#siegfried palm
travsd · 9 months
Salute to Sig Arno
A salute today to German-Jewish comedic actor Sig Arno (Siegfried Aron, 1895-1975). Originally from Hamburg, Arno started out as a stage comedian and began appearing in silent films as early as 1920. Of his nearly 100 German films, G.W. Pabst’s Pandora’s Box (1929) with Louise Brooks remains the best known to Americans. Though he was was a star in his native country, Arno was forced to flee when…
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versegm · 1 year
“Forgive my ignorance, Master, but what country does this flag represent?”
The Master of Chaldea turns around to follow Artoria’s gaze, focused on the large flag spread against the wall of her room. While she has been keeping her frustration under wraps, this thing has been driving her wild for weeks now; anytime she sees it, she dives deep inside herself to find any relevant knowledge whatsoever, and every single time, she comes out with absolutely nothing. The grail will provide you with the necessary knowledge upon summoning. What a scam. False advertisements all around.
“Oh!” The Master turns back to her, grinning. “That’s the trans flag. You’ve never seen it before?”
“The flag of Transylvania?” Huh. Fascinating. Now she’ll know what colors to associate with Vlad’s country-
The Master chuckles. “No, no, the trans gender flag. You know? Since I’m genderfluid?” She makes a vague gesture of the hand, prana crackles in the air- and instead of a red-haired girl, Artoria is left facing a black-haired boy. It’s a trick she’s seen the Master perform a few times before, so it doesn’t sway her one way or another.
“I’m… afraid I don’t know what these words mean.” She admits, a bit shamefully. Much as it pains her to admit her own ignorance, she knows as a warrior and as a king that it’s better to fill any gap in knowledge as she can before heading to the battlefield.
The Master stares at her for a few seconds. “You… have seen me shapeshift before, right?”
“I have.” As established before, seeing the Master as a man is an equally common occurrence as seeing him as a woman.
“Why do you think I do that?”
Good question. Artoria never really pondered over it. “I figure each form might give you different magecraft advantages?” She hazards a guess.
The Master snorts. “God, I wish, but that’d imply me actually knowing how to do magecraft. Sorry to say, the genderbending trick is the only one I know.” He shakes his head. “No. Some days I feel more like a boy, and some days I feel more like a girl, so I shapeshift accordingly.”
Artoria quirks up an eyebrow. “Feel… ‘more like a boy’?”
“I… Don’t really have any better way to explain it.” The Master taps his chin. “It’s like being happy or sad. It’s a very personal emotion. I can’t put it into words any better than that.”
Well. That means nothing to Artoria. She has a title (king) and a sex (female) but she can’t say she’s ever had any particularly strong emotion tied to either of these things.
Though… There are days where her draconic heart seems to act up. Days where she feels less human and more like a lizard- not in a derogatory way, or an affectionate way, but just… in a way. Days where she finds herself more at home with the likes of Siegfried or Elizabeth, days where fire rather than blood seems to flow in her veins. 
It’s not quite the same, but that’s the closest comparison Artoria can think of. “I think I understand.”
The Master nods, pleased. “Though I’m a special case. Most people can’t magically shapeshift into whatever body is more comfortable to them at the moment. Well, there’s still surgery and HRT-”
“Hold on.” She raises her hand palms up to cut them off. “You are telling me gender feelings have nothing to do with magecraft?”
“Well, yes.” He tilts his head towards the wall. “Hence the whole flag thing. I didn’t make it up. There are legitimately a lot of us out there.”
Of us, he says. What was the word he used again? Transgender? 
For some reason, she finds herself thinking of Sir Mordred. A king can only be male, but a knight can be of any gender- Sir Gareth had certainly proved her worth as a female knight. Yet Sir Mordred had only ever presented as male. He had Artoria’s face. Presumably he had her sex as well. Yet on that fateful day he explicitly called himself her son.
Did Sir Mordred have these? Gender feelings? Certainly they must have been stronger than Artoria’s own- now that she is no longer duty-bound to present as a man, Artoria isn’t going out of her way to look like one gender over another. Being greeted as a man or a woman wouldn’t bother her either way. She thinks Sir Mordred would have minded, though.
“Apologies, Master.” Artoria gets up. “I need to do some research.”
She doubts her knights would ever want to see her again- while she no longer regrets the path she took in life, she can hardly fault them for holding a grudge, considering how she failed them- but on the off-chance that they might be summoned in Chaldea… it can’t hurt to be informed, can it?
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bippot · 2 years
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Summary: Corroded Coffin is successful and probably will continue being successful for a while. Yet, they've been working non stop for so long and are desperately in need of a break. Where do rockstars go? Fucking Vegas, baby! Casino's? Dolphin shows? Spa days? Siegfried and Roy? A chance for Eddie to finally show his singer how much he truly loves her? How could they pass up an opportunity like this?
Tags: Rock Stars, Friends to Lovers, Idiots in Love, Platonic Relationships, Found Family, Las Vegas, Maternal Instinct, Fame, Nightmares, Water Guns, Gambling, Drunkenness, Marriage, Eventual Smut, Happy Ending, Hot Tub
Song Recommendation: Love Me Forever by Motörhead
Stranger Things, Eddie Munson Masterlist - here
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Corroded Coffin was a hit. As soon as they added a new vocalist, things took off. Not that there was an issue with Eddie's voice, god no. He just wanted to focus on his sick guitar skills and let Y/N belt out the tunes. They went from the dingy Hideout to actual gigs in a little under five years as a talent scout had happened to see them perform one day and offered them to sell their soul for a recording contract. Well, no, not really, but they were being worked to the bone, so it felt like the devil's work.
Yet, they were finally given a small break, and the band decided to go to....V v v v Vegas, baby! Why not? They all were of age now, so yeah! They could experience the casinos and nightlife to its full extent, and they were planning to do just that.
"What a beaut!" Eddie cheered as they stepped out of their new and clean van, luggage in hand and gesturing to the building before them.
Y/N smirked, looking over at Eddie with amusement as the other boys piled out behind her. She had grown rather fond of the guitarist - she had grown fond of all of them very quickly after being introduced, but Eddie? She had a particular soft spot for him - and handed her bag over to him as he outstretched his palm. He always did that. Wherever they went, he insisted. Always had. Always will.
Once they were all out of the vehicle, they were gazing dreamily at the resort they were staying at. All of the palm trees and real gold dust tinted windows and the water features and the hypnotic flickering sign that elegantly read 'The Mirage'. It was a lot to take in. They were in Paradise. Literally. Paradise, Nevada. And it felt like the most necessary place they could be.
And then the pyrotechnics for the fake volcano went off with a sudden sizzle noise, making them all jump with the shock. They were sure Gareth was seconds away from scrambling into Jeff's arms like the Scooby to his Shaggy. Instead, though, he shrugged it off and pretended that he hadn't been affected with a shaky, "Psst, wasn't even scared."
"Yeah right, dude," Simon responded as he adjusted his grasp on his bag's strap, a smirk playing on his lips as he patted the drummer on the shoulder and retrieved that goddamned camera he brought everywhere with him to snap some pics. Y/N was getting a little sick of being blinded by his flash at any moment of the day.
Y/N looked down to find that she'd held onto Eddie's bicep and awkwardly retracted her hand whilst muttering a half-hearted apology. Eddie seemed unaffected by her touch, though his grin grew wider as he turned towards the building and began to walk to the grand entrance with everyone else following his lead as usual.
After having spent the entirety of the last four and a half months touring together on the road, crossing each state line, maybe two in a day, they were all ready for a well-earned break. It seemed like aeons ago when they were doing this for fun. Now, it was their job. Not that it was any less exhilarating, just the novelty had worn off a bit.
As they entered, they took in the lavishness of the room. It was breathtakingly beautiful with the wall behind the reception, well, it wasn't a wall, it was a goddamned aquarium. Because she knew what they were about to do, Y/N took it upon herself to deal with the waiting in line and checking in as the boys had crowded the glass and were awestruck at all the fishies swimming around. Simon seemed to forget there was glass right in front of his face and was rather surprised when he bumped his nose into the transparent pane.
"I'm sorry about them," Y/N apologised to the receptionist, a bubbly blonde woman who seemed to be smiling ear to ear at the sight of them. Boy, if she had a smile like that for all the customers, her cheeks must be aching by the end of the day.
"We're used to rockstars. Don't worry, honey."
With a quick and loud whistle, Y/N caught the attention of her band, and they followed her like good, obedient puppies, all grinning and waving excitedly at the receptionist as they passed her desk. By the time they'd reached the bellhop, Y/N looked down at their keys and realised, "Two rooms. We've got to split in two. Jeff, you take Gareth and Simon to the twin. Gareth, you're the smallest, so you take the couch."
Gareth was offended by her statement as he put a hand over his chest. "That's bullshit. I could kick your ass," he grumbled as he glared at Y/N. She raised her eyebrow, and he backed down with a pouty, "Fine. Just cause you want to snuggle up to Munson."
"You don't want to know what Eddie and I get up to when our precious baby Gareth isn't around," she teased, gently pinching his cheeks as her voice became higher pitched as she mocked him. Gareth squirmed, trying to bat her hands away.
"Don't touch the face; it's my money maker."
Jeff took Gareth's bags from him and handed them to the very patient bellhop who had been waiting for them for a while. With one last blow of a kiss, Y/N stopped annoying her bandmate and turned to Eddie, apologising yet again, "Sorry if I presumed that you'd be okay staying with me. I should've asked beforehand."
Eddie waved away her concern and nudged her shoulder with his, playfully joking, "Who else would carry your bags to your room?"
The answer was simple. "The bellhop."
"Oh fuck yeah. Forget about him. Imagine we're not in a fancy schmancy hotel, who would carry your bags to your room?"
She knew what he was implying. But, honestly, she was in the mood to be a little difficult. Her life for so long had been working and hanging out with a bunch of sweaty boys. This was supposed to be her chance to relax. Take some time for herself. Maybe spend some time in the spa. But nope... At least she had a choice of which sweaty boy to bunk with. That's why she responded with, "My dad. Yeah, he's a nice guy. If I asked, he'd probably carry my bags for me," with a completely blank face, causing a chorus of groans to erupt from the lanky man beside her.
"Not quite what I was getting at, sweetheart. Imagine your dad isn't there."
"Why isn't he there? What happened to him?"
"He's dead."
Where the hell was he going with this now? They were off track already.
"So, in this hypothetical scenario, you've murdered my father?"
"I didn't murder him. Hypothetically. But he is dead," he continued in the hopes of getting her to react to him. There was nothing so far, so he needed to up the ante. "Yay! You get to join the dead dad club. We meet on Thursdays, and you get your own free badge, and if your other parent dies in the next five years, you get a ceremonial pen."
If he wasn't mistaken, the corners of her lips upturned slightly, just a tiny, subtle smile that she tried hard not to show. With newfound hope in his heart, he pushed a little harder and grinned, his big brown eyes shining brightly in excitement. "Now that Mr L/N is dead - RIP, he really was a great guy - who does that leave to wait on you?"
"Maybe a butler. Do you think we have enough money for me to afford a butler?"
"You're impossible."
Just before he could start his first tantrum of the holiday, another bellhop appeared with a falsely cheery, "I apologise for the wait -" He stopped as he saw their faces. "No way! Corroded Coffin?"
Neither of them had gotten used to being recognised at all - not that they minded much. They liked meeting fans and getting to interact with people who enjoyed their music. People who actually listened to their music - no matter how boring or pretentious their lyrics sounded to some - in their minds always seemed to be few and far between. They were never able to fully wrap their heads around their notoriety, but it made them feel important, like, 'hey, we produce content that people enjoy and consume in their free time' and that was one of the best feelings in the world.
"Two-fifths of Corroded Coffin, but hey, you got the best two," Eddie playfully commented as he placed their bags on the luggage cart that was stationed near them.
"Livin' For The End Of The World is your best album, no question," the bellhop said in awe, looking back and forth between them, a look of amazement written all over his face. "I sing that entire album to my kid sister sometimes, ya know."
"Your sister, does she like it?" Y/N queried curiously, genuinely wanting to know whether children were responsive to their music.
"My sister loves it." So children do vibe with it. Or maybe just that child in particular. Whatever the case, it was a mini win.
As they headed towards their hotel room, Eddie noticed how the bellhop seemed far more interested in Y/N than him. That was fair. Y/N was a fucking rock goddess after all, and their male fans weren't exactly immune to her natural charms.
Fuck, Eddie wasn't immune to her charm either, and that's why he slyly placed his hand on her waist when they got into the elevator and smiled smugly down at her, making sure to flash those dimples which she had told him she loved on multiple occasions. She pretended not to notice, though. Instead, she focused her attention back on the bellhop. Which Eddie wasn't too happy about. Why did these mediocre men that she didn't know even conjure the thought they had a chance with her?
"How's your tour going?"
"It's great. Fucking tiring. I'm about to fall asleep standing up; I'm sure of it. I know why cocaine is so prevalent in the industry now. But, yeah, we're doing good. Right, Ed?" He answered with a rigid nod. She thought that was all he was going to do. As Y/N was looking up at him with eyes that practically begged him to 'be nice', he tugged her flush against his body and locked his arms around her hips.
Everyone knew how touchy Eddie was. He had no reservations about kissing his male bandmates on the lips when they were on stage. Hugs were frequent. Originally, it was a lot to get used to, but Y/N did. Eventually. Yet, she soon realised that he'd treat her differently than the other members of Corroded Coffin. His love and affection for them were public for all to see. Completely unbeknown to Y/N, Eddie's love for her was different. He wanted their moments to be entirely private and not on the cover of the next issue of Kerrang or Rolling Stone.
Their moments were just for them. Nobody else. A bellhop was somebody else, so she was a little confused by Eddie's actions. Still, if he was too spent to deal with this interaction, she'd do it all for him. No questions asked.
"He gets quiet when he's exhausted. Normally, I can't get him to shut up," Y/N reassured the bellhop with a chuckle to hide the concern creeping into her mind about the state of her friend.
Sure, what she said was true. Eddie did get considerably less flamboyant and animated, and the volume of his declarations decreased heavily when he got tired. He'd never turned into a mute before. Hell, he even spoke in his sleep. But something felt different tonight, something in his demeanour made Y/N suddenly... a little hot and bothered. she'd never admit it, but with how firm a grasp he had on her, she felt a bubbling sensation rise inside her stomach. It was warm and comforting, and she found herself leaning into his hold, enjoying the heat radiating off his body.
"So, is this a couples retreat, or do I have a chance at meeting the other members?" Josh eagerly questioned, his eyes sparkling excitedly as they travelled from Y/N to Eddie and back again, clearly eager to know.
Now, Josh's question was crafted, though it's doubtful he intended it in that manner. There were so many ways it could be answered and potentially backfire.
'Our bandmates are around the hotel somewhere.'
1) Missing the first part where Josh insinuated that they were a couple. Suspicious. Josh would try to read between the lines.
2) There was a possibility that the eager bellhop will go scouring the establishment for the remaining three members of Corroded Coffin.
3) If 2) happens, Josh finds a grumpy Gareth, who knows if he'll still consider himself a fan after dealing with the disgruntled drummer.
Or they could jump straight in with, "We're not a couple.'
1) So, the focus was on their relationship, huh? That's the first thing that was picked up on. Also suspicious.
2) Extra suspicious because of how the pair were invading each other's personal space.
3) Awkwardness commences, especially when they retreat to the privacy of their hotel room. Alone. Together. Alone together.
4) Just the fact that they were sharing a room could be used as the main evidence in their trial of love.
5) Plus, they hadn't answered his intended question, so they would need to provide follow-up statements.
Before Y/N could formulate a response, Eddie grumbled, "How slow is this fucking elevator?"
When she looked at him, she couldn't stop the laugh that burst from her mouth at the sour expression he wore. She was so lost in trying not to laugh at his childish behaviour that she missed the moment the bellhop replied, "We're almost there! Three more floors by the look of it."
"Seriously, I gotta pee," Eddie complained loudly, his voice echoing throughout the lift, causing Y/N to giggle even louder. And before either of them knew what hit them, the door to the lift opened and they were shown to their room. Eddie almost flew into the bathroom to relieve himself, not overly happy that he was leaving Y/N with the hot bellhop, but hey, that was better than pissing himself. When he returned, Josh had left and Y/N was happily lying face first on the bed, having jumped into its embrace the moment she was left alone.
"Nice view," he noted as playfully slapped her ass as he strutted to their bag to begin unpacking their clothes. Her only reply was a muffled whelp as her head somehow pressed further into the fluffy pillow. "Help me unpack your shit."
"Too comfy to move. Fuck off."
He rolled his eyes and chuckled, but wasn't going to let her get away with it. At first, he lightly poked her in the arm. No response. He shook her. Nothing. Okay, he can get more forceful. He shuffled to the end of the bed, knelt on the mattress and reached to lift her hips to get her to move. Shit. That was a compromising position. Her butt was right next to his crotch and the soft skin of her abdomen was on show as her shirt had fallen upwards as she groaned out a surprised (but also a very sleepy), "Eddie, what are you doing?"
His breath hitched as she moved against his touch, trying to wriggle herself back down to the mattress. A strangled muttering of something escaped through his clenched teeth as his dick twitched in anticipation. Nope. Not the time. Nope, nope, nope. God, he hoped that she wasn't reading this situation wrongly. Was she thinking that it wasn't an accident that he had just shifted her against his hardening groin? After several awkward moments in which he didn't dare breathe, he apologised sheepishly, "Sorry. Was just trying to pick you up," and flopped onto the duvet next to her, letting out an "Oof" when he hit the mattress with a thud.
Trying to ignore how badly needed the friction between his cock and the mattress, he realised that he had pushed past way what should have been a simple act of picking someone up, and wondered how he had managed to fuck this up so spectacularly. Instead of grinding down into the surface below him like he so desperately needed to, he let himself sink further into the comfort it provided.
"Comfy, huh?"
"Way too comfy."
After a few seconds passed without either of them saying anything else, he turned to look at her, a smirk slowly forming on his lips as he found that she'd fallen asleep, and was completely out for the count. He was too busy watching her peaceful features, admiring the sight of her plump rosy lips curving into a satisfied smile and how her cheek was squished against the pillow, he found it difficult to care enough about unpacking anymore.
Y/N hadn't been asleep for long, but she was rudely awoken by the customers in the next room arriving and slamming their door behind them. She groaned quietly, her eyes blinking open to find Eddie still next to her with pen and paper in his hand. He noticed her leaning up on her elbow to try and get a peek at what he was writing and immediately put his hand over her face to shield the pages from her prying eyes. "Show me, loser."
"No fucking way," he scoffed, shaking his head as he tried in vain to cover up what he was writing, but that was probably pointless anyway.
"Come on. Show me."
"No," he repeated defiantly, his voice a bit deeper and raspier than normal, and that was definitely noted by her.
That didn't stop her from moving his hands away from her face and crawling closer to see what he was so secretive about anyway. When she reached for one of the papers, he didn't stop her; instead, he let his head fall back and closed his eyes.
"Owner Of My Heart?"
"It's a work in progress. Very early draft. It's not worth reading."
She rested her head against his shoulder - admittedly, she hadn't woken up yet - and read what he'd written yet.
One thousand is the number of the rejected
Still pretty as a picture, you
I only want to be your fool
I'm still just as crazy in tune
If you want to break the spell, baby girl
You break me too
I've learned from my mistakes
I'm just a little less lonely these days
Because of your smile? lips? heart?
That's all he had. That's all the paper said.
"I like it so far. It's kind of sad." She looked up at him and had to ask, "Are you okay?" His gaze fell to hers and the moment their stares met, she found herself drowning in them. It seemed to be taking every ounce of willpower to not let her heart skip a beat as he stared at her with such intensity, and she had to fight the urge to blush under his stare.
"Yeah, I'm okay," he eventually responded, breaking eye contact to look down at his lap, his fingers anxiously fidgeting with his pen as a faint smile pulled on his lips and he looked down at the sheet he had just written on. If only she knew.
An unexpected wave of nervousness - one even worse than her typical pre-show jitters - reared its head as she forced herself to inquire, "So...who's this 'owner' then?"
Lie. Just fucking lie, Eddie.
"She's imaginary."
Oh, thank god.
"I don't have to find the misguided girl that broke your heart and kick her ass?"
"You? Kick her ass?"
"Well, I'd write her a very strongly worded letter."
He was laughing, now. And he laughed loud, hearty and genuine, making her grin despite her misgivings. Once he had calmed himself, he averted his gaze and admitted, "Yeah, she hasn't broken my heart yet." His gaze flickered up briefly to meet hers. "There's no need to worry about it."
'Yet' Y/N noticed. There was a girl. She was real. She could see his hesitation towards telling her about 'her', how worried he was when talking about 'her', the small signs, everything. And he never mentioned it. Not once. Getting up, she beelined for the bathroom, trying to hide her mixed feelings as she called over her shoulder, "I'm going to shower. You don't need the bathroom, do you?"
"No, no, go ahead."
As she walked over to where she'd left her bag, her feet dragging slightly, she tried to push the thoughts of Eddie and the phantom woman out of her mind. She knew what happened if she got sucked into a maelstrom of thoughts of a broken heart. Corroded Coffin would have more sad songs added to their next album at this rate.
Once she had singed the outer layer of her skin off with the hottest shower possible, Y/N wrapped herself in a towel and walked back out to find that their other bandmates had made an appearance. Jeff wolf-whistled, Simon (after checking that she wasn't on show at all) snapped a photo and Gareth playfully declared, "Ed, if you want us to leave the room so you two can get on with your 'business', we can."
Gareth was rewarded with a swift hit to the back of the head with a pillow by Eddie who glared daggers in Gareth's direction, but soon his expression turned back into what it was before: bashful with his eyes filled with awe as they wandered all over Y/N's figure.
"Why are you all acting like you haven't seen all of this before?"
Life on the road means you get very, very close to people - maybe closer than you'd ever wish. Their tour bus was relatively small so there were not many secrets between band members.
"I, for one, haven't seen a semi-naked woman in around four days. I like to take the opportunity whenever I can," Gareth smirked, rubbing his hands together enthusiastically as he looked down at Y/N again and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. She snorted and shook her head, rolling her eyes playfully as she grabbed her fresh clothes and makeup bag, then returned to the confines of the bathroom.
Quietly, so she wouldn't be able to hear through the door, Eddie reprimanded the other boys, "Stop doing shit like that."
"Why? Y/N doesn't mind. She always does it to us too."
"Jeffrey, my darling idiot boy, it's not Y/N who has a problem with men leering at her, it's Eddie who doesn't like it," Simon explained with a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. Eddie groaned at the truthful analysis, and his cheeks began to flush as he looked down at the floor, unable to bring himself to meet Y/N's amused gaze when she walked out of the bathroom looking all clean and perfect.
Well, not perfect. Like the rest of the band, she had that 'crafted messy' look. An old black crop that had Joan Jett on the front and was fraying at the hem is all that she wore on top, no bra, no coat (they were in Nevada in summer, there was no need), just that thin fabric. Not much was left to the imagination of what she looked like under there. Her green cargo pants, however, were baggy and covered in pockets as they hung on her hips. It looked like it had been worn countless times, and yet it seemed to fit with her curves.
Perfect. Or at least she was to Eddie.
"I'm hungry. Room service or shall we go down to dinner? Is it still open?" she asked the boys. Why she thought they had any clue was beyond her.
"Room service!" It was quite creepy how they all responded in unison. They had been stuck with each other for far too long and it showed.
Within no time, they were all stuffing their faces and watching TV, all crowded on Y/N and Eddie's bed - presumably getting crumbs everywhere. Gareth had huddled himself between the couple and Simon took the opportunity to tease, "I'm sure this bed is large enough for Gareth to share with you two."
"Gross. That's like sleeping in between my parents."
Over the years, the two older members of the band had taken on a sort of parental role for the other boys. Y/N had never considered herself motherly before, but she knew what the boys lacked in common sense, they made up for with enthusiasm, which can be a dangerous mix in the industry that they were in. None of their homes had been particularly stable, with some being more neglectful than others, so Y/N and Eddie tried their hardest to steer the younger ones away from stupid decisions. Especially Gareth who was the youngest and stupidest. It was difficult due to the fact they were also still young and stupid, not to mention the fact that the rock scene often offered them tempting ways to seriously mess up their lives.
"Aw, does our little babygirl not want to cuddle up to mommy and daddy?" Eddie teased Gareth, poking him in the ribs as the boy tried to squirm away from the touch.
Y/N chuckled, reaching behind Gareth to ruffle his hair affectionately, but found that it was tangled beyond belief. She wiped off her hands, pushed the remainder of her fries onto Eddie's plate and slotted in the space between Gareth and the headboard.
"Sweetheart, can you get my brush for me, please?" They knew who she was talking to despite the fact that she hadn't looked away from Gareth's unkempt bush that he called hair. Eddie was on it immediately and retrieved it for her, placing the comb in her hand before he returned to gobbling down the last bit of her food.
"When was the last time you brushed this, stupid?" she asked Gareth, untangling what she could with her fingers to be more gentle in preparation for the comb's bristles against his scalp. Her soft touch didn't make any difference. He winced anyways, shying away from her touch as he attempted to move away. "If you took care of it more often, it wouldn't hurt as much when I have to do this."
Gareth pouted as he continued to glare daggers at her before relenting and moving to allow her full access to his hair. She began to brush out the knots in slow motion, careful to avoid irritating him further, even though he was already starting to calm down. As she worked her way slowly, meticulously brushing away whatever knots might still be lurking around his mane of curls, Y/N heard him whisper, "Thank you."
"Anything for our babygirl."
Even though the boy had been complaining about it since forever, Gareth liked it when they babied him. He loved the affection, he craved it. He knew he was lucky to have such caring friends who did everything in their power to ensure he felt cared for and appreciated. He wasn't used to feeling that way before that band. It had been foreign, unfamiliar, but something he'd always wanted.
Over time, he became so calm that he fell asleep with his head resting against Y/N's chest. She smiled softly as she looked at him, nudging Eddie so he'd notice too, then glanced up at the other two. Simon, in his effort not to fall off the side of the bed, had gripped onto Jeff and the pair had also fallen asleep with Simon's camera just about to fall from his hands. Despite how annoying he was with it, that camera was special. Eddie silently crept towards him and gently wiggled the device from Simon's grasp. Eddie stood in front of the TV and snapped a photo of his band, needing to capture such a sweet moment, then safely placed the camera down on the bedside table and returned to his place beside Y/N.
When he saw the smile on her face, he couldn't help but mirror it in turn. In that instant, he swore that he would give anything in the world to stay in that moment forever; because in that moment, he realised exactly what platonic love was. And he knew with 100% certainty that wasn't what he felt for Y/N. She was like sunshine, like flowers blooming in springtime, like the stars in the night sky, like the rain that falls at twilight. It may sound simple to most, and probably is, but he felt complete when she was by his side, as though everything else in the world was completely insignificant compared to this girl next to him.
With that thought in his mind, he slithered his arm around her shoulders and guided her head to his shoulder, kissing the crown of her head gently as he closed his eyes and sighed contently. A million thoughts raced through his head at once as he held onto his beloved - the love of his life - as if she was the only person who existed in the whole universe. But he didn't dare tell her any of that right now. Instead, he decided to let them have the moment in peace, letting him savour the warmth and security he felt when she was curled up in his arms.
Just before she fell asleep, Y/N lifted her head to place a sleepy kiss on his cheek and mumbled, "Love you."
Eddie grinned widely, knowing full well that she wasn't awake enough to understand that she spoke the words aloud, and replied softly into her hair, "Love you too, doll." As Y/N began to drift off, he kissed her hairline lovingly before he followed her lead.
└─────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───────┘
It started out as little whines as it always did. The band were used to Eddie's nightmares by now. They weren't as frequent as they used to be, but if something particularly exciting had happened or he had yet to adapt to their new surroundings yet, they would rear their ugly head again.
Y/N, being in the closest proximity to Eddie, was the first to be awoken by his pained sounds. She slowly tried to weasel herself out from under Gareth. Once she managed to escape and carefully climbed out of the middle of the bed so she could sit on the tiny gap he'd left on the end, feeling so bad that she had to ignore how he sounded like a kicked puppy until she was in the position to comfort him. Gareth grumbled in protest but went back to sleep almost immediately.
"It's okay, honey. I've got you," she whispered, her fingers drawing soft circles on his hand in a desperate attempt to calm him without waking him up completely. His brows were furrowed tightly together as he let out small whimpers and shuddered. His nails dug into his palms, so she pulled on his fingers and slipped her hand into his to ensure he would hurt himself.
Eddie's eyes snapped open, fear filling them before he looked at Y/N frantically, his breathing growing laboured. It took him a minute to realise where they were, but as soon as he registered where they were, his hands flew to his face as his mouth fell agape. "I'm sorry," he said weakly after a beat of silence, his voice hoarse and shaky. "I didn't mean to wake you." He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to will away any remaining traces of his old fears and memories. As much as he hated feeling vulnerable and afraid, at least it hadn't gotten so bad that he woke the other boys this time.
"Hey, it's alright. You're safe here," she said softly, gently brushing the hair out of his face. She stroked his cheek tenderly and gave him a soft smile, causing him to close his eyes again with a sigh and relax into her touch. "It's going to be okay. You're okay. We're okay."
For a while they both sat quietly, not really knowing what else to do despite the fact that they'd been through this routine so many times. This was one of the reasons that she originally split the rooms as she did. Out of the band, she was the one who could best deal with his night terrors. Gareth would be grumpy if he was woken too abruptly. Simon gets overwhelmed easily. Jeff would be the next best, but he had a tendency to get overly emotional if he saw one of his friends in distress and, therefore, it would take Eddie more time to regain his composure. Y/N was the safest and, subsequently, the only choice.
"Do you want to talk about it? About anything?" Y/N asked as quietly and calmly as possible after a long pause. Eddie shook his head wordlessly. He didn't seem to want to open up and risk reliving his terrorized past all over again. He still found it terrifying just talking about it.
Her thumb stilled against his cheekbone for a moment and she watched him closely, searching his dark eyes for any sign of emotion. She could tell that he was struggling to keep his features blank even as his breathing hitched every few seconds.
"Can I get you anything?"
"A hug."
She nodded quickly and moved closer, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. He leaned into her, letting her hold him as his breaths calmed down and his shaking slowed down until he stopped altogether. He held her tightly against his body. Her arms felt nice wrapped around him, and she could feel the tension in his body dissipate as he relaxed into her embrace.
They stayed that way for a while.
Eventually, Eddie broke away and wiped his eyes hastily. "Sorry," he mumbled, his cheeks flushed red from embarrassment. He was grateful that she didn't press him and just allowed him the space to collect his thoughts, allowing him to process everything. She knew better than to push.
"I am going to pee myself if I don't go now. I promise I'll be back in two minutes."
Eddie gave a small nod as he released her and waited patiently for her to come back to the room. He wasn't sure how long he waited, but she returned as fast as she could. He had shifted to sit with his legs dangling over the side and had his head in his hands, resting his elbows atop his knees. His eyes were squeezed shut and he seemed like he was either doing deep breathing exercises or attempting to hold back tears.
Y/N approached cautiously, kneeling between his legs on the floor and putting her hand on his thigh reassuringly. He opened his eyes and met hers as she smiled. He didn't say anything for a second but then, as his gaze softened slightly, he gave a short laugh. "That was a quick piss."
"Didn't even use the hand towel to dry my hands. I thought your jeans would be better," she joked and playfully wiped her wet hands against the fabric that covered his thighs. "Crazy that you fell asleep in jeans, by the way."
Instead of replying, Eddie slipped off the bed and made sure that he landed directly on top of her, forcing her back to hit the carpet with a soft "Oh fuck" leaving her lips. He smirked at her but the smirk turned into a genuine smile once she rolled her eyes at him. He braced himself on his elbows above her, his arms bracketing her head as she reached around to wrap her arms around his torso, pulling him into a bone crushing hug. And, he didn't fight it; he just let himself be held tight, revelling in the warmth of his friend's body, soaking up as much physical contact as humanly possible.
"I'm sorry I'm ruining your vacation."
"Nonsense." She released him for a moment to pull back and look at his expression which was a mix of guilt and sorrow. She cupped his face in her hands. "Your nightmares are never your fault, Eddie. Besides, you haven't ruined anything." She paused to tease, "Not yet."
He raised an eyebrow at her, his lips curled up in a half grin and she smiled back at him fondly. There was no missing out on the way he sighed heavily and buried his head into her neck, inhaling her scent. It was comforting in a way that no one ever really understood. He breathed in deeply again and she heard his breathing stutter slightly as the last vestiges of his nightmare faded from his mind.
"I'm about to fall asleep," he said quietly as Y/N continued to rub soothing circles on his waist.
"As comfy as this is now, I think it will feel like a total bitch if we stay all squished up here. Surely, the bed would be more comfortable."
Eddie hummed and agreed, moving to climb off her and came to the realisation, "Gareth has taken up all the space we left."
"That bitch."
Sprawled out like a starfish, the drummer hadn't left a single inch of free room and he had a smug look on his face, almost as if he knew what he'd done in his sleep. Y/N took a peak and scoffed at the display.
"I swear this is our bed," she pointed out as she swiped the one pillow that Gareth wasn't hogging and plopped it on the floor.
After retrieving the fluffy blanket that she always carried in her luggage because their tour bus could get seriously cold at night, Y/N lay on her side, gesturing for Eddie to slot himself in front of her. He hesitated for only a brief moment before joining her under the covers, snuggling closely to her so that his back was flush against her chest.
"Kinda like being the little spoon," he admitted quietly as she rubbed his arm.
"Only kind of?"
"Okay, I'm a big fan."
Reaching behind him, he found her hand and placed it on his chest over his heart, intertwining their fingers as he closed his eyes, his breathing finally slowing as exhaustion won out. A small noise escaped his throat and his grip around her tightened subconsciously as his body relaxed fully, falling deeper and deeper into his slumber.
Y/N couldn't help but smile warmly as she watched him relax and eventually drift off to sleep. She pressed her lips to his cheek before she closed her eyes, her own body relaxing in an effort to catch some shut eye as well.
"Dude, shh.. Only an asshole would wake them right now. Come on…"
"But, Jeff, Eddie's fat head is blocking the door and I want breakfast."
Gareth and Jeff's little bout of arguing had woken Y/N up. Her sleepy eyes blinked open and glanced over at her bandmates, who appeared to have started a new argument already. She frowned and rubbed her eyes, fighting the urge to roll her eyes when Simon snapped a photo.
She gave Eddie's hand a squeeze to wake him up enough that she could manoeuvre him away from the door so they could leave the room without causing any more commotion. Eddie, in his sleepy state, turned to face Y/N and poked his nose into her cheek, mumbling something unintelligible. Y/N chuckled softly and ran her fingers through his hair, making him purr as he nestled deeper into her skin.
"Nightmares?" Jeff mouthed, although he already knew the answer. She nodded and gave a look that assured him that Eddie was fine. Jeff shot her a sympathetic glance before heading out into the hallway and pulling the other two with him.
"Thank god they've left," Eddie mumbled as soon as they were outside of the door and out of sight.
"Thought you were still asleep."
He opened one eye to peek at her and she gave him a teasing smile as she brushed the hair out of his face. He smiled back but remained silent for another moment, reluctant to move from her embrace. They both seemed content to lie there and enjoy each other's company for a bit longer.
"What are you thinking about?" he asked eventually, his voice barely above a whisper.
"It would be best if I went spa then pool, right? Or would the spa person prefer it if I smelt more like chlorine than myself?" she rambled, saying exactly what was on her mind without hesitation. It was a lot of meaningless things to ponder about. But she did it anyway. "Or, would it be better if I did the one today and the other tomorrow?"
A quiet chuckle left his lips, bringing a smile to her face as she turned her head to look across at him. "What's your judgement, Edward?"
"You could stay here with me all day?" He offered a lazy smile, a light blush covering his cheeks and his eyes crinkling at the corners. He looked absolutely adorable.
She let out a laugh, a smile tugging at her lips. "That is tempting and I'm sure the maid has seen much weirder shit than two idiots giggling on the floor," she teased, trying her best not to lose herself in his eyes.
"I don't know who you're talking about. I'm a man. I don't giggle."
"Oh yeah?"
Her fingers found their way to his neck and she tickled him to prove her point. He scrunched his cheek to his shoulder in a futile attempt to suppress his giggles, the sound of it vibrating through his whole body. It only made the laughter worse. As he began to writhe and twist beneath her, she continued until he managed to catch both of her hands in his grasp, stopping their movements.
"You don't giggle, huh?"
"Shut it."
They both burst into fits of laughter and Eddie sat up to lean against the side of the bed, resting his head against the mattress while she stood up, stretching her legs and arms above her head, her shirt riding up to show off more of her skin.
He felt his eyes wander up and down her figure, lingering on every part of her body. He wanted nothing more than to run his hands along every curve, tracing every contour, and to kiss every inch of exposed skin that he could reach, memorising every centimetre of her. He wanted to touch every bit of her, taste every drop of her, and savour her every sensation. He wanted to worship her and worship her until she was begging for more.
"You hungry?" she asked as she placed the pillow back and the blanket neatly folded at the foot of the bed.
She held out her hands to help him up off of the ground and he gladly accepted her offer. Shaking the sleepiness off and ignoring the sudden ache low in his stomach at just the thought of her touching him, he followed her lead as she prepared herself to go into public.
Their bandmates were still devouring the breakfast buffet when they arrived, which was surprising to no-one. Even after years together, Y/N was still astonished by how quickly they could a) find food and b) completely clear their plates - that is if they even bothered to use plates in the first place.
"Look who finally woke up!" Gareth exclaimed with a mouth full of pancake and sausage, waving his fork towards them.
"Well, scientists have proved that being forced onto the floor reduces the potency of sleep," Eddie lied drily, leaning forward and taking the piece of bacon Gareth was about to eat from him.
"Hey! Give me back my bacon, dumbass!"
"It's payback," Ed said between chews.
"Bite me!"
Eddie chuckled as Gareth pouted childishly and turned his face to Y/N, completely under the impression she'd be sympathetic to him. He didn't have any luck however as she simply shrugged in response with an easy smile and moved to gather her own meal with Eddie on her heels.
After thoroughly taking advantage of the buffet, the pair sat with their friends and ate their fill, enjoying their time together once again and just generally enjoying themselves.There was so much more to love and cherish in this band than just the music they produced. They got to share joys with each other in these beautiful locations across the globe, where they shared memories that meant the world to them. And the best part? Their label paid for it. Nothing tastes better than free.
All the boys expressed their interest in going to the pool. That settled Y/N's indecisiveness about what she was going to do that day. The spa it was. Honestly, she just wanted one moment alone. Maybe that was selfish of her, but she'd been attached at the hip to all four of them for so long. She missed being able to spend some uninterrupted time focusing on herself instead of worrying about her boys.
"Sunscreen." She handed Eddie a bottle as they prepared for the day's activities. The pair had returned to their room to get changed into their swim gear and Y/N knew, for an absolute fact, that none of the boys would have even thought about bringing SPF in their bags. "Simon burns easily so really get on his case."
He rolled his eyes but took the bottle nonetheless. "Yeah, yeah…" She grinned and reached up to flick his forehead playfully, laughing when she heard his grumble of annoyance. "Fine. I'll make sure they put the fucking lotion on."
"Good boy."
Red immediately rushed to Eddie's cheeks as he averted his gaze from hers with a sheepish grin. Did she have any idea what that would do to him? To his poor hormones? His heart fluttered in his chest as his eyes lingered on her for several seconds too long, the heat from his blush slowly rising up to his ears, then he hurried into the bathroom and shut the door.
When he'd changed into his trunks, she had already left, presumably heading to the spa. Eddie grabbed the sunscreen with a huff and made his way to the pool. He spotted Jeff sitting underneath a parasol by one of the larger pools, watching as Simon was happily trying to drown Gareth. A wicked grin crept over Eddie's face as he saw the scene before him. "I like what I'm seeing here, bring me up to speed."
"Gareth took a picture of his junk with Si's camera," Jeff replied nonchalantly, keeping his eyes focused on the water as the two of them continued to play around in the pool.
Eventually, Simon did let Gareth up for a breath and he splashed back with a big slap to the water. The boys soon were attacking each other in the water and ignoring the warnings of the surrounding lifeguards.
Meanwhile, Y/N was thoroughly relaxed as a lovely lady gave her a manicure, allowing her body to relax into the chair. Just talking to another woman was a breath of fresh air after dealing with so much masculinity for so long, she decided. As they talked, she couldn't help but feel extremely happy; her smile never failed to grace her lips.
After all those years of Y/N learning to take care of herself and her band and being so independent, it felt good to be pampered every now and then. There weren't many occasions where she actually needed someone to take care of her, but it was nice to indulge a little once in a while. Plus, having pretty nails is, well, pretty. And who doesn't want to feel pretty?
Then it was onto the body scrubbing, the facial massage, the pedicures, the seaweed wraps… everything seemed endless. Y/N got sick of all these people touching her. There was a tactile threshold and before they even got halfway through, Y/N decided it was time to cut her session short. She thanked the women politely, bid them goodbye, and headed straight towards where she knew her friends would be.
Somehow, they'd acquired water guns - maybe they'd stolen them from an unlucky child - and as soon as Y/N was spotted, they ambushed her with screams of delight. Y/N laughed as they attacked her with the water, trying to dodge most of their attacks but unable to avoid getting sprayed in the face multiple times. "Four vs one? Hardly fair, boys," she chided playfully. Eddie walked up behind her and wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her close, his gun resting against her temple.
"Guns down or the Princess gets it!"
Going along with it, the other three slowly lowered their toys and were rather surprised when they each got a shot of water straight to the face. Eddie smiled smugly down at Y/N as he pretended to blow the smoke from his gun. "Ah, the humble gunslinger saves the damsel once again," he cheered playfully, holding his hand up to high five her but she slapped it away playfully before snatching the toy from his hand and aiming it at his face.
As she aimed the gun directly at his nose, Eddie's eyes widened comically as he scrambled to get away from her and ran towards the water's edge, falling flat onto his back with a splash and yelping at the cold liquid. Eddie looked up to see Y/N laughing hysterically above him, not a trace of remorse to be found on her expression. He watched Simon throw himself towards Jeff and tackle him under the water as Gareth did the same to Y/N.
The all too familiar sound of a whistle filled the air and everyone stopped fighting and began to look up at where the noise came from. The lifeguard stood there, staring at them with a disapproving look on his face.
"One more warning and you're out."
Corroded Coffin was silent for a moment, then, one by one, they happened to catch each other's eye and couldn't hold it back. A slew of boisterous laughter bubbled its way from their throats, causing the lifeguard to shake his head in disbelief.
"How many warnings have you guys had?" Y/N asked breathlessly once the group managed to collect themselves.
"Two," Simon replied.
Jeff thought it was "Three."
"No, it's four," Gareth argued.
Y/N turned to Eddie and raised an eyebrow. He mouthed, "Seven." He'd been counting "Let's go before we get kicked out."
They all nodded and followed Eddie out of the pool, leaving a trail of wet footprints towards their towels where the rest of their stuff laid. Y/N was the last to get out of the pool and Eddie had to refrain from obviously leering at her as she pulled herself out, her bikini clad body glistening in the sunshine.
"Jesus Ed, buddy, your eyes are bulging out of your head," Jeff teased and slapped his friend on the shoulder as he passed.
Gareth spun a towel in a spiral and whipped it against the guitarist's back, laughing and joking that, "Not the only thing that bulging."
If there weren't children around, Eddie was sure he and Gareth would've gotten in a tussle as the younger boy would try to yank his trunks down. So, in an effort to stop that thought before it even arrived, Eddie slapped Gareth around the back of the head. Of course, Gareth retaliated with a jab to his ribs, which resulted in Eddie getting him in a headlock.
"Gonna give up?"
"Give me all you got, old man."
Simon, Jeff and Y/N sat back on the loungers, paying not much attention to the two fighting boys. It wouldn't be long before they'd be done anyway. Little squabbles happened all the time and it never lasted more than five minutes.
Giving a quick glance over to her idiots, Y/N got distracted from rubbing sunscreen into her legs by how stupidly hot Eddie looked as the sun kissed his neck with golden glow and his eyes crinkled at the edges as he smiled and taunted Gareth. Even his hair looked amazing despite it being sopping wet, his dark brown curls just begging for her fingers to run through.
God. She shook her head slightly, snapping herself out of her thoughts and continued applying the SPF. "Si, when did you last reapply?" she called out to him, turning back to watch the scene with amusement.
His face scrunched up briefly, clearly thinking hard as he racked his brain, but then just shrugged. That was super helpful. She knelt beside him and squeezed a bunch of lotion in hand and started on his back as he did his front.
"Dude, don't come near me," Gareth jovially huffed as he finally managed to get far enough away from his attacker that he could breathe properly. Eddie cocked an amused brow at him, raising his eyebrows suggestively as if asking if he was conceding.
Clearly, the fight was coming to an end, but to make sure it one hundred percent did, Gareth hurried behind Y/N and pulled her to her feet, using her as a human shield from any further attempts from Eddie.
"Okay! Okay, I yield. I surrender."
Eddie prayed that Y/N didn't notice how his eyes wandered as she stood before him, her wet shorts clinging to her thighs and exposing every curve of her body and making him feel all sorts of things. He swallowed thickly as he forced himself to concentrate as she handed him the bottle of sunscreen. "There ya go, big guy."
"Do you, uh, do you need me to get your back?"
"Would you?"
Perched on the lounger, Eddie was gentle and slow as he caressed her skin, working his way over the dips in her shoulders and down to her hips. He was careful not to apply too much pressure and as such, his hands gently glided over her skin as she lay prone. Y/N sighed softly as his callused fingertips stroked her smooth skin as if she were made of porcelain, his touch sending shivers throughout her whole body.
"Want me to pay you back?"
"Would you?"
Honestly, Eddie didn't give a shit whether he burnt or not. Yet, he wouldn't pass up an opportunity to have her hands all over him. Not when her beautiful eyes stared intently at him, almost hypnotizingly so.
The other boys were used to being third, fourth and fifth wheels at this point and didn't bat an eyelid when they heard Eddie let out a pleased sigh as Y/N applied lotion to his chest and back. They knew better than to interrupt and so they remained quiet, content to pretend they weren't there for 'mommy and daddy's private time' as they teasingly named it.
"I like your nails," Eddie complimented, admiring the way her hands danced across his shoulder blades and the back of his neck. His voice was low, husky and deep and just as intoxicating. "They look like they could be used as weapons."
Teasingly, she dragged the nail on her forefinger down his peck, leaving a small trail of red as she went. Eddie gulped, feeling a bit lightheaded as he tried desperately not to look as affected as he felt. He quickly wiped his palms against his thighs, determined to not show how much Y/N's touch affected him and gave a weak laugh. Nowhere in her brain did she realise how sensual of an action it was and yet, somehow, she still seemed innocent as she smiled down at him and said, "I'm still getting used to the whole picking thing up bit. You wouldn't believe how long it took me to get my card out of my wallet when I went to pay."
"How long?"
"A total of four whole minutes."
"Are you two done eye-fucking? I want to go to the casino."
Both Eddie and Y/N snapped their heads around to glare at Gareth who now had an amused smirk plastered on his lips and the toy gun pointed at their faces. Simon and Jeff had disappeared somewhere along the way, most likely to the arcade, and left the babygirl behind.
"Why can't you go by yourself?" Eddie asked, his voice betraying his annoyance at having his privacy invaded. He'd just gotten some peace and quiet and here Gareth was, ruining everything.
"Because, you twats," he drawled lazily, waving the toy gun around as he spoke. "I need supervision so I don't spend my entire life savings."
"For once, our babygirl makes a good point," Y/N interjected, nodding in agreement with Gareth as her hand unconsciously played with the ends of Eddie's damp hair. "Go shower, put some clean clothes on and maybe we'll come with you to the casino."
The moment Gareth heard her words, he jumped up and quickly kissed her on the cheek, mumbling, "You won't regret this," as he skipped his way to do as she said.
Once he was gone, Eddie flopped backwards onto the deck chair and pouted. "You're such a pushover," he grumbled.
"And what about you? Are you gonna be a spoilsport?" Y/N asked, grinning mischievously at him. "Or are you going to let the two of us have all the fun?" Eddie's face instantly broke out in a huge grin as she playfully pushed him off of the lounger.
When he hit the floor, he didn't hesitate to pretend to be dead and rolled around for a few seconds until he posed - his head resting on his palm with his elbow touching the ground and his leg bent at the knee with his foot firmly placed by his other knee - and joked, "This sexy son of a gun is going to bet away all of his cold hard cash tonight."
And judging by the twinkle in his eye, that might just be true.
└─────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───────┘
Gambling is addictive, no matter how much you know your odds. It was always there, always lurking in the shadows, waiting to pull you down into its clutches where it would keep you there until your bank account was in the negative. Yet, it's fun. That's how it gets you.
"Do I look like 'I'm a smart, sophisticated woman who is going to win some money' or, you know, a whore?" Y/N asked as she smoothed down her dress. Eddie had just exited the bathroom and was looking over at her, his eyebrows raised slightly in surprise at how beautiful she looked.
Not that she wasn't pretty. Because she was. And Eddie knew for a fact that she was - he didn't know much, but he knew that. But he wasn't expecting the way her hair fell over her shoulders, tumbling down to frame her perfect face, making his fingers itch to brush the silky strands away so he could see her eyes better. And how her dress was that perfect mix of effortless elegance and classic grunge style, showing off her curves beautifully. Eddie didn't really have time to think about it though as he watched as she smiled at him, holding out her hand expectantly.
"What do you think? Do I look classy?" Her eyes were twinkling mischievously, challenging his reaction.
Obviously he wasn't going to refuse a chance at holding her hand; especially not if that meant he got to look at her lovely smile all night. So, he took her hand and twirled her around, grinning broadly. "You're the classiest looking whore I've ever seen," he told her, causing Y/N to laugh.
"How much could I charge?" she murmured playfully, leaning against him before pulling away. Eddie's arms automatically went back down and his hands landed on his hips awkwardly, unsure of what to do next.
"Doesn't matter, I'd bankrupt myself," he flirted, trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach that seemed to suddenly appear. She playfully rolled her eyes and turned to leave before turning back to the mirror once again to fix her hair. Coming up behind her, Eddie gently guided her wrists away from her head and held them down at her sides, trapping her wrists with his own. "Stop messing, you look beautiful." He leaned down to whisper in her ear, nuzzling against her neck with a smirk on his lips. "And I mean it."
He could swear he saw her flush, and that made his heart swell with pride. He felt like he had accomplished something important. She turned in his grip, looking him in the eye. She was close enough to him that he could smell the sweet scent of her perfume. Oh no, he was feeling light headed.
"You don't look too bad yourself, Munson," Y/N replied teasingly, a wicked grin spreading across her features as she watched him blush in response.
"Well, thank you, my lady."
Jovially, Eddie gave a sweeping bow and kissed the back of Y/N's hand like a mediaeval Knight would a Princess' hand. Y/N laughed and shook her head at him, her laugh soon turning to a giggle as he lifted her off the ground and happily spun her around. "Edward, put - put me down! Ed! Oh my God!" she protested, still laughing uncontrollably as she struggled weakly to escape his hold. His laughter echoed throughout the hotel room as his hands gently rested on her waist, keeping her firmly in place.
His laugh died down as he looked down at Y/N and realised how close their faces were, their breath mingling together slightly and their eyes locked. He swallowed thickly as he tried to think of anything else besides her soft pink lips and her beautiful eyes as she looked at him. Just as he placed her down and went to lean in and kiss her softly, someone knocked loudly on the door.
From the other side of the wood, Gareth yelled, "Guys, Simon and Jeff are coming too. Get out here!" Startled by his friend's voice, Eddie quickly pulled away from Y/N and straightened up, cursing under his breath at the missed opportunity. He hadn't wanted to let her go yet. But unfortunately, their friends were knocking again, louder than before. He sighed wearily and ran a hand through his hair.
"Come on, sweetheart, our children are waiting for us."
The pair exited the room and made their way with the rest of Corroded Coffin to the casinos to spend way too much money on....? The atmosphere? The comradery? The chance of getting more money, yeah, that's most likely.
As he followed Y/N down the hall, Eddie was sure that he should've been caught checking her out. But he couldn't bring himself to care, too distracted by his own thoughts of how she was so fucking gorgeous, how he could just grab her hand and drag her into the nearest room to make love to her. He found himself smiling as she turned around to flash him a smile - one that caused his knees to weaken - and held out her hand again. "Hey, slow poke, you're lagging behind."
"Oh," he replied lamely, taking her hand and intertwining his fingers with hers. He hoped she wouldn't notice how sweaty his hands were. He kept his eyes averted from her while following the group to the casino entrance. If she noticed, she didn't say anything about it as they walked out into the hot Vegas air.
There were people everywhere - all dressed in expensive clothing and designer shoes, sipping champagne and chatting with each other in a loud, cheery tone. Five years ago, Eddie thought that it was a sight he'd never see. All the luxury and extravagance around him only served to remind him of how far the band had come. How far their dream had come. He was proud to call himself a part of it. He knew it probably wouldn't last forever, but he certainly wasn't ready to give up on it now.
"Woah," Gareth exclaimed, staring in disbelief at one of the waterfall features, promptly walking over to it like he was in a trance and sticking his hand into it, his mouth open in amazement. He glanced over his shoulder at Eddie and Y/N with an excited look on his face.
"I don't get it. There is water in Hawkins," Eddie said dumbfoundedly, walking toward his friend and tugging his hand away before he soaked all of his clothes. He hadn't forgotten how many times this kid had gotten drunk and ended up in a fountain.
Y/N looked at Jeff and Simon with a questioning look, finding that they were staring at her expectantly, as if she would tell them what to do. Admittedly, there was so much choice. With 2,300 slot machines and 115 table games, it was hard to pick. And even harder to choose wisely when you don't exactly have a clue how to play. "I don't know what you're staring at me like that for. I'm here for the bar," she stated simply. She had no idea why they expected her to have a single clue about all this shit. With a humorous huff of "Go ask your father," Y/N made a beeline to the bar.
A quick glance at the bartender revealed him to be a tall blonde who looked like a Greek god. "A pretty lady like you? I think you'd suit a Mai Tai," he told her flirtatiously, giving her the best crooked grin he possibly could. "Its name means 'out of this world', so it's fitting for someone such as yourself."
"Hit me with it," Y/N ordered, not even batting an eyelash, not bothering to say anything different. If he thought she would like a Mai Tai, she was getting a Mai Tai, damn it.
"Sure thing, beautiful."
Turning around, the man started to prepare her drink, whistling a jaunty tune as he did so. Y/N looked around the area she was in curiously, taking in all the flashy things and the bright colours. It felt like she was watching a movie, except the film didn't look quite real because, well, it was a 360° shot. Everything looked so unreal.
As the bartender brought her drink, Y/N reached for the glass and took a small sip, instantly feeling the tingle of the alcohol burning its way down her throat and warming her chest. "Wow," she muttered, impressed by the taste of it. "I thought it was expensive, but fuck, I'd pay double for that."
"It's on the house."
"Oh. Thank you."
From where he was standing, Eddie could see Y/N chat to the handsome bartender and blurted out, "What do you think they're talking about?" He'd interrupted himself and changed the subject from how to play Blackjack to 'huh, the girl I like is talking to someone else'. He winced internally as the words left his lips. Shit, he sounds like a complete fool...
"Probably what drink she's ordering," Simon answered plainly, shrugging his shoulders.
"Yeah, that tends to be why people talk to bartenders," Gareth snorted, a sly grin forming on his face when he added, "But, Y/N's already got her drink in her hand so it's not that."
Frankly, the band was tired of the two of them swooning after each other. It had been five years of constant longing glances and meaningful touches, and yet, the both of them were oblivious to each other, making everyone want to gag. It was borderline infuriating and gross at times.
They had been flirting nonstop since their first day of rehearsals. They weren't subtle, either. Eddie had actually dropped his guitar, his pride and joy, when Y/N turned up to the Corroded Coffin open auditions all those fateful years ago. Then he pushed Gareth in front of him so the younger boy would have to do the introductions - something he never allowed Gareth to do because he'd once ruined an audition in two seconds when he asked, "who's the cute chick?" and it was actually a man with a very fragile ego and a good right hook.
Y/N, on the other hand, hadn't applied rouge that day but it sure looked as if she did. At one point, Y/N accidentally tripped over her own feet when she had been two busy watching the way Eddie's biceps flexed when he scrambled to pick his guitar up and quickly darted her hand out to hold onto the nearest surface for support, forcefully wacking Jeff in the nuts. She didn't fall to the ground, but Jeff certainly did.
"Dude, you've got to do something about it," Jeff urged, trying not to laugh at the lovesick expression on their frontman's face. As annoying as Eddie was, he was still their boy. Their boy needed to either get laid and move on, or get the girl of his dreams. Jeff knew what he'd prefer if he was in Eddie's situation.
"Huh? Do something about what?"
Who knew what they were talking about. It's not as if it was obvious. "You're totally hopeless, dude." Jeff shook his head. He paused briefly before adding, "Seriously though... I don't know. Maybe just... Ask her?" He smiled encouragingly, and even though Jeff was trying his best to stop laughing, he wasn't doing a great job of it.
Judging by how Eddie's focus was entirely on Y/N, Jeff knew he wasn't being listened to. Not that it bothered Jeff much anyway; as long as they stopped being idiots and finally acted on their feelings for each other, then it was all good. Besides, it was kind of funny to watch.
"Do you think I should go over there?"
"You're going to do it no matter what I say."
Eddie was already walking towards the bar before Jeff had even finished his sentence. Jeff chuckled at his friend's dramatic flair as he watched him walk towards the woman talking animatedly, his hair slightly mussed from where he ran his hand through it. He reached Y/N in no time and made her jump when he placed his hand on the small of her back. "Oh fuck! Hey, Ed!" She calmed herself, "Try this."
Y/N held her straw near his mouth, and he took it hesitantly between his lips as his heart began beating rapidly. He wasn't sure whether it was from the excitement or nervousness that was pumping through his veins right now, but whatever it was, it sure made everything seem like it was moving in slow motion. His eyes widened in surprise as he slowly sucked in some of the cocktail, savouring every bit of flavour and heat that spread throughout his body.
"Good, right?" Y/N asked eagerly as Eddie pulled the straw away, licking his lips unconsciously. Her eyes were zeroed in on his mouth, mesmerised at how pink they were.
"Fuuuck.. This tastes amazing." Despite how much the bartender was getting on his nerves, Eddie had to admit, his cocktails were good. "Two more of whatever these are, one for me and the other for my lovely lady, please barkeep." He raised his hand for emphasis, glancing briefly at Y/N to give her a wink that she returned with an innocent smile.
The bartender gave the pair a quick scan then proceeded to make the drinks without another word. As soon as Eddie had paid for his drinks and they were in hand, he grabbed Y/N's wrist and dragged her away from the counter and towards their bandmates, claiming that, "I've still got to explain how to play." And while that was true, maybe he had an ulterior motive.
Soon they were all crowded around Eddie as he taught them how to play Blackjack. According to the dealer, it was rather strange to have four young adults eagerly peering over the one of them who actually was taught how to play (by his uncle Wayne), so, to make it look less weird, Eddie hooked his arm around Y/N and pulled her so she was seated on his thigh.
High rollers always had their arm candy on their laps in all the gangster movies he'd seen. He figured it was only appropriate. Hell, she seemed to fit perfectly in his lap. As he glanced down at her, he noticed the way her cheeks lit up as she stared at the cards intently. Her attention went from person to person as her tongue stuck out the corner of her mouth in concentration. He loved watching her do that. She looked so sexy and so lost in the game.
"I think it's time to surrender," she whispered quietly into his ear, sending chills across his entire body. "Three or more and we lose."
Blackjack is a pretty easy game. Can you count to 21? Yep, you can play it. But Y/N had remained on his lap. She hadn't taken the stool beside him like their other bandmates. No, they were still working together as a team even though it would be possible to play as individuals.
"I can feel it. Our next card is going to be a two."
Nope. It was a five. Bust. "I know, I know. You told me so," he whispered in exasperation as she leaned down and pressed her forehead against his shoulder, chuckling softly at their misfortune. He wasn't mad in the slightest.
How could he be when she hadn't smacked his hand from her thigh yet? He'd been sliding it back and forth from her ass to a couple of inches up from her knee for so long now. He could feel her thighs, warm and soft underneath his hands, and that feeling alone was enough to drive him crazy. His fingers traced patterns on the outside of her thigh, enjoying the sensation, and Y/N sighed contently as she wrapped her arm around his shoulders.
More and more games were played, most of which involved the band arguing amongst themselves and the dealer having to remind them that there were other people at the table too, and yes, it was rude to point and laugh when people went bust.
At one point, Y/N happened to notice how Eddie had begun to get more confident as they'd won a fair few games. He was leaning back in his seat, his bottom lip caught in between his teeth as he studied the cards on the table intently. Even his foot began tapping at the same pace his hand was drumming against her thigh. She found herself staring at him, entranced at how focused he was and how hot he was looking. It was quite fascinating to her, to say the least.
Unable to stop herself, she reached out and tucked one of his curls behind his ear. She couldn't help herself, she just wanted to touch him. He didn't appear to notice at first, too absorbed in playing Blackjack in front of them. But, when he heard her giggle, he looked up at her and grinned.
"I'm, uh, going to go to the bathroom," she mumbled out, the distant memory of one her girl friends recounting a story of a guy being able to feel your heartbeat on his lap if you're turned on firm in the front of her mind as she detangled herself from his grip, standing up quickly and brushing her skirt off and heading straight to the bathroom before he'd even gotten a chance to respond.
When the cubicle door closed behind her, the room felt colder than usual. She shivered lightly and let out a shaky breath as she leaned against the wall and closed her eyes, her mind still reeling with thoughts about how adorable Eddie looked whilst playing Blackjack. She wasn't ashamed to admit that the image had her practically drooling.
However, she was preoccupied. As she sat on the loo and her gaze fell to her underwear, she realised that they were way more damp than she'd hoped they would be. Shit. Could Eddie feel that? Or had her dress covered it? Shit. Shit. Shit. She tried her best to calm herself, praying to any god or goddess that she never believed in unless she was in a crisis.
"Oh shit," she murmured under her breath as she stood up and walked over to the sink, washing her hands, trying not to panic as she thought about what she was about to face.
Fuck it. She needs another drink. One thing's for certain, she was going to need it if he kept sliding his hand up her leg like he'd been doing for the last hour.
Eddie wasn't entirely sure why Y/N had taken so long in the bathroom. It had been a while since she left and he'd lost more times than he wanted to in that time. And when he saw her making her way from the bathroom to the bat, he was confused. Gambling ensures that the servers were giving them free drinks. She didn't need to go to the bar. So, why did she do it? Did something happen? Or did she want to talk to that bartender again? He certainly couldn't tell.
"Win big while I was gone?" Y/N asked as she returned. She dismissed his offer when he patted his thigh this time, choosing to stand behind him and lean down to whisper in his ear instead, causing his body temperature to rise exponentially in seconds.
"Think you might be my lucky charm, sweetheart."
From then on, she stood there, helping him out and massaging his shoulders, until Gareth got grumpy about how much he was losing and whined about moving onto the slots. "Babygirl, you're allowed to go on your own," Eddie argued, too deep in the game to want to leave.
Gareth was known for his tantrums. While Eddie's were brief stints of anger that were soon quelled, Gareth's strops could last days. One time, Simon had got his and Gareth's game boy confused because they'd bought the same colour. The younger boy pouted and whined for a whole two weeks. It was hell.
"Come on, big guy. I'll go with you," Y/N offered after seeing Gareth sulking in his chair. He perked right back up when she said it, hopping up immediately afterwards and almost skipping to the slot machines. Simon accompanied them too and soon the three of them were way too delighted to be losing money at a much faster rate than they were before, laughing and teasing each other as they lost more and more.
As the amount of dollars in their bank account went down, the number of alcoholic beverages they consumed went up. When Y/N finally wised up and stopped throwing money away, she pulled Gareth and Simon away, all giggling and smiling at whatever silly thing that had come to cross their minds.
"I'm going to tell Edward and Jeffrey that we're going out on the town!" Gareth exclaimed, downing the last morsel of his drink as if he'd gone without hydration for the past ten years. The other two weren't going to stop him.
With their heads resting against each other, Simon didn't even line up his frame as he took a picture of Gareth's retreating figure. Surely, it was blurry, lopsided and poorly lit, but he didn't care. "Got any glam shots of me tonight?" Y/N asked with a sly smile as she reached out to steal his camera so she could take a picture of him.
"A few."
"Only a few? I'm going to have to rectify that then."
She turned the lens to face her and took so many photos of her tipsy face, which was the nighties equivalent of a selfie. She laughed and took more pictures of her friend, laughing along with him and grinning widely as he threw his arms around her and posed stupidly for the camera until he ran out of film. Luckily, Simon always carried spares. (And so did Y/N in her purse in case he ran out of his spares. Honestly, that boy spent so much on film, she was surprised that he had any money left to lose in a casino.)
"Sorry to interrupt the photoshoot, but Gareth's beginning to annoy me. Let's get more drunk so I can deal with him."
The pair looked up to find Eddie laughing at them, shaking his head, amused. He held out his hand to help Y/N up off her seat but Simon interjected with a "Thanks, good buddy" and took his offer instead. Y/N stood up by herself.
Then it was onto the club, which they all knew would get messy. They entered the nightclub after taking time to herd the band together as Jeff had a tendency to walk away. Making their way through the doors, they were immediately met with flashing lights, loud music and people dancing wildly to some unknown pop tune. There were couples kissing in every corner of the place, swaying and grinding against each other and the DJ was blaring his voice directly into their ears.
"Go dance, I'll get us drinks," Eddie mumbled, pushing his band towards the dance floor. The boys were eager enough to listen to him as they disappeared into the throng of bodies dancing, their shouts of approval filling the air as they danced on.
"Need a hand carrying them?"
"No, go have fun, sweetheart."
She didn't listen and joined him, weaving through the crowd easily. They moved together, Eddie's arm wrapped firmly around her waist to keep her close to his side and Y/N's hand shoved in his ass pocket. They made their way to the counter and were greeted "Corroded Coffin!" by the woman taking the orders.
"That's us!" They cheered, high fiving the barkeep as she slid glasses filled with alcohol and shots of tequila across the counter to the other customers.
"We have a drink named after you guys. It'll be gone by the end of the week. You have to try it!"
Looking at the sign before her that read:
'Angel's Blow of Death - Slayer
The Bumblebee Stinger - Bumblebee Unlimited
Walking on Tequila Sunshine - Katrina And The Waves'
And finally, 'Corroded Colada - Corroded Coffin.'
"Surely saying that a drink is corroded puts people off buying it," Eddie remarked in Y/N's ear, leaning down and pulling her closer so she'd hear him better over the music. His fingers brushed her lower back and he smiled mischievously as he ordered five of the Corroded Coladas and two shots of tequila.
When the bartender put those things on the counter, he handed Y/N one of the shot glasses. "Down the hatch! Here's to... our future!" he shouted enthusiastically, clinking their glasses together and each downing the shot. By this point, both of them had become accustomed to the sensation and neither of them even flinched.
It was a hassle to hold five drinks with only four hands, but Y/N came up with the idea to use her bra - which she actually wore for once because her dress didn't look complete without some boob action - as a holder so that she could hold one glass in each hand and use her tits to squish the final one. It was genius really.
Eddie unloaded his two glasses into Simon and Gareth's hands and took one from Y/N to shove towards Jeff. He knew which glass he wanted. Without saying anything he lowered his head to take the straw of the boob glass in his mouth and smiled up at Y/N as he took a drink. She watched him closely. How could she not?
And, of course, Simon was quick enough to capture that moment with his camera.
All she could do was stare at him, completely mesmerised. Honestly, he looked like he belonged with his face between her boobs and, really honestly, he looked so pleased with himself that she wouldn't be surprised if that same thought crossed his mind too.
"I have to go to the bathroom," she squeaked out, her eyes wide and her heart racing. Quickly, she handed her drink and yanked his from her bra to Eddie, leaving as soon as they were no longer in her clutches.
Once again, Y/N was immeasurably turned on and hiding out in the loo. She was practically hyperventilating from trying to stay composed whilst staring at her reflection in the mirror; she just barely managed to restrain her urge to stick her hand down her underwear and sort herself out. No. She just stared at herself and hoped and and wished for her self control to come back to her, but she was already starting to feel weak at the knees.
'Just go back out there, Y/N. Forget about your ruined panties and strut out there like the rockstar you are,' she thought to herself, biting her lip to ground her, but the image of Eddie's face in her breast didn't help matters much either.
"Calm down," she said quietly to herself, slapping her cheeks lightly. She still felt dizzy and lightheaded, which was odd. Her vision blurred as she looked at herself in the mirror once more. Maybe it was just the drink? Yeah, that must be it.
In no time, Y/N was back out there and dancing up a storm with her boys, who were having a ball, too. Imagine the nerds from your class dancing awkwardly to early nineties club bangers without a care in the world (and possibly some powdered assistance), that's exactly how Corroded Coffin looked on the dance floor.
"Shout out to Corroded Coffin. They're somewhere in the crowd if you look hard enough. This one's for you guys!" The DJ announced as members of the crowd who knew who they were cheered. The others looked around like 'WTF is this dude talking about?' "Here it is, 'The Devil From Below'."
Their song began to play and, although they were drunk and high, it never felt more visceral. They'd made it. They'd actually made it. Each member of the band sang their hearts out like they never had before, as if their lives depended on it. Their voices were hoarse and their throats burned from screaming too long, but the adrenaline was flowing through them and their hearts couldn't contain the joy anymore.
Once the song ended, they all went wild. They threw themselves and each other around wildly and laughed hysterically with tears in their eyes, their hair sweaty and sticking to their skin. Everyone seemed to be drunk on the feeling, and they couldn't be happier.
In the revelry, a random drag queen that had been previously talking to Gareth was tugging him in for a smooch. Jeff leant over to Eddie to ask, "Does he know that's a man?"
"I don't think he cares all that much."
Simon took the initiative and pushed Eddie into Y/N. Eddie sluggishly grabbed onto her hips before she could stumble back and pulled her towards him. Thanks to all their liquid courage, Eddie didn't stop himself before he cupped her cheek and placed a big, wet smooch on her lips. He pulled away as quickly as he'd moved in and chuckled softly as he saw Y/N's shocked expression.
Before either of them could say anything, Jeff wolf whistled and smacked Y/N's ass. "Oh, you're not getting away with that!" Eddie exclaimed, moving to give Jeff a kiss too. It was impossible for Jeff to get away unscathed from being playfully kissed by his bandmate since Eddie was so taller and stronger than him. However, it seemed he didn't need to worry as when they stopped they were still chuckling and grinning widely.
They continued dancing until the night grew late and the club began closing for the night. Eventually everyone started heading home. Even those who had taken big milestones that night. "Look at them!" Simon pointed to two very drunk individuals that had 'Just Married' stashes across their chest. "Y/N! Y/N! I've got a question for you."
"Would you marry Eddie if I gave you $5,000? I dare you."
Fuck, she'd do it for free.
"I'll give you $5,000 too."
"Me too."
Eddie even mumbled, "I'll give you $10,000 and I'll eat you out until I get lockjaw."
Looks like a marriage was on tonight's schedule.
└─────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───────┘
Vegas weddings are iconic. They're drunken. They're trashy. They're fun. And therefore, they're so Eddie Munson.
Marriage had never been a thing Eddie ever thought would happen to him. Sure, there were times when he wanted kids and the prospect of settling down was always appealing, but he didn't think it could ever become reality for him. But, it was becoming a reality. A beautiful reality. A wedding with the most gorgeous girl. Eddie had seen plenty of beautiful girls before, none had been as special as Y/n L/N. And, maybe if they woke up in the morning and didn't want that annulment, his dream of having mini Munson's running around wouldn't be so outlandish after all.
So, here they were at the Graceland Chapel, preparing to tie the knot. They'd already bought the licence because there was $25,000 on offer. A non-legal marriage wasn't going to cut it. Oh, and there was a fake Elvis there as well. Who could forget about him?
Eddie did have to admit, he hadn't expected that it Y/N would be game. But the way Y/N looked radiant, the way she smiled brightly at him, the way that her hair was curled, and the way the dress hugged her body perfectly... Well, he couldn't blame himself for wanting to marry her.
With booze in their systems and a smile on their faces, the ceremony began as soon as Elvis walked Y/N down the aisle. Somehow the impersonator managed to do the whole thing in a skin tight flared outfit, also drunk out of his mind and singing 'Can't Help Falling In Love With You' without falling flat on the note and his face.
Y/N was laughing the entire time, clearly being egged on by her bandmates. Eddie, on the other, had completely zoned out. His focus was entirely on the woman next to him, the feeling of happiness in his chest making itself known.
"Do you two have rings?"
Yes they certainly did. On the way there, Gareth had insisted that they stopped at a gas station so he could buy three ring pops. He wanted something to eat whilst watching the ceremony, sue him! (There were also simple silver bands that they sold at the venue and the pair bought those two, but obviously were going to use the sweets because that's funnier.)
"Right here, Mr Presley," Simon answered, ripping the packets and handing each one to the pair. It went without saying, that they kept it stupid and playful throughout.
As most heterosexual marriages go, the woman has the ring placed on her finger first. She held her left hand out for Eddie to place the candy on her ring finger. "Repeat after me," Elvis began and Eddie was sure to listen. "I take you to be my loved wife."
"I take you to be my loved wife."
"In good times and bad."
Ah, so this wasn't the traditional vows. Makes sense because there wasn't anything else that was overtly traditional about the venue. Still, Eddie went with it, and honestly, the more he spoke, the more sober he was becoming.
Jesus Christ, their manager was going to murder them.
"In sickness and in health."
That was more like it.
"For richer or for whatever is left in your bank account after tonight."
Well, that was true. Y/N would be coming out on top no matter what. $25,000 and a husband. And, if he was going to go through with all of what he promised, a limitless amount of orgasms. Now that's what I call a girl boss win.
"For now and forever."
Bringing Y/N's knuckles up to his lips, Eddie repeated the words softly. He looked up at the woman standing before him with those big, beautiful brown eyes shining with pure, unadulterated love.
Then it was up to Y/N. She followed each step, also seeming more coherent and less sluggish as she went on. Going so far as copying Eddie's move and kissing him on the knuckles after sliding his sweet ring on.
"You may now kiss the bride!"
And they did just that. It was like a fire had been lit under Eddie's ass, a fire fueled by alcohol and desire, and he basically lunged at Y/N for their kiss. Her mouth was hot and welcoming as her hands found a home in his messy curls and his arm wound around her waist, pulling her closer as she let out a content sigh against him. This kiss was significantly longer than their previous one earlier in the night.
At one point, Eddie decided he wanted to do the classic thing and dipped Y/N. She squealed with delight in his arms, her laughter filling the chapel and echoing off the walls as they collided once more.
It also seemed that Eddie forgot that other people were around because, once their lips parted, his was moving down the centre of her neck all the way to her sternum, leaving a trail of saliva as he went.
All was sweet until the other boys thought it be funny to try and topple the couple by diving at Eddie's back from opposite sides. Eddie had barely registered the assault of bodies when suddenly, it became clear why he was on the floor. All five of them were in an uncomfortable but joyful pile in the middle of the pews, laughing and shouting while Elvis sung another song.
"Your hand is on my junk, Jeff."
"Sorry Gareth, that's actually mine."
"Si, remove it!"
"Eddie, your ass is in my face."
"Whose fault is that, Jeffrey?"
"That better be your wallet, babygirl."
"No, my dick is not hard. That's my ring pop stuck to your ass, Y/N."
"I actually like my head stuffed between my wife's boobs so I'm okay if we want to lie here for a few minutes more."
Eventually, they pulled themselves off the floor, laughing their asses off as they all found the candy stuck to Y/N's dress very funny. Even Elvis teased, "Kinda looks like a buttplug." It was sticky and made to be used in a ring, so yeah, he was correct.
Before they left the establishment, the newlyweds were informed of a discount they could get the honeymoon suite for at a nearby hotel and, why not? It was a night of wasting money! Gareth was handed the keys to their old room and Y/N and Eddie headed to their spanking new room.
The honeymoon suite was far more lavish than their previous one. The bed was huge and in the shape of a heart which Y/N immediately claimed, throwing herself onto it without giving much thought to her surroundings. She didn't even notice the hot tub in the middle of the room, filled to the brim with bubbly water. Or the huge TV on the wall. Or the swing in the corner, wonder why that was there?
Who knew what that was used for.
"My dear wife, how'd you like our amenities?" Eddie questioned, plopping himself onto the large chair next to the bed.
"Comfy bed."
"Is that all you look for in a hotel room?"
Just as he'd done when they arrived at the Mirage hotel room, he slapped her ass, yet this time he used it like a bongo drum. Her giggles filled the air along with joyful screams when he turned her over to face him, straddling her thighs and pinning her hands on either side of her head. Her breath hitched, and he grinned wickedly down at her.
"How are you going to use all the money you won?" he asked as he leaned in closer.
"I thought we could do a 50/50 split."
It was only fair. They both got married.
"So I get $2,500 extra and a hot wife? I have to say, I think I might be that imaginary guy upstairs' favourite good little boy."
Y/N was listening to him. She was. Although, she did finally notice the hot tub and kept that at the forefront of her mind rather than her sexy husband above her, mumbling, "Look a hot tub."
He'd already seen it, but for some reason, he dramatically looked behind him and exclaimed, "No way! Shall we give it a go?"
Of course they would. A private hot tub is put in front of you and you don't go in it? Crazy.
Scrambling off the bed, he threw his clothes off as fast as he possibly could, not bothering to fold or hang them up. He got down to his underwear in seconds, then with one look down at his boxer - he thought he would have a boner by now but he'd managed to keep it down - he inquired, "Shit, do you mind if I... I hate going commando and we didn't exactly bring a spare set of clothes."
"Uh, go for it."
She was a little more tentative when it came to removing her clothes and had to teasingly ask, "Can you unzip me before you get your cock out?" He smiled to himself and did as she asked then quickly took a seat on the edge of the tub, watching intently as she shimmied her dress down to the ground, exposing her lacy black panties and matching bra.
"Are you going to get naked too?"
"Do you want me to?"
Yes, yes he did. A thousand percent yes.
"That sounds like a trick question to me."
To answer his question, she unclipped her bra clasp and let her underwear fall before stepping into the water. He watched, mesmerised as his wife sat there completely nude, waiting patiently for him to join her. He slowly removed the rest of his clothes and stepped into the hot water opposite her as she politely averted her gaze.
"Does this count as skinny dipping?"
"I don't know. Is hot tub dwelling classified as swimming?" she quipped, making him chuckle.
A comfortable quiet fell upon them as they soaked up the heat, letting their fingers play amongst the bubbles in the tub, and just enjoying each other's company. For once, Eddie didn't feel like saying a word. His throat had closed up completely, and all he wanted to do was just stare at his love. She was looking at him too, smiling warmly at him as she did, and if he didn't know about the bet, he would've believed it to be real.
"Husband. That has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" Y/N said, breaking the peaceful silence that hung over them.
"Yeah," Eddie whispered quietly. He couldn't help but glance at the singular ring on her hand. "It does."
To annoy him, she started by poking him in the knee with her toe, making him laugh slightly and yelp at the same time. Then she got him on the thigh, then on the chest, then as her wet foot went to poke him in the cheek, Eddie grabbed her ankle before she could pull it away. Y/N tried pushing him away and failing miserably when he held onto her tighter.
Splashing him, she whined, "Give me back my foot," and pouted cutely to get him to comply.
"I give you your foot back, what do I get?"
"What do you want?"
The answer was simple.
"Another kiss."
"Well then..."
Leaning across the tub in the hopes he'd meet her halfway, Y/N puckered up and expected him to be messing about. He'd only want a chaste little peck, right? Wrong. He let go of her ankle and gripped onto her wrists - also known as the ankle of the arms - to ensure that she crashed on top of him. His face was boob height when her knees found the seat on either side of his hips.
He sat back, biting his lip as he took in every detail of her glistening, bare torso that was now positioned overtop of him and he was certain he couldn't be any happier. His eyes were transfixed on her skin, tracing the contours of her body whilst taking in every small freckle on her tummy, shoulders and neck that he couldn't help but touch ever so gently.
Her hands, too, trailed their paths all over him, finding comfort in the fact that he was real beneath her fingertips and not just a dream conjured by her imagination. Her thumbs ran across his broad shoulders, feeling each individual muscle underneath her touch and making his whole body jolt under the sensation.
Slowly, Eddie's lips found her shoulder and trailed kisses down to her neck until he reached the valley between her breasts. Just as he was going to take a bite, she gasped and grabbed his hair, pulling his face towards hers to capture his lips in an ardent, full kiss that left no space left for talking. His tongue darted into her mouth eagerly, kissing her passionately while his hands roamed over every inch of her back, down to her rear, before grabbing her ass to make sure he wasn't leaving any part of her skin untouched.
"Want to consummate our marriage?" Y/N moaned against his lips as they broke apart.
"Sure do." He paused when he felt her grind down on him, but had to restrain her hips to ask, "I always imagine our first time in a bed, can we?"
"Imagine? You imagine us? Me?" Eddie nodded eagerly, his eyes sparkling with passion and eagerness to explore every part of his wife. Underneath the water, his hands were at her hips, his thumbs drawing soft circles on her skin and she finally put the pieces together in her head. "You're serious, aren't you?!"
"Fuck yes!"
Y/N squealed excitedly, causing Eddie to grin from ear to ear as his grip around her waist tightened. She cradled his face in her hands, kissing his nose, cheeks, forehead and jaw tenderly before planting a few short yet passionate kisses onto his mouth. He didn't resist. Why would he? He loved when she kissed him and just sat there, beaming at her affectionately while she was peppering kisses all over his face.
And then the penny dropped for him. "No way! This isn't happening. I'm hallucinating, right? Y-you like me back?"
"Like?" she laughed lightly. "Eddie, I love you."
As his eyes widened, his lips curved into a huge smile and he pulled her even closer for a kiss, savouring the moment in which he had finally received the confirmation he'd been searching so desperately for. He kissed her with such intensity and passion, she felt dizzy from how hard he was trying to please her, and when he pulled away again, he murmured in her ear, "Love you too, doll."
"Shall we dry off and fuck?" Y/N purred seductively, her fingers trailing down his stomach until they reached the bottom of his happy trail. She stopped just shy of touching his cock directly, knowing that it was hard and desperate for any kind of contact.
"God, you know me so well."
He knew he was a lucky man when Y/N arose from the tub, wrapped herself in her bathrobe and held out her hand to help him when he nearly slipped due to his eagerness to join his wife. "Whoa Bambi, take it slow," she teased, yet her smile dropped when he was fully out of the tub and on complete show to her. All the water and bubbles had given her a distortion of what he looked like below the waist. Under her breath, she mumbled, "How the fuck am I going to be able to?"
"Able to do what?"
Shit. He heard her. She gave him an apologetic glance as her cheeks flushed red, but she forced a smile to return to her face and replied with a game of charades. She held out her hands a distance similar to how big his cock was. He gave her a confused expression before she gestured down to his crotch. Oh yeah! His dick!
"I'll be gentle."
"You better be. We've still got two days left here and I'd rather not be bedridden for them."
A sly grin appeared on Eddie's face as he moved closer to her, picking her up bridal style in one swift move with ease and laid her on the bed. As he hovered over her, he moved down and placed open mouthed kisses along her neck and collarbone until he finally reached her breasts. She arched her back in pleasure, her breath hitching ever so slightly as his hungry tongue made its way to her nipple, teasing it until it hardened even more.
"Do you want to know a fun fact?" she asked as his hands traced circles around her nipples and promptly flicked one, which elicited a loud moan from her lips.
"Love to."
"Earlier, in the club, you drank from the cup between my boobs. Turned me on. And, I mean, like, soaked through." She bit her lip as she awaited his response. She didn't have to wait long.
With a wicked smirk, he chuckled at her, replied, "So, you like the look of me right here?" and playfully motorboated her. Her giggles echoed throughout the room as he tickled her, making her squirm around on the sheets and swat at him.
Once he was content, he carried on his path down her body until his head reached her belly button and he rested his chin on it. "Want me to go lower?" His eyes never left Y/N's. "Want to fulfil my offer, after all."
"I'm yours, so... do whatever you want to me."
"Holy fuck."
Instantly, his mouth dipped lower to bite at her thighs, sucking on the soft skin until it was bruised. He continued his journey, leaving trails of hickeys and bite marks on her inner thighs up until he reached Y/N's clit, giving a soft kiss before he started playing with the swollen bud with the tip of his tongue.
"Look how sensitive you are. Jesus, Y/N!" He teased as she began to squirm under him again, her hands fisting the sheets while her breathing quickened. He had to hold her hips tightly to ensure she didn't wriggle away from him as he sucked on her clit.
Her fingers combed through his hair whilst her body tensed up from anticipation, a slew of groans escaping her throat as he continued his assault. He pushed her thigh further into the mattress as he lapped along her entrance before poking his tongue in and tasting her sweet juices.
With a deep sigh, she fell back onto the pillow, her legs falling limp as her arms stretched behind her head, allowing Eddie access to every inch of her body he wanted, which happened to include her pussy, and that was a fact he was very happy about. He slid his tongue along it, licking it, teasing and stroking the sensitive nerves. It was almost too good to be true. He couldn't get enough of it.
If this was a dream, it was a fucking good one. He knew he was fully awake when she tugged on his hair, a whine falling past her lips that he knew was a signal that she was getting close. He moved up and down the length of her wet entrance, his tongue working its magic and causing little tremors to ripple through her body as her breathing grew shallow.
Then, to ensure she had the best time possible, he slowly curled his finger inside. All those melodic noises she made increased in volume, and got even louder when another was added. As she had expected, his guitar fingering did translate well to the more intimate side of life.
"You look so pretty. My pretty girl gonna come on my face? I know you can, do it for me, Y/N."
Soon enough, he was rewarded with a string of muffled moans as her body convulsed under him, gripping his hair tightly with both hands as her orgasm hit her like a wave crashing against a rockslide, sending her mind flying to another dimension where she lost control and let out a strangled gasp as her entire body came alive.
"Fucking hell, babe."
His face was soaked. His lips glistening, his eyes glazed with desire, and his entire being dripping with arousal. Metaphorically and literally. "Well, that's never happened before," Y/N panted, a lazy smile appearing on her face. She held up her hand for a high five and he happily obliged it, his eyes filled with adoration as he stared at her. "Hell yeah, Eds!"
"Can I try to do it again?"
"Go for it."
Honestly, Y/N had no idea her body could come so much. After the third, her brain became too fuzzy that she stopped counting. Her eyelids were heavy, and her body felt like melted butter. Her smile was sluggish as he leaned forward to press sloppy kisses to her lips, making her giggle. After he pulled away from her lips, he whispered, "One more?" in her ear as he planted small kisses down her jaw.
"No, you've got to have some fun too."
"Believe me, doll, I am having fun." Then he nibbled her ear lobe lightly. "But you can have more than that if you want it. Hell, baby, I'll give you as many as you want."
He loved watching her face flush with heat as he spoke to her like that, loved knowing that it brought such a strong reaction from her. Even more so when he saw her biting her lip, trying to hide that sinful gleam in her eyes as she weighed her options.
At first, she gave him a soft, almost innocent kiss on the cheek, then she peppered his face with small pecks until she reached his ear and whispered in a seductive tone, "I'd rather feel what it's like to have your cock deep within me." He malfunctioned. "I've wanted it for so long."
"I think you've just broken my brain."
Every single bit of sanity he possessed was completely gone by the time she flipped them over and straddled him, taking care to remove her robe in order to reveal all she had to offer. When he lay upon his back, his gaze wandered over her, drinking in every curve of the body that had been gifted to him, from the swell of her breasts to the length of her legs.
As if she read his thoughts, Y/N smiled at him in a way that was almost shyly. She took him all in, memorising all of her husband's features in hopes that she'd never forget anything about him. His brown irises, which were always intense, but so loving now. How they sparkled as he looked at her with admiration. How beautiful he looked beneath her.
She gave him a peck on the mouth. "Love your lips."
Cheek. "Got cute cheeks too. Even cuter eyes."
Neck. "Really hot neck. I don't know how you do it really."
Collarbone. "I've never really been a collarbone kind of gal but...for you I'd convert."
Then she placed a kiss on his tattoo near his pec. "Big fan of this guy."
Kiss, kiss, kiss to his abs. "Very sexy. Very sexy..."
Eddie's breathing was erratic, his heart racing faster and faster in anticipation as each second passed, and Y/N sensed it. So, to finally relieve some of his tension, she turned so he was facing her back and lined them up, taking a deep breath before backing down onto his cock. His hands immediately went to her hips, holding her tight.
A low guttural groan escaped his lips as she bottomed out, and just by the way his thighs shook, she turned to see his face in ashamed bliss. "Fuuuck, that's so embarrassing. You feel way too good, baby," Eddie apologised as she giggled at him. "Literally in your cunt for less than ten seconds and I came."
Despite his shame, he sat up, brushed her hair from her shoulder and placed his head there. He kissed her neck softly, then stopped as soon as he realised she was laughing. "My pussy that good, huh?" she mused teasingly and reached to scratch the back of his head. "We've got all night. And, guess what?"
"That's a lot of ten seconds, Munson."
"Shut it, also Munson."
Y/N Munson. That name suited her perfectly. She had totally forgotten that her name would change, but as soon as those fateful words came out of his mouth, she broke out in a huge grin and kissed his temple.
During her time teasing him, Y/N must've lifted herself up a bit, whether consciously or unconsciously, and was no longer taking all of him. So, Eddie yanked down on her hips until he was buried to the hilt again. "Oh fuck," she whined, bucking her hips as his lips met her neck, sucking on the skin and kissing every nook and cranny he could find.
That was her cue to start bouncing on him. A mixture of moaning and groaning filled the hotel room, their sounds overlapping in harmony as Y/N rode him hard and fast. Eddie's fingers clawed her skin as he held her tighter, the muscles of his arms flexing every time he pulled her back onto him. Her eyes were shut tight as she rode his cock, her nails digging into his knees, causing him to let out deep, loud grunts, each one more pleasurable than the last.
All of a sudden, Eddie decided he wanted to see her face when she came apart and, without vocalising what he was about to do, wrapped his arms around her chest and fell backwards. Luckily, nothing bad happened, but Y/N definitely was surprised. "Whaaa-" She didn't even get to finish her yelp before she landed on his chest with a "umph".
"Warn a girl."
"Sorry, got too excited."
Perched half on the bed and half on Eddie, Y/N moved in tandem with his thrusts, rocking her hips and grinding against him, her knee hooked over his thigh as he thrust up into her. Every once in a while she'd moan and bite her lip as her inner walls tightened around his shaft, squeezing him in just the right spot that sent him straight to heaven.
"Oh my God, you take me so well, baby. Just like that," he moaned into her ear, his fingers tightening around her waist as he continued thrusting deep inside her with full force, making her whimper at each movement of his hips. "And your tits are so fucking perfect bouncing like that, oh."
Eddie had started murmuring incoherent things, mostly praising her body as he pumped himself harder than ever, losing himself in a world where only he and Y/N existed in the room. His hand drifted between her legs and found her clit, stroking it in a slow circular motion, and soon, his other hand was being tugged up to rest around her neck.
"Eyes on mine," he grunted. She complied eagerly, gripping onto his hand so he'd get the memo to add more pressure to her throat and looking at him through half lidded eyes as she bit down harshly on her bottom lip. "Good girl. Keep looking at me. Keep your eyes on me. Let me watch you come on my cock."
It didn't take much for her to fall off the edge. And, as he said, her gaze was trained on his until her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she screamed as her body tensed, squeezing his shaft tightly enough that he nearly lost control of himself, unable to keep himself from exploding inside her. His body stilled against hers for a split moment; then he came, shuddering violently with every spasm that tore through him.
"Jesus, you let your one night stands experience that?" she exclaimed incredulously as he pulled her closer to him, burying his nose in the crook of her neck.
"Nope, that was a wife specialty." He grinned against her skin and pressed a few kisses against it.
"Guess I better give you the husband specialty then."
Before he could refuse, she removed him from her and kneeled beside him. At first, she gave him a soft, almost innocent kiss on the cheek, then she peppered his face with small pecks until she reached his ear and whispered, "I've always wondered what you'd sound like when I've got your cock in my mouth." She kissed the lobe of his ear. "I'm about to find out."
And she did. With deliberate slowness, she danced her hand down his chest until she met his cock in full view, teasing it with her finger until it was fully hard again, running the edge of her thumb across his head, before she lowered her head and gave it a good long lick. His eyes rolled to the back of his head and he gripped the bedcovers tightly as her talented tongue played with the tip of before she began moving it in slow circular motions around and around, tasting the remnants of both of them on his skin.
Once she felt satisfied with what he liked, she used it to tease him with, teasing his balls with her fingertips and sucking on his shaft until he cried out in frustration. She knew that the sounds he was making would drive her crazy if she continued like this, but damn was she enjoying herself. She smiled as he clenched his teeth and grunted her name, coquetting, "Want me to take you deeper, sweetheart?"
Frankly the groan he let out was enough of an answer so, she took that as a sign to do as she said. With her palms flat against the mattress and her ass tauntingly wiggling near his chest, she took him into her throat and bobbed her head up and down.
"Oh god," he cursed, his voice hoarse and raw. "Baby! That's.. that's it, baby. Keep going, baby. You're driving me crazy, you're driving me mad. Fuck, you're so.... Please, please baby, take me deeper."
She complied. She took him all the way into her throat before gagging slightly and pulling away, earning a chuckle from him as he caressed her back and gave her a reassuring smack on the ass.
"Good girl," he praised and fully intended to continue praising her but she returned her mouth to his cock. He was speechless for a few moments, staring at the ceiling, feeling like he wasn't able to breathe as she deep throated him, each movement eliciting a moan of pleasure.
"You're killing me," he choked out, unable to keep the lusty grin off his face. He felt like he was melting beneath her touch and honestly, it was a sight he'd never forget. And she took him all the way to the hilt, leaving him quivering on the bedsheets, and all he could manage to say was, "Fuck...coming."
His eyes rolled back in his head as he came, releasing into Y/N's mouth and throwing his arm over his eyes in ecstasy. "Love you," he breathed out before he collapsed onto the pillows. She smiled tenderly at him as she wiped the remains of semen from her lips before she lay back and rested her head on his shoulder.
"Did you enjoy the husband specialty?" She asked playfully. He turned his head to look at her, giving her a sleepy smile and a nod in return.
The pair were quiet for a few minutes as they got their breathing back to normal. Eddie pulled back slightly just enough so he could look down at her, still lying on his chest. Their gazes locked as he stared at her, admiring everything about her. His fingers traced gently down her sides and across her stomach, stopping just below her belly button.
"Will you still want to be mine in the morning?"
His voice was soft, unsure and vulnerable, the way he normally sounded whenever he felt uncertain about something. As if he was afraid that her answer would shatter his very world, leaving nothing but shards behind.
"I'll be yours for as long as you want me to be yours. Hell, even after that."
He pulled her tighter against him, planting small kisses all along her neck, her shoulders and then settled his head on top of hers, resting his chin on her shoulder, closing his eyes as he allowed his mind to conjure up images of what their future might bring together.
"Our manager is going to murder us."
Eddie couldn't help but chuckle at her statement as he gazed lovingly down at the woman he loved, who was staring back into his eyes with love and adoration.
"Being kicked out of bed last night and today being full of partying and gambling, I'm so fucking tired," he complained to her with a smile tugging at his lips, and Y/N smiled back with the same expression.
After dealing with his whining for years now, she knew exactly how to stop the complaint. "So, sleep and I'm the little spoon tonight because I want to be. We'll wake up super late and I'll feel something poking into my ass because I always do whenever we've woken up like that -"
"You have!?"
"Yeah. I've always, you know, rationalised it as meaninglessness morning wood... Can I get back to my plan?"
Kissing her cheek, he mumbled a playful, "Proceed" against her skin.
"We fuck for a bit and then we go back to sleep. Maybe have lunch with the boys once we wake. We go to some fancy dinner, then a Siegfried & Roy show. Steal our keys back off Gareth....fuck as many times as we can until we pass out." She gazed up at him. "Sound good?"
A soft chuckle escaped his lips before he replied, "Sounds perfectly fucking ideal, yeah." And then he leaned forward and placed a kiss on her temple before yanking the duvet from under their bodies and pulling it over them both, snuggling up next to her until he fell into unconsciousness in her arms and she followed shortly thereafter.
They did as she said the following day to the surprise of no-one. The other members of Corroded Coffin could tell just by their faces that everything had gone perfectly. Once the newlyweds joined their friends for lunch, they were bombarded with questions about their night.
"I'm just asking how many times?"
"No, Jeff, that's gross. I don't want to hear how many times they fucked," Simon whined, rolling his eyes as Gareth smirked in approval from where he sat, eating his meal while he listened to his friends gossip.
Just as Y/N was about to make a teasing remark (presumably about the ten second scenario), Eddie clasped his hand over her mouth and gave her an amused smirk, raising an eyebrow suggestively. "Licking my hand won't do anything but turn me on, sweetheart," he taunted her before removing his hand and letting her go, chuckling softly.
"All I was going to say was that we had a good time. Get your mind out of the gutter, Mr Munson," she scoffed jovially before being assaulted with a kiss.
"I apologise, Mrs Munson."
Everyone else groaned as they realised the couple would be even more gross and flirty to be around now. It had gone from pining to making out at the dinner table. Yet, all the boys weren't overly fussed deep down. The two idiots had finally gotten together and were happy, that's all their bandmates cared about.
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febookworm · 2 years
You know what is very difficult for me to image while thinking of Siegfried and Audrey?
Their first kiss.
How would they arrive to that? Would it be a way to make the other stop screaming while arguing? Would it be something done casually, just a peck on the lips before going out for a visit? Would it be tender, done after a perfect love declaration, maybe while waltzing?
Because really, they could do everything and it would be perfect in anyway, just because the characters are perfect and Anna and Samuel chemistry allows the writers to do as they pleased.
(ps: more than their first kiss I think also at their way to show affection. If Siegfried Farnon ever kisses Audrey Hall's palm in the middle their living room I would die happy)
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period-drama-slut · 1 year
I really love in the Christmas special how Siegfried has sort of realized how much he cares about Audrey, and when they’re talking in the kitchen, he puts his palm out, complimenting her, hoping she’ll take his hand like she’s always done— But if you watch Audrey’s expression (MAJOR KUDOS TO ANNA MADELEY, like this episode and the Edward one?? Holy shit), she’s running it all through her head rapidly and realizing she wants to kiss Gerald and then her eyes slowly flick down to Siegfried’s hand, and she’s realizing all at once that she might love Gerald and that Siegfried might love her, and if she doesn’t hightail it out of that kitchen she’ll never see Gerald again and she WILL take Siegfried’s hand and open herself up to his affections, which I don’t think she wants right now because it’s so complicated. It’s SO well acted out on all their parts, holy shit. They did such a great job.
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jonnycrickets · 2 years
🌻Siegfried Speaks🌻
“Let’s see here,” he murmured, digging into the deep pockets of his lucky burgundy trousers. He pulled out a shiny new pfennig and slid it through the coin slot. Suddenly, the machine opened its piercing, amber eye. Gaspar skipped a breath.
“Ah, curious you are,” it whispered. “‘Future,’ you say? I possess sight beyond sight. Visions of things that were, are, and have yet to be.” Gaspar licked his lips and peered quickly over his left shoulder. “For you, my friend, I will lift the curtain of time.” Suddenly, the machine shut off.
Gaspar furrowed his brow and rapped his fist on the glass, as one would a radio with a fuzzy signal. “Damn thing. It must be broken,” he said. The amusement park had long since closed, but he scanned the empty cobblestone streets anyway for workers or officials. He spotted no officials. Instead, a familiar figure, standing in the dark alley, far behind him. Gaspar began to sweat. “This’ll do the trick,” he said nervously, slipping two pfennigs into the slot this time. He licked his lips, and peered quickly over his left shoulder at the figure.
“Ah, curious you are,” the machine whispered, amber eye gleaming in the night. “‘Future,’ you say? I possess sight beyond sight. Visions of things that were, are, and have yet to be. For you, my friend, I will lift the curtain of time.” Yet, the machine shut off again.
“Damn you!” Gaspar shouted as he pounded his palms on the glass. He wiped the sweat from his brow. “I see now. I’ve insulted him,” he laughed, visibly shaking. He hastily pulled a handful of shiny new pfennigs from his right trouser pocket. Some of them spilled onto the warm cobblestone. “He wants more, and ‘more’ he’ll have! Release me from this! Please!” he shouted. He slipped 5 or 6 coins into the slot, licked his lips and peered over his left shoulder. The figure was closer now, and Gaspar began to feel nauseous.
“Ah curious you are. ‘Future,’ you say? I possess sight beyond sight. Visions of things that were, are and have yet to be. For you, my friend, I will lift the curtain of time.” The machine shut off once again.
Gaspar hung his head and let out an uneven breath. The figure’s reflection appeared in the glass. He pulled his last pfennig out of the pockets of his lucky burgundy trousers and slit it through the coin slot. “Please,” he whispered, clasping his damp hands together. He licked his lips, and decided not to look over his shoulder this time.
“Ah, curious you are. ‘Future,’ you say? I possess sight beyond sight. Visions of things that were, are, and have yet to be. For you, my friend, I will lift the curtain of time.”
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kate-bishops-waifu · 2 years
Could you please do a Tristan x reader?
Perhaps where the reader ran away from home and Darrowby took them in as a stray. They might act as a secretary for the practice and work under Mrs. Hall. And someone has just pointed out Tristan that he's in love with them and is now awkward and flustered.
Or something entirely different
a.n. So sorry this took so long! I've been busy and quite frankly unmotivated. But I hope you like it. Have a lovely day, and thanks for the request nonny.
Tristan x gn!Reader
Tumblr media
No I have not seen the '78 All Creatures.
Warnings: Like one swear? Tristan being an anxious boy. Siegfried.
Fluff. Friends to lovers. The slightest hint of angst.
word count: 2241
He/They pronouns for Tristan
Six months in Skeldale house had taught you how a somewhat more sane world operated. You had space to move about without bumping into machinery, you weren’t suffocating in what amounted to a tenement and you had a bed all to yourself. 
Tristan had compared your room to a broom closet, but you didn’t mind. No rats crawled over you, no bed bugs bit at you.
It was a palace to you. 
The tall ceilings, the stone walkway, the numerous alcoves you could just fit a small table
with a plant or picture in. You’d never been more comfortable in your whole life. But
you couldn’t entirely relax, could you? 
 The room sometimes suffocated you, the jobs were sometimes too clean and safe. It felt foreign. All you had to worry about was how dinner would be ready in time and if the
Bookkeeping was safe. And it was quiet. Not too quiet, especially on days the surgery was open, chickens, dogs, and all sorts came in on those days and you felt you could breathe a little easier. But every other day was quiet. Jess, the kindest most obedient pup you had met was so quiet that she merely tilted her head at the door when someone came in. She didn’t protest when you put her in the back, she just quietly went along like it was routine. And it was. 
You were in the grand kitchen with the fine wood table and window into that magnificently unkempt garden. Tristan was sitting on the counter, something they only ever did in your company. Siegfried or Mrs. Hall would let them have a piece of their mind. Say something about it being unsanitary, while Jame’s just sort of chuckled and went on with his day. 
You didn’t mind though. In fact you like Tristan’s company most. He had this relaxing attitude about life, and infectious joy you admired. You felt like a real person around him, unlike the rest of the village who seemed to find you a peculiarity. Something interesting to whisper about. 
You’d been long in thought. Tristan was going on about cricket, some fantastic feat was played the last time it was broadcast that he was still buzzing about. You wanted to pay attention, but you had been overtaken by that feeling again. Like you were living a dream about to wake up to a loud stuffy room with your parents arguing in the next as the never ending sound of machinery rumbled the weak walls. 
‘Y/N? Y/N are you alright? I think I lost you.’ Tristan was practically waving his hand in front of your face, leaning over to try and get your attention. 
‘What? Oh. Sorry, guess I zoned out. What were you saying?’ 
Tristan tilted his head at you and squinted like he was trying to read your thoughts. Which he was, but he wasn’t very successful. 
‘Alright, spill it. I’m not about to judge you, you know. Six months here; you’re practically part of the furniture.’ 
You shake your head, placing a plate on the drying rack and wiping your hands. ‘It’s going to sound strange. So don’t judge me.’ 
Tristan straightened up, to show you he was taking it seriously, grabbing to top of the side of the counter, he nodded. 
You rubbed your forehead with the heel of your palm, and chuckled at yourself. ‘It’s. . . Well it’s too quiet. Here. In the house. I constantly feel like something has gone wrong. You know the other week, that dog who wouldn’t stop howling?’ 
Tristan shuddered at the memory. 
‘That was, for whatever reason, the most relaxed I’ve been here. Like I’m looking forward to a busy surgery so things can be a bit more hectic.’ 
Tristan shook his head seriously. ‘You want me to start banging pots and pans every half hour?’ 
You breathed out a chuckle and tossed the towel at him. ‘I’m serious! It puts me on edge.’ 
Tristan dropped down from the counter, still chuckling at himself. ‘You want the radio?’ he asked, joyfully kissing the side of your head as he hopped over to the wood box on the other side of the dining table. 
‘That’s not what I meant, and you know it. But yes. If you wouldn’t mind.’ 
The radio sputtered on as you leaned back against the counter. You didn’t recognize it, but Tristan began to hum along. 
‘What is this?’ You asked. 
Tristan shrugged. ‘Don’t know the name. Heard it before. Goodman I think the chap’s name is?’ He ventured. 
‘Tristan!’ Came a recognisable belt from the back entrance. Siegfried charged in, a muddy white coat in his hands. ‘What on earth are you doing? I thought I told you do mix the-’ 
‘I know, I know. I already did it.’ Tristan interrupted.
‘Well did you organize them correctly? Last time I couldn't find the calcium injections.’ 
‘He was just keeping me company. He finished his duties.’ You said. ‘I made sure of it.’
Siegfried eyed the pair of you, eyes flicking back and forth. ‘Alright. Good.’ There came a loud barking from the other side of the house, and Siegfried squared his shoulders. 
‘Surgeries open. Go on back to work.’ He directed,
Tristan hopped to it, turning back with a grin as he mouthed, ‘like that?’ motioning to the door where the infernal racket came from as people flowed in. 
You laughed, nodding in agreement as Tristan gave a self satisfied smile. 
Siegfried was still gazing between you with hooded eyes, like he was trying to decide something. 
‘Tea Mr. Farnon?’ 
‘I think so Y/N.’ He took a seat at the table, sighing comfortably as you put the kettle on. 
Siegfried Farnon was, to say the least: A lot. Six months as his employee and you'd seen his highs and lows and determined that he was overall a good man with well meaning. But he wasn’t always a kind man. Especially to Tristan who you always wanted to speak out in defense of. 
‘Where’s James?’ Mrs. Hall asked as she came through the same back door. 
Siegfried checked his watch, a mouth full of toast. ‘Should be at the Hanson’s.’ He guessed. 
Mrs.Hall nodded and hung up her coat. Dropping a bag of groceries on the counter. You poured the tea, watching as she went into the corridor. Not a minute passed before she was hurrying back, Tristan on her tail. 
‘Siegfried, I’m gonna need your help.’ Tristan announced from the doorway. 
Mr. Farnon looked at the tea in his hand dejectedly and stood up following his contemporary.
The air in the sterile operation room was mild. It wasn’t a particularly scary procedure, you just couldn’t do it alone. 
You made quick work of cleaning up, having a piece of toast for yourself, before going ahead to see what was happening. 
Tristan was examining the area of interest, taking a pair of scissors to the spot. His eyes kept darting up to the window through the makeshift waiting room. You were explaining something to one of the waiting customers who looked especially impatient. 
‘What’s that? Why are you so distracted?’ Siegfried asked, watching his little brother bemusedly. 
Tristan’s eyes darted back to the task at hand.
‘Nothing. Nothing at all.’ He lied. 
Siegfried sniffed at that. ‘You’ve been staring at Y/N like that for the past two weeks. You’re gonna bore a hole in the back of their head if you’re not careful.’ 
Tristan blushed, itching his forehead as an excuse to hide his face. ‘What do you mean? I haven’t.’ He shot back. 
Siegfried raised an eyebrow. ‘That was a bit quick off the mark.’ He observed. 
Tristan was blushing furiously. He hadn't even noticed he was doing it. It was annoying. A distraction, and shit. If he didn’t know what to think about this. It started to hit him like a wave. The only thing that had been on his mind for the past two months had been you or the patient. Often you took priority, as little as he’d like to admit it. 
‘Wait! Y/N. Wait up!’ Tristan called as he slung his sports coat over his shoulders and jogged to catch up with you. 
‘Damnit Siegfried.’ He muttered under his breath as they proceeded with the surgery. 
It was a cool spring day. The ground still wet from rain as you splashed against the cobble. 
‘I thought you weren’t coming?’ You said as he fell instep beside you. 
‘House was too quiet.’ He shrugged, which made you laugh. 
‘Now who’s the weirdo!’ You beamed in satisfaction. 
Tristan rolled his eyes and you made your way to the cafe. 
You sighed as you stepped in. It was so warm and smelled of pastries and good food. You took a table for two and settled in. ordering your food and drink fairly promptly. Most people were out working after the storm so it was considerably quiet. Tristan cleared his throat and took a sip of his tea. 
‘It’s funny. I was just thinking, Yknow. I know you pretty well, but I don’t know anything about where you came from. No offense but you seemed pretty desperate when you got here?’ 
You couldn’t help blushing, feeling a bit embarrassed. 
‘Sorry, I didn’t mean that in a bad way! I just wanted to know a bit more about you.’ He was the embarrassed one now. 
‘No. It’s alright. I uh, I came from a working family. We made fake flowers for crassages and dresses and stuff. Lots of industrial presses and big machinery. Constant hammering. Not much money in it. We had a little place made of Plywood out the back.’ You admitted.  
Tristan hummed in acknowledgement, taking a bite of his food, and sniffing when they couldn’t think of how to respond. 
‘Sorry that was a bit much wasn’t it? I shouldn’ have-’
‘No! No. Not at all. I just don’t know what’s right to say? I don’t think sympathy is the right way to go, and I want you to know that I understand and don’t pity you. I think it’s rather remarkable you left it all behind. Going up in the world as you are.’ Tristan hastened a speech, falling into a warm, slightly apologetic smile. 
You laughed. Properly laughed, full belly chuckle that Tristan wasn’t sure he had heard before. The sound took him by surprise and he felt his chest swell with fondness as you started to calm down. Wiping your tears away with your napkin. 
‘Oh don’t worry about it! I get very well confused sometimes too. But you should have seen your face!’ You chorkled, tossing your napkin on the table.
‘It’s any wonder Siegfried would suggest I have feelings for you; when you laugh at me when I try to have a serious conversation.’  The remark was an utterance. They were looking at their food. But Tristan spoke loud enough for you to hear and that made your heart sink. 
‘What’s that?’ you asked.
Tristan looked up at you slightly embarrassed. 
‘It’s nothing. Just something my brother said. You know. He’s always saying things about me.’ 
‘Is it true?’ Your voice had gone small 
‘Is it true what he said?’ 
Tristan started to wring his hands nervously. Internally hating himself for saying anything.
‘Well. I don’t know. I suppose there’s truth in it. Or else he wouldn’t say it would he? Or maybe he would, he’s been rather keen on stretching the truth lately how am I to know?’ 
‘It’s not for him to know. I think only you can say wether or no it’s true.’ You had to steady your voice. You were not expecting this conversation to take this turn and it was freaking you out. 
Tristan took a moment to think, playing idly with his food. ‘I suppose it is, isn't it?’ he seemed to be talking more to himself than to you. ‘That really mucks things up doesn’t it.’
‘Why? Why does it mess anything up?’ You pondered. 
Tristan looked up, but he wouldn’t look you in the face. His eyes darted about. ‘Because you’re out employee right? Well, Siegfried anyways. It doesn’t feel entirely ethical to put you in such a position. If something were to go wrong then, well, you probably wouldn’t want to stay would you, and you’d be out on the streets again.’
You nodded in understanding, then shook your head at the idea of never doing anything about it; and how hollow it made you feel. 
‘I can find other jobs. I’ve built up enough savings now. It could always go right.’ You said. 
Tristan looked at you with longing, dammit why did he have to have such a good ‘kicked puppy’ face? 
‘Stop being ridiculous Tristan. I can handle myself well enough. I figure it’s easier to just get to know each other instead of sitting on our hands and hurting ourselves.’ You blurted out. 
Tristan looked sympathetically at you. But you weren’t sure if the sympathy was for you or themself. But then you felt their hand brush against your own. The table was small so it was no reach. 
‘Really? Are you sure, because I really don’t want to put you in a position-’ 
You nodded your head vigorously and took hold of his hand, the warmth and softness nearly melting you. 
‘I like you a lot more than what’s usually considered ethical.’ Tristan beamed.
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Oh, don't be sorry about taking long to reply; everyone has their lives to attend to.
Besides, it's fun finding someone to bounce off headcanons with.
Speaking of - I do wonder what Siegfried thinks every time anyone without invincible skin cooks and inevitably winds up with cuts, scars, and burn marks on their arms?
Fanart I've seen during 2015-2018 usually has him trying to take over the chopping work, only to destroy the more delicate foodstuffs such as tofu. Tofu is cut on the palm by some folks, so his fears are warranted for any amateurs.
Definitely a downside of having mostly impenetrable skin - forgetting that others don't have that ability. He can trust those who are practically masters in the kitchen (like Tama Cat or Beni-Enma, for example), but there's always a small part of him that gets concerned, even if he knows better. Otherwise, he will help out to the best of his abilities, just so no one would be accidentally hurt.
Meanwhile, Master will judge him if they catch him using a regular kitchen knife for cutting an avocado. They're already having to tell Jack to use a butter knife instead of her regular ones for that.
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kamreadsandrecs · 1 year
Essay by Alexander Chee; Photograph by Ryan McGinley; Styling by Shawn Lakin
Who was I imitating when I was 11, dressed in my grandmother’s old nightgown, telling my cousins they should call me Penelope? Who was I imitating when I began to sneak into my mother’s bathroom to experiment with her makeup? It felt powerful to see her alter the color of her lips or to darken the edges around her eyes and eyelashes. I wanted that power too—the command over someone’s attention. I used to think I was alone in such experiments until I wrote about them and learned that I was not.
Lately, I have been trying to think of when I first saw someone in drag. Was it Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye singing a duet in the musical White Christmas? Or Julie Andrews in Victor/Victoria? Barbra Streisand in Yentl? Harvey Korman on The Carol Burnett Show? Or Jim Bailey as Barbra Streisand, also on The Carol Burnett Show? I loved the variety shows of the 1970s and ’80s, and a performer in drag was not an unusual treat. And yet maybe it was my father dressed as a fortune teller, with one hoop earring and a kerchief on his head, reading palms in a tent for the Portland, Maine, chapter of the Rotary’s fundraiser.
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Robert Preston and Julie Andrews in the movie Victor/Victoria, circa 1982 Hulton Archive//Getty Images
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British comedian Benny Hill, 1954 Express//Getty Images
My first drag-queen story hour was probably The Benny Hill Show. For those of you too young to know, he was a British comedian whose shows ran in the U.S. late at night. I watched the show with my dad, and it was a special treat, happening only on the nights when he’d let me stay up with him to laugh at these British people and their jokes about sexism, sex, and social gaffes. If I’m remembering correctly, this was among the things that came to us in Maine in the ’70s or early ’80s with cable, most likely on some PBS channel.
Drag of this kind was uncontroversial and all around me back then. As a kid, I was watching a lot of men and women in gowns on television. We all were. It was mainstream. And we loved it. Most of us, maybe even more now than back then, still do.
I knew it was meant to be humor if someone I thought of as a man appeared dressed as a woman. That or an emergency—maybe both. Bugs Bunny, for example, when dressed in drag, was trying to outwit Elmer Fudd, the hunter, who was hoping to “kill the wabbit.” That famous Merrie Melodies short is also a tribute to Wagner, with Bugs in drag on the back of a horse, wearing pink eye shadow, a blond wig of braids, and some very sexy falsies that look out of place in a Warner Bros. cartoon. Elmer honks his way through an anglicized version of Siegfried’s aria, complete with the trills of an orchestra, calling Bugs “Bwoon Hilda” and asking him to be his love. Bugs bats his eyelashes at Elmer, and it is as beautiful a memory of entertainment in my childhood as I can remember. Like the best satire, it is great in part because it is sincere.
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Carol Burnett and Harvey Korman in a scene from The Carol Burnett Show in 1973 CBS Photo Archive//Getty Images
ragedy comes, as it must in opera, when Bugs’s helmet and wig fall off after he is dipped too intensely by Elmer. Plonk, plonk, plonk goes the helmet, down the stairs of the temple of their love. Bugs pulls Elmer’s own “magic helmet” down over his eyes and escapes. The tunic with falsies flies into the wind, like the ghost of the beauty we saw moments before. Elmer rouses a Wagnerian storm to kill the rabbit as revenge, but only when he sees Bugs, flung down on a rock, under a single dripping rain-wet pink flower, does he repent and gather him into his arms, sobbing as he carries Bugs away. At which point Bugs reveals himself to be alive and says, “Well, what did you expect in an opera, a happy ending?”
Watching it again now in the 21st century, during a manufactured moral panic over drag, I think the lesson of “What’s Opera, Doc?” isn’t that we shouldn’t do drag. Instead, it’s that we shouldn’t kill and that we should love as we feel necessary. I feel like this is always the message of drag, and if that’s dangerous, well, what is it dangerous to? And isn’t the call to love what’s really dangerous—risking it all for love? I think we know it is. It took me a decade at least after first seeing that animated story to learn that “What’s Opera, Doc?” describes the panic defense men have used after killing trans women and gender-nonconforming people for a very long time.
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A lobby card from “What’s Opera, Doc?” from 1957LMPC//Getty Images
As Bugs Bunny knew, gender is theater, whatever else it is. And as one of Neil Gaiman’s characters in a Miracleman comic book said this spring, offhandedly, gender is “a choice, not an obligation.” The people who need your gender choices to affirm their own—for you to obey something like a legally binding contract you never signed, given out at birth—are not any more secure once they’ve obtained this obedience from you. Theirs is a vast and unfeeling appetite for reassurance, and it must not be given room to grow.
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Barbra Streisand filming Yentl in 1982Hulton Archive//Getty Images
I was raised with drag, by drag. We all were. By comedians, by entertainers, by brave friends—the ones who were afraid and still did what they had to do anyway. I am thinking of a friend in high school, a punk boy who was the first man I knew to wear makeup out to the clubs and even to school. I longed to be as beautiful as him, but mostly as brave, and when I remember the power of his beauty, it wasn’t that he didn’t care about what people thought of his choices—it was that he did. He was hoping to confront their disapproval, look by look by look. When I think back to those times before, I remember how it felt like crawling along the edge of a cliff. I know it’s where the enemies of drag want to go with all of these threats.
Do you really want child protective services called by a “concerned neighbor” if you let your children paint their nails or yours in some way considered inappropriate to gender? Do you want librarians living in terror? The freedom you feel now to sit in the sun as children wear tutus and butterfly wings, glitter on their cheeks, regardless of gender, dancing and singing—that was bought in part by a drag queen you’ve never met, in a city you’ll never visit.

0 notes
kammartinez · 1 year
Essay by Alexander Chee; Photograph by Ryan McGinley; Styling by Shawn Lakin
Who was I imitating when I was 11, dressed in my grandmother’s old nightgown, telling my cousins they should call me Penelope? Who was I imitating when I began to sneak into my mother’s bathroom to experiment with her makeup? It felt powerful to see her alter the color of her lips or to darken the edges around her eyes and eyelashes. I wanted that power too—the command over someone’s attention. I used to think I was alone in such experiments until I wrote about them and learned that I was not.
Lately, I have been trying to think of when I first saw someone in drag. Was it Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye singing a duet in the musical White Christmas? Or Julie Andrews in Victor/Victoria? Barbra Streisand in Yentl? Harvey Korman on The Carol Burnett Show? Or Jim Bailey as Barbra Streisand, also on The Carol Burnett Show? I loved the variety shows of the 1970s and ’80s, and a performer in drag was not an unusual treat. And yet maybe it was my father dressed as a fortune teller, with one hoop earring and a kerchief on his head, reading palms in a tent for the Portland, Maine, chapter of the Rotary’s fundraiser.
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Robert Preston and Julie Andrews in the movie Victor/Victoria, circa 1982 Hulton Archive//Getty Images
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British comedian Benny Hill, 1954 Express//Getty Images
My first drag-queen story hour was probably The Benny Hill Show. For those of you too young to know, he was a British comedian whose shows ran in the U.S. late at night. I watched the show with my dad, and it was a special treat, happening only on the nights when he’d let me stay up with him to laugh at these British people and their jokes about sexism, sex, and social gaffes. If I’m remembering correctly, this was among the things that came to us in Maine in the ’70s or early ’80s with cable, most likely on some PBS channel.
Drag of this kind was uncontroversial and all around me back then. As a kid, I was watching a lot of men and women in gowns on television. We all were. It was mainstream. And we loved it. Most of us, maybe even more now than back then, still do.
I knew it was meant to be humor if someone I thought of as a man appeared dressed as a woman. That or an emergency—maybe both. Bugs Bunny, for example, when dressed in drag, was trying to outwit Elmer Fudd, the hunter, who was hoping to “kill the wabbit.” That famous Merrie Melodies short is also a tribute to Wagner, with Bugs in drag on the back of a horse, wearing pink eye shadow, a blond wig of braids, and some very sexy falsies that look out of place in a Warner Bros. cartoon. Elmer honks his way through an anglicized version of Siegfried’s aria, complete with the trills of an orchestra, calling Bugs “Bwoon Hilda” and asking him to be his love. Bugs bats his eyelashes at Elmer, and it is as beautiful a memory of entertainment in my childhood as I can remember. Like the best satire, it is great in part because it is sincere.
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Carol Burnett and Harvey Korman in a scene from The Carol Burnett Show in 1973 CBS Photo Archive//Getty Images
ragedy comes, as it must in opera, when Bugs’s helmet and wig fall off after he is dipped too intensely by Elmer. Plonk, plonk, plonk goes the helmet, down the stairs of the temple of their love. Bugs pulls Elmer’s own “magic helmet” down over his eyes and escapes. The tunic with falsies flies into the wind, like the ghost of the beauty we saw moments before. Elmer rouses a Wagnerian storm to kill the rabbit as revenge, but only when he sees Bugs, flung down on a rock, under a single dripping rain-wet pink flower, does he repent and gather him into his arms, sobbing as he carries Bugs away. At which point Bugs reveals himself to be alive and says, “Well, what did you expect in an opera, a happy ending?”
Watching it again now in the 21st century, during a manufactured moral panic over drag, I think the lesson of “What’s Opera, Doc?” isn’t that we shouldn’t do drag. Instead, it’s that we shouldn’t kill and that we should love as we feel necessary. I feel like this is always the message of drag, and if that’s dangerous, well, what is it dangerous to? And isn’t the call to love what’s really dangerous—risking it all for love? I think we know it is. It took me a decade at least after first seeing that animated story to learn that “What’s Opera, Doc?” describes the panic defense men have used after killing trans women and gender-nonconforming people for a very long time.
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A lobby card from “What’s Opera, Doc?” from 1957LMPC//Getty Images
As Bugs Bunny knew, gender is theater, whatever else it is. And as one of Neil Gaiman’s characters in a Miracleman comic book said this spring, offhandedly, gender is “a choice, not an obligation.” The people who need your gender choices to affirm their own—for you to obey something like a legally binding contract you never signed, given out at birth—are not any more secure once they’ve obtained this obedience from you. Theirs is a vast and unfeeling appetite for reassurance, and it must not be given room to grow.
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Barbra Streisand filming Yentl in 1982Hulton Archive//Getty Images
I was raised with drag, by drag. We all were. By comedians, by entertainers, by brave friends—the ones who were afraid and still did what they had to do anyway. I am thinking of a friend in high school, a punk boy who was the first man I knew to wear makeup out to the clubs and even to school. I longed to be as beautiful as him, but mostly as brave, and when I remember the power of his beauty, it wasn’t that he didn’t care about what people thought of his choices—it was that he did. He was hoping to confront their disapproval, look by look by look. When I think back to those times before, I remember how it felt like crawling along the edge of a cliff. I know it’s where the enemies of drag want to go with all of these threats.
Do you really want child protective services called by a “concerned neighbor” if you let your children paint their nails or yours in some way considered inappropriate to gender? Do you want librarians living in terror? The freedom you feel now to sit in the sun as children wear tutus and butterfly wings, glitter on their cheeks, regardless of gender, dancing and singing—that was bought in part by a drag queen you’ve never met, in a city you’ll never visit.
0 notes
In most esoteric traditions, sounds, speech, numbers, letters, colors, gods, signs, etc., are believed to relate to each other through occult correspondences. Thus, runes can be associated with galdrs, gods, signs and speech. If we consider runes as cosmic principles, then it is important to expand their meaning beyond form and function as letters. In Germany, a system of runic magic was developed in which the magicians came into contact with the forces of the runes through various postures. These same postures can be used to direct and control forces. In Friedrich Marby's version, the system is called "rune gymnastics". Siegfried Adolf Kummer called it "rune yoga". Many magicians worked with runes and body postures. However, there is no evidence that runic yoga is related to the ancient Nordic tradition. In support of this theory, a horn from Gallehus (Denmark) is often shown, which depicts people in poses that resemble individual runes.
Studying the systems of runic yoga, it is easy to see that some postures are very remotely reminiscent of runes. For this reason, many magicians generally ignore runic yoga. Existing systems of runic yoga often strive to mimic the shape of the rune exactly and at all costs. The result is mysterious and uncomfortable poses. If the runes are considered symbols of cosmic principles, then the exact imitation of their form becomes unnecessary. Below we offer you rune yoga reworked into rune dance. The system was developed by the Dragon Rouge order, but it can be adapted to your own needs. The twenty-four positions are somewhat based on the shape of the runes and also express their function and character. Some of the runes are based on a vertical line. The rune "isa" in runic yoga is the initial position in which a person stands straight and concentrates. The line symbolizes the spine, and the rune row symbolizes energies of various levels emanating from the spine into the body-mind complex. The system to some extent corresponds to the Indian kundalini yoga. The ur rune is the untamed primal power of the serpent, which the magician learns to control by mastering the rune row and twenty-four positions. In the rune "fehu" the will of the magician is able to control this force. The vertical line symbolizes the world pillar, Irminsul. The word "Irminsul" means "great staff". The name Jormungandr, the great serpent that surrounds the earth, also means "great staff". The serpent and the staff are two manifestations of the same principle, the force that rises up the spine. In kundalini yoga, Jormungandr symbolizes the kundalini, and Irminsul symbolizes the sushumna, through which the kundalini rises.
24 rune poses:
URUZ: Lean forward and feel the primordial force "uruz", a volcano beating in the center of the earth. Most of the poses can be varied, including this one. It can be done with straight legs, body tilted down, and palms touching the floor. However, you can bend your legs or not touch the floor.
TURISAZ: Stand up straight, stretch your arms and join your palms. Hands symbolize two worlds of giants. Feel that the right hand is fire and the left hand is ice (if you are right-handed). The joined palms symbolize the union of opposites, and the hands form an angle that completes the turisaz rune.
ANZUS: Stand up straight, extend your arms without joining your palms. Feel the force of the wind between your palms, which is caused by your breath.
RAIDO: Stand straight with one foot in front of the other in a steady stance. Stretch your arms forward, one above the other. Stand as if you are driving a wagon and hold the reins or hold the sword.
KANO: Stand straight with arms outstretched. Feel the power of fire, heat and expansion.
GEBO: Legs wide apart, and arms above the head, in the shape of the letter "X". The palms are raised up. Feel the force descend from the sky and rise from the earth into your body. It moves in you in both directions.
VUNYA: Stand up straight and hold your arms as if you were embracing someone.
HAGALAZ: Squat down, legs slightly apart. The elbows rest on the knees, the palms are raised up, but with the fingers towards the head. Feel how you focus the power and store it, just as the hagalaz crystal contains all the runes and their power.
NAUDI: Stand straight, hands on both sides of the body. One hand points up, the other down. In a circular motion, the position of the hands can be changed, symbolizing the wheel of fate.
ISA: Stand straight, arms down along the torso. You are focused on yourself, your own power, on the here and now, albeit passively.
JAIRA: Stand straight, one hand in front, her wrist pointing up. The other hand should be behind, her wrist pointing down. Rotate your hands clockwise. The movement symbolizes the cycle of the year and the harvest.
PERTH: Squat down, feet apart. Hands are raised up, wrists are almost vertical. Fingers out. The pose is similar to the hagalaz pose, however, the elbows do not rest on the knees, the pose is directed outward. You are the rock that gives life.
EIVAZ: Stand straight, left foot behind the right, left hand on the belt. The right hand is directed forward and slightly down. you symbolize
MANNAZ: Stand straight with your arms crossed over your chest. You are the perfect person, in balance with the planets, the stars, the weaving of Urd and the runes. These diverse cosmic forces are interacting within you.
LAGUZ. Stand straight with one arm extended forward, palm down. Feel the moisture and flow of the waters with your hands and body.
INGUZ: Stand straight, palms against the genitals or lower abdomen. The elbows are directed outward on the sides of the body. You direct the inner sexual power of the seed and the Inguz rune.
ODAL: Legs wide apart, hands joined slightly above the head. Elbows are directed horizontally to the sides. The posture gives strength and protection. It limits and concentrates the mind.
DAGAZ: Legs are widely spaced, hands are above the head. Unlike the gebo rune, the palms are directed outward. You glow like the sun, the power of the rune pulsates within you. The left hand is turned to the west, and the right hand to the east. Palms is the time between sunrise and sunset.
FEHU: Stand up straight, arms outstretched. The bottom hand points up. You symbolize the horns of livestock and hold wealth and runes. Try each of the poses and feel the power of the runes. This is an effective way to learn more about runes and their functions. You will become one with the runes. Perform the galdr rune while standing in the appropriate posture. Do a series of runic movements. Start learning "rune dance". Perform the rune row in its entirety. Image Russian
When you remember the poses, start using the halders. You can use the drum to keep the rhythm. Dance your own name. Perform runic positions that are formed by magic words and spells such as RUNE, ALU, LAUKAZ and the names of the gods. There are movements that can express magical processes. Perform the movement ISA-MANNAZ-KANO-HAGALAZ-ANZUS-GEBO - an expression of the process, symbolizing the commonality of ice and man. Thanks to the fire, ice particles are erupted in a hail down. The breath of the gods gives man the gifts of the soul. Develop your own series of movements describing magical processes. This is a quote from Radmillla's post
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innuwu · 2 years
So I just got my hands on the 1938 German dub of Snow White and started thinking about the cast. A lot of information about them has been lost, since a lot of the cast was Jewish. So, here's a small list of them (again, a lot of information was lost so I can't cover all of them) and what happened to them.
(Tw! a lot of anti-semetism, genocide, Hitler, and Nazi stuff under the cut)
Snow White - Hortense Raky (1918 - 2006) She was a German born Austrian actress, and was 19 at the time of recording. She fled to Switzerland after the annexation of Austria, but got to return to Vienna after the war. She died at the age of 90 on September 25, 2006.
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The Queen/Witch - Dora Gerson (1899 - 1943) She was a Jewish singer and actress of the silent film era. She was 39 at the time of the recording. She began her career as a touring singer and actress, during which she met her first husband, Veit Harlan. They divorced in 1924. Later, Veit would direct anti-semetic propoganda films under supposed coercion. She remarried to Max Sluzier, and had two children with him, Miriam Sluzier, and Abel Juda Sluzier. After the Nazi party came in to power, she was blacklisted on working on "Aryan films". So, she started working for a small Jewish record company. She also began recording in Yiddish. She went to the Netherlands to escape Nazi persecution. After the Netherlands was invaded, Dora and her family were caught fleeing to Switzerland. They were sent by railroad car to Drancy internment camp bound for Auschwitz were they died. Dora, her husband and her children died on February 14, 1943.She was 43, Maz was 36, Miriam was 5, and Abel was 2. Her body was lost or destroyed.
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Sleepy, Bashful and the Magic Mirror - Kurt Gerron (1897 - 1944). He was a Jewish actor and Director, and was 41 at the time of filming. He studied medicine before he was deployed in World War 1, and after being seriously injured, he was qualified to be a Military doctor despite having been only in his second year of university. After world war 1, he became an actor and a director in 1920. After the Nazi government came into power, he fled with his wife and parents, first to Paris and then to Amsterdam. He continued to work as an actor there, and despite being offered many jobs in Hollywood, he refused to leave Europe. After the occupation of the Netherlands, they were captured and sent to a transit camp at Westerbork. His parents were deported and murdered in Sobibor. Kurt and his wife, Olga were sent to Theresienstadt concentration camp, where they were forced to make a lot of propoganda films. Once filming was done, the film crew were sent to Aushchwitz, were they were murdered immediately on arrival. They died on the 28th of October, 1944. Kurt was 47, and Olga was 48.
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Doc and Chef - Otto Wallburg ( 1889 - 1944) He was a prolific actor of the late silent film, and early sound era. He was 48 at the time of recording. He was the son of a Jewish banker. He started stage acting before being deployed into world war 1. He was wounded whilst on the Eastern front after winning an iron cross. After 1926, he started working in the German film industry. He fled to Austria where he kept working in film. He was arrested on 1940, following German invasion. He was held for a while at Westerbrok transit camp befor being taken to Auschwitz where he died at the age of 55. He died on the 29th of October.
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Sneezy and Grumpy - Kurt Lilien (1888 - 1943) He was a Jewish actor. He was 56 at the time of recording. He appeared in 50 films between 1919 and 1933. He was arrested and sent to Sobibor extermination camp where he was murdered on May 28 of 1943 at the age of 60.
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Happy - Siegfried Arno (1895 - 1975) He was best known as Toto in The Palm Beach Story. He was also a well known stage comedian. He fled Germany and later Europe, and went to work in Hollywood, making him the only Jewish cast member that made it out of Nazi Germany alive. During the next 20 years, he appeared in films often as a waiter, and a "funny European". He was nominated for a Tony award as Best actor for his work on the play "Time remembered" in 1958. In 1966, he won an honorary award at the German Film Awards "for his continued outstanding individual contributions to the German film over the years." He died from Parkinson's disease in California on August 17, 1975, at the age of 79.
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It's sad to think and know about the horrible things that happened to them and the people of that time (and today), but sometimes that's the point. It's to be sad and uncomfortable about the things that happened, and see how those things persist in different ways even today.
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garadinervi · 4 years
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Krzysztof Penderecki (1933-2020)
(image: Penderecki: Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima Symphony (Tren ofiarom Hiroszimy, 1960), No. 1, Wanda Wilkomirska (violin), Siegfried Palm (cello), Felicja Blumental (harpsichord), Sabine Meyer (clarinet), and Alfons Kontarsky (piano). London Symphony Orchestra, Krakow Philharmonic Chorus, Polish Radio National Symphony Orchestra, Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Warner Classics, 2012)
Krzysztof Penderecki, Tren ofiarom Hiroszimy, 1960, Krzysztof Urbański, conductor, Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Helsinki Music Centre, March 13, 2015
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leeenuu · 3 years
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siegfried mazet and his spectrum of emotions hochfilzen || le grand bornand
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rurivu · 2 years
I will keept them especially for you
Dieter Hellstrom&Fem!reader
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It was lunchtime, you were sitting at home as usual.Lying on the bed with your stomach down, you were reading a book when suddenly someone opens the door.It's strange, you didn't wait for anyone until the evening.
- Hi, honey.Dieter said, not having had time to take off his shoes in the hallway.
You looked up from reading just for a couple of moments to say hello.
- Hi, Dieter!- your voice was ringing and joyful- I wasn't expecting you so early.
- I didn't stay long, I wanted to drop by and see you.- with his usual gallantry, he said coming around the corner.He was all in black, and once again you catch yourself thinking how hot he is in this.Approaching, Dieter took you by the cheek and gave you a quick kiss, so that you both broke into a smile.
- What are you doing?- saying, lying next to you, hugging with one hand over your back.
- Yes, I'm reading your book, "The Song of the Nebelungs"
- Mmm, and have I read a lot?- covering your bare shoulder with kisses, the captain said.Smiling slightly, you continued:
- Not that much, it's a very heavy syllable, I don't understand how you read it at all!- You felt the German, who had already reached your neck, giggle into it.- Now I'm at the moment "About how Siegfried first saw Kriemhild" - you said with pathos at the end.
- Will you read aloud to me, my girl?- Dieter murmured a little lazily and blissfully in your ear.You smiled.
"Of course, Captain.- You turned your head so that your faces were as close as possible.His cold lips touched yours, kissing you passionately.
Breaking away, the man closed his eyes and leaned his head on your shoulder.
- "Young Giselher and Gernot with their retinue
adequately received newcomers and friends.
They found a friendly word for all of them.
Every guest was greeted with honor and courtesy...."-you read.Meanwhile, Dieter, as if by chance, ran his palm over your back, sometimes stopping and drawing fancy circles with his fingers.Even through the silk robe you were wearing, every touch felt good, but you didn't pay much attention, but continued:
-"Those who could not get out of bed because of injuries,
They forgot that they had a short time left to live.
No one thought about the sick and the ailing anymore:
There was only one thing on the mind of the townspeople of leisure —...."
Hellstrom slowly rose up and carefully sat down near your naked legs.Without taking his eyes off them, he walked over them with extreme care, treating them as if they were saints.
Then he deftly settled in the back, so that your legs would be under him.
- "The owner was reasonable: he noticed long ago,
That the Dutch knight is in love with his sister,
Although I have never seen Zifgrid before .,
That she outshone all the girls with her beauty...."-your equanimity has not exhausted itself yet, but honestly it was on the verge
-...Maybe Siegfried?- unexpectedly, Dieter said in a serious tone.
- Oh, oh, right, sorry....- you stammered dumbfounded, red now also with shame, but still tried to keep your tone.
-"The undaunted Ortwin gave the king advice:
"So that your holiday is a success and everything is as it should be,
Tell them to come here immediately---!!!" - at the last word, your voice suddenly turned into an uncontrollable moan.The man's fingers touched your labia.
- Come on, honey, read on...The captain said softly and with a kind of animal mockery.Taking a breath with your mouth, you obeyed the order.
Now the lines were read much more slowly, sometimes interrupted by heavy breathing.Dieter listened attentively and, moreover, he was all carried away by "you".His fingers traced every curve, up and down, accelerating each time, making you wet.It was literally maddening, how can you read in such a state?!
But suddenly Hellstrom pulled away.Your pussy was hungry for something else, so you reflexively moved backwards.The belt rattled...
And the next second, it feels like the fiery head of a member of the Sturmbannfuhrer rests against your holy of holies.He didn't keep you waiting long and stuck the unit completely.
- D-Dieter!- you gasped out.He immediately wrapped his free hand around your hair and pulled you to him.
- Don't stop, my dear, I want to hear your voice!Dieter muttered, trying his best to stifle a long-awaited groan.
-....."The ladies from the hiding places and storerooms came up...- you barely spoke inaudibly.The captain's hand let go of your hair and loosely ran along your back, stopping at the hip area and gripped tightly.
-... "A lot of magnificent dresses, expensive hats,"...
He slowly began to move inside you, closing his eyes, every time he entered, he squeezed the bare buttocks a little harder, and when he left, he let go to enjoy the red trace of his hands on your skin.
-"Wrists, earrings, rings were all worn out —"...
The pleasant pressure from outside made you lose your mind.Everything throbbed, wanted more and more.The man accelerated.
- "Let the visiting knights marvel at their beauty." ...
That was the last thing you could read.You could no longer see the text, and only sounds remained of meaningful speech.Terribly pornographic, full of pleasure sounds.The captain growled through his teeth, invading you more and more often.You were breathing heavily into the blanket, and now you already feel the climax....
But Dieter forcefully, reluctantly, pulls out his penis.That was really unexpected.At first you didn't understand, but when you saw him putting on his pants and heading for the exit, you jumped out of bed.
- No, no, no, where are you going?I want you, honey, are you really going to leave now?!- you spoke in an offended childish tone, throwing yourself into the arms of a German.
- I want you too, I want you more than ever, dear, but I have to go.- he answered you with regret in his voice.
-...But you're coming.You'll still have the strength for me, won't you?- you looked at him with a pleading look. The Sturmbannfuhrer smiled:
- I will keep them especially for you.
A smile lit up your sweetest face and, putting on his cap, Dieter, kissing you on the forehead goodbye, went out the door....
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jancer-lancer · 2 years
Some of my Lancer Frames
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REALITY CHECK!, an IPS-N Tortuga piloted by Tenko Bagrut AKA Quartermaster. Built to ram shit real good then overwatch them if they dare move. Has "THE HARD WAY" painted on the shield.
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YOUR OWN PETARD, a HORUS Kobold piloted by Siegfried AKA Grey Sun. He plays minecraft with the battlefield then blows it up, and uses kobold invisibility to stay hidden. Siegfried is an Ungrateful, and his mech wears a cloak of stitched-together Karrakin house banners.
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Hati, an IPS-N Lancaster piloted by Halfdan Samson AKA Skoll. Absolute battlebus, yeets the entire team up the field alongside him, if they want it. The manipulator arms, weapons, and drones all have an organic, wooden appearance, like the branches of Yggrassil.
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Chariot, Deliver Me, an IPS-N Zheng piloted by Vigilus Gane AKA Horizon. One Punch Meme and also grapples and throws people. Each of the three strength suites has its own name and personalisation, listed in order:
A hardened stamp in the frame's left palm ensures that any objects or cover thrown are embossed with this system's name, and a flash-PID microsystem within the wrist ensures that the name always faces towards the target as the projectile flies.
When this protocol begins, the system's name is thinly branded onto the enemy frame's carapace through chemical-pumped pulse lasers mounted within the chest.
Seemingly paracausal in nature, somehow the stumbling and skidding of a frame thrown through activating this system always scribes the name of this system in the floor beneath them.
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