Newton
This cute bean has been staring at your lips all day. He feels an inexplicable pull to press his lips against yours and kiss you.
He doesn’t know why, he can’t even begin to understand why his body feels the way it does but he needs to do something about it.
You’re beautiful to him. You glimmer, you shimmer, you shine and he wants to bask in the light, the love and the happiness that you’ve shown him in life. 
You’re standing in front of his room, talking to him about something that he was meant to teach you when you suddenly find his face right in front of yours, leaning closer and closer and his nose bumps into yours.
That’s more than enough to make him scowl because his first try was a failure but before he could let his embarrassment overwhelm him (although his cheeks have already turned into the red shade of apples that he claims to hate), he cradles your face with trembling hands and tilts his head to the side, making sure that he angles himself correctly this time, laying the softest of kisses on your lips.
Breathing out nervously, Isaac is barely even able to meet your gaze, still wanting to see your reaction to what just happened.
Did you like it? Did you hate it? Was it wrong for him to do that?
Too many questions were running through that genius brain of his and you definitely knew that.
You firmly grabbed his hands that were placed on your face, ensuring that he doesn’t let his nervousness or hesitation take over.
You finally...  finally got a sign from this shy man and you wanted to let him know that you wanted the same thing he did.
You called his name almost pleadingly, forcing him to look into your eyes that showed nothing but love for him. 
You wanted more and you could see the same reflected in his cherry blossom eyes. 
“Kiss me. Kiss me again, Isaac.”
Your words almost made him choke, hearing the desperation in your voice.
Was that his heart fluttering in his chest or a bunch of butterflies? He couldn’t even tell. He didn’t care.
He just had to comply, leaning towards your lips once again, brushing them gingerly against yours.
Walking closer to him, you closed the distance between you and gradually deepened the kiss, his breath hitching under the intensity of your gentle assault and his knees threatening to buckle, if it wasn’t for the door that was now pressed against his back.
You pushed him against the door even harder as your body flush against his, biting his lower lip and licking your way through as he willingly parts them for you with a silent moan.
You press your tongue against him hungrily and he eventually does the same, pulling one other into the rising warmth and the now simultaneous beating of your hearts.
Isaac’s sense of gravity was completely lost but he couldn’t care less, he found everything that he needed in this moment... in you.
Hope you enjoyed this 💜 Please feel free to leave comments/feedback! Masterlist
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bnhaohmy · 4 years
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Summary: You transferred to UA, being shy and not very talkative. With this, not many kids wanted to talk to you except for 3 third years, one of which falling for you once he laid his eyes on you.
Words: 2.6k
Warnings: fluff, very soft, it's kind of a jumbled mess but I love it
A/N: I hope you all enjoy this story! Also I gave the reader a cat quirk like my own personal OC. So you're kinda like Tsuyu but with Cat features.
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You sit quietly at your desk, looking around the classroom to everyone else who were all much more focused on their conversations to notice the new girl. You were thankful for it, your anxiety would not be able to handle an entire class' focus being on you.
You played quietly with your fingers, small little lesions showing up as your blade like nails scraped at your skin. You looked up as 3 students walked in right as the bell rang, two of them talking and laughing loudly as the other kept his head low and only contributed whispers to the conversation.
The girl was the first to spot you, letting out a large gasp as she did. "Ooh! And new student! I'm Nejire!" She spoke, her hands clasped behind her back as she tilted her whole body to the side as to smile at you. You freeze instantly and shakily waive at her "Y-Y/N..." you spoke softly, catching the attention of the two males with Nejire more than you had had before. "Aw, you're like our little kitten Tamaki! I'm sorry for being so straightforward with introducing myself Y/N and for getting attention on you." She spoke, her tone getting softer as to make everyone look away from you.
You smile gently at her actions "it's okay..I just don't like the attention or meeting people to be honest.." you murmur out as he glance over to the navy haired boy whose eyes were focused on you. Once his eyes met your gaze, he blushed and instantly looked away as his body began to shake.
Nejire nods before she points to Mirio, "this is Mirio" she said with a smile as the blonde male waves "hey there!" He said before sitting down at his desk with Nejire following after. You watched them and smile gently before looking to boy you now knew as Tamaki. The first thing you noticed was his pointy ears, your smile growing softly as you felt your own cat ears flatten against your head.
Soon enough your home room teacher stepped in and you pulled your notes out to start doodling. Soon you felt a small tap on your shoulder from Nejire "so, Me, Mirio and Tamaki have to head to the first years to explain work studies and talk with them. From what everyone has been saying...you were the top third year at your old school?" She asks and tilts her head, her hair following behind her head.
You look up and nod "I was. I think I'm number 4 at this school behind you 3" you speak softly and smile.
"Awsome! Why don't you come with us and talk with the first years. You still have your work study right? That's the reason you transferred was to get closer to it?" She asks softly with a bright and happy smile
You nod to her words "that would be amazing Nejire. And yes, I transferred to be closer with my work study. Now that I think about it, there was another third year from U.A. in the agency I got approved for.." you speak softly.
Mirio and Tamaki both perk up hearing this "who did you get approved by Y/N?" Mirio asks as he turns to look at you
"Ah, Fatgum" you say softly and smile at him "I just don't know who all is under the agency yet" you speak softly
Tamaki hesitantly opens his mouth "I'm the other third year..." he speaks quietly as he keeps his head down. You turn and smile "well...at least I have met you then" you speak softly and rub his shoulder which only made him tense up more.
You pull away slowly and offer a gentle smile toward the timid Male before focusing on class until you and the other three left class for head down to the first years.
Once you all had finished introductions, you all went to the gym as Mirio wanted yo see just how tough this class was. Tamaki was almost instantly glued to the wall as his anxiety had sky rocketed with all the kids.
You quietly walked over to him and leaned against the wall as you sighed "are they always like this?" You ask softly and he simply nods "Mirio had a reason for this, he must gets carried away" Tamaki murmurs to you as he turns and looks at your face.
You nod before playing with your hands "will you introduce me to everyone at the agency?" You ask softly as he bit down on his swollen and chapped lip, nodding shortly after "O-Of course.." he whispered
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You walked quietly beside Tamaki through the school halls, the two of you not wanting anything to do with the gym training that Nejire and Mirio were doing with the Students that had taken under their wings so to speak.
Tamaki kept his eyes on you the whole time you walked together, your entire presence captivating the male. He was so intrigued to find someone who was like him, that wasn't loud and outgoing and that was really sweet as well.
"Does that sound okay with you Tama?" You ask, snapping Tamaki from his daze.
"H-Huh?" He asks softly as he looks down to hide is embarrassment of missing your entire question.
"I asked if it sounded okay for us to go to my place to study since you brought up that you needed somewhere quiet to study. Mirio and Nejire don't know my dorm number yet so we would be in a safe and quite place~" you chime out to him, a smile dancing it's way across your lips
"T-That sounds perfect Y/N..I would r-really appreciate it" he says, looking up to me your happy gaze which only causes a small smile to tug at his own lips.
You giggle softly and nods "come on then slow poke. We have to get there before everyone starts coming home.." you say softly and hold you hand out for him, offering another gentle smile to the male.
Tamaki blushes but takes you hand and starts walking a bit faster as to keep up with you as you lead him to your dorm room. You smile and rub the top of his hand with your thumb as you could still feel his nerves going crazy.
Soon enough you were at your dorm you and you opened the door before moving to let him in. "It's a little messy but we can still get work done.." you murmur as you follow behind him before sitting down on your bed, him following and sitting next to you.
You smile up at him and pull all your homework from your bag before starting to work on it. You felt his gaze on you, but didn't want to make him more anxious so you kept your gaze on your work.
After a few hours of working, Tamaki looks up when he feels a sudden heavy weight on his left side, mainly his arm. He looks down and his face flushes when he sees you had fallen asleep on him, pencil still in hand. "Y-Y/N..." he whispers and shakily brushes your hair from your face.
He bites his lip and slowly sides your homework from your lap and moves it to your desk. He then puts his back in his bag carefully before laying down onto your bed. He pulls you with him as he curls up to keep you warm as your blanket had been moved to the floor already.
He sighs softly and smiles gently as he looks at your sleeping form "you look like a little bunny more than a kitty.." he murmurs to himself before his own eyes close and he falls asleep with you close in his arms.
You yawn as you wake up, looking around before you finally felt the weight of someone next to you. You started to panic before looking up, your mind instantly easing when you saw Tamaki sleeping soundly next to you still. He curled up close to you, his hair covering half of his face but you could still see how cute he looked as he slept.
You slowly get out of his arms and pull your phone from your bag, looking to see a few messages from Nejire.
🦄 Nejire-Chan
Hey have you seen Tamaki? (8:30 pm)
Y/Ninnie? Mirio and I cant get a hold of Tamaki at all...I'm getting worried (10 pm)
Ah, he finally answered! Sorry if I woke you two~ didn't know you were having a little date! Don't get wild on our Kitten okay? (2 am)
You roll your eyes at the messages before grabbing a hoodie from your floor before heading down to the common area to make breakfast. You finished up cooking and headed back up to your dorm, not wanting to eat downstairs where it was all quiet and alone. You opened the door to your dorm and smile to see Tamaki awake, rubbing his eyes.
Once his eyes landed on you, his face flushed red "Y-Y/N...why do you have my hoodie on?" He asks softly
You look down and blush "ah I-I had just grabbed one from the floor. I'm sorry Tama! I'll take it off." You say softly but he stops you before you can even set your food down "K-Keep it on. You look c-cute" he said with a big smile.
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After a few weeks and getting to know everyone in the agency, you were allowed out on patrols with Tamaki. He was very hesitant at first to have anyone but Fatgum with him, but with Kirishima now in the agency, someone had to help and train the first year.
You happily walked next to Tamaki and looked around, "it's different doing Hero Studies over here. My last hero study was just paperwork.." you sighed out, your tone of voice much louder since you were just around Tamaki, spooking the male a bit.
Tamaki looks to you and tilts his head "really?" He asks as he looks down at you "t-they should at least let you watch patrols even if you don't do anything. F-Fatgum trusts us rather well but most heros get to do patrols by their third year.." he spoke and then looked up when he heard a scream that was just around the corner.
You both rushed around the corner and Tamaki instantly looked around before he saw a woman on the ground. He walked over and began to assess the wounds she had as you looked around to find any culprit. Soon enough, you had your answer as you were grabbed and pulled down the alleyway.
You squeal and try to fight back before looking to Tamaki, making eye contact and seeing his body start to panic before everything went black as a hand holding a rather soaked rag was placed over your nose an mouth.
Tamaki stood still in shock, his body unable to move as he watched you get taken. He shook himself back to reality and instant pulled his phone out to call Fatgum and then Neijire and Mirio.
"W-what do I do..?" He whispers into the phone as he starts rushing around to see if he could spot you at all.
"Well, calm down first off. You won't do anything good when you're panicking Tamaki. We all know that.." Nejire said as she sighed, Mirio leaning to speak up once she was done.
"You need to look down alleys and inlets mostly. It sounds like the villain that took Y/N doesn't have a quirk since your victim had been cut and then Y/N was drugged. He couldn't have gotten that far.."
Tamaki only nods before shakily sighing into the phone "w-what if she's really hurt..its our first patrol and she's already gotten taken and she's gonna be hurt and hate everything." He said as fast as his mouth would allow him and felt tears start streaming down his face
"Tama...calm down. Me and Mirio will come help look for her as well as some of the other heroes okay? She'll be just fine!" Nejire said as she tried to cheer the anxious male up, but it only made his stomach churn when he heard the words "She'll be fine". He knew you would be fine but he could only think of the worst and he didn't want you to hate him or not trust him anymore.
After 5 hours and a few pros coming in to help, you were finally found. You were bruised and bloody, but mostly okay. Tamaki looks at your body and starts whimpering, his whole body shaking as tears start falling down his cheeks.
Nejire looks over and runs to hug him, pulling his face down to her shoulder to let him cry. "She's okay Tamaki...I promise. I know you care for her but you need to calm down. Everything will be okay..." she murmurs and runs his back before taking him over to one of the cars that had been called "let's head to the dorm.." she whispers and pulls him into the car with her.
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Weeks pass and you were still holed up in your dorm, not able to do anything as you were waiting on your broken ankle to heal. Nejire and Mirio were persistent on bringing you any homework you guys had, and always told you what had happened in class before giving you an apologetic look when you asked about Tamaki.
You knew he had felt bad for what had happened but you missed him, you didn't know why exactly as you had never felt this way about anyone but your heart hurt when you were away from him. You had never thought about loving someone as you were focused on school but you just felt complete around Tamaki and you needed to see him.
You grab you phone and pull his contact up, before hitting the video call button. You attempted 3 times, the first 2 times being rejected before he finally answered.
"W-What do you want Y/N?" He asks quietly as he laid his phone on his desk, so you were only able to see the ceiling of his dorm.
"I want to talk to you and I really want to see you Tama.." you say softly and adjust yourself on you bed. "Come to my dorm..please" you whisper and get a pouty tone.
"Why..? I-I let you get hurt and y-you're broken now..." he said and you could hear his hiccups, your heart breaking know that he was crying.
"Tamaki, broken bones heal and bruises disappear...please come see me..I need to see you..." you whine out "I don't like hearing you cry..."
You were only met with the video call ending. You looked at your phone surprised and sat there stunned on your bed before you heard a knock at your door and then the door opening. Tamaki walks in quietly and looks at you before he completely breaks. He starts shaking and crying, covering his face as he does.
"Oh Tama...come here.." you speak out and open your arms, the male instantly coming over to hide in your neck, his sobs calming down as he did.
"Its okay...I'm here okay? I'm not dead...I'll be fine soon." You hum before looking down to him.
Tamaki looks up to you and whispers "Y/N...I'm so sorry. I didn't want to see you because I felt so guilty about getting you hurt but the guilt was worse than just that. I-I think I l-love you.." he finishes and his face flushes red. "My h-heart started hurting when I let you get taken and not seeing you for these weeks has only made it worse.." he whines out
"I love you too Tamaki...my body can't handle being away from you. I hope you will come see me more now..." you say with a gentle smile
Tamaki nods "I-I'll come see you if you'll be my little bunny?" He asks with a sweet smile
You laugh and nod, smiling brightly as you press a kiss to his nose.
"Of course I'll be your Bunny.."
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Wiping his cup before drinking prank (TikTok)
Wiping his cup before drinking prank (TikTok)
Warning: kissing??
Pairing: Peter x fem!reader
Status: dating <3
I was just scrolling through TikTok, sitting in peters bed waiting for him to come back from his patrolling.
*text from: lovey 🧸*
Lovey 🧸: hey y/n/n I'm getting Starbucks, want some? 🤓
Y/n: yess plssss 🥺
Lovey 🧸: okk what do you want? Ur hot drink order or cold one?
Y/n: ummm the cold one pls
Lovey 🧸: on it 😉
Y/n: thx bubs
Lovey 🧸: no problem, love
Ugh I don't deserve him, while I was waiting I organized his room a bit, he's been working really hard lately he can't even clean his room properly, so I decided to do it for him.
After cleaning up peters room I went back to his bed and kept scrolling on TikTok, until I found a video that caught my eye.
The video is about a girl wanting to try her boyfriends drink but instead of just drinking it she wipes his cup, and the boy looked hurt and confused, I really want to do this to Peter, it'll be hilarious!
So I set up my phone just below the desk, because I was sitting on the ground and waited.
Peters POV
I just entered the elevator to my apartment with my girlfriend and i's drinks, I was so tired from patrolling and I couldn't wait to see y/n, she always makes me feel better after my morning patrols on the weekends.
The elevator stopped at my floor, and I grabbed my keys walking to my door. I opened it and said:
"BABE?" while closing the door, looking for my beautiful girlfriend.
"IN UR ROOM!" She answered, I smiled gently and walked to my room
"Oh there you are" I smiled, "got your favorite drink" I said.
"Ugh you're the best!" She beams giving me grabby hands.
"uh uh uh, what's the magic word?" I ask grinning
"really?.." she says clearly annoyed (in a joking way), I gave her the 'you gotta say it I or I won't give it to you' look, "ugh...Spider-Man's the hottest avenger" she blurts out.
"actually it was "Spider-Man could beat any of the avengers ass, but that's a good one too" I say shrugging.
"hey that was never a magic word! You just want me to say your the hottest because you saw me drool over Bucky" she playfully slaps me, I just laugh and give her, her drink.
So I got my drink and it tasted sooo good! Like always, I wanted to start the prank before he notices the camera, but before I ask, Peter suddenly grabs me by my hips and puts me on his lap, I look at him confused but he just had this stupid grin on his face.
"wipe that grin off your face Parker" I say, shifting in his lap to be comfortable, I just ended up straddling him.
"I missed you" says softly, which literally made me melt, he knows I can't resist his face when he does that, "I missed you too" but before I could say anything else, he puts his hand behind my neck and kisses me, his kisses are soft and sweet, and makes you feel like you never want to stop.
Suddenly, aunt may knocks on the door, and literally in a split second Peter lifts me up and puts me on his top bunk, I don't even know how he did it, but it happened so quick i couldn't process what happened.
"heyy! i just wanted to tell you guys that im ordering pizza- why are you guys out of breath?" she asks curiously
"oh uhh, he was chasing me, because i said that bucky was the hottest avenger" i say quickly trying to make an excuse.
"oh haha well he definitely has a reason, no ones hotter than my little boy" she says grabbing his cheeks
"mayyyy!" peter complains which makes me laugh.
"anyways peter can you help me with the groceries?" may asks and both of them leave the room, i took that chance to fix the camera because it had been recording for 10 minutes now and just wait for him, hopefully i can do the prank now.
"ok sorry about that" peter barges in and flops on his bed.
"no problem, what do you wanna do now?"
"OHHH CAN WE WATCH STARWARS!" "he beams the smile never leaving his face.
"sure! but can i try your drink first? it looks really good, what is it?"
"oh uhh its just a vanilla milkshake but here try it" ok go time
i took his drink, and took a napkin from my back pocket that was secretly meant for this prank and wiped the cup. peter looked at me intently, and tilted his head like a puppy.
"what are you doing?" he asks, he looked kinda hurt and reeeally confused, i was trying not to laugh coz that would ruin the whole thing!
"oh nothing just wiping the cup" i said nonchalantly like its not a big deal.
"b-but why?" oh he's definitely hurt now, aww i cant stand him sad! no y/n keep it together
"because of germs and everything" i try to play it cool
"germs?! GeRmS" he says making fun of me "we just made out 10 minutes ago!" he says not believing me, i couldn't contain my laughter so i was giggling a bit
"i don't know its just to be safe" i shrug my shoulders
"excuse me?? you know what, come here" oh no "wha-" then peter suddenly grabs me again and kisses me sloppily, i obviously didn't want to stop so i kissed back. After a couple of seconds he pulls away, "now what happened to the GeRmS" he asks, saying 'germs' in a weird way.
"'laughs' nothing!" i couldn't stop laughing now, his face was hilarious, "it was a prank babe, im not disgusted by drinking from the same cup" i say, clutching my stomach from laughing so hard
he was relieved and happy but still annoyed from what happened "baaaaaabbe." he grumbles "i really thought you were disgusted, not that you cant be its okay if you are, but it made no sense i literally hand my tongue all of over your throat like 10 minutes ago so i got so confused! and not gonna lie, a little hurt"
"eww peter! but no im not disgusted don't worry" i pout, sitting back down and hugging him. "from now on, your only drinking from my cup" he says in a matter-of-fact tone.
"what? so i cant have my own cup?" i ask laughing.
"just for today, its payback for pranking me" he says grinning, "wait- is there a camera? WAIT THERES A CAMERA?" he says worriedly "DID IT JUST RECORD OUR WHOLE KISSING SESSION?" I laughed again, worried peter is just so funny.
"now everyone will know that nerdy shy boy peter knows how to kiss a girl" i say smirking.
"y/nnnnn" he grumbles hiding his face in my neck, at this point i couldn't even talk so i just pointed under the desk, when he saw it he looked at me like he's ready to attack.
"ugh you little-"
have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Breeding A Human Chapter Two
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Its a few weeks since Kal has claimed you and ...He might be more unstable then you first thought. But your learning to navigate him but your question now is what does it mean to be mated by a kryptonian? And better yet can you reverse it? 
Warnings: Adult Situations 18+,Swearing ,Manipulative Behavior,Yandere,Non Con WHEN I SAY NON CON I MEAN NON CON DON'T LIKE IT DON'T FUCKING READ IT STOP READING SHIT YOU DON'T LIKE!!, Breeding Kink, Mentions of Forced Pregnancy, Angst, Spanking, Threatening Behavior,  Threats of Violence
A/N: So found this hard to write....well I couldn't write it in one go had to take a few breathers whether that’s good of bad I'm not sure, was a bit of a bugger to keep the mad yandere theme going but I hope I succeeded xx
Taglist: @thatdamncutegirl @sofiebstar​ @iloveyouyen​ @thefangirlsblog​ @lux-ravenwolf​ @thatgirly81​
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You sat down on the floor in the living room against the wall hidden, things are...Hard. Your neighbor who spotted you and Kal the other week had told your other neighbors and friends who told their friends who told their friends and on and on. There had been small snippets in the news and media about superman possibly having a lover but everything was still rumor and speculation...Well it was until yesterday someone must have got access to the police report of the incident at the house. Because yesterday your face was plastered all over the papers and this morning you awoke to reporters pounding on your door at seven am each hounding you for the scoop wanting an interview with 'Supermans woman'. You wasn't sure why but it seemed Kal had all but abandoned you to deal with it, probably wanting to see if youd say something to them; tell them the truth it was a test. You wont, you cant the retribution and backlash wouldn't be worth it, you didn't want to imagine Kals reaction...He would flip his shit....Again your not sure you would survive superman's displeasure again as his 'mate' your corrections were of a very specific nature.
So here you were alone hiding in your own home with your wooden blinds shut tight trying to ignore the crowd of people outside snapping photos of your home and calling for you to come out and chat. The papers yesterday had all plastered a photo taken of you both when he saved you from the water all those months ago. The headlines all along the same lines of 'confimred Superman's human lover. The secret love affair' and 'Love at first sight? Superman's girlfriend finally revealed!' And your personal favorite just from the sheer cheesyness 'The star crossed lovers! Krypton and Earth collide!' There was many other shitty headlines they must have just found out it was true after digging around.
Each knew who you were and where you lived, some of them had interveiws from 'witnesses' from the day he pulled you from the water 'He wouldn't let her go not even to the paramedic's. You could tell he was shaken up it must have been terrible for him to see her in the water like that!...You could tell there was something there between them, I have no doubt they were a couple already! They were even bickering!. He even protected her from being arrested for jumping in after the little girl! No one could get near her...He was probably in shock he just held her close ~It was so romantic seeing him protect her like that you could tell it was true love~' you scoffed bullshit! If only they knew what followed. Some even questioned if you were fucking secretly married!
You sat wiping your eyes crying softly, your life had gone to shit in a few short months and you was at rock bottom. Trapped in your own home by a media frenzy who wanted the story ...What could you tell them? the truth? 'superman stalked me, isolated me and manipulated me into thinking I was borderline schizophrenic convincing me I had ptsd and was going mad then raped me when I found out he was a fucking nut job and when the police showed up I was to scared to say anything because he was upstairs'
Somehow you didn't think they would buy that, they wanted a fairy tale! not the truth and if you did tell the truth you'd get a shit tonne of hate. And Kal? Well you didn't want to risk angering him again. He threw fits at you, bouts of anger that always terrified you and each time you were reminded. He was not human. Nowhere near it! He nearly perforated your ear drums from shouting at you last week you couldn't afford to anger him. So instead you opted to remain silent.
In the days since his rape mating Kal had stuck around he was here each night he didn't leave anymore either...Well not properly, he still flew off into the night to maintain order in the city and save people from disasters around the world but he didn't leave to go home a night. He did however leave in the morning and he was out all day like clock work almost like he had a job. Each day would start with him in your bed sometimes just watching you other times you awoke to him slipping between your thighs using your body to satisfy himself, you tried not to resist it was hopeless he would do what he wanted.
He claimed you were his mate and as his mate you had a duty to please him, he said to think of yourself as his wife and he had very traditional views on how his home life should be, bare foot in the kitchen sprang to mind. Preferably pregnant to, he was obsessed with wanting you to become pregnant and you do mean obsessed. After fucking you full to the point of pain he spent hours just watching your stomach, following his release with his all seeing gaze as it traveled into your womb willing it to hit its mark. He is adamant that he wants to see the exact moment that you conceive, the creation of his child! And you can never forget what he is doing either. He holds you in an elevated position trying to get the best chance all the while rubbing your stomach and ribs giving you a monologue of what his cum is doing, where it is how close he is to fertilizing you. It made you feel sick but what could you do? Fight him?
He was very pleased with himself always claiming that this was right, it was how nature intended and that it was just taking you longer to feel the bond you had because you was human. Kal was sure once you became pregnant  that tiny ounce of kryptonian blood in your child would kick start your own mateing bond for now you had to trust him. So obsessed and desperate to have you 'bred' he helped himself to you as and when he saw fit, his 'love making' literally lasted hours he called it many things 'sex, fucking, lovemaking' but it was rape however you refrained from calling it that now he got all angry glowy eyes which was...Not fun especially when the molten eyes were inches from yours as he held you down and 'corrected' you with his cock, splitting you open mercilessly and unprepared trying to breed you like a bitch in heat. And true to his word he had kept you quiet not from holding back oh god no. He now had a solution if you began to struggle or get to 'fiesty' he would simply place fingers in your mouth and pin down your tongue as a painful reprimand to 'bring you back in line' and it usually did in a few short moments to frightened to struggle much longer in fear of him snapping your jaw.
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You had tried to run a few days after your first time, hoping that you could at least get a one way plane ticket you doubted he would rip open the plane and risk everyone just to get to you, he seemed to need his golden boy image to cover his tracks. Unfortunately as you tried making your escape your neighbor was in the garden biting at the bit to talk to you wanting to know the ins and outs. You had real trouble trying to get out of the conversation she was a determined gossip.
"So you wrangled yourself a hero?! Wow tell me whats he really like? Where did you two meet? Was it the bridge? I bet it was the bridge! That’s so romantic! Him saving your life and falling in love, it sounds like a real life fairy tale! I'm almost jealous" You had shivered if only she knew, you wanted to just ignore her and run off but you'd already stopped and turned to her you cursed yourself for it when you looked to her. Mrs Ellis AKA the local rumor mill, well known for getting into everyone else's business, she was kind enough but two faced and nosy. She was married and in her early forties with one adult son who was just as bad as his mother. You plastered on a shy smile just give her a few tit bits to mull over and you'd be out of here!
"No it....I'm not sure how it happened he just managed to make himself apart on my life...I didn't have much say to be honest" she had giggled and covered her red cheeks fanning her self.
"I bet! I'm sure no one can stop that man when he is determined! We heard it infact~" you blushed and looked away scanning the sky apprehensively you really didn't want to be caught out of the house by him, he wont like it as his mate you were supposed to rely on him for everything therefore had no reason to leave. Seeing the conversation start to halt before she got what she wanted she smiled again continuing.
"We were all worried around here for a few weeks... We thought you were going off the deep end can you believe that? None of us suspected your strange behavior was just because you had yourself a new man...It was because you were with him wasn't it?" and there we go the snooping disguised as friendly chat. You looked around quickly okay you had enough you needed to leave.
"I...Yes yes it was...Mrs Ellis I'm sorry to be rude but I'm kind of in a rush-" her face lit up"OH! are you sneaking out? let me guess going to cook your man a slap up romantic meal?! you know I did the same to Earl when we first got together! Oh to be oung again~ just remember good food is the way into a mans heart~" you smiled at her and moved your hands in a shrugging gesture.
"You've caught me Mrs Ellis! He has no idea what I have planned...So if he comes over could you try and stall him ...Stop him from coming looking for me? just say I've popped out...."
"Huh? why would he be looking for- Would he be worried about you?!~ oh that is so sweet! your so lucky to have him fawn over you, Must feel so nice having him all macho and protective~. That being said I can understand why you've been so skittish. I'd be skittish to if I was dating a man like that." You frowned at her confused man like that? Did she know? would she believe you if you told her?
"A...A man like what?" She gasped placing a hand to yours thinking she had offended you.
"Oh no! Oh honey I didn't...I didn't mean nothing by it! I'm not one of those 'alien go home' lackey's I merely meant him being a hero..He's bound to have enemies so I would have been careful to and I'm sure you both didn't want the media knowing but they will find out soon honey...Sorry I'm getting this all wrong...All I'm trying to say is I'm happy for you! Right well I won't keep you, you go get your man his dinner! But if you ever need anything or just to talk pop round and we can have a chit chat- even bring him I'm sure he and Earl would get along as us women have a chat!" you thanked her and made your way half way down the lawn with promises of talking to him about it...But no you had absolutely no intentions of going round there...or staying here for that matter?If all went well youd be out of the country by tonight!.
It was when you got nearly three houses down the road your heart stopped ,there it was the boom of him reentering the atmosphere above. You turned looking at him he was hovering staring at the house, looking for you from here you could tell he was becoming aggravated. You got another two steps then your neighbor gave you away gasping and giggling at you then shouted across the open lawns.
"Oh y/n I think you have a visitor~ should I get my ear plugs ready?~" You closed your eyes feeling Kal’s gaze snap to you ignoring her comment you moved your hand clutching your bag tighter, he would know and you were going to be in for it! The street seemed to get quiet, the people that had been out doing yard work now staring as he barrelled down towards you stopping a few feet above you then lowered down to the ground smiling eerily at you.
"Mate? I thought you were staying in today...You know I'm not keen on you going out without me knowing..." he was quick to wrap himself around you ushering you back towards the house glanced over you and frowned slightly seeing your larger bag.
"Just where do you thing your off to...with your passport?" You could hear the growl creep in to his voice.
"Just in to town...Want some wine is all and sometimes they say my license is fake so I take my passport to...I didn't think you'd be home till tonight" Mrs Ellis laughed shaking her head at you.
"Oh dear why not tell him, even with all this feminism there is nothing wrong with wanting to feed your man!" Kal turned his head to the woman putting on a charming smile, his eyes lit up happily and he turned back to you.
"Cook? You were going to cook for me? Oh mate that’s- thank you love that very thoughtful" you shook your head seeing he was taking the white lie to heart, he must think you were going to start complying with this fucked up 1950s house wife shit show. Mrs Ellis laughed and waved a hand
"Oh dear stop being so fussy!" She turned to Kal rolling her eyes
"Of course she doesn't want to admit it! but she just told me she was off to get groceries she wanted to cook for you...I swear these younger women and their distaste for traditional house wives, seriously raising a family is just as important as any career!" he moved towards you winding an arm around your waist tugging you to his side
"I couldn't agree more~ Family is everything" he spun you around placing a kiss to your cheek in front of the older woman making her coo, he was curling around you putting on a show, making the display look ...Romantic pulling you to him tucking you under his arm. His laugh was all the warning you got before he spoke loud enough for the other neighbors on the near by lawns to hear.
"Really love? Well I thank you, truly I love the idea of you trying to take care of me! but you know I don't need you to do that my love~" he paused to give you a wicked smile self assured in his next little public claim over you
"No no ,I'd much prefer to come home to you ready to try again after all our child wont make itself" Your eyes widened he had practically fucking shouted it! Your neighbor gasped
"O-oh my y/n you failed to mention that you were trying for a baby!..That’s wonderful! you know you'd make an excellent Mother" He stopped and through her a shinning smile
"So we are going to go public love? I mean you were talking about me? And you are Mrs Ellis if I'm not mistaken?" He moved you across to the woman and held out a hand.
"Its very nice to meet you properly ma'am...I’m-" she flushed red and took his hand
"S-superman- I know who you are-" he smiled laughing moving to press a kiss to the top of your head.
"Oh please call me Kal...After all we are going to be neighbors isn't that right love?" You took a deep breath and nodded slowly unable to say anything he was cunning.
"N-neighbors your moving in?" He laughed and squeezed you to him.
"Absolutely! I practically have already...Well I'm afraid that we must be going as I said before our child wont make themselves...Well not on the lawn anyway~" he winked as the older woman blushed fanning herself
"Oh my~ ah and don’t worry about any visitors haha we wont call anyone..If you get my meaning just have fun deary~" he smiled again Thanking her before ushering you into the house slamming the door with finality you knew that Mrs Ellis was already inside on her phone to her friends.
Once inside he quickly grabbed your chin squeezing pinning you back against the wall seething.
"You try to leave this house-Leave me again and I'll melt all the fucking locks and hinges on every door and window~" you whimpered as he moved fishing out your passport and burned hole through it to make a point, you wasn't leaving.Ever. Well...there was one way out.
You can honestly say that was the first time it had truly sunk in. The first time you had considered other more permanent options. It was just a fleeting thought...Until it wasn’t and you sat back really considering it a few days later. The question was could you do it? Could death be an escape from all this madness? From his madness? You shook your head.No. No no you can’t think like that yet...There must be a way! And escape but who the fuck could save you from Superman? Who was it you needed to call? You'd given up for the time being you needed a plan but ass the days became weeks you were loosing hope fast. If you were gonna do it, it had to be sooner rather then later you doubted even you'd be able to do it if you did fall pregnant. Because god help you if you failed and only killed the child...
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You yelped as another loud knock was at your door calling out for you to just answer a few questions. You tucked into a tighter ball whining wanting them to all go away. Suddenly there it was, the sound that made your stomach go cold, Kal had come back you heard the people outside calling out to him in a mad rush, but they sounded less threatening less pushy. You felt him looking at you huddled up in the corner peeking through the walls of the house.
Kal moved slowly down to the ground landing softly in the front yard he turned seeing you there cowering in the living room. He growled at your distress and snapped his head to the reporters a frown on his face. He wanted to burn them for upsetting his mate but instead settled for sweeping them with a fierce look. They each instantly calmed that was then he spoke evenly giving them a sharp look. They disregarded his stern gaze and all bombarded him with questions he knew they wont leave until they had something
"I'd ask that you leave my mate and I alone this...Human kryptonian mating bond has been difficult for us to navigate...And we are not ready to give statements yet..."  he hoped that admitting to a mating bond would give the reporters enough but sighed when it hadn't.
"Mating bond? Like soulmates?" He looked to the reporter and gave a stiff nod
"Yes...As you can imagine with us being...Me being who and what I am it is difficult...And, I find myself driven on...Baser instincts when it comes to her. My need to protect her is....Very hard to control at this time and you have terrified her! She is cowering in her own home so for your own safety I'd ask you to leave" The reporters fell silent when he growled out his last words all thinking the same thing. Did he just threaten them? Rightly or wrongly they didn't want to stay and find out He stood tall arms crossed giving the large group a fierce stern glare ,they each nodded and began to back away all muttering apologies and agreeing to his requests.He turned to you again you felt him you were looking right at him shaking in fear, these animals have frightened you his poor sweet mate. You must have been terrified with them pounding on the door shouting at you all day.
But then again that's what he hoped for, he wants you to move willingly. That is why he decided against just stealing you away while you slept. Now that he was here with you the urge to fly of into the sunset with you had died down, he hopes that if you still want to leave this house you will ask him to take you away.
That way he could take you to his prepared home in Kansas a small ranch miles away from ...Well everything! It was perfect and if anything goes awol he shouldn't have to chase you down and correct you, oh no you'd come crawling back! It was nearly a twelve hour walk across flat crop fields of course he wouldn't have a vehicle on the property and if you did try to leave hoofing it for all that time it was flat ground surrounding the property one high fly and he'd have your location asap and have you home for a punishment.
Maintaining the place shouldn't be hard the crops he could do himself in seconds when the time came..Everyone always did call him a farm-boy and it was true he was a farm-boy at heart. There was electricity but no phone there's no internet either he would bring you books and films or supplies for any hobby you'd like and you could redecorate until your hearts content. But bottom line was you'd be safe not only that being so far from everyone meant your children would have space to practice there abilities unhindered. Soon. He whispered to himself very soon.
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He smiled at you, trying to calm you even if you couldn't see it. He gave one final scowl to the crowd who whether it be instinct or primal fear of him,  they had listened and began leaving. He stayed outside the house guarding you as they slowly trickled away.Once they were all gone he moved up to the house knocking.
"Love....Love they are gone now, come on open up little mate....Mate stop I know your scared and upset but please I've dealt with it your safe now.....My heart?...I will break the door if you don't let me in...One...Two..Two and a half ...Three...Okay you asked for it-" you opened it with a quick scrabbling motion. He smiled quickly stepping over the threshold collecting you in his arms kicking the door shut. You trembled against him they had frightened you! He admonished. You wept into his chest, you had no choice he had smothered you. He held you tightly hushing and cooing at you whispering soft words of encouragement.
"My sweet little mate don't cry, shh I'm here now and I made them leave see?" You nodded at him still shaken you wanted to leave, you wanted out! of this house, the country this whole situation.
But there was no escape! he will not let you leave him, but maybe if you asked he would come to? let you at least move to an new house that didn't have so many bad memories, tho you were better in a sense you wasn't as paranoid or frantic you knew it was him and he didn't hide anymore he flaunted it as much as he could. He was now trapping you in a different sense creating an image of being a consenting loving couple just like the stupid papers said. You sobbed pressing your palms to his chest leaning back to look up at him.
"I-I can't stay here! Kal please...This house I just can't...Can I?...Can I go see that house?...The one in central city?-" he tensed squeezing your arms making you wince growling at you his eyes becoming a bright red for a second then dimmed back to his normal aqua.
"NO! NO YOU MAY NOT!" You cringed trembling he grit his teeth you looked down tears starting anew shaken to the core, this man, this alien terrified you he was obsessive and a fantasist, he was strong, far to strong just one misplaced squeeze of a finger and you were a goner. He took a breath and moved pinching your chin softly making you meet his gaze.
"I'm sorry love...Your not leaving me, I couldn't bare to lose you not now..Not ever" your heart dropped to your stomach at his words you knew that you couldn't escape him but you couldn't stay here either! you swallowed blinking and tried to reason with him, plead with him to grant even the smallest of mercies.
"Then...Then somewhere here! A house they don't know! Please please I can't stay here! They will be back! Please Kal I'm begging you, I'm scared Kal I don't want them to know where I live...Please?" he stayed silent looking down at you he supposed letting you look for somewhere in Metropolis wasn't a bad idea, you were already referring to him for permission. Trusting his judgment letting him take the lead as a good little female does, acknowledging him as your mate and higher up. He could just turn down all the options until you ask him to choose then he can finally bring you home willingly just as he planned.
"I will think about it...I may have just the place for us~...But that is for another day for now its time for us to try again...I still haven't bred you today and your ovulating again" you closed your eyes as he moved closer taking a deep breath smelling your neck then lower pressing the tip of his nose to the top of your breast.
"You smell-your scent is...UGH fuck its divine your skin it just releases it-its like a fucking drug!" You trembled looking down with little hope already knowing how this ends before its begun. He moved back a step and pressed a hand to your stomach, he still hadn't taken it was a shame but he would not let it faze him, he had a plan and he would continue filling you until you were carrying his child.
"Come love things will be better once your growing with my seed" you whimpered at the thought and shook our head.
"Kal I don't want I'm not ready-"
"Of course you are! I can fucking smell it your body is screaming out for me! Stop saying stupid things!" He snapped before you even finished your sentence, you looked down trying to hold back tears and shook you didn't want to do anything with him, yet refusing will only drag out the whole ordeal making it painful.
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You knew that last few weeks had been a dream for him a fantasy of his own making. Being with you making sure you were 'safe' he was always happy sleeping in the same bed after rutting and filling your tight little cunt for what felt like hours. He had hoped that you'd be pregnant by now but never complained for long he enjoyed the intimacy, loved holding you down and painting your insides marking your womb as his territory in the most carnal and depraved ways.
He was a monster driven on pure feral instinct, he had explained it may be hard for you to fall pregnant due to the kryptonian's past that was his excuse to fucking you every which way filling you as many times as he could until your stomach was distended and swollen. He had explained in his lust fueld rants as he impaled you down onto his fat shaft that he wasn't sure why his kind had resorted to the artificial chambers to produce children. He did however assume it was because there was a problem with conceiving naturally. You'd once asked snidely if it was even possible for him to impregnate you it had been a bad day and you for some reason wanted to provoke him, make him as upset as you.
It did the trick he became enraged with the possibility but instead of pulling out from your bruised body and leaving in a mood like you'd hoped. He had done the opposite and had fucked you for nearly twenty four hours straight, the only break you had was to use the bathroom and that had driven him further into his frenzy claiming you were trying to dispose yourself of his cum. Trying to wash away his hard work! that you were refusing to fall pregnant as if by some magical way you had control of it! He had been brutal in his thrusts once you began to chafe he had kindly provided you with his own freezing cold saliva again making sure you felt thoroughly punished with each almost violent thrust.
You'd bled that night. He had been to rough and had torn you. 'Nothing you didn't deserve' at least that's what he had said. It was your fault apparently for resisting him and wriggling to much, you had laid there and cried sobbed your heart out for hours. It was hour later when he began to get worried as the bleeding slowed but did not stop he had held you tightly stroking your tummy. He shushed you before doing the most traumatic thing he'd ever done to you. Something you'd never forget or forgive him for putting you through. The tear was small but bled quite a bit and was in a tricky spot seemingly at the back of your opening each time you moved the bleeding picked up again so he had decided to cauterize to wound. You'd screamed and thrashed crying louder then before kicking out at him as he held your legs wide and 'healed' you. That was the first time you'd begged him to kill you. He brushed off your pleas just thinking that you had a low pain tolerance. But it wasn't, in that excruciating moment you wanted him to do it, to just hurry up and end you but he had laughed you off and gotten you an ice pack instead ordering you to lay splayed with your wound covered while he had a shower and left you in the bedroom alone.
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That had been just over a week ago and was the last time he'd had you he was almost certain he had taken and wanted to let you recover but with his eyes he could see you had not been fertilized and was now once again determined to have you again despite the wound nearly completely healed you were terrified of going through that ordeal again.
He moved you both into the house away from the door moving you to the stairs. You twisted in his grasp trying to capture the banister as he made his way up the stairs he just sighed continuing forcing you to let got and screech at him.
"No Kal! Please KAL NO!" he clicked his tongue at you and began scolding you moving to tug you up the stairs by one large hand engulfing your bicep tugging harshly making you cry out as your hand slipped off the polished wooden post and you stumbled hitting your knees on the step before you and cried out again.
"F-FUCK AH NO! KAL NOT AGAIN PLEASE" you took a breath trying to make him see sense
"K-kal I-I'm not healed enough-" he just raised his arm pulling your back up he was stoic as he dragged you behind him warning and cooing at you all in one as he spoke.
"Love! what have I said about all that noise?..Now that's enough if they phone the police again you wont be answering the door in a sheet! Oh no ,I'll be answering it with you split open on my cock! And let everyone in the street see how good your cunt looks wrapped around it! now stop all this silliness you know that I will win in the end~" his voice was stern and exasperated like trying to talk sense in to a naughty child.
"K-kal I'm not refusing you please PLEASE JUST JUST LISTEN!...Your supposed to wait at least two weeks after you tear- even after birth its two to four weeks-pleas I don't want to, if we do and something goes wrong kal I might not be able to give birth properly later!" You panicked trying to convince him to say anything that would make him stop for a second. He smiled and pulled you closer tucking your head to his chest.
"Oh love no~no its not the same I healed you remember? It helped you! it wasn’t stitches I closed the wound my love your fine now and besides you’d have another nine months to heal...I'm not going to fuck you once your pregnant well not there anyway~...I’d never ever risk our child like that now trust me!" You cried really not wanting him to get angry like last time but you couldn't help but struggle against him it was just a natural reaction you did want it! Not only that you had anxiety over it now that he had hurt you accidentally, it brought home the fact that he was an alien. He moved to hold both of our arms tugging you forward and up onto his shoulder. He was worried he didn't want to break your fingers by tugging to hard when you latched onto the door frames and such.
"No! can we-KAL WAIT!-No can't we have dinner first or-or something Kal please- Please not now! not now!" You yelped kicking and slapping at him trying to get him to put you back down quickly becoming desperate to get away. He laughed twisting you out of the door frames reach as he entered the bedroom.
"Nonsense why eat now just to build up an appetite when I'm filling you~ Now I really would be quiet if I was you I'm not sure if all the media have left or not you don't want them to overhear and have an article about that now do you?" you froze gobsmacked was he teasing or being serious at this point you couldn't tell he would do and say anything to get you to be compliant, all you could do was whine and panic you knew it was futile to resist but it was ...It was hard.
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You snapped at him trying to bite  at his neck as Kal had made it into the bed room and was lowering you. He caught your jaw swiftly.
"Bit at me again my love and I will bite back much harder" You struggled feebly against his hand on your jaw he gave a quick shake of your face.
"Understand?" You looked up tearfully
"I said do you understand female?" You shuddered at the dark voice the pure alpha male tone he managed that shamefully aroused you, you nodded meekly as much as you could with the vice like grip on your face he just nodded with a quiet 'good girl' then proceeded to launch you through he room you landed with and indignant squeak you rolled over to your back watching him approach through teary eyes.
"I am growing tired of this love...I have decided that I should resort to some more...Traditional methods with you" you held up your hands willing him away he mocked you slightly as he stood at the bottom of the bed moving to pull himself free from the suit.
"W-what do y-you mean?" You choked on a sob eyes cast over him seeing just what was awaiting you as his cock strained against the fabric.
"Oh my love come now your a clever girl~ I'm sure you'll realize soon enough...I don't know why your whimpering so? And kicking up such a fuss you always enjoy it in the end why all this fighting? I make you cum don't I? make you see stars as I make love to you? I don't have to,  I could just rip into you unprepared, fuck you dry but do I? No because I love you and I want our love making to be pleasurable for the both of us...Shh come on love...I wont dry fuck you...I promise....It would be to much for your tiny body....Look ok just lay back I promise I will be gentle this time~" his reassurance did nothing to calm you as he slipped completely out of the suit letting it fall carelessly to the floor. "I said lay back...Do not test me mate"
You weighed up the options and shuffled back to the head board whimpering as he approached you the muscles above his huge cock were tensing making the thick angry rod slap on his stomach leaving tiny spots of pre-cum across it the veins throbbing bulging much like the rest of him. He tilted his head at you waiting at the end on the bed.
"Mate come on~ won't you lay down for me? Be a good girl I've told you I'm not going to be rough today I promise-"
"Your always rough! You always hurt me!" You shouted already panicking not wanting him to touch you at all you cowered from him trying to curl tighter into a smaller ball willing him to leave you alone. He clenched his jaw neck twitching then dropped his head looking to the stiff cock jutting out and sighed.
"..I will admit our size difference can cause our lovemaking to be uncomfortable-" you growled at him
"THEN YOU SHOULD BEHAVE!" You squeaked covering your ears his voice so loud it hurt, he sighed moving a hand through his hair. He hated this, your fear and refusal of him, he tried not to get mad but it was frustrating dealing with it, you-he his soul was bonded to yours yet you didn't feel a thing! He always got the brunt of it! It wasn't fair!
"I'm strong! And I-I struggle with my strength and humans! Especially you! I don't mean to hurt you but- your mine! My mate and I have a right to fuck you and fill you as I see fit. Now lay down just lay down LAY DOWN!" You tensed as he raised his voice he was going red and quivered. You feared one day he would accidentally snap a bone or-or puncture something whilst holding you down...Maybe that's why you did it? So he would kill you put an end to all this? It was the only way you were getting away.
Your thoughts were interrupted as Kal gripped and ankle and pulled ripping the leg straight and yanking you down the bed before flipping you to your stomach you scrabbled trying to get away but he struck you. His heavy palm landed o your cheeks your leggings offered no protection as his hot hand spanked you. You screamed out tensing your ass as he continued
"Its time you behaved! Time you realized your place! You are my mate-my lover mine! You hear me? MINE! And you will start to act like it or face consequences! Now get your clothes off and lay down like a good loving MATE, I'll not have you ruin a chance to conceive because your being a silly little human! These games stop now!" You wailed kicking out at him hurting your own foot scrabbling pulling the covers beneath you trying to get away but all you did was bundle the sheets at your tummy. Your foot throbbed from connecting with his hard frame one foot was still in his grasp he used it to tug you closer landing sharper blows to your thighs you wailed sobbing and rolled trying to throw him off but he twisted his hand placing you back on your front. His hand seemed to get heavier with each blow bruising and stinging your flesh all in one you screeched high as he moved and struck you harder still on the underside of your cheeks his large palm covering both at once, finally he stopped and threw your foot down to the mattress in frustration you cried sobbing pitifully in to your pillow that you'd dragged down in your bid to crawl away.
That was the first time he'd done that, he must be getting frustrated with you now he moved over clutching your throbbing cheeks digging in his fingertips to border pain.
"That is what I mean about traditional methods... You will be a good mate, a good obedient female, wife and mother! You will do as you are told when you are told or I will bring you to hand. Right now I am telling you, get your clothes off and ready yourself! Its time to be bred woman..Now move before you really have something to cry about!" You got up on hands and knees shaking through your sobs and tugged off your tshirt. It was no use maybe you should just give in...Find something in this fucked up relationship to cling to...Could you ignore him?  and the things he did if you had a baby? A child to fawn over and use that to forget your fear and hate of its father?
Kal shifted pleased you were doing as you were told and he couldn't wait to see his marks on your ass. He should have spanked you weeks ago! It seemed to do the trick getting you back into line. Sure it was a little ...undignified but you needed a firm hand! He had known that for a while but had been putting it off worried you'd stray to far from him...But who was he kidding? he loved you and you him, you were mates and once pregnant you'd feel it to he knew you would you had to...and even if you didn't its not like you could disappear with his child, the world knew you were his the league knew and were keeping tabs on you and if all fails and the ranch in Kansas doeskin work there's always the fortress.
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You were strange and confusing, for a few days you'd be docile and compliant a perfect house wife, cooking and cleaning letting him do as he pleased. Then you'd act up and need a little reminding of your place, he thought he could fuck the point across to you but spanking had yeilded better results already. He bit his lip as you curled your fingers around the elastic of your leggings and pulled them down slowly revealing a red bottom. His cock jerked. Fuck that was- there was something sexy about your meek demeanor doing as you were told, pulling your own bottoms down and showing off a beautiful round blistered little ass.
Once the bottoms where at your knees Kal moved forward grabbing them and yanked pulling them completely off. You moved to lay down as he had been ordering you to but he caught your tender ass in his hands you whined when he did, his hand caressed your sore bottom reminding you of his ownership.
"Now if you'd been good you would be allowed to lay back and be ravished nicely I'd make you cum before fucking you.... But now your not ,oh no now your in for a harsh fuck-getting a fucking with a sore ass!...I'm sorry love but this is for your own good,you have to learn mate" he moved a hand across your back fisting it in your hair and tugged craning your neck back you whimpered tears falling from your eyes and you pleaded trying to reason with him.
"K-kal I'm sorry please please don't hurt me- I don't mean to-"
"shh shh my love I know...I know its your human flaw...But you must understand you cannot fight me you can't fight this" he moved his hand in your hard releasing the tendrils and rubbed your scalp slowly with sting fingers almost lovingly.
"We-we can never be apart not now! I've mated you bonded to you on such a deep level, I just wish you'd understand...I love you! And I know you love me so why fight this? You could have everything human women ever dream of! A home, a husband and children! But you-why don't you accept that! Its what I'm offering you! What I want...Its what I'm OWED!" He moved his hands to your hips and brought you back against him his hard cock slipping between your legs running the top of it past your folds in slow fucking motions rocking you across him you cringed but bit you lip not wanting to provoke him further.
"After everything Ive been through!!..I you...You think growing up here was easy for me? Oh no I had to hide love! These powers they- I didn't understand what I was! I kept to myself was ridiculed bullied and cast out! For staying away protecting them!! Then as I grew it got worse! Alone traveling the only person I had was my human mother! Then I saved earth but it wasn't enough! ITS NEVER ENOUGH FOR YOU!" As he spoke he began grunting slipping his hot throbbing cock between your labia ghosting your clit making you whine trying to move away but his hands held you controlling your motions as he pressed his head into your shoulders continuing he rambles letting go of some of the baggage.
"I was hailed a hero and fucking turned on when the bill came through!..I saved your race- your planet...Fuck I died! I DIED! To save you again broke my Mothers heart and even then you couldn't let me rest! All you humans do is take take take! Your spoilt and selfish...But now,its my turn!OH FUCK YES AUGH" he moved faster bringing a hand around your front moving to your swollen clit as much as you tried to resist him it was to much, his fingers plucked away at your little nub like a vibrator pulsing on your sensitive flesh before jerking it between his fingers pulling and pinching as his cock ran lengths over your now weeping hole. You grunted softly dropping your head low as your legs trembled under the pleasure you stomach clenching and tensing with his torturous movements, the walls of you cunt quivered contracting wetting his cock even more as it begged to be filled.
"That’s it-fuck yes that's it mate get me nice and ready~ nice and wet ready to fuck you full again~I will save you you know, save all of you again and again ,but I know I will still be told to leave! But I wont not when I'm finally finally given something! Something of my own! To cherish, To love! A mate! You you've given me the prospect of a family and love and acceptance if only you wasn't a human! Why did you have to be human?! You are being selfish just like the rest! But no more...You will not be a selfish woman any more my love~ I've seen your heart-you love and care and want everyone to be better~ I will save you, I will guide you to be better, we will be better~ you'll see!" You moaned as his fingers moved down to press his crown against your twitching muscles you jerked forward moaning crying out again
"NO! NO PLE-KAL PLEASE DON'T PLEASE IM NOT-IM NOT READY I DON'T WANT IT!" He growled grabbing you around your throat squeezing threateningly you gulp as he slowly closed your airways.
"Stay very still~ don't you move love its time~ time to do your duty-your job! Time for you to accept me and my seed to be full and dripping and claimed" you winced gasping for air his voice was different darker more menacing it frightened you more then anything he had ever done he sounded mad truly and utterly stark raving mad. In the panic you moved bringing both hands to his wrists for a second ignoring the thick shaft poised at your waiting hot core.
"K-kal? Kal your-ah fu-fuck I cant- kal breath!" You tried gasping out words to him, you were unable to breath properly fighting his grip for air especially when his hand returned to torment your clit flicking and twisting it almost harshly. You bucked whining unable to stop your grinding as he chuckled his hot breath fanning over you back. He moved leaning over your back harsh words whispered into your ear.
"You know I could just fuck you passed out~ it'd be easier." He chuckled kissing at your earlobe taking it between his teeth and sucking then released.
"But I wont~ I like the sounds you make when you try to deny your body...When you try to ignore my cock as it plunges into your hot little cunt splitting you open and lodges itself inside you spraying your insides drenching your womb until I'm certain no more can fit...Pumping you full like a little whore~" you moaned as  the head of his girth pressed at your opening instantly making your body lurch towards him. He chuckled and moved releasing your neck before you could catch your breath you yelped loud as he bucked forward spearing you back onto him. You clenched your fists into the covers below you embarrassed at how easily he entered you, your juices making his... journey much easier.  He left your clit alone but you still quivered this time around his cock that stretched your insides.
"AAAHH AH FUCK YES THATS IT! GOD GOOD GIRL...SUCH A GOOD MATE!" You whimpered as he pulled back and began rocking slowly making you feel every deep thrust as his head bounced off of your cervix, something you were now used to. You winced as he ploughed into you latching onto your neck suckling dark marks int to soft skin,  biting at your shoulders hard leaving the indentations of his teeth growling and grunting the whole way. You moaned as he tilted his hips and began rutting faster and harder you blushed hearing the wet slurping sounds as your sopping cunt fought to have him inside you. It made you feel sick
"Okay love see Uggghhh fuck yes that’s- oh fuck now remember deep breath one two THREE! Ahughh my god shit shit I'm there, I'm there! Fuck!" You hissed grunting painfully as on three he slammed you back jamming his cock past your tiny soft opening like he did every time he could and held still for a few moments. He caught his breath hissing you simply stayed still at this point what will be will be. You gasped when he began his assault humping and fucking you hard and fast there was no messing around he wanted you full, to cum again and again inside your womb. A man on a mission you squeaked as each thrust of his hips made him slap against your hot bottom his thick thighs punishing you out side as his cock brutalized your insides. It was a terrible mix of pain and pleasure as his heavy full sack swung hitting your engorged clit on each motion of his pistoning hips. He moaned louder and louder as you bit your lip you didn't want him to hear you cum. But you was going to! His body covering yours the sloppy kisses to your neck and the pants his growls in your ears as his cock toyed with your insides swelling and throbbing setting fires in your nerves you bucked back to him you couldn't help it! Maybe you were mates? Maybe that's why you couldn't resist him in the end?
You reared up as he got to much your body shuddering and tensing muscles feeling like they would snap under the pressure. He chuckled feeling you squeeze him trying to milk him.
"See?~ I told you in the end you know who you belong to~ now cum! Cum for me! Your mate your lover cum for your husband!" You did in one silent scream you bucked grinding back on him clamping down on his cock just as his balls tightened and released you shuddered whining as he held you firm against him his sack pressed tight to your little bud almost pinching it between your  two body's. He grunted through laughs looking down rolling his hips slowly making sure you got everything!
"Good...I will never get tired of this~ your body so tiny ans tight but perfect...Made just for me the perfect size for me to breed you~ I love you mate so so much and I will never let you go ever....Now just here move forward..." he shuffled forward kneeling on the bed and pulled you from your doggy position the held your legs spread wide over his knees cock still fully seated inside your core.
"There we go....Yes I know your all tired already just let me do it ...Right there we are stay!" And stay you did. He wasn't done once was never enough he would go as long as he pleased. It was only a few moments later he had sat his ass on the soles of his fee and began thrusting again holding your hips dragging you up and down his flexing thighs feeding you the length of his cock readying you for the second load of the night.
You wept silently into the covers as he moved your body to suit him ,separating yourself from the act trying to ignore the way his meaty cock dragged along your insides sparking the lustful tremors all over again, trying to drown out the sounds of his grunts and praise than and the sounds that escaped you every few breaths quiet gasps and mewls. It was hard but you knew you could blank all of this at least until you came again which you would, you always did maybe that what mates are? He could rape you and you'd still enjoy it? You cant deny the man made you cum again and again, he forced your body to accept him and gave you mind numbing orgasms. Is that what it meant to be mated by a kryptonian? To be raped and feel sick and ashamed of yourself,  to be a fuck toy! A brood mare! No you will not-you will not live your life serving this aliens sex slave fantasy....You were not sex on a shelf!
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Clark looked at you as you curled up around the sheets pulling them to your lightly bulged stomach. You were beautiful the red hand prints for your spanking during your love making glowed a light pink and your skin was still decorated with his cum. You'd fallen asleep exhausted before you could run and wipe yourself down like you usually tried to do as soon as he was done.
He growled nostrils flaring this was how he liked you most, fucked out on the bed wearing his cum like a fucking perfume, proof of his love scattered in bites and bruises he had sucked into your skin and finally his hand prints littering your hips waist and arms, he had proven himself to be a strong male again; the perfect male to father strong and healthy children. There was a shiver down his spine that stopped right at his cock, yes he would be a perfect father and mate if only you could feel things like he did.
He growled when the scent of his cum got a little too strong moving to lean over you from above you from the head of the bed, he needed to check and make sure you held his seed long enough! you were curled on your side. He tutted the scent had spiked because you was leaking , he watched as a steady slow stream of creamy seed was escaping all over the sheets, he grumbled 'Its no use on the fucking bed!' he had no choice he had to move you.
You groaned in your sleep but other then that didn't stir he smiled he had done well today! You were in a deep sleep he sat up at the head of the bed legs together and settled you to rest on them, he pulled you up until your shoulders leaned on his abdomen sitting you up slightly then once settled he bent his legs feet flat on the bed taking you with them. He held your knees and pulled up curving you, angling your center up on his thighs. He wanted so desperately to keep you full, his need to breed you was almost painful.
He hoped that his plan will work, he had summarized that your failing to conceive was...well it must be a punishment! He had tried to force kryptonian life mate ideals onto a human, that would never work...No he had to have you as a human to, had to marry you then-then you would be fully his accepting him as your husband and fall pregnant! That was what human women did! What they were taught to do even the nursery rhyme 'First comes love, then comes marriage then comes a baby in a baby carriage!' The idea of children after marriage was so ingrained to young girls that it has to be the reason it must be it! He couldn't think of anything else.
He wasn't sterile! He can't be he was a strong fit healthy male and he wasn't shooting blanks either he-his it just never seemed to take. It must be some strange clause in the mating because he has had you so many times fucking you until your overflowing. 
He has been careful to hold you still like this to give you the best chance and to watch you making sure your not getting rid of him now...But it just something was wrong by all the times he has cum inside you, bypassing your cervix and flooding your womb he should have taken root! He sighed looking you over again sniffing the air, you weren’t leaking anymore he would hold you like this for a while longer then lay you down to rest himself. He didn't need sleep as such but there was something humbling about waking beside you, hearing your soft snores and for a moment all was right in his world. The sun peeking through the blinds, the glow lighting up the room and he could pretend he was waking beside his wife. Sometimes he would close his eyes smiling and listen to the heart beat of one of the neighbors and pretend it was that of his child in the other room sleeping soundly. He opened his eyes looking down at you with a soft grin kissing your head then placed his chin on your shoulder looking down to your slightly bulged stomach still full of him. Today was not the day. But he stayed still watching his seed hopeful.
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You woke up the next day the sun peeking through the partially opened blinds letting streams of the golden rays flood into the room. You groaned back aching you twisted slowly realising why. Your hips had been placed on not one not two but three pillows tilting your weight to rest on your shoulders you were tilted quite far, causing your back to bow and curve as if you were leaning forward. You blinked waving your arms around still half asleep you heard a page turn beside you, grunting you rolled over to your side hissing at the knots in your back pulled.
Kal was lounging on his side curved around slightly looking down he was you reading?... He tilted his head scanning the page and spoke still not looking up.
"Morning love..Did you sleep well?" You scoffed
"No...My back hurts...did you keep me like that all night?" He chuckled at you a grin on his lips.
"Yes...I have to try and keep you full how else will I get the job done? You seem to enjoy thwarting my efforts.." he finally looked up at you.
"But..I understand, well I figured it out a few days ago actually...You know I love this picture...The day I found you" his smile was bright it unnerved you.
"What-what are you? I-is that the daily planet?!"
"Yes...I popped out and got it this morning there is a cute little piece on us~ right here" You scrabbled up onto your knees ripping the paper away from him.
"Hey I was reading that!" You quickly scanned the page he was on...Another article on the both of you, 'Children before Marriage? A first hand account from neighbor Mrs Ellis' fuck. You swore and cringed dreading what she was going to have said but had the paper pulled from Your hands by Kal.
"That’s enough of that love! Don’t need you getting worked up! Not with today's plans anyway....now up and at em shower then get ready we have a very special day ahead of us!" You slowly turned to him a sinking feeling in your stomach.
"Why-Kal whats going on? That article who wrote it? I don't understand whats it about!?" He opened his mouth and looked down to the words.
"Nothing much, just that we are trying for a baby already and a few tid bits from what I told the press yesterday that your my life mate and as a inter-species couple we are still finding our way! It would seem a Clark Kent had managed to sneak back and wrangle an interview! I don't really mind it clears up some confusion." You frowned but Kal just grinned and leaned over you, trying to avoid him you shifted back and fell to the pillows behind you he laughed and rolled over you.
"Mate as eager as you are to be beneath me now is not the time~ we are finally making us official!" He leaned in taking in a huge breath smelling you still not pregnant but ovulating with any luck tonight was the night he just had to tread carefully now until today was done no point in letting you act up when he took you out.
He moved kissing your lips opening his eyes letting the red seep into them the threat he now knew worked not that he'd ever do it but you didn't seem to know that , he moved his mouth opening and closing in a sloppy kiss coaxing you to obey and open your mouth. You were getting better slowly. He was looking forward to today, would there be a frenzy? Yes. Would he regret it absolutely not. He had mated you as a kryptonian, fucked and claimed you as he believed his own race does to their mates. Now it was time to mate you as a human complete your binding as life mates then maybe you will finally fall pregnant.
Today unbeknown to you was your wedding day. Kal suckled your tongue groaning as you whined pressing your hands to his shoulders pushing but he crawled up over you rubbing his hands on your legs then stomach. He pulled away leaving you breathless and smiled, he always did love seeing you flushed and panting, pride flooded him as he looked on at you. His mate, his lover and today you would become his wife!
"Now I want your hair up today....Curly but leave a few curls around your face.And secure! We are going flying" Flying? Good with any luck he'd fucking drop you on a telecom's tower and it'd put you out of your misery! Unaware of your morbid thoughts He moved back off of you completely and walked around the bed to the bath room you cringed watching his half hard cock swinging with each step...You wish he would get some other clothes here and cover up you didn't need to see the object of your torture every morning. You shuffled back clamping your legs shut tight after seeing his cock half hard. Kal looked down with a chuckle.
"No...not now love! Gosh you are an insatiable thing aren’t you~ no that is for later for now you just relax as I said today is a big day for you...For us now hurry up"
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shotokimchi · 4 years
Heartless (Bakugou x Fem!Reader) vs (Kirishima x Fem!Reader)
A/n: If you have any ideas for me, please dont be shy and message me! I will gladly write for you. Please make sure to check it out Spices and Love HERE!
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You were sitting in your room, with red puffy eyes and messy hair. Your clean and cute room was now a mess. When you were about to wash your face you got a notification, sighing you made your way towards the phone, it was a message from Kirishima. Kirishima tried to reach you for hours but you left him on read, you didnt wanted to see anyone at the moment. Then you heard a knock on your door and sighed “I wanna be alone.” Your voice cracked at the end and your face turned into a scowl. *Ugh, i feel sick.* then you heard the knock again and slapped your forehead “What do you-” Your words died in your throat and you saw a familiar brunette. It was her, the one who ruined everything, the one who told you that she was your best friend then stabbed you on the back. You tried to slam the door shut but she immediately pushed it back “Y/n, please listen!” You felt the anger rising, when you were angry you were way too scary, sometimes even Bakugou looked soft compared to you. “Leave, now!” You screamed and tried to close the door then you heard a 3rd voice “Uraraka-san, stop it!” It was Momo, she was your everything. You gave a sigh of relief and continued to push the door, then Momo grabbed Uraraka’s arm and tried to yank her back without hurting her. “Wait, i need to talk to her!” She tried to reach towards the door but Momo tightened her hold on Uraraka’s arm and replied “She needs some time right now, dont push things.” Uraraka sighed and left. Momo’s room was next to yours so it made her hear every single thing that happened around you. When Uraraka’s figure dissapeared she immediately knocked on your door “Y/n-chan, its me.” She waited and the door slowly opened “Momo-chan...” Your eyes started to water and she pulled you into a hug. “Lets go inside” she smiled and holded your hand. When she saw your room her mouth was on the floor, you were a clean and organised person but now the tissues, and the glass of the broken lamp was everywhere. “Y/n-chan you cant walk around, you can cut your toes!” She called Mina and Jirou for help and five minutes later they were in front of your door. Mina pulled you into a tight hug and Jirou patted your head with a small smile, Mina tried to lift your spirits so she tried to give her biggest smile “Let’s clean!” You tried to smile but it looked more like a grimace. When you bent down to pick up the tissues Jirou crouched down beside you and grabbed your hand “No, you go sit on the bed!” the other two nodded and you sighed “But, i cant let you clean my room, i wanna help.” Momo cupped your cheek and smiled “You are tired Y/n-chan, please go sit.” You gave a defeated sigh and plopped down on your bed. When you started to wiggle your toes Mina turned to look at you and gasped in shock “Y/n-chan, your feet?!” When Momo and Jirou turned to look at you their face turned pale and you raised a brow “What about my fe-” You saw the cuts under them caused by the glass of your nightstand lamp. “I-i didnt noticed.” Mina frowned and putted her hands on her hips “Thats it! Im calling Kirishima!” You tried to get up but after looking under your feet, you realised the pain. Kirishima was one of your best friends so you knew that he was going to get more worried than he needed to “N-no!” But you were too late, Mina dialed his number and told your situation and after 3 minutes you heard loud bangs and slapped your forehead, when Mina turned the doorknob Kirishima barged in and ran towards you “Y/n!” He grabbed your shoulders and started to examine you “K-kiri, im fine!” He looked at you with worry and sadness. You sighed and pulled him into a hug “Why were you ignoring my texts?!” He raised his voice but regretted it, he was just trying to understand what happened. “Im sorry, Kiri...” He sighed and flicked your forehead “Y/n, i should be the one who’s apologising.” You immediately understood where he was getting at so you pinched his cheeks “Dont you dare blame yourself Kirishima Eijiro!” He felt guilty and it wasnt even his fault it was his best friend’s. “Owieee!” He grabbed your wrists and tried to stop you then you started to giggle and his eyes softened. You were finally laughing...
After Kirishima got a call from Mina, Bakugou saw the worry in his eyes and immediately understood that it was about you, shitty hair was trying to reach your for hours. Kaminari sighed loudly and looked at Sero “I wonder what happened.” Sero shrugged and looked at Bakugou “What are you looking at?” He barked and Sero frowned. Kaminari sighed and looked at Bakugou “Dude, chill.” Bakugou scoffed and got up from his seat “Im going to my room, i dont wanna deal with anyone.” He walked towards the elevator and left.
“Y/n, can you tell us what happened?” Jirou asked, you were sitting on your bed with Momo and Jirou, Mina and Kirishima were sitting on the floor. Everyone was looking at you with curious but sad eyes, you didnt told them what happened but they knew that your heart was broken. You took a deep breath and started to explain as calm as possible “This morning, when i was walking towards the classroom... I saw Bakugou and Uraraka.” Jirou raised a brow “They were making out.” Kirishima’s eyes widened and Mina shouted “But you guys are dating?!” Your nails were leaving marks on your thigs “No Mina... I walked towards them and pushed him, i tried to confront him but i learned that...” You squeezed your eyes shut and Momo patted your back “Learned what?” Jirou whispered “I learned that he was using me to make Uraraka jelaous.” Kirishima gritted his teeth “This is unacceptable.” He growled and Mina stood up “Y/n!” She pulled you in a tight hug and you started to cry. Everyone in the classroom knew that you were in love with Bakugou for 3 years, at first everyone was shocked because you were strong and intelligent some of the guys from other classes gave you a nickname, “Unapproachable” some of them tried to ask you out but you always refused, your heart was screaming ‘Katsuki’. So when he asked you out you felt like the happiest girl in the world. “He tossed me out because Uraraka feels the same about him.” You started to shake and Kirishima couldnt watch you suffer so he got up and rushed towards the common room.
“Where is Bakugou?” Kaminari panicked bc of the harsh tone, it was Kirishima. He had never seen him so angry, he gulped and answered “In his room, everything ok ?” Kirishima gave a firm nod and walked towards the elevator, Kaminari looked at Sero and they both stood up “You guys stay here.” Kirishima said with a firm tone. Kaminari shook his head “Dude, we are in this together i dont know what happened but you are my best friend.” Sero nodded and tried to smile, Kirishima relaxed and thanked them.
Bakugou was laying on his bed and staring at the ceiling, he knew what he did was wrong bc you always cared about him even when he was a jerk but his pride was too important so instead of apologising he avoided you like nothing happened. When he saw the broken expression on your face he regretted his actions but he had a crush on Uraraka. At first his plan didnt seemed so cruel to him, he was going to flirt with you, make Uraraka jelaous then make her confess to him. Things got out of hand and he found himself asking you out. He knew about your feelings and he hated himself for playing with them but when he saw the looks Uraraka was giving you both, he forgot about you and continued. He started to get touchy with you whenever she was around. There was jelaousy in her eyes but something else was there too... Fear, sadness and regret. She didnt wanted to stab her best friend on the back and Bakugou knew that, he couldnt help it, he wanted her. So today, when Uraraka wanted to talk with him, he got excited and forgot about you. She came with a serious expression on her face “Bakugou we need to talk.” He tried to hide his smirk but failed “What do you want pink cheeks?” She crossed her arms “Stop playing with my friend’s feelings.” He chuckled and answered “Are you worried about her or is it about your own feelings?” Her eyes widened and she blushed “This is not about us, Bakugou! You are playing with her, you know that she has a crush on you.” Bakugou’s smirk dropped and he sighed “Tch, i know that. Then why are you watching and not helping her?” She froze “I-i want her to be happy.” Bakugou wanted to laugh but controlled himself “I cant make her happy and you know that.” she sighed “We are both selfish...” Bakugou grabbed her wrist and looked at her in the eyes “So... what about it? Lets be selfish.” He pulled her into a heated kiss and thats when they both heard a gasp. Your eyes were wide, brows were furrowed and legs were trembling. Bakugou’s heart stopped, he didnt thought seeing the expression on your face would make him so sad. “W-what are you doing?” your voice cracked and you started to walk towards him “Y/n-chan please listen!” Uraraka immediately pushed him and tried to grab your hand but you avoided contact and grabbed Bakugou by his collar. “Why...?” Your pupils were trembling, he opened his mouth but nothing came out. You started to shake him “Give me a reason!” Uraraka grabbed your arm “Y/n im so sorry!” You pushed her and shouted “You are sorry because you got caught!” Bakugou crouched next to her and helped her up “Y/n!” He warned you with a harsh tone and your blood started to boil. “You asshole, you owe me an explanation, i loved you and thats what im getting for return?!” Uraraka’s eyes were glued to the floor, Bakugou looked at you in the eyes and opened his mouth “I never had a crush on you, i asked you out because... I wanted her.” Your vision become blurry with tears and you gave them a disgusted look “Y/n please!” Uraraka shouted but you turned around and left. When class started, he sat down he looked at your desk and it was empty, Aizawa came and told that you werent feeling well. Everyone in the classroom got worried especially Momo and Kirishima. They were clueless, he decided to stay quiet. *BAM BAM BAM* The loud bang on the door woke him up from his thoughts, he groaned and opened the door “What do you-” When he was about to scold the one who interrupted him, he saw his best friend standing in front of the door with bloody red eyes, Kaminari and Sero were grabbing his shoulders but when he saw Bakugou’s face he yanked them off and punched him in the face “You were my biggest role model, you were my best friend... How could you do something so wrong?!” He shouted and Bakugou groaned “Leave me alone.” He demanded but Kirishima continued to look at him with anger, Kaminari and Sero ran towards him and tried to calm him down but it didnt worked “Bro calm down!” Kaminari shouted but when he received a glare from Kiri, he stopped trying. “How can you play with Y/n’s feelings?! You knew that she liked you, how can you play with someone like they dont have any emotions?!” Sero and Kaminari was even more confused, Sero decided to step in “What do you mean Kirishima?” Kirishima turned around and glared “He dated Y/n because he liked Uraraka. He used Y/n.” Kaminari let out a gasp and Sero’s eyes widened “What...?” Sero’s question was more like a whisper. Kirishima only got angrier and he kicked Bakugou in the stomach, Bakugou lost his patience and screamed back “I cant deal with you right now!” He punched Kiri back and now they were wrestling on the floor. When they got too intense the other guys in the floor informed Aizawa and he separated them. 
Mina’s phone was ringing, she looked at the contact info and saw Kaminari’s ID. “”Whats up?” Her face dropped and she looked at you, Momo and Jirou gave questioning looks. “Y/n, Kiri and Bakugou... They got into a fight.” You immediately stood up and rushed towards the common room “Y/n wait for us!” Jirou shouted but you were too deaf to hear it. When you arrived Kirishima was sitting on the couch with an icepack in his hands “Kiri!” You ran towards him and some of the guys turned to look at you “Y/n-chan... What happened to your feet?” Midoriya pointed at your bandaged feet and you shook your head “Nothing important Midoriya, dont worry.” Todoroki frowned but you paid no mind and crouched in front of Kirishima. “Idiot, what did you do?” You grabbed the icepack and pushed it on his cheek.” He hissed but gave you a small smile “I didnt do anything.” You sighed “Kirishima, dont get into trouble because of me.” He frowned and flicked your forehead “Owie! What was that for?!” He pouted “You are my best friend! I would gladly get into trouble for you!” Your eyes widened and your cheeks started to burn. He closed his eyes and gave you the biggest smile he could manage “You are important Y/n!” The mood was better and the other guys started to smile. Bakugou watched the interaction from afar and he realised that... He just made the biggest mistake.
A/N: If you want a part 2 just reblog and let me know! Also if you have suggestiongs dont be shy and message me!
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okskz · 4 years
A New Mia.
Mia + Elsy
elsy knows mia is going through a tough time with her break up, so elsy helps her through it by getting mia a little change up.
hope you guys enjoy! please feel free to leave some feedback because it is always appreciated!
[9th Member of Stray Kids]
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Mia was laying down. face up as she scrolled through tik tok. She was only on the app to distract herself after going through her photos. It was a stupid idea she did, making her own self upset when seeing all the photos she had of her and Changbin.
And now, the girl didn’t even want to get out of bed. Although she knew she had to, knowing she had rehearsals with Elsy soon. But Mia just wanted to stay in bed all day, with her break up and lashing out on the boys, Mia definitely wasn’t feeling herself lately.
And now the only person she did talk to was Chan. Even though Minho was the cause of it all, she was still upset with the others for joining Minho and his laughter.
There were three knocks on the door before Elsy opened it. “Good morning.” She smiled. “Ready to go?”
Mia groaned just a little as she rubbed her eyes. It caused Elsy to frown as she looked at the younger girl with concern. “Something wrong?” She questioned.
“I just have a lot going on.” Mia admitted. She sat herself up, sighing as she did so. “And it’s making me not even want to go to rehearsals. I just want to stay in bed forever.”
“Mm.” Elsy pouted. The girl knew everything that was going on in Mia’s life and she knew she wasn’t doing too good. Elsy did applaud her for continuing to go forward even thought she was hurting in the inside. Mia always was great at hiding her feelings. And as Mia’s best friend, Elsy knew she had to help Mia out somehow. And the girl began smiling when a couple of ideas popped into her head. “Let’s cancel rehearsals today.”
“I said let’s cancel! We basically know everything now. What is cancelling one day going to hurt? We’ll make plans today.”
“What type of plans?” Mia questioned.
Elsy smirked at the girl as she grabbed a piece of Mia’s hair, twirling it in her fingers. “Ever thought about changing up your hairstyle? Maybe adding a fun color to it?”
“Um, well when we debuted I had some red on the bottom and a little after Miroh I had blonde hair.”
“Hmm.” Elsy smiled which only began scaring Mia. The girl knew anything was possible with her around.
Spending more than half the day at the hair salon, Mia was finally done fixing up her hair. The hairstylist turned Mia around in the chair to face the mirror and both her and Elsy as well as the hairstylist stared at Mia’s new hair. Elsy’s mouth dropped as she began smiling, and Mia couldn’t stop looking at herself. It was a big change for Mia but she liked it a lot. “What do you think?” The hairstylist questioned, she too was smiling at the younger girl.
Mia nodded her head as she turned her head side to side, staring at the bright pink color that was now on her hair. It was still black on top, not wanting to ruin her roots but then it transition into hot pink for the rest of her hair down, and the stylist also curled it for her. “I love it so much!” Mia exclaimed, looking at Elsy. The older girl began clapping her hands, reaching over to touch Mia’s hair.
“I love it too! You look super cute and it suits you a lot.” Elsy complimented. “Very different, but a very good different.”
“How much is it going to be?” Mia questioned the stylist but she only laughed, grinning at Elsy.
“Don’t worry about it, your friend over here already paid for it.”
Mia turned to look at Elsy who had a huge grin plastered on her face. The older girl shrugged while continuing to smile. “It’s on me, don’t worry. I just hope you love it and want you to be happy.”
“I am-“
“Good.” Elsy said, grabbing onto Mia’s wrist. “Because we have other things to do.”
“Like what?” Mia questioned Elsy once the two girls were out of the salon. She wondered what else Elsy had up her sleeve.
Elsy looked over at Mia, eyeing her up and down while smiling. “Ever thought of a wardrobe change?”
Mia looked down at herself. She wasn’t much of a fashion person, shoes were really the only thing she admired. “Not really.” Mia replied. “But my style is basically street wear.”
“Hm.” Elsy thought. “Is there any designer brands you own?”
“Uh, I have a Gucci shirt that I bought for myself.” Mia smiled, sounding proud of herself. “But that’s kind of it.” She shrugged.
“Okay, well we’re going shopping. And it’s all on me.”
“No, Elsy I cant let you do that.”
“Oh but you will.” Elsy grinned as she began to drag Mia again until they were at a clothing store. Mia didn’t even know where to begin, almost everything was the complete opposite of what she’s comfortable in wearing. But that didn’t mean she didn’t like it.
“You need a dash of Elsy in your style.” The older girl giggled as she skimmed through the clothing in front of her. “Do you like skirts or dresses?”
Mia nodded. “Yeah, but I’m not a fan of them. I’ll only wear them for special occasions.” She laughed. “Also don’t you remember that black dress you got me?”
“Oh yeah!” Elsy exclaimed. “But that one was kind of simple but cute. Something that fits your style. So how about something like this?” Elsy smiled as she took a black shimmery mini skirt. “This is cute! And you’d look great in it.”
“I don’t know-“
“We’re taking it.” Elsy interrupted.
“Wait! What about this one?” Mia suggested, taking out a black leather mini skirt.
Elsy only smiled, taking the skirt from Mia and put it against the other skirt. Mia got the signal that Elsy was going to get both of them for her.
Elsy continued to pick out clothes for Mia even the ones the younger girl disagreed on. Elsy knew Mia was definitely someone who could pull anything off without even knowing.
Mia had her hands full with nothing but shopping bags with a whole bunch of different clothing. From shirts to blouses and crop tops that revealed more skin than what Mia was used to. She even had a bunch of new jean shorts as well as new skirts. And of course, Elsy had to buy her some expensive clothing from a whole bunch of top brands. Overall, it was a pretty successful shopping day for the two and they weren’t even done yet.
“You said you like shoes, what kind? Heels?”
Mia was quick to make a face at the thought of heels. She knew how uncomfortable it was wearing them. The only time she ever did wear them was when they were going on red carpets to award shows. Other than that, she only liked wearing boots that had heels on them.
“I take that as a no.” Elsy laughed. “Do you even own a pair?”
“Like two maybe.”
“Well you’re about to own another one.” Elsy smiled.
“Elsy, I love you and all but I think it’s time you stop spending your money on me. Really, thank you but I have so much stuff now. I think this is enough.” Mia slightly smiled.
“Nonsense!” Elsy exclaimed. “You can never have enough of shopping.”
When Elsy turned to look at Mia, she noticed the girl had stopped walking next to her and was staring at a window of another clothing store. Right when Elsy got next to her and noticed what Mia was staring at, the older girl began smiling. “Like what you see?” She questioned. On display was a short,rose gold, shimmery dress that had a slit on the side.
“Yeah, but-“
Mia was cut short again as Elsy dragged her inside the store. She was quick to grab an employee, telling her that Mia wanted to try on the dress on display. And while Mia was in the dressing room, Elsy had found some cute heels to match with the dress.
“Here.” She said, giving Mia the box of heels. “I want to see you wearing these when trying on the dress.”
Mia had no other choice and grabbed the box from Elsy. And when she was fully done, Mia opened the curtain of the dressing room, causing Elsy’s mouth to drop and her eyes widen. “Oh. My. God.” Elsy gasped.
“You look so pretty!” Elsy squealed, causing Mia to become shy. “How do you feel?”
“Well, it’s very bright than what I normally wear.” Mia chuckled. “But I really love this dress. And I actually really like these heels too.” She said, shaking her foot.
Elsy only smiled. “Good, we’re taking all of this!” She said to the employee.
Finally arriving back to Elsy’s, the two girls fell back on Mia’s bed, having all of the shopping bags scattered around the floor. “This was fun.” Elsy laughed. “So much better than rehearsals.”
“It was.” Mia agreed. “But I feel bad that you spent all this money on me.”
“Don’t even stress it. I just wanted you to feel special today. I know you’ve been going through some stuff but I hope I helped you a little to take your mind off of it?”
“And I know these stuff won’t really help the heartache you’re going through but like I said, I wanted today to be all about you and of course adding some Elsy in you.” She chuckled, causing Mia to do the same.
“You’re the best, Elsy. Thank you really, for everything. For being my best friend and even sister. And of course for being there for me when I need someone the most.”
“Aw, Mia!” Elsy cooed. “Honestly, you’re going to look so great in these new outfits and this the new hair of yours adds the touch.”
Mia smirked to herself as she was facing the ceiling. “In a couple of days, everyone’s going to see a new Mia.”
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Anonimous said: Hi sweetheart, how are you? I hope you doing great. First of all, I’m a huge fan of you and I’m from Saudi Arabia I CAN’T STOP SMILING WHEN I READ A FANFICTION FOR U♥️. So if you don’t mind and the requests are open could we have something for Kai, Kaito, Kin, and Haru doing a pajama party cuz that is ANGEL B-day n she’s like these things? Sorry for my bad English. AGAIN THANK YOU BECAUSE YOU MADE MY DAY♥️
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“You two want to do what again?” he sighed, one of his hands supporting his head with his elbow on his desk as his free one pinched his covered nose.
“A pj party!” Kin giggled as her older brother nodded at her, confirming to his father he also wanted the same thing.
“Why? You both know none your colleagues like to even step closer to the Hassaikai, is useless.” He gave an nonchantly look at Kaito when he facepalmed, mocking him surely the little brat, as Kin huffed and put her hands on her waist with a frown, reminding him very much of you.
Damn those brats took after both of you very well
“Dad..” Kaito groaned before pointing at the door with both arms “Is for mom’s birthday! She loves those things!” The boy exclaimed as he deadpanned.
“Don’t tell us you forgot!” Kin spoke with a cold tone of voice while glaring at him with a pout, matching gold orbs staring back at his own.
“I haven't.” he sighed, getting up from his chair and leavuing his office, his son and daughter following him like baby ducks, causing to a nearby precept to chuckle at the scene before yelping when he saw the death glare Chisaki gave to him over his shoulders. 
“Then you letting us do it then?” The nine year’s old boy asked, face same as his father but on his (E/c) coul be noticed a tinge of hope and happiness.
“Your mother is how many years older than you both again? The answer is no.” He said in sarcasm as he walked before sighing when his three year’s old daughter got on his front and sucefully stoped him on walking “What?”
“Papa pleasee??” she got her tiny and chubby hands interlocked together while doing the puppy eyes up at him “You can help us and say is a gift you also gave!”
“Absolutely not-” He growled and rolled his eyes up when she started to sniffle, then to help even more he felt a tug on his jacket, and when looking down he saw Kaito with a pout and the same look Kin carried.
Those brats knew it how to get to him, dammit it was the same look his wife gave it to him all the time and fucking succeded it. He had to remember to have a long, LONG chat with you later for this attitude of the kids.
“Do whatever you two want without messes. And your mother better like it.” he watched his son and daughter’s face lighten up and shout their thanks at him while running to whatever they were planning “NO running inside the house you brats!”
Just listening to his son and daughter’s gigglesgave a simple smile to the usual cold man as he shook his head and started to walk again only to be met with his wife, entering the house along with Chrono after she went out.
“Kai!” he watched you put the bags carefully on the ground to walk towards him witha bright smile, also noticing the quick greeting Hari gave to him before his daughter jumped and lauched on his leg with giggles.
“I see you wiped off the money I had on my credit card.” he said nonchantly as you giggled, letting him, one more time on that day, smile and touch your cheek with his gloved hand to carres it.
“Says the man whose not even once stop buying things. Hell Kai, not even me or the kids can’t look at something and yoy’re already grabbing and paying for it.”
“Is for a different reason, and with those brats I agree I have to come to a stop before they become spoiled pests.”
He was walking on the halls, finishing reading some of his paperwork until he heard some giggles, catching a bit of a blanket little thief run and enter one room of the house.
Cringing at the thought of that blanket slidding and catching all the dirt on the floor, he sighed before going after and opening the door.
"You brats better not make a mess of this-" he stopped abruptly when he saw the state the room was in... full of pillows, lanterns, blankets forts which btw he learned what it was from you.
It even had the freacking coffe table from the living room full of snacks.
"So one of you stole the table huh little rats?" He asked nonchantly as Kin poked her head out of the blankets and kaito looked at him over his shoulder.
"Hah?" The boy said monotonously before accidentaly using his quirk on a pillow. Causing to explode and the room be filled with feathers.
"That makes a great decoration Kaito-kun!" He arched one of his eyebrows at seing Chrono's daughter inside one of the first, putting on some Christmas golden lights inside of it.
"Haru." He nodded towards teh girl whose shyly gretted back and returned to her going "Ordered someone to help make your work? Kaito?"
"No way!" The boy exclaimed before getting up "Me and Kin invited her as well!"
"Yeah! Kaito has a bitty wittyy crushy on Haru-chan!" Kin singed while twirling the blanket on her fingers as Kaito gagged but soon scoffed, crossing his arms much like he would do.
Damn Kaito took after him shit-
"As long as none of you cause a mess that is not my problem." He sighed, turning his back at the kids and waving at them over his shoulder "Try to not destroy the house while I'm not looking."
"We wont!" Kaito huffer before picking the shattered pillow before frowning "uh... daddy?"
"What now..?" He grimaced before looking at the shy kid whose begrudily showed the torn out pillow on both his hands.
"Help..? I still cant control it that well..." the boy said in shame and he soften his eyes at the much familiar dark brow hair son of his.
"Give it here." He sighed while crouching down and grabbing his son's hands while one of his free one had on the pillow "Concentrate on what form you want it, and how the pillow was before you used your quirk on it."
It was quiet until he saw the two girls looking in interest as he deadpanned.
"Isn't the surprise suppose to be ready until my wife comes here?"
"Right!" Haru yelped and grabbed the rest of the lights. He noticed the anticipation of his son to also help so instead he used his own quirk to put it back together.
"Huh?" Kaito noticed before being patted on the head.
"Go on. We can have lessons all the time, but your mother's birthday is only one time at the year so." He commented nonchantly as (E/c) eyes widened and shined as a little but bright smile appeared on the boy's face as he let out a happy giggle when Kai got up.
"Thank you daddy!" The boy said cheerfully before joining the girls and helping them with the lights since he was the tallest out of the three.
His gaze remained on them for a little before scoffing and going back to his work.
When he had became so... soft over two brats and one kid that wasn't even his own?
He grimaced and shaked his head to rid his head of this thoughts and returned to his office.
"I'm so tired..." you sighed while taking your heels off aa Kai stared at you.
"Dinner wasn't of your liking?"
"No no, it was amazing but you spared too much money as always." You giggled while hitting your head on his chest as he carresed with his gloved hand your hair.
Usually after a dinner, especially on your birthday he would... take you to the bedroom and... well, you know.
Ut just when he was about to kiss your neck after pulling his mask down he remember immediately the work his kids and Haru had done. Grimacing, he had to be strong to push his selfishness and lost aside to cup your cheeks to leave one passionate kiss. Enough for him to leave your head quite dizzy.
"Woah.." you whispered as he smirked, pecking your forehead as you pouted "Not going to continue what you started handsome?"
"Sadly, it seems like you have plans already." He sighed while walking and montioning for him to follow you.
"Huh? I don't have any? Or do I?" You followed him as he gave three knowns with the back of his fingers on a door.
"The brats have you for the night." Was the only thing he could muster before your son and daughter threw themselfs at you as Haru laughed but from some safe distance before going to you; on the ground by the way, your kids werent gentle; and giving a cheerful happy birthday along with the Chisaki twins and a hug.
"Woah!" You giggled before sitting up, Kin, giggling, and Kaito, smirking, on your lap "So that was the surprise you two hinted earlier?"
"We were actually scared that papa was going to tell you!" Kin exclaimed while climbing off from your lap and grabbing your hand.
"Yeah since he always fights with us to get you." Kaito mumbled before helping you up, smirking at the glare Kai had on him.
Little sh-
"So I-Oh my god you three did that?!" You exclaimed when you saw the room decorated as Kin nodded fervently before Kaito begrudilly pointed at Haru.
"Haru did most of the decorations..." the girl laughed before smilling up at you.
"I dont even know what to say kids.." you said with a smile as he sighed.
"I will let you four be for now. Anything just go to my office." He ignored your asking if he wasn't going to stay because he knew what was going to happen.
He didn't wanted Kaito or Kin to comment why he was hiding a toy on the middle of his pants.
He crossed paths with chrono, whose seemed torned out with something.
"Kai thank god." The male sighed before looking around "Have you seen Haru? I couldn't find her all day."
"She hadn't told you she was going to spend the night with my own pests and my wife? They literally stole her from the night." He commented nonchantly as Kurono face palmed.
"I forgot about that." He growled as Kai shook his head.
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tomholland20 · 4 years
Chapter 2: A beautiful evening!
Peter Parker: Tom Holland.
(Peter's aunt) May Parker: Marisa Tomei.
Y/n: You/ reader
(Y/n’s dad) Tony Stark: Robert Downey, Jr.
(Y/n’s mom) Kathryn Stark: Jennifer Aniston.
(Y/n’s brother) David Stark: Shane Harper.
(Peter's best friend) Ned: Jacob Batalon.
(Peter’s best friend) MJ: Zendeya
Warning: PG-13, bad language, violence, sadness, kissing, etc...
Credit: My best friend Anjali, who helped me with this story!
Before you start reading and you haven’t read this story from the beginning please go and read it from there it will make more sense!
Note: Hey guys, so I wrote this story for Marvel and Tom Holland/Peter Parker fans! I just want to say that this is just a fun story for entertainment purposes. I mixed everything up in this story, their love, action, drama, and more. And as you can see by the cast, I mixed it up. This is a story about Peter Parker and Y/n (your name) story. I hope you like it!! If you want a girl and a Peter Parker version tell me and I will do one........
Summary: You move to a new school where you find yourself falling in love with a guy named Peter Parker and can’t get over him... You and Peter knew each other for 3 years because he had an internship with your dad Tony Stark but you never really talked to him. One day during a scary fire that takes place in the mall. Spider-man (Peter Parker) comes to save you from the deadly fire. Later on in the story, You find out about Peter Parker being spiderman. This story is full of drama, romance, love and more, I hope you enjoy it!!
Chapter 2: A beautiful evening!
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After 2 weeks of going to school, you and Peter became close. You also became close to MJ Peter's best friend as she was in the same drama play as you. Peter and Ned both forced you to watch Star Wars, which you really liked. Everything was changing, you were finally smiling genuinely and you were getting over your ex. It was like a new beginning for you. People at school liked you, you were smart, good looking, and nice. You were kind of popular as you’re Tony Stark's son.
“Hey, Y/n!” Peter yelled across from the school hallway
“Hey” you replied. “What happened, are you ok?” You asked, Peter looked tired and he was out of breath.
Peter: "Yeah I'm ok, umm do wanna come over today? I have math homework and I was thinking maybe we can do it together?”
Peter was so timid when he started talking to you, even you were shy when he asked you to come over.
Y/n: Yeah sure... w-what time?
Peter: Is 5 good?
Y/n: yeah! Well, 5 it is then!
Peter: Sure! See you... bye.
Y/n: bye…
It was finally 5 pm and you were ready to go to Peter's house. Happy your dad’s assistant dropped you off at Peters place. “Ok, y/n I want you to take care of yourself and be in your best behavior.” You were a little curious as to why Happy had to say that but you agreed with him and went inside. You were in front of Peter's doorstep, you took a deep breath as if you were going on a date with him. You knock on the door and May (Peter’s aunt) opens the door. “Oh let me guess, you must be Y/n! Peter talks a lot about you." “Hi, Mrs. Parker, yes I’m y/n” you give May a big smile and she offers you to come in. “Do you want anything to drink?”
May: ok then, I’ll call Peter
“Peter y/n is here.” Peter runs out of his room and walks right towards the living room where you were. “Wow, are you ok? you look stressed.” “Yeah, I’m fine don’t worry! Wanna get started with math homework?”
Y/n: sure!
Peter brings you to his room. His room was full of Star Wars DVDs, there was a bed and a tv along with his table. Peter takes out his math homework and starts working. While working you notice a bad cut on his hand that he was trying to hide from you. Your eyes opened wide. “Peter, how did you get that cut,” you say in a tensed way. “It’s nothing I promise.” “do you have a first aid box here?” “Y/n don’t worry.”
Y/n: “tell me!”
Peter: “there is one in my bag”
You quickly run towards where his bag was and open it. You look for the first aid kit and as soon as you find it you hurry towards Peter. Without saying anything you open the first aid kit and taking Peter's hands and you start to clean the cut. “Ouch!!.”
“Sorry! Does it hurt?” You ask looking towards him with a worried face. This was new to you caring so much for someone that you cant even control your emotions in front of them, even though you had had a boyfriend this still felt new and you liked this feeling. “A little..” he replies with a little smile, ‘oof someone needs to tell this guy to stop smiling like that, that damn smile is going to be the death of me’ you thought. You smile back at him and keep cleaning the cut, finishing it with a bandage.
Even though you couldn't see, Peter has been busy trying to contemplate this weird feeling, attachment towards. Weirdly enough he liked how you cared about him, made him smile, made all his days feel fun and he even wanted to tell you something but didn’t. After a while both of you were quiet and were done with the homework. May comes running into the room saying “pizza is here!” she hands out your pizza’s. “Oh I have to leave soon.” “It's ok, stay for pizza at least” Peter requests you. You couldn’t resist it so you stayed for 15 more minutes. You and Peter both sat down and started to watch star wars. “Hey, if you don’t mind me asking, how did you get that cut?” Peter stopped chewing on the pizza and looked at you “Uh I was in a rush so I guess my hand cut into something.” He says “You should be more careful next time you know” you tell Peter with a little giggle. You and Peter finish eating and start talking about each other. “Since you moved here I didn’t get to know much about you, so why don’t you tell me a little about yourself?” You look at Peter and smile "sure! Well I was born and raised in New York. Umm do I have to continue I’m really bad at this...” you and Peter share a little giggle again. “You’re really nice Y/n, seriously the way you handled my cut I really appreciate it, so thank you.” “No problem” you answered back blushing.
You get a phone call from Happy informing his waiting for you outside. “Oh Happy is here, I got to go. Thanks for having me over Peter!”
Peter: anytime!
You rush to the door saying bye to May and head out *take that bread and that head then leave!! Oky sorry bye*. You get in the car and Happy drives you home. “So how was your evening?”
“It was so romantic.” “What??” You snap out of your dreamy self and Happy is just surprised. “Oh wait no sorry I didn’t mean to say that, I meant it was good.” “You got me worried there.” You roll your eyes as you are tired of hearing people say things like that homophobic asswipes. When you reach home your brother walks out of the house and looks angry. “Hey, David'' you say when your voice fades away. You walk in and you see your parents tensed.
Y/n: Hey guys!
Kathryn: Hey honey.
Y/n: David just walked out, and he looked really angry.
Tony: don’t worry about him, how was your evening with Peter?
Y/n: it was good, we got to finish all of our homework, we ate pizza and watched star wars.
Tony: sounds like you had fun! Didn’t you...
Before you answer your dad’s question David walks back in again ignoring everyone in the dining room.
Y/n: Ok what’s wrong?
Mom: Sweetie, there's nothing to worry about. I promise you nothing happened. He's just a little moody.
Your dad cracks a joke saying “girlfriend problems” with a laugh, you also laugh since your brother was not the best boyfriend. *like who are kidding he’s so annoying how does his girlfriend even handle him? aight bye* Your mom looks at you and Tony.
Tony: What? it's true...
Kathryn: Don’t worry about any of these things right now. Tomorrow is a big day, there will be a new girl coming to school. She is your Dad’s Friend's daughter. So I want you to show her around the school along with Peter.
“Yeah I can do that” you reply fast as soon as you hear Peter’s name. “Aww honey thank you” she looks at you in a curious way. “You look really into Peter I can see, are you gay for him?” Your dad asks. “NOO” you say really fast. “I just want to make new friends, that's all” your dad looks at you and with his glasses by his nose. “I’m kind of tired so why don’t I go to bed now.” “Sure sweetie, good night!” “Good night mom, good night dad!”
Tony: good night!
You go to bed not being able to forget about your beautiful evening with Peter and you want the night to pass by fast so you can meet Peter again. You were really in love with him *only if that asshole knew jeez like can he just propose to me and get done with this shit? Babe I'm waiting? You here?*.
Note: Hey guys!! Sorry it took us so long to post this chapter. School and all has been stressful so we are sorry to keep you guys waiting. This chapter is soo cute honestly. I hope you liked it. Chapter 3 is on the way maybe we will be done by next Friday and then I will post it! But there is a lot to come in Y/n’s and Peters life. Do you think Peter is in love with you? What is he hiding from you? To find out read the story love in the air!
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Golden Child Reaction To Their S/O Being More Clingy Than Usual || PT.2
This was requested :)) I hope you enjoy !!! I love writing for Golden Child and I have Jibeom requests I'll be getting to soon so I hope you're excited 💞 these are all just basically tiny one shots and I went off of different things so I'm sorry if this isn't the exact thing wanted 💓 I didn't check for spelling errors so sorry for any mistakes
Warnings: none just fluff ! Sometimes angst if you squint
Gif credits to respectful owners✨
Part 1
Jaehyun is a affectionate boy
He truly loves just doing a simple action of holding your hand
But you've never seemed to be one for affection so he got curious
Do you like affection?
He was hella determined to ask since he was intrigued on what the answer was
You came over to the dorms and sat on the couch next to him
You where a bit tired so you rested your head on his shoulder not thinking anything of it since it's just a simple action and Jaehyun makes you feel safe
But now Jaehyun is having a debate in his head if he should ask
Since you display affection at times but it's not regular and right when he was gonna ask
You decide to be all cute and put your head on his shoulder
For the pure reason of curiosity he still ends up asking
"baby, I have a question." He'd say shifting a little causing you to lift your head up from his shoulder and stare at him
"Hm?" You hummed curiosity in your voice
He'd be straight forward since he really wanted to know even if he usually got shy the curiosity was poking at him like a stick
"you've never been one to really initiate affection, do you enjoy it?"
The question took you by surprise
You like affection but don't go out of your way for it
You'll do simple actions but you don't initiate anything big
You'd explain this to him and he'd just nod
The answer made sense so after acknowledgement just kind of dropped into the next topic
He didn't fail to hold your hand while doing so though
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Jibeom had been really busy with his schedule and didn't have as many free days as he used to while working on promotions
So you didn't see him often
Because of this you where incredibly more needy since you missed his love and affection
He'd text you regularly even sending selfies
But you wanted him there with you since you missed him a lot(╥﹏╥)
So when he had a free day and came over to your place you immediately wrapped your arms around him planting kisses from his cheeks to his lips
Once done doing a kiss attack on him you rested your head on his chest
He couldn't help but smile
You're just so precious and that had his heart
Because he didn't express it much since he didn't want to darken any moods
But he missed you so much and just wanted your love and affection
Not until later in the night did he express that to you but you couldn't hide the red tint on your face afterwards
Since omg you scored the best of boys he's so precious
I love Jibeom so much I cant
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No one can tell me Donghyun isn't the sweetest most cuddly baby
He loves affection especially showering you in affection
You always appreciated his affection
You never went out of your way for it though
He would always be the one to wrap his arms around you first, take your hand in his, go in to kiss you
So you never really felt the need to initiate it
Since affection would akways happen and you'd reciprocate it after the gentle push to it
But today
You just wanted to shower him in love and affection
So when he came over to hangout
You opened the door for him and once closing and locking the door you wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned in placing a kiss to his lips
The precious baby would be so happy
He wasn't expecting that but he quickly wrapped his arms around you and kissed you back
He doesn't express it but he loves when you go in for affection first
He loves when you needy since 24 hour cuddles he's ready to supply
If you keep messing with his heart and making it do so many flips he will be obligated to smooch your face and tell you how much he loves you since that's just how he is
I can't express the amount I love this boy enough ugh there's a reason he's my bias wrecker
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I'm all here for pushing forward the Joochan soft boy agenda
This precious angel I cannot expresS
Joochan is so soft for you and I can't express this enough
You just make him so happy (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`)
He texted you saying he forgot his lunch
He didn't think much of it even tho he loves good he could quickly order something to arrive there or go to a convenient store
But you wernt gonna let that slide you need your boy to be fed and you don't want his lunch going bad
You decided to write a sweet little encouraging note to him to put in his pre existing lunch as a little suprise
After doing so you went straight to the company
Verifying who you where to staff you made your way to the practice room where he was at and nocked on the door
He couldn't help the smile on his face when he saw you
You handed him the lunch and even tho he was sweaty you gave him a gentle kiss
To say Joochans heart melted is a understatement
You have that boy whiPped
He loves you so much(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
You had a quick conversation with him and mindlessly took his hand in yours which he definitely noticed
You decided it was time to leave since he has practice to get done so you have him one last kiss then left
The simplest things you did just had his heart jumping
When he took a break to eat lunch later that day he saw the little note you left him and immediately started smiling
He put it in his pocket and quickly grabbed his phone to text you a simple I love you text
Gosh this boy truly never knows what to do when it comes to you
My bby (。ŏ﹏ŏ)
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Legit Bomin is such a great boyfriend to you
Always wrapping his arms around you embracing you in hugs
Giving you tiny kisses
Legit anything he loves making sure you know he loves you
With this you don't really initiate physical affection
But today he was really focused on a game he was playing
Which was fine
But you love his affection a lot and realized how much you enjoy it :((
So while he was trying to find a good hiding spot for him and his friends as they waited for the other team to ambush in the game
He didn't hear or focus on your movements from behind him
He was sitting on the edge of the couch so you wiggled to sit behind him and just wrapped your arms around his waist
He jumped by the sudden act
But then you rested your head on his shoulder watching his movements in the game
He became so soft (。•́︿•̀。)
Since he's not used to you initiating affection
He's in charge of that
But now he wants nothing more than just you initiating affection (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`)
He didn't realize until his friends where shouting in the mic to help that the other team had already gotten to the are so he quickly went up and joined in
You where admiring his features and how cute he looked when so focused
So you couldn't help the small kiss you planted on his cheek before planting your head back to his shoulder
Ohhh boy he became so red
Once the round ended he told his teammates that he'd be taking a 15 minute break to which he then logged off the game
He turned his upper body to look at you
You could see all the love he has for you in his eyes(◕ᴗ◕)
"well someones quite affectionate today" he said with a little giggle
You got all shy and expressed how it was because your used to affection by him that when you hadn't gotten one of your daily hugs you realized how much you love his affection
You think you where shy
Well Bomin verified shy boy now and is incredibly red and heart completely melted
He may have to scratch that 15 minute break and just completely log off for the day since it is loving you hours only
This one is so long compared to the rest of the reactions since I just have the biggest soft spot for him
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